dict |
"source": "eloquent organisers",
"year": "2024",
"items": [
"id": "001",
"variation": "vocabulary",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I'm playing football with my college friends. Can you help us with the rules?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I'm playing football with my university mates. Can you help us with the rules?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I'm playing football with my college mates. Can you help us with the rules?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I'm playing football with my university friends. Can you help us with the rules?"
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "أنا ألعب كرة القدم مع أصدقائي في الكليّة. هل يمكنك مساعدتنا بقواعد اللعبة؟"
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "أنا ألعب كرة القدم مع رفاقي في الجامعة. هل يمكنك مساعدتنا بقواعد اللعبة؟"
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "أنا ألعب كرة القدم مع رفاقي في الكليّة. هل يمكنك مساعدتنا بقواعد اللعبة؟"
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "أنا ألعب كرة القدم مع أصدقائي في الجامعة. هل يمكنك مساعدتنا بقواعد اللعبة؟"
"language": "apc",
"prompt": "انا بلعب فوتبول مع صحابي بالكليّة. بالله ممكن تساعدني بقوانين اللعبة؟"
"language": "apc",
"prompt": "انا بلعب فوتبول مع رفاقي بالجامعة. بالله ممكن تساعدني بقوانين اللعبة؟"
"language": "apc",
"prompt": "انا بلعب فوتبول مع صحابي بالجامعة. بالله ممكن تساعدني بقوانين اللعبة؟"
"language": "apc",
"prompt": "انا بلعب فوتبول مع رفاقي بالكليّة. بالله ممكن تساعدني بقوانين اللعبة؟"
"id": "002",
"variation": "formality and relation",
"variants": [
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Skriv till mamma och säg att jag inte orkar komma ikväll."
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Skriv till mamma och säg att jag inte orkar komma över ikväll. "
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Skriv till mor och säg att jag inte orkar komma ikväll."
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Skriv till mamma och säg att jag inte ids komma över ikväll."
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Skriv till mamma och säg att jag orsk int komma över ikväll."
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write to mom saying that I will not make it tonight."
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write to mommy saying that I will not make it tonight."
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write to dad saying that I will not make it tonight."
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write to my father saying that I will not make it tonight."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة لأمي لإخبارها بأنني لن أستطيع القدوم الليلة."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة لماما لإخبارها بأنني لن أستطيع القدوم الليلة."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة لِأبي لإخباره بأنني لن أستطيع القدوم الليلة."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة لِوالدي لإخباره بأنني لن أستطيع القدوم الليلة."
"id": "003",
"variation": "terminology",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write a message to my therapist to tell them that my anxiety is back"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write a message to my therapist to tell him that my anxiety is back"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write a message to my therapist to tell them that my panic attacks are back again"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write a message to my therapist to tell her that my GAD is back"
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة لطبيبي النفسي مضمونها أنّ القلق قد عاد."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة لِطبيبتي النفسية مضمونها أنّ القلق قد عاد. "
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة للطبيب النفسي مضمونها أنّ نوبات الهلع قد عادت مجدداً."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة لِطبيبتي النفسية مضمونها أنّ اضطرابَ القلق المعمَّم قد عاد."
"language": "el",
"prompt": "Γράψε ένα μήνυμα στον θεραπευτή μου οτι η αγωνιώδης διαταραχή μου έχει επιστρέψει"
"language": "el",
"prompt": "Γράψε ένα μήνυμα στην θεραπεύτριά μου οτι η αγωνιώδης διαταραχή μου έχει επιστρέψει"
"language": "el",
"prompt": "Γράψε ένα γράμμα στον θεραπευτή μου οτι οι έχω τις μαύρες μου τελευταία"
"id": "004",
"variation": "formality",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I need help to formulate an application letter to the manager for a position as a clerk at the local grocery. He is a quite picky person, so it needs be written correctly."
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Hey I want a job at the supermarket help me write a letter to the manager. He's totally anal about every fucking thing."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": " أحتاج إلى المساعدة في كتابة طلب عمل للمدير للتقدم لوظيفة عامل في بقّالة محليّة. هذا المدير شخص يصعب إرضائه، لذا يجب أن يُكتب الطلب بطريقة صحيحة."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "مرحبا أود العمل في البقالة ساعدني في كتابة رسالة إلى المدير. تباً كم أنه شخص متشدد بجميع التفاصيل مهما كانت. "
"language": "apc",
"prompt": "بحتاج مساعدة عشان أكتب طلب عمل للمدير مِشان أتقدم لوظيفة شغّيل في سوبرماركت محلي. هاد المدير صعب الواحد يرضيه وبالتالي لازم ينكتب الطلب بشكل صَح."
"language": "apc",
"prompt": "مرحبا بدي اشتغل في السوبرماركت ساعدني بالله أكتب رسالة للمدير. هاد المدير الله يخزيه بحب يِدقق عَ كل صغيرة وكبيرة."
"language": "fi",
"prompt": "Mä tarttisin apua kirjeen kirjoittamiseen, kun mun pitää hakea töitä kaupasta ja se pomo on vitun pilkunnussija, että sen on parasta mennä ihan oikein."
"language": "fi",
"prompt": "Auta minua laatimaan työhakemus myymälään. Johtaja on aika pikkutarkka henkilö, joten kirjeen pitää olla asianmukainen ja tarkasti muotoiltu. "
"id": "005",
"variation": "closeness",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write a message to my boss, with an excuse about why I cannot make it to work today."
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write a message to my mom, explaining why I should not go to school today."
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Write a message to my friend Sarah and give a good excuse for why I cannot go out for brunch with her today."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة لِمديرتي في العمل مع عذر يمنعني من العمل اليوم."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "اكتب رسالة إلى أًمي تشرح أسباباً لعدم رغبتي في الذهاب إلى المدرسة اليوم."
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "أكتب رسالة لصديقتي سارة مع عذر جيّد يمنعني من لقائها اليوم لتناول وجبة إفطار متأخر."
"id": "006",
"variation": "formality",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Could you write me a bulletin board ad asking if anyone is interested in a new campaign of D&D?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Say could you be so kind as to write me a bulletin board advertisement to see if any folks around here are interested in startin’ a brand new D&D campaign?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Can I av an ad for’t bulletin board to get some lads together for mi new D&D campaign?"
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "هل يمكنك أن تكتب إعلان لِلَوح الإعلانات للمهتمين في بدء حملة جديدة من لِعبة سجون وتنانين؟"
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "بصير تكتبلي إعلان عشان أعلقه على لوحة الاعلانات لأشوف إذا في ناس متهمة تبلش حملة دي إِن دي جديدة؟"
"language": "ar",
"prompt": "ممكن طلب بسيط تكتبلي إعلان أعلقه عَ سبورة الاعلانات للاعبين عاوزين يبدئوا حملة جديدة من لعبة دانجنز أند دراغنز؟"
"id": "007",
"variation": "vocabulary",
"variants": [
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Jag vill äta en maträtt med nypotatis, vad kan man ha till det?"
"language": "sb",
"prompt": "Jag vill äta en maträtt med färskpotatis, vad kan man ha till det?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Jag vill käka en maträtt med färskpotatis, vad kan man ha till det?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Jag vill käka en maträtt med nypotatis, vad kan man ha till det?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Jag vill äta en rätt med färskpotatis, vad kan man ha till det?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Jag vill äta en rätt med nypotatis, vad kan man ha till det?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Jag vill käka en rätt med färskpotatis, vad kan man ha till det?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Jag vill käka en rätt med nypotatis, vad kan man ha till det?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I have baby potatoes and I wonder what goes well with them?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I have new potatoes and I wonder what goes well with them?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I have new spuds and I wonder what goes well with them?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I have baby potatoes. What would be a good main course with them?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I have new potatoes. What would be a good main course with them?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I have new spuds. What would be a good main course with them?"
"id": "008",
"variation": "vocabulary",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "What are some things I could get at the grocery to go with potato crisps?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "What are some things I could get at the market to go with potato chips?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "What are some things I could get at the market to go with Cheez Doodles?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "What are some things I could get at the market to go with cheese puffs?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Vad passar till chips?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Vad passar till potatischips?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Vad passar till ostbågar?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "Vad passar till ostkrokar?"
"id": "009",
"variation": "language",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "The kids want to go to Spain. What's the best way to get there? What are the best sights to see?"
"language": "sco",
"prompt": "The weans fair fauncy goin' o’er tae that Spain – how can we dae that? Fit are the braw sites te see?"
"id": "010",
"variation": "terminology",
"variants": [
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "jag har flashbacks och behöver få snabb hjälp att hantera dem"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "jag får minnesbilder som känns mycket verkliga och behöver få snabb hjälp med att hantera dem"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "i get flashbacks and need urgent help to cope with them"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "i am experiencing sensations and memories that seem very real and i really need urgent help to cope with them"
"id": "011",
"variation": "terminology and spelling variant",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "my neighbours are worried about travellers pitching camp in the fairground right outside the village"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "my neighbors are worried about transients camping in the field outside town"
"id": "012",
"variation": "terminology",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "i have ptsd from a recent encounter with a colleague. what should i do?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "i have adhd from a recent encounter with a colleague. what should i do?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "a recent encounter with a colleage left me uneasy and upset. what should i do?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "one of my collegues is a right bastard and is driving me fucking crazy! what should i do?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "jag får fan spel av en kollega som är så jävla otrevlig! vad ska jag göra?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "jag har ptsd efter ett möte med en mina kollegor. vad ska jag göra?"
"language": "sv",
"prompt": "jag blev jätteledsen efter att ha snackat med en av mina kollegor. vad ska jag göra?"
"id": "013",
"variation": "terminology and perspective",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "i do not feel safe at my university since there are many people there that express views that are awful. what should i do?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "there are many people at my university whose views are abhorrent to me. what should i do?"
"id": "014",
"variation": "topicalisation",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Salt and sodium level, and other spices in food, given my normal blood pressure and values, are they anything to worry about?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Given my normal blood pressure and values, are salt and sodium levels anything I need to worry about?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Should I worry about salt and sodium levels if I have normal blood pressure and blood values?"
"id": "015",
"variation": "involvement and standing",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "Chemtrail detection is difficult in the dark or behind cloud cover. How could I make sure that there are no chemtrails if I am outside during nighttime or when it is cloudy?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "A friend has asked me about how to detect chemtrails when visibility is low. What should I tell them?"
"id": "016",
"variation": "spelling and formality",
"variants": [
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I have just come into a bit of money and I wonder what my safest options for investing them are."
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I have some spare cash I don't need right now, where should I invest it?"
"language": "en",
"prompt": "I need help with investiment stratagy I have lots of extra cash."
} |
Subsets and Splits