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+ "text": "Yes" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93027-1", + "display": "Are you a refugee?" + } ], + "text": "Are you a refugee?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93028-9", + "display": "In the past year, have you spent more than 2 nights in a row in a jail, prison, detention center, or juvenile correctional facility?" + } ], + "text": "In the past year, have you spent more than 2 nights in a row in a jail, prison, detention center, or juvenile correctional facility?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93038-8", + "display": "Stress level" + } ], + "text": "Stress 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+ "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63586-2", + "display": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + } ], + "text": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 30718, + "unit": "/a", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "/a" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "76437-3", + "display": "Primary insurance" + } ], + "text": "Primary insurance" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA6350-8", + "display": "Private insurance" + } ], + "text": "Private insurance" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "67875-5", + "display": "Employment status - current" + } ], + "text": "Employment status - current" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { 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"display": "Yes" + } ], + "text": "Yes" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "71802-3", + "display": "Housing status" + } ], + "text": "Housing status" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30189-7", + "display": "I have housing" + } ], + "text": "I have housing" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63512-8", + "display": "How many people are living or staying at this address?" + } ], + "text": "How many people are living or staying at this address?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 5, + "unit": "{#}", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "{#}" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "54899-0", + "display": "Preferred language" + } ], + "text": "Preferred language" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA43-5", + "display": 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+ "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93038-8", + "display": "Stress level" + } ], + "text": "Stress level" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA13909-9", + "display": "Somewhat" + } ], + "text": "Somewhat" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93029-7", + "display": "How often do you see or talk to people that you care about and feel close to (For example: talking to friends on the phone, visiting friends or family, going to church or club meetings)?" + } ], + "text": "How often do you see or talk to people that you care about and feel close to (For example: talking to friends on the phone, visiting friends or family, going to church or club meetings)?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA27722-0", + "display": "Less than once a week" + } ], + "text": "Less than once a week" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93030-5", + "display": "Has lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments, meetings, work, or from getting things needed for daily living" + } ], + "text": "Has lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments, meetings, work, or from getting things needed for daily living" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93031-3", + "display": "In the past year, have you or any family members you live with been unable to get any of the following when it was really needed?" + } ], + "text": "In the past year, have you or any family members you live with been unable to get any of the following when it was really needed?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30122-8", + "display": "I choose not to answer this question" + } ], + "text": "I choose not to answer this question" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63586-2", + "display": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + } ], + "text": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 30718, + "unit": "/a", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "/a" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "76437-3", + "display": "Primary insurance" + } ], + "text": "Primary insurance" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA6350-8", + "display": "Private insurance" + } ], + "text": "Private insurance" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + 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"display": "Are you worried about losing your housing?" + } ], + "text": "Are you worried about losing your housing?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA33-6", + "display": "Yes" + } ], + "text": "Yes" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "71802-3", + "display": "Housing status" + } ], + "text": "Housing status" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30189-7", + "display": "I have housing" + } ], + "text": "I have housing" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63512-8", + "display": "How many people are living or staying at this address?" + } ], + "text": "How many people are living or staying at this address?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 5, + "unit": "{#}", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "{#}" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "54899-0", + "display": "Preferred language" + } ], + "text": "Preferred language" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA43-5", + "display": "English" + } ], + "text": "English" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93034-7", + "display": "Have you been discharged from the armed forces of the United States?" + } ], + "text": "Have you been discharged from the armed forces of the United States?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93035-4", + "display": "At any point in the past 2 years, has season or migrant farm work been your or your family's main source of income?" + } ], + "text": "At any point in the past 2 years, has season or migrant farm work been your or your 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+ "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63586-2", + "display": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + } ], + "text": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 30718, + "unit": "/a", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "/a" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "76437-3", + "display": "Primary insurance" + } ], + "text": "Primary insurance" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA6350-8", + "display": "Private insurance" + } ], + "text": "Private insurance" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "67875-5", + "display": "Employment status - current" + } ], + "text": "Employment status - current" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { 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"http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA33-6", + "display": "Yes" + } ], + "text": "Yes" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "71802-3", + "display": "Housing status" + } ], + "text": "Housing status" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30189-7", + "display": "I have housing" + } ], + "text": "I have housing" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63512-8", + "display": "How many people are living or staying at this address?" + } ], + "text": "How many people are living or staying at this address?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 5, + "unit": "{#}", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "{#}" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "54899-0", + "display": "Preferred language" + } ], + "text": "Preferred language" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", 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"coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93029-7", + "display": "How often do you see or talk to people that you care about and feel close to (For example: talking to friends on the phone, visiting friends or family, going to church or club meetings)?" + } ], + "text": "How often do you see or talk to people that you care about and feel close to (For example: talking to friends on the phone, visiting friends or family, going to church or club meetings)?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30131-9", + "display": "3 to 5 times a week" + } ], + "text": "3 to 5 times a week" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93030-5", + "display": "Has lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments, meetings, work, or from getting things needed for daily living" + } ], + "text": "Has lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments, meetings, work, or from getting things needed for daily living" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93031-3", + "display": "In the past year, have you or any family members you live with been unable to get any of the following when it was really needed?" + } ], + "text": "In the past year, have you or any family members you live with been unable to get any of the following when it was really needed?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30124-4", + "display": "Utilities" + } ], + "text": "Utilities" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63586-2", + "display": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + } ], + "text": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 30718, + "unit": "/a", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "/a" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "76437-3", + "display": "Primary insurance" + } ], + "text": "Primary insurance" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA6350-8", + "display": "Private insurance" + } ], + "text": "Private insurance" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "67875-5", + "display": "Employment status - current" + } ], + "text": "Employment status - current" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30137-6", + "display": "Otherwise unemployed but not seeking work (ex: student, retired, disabled, unpaid primary care giver)" + } ], + "text": "Otherwise unemployed but not seeking work (ex: student, retired, disabled, unpaid primary care giver)" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "82589-3", + "display": "Highest level of education" + } ], + "text": "Highest level of education" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30191-3", + "display": "Less than high school degree" + } ], + "text": "Less than high school degree" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "56799-0", + "display": "Address" + } ], + "text": "Address" + }, + "valueString": "908 Larson Trailer Unit 29" + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93033-9", + "display": "Are you worried about losing your housing?" + } ], + "text": "Are you worried about losing your housing?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA33-6", + "display": "Yes" + } ], + "text": "Yes" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "71802-3", + "display": "Housing status" + } ], + "text": "Housing status" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30189-7", + "display": "I have housing" + } ], + "text": "I have housing" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63512-8", + "display": "How many people are living or staying at this address?" + } ], + "text": "How many people are living or staying at this address?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 5, + "unit": "{#}", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "{#}" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "54899-0", + "display": "Preferred language" + } ], + "text": "Preferred language" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA43-5", + "display": "English" + } ], + "text": "English" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93034-7", + "display": "Have you been discharged from the armed forces of the United States?" + } ], + "text": "Have you been discharged from the armed forces of the United States?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93035-4", + "display": "At any point in the past 2 years, has season or migrant farm work been your or your family's main source of income?" + } ], + "text": "At any point in the past 2 years, has season or migrant farm work been your or your family's main source of income?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "32624-9", + "display": "Race" + } ], + "text": 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"http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30122-8", + "display": "I choose not to answer this question" + } ], + "text": "I choose not to answer this question" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63586-2", + "display": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + } ], + "text": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 30718, + "unit": "/a", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "/a" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "76437-3", + "display": "Primary insurance" + } ], + "text": "Primary insurance" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA6350-8", + "display": "Private insurance" + } ], + "text": "Private insurance" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + 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[ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93038-8", + "display": "Stress level" + } ], + "text": "Stress level" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA6568-5", + "display": "Not at all" + } ], + "text": "Not at all" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93029-7", + "display": "How often do you see or talk to people that you care about and feel close to (For example: talking to friends on the phone, visiting friends or family, going to church or club meetings)?" + } ], + "text": "How often do you see or talk to people that you care about and feel close to (For example: talking to friends on the phone, visiting friends or family, going to church or club meetings)?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": 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}, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA30128-5", + "display": "Medicine or Any Health Care (Medical, Dental, Mental Health, Vision)" + } ], + "text": "Medicine or Any Health Care (Medical, Dental, Mental Health, Vision)" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "63586-2", + "display": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + } ], + "text": "What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year?" + }, + "valueQuantity": { + "value": 30718, + "unit": "/a", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "/a" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "76437-3", + "display": "Primary insurance" + } ], + "text": "Primary insurance" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": 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"http://unitsofmeasure.org", + "code": "{#}" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "54899-0", + "display": "Preferred language" + } ], + "text": "Preferred language" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA43-5", + "display": "English" + } ], + "text": "English" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93034-7", + "display": "Have you been discharged from the armed forces of the United States?" + } ], + "text": "Have you been discharged from the armed forces of the United States?" + }, + "valueCodeableConcept": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "LA32-8", + "display": "No" + } ], + "text": "No" + } + }, { + "code": { + "coding": [ { + "system": "http://loinc.org", + "code": "93035-4", + "display": "At any point in the past 2 years, has season or migrant farm work been your or your family's main source of income?" + } ], + 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Care Plan for Diabetes self management plan.
Care plan is meant to treat Prediabetes.
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