import csv import random from itertools import combinations from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union import datasets import numpy as np import pandas as pd # fmt: off LANGS = [ "ace_Arab", "ace_Latn", "acm_Arab", "acq_Arab", "aeb_Arab", "afr_Latn", "ajp_Arab", "aka_Latn", "als_Latn", "amh_Ethi", "apc_Arab", "arb_Arab", "arb_Latn", "ars_Arab", "ary_Arab", "arz_Arab", "asm_Beng", "ast_Latn", "awa_Deva", "ayr_Latn", "azb_Arab", "azj_Latn", "bak_Cyrl", "bam_Latn", "ban_Latn", "bel_Cyrl", "bem_Latn", "ben_Beng", "bho_Deva", "bjn_Arab", "bjn_Latn", "bod_Tibt", "bos_Latn", "bug_Latn", "bul_Cyrl", "cat_Latn", "ceb_Latn", "ces_Latn", "cjk_Latn", "ckb_Arab", "crh_Latn", "cym_Latn", "dan_Latn", "deu_Latn", "dik_Latn", "dyu_Latn", "dzo_Tibt", "ell_Grek", "eng_Latn", "epo_Latn", "est_Latn", "eus_Latn", "ewe_Latn", "fao_Latn", "fij_Latn", "fin_Latn", "fon_Latn", "fra_Latn", "fur_Latn", "fuv_Latn", "gaz_Latn", "gla_Latn", "gle_Latn", "glg_Latn", "grn_Latn", "guj_Gujr", "hat_Latn", "hau_Latn", "heb_Hebr", "hin_Deva", "hne_Deva", "hrv_Latn", "hun_Latn", "hye_Armn", "ibo_Latn", "ilo_Latn", "ind_Latn", "isl_Latn", "ita_Latn", "jav_Latn", "jpn_Jpan", "kab_Latn", "kac_Latn", "kam_Latn", "kan_Knda", "kas_Arab", "kas_Deva", "kat_Geor", "kaz_Cyrl", "kbp_Latn", "kea_Latn", "khk_Cyrl", "khm_Khmr", "kik_Latn", "kin_Latn", "kir_Cyrl", "kmb_Latn", "kmr_Latn", "knc_Arab", "knc_Latn", "kon_Latn", "kor_Hang", "lao_Laoo", "lij_Latn", "lim_Latn", "lin_Latn", "lit_Latn", "lmo_Latn", "ltg_Latn", "ltz_Latn", "lua_Latn", "lug_Latn", "luo_Latn", "lus_Latn", "lvs_Latn", "mag_Deva", "mai_Deva", "mal_Mlym", "mar_Deva", "min_Arab", "min_Latn", "mkd_Cyrl", "mlt_Latn", "mni_Beng", "mos_Latn", "mri_Latn", "mya_Mymr", "nld_Latn", "nno_Latn", "nob_Latn", "npi_Deva", "nqo_Nkoo", "nso_Latn", "nus_Latn", "nya_Latn", "oci_Latn", "ory_Orya", "pag_Latn", "pan_Guru", "pap_Latn", "pbt_Arab", "pes_Arab", "plt_Latn", "pol_Latn", "por_Latn", "prs_Arab", "quy_Latn", "ron_Latn", "run_Latn", "rus_Cyrl", "sag_Latn", "san_Deva", "sat_Olck", "scn_Latn", "shn_Mymr", "sin_Sinh", "slk_Latn", "slv_Latn", "smo_Latn", "sna_Latn", "snd_Arab", "som_Latn", "sot_Latn", "spa_Latn", "srd_Latn", "srp_Cyrl", "ssw_Latn", "sun_Latn", "swe_Latn", "swh_Latn", "szl_Latn", "tam_Taml", "taq_Latn", "taq_Tfng", "tat_Cyrl", "tel_Telu", "tgk_Cyrl", "tgl_Latn", "tha_Thai", "tir_Ethi", "tpi_Latn", "tsn_Latn", "tso_Latn", "tuk_Latn", "tum_Latn", "tur_Latn", "twi_Latn", "tzm_Tfng", "uig_Arab", "ukr_Cyrl", "umb_Latn", "urd_Arab", "uzn_Latn", "vec_Latn", "vie_Latn", "war_Latn", "wol_Latn", "xho_Latn", "ydd_Hebr", "yor_Latn", "yue_Hant", "zho_Hans", "zho_Hant", "zsm_Latn", "zul_Latn" ] # fmt: on # For interactive usage: # Attempt to find the script directory if __file__ is defined, otherwise default to current working directory. try: cwd = Path(__file__).parent except NameError as _: cwd = Path.cwd() SEED: int = 42 N: int = 1004 # length of pooled train, dev, and test splits UPSAMPLING_FACTOR: int = 3 NUM_NEGATIVES: int = 3 NUM_REFERENCES: int = 5 NUM_EXAMPLES_PER_OPTION: int = 1 CATEGORIES: List[str] = [ "entertainment", "geography", "health", "politics", "science", "sports", "travel", ] # URLs for downloading SIB .tsv data and images. _SIB_URL: str = "{lang}/{split}.tsv" _IMG_URL: str = "{category}_{no}.jpg" # Placeholder for dataset description: fill or extend as needed. _DESCRIPTION: str = ( "MVLSIB is a multilingual dataset designed to provide sentence-image pairs " "spanning multiple languages and categories. The goal is to support tasks such as " "multimodal classification, cross-lingual information retrieval, and more. " "Each row contains a textual entry (sentence) along with category information, " "and the dataset also includes image references for the same set of categories." ) def read_tsv_to_dict_list(file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Reads a TSV file with columns 'index_id', 'category', and 'text' into a list of dictionaries. The TSV is expected to have the following columns (in order): 1. index_id 2. category 3. text Parameters ---------- file_path : Union[str, Path] The path to the TSV file. Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] A list of dictionaries, where each element has keys: - 'index_id': int - 'category': str - 'text': str Raises ------ ValueError If the TSV headers do not match the expected format. """ data: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] expected_headers = ["index_id", "category", "text"] with open(file_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as tsvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(tsvfile, delimiter="\t") # Validate headers if reader.fieldnames != expected_headers: raise ValueError( f"Expected headers {expected_headers}, but got {reader.fieldnames}" ) # Start enumerating from line 2 to account for the header line for _, row in enumerate(reader, start=2): # if all( (row[key].strip() == key) or (row[key].strip() == "") for key in expected_headers ): continue # Convert index_id to integer index_id = int(row["index_id"]) # Strip leading/trailing whitespace category = row["category"].strip() text = row["text"].strip() # Append the processed row to data data.append({"index_id": index_id, "category": category, "text": text}) return data def read_lang_tsv(filepaths: List[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Reads a list of TSV file paths containing SIB data in the same language and merges them into a single, sorted list of dictionaries. Specifically: 1. Calls `read_tsv_to_dict_list` for each file path. 2. Merges all resulting dictionaries. 3. Sorts by 'index_id'. Also normalizes the category "science/technology" to "science" for internal consistency. Parameters ---------- filepaths : List[str] A list of TSV file paths for a specific language. Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] A list of dictionaries sorted by 'index_id' with normalized categories. """ # Read each file into a list of dicts dicos = [read_tsv_to_dict_list(path) for path in filepaths] # Flatten and sort by index_id out: List[Dict[str, Any]] = sorted( [line for dico in dicos for line in dico], key=lambda row: row["index_id"] ) # Normalize "science/technology" to "science" for line in out: if line["category"] == "science/technology": line["category"] = "science" return out def replicate_and_negatives( df: pd.DataFrame, num_replicates: int = 3, num_negatives: int = 4, num_positives: int = 4, seed: int = 42, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create multiple replicated rows from the input DataFrame `df` and sample negative and positive examples for each row. *Negative* samples are drawn from rows whose category is different from the row's category. **Additionally, each negative example for a given row is drawn from a distinct category among the negatives, if there are enough categories to do so without replacement.** *Positive* samples are drawn from rows of the same category (excluding the row's own 'index_id'). Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame The original input DataFrame with columns ['index_id', 'category', 'text']. num_replicates : int, optional Number of times to replicate each row, by default 2. num_negatives : int, optional Number of negative samples to pick for each row, by default 2. num_positives : int, optional Number of positive samples to pick for each row, by default 2. seed : int, optional Seed for random operations, by default 42. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A new DataFrame containing replicated rows plus columns: - neg_id_i, neg_cat_i, neg_text_i for i in [0 .. num_negatives-1] - pos_id_i, pos_cat_i, pos_text_i for i in [0 .. num_positives-1] Notes ----- - Negative examples for a row are taken from distinct categories (other than the row's category) if enough categories exist. If fewer categories exist than `num_negatives`, we sample categories with replacement, so some duplicates may appear. - Positive sampling excludes the row's own 'index_id'. If there are fewer available positives than `num_positives`, we sample with replacement. """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) # --- 1) Replicate the DataFrame k (=num_replicates) times --- df_new = pd.concat([df] * num_replicates, ignore_index=True) # --- 2) Create empty columns for negative and positive samples --- for i in range(num_negatives): df_new[f"neg_id_{i}"] = None df_new[f"neg_cat_{i}"] = None df_new[f"neg_text_{i}"] = None for i in range(num_positives): df_new[f"pos_id_{i}"] = None df_new[f"pos_cat_{i}"] = None df_new[f"pos_text_{i}"] = None # --- Precompute a dictionary of all rows by category (for negatives sampling) --- # Key: category -> DataFrame of that category unique_cats = df_new["category"].unique() cat_to_df: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = {} for c in unique_cats: cat_to_df[c] = df_new[df_new["category"] == c].reset_index(drop=True) # --- 4) Build a "positive pool" dictionary by category --- # For positive sampling, we exclude the row's own 'index_id' in each row's step pos_pool_by_cat = {} for c in unique_cats: pos_pool_by_cat[c] = df.loc[ df["category"] == c, ["index_id", "category", "text"] ].reset_index(drop=True) # --- 5) Group df_new by category and populate negative/positive samples --- grouped = df_new.groupby("category", group_keys=False) output_chunks: List[pd.DataFrame] = [] for cat, group_df in grouped: g_size = len(group_df) # The preallocated arrays for negative and positive columns will be filled for each row individually, i.e., sampling of negative categories and samples will be done per row # Prepare arrays for final negative columns neg_id_cols = [np.empty(g_size, dtype=object) for _ in range(num_negatives)] neg_cat_cols = [np.empty(g_size, dtype=object) for _ in range(num_negatives)] neg_text_cols = [np.empty(g_size, dtype=object) for _ in range(num_negatives)] # Prepare arrays for final positive columns pos_id_cols = [np.empty(g_size, dtype=object) for _ in range(num_positives)] pos_cat_cols = [np.empty(g_size, dtype=object) for _ in range(num_positives)] pos_text_cols = [np.empty(g_size, dtype=object) for _ in range(num_positives)] # For convenience, get all categories *except* the current one (cat) # We'll sample from these as negative categories negative_candidate_cats = [c for c in unique_cats if c != cat] # For each row in the current group row_ids_for_group = group_df["index_id"].to_numpy() for i_row in range(g_size): row_id = row_ids_for_group[i_row] # ------------- Negative Sampling ------------- # 1) Choose distinct categories if possible. If not enough categories # exist to cover num_negatives, we sample categories with replacement. replace_for_cats = len(negative_candidate_cats) < num_negatives chosen_neg_cats = rng.choice( negative_candidate_cats, size=num_negatives, replace=replace_for_cats ) # 2) For each chosen negative category, pick a random row for j, neg_cat in enumerate(chosen_neg_cats): neg_pool = cat_to_df[neg_cat] pick_idx = rng.integers(len(neg_pool)) # random index neg_id_cols[j][i_row] = neg_pool["index_id"].iloc[pick_idx] neg_cat_cols[j][i_row] = neg_pool["category"].iloc[pick_idx] neg_text_cols[j][i_row] = neg_pool["text"].iloc[pick_idx] # ------------- Positive Sampling ------------- pos_pool_cat = pos_pool_by_cat[cat] # Exclude the row's own ID in the sampling valid_mask = pos_pool_cat["index_id"] != row_id valid_pos_pool = pos_pool_cat[valid_mask] # If not enough positives remain, sample with replacement replace_pos_for_row = len(valid_pos_pool) < num_positives if len(valid_pos_pool) == 0: # Edge case: if there's literally no other row of the same category, # we won't be able to sample. You could decide to fill with NaN # or replicate the single example. Here we do the "safe" approach # of sampling from the entire cat's pool if possible. valid_pos_pool = pos_pool_cat replace_pos_for_row = True valid_idx_array = valid_pos_pool.index.to_numpy() chosen_indices = rng.choice( valid_idx_array, size=num_positives, replace=replace_pos_for_row ) for j in range(num_positives): pick_idx = chosen_indices[j] pos_id_cols[j][i_row] = valid_pos_pool["index_id"].loc[pick_idx] pos_cat_cols[j][i_row] = valid_pos_pool["category"].loc[pick_idx] pos_text_cols[j][i_row] = valid_pos_pool["text"].loc[pick_idx] # Attach negative columns to group_df for j in range(num_negatives): group_df[f"neg_id_{j}"] = neg_id_cols[j] group_df[f"neg_cat_{j}"] = neg_cat_cols[j] group_df[f"neg_text_{j}"] = neg_text_cols[j] # Attach positive columns to group_df for j in range(num_positives): group_df[f"pos_id_{j}"] = pos_id_cols[j] group_df[f"pos_cat_{j}"] = pos_cat_cols[j] group_df[f"pos_text_{j}"] = pos_text_cols[j] output_chunks.append(group_df) # --- 6) Combine all chunks and restore index order --- df_out = pd.concat(output_chunks, axis=0) df_out.sort_index(inplace=True) return df_out def get_reference_image_ids( N: int, num_images: int, k: int, seed: int ) -> List[List[int]]: """ Generates reference image ID combinations for each row in a dataset of size N. We pick (k)-combinations from the range [1 .. num_images-1]. Then we sample from these combinations (with replacement) for each of N rows, and shuffle them in a reproducible manner. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of rows in the dataset. num_images : int Total number of images available per category. k : int Number of images to select in each combination. seed : int Global seed for random operations. Returns ------- List[List[int]] A list of length N, where each element is a list of k unique image IDs. Notes ----- - We use Python's `random.choices` to draw from all possible k-combinations. - Each combination is then locally shuffled to remove ordering biases. """ all_combinations = list(combinations(range(0, num_images), k)) random.seed(seed) sampled_combinations = [list(x) for x in random.choices(all_combinations, k=N)] for i, tuple_ in enumerate(sampled_combinations): # Use a unique seed for each shuffle to ensure reproducibility random.seed(seed + i) random.shuffle(tuple_) return sampled_combinations class MVLSIBConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig): """ Configuration class for the MVLSIB (Multilingual Visual Language SIB) dataset. Parameters ---------- name : str The configuration name, typically in the format "task.lang". upsampling_factor : int, optional How many times to replicate each row for additional sampling variety, default: 3. num_references : int, optional Number of positive references to sample for each row, default: 5. num_negatives : int, optional Number of negative samples to pair with each row, default: 3. seed : int, optional Seed for random operations, default: 42. """ def __init__( self, name: str, upsampling_factor: int = UPSAMPLING_FACTOR, num_references: int = NUM_REFERENCES, num_negatives: int = NUM_NEGATIVES, seed: int = SEED, **kwargs: Any, ): super(MVLSIBConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs) str = name self.task, self.lang = name.split(".") self.upsampling_factor: int = upsampling_factor self.num_references: int = num_references self.num_negatives: int = num_negatives self.seed: int = seed def _builder_configs() -> List[MVLSIBConfig]: """ Internal helper to build the list of MVLSIBConfig objects for all tasks ('img2sent', 'sent2img') and all available languages in LANGS. Returns ------- List[MVLSIBConfig] A list of dataset configuration objects, each specifying a (task, language) pair. """ configs: List[MVLSIBConfig] = [] for task in ("img2sent", "sent2img"): for lang in LANGS: cfg = MVLSIBConfig( name=f"{task}.{lang}", version=datasets.Version("1.0.0"), description=f"MVLSIB: {task}.{lang}", ) configs.append(cfg) return configs class MVLSIB(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """ MVLSIB is a multilingual dataset that provides matched (sentence -> image) or (image -> sentence) examples for classification or retrieval tasks. Each configuration is specified by a task (img2sent or sent2img) and a language code, e.g. 'img2sent.eng_Latn'. The dataset is structured such that each row includes: - A set of reference items (images or sentences, depending on the task). - A set of 4 possible answers (1 positive, 3 negative). - A label indicating which of the 4 answers is correct. """ BUILDER_CONFIGS = _builder_configs() BUILDER_CONFIG_CLASS = MVLSIBConfig def _info(self) -> datasets.DatasetInfo: """ Returns the dataset metadata, including features. The dataset has two major tasks: - 'img2sent': Given reference images, choose the best matching sentence. - 'sent2img': Given reference sentences, choose the best matching image. Each example row in 'img2sent' includes: - images (list of str URLs to images) - sentences (list of str, one positive, three negatives) - categories (list of str categories matching each sentence) - label (int specifying which of the sentences is correct) - id (an integer ID) - index_id (the original row ID from the SIB .tsv) Each example row in 'sent2img' includes: - sentences (list of str, the positive reference sentences) - images (list of str URLs to images, one positive, three negatives) - categories (list of str categories matching each image) - label (int specifying which of the images is correct) - id (an integer ID) - index_id (the original row ID from the SIB .tsv) Returns ------- datasets.DatasetInfo The Hugging Face DatasetInfo object describing the dataset features, licensing, homepage, citation, etc. """ from datasets import DatasetInfo, Features, Sequence, Value img2sents = Features( { "images": Sequence(Value("string")), "sentences": Sequence(Value("string")), "categories": Sequence(Value("string")), "label": Value("int8"), "id": Value("int64"), "index_id": Value("int64"), } ) sent2imgs = Features( { "sentences": Sequence(Value("string")), "images": Sequence(Value("string")), "categories": Sequence(Value("string")), "label": Value("int8"), "id": Value("int64"), "index_id": Value("int64"), } ) features = { "img2sent": img2sents, "sent2img": sent2imgs, } return DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=features[self.config.task], supervised_keys=None, ) def _split_generators( self, dl_manager: datasets.DownloadManager, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[datasets.SplitGenerator]: """ Defines the splits of the dataset. In this case, we only produce a single 'test' split, but in principle, you can define train/dev/test or others. Parameters ---------- dl_manager : datasets.DownloadManager The Hugging Face DownloadManager used to download files. Returns ------- List[datasets.SplitGenerator] A list of SplitGenerator objects. Each defines a split name and a gen_kwargs dict for the `_generate_examples` method. """ # Download SIB tsv files for train, dev, and test files = [ _SIB_URL.format(lang=self.config.lang, split=split) for split in ("train", "dev", "test") ] ) # Download images for each category images: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} for cat in CATEGORIES: images[cat] = [] for i in range(10): images[cat].append(, no=i)) ) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name="test", gen_kwargs={"sib_filepaths": files, "images_filepaths": images}, ), ] def _generate_examples( self, sib_filepaths: List[str], images_filepaths: Dict[str, List[str]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """ Generator function that yields dataset examples in the format needed by Hugging Face Datasets. Depending on the task (img2sent or sent2img), the function constructs examples where: - img2sent: reference images, 4 candidate sentences (1 positive, 3 negative) - sent2img: reference sentences, 4 candidate images (1 positive, 3 negative) Parameters ---------- sib_filepaths : List[str] The downloaded .tsv file paths (train/dev/test) for the specified language. images_filepaths : Dict[str, List[str]] A dictionary from category -> list of 10 image URLs, as downloaded from `_split_generators`. Yields ------ Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]] A tuple where the first element is an integer index, and the second is a dictionary matching the features specification of the dataset. """ # Read the SIB .tsv files for the given language and combine into a single DataFrame records = read_lang_tsv(sib_filepaths) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(records) # Expand the dataset with negative and positive samples ext_df = replicate_and_negatives( df, num_replicates=self.config.upsampling_factor, num_negatives=self.config.num_negatives, # every line already has a positive num_positives=self.config.num_references - 1, seed=self.config.seed, ) sent_ids = list(range(self.config.num_negatives + 1)) N = len(ext_df) num_images = len(next(iter(images_filepaths.values()))) # e.g., 10 images/cat if self.config.task == "img2sent": # Pre-generate image ID combinations for each row image_ids = get_reference_image_ids( N=N, num_images=num_images, k=self.config.num_references, seed=self.config.seed, ) for i, row in ext_df.iterrows(): # Construct the list of candidate sentences (pos + neg) text = [row["text"]] categories = [row["category"]] for j in range(self.config.num_negatives): text.append(row[f"neg_text_{j}"]) categories.append(row[f"neg_cat_{j}"]) # Shuffle candidate sentences in a reproducible manner random.seed(i) random.shuffle(sent_ids) label = sent_ids[0] # Reorder sentences and categories according to the shuffled indices _, categories_shuffled = zip(*sorted(zip(sent_ids, categories))) _, sentences_shuffled = zip(*sorted(zip(sent_ids, text))) # Fetch the reference images for the row row_image_ids = image_ids[i] cat = row["category"] cat_images = images_filepaths[cat] row_images = [ cat_images[row_image_ids[j]] for j in range(self.config.num_references) ] yield ( i, { "id": i, "index_id": row["index_id"], "images": row_images, "categories": categories_shuffled, "sentences": sentences_shuffled, "label": label, }, ) else: # sent2img: We first sample image indices (pos + neg) for each row rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=self.config.seed) choice_image_ids = rng.integers( 0, num_images, (N, 1 + self.config.num_negatives) ).tolist() for i, row in ext_df.iterrows(): # The positive text pos_text = [row["text"]] # For the negative categories, we gather them similarly cats = [row["category"]] for j in range(self.config.num_negatives): cats.append(row[f"neg_cat_{j}"]) for j in range(self.config.num_references - 1): pos_text.append(row[f"pos_text_{j}"]) random.seed(i) random.shuffle(sent_ids) label = sent_ids[0] # Reorder categories based on the shuffled indices # NOTE: positive text is quasi-shuffled already _, categories_shuffled = zip(*sorted(zip(sent_ids, cats))) # Match the categories to the sampled image indices row_image_ids = choice_image_ids[i] row_images = [ images_filepaths[cat][idx] for idx, cat in zip(row_image_ids, categories_shuffled) ] yield ( i, { "id": i, "index_id": row["index_id"], "images": row_images, "categories": categories_shuffled, "sentences": pos_text, "label": label, }, )