{"id": "35e91491cd38-0", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nCourse Profile MATH 116 Calculus II \n The course presents the concepts of calculus from four points of view: geometric (graphs), numeric (tables), symbolic (formulas), and verbal descriptions. Students will develop their reading, writing and questioning skills, as well as their ability to work cooperatively. Topics include techniques of integration, applications of integration, Taylor series, an introduction to differential equations, and infinite series.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 115. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-1", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of MATH 116 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 11391Open14N/AIn Person Mo WeFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2353 MH 2347 MH + Section 002 (Lecture) 11392Open24N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2437 MH 2449 MH + Section 003 (Lecture) 11393Open44N/AIn Person TuFr We 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3448 MH 3314 MH + Section 004 (Lecture) 11394Open24N/AIn Person TuThFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2437 MH + Section 005 (Lecture) 21031Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3448 MH + Section 010", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-2", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \n- 10:00AM 3448 MH + Section 010 (Lecture) 11396Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2436 MH + Section 020 (Lecture) 11403Closed04N/AIn Person MoWeTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2436 MH + Section 021 (Lecture) 11397Closed04N/AIn Person Mo WeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2347 MH 2353 MH + Section 022 (Lecture) 11398Closed04N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2437 MH 2449 MH + Section 023 (Lecture) 11399Open24N/AIn Person TuFr We 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3448 MH 3314 MH + Section 024 (Lecture) 11400Closed04N/AIn Person TuThFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2437 MH + Section 025 (Lecture) 11401Closed04N/AIn Person MoWeTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3448 MH + Section 030 (Lecture) 21029Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-3", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \n030 (Lecture) 21029Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2436 MH + Section 031 (Lecture) 11404Closed04N/AIn Person Mo WeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2347 MH 2353 MH + Section 032 (Lecture) 21681Open24N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2437 MH 2449 MH + Section 033 (Lecture) 11405Open14N/AIn Person TuFr We 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3448 MH 3314 MH + Section 034 (Lecture) 11406Closed04N/AIn Person TuThFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2437 MH + Section 035 (Lecture) 21028Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3448 MH + Section 040 (Lecture) 22393Closed04N/AIn Person MoWeTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2436 MH + Section 041 (Lecture) 22388Closed04N/AIn Person Mo WeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-4", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nMo WeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2347 MH 2353 MH + Section 042 (Lecture) 21030Closed04N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2437 MH 2449 MH + Section 043 (Lecture) 22389Closed04N/AIn Person TuFr We 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3448 MH 3314 MH + Section 044 (Lecture) 22390Open24N/AIn Person TuThFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2437 MH + Section 045 (Lecture) 22391Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3448 MH + Section 050 (Lecture) 21682Closed04N/AIn Person MoWeTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2436 MH + Section 051 (Lecture) 22394Closed04N/AIn Person Mo WeFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2347 MH 2353 MH + Section 052 (Lecture) 22395Open14N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 2:30PM -", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-5", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nPerson Mo TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2437 MH 2449 MH + Section 053 (Lecture) 22396Closed00N/AIn Person TuFr We 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3448 MH 3314 MH + Section 055 (Lecture) 22398Closed04N/AIn Person MoWeTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3448 MH + Section 057 (Lecture) 22397Closed00N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2437 MH B745 EH + Section 060 (Lecture) 11395Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2436 MH + Section 062 (Lecture) 22392Open14N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2437 MH 2449 MH + Section 065 (Lecture) 23341Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 3448 MH + Section 067 (Lecture) 33770Open24N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 4:00PM -", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-6", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nPerson Mo TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2437 MH B745 EH + Section 070 (Lecture) 27846Closed04N/AIn Person MoWeTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 3460 MH + Section 080 (Lecture) 30569Open14N/AIn Person MoWeTh 5:30PM - 7:00PM 3460 MH + Section 170 (Lecture) 21286Open1115Lofton, Shylynn NMixed MoWeFr 9:00AM - 11:00AM 1096 EH + Section 171 (Lecture) 21758Open215Lofton, Shylynn NMixed MoWeFr 11:00AM - 1:00PM 1096 EH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-7", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 3710 responses for 7813 possible evaluations (47% response rate).\n Desire to take 45% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 87% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 50% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 74% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 43% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B <1%13%15%15%16%14%9%9%<1%2%2%1%2%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.050.10.15 Students who took MATH 116 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 6.71% Students who took MATH 116 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.91% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n MATH 116\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%2%9%43%46% OthersUSpec/NCFDGrad MastrG Pre-CandSeniorJuniorFreshmanSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-8", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n MATH 116; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Lofton, Shylynn 12 Winter 2023 100% 100% 97% Arakelian, Irina 12 Winter 2023 98% 76% 91% Kessenich, Paul 6 Winter 2023 80% 69% 82% Farokhrani, Youness 5 Winter 2022 92% 73% 76% Kubena, Angela 5 Winter 2023 41% 75% 94% Yu, Myungjun 4 Winter 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Zou, Foling 4 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Boland, Patrick 4 Winter 2023 100% 100% 100% Dimou, Evangelos 4 Winter 2019 96% 75% 63% Koymans, Peter 4 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n MATH 116\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-9", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nMATH 116\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 17% Engineering: First Year 10% Computer Science BSE 7% Computer Science BS 7% Mechanical Engineering BSE 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n MATH 116. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 51% Undergraduate Engineering 46% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Kinesiology <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n MATH 116. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n MATH 116\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "35e91491cd38-10", "text": "Description of course MATH 116: \nMATH 116\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before MATH 116 MATH 115 53% CHEM 130 25% CHEM 126 22% CHEM 125 22% ENGR 101 15% ENGR 100 13% EECS 183 13% ENGLISH 125 13% ENGR 110 12% PHYSICS 140 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as MATH 116 PHYSICS 140 28% PHYSICS 141 27% ENGR 100 21% ENGR 101 20% CHEM 130 13% CHEM 125 12% CHEM 126 12% EECS 183 11% ECON 101 9% ENGLISH 125 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after MATH 116 MATH 215 39% EECS 280 29% EECS 203 26% MATH 216 24% EECS 281 24% PHYSICS 241 23% PHYSICS 240 23% STATS 250 20% EECS 370 18% ECON 101 17% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n MATH 116,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 34281732361274273774072565064076368267677481376238335661212017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20116/"}} {"id": "56c7588f8b83-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 183: \nCourse Profile EECS 183 Elementary Programming Concepts \n Fundamental concepts and skills of programming in a high level language. Flow of control: selection, iteration, subprograms. Data structures: strings, arrays, records, lists, tables. Algorithms using selection and iteration (decision making, finding maxima/minima, searching, sorting, simulation, etc.). Good program design, structure, and style are emphasized. Testing and debugging. Not intended for Engineering students (who should take ENGR 101), nor for CS majors in LSA who qualify for EECS 280.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 183 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 10327Open391415Torralva, BenIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 1800 CHEM + Section 002 (Lecture) 24454Open92150Torralva, BenIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3420 CCCB + Section 003 (Lecture) 10330Open212320Arthur, WilliamIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM AUD 3 MLB + Section 004 (Lecture) 20470Open311371Arthur, WilliamIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 140 LORCH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20183/"}} {"id": "56c7588f8b83-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 183: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 8775 responses for 24149 possible evaluations (36% response rate).\n Desire to take 83% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 94% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 53% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 90% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 82% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 9%53%13%8%7%3%2%2%1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took EECS 183 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 5.98% Students who took EECS 183 and elected Pass/Fail: 5.89% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 183\n .", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20183/"}} {"id": "56c7588f8b83-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 183: \nEECS 183\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%7%17%33%42% OthersPro 2nd YrG Pre-CandGrad CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorFreshmanSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 183; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Arthur, William 11 Winter 2023 98% 94% 94% Kloosterman, John 6 Fall 2022 97% 95% 96% Garcia-Ramirez, Hector 4 Winter 2019 90% 82% 93% Torralva, Ben 4 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Diaz, Kimberly 3 Winter 2021 96% 95% 96% Dorf, Mary 1 Winter 2021 92% 84% 90% Sharafi, Zohreh 1 Fall 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Honeyman, Peter 1 Fall 2020 93% 86% 94% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 183\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20183/"}} {"id": "56c7588f8b83-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 183: \nEECS 183\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 26% Computer Science BS 12% Business Administration BBA 8% Mathematics BS 6% Economics BA 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 183. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 85% Undergraduate Business Admin 9% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 2% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% Undergraduate Engineering <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 183. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 183\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20183/"}} {"id": "56c7588f8b83-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 183: \nEECS 183\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 183 ENGLISH 125 22% ECON 101 19% MATH 115 19% STATS 250 16% CHEM 210 9% MATH 116 9% PSYCH 111 8% CHEM 211 8% BIOLOGY 173 7% CHEM 130 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 183 ENGLISH 125 14% MATH 115 13% ECON 101 11% MATH 116 9% STATS 250 8% MATH 215 8% BA 100 7% UC 280 5% ANTHRCUL 101 5% ECON 102 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 183 EECS 280 47% EECS 203 36% EECS 281 30% STATS 250 23% EECS 370 19% EECS 376 18% EECS 485 14% ECON 101 14% ECON 102 12% ENGLISH 125 11% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 183,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 996103510251113114012358466797366587357152017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u20132305001000FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20183/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-0", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nCourse Profile ENGLISH 125 Writing and Academic Inquiry \n A study of rhetoric, both as a body of principles, and as a practical art, emphasizing the writing of expository and argumentative essays.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-1", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of ENGLISH 125 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Recitation) 11069Open59N/AIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 471 LORCH + Section 002 (Recitation) 11070Open99N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM G634 HH + Section 003 (Recitation) 11071Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM ARR + Section 004 (Recitation) 11072Open69N/AIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 5180B AH + Section 005 (Recitation) 15349Open79N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM G232 AH + Section 006 (Recitation) 11073Open89N/AIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 3333 MH + Section 007 (Recitation) 11074Open69N/AIn Person", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-2", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \n+ Section 007 (Recitation) 11074Open69N/AIn Person MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 1460 MH + Section 008 (Recitation) 11075Open89N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 2011 MLB + Section 009 (Recitation) 11076Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM B834 EQ + Section 010 (Recitation) 11077Open19N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3333 MH + Section 011 (Recitation) 11078Open1818Friedman, MiritIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2320 SEB + Section 012 (Recitation) 11079Open69N/AIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2150 SKB + Section 013 (Recitation) 11080Open49N/AIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 014 (Recitation) 11081Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM 3302 MH + Section 015 (Recitation) 11082Open39N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2427 MH + Section 016", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-3", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \n- 4:00PM 2427 MH + Section 016 (Recitation) 11083Open79N/AIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 210 WH + Section 017 (Recitation) 11084Open29N/AIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3540 NUB + Section 018 (Recitation) 11085Open29N/AIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM LEC RM 1 MLB + Section 019 (Recitation) 11086Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 1112 SPH2 + Section 020 (Recitation) 11087Open89N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2200 SKB + Section 021 (Recitation) 15350Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 373 LORCH + Section 022 (Recitation) 11088Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 171 LORCH + Section 023 (Recitation) 11089Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 7:00PM - 8:30PM 2347 MH + Section 024 (Recitation) 11090Open59N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM -", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-4", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nPerson MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 1436 MH + Section 025 (Recitation) 11091Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2866 EH + Section 026 (Recitation) 11092Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3096 EH + Section 027 (Recitation) 11093Open49N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2050 SKB + Section 028 (Recitation) 11094Open79N/AIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3866 EH + Section 029 (Recitation) 11095Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2175 NQ + Section 030 (Recitation) 11096Open99N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 1339 MH + Section 031 (Recitation) 11097Open49N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2062 PALM + Section 032 (Recitation) 11098Open1818N/AIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM 1413 COUZENS + Section 033 (Recitation) 11099Open69N/AIn Person MoWe", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-5", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \n033 (Recitation) 11099Open69N/AIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 034 (Recitation) 11100Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 471 LORCH + Section 035 (Recitation) 11101Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 036 (Recitation) 11102Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM ARR + Section 037 (Recitation) 11103Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2320 SEB + Section 038 (Recitation) 15352Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 039 (Recitation) 11104Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM 471 LORCH + Section 040 (Recitation) 11105Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 173 LORCH + Section 041 (Recitation) 11106Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM R2310 BUS + Section 042 (Recitation) 11107Open89N/AIn Person MoWe", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-6", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \n042 (Recitation) 11107Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3265 USB + Section 043 (Recitation) 11108Open79N/AIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM R2320 BUS + Section 044 (Recitation) 11109Open59N/AIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM ARR + Section 045 (Recitation) 15353Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 046 (Recitation) 11110Open79N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2150 SKB + Section 047 (Recitation) 15351Open1818Christman, PhilipIn Person MoWe 5:30PM - 7:00PM G023 WQ + Section 048 (Recitation) 11111Open79N/AIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 049 (Recitation) 15814Open89N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 1339 MH + Section 050 (Recitation) 11112Open89N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2320 SEB + Section 051 (Recitation)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-7", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \n2320 SEB + Section 051 (Recitation) 11113Open99N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 2469 MH + Section 052 (Recitation) 11114Open99N/AIn Person MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 2407 MH + Section 053 (Recitation) 11115Open1515Allen, K EIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM G421B MH + Section 054 (Recitation) 11116Open1515Allen, K EIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM G421B MH + Section 055 (Recitation) 11117Open1515Cordell, Jeffrey EIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 373 LORCH + Section 056 (Recitation) 11118Open1315Beydoun, Noha FIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2225 SEB + Section 057 (Recitation) 11119Open1315Tessier, Randall LIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 1460 MH + Section 058 (Recitation) 11120Open1415Tessier, Randall LIn Person MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 2448", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-8", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nMoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 2448 MH + Section 059 (Recitation) 11121Open1415Beydoun, Noha FIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2333 MH + Section 060 (Recitation) 11122Open1515N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3540 NUB + Section 061 (Recitation) 11123Open1515Traig, JenniferIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 1096 EH + Section 062 (Recitation) 11124Open1415Traig, JenniferIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 173 LORCH + Section 063 (Recitation) 11125Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM ARR + Section 064 (Recitation) 11126Open79N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM 1567 NUB + Section 065 (Recitation) 11127Open59N/AIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 066 (Recitation) 11128Open69N/AIn Person Tu Th 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3463 MH G463", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-9", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \n- 2:30PM 3463 MH G463 MH + Section 067 (Recitation) 11129Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 7:00PM - 8:30PM 2347 MH + Section 068 (Recitation) 11130Open89N/AIn Person TuTh 5:30PM - 7:00PM 3451 MH + Section 069 (Recitation) 15841Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 3096 EH + Section 070 (Recitation) 15842Open79N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 1512 EQ + Section 071 (Recitation) 15865Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3866 EH + Section 072 (Recitation) 15876Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM 4332 SPH2 + Section 073 (Recitation) 15877Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 074 (Recitation) 15878Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 075 (Recitation) 15879Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 1804", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-10", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nMoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 1804 SSWB + Section 076 (Recitation) 15880Open89N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3353 MH + Section 077 (Recitation) 16632Open89N/AIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 2469 MH + Section 078 (Recitation) 16633Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 1507 EQ + Section 079 (Recitation) 16634Open1818Christman, PhilipIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM G023 WQ + Section 080 (Recitation) 16635Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 373 LORCH + Section 081 (Recitation) 16636Open89N/AIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 082 (Recitation) 16637Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2228 SEB + Section 083 (Recitation) 18672Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 5:30PM - 7:00PM 2347 MH + Section 084 (Recitation) 19060Open99N/AIn Person TuTh", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-11", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \n084 (Recitation) 19060Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 085 (Recitation) 25694Open1818N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 373 LORCH + Section 086 (Recitation) 25695Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM R0420 BUS + Section 087 (Recitation) 25696Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 1636 CHEM + Section 088 (Recitation) 25697Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 506 BMT + Section 089 (Recitation) 26051Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 090 (Recitation) 26052Open1818Schulze, Joshua MaximillianIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM B830 EQ + Section 091 (Recitation) 26053Open89N/AIn Person MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM G437 MH + Section 092 (Recitation) 26054Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2334 SEB + Section 093", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-12", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \n- 4:00PM 2334 SEB + Section 093 (Recitation) 31261Open1818Haas, DaisyIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 094 (Recitation) 31262Open1818Frykholm, SorenIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 095 (Recitation) 31263Open1818Hardy, BrittanyIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 096 (Recitation) 31264Open1818Van Rheenen, MoniekIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3353 MH + Section 097 (Recitation) 31265Open1818Castillo Dona, Eimeel CarolinaIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2225 SEB + Section 098 (Recitation) 31266Open1818Waldman, ZoeIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 1508 EQ", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-13", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 10965 responses for 16252 possible evaluations (67% response rate).\n Desire to take 38% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 88% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 20% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 86% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 60% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 10%59%17%7%4%1%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took ENGLISH 125 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.74% Students who took ENGLISH 125 and elected Pass/Fail: 2.79% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ENGLISH 125\n .\n 0%<1%1%4%32%63% OthersUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorSophomoreFreshman Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-14", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n ENGLISH 125; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Christman, Philip 12 Winter 2023 92% 82% 96% Allen, K 12 Winter 2023 88% 66% 92% Burch, Aaron 11 Winter 2023 97% 93% 98% Buckley, John 11 Fall 2022 95% 88% 98% Lynch, Molly 10 Winter 2023 95% 86% 97% Bruno, R 9 Fall 2021 93% 76% 98% Tessier, Randall 9 Fall 2022 96% 95% 98% Wall, Joshua 8 Winter 2023 98% 92% 99% Ward, David 7 Fall 2022 99% 97% 100% McLaughlin, Emily 7 Winter 2022 91% 86% 96% previous \u00a0 1 / 7 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ENGLISH 125\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-15", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nENGLISH 125\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 29% Business Administration BBA 10% Economics BA 5% Computer Science BS 5% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ENGLISH 125. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 75% Undergraduate Business Admin 10% Undergraduate Kinesiology 5% Undergraduate Nursing 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ENGLISH 125. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ENGLISH 125\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "fc90599baa11-16", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 125: \nENGLISH 125\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ENGLISH 125 MATH 115 11% ECON 101 9% EECS 183 7% CHEM 130 6% STATS 250 6% CSP 100 5% PSYCH 111 5% CHEM 125 5% CHEM 126 5% ANTHRCUL 101 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ENGLISH 125 ECON 101 19% MATH 115 13% BA 100 11% STATS 250 10% PSYCH 111 9% EECS 183 8% CHEM 130 7% BIOLOGY 171 6% UC 280 6% CHEM 125 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ENGLISH 125 STATS 250 30% ECON 102 18% ECON 101 18% PSYCH 111 15% BIOLOGY 173 14% CHEM 210 14% SPANISH 232 14% CHEM 211 14% CHEM 215 13% CHEM 216 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ENGLISH 125,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 2412195950392018371504162016741628173211081403145715521514144932223427282017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230500100015002000SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20125/"}} {"id": "c58608583b07-0", "text": "Description of course ECON 101: \nCourse Profile ECON 101 Principles of Economics I \n This course concentrates on microeconomics: how markets function, what markets do well, where markets do not work well, the distribution of income and wealth, the public sector, international trade, and environmental economics.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 - 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: High school algebra and geometry. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20101/"}} {"id": "c58608583b07-1", "text": "Description of course ECON 101: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ECON 101 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 100 (Lecture) 10970Open266360Zamzow, BenIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM 140 LORCH + Section 200 (Lecture) 10977Open244360Caldwell Jr, Ronald CIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM 140 LORCH + Section 300 (Lecture) 10985Open333469Caldwell Jr, Ronald CIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 1420 CCCB + Section 400 (Lecture) 20446Open294360Dudley, MitchellIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 140 LORCH + Section 500 (Lecture) 20494Open3040Zamzow, BenIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1372 EH + Section 600 (Lecture) 33384Open93136Ward, Jeffrey WayneIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM 140 LORCH \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 13528 responses for 31645 possible evaluations (43% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20101/"}} {"id": "c58608583b07-2", "text": "Description of course ECON 101: \n13528 responses for 31645 possible evaluations (43% response rate).\n Desire to take 65% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 87% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 14% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 86% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 67% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 8%21%20%16%15%8%5%4%1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took ECON 101 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.9% Students who took ECON 101 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.15% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ECON 101\n .\n 0%<1%<1%6%12%40%41% OthersGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorFreshmanSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ECON 101; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20101/"}} {"id": "c58608583b07-3", "text": "Description of course ECON 101: \nECON 101; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Dudley, Mitchell 12 Winter 2023 97% 92% 97% Caldwell Jr, Ronald 12 Winter 2023 98% 95% 96% Zamzow, Ben 12 Winter 2023 87% 81% 95% Stevenson, Adam 6 Winter 2023 97% 91% 95% Proulx, Chris 5 Fall 2022 91% 73% 88% Wolfers, Justin 4 Fall 2022 97% 89% 73% Hogan, Chad 2 Winter 2018 83% 59% 94% Ward, Jeffrey 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ECON 101\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 21% Business Administration BBA 12% Economics BA 7% Mechanical Engineering BSE 4% Computer Science BSE 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ECON 101. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20101/"}} {"id": "c58608583b07-4", "text": "Description of course ECON 101: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 60% Undergraduate Engineering 19% Undergraduate Business Admin 14% Undergraduate Kinesiology 4% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ECON 101. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ECON 101\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ECON 101 MATH 115 20% ENGLISH 125 20% CHEM 130 12% ENGR 100 11% CHEM 125 11% CHEM 126 11% ENGR 101 11% MATH 116 10% MATH 215 10% PHYSICS 141 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ECON 101 ENGLISH 125 19% BA 100 15% MATH 115 9% STATS 250 7% BCOM 250 7% EECS 183 6% PSYCH 111 6% EECS 280 4% MATH 215 4% MATH 116 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ECON 101 ECON 102 36% STATS 250 22% ACC 300 17% ECON 401 16% ACC 301 15% TO 301 15% BA 200 15% STRATEGY 290 15% MKT 300 13% FIN 300 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20101/"}} {"id": "c58608583b07-5", "text": "Description of course ECON 101: \nThis graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ECON 101,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 373134423618144814441420153416321659165616331554171616641646633311367262017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050010001500SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20101/"}} {"id": "70d5822003ff-0", "text": "Description of course ANTHRCUL 101: \nCourse Profile ANTHRCUL 101 Introduction to Anthropology \n A survey of the fundamental concepts and perspectives of anthropology with an emphasis on sociocultural anthropology.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ANTHRCUL 101 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 10592Open173300Chivens, Thomas HIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM AUD 3 MLB + Section 002 (Lecture) 10593Open189450Hollenbach, BenjaminIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 1420 CCCB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 6480 responses for 14293 possible evaluations (45% response rate).\n Desire to take 53% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 88% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 4% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 87% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 67% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ANTHRCUL%20101/"}} {"id": "70d5822003ff-1", "text": "Description of course ANTHRCUL 101: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 15%44%18%10%7%2%1%1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took ANTHRCUL 101 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.62% Students who took ANTHRCUL 101 and elected Pass/Fail: 7.56% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ANTHRCUL 101\n .\n 0%<1%<1%11%18%34%36% OthersGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorFreshmanSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ANTHRCUL 101; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ANTHRCUL%20101/"}} {"id": "70d5822003ff-2", "text": "Description of course ANTHRCUL 101: \nANTHRCUL 101; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Chivens, Thomas 7 Fall 2022 97% 93% 97% Peters-Golden, Holly 5 Fall 2021 96% 92% 95% Stuckey, Leigh 5 Winter 2023 98% 95% 97% De Leon, Jason 2 Winter 2019 96% 93% 95% Hollenbach, Benjamin 2 Winter 2023 98% 98% 98% Dumes, Abigail 1 Fall 2017 98% 95% 99% kirsch, stuart 1 Winter 2022 90% 81% 94% Fricke, Tom 1 Fall 2018 98% 95% 99% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ANTHRCUL 101\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 21% Computer Science BS 7% Economics BA 7% Business Administration BBA 6% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ANTHRCUL%20101/"}} {"id": "70d5822003ff-3", "text": "Description of course ANTHRCUL 101: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ANTHRCUL 101. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 81% Undergraduate Business Admin 7% Undergraduate Engineering 6% Undergraduate Art and Design 2% Undergraduate Kinesiology 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ANTHRCUL 101. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ANTHRCUL 101\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ANTHRCUL%20101/"}} {"id": "70d5822003ff-4", "text": "Description of course ANTHRCUL 101: \nANTHRCUL 101\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ANTHRCUL 101 ENGLISH 125 29% MATH 115 20% ECON 101 19% STATS 250 19% EECS 183 15% PSYCH 111 13% CHEM 130 12% CHEM 125 10% CHEM 126 10% CHEM 210 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ANTHRCUL 101 ENGLISH 125 12% STATS 250 9% ECON 101 9% MATH 115 8% EECS 183 6% EECS 280 5% CHEM 210 5% BA 100 5% BIOLOGY 173 4% PSYCH 111 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ANTHRCUL 101 STATS 250 23% SPANISH 232 12% ECON 101 11% PSYCH 240 10% ECON 102 10% ENGLISH 125 10% BIOLOGY 173 9% CHEM 215 9% PSYCH 111 9% CHEM 216 9% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ANTHRCUL 101,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 73974773972573575064268561871865571935347140212017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ANTHRCUL%20101/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-0", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nCourse Profile MATH 115 Calculus I \n The course presents the concepts of calculus from four points of view: geometric (graphs), numeric (tables), symbolic (formulas), and verbal descriptions. Students will develop their reading, writing, and questioning skills, as well as their ability to work cooperatively. Topics include functions and graphs, derivatives and their applications to real-life problems in various fields, and an introduction to integration.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B Advisory Prerequisites: Four years of high school mathematics. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-1", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of MATH 115 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 11356Open13N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3302 MH + Section 002 (Lecture) 11357Open13N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3427 MH 3302 MH + Section 003 (Lecture) 21663Open33Katz, AsafIn Person TuFr We 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3427 MH 3411 MH + Section 004 (Lecture) 21664Open13N/AIn Person TuFr Th 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3314 MH ARR + Section 005 (Lecture) 11358Open13N/AIn Person Mo WeTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM -", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-2", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3314 MH 3427 MH + Section 006 (Lecture) 11359Open33N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2325 MH + Section 007 (Lecture) 11360Open23N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 4088 EH 2325 MH + Section 008 (Lecture) 21665Open33N/AIn Person TuFr We 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2436 MH 2437 MH + Section 009 (Lecture) 11361Open33N/AIn Person TuFr Th 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3460 MH ARR + Section 010 (Lecture) 11362Open33N/AIn Person MoWe Th 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM B745 EH 3600 SKB + Section 011 (Lecture) 11363Open23N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2449 MH + Section 012 (Lecture) 11364Open33N/AIn Person", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-3", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n+ Section 012 (Lecture) 11364Open33N/AIn Person MoTuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3451 MH + Section 013 (Lecture) 11365Open33N/AIn Person TuWeFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3356 MH + Section 015 (Lecture) 30577Open33N/AIn Person MoWe Th 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM B735 EH ARR + Section 016 (Lecture) 11367Open33N/AIn Person MoWe Fr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3460 MH 3451 MH + Section 017 (Lecture) 11368Open13N/AIn Person MoTuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2353 MH + Section 018 (Lecture) 11369Open33N/AIn Person TuWeFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2347 MH + Section 019 (Lecture) 30382Open33N/AIn Person TuThFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2427 MH + Section 020 (Lecture) 30380Open33N/AIn Person MoWe Th 8:30AM - 10:00AM 8:30AM - 10:00AM 2427 MH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-4", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n8:30AM - 10:00AM 2427 MH 2347 MH + Section 030 (Lecture) 21670Closed03N/AIn Person MoWe Th 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2427 MH 2347 MH + Section 031 (Lecture) 11376Open13N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2449 MH + Section 032 (Lecture) 11377Closed03N/AIn Person MoTuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3451 MH + Section 033 (Lecture) 21671Open33N/AIn Person TuWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3356 MH + Section 036 (Lecture) 11379Open13N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3460 MH + Section 037 (Lecture) 11380Open13N/AIn Person MoTuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2353 MH + Section 038 (Lecture) 11381Open33N/AIn Person TuWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2347 MH + Section 039 (Lecture) 27880Open13N/AIn Person TuThFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2427 MH + Section 041 (Lecture)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-5", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n11:30AM 2427 MH + Section 041 (Lecture) 11371Open13N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3302 MH + Section 042 (Lecture) 11372Closed03N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3427 MH 3302 MH + Section 043 (Lecture) 21667Open33N/AIn Person TuFr We 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3427 MH 3411 MH + Section 044 (Lecture) 21668Open33N/AIn Person TuThFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3314 MH + Section 045 (Lecture) 11373Open23N/AIn Person Mo WeTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3314 MH 3427 MH + Section 046 (Lecture) 11374Open23N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2325 MH + Section 047 (Lecture) 26832Open13N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 4088 EH 2325 MH + Section", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-6", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n11:30AM 4088 EH 2325 MH + Section 048 (Lecture) 21669Open23N/AIn Person TuFr We 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2436 MH 2437 MH + Section 049 (Lecture) 11375Open13N/AIn Person TuTh Fr 10:00AM - 11:30AM 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3460 MH 3451 MH + Section 051 (Lecture) 30375Open33N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM B745 EH + Section 061 (Lecture) 11383Open13N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3302 MH + Section 062 (Lecture) 11384Closed03N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3427 MH 3302 MH + Section 063 (Lecture) 21674Open23N/AIn Person TuFr We 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3427 MH 3411 MH + Section 064 (Lecture) 21675Closed03N/AIn Person TuThFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3314", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-7", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nTuThFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3314 MH + Section 065 (Lecture) 11385Closed03N/AIn Person Mo WeTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3314 MH 3427 MH + Section 066 (Lecture) 11386Open23N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2325 MH + Section 067 (Lecture) 21019Open13N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 4088 EH 2325 MH + Section 068 (Lecture) 26992Open33N/AIn Person TuFr We 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2436 MH 2437 MH + Section 069 (Lecture) 21676Open33N/AIn Person TuTh Fr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3460 MH 3451 MH + Section 070 (Lecture) 21018Open33N/AIn Person MoWe Th 11:30AM - 1:00PM 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2427 MH 2347 MH + Section 071 (Lecture)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-8", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n2427 MH 2347 MH + Section 071 (Lecture) 21017Open23N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2449 MH + Section 072 (Lecture) 21024Open13N/AIn Person MoTuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3451 MH + Section 073 (Lecture) 21677Open33N/AIn Person TuWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3356 MH + Section 076 (Lecture) 11387Open13N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3460 MH + Section 077 (Lecture) 21020Open23N/AIn Person MoTuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2353 MH + Section 078 (Lecture) 21027Open33N/AIn Person TuWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2347 MH + Section 079 (Lecture) 26967Open33N/AIn Person TuThFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM 2427 MH + Section 081 (Lecture) 11378Closed03N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM B745 EH + Section 091 (Lecture) 21023Open23N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3302 MH +", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-9", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n1:00PM - 2:30PM 3302 MH + Section 092 (Lecture) 11388Closed03N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3427 MH 3302 MH + Section 093 (Lecture) 21021Open33N/AIn Person TuFr We 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3427 MH 3411 MH + Section 094 (Lecture) 21022Open13N/AIn Person TuThFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3314 MH + Section 095 (Lecture) 16736Open23N/AIn Person Mo WeTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3314 MH 3427 MH + Section 096 (Lecture) 16737Open23N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2325 MH + Section 097 (Lecture) 30302Open13N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 4088 EH 2325 MH + Section 098 (Lecture) 30578Open33Kubena, AngelaIn Person TuWeFr 1:00PM -", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-10", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nAngelaIn Person TuWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2347 MH + Section 100 (Lecture) 21010Open13N/AIn Person MoWe Th 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2427 MH 2347 MH + Section 101 (Lecture) 21679Open33N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2449 MH + Section 102 (Lecture) 21680Closed03N/AIn Person MoTuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3451 MH + Section 103 (Lecture) 22368Open33N/AIn Person TuWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3356 MH + Section 106 (Lecture) 22369Open23N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3460 MH + Section 107 (Lecture) 22370Closed03N/AIn Person MoTuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2353 MH + Section 108 (Lecture) 27882Open33N/AIn Person TuFr We 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2436 MH 2437 MH + Section 109 (Lecture) 21008Open33N/AIn Person TuThFr", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-11", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n109 (Lecture) 21008Open33N/AIn Person TuThFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2427 MH + Section 111 (Lecture) 11370Open23N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM B745 EH + Section 119 (Lecture) 21009Open23N/AIn Person TuTh Fr 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 3460 MH 3451 MH + Section 123 (Lecture) 22373Open33N/AIn Person TuFr We 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3427 MH 3411 MH + Section 124 (Lecture) 22374Open13N/AIn Person TuThFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3314 MH + Section 125 (Lecture) 22375Closed03N/AIn Person Mo WeTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3314 MH 3427 MH + Section 126 (Lecture) 22376Open13N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2325 MH + Section 127 (Lecture) 22377Closed03N/AIn Person MoTuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2353", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-12", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nMoTuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2353 MH + Section 128 (Lecture) 22379Open33N/AIn Person TuFr We 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2436 MH 2437 MH + Section 129 (Lecture) 22378Open33N/AIn Person TuTh Fr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3460 MH 3451 MH + Section 131 (Lecture) 22380Open33N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2449 MH + Section 132 (Lecture) 22381Closed03N/AIn Person MoTuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3451 MH + Section 133 (Lecture) 21025Open33N/AIn Person TuWeFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3356 MH + Section 136 (Lecture) 21026Open33N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3460 MH + Section 137 (Lecture) 26966Closed00N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2325 MH 4088 EH + Section 138 (Lecture)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-13", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n2325 MH 4088 EH + Section 138 (Lecture) 27883Open23N/AIn Person TuWeFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2347 MH + Section 141 (Lecture) 22371Open33N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3302 MH + Section 142 (Lecture) 22372Open23N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3427 MH 3302 MH + Section 150 (Lecture) 30379Open33N/AIn Person MoWe Th 4:00PM - 5:30PM 4:00PM - 5:30PM B737 EH 3460 CCCB + Section 152 (Lecture) 21672Open23N/AIn Person MoTuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 3451 MH + Section 155 (Lecture) 21673Open23N/AIn Person Mo WeTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 4:00PM - 5:30PM 3427 MH 3314 MH + Section 157 (Lecture) 27881Closed00N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 4:00PM - 5:30PM 4088 EH 2325 MH + Section", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-14", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \n5:30PM 4088 EH 2325 MH + Section 162 (Lecture) 21678Open33N/AIn Person Mo TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 4:00PM - 5:30PM 3427 MH 3302 MH + Section 165 (Lecture) 24792Open23N/AIn Person MoWe Th 4:00PM - 5:30PM 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2455 MH ARR + Section 167 (Lecture) 21666Open33N/AIn Person MoTuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2353 MH + Section 169 (Lecture) 22382Closed03N/AIn Person TuTh 6:00PM - 8:00PM 2455 MH + Section 170 (Lecture) 11389Open1015Lande, ElaineIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 11:00AM 2333 MH + Section 171 (Lecture) 11390Open1215Lande, ElaineIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 1:00PM 2333 MH + Section 172 (Lecture) 20672Open1415N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1096 EH + Section 173 (Lecture) 21757Open1415N/AIn Person MoWeFr 3:00PM -", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-15", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nPerson MoWeFr 3:00PM - 5:00PM 1096 EH + Section 174 (Lecture) 23487Open1415Johnson, MichaelIn Person TuTh Fr 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM B860G EH 3088 EH + Section 175 (Lecture) 24897Open1415Johnson, MichaelIn Person TuTh Fr 3:00PM - 5:00PM 3:00PM - 5:00PM B860G EH 3088 EH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-16", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 7196 responses for 13443 possible evaluations (54% response rate).\n Desire to take 35% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 77% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 48% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 74% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 35% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B <1%13%16%17%18%12%8%7%3%1%2%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took MATH 115 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 5.54% Students who took MATH 115 and elected Pass/Fail: 8.52% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n MATH 115\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%2%7%26%65% OthersG Pre-CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorSophomoreFreshman Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-17", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n MATH 115; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Khumbah, Nkem 11 Fall 2022 57% 54% 83% Wolf, Beth 9 Winter 2023 98% 94% 98% Johnson, Michael 8 Fall 2022 91% 83% 93% Kubena, Angela 7 Fall 2022 68% 73% 91% Horvath, Paul 6 Winter 2023 100% 100% 95% Lee, Duane 6 Winter 2023 93% 95% 93% Lee, Denise 6 Winter 2023 77% 63% 82% Lande, Elaine 6 Fall 2022 100% 97% 100% Weiss, Michael 5 Fall 2022 90% 93% 96% Megginson, Robert 4 Fall 2022 84% 51% 96% previous \u00a0 1 / 12 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n MATH 115\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-18", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nMATH 115\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 25% Business Administration BBA 10% Economics BA 8% Engineering: First Year 6% Computer Science BS 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n MATH 115. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 65% Undergraduate Engineering 19% Undergraduate Business Admin 11% Undergraduate Kinesiology 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n MATH 115. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n MATH 115\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "59cbdb0515ad-19", "text": "Description of course MATH 115: \nMATH 115\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before MATH 115 ENGLISH 125 16% ECON 101 14% MATH 105 11% CHEM 130 8% STATS 250 8% CHEM 126 6% CHEM 125 6% PSYCH 111 6% BA 100 5% CSP 100 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as MATH 115 CHEM 130 19% CHEM 125 17% CHEM 126 17% ENGLISH 125 16% ECON 101 11% BA 100 11% ENGR 101 10% EECS 183 9% ENGR 100 8% ENGR 110 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after MATH 115 STATS 250 31% MATH 116 29% ECON 101 23% ECON 102 18% EECS 280 16% PHYSICS 140 16% PHYSICS 141 15% EECS 203 14% ECON 401 14% CHEM 210 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n MATH 115,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 32272735393016081591155717311888178591077976982287585760628559292017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230500100015002000SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20115/"}} {"id": "9cfdf04f6b22-0", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 111: \nCourse Profile PSYCH 111 Introduction to Psychology \n Introduction to Psychology\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of PSYCH 111 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 25336Open148294Hoeffner, James HIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 1324 EH + Section 030 (Lecture) 11624Open148294Buvinger, Elizabeth ChristineIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM AUD 3 MLB + Section 060 (Lecture) 13501Open33200Schreier, ShellyIn Person TuTh 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1420 CCCB + Section 061 (Lecture) 19395Open200200Schreier, ShellyIn Person TuTh 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1420 CCCB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 12296 responses for 22395 possible evaluations (55% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20111/"}} {"id": "9cfdf04f6b22-1", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 111: \n12296 responses for 22395 possible evaluations (55% response rate).\n Desire to take 79% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 95% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 13% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 94% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 84% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 18%43%13%7%10%3%1%3%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took PSYCH 111 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.18% Students who took PSYCH 111 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.99% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n PSYCH 111\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%5%12%39%43% OthersGrad CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorSophomoreFreshman Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n PSYCH 111; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20111/"}} {"id": "9cfdf04f6b22-2", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 111: \nPSYCH 111; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Schreier, Shelly 12 Winter 2023 99% 99% 99% Hoeffner, James 11 Winter 2023 93% 81% 93% Buvinger, Elizabeth 10 Winter 2023 96% 92% 93% Perlmutter, Marion 2 Fall 2018 94% 81% 90% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n PSYCH 111\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 22% Business Administration BBA 5% Nursing BS Fresh 5% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 4% Psychology BA 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n PSYCH 111. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 70% Undergraduate Engineering 8% Undergraduate Kinesiology 7% Undergraduate Business Admin 6% Undergraduate Nursing 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20111/"}} {"id": "9cfdf04f6b22-3", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 111: \nPSYCH 111. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n PSYCH 111\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before PSYCH 111 ENGLISH 125 29% MATH 115 19% CHEM 130 17% ECON 101 15% CHEM 126 15% CHEM 125 15% STATS 250 14% CHEM 210 13% CHEM 211 12% BIOLOGY 173 11% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as PSYCH 111 ENGLISH 125 16% STATS 250 12% ECON 101 10% CHEM 210 7% BIOLOGY 173 7% CHEM 211 7% BIOLOGY 171 7% MATH 115 6% CHEM 130 6% BIOLCHEM 212 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after PSYCH 111 STATS 250 25% PSYCH 240 19% PSYCH 250 17% CHEM 215 16% CHEM 216 16% BIOLOGY 173 15% MCDB 310 15% CHEM 210 15% CHEM 211 14% BIOLOGY 225 12% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n PSYCH 111,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20111/"}} {"id": "9cfdf04f6b22-4", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 111: \nincluding those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 100794395194693696393672989888691489446458661252017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u20132302004006008001000FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20111/"}} {"id": "5def65b13822-0", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 106: \nCourse Profile ASTRO 106 Aliens \n This mini-course discusses the ongoing search for extraterrestrial life. It focuses on scientific hurdles that lie within our understanding about the number of potential environments suitable for life in the Galaxy, the development of life, its evolution, and the technical challenges of interstellar travel and communication.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ASTRO 106 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 19460Open145230Meyer, Michael RIn Person Fr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 182 WEISER + Section 002 (Lecture) 19376Open73230Meyer, Michael RIn Person Fr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 182 WEISER \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2103 responses for 4898 possible evaluations (43% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20106/"}} {"id": "5def65b13822-1", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 106: \n2103 responses for 4898 possible evaluations (43% response rate).\n Desire to take 68% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 86% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 22% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 88% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 70% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 34%40%10%5%4%2%1%1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took ASTRO 106 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 3.4% Students who took ASTRO 106 and elected Pass/Fail: 8.46% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ASTRO 106\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%16%25%28%30% OthersPro InterGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanJuniorSophomoreSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ASTRO 106; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20106/"}} {"id": "5def65b13822-2", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 106: \nASTRO 106; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Gnedin, Oleg 3 Winter 2022 94% 88% 96% Monnier, John 3 Winter 2023 96% 87% 95% Meyer, Michael 2 Fall 2021 99% 95% 99% Bell, Eric 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Lopresto, Michael 1 Fall 2017 93% 88% 82% Miller, Christopher 1 Winter 2021 97% 87% 97% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ASTRO 106\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 11% Business Administration BBA 9% Computer Science BS 6% Economics BA 6% Computer Science BSE 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ASTRO 106. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20106/"}} {"id": "5def65b13822-3", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 106: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 65% Undergraduate Engineering 17% Undergraduate Business Admin 10% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 2% Undergraduate Kinesiology 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ASTRO 106. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ASTRO 106\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20106/"}} {"id": "5def65b13822-4", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 106: \nASTRO 106\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ASTRO 106 ENGLISH 125 33% ECON 101 31% MATH 115 28% STATS 250 27% EECS 183 19% PSYCH 111 18% CHEM 130 16% EECS 280 16% MATH 116 15% MATH 215 15% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ASTRO 106 ECON 101 7% STATS 250 6% ENGLISH 125 5% MATH 115 5% EECS 280 4% BA 100 4% ASTRO 107 4% EECS 183 4% EECS 203 4% ECON 102 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ASTRO 106 STATS 250 10% EECS 281 8% ECON 102 7% EECS 376 7% EECS 485 7% ECON 101 7% EECS 370 7% ASTRO 107 6% MKT 300 6% TO 300 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ASTRO 106,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 4464474254143813834263923893693753992017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20106/"}} {"id": "6f40d6b0a66c-0", "text": "Description of course ECON 102: \nCourse Profile ECON 102 Principles of Economics II \n The fundamental concepts and theories of macroeconomics are developed and used to analyze problems of current interest. The major concerns of this course are the determinants of GDP, unemployment, inflation, international trade, and economic growth.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 - 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- Advisory Prerequisites: ECON 101 \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ECON 102 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 100 (Lecture) 10994Open22371Cho, EdwardIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 140 LORCH + Section 200 (Lecture) 10999Open180371Stevenson, AdamIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM 140 LORCH \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 6274 responses for 14900 possible evaluations (42% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20102/"}} {"id": "6f40d6b0a66c-1", "text": "Description of course ECON 102: \n6274 responses for 14900 possible evaluations (42% response rate).\n Desire to take 68% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 87% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 14% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 83% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 65% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 14%22%17%14%13%8%4%4%2%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took ECON 102 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.99% Students who took ECON 102 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.8% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ECON 102\n .\n 0%<1%<1%5%8%26%60% OthersGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ECON 102; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20102/"}} {"id": "6f40d6b0a66c-2", "text": "Description of course ECON 102: \nECON 102; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Cho, Edward 10 Winter 2023 97% 89% 97% Stevenson, Adam 6 Fall 2022 94% 75% 90% Dudek, Maciej 4 Winter 2023 80% 52% 88% Hasanbasri, Ardina 3 Fall 2021 78% 56% 94% Zamulin, Oleg 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Ward, Jeffrey 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ECON 102\n \n eventually declared.\n Business Administration BBA 21% LSA Undeclared 17% Economics BA 16% Economics BS 4% Political Science BA 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ECON 102. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20102/"}} {"id": "6f40d6b0a66c-3", "text": "Description of course ECON 102: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 68% Undergraduate Business Admin 25% Undergraduate Engineering 5% Undergraduate Kinesiology 1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ECON 102. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ECON 102\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ECON 102 ECON 101 88% ENGLISH 125 47% MATH 115 37% STATS 250 22% BA 100 18% EECS 183 17% PSYCH 111 15% BCOM 250 15% ACC 300 13% BA 200 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ECON 102 STATS 250 13% STRATEGY 290 10% ACC 301 10% BCOM 250 9% MATH 115 7% BA 100 6% ENGLISH 125 6% ACC 300 6% EECS 183 6% TO 301 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ECON 102 ECON 401 34% ECON 402 27% BCOM 350 20% MO 300 20% BL 300 20% TO 313 20% ECON 251 20% BE 300 19% TO 300 18% STRATEGY 390 18% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20102/"}} {"id": "6f40d6b0a66c-4", "text": "Description of course ECON 102: \nThis graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ECON 102,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 34262956392173174070768172565772788374178774273546509152232017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u20132302004006008001000SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20102/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-0", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \nCourse Profile PHYSICS 141 Elementary Laboratory I \n One two-hour period of laboratory work each week designed to complement PHYSICS 140.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 Median Grade:\n A- \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-1", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of PHYSICS 141 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 010 (Laboratory) 23796Open1721N/AIn Person Tu 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1221 RAND + Section 011 (Laboratory) 11530Open1121N/AIn Person Tu 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 012 (Laboratory) 11531Wait List021N/AIn Person Tu 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 013 (Laboratory) 17724Open1521N/AIn Person Tu 3:00PM - 5:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 014 (Laboratory) 34969Open1321N/AIn Person Tu 5:00PM - 7:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 020 (Laboratory) 18004Open1921N/AIn Person We 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1221 RAND + Section 021 (Laboratory) 11532Open1221N/AIn Person We", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-2", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \n021 (Laboratory) 11532Open1221N/AIn Person We 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 022 (Laboratory) 11533Open121N/AIn Person We 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 023 (Laboratory) 23463Open1121N/AIn Person We 3:00PM - 5:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 024 (Laboratory) 23464Open1921N/AIn Person We 5:00PM - 7:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 025 (Laboratory) 27207Open2121N/AIn Person We 7:00PM - 9:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 030 (Laboratory) 23850Open2121N/AIn Person Th 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1221 RAND + Section 031 (Laboratory) 23797Open1921N/AIn Person Th 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 032 (Laboratory) 11534Open2021N/AIn Person Th 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 033 (Laboratory) 11535Open1321N/AIn Person Th 3:00PM - 5:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 040 (Laboratory)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-3", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \n1221 RAND + Section 040 (Laboratory) 18002Open1921N/AIn Person Fr 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1221 RAND + Section 041 (Laboratory) 18003Open1921N/AIn Person Fr 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 042 (Laboratory) 23800Open1921N/AIn Person Fr 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 043 (Laboratory) 23801Open2021N/AIn Person Fr 3:00PM - 5:00PM 1221 RAND + Section 061 (Laboratory) 34970Open1821N/AIn Person Tu 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 062 (Laboratory) 34971Open1421N/AIn Person Tu 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 071 (Laboratory) 11536Open1921N/AIn Person We 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 072 (Laboratory) 11537Open1221N/AIn Person We 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 073 (Laboratory) 23465Open1921N/AIn Person We 3:00PM - 5:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 074", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-4", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \n- 5:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 074 (Laboratory) 27208Open2121N/AIn Person We 5:00PM - 7:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 075 (Laboratory) 27209Open2021N/AIn Person We 7:00PM - 9:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 080 (Laboratory) 26188Open2121N/AIn Person Th 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1224 RAND + Section 081 (Laboratory) 21229Open1821N/AIn Person Th 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 082 (Laboratory) 11538Open1821N/AIn Person Th 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 083 (Laboratory) 27210Open1821N/AIn Person Th 3:00PM - 5:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 090 (Laboratory) 17694Open2121N/AIn Person Fr 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1224 RAND + Section 091 (Laboratory) 23467Open1721N/AIn Person Fr 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 092 (Laboratory) 23468Open2021N/AIn Person Fr 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1224 RAND", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-5", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \nFr 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1224 RAND + Section 093 (Laboratory) 23466Open2121N/AIn Person Fr 3:00PM - 5:00PM 1224 RAND", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-6", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2698 responses for 6638 possible evaluations (41% response rate).\n Desire to take 35% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 73% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 12% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 78% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 41% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 8%26%17%14%16%5%4%7%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took PHYSICS 141 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.65% Students who took PHYSICS 141 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.75% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n PHYSICS 141\n .\n 0%<1%<1%1%8%39%52% OthersGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorFreshmanSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-7", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n PHYSICS 141; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Lorenzon, Wolfgang 10 Winter 2023 77% Data not available Data not available Qian, Jianming 2 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n PHYSICS 141\n \n eventually declared.\n Engineering: First Year 15% Computer Science BSE 14% LSA Undeclared 12% Mechanical Engineering BSE 8% Industrial & Oper Eng BSE 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n PHYSICS 141. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 73% Undergraduate L S & A 25% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% Undergraduate Business Admin <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n PHYSICS 141. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n PHYSICS 141\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "780e07f6a6a1-8", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 141: \nPHYSICS 141\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before PHYSICS 141 CHEM 130 40% CHEM 125 37% CHEM 126 37% MATH 115 32% ENGR 101 24% ENGR 100 23% ENGR 110 17% MATH 116 15% CHEM 210 11% CHEM 211 11% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as PHYSICS 141 PHYSICS 140 94% MATH 116 31% ENGR 100 30% ENGR 101 28% MATH 215 19% ENGR 110 11% MATH 115 10% MATH 216 8% EECS 280 7% ECON 101 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after PHYSICS 141 PHYSICS 241 45% PHYSICS 240 44% EECS 280 33% MATH 216 28% EECS 203 27% MATH 215 27% EECS 281 26% TCHNCLCM 300 21% EECS 370 21% ECON 101 19% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n PHYSICS 141,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 720700673646682692672624595581670713322333382017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20141/"}} {"id": "744f057c3857-0", "text": "Description of course LING 111: \nCourse Profile LING 111 Introduction to Language \n Lenses into Language: Mind, Society, Justice --- Concerned with the results of linguistics research, this course covers the social, cultural, and communicative aspects of language use and development.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of LING 111 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 11330Open148275Sedarous, YourdanisIn Person MoWe 12:00PM - 1:00PM AUD 3 MLB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2309 responses for 5771 possible evaluations (40% response rate).\n Desire to take 58% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 89% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 6% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 90% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 65% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/LING%20111/"}} {"id": "744f057c3857-1", "text": "Description of course LING 111: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 26%32%20%8%5%3%1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took LING 111 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.61% Students who took LING 111 and elected Pass/Fail: 6.66% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n LING 111\n .\n 0%<1%<1%21%22%24%32% OthersGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorFreshmanSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n LING 111; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/LING%20111/"}} {"id": "744f057c3857-2", "text": "Description of course LING 111: \nLING 111; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Krivokapic, Jelena 4 Fall 2020 92% 81% 91% Keshet, Ezra 4 Fall 2022 97% 97% 98% Coetzee, Andries 2 Fall 2019 96% 89% 96% McInnerney, Andrew 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available O'Hara, Charlie 1 Winter 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n LING 111\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 14% Business Administration BBA 12% Computer Science BS 8% Computer Science BSE 6% Economics BA 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n LING 111. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/LING%20111/"}} {"id": "744f057c3857-3", "text": "Description of course LING 111: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 67% Undergraduate Business Admin 14% Undergraduate Engineering 12% Undergraduate Kinesiology 2% Undergraduate Education 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n LING 111. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n LING 111\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before LING 111 ENGLISH 125 34% ECON 101 26% STATS 250 25% MATH 115 24% EECS 183 18% EECS 280 16% ANTHRCUL 101 15% PSYCH 111 14% EECS 203 14% CHEM 130 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as LING 111 STATS 250 7% ENGLISH 125 7% BA 100 6% ECON 101 5% MATH 115 5% ANTHRCUL 101 5% EECS 183 5% EECS 280 4% BCOM 250 4% ECON 102 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after LING 111 STATS 250 15% EECS 376 9% EECS 281 9% STRATEGY 390 9% EECS 370 9% TO 300 9% PSYCH 240 9% BE 300 9% MKT 300 9% BL 300 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/LING%20111/"}} {"id": "744f057c3857-4", "text": "Description of course LING 111: \nThis graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n LING 111,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1616143030029728621829526729929728723222819824152017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/LING%20111/"}} {"id": "d72102587c88-0", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 140: \nCourse Profile PHYSICS 140 General Physics I \n PHYSICS 140 is the first of a three-term sequence in general physics consisting of PHYSICS 140, 240 and 340. This sequence is primarily for students in the physical sciences and engineering. PHYSICS 140 offers an introduction to classical mechanics, the physics of motion. Topics include: vectors, linear motion, projectiles, relative velocity, circular motion, Newton's laws, particle dynamics, work and energy, linear momentum, torque, angular momentum, gravitation, planetary motion, fluid statics and dynamics, simple harmonic motion, waves and sound.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 115, 120, 185 or 295. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20140/"}} {"id": "d72102587c88-1", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 140: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of PHYSICS 140 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 18716Open199240Popov, Yuri OIn Person MoTuWeTh 9:00AM - 10:00AM 182 WEISER + Section 002 (Lecture) 18717Open193240Popov, Yuri OIn Person MoTuWeTh 10:00AM - 11:00AM 182 WEISER + Section 003 (Lecture) 32973Open202240Schwarz, Thomas AndrewIn Person MoWe 11:00AM - 12:00PM 182 WEISER + Section 006 (Lecture) 25643Open925Melnichuk, MikeIn Person MoTuWeThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 271 WEISER \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2686 responses for 6547 possible evaluations (41% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20140/"}} {"id": "d72102587c88-2", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 140: \n2686 responses for 6547 possible evaluations (41% response rate).\n Desire to take 46% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 85% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 60% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 77% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 45% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B 4%18%10%10%20%9%10%14%2%1%1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took PHYSICS 140 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 6.05% Students who took PHYSICS 140 and elected Pass/Fail: 11.29% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n PHYSICS 140\n .\n 0%<1%<1%2%7%39%52% OthersGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorFreshmanSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n PHYSICS 140; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20140/"}} {"id": "d72102587c88-3", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 140: \nPHYSICS 140; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Popov, Yuri 12 Winter 2023 97% 81% 82% Melnichuk, Mike 12 Winter 2023 96% 89% 92% Huterer, Dragan 6 Winter 2023 86% 50% 92% McKay, Timothy 4 Winter 2019 99% 92% 98% Eckhause, Tobias 3 Fall 2022 81% 58% 98% Pando Zayas, Leopoldo 3 Fall 2021 81% 41% 89% Zochowski, Michal 1 Fall 2020 90% 59% 90% Evrard, August 1 Winter 2021 95% 69% 93% Lau, Wayne 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n PHYSICS 140\n \n eventually declared.\n Engineering: First Year 15% Computer Science BSE 13% LSA Undeclared 12% Mechanical Engineering BSE 8% Industrial & Oper Eng BSE 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20140/"}} {"id": "d72102587c88-4", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 140: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n PHYSICS 140. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 73% Undergraduate L S & A 25% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% Undergraduate Kinesiology <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n PHYSICS 140. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n PHYSICS 140\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20140/"}} {"id": "d72102587c88-5", "text": "Description of course PHYSICS 140: \nPHYSICS 140\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before PHYSICS 140 CHEM 130 40% CHEM 126 36% CHEM 125 36% MATH 115 32% ENGR 101 24% ENGR 100 23% ENGR 110 17% MATH 116 15% CHEM 210 11% CHEM 211 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as PHYSICS 140 PHYSICS 141 92% MATH 116 31% ENGR 100 30% ENGR 101 28% MATH 215 19% ENGR 110 11% MATH 115 10% MATH 216 8% ECON 101 7% EECS 280 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after PHYSICS 140 PHYSICS 241 44% PHYSICS 240 44% EECS 280 33% MATH 216 28% MATH 215 27% EECS 203 27% EECS 281 25% TCHNCLCM 300 20% EECS 370 20% ECON 101 19% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n PHYSICS 140,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 713673672682655701666612606647717753322343372017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHYSICS%20140/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-0", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \nCourse Profile ENGLISH 124 Academic Writing and Literature \n This course studies the intersection between critical thinking and persuasive writing, and, using literary texts as the point of reference, takes as its goal the development of the student's skill at writing cogent expository and argumentative prose.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-1", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of ENGLISH 124 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Recitation) 11047Open89N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM 2163 AH + Section 002 (Recitation) 11048Open79N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 3437 MH + Section 003 (Recitation) 15348Open49N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 4318 SPH2 + Section 004 (Recitation) 11049Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM G437 MH + Section 005 (Recitation) 11050Open59N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2150 SKB + Section 006 (Recitation) 11051Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 5:30PM - 7:00PM 2353 MH + Section 007 (Recitation) 11052Open59N/AIn Person", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-2", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \n+ Section 007 (Recitation) 11052Open59N/AIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM G020 SPH2 + Section 008 (Recitation) 11053Open99N/AIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 3353 MH + Section 009 (Recitation) 11054Open99N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM ARR + Section 010 (Recitation) 11055Open79N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3866 EH + Section 011 (Recitation) 11056Open19N/AIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 012 (Recitation) 11057Open79N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2060 SKB + Section 013 (Recitation) 11058Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2155 NQ + Section 014 (Recitation) 11059Open69N/AIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM 3333 MH + Section 015 (Recitation) 11060Open89N/AIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM 2200 SKB + Section 016 (Recitation)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-3", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \n2200 SKB + Section 016 (Recitation) 11061Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM ARR + Section 017 (Recitation) 11062Open89N/AIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 018 (Recitation) 11063Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1507 EQ + Section 019 (Recitation) 11064Open79N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 1511 EQ + Section 020 (Recitation) 11065Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3540 NUB + Section 021 (Recitation) 11066Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM ARR + Section 022 (Recitation) 11067Open99N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 2469 MH + Section 023 (Recitation) 11068Open99N/AIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 1123 SPH2 + Section 024 (Recitation) 22144Open89N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 1060 EH + Section 025 (Recitation)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-4", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \n1060 EH + Section 025 (Recitation) 22598Open89N/AIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM B834 EQ + Section 026 (Recitation) 22599Open99N/AIn Person MoWe 5:30PM - 7:00PM 3451 MH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-5", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2942 responses for 4514 possible evaluations (65% response rate).\n Desire to take 39% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 89% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 20% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 86% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 61% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 6%55%19%10%5%2%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took ENGLISH 124 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.2% Students who took ENGLISH 124 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.28% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ENGLISH 124\n .\n 0%<1%1%5%36%58% OthersUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorSophomoreFreshman Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-6", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n ENGLISH 124; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Kupetz, Joshua 4 Winter 2023 98% 89% 98% Farrar, Maia 4 Winter 2023 96% 86% 99% Wall, Joshua 4 Winter 2023 99% 94% 99% Ward, David 3 Winter 2019 100% 96% 100% Schutz, Greg 3 Winter 2023 94% 77% 100% Swanson, Fritz 3 Fall 2022 100% 94% 100% Bruno, R 3 Fall 2019 95% 73% 100% Schey, Taylor 3 Fall 2021 97% 100% 100% Buckley, John 3 Winter 2022 100% 83% 94% Bellamy, Matthew 2 Fall 2019 100% 100% 97% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ENGLISH 124\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-7", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \nENGLISH 124\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 28% Business Administration BBA 5% Computer Science BS 5% Nursing BS Fresh 4% Economics BA 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ENGLISH 124. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 76% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 7% Undergraduate Business Admin 6% Undergraduate Nursing 4% Undergraduate Art and Design 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ENGLISH 124. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ENGLISH 124\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "8dd36691f2e1-8", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 124: \nENGLISH 124\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ENGLISH 124 MATH 115 12% CHEM 130 7% EECS 183 7% ECON 101 7% CHEM 126 6% CHEM 125 6% PSYCH 111 5% STATS 250 5% ANTHRCUL 101 4% MATH 116 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ENGLISH 124 ECON 101 14% MATH 115 11% PSYCH 111 9% STATS 250 9% BIOLOGY 171 7% EECS 183 6% BA 100 6% UC 280 6% BIOLOGY 173 6% CHEM 130 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ENGLISH 124 STATS 250 29% CHEM 210 15% ECON 101 15% BIOLOGY 173 14% CHEM 211 14% SPANISH 232 14% ECON 102 14% PSYCH 111 14% CHEM 215 13% PSYCH 240 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ENGLISH 124,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 4434624644664644634314454574544684682017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20124/"}} {"id": "d7c928a36461-0", "text": "Description of course EARTH 113: \nCourse Profile EARTH 113 Planets and Moons \n Planets and Moons\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 Median Grade:\n A+ \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EARTH 113 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 002 (Lecture) 23409Open63400Gleason, James DIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:00PM 1800 CHEM \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1282 responses for 4249 possible evaluations (30% response rate).\n Desire to take 73% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 96% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 2% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 96% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 84% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EARTH%20113/"}} {"id": "d7c928a36461-1", "text": "Description of course EARTH 113: \nMedian Grade: A+ 51%31%7%3%3%2%1%<1%<1%<1%0%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.4 Students who took EARTH 113 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.67% Students who took EARTH 113 and elected Pass/Fail: 7.15% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EARTH 113\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%10%23%29%37% OthersGrad CandUSpec/NCFDGrad MastrFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EARTH 113; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Gleason, James 12 Winter 2023 99% 98% 99% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EARTH 113\n \n eventually declared.\n Business Administration BBA 9% LSA Undeclared 8% Economics BA 7% Computer Science BS 7% Mathematics BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EARTH%20113/"}} {"id": "d7c928a36461-2", "text": "Description of course EARTH 113: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EARTH 113. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 72% Undergraduate Engineering 11% Undergraduate Business Admin 10% Undergraduate Kinesiology 2% Undergraduate Nursing 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EARTH 113. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EARTH 113\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EARTH%20113/"}} {"id": "d7c928a36461-3", "text": "Description of course EARTH 113: \nEARTH 113\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EARTH 113 ENGLISH 125 38% ECON 101 33% STATS 250 32% MATH 115 28% EECS 183 20% PSYCH 111 19% ANTHRCUL 101 16% EECS 280 16% ECON 102 15% CHEM 130 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EARTH 113 EARTH 114 14% EARTH 110 8% EARTH 108 7% STATS 250 6% EARTH 103 5% ECON 101 5% EARTH 104 5% ENGLISH 125 4% EECS 280 4% EARTH 100 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EARTH 113 EARTH 114 10% STATS 250 9% EARTH 110 8% EARTH 108 7% ECON 402 7% EARTH 103 6% EARTH 104 6% EECS 281 6% ECON 102 6% ECON 401 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EARTH 113,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 7831825334955245140644925030755424424848361201152017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500600SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EARTH%20113/"}} {"id": "b0f9c3a613a9-0", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 102: \nCourse Profile ASTRO 102 Introductory Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe \n Students discover the nature of stars, black holes, luminous nebulae, supernovae, galaxies, and what is ultimately in store for the universe in this concept-focused course. Explore the roles of light, energy, and gravity in astronomy. There are three weekly lectures, a discussion period, and observational activities.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- Advisory Prerequisites: A basic high school math and science background. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ASTRO 102 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 10661Open105150Bell, Eric F; Bregman, Joel NIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 182 WEISER + Section 006 (Lecture) 10664Open127150Bell, Eric F; Bregman, Joel NIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 182 WEISER \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2603 responses for 5995 possible evaluations (43% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20102/"}} {"id": "b0f9c3a613a9-1", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 102: \n2603 responses for 5995 possible evaluations (43% response rate).\n Desire to take 56% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 83% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 21% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 72% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 54% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 12%24%20%13%13%8%3%3%1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took ASTRO 102 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 3.56% Students who took ASTRO 102 and elected Pass/Fail: 12.82% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ASTRO 102\n .\n 0%<1%16%18%30%35% OthersUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorSophomoreFreshman Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ASTRO 102; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20102/"}} {"id": "b0f9c3a613a9-2", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 102: \nASTRO 102; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Ruszkowski, Mateusz 4 Winter 2023 89% 63% 94% Richstone, Douglas 4 Fall 2021 76% 54% 92% Johnson, Sean 3 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Lopresto, Michael 3 Fall 2020 94% 90% 93% Bregman, Joel 2 Fall 2022 96% 76% 97% Gultekin, Kayhan 1 Fall 2018 97% 90% 99% Roederer, Ian 1 Winter 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Oey, Sally 1 Fall 2017 95% 81% 81% Hughes, Philip 1 Winter 2022 94% 83% 94% Corrales, Lia 1 Winter 2021 94% 80% 96% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ASTRO 102\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 19% Computer Science BS 8% Economics BA 6% Business Administration BBA 5% Political Science BA 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20102/"}} {"id": "b0f9c3a613a9-3", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 102: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ASTRO 102. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 78% Undergraduate Engineering 9% Undergraduate Business Admin 6% Undergraduate Art and Design 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ASTRO 102. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ASTRO 102\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20102/"}} {"id": "b0f9c3a613a9-4", "text": "Description of course ASTRO 102: \nASTRO 102\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ASTRO 102 ENGLISH 125 25% ECON 101 19% MATH 115 19% STATS 250 19% EECS 183 16% EECS 280 12% ANTHRCUL 101 12% PSYCH 111 12% MATH 116 12% EECS 203 11% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ASTRO 102 ECON 101 9% MATH 115 8% ENGLISH 125 8% STATS 250 5% EECS 183 5% EECS 280 5% ANTHRCUL 101 4% BA 100 4% MATH 116 3% ARTDES 160 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ASTRO 102 STATS 250 17% ECON 101 12% ECON 102 12% SPANISH 232 11% ENGLISH 125 9% EECS 280 9% EECS 281 9% ECON 401 9% ECON 402 8% EECS 183 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ASTRO 102,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 2122144339172352322232391982342252162101672151992017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250SUFAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ASTRO%20102/"}} {"id": "4f218bf9eab7-0", "text": "Description of course EARTH 103: \nCourse Profile EARTH 103 Dinosaurs and Other Failures \n Some of the outstanding \"failures\" in evolutionary history also involve the most interesting success stories. This course looks at the fossil record and the ecological causes of diversification and extinction of the ruling reptiles.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EARTH 103 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation No sections are being offered this term. \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 636 responses for 2452 possible evaluations (26% response rate).\n Desire to take 59% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 91% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 11% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 88% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 70% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EARTH%20103/"}} {"id": "4f218bf9eab7-1", "text": "Description of course EARTH 103: \nMedian Grade: A 42%16%11%8%5%6%3%2%2%<1%1%<1%2%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EARTH 103 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.81% Students who took EARTH 103 and elected Pass/Fail: 16.69% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EARTH 103\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%13%25%26%35% OthersPro InterGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EARTH 103; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Friedman, Matt 4 Winter 2020 98% 96% 97% Cherney, Michael 4 Winter 2023 97% 85% 94% Wilson Mantilla, Jeffrey 1 Fall 2019 99% 85% 94% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EARTH 103\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EARTH%20103/"}} {"id": "4f218bf9eab7-2", "text": "Description of course EARTH 103: \nEARTH 103\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 11% Economics BA 7% Business Administration BBA 6% Computer Science BS 6% Psychology BA 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EARTH 103. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 73% Undergraduate Engineering 12% Undergraduate Business Admin 7% Undergraduate Kinesiology 2% Undergraduate Art and Design 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EARTH 103. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EARTH 103\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EARTH%20103/"}} {"id": "4f218bf9eab7-3", "text": "Description of course EARTH 103: \nEARTH 103\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EARTH 103 ENGLISH 125 36% ECON 101 33% STATS 250 31% MATH 115 28% EECS 183 20% PSYCH 111 19% ECON 102 16% ANTHRCUL 101 16% EECS 280 16% CHEM 130 15% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EARTH 103 EARTH 104 10% EARTH 114 9% EARTH 108 9% EARTH 113 8% STATS 250 6% EARTH 110 5% ENGLISH 125 5% EARTH 109 5% ASTRO 106 4% ECON 101 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EARTH 103 STATS 250 10% EARTH 113 8% SPANISH 232 7% EARTH 110 7% ECON 402 6% EARTH 108 6% ECON 101 5% ECON 102 5% EARTH 104 5% ASTRO 106 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EARTH 103,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 3844092502833923674422912232017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EARTH%20103/"}} {"id": "a4541ca277b0-0", "text": "Description of course CHEM 130: \nCourse Profile CHEM 130 General Chemistry: Macroscopic Investigations and Reaction Principles \n This General Chemistry course provides an introduction to the major concepts of chemistry, including the microscopic picture of atomic and molecular structure, periodic trends in the chemical reactivity, the energetics of chemical reactions, and the nature of chemical equilibria.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n A- Advisory Prerequisites: Three years of high school math or MATH 105; one year of high school chemistry recommended. Placement by testing, or permission of Chemistry department. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20130/"}} {"id": "a4541ca277b0-1", "text": "Description of course CHEM 130: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of CHEM 130 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 100 (Lecture) 10756Open207320N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 1800 CHEM + Section 200 (Lecture) 10772Open248300Lehnert, NicolaiIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1800 CHEM + Section 300 (Lecture) 10787Open272300N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 1800 CHEM + Section 400 (Lecture) 10797Open62100Castaneda, Carol AnnIn Person MoWe Fr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1200 CHEM 3420 CCCB + Section 500 (Lecture) 10803Open68120Castaneda, Carol AnnIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 1210 CHEM \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 8774 responses for 22118 possible evaluations (40% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20130/"}} {"id": "a4541ca277b0-2", "text": "Description of course CHEM 130: \n8774 responses for 22118 possible evaluations (40% response rate).\n Desire to take 41% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 86% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 34% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 88% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 48% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 1%28%23%17%12%8%4%3%2%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took CHEM 130 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.29% Students who took CHEM 130 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.66% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n CHEM 130\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%3%6%35%55% OthersPro 2nd YrG Pre-CandUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorSophomoreFreshman Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n CHEM 130; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20130/"}} {"id": "a4541ca277b0-3", "text": "Description of course CHEM 130: \nCHEM 130; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Castaneda, Carol 10 Winter 2023 97% 88% 97% McCrory, Charles 5 Fall 2021 87% 80% 94% Albright, Haley 3 Winter 2021 89% 69% 91% Bartlett, Bart 2 Winter 2022 97% 80% 86% Gottfried, Amy 2 Fall 2021 96% 85% 96% Dimeglio, John 2 Fall 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Crisci, Ralph 2 Winter 2023 90% 95% 100% Welty, Robb 1 Fall 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Hems, Rachel 1 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Schmidt McCormack, Jennifer 1 Fall 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n CHEM 130\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20130/"}} {"id": "a4541ca277b0-4", "text": "Description of course CHEM 130: \nCHEM 130\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 20% Engineering: First Year 10% Computer Science BSE 9% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 5% Mechanical Engineering BSE 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n CHEM 130. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 52% Undergraduate Engineering 41% Undergraduate Kinesiology 4% Undergraduate Medicine <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n CHEM 130. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n CHEM 130\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20130/"}} {"id": "a4541ca277b0-5", "text": "Description of course CHEM 130: \nCHEM 130\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before CHEM 130 ENGLISH 125 13% BIOLOGY 171 12% MATH 115 12% PHYSICS 140 10% PHYSICS 141 10% BIOLOGY 172 8% STATS 250 8% BIOLOGY 173 7% ENGR 100 7% PSYCH 111 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as CHEM 130 CHEM 125 77% CHEM 126 77% MATH 115 24% ENGR 101 17% ENGR 100 16% ENGR 110 13% ENGLISH 125 11% MATH 116 9% UC 280 8% MATH 215 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after CHEM 130 CHEM 210 34% CHEM 211 32% STATS 250 26% PHYSICS 140 25% PHYSICS 141 25% BIOLOGY 173 23% CHEM 215 22% CHEM 216 21% EECS 280 20% ENGR 100 18% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n CHEM 130,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 6446448967581356137413661503152015575505576204765686672017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050010001500SUFAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20130/"}} {"id": "a8dc3666c917-0", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 112: \nCourse Profile PSYCH 112 Introduction to Psychology as a Natural Science \n Introduction to Psychology as a Natural Science\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of PSYCH 112 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 19322Open138300Malley, BrianIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM 1324 EH \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2578 responses for 6392 possible evaluations (40% response rate).\n Desire to take 58% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 82% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 10% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 73% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 64% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20112/"}} {"id": "a8dc3666c917-1", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 112: \nMedian Grade: A 2%58%17%9%6%3%1%1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took PSYCH 112 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.31% Students who took PSYCH 112 and elected Pass/Fail: 6.87% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n PSYCH 112\n .\n 0%<1%7%15%36%41% OthersUSpec/NCFDSeniorJuniorFreshmanSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n PSYCH 112; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Malley, Brian 12 Winter 2023 89% 75% 82% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n PSYCH 112\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 21% Economics BA 8% Business Administration BBA 6% Computer Science BS 5% Communication and Media BA 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20112/"}} {"id": "a8dc3666c917-2", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 112: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n PSYCH 112. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 85% Undergraduate Business Admin 7% Undergraduate Kinesiology 3% Undergraduate Engineering 3% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n PSYCH 112. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n PSYCH 112\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20112/"}} {"id": "a8dc3666c917-3", "text": "Description of course PSYCH 112: \nPSYCH 112\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before PSYCH 112 ENGLISH 125 36% ECON 101 32% MATH 115 22% STATS 250 18% EECS 183 14% ANTHRCUL 101 12% ECON 102 10% SOC 100 9% MATH 105 8% SPANISH 232 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as PSYCH 112 ECON 101 13% ENGLISH 125 13% STATS 250 11% ECON 102 7% MATH 115 7% BA 100 5% SOC 100 5% ANTHRCUL 101 4% EECS 183 4% SPANISH 232 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after PSYCH 112 STATS 250 23% PSYCH 240 15% ECON 102 14% SPANISH 232 12% ECON 401 12% ECON 402 11% ECON 101 11% PSYCH 250 9% ECON 251 9% ACC 300 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n PSYCH 112,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 4320267049192892922712882982824503982842942792052017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500SUFAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PSYCH%20112/"}} {"id": "630d5e88e06b-0", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 173: \nCourse Profile BIOLOGY 173 Introductory Biology Laboratory \n BIOLOGY 173 is an integrative, project-based, one-term introductory laboratory course intended for majors in any of the biological sciences, other science programs, and pre-professional studies.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 2.0 Median Grade:\n A Advisory Prerequisites: Students should have completed one of the introductory lecture courses [either BIOLOGY 171 or (172 or 174)] and be concurrently enrolled in the other. Enforced Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 171 or 172 or 191 or 195 \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of BIOLOGY 173 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 17325Open115450Nowicki, CarlyIn Person Fr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1420 CCCB + Section 002 (Lecture) 17324Open241350Nowicki, CarlyIn Person Fr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 1420 CCCB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 10402 responses for 16403 possible evaluations (63% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20173/"}} {"id": "630d5e88e06b-1", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 173: \n10402 responses for 16403 possible evaluations (63% response rate).\n Desire to take 54% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 82% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 31% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 75% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 62% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 9%48%21%10%7%3%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took BIOLOGY 173 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.9% Students who took BIOLOGY 173 and elected Pass/Fail: 2.07% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n BIOLOGY 173\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%8%17%24%50% OthersG Pre-CandGrad CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n BIOLOGY 173; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20173/"}} {"id": "630d5e88e06b-2", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 173: \nBIOLOGY 173; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Ammerlaan, Marcus 10 Winter 2023 85% 70% 82% Schmidt, Thomas 6 Winter 2020 93% 83% 98% Nowicki, Carly 4 Fall 2022 95% 89% 90% James, Timothy 3 Winter 2020 95% 75% 97% Zhang, Jianzhi 3 Winter 2020 96% 65% 92% Chang, Amy 3 Fall 2021 57% 32% 63% Cadigan, Kenneth 1 Fall 2018 100% 38% 70% Archbold, Hilary 1 Fall 2018 100% 88% 100% Bradshaw, Lisa 1 Fall 2017 Data not available Data not available Data not available Giffen, Cindee 1 Fall 2018 95% 85% 92% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n BIOLOGY 173\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20173/"}} {"id": "630d5e88e06b-3", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 173: \nBIOLOGY 173\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 22% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 9% Biology, Health, & Society BS 8% Neuroscience BS 7% Honors 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n BIOLOGY 173. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 85% Undergraduate Kinesiology 7% Undergraduate Engineering 5% Undergraduate Pharmacy <1% Undergraduate Medicine <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n BIOLOGY 173. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n BIOLOGY 173\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20173/"}} {"id": "630d5e88e06b-4", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 173: \nBIOLOGY 173\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before BIOLOGY 173 BIOLOGY 171 39% CHEM 130 34% CHEM 210 33% ENGLISH 125 32% CHEM 211 31% BIOLOGY 172 30% CHEM 125 30% CHEM 126 30% STATS 250 24% MATH 115 23% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as BIOLOGY 173 BIOLOGY 172 23% CHEM 210 18% CHEM 211 16% BIOLOGY 171 13% STATS 250 13% CHEM 215 11% ENGLISH 125 10% UC 280 10% CHEM 216 9% CHEM 130 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after BIOLOGY 173 MCDB 310 39% CHEM 215 37% CHEM 216 37% CHEM 210 33% CHEM 211 32% BIOLOGY 225 31% BIOLOGY 305 30% STATS 250 25% CHEM 230 23% BIOLOGY 226 22% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n BIOLOGY 173,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 391106967607807537427987627818718438098709711233123632017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u20132302004006008001000SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20173/"}} {"id": "3be315af8c7f-0", "text": "Description of course SI 110: \nCourse Profile SI 110 Introduction to Information Studies Cross-Listed as\n \n \n UC 110 \n This course will provide the foundational knowledge necessary to begin to address the key issues associated with the Information Revolution. Issues will range from the theoretical (what is information and how do humans construct it?), to the cultural (is life on the screen a qualitatively different phenomenon from experiences with earlier distance-shrinking and knowledge-building technologies such as telephones?), to the practical (what are the basic architecture of computing networks?). Successful completion of this \"gateway\" course will give you the conceptual tools for an initial understanding of the politics, economics, and culture of the Information Age, providing a foundation for later study in Information or any number of other disciplines. You will be more thoughtful about thorny information issues, and more \"information literate\" than you were before.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of SI 110 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 15418Open75300Lampe, CliffIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. Data is not available Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SI%20110/"}} {"id": "3be315af8c7f-1", "text": "Description of course SI 110: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 25%47%16%5%3%1%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took SI 110 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.13% Students who took SI 110 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.7% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n SI 110\n .\n 0%<1%7%22%23%47% OthersUSpec/NCFDSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n SI 110; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SI%20110/"}} {"id": "3be315af8c7f-2", "text": "Description of course SI 110: \nSI 110; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Wallace, David 4 Winter 2023 93% 85% 91% Krupka, Erin 3 Fall 2019 91% 86% 96% Lampe, Cliff 3 Fall 2022 98% 92% 98% Newman, Mark 1 Fall 2017 89% 89% 98% Teplovs, Chris 1 Fall 2018 91% 77% 97% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n SI 110\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 34% Business Administration BBA 12% Computer Science BS 7% Economics BA 6% Honors 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n SI 110. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SI%20110/"}} {"id": "3be315af8c7f-3", "text": "Description of course SI 110: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 76% Undergraduate Business Admin 13% Undergraduate Engineering 5% Undergraduate Art and Design 4% Undergraduate Kinesiology 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n SI 110. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n SI 110\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before SI 110 ENGLISH 125 39% ECON 101 34% EECS 183 31% STATS 250 29% MATH 115 28% EECS 280 15% EECS 203 13% PSYCH 111 12% ANTHRCUL 101 12% SI 106 11% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as SI 110 STATS 250 22% SI 106 17% ENGLISH 125 10% EECS 183 9% ECON 101 9% BA 100 7% MATH 115 6% EECS 280 6% ECON 102 5% EECS 203 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after SI 110 SI 206 33% SI 339 30% SI 300 27% SI 310 27% SI 422 21% SI 364 20% STATS 250 18% SI 388 15% SI 106 15% SI 330 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SI%20110/"}} {"id": "3be315af8c7f-4", "text": "Description of course SI 110: \nThis graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n SI 110,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1931962222272432722152212071691702523217202017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250300FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SI%20110/"}} {"id": "52fda5ab7a3c-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 281: \nCourse Profile EECS 281 Data Structures and Algorithms \n Introduction to the algorithm analysis and O-notation; Fundamental data structures including lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, hash tables, binary trees, search trees, balanced, trees, and graphs; searching and sorting algorithms; recursive algorithms; basic graph algorithms; introduction to greedy algorithms and divide and conquer strategy. Several programming assignments.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: Minimum GPA of 2.5 over the best grade for each enforced prerequisite Enforced Prerequisites: [(EECS 203 or MATH 465 or 565) and EECS 280; (C or better, No OP/F)] and [Fewer than two previous elections of EECS 281 (incl. grades of W, I, VI, and AUD)] \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20281/"}} {"id": "52fda5ab7a3c-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 281: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 281 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 18354Closed0184Darden, Marcus MIn Person TuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PM 220 CHRYS + Section 002 (Lecture) 20946Closed0120Paoletti, David RIn Person TuTh 12:00PM - 1:30PM 1610 IOE + Section 003 (Lecture) 10365Closed0135Paoletti, David RIn Person TuTh 1:30PM - 3:00PM 1610 IOE + Section 004 (Lecture) 23754Closed0124Garcia-Ramirez, HectorIn Person TuTh 4:30PM - 6:00PM 1571 GGBL + Section 005 (Lecture) 27386Open113507Darden, Marcus M; Garcia-Ramirez, Hector; Paoletti, David RMixed TBA TBA ARR \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 6208 responses for 23319 possible evaluations (27% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20281/"}} {"id": "52fda5ab7a3c-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 281: \n6208 responses for 23319 possible evaluations (27% response rate).\n Desire to take 84% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 94% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 68% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 90% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 86% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 4%15%17%15%14%9%6%15%3%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.050.10.15 Students who took EECS 281 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 6.19% Students who took EECS 281 and elected Pass/Fail: 9.84% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 281\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%1%16%27%56% OthersG Pre-CandUSpec/NCFDFreshmanGrad MastrSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 281; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20281/"}} {"id": "52fda5ab7a3c-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 281: \nEECS 281; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Darden, Marcus 12 Winter 2023 96% 94% 96% Paoletti, David 12 Winter 2023 97% 96% 96% Garcia-Ramirez, Hector 8 Winter 2023 85% 81% 91% Derezinski, Michal 1 Fall 2021 71% 67% 86% Almomani, Raed 1 Fall 2018 79% 50% 75% Markov, Igor 1 Fall 2017 Data not available Data not available Data not available Noble, Brian 1 Winter 2021 94% 91% 95% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 281\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 29% Computer Science BS 22% Computer Engineering BSE 5% Data Science BS 5% LSA Undeclared 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 281. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20281/"}} {"id": "52fda5ab7a3c-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 281: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 50% Undergraduate L S & A 44% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Rackham <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 281. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 281\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20281/"}} {"id": "52fda5ab7a3c-5", "text": "Description of course EECS 281: \nEECS 281\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 281 EECS 280 86% EECS 203 77% EECS 183 37% ENGR 100 34% MATH 215 32% MATH 116 25% PHYSICS 141 24% PHYSICS 140 24% ECON 101 23% STATS 250 23% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 281 EECS 370 21% EECS 376 18% STATS 250 11% MATH 214 10% TCHNCLCM 300 9% STATS 412 5% EECS 201 5% EECS 270 3% ECON 101 3% PHYSICS 241 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 281 EECS 370 45% EECS 485 42% EECS 376 41% EECS 496 28% EECS 388 27% EECS 484 25% EECS 482 24% EECS 445 24% TCHNCLCM 497 22% EECS 493 22% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 281,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 71675875589097110897096517358578969771861412652082152017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323020040060080010001200FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20281/"}} {"id": "b2247e1e6ad8-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 280: \nCourse Profile EECS 280 Programming and Introductory Data Structures \n Algorithm development and effective programming, top-down analysis, structured programming, testing, and program correctness. Program language syntax and static and runtime semantics. Scope, procedure instantiation, recursion, abstract data types, and parameter passing methods. Structured data types, pointers, linked data structures, stacks, queues, arrays, records, and trees.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 115 Enforced Prerequisites: ENGR 101 or 151 or EECS 180 or 183 or ROB 102;(C or better, No OP/F). And fewer than 2 previous elections of EECS 280 (incl. grades of W & I) \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20280/"}} {"id": "b2247e1e6ad8-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 280: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 280 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 19394Open1126Saleem, SofiaIn Person MoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PM 1670 BEYSTER + Section 002 (Lecture) 15362Closed0119Razak, SaquibIn Person MoWe 12:00PM - 1:30PM 1571 GGBL + Section 003 (Lecture) 10340Open49261Juett, JamesIn Person MoWe 1:30PM - 3:00PM STAMPS + Section 004 (Lecture) 26808Open94191Juett, JamesMixed TBA TBA ARR + Section 005 (Lecture) 22509Open76191Kamil, AmirIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM 1210 CHEM + Section 006 (Lecture) 33970Open138160Kamil, AmirMixed TBA TBA ARR \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 7997 responses for 22868 possible evaluations (35% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20280/"}} {"id": "b2247e1e6ad8-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 280: \n7997 responses for 22868 possible evaluations (35% response rate).\n Desire to take 85% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 94% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 53% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 91% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 84% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 4%19%21%17%14%8%5%5%4%<1%<1%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 280 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 5.9% Students who took EECS 280 and elected Pass/Fail: 9.92% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 280\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%6%10%34%50% OthersGrad CandG Pre-CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSeniorJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 280; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20280/"}} {"id": "b2247e1e6ad8-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 280: \nEECS 280; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Juett, James 10 Winter 2023 97% 97% 97% Beaumont, Jonathan 7 Fall 2022 98% 95% 98% Hamilton, Nicole 7 Fall 2020 90% 83% 91% Saleem, Sofia 6 Winter 2023 90% 80% 92% DeOrio, Andrew 5 Winter 2023 99% 98% 96% Kamil, Amir 3 Winter 2019 96% 94% 96% Fosheim-Hoag, Christina 1 Fall 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Ringenberg, Jeff 1 Winter 2019 94% 96% 98% Razak, Saquib 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Molaei, Somayeh 1 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 280\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20280/"}} {"id": "b2247e1e6ad8-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 280: \nEECS 280\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 18% Computer Science BS 16% LSA Undeclared 11% Engineering: First Year 4% Electrical Engineering BSE 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 280. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 48% Undergraduate Engineering 47% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 280. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 280\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20280/"}} {"id": "b2247e1e6ad8-5", "text": "Description of course EECS 280: \nEECS 280\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 280 EECS 183 41% ENGR 101 25% MATH 215 25% ENGR 100 23% PHYSICS 141 22% MATH 116 22% PHYSICS 140 22% MATH 115 22% CHEM 130 21% CHEM 125 19% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 280 EECS 203 45% ENGR 100 12% STATS 250 7% MATH 215 7% ECON 101 6% PHYSICS 241 6% PHYSICS 240 6% ENGLISH 125 5% MATH 116 5% EECS 215 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 280 EECS 281 61% EECS 370 43% EECS 376 38% EECS 485 27% TCHNCLCM 300 24% EECS 203 20% EECS 496 20% STATS 250 17% EECS 388 17% EECS 484 16% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 280,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 9219041038105710731125106310461238120313451394931301821461392017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050010001500FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20280/"}} {"id": "bec01577131b-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 203: \nCourse Profile EECS 203 Discrete Math \n Introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science. Topics covered include: prepositional and predicate logic, set theory, function and relations, growth of functions and asymptotic notation, introduction to algorithms, elementary combinatorics, and graph theory, and discrete probability theory.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B Enforced Prerequisites: MATH 115 or 116 or 119 or 120 or 121 or 156 or 175 or 176 or 185 or 186 or 214 or 215 or 216 or 217 or 255 or 256 or 285 or 286 or 295 or 296 or 417 or 419; (C or better, No OP/F); AND [less than 2 previous elections of EECS 203 (incl. W, I, VI, & AUD)] \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20203/"}} {"id": "bec01577131b-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 203: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 203 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 35745Open61114Diaz, Kimberly KhalsaIn Person TuTh 9:00AM - 10:30AM 1013 DOW + Section 002 (Lecture) 22511Open18131Diaz, Kimberly KhalsaIn Person TuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PM 1013 DOW + Section 003 (Lecture) 19540Open59156Graetz, EmilyIn Person TuTh 12:00PM - 1:30PM 1013 DOW + Section 004 (Lecture) 31115Open2140Graetz, EmilyIn Person TuTh 1:30PM - 3:00PM 1571 GGBL + Section 005 (Lecture) 26807Open191234Bodwin, Gregory MichaelIn Person TuTh 4:30PM - 6:00PM 220 CHRYS + Section 006 (Lecture) 36322Open90120N/AMixed TBA TBA ARR \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 14655 responses for 24863 possible evaluations (59% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20203/"}} {"id": "bec01577131b-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 203: \n14655 responses for 24863 possible evaluations (59% response rate).\n Desire to take 39% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 81% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 57% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 69% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 50% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B 4%13%14%14%17%13%9%7%3%2%2%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.050.10.15 Students who took EECS 203 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 6.67% Students who took EECS 203 and elected Pass/Fail: 14.51% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 203\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%5%9%34%52% OthersG Pre-CandUSpec/NCFDGrad MastrFreshmanSeniorJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 203; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20203/"}} {"id": "bec01577131b-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 203: \nEECS 203; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Graetz, Emily 14 Winter 2023 91% 82% 94% Diaz, Kimberly 8 Winter 2023 91% 84% 94% Wakefield, Gregory 5 Fall 2021 85% 63% 87% Bodwin, Gregory 3 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Saleem, Sofia 2 Winter 2021 88% 73% 87% Adams, Michael 2 Winter 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Pettie, Seth 1 Winter 2022 87% 71% 82% Zhu, Leqi 1 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Hayes, John 1 Fall 2018 70% 49% 83% Wang, Xinyu 1 Winter 2021 78% 60% 90% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 203\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20203/"}} {"id": "bec01577131b-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 203: \nEECS 203\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 21% Computer Science BS 17% LSA Undeclared 11% Computer Engineering BSE 4% Engineering: First Year 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 203. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 49% Undergraduate Engineering 45% Undergraduate Business Admin 4% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 203. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 203\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20203/"}} {"id": "bec01577131b-5", "text": "Description of course EECS 203: \nEECS 203\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 203 EECS 183 39% EECS 280 27% MATH 215 26% MATH 116 24% ENGR 100 23% MATH 115 23% ENGR 101 22% PHYSICS 141 22% PHYSICS 140 22% CHEM 130 21% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 203 EECS 280 55% ENGR 100 12% STATS 250 8% ECON 101 6% MATH 215 5% PHYSICS 241 5% PHYSICS 240 5% ENGLISH 125 5% EECS 183 4% MATH 116 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 203 EECS 281 67% EECS 370 47% EECS 376 42% EECS 485 30% TCHNCLCM 300 26% EECS 496 20% STATS 250 19% EECS 388 19% MATH 214 18% EECS 484 17% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 203,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 779788884931928969808837934100210229851321391512017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u20132302004006008001000FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20203/"}} {"id": "d33476db6b47-0", "text": "Description of course STATS 250: \nCourse Profile STATS 250 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis \n A one term course in applied statistical methodology from an analysis-of-data viewpoint. Frequency distributions; measures of location; mean, median, mode; measures of dispersion; variance; graphic presentation; elementary probability; populations and samples; sampling distributions; one sample univariate inference problems, and two sample problems; categorical data; regression and correlation; and analysis of variance. Use of computers in data analysis. \n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of STATS 250 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 100 (Lecture) 13842Open41485N/AIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM 1420 CCCB + Section 200 (Lecture) 17480Open106485N/AIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM 1420 CCCB + Section 300 (Lecture) 13843Open111320N/AIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM AUD 3 MLB + Section 400 (Lecture) 13844Open69320N/AIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM AUD 3 MLB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20250/"}} {"id": "d33476db6b47-1", "text": "Description of course STATS 250: \nCourse Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 14968 responses for 36684 possible evaluations (41% response rate).\n Desire to take 39% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 88% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 38% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 86% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 51% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 13%30%13%9%11%7%5%4%3%2%<1%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took STATS 250 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.91% Students who took STATS 250 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.89% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n STATS 250\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%8%18%27%46% OthersGrad CandG Pre-CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n STATS 250; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20250/"}} {"id": "d33476db6b47-2", "text": "Description of course STATS 250: \nSTATS 250; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Romero, Alicia 12 Winter 2023 93% 76% 94% Rulkowski, Mark 11 Winter 2023 99% 98% 99% Hembree, Elaine 10 Winter 2022 97% 91% 92% Nagaraj, Shyamala 7 Fall 2021 92% 77% 89% Gunderson, Brenda 7 Winter 2023 99% 94% 99% Miller, Jack 5 Fall 2022 97% 91% 97% Fink, Nadiya 5 Fall 2019 84% 46% 90% Deeke, Julie 3 Winter 2021 96% 93% 96% Hsing, Tailen 3 Winter 2021 85% 70% 94% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n STATS 250\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 20% Economics BA 7% Computer Science BS 7% Computer Science BSE 6% Psychology BA 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20250/"}} {"id": "d33476db6b47-3", "text": "Description of course STATS 250: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n STATS 250. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 84% Undergraduate Engineering 8% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Kinesiology 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n STATS 250. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n STATS 250\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20250/"}} {"id": "d33476db6b47-4", "text": "Description of course STATS 250: \nSTATS 250\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before STATS 250 ENGLISH 125 33% MATH 115 27% ECON 101 24% CHEM 130 19% PSYCH 111 17% CHEM 125 16% CHEM 126 16% CHEM 210 14% EECS 183 14% BIOLOGY 173 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as STATS 250 ENGLISH 125 8% PSYCH 111 6% ECON 101 6% BIOLOGY 173 6% EECS 281 6% ECON 102 5% CHEM 210 5% UC 280 5% EECS 280 5% CHEM 211 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after STATS 250 PSYCH 240 14% MCDB 310 13% CHEM 215 12% CHEM 216 12% CHEM 210 11% EECS 376 11% BIOLOGY 225 11% EECS 370 11% CHEM 211 10% ECON 402 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n STATS 250,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 6356758289791869180417301561149815691896168914631696179418111331572461511552017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230500100015002000SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20250/"}} {"id": "1720e446c5b6-0", "text": "Description of course MATH 215: \nCourse Profile MATH 215 Multivariable and Vector Calculus \n Topics include vector algebra and vector functions; analytic geometry of planes, surfaces and solids; functions of several variables and partial differentiation; line, surface, and volume integrals and applications; vector fields and integration; Green's Theorem, Stokes' Theorem, and Gauss's Theorem. There is a weekly lab using MAPLE.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 116, 156, 176, 186, or 296 \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20215/"}} {"id": "1720e446c5b6-1", "text": "Description of course MATH 215: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of MATH 215 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 010 (Lecture) 11409Open99118N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM 1360 EH + Section 020 (Lecture) 19050Closed00N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM 1324 EH + Section 030 (Lecture) 11414Open70118N/AIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 1360 EH + Section 040 (Lecture) 11419Closed00N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM ARR + Section 050 (Lecture) 11424Open71118N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 1360 EH + Section 060 (Lecture) 11429Open40118N/AIn Person MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 1360 EH + Section 070 (Lecture) 11434Open72118N/AIn Person MoWeFr", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20215/"}} {"id": "1720e446c5b6-2", "text": "Description of course MATH 215: \n(Lecture) 11434Open72118N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1360 EH + Section 080 (Lecture) 11439Open92118N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 1360 EH + Section 090 (Lecture) 11444Open88118N/AIn Person MoWeFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM 1360 EH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20215/"}} {"id": "1720e446c5b6-3", "text": "Description of course MATH 215: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 8607 responses for 16634 possible evaluations (52% response rate).\n Desire to take 43% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 74% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 44% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 72% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 41% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B 5%15%14%15%17%14%8%6%2%1%1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.050.10.15 Students who took MATH 215 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 4.94% Students who took MATH 215 and elected Pass/Fail: 8.54% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n MATH 215\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%5%14%18%62% OthersG Pre-CandGrad CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20215/"}} {"id": "1720e446c5b6-4", "text": "Description of course MATH 215: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n MATH 215; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Dunworth, Jeff 5 Winter 2023 94% 71% 81% Heffers, James 4 Fall 2022 96% 95% 96% DeBacker, Stephen 4 Winter 2021 97% 84% 89% Jonsson, Mattias 4 Winter 2023 88% 64% 94% Hong, Serin 4 Winter 2022 99% 98% 99% Viswanath, Divakar 4 Winter 2019 84% 40% 72% Farre Puiggali, Marta 3 Winter 2019 85% 50% 91% Weiss, Michael 3 Winter 2023 95% 93% 96% Filom, Khashayar 2 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Ruan, Yongbin 2 Fall 2018 86% 54% 92% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n MATH 215\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20215/"}} {"id": "1720e446c5b6-5", "text": "Description of course MATH 215: \nMATH 215\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 13% LSA Undeclared 9% Mechanical Engineering BSE 8% Engineering: First Year 6% Computer Science BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n MATH 215. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 62% Undergraduate L S & A 35% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Non-Degree <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n MATH 215. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n MATH 215\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20215/"}} {"id": "1720e446c5b6-6", "text": "Description of course MATH 215: \nMATH 215\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before MATH 215 MATH 116 43% ENGR 100 27% PHYSICS 140 27% PHYSICS 141 27% ENGR 101 25% MATH 115 25% CHEM 130 24% CHEM 126 23% CHEM 125 23% ENGR 110 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as MATH 215 ENGR 100 18% PHYSICS 140 16% PHYSICS 141 16% ENGR 101 16% PHYSICS 240 14% PHYSICS 241 14% CHEM 125 10% CHEM 126 10% CHEM 130 10% EECS 280 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after MATH 215 MATH 216 32% EECS 280 31% EECS 281 29% EECS 203 26% EECS 370 22% TCHNCLCM 300 20% PHYSICS 240 19% PHYSICS 241 19% EECS 376 19% MATH 214 18% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n MATH 215,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 23282829411410391040105998292482564063058355853540447376455222017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323020040060080010001200SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20215/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-0", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nCourse Profile SPANISH 232 Second-Year Spanish, Continued \n Continuation of SPANISH 231. Certain sections are devoted to readings in specialized topics.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: Only placement score and not language coursework completed at a previous school will determine placement. Enforced Prerequisites: [RCLANG 254] or [SPANISH 231 (C- or higher); or assignment by Placement Test. College or university transfer students with any prior study of Spanish must take the Placement Test.] \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-1", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of SPANISH 232 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Recitation) 16163Open1118Forrester, KathleenIn Person MoTuThFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM B134 MLB + Section 002 (Recitation) 22566Open99N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM B135 MLB + Section 003 (Recitation) 22348Open99N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM 2212 MLB + Section 005 (Recitation) 21118Open1718N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM 2412 MLB + Section 007 (Recitation) 21724Wait List018Iglesias Garrido, Carla MariaIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM B135 MLB + Section 009 (Recitation) 21725Wait List018Forrester, KathleenIn Person MoTuThFr", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-2", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nList018Forrester, KathleenIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM B134 MLB + Section 011 (Recitation) 19779Open818N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 2330 MH + Section 013 (Recitation) 21753Open39N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM B830 EQ + Section 014 (Recitation) 22565Open518N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 1507 NUB + Section 015 (Recitation) 21754Wait List018Iglesias Garrido, Carla MariaIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM B135 MLB + Section 016 (Recitation) 23233Wait List018Larrotiz, IsabelIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM B134 MLB + Section 017 (Recitation) 20601Open718N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM ARR + Section 018 (Recitation) 27595Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 5521 HH + Section 019 (Recitation) 30426Wait List018N/AIn Person", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-3", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nSection 019 (Recitation) 30426Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM ARR + Section 023 (Recitation) 21824Open318De La Torre, Mariela IsabelIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM B134 MLB + Section 024 (Recitation) 25140Wait List018Forrester, KathleenIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM B135 MLB + Section 025 (Recitation) 15113Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM B122 MLB + Section 027 (Recitation) 22349Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 173 LORCH + Section 031 (Recitation) 22350Wait List018De La Torre, Mariela IsabelIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM B134 MLB + Section 032 (Recitation) 23232Wait List018Larrotiz, IsabelIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM B135 MLB + Section 033 (Recitation) 16164Open918N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-4", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nPerson MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 1507 NUB + Section 034 (Recitation) 27596Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 036 (Recitation) 24189Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 2202 MLB + Section 039 (Recitation) 21141Wait List018De La Torre, Mariela IsabelIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM B134 MLB + Section 040 (Recitation) 27597Wait List018Larrotiz, IsabelIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM B135 MLB + Section 041 (Recitation) 20598Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 5521 HH + Section 043 (Recitation) 16165Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 3310 MLB + Section 045 (Recitation) 18693Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 7603 HH + Section 047 (Recitation) 16166Open118Montes, Lisa BrittIn Person MoTuThFr", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-5", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nLisa BrittIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM ARR + Section 048 (Recitation) 23874Open1318N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM B134 MLB + Section 049 (Recitation) 22351Open618N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 2212 MLB + Section 055 (Recitation) 22352Open618O'Connor, NinaIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM B134 MLB + Section 057 (Recitation) 22353Wait List018Montes, Lisa BrittIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM B135 MLB + Section 059 (Recitation) 22354Open19N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM G232 AH + Section 060 (Recitation) 24190Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM 7603 HH + Section 064 (Recitation) 33397Open29N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM 7603 HH + Section 065 (Recitation) 22355Open1618O'Connor, NinaIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-6", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nNinaIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM B134 MLB + Section 067 (Recitation) 22356Open1418Montes, Lisa BrittIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM B135 MLB + Section 071 (Recitation) 27470Open718N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM G232 AH + Section 075 (Recitation) 29808Open1718O'Connor, NinaIn Person MoTuThFr 5:00PM - 6:00PM B134 MLB + Section 077 (Recitation) 29809Open19N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 5:00PM - 6:00PM B109 MLB", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-7", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 4527 responses for 7315 possible evaluations (62% response rate).\n Desire to take 36% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 94% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 43% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 85% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 61% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ <1%17%25%16%24%8%3%4%1%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.2 Students who took SPANISH 232 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.21% Students who took SPANISH 232 and elected Pass/Fail: 7.42% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n SPANISH 232\n .", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-8", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nSPANISH 232\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%18%21%26%35% OthersGrad InterG Pre-CandPro 2nd YrUSpec/NCFDGrad CandGrad MastrPro 3rd YrFreshmanSeniorJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n SPANISH 232; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-9", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nSPANISH 232; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Iglesias Garrido, Carla 12 Winter 2023 100% 96% 98% Forrester, Kathleen 12 Winter 2023 99% 94% 99% Santoro Riccardi, Allison 11 Fall 2022 98% 86% 95% McAlister, Bill 10 Winter 2022 98% 96% 98% Calixto, Tatiana 10 Winter 2022 95% 89% 93% Noverr, Andrew 9 Fall 2022 98% 90% 98% Fernandez Rodriguez, Antonio 8 Winter 2023 100% 94% 97% Telleria-Suinaga, Maria 8 Winter 2023 100% 90% 96% Beiza, Marlene 7 Winter 2023 97% 89% 95% Montes, Lisa 7 Winter 2023 99% 95% 100% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n SPANISH 232\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-10", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nSPANISH 232\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 18% Economics BA 8% Psychology BA 6% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 5% Communication and Media BA 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n SPANISH 232. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 95% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Engineering <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Public Policy <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n SPANISH 232. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n SPANISH 232\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "fd6a37282166-11", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 232: \nSPANISH 232\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before SPANISH 232 SPANISH 231 67% ENGLISH 125 38% STATS 250 30% ECON 101 26% MATH 115 26% SPANISH 103 26% PSYCH 111 19% CHEM 130 17% BIOLOGY 171 16% BIOLOGY 173 15% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as SPANISH 232 STATS 250 9% ENGLISH 125 8% ECON 101 7% MATH 115 5% CHEM 210 5% BIOLOGY 173 5% CHEM 211 4% PSYCH 111 4% ECON 102 4% UC 280 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after SPANISH 232 STATS 250 18% PSYCH 240 10% MCDB 310 10% CHEM 215 10% CHEM 216 10% CHEM 210 9% SPANISH 277 9% BIOLOGY 305 9% CHEM 211 9% BIOLOGY 225 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n SPANISH 232,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 2832327892245826005986576587016456777288587738095465129123452017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20232/"}} {"id": "430d5c339759-0", "text": "Description of course MATH 217: \nCourse Profile MATH 217 Linear Algebra \n Systems of linear equations; matrix algebra; vectors, vector spaces and subspaces; geometry of Rn; linear dependence, bases and dimension; linear transformations; Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors; diagonalization; inner products; spectral theorem, Gram-Schmidt process.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 215 or 285. Most students take only one course from MATH 214, 217, 417, and 419. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20217/"}} {"id": "430d5c339759-1", "text": "Description of course MATH 217: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of MATH 217 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 11474Open213N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM B737 EH + Section 002 (Lecture) 11475Open413N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:30AM - 10:00AM B743 EH + Section 003 (Lecture) 22315Closed00N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM B743 EH + Section 004 (Lecture) 15494Closed013N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM B737 EH + Section 005 (Lecture) 16380Closed013N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:30AM B743 EH + Section 007 (Lecture) 20000Closed013N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM B743 EH + Section 008 (Lecture) 20703Open113N/AIn Person MoWeFr", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20217/"}} {"id": "430d5c339759-2", "text": "Description of course MATH 217: \n008 (Lecture) 20703Open113N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:30AM - 1:00PM B737 EH + Section 009 (Lecture) 21648Closed013N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM B735 EH + Section 010 (Lecture) 21649Open213N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:30PM B737 EH + Section 011 (Lecture) 21650Closed013N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:30PM - 4:00PM B735 EH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20217/"}} {"id": "430d5c339759-3", "text": "Description of course MATH 217: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1389 responses for 2734 possible evaluations (51% response rate).\n Desire to take 65% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 92% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 85% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 81% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 72% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 8%23%14%12%13%8%7%7%3%<1%1%<1%3%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took MATH 217 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 10.07% Students who took MATH 217 and elected Pass/Fail: 14.36% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n MATH 217\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%2%17%33%47% OthersG Pre-CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSeniorSophomoreJunior Course Instructors", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20217/"}} {"id": "430d5c339759-4", "text": "Description of course MATH 217: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n MATH 217; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Schneider, Scott 9 Winter 2022 98% 96% 97% Li, Jun 5 Winter 2021 91% 75% 95% Bray, Harrison 4 Fall 2019 98% 96% 100% Nguyen, Thang 4 Winter 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Martone, Giuseppe 4 Winter 2022 100% 95% 97% Smith, Karen 4 Winter 2023 90% 85% 84% Kenkel, Jennifer 3 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Cianci, Donato 3 Fall 2019 97% 88% 97% Weiss, Michael 3 Fall 2021 92% 94% 98% Heffers, James 2 Winter 2023 100% 100% 100% previous \u00a0 1 / 6 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n MATH 217\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20217/"}} {"id": "430d5c339759-5", "text": "Description of course MATH 217: \nMATH 217\n \n eventually declared.\n Mathematics BS 24% Computer Science BSE 10% Computer Science BS 10% Statistics BS 10% Economics BS 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n MATH 217. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 74% Undergraduate Engineering 22% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Non-Degree <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n MATH 217. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n MATH 217\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20217/"}} {"id": "430d5c339759-6", "text": "Description of course MATH 217: \nMATH 217\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before MATH 217 MATH 215 46% EECS 183 35% EECS 280 27% ECON 101 25% EECS 203 24% MATH 116 23% ENGLISH 125 21% STATS 250 19% ENGR 100 14% MATH 115 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as MATH 217 EECS 183 14% MATH 425 13% EECS 280 10% EECS 281 10% EECS 203 8% EECS 370 8% ECON 102 6% MATH 201 6% STATS 425 6% ECON 101 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after MATH 217 STATS 426 28% EECS 281 23% MATH 423 23% MATH 316 22% MATH 425 22% MATH 451 22% EECS 445 21% STATS 413 20% EECS 376 20% EECS 370 18% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n MATH 217,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 19327028527218616922825523021314713853435040292017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250300FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20217/"}} {"id": "6892e2e5d777-0", "text": "Description of course CHEM 210: \nCourse Profile CHEM 210 Structure and Reactivity I \n This is the first course in a two-term sequence in which the major concepts of chemistry are introduced in the context of organic chemistry.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n B Advisory Prerequisites: High school chemistry. Placement by examination during Orientation. To be taken with CHEM 211. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of CHEM 210 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 100 (Lecture) 10812Open115284N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM 1800 CHEM + Section 200 (Lecture) 10824Open11286Soellner, MattIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 1800 CHEM + Section 300 (Lecture) 10837Open10306Tuttle, NicoleIn Person MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 1800 CHEM + Section 400 (Lecture) 17466Open71290N/AIn Person MoWeFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM 1800 CHEM \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 8167 responses for 20406 possible evaluations (40% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20210/"}} {"id": "6892e2e5d777-1", "text": "Description of course CHEM 210: \n8167 responses for 20406 possible evaluations (40% response rate).\n Desire to take 52% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 89% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 47% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 81% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 62% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B 2%22%11%11%23%8%5%7%4%0%4%0%3%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took CHEM 210 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 11.51% Students who took CHEM 210 and elected Pass/Fail: 4.97% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n CHEM 210\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%1%6%16%26%51% OthersGrad CandG Pre-CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n CHEM 210; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20210/"}} {"id": "6892e2e5d777-2", "text": "Description of course CHEM 210: \nCHEM 210; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Wang, Wenjing 4 Winter 2022 91% 71% 96% Tuttle, Nicole 4 Fall 2022 89% 72% 94% Coppola, Brian 4 Fall 2022 99% 90% 97% Wolfe, John 3 Fall 2021 97% 88% 97% Nolta, Kathleen 3 Winter 2020 100% 95% 99% Soellner, Matt 3 Fall 2022 95% 76% 97% Narayan, Alison 3 Fall 2020 97% 84% 94% Montgomery, John 2 Fall 2020 98% 82% 99% Nagorny, Pavel 2 Winter 2023 87% 73% 90% Shultz, Ginger 1 Fall 2017 93% 77% 99% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n CHEM 210\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20210/"}} {"id": "6892e2e5d777-3", "text": "Description of course CHEM 210: \nCHEM 210\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 18% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 8% Biology, Health, & Society BS 7% Neuroscience BS 7% Honors 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n CHEM 210. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 78% Undergraduate Engineering 15% Undergraduate Kinesiology 4% Undergraduate Medicine 1% Undergraduate Pharmacy <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n CHEM 210. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n CHEM 210\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20210/"}} {"id": "6892e2e5d777-4", "text": "Description of course CHEM 210: \nCHEM 210\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before CHEM 210 CHEM 130 39% CHEM 125 35% CHEM 126 35% BIOLOGY 173 30% BIOLOGY 171 27% ENGLISH 125 26% BIOLOGY 172 26% STATS 250 22% MATH 115 21% PSYCH 111 16% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as CHEM 210 CHEM 211 78% BIOLOGY 173 14% UC 280 10% STATS 250 9% BIOLOGY 172 8% PSYCH 111 7% ENGLISH 125 6% MATH 115 6% BIOLOGY 171 5% SOC 100 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after CHEM 210 CHEM 215 58% CHEM 216 54% MCDB 310 35% BIOLOGY 305 26% BIOLOGY 225 25% BIOLOGY 173 23% STATS 250 21% CHEM 230 21% PHYSICS 135 18% PHYSICS 136 17% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n CHEM 210,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1335133813651388130013566426046494996256501251241551101042017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050010001500FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20210/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-0", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \nCourse Profile SPANISH 231 Second-Year Spanish \n SPANISH 231 is designed to improve the speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills of students and to provide some insight into the literature and culture of Spanish-speaking people.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: [SPANISH 100 or 102 or 103 or RCCORE 194 or RCLANG 194 (C- or higher)] or By Assignment of SPANISH 231 by Placement Test \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-1", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of SPANISH 231 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Recitation) 11714Open59N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM B103 MLB + Section 002 (Recitation) 17027Open89N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM B109 MLB + Section 003 (Recitation) 18343Open1318N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM 2202 MLB + Section 006 (Recitation) 19421Open918N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM B103 MLB + Section 007 (Recitation) 21720Open218N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM B109 MLB + Section 008 (Recitation) 21721Open518N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 2202 MLB + Section 009", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-2", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \n- 10:00AM 2202 MLB + Section 009 (Recitation) 11715Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 2402 MLB + Section 010 (Recitation) 17680Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM B137 MLB + Section 011 (Recitation) 22449Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM B103 MLB + Section 012 (Recitation) 23229Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM B109 MLB + Section 013 (Recitation) 11716Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 2202 MLB + Section 014 (Recitation) 18677Open918N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM B103 MLB + Section 015 (Recitation) 26594Open918N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM B109 MLB + Section 016 (Recitation) 23230Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 2202 MLB + Section 017 (Recitation)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-3", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \n2202 MLB + Section 017 (Recitation) 33305Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM ARR + Section 018 (Recitation) 22572Open518N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM B103 MLB + Section 019 (Recitation) 11717Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM B109 MLB + Section 020 (Recitation) 26591Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM B122 MLB + Section 022 (Recitation) 24187Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 373 LORCH + Section 028 (Recitation) 29807Open518N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 173 LORCH + Section 029 (Recitation) 11718Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM B103 MLB + Section 033 (Recitation) 22571Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM B109 MLB + Section 036 (Recitation) 18678Wait List018N/AIn", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-4", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \n+ Section 036 (Recitation) 18678Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 2202 MLB + Section 037 (Recitation) 16161Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM B103 MLB + Section 038 (Recitation) 19485Open1418N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM B109 MLB + Section 039 (Recitation) 23231Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 2202 MLB + Section 040 (Recitation) 26593Open318N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM ARR + Section 043 (Recitation) 16162Open818N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM B103 MLB + Section 044 (Recitation) 22595Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM B109 MLB + Section 045 (Recitation) 24188Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM 2202 MLB + Section 046 (Recitation) 26108Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-5", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \n26108Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM 2212 MLB + Section 052 (Recitation) 22801Open1218N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM B103 MLB + Section 054 (Recitation) 21117Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM B109 MLB + Section 055 (Recitation) 21722Open1318N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM 2202 MLB + Section 056 (Recitation) 26592Open114N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM 171 LORCH + Section 057 (Recitation) 23873Open1318N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 5:00PM - 6:00PM B101 MLB + Section 059 (Recitation) 26107Open1318N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 5:00PM - 6:00PM 2106 MLB", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-6", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 3537 responses for 5574 possible evaluations (63% response rate).\n Desire to take 36% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 94% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 35% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 89% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 59% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ <1%20%28%15%23%7%2%3%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took SPANISH 231 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.42% Students who took SPANISH 231 and elected Pass/Fail: 23.54% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n SPANISH 231\n .", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-7", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \nSPANISH 231\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%11%25%26%37% OthersGrad InterUSpec/NCFDPro 2nd YrGrad CandPro 3rd YrGrad MastrSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n SPANISH 231; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-8", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \nSPANISH 231; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Hessenthaler, Tony 11 Winter 2023 100% 98% 100% O'Connor, Nina 10 Fall 2022 99% 88% 98% Liburdi, Gabriella 9 Winter 2023 98% 95% 97% Nagl, Natalie 8 Winter 2023 100% 89% 99% Purdy, Carolina 7 Winter 2023 97% 90% 94% Oliva-Fiori, Paula 7 Winter 2023 97% 95% 99% Harrell, Julie 6 Winter 2021 98% 96% 96% Hilberry, Ann 5 Winter 2022 100% 100% 98% Beiza, Marlene 5 Fall 2020 99% 90% 98% De La Torre, Mariela 5 Fall 2020 94% 83% 83% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n SPANISH 231\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-9", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \nSPANISH 231\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 22% Economics BA 8% Psychology BA 6% Communication and Media BA 4% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n SPANISH 231. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 96% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Undergraduate Engineering <1% Undergraduate Kinesiology <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n SPANISH 231. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n SPANISH 231\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "66cae7e6fda5-10", "text": "Description of course SPANISH 231: \nSPANISH 231\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before SPANISH 231 SPANISH 103 37% ENGLISH 125 34% STATS 250 24% MATH 115 22% ECON 101 21% PSYCH 111 16% CHEM 130 15% BIOLOGY 171 14% SPANISH 101 13% SPANISH 102 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as SPANISH 231 STATS 250 10% ENGLISH 125 10% ECON 101 8% MATH 115 7% CHEM 210 6% PSYCH 111 6% BIOLOGY 173 5% BIOLOGY 171 5% CHEM 211 5% CHEM 130 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after SPANISH 231 SPANISH 232 85% STATS 250 22% PSYCH 240 11% CHEM 215 11% CHEM 216 11% CHEM 210 11% MCDB 310 10% CHEM 211 10% BIOLOGY 173 10% BIOLOGY 305 9% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n SPANISH 231,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1315121713555957562164364365638838843744744043732316948262017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SPANISH%20231/"}} {"id": "9812b325572e-0", "text": "Description of course CHEM 211: \nCourse Profile CHEM 211 Investigations in Chemistry \n An introduction to laboratory techniques in chemistry using inorganic and organic compounds, with emphasis on thin layer chromatography, stoichiometry, acid-base chemistry, and microscale organic reactions.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 - 2.0 Median Grade:\n A Advisory Prerequisites: To be taken concurrently with CHEM 210. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of CHEM 211 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 100 (Lecture) 10849Open11348Nolta, Kathleen VIn Person Fr 4:00PM - 5:00PM 1800 CHEM + Section 200 (Lecture) 10855Closed0262Nolta, Kathleen VIn Person Mo 4:00PM - 5:00PM 1800 CHEM + Section 300 (Lecture) 10863Open47210Nolta, Kathleen VIn Person Tu 11:00AM - 12:00PM 1800 CHEM + Section 400 (Lecture) 24433Open4184Wolfe, John PIn Person We 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1640 CHEM \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 7845 responses for 18952 possible evaluations (41% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20211/"}} {"id": "9812b325572e-1", "text": "Description of course CHEM 211: \n7845 responses for 18952 possible evaluations (41% response rate).\n Desire to take 46% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 81% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 46% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 66% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 52% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 12%49%23%11%4%<1%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.4 Students who took CHEM 211 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.27% Students who took CHEM 211 and elected Pass/Fail: 1.68% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n CHEM 211\n .\n 0%<1%1%5%17%24%53% OthersGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n CHEM 211; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20211/"}} {"id": "9812b325572e-2", "text": "Description of course CHEM 211: \nCHEM 211; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Nolta, Kathleen 10 Winter 2023 98% 93% 98% Wolfe, John 5 Fall 2022 99% 95% 100% Hall, Ariana 2 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Peterson, Luke 1 Fall 2017 Data not available Data not available Data not available Lutz, Patrick 1 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Ji, Woojung 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Tuttle, Nicole 1 Fall 2021 95% 95% 98% Wu, Nancy 1 Fall 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Crisci, Ralph 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available McNeil, Anne 1 Fall 2017 96% 88% 96% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n CHEM 211\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 18% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 8% Biology, Health, & Society BS 8% Neuroscience BS 7% Honors 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20211/"}} {"id": "9812b325572e-3", "text": "Description of course CHEM 211: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n CHEM 211. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 79% Undergraduate Engineering 14% Undergraduate Kinesiology 4% Undergraduate Medicine 1% Undergraduate Pharmacy <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n CHEM 211. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n CHEM 211\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20211/"}} {"id": "9812b325572e-4", "text": "Description of course CHEM 211: \nCHEM 211\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before CHEM 211 CHEM 130 43% CHEM 125 38% CHEM 126 38% BIOLOGY 173 34% BIOLOGY 171 29% ENGLISH 125 29% BIOLOGY 172 28% STATS 250 24% MATH 115 22% PSYCH 111 17% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as CHEM 211 CHEM 210 91% BIOLOGY 173 15% UC 280 12% STATS 250 10% BIOLOGY 172 7% ENGLISH 125 7% PSYCH 111 7% MATH 115 6% SOC 100 5% BIOLOGY 171 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after CHEM 211 CHEM 215 65% CHEM 216 64% MCDB 310 41% BIOLOGY 305 30% BIOLOGY 225 29% BIOLOGY 173 26% CHEM 230 24% STATS 250 23% PHYSICS 135 20% BIOLOGY 226 20% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n CHEM 211,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 119612231266123412091179515504544420464476978310177312017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u20132305001000FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20211/"}} {"id": "17f9731b413c-0", "text": "Description of course MATH 214: \nCourse Profile MATH 214 Applied Linear Algebra \n This course is an introduction to matrices and linear algebra, with an emphasis on concepts and problem solving. It is particularly designed for students who are planning to take a course in linear programming or computer science.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 116, 156, 176, 186, or 296 \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20214/"}} {"id": "17f9731b413c-1", "text": "Description of course MATH 214: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of MATH 214 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 15365Open145N/AIn Person MoWeFr Tu 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1:00PM - 2:00PM A859 CHEM-TBLC 3600 SKB + Section 002 (Lecture) 15366Open1845N/AIn Person MoWeFr Tu 2:00PM - 3:00PM 2:00PM - 3:00PM A859 CHEM-TBLC 3600 SKB + Section 003 (Lecture) 19796Open2645N/AIn Person MoWeFr Tu 3:00PM - 4:00PM 3:00PM - 4:00PM A859 CHEM-TBLC 3600 SKB + Section 004 (Lecture) 22316Open645N/AIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 6:00PM 1250 USB + Section 005 (Lecture) 20444Open2745N/AIn Person TuTh 6:00PM", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20214/"}} {"id": "17f9731b413c-2", "text": "Description of course MATH 214: \n20444Open2745N/AIn Person TuTh 6:00PM - 8:00PM 3600 SKB + Section 006 (Lecture) 24887Open2145N/AIn Person TuTh 8:00AM - 10:00AM 1250 USB + Section 007 (Lecture) 25371Open2545N/AIn Person MoWeFr Tu 9:00AM - 10:00AM 9:00AM - 10:00AM 110 WEISER-TBL 3600 SKB + Section 008 (Lecture) 30163Open2945N/AIn Person MoWe 8:00AM - 10:00AM A859 CHEM-TBLC", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20214/"}} {"id": "17f9731b413c-3", "text": "Description of course MATH 214: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1595 responses for 3824 possible evaluations (42% response rate).\n Desire to take 43% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 82% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 26% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 64% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 52% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 10%17%16%14%15%12%6%7%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.050.10.15 Students who took MATH 214 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 4.12% Students who took MATH 214 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.5% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n MATH 214\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%19%29%51% OthersGrad CandGrad CertGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSeniorSophomoreJunior Course Instructors", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20214/"}} {"id": "17f9731b413c-4", "text": "Description of course MATH 214: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n MATH 214; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Strauss, Martin 7 Winter 2022 37% 26% 85% Speyer, David 7 Winter 2023 89% 65% 89% Datta, Shreyasi 5 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Megginson, Robert 3 Fall 2022 70% 47% 93% Liu, Yuan 3 Winter 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Prasanna, Kartik 3 Fall 2022 97% 88% 95% McCleerey, Nicholas 2 Winter 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Burns Jr, Daniel 2 Winter 2021 65% 58% 83% Martone, Giuseppe 2 Fall 2020 86% 64% 87% Minoccheri, Cristian 2 Winter 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n MATH 214\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20214/"}} {"id": "17f9731b413c-5", "text": "Description of course MATH 214: \nMATH 214\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 39% Industrial & Oper Eng BSE 14% Computer Science BS 11% Data Science BS 4% LSA Undeclared 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n MATH 214. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 70% Undergraduate L S & A 28% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Non-Degree <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n MATH 214. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n MATH 214\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20214/"}} {"id": "17f9731b413c-6", "text": "Description of course MATH 214: \nMATH 214\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before MATH 214 EECS 280 58% EECS 203 55% ENGR 100 50% MATH 215 49% PHYSICS 141 40% PHYSICS 140 40% MATH 116 39% ENGR 101 37% CHEM 130 36% CHEM 125 34% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as MATH 214 EECS 281 26% EECS 370 16% EECS 280 13% EECS 203 11% IOE 265 11% EECS 376 10% IOE 202 10% IOE 201 10% TCHNCLCM 300 8% STATS 250 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after MATH 214 EECS 376 35% EECS 496 35% EECS 485 35% TCHNCLCM 497 32% EECS 370 31% TCHNCLCM 300 29% EECS 445 27% EECS 484 22% EECS 281 22% EECS 388 21% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n MATH 214,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 273350361333395425262295311352424301193844252017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20214/"}} {"id": "8699489da3e3-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 201: \nCourse Profile EECS 201 Computer Science Pragmatics \n Designed to teach the essentials of using a computer effectively. Topics covered include shells, environment, scripting, Makefiles, compilers, debugging tools, and version control.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 Median Grade:\n A+ Enforced Prerequisites: [ENGR 101 or 151 or EECS 180 or 183 or ROB 102 or (preceded or accompanied by EECS 280 or 281)]; (C or better; No OP/F) \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 201 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 25565Wait List0214Nguyen, Brandon TrinhIn Person Fr 10:30AM - 12:00PM 220 CHRYS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1083 responses for 3018 possible evaluations (36% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20201/"}} {"id": "8699489da3e3-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 201: \n1083 responses for 3018 possible evaluations (36% response rate).\n Desire to take 86% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 89% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 56% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 77% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 83% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A+ 71%17%2%2%2%1%1%<1%1%<1%<1%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 201 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 11.77% Students who took EECS 201 and elected Pass/Fail: 5.3% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 201\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%11%40%48% OthersGrad MastrG Pre-CandUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 201; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20201/"}} {"id": "8699489da3e3-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 201: \nEECS 201; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Darden, Marcus 2 Fall 2019 84% 82% 97% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 201\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 47% Computer Science BS 19% Computer Engineering BSE 8% Data Science BSE 3% LSA Undeclared 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 201. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 69% Undergraduate L S & A 28% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Undergraduate Information <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 201. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 201\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20201/"}} {"id": "8699489da3e3-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 201: \nEECS 201\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 201 EECS 280 78% EECS 203 69% EECS 281 54% ENGR 100 44% EECS 370 39% MATH 215 37% PHYSICS 141 31% PHYSICS 140 30% STATS 250 29% ENGR 101 29% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 201 EECS 281 27% EECS 370 23% EECS 376 19% TCHNCLCM 300 12% EECS 485 11% EECS 280 9% EECS 203 9% EECS 388 9% MATH 214 8% EECS 482 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 201 EECS 496 39% EECS 485 34% TCHNCLCM 497 33% EECS 482 28% EECS 376 27% EECS 370 26% EECS 498 23% EECS 497 22% EECS 481 20% EECS 493 19% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 201,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 2062562222251792262532232232018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20201/"}} {"id": "3603fd16d671-0", "text": "Description of course COGSCI 200: \nCourse Profile COGSCI 200 Introduction to Cognitive Science \n The goal of this course is to provide an integrated overview of the some of the major approaches to understanding the mind and brain - approaches that together constitute contemporary cognitive science. The problems associated with understanding how and why our minds work the way they do are some of the deepest and most complex facing science, and no single discipline can lay claim to privileged status when it comes to making progress. Indeed, much of the recent excitement in the field has come from approaches that draw on the ideas and methods of multiple disciplines. In this course we'll get a taste of some of that excitement.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of COGSCI 200 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 20877Open159425Bollard, MaraIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM 1420 CCCB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 5378 responses for 6984 possible evaluations (77% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COGSCI%20200/"}} {"id": "3603fd16d671-1", "text": "Description of course COGSCI 200: \n5378 responses for 6984 possible evaluations (77% response rate).\n Desire to take 80% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 94% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 3% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 93% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 82% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 22%40%16%8%6%3%2%1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took COGSCI 200 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.78% Students who took COGSCI 200 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.05% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n COGSCI 200\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%13%24%28%34% OthersG Pre-CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n COGSCI 200; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COGSCI%20200/"}} {"id": "3603fd16d671-2", "text": "Description of course COGSCI 200: \nCOGSCI 200; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Bollard, Mara 6 Winter 2023 97% 93% 97% Sripada, Sekhar 3 Winter 2021 98% 96% 99% Lewis, Richard 3 Fall 2021 100% 97% 100% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n COGSCI 200\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 20% Computer Science BS 8% Cognitive Science BS 8% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 8% Cognitive Science BA 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n COGSCI 200. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 91% Undergraduate Engineering 5% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n COGSCI 200. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COGSCI%20200/"}} {"id": "3603fd16d671-3", "text": "Description of course COGSCI 200: \nCOGSCI 200\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before COGSCI 200 STATS 250 32% ENGLISH 125 31% ECON 101 21% EECS 183 20% MATH 115 19% PSYCH 111 17% EECS 280 15% PSYCH 240 14% EECS 203 13% ANTHRCUL 101 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as COGSCI 200 STATS 250 10% PSYCH 240 8% EECS 183 8% ENGLISH 125 7% EECS 280 6% ECON 101 6% MATH 115 6% UC 280 5% PSYCH 111 4% EECS 203 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after COGSCI 200 PSYCH 240 24% STATS 250 21% PHIL 340 12% PSYCH 230 12% EECS 281 11% SPANISH 232 11% PSYCH 303 10% PSYCH 349 10% BIOLOGY 173 9% EECS 280 9% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n COGSCI 200,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 2942973473493454252963003224214212017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COGSCI%20200/"}} {"id": "1982ab694750-0", "text": "Description of course MATH 216: \nCourse Profile MATH 216 Introduction to Differential Equations \n MATH 216 is a basic course on differential equations, intended for engineers and other scientists. Topics covered include some material on complex numbers and matrix algebra, first and second order linear and non-linear systems with applications, introductory numerical methods, and elementary Laplace transform techniques.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 116, 156, 176, 186, or 296. Enforced Prerequisites: No credit in MATH 216 or 286 or 316 \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20216/"}} {"id": "1982ab694750-1", "text": "Description of course MATH 216: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of MATH 216 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 020 (Lecture) 11449Closed00N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 1360 EH + Section 030 (Lecture) 11454Open37119N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 2260 USB + Section 040 (Lecture) 11459Open39119N/AIn Person MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 2260 USB + Section 050 (Lecture) 11464Open79119N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 2260 USB + Section 060 (Lecture) 11469Open57119N/AIn Person MoWeFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 2260 USB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 3949 responses for 10088 possible evaluations (39% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20216/"}} {"id": "1982ab694750-2", "text": "Description of course MATH 216: \n3949 responses for 10088 possible evaluations (39% response rate).\n Desire to take 34% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 71% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 64% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 61% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 39% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 5%20%13%12%18%9%7%8%4%<1%2%0%2%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took MATH 216 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 6.16% Students who took MATH 216 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.22% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n MATH 216\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%5%7%33%54% OthersGNCFD/MIGSGrad CertGrad CandGrad MastrG Pre-CandUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSeniorJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n MATH 216; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20216/"}} {"id": "1982ab694750-3", "text": "Description of course MATH 216: \nMATH 216; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Larose, Peter 8 Winter 2023 98% 91% 98% Storey, Katie 4 Winter 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Prokhorov, Andrei 3 Winter 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Norton, Chaya 3 Winter 2022 52% 43% 95% Miller, Peter 2 Winter 2022 73% 38% 72% Boland, Patrick 2 Fall 2022 98% 96% 98% Bilman, Deniz 2 Winter 2018 96% 92% 95% Katz, Asaf 2 Winter 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Barvinok, Alexander 2 Winter 2021 51% 22% 67% Zhang, Zili 2 Winter 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n MATH 216\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20216/"}} {"id": "1982ab694750-4", "text": "Description of course MATH 216: \nMATH 216\n \n eventually declared.\n Mechanical Engineering BSE 16% Computer Science BSE 10% Aerospace Engineering BSE 8% Biomedical Engineering BSE 7% Chemical Engineering BSE 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n MATH 216. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 85% Undergraduate L S & A 13% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Business Admin <1% Undergraduate Non-Degree <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n MATH 216. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n MATH 216\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20216/"}} {"id": "1982ab694750-5", "text": "Description of course MATH 216: \nMATH 216\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before MATH 216 MATH 215 55% ENGR 100 49% ENGR 101 45% PHYSICS 141 44% PHYSICS 140 44% MATH 116 44% CHEM 130 35% CHEM 126 33% CHEM 125 33% MATH 115 28% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as MATH 216 PHYSICS 241 17% PHYSICS 240 17% ENGR 100 16% ENGR 101 14% PHYSICS 140 11% PHYSICS 141 11% MECHENG 240 10% EECS 280 9% MECHENG 211 8% CHEM 130 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after MATH 216 EECS 280 24% MECHENG 240 21% EECS 281 20% TCHNCLCM 300 19% EECS 203 18% STATS 412 17% EECS 496 17% EECS 314 16% MECHENG 350 16% PHYSICS 241 16% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n MATH 216,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 25162331391862255851348744336958353754849541936125232821182017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20216/"}} {"id": "3142f36f28c3-0", "text": "Description of course CHEM 215: \nCourse Profile CHEM 215 Structure and Reactivity II \n Continuation of CHEM 210. Students get further practice in applying the major concepts of chemistry to predicting the physical and chemical properties of organic compounds, including macromolecules, both synthetic and biological.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: CHEM 210/211. To be taken with CHEM 216. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of CHEM 215 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 100 (Lecture) 26628Open34400Coppola, Brian PIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 1800 CHEM \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 3784 responses for 11979 possible evaluations (32% response rate).\n Desire to take 52% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 90% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 44% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 84% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 63% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20215/"}} {"id": "3142f36f28c3-1", "text": "Description of course CHEM 215: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 2%30%14%12%20%6%4%6%2%<1%2%0%2%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took CHEM 215 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 8.85% Students who took CHEM 215 and elected Pass/Fail: 5.39% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n CHEM 215\n .\n 0%<1%<1%1%2%14%34%49% OthersG Pre-CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSeniorSophomoreJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n CHEM 215; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20215/"}} {"id": "3142f36f28c3-2", "text": "Description of course CHEM 215: \nCHEM 215; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Coppola, Brian 5 Winter 2023 90% 67% 80% Wolfe, John 4 Winter 2021 99% 92% 99% Montgomery, John 4 Winter 2023 98% 88% 99% Tuttle, Nicole 3 Winter 2023 92% 78% 89% Nagorny, Pavel 3 Winter 2022 87% 66% 91% Sanford, Melanie 2 Winter 2022 92% 84% 96% Cruz, Cole 2 Winter 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Albright, Haley 2 Winter 2021 98% 93% 98% Poniatowski, Alex 1 Winter 2023 76% 62% 79% Melvin, Patrick 1 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n CHEM 215\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20215/"}} {"id": "3142f36f28c3-3", "text": "Description of course CHEM 215: \nCHEM 215\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 14% Neuroscience BS 10% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 9% Biology, Health, & Society BS 8% Honors 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n CHEM 215. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 82% Undergraduate Engineering 10% Undergraduate Kinesiology 4% Undergraduate Medicine 1% Undergraduate Pharmacy 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n CHEM 215. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n CHEM 215\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20215/"}} {"id": "3142f36f28c3-4", "text": "Description of course CHEM 215: \nCHEM 215\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before CHEM 215 CHEM 210 91% CHEM 211 87% BIOLOGY 173 50% CHEM 130 40% CHEM 125 37% CHEM 126 37% ENGLISH 125 36% STATS 250 35% BIOLOGY 172 34% BIOLOGY 171 33% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as CHEM 215 CHEM 216 75% BIOLOGY 173 13% UC 280 10% STATS 250 9% PHYSICS 135 8% PHYSICS 136 8% PSYCH 230 6% PSYCH 111 6% BIOLOGY 225 5% BIOLOGY 172 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after CHEM 215 MCDB 310 46% BIOLOGY 305 32% CHEM 230 31% BIOLOGY 225 29% PHYSICS 236 23% PHYSICS 235 22% BIOLOGY 226 21% PHYSICS 135 17% PHYSICS 136 17% BIOLOGY 173 15% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n CHEM 215,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 903613733743203364228768729389888649321371661451201462017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u20132302004006008001000SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20215/"}} {"id": "3440764d8f8b-0", "text": "Description of course CHEM 216: \nCourse Profile CHEM 216 Synthesis and Characterization of Organic Compounds \n CHEM 216 builds on the experimental approach started in CHEM 211. Students participate in planning exactly what they are going to do in the laboratory by being given general goals and directions that have to be adapted to fit the specific project they will be working on. They use microscale equipment, which requires them to develop manual dexterity and care in working in the laboratory. They also evaluate the results of their experiments by checking for identity and purity using various chromatographic and spectroscopic methods.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 2.0 Median Grade:\n A Advisory Prerequisites: CHEM 210/211. Must be taken with CHEM 215. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of CHEM 216 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 100 (Lecture) 10871Open2336Stephenson, CoreyIn Person Th 12:00PM - 1:00PM 1800 CHEM \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 4157 responses for 11507 possible evaluations (36% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20216/"}} {"id": "3440764d8f8b-1", "text": "Description of course CHEM 216: \n4157 responses for 11507 possible evaluations (36% response rate).\n Desire to take 41% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 83% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 47% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 73% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 54% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 8%58%15%8%7%2%1%<1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took CHEM 216 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.23% Students who took CHEM 216 and elected Pass/Fail: 1.68% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n CHEM 216\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%1%16%33%49% OthersGrad CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSeniorSophomoreJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n CHEM 216; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20216/"}} {"id": "3440764d8f8b-2", "text": "Description of course CHEM 216: \nCHEM 216; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Poniatowski, Alex 5 Winter 2023 96% 85% 95% Shultz, Ginger 5 Winter 2022 91% 86% 95% Wolfe, John 3 Winter 2023 100% 100% 100% Stephenson, Corey 2 Fall 2022 57% 31% 60% Kiernicki, John 2 Winter 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Davies, Alex 1 Winter 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Finkenstaedt-Quinn, Solaire 1 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Lutz, Patrick 1 Fall 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Nolta, Kathleen 1 Fall 2017 100% 100% 99% Schindler, Corinna 1 Fall 2021 59% 59% 81% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n CHEM 216\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20216/"}} {"id": "3440764d8f8b-3", "text": "Description of course CHEM 216: \nCHEM 216\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 13% Neuroscience BS 10% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 10% Biology, Health, & Society BS 8% Honors 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n CHEM 216. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 82% Undergraduate Engineering 10% Undergraduate Kinesiology 4% Undergraduate Pharmacy 1% Undergraduate Medicine <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n CHEM 216. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n CHEM 216\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20216/"}} {"id": "3440764d8f8b-4", "text": "Description of course CHEM 216: \nCHEM 216\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before CHEM 216 CHEM 211 97% CHEM 210 96% BIOLOGY 173 57% CHEM 130 42% CHEM 125 40% CHEM 126 40% STATS 250 40% ENGLISH 125 39% BIOLOGY 172 37% BIOLOGY 171 37% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as CHEM 216 CHEM 215 84% BIOLOGY 173 12% UC 280 10% STATS 250 9% PHYSICS 136 8% PHYSICS 135 8% BIOLOGY 225 7% PSYCH 230 6% PSYCH 111 5% BIOLOGY 172 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after CHEM 216 MCDB 310 46% BIOLOGY 305 34% CHEM 230 32% BIOLOGY 225 29% PHYSICS 236 23% PHYSICS 235 23% BIOLOGY 226 23% PHYSICS 135 17% PHYSICS 136 17% BIOLOGY 173 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n CHEM 216,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 8832331332933134533780882585980980486911611712692672017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CHEM%20216/"}} {"id": "cf3e67a36c61-0", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 232: \nCourse Profile FRENCH 232 Second-Year French, Continued \n FRENCH 232 uses literature, magazine articles, videos, and songs to explore the history of France and several Francophone countries. Students are expected to review and learn various grammatical elements and vocabulary in order to participate in classroom activities and discussions. Linguistically, it focuses on supporting opinions, making comparisons, hypothesizing, and composing sophisticated sentences.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: [FRENCH 231; (C- or higher)] or (RCLANG 250) or By Assignment of FRENCH 232 by Placement Test \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20232/"}} {"id": "cf3e67a36c61-1", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 232: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of FRENCH 232 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Recitation) 35405Open1518N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM ARR + Section 002 (Recitation) 21112Closed010N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 1509 NUB + Section 004 (Recitation) 21110Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 1509 NUB + Section 006 (Recitation) 11202Open618N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM 1509 NUB + Section 008 (Recitation) 21111Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 1509 NUB + Section 010 (Recitation) 26615Open618Gordon, Jennifer AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 012", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20232/"}} {"id": "cf3e67a36c61-2", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 232: \n12:00PM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 012 (Recitation) 22342Wait List018Wester-Murphy, Lauren ElizabethIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1423 EQ + Section 014 (Recitation) 34264Open218Gabaron, Sabine GIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM 2412 MLB + Section 016 (Recitation) 29805Open418N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM 2412 MLB + Section 018 (Recitation) 19782Open1218N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM 5179 AH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20232/"}} {"id": "cf3e67a36c61-3", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 232: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1492 responses for 2049 possible evaluations (73% response rate).\n Desire to take 38% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 93% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 65% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 83% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 55% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 1%19%22%19%19%8%5%4%2%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took FRENCH 232 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.26% Students who took FRENCH 232 and elected Pass/Fail: 9.25% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n FRENCH 232\n .", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20232/"}} {"id": "cf3e67a36c61-4", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 232: \nFRENCH 232\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%9%24%31%35% OthersGrad InterGrad CandUSpec/NCFDGrad MastrG Pre-CandFreshmanSeniorJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n FRENCH 232; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20232/"}} {"id": "cf3e67a36c61-5", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 232: \nFRENCH 232; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Sullivan, Lorrel 12 Winter 2023 86% 84% 96% Gabaron, Sabine 10 Winter 2023 96% 93% 93% Gordon, Jennifer 10 Winter 2023 96% 80% 90% Foster, Gwyneth 6 Winter 2021 93% 86% 91% Ames, Alan 4 Winter 2023 100% 98% 100% Mileski, Caitlin 4 Winter 2023 99% 83% 94% Kreps, Bethany 3 Winter 2023 100% 100% 100% VanDoren, Helen 3 Winter 2022 100% 98% 98% Beuerlein, Eric 3 Winter 2023 87% 89% 96% Butler-Borruat, Roger 2 Winter 2018 100% 93% 97% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n FRENCH 232\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20232/"}} {"id": "cf3e67a36c61-6", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 232: \nFRENCH 232\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 12% Economics BA 6% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 5% Psychology BA 5% Honors 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n FRENCH 232. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 93% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Engineering 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Rackham <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n FRENCH 232. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n FRENCH 232\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20232/"}} {"id": "cf3e67a36c61-7", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 232: \nFRENCH 232\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before FRENCH 232 FRENCH 231 88% FRENCH 103 43% ENGLISH 125 35% STATS 250 31% ECON 101 27% MATH 115 26% PSYCH 111 18% CHEM 210 17% BIOLOGY 173 17% CHEM 211 17% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as FRENCH 232 STATS 250 8% ECON 101 6% CHEM 210 5% BIOLOGY 173 5% ENGLISH 125 5% CHEM 211 5% CHEM 215 4% UC 280 4% CHEM 216 4% ECON 102 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after FRENCH 232 STATS 250 14% FRENCH 235 12% BIOLOGY 305 10% MCDB 310 10% PSYCH 240 10% BIOLOGY 225 9% CHEM 216 8% CHEM 215 8% PSYCH 230 7% CHEM 230 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n FRENCH 232,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1210111517815218915614715515219920619623521518920435338352017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20232/"}} {"id": "0a05a6828319-0", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 231: \nCourse Profile FRENCH 231 Second-Year French \n FRENCH 231 develops and refines listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills; provides strategies for effective communication and reading; reviews and adds to previously learned grammatical structures and uses; develops an awareness of French-speaking cultures; utilizes technology to help with the study of French and to have greater access to Francophone cultural documents.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: [(FRENCH 100 or 102 or 103) or (RCCORE 190 or RCLANG 190); (C- or higher)] or By Assignment of FRENCH 231 by Placement Test \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20231/"}} {"id": "0a05a6828319-1", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 231: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of FRENCH 231 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Recitation) 11201Open1418N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM B111 MLB + Section 003 (Recitation) 19409Closed09N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM B111 MLB + Section 004 (Recitation) 20381Open1218N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM G232 AH + Section 006 (Recitation) 27527Open110N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM B111 MLB + Section 007 (Recitation) 23238Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM G144 AH + Section 010 (Recitation) 23239Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM B111 MLB + Section", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20231/"}} {"id": "0a05a6828319-2", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 231: \n- 12:00PM B111 MLB + Section 014 (Recitation) 25170Open110N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM B111 MLB + Section 015 (Recitation) 33303Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM ARR + Section 016 (Recitation) 26604Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1509 NUB + Section 020 (Recitation) 25107Open118N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 2:00PM - 3:00PM B111 MLB + Section 023 (Recitation) 16156Wait List018N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM 1509 NUB + Section 024 (Recitation) 33405Open59N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM 2412 MLB + Section 025 (Recitation) 21712Open1418N/AIn Person MoTuThFr 4:00PM - 5:00PM 1509 NUB", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20231/"}} {"id": "0a05a6828319-3", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 231: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1695 responses for 2092 possible evaluations (81% response rate).\n Desire to take 37% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 92% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 73% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 82% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 54% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 1%20%25%21%19%7%3%2%1%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.2 Students who took FRENCH 231 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.52% Students who took FRENCH 231 and elected Pass/Fail: 31.04% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n FRENCH 231\n .", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20231/"}} {"id": "0a05a6828319-4", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 231: \nFRENCH 231\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%13%23%23%40% OthersPro 3rd YrGrad InterPro 2nd YrUSpec/NCFDGrad CandG Pre-CandGrad MastrSeniorFreshmanJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n FRENCH 231; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20231/"}} {"id": "0a05a6828319-5", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 231: \nFRENCH 231; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Meyer, Kathy 11 Winter 2023 99% 94% 94% Butler-Borruat, Roger 6 Winter 2022 98% 84% 93% Mileski, Caitlin 6 Fall 2022 99% 89% 99% Foster, Gwyneth 4 Winter 2023 97% 92% 93% Kolekar, Pramila 4 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Kreps, Bethany 3 Winter 2020 100% 94% 99% Ayotte, Stacey 3 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available VanDoren, Helen 2 Winter 2018 100% 89% 97% Soulier, Lise 2 Winter 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Gabaron, Sabine 2 Fall 2019 100% 93% 96% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n FRENCH 231\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20231/"}} {"id": "0a05a6828319-6", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 231: \nFRENCH 231\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 18% Economics BA 6% Psychology BA 4% Biopsych, Cognit & Neurosci BS 4% Honors 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n FRENCH 231. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 92% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Engineering 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 1% Rackham <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n FRENCH 231. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n FRENCH 231\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20231/"}} {"id": "0a05a6828319-7", "text": "Description of course FRENCH 231: \nFRENCH 231\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before FRENCH 231 FRENCH 103 47% ENGLISH 125 28% MATH 115 21% STATS 250 21% ECON 101 20% FRENCH 101 17% FRENCH 102 17% PSYCH 111 14% CHEM 130 13% CHEM 210 12% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as FRENCH 231 STATS 250 11% ENGLISH 125 9% ECON 101 7% CHEM 210 7% CHEM 211 6% BIOLOGY 173 6% MATH 115 5% UC 280 5% PSYCH 111 5% BIOLOGY 171 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after FRENCH 231 FRENCH 232 82% STATS 250 20% CHEM 216 12% CHEM 215 12% PSYCH 240 11% MCDB 310 11% CHEM 210 10% BIOLOGY 305 10% BIOLOGY 173 10% CHEM 211 9% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n FRENCH 231,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 2062262212372332031921661741851891471512181882017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FRENCH%20231/"}} {"id": "74227f98e6f2-0", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 232: \nCourse Profile GERMAN 232 Second-Year Course \n In this course, students complete the four-term introductory language sequence by selecting one of several \"special topics\" courses intended as an introduction to the study of an academic discipline, such as Music, Politics and Society, Film, or Science, taught in German. Students should emerge from the course prepared and motivated to do work (or read for pleasure) in German throughout their academic career and beyond. Students are strongly encouraged to arrange their schedules so they can enroll in the section whose topic interests them the most, in order to get the maximum benefit from this course. Interest in the course content is the most effective motivation for language study. More generally, students should be ready by the end of the course to pursue an internship or study abroad in Germany.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A Advisory Prerequisites: GERMAN 221 or 231; or assignment by placement test \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20232/"}} {"id": "74227f98e6f2-1", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 232: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of GERMAN 232 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Recitation) 16179Open218Dabak, ShubhangiIn Person TuWeThFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 1507 NUB + Section 002 (Recitation) 11240Open618Swennes, StacyIn Person TuWeThFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM 5521 HH + Section 003 (Recitation) 15367Open418Marquardt, Catherine AliceIn Person TuTh We Fr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1:00PM - 2:00PM 1:00PM - 2:00PM 4151 USB 3310 MLB 2135 NQ + Section 004 (Recitation) 15787Open1218Dabak, ShubhangiIn Person TuWeThFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM R2310 BUS + Section 005 (Recitation) 17030Open418Gell, Mary MIn Person TuTh 7:00PM - 9:00PM 2110 MLB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 726 responses for 1016 possible evaluations (71% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20232/"}} {"id": "74227f98e6f2-2", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 232: \n726 responses for 1016 possible evaluations (71% response rate).\n Desire to take 68% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 97% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 18% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 94% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 83% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 16%56%15%6%3%2%<1%1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took GERMAN 232 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.13% Students who took GERMAN 232 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.47% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n GERMAN 232\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%10%28%29%32% OthersGrad InterGrad CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDG Pre-CandFreshmanSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n GERMAN 232; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20232/"}} {"id": "74227f98e6f2-3", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 232: \nGERMAN 232; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Rastalsky, Hartmut 12 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Swennes, Stacy 11 Winter 2023 100% 98% 99% Grzeskowiak, Silvia 10 Winter 2023 98% 96% 99% Dabak, Shubhangi 9 Winter 2023 92% 87% 100% Marquardt, Catherine 9 Winter 2023 100% 99% 100% Gell, Mary 3 Winter 2021 93% 95% 100% Uritescu-Lombard, Ramona 2 Winter 2021 100% 96% 100% Ewing, Megan 2 Winter 2021 100% 100% 100% Gruber, Julie 1 Winter 2018 100% 100% 100% Irwin, Vera 1 Winter 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n GERMAN 232\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20232/"}} {"id": "74227f98e6f2-4", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 232: \nGERMAN 232\n \n eventually declared.\n LSA Undeclared 8% Computer Science BS 7% Economics BA 6% German BA 5% Psychology BA 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n GERMAN 232. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 86% Undergraduate Engineering 6% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 2% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n GERMAN 232. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n GERMAN 232\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20232/"}} {"id": "74227f98e6f2-5", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 232: \nGERMAN 232\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before GERMAN 232 GERMAN 231 73% GERMAN 102 49% GERMAN 101 47% ENGLISH 125 28% STATS 250 27% MATH 115 26% ECON 101 21% EECS 183 18% CHEM 210 17% CHEM 211 16% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as GERMAN 232 STATS 250 7% ECON 101 5% ENGLISH 125 5% CHEM 210 4% BIOLOGY 173 4% UC 280 4% CHEM 215 4% MATH 115 4% EECS 183 4% EECS 280 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after GERMAN 232 GERMAN 325 15% GERMAN 326 14% STATS 250 13% GERMAN 306 12% GERMAN 300 10% BIOLOGY 305 8% GERMAN 304 8% EECS 376 8% EECS 281 7% GERMAN 386 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n GERMAN 232,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 7126181788678838880671141181271081111072017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100SUFAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20232/"}} {"id": "e77b8dd8e11f-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 370: \nCourse Profile EECS 370 Introduction to Computer Organization \n Basic concepts of computer organization and hardware. Instructions executed by a processor and how to use these instructions in simple assembly-language programs. Stored-program concept. Data-path and control for multiple implementations of a processor. Performance evaluation, pipelining, caches, virtual memory, input/output.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: (EECS 203 or 270 or MATH 465 or 565) and EECS 280; (C or better, No OP/F) \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20370/"}} {"id": "e77b8dd8e11f-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 370: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 370 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 27772Closed0121Beaumont, JonathanIn Person TuTh 12:00PM - 1:30PM 1109 FXB + Section 002 (Lecture) 20157Closed0131Brehob, Mark WIn Person TuTh 1:30PM - 3:00PM 1013 DOW + Section 003 (Lecture) 10353Open22179Flautner, KrisztianIn Person TuTh 3:00PM - 4:30PM 220 CHRYS + Section 004 (Lecture) 35242Closed0141Beaumont, JonathanIn Person TuTh 4:30PM - 6:00PM 1109 FXB + Section 005 (Lecture) 10354Open22182Beaumont, Jonathan; Brehob, Mark W; Flautner, KrisztianMixed TBA TBA ARR \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 4705 responses for 16256 possible evaluations (29% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20370/"}} {"id": "e77b8dd8e11f-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 370: \n4705 responses for 16256 possible evaluations (29% response rate).\n Desire to take 63% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 92% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 30% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 84% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 74% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 7%19%17%15%13%10%8%7%1%<1%<1%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 370 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 5.07% Students who took EECS 370 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.21% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 370\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%5%37%58% OthersFreshmanG Pre-CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 370; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20370/"}} {"id": "e77b8dd8e11f-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 370: \nEECS 370; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Das, Reetuparna 5 Winter 2022 90% 80% 93% Narayanasamy, Satish 4 Fall 2022 91% 84% 92% Brehob, Mark 4 Winter 2023 93% 87% 90% Mudge, Trevor 4 Fall 2021 53% 41% 78% Tang, Lingjia 3 Fall 2022 78% 76% 85% Beaumont, Jonathan 2 Winter 2023 96% 95% 97% Leach, Kevin 1 Winter 2019 97% 90% 98% Sample, Alanson 1 Winter 2022 80% 75% 84% Wenisch, Thomas 1 Fall 2017 Data not available Data not available Data not available Dreslinski Jr, Ronald 1 Winter 2021 95% 93% 97% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 370\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20370/"}} {"id": "e77b8dd8e11f-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 370: \nEECS 370\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 37% Computer Science BS 30% Computer Engineering BSE 7% Mathematics BS 3% Electrical Engineering BSE 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 370. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 56% Undergraduate L S & A 41% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 370. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 370\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20370/"}} {"id": "e77b8dd8e11f-5", "text": "Description of course EECS 370: \nEECS 370\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 370 EECS 280 85% EECS 203 76% EECS 281 63% ENGR 100 38% STATS 250 34% EECS 183 33% MATH 215 33% MATH 116 26% PHYSICS 141 26% PHYSICS 140 26% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 370 EECS 376 30% EECS 281 28% TCHNCLCM 300 14% MATH 214 8% EECS 485 7% EECS 388 7% STATS 250 7% EECS 201 6% STATS 412 5% EECS 484 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 370 EECS 485 43% EECS 496 38% EECS 482 33% EECS 376 33% TCHNCLCM 497 30% EECS 388 29% EECS 498 26% EECS 484 25% EECS 445 25% EECS 493 25% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 370,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 5936546366797798075135095946656968185574110101942017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20370/"}} {"id": "adefdfc686d6-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 376: \nCourse Profile EECS 376 Foundations of Computer Science \n An introduction to theory of computation. Models of computation: finite state machines, Turing machines. Decidable and undecidable problems. Polynomial time computability and paradigms of algorithm design. Computational complexity emphasizing NP-hardness. Coping with intractability. Exploiting intractability: cryptography.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 280 and (EECS 203, MATH 465, or 565); (C or better, No OP/F) \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 376 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 23402Open1121Pettie, SethIn Person MoWe 9:00AM - 10:30AM 1109 FXB + Section 002 (Lecture) 21603Closed0121Pettie, SethIn Person MoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PM 1109 FXB + Section 003 (Lecture) 26809Open1173Bansal, NikhilIn Person MoWe 12:00PM - 1:30PM 220 CHRYS + Section 004 (Lecture) 27774Closed0125Fish, BenjaminIn Person MoWe 1:30PM - 3:00PM 2505 GGBL", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20376/"}} {"id": "adefdfc686d6-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 376: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 13054 responses for 17263 possible evaluations (76% response rate).\n Desire to take 38% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 82% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 39% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 74% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 56% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 3%16%13%18%18%14%8%6%1%1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 376 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 3.54% Students who took EECS 376 and elected Pass/Fail: 12.81% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 376\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%4%48%48% OthersG Pre-CandFreshmanGrad MastrSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20376/"}} {"id": "adefdfc686d6-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 376: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 376; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Volkovich, Ilya 7 Fall 2020 92% 79% 91% Zhu, Leqi 4 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Kamil, Amir 4 Fall 2022 92% 84% 92% Peikert, Christopher 3 Winter 2023 97% 96% 97% Brehob, Mark 3 Winter 2022 93% 85% 92% Stout, Quentin 3 Winter 2023 82% 73% 83% Pettie, Seth 2 Fall 2021 87% 78% 86% Lee, Euiwoong 2 Winter 2023 77% 63% 84% Bennett, Huck 1 Fall 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Bansal, Nikhil 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 376\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20376/"}} {"id": "adefdfc686d6-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 376: \nEECS 376\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 43% Computer Science BS 33% Mathematics BS 3% LSA Undeclared 2% Data Science BS 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 376. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 53% Undergraduate L S & A 45% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 376. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 376\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20376/"}} {"id": "adefdfc686d6-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 376: \nEECS 376\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 376 EECS 280 88% EECS 203 80% EECS 281 69% EECS 370 43% STATS 250 42% ENGR 100 37% EECS 183 37% MATH 215 33% MATH 116 28% PHYSICS 141 27% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 376 EECS 370 34% EECS 281 27% TCHNCLCM 300 13% EECS 388 9% EECS 485 8% MATH 214 6% STATS 250 5% EECS 201 5% EECS 484 5% EECS 445 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 376 EECS 485 42% EECS 496 34% TCHNCLCM 497 33% EECS 482 28% EECS 493 25% EECS 388 25% EECS 484 24% EECS 445 24% EECS 497 23% EECS 498 23% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 376,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 50253555660463371850144252573264675661592017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20376/"}} {"id": "10502de0583d-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 388: \nCourse Profile EECS 388 Introduction to Computer Security \n This course introduces the principles and practices of computer security as applied to software, host systems, and networks. It covers the foundations of building, using, and managing secure systems. Topics include standard cryptographic functions and protocols, threats and defenses for real-world systems, incident responses, and computer forensics. There will be homework exercises, programming projects, and a final exam.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- Advisory Prerequisites: EECS 370 (C or better) or equivalent Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F). Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 388 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 21785Open1120Ensafi, Roya; Halderman, J AlexIn Person TuTh 12:00PM - 1:30PM 1670 BEYSTER + Section 002 (Lecture) 20457Open6195Ensafi, Roya; Halderman, J AlexMixed TuTh 1:30PM - 3:00PM ARR \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1775 responses for 7153 possible evaluations (25% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20388/"}} {"id": "10502de0583d-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 388: \n1775 responses for 7153 possible evaluations (25% response rate).\n Desire to take 80% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 87% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 25% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 70% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 73% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 4%23%24%21%13%8%4%2%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 388 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.51% Students who took EECS 388 and elected Pass/Fail: 8.25% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 388\n .\n 0%<1%<1%26%73% OthersUSpec/NCFDSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 388; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20388/"}} {"id": "10502de0583d-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 388: \nEECS 388; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Honeyman, Peter 6 Winter 2022 59% 48% 73% Halderman, J 6 Winter 2023 89% 89% 92% Genkin, Daniel 4 Winter 2021 94% 82% 90% Fu, Kevin 2 Fall 2018 99% 93% 94% Ensafi, Roya 2 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Mao, Z 1 Fall 2020 83% 69% 90% Ringenberg, Jeff 1 Fall 2017 92% 92% 95% Grubbs, Paul 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Scott, Will 1 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 388\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 45% Computer Science BS 31% Computer Engineering BSE 3% Data Science BS 2% Data Science BSE 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20388/"}} {"id": "10502de0583d-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 388: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 388. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 59% Undergraduate L S & A 39% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 388. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 388\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20388/"}} {"id": "10502de0583d-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 388: \nEECS 388\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 388 EECS 281 98% EECS 280 92% EECS 203 86% EECS 370 77% EECS 376 56% STATS 250 50% ENGR 100 44% MATH 215 40% EECS 183 37% MATH 116 33% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 388 EECS 376 18% EECS 370 16% EECS 485 16% TCHNCLCM 300 12% EECS 484 10% EECS 482 7% EECS 498 7% EECS 445 7% EECS 496 6% EECS 201 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 388 EECS 496 39% TCHNCLCM 497 37% EECS 485 30% EECS 482 25% EECS 498 23% EECS 493 22% EECS 441 22% EECS 497 20% EECS 481 19% EECS 484 18% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 388,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 356361269150225311388360377192326348382017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20388/"}} {"id": "7022dc34b18c-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 398: \nCourse Profile EECS 398 Special Topics \n Special Topics\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 - 4.0 Median Grade:\n A Advisory Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 398 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation No sections are being offered this term. \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 975 responses for 1619 possible evaluations (60% response rate).\n Desire to take 89% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 94% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 43% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 84% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 87% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20398/"}} {"id": "7022dc34b18c-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 398: \nMedian Grade: A 48%21%9%8%5%3%2%<1%2%0%0%0%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 398 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 5.04% Students who took EECS 398 and elected Pass/Fail: 6.95% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 398\n .\n 0%<1%1%8%10%28%52% OthersUSpec/NCFDG Pre-CandSophomoreGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 398; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20398/"}} {"id": "7022dc34b18c-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 398: \nEECS 398; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Darden, Marcus 3 Fall 2018 92% 91% 96% Hamilton, Nicole 3 Fall 2019 45% 71% 90% Jenkins, Odest 2 Fall 2018 93% 82% 98% Stark, Wayne 1 Winter 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Guo, L 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Zhang, Zheshen 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Pierce, Leland 1 Fall 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Anastasopoulos, Achilleas 1 Winter 2021 100% 100% 100% Revzen, Shai 1 Fall 2019 100% 33% 67% Kamil, Amir 1 Winter 2021 93% 90% 97% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 398\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20398/"}} {"id": "7022dc34b18c-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 398: \nEECS 398\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 41% Computer Science BS 19% Mechanical Engineering MSE 6% Computer Engineering BSE 6% Electrical Engineering BSE 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 398. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 61% Undergraduate L S & A 26% Rackham 11% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 398. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 398\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20398/"}} {"id": "7022dc34b18c-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 398: \nEECS 398\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 398 EECS 280 72% EECS 203 68% EECS 281 56% EECS 370 44% ENGR 100 42% MATH 215 36% ENGR 101 33% STATS 250 32% EECS 376 32% PHYSICS 141 29% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 398 EECS 281 20% EECS 370 19% EECS 376 16% EECS 485 10% TCHNCLCM 300 10% EECS 388 9% EECS 482 9% EECS 498 8% EECS 496 8% EECS 445 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 398 EECS 496 42% TCHNCLCM 497 35% EECS 485 34% EECS 482 31% EECS 498 29% EECS 376 25% EECS 388 21% EECS 445 21% EECS 484 19% EECS 370 18% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 398,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 18728674211611275112017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212022\u201323050100150200250300FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20398/"}} {"id": "8816e36950b8-0", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 325: \nCourse Profile ENGLISH 325 Art of the Essay \n A review of the fundamentals of composition with further practice in writing expository prose, materials being drawn in part from the students' special fields of interest.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n A Advisory Prerequisites: Completion of the First-Year Writing Requirement. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20325/"}} {"id": "8816e36950b8-1", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 325: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of ENGLISH 325 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Seminar) 11153Wait List020Knuth, Aric DavidIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM G160 AH + Section 002 (Seminar) 11154Wait List020N/AMixed MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM 3347 MH + Section 003 (Seminar) 11155Wait List020Cicciarelli, Louis AIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM ARR + Section 004 (Seminar) 13902Wait List020N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 373 LORCH + Section 005 (Seminar) 15836Wait List020N/AIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM G449 MH + Section 006 (Seminar) 15864Wait List020N/AIn Person MoWe 4:00PM - 5:30PM G437 MH + Section", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20325/"}} {"id": "8816e36950b8-2", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 325: \n- 5:30PM G437 MH + Section 007 (Seminar) 16316Wait List020N/AIn Person MoWe 8:30AM - 10:00AM 3088 EH + Section 008 (Seminar) 16317Wait List020N/AIn Person MoWe 5:30PM - 7:00PM 2436 MH + Section 009 (Seminar) 16318Wait List020N/AIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1245 NQ + Section 010 (Seminar) 16319Wait List020N/AIn Person TuTh 5:30PM - 7:00PM 2427 MH + Section 011 (Seminar) 16320Wait List020N/AIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM G437 MH + Section 012 (Seminar) 20635Wait List020N/AIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM G463 MH + Section 013 (Seminar) 24866Wait List020N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM 3333 MH", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20325/"}} {"id": "8816e36950b8-3", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 325: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1788 responses for 3200 possible evaluations (56% response rate).\n Desire to take 60% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 96% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 22% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 92% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 85% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 3%60%20%9%4%2%<1%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took ENGLISH 325 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.65% Students who took ENGLISH 325 and elected Pass/Fail: 5.24% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ENGLISH 325\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%1%13%33%53% OthersGrad CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20325/"}} {"id": "8816e36950b8-4", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 325: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n ENGLISH 325; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Swanson, Fritz 12 Winter 2023 96% 98% 99% Khleif, Patricia 11 Fall 2022 99% 98% 98% Karczynski, David 10 Winter 2023 95% 95% 100% Hinken, Michael 9 Fall 2022 97% 90% 88% Pinto, James 9 Winter 2023 100% 100% 100% Berkley, Angela 8 Winter 2023 100% 96% 99% Cicciarelli, Louis 7 Winter 2023 100% 99% 100% Beer, Molly 7 Winter 2022 98% 87% 98% Burch, Aaron 6 Winter 2023 96% 93% 98% Delp, Jaimien 6 Winter 2021 93% 96% 98% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ENGLISH 325\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20325/"}} {"id": "8816e36950b8-5", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 325: \nENGLISH 325\n \n eventually declared.\n Economics BA 7% Computer Science BS 7% English BA 6% LSA Undeclared 6% Biology, Health, & Society BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ENGLISH 325. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 82% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 6% Undergraduate Engineering 5% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Art and Design 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ENGLISH 325. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ENGLISH 325\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20325/"}} {"id": "8816e36950b8-6", "text": "Description of course ENGLISH 325: \nENGLISH 325\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ENGLISH 325 ENGLISH 125 47% STATS 250 46% CHEM 210 32% CHEM 211 31% PSYCH 111 30% BIOLOGY 173 30% MATH 115 29% ECON 101 27% CHEM 215 25% CHEM 216 23% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ENGLISH 325 STATS 250 3% BIOLOGY 305 3% MCDB 310 3% BIOLOGY 225 2% BIOLOGY 226 2% PSYCH 240 2% CHEM 215 2% EECS 280 2% CHEM 210 2% CHEM 216 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ENGLISH 325 BIOLOGY 305 7% MCDB 310 6% SPANISH 232 5% STATS 250 5% ENGLISH 425 4% BIOLOGY 225 4% BIOLOGY 226 4% PSYCH 240 4% CHEM 230 4% EARTH 113 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ENGLISH 325,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 43485179876721122125024025225023626226229527527888717480672017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGLISH%20325/"}} {"id": "2e0617616ccf-0", "text": "Description of course SLAVIC 312: \nCourse Profile SLAVIC 312 Central European Cinema Cross-Listed as\n \n \n RCHUMS 312 \n During four decades of Communist Party rule, the film industries of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia were under state control. One positive result of this was ample funding for serious films about social and political topics. In certain thematic areas, particularly those dealing with racial and ethnic intolerance and with the plight of women in patriarchal societies, filmmakers in East Central Europe were often able to be more incisive, frank and provocative than is often the case in profit-driven Hollywood film. Talented and committed filmmakers crafted powerful films which the regimes had no ideological grounds to suppress; this tradition of critical filmmaking has continued into the post-Communist period. The films we study concern the Holocaust, women's lives under state socialism, and the ethno-nationalism that led to the wars in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. We view and discuss fourteen films from East Central Europe dealing with the above issues, considering the artistic structure of the films as well.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n A- Advisory Prerequisites: A knowledge of Russian is not required. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of SLAVIC 312 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 19344Open385Eagle, Herbert JIn Person TuTh 2:00PM - 3:00PM 1300 CHEM 1300 CHEM", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SLAVIC%20312/"}} {"id": "2e0617616ccf-1", "text": "Description of course SLAVIC 312: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 863 responses for 2696 possible evaluations (32% response rate).\n Desire to take 63% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 95% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 24% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 89% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 81% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 6%42%21%17%9%2%1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took SLAVIC 312 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.49% Students who took SLAVIC 312 and elected Pass/Fail: 24.44% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n SLAVIC 312\n .\n 0%<1%<1%14%35%50% OthersGrad MastrFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SLAVIC%20312/"}} {"id": "2e0617616ccf-2", "text": "Description of course SLAVIC 312: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n SLAVIC 312; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Eagle, Herbert 10 Fall 2022 96% 95% 95% Paloff, Benjamin 2 Winter 2023 96% 95% 96% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n SLAVIC 312\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BS 22% Mathematics BS 12% Economics BA 5% Data Science BS 4% Economics BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n SLAVIC 312. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 86% Undergraduate Engineering 5% Undergraduate Art and Design 3% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n SLAVIC 312. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n SLAVIC 312\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SLAVIC%20312/"}} {"id": "2e0617616ccf-3", "text": "Description of course SLAVIC 312: \nSLAVIC 312\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before SLAVIC 312 EECS 183 39% EECS 280 39% STATS 250 37% ENGLISH 125 34% EECS 203 31% ECON 101 28% EECS 281 28% MATH 115 23% CHEM 210 21% CHEM 211 20% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as SLAVIC 312 EECS 281 7% EECS 376 6% EECS 370 5% EECS 280 5% STATS 250 5% EECS 203 5% EECS 485 4% EECS 484 4% EECS 183 3% ASTRO 106 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after SLAVIC 312 EECS 485 13% EECS 376 12% EECS 370 10% EECS 484 9% EECS 281 9% EECS 497 9% EECS 481 8% EECS 482 8% EECS 445 7% EECS 388 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n SLAVIC 312,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 637674841057985829396815829424744472017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323020406080100120FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/SLAVIC%20312/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-0", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \nCourse Profile TCHNCLCM 300 Technical Communication for Electrical and Computer Science \n Professional communication to the general public, managers, and other professionals about electrical and computer engineering ideas as presented in written reports and oral presentations. Functional, physical, and visual/diagrammatic descriptions; job letters and resumes.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-1", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of TCHNCLCM 300 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 30561Open325Fishstrom, Jack AaronIn Person Tu 2:30PM - 3:30PM 1206 DOW + Section 002 (Lecture) 24701Wait List018Unknown, In Person Th 10:30AM - 11:30AM 1032 FXB + Section 003 (Lecture) 24673Wait List018Moore, John CameronIn Person We 10:30AM - 11:30AM 224 GFL + Section 004 (Lecture) 24653Open1018Moore, John CameronIn Person We 11:30AM - 12:30PM 224 GFL + Section 005 (Lecture) 24495Open625Roberson, BeckyIn Person Tu 11:30AM - 12:30PM 1206 DOW + Section 006 (Lecture) 28415Open118Moore, John CameronIn Person We 12:30PM - 1:30PM 224", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-2", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \nPerson We 12:30PM - 1:30PM 224 GFL + Section 007 (Lecture) 28416Wait List018Wisniewski, ElaineIn Person Fr 10:30AM - 11:30AM 1206 DOW + Section 008 (Lecture) 17947Closed025Merryman, WalterIn Person Mo 3:30PM - 4:30PM 1045 GGBL + Section 009 (Lecture) 17948Wait List018Merryman, WalterIn Person Mo 2:30PM - 3:30PM 1045 GGBL + Section 010 (Lecture) 17949Open918Unknown, In Person Th 11:30AM - 12:30PM 1032 FXB + Section 011 (Lecture) 17950Open1725Khan, Pauline BaryIn Person We 11:30AM - 12:30PM 1008 EECS + Section 012 (Lecture) 27109Open418Unknown, In Person Th 12:30PM - 1:30PM 1032 FXB + Section 013 (Lecture) 17951Open825Khan, Pauline BaryIn Person We 10:30AM - 11:30AM 1008 EECS + Section 014 (Lecture) 34841Open125Moyer, Daniel GeorgeIn Person Mo 12:30PM - 1:30PM 1012", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-3", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \nPerson Mo 12:30PM - 1:30PM 1012 EECS + Section 015 (Lecture) 36849Open1718Khan, Pauline BaryIn Person We 9:30AM - 10:30AM 1008 EECS + Section 016 (Lecture) 23611Open1625Moyer, Daniel GeorgeIn Person Mo 10:30AM - 11:30AM 1012 EECS + Section 017 (Lecture) 20555Wait List018Unknown, In Person Tu 1:30PM - 2:30PM 1008 EECS + Section 018 (Lecture) 20556Open1718Moyer, Daniel GeorgeIn Person Mo 11:30AM - 12:30PM 1012 EECS + Section 019 (Lecture) 33472Open1525Unknown, In Person Th 12:30PM - 1:30PM 1206 DOW + Section 020 (Lecture) 21123Wait List025Unknown, In Person Th 1:30PM - 2:30PM 1206 DOW + Section 021 (Lecture) 21921Open1525Unknown, In Person Tu 2:30PM - 3:30PM 1008 EECS + Section 023 (Lecture) 30562Open1525Roberson, BeckyIn Person Tu 10:30AM - 11:30AM 1206 DOW + Section", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-4", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \n- 11:30AM 1206 DOW + Section 024 (Lecture) 30786Open2325Unknown, In Person Mo 11:30AM - 12:30PM 136 EWRE + Section 025 (Lecture) 30787Open1925Unknown, In Person Mo 12:30PM - 1:30PM 136 EWRE + Section 026 (Lecture) 30854Open2325Unknown, In Person Th 11:30AM - 12:30PM 1206 DOW + Section 027 (Lecture) 32027Open2225Pavlov, AmyIn Person Th 11:30AM - 12:30PM 185 EWRE + Section 028 (Lecture) 33473Open1525Pavlov, AmyIn Person Th 10:30AM - 11:30AM 185 EWRE + Section 029 (Lecture) 33474Open218Unknown, In Person Tu 3:30PM - 4:30PM 1008 EECS", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-5", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1669 responses for 3988 possible evaluations (42% response rate).\n Desire to take 26% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 75% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 32% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 81% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 40% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 9%60%18%6%3%1%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took TCHNCLCM 300 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.22% Students who took TCHNCLCM 300 and elected Pass/Fail: 2.87% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n TCHNCLCM 300\n .\n 0%<1%6%43%50% OthersFreshmanSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-6", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n TCHNCLCM 300; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Pavlov, Amy 12 Winter 2023 88% 90% 94% Fishstrom, Jack 11 Fall 2022 85% 64% 75% Snyder, Katie 10 Winter 2023 93% 92% 98% Springsteen, Karen 9 Winter 2022 100% 99% 100% Zahn, Walburga 9 Winter 2023 85% 82% 94% Grimble, Lisa 7 Fall 2020 97% 97% 99% Lewis, Kim 7 Fall 2021 99% 98% 99% McCaffery, Rhonda 6 Winter 2020 92% 84% 92% Hildinger, Elizabeth 5 Fall 2020 89% 81% 89% Alfano, Kenneth 5 Fall 2020 89% 93% 98% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n TCHNCLCM 300\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-7", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \nTCHNCLCM 300\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 61% Electrical Engineering BSE 13% Computer Engineering BSE 12% Data Science BSE 4% Engineering Honors Program 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n TCHNCLCM 300. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 98% Undergraduate L S & A 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Business Admin <1% Undergraduate Joined Deg Prog <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n TCHNCLCM 300. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n TCHNCLCM 300\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "7e1e6b63a488-8", "text": "Description of course TCHNCLCM 300: \nTCHNCLCM 300\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before TCHNCLCM 300 EECS 280 87% ENGR 100 76% EECS 203 75% EECS 281 55% MATH 215 54% PHYSICS 141 48% ENGR 101 48% PHYSICS 140 48% CHEM 130 43% CHEM 125 42% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as TCHNCLCM 300 EECS 370 26% EECS 281 21% EECS 376 20% EECS 485 11% EECS 388 10% EECS 280 9% EECS 216 9% EECS 445 8% EECS 270 8% MATH 214 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after TCHNCLCM 300 EECS 496 68% TCHNCLCM 497 49% EECS 485 29% EECS 498 25% EECS 482 25% EECS 376 24% EECS 370 22% TCHNCLCM 496 21% EECS 497 19% EECS 445 19% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n TCHNCLCM 300,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 33344840843248851828034629533136842136202017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/TCHNCLCM%20300/"}} {"id": "c6dab50e69cd-0", "text": "Description of course CLCIV 385: \nCourse Profile CLCIV 385 Greek Mythology \n The myths are studied systematically both as the background of Greek religious and literary forms and with reference to their influence on modern literature.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of CLCIV 385 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation No sections are being offered this term. \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1946 responses for 3271 possible evaluations (59% response rate).\n Desire to take 65% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 88% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 7% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 65% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 62% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CLCIV%20385/"}} {"id": "c6dab50e69cd-1", "text": "Description of course CLCIV 385: \nMedian Grade: A- 1%37%28%13%12%4%1%2%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took CLCIV 385 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.62% Students who took CLCIV 385 and elected Pass/Fail: 18.42% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n CLCIV 385\n .\n 0%<1%7%27%29%36% OthersUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSeniorSophomoreJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n CLCIV 385; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Forsdyke, Sara 3 Winter 2020 96% 94% 97% Ratte, Christopher 2 Winter 2022 83% 65% 90% Ready, Jonathan 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n CLCIV 385\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CLCIV%20385/"}} {"id": "c6dab50e69cd-2", "text": "Description of course CLCIV 385: \nCLCIV 385\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 15% Engineering: First Year 6% LSA Undeclared 6% Computer Science BS 5% Mechanical Engineering BSE 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n CLCIV 385. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 49% Undergraduate L S & A 43% Undergraduate Business Admin 4% Undergraduate Kinesiology 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n CLCIV 385. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n CLCIV 385\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CLCIV%20385/"}} {"id": "c6dab50e69cd-3", "text": "Description of course CLCIV 385: \nCLCIV 385\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before CLCIV 385 ENGR 100 35% MATH 115 33% CHEM 130 33% CHEM 126 31% CHEM 125 31% MATH 215 28% ENGR 101 28% STATS 250 28% EECS 280 27% PHYSICS 141 27% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as CLCIV 385 EECS 280 10% ENGR 100 9% EECS 203 8% EECS 281 7% PHYSICS 140 6% ENGR 101 5% MATH 116 5% EECS 370 5% MATH 216 5% PHYSICS 141 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after CLCIV 385 EECS 496 14% EECS 376 14% TCHNCLCM 300 13% EECS 370 13% EECS 485 13% EECS 281 12% TCHNCLCM 497 11% EECS 493 8% EECS 484 8% EECS 388 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n CLCIV 385,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 3694404404374223432017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500WN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/CLCIV%20385/"}} {"id": "9f9b040ba08e-0", "text": "Description of course PHIL 340: \nCourse Profile PHIL 340 Minds and Machines \n This course explores theories of the human mind and their relation to models of computation. As an introduction to the foundations of cognitive science, it draws material from Philosophy, Psychology, and Computer Science, especially Artificial Intelligence.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 2.0 - 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of PHIL 340 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 21687Open4250Swanson, EricIn Person MoWe 10:00AM - 11:30AM 2500 SKB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1528 responses for 2979 possible evaluations (51% response rate).\n Desire to take 79% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 89% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 6% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 84% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 76% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHIL%20340/"}} {"id": "9f9b040ba08e-1", "text": "Description of course PHIL 340: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 2%40%32%14%7%2%1%<1%<1%<1%0%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took PHIL 340 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.96% Students who took PHIL 340 and elected Pass/Fail: 9.28% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n PHIL 340\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%17%36%46% OthersGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n PHIL 340; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Swanson, Eric 8 Winter 2023 97% 91% 98% Thomason, Richmond 3 Fall 2018 71% 33% 75% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n PHIL 340\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHIL%20340/"}} {"id": "9f9b040ba08e-2", "text": "Description of course PHIL 340: \nPHIL 340\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 19% Computer Science BS 11% Cognitive Science BS 10% Cognitive Science BA 9% LSA Undeclared 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n PHIL 340. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 56% Undergraduate Engineering 38% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Information 1% Undergraduate Kinesiology <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n PHIL 340. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n PHIL 340\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHIL%20340/"}} {"id": "9f9b040ba08e-3", "text": "Description of course PHIL 340: \nPHIL 340\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before PHIL 340 EECS 280 47% EECS 203 42% STATS 250 41% ENGLISH 125 31% ENGR 100 30% ECON 101 30% EECS 183 30% EECS 281 28% MATH 115 27% CHEM 130 27% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as PHIL 340 EECS 281 11% EECS 370 9% EECS 376 9% EECS 280 8% EECS 203 8% PSYCH 240 6% TCHNCLCM 300 6% COGSCI 200 5% STATS 250 5% EECS 485 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after PHIL 340 EECS 496 16% EECS 370 15% EECS 376 15% EECS 485 15% TCHNCLCM 300 13% TCHNCLCM 497 13% EECS 281 13% EECS 388 10% EECS 445 10% EECS 482 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n PHIL 340,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 9098961502002488889961972492452017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/PHIL%20340/"}} {"id": "86ecef354940-0", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 304: \nCourse Profile GERMAN 304 Studies Germ Culture \n Studies in German Culture --- German Minicourses are intended to introduce a specific German topic to general student audiences. Basic concepts and analytical techniques are introduced, and the students gain significant knowledge of a clearly-defined topic.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 - 2.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of GERMAN 304 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Seminar) 26959Open550Federhofer, Karl-GeorgIn Person Th 11:00AM - 1:00PM 2260 USB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 639 responses for 2301 possible evaluations (28% response rate).\n Desire to take 49% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 86% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 9% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 78% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 70% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20304/"}} {"id": "86ecef354940-1", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 304: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 10%60%12%5%10%2%0%<1%<1%0%0%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took GERMAN 304 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 4.69% Students who took GERMAN 304 and elected Pass/Fail: 12.81% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n GERMAN 304\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%4%16%28%51% OthersGrad CandGrad MastrUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n GERMAN 304; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20304/"}} {"id": "86ecef354940-2", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 304: \nGERMAN 304; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Amrine, Frederick 7 Fall 2022 93% 82% 94% Federhofer, Karl-Georg 5 Fall 2022 100% 99% 100% Toman, Jindrich 2 Winter 2018 93% 87% 93% Gailus, Andreas 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n GERMAN 304\n \n eventually declared.\n Business Administration BBA 8% Computer Science BS 6% LSA Undeclared 5% Economics BA 5% Mathematics BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n GERMAN 304. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 66% Undergraduate Engineering 16% Undergraduate Business Admin 10% Undergraduate Kinesiology 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20304/"}} {"id": "86ecef354940-3", "text": "Description of course GERMAN 304: \nGERMAN 304. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n GERMAN 304\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before GERMAN 304 ENGLISH 125 35% STATS 250 31% ECON 101 30% MATH 115 27% CHEM 130 20% EECS 183 19% EECS 280 18% PSYCH 111 18% CHEM 210 18% CHEM 125 17% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as GERMAN 304 SLAVIC 290 6% EARTH 113 4% EARTH 108 4% EARTH 110 4% EARTH 103 3% EECS 281 3% EECS 280 3% STATS 250 3% ASTRO 107 3% EECS 183 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after GERMAN 304 SLAVIC 290 5% STATS 250 5% EECS 370 4% EECS 376 4% EECS 281 4% STRATEGY 390 4% BE 300 4% EECS 497 4% EECS 493 4% EECS 485 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n GERMAN 304,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 754633527523842125250178303472017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/GERMAN%20304/"}} {"id": "2cbb193e56c7-0", "text": "Description of course MATH 316: \nCourse Profile MATH 316 Differential Equations \n This is a rigorous course on differential equations for math, science and engineering majors with a good background in both calculus and linear algebra. As well as material normally included in a junior level differential equations course. This course will include qualitative theory, and existence and uniqueness theorems. The use of microcomputers and standard commercial programs available for such a course will be encouraged.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 215, 255, or 285 and 217 Enforced Prerequisites: No credit in MATH 216 or 256 or 286. Enrollment allowed if credit has not been previously earned. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20316/"}} {"id": "2cbb193e56c7-1", "text": "Description of course MATH 316: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of MATH 316 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 11478Open528N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 4096 EH + Section 002 (Lecture) 19077Wait List028N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 1084 EH + Section 003 (Lecture) 24735Open1528N/AIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 1068 EH + Section 101 (Lecture) 30946Wait List00N/AIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM 4096 EH + Section 102 (Lecture) 30947Wait List00N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM 1084 EH + Section 103 (Lecture) 30948Wait List00N/AIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM 1068 EH \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 327 responses for 751 possible evaluations (44% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20316/"}} {"id": "2cbb193e56c7-2", "text": "Description of course MATH 316: \n327 responses for 751 possible evaluations (44% response rate).\n Desire to take 59% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 88% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 46% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 79% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 61% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 8%22%13%13%19%8%3%6%2%<1%2%<1%2%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took MATH 316 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 6.81% Students who took MATH 316 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.27% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n MATH 316\n .\n 0%<1%<1%10%43%46% OthersFreshmanUSpec/NCFDSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n MATH 316; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20316/"}} {"id": "2cbb193e56c7-3", "text": "Description of course MATH 316: \nMATH 316; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Silverman, Thomas 3 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Miller, Peter 2 Fall 2018 100% 90% 92% Ji, Lizhen 2 Fall 2022 100% 70% 93% Alben, Silas 2 Fall 2020 88% 64% 96% Zimmerling, Joern 2 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Arathoon, Philip 2 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Le, Pengyu 1 Fall 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Barrett, David 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Cianci, Donato 1 Winter 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Blackstone, Elliot 1 Winter 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n MATH 316\n \n eventually declared.\n Mathematics BS 50% Computer Science BS 9% Economics BS 9% Statistics BS 6% Data Science BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20316/"}} {"id": "2cbb193e56c7-4", "text": "Description of course MATH 316: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n MATH 316. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 90% Undergraduate Engineering 6% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Non-Degree <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n MATH 316. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n MATH 316\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20316/"}} {"id": "2cbb193e56c7-5", "text": "Description of course MATH 316: \nMATH 316\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before MATH 316 MATH 217 75% EECS 183 58% MATH 215 50% MATH 425 39% ECON 101 36% ENGLISH 125 32% ECON 102 28% EECS 280 27% MATH 116 23% EECS 203 22% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as MATH 316 MATH 425 16% MATH 423 13% MATH 451 10% STATS 426 10% EECS 280 9% MATH 412 9% EECS 183 7% FIN 302 6% EECS 281 5% MATH 217 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after MATH 316 MATH 451 27% MATH 423 22% STATS 426 20% MATH 525 19% MATH 472 17% MATH 526 17% MATH 412 16% EECS 281 15% MATH 425 11% STATS 413 11% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n MATH 316,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 4354867673805574927172822021152017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323020406080100FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20316/"}} {"id": "31bc682af44c-0", "text": "Description of course RCHUMS 312: \nCourse Profile RCHUMS 312 Central European Cinema Cross-Listed as\n \n \n SLAVIC 312 \n During four decades of Communist Party rule, the film industries of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia were under state control. One positive result of this was ample funding for serious films about social and political topics. In certain thematic areas, particularly those dealing with racial and ethnic intolerance and with the plight of women in patriarchal societies, filmmakers in East Central Europe were often able to be more incisive, frank and provocative than is often the case in profit-driven Hollywood film. Talented and committed filmmakers crafted powerful films which the regimes had no ideological grounds to suppress; this tradition of critical filmmaking has continued into the post-Communist period. The films we study concern the Holocaust, women's lives under state socialism, and the ethno-nationalism that led to the wars in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. We view and discuss fourteen films from East Central Europe dealing with the above issues, considering the artistic structure of the films as well.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n A- Advisory Prerequisites: A knowledge of Russian is not required. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of RCHUMS 312 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 19350Open385Eagle, Herbert JIn Person TuTh 2:00PM - 3:00PM", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/RCHUMS%20312/"}} {"id": "31bc682af44c-1", "text": "Description of course RCHUMS 312: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 863 responses for 2696 possible evaluations (32% response rate).\n Desire to take 63% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 95% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 24% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 89% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 81% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 6%42%21%17%9%2%1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took RCHUMS 312 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.49% Students who took RCHUMS 312 and elected Pass/Fail: 24.44% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n RCHUMS 312\n .\n 0%<1%<1%14%35%50% OthersGrad MastrFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/RCHUMS%20312/"}} {"id": "31bc682af44c-2", "text": "Description of course RCHUMS 312: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n RCHUMS 312; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Eagle, Herbert 10 Fall 2022 96% 95% 95% Paloff, Benjamin 2 Winter 2023 96% 95% 96% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n RCHUMS 312\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BS 22% Mathematics BS 12% Economics BA 5% Data Science BS 4% Economics BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n RCHUMS 312. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 86% Undergraduate Engineering 5% Undergraduate Art and Design 3% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n RCHUMS 312. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n RCHUMS 312\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/RCHUMS%20312/"}} {"id": "31bc682af44c-3", "text": "Description of course RCHUMS 312: \nRCHUMS 312\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before RCHUMS 312 EECS 183 39% EECS 280 39% STATS 250 37% ENGLISH 125 34% EECS 203 31% ECON 101 28% EECS 281 28% MATH 115 23% CHEM 210 21% CHEM 211 20% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as RCHUMS 312 EECS 281 7% EECS 376 6% EECS 370 5% EECS 280 5% STATS 250 5% EECS 203 5% EECS 485 4% EECS 484 4% EECS 183 3% ASTRO 106 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after RCHUMS 312 EECS 485 13% EECS 376 12% EECS 370 10% EECS 484 9% EECS 281 9% EECS 497 9% EECS 481 8% EECS 482 8% EECS 445 7% EECS 388 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n RCHUMS 312,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 637674841057985829396815829424744472017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323020406080100120FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/RCHUMS%20312/"}} {"id": "4c665f998765-0", "text": "Description of course ACC 300: \nCourse Profile ACC 300 Financial Acctg \n Financial Accounting --- Financial Accounting provides students with their first exposure to what is essentially the language of business. Students will learn how the economic activities of a business are reported in a set of financial statements and how the information in financial statements can be used to assess the risk and performance of the business. Emphasis will be placed on fundamental concepts and principles of financial accounting and the ability to apply those concepts and principles in business-related decision making.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: Sophomore standing Enforced Prerequisites: (MATH 115 and ECON 101); (C- or better) and (no credit in ACC 471) \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20300/"}} {"id": "4c665f998765-1", "text": "Description of course ACC 300: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ACC 300 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Recitation) 10081Closed00Kama, ItayIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM R0220 BUS + Section 002 (Recitation) 17873Closed00Mehta, Mihir NIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM R0220 BUS + Section 003 (Recitation) 10084Closed00Anderson, SamuelIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM R0220 BUS + Section 004 (Recitation) 10082Closed00Kama, ItayIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM R0220 BUS + Section 005 (Recitation) 10083Closed00Kama, ItayIn Person TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM R0220 BUS + Section 006 (Recitation) 10085Closed00Anderson, SamuelIn Person TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM R0220 BUS + Section 007 (Recitation) 21833Closed00Mehta, Mihir NIn Person TuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AM R0240 BUS + Section 008 (Recitation) 22304Closed00Mehta, Mihir NIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM R0240 BUS", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20300/"}} {"id": "4c665f998765-2", "text": "Description of course ACC 300: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2170 responses for 3970 possible evaluations (55% response rate).\n Desire to take 61% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 96% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 10% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 90% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 75% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 1%22%20%29%22%4%1%<1%<1%0%<1%<1%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took ACC 300 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.75% Students who took ACC 300 and elected Pass/Fail: 5.58% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ACC 300\n .\n 0%<1%<1%10%20%69% OthersUSpec/NCFDFreshmanSeniorJuniorSophomore Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ACC 300; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20300/"}} {"id": "4c665f998765-3", "text": "Description of course ACC 300: \nACC 300; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Williams, Chris 5 Fall 2021 100% 90% 96% Kama, Itay 4 Fall 2022 99% 91% 100% Krolick, Debra 4 Fall 2020 98% 92% 93% Packard, Heidi 3 Fall 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Drogt, Emily 2 Fall 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Anderson, Samuel 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Mehta, Mihir 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Gallo, Lindsey 1 Fall 2017 Data not available Data not available Data not available Thompson, Madeline 1 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ACC 300\n \n eventually declared.\n Business Administration BBA 77% Economics BA 6% Mathematics BS 3% Computer Science BSE 1% Sport Management BA 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ACC 300. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20300/"}} {"id": "4c665f998765-4", "text": "Description of course ACC 300: \nACC 300. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Business Admin 80% Undergraduate L S & A 14% Undergraduate Engineering 4% Undergraduate Kinesiology 1% Undergraduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ACC 300. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ACC 300\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20300/"}} {"id": "4c665f998765-5", "text": "Description of course ACC 300: \nACC 300\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ACC 300 ECON 101 89% ENGLISH 125 63% BCOM 250 59% BA 100 59% MATH 115 51% STATS 250 28% ECON 102 27% EECS 183 23% PSYCH 111 19% ANTHRCUL 101 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ACC 300 TO 301 81% BA 200 81% BA 102 14% ECON 102 12% EECS 280 3% EECS 281 3% EECS 183 2% PHIL 183 2% EARTH 113 2% ECON 402 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ACC 300 ACC 301 81% STRATEGY 290 80% MKT 300 71% FIN 300 71% TO 300 69% BL 300 65% MO 300 65% BCOM 350 65% TO 313 65% BE 300 58% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ACC 300,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 815831815800635647303340242017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800FASP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20300/"}} {"id": "e879ec0cab61-0", "text": "Description of course COMPLIT 322: \nCourse Profile COMPLIT 322 Translating World Literatures \n This course provides an opportunity for students to use their skills in a foreign language to think about the history, theory, and practice of translating literary texts. To meet the Upper Level Writing Requirement, the course is structured around a series of critical and creative writing assignments that encourage students to reflect on the process of translation, in their own work and in a selection of translated works. The course also includes a range of readings in translation studies, with an emphasis on the cultural function of translation and the role of the translator in cross-cultural communication. Students will integrate theoretical concepts about translation with the textual practice of translating.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 - 5.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of COMPLIT 322 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 24235Open340Pour Mohammad, TaymazIn Person We 8:30AM - 10:00AM G040 TISCH \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 393 responses for 709 possible evaluations (55% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COMPLIT%20322/"}} {"id": "e879ec0cab61-1", "text": "Description of course COMPLIT 322: \n393 responses for 709 possible evaluations (55% response rate).\n Desire to take 81% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 93% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 24% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 86% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 85% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 15%64%11%3%3%1%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took COMPLIT 322 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.95% Students who took COMPLIT 322 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.84% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n COMPLIT 322\n .\n 0%<1%<1%5%27%67% OthersUSpec/NCFDGrad MastrSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n COMPLIT 322; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COMPLIT%20322/"}} {"id": "e879ec0cab61-2", "text": "Description of course COMPLIT 322: \nCOMPLIT 322; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Shammas, Anton 2 Winter 2020 100% 100% 100% Paloff, Benjamin 2 Fall 2020 99% 98% 98% Stroebel, Will 2 Fall 2021 96% 96% 98% Merrill she-her-hers, Christi 2 Fall 2022 83% 42% 100% Sarlati, Niloofar 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Prins, Yopie 1 Fall 2017 Data not available Data not available 100% Tang, Xiaobing 1 Winter 2018 100% 100% 100% Weineck, Silke-Maria 1 Fall 2018 94% 91% 94% Diran, Ingrid 1 Fall 2019 100% 100% 100% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n COMPLIT 322\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BS 16% Mathematics BS 10% International Studies BA 10% Economics BA 6% Economics BS 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COMPLIT%20322/"}} {"id": "e879ec0cab61-3", "text": "Description of course COMPLIT 322: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n COMPLIT 322. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 89% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Undergraduate Engineering 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance 2% Undergraduate Kinesiology <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n COMPLIT 322. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n COMPLIT 322\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COMPLIT%20322/"}} {"id": "e879ec0cab61-4", "text": "Description of course COMPLIT 322: \nCOMPLIT 322\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before COMPLIT 322 STATS 250 41% EECS 183 40% ENGLISH 125 40% EECS 280 31% ECON 101 28% EECS 203 24% EECS 281 23% ANTHRCUL 101 21% PSYCH 111 21% CHEM 210 21% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as COMPLIT 322 EECS 376 6% INTLSTD 401 5% EECS 370 4% EECS 485 4% EARTH 113 3% STATS 250 3% EECS 281 3% EECS 484 3% EECS 280 3% EECS 445 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after COMPLIT 322 EECS 485 10% INTLSTD 401 8% EECS 376 7% EECS 484 7% EECS 493 7% EECS 497 6% EECS 370 6% EECS 481 6% EECS 281 5% INTLSTD 301 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n COMPLIT 322,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 34364350333732373740381915121618202017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u20132301020304050FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/COMPLIT%20322/"}} {"id": "e8055aab8110-0", "text": "Description of course ENTR 390: \nCourse Profile ENTR 390 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship \n Those topics with projects (i.e., TechLab; Reimagining Companies Through Innovation) are overseen and graded by faculty and may also involve mentoring by representatives from industrial, governmental and/or non-profit organizations.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 - 15.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20390/"}} {"id": "e8055aab8110-1", "text": "Description of course ENTR 390: \nA \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ENTR 390 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 005 (Lecture) 28555Open3960N/AIn Person We 4:30PM - 5:30PM 1130 LBME + Section 011 (Lecture) 22524Open2863Narayan, RishiIn Person Tu 6:00PM - 8:00PM 0460 CCCB + Section 012 (Lecture) 22699Open1960Seidl, F AndyIn Person Mo 4:00PM - 7:00PM 3460 CCCB + Section 013 (Lecture) 22741Open412Moore, Douglas Bradley; Wingfield, Eric HenryIn Person Tu 4:30PM - 7:30PM 1206 DOW + Section 050 (Lecture) 24736Open1225Bailey, Alison CIn Person Mo 4:00PM - 6:00PM 2600 SKB + Section 055 (Lecture) 33580Open1120N/AIn Person Th 3:30PM - 5:30PM 1008 FXB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 884 responses for 2059 possible evaluations (43% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20390/"}} {"id": "e8055aab8110-2", "text": "Description of course ENTR 390: \n884 responses for 2059 possible evaluations (43% response rate).\n Desire to take 90% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 93% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 22% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 81% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 87% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 27%50%10%5%3%2%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.4 Students who took ENTR 390 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.73% Students who took ENTR 390 and elected Pass/Fail: 6.02% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ENTR 390\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%1%6%7%20%26%39% OthersGrad InterGrad CertPro 3rd YrG Pre-CandPro InterGrad CandUSpec/NCFDFreshmanGrad MastrSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20390/"}} {"id": "e8055aab8110-3", "text": "Description of course ENTR 390: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n ENTR 390; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Narayan, Rishi 11 Winter 2023 100% 98% 99% Seidl, F 9 Winter 2023 95% 82% 95% Bailey, Alison 9 Winter 2023 95% 95% 100% Moore, Douglas 7 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Wingfield, Eric 7 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Root, Thomas 5 Winter 2020 Data not available Data not available Data not available Alexander-Adams, Simon 4 Winter 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Sinclair, Jeffrey 4 Winter 2021 100% 100% 100% Ellis, Jay 3 Fall 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Sick, Volker 2 Winter 2018 100% 100% 100% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ENTR 390\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20390/"}} {"id": "e8055aab8110-4", "text": "Description of course ENTR 390: \nENTR 390\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 14% Information BS 7% LSA Undeclared 7% Business Administration BBA 7% Computer Science BS 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ENTR 390. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 36% Undergraduate L S & A 35% Undergraduate Business Admin 7% Undergraduate Information 7% Rackham 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 5 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ENTR 390. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ENTR 390\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20390/"}} {"id": "e8055aab8110-5", "text": "Description of course ENTR 390: \nENTR 390\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ENTR 390 ECON 101 29% STATS 250 27% ENGLISH 125 26% MATH 115 23% EECS 280 23% EECS 203 20% ENGR 100 19% EECS 183 18% ENGR 101 16% EECS 281 15% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ENTR 390 ENTR 407 7% EECS 280 5% EECS 370 4% ENGR 100 4% EECS 281 4% EECS 203 4% SI 422 4% EECS 376 3% EECS 485 3% ENGR 101 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ENTR 390 EECS 496 12% TCHNCLCM 497 9% EECS 376 9% EECS 485 9% EECS 281 9% EECS 370 8% TCHNCLCM 300 7% ENTR 411 7% EECS 498 7% EECS 280 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ENTR 390,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 175228152140174220168181203216166250212017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20390/"}} {"id": "2e0b8736a637-0", "text": "Description of course ECON 310: \nCourse Profile ECON 310 Money & Banking \n Money and Banking --- This course considers the role of money, banking and finance in the economy. At the macroeconomic level, students study how monetary policy influences interest rates, prices and overall economic activity.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n A Advisory Prerequisites: Students with first year or sophomore standing should complete ECON 102 (with a C or higher) before taking ECON 402. Enforced Prerequisites: ECON 102; (C or better) or 402; (C- or better) \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ECON 310 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 11008Wait List0200Dudek, Maciej KonradIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:00PM 1400 CHEM \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 544 responses for 1846 possible evaluations (29% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20310/"}} {"id": "2e0b8736a637-1", "text": "Description of course ECON 310: \n544 responses for 1846 possible evaluations (29% response rate).\n Desire to take 79% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 81% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 7% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 64% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 65% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 28%25%12%12%9%5%4%4%<1%<1%<1%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took ECON 310 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 3.42% Students who took ECON 310 and elected Pass/Fail: 7.64% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ECON 310\n .\n 0%<1%<1%1%16%33%49% OthersGrad CandFreshmanUSpec/NCFDSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ECON 310; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20310/"}} {"id": "2e0b8736a637-2", "text": "Description of course ECON 310: \nECON 310; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Dudek, Maciej 8 Winter 2023 81% 56% 91% Hogan, Chad 1 Fall 2017 84% 74% 91% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ECON 310\n \n eventually declared.\n Economics BA 45% Economics BS 14% LSA Undeclared 6% Business Administration BBA 5% Mathematics BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ECON 310. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 87% Undergraduate Business Admin 7% Undergraduate Engineering 3% Undergraduate Public Policy <1% Undergraduate Kinesiology <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ECON 310. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ECON 310\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20310/"}} {"id": "2e0b8736a637-3", "text": "Description of course ECON 310: \nECON 310\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ECON 310 ECON 101 70% ECON 102 68% STATS 250 57% ENGLISH 125 48% ECON 401 47% MATH 115 47% EECS 183 29% ANTHRCUL 101 22% ECON 402 22% ECON 251 21% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ECON 310 ECON 401 20% ECON 402 20% ECON 251 12% STATS 250 8% MATH 115 4% ECON 395 4% EECS 183 3% FIN 302 3% ECON 490 3% ECON 208 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ECON 310 ECON 402 34% ECON 251 28% ECON 490 22% ECON 401 18% ECON 485 16% ECON 435 16% ECON 409 10% ECON 441 10% ECON 432 10% ECON 412 9% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ECON 310,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 19919214619919719922813718919819931324128192017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20310/"}} {"id": "221905af9d97-0", "text": "Description of course FIN 302: \nCourse Profile FIN 302 Making Fin Decisions \n Making Financial Decisions --- Financial analysis provides a structure to estimate and compare the costs and benefits of decisions made in both our personal lives and within an organization, such as a firm. Students taking this course will develop a foundational understanding of rational decision-making using financial analysis and the ability to apply that framework to make personal investing decisions, allocate capital within an organization or firm, and to determine the value of a firm or any asset that produces cash flow. Students will also learn how to assess risk. Understand the relationship between risk and return when investing as well as gain a general understanding of financial markets. This course will utilize extensive examples, problem solving, and case studies both in class and in smaller discussion sections.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: [Ross Minor or (Non-Ross Sophomore or Junior or Senior)] and (No Credit in FIN 300) \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FIN%20302/"}} {"id": "221905af9d97-1", "text": "Description of course FIN 302: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of FIN 302 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 19908Wait List080Lei, QinIn Person Mo 8:30AM - 11:30AM B0570 BUS + Section 002 (Lecture) 33437Wait List065Prokopev, FilippIn Person Fr 10:00AM - 1:00PM R1210 BUS + Section 311 (Lecture) 36083Wait List080Lei, QinIn Person Mo 8:30AM - 11:30AM B0570 BUS + Section 312 (Lecture) 36085Open815Prokopev, FilippIn Person Fr 10:00AM - 1:00PM R1210 BUS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1006 responses for 1983 possible evaluations (51% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FIN%20302/"}} {"id": "221905af9d97-2", "text": "Description of course FIN 302: \n1006 responses for 1983 possible evaluations (51% response rate).\n Desire to take 75% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 92% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 31% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 89% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 75% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 3%18%24%21%15%8%4%3%2%0%<1%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took FIN 302 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 3.48% Students who took FIN 302 and elected Pass/Fail: 14.28% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n FIN 302\n .\n 0%<1%5%31%63% OthersUSpec/NCFDSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n FIN 302; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FIN%20302/"}} {"id": "221905af9d97-3", "text": "Description of course FIN 302: \nFIN 302; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Lei, Qin 12 Winter 2023 97% 78% 93% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n FIN 302\n \n eventually declared.\n Economics BA 18% Mathematics BS 14% Computer Science BSE 7% Industrial & Oper Eng BSE 5% Economics BS 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n FIN 302. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 67% Undergraduate Engineering 22% Undergraduate Kinesiology 5% Undergraduate Information 2% Undergraduate Public Policy 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n FIN 302. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n FIN 302\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FIN%20302/"}} {"id": "221905af9d97-4", "text": "Description of course FIN 302: \nFIN 302\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before FIN 302 ECON 101 71% STATS 250 47% ENGLISH 125 42% ECON 102 40% MATH 115 36% EECS 183 31% MATH 215 30% ECON 401 26% EECS 280 24% MATH 116 23% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as FIN 302 MKT 302 9% ECON 402 7% ACC 471 7% MATH 423 6% ECON 401 5% STATS 426 5% STRATEGY 302 4% ECON 251 4% MO 302 4% ECON 310 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after FIN 302 STRATEGY 302 13% MKT 302 12% ACC 471 11% TO 411 8% ECON 490 8% ECON 402 7% ECON 435 6% MATH 520 6% EECS 496 6% ECON 485 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n FIN 302,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 172178169152150132189194198215197196172017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/FIN%20302/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-0", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nCourse Profile ENGR 355 Multidis Eng Pro 2 \n Intermediate Multidisciplinary Engineering Project --- Intermediate course in which students acquire, develop, and refine skills for success in the engineering design process using faculty or faculty/industry mentored, multidisciplinary, team-based, project work. Students will integrate: (1) knowledge from previous courses; (2) knowledge of engineering design process; and (3)\nprofessional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.).\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 - 4.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-1", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nCourse Sections This table shows sections of ENGR 355 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Laboratory) 21891Open2525Ghaffari Jadidi, MaaniIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 002 (Laboratory) 20211Open2525Bell IV, A HarveyIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 003 (Laboratory) 18510Open2525Skerlos, Steven JIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 006 (Laboratory) 20212Open2525Bell IV, A HarveyIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 007 (Laboratory) 18515Open2525Pan, YulinIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 008 (Laboratory) 18647Open2525Sheehan, JPIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 009 (Laboratory) 19039Open2525Ridley, Aaron JamesIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 011 (Laboratory)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-2", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nTBA N/A + Section 011 (Laboratory) 19040Open2525Cesnik, Carlos EIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 012 (Laboratory) 18763Open2525Alfano, Kenneth MIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 013 (Laboratory) 25481Open2525Wrobel, Melissa ReneeIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 014 (Laboratory) 19036Open2525Hofmann, HeathIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 015 (Laboratory) 19225Open2525Martz, Jason BrianIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 016 (Laboratory) 20274Open2525Wright, Steven JIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 017 (Laboratory) 26468Open2525Louttit, CameronIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 018 (Laboratory) 20812Open2525Bell IV, A HarveyIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 019 (Laboratory) 20816Open2525McCormick, Jason PIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 020 (Laboratory) 21148Open2425Bell IV, A HarveyIn Person TBA TBA N/A", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-3", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nA HarveyIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 021 (Laboratory) 19618Open2525Bell IV, A HarveyIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 022 (Laboratory) 22200Closed025Hansen, WillIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 023 (Laboratory) 21988Open2525Rouse, Elliott JIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 024 (Laboratory) 22251Open2525Bell IV, A Harvey; Hofmann, HeathIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 025 (Laboratory) 22532Open2525Sheehan, JPIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 026 (Laboratory) 23066Open2525Siegel, Jason BenjaminIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 028 (Laboratory) 22533Open2525Ridley, Aaron JamesIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 029 (Laboratory) 23158Open2525Ridley, Aaron JamesIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 030 (Laboratory) 24101Open2525Bell IV, A HarveyIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 031 (Laboratory) 24117Open2525Du,", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-4", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \n+ Section 031 (Laboratory) 24117Open2525Du, XiaoxiaoIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 032 (Laboratory) 24707Open2525Gulari, ErdoganIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 033 (Laboratory) 26428Open2525Yarger, Austin DavidIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 037 (Laboratory) 28183Open2525Stirling, LeiaIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 038 (Laboratory) 28101Open2525Skinner, KatieIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 039 (Laboratory) 27569Open2525Fidkowski, Krzysztof JIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 040 (Laboratory) 32806Open3030Louttit, CameronIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 100 (Laboratory) 23068Open67Ringenberg, JeffIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 101 (Laboratory) 22536Open77Menassa, Carol CIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 102 (Laboratory) 23067Open77Middleton, Robert JohnIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 103 (Laboratory) 23069Open77Chen,", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-5", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \n+ Section 103 (Laboratory) 23069Open77Chen, ZhanIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 104 (Laboratory) 23070Open77Shedden, Kerby AIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 105 (Laboratory) 23071Open67Z, YIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 106 (Laboratory) 23072Open77Hess, Michael LevineIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 107 (Laboratory) 23073Open77Najarian, KayvanIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 108 (Laboratory) 23074Open77Towne, Aaron SIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 109 (Laboratory) 23075Open77Gorodetsky, Alex ArkadyIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 110 (Laboratory) 23076Open67Bao, ShanIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 111 (Laboratory) 23077Open77Revzen, ShaiIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 112 (Laboratory) 23078Open77Chesney, David RIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 113 (Laboratory) 23079Open47Kruger, Grant HenriIn Person", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-6", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \n(Laboratory) 23079Open47Kruger, Grant HenriIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 114 (Laboratory) 23080Open77Capecelatro, Jesse AldenIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 115 (Laboratory) 23081Open67Hohner, GailIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 116 (Laboratory) 23082Open67Renno, Nilton OIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 117 (Laboratory) 23083Open67Darden, Marcus MIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 118 (Laboratory) 23084Open67Kutty, SindhuIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 119 (Laboratory) 23085Open77Jamin, SugihIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 120 (Laboratory) 25436Open47Love, Brian JIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 121 (Laboratory) 25440Open57Chesney, David RIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 122 (Laboratory) 25441Open67Ku, Pei-ChengIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 123 (Laboratory) 25443Open77Menassa, Carol CIn Person", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-7", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \n(Laboratory) 25443Open77Menassa, Carol CIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 124 (Laboratory) 26883Open67Seiler, Peter JosephIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 125 (Laboratory) 26884Closed00N/AIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 126 (Laboratory) 26885Closed00N/AIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 209 (Laboratory) 21900Open2525Sienko, KathleenIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 220 (Laboratory) 34183Open2325Samson, PerryIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 221 (Laboratory) 24861Closed00Barton, Kira LIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 222 (Laboratory) 23086Open2425Dinov, IvoIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 223 (Laboratory) 23087Closed00N/AIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 224 (Laboratory) 23088Closed00Gilchrist, Brian EIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 225 (Laboratory) 23089Open2525Green, Paul AIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 226 (Laboratory)", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-8", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nTBA N/A + Section 226 (Laboratory) 23090Open2425Hu, Jingwen; Jones, Monica LHIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 227 (Laboratory) 23091Open2325Akhavan-Tafti, Mojtaba; Kasper, JustinIn Person We 4:30PM - 5:30PM 1500 EECS + Section 228 (Laboratory) 30355Open2325Liang, XiaoganIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 229 (Laboratory) 23092Open2525Maddox, Avery Mitchell; Rao, ArvindIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 230 (Laboratory) 23093Open2125Revzen, ShaiIn Person TBA TBA N/A + Section 500 (Laboratory) 24504Open1010Skerlos, Steven JIn Person TBA TBA N/A", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-9", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 940 responses for 3309 possible evaluations (28% response rate).\n Desire to take 89% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 86% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 25% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 74% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 83% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 11%71%11%4%2%<1%<1%<1%0%0%0%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took ENGR 355 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.32% Students who took ENGR 355 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.38% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ENGR 355\n .\n 0%<1%<1%7%14%23%55% OthersG Pre-CandFreshmanSophomoreGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-10", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nThis table shows instructors who have taught\n ENGR 355; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Bell IV, A 12 Winter 2023 85% 87% 89% Barton, Kira 12 Winter 2023 89% 88% 97% Hofmann, Heath 12 Winter 2023 88% 88% 88% Ringenberg, Jeff 12 Winter 2023 86% 82% 91% Kasper, Justin 12 Winter 2023 100% 92% 92% McCormick, Jason 12 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Sienko, Kathleen 12 Winter 2023 83% 100% 100% Ridley, Aaron 12 Winter 2023 100% 100% 100% Skerlos, Steven 12 Winter 2023 83% 100% 100% Dinov, Ivo 12 Winter 2023 87% 84% 87% previous \u00a0 1 / 11 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ENGR 355\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-11", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nENGR 355\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 18% Computer Science BS 12% Mechanical Engineering BSE 11% Computer Engineering BSE 4% Electrical Engineering BSE 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ENGR 355. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 65% Undergraduate L S & A 17% Rackham 10% Graduate Information 2% Graduate Engineering 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ENGR 355. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ENGR 355\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "c6d67415a795-12", "text": "Description of course ENGR 355: \nENGR 355\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ENGR 355 ENGR 100 14% MATH 215 12% ENGR 101 12% MATH 216 11% EECS 280 11% PHYSICS 141 10% PHYSICS 140 9% ENGR 255 9% EECS 203 9% PHYSICS 241 9% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ENGR 355 MECHENG 395 3% MECHENG 360 3% EECS 370 3% MECHENG 350 3% MECHENG 320 3% MECHENG 382 2% TCHNCLCM 300 2% EECS 376 2% EECS 485 2% EECS 281 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ENGR 355 ENGR 455 7% EECS 496 6% MECHENG 450 4% MECHENG 495 4% MECHENG 335 4% TCHNCLCM 496 3% STATS 412 3% EECS 485 3% TCHNCLCM 497 3% EECS 482 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ENGR 355,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 113693544833603623944816316553975854552017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600SUFAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENGR%20355/"}} {"id": "6476cbdcefb1-0", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 305: \nCourse Profile BIOLOGY 305 Genetics \n This introduction to genetics includes the following sections: DNA and chromosomes; gene transmission in Eukaryotes; linkage and recombination; genes and enzymes, the genetic code, and mutation; recombinant DNA, RFLP mapping, the Human Genome Project; gene regulation, transposons; population genetics; and quantitative genetics.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: Prior or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 210. Enforced Prerequisites: [BIOLOGY 171 and (172 or 174)] or BIOLOGY 192 or 195 \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of BIOLOGY 305 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 10705Open5432Ammerlaan, Marcus C; Baucom, Regina SIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1420 CCCB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 4412 responses for 8695 possible evaluations (51% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20305/"}} {"id": "6476cbdcefb1-1", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 305: \n4412 responses for 8695 possible evaluations (51% response rate).\n Desire to take 47% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 89% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 45% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 74% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 61% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 6%24%14%11%13%9%6%6%5%1%3%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took BIOLOGY 305 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 5.48% Students who took BIOLOGY 305 and elected Pass/Fail: 5.72% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n BIOLOGY 305\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%3%25%71% OthersGrad MastrFreshmanUSpec/NCFDSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n BIOLOGY 305; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20305/"}} {"id": "6476cbdcefb1-2", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 305: \nBIOLOGY 305; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Archbold, Hilary 10 Winter 2023 92% 82% 96% Dus, Monica 6 Fall 2022 93% 76% 98% Wierzbicki, Andrzej 6 Winter 2023 95% 72% 95% Baucom, Regina 5 Fall 2022 93% 81% 95% Green, Delbert 3 Winter 2023 71% 43% 83% James, Timothy 2 Winter 2019 86% 61% 95% Zhang, Jianzhi 2 Fall 2019 83% 36% 91% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n BIOLOGY 305\n \n eventually declared.\n Neuroscience BS 18% Biology, Health, & Society BS 9% Molec, Cell & Dev Biology BS 8% Biochemistry BS 6% Biomolecular Science BS 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n BIOLOGY 305. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20305/"}} {"id": "6476cbdcefb1-3", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 305: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 92% Undergraduate Pharmacy 2% Undergraduate Engineering 2% Undergraduate Kinesiology 1% Undergraduate Public Health <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n BIOLOGY 305. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n BIOLOGY 305\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before BIOLOGY 305 CHEM 210 86% CHEM 211 85% BIOLOGY 173 83% CHEM 215 73% CHEM 216 68% STATS 250 61% PHYSICS 135 51% PHYSICS 136 50% BIOLOGY 171 46% BIOLOGY 172 45% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as BIOLOGY 305 MCDB 306 8% CHEM 215 5% BIOLOGY 226 5% CHEM 216 5% PHYSICS 236 4% MCDB 310 4% BIOLOGY 225 4% EEB 390 4% BIOLOGY 207 4% PHYSICS 235 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after BIOLOGY 305 MCDB 310 16% CHEM 230 11% BIOLOGY 225 11% MCDB 428 9% PHYSICS 236 9% MCDB 427 9% BIOLOGY 226 8% PHYSICS 235 8% MCDB 306 8% BIOLOGY 207 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20305/"}} {"id": "6476cbdcefb1-4", "text": "Description of course BIOLOGY 305: \nThis graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n BIOLOGY 305,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 787065107614733233435541544541232730429035334734674589158422017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/BIOLOGY%20305/"}} {"id": "a5b2a52cca7b-0", "text": "Description of course ACC 301: \nCourse Profile ACC 301 Managerial Acctg \n Information Systems --- An introduction to computers and information processing. Topics discussed include basic hardware and software concepts, telecommunications, electronic commerce, business processes, strategy, databases, artificial intelligence, ethics, and legal issues. Also covered is spreadsheet analysis and use of the internet.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: ACC 300 or ACC 471 Enforced Prerequisites: ACC 300 or BBA Sophomore \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ACC 301 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation No sections are being offered this term. \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 431 responses for 1322 possible evaluations (33% response rate).\n Desire to take 44% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 90% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 17% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 89% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 58% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20301/"}} {"id": "a5b2a52cca7b-1", "text": "Description of course ACC 301: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 1%24%22%25%21%4%<1%1%<1%<1%<1%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.2 Students who took ACC 301 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.5% Students who took ACC 301 and elected Pass/Fail: 13.37% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ACC 301\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%5%26%68% OthersGrad MastrFreshmanUSpec/NCFDSeniorSophomoreJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ACC 301; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20301/"}} {"id": "a5b2a52cca7b-2", "text": "Description of course ACC 301: \nACC 301; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Drogt, Emily 6 Winter 2023 95% 85% 84% Oswald, Dennis 4 Winter 2023 95% 82% 83% Kama, Itay 4 Winter 2023 99% 94% 99% Williams, Jefferson 4 Winter 2021 88% 63% 100% Klemstine, Charles 2 Winter 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Choi, Jen 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Omartian, James 1 Winter 2019 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ACC 301\n \n eventually declared.\n Business Administration BBA 90% Economics BA 3% Economics BS <1% LSA Undeclared <1% Mathematics BS <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ACC 301. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20301/"}} {"id": "a5b2a52cca7b-3", "text": "Description of course ACC 301: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Business Admin 92% Undergraduate L S & A 6% Undergraduate Engineering 1% Undergraduate Kinesiology <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ACC 301. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ACC 301\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ACC 301 ACC 300 95% TO 301 93% BA 200 93% ECON 101 90% BCOM 250 68% BA 100 68% ENGLISH 125 66% MATH 115 52% ECON 102 37% STATS 250 24% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ACC 301 STRATEGY 290 93% FIN 300 56% MKT 300 43% TO 300 34% BCOM 250 25% ECON 102 24% TO 411 5% BE 300 4% ASTRO 107 3% LING 111 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ACC 301 TO 313 76% BL 300 76% MO 300 76% BCOM 350 76% BE 300 63% STRATEGY 390 60% TO 300 46% MKT 300 40% TO 411 34% FIN 300 27% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20301/"}} {"id": "a5b2a52cca7b-4", "text": "Description of course ACC 301: \nThis graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ACC 301,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 6937036806686246462017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800WN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ACC%20301/"}} {"id": "ff09f57f1d9e-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 485: \nCourse Profile EECS 485 Web Systems \n Concepts surrounding web systems, applications, and internet scale distributed systems. Topics covered include client/server protocols, security, information retrieval and search engines, scalable data processing, and fault tolerant systems. The course has substantial projects involving development of web applications and web systems.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F) or Graduate Standing in CSE. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20485/"}} {"id": "ff09f57f1d9e-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 485: \nScroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 485 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 21005Open1135DeOrio, AndrewIn Person TuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PM 1571 GGBL + Section 002 (Lecture) 20454Open1126Almomani, RaedIn Person TuTh 4:30PM - 6:00PM 2505 GGBL + Section 003 (Lecture) 30884Closed0126Almomani, RaedIn Person TuTh 6:00PM - 7:30PM 2505 GGBL + Section 004 (Lecture) 31090Closed0128DeOrio, AndrewIn Person TBA TBA REMOTE + Section 005 (Lecture) 35634Open2120Kloosterman, John SidneyMixed MoWe 12:00PM - 1:30PM STAMPS + Section 006 (Lecture) 35654Open7120Kloosterman, John SidneyIn Person MoWe 12:00PM - 1:30PM STAMPS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2204 responses for 9591 possible evaluations (23% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20485/"}} {"id": "ff09f57f1d9e-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 485: \n2204 responses for 9591 possible evaluations (23% response rate).\n Desire to take 90% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 95% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 42% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 88% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 88% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 6%20%23%22%14%7%4%2%1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 485 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.3% Students who took EECS 485 and elected Pass/Fail: 6.67% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 485\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%3%14%82% OthersG Pre-CandUSpec/NCFDGrad CandSophomoreGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 485; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20485/"}} {"id": "ff09f57f1d9e-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 485: \nEECS 485; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Almomani, Raed 7 Winter 2023 93% 87% 93% DeOrio, Andrew 7 Fall 2022 98% 97% 95% Kloosterman, John 4 Winter 2023 98% 98% 98% Flinn, Jason 2 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Cafarella, Michael 1 Fall 2018 95% 94% 95% Hamilton, Nicole 1 Winter 2021 70% 73% 87% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 485\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 38% Computer Science BS 30% Data Science BS 5% Data Science BSE 3% Mathematics BS 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 485. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20485/"}} {"id": "ff09f57f1d9e-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 485: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 51% Undergraduate L S & A 42% Rackham 3% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Undergraduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 485. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 485\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20485/"}} {"id": "ff09f57f1d9e-5", "text": "Description of course EECS 485: \nEECS 485\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 485 EECS 281 96% EECS 280 89% EECS 203 82% EECS 370 73% EECS 376 60% STATS 250 47% EECS 183 41% MATH 215 39% ENGR 100 37% ECON 101 31% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 485 EECS 370 11% EECS 388 10% EECS 376 10% EECS 445 10% TCHNCLCM 300 9% EECS 484 8% EECS 493 8% EECS 496 7% EECS 498 7% EECS 482 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 485 EECS 496 31% TCHNCLCM 497 31% EECS 482 22% EECS 497 21% EECS 493 20% EECS 481 19% EECS 498 19% EECS 441 17% EECS 484 17% EECS 376 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 485,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 66351357438677521515320441437449474476632017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20485/"}} {"id": "0498718d1cfc-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 484: \nCourse Profile EECS 484 Database Management Systems \n Concepts and methods for the design, creation, query and management of large enterprise databases. Functions and characteristics of the leading database management systems. Query languages such as SQL, forms, embedded SQL, and application development tools. Database design, integrity, normalization, access methods, query optimization, transaction management and currency control and recovery.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, no OP/F) or 403; (B or better, no OP/F) or Graduate Standing in CSE. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 484 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 10393Open6145Mozafari, BarzanIn Person TuTh 9:00AM - 10:30AM STAMPS + Section 002 (Lecture) 35085Open7145Mozafari, BarzanIn Person TuTh 9:00AM - 10:30AM STAMPS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 2209 responses for 7391 possible evaluations (30% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20484/"}} {"id": "0498718d1cfc-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 484: \n2209 responses for 7391 possible evaluations (30% response rate).\n Desire to take 77% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 91% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 13% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 84% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 78% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 7%21%19%15%15%12%5%3%1%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 484 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.16% Students who took EECS 484 and elected Pass/Fail: 7.32% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 484\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%9%17%74% OthersSophomoreG Pre-CandUSpec/NCFDGrad CandGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 484; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20484/"}} {"id": "0498718d1cfc-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 484: \nEECS 484; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Prakash, Atul 4 Winter 2023 81% 73% 91% Mozafari, Barzan 4 Winter 2023 90% 77% 90% Jagadish, H 3 Fall 2022 85% 79% 91% Almomani, Raed 3 Winter 2021 86% 76% 92% Honeyman, Peter 2 Fall 2021 70% 63% 87% Leach, Kevin 1 Fall 2020 100% 94% 100% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 484\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 31% Computer Science BS 29% Data Science BS 9% Data Science BSE 4% Mathematics BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 484. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20484/"}} {"id": "0498718d1cfc-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 484: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 45% Undergraduate Engineering 43% Rackham 9% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 484. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 484\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20484/"}} {"id": "0498718d1cfc-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 484: \nEECS 484\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 484 EECS 281 91% EECS 280 82% EECS 203 75% EECS 370 67% EECS 376 56% STATS 250 47% EECS 183 42% MATH 215 36% MATH 116 30% MATH 214 29% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 484 EECS 485 13% EECS 388 10% EECS 370 10% EECS 376 9% EECS 445 9% EECS 496 7% TCHNCLCM 300 7% EECS 482 6% EECS 498 6% TCHNCLCM 497 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 484 EECS 496 25% TCHNCLCM 497 24% EECS 485 23% EECS 493 16% EECS 441 16% EECS 497 15% EECS 482 15% EECS 481 15% EECS 498 13% EECS 445 13% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 484,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1722702872242613462593474102683013024253802017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20484/"}} {"id": "dfbfd2b76778-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 482: \nCourse Profile EECS 482 Introduction to Operating Systems \n Operating system design and implementation: multi-tasking; concurrency and synchronization; inter-process communication; deadlock; scheduling; resource allocation; memory and storage management; input-output; file systems; protection and security. Students write several substantial programs dealing with concurrency and synchronization in a multi-task environment, with file systems, and with memory management.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281 and 370; (C or better, No OP/F) or Graduate Standing in CSE. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 482 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 21789Open2120Chen, Peter MIn Person MoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PM STAMPS + Section 002 (Lecture) 28084Open4130Chen, Peter MIn Person MoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PM STAMPS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 4219 responses for 7924 possible evaluations (53% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20482/"}} {"id": "dfbfd2b76778-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 482: \n4219 responses for 7924 possible evaluations (53% response rate).\n Desire to take 88% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 96% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 81% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 90% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 87% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 5%16%20%17%15%11%7%4%<1%<1%3%0%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 482 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 3.44% Students who took EECS 482 and elected Pass/Fail: 14.54% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 482\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%2%7%90% OthersUSpec/NCFDGrad CandG Pre-CandGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 482; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20482/"}} {"id": "dfbfd2b76778-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 482: \nEECS 482; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Kapritsos, Emmanouil 6 Winter 2023 96% 94% 97% Kasikci, Baris 6 Winter 2023 94% 93% 94% Chen, Peter 4 Fall 2020 99% 99% 98% Madhyastha, Harsha 3 Fall 2020 98% 94% 100% Noble, Brian 3 Fall 2022 95% 87% 88% Hamilton, Nicole 1 Spring/Summer 2020 94% 89% 100% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 482\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 48% Computer Science BS 25% Computer Engineering BSE 9% Mathematics BS 3% Engineering Honors Program 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 482. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20482/"}} {"id": "dfbfd2b76778-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 482: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 66% Undergraduate L S & A 29% Rackham 3% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 482. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 482\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20482/"}} {"id": "dfbfd2b76778-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 482: \nEECS 482\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 482 EECS 281 97% EECS 370 97% EECS 280 85% EECS 203 78% EECS 376 68% ENGR 100 47% MATH 215 42% TCHNCLCM 300 42% EECS 485 40% STATS 250 39% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 482 EECS 498 47% EECS 496 11% EECS 485 10% TCHNCLCM 300 9% EECS 376 9% EECS 388 8% TCHNCLCM 497 7% EECS 484 7% EECS 445 6% EECS 493 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 482 EECS 496 42% TCHNCLCM 497 38% EECS 485 19% EECS 497 18% EECS 445 15% EECS 441 15% EECS 498 15% EECS 491 13% EECS 481 13% EECS 442 12% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 482,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 2362492443013172542533102563582372382017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20482/"}} {"id": "a9dacb616162-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 493: \nCourse Profile EECS 493 User Interface Development \n Concepts and techniques for designing computer system user interfaces to be easy to learn and use, with an introduction to their implementation. Task analysis, design of functionality, display and interaction design, and usability evaluation. Interface programming using an object-oriented application framework. Fluency in a standard object-oriented programming language is assumed.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F) or Graduate Standing in CSE. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 493 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation No sections are being offered this term. \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 3709 responses for 6609 possible evaluations (56% response rate).\n Desire to take 78% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 87% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 3% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 70% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 76% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20493/"}} {"id": "a9dacb616162-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 493: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 17%37%19%13%7%3%2%1%<1%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 493 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.55% Students who took EECS 493 and elected Pass/Fail: 2.39% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 493\n .\n 0%<1%2%8%90% OthersSophomoreGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 493; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20493/"}} {"id": "a9dacb616162-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 493: \nEECS 493; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Guzdial, Mark 4 Fall 2021 93% 88% 87% Ackerman, Mark 3 Fall 2020 78% 63% 84% Guo, Anhong 3 Fall 2022 92% 84% 95% Banovic, Nikola 3 Winter 2023 90% 81% 94% Lasecki, Walter 2 Winter 2019 83% 80% 96% Wang, Xu 2 Fall 2022 86% 73% 92% Molaei, Somayeh 1 Fall 2022 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 493\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 37% Computer Science BS 36% Business Administration BBA 3% Cognitive Science BS 2% Economics BS 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 493. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20493/"}} {"id": "a9dacb616162-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 493: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 48% Undergraduate L S & A 44% Undergraduate Business Admin 4% Rackham 2% Undergraduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 493. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 493\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20493/"}} {"id": "a9dacb616162-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 493: \nEECS 493\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 493 EECS 281 99% EECS 280 96% EECS 203 88% EECS 370 81% EECS 376 72% STATS 250 58% EECS 183 46% EECS 485 44% ENGR 100 38% MATH 215 37% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 493 EECS 485 16% EECS 496 12% TCHNCLCM 497 11% EECS 376 10% EECS 441 9% EECS 497 9% EECS 481 8% EECS 370 8% EECS 484 7% EECS 482 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 493 TCHNCLCM 497 17% EECS 496 17% EECS 497 16% EECS 481 15% EECS 441 11% EECS 486 11% EECS 484 11% EECS 485 10% EECS 376 8% EECS 498 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 493,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 123120119343400441991952563192322322017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20493/"}} {"id": "34453a6770b7-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 441: \nCourse Profile EECS 441 Mobile App Development for Entrepreneurs \n Best practices in the software engineering of mobile applications and best practices of software entrepreneurs in the design, production and marketing of mobile apps. Students will engage in the hands-on practice of entrepreneurship by actually inventing, building, and marketing their own mobile apps.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A Enforced Prerequisites: Senior standing and EECS 281 and at least 4 credit hours of Upper Level Electives from list in Computer Science or Computer Engineering; (C or better, No OP/F) \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 441 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 33115Open345Soloway, ElliotIn Person MoWe 3:00PM - 4:30PM 1017 DOW + Section 002 (Lecture) 33117Open645Soloway, ElliotIn Person MoWe 4:30PM - 6:00PM 1017 DOW + Section 003 (Lecture) 23596Open1737Jamin, SugihIn Person TuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PM 1303 EECS + Section 004 (Lecture) 25797Open2437Jamin, SugihIn Person TuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PM 1303 EECS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20441/"}} {"id": "34453a6770b7-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 441: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 842 responses for 3312 possible evaluations (25% response rate).\n Desire to take 81% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 80% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 13% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 79% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 78% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 21%49%23%5%1%<1%<1%0%0%0%0%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.4 Students who took EECS 441 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.4% Students who took EECS 441 and elected Pass/Fail: 1.49% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 441\n .\n 0%<1%<1%99% OthersGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 441; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20441/"}} {"id": "34453a6770b7-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 441: \nEECS 441; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Jamin, Sugih 12 Winter 2023 82% 72% 81% Soloway, Elliot 11 Winter 2023 85% 83% 85% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 441\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 45% Computer Science BS 36% Mathematics BS 2% Business Administration BBA 2% Economics BS 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 441. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 54% Undergraduate L S & A 43% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Art and Design <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 441. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 441\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20441/"}} {"id": "34453a6770b7-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 441: \nEECS 441\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 441 EECS 281 100% EECS 370 99% EECS 280 94% EECS 376 91% EECS 203 88% STATS 250 66% EECS 485 65% EECS 388 59% TCHNCLCM 300 47% EECS 183 45% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 441 TCHNCLCM 497 44% EECS 496 40% EECS 493 15% EECS 485 12% EECS 481 9% EECS 484 8% EECS 498 7% EECS 482 6% EECS 376 6% EECS 445 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 441 EECS 493 11% EECS 481 9% EECS 486 7% EECS 484 7% EECS 485 6% EECS 442 5% EECS 496 4% TCHNCLCM 497 4% EECS 482 4% EECS 445 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 441,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 17914614714813845163152168126158973126192017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20441/"}} {"id": "66f8d8de2174-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 481: \nCourse Profile EECS 481 Software Engineering \n Pragmatic aspects of the production of software systems, dealing with structuring principles, design methodologies and informal analysis. Emphasis is given to development of large, complex software systems. A term project usually required.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- Enforced Prerequisites: [EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F)] or Graduate Standing in CSE. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 481 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 31329Closed00N/AIn Person TuTh 3:00PM - 4:30PM 1571 GGBL \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 892 responses for 4637 possible evaluations (19% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20481/"}} {"id": "66f8d8de2174-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 481: \n892 responses for 4637 possible evaluations (19% response rate).\n Desire to take 88% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 95% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 8% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 92% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 86% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 6%39%18%12%14%5%2%2%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 481 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.93% Students who took EECS 481 and elected Pass/Fail: 5.64% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 481\n .\n 0%<1%2%6%92% OthersSophomoreGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 481; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20481/"}} {"id": "66f8d8de2174-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 481: \nEECS 481; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Weimer, Westley 8 Fall 2022 99% 97% 97% Wang, Xinyu 3 Winter 2023 94% 90% 94% Leach, Kevin 2 Winter 2021 100% 97% 99% Kochunas, Brendan 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 481\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BS 40% Computer Science BSE 40% Cognitive Science BS 2% Economics BS 1% Data Science BSE 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 481. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 48% Undergraduate L S & A 48% Rackham 2% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20481/"}} {"id": "66f8d8de2174-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 481: \nEECS 481. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 481\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 481 EECS 281 98% EECS 280 95% EECS 370 91% EECS 203 86% EECS 376 80% STATS 250 57% EECS 485 51% EECS 183 43% TCHNCLCM 300 39% ENGR 100 38% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 481 EECS 485 15% EECS 496 12% TCHNCLCM 497 11% EECS 497 11% EECS 493 11% EECS 376 10% EECS 482 8% EECS 498 7% EECS 484 7% EECS 441 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 481 TCHNCLCM 497 21% EECS 496 20% EECS 497 19% EECS 493 16% EECS 485 13% EECS 441 12% EECS 482 11% EECS 484 10% EECS 498 9% EECS 486 9% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 481,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 153245156296102118161267300315702017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20481/"}} {"id": "8e83a29c207c-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 492: \nCourse Profile EECS 492 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence \n Introduction to the core concepts of AI, organized around building computational agents. Emphasizes the application of AI techniques. Topics include search, logic, knowledge representation, reasoning, planning, decision making under the uncertainty, and machine learning.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F). Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 492 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 30890Open11140Derezinski, MichalIn Person MoWe 1:30PM - 3:00PM 1610 IOE + Section 002 (Lecture) 10395Closed0145Mower Provost, EmilyMixed MoWe 3:00PM - 4:30PM ARR \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1851 responses for 3530 possible evaluations (52% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20492/"}} {"id": "8e83a29c207c-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 492: \n1851 responses for 3530 possible evaluations (52% response rate).\n Desire to take 81% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 83% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 16% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 77% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 69% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 7%21%19%15%14%8%6%6%<1%<1%2%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 492 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 4.67% Students who took EECS 492 and elected Pass/Fail: 9.87% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 492\n .\n 0%<1%<1%9%90% OthersSophomoreGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 492; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20492/"}} {"id": "8e83a29c207c-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 492: \nEECS 492; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Mower Provost, Emily 5 Fall 2022 95% 87% 95% Kuipers, Benjamin 2 Winter 2019 74% 60% 88% Durfee, Edmund 2 Winter 2020 91% 76% 89% Burdick, Laura 2 Winter 2023 93% 93% 100% Fish, Benjamin 2 Fall 2022 74% 50% 93% Chai, Joyce 1 Winter 2021 62% 40% 74% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 492\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 31% Computer Science BS 30% Cognitive Science BS 6% Mathematics BS 4% Data Science BS 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 492. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20492/"}} {"id": "8e83a29c207c-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 492: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 49% Undergraduate Engineering 48% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 492. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 492\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20492/"}} {"id": "8e83a29c207c-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 492: \nEECS 492\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 492 EECS 281 98% EECS 280 94% EECS 203 86% EECS 370 74% EECS 376 63% STATS 250 49% EECS 183 45% MATH 215 41% ENGR 100 37% ECON 101 32% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 492 EECS 485 13% EECS 376 10% EECS 445 9% EECS 496 8% EECS 484 8% TCHNCLCM 497 7% EECS 388 7% EECS 493 7% EECS 370 7% TCHNCLCM 300 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 492 EECS 496 23% TCHNCLCM 497 23% EECS 485 15% EECS 497 15% EECS 493 14% EECS 498 13% EECS 441 13% EECS 442 12% EECS 481 11% EECS 445 11% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 492,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1021311311511972741511481381461551402017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250300FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20492/"}} {"id": "4880f885e6aa-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 498: \nCourse Profile EECS 498 Special Topics \n Topics of current interest selected by faculty.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 - 4.0 Median Grade:\n A Advisory Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20498/"}} {"id": "4880f885e6aa-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 498: \nA Advisory Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 498 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 25693Wait List035Wang, XinyuIn Person TuTh 3:00PM - 4:30PM 1024 FXB + Section 002 (Lecture) 24490Open121238Chen, Peter MIn Person TBA TBA ARR + Section 003 (Lecture) 25784Open1760Yarger, Austin DavidIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:30PM 133 CHRYS + Section 004 (Lecture) 32623Open1140Islam, Mohammed NazrulIn Person MoWe 3:00PM - 4:30PM 1303 EECS + Section 005 (Lecture) 28317Open2537Avestruz, Al-ThaddeusIn Person MoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PM 3427 EECS + Section 008 (Lecture) 34576Wait List00Baveja, Satinder SinghIn Person TuTh 4:30PM - 6:00PM 2918 COOL + Section 010 (Lecture) 35272Wait List00Tzimpragos, GeorgiosIn Person MoWe 1:30PM - 3:30PM 2153 GGBL", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20498/"}} {"id": "4880f885e6aa-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 498: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 3666 responses for 7848 possible evaluations (47% response rate).\n Desire to take 90% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 93% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 37% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 84% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 87% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 11%41%17%12%9%5%2%1%<1%0%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 498 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 5.35% Students who took EECS 498 and elected Pass/Fail: 9.4% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 498\n .", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20498/"}} {"id": "4880f885e6aa-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 498: \nEECS 498\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%3%4%5%30%57% OthersGrad CertPro 3rd YrGNCFD/MIGSSophomoreUSpec/NCFDGrad CandG Pre-CandJuniorGrad MastrSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 498; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20498/"}} {"id": "4880f885e6aa-4", "text": "Description of course EECS 498: \nEECS 498; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Kapritsos, Emmanouil 6 Winter 2023 98% 98% 98% Ringenberg, Jeff 5 Fall 2019 86% 92% 93% Kasikci, Baris 5 Winter 2023 94% 95% 95% Kuipers, Benjamin 4 Winter 2023 97% 95% 97% Mars, Jason 4 Fall 2021 79% 84% 91% Berenson, Dmitry 4 Fall 2021 99% 96% 96% Vasudevan, Ram 3 Fall 2019 92% 86% 95% Das, Reetuparna 3 Fall 2021 87% 76% 99% Jagadish, H 3 Fall 2021 100% 100% 100% Islam, Mohammed 3 Fall 2022 80% 73% 87% previous \u00a0 1 / 7 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 498\n \n eventually declared.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20498/"}} {"id": "4880f885e6aa-5", "text": "Description of course EECS 498: \nEECS 498\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 28% Computer Science BS 12% Electrical & Computer Eng MS 10% Mechanical Engineering MSE 4% Computer Engineering BSE 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 498. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 45% Rackham 36% Undergraduate L S & A 16% Graduate Engineering 1% Graduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 498. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 498\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20498/"}} {"id": "4880f885e6aa-6", "text": "Description of course EECS 498: \nEECS 498\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 498 EECS 281 47% EECS 370 45% EECS 280 43% EECS 203 39% EECS 376 34% ENGR 100 25% TCHNCLCM 300 24% MATH 215 22% EECS 485 21% STATS 250 19% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 498 EECS 482 26% EECS 496 12% TCHNCLCM 497 10% EECS 485 7% TCHNCLCM 300 5% EECS 376 5% EECS 445 5% EECS 388 4% EECS 442 4% EECS 484 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 498 EECS 496 19% TCHNCLCM 497 17% EECS 485 8% EECS 497 8% EECS 598 6% EECS 442 6% EECS 445 6% EECS 491 6% EECS 441 5% EECS 493 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 498,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 6777066315724563242365433434115723762017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230200400600800FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20498/"}} {"id": "6a00f4274c7c-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 445: \nCourse Profile EECS 445 Introduction to Machine Learning \n Theory and implementation of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for large-scale real-world applications. Topics include supervised learning (regression, classification, kernel methods, neural networks, and regularization) and unsupervised learning (clustering, density estimation, and dimensionality reduction). For each topic, mathematical principles, key algorithmic ideas, and implementation will be highlighted.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- Advisory Prerequisites: STATS 250 or equivalent Enforced Prerequisites: [(EECS 281 and (MATH 214 or 217 or 296 or 417 or 419 or ROB 101)); (C or better; No OP/F)]. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 445 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 25620Closed0121Hu, Wei; Kutty, SindhuIn Person MoWe 9:00AM - 10:30AM 1013 DOW + Section 002 (Lecture) 28193Closed0117Hu, Wei; Kutty, SindhuIn Person MoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PM 220 CHRYS + Section 003 (Lecture) 25405Closed0117Hu, Wei; Kutty, SindhuIn Person MoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PM 220 CHRYS", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20445/"}} {"id": "6a00f4274c7c-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 445: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 3773 responses for 4977 possible evaluations (76% response rate).\n Desire to take 88% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 93% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 47% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 78% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 82% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 4%36%21%10%14%8%3%3%<1%<1%0%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 445 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 4.91% Students who took EECS 445 and elected Pass/Fail: 7.41% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 445\n .\n 0%<1%<1%15%84% OthersGrad MastrSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 445; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20445/"}} {"id": "6a00f4274c7c-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 445: \nEECS 445; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Kutty, Sindhu 10 Winter 2023 93% 82% 93% Wiens, Jenna 4 Fall 2021 95% 86% 91% Makar, Maggie 1 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 445\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 44% Computer Science BS 21% Data Science BS 8% Mathematics BS 6% Data Science BSE 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 445. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 64% Undergraduate L S & A 33% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Rackham <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 445. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 445\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20445/"}} {"id": "6a00f4274c7c-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 445: \nEECS 445\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 445 EECS 281 98% EECS 280 85% EECS 203 77% EECS 370 76% EECS 376 61% MATH 215 44% ENGR 100 43% MATH 214 40% STATS 250 36% TCHNCLCM 300 33% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 445 EECS 485 18% TCHNCLCM 300 12% EECS 376 11% EECS 484 10% EECS 370 10% EECS 442 10% EECS 496 9% EECS 498 9% EECS 388 8% EECS 482 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 445 EECS 496 38% TCHNCLCM 497 38% EECS 498 27% EECS 482 23% EECS 485 22% EECS 442 20% EECS 497 16% EECS 441 14% EECS 484 13% EECS 376 12% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 445,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1252142722792852292192433193152383512017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20445/"}} {"id": "3a672be15e7f-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 497: \nCourse Profile EECS 497 Major Design Projects \n Human-Centered Software Design and Development --- Team-based, user-centered design and development of complex software systems incorporating effective design strategies and project management methodologies. Topics include customer discovery, contextual inquiry, prototyping, process models, creative problem solving, inclusive thinking, team dynamics, social concerns, and testing strategies. Teams of 3-5 students complete projects based primarily on their individual interests.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F) \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 497 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 23555Wait List0158Ringenberg, JeffIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:30PM 1060 FMCRB + Section 002 (Lecture) 31049Open124300N/AMixed MoWe 11:30AM - 1:30PM ARR \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 575 responses for 2887 possible evaluations (20% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20497/"}} {"id": "3a672be15e7f-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 497: \n575 responses for 2887 possible evaluations (20% response rate).\n Desire to take 77% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 88% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 3% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 91% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 78% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 28%67%4%<1%<1%0%<1%0%0%0%0%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took EECS 497 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 0.14% Students who took EECS 497 and elected Pass/Fail: 0.62% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 497\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%5%95% OthersPro 2nd YrSophomoreGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 497; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20497/"}} {"id": "3a672be15e7f-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 497: \nEECS 497; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Ringenberg, Jeff 11 Winter 2023 95% 95% 96% Narayanasamy, Satish 1 Fall 2017 100% 100% 100% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 497\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 44% Computer Science BS 38% Mathematics BS 3% Data Science BS 2% Business Administration BBA 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 497. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 53% Undergraduate L S & A 45% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% Undergraduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 497. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 497\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20497/"}} {"id": "3a672be15e7f-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 497: \nEECS 497\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 497 EECS 281 90% EECS 280 88% EECS 370 86% EECS 376 78% EECS 203 78% EECS 485 53% STATS 250 48% TCHNCLCM 300 42% ENGR 100 36% EECS 183 36% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 497 TCHNCLCM 497 36% EECS 496 31% EECS 493 11% EECS 481 11% EECS 485 10% EECS 482 7% EECS 484 7% EECS 376 7% EECS 498 6% EECS 388 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 497 EECS 481 10% EECS 486 9% EECS 493 9% EECS 484 7% EECS 496 6% EECS 485 6% EECS 442 6% TCHNCLCM 497 5% EECS 376 5% EECS 482 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 497,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 87385114218413577121521435342823422017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20497/"}} {"id": "75af794eb4f3-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 494: \nCourse Profile EECS 494 Computer Game Design and Development \n Design, development, and application of digital games. Topics include: game engines, design patterns, shaders and graphics programming, agile development methods, iterative game/ experience design, project management and resource allocation, virtual reality, classic games, multidisciplinary relationships, product exhibition, and portfolio construction. Students work in teams to develop and exhibit new games.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F) \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 494 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 10397Open1474Yarger, Austin DavidIn Person MoWe 11:30AM - 1:30PM 1017 DOW \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 620 responses for 1115 possible evaluations (56% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20494/"}} {"id": "75af794eb4f3-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 494: \n620 responses for 1115 possible evaluations (56% response rate).\n Desire to take 95% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 96% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 83% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 92% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 88% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 35%35%14%8%4%2%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 494 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.16% Students who took EECS 494 and elected Pass/Fail: 2.33% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 494\n .\n 0%<1%4%5%90% OthersG Pre-CandGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 494; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20494/"}} {"id": "75af794eb4f3-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 494: \nEECS 494; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Yarger, Austin 10 Winter 2023 97% 97% 95% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 494\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 52% Computer Science BS 30% Mathematics BS 3% Information MSI 2% Data Science BS 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 494. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 60% Undergraduate L S & A 35% Rackham 2% Graduate Information 2% Undergraduate Business Admin <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 494. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 494\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20494/"}} {"id": "75af794eb4f3-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 494: \nEECS 494\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 494 EECS 281 96% EECS 370 92% EECS 376 85% EECS 280 84% EECS 203 79% STATS 250 52% EECS 485 48% TCHNCLCM 300 46% EECS 388 45% ENGR 100 42% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 494 TCHNCLCM 497 43% EECS 496 41% EECS 493 10% EECS 388 9% EECS 485 8% EECS 376 6% EECS 481 6% EECS 484 5% PAT 305 4% EECS 498 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 494 EECS 485 15% EECS 493 14% EECS 482 10% TCHNCLCM 497 10% EECS 496 10% EECS 481 10% EECS 498 10% EECS 484 9% EECS 492 8% EECS 445 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 494,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 5862636669625574997687852017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323020406080100FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20494/"}} {"id": "e0ec2fb3f777-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 442: \nCourse Profile EECS 442 Computer Vision \n An introduction to 2D and 3D computer vision. Topics include: camera models, the geometry of multiple views; shape reconstruction methods from visual cues; low-level image processing techniques such as feature\ndetection; high-level vision problems such as object recognition and scene understanding.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A Enforced Prerequisites: [(EECS 281 and (MATH 214 or 217 or 296 or 417 or 419 or ROB 101)); (C or better, No OP/F)] or graduate standing \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 442 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 18093Open8235Owens, AndrewIn Person MoWe 3:00PM - 4:30PM STAMPS + Section 002 (Lecture) 35811Closed00Owens, AndrewIn Person MoWe 3:00PM - 4:30PM STAMPS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1884 responses for 4559 possible evaluations (41% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20442/"}} {"id": "e0ec2fb3f777-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 442: \n1884 responses for 4559 possible evaluations (41% response rate).\n Desire to take 88% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 91% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 19% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 87% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 86% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 19%55%13%4%4%3%<1%1%0%<1%<1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.20.40.6 Students who took EECS 442 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 2.76% Students who took EECS 442 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.22% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 442\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%6%16%77% OthersSophomoreGrad CandG Pre-CandJuniorGrad MastrSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 442; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20442/"}} {"id": "e0ec2fb3f777-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 442: \nEECS 442; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Fouhey, David 5 Winter 2023 96% 93% 97% Owens, Andrew 3 Fall 2022 81% 65% 93% Corso, Jason 2 Fall 2018 67% 59% 77% Johnson, Justin 2 Winter 2021 98% 98% 96% Deng, Jia 1 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 442\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 33% Computer Science BS 16% Computer Engineering BSE 9% Data Science BS 7% Electrical & Computer Eng MS 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 442. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 56% Undergraduate L S & A 25% Rackham 16% Undergraduate Business Admin 1% Graduate Engineering 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20442/"}} {"id": "e0ec2fb3f777-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 442: \nEECS 442. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 442\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 442 EECS 281 83% EECS 280 71% EECS 370 69% EECS 203 64% EECS 376 50% ENGR 100 37% MATH 215 37% TCHNCLCM 300 36% MATH 214 32% EECS 485 31% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 442 EECS 496 13% EECS 445 12% EECS 485 10% EECS 498 10% TCHNCLCM 497 10% EECS 482 6% EECS 376 6% TCHNCLCM 300 6% EECS 493 5% EECS 370 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 442 EECS 496 24% TCHNCLCM 497 20% EECS 498 13% EECS 598 12% EECS 482 11% EECS 485 10% EECS 497 10% EECS 484 7% EECS 376 7% EECS 441 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 442,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 901111552272462951281511543293002752017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20442/"}} {"id": "f85457ddad8d-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 486: \nCourse Profile EECS 486 Information Retrieval and Web Search \n Information Retrieval and Web Search ---Covers background and recent advances in information retrieval (IR): indexing, processing, querying, classifying data. Basic retrieval models, algorithms, and IR system implementations. Focuses on textual data, but also looks at images/videos, music/audio, and geospatial information. Web search, including Web crawling, link analysis, search engine development, social media, and crowdsourcing.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F) or Graduate Standing in CSE. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 486 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation No sections are being offered this term. \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 322 responses for 1628 possible evaluations (20% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20486/"}} {"id": "f85457ddad8d-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 486: \n322 responses for 1628 possible evaluations (20% response rate).\n Desire to take 80% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 91% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 3% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 84% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 78% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 10%28%22%14%11%5%4%5%<1%0%0%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took EECS 486 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.33% Students who took EECS 486 and elected Pass/Fail: 3.18% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 486\n .\n 0%<1%2%3%95% OthersFreshmanGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 486; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20486/"}} {"id": "f85457ddad8d-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 486: \nEECS 486; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Mihalcea, Rada 5 Winter 2023 97% 92% 94% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 486\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 39% Computer Science BS 31% Data Science BS 6% Data Science BSE 5% Business Administration BBA 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 486. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 51% Undergraduate L S & A 42% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Rackham 2% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 486. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 486\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20486/"}} {"id": "f85457ddad8d-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 486: \nEECS 486\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 486 EECS 281 99% EECS 280 93% EECS 370 87% EECS 203 85% EECS 376 78% EECS 485 61% STATS 250 56% EECS 183 44% TCHNCLCM 300 42% MATH 215 40% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 486 EECS 496 14% TCHNCLCM 497 13% EECS 493 12% EECS 485 11% EECS 497 10% EECS 481 9% EECS 484 8% EECS 498 8% EECS 441 8% EECS 376 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 486 TCHNCLCM 497 11% EECS 497 11% EECS 496 11% EECS 481 7% EECS 484 6% EECS 441 6% EECS 493 6% EECS 485 5% EECS 376 5% EECS 482 5% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 486,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 1162332262522522017\u2013182018\u2013192020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150200250WN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20486/"}} {"id": "0216c61e7c73-0", "text": "Description of course STATS 412: \nCourse Profile STATS 412 Introduction to Probability and Statistics \n An introduction to probability theory; statistical models, especially sampling models; estimation and confidence intervals; testing statistical hypotheses; and important applications, including the analysis of variance and regression.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: MATH 215 or 285 \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of STATS 412 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 002 (Lecture) 17937Open35120N/AIn Person MoWe 2:30PM - 4:00PM 1400 CHEM + Section 003 (Lecture) 21767Open53120N/AIn Person TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM 170 WEISER \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1194 responses for 4325 possible evaluations (28% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20412/"}} {"id": "0216c61e7c73-1", "text": "Description of course STATS 412: \n1194 responses for 4325 possible evaluations (28% response rate).\n Desire to take 53% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 84% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 8% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 79% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 57% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 10%22%17%14%14%8%5%5%2%1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took STATS 412 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 3.35% Students who took STATS 412 and elected Pass/Fail: 7.31% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n STATS 412\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%3%7%34%55% OthersFreshmanUSpec/NCFDGrad CandG Pre-CandGrad MastrSophomoreJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n STATS 412; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20412/"}} {"id": "0216c61e7c73-2", "text": "Description of course STATS 412: \nSTATS 412; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Miller, Jack 8 Winter 2021 97% 94% 97% Fink, Nadiya 7 Winter 2023 86% 72% 86% Stoev, Stilian 2 Fall 2022 50% 21% 85% Hsing, Tailen 2 Winter 2023 77% 73% 87% Tan, Kean 1 Fall 2019 90% 79% 91% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n STATS 412\n \n eventually declared.\n Mechanical Engineering BSE 23% Computer Science BSE 21% Computer Science BS 7% Computer Engineering BSE 7% Data Science BS 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n STATS 412. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20412/"}} {"id": "0216c61e7c73-3", "text": "Description of course STATS 412: \nbut that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 75% Undergraduate L S & A 20% Rackham 4% Undergraduate Business Admin <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n STATS 412. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n STATS 412\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20412/"}} {"id": "0216c61e7c73-4", "text": "Description of course STATS 412: \nSTATS 412\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before STATS 412 MATH 215 58% ENGR 100 57% EECS 280 53% EECS 203 48% ENGR 101 46% PHYSICS 141 42% MATH 216 42% PHYSICS 140 42% PHYSICS 241 37% PHYSICS 240 37% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as STATS 412 EECS 281 16% EECS 370 11% TCHNCLCM 300 10% EECS 280 8% EECS 376 7% EECS 203 6% MECHENG 450 6% MECHENG 495 6% MECHENG 335 6% MATH 214 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after STATS 412 EECS 496 24% EECS 485 21% TCHNCLCM 497 19% EECS 445 17% EECS 376 17% EECS 498 16% EECS 370 15% EECS 482 15% TCHNCLCM 300 14% MECHENG 495 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n STATS 412,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 343429119528528832227519519528627836329424323439362017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/STATS%20412/"}} {"id": "c7ca3271b383-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 490: \nCourse Profile EECS 490 Programming Languages \n Programming languages are rich mathematical structures and powerful user interfaces. Students will learn about modern languages from the perspective of both language designers and users, building up from mathematical first principles, and covering human factors in language design, language prototyping, and techniques for reasoning about program behavior.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281; (C or better, No OP/F) or Graduate Standing in CSE. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 490 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 22517Open88156Omar, CyrusIn Person TuTh 4:30PM - 6:00PM 1013 DOW \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 577 responses for 1588 possible evaluations (36% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20490/"}} {"id": "c7ca3271b383-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 490: \n577 responses for 1588 possible evaluations (36% response rate).\n Desire to take 74% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 93% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 30% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 86% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 75% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 7%27%16%13%14%6%5%8%2%<1%<1%0%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took EECS 490 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 12.85% Students who took EECS 490 and elected Pass/Fail: 10.74% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 490\n .\n 0%<1%6%11%82% OthersSophomoreGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 490; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20490/"}} {"id": "c7ca3271b383-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 490: \nEECS 490; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Omar, Cyrus 7 Winter 2023 96% 89% 91% Kamil, Amir 3 Fall 2019 94% 87% 92% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 490\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 45% Computer Science BS 29% Mathematics BS 4% Computer Science & Eng MS 3% Computer Science & Eng MSE 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 490. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 57% Undergraduate L S & A 36% Rackham 6% Undergraduate Business Admin <1% Graduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 2 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 490. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 490\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20490/"}} {"id": "c7ca3271b383-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 490: \nEECS 490\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 490 EECS 281 95% EECS 280 86% EECS 370 83% EECS 203 79% EECS 376 76% STATS 250 48% ENGR 100 42% MATH 215 38% TCHNCLCM 300 37% EECS 485 36% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 490 EECS 496 13% TCHNCLCM 497 11% EECS 485 10% EECS 370 9% EECS 388 9% EECS 498 9% EECS 376 8% EECS 482 8% EECS 484 8% EECS 493 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 490 TCHNCLCM 497 25% EECS 496 24% EECS 485 14% EECS 497 14% EECS 493 13% EECS 481 13% EECS 482 12% EECS 498 11% EECS 441 10% EECS 484 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 490,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 6580148809695127871411062017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323050100150FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20490/"}} {"id": "bb73b566700d-0", "text": "Description of course MATH 425: \nCourse Profile MATH 425 Introduction to Probability Cross-Listed as\n \n \n STATS 425 \n Introduction to Probability\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 3.0 Median Grade:\n A- Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 215 \n Scroll down for more Information", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20425/"}} {"id": "bb73b566700d-1", "text": "Description of course MATH 425: \nA- Advisory Prerequisites: MATH 215 \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of MATH 425 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 11487Open1135N/AIn Person MoWeFr 8:00AM - 9:00AM + Section 002 (Lecture) 26686Wait List035Green, Paul EricIn Person MoWeFr 3:00PM - 4:00PM + Section 003 (Lecture) 11488Wait List035N/AIn Person MoWeFr 9:00AM - 10:00AM + Section 004 (Lecture) 11489Closed00N/AIn Person MoWeFr 10:00AM - 11:00AM + Section 005 (Lecture) 11490Wait List035Green, Paul EricIn Person MoWeFr 1:00PM - 2:00PM + Section 006 (Lecture) 11491Wait List035N/AIn Person MoWeFr 11:00AM - 12:00PM + Section 007 (Lecture) 15356Wait List035Fink, NadiyaIn Person TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM + Section 008 (Lecture) 15920Wait List035N/AIn Person TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM + Section 009 (Lecture) 17067Wait List035N/AIn Person MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:00PM", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20425/"}} {"id": "bb73b566700d-2", "text": "Description of course MATH 425: \nCourse profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1433 responses for 3504 possible evaluations (41% response rate).\n Desire to take 64% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 86% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 25% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 75% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 64% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 10%27%15%13%14%7%4%5%2%<1%1%<1%1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.20.3 Students who took MATH 425 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 6.37% Students who took MATH 425 and elected Pass/Fail: 8.42% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n MATH 425\n .", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20425/"}} {"id": "bb73b566700d-3", "text": "Description of course MATH 425: \nMATH 425\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%6%13%39%40% OthersGrad CertPro 2nd YrFreshmanGrad CandUSpec/NCFDG Pre-CandGrad MastrSophomoreSeniorJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n MATH 425; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20425/"}} {"id": "bb73b566700d-4", "text": "Description of course MATH 425: \nMATH 425; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Green, Paul 12 Winter 2023 89% 61% 97% Fink, Nadiya 10 Winter 2023 97% 89% 95% Burns Jr, Daniel 4 Fall 2021 81% 65% 91% Vig, Amir 4 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Cheng, Shuyang 4 Winter 2020 82% 57% 93% Kriz, Igor 4 Fall 2022 69% 47% 69% Li, Guchuan 4 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Husson, Jonathan 3 Winter 2023 Data not available Data not available Data not available Silva, Guilherme 2 Winter 2019 90% 72% 95% Slomka, Boaz 2 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n MATH 425\n \n eventually declared.\n Mathematics BS 15% Computer Science BSE 11% Statistics BS 9% Data Science BS 7% Economics BS 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20425/"}} {"id": "bb73b566700d-5", "text": "Description of course MATH 425: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n MATH 425. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 55% Undergraduate Engineering 33% Rackham 7% Undergraduate Business Admin 3% Undergraduate Non-Degree <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 4 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n MATH 425. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n MATH 425\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20425/"}} {"id": "bb73b566700d-6", "text": "Description of course MATH 425: \nMATH 425\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before MATH 425 MATH 215 50% EECS 183 37% EECS 280 36% EECS 203 33% ECON 101 32% STATS 250 29% MATH 116 28% ENGR 100 25% ENGLISH 125 23% EECS 281 22% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as MATH 425 MATH 217 12% EECS 281 7% EECS 280 7% EECS 183 6% EECS 370 6% EECS 203 5% STATS 306 5% TCHNCLCM 300 5% EECS 376 4% ECON 102 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after MATH 425 STATS 426 24% STATS 413 19% MATH 423 18% STATS 415 14% EECS 496 13% EECS 485 13% EECS 281 13% EECS 445 12% STATS 306 12% STATS 485 11% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n MATH 425,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 31303870422430133633732829436029030232531530432856557561492017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400SUFAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/MATH%20425/"}} {"id": "8a35397f2950-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 475: \nCourse Profile EECS 475 Introduction to Cryptography \n Covers fundamental concepts, algorithms, and protocols in cryptography. Topics: ancient ciphers, Shannon theory, symmetric encryption, public key encryption, hash functions, digital signatures, key distribution. Emphasizes attack models, precise definitions of security, reductions, and proof techniques.\n Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Enforced Prerequisites: [EECS 376; (C or better, No OP/F)] or Graduate Standing in CSE. Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 475 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 33988Open2278Cheraghchi, MahdiIn Person MoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PM 1200 EECS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 288 responses for 669 possible evaluations (43% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20475/"}} {"id": "8a35397f2950-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 475: \n288 responses for 669 possible evaluations (43% response rate).\n Desire to take 76% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 95% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 9% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 89% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 86% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 9%25%15%9%18%10%6%5%2%0%1%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.10.2 Students who took EECS 475 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 5.16% Students who took EECS 475 and elected Pass/Fail: 9.03% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 475\n .\n 0%2%11%87% OthersGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 475; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20475/"}} {"id": "8a35397f2950-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 475: \nEECS 475; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Cheraghchi, Mahdi 4 Winter 2023 99% 99% 99% Peikert, Christopher 1 Winter 2019 100% 100% 93% Compton, Kevin 1 Winter 2018 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 475\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 47% Computer Science BS 32% Mathematics BS 7% Engineering Honors Program 2% Honors 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 8 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 475. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 58% Undergraduate L S & A 40% Rackham 2% Undergraduate Business Admin <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 1 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 475. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 475\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20475/"}} {"id": "8a35397f2950-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 475: \nEECS 475\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 475 EECS 376 97% EECS 281 97% EECS 370 90% EECS 280 89% EECS 203 80% STATS 250 50% ENGR 100 42% MATH 215 41% EECS 388 38% TCHNCLCM 300 35% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 475 EECS 388 17% TCHNCLCM 300 11% EECS 484 10% EECS 496 10% EECS 482 9% EECS 498 8% TCHNCLCM 497 8% EECS 370 8% EECS 441 8% EECS 485 7% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 475 EECS 496 28% TCHNCLCM 497 27% EECS 485 16% EECS 497 13% EECS 441 13% EECS 498 13% EECS 493 12% EECS 482 11% EECS 445 10% EECS 481 9% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 475,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 9985793871902017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323020406080100WN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20475/"}} {"id": "3760c1fb33e3-0", "text": "Description of course ECON 401: \nCourse Profile ECON 401 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory \n The subject of this course are households' and firms' economic choices, and the way in which these choices interact in markets. We also discuss ways in which the performance of markets can be evaluated normatively. The course emphasizes theory over data. Empirical methods are taught in other courses. The theories developed in this course form the basis of much empirical work. We use mathematical tools such as graphs, equations, and calculus.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n B+ Advisory Prerequisites: ECON 101 and 102 Enforced Prerequisites: MATH 115 or 116 or 121 or 156 or 176 or 185 or 186 or 215 or 285 or 295 or 296; (C or better) \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ECON 401 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 11009Open102468Proulx, ChrisIn Person MoWe 1:00PM - 2:30PM 1420 CCCB \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 4558 responses for 8731 possible evaluations (52% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20401/"}} {"id": "3760c1fb33e3-1", "text": "Description of course ECON 401: \n4558 responses for 8731 possible evaluations (52% response rate).\n Desire to take 62% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 86% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 45% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 79% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 66% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: B+ 7%20%20%15%14%8%5%5%3%<1%<1%<1%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took ECON 401 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 4.8% Students who took ECON 401 and elected Pass/Fail: 6.13% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ECON 401\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%<1%16%23%60% OthersG Pre-CandGrad MastrFreshmanUSpec/NCFDSeniorSophomoreJunior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ECON 401; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20401/"}} {"id": "3760c1fb33e3-2", "text": "Description of course ECON 401: \nECON 401; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Proulx, Chris 7 Winter 2023 85% 64% 74% Miller, David 5 Fall 2022 91% 64% 95% Zamzow, Ben 2 Winter 2020 92% 87% 99% Borgers, Tilman 2 Winter 2018 90% 67% 92% Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ECON 401\n \n eventually declared.\n Economics BA 39% Economics BS 13% LSA Undeclared 9% Mathematics BS 5% Philosophy, Politics & Econ BA 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ECON 401. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate L S & A 92% Undergraduate Engineering 5% Undergraduate Business Admin 2% Undergraduate Kinesiology <1% Undergrad Music, Thtre & Dance <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 3 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20401/"}} {"id": "3760c1fb33e3-3", "text": "Description of course ECON 401: \nECON 401. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ECON 401\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ECON 401 ECON 101 69% ECON 102 63% MATH 115 50% STATS 250 48% ENGLISH 125 42% EECS 183 23% ANTHRCUL 101 17% MATH 116 16% PSYCH 111 15% SPANISH 232 14% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ECON 401 ECON 251 14% STATS 250 12% ECON 310 8% EECS 183 5% ECON 395 4% SPANISH 232 4% ANTHRCUL 101 3% ECON 208 3% ECON 370 3% ECON 396 3% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ECON 401 ECON 402 68% ECON 251 35% ECON 490 23% ECON 485 18% ECON 310 17% ECON 435 16% ECON 409 13% ECON 432 11% ECON 441 11% ECON 444 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ECON 401,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 37042138544139848340346246539148448468457479532017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400500FAWNSP", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ECON%20401/"}} {"id": "e794c3fe53a1-0", "text": "Description of course ENTR 407: \nCourse Profile ENTR 407 Entrepreneurship Hour \n This weekly seminar series invites disruptive, influential, and respected entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and business leaders to speak to students about their personal experiences founding, financing, and managing a startup venture. Following the lecture, students will be able to meet the guest speaker and network with members of the entrepreneurial community.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 1.0 Median Grade:\n A \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of ENTR 407 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Seminar) 18394Open264440N/AIn Person Fr 11:30AM - 12:30PM STAMPS \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 1301 responses for 3582 possible evaluations (36% response rate).\n Desire to take 84% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 89% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 2% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 96% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 84% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20407/"}} {"id": "e794c3fe53a1-1", "text": "Description of course ENTR 407: \nGrades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A 0%100%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00.51 Students who took ENTR 407 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 1.89% Students who took ENTR 407 and elected Pass/Fail: 0.0% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n ENTR 407\n .\n 0%<1%<1%<1%1%10%16%19%24%28% OthersGrad CertUSpec/NCFDGrad CandG Pre-CandGrad MastrFreshmanJuniorSophomoreSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n ENTR 407; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Data is not available. Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n ENTR 407\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 15% Mechanical Engineering BSE 10% Business Administration BBA 5% Industrial & Oper Eng BSE 5% LSA Undeclared 4% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20407/"}} {"id": "e794c3fe53a1-2", "text": "Description of course ENTR 407: \nThis list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n ENTR 407. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 54% Undergraduate L S & A 24% Rackham 10% Undergraduate Business Admin 5% Graduate Engineering 1% previous \u00a0 1 / 5 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n ENTR 407. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n ENTR 407\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20407/"}} {"id": "e794c3fe53a1-3", "text": "Description of course ENTR 407: \nENTR 407\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before ENTR 407 ENGR 100 26% ENGR 101 23% ECON 101 22% CHEM 130 21% MATH 215 20% CHEM 125 20% CHEM 126 20% EECS 280 19% PHYSICS 141 19% MATH 115 19% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as ENTR 407 ENGR 100 10% ENGR 101 9% ENTR 417 9% CHEM 130 7% CHEM 126 7% CHEM 125 7% PHYSICS 140 7% MATH 115 7% PHYSICS 141 7% ECON 101 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after ENTR 407 EECS 281 14% EECS 280 13% EECS 496 13% EECS 370 12% TCHNCLCM 300 11% EECS 376 11% EECS 203 11% EECS 485 10% ECON 101 10% TCHNCLCM 497 10% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n ENTR 407,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 4244124023043163204103843213353352582017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u2013230100200300400FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/ENTR%20407/"}} {"id": "12d6aca52638-0", "text": "Description of course EECS 477: \nCourse Profile EECS 477 Introduction to Algorithms \n Fundamental techniques for designing efficient algorithms and basic mathematical methods for analyzing their performance. Paradigms for algorithm design: divide-and-conquer, greedy methods, graph search techniques, dynamic programming. Design of efficient data structures and analysis of the running time and space requirements of algorithms in the worst and average cases.\n Read more Save to My Dashboard Credits: 4.0 Median Grade:\n A- Enforced Prerequisites: EECS 281 & 376; (C or better, No OP/F). Enrollment in one minor elective allowed for Computer Science Minors. \n Scroll down for more Information\n Course Sections This table shows sections of EECS 477 that are being offered in the Fall 2023 semester. Show sections offered for term: Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Spring/Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Section(s) OfferedClass NumberStatusOpen SeatsEnrollment CapInstructorInstruction ModeDayTimeLocation+ Section 001 (Lecture) 20452Open574Lee, EuiwoongIn Person TuTh 12:00PM - 1:30PM 1017 DOW \n Course profile data represents the past 5 academic years with the addition of the current active year.\n Course Evaluations Learn more about evaluation data on our about page. \n 288 responses for 811 possible evaluations (36% response rate).", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20477/"}} {"id": "12d6aca52638-1", "text": "Description of course EECS 477: \n288 responses for 811 possible evaluations (36% response rate).\n Desire to take 79% of respondents expressed a strong desire to take this course. Understanding 89% of respondents thought this course advanced their understanding of the subject matter. Workload 30% of respondents perceived the workload for this course as heavier than other courses. Expectations 78% of respondents expressed knowing what was expected of them in this course. Increased Interest 76% of respondents expressed increased interest in the subject because of this course. Grade History \n Grades are managed by instructors, and may be distributed differently by term or by section. For students who earned letter grades other than W, I, P or F, this graph shows the percentage of students who received each letter grade.\n Median Grade: A- 12%20%20%21%10%7%4%4%0%0%1%0%<1%A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-E00. Students who took EECS 477 and elected Late Withdrawal (W): 9.66% Students who took EECS 477 and elected Pass/Fail: 8.8% Incoming Student Level \n This graph shows students\u2019 academic level when they started\n \n EECS 477\n .\n 0%<1%7%8%84% OthersG Pre-CandGrad MastrJuniorSenior Course Instructors \n This table shows instructors who have taught\n EECS 477; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20477/"}} {"id": "12d6aca52638-2", "text": "Description of course EECS 477: \nEECS 477; adjunct lecturers are not included in this list.\n Why is a specific instructor not showing up? Instructors are only shown if they are considered full-time and have taught this course in the past 5 academic years. Course Instructors \u2191\u2193 Terms Taught \u2191\u2193 Most Recent Term \u2191\u2193 Preparedness \u2191\u2193 Clarity \u2191\u2193 Respect \u2191\u2193Pettie, Seth 5 Fall 2022 95% 72% 93% Saranurak, Thatchaphol 2 Winter 2023 88% 63% 88% Bodwin, Gregory 1 Fall 2021 Data not available Data not available Data not available Declared Degrees \n This list shows what degree students who took\n \n EECS 477\n \n eventually declared.\n Computer Science BSE 40% Computer Science BS 29% Mathematics BS 13% Honors 2% Data Science BSE 2% previous \u00a0 1 / 8 \u00a0 next School/College Affiliation \n This list shows what colleges or schools students were affliated with when they took\n EECS 477. Students may have changed their program or plan after taking this course\n but that change is not being reflected in this list.\n Undergraduate Engineering 53% Undergraduate L S & A 39% Rackham 7% Undergraduate Business Admin <1% Graduate Information <1% previous \u00a0 1 / 1 \u00a0 next Common Course Pathways This panel shows the most common courses students took before, during, and after being enrolled in\n EECS 477. The percentage next to each course represents the percentage of students that have taken\n \n EECS 477\n that also took the specified course.", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20477/"}} {"id": "12d6aca52638-3", "text": "Description of course EECS 477: \nEECS 477\n that also took the specified course.\n Taken any time before EECS 477 EECS 281 93% EECS 376 92% EECS 370 86% EECS 280 79% EECS 203 65% EECS 445 35% STATS 250 34% ENGR 100 34% MATH 215 33% MATH 217 32% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at the same time as EECS 477 EECS 498 15% EECS 445 13% EECS 482 12% EECS 496 12% EECS 485 10% TCHNCLCM 497 8% EECS 388 8% EECS 484 7% TCHNCLCM 300 7% EECS 370 6% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Taken at any time after EECS 477 TCHNCLCM 497 29% EECS 496 28% EECS 498 17% EECS 497 15% EECS 598 14% EECS 482 13% EECS 485 13% EECS 441 10% EECS 484 9% EECS 442 8% previous \u00a0 1 / 10 \u00a0 next Student Enrollment \n This graph shows the number of students each semester who completed\n \n EECS 477,\n \n including those who received letter grades W, I, P or F.\n 58655263884928632017\u2013182018\u2013192019\u2013202020\u2013212021\u2013222022\u201323020406080100FAWN", "metadata": {"url": "https://atlas.ai.umich.edu//course/EECS%20477/"}}