diff --git "a/smolsent/en_so.jsonl" "b/smolsent/en_so.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/smolsent/en_so.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,862 @@ +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 0, "src": "It allows me to work by following my vibes and molding my teaching style to the learning style of the audience.", "trg": "Waxay ii suurto gelinaysaa inaan raaco qaabkayga oo ku salaysan qaabka aan wax u dhigayo qaabka ay wax u bartaan dadka i daawanayaayi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 1, "src": "The unrelenting soul-force of those who would hold us accountable blows that all away.", "trg": "Awooda ruuxda tabcaanka ah ee dadka nala xisaabtamaha way iska xumeeyeen.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 2, "src": "When taken regularly in therapeutic doses, ginger root can effectively cure nausea;", "trg": "Marka aad qaadanayso xadidaada caadiga ah ee dawada, xididka sinjibiisha ayaa kaa dawayn kara yalaalugada daran;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 3, "src": "They accomplished their goals and created a legacy of self-determination to which others may aspire.", "trg": "Waxay gaadheen yoolashoodii oo waxay reebeen dhaxal naftooda lagu qeexo oo dadka kale soo jiidan karta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 4, "src": "But faster economic activity could also translate into some degree of inflation.", "trg": "Laakiin hawlaha dhaqaalaha xawaaradaha ku socda waxaa sidoo kale loo turjubi karaa waxoogaa sixir barar.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 5, "src": "The main characteristics a stone should possess are uniform surface, grain, and density.", "trg": "Noocyada ay tahay in dhagax yeesho waa in aanay dushiisu sinaan, adag iyo cuf.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 6, "src": "Lettuce, no matter the variety, is considered a cool-weather crop.", "trg": "Misirka, nooca uu doono ha noqdee, waxaa loo arkaa midhaha cimilada qabaw.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 7, "src": "It was a trick to lure foolish humans to an ogre who would teach them a very valuable lesson.", "trg": "Waxay ahayd khiyaano lagu soo jiito dadka oo lagu jeclaysiinayo ogre kaas oo u dhiga casharo kala duwan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 8, "src": "Just to clarify, though, assertive is not the same as aggressive or arrogant.", "trg": "Si loo kala saaro fikirka, waxa la eliyaa lama mid aha dagaalka ama kibirka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 9, "src": "The bus, normally crowded, was stunningly nearly empty at this hour.", "trg": "Baska oo caadiyan buuxa saacadan waxaa la yaab leh inuu madhan yahay saacadan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 10, "src": "She can do things with her tongue most of us can't even fathom, like touch her elbow or lick her own ear.", "trg": "Waxay samayn ku samayn kartaa carabkeeda waxyaabo aynaan badankeen ku samayn karin, waxay ku taaban kartaa suxulkeeda ama waxay leefi kartaa dhagaheeda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 11, "src": "He ran a dairy herd, kept sheep, and grew potatoes, cereals, and wheat-straw for thatching.", "trg": "Waxa uu leeyahay xoolo caano laga liso, waxa uu haysaa ido, beertaa baradho, badar iyo qamadi si uu guriga u saarto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 12, "src": "Each step unleashed a waft of that divine scent, filling my lungs with pure bliss.", "trg": "Talaabo kastaa waxa soo saartaa lug muquurata ur, oo waxay ka buuxisaa sanbabkeena farxad saafi ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 13, "src": "Lower population means a lower chance of having an accident in addition to fewer liability claims.", "trg": "Tirada shacabka ee yar waxay ka dhigan tahay in dhacdooyinka dhacayaa ay yar yihiin marka laga tago khasaaraha oo yaraada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 14, "src": "We\u2019ll be glad to provide expert advice to assist you with how much you can comfortably afford to borrow.", "trg": "Waxaa farxad noo ah in aanu talo khabiir oo kaa caawin karta inaad ku qanacdo inta aad awoodo in aad daymaysato in aanu ku siino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 15, "src": "The works span the gamut from medicine to astronomy, from Quranic exegesis to philosophy and poetry.", "trg": "Baaxada shaqada ayaa u dhaxaysa gamut ilaa caafimaadka ilaa astoroonamar, laga bilaa tafsiirka Quraanka ilaa falsuuf iyo gabayaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 16, "src": "Adaptability - flexible, agile mindset, optimistic approach;", "trg": "La qabsiga - dabacsanaanta, maskaxda degdegta ah, qaabka niyad wanaaga;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 17, "src": "Being grateful is showing appreciation with kindness, whereas being thankful is simply being pleased and relieved.", "trg": "Waxa aad ku faraxsanaataa muujinta ku faraxsanaanta naxariista, oo waxa aad ku shukridaa waxa fudud ee kaa farxin iyo kaarka kaa jari kara.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 18, "src": "Add these ingredients: oil, white wine vinegar, salt, and freshly ground black pepper.", "trg": "Waxa ad ku dartaa waxyaabahan: saliid, finigarka waynka cad, milix iyo basbaasta cusub ee la shiiday.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 19, "src": "Make the best of it before we depart for the airport in the early afternoon and bid farewell to Mauritius.", "trg": "Wax aad si wanaagsan uga faa'idaysataa kahor inta aanad ka tegin madaarka gelinka danbe wakhti hore iyo marka lagaa sii nabad galyaynayo Muraitius.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 20, "src": "With amazing enthusiasm they are at work, and wherever I pass they wave and greet with a loud call.", "trg": "Waxyaabaha niyad wanaagsan ee ka jira shaqadooda, iyo war kasta oo aan dhaafo waxaa weeye gacan haadinta iyo salaanta codka dheer.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 21, "src": "He is a symbol of a passionate but very frustrated, even misguided, leader.", "trg": "Waxaa weeye calaamad rabitaan laakiin aad ayay u adag tahay, xataa dadka way khaladaa, hogaamin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 22, "src": "The book's title was \"Time to Assess Invalid Ideas.\"", "trg": "\"Buuga uu yahay cinwaankiisu \"wakhtiga la eego fikirka saxda ah", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 23, "src": "Therefore, before you take on a permanent relationship, consider a trial run.", "trg": "Markaa, kahor inta aanad gelin xidhiidhka rasmiga ah, waxa aad isku daydaa inaad samayso tijaabo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 24, "src": "Hence, every food item made of grain got scarcer, rural income declined, and every farmer fell deeper into debt.", "trg": "Marka shay kasta oo cunto ah oo laa sameeyay midho wuu yaraaaday, dakhliga magaalad ayaa hoos u dhacay, oo beeralaysa kasta waxay gashay dayn badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 25, "src": "The peculiar thing about a trauma anniversary is that you share it with someone horrible.", "trg": "Waxa gaarka ah ee ay tahay inaad ka sheegto sanad guurada waxa leh jahwareerku waxaa weeye inaad la wadaagto qof xun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 26, "src": "Buddha, in one of his famous quotes, pointed out that the origin of suffering is precisely attachment.", "trg": "Budha, waxaa kamid ah odhaahyadiisa ugu caansan, inaad heshoo meesha rasmiga ah ee ku xanuunaysaa waxay ku cadahay lifaaqa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 27, "src": "But I forgot the initially set password with all the excitement.", "trg": "Laakiin waxa aan ku iloobay baaswoodhkaygii hore dhamaan farxadii.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 28, "src": "Standard glow paint, weather-resistant acrylic paint brand delivering rich bold color markers!", "trg": "Geedka caadiga loo beero, ee cimiladu ayna waxba ka tarin waxa uu keenaa midab wanaagsan!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 29, "src": "Neither row number nor column letter in an absolute reference will change.", "trg": "Midana lambarada ku jira qaybaha ama xarfaha ee tixraacu way is bedeli doonaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 30, "src": "Thus, the connection between relationship status and exercise has received significant research attention.", "trg": "Markaa, xidhiidhka ka dhaxeeya xaalada xidhiidhka iyo jimicsiga ayaa si wayn ugu jiidatay indhaha daraasad wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 31, "src": "We treat behavioral problems, emotional distress, cognitive loss, prolonged grief reactions, and severe mental illness.", "trg": "Waxa aanu dawaynaa mushkiladaha habdhaqanka, kacsanaanta dareenka, waayitaanka garaadka, jawaab celinta murugada badan iyo xanuunada daran ee maskaxda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 32, "src": "So, considering the ratio of net value added to gross output does not yield a complete picture.", "trg": "Markaa, waxa aad eegtaa xadiga qiimaha rasmiga ah oo lagu daray isku gaynta natiijada inayna soo saaraynin sawirka oo dhamaystiran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 33, "src": "You can also work with a virtual assistant or someone in your company who can create your resume from scratch.", "trg": "Waxa aad sidoo kale la shaqayn kartaa kaalmada maqal iyo muuqaalka ah ama qof ka socda shirkada oo bilaw inta uu kasoo bilaabo qora arjiga shaada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 34, "src": "Fabulous amenities including resort style pool, fitness center, club room and outdoor entertainment area.", "trg": "Waxyaabaha caanka ah waxaa kamid ah nooca barkada biyaha hudheelka, xarumaha jimicsiga, qolka kilaabka iyo aaga madadaalada banaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 35, "src": "The grave-digging is a very important aspect of the Koireng funeral ceremony.", "trg": "Qodista xabaashu waxaa weeye qayb muhiim ah oo kamid ah munaasabada aasida Koireng.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 36, "src": "As images of the perfectly rational Creator, humans strive for internal consistency.", "trg": "Muuqaalka Abuuraha muuqaalka ugu wanaagsan, bilaa aadanku waxa uu ku dadaalaa sugnaan gudaha ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 37, "src": "At thirty years of age a girl is actually currently 15 years past her child-bearing prime.", "trg": "Gabadh sodon jir ah waxay dhaaftay wakhtigan 15 sano markii ugu wanaagsanaa ee ay uurka qaadi lahayd.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 38, "src": "Half of Hook\u2019s crew was already gone, and the remaining few were so drunk they could barely stand.", "trg": "Kala badh shaqaalaha Hook ayaa tegey, oo dhawrka hadhsan inta ay aad u sakhraameen ayay istaagi kari lahaayeen.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 39, "src": "He's fun, funny, clever, generous and absolutely wonderful company.", "trg": "Waa shaxtiroole, wuu caqli badan yahay, oo waxaa weeye cid aad u wanaagsan in lala joogo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 40, "src": "Imagine not worrying about urinary tract infection, painful bladder stones, or aggressive kidney diseases.", "trg": "Bal sawiro adiga oo aan ka warwaraynin caabuqa ku dhaca kaadida, dhagaxa kaadi haysta, ama xanuun daran oo kalyaha ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 41, "src": "I was proud to beat my opponent with a witness present.", "trg": "Waxa aan ku fanaa in aan ka badiyay cida aanu tartamaynay iyada oo ay joogaan markhaati.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 42, "src": "Treatment options depend on the duration or frequency of ear symptoms.", "trg": "Ikhtiyaarada daawayntu waxay ku xidhan yihiin mudada ama inta jeer ee astaamaha dhagaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 43, "src": "This Toyota facility employed approximately 150 employees during the beginning of its operation.", "trg": "Xaruntan Toyota waxaa u shaqeeya ilaa 150 shaqaale wakhtiga la bilaabay shaqada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 44, "src": "Who can forget the oreo cookie and peanut butter challenge?", "trg": "Yaa iloobi kara tartankii buskudka oreo iyo is mariska lawska?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 45, "src": "Furthermore, sweep, dust, or vacuum it regularly and occasionally wipe your cork flooring with a damp mop.", "trg": "Sidoo kale, masax, dhaska ka tun ama fakuyuum garayee si joogto ah oo mararka qaar waxa aad ku masaxdaa dhulkaaga masaxaad qoran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 46, "src": "For a while, I was like the parrot trapped in the corporate cage of money and a prosperous future.", "trg": "In mudo ah, waxa aan ahaa shimbirta ku xaniban qafiska shirkada ee lacagta iyo mustaqbalka rajada leh.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 47, "src": "During their extended game of tag, one of them darted inside a small cave near the summit of an unknown hill.", "trg": "Inta lagu jiray sumada geemka wakhtiga dheer, maid kamid ah ayaa galay dalool yar oo u dhaw jarka buur aan la garanaynin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 48, "src": "Either abandon the thread, admit defeat, or continue digging yourself into this hole.", "trg": "Midna muu tagin, qiran in laga badiyay, ama waxay sii wadeen inay isku qodaan daloolka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 49, "src": "Due to this fact, it is usually crucial to track down a subject that you are passionate about.", "trg": "Sidaas darteed, waxaa caadiyan muhiim ah in la burburiyo waxyaabaha aad kasoo horjeedo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 50, "src": "Let\u2019s reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert the destiny of Nigeria.", "trg": "Aynu diidno, jabino oo aynu indhaha kasoo tuurno awooda doonaya inay maamulaan oo ay ka hor istaagaan meesha ay Nigeria u socoto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 51, "src": "This particular sunset (header photo) appeared during our recent brief warm spell.", "trg": "Cadceed sii dhacan gaarka ah (sawirka dusha) waxa uu soo baxay wakhtigii waxoogaa kulaylku soo baxay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 52, "src": "Some might prefer early morning while others prefer late night.", "trg": "Qaar ayaa doorbida aroorta hore halka ay qaar doorbidaan habeenkii wakhti danbe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 53, "src": "The injured boy lost consciousness and fell to the pavement and his blood imbued the road dust.", "trg": "Wiilka dhaawacmay wuu miyir beeley oo waxa uu ku dhacay laamida oo dhiigiisu waxa uu is geley dhaska jidka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 54, "src": "Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) is an underrated herb in the garden.", "trg": "Qaabka cananiska (Nooca Salvia) waxaa weeye dawo dhaqameen ku yaala beerta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 55, "src": "Secondly, the official stamp of approval is the kiss of death for any genuine viral campaign.", "trg": "Marka labaad, shaambada rasmiga ah ee la ansixiyay waxaa weeye dhunksahda dhimashada ee wixii olole wayn ee caq ku dheehnaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 56, "src": "Volunteer somewhere: a soup kitchen, a clothing closet, a homeless shelter.", "trg": "Dadka wakhtigooda ku deeqay ee jooga meel; madbakha maraqa, kabadhka dharka, hoyga dadka bilaa guriga ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 57, "src": "We pay special attention to adjust our development approach according to your main aim.", "trg": "Waxa aanu si aar ah ugu fiirsan doonaa habaynta qaabkeena hormarka ee si waafaqsan ujeedadaada wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 58, "src": "The incentive structure was bad, and the manager was entitled and impatient, so my colleague resigned.", "trg": "Qaabka gudanaha ayaa aad u xumayd, oo maamulaha ayaa xaq u lahaa oo wuu u dul qaadan waayay, markaa cida aan u shaqeeyo ayaa iska casishay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 59, "src": "Either way, use the full amount to ensure its sour flavors come through.", "trg": "Si kasbaha na noqotee, waxa aad isticmaashaa xadiga buuxa ee lagu xaqiijin karo dhadhankeeda dhanaan ee lagu yimi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 60, "src": "And how does a single strike to the chin manage to render her unconscious?", "trg": "Oo sidee ayuu feedhka kaliya ee lagaag dhuftay daanka ay ugu miyir beeshay?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 61, "src": "Typical clinical signs begin with mild lethargy, reduced feed intake, slight cough, nasal discharge and a fever.", "trg": "Calaamadaha caadiga ah ee xarunta caafimaadku waxay u bilaabantaa xasaasiyad yar, qaadasho quudin oo caadi ah, waxoogaa qufac ah, duuf iyo xumad.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 62, "src": "And his silent preparation and patient endurance is heroic.", "trg": "Oo diyaargarawgiisa aamusan iyo dulqaadkiisu waa cajiib.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 63, "src": "Listening comprehension lessons should emphasize conscious memory work.", "trg": "Dhagaysiga duruusta dhamaystiran waa inay diirada saaraan shaqada xasuusta laga warqabo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 64, "src": "Myth and reality, the moody and the magnificent mingle to create the perfect backdrop for bloody murder.", "trg": "Mala awaalka iyo xunta, dajiga iyo soo jiidashada wayn ee lagu abuurayo waxa ugu wanaagsan ee loogu noqdo jilka wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 65, "src": "The accommodation comprises an open-plan reception room, a master bedroom, and a bathroom with a bath and separate shower unit.", "trg": "Hoygu waxa uu ka kooban yahay qoflka soo dawaynta oo furan, qolka hurdada ee wayn, qolka hurdada oo leh suuli iyo qayb gaar ah oo lagu maydho.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 66, "src": "If it is the incorrect amount, have the vendor revise the invoice.", "trg": "Hadii ay tahay xadi khaldan, waa in qandaraasluhu uu dib u eegid uu ku sameeyo qaansheegta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 67, "src": "Peace brings along its buddies joy, strength, hope, and faith.", "trg": "Nabadu waxay la socotaa faraxada, xooganaanta, rajada, iyo iimaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 68, "src": "They should look for those things that inspire dedication, loyalty, honor and dignity.", "trg": "Waa inay kala soo baxayaan waxyaabaha u baahan soo jiidasho ka go'naan, daacadnimo, maamuus iyo sharaf.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 69, "src": "It helps not to waste precious daytime hours and to save money for accommodation.", "trg": "Waxaa wanaagsan in aan la khasaarin wakhtiga maalintii ee waawayn oo la yareeyo lacagta qaabilaada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 70, "src": "Easy to use, all you have to do is push down on the bait cup and twist it one-quarter of the way around.", "trg": "Si fudud loo isticmaali karo, kaliya waxa aad samaynaysaa inaad hoos ugu riixda farkal dabinka oo aad waxoogaa maroojiso si goobaab ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 71, "src": "She's a dancer, avid concert-goer, foreign language nerd and book worm.", "trg": "Waxa weeye qoob ka ciyaaraa, badanaa waxay tagtaa bandhig faneedyo, aqoon yahay luuqada ajaanibka iyo buug diiriye.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 72, "src": "One of her paws has peach-colored toes, and she has a whisper of peach on her chin and one cheek.", "trg": "Mid kami dah madiibadaheena waxa uu leeyahay midabka suulka oo waxay ugu xashaahsaqdaa wacyiga mid kamid ah daankedda inta ay saarto daanka qofka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 73, "src": "According to the initial findings, Bilici died of a heart attack.", "trg": "Siday dhigayso natiijada ore, Bilici waxay u dhimatay wadne xanuun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 74, "src": "Dr. Carter enjoys playing basketball, street hockey, flag football, golf and running.", "trg": "Dr. Carter waxa uu ka helaa ciyaarista kubada koleyga, hookiiga jidka, kabada calanka, golofta iyo orodka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 75, "src": "She focuses on improvement as developing self-motivation to help pursue the student\u2019s dream and goals.", "trg": "Waxay diirada saartaa hormarka oo ah dhiiri gelin hormar oo ay kaga caawiso ardayda inay doontaa riyadooda iyo yoolashooda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 76, "src": "It\u2019s impossible to resist that dirty, skinny, precious four-legged shadow who peers at you from beneath the bushes.", "trg": "Waxaa adag in laga iska ilaaliyo rabitaanka hadhka maqaarka, uskaga, afarta lugood ah ee cajiibka ah ee dadka lodka ah ee kaa hooseeyaa ay kugu riixaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 77, "src": "Generally speaking, private equity refers to angel and venture capital.", "trg": "Marka si guud loo hadlo, gaar loo leeyahay waxaa looga jeedaa maalgeliyayaasha gaar ah iyo jenjarka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 78, "src": "Mama reaches in the envelope and pulls out a letter written in a deliberate, thoughtful script.", "trg": "Hooyada ayaa laacday bushqada oo waxay soo saartay warqad qoran oo loogu talo geley bixinta, qoraalka oo dhan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 79, "src": "Once they arrive, our urgent plumber will diagnose the issue and rapidly repair the leak or burst pipe.", "trg": "Marka ay yimaadaan, shaqaalaheena qasabada ee xanaaqdan ayaa baadhi doona mushkilada oo waxa uu dayactiri doonaa waxa liigaya ama beebka qarxay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 80, "src": "Even having a whale swallow him failed to grant any perspective.", "trg": "Xataa markii uu liqay ceelku waxa uu ka heli waayay wax aragti ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 81, "src": "With the advent of sophisticated surveillance and technological innovation, a level of caution must be exercised.", "trg": "Xataa iyada oo ay jiraan kormeerka wayn iyo ikhtiraaca teknooloojiyadeed, waa in laga taxadiro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 82, "src": "Please click the 'Allow' button opposite to agree to our use of cookies and hide this message.", "trg": "Fadlan guji \"Oggolow\" badhanka ah ee kaso horjeeda si aad u ogolaato cookies ka isticmaalka oo qari fariinta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 83, "src": "It\u2019s gorgeous, crazy, insane, and I could listen to it on repeat forever.", "trg": "Waa cajiib, waalan tahay, oo maanta gidi ayaan kusoo celcelshan karaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 84, "src": "Put on your snorkel gear and visually examine the anchor to guarantee your boat is safe.", "trg": "Marka uu eego geerka oo uu indho indheeyo ankarku waxa uu sheegi karaa in doonidaadu amaan tahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 85, "src": "Vitamin C is also important for helping heal wounds and produce scar tissue.", "trg": "Fiitaamiin C ayaa sidoo kale muhiim ah oo kaa caawin kara bogsiinta naburada iyo samaynta naburada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 86, "src": "Do you want wild river fish, a calm lake fish, or a stock pond farm-raised variety?", "trg": "Ma waxa aad doonaysaa kaluunka wabiga oo duur joog ah, kaluunka degan ee wabiga, ama ka beerta oo si kala duwan loo koriyay?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 87, "src": "My assessment is that, given the circumstances, we have to be diligent in our work and stingy in our purchases.", "trg": "Qiimayntaydu waxaa weeye in, marka la eego xaaladaha, waa in aanu u igmano shaqooyinkeena oo aanu diirada saarno iibkeena.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 88, "src": "The district court refused summary judgment, saying the agreement was ambiguous.", "trg": "Maxkamada degmadu waxay diiday xukunka soo koobista ah, oo waxay sheegtay in heshiisku aanu cadayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 89, "src": "The set of courses should represent a coordinated objective and must be approved by the director of graduate studies.", "trg": "Dhabada waa inay matashaa ujeedada la isku duba riday oo waa inay ansixiyeen maamulaha waxbarashada sare.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 90, "src": "He knew that he wasn\u2019t about to be in any sort of immediate physical danger, though he had plenty weighing on his mind.", "trg": "Wuu garanayay in aanu wax khatar ah oo degdega ah geleynin, inkasta oo wax badan ay ku jireen maskaxdiisa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 91, "src": "Quite how many of these were forced upon him has been debated ever since.", "trg": "Ilaa inta kuwan lagu khasbay waa lagu murmaa ilaa maanta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 92, "src": "True therapeutic benefits to relieve stress, calm and relax, aid sleep, boost your energy or lift your mood.", "trg": "Faa'idada daawayn ee dhabta ah ee lagu daweeyo warwarka, deganaanta iyo is dejinta, kaalmada hurdada, kor u qaadida tamarka ama kor u qaadida jawigaaga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 93, "src": "But that would not be the right deed as a socially sensible citizen.", "trg": "Laakiin taani ma noqonayso shayga saxda ah ee qof muwaadin ah oo dareen leh ahaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 94, "src": "Cheers, let's drink a health to fluent language use and perfect pronunciation!", "trg": "Jiiris, aynu u cabno si aynu u barano isticmaalka luuqada oo aynu u saxno dhawaqa!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 95, "src": "The victim has the right to take legal action to attempt to recover compensation for their losses.", "trg": "Fiitaamiintu waxa uu leeyahay talaabada saxda ah ee la iskugu dayayo in laga soo nasto magdhawga waxa la waayay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 96, "src": "His attitude is that gratitude is suitable only when the host is not very talkative.", "trg": "Aragtidiisa in shaygu ku haboon yahay waxay ku haboon tahay oo kaliya qaabilaadiisa oo maaha wax la doono.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 97, "src": "Female, above average height, red hair in tidy bunches, short skirt;", "trg": "Dumarka, ka dheer dhererka caadiga ah, timada cas ee yar, marada gaaban;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 98, "src": "Following the government\u2019s announcement, Tencent issued a public pledge to amend its privacy statements.", "trg": "Bayaanka dawlada ee soo socda, Tencent waxay soo saareen bayaan shacab oo wax lagaag bedelyo bayaanka sirta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 99, "src": "This thing in my life where I kind of have to live a lie and pretend that everything is ok.", "trg": "Shaygan noloshayda oo ay tahay in aan la noolaado been weeye oo waxa aan isku dayaa in wax kastaaba uu caadi yahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 100, "src": "But in this frightening situation the legionaries kept their arms and ranks intact.", "trg": "Laakiin tani waxaa weeye xaalad baqi leh oo dadka hore ay gacmahooda iyo darajadooda ay ku ilaaliyeen.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 101, "src": "If you're in a seriously cold climate, try it with a classic sweater, cozy scarf, and ankle boots instead.", "trg": "Hadii aad ku jirto cimilo qabaw oo aad u daran, waxa aad isku daydaa funaanda hore, sheelada wanaagsan iyo kabada ilaa jilbaha soo gaadhaya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 102, "src": "Make sure children understand appropriate and safe behavior.", "trg": "Waxa aad xaqiijisa ain caruurtu ay fahmaan habdhaqanka munaasabka ah ee amaanka ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 103, "src": "Suppose a group of activists enter a busy setting (mall, movie theater, theme park, etc.) looking like everyone else.", "trg": "Kooxda taageerada ee u ololeeyayaasha waxay galaan habdhismeedka mashquulka ah (moolka, tiyaarta filimaanka, beeraha nasashada, iwm.) waxay u eeg tahay qof kale oo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 104, "src": "She is a popular speaker, mentor, conference producer, author and healing arts advocate.", "trg": "Waxaa weeye qof caan ah oo hadla, dadka tusaaleeya, soo saar shir, qoraal iyo u ololeeye farshaxanka bogsashada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 105, "src": "Fired by a fierce ambition, blessed with an extraordinary voice, her long struggle for fame and fortune begins.", "trg": "Waxaa eryay xarunta danba, oo waxay leeyahay cod wayn, dadaalkeeda mudad dheer ee caanimada iyo aduunku ayaa bilaabmay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 106, "src": "Cleaning Up jumps from upsetting social drama to hilarious buddy comedy to tense heist thriller.", "trg": "Nadiifinta waxay ka bilaabantaa ruwaayada bulshada ee xanaaqa leh ilaa qosolka shactiroolaha cajiibka ah ee filinka dhaca.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 107, "src": "Respect and hygiene and discretion are mandatory, as should be obvious.", "trg": "Qadarin iyo nadaafad iyo qarsoodi ayaa ah waajib, maadaama oo ay iska cadahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 108, "src": "Minnesota shows exposure type, traffic patterns indicating social distancing success and hospital surge capacity.", "trg": "Minnesota waxay muujisay noocyo kala duwan oo qarax, qaab socod gaadiidka oo muujinaya kala fogaanshaha dadka iyo awooda isbitaalka ee korodhay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 109, "src": "Indeed your ego-shell suddenly is crushed, you can shake heaven and earth.", "trg": "Markaa aragtidaada ayaa duntay, waxa aad gilgili kartaa dhulka iyo cirka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 111, "src": "This perseverance is given to them by their stubborn streak.", "trg": "Adkaysiga waxaa la siiyay dadka leh kaga dhaga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 112, "src": "This results in a lot of bad content on your domain, unwanted incoming links from spam sites, and annoyed users.", "trg": "Tani waxay keentay macluumaad badan oo dhoomaynkaaga ah, linkiyo soo galaya oo aan la doonaynin oo isbaamka ah, iyo isticmaalayaal dhibsada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 113, "src": "Bee pollen regulates the functions of the intestines, especially with regard to chronic diarrhea and constipation.", "trg": "Bacriminta dhirta ee shinidu waxay maamushaa shaqada kacsanaanta, gaar ahaan marka loo eego shuban iyo casiraada mudada dheer.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 114, "src": "Get some witch hazel extract and apply it to the swollen veins with a cotton ball.", "trg": "Halagaa soo saaro hazelka qumayada oo waxa aad ku qabataa xididka bararay kubad cudbi ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 115, "src": "These worries have shifted the landscape of contemporary childhood in a diversity of ways.", "trg": "Warwaradan waxay badaleen qaabkii caruurnimada caadiga ah oo ay u badaleen qabab kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 116, "src": "On adoption day, breathe a sigh of relief because finally, the day has arrived that you can adopt your foster child!", "trg": "Maalinta ugu horeysa ee ilmaha lala wareego, waxay leeyahay neefsi ka bogsasho maadaama oo ugu danbayn, maalintii ay timid ay la wareegi lahayd ilmahaagii aad korsanayso!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 117, "src": "The group is voting on a proposal to conduct outreach to north, west, and east Oakland communities.", "trg": "Kooxdu waxay u codaynaysaa qorshaha in la sameeyo wacyi gelinta waqooyiga, galbeedka iyo barida bulshooyinka Oakland.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 118, "src": "Kings Cross is a serious rail hub and so is extremely simple to commute to.", "trg": "Kings Cross waxaa weeye xarun dhabo taxane ah oo waxaa loo mari karaa si fudud.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 119, "src": "Acute inflammation (meaning it doesn\u2019t last long) helps the body to ward off infections and to promote healing.", "trg": "Ololka daran (inayna jiraynin mudo dheer) waxay ka caawisaa jidhka inuu iska baajiyo caabuqa oo uu kor u qaado bogsashada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 120, "src": "Always remain calm and remember to seek proper advice about your situation.", "trg": "Markasta waa in aad is dejisaa oo aad xasuusataa talooyinka munaasabka ah ee ku saabsan xaaladaada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 121, "src": "His slightly hooked nose, sharp, almost black eyes, and shoulder-length hair gave him a harsh appearance.", "trg": "Sankiisa waxoogaa godan, indhisiisa waawayn , waa wada madaw, timaha ilaa garbaha gaadhsiisan waxa uu siiyaa muuqaal adag.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 122, "src": "She must confront her past, embrace her gifts, and decide her fate.", "trg": "Waa inay ka reysaa taariikhdeeda hore, kordhisaa hibadeeda iyo go'aankeeda mustaqbalkeeda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 123, "src": "He's a carpenter by hobby, and built a dam out of scrap wood.", "trg": "Waxa uu xiisaayee samaynta looxaanta, oo waxa uu ka dhisaa dhaam looxaanta la daadiyay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 124, "src": "Whereas haze is often thought of as a phenomenon of dry air, mist formation is a phenomenon of humid air.", "trg": "Meesha dhadada loo arko badanaa xaalad hawada oo qalalan, way khaldan tahay oo waxaa weeye hawo qoran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 125, "src": "It\u2019s not fake news, not trying to fool anyone, it\u2019s just a joke and it cheered up my January a bit.", "trg": "Maaha war been ah, ha isku darin in aad qofka khalado, waa kafkan oo waxaa loogu talo geley in lagu yara qoski Janaayoodayda waxoogaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 126, "src": "People seldom touch the horse because they are afraid of it.", "trg": "Dadka ayaa taabta faraska maadaama oo ay ka baqdaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 127, "src": "Demonstrate possession of sufficient financial resources to cover travel expenses.", "trg": "Bandhiga muquuqninta ee ilmaha dhaqaale ee aan ku filnayn ee lagu bixiyo kharashka socdaalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 128, "src": "The tree can grow as tall as 20 meters, with smooth, greyish brown thin bark.", "trg": "Geedku waxa uu gaadhi karaa ilaa 20 mitir, oo leh meel la saaro oo adag oo siman, dareemi buni ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 129, "src": "The results were terrific: tangy, creamy, intensely berried, with a hint of that kick we associate with cheesecake.", "trg": "Natiijada waxa uu ahaa wax adag: tangi, kiriimi, caqabad daran, oo leh laad la xidhiidha kiis keega.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 130, "src": "Is December a throw-away month because everyone is busy or on vacation?", "trg": "Diseember ma bisha la tuuro waxbaa ee qof kastaaba uu ku mashquulsan yahay ama dalxiiskaa?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 131, "src": "We inspected jumping equipment for compliance with safety regulations.", "trg": "Waxa aanu eegnaa agabka lagu boodo ee u hogaansanka shuruucda amaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 132, "src": "Call your mom, apologize for yesterday\u2019s photo, and promise to burn that green rag in her honor.", "trg": "La hadal hooyadaa, ka raali geli sawirkii shalay, oo waxa aad u balan qaadaa in aad gubi doonto rooga cagaar ah si aad iyada ugu maamuusto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 133, "src": "Even our most difficult life experiences bring us wisdom, character and integrity.", "trg": "Xataa khibradeeda nolosha ee ugu daran waxaa weeye in la keeno murti, qaab iyo maamuus.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 134, "src": "Each carefully placed bloom, stem, and leaf creates an arrangement whose meaning goes far beyond the aesthetic.", "trg": "Meel kasta si wanaagsan loo dhigay jiris, caleen iyo laan waxaa loo habeeyay wixii macnaheedu ka badan inta muuqata.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 135, "src": "Thus the London exhibition will complement and augment this splendid array.", "trg": "Markaa bandhiga London waxaa la dhamaystiri doonaa oo waxaa la samayn doonaa mawjadan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 136, "src": "Transfer the pork to a large bowl with a slotted spoon and discard the bay leaves, onion, and garlic.", "trg": "Ku shub doofaarka madiibad wayn oo wadata malqaacad lagu walaaqo oo waxa aad ku daadisaa caleemaha, toonta iyo basashada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 137, "src": "Accessories lend visual appeal through pattern and texture.", "trg": "Agabku waxay keenaan inay yeelato soo jiidasho qaabka iyo nooca ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 138, "src": "A warehouse worker in a retail store is holding a cell phone and preparing to package up a parcel to ship overseas.", "trg": "Shaqaalaha bakhaarka tukaanka tafaariiqdu waxa uu hayaa taleefanka oo waxa uu u diyaarinayaa bushqada in dalka dibadiisa loo diro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 139, "src": "Again, this is not ideal, but it is a better alternative than withdrawing a larger lump sum.", "trg": "Markale, tani maaha macquul, laakiin waxaa weeye ikhtiyaar kale oo ka wanaagsan ka noqoshada wixii wayn ee qiyaas ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 140, "src": "Confirm your decision to attend through your admissions application.", "trg": "Xaqiiji go'aankaaga aad ku dhisagayno arjigaaga gelitaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 141, "src": "May God bless you with happiness, contentment, prosperity, peace, and abundance on your birthday and always.", "trg": "Illaahay farxad hakugu galadaysto, wanaagsan, hormar, nabad iyo wax badan maalinta aad dhalatay iyo marwalba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 142, "src": "The restaurant is known for its flawless execution, evidenced by the mid-course swap-out of warm brioche toast.", "trg": "Maqaaxida waxaa lagu yaqaan gaar yeelidooda adeega ee aan kala go' lahayn, oo waxaa cadayn u ah sida ay iyada oo kala badh la marayo kaaga badalayaan roodhida.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 143, "src": "Tiny and tight work\u2014like mine below\u2014can be hard to do, though, so try it with something looser the first time.", "trg": "Shaqada yar ee adag - sida kayga hoose - way adag tahay in la qabto, markaa isku day wax waxoogaa dabacsan marka kowaad.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 144, "src": "Great explanation of the venom that supposedly made the evil dude feel dead.", "trg": "Sharaxa wayn ee ka danbeeya fooman ee horseedaya in qumayadu ku dhimato.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 145, "src": "Those caught outdoors during a severe thunderstorm are particularly vulnerable.", "trg": "Dadka banaanka ay ku haleesho duufaanadu ayaa si gaar ah u nugul.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 146, "src": "Miami residents passed a bond initiative to fund storm drain upgrades, flood pumps, and sea walls.", "trg": "Dadka reer Miami waxay ansixiyeen barnaamijka maalgelinta kor u qaadida gidaarasada daadadka, bamamka daadadka iyo bada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 147, "src": "Comments on this article reflect the sole opinions of their writers.", "trg": "Faalooyinka maqaalkan waxay muujinayaan kalya ikhtiyaarka qoraaladooda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 148, "src": "The external monitor now shows an image, but in 800x600 resolution, which is total crap.", "trg": "Shaashada banaanka ee muujinaysa sawirka, laakiin ah 800x600 cabirkiisu, waxaa weeye isku gaynta cabirkiisa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 149, "src": "Now excuse me while I stick a bar of soap in my mouth to get rid of that unpleasant sentence.", "trg": "Wax cudurdaar ah loogama baahna marka aan geliyo saabuunta afkayga si aan u maydho wixii urta ah ee aan wanaagsanayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 150, "src": "St. John\u2019s wort is a remedy for seizures and is good for liver health.", "trg": "St. John waxa uu yahay qiimihiisu cabirka iyo sida uu u wanaagsan yahay caafimaadka beerkiisu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 151, "src": "Maybe a college-age niece or nephew, or a spouse, sister, or brother.", "trg": "Waxaa lagaa yabaa cida le'eg da'da kuuliyada ee wiilka ama gabadha abatiga iyo adeerka loo yahay, xaaska ama walaalka ama walaasha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 152, "src": "He\u2019s what I call a callous, greedy bastard, and a coward to boot!", "trg": "Waxa weeye waxa loo yaqaan bahal xun, oo agagaas ah!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 153, "src": "Assume perfect detection in all cases and ignore the inverse square law effect.", "trg": "Marka la eego eegitaanka dhamaan kiisaska iyo la is dhaafiyo sharciga isku wareega ee qaliban.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 154, "src": "Hey guys, sorry for not writing the report, I didn't get home until now after the practice.", "trg": "Waanu ka xunahay in aanaan qorin warbixinta, maanaan qaban guriga ilaa kadib nidaamka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 155, "src": "Spread third cake layer with remaining strawberry ice cream;", "trg": "Qafiska lakabga keega sadexaad ee aysikiirnka istaroobariga hadhsan;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 156, "src": "Even a waiter who isn\u2019t a secret agent in disguise might mention it to his supervisor or something.", "trg": "Xataa mudalabka aan ahayn basaaska gaarka ah ayaa u sheegi kara horjoogisiisa ama wax.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 157, "src": "Chaos, awkwardness, and drama follow, but Bynes is so charming and funny that the result is a delight.", "trg": "Jahwareerka, qaabka xun, iyo duwaayadu waxay raacaysaa, laakiin Bynes aad ayay u degan tahay oo u tahay ruwaayad taas oo natiijadeedu cajiib tahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 158, "src": "You can customize this greeting or assign different greetings to different phone numbers.", "trg": "Waxa aad ka dhigi kartaa salaantan mid gaar ah ama waxa aad u samayn kartaa salaamo kala duwan lambarada taleefanka kala duwan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 159, "src": "Seller will select method of shipment, unless Customer gives timely, prior written instructions.", "trg": "Iibiyayaashu waxay dooranayaan qaabka dirista, iyada oo Macmiilku uu siiyo moojee wakhti, tilmaamo qoraal ah oo hore.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 160, "src": "The spilled liquid stays on the shelf and doesn\u2019t spoil the whole refrigerator by leaking elsewhere.", "trg": "Dareeraha daata meesha ayuu sii dul joogaa oo waxba ma yeelo talaagada dhan isaga oo u liigaya meel kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 161, "src": "The dinner menu, though, is a far more refined affair in presentation and substance.", "trg": "Liiska cashooyinka, inkasta oo, aad u kala baxsan yahay marka lasoo bandhigayo iyo waxa uu ka samaysan yahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 162, "src": "Does such an entity deserve congratulations?", "trg": "Miyaa hay'ada noocan oo kale ah u baahan tahay hambalyo?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 163, "src": "Scientists can also put a radio collar on an elephant and trace its movements to warn farmers.", "trg": "Saynisyahanada sidoo kale waxay raqabad raadyo ah u xidhi karaan maroodiga oo waxay la socon karaan dhaqdhaqaaqiisa beerta diiran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 164, "src": "We don\u2019t need to worry that God won\u2019t forgive us if we sincerely repent of our compromise and turn the other way.", "trg": "Maaha in aanu ka warwarno in Illaahay aanu noo dambi dhaafaynin hadii aynu si dhab ah u waydiisano danbi dhaaf oo aynu u toobad keeno.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 165, "src": "Should the former rate exceed the latter, then by definition a gap in the acquired data stream has occurred.", "trg": "Miyaa xadiga hore uu haafsiisan yahay ka danbe, markaa waxaa jira farqi u dhaxeeya socodka xogta la heley oo yimid.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 166, "src": "The novel transforms into something completely different the moment the princess leaves the castle.", "trg": "Gala guurka wanaagsan waxaa weeye wax gebi ahaanba ka duwan dhaqaaqa ina boqor marka uu ka baxayo qasriga madaxtooyada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 167, "src": "When nutrition sources are lean, the tiger shrimp can even rely on the feces of a goby fish to survive!", "trg": "Marka heerka nafaqadu ay yaraato, shiriimbiga shabeelka ayaan badanaa la kumin kaluunka goby si uu u noolaado!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 168, "src": "Further, consent and mutual pleasure are morally necessary.", "trg": "Sidoo kale, ogolaanshaha iyo ku wada raaxaysiga ayaa damiir ahaan daruuri ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 169, "src": "Pitch your tent in the luxury of a private estate in the breathtaking Warwickshire countryside.", "trg": "Waxa aad ku xidhaa teendhadaada meel gaar loo leeyahay oo meel cajiib ah oo ku taala miyiga Warwichshire.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 170, "src": "The steady volume of sails purchased by racers keeps sail prices reasonable.", "trg": "Xadiga caadiga ah ee saylka ay iibsadeen tartamayaashu waxay ka dhigeen qiimaha saylka mid macquul ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 171, "src": "Please register or log in to retrieve your license key and to download the latest version.", "trg": "Fadlan iska duwaan geli ama gal si aad ula soo baxdo furahaaga liisanka iyo si loo dejiyo nuqulka ugu danbeeyay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 172, "src": "Once you and your luggage are settled in, the pilot will wait for permission to take off.", "trg": "Marka adiga iyo alaabtaadu ay degto, bayloodku waxa uu sudi doonaa ogolaanshaha si uu u kaco.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 173, "src": "If it is more complicated, like a magazine layout, you may see more sample spaces.", "trg": "Hadii ay ka murugsanaan badan tahay, sida qaabka majalada, waxa aad arki kartaa meelo dheeraad ah oo badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 174, "src": "He came at me all excitable, pushing his chubby little thumb into my forehead and being all cute.", "trg": "Waxa uu yimid wakhti dhamaan farxad noo ah, inuu waxoogaa ku riixo baruurtiisa suulka ayar madaxiisa oo dhamaan qurux badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 175, "src": "He doesn't bother anyone (except the cat); he doesn't break things or anything.", "trg": "Cidna ma dhibo (marka laga tago bisada) ma jabiyo wax ama shayna.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 176, "src": "The suspicious smell becomes overwhelming when somebody takes a shot at the lady outside her London hotel.", "trg": "Urta laga shakiyay ayaa u darnayd markii uu gabadh qof ku toogtay banaanka hudheelka ay ka deganayd London.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 177, "src": "Twelve studies used random assignment to observe student achievement between choice and regular public schools.", "trg": "Laba iyo toban daraasadood ayaa si bakhtiyaa nasiib ah loogu qoray inay la socdaan guusha ardayda ee doorashada iyo shuruucda dugsiyada shacabka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 178, "src": "The flavor profile is a mild black currant and mineral blend with notes of gentle plum and faint oak.", "trg": "Macluumaadka dhadhanka leh waxaa weeye waxoogaa madaw wakhtigan oo waxyaabaha lagu daray waxay ku qoran tahay geedka timirka iyo geedka faynt.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 179, "src": "You all remind me of a bunch of spoiled and naive children, crying and stamping your feet to get your way.", "trg": "Waxa aad dhamaantiin i xasuusiyaan caruur la baabi'iyay oo bilaa caqli ah, oo kugu lugaynaya oo kolba wax kugu dhufanaya lugahaaga si uu meesha aad marayso u maro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 180, "src": "The power generation industry is estimated to expand at a rapid pace during the forecast period.", "trg": "Awooda ay soo saartay warshadu waxaa la qiyaasayaa inay aad u balaadhato xawaraheedu inta lagu jiro wakhtiga saadaasha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 181, "src": "Sometimes we do not have enough evidence to draw a firm conclusion.", "trg": "Mararka qaar ma hayno cadaymo nagu filan oo aanu muuqaal buuxa kaga qaadanayno shirkada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 182, "src": "Virtually no prominent leaders seem willing to step forward to defend native-language programs.", "trg": "Muuqaal ahaan wax hogaamiye dhab ah ma doono inuu u istaago siuu u difaaco barnaamijyada luuqada dhaladka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 183, "src": "Then outline the picture with a pencil or pen so that the image is imprinted on the mug.", "trg": "Ku sheeg sawirka qalin beensal ama qalin biiroo si markaa sawirka loogu sawiri karo koobka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 184, "src": "Mike is also a licensed youth soccer coach, former child actor and enthusiastic musical theater participant.", "trg": "Mike waxa uu sidoo kale lisan siiyay tobobaraha kubada cagta dhalinyarta, hore u ahaan jiray atoore filimaan markii uu yaraa iyo ka qayb gale tiyaatara muusiga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 185, "src": "Next, use local mobile advertising to attract foot traffic.", "trg": "Marka xigta, isticmaal xayaysiiska mobileka deegaanka si ay dadku kuugu yimaadaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 186, "src": "Their basement was always filled with a treasure trove of fascinating and interesting items.", "trg": "Gurigooda dhulka hoostiisa waxaa ka buuxay waxyaabo qaali ah oo cajiib ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 187, "src": "Latest Snapchat caption maker to imitate fake snaps of celebrities and prank your friends.", "trg": "Qoraaga qoraalka ugu danbeeyay ee Snapchat waxa uu dhibayaa dadka beenta ka sheega inay caan ka yihiin snaps ka oo waxaa lagu biraanki garaynayaa asxaabtaada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 188, "src": "She didn't resign, so her manager decided to bury her in an infinite quantity of miscellaneous tasks.", "trg": "Ismay casilin markaa maamulkeedii ayaa isku dayay inay ku aasaan shaqooyin bilaa xadi ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 189, "src": "Due to military cunning, the future dictator managed to seize the lands occupied by the Celtic tribes.", "trg": "Dhagarta ciidanka darteed, dhigteetarka mustaqbalku ee ay u suurto gasho inuu qabsado dhulka ay haystaan qabaa'ilka Celtic.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 190, "src": "If returned at market, the item is eligible for a refund, exchange, or market stall credit note.", "trg": "Markii ay kusoo noqoto calaamada, shayga maaha suurto gal in la gudo, la bedelo ama lagu iibiyo qoraalka daynta suuqa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 191, "src": "This crude theory is responsible for the ridiculous doctrine of eternal life for some and eternal torture for others.", "trg": "Taariikhdan xun waxay ka masuul tahay qaabka nolosha ee gudaha ee dadka qaar iyo ciqaabka gudaha ee dadka kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 192, "src": "For example, enclosures and machine tools must have strict temperature control for the precise machining of metal.", "trg": "Tusaale ahaan, xidhitaanka iyo agabyada mishiinka waa inuu yeeshaa maamul heerkul xadidan ee mishiinka qaaliga ah ee birta ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 193, "src": "The finance guy sat in a dress shirt behind a massive wood desk.", "trg": "Ninkii xisaabaadki waxa uu isaga oo xidhan shaadh daba fadhiistay miis looxa oo wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 194, "src": "[Story continues below advertisement] Some investors build wealth by owning hard assets such as rental properties.", "trg": "[Sheekadu waxay kusii socotaa xayaysiiska hoose] Maalgeliyayaasha qaar ayaa dhisay adduun ay leeyihiin maadaama oo ay leeyihiin hanti maguurto ah oo ay kireeyaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 195, "src": "Male mosquitoes, while bothersome, pose no threat to humans.", "trg": "Kaneecada labka ah, inkasta oo ay dhibto hadaha khatar kuma aha bilaa aadanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 196, "src": "But once my mind was finally made up, I still could not leave.", "trg": "Laakiin markii danbe ee aan go'aanka gaadhay, waan tagi kari waayay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 197, "src": "lthough raw material prices continued to rise, the gross profit margin was maintained at previous year\u2019s level.", "trg": "Waxa aan u arkayay in qiimaha alaabta qaydhiin ay sii kordhi doonto, in faa'idada aan weli waxba laga jarin ay lamid noqon doonto heerka sanadkii ka horeeyay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 198, "src": "It has associations with friendship (such as in the thumbs-up gesture) and interaction.", "trg": "Waxay la xidhiidhaa asxaabta (sida qaabka suulka loo taago) iyo xidhiidhka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 199, "src": "Its designation as a competitive organization means that it faces a lot of competition.", "trg": "Waxaa loo asteeyay sida hay'ada tartamaysa oo ka dhigan inay la kulmayso tartan badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 200, "src": "Comply with the training requirements and respond in a positive manner to any suggestion or criticism.", "trg": "U hogaansanka shuruudaha tobobarka iyo jawaabta qaab wanaagsan oo wixii talo ama dhaleecayn ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 201, "src": "The horn section provided a distinct complement of both rhythm and melodic harmony.", "trg": "Qaybta geeska ah waxa uu bixiyaa qaab wanaagsan oo qaab dhac ama muusig harmooni ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 202, "src": "The only obstacle that endures is that an introvert will dwell on the past.", "trg": "Caqabada kaliya ee la arko waxaa weeye in afgaabnida lagaga imanayo wakhtigii hore.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 203, "src": "Set over a day, it sees the duo wander aimlessly around a sleepy seaside town, developing a tentative connection.", "trg": "Maalin marka la dhigo, waxaa lagu arkaa iska socod bilaa hijo magaalada bada ku taal oo huruda, oo xidhiidh wanaagsan ay la yeelatay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 204, "src": "Sometimes blunt, maybe controversial, hopefully never too grumpy or gloomy.", "trg": "Mararka qaar cad, waxaa dhici karta inay tahay wax lagu murmo, laakiin marba maaha habsan in laga xanaaqo ama la dhiso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 205, "src": "Solid dictionary skills are a great way to speed vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, and spelling accuracy.", "trg": "Xirfadaha dhaarectoreetka adag waxaa weeye qaab wanaagsan oo lagu xawaareeyo barashada kalmadaha, akhriska dhamasytiran, iyo sixitaanka higaada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 206, "src": "Pick your favourite cat breed, grab a pencil and start drawing!", "trg": "Lasoo bax nooca bisada ee aad jeceshahay, soo qaado qalin beensal oo bilaw sawirida!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 207, "src": "There must be a certain business process far beyond our understanding.", "trg": "Waa inay jiraan nidaamyo ganacsi oo gaar ah oo ka badan inta aad fahmayso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 208, "src": "Traditionally, the meat is stuffed with spices and actually cooked in a coal fire within the trunk of a banana palm.", "trg": "Caadiyan, hilibka waxaa laga buuxiyaa xawaashka oo waxaa lagu kariyay dhuxul ku jirta geebka muuska.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 209, "src": "It\u2019s the factor why persistent intestinal concerns may trigger foggy brain, insomnia, or depression.", "trg": "Waa sababta walaacyada kordhinka diirad saaridayda ay u keeni karta maskax xumo, hurdo xumo, ama isku buuq.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 210, "src": "Ditch those manual processes and secure your labor workflow with a cloud-based crew management platform.", "trg": "Iska dhaaf nidaamkaas gacanta ah oo waxa aad heshaa socodkaaga shaqada ee madasha maamulida kooxda ee kolowdhka ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 211, "src": "Who is faster, the turtle or the butterfly?", "trg": "Yaa dheeraynaya, diinka iyo balan baalista?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 212, "src": "However, their main emphasis was to encourage trade throughout a particular area.", "trg": "Laakiin, waxa kowaad ee ay diirada saaraan waxaa weeye inay ku dhiiri geliyaan ganacsiyada aaga gaarka ah oo dhan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 213, "src": "President Carter\u2019s military rescue option would sadly fail.", "trg": "Madaxweyne Carter fikirkiisii badbaadada ciidan nasiib daro way guul daraysatay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 214, "src": "Attending the reunion allowed Bella to shed her shame like the false skin it was, and to reclaim her healthy anger.", "trg": "Ka qayb galka midawgu waxay u ogolaansyaa Bella inay qariso xishoodkeeda sida mqaarka beenta ay ee ay ahayd, iyo inay dib u hesho xanaaqeeda caafimaadka qaba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 215, "src": "Excellent location with beautiful view over the port, walking distance and very quiet area peaceful sleeping.", "trg": "Goob aad u wanaagsan oo leh muuqaal wanaagsan oo dakada kusoo keeda, masaafad loo socdo oo aad u aamusan oo aaga aad u aamusan oo hurdo ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 216, "src": "The practice of sending formal invitation letters to chief guests is common in academic society, such as in a university.", "trg": "Nidaamka u dirista waraaqaha casuumada ee rasmiga ah martida ugu muhiimsan waxaa ku caan ah bulshada aqoonta, sida Jaamacada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 217, "src": "Of course the seedlings always insist on growing either right at the front of the border, or in the vegetable patch.", "trg": "Dabcan siidhku waxa uu markasta ku andacoodaa inuu u koro qaab saxda ah xaga hore ee xuduuda, ama xidhmada khudaarta ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 218, "src": "Instead the healthy are put under house arrest and where exactly are all those sick people?", "trg": "Laakiin dadkii caafimaadka qabay ayaa guriga lagu xidho oo halkee ayay qabteen dhamaan dadkii xanuunsanayay?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 219, "src": "Superior grip and slip-resistance thanks to surface patterns and large contact area.", "trg": "Qabashada adag iyo baajinta siibashada maadaama oo ay jiraan qaabka dhusha iyo aaga xidhiidhka ee wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 220, "src": "As we noted, wrath can be open and obvious or subtle and hidden, and it can acquire targets unrelated to the source.", "trg": "Sida la sheegey, wiriitka ayaa la furi karaa oo muuqda, ama muuqda oo qarsoon, oo waxaa laga heli karaa bartilmaameedka aan la xidhiidhin isha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 221, "src": "If you wanna complain, complain that the government makes you get permission to stop being married.", "trg": "Hadii aad doonayso inaad cabato, cabashada ay dawadu samayso waxay keeneysaa inaad hesho ogolaanshaha inaad joojiso guurka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 222, "src": "When we began the tour, she asked me to guess what colour appears and is prevalent in the vast majority of his art.", "trg": "Markii aanu bilaabnay daawashada, waxay iga dalbatay in aan qiyaato nooca midabka soo baxaya oo waxa uu kasoo baxaa badanaa farshaxanadiisa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 223, "src": "To schedule an appointment, please complete and submit the request form.", "trg": "Si loo qabsado balanta, fadlan waxa aad buuxisaa oo aad gudbisaa foomka dalabka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 224, "src": "But there is no test to determine whether the eggs are good quality.", "trg": "Laakiin ma jiro wax tijaabo ah oo lagu ogaanayo hadii beedku yahay tayadii wanaagsanayd.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 225, "src": "Stretch out on a comfy lounge chair and wrap yourself up in a soft, teddy bear-like blanket.", "trg": "Waxa isku kala bixisaa kursiga xaarada ah oo waxa aad isku duubtaa caruusada jilicsan sida buska oo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 226, "src": "Redeem yourself and tell me what that beam of light really was!", "trg": "Naftaada bari yeel uu ii sheeg waxa uu ahaa falaadhii laydhku!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 227, "src": "I had no appetite after seeing the porridge goo with the chopped cucumber slices.", "trg": "Abiteedkii ayaa iga xidhmay kadib markii aan arkay boorashkii oo lagu daray khayaar la jarjaray.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 228, "src": "Think about what kind of blue jeans you wish to fit into later on.", "trg": "Waxa aad ka fikirtaa nooca jiiniska buluuga ah ee aad hadhaw doonayso inay kuu xidhanto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 229, "src": "If you want a vivid purple shade, we advise you to bleach your hair first.", "trg": "Hadii aad doonayso hadh soosali ah oo googo'an, waxa aanu kugula talinaynaa inaad cadayso timahaaga marka hore.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 230, "src": "Your primary mission is to destroy all enemy defenses and collect fuel to stay alive.", "trg": "Shaqadaada kowaad waxaa weeye in aad baabi'iso dhamaan difaaca cadawga oo aad uruursato shidaalka si aad u noolaato.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 231, "src": "Squirrel droppings vary, and they can be a little tough to distinguish from rat poop.", "trg": "Saxarada dabagaaluhu way kala duwan tahay, oo waxaa adag in la kala saaro xarada jiirka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 232, "src": "After organizing the exam, the commission also conducts an interview session to recruit capable applicants for the declared posts.", "trg": "Kadib markii lasoo qaban qaabiyay imtixaanka, shaqadu sidoo kale waxaa weeye in loo qabto waraysi si loogu shaqaalaysiiyo cida aqoonta u leh shaqada meelaha lasoo xayaysiiyay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 233, "src": "It is made of milk and doesn\u2019t contain any harmful substances, provided you consume an authentic product.", "trg": "Waxaa laga sameeyay caano oo kuma jiraan wax waxyeelo gaadhsiiya bilaa aadanka, waxay ku siisaa alaab wanaagsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 234, "src": "The executive branch of government is supposed to investigate crime based on evidence.", "trg": "Qaybta fulinta dawladu ayay tahay inay baadho cadaymaha danbiga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 235, "src": "Upon account closure, we will cancel any pending transactions unless otherwise legally prohibited.", "trg": "Marka la xidho xisaabta, waxa aanu joojin doonaa dhamaan shaqada xisaabaadka ee la sugayo iyada oo sharcigu mamnuucayo moojee.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 236, "src": "Accent your yard with timber for pure privacy, comfortable shade, or maybe an inviting place to hang your kid\u2019s swing.", "trg": "Qaabka aad ku maqashay timber waxaa weeye sir, hadh wanaagan, ama waxay noqon kartaa meel dadku kusoo hiradaan oo caruurtu leexo ku ciyaarto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 237, "src": "You will literally learn how to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.", "trg": "Waxa aad baratay sida loo cuno qureecda, qadada, iyo cashada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 238, "src": "Cotton is durable, wicks away sweat, and can retain a moderate amount of heat when used in layers.", "trg": "Cudbidu way adag tahay, waxay nuugtaa macaanka, oo waxay haysaa waxoogaa kulaylk ah marka lakabyo loo isticmaalo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 239, "src": "Rubber pieces worn or falling apart, roof rail pieces missing, fuel tank door lock broken.", "trg": "Qaybaha caaga ah ee madhay ama soo dhacay, qaybaha ka maqan saqafka, qufulka albaabka taangiga ee jaban.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 240, "src": "Anything silly makes me laugh, and I am obsessed with minions;", "trg": "Wax kasta oo ruwaayad ah waan ku qoslaa, oo waxay igaga dhagtaa dadka lala socdo;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 241, "src": "As you enter the main entrance, there is a small, cozy lounge area, with two double bedrooms.", "trg": "Kadib marka aad soo gasho albaabka wayn waxaa jirta meel soo dhawayn leh oo yar, oo leh laba sariirood oo isasaaran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 242, "src": "Foot orthotics helps them maintain the correct feet alignment, reduce pain, prevent injury, and enhance efficiency.", "trg": "Cagta samayska ah waxay ka caawisay inay si wanaagsan caguhu u sinmaan, ka yaraato damqashadu, la jaabiyo dhaawaca, oo wax ku oolnimada la kordhiyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 243, "src": "Island-ripe pineapple, apple, stone fruit, and crisp pear fill the mouth.", "trg": "Cananista, tufaaxa, stone fruit iyo pear qudhjujum ah ee bisil ee Jasiiradu waxa uu buuxinayaa afkaaga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 244, "src": "She loves hiking and swimming and is very interested in nature conservation, literature, cinema, and history.", "trg": "Waxay jeceshahay inay lugayso iyo dabaalato oo waxay doonaysaa wada sheekeysiga dabiiciga ah, khidbadaha, shaneemada, iyo taariikhda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 245, "src": "Each storage position layer is isolated with a stainless steel plate and fireproof rock wool.", "trg": "Lakab makaan kasta oo kaydka ah waxa uu ka baxsan yahay bilaydhka birta ah iyo qoriga dhaxa ee saqafka;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 246, "src": "If you follow the golden rule above, it's because you're trying to persuade someone.", "trg": "Hadii aad raacdo sharciga dahabiga ah ee sare, waxay ka dhigan tahay inaad isku dayayso inaad qanciso qof.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 247, "src": "By contrast, the presence of high blood pressure or shortness of breath predicted a worse outcome.", "trg": "Taas cakiskeed, jiritaanka dhiikarka ama neef qabatinku waxaa weeye natiijada ugu xun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 248, "src": "With real love in our hearts for our beloved, we conquer all forms of conflict, fights, or quarrels that may arise.", "trg": "Marka jacayl dhab ah aanu u hayno qaraabadeena, waxa aanu ka gudubnaa dhamaan wixii isku dhac, dagaal ama muran ah ee iman kara.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 249, "src": "Surname searches help you find ancestor charts, family group sheets, and manuscripts in our archive.", "trg": "Baadhitaanka magaca qoyska waxa uu ka caawisaa baadhitaanka shaxda qoyska, xaashida kooxda qoyska iyo qoraalada kaydkeeda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 250, "src": "Not a chance, but it\u2019s still pretty damn good in my humble opinion.", "trg": "Ma dhici karto, laakiin weli way wanaagsan tahay marka la eego fikirkayga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 251, "src": "Probably just convenient timing because yeah, it\u2019s otherwise slim pickings.", "trg": "Waxaa dhici karta inay tahay wakhti munaasab ah maadaama haa, sida ay u tahay wax yar.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 252, "src": "Turn on the heat function to improve the overall blood circulation of the body and treat muscle fatigue.", "trg": "Shid shaqada kulayliyaha si loo hormariyo wareega dhiiga ee guud ee jidhka oo waxa aad ku dawaysaa daalka murqaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 253, "src": "Lucky for him, he\u2019s a brilliant botanist who comes up with clever (sometimes disgusting) ways to harvest food.", "trg": "Nasiib ayuu leeyahay, waxaa weeye khabiir dhirta ah oo cajiib ah oo keeney qaab cusub (wax gooni ah) oo dhirta loo guro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 254, "src": "Does consistent scene context facilitate object perception?", "trg": "Miyay ka kooban tahay aragtida shayga xarunta macluumaadka muuqaalka?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 255, "src": "Sober living homes also serve as stepping stones to modern society for recently released prison or jail prisoners.", "trg": "Guriga nolosha miyir qabka ahi sidoo kale waxa weeye meesha lagaga soo biiro bulshada caadiga ah ee maxaabiista dhawaan laga soo daawayay xasbiga ama jeelka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 256, "src": "Whatever authority Muslim jurists may possess stems from their claim to speak on behalf of this religious command.", "trg": "Marka sharci yaqan Muslim ah oo doonayo inuu ka hadlo laanta uu sheegayo inuu u hadlo ee amarkan diinta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 257, "src": "Some of these unkind words include retarded, idiot, stupid and dumb.", "trg": "Kalmada bilaa naxariista ah waxaa kamid ah kuwo xun, macquul ahayn, doqoniimo ah iyo xun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 258, "src": "So if you are not content on keen maintenance, the 2-stroke engine may work for you.", "trg": "Markaa hadii aanad doonaynin inaad sii sugto, 2-xadhig ee mishiinka ayaa wax kuu tari kara.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 259, "src": "The average pit bull is good-natured, amusing, and capable of extreme affection for the members of its pack.", "trg": "Jiidida caadiga ah waxaa weeye wanaagsan dabciyan, wanaagsan oo awood u leh saamaynta ugu daran ee xubinaha ay waadanayaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 260, "src": "She will fight, deceive, negotiate, bargain, and surrender in order to protect the people she loves.", "trg": "Way dagaalmi doontaa, gorgortani, bayaactami oo waxay isku wareejindoontaa amrka si ay u ilaaliso dadka ay jeceshahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 261, "src": "The garbage collectors will simply look inside, deny you trash privilege, and move on.", "trg": "Qashin qaadaha waxa uu kaliya eegi doonaa gudaha, waxa uu kuu diidi doonaa xuquuqda qashinka, oo wuu iska tegi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 262, "src": "Without pattern recognition or good intuition, no one would be good at chess!", "trg": "Hadii ayna jirin qorshe aqoonsi ama wanaagsan, cidna kuma wanaagsanaan doonto eryadka!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 263, "src": "Instead, he suggested that resilience and adaptation should play a stronger role in how humans relate to fire.", "trg": "Laakiin, waxa uu ku talinayaa adkaysiga iyo la qabsiga inay tani kaalin wayn oo dadku ay kula macaamilayaan dabka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 264, "src": "We were on a family trip out to California to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousin.", "trg": "Waxa aanu ku tagnay safarka California si aanu u booqano habaryartay, abtigay, iyo ilmaabtigay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 265, "src": "These middle layers also pile on a little more warmth to fight off the winter chill.", "trg": "Lakabyadan dhexe sidoo kale waxaa ayaa la iska dul tuulaa si looga helo waxoogaa diirimaad ah oo loola dagaalao qadhqadhyada jiilaalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 266, "src": "It is an umbrella term that covers offenses of slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor, and human trafficking.", "trg": "Waxaa weeye weedh dalab oo ka hadasha mushaharka xun, adoonsiga, khasabka iyo shaqaalaha dheeraad ah iyo tahriibinta bilaa aadanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 267, "src": "She had an emergency surgery, her jaw was wired shut, and she was on a liquid diet for six weeks.", "trg": "Waxay gashay qaliin degdeg ah, daankeena waxaa lagu xidhay waayar, oo waxay cunatay kaliya dareere lix todobaad.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 268, "src": "You don't want to interrupt the fairy king and queen sacred moon dancing ritual.", "trg": "Ma doonaysid inaad khalkhal galiyo boqorka iyo boqorada cibaadadooda loogu jaasayo dayaxa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 269, "src": "Just use household scissors or a sharp knife to trim, then place the end on the outlet.", "trg": "Kaliya isticmaal maqaska ama mindi af leh si aad ugu gurto, kadibna waxa aad u gelisaa dabada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 270, "src": "The tick was attached to me for 24 hours and I developed a large rash afterwards.", "trg": "Saxdu waxay ugu xidhnayd 24 saacadoodoo waxa aan yeeshay kadibna finan waawayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 271, "src": "The pig\u2019s reputation as a filthy animal comes from its habit of rolling in mud to cool off.", "trg": "Doofaarku waxaa weeye xayawaanka shanaad ee ka yimaada bay'da leh dhooqadda si uu isku qaboojiyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 272, "src": "Rose feels overwhelmed, depressed, guilty, scared, and lonely.", "trg": "Rose waxay dareentay dareen badan, isku buuq, danbileenimo, baqi iyo kali.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 273, "src": "Plan meals from the cupboard contents and bake bread, soak beans, knead dough, peel things as necessary.", "trg": "Ka samayso cunto waxyaabaha ku yaala kartoonka oo dub roodhi, biyo kali biiniska, cajiin cajiinta, u diir wax sida loogu baahdo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 274, "src": "Drop by and say hello; stay strong and live awesome, my friend.", "trg": "Kaalay oo na salaan; adkayso oo si wanaagsan u noolow, saaxiibkayaw.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 275, "src": "If you wear shabby clothes, you obviously lack self-confidence.", "trg": "Hadii aad xidhato dhar balaqsan, waxay ka dhigan tahay in aanad lahayn kalsooni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 276, "src": "You quickly dispatch three of the slowed humanoids with your bolts, their clumsy movements offering little sport.", "trg": "Waa inaad dhakhso ugu sii daysaa si aayar ah sadex bilaa aadanka oo kale oo wata baloono, dhaqaaqoodu waxa uu keenaa waxoogaa isboorti ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 277, "src": "Symptoms include a sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat.", "trg": "Astaamaha waxaa kamid ah xumad degdega ah, tabcaanimada oo korodha, murqe xanuun, madax xanuun iyo cuno xanuun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 278, "src": "Can't wait to hear about this amazing sight you and Steve experienced!", "trg": "Waxa aan sugi kali laayahay in aan maqlo muuqaalka cajiibka ah ee aad soo aragteen adiga iyo Steve!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 279, "src": "Another study (although likely less reliable) found similar results.", "trg": "Daraasad kale (sida kuwo aan in badan la isku halayn kalin) waxaa laga heley natiijo lamid ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 280, "src": "In-unit laundry, solid core doors, high-end carpet, custom window treatments and large garage parking space included.", "trg": "Dharmaydhka guriga dhaxdiisa, albaabka dusha adag, rooga qaaliga ah, nadiifinta daaqada gaarka ah iyo geerashka wayn ee leh meesha gaadhiga la dhigo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 281, "src": "The fatal flaw in that argument is that the teacher's contract is not the system.", "trg": "Socodka xun ee doodan ee in heshiiska macalinku aanu ku jirin nidaamka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 282, "src": "Five-hours-stuck-in-the-Mexican-desert tough would be an accurate description.", "trg": "Waxa aan ku xanibnaa shan saacadood saxaraha Meksiko way adag tahay in si wanaagsan loo sharaxo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 283, "src": "Meanwhile, our county seat has already spent twice its normal annual tax revenue on debris removal alone.", "trg": "Wakhti xaadirkan, d=kursiga degmadeena waxay ku isticmaashay lama jeer cashuur celinsa sanadkii si ay u gurto kaliya qashinka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 284, "src": "Lord God, direct our minds, hearts, and hands to extend mercy rather than hate and rage.", "trg": "Illaahay, hag maskaxdaayada, qalbigaayaha oo gacmahaaga naxariista ah loo fidid oo ha nicin oo hanaga xanaaqin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 285, "src": "Rice faces a count of sexual misconduct with a minor in connection with the June 2017 encounter with a 15-year-old girl.", "trg": "Is eryadka jiirka ee habdhaqan xumada maxkamada waxaa weeye waxyar oo la xidhiidha Juun 2017 waxaa lagula kulmay gabadh 15 jir ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 286, "src": "You can arrange in rows, in a circular pattern, whatever takes your fancy.", "trg": "Waxa aad diyaarin kartaa falaadha, qaabka goobaabta, markasta oo ay gayso meel cajiib ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 287, "src": "Smaller items are packed with additional air packing, a brown shipping box, and cross-strapped with fragile tape.", "trg": "Shayada yaryar waxaa laga soo qaadaa marka laga tago ku moorinta hawada ee dheeraadka ah, kartoonka wax lagu diro ee buniga ah iyo xadhiga lagu xidho ee leh xabagta dirista.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 288, "src": "It is a skill thousands of years of evolution in the making, and we shouldn\u2019t simply dismiss it in favor of technology.", "trg": "Waxaa weeye xirfad ay kumanaan sax oo la isasoo badalayay lagu bartay oo waa inaynaan kaliya meesha ka saarin teknooloojiyada aynu jecel nahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 289, "src": "Fly balls flew by as I landed on my face, spit weed stalks and hoped to disappear in humiliation.", "trg": "Kubad duulaysa ayaa i hormartay markii aan wajiga u dhacay, daadisay rasadii dooga oo waxaa aan rajaynayaa in si bilaa aadanimo aan lahayn inay ugu dibidho.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 290, "src": "Adorable robots, hug-transmitting mugs, and mood-changing clothing?", "trg": "Roobood cajiib ah, koob laab gelinta muujiya, iyo dhar lagu bedelo wajiga?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 291, "src": "Let the man find his happy place and appreciate his acting ability above all else.", "trg": "Ninku ha helo farxadiisa oo waa inaad u qirtaa xirfadiisa matalaada marka wax kasta oo kale laga tago.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 292, "src": "Gradually, the ladder begins to reverse direction and then falls, crushing dozens underneath.", "trg": "Aayar, salaankii ayaa bilaabay inuu dib u socdo oo uu dhaco, kaas oo ku dul dhacay tobanaan ka hooseeya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 293, "src": "Elaborate on how you continued to work independently while simultaneously keeping your team members in the loop.", "trg": "Sharax sida aad si madax banaan aad ugu sii shaqaynayso adiga oo xubnaha kooxdaada u ka qayb galinaya sidoo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 294, "src": "Write about Pam's ill-fated relationship with the handsome salesman.", "trg": "Wax ka qor xidhiidhka daran ee ay Pam la lahayd ninka wax iibiya ee quruxda badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 295, "src": "What happens to a presumed thief, carrying a wallet that does not belong to him, who is held by the police?", "trg": "Maxaa ku dhacay tuugii la sheegey, sidashada boorsada jeebka ee aanu lahayn, oo ay bilaysu hogayaan?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 296, "src": "She's slightly stubborn and shy, he's supportive of her training.", "trg": "Waxaa weeye ruux uu wax kaga dhago oo xidhooda, waxa uu taageeraa tobobarkeeda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 297, "src": "Thoughtful details such as a protective tray cover and acrylic dirt guard ensure highest comfort and ease of cleaning.", "trg": "Faahfaahinta wanaagsan sida dahaadhka tarayga badbaadada leh yo acrylic ku weegaarsan si loo sugo raaxo badan iyo nadiifin fudud.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 298, "src": "More than one math card game has been destroyed by a careless or reckless toddler before the game was finished.", "trg": "Waxaa uu burburiyay wax ka badan hal kaadh geem waalida ama waxba danayn la'aanta ilmaha yar ee socod baradka ah kahor inta aanu geemku dhamaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 299, "src": "Escape your daily routine and create a gorgeous wall display piece.", "trg": "Iska dhaaf hawl maalmeedkaaga oo waxa aad samaysaa qaab dhac wanaagsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 300, "src": "Fortunately, her boss and colleagues understood that she might be late arriving at the Google campus.", "trg": "Nasiib wanaagsan, booskeeda iyo dadka ay la shaqayso waxay fahmeen inay kasoo habsaami karto xarunta Google.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 301, "src": "Although, \"celebrity crush\" seems like too narrow and shallow a term.", "trg": "Inkastoo, \"jeclaanshaha dadka caanka ah\" ay ka dhigan tahay kalmad kooban oo macno badan leh.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 302, "src": "The professional services network is one of the first to release an early holiday shopping prediction survey this year.", "trg": "Dalada adeegyada xirfadlayaashu waxaa weeye mid kamid ah xog uruurinta saadaalinta wax iibsiga xiliga xiida ee marka hore soo baxdan sanadkan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 303, "src": "The cub thoroughly enjoyed her treat and we were so thrilled to introduce her to pumpkin cookies.", "trg": "Dhasha yari waxay ka heshey sida loola dhaqmay oo waxaa farxad noo ah in aanu barnay aaraa dubaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 304, "src": "Always update your devices: smart hackers are always trying to catch up to device manufacturers and take advantage of them.", "trg": "Markasta abdheet garee aaladaada, dadka wax jabsashada ayaa isku daya inay dhaafaan cida soo samaysay oo way ka faa'idaystaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 305, "src": "As someone who frequently uses lists to manage anxiety and set priorities, I found the general idea attractive.", "trg": "Sida qof marwalba isticmaala liiska lagu maamulo warwarka oo samaystay mudnaan, waxa aan ka heley fikirka guud.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 306, "src": "Remove the press cloth and iron fabric to eliminate excess moisture.", "trg": "Iska saar dharka kugu dhagsan iyo calaamada dharka si meesha looga saaro qoyaanka dheeraadka ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 307, "src": "Nothing like an odd, weird conversation to make a day interesting.", "trg": "Ma jiro wax lamid ah wada sheekeysiga waalan, ee qariibka ah oo maalinta u sameeya xiiso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 308, "src": "Portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) orientation is acceptable.", "trg": "Muuqaalka (janjeedh) ama qaabka (jiif) wixii ah ayaa la ogol yahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 309, "src": "The intention is to display ads (via third-party services) that are relevant and engaging for individual users.", "trg": "Qorshuhu waxaa weeye in lasoo dhigo xayaysiiska (iyada oo la adeegsanayo cid kale) ee la xidhiidha iyo la shaqaynta shakhsiyaadka isticmaala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 310, "src": "Children who are resilient are brave, curious, confident, and problem-solvers.", "trg": "Caruurta adkaysiga leh waxaa weeye geesiyaal, wax inay ogaadaan ayay doonaan, kalsooni ayay leeyihiin oo waxay xaliyaan mushkilada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 311, "src": "They offer several features such as fire, carbon monoxide, and fall monitoring.", "trg": "Waxay bixiyaan dhawr qaab sida dabka, kaarboon monogsaydhka, iyo kormeerka dhicitaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 312, "src": "The deceased was of an amiable and affectionate disposition, devoted to the welfare of his relatives.", "trg": "Ruuxa dhintay waxa uu ahaa qof aan la aamini karin oo wax qariya, oo waxaa ka go'aa badqabka qaraabadiisa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 313, "src": "The wrong tenants may cause major damage and cut back the worth of the property.", "trg": "Kiraystaha khaldan waxa uu keeni karaa waxyeelo wayn oo waxa uu qiimi ridi karaa dhismaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 314, "src": "Yes, I could be hurt on tomorrow\u2019s ride, but will that stop me?", "trg": "Haa, waxaa waxyeelo igu soo gaadhi kartaa gaadhiga bari, laakiin taasi may i joojin doontaa?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 315, "src": "Plug in the saw, insert the yellow switch key, and proceed to cut.", "trg": "Geli miinshaarta, heli iswiijka huruuda ah oo kadibna bilaw jarista.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 316, "src": "As an entrepreneur, you have to perceive this and adapt to it.", "trg": "Ganacsade ahaan, waxa aad ka qaadatay aragti tan oo waad dhaqan gelisay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 317, "src": "Our guests discuss the balancing act of letting kids explore without getting charged with neglect or abuse.", "trg": "Martideenu waxay ka wada hadlaan dheelitirka sharciga ee caruurta loogu ogolaanayso inay wax baadho iyada oo aan la isku dacwayay dayacaad ama tacadi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 318, "src": "Both health conditions cause chest pain and are often confused.", "trg": "Labada xanuunba waxay keenaan laab xanuun oo marar badan waxay keenaan dawakhaad.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 319, "src": "Sometimes they went to bed together, straight away, nothing said.", "trg": "Mararka qaar way wada seexdeen, isla markbiiga, waxba la iska odhan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 320, "src": "Other cliff-hangers involve a dead body, a stealthy stranger, and mysterious noises in the night.", "trg": "Meesha jarka ah ee wax laga soo laalaadiyo waxaa lagu arkay mayd, cid aan la garanaynin, iyo codad aan la garanynin oo habeenkii ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 321, "src": "The intermediate revision of the essay called for the removal of the \"sh\" sound from English", "trg": "Naqdinta gudaha ee qoraalka ee lagu doonayo in meesha lagaga saaro dhawaqa \"sha\" ee Ingiriisiga", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 322, "src": "If you recall, we were told in August that the economy was slowing and the recovery, which was slow, was losing steam.", "trg": "Hadii aad xasuusato waxay sheegtey Agoosto in dhaqaaluhu hoos u dahcayo oo kasoo kabanayo, kaas oo aayar u socdan, oo dabacsanaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 323, "src": "Regular maintenance of the notice board itself is essential.", "trg": "Hagaajinta joogtada ah ee shaxda wargelinta lafteeda ayaa daruuri ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 324, "src": "Then the lame man will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing;", "trg": "Kadibna ninkii xumaa ayaa usoo foorarsada sida buti, oo codka oo aamusan ayaa heesi doona;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 325, "src": "Any vaccine materials already made at the plant will be held in quarantine.", "trg": "Wixii alaabaadka talaalka ah ee lagu sameeyay warshada waxaa lagu hayn doonaa karantiin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 326, "src": "Optional active safety features include blind spot monitoring, lane departure warning, and rear cross traffic alert.", "trg": "Qaabka amaanka firfircoon ee ikhtiyaarka ah waxaa kamid ah shaashada meesha aan waxba laga arkaynin, digniinta meesha laga bilaabo, iyo digniinta meesha ay gaadiidku ka gudbaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 327, "src": "The hike was gorgeous (and steep!), but invigorating to take in the majestic scenery\u2014the float was a blast too.", "trg": "Meesha la korayaa waxay ahayd cajiib (oo aad ayay u foorartay!), laakiin kicinta lagu tagayo muuqaalka boqorada - heebaabka ayaa aad u xawaare badnaa sidoo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 328, "src": "Two happy young girls laughing, drinking beer, and eating pizza at a home party late.", "trg": "Laba hablood oo yaryar oo faraxsan oo qoslaya, cabaya khamri, cunaya biitsa oo ku sugan baadhi guriga oo wakhti danbe socda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 329, "src": "See extinct animals while sightseeing on the seashore!", "trg": "Eeg xayawaanka dabar go'aya inta aad maratay bada xeeligeeda!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 330, "src": "Yet when you receive the same specific reply three different times, maybe it\u2019s time to accept the answer.", "trg": "Weli marka aad hesho iska jawaabta sadex marar oo kala duwan, waxaa dhici karta in la joogo wakhtigii aad aqbali lahayn jawaabta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 331, "src": "My next-door neighbor was the middle school principal, who told me she had a 7th-grade math job.", "trg": "Jaarka igu xiga waxa weeye maamule dugsiga dhexe oo ii sheegtey inay hayso shaqo macalin xigaa oo fasalka 7aad ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 332, "src": "Pet-friendly apartment community boasts stunning mountain and city views.", "trg": "Guri xayawaanka soo dhaweeya oo buurta bulshada ku jeeda iyo muuqaal magaalada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 333, "src": "It demanded at least a temporary solution to avoid benefit reductions.", "trg": "Waxay ku xidhan tahay ugu yaraan xal kumeel gaadh ah si loo baajiyo yaraynta gunada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 334, "src": "You don't need any of the snake oils they want to sell you, like adhesion promoter, flex agent\u2014they are not needed.", "trg": "Uma baahna wax kamid ah saliida maska ee ay doonayaan inay ka iibiyaa daadihiyayaasha, wakiilada flex.... looma baahna.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 335, "src": "He took a letter out of his sack and slid it into the slot.", "trg": "Waxa uu kasoo saaray warqad cuntadiisa fudud oo waxa uu geliyay meesha daloosha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 336, "src": "This is awful behavior to gain access. Online games are probably the best forms of leisure in existence.", "trg": "Tani waxaa weeye habdhaqan xun si loo helo.... Geemamka onleynka ah waxay dhici kartaa inay yihiin qaabka ugu wanaagsan ee madadaalada jiritaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 337, "src": "He started a very successful cycling holiday company and was part owner of a very busy bike shop.", "trg": "Waxay bilawday shirkad baaskiilada wakhtiyada fasaxa oo aad u faa'ido badan oo waxay qayb ku lahayd tukaan baaskiil oo aad u mashquul ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 338, "src": "Man requests sword fight with ex-wife and lawyer to settle legal dispute.", "trg": "Nin ayaa dalbaday inay seefo ku dagaalamaan xaaskiisii hore iyo looyar si loogu kala saaro sharci.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 339, "src": "Hip-hop music video series highlighting top domestic, international, and pop-culture news each week.", "trg": "Fiidyawga muusiga hibhoobka waxa uu si wayn u muujinayaa wararka deegaanka, caalamiga ah iyo muusiga ee todobaad kasta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 340, "src": "Host a Twitch live stream and explain the impact of the charity.", "trg": "Daadihiye Twitch inta toos usoo galay uu sharaxay saamaynta samofalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 341, "src": "The gallant groom is a well-known citizen of Shelby, a mining engineer by profession, and a most excellent gentleman.", "trg": "Caruuskii geesiga ahaa waxaa weeye muwaadin caan ah oo Shelby, xirfadiisu waxay ahayd injireen macdanta ah, oo waa ninka ugu wanaagsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 342, "src": "This is rubbish, I'm gonna be my sassy self and flirt with whoever i want and bang whoever i want and nevermind what my possessive husband wants.", "trg": "Tani waa been, waxa aan noqonayaa noocaygii badhnaagoodka ahaa ee uskaga ahaa cida aan doono oo wax ayaan ku dhufanayaa cid walba oo aan doono oo waxba igama galin waxa uu doonayo ninkayga la haystaayi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 343, "src": "Even a very ordinary Hollywood product could wow audiences abroad.", "trg": "Xataa waxbaaha Hollywood ee caadiga ah ayaa ka yaabiya dadka caadiga ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 344, "src": "Price refers to the launch vehicle selected, including the destination charge.", "trg": "Qiimaha waxaa loola jeedaa bilayga gaadhiga la doortay, oo waxaa kamid ah ka danbaynta meesha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 345, "src": "Doing something quickly for the sake of getting it done can\u2019t prove to be a worse endeavor than not meeting a deadline.", "trg": "In wax loo sameeyo si dhakhso ah si loo helo kama dhigna wax ugu daran marka loo eego in aan lagu dhamaynin wakhtiga ay ku eekeyd shaqadu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 346, "src": "The good news is that over the past decade we have achieved a remarkable record of cooperation and convergence.", "trg": "Wararka wanaagsan waxaa weeye in tobankii sano ee lasoo dhaafay in aanu gaadhnay heer cajiib ah oo wada shaqayn iyo isku keenid.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 347, "src": "The first batch of cookies tended to melt even before going to the oven.", "trg": "Qaybtii ugu horeysay ee buskudka waxaa loogu talo geley inay milmaan kahor inta ayna gelin oofinka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 348, "src": "Other organisations engaged in statistics are welcome to join this collaborative model.", "trg": "Hay'adaha kale ee ku jira tirkoobka waxay u iman karaan si ay uga qayb galaan qaabkan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 349, "src": "The evidence was spread all over the floor near the bread shelves.", "trg": "Cadaynta ayaa wada daadsanayd dhulka oo dhan meel u dhaw aaga kabadhka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 350, "src": "Yes, they actively mock, cheat, and insult their own readers behind closed doors with other members of the fellowship.", "trg": "Haa, runtii way ka ruwaayadsadeen, oo waxay caayeen dadkii akhrinayay inta ay albaabka soo xidheen oo la jooga xubne kale oo la socda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 351, "src": "Manage complex application architecture and installation procedure in simple text files.", "trg": "Maamulida dabaqaada aarkitegtiga iyo gelinta nidaamka faylak qoraalka ah ee fudud.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 352, "src": "Honestly, if you consider yourself a bro and have never been to Vegas, get your bros together and go.", "trg": "Runtii, hadii aad u aragto naftaada cid xirfadle ah oo aanad weligaa qaban Vegas, inta aad xirfadaada isku keento qabo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 353, "src": "hmm congrats i guess", "trg": "hmm hambalyo koleyba", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 354, "src": "Made with nourishing parsley, warming pumpkin, and beneficial turmeric, it's as tasty as it is versatile.", "trg": "Samee parsley wanaagsan, aaraa dube diiran, iyo turmeric wnaagasan, waxay leedahay dhadhaan lamid ah kacsanaanteeda oo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 355, "src": "Provide positive feedback for strengths that already exist.", "trg": "Waxa aad fikirkaaga siisaa dadka aanad garanaynin ee hore u jira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 356, "src": "It is vital that the resident be aware of the specific bed reservation policy of their sponsoring agency, if any.", "trg": "Waxaa muhiim ah in dadka degan ay la socdaan siyaasada sii qabsiga sariirta ee hay'adooda kafaale qaaday, hadii ay jirto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 357, "src": "Other people feel a need to bully, manipulate, shout, and push their perspectives upon one another.", "trg": "Dad kale ayaa u arka inay u baahan yahay inay dadka gardaraystaan, khiyaameeyaan, ku qaylyaan, oo ay ku qasbaan aragtidooda dadka kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 358, "src": "Maps affect natural resource distribution, transportation, disaster relief, and urban planning.", "trg": "Khariirada aaga khayraadka dabiiciga ah ee ay saameeyeen qaybinta, gaadiidka, samato bixinta masiibada iyo qorshaynta magaaladu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 359, "src": "Check measurements like shoulders, bust, waist, and hips.", "trg": "Eeg cabirada sida garbaha, naburka, dhudhunka iyo misigta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 360, "src": "They sought to preserve a broad established church, with generous freedom of worship and association outside it.", "trg": "Waxay doonayaan inay dib u habayn ku sameeyaan kiniiada balaadhan, ee leh xoriyad cajiib ah oo lagu cibaadaysto oo la xidhiidha banaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 361, "src": "nope i am not a simp", "trg": "may anigu ma ihi wax fudud", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 362, "src": "Their internal hierarchy is based on violence and fear in a constant battle for dominance.", "trg": "Qaabkooda guduhu waxa uu u salaysan yahay tacadiga iyo baqdinta dagaalka joogtada ah ee muquuninta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 363, "src": "Define and implement an incident response management process, deploy necessary tools.", "trg": "Sharaxa iyo dhaqan gelinta jawaab celinta nidaamka maamulida, shaqo gelinta agabka daruuriga ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 364, "src": "He probably was the first to capture and synthesize sound from a live instrument for a computer composition.", "trg": "Waxa uu ahaa ruuxii ugu horeeyay ee qabta oo diirada saara codadka aalada tooska u baahisa si kombuyuutarku u sameeyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 365, "src": "I abide by my belief that we must endure and maintain good cheer without exception, no matter how arbitrary our plan is.", "trg": "Waxa aan u hogaasnamaa aragtidayda ay tahay in aanu suuro gelino oo aanu xidhiidh wanaagsan la yeelano iyada oo aan laga soo reebeynin, waxay doonto ha noqoto qorsaha xukunku e.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 366, "src": "While his rival would taunt and tease, Joe silently bore the stings.", "trg": "Iyada oo cida kasoo horjeeda ay ka ruwaayadsanayso oo ay dayaacadaynayso, Joe waxa uu isaga oo aamusan sii waday qaniinyada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 367, "src": "Muslim women face discrimination and prejudice at the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, and religion.", "trg": "Dumarka Muslimka ah waxay la kulmeen takoor iyo faquuq marka la baadhayo jinsiga, qoomiyada, isirka, iyo diinta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 368, "src": "Expect (and prepare) for rain, wind, and cold (especially in autumn and winter).", "trg": "Filo (oo u diyaar garaw) roobka, dabaysha, iyo qabawga (gaar ahaan guga iyo jiilaalka).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 369, "src": "Customers are liable for any import or customs duties on arrival of the rug in their country.", "trg": "Macaamiishu waxay ku tiirsan yihiin wixii lasoo dhoofiyo ama cashuurta kastamka ee dooragaga dalka soo galaya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 370, "src": "Perhaps make a big effort to give thanks for each meal today.", "trg": "Waxaa aad samaysaa dadaal wayn oo aad ugu shukriyayso cunto kasta oo maanta aad cuntay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 371, "src": "Common side effects of Flecainide include headaches, dizziness, upset stomach, and feeling tired or weak.", "trg": "Saamaynta caafimaad darada caamka ah ee Flecainide waxaa kamid ah madax xanuun, dawakhaad, calool xanuun iyo dareemid tabcaanimo ama daal.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 372, "src": "If you missed the signs of the first stage, you will not have a clue that the cow should have already delivered a calf.", "trg": "Hadii aad dhaafto calaamada marka kowaad, waxba ka garan maysid in lo'du ay u baahan tahay qoob.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 373, "src": "Husband presented future wife with expensive watch as gift.", "trg": "Ninka ayaa hadyad ugu keeney xaaska mustaqalka saacad qaali ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 374, "src": "You're acknowledging receipt and being polite at the same time.", "trg": "Waxa aad qiraysaa helitaanka iyo si wanaagsan dadka ula dhaqanto isla markaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 375, "src": "Wiseau then becomes jealous as Greg seems to move away from his toxic influence.", "trg": "Wiseau kadibna waxa uu ka hinaasay markii Grey uu u muuqday inuu iskaga tagayo saamayntan xun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 376, "src": "You can substitute whole wheat for white flour; my apologies if you don\u2019t have a scale to measure out the dry ingredients properly.", "trg": "Waxa aad bedeli kartaa qamadi dhan ee daqiiqda cad; waan ka xumahaya maadaama oo aanan haynin miisaan aan ku miisaamo waxyaabaha qalalan ee lagu darayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 377, "src": "Keshiri clothing on the continent included simple, sleeveless tunics, wristbands, and trousers for men;", "trg": "Dharka Keshiri ee qaarada waxaa kamid ah wax fudud, gacmo dheer oo dhax gala gashado, gacan xidhad, iyo saraakiil rada ah;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 378, "src": "Bringing war criminals to justice asks fundamental moral questions.", "trg": "In danbi dagaalka la hor keeno cadaaladu waxay weeye su'aal daruuri ah oo damiir oo ay tahay in la is waydiiyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 379, "src": "The narrative essay written by my peer was about a tool used to hold a sheet on a bed.", "trg": "Qoraalka lagaga waramayo ee ay qoreen loday waxa uu ku saabsanaa agabka loo isticmaalay in la isku qabto go'yaasha sariirta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 380, "src": "Just kidding!", "trg": "Waan kaftamayaa!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 381, "src": "Rih, a deaf former soldier, plots rebellion while married to a queer, teenage god.", "trg": "Rih, Askari hore ee dhago la', kacsanaanta bayloodka isaga oo ay is qabaan khaniis, dahabiga kurayga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 382, "src": "The consequences of this belief can consist of the poor feeling that it is their fault that they are not effective.", "trg": "Raadka diintay waxa uu ka kooban yahay dareen tabcaanimo oo ay iyagu leeyihiin khaladkeeda oo aan wax saamayn ah lahayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 383, "src": "Congratulations, you\u2019ve just changed your default email signature!", "trg": "Hambalyo, waxa aad bedeshay saxeexaagi toos ahaa ee iimeelkaaga!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 384, "src": "To solve your query, I am explaining the difference between the kitchen chimney and exhaust fan.", "trg": "Si loo xaliyo baadhitaankaaga, waxa aan eegey farqiga u dhaxeeya meesha dabka lagu shido iyo marooxada laga saaro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 385, "src": "My main advice is to start making concrete plans for what your exit strategy is.", "trg": "Taladayda kowaad waxaa weeye in la bilaabo samaynta qorshayaal wax ku ool ah oo waxa ay tahay qorshaha lagaga baxayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 386, "src": "Are you satisfied with the outcome of your pathetic quarrel?", "trg": "Miyaad ku qanacsan tahay natiijada murankaaga madhalayska ah?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 387, "src": "The enormous demon horn necklace restores health for every bone buried, and helped me win easily.", "trg": "Silsilada qoorta ee jaaska jinka ah waxaa soo celisaa caadimaadka laf kasta oo la aasay, oo waxay iga caawisaa in aan si fudud u guulaysto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 388, "src": "Unable to sustain themselves in the city, they returned to the village where good fish and forest animals are abundant.", "trg": "Markii ay ku noolaan kari waayeen magaalada, waxay ku noqdeen tuuladii oo uu ka jiray kaluun wanaagsan iyo xayawaanka duurka oo badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 389, "src": "But brick and mortar can\u2019t compete with consumers', especially Millennials', demand for online convenience.", "trg": "Laakiin jaajuurka iyo hoobiyuhu lama tartami karaan macaamiisha', gaar ahaan Milimiyeemyayaasha', u baahan waxay onleyn ku helaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 390, "src": "The smallness of my cry was in comparison like the whisper of a ghost.", "trg": "Oohintayda ugu yar waxay ahayd is barbar dhiga xahaashada ruuxda oo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 391, "src": "As we give attention to ourselves in this way, with our neutral curiosity and inquiry, we invite the self to emerge.", "trg": "Marka aanu u fiirsadno nafteena sidan oo kale, oo ay la socoto rabitaankeena wax ogaanshe ee dabiiciga ah iyo baadhitaan, waxa aanu ku soo casuunay nafteena in aanu dhax galno.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 392, "src": "This has to do with fluid retention, although it may look like a pregnant belly!", "trg": "Tani waxay la xidhaa qabashada daadka, in kasta oo lagu eegayo caloosha uurka leh!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 393, "src": "Their siblings will be given priority for any available spaces.", "trg": "Walaalahood ayaa la siin doonaa mudnaanta wixii meelo ah ee soo baxa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 394, "src": "It was nothing to jump on a plane for an international adventure or a spontaneous weekend trip to a bucket-list city.", "trg": "Waxba may ahayn in inta lagu boodo dayuurada la qabto dalxiis dalka dibadiisa ama safar todobaad oo cajiiba ah oo magaalooyin ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 395, "src": "Increasing habitat destruction has seen gray wolf populations shrink in size.", "trg": "Korodhka burburka meesha lagu nool yahay waxa ay ahayd shacabka gray wolf oo cabirkoodu yaraaday.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 396, "src": "Great value overall, comes with a nice heavy duty plastic case.", "trg": "Qiimo wanaagsan guud ahaan, waxaa la socda shandada caag ah oo culus oo wanaagsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 397, "src": "The spinach export price continues to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern.", "trg": "Qiimaha dhoofinta kaabadhku waxa uu ahaa mid siman.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 398, "src": "Although they lost all their money they continued to behave in their usual wealthy way in their social circle.", "trg": "Inkasta oo ay waayeen dhamaan lacagtoodii waxay u dhaqmayeen sidii dad qani ah marka ay ku sugan yahay dadka ay isku meeqaanka yihiin dhaxdooda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 399, "src": "Enjoy your Tuesday evening, everyone ... see you here again very soon!", "trg": "Ku raaxayso habeenkaa Talaato, qof kasta .... marka ayaan rajaynayaa inaynu halkan ku kulano!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 400, "src": "Ride a giant wolf spider for its climb speed, poison bite, and creep factor.", "trg": "Markale raac caarada yayha ahayn korista xawaaraha, qaniinyada sunta ah, iyo xaalada xoolka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 401, "src": "Stack the pillow on top of the mat, then wrap the strap around this bundle.", "trg": "Waxa aad ku rasaysaa barkimooyinka saliga, kadibna waxa aad ku duubtaa cinjir.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 402, "src": "Did your high school play an important role in helping you choose your further education and future career?", "trg": "Miyaa dugsigaaga sare uu ka ciyaaray kaalin muhiim ah ka caawinta doorashada waxbarashadaada mustaqblaka iyo mihnadaada mustaqbalka?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 403, "src": "And then, an abandoned house, the yard filled with rustic, useless junk scattered about.", "trg": "Oo kadibna, guri balaadhan, barxad ay ka buuxaan waxyaabo leh miridh, oo waxyaabaha qashin ah ayaa daadsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 404, "src": "Extremely wide and extremely fast for shooting anything handheld in decent light.", "trg": "Aad u balaadhan oo aad u dhakhso badan wixii lagu tooganayo gacanta qoriga lagu qabto ee fudud.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 405, "src": "And for that I am embarrassed, and disappointed, and angry.", "trg": "Oo taasnina waan ka xishooday, oo waan ka xumaaday, oo waan ka xanaaqay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 406, "src": "It includes a legend of a devil beast, a century-old family curse.", "trg": "Waxaa kamid ah bahal shaydaan ah oo laga sheekeyn jiray, sixir qoys oo wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 407, "src": "Cease consuming processed foods like white flour, which, though gentle on the digestion, is equal to a snack.", "trg": "Joojinta cunooyinka wakhtia qaata sida daqiiqda, taas oo, in kasta oo u wanaagsan tahay dheefshiidta, waxay lamid tahay cuntada fudud.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 408, "src": "Use a single address label that has clear, complete delivery and return information.", "trg": "Adeegso simiada hal ciwaan oo leh xog qeexan oo buuxa gaynta iyo soo celinta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 409, "src": "We scream into a couch cushion, nearby bush, or tree hollow.", "trg": "Waxa aanu ku qaylinaa barkin, kaynta loo dhaw ama geedaha daloola.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 410, "src": "School attendance is affected as children are merely too hungry to concentrate and thus stay home to hustle for food.", "trg": "Xaadiriska dugsiga ayaa sameeyn soo gaartaa marka caruurta ay aad u gaajoonadaan oo aysan diirada saari karin taasoo keeneysa inay guriga joogaan si ay cunto u raadsadaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 411, "src": "You are outgoing and social and you thrive on communication and connection with others on an intellectual level.", "trg": "Waxaad tahay ruux furfuran oo dad dhax gal wanaagsan oo waxa aad ku magooshaa xidhiidhka iyo ku xidhnaanshaha dadka kale ee heerka garaadka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 412, "src": "The first lion killed measured nine feet, eight inches (3 meters) from nose to tip of tail.", "trg": "Libaaxa kowaad ee la dilay uu cabirkiisu yahay sagaal fuudh, sideed inji (3 mitir) oo sanka ilaa dacalka ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 413, "src": "Haitians fought and won the only ever successful national slave revolution in history.", "trg": "Reer Haytii inta ay ka dagaalameen oo ay ka guulsteen kacdoonkii adoonsiga ee garan taariikhda marka lagu noqdo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 414, "src": "Only a genius could invent a suitcase with a whistle attached!", "trg": "Kaliya cid caqli badan ayaa ikhtiraaci karta shandada lagu xidho dhaxda!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 415, "src": "In general, it is important to expose an injury at the skin layer to understand the exact scope and extent of the wound.", "trg": "Guud ahaan, waxaa muhiim ah in la furo maqaarka dhaawacmay ee si loo fahmo baaxada ay le'eg tahay iyo ilaa inta uu naburku gaadhsiisan yahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 416, "src": "Careful snow evaluation, cautious route-finding, and conservative decision-making are essential.", "trg": "Si taxadir leh u qiimee barafka, ka taxadir waxa adag iyo go'aanka adag gaadhista oo daruuriga ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 417, "src": "What I mean is, you can\u2019t buy stuff cheap and sell it dear.", "trg": "Waxaan ka wadaa, inta aad alaab riqiis ah soo iibsato kuma gedi kartid qiimo qaali ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 418, "src": "Kandyan drummers led the accused war criminal to the site where he laid the foundation stone.", "trg": "Durbaadana Kandyan waxay hogaaminayeen danbiyada dagaalka ee goobta meesha uu dhigax dhigay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 419, "src": "This pass is a custom book that players can carry in their inventory.", "trg": "Tigidhkan waxaa weeye buug soo jireen ah oo ciyaartoydu ay ku sitaan alaabtooda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 420, "src": "An important part of my identity is my indigenous heritage, and our connection with birds like the crow and raven.", "trg": "Qayb muhiim ah oo kamid ah aqoonsigaygu waxaa weeye dhaqanka soo jireenka ah, iyo xidhiidhka shimbarta sida taashka iyo tukaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 421, "src": "The investigation revealed the elderly male has a suspended license.", "trg": "Baadhitaanka waxaa lagu ogaaday in raga waayeelka ah liisankooda aan la cusboonaysiin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 422, "src": "If you swear a lot on your podcast, then it might not be worth the editing time to make it broadcast-compatible.", "trg": "Hadii adiga oo baahin ku jira aad in badan caytanto, markaa umalayn maayo inay wax tarayso in wakhti badan habaynteeda lagu bixiyo si looga dhigo wax dadku dhagaysan karaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 423, "src": "Only these are able to enable efficient and cost-effective production.", "trg": "Kaliya kuwani waxay awoodaan inay si wax ku ool ah oo qiimo jaban ah wax usoo saaraan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 424, "src": "Tender cabbage, fluffy potato gnocchi, and smoky sausage swim in a creamy, cheesy beer soup base.", "trg": "Kaabadh adag, gonooji baradho oo jilicsan, iyo suugo qiiq lagu sameeyay oo qoyaan leh, suugo jiis iyo biir leh.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 425, "src": "His deep concern for those whose family members suffered death suddenly.", "trg": "Walaaciisa ugu badan waxaa uu ahaa in xubnahaas qoysaska ay si lama filaan ah u dhinteen.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 426, "src": "All travel guides describe every country as beautiful and lovely.", "trg": "Dhamaan tilmaamaha socdaalka ee dal kastaa way qurux badan yihiin oo waa cajiib.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 427, "src": "However, despite these factors, there was never any regret or desire to quit.", "trg": "Laakiin, inkasta oo ay jiraan xaaladani, wax qoomamo ah ama rabitaan in la jooji ah muu jirin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 428, "src": "The mother and father invest a lot of time, money and energy to give their darling daughter the wedding of her dreams.", "trg": "Aabaha iyo yoohadu waxay wakhti, lacag iyo tamar badan geliyeen inay gabadhooda u dhigaan arooskii ay ku riyoon jirtay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 429, "src": "The fabric hood-mask covers entire head and mesh-covered eye-opening will comfortably restrict vision.", "trg": "Waji gashadka marada ah ee wajiga la geliyo waxay lasoo geliyaa madaxa oo shabaga ayaa la saaraa indhaha si ay wax wanaagsan u dhimaan waxa la arkayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 430, "src": "He watched Hamilton writing his name in the discipline file, a file as familiar to him as the bench outside the office.", "trg": "Waxa uu daawanayay isaga oo Hamilton qoraya magiciisa ee faylka lagu muransan yahay, faylka uu u yaqaan sida kursiga yaala banaanka xafiiska oo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 431, "src": "Panic struck like a lightning bolt, and he stood up and whirled around, taking stock of the boundaries of his prison.", "trg": "Sas ayaa la qaaday sida danabka oo kale, oo inta uu istaagay iyo socsocday, isaga oo daawanaha xuduuda jeelkiisa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 432, "src": "Cluster of unhatched insect eggs of a shield bug on a leaf.", "trg": "Xidhmo beedka cayayaanka oo aan dilaacin oo ku jira qafiska oo saaran caleenta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 433, "src": "Every single one of my main characters has one personality trait of mine, including the villain (which is kinda scary).", "trg": "Mid kasta oo kamid ah cida waawayn ee matalaysaa waxay leedahay hal dabeecad oo raadkayga ah, oo waxaa kamid ah filiyaan (taas oo ah shay laga baqdo).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 434, "src": "Keep your sink shining and free of dirty dishes at all times.", "trg": "In la dhalaaliyo bulaacadaada oo maylashadu inay bilaa uskag noqdaan mar kasta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 435, "src": "Thoughts drift toward favorite vacation spots, and memories come forth of summer activities past.", "trg": "Fikirka u socodka meesha dalxiiska ee la doonayo, iyo xasuusta ka timaada hawlaha xagaaga hore.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 436, "src": "The queue for the event was strangely small, so I released my parrot from the cage.", "trg": "Kuyuuga dhacdada aad ayay u yarayd, markaa waxa aan ogaaday in guumaystaydu ay ku jirto qafiska.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 437, "src": "Desperate to flee this nightmare, I ran to the back of the room and perched on a little pink stool.", "trg": "Aniga oo doonaya in aan mushkiladan ka fogaado, waxa aan ku noqday qolkii oo waxa aan ku istaagay waxoogaaga saxarada soosaliga ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 438, "src": "We would arrive back home both in a mess of tears and totally exhausted.", "trg": "Waxa aanu ku noqonay guriga anaka oo wada ilmo ah oo gebi ahaan daalan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 439, "src": "Refrain from consuming the meat of endangered species to battle the illegal wildlife trade.", "trg": "Iska ilaali cunista hilibka xayawaanka khatarta ku jira si loola dagalaamo ka ganacsiga duur joogta ee sharci darada ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 440, "src": "It is fairer to listen to the string that broke than to never strain a bow.", "trg": "Waxaa wanaagsan in la dhagaysto miiqa jaay ee aan u adkaysan karin ku dhufashada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 441, "src": "Ben\u2019s clingy behaviour begins to annoy Amy, who is also struggling to cope with her family life.", "trg": "Habdhaqanka Ben ee dhaqdhaqtu waxay dhibeen Amy, waxaa ku adag inay sidoo kale la tacaasho qaabka nolosha qoyskeeda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 442, "src": "Loan proceeds may be used for payroll, rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and interest payments on existing debt.", "trg": "Waxyaabaha kasoo xarooda daynta ayaa loo isticmaali karaa mushaharka, kirada ama daynta guriga si loogu bixiyo, adeegyada, iyo lacagta ribada ee daynta taagan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 443, "src": "The conflict was hectic and I was frightened at first, but I became numb soon, and my mind was absent like it had been erased with an eraser, and everything seemed very abstract.", "trg": "Dagaalku waxa uu ahaa cajiib oo markii kowaad waan baqanayay, laakiin, markii danbe waxa aan miyir beeley, oo maskaxdaydu way maqnayd sidii lagu masaxay oo kale iskiisad, oo wax kastaaba waxa uu u eekaa wax laga soo saaray.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 444, "src": "We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and inform you of how we will intend to resolve the dispute.", "trg": "Waxa aanu ku eegi doonaa cabashadaada 5 maalmood oo shaqo gudaheed oo waxa aanu kuu sheegi doonaa sida aanu u doonayno in aanu u xalino mushkiladaada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 445, "src": "Currently, I am a senior research scientist studying obesity in a university lab.", "trg": "Wakhti xaadirkan, waxa aan hayn cilmi baadhe sare oo saynisyahan ah oo katirsan daaarsada cayilka ee shaybaadhka jaamacada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 446, "src": "Beauty became her mystery, companion, guide, and inspiration.", "trg": "Quruxdu waxaa weeye maamulkeeda, cida ay weheshato, hagaheeda, iyo cida ay ku hirato.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 447, "src": "As with any new exercise, start low and increase weight only when you feel comfortable.", "trg": "Cida jimicsi cusub oo kasta oo kale, aayar ku bilaw oo waxa aad kordhisaa miisaanka kaliya marka aad ku qancsan tahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 448, "src": "If you\u2019ve been in Texas for any period, you probably cringe at the word.", "trg": "Hadii aad timid Texas wakhti kamid ah wakhtiyada, waxaa dhici karta inaad ku margatay kalmada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 449, "src": "When we are obedient, faithful and fervent in spirit, and honest, miracles will happen every time we pray to God.", "trg": "Marka aad u hogaansanto, u tahay daacad oo diiran tahay ruuxdaadu, oo aad daacad tahay, waxyaabo cajiib ah ayaa dhici doona markasta oo aanu Ilaahay u cibaadaysano.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 450, "src": "Visualize response performance by date range or region so you can identify potential bottlenecks.", "trg": "Waxqabadka jawaabta muuqaalka ee u kala qaybsan taariikhda ama deegaanka si markaa aad u ogaan karto furka quruuradu yeelan karto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 451, "src": "People may have trouble being honest about what their issues around food really are.", "trg": "Dadka ayaa mushkilad kala kumi kara daacadnimada ku saabsan waxa ay tahay mushkiladooda ku saabsan cuntadu waxay tahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 452, "src": "Use an adjective and a descriptive noun to give your character a dominant impression.", "trg": "Isticmaal magac qeexe iyo sharax leh oo ku siinaya qaab aragtida ku muquurisa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 453, "src": "In every department of science, and even in general literature, such coincidences of observation will often occur;", "trg": "Waax kasta oo saynis, iyo xataa duruusta guud, u ukuur gelida gaar ah ayaa badanaa dhacda;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 454, "src": "Themes of greed and revenge lead to a stunning surprise ending (genre: crime fiction)", "trg": "Barnaamijyada gacan adayga iyo aad goosigu waxa uu horseedaa dhamaad la yaab leh (laga keeney: danbi mala awaal ah)", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 455, "src": "Very fine article though, sir, and I do admire the long reply.", "trg": "Maqaal aad u wanaagsan inkasta, oo mudane, aanan ka helin jawaabta dheer.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 456, "src": "Vase painting scenes suggest that girls played ball, received dance instruction, and perhaps engaged in swimming races.", "trg": "Muuqaal wax sawirid oo wayn oo sheegeysa gabdho ciyaarada kubad, la siiyay tilmaamaha jaaska, oo ay dhici karto inay ku tartamayaan dabaasha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 457, "src": "The pin up and vintage lifestyle is for everybody, regardless their age, shape and gender.", "trg": "Sumadayna iyo qaabka nololeed khamri cabka looguma talo gelin cid kasta, waxay doonto ha noqoto da'dooda, qaabkooda iyo jinsigoodu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 458, "src": "Withdrawal effects are small and more annoying than dangerous.", "trg": "Saamaynta xaraaradu way yar tahay oo wax ka dhibsasho badan tahay marka loo eego khatarteeda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 459, "src": "It is going to give you such an immense reward, such tremendous satisfaction as an artist.", "trg": "Waxaa la heli doontaa wax wayn, sida qaneeco aad u wayn oo farshaxan ahaan ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 460, "src": "Addicted babies suffer painful withdrawal when denied the substances that feed their craving for meat molecules.", "trg": "Caruurta leh balwadu waxay yeeshaan xaraado aad u daran marka loo diido waxa unuyada hilibka quudiya waxay ka samaysan yihiin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 461, "src": "I was left speechless at the gossip about his soulmate cheating on him!", "trg": "Waxaa igu af kala qaad noqday xanka ku saabsan gabadhiisa samaysan gogol dhaafka!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 462, "src": "Wear a suit to decrease the bias others will experience towards you.", "trg": "Xidho suudh si aad u yarayso eexda dadka kale ay kaala kulmayaan adiga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 463, "src": "They feel like it makes us untrustworthy, selfish, spoiled, and rude.", "trg": "Waxay u arkaa inay naga dhigeen cid aan lagu kalsoonaan karin, xaasid ah, la baabi'iyay oo xun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 464, "src": "But there was also a dash of pity and obligation in it, and that part bothered Harry.", "trg": "Waxaa sidoo kale jira waxyaabo wanaagsan iyo waajibaad, oo qaybtaas ayaa dhibtay Harry.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 465, "src": "Quotation marks are seen simply as being an unnecessary nuisance, like a speed bump on a drag strip!", "trg": "Qawska hadalka ayaa kaliya daruuri u ah wixii aan macno samaynaynin, sida xawaare dhimaha xadhiga jiidan!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 466, "src": "If your next construction or mining project needs to transport bulk materials, you will most likely need a dump truck.", "trg": "Hadii ay u baahan tahay mashruuca xiga ee dhismaha ama macdan qodistu in la qaado alaab badan, waxay u badan tahay inaad u baahan doonto iska rogo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 467, "src": "We will most likely see an extension of the current lockdown while our government ramps up the vaccination efforts.", "trg": "Waxay u badan tahay in aanu arki doono balaadhasho meesha dilaacsan ah halka ay dawladu ay ka wado dadaalka talaalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 468, "src": "No doubt they are as anxious and excited about all this as we are.", "trg": "Wax shaki ah malaha inay ka warwarsan yihiin oo ay ugu faraxsan yihiin sida inaka oo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 469, "src": "The difference is their tolerance to the pain and how they manifest the ache.", "trg": "Farqiga u dhaxeeya adkaysigooda damqashada iyo sida ay u muujinayaan xanuunka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 470, "src": "Premium Plus trim adds a rear park assist camera, quick-fold front passenger seat, and grocery bag holder.", "trg": "Jaraha Qaaliga ah waxa uu leeyahay kameero danbe oo kaa caawisa, kursiga rakaanka oo laabmaya, iyo meeshii la saarayay bacda cuntada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 471, "src": "The plot had a female doctor hire seven mercenaries to defend an intellectually disabled boy from a lynching.", "trg": "Meeshu waxay dhakhtar gabadh ah oo ay loo shaqaalaysiiyay todobad nin oo ciidan calooshood u shaqaystayaal ah oo ka ilaalinaya wiilka maskixiyan laxaadka la' in aan waxyeelo la gaadhsiinin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 472, "src": "One negative point associated with the crunchy nut cereal from Millville is that it is also high on sugar.", "trg": "Hal qodob oo xun waxa uu la xidhiidhaa qurjujumta badarka lawska ah ee Millville oo sidoo kale sonkortu ku badan tahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 473, "src": "Also note that you are studying an earlier draft of the poem.", "trg": "Sidoo kale oggow in aad daraasad ku wado qabyo qoraalka hore ee gabayga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 474, "src": "For instance, producers decided to hike pork and beef prices amid problems with the supply chain.", "trg": "Tusaale ahaan, soo saaraya ayaa go'aansaday in korodhka qiimayaasha doofaarka iyo hilibka ay tahay mushkilad gacmaha kala danbeeya ee uu iskaga gudbayaan ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 475, "src": "The compact car offers a security pack including dead angle detection, intelligent cruise control and lane change alert.", "trg": "Gaadhiga dabada siman waxa uu leeyahay badbaado ay ku jirtaan la socodka meesha aan la arag, socod wanaagsan iyo digniinta bedelka laynka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 476, "src": "The booster shot will make you less contagious and will not inconvenience you", "trg": "Talaalka xoojintu waxa uu keenayaa in aanad wax badan faafin oo adiga ma noqonayo mid aan kuu haboonayn", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 477, "src": "Return the pan to the stove, lower the heat to medium, and cook the mushrooms, onions, and garlic until tender.", "trg": "Ku celi huudhiga shoolada, ka yaree dabka oo ka dhig meel dhaxe, kari barkimo waraabaha, basasha iyo toonka ilaa ay ka jilcayaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 478, "src": "Below, we list five useful styling tips that will make wide-leg pants spice up your winter wardrobe.", "trg": "Hoos, waxa aanu ku qornay tilmaamo qaabka oo wax ku ool ah oo lagu samaynayo surwaalada lugaha balaadhan in meel looga sameeyo kabadhka jiilaalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 479, "src": "Join us next week for another exciting topic or interview with a great guest.", "trg": "Nagala soo qayb gal todobaadka danbe mawduuc kale ama waraysi aanu la yeelanayno martideena wanaagsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 480, "src": "with is a preposition.", "trg": "tani waxaa weeye makaanka hordhaca ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 481, "src": "To accomplish such a great task against long odds will require a highly diverse and efficient organization.", "trg": "Si loo qabto shaqada wayn iyada oo laga gudbayo caqabadaha waxay u baahan tahay kala duwanaanshe sare iyo qaabayn wax ku ool ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 482, "src": "Anyway, besides email and a phone meeting regarding the Secret, that was yesterday.", "trg": "Siday doonto ha noqotee, marka laga tago iimeelka iyo kulanka taleefanka ee ku saabsan Sirta, waxa uu ahaa shalay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 483, "src": "Thursday and bored already lol I'm married but looking for some excitement.", "trg": "Waa Khamiis oo waan caajisay xaas ayaan leeyahay laakiin waxoogaa xaraaad ah ayaad doon doonayaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 484, "src": "We also recommend combining it with other jewelry of ours as a colorful highlight; see the bracelet set \"Sky\"!", "trg": "Waxa aanu sidoo kale ku talinaynaa isku darka dahabkeena sida si aanu si wanaagsan ugu muujino, eeg gacanta ay ku qoran tahay \"\"Cirka\n!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 485, "src": "Ojinguh chomuchim is a sweet and spicy side dish made with fresh vegetables and blanched squid.", "trg": "Ojinguh chomuchim waxaa weeye cunto macaan oo basbaas leh oo laga sameeyay khudaar bisil iyo iskuwaadka la kariyay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 486, "src": "Lisa found peace from electro-pollution by moving to an off-grid cottage in the Swedish countryside with her family.", "trg": "Lisa waxay ka heshey wax qaabka elektoroo iyad aoo ka baxday qafiskeed oo tagtay miyiga Swedishka iyada oo qoyskeedu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 487, "src": "No girl should be left behind or miss out on an opportunity because she gets her period!", "trg": "Waa in aan gabadhna lagaga tegin sideeda ama ayna dhaafin fursada maadaama oo gabadhu ay yeelatay caadadeedii!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 488, "src": "Only eleven members of the block club\u2019s hundred twenty-members showed up to participate in the discussion.", "trg": "Kaliya dhawr iyo toban xubnood oo kooxda qaybta ee xubnaha boqol iyo labaatanka ah ayaa u yimid si ay uga qayb galaan wada hadalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 489, "src": "Execute engaging marketing campaigns to drive brand awareness, generate leads, and grow customer prospect engagement.", "trg": "Wada shaqaynta guud ee ololayaasha suuqgaynta ee lagu wado wacyi gelinta cusub, waxay keentey oo ay korisay wada shaqaynta muuqaalka macmiilka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 490, "src": "They\u2019re actually a little sweet (unless you hit a nasty-bad bitter one).", "trg": "Waxaa jira waxoogaa dhidid a (iyada oo aad gaadho moojee mid aad u xun).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 491, "src": "Check our previous posts for another delicious yet budget-wise recipe.", "trg": "Ka eeg waxa aanu soo dhignay ee qaaliga ah ee wax kale oo jaban oo aad samaysato.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 492, "src": "Incredible detail, fantastic expression, and creative execution combine to form exhibit-worthy creations.", "trg": "Faahfaahin cajiib ah, bandhig cajiib ah, iyo hirgelin ikhtiraac oo isku dartay si loo sameeyo abuurista bandhiga u dhigma.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 493, "src": "It took some treats, some baby talk, and ultimately just plain old patience.", "trg": "Waxay yeelatay waxoogaa dilaac ah, hadal ilme, iyo markii danbe dulqaad cad ee la yaqaanay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 494, "src": "Also, affirm if the mole trap supplier will be swift, prompt and punctual in their activities.", "trg": "Sidoo kale, xaqiiji hadii agabka masaxaada la geliyo ay ku wanaagsan tahay, dhakhso loogu sameeyo oo sida loogu baahnaa u fulinaya hawsha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 495, "src": "Thank you so much for all your help and for being so dedicated, helpful, cheerful, and energetic.", "trg": "Aad ayaad ugu mahadsan tahay kaalmadaada iyo inay kaa go'naato oo aad wax na tarto, oo aad farxad iyo tamar la timaado.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 496, "src": "The anonymous taster was so surprised at the unusual but fantastic taste that he dropped the flower vase.", "trg": "Tijaabiyaha aan la garanaynin haybtiisa aad ayuu ula yaabay waxa aan caadiga ahayn laakiin dhadhanka cajiib ah ee uu dhadhanka ku daadiyay badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 497, "src": "On foot, the freneticism of rush hour lane changes easily fades into a lazy country stroll.", "trg": "Isaga oo lugaynaya, freneticism kadka saxda ah inuu aayar bedeley iyo ku dhax lumay miyiga aayarka socda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 498, "src": "Create content that does more than look pretty, but also addresses each customer\u2019s unique journey.", "trg": "Samee macluumaad samaysa wax ka badan quruxdeeda, laakiin sidoo kale ka jawaabaysa socdaalka gaarka ah ee macmiil kasta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 499, "src": "Decrease the width of the planting holes if a wider hole would disturb surrounding utility lines.", "trg": "Yaraynta cabirka godadka dhiraynta hadii godadka balaadhan ay khalkhal kalinayaan khadadka adeegyada ee ku xeeran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 500, "src": "The introduction of a rigid salary ceiling, with exceptions for one or two star players;", "trg": "Keenista mushaharka adag ee saqafka gaadhay, marka laga tago hal ama laba ciyaartoy;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 501, "src": "Stunning south-facing garden, beautiful original features, (mostly) fantastic light and elegant interior design.", "trg": "Beer cajiib ah oo u jeeda koonfurta, qaab wanaagsan oo cusub leh, (badanaa) laydh cajiib ah iyo nashqad gudaha oo cajiib ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 502, "src": "Bear in mind, constantly try to purchase silk plants, as they tend to appear like the genuine thing.", "trg": "Ku xisaabtan, in si joogto ah la iskugu dayo in la iibsado geedaha silkiga ah maadaama oo ay u muuqdaan wax dhab ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 503, "src": "These characteristics can give you a lot of insight into how best to interact and communicate with your target market.", "trg": "Qaababkan waxa ay kusiin karaan muuqaalo badan oo sida ugu wanaagsan ee loo xidhiidhi karo ah iyo xidhiidhka suuqa wayn ee bartilmaameedka ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 504, "src": "Sometimes I like to crawl into bed with Daddy after Mommy goes to work so we can kiss and cuddle.", "trg": "Mararka qaar waxa aan jecelahay in aan la galo sariirta aabo kadib marka ay hooyo qabato shaqada, si markaa aanu isku dhunkan karno iyo laabta isku gelin karno.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 505, "src": "Of course, there are also those folks who, by virtue of their personality, may simply be more sensitive and timid.", "trg": "Dabcan, waxaa sidoo kale jira dad, muujiya dabeecadooda, oo ay dhici karto inay aad u nugul yihiin oo xishood badan yihiin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 506, "src": "Global growth should remain fairly robust by post-crisis standards throughout the forecast period.", "trg": "Korniinka caalamka ayaa weli u muuqda wax caadi ah wixii ka danbeeyay mushkilada ee mudada saadaasha oo dhan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 507, "src": "It is also possible to sand and stain the legs of the hardwood bed frame to match your bed d\u00e9cor.", "trg": "Waxaa sidoo kale macquul ah in ciida la geliyo oo la geliyo lugaha sariirta adag fireemkeeda si loo waafaqiyo qurxinta sariirtaada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 508, "src": "The crack propagated through wide portions of the slope and adjacent slopes that weren't steep enough to slide.", "trg": "Dilaacu waxa uu gaadhay qayb balaadhan oo foorarka ah oo waxa uu habeeyay fooraraka ee aan aadka u foorarin si uu ugasoo siibto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 509, "src": "That is equivalent to the wind forces of a category 4 hurricane!", "trg": "Tani waxay u dhigan tahay awooda hawada ee qaybta 4 ee duufaanta!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 510, "src": "Keep right at the fork, towards the coast, then join the path running parallel to the fence.", "trg": "Waxa aad ku socotaa dhadada, dhanka bada xeeligeeda, kadibna ku biir dhabada la barbar ordayo dayrka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 511, "src": "Plus there is a cute thatched hut with 4 showers in it for that quick rinse off after a swim in the ocean or a dive.", "trg": "Sidoo kale waxaa jira xabo buul oo leh 4 tuush oo markiiba biyo raacinaya kadib marka aad kusoo dabaalato bada ama aad quusto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 512, "src": "Add flavorings, transfer to a glass jar and let it sit in the fridge for a couple days to get real yummy.", "trg": "Ku dar dhadhan, ku shub quruurada oo dhawr cisho haku jirto talaabada si ay u macaanaato.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 513, "src": "To discover these traits, we administer the most comprehensive and thorough scholarship selection process in Canada.", "trg": "Si loo helo jidka, waxa aanu samaynay nidaamka xulashada deeqda waxbarashada ee ugu wanaagsan oo dhamaystiran Kanada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 514, "src": "Not to mention democrats are already split over the infrastructure bill, lmao.", "trg": "Marka laga tago inay kasoo baxday sharciga dhismaha marka hore, Imao.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 515, "src": "The woman explains that in all the confusion and crush of people, her purse has been stolen.", "trg": "Bahadu waxay sheegtey in intii su socdaan dawakhsanaanta iyo isku dhaca dadku, laga xaday boorsadeedii.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 516, "src": "The system allows operators to maintain gauge wheel ground contact, leading to desired seed depth placement.", "trg": "Nidaamku waxa uu u ogolaanayaa hawl wadeenada inay sameeyaan xadhig ku xidhan dhulka oo haya giraan oo ku xidhan hogaanka si loo sameeyo bedelka qotada siidhka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 517, "src": "His nervous, awkward kisses were sweeter than his father\u2019s honey.", "trg": "Dhunkashadiisa walaaca, ee xun waxay ka macaanayd malabka aabihii.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 518, "src": "Nobody deserves a victory lap anymore for software that just lets machines talk amongst themselves.", "trg": "Qofka wixii intaa ka danbeeya wareeg dabaal deg guul uma qalmo wixii sooftiweerada u sahlay inay wada hadlaan mishiinada dhaxdooda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 519, "src": "Click the button to donate online using paypal, debit or credit card;", "trg": "Guji badhanka si aad onleyn ahaan ugu deeqdo adiga oo isticmaalaya paypal, kaadhka daynta ama kaydka;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 520, "src": "March falls in Barbados' peak tourist season so pleasant, warm and sunny weather can be expected.", "trg": "Maarso waxay kusoo beegentaa xiliga dalxiisayaasha ugu badan ee Barbados ee ay ugu fiican tahay, diiran tahay oo ay leedahay cadceeda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 521, "src": "No wonder these poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable.", "trg": "Layaab malaha in dadkan sabool ah ee jooga xiligaa aan xaraada la gaadhin ee walaan ee dhiban ee mushkiladu haysato.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 522, "src": "Within a week that earthquake would tear the thick temple curtain from top to bottom.", "trg": "Todobaad gudaheed dhul gariirku waxa uu dilaacin doonaa cufka adag ee macbudka dhanka hore ilaa hoos.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 523, "src": "The materials used vary from soft broom corn silk to durable craft straw bound to a sturdy doll-sized handle.", "trg": "Alaabaadka la isticmaalay way kala duwan yihiin oo waxay u dhaxeeyaan mafiiq jilicsan oo arabikhi oo silki ah ilaa miiqaq adag oo ay gacantu ku yaraynayso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 524, "src": "Unfortunately, experience alone is not enough without current knowledge.", "trg": "Nasiib daro, khibrada kaligeed waxba ma tarto hadii ayna jirin aqoon iminka ahi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 525, "src": "My parents claim I taught myself to read, and set about reading everything within reach.", "trg": "Waalidkay waxay sheegeen in aan is baray akhriska, oo aan akhriyi jiray wax kasta oo aan gaadho.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 526, "src": "Tried by this measure, how shall we judge the present state of science?", "trg": "Tijaabo cabirkan, sidee ayaanu u xukumayno xaalada wakhtigan ee sayniska?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 527, "src": "Employee expectations and voices were heard and now we have the courage to move forward with trust.", "trg": "Filashooyinka shaqaalaha iyo codadka aanu maqalka oo iminka waxa aanu awood u leenahay in aanu mustaqbalka eegno kalsoonideena.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 528, "src": "Personal behaviors related to cancer risk (smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure).", "trg": "Habdhaqanka shakhsi ahaaneed ee la xidhiidha khatarta kaansarka (cabista sigaarka, cabista khamrida, cadceeda kusoo gaadha).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 529, "src": "It's majesty brought a deep sense of rarely felt patriotic pride swelling into my awareness.", "trg": "Boqorku waxa uu macne wayn u sameeyay dareenka yar ee ku faanka bararka ee la socodka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 530, "src": "The town hall occasionally brings out its delicate collection of turkey feather dresses.", "trg": "Dawlada hoose waxay mararka qaar keentaa dharka ay uruurisay ee aadka u cajiibka ah ee maqaarka digirinka ka samaysan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 531, "src": "Nevertheless, the society was cruel enough to affect me deeply.", "trg": "Laakiin, bulshadu aad ayay u xumaday oo waxay ii saamaysay si daran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 532, "src": "Rohan was my sibling who always flew a kite at noon, even if it was cloudy.", "trg": "Rohan waxa uu ahaa walaalkay marwalba duulaya diyaarada warqada ah habeenki, xataa marka ay jiraan daruuro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 533, "src": "Gate A in the northwest corner predominantly serves the festival bus station.", "trg": "Geet A waxaa uu ku yaalaa kooba waqooyi-galbeed ee adeegyada hore ee xarunta baska dabaal dega.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 534, "src": "Some of us confess to a vague sense of dread as Sunday comes to a close.", "trg": "Qaarkeen ayaa qirnay inay jiraan dareen iska sidaa ah oo leh cabsi marka ay soo dhawaato Axadu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 535, "src": "Happy Easter kindergarten decoration concept - rabbit, chicken, egg, bee made from toilet paper roll tube.", "trg": "Nashqada qurxinta xanaanada caruurta ee ciida easter - bakayle, digaag, beed, shini laga sameeyay tuubka sooftida guuliga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 536, "src": "Jogging is a full-body workout that works wonders on the thigh muscles and keeps your heart pumping.", "trg": "Guclayntu waxaa weeye jimicsi jidhka oo dhan ah oo u wanaagsan muruqa bawladada oo wadnaha keena inuu kor u bam gareeyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 537, "src": "He tries to rip through, but he has no leverage, and the offensive tackle neutralizes him from making a play.", "trg": "Waxa uu isku dayay inuu dalooliyo, laakiin kama uu faa;idaynin oo sida kale waxa uu meesha ka saaray maalayacnihii duwaayada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 538, "src": "In this case, you want to shoot in the best available natural light (near a window) and disable your flash.", "trg": "Markan oo kale, waxa aad doonaysaa in dugsigu uu yeesho laydh dabiici ah (waxa u dhaw daaqada), iyo bakhtii tooshkaaga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 539, "src": "Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals, the thorns lay hidden.", "trg": "Ned Stark waxa uu u fidiyay gacantiisa si uu kusoo qabto taashka ubaxa ah, laakiin waxaa ku hoos yaalay loox boodhe ah oo taashka ku qarsoon.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 540, "src": "These wives can be the most loving, loyal, tender, and caring individuals.", "trg": "Xaasaskan waxay noqon karaa kuwa ugu jacaylka, daacadnimada, adkaysiga iyo daryeelka shakhsi ahaaneed ee ugu xun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 541, "src": "It won\u2019t do to have the fox steal a goose and a duck and celebrate the feast.", "trg": "Ma noqon doonto cuntada dacawada, shimbir iyo xuur badeed iyo waxay ku dabaal dagaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 542, "src": "This statement will almost certainly get me into a great deal of hot water.", "trg": "Bayaankan waxa hubaal ah inuu isiin doono biyo kulul oo wanaagsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 543, "src": "We would have a hot supper, graced by the inevitable roast fowl, and finally flip a coin to see who would finish the wine.", "trg": "Waxa aanu heleynaa suber kulul, waxaa lagu daray solay, oo waxa ugu danbayn la tuuri doonaa shilinka si loogu qori tuuro cida dhamaynaysa waynka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 544, "src": "Follow some basic steps to make grass grow in red clay soil and establish a lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood.", "trg": "Raac tilmaamo qaar aas aasiga ah si aad uga beerto dooga ciida dhooqada ah ee cas oo aad u samayso doog cid kasta oo jaar ahi ay ka hinaasto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 545, "src": "Brown leather flight jacket with fur neck lining, dark gray tank top, dog tags, black belt, and torn dark gray jeans.", "trg": "Jeekeed buni ah oo kuwa duulimaadyada ah ee leh layn qoor, taangi dusha dameeriga ah, sumada ayga, suunka dhabarka iyo jiinis dameeri madaw ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 546, "src": "Once out of the valley, it is easy sailing on windy trails home.", "trg": "Marka la dhaafo wadiiqada waxaa si fudud u ugu soconaya hawada guriga la jiidayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 547, "src": "The employee discount meant she could get super-size fries half price after working a six-hour shift.", "trg": "Qiimo dhimista shaqaaluhu waxay ka dhigan tahay inay ku heli karto barasho shiilan oo wayn kala badh qiimaha kadib marka ay kasoo baxdo shaqada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 548, "src": "By the way, they did not screw up the rack of lamb, and I attribute that to divine intervention or just plain dumb luck.", "trg": "Runtii, may xumaynin rakada laambada oo waxa aan u nisbeeyaa kala qaybinta waxka qabadka ama kaliya nasiib.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 549, "src": "The advanced artificial intelligence displayed by Assistant is impressive.", "trg": "Artafishaal intelegentiga heerka sare ah ee ay soo dhigeen Kaaliyuhu waa cajiib.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 550, "src": "For example monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday activity.", "trg": "Tusaale ahaan hawsha isniinta talaatada arbacada khamiista jimcaha sabtida axada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 551, "src": "Hischier scored the go-ahead goal 20 seconds after Hall\u2019s second penalty expired, courtesy of another fortunate bounce.", "trg": "Hischier waxa uu dhaliyay goolkii ugu horeeyay 20 ilbidhiqsi kadib markii Hall uu la waayay rigoorihii labaad nasiib kale oo wanaagsan ayaa u yimid.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 552, "src": "Supporting causes like these will help turn our knee-jerk reaction into long-lasting, sustainable, profound change.", "trg": "Taageerada ololaha sida kuwan oo kale waxay ka caawinaysaa jawaab celinteeda daran inay hesho isbedel mudada dheer ah, joogto ah, oo wanaagsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 553, "src": "But never fear, the famous fried goat cheese isn't going anywhere.", "trg": "Laakiin weligaa haka baqin, jiiska rida la dubay ee caanka ah meelna tagi maayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 554, "src": "But his supporters refuse to believe that Beauford is to blame.", "trg": "Laakiin taageerayaashiisa ayaa diiday inay aaminaan in Beauford uu leeyahay eeda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 555, "src": "To help gently grab a slippery puppy, either wear latex gloves or wrap a washcloth or hand towel around the exposed puppy.", "trg": "Si aad uga caawiso ayga siibanaya, waxa aad xidhataa golofis cinjir ah ama waxa aad isku duubtaa maro ama tuwaalka meesha banaan ee ayga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 556, "src": "The matching shirt and tie nearly tipped me over the edge, though the pants were ugly.", "trg": "Shaadhka iyo nigtaynka isku mid ah waxa uu ku dhawaaday in dhinac uu ii rido, inkasta oo surwaalku uu fool xumaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 557, "src": "He was convinced that it was perfect, but we had to convince the architect.", "trg": "Waxa uu aaminsanaa inay wanaagsanayd, laakiin waxa aanu ku qancinay arkitegtiga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 558, "src": "These trackers detect motion while you\u2019re lying down to figure out when you\u2019re awake, lightly asleep, or in deep sleep.", "trg": "La socdahan waxa uu dareemey socod intii aad jiiftay si uu u ogaado marka aad soo toosto, waxoogaa hurdo, ama aad u hurudo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 559, "src": "Mrs. Harold has outlined an ambitious program of promotion and events.", "trg": "Mrs. Harold waxay keentay barnaamij himilo wayn oo xayaysiis iyo dhacdooyin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 560, "src": "Some might argue that he has followed a predictable path of reactionary decline.", "trg": "Dadka qaar ayaa ku doodaya inay raacaan dhabo la saadaalin karo oo hoos u dhac jawaab celin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 561, "src": "The Authors reserve the right to edit, delete and block any comment or commenter deemed to be inappropriate.", "trg": "Qoraayadu waxay leeyihiin xuquuqda tafatirka, masaxaada iyo xanibaada wixii faalo ah ama faaleeyayaasha loo arko inayna haboonayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 562, "src": "You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice, yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.", "trg": "Waxa aad helikartaa jiir kali ah ama xero ay ka buuxaan jiirar, laakiin guryo tiro badan oo guriga ah, maaha jiir.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 563, "src": "You'll definitely sleep a little bit better during that long train ride.", "trg": "Waxa aad saxeexatay waxoogaa laakiin wey dhaantaa safarkii tareenka ee dheeraa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 564, "src": "Davis wasn\u2019t a passive observer who merely said goodbye to a dying relative;", "trg": "Davis dusha uu kalama uu socon cidii tidhi nabad galyo ee qaraabada qofka dhintay;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 565, "src": "Shop locally and enjoy world-class bicycle brands' bike frames (consult the manual)!", "trg": "Deegaanka ka iibso oo waxa aad heshaa baaskiil leh raaxada shirkadaha caalamiga ah (gacanta kala tasho)!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 566, "src": "The plague ravaged the population and, in conjunction with famine, left them starving.", "trg": "Daacuunka kharibay shacabka, ee xidhiidhka la leh abaartu waxay kaga tagtay gaajo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 567, "src": "Ponder what scenarios might evolve that breach your ability to absorb negative impact or exploit risks.", "trg": "Ka fikri xaalada ku taxaluuqda jabinta awoodaada si aad saamayn xun yeelato ama eegitaanka khataraha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 568, "src": "If I compare with 1940, where it is specifically forbidden, I simply want to make sure I am not making a false assumption.", "trg": "Hadii aan is barbar dhigo 1940 halkaas oo si gaar ah ay mamnuuc u ahayd, waxa aan kaliya doonayaa in aan xaqiijiyo in aanan wax aragti been ah dhiibin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 569, "src": "Stanley Milgram's famous experiment highlights the powerful human tendency to obey authority.", "trg": "Tijaabada caanka ah ee Stanley Milgran waxay muujisay adkaysiga bilaa aadanka ee awooda badan ee inuu u hogaansamo maamulka ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 570, "src": "Munby's guidance states that any divorce that has been granted in error is null and void.", "trg": "Tilmaamaha Munby waxay muujinaysaa in wixii kala taga reerka ah ee sida khaldan loo bixiyay inayna waxba ka jirin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 571, "src": "From 10 feet away you could tell the bottom of the boat was in rough shape;", "trg": "Marka aad u jirto 10 fuudh waxa aad garan kartaa badhanka doonta inay qaab adag lahayd;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 572, "src": "If a pupil has an allowance, he or she will feel reluctant to skip homework as well as other activities.", "trg": "Hadii ardaydu uu haysto lacagta nususaacaha, isaga ama iyada waxa uu ka caajisaa inuu ka boodo layliska guriga iyo sidoo kale hawlaha kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 573, "src": "Pristine and remote, this barrier island is a slice of primitive paradise.", "trg": "Saafi iyo meel fog, jariisada leh daytku waxaa weeye waxoogaa jano ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 574, "src": "Instead of placing the glue on the actual band, I squeeze out a modest line and just dip the band into it.", "trg": "Halkii xabagta lagaga dhajin lahaa cinjirka, waxa aan tuujinay layn iska caadi ah oo waxa aanu gelinay cinjirka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 575, "src": "Discover Elavon's award-winning payment processing platform, customer focus, and transparent fee structure.", "trg": "Madashada lacag bixinta ee ruwaayada Discover Elavon ee abaalmarinta ku guulaysatay, diirada saarka macmiilka iyo qaab dhismeed cad.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 576, "src": "Roughly ten to fifteen thousand years ago, humanity began the transition from a hunter-gatherer tradition to agriculture.", "trg": "Qiyaastii ilaa shan iyo toban kun oo sano kahor ayay bilaa aadanku bilaabeen inay uga wareegaan inay wax ugaadhsadaan inay wax beertaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 577, "src": "Like an unlawful assembly, a riot involves a gathering of persons for an illegal purpose.", "trg": "Sida isku imaatinka sharci darada ah, kacdoontu waxa leeyahay isku imaatin dadka ah ujeedo sharci daro ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 578, "src": "To predict the nationality of the player who won the contest.", "trg": "Si loo saadaaliyo dhalashada ciyaartayga ku guulaysta tartanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 579, "src": "They said hi and bye, and sometimes smiled, but that was it.", "trg": "Waxay yidhaahdeen nabadey iyo nabad galyo, oo mararka qaar way dhoola cadeeyaan, laakiin wax kale ma sameeyaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 580, "src": "Jesus is our heaven-sent, born-in-a-stable prophet, priest, and king.", "trg": "Nabi ciida samada ayaa laga soo diray, waxa uu ahaa nabi, sheeg iyo boqor.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 581, "src": "Jenna also helped me right before walking down the aisle, when I had a little mini freak out.", "trg": "Jenna waxay sidoo kale i caawisay inta aanan kasoo dejin dusha, markaas oo aan waxoogaa yaro nasonayay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 582, "src": "If your employer or building manager did not protect you from this harm, that person is responsible.", "trg": "Hadii loo shaqeeye ama maamule dhisme aanu kaa ilaalin waxyeelada, qofkaas ayaa ka masuul ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 583, "src": "In essence, the bank account ought to have enough cash for your tuition and also accept multiple types of currency.", "trg": "Marka la eego, xisaabta bangiga waxaa la filanaa inay ku jirto lacag cad oo ku filan waxbarashada, iyo sidoo kale dhawr nooc oo lacago la qaadan karo ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 584, "src": "Search the side of \"the bowl,\" as named by fishermen, across from the shallow beach, for a quiet spot to cast away.", "trg": "Ka baadh dhinaha \"kubada,\" siday ku sheegeen kaluumaysatadu, kasoo horjeedka bada xeeligeeda cad meel aamusan si loo diro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 585, "src": "Nowadays, hearing aids perform magic tricks such as filtering out background noise, so no more noisy air conditioner.", "trg": "Ayaamahan, sameecadaha maqalka waxay sameeyaan indho sarcaad sida kala saarida codka xaga danbe ka baxaya, markaa wax cod danbe oo eer koondhiishinka lama maqlo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 586, "src": "There are some really neat delay effects, and the overall vibe is nice.", "trg": "Waxaa dhirta saamayn dib u dhac wayn oo dhab ah, oo guud ahaan jawigu wuu wanaagsanaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 587, "src": "The guys in messy holey shirts and girls in shredded clothing did not anticipate to take this daunting passage.", "trg": "Nimankan xidhan garamada uskaga ah ee daloolka leh iyo hablamahan dharka dil dilaacsan xidhan may ogayn in inay marayaan jidkan cabsida leh.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 588, "src": "White, ivory, natural red, pink, orange, brown, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, gray, silver, gold, copper, multicolored.", "trg": "Cadaan, dameeri, casaanka dabiiciga ah, soosali, liimi, buni, huruud, cagaar, buluug, soosali, maw, dameeri, jaandi, dahabi, koobar, midabo badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 589, "src": "All those measures are intended to curb Portland\u2019s critical shortage of affordable housing and spike in homelessness.", "trg": "Dhamaan cabiradaas waxaa loogu talo geley in meesha lagaga saaro yaraantaas adag ee Portland ee dadaalka guryaynta iyo kor u kaca guri la'aanta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 590, "src": "Type 2 diabetes has become so common in recent decades that it\u2019s not an exaggeration to refer to it as an epidemic.", "trg": "Macaanka nooca 2 waxa uu noqda nooc macaan ah oo caan ah dhawaanahan oo aan adkayn oo loola jeedo safmar.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 591, "src": "Economic decline and absence of employment opportunities, especially as inequality grows, likewise drives conflict.", "trg": "Hoos u dhaca dhaqaalaha iyo jiritaan la'aanta fursadaha dhaqaale, gaar ahaan korniinka aan loo sinayn, sida isku dhaca.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 592, "src": "You're more likely to fit in at the gym wearing your yoga outfit than trying to impress the high-fashion crowd.", "trg": "Waxay u badan tahay in aan dadkaaga lagaa soo dhac soocin marka aad jiimka joogto ee aad xidhan tahay dharka yoogada halkii aad ka xidhan tahay dhar qaali ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 593, "src": "Baby bottle tooth decay occurs when parents or caregivers give children excessive milk formula or juice to drink.", "trg": "Suuska ilkaha ilmaha ee masaasada ka yimaada waxa uu dhacaa marka waalidka ama daryeelayaashu ay siiyaan caruurta caano badan oo daasad ah ama sharaab cabitaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 594, "src": "Find a lunch partner, a dinner mate, and engage in casual or intimate chat.", "trg": "Hel cid aan la cunto qadada, cashada, iyo aad si caadi ah ama jacayl ah ugu shekeysataan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 595, "src": "Allow us to obtain the best health insurance that will meet your exclusive needs.", "trg": "Waxa aad noo ogolaataa in aanu helno caymiska caafimaadka ugu wanaagsan ee buuxinaya baahiyaha dheeraadka ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 596, "src": "Our customer support staff is ready to handle your issue immediately.", "trg": "Shaqaalaheena taageerada macamiisha waxay diyaar u yihin inay mushkiladaha isla markaba xaliyaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 597, "src": "The reason is the fear of failure to match the expectations of the teacher.", "trg": "Sababta waxaa weeye baqdinta in la is waafajiyo filashooyinka macalinka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 598, "src": "It is an urge they have to satisfy, and you have to make adequate provision for them.", "trg": "Waxaa weeye dood jirta inay qanciyaan, oo waa inaad siisaa bixinta wax ku ool ah iyaga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 599, "src": "Even some of the very strange-looking moves in the battle are eminently practical.", "trg": "Xataa dhaqaaqa aan cadiga u muuqan ee dagaalka ayaa macquul ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 600, "src": "They can owe the tenant twice the security deposit plus court fees.", "trg": "Waxay siinayaan dadka kiraystaha laba jeer lacagtii deebaajiga iyo sidoo kale kharashka maxkamada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 601, "src": "We should postpone our analysis until we know our work is not redundant.", "trg": "Waa inaad dib u dhigtaa qiimaynteena ilaa inta aynu ogaanayno in shaqadeenu ayna xad dhaaf ahayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 602, "src": "Here was a tent where any idle fellow might stake his liberty against a few crowns at dice or other hazard;", "trg": "Tani waa teendho, oo cid walba oo bilaa camal ah ay taashkeeda la qaban jirtay, wakhtiga laadhuuda, ama waxyeelada kale ee waxyeelada leh;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 603, "src": "It should make the chart a bit easier to interpret at a glance.", "trg": "Waa inay fududayso shaxda waxoogaa si marka ugu horeysa ee la jaleeco loo turjubo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 604, "src": "Once the vessel is built, a new certificate of registration without this phrase and restriction can be obtained.", "trg": "Marka doonida la dhiso, shahaado cusub oo is duwaan gelin ah oo aanay la socon wajigan iyo xadidaada ayaa la heli karaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 605, "src": "Given its drought-prone nature, Masvingo province is known as cattle-keeping country.", "trg": "Marka la eego in aanay abaartu waxba ka qaadaynin, Degmada Masvingo waxaa lagu yaqaanaa degmo loxda lagu hayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 606, "src": "Mum and Dad pause their debate when we hear this creepy clacking that sounds like hail falling.", "trg": "Hooyo iyo Aabo waxay joojiyeen doodii markii aanu maqalnay cod raad oo baqdin leh oo sida ahaa oo kale roobka dhagaxyaalaha oo kale ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 607, "src": "That\u2019s absurd, and it\u2019s embarrassing, and anybody thinking that way should be ashamed, no matter their preference.", "trg": "Waa waalid, oo waa wax laga xishoodo, oo cidna umay arag inay ka xidhoodaan, waxay doonto ha noqotee.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 608, "src": "And we should ask the wealthiest among us to contribute their fair share.", "trg": "Oo waa inaynu ka dalbano dadkeena qaniga ah inay gacan ka gaystaan kaalintooda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 609, "src": "We instantly recognize this feature as defining an unnatural, hence anti-biophilic, environment.", "trg": "Waxa aanu markiiba aqoonsanay qaabkan oo lagu sheegey inuu yahay wax aan caadi ahayn, markaa deegaanka la dagaalama nolosha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 610, "src": "The library desk clerk was able to help a police artist draw up a portrait of the suspect who left in such a hurry.", "trg": "Karaaniga laybareeriga ayaa ka caawiyay farshaxankii bilayska inuu sawiro muuqaalka cida looga shakisan yahay ee sida dhakhsaha ah u baxday.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 611, "src": "Sign up for a paid account to access the rest of this content.", "trg": "Waxa aad isku duwaan gelisaa xisaab lacag la iska qaado si aad u hesho macluumaadka inta hadhsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 612, "src": "Use a nail set to set the nails and a caulking compound to seal them.", "trg": "U isticmaal musqbaarka dhinac ila adhinac si aad ugu musbaarto oo waxa gelyaha ss lagu moorinayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 613, "src": "Madam, your glasses are fogged up!", "trg": "Marwo, koobabnku way buuxaan!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 614, "src": "With that huge and innocent smile, this chick is cute as hell!", "trg": "Marka la eego laab gelintaas iyo dhoola cadayntaas caadiga ah, gabadhan aad ayay u qurux badan tahay!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 615, "src": "In this regard, you need not worry about the facilities being available for cooking at the venue.", "trg": "Marka tan la eego, waa in aanad ka warwarin waxyaabaha loo heli karo cunto karinta ee meesha yaala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 616, "src": "They expected commitment, passion, generosity, hospitality.", "trg": "Waxay u fadhiyeen ka go'naan, rabitaan, gacan furnaan, soo dhawayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 617, "src": "Divide the sliced steak, roasted potato, and cooked snap peas between two plates.", "trg": "Qaybi hilibka la jarjaray, baradha la dubay iyo shumburadaha waxoogaa la kariyay inta u dhaxaysa 2 bilaydh.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 618, "src": "On the other hand, Jesus\u2019 contribution to man was (is) life, acquittal, and pardon (or redemption).", "trg": "Dhanka kale, Ciise Masiixi waxa uu daar ku lahaa nolosha bilaa aadanka, sii daynta iyo danbi dhaafka (ama cafinta).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 619, "src": "Small round white side table with a lamp beside a cup of tea and coffee, plant standing on top, modern furniture.", "trg": "Miis yar oo koobaab ah oo cadaan ah oo laambad garab taala koob shaah ah iyo bun ah, geed dheer, alaabta guri oo casri ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 620, "src": "Consuming any other beverage in the first 12 months can interfere with your breast milk or infant formula.", "trg": "Cabitaanka wax kamid ah sharaabka kale 12 bilood ee ugu horeeya marka la bilaabi macaamilka naas nuujinta ama caanaha qasaacada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 621, "src": "The leaves of this herb resemble carrot greens and are somewhat frilly and curly.", "trg": "Caleemaha dawo dhaqameedkan waxa laga keeney kaartood cagaar ah iyo waxoogaa waxaa weeye jilayc iyo qalooc.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 622, "src": "Rita delighted in the fresh grapes, although she looked more like she had swallowed a watermelon.", "trg": "Rita waxay ku faraxsan tahay cinabka darayga ah, inkasta oo ay u eekeyd waxoogaa wax ku hafatay xabxabka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 623, "src": "Or even worse, you are a retired athlete looking in the mirror asking, what happened to me!", "trg": "Ama waxaa xataa kasii darnayd, waxa aad tahay ciyaartoy hawl gabay marka aad eegto muraayada ee aad is waydiiso, aniga ayay igu dhacday!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 624, "src": "The kinetic connection of fingers, hand, arm, brain, and heart releases whatever truth lies waiting to be told.", "trg": "Xidhiidhinta kineetiga ee faraha, gacmaha, maskaxda iyo waxnaha ayaa soo daynaya wax kasta oo ah runta ee ay tahay in la sheego.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 625, "src": "Solenne freezes in the threshold, her body stiff like a statue, as she stares toward the metro platform.", "trg": "Solenne way ku qalashay, jidhkeedu sida sanamka ayuu adkaaday, intii ay jaran jarada usii korayday dhanka metro-ga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 626, "src": "In rare cases, a serious condition called compartment syndrome can occur.", "trg": "Mararka qaar, xaalado daran oo loo yaqaan xanuunka kala qaybinta ayaa dhici kara.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 627, "src": "Is there a clown on the premises?", "trg": "Ma waxaa jira kolon meesha jooga?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 628, "src": "The permit holder is responsible for the disposal of litter and the cleaning of footpaths.", "trg": "Haystaha ruqsada ayaa ka masuul ah daadinta litirka iyo nadiifinta raadka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 629, "src": "Do they follow the usual internship timeline, and if not, can you give an estimate about the hiring timeline?", "trg": "Ma waxa ay raacaan wakhti tobobar, haidi ayna raacin, ma qiyaasi kartaa wakhtiga shaqaalaysiinta?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 630, "src": "Basically he's dizzy, can hardly walk, lost his balance, speech was impaired, said spectacular things.", "trg": "Caadiyan wuu dawakhsan yahay, waxaa ku adag lugaynta, waxa ka lumay dheelitirka, hadalkiisu ma saxsana, oo waxyaabo aan caadi ahayn ayuu yidhaahdaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 631, "src": "When you make a mistake, the ocean gives you an instant reminder.", "trg": "Marka aad samayso khalad, bada ayaa ku xasuusinaysa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 632, "src": "We ate dinner on the back deck - it's incredibly nice to eat outside in July with no bugs or humidity!", "trg": "Waxa aanu ku cashaynay xaga danbe - waxaa aad u wanaagsan in wax lagu cuno banaanka Julaay oo ma jiraan wax cayayaan ah ama kulayl ahi!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 633, "src": "Bachelor Swap features two identical twin brothers switching places.", "trg": "Is Bedelka Doobabka waxa uu ka hadlayaa laba wiil oo mataano ah oo is bedelaya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 634, "src": "On this trail I would suggest wearing close toed shoes and having an extra pair of socks for the hike.", "trg": "Jidkan waxa aan ku talinayaa inaad xidhato kabo xidhan iyo sharaabo dheeraad ah inta aad lugaynayso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 635, "src": "The firmware upgrade progress depends on the overall load of the system.", "trg": "Socodka cubsoonaysiinta agabku waxay ku xidhan tahay culayska nidaamka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 636, "src": "These terms will even be valid for coming bills of sale and commercial contacts if they are not mentioned explicitly.", "trg": "Weedhahan waxay u shaqayn doonaan biilashada soo socda ee iibka iyo macluumaakda xidhiidha ganacsiga hadii aan si gaar ah loo sheegin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 637, "src": "Our friends brought the dessert...a yummy pull-apart monkey bread!", "trg": "Asxaabteen waxay keeneen macaankii....macaanaa kala saarida roodhida daanyeerku!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 638, "src": "Bug where welcome screen link would show blank in admin menu: is it fixed or should I fix it?", "trg": "Cayayaanka halee lagu soo dhaweeyay linkiga shaashada ee muujinaya meesha madhan ee liiska: may ku dhajisan tahay mise waa in lagu dhajiyo?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 639, "src": "Struggle is required in each field of work to achieve success.", "trg": "La tacaalka ayaa loo baahan yahay shaqo kasta oo lagu gaadhayo guusha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 640, "src": "She recently has overcome her fat burden and lost some weight.", "trg": "Waxay dhawaan ka gudubtay culayskeedii dhibta ahaa oo waxaa ka dhacay waxoogaa miisaan ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 641, "src": "Whenever you\u2019re done typing a witty introduction, touch the arrow icon to deliver the message.", "trg": "Markasta oo aad dhamaystirto qoraalka hordhaca witty, waxa ad taabataa calaamada falaadha si aad fariinta u dirto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 642, "src": "When lead singer Sting wrote the song, he was dealing with jealousy and obsession during the collapse of his marriage.", "trg": "Markii fanaan Sting uu qoray heesta, waxaa hayay hinaase iyo kaga dhag markii uu guurkiisii burburay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 643, "src": "If you have adequate counter space in your bathroom, then never hesitate to have a cabinet vanity.", "trg": "Hadii aad leedahay meel wanaagsan oo banaan oo suuliga ah markaa waxba haka baqan inaad kabadh waxba taraynin ku samaysato.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 644, "src": "If you\u2019re aware that you\u2019re the most qualified for the occupation, reveal it.", "trg": "Hadii aad ogtahay inaad tahay qofka ugu aqoonta badan ee shaqadan, markaa sheeg.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 645, "src": "Extra lengths of drill pipe visible on the machine are added as the boring progresses.", "trg": "Beeb aad u deer oo qodis oo kasoo muuqda mishiinka ayaa lagu daray markii la waday qodista.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 646, "src": "The most important purpose of a nurse is to earn patient trust and leave them whole, complete, and independent.", "trg": "Ujeedada ugu muhiimsan ee kaaliyaha caafimaadku waxaa weeye inuu helo kalsoonida bukaanka oo dhan, dhamaystiran oo madax banaan uga tago.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 647, "src": "The thought was enough to send her forward the last few steps.", "trg": "Fikirka ayaa ku filnaa in loo diro dhawrka talaabo ee ugu danbeeyay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 648, "src": "I feel like all eligible bachelors want to stalk me, and I tell them I am a widow, but they are still in pursuit.", "trg": "Waxa aan u arkaa in doobabka u qalma ay doonayaa inay u xanibaan, oo waxa aan u sheegey in aan ahay carmad laakiin weli way i daba socdaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 649, "src": "Perfect for the cold, wet spring and winter, this coat will keep your dog warm, dry, and especially clean!", "trg": "Ku wanaagsan qabawga, dayrta iyo guga qoyan, koodhka waxa uu diirimaad, qlayl iyo gaar ahaan nadiif ka dhigayaa ayga!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 650, "src": "My point is that housing is scarce and insecure and the economy is a feast and famine annual cycle.", "trg": "Qodobka aan ka hadlayaa waxaa weeye in guryayntu ay yar tahay oo ayna ahayn amaan oo dhaqaalaha uu yahay casuumad oo gaajaduna sanadkii ay dhacdo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 651, "src": "Connect the tension clamps on both sides of the ground wire with a 15.5m long wire rope sleeve and 3T bend joint.", "trg": "Waxa aad ku xidhaa qardhabta kacsanaanta laba dhinac ee waayarka dhula oo dhererkiisu yahay 15.5m waayar ah oo dheer iyo 3T laabadka laaban.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 652, "src": "Indeed, various ancient tribes subsisted primarily on meat.", "trg": "Markaa, qabaa'il faro badan oo hore ayaa cuna kaliya hilibka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 653, "src": "Moreover, many employed single mothers earn poverty wages or tolerate wage inequality;", "trg": "Sidoo kale, hooyooyin badan oo kaligood caruur haysta oo shaqeeya waxay qaataan mushaharka saboolka ama waxay u dul qaataan sinaan la'aanta mushaharka;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 654, "src": "After a short time, the princess became thirsty and asked her maid to fetch her a drink of water from a nearby river.", "trg": "Wakhtiyar kadib, ina boqor wuu oomay oo waxa uu ka dalbaday shaqaalada inay uga keento biyo uu cabo wabiga u dhaw.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 655, "src": "With a yell of rage the victorious knight threw himself on his horse and rode away at a furious gallop.", "trg": "Marka la eego tirada geesida isku tuuray faraskiisa iyo xadiha ay u jiiteen gariirka baqdinta leh.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 656, "src": "Most car companies are scared to commit to a given battery chemistry for fear it will be obsolete in a few years.", "trg": "Badanaa shirkadaha gaadiidka waxay ku kala baahsan yihiin baqdinta keemistariga bayterigu in laga maarmaar uu noqonayo dhawr sano gudaheed.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 657, "src": "Tap to mine diamonds and dig gold, hunt rare prey, chop trees and craft epic gear.", "trg": "Ka faa;'idaysiga dhaymonka iyo qodashada dahabka, ugaadhsiga waxyaabaha naadirka ah, jarista geedaha iyo samaynta agabka daran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 658, "src": "Even if a review gave the film a poor score, most praise the opening chase sequence.", "trg": "Xataa qiimeyntu ay liidato filinka, badankood waxay amaaneen is eryadka kowaad ee lagu furay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 659, "src": "Have your tutor do chores around the house", "trg": "Macalinku ha sameeyo heer marka uu joogo guriga", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 660, "src": "Haku continued the assault in the ring as Savage looked desperately for his partner to make a tag.", "trg": "Haku waxa uu sii wadaa dagaalka fargalka iyada oo Savage uu eegeyo cida la socota si uu sumad u sameeyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 661, "src": "If you\u2019re not a fan of store-bought cinnamon rolls that\u2019s okay.", "trg": "Hadii aanad jeclayn qorfaha laga soo iibiyay tukaanka ee duuban waa iska caadi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 662, "src": "They weren\u2019t too eager to go fight in a foreign land and lose their own lives.", "trg": "Aad ugamay go'nayn inta ay dhul shisheeye tagaan inay ka dagaalamaan oo way ku naf waayeen.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 663, "src": "This one quote made me realize it is my responsibility to try to restore that bridge between us.", "trg": "Odhaahdan ayaa u xasuusisay, inay tahay masuuliuad i saaran in aan isku dayo in aan dib usoo celiyo biriishka inoo dhaxeeya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 664, "src": "In the wake of bird flu alerts across the country, none of the residents ventured near the spot to even verify what locals said.", "trg": "Markii lagu baraarugay hargabkii shimbirida ee dalka oo dhan, waxba dadka degan may qaban meelaha ku dhaw oo xataa dadka deegaanka ayaa oo kala duwan ayaa sheegey.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 665, "src": "No competent lawyer wants to put a hostile witness on the stand, even under oath.", "trg": "Looyar wax ku ool ah markhaati xun masoo istaajiyo, xataa hadii la dhaariyay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 666, "src": "No robot can express sincere empathy, sympathy, compassion, and confidence.", "trg": "Wax roobood ah oo muujin kara garawsho, qiraal, naxariis iyo kalsooni ma jirto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 667, "src": "Use fresh basil, flax oil, or virgin coconut oil and replace the cheese with yeast.", "trg": "Isticmaal basil cusub, saliida flax ama saliida qunbaha oo waxa aad ku bedeshaa kiiska yiistiga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 668, "src": "They legit gave me some dope swag just for measuring something with that ruler!", "trg": "Waxay i siiyeen waxoogaa leexo ah oo aan ku qiyaaso wixii leh mastarada!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 669, "src": "But if we had a spare million dollars, I guess it\u2019s not the worst thing to spend it on.", "trg": "Laakiin hadii aanu hayno milyan doolar oo aanu ka maarmayno, waxa aan arkaa inayna ahayn wax lagu bixiyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 670, "src": "Many people just seem to attach age and maturity to a beard.", "trg": "Dad badan ayaad moodaa inay da'du kaga dhagan tahay iyo qaan gaadhku in la quuto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 671, "src": "Apparently, it was sold to a company that plans to convert it into a chocolate factory and museum.", "trg": "Markaa, waxaa laga iibiyay shirkad qorshaynaysa inay u bedesho warshad shaglaydh iyo carwo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 672, "src": "Frost and thunder, flames shine bright, ruin walks the land tonight.", "trg": "Kaynta iyo danabka, dabka dhalaalaya, roobku habeenkii ayuu socdaa dhulka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 673, "src": "We recharged our batteries with a glimpse of sunshine, crab sandwiches and a boat trip.", "trg": "Waxa aanu dib u dabaynay baytariga jaleecada cadceeda, saandhiwiijka casaanyada iyo safarka doonta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 674, "src": "Oh no, is everything alright, Latasha replied in a concerned tone?", "trg": "Oh maya, wax kasta waa caadi, Latasha waxay ku jawaabtay cod walaac ka muuqdo?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 675, "src": "She didn\u2019t approve of his high school girlfriend and tried to impose a nine o\u2019clock curfew and stricter rules.", "trg": "May ogolayn gabadha uu saaxiibka kula ahaa dugsiga sare oo waxay isku dayday inay u diido iuu habeenkii sagaalka ka danbeeyo oo waxay ka dhigtay sharci.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 676, "src": "If you\u2019re worried about helmet hair, simply keep a comb or brush in your desk drawer.", "trg": "Hadii aanad ka warwar sanayn timaha koofiyada adag, kali feedh ama burush mari ku jira khaanada miiska.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 677, "src": "He also helped with a car wash to raise money for a classmate involved in a car crash.", "trg": "Waxaa sidoo kale wax u taraysa maydhista gaadhiga in looga uruuriyo lacagta dadka fasalka la dhigta ee gaadhigu uu shilka la galay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 678, "src": "These include the green lizard, the red owl, the tomato frog and the serpent eagle.", "trg": "Waxaa kamid ah qorotada cagaarka ah, guumaysta cas, raha cas iyo gorgorka iyo abeesada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 679, "src": "Then came the implementation phase again; I wanted a perfect automation process, coding style, following framework rules etc;", "trg": "Waxaa kadibna loo yimid wajigii dhaqan gelinta mar kale; waxa aan doonayay nidaam toos ah oo wanaagsan, qaabka koodhka, u raacaya shuruucda fireemka iwm;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 680, "src": "If you suspect you tend to grind your teeth, go to your local dentist.", "trg": "Hadii aad ka shakido inaad ilkaha jiriqsato, waxa aad u tagtaa dhakhtarka ilkaga meesha aad joogto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 681, "src": "So, you should avoid going with a bride scam site or dating fraud site online.", "trg": "Markaa, waa inaad iska ilaaliso qabashada websaytka ku faanta dhaca dadka ama websyatyada onleynka ah ee khiyaanada jacaylka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 682, "src": "Merchant cash advance providers evaluate risk and weight credit criteria differently than a traditional banker might.", "trg": "Bixiyaha lacagta hormariska ah ee ganacsaduhu waxa uu qiimeeyay khatarta oo waxa uu u miisaamay si ka duwan shuruudaha daynta marka loo eego qaabka bangiga ee caadiga ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 683, "src": "We have built our reputation on outstanding client service and are committed to helping you succeed in your tax matter.", "trg": "Waxa aanu sumcad ku samaynasanay adeega macmiilka ee cajiibka ah oo waxaa naga go'an in aanu kaa caawino in aad guul ka gaadho arrimaha cashuurta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 684, "src": "As a result, the teeth eventually develop a dull, lackluster appearance.", "trg": "Sidaas darteed, iligii waxa uu yeeshay markii danbe kabuubyo, muuqaal bilaa awood ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 685, "src": "He shared the fear, horror, and despair of the fighting men, each of whom knew that each day might be his last.", "trg": "Waxa uu wadaagay baqdinta, saska iyo cidhiidhiga raga dagaalama, kuwaas oo mid kastaa garanayo in maalintaasi noqon karto maalintii ugu danbaysay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 686, "src": "Sadly, their ultimate sacrifice merely delayed the invasion.", "trg": "Nasiib daro, wax kasta haday ku bixiyaan dib umay dhigin weerarkii.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 687, "src": "I cherish my diary but hold every other document in contempt.", "trg": "Waxa aan ku diirsadaa xusuus qorkayga laakiin waxa aad u hayaa sixaqiran waraaqaha kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 688, "src": "Gandhi also believed rural economy based mass movement follow non-violent methods.", "trg": "Gandhi waxa uu u arkaa in dhaqaalaha magaaladu ay ku salaysan yihiin socodka badan ee qaababka aan xad gudubka lahayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 689, "src": "Goodnight sweetheart, and I am so pleased that sleep has banished sorrow for both of us.", "trg": "Habeen wanaagsan xabiibi, waxa aan ku faraxsanahay in hurdadeenu ay inoo noqoto bilaa khuuro labadeenaba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 690, "src": "You can turn every acquaintance into an asset if you know how to spin a thank-you letter.", "trg": "Waxa aad u bedeli kartaa wax kasta oo la helo hanti hadii aad garanayso sida loo wareejiyo warqada mahadnaqa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 691, "src": "Valve position is determined by flow rate demand (differential pressure).", "trg": "Makaanka waalka waxaa lagu go'aamiyaa dalabka xadiga socodka (cadaadiska kala duwan).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 692, "src": "Bring the milk to a boil and add the Ragi paste slowly, stirring repeatedly.", "trg": "Inta aad caanaha ku shubto madiibad waxa aad ku dartaa Ragi qasan aayar, in badan walaaq.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 693, "src": "Mark Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering.", "trg": "Mark Jacobson, borofeesar injineerkinka madaniga ah iyo deegaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 694, "src": "Limited oral examination and diagnosis are usually reserved for returning or emergency patients.", "trg": "Shaybaadh afka ah oo xadidan iyo ogaanshaha xanuunka waxaa caadiga loo gaar yeelaa bukaanka soo noqonaya ama xaalada degdeg ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 695, "src": "So far, half a million lights have been replaced in homes, buildings, and streetlights.", "trg": "Ilaa iminka, nus malyun laydh ayaa laga bedelay guryaha, dhismayaasha iyo laydhadhka jidadka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 696, "src": "Likes stability in relations and doesn't easily forgive betrayal.", "trg": "Jecel xasiloonida xidhiidhka oo si fudud uma iloobo khiyaanada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 697, "src": "Scott Thomas tweets some interesting photography articles too.", "trg": "Scott Thomas waxa uu tweet gareeyay maqaalo sawir ah oo cajiib ah sidoo kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 698, "src": "Stanislav applied to the Committee seeking legal assistance.", "trg": "Stanislav waxa uu dalbaday kaaliyaha sharci doonka Gudida.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 699, "src": "This chapter is largely a tutorial on handling experimental errors of measurement.", "trg": "Cutubkan waxaa weeye cashar wayn oo ku saabsan khaladaadka tijaabada la hayo ee talaabooyinka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 700, "src": "Stores selling nonessential goods were ordered closed, putting a crimp in Christmas shopping.", "trg": "Tukaanada iibiya waxyaabaha maacaayacnimada ah waxaa lagu armay inay xidhaan, taas oo keentay culays tukaamaysiga Kirismaska ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 701, "src": "Connected couples grow closer through having shared and separate interests.", "trg": "Lamaanaha isku xidhan waxay iskugu dhawaadaan marka ay wadaagaan oo ayna kala duwan yihiin rabitaankoodu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 702, "src": "Attorney Frank returns calls personally and promptly handles all matters.", "trg": "Looyar Frank waxa uu si shakhsi ahaaneed ugu soo celiyay taleefankii, oo waxa uu si wanaagsan u mareeyay wax kasta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 703, "src": "Van Dyke was a model and actress first, and a singer second;", "trg": "Van Dyke waxay ahayd moodheelista iyo atariishad marka kowaad, iyo heesaa marka labaad;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 704, "src": "The entry period ends tonight at midnight (Eastern time zone!).", "trg": "Mudada dhan waxay ku eeg tahay caawa saqda dhexe (Saacada bariga!).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 705, "src": "Our programmers develop Java web apps to build dynamic websites as per clients\u2019 requirements.", "trg": "Borogiraameriskeenu waxay sameeyay app webka Java ah oo lagu dhisay websay dabacsan sida uu macmiilku dalbaday.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 706, "src": "The parameters of these structures controlled the ways they functioned, and induced responses that changed the voltage.", "trg": "Cabirka qaan dhismeedkan waxaa lagu maamulaa qaababak ay u shaqeeyaan, oo waxaa weeye jawaab ku jirta isbedelka foolteegka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 707, "src": "Participants posted journal entries, photos, comments, and videos.", "trg": "Ka qayb galka gelinta macluumaadka danbe, sawirada, faalooyinka iyo fiidyawyada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 708, "src": "David shows examples of prone, sitting, and standing positions.", "trg": "David waxa uu tusay tusaalayaasha kambadhuudhka, fadhiisiga, iyo iskaataga makaanada ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 709, "src": "Here, too, males\u2019 education outcomes improved significantly.", "trg": "Halkan sidoo kale, natiijada waxbarashada raga si wayn ayay u hormartay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 710, "src": "Adding another hurdle, Chinese banks and tech giants control distribution channels.", "trg": "Waxaa culayska sii kordhiyay, Bangiyada Jayniisku iyo shirkada waawayn ee teknooloojigu waxay maamulaan qaybinta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 711, "src": "February 7, 2020 Chicago couple who tested positive for virus released from hospital;", "trg": "Febraayo 7, 2020 lamaane reer Chicago ah ayaa oo lag heley fayraska ayaa isbitaalka kasoo baxay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 712, "src": "Paul offered to pick her up, but Jan wasn\u2019t telling him where she lived.", "trg": "Paul waxa uu ku yidhi aan ku qaado, laakin Jan waxay u shegeysay meesha ay degan tahay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 713, "src": "Additionally, certified pre-owned cars carry factory warranty options.", "trg": "Sidoo kale, xaqiijinta gaadiidka hore loo lahaa ee qaadaya ikhtiyaarka damaanada warshada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 714, "src": "Amazon has been pressing workers to vote against the union.", "trg": "Amazon waxay ku khasbaysay shaqaalaha inay ka codeeyaan ururka shaqaalaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 715, "src": "It's designed for younger children or older adults without an iPhone.", "trg": "Waxaa loogu talo geley caruurta yaryar ama dadka waawayn ee aan haysan iPhone.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 716, "src": "If the winner resides in one of the 48 states, they will have the option of a Kindle edition or paperback.", "trg": "Hadii cida guulaystay ay ku nooshahay mid kamid ah 48 gobol, waxay u leeyihiin ikhityaar nuqulka Kindle ama waraaqaha lagu soo celinayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 717, "src": "YouTube also gives brands the possibility to customize how their channel looks.", "trg": "YouTube sidoo kale uu shirkada siiyay inay wax ka bedelaan qaabka uu u eeg yahay janaalkoodu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 718, "src": "Subscribe to weekly blog updates, featuring topics such as branding, digital marketing, and web design strategies.", "trg": "Waxa aad iska duwaan gelisaa macluumaadka ugu danbeeya ee bolooga ee todobaadlaha ah, waxaa lasoo geliyaa mawduucyada sida shirkadaha, suuqgaynta dhijitaalka ah, iyo khidadaha nashqadaynta websaytka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 719, "src": "Provides samples of tumors, survival rates, and Medical care records.", "trg": "Waxa aad keentaa muunada burada, xadiga ka badbaadaa, iyo duwaanada daryeelka Caafimaadka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 720, "src": "Creating camp experiences that truly transform lives takes leadership.", "trg": "Abuursta khibrad xawaree yareeye si dhab ah u bedeli kara hogaanka nolol qaadista.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 721, "src": "Since James\u2019 injury, they have the fourth-best defensive rating in the league.", "trg": "Ilaa intii James uu dhaawacmay, waxa lahaayeen heerka difaaca ugu saree ee afaraad ee horyaalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 722, "src": "This index grid cannot be overridden, removed, or modified.", "trg": "Shaxdan jaantusku ma bedelayso, meesha kama saarayso ama waxba kama bedeleyso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 723, "src": "We\u2019re breaking down the biggest moments episode-by-episode!", "trg": "Waxaanu u jajabinay dhacdooyinka waawayn xalqado!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 724, "src": "George suggests that Robert blow off some steam by roller-skating.", "trg": "George waxa uu ku talinayaa in Robert ay waxoo isku daaliso roolarka iskeetinka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 725, "src": "Many websites offer reviews, recommendations, and detailed pricing information.", "trg": "Websaytyo badan waxay bixiyaan naqdin, talooyin, iyo faahfaahinta macluumaadka qiimaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 726, "src": "Hobby Lobby has now turned into a billion-dollar enterprise.", "trg": "Hobby Lobyy waxay iminka noqotay shirkad bilyan doolar ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 727, "src": "Fill your info into the fields below.", "trg": "Waxa aad ku buuxisaa macluumaadkaaga qaybtaha hoose.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 728, "src": "Ministry officials, governmental agencies, regulatory authorities, and civil society organizations.", "trg": "Saraakiisha wasaarada, hay'adaha dawlada, maamulka shuruucda, iyo hay'adaha bulshada madaniga ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 729, "src": "Replacement teachers discovered notes in classrooms containing offensive messages.", "trg": "Macalimiinta bedelku waxay helaan qoraalo fasalada dhax yaala oo ay la socdaan fariimo aad u xun.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 730, "src": "Western European countries have the largest consumer markets.", "trg": "Galbeedka Yurub Dalalka waxay leeyihiin suuq wayn oo macaamiisha ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 731, "src": "Add your cinnamon and cocoa powder while continuing to mix.", "trg": "Waxa aad ku dartaa qorfaha iyo kookooga ridqan adiga oo walaaqaya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 732, "src": "Performed firmware upgrade prior to starting hardware install.", "trg": "Samaynta wax ka bedelka agabka shirkada kahor inta aan la bilaabin ku rakibida agabka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 733, "src": "Prepared coffee, cleaned dining areas, opened the register, and carried out other opening duties.", "trg": "Diyaari bunta, nadiifi aaga wax lagu cunayo, duwaan gelinta furan iyo samaynta masuuliyada kale ee furan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 734, "src": "Tracking devices can be installed on vehicles and equipment;", "trg": "Aaladaha la socodka waxaa la gelin karaa gaadiidka yo qalabka;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 735, "src": "These reasons should be recorded, reported, and studied for trends.", "trg": "Sababahan waa in la duubo, laga warbixiyo, oo la daraasadeeyo qaabkooda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 736, "src": "Max plays guitar, bass, and drums, sings vocals, and writes the songs.", "trg": "Kabanka, bayska, durkaanka, codka lagu heelo iyo qoraalka heerka ee Max ciyaaro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 737, "src": "Like many young artists, Smith worked as a gallery installer and exhibition designer.", "trg": "Sida farshaxanada kale ee yaryar oo kale, Smith waxay uu ku shaqayn jiray rakibo farshaxxanka iyo nashqada bandhiga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 738, "src": "Royal Rangers is a christian scouting program designed to minister to the needs of boys.", "trg": "Royal Rangers waxaa weeye barnaamij samays kimirmas oo loogu talo geley sheeqa ugu baahan wiilashada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 739, "src": "Precision calibration components allow for greater measurement accuracy.", "trg": "Qaybaha samayska adag waxa uu u saxlaa talaabo aad uga badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 740, "src": "Typically, equity-trading platforms cannot receive funds via credit cards.", "trg": "Caadiyan, madasha qaabka sinaanta aan aanu heli karin deeqda lagu heleyo kaadhka daynta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 741, "src": "Maintain agreed stock levels where applicable and closely monitor aged stock.", "trg": "Haysashada heer kayd oo lagu heshiiyo meesha ay ku munaasab tahay iyo si dhaw ula socodka kaydka aadka u gaboobay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 742, "src": "Flowers grown from their upper branches are translucent to white.", "trg": "Ubaxyadu waxay ka baxeen qaybaha sare oo waxbaa laga arkayay oo cadaan ayuu ahaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 743, "src": "The entire castle of every Disney movie has featured a logo in the shape of an 's'!", "trg": "Qasriga dhan ee filin kasta oo Disney ah waxaa la socda astaanta leh qaabka 's!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 744, "src": "The documents indicated that Ford was involved in funding a suite of classes for institutions like \"Para Nosotras\".", "trg": "Waraaquhu waxay sheegayaan in Ford uu sameeyay dhaqale uruurin fasalada ee hay'ada sida \"Para Nosotras\".", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 745, "src": "I use different packaging as print sizes comes in various formats.", "trg": "Bashqadaynta aan isticmaalay waxa uu ahaa wax ka duwan cabirka daabacaada ee ah qaabab kala duwan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 746, "src": "Turn visitors into subscribers, paying fans, and lifelong readers.", "trg": "Waxa aad dadka booqdayaasha u bedeshaa dadka duwaan geshan, taageerayaal lacag bixiya, iyo khariyayaal noloshooda oo dhan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 747, "src": "Modern reporting encourages collaboration by sharing reports and allowing input.", "trg": "Warbixinta casriga ah waxay dhiiri gelisaa wada shaqaynta iyada oo la wadaagayo warbixinaha oo sahlaya macluumaadka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 748, "src": "Marc realized the importance of serving God by honing his talent as a graphic artist.", "trg": "Marc waxa uu sheegey muhiiyada u adeegida Aabe isaga oo maamuusaya farshaxanka ee muuqalaka ee leh hibada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 749, "src": "Peter deals with the consequences of neglecting his everyday responsibilities.", "trg": "Peter waxa uu la tacaalaa natiijada dayacaada maalin walba ee masuuliyadiisa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 750, "src": "The Graduate Council's minimum requirements for advanced degrees are described below.", "trg": "Shuruudaha ugu yar ee Dawlada Hoose ee qalin jabinta ee dhirgiisa sare waxaa lagu sharaxay hoos.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 751, "src": "Nevertheless, each division follows general laws and rules.", "trg": "Laakiin, waax kastaa waxay raacdaa shuruudaha iyo xeerarka guud.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 752, "src": "They are fully transferable, just like physical tickets printed on ticket stock.", "trg": "Gebi ahaanba waa la gudbin karaa, sida teigidhka la taaban karo ee lagu daabacay kaydka tigidhka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 753, "src": "The jobs generated would soon disappear in the grand scheme of things.", "trg": "Shaqooyinka soo baxay dhawaan ayaa la waayi doonaa marka qorshaha shayadu dhamaystirmo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 754, "src": "Molecular dynamics simulations of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein.", "trg": "Maaxinta dabacsanaanta qaabka ee kacsanaanta aysiidha ay la socoto botooriintu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 755, "src": "There is a secondary element at work, an old defense mechanism.", "trg": "Waxaa jira shayga cusub ee shaqada, qaab difaac oo hore.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 756, "src": "The internet is more than facebook chats, twitter memes, and instagram pictures.", "trg": "Internetka waxay ka badan tahay wada sheekeysiga facabook-ga, canjilaada twitter-ka, iyo sawirada instagram-ka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 757, "src": "November 25 Wait-listed applicants informed of acceptance status.", "trg": "Noofember 25 Liiska sugayaasha ee xaalada u sheegey xaalada aqbalaada aan rasmiga ahayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 758, "src": "Strategic supplier relationships, providing extensive technical knowledge.", "trg": "Xidhiidhka cida alaabta laga iibsado ee khidadaysan, siinta aqoonta farsamo ee aadka u wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 759, "src": "Scheduled sheet metal fabrication and planned driver routes.", "trg": "Samee jadwalka birta balaadhan iyo qorshaha dhabada gaadhiga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 760, "src": "Benefit from our continuous innovation and scientific expertise.", "trg": "Faa'idada ikhtiraaceena joogtad aah iyo khibrada sayniska.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 761, "src": "Over time, we learned names, stories, systems, and networks.", "trg": "Mudo kadib, axa aanu baranay magacyo, tukaano, nidaamyo iyo dalabadaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 762, "src": "Federal agents conducted additional searches across Florida.", "trg": "Hay'adaha federalka waxay ka sameeyeen caabidhitaano Florida oo dhan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 763, "src": "Just talking about policies, candidates, and election dates with family and friends is productive.", "trg": "Kaliya waxa aad ka sheekeysaa siyaasadaha, musharixiinta, iyo taariikhaha doorashada ee qoyska iyo asxaabta wax soo saarkooda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 764, "src": "The monitor component includes a menu-driven operator interface.", "trg": "Qaybaha kormeerka waxaa kamid ah waxaa kamid ah interfeeska hawlwadeenka meenuuga dirawalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 765, "src": "Unlike the earlier films, relatively trim 80-minute affairs, Midnight runs nearly thirty minutes longer.", "trg": "Si ka duwan shirkada hore oo kale, qaraabadu waxay gurtay 80 daqiiqo hawlo ah, Saqdii dhexe waxay ahayn sodon daqiiqo dhererkeedu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 766, "src": "They are even prohibited from receiving their loved ones\u2019 remains.", "trg": "Waxaa sidoo kale laga mamnuucay inay qaabilaan qaraabadooda inta ka hadhsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 767, "src": "Even sports teams and political parties have started turning to audio branding.", "trg": "Koox kasta oo isboorti ah, xisbiyada siyaasadu waxay bilaabeen inay u wareegaan qaabaynta codka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 768, "src": "Our website and content are protected by international copyright laws and database rights.", "trg": "Websaytkeena iyo macluumaadka ku jira waxaa ilaaliyay sharuucda xuquuqda dhawrsan ee caalamiga ah iyo xuquuqda kaydka macluumaadka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 769, "src": "Moreover, after each session, the inner space becomes vaster and bigger.", "trg": "Sidoo kale, madal kasta kadib meesha gudaha ah ayaa kala duwanaanta oo wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 770, "src": "Knowing and maintaining code is critical for maximum fire protection.", "trg": "Ogaanshaha iyo xeerka ilaalinta ayaa daruuri u ah ilaalinta dabka ugu badan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 771, "src": "Border colors for unfocused and focused windows, respectively.", "trg": "Midabada xuduudu waxay diirasada uma saaraan oo waxay diirasada saaraan daaqadaha, siday u kala horeeyaan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 772, "src": "These technologies are becoming true production solutions, especially for industries like dental and consumer products.", "trg": "Teknooloojiyadan waxay noqotay xalal wax soo saar oo dhab ah, gaar ahaan warshadaha sida dhakhtarka ilkaha iyo alaabaadka macmiilka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 773, "src": "The dual-energy technique simplifies bone and plaque removal.", "trg": "Farsamooyinka tamarta laba dhinac ah waxay fududaysaa lafaha iyo dabar goynta safmarka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 774, "src": "Deficit reduction requires actually cutting military spending.", "trg": "Yaraynta hoos u dhac waxay u baahantahay kharash garaynta ciidanka ee laga jaro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 775, "src": "That\u2019s how they\u2019ve calculated the combined managed payments percentage!", "trg": "Taasi waxaa weeye sida loo xisaabiyo isku darka boqolkiiba lacagta la maamuliday!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 776, "src": "Leaving some graduates in more challenging situations than others.", "trg": "Waxay kaga tagtaa dadka qaar qalin jabiyay xaalada adag marka loo eego kuwa kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 777, "src": "The experimental drugs \"calmed\" auto-aggressive T-cells and stopped inflammation.", "trg": "Dawada tijaabada ah waxay \"galaafatay\" unuga T ee toos ula dagaalama oo waxay joojisay ololka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 778, "src": "This funding directly supports our students on campus today.", "trg": "Deeqdan waxay si toos ah u taageeri lahayd ardaydeena ku jirta xarunta maanta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 779, "src": "We recommend giving adult dogs organic, locally produced, raw honey.", "trg": "Waxaanu ku talinaynaa in la siiyo ayda waawayn malab dabiici ah, deegaanka laga soo saaro, oo qaydhiin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 780, "src": "The centre and rear speakers operate only in multi-channel surround mode.", "trg": "Sameecadaha dhexe iyo danbe waxay ku shaqeeyaan qaabka dhawrka jaaneel ee ku xeeran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 781, "src": "Turns out, he liked that album a lot and ended up buying a copy himself!", "trg": "Waxaa la ogaaday, inuu jecel yahay albamka wax badan oo waxa uu markii danbe laftiisu iibsaday nuqul!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 782, "src": "Anyone who is a first-time parent knows the challenges of figuring out what to buy.", "trg": "Qof kasta oo markii ugu hroeysay noqday waalid waxa uu garanaa caqabada in la ogaado waxa la iibsanayo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 783, "src": "Boat trailer wholesale manufacturer, parts and service provider.", "trg": "Warshad jimlad buudhiga lagu jiido doonida, isbeerka oo bixiya dayactirka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 784, "src": "Jones said that the institute was in major cities like Los Angeles, USA; New York, USA; and New Delhi, India.", "trg": "Jones waxa uu sheegey inuu qayb ka yahay magaalooyinka waawayn sida Los Angeles, Maraykanka; New York, Maraykanka, iyo New Delhi, Hindiya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 785, "src": "Strengthening families through biblical principles and Kingdom values.", "trg": "Ku xoojinta qoysaska mabaadii'da baybalka iyo mabaadii'da Boqortooyada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 786, "src": "The problem was caused by a filter that was applied in software to the sensor signal.", "trg": "Mushkilada waxa keeney filterka la mariyay sooftiweerka calaamada dareemaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 787, "src": "He tells me he originally tried the injection technique and, as he expected, it was too fiddly and gave him zero success.", "trg": "Waxa uu ii sheegey inuu tijaabiyay kwuii rasmi ahaa ee farsamada mudista oo waxa uu filanayay inay noqonayso feedhi oo aanu ka gaadhaynin guul.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 788, "src": "Mr. Franklin holds sole voting and investment power over such shares.", "trg": "Mr. Franklin waxa haystay cod kaliya oo waxa uu maalgeliyay awooda saamiyadaas.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 789, "src": "Newsom, if you haven't noticed, keeps calling us a nation-state.", "trg": "Ninka cusubaw, hadii aanad ogayn, waxa aad noogu yeedhaa gobol qaran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 790, "src": "Divides monthly rental charges into user-defined categories.", "trg": "Waxaa loo qaybiyay kharashka kirada bishii ee qaybaha lagu sharaxay isticmaalaha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 791, "src": "Data collected from online user-completed forms is stored in secure, password-protected server locations.", "trg": "Xogta laga uruuriyay foomamka isticmaalayaashu ku buuxiyeen onleyn waxaa lagu kaydiyay amaanka, goobaha serferada baaswoodhku ilaaliyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 792, "src": "Visiting Scholar submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis.", "trg": "Booqashada gubinta Deeqda Waxbarasho waxaa loo aqabalaa si joogto ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 793, "src": "African beliefs mixed with Christianity or survived independently.", "trg": "Diinta Afrika ee iskugu jirta Kiristaanimada ama ka badbaadida madax banaanida.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 794, "src": "Member physicians and researchers develop widely recognized clinical practice guidelines.", "trg": "Dhakhtarada ku jira iyo cilmi baadhayaasha ayaa sameeyay tilmaamaha nidaamka xarunta caafimaadka ee lasoo habeeyay oo kala duwan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 795, "src": "Johnson previously served as the regional chief administrative officer.", "trg": "Johnson waxay hore ugu adeegsan sarkaalka maamulka sare ee deegaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 796, "src": "The last days will show whether Africa stands united until the end.", "trg": "Maalmaha ugu danbeeya waxay muujinayaan heerarka Afrika midawysan ilaa dhamaadka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 797, "src": "All female subjects will be required to take a urine pregnancy test before each Gardasil 9 dose.", "trg": "Dhamaan dumarka waxaa looga baahnaa inay maraan shaybaadhka uurka kahor inta aan la siinin dawada Gardasil 9.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 798, "src": "Gene expression profiling revealed a pronounced pro-inflammatory phenotype.", "trg": "Macluumaadka hide siduhu waxa uu sheegayaa dhawada olola ee lagu dhawaaqay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 799, "src": "This app, developed by William Studio, is mainly for anime character creation.", "trg": "App-kan waxa u sameeyay istuudyada William abuurista filin kartoon.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 800, "src": "Fuel pump relay wiring diagram (automatic transmission only).", "trg": "Bamka shidaalku waxa uu ku tiirsan yahay shaxda waayarka (kaliya geerka otomaatiga ah).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 801, "src": "The programme in future should consider age limit when considering candidate to be trained.", "trg": "Barnaamijka mustaqbalku waa inuu ku xisaabtamaa xadidaada da'da marka la eegayo musharaxaha u tartamaya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 802, "src": "In his diary, young Washington expressed some reservations.", "trg": "Xasuus qorkiisa, waxa uu ku sheegey ninka dhalinyarta ah ee reer Washington shaki uu qabo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 803, "src": "Sexy pics of wasted chicks flashing themselves to officers", "trg": "Sawirada galmada muujinaya ee naagta sakhraansan waxay naasaheeda ku tusaysaa saraakiisha", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 804, "src": "There are numerous designs of such voltage-controlled circuit elements.", "trg": "Waxaa jira nashqado badan sida shayada wareega lagu xakameeyo ah footeejka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 805, "src": "Johann says he's moved effortlessly through this world of international stars after Paris.", "trg": "Johann waxa uu sheegey in si bilaa dadaal ah u dhax socdo caalamkan xidigaha caaliga ah kadib Baariis.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 806, "src": "Sets were moved, lighting was adjusted, and actors made costume changes.", "trg": "Diyaarinta meesha wax lagu duubayo, habaynta laydhka, jilayaashu waxay gashanayaan dharka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 807, "src": "Energy represents over 97 percent of total motor operating costs.", "trg": "Tamartu waxaa weeye wax ak badan boqokiiba 97 wadarta mishiinka kharashka uu ku shaqeeyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 808, "src": "Our experts' advice has been profitable to our clients, ranging from residential solar owners to large commercial sites.", "trg": "Khabiiradeenu waxay ku taliyaan way ka faa'ideen macaamiishena kala duwan laga bilaabo mulkiilayaasha guryaha soolarka ilaa goobaha ganacsiga ee wayn.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 809, "src": "Book artist, printmaker, rabid reader, freelance writer, and editor.", "trg": "Farshaxanka buuga, sameeyaha daabacaada, akhriyaha dul maraya, qoraal madax banaan iyo tafatire.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 810, "src": "Isaac Newton observed objects falling and eventually proposed gravity.", "trg": "Isaak Nuuton waxa uu arkay shayada oo dhacaya oo markii danbe waxa uu sheegey cuf jiidka dhulka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 811, "src": "The angels announced the birth of Christ three separate times?", "trg": "Maa'igtu waxay sadex jeer oo kala duwan sheegeen dhalashada Ciise Masiixi?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 812, "src": "Performing minor diagnostic tests and procedures as directed by healthcare professionals.", "trg": "Samaynta shaybaadhka muuqaalka iyo nidaamyadu sida ay sheegeen xirfadlayaasha daryeelka caafimaad.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 813, "src": "Editorial pages around the country supported Hoover in calling out the army, something we would never see in the Covid era.", "trg": "Bogaga maqaalada ee dalka oo dhan waxay taageereen Hoover markii uu u yeedhay ciidanka, wax aynaan arki jirin wakhtigii Covid.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 814, "src": "Ensuring resource availability for the development of the sector;", "trg": "Xaqiijinta khayraadka la heli karo ee loo diyaariyay waaxda;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 815, "src": "Bonus points to Microsoft for allowing many route configuration options.", "trg": "Dhibcaha dheeraadka ah ee Microsoft ee ogolaanaya ikhtiyaarka buuxinta dhabada meesha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 816, "src": "These matches are chosen from all registered accounts, according to your settings.", "trg": "Kuwan is leh waxaa laga doortay dhamaan xisaabaadka duwaan gashan, si waafaqsan buuxintan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 817, "src": "The awards are entirely subjective, not formed through consultation, and aren't necessarily backed up with facts.", "trg": "Abaalmarintu waxaa weeye wax ula jeedo leh oo kamay iman wada tashi oo wax taas taageerayana ma jirto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 818, "src": "As a reminder, this company launched a 34-inch curved gaming monitor last October.", "trg": "Xasuusin ahaan, shirkadan waxay bayaamisay 34 inji oo shaashada geeminka oo soo laaban ah Oktoobartii lasoo dhaafay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 819, "src": "Why are the Asian-owned businesses shown in movies like this almost always restaurants?", "trg": "Maxay ganacsiyada ay leeyihiin Aasiya ay u soo bandhigayaan filimaanta sidan oo kale ah maqaaxiyaha?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 820, "src": "Demonstrated experience managing cross-functional communications.", "trg": "Muujinta khibrada xidhiidhka maamula ee shaqada oo dhan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 821, "src": "Unfortunately, this map isn't supported on your browser.", "trg": "Nasiib daro, khariiradan kuma shaqayso borowsarkaagu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 822, "src": "The kit consists of two wheels and the struts that mount to the frame of the bicycle.", "trg": "Bushqadan waxay ka kooban tahay laba taayar iyo mid lagu laxaamaday fireemka baaskiilka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 823, "src": "All rooms come fully equipped with cable satellite television.", "trg": "Dhamaan qolalku waxay wada leeyihiin telefiishin satelayt ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 824, "src": "We might be inspired by books, concepts, or historical figures.", "trg": "Waxaa dhici karta in aanu ka qaadano fikirka buug, nuxuro ama sawir taariikhi ah.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 825, "src": "Walk hundreds of miles through possibly dangerous territory?", "trg": "Lugee boqolaal mayl oo la dhax marayo meelaha khatarta ahaa?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 826, "src": "There was a meme where a ray of light would fuse the vice president and a frog", "trg": "Waxaa jiray meme halka falaadha laydhku uu ku socda ee madax wayne ku xigeenka iyo raha", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 827, "src": "In 2001, Chris joined the family business, where he served as a sales representative for five years.", "trg": ",2001 Kiriis waxaa uu ku soo biiray ganacsiga qoyska, oo waxa uu ka ahaa shan sano wakiilka iibinta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 828, "src": "Compared to September, category sales increased by eight percent.", "trg": "Marka loo eego Sebteember, qaybaha iibku waxay kordheen boqolkiiba sideed.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 829, "src": "Print the page that contains students' final questions and answers.", "trg": "Daabac boga ay ku jiraan su'aalaha iyo jawaabaha ugu danbeeya ee ardayda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 830, "src": "The next part starts by calling the setup function in the helpers module.", "trg": "Qaybta xigta waxay ku bilaabantaa u baaqa shaqada diyaarinta ee qaababka kaalmeeyayaasha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 831, "src": "Chemical dependency nursing certification or specialist is preferred.", "trg": "Keemikaalku waxay ku xidhan yihiin shahaadada kaaliyaha caafimaadka ama doorbiditaanka khabiirada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 832, "src": "Fig. 12. Synthesis gas manufacturing process by gasification.", "trg": "Sawirka 12. Muujinta nidaamka soo socdaa gaasta ee ka dhigida gaasta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 833, "src": "What about electronic, electrical, or mechanical applications?", "trg": "Ka waran barnaamijyada elektorooniga, elektoriiga ama farsamo?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 834, "src": "Martin realizes that the android\u2019s gun is now able to kill humans, so he flees.", "trg": "Martin waxa uu ogaaday in qoriga andriod uu iminka dili karo bilaa aadanka, markaa uu baxsaday.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 835, "src": "Python automatically gets a variable datatype depending upon the value assigned to the variables.", "trg": "Python waxa uu si toos ah u helaa noocyo xog oo kala duwan oo ku xidhan qiimaha xadiga kala duwan ee lagu qoray.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 836, "src": "Sienna Sauce, a 16-year-old founder, will audit the program.", "trg": "Sienna Sauca, aas aasaha 16 jirka ah, ayaa kormeeri doona barnaamijka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 837, "src": "Substandard identification, recording, and reporting procedures.", "trg": "Aqoonsi hoosaadka, duubista iyo warbixinta nidaamka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 838, "src": "These innovative projects set the new standard for improving cities worldwide.", "trg": "Ujeedooyinka ikhtiraacyadan waxa uu sameeyay heer cusub oo hormar loogu samaynayo magaalooyinka oo dhan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 839, "src": "Jack Dorsey explained the corporation did not manage the problem nicely.", "trg": "Jack Dorsey waxa uu sharaxay xidhiidhka ka dhaxeeya in aan loogu maareynin mushkilada si wanaagsan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 840, "src": "Counseling centers offer depression therapy for people of all ages.", "trg": "Xarumaha la talinta waxay bixisaa dabiibka isku buuqa ee dadka da' walba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 841, "src": "From the smallest to the greatest decisions, choices, and actions.", "trg": "Laga bilaabo go'aamada ugu yar ilaa kuwa ugu waawayn, doorashooyinka iyo talaabooyinka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 842, "src": "Were the organizational roles and responsibilities clearly identified?", "trg": "Halkee ayaa lagu sheegey kaalimaha iyo masuuliyadaha hay'ada si cad?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 843, "src": "Click below for the medical laboratory sciences faculty listing.", "trg": "Hoosta guji saynisyada shaybaadhka caafimaadka ee xarunta ee ku qoran.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 844, "src": "It has operations in southern, central, and northern Louisiana.", "trg": "Waxa ay ka shaqaysaa koonfurta, badhtamaha iyo waqooyiga Louisiana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 845, "src": "After her son died, Mary found herself shifting artistically.", "trg": "Kadib markii wiilkeedu dhintay, Mary waxay is aragtay iyada oo noqotay farshaxan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 846, "src": "The German educational and industrial models are closely linked.", "trg": "Qaabka waxbarashada iyo warshada Jermalku si dhaw ayay xidhiidh u leeyihiin.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 847, "src": "Trump also criticized some news media coverage of the coronavirus.", "trg": "Trump waxa uu sidoo kale dhaleeceeyay sida saxaafada qaar ay uga hadashay korona fayraska.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 848, "src": "It confirmed that my greatest insecurities about her exam scores were well-founded.", "trg": "Waxaa la xaqiijiyay in shayga ugu wayn ee ay ka shakisnayd inay ahayd dhibcaheeda imtixaanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 849, "src": "Drug test screening groups are commonly referred to as a drug testing panel.", "trg": "Shaybaadhka mukhaadaraadka ee kooxda waxaa caadiyan loo yaqaanaa gudida shaybaadhka mukhaadaraadka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 850, "src": "Therefore, the concentration of ions increases, resulting in increased conductivity.", "trg": "Markaa, diirad saarida ions ayaa kordhisay wax soo saarka oo waxaa korodhay habdhaqanka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 851, "src": "Higher-protein diets are often recommended for older consumers;", "trg": "Cunto ay ku badan tahay borootiinta ayaa badanaa loogu taliyaa macaamiisha waayeelka ah;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 852, "src": "The servers are located in 3 regions north america, europe and asia.", "trg": "Waxaa jira 3 aag deegaan oo marayknka waqooyi, yurub iyo aasiya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 853, "src": "Khan Academy recently introduced guided meditation practices.", "trg": "Khan Academy waxa uu dhawaan keeney nidaamyada dhex dhexaadinta la hagay.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 854, "src": "Electric units are easily integrated with machine controls.", "trg": "Qaybaha elektorooniga ah waxay si fudud u dhax galaan xakmeeyaha mishiinka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 855, "src": "Michael Johnson concurred and stated it also met significant aspects of the zoning.", "trg": "Michael Johnson wuu qabsaday oo waxa uu sheegey inay buuxisay qayb wayn oo kamid ah aagaynta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 856, "src": "The patient was successfully treated with surgical drainage and antibiotic administration.", "trg": "Bukaanka waxaa si wanaagsan loogu daweeyay qaliinka dheecaanka iyo siinta antibootiga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 857, "src": "He is sick of watching innocent people die in random acts of violence.", "trg": "Waxa uu ku batay daawashada dadka aan waxba galabsan ee dhimanaya ficil aan loo kasin oo dagaal.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 858, "src": "It is also dependent on aspects such as ethnic, cultural, and geographical differences.", "trg": "Waxay sidoo kale ku xidhan tahay dhinacyada sida anshaxa, dhaqanka iyo deegaanada kala duwan.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 859, "src": "Drivers are trained in responsible eco-driving and fuel usage techniques.", "trg": "Dirawalada waxaa lagu tobobaraa farsamooyinka aan hawada lagu wasakhaynin iyo isticmaalka shidaalka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 860, "src": "Have your business partners signed their partnership agreements?", "trg": "Miyaa ganacsiyaagu ay kala saxeexdeen heshiis cida ay heshiiska ku jiraan?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 861, "src": "Originally published April 11, 2014 and updated periodically.", "trg": "Markii hore waxaa la baahiyay Abriil 11, 2014 oo wakhtigiiba mar ayaa la cusboonaysiiyaa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "so", "id": 862, "src": "Processes outgoing mail, maintains files, orders supplies, and ships packages.", "trg": "Ka shaqaynta waraaqaha la dirayo, kala hagaajinta faylashada, dalabyada agabka iyo bushqada diritaanka.", "is_src_orig": true}