<p> |
<strong>N</strong> groups of people are heading to the beach today! |
The <em>i</em>th group is bringing a circular umbrella with a radius <strong>R<sub>i</sub></strong> meters. |
</p> |
<p> |
The beach has <strong>M</strong> acceptable points at which umbrellas may be screwed into the sand, |
arranged in a line with 1 meter between each adjacent pair of points. |
Each group of people will choose one such point at which to position the center of their umbrella. |
</p> |
<p> |
Of course, it's no good if any pair of umbrellas collide (that is, if the intersection of their circles has a positive area). |
The <strong>N</strong> groups will work together to place their umbrellas such that this doesn't happen. |
However, they're wondering in how many distinct ways that can be accomplished. |
Two arrangements are considered to be distinct if they involve at least one group placing their umbrella in a different spot. |
As this quantity may be very large, they're only interested in its value modulo 1,000,000,007. |
</p> |
<p> |
Note that it might be impossible for all of the groups to validly place their umbrellas, yielding an answer of 0. |
</p> |
<h3>Input</h3> |
<p> |
Input begins with an integer <strong>T</strong>, the number of days the beach is open. |
For each day, there is first a line containing two space-separated integers, <strong>N</strong> and <strong>M</strong>. |
Then, <strong>N</strong> lines follow, the <em>i</em>th of which contains a single integer, <strong>R<sub>i</sub></strong>. |
</p> |
<h3>Output</h3> |
<p> |
For the <em>i</em>th day, print a line containing "Case #<strong>i</strong>: " |
followed by the number of valid umbrella arrangements, modulo 1,000,000,007. |
</p> |
<h3>Constraints</h3> |
<p> |
1 ≤ <strong>T</strong> ≤ 100 <br /> |
1 ≤ <strong>N</strong> ≤ 2,000 <br /> |
1 ≤ <strong>M</strong> ≤ 1,000,000,000 <br /> |
1 ≤ <strong>R<sub>i</sub></strong> ≤ 2,000 <br /> |
</p> |
<h3>Explanation of Sample</h3> |
<p> |
In the second case there are six possibilities. If the radius-1 umbrella is placed at the far-left point, then the radius-2 umbrella can be placed at either of the two right-most points. If the radius-1 umbrella is placed at the second point from the left, then the radius-2 umbrella must be placed at the right-most point. That's three possibilities so far, and we can mirror them to produce three more. |
</p> |