Browse files
@@ -19,87 +19,33 @@ This dataset focuses the SQL corpus of the [Stack v2 dedup](https://huggingface.
19 |
[sqlparse]( is used to parse the SQL code, then count keywords and symbols.
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Below are the annotation columns.
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53 |
### **Keyword.Order**
54 |
- Keywords for specifying sorting orders in query results, e.g. `ASC`, `DESC`.
55 |
56 |
### **Keyword.CTE**
57 |
- Common Table Expression keywords for defining temporary result sets, e.g. `WITH`.
58 |
59 |
### **Keyword.TZCast**
60 |
- Keywords for casting time zones in SQL queries, e.g. `AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'`.
61 |
62 |
### **Name**
63 |
- Represents identifiers such as table or column names.
64 |
65 |
### **Name.Placeholder**
66 |
- Placeholders used for dynamic or parameterized queries.
67 |
68 |
### **Literal**
69 |
- Literal values like numbers, strings, or other constants.
70 |
71 |
### **Literal.Number.Integer**
72 |
- Integer numeric literals in SQL expressions.
73 |
74 |
### **Literal.Number.Float**
75 |
- Floating-point numeric literals in SQL expressions.
76 |
77 |
### **Literal.Number.Hexadecimal**
78 |
- Hexadecimal numeric literals in SQL expressions.
79 |
80 |
### **Literal.String.Single**
81 |
- Single-quoted string literals in SQL expressions.
82 |
83 |
### **Literal.String.Symbol**
84 |
- Symbolic literals used in SQL expressions or commands.
85 |
86 |
### **Comment.Multiline**
87 |
- Represents multi-line comments in SQL code.
88 |
89 |
### **Comment.Multiline.Hint**
90 |
- Multi-line comments providing additional context or hints.
91 |
92 |
### **Comment.Single**
93 |
- Represents single-line comments in SQL code.
94 |
95 |
### **Comment.Single.Hint**
96 |
- Single-line comments providing additional context or hints.
97 |
98 |
### **Text.Whitespace**
99 |
- Represents spaces or tabs in the SQL code for formatting.
100 |
101 |
### **Text.Whitespace.Newline**
102 |
- Represents newline characters in SQL code for line breaks.
103 |
104 |
### **Generic.Command**
105 |
- General commands that may not fall into specific SQL categories
19 |
[sqlparse]( is used to parse the SQL code, then count keywords and symbols.
20 |
21 |
Below are the annotation columns.
22 |
| **Column Name** | **Column Description** |
23 |
24 |
| **Keyword.DML** | Data Manipulation Language commands for modifying database records, e.g. `SELECT`, `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE`, `COMMIT`, `MERGE`, `ROLLBACK`. |
25 |
| **Keyword.DDL** | Data Definition Language commands for defining or altering database structure, e.g. `ALTER`, `CREATE`, `DROP`. |
26 |
| **Keyword.DCL** | Data Control Language commands for managing access and permissions, e.g. `GRANT`, `REVOKE`. |
27 |
| **Keyword** | Reserved words in SQL that represent operations or command, e.g. `FROM`, `WHERE`, `JOIN`, `GROUP`, `ORDER`, `IF`, `WHILE`, `MIN`, `MAX`, `AND`, `OR`, `ON`. |
28 |
| **Name.Builtin** | Built-in data types or reserved names in SQL, e.g. `INTEGER`, `FLOAT`, `CHAR`, `VARCHAR`, `DATE`, `TIMESTAMP`. |
29 |
| **Operator** | Arithmetic, logical, or other operators used for SQL expressions, e.g. `+`, `-`, `*`. |
30 |
| **Operator.Comparison** | Operators for comparing values in SQL expressions, e.g. `==`, `>=`, `<=`, `<>`, `LIKE`, `REGEXP`. |
31 |
| **Assignment** | Symbols used for assigning values in SQL expressions, e.g. `:=`. |
32 |
| **Punctuation** | Symbols used for structuring SQL syntax, e.g.`(`, `)`, `,`, `.`, `:`, `::`, `;`, `[`, `]`. |
33 |
| **Wildcard** | Symbols representing a selection of all columns or rows, e.g. `*`. |
34 |
| **Keyword.Order** | Keywords for specifying sorting orders in query results, e.g. `ASC`, `DESC`. |
35 |
| **Keyword.CTE** | Common Table Expression keywords for defining temporary result sets, e.g. `WITH`. |
36 |
| **Keyword.TZCast** | Keywords for casting time zones in SQL queries, e.g. `AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'`. |
37 |
| **Name** | Represents identifiers such as table or column names. |
38 |
| **Name.Placeholder** | Placeholders used for dynamic or parameterized queries. |
39 |
| **Literal** | Literal values like numbers, strings, or other constants. |
40 |
| **Literal.Number.Integer** | Integer numeric literals in SQL expressions. |
41 |
| **Literal.Number.Float** | Floating-point numeric literals in SQL expressions. |
42 |
| **Literal.Number.Hexadecimal** | Hexadecimal numeric literals in SQL expressions. |
43 |
| **Literal.String.Single** | Single-quoted string literals in SQL expressions. |
44 |
| **Literal.String.Symbol** | Symbolic literals used in SQL expressions or commands. |
45 |
| **Comment.Multiline** | Represents multi-line comments in SQL code. |
46 |
| **Comment.Multiline.Hint** | Multi-line comments providing additional context or hints. |
47 |
| **Comment.Single** | Represents single-line comments in SQL code. |
48 |
| **Comment.Single.Hint** | Single-line comments providing additional context or hints. |
49 |
| **Text.Whitespace** | Represents spaces or tabs in the SQL code for formatting. |
50 |
| **Text.Whitespace.Newline** | Represents newline characters in SQL code for line breaks. |
51 |
| **Generic.Command** | General commands that may not fall into specific SQL categories. |