Dataset card
Data Studio
Files and versions
Subset (163)
2.16k rows
ace_Latn (2.16k rows)
acm_Arab (1.28k rows)
aeb_Arab (5.93k rows)
afr_Latn (50.1k rows)
ajp_Arab (8.6k rows)
als_Latn (856k rows)
amh_Ethi (39k rows)
apc_Arab (16.2k rows)
arb_Arab (~3.41M rows, showing the first 868k)
ars_Arab (52.1k rows)
ary_Arab (118k rows)
arz_Arab (761k rows)
asm_Beng (2.95k rows)
ast_Latn (87.6k rows)
awa_Deva (8.18k rows)
ayr_Latn (10.1k rows)
azb_Arab (3.41k rows)
azj_Latn (512k rows)
bak_Cyrl (3.29k rows)
bam_Latn (3.01k rows)
ban_Latn (787 rows)
bel_Cyrl (60.4k rows)
bem_Latn (582 rows)
ben_Beng (204k rows)
bho_Deva (4.19k rows)
bjn_Latn (1.76k rows)
bos_Latn (636k rows)
bug_Latn (584 rows)
bul_Cyrl (~2.32M rows, showing the first 895k)
cat_Latn (1.13M rows)
ceb_Latn (14.9k rows)
ces_Latn (~3.46M rows, showing the first 1.24M)
ckb_Arab (36.4k rows)
crh_Latn (2.74k rows)
cym_Latn (38.6k rows)
dan_Latn (~1.89M rows, showing the first 1.36M)
deu_Latn (20.3M rows)
dik_Latn (1.23k rows)
ell_Grek (~4.48M rows, showing the first 1.1M)
eng_Latn (~48M rows, showing the first 1.29M)
epo_Latn (23.6k rows)
est_Latn (1.02M rows)
eus_Latn (683k rows)
fao_Latn (14.9k rows)
fij_Latn (1.04k rows)
fin_Latn (~2.19M rows, showing the first 1.19M)
fra_Latn (~18.5M rows, showing the first 1.28M)
fur_Latn (15.8k rows)
fuv_Latn (919 rows)
gaz_Latn (3.4k rows)
gla_Latn (19.6k rows)
gle_Latn (60.3k rows)
glg_Latn (410k rows)
grn_Latn (208k rows)
guj_Gujr (21.9k rows)
hat_Latn (106k rows)
hau_Latn (21.9k rows)
heb_Hebr (~999k rows, showing the first 990k)
hin_Deva (544k rows)
hne_Deva (832 rows)
hrv_Latn (~1.58M rows, showing the first 1.38M)
hun_Latn (~3.22M rows, showing the first 1.09M)
hye_Armn (336k rows)
ibo_Latn (7.09k rows)
ilo_Latn (7.08k rows)
ind_Latn (6.64M rows)
isl_Latn (239k rows)
ita_Latn (~11.9M rows, showing the first 1.29M)
jav_Latn (18.2k rows)
jpn_Jpan (~13.2M rows, showing the first 1.28M)
kab_Latn (6.1k rows)
kan_Knda (9.37k rows)
kas_Arab (1.5k rows)
kat_Geor (353k rows)
kaz_Cyrl (248k rows)
khk_Cyrl (124k rows)
khm_Khmr (23.3k rows)
kin_Latn (20.4k rows)
kir_Cyrl (51.2k rows)
kmr_Latn (34.6k rows)
kor_Hang (~2.24M rows, showing the first 600k)
lao_Laoo (49.9k rows)
lij_Latn (3.58k rows)
lim_Latn (70.1k rows)
lin_Latn (6.3k rows)
lit_Latn (~1.55M rows, showing the first 1.19M)
lmo_Latn (14.1k rows)
ltg_Latn (5.17k rows)
ltz_Latn (27.9k rows)
lug_Latn (1.48k rows)
lus_Latn (7.01k rows)
lvs_Latn (858k rows)
mag_Deva (290 rows)
mal_Mlym (11.2k rows)
mar_Deva (43.7k rows)
min_Latn (1.52k rows)
mkd_Cyrl (539k rows)
mlt_Latn (56.7k rows)
mri_Latn (20.8k rows)
mya_Mymr (6.58k rows)
nld_Latn (~15.9M rows, showing the first 1.48M)
nno_Latn (138k rows)
nob_Latn (~2.05M rows, showing the first 1.38M)
npi_Deva (28k rows)
nya_Latn (11.7k rows)
oci_Latn (61.7k rows)
ory_Orya (3.76k rows)
pag_Latn (1.05k rows)
pan_Guru (10.9k rows)
pap_Latn (29.6k rows)
pbt_Arab (31.9k rows)
pes_Arab (~6.22M rows, showing the first 794k)
plt_Latn (32.1k rows)
pol_Latn (~13.4M rows, showing the first 1.2M)
por_Latn (~7.49M rows, showing the first 1.38M)
prs_Arab (421k rows)
quy_Latn (1.25k rows)
ron_Latn (~4.77M rows, showing the first 1.29M)
run_Latn (17.8k rows)
rus_Cyrl (~13.5M rows, showing the first 594k)
sag_Latn (724 rows)
scn_Latn (27.4k rows)
sin_Sinh (45k rows)
slk_Latn (~2.76M rows, showing the first 1.19M)
slv_Latn (~1.35M rows, showing the first 1.29M)
smo_Latn (11k rows)
sna_Latn (7.4k rows)
snd_Arab (20.6k rows)
som_Latn (58.2k rows)
sot_Latn (7.47k rows)
spa_Latn (~20.6M rows, showing the first 1.28M)
srd_Latn (336k rows)
srp_Cyrl (593k rows)
sun_Latn (16.4k rows)
swe_Latn (~3.03M rows, showing the first 1.57M)
swh_Latn (96.8k rows)
szl_Latn (7.85k rows)
tam_Taml (30.2k rows)
tat_Cyrl (34.5k rows)
tel_Telu (16.1k rows)
tgk_Cyrl (119k rows)
tgl_Latn (141k rows)
tha_Thai (1.8M rows)
tir_Ethi (2.62k rows)
tpi_Latn (785 rows)
tuk_Latn (12.4k rows)
tur_Latn (~4.17M rows, showing the first 1.49M)
twi_Latn (286 rows)
uig_Arab (10.6k rows)
ukr_Cyrl (~2.42M rows, showing the first 890k)
urd_Arab (403k rows)
uzn_Latn (114k rows)
vec_Latn (122k rows)
vie_Latn (~10.9M rows, showing the first 798k)
wol_Latn (2.15k rows)
xho_Latn (13.6k rows)
ydd_Hebr (12.3k rows)
yor_Latn (10.1k rows)
yue_Hant (28.5k rows)
zho_Hans (8.33M rows)
zho_Hant (~3.53M rows, showing the first 1.34M)
zsm_Latn (865k rows)
zul_Latn (13.1k rows)
Split (1)
2.16k rows
train (2.16k rows)
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Subsets and Splits
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