label,text |
5000,If I wasn't working here. |
5000,"..""" |
6000,Sherry learned through our Future Works class that she could rise out of the mire of the welfare system and support her family. |
6000,"I am now... totally off of welfare.""" |
5000,"Here's another story of success from what might seem like an unlikely source: Goodwill's controller, Juli." |
5825,Cornell found a number of employment options that he never dreamed existed after a work-site injury forced him out of his job at a foundry. |
5000,"He trained in desktop publishing and combined his enthusiastic work ethic with new-found skills in a burgeoning industry. """ |
5000,I rode a bike to Goodwill in the rain and snow. |
5500,"William A Carter, Chairman Goodwill Industries Foundation" |
5000,P.S. |
5625,"That money was then spent in a variety of ways, adding fuel to our thriving economy." |
5000,Tax dollars that would have been spent on public assistance are saved. |
5000,A Goodwill staff member addresses a group of welfare recipients: |
5500,"November 15, 1996" |
5500,"I did.""" |
5425,At the next corner he tells five more. |
5000,"In order to develop job skills, a man with some serious disabilities begins working in Goodwill's industrial division." |
3500,It takes a long time for him to gain the self-confidence to work elsewhere in the community. |
5625,He proudly leaves Goodwill to support himself. |
5000,Just like the respect we've earned from U.S. News & World Report. |
6675,Neither do the rest of us who feel the positive results of their success. |
5000,Jack Dustman Board Member and Former Chairman |
6000,"When you and I help somebody find a job, one more person joins the ranks of tax payers, fewer tax dollars are spent on public assistance and businesses gain another consumer." |
5000,Now his goals are set on moving up in the company. |
5000,"Like Michael, they share two common characteristics." |
6675,"With support from people like you, they can overcome their barriers and earn success and the self-sufficiency that comes with it." |
5000,Michael Sims felt that way at age 39 |
5000,"The savings are counted in more ways than dollars and cents, however." |
5825,"Sincerely," |
5000,James M. McClelland President |
5000,P.S. |
5500,Your gift will make a difference. |
2500,For 18 long months Michael could not find a job. |
5500,That's where you |
5500,We help people train for and find jobs that make it possible for them to get off of welfare. |
5000,And welfare reform is an uncertain solution with an unknown starting date. |
5825,Goodwill works. |
5000,"Sincerely, Jack Dustman Chairman" |
4500,"Some are blind, deaf or have other physical disabilities." |
6500,"But Goodwill offers hope even to people with numerous obstacles to overcome, like Jerry." |
6250,Please make an investment in the stability of our community by sending a gift to Goodwill. |
5000,James M. McClelland President |
5000,"Name Address City, ST, Zip" |
4500,He went to the Center Township Trustee for food stamps until he could find a job and a place to live. |
5000,But Jerry's troubles didn't end there. |
4000,"Unemployed, homeless and with a prison record, Jerry now faced going back to prison for failure to pay child support." |
5000,Mary Roth Executive Director |
4500,Very few have family support to get them started. |
5500,Do you remember the combination of elation and apprehension you felt when you first left home? |
4500,3. Positive termination of his or her Pleasant Run program |
5000,"Proof of meeting these, two staff reference letters and an essay stating why they should receive a grant and how it will be used are all reviewed by a Pleasant Run panel, which determines if the applicant merits the funds." |
4175,"Little ones, like Baby Jessica, caught in the struggle between adoptive and birth parents." |
5825,"The children and families who come to Pleasant Run are given the opportunity to become happy, loving, and productive members of our society." |
5500,Your gift will give children and families hope for improved tomorrows. |
5000,"Sincerely," |
1500,"Families are being torn apart, and too often, children are the victims." |
4500,"Alice, sent to a group home to get help because of severe behavior disorders;" |
5000,"for others, it's years." |
7000,We're proud of our children and all that they overcome. |
5500,"Pleasant Run Children's Homes... ""where good kids get better.""" |
5000,"Sincerely," |
5000,It is a fund-raising appeal. |
5000,They come into a Pleasant Run program... |
5000,"whether it's for therapeutic help in their own homes (which nurtures whole families), through foster care families or in the familial surroundings of our residential homes." |
6250,Your contribution will make a difference in a child's life. |
5000,"Today we are asking you to take a few minutes to consider making a contribution to Pleasant Run to help the 1,500 children families we care for." |
4000,"Others are from families that are struggling to provide a healthy, happy environment but don't have the resources to make it possible." |
5000,"If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Lisa Lusk or Marcia Whited at 693-9222." |
6875,Thank you for considering this opportunity to make this a memorable holiday season for a family in need. |
5000,"Every year we seek companies, organizations and individuals to sponsor one or more of our families." |
5500,The kids are depending on you. |
5000,"February 26, 1999" |
5000,"The Jameson Grill has been designed to be nothing but fun for you, your family, employees, and maybe even your neighbors." |
5000,One of our volunteers will be contacting you soon. |
5000,Questions? |
6250,! |
5500,"From basketball, kickball, volleyball, archery, crafts, an egg toss, and even a walk through our creek, you will have plenty to do to get you good and hungry." |
5000,"Hungry, you bet!" |
5000,"The family-friendly event, September 20, 1997, will include a hog roast, activities for kids and adults, prizes for activities, and a small raffle." |
5000,"Or, you can fax us at 241-2760, or e-mail, [email protected]." |
5500,"If you have any questions, please call me at 241-2661." |
7000,We appreciate your support of our first event of this type. |
5000,Help Blaze The Trail |
4575,"All children who attend the camp are referred by social workers, doctors, teachers, counselors, and other professionals." |
5500,"The goal of our organized camping experience is to improve the total health of the children socially, emotionally, and physically." |
6500,This year Jameson Camp is planning an Inaugural fund-raising event: The Jameson Grill! |
6000,"Please, consider renewing your support of these great kids today." |
5000,Julie Marsh Executive Director |
4575,YL teens will make J.C. juniors happen again this year for 7 and 8 year old campers. |
5000,And their activities aren't isolated to Jameson. |
5000,Please consider renewing your gift today. |
7500,Thank you again for helping point the way. |
6000,"If these special children are to become the adults we all need them to be, we have to lead them in the right direction right now." |
5000,Jameson points the way for children who need that extra hand and I hope you'll continue your support this year. |
5500,"You're last gift of $50.00 helped make it possible for us to provide guidance, encouragement and fun to nearly 400 Indianapolis area children." |
6000,The best indicator I can give you of the positive effect our year-round contact has is the growth in and deeds of the Youth Leadership teens. |
6000,"The end result will be kids who have a better understanding of and vision for their own future, be it college or a career." |
5000,We would like to offer our youth a small reward for their participation by presenting them with gift certificates from Target. |
5000,"July30,1999" |
6000,We're at an exciting juncture and it won't be long until we start seeing solid results from our efforts. |
5000,"If you have any questions, feel free to call Valery De Long at CCI, 638-3360 x23." |
5500,One of the areas we've decided to focus on is development. |
5000,Where else would that many people turn if CCI weren't there to help? |
5000,Dear LTR_NAME: |
6000,This in turn will help us to increase and even improve the services we offer. |
5000,HIPPY (Home Instructional Program for Preschool Youngsters) for families. |
5000,Transportation for youth and seniors |
5500,"Answer 34,700 opportunities to change a life!" |
7000,"Your gift will enable CCI to provide these and other necessary services at a neighborhood level, face-to-face, where it counts." |
5000,"Please, make a tax deductible gift to Community Centers of Indianapolis in 1999, and know that COMPANY is playing an important part in meeting the needs of its community." |
5000,And we can do even more in 1999 with your financial support! |
5000,Just look at the range of services we offer: |
5000,Preschool for young children |
5000,Adult Day Care for seniors |
5500,"As a provider of youth services, MCCOY, Inc. is here to support your valuable efforts to develop young people." |
5500,"Recently, through a lot of hard work and alliances with organizations like yours, some steps have been taken in our community that will help young people continue to be involved in positive activities." |
5825,"In 1998, MCCOY, Inc. led two efforts that, we believe, will help our community continue to take the steps necessary to help all young people grow up and develop well." |
5500,"One, IndyGo in April adopted a much-needed policy that all young people under the age of 19 may ride on their buses at half the normal fare all year long." |
5000,"Two, funding was made available this summer for youth organizations and churches to conduct positive youth programming on Saturday evenings." |
5000,"August 4, 1999" |
6000,That need is being met. |
5000,"John F. Brandon, President MCCOY, Inc." |
5000,I will call you in a few weeks to discuss your level of interest. |
5000,"January 5, 1997" |
5000,"Sincerely," |
5000,John Brandon Executive Director |
5000,"The formation of The Community Academy, a pilot project directed at expelled students from local school systems, has come about as a result of MCCOY's efforts to mobilize community agencies in response to a pressing issue." |
5000,"October 7, 1996" |
5825,"Since its re-organization, MCCOY has established its unique niche within the community by refraining from direct service programming and focusing on what it does best: helping to identify youth needs, convening groups of individuals and organizations which can address those needs, and moving toward collaborative solutions." |
5000,"MCCOY was reorganized as an independent, not-for-profit agency, separate from local government." |
5000,McCoy has only one interest: the well being of Marion County's young people. |
5000,"In the last several years, the business and corporate community has recognized that the positive development of youth is directly related to the development of a competent workforce." |
5000,Youth who are supported and encouraged by both a family and a society that values Them have a much greater likelihood of becoming productive and contributing members of adult society. |
4500,"While we have made significant inroads, there remains much to be done and it is clear that we cannot do it alone." |
4500,"Sincerely," |
5000,"For the past three years, MCCOY has been actively engaged in accomplishing this declared mission in cooperation with many others: youth service providers, youth, funding bodies, and interested citizens to name a few." |
6000,"We have met with a number of successes along the way, most notably the Summer Fun Line, the Metro Summer Bus Pass, and the development of ten neighborhood youth councils." |
6000,"In the summer of 1993, the Marion County Commission on Youth began what can best be described as a ""new era"" in its history." |
5825,A Providers Council and a Youth Coalition are building relationships that will hopefully bear great fruit in the years to come. |
6000,The JCC would be very pleased to welcome your organization as a corporate sponsor. |
5000,"Enclosed is a corporate sponsorship package that includes a sample of your ad from last year's auction book, current JCC market statistics and an overview of the many JCC programs that will be preserved and strengthened through your generous support." |
5000,"If you are a regular contributor to the Annual Campaign, I encourage you to consider increasing your gift by 10%." |
5000,Early adolescence is the most vulnerable age for youth. |
2500,It's tough growing up today. |
5000,This money maintains the infrastructure that fosters and supports the development of effective relationships. |
5500,"August 6, 1998" |
4500,"But for each girl served, more are left unserved." |
5625,"Big Sisters helps fill that void by matching caring, responsible adult volunteers with at-risk girls, ages 8-14." |
5000,"A Big Sister is a mentor, a friend and a role model, helping a young girl to develop the self-confidence and life skills necessary to become a responsible, productive and successful adult." |
5000,"It is a pivotal time in the life of a young girl-when small changes in her behavior, or the choices she makes, can affect her future." |
6000,reduced first-time drug use by 46% |
6500,enhanced school performance showed improved peer and family relationships |
5500,"Former Little Sister Amy, now 18-years old, is a testament to the Big Sisters program." |
7500,I am very thankful to the Big Sisters program for allowing me this very special opportunity. |
5000,You are an important part in making sure these young people are matched with caring adult mentors. |
6000,"When you give to Big Sisters, you can get 50% back!" |
5000, |
6500,Many Little Sisters are preparing to go back to school this fall full of hope and with a positive outlook. |
6000,"Please consider joining the Chairman's Roundtable with a gift of $1,000." |
5000,"Name Address City, ST Zip" |
5000,Dear Name: |
5000,"I now invite you to continue to support the mission and the message that is so important to building strong kids, strong families and strong communities." |
5000,Hall is to return to Washington on April 22. |
4575,The sanctions cannot be lifted until U.N. inspectors certify that Iraq has eliminated its weapons of mass destruction and the means to produce them. |
5500,"He did not speak to reporters in Jordan, but he told The Associated Press before leaving the United States that he hopes to ""separate the humanitarian work from the political issues.""" |
5000,He said he would pay particular attention to what happens to food and medicine entering the country under the U.N. oil-for-food program. |
5000,"If supplies are not reaching the people who need them, Hall said, he wanted to find out whether the United Nations or relief agencies needed to handle things differently, or whether ""Iraq needs to get out of the way and let us do the job.""" |
5000,A U.S. lawmaker assessing the impact of U.N. sanctions on Iraq said Wednesday it is important not only to force Baghdad to give up its weapons of mass destruction but also to do more to ease the hardships on ordinary Iraqis. |
5000,The U.S. government says it wants to ensure that Iraq is not buying items that appear to be humanitarian in nature but that could be used for making weapons. |
4575,"""It was very, very important"" to compel Iraq to rid itself of weapons of mass destruction so that ""it cannot use or export them to other countries,"" he told Associated Press Television News." |
4500,"""We recognized that terrorism is a global threat and that the disturbing acts of terrorism and transnational crimes, which continue to threaten world peace and stability, must be tackled by the international community,""" |
5000,"Powell is among the representatives from 13 nations outside Southeast Asia, including China, Japan and Russia, that are taking part in the annual meeting of the group's regional forum." |
5000,The committee's action comes six months after federal prosecutors ended a lengthy criminal investigation into Torricelli's activities without filing criminal charges. |
5000,"""some ideas and some initiatives""" |
4500,"Indonesia is already receiving $400,000 in the current fiscal year for civilian training programs and is to receive a like amount next year; and the United States expects to provide an additional $16 million this year to train police officers in counterterrorism." |
5000,"But a senior State Department official also acknowledged that some in the administration and Congress are pushing for more direct military cooperation, which would require congressional approval." |
5000,"""I think they recognize the danger that we all face and I think they have been cooperating more fully with us as time goes by, and I'm quite sure that Mrs. Megawati is committed to this cause,"" Powell said in Singapore." |
4000,"Powell contended that it was not inconsistent to want to foster cooperation even with an organization like the Indonesian military, which has a history of human rights abuses." |
5000,"""always felt""" |
2500,"""severely admonished""" |
6000,"Microsoft plans to announce on Wednesday a partnership with AT&T Wireless Services to offer software for wireless devices and services, a person close to the talks said Tuesday night." |
4500,Neither Microsoft nor AT&T Wireless would comment. |
5000,"It has run into particular opposition from companies aligned with Nokia, which has developed a competing software." |
5000,"In recent months, Microsoft has announced partnerships with wireless carriers like Verizon and Sprint PCS." |
5000,"Less than three weeks after outfielder Cliff Floyd was imported to Montreal to play a pivotal part in the Expos' playoff plans, he was traded to Boston Tuesday night to try his hand in what the Red Sox hope will be their postseason plans." |
5000,deadline for making trades without first getting waivers on players. |
5000,"Floyd can be a free agent after this season, and Minaya decided it would be more prudent to trade him and get value in return than have to settle for a draft choice or two as compensation when he signed with another team as a free agent." |
5000,The Expos acquired Sun Woo-kim and Seung Jun-song. |
4000,With the barrage of crack cocaine-connected killings in the 1980s came the realization that young people were too often full-fledged players in the violence. |
5000,"That was more evident here than in any other city, said George Starke, who after his career as an offensive tackle with the Washington Redskins from 1973 to 1984 stuck around and decided to make this place more than his home." |
4000,"""There was death in D.C. throughout the '80s and into the '90s, and there was death everywhere,"" said Starke, who was reared in New Rochelle, N.Y., and played at Columbia." |
5000,"I could see that you needed the private sector involved.""" |
4000,Packwood later resigned. |
3125,And Starke was tired of seeing Washington and its young people suffer a black eye. |
5000,Students learn automotive intricacies and can earn a a high school equivalency diploma. |
5000,"""just so I could know how the business worked from the ground up,""" |
5500,"So, Starke matched a problem with a problem and found a solution." |
5000,Seventy students are participating in summer classes. |
5000,"Angela Nafis, 47, of Ecuador, has been in the school for a year." |
5000,"Charles Easterling, 24, said he had been enrolled for a month but lived ""wherever.""" |
5000,"""wherever.""" |
5500,Easterling said he would do whatever it took to become stable. |
6000,"""It shows if you have the will and the dedication here you can learn a lot and be something. It taught me maturity. This school is like a big family.""" |
6675,"""I've been flapping my wings since until I found this school,""" |
7000,"I'm grateful to George Starke to have had the vision to set something like this up, not just for me but for all the students." |
5500,"And when I become a technician, I will help the poor and needy by giving them affordable rates.""" |
5000,The city has talked with Starke about using his students for some vehicle repairs. |
5000,This one will be auctioned for the school. |
6500,"""A lot of kids are afraid of 'the process' and I wanted to take 'the process' out. For this school, once they are in, all they have to do is come every day, come on time every day and work hard. A little more than 50 percent of our kids make it through. I want it to be more, but my job is not to see that everybody makes it; my job is to see that everybody has the opportunity to make it.""" |
5500,"The anonymous buyer, believed to be an individual collector who lives in the United States, made the winning bid in a fiercely contested nine-minute auction at Sotheby's in Manhattan." |
5000,"Eight bidders were joined by 500 coin collectors and dealers in an auction house audience seemingly devoid of celebrity bidders, while an additional 534 observers followed the bidding on eBay." |
5625,"""to be placed in this position.""" |
5000,"As auction houses prepare for their fall seasons in an uncertain economy, the sale price ""suggests that the marketplace for important items is enormously strong,"" said David Redden, a vice chairman at Sotheby's, who was the auctioneer." |
6500,"""a long historic journey, with a very satisfying ending.""" |
9375,"""I am thrilled with the price.""" |
5000,"The previous numismatic record holder was an 1804 U.S. silver dollar, which sold for $4.14 million in 1999." |
5825,"""So the auction was almost like the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the convention,"" Stack said." |
6000,"""because it is one of a kind, it is beautiful and it has a great story.""" |
5500,"""saints.""" |
4000,"But in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt took the United States off the gold standard, and ordered all the 1933 saints already manufactured destroyed, save for two reserved for the Smithsonian Institution." |
5000,They were seized by the Secret Service and melted down. |
5500,"His arrest in Manhattan, after attempting to sell the coin for $1.5 million, led to a court battle over whether -- thanks to the Treasury's mistaken export permission in 1944 -- the coin could be legally owned." |
5000,The coin once again escaped destruction when it was moved from the Treasury Department vault in 7 World Trade Center eight months before the building collapsed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. |
4500,"""Many people believe that our great coin rarities are vastly undervalued in comparison to old master paintings,"" Deisher said." |
5000,"In a ceremony after the sale, Fore of the mint declared the coin the only 1933 double eagle ever to be legally issued by the U.S. government." |
5000,"This ""monetized"" the coin, making it legal tender." |
5500,"The buyer will receive a certificate of transfer stating just that, but only after paying the auction price and a fee of $20 for the face value of the coin." |
5000,Following are excerpts from the findings of the Senate Ethics Committee's report on Sen. Robert G. Torricelli's dealings with David Chang: |
4000,"In court documents, the government noted that Chang could not be trusted." |
5000,"On May 23, 2002, Mr. Chang was convicted of attempting to corruptly persuade a witness to give false testimony, a conspiracy to violate the federal election law and four violations of the federal election law." |
5000,"A photograph of the candidate standing in his Army uniform next to his mother is shown, then the advertisement shifts to McCall talking about education, while images of the candidate looking at a computer screen with a small child and of him surrounded by children appear." |
4500,"On the basis of thousands of pages of information developed in an earlier federal inquiry into Torricelli's activities, the committee chastised him for using poor judgment and disregarding Senate rules in his dealings with the former donor, David Chang." |
5000,"Carl McCall"" appear on the screen." |
5000,"Thus, most of the facts presented are a matter of record." |
4175,"And Time magazine actually called his resume, not his life, an American dream, but it also followed that up with a reference to his life, saying he was one of six children and raised on welfare." |
4500,"The court, vacating Nelson's death sentence for the second time, ruled on two grounds: that the jury could have been confused by instructions on the verdict sheet and that the prosecutor made improper accusations in his closing argument." |
4500,"Justice James R. Zazzali and Justice Virginia Long said in a separate opinion that in addition to the reasons given in the majority opinion, also written by Zazzali, they believed the death penalty would constitute cruel and unusual punishment because of Nelson's history of emotional disturbance." |
3000,"The committee did not confirm some of the most serious allegations, including Chang's claim that he gave Torricelli tens of thousands of dollars in cash." |
2500,"Marshall, an insurance agent from Toms River, was convicted of hiring a man to kill his wife while the couple were going home after an evening of dining and gambling in Atlantic City." |
5000,"The New York Times said in an editorial for Wednesday, July 31:" |
5000,Nor is it likely his sentence would have been reaffirmed if Mubarak believed that convicting an American citizen for promoting democracy and human rights might jeopardize his own standing with the Bush administration and the $2 billion annual American subsidy that keeps his government afloat. |
5500,"That aid bonanza was granted to reward Mubarak's predecessor, Anwar Sadat, for signing a peace treaty with Israel." |
5000,It is time to extend this policy to Egypt. |
5625,"It is a country with a long and glorious history, a substantial middle class, a peace treaty with Israel and large quantities of American aid." |
3000,What is needed is a message delivered personally by Bush and other top officials not only about the inexcusable treatment of Ibrahim but of the contemptuous approach to democratic values. |
5000,"While rethinking the plans will delay the original rebuilding schedule slightly, it does not need to stall progress if the governor keeps the pressure on the Lower Manhattan Development Corp." |
5000,and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. |
5000,Renegotiating that issue with the World Trade Center leaseholders should begin immediately. |
5000,"Opening the process to other designers, both here and internationally, will help separate this urban plan from the ordinary." |
5000,"The city also needs to begin openly discussing what happens underground, in particular with the transportation network." |
5500,"At this point, planners have focused on short-term repair of PATH and subway lines, with medium-range proposals being shopped in Washington that could untangle the disorganized web of subway lines downtown." |
4175,"But it would be expensive, and the governor, the mayor and their friends in Washington will have to look at long-range ways to pay the bill." |
5000,"""material and credible.""" |
4500,The Jeffords proposal would make the same sizable reductions by 2008. |
5000,We also agree that the law needs streamlining. |
3325,"But some regulations, aimed at specific regional problems that nationwide trading alone is unable to address, cannot lightly be abandoned." |
5000,"In Torricelli's case, it acted without conducting a full investigation, saying the case had been exhaustively scrutinized by federal authorities." |
4500,A government official involved in the inquiry said that evidence of those gifts was either incomplete or the subject of conflicting accounts by different witnesses. |
4500,"A person familiar with Torricelli's testimony to the committee said he had told its members that he repaid the ""wholesale"" cost of the appliances because Chang told him that was what he had paid." |
5000,"The statues, the existence of which had not been publicly known before, were displayed in Torricelli's Senate office." |
5000,"Finally, the committee appeared to have discounted Torricelli's contention that he was not responsible for expensive earrings that Chang had given as Christmas gifts to his sister, Stern and Balaban." |
4500,"According to a government official involved in the inquiry, the information reviewed by the Ethics Committee also included an analysis by federal investigators showing that during the period in which Chang claimed to have made numerous cash payments to Torricelli, the senator spent thousands of dollars more in cash than investigators could account for from his bank withdrawals and other known sources of income." |
5000,"A spokeswoman for Torricelli, Debra DeShong, said he had fully accounted for all the money he had spent." |
5000,"Moving quickly to make a campaign issue of the Senate letter, Bill Pascoe, Forrester's campaign manager, said the findings were evidence that Torricelli had undertaken an ""extensive campaign of misinformation and deceit,"" and called on him to release the sworn testimony he gave to the panel." |
5000,"In meetings on Tuesday in Malaysia and Singapore before touching down in this oil-producing sultanate for two days of talks with members of the Association of South East Asian Nations, Powell said he repeatedly raised the issue." |
4500,"The Senate Ethics Committee on Tuesday night ""severely admonished"" Sen. Robert G. Torricelli, D-N.J., saying he had violated Senate rules by accepting and failing to disclose expensive gifts from a former contributor to whom he repeatedly gave help." |
5000,"Our extraordinary permanent collection, facility, and grounds, we understand full well, would not be possible without the philanthropic support of civic-minded men and women." |
5000,"June 6, 2000" |
5000,Mark your calendars! |
5625,Pat LaCrosse asked me to send this information inviting you to join the Georgia O'Keeffe Circle of the Indianapolis Museum of Art's Second Century Society (SCS). |
5000,What he does is standard filmmaking practice. |
5500,They were right. |
3750,"You claim that there was ""no way to change location, since you have to give advance notice of that to the members, and there were upwards of 4,000,000 members.""" |
4500,To say that they could not have done otherwise is a bold lie by Moore's critics. |
5000,"Concerning the Georgetown Hoya interview where Heston was asked about Rolland, you write: ""There is no indication that [Heston] recognized Kayla Rolland's case.""" |
4000,This is naive to the extreme |
5000,"Even if he did not respond to that part of the interview, he certainly knew about the case at that point." |
5000,"This is one valid criticism, but far from the deliberate distortion you make it out to be; rather, it is an example for how the facts can sometimes be easy to miss with Moore's fast pace editing." |
5000,"His documentary is full of subtle humor, jaw-dropping dialogue and dark contrasts." |
5000,"The reason the sentence is highlighted is not to deceive the viewer into believing that Heston hurried to Flint to immediately hold a rally there (as will become quite obvious), but simply to highlight the first mention of the name ""Kayla Rolland"" in the text, which is in this paragraph." |
4000,"However, the claim of deliberate distortion is ludicrous for several reasons:" |
5000,"All in all, it is an accurate portrayal of America's gun and violence culture." |
4000,"c) Both the ""soccer mom"" interview and the sequences showing the NRA rally make no effort to distort the fact that this rally happened months after the fact." |
4175,"The camera lingers on Bush/Cheney posters, and the protestor is quoted as saying that ""we wanted to let the NRA know that we haven't forgotten about Kayla Rolland""." |
4500,"""we wanted to let the NRA know that we haven't forgotten about Kayla Rolland""" |
3750,"You make the hysterical claim that the interview ""may be faked"" (on the basis that no name is shown for the interviewee), but if Moore had faked it, why the hell should he put this sentence in the protestor's mouth, which directly contradicts the conclusion that the rally happened hours after Kayla's death?" |
4500,"It also raises questions about America's foreign policy of recent decades, questions which have been all but ignored by Moore's critics." |
5000,"Perhaps the best example of the paranoia surrounding Moore's film is your sub-essay ""Is the end of the Heston interview itself faked?" |
3325,"This is the key message of this part of the animation, which is again being ignored by its critics." |
3500,"You write: ""Fact: The little boy was the class thug, already suspended from school for stabbing another kid with a pencil, and had fought with Kayla the day before""." |
3500,"The kid was a little bastard, and the parents were involved in drugs -- case closed." |
3500,"In poor areas, the highly profitable drug business obviously is often seen as the last resort." |
4500,"But the real cause here are not the drugs themselves, but poverty and the ""war on drugs""." |
4500,"Even the official quoted by Moore blames the welfare to work program, knowing full well that the drug issue is a red herring." |
4000,"Poverty is frequently portrayed as natural, and the poor in America are seen by conservatives as VCR-owners who are just too lazy to work." |
3325,How could he even think about blaming poverty and forced labor programs for anything bad that happens? |
3750,"After the September 11 attacks, it was necessary for conservatives to somehow explain away the fact that the US government gave 245 million dollars to the new evildoers du jour." |
4500,"Statistics are Moore's weakest point, and it is surprising that his critics don't dwell on them longer." |
4500,"His main mistake is that he does not use population corrected data, his second mistake is that he does not cite his sources (and, as you correctly point out, he probably uses different reporting methods for the different countries)." |
4500,A good comparison of international homicide rates can be found on the relatively neutral guncite.com website. |
5000,"If these causes were addressed, gun ownership in the United States would not be a problem (but also unnecessary); just like it is in Switzerland." |
3325,"Similarly, the main motivation for the crusades (beyond the promise of wealth) was that Christians were supposedly being slaughtered and had to be saved." |
4500,"You write: ""Bowling for Columbine is dishonest." |
6000,"What is true is that Bowling for Columbine is a diamond in the small world of big screen documentaries, one that shines brightly and illuminates an often misunderstood aspect of American culture." |
5500,"Other than towards the NRA, the movie tries hard to avoid simplistic conclusions, and comes up with some thoughtful answers." |
3000,"Obviously, media propaganda can incite people to kill." |
6000,"Certainly, Moore is one of the most talented filmmakers in the United States today, and his film fully deserved its Oscar." |
5000,"Interactive fiction like video games, on the other hand, presents violence in a narrative context, which may very well desensitize participants to said violence, but no causative link has ever been proven." |
5000,"According to the LA Times, the documentary genre ""owes a huge debt to Michael Moore"" -- after Bowling's success, films like ""Spellbound"" and ""Capturing the Friedmans"" were taken seriously and shown in many more theatres than otherwise likely." |
5000,"Moore's hypothesis (which apparently comes at least in part from the book ""Culture of Fear"" by Barry Glassner, also advertised on Moore's website) is that the constant bombardment with messages of fear can incite paranoia, which itself can lead to violent acts." |
5000,"This is consistent with the kind of media-incited violence described above, and in no relationship whatsoever to the theory of video game or music incited violence." |
3500,"Children who grow up in war-torn regions are known for having similar views -- war is perceived as a normal part of existence, violence as a natural way to solve disputes." |
5000,"Their chances are small, however, as their arguments rely on polemic, exaggeration and misrepresentation -- in other words, on the same techniques which they accuse Moore of using." |
4000,Americans were gloating over this demented corpse show: |
4500,"""They squealed like little piggies too, so you'll have to make do with 'oink, oink, squeeeeeeeallll' for their last words." |
4175,"Still think fucking with the U.S. was a good idea, Sammy?""" |
5000,Let's look at some specific criticisms: |
5000,"1) The bank scene, listed on your website on a separate page." |
4500,"It is not explained what ""normally"" is supposed to mean, but that claim flatly contradicts the statement of the bank official in the film." |
4175,"This sounds more like a later correction for public relations purposes, but of course nobody questions the bank claims when they can be used against Moore." |
4500,It is fascinating to watch the organized character assassination of Michael Moore that has been going on in the United States since the release of his last documentary. |
5000,The only thing that Moore compressed is the timeframe. |
5000,"According to the same WSJ interview, ""Typically, you're looking at a week to 10 days waiting period.""" |
5000,2) The Lockheed-Martin interview. |
3325,These are weapons of mass destruction. |
3500,"""I guess I don't see that specific connection because the missiles that you're talking about were built and designed to defend us from somebody else who would be aggressors against us.""" |
3750,"In a time of simple-minded patriotism, loud, clear and dissenting voices like Mr. Moore's are perceived as disturbing and have to be silenced, partially through well funded public relations campaigns, partially through conservative ""grass-roots"" propaganda." |
4175,McCollum understands it this way |
5000,"In response to one Moore detractor, McCollum wrote: ""Although other units of Lockheed Martin Corporation elsewhere in the country produce weapons to support the defense of the U.S., we make no weapons at the Littleton-area facility Moore visited.""" |
4500,"As Moore correctly points out, it is bizarre for a society to openly embrace the production of destructive weapons, but on the other hand see no connection of this to everyday violence -- children learn by imitating adults." |
5000,"Yes, Moore makes this point through slight exaggeration by moving with the camera through the LM plant -- but he makes no incorrect statement." |
5000,"It is perhaps one of his most famous quotes, shown on national TV even here in Germany." |
6000,"It tells viewers: Aha, this is the person we are talking about." |
5000,Inauguration of free zone in Dubai for e-commerce |
5000,Launching 'Dubai Internet city ' coincided with the opening of the annual information fair in Dubai which is considered to be the biggest in the Middle East - Gulf Information Technology Getix.' |
5000,"Sheikh Mohammed, who is also the UAE Defence Minister, said during the launching ceremony ""we wish to make Dubai a center of modern economy""." |
5000,"The e-commerce free zone is situated in north Dubai, near the industrial free zone in Jebel Ali, the top regional and tenth international leading area in container transit." |
3500,Why is someone so young not having fun with friends on a Friday night. |
7000,"since, when I was your age I had fun playing with my adorable son and caring for another baby." |
5000,You need to try to have a life outside your computer. |
5000,Plus Justifying Comics as a Legitimate Object of Study Parts I & II. |
6500,"I also liked ""Teaching the Overdetermined Image." |
5500,Agree with the previous two comments. |
5000,What happened to your post that appeared in my RSS reader yesterday? |
5500,I can't believe I wrote all that last year. |
7000,"I noted on Facebook that, from a statistical perspective, what makes baseball such an amazing sport is that you can watch it your entire life and still see, on a daily basis, something you’ve never seen before." |
4500,The fact that at some point in the future I can know who I rode in an elevator with on 28 December 2005 is less weird because I chose to write about riding in an elevator with Grimace . |
6000,"Memory, as Gertrude Stein would say, is funny." |
4000,"My grandpa was alert till the end, but when I last saw him at age 92 everything he wanted to talk about was 70 years in the past." |
6000,"Over the past year, the Graduate School of Arts and Science has seen record level contributions from its alumni and alumnae to the School’s Annual Fund." |
6000,Now is your chance to get a great discount on Nature Walks in the New Hampshire Lakes Region—the latest addition to our Nature Walks series—and Nature Hikes in the White Mountains. |
5000,"It includes detailed maps and photographs; camping and picnicking information; driving, parking, and canoe put-in instructions; illustrated nature essays; tips on safety and equipment." |
6000,Find a nearby hidden gem and start planning your next weekend or family vacation with all three superlative guides. |
5000,Membership in a Bottle includes: ·32-oz. loop-top Nalgene water bottle ·12-month AMC individual membership |
5000,York by land or by water. |
5000,APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB members take recreation time seriously and know the importance of good trail information. |
5500,"From seaside trails in Acadia National Park to Baxter Park’s vast wilderness, you’ll encounter a host of wildlife, untrammeled hiking trails rimmed with towering pine, and more than 100 crystal-clear lakes, ponds, and thundering rivers." |
5000,"Diagram of the polarization-opponent unit described by Lambrinos, et al (2000)." |
4500,"The unit takes in polarization levels through the two polarization-sensitive photodiodes and feeds them into the logarithm ratio amplifier, which returns the difference of the logarithmized signals from the photodiodes." |
5000,"Ants themselves rely primarily on chemical information taken in through their antennae, and to mimic this, Antie will have chemical sensing and emitting “stalks” with which to both interact with other ants (who may be surprised to find an ant without antennae) and take in chemical information." |
5000,"These stalks will need to have receptors to measure the n-alkene levels present in another ant’s cuticular hydrocarbons, which research indicates is the marker for harvester ants of a nestmate’s current task, perhaps because the hydrocarbons are altered in the dry sun, causing a different ratio of n-alkanes to n-alkenes and the presence of branched n-alkanes in the hydrocarbon profile (Wagner, et al, 2001, as cited in Gordon & Greene, 2003)." |
5000,"Returning successful patrollers have an even greater effect on foraging activity: foragers will not leave the nest unless a patroller returns (Gordon, 2002), and the rate of foraging in a colony can be controlled by rolling glass beads coated with cuticular hydrocarbons extracted from patrollers into the nest (Gordon & Greene, 2003; Greene & Gordon, 2007)." |
5000,"All of these chemical receptors will be arranged in an array on a pair of chemical stalks, with four of each type of receptor per stalk." |
5000,"These sensors will be of the type patented by Peterson, et al (Patent #4,492,949), and will feature several layers of electrically insulating and parallel flexible conductive rods arranged such that an exerted pressure may be measured in output voltage." |
5500,Antie’s motors will allow it to move around and interact with its environment and fellow ants. |
5500,"A third motor will lift and lower the grippers, allowing Antie to raise and lower gripped items as an ant would by raising and lowering its head." |
5000,Three small sprayers will emit successful patroller and forager pheromones and cuticular hydrocarbons from the appropriate sacs. |
5000,The Behavior |
5000,"Antie will have a hybrid software architecture: a subsumption hierarchy will be responsible for switching between behaviors, but many sub-behaviors will operate on a schema basis." |
5000,"Though fights sometimes do break out with other red harvester ants from different nests, intraspecies interactions tend not to be aggressive (Gordon, 11)." |
5000,"Common behaviors will include a forward cruise and turning mechanism, procedures to determine the orientation towards nest and the distance from the nest when outside, in-nest navigation, an escape function for when objects are detected or bumped into, object identification and gripping, a generic algorithm for pheromone plume and chemical trail following, and the identification of other ants." |
5000,"These behaviors will often be used in other subroutines running on a schema basis, and when combined with the forward cruise function, should cause the robot to move at an angle." |
5000,"Antie will therefore have a polarization function that will return a compass direction toward which it should orient in order to return home to the nest, and a distance function that will return the shortest direct distance." |
5000,The first function might look something like this: |
5500,"In-nest navigation will be a function of the temperature, read by Antie’s thermometer and a light source." |
5000,"The behaviors of the sterile workers may be divided into several subcategories: brood care, nest maintenance, patrolling and foraging." |
5000,"Because this function responds to the sensors on Antie’s around the sides and only its sonar detectors will be able to detect objects in front of it, this escape function will not prevent Antie from being able to locate and pick up objects such as seeds." |
5000,"Once the object has been identified, Antie may grip it and lift it." |
5000,"A simple void function grip() taking in no inputs will tighten the grippers until a certain threshold of pressure is reached, at which point the grippers will be lifted for carrying." |
5000,"Because the same general algorithm will be followed for the localization of all three chemical traces, I will provide pseudocode for only one generic subroutine." |
4500,"Unfortunately, as of yet, no robot has managed to fool a human for more than a few seconds, and no robot has been created that can integrate itself into human society." |
5000,The final common subroutine will be one for the identification of other ants. |
5000,The code will be similar to the object identification subroutine and may look something like this: |
5000,"Red harvester ants do not retain one task throughout their lifespan, but instead change their behaviors as is appropriate for the colony (Gordon, 1996)." |
5000,"Finally, I will discuss a main method encoding the task switching between these behaviors." |
5500,The midden work behavior will be Antie’s default initial behavior. |
5000,"It will be initiated in the morning by the sunrise, and will continue until the outside temperature reaches 52oC, at which point all red harvester ants must return to the nest." |
5000,A program encoding this behavior might look like this: |
5000,"This behavior will be implemented in two parts, with a task-switching algorithm based on age." |
5000,"Harvester ants display a preference to wander in familiar territory, though foragers and patrollers do sometimes wander into other nests’ territories (Gordon, 57-60)." |
5000,A general site of food is all that the patroller need find; the foragers will dig through the sand for the food. |
5000,"Foragers will follow trails marked by patrollers to their conclusion before collecting food to bring back to the nest, even if more tantalizing food presents itself in their path (Gordon, 47)." |
5000,The code might look like this: |
5000,"To remind the reader, this technique was implemented earlier in this proposal to create the limited task-switching between nest patrolling and trail patrolling." |
6000,"The switch from patrolling to foraging has been modeled as a function of successful foragers’ returns with great accuracy by Schafer, et al (2006), and evidence from experiments in which successful foragers were removed before reentry to the nest does support the theory that returning successful foragers have an effect on the activation of new foragers (Gordon, 2002)." |
5500,"Antie will be a fully autonomous, situated and embodied agent, infiltrating a red harvester ant colony and providing valuable information not only about the hypothesized rules of these ants’ behaviors and their task-switching thresholds, but also about the combination of complex behaviors into a single autonomous system with the ability to switch between behaviors as necessary." |
5000,"Biomimetic robots have long been a rich source of information for both biologists and robotics engineers, and complex robots that can switch tasks as the situation demands and communicate information about current tasks could be useful for further studies of complex robot behaviors as well as for the obvious practical applications of robot swarms, such as on the battlefield and standard building maintenance." |
5000,The Agent |
5500,Antie will likewise recharge at a special station at night just inside the nest entrance. |
5000,"For the purposes of this proposal, I will assume that Antie has enough battery life to remain powered the whole day." |
5000,The locations of the rest of these sensors will depend on their function. |
5000,Antie will also be equipped with one photoreceptor located in the middle of the top of its chassis corresponding to the ant’s eyes. |
5000,"These will be useful for initiating patrolling behavior in the morning and shutting off behaviors at night: the patrollers first poke their heads out of the nest shortly after sunrise and scuttle back in at night (Gordon, 5)." |
5000,"No robot has yet been constructed, however, that could pass undetected within a colony of the red harvester ants species Pogonomyrmex barbatus; nor has a robot managed to pass undetected in a society of insects while combining in its design several different behaviors and the thresholds of stimulation required to switch between them." |
5000,"However, it reflects on a greater level both the desire of many Mayans to assimilate, as they still feel that is necessary for social mobility, and a belief among the general population that Mayans do not require a separate bill of rights as they are covered under the general rights already in the constitution (Warren 2002: 159, 172)." |
5625,"Language plays a complex and integral role in the development and redefinition of an identity, particularly when that identity has been oppressed and subsumed by a dominant other for as long as that of the indigenous peoples in Latin America has. In particular I will examine two divergent yet remarkably parallel cases, that of the Maya in Guatemala and the Nasa and Guambiano peoples of Colombia." |
5000,"The translation of the Colombian constitution sparked the development of neologisms, as the goal of the translators was not to provide a direct translation of the constitution, but to recapture its spirit in a native, rather than Western discourse (Gow and Rappaport 2002: 58-59)." |
5000,This attempt to regain identity via translation is indicative of the intimate relationship between indigenous revitalization within a modern context and native language use. |
4000,"Difficulties arise, however, as conflicts between the traditional and modern and native languages and Spanish develop." |
5000,"Many native peoples in Colombia are monolingual Spanish speakers, raising the question of the practicality of indigenous language use." |
5000,"An emphasis on preserving, rather than practicing, native culture arises: indigenous authenticity is maintained by sustaining knowledge of traditional practices and beliefs without fully embracing them on a day-to-day basis (Gow and Rappaport 2002: 66-67)." |
4500,"In Guatemala, they are largely comprised of the conflict between poverty and progress; the pan-Mayan movement must meet the dual trials of establishing a positive identity within the Mayan population itself and legitimacy in the legal and political arenas in order to gain policy reforms and codified rights in law." |
5000,"In Colombia, legal successes have often come about due to the Colombian government's recognition of the political viability of the rhetoric of indigenous rights; by granting indigenous peoples judicial sovereignty they hope to win the trust of a people who view the government as incapable of protecting them from the ongoing civil strife, and by giving them blocks of land they hope that the indigenous community will be able to keep out drug traffickers and guerrillas where the government itself has not (Jackson 1995: 8)." |
5000,"Regardless of the ulterior motives behind their legal status, indigenous peoples in Colombia now possess the rights to teach and govern in their own languages according to their own laws (Jackson 1995: 5)." |
4500,Conflicts arise due to internal differences and the ever-persist problem of defining indigenous identity and authenticity in a pluralistic linguistic environment. |
4500,The effects of Spanish colonialism are both far-reaching and deeply embedded in both countries. |
4500,"This was in turn replaced by the repartimento; the natives were allowed to maintain control over their land and their laws but remained in every way the inferior of the Spanish, providing labor and taxes as demanded." |
5000,The impoverished plight of the native populations was first recognized by the Marxist movements of the early 20th century. |
4000,In Colombia this resulted in a civil war between the Liberal and Communist parties and Conservative party. |
4000,"A truce established between the Liberals and Conservatives failed to meet the demands of the Communists, who in turn sustained guerrilla attacks in response." |
3500,"This resulted in persecution against the Mayans, who make up about 60% of the overall population. In both counties, guerrillas were often associated with the native peoples; in many cases there were coalitions, but in others the guerrillas merely used the remote, inaccessible villages as hideouts." |
5000,The main guerrilla force was demilitarized in 1996 with the establishment of a peace accord (Warren 2002: 157-158). |
5000,"By the 1970s the need to assert a cause separate from the general left was seen, and indigenous rights movements formed (Warren 2003: 174, Jackson 2002: 82)." |
5000,"The popular left, however, continues to see the rhetoric of ethnic rights as a politically viable tool." |
5500,"The Pan-Mayan movement thus benefits from the lasting influence of the popular left on Guatemalan governmental policies without risking drawing the (often negative) attention of the government (England 2003: 735, Warren 2003: 181)." |
5000,"Pan-Mayan leaders therefore seek to develop a return to Maya as it was in its classical renaissance, a language of power and prestige (England 2003: 736)." |
5000,"The CRIC, which focuses on language development and renewal, is primarily representative of the Nasa peoples (Jackson 2003: 82)." |
5000,"Whereas the Mayanists benefit from a single main identity, those of Colombia must operate under historical differences between the various ethnic groups (Jackson 2002: 109)." |
5000,The Nasa and Guambiano have stood in opposition since pre-colonial times; therefore any coalition between the two advocacy groups is tenuous at best (Rappaport 2005: 2). |
5825,"The command of a language, while not affording guaranteed access to the community which speaks it, is often the key to gaining entry." |
4000,"In the 1990s the rhetoric of ""cultural diversity"" was picked up the Colombian media, and subsequently entered the consciousness of the greater metropolitan public, thereby cementing its place in Colombian society as necessity and further complicating the role of indigenous movements in gaining rights for indigenous peoples as a whole." |
5000,"A major success in the Colombian saga is the revamped constitution of 1991, which includes a section on indigenous rights, as the Congress which drafted it included representatives from native groups (Gow and Rappaport 2002: 57)." |
6500,"While the repartimento was originally used to repress the indigenous groups, it is now used to support them: resguardos, or communally owned plots of land, are granted to communities." |
5000,"They are ruled by the cabildo, local governing boards formed of community leaders (Gow and Rappaport 2002: 51-52)." |
5000,"no longer ruled by Western laws and discourse, communities are forced to assess the efficacy of their old judicial systems in light of the modern era." |
4000,Or massive bio-chemical attack! |
3500,May God help us all. |
5000,Our purpose here is to NEUTRALIZE TERRORISM by removing the motivation for it. |
4500,"In all of these cases above, if the radical Muslims would cease their attacks, all terrorism on both sides of every dispute would quickly end." |
2500,They need to be identified and attacked. |
4500,"If the terrorist loses faith in the righteousness of his acts, he is less likely to perform them." |
3000,"EXAMPLE 2: ""Terrorist Murderers Insult Allah, Bring Shame To Islam""" |
5000,"If we eliminate the legitimate grievances, we have eliminated much of the motivation." |
4000,No. |
5500,"It is simply recognizing the realities of human motivation, right or wrong." |
5500,"From beginners to experts, they are into hiking, camping, and backpacking.. .cross-country skiing and snowshoeing... rock climbing and mountaineering.. .canoeing, kayaking and bicycling.. .nature photography and birdwatching. . .and relaxing alongside nature." |
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6250,Today our unique network of 10 huts and lodges—each a day’s hike apart—stretches 56 miles through the White Mountain National Forest. |
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4500,"We’re determined to conserve the Northern Forest of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York, as well as the White and Berkshire ranges, and the countryside surrounding the Appalachian Trail." |
5000,"Here in the Northeast, we hold stewardship of a precious portion of planet Earth." |
5000,Shouldn’t you learn the art of photographing subtle winter light? |
5000,Prowl for owls. |
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6000,AMC publications are maps for your enjoyment |
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5500,P.S. And please feel free to use your Temporary Membership Card while we are processing your application. |
4000,"As a person who cares about animals, you’re probably anxious to know what happened to Astro." |
4000,"When our officers arrived, Astro was too weak to even stand up." |
4375,"The officers knelt down slowly, speaking gently to the emaciated dog." |
7000,"“Welcome, friends!”" |
6000,"But with first-rate medical attention and tender care from ASPCA staff, he slowly got well again." |
5000,Stories like Astro’s are all too common. |
5000,"Our vital anti-cruelty efforts are just part of the ASPCA mission. We also find loving adoptive homes for rescued animals ... provide first-rate veterinary care through our Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital ... offer low-cost spay and neuter programs for cats and dogs ... reach out to children, teachers, and parents through our Education Programs." |
5500,"Since the ASPCA was founded in 1866 as America’ s first humane society, ending cruelty has been our primary goal." |
5000,That is why I’m asking you to join the ASPCA today with your gift of $20 or more if at all possible. |
5000,"Sincerely, Hawk, DVM and CEO" |
4500,But then the puddle dried up. |
5000,You may not be able to rescue that particular animal. |
6000,"But you CAN join the crusade to stop animal abuse and neglect, by making a generous contribution to the ASPCA today." |
5000,"Look for the Instant Access Code on your statement, then go to www.universalcard.com and follow the instructions." |
5000,·Cycle Date You can time your statement and payments to coincide with convenient times of the month by choosing your billing cycle date. |
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4500,So they applied for the right to spread poison as Dart of a “scientific experiment” |
5000,“experiment” |
4500,And if the death of two million birds doesn’t “prove” their theory |
5000,"I’ll forward your Petition, along with those from thousands of other Audubon members and supporters, urging the USDA to withdraw its cruel plan to poison blackbirds ... in favor of alternative, benign methods of protecting sunflower crops." |
5000,·Gain strict enforcement of wildlife laws. |
6000,Audubon protects birds. |
5000,Audubon educates the public. |
5625,That’s why we’re expanding our network of Audubon Centers to reach children and adults in every corner of the nation. |
6500,Thank you. |
5000,John Flicker President |
5500,"And in thanks for your gift of $15 or more, you 11 receive a FREE Birdfeeder." |
5000,Supplies are limited ... so please respond today! |
6000,"Thanks to the help of caring and concerned people like you, Audubon won a temporary halt to this planned killing last spring -- but the USDA’s plans could be up and running for the next blackbird migration, unless we act now." |
5500,"You’ll once again be enthralled by the striking photography and insightful environmental journalism that makes our exclusive magazine, AUDUBON, a treasure worth saving." |
5000,I’ve had a look at the magazine’s upcoming subjects and I can tell you the best is yet to come. |
6000,There’s much more to membership than AUDUBON magazine! |
5500,"You’ll be protecting, preserving and promoting America’s wetlands, endangered species, ancient forests, our National Wildlife Refuges, the Everglades and the Platte River, our Living Oceans Program and much more." |
5000,"You’ll be supporting sanctuaries, field research, environmental education and legislation and many other vital efforts critical to the protection of wildlife and their habitats." |
5000,"You’ll also be educating youngsters in 15,000 schools across America — most likely some in your own school district." |
5000,"Office of the President National Audubon Society 700 Broadway New York, NY 10003-9562" |
4000,"Dear Former Member, When we lose a member like you, it hurts.. .all of us." |
5000,There’s still more. |
5000,membership in the Audubon Activist Network will also be yours. |
4500,We simply can’t afford to lose you. |
7000,"P.S. On behalf of everyone here at the National Audubon Society, we look forward to saying, “Welcome back!”" |
5825,"I thought about our new, enhanced local efforts, our expanding scientific research and educational programs, our fresh new writing in AUDUBON magazine." |
5000,but it is in fact this motivic relationship that ties them together and creates a rather smooth transition. |
5500,Harmonic Structure and Form |
5000,Bartók describes the form of the first movement as “more or less regular sonata form.” |
5000,"While the presence of the perfect fourths that was so prevalent in the Introduction is clear in the latter, the former does not employ the perfect fourth in its formation." |
5000,"Rather, this motive is a small-scale representation of the tonic-dominant relationship of tritone partners, specifically F and B, that is the basis for the harmonic structure of this movement." |
5000,"Immediately following the arrival of E♭ in the bass, C♯ (D♭) is established as the tonal center for the final transition to the second theme." |
5000,"This motive also contains the intervallic cell of the second head motive of the first theme in the form of G♯-C♯-B-E (with the addition of some passing tones), in addition to consisting largely of motion by perfect fourths." |
5500,"This creates both a smooth transition to the second theme and a strong sense that a new section is beginning, a combination that is generally rather difficult to forge." |
5000,"Hence, measures 155-210 constitute the bass progression B-E♭-D♭-B; the same stepwise descent (E♭-D♭) occurred in the first theme group while F rather than B was being prolonged." |
5425,The Development |
5000,"As mentioned, the development is divided into three subsections." |
5000,"“is, for Bartók’s music, developmental in a relatively conventional way”" |
5000,"Also see Bartók’s comments on that (Bartók, 414)." |
5000,The second section of the development is in C♯ (which is sometimes spelled D♭). |
5000,This section is reproduced as Example 14. |
5000,"As the example shows, the development section is divided into three subsections; the first and third subsections draw their thematic material from the first theme group, and the second subsection involves new material not drawn from the exposition." |
5000,The tonal center B♭ is established immediately in measures 316-318 by the strong V-I chord progression (Example 16). |
5000,The resultant set is the pentatonic set F-B♭-E♭-A♭-D♭; the entire passage shown in Example 17 remains within this set. |
5000,The inversion blends seamlessly back into the original subject in measure 363. |
5000,"Hence, on either side of the middle section of the development we have the alternation FTG-STG-FTG which makes the overall form, with the exception of the Introduction, symmetric." |
5000,"The recapitulation, as we have seen, presents the themes in reverse order." |
5000,"It is worth pointing out that the arrival on G at measure 425 is led into by D, which constitutes another “filling in” of the whole-step by the intervening fourth." |
5500,"E and F♯ are both active throughout the entire transition from second theme back to first theme (measures 456-487) which brings out their functions as upper and lower chromatic neighbors to F, which returns triumphantly in measure 488 with the much-anticipated recapitulation of the first theme." |
5000,"In other words, the piece, in becoming more regular, is beginning to drive towards the finish—because of the formal structure, the recapitulation of the first theme also serves as the closing section of the movement." |
5000,"Indeed, this section has the feel of a Coda to it—it is much shorter than any other major section or subsection, and the tonic harmony is active throughout." |
5500,"While we know from his writings that he often composed with a tonal centers and relationships in mind, and that he regularly applied tonal structures and forms to his compositions, by merely glancing at any one of his pieces we can see that tonality as it is understood in the common practice period is not at work." |
5000,To do so was the goal of this analysis of the first movement of the Concerto for Orchestra. |
5000,"See Bartók, 414-415." |
5000,"In this particular movement, Bartók feigns moving to the tonal dominant, C, for the second theme before reinterpreting C as a chromatic passing tone between D♭ and B—this and other subtleties shown in Example 2 will be explained in detail in later sections." |
5000,"The perfect fourth in fact generates much of the motivic and harmonic material of the entire movement, and its importance is immediately evident in the Introduction with the opening bass motive." |
5000,"Furthermore, the following two instances of this opening motive, shown in Examples 4 and 5, remove any doubt as to the motivic importance of the perfect fourth, and in turn diminish the importance of the pentatonic set." |
6000,For this reason white walls are favored over colored ones for both galleries and architectural spaces. |
5000,What exactly is the debate between colorlessness vs color and more specifically can black and white be considered non-colors? |
6000,The use of white was proof that man had conquered nature. |
5000,"Furthermore, with the advent of industrialization the invention of new synthetic dyes meant that color in dress became democratized for all classes." |
5000,Other major technologies during the age of industrialization also had an effect on this preference for black and white. |
5000,"Photography took over as a means of portraiture for the bourgeois and the upper class and despite the fact that it was possible to color the photographs, for the most part they were left in black and white because it was seen as more “natural”." |
5825,"Above all, it is believed that the expanse of literacy and the printed word, mainly the newspaper, had a profound effect in influencing the choice of black and white." |
5000,"This led to the idea of writing = rationality = production that confined images, especially images in color, to the emerging field of “art”, which was understood as an essential activity but one that was essentially unproductive, while it assigned to the two-toned and orderly world of printed paper the role of a daily guide to existence”" |
5000,"This then translated down into the world of fashion, as seen with the distinction between black and white clothing, as well as art, namely photography but also film and as discussed before architecture and gallery space." |
5625,The explosion of mass production and printing allowed for a plethora of colorful advertising and consumer goods which came to be known as kitsch. |
5825,In order to meet the demand of mass markets cheap and bright things of little use were made to attract the attention of consumers. |
5000,"Greenberg continues by saying, “Kitsch, using for raw material the debased and academicized simulacra of genuine culture, welcomes and cultivates this insensibility." |
5000,It is the source of its profits. Kitsch is mechanical and operates by formulas. |
4500,Kitsch is the epitome of all that is spurious in the life of our times. |
5000,"In the Far East, reaching a state of colorless-ness is associated with the highest state of spiritual being, the state of Zen." |
5000,What is typical of this sort of ascetism is the art of expressing as much as possible using the minimum as an ideal. |
4500,"“This artistic acestism, i.e., the suppression of externals and the reduction of all colors to black and white, manifests its real aesthetic function only against the background of a highly refined sensibility for colors and their subtle hues." |
4500,"At the same time in our modern society, color has been seen as an external threat to be purged from the enlightened mind and space." |
5000,For black and white can only be seen as distinguishing against a background of color and for this very reason one can assert that both black and white are colors in themselves as non-colors. |
5000,It is through the absence of color that one brings to mind the colors that are no longer present. |
5000,It is up to the mind to fill in the blank space. |
4500,Eliminating color was a way of eliminating the decadence of the 18th century. |
5500,"For [Charles Blanc] color also represents a kind of ruination. color for him signifies the mythical savage state out of which civilization, the nobility of the human spirit, slowly, heroically, has lifted itself – but back into which it could always slide" |
5500,We went from times of celebrating color and decoration to one of minimalism where black and white were placed at the front as representations of modernity and ultimate transcendence. |
6000,"“WHITE is the spiritual color of our times, the clearness which directs all out actions." |
5500,"We have superceded both the ‘brown’ of decadence and classiscm and the ‘blue’ of divisionism, the cult of the blue ky, the gods with green beards and the spectrum." |
5000,WHITE pure white. |
5000,For these reasons black and white have been placed at the top of the hierarchy of colors. |
5000,It keeps an eye on all the objects it frames. |
4500,"Just as those from the Far East, the purity of white implies what has been washed away and thus makes the white glitter even more." |
5000,What is the significance for this preference for black and white when it comes to high art? |
5000,Reaching Transcendence through the Elimination of color: The Ideal Minimalism of Black and White |
5000,"White helps to harmonize colors that would otherwise clash, it brings together and unites." |
4500,“White expresses a certain incorporeality. |
5000,Medicine for one's mind |
5000,"Religion, he said, is like a drugstore full of medicine." |
5000,We discussed the foundations: the Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma; the four noble truths; karma; defilements; the six perfections. |
5000,The gentle wind makes them flutter. |
4500,"""So,"" a fellow student asked, ""Giving one's life for another being is the ultimate gift?""" |
4500,"Until then, preserve your own life, and do not give away anything that would cause you regret." |
4500,This struck a chord. |
5000,Knowing and understanding |
5000,"Later, I talked to the resident nun, Ani Kunga, about psychology and cognitive science." |
5000,"""study the brain and the self externally. Ever since the 1920s, their science has been about observation of behavior, questionnaires, recordings of electrical brain activity. But the mind can only be known by you, the person whose mind it is.""" |
5000,"A big overlap exists between Tibetan Buddhism, psychology and cognitive science." |
5000,"All three examine the distinction between the self and others, between the observer and the observed, between knowing and the knower." |
5000,"During a second philsophy session, Khenpo Kalsang translated a sutra about a king who received advice from the Buddha." |
5500,"In the afternoon, a group of us gathered outside for a meditation session with Ani Kunga." |
4000,"""If there's something you can do, why are you unhappy? Just do it. If there's nothing you can do, why are you unhappy?""" |
5000,Just do it. |
4500,"If there's nothing you can do, why are you unhappy?""" |
6000,"So on the offchance that it will help, why not?""" |
7000,"I like learning new things, so I signed up." |
5000,"A good decision: I didn't return all chill and zen, as one friend told me his roommate had, but I certainly gained a few new ideas and approaches to mull over, and dipped my hand into a previously unfamiliar piece of the world." |
5000,"Mukhopadhyay & Venkatarmani discuss various lay theories of self-control, noting that the amount of self-control a person has can be seen as either an inherently limited or unlimited resource, and that this resource can be seen either as malleable or as fixed (the amount of self-control a person has can change over time, or not)." |
5000,"Mukhopadhyay & Venkatarmani also discuss self-efficacy: belief in one's capabilities, the perceived ability to carry out a desired action." |
5000,"Each passage contained two paragraphs; the first discussed self-control either as limited or as unlimited, and the second discussed self-control as either malleable or fixed." |
5000,"The third study moved on to examine goal achievement, adding a measure to look at self-efficacy." |
5000,What does this mean for your resolutions? |
5000,"Where There Is a Will, Is There a Way?" |
5000,Effects of Lay Theories of Self-Control on Setting and Keeping Resolutions. |
5000,"They performed a few studies in 2005 to look at the relationship between self-control, goal setting, and goal achievement." |
5500,The tall tumbleweed flag marked it as Chad's to defend now. |
5000,"Two forts stood on the playground, and a hot, bare battlefield separated them." |
4000,"Roy shuffled off without argument, his baseball cap pulled low to cover his bald head and brain plug and his shoe laces untied." |
6000,Roy had taught him to tie his shoes when Chad was five. |
5000,"Roy was too slow, but he didn't dare step away from his fort." |
5000,"When he saw Roy in the hospital with a shaved head and the small silver plug at the back of his noggin like a bottle cap, Chad had called him, ""Remote Control Boy.""" |
5000,"How are you feeling, Roy?" |
4000,"Tucker was big, even for a third grader, and he was not quite right in a different way than Roy." |
6500,Roy! |
4500,"Roy!"" Chad called, but his voice would only whisper" |
5000,Penis! |
3000,You didn't fight! |
4175,Tucker leaned in low and his breath was sour as it blew in Chad's face. |
3500,Just then a horrible pain stung Chad's cheek and neck and ear. |
5000,"He ran like only a small boy can run, but he was losing and he wished hard that he could fly." |
5000,"Roy held stickers in his hand like flowers, but he bent looking down and snatched something from the ground." |
4000,His hand blurred and snapped out as he stood back up. |
5500,"Hey, Roy?" |
4175,Roy stood expressionless as ever as Chad turned to look. |
5500,"Tucker towered there with a surprised expression and crossed eyes, the tumbleweed in one hand and the screwdriver held up high in the other ready to stab down into Chad's back." |
4575,Chad stepped back away from Tucker's open-eyed face. |
5000,"""Nah."" Chad said, ""We're gonna be in trouble.""" |
6000,"""Yeah."" Roy said." |
5000,Suddenly his blank face seemed like the face of a Play Force Soldier or a GI Joe. |
5000,What? |
5000,"The fort was a lone, wooden cable spool like a tall barrel with thick disks on its ends, each the size of a dinner table." |
5000,"The sufferer says no, only those which cause no pain." |
4500,Probably not. |
6675,"With warmest regards, Your Past.""" |
6000,"Tasha and I walked through The Sleeping Flamingo together, and I decided to buy it." |
3000,The Tasha in this file is not even the Tasha I loved and thought I knew. |
5500,"Future Self, you know our style well enough to tell that time has passed between the last sentence and this." |
4500,"Sometimes they would let us little ones to seal a treasured toy or a last piece of birthday cake until we begged them for its release, usually a few hours after enclosing it." |
4500,Truth is always more boring than fiction. |
5000,For Malaquez did not move into Dream's End until four or five months after I |
7000,"Tasha and I became lovers that evening, after a good dinner of paella at her apartment." |
5000,She was a twenty-four-year-old (Terran Standard) N'Apulcan who left university training in hydroponics to work for her aunt's real estate firm. |
4375,"Tasha said she woke up one morning convinced that if she spent another day studying vegetables, she would become one." |
1875,"When my father died, a year after my mother, my sisters and I cleaned out their apartment." |
5000,To compare his pieces to those of others is to compare mannequins to living models. |
4500,"He accents the illusion of reality --I paraphrase his entry in La Enciclopedia Humanica --by doing life-size scenes in ""the full round,"" never the easier frontal or three-quarters view." |
5000,"They say the cubes will outlast planets and suns, that when the universe dies, the works of Malaquez and his followers will be the last things seen in the final wink of God's eye." |
5000,The play's second act concludes with the last fight between Tasha and me. |
5500,"I took mine home, where they sat above my computer while I worked on my first play." |
5000,"One night during N'apulco's mild winter, Tasha returned to The Flamingo, saying, ""Nardo!" |
5825,"""Nardo!" |
4500,Nardo! |
5000,"Purely for the sake of the race, of course --""" |
6000,She batted at my nose like a cat. |
4500,"""Silly Nardo.""" |
5000,"""You don't know who he is?""" |
4175,"I remembered an article in The Medusa and a photo of a work in which 100-peso notes fell like confetti onto a small Undersider, sexlessly young in grimy, oversized clothing." |
6000,"""A great artist will grace this world, then?""" |
5500,"""Well." |
4500,"""I didn't meet him, jealous old one.""" |
5500,"""Hah!""" |
6250,"The next evening, she arrived with a stack of glistening stopboxes containing sushi, sashimi, oysters in their shells, and Terran vegetables fresh plucked from their hydroponic beds." |
5000,"""Emil?""" |
4375,"You did that to test my affections.""" |
3000,"""No?""" |
5000,"""Of course." |
3325,"You think I sleep with every famous person I meet?""" |
4500,"As you may have guessed, we had talked about such things." |
4500,"""Oh?""" |
5425,"""I've socialized for sixty-three years.""" |
5000,"""Nardo?""" |
3125,"Her voice had grown quiet, and I began to feel some guilt." |
5000,I said this from years of learning that romances consume themselves without other fuel. |
5000,"I said, ""Truthfully.""" |
3000,"She screamed, ""I haven't socialized with Terra's elite for most of my life!" |
4000,The instant would have been improved had my baby shoes been cleaned before they were encased. |
2000,"""I'm sorry." |
5000,"""I suppose I sound like I'm bragging when I talk of the things I'm tired of.""" |
5000,"Months earlier, we might have sought a bed, a couch, or a comfortable chair at this point." |
5000,"""Perhaps.""" |
4175,It's the reverse of you with those ridiculous stomach muscles. |
5000,"Old men should be fat.""" |
5000,"""Is Emil?""" |
5000,This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. |
4500,I fear that may be true for me. |
5000,"Add this to the reasons I write now: to remember something, perhaps even to learn --" |
5000,"His evening dress was formal, expensive, and slightly stained, as that of all forgetful artists should be." |
7000,"""Ah, she is wonderfully perceptive.""" |
6500,"""I'm glad you came after dark.""" |
5000,She leapt up. |
4500,"""So early?""" |
5000,Tasha snatched it from him to rip away the paper. |
5000,The side of Malaquez's parcel gave way to reveal a greenmunk caught in a sheen of solid air. |
5000,She handed the sculpture to me. |
5500,He spoke of his art with the enthusiasm of a seven-year-old. |
7000,"""Relax,""" |
3750,"""I must change my subject matter." |
5500,"""Would you permit me to do one of you?" |
5000,"""Nardo!""" |
7000,"""It's an honor --""" |
6000,"""Of course,""" |
6000,Oh! |
5500,"Her eyes became circles at the idea of being, as she undoubtedly thought it, immortalized by Emil Malaquez." |
5000,"""Oh...""" |
4500,"Somehow, Tasha and I began to argue the worth of Solevgrad jazz, as inconsequential a topic as I can imagine." |
3500,"I once had a neighbor who played it constantly, loudly, and badly, so I thought I knew it better." |
5000,"So, I think, did she." |
5000,"The subject shifted from music to Tasha's obsession with fame, undoubtedly by a leap that I made." |
4000,She had no choice but to follow. |
3500,"Malaquez glanced away, embarrassed." |
3000,"""I feel sorry for you, Nardo." |
3500,"Disgusted with Tasha but more disgusted with myself, I finally realized she would not return that night and went into The Sleeping Flamingo to drink myself to sleep." |
3500,"Sixty years ago in a similar situation, I had broken my knuckles on someone's face." |
3325,"When he hesitated, I said, ""Last night was my fault." |
3500,"""Last night was my fault." |
5000,"Let me talk to her.""" |
5000,"He looked me and at last said, ""Very well.""" |
5000,"A tall, narrow stopbox stood in the center of one room; sand trickled forever downward while beads of water splashed across the sand's path." |
6000,Go ahead. |
4500,I shrugged. |
5000,"Malaquez stood near her, pointing something at my chest." |
4000,"Had he been faster, he could have had rage." |
6000,"I shouted, ""Where is she?" |
5000,"""Where is she?" |
4000,"Tell me, or I'll kill --""" |
4500,"""She left." |
4000,I hit him with the back of my hand. |
5425,"""Tell me, Malaquez.""" |
4500,He seemed to expect me to understand. |
3750,"Had he said then that I should use it on myself, I might have." |
4500,I turned to touch the cube that was Tasha's crypt. |
6250,"She smiled in trust or pleasure or pride, an erotic Mona Lisa who would smile forever, and I could never know why." |
5000,It is strange to know that we can do acts of unrepayable kindness to those we should hate. |
5500,"Know this, my future self: Thanks to us, Emil Malaquez's name will live as long as his masterpiece, ""A Self-Portrait: Anguish,"" endures." |
3750,I could say that I did not dare to take responsibility for her fate. |
5825,"If science finds a way to safely free the subjects of Emil's art, perhaps the I who reads this file will know that my decision is wise." |
5000,"For in my way, I have done the same thing." |
3750,"""Your Sleeping Flamingo should be put to sleep.""" |
7000,"""It amuses me." |
5000,Not even Los Mundos is so polite. |
6500,"""Obscenely ugly,"" said she, smiling too." |
5500,"""I can fix that.""" |
5000,She reached for another dial on the house controls. |
5000,"""Don't you dare!""" |
5625,"""You will?""" |
6000,The kitchen and baths had every convenience that I desired. |
4500,"It was huge and inefficient, and she should never have spent so many pesos on a toy, but Papa would not let her return it." |
8325,"I'm in love.""" |
5500,"My heart convulsed, and I left this manuscript for a three-day spree." |
3750,"I abandoned these notes to my future self to have the wipe done immediately, thinking that Bernardo Flynn should receive such services when he needed them, even should the need arise at the third hour after midnight." |
5500,"""Of course." |
4500,This logic does not soothe her; she says I must wait three weeks. |
5500,"He used it to preserve baby tomatoes, cucumbers, and strawberries in translucent cubes that he stored in the pantry for spring-time meals in the middle of winter." |
6875,"I went on a spree, and it must have been a good one." |
5000,“can’t-miss” |
5000,Anti-wolf interests are prepared to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure that the new land-and-shoot law stands — even though most Alaskans do not support it. |
2500,“NO” |
5000,The only way Alaskans can repeal the new law and reinstate the ban on same-day airborne land-and-shoot wolf killing is with a Citizens’ Referendum. |
5000,"We need help to supplement the funds raised by Alaskans For Wildlife for careful polling, the development of voter education spots for television, radio and newspapers, the placement of those ads, and “get-out-the-vote” efforts on election day." |
5000,"So, please don’t wait another minute." |
5000,Please sign your Citizens’ Advisory Ballot to demonstrate to our Alaska allies that you’re behind them; and send an urgent donation today to help them win this effort. |
2500,"This cruel, unethical wolf-hunting practice is called “same-day airborne land-and-shoot.”" |
5000,"Dear Defender," |
5000,“same-day airborne land-and-shoot.” |
5500,2. RUSH a special donation to help our Alaska allies overturn this odious new law. |
5000,"Remember, for this emergency effort to succeed, we must act immediately." |
4500,Time is so short. |
4000,"They lack the means to build her back to her former glory, but she won't be abandoned." |
6500,Thank you for the opportunity to see post-BushCo era Detroit through the prism of your vision. |
4000,"Is this the proof that all countries deserve democracy and its inevitable cancers, corporatism and capitalism?" |
5000,"This, American Glory?" |
5000,In a class-less society? |
5000,"This is the final phase, the crowning glory of America's greatness?" |
4500,"Are we just mercenaries for big oil, not liberators spreading ""Freedom""?" |
4500,Is this really just flag-waving propaganda? |
3500,"What, exactly did we win in Iraq?" |
4500,Gratitude of a Free nation? |
5000,"""Rust Belt""" |
4000,You gotta be kidding me! |
5500,"I had visions of hipsters from coast to coast converging in Detroit, building a new city on rock&roll." |
3500,"Lumpy, I'm not a Democrat and I don't much approve of the Democratic Party." |
4500,"If you've got some fancy new technology at Boeing that can do more for people's health and happiness (and for less cost) than a victory garden can do, please let me know." |
5000,"Raggedy Anarchy 24. Oct, 2009 at 6:17 pm" |
3000,"The patient is earth, and it's not getting better." |
5000,*That was for Lumpy. |
5000,"Raggedy Anarchy 24. Oct, 2009 at 6:21 pm" |
5000,Wall-E. |
5000,"Helena 19. Nov, 2009 at 1:06 pm" |
7000,I find this topic fascinating. |
5000,"""Lumpy""" |
4500,"A $1,000 house, which could be fixed up into maybe a $30-40,000 house comes with a tax bill of $4-6K per year!" |
3500,"Houses and businesses are boarded up, painted up, bombed out and falling down." |
4500,Don't believe me? |
5000,I videotaped it: |
2500,"In fact, I've never felt so out of place in all my life ." |
5000,"They live in deserted neighborhoods, in houses with collapsed front steps and missing windows." |
4500,"So we sped up, and went straight to the houses." |
3000,"Earp and I have each lived happily in the wilds of West Oakland, but the danger I felt in Detroit was like nothing I'd experienced before." |
6500,"But for Mitch that only added to its appeal, because he now had the opportunity to renovate it with solar heating, solar electricity and low-cost, high-efficiency appliances." |
5000,"Detroit and the Myth of the $100 House | Uprooted, an eco/travel blog" |
4500,"You see, abandoned houses in this town get set on fire." |
4500,"Wherever we went in those neighborhoods, one in four houses had been torched." |
4500,"Buy a $100 house in Detroit, and you get a lifetime supply of sleepless nights: you'll spend the next several years waiting for burglars and arsonists, murderers and crackheads to break in the windows." |
5000,"Anyone who takes this plunge is risking their life every day, betting on a future that may take a long time to arrive." |
4000,"Cheap real estate, that's what." |
7500,"Cheers to Toby Barlow , who inspired my trek to Detroit, and who believes in a happier, greener future." |
5000,"16 Responses to ""Detroit and the Myth of the $100 House""" |
5000,"I'd read a New York Times article about some forward-thinking artist-types who bought a house in Detroit for $1,900 ." |
7000,Great post. |
3500,"Most poignantly, it talks about Hurricane Katrina, which focused attention on rebuilding another city with this level of devastation, and how without a single catastrophic event to blame for it, Detroit's decay has gone unsympathetically ignored." |
5500,"About the pop fiction which explores the concept of a post-human world, and how it already exists now." |
4500,There's a lot more to Detroit than that. |
5000,"When friends come to Detroit, I take them there." |
5000,"There's a whole street being taken over by artists, Farnsworth between Moran and McDougall." |
7000,You are exactly the kind of person who gives me back the hope I lost on my way into town. |
5000,"Well, growing up not far from Detroit myself, I would point out a few things:" |
5000,"""solidarity""" |
5000,Most of the funny looks you got were less about your color than about your ride. |
4000,"2. Detroit (proper) has been dying for a long time -- before the 1968 riots, even." |
5000,"Its going to take some pioneering individuals to start creating those pockets of innovation, creativity, and vision." |
5000,"The next moment, Acres was there." |
4500,Hands up in the same way mine were frozen. |
4500,"I guess, thinking back, I might have expected him to gloat, but the view was the kind of thing that humbles you, shuts your mouth." |
5000,A place. |
5000,"And the markers were carved later, not be whoever built it." |
5000,Let me show you the rest. |
5000,Acres stood beside it and somehow using him as a yardstick for the scale of the thing made it easier to see. |
5000,It was a moai. |
5000,I looked down and saw he was pointing to another marker just slightly different from the one we had just left. |
5500,Acres nodded. |
4000,"You could step on that marker and make the gestures, the 'device,' and it would be like pushing a button in a very complex machine." |
5000,Otherwise the vault is sealed. |
5000,"I hadn't seen him since high-school, maybe twenty years before, and we were never buddies in the first place." |
5000,I looked at the sheet in my hand. |
5000,I had to read it twice. |
4500,How much can we sell before someone becomes suspicious? |
4500,How's your um... business? |
5000,"Call me small minded, but you know ""a bird in the hand.""" |
4500,They never bothered trying to explain how Acres made it into the country without a ticket on a plane or a boat. |
2500,I didn't like his tone much. |
5000,"But they speculated all through the trial about where the gold came from, offered me deals." |
5500,I was a one man gold cartel in the news. |
5000,I'm just wondering what they'll think when they open that vault in Kentucky. |
3500,I don't really believe I'll make it or I wouldn't say a thing. |
4500,"But if I do make it, it won't matter what I tell you, because there won't be a jail that can hold me." |
4500,I out of here. |
4500,"I'm a researcher, I've come into some valuable material that I would like to find a buyer for, and I don't want to have to explain myself to anyone." |
5000,First person? |
5000,That's alot. |
5000,He drained the last of his cup and tossed some bills on the table. |
5000,Let me show you something. |
5000,"He sounded surprised and said no, he needed me to help him get rid of ""a large quantity of gold.""" |
5000,"Rapa Nui,"" he said, ""Easter Island." |
5000,I told him I'd meet him for coffee at the diner down the street at seven. |
5000,"For a long time no one was able to decipher it, although by deduction, Steven Fischer deciphered some of it in nineteen ninety four." |
5000,"He talked on about people with long ears who built the big statues, the ""moai"" and people with short ears who conquered the people with long ears and ate them and how the short eared people didn't really know the secrets of the long ears and had pulled down all the moai statues and destroyed some of the tablets." |
5500,I was there early. |
5000,He pulled out a small leather diary and opened it to a yellowed page marked with yet another small sticky note. |
4500,There was an ink drawing and writing in a tiny neat hand that I couldn't read from where I sat. |
5000,I didn't see much resemblance except maybe there were about the same number of points in the cat's cradle thing in the diary and the number of dots on the map showing places where statues stood in a thin line around the coast of the island. |
5000,"You know it was these very mounds that originally sparked my interest in history, archeology and then linguistics." |
5000,He looked like jerked meat on the bone. |
5000,It looked like a bamboo walking stick. |
5000,It's stone. |
5000,Ancient. |
5000,"His tan was obviously deep and old, but it looked like a work tan, not the kind you get at the beach." |
4500,I expected him to pull out a gadget with blinking lights and was wondering which way to duck. |
5000,It's like sleight of hand. |
5000,"I'm going to do it in two parts, last part first so it won't take effect." |
6000,"""Mnemonic."" I muttered, which seemed to please him." |
5000,They help in remembering steps in a ritual or ceremonial gestures. |
5000,Now you do it. |
5000,I didn't have much trouble duplicating his hand waving even though I hadn't paid much attention. |
5000,"I thought he was surprised at my dexterity when his jaw dropped, but he shouted, ""No!"" just before everything changed." |
5500,"So, the mining business is treating you pretty good, huh Charles?" |
5000,"I had thought of the kiltman with respect to a new AVA in Yorkville highlands, thinking the Scot might have interest in playing the bagpipes in the uplands." |
5000,"Then, at Steve's site there is an interesting discussion of his current ongoing efforts with blends from Carneros and Sonoma Coast." |
5000,There are 13 AVAs in Sonoma County. |
5000,El Jefe said... |
4575,"So the answer seems pretty clear to me: just add ""Sonoma County"" to the government warning." |
4500,"Such an association will not be made with ""Sonoma County"" wines...ever." |
5000,"Tom, I would suggest that all Napa wineries, good and bad, benefit from having Napa Valley on the label; it is indeed a great example of marketing - what you describe as promotional effort." |
5000,"Heck, if folks knew all that, maybe folks would be seeking out bottles with ""Sonoma County"" on the label." |
5000,"There no evidence that grapes grown in ""Sonoma County"" have any single distinguishing feature derived from the fact that they were grown inside the borders of Sonoma County. Assemblywoman Evans concludes, ""By improving consumer education on each bottle, conjunctive labeling will unleash the full potential of our delicious wines to represent Sonoma around the world." |
5625,People are receptive to it. |
5000,"Honore Comfort, Executive Director of the Sonoma County Vintners Association and an outstanding representative for Sonoma County wines noted this: ""." |
5000,"They point to the prestige that the ""Napa Valley"" designation carries." |
5000,"The vintners in Sonoma County simply can't make a case for ""Sonoma County"" having any meaning or for a region as vast as ""Sonoma County"" delivering any degree of quality to the grapes." |
5000,"Pushed as an effort to promote ""Sonoma County"" wines and a consumer education effort, the new law instead forces vintners to needlessly sully their package and undermines their own marketing efforts." |
5000,"Why is it important for someone making ""Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir"" or ""Sonoma Valley Zinfandel"" to help promote ""Sonoma County"", a designation that has no ability to define the quality or character of the wines in my Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir or my Sonoma Valley Zinfandel?" |
5000,"Ask yourself...If putting the words ""Sonoma County"" on one's wines was such a great thing, why don't more vintners who make ""Dry Creek Valley"", ""Russian River Valley"", ""Alexander Valley"" or ""Sonoma Valley"" wines already put these words on their label?" |
5000,Nick Perdiew said... |
4000,"This is a case of over-reaching government regulation, costing business unnecessarily and burdening them with more regulations." |
5000,"Exactly, Tom." |
3000,I still don't know whose interests are being served by this useless piece of crap legislation. |
3500,"Yet, the law does nothing to educate consumers." |
5000,"I completely agree with you when you state: ""Such an association will not be made with 'Sonoma County' wines...ever.""" |
3500,"We are going to have to totally redesign our front label to make room for ""Sonoma County"" - and so far every mock-up is cluttered and decreases the impact of our brand." |
5000,"Passed unanimously out of the California Assembly and Senate, AB 1798 now awaits the Governor's signature, which it will surely obtain." |
5500,"I estimate the value to be in six figures, and we are a small winery." |
4500,The legislators who backed this should be ashamed. |
5500,Thanks Tom |
5000,"When I was a kid in a county called Solano (not too famous for wines or AVAs) people sometimes would happen by our place asking where rte 37 was, where was Black Pt.; people always were confused how the somewhat neighboring counties had such similar names." |
5000,"According to Noreen Evans, an Assembly sponsor of the bill, this new conjunctive labeling law ""requires that any wine labeled with an American Viticultural Area (AVA) located entirely within Sonoma County - – like Russian River Valley or Dry Creek Valley - must also include the word ""Sonoma County"" on the label, starting in 2014." |
5000,The town of Sonoma is on a typical route people follow driving from Solano County to Sonoma County. |
5000,Vive la nouveau Sonoma County. |
4500,"I can see Tom W's concerns, too." |
5000,One rambling article's author counted 16 occurrences of the word Napa on the newly designed label of a famous budget wine producer's 2005 Napa cabernet sauvignon. |
4500,The links for @2:04: |
5000,"""the latest developments""" |
5000,"In the mean time, please checkout the website that spurred the wholesalers to launch their own: http://www.stophr5034.org." |
5000,"Judd Wallenbrock said... Tom -- thanks so much for keeping us all up to date and informed regarding this silly...but very real threat...not only to our industry but to our basic rights as consumers. July 16, 2010 at 08:14 AM" |
6500,Tom Wark said... Scott: Thanks for the tips. |
7500,"Judd: my pleasure! July 16, 2010 at 09:42 AM" |
5000,http://www.law.com/jsp/nlj/PubArticleNLJ.jsp?id=1202463630848&Alcohol_bill_means_happy_hour_for_lobbyists |
5500,"July 19, 2010 at 08:53 AM Steve said... Tom: Thanks for this passionate polemic, a foreceful and sorely needed rebuttal to a bogus bill. July 19, 2010 at 09:10 AM" |
5000,Tom said... Seems like some old geezers are filling their pockets with some major greenbacks getting this bill passed through. |
5000,"You do have a few valid points but they too may be predicated on false premise, I do not claim to be the all knowing expert." |
4000,"By using the same sensational BS Tactics you rail against, instead of a balanced and fair assessment you render the entirety of your rant incredible." |
4500,Wholesalers compete against each other... perhaps you forgot. |
5000,In most cases where state laws allow shipping you can get a bottle of wine shipped from the winery of your choice. |
5500,alean said... wine facts are really good http://www.facts-about-wine.info/ |
5000,My friends would definitely appreciate knowing these facts. |
5625,As being a student such blogs help me a lot.It is rather interesting for me to read this blog. |
5825,I definitely want to read more on that blog soon. |
5000,"""Today’s system balances competition with public safety to ensure that consumers can enjoy alcohol without suffering the negative effects of an unregulated marketplace""" |
5000,"Is there really any competition when the state-based regulatory system the wholesalers love so much require that producers of alcohol use a wholesaler to bring their goods to market, meaning that without use of a wholesaler a producer cannot enter a state's market?" |
4175,"""Unfortunately the effective state-based regulatory system in the U.S. is under attack." |
4500,"Even in the wake of successful suits that challenged the protectionist laws that wholesalers originally pushed, the state retained extraordinarily broad authority to maintain a robust system of alcohol controls." |
5000,"ON THE ""LEARN MORE"" PAGE ( http://www.hr5034.org/learn-more ) ""Litigation against the states brought by those wishing to deregulate alcohol for their own economic interests is of great concern to state alcohol regulators, state attorneys general, public health advocates and many others.""" |
5500,"""LEARN MORE""" |
3500,"This bill, currently in Congress, would give wholesaler lobbyists the means to turn back the clock on consumer access to wine, lead to the passage of laws that override federal regulations on alcohol, kill jobs and business that focus on artisan production of wine, beer and spirits, punish and dismantle small specialty wine retailers that serve the consumers that wholesalers won't and override the critical Constitutional principle of a single American economic union..." |
4000,"When the economic interests of producers, retailers and consumers are horsewhipped by states doing the bidding of wholesales who receive more government protection and welfare from the state than any other industry in america, you might expect them to fight back." |
3000,"I'm shocked, shocked i say, that the ""center for alcohol policy"" is an arm of the national beer wholesalers association and that it would conduct a poll that finds results supporting those that funded the poll." |
5000,"""center for alcohol policy""" |
5000,"On the ""Fact v." |
5000,"Fiction page ( http://www.hr5034.org/fact-vs-fiction ) ""FACT: This bill does not address direct shipping or any specific state alcohol law." |
5000,The bill does PROTECT a state’s wine shipping law if someone were to challenge it in court by providing the shipping law with the same presumption of validity granted other state alcohol laws. |
4375,"""Disingenuous in the extreme." |
4500,"And what's worse, the wholesalers knew this when they wrote this." |
5000,Better to call the introduction of H.R. 5034 what it is: an attack on the entire alcohol industry and consumers for the sake of protecting wholesaler profits. |
5000,"""This bill does not amend or alter the Federal Alcohol Administration Act (FAA Act) which provides federal guidelines in many of these areas""" |
5000,"""amend""" |
4500,It overrides it entirely. |
5000,"To quote from H.R. 5034: ""not withstanding that the state or territorial law may burden interstate commerce or an act of congress, the state law shall be upheld...""" |
5000,"""not withstanding that the state or territorial law may burden interstate commerce or an act of congress, the state law shall be upheld...""" |
6000,"Language that bars facial discrimination is included in the bill to codify this prohibition"" I have great faith in the wholesalers' ability to mislead." |
5000,"""Over half the states have been sued challenging their alcohol laws." |
4500,Judges never have set policy. |
4500,Will they argue that state laws banning African-Americans from being distributors is legal under the 21st Amendment? |
5500,"""State laws that raise concerns can and should be addressed in the state legislature.""" |
5000,"The only way we can continue to provide guide dogs, at no cost, to someone who is blind or visually impaired, is through your support." |
5000,"Many people send gifts of $35, $50, or even $100 or more — whatever you are able to give to help maintain this vital service." |
6000,It’s the special bond — of a loving and working 24 hour a day partnership. |
5000,"“As a boy in Bosnia, I walked my dog. Now my guide dog, Franklin, walks me”" |
6000,"“Both my friends were zipping through crowds while I lagged behind, even though I was a fast cane walker. I envied their freedom and most of all, the incredible bond they both had with their guide dogs. With my Lab, Jay, I feel so wonderfully FREE!”" |
4000,“I had never had a pet. |
6000,Having Aries just makes life so much easier. |
7000,People love dogs. |
5500,They can relate to him and feel they have something to talk to you about.” |
5500,mothers and fathers. |
5825,"As one of our donors in the New York area told us, “Sometimes you never see the good work your money does." |
6000,“Sometimes you never see the good work your money does. I see the results... the guide does I’ve helped sponsor dramatically improve the lives of the men and women who receive them.” |
5000,"We use Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers and a cross between Labs and Goldens." |
5000,Male and female dogs are used. |
5000,And our dogs are specially bred for temperament and physical soundness. |
6500,Every Foundation guide dog is given free of charge to someone who is blind or visually impaired. |
5000,"The El Rancho Vegas (1941) was the first, followed by the Last Frontier (1943)." |
5000,"Frank Sinatra, Wayne Newton, and Louis Prima each arrived with mediocre status and suddenly found themselves with names as big as the marquees on which they were written." |
6000,"As a result, more casinos emerged along the Strip." |
5000,That would change dramatically with the 1966 arrival of billionaire Howard Hughes. |
5000,"Thus began Hughes’ legendary three-year, $300-million Las Vegas buying spree." |
5000,"That, combined with the formation of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, would signal the beginning of the end for heavy mob influence in the city." |
5000,Casino operators had to reassess the nature of their business. |
6000,He bought several Strip properties — the Silver Slipper and Castaways among them — and demolished them to make way for a new kind of resort — Mirage — which became an instant success. |
4500,"Wynn’s demolition of the existing properties started a trend that, more than any other, describes Las Vegas at the end of the 20th century: removal of old properties in exchange for the potential of new ones." |
5000,Wynn’s casinos have also set new standards. |
5500,This permitted the Anasazi to achieve a benchmark of advanced society — the ability to live in permanent shelters year-round without need to follow wildlife. |
5500,"New resorts offer attractions and amenities modeled after those available in top resort cities worldwide, including luxurious spas, signature restaurants, and exclusive boutiques." |
5000,"As it changed from mob gam bling town to corporate gaming venue, the population of Las Vegas skyrocketed." |
5000,"It was not until 1829 that Rafael Rivera, a Mexican scout, found a spring-fed valley and dubbed it Las Vegas — a Spanish name that leaves many modern visitors wondering exactly where “the meadows” really lay." |
5000,A Brief History |
5000,The landscape of the valley changed dramatically over the next 200 centuries. |
3000,Additional pressures from arriving miners pushed the missionaries’ plight beyond recovery. |
5000,He expanded the ranch and irrigated the land so that it would support crops and cattle. |
5000,"Despite his ambition, Gass’ success was short-lived." |
4175,What happened next would mark the end of the successful Las Vegas Ranch and the beginning of the era of the subdivision seen across almost all of Western America to this day. |
5000,At the turn of the 19th century Los Angeles and Salt Lake City were among the burgeoning metropolises of the new American West. |
5000,"In 1903, officials of the San Pedro, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake Railroad arrived in Las Vegas, eager to secure a right-of-way for their Los Angeles–Salt Lake connection." |
5000,Las Vegas would serve as a major stopover for crew rest and train repair. |
5000,The remainder she returned to the native Paiutes. |
6000,"In early 1905, the route between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City was completed, and train tracks bore right down the center of the Las Vegas Valley." |
5000,"Businesses sprang up overnight, and wooden houses were erected to replace the tent city in which many of the early settlers had lived." |
4500,"Union Pacific then consolidated its operations, eliminating the Las Vegas repair facility." |
5000,"Additionally, Las Vegas had been made a part of Nevada’s new Clark County in 1909, a year when the legislature also outlawed gambling." |
6875,"Not only did it create jobs, but it also created Lake Mead, the massive reservoir that today provides water to all of southern Nevada." |
5000,"The construction of Hoover Dam did not single-handedly save Las Vegas, however." |
5500,"The state legislature helped as well, by legalizing gambling in 1931 and thus solidifying the future of the town, though legislators and residents could never have known this at the time." |
5000,It didn’t take long for the city to establish itself as a wild-West town with an “anything goes” attitude. |
5500,"Vices outlawed or heavily controlled elsewhere were legal here, available any hour of any day (or night)." |
5500,"“choice,”" |
5000,"The only difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals is that while heterosexuals are attracted to members of the opposite sex, homosexuals are attracted to those of the same sex." |
5000,“Why are you attracted to other members of your sex” |
5000,"To supplement my findings from research, I have conducted personal interviews with two adolescent homosexual males, James Dobbens and Daniel Woods." |
5000,"Both were asked how what they thought determined homosexuality (nature vs. nurture) and why, when they realized they were homosexual and how they knew, and similar questions." |
4500,Dobbens reasoned that most parents would not raise their children to be homosexual; “They’re not like ‘My child’s going to be gay!”’ |
4000,“They’re not like ‘My child’s going to be gay!”’ |
5000,Dobbens believes that he was born homosexual. |
5500,"When why he was a homosexual, he explained “It’s just the way you are, you can’t explain it, I was just born that way, it’s like asking how the world was made – no one really knows” (Dobbens)." |
6000,"“They can bring you up [to be] open minded to [homosexuality], but they don’t bring you up [to be a homosexual]… I grew up in a place where [homosexuality is accepted], so that’s why I’m so open about being gay; I accept myself… [Whether or not you accept homosexuality and can be honest with yourself if you are homosexual] depends on how you’re brought up”" |
5000,“boyhood” |
5000,"What I find to be extraordinary about Woods’ case is that he remarked how while he has always been sexually attracted go guys, he is romantically attracted to women in the sense that he has always wanted a girlfriend and to be close with other females, etc… but never in a sexual sense." |
5625,"Though he has “always kind of fantasized about getting married [to a female],” these feelings come from his “romantic side, which is different from the sexual side” (Woods)." |
5000,"What, exactly, causes homosexuality?" |
5500,"He says that if he married a female with which he shared a strong trust, maybe he could work it out." |
5000,"According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the advantageous traits are passed on, while the disadvantageous ones eventually die out." |
5500,"Because consequently heterosexual men contribute five times as much genetic information to the next the gene pool, if homosexuality was indeed caused by a gene, it would have died out entirely by now, or at least been reduced immensely in the number of occurrences." |
5825,"Even Homer wrote about Achilles and Patroclus, who have been considered to be the perfect model of true love (Emond)." |
5500,Works Cited |
5000,"Homosexuality. Ed. William Dudley. San Diego: Greenhaven P, 1993." |
5000,"Marcus, Eric. Is it a Choice? San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1993. Wikholm, Andrew. gayhistory.com. 1998. <http://www.gayhistory.com>." |
5000,"Woods, Daniel S. Telephone interview. 6 June 2002." |
5000,“a man or woman whose feelings of sexual attraction are for someone of the same sex” |
4000,"At this point in time, Karl Maria Kertbeny used the word in a pamphlet which fought to repeal the current antihomosexual laws of Prussia." |
5000,The debate over homosexuality has been one of the most long-lasting and controversial ones ever. |
4175,"This theory, which defined Urnings as males who turned to other males as sexual partners, was published in twelve pamphlets by Ulrichs, starting in1864." |
5000,"The first, Vindex, defended Urnings, while the second, Inclusa, which followed shortly after, described the first scientific theory of homoerotic desire." |
5500,"Perhaps then, it is a combination of some of these?" |
5000,"A couple thousand years after Plato and Homer, Sigmund Freud still believed homosexuality to be a natural behavior." |
5825,“I am… of the firm conviction that homosexuals must not be treated as sick people… Homosexual persons are not sick. They also do not belong in a court of law!” |
5000,“Letter to an American Mother” |
5500,"“Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be classified as an illness… Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals”" |
5000,"Dr. Evelyn Hooker, a heterosexual psychologist, conducted a ground-breaking study in the mid 1950s that went along similar reasoning as Freud." |
5000,"In this courageous experiment, Hooker compared the psychological profiles of sixty men, half homosexual and half heterosexual." |
6000,“cure” |
5000,"In his book The Symposium, Plato wrote “Those who are halves of a man whole pursue males, and being slices, so to speak, of the male, love men throughout their boyhood, and take pleasure in physical contact with men” (qtd. in Isay 11)." |
4500,"Me, I found a space suit, but it was statistically unlikely that I, and whomever else has followed suit (pun intended), would manage to repair our ship before the less-than-twenty-four hours are up; yes, studies have been done." |
5000,Tonight was for observation. |
5000,Fact: It's easy to fall into patterns. |
5000,I did not ask questions. |
5000,"Bereft of my previous familiar life, I latched onto Kishori and Ray and Zheng, and Sarah with Alexis dragged along on her arm now and then (he was mostly her favorite dancing partner; she confided to us one night that his conversational skills left something to be desired)." |
4175,"Days passed, weeks passed, but I couldn't tell if it had been months or years since I was rescued." |
5000,"Now and then, a new face mingled in the crowd." |
6500,"One of these evenings, we were gathered in the South Ballroom for post-dinner drinks, lounging on couches and watching other members of our populace move in circles on the dance floor." |
5000,(The 'South' was in the title to suggest that there were more ballrooms. |
5000,'South' |
4575,"Twenty-four hours of silence (vacuum, remember); was I hallucinating noises now?" |
5000,"Regardless, when Adrienne asked what the ship's purpose was, we all gave it a measure of thought." |
5000,She swirled it speculatively. |
4000,"“Maybe the universe will end sooner than you think,” said Jefferson." |
5000,"He didn't drink, but he made a point of mingling with all the various cliques." |
5625,"“Maybe we'll travel at the speed of light and we won't age,”" |
5000,We'd just appear to age slower than people not traveling as fast as us.” |
6000,"Besides, I wouldn't mind being around forever." |
5000,"“New hypothesis,” suggested Kishori, slipping into the conversation." |
4000,“No one's immortal. |
2500,"In fact, the opposite: We're all going to die.”" |
8000,"“All the luxuries money can buy,”" |
6250,"“All the luxuries money can buy,” she echoed." |
5000,"And accompanying the bell, I saw a light." |
5000,“where else would we get the money to buy all this?” |
5000,"So what's our cargo, eh, captain?”" |
5000,"“I'll leave you to your speculation,”" |
4000,“And I don't mean that you disgust me. |
2500,"“That's dumb,” said Sarah." |
5000,He knows about us.” |
1674,"“That's still dumb,”" |
4000,"Second, I was floating in the dark remnants of my broken ship, and any conceivable light sources were not within view; starlight is a distinctly different color and significantly less bright." |
5500,"“What we do, rebelling against the oppression of the many governments that oppose us, we're going to leave a legacy.”" |
4500,"“Obviously, we can't last longer than the rest of the universe." |
5000,All we're doing is existing. |
3500,"“Again, bleak,”" |
5000,"“Again, bleak,” commented Zheng." |
3125,"“You can't hold on forever, even if you don't ever, ever want to forget." |
4000,"But words, if you repeat them enough times, lose their meaning." |
5500,These signals were the heralds of my saviors. |
4000,"Repeat it enough times, it's just a sound." |
5500,"Ray, he said, “If we last forever, if our eyes are the last eyes watching as the stars blink out, it won't mean a thing to us." |
4175,We aren't angels. |
5000,"“Pure dumb luck,” he said." |
3500,The first words they said to me meant nothing. |
4575,"Ray, he looked down at his hands, folded together in his lap, fingers interlaced." |
4000,"“I don't know,”" |
3500,"Ray shrugged, then got up and left." |
5000,"“Not that long,”" |
4500,Maybe a month or two.” |
5000,she asked. |
4500,"I explained how my ship had malfunctioned, no warning at all." |
5500,She nodded. |
4500,"Some vital part broke, and..." |
5000,It was all so fast.” |
2500,"I paced my room that night, unable to sleep." |
5000,"The more I thought about it, the less sense the ship made." |
5000,Fact: It's too easy to fall into patterns. |
4500,"Another circle of chairs and couches, another uncomfortable question." |
5000,Ray exchanged a glance with Zheng. |
4500,Sarah frowned. |
4500,I looked at Ray and raised an eyebrow. |
5000,“What?” |
5000,The approximate number of people at any given event is always the same. |
4500,Zheng shook his head and picked up a handful of candied pecans from a little dish on the end table. |
5000,Adrienne focused on Zheng. |
5000,I hazarded a guess. |
4000,"“You don't notice, do you.”" |
5000,"“Of course we notice. But... well, no one important ever disappears, so it doesn't really matter, does it.”" |
7000,Mission accomplished: Our routine insouciance had been disrupted. |
4500,The scales had tipped. |
5000,A long time. |
5000,“and so was Tiffany.” |
5000,I looked at Zheng; he shrugged. |
4500,“Time passes in a weird way here. I kept track for a while—thirty-eight days—but after that... I guess I didn't see the point.” |
5000,“Why not?” |
5000,asked Adrienne. |
3500,"“Days don't matter,” he said." |
5000,“Why are you so interested?” |
5000,she asked Adrienne. |
5825,Adrienne met her gaze. |
4500,“Remember? Alexis left.” |
5000,"“Disappeared,”" |
5000,Or where he went.” |
5000,"He picked up his glass, swirled the liquid around, took a sip, then set the glass back down." |
4500,He glanced around at the rest of us. |
5000,“Could you live anywhere else now?” |
5625,I spoke up. |
5000,"Zheng, he addressed me again, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and an intense, steady gaze." |
5000,"“You think that,”" |
4000,Asphyxiating my mind. |
5000,"I inspected the arrays of entertainment options—abstract, old-style flatscreens, engrossing VR flicks and action games, a selection of quondam bestsellers and a few recently released novels hoping to gain popularity." |
5500,"In one hand I balanced my plate of star-shaped crackers, globs of elegant dips and garnishes, little rolled balls of meats and cheeses stabbed through with spears of some pale green plant, and an array of other delectable, bite-sized items." |
5500,My other hand pointedly steered Adrienne to a small table against a wall. |
4175,"I was one more scrap to weld onto the rest, one more stranded survivor who was found." |
5000,“what you have found.” |
3325,"She gave me a grumpy look that informed me, quite clearly, of her current opinion of me." |
3500,“Sorry.” |
5825,I was now one of them. |
3325,“I've been having headaches.” |
5000,"This story, it's our story." |
5000,"“Down past the Emerald Lounge, second door on the left." |
5000,"A robot, then." |
4500,Medical AI were even more expensive than the barkeep. |
5000,>Hotel California |
5000,asked Kishori sympathetically. |
5500,"“At least have a drink,”" |
5000,"“At least have a drink,” said Sarah." |
3000,"“If you dislike this place so much, why don't you do something about it?”" |
5000,"Black and more black, speckled by tiny points of light that flared up to break the emptiness, if only for a brief time." |
5000,That was tonight's melodramatic theme: the ephemeral nature of life. |
4500,"Everything to fade away, lost as dust and scattered atoms between the stars, and every one of us to be left as alone as the moment we were born." |
3325,"Eyes bulging in panic, but no screams." |
4575,"Some things in this world, we have to make them permanent ourselves." |
5000,He had made us a constant. |
5000,Maybe that was enough. |
5000,"And all of us, we were permanent characters in each others' stories." |
5000,"“You don't see a meaning because there is no meaning,” she said." |
5500,"“Look what I found,” Adrienne said." |
5000,Fact: Sound is a vibration. |
5000,"“Up his dosage,” I heard the captain say." |
5000,"Life boats, I thought." |
5500,I'd find one. |
4000,"Ray, he caught me as I pounded on the corridor walls, finding no glass to break." |
6500,"“Relax,”" |
5000,"“We're selective about our passengers,” he continued." |
3750,They didn't.” |
5000,"“Come on,”" |
5500,"“Come on,” she said, before I could say anything else, “let's get you settled in.”" |
6000,“let's get you settled in.” |
5500,Glimpses of elegant rooms down the branching hallways; music; voices; the aroma of real food. |
6500,This was heaven. |
5000,“To your quarters. |
5000,What's our destination?” |
7000,"“Honey,”" |
4175,"After I realized this, I left my quarters." |
6500,"Then I realized, someone must have noticed I hadn't left, and was nice enough to send food my way." |
6675,The accompanying bottle of wine was a nice touch. |
5000,"Me, I was singled out by Sarah, an unassuming forty-something lady with a glass of champagne in one hand and the arm of a scrawny but tall blond man in the other." |
5500,She sidled up to me as I was scooping little round crackers and what appeared to be a baked cilantro cream dip onto a plate. |
6875,"Compared to what a mere engineer would get on your typical cargo ship, it was mouthwateringly, lip-smackingly gorgeous." |
5000,"I'm Sarah, and this is Alexis—you must be the new pickup.”" |
6000,"“Come on, let's get you a glass of champagne.”" |
5000,"Clearly, it was a high-end model." |
5500,"Sarah transferred the glass to my free hand and pulled me away from the bar for more introductions, with Alexis trailing after us." |
5000,No one minded; Sarah's inner circle was content to fill our circle of couches with plenty of chatter. |
6000,Google TGI Friday's Fan Woody and it looks pretty good. |
5000,"Apparently Woody and his 900,000+ fans went poof ." |
5000,You paid Facebook for the right to target them. |
4000,"Walls filled with off topic conversations at best, vile language and real antipathy for the brand at worst." |
5000,I think when used properly they can be terrific. |
4500,What do I mean by used properly? |
6875,Recruit some friends and I'm happy to give you all some coupons. |
5000,"Kathy Sharpe says: April 18, 2010 at 1:02 pm" |
7000,"Sure, it's great having several hundred thousands fans." |
5000,"Did you earn them through fantastic customer service, fulfilling the brand promise, providing value to the community in an authentic and passionate voice, or did you run a Facebook ad campaign and hit the broadcast airwaves with a promotion?" |
5000,Get Flash Player from Adobe. |
5500,Remember that ad? |
6500,"Sure, Shaquille O'Neal once said, ""I've won at every level but college and pro,"" but Shaq was always a larger than life (literally) character who was outgoing and had a great relationship with fans." |
4500,"I'm no longer the target demographic for most of the products Lebron endorses, but you know what matters to me?" |
5000,"He's also managed to surround himself with people who understand business, but I'm starting to wonder if he's lost a bit of understanding of American culture." |
5000,That that was the main factor. |
5000,Update 2: And so it begins... |
4500,"Lebron didn't play college basketball, he went straight from high school to the pros, and since joining the Cleveland Cavaliers he's won exactly zero NBA champions." |
6000,Earlier this week Lebron jumped on Twitter and quickly gained a massive following. |
3000,"What is even more shocking, is that more than 30 million animals die these cruel, painful deaths each year ..." |
3500,"And with so much animal cruelty and suffering going on, I’m sure you can understand why the work of The Humane Society of the United States is so vitally important and why we need the support of many other people, like you, to help us bring an end to animal suffering, abuse and neglect." |
6250,Your name |
5000,"Right now, the problems are mounting and we need all the help we can get to stop animal cruelty." |
5500,“friend” |
5000,"Today, we are placing special emphasis on pet adoption." |
4175,P.S. We are totally committed to putting an end to all forms of animal cruelty and neglect. |
5500,"Please take this moment to be as generous as possible to send your best gift today, and don’t forget to use your free colorful pet stickers and name labels enclosed." |
5000,Mississippi— The official registration and financial information of HSUS maybe obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office by calling 1-888-236-6167. |
5000,"In New York, the Office of the Attorney General, Department of Law, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271." |
5000,"Pennsylvania— The official registration and financial information of The Humane Society of the United States may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999." |
5000,Registration does not imply endorsement. |
5000,"West Virginia— Residents may obtain a summary of the registration & financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305." |
2500,"Every day of the year, The Humane Society of the United States receives reports about all kinds of animal cruelties, such as the horrors of the leghold trap; the use of dog and cat fur; needless or repetitive experiments on animals; and the abusive treatment of dogs and cats." |
5500,"Many of our critics say that you and I who love animals attribute intelligent and sensitive qualities to “stupid, non-feeling” animals." |
4000,"All animals need a place to “get to” in order to be safe from bullets, cruelty, traps and clubs." |
5000,"IFAW’ P.O. Box I 93 Yarmouth Port, MA 02615-01 ‘www.lfaw.org IFAW is now launching our year 2001 Animal Sanctuary Fund to provide safe places for animals to live out of the danger tat comes from humans and loss of habitat." |
5000,"I’m positive you agree with this most basic, humane approach." |
5000,This new program will be a huge success with your help. |
5825,"Gifts of $100, $25, and $15 all are important to keep our Animal Sanctuary Fund operating." |
5000,Be sure to write me back to let me know your 2001 Calendar has arrived m good order. |
5500,I’m sure you will want to keep it and prominently display it to enjoy these striking wildlife images. |
5000,"Old buildings are being recycled; for example, the 17th-century Royal Hospital now holds the Museum of Modern Art." |
5000,"“ I never go north of the Liffey,”" |
5000,"“ I never go north of the Liffey,” one man remarked." |
5625,"The occasional cry of gulls and unexpected distant vistas will remind you that Dublin is by the sea, and the Wicklow mountains, which hold Dublin closely to the coast, are visible from everywhere." |
5000,"College Green, the home of Trinity College, provides a natural focus just south of the O’Connell Street bridge." |
5000,"O’Connell Street, the city’s grand boulevard, leads north to Parnell Square." |
5000,"The climate here can best be described as “changeable” and yet the sudden shifts from light to dark, sunshine to shower, are part of the city’s magic." |
5000,Buildings seem to transform themselves depending on the light; Dublin under a lowering sky is a different place from Dublin in sunshine. |
6500,At night the streets are crowded with people bent on having a good time. |
5000,"And while multinational chains have made inroads, they seem less blatant here than elsewhere." |
5000,Dublin’s food has undergone a metamorphosis. |
5500,"Dublin has international restaurants galore, and the New Irish Cuisine is built upon fresh products of Ireland’s seas, rivers, and farms." |
6250,The proverbial hospitality and warm welcome are still here. |
6250,"Phoenix Park in the northwest is the largest open space, but squares like St. Stephen’s Green are the garden oases of the city." |
5000,Young at Heart? |
5000,"Almost half of Ireland’s population is under twenty-five, and with its universities and professional schools, Dublin also has a large student population." |
5500,"The universities attract students from all over the world, and this influx helps to make Dublin a busy, buzzing international city." |
5500,Unemployment is at an all-time low. |
5000,"It’s also a city of the imagination, reinvented and reappraised in the literature of its exiles." |
5000,The impression of the visitor today will be that very little has changed. |
5000,Others are more subtle. |
4175,"With a population of nearly eight million and a total area of just over 1,095 square km (423 square miles), housing is one of Hong Kong’s perennial nightmares." |
5500,"To alleviate the problem, the government has become the city’s major landlord with the construction of massive apartment blocks that, though they have every modern facility, average only 9 square m (100 square ft) in size." |
5500,"The Chinese people have been described as hardworking and pragmatic, attitudes that have contributed to Hong Kong’s success." |
6000,"There are many stories of refugees who arrived with nothing in their pockets, set up a small sidewalk stall, worked diligently until they had their own store, and then expanded it into a modest chain." |
5000,"But it is also efficient, with one of the best transportation systems anywhere, and for such a crowded place, quiet — you don’t hear voices raised in anger, motorists sitting on their horns, or loud boomboxes." |
5500,"You’ll also notice that gambling is a passion, whether it be cards, mah-jong, the lottery, or the horses." |
5000,"Beyond, in the New Territories, are a mixture of high-rise suburban towns, ancient sites and walled villages, country parks, and farms with ducks and fish ponds." |
5000,"On 1 July, 1997 the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty as a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China." |
4500,"Into the Initiative's underground bunker: Then, from the bathroom-Initiative across the hall: Into his parent's basement: And into an ice cream truck: Past the the come-hither lesbians: Through the back of the ice cream truck: By means of a passage: That returns him to you guessed it his parents' basement: In which he exits the same door he originally entered it from Buffy's house only to end up in the halls of Sunnydale High and (shortly) an Apocalypse Now parody: The only difference between what Whedon did and Urbino is that you could travel through the side streets of Urbino with a camera and accomplish such feats (minus the Coppola) without needing to cut once ." |
5000,"Wednesday, 26 May 2010" |
5000,AND this time apart will make you stronger and make you realize marriage is work and you need to put some in or the marriage dies and you are left with an empty hole in your heart. |
5000,"So the only opportunity I have to talk to her (via Skype) is that last hour in the late evening when the loft cools enough to be habitable—provided, of course, that the wifi strength that evening is strong enough to establish and maintain a connection." |
3750,No such luck. |
5000,United has simple linked to one of the million places where you can calculate a per flight carbon cost. |
5000,"Posted by Lawrence Lessig on April 27, 2009 9:08 AM" |
4500,I talk about it in my Green Culture talk. |
3500,I am suspicious of cap & trade. |
5500,"Re: your green culture talk, I think you are misappropriating the Gore clip: isn't he saying that your money would be better spent on political candidates and organizations that push for mandatory internalizing of externalities (changing the laws) instead of on carbon offsets (changing the lightbulbs)?" |
3500,"""I am suspicious of cap & trade. It seems like a complicated partial version of that, created by the same genius quants who gave us the mess on wall street, that is designed to generate large fees finance types. My sense is for a simpler system.""" |
4000,That just shows you do not fully understand the cap and trade model....or the global financial crisis. |
4575,One reason we're late (other than the obvious) is the insane complexity in calculating it well. |
5000,"April 27, 2009 6:03 PMYaacov Iland: I'd check into the effectiveness of carbon offsets, particularly tree plantations, before spending money on them: http://www.newint.org/features/2006/07/01/keynote/" |
3325,I travel way too much. |
4500,"If you don't believe that and still insist on paying someone else to consume less, then please consider paying me." |
5000,We cook from whole ingredients and never eat processed or prepared foods. |
3750,"Carbon offsetting was ""an unbelievably inefficient way of reducing emissions,"" she argued, and its effects were impossible to verify." |
5000,"""More than half""" |
3750,"""We believe it is worse than nothing because it creates the illusion, or the impression, in the public that action is being taken, while we are not really addressing the task at hand, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions,""" |
4000,"""We believe it is worse than nothing because it creates the illusion, or the impression, in the public that action is being taken, while we are not really addressing the task at hand, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions,"" Ms Kill told MPs." |
5000,I've posted your feedback on my carbon offsets news blog. |
5000,"The cost for large companies to make any updates to their e-commerce sites is significant, another factor in keeping the type of program you'd like from being available." |
6500,"When the type of program you imagine IS put in place, the results have been very good." |
5000,'go green' |
5000,"Your reward will be the wag of a tail you’ll never see, the soft purr you’ll never hear -- and the warm joy of knowing you were there to help when you were needed." |
6000,"If you could give $20 or more, I can promise we’ll use your money to help animals start new, happier lives." |
3000,Tara fumed. |
4000,"Tarrin, no doubt with orders from Mason, was questioning her command decisions." |
3125,"It was not an attractive face right now; her ebony eyes shadowed by hours on the watch, full lips pursed with frustration." |
5500,Her glowering expression completed the imposing effect. |
5000,Don't blow this. |
5000,Don't let fatigue get to you. |
4000,"Well, if she didn't pan out, she'd be terminated." |
4500,He was what this was all about. |
4500,She watched his graceful fingers ending in thick black claws tap out calculations on the panel. |
5000,"His silken fur, which would be tawny golden and striped with jet black bands, was dyed perfectly to a pure black, and his mane trimmed and thinned as to be indistinguishable from the rest of his coat." |
3500,Won't Central be crushed to learn that another gateway has yielded little more than a class F planet and a white dwarf system. |
6000,"This sounds like it's the one.""" |
5000,"The distinctive whuffle of pleasure rippled through the betas on the bridge, and Rakal let loose a small growl, as if to caution his charges against false hope." |
6250,Harmon's face slowly animated - joy sweeping in to replace stern concentration. |
7925,"""Tarrin says the planet's a freaking gemstone!" |
2500,"""Harmon, tell that good for nothing son of a beta to get his hindquarters through the gate and back here NOW, or I'll open fire on him when we come back through.""" |
7500,"“the final ‘lesson’ of the myth often fades into the background and we retain the image of the erotic, strong, unrepressed (if destructive) woman.”" |
5000,‘lesson’ |
5425,"In fact, Communists in the PRC in the 1970s reclaimed her as a feminist symbol for women who rebel against the patriarchy." |
5000,"""Madame White Snake""" |
5000,"But over time, characterizations of her became more complex, and the persona of Madame White Snake became more sympathetic, and perhaps even a model of the ideal Confucian wife, particularly in “Pagoda”." |
5500,"Whalen Lai notes, “She was a loving wife, a caring mother, rescuer of her family from the first flood, and, at that point, a general benefactor of man." |
5425,"“She was a loving wife, a caring mother, rescuer of her family from the first flood, and, at that point, a general benefactor of man. She took on the virtues of a traditional Chinese female, particularly forbearance”" |
6000,"Toyoo, her human lover in “Lust of the White Serpant” cannot shake the image of her beauty from his mind and dreams of her, and finds himself “disturbed and agitated” by her “ethereal beauty”." |
5000,“Lust of the White Serpant” |
4500,"“Eternal Prisoner,”" |
5000,“The Lust of the White Serpant” |
5000,"“Eternal Prisoner under the Thunder Peak Pagoda.” Trans. Diana Yu, in Y. W. Ma and Joseph S. M. Lau. Traditional Chinese Stories : Themes and Variations. Boston: Zheng & Zui Co, 1986, 358." |
5000,"“Not only is the hero frequently not sure whether the woman is honest or a deceiver, but the heroine’s characterisation is itself fractured so that it is not evident to the audience whether she fills the [femme fatale] stereotype or not”" |
5000,"“Klute 1: A Contemporary Film Noir and Feminist Criticism,”" |
3750,“Eternal Prisoner under Thunder Peak Pagoda” |
5500,"While both stories each characterize Madame White Snake fairly consistently within their narratives, the uneven characterization in film noir perhaps mirrors the evolution of her character over time: readers may not be sure whether she is a pure villainess or whether she is a good wife who is badly treated by society, because there is evidence of both throughout her legend." |
5000,This is quite similar to the expected end for the femme fatal character in films - she is punished in some way so that social order and proper gender roles are restored. |
4175,"In both stories, Madame White Snake’s secret is uncovered and a monk comes to exorcise her, and she is eventually rendered powerless and trapped under a pagoda." |
5000,"Furthermore, Lady White Snake’s lover is far from the ideal man." |
4000,"“Those creatures took advantage of your fair looks and tempted you. But you, yourself, owing to a lack of courage and spirit, fell victim to their temporary form”" |
5000,But are the morals of these stories entirely sincere? |
5000,"If they were, Madame White Snake would be unmistakably depicted as an evil character." |
5500,"She pleads with him, “We have a love bond between us, as constant as the T’ai Mountains and the Eastern Sea, and we must live and die together." |
6675,"“We have a love bond between us, as constant as the T’ai Mountains and the Eastern Sea, and we must live and die together. Please, since we are already married, take me back, and let’s stay together the rest of our lives. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”" |
7500,"At a price nearly half off the regular membership dues, you will receive a host of member benefits (more on these in a moment)_and, far more important the satisfaction of actually doing something to improve the ocean world we pass on to our children." |
5625,I hope you enjoy using them as you correspond with your friends and family and help us spread the word to protect ocean wildlife. |
5000,"Dear Friend," |
4575,"I hope, too, that they remind you just how much danger these beautiful marine species and their ocean habitats are in right now!" |
5500,Sincerely |
5825,"P.S. Of course, your personalized labels are a gift, yours to keep whether or not you choose to join us." |
3125,"The cause - undetermined, but the suspected culprit is pollution poisoning our oceans with toxic chemicals and sewage." |
5000,Something in his tone couldn’t be disbelieved. |
5000,"If she’s in trouble, I want to find her, wherever she is.”" |
5000,"This person, like me, is not a member of traditional society." |
4500,"With that, he made a sharp turn onto a side street that I hadn’t noticed before." |
4500,“are you sure that we should be going this way? |
4500,"“Just ignore that,” he told me." |
5000,He parked and got out. |
5000,"he was already walking toward the squat, brick-windowed building we were parked next to." |
4500,"Inside, the building opened up." |
4500,The hunchbacked man came up to my stomach. |
3325,"It pulled back around his fingertips, which bore things that might have been nails or claws." |
5000,"When he grinned, I saw that his teeth were sharp and small, like a hunting cat’s." |
6000,"“It’s okay, you can trust him." |
4500,Boston is a strange place at night. |
4000,"You wouldn't believe half of the shit I've seen, even when I was straight." |
5500,“I get that all the time around here.” |
5000,"He had some rings, too." |
4000,"“I’ve looked into it a little, and I do think we might be dealing with one of them." |
5000,"“Not that I can remember, man." |
5000,"I can send you to a guy who knows all about them, though." |
7500,"“You’re a wonder, Dvorov." |
4000,It won’t be long before nightfall.” |
6500,I owe you one. |
5000,I saw men three feet tall with dusty black skin and eyes that shed yellow light. |
5000,"“We interact with humans, take advantage of them, grant them boons, sometimes even become their friends, but the majority of both societies have little or no interaction." |
5000,"Setting an arm on my shoulder, he said, “Nathan, what you see here might be frightening, but those things you saw are people just like you." |
6000,“Thanks. |
6500,It’s very reassuring that I’ll not only be an outsider but a curiosity.” |
4000,"“Nathan, you told me five minutes ago that you would do anything to help Rachel." |
5000,“But why are you even helping me? |
5500,"In this world, one’s word is a promise." |
5000,I caught my breath and forced myself to look him in the eye. |
5000,He pointed at the wall to our right. |
5000,Try to keep in time with me.” |
4500,"The blood flashed into flames as soon as it hit the ground, and I jumped back." |
4375,"Nepthys walked towards it and pressed his bloody palm against it, opening the door." |
5000,I was feeling calm and private that night. |
4500,"Its face was small and wrinkled, with penny-sized smoked glasses balanced on its thin nose." |
5625,"“There are no finer to spice a meal, nor purer to mix a potion." |
5500,"Please, let yourselves breathe the fine scent of these herbs.”" |
5000,I imagine that people do not come here for unimportant reasons.” |
5000,It hissed thoughtfully. |
7500,“Thank you.” |
5000,The door took us to the bottom of a flight of wooden stairs. |
5000,We entered. |
5000,Its only light came from a dying candle on the desk whose spark etched shadows in the roughly planked walls. |
5000,I smelled matted hair and cedar chips. |
5000,He opened one eye when we came in but did not move. |
1500,"“Oh, shit!”" |
5000,–Would you do us the kindness of helping us to identify an individual?” |
5000,There’s an entire industry in my world based around how unkillable they are. |
4575,"It came in through my mother's blood; my Russian grandmother would always tell me stories, bylichkas, of ancestors with the ""second sight"", stupid mill owners who discovered bags of gold after letting a special fish off their hooks, and dark strangers who used to appear to help or interfere at crucial times." |
5825,I can hear your heartbeat from over here.” |
5000,"Nepthys turned back to the little man on the bed, who had not moved." |
4175,"Finally, in a pinched rasp, he said, “My information is purely for the purposes of a collector." |
5000,I do not want to provide help to someone who would do harm.” |
5000,"“Sir, we simply want to discover whether this individual is, in fact, a vampire." |
5500,"If there is any boon that you would have us do in return, we would be glad to do it.”" |
4500,"He continued to lie in place, still breathing heavily." |
5000,I tried to keep myself calm. |
5000,"If you would fetch me this stone, I would tell you what I can.”" |
5000,"A large woman, similarly decorated, quickly drifted up to us." |
5000,“May I invite you to have a cup of tea?” |
6500,"She grinned and gave me a kiss across the table, her lips soft and firm and sticking just enough that she gave the feeling you were really kissing, not just pressing your face into someone else’s." |
4500,"Please, walk this way.”" |
5000,She led us past the silks and through an arch decorated with pictures of wooden ships and what looked like African tribesmen. |
5000,"“Excuse me,”" |
5000,"“Why, the merchandise, of course,”" |
5000,"“We deal mostly in fairly mundane trades, but there are a few customers with more unusual needs and people willing to sell unusual items." |
5000,"This is one of the stranger items, though." |
5000,"“Here it is,” she said." |
5000,"With a flourish, she opened the door to reveal a room with walls inlaid with lapis and gold wire, intricate patterns like a Czar’s jewelry box crawling down the walls." |
5500,“appraising glance” |
6000,"“He looks healthy,”" |
4175,“how about a pint of his blood?” |
5000,"“Half a pint, then – and his hair.”" |
4500,Nepthys turned to me. |
2000,I’m not giving my blood.” |
4000,"“As if I wanted it,” interrupted the woman." |
6000,"“I think it’s a fair deal, considering the return,”" |
6000,"“I think it’s a fair deal, considering the return,” he told me, “but it’s up to you.”" |
5825,"I thought about it, then nodded." |
7500,“Marvelous!” cried the woman. |
5000,It must have been larger than my finger. |
4575,"The cold thing stretched and cast around with its sucker-mouth until it found the soft spot inside my elbow, where it softly sucked on and began to work its way under my skin." |
4000,Let’s not waste any more time.” |
3500,I thought that I could feel a slight itching. |
5000,"“They take about a quarter-pint each,” said Madame Entera, drawing out another skinny leech." |
6000,At least the barber hadn’t nicked me. |
4500,"“Be careful you don’t let him touch it until you’re ready to use it,”" |
7500,"“Thank you for doing business at our house, and I hope to see you again!”" |
4500,"“Come on,”" |
4500,“you could use a drink.” |
5000,"“Vodka, straight up,” Nepthys told the bartender as we sat down at the counter, “and a Bloody Mary for my friend." |
5000,"“Drink up, kid.”" |
4500,Nepthys slapped me on the back. |
4500,"“now that we’re sitting down, can you explain a little more of what’s going on here?" |
5000,"In America, things are still weird after the European conquest." |
4500,The Europeans mostly manifest as something like the underground society of your cities. |
5000,We aren’t quite what you’d expect from reading the Grimms.” |
5000,“What do you mean?” |
5000,"“You figure they’re some Lincoln-green pretty boys who run around in the forest with bows and live forever in halls of glory, right?" |
4500,Except it’s worse here because they have centuries to grow disaffected and flirt with exciting and dangerous elements of society’s lowest rungs. |
5000,"Some of them actually commit to this society, though." |
5000,He has a real ear for it. |
4500,One wrong word and you find yourself cursed with infinite earwax or something. |
5000,"“I don’t know …hey, what about the nature spirits, things like that?" |
4500,"“If the tree isn’t around, the dryad isn’t around." |
5000,"“My parents came over from Russia, just like your family." |
5000,They were spirits of a certain branch of the Volga and the village based around a mill on that tributary. |
4500,"Sure, I miss having a place to settle down, but it’s better than waiting to get dammed.”" |
4575,He took another shot of vodka. |
3750,“Shouldn’t you be going light on the vodka? |
5500,"Now spring was back, under the concrete, and I could smell it even here." |
5825,I undid the strings and let the pouch sit on my palm so that I could see the stone inside. |
5500,"It looked like a normal river stone, a gray oval with a white stripe through it." |
5000,"Suddenly, what looked like a little kid darted out of an alley and almost ran into me." |
6000,"“Isn’t it an amazing night, Rache?" |
2500,"Immediately, I felt it grow warm and knew that I had done something very stupid." |
5000,"“Nathan,” said Nepthys, “I think that you just did something very stupid.”" |
5000,She waved down a car and pulled me in. |
5500,"The girl was as soft and rosy as the stone’s glow, and she was dressed in a white shift tied at the waist with a belt like a Celtic knot." |
5500,"Her arms and legs were wrapped in white linen up to her wrists and ankles, and soft, white leather boots held her feet." |
5000,"In a few minutes, we were getting out a block down from the abandoned church." |
2500,I couldn’t move. |
5000,"“Name me,” she said." |
2925,I was at a loss. |
5000,“Amy.” |
7000,"Amy smiled at me and let go of my arm, but not before she brought my fingers to her lips and gave them one soft kiss." |
3750,"When Nepthys opened the little man’s door, he rolled over and grinned to see us, but when Amy walked in, he blanched." |
5000,"“But …but sir,” I said, “are you sure she’s no help to you?”" |
3000,Nepthys shook his hands at me like he wanted to wrap them around my neck. |
4375,"I should say, set yourself back, since it’s your girlfriend we’re looking for.”" |
5000,"I thought about Rachel; in the excitement, I had forgotten why we were chasing down vampire experts." |
5000,He held the door for me and Amy when we reached the bottom of the stairs. |
5000,"“Night comes quickly here,”" |
5000,"Amy liked it, I think." |
5000,“he” |
5000,His eyes were white. |
5000,Tell her that Nepthys is here to see her.” |
5000,"Nepthys walked straight past him and I tried to keep up, taking Amy’s small hand so that she wouldn’t lag behind." |
4000,"I shivered as I walked past the pale man’s blank eyes, wondering what they were staring at." |
5000,"Inside, the space opened into a wide, square chamber mirrored and so dark that it could have been any size." |
4500,"The old vaulted church was stripped down: there was no cloth on the altar, just a DJ’s toolkit and his beer." |
5000,I had an urge to cover Amy’s eyes. |
6675,“It’s been years since I’ve seen you. |
5500,"“The girl is …surprising,”" |
3500,"“And I am Isis,”" |
5000,It seemed appropriate. |
5500,"“It is an honor to meet you, Lady Isis,”" |
4500,I don’t wish to be reminded of how old I actually am.” |
5500,A wave to the pale men brought a bottle of red wine and a platter of grapes. |
5500,"“Now, how can I help the elegantly mannered friend of my Nepthys and his surprising young charge?" |
5500,Nepthys poured out wine for three of us. |
5000,"“May I have a little more of what you gave me before, Nepthys?”" |
5000,"“It was part of the price for this girl, who was a rock at the time,” explained Nepthys." |
5000,"“She may be at that,” said Isis, gazing at her." |
5500,"A confessional too beaten-up to have been sold was shaking in a way that suggested activity inside, and where the pews had been taken out, a couple hundred people were testifying to the DJ’s moving sermon." |
5825,"“Now I understand why you’re here,”" |
5500,"“Now I understand why you’re here,” said Isis." |
5000,“So what do you need to know?” |
5000,"Isis …you know some way to locate the undead, don’t you?”" |
5000,"If not, you’ll have to bring me something to work with.”" |
5000,"She sat up, running her hands along her pale, round thighs." |
5000,Let me see if I can find him.” |
5000,Isis closed her eyes and lifted her hands. |
4000,"Shivers swept through her body, and Nepthys reached out to touch her but I stopped him." |
5000,"He glanced at me with honest concern, probably the first honest moment he’d shown me: ‘Is she all right?’" |
4500,‘Is she all right?’ |
5000,"She gasped and the dark glow went out, taking the blood with it in a flash of heat and red steam." |
5000,"“Isis, what happened?" |
4500,"She shook her head, rubbing her face into the white fur and murmuring something." |
4500,"For the first time, she looked vulnerable." |
5000,"When she finally spoke, I had to lean close to hear her." |
4500,"“I found your vampire,” she said, “but he might know that someone’s looking for him." |
4500,“but he might know that someone’s looking for him. He’s taken great pains to keep himself hidden. |
4500,He’s taken great pains to keep himself hidden. |
5000,You should look for him at Dvorov’s as quickly as you can.” |
4500,"Hurry, though, and you might find him before he leaves.”" |
5500,A twitch of her fingers summoned her pale servants. |
5000,"I stood, and one of her servants took me and Amy to the door." |
4500,"There was a terrific echo, each beat reverberating inside of the next, and the old stained-glass windows rattled in their frames." |
6000,"“Come on, Amy,” I said, “he’ll be along soon.”" |
5000,"When we got there, another pale servant was waiting for us with a box of dark stained wood." |
5000,"“I know a quick way to Dvorov’s,” said Nepthys." |
6000,"In a few minutes, we were back to the first door we’d knocked on in this town and Dvorov himself was greeting us." |
5000,The pulse from inside made the building sound like a giant heart. |
5500,"“Here, man?" |
4500,"“Anyway, long time, man.”" |
5000,Do you mind if we check it out anyway? |
5500,"“I guess, man, but be quick." |
3000,"I don’t want my customers thinkin’ that anything’s wrong, you know?”" |
5000,Dvorov asked us. |
5000,"“No, he said that his research was purely academic, not for hunters.”" |
2500,“Bummer. |
2500,"I guess I probably should’ve known, though." |
5000,"I mean, he is kinda tight about that stuff.”" |
3500,He didn’t look very surprised. |
5000,"I danced with Rachel for a while, but then something by the bar seemed to be pulling her eyes." |
4500,I tried to slip along the edge of the crowd. |
4175,My nose filled with a reek of thick sweat. |
5825,Then I felt a tug on the back of my shirt and noticed that Amy was following me. |
5000,"As it started to rise, a man with thick, scaled skin stretched across rippling muscles leapt on him." |
6500,"“Yes,”" |
5000,"Dvorov tried to peek through the crowd, but it had shifted again and we couldn’t see a thing." |
4500,"“I don’t think he’s there,”" |
3500,“It must have been wishful thinking.” |
3500,"“No, I saw him!" |
5000,"I have to hurry, too!" |
4500,"“Listen, man, he’s not there!" |
3500,"His eyes were glowing red, and he had bared a set of fangs that could probably take my hand off." |
5000,"“He wasn’t the only one with a secret or two,” he said by way of explanation." |
5000,The vampire glanced up when he saw the crowd split and his eyes flashed when he noticed us. |
4500,"We chased after him, Amy keeping up valiantly behind us." |
5000,"He bashed up a set of stairs set into the side of the wall, and we chased up after him, heading up a huge staircase that seemed to go up for more stories than the building could have held." |
4500,"Luckily, the vampire turned off after three stories." |
5000,"The panes looked dyed black, and only a few cold beams slipped through the filter." |
5000,"Footsteps echoed through the stone chamber, and the sound reflected back to me from everywhere." |
5500,"On the steps in front of the altar, I saw pale forms and realized that they were Rachel and two other women." |
5000,Behind you!” |
4500,"He leapt over the pews, soaring like a grasshopper, and drew a gleaming knife in midair." |
4500,"I dodged, but he tossed it, and I held the box in front of my face." |
3325,"The blade lodged in the wood, its silver point penetrating the velvet and nearly reaching my skin." |
4500,Then he landed heavy beside me and I scrambled to stand. |
4175,"His first move pulled out the dagger, almost wrenching my arms from their sockets as I held on to the box, and the second shattered the box with a crushing punch that sent me reeling backwards." |
5500,"He wore a jacket of what might have been blue velvet, and his hair gleamed black against his white skin." |
4500,"My mind began to dissipate, but then I felt the pain withdraw and a lifeless voice said, “This one’s blood isn’t worth drinking.”" |
2000,Hands closed on my neck and I felt my spine crack. |
5000,"The blue haze seemed to stop just shy of his pallor, setting off his striking face without illuminating its details, and his wrists flashed white in the darkness." |
5000,"A girl’s voice, soft and almost recognizable, spoke, “Nathan.”" |
6000,I felt my head turn and something in my neck reconnected. |
5000,Then my eyes opened and Amy handed me the hammer and stake. |
5500,"I stepped up behind him and raised my hands, which almost seemed to be glowing." |
6500,"“My fuckin’ hero,”" |
6500,"“My fuckin’ hero,” she whispered." |
4000,"I called Mitch and our other friends, hoping that she’d crashed at one of their houses, but I had no luck." |
5000,I caught a taxi back to the church. |
3500,"It was still a mess, but everything bigger than a soda can had disappeared." |
4000,"I realized that Rachel had disappeared without leaving a clue and I had no way to do anything but wait for her to show up – which, if she were in a situation where I should be doing something, would probably be never." |
4000,"Standing in the center of the church, I took out my cell phone and called the police." |
5000,…Rachel Frieze. |
4500,"She didn’t come home last night, none of her friends have seen her." |
7500,"“Ah, I think I’m fine, thanks,”" |
5500,"Please, hop in." |
4500,I glanced back over my shoulder. |
5500,He met my eyes coolly. |
5000,Get in. |
4500,"“Okay,” I said." |
5000,“I’m in the car. |
4575,"I got older and went to school, then to college, and I replaced the dreams my Nana gave me with the music DJs mixed for crowds in clubs, webs of pulse that shook us until we could believe anything." |
7000,I hope you will be pleasantly surprised |
5500,"For more than 60 years, caring and concerned wildlife lovers like yourself have supported our mission to educate, inspire and assist individuals and organizations to conserve wildlife and other natural resources and to protect the earth’s environment in order to achieve a peaceful, equitable and sustainable future." |
6250,Today you have the opportunity to join this successful cause by becoming a member of NWF for as little as $15 . |
5825,Through the colorful pages of NATIONAL WILDLIFE you will be fascinated by exquisite photography from some of the best nature photographers in the world. |
7500,The wrapping paper and matching gift cards feature delightful holiday wildlife images that will come in handy for wrapping your last minute presents. |
5000,"Appreciatively, Tom McGuire Vice President, Membership Programs" |
7500,These images will be cheerful reminders to you and your gift recipients of all the wildlife treasures we value. |
5500,"When you use the attractive wrapping paper and gift tags, you will be helping us spread the word about saving America’s wildlife treasures and their habitat." |
5000,Ochoa has played in the majors for five different teams starting in 1995. |
5500,"""He gives you a lot in all areas,""" |
5000,"""I've done that a lot in my career,""" |
5500,"""I just hope they keep me here,""" |
5000,"In return, the Brewers got backup catcher Jorge Fabregas and two players to be named later." |
5000,The United States is seeking his extradition from Italy. |
5000,"The FBI said explicit conversations about the scheme had been recorded between Tokhtakhounov and his conspirators, and between him and Anissina, who was born in Russia and skated for France, and her mother." |
5000,"After the Winter Olympics, a French judge, Marie-Reine Le Gougne, was suspended by the International Skating Union for not reporting pressure she said was put on her by Didier Gailhaguet, president of the French Skating Federation, to vote for the Russian pairs team." |
4500,She later recanted and said that Canadian officials had pressured her. |
4000,The ISU later suspended Le Gougne and Gailhaguet for three years. |
4500,"A Russian accused of being in organized crime was arrested in Italy on Wednesday on an American complaint that he conspired to fix the pairs figure skating and ice dancing competitions at the recent Salt Lake Winter Olympics, which were dominated by the sport's judging scandals." |
5000,"""We have alleged no connection between this man with any officials other than with Russian federation officials,""" |
5000,"""We have alleged no connection between this man with any officials other than with Russian federation officials,"" James B. Comey, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a news conference." |
4500,"He said that Tokhtakhounov ""reached out to a co-conspirator, somebody connected to the Russian Skating Federation, who did the legwork for him.""" |
5000,"""reached out to a co-conspirator, somebody connected to the Russian Skating Federation, who did the legwork for him.""" |
5000,"Maxwell Miller, Le Gougne's lawyer in Salt Lake City, said no evidence of organized crime influence came up in her suspension hearings before the ISU ""I think this situation vindicates the argument that we've made all along,"" he said." |
3325,"""She's a scapegoat and a target of a corrupt system and was unfairly singled out.""" |
3325,"Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, he has been implicated in arms trading and Russian art smuggling, and in the Russian news media he was accused of complicity in a plot to extort $10 million from the head of a Russian sports foundation." |
5000,"He appears to have moved to France in 1989, according to news media reports, and is reported to have Israeli citizenship also." |
5000,"The complaint against Tokhtakhounov's traces his contact with figure skating to 2000, when he proposed to Gailhaguet the creation of a professional hockey team in Paris that would provide revenue for the French Skating Federation." |
2500,"""Tokhtakhounov's money is bad,""" |
5000,"The Russian, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, who was arrested by the Italian authorities at his resort home in Forte dei Marmi, appeared to have a singular motivation for rigging the competitions: getting a visa to return to France, where he once lived." |
5000,"A week later, after Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze's pairs victory, the mobsters spoke again." |
5000,"""mother or the father and tell them everything will be OK""" |
5500,But they seemed pleased that the Russian pair's victory was achieved with the French judge's vote. |
5000,"He told her that the Russian skating federation official ""will help -- he has two or three judges.""" |
6000,"On or about March 7, in a conversation between Tokhtakhounov and Anissina, she said she would have won the event without his assistance because the Russian judge did not vote for her and her partner." |
5000,"""was involved with the results""" |
4500,"He assured her that it was nonsense, but that Gailhaguet ""knows my name very well -- he tried to help me, and later he made stuff up to scare you so you would not connect me to him even more.""" |
4000,"""knows my name very well -- he tried to help me, and later he made stuff up to scare you so you would not connect me to him even more.""" |
3750,"The federal prosecutor in Manhattan alleged in a criminal complaint that Tokhtakhounov had conceived and directed a scheme with a second man alleged to be in the Russian mob and a member of the Russian Skating Federation to secure a gold medal for the top Russian pairs skaters and for the top French ice dancers, one of whom is a Russian." |
3750,"That Russian organized crime may have infiltrated international sport at the Olympics stunned Phyllis Howard, president of the U.S. Figure Skating Association." |
5000,"""This is a criminal act and it certainly puts things in a different league,"" Howard said." |
5000,"""Competitors from all nations must be assured that they compete on a level playing field.""" |
5500,The factory will produce a wide range of specialized semiconductors used in everything from the largest mainframe computers to cell phones and video-game consoles. |
5000,"""The core of our strategy is to lead in technology and attack the high-performance segments of the market,""" |
5000,"""If our strategy were anything but to be on the leading edge, we'd have put the plant in Asia.""" |
5000,"EAST FISHKILL, N.Y. -- IBM opened a sprawling and sophisticated semiconductor factory here on Wednesday that cost more than $2.5 billion to build and equip, the largest single capital investment the company has ever made." |
5500,"But Kelly said the demand for advanced chips, like those produced at IBM's facility in Burlington, Vt., is strong." |
5000,The factory is highly automated and designed to shift flexibly to produce many different kinds of chips to suit demand. |
5000,"""The diversity is the big difference with this plant,""" |
5000,"""The diversity is the big difference with this plant,"" said Richard Doherty, president of Envisioneering, a research firm." |
4575,"They drop down from wires automatically into machines, sheathed in stainless steel and glass, for each stage of processing and fabrication." |
5000,The circuits etched into the chips are less than one thousandth the width of a human hair. |
5500,"Each wafer, holding hundreds of chips, is worth $6,000 to $10,000 apiece, depending on what insulation, circuitry and materials are used." |
5000,"The factory, which opens as the computer chip business is in a slump, is a costly and risky move for IBM." |
5000,"IBM is an exception among computer makers in that it still invests heavily in research to advance the design, manufacture and materials used in semiconductor chips." |
5000,Did he consider trying to cancel? |
4500,Auburn football players are reminded of last year's losses every time they go into the weight room. |
5000,Poster boy: |
5000,"Grossman said the Heisman hoopla ""didn't affect me last year, and I don't think it'll affect me this year.""" |
5000,"""didn't affect me last year, and I don't think it'll affect me this year.""" |
3500,"""embarrassing.""" |
6000,"You're a focal point, and people are looking at you, but it's a team game, and you depend on your team 1,000 times more than that billboard to get you the Heisman.""" |
5500,"Of all the 12th games added to the schedule, Florida's might be the most daunting: Miami on Sept. 7 after the Gators open up with Alabama-Birmingham." |
4500,"""If you look down the road too far, you get your feet cut out from under you.""" |
5000,"""The most-asked question is, `Do you know you look like Steve Martin?' """ |
5000,"""I was stopped in San Francisco one time by a Japanese tour bus." |
4375,I swear. |
5000,"They jumped out and said, `Hollywood, Hollywood.'" |
5000,"USES Bitter melons are used in many Asian cuisines, most prominently Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese." |
5000,"It also appears in stir-frys, especially those based on pork." |
5000,"In Vietnam, bitter melon halves are stuffed with meat mixtures, such as ground pork with black mushrooms and cellophane noodles, then braised." |
5000,The Chinese and Indian varieties differ little in taste. |
5000,"Though they resemble squashes, they are natives to Asia, rather than the Americas, but are now cultivated in many regions of the world that boast moderate to warm climates." |
6500,"Aug. 15, her actual birthday, will see her in Maine at an annual gathering of nieces, nephews, their offspring and friends, who for many years have rolled a joined birthday celebration for several members of the group into a jolly reunion." |
6250,"The schedule Child and her assistant of 14 years, former pastry chef Stephanie Hersh, have laid out is not exactly a senior-citizen routine, even though Child has always been candid about her age and realistic in assessing her own capabilities." |
5000,"She thinks it's selfish for people not to make arrangements for their old age in good time.""" |
6000,"In a phone interview a couple of weeks ago, she reported with glee that surgery early this month to remove a small cyst on her spinal cord had ""miraculously"" cleared up recent problems in walking: ""Turned out there is nothing wrong with my legs at all.""" |
5000,"So she can once again go shopping, buying whatever seems best on any given day." |
5000,"That may well be the best-known kitchen in America, since it became the site of the ""French Chef"" television programs, which started airing in 1962." |
5000,"That means her entertaining has been curtailed, even though she still has an active social life with the many friends the Childs made during 22 winters spent in Santa Barbara." |
5500,"How does it feel to turn 90 and have attained the status of an icon, a living legend?" |
5000,"As reinstalled in Washington, the kitchen should be as we all remember it from countless TV shows, ""right down to the toothpicks.""" |
5000,"But Child is not one to get maudlin about the past, though she does want to keep it alive." |
6000,Some of the country's top chefs will answer that question Thursday at the 20 dinners nationwide that will celebrate Julia Child's approaching 90th birthday. |
4000,"In the same vein, Gras is tweaking her salade nicoise, and Jeanminette is adapting her mousse au chocolat to become a spectacular six-layer pecan marjolaine." |
5500,He could hardly go wrong. |
6000,Julia's composed near-nicoise salad |
5000,Sonoma duck breast a la Julia Child with crispy pancetta and sweet summer onions and naturally enriched duck sauce |
5825,Words of wisdom |
6500,Julia Child doesn't have much use for fads and trends |
6000,"While making light of the difference a day -- or another decade -- makes, Child intends to enjoy her birthday thoroughly." |
4500,No seconds |
5500,Drink modest amounts of good wine. |
6000,You have to be playful and confident about cooking. |
3750,"""I refuse to sell it.""" |
5000,"Contrary to what some restaurants and retailers tell their customers, the U.S. government does not consider the Chilean seabass to be endangered." |
2500,"But in some areas, the seabass are being overfished." |
4375,A number of restaurants not officially part of the National Environmental Trust boycott also have stopped serving Chilean seabass. |
4500,And it's not just the white tablecloth crowd. |
4175,Some retailers also have pulled Chilean seabass. |
4000,"""We've discontinued selling swordfish, Chilean seabass, orange roughy and marlin,"" said Mark Cockcroft, national seafood buyer for Wild Oats Markets, a chain of 103 stores." |
5000,"""We are also taking a real hard look currently at almost all species of shark, though we haven't made a formal statement about that.""" |
5000,"Whole Foods Markets, with 133 stores nationwide, also does not sell Chilean seabass." |
3325,"Another 15 percent to 18 percent are ""overexploited,"" and 9 percent to 10 percent have been ""depleted or are recovering from depletion.""" |
5000,"Rod Moore, executive director of the West Coast Seafood Processors Association, suggests that activists with an agenda are manipulating chefs and retailers." |
5000,"The conservation groups providing information to chefs and retailers and lists of environmentally appropriate seafoods to consumers are the same groups working to affect fisheries management on the political and regulatory level, Moore said." |
5500,"In 2000 and 2001, the Packard Foundation awarded $26 million in marine fisheries conservation grants." |
5500,More than $7 million was given to projects aimed at educating the general public. |
6250,Chefs and retailers around the country know they must be prepared to deal with customers who arrive with the aquarium's seafood card in hand. |
5000,"Critics say that is not nearly enough compared with other prescribers, such as M.D. psychiatrists or nurse practitioners who have at least six years' medical education and clinical experience." |
5000,Neither Davison nor most other RxP opponents doubt the efficacy of medications. |
5000,"""The timing is peculiar to abandon psychological science or to convert it to a medical science,"" explains Elaine M. Heiby of the University of Hawaii, who chairs a committee of the 1,000-member American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology that is concerned about the medicalization of psychology." |
6250,"""Making sure that practicing psychologists are giving patients interventions based on the best available psychological science should be the APA's priority,"" argues Emory University's Scott Lilienfeld, president of the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP)." |
4000,"More than any philosophical betrayal of psychology, RxP opponents fear that the movement will undermine the science they love." |
5500,RxP opponents charge the APA with pushing its prescription-privileges agenda without adequately assessing support for it in the field. |
5000,"For more information on the topics covered in the Scientific American News Service, visit www.sciam.com." |
4500,"What matters, he believes, is that his generation thought the bomb should be dropped." |
5000,"And what the casualties would have been, who knows -- but heavy.""" |
5500,"""On Tinian, and probably elsewhere, the Seabees were building enormous hospitals while we were there,"" he said." |
5000,Denise Gamino writes for the Austin (Texas) American-Statesman. |
5000,Silverplate: code word for the historic mission that would end World War II. |
4000,Tibbets hated paperwork. |
4000,"Japan surrendered within days of the detonation of the atomic bombs that killed 140,000 people in Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, and 70,000 in Nagasaki three days later." |
5825,"Each year on Aug. 6, ""I always think of Paul Tibbets and how he handled unbelievable responsibility,"" Karnes said." |
5000,Karnes was the personnel and classification officer. |
5000,"He was only a captain, but he had been left in charge at Wendover the day Tibbets surprised them by landing a B-29, a new plane no one at Wendover had seen." |
5000,He was searching for a remote installation to train bomber crews and support units in total secrecy. |
5000,"Tibbets was a decorated, top-gun pilot, but Karnes could wrangle the military rule book as well as Tibbets could fly." |
5000,"Almost overnight, Wendover became a high-security base filled with off-limit areas covered in barbed wire." |
5000,"Karnes knew the 509th was preparing for a special bombing mission, but he had no idea what kind of bombs were involved." |
5000,"By spring, the 509th prepared to move to Tinian Island, near Guam and Saipan." |
5000,"Karnes handed out bunk assignments, choosing the mess officer, Chuck Perry, to share his tent." |
5000,"This is the big mission.""" |
5000,"""Where is the authority?""" |
5000,Tibbets got the word only an hour from Hiroshima that the city's weather was clear. |
4000,None came. |
5000,"Ninety seconds from the bomb drop, Tibbets put the plane on auto-pilot." |
5000,The crew slipped on dark glasses to prepare for the blinding flash of the bomb. |
5000,He pushed off the dark glasses because he couldn't see to fly. |
5000,But he didn't sleep long. |
5000,"Someone woke him to say Gen. Hap Arnold, chief of the Army Air Forcesin Washington, was on the phone and asking for him." |
5000,"Arnold told Karnes, ""Tibbets is going to be landing in three to four hours, and I want to give him the Distinguished Service Cross, and it is your job to write up the explanation.""" |
4500,"""Call Air Force headquarters if you don't believe me.""" |
5000,A yearof secrecy and hard work wasover. |
4500,"Jobs were scarce in other steel-exporting countries, and labor laws were either non-existent or allowed employers to pay much less for work." |
4000,"However, to American companies already suffering financial setbacks, outdated machinery, and fierce competition, this lack of demand was an inconvenience they could not afford." |
4000,"The problem was a national one, involving many more mills and issues than Youngstown’s alone." |
4500,The decline of the world steel market affected not just Youngstown but the entire steel community in America. |
5000,"Marches, speeches, and letter writing were all employed to help stimulate the Campaign and rally the people." |
3500,But the Campaign was bogged down heavily by the lack of proper funding. |
3125,"The people of Youngstown, being now unemployed had very little money to spend on anything but staying alive." |
4575,The Save Our Valley Campaign also lacked one essential component: an actual concrete plan. |
5000,"People clung to vague ideas of worker collectivization, but no one could really fathom exactly how that would work; the people of Youngstown were, after all, not particularly familiar with socialism or collectivization in general." |
4000,"In effect, it raised the hopes of workers without having any real chance at saving anything." |
3125,The Campaign failed to save any jobs and Youngstown was plunged into economic chaos. |
5000,"However, it soon became clear that although the local union leaders were prepared to fight, the international branch was not." |
5000,"Rather than sit back and wait for their jobs to be snatched away, the workers and local union members in the mills fought long and hard to be able to keep the factories open." |
5000,"Obviously the union itself was not afraid of socialist action, but they worried that the federal government might see the efforts of Youngstown workers to collectivize as a movement towards socialism and perhaps even communism." |
4500,"If the USWA supported the efforts to revive the mills and encouraged worker control and ownership of the factories, then the government (and potentially other important people and institutions as well) might begin to think that the UWSA leaders were encouraging socialism." |
4500,"Therefore, they decided to withdraw support and let the local branch fight it out alone." |
5000,"Youngstown is the name of the major city area, but surrounding it on all sides are small communities which to the casual viewer are indistinguishable from the main city itself." |
3750,"Petitions, protests, rallies, collectivization, and even the takeover of a steel company’s headquarters were all attempted in a desperate movement by those in the industry to preserve the only source of employment that this town had." |
5500,"However, although traffic is heavy between each separate district, each area has its own distinct cultural ethnicity, educational system, heritage, history, and even food." |
5000,An Extended Essay in History |
4000,"When examining the area’s history, culture, and economic situation we can identify four main reasons: the refusal of the international leadership of United Steelworkers of America to support their union’s Youngstown branch, the lagging international steel market, the lack of a clear, organized vision for individual initiatives such as the Save Our Valley Campaign, and crippling regionalism which caused animosity between different small towns in the region, all contributed in some way to the failure of the workers and union leaders to save the industry." |
4375,"Their blast furnace, “Hopewell,” was the very first blast furnace in the area." |
5000,"During the 19th century, the center of iron manufacturing had gradually shifted from the far East Coast (Massachusetts and Eastern Pennsylvania) to the Ohio Valley Pittsburgh regions of the Northeast, including the Mahoning Valley and the Hanging Rock region of Ohio and Kentucky." |
5000,"By 1880, Youngstown’s population had grown to nearly 16,000, which meant it had doubled in size over a twenty-year period." |
5000,"In 1973, the Experimental Negotiating Agreement was signed." |
5500,"At the same time, stricter governmental standards for environmental protection and the growth of imported steel were making it harder to produce and market American steel parts, and the overeager shareholders in the companies’ stock were pushing for more and more of their share of the pie." |
4500,"The announcement of the closing of the mills in 1977 was the beginning of a downward spiral, which would send the entire valley into chaos and ruin." |
5000,"The closings meant the end of Youngstown’s only real industry, the end of its population growth, and then end of economic progress." |
3125,"Without an industrial or a residential base, commerce shrank considerably." |
5000,"The workers decided they needed to do something to save their city, and so they mobilized in a variety of ways." |
5000,"The very first thing that the workers could do was “to get up a petition to stop the shutdown,” says Ed Mann, a local union leader and organizer." |
5500,"Next, workers decided to form the Ecumenical Coalition, an organization of local religious groups which spearheaded the attempt to reopen the Youngstown works." |
5500,"Foreign steel was easier and more efficient to make, and was often of higher quality than domestic steel." |
3500,3. Make bombs. |
4500,Form the mix into balls of any size from sling-shot-pellet up to softball. |
7500,This worked out pretty well. |
5500,"Today, I kept it simple." |
5000,The first responsibility should be driving safely. |
5000,"Seedbombing combines elements of childhood disgruntled mudbomb-hurling; the balance of meticulousness and zen that good gardeners possess; and my own forte, the invisibility and vigilance of a sniper." |
2500,I ended up with a broken fingernail and dirt all over my lap. |
5000,You want both tidiness and easy access. |
4500,I made eight; the last two were totally pulverized after being jostled in a paper bag for half an hour. |
5000,It's play. |
5000,"Seedbombing is a hit-or-miss way for change to take root, pun intended." |
5000,It's chlorophyll graffiti. |
5000,No one I know is getting digg'd or favrd yet for throwing color and scent around the ghetto. |
5000,Do it to see how it feels. |
5500,You may want to keep checking on your flowers (I promise I will) or you might get an idea to do something else completely unexpected (I did). |
8000,5. Enjoy. |
4500,"Earth is my friend, like that old classmate who you keep forgetting to drop a note to on Facebook." |
6000,"When I took a victory lap and hand-wash break in the mall, I was happy, not in a smug superior way, but in the knowledge that I had avenged myself against the whole Sunday-at-the-mall culture that I felt smothered by." |
5000,"Yes, yes, I know, you know of much better places to never throw those seedbombs you haven't made." |
6000,You could get better soil if you put it on the shopping list. |
5000,The first step to seedbombing is: |
5000,Did this with my aunt in Griffith Park after the last bout of fires. |
4175,Didn't know there was a term for it- my mom and aunt have been seed bombing for years. |
5500,They'll be glad to know it is catching on among the under-60 set. |
6000,"Thanks for commenting, Kate." |
6000,My wife and I did this when we lived in Texas ... planted blue bonnets in a state park. |
5000,Well we thought they could use more. |
5000,"Jessica Reeder 15. Dec, 2009 at 9:08 am" |
5500,Embrace it. |
5000,"Actually, I do that, too." |
5000,This is the first in a series of articles by guest blogger The Apocalyptic Housewife . |
6000,"Thanks, MamaHun." |
5000,"Somewhere in California, a blighted, mosquito-vector abandoned property is about to get an echinacea dose via seedbomb." |
6675,Alonso would be happy to retire with three titles |
3750,Terror officials see Al Qaeda chiefs regaining power |
5500,Iraqi sunni lands show new oil and gas promise |
3500,North Africa feared as staging ground for terror |
3000,Homemade bombs kill 65 on Indian train |
3750,French suburb riots could resume |
3500,Al Qaeda chiefs are seen to regain power |
3325,Chvez threatens to jail violators of price controls |
4500,"In the world of life-saving drugs, a growing epidemic of deadly fakes" |
5000,Believing scripture but playing by science's rules |
5625,"A familiar and prescient voice, brought to life" |
5425,"Free Will: Now you have it, now you don't" |
5000,Archaeologists find signs of early chimps' tool use |
5500,Wizardry at Harvard: physicists move light |
5000,Moscow says Palestine-Israeli contacts key to Mideast peace |
5000,Pakistan-India peace talks planned despite bombings |
5000,"Cheney starts visit to Japan, Australia" |
5000,China: Cheney shores up the trilateral alliance |
5000,Baseball: Rogers enjoys his muddied streak |
4175,Iraqi suicide attack kills two US troops as militants fight purge |
5000,Iran reneges on nuclear payments to Russia |
5000,Iran top N-envoy heads for Vienna for nuke talks |
3500,Victims of Air India still wait for justice |
5000,Royal rescues presidential hopes with commanding performance |
5500,Royal seeks to revive French bid |
6000,Sarkozy comfort zone offers a royal opportunity |
5000,Australia tells Bush to speed up Guantanamo trial |
3750,Afghan poppy war alienates farmers |
5000,Will North Korea honor pledge this time? |
5000,Catholic archbishop outlines Anglican merger hopes |
999,US helicopter crash kills 8 troops in Afghanistan |
4500,Beware of peanut butter pathogens |
5500,Experts issue new heart disease guidelines for women |
5000,Fully-cooked chicken strips recalled |
5000,Committee debates cancer vaccine plan |
5625,Stop cancer with a shot |
4000,Thousands tested after Russian H5N1 outbreak |
5500,Thousands line up to get late flu shots |
5825,Small-business owners find Bush health plan appealing |
7000,Retinal implant helping blind people see again |
5000,Cholesterol link in diabetes study |
6000,Pig cells hope for diabetes cure |
6000,Foetal mechanism helps heart failure |
5500,Scientists tout cocoa's health benefits |
4000,Students lose their rite of passage |
4500,AU regrets Sudan's expulsion of UN envoy |
5000,House ethics panel talks to Hastert aide |
5000,Enron boss gets 24-year sentence |
5000,Punter charged with stabbing asks to live outside state |
5000,Trying to assess the damage in Cleveland |
5500,Bryant's boot may have salvaged Bucs' season |
4000,Steelers' Roethlisberger has concussion |
4175,Apple's dark secret? The 39% claim |
5825,Cool millions for YouTube founders |
5000,"London market a shopping, dining haven" |
4500,Audio Slide Show: A love story lasting 61 years |
5825,Microsoft to release next generation phone |
4000,Body Shop's Roddick has Hepatitis C |
5000,Top General Optimistic on Iraq |
5000,NATO: Afghanistan peace 'by 2009' |
6000,Spacewalker sets new U.S. record |
4500,Anna Nicole claimant: A prince of a guy? |
4000,Fear hinders black marrow donation |
5000,Wii news for gamers |
4500,Democrats look beyond symbolic vote on Iraq |
5000,Create own 'Thrillville' for a wild ride |
4500,Edwards' campaign blogger quits amid Catholic controversy |
3500,Nasdaq-LSE battle nears deadline |
4000,Swiss plane crashes at Moscow airport |
5000,Study: napping might help heart |
7500,Air France KLM profit rises |
5000,On Educating Sexes Separately |
6000,Miss Brazil wins lawsuit competition |
4175,Russia condemns terrorist acts on buses outside Beirut |
6000,Naps are great for chaps |
5000,Corn stoves popping up in U.S. homes |
5500,Martian Life Could Have Evaded Detection by Viking Landers |
4000,Ukraine gas deal marred by fears |
3500,Mogadishu residents flee blasts |
5000,College tuition continues climbing |
4000,Jones faces Europe meetings snub |
1674,German paper shows soldiers desecrating skull |
5000,"Beauticians cut, curl, offer stroke-prevention info" |
4175,"War is close, Ethiopia tells Somali rebels" |
2500,Auto show canceled |
4175,UK luxury maker Burberry: 'Made in China'? |
6875,Mother: Lohan is doing 'great' in rehab |
4500,"Libby defense upsets judge, rests" |
2500,Sex torture claims hit Russia army |
5000,Mega-marsupials once roamed Australia |
5000,Court TV: Accused killer tells jury a love story |
5000,Swingers more common than most think |
4175,Anna Nicole Smith fans mourn in cyberspace |
6500,Time to book your cruise |
3750,North Korea aid demand stall talks |
4000,Cartoon Network head steps down |
6000,Army engineers say dam safe |
5000,France: Al Qaeda suspects arrested |
5000,Creating a whole album in a month? |
4500,Study: Africa's Internet gap getting wider |
5500,Paula Abdul: 'I have never been drunk' |
5000,Paterson boots Scotland to victory |
5000,Singapore pampers its waterfront promenade |
4500,Iraq unveils new security plans |
5000,Peru leader questioned in massacre probe |
4500,U.S. Weighs Sanctions Against North Korea |
2500,6 dead after Utah Mall shooting rampage |
3000,Al Qaeda group calls for attacks on U.S. oil |
5425,Turkmenistan votes for president |
4500,Ice stops trolleys cold |
3125,Outdated baby food found on shelves |
3750,Tow truck drivers accused of stealing cars |
3750,South Africa mourns Adelaide Tambo |
5000,Svindal claims are golden double |
2925,"Trolley Square shooting leaves 6 dead, including gunman" |
3000,"Mother, daughter stabbed near school" |
5500,Mexican navy helps in hunt for U.S. engineer |
5000,GPS sneakers locate with press of a button |
5000,Updates on world's top stories |
5000,Werder make 10-man Ajax pay price |
4500,EU condemns 'illegal' CIA flights |
5000,Survey: Tech a tool in teen dating abuse |
7500,The breast cancer breakthrough saving 1000 women a year |
6000,World tourism sets record in 2006 |
3125,BA to charge $470 for an extra bag |
4500,World's oldest newspaper now exists only online |
7500,New cancer drug to save a thousand lives a year |
5000,Founder returns to Dell helm |
5000,Brazil Air Force Cites Faults and Confusion in Fatal Crash |
5000,'Made in China' irks some Burberry shoppers |
6000,Good news for slackers: Naps may cut risk for heart problems |
5000,"Snow begins, heavy accumulations expected" |
5000,A Mix of Oil and Environmentalism |
4500,Frantic 911 call in Ryan O'Neal case |
4500,Immigrants and French Reach Deal in Standoff |
5000,Study: Female seals picky about mates |
4000,Serena misses Bangalore tournament |
2500,"Dryer blamed for fire killing 39 cats, dogs" |
5000,Apple trademark dispute settled |
5625,U.S. online love brokers eye China |
4500,Taliban leader killed in airstrike |
5500,Study links chimps and 'hammers' |
5000,"Managua Journal: Hold the Mojito and Margarita, Nicaragua Has el Macu" |
2500,Global Sludge Ends in Tragedy for Ivory Coast |
3000,Equipment on Plane in Brazil Collision May Have Been Faulty |
4000,Bad reasons to be good |
5000,Cleric Said to Lose Reins Over Part of Iraqi Militia |
4500,Opera Canceled Over a Depiction of Muhammad |
5000,Military Officials Add to U.S. Criticism of Iraq's Government |
5000,Growing Unarmed Battalion in Qaeda Army Is Using Internet to Get the Message Out |
4500,"Iraqi Linked to Sunni Bloc Is Held in Plot, Military Says" |
5000,"Seduced by Snacks? No, Not You" |
6000,Friends for Life: An Emerging Biology of Emotional Healing |
5000,In God's Name: Religion-Based Tax Breaks: Housing to Paychecks to Books |
5500,Women in their 60s 'are perfectly good mothers' |
6500,Dow flirts with record highs again |
3500,Squirrel jumps boy in park; rabies suspected |
4500,School ends football season after 0-4 start |
5000,Charlie Sheen to become highest-paid sitcom star |
3750,We're a pretty kind 'bully' |
2500,10 die in 22-hour Kashmir standoff |
4000,Slain Amish girls laid to rest |
4375,Reid land deal under scrutiny |
5000,"Flooding washes out road to Valdez, Alaska" |
3500,Briton admits U.S. bomb plot role |
3325,"Waste plant fire forces 5,000 to evacuate" |
4500,Kentucky wants to ban alcohol inhalers |
6000,"Dow hits new record, eyes 12,000" |
5500,Trailblazing trio protects City by the Bay |
5000,UK characters boosting box office |
4000,Griffiths scorns Withnail 'play' |
4375,Beyonce copyright claim rejected |
1875,Gunmen kill 11 in Iraq TV raid |
5000,Pamuk wins Nobel Literature prize |
7000,Three found alive from missing Russian ship -report |
3500,Poison Pill to Swallow: Hawks Hurting After Loss to Vikes |
6000,Resolution approved for international games |
5000,Pair of Satellites Will Document Sun in 3-D |
5000,Martian Life Could Have Evaded Detection by Viking Landers |
5000,Did Viking Probes Miss Life on Mars? |
3500,More Human Remains Found at Ground Zero |
4500,Stanford study warns of Internet addiction |
5000,No evidence of ice reserves on the moon |
3500,"Two Hussein allies are hanged, Iraqi official says" |
5000,Schuey sees Ferrari unveil new car |
3000,Diabetic waits months for eyeglasses |
4500,Asian nations urge Myanmar reform |
3750,Cisco sues Apple over iPhone name |
5000,Bears fan loses bet and changes name |
6875,"Discovered boys bring shock, joy" |
5000,Protesters end strike as Nepal PM concedes demands |
4000,Two detained in body parts mailing |
4500,Hussein's niece pleads for father's life |
2500,"Microsoft, Sony, we have a problem" |
5000,Cheney to Congress: Can't run Iraq war by committee |
3000,Marine killed in fighting west of Baghdad |
4500,Really?: The claim: the back seat of a car is the safest place to sit |
6500,Google executive acts as goodwill envoy |
4500,Forecasters expect toasty 2007 |
5500,'Sunshine' Goydos wins Sony open |
4500,Snow causes airport closures in Britain |
4000,Shareholders sue Apple |
5000,Israelis retaliate after attack by Lebanese Army |
2500,Bathing mom awakes to find baby dead |
5500,Visitors to Eiffel Tower climb to record in 2006 |
6000,"More sleep, healthier slimmer children" |
5000,"Ice storm smacks roads, power" |
4500,Iran says it will strike US interests if Attacked |
5000,Taking the plunge |
2500,Deaths linked to flu vaccine |
4500,Man rides stationary bike for 85 hours |
4500,ASEAN talks end on energy-security |
3125,Israel admits using phosphorous shells in Lebanon |
5000,Sleep more to fight childhood obesity |
5000,Variety: Johnny Depp to make movie of spy poisoning |
5625,Prehistoric Romeo and Juliet discovered |
5000,Studios sign off on movie downloads |
4000,Porn ring scandal reaches Australia |
5500,"Finally, Senate okays anti-terror bill Manila" |
4175,Somalia declares state of emergency |
5000,Iran steps up production of weapons-grade uranium |
5000,Mixed reaction to China's Africa push |
5500,NFL team's fan of the year: 'Flag Lady' |
3500,10 kidnapped at Nigeria oil base |
5000,"'Grey's,' 'Pirates' lead People's Choice" |
3000,Two men killed by London tube train |
5000,US millions fail to buy influence in deadly Gaza power play |
5000,PLO ministers agreed upon in Mecca |
5500,Friendly fire pilot 'experienced' |
5000,Commodities lead Europe higher |
3500,Trains crash near Thai resort town |
5000,Pats' fourth-quarter rally finishes Chargers |
5000,Passing exchange becomes political flashpoint |
4500,Tumor Types May Explain Survival Rates for Cancer |
6000,US Airways boosts bid for Delta |
5000,Howell takes one shot lead in Sony Open |
4500,Psych checks reviewed after astronaut's crack-up |
6000,Hussein co-defendants executed |
6250,Blissing out in Ojai |
6000,Amazon.com has 'best ever' sales |
5000,Internet attacked! (Did anyone notice?) |
2500,Tests of drug to block H.I.V. infection are halted over safety |
4500,'We lit our last candle yesterday' |
5000,PSP number one Sony platform in Japan |
5000,Zach Braff says he has 'mild depression' |
6000,Fine wines in British Columbia |
6675,Travel+Leisure: Next island hot spot: St. Lucia |
4000,"Personal health: for teenagers, the car is the danger zone" |
2000,Man beheaded in southern Thailand |
5000,Annual diving contest in South Korea proves a chilly challenge |
5000,Maggie Gyllenhaal's Globes babysitter: Mom |
5500,Bucs find a new kick in life |
4000,"Freed Muslim terror suspect says Britain is ""police state""" |
5500,Depp 'to make Litvinenko movie' |
5000,"'Cravings' still there, sez Tara" |
3750,Bill would strip convicted legislators of pensions |
5000,Google to unveil election mashup |
4500,Rebels to join Nepal parliament |
5000,Fuel spill may lead to missing jet |
5000,Israel says hopes to keep Lebanon border calm |
3000,Two Palestinians killed near fence |
3750,"Carter was a disaster, said Ford" |
5500,Israel's Peretz urges halt to contentious Jerusalem construction |
5000,U.S. keeps Iran options open |
5000,European shares hit fresh highs |
5000,"For women, nothing's like the smell of men's sweat" |
5000,"Far away, Super Bowl's losers will be champs" |
3125,Woman dies after water binge |
3500,Mistrial declared in teacher-student rape case |
4000,Attorneys point fingers in fight between Ryan O'Neal and son |
5000,John Grisham set for court drama |
4500,Iraqis fault delayed U.S. plan in attack |
6250,Mbeki on the big visit from the Chinese |
5000,Thailand: missing 25 years after taking wrong bus |
3000,UK workers on alert for letter bombs |
5825,"New vaccine for cervical cancer could prove useful in men, too" |
4500,Tracking down hi-tech crime |
5625,Barack Obama formally announces bid for president |
1674,"Attack video saddens ""friendly fire"" widow" |
5500,Europe retain trophy with big win |
3000,"Indonesia flood forces 340,000 from homes" |
3000,Russian ship sinks in Pacific |
5500,China Successfully Launches Two Satellites |
4000,"In the Rockies, pines die and bears feel it" |
4000,Apple: no iTunes for you if you have Vista! |
4500,That'll cost ya |
5000,Italy's dispute with US over Iraq shooting |
3500,Snow causes transport chaos in Britain |
7000,Boy missing since 2002 found alive |
5000,Airlines: UK airport runway unsafe |
3000,Riot warning for France suburbs |
3000,The amounts you have to pay for a bomb scare |
5000,"In Egypt, Rice speaks softly" |
5000,De Villiers stretches overall lead |
6000,Families celebrate return of sons |
6000,Full recovery expected for marathon winner |
5000,North Korea ready to discuss nuke disarmament |
5000,Reclusive 'Mockingbird' author attends show |
5000,Philippine anti-terror law delayed until June |
5000,Beckham outlines reasons for move |
5000,"Venezuela, Iran fight U.S. dominance" |
4000,Greek police hunt embassy attackers |
5000,China considers Eurobond reserves |
5000,Deaths as bird flu flares in Asia |
5000,"Hamas, Fatah leaders pledge to meet until they reach agreement" |
5000,Budapest calm after night of violent protests |
2500,'Can't do this anymore'? Not Jack |
4500,Black hole triplets spotted |
6500,Rescued boys parents hail 'miracle' |
6000,Vegetables May Boost Brain Power in Older Adults |
6000,Gere cheers sex workers in AIDS fight |
5000,Study: Male sweat causes female hormones to rise |
5000,"And apparently, they all go to work in publishing." |
4175,Maybe I’m the only one who’s embarrassed by that.” |
4500,"First the holocaust survivor who said she was literally raised by wolves turns out to be just a regular, if depressed, person." |
5000,"Comment #1, by carleen" |
5500,I read that article in the Times and IMMEDIATELY thought it was going to be a hoax. |
7500,Ha! |
3500,Guess I'm a sucker too. |
5000,"March 3, 2008 11:20 PM" |
4500,That is ridiculous. |
5000,I wonder why they didn't present their books as novels. |
5000,Tayari's Blog: There's A Sucker Born Every Minute |
5425,"""So at its heart, then, your writing – as opposed to working otherwise – is for yourself?""" |
4500,"But really, Nathan, your queer habits of conversation have reached a new level.""" |
5000,"Tell them, and they will create an audience." |
4500,"You need not pander to what you imagine their wants are; speak, and they shall listen.""" |
5000,"He had filled his pen and raised it, the nib descending towards the paper, before the sound came: the gentle, persistent tapping of the gnarled, primeval willow touching the window with long, insistent fingers." |
5000,Arthur looked up from the results of a night’s frenzied labors and looked Allan in the eye. |
5000,"""I decided that… since I wasn't having much success with more – traditional – stories, I might see what sort of work I produced if I let my imagination go freely,""" |
3500,"""What in G-d's name could have possessed you to do such a thing,"" cried Arthur, nearly raising his voice." |
5000,"He shook the papers at Allan, raising them like a belt above the head of a disobedient son." |
2500,"""This is nothing but a glorified Grimm's tale, a miscarried child of Stoker, a creation less fit to be published than to be told around an open fire at the hovel of some peasant!""" |
3500,He spoke the last word with such heavy intonation that Allan shrank back before the physical wave of sound emanating from Arthur's throat. |
6500,"Besides, the public liked a good, simple romance." |
4175,"He glared at Allan, eyes impaling him and demanding a response." |
4000,"""Its twigs rap constantly against the wall, the wind always demanding my attention." |
5000,"Arthur looked down his nose at the distraught author, viewing his complaint with pure disdain scantily concealed by the veneer of politeness that animated the construct that was Arthur Mason." |
6500,"They gazed at each other, lost in the rapture of love based so deeply within their hearts that they had never seen it before." |
5000,"""You don't know what this is like,""" |
3000,"""You don't know what this is like,"" said Allan, shaking his head." |
4500,"Even as he said it, Allan prayed that his statement was true." |
5000,"He then turned and left through the door opposite that Arthur had taken, making his way past his host's doorman without assistance and setting off on foot towards Nathan's residence, several miles away." |
5000,"Allan sat nervously across from him in a chair Nathan had probably upholstered himself, a patchwork design of fabric containing easily more stuffing than any other furniture item of the period." |
5000,"At long last, Nathan reached the end and set down his reading on the table between them." |
5500,"Allan exhaled and leaned back into the chair, his face relaxing in imitation of his thoughts." |
2000,"""Heavens, no,"" said Nathan, aghast." |
5000,"He felt now that perhaps Nathan was right; although the man was somewhat peculiar, he had both an unimpeachable honesty and a certain propensity for insight." |
5500,"I hardly dare to think it, but – I may finish this story!" |
5000,"He watched as the carriage drew still more distant, the horses' hooves still kicking up dust along the roadway." |
5000,"Rounding the corner, he saw a great bonfire." |
4375,"A mass of flaming wood stood before him, heat singeing him and sparks flying too close to his house." |
5000,"As he thought this, a sinuous wind encircled the house, slipping through the walls to chill him." |
4000,"His handfuls could do nothing to quench the hewn, burning logs, but when the night sky grew dark above him and the fire dwindled to black ashes, tears threatened to spill forth and extinguish the final embers." |
4000,There was hardly enough room for his slim frame between the trunks that overshadowed any fleeting mortal trespass. |
5500,"The frenzied writing ceased at last, the author leaned back with a slight sigh as if both exhausted and satisfied by his effort." |
3750,"After all that – so near the end, to lose control again." |
5000,"His face soft as if caught between a smile and tears, he draped his loose cape over her shoulders." |
6250,"""Come, darling,""" |
5625,"""Where I am to take you, one need never think of those left behind.""" |
5000,They took their seats within the car and his driver set the horses trotting. |
5500,"For a few yards, they kicked up dust along the roadway; then they raised their hooves and took to the air." |
3000,"She gaped, afraid but knowing that no harm would come to her by his hand." |
2925,"""will you never leave me be?" |
5000,"The only other illumination came from a lurid moonlight filtered through thin branches and clouds, casting its bone-pale glow onto the pine floorboards." |
5000,"""How is the writing these days, my dear Mr. Clemm?""" |
5500,"""Before?""" |
5000,"""It's far from a 'penchant,' Arthur." |
3500,"""How perfectly awful.""" |
4500,Arthur grimaced at the vivid description. |
3500,"""I'm sure you know that you must curb this behavior if you wish to produce any writing fit for public consumption.""" |
5000,"""I know,"" Allan replied, ""but how am I to do that?" |
4500,"""Perhaps you could make some headway if you denied your darker side the outlet of the colorful metaphors you so enjoy." |
3750,"Every action you take to deny it nourishment will bring you closer to your goal; and believe me, Allan, you must take every opportunity to quash this uncivilized obsession if you intend to publish." |
4175,"""It is true,"" Allan admitted, fidgeting with his cufflinks, ""that I would not dream of submitting one of these corruptions of literature to any publisher." |
5000,"""If only you would restrain this morbid impulse of yours, you might write something really worth reading." |
4500,"It's hard enough listening to your wild speech without seeing it appear in the refined world of print, like a surly foreigner among a genteel crowd.""" |
5000,"""Perhaps it would,""" |
5000,"""I shall consider it; in the meantime, however, I must be off." |
7000,"You have been a gracious host, as always.""" |
4000,"""I hope soon to see you in better sorts.""" |
5000,They parted and Allan made his way pensively from Arthur's gate. |
4500,"He walked the wheel-ruts, hands in his pockets and unshined shoes collecting dust." |
5500,"""I had a hunch you'd be at Arthur's today,""" |
5000,"""so I thought I'd wait here for you.""" |
5000,"Leaning against his tree, Nathan shook his head." |
5000,"""You mean, finished another story.""" |
6250,Ended! |
3750,"By the time I got to Asheville, I was nearing the end of my journey and the bottom of my wallet." |
5500,"Yes, I could dig it." |
4500,"Some of that is surely due to good marketing, but the real reason for its popularity is this:" |
7500,"That sandwich was so good, I found myself eating slower and slower with each bite to savor it more completely." |
5500,"Now, I'm not saying the service before my camera-flash was bad, because it was awesome." |
5500,"But even if you're not, try this out sometime." |
5500,"I could talk about Asheville for weeks, but it's time to move on." |
5000,tupelohoneycafe.com |
4000,I was convinced but I wasn't alone. |
5000,"Select the itinerary that piques your interest, and call On-Call Travel Services to reserve your cabin." |
5000,"Great destinations, your choice of itineraries, big bonus miles, and 3rd and 4th passengers cruise FREE —now sailing away with Renaissance Cruises is more rewarding than ever." |
5000,"Sincerely, Jack Mercer Silver Wings Plus Cruise Desk" |
3500,Cancellation fees may apply. |
4375,Government tees and charges for all passengers are additional. |
6000,Renaissance Cruises vacations escort you from one fabulous destination to the next in a beautiful cabin aboard a brand-new ship. |
6000,"These days it's an established club, run by volunteers and donations, turning trashed bikes into treasures." |
5000,"This group understands the value of a bicycle: more than just transportation, a bike is a statement against fossil fuels." |
5000,"When I visited the TBR shop, it was packed with frames, wheels, gears, chains, handlebars, kids, and anarchist art (the space is being donated by some supporters who are also anti-capitalist activists)." |
5500,"Tools are available, and volunteers will help with advice and knowledge." |
5000,"All around me, college students and bike punks tinkered with their machines." |
5625,"A young kid came in to say his last bike was stolen and he needed a new one (and, despite Andrew's stern reprimand that he couldn't just walk in every week and leave with a free bike, he did just that)." |
7000,"""I love what you do,"" she said." |
5000,"It's about building community, and triggering a quiet but inexorable social movement." |
5500,"Save the World, Ride a Bike a visit to Troy Bike Rescue" |
5500,"These collectives are not waiting for change to happen: they're creating it through small, positive, peaceful actions." |
5500,You too can change the world: all you have to do is ride a bike. |
6500,"Fall is here, which (in most places) means great riding weather." |
5500,"So pick one up, and ride it to the end of your block!" |
4500,"Even if your life requires four wheels, you can use a bike for local errands." |
5000,"Cycling is a thing of the past: a sport, a hobby, but rarely a mode of transportation." |
5500,"Bike clubs tend to be pretty anarchic, but if you look around your community you'll find both bike riders and shop owners who ride for change." |
5000,Can't find a bike community? |
5000,Bike rescue is not just for kids. |
3000,"Shame, shame." |
4000,Fall is exactly 79% more tingly when experienced by bike. |
4500,The hard truth: The soil of North Truro is not strong enough to support agriculture. |
3000,"Without fertilization, it deteriorates shockingly fast." |
4000,"""This is what happens,""" |
4500,"""This is what happens,"" David says." |
5825,"The Outer Cape is really just a spit of sand -- but still, farmers lived here for generations." |
5000,How? |
6500,"This makes it an excellent and bountiful source of compost, and it was used for generations as a soil enricher." |
3325,"All the nutrients get depleted.""" |
5000,"It worked -- but it cost money, and it disappeared fast into the hungry ground." |
2500,"Even if tourists were interested in sustainable food (they totally don't care ), they'd be hard pressed to find a locally-sourced meal." |
5500,David isn't alone: he's got the support (and companionship) of a growing group of gamechangers. |
5000,"But appearances are deceiving, and David's comfy mien belies a passion that is influencing the culture of northern Cape Cod." |
4000,No surprise there. |
5000,"This would also, make it more profitable." |
5000,"He runs the Rock Spray nursery, a Certified Natural provider of evergreens and ornamentals." |
5000,This is part 4 of a 4-part series on tourism's impact on Cape Cod. |
5000,It's tough to kill the vampire...genre |
5000,'ninja' |
4375,"No, actually, if we've learned anything it's that genre memes just go back underground ( Pirates for adults [NSFW]You get the point0." |
5500,These archetypes seem different to me than other 'trends'. |
7500,"Ahh, the classics." |
5000,"Surely the Vampire was dead after the spoof, ""Love at First Bite "" in 1979." |
6500,"Personally, I'm waiting for someone to make Pirate Zombies v. Ninja Vampires." |
5000,Make sure you read that one too. |
5000,"I don't know about Pirate Zombies v. Ninja Vampires, but there is a game where you can play to become Zombies, Ninjas, Pirates, and Mad Scientists." |
5000,"Zombie Ninja Pirates, by Gozer Games, is a quick 20-30 minute card game for 2-6 players." |
5000,I could sit and watch all day long if I didn't have school..or life to stay me from doing it! |
5825,No up front costs. |
5500,FREE upgrades. |
5000,Just call 718-888-4DTV. |
5000,PS. Your neighborhood is also ready for Time Warner Cable’s Road Runner high speed online service. |
5500,TIME WARNER new york CABLE at its best |
6250,DTV is the SMARTEST and most exciting innovation to happen to television. |
5625,Large shops on the fashionable thoroughfares tend to be more expensive than smaller “family” shops tucked away in the side streets. |
5000,Be sure to look around and compare before buying. |
5000,"Whatever you buy, you may be able to work out a discount." |
5000,Tailoring. |
5000,"Tailor-made clothes are not as popular in Hong Kong as they were in the past, but hundreds of shops still remain." |
4000,"Local tailors are experts when it comes to producing custom-tailored garments for both men and women, and are also adept at copying patterns." |
6000,Shops all over town will sell you gift tins of exotic blends. |
5000,The saying “Time is money” is quite literally true in Hong Kong: more is spent on watches and clocks here than on cameras and optical goods. |
6250,Entertainment |
5825,"Culture buffs are well catered to, and there is always a varied program of events, ranging from world-class concerts to local amateur dramatic productions." |
5000,"There are more than 30 cinemas in Hong Kong, and the latest Western releases are shown in some of the larger ones." |
5000,The theaters in the Hong Kong Cultural Center in Tsim Sha Tsui are the main venues for concerts and opera. |
4500,Chinese Opera. |
5000,Theater. |
5000,"The two leading local troupes, the Chung Ying Theatre Company and the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, perform in Cantonese; there are English-language performances at the Fringe Club theaters, 2 Lower Albert Road, in Central." |
5500,"Hong Kong by night can suit any taste — riotous, sedate, raw, or cultured." |
6000,"Bars with views and live music include Sky Lounge in the Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Tsim Sha Tsui; and Cyrano in the Island Shangri-La in Pacific Place." |
5000,Pubs are numerous. |
4375,"A lot of the raunchy action has moved across the harbor to Tsim Sha Tsui East; this is also where you’ll find pricey hostess clubs, popular with Japanese tourists, but definitely not for those on a budget." |
5000,"Needless to say, avoid peddlers who approach you on the street and offer to take you to wondrous bargains." |
5000,Causeway Bay also has a variety of bars and clubs. |
6500,"The most typical of these are harbor cruises, usually including dinner and dancing on board an air-conditioned floating nightclub." |
5500,There are more than 40 beaches in Hong Kong that are free to the public. |
4500,Both trails are divided into smaller segments of varying difficulty. |
5000,Tennis. |
5000,There are 13 public courts at Victoria Park Tennis Centre (Tel. |
5000,"The racing schedule is September to June, and Hong Kong maintains two tracks — the older Happy Valley course on Hong Kong Island and the striking Sha Tin track in the New Territories." |
5500,The Rugby Sevens sees teams come together from all over the world for 15 matches in March or early April. |
6000,Hong Kong has many attractions that appeal to children of all ages. |
5000,"A ride on the Peak Tram is sure to provide a thrill, and in the Peak Tower they’ll enjoy the Peak Explorer ride and Ripley’s Believe it or Not! Ocean Park (see page 32) is popular with children of all ages." |
5625,"For children who love boats, riding the Star Ferry or ferry trips to outlying islands will be exciting, and the Dolphin Watch trip (see page 113) is certain to appeal." |
5825,"Pick up a copy of HKTA’s “The Official Dining, Entertainment & Shopping Directory” in which all member stores are listed." |
5000,Department Stores. |
5000,"Look for Lane Crawford Ltd., an upscale store with branches at Pacific Place, 70 Queen’s Road, and Harbour City; Wing On, one of the oldest in Hong Kong; Marks and Spencer; and the Japanese department stores, Mitsukoshi, Sobo, and Seibu." |
5000,"Harbour City, just west of the Star Ferry Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui is one of the largest; Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, is Central’s biggest mall, with retail outlets and department stores; Times Square is a collection of retail outlets in Causeway Bay." |
5000,"There are factory showrooms in the Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, in Central." |
4500,"Specialty goods and souvenirs, often handmade, come from Hong Kong and elsewhere in China." |
5000,"Stanley Market is located on Hong Kong’s southern coast, and is well-known for all kinds of clothing, including silk and cashmere." |
5000,"Bargain, and carefully examine any merchandise you buy here." |
5000,What to Buy |
5000,"Look for fine Chinese bronzes, embroidery, lacquerware and porcelain, tomb figures, and wood carvings, among other possibilities." |
5000,The experts point out that it is not age alone that determines a Chinese antique’s value — the dynasties of the past had their creative ups and downs. |
5000,For fun you can visit the Low Price Shop at no. 47 or the Cat Street crafts stores and flea market. |
5000,Brocades and Silks. |
5000,"However, be sure you compare prices and models before buying." |
5500,Hong Kong’s stores are usually able to arrange shipment. |
5000,China (Porcelain). |
6500,"In antiques shops, look for highly valued porcelains from China." |
5000,Electronics. |
5500,Nathan Road has many electronics shops. |
4500,Rattan furniture is highly popular. |
5500,Hollywood Road has several furniture shops. |
6675,“ Good for the health” is just one of the many magical qualities that are attributed to these beautiful emerald-green or turquoise stones. |
5000,Some people say you can test the authenticity by touch — real jade feels smooth and cool. |
5000,"Go down one flight of steps to Lascar Row, popularly known as Cat Street, for more antiques and curio shops." |
5000,"The Wan Chai waterfront is dominated by the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the largest in Asia, which includes hotels, theaters, and exhibition halls." |
5825,"The convention center, an extension on reclaimed land, affords stunning views of the Wan Chai waterfront." |
5000,"On Wan Chai’s Bowen Road, Maiden’s Rock, also called Lover’s Rock, is the gathering place for the annual Maiden’s festival." |
7000,The busy night-and-day crowds make this area vibrant and lively. |
5500,"Across Gloucester Road, opposite the World Trade Centre, is the Noonday Gun, which under British rule was sounded on the stroke of midday." |
4500,"One story has it that traders Jardine, Matheson & Co fired a private salute for a visiting tycoon, an act that incensed the colonial authorities, who felt that they had the sole right to issue such a 21-gun welcome." |
5625,Inland from the bay is Happy Valley. |
6000,"Hong Kong’s gamblers are so eager to play the horses that, despite the opening of a bigger and better racetrack at Sha Tin, the Happy Valley Racecourse is thriving." |
6500,"The junks are a picturesque sight: children frolicking on the poop deck, women preparing food or playing mah-jong, elderly folk watching the sunset, dogs and cats underfoot, songbirds in bamboo cages overhead — and all afloat." |
5000,"On Connaught Road Central, you’ll find one of Hong Kong’s curiosities, the 244-m- (800-ft-) long Mid-Levels outdoor escalator." |
5500,"The boats may appear deceptively primitive, but many of them have their own electric generators and all the modern conveniences." |
5000,"A half-hour tour costs HK$50; pay at the end, or the driver may cut your trip short." |
5000,"The food may not live up to expectations, but the fantasy environment makes up for it." |
5000,"It is divided into three areas: a highland, a lowland, and the Middle Kingdom." |
4000,"Water World, formerly in the complex, has closed for redevelopment." |
5000,"Nearby is Central Market, the wholesale food market of Hong Kong, and the Hang Seng building (private offices)." |
6250,"The interior is a comfortable amalgam of Chinese and Western design, with an impressive main lobby." |
5000,"No longer a center of government, it now functions as a cultural center." |
5500,It contains the Xubaizhi collection of painting and calligraphy; galleries devoted to antiquities and ceramics; and a gallery of modern Chinese art. |
6500,The museum mounts special exhibitions and has an excellent gift shop. |
5500,A few blocks up Chatham Road South are two more major museums. |
6000,Its restored lobby is Hong Kong’s most elegant gathering place; afternoon tea here is a visitors’ ritual. |
5500,"Alongside the hotel runs busy Nathan Road, Hong Kong’s fabled shopping street, lined with shops, hotels, and restaurants." |
4500,"At the time it was built, many thought it absurd to have a tree-lined boulevard running through what was practically a wilderness." |
5000,Now the former “Nathan’s Folly” is known as the “Golden Mile. ” |
5500,"A few blocks up Nathan Road is Kowloon Park (open daily 6am–midnight), elegantly laid out with fountains, promenades, and ornamental gardens; be sure to go up the steps to see the Sculpture Walk." |
5000,"Farther up Nathan Street you will reach Yau Ma Tei, one of the older parts of Kowloon." |
4500,So great is the pressure on the available land that most of Hong Kong’s colonial architectural heritage has been demolished and replaced by new skyscrapers. |
5000,"The temple is one of the many dedicated to Tin Hau, goddess of seafarers; this one also houses an altar to Shing Wong, the city’s god." |
5000,"In the daytime the temple (open 8am–6pm) attracts worshipers, and its park attracts strollers and mah-jong players." |
5000,"Near Boundary Street, off Prince Edward Street West, is the Yuen Po Street Bird Garden (open 8am–7pm)." |
5000,Ask the tourist authority about its interesting Heritage Tour from Kowloon and other countryside tours (see page 113). |
4500,"The main highway makes a circuit of the New Territories, beginning with the new town of Tsuen Wan, situated in an area of heavy industry just west of Kowloon." |
5000,"Place names are often based on the distance to the nearest mile-post, as measured from the tip of the Kowloon peninsula." |
5000,The main road continues clockwise around the New Territories. |
5000,"An even more interesting image out of Chinese history is the walled village of Kat Hing Wai, in the village of Kam Tin just outside the market town of Yuen Long." |
5000,Many of the old houses in the village have been replaced by modern structures. |
5825,The house was built in 1865 by a member of the Man clan who achieved the rank of tai fu (mandarin) by doing well in the Imperial Examinations. |
6000,"The highway and the railway stay close together from Fanling, site of the best golf courses in the area." |
5000,"Just up a lane from the market is the Man Mo Temple, with long-burning incense coils hanging from its ceiling, a popular spot dedicated to the Taoist gods of war and literature." |
5000,"The Sai Kung area is the location of two official parks and nature preserves, while on the south side of the peninsula are some of the territory’s best beaches." |
5500,"From the next railway station, the modern campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong is visible." |
5500,From inside the vast atrium you can view the whole structure as well as the mechanical workings of the building. |
6675,"Down to earth, the Sha Tin Racecourse can accommodate over 80,000 spectators and is equipped with every imaginable luxury, including a giant video screen facing the stands, and for the horses, air-conditioned stables." |
4500,Legend has it that a local woman climbed the hill every day to watch for her husband returning from across the sea; one day the wife and her child were turned to stone as a permanent symbol of her enduring faith. |
5000,"Two bronze lions, carrying out feng shui principles, guard its doors." |
5825,It really looks the part; the tourists know its name even before the guide can translate it. |
5000,"The monastery is strictly vegetarian, and visitors are warned not to bring any meat with them." |
5000,"In 1904, the narrow, double-decker trams ran along the waterfront, but land reclamation has placed them far inland." |
5000,"The rest of the year, life goes on at its accustomed pace: rickety machines chugging in two-man factories, children in school uniforms being ferried home to houseboats, and the old fishermen stirring shrimp paste." |
6500,"But the most interesting thing to do here is to explore the two villages on the island, Cheung Chau and San Wai." |
5000,"Archaeologists indicate that Lamma has probably been inhabited for some 4,000 years, and the island is known as “Hong Kong’s Stone Age Island. ”" |
6000,"Both villages offer good waterfront restaurants with homestyle Chinese food, principally seafood fresh from the tank." |
5000,"During World War II, the church was turned into a club for Japanese officers; it was restored after the war." |
5000,"Finally, in 1557, they were all consolidated in Macau." |
5825,"It was the only European gateway to China, and through Macau flowed Western technology and religion." |
5000,"In 1576 Pope Gregory XIII created the Macau diocese, covering all of China and Japan." |
5000,"Note the stained glass windows in the Quiet Chapel, designed by Joseph Edward Nuttgens in the late 1950s." |
5000,"A haven for persecuted Japanese Christians in the 17th century, Portugal’s neutrality during World War II assured the territory a flood of refugees." |
5000,Portugal’s very precarious foothold on the Asian coast ended in 1999 with a formal handover to China. |
5000,"Behind the church is the 1917 French Mission Building, now used as the Court of Final Appeal." |
5000,The 40-mile trip takes about an hour. |
5000,"The park’s 10.5 hectares (25 acres) of landscaped gardens and lakes contains a large greenhouse that holds many species of plants, and an aviary of exotic birds." |
5500,"For an authentic feel of old Portugal, slip into the cool entrance hall of theimpressive Leal Senado (“Loyal Senate” building), a fine example of colonial architecture." |
5000,"The inscription over the archway reads, “Cidade do nome de Deus, não ha outra mais leal” (“City of the Name of God, None is More Loyal”) — a bit of praise attributed to Portugal’s King John IV in the 17th century." |
4500,"For all its historic grandeur, the loyal Senate now is the equivalent of a city council, its statesmanship dedicated to water supplies, sewage lines, and the establishment of playgrounds." |
5500,The rest of the building and an adjoining college were destroyed in a typhoon-fanned fire in 1835. |
5000,"For a different vision of Old China, spend a few quiet moments in the classic Lou Lim Ieoc Garden." |
5000,"If you leave the park and walk up Cotton Tree Drive, you will find the Peak Tram terminal." |
5500,"An unexpected piece of historical memorabilia turns up in the monastery garden, where guides point out a small stone table used for a treaty-signing ceremony in 1844." |
5500,Nearby is the Macau Cultural Center and the Museum of Art (open Tuesday–Sunday 10am–7pm; closed Monday; small admission). |
5500,The museum also offers boat tours aboard a fishing junk. |
6500,"When they came ashore they found the A-Ma Temple (properly called Ma Kok Temple; open daily dawn to dusk), dedicated to the favorite goddess of fishermen, who is also known as Tin Hau." |
5000,"The area was called A-Ma Gau (“Bay of A-Ma”), and in this way, Macau got its name." |
5000,"The remains of the 17th-century Barra Fortress, which once defended the southern tip of the peninsula, contains the chapel of Santiago (St. James)." |
5000,"The Peak Tram starts its scenic climb just across the street and around the corner from the American Consulate in Garden Road and makes its way, sometimes at a startlingly steep incline, to the summit at 398 m (1,305 ft)." |
6500,Macau’s casinos are a source of non-stop excitement. |
5000,Watch the fantan dealer for a few minutes and you’ll almost be an expert: It’s simply a matter of how many odd buttons are left after he has divided a pile of them into groups of four. |
5000,It is famous for its gold jewelry. |
5000,Market prices per tael (34 grams/1. |
5000,2 ounces) of gold are set daily. |
5500,Knowledgeable visitors look for antiques — either Chinese heirlooms or leftovers from the gracious Portuguese colonial days. |
6500,"After dinner, a glass of Madeira or port is recommended to round off the meal." |
5000,The more abstemious can stick to Portuguese mineral water. |
5000,"Since the construction of the New Macau-Taipa Bridge has allowed easy access to the airport, the population has grown to more than 30,000, with industrial development, new apartment blocks, and luxury resort hotels." |
5000,"Not as developed as Taipa, it offers the joys of sand and sea and is known for its beaches." |
5000,"Cheoc Van and Hac Sa (“Black Sands”) are both popular resort areas, with lifeguards on duty in summer and windsurfing boards for rent." |
5000,"There are restaurants, swimming pools, and changing facilities." |
7000,"The village of Coloane is picturesque, with a central square lined with cafés." |
5500,Ever since 1957 the Canton Trade Fair (officially the Chinese Export Commodities Fair) has attracted throngs of international business people every spring and autumn. |
5000,"Guangzhou, with a population of more than 5 million, straddles the Pearl River — China’s fifth longest — which links the city to the South China Sea." |
5500,"Guangzhou is interestingly one of China’s most prosperous cities, determinedly on the move into the modern world." |
5000,Turbo Cat ferries leave the China Hong Kong City (CHKC) terminal twice a day; the journey takes two hours. |
5000,"Citibus also travels to Guangzhou from CHKC; there are five round-trips a day, taking 31/2 hours." |
5000,The modern 120-passenger cars make the journey in around eight minutes. |
6000,English is spoken in hotels and tourist destinations. |
5500,"The train station is in the newer business district; nearby is Asia’s third-tallest building, at 83 stories, which will often be pointed out to you." |
4000,"However, on sunny Saturdays and Sundays you may have to brave a crowd lining up at the lower terminal." |
5000,"Actually a five-story pavilion on a hilltop, it contains a fine collection of historical exhibits." |
5500,It was built in 1931 with contributions from overseas Chinese. |
5000,"This explains the presence in Guangzhou of the Huaisheng Mosque, reputed to be China’s oldest, and traditionally dated a.d. 627." |
7500,"An architectural wonder, it is itself a beautiful piece of craftsmanship with its sculpture and carved stone balustrades." |
5000,"A former Confucian temple is presently the home of the historic National Peasant Movement Institute, where the Chinese Communist Party trained its leaders in the 1920s." |
4500,"This small formerly residential island, beautifully shaded by banyan trees, was the home of the closed community of the foreign colony in the era of “concessions. ”" |
5000,The bridges were barred by night with iron gates to keep the Chinese out. |
5625,"Its stately European-style buildings have since been restored, largely for use as government offices and foreign legations." |
6000,The island also has Guangzhou’s first modern luxury resort hotel. |
5000,"The Foshan Art Porcelain Factory has traditional designs, but also some attractive modern pieces." |
5500,"You can walk around the peak for impressive views of Hong Kong, the coastline, and the islands in 45 minutes on Lugard and Harlech roads." |
5000,"Visitors need a visa to enter China, and must disembark at the border (now called “boundary”) checkpoint, Lo Wai." |
5000,"Some places take credit cards, but cash is better for bargaining." |
6500,Shenzhen’s main tourist attractions are its enormous theme parks. |
5500,"There are also souvenir stands, benches for a rest, and perhaps Hong Kong’s last surviving rickshaws — however these are not for rides, but are a tourist photo opportunity." |
6500,"It contains elaborate replicas of China’s chief monuments in impressive detail, including a scaled-down version of the Great Wall." |
5000,"These gardens used to belong to the governor’s mountain lodge, but the building was demolished by the Japanese during the occupation of Hong Kong." |
5500,Both young and old go through ballet-like movements in slow motion to discipline the mind and body. |
5500,"The Western District is one of Hong Kong’s oldest neighborhoods, and its narrow streets hold a collection of fascinating traditional shops and enterprises." |
5000,"You’ll find herb and medicine shops, incense shops, chop makers’ shops (makers of Chinese seals), and more." |
5000,"Walk west along Hollywood Road until you come to Man Mo Temple, the island’s oldest house of worship (though the date of its founding is subject to dispute)." |
5000,But I also hope you will help us keep alive the promise behind these labels and become the newest member of National Wildlife Federation today. |
7000,The feeling that you are a real partner in helping us achieve victories for wildlife is probably the biggest benefit of membership there is. |
6500,"With its spectacular, full-color photographs, compelling features and updates on the important work your membership helps us to accomplish, this award-winning publication alone is worth the modest gift!" |
7000,It’s our FREE gift to you for joining now and a charming reminder that your support helps NWF protect valuable wildlife species like this one. |
7500,"PLUS, there are additional membership benefits for you to enjoy." |
5000,"Appreciatively, Mark Van Putten President" |
4575,"Previously, watch imports were denied such duty-free treatment." |
5000,"The White House said Mr. Bush decided to grant duty-free status for 18 categories, but turned down such treatment for other types of watches ""because of the potential for material injury to watch producers located in the U.S. and the Virgin Islands.""" |
5500,"The offer, advertised in today's editions of The Wall Street Journal, is scheduled to expire at the end of November." |
5000,Montedison currently owns about 72% of Erbamont's common shares outstanding. |
5000,"Integra, which owns and operates hotels, said that Hallwood Group Inc. has agreed to exercise any rights that aren't exercised by other shareholders." |
5000,"Perpetual preferred shares aren't retractable by the holders, the company said." |
5000,ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS Inc. said it plans to raise 175 million to 180 million Canadian dollars (US$148.9 million to $153.3 million) through a private placement of perpetual preferred shares. |
5000,"A spokesman for the Toronto cable television and telecommunications concern said the coupon rate hasn't yet been fixed, but will probably be set at around 8%." |
6000,PHOTOGRAPH COLLECTING gains new stature as prices rise. |
5625,"""There is finally some sort of sense in the market,"" she says." |
3750,"""When I see prints going into the hands of institutions, I know they aren't going to come back on the market.""" |
5000,"But more serious applications are in the wings, and that is where the future growth is expected." |
5000,"Elisa Hollis launched a diaper service last year because State College, Pa., where she lives, didn't have one." |
5000,"Separately, Citadel posted a third-quarter net loss of $2.3 million, or 68 cents a share, versus net income of $5.3 million, or $1.61 a share, a year earlier." |
5000,"Those included costs associated with the potential Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association acquisition, which was terminated on Sept. 27, 1989." |
4500,"In addition, operating results were hit by an increase in loan and real estate loss reserves." |
5500,"While there were no one-time gains or losses in the latest period, there was a one-time gain of #18 million in the 1988 period." |
5000,"Reed is paying an interim dividend of 4.6 pence, up 15% from 4 pence a year earlier." |
4375,"Earnings were hurt by disposal of operations in its restructuring, Reed said." |
5000,"Sales, however, were little changed at 2.46 billion guilders, compared with 2.42 billion guilders." |
5000,"Also, substantially lower Dutch corporate tax rates helped the company keep its tax outlay flat relative to earnings growth, the company added." |
4500,"""slightly above""" |
5000,"Oshkosh Truck attributed the downturn in its earnings to higher start-up costs of its new chassis division, a softer motor-home market and higher administrative costs of compliance with government contractor regulations." |
5000,"The company said it is in the process of phasing out John Deere, its current source of production for midsized motor home chassis." |
5000,"Primerica, which had owned nearly 70% of Williams, will pay about 16.7 million shares, currently valued at almost $472 million, for the rest of Williams." |
5000,"Williams shares, which were to be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange after the close of composite trading yesterday, closed at $23.25, off 12.5 cents. Primerica closed at $28.25, down 50 cents." |
5000,"Primerica, as expected, also acquired certain assets of the agency and assumed certain of its liabilities." |
5000,"Mr. Ackerman already is seeking to oust Mr. Edelman as chairman of Datapoint Corp., an Intelogic affiliate." |
5000,"The offer, valued at about $576 million for the 33% of Telerate that Dow Jones doesn't already own, had been set to expire Nov. 6." |
5500,Tony Lama Co. said that Equus Investment II Limited Partnership has proposed changing the offer for the company to $13.65 in cash and stock from an all-cash transaction. |
5500,"The El Paso, Texas, maker of Western boots and leather accessories said the preferred stock would accrue dividends at a 12% rate, but wouldn't be paid for the first two years." |
5000,"However, Tony Lama said it would promptly submit the offer to a special committee of the company's board." |
5000,"Reuters Holdings PLC said Michael Reupke resigned as general manager to pursue unspecified interests, a move the news organization termed an ""amicable separation.""" |
5000,"No successor was named, and Mr. Reupke's duties will be split among three other senior Reuters executives, the company said." |
5000,"""There is no business reason for my departure,""" |
5500,shares outstanding. |
5000,DD Acquisition Corp. |
5000,"Cara, a food services chain operator and Unicorp, a holding company, are based in Toronto." |
5000,"""unusual.""" |
4175,"Revenue declined 8% to $85.7 million, from $93.3 million a year earlier." |
5000,"Savin cited ""a general softening in the demand for office products in the market segments in which Savin competes.""" |
4500,"""a general softening in the demand for office products in the market segments in which Savin competes.""" |
5000,"The Oklahoma City energy and defense concern said it will record a $7.5 million reserve for its defense group, including a $4.7 million charge related to problems under a fixed-price development contract and $2.8 million in overhead costs that won't be reimbursed." |
4500,The company also cited interest costs and amortization of goodwill as factors in the loss. |
5000,Heritage owns and operates television and radio stations and in-store advertising and promotion programs. |
6675,Sales rose to $9.8 million from $8.9 million. |
5625,"The McAlpine family, which operates a number of multinational companies, including a London-based engineering and construction company, also lent to Meridian National $500,000." |
5000,That amount is convertible into shares of Meridian common stock at $2 a share during its one-year term. |
5000,"Meridian National Corp. said it sold 750,000 shares of its common stock to the McAlpine family interests, for $1 million, or $1.35 a share." |
5000,"Ratners Group PLC, a fast-growing, acquisition-minded London-based jeweler, raised its price for Seattle-based specialty jeweler Weisfield's Inc. to $57.50 a share, or $62.1 million, from $50 a share, or $55 million, after another concern said it would be prepared to outbid Ratners's initial offer." |
5000,"The sweetened offer has acceptances from more than 50% of Weisfield's shareholders, and it is scheduled for completion by Dec. 10." |
5000,The acquisition of 87-store Weisfield's raises Ratners's U.S. presence to 450 stores. |
5000,The thrift has assets of $3.2 billion. |
5000,Midwest Financial has $2.3 billion in assets and eight banks. |
5000,"But it said that severance payments to those executives not staying with the company will reduce First of America's operating results for 1989 by $3 million to $4 million, or 15 cents to 20 cents a share." |
4000,"Coleco Industries Inc., a once high-flying toy maker whose stock peaked at $65 a share in the early 1980s, filed a Chapter 11 reorganization plan that provides just 1.125 cents a share for common stockholders." |
5000,Still unresolved is Sony's effort to hire producers Jon Peters and Peter Guber to run the studio. |
5000,A spokeswoman for Crum & Forster said employees were told early this week that numerous staff functions for the personal insurance lines were going to be centralized as a cost-cutting move. |
5000,"Property/casualty insurance has been a tough business in recent quarters, as pricing has been cutthroat and natural disasters such as Hurricane Hugo and the California earthquake have resulted in huge payments." |
5000,"""It's a cosmetic move,"" said Jonathan S. Gelles of Wertheim Schroder & Co." |
4000,"Upjohn Co. said it will offer an early retirement package to as many as 1,100 employees in a cost-cutting move expected to result in a fourth-quarter charge." |
5500,"The program, available to Upjohn employees 55 years old or older, could increase an individual's retirement benefits 10% to 20%." |
5000,"But some analysts questioned how much of an impact the retirement package will have, because few jobs will end up being eliminated." |
5000,"Everything will be taken over by the new company,"" said Christian Andersson, executive vice president of Oy Waertsilae, former parent of Waertsilae Marine." |
5000,"Once its ownership is finalized, the new company will open talks with state-appointed receivers to buy or lease Waertsilae Marine's shipyard facilities." |
4000,"For the year, pet food volume was flat, the company said." |
3325,Ralston said its Eveready battery unit was hurt by continuing economic problems in South America. |
5500,"For the year ended Sept. 30, Ralston earned $422.5 million, or $6.44 a share, up 8.9% from $387.8 million, or $5.63 a share." |
5625,"Sales for the full year were $6.6 billion, up 13% from $5.8 billion." |
3000,"""You can have a dozen competitors stealing your secrets at the same time,"" Mr. Matchett said, adding : ""It's a pretty good bet they won't get caught.""" |
5000,"The only way to catch an electronic thief, he said, is to set him up with erroneous information." |
4375,"Even though electronic espionage may cost U.S. firms billions of dollars a year, most aren't yet taking precautions, the experts said." |
5000,"Already many foreign firms, especially banks, have their own cryptographers, conference speakers reported." |
5000,"Moreover, he said, technology now exists for stealing corporate secrets after they've been ""erased"" from a computer's memory." |
5000,He said that Oliver North of Iran-Contra notoriety thought he had erased his computer but that the information was later retrieved for congressional committees to read. |
5000,He cited the case of a Swiss oil trader who recently put out bids via telex for an oil tanker to pick up a cargo of crude in the Middle East. |
5500,"The Soviets' eavesdropping paid off, however, because they got the contract." |
4000,"It ""may well be"" that theft of business data is ""as serious a strategic threat to national security"" as it is a threat to the survival of victimized U.S. firms, said Michelle Van Cleave, the White House's assistant director for National Security Affairs." |
3500,"We don't know who is winning the drug war in Latin America, but we know who's losing it -- the press." |
5000,"Over the past six months, six journalists have been killed and 10 kidnapped by drug traffickers or leftist guerrillas -- who often are one and the same -- in Colombia." |
2500,The report charged that Panama's Manuel Noriega is not only in league with the drug traffickers but also is bullying the press as never before. |
3125,"Over the past 12 years, at least 40 journalists have died there." |
4000,"""If the cartel succeeds in blackmailing the Colombian authorities into negotiations, the cartel will be in control and Fidel can exploit his past relationships with them,"" he told the Journal's David Asman recently." |
5000,Mr. Barco has refused U.S. troops or advisers but has accepted U.S. military aid. |
3325,"After the Panama fiasco, they will need some reassurance." |
6000,"Certainly, the Colombian press is much in need of that." |
4000,"As a member of World Wildlife Fund, you know that our efforts are essential to preserving the astonishing, yet desperately threatened diversity of life here on Earth." |
3750,"The challenges we face are daunting, to be sure." |
5500,"Once again, please accept my warmest gratitude for your past support And please, take a moment today to renew your critically important WWF annual membership." |
4500,Please let it be a constant reminder of all you’re doing to preserve our endangered wildlife! |