\t Hpa xsjº yº¹ºn. \m H-pa xsjº yº¹ºn. \g our-son milk drank \l Our son drank the milk. \t Ahmet ytdzº \m Ahmet y-tdzº \g Ahmet 3SM-house \l Ahmet's house \t awiy am¸taxi \m awiy a-m¸taxi \g that 3SI-after \l after that \t dlbád \m d-l-bád \g 3sg.ms.ABS 3sg.fm.ERG-see-PST \l She saw him \t dfád \m d-fád \g 3sg.fm.ABS-go-PST \l She's gone \t sqwmart' \m s-qwmar-t' \g A1SG-play-DYN \l I played. \t dqwmart' \m d-qwmar-t' \g A3SG.H-play-DYN \l S/he played. \t yqwmart' \m y-qwmar-t' \g A3SG.N-play-DYN or A3PL-play-DYN \l It played. \t bUlbat' \m bU-l-ba-t' \g A2SG.F-E3SG.F-see-DYN \l She saw you (F.). \t dUlbawa+t' [dUlbu+t'] \m dU-l-ba-wa+-t' [dUlbu+t'] \g A3SG.F-E3SG.H-see-FUT-DYN \l She saw him/her. \t ÇUybayt' [Çibit'] \m ÇU-y-ba-y-t' [Çibit'] \g A1PL-E3SG.M-see-PRES-DYN \l He saw us. \t dUw+jUt' [du+jUt'] \m dU-w-+jU-t' [du+jUt'] \g A3SG.H-E2SG.M-kill-DYN \l You (m.) killed him/her. \t sara asabUy d[lUcU]ztat' \m sara a-sabUy d-[lU-cU]-z-ta-t' \g I the-child A3SG.F-[P3SG.F-COM]-E1SG-carry-DYN \l I carried the child with her. \t atwraÇa y[ala]psq'Ut' \m a-twraÇa y-[a-la]-p-s-q'U-t' \g the-ax A3SG.N-[P3SG.N-INST]-PV-E1SG-cut-DYN \l I cut it with the ax. \t aAaramakwa bq'wUlk' [yta]lc'an aqarpatjUy abraÇaqw [akw]lc'axd \m a-Aarama-kwa bq'wUl-k' [y-ta]-l-c'a-n a-qarpa-tjUy abraÇaqw [a-kw]-l-c'a-x-d \g the-bunch-PL barrel-INDEF [P3SG.N-LOC.in]-3SG.F-put-PST the-lid-INT boulder [P3SG.N-LOC.on]-E3SG.F-put-ASP.again-DYN \l She put the bunches in a barrel and on the lid she also replaced the boulder. \t y[ÇUz]»akwUlc'at' \m y-[ÇU-z]-»a-kwU-l-c'a-t' \g A3SG.N-[P1PL-BEN]-DIR-PV-E3SG.F-place-DYN \l She put it (here) for us. \t y[ÇUcw]»akwUlc'at' \m y-[ÇU-cw]-»a-kwU-l-c'a-t' \g A3SG.N-[P1PL-ADV]-DIR-PV-E3SG.F-place-DYN \l She put it (here) against our will. \t y[ÇUc]»akwUlc'at' \m y-[ÇU-c]-»a-kwU-l-c'a-t' \g A3SG.N-[P1PL-COM]-DIR-PV-E3SG.F-place-DYN \l She put it (here) with us. \t y[ala]»akawUlc'at' \m y-[a-la]-»a-kawU-l-c'a-t' \g A3SG.N-[P3SG.N-INST]-DIR-PV-E3SG.F-place-DYN \l She put it (here) with it (e.g. tongs). \t y[ycw ]rUstat' \m y-[y-cw ]-rU-s-ta-t' \g A3sG.N-[P3SG.M-ADV]-D3PL-E1SG.-give-DYN \l I gave it to them against his will. \t y»a[ÇUdU]lc'at' \m y-»a-[ÇU-dU]-l-c'a-t' \g A3SG.N-DIR-[P1PL-LOC.near]-E3SG.F-place-DYN \l She placed it (here) near us. \t y»a[rc'a]lc'at' \m y-»a-[r-c'a]-l-c'a-t' \g A3SG.N-DIR-[P3PL-LOC.under]-E3SG.F-place-DYN \l She placed it (here) under them. \t y»a[ÇU+jta]lc'at' \m y-»a-[ÇU-+jta]-l-c'a-t' \g A3SG.N-DIR-[P1PL-LOC.behind]-E3SG.F-place-DYN \l She placed it (here) behind us. \t yÇzU»aÇwwan \m y-Ç-zU-»aÇw-wan \g A3PL-P1PL-BEN-dance-IMPF \l They danced for us. \t arqan salaqalwan \m arqan s-a-la-qal-wan \g rope A1SG-P3SG.N-INST-climb-IMPF \l I climbed with the rope. \t sakwc'wat' \m s-a-kw-c'wa-t' \g A1SG-P3SG.N-LOC.on-sit-DYN \l I sat on it. \t ylUcUrzalaÇcjpat' \m y-lU-cU-r-z-a-la-Ç-cjpa-t' \g A3SG.N-P3SG.F-COM-P3PL-BEN-P3SG.N-INST-E1PL-do-DYN \l We did it with her for them with it. \t spÇa ayAaza»w astol dUyzakwsc'ayt' \m s-pÇa ayAaza»w a-stol dU-y-z-a-kw-s-c'a-y-t' \g 1SG-daughter doctor the-table A3SG.H-P3SG.M-BEN-P3SG.N-LOC.on-E1SG-put-PRS-DYN \l I put my daughter on the table for the doctor. \t dUrzalacat' \m dU-r-z-a-la-ca-t' \g A3SG.H-P3PL-BEN-P3SG.N-INST-go-DYN \l S/he went with it to their house.'10 \t dlUcyUzcat' \m d-lU-c-yU-z-ca-t' \g A3SG.H-P3SG.F-BEN-P3SG.M-COM-go-DYN \l S/he went with him to her house. \t dalayUccjat' \m d-a-la-yU-c-cja-t' \g A3SG.H-P3SG.N-INST-P3SG.M-COM-eat-DYN \l S/he ate with him with it. \t spÇa ayAaza»w yUqazla astol dakwsc'ayt' \m s-pÇa ayAaza»w yU-qaz-la a-stol d-a-kw-s-c'a-y-t' \g 1SG-daughter doctor 3SG.M-for-INST the-table A3SG.H-P3SG.N-LOC.on-E1SG-place-PRS-DYN \l I put my daughter on the table for the doctor. \t dlUzyUccat' \m d-lU-z-yU-c-ca-t' \g A3SG.H-P3SG.F-BEN-P3SG.M-COM-go-DYN \l S/he went to her house with him. \t dyUclUzcat' \m d-yU-c-lU-z-ca-t' \g A3SG.H-P3SG.M-COM-P3SG.F-BEN-go-DYN \l S/he went with him to her house. \t sara bilet wara wUqaz y»asawd \m sara bilet wara wU-qaz y-»a-s-aw-d \g I ticket you 2SG.M-for A3SG.N-PV-E1SG-find-DYN \l I found the ticket for you. \t sara qwmartak' spa yUqazla ysUmab \m sara qwmarta-k' s-pa yU-qaz-la y-s-Uma-b \g I toy-INDEF 1SG-son 3SG.M-for-AV A3SG.N-E1SG.-have-STP \l I have a toy for my son. \t awat rak'wb adUwnay dUzzUkwUw, yqa aqazla adUwnay dtjUkwUm \m awat r-ak'w-b a-dUwnay dU-z-z-UkwU-w, y-qa a-qaz-la a-dUwnay d-tjU-kwU-m \g they E3PL-be-STP the-world A3SG.H-PWH-BEN-be.in-PRP 3SG.M-head 3SG.N-for-AV the-world A3SG.H-INT-be.in-NEG \l He is living in the world for them, not for himself. \t aÇmet bey wac'wU Çara ÇacUta sinema Çcata Çamcaw+ta tjama yUwdUrUwma \m aÇmet bey wac'wU Çara Ç-acU-ta sinema Ç-ca-ta Ça-m-ca-w+-ta tjama yU-w-dUr-Uw-ma \g B.tomorrow we 1PL-with-GER movies A1PL-go-GER A1PL-NEG-go-FUT2-GER TAG A3SG.N-E2SG.M-know-PRS-YNQ \l You don't know whether Ahmet Bey will go to the movies with us tomor- row, do you? \t acjk'wUn kjUmla dqwmarUyd \m a-cjk'wUn kjUm-la d-qwmarU-y-d \g the-boy top-INST A3SG.H-play-PRS-DYN \l The boy is playing with a top. \t acjk'wUn kjUm dalaqwmarUyd \m a-cjk'wUn kjUm d-a-la-qwmarU-y-d \g the-boy top A3SG.H-P3SG.N-INST-play-PRS-DYN \l The boy is playing with the top. \t awUy sadzqa dc'wab \m awUy s-adzqa d-c'wa-b \g s/he 1SG-beside A3SG.H-sit-STP \l S/he is sitting next to me. \t acjk'wUn ac'la ac'axj dqwmarUyd \m a-cjk'wUn a-c'la a-c'axj d-qwmarU-y-d \g the-boy the-tree 3SG.N-under A3SG.H-play-PRS-DYN \l The boy is playing under the tree. \t acjk'wUn ac'la apaxj d»ayyd \m a-cjk'wUn a-c'la a-paxj d-»ay-y-d \g the-boy the-tree 3SG.N-in.front.of A3SG.H-come-PRS-DYN \l The boy comes in front of the tree. \t Çara a»wata awac'a cUÇabayd \m Çara a-»wata a-wac'a cU-Ça-ba-y-d \g we the-mirror 3SG.N-in REFL-E1PL-see-PRS-DYN \l We see ourselves in the mirror. \t arq'anla ywcwUsUct' \m arq'an-la y-w-cwU-s-Uc-t' \g rope-INST A3SG.N-P2SG.M-ADV-E1SG-steal-DYN \l I stole it from you with a rope. \t arq'an yUwcwala»asUct' \m arq'an yU-w-cw-a-la-»a-s-Uc-t' \g rope A3SG.N-P2SG.M-ADV-P3SG.N-INST-DIR-E1SG-steal-DYN \l I stole it from you with the rope. \t acjk'wUn amÇac'wa yax+ja dalayUccjat' \m a-cjk'wUn a-mÇac'wa y-ax+ja d-a-la-yU-c-cja-t' \g the-boy the-spoon 3SG.M-sister A3SG.H-P3SG.N-INST-P3SG.M-COM-eat-DYN \l Hisi sister ate with the boyi with the spoon. \t acjk'wUn mÇac'wa yax+ja dalayUccjat' \m a-cjk'wUn mÇac'wa y-ax+ja d-a-la-yU-c-cja-t' \g the-boy spoon 3SG.M-sister A3SG.H-P3SG.N-INST-P3SG.M-COM-eat-DYN \l His sister ate with the boy with spoons/a spoon. \t acjk'wUn mÇac'wala yax+ja dyUccjat' \m a-cjk'wUn mÇac'wa-la y-ax+ja d-yU-c-cja-t' \g the-boy spoon-INST 3SG.M-sister A3SG.H-P3SG.M-COM-eat-DYN \l Hisi sister ate with the boyi with spoons/a spoon. \t acjk'wUn awUla dqwmarit' \m a-cjk'wUn awU-la d-qwmar-i-t' \g the-boy that-INST A3SG.H-play-PRS-DYN \l The boy is playing with that. \t acjk'wUn awUy dalaqwmarit' \m a-cjk'wUn awUy d-a-la-qwmar-i-t' \g the-boy it/that A3SG.H-P3SG.N-INST-play-PRS-DYN \l The boy is playing with it/that. \t k'ama+j ... accwa »waÇwatji yUcyc'an xan ypa yfUrtwUn datwUkwst' \m k'ama+j ... a-c-cwa »waÇwa-tji yU-c-y-c'a-n xan y-pa y-fUrtwUn d-a-twUkws-t' \g K.the-horse-PL twenty-INT P3SG.M-COM-E3SG.M-put-PST khan 3SG.M-son 3SG.M-van A3SG.H-E3SG.N-attack-DYN \l Kamashi . . . took with himi twenty horsemen and fell on the khan's son's vanguard. \t Çara dÇUlaÇUrc'wawa \m Çara d-ÇU-la-ÇU-r-c'wa-wa \g we A3SG.H-P1PL-LOC.among-C1PL-CSE-sit-PRP \l [how can] he be seated among us? \t yUlzUlcjpat' \m yU-l-zU-l-cjpa-t' \g E3SG.N-P3SG.F-BEN-E3SG.F-do-DYN \l Shei did it for herj . \t sara atelevizor lUcUztat' \m sara a-televizor lU-cU-z-ta-t' \g I the-television P3SG.F-COM-E1SG-carry-DYN \l I with her carried the television. \t Çara ala Çacw+wayd \m Çara a-la Ç-a-cw-+wa-y-d \g we the-dog A1PL-P3SG.N-ADV-fear-PRS-DYN \l We are afraid of the dog. \t spÇa ayAaza»w yUqazla astol dakwsc'it' \m s-pÇa ayAaza»w yU-qaz-la a-stol d-a-kw-s-c'-i-t' \g 1SG-daughter doctor 3SG.M-for-INST the-table A3SG.H-P3SG.N-LOC.on-E1SG-place-PRS-DYN \l I put my daughter on the table for the doctor. \t sara bilet wara wUqaz y»asawd \m sara bilet wara wU-qaz y-»a-s-aw-d \g I ticket you 2SG.M-for A3SG.N-PV-E1SG-find-DYN \l I found the ticket for you. \t acjk'wUn ama+ina yU»wzacwa dUrzalacat' \m a-cjk'wUn a-ma+ina yU-»wza-cwa dU-r-z-a-la-ca-t' \g the-boy the-car 3SG.M-friend-PL A3SG.H-P3PL-BEN-P3SG.N-INST-go-DYN \l The boy went with the car to his friends' house. \t laq'wUm zzUlrUdzUz \m laq'wUm z-zU-l-rUdzU-z \g lokum PWH-BEN-E3SG.F-cook-PSP \l (the one) who she cooked lokum for \t asabUykwa zUcw+wuya \m a-sabUy-kwa zU-cw-+w-u-ya \g the-child-PL PWH-ADV-fear-PRS-WHQ \l What are the children afraid of? \t yUzcwUÇcjpaz \m yU-z-cwU-Ç-cjpa-z \g A3SG.N-PWH-ADV-E1PL-do-PSP \l the one against whose will we did it \t wUzccuda \m wU-z-c-c-u-da \g A2SG.M-PWH-COM-go-PRS-WHQ \l Who are you going with? \t asabUykwa zcqwmarwa \m a-sabUy-kwa z-c-qwmar-wa \g the-child-PL PWH-COM-play-PRP \l the one with whom the children are playing \t dzU zla»aztwa \m dzU z-la-»a-z-t-wa \g water PWH-INST-DIR-E1SG-carry-PRP \l that with which I am carrying water \t dUzkwc'wuya \m dU-z-kw-c'w-u-ya \g A3SG.H-PWH-LOC.on-sit-PRS-WHQ \l What is s/he sitting on? \t ÇUzdzqatUlu ac'la \m ÇU-z-dzqa-tUl-u a-c'la \g A1PL-PWH-LOC.beside-stand-PRP the-tree \l the tree we are standing next to \t hthád \m h-thád \g 1PL-gaan \l W ij-(S) zijn weg. \t hlbád \m h-l-bád \g 1PL-3SG:FEM-zien \l Zij-(A) heeft ons-(O) gezien. \t hybád \m h-y-bád \g 1PL-3SG:MASC-zien \l Hij-(A) heeft ons-(O) gezien. \t dhbád \m d-h-bád \g O-A-V 3SG-1PL-zien \l W ij-(A) hebben hem/haar-(O) gezien. \t (sara) spn \m (sara) s-pn \g I 1sg-at \l at my house, by me \t (sara) spn \m (sara) s-pn \g I 1sg-at \l at my house, by me