\t yo miu yo \m yo miu yo \g this boy this \l this boy \t ngo pashuto \m ngo pa-shu-to \g 1sg cut-R/M-PF \l I have cut myself (with a dao). \t b oÚdÔokshuto \m b oÚ-dÔok-shu-to \g 3sg fall-graze-R/M-PF \l He has fallen and grazed himself. \t ngo mobishuto \m ngo mo-bi-shu-to \g 1sg make-ben-R/M-PF \l I built it for you myself. \t nok kentu shukshutoka \m no-k kentu shuk-shu-toka \g 2sg-GEN ear.ornament take out-M/R-IMP \l Take out your ear-ornament (from your own ear). \t rshutoka \m r-shu-toka \g wash-MD-IMP \l Bathe yourself! \t dotke do laje lakshukshutoka \m dotke do laje lak-shuk-shu-toka \g food eat HORT hand-wash-MD-IMP \l Let's eat (food), and wash your hands. \t yo miu yo \m yo miu yo \g this boy this \l this boy \t yo miu yo \m yo miu yo \g this boy this \l this boy