""" The beam search decoder of flashlight Authors: * Heng-Jui Chang 2022 """ import itertools as it import logging import math from typing import Iterable, List import torch from s3prl.util.download import _urls_to_filepaths TOKEN_URL = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/s3prl/flashlight/raw/main/lexicon/librispeech_char_tokens.txt" LEXICON_URL_1 = "https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fairseq/wav2vec/librispeech_lexicon.lst" LEXICON_URL_2 = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/s3prl/flashlight/raw/main/lexicon/librispeech_lexicon.lst" LM_URL_1 = "https://www.openslr.org/resources/11/4-gram.arpa.gz" LM_URL_2 = ( "https://huggingface.co/datasets/s3prl/flashlight/resolve/main/lm/4-gram.arpa.gz" ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) __all__ = ["BeamDecoder"] class BeamDecoder(object): """Beam decoder powered by flashlight. Args: token (str, optional): Path to dictionary file. Defaults to "". lexicon (str, optional): Path to lexicon file. Defaults to "". lm (str, optional): Path to KenLM file. Defaults to "". nbest (int, optional): Returns nbest hypotheses. Defaults to 1. beam (int, optional): Beam size. Defaults to 5. beam_size_token (int, optional): Token beam size. Defaults to -1. beam_threshold (float, optional): Beam search log prob threshold. Defaults to 25.0. lm_weight (float, optional): language model weight. Defaults to 2.0. word_score (float, optional): score for words appearance in the transcription. Defaults to -1.0. unk_score (float, optional): score for unknown word appearance in the transcription. Defaults to -math.inf. sil_score (float, optional): score for silence appearance in the transcription. Defaults to 0.0. """ def __init__( self, token: str = "", lexicon: str = "", lm: str = "", nbest: int = 1, beam: int = 5, beam_size_token: int = -1, beam_threshold: float = 25.0, lm_weight: float = 2.0, word_score: float = -1.0, unk_score: float = -math.inf, sil_score: float = 0.0, ): try: from flashlight.lib.text.decoder import ( CriterionType, KenLM, LexiconDecoder, LexiconDecoderOptions, SmearingMode, Trie, ) from flashlight.lib.text.dictionary import ( Dictionary, create_word_dict, load_words, ) except ImportError: logger.error( f"Please install Flashlight Text from https://github.com/flashlight/text to enable {__class__.__name__}" ) raise if token == "": token = _urls_to_filepaths(TOKEN_URL) if lexicon == "": # Try LEXICON_URL_2 if LEXICON_URL_1 did not work. lexicon = _urls_to_filepaths(LEXICON_URL_1) if lm == "": # Try LM_URL_2 if LM_URL_1 did not work. lm = _urls_to_filepaths(LM_URL_1) self.nbest = nbest self.token_dict = Dictionary(token) self.lexicon = load_words(lexicon) self.word_dict = create_word_dict(self.lexicon) self.lm = KenLM(lm, self.word_dict) self.sil_idx = self.token_dict.get_index("|") self.unk_idx = self.word_dict.get_index("") self.trie = Trie(self.token_dict.index_size(), self.sil_idx) start_state = self.lm.start(False) for word, spellings in self.lexicon.items(): usr_idx = self.word_dict.get_index(word) _, score = self.lm.score(start_state, usr_idx) for spelling in spellings: spelling_idxs = [self.token_dict.get_index(tok) for tok in spelling] self.trie.insert(spelling_idxs, usr_idx, score) self.trie.smear(SmearingMode.MAX) if beam_size_token == -1: beam_size_token = self.token_dict.index_size() self.options = LexiconDecoderOptions( beam_size=beam, beam_size_token=beam_size_token, beam_threshold=beam_threshold, lm_weight=lm_weight, word_score=word_score, unk_score=unk_score, sil_score=sil_score, log_add=False, criterion_type=CriterionType.CTC, ) self.blank_idx = self.token_dict.get_index("#") self.decoder = LexiconDecoder( self.options, self.trie, self.lm, self.sil_idx, self.blank_idx, self.unk_idx, [], False, ) def get_tokens(self, idxs: Iterable) -> torch.LongTensor: """Normalize tokens by handling CTC blank, ASG replabels, etc. Args: idxs (Iterable): Token ID list output by self.decoder Returns: torch.LongTensor: Token ID list after normalization. """ idxs = (g[0] for g in it.groupby(idxs)) idxs = filter(lambda x: x != self.blank_idx, idxs) return torch.LongTensor(list(idxs)) def get_timesteps(self, token_idxs: List[int]) -> List[int]: """Returns frame numbers corresponding to every non-blank token. Args: token_idxs (List[int]): IDs of decoded tokens. Returns: List[int]: Frame numbers corresponding to every non-blank token. """ timesteps = [] for i, token_idx in enumerate(token_idxs): if token_idx == self.blank_idx: continue if i == 0 or token_idx != token_idxs[i - 1]: timesteps.append(i) return timesteps def decode(self, emissions: torch.Tensor) -> List[List[dict]]: """Decode sequence. Args: emissions (torch.Tensor): Emission probabilities (in log scale). Returns: List[List[dict]]: Decoded hypotheses. """ emissions = emissions.float().contiguous().cpu() B, T, N = emissions.size() hyps = [] for b in range(B): emissions_ptr = emissions.data_ptr() + 4 * b * emissions.stride(0) results = self.decoder.decode(emissions_ptr, T, N) nbest_results = results[: self.nbest] hyps.append( [ dict( tokens=self.get_tokens(result.tokens), score=result.score, timesteps=self.get_timesteps(result.tokens), words=[ self.word_dict.get_entry(x) for x in result.words if x >= 0 ], ) for result in nbest_results ] ) return hyps