import argparse from dataclasses import dataclass, field import json import copy import multiprocessing as mp import uuid from datetime import datetime, timedelta from collections import defaultdict, deque import io import zipfile import queue import time import random import logging from tensordict import TensorDict import cv2 from flask import Flask, request, make_response, send_file from PIL import Image import torchvision.transforms as T import numpy as np import torch as th from wham.utils import load_model_from_checkpoint, POS_BINS_BOUNDARIES, POS_BINS_MIDDLE logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple Dreamer") parser.add_argument("--model", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the model file for the local runs") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Enable flask debug mode.") parser.add_argument("--random_model", action="store_true", help="Use randomly initialized model instead of the provided one") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=5000) parser.add_argument("--max_concurrent_jobs", type=int, default=30, help="Maximum number of jobs that can be run concurrently on this server.") parser.add_argument("--max_dream_steps_per_job", type=int, default=10, help="Maximum number of dream steps each job can request.") parser.add_argument("--max_job_lifespan", type=int, default=60 * 10, help="Maximum number of seconds we keep run around if not polled.") parser.add_argument("--image_width", type=int, default=300, help="Width of the image") parser.add_argument("--image_height", type=int, default=180, help="Height of the image") parser.add_argument("--max_batch_size", type=int, default=3, help="Maximum batch size for the dreamer workers") PREDICTION_JSON_FILENAME = "predictions.json" # Minimum time between times we check when to delete jobs. We do this when adding new jobs. JOB_CLEANUP_CHECK_RATE = timedelta(seconds=10) MAX_CANCELLED_ID_QUEUE_SIZE = 100 DEFAULT_SAMPLING_SETTINGS = { "temperature": 0.9, "top_k": None, "top_p": 1.0, "max_context_length": 10, } def float_or_none(string): if string.lower() == "none": return None return float(string) def be_image_preprocess(image, target_width, target_height): # If target_width and target_height are specified, resize the image. if target_width is not None and target_height is not None: # Make sure we do not try to resize if the image is already the correct size. if image.shape[1] != target_width or image.shape[0] != target_height: image = cv2.resize(image, (target_width, target_height)) return np.transpose(image, (2, 0, 1)) def action_vector_to_be_action_vector(action): # Preprocess a BE action vector from 16 numbers with: # 12 buttons [0, 1] and 4 stick directions [-1, 1] # to discrete actions valid for the token model # 12 buttons [0, 1] and 4 stick directions {discrete bin} action[-4:] = np.digitize(action[-4:], bins=POS_BINS_BOUNDARIES) - 1 return action def be_action_vector_to_action_vector(action): # Preprocess a BE action vector into unified space for stick_index in range(-4, 0): action[stick_index] = POS_BINS_MIDDLE[int(action[stick_index])] return action @dataclass class DreamJob: job_id: str sampling_settings: dict num_predictions_remaining: int num_predictions_done: int # (B, T, C, H, W) context_images: th.Tensor context_actions: th.Tensor # Tokens that will replace the context_images if they are provided context_tokens: list # This will replace the dreamed action if provided. # For every step, we remove the first action until exhausted actions_to_take: th.Tensor = None @dataclass class DreamJobResult: job_id: str dream_step_index: int # (B, 1, C, H, W) dreamt_image: th.Tensor dreamt_action: th.Tensor dreamt_tokens: th.Tensor result_creation_time: datetime = field( def setup_and_load_model_be_model(args): model = load_model_from_checkpoint(args.model) th.set_float32_matmul_precision("high") th.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True return model def get_job_batchable_information(job): """Return comparable object of job information. Used for batching""" context_length = job.context_images.shape[1] return (context_length, job.sampling_settings) def fetch_list_of_batchable_jobs(job_queue, cancelled_ids_set, max_batch_size, timeout=1): """Return a list of jobs (or empty list) that can be batched together""" batchable_jobs = [] required_job_info = None while len(batchable_jobs) < max_batch_size: try: job = job_queue.get(timeout=timeout) except queue.Empty: break # If pipe breaks, also gracefully return except OSError: break if job.job_id in cancelled_ids_set: # This job was cancelled, so discard it completely continue job_info = get_job_batchable_information(job) if required_job_info is None: required_job_info = job_info elif required_job_info != job_info: # This job is not batchable, put it back job_queue.put(job) # we assume here that, generally, the others jobs would also be # invalid. So we just return the batchable jobs we have instead # of going through more. break batchable_jobs.append(job) return batchable_jobs def update_cancelled_jobs(cancelled_ids_queue, cancelled_ids_deque, cancelled_ids_set): """IN-PLACE Update cancelled_ids_set with new ids from the queue""" has_changed = False while not cancelled_ids_queue.empty(): try: cancelled_id = cancelled_ids_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: break cancelled_ids_deque.append(cancelled_id) has_changed = True if has_changed: cancelled_ids_set.clear() cancelled_ids_set.update(cancelled_ids_deque) def predict_step(context_data, sampling_settings, model, tokens=None): with th.no_grad(): predicted_step = model.predict_next_step(context_data, min_tokens_to_keep=1, tokens=tokens, **sampling_settings) return predicted_step def dreamer_worker(job_queue, result_queue, cancelled_jobs_queue, quit_flag, device_to_use, args): logger = logging.getLogger(f"dreamer_worker {device_to_use}")"Loading up model...") model = setup_and_load_model_be_model(args) model ="Model loaded. Fetching results") cancelled_ids_deque = deque(maxlen=MAX_CANCELLED_ID_QUEUE_SIZE) cancelled_ids_set = set() while not quit_flag.is_set(): update_cancelled_jobs(cancelled_jobs_queue, cancelled_ids_deque, cancelled_ids_set) batchable_jobs = fetch_list_of_batchable_jobs(job_queue, cancelled_ids_set, max_batch_size=args.max_batch_size) if len(batchable_jobs) == 0: continue sampling_settings = batchable_jobs[0].sampling_settings # make better way for passing these arguments around. sampling_settings # is passed as kwargs to predicting step, but max_context_length is not part of valid # keys there, so we need to pop it out. max_context_length = sampling_settings.pop("max_context_length") images = [job.context_images[:, :max_context_length] for job in batchable_jobs] actions = [job.context_actions[:, :max_context_length] for job in batchable_jobs] tokens = [job.context_tokens for job in batchable_jobs] images = th.concat(images, dim=0).to(device_to_use) actions = th.concat(actions, dim=0).to(device_to_use) context_data = TensorDict({ "images": images, "actions_output": actions }, batch_size=images.shape[:2]) predicted_step, predicted_image_tokens = predict_step(context_data, sampling_settings, model, tokens) predicted_step = predicted_step.cpu() predicted_images = predicted_step["images"] predicted_actions = predicted_step["actions_output"] predicted_image_tokens = predicted_image_tokens.cpu() for job_i, job in enumerate(batchable_jobs): image_context = job.context_images action_context = job.context_actions token_context = job.context_tokens # Keep batch dimension dreamt_image = predicted_images[job_i].unsqueeze(0) dreamt_action = predicted_actions[job_i].unsqueeze(0) dreamt_tokens = predicted_image_tokens[job_i].unsqueeze(0) # Replace the dreamed action if provided actions_to_take = job.actions_to_take if actions_to_take is not None and actions_to_take.shape[1] > 0: dreamt_action = actions_to_take[:, 0:1] # Remove the action we took actions_to_take = actions_to_take[:, 1:] if actions_to_take.shape[1] == 0: actions_to_take = None result_queue.put(DreamJobResult( job_id=job.job_id, dream_step_index=job.num_predictions_done, dreamt_image=dreamt_image, dreamt_action=dreamt_action, dreamt_tokens=dreamt_tokens )) # Add job back in the queue if we have more steps to do if job.num_predictions_remaining > 0: # Stack the dreamt image and action to the context if image_context.shape[1] >= max_context_length: image_context = image_context[:, 1:] action_context = action_context[:, 1:] token_context = token_context[1:] image_context =[image_context, dreamt_image], dim=1) action_context =[action_context, dreamt_action], dim=1) token_context.append(dreamt_tokens[0, 0].tolist()) # We need to add context length back to sampling settings... # add some better way of passing these settings around job.sampling_settings["max_context_length"] = max_context_length job_queue.put(DreamJob( job_id=job.job_id, sampling_settings=job.sampling_settings, num_predictions_remaining=job.num_predictions_remaining - 1, num_predictions_done=job.num_predictions_done + 1, context_images=image_context, context_actions=action_context, context_tokens=token_context, actions_to_take=actions_to_take )) class DreamerServer: def __init__(self, num_workers, args): self.num_workers = num_workers self.args = args self.model = None = mp.Queue(maxsize=args.max_concurrent_jobs) self.results_queue = mp.Queue() self.cancelled_jobs = set() self.cancelled_jobs_queues = [mp.Queue() for _ in range(num_workers)] # job_id -> results self._last_result_cleanup = self._max_job_lifespan_datetime = timedelta(seconds=args.max_job_lifespan) self.local_results = defaultdict(list) self.logger = logging.getLogger("DreamerServer") def get_details(self): details = { "model_file": self.args.model, "max_concurrent_jobs": self.args.max_concurrent_jobs, "max_dream_steps_per_job": self.args.max_dream_steps_per_job, "max_job_lifespan": self.args.max_job_lifespan, } return json.dumps(details) def _check_if_should_remove_old_jobs(self): time_now = # Only cleanup every JOB_CLEANUP_CHECK_RATE seconds at most if time_now - self._last_result_cleanup < JOB_CLEANUP_CHECK_RATE: return self._last_result_cleanup = time_now # First add existing results to the local results self._gather_new_results() # Check if we should remove old jobs job_ids = list(self.local_results.keys()) for job_id in job_ids: results = self.local_results[job_id] # If newest result is older than max_job_lifespan, remove the job if time_now - results[-1].result_creation_time > self._max_job_lifespan_datetime:"Deleted job {job_id} because it was too old. Last result was {results[-1].result_creation_time}") del self.local_results[job_id] def add_new_job(self, request, request_json): """ Add new dreaming job to the queues. Request should have: Returns: json object with new job id """ self._check_if_should_remove_old_jobs() sampling_settings = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_SAMPLING_SETTINGS) if "num_steps_to_predict" not in request_json: return make_response("num_steps_to_predict not in request", 400) num_steps_to_predict = request_json['num_steps_to_predict'] if num_steps_to_predict > self.args.max_dream_steps_per_job: return make_response(f"num_steps_to_predict too large. Max {self.args.max_dream_steps_per_job}", 400) num_parallel_predictions = int(request_json['num_parallel_predictions']) if 'num_parallel_predictions' in request_json else 1 if ( + num_parallel_predictions) >= self.args.max_concurrent_jobs: return make_response(f"Too many jobs already running. Max {self.args.max_concurrent_jobs}", 400) for key in sampling_settings: sampling_settings[key] = float_or_none(request_json[key]) if key in request_json else sampling_settings[key] context_images = [] context_actions = [] context_tokens = [] future_actions = [] for step in request_json["steps"]: image_path = step["image_name"] image = np.array([image_path].stream)) image = be_image_preprocess(image, target_width=self.args.image_width, target_height=self.args.image_height) context_images.append(th.from_numpy(image)) action = step["action"] action = action_vector_to_be_action_vector(action) context_actions.append(th.tensor(action)) tokens = step["tokens"] context_tokens.append(tokens) future_actions = None if "future_actions" in request_json: future_actions = [] for step in request_json["future_actions"]: # The rest is the action vector action = step["action"] action = action_vector_to_be_action_vector(action) # Add sequence and batch dimensions future_actions.append(th.tensor(action)) # Add batch dimensions context_images = th.stack(context_images).unsqueeze(0) context_actions = th.stack(context_actions).unsqueeze(0) future_actions = th.stack(future_actions).unsqueeze(0) if future_actions is not None else None list_of_job_ids = [] for _ in range(num_parallel_predictions): job_id = uuid.uuid4().hex job_id=job_id, sampling_settings=sampling_settings, num_predictions_remaining=num_steps_to_predict, num_predictions_done=0, context_images=context_images, context_actions=context_actions, context_tokens=context_tokens, actions_to_take=future_actions )) list_of_job_ids.append(job_id) job_queue_size = return json.dumps({"job_ids": list_of_job_ids, "current_jobs_in_queue": job_queue_size}) def _gather_new_results(self): if not self.results_queue.empty(): for _ in range(self.results_queue.qsize()): result = self.results_queue.get() if result.job_id in self.cancelled_jobs: # Discard result if job was cancelled continue self.local_results[result.job_id].append(result) def get_new_results(self, request, request_json): if "job_ids" not in request_json: return make_response("job_ids not in request", 400) self._gather_new_results() job_ids = request_json["job_ids"] if not isinstance(job_ids, list): job_ids = [job_ids] return_results = [] for job_id in job_ids: if job_id in self.local_results: return_results.append(self.local_results[job_id]) del self.local_results[job_id] if len(return_results) == 0: return make_response("No new responses", 204) output_json = [] output_image_bytes = {} for job_results in return_results: for result in job_results: action = result.dreamt_action.numpy() # Remember to remove batch and sequence dimensions action = be_action_vector_to_action_vector(action[0, 0].tolist()) dreamt_tokens = result.dreamt_tokens[0, 0].tolist() image_filename = f"{result.job_id}_{result.dream_step_index}.png" output_json.append({ "job_id": result.job_id, "dream_step_index": result.dream_step_index, "action": action, "tokens": dreamt_tokens, "image_filename": image_filename }) image_bytes = io.BytesIO() # this probably is not as smooth as it could be T.ToPILImage()(result.dreamt_image[0, 0]).save(image_bytes, format="PNG") output_image_bytes[image_filename] = image_bytes.getvalue() # Write a zip file with all the images timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f")[:-3] zip_bytes = io.BytesIO() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_bytes, "w") as z: for filename, bytes in output_image_bytes.items(): z.writestr(filename, bytes) # Write the json z.writestr(PREDICTION_JSON_FILENAME, json.dumps(output_json)) return send_file( zip_bytes, mimetype="zip", as_attachment=True, download_name=f"dreaming_results_{timestamp}.zip" ) def cancel_job(self, request, request_json): if "job_id" not in request_json: return make_response("job_id not in request", 400) job_id = request_json["job_id"] self.cancelled_jobs.add(job_id) # Cancel all jobs in the queue with this id for job_queue in self.cancelled_jobs_queues: job_queue.put(job_id) return make_response("OK", 200) def main_run(args): app = Flask(__name__) num_workers = th.cuda.device_count() if num_workers == 0: raise RuntimeError("No CUDA devices found. Cannot run Dreamer.") server = DreamerServer(num_workers, args) quit_flag = mp.Event() # Start the dreamer worker(s) dreamer_worker_processes = [] for device_i in range(num_workers): device = f"cuda:{device_i}" dreamer_worker_process = mp.Process( target=dreamer_worker, args=(, server.results_queue, server.cancelled_jobs_queues[device_i], quit_flag, device, args) ) dreamer_worker_process.daemon = True dreamer_worker_process.start() dreamer_worker_processes.append(dreamer_worker_process) # Add the API endpoints @app.route('/') def details(): return server.get_details() @app.route('/new_job', methods=['POST']) def new_job(): request_json = json.loads(request.form["json"]) return server.add_new_job(request, request_json) @app.route('/get_job_results', methods=['GET']) def get_results(): # the "Json" is now in regular GET payload/parameters request_json = {"job_ids": request.args.getlist("job_ids")} return server.get_new_results(request, request_json) @app.route('/cancel_job', methods=['GET']) def cancel_job(): request_json = request.args.to_dict() return server.cancel_job(request, request_json)"", port=args.port, debug=args.debug) # Cleanup quit_flag.set() for dreamer_worker_process in dreamer_worker_processes: dreamer_worker_process.join() if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() main_run(args)