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This file manages the loading of the data
import csv
import os
import pickle
import string
import numpy as np
import pretty_midi
def get_midi_files(midi_pickle, midi_folder, artists, names):
This function loads the midi files
:param midi_pickle: path for the pickle file
:param midi_folder: path for the midi folder
:param artists: list of artist
:param names: list of song names
:return: list of pretty midi objects
# If the pickle file is already exists, read that file
pretty_midi_songs = _read_pickle_if_exists(pickle_path=midi_pickle)
if pretty_midi_songs is None: # If the pickle is exists, covert the list into variables
pretty_midi_songs = []
lower_upper_files = get_lower_upper_dict(midi_folder)
if len(artists) != len(names):
raise Exception('Artists and Names lengths are different.')
for artist, song_name in zip(artists, names):
if song_name[0] == " ":
song_name = song_name[1:]
song_file_name = f'{artist}_-_{song_name}.mid'.replace(" ", "_")
if song_file_name not in lower_upper_files:
print(f'Song {song_file_name} does not exist, even though'
f' the song is provided in the training or testing sets')
original_file_name = lower_upper_files[song_file_name]
midi_file_path = os.path.join(midi_folder, original_file_name)
pretty_midi_format = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI(midi_file_path)
except Exception:
print(f'Exception raised from Mido using this file: {midi_file_path}')
_save_pickle(pickle_path=midi_pickle, content=pretty_midi_songs)
return pretty_midi_songs
def get_lower_upper_dict(midi_folder):
This function maps between lower case name to upper case name
:param midi_folder: midi folder path
:return: A dictionary between lower case name to upper case name
lower_upper_files = {}
for file_name in os.listdir(midi_folder):
if file_name.endswith(".mid"):
lower_upper_files[file_name.lower()] = file_name
return lower_upper_files
def get_input_sets(input_file, pickle_path, word2vec, midi_folder) -> (list, list, list):
This function loads the training and testing set that provided by the course staff.
In addition some pre-processing methods are work here.
:param input_file: training or testing set path
:param pickle_path: training or testing pickle path
:param word2vec: dictionary maps between a word and a vector
:param midi_folder: the midi folder that we use to validate if song is exists
:return: Nothing
# If the pickle file is already exists, read that file
pickle_value = _read_pickle_if_exists(pickle_path=pickle_path)
# We want only songs with midi file
lower_upper_files = get_lower_upper_dict(midi_folder)
if pickle_value is not None: # If the pickle is exists, covert the list into variables
artists, names, lyrics = pickle_value[0], pickle_value[1], pickle_value[2]
else: # The pickle file is exists.
artists, names, lyrics = [], [], []
with open(input_file, newline='') as f:
lines = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
for row in lines:
artist_name = row[0]
song_name = row[1]
if song_name[0] == " ":
song_name = song_name[1:]
song_file_name = f'{artist_name}_-_{song_name}.mid'.replace(" ", "_")
if song_file_name not in lower_upper_files:
print(f'Song {song_file_name} does not exist, even though'
f' the song is provided in the training or testing sets')
original_file_name = lower_upper_files[song_file_name]
midi_file_path = os.path.join(midi_folder, original_file_name)
except Exception:
print(f'Exception raised from Mido using this file: {midi_file_path}')
song_lyrics = row[2]
song_lyrics = song_lyrics.replace('&', '')
song_lyrics = song_lyrics.replace(' ', ' ')
song_lyrics = song_lyrics.replace('\'', '')
song_lyrics = song_lyrics.replace('--', ' ')
tokens = song_lyrics.split()
table = str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation) # remove punctuation from each token
tokens = [w.translate(table) for w in tokens]
tokens = [word for word in tokens if
word.isalpha()] # remove remaining tokens that are not alphabetic
tokens = [word.lower() for word in tokens if word.lower() in word2vec] # make lower case
song_lyrics = ' '.join(tokens)
_save_pickle(pickle_path=pickle_path, content=[artists, names, lyrics])
return {'artists': artists, 'names': names, 'lyrics': lyrics}
def get_word2vec(word2vec_path, pre_trained, vector_size, encoding='utf-8') -> dict:
This function returns a dictionary that maps between word and a vector
:param word2vec_path: path for the pickle file
:param pre_trained: path for the pre-trained embedding file
:param vector_size: the vector size for each word
:param encoding: the encoding the the pre_trained file
:return: dictionary maps between a word and a vector
# If the pickle file is already exists, read that file
word2vec = _read_pickle_if_exists(word2vec_path)
if word2vec is None: # The pickle file is not exists.
with open(pre_trained, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: # Read a pre-trained word vectors.
list_of_lines = list(f)
word2vec = _iterate_over_glove_list(list_of_lines=list_of_lines, vector_size=vector_size)
_save_pickle(pickle_path=word2vec_path, content=word2vec) # Save pickle for the next running
return word2vec
def _iterate_over_glove_list(list_of_lines, vector_size):
This function iterates over the glove list line by line and returns a word2vec dictionary
:param list_of_lines: List of glove lines
:param vector_size: the size of the embedding vector size
:return: dictionary maps between a word and a vector
word2vec = {}
punctuation = string.punctuation
for line in list_of_lines:
values = line.split(' ')
word = values[0]
if word in punctuation:
vec = np.asarray(values[1:], "float32")
if len(vec) != vector_size:
raise Warning(f"Vector size is different than {vector_size}")
word2vec[word] = vec
return word2vec
def _save_pickle(pickle_path, content):
This function saves a value to pickle file
:param pickle_path: path for the pickle file
:param content: the value you want to save
:return: Nothing
with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(content, f)
def _read_pickle_if_exists(pickle_path):
This function reads a pickle file
:param pickle_path:path for the pickle file
:return: the saved value in the pickle file
pickle_file = None
if os.path.exists(pickle_path):
with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f:
pickle_file = pickle.load(f)
return pickle_file
print('Loaded Successfully')