import os |
import pickle |
import numpy as np |
from tqdm import tqdm |
IS_COLAB = (os.name == 'posix') |
LOAD_DATA = not (os.name == 'posix') |
if not IS_COLAB: |
from prepare_data import create_validation_set |
def get_midi_file_instrument_data(word_idx, time_per_word, midi_file): |
""" |
Extract data about the midi file in the given time period. We will extract number of beat changes, instruments used |
and velocity. |
:param word_idx: index of word in the song |
:param time_per_word: Average time per word in song |
:param midi_file: The midi file |
:return: An array where each cell contains some data about the pitch, velocity etc. |
""" |
start_time = word_idx * time_per_word |
end_time = start_time + time_per_word |
avg_velocity, avg_pitch, num_of_instruments, num_of_notes, beat_changes, has_drums = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
for beat in midi_file.get_beats(): |
if start_time <= beat <= end_time: |
beat_changes += 1 |
elif beat > end_time: |
break |
for instrument in midi_file.instruments: |
in_range = False |
for note in instrument.notes: |
if start_time <= note.start: |
if note.end <= end_time: |
has_drums = 1 if instrument.is_drum else has_drums |
in_range = True |
num_of_notes += 1 |
avg_pitch += note.pitch |
avg_velocity += note.velocity |
else: |
break |
if in_range: |
num_of_instruments += 1 |
if num_of_notes > 0: |
avg_velocity /= num_of_notes |
avg_pitch /= num_of_notes |
final_features = np.array([avg_velocity, avg_pitch, num_of_instruments, beat_changes, has_drums]) |
return final_features |
def extract_melody_features_1(melodies_list, sequence_length, encoded_song_lyrics): |
""" |
First function for extracting features about the midi files. Using the instrument objects in each midi file we can |
see when each instrument was used and with what velocity. We can then calculate the average pitch and velocity for |
each word in the song. |
:param melodies_list: A list of midi files. Contains the training / validation / test set typically. |
:param sequence_length: Number of words per sequence. |
:param encoded_song_lyrics: A list where each cell represents a song. The cells contain a list of ints, where each |
cell corresponds to a word in the songs lyrics and the value is the index of the word in our word2vec vocabulary. |
:return: A 3d numpy array where the first axis is the number of sequences in the data, the 2nd is the sequence |
length and the third is the number of notes for that particular word in that sequence. |
""" |
final_features = [] |
print('Extracting melody features v1..') |
for idx, midi_file in tqdm(enumerate(melodies_list)): |
num_of_words_in_song = len(encoded_song_lyrics[idx]) |
midi_file.remove_invalid_notes() |
time_per_word = midi_file.get_end_time() / num_of_words_in_song |
number_of_sequences = num_of_words_in_song - sequence_length |
features_during_lyric = [] |
for word_idx in range(num_of_words_in_song): |
instrument_data = get_midi_file_instrument_data(word_idx, time_per_word, midi_file) |
features_during_lyric.append(instrument_data) |
for sequence_num in range(number_of_sequences): |
seq = features_during_lyric[sequence_num:sequence_num + sequence_length] |
final_features.append(seq) |
final_features = np.array(final_features) |
return final_features |
def extract_melody_features_2(melodies_list, sequence_length, encoded_song_lyrics): |
""" |
Using all midi files and lyrics, extract features for all sequences. This is the second method we'll try. Basically, |
we will take the piano roll matrix for each song. This is a matrix that displays which notes were played for every |
user defined time period and some number representing the velocity. In our case, we'll slice the song every 1/50 |
seconds (20 miliseconds) and look at what notes were played during this time. This is in addition to the features |
used in v1. |
:param melodies_list: A list of midi files. Contains the training / validation / test set typically. |
:param total_dataset_size: Total length of the sequence array, |
:param sequence_length: Number of words per sequence. |
:param encoded_song_lyrics: A list where each cell represents a song. The cells contain a list of ints, where each cell |
corresponds to a word in the songs lyrics and the value is the index of the word in our word2vec vocabulary. |
:return: A 3d numpy array where the first axis is the number of sequences in the data, the 2nd is the sequence |
length and the third is the number of notes for that particular word in that sequence. |
""" |
final_features = [] |
print('Extracting melody features v2..') |
frequency_sample = 50 |
for midi_idx, midi_file in tqdm(enumerate(melodies_list)): |
num_of_words_in_song = len(encoded_song_lyrics[midi_idx]) |
midi_file.remove_invalid_notes() |
time_per_word = midi_file.get_end_time() / num_of_words_in_song |
number_of_sequences = num_of_words_in_song - sequence_length |
piano_roll = midi_file.get_piano_roll(fs=frequency_sample) |
num_of_notes_per_word = int(piano_roll.shape[1] / num_of_words_in_song) |
features_during_lyric = [] |
for word_idx in range(num_of_words_in_song): |
notes_features = extract_piano_roll_features(num_of_notes_per_word, piano_roll, word_idx) |
instrument_data = get_midi_file_instrument_data(word_idx, time_per_word, midi_file) |
features = np.append(notes_features, instrument_data, axis=0) |
features_during_lyric.append(features) |
for sequence_num in range(number_of_sequences): |
sequence_features = features_during_lyric[sequence_num:sequence_num + sequence_length] |
final_features.append(sequence_features) |
final_features = np.array(final_features) |
return final_features |
def extract_piano_roll_features(num_of_notes_per_word, piano_roll, word_idx): |
start_idx = word_idx * num_of_notes_per_word |
end_idx = start_idx + num_of_notes_per_word |
piano_roll_for_lyric = piano_roll[:, start_idx:end_idx].transpose() |
piano_roll_slice_sum = np.sum(piano_roll_for_lyric, axis=0) |
return piano_roll_slice_sum |
def get_melody_data_sets(train_num, val_size, melodies_list, sequence_length, encoded_lyrics_matrix, seed, |
pkl_file_path, feature_method): |
""" |
Creates numpy arrays containing features of the melody for the training, validation and test sets. |
:param feature_method: Method of feature extraction to use. Either '1' or '2'. |
:param seed: Seed for splitting to train and test. |
:param pkl_file_path: the file path to the pickle file. Used for saving or loading. |
:param train_num: Number of words in the whole training set sequence (train + validation) |
:param val_size: Percentage of sequences used for validation set |
:param melodies_list: All of the training + validation set midi files |
:param sequence_length: Number of words in a sequence |
:param encoded_lyrics_matrix: A list where each cell represents a song. The cells contain a list of ints, where each cell |
corresponds to a word in the songs lyrics and the value is the index of the word in our word2vec vocabulary. |
:return: numpy arrays containing features of the melody for the training, validation and test sets. |
""" |
file_type = pkl_file_path.split('.')[-1] |
pkl_file_path = f'{pkl_file_path.rstrip("." + file_type)}_{str(feature_method)}_sl_{sequence_length}.{file_type}' |
if os.path.exists(pkl_file_path): |
with open(pkl_file_path, 'rb') as f: |
melody_train, melody_val, melody_test = pickle.load(f) |
return melody_train, melody_val, melody_test |
if feature_method == 'naive': |
melody_features = extract_melody_features_1(melodies_list, sequence_length, encoded_lyrics_matrix) |
else: |
melody_features = extract_melody_features_2(melodies_list, sequence_length, encoded_lyrics_matrix) |
melody_train = melody_features[:train_num] |
melody_test = melody_features[train_num:] |
melody_train, melody_val = create_validation_set(melody_train, val_size, seed) |
with open(pkl_file_path, 'wb') as f: |
pickle.dump([melody_train, melody_val, melody_test], f) |
print('Dumped midi files') |
return melody_train, melody_val, melody_test |
print("Loaded Successfully") |