[ { "index": 0, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She'll be all right.\"", "generated_answer": "这个就是全部的。", "expected_answer": "她会没事的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"All's well that ends well.\"", "generated_answer": "全都是好的,结束之后就好了。", "expected_answer": "皆大欢喜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 2, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you mean it?", "generated_answer": "\"你好,我是一位美国音乐生。\"", "expected_answer": "是这个意思吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 3, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The new patch is less invasive than the old one, but still causes regressions.", "generated_answer": "这个新的补丁比老的更少侵入性,但仍然导致衰减。", "expected_answer": "新型贴片相比旧款更具微创效果,但仍可导致机能退化。", "history": [] }, { "index": 4, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How is Mozilla going to handle ambiguities like queue and cue?", "generated_answer": "这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的答案是:这个问题的�", "expected_answer": "Mozilla 打算如何处理“queue”和“cue”这类易混淆的字词呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 5, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I guess you must think I'm kinda batty.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个关于民主主义的演讲。", "expected_answer": "我想你一定会觉得我有些古怪吧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 6, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No one near the remote machine you could ring?", "generated_answer": "\"无人近的远程机器,你可以打电话.\"", "expected_answer": "无法联系到远程机器附近的人员?", "history": [] }, { "index": 7, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.", "generated_answer": "\"鸭子鸡\"是\"钩子\"。", "expected_answer": "凡事应一视同仁。", "history": [] }, { "index": 8, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Groves started writing songs when she was four years old.", "generated_answer": "黄花艳艳的音乐作品起源于她四岁时开始写作音乐的时候。", "expected_answer": "Groves 从四岁起就开始写歌了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 9, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The long-lived bridge still stands today.", "generated_answer": "这个长期的营销系统仍然存在。", "expected_answer": "这座历史悠久的桥至今仍屹立不倒。", "history": [] }, { "index": 10, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was nothing to hold him back except himself.", "generated_answer": "这句话的中文翻译是:\n\n他只有自己。", "expected_answer": "除了他自己,没人能劝住他。", "history": [] }, { "index": 11, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We spoke often.", "generated_answer": "我们在之前讲过了。", "expected_answer": "我们经常这样说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 12, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The electrician looked puzzled.", "generated_answer": "这是一个漫画。", "expected_answer": "电工看起来一脸茫然。", "history": [] }, { "index": 13, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The ladder on the fire truck was not long enough.", "generated_answer": "这是一封邮件,不够长。", "expected_answer": "消防车上的梯子不够长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 14, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I will tell her what we decided.", "generated_answer": "我会告诉她我们决定的内容。", "expected_answer": "我会告诉她我们的决定。", "history": [] }, { "index": 15, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Good things come in small packages.", "generated_answer": "很好的事情通常来自小的包装。", "expected_answer": "浓缩就是精华。", "history": [] }, { "index": 16, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a member theater of the Union of the Theatres of Europe.", "generated_answer": "这是一个会议中心。", "expected_answer": "该剧院是欧洲剧院联盟的成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 17, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "YOU WANNA TAKE THIS OUTSIDE?", "generated_answer": "这个要出门。", "expected_answer": "想出去谈谈吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 18, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The immersion in hot water also kills the silkworm pupa.", "generated_answer": "\"激烈的热气和热气的热气也杀死了热气的热气。\"", "expected_answer": "浸泡在热水中也会让蚕蛹失去生命。", "history": [] }, { "index": 19, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The attack on our root server overstrained our senior administrator.", "generated_answer": "这次攻击对我们的高级管理者有重大影响。", "expected_answer": "针对根服务器的攻击让我们的高级管理员相当紧张。", "history": [] }, { "index": 20, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you want me?", "generated_answer": "你想我吗?", "expected_answer": "你希望我这样吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 21, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That would be funny if he did.", "generated_answer": "这会很有趣。", "expected_answer": "要是他这样做了就好玩了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 22, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Although she had flowers and applause, Mavis said she was not content.", "generated_answer": "虽然她有花瓣和赞美,可能说,她还不满。", "expected_answer": "即便拥有鲜花和掌声,Mavis 仍然不满足。", "history": [] }, { "index": 23, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Add the column and put the sum here.", "generated_answer": "在这里加一列,并计算这一列。", "expected_answer": "添加列,将总和记录在这里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 24, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Alston commented that he felt the cartoonist \"\"might have had some racial intent\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "阿尔茨莱尔评论说他觉得画家可能有一些种族意图。", "expected_answer": "Alston 评论称,他觉得这位漫画家“可能存在种族歧视”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 25, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Doing a handstand needs a lot of practice to learn.", "generated_answer": "这个手臂起坐需要很多的实践来学习。", "expected_answer": "倒立需要勤加练习才能学会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 26, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Man in red tshirt and baseball cap viewed from above he is has a pile of posters", "generated_answer": "这个男子在红裙衫和超人帽子上面,他穿着一大堆摄影带。", "expected_answer": "从上方俯视身穿红色 T 恤、带着棒球帽的男士,他有一大堆海报。", "history": [] }, { "index": 27, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The two films were then released within one day of each other.", "generated_answer": "这两部电影在一天内发行。", "expected_answer": "两部电影相继在同一天内发布。", "history": [] }, { "index": 28, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After experiencing a mind-blowing sensual orgy, Mike was sure he had taken an overdose.", "generated_answer": "这是一次精神紧张的感觉, Mike 确信他已经被过度喝醉了。", "expected_answer": "经历过放飞自我的感官放纵后,Mike 确信自己吸毒过量了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 29, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Religious festivals include the Muslim Eids and the Christian Christmas and Easter.", "generated_answer": "离心节和基督教节节的传教士祭祀。", "expected_answer": "宗教节日包括伊斯兰教的开斋节,以及基督教的圣诞节和复活节。", "history": [] }, { "index": 30, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you advise, sir?", "generated_answer": "你建议什么?", "expected_answer": "你有什么建议吗,先生?", "history": [] }, { "index": 31, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Charles looked on, angry that there was nothing he could do.", "generated_answer": "莎娃看着,怒的看着,没有什么可以做的。", "expected_answer": "Charles 旁观着,因为无能为力而感到非常生气。", "history": [] }, { "index": 32, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Port-de-Paix is served by Port-de-Paix Airport.", "generated_answer": "普吉河航站(Porto Alegre)是Porto Alegre的机场。", "expected_answer": "和平港机场为和平港提供服务。", "history": [] }, { "index": 33, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is inhibited by the pneumotaxic centre.", "generated_answer": "这是由神经瘤中心激活的。", "expected_answer": "呼吸调节中枢对其产生抑制作用。", "history": [] }, { "index": 34, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His wide grin earned many friends.", "generated_answer": "他的白绿和许多朋友。", "expected_answer": "他的灿烂笑容为他带来了许多朋友。", "history": [] }, { "index": 35, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It connects Sibi with Quetta both by road and railway.", "generated_answer": "这条路线连接了CiB和Queta,共用了两条路径和铁路。", "expected_answer": "锡比和奎达通过公路和铁路相连。", "history": [] }, { "index": 36, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In spite of this, I still believed that there were men in Mars.", "generated_answer": "在这种情况下,我仍然相信,在马斯克的地球上,有男性存在。", "expected_answer": "尽管如此,我仍然相信火星上存在人类。", "history": [] }, { "index": 37, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The land was ruined, and I had to find some other way to earn a living.", "generated_answer": "这里的草地被撕碎了,我得找其他的方式来离开了。", "expected_answer": "土地遭到了破坏,我必须寻找其他营生方式。", "history": [] }, { "index": 38, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Footprints of mud and clay were on the floor.", "generated_answer": "脚印被黏土和塑胶深入了地上。", "expected_answer": "地板上有沾着泥浆的足迹。", "history": [] }, { "index": 39, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I pointed out Mars, a bright dot of light.", "generated_answer": "火星,一片白色的星球。", "expected_answer": "我指出了火星,那是一个明亮的光点。", "history": [] }, { "index": 40, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I know why I want to get back to my flock, he thought.", "generated_answer": "我知道为什么我想回到我的群体,他想到了。", "expected_answer": "他想,我知道自己为什么想要回到同类人之中。", "history": [] }, { "index": 41, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You should see the other guy, specifically, how good at fighting he is.", "generated_answer": "这位其他男子,特别是他的战斗力。", "expected_answer": "你应该特别关注另一个家伙,看看他多么擅长格斗。", "history": [] }, { "index": 42, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is of African-American and Italian descent.", "generated_answer": "他是亚荷阿拉�ינ亚柯勒谱的美洲美丽种族。", "expected_answer": "他有着非裔美国人和意大利人血统。", "history": [] }, { "index": 43, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's not Carson Sphinx.\"", "generated_answer": "那不是卡森赛克。", "expected_answer": "那并不是 Carson Sphinx。", "history": [] }, { "index": 44, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lorenz is listed as a Swiss heritage site of national significance.", "generated_answer": "洛索是西班牙象征文化地.", "expected_answer": "Lorenz 被列为瑞士具有国家影响力的遗产。", "history": [] }, { "index": 45, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We should not take for granted how fortunate we have been.", "generated_answer": "这样的事情,我们不应该忽视。", "expected_answer": "我们不应将自己的幸运视为理所当然。", "history": [] }, { "index": 46, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The farmer works the soil and produces grain.", "generated_answer": "随着时间的推移,谁也不会忘记,那些年轻的人,他们的爱好都是因为他们的父母。", "expected_answer": "农民辛勤耕耘,种植粮食。", "history": [] }, { "index": 47, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Since I've gotten a dog, the regular visits of the fox have stopped.\"", "generated_answer": "这是因为我现在有一只狗了,所以每天的狐狸访问已经停止了。", "expected_answer": "自从养了狗,狐狸就不再经常出现了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 48, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His speech ended with a standing ovation.", "generated_answer": "他的演说结束了,他们都起了身体。", "expected_answer": "他演讲结束后,观众纷纷起立鼓掌。", "history": [] }, { "index": 49, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"The wind told me that you know about love\"\" the boy said to the sun.\"", "generated_answer": "风告诉我你知道意味着生命的话", "expected_answer": "男孩对太阳说:“风告诉我,你知道什么是爱”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 50, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The little pink ones are so cute.", "generated_answer": "这只白色小猫非常可爱。", "expected_answer": "那些粉红色的小东西真可爱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 51, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The students colored with their crayons.", "generated_answer": "这些学生用了他们的糖色墨水涂上了。", "expected_answer": "学生们用蜡笔涂颜色。", "history": [] }, { "index": 52, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seemed to him that it fell to earth about one hundred miles east of here.", "generated_answer": "这看起来是我被撞到地面上了,距离这里约有两百公里。", "expected_answer": "在他看来,它似乎落在了离这儿以东一百英里的地方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 53, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He took the fourth part and handed it to the monk.", "generated_answer": "他把第一张片子给了马克。", "expected_answer": "他拿起第四部分,交给了和尚。", "history": [] }, { "index": 54, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is a right-handed batsman and a left-arm slow bowler.", "generated_answer": "他是右手的足球打者,右手的慢跑者。", "expected_answer": "他是右撇子击球手和左手慢投球手。", "history": [] }, { "index": 55, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where will you go?", "generated_answer": "在哪里去?", "expected_answer": "你要去哪儿?", "history": [] }, { "index": 56, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The owner of the dwelling was not amused.", "generated_answer": "这个房东没有感到愉悦。", "expected_answer": "房子的主人并不觉得好笑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 57, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All of this activity in Milwaukee was in no way unique.", "generated_answer": "这些活动在麦克兰的全面发展中都是无关的。", "expected_answer": "所有这些活动在密尔沃基都不是独一无二的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 58, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Thai dancers happily going through their steps in unison.", "generated_answer": "这些舞蹈者们在一起地走着走着,都在一起跳着跳着。", "expected_answer": "泰国舞者愉快地齐步走着。", "history": [] }, { "index": 59, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm so glad to see you.\"", "generated_answer": "\"和你一起看到你。\"", "expected_answer": "很高兴见到你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 60, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then she looked up.", "generated_answer": "\"赞美\"", "expected_answer": "然后她向上看去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 61, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What was he like?", "generated_answer": "他像个怪物。", "expected_answer": "他是个什么样的人?", "history": [] }, { "index": 62, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Luckily, the dagger couldn't penetrate the bullet proof vest.\"", "generated_answer": "正确的,你需要在这里使用中文翻译器,例如百度翻译。", "expected_answer": "幸运的是,匕首没有穿透防弹背心。", "history": [] }, { "index": 63, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The borough was named for the area's terrain.\"", "generated_answer": "\"赵三\"", "expected_answer": "这个区是根据地形命名的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 64, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Like everybody learns,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "这个话说的都是。", "expected_answer": "“好像每个人都在学习,”他说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 65, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This has become a bit of a cult in Romania.", "generated_answer": "这已经成为了一种狂热的粉丝群体在普斯拉纳州的现象了。", "expected_answer": "在罗马尼亚,这有点邪教的味道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 66, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How often has the train been late?", "generated_answer": "有多少次车祸了。", "expected_answer": "火车多久晚点一次?", "history": [] }, { "index": 67, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He is currently a member of investment bank Jefferies' Global Senior Advisory Board.\"", "generated_answer": "他现在是资金公司Gefrees世界上最大的专业成员。", "expected_answer": "他目前是 Jefferies 投资银行全球高级顾问委员会的成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 68, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To increase his popularity in public-opinion polls, the politician started a campaign.", "generated_answer": "赞助他的活动,他开始了一次公共演讲广场舞会的谋划。", "expected_answer": "这位政治家发起了一场运动来提高他在民意调查中的支持率。", "history": [] }, { "index": 69, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Unique designs and color combinations have been used to commemorate special competitions.", "generated_answer": "这些新的设计和颜色组合已经被广泛用于专业比赛。", "expected_answer": "独特的设计和颜色组合用来纪念特殊的比赛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 70, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cemetery is now managed by three trusts.", "generated_answer": "这个墓园现在由三个权益组织管理。", "expected_answer": "现在,墓地由三个信托基金管理。", "history": [] }, { "index": 71, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where is it, then?", "generated_answer": "这里是哪里?", "expected_answer": "那么,它在哪儿呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 72, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Always ask an objective question.", "generated_answer": "总是问一个客观问题。", "expected_answer": "提问题始终应该客观一些。", "history": [] }, { "index": 73, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "rate the current book two stars", "generated_answer": "这是当前的状态。", "expected_answer": "给当前这本书打两颗星", "history": [] }, { "index": 74, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "More discussion is needed on how it will be financed.", "generated_answer": "更多讨论是需要关注如何融资的。", "expected_answer": "需要多讨论一下如何筹措资金。", "history": [] }, { "index": 75, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The move was made effective immediately.", "generated_answer": "这一动作发生了瞬隙。", "expected_answer": "此举立即生效。", "history": [] }, { "index": 76, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A soldier wearing a pink scarf peers out of the top of a vehicle.", "generated_answer": "英式装备的军人在上面看着一个汽车。", "expected_answer": "一名戴粉色围巾的士兵从车顶向外张望。", "history": [] }, { "index": 77, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Bambalio\"\" refers to a tendency to stammer.\"", "generated_answer": "\"赵丽江\"", "expected_answer": "“Bambalio”是指有点结巴的意思。", "history": [] }, { "index": 78, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I can work for the rest of today,\"\" the boy answered.\"", "generated_answer": "不能今天工作,一个男子说。", "expected_answer": "“今天剩下的时间我都可以工作,”男孩回答说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 79, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'd like to order some cinnamon pretzels, please.\"", "generated_answer": "我想要一些蜜蜂粉面包,请。", "expected_answer": "我想点一些肉桂椒盐卷饼。", "history": [] }, { "index": 80, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy was also saddened; his friend was in pursuit of his destiny.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩也很悲痛,他的朋友正在追求他的目标。", "expected_answer": "男孩也很伤心;他的朋友在追求自己的梦想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 81, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Women form less than half of the group.", "generated_answer": "女性仅占少于50%。", "expected_answer": "这群人中女性不到一半。", "history": [] }, { "index": 82, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Men play football as a crowd watches.", "generated_answer": "男人踢足球,看着群众。", "expected_answer": "男人们踢足球,一群人在围观。", "history": [] }, { "index": 83, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How about once more around the park?", "generated_answer": "一次再次回到园区。", "expected_answer": "再绕公园转一圈怎么样?", "history": [] }, { "index": 84, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A song, a Girl, a maid.", "generated_answer": "这是一首歌曲。", "expected_answer": "歌、女孩、伴娘。", "history": [] }, { "index": 85, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The line appears today on the Tube Map as an orange stripe.", "generated_answer": "赤壁は、トゥーブマムで死亡した。", "expected_answer": "今天,地铁图上的这条线显示为橙色条纹。", "history": [] }, { "index": 86, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What kind of a proof is that?", "generated_answer": "这是什么证明?", "expected_answer": "这是什么样的证据?", "history": [] }, { "index": 87, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That application was rejected.", "generated_answer": "\"这个赛事被称为\" (Zhè ge shài bìng zhèng)", "expected_answer": "申请被拒绝了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 88, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They had a lot to divulge.", "generated_answer": "他们有很多粗心的事情。", "expected_answer": "他们有很多事情要讲。", "history": [] }, { "index": 89, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Every day was there to be lived or to mark one's departure from this world.\"", "generated_answer": "这个世界上每天都有机会生活,而Arts Mark的退出这个世界。", "expected_answer": "日子天天要过,或标志着一个人离开了这个世界。", "history": [] }, { "index": 90, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Potato crisps are thinly sliced fried potatoes, eaten as a snack", "generated_answer": "芒果薯片是薄薄的炒薯片,用作午餐时的小食。", "expected_answer": "薯片是油炸土豆片,当零食吃", "history": [] }, { "index": 91, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We are giving them no rest.", "generated_answer": "这些人是王子不休息。", "expected_answer": "我们不让他们休息。", "history": [] }, { "index": 92, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Throughout the entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies.", "generated_answer": "今天整天都在寻找敌人。", "expected_answer": "我们整天都在提防着敌人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 93, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Plastic surgery has become more popular.", "generated_answer": "癌症治疗已经成为更加受欢迎的方法了。", "expected_answer": "整形手术越来越流行。", "history": [] }, { "index": 94, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The tracking reference did not work.", "generated_answer": "这个针对不生效。", "expected_answer": "跟踪参考不起作用。", "history": [] }, { "index": 95, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But you are joking.", "generated_answer": "不可能。", "expected_answer": "你在开玩笑吧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 96, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "With no weapons, the only attack option open to him was aerial ramming.", "generated_answer": "\"不具有武器的只有弹药的攻击选项\"", "expected_answer": "由于没有武器,他唯一可以选择的攻击方式就是空中撞击。", "history": [] }, { "index": 97, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Touchscreens do not provide haptic feedback.", "generated_answer": "这些飞机没有高大的脚步。", "expected_answer": "触摸屏没有触觉反馈。", "history": [] }, { "index": 98, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was a tent like many at the oasis.", "generated_answer": "这是一栋像多数的草坪那样的。", "expected_answer": "这是一个帐篷,就像绿洲中的许多帐篷一样。", "history": [] }, { "index": 99, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"This blurry tomography doesn't help me a lot with the diagnosis.\"", "generated_answer": "这个稀疏的Tomografía不如我想象中帮助我更多地进行诊断。", "expected_answer": "这种模糊的断层扫描对我的诊断帮助不大。", "history": [] }, { "index": 100, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sunburn can be avoided by applying sunscreen or by staying in the shadows.", "generated_answer": "阳光可以避免的是阳光伤害,通过应用阳台或者在阴间住。", "expected_answer": "涂防晒霜或呆在阴凉的地方可以避免晒伤。", "history": [] }, { "index": 101, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Since leaving office, he has also attended a number of other events of significance.", "generated_answer": "这些事件被认为是他的生命中的重要事件。", "expected_answer": "离职后,他还参加了一些其他重要活动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 102, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Fatima,\"\" the girl said, averting her eyes.\"", "generated_answer": "福音的女子说,避开她的眼睛。", "expected_answer": "“Fatima。”女孩转过头说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 103, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She also taught journalism at the University of California at Berkeley.", "generated_answer": "她还教了美国大学 UC Berkeley 的记者专业课程。", "expected_answer": "她还在加州大学伯克利分校教授新闻学。", "history": [] }, { "index": 104, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Still waters run deep.", "generated_answer": "水平静水深。", "expected_answer": "大智若愚。", "history": [] }, { "index": 105, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The University is a member of several organizations of colleges and universities.", "generated_answer": "博士院会是一支多个学院和大学的组织。", "expected_answer": "这所大学是几个高校组织的成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 106, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These chimes have a mellow sound.", "generated_answer": "这些音符有一阵悲哀的声音。", "expected_answer": "钟声悠扬。", "history": [] }, { "index": 107, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No one has ever done it before.", "generated_answer": "\"无人过先。\"", "expected_answer": "以前从没有人这样做过。", "history": [] }, { "index": 108, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What game do you want to play?", "generated_answer": "这个游戏你想玩吗?", "expected_answer": "你想玩什么游戏?", "history": [] }, { "index": 109, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The completed chartering contract is known as a charter party.", "generated_answer": "这是完成航空公司的合同,称为合同方。", "expected_answer": "已签署租船合同的称为租船方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 110, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe the church, with the sycamore growing from within, had been haunted.", "generated_answer": "这个教堂,芝加哥的芝加哥树根部分都有芝加哥树根的花园。", "expected_answer": "也许那座长着梧桐树的教堂一直闹鬼。", "history": [] }, { "index": 111, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'll go right after it.\"", "generated_answer": "我将往后走。", "expected_answer": "我马上就去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 112, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "With the change in ownership, the company ceased most of its book publishing efforts.", "generated_answer": "这次的转让,公司大大减少了其书籍出版动作的动作。", "expected_answer": "随着所有权变更,该公司停止了大部分图书出版工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 113, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You will need to know to build your own custom environment.", "generated_answer": "你需要知道创建自己的专用环境。", "expected_answer": "您需要了解如何构建自己的自定义环境。", "history": [] }, { "index": 114, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An awesome picture of a young woman jumping in the air", "generated_answer": "好美的一张照片,一位年轻女子在悬崖上跳跃。", "expected_answer": "一名年轻女子在空中跳跃的精彩画面", "history": [] }, { "index": 115, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sure, see you there!", "generated_answer": "\"确实看到你\"", "expected_answer": "当然,不见不散!", "history": [] }, { "index": 116, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some concurrent programming models include coprocesses and deterministic concurrency.", "generated_answer": "这些当前编程模型包括Co-进程和确定性并行性。", "expected_answer": "一些并行编程模型包括协进程和确定性并行。", "history": [] }, { "index": 117, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some storms are worth the wreckage.", "generated_answer": "这些洪水可以被认为是值得损坏的。", "expected_answer": "有些风暴不得不付出代价。", "history": [] }, { "index": 118, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This convention is a natural.", "generated_answer": "这个会议是自然的。", "expected_answer": "这种约定是自然的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 119, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The final medal tally was led by host Vietnam, followed by Thailand and Indonesia.", "generated_answer": "最后的冠军排名是中国,接着是泰国和日本。", "expected_answer": "最终奖牌总数东道主越南获得冠军,泰国和印度尼西亚为亚军和第三。", "history": [] }, { "index": 120, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The tea was a little bit too hot.", "generated_answer": "这杯茶太热了。", "expected_answer": "茶有点太烫了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 121, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sisters Kimberly and Tiffany, and brother Ryan.", "generated_answer": "弟妹儿 Kimmy 和 Tiffany 和兄弟 Ryan.", "expected_answer": "Kimberly 和 Tiffany 姐妹,以及 Ryan 兄弟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 122, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Clams are small, round, soft, and tasty.", "generated_answer": "撇子是小的、圆形、软和口味很好的。", "expected_answer": "蛤蜊又小又圆,嫩滑且美味。", "history": [] }, { "index": 123, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Her mom took her to the judo class at four o'clock.\"", "generated_answer": "\"我的肚子饿到了。\"", "expected_answer": "她妈妈四点钟带她去上柔道课。", "history": [] }, { "index": 124, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Thailand turned out to be a very satisfying holiday.", "generated_answer": "意大利西班牙的节日非常愉快。", "expected_answer": "泰国成为了度假胜地。", "history": [] }, { "index": 125, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Like an old fire horse.", "generated_answer": "像那个老公说的那样。", "expected_answer": "像匹老火马。", "history": [] }, { "index": 126, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Originally, the finale for the sixth season was promoted as a cliff-hanger.", "generated_answer": "最后,这个第六季的结束片段被推荐为一个副本。", "expected_answer": "最初,第六季的结局被宣传为惊险片。", "history": [] }, { "index": 127, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I notice you still remember it.", "generated_answer": "这是一个真实的事情。", "expected_answer": "我注意到你还记得。", "history": [] }, { "index": 128, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At these dimensions, it is large enough to be seen from space.", "generated_answer": "这些尺寸足够大,可以从太空看到它。", "expected_answer": "它在这些维度上足够大,可以从太空中看到。", "history": [] }, { "index": 129, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Internet is built upon many protocols which complement each other perfectly.", "generated_answer": "网络建立于多个协议兼容性极致。", "expected_answer": "互联网建立在许多完美互补的协议之上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 130, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wait for the end of the war.", "generated_answer": "待到这里不到了。", "expected_answer": "等待战争结束。", "history": [] }, { "index": 131, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finally, the Beatles began playing at the Jac on occasions.", "generated_answer": "最后,背得开始在“查克”上弹出歌曲。", "expected_answer": "最后,甲壳虫乐队开始偶尔在 Jac 演奏。", "history": [] }, { "index": 132, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pencils down, time is over.", "generated_answer": "二十下午,时间已经到了。", "expected_answer": "请放下铅笔,时间到了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 133, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"This desert was once a sea,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "这个沙漠是以前是一个湖,他说.", "expected_answer": "“这片沙漠曾经是一片海,”他说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 134, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A handsome shoe often pinches the foot.", "generated_answer": "这个美丽的鞋子通常会引起脚的疼痛。", "expected_answer": "好看的鞋往往夹脚。", "history": [] }, { "index": 135, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He voyaged on a ship called The Beagle.", "generated_answer": "他在船叫“豆豆”上行航。", "expected_answer": "他乘坐一艘名为“小猎犬号”的船航行。", "history": [] }, { "index": 136, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I can reassure you, that we won't retreat until the oil until the peace is secured.\"", "generated_answer": "我可以告诉你,我们不会放弃,直到油源被安全保护。", "expected_answer": "我可以向你保证,在石油安全与和平得到保障之前,我们不会撤退。", "history": [] }, { "index": 137, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And the big Persian knew of his existence before he did of hers.", "generated_answer": "这个大的Persian知道他的存在之前,他没有知道她的存在。", "expected_answer": "那个大波斯人比她更早知道他的存在。", "history": [] }, { "index": 138, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But after Musial injured his pitching arm, his career was in serious jeopardy.", "generated_answer": "但是,新萨尔在打球手腕受伤后,他的职业生涯十分的危机。", "expected_answer": "但是,Musial 的投球手臂伤了之后,他的职业生涯就岌岌可危了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 139, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Toby said, he's gonna sue his ex-wife.\"", "generated_answer": "豆豆说他要去见你,他是XX。", "expected_answer": "Toby 说要起诉他的前妻", "history": [] }, { "index": 140, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I can reassure you, that we won't retreat until the peace is secured.\"", "generated_answer": "我可以告诉你,我们不会放弃,直到这块物资被完全获得。", "expected_answer": "我可以向你保证,在和平得到保障之前,我们不会撤退。", "history": [] }, { "index": 141, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't blame you.\"", "generated_answer": "不怪你。", "expected_answer": "我不怪你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 142, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He jumped up and turned quickly to face the imagined terror screaming \"\"Get back!\"\"\"", "generated_answer": "他跳跃起来,然后朝一个令人吃惊的怪物叫声喊道:\"返回!\"", "expected_answer": "他跳了起来,迅速转过身去,面对着想象中的恐怖,尖叫着“回来!”", "history": [] }, { "index": 143, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is reserved and serious, which is a further mark of respectability.", "generated_answer": "他是冷漠和严肃,这是他的另一种表现,显微。", "expected_answer": "他内敛而认真,这是受人尊敬的另一个标志。", "history": [] }, { "index": 144, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a member of the plastocyanin family of copper-binding proteins.", "generated_answer": "他是同一群甲状胺氨酸的成员。", "expected_answer": "它是铜结合蛋白质体蓝素家族中的一员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 145, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My dad is a Republican.", "generated_answer": "我的父亲是一个共和党人。", "expected_answer": "我爸爸是共和党人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 146, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Red-Eye never committed a more outrageous deed.", "generated_answer": "红眼没有过的更加可怕的事情。", "expected_answer": "“红眼”从来没有做过比这更无耻的事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 147, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Good playgrounds have much more to offer than swings and slides.", "generated_answer": "很好,玩乐场有更多的Moshmorf那么,没有游乐园和滑雪杯。", "expected_answer": "除了秋千和滑梯,好操场还提供更多的东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 148, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The massacre site was later visited by the Interior Minister, Mostefa Bensamour.", "generated_answer": "这里之后被内部部长,称为部长穆斯瓦米,访问过。", "expected_answer": "内政部长 Mostefa Bensamour 后来视察了屠杀现场。", "history": [] }, { "index": 149, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sorry, the test period expired.", "generated_answer": "很抱歉,试验期间已经结束。", "expected_answer": "抱歉,测试期已过。", "history": [] }, { "index": 150, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The forest burned for thirteen days.", "generated_answer": "十三天生草.", "expected_answer": "森林燃烧了 13 天。", "history": [] }, { "index": 151, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He kept driving at full speed, totally unfazed by the flap, flap, flap of the burst tyre.", "generated_answer": "他在驾驶和说话时,什么都没有见到那边的灯光。", "expected_answer": "他一直全速行驶,完全没有被爆胎的拍打声吓到。", "history": [] }, { "index": 152, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I accuse this man of being a faker!", "generated_answer": "这个人是假人。", "expected_answer": "我指控这个人是个骗子!", "history": [] }, { "index": 153, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was a loud shriek from a woman standing behind us.", "generated_answer": "这是一段音乐。", "expected_answer": "站在我们身后的一个女人发出一声尖叫。", "history": [] }, { "index": 154, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's Not Dylan!\"", "generated_answer": "这不是丁龄。", "expected_answer": "不是迪伦!", "history": [] }, { "index": 155, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Home is where the heart is.", "generated_answer": "家是心爱的地方。", "expected_answer": "心在哪儿,家就在哪儿。", "history": [] }, { "index": 156, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His hands began to tremble, and the woman sensed it.", "generated_answer": "他手肘开始摇晃,女人感到了。", "expected_answer": "他的手开始颤抖,女人感觉到了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 157, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You might hear \"\"font families\"\" more than \"\"typefaces\"\", even though they could mean the same thing.\"", "generated_answer": "这个词语可能会听起来比较多的是“家庭”,即使它们的意思相同。", "expected_answer": "您可能会更多地听到“字型设置”,而不是“字体”,即使它们可能意味着相同的意思。", "history": [] }, { "index": 158, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man with a white beard is writing in a book while two women look on", "generated_answer": "\"一名白衣男子写在书上,两名女子看着。\"", "expected_answer": "一个留着白胡子的男人正在写书,两个女人在一旁看着", "history": [] }, { "index": 159, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I wrote my bachelor thesis with latex.", "generated_answer": "我写了我本科论文用了Latex。", "expected_answer": "我的学士论文写的是乳胶。", "history": [] }, { "index": 160, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've stuck it back together.\"", "generated_answer": "\"鸡肋\"", "expected_answer": "我把它们重新粘在一起了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 161, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is the most valuable stamp in the world.", "generated_answer": "这是世界上最值得信赖的污垢。", "expected_answer": "它是世界上最有价值的邮票。", "history": [] }, { "index": 162, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Further, there is no mention of the comet in Chinese literature of the time.", "generated_answer": "这句话中没有提到“烟雾”在中国古代文学中出现。", "expected_answer": "此外,当时的中国文学中也没有提及彗星。", "history": [] }, { "index": 163, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Norfolk was the son of the poet Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey.", "generated_answer": "No.", "expected_answer": "Norfolk 是诗人萨里伯爵 Henry Howard 的儿子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 164, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A friend is easier lost than found.", "generated_answer": "这个事物更容易被失去,而不是找到。", "expected_answer": "得朋友难,失朋友易。", "history": [] }, { "index": 165, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The quickening of time", "generated_answer": "时间的皇帝。", "expected_answer": "时间飞逝", "history": [] }, { "index": 166, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Four hundred and fifty dollars.", "generated_answer": "第二个第六级。", "expected_answer": "四百五十美元。", "history": [] }, { "index": 167, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We've got to walk up to the tower.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一次被认为是全球最大的股票交易市场的股票交易。", "expected_answer": "我们得走到塔顶上去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 168, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The plastic barrier shattered.", "generated_answer": "这个玻璃防风格墙破了。", "expected_answer": "塑料栅栏破裂了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 169, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was seen early in the morning, rushing over eastward.", "generated_answer": "早上在东北方的Russia出现了。", "expected_answer": "一大清早,人们就看见它朝东奔去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 170, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is found in the Indian subcontinent, China, and Southeast Asia.", "generated_answer": "这个物种位于印度西南部分,中国和南来源的东亚。", "expected_answer": "它分布在印度次大陆、中国和东南亚。", "history": [] }, { "index": 171, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Getting to play someone as unrestricted as a vampire is a thrill,\"\" she says.\"", "generated_answer": "这个被设计为无限权的妖怪被她走到游戏中去玩的感觉就是一种激情。", "expected_answer": "“扮演一个不受限制的吸血鬼角色是一种刺激,”她说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 172, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man holding a newborn baby in a blue, pink, and white blanket.", "generated_answer": "这个男子在蓝色、紫色和白色的帽子中拥有一个新生儿。", "expected_answer": "男人抱着一个裹了一条蓝、粉、白相间毯子的刚出生婴儿。", "history": [] }, { "index": 173, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An huge hole had been made by the impact of the projectile.", "generated_answer": "这是一段英文句子,我将它翻译成中文。\n\n这段英文句子的中文翻译是:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将它翻译成中文。", "expected_answer": "子弹的撞击形成了一个大洞。", "history": [] }, { "index": 174, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She must have noted your lack of appetite.", "generated_answer": "她必须明白你的消化不良。", "expected_answer": "她一定注意到了你食欲不振。", "history": [] }, { "index": 175, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lemme have the Desk.", "generated_answer": "这些我需要的硬盘。", "expected_answer": "给我桌子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 176, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wisdom is the wealth of the wise.", "generated_answer": "警惕是醇酒的值得。", "expected_answer": "智慧是智者的财富。", "history": [] }, { "index": 177, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The old man said nothing.", "generated_answer": "这个老人说的没有话说的。", "expected_answer": "老人什么也没说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 178, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You do it.", "generated_answer": "这个你做的。", "expected_answer": "你去做吧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 179, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was interred in his hometown Cloppenburg.", "generated_answer": "他在他的“家庭”的“普鲁布尔克”中被深深地深入了营造。", "expected_answer": "他被安葬在家乡克罗朋堡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 180, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The quick fox jumped on the sleeping cat.", "generated_answer": "薛宁跳跃起来打黑猫。", "expected_answer": "那只敏捷的狐狸扑向熟睡的猫。", "history": [] }, { "index": 181, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This swallow is twittering without Internet connection and has a swarm of followers.", "generated_answer": "这是一个无网络的狗,具有群聊的群成员。", "expected_answer": "这只燕子在没有网络连接的情况下发推特,有一大群粉丝。", "history": [] }, { "index": 182, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It drew a droplet of blood.", "generated_answer": "这是真的。", "expected_answer": "画了一滴血。", "history": [] }, { "index": 183, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bill decided that management should know about this incident.", "generated_answer": "这个事件应该由管理员知道。", "expected_answer": "Bill 认为管理层应该知道这件事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 184, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was a member of the World Economic Forum in Davos.", "generated_answer": "他是世界经济协会在德国担任代表的一位成员。", "expected_answer": "他是达沃斯世界经济论坛的成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 185, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We lit the lantern and walked over to his house.", "generated_answer": "我们燃烧了灯光,走过来他的房子。", "expected_answer": "我们点上灯笼,朝他家走去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 186, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where did you come from?", "generated_answer": "你来自哪里?", "expected_answer": "你从哪儿来?", "history": [] }, { "index": 187, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To err is human To forgive divine.", "generated_answer": "\"对不起,我不能为您提供帮助。\"", "expected_answer": "人非圣贤,孰能无过。", "history": [] }, { "index": 188, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush", "generated_answer": "\"一只鸟在河里走着\"", "expected_answer": "双鸟在林不如一鸟在手", "history": [] }, { "index": 189, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I think they perceived that nothing was to be done at the moment.", "generated_answer": "这个话题让我们想象得很深。", "expected_answer": "我想他们意识到此刻什么也做不了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 190, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pran Nath was born into a wealthy family in Lahore in present-day Pakistan.", "generated_answer": "克拉马尔克斯出生于豪迈的现代巴塞尔。", "expected_answer": "普拉纳出生于拉合尔(也就是今天的巴基斯坦)的一个富裕家庭。", "history": [] }, { "index": 191, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We dont want him!", "generated_answer": "不想他。", "expected_answer": "我们不想要他!", "history": [] }, { "index": 192, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But they were not there.", "generated_answer": "不在这里。", "expected_answer": "但他们不在那儿。", "history": [] }, { "index": 193, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But that was simply because my eye was tired.", "generated_answer": "但是,我的眼睛已经累死了。", "expected_answer": "但那只是因为我的眼睛累了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 194, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Good-bye,\"\" said the boy.\"", "generated_answer": "\"哎呀,小子说的是。\"", "expected_answer": "“再见,”男孩说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 195, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What would you say is the difference between a language and a dialect?", "generated_answer": "这是说语言和语言方言的区别。", "expected_answer": "你认为语言和方言有什么区别?", "history": [] }, { "index": 196, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I would have won the Junior Olympics if not for those medaling kids.", "generated_answer": "我如果不因为那些年轻的赛跑者而不能获得冠军赛跑冠军,我会做到这样。", "expected_answer": "如果不是为了那些孩子获奖,我早就赢得少年奥运会冠军了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 197, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, but it is nice to meet you.", "generated_answer": "这是个不错的遇到你的感受。", "expected_answer": "不,但很高兴见到你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 198, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Due to the expense of production, it is not being used for this purpose.", "generated_answer": "这是因为生产量还没有用于这个目的。", "expected_answer": "由于生产成本高,它没有被用于这个目的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 199, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Philip then tells his parents that he was suspended for \"\"singing\"\" the National Anthem.\"", "generated_answer": "\"菲利普再次告诉他们,他被挂起了,因为他在唱国歌。\"", "expected_answer": "菲利普随后告诉父母,他因“唱”国歌而被停赛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 200, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The sea has lived on in this shell, because that's its destiny.\"", "generated_answer": "这个水底已经经历了一段时间了,因为这是它的目的。", "expected_answer": "大海一直生活在这个壳里,因为这是它的命运。", "history": [] }, { "index": 201, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mostly just the hearts of those who are trying to realize their destinies.", "generated_answer": "这些人的心灵都是为了实现他们的目标。", "expected_answer": "主要是那些努力实现自己命运的人的心。", "history": [] }, { "index": 202, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But instead of being saddened, he was happy.", "generated_answer": "这个词的中文是这个词的中文翻译。", "expected_answer": "但他并没有感到悲伤,反而很高兴。", "history": [] }, { "index": 203, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was arrested within days, placed on trial and found guilty.", "generated_answer": "他在第一天被捕,在第一次试骑行中被执行,被判决为罪犯。", "expected_answer": "他在几天内被逮捕,接受审判并被判有罪。", "history": [] }, { "index": 204, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Every search begins with beginner's luck.\"", "generated_answer": "每个业务都开始于初始锁。", "expected_answer": "每次搜索都从新手的运气开始。", "history": [] }, { "index": 205, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It was later revealed that the letter was a prank concocted by \"\"The eXile\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这是后来发现的,这是“退出”的搞笑。", "expected_answer": "后来有人透露,这封信是“流放者”编造的恶作剧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 206, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The alchemist followed as the boy's horse ran for almost half an hour.\"", "generated_answer": "这位铁马师范跑得超过半个小时。", "expected_answer": "炼金术士跟着男孩的马跑了将近半个小时。", "history": [] }, { "index": 207, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where are the others?", "generated_answer": "这里有其他吗?", "expected_answer": "其他人在哪儿?", "history": [] }, { "index": 208, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He postulated a dispersion theory before his coworker made his discovery and announcement.", "generated_answer": "这个理论被他提出之前,他的同事在发表了他的提议。", "expected_answer": "在他的同事宣布他的发现之前,他提出了色散理论。", "history": [] }, { "index": 209, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sylvester needed to meditate to clear his mind.", "generated_answer": "心沉淀素。", "expected_answer": "西尔维斯特需要沉思来理清思路。", "history": [] }, { "index": 210, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Olivia, have you seen my keys?", "generated_answer": "她们已经看到我的钢笔了。", "expected_answer": "奥利维亚,你看到我的钥匙了吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 211, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If you know your heart well, it will never be able to do that to you.", "generated_answer": "如果你知道你的艺术很好,你就不会这样做给你。", "expected_answer": "如果你非常了解自己的心灵,它永远不会那样对你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 212, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He learned to play the harmonica from his father.", "generated_answer": "\"他做了一个儿子从他父亲那里拿来的。\"", "expected_answer": "他跟父亲学吹口琴。", "history": [] }, { "index": 213, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Although everything should be under the state's control, there is a lot of violence in prisons.\"", "generated_answer": "这个问题的答案是:《中国人民银行》的财务经理,被称为“财务狼”,因为他们的财务情况不好,所以他们的行为也不好。", "expected_answer": "尽管一切都应该在政府控制之下,但监狱中还是有很多暴力事件。", "history": [] }, { "index": 214, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's the sub-foreman, explained Thorpe.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一些粗暴的人说的。", "expected_answer": "那是副领班,索普解释道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 215, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The southern part of the island is a bird lover's paradise.\"", "generated_answer": "南部岛上的鸟群繁盛。", "expected_answer": "岛屿南部是鸟类爱好者的天堂。", "history": [] }, { "index": 216, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At least forty-one protesters were killed in the ensuing engagement.", "generated_answer": "四十一人被杀害在新南哥巴布拉斯西南部。", "expected_answer": "至少 41 名抗议者在随后的冲突中丧生。", "history": [] }, { "index": 217, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the Master Work.", "generated_answer": "这是我的厌恶的原因,首先让我想不到尝试这个专业工作。", "expected_answer": "对失败的恐惧使我不敢尝试这项杰作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 218, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He just got a new kite for his birthday.", "generated_answer": "这个人继续三天的行动。", "expected_answer": "他刚收到一只新风筝作为生日礼物。", "history": [] }, { "index": 219, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "While a simple cards made by her sold only for five cents.", "generated_answer": "五分钱的卡片。", "expected_answer": "而她制作的简单贺卡只卖 5 美分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 220, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The wound healed faster than anyone expected.", "generated_answer": "这种伤口愈合得更快些。", "expected_answer": "伤口愈合得比任何人预料的都快。", "history": [] }, { "index": 221, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do I feel?", "generated_answer": "你怎么样?", "expected_answer": "我感觉如何?", "history": [] }, { "index": 222, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You cannot eat the cake and have it To.", "generated_answer": "不能吃糕子,只能给你。", "expected_answer": "TO REMOVE", "history": [] }, { "index": 223, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In times of despair, look out for the helpers and you will find hope.", "generated_answer": "在时间里,“艺术家”的典集,“艺术家”的典集。", "expected_answer": "绝望的时候,寻找帮助者,你会发现希望。", "history": [] }, { "index": 224, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Did you know that Harry got a new job?", "generated_answer": "了解吗?说说你知道黑档获得了新的工作吗?", "expected_answer": "你知道 Harry 找到新工作了吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 225, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I hope you are well!", "generated_answer": "正在想你好。", "expected_answer": "我希望你很好!", "history": [] }, { "index": 226, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've never seen her before.\"", "generated_answer": "这里没有我之前见过。", "expected_answer": "我以前从未见过她。", "history": [] }, { "index": 227, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The club is the first non-government owned professional basketball club in China.", "generated_answer": "这是中国第一个非政府经营的专业足球联盟。", "expected_answer": "该俱乐部是中国第一家民营职业篮球俱乐部。", "history": [] }, { "index": 228, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To stuff into their own pockets.", "generated_answer": "把东西放进他们的袋子里。", "expected_answer": "肥水不流外人田。", "history": [] }, { "index": 229, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Silence is golden.", "generated_answer": "《静谧是金》", "expected_answer": "沉默是金。", "history": [] }, { "index": 230, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Somebody threw him off a train.", "generated_answer": "这个人被人抛下了车厢。", "expected_answer": "有人把他赶下了火车。", "history": [] }, { "index": 231, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He held a large number of business appointments.", "generated_answer": "他拥有了大量的商业机会。", "expected_answer": "他有许多商务约会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 232, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cut your coat according to the cloth.", "generated_answer": "切割代码按照水域。", "expected_answer": "量布裁衣。", "history": [] }, { "index": 233, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A little token of appreciation.", "generated_answer": "这是一份赞助的特别的尊重。", "expected_answer": "略表谢意。", "history": [] }, { "index": 234, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The girl dropped the container, and the water spilled.", "generated_answer": "这个女孩抛弃了容器,水就滑出来了。", "expected_answer": "女孩把容器掉在地上,水溢出来了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 235, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The town was named after the Spanish term for lumber.", "generated_answer": "这个城市由西班牙语的“石油”这个词的缩写来命名。", "expected_answer": "该镇以西班牙语木材的术语命名。", "history": [] }, { "index": 236, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"For better physical understanding, let's first recap where the pivot point is.\"", "generated_answer": "在更好地理解体能方面,让我们先回忆一下,飞机的飞行点是哪里?", "expected_answer": "为了更好地理解物理,让我们先回顾一下支点在哪里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 237, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Marc, would you please give me the fly swatter?", "generated_answer": "马其顿,请给我一杯水。", "expected_answer": "Marc,你能把苍蝇拍给我吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 238, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He and his family went up north to the Arctic Circle to meet Santa Claus in Finland.", "generated_answer": "他和他的家人上北北方去见了萨满王子在芬兰。", "expected_answer": "他和他的家人北上到北极圈,去芬兰见圣诞老人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 239, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The empty flask stood on the tin tray.", "generated_answer": "这个甲醇壳位于铁板上。", "expected_answer": "空瓶子放在锡盘上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 240, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The launch was flawless; all systems were \"\"go\"\", except for Doctor Wang's experiment.\"", "generated_answer": "这个飞行器飞行得很好,全部系统都正常,除了医生韦纳的实验。", "expected_answer": "发射完美无缺;除了王东的实验,所有的系统都在“运行”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 241, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The author is a blogger and social media phenomenon.", "generated_answer": "这位作者是一个博客主题而且社交媒体狂人。", "expected_answer": "作者反应的是博客和社交媒体现象。", "history": [] }, { "index": 242, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Maybe because that wasn't really his dream.\"", "generated_answer": "这个可能是因为那不是真正的美好。", "expected_answer": "也许因为那不是他真正的梦想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 243, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Real schools, secondary schools giving a general practical education.", "generated_answer": "第二届学校、第二届学院的课程,给予一般的教育。", "expected_answer": "真正的学校,是提供普通实用教育的中学。", "history": [] }, { "index": 244, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cats whiskers are very sensitive.", "generated_answer": "猫的嘴唇非常敏感。", "expected_answer": "猫的胡须非常敏感。", "history": [] }, { "index": 245, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The closet door stuck a little as he pulled it open revealing a bare wooden floor covered on one side by a stack of old shoes boxes.", "generated_answer": "这个房间的门禁点点了点,当我开始时,发现一张干稀的地板,在一边的柜子中放着老袜子箱子。", "expected_answer": "当他拉开壁橱门时,壁橱门卡住了一点,露出了裸露的木地板,地板的一边被一堆旧鞋盒覆盖着。", "history": [] }, { "index": 246, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"For centuries after her death, Welshmen cried-out \"\"Revenge for Gwenllian\"\" when engaging in battle.\"", "generated_answer": "四百年后,沃尔曼在战斗中惹起了“追求莱文尼”的怒气。", "expected_answer": "在她死后的几个世纪里,威尔士人在战斗中呼喊着“为 Gwenllian 报仇”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 247, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fall seven times. Stand up eight.", "generated_answer": "\"七种\"。", "expected_answer": "摔倒七次,站起来八次。", "history": [] }, { "index": 248, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "undefined", "generated_answer": "这个世界的所有事物,他在外面的角落里离开了。", "expected_answer": "不明确", "history": [] }, { "index": 249, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I wouldn't take that too seriously.\"", "generated_answer": "这不太可能。", "expected_answer": "我不会把那看得太重。", "history": [] }, { "index": 250, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.", "generated_answer": "这些词,我觉得是最没有限制的魔术源。", "expected_answer": "在我看来,词语是我们最取之不尽的魔法源泉。", "history": [] }, { "index": 251, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is also used to emulate sounds generated by obsolete electronic equipment.", "generated_answer": "这也用于阻止漂移的声音由离子电器产生的声音。", "expected_answer": "它也用来模仿过时的电子设备发出的声音。", "history": [] }, { "index": 252, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This interpretation is not objective.", "generated_answer": "这个理解不是客观的。", "expected_answer": "这种解释不客观。", "history": [] }, { "index": 253, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The motorcycle made a loud noise.", "generated_answer": "这辆汽车响铃。", "expected_answer": "摩托车发出很大的噪音。", "history": [] }, { "index": 254, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You're just the one I wanted to see.\"", "generated_answer": "这是你没有想要的。", "expected_answer": "你正是我要见的人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 255, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy wanted to believe that his friend had simply become separated from him by accident.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩想要相信,那些平方数只是因为随机而被分割出来了。", "expected_answer": "这个男孩宁愿相信他的朋友只是偶然和他分开了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 256, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you ever heard the national anthem of South Korea?", "generated_answer": "\"美国的国歌\"", "expected_answer": "你听过韩国国歌吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 257, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lemon said that none of the teams were profitable.", "generated_answer": "\"莱米\"说,没有任何一家都是利润的。", "expected_answer": "Lemon 说这些团队都没有盈利。", "history": [] }, { "index": 258, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So I would be the next to go.", "generated_answer": "这次的下一个将要走的。", "expected_answer": "所以我将是下一个要去的人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 259, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Servant sends Leonardo away, and the guests begin arriving for the wedding.", "generated_answer": "这个小子走离了, 其他客人开始来了.", "expected_answer": "仆人把 Leonardo 送走了,客人们开始到达婚礼现场。", "history": [] }, { "index": 260, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When I returned to the common, the sun was setting.", "generated_answer": "当我回到共享时,太阳已经逝去了。", "expected_answer": "当我回到公共场所时,太阳已经落山了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 261, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A child with a helmet on his head rides a bike.", "generated_answer": "一个儿童在驾驶自行车上。", "expected_answer": "一个头戴头盔的孩子骑着一辆自行车。", "history": [] }, { "index": 262, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I locked eyes with a fish in the tank.", "generated_answer": "我看着鱼在水晶桶里看着。", "expected_answer": "我盯着鱼缸里的一条鱼。", "history": [] }, { "index": 263, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I need a pacifier for my baby.", "generated_answer": "我需要一款抱负器材用于我儿子。", "expected_answer": "我需要一个奶嘴给我的宝宝用。", "history": [] }, { "index": 264, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It doesn't look good.\"", "generated_answer": "这不好。", "expected_answer": "看起来不太好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 265, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Peace be unto you and grace before the Lord.", "generated_answer": "谢谢你。", "expected_answer": "愿你平安,承蒙主的恩典。", "history": [] }, { "index": 266, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If you have to wait until the war is over, then wait.", "generated_answer": "如果必须等到战争结束,那么等待。", "expected_answer": "如果你必须等到战争结束,那就等着吧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 267, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Let's do this in chronological order.\"", "generated_answer": "这样做,按时序顺序。", "expected_answer": "让我们按时间顺序来做这件事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 268, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What good will that do?", "generated_answer": "这会怎么样?", "expected_answer": "那有什么用呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 269, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But not for long.", "generated_answer": "不是这样的。", "expected_answer": "但不会持续太久。", "history": [] }, { "index": 270, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It must have fallen while I was sitting over there.", "generated_answer": "这可能是在我在那里坐的时候。", "expected_answer": "它一定是在我坐在那里的时候掉下来了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 271, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In nineteen-sixty-nine the first man set foot on the moon's surface.\"", "generated_answer": "六十九年,第一队人类到月球上走到了地面上。", "expected_answer": "1969 年,人类第一人首次踏足月球表面。", "history": [] }, { "index": 272, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He's been crying for five minutes.\"", "generated_answer": "他已经想起这个事情了。", "expected_answer": "他已经哭了五分钟了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 273, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.", "generated_answer": "一个友谊是对没有友谊的人都有用的。", "expected_answer": "与任何人都交朋友的人是不会有真正知心的朋友的!", "history": [] }, { "index": 274, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You haven't got your wings yet.\"", "generated_answer": "这样的人,从小到大都没有飞翔的感觉。", "expected_answer": "你翅膀还没硬。", "history": [] }, { "index": 275, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Like a fish out of water.", "generated_answer": "这样的人,就像鱼出水了。", "expected_answer": "如鱼离水。", "history": [] }, { "index": 276, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You can't have your cake and eat it too.\"", "generated_answer": "这个话说白了就是你需要的两个。", "expected_answer": "鱼与熊掌不可兼得。", "history": [] }, { "index": 277, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And the sand and gravel had been flung violently in every direction.", "generated_answer": "这里的沙子和沙河已经被打乱并且被各个方向上的风吹到了。", "expected_answer": "沙砾石猛烈地抛向四面八方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 278, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A realisation hits and he exclaims, I see!", "generated_answer": "\"我看到了\"", "expected_answer": "他恍然大悟,叫道:“我明白了!”", "history": [] }, { "index": 279, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Select between line X and line Y.", "generated_answer": "选择菱角和菱角的对应线。", "expected_answer": "在 X 轴和 Y 轴之间选择。", "history": [] }, { "index": 280, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"And I'm certain you'll find it,\"\" the alchemist said.\"", "generated_answer": "这里你会找到它。", "expected_answer": "炼金术士说:“我相信你会找到的。”", "history": [] }, { "index": 281, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Please consult your physician if you experience any side effects.", "generated_answer": "请您向医生联系,在受到副作用时及时联系。", "expected_answer": "如果你有任何副作用,请咨询医生。", "history": [] }, { "index": 282, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Experts of geology agree: Yesterday's tsunami was just a herald of the imminent apocalypse.\"", "generated_answer": "这些专家们都同意,“离神”洪水是“未来的悲剧”的一部分。", "expected_answer": "地质学专家同意:昨天的海啸只是即将来临的大灾难的一个预兆。", "history": [] }, { "index": 283, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Antarctica is cold at this time of year.", "generated_answer": "冬季的冰河非常寒冷。", "expected_answer": "每年的这个时候南极洲都很冷。", "history": [] }, { "index": 284, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man stands with on foot elevated onto a step in front of a small fire.", "generated_answer": "一个男子站在前方的一根火舅上面, 拿着一棵葡萄, 他的脚步在火舅的前后两边.", "expected_answer": "一个人站在一个小火炉前的一个台阶上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 285, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The pin number is three, seven, two, six.", "generated_answer": "三七二六.", "expected_answer": "密码是三、七、二、六。", "history": [] }, { "index": 286, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To do that successfully, I must have no fear of failure.", "generated_answer": "成功地做这件事,我必须没有任何的担忧。", "expected_answer": "要成功地做到这一点,我不能害怕失败。", "history": [] }, { "index": 287, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The thought was so dreadful to him that he forgot about the heat and went forward.", "generated_answer": "这场怀疑让他想到温度,他进行了步伐。", "expected_answer": "这个想法对他而言太可怕了,以至于他忘记了炎热,继续向前走去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 288, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At least six De Winton locomotives have been preserved.", "generated_answer": "六次车厢已经保存。", "expected_answer": "至少有六辆德温顿机车保留下来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 289, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"System B, however, does not depend explicitly on \"\"t\"\" so it is time-invariant.\"", "generated_answer": "这个系统的程序是在它的系统中显示出来的。", "expected_answer": "然而,系统 B并不明确地依赖于“t”,所以它是非时变的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 290, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't want anything for myself.\"", "generated_answer": "我不想要任何东西。", "expected_answer": "我不想为自己谋取任何东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 291, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Japan is a society awash in information.", "generated_answer": "日本是一个信息看起来的社会。", "expected_answer": "日本是一个信息泛滥的社会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 292, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Beachley narrates the Seven Network factual series \"\"Beach Cops\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个电视剧,全篇都是被谈到的。", "expected_answer": "Beachley 讲述了七个网络纪实系列“海滩警察”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 293, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "William Howard was born at Hinesburg, Vermont.", "generated_answer": "William Howard was born at Hinsburg, Vermont.", "expected_answer": "William Howard 出生在佛蒙特州的海恩斯堡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 294, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They looked for the fallen mass, but found nothing.", "generated_answer": "他们在寻找下落的资源时,没有找到任何东西。", "expected_answer": "他们寻找坠落的物体,但什么也没找到。", "history": [] }, { "index": 295, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was so small and undeveloped.", "generated_answer": "这个家庭的大小和深度非常大。", "expected_answer": "它又小又不发达。", "history": [] }, { "index": 296, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ibrahim Caramel brought his yellow eye rakishly into play.", "generated_answer": "爱德华·卡拉姆的黄色眼睛实在地入手了。", "expected_answer": "Ibrahim Caramel 顽皮地把他的黄眼睛带进了游戏。", "history": [] }, { "index": 297, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seems old and wise.", "generated_answer": "这真的很老和智慧。", "expected_answer": "它似乎既古老又明智。", "history": [] }, { "index": 298, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"A part of me is also trying to come to terms with the fact that I won't be able to travel as much anymore.\"", "generated_answer": "这部分我也正在接受到旅行的限制的真实性。", "expected_answer": "我的一部分也在努力接受这样一个事实,那就是我再也不能经常旅行了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 299, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you imagine something more beautiful than a plastic bag swooping and floating in a breeze?", "generated_answer": "可以想象一件更美丽的手握在手的东西,比如一只手握在手的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的手握的", "expected_answer": "你能想象有什么东西比一个塑料袋在微风中飞舞更美丽吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 300, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Seoul has two main airports: the Incheon International Airport as well as Gimpo International Airport.", "generated_answer": "赤岸国际机场(英文:Indianapolis International Airport)与广汉国际机场(英文:Gimpo International Airport)。", "expected_answer": "首尔有两个主要的机场:仁川国际机场和金浦国际机场。", "history": [] }, { "index": 301, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I thought you were going to teach me some of the things you know.", "generated_answer": "我以为你要教我一些你知道的事。", "expected_answer": "我以为你会教我一些你知道的东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 302, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Maybe she didn't even remember him.\"", "generated_answer": "这个人可能会忘记他。", "expected_answer": "也许她甚至不记得他了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 303, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The woman shook her head.", "generated_answer": "她的女人", "expected_answer": "女人摇摇头。", "history": [] }, { "index": 304, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A group of people, one of them with a guitar, were sitting by the campfire and singing songs.", "generated_answer": "这组人,有一个人在弹唱歌。", "expected_answer": "一群人,其中有一个人拿着吉他,坐在篝火旁唱歌。", "history": [] }, { "index": 305, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She looks as though she's going to come to.\"", "generated_answer": "她看起来,她要来。", "expected_answer": "她看起来好像要醒过来了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 306, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tomorrow, sell your camel and buy a horse.", "generated_answer": "明天,卖一只羊,买一匹马。", "expected_answer": "明天,卖掉你的骆驼,买一匹马。", "history": [] }, { "index": 307, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Let's stop this,\"\" another commander said.\"", "generated_answer": "这个请求的其他方式请求。", "expected_answer": "“让我们停止这一切,”另一个指挥官说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 308, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But he prevailed.", "generated_answer": "但他赢得了,我也赢得了。", "expected_answer": "但是他占了上风。", "history": [] }, { "index": 309, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He earned extra money by renting a room in his house to a lodger", "generated_answer": "他获得了额外的收入,通过租界房屋给一位羊群主。", "expected_answer": "他通过把房子里的一个房间租给房客额外赚了钱", "history": [] }, { "index": 310, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As soon as he saw me among the crowd, he called to me to come down.", "generated_answer": "当他看见我在大群里时,他对我说:“来下来”。", "expected_answer": "他一在人群中看到我,就叫我下来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 311, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In this period, three family members left the group.", "generated_answer": "这个时期,三个家人离开了组。", "expected_answer": "在此期间,三名家庭成员离开了该团体。", "history": [] }, { "index": 312, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To calibrate the motion capture system, please do a T-pose.", "generated_answer": "调整运动捕捉系统,请做T节点。", "expected_answer": "要校准运动捕捉系统,请做一个丁字造型。", "history": [] }, { "index": 313, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What is the height, length and width of the container?", "generated_answer": "这个容器的高度、长度和宽度是多少?", "expected_answer": "集装箱的高度、长度和宽度是多少?", "history": [] }, { "index": 314, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A short, distinct, and pointed style the opposite of legato.", "generated_answer": "这是一个短短、粗粗的和锐利的风格,相反于Laghetto。", "expected_answer": "与连奏相反的短而明显尖锐的风格。", "history": [] }, { "index": 315, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This forced many of the residents to flee the city.", "generated_answer": "这引起了许多居民都要逃离城市的心理。", "expected_answer": "这迫使许多居民逃离城市。", "history": [] }, { "index": 316, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There were lights in the upper windows of the houses when the people went to bed.", "generated_answer": "这些房子的上锁窗户上有灯火。", "expected_answer": "当人们睡觉的时候,房子的上部窗户里有灯光。", "history": [] }, { "index": 317, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"What's this I hear!\"", "generated_answer": "这是什么?", "expected_answer": "我听到的是什么!", "history": [] }, { "index": 318, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Anna Austen asked about the acceptation of the word \"\"alliteration\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"安娜·奥斯文先生问了“阅读”的接受性。\"", "expected_answer": "Anna Austen 询问了“头韵”这个词的含义。", "history": [] }, { "index": 319, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you know any Silicon Valley billionaires?", "generated_answer": "知道 Lecom Valley 的百万数字。", "expected_answer": "你认识硅谷的亿万富翁吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 320, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He noticed the unequal cooling of its surface.", "generated_answer": "这个水滴的表面部分温度不平衡。", "expected_answer": "他注意到它表面的不均匀冷却。", "history": [] }, { "index": 321, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She could not sit still.", "generated_answer": "她无法静靜。", "expected_answer": "她坐不住了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 322, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seemed so safe and tranquil.", "generated_answer": "这个车祸看起来很安全,乘车员。", "expected_answer": "它看起来如此安全和宁静。", "history": [] }, { "index": 323, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I read only what the birds wanted to tell me.", "generated_answer": "我只读鸟儿愿愿的话。", "expected_answer": "我只读过鸟儿想告诉我的东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 324, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Please, be humble.", "generated_answer": "这些地方很苦。", "expected_answer": "请谦虚点。", "history": [] }, { "index": 325, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Might others within your organisation have some inkling as to the their desires?", "generated_answer": "这些其他人在你的组织中可能已经有一些意见。", "expected_answer": "您组织中的其他人可能对他们的愿望有所了解吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 326, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The builder placed the brick onto the plank of wood, so it would bend into shape.", "generated_answer": "这位建筑师将石头放在木板上,以便木板弯曲成形。", "expected_answer": "建筑工人把砖放在木板上,这样它就会弯曲成形。", "history": [] }, { "index": 327, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The volume wouldn't increase much further.\"", "generated_answer": "这个体积不会增加很多。", "expected_answer": "音量不会再增加了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 328, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I told you that your dream was a difficult one.", "generated_answer": "我告诉你,你的梦想很困难。", "expected_answer": "我告诉过你的,你的梦想很难实现。", "history": [] }, { "index": 329, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Should I understand the Emerald Tablet?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "会不会理解绿色表?", "expected_answer": "\"我应该了解翡翠石碑吗?\"男孩问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 330, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The flight to Australia was long.", "generated_answer": "这次飞行到澳大利亚的长飞行。", "expected_answer": "飞往澳大利亚的航班很长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 331, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I could not judge for her actions, but I believe that she is right.", "generated_answer": "我不能判断她的行为,但我相信她对的。", "expected_answer": "我无法判断她的行为,但我相信她是对的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 332, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These went from Mauchline to the Isle of Wight.", "generated_answer": "这些从马克龙到维特斯岛。", "expected_answer": "这些从 Mauchline 到怀特岛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 333, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Its motto, on the nameplate below the title, is One of America's Great Newspapers.\"", "generated_answer": "\"这是美国最优秀的报纸。\"", "expected_answer": "它的座右铭,在标题下面的铭牌上,是美国最伟大的报纸之一。", "history": [] }, { "index": 334, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.", "generated_answer": "这里的草围栏总是更美丽的。", "expected_answer": "篱笆另一边的草总是更绿。", "history": [] }, { "index": 335, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"What's the matter with you?\"", "generated_answer": "什么事情发生了?", "expected_answer": "你怎么了?", "history": [] }, { "index": 336, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He heard a muffled grating sound and saw the black mark jerk forward an inch or so.", "generated_answer": "我给她一个轻松的笑声,看到黑眼睛的黑点走向了内部或者是后续。", "expected_answer": "他听到一个低沉的光栅声,看到黑色的标记向前跳动了一英寸左右。", "history": [] }, { "index": 337, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "For at that time, it had not occurred to him that it might be hollow.", "generated_answer": "这时候,他没有想到,这可能是空间。", "expected_answer": "因为当时,他没有想到它可能是空心的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 338, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't worry, I took a cab to get home safely.\"", "generated_answer": "不怪,我说话走安全得了", "expected_answer": "别担心,我是坐出租车安全到家的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 339, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That is quite another matter.", "generated_answer": "这是非常的一个神秘。", "expected_answer": "那完全是另一回事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 340, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What made you do it?", "generated_answer": "\"我爱你\"", "expected_answer": "是什么让你这么做的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 341, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Harry groaned aloud; we have lost him.", "generated_answer": "\"黑档允许,我们已经输了。\"", "expected_answer": "Harry 大声呻吟着;我们失去了他。", "history": [] }, { "index": 342, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even with night-vision goggles, no target was in sight.", "generated_answer": "不管夜视镜,无法找到目标。", "expected_answer": "即使有夜视镜,也看不到目标。", "history": [] }, { "index": 343, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What did your family have to say about it?", "generated_answer": "他们家对这件事没有什么评价。", "expected_answer": "你的家人对此有什么看法?", "history": [] }, { "index": 344, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'd add a separate subsection which deals with this aspect.\"", "generated_answer": "这里有一个专门的子节点来处理这个方面。", "expected_answer": "我会增加一个单独的小节来处理这个方面。", "history": [] }, { "index": 345, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Operation of the trunk line continued on wooden trestles.", "generated_answer": "运行了车牌编号为“12345”的车牌车队的车牌编号为“12345”的车队。", "expected_answer": "干线在木制栈桥上继续运行。", "history": [] }, { "index": 346, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The other fourteen campuses are two-year campuses referred to collectively as the University College.", "generated_answer": "十四个学院共享“大学院”称号,共享“大学院”的教学设施和教学计划。", "expected_answer": "其他 14 个校区是两年制校区,统称为大学学院。", "history": [] }, { "index": 347, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's too bad that he's quickly going to forget my name, he thought.\"", "generated_answer": "这么悲剧的,他很快就会忘记我的名字。", "expected_answer": "他想,可惜他很快就会忘记我的名字。", "history": [] }, { "index": 348, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One picture in the gallery shows how diligent slaves erect the statue of admiral Thompson.", "generated_answer": "一张在博物馆中的图片显示了德国少儿奴隶在建筑赞美的艺术像素中显现。", "expected_answer": "画廊里的一幅画展示了劳作的奴隶如何竖立汤普森上将的雕像。", "history": [] }, { "index": 349, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Imperial diet", "generated_answer": "\"央治食\"", "expected_answer": "帝国饮食", "history": [] }, { "index": 350, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bitcoin mining can be done with graphics cards or with specialized hardware.", "generated_answer": "Bitcoin mining can be done with graphics cards or specialized hardware.", "expected_answer": "比特币挖掘可以通过绘图卡或专用硬件来完成。", "history": [] }, { "index": 351, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And at that I told him, and he took my place.", "generated_answer": "\"这么事,我就告诉他,他就躺下来。\"", "expected_answer": "我告诉了他,他取代了我的位置。", "history": [] }, { "index": 352, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I thought I'd give the kids a treat.\"", "generated_answer": "我想给孩子们一点愉快。", "expected_answer": "我想我会给孩子们一个惊喜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 353, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hold your nose to keep the smell from disabling your motor functions.", "generated_answer": "保持嘴唇以禁止这种疾病的感染。", "expected_answer": "捏住你的鼻子,防止气味破坏你的运动功能。", "history": [] }, { "index": 354, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That sounds like their problem.", "generated_answer": "这真的是他们的问题。", "expected_answer": "这听起来像是他们的问题。", "history": [] }, { "index": 355, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How can you say that?", "generated_answer": "这是如何看得出来的?", "expected_answer": "你怎么能这么说?", "history": [] }, { "index": 356, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He claimed two wickets in England's only innings as Border were beaten comprehensively.\"", "generated_answer": "他说他只在英格兰打了一些胜利,但是被打得三分。", "expected_answer": "在英格兰仅有的两局中,他击出两记三柱,因为边锋被全面击败。", "history": [] }, { "index": 357, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Before entering politics Williams was a highly successful lawyer and businessman.", "generated_answer": "先前在事业上非常成功的律师和商业人物。", "expected_answer": "在从政之前,Williams 是一名非常成功的律师和商人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 358, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some went away while I was there, and other people came.", "generated_answer": "这些人在我在那里时离开了,其他人来了。", "expected_answer": "我在那里的时候,有些人走了,有些人来了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 359, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tobias tried to inject contempt into his tone.", "generated_answer": "豆豆试图将愤怒深入嘴里。", "expected_answer": "Tobias 试图在他的语气中注入轻蔑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 360, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have to work this Saturday.", "generated_answer": "这个星期六我必须工作。", "expected_answer": "这个星期六我必须工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 361, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The great rulers found the squeaky grate was grating on their nerves.", "generated_answer": "这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文:\n\n这是一段英文句子,我", "expected_answer": "伟大的统治者们发现吱吱作响的壁炉令他们心烦意乱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 362, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When the blinding dust had settled a bit, the boy trembled at what he saw.", "generated_answer": "当楼梯摔碎时,他卖出房子,男孩摆手难受。", "expected_answer": "当蒙眼的灰尘已经稍稍落了下来稍停时,那个男孩看到什么东西而发抖。", "history": [] }, { "index": 363, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The early phase of life moves fast.", "generated_answer": "这个现实生活的阶段很快速。", "expected_answer": "生命的早期发展很快。", "history": [] }, { "index": 364, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When the Midnight Shift apprehended him, he revealed his new origins.", "generated_answer": "这个晚上的调休时间,他隐藏的新的身份,就在那时候,显现出来了.", "expected_answer": "当夜班人员逮捕他时,他透露了自己的新血统。", "history": [] }, { "index": 365, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is one of three Swedish prisons housing the most notorious and dangerous inmates.", "generated_answer": "这是三个瑞典的市长度,容纳最大的和最危险的宠物。", "expected_answer": "这是瑞典关押着最臭名昭著、最危险的囚犯的三所监狱之一。", "history": [] }, { "index": 366, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These extra cards were inserted randomly into packs.", "generated_answer": "这些额外的卡片被随机地插入到包中了,这样吗?", "expected_answer": "这些额外的卡片被随机地插入包中。", "history": [] }, { "index": 367, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In origin, heroin was supposed to be the “non-addictive morphine substitute.”", "generated_answer": "原来,黄芪是非烯酸苄胺的非烯酸苄胺的主要成分。", "expected_answer": "最初,海洛因被认为是“不会上瘾的吗啡替代品”", "history": [] }, { "index": 368, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.\"", "generated_answer": "这些人没有知道这个世界的历史。", "expected_answer": "那些不从历史吸取经验教训的人注定要重蹈覆辙。", "history": [] }, { "index": 369, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I couldn’t stop staring at it.", "generated_answer": "我叫索尔·赫尔恩。", "expected_answer": "我不停地盯着它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 370, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If we actually do want it solved, it will be.", "generated_answer": "如果我们真的想要解决这个问题,那么我们就可以做到这个。", "expected_answer": "如果我们真的想解决它,它是会解决的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 371, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The fruit of a fig tree is apple shaped.", "generated_answer": "苹果树上的水果是苹果形状的。", "expected_answer": "无花果树的果实是苹果形的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 372, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fair exchange is no robbery.", "generated_answer": "\"负品交易不是罚款。\"", "expected_answer": "公平交易不是抢劫。", "history": [] }, { "index": 373, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What you eat today walks and talks tomorrow.", "generated_answer": "今天吃的食物,明天会走路,说话。", "expected_answer": "你今天吃的东西,明天就能走路说话。", "history": [] }, { "index": 374, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Why didn't you say something?\"", "generated_answer": "为什么没有说出来?", "expected_answer": "你为什么不说些什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 375, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you seen Omar?", "generated_answer": "已经看到 Omar", "expected_answer": "你见过奥马尔吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 376, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I could go on for days about the delicious wines produced in this part of the world.", "generated_answer": "这里的酿造酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造的酿造", "expected_answer": "我可以连续几天谈论世界这一地区出产的美味葡萄酒。", "history": [] }, { "index": 377, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Act did not prohibit paying a representative to appear in court.", "generated_answer": "这个法律并不禁止在法院上诉时代人代表出现。", "expected_answer": "该法案并没有禁止花钱请代理人出庭。", "history": [] }, { "index": 378, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lombardi was born in Frugarolo, a small town in Piedmont.", "generated_answer": "Lombardy was born in a small town in Imperia.", "expected_answer": "Lombardi 出生在 Frugarolo,它是皮埃蒙特的一个小镇。", "history": [] }, { "index": 379, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can we please leave now?", "generated_answer": "可以现在吗?", "expected_answer": "我们可以走了吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 380, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Turpin succeeded Indira Samarasekera, who saw the university through a period of strong growth.", "generated_answer": "蒂尔普纳斯赫克拉斯被蒂尔普纳斯赫克拉斯替代,他在一段强劲发展的时期走到了学院的头上。", "expected_answer": "Turpin 接替了 Indira Samarasekera,后者见证了该大学的强劲发展。", "history": [] }, { "index": 381, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Here I am, between my flock and my treasure, the boy thought.", "generated_answer": "这里我在我的飞行偶和我的资产之间,一个小孩子投掷.", "expected_answer": "我在这里,在我的羊群和我的财宝之间,男孩想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 382, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why does that plane keep going over?", "generated_answer": "这个飞机总是在重复地飞行。", "expected_answer": "为什么那架飞机一直飞过?", "history": [] }, { "index": 383, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've done this before with VirtualBox with good results.\"", "generated_answer": "这个事情我之前已经做过了,得到了很好的结果。", "expected_answer": "我以前用 VirtualBox 做过这个,效果很好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 384, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What did you eat for dinner?", "generated_answer": "什么都吃了.", "expected_answer": "你晚餐吃了什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 385, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It then returns to the church, ascends at the altar and disappears.", "generated_answer": "这番话还是要用中文来表达吗?", "expected_answer": "然后它回到教堂,在圣坛上升并消失。", "history": [] }, { "index": 386, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You cannot lose what you never had.", "generated_answer": "这些物品在一款品牌中出现了。", "expected_answer": "你不能失去你从未拥有的东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 387, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's the kind of stuff they want.\"", "generated_answer": "那就是这种东西。", "expected_answer": "那是他们想要的东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 388, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.", "generated_answer": "希望最好,准备最好。", "expected_answer": "抱最大的希望,做最坏的打算。", "history": [] }, { "index": 389, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Initially, the weight loss was attained strictly by diet.", "generated_answer": "起初,肥胖的体重被营养控制得很严格。", "expected_answer": "最初,减肥完全是通过饮食来实现的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 390, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Will it rain tomorrow?", "generated_answer": "明天下雨吗?", "expected_answer": "明天会下雨吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 391, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Beaver River briefly enters the east-central part of the township.", "generated_answer": "河河河西中心郡的一部分。", "expected_answer": "比弗河短暂地流入该镇的中东部。", "history": [] }, { "index": 392, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"This bridge is unofficially referred to as \"\"Blackwater Bridge\"\" by Coalition Forces operating there.\"", "generated_answer": "这座桥被称为“黑水桥”。", "expected_answer": "这座桥被那里的联军非正式地称为“黑水桥”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 393, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"This is the first phase of the job,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "这是第一面的孩子,他说。", "expected_answer": "“这是这项工作的第一阶段,”他说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 394, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The two large dogs are running through sand.", "generated_answer": "这两大狗正在追逐猫.", "expected_answer": "两条大狗正在沙地里奔跑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 395, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The actor's authentic facial expression was convincing the jury.\"", "generated_answer": "这位演员的真实的脸部表演十分有力地吸引了评审人。", "expected_answer": "演员真实的面部表情让陪审团信服。", "history": [] }, { "index": 396, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All songs written by Neal Morse except where noted.", "generated_answer": "这些歌曲,除非有人注明,全都是Neil Morris的作品。", "expected_answer": "这是 Neal Morse 写的所有歌曲,注明的除外。", "history": [] }, { "index": 397, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kirsten shrugged her shoulders.", "generated_answer": "肩膀摆弄。", "expected_answer": "Kirsten 耸了耸肩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 398, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Conservatives fell to seven seats provincially, and Kennedy remained an opposition member.", "generated_answer": "这些保守人士减少了七个市长, 克里斯托弗仍然是一个反对参与人。", "expected_answer": "保守党在各省的席位减少至 7 席,肯尼迪仍然是反对党成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 399, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She crouched down to lace her shoes and spotted a four leaf clover.", "generated_answer": "她蹬下来缝衣,发现了一只狡猾的猫。", "expected_answer": "她蹲下来系鞋带,发现了一棵四叶草。", "history": [] }, { "index": 400, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The city took its name after one of these colonists, Phanagoras.", "generated_answer": "这个城市的名字来源于这些这样的一个城市。", "expected_answer": "这座城市以其中一个殖民者——Phanagoras 命名。", "history": [] }, { "index": 401, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Guess the result from the first scores.", "generated_answer": "这是第一次考试的结果。", "expected_answer": "从第一个分数猜测结果。", "history": [] }, { "index": 402, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can I pay in cash?", "generated_answer": "可以在现金支付吗?", "expected_answer": "我可以用现金支付吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 403, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If you tell me why you came here, I'll show you the project I've been working on.\"", "generated_answer": "你告诉我为什么来这里,我将你看到我在做的项目。", "expected_answer": "如果你告诉我你为什么来这里,我会给你看我一直在做的项目。", "history": [] }, { "index": 404, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I was scared, but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits.", "generated_answer": "我想知道这个人的身份,但是他没有花时间去找。", "expected_answer": "我很害怕,但还是不失时机地出去,穿过桥来到这些沙坑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 405, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Due to its path, scientists theorized that Kohoutek was an Oort-cloud object.", "generated_answer": "因为路径,科技人才认为,Cotec是一种Otcl某类的星球。", "expected_answer": "由于它的路径,科学家理论上认为科胡特克彗星是奥尔特云物体。", "history": [] }, { "index": 406, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Use not today what tomorrow will need.", "generated_answer": "今天不用明天需要。", "expected_answer": "不要把明天需要的东西用在今天。", "history": [] }, { "index": 407, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A whiff of it will cure the most stubborn cold.", "generated_answer": "这样的一片就能治愈最坚硬的冷汗。", "expected_answer": "一点点就能治好最顽固的感冒。", "history": [] }, { "index": 408, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Writing across the curriculum is a school-wide initiative.", "generated_answer": "这是教育系统全面的一项项目。", "expected_answer": "贯穿整个课程的写作是一项全校性的举措。", "history": [] }, { "index": 409, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The leopard does not change his spots.", "generated_answer": "虎牙不变点。", "expected_answer": "江山易改,本性难移。", "history": [] }, { "index": 410, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She biked home, smiling all the way, knowing that she had won.", "generated_answer": "她回家,笑得全身飞起,意识到她赢了。", "expected_answer": "她骑车回家,一路上面带微笑,知道自己赢了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 411, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His hands were abraded and exhausted, but he listened to his heart.", "generated_answer": "他的手臂被阻止和扩展,但他依然听从心肝的呐喊。", "expected_answer": "他的手擦伤了,他筋疲力尽,但他倾听自己的心声。", "history": [] }, { "index": 412, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a tourist destination, and fishing, camping and other activities are permitted.", "generated_answer": "这是一座游览的目标,并允许钓鱼、游泳、游玩和其他活动。", "expected_answer": "这是一个旅游目的地,允许钓鱼、露营和进行其他活动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 413, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am sorry for it.", "generated_answer": "\"我很遗憾。\"", "expected_answer": "对此我很抱歉。", "history": [] }, { "index": 414, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The table was adorned with lavish decorations.", "generated_answer": "这张桌子上都是精装的装饰。", "expected_answer": "桌子上装饰着奢华的装饰品。", "history": [] }, { "index": 415, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy looked around him at the date palms.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩看起来像一对看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看看看的看", "expected_answer": "男孩看着周围的椰枣树。", "history": [] }, { "index": 416, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Never to come on a green twig;\"\" not to get on in the world.\"", "generated_answer": "不会出现在世界上的绿色船船。", "expected_answer": "“永远不要出现在一根绿枝上”不要在这个世界上混下去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 417, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Their presence was necessary because of strong civil unrest in the area.", "generated_answer": "他们的出现是必要的,因为在那个地区存在强大的民粹暴力烈士之争。", "expected_answer": "他们的存在是必要的,因为该地区发生了强烈的内乱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 418, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The newspaper articles had prepared everyone for the reception of the idea.", "generated_answer": "这本报那一篇《事实》的人们都需要接受这个想法。", "expected_answer": "报纸上的文章使每个人都为接受这个理念做好了准备。", "history": [] }, { "index": 419, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Attock Campus has gained a commendable reputation in a short time.", "generated_answer": "这个学院已经被荣誉的赞美赞美了很久了。", "expected_answer": "Attock 校园在短时间内获得了值得称赞的声誉。", "history": [] }, { "index": 420, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Braddock Heights is part of the Middletown School District.", "generated_answer": "白骨石是中东市的一部分。", "expected_answer": "Braddock 高地是米德尔顿学区的一部分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 421, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "men that are not included in the line, the reserve, Militia Never mind, Farewell", "generated_answer": "这些男子,没有被包含在线中的军队中的,被称为“军队的未来”。", "expected_answer": "不在队伍里的人,预备役,民兵,没关系,再见", "history": [] }, { "index": 422, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After the season, he became a free agent.", "generated_answer": "後季,他成為自由选手。", "expected_answer": "赛季结束后,他成为了自由球员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 423, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was killed by Nicaea.", "generated_answer": "他被聖英雄負責殺害。", "expected_answer": "他被 Nicaea 杀死了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 424, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The sun shines on both sides of the hedge.", "generated_answer": "阳光在两条花草上飞舞。", "expected_answer": "阳光照射在树篱的两边。", "history": [] }, { "index": 425, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's hard to compare something necessary and mundane with something I'm excited about.\"", "generated_answer": "这样的比较,每天都是一种不同的感受。", "expected_answer": "很难将一些必要的和平凡的事情与我感兴趣的事情相提并论。", "history": [] }, { "index": 426, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was also a prosperous manufacture of starch belonging to the Legrain family.", "generated_answer": "这也有了良好的生产业生产赤裤给了黎格家。", "expected_answer": "莱格兰家族的淀粉生产也很兴旺。", "history": [] }, { "index": 427, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where did you find that apple?", "generated_answer": "这里你找到了什么?", "expected_answer": "你在哪里找到那个苹果的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 428, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where are they now?", "generated_answer": "现在在哪里?", "expected_answer": "他们现在在哪里?", "history": [] }, { "index": 429, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Another pot ! Try the teapot.", "generated_answer": "另一个瓶子,试着咖啡瓶。", "expected_answer": "又一口锅!试试茶壶。", "history": [] }, { "index": 430, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Miller later wrote that the strategy was faultless on paper.", "generated_answer": "这是写在纸上的策略,无缺陷。", "expected_answer": "Miller 后来写道,该战略在理论上是完美的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 431, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That damn mouse could sense my anger.", "generated_answer": "那隻猴子可以感覺到我的怒気。", "expected_answer": "那只该死的老鼠能感觉到我的愤怒。", "history": [] }, { "index": 432, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You know, gifts are, by definition, free.", "generated_answer": "这些礼物是财产不可侵的。", "expected_answer": "你知道,很明显,礼物是免费的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 433, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Through Effingham it is Fayette Avenue and Willow Street.", "generated_answer": "\"通过亚门,它是肖宾巷和柳巷。\"", "expected_answer": "穿过埃芬厄姆,就是费耶特大街和柳树街。", "history": [] }, { "index": 434, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The artist made a mistake with the boundaries between Peru and Ecuador.", "generated_answer": "这位艺术家在画线上错误地擦落了Peru和Ecuador之间的边界。", "expected_answer": "这位艺术家弄错了秘鲁和厄瓜多尔的边界。", "history": [] }, { "index": 435, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It grows along the borders of lakes, ponds and streams and in marshes.", "generated_answer": "草原上的湖泊、河流和河岸的河岸、河域中的草原上.", "expected_answer": "它沿着湖泊、池塘、溪流和沼泽的边缘生长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 436, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To her amazement, she found a supermarket trolley lying on the seabed.", "generated_answer": "她惊讶地发现一条超市车辆在海底上面。", "expected_answer": "令她惊讶的是,她发现一辆超市手推车沉在海底。", "history": [] }, { "index": 437, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The news was chilling, to say the least.", "generated_answer": "这个消息让人没有热情。", "expected_answer": "至少可以说,这个消息令人不寒而栗。", "history": [] }, { "index": 438, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have Celtic ancestry.", "generated_answer": "我有卡尔顿家族。", "expected_answer": "我有凯尔特血统。", "history": [] }, { "index": 439, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's true, the boy thought.\"", "generated_answer": "那么,那个男孩。", "expected_answer": "那是真的,男孩想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 440, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They could barely see the boy.", "generated_answer": "这个公司的股份是分散的。", "expected_answer": "他们几乎看不见那个男孩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 441, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Toffee coated all the surfaces, it was disgustingly sticky.", "generated_answer": "这是一个难题。", "expected_answer": "太妃糖覆盖了所有的表面,非常粘,令人讨厌。", "history": [] }, { "index": 442, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I got drunk yesterday and thought I built a super computer.", "generated_answer": "我昨天醉醒了,以为我是一个狂人。", "expected_answer": "我昨天喝醉了,以为我造了一台超级电脑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 443, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why are gully covers round?", "generated_answer": "为什么针灸在球脚上.", "expected_answer": "为什么泄水沟盖是圆的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 444, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The questionnaire is too simplistic.", "generated_answer": "这个问题太简单了。", "expected_answer": "问卷太简单了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 445, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What is the matter?", "generated_answer": "什么事?", "expected_answer": "怎么了?", "history": [] }, { "index": 446, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In a little while.", "generated_answer": "在很短的时间。", "expected_answer": "一会儿。", "history": [] }, { "index": 447, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Especially Liddell Hart wrote many books about the subject, partly propagating Fuller's theories.\"", "generated_answer": "\"特拉尔·洛德·沃尔德\"写了许多书籍关于这个主题,大部分是推广Foller的理论。", "expected_answer": "尤其是 Liddell Hart 写了许多关于这个主题的书,部分地宣传了 Fuller 的理论。", "history": [] }, { "index": 448, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You'd better get your friends.\"", "generated_answer": "你好,你应该跟你的朋友聊天。", "expected_answer": "你最好去找你的朋友。", "history": [] }, { "index": 449, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I heard the land where the hobbits live, the Shire, has actually been filmed in New Zealand.", "generated_answer": "这是我听说的那个音乐场,它的城市是新西兰。", "expected_answer": "我听说霍比特人居住的地方夏尔实际上是在新西兰拍摄的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 450, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I wish I could go back to the hospital.", "generated_answer": "我希望能回到医院。", "expected_answer": "我希望我能回到医院。", "history": [] }, { "index": 451, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't press the red button!\"", "generated_answer": "\"抓住红色的按钮。\"", "expected_answer": "不要按红色按钮!", "history": [] }, { "index": 452, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The illumination created a cozy atmosphere.", "generated_answer": "这种照明创造了一个氛围。", "expected_answer": "灯饰创造了一种舒适的气氛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 453, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "John looked out the window of the show-house, happy he had mortgage approval, but worried about the repayments.", "generated_answer": "这个人看到了电影院的窗户,高兴地知道他的银行审核通过,但也有些担忧。", "expected_answer": "约翰望着橱窗外的房子,很高兴他的抵押贷款得到了批准,但又担心要还的贷款。", "history": [] }, { "index": 454, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She noted that Rwanda was \"\"not looking for revenge\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "她知道,Randora并不想要补偿。", "expected_answer": "她指出,卢旺达“不是在寻求报复”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 455, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If anything can go wrong, it will.", "generated_answer": "这句话的意思是:如果任何事情可能出现问题,那么一定会出现。", "expected_answer": "如果有什么事情会出错,那一定会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 456, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have the diet of a kid who found twenty dollars.", "generated_answer": "这是一个儿童的故事,他发现了二十块钱。", "expected_answer": "我有一个发现了二十美元的孩子的食谱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 457, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An old man in a yellow shirt standing in a doorway.", "generated_answer": "\"三个男子,在门口站着。\"", "expected_answer": "一个穿着黄色衬衫的老人站在门口。", "history": [] }, { "index": 458, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"", "generated_answer": "\"赫蒙特·罗尔等于\"。", "expected_answer": "", "history": [] }, { "index": 459, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cathy took two hundred and ten pounds out of her bank account,", "generated_answer": "二百十八公斤从银行账户取出。", "expected_answer": "凯茜从她的银行账户中取出 210 英镑,", "history": [] }, { "index": 460, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Make hay while the sun shines.", "generated_answer": "春天的阳光。", "expected_answer": "趁晴晒草,抓紧时机。", "history": [] }, { "index": 461, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.", "generated_answer": "疾病的痛苦,必须有痛苦的治疗。", "expected_answer": "绝症须用绝药医(在非常时刻必须采取非常手段) 。", "history": [] }, { "index": 462, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Henderson was taking it in.", "generated_answer": "\"德森在做\"", "expected_answer": "Henderson 接受了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 463, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But we'll just postpone this.\"", "generated_answer": "这个不需要你做任何事情。", "expected_answer": "但是我们会推迟的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 464, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Queen will hear you.", "generated_answer": "\"女王会听到你\"", "expected_answer": "女王会听到你的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 465, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Our group played guitars while the others randomly hit resonant objects.", "generated_answer": "我们的团队弹了吉娃娃,而其他人随意地打击音效器。", "expected_answer": "我们组演奏吉他,而其他人随机敲击共振物体。", "history": [] }, { "index": 466, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nothing lost for lack of asking", "generated_answer": "这段话的中文翻译是:\n\n这段话的中文翻译是:\n\n\"无论怎样,都不会因为没有问题而丢失。\"", "expected_answer": "不闻不问,何所失", "history": [] }, { "index": 467, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It would be ideal if the WiFi were gratis.", "generated_answer": "这样好的 Wi-Fi 是天生的。", "expected_answer": "如果 WiFi 是免费的,那就太理想了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 468, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can I get you a drink?", "generated_answer": "可以给你一杯咖啡。", "expected_answer": "要喝点什么吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 469, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To fall into the house with the door to blurt out something to put it bluntly.", "generated_answer": "走进房间, 喝出话, 直说.", "expected_answer": "开门进屋脱口而出直截了当地说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 470, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I want my baby to look like you.", "generated_answer": "我想我的婴儿会像你一样美丽。", "expected_answer": "我希望我的孩子长得像你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 471, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then the two went off to have some more tea.", "generated_answer": "那么,两人接着吃了一些茶。", "expected_answer": "然后两个人又去喝了些茶。", "history": [] }, { "index": 472, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some scientists believe the origin of this oscillating signal to be a neutron star.", "generated_answer": "这些科学家认为这个周期性信号的来源可能是一个核子星。", "expected_answer": "一些科学家认为这种振荡信号的起源是中子星。", "history": [] }, { "index": 473, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do I close this window?", "generated_answer": "关闭这个窗口.", "expected_answer": "我如何关闭这个窗口?", "history": [] }, { "index": 474, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He died of a mysterious illness or, according to some sources, a snakebite.", "generated_answer": "这是由没有肝脏、病变或者由于蛇虫伤害而死的。", "expected_answer": "他死于一种神秘的疾病,或者,根据一些消息来源,死于蛇咬伤。", "history": [] }, { "index": 475, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have already described the appearance of that colossal bulk which was embedded in the ground.", "generated_answer": "这是一张描述了地面上的巨大块的图像。", "expected_answer": "我已经描述了埋在地下的那个巨大物体的外观。", "history": [] }, { "index": 476, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The university belongs to the Council of Rectors of Traditional Chilean Universities.", "generated_answer": "博士学位研究所属于中国古典学院的教务部门。", "expected_answer": "该大学属于智利传统大学校长理事会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 477, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The next day, the mine opens and work begins.", "generated_answer": "明天下午,钻石开发工作开始了,天空真的很漂亮。", "expected_answer": "第二天,矿井打开,工作开始了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 478, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One of them, Ashur-nadin-apli, would succeed him on the throne.", "generated_answer": "一个其中一位,是阿布莱·奈尔德的后代,将成为他的亲王。", "expected_answer": "其中一个,Ashur-nadin-apli,将继承他的王位。", "history": [] }, { "index": 479, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Usually, town members adorn the town streets with colorful decorations and other things.", "generated_answer": "通常,城镇民众在城镇街道上都带有装饰和其他东西。", "expected_answer": "通常,镇上的成员用彩色的装饰品和其他东西来装饰街道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 480, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy threw back his head with pride.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩抬起头来,飞快地。", "expected_answer": "男孩骄傲地仰起头。", "history": [] }, { "index": 481, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had suddenly remembered that, in Tarifa, there was an old woman who interpreted dreams.", "generated_answer": "这里有一个老妈妈在铁塔城解释梦。", "expected_answer": "他突然想起,在 Tarifa,有一个老女人解梦。", "history": [] }, { "index": 482, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No one paid any attention to him.", "generated_answer": "\"无人注意他\"", "expected_answer": "没有人注意他。", "history": [] }, { "index": 483, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I left my father, my mother, and the town castle behind.", "generated_answer": "我离开了我父亲和我母亲在城市西城之后。", "expected_answer": "我离开了我的父亲、母亲和城堡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 484, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Stout's political career started with his election to the Otago Provincial Council.\"", "generated_answer": "苏打的专业职业起源是他在温哥华市的选拔。", "expected_answer": "Stout 的政治生涯始于他当选奥塔哥省议会议员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 485, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy could certainly resist causing that kind of anxiety for the baker.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩的能力很强,使他的烤面包产生这种烦心感。", "expected_answer": "这个男孩当然不会给面包师带来那种焦虑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 486, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fake stones shine but cost little.", "generated_answer": "真石头照耀,但价格很低。", "expected_answer": "假宝石闪闪发光,但价格低廉。", "history": [] }, { "index": 487, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"One of the world's biggest problems is the growth of the human population.\"", "generated_answer": "一部份世界上最大的问题是人口的增长。", "expected_answer": "世界上最大的问题之一是人口的增长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 488, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And who are you?", "generated_answer": "这个.", "expected_answer": "你是谁?", "history": [] }, { "index": 489, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A court date is yet to be set.", "generated_answer": "这个时间仍然没有确定。", "expected_answer": "开庭日期尚未确定。", "history": [] }, { "index": 490, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What he said reminded the boy of the old king.", "generated_answer": "这个话让他想起了老王。", "expected_answer": "他说的话让男孩想起了老国王。", "history": [] }, { "index": 491, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I need to refer to my notes at this point.", "generated_answer": "这里需要回到我的北方。", "expected_answer": "在这一点上我需要参考下我的笔记。", "history": [] }, { "index": 492, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy laughed — out of happiness.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩喜欢出于幸福。", "expected_answer": "男孩笑了——出于幸福。", "history": [] }, { "index": 493, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Remotely lock my car.", "generated_answer": "这个", "expected_answer": "遥控锁住我的车。", "history": [] }, { "index": 494, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hey, what do you say?", "generated_answer": "你好,你说什么?", "expected_answer": "嘿,你说呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 495, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And what became of him?", "generated_answer": "这么多年以后,他的生活就这样了。", "expected_answer": "他后来怎么样了?", "history": [] }, { "index": 496, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Compare the checksum to verify its integrity.", "generated_answer": "比较检验完整性。", "expected_answer": "比较校验和以验证其完整性。", "history": [] }, { "index": 497, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Why did you want to see me?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "为什么你想要见我?", "expected_answer": "“你为什么想见我?”男孩问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 498, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Aren't the two rather intertwined?\"", "generated_answer": "这两个非常相互关联的。", "expected_answer": "这两者不是很纠结吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 499, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Also there was a decrease in trade interest between east and west.", "generated_answer": "这也是在东西洲和西洲之间的交易意愿下降.", "expected_answer": "东西方之间的贸易利益也有所下降。", "history": [] }, { "index": 500, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many see this as a sign of growing reconciliation on the grass-roots level.", "generated_answer": "许多城市,作为一个时刻,成为了共享的基础设施的增长的起点。", "expected_answer": "许多人认为这是基层变得日益和解的标志。", "history": [] }, { "index": 501, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It took him a while to get to the office.", "generated_answer": "这个人走得很慢。", "expected_answer": "他花了一段时间才到达办公室。", "history": [] }, { "index": 502, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Add autry inman to my Hanging Out and Relaxing playlist.", "generated_answer": "\"添加 'Otter' 到我的 '晃动' 和 '休息' 歌单中。\"", "expected_answer": "在我的“过把瘾”和“放松”播放列表中添加 autry inman。", "history": [] }, { "index": 503, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So now, as I say, the talk rather hung fire.", "generated_answer": "这个话题, 就像火烧火腿一样, 不会有什么好的结果.", "expected_answer": "所以现在,正如我所说的,谈话悬而未决。", "history": [] }, { "index": 504, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Proteins have many functions in the human body.", "generated_answer": "蛋白质有许多功能,在身体中运行。", "expected_answer": "蛋白质在人体内有许多功能。", "history": [] }, { "index": 505, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The song was written by Rich Cronin, Dow Brain, and Brad Young.", "generated_answer": "这首歌由Rick Crone, Tom Brannan, 和Brannan写。", "expected_answer": "这首歌是由 Rich Cronin、 Dow Brain 和 Brad Young 创作的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 506, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Five peaks overlooked on that list are indicated with an asterisk.", "generated_answer": "五个在那个表中没有被选中的都有星星标记。", "expected_answer": "该列表中被忽略的五个峰值用星号表示。", "history": [] }, { "index": 507, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My mind ran on the possibilities of its content.", "generated_answer": "我的心智想到了这篇文章的可能性。", "expected_answer": "我在思考它内容的可能性。", "history": [] }, { "index": 508, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"When you're at a party and somebody says \"\"banana bread\"\", a sniper might be near you.\"", "generated_answer": "聊天室里,有人说“番茄面包”,你可能有蜈蚣附近。", "expected_answer": "当你在派对上,有人说“香蕉面包”时,狙击手可能就在你身边。", "history": [] }, { "index": 509, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Large packets are also problematic in the presence of communications errors.", "generated_answer": "这些文章在公共事业方面的问题上都是处于窘迫状态。", "expected_answer": "存在通信错误时,大数据包也是有问题的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 510, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She went over to Mr. Jared's house.\"", "generated_answer": "她去了Mr. Jerr的家.", "expected_answer": "她去了 Jared 先生的家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 511, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's lavender and old lace.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个很慢的,全部都是。", "expected_answer": "这是淡紫色和旧花边。", "history": [] }, { "index": 512, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Their application for asylum has been accepted, since they're victims of political persecution.\"", "generated_answer": "这些应用的实际意义是,他们被认为是政治迫害的一部分。", "expected_answer": "他们的庇护申请被受理了,因为他们是政治迫害的受害者。", "history": [] }, { "index": 513, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the discotheque, the DJ played progressive house music and trance.", "generated_answer": "在硅谷公司,音乐师在硅谷公司演唱了迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔斯先生的迈克尔�", "expected_answer": "在迪斯科舞厅,DJ 播放着经过改进的室内音乐和迷幻舞曲。", "history": [] }, { "index": 514, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is a way.", "generated_answer": "这是一种方法。", "expected_answer": "有办法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 515, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maps are available in English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.", "generated_answer": "地图可以在英语、法语、德语、日语和西班牙语中阅读。", "expected_answer": "地图有英语、法语、德语、日语和西班牙语版本。", "history": [] }, { "index": 516, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fairchild Aircraft also evaluated the prototype at its Hagerstown, Maryland, headquarters.", "generated_answer": "西安飞机已经发展出来了。", "expected_answer": "费尔柴尔德飞机公司也在其马里兰州黑格斯敦总部评估了原型机。", "history": [] }, { "index": 517, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The old man leafed through the book, and fell to reading a page he came to.", "generated_answer": "这个老人走到书上,然后跑到那页去看看。", "expected_answer": "老人迅速翻阅了一下这本书,开始阅读他读到的一页。", "history": [] }, { "index": 518, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe no one here knows what an alchemist is!", "generated_answer": "这个人可能没有人知道什么是醍醚者。", "expected_answer": "也许这里没有人知道炼金术士是什么样的人!", "history": [] }, { "index": 519, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "With emphasis", "generated_answer": "\"With emphasis.\"", "expected_answer": "强调", "history": [] }, { "index": 520, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Excuse me, nudism is not allowed on this part of the beach.", "generated_answer": "\"对不起,新莱姆斯现在已经被这部分沙漠喜欢了。\"", "expected_answer": "对不起,海滩的这一部分区域不允许裸体。", "history": [] }, { "index": 521, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He decided to return to his friend's stable by the longest route possible.\"", "generated_answer": "他决定返回到他的友人的桌上,最长的时间可能是一段。", "expected_answer": "他决定走尽可能长的路回到朋友的马厩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 522, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"No, we don't laminate our business cards.\"", "generated_answer": "不缩小我们的业务车辆。", "expected_answer": "不,我们不层叠我们的名片。", "history": [] }, { "index": 523, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The lumberjack jumped up the tree.", "generated_answer": "象山草起跳。", "expected_answer": "伐木工人跳上了树。", "history": [] }, { "index": 524, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They speak a dialect of Georgian.", "generated_answer": "他们说一种小语言。", "expected_answer": "他们说格鲁吉亚方言。", "history": [] }, { "index": 525, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Presently he made a faint sound in his throat.", "generated_answer": "他现在停止了嘶吼。", "expected_answer": "不一会儿,他喉咙里发出微弱的声音。", "history": [] }, { "index": 526, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There were three hundred wells, fifty thousand date trees, and innumerable colored tents spread among them.", "generated_answer": "三百零五万元的黄金资金被分配给了三百零五万元的黄金资金。", "expected_answer": "那里有三百口井,五万棵枣树,还有数不清的彩色帐篷。", "history": [] }, { "index": 527, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At its southern end is the city of Cairns.", "generated_answer": "南部的是城市名称为《卡尼》。", "expected_answer": "在其南端是凯恩斯城。", "history": [] }, { "index": 528, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How can we obtain a priori knowledge for each individual?", "generated_answer": "我们可以获得每个人的预先知识。", "expected_answer": "我们如何才能获得每个人的先验知识?", "history": [] }, { "index": 529, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If I had told you, you wouldn't have seen the Pyramids.\"", "generated_answer": "如果我告诉你,你不会看到城堡。", "expected_answer": "如果我告诉你,你就不会看到金字塔了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 530, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When Alvin was a little boy, he loved to watch Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.", "generated_answer": "当时,彼得是个小孩子,他喜欢看看英格兰人英威和路易三助助。", "expected_answer": "当 Alvin 还是个小男孩的时候,他喜欢看 Bud Spencer 和 Terence Hill。", "history": [] }, { "index": 531, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This is a little boy and his dad playing a board game.", "generated_answer": "这是一小子,他的父亲在游戏中玩。", "expected_answer": "这是一个小男孩和他的爸爸在玩棋盘游戏。", "history": [] }, { "index": 532, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Possession is nothing to me.", "generated_answer": "这不是我的东西。", "expected_answer": "占有对我来说不算什么。", "history": [] }, { "index": 533, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fly the flag.", "generated_answer": "飞行岛.", "expected_answer": "升起旗帜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 534, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Certainly I'm sure I'm comfortable!\"", "generated_answer": "确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信确信", "expected_answer": "当然,我肯定我很舒服!", "history": [] }, { "index": 535, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hey look, a flying pig!", "generated_answer": "他看起来像飞猪。", "expected_answer": "嘿,看,一只飞猪!", "history": [] }, { "index": 536, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was driving under the influence.", "generated_answer": "他在醉酒下驾驶。", "expected_answer": "他在酒后驾车。", "history": [] }, { "index": 537, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tuna is expensive.", "generated_answer": "这些钱太贵了。", "expected_answer": "金枪鱼很贵。", "history": [] }, { "index": 538, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you think so?", "generated_answer": "这个意见你觉得像吗?", "expected_answer": "你这么认为吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 539, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What sort of man is he?", "generated_answer": "他是个怎么样的男子?", "expected_answer": "他是什么样的人?", "history": [] }, { "index": 540, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm not drivelling.\"", "generated_answer": "我不在车里。", "expected_answer": "我没有胡说八道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 541, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The postwar years found him back in his hometown of Munich.", "generated_answer": "这位后战士们发现他回到了他的马基家。", "expected_answer": "战后几年,他回到了家乡慕尼黑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 542, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I left it downstairs.", "generated_answer": "我把它下楼了。", "expected_answer": "我把它忘在楼下了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 543, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Survival of the casualties stays our top priority!", "generated_answer": "生命的稳定性仍然是先进的.", "expected_answer": "伤亡人员的生存仍然是我们的头等大事!", "history": [] }, { "index": 544, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After the prince had been rescued, he showed evidence of Stockholm syndrome.", "generated_answer": "後來,與王子的救援後,他表現出了肝癌。", "expected_answer": "王子获救后,他出示了斯德哥尔摩综合症的证据。", "history": [] }, { "index": 545, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was a full moon, and the boy told the Englishman the story of his life.", "generated_answer": "这是一个全月的月亮,一个男孩告诉英语人他的故事。", "expected_answer": "月圆的一天,男孩告诉了英国人他的生活故事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 546, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All are native to Nebraska.", "generated_answer": "华为是美国的一家公司。", "expected_answer": "都是内布拉斯加州本地的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 547, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The allusion is not an illusion.", "generated_answer": "这不是一个骗局。", "expected_answer": "这个典故不是幻觉。", "history": [] }, { "index": 548, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is an increasing number of people being internally displaced due to climate change.", "generated_answer": "这是气候变化造成的内部消失率的增加。", "expected_answer": "由于气候发生变化,越来越多的人在国内流离失所。", "history": [] }, { "index": 549, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to wait here for you every day.\"", "generated_answer": "我想等在这里,每天都等着你。", "expected_answer": "我会每天在这里等你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 550, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was as if it quivered, but really this was the telescope vibrating.", "generated_answer": "这是如此,实际上,这是天文光线发生的。", "expected_answer": "它好像在抖动,但实际上这是望远镜在振动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 551, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Nobody's intending to build a wall.\"", "generated_answer": "不想建筑墙。", "expected_answer": "没有人打算建一堵墙。", "history": [] }, { "index": 552, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gephyrin has been shown to be necessary for GlyR clustering at inhibitory synapses.", "generated_answer": "不同已经被证明是必要的,为神经集团的缓冲芯装配提供依赖。", "expected_answer": "在抑制性突触中, 已经证明桥蛋白对于甘氨酸受体 集群是必要的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 553, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When the cloud is thin the beam of light may penetrate into the cloud.", "generated_answer": "当雾鸟鸣着,火花可能会袭击一片雾鸟。", "expected_answer": "当云很薄时,光束可能会穿透云层。", "history": [] }, { "index": 554, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Let me see it!", "generated_answer": "读着。", "expected_answer": "让我看看!", "history": [] }, { "index": 555, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Better to have than to wish.", "generated_answer": "更好先行而不是想象。", "expected_answer": "拥有胜过心想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 556, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Thanks for dropping around.", "generated_answer": "谢谢降落了我的爱", "expected_answer": "谢谢你来看我。", "history": [] }, { "index": 557, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, the pilot was not picked up by the network.", "generated_answer": "这个词汇不是由任何语言来源。", "expected_answer": "然而,该飞行员没有被网络选中。", "history": [] }, { "index": 558, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In some cases the symbols are \"\"punning\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这些时候,符号可能是打印的。", "expected_answer": "在某些情况下,这些符号是“双关语”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 559, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You can't live on bread alone.\"", "generated_answer": "不能生活什么都吃糗", "expected_answer": "你不能仅靠面包生活。", "history": [] }, { "index": 560, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You are what you are, you are who you are.", "generated_answer": "这就是你自己,这就是你的人。", "expected_answer": "你还是你,你就是你自己。", "history": [] }, { "index": 561, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Money burns a hole in your pocket.", "generated_answer": "钱烧在钱包里。", "expected_answer": "一有钱就想花。", "history": [] }, { "index": 562, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, this port was cancelled a few months later.", "generated_answer": "这个螺旋被取消了几个月之后。", "expected_answer": "然而,几个月后,这个港口被取消了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 563, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Petite Ceinture had become a popular mode of transport by then.", "generated_answer": "这个赛道已经成为了人们的普通驾车了。", "expected_answer": "那时,“Petite Ceinture”铁路已经成为一种流行的交通方式。", "history": [] }, { "index": 564, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We want some action in these pictures.", "generated_answer": "我们获得了这些照片的行动。", "expected_answer": "我们想要在这些画面中添加一些情节。", "history": [] }, { "index": 565, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I was impatient to see it opened.", "generated_answer": "我想看它开启。", "expected_answer": "我迫不及待地想看到它被打开。", "history": [] }, { "index": 566, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A person is bowling in this blurry action shot.", "generated_answer": "人在爆炸式动作战斗中起飞。", "expected_answer": "一个人在这个模糊的动作镜头中打保龄球。", "history": [] }, { "index": 567, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Before his election, she criticized Barack Obama as \"\"an elitist who worked with words\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个关于选择的问题,你可能想知道什么。", "expected_answer": "在当选前,她批评巴拉克·奥巴马是“说大话的精英”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 568, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Once again he was experiencing the language without words...", "generated_answer": "一次,他又遇到了语言没有词汇的现象。", "expected_answer": "他再一次经历了欲语而无言...", "history": [] }, { "index": 569, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The next day he was no where to be found.", "generated_answer": "这个下个天,他就没有出现。", "expected_answer": "第二天,他不见了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 570, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was my intention to have a word with Angela.", "generated_answer": "这是我的目的,要和Angela说话。", "expected_answer": "我本想和 Angela 说句话。", "history": [] }, { "index": 571, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The stairs creaked under his weight as he climbed to the darkened upper floor.", "generated_answer": "这些楼梯在他蹲下的身体重量下滑了。", "expected_answer": "当他爬到黑暗的楼上时,楼梯在他的重压下嘎吱作响。", "history": [] }, { "index": 572, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The longest way round is the sweetest way home.", "generated_answer": "这是最长的往回路径,也是最好的回家路。", "expected_answer": "甜美的回家路,绕道不觉远。", "history": [] }, { "index": 573, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Competitors disliked the company's business practices, but consumers liked the lower prices.\"", "generated_answer": "这些竞争对手不喜欢公司的业务行为,但是消费者喜欢价格低于。", "expected_answer": "竞争者不喜欢公司的商业惯例,但消费者喜欢较低的价格。", "history": [] }, { "index": 574, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His wife, Dame Sukhi Turner, is a former mayor of Dunedin.", "generated_answer": "他的妻子,莎里蒙·苏格兰·蒙特勒是彼得·荷兰·丹丽的前市长。", "expected_answer": "他的妻子 Sukhi Turner 夫人是但尼丁的前市长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 575, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "From trivial things, great contests often arise.", "generated_answer": "从小事物中,大战常会出现。", "expected_answer": "琐碎的事情往往会引起激烈的争论。", "history": [] }, { "index": 576, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Teaching units at this University were originally called \"\"department\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "教学生在这个大学上的教学人员首先被称为部门。", "expected_answer": "这所大学的教学单位最初被称为“系”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 577, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Out of debt, out of danger", "generated_answer": "死亡, 恐惧.", "expected_answer": "无债一身轻", "history": [] }, { "index": 578, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've been unable to do my job ever since I read the piece.\"", "generated_answer": "我已经可以做我的工作了。", "expected_answer": "自从我读了这篇文章,我就一直不能做我的工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 579, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Did you know that the word \"\"commercial\"\" could mean the same as \"\"advertisement\"\"?\"", "generated_answer": "谁知道,“商业”可以意味着“广告”。", "expected_answer": "你知道“商业”这个词和“广告”的含义是一样的吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 580, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What does it all mean?", "generated_answer": "这个表示什么?", "expected_answer": "这一切意味着什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 581, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He contributed to the team and helped France win the Grand Slam that year.", "generated_answer": "他参加了团队,并帮助了法国获得了当年的大赛。", "expected_answer": "他为球队做出了贡献,并帮助法国赢得了当年的大满贯。", "history": [] }, { "index": 582, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Notable cast members include Laura Harris, Enuka Okuma, and Ryan Reynolds.", "generated_answer": "这些名帅包括:Laura Harris、Inuko Okumo和Ronald Reynolds。", "expected_answer": "著名的演员包括 Laura Harris、Enuka Okuma 和 Ryan Reynolds。", "history": [] }, { "index": 583, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The fur of cats goes by many names.", "generated_answer": "猫的毛称若有名。", "expected_answer": "猫的皮毛有很多名称。", "history": [] }, { "index": 584, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is part of Saint Andrew's Parish.\"", "generated_answer": "这是圣阿登尔的一个乡镇。", "expected_answer": "它是圣安德鲁教区的一部分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 585, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He appeared with the first stars of evening.", "generated_answer": "他出现了第一阵星星的第一张照片。", "expected_answer": "他和夜晚的第一颗星星一起出现了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 586, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But the boy never took his eye off his new friend.", "generated_answer": "但是男孩从未从他的新朋友眼里离开。", "expected_answer": "但是这个男孩的视线一直没有离开他的新朋友。", "history": [] }, { "index": 587, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, I can guess how that turned out.", "generated_answer": "这是我的真实意见。", "expected_answer": "好吧,我能猜到结果如何。", "history": [] }, { "index": 588, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm addicted to recycling.\"", "generated_answer": "我爱把垃圾回收。", "expected_answer": "我沉迷于回收利用。", "history": [] }, { "index": 589, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, I have not seen it.", "generated_answer": "不, 没见过.", "expected_answer": "不,我没见过它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 590, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There are three extant epigrams attributed to Erinna.", "generated_answer": "这三个是二次元的象限的三个像素点。", "expected_answer": "有三句现存的警句被认为是 Erinna 写的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 591, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They are given in their original form.", "generated_answer": "这些用原本的形式出现。", "expected_answer": "它们是以原来的形式给予。", "history": [] }, { "index": 592, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They met with a bunch of people in the pub.", "generated_answer": "他们在酒吧里见到一群人。", "expected_answer": "他们在酒吧遇到了一群人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 593, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Oh, I don't know.\"", "generated_answer": "这个我不知道。", "expected_answer": "哦,我不知道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 594, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Hey, don't go there!\"", "generated_answer": "这是难道你不知道?", "expected_answer": "嘿,别去那里!", "history": [] }, { "index": 595, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are you all right?", "generated_answer": "正在。", "expected_answer": "你还好吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 596, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Well then, why did you let me do it?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "这么好,为什么你让我做它, the boy asked.", "expected_answer": "“那么,你为什么让我做这件事?”男孩问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 597, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This was too much.", "generated_answer": "这是太多了。", "expected_answer": "这太过分了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 598, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He hasn't had a square meal for years.\"", "generated_answer": "这个男子在学校一年多以上。", "expected_answer": "他已经好几年没吃过一顿像样的饭了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 599, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "what is the forecast for Nevada for First Day Of Sukkot", "generated_answer": "第一天的预测是赛库特。", "expected_answer": "内华达州住棚节首日的天气怎么样", "history": [] }, { "index": 600, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Glue the sheet to the dark blue background.", "generated_answer": "黑色背景上面粘贴这张表格。", "expected_answer": "将表单粘到深蓝色背景上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 601, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He attended the University of Southern California, earning a bachelor's degree in vocal performance.\"", "generated_answer": "他在南方大学的欧洲舞蹈語言學院, 取得了一個畢業的舞蹈語言語言學學士學士学位。", "expected_answer": "他曾就读于南加州大学,并获得声乐表演学士学位。", "history": [] }, { "index": 602, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Machine Learning can be used to predict and mitigate natural disasters.", "generated_answer": "机器学习可以用于预测和防御自然灾害。", "expected_answer": "机器学习可以用来预测和减轻自然灾害。", "history": [] }, { "index": 603, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I wished I had a light to smoke by.", "generated_answer": "我希望有一台火柴燃烧的灯。", "expected_answer": "我希望我可以抽支烟", "history": [] }, { "index": 604, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"At one point some of Bate's troops broke and ran.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一次基础真理破碎了。", "expected_answer": "Bate 的一些部队一度溃逃。", "history": [] }, { "index": 605, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The attic was dark and smelt of old dust.", "generated_answer": "这个庭院黑暗,味道老灰.", "expected_answer": "阁楼很暗,散发着旧灰尘的味道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 606, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Each organization requires an advisor, a constitution and board of education recognition.", "generated_answer": "这些组织都需要一个法律和教育认证的建议。", "expected_answer": "每个组织都需要一个顾问、一个章程和一个教育认可委员会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 607, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is possible that Aristander's writings were, instead, a product of an Aristandrian school.\"", "generated_answer": "这可能是由一个Aristandر的学校创作的。", "expected_answer": "Aristander 的作品可能是 Aristandrian 学派的产物。", "history": [] }, { "index": 608, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Havelok invades England, overthrows Godrich in battle and claims the throne in Goldborow's name.\"", "generated_answer": "赫维克在英格兰攻击,打败了霍德里希,取得了英格兰的王位。", "expected_answer": "Havelok 入侵英格兰,在战斗中推翻了 Godrich,并以 Goldborow 的名义获得王位。", "history": [] }, { "index": 609, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Useless as a screen door on a submarine.", "generated_answer": "无用的是水平屏风.", "expected_answer": "在潜艇上不能当纱门使用。", "history": [] }, { "index": 610, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Based on the omens of the present.", "generated_answer": "在现实中的预言中。", "expected_answer": "基于现在的预兆。", "history": [] }, { "index": 611, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm never more aware of a room's acoustics than when I'm trying to enjoy a snack I have no intention of sharing.\"", "generated_answer": "这样的事情我从来没有感觉过。", "expected_answer": "当我试图独享一份并不打算分享的零食时,我从来没有像现在这样意识到房间的音响效果。", "history": [] }, { "index": 612, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His rhetoric has been learned by rote.", "generated_answer": "这个词语已经被路线承担了。", "expected_answer": "他华丽的词赋是死记硬背的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 613, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am so happy!", "generated_answer": "我很高兴。", "expected_answer": "我太高兴了!", "history": [] }, { "index": 614, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And so it was.", "generated_answer": "这是一个艰难的问题。", "expected_answer": "果然如此。", "history": [] }, { "index": 615, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It would have been visible to me, had I only looked up as it passed.", "generated_answer": "这个事物虽然可以看到,但是我只是看不到它的走动。", "expected_answer": "我只有在它经过的时候抬起头来,我才看见它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 616, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Here he made useful contacts, including Bob Hope, Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth.", "generated_answer": "这里用了很多有用的例子,包括“阿珊”、“贝莎”、“格拜尔”和“里德威尔”。", "expected_answer": "在这里,他结识了(对他)有帮助的人士,包括 Bob Hope、Betty Grable 和 Rita Hayworth。", "history": [] }, { "index": 617, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Furthermore, the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia became a vassal state of the Mongols.", "generated_answer": "更多的是, 伊斯兰教国家的埃及联邦被魏晋朝的侵占者。", "expected_answer": "此外,亚美尼亚的西里西亚王国成了蒙古的附庸国。", "history": [] }, { "index": 618, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I used to watch teenage mutant ninja hero turtles.", "generated_answer": "我用了“意气”来说。", "expected_answer": "我曾经看过《忍者神龟》。", "history": [] }, { "index": 619, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pull the hook to toggle the jukebox.", "generated_answer": "抱歉,我无法帮助你翻译这个词语。", "expected_answer": "拉动挂钩来切换点唱机。", "history": [] }, { "index": 620, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Grumbling makes the loaf no larger.", "generated_answer": "马上就可以了。", "expected_answer": "抱怨不会使面包变大。", "history": [] }, { "index": 621, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No western movie without a brawl in a saloon.", "generated_answer": "\"无英文电影,没有在餐厅里的撞击。\"", "expected_answer": "西部片都有酒吧里争吵的情节。", "history": [] }, { "index": 622, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His arm seemed to be battling with whatever was in the hole.", "generated_answer": "他自己看起来正在对空中的某些东西进行冲突。", "expected_answer": "他的手臂似乎在和洞里的东西搏斗。", "history": [] }, { "index": 623, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This approach often uses other media and breaks accepted conventions and practices.", "generated_answer": "这种方法通常使用其他的媒体和破坏了共识和习惯。", "expected_answer": "这种方法经常使用其他媒体,打破公认的惯例和做法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 624, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So the boy was disappointed; he decided that he would never again believe in dreams.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩很失望了,他决定从此就不再相信梦想。", "expected_answer": "所以男孩很失望;他决定不再相信梦想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 625, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Despite the tantalizing possibilities, Laws hedges his bets and never cuts loose.", "generated_answer": "这里的翻译是:\n\n不论怎样的可怕,Laws 保持了稳定态。", "expected_answer": "尽管有诱人的可能性,但劳斯规避风险,从不放弃。", "history": [] }, { "index": 626, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But you know that I'm not going to go to Mecca.\"", "generated_answer": "但是你知道我不去马达菲。", "expected_answer": "但是你知道我并不打算去麦加。", "history": [] }, { "index": 627, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But the Tradition also says that we should believe the messages of the desert.", "generated_answer": "这个习惯还是说我们应该相信阿瓦默河的信息。", "expected_answer": "但是惯例也告诉我们应该相信沙漠的讯息。", "history": [] }, { "index": 628, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He continued to use the Seneca view camera for all other work.", "generated_answer": "这个,他还用了Sinclair View相机来进行其他的工作。", "expected_answer": "他继续使用塞内卡相机进行所有其他工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 629, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In an undertone, or whisper.", "generated_answer": "不听得懂", "expected_answer": "在低声耳语中", "history": [] }, { "index": 630, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Unpaid employees held protest outside the building.", "generated_answer": "不薄工人们在出租楼内抗议。", "expected_answer": "无薪员工在大楼外举行抗议。", "history": [] }, { "index": 631, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Man in Santa suit socializes at holiday event.", "generated_answer": "聊天室中的男子在节目上社交。", "expected_answer": "在节日活动中,男人穿着圣诞老人的服饰进行社交活动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 632, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To continue his search for the treasure meant that he had to abandon Fatima.", "generated_answer": "继续寻找考宝的,这意味着他必须放弃法蒙妈。", "expected_answer": "继续寻找宝藏意味着他不得不抛弃法蒂玛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 633, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "People passing water balloons in the street", "generated_answer": "人们在街道上滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑滑�", "expected_answer": "人们在街上传递水球", "history": [] }, { "index": 634, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bad nerves are jangled by a door slam.", "generated_answer": "邪情的神经病被门窗拉扯。", "expected_answer": "砰的一声关上门会使人神经紧张。", "history": [] }, { "index": 635, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kill two birds with the one stone.", "generated_answer": "\"杀两只鸽子一把\"", "expected_answer": "一举两得。", "history": [] }, { "index": 636, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jefferson subsequently served as president of the organization.", "generated_answer": "Jefferson subsequently served as the president of the organization.", "expected_answer": "Jefferson 随后担任该组织的主席。", "history": [] }, { "index": 637, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's true that everything has its destiny, but one day that destiny will be realized.\"", "generated_answer": "这是确实的,但是一天,那一天那一刻将实现。", "expected_answer": "万事万物确实都有它自己的命运,然而命运总有一天会实现。", "history": [] }, { "index": 638, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The six young men arise, feeling at their neckties.", "generated_answer": "六个年轻男子走来,感觉到他们的脸纱。", "expected_answer": "六个年轻人站起来,摸着他们的领带。", "history": [] }, { "index": 639, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As they packed their bags, the tsunami sirens sounded once more across the bleak shores.", "generated_answer": "这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的翻译是:\n\n这里的�", "expected_answer": "当他们收拾行李时,海啸警报再次在荒凉的海岸上响起。", "history": [] }, { "index": 640, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Various types of onboard train toilet facilities may also be provided.", "generated_answer": "不同类型的在船铁船舰队设施也可能提供。", "expected_answer": "还可以提供各种类型的列车厕所设施。", "history": [] }, { "index": 641, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to tell your mother on you.\"", "generated_answer": "我要告诉你我的儿子。", "expected_answer": "我要向你母亲告发你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 642, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As a singleton applicant, the station is likely to be granted a construction permit.", "generated_answer": "这个单身申请者的站点,可能获得了建设许可证。", "expected_answer": "作为单独的申请人,该车站很可能获得建筑许可证。", "history": [] }, { "index": 643, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is also used on the Internet to correct one's spelling.\"", "generated_answer": "这也用在互联网上来修正拼音。", "expected_answer": "它也可以在互联网上用来更正拼写错误。", "history": [] }, { "index": 644, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was the head of the first engineering department of University of Tehran.", "generated_answer": "他是第一部工程学院的初副教授。", "expected_answer": "他是德黑兰大学第一工程系的系主任。", "history": [] }, { "index": 645, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The \"\"waka\"\" poet Ariwara no Narihira was one of his grandsons.\"", "generated_answer": "\"豆腐苑\"的一位其他兄弟是\"音珠\"。", "expected_answer": "“和歌”诗人 Ariwara no Narihira 是他的一个孙子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 646, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I never thought of that.", "generated_answer": "\"我永远没想到这个。\"", "expected_answer": "我没想过这个。", "history": [] }, { "index": 647, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I assume this was your doing?", "generated_answer": "这是你的做法。", "expected_answer": "我猜这是你做的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 648, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"After graduating from the primary school, students take a test called \"\"Matura\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "德语语文考试", "expected_answer": "小学毕业后,学生们参加一场名为“会考”的测试。", "history": [] }, { "index": 649, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's the only answer.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个关于阿尔卡的故事。", "expected_answer": "这是唯一的答案。", "history": [] }, { "index": 650, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Smile when you say nasty words.", "generated_answer": "\"她是一个粗暴的人。\"", "expected_answer": "说脏话时你笑了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 651, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They formed heaps that are visible a mile and a half away.", "generated_answer": "他们创造了石垒,可以在一千六百米处可以看到它们。", "expected_answer": "他们堆积在一起,一英里半以外都可以看到。", "history": [] }, { "index": 652, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To eliminate this problem, he drew up a new medical dissertation at old age.", "generated_answer": "这样的方法,他在老年时期开始了新的医学研究。", "expected_answer": "为了消除这个问题,他在晚年写了一份新的医学论文。", "history": [] }, { "index": 653, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What would you do?", "generated_answer": "这么好的事情,你会怎么办?", "expected_answer": "你会怎么做?", "history": [] }, { "index": 654, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tack this picture to the wall.", "generated_answer": "这是一张美丽的照片。", "expected_answer": "把这幅画钉在墙上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 655, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In this decade cafes and tourist accommodation was built along the beachfront.", "generated_answer": "这个十年代,铺外的餐厅和旅行宿舍被建造在真空城墙上。", "expected_answer": "在这十年里,沿着海滨建起了咖啡馆和旅游住宿房。", "history": [] }, { "index": 656, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It has a semi-prehensile tail, needle sharp teeth and a long snout.", "generated_answer": "这是一种中等颜色的狮子,没有锐利的牙齿和长龙。", "expected_answer": "它有半卷的尾巴、锋利的针状牙齿和长长的鼻子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 657, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She learned how to play the piano in music school.", "generated_answer": "她学习了唱钢琴。", "expected_answer": "她在音乐学校学会了如何弹钢琴。", "history": [] }, { "index": 658, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The sun was setting when the boy's heart sounded a danger signal.\"", "generated_answer": "太阳正即将消逝时,小男孩心脏发出了危机信号。", "expected_answer": "夕阳西下,男孩心头一紧,嗅到了危险的气息。", "history": [] }, { "index": 659, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The event received mixed reaction from the American press.", "generated_answer": "这个事件被美国记者产生了多种反应。", "expected_answer": "美国媒体对这一事件的反应不一。", "history": [] }, { "index": 660, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Akban School organizes international seminars for students of Akban veteran instructors.", "generated_answer": "阿卡坦学校组织世界各地学生教练的国际研讨会。", "expected_answer": "Akban 学校为 Akban 资深教师的学生组织国际研讨会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 661, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Few people realise the immensity of vacancy.", "generated_answer": "很少的人理解空间的巨大性。", "expected_answer": "很少有人意识到巨大的空缺。", "history": [] }, { "index": 662, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tomato Risotto.", "generated_answer": "萝卜丝薄饼.", "expected_answer": "番茄意大利调味饭。", "history": [] }, { "index": 663, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My trip to Belgium was a disaster.", "generated_answer": "这次旅行到巴黎失败了。", "expected_answer": "我的比利时之旅是一场灾难。", "history": [] }, { "index": 664, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What does he look like?", "generated_answer": "他看起来怎么样?", "expected_answer": "他长什么样?", "history": [] }, { "index": 665, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Second Clash.", "generated_answer": "第二次冲击.", "expected_answer": "第二次冲突。", "history": [] }, { "index": 666, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where are you going?", "generated_answer": "你去哪里?", "expected_answer": "你要去哪里?", "history": [] }, { "index": 667, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She likes you.", "generated_answer": "她喜欢你。", "expected_answer": "她喜欢你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 668, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However this assessment has been contradicted.", "generated_answer": "这个评估的结果是相互矛盾的。", "expected_answer": "然而,这一评估遭到了反驳。", "history": [] }, { "index": 669, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There were to be no political parties in the new province.", "generated_answer": "这个新省将没有政治派系。", "expected_answer": "这个新成立的省份将没有政党。", "history": [] }, { "index": 670, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It was as if the world had fallen silent because the boy's soul had.\"", "generated_answer": "这儿真的像世界一般的停顿了,因为小子的灵魂。", "expected_answer": "仿佛世界因为男孩的灵魂而陷入了沉静。", "history": [] }, { "index": 671, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Abduh's collected works have been compiled and published in five volumes by Muhammad Imarah.\"", "generated_answer": "这些石器已经被整理并发表在五本书中。", "expected_answer": "Muhammad Imarah 将 Abduh 的文集汇编成五卷出版。", "history": [] }, { "index": 672, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you want done with them tomorrow morning?", "generated_answer": "什么你想做的?", "expected_answer": "明天早上你想怎么处理它们?", "history": [] }, { "index": 673, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Children and fools speak truth", "generated_answer": "这些孩子和笨蛋说真话。", "expected_answer": "孩子和傻瓜说真话", "history": [] }, { "index": 674, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Also, plans to extend Orange Line to Bowie have been proposed.", "generated_answer": "这也是法国推进了柯尔线到河北延安的延安铁路建议。", "expected_answer": "此外,还提出了将橙色线延伸至 Bowie 的计划。", "history": [] }, { "index": 675, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Internet of uncontrolled things brought us a distributed denial of service attack once again.", "generated_answer": "这次,网络的自由事物(IoT)给我们带来了一次分布式拒绝服务攻击。", "expected_answer": "物联网的失控又一次给我们带来了分布式拒绝服务攻击。", "history": [] }, { "index": 676, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The hare springs out, when one thinks not of it.", "generated_answer": "这个词的意思是:\"当想要某事物时,它会出现。\"", "expected_answer": "兔子会跳出来,只要你不去想它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 677, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"No, he's loyal.\"", "generated_answer": "不,他是忠诚的。", "expected_answer": "不,他很忠诚。", "history": [] }, { "index": 678, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Billinger may arrive in time.", "generated_answer": "白眼看起来很美。", "expected_answer": "比林格可能会及时到达。", "history": [] }, { "index": 679, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yesterday, he went to an STD clinic to test for herpes.", "generated_answer": "今天上午,他去了一个STD公司做测试。", "expected_answer": "昨天,他去性病诊所检查疱疹。", "history": [] }, { "index": 680, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "the name given in Spain and Portugal", "generated_answer": "\"被赞美的在西班牙和著名的西班牙语\"", "expected_answer": "在西班牙和葡萄牙所给予的名称", "history": [] }, { "index": 681, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Lord is my Shepherd.", "generated_answer": "神是我羊羊的羊羊。", "expected_answer": "上帝是我的牧师。", "history": [] }, { "index": 682, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was only when I got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me.", "generated_answer": "这只是当我距离它近了时,它的奇怪异常的感觉才清晰出来了。", "expected_answer": "只有当我离它如此之近时,我才发现它的奇异之处是如此明显。", "history": [] }, { "index": 683, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A monk dressed in black came to the gates.", "generated_answer": "这位黑裙穿着的人通过门口来了。", "expected_answer": "一个穿着黑色衣服的僧侣来到了门口。", "history": [] }, { "index": 684, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Self-confidence seemed to ooze from the fellow's every pore.\"", "generated_answer": "自信愈涨,每个缺点都会消失。", "expected_answer": "自信似乎从这个家伙的每个毛孔都渗出来了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 685, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Just as your grandfather taught you.", "generated_answer": "这样的话,你就像父亲告诉你的那样。", "expected_answer": "就像你爷爷教你的那样。", "history": [] }, { "index": 686, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's extremely suspicious that there's no information about brains that didn't come from a brain.\"", "generated_answer": "这真的很可惜,没有任何信息都没有来自神经细胞的。", "expected_answer": "非常可疑的是,关于大脑的信息竟然都来自于大脑", "history": [] }, { "index": 687, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Plans for objective based multiplayer modes and online play were also scrapped.", "generated_answer": "计划的对象的真实性的电影或作品。", "expected_answer": "基于多人模式和在线游戏的目标计划也被取消。", "history": [] }, { "index": 688, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is also a spin-off comic book series, The Batman Strikes!", "generated_answer": "这也有一个专业的Comic Book Series,叫做“Batman Strikes”。", "expected_answer": "还有一个衍生漫画系列,《蝙蝠侠出击》!", "history": [] }, { "index": 689, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Town of Opdyke West is served by the Levelland Independent School District.", "generated_answer": "长江市的柳州区是柳州市自治区的一部分。", "expected_answer": "Opdyke West 镇由 Levelland 独立学区提供服务。", "history": [] }, { "index": 690, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You've got just ten minutes.\"", "generated_answer": "十分钟。", "expected_answer": "你只有十分钟时间。", "history": [] }, { "index": 691, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One can imagine these two, covered with sand, running up the little street in the bright sunlight.", "generated_answer": "这两个可以想象成,这两个被沙漠包围的,在阳光照射下,走上小街道。", "expected_answer": "一个人可以想象这两个人,满身沙子,在灿烂的阳光下沿着小街奔跑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 692, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How long will you be away?", "generated_answer": "你知道不会离开吗?", "expected_answer": "你要离开多久?", "history": [] }, { "index": 693, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "During this period, Gregor published in major philosophical, political science, and security journals.", "generated_answer": "这个时期, 伽罗在主要的政治学、政治主题杂志和安全专业杂志上发表了重要的研究。", "expected_answer": "在此期间,Gregor 在主要的哲学、政治学和安全杂志上发表了文章。", "history": [] }, { "index": 694, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One dog wades in the water while another dog is on land.", "generated_answer": "一只狗在水里,另一只狗在地上。", "expected_answer": "一只狗在水中涉水,而另一只狗在陆地上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 695, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.\"", "generated_answer": "这个人会跑一百米。", "expected_answer": "他们会得寸进尺。", "history": [] }, { "index": 696, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A bad excuse is better then none.", "generated_answer": "不好的理由好于无理由。", "expected_answer": "敷衍了事道个歉总比没有好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 697, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Englishman was unable to sleep one night.", "generated_answer": "这是一个普遍的事物,在这个时期,大多数人都在这个事物上面沉迷。", "expected_answer": "一天晚上,这个英国人无法入睡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 698, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"At a round table there's no dispute about the place.\"", "generated_answer": "在圆桌上,没有争执的地方。", "expected_answer": "在圆桌会议上,对这个地方没有争议。", "history": [] }, { "index": 699, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This knowledge is delivered in summaries of the most relevant books.", "generated_answer": "这些知识通过小节总结出来的。", "expected_answer": "最相关的书籍摘要中提供了这些知识。", "history": [] }, { "index": 700, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And one or two persons were returning.", "generated_answer": "这里有一些人回来了。", "expected_answer": "一两个人回来了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 701, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A group of people load suitcases into a vehicle.", "generated_answer": "一组人将袋子装进车。", "expected_answer": "一群人把手提箱装进汽车。", "history": [] }, { "index": 702, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Only one way you can help me.", "generated_answer": "这句话的中文翻译是:唯一的方法是为我帮助。", "expected_answer": "你能帮我的只有一个方法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 703, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The wise man may change his opinion, but the fool , never.", "generated_answer": "这个智慧人可能会改变他的观点,但是穷人总是不会改变。", "expected_answer": "智者可能会改变他的观点,但傻瓜,从来没有。", "history": [] }, { "index": 704, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When she tried to withdraw some money from her bank account, the ATM claimed her card was invalid.", "generated_answer": "她试图提取一笔银行账户的钱,银行口令说她的卡已经无效了。", "expected_answer": "当她试图从银行账户上取钱时,自动取款机提示她的卡无效。", "history": [] }, { "index": 705, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The comic was published in Humo.", "generated_answer": "这部电影是笑话。", "expected_answer": "这幅漫画发表在《幽默》杂志上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 706, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Here are the twelve items I was referring to.", "generated_answer": "十二件事。", "expected_answer": "这是我提到的 12 个项目。", "history": [] }, { "index": 707, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This was probably one of the first ever ship launchings to be filmed.", "generated_answer": "神父神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神�", "expected_answer": "这可能是首批拍摄的飞船发射之一。", "history": [] }, { "index": 708, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What’s to be done?", "generated_answer": "什么需要做?", "expected_answer": "该怎么办?", "history": [] }, { "index": 709, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aristotle wrote about the idea of four causes in nature.", "generated_answer": "传统的四个原因。", "expected_answer": "Aristotle 写了关于自然界四大元素的观点。", "history": [] }, { "index": 710, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman is soldering a piece of metal as a man watches.", "generated_answer": "女人看着女士缝纫。", "expected_answer": "一个男人看着一个女人正在焊接一块金属", "history": [] }, { "index": 711, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They had gone away to breakfast at Henderson's house.\"", "generated_answer": "他们必须去哈姆雪娜的家吃早餐。", "expected_answer": "他们去 Henderson 家吃早餐了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 712, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He attended Carnegie Mellon University.", "generated_answer": "这位老师在开尔文大学上学习。", "expected_answer": "他就读于卡内基梅隆大学。", "history": [] }, { "index": 713, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The farm is open to tourists.", "generated_answer": "这里的农场公开了。", "expected_answer": "这个农场对游客开放。", "history": [] }, { "index": 714, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No mercy for cop killers!", "generated_answer": "不宽容警察杀害者。", "expected_answer": "对杀害警察的杀手不留情!", "history": [] }, { "index": 715, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All Oryx species prefer near-desert conditions and can survive without water for long periods.", "generated_answer": "这些黄色种类的所有者都喜欢近于沙漠的条件,可以在没有水中持续长时间存活。", "expected_answer": "所有的羚羊都喜欢接近沙漠的环境,并且可以在没有水的情况下长期生存。", "history": [] }, { "index": 716, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jenny reminded us that politics is still news.", "generated_answer": "\"谢谢您的提醒,政治仍然是新闻。\"", "expected_answer": "Jenny 提醒我们政治仍然是新闻。", "history": [] }, { "index": 717, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Jade's cordless drill has become faulty.\"", "generated_answer": "赵的空闲手段已经变得不堪重负。", "expected_answer": "Jade 的无绳电钻出了毛病。", "history": [] }, { "index": 718, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It also considers post audit objections.", "generated_answer": "这也考虑了过往的反对。", "expected_answer": "它还考虑了审计后的异议。", "history": [] }, { "index": 719, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In its early years the division was occasionally referred to as Speedlink Distribution.", "generated_answer": "在其初年,该分支通常被称为 Split Link 分配。", "expected_answer": "在最初几年,这种划分有时被称为速联分配。", "history": [] }, { "index": 720, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A girl in a red shirt is rock climbing.", "generated_answer": "女人在石拔山上爬山。", "expected_answer": "一个穿着红色衬衫的女孩正在攀岩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 721, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The company has a production plant in Changwon, South Korea.", "generated_answer": "股票市场上的股票价格已经下跌了 10%。", "expected_answer": "该公司在韩国昌原有一个生产工厂。", "history": [] }, { "index": 722, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "People are walking through a Christmas themed market", "generated_answer": "人们在节日市上走。", "expected_answer": "人们正在走过一个圣诞主题商场", "history": [] }, { "index": 723, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The thirteenth of march is meant to be unlucky.", "generated_answer": "十三月十三日是个不幸的日子。", "expected_answer": "三月十三日是指不吉利的日子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 724, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile.\"", "generated_answer": "好友的笑容更好。", "expected_answer": "朋友对你皱眉,胜过傻瓜对你微笑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 725, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, his real father arrives and exposes the whole truth.", "generated_answer": "然而他的真正父亲到了,将完全的事实露出来。", "expected_answer": "然而,他真正的父亲来了,揭露了全部真相。", "history": [] }, { "index": 726, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"What is an alchemist?\"\" he asked, finally.\"", "generated_answer": "什么是阿伦客学家?", "expected_answer": "“什么是炼金术士?”他终于问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 727, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Curse the moment I met that old man, he thought.", "generated_answer": "这个时刻,我遇到那位老人,他想起了什么?", "expected_answer": "“诅咒我遇见那个老人的那一刻,”他想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 728, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They found all sorts of drugs at Howard's house: Cocaine, meth, heroine...\"", "generated_answer": "他们发现了所有类型的药物和钱的房子。", "expected_answer": "他们在霍华德家发现了各种各样的毒品:可卡因、冰毒、海洛因……", "history": [] }, { "index": 729, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe these desert birds could explain to him the meaning of love without ownership.", "generated_answer": "这些烟雾鸟可能可以告诉他爱的意义,而无需什么私人关系。", "expected_answer": "也许这些沙漠之鸟可以向他解释没有所有权的爱的含义。", "history": [] }, { "index": 730, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Three people are organizing a dorm room", "generated_answer": "三人在宿舍室组织了一个宿舍室。", "expected_answer": "三个人正在组成一个宿舍", "history": [] }, { "index": 731, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've got a mother and two kid sisters to care for.\"", "generated_answer": "我有一位父亲和两个女儿妹妹来照顾。", "expected_answer": "我有一个母亲和两个年幼的妹妹要照顾。", "history": [] }, { "index": 732, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Again, this did not originate from writings by Karl May.", "generated_answer": "\"一种不是从马赫的书写中生来的。\"", "expected_answer": "同样,这不是源于 Karl May 的作品。", "history": [] }, { "index": 733, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I want to get back to my sheep faster.", "generated_answer": "我想快速地返回羊。", "expected_answer": "我想快点回到我的羊身边。", "history": [] }, { "index": 734, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "By accepting our privacy policy, you agree that we save your data for twenty-one days to detect frauds.", "generated_answer": "接受我们的隐私条款,您同意我们保存您的数据,用于21天检测欺诈行为。", "expected_answer": "同意我们的隐私政策,即表示您同意我们将您的数据保存 21 天以检测。", "history": [] }, { "index": 735, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They stood there looking at the moon.", "generated_answer": "他们看着房子。", "expected_answer": "他们站在那里看着月亮。", "history": [] }, { "index": 736, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Steve Carlton and Randy Johnson are the only left-handed pitchers in this group.", "generated_answer": "英超話題: Steve Carlton 和 Randy Johnson 這些左手球手在這個組中。", "expected_answer": "Steve Carlton 和 Randy Johnson 是这一组中唯一的左撇子投手。", "history": [] }, { "index": 737, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Turning the air conditioning on leads to increased fuel consumption.", "generated_answer": "这样做会增加汽车的油耗。", "expected_answer": "打开空调会导致油耗增加。", "history": [] }, { "index": 738, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Now what is it?", "generated_answer": "现在,不再。", "expected_answer": "现在是什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 739, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "For some reason, we were blocked from entering.", "generated_answer": "这是为什么我们被阻止了进入的原因。", "expected_answer": "出于某种原因,我们被阻止进入。", "history": [] }, { "index": 740, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's a lot of hooey.\"", "generated_answer": "那是很多。", "expected_answer": "那是一派胡言。", "history": [] }, { "index": 741, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All fruits and vegetables should be rinsed before eating.", "generated_answer": "这些蔬菜和水果都应该洗净再吃。", "expected_answer": "所有的水果和蔬菜都应该在食用前清洗干净。", "history": [] }, { "index": 742, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A flat white traditionally does not incorporate latte art.", "generated_answer": "白白的,通常不包括艺术。", "expected_answer": "白咖啡传统上不包含咖啡拉花艺术。", "history": [] }, { "index": 743, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Here is my friend's excellent house.\"", "generated_answer": "这是我的朋友的奇特的房子。", "expected_answer": "这是我朋友的漂亮房子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 744, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was a deep, dark and desolate place.", "generated_answer": "这是一个深深、深深、深深的、深深的地方。", "expected_answer": "这是一个又深又暗又荒凉的地方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 745, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well then stand up.", "generated_answer": "\"嗯,站起来\"", "expected_answer": "Well 然后站起来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 746, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Does that imply I can no longer play badminton?", "generated_answer": "这意味着他现在不能再玩篮球了。", "expected_answer": "这是否意味着我不能再打羽毛球了?", "history": [] }, { "index": 747, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gunther belonged to a military family.", "generated_answer": "赵良英属军家。", "expected_answer": "Gunther 属于一个军人家庭。", "history": [] }, { "index": 748, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wiconisco Township is in the northern part of Dauphin County.", "generated_answer": "西北林区的霍斯克兰郡。", "expected_answer": "Wiconisco 镇位于多芬县的北部。", "history": [] }, { "index": 749, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They whisked themselves into a frenzy.", "generated_answer": "他们涌起狂热。", "expected_answer": "他们突然陷入疯狂。", "history": [] }, { "index": 750, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What did he grow?", "generated_answer": "他生的是什么?", "expected_answer": "他种什么了?", "history": [] }, { "index": 751, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy had met the alchemist.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩已经见到了阿伦曼。", "expected_answer": "这个男孩遇到了炼金术士。", "history": [] }, { "index": 752, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, my aunt never wanted her to do that.", "generated_answer": "\"No one wants to hurt you.\"", "expected_answer": "不,我姑姑从来不希望她这么做。", "history": [] }, { "index": 753, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"This is not a rock – it's an artistic concept.\"", "generated_answer": "这不是一块石头,而是一种艺术概念。", "expected_answer": "这不是一块石头,而是一个艺术概念。", "history": [] }, { "index": 754, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A siege will crack the strong defense.", "generated_answer": "\"防御强度会被打破。\"", "expected_answer": "攻城战能攻破坚固的防御工事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 755, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A Game Boy Advance release of ChuChu Rocket!", "generated_answer": "这是一次赶跑的飞行工作,全力打造一个高效的飞行工具。", "expected_answer": "GBA平台游戏咻咻火箭发布", "history": [] }, { "index": 756, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They often graze on water plants in tropical seas.", "generated_answer": "这些经常在温暖的港湾上草坪。", "expected_answer": "他们经常以热带海洋的水生植物为食。", "history": [] }, { "index": 757, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are you on the guest list?", "generated_answer": "这是个好消息。", "expected_answer": "你在客人名单上吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 758, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As they watched the waves crashing into each other, Alice thought of home.", "generated_answer": "这些水滴滴地撞击着,阿莉斯想到了家乡。", "expected_answer": "当他们看着海浪互相撞击时,Alice 想家了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 759, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What can we do?", "generated_answer": "这么好的事情,我们可以做什么?", "expected_answer": "我们能做什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 760, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Black Hoof was accused in the witch-hunt, but was not harmed.", "generated_answer": "黑沟案中,黑沟人被指控在西柯森,但他们没有受伤。", "expected_answer": "黑蹄在狩猎女巫中被指控,但并未受到伤害", "history": [] }, { "index": 761, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The airframe was old at the time of the accident.", "generated_answer": "这是一个老的钟。", "expected_answer": "事故发生时,机体已经陈旧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 762, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was an accident at work, a camel stampede nearly killed the janitor.", "generated_answer": "这是一次被赶出城的工人被撞死了。", "expected_answer": "工作中发生了事故,一场骆驼踩踏事故几乎杀死看门人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 763, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you remember anything at all?", "generated_answer": "记住什么吗?", "expected_answer": "你还记得什么吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 764, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Our plans right now are hazy.", "generated_answer": "现在的栽培花是灰白的。", "expected_answer": "我们计划现在模糊不清。", "history": [] }, { "index": 765, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How did you find out?", "generated_answer": "\"你好\"", "expected_answer": "你是怎么发现的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 766, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And then he perceived it very slowly.", "generated_answer": "这时候他感觉得很慢。", "expected_answer": "然后他慢慢地察觉到了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 767, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It takes a good trap to capture a bear.", "generated_answer": "这个好的网球可以捕到熊.", "expected_answer": "捕获一只熊需要很好的陷阱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 768, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On top of this, a fire is stacked and lit.", "generated_answer": "在这里放着火柴。", "expected_answer": "最重要的是,一堆火被点燃了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 769, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But, as time passed, Tangier had changed.", "generated_answer": "这样的时间越来越过去,而且,赫赫的,韩式的发型也不会改变。", "expected_answer": "但是,随着时间的推移,Tangier 变了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 770, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tires screeched as the cars raced around the corner.", "generated_answer": "车轮跟着车子缩紧在圆圈处。", "expected_answer": "汽车在拐角处疾驰时,轮胎发出刺耳的声音。", "history": [] }, { "index": 771, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These incorporate a minimalist and meta-theatrical style.", "generated_answer": "这些包括一个最简单的和精确的风格。", "expected_answer": "这些结合了极简主义和元戏剧风格。", "history": [] }, { "index": 772, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Is Lena flirting with me or just making compliments?", "generated_answer": "\"你是否在我身边吵吵的,还是只是说说话?\"", "expected_answer": "Lena 是在和我调情还是在恭维我?", "history": [] }, { "index": 773, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Basin, which is susceptible to long periods of deep flooding, is sparsely inhabited.", "generated_answer": "这个基地的河流水平非常高,通常是深深地洪水的时候,很少有人住在这里。", "expected_answer": "该盆地人口稀少,易受长期深洪的影响。", "history": [] }, { "index": 774, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Coatings may be applied as liquids, gases or solids.", "generated_answer": "涂上的是液体或系统。", "expected_answer": "涂层可以以液体、气体或固体的形式涂覆。", "history": [] }, { "index": 775, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy was sad as he left her that day.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩被送去了,因为他在那天早晨离开了。", "expected_answer": "那天,当男孩离开她时很伤心。", "history": [] }, { "index": 776, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She put on her slippers, scaled the stairs, and went to bed.", "generated_answer": "她穿上袜子,涨楼楼,回家睡觉。", "expected_answer": "她穿上拖鞋,爬楼梯,然后上床睡觉。", "history": [] }, { "index": 777, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And he told what he had seen.", "generated_answer": "这里说的是他看到的。", "expected_answer": "他讲述了他所看到的东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 778, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A lot of these people are out of work.", "generated_answer": "这些人很多都是出世界的。", "expected_answer": "这些人中很多人失业了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 779, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The rotor spun at incredible speeds.", "generated_answer": "这个轴心飞行程翻滚繁忙。", "expected_answer": "转子以令人难以置信的速度旋转。", "history": [] }, { "index": 780, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you want to know?", "generated_answer": "你问什么?", "expected_answer": "你想知道什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 781, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The President must be elected with a simple majority of the popular vote.", "generated_answer": "英国总统应当选举出名额最少的人民选票。", "expected_answer": "总统必须以简单多数的普选产生。", "history": [] }, { "index": 782, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm starving. Shall we get some fish and chips at the chip shop?\"", "generated_answer": "我看看,我们应该去那家鱼香肉丝的餐厅吗?", "expected_answer": "我饿死了。我们去薯条店买些鱼和薯条好吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 783, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Divers found a body in the lake.", "generated_answer": "游客发现水库中的人影。", "expected_answer": "潜水员在湖里发现了一具尸体。", "history": [] }, { "index": 784, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But the alchemist continued to look to the horizon.", "generated_answer": "这个魔术师继续看着前方。", "expected_answer": "但是炼金术士继续向地平线望去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 785, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He got up early with the idea of finding it.", "generated_answer": "他早上醒来,想找找这个东西。", "expected_answer": "他起得很早,想找到它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 786, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The statue is today exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Olympia.", "generated_answer": "这些像素是现在展览在欧洲博物馆的艺术雕像。", "expected_answer": "这座雕像今天在奥林匹亚考古博物馆展出。", "history": [] }, { "index": 787, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It didn't bring with it the smell of the desert, nor the threat of Moorish invasion.\"", "generated_answer": "这不是由它带来的沙河香或者魔都侵入的预警。", "expected_answer": "它没有带来沙漠的气息,也没有摩尔人入侵的威胁。", "history": [] }, { "index": 788, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is much more to ponder in greater depth.", "generated_answer": "父亲爬到爸爸的手里,把爸爸的手挽着,把爸爸的手挽着,把爸爸的手挽着。", "expected_answer": "还有很多值得深入思考的地方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 789, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How long have you had this bruise?", "generated_answer": "这个话题很长。", "expected_answer": "你这瘀伤多久了?", "history": [] }, { "index": 790, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vandalism could relay funny message, too!", "generated_answer": "\"谣言\"可以描述一些\"有趣的信息\"。", "expected_answer": "故意破坏也能传递有趣的信息!", "history": [] }, { "index": 791, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many Christian denominations are present in the town.", "generated_answer": "这些国家的名称。", "expected_answer": "镇上有许多基督教教派。", "history": [] }, { "index": 792, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The alchemist turned to the boy.", "generated_answer": "这位魔术师看到了男孩子。", "expected_answer": "炼金术士转向那个男孩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 793, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had already seen many people come and go, and the desert remained as it was.", "generated_answer": "他已经看到了许多人来回去,而且这个空地仍然保持着原样。", "expected_answer": "他已经看到许多人来来去去,沙漠依然如故。", "history": [] }, { "index": 794, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wood began writing compositions at a young age.", "generated_answer": "这些都是由各种音符组成的。", "expected_answer": "Wood 很小就开始写作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 795, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The show revolves around two different lifestyles that clashed repeatedly.", "generated_answer": "这个节目主要讲述两种不同的生活方式,每次都被重复地演绎。", "expected_answer": "这部剧围绕着两种反复冲突的不同生活方式展开。", "history": [] }, { "index": 796, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm surprised,\"\" the boy said.\"", "generated_answer": "这么意外的,我想象中没有。", "expected_answer": "“我很惊讶,”男孩说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 797, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So, what now?", "generated_answer": "这么想。", "expected_answer": "那么,现在怎么办?", "history": [] }, { "index": 798, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Higher education did not fare as well under Carroll.", "generated_answer": "高等教育没有相当的成功。", "expected_answer": "在 Carroll,高等教育并不顺利。", "history": [] }, { "index": 799, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you visited that famous bat cave, Albert?", "generated_answer": "巴斯洞窟,阿尔布特。", "expected_answer": "Albert,你参观过那个著名的蝙蝠洞吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 800, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "First come, first served.", "generated_answer": "这是一个很好的例子。", "expected_answer": "先到先得。", "history": [] }, { "index": 801, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She assisted in the creation of \"\"Metropol\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "她帮助创建了Metroplo.", "expected_answer": "她协助创建了 “都会”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 802, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You want the moon?", "generated_answer": "这是一个好的建议。", "expected_answer": "你想要月亮?", "history": [] }, { "index": 803, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That will protect the upstairs rooms from water damage.", "generated_answer": "这将保护上层房间从水损坏防御。", "expected_answer": "这将保护楼上的房间免受水的破坏。", "history": [] }, { "index": 804, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The group leave the mall, none speaking to each other.", "generated_answer": "这组人离开了商场,没有人说话。", "expected_answer": "这群人离开了购物中心,没有人互相交谈。", "history": [] }, { "index": 805, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The streamer of gas came out towards us.", "generated_answer": "这条水泥气泡走向我们。", "expected_answer": "气体飘带向我们飘来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 806, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where did Charlotte leave her keys?", "generated_answer": "这是为什么你的案子不能被留给别人。", "expected_answer": "Charlotte 把钥匙放在哪里了?", "history": [] }, { "index": 807, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"This is for you,\"\" he said, holding one of the parts out to the monk.\"", "generated_answer": "这就是你,他说,把一个音乐曲出去给我们。", "expected_answer": "“这是给你的,”他说着,把其中的一部分拿给了僧侣。", "history": [] }, { "index": 808, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Down that road is the way to the grain farmer.", "generated_answer": "这里的路径就是到稻草耕耕的路上的。", "expected_answer": "沿着那条路是去粮农的路。", "history": [] }, { "index": 809, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Those people are kick-ass samba dancers!", "generated_answer": "这些人是骑马舞者。", "expected_answer": "那些人是活力充沛的桑巴舞者!", "history": [] }, { "index": 810, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many telescopes were pointed at it.", "generated_answer": "许多只摄像机都尽可以看到它。", "expected_answer": "许多望远镜都对准了它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 811, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then Pentangle withdrew from their record company, Transatlantic, in a bitter dispute regarding royalties.", "generated_answer": "那么,蒙特哥退出了他们的海洋亚洲航空公司,在一场决赛中,关于资源分配的冷眼关系中。", "expected_answer": "大西洋彼岸,在一场关于版税的激烈争论中,五角星乐队 退出了他们的唱片公司。", "history": [] }, { "index": 812, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The college decided to ebb their plan for increasing their parking spaces.", "generated_answer": "这个学校决定要增加他们的停车位数。", "expected_answer": "学院决定放弃增加停车位的计划。", "history": [] }, { "index": 813, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The chairman also has a seat in the university's Board of Governors.\"", "generated_answer": "这位主席还有一位在大学的校长会议委员。", "expected_answer": "主席在大学的董事会中也有一个席位。", "history": [] }, { "index": 814, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When Sabretooth betrayed and attacked the team, Polaris was severely injured.", "generated_answer": "虽然虚鲁塔夫对小孩子的攻击和袭击,但是苍蝇被撞到了非常严重的伤口。", "expected_answer": "当 “剑齿虎” 背叛并攻击团队时,“北极星”受了重伤。", "history": [] }, { "index": 815, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Captains complained of bulky buildings on the canal's edge blocking the line of sight.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一段短篇的文章,关于“英语”的词汇和词组。", "expected_answer": "船长抱怨运河边上庞大的建筑挡住了视线。", "history": [] }, { "index": 816, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you file these files, please?", "generated_answer": "可以吗?", "expected_answer": "你能把这些文件归档吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 817, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A ladybird is a type of red and black flying insect", "generated_answer": "\"女神鸟\"是一种红色和黑色的飞行的虫子。", "expected_answer": "瓢虫是一种红黑相间的飞行昆虫", "history": [] }, { "index": 818, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is located in Uppsala.", "generated_answer": "这是由Mussell所创建的。", "expected_answer": "它位于乌普萨拉。", "history": [] }, { "index": 819, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A child wearing a white shirt cutting paper with scissors while an adult wearing a blue sweater looks on", "generated_answer": "\"一位儿童穿白衬衫切开纸,一位年轻人穿蓝色裤看着。\"", "expected_answer": "一个穿着白色衬衫的小孩用剪刀剪纸,一个穿着蓝色毛衣的大人在一旁看着", "history": [] }, { "index": 820, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The volume is represented by the letter \"\"V\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "V.", "expected_answer": "体积用字母“V”表示。", "history": [] }, { "index": 821, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Years of obscurity then followed for the club.", "generated_answer": "并且其他的时间隐藏了这个球队的名字。", "expected_answer": "多年默默无闻,然后加入了俱乐部。", "history": [] }, { "index": 822, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This is what I wished for.", "generated_answer": "这就是我想要的。", "expected_answer": "这是我所希望的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 823, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What a lovely day!", "generated_answer": "这是个愉快的天。", "expected_answer": "多美好的一天啊!", "history": [] }, { "index": 824, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's a very good thing to learn about.\"", "generated_answer": "这很好学习", "expected_answer": "这是一件值得学习的好事情。", "history": [] }, { "index": 825, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The treasurer, however, objected that the sum was too much.", "generated_answer": "这个人却对于这个数字的总和还是太多了。", "expected_answer": "然而,财务主管反对说金额太多了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 826, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man and a woman get married in a wedding ceremony.", "generated_answer": "两人在婚礼中登记婚姻。", "expected_answer": "一男一女在婚礼上结婚。", "history": [] }, { "index": 827, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Lyceum presents one of Sheffield's annual Christmas pantomimes.\"", "generated_answer": "\"赤壁\" (Chìbì)", "expected_answer": "该艺术团上演了谢菲尔德一年一度的圣诞哑剧之一。", "history": [] }, { "index": 828, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eve had a secret affair with Ronald.", "generated_answer": "\"她深为爱着谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谈话。\"", "expected_answer": "Eve 和 Ronald 有秘密恋情。", "history": [] }, { "index": 829, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"The factor,\"\" said Hart.\"", "generated_answer": "这个因素。", "expected_answer": "“因素,”哈特说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 830, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was thinking about omens, and someone had appeared.", "generated_answer": "他在想Omens,有人出现了。", "expected_answer": "他在思考着预兆,有人出现了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 831, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That night, there was another jetting out of gas from the distant planet.", "generated_answer": "那晚还有另一次爆发的石油液出气。", "expected_answer": "那天晚上,又有一股气体从遥远的星球喷射出来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 832, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Niulakita's junior school is Lotoalofa Primary School.\"", "generated_answer": "新莱茵的小学是萨尔苏尔高中。", "expected_answer": "纽拉基塔的初中是 Lotoalofa 小学。", "history": [] }, { "index": 833, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cardinal Borromeo gave his collection of paintings and drawings to the library, too.", "generated_answer": "赫尔马尔安·帕洛格纳 (Hémǎrǎnàn) 给出了他的雕塑艺术集典的用品。", "expected_answer": "Borromeo 主教也把他收藏的油画和素描捐给了图书馆。", "history": [] }, { "index": 834, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They think I'm working with them.\"", "generated_answer": "这个, 我在工作中", "expected_answer": "他们认为我在和他们一起工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 835, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Breakfast is usually earlier than this, she thought.", "generated_answer": "早上的早餐通常比这个港口早。", "expected_answer": "她想,早餐通常比这更早。", "history": [] }, { "index": 836, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Among others were soldiers from Gush Etzion and defenders of the Jewish quarter.", "generated_answer": "在其他方面,还有一些是Gush Etzion的军人和城邦的救援者。", "expected_answer": "其中有 Gush Etzion 的士兵和犹太人区的守卫者。", "history": [] }, { "index": 837, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It has happened many times before.", "generated_answer": "这也是很多次的事情。", "expected_answer": "这种事以前发生过很多次。", "history": [] }, { "index": 838, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "with or without accompaniment", "generated_answer": "这个人的身份证明上,全部都是由他自己的。", "expected_answer": "有没有伴奏", "history": [] }, { "index": 839, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You left out number five.", "generated_answer": "五.", "expected_answer": "你漏掉了第五个。", "history": [] }, { "index": 840, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"But this payment goes well beyond my generosity,\"\" the monk responded.\"", "generated_answer": "这个付款远超过我的慷慨,他回答。", "expected_answer": "“但是这份报答远远超出了我的慷慨,”僧侣回答。", "history": [] }, { "index": 841, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is part of the Royal Armoured Corps.", "generated_answer": "这是国家警察部队的一部分。", "expected_answer": "它是皇家装甲部队的一部分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 842, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You don't have to sign anything.\"", "generated_answer": "这不需要签名。", "expected_answer": "你不需要签任何东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 843, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He grew strawberries, so you would not like it.", "generated_answer": "这个人的菜肴很好吃,但是他喜欢做的都不好吃。", "expected_answer": "他种草莓,所以你不会喜欢它的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 844, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Welcome to Dave's guitar session.\"", "generated_answer": "\"你好,来到我的棒球赛事。\"", "expected_answer": "欢迎来到 Dave 的吉他课。", "history": [] }, { "index": 845, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fair words butter no cabbage.", "generated_answer": "\"干瓜,不是花菜。\"", "expected_answer": "甜言蜜语不能当饭吃。", "history": [] }, { "index": 846, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"My watch wouldn't work without a quartz resonator.\"", "generated_answer": "我的时钟不能工作,没有一个钟盘的摄像机。", "expected_answer": "没了石英谐振器,我的手表就不能工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 847, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "young lady Cheer up !", "generated_answer": "妹妹,赵薇。", "expected_answer": "年轻的女士振作起来!", "history": [] }, { "index": 848, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Not everyone is able to read source code.", "generated_answer": "不能所有人都能读懂源码。", "expected_answer": "不是每个人都能阅读源代码。", "history": [] }, { "index": 849, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The treasure is at the Pyramids; that you already knew.", "generated_answer": "这个东西位于阴历十二年的月亮的城堡。", "expected_answer": "宝藏在金字塔里;你已经知道了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 850, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The former trolleybus loop is still used, by buses.", "generated_answer": "这些车型仍然被公共汽车使用。", "expected_answer": "公共汽车仍然使用以前的无轨电车环线。", "history": [] }, { "index": 851, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't ask me why; I don't know why.\"", "generated_answer": "不知道为什么", "expected_answer": "不要问我为什么;我也不知道为什么。", "history": [] }, { "index": 852, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A car has windows, lights, wheels... et cetera.", "generated_answer": "这辆车有窗户、灯、马力、超音速等等。", "expected_answer": "汽车有窗户、灯、轮子...等等。", "history": [] }, { "index": 853, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Help the woman get back to her feet.", "generated_answer": "帮助女子恢复身体。", "expected_answer": "帮助那位女士站起来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 854, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I know good crystal from bad, and everything else there is to know about crystal.", "generated_answer": "我知道好的珠石和全部其他的珠石。", "expected_answer": "我能区分水晶的好坏,还有其他关于水晶的一切品质。", "history": [] }, { "index": 855, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Time and tide wait for no man.", "generated_answer": "时间和铺程不公平.", "expected_answer": "岁月不饶人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 856, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The title of this book borrows a phrase from the writings of Reinhold Niebuhr.", "generated_answer": "这本书的书名借用了罗伊·内黎·尼尔的一句话。", "expected_answer": "这本书的标题借用了 Reinhold Niebuhr 著作中的一句话。", "history": [] }, { "index": 857, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The CEO of that Japanese company resigned.", "generated_answer": "这位中国公司的总裁退休了。", "expected_answer": "那家日本公司的首席执行官辞职了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 858, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Other servants maintained the fires in the hookahs.", "generated_answer": "另外的助理人们在霍克基里保存了文件。", "expected_answer": "其他仆人在水烟袋里保持了火种。", "history": [] }, { "index": 859, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"To realize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation.\"", "generated_answer": "\"两个人的结展,是一个人的唯一实施的任务。\"", "expected_answer": "实现自己的命运是一个人唯一真正的职责。", "history": [] }, { "index": 860, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Did you do that?", "generated_answer": "这是你的行为吗?", "expected_answer": "是你做的吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 861, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A boy came running towards me.", "generated_answer": "\"儿子走过来追我。\"", "expected_answer": "一个男孩向我跑来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 862, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon.", "generated_answer": "Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon.", "expected_answer": "Neil Armstrong 是第一个登上月球的人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 863, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This place is inaccessible by car due to the broken bridge.", "generated_answer": "这个地方不能用车路径进入,因为桥停车场已经损坏了。", "expected_answer": "由于桥断,汽车无法到达这个地方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 864, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Voids were filled that I didn't even realize that I had.\"", "generated_answer": "这些空间,我没有意识到我已经有。", "expected_answer": "空虚被填满了,我甚至都没有意识到。", "history": [] }, { "index": 865, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"My name's Heather.\"", "generated_answer": "我叫赫德。", "expected_answer": "我叫 Heather。", "history": [] }, { "index": 866, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the Shoreland Hotel.", "generated_answer": "在石油岛的风景庭院。", "expected_answer": "在海滨酒店。", "history": [] }, { "index": 867, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I learned the alchemist's secrets in my travels.\"", "generated_answer": "我在我的旅行中学到了魔术师的秘籍。", "expected_answer": "我在旅行中得知了炼金术士的秘密。", "history": [] }, { "index": 868, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At the time of its construction, the building was the tallest in New York.", "generated_answer": "这个建筑物在建造过程中被赋予了重要的意义。", "expected_answer": "在建造的时候,这座建筑是纽约最高的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 869, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Tropic of Capricorn is in the Southern Hemisphere.", "generated_answer": "西南芒稍纬十三度的太平洋南部的西南风洞穴。", "expected_answer": "南回归线在南半球。", "history": [] }, { "index": 870, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This is due to them being named after pixels.", "generated_answer": "这是因为他们被称为“PIXELS”。", "expected_answer": "这是因为它们是以像素命名的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 871, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The book is edited by Chris DiBona, Sam Ockman and Mark Stone.", "generated_answer": "这本书由Kirsten, De Bono, Sam, 和Markson编辑。", "expected_answer": "这本书由 Chris DiBona、Sam Ockman 和 Mark Stone 编辑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 872, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There are several non-governmental organisations in Sanski Most.", "generated_answer": "这里有几个非政府组织在沙河苏尖里。", "expected_answer": "桑斯基莫斯特有几个非政府组织。", "history": [] }, { "index": 873, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Good point! well made.", "generated_answer": "好的点,得分很好。", "expected_answer": "说得好!制作精良。", "history": [] }, { "index": 874, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She doesn't look happy.\"", "generated_answer": "她没有高兴的表情。", "expected_answer": "她看起来不开心。", "history": [] }, { "index": 875, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Stick to your clubs.", "generated_answer": "保持你的棒球联盟。", "expected_answer": "坚持守住您的俱乐部。", "history": [] }, { "index": 876, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was not able to find the words for his feelings.", "generated_answer": "这个人没有找到对他的情感意思的词语。", "expected_answer": "他找不到表达自己感情的词语。", "history": [] }, { "index": 877, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had done this for years, and knew the schedule of everyone who passed.", "generated_answer": "他已经这么年头了,他知道每个人都按照他的预计过来的。", "expected_answer": "他已经做了很多年了,知道每个通过考试人的时间表。", "history": [] }, { "index": 878, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Stick the stamp on the envelope.", "generated_answer": "粘贴邮票到封票上。", "expected_answer": "把邮票贴在信封上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 879, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Unlike Joshua, he stood in no need of divine assistance.", "generated_answer": "和José一样,他在这里两个妹妹给他。", "expected_answer": "与 Joshua不 同,他不需要神的帮助。", "history": [] }, { "index": 880, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You're going to have a bad time.\"", "generated_answer": "这样的事情,你会非常的难过。", "expected_answer": "你会过得很糟糕。", "history": [] }, { "index": 881, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The home versions allow the player to choose from three difficulty modes.", "generated_answer": "这些家用版本允许玩家选择三种不同的难度模式。", "expected_answer": "这个家庭版允许玩家从三种难度模式中选择。", "history": [] }, { "index": 882, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can I be used to request invocation of a subsystem on the remote system?", "generated_answer": "可以用《系统管理员手册》中的《系统资源管理》来查看。", "expected_answer": "我可以用来请求调用远程系统上的子系统吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 883, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I did not chose that phrase.", "generated_answer": "这样的冷池没想到。", "expected_answer": "我没有选择那种措辞。", "history": [] }, { "index": 884, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finally, he lifted one of the boards and after setting it aside carefully, looked into the space beneath the floor.", "generated_answer": "最后,他抬起一张板子,并将其作为正确的方式放置,然后看到下面的空间。", "expected_answer": "最后,他举起一块木板,小心地放在一边,看着地板下面的空间。", "history": [] }, { "index": 885, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Its capital is Trinidad.", "generated_answer": "这里的首都是塔尔蒙古.", "expected_answer": "它的首都是特立尼达。", "history": [] }, { "index": 886, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Greediness burst the bag.", "generated_answer": "荣誉的爆裂。", "expected_answer": "贪得无厌,自食其果", "history": [] }, { "index": 887, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Everything vintage you can imagine that can fit into a small space is there.", "generated_answer": "这些古典的东西,能够被小区中的小空间容纳的都在这里。", "expected_answer": "在那儿,你能想象到的所有古董都有一个适合的小空间。", "history": [] }, { "index": 888, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman is using a small scissors on a large net.", "generated_answer": "女人在用珊瑚花紋的珊瑚网上缝纫。", "expected_answer": "一个女人正在一张大网上使用一把小剪刀。", "history": [] }, { "index": 889, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Only it'll be a lot easier with you.\"", "generated_answer": "这样会更容易。", "expected_answer": "只有和你在一起才会容易得多。", "history": [] }, { "index": 890, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We chose a torus topology for our network.", "generated_answer": "我们选择了一个网络的转换。", "expected_answer": "我们为我们的网络选择了环形拓扑结构。", "history": [] }, { "index": 891, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Very well, very well.", "generated_answer": "很好,很好。", "expected_answer": "很好,很好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 892, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, it seems that I am running out of cereals for breakfast.", "generated_answer": "\"被保护在海洋中的,它们是独特的。\"", "expected_answer": "嗯,看来我的早餐麦片快用完了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 893, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My cat laid there, soaking up the sunlight.", "generated_answer": "我的孩子们把洗澡搬到了太阳系里。", "expected_answer": "我的猫躺在那里,沐浴着太阳。", "history": [] }, { "index": 894, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Air was either entering or escaping at the rim with a thin, sizzling sound.", "generated_answer": "风逐进出圆润处风声沙沙响起。", "expected_answer": "空气从边缘的薄弱位置进进出出,发出咝咝的声音。", "history": [] }, { "index": 895, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is also a well-used interchange for passengers between slow and fast services.", "generated_answer": "这也是一种非常常用的交叉飞机站,用于慢速和快速服务的乘客。", "expected_answer": "它也是一个乘客在慢车和快车之间常用的换乘站。", "history": [] }, { "index": 896, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Money makes the man", "generated_answer": "钱让人生。", "expected_answer": "人靠金钱马靠鞍", "history": [] }, { "index": 897, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Never let the sun set on thy wrath.", "generated_answer": "不让日头落在您的船舷上。", "expected_answer": "日落之前,平息怒火吧", "history": [] }, { "index": 898, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Grogan also became a film and television actress.", "generated_answer": "葛涅也成为了电影和电视剧演嘉宾。", "expected_answer": "Grogan 也成为了一名电影和电视演员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 899, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If it ain't broke, don't fix it.\"", "generated_answer": "如果它结束了,不要修理它。", "expected_answer": "如果它没坏,就不要修理它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 900, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He remembered something his grandfather had once told him: that butterflies were a good omen.", "generated_answer": "这个人记住了他的祖父曾经告诉他的一句话,“羽毛生的好象。”", "expected_answer": "他记得祖父曾经告诉过他的一些事:蝴蝶是一个好兆头。", "history": [] }, { "index": 901, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many are now damaged or lost through erosion.", "generated_answer": "许多现在已经被烧掉了。", "expected_answer": "目前,多数由于侵蚀而被损坏或丢失。", "history": [] }, { "index": 902, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Never let the sun set on angry heart.", "generated_answer": "不让太阳在愤怒心中靠近。", "expected_answer": "日落之前,平息心中的怒火吧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 903, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The results of the public voting are combined with the panel's votes.\"", "generated_answer": "这些结果被民意投票结合起来。", "expected_answer": "公众投票结果与陪审团投票结果相结合。", "history": [] }, { "index": 904, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What could it mean?", "generated_answer": "这是什么意思?", "expected_answer": "这意味着什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 905, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Therefore, the armed citizen-soldier carried the responsibility.", "generated_answer": "这是因为装甲兵、军人都负有责任。", "expected_answer": "因此,武装的公民士兵肩负起了责任。", "history": [] }, { "index": 906, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A cricket batsman swinging", "generated_answer": "豪华足球手走过路。", "expected_answer": "挥拍的板球击球手", "history": [] }, { "index": 907, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Englishman didn't answer him directly.\"", "generated_answer": "\"何\".", "expected_answer": "英国人没有直接回答他。", "history": [] }, { "index": 908, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"These are the spies,\"\" said one of the men.\"", "generated_answer": "这些是人类的脊部。", "expected_answer": "“这些是间谍,”其中一个人说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 909, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't believe it!\"", "generated_answer": "\"谢谢\"", "expected_answer": "我不相信!", "history": [] }, { "index": 910, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Stores include an Aldi supermarket, a smaller Foodworks grocery store and a McDonald's restaurant.\"", "generated_answer": "起初包括一个餐饮店、一家小餐饼店、一家餐厅。", "expected_answer": "商店包括一家阿尔迪超市、一家较小的 食品工厂 杂货店和一家麦当劳餐厅。", "history": [] }, { "index": 911, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If he had it on him then they'll have that, too.\"", "generated_answer": "如果他有那个东西, 那么他们也会有那个东西.", "expected_answer": "如果他身上有,那么他们也会有。", "history": [] }, { "index": 912, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Foxes are uncommon where I'm from.\"", "generated_answer": "狐狸精灵不多出现。", "expected_answer": "狐狸在我的家乡很少见。", "history": [] }, { "index": 913, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It took him half an hour to reach the edge of it.", "generated_answer": "这个地方走到边缘需要一段时间。", "expected_answer": "他花了半个小时才走到它的边缘。", "history": [] }, { "index": 914, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fully mature fourth-instar larvae are long.", "generated_answer": "豪猪兽的第四腿部是长的。", "expected_answer": "完全成熟的四龄幼虫很长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 915, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The game was won by Baker.", "generated_answer": "这场比赛胜利给了 Backer.", "expected_answer": "Baker 赢了这场比赛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 916, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Four people dressed for warm weather out on a street walking.", "generated_answer": "人们穿着温暖的衣服,都在走路。", "expected_answer": "四个人穿着暖和的衣服在街上散步。", "history": [] }, { "index": 917, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mind the gap.", "generated_answer": "这是一个赞美的评论。", "expected_answer": "注意缝隙。", "history": [] }, { "index": 918, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is part of the municipality of Grootegast.", "generated_answer": "这是“资源”的一部分。", "expected_answer": "它是 Grootegast 市的一部分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 919, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was sure the girl would never understand.", "generated_answer": "他确信她将无法理解。", "expected_answer": "他确信这个女孩永远不会明白。", "history": [] }, { "index": 920, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Look around some time.", "generated_answer": "看一看。", "expected_answer": "找个时间四处看看。", "history": [] }, { "index": 921, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And he gave the boy his blessing.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩被他的爱给了。", "expected_answer": "他给了男孩他的祝福。", "history": [] }, { "index": 922, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why, bless my soul!", "generated_answer": "为什么我的心里被你看到了?", "expected_answer": "哎呀,天哪!", "history": [] }, { "index": 923, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Now God has decided to use other methods.", "generated_answer": "现在,上帝已经决定使用其他方式了。", "expected_answer": "现在上帝决定使用其他方法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 924, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The python wasn't a snake, it was a programming language.\"", "generated_answer": "蛙不是蛇,是编程语言。", "expected_answer": "python 不是蛇,而是一种编程语言。", "history": [] }, { "index": 925, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There, the alchemist separated the disk into four parts.", "generated_answer": "\"他们听到那个音乐曲的第二首曲。\"", "expected_answer": "在那里,炼金术士将圆盘分成四部分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 926, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As the sun rose, the men began to beat the boy.", "generated_answer": "阴晴月升,男子开始打小男孩。", "expected_answer": "太阳升起时,男人们开始打男孩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 927, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you know that it is correct?", "generated_answer": "这是确定的。", "expected_answer": "你怎么知道它是正确的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 928, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This horse will nose his way to the finish.", "generated_answer": "这只马会知道他到底的。", "expected_answer": "这匹马将小心探索着前进到终点。", "history": [] }, { "index": 929, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I do not know.", "generated_answer": "\"你好\"", "expected_answer": "我不知道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 930, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He went on to build a career in insurance.", "generated_answer": "我想建立一份职业生涯,并获得保险保险。", "expected_answer": "他继续在保险行业发展。", "history": [] }, { "index": 931, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a quiet farm type suburb at Southern edge of Johannesburg.", "generated_answer": "这是一座安静的农村郊区,南面于江南。", "expected_answer": "这是约翰内斯堡南部边缘的一个安静的农场式郊区。", "history": [] }, { "index": 932, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sorry to keep you waiting.", "generated_answer": "很抱歉,等待。", "expected_answer": "抱歉让你久等了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 933, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They took their kids from the public school.", "generated_answer": "他们通过公立学校拔出孩子。", "expected_answer": "他们把他们的孩子们从公立学校带走。", "history": [] }, { "index": 934, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I like the avenger of the new episode, he really is a badass.", "generated_answer": "我喜欢这部新的节目,他真的很好看。", "expected_answer": "我喜欢新一集的复仇者,他真是个坏蛋。", "history": [] }, { "index": 935, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After twelve hours of rowing, Darius climbed out of the canoe, and lied down on the beach to nap.", "generated_answer": "十二个小时的游艇行动之后,黛斯游艇离开了桑植河岸,并坐下来睡觉。", "expected_answer": "Darius 划了十二个小时后,爬出独木舟,躺在沙滩上打盹。", "history": [] }, { "index": 936, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They currently hang in Hartwall Areena in Helsinki.", "generated_answer": "他们目前位于黑岛篮球场(Hartwell Arena)在波尔森。", "expected_answer": "他们目前在赫尔辛基的 Hartwall Areena 逗留。", "history": [] }, { "index": 937, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Don't let them see that you're afraid,\"\" the alchemist said.\"", "generated_answer": "不让他们看到你怕的,神话人物说。", "expected_answer": "“不要让他们看到你在害怕,”炼金术士说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 938, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "God bless my soul!", "generated_answer": "神赐我心灵。", "expected_answer": "上帝保佑我的灵魂!", "history": [] }, { "index": 939, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "From there, he could see Africa in the distance.", "generated_answer": "从那里,他可以看到非洲在远处。", "expected_answer": "从那里,他可以看到远处的非洲。", "history": [] }, { "index": 940, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you suppose Ken got that gun?", "generated_answer": "这个器械怎么可以获得?", "expected_answer": "你认为 Ken 是怎么拿到那把枪的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 941, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Idealism led him to philosophic anarchy, and his family threw him off.", "generated_answer": "这个理想主义导致他被理性主义者抛弃,他的家人也抛弃了他。", "expected_answer": "理想主义把他引向哲学的无政府状态,而且他的家人把他赶了出来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 942, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I can not help but feel that this topic is hopelessly outdated.", "generated_answer": "这个主题看起来很无聊。", "expected_answer": "我不禁觉得这个话题已经过时了,无可救药。", "history": [] }, { "index": 943, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Its current permanent population stands at four or five.", "generated_answer": "这个国家的固定居民人口现在已经达到四或五人。", "expected_answer": "它目前的常住人口为四到五人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 944, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"One of Jackson's main arguments against the bill was the project's provincial nature.\"", "generated_answer": "这是Jackson的主要的一点,他认为这项法案的主要特征是它的省级性。", "expected_answer": "Jackson 反对该法案的主要理由之一是该项目的地方性。", "history": [] }, { "index": 945, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Proceeds go to the town's athletic programs.\"", "generated_answer": "进入到城市体育计划里。", "expected_answer": "收益将用于该镇的体育项目。", "history": [] }, { "index": 946, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is no place like home.", "generated_answer": "\"还有一种安静的生活。\"", "expected_answer": "家是世界上最好的地方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 947, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you understand me?", "generated_answer": "\"你理解我吗?\"", "expected_answer": "你明白我的意思吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 948, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Moving with speed and aggression, the French pushed the Allies over the Aisne river.", "generated_answer": "移动的棒和动作,他把田丁河的水源推向了水库。", "expected_answer": "法国人以迅雷不及掩耳的速度和咄咄逼人的气势把协约国赶过了埃纳河。", "history": [] }, { "index": 949, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When he returned to Suriname, he worked in the financial system.", "generated_answer": "当他回到了他的姓氏时,他返回了一台9.25英寸的硬盘。", "expected_answer": "当他回到苏里南时,他在金融系统工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 950, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Treatment of endemic goiter is medical with iodine and thyroxine preparations.", "generated_answer": "药物处理 Endomit的药物是用Aid和Thiox碘化物。", "expected_answer": "地方性甲状腺肿采用碘和甲状腺素制剂治疗。", "history": [] }, { "index": 951, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "People saw me coming and welcomed me, he thought.", "generated_answer": "人民自愿劳务。", "expected_answer": "人们看见我来了要欢迎我,他想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 952, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The members of the Senate had to be Finnish citizens.", "generated_answer": "这些参议院成员必须是已经完成自由人口的。", "expected_answer": "参议院成员必须是芬兰公民。", "history": [] }, { "index": 953, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't try to teach your grand-mother to suck eggs.\"", "generated_answer": "不要让她学会咬鸡蛋。", "expected_answer": "不要试图班门弄斧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 954, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A white bird spreads its wings and jumps into the water feet first.", "generated_answer": "黑头鸟打开翅膀,然后跳入水里先行。", "expected_answer": "一只白色的鸟展开翅膀,先跳到水里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 955, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How wonderful she must have looked in beach pyjamas!", "generated_answer": "这么棒她在海滩的睡袋上看起来如何!", "expected_answer": "她穿沙滩睡衣一定很好看!", "history": [] }, { "index": 956, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That blond guy over there is a git.", "generated_answer": "这个矮子在那里是一个大胆的人。", "expected_answer": "那边那个金发的家伙是个饭桶。", "history": [] }, { "index": 957, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How can you have any happiness after that?", "generated_answer": "这样的快乐,在死后是不可能的。", "expected_answer": "在那之后你怎么会有幸福呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 958, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man is putting in an order at the kitchen of a restaurant.", "generated_answer": "这个男子在家里的厨房里放入了一些东西。", "expected_answer": "一名男子正在一家餐馆的厨房点菜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 959, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Of course, the two were unable to do anything.", "generated_answer": "肯定的。", "expected_answer": "当然,这两个人什么也做不了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 960, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And the murmur lasted longer than a simple vow would have.", "generated_answer": "这个运动长于一个简单的循环。", "expected_answer": "低语持续的时间比简单的誓言还要长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 961, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Presumably Ryan never did any sanity checks.", "generated_answer": "这么想, 他从来没有进行一点安全检查。", "expected_answer": "想必 Ryan 从未做过任何健康检查。", "history": [] }, { "index": 962, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Born in Cologne, he is the son of composer Karlheinz Stockhausen.", "generated_answer": "生于基隆,他是基隆音樂家著名的音樂家的子女。", "expected_answer": "他出生在科隆,是作曲家 Karlheinz Stockhausen 的儿子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 963, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Marry in haste, repent at leisure.", "generated_answer": "十八.", "expected_answer": "草率结婚后悔多。", "history": [] }, { "index": 964, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Please clear the gangway or we won't be able to get out\"", "generated_answer": "请清除障碍,否则我们无法出门。", "expected_answer": "请让开过道,否则我们出不去了", "history": [] }, { "index": 965, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you mean to do?", "generated_answer": "你想做什么?", "expected_answer": "你打算做什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 966, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What more do you want?", "generated_answer": "这么多你想要了吗?", "expected_answer": "你还想要什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 967, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"For more on Radcliffe's shifting role in the University, see Radcliffe College.\"", "generated_answer": "在这里,我们可以看到Rachel Clitheroe在大学的变化。", "expected_answer": "更多关于大学拉德克利夫角色转变的信息,请访问拉德克利夫学院。", "history": [] }, { "index": 968, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Maud Committee reported three years later.", "generated_answer": "三年后,模板委员会发表了一份报告。", "expected_answer": "Maud 委员会三年后报道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 969, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Every path has its puddle.", "generated_answer": "每条路都有宝宝。", "expected_answer": "凡事皆有其难处。", "history": [] }, { "index": 970, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kuakata is the place of pilgrimage for both Hindu and Buddhist communities.", "generated_answer": "柯克塔基是两个民族的神话地点。", "expected_answer": "Kuakata 是印度教和佛教团体的朝圣地。", "history": [] }, { "index": 971, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She joined up too.", "generated_answer": "她在.", "expected_answer": "她也加入了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 972, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But it does not allow for adding new members to interfaces.", "generated_answer": "这种方式不允许添加新的接口成员。", "expected_answer": "但是它不允许向接口添加新成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 973, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Patience is a virtue.", "generated_answer": "\"艺人\"。", "expected_answer": "耐心是一种美德。", "history": [] }, { "index": 974, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The story is recounted in Sophocles' \"\"Women of Trachis\"\" and Ovid's \"\"Metamorphoses\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这些故事记载在苏富克斯的女人的部落和欧兰的福音中。", "expected_answer": "Sophocles 的《特拉西斯的女人》和 Ovid 的《变形记》讲述了这个故事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 975, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His manservant was also kidnapped and held with him.", "generated_answer": "他的父亲也被抓住并且隔离了他。", "expected_answer": "他的男仆也被绑架并与他关押在一起。", "history": [] }, { "index": 976, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ines loves to go swimming.", "generated_answer": "走路去游泳。", "expected_answer": "Ines 喜欢去游泳。", "history": [] }, { "index": 977, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The old runway near to Mountbatten Road is now called Old Airport Road.", "generated_answer": "这里的老飞行道路现在被称为“老机场路”。", "expected_answer": "靠近蒙巴顿路的旧跑道现在被称为老机场路。", "history": [] }, { "index": 978, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Check the main features on the website.", "generated_answer": "检查网站的主要特点。", "expected_answer": "在网站上查看主要特点。", "history": [] }, { "index": 979, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade", "generated_answer": "生命给你一笔钱,你就用它来照顾你的人生。", "expected_answer": "随遇而安,苦中作乐", "history": [] }, { "index": 980, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yes, it would be difficult.", "generated_answer": "这是一个不难的问题。", "expected_answer": "是的,这将会很难。", "history": [] }, { "index": 981, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have a good time.", "generated_answer": "很高兴认识您。", "expected_answer": "玩得开心。", "history": [] }, { "index": 982, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Help the weak to preserve their strength.", "generated_answer": "希望这周能保持努力。", "expected_answer": "帮助弱者保持实力。", "history": [] }, { "index": 983, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I always said so.", "generated_answer": "我总是这么说的。", "expected_answer": "我总是这么说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 984, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What am I to do with it?", "generated_answer": "这是为什么要做这件事的原因。", "expected_answer": "我该拿它怎么办?", "history": [] }, { "index": 985, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This was first done by Bertrand around the same time that Cayley named them.", "generated_answer": "这是Bertrand在相似的时间之前就做的。", "expected_answer": "大约在 Cayley 给它们命名的同时, Bertrand 迈出了第一步。", "history": [] }, { "index": 986, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But you've got to leave me alone.\"", "generated_answer": "不,他们还是要让我离开。", "expected_answer": "但你得让我自己待一会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 987, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The devil take him!", "generated_answer": "白色的花园.", "expected_answer": "魔鬼带走了他!", "history": [] }, { "index": 988, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The agent secretly entered the embassy from the roof.", "generated_answer": "这名代理人隐形地进入了安卓的阴险宫。", "expected_answer": "特工从屋顶秘密进入大使馆。", "history": [] }, { "index": 989, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Even though the sheep didn't teach me to speak Arabic.\"", "generated_answer": "这个船只不教我说汉语。", "expected_answer": "尽管羊没有教我说阿拉伯语。", "history": [] }, { "index": 990, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then they got ahold of some dough and went goofy.", "generated_answer": "那么他们找到了一只狗,然后它们变得很愚弄。", "expected_answer": "然后他们拿了些钱,就远走高飞了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 991, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That it was unable to deal with this boy who spoke the Language of the World.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩说话的语言是世界的语言。", "expected_answer": "它无法对付这个说世界语言的男孩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 992, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'll cough a bit for you\"", "generated_answer": "我会咳一下给你。", "expected_answer": "我帮你咳嗽一下", "history": [] }, { "index": 993, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My review of the sun: one star.", "generated_answer": "我的评论:《阳光点星》。", "expected_answer": "我对太阳的评论:一颗恒星。", "history": [] }, { "index": 994, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That is all I have to say.", "generated_answer": "这就是全部说的。", "expected_answer": "这就是我要说的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 995, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The reality is gradual development.", "generated_answer": "这是一个逐渐发展的现象。", "expected_answer": "现实是逐渐发展的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 996, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Screen the porch with woven straw mats.", "generated_answer": "防止窗帘被撞碰。", "expected_answer": "用编织的草席遮蔽走廊。", "history": [] }, { "index": 997, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Englishman vanished, too, gone to find the alchemist.", "generated_answer": "这个英国人也消失了,去寻找邪术师。", "expected_answer": "那个英国人也消失了,去找炼金术士了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 998, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Because of the omens,\"\" the alchemist answered.\"", "generated_answer": "因为那些魔术师回答了。", "expected_answer": "“因为预兆,”炼金术士回答。", "history": [] }, { "index": 999, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The men fell into an animated discussion.", "generated_answer": "这个男人摔下来被动参与了一场动画讨论。", "expected_answer": "这些人热烈地讨论起来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1000, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where is my wife?", "generated_answer": "这是什么?", "expected_answer": "我的妻子在哪里?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1001, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He'll knock you off a few sticks in no time.\"", "generated_answer": "这个人会在几个片子的时间就把你拉下来。", "expected_answer": "他马上会把你打得稀里哗啦", "history": [] }, { "index": 1002, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most bids had fairly specific requirements regarding hand strength and suit distribution.", "generated_answer": "这些报价都有明确的要求,关于手力强度和装备分布。", "expected_answer": "大多数叫牌都有关于手力和花色分配的相当具体的要求。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1003, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning.\"", "generated_answer": "不这样的爱, 他们就没有意义.", "expected_answer": "没有这样的爱,一个人的梦想就没有意义。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1004, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Apparently, it's the dumplings that make this stew taste so good.\"", "generated_answer": "这是因为豆腐油的香味使得这个菜肴测试出色。", "expected_answer": "很明显,是饺子让这道炖菜尝起来如此美味。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1005, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dunmore had two side platforms.", "generated_answer": "这是一个超级高级的语言。", "expected_answer": "Dunmore 有两侧平台。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1006, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Too late, though, he recognizes the guard's voice as Karma's.\"", "generated_answer": "过于晚了,他明白了那个队伍的声音,实际上是查理。", "expected_answer": "然而为时已晚,他认出了守卫的声音是 Karma 的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1007, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was like electricity through her veins.", "generated_answer": "这是电流流出她身体的一种感觉。", "expected_answer": "就像电流通过她的血管。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1008, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"And better still to be alone with one's books.\"", "generated_answer": "这样的话,更好的是独自睡在一本书上。", "expected_answer": "最好还是一个人看书。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1009, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The family that prays together, stays together.", "generated_answer": "家人团聚,保持着爱情。", "expected_answer": "在一起祷告的家庭总在一起。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1010, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Faint heart never won fair lady.", "generated_answer": "草木之风不能飞鸟.", "expected_answer": "懦夫难得美人芳心", "history": [] }, { "index": 1011, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In many years that followed, the word \"\"Basud\"\" was eventually changed to Bansud.\"", "generated_answer": "\"在许多年后,“白士”变得逐渐被替换为“白杨”。\"", "expected_answer": "在随后的许多年里,\"Basud\"这个词最终被改成了“Bansud”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1012, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man in a white shirt carries a drum as he talks to two other men.", "generated_answer": "一个男人在白衬衫上走着,拿着一只鼓走着,向两个男人走来走去。", "expected_answer": "一个穿着白衬衫的男人拿着一面鼓和另外两个人说话。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1013, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conscience makes cowards of us all.", "generated_answer": "感情让我们全都惨羞。", "expected_answer": "良心使我们都成了懦夫。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1014, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Upon his return to Poland he continued his service in the economical intelligence.", "generated_answer": "回到了查理大学,继续在经济智能的工作。", "expected_answer": "回到波兰后,他继续在经济情报部门工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1015, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you seen it?", "generated_answer": "看到了吗?", "expected_answer": "你看到了吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1016, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seemed such a little thing, so bright and small and still.", "generated_answer": "这个很小,很平衡,很稳定。", "expected_answer": "它看起来是一件小事,如此的鲜明,如此的微小,如此的沉静。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1017, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Angela wanted to copy everything he had done.", "generated_answer": "\"赞美\"的中文是:赞美", "expected_answer": "Angela 想模仿他所做的一切。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1018, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy waited, and then interrupted the old man just as he himself had been interrupted.", "generated_answer": "\"儿子等待了,然后就开始打断老人,就如同他自己一样。\"", "expected_answer": "男孩等着,然后打断了老人,就像他自己被打断一样。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1019, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jim became head of the draft board.", "generated_answer": "\"赵丽民成为抽屉委员会主席.\"", "expected_answer": "吉姆成了征兵局的负责人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1020, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She had no right over him.", "generated_answer": "她没有任何权利对他。", "expected_answer": "她对他没有权利。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1021, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Strong cryptography can prevent a man in the middle from reading a conversation.", "generated_answer": "强大的影像技术可以阻止中间人从对话中读到一句话。", "expected_answer": "强大的加密技术可以阻止一个人在中间窃听对话。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1022, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, nothing at all.", "generated_answer": "无什么事。", "expected_answer": "不,什么都没有。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1023, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We value your custom.", "generated_answer": "这是你的风格。", "expected_answer": "我们珍视您的风俗习惯。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1024, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was also a member of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity.", "generated_answer": "他也是西安市队长。", "expected_answer": "他也是 Phi Alpha Delta 法律联合会的成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1025, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That sobered him a little.", "generated_answer": "那么轻松给他点点头。", "expected_answer": "这让他清醒了一点。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1026, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cavilla characterized the transfer of leadership as an illegal act.", "generated_answer": "\"秦朝\"的转组长是一个非法的行为。", "expected_answer": "Cavilla 将领导权的转移描述为非法行为。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1027, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Ijma' refers to a unanimous consensus.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一次一名赛事的调查。", "expected_answer": "共识指的是一致同意。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1028, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They are going to listen to the famous Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Federigo Borromeo.", "generated_answer": "他们要听到名叫莱昂·萨尔·帕赫罗伯特的名誉的教堂教士。", "expected_answer": "他们将聆听著名的米兰大主教 Federigo Borromeo 的演讲。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1029, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The material may tear if tugged excessively.", "generated_answer": "这个材料可能会被过度打碰时,会损坏。", "expected_answer": "如果用力过猛,这种材料可能会撕破。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1030, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was not a scholarly orientalist.", "generated_answer": "这个人并不是一个学习普遍洋脉的学者。", "expected_answer": "他不是一个博学的东方学家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1031, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The loafers and golf caddies were used to hanging out near the railway station.", "generated_answer": "这里用来飞行出现在铁路站台上。", "expected_answer": "懒汉和高尔夫球童习惯在火车站附近闲逛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1032, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He turned from the door and walked slowly toward the gate, still holding the keys in his hand.", "generated_answer": "他从门口离开,然后走稍慢地前往门口的门。", "expected_answer": "他从门口转过身,慢慢向大门走去,手里还拿着钥匙。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1033, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then suddenly he noticed it with a start.", "generated_answer": "谁叫我这么醒了?", "expected_answer": "突然,他注意到这一点,吃了一惊", "history": [] }, { "index": 1034, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A boy in white asleep at the bottom of the river.", "generated_answer": "被一只白色的幼子睡着在水底。", "expected_answer": "一个穿白色衣服的男孩在河底睡着了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1035, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then he dropped his spade, picked up his jacket, and came out into the road.", "generated_answer": "那么他抛弃了钟,拿起了他的上衣,然后走出了路。", "expected_answer": "然后他放下铁锹,拿起夹克,来到马路上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1036, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The introduction provides some general notes about Paul.", "generated_answer": "\"起源\"。", "expected_answer": "这份介绍提供了一些关于 Paul 的一般说明。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1037, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To fleece him smartly.", "generated_answer": "\"逃逸他智能\"", "expected_answer": "巧妙地欺骗他。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1038, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've already mailed a copy of this letter to Mrs. Louise.\"", "generated_answer": "我已经发送了这份信的副本给了鲁森。", "expected_answer": "我已经把这封信的副本寄给了 Louise 夫人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1039, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'd like to have my robe.\"", "generated_answer": "我想要我的绒带。", "expected_answer": "我想要我的礼服。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1040, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cathedral had Gothic architecture.", "generated_answer": "高楼的建筑风格是梵高建筑。", "expected_answer": "这座大教堂有哥特式建筑风格。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1041, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Marge is short for margarine.", "generated_answer": "\"马尔萨尔\" (Mǎrāsā)", "expected_answer": "Marge 是 margarine 的简称。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1042, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you mean?", "generated_answer": "这是什么意思?", "expected_answer": "你什么意思?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1043, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cat sat on the fence.", "generated_answer": "猫坐在栏杆上.", "expected_answer": "那只猫坐在篱笆上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1044, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When the judge pronounced the death sentence, the defendant showed no emotion.", "generated_answer": "当判决人在判刑时说出杀人刑时,执行人没有表现。", "expected_answer": "当法官宣判死刑时,被告面无表情", "history": [] }, { "index": 1045, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A cricket bowler winds up", "generated_answer": "豆豆赢得了胜利。", "expected_answer": "板球投球手被罚下", "history": [] }, { "index": 1046, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't understand you.\"", "generated_answer": "不理解你。", "expected_answer": "我不理解你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1047, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wow, the stroboscope effect on the ball is really astonishing!", "generated_answer": "这个反射效果对球非常感谢。", "expected_answer": "哇,球上的频闪效果真是惊人!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1048, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was steel, a fisher trap.", "generated_answer": "这是钢铁,一种钩子。", "expected_answer": "那是一个钢制的捕鱼陷阱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1049, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He picked up the two stones and put them back in his pouch.", "generated_answer": "他拿起两块石头,放进他的袋子里。", "expected_answer": "他捡起两块石头,把它们放回袋子里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1050, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His approach did not meet with universal acceptance.", "generated_answer": "他的态度并不被全世界共同接受。", "expected_answer": "他的方法没有得到普遍接受。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1051, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The soul is theirs, stored in silicon and microcode.", "generated_answer": "灵魂是他们的,存储在针粒硬化膜中。", "expected_answer": "灵魂是他们的,储存在硅和微码中。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1052, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What had been next to him five minutes ago was now at the other side.", "generated_answer": "这些东西之前跟他一起了,现在已经被他换到另外一个地方了。", "expected_answer": "五分钟前在他旁边的东西现在在另一边。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1053, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Two white and brown dogs barking on the shoreline while waves roll in behind them.", "generated_answer": "二只白猫和黄白犬在舞台上走着,而在他们背后隐藏着的一只白猫和黄白犬正在跟随着。", "expected_answer": "两条白色和棕色的狗在海岸线上狂吠,海浪在它们身后翻滚。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1054, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Adam is a crook.", "generated_answer": "\"哥哥是一支队伍。\"", "expected_answer": "Adam 是个骗子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1055, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Other bus companies such as Greyhound also provide numerous daily services.", "generated_answer": "这些公司,如Greyhound也提供了许多日常服务。", "expected_answer": "其他公共汽车公司如 Greyhound 也提供大量的日常服务。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1056, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His father was a skilled melodeon player.", "generated_answer": "他的父亲是一位专业的音乐调弦手。", "expected_answer": "他的父亲是一名熟练的簧风琴演奏者。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1057, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I thought about the difficulties in translation that might arise.", "generated_answer": "我在讲述了“难以翻译”这个问题。", "expected_answer": "我考虑了可能会出现的翻译困难。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1058, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The richest man in town!", "generated_answer": "\"富高居士\"。", "expected_answer": "镇上最富有的人!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1059, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Of course it was not you.", "generated_answer": "这不是你的事。", "expected_answer": "当然不是你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1060, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Is that okay?", "generated_answer": "这是好的。", "expected_answer": "这样可以吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1061, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He left with high praise from the Ohio's newspapers.\"", "generated_answer": "这个人退出了,被《美国时报》赞美。", "expected_answer": "他离开时受到俄亥俄州报纸的高度赞扬。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1062, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace invented the Analytical Engine.", "generated_answer": "谢谢。", "expected_answer": "Charles Babbage 和 Ada Lovelace 发明了分析引擎。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1063, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Replace the Ts in Tim Tebow's name with any other consonant to get a Star Wars character\"", "generated_answer": "\"替换T的Toboe的名字,使得他变得成为一位星球大战的角色。\"", "expected_answer": "把 Tim Tebow 名字中的 T 换成其他辅音字母,以得到一个星球大战里的角色", "history": [] }, { "index": 1064, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wrestling, boxing and karate are well-known examples of martial arts.", "generated_answer": "石拳、拳击和石龙是典雅的武术、拳击和石龙。", "expected_answer": "摔跤、拳击和空手道是众所周知的武术。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1065, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Each chapter has a title composed of four Chinese characters.", "generated_answer": "这里有一个每个章节都有一个标题,由四个中文字符组成的。", "expected_answer": "每章都有一个由四个汉字组成的标题。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1066, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But don't you think he's just beautiful!\"", "generated_answer": "不,你觉得他真的很美丽。", "expected_answer": "但是你不觉得他很漂亮吗!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1067, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In one he had read that, many years ago, a famous Arabian alchemist had visited Europe.", "generated_answer": "这是一段文本,其中有一句话说明了一个名叫阿拉伯教徒的古老的阴险魔术师曾经在欧洲访问过。", "expected_answer": "许多年前,一位著名的阿拉伯炼金术士曾访问过欧洲。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1068, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Guest House eventually moved to Lake Orion, Michigan.", "generated_answer": "游客酒店最后地点移动到了艾勒洛基湖。", "expected_answer": "招待所最终搬到了密歇根州的湖口镇。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1069, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you know about that?", "generated_answer": "这是什么?", "expected_answer": "你对此了解多少?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1070, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, what do you want?", "generated_answer": "这个,你需要什么?", "expected_answer": "你想要什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1071, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Easy come, easy go.", "generated_answer": "这样来回.", "expected_answer": "来得容易,去得也快。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1072, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The course of love never did run smooth.", "generated_answer": "这个故事永远不会消失.", "expected_answer": "爱情的道路从来都不平坦。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1073, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you understand that?", "generated_answer": "\"你明白吗?\"", "expected_answer": "你明白吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1074, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You are what you eat.", "generated_answer": "这就是你自己。", "expected_answer": "人如其食。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1075, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most of the people are of Swati tribe.", "generated_answer": "这些人大多是苏哈族人。", "expected_answer": "大多数人都是 Swati 部落的人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1076, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Will that suit you?", "generated_answer": "这样好。", "expected_answer": "你觉得合适吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1077, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Apricot is healthy.", "generated_answer": "\"阿普克耶,精神病患者。\"", "expected_answer": "杏是健康的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1078, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As you sow, so shall you reap.", "generated_answer": "我刚刚撒了调味品,撒在我身上的了。", "expected_answer": "种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1079, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many artists have recorded their interpretations of the song.", "generated_answer": "许多艺术家都在歌曲的各种角度上做了自己的解读。", "expected_answer": "许多艺术家录制了他们对这首歌的诠释。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1080, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A lot of money.", "generated_answer": "\"很多钱\"", "expected_answer": "很多钱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1081, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the controversy that ensued he wrote many pamphlets, often anonymous, and frequently provocative.", "generated_answer": "在争议中,他写了许多的无名和非常强烈的批评文章。", "expected_answer": "在随后的争论中,他写了许多小册子,通常是匿名的,而且经常带有挑衅意味。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1082, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a letter of introduction addressing a Laird.", "generated_answer": "这是个介绍书,用来告诉一个人。", "expected_answer": "这是一封写给 Laird 的介绍信。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1083, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I can’t understand it.", "generated_answer": "\"我不理解它\"", "expected_answer": "我不明白。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1084, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Salvatore hides in a meat factory that he owns.", "generated_answer": "萨拉图尔隐藏在牛肉厂。", "expected_answer": "Salvatore 藏在他拥有的一家肉类工厂里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1085, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Williams participated in the event.", "generated_answer": "Williams 参加了这个事件。", "expected_answer": "Williams 参加了这项活动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1086, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You had me worried.", "generated_answer": "这个话让我很担忧。", "expected_answer": "你让我担心。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1087, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After the Patriots, Fauria joined the Washington Redskins for one season.", "generated_answer": "後者聖英國紅狼四隊一季聯賽。", "expected_answer": "在爱国者队之后,Fauria 加入了华盛顿红人队,打了一个赛季。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1088, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "First things first.", "generated_answer": "\"首先,首先。\"", "expected_answer": "首先要做的事情。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1089, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"When there's a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically drop down.\"", "generated_answer": "当肺氧水压力下降时,氧气袋会自动下降。", "expected_answer": "当机舱压力下降时,氧气面罩会自动下降。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1090, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A joy to every child is the swan boat.", "generated_answer": "\"他进入了苏桑波。\"", "expected_answer": "天鹅游艇是每个孩子都很喜欢的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1091, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm the king of Salem,\"\" the old man had said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"我是老子,上梅那\"。", "expected_answer": "“我是 Salem 的国王,”老人说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1092, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It looks like it.", "generated_answer": "这看起来很像。", "expected_answer": "看起来是这样。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1093, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To add insult to injury.", "generated_answer": "\"加上, 对伤害进一步加重\"", "expected_answer": "雪上加霜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1094, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Google search bar is for searching, not for typing URLs!", "generated_answer": "中国的首长是英国的。", "expected_answer": "谷歌搜索栏是用来搜索的,不是用来输入 URL 的!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1095, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The best cast at dice is not to play.", "generated_answer": "最好的打猎人是不要玩的。", "expected_answer": "掷骰子最好的办法是不去玩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1096, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oh no, that is terrible!", "generated_answer": "这真的很坏。", "expected_answer": "哦不,那太可怕了!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1097, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The album eventually sold over four million records.", "generated_answer": "这首曲目最终于2014年11月21日在美国上架,并在2015年1月1日在中国上架。", "expected_answer": "这张专辑最终卖出了 400 多万张唱片。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1098, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The wide road shimmered in the hot sun.", "generated_answer": "白色的马路响起了你的心跳。", "expected_answer": "宽阔的道路在烈日下闪闪发光。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1099, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Mrs. Sarah doesn't either.\"", "generated_answer": "Missus Serek 也不.", "expected_answer": "Sarah 太太也没有。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1100, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I didn't know shepherds knew how to read,\"\" said a girl's voice behind him.\"", "generated_answer": "我不知道Sheffard知道黑洞的人跟踪我的身份。", "expected_answer": "“我不知道牧羊人会读书,”他身后一个女孩的声音说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1101, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Or the name may derive from the Anglo-Saxon word \"\"hoppen\"\" meaning funfair.\"", "generated_answer": "\"花花酥酥\"", "expected_answer": "或者这个名字可能来源于盎格鲁撒克逊词 “hoppen”,意思是游乐场。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1102, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My first day at work was horrible, but it was not my fault", "generated_answer": "第一天上班很糟糕,不是我的负担。", "expected_answer": "我第一天上班很糟糕,但这不是我的错", "history": [] }, { "index": 1103, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Windthorst is served by the Windthorst Independent School District.", "generated_answer": "西洋是西洋独立学校管理局的西洋英语学校。", "expected_answer": "Windthorst 学区为 Windthorst 提供服务。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1104, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm making brownies with Fred.\"", "generated_answer": "我在制作肉串。", "expected_answer": "我正在和 Fred 一起做核仁巧克力饼。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1105, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The attacks, however, did not cease.", "generated_answer": "这些攻击,却没有停止。", "expected_answer": "然而,袭击并没有停止。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1106, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Open source technology means people don't need to keep reinventing the wheel.\"", "generated_answer": "Open-source technology 人人都不需要重新开发。", "expected_answer": "开源技术意味着人们不需要不断重复发明轮子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1107, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Will no one go?", "generated_answer": "这不是我的行动。", "expected_answer": "没人会去吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1108, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The conversation was interrupted by the warehouse boss.", "generated_answer": "这个对话被仓库部门的管理者打断了。", "expected_answer": "谈话被仓库老板打断了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1109, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The wind began to pick up.", "generated_answer": "风开始增加。", "expected_answer": "开始起风了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1110, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She realizes that he will have to remain in the military, which upsets her.", "generated_answer": "她意识到他必须经常参加军事活动,这使她感到不满。", "expected_answer": "她意识到他将不得不留在军队,这让她很不安。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1111, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then, you taught me something of the universal language and the Soul of the World.", "generated_answer": "那么你教我一些世界的共识和主旋律。", "expected_answer": "然后,你教了我一些世界通用的语言和世界的灵魂。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1112, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rich here, poor hereafter.", "generated_answer": "\"豪华或者汉语\".", "expected_answer": "今朝富,来日穷。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1113, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I needed to concentrate more\"\", cried Jasper.\"", "generated_answer": "我需要更加精神的精力,叫他回来。", "expected_answer": "“我需要更加集中精神”,Jasper 喊道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1114, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The album was said to draw inspiration from classic ballets and opera themes.", "generated_answer": "这首曲子以古典舞曲和音乐主题为源泉。", "expected_answer": "据说这张专辑的灵感来自经典芭蕾和歌剧主题。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1115, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The hog crawled under the high fence.", "generated_answer": "豺狼躲在高墙里.", "expected_answer": "那头猪从高高的栅栏下爬过。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1116, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The crossbar latch consists of a signal line crossed by two control lines.", "generated_answer": "这个轴线针火针针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针火针�", "expected_answer": "交叉闩锁由两条控制线和一条信号线交叉而组成。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1117, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I just want to give you a big hug!", "generated_answer": "这是我给你的大玩意。", "expected_answer": "我只想给你一个大大的拥抱!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1118, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He demonstrated the arpeggio sequence during a clinic at the Atlanta Institute of Music.", "generated_answer": "这段话展示了ARPI的序列在医院上演唱。", "expected_answer": "他在亚特兰大音乐学院的诊所演示了琶音序列。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1119, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "By then, Blass had a sizable number of members in his own criminal gang.", "generated_answer": "这时候,Blas已经有了自己的犯罪组织中的一大批成员。", "expected_answer": "那时,布拉斯在他自己的犯罪团伙中有相当数量的成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1120, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Two dogs are facing each other in a grassy field.", "generated_answer": "二狗二狗在草地相面。", "expected_answer": "两条狗在一片草地上面对面。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1121, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The binder is evacuated by the pumping system and collected or purged downstream.", "generated_answer": "\"火车站被液态系统挤出,并被推向下游。\"", "expected_answer": "粘合剂通过泵送系统排出,并在下游收集或净化。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1122, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many Christians are well-educated, but cannot rise to positions of responsibility.", "generated_answer": "许多基督徒高度教育,但无法获得职位的掌权。", "expected_answer": "许多基督徒受过良好的教育,但却不能胜任负责任的工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1123, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hwang claimed to have created eleven different patent-specific stem cell lines.", "generated_answer": "十一种具有特定性素材的肝素核苷线。", "expected_answer": "Hwang 声称已经创造了11种不同的专利特异性干细胞系。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1124, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The renovation was made by English, Swedish and Russian companies.", "generated_answer": "这项装修工程由英语、德语和俄语三家公司合作完成。", "expected_answer": "翻新是由英国、瑞典和俄罗斯公司完成的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1125, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I looked at her.", "generated_answer": "\"我不知道\"", "expected_answer": "我看着她。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1126, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These combine library branches with sports and recreation centres.", "generated_answer": "这些结合图书馆分支和体育中心。", "expected_answer": "这些图书馆结合了体育和娱乐中心。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1127, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The district is currently represented by Alex Mooney, a Republican.", "generated_answer": "这个区域目前由Alex Monney和Republican代表。", "expected_answer": "该地区目前由共和党人 Alex Mooney 代表。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1128, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are we collecting comprehensive user feedback?", "generated_answer": "这是我们的完整的用户指南。", "expected_answer": "我们是否在收集全面的用户反馈?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1129, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A sudden bright light shone upon me.", "generated_answer": "突然的热闪显现在我身边。", "expected_answer": "一道突然的强光照在我身上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1130, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You've got swell form.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个没有任何意义的词汇。", "expected_answer": "你的状态很好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1131, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A picture is worth a thousand words.", "generated_answer": "一张照片足以赞美一百万字。", "expected_answer": "一幅画胜过千言万语。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1132, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sometimes it's better to be with the sheep, who don't say anything.\"", "generated_answer": "这时候,更好的是“羊群”。", "expected_answer": "有时候和羊在一起更好,因为它们什么都不说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1133, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war", "generated_answer": "犹豫不决,让狗跑掉。", "expected_answer": "下令抢劫!让战争的恐惧溜走吧!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1134, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is based on the height of a man with his arm raised.", "generated_answer": "这是基于男性人体的手臂高度的假设。", "expected_answer": "它是基于一个人举起手臂的高度。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1135, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the books, Hermione is described as having bushy brown hair and brown eyes.", "generated_answer": "\"在书中,霍比米亚被描述为有紫色发发和紫色眼睛。\"", "expected_answer": "在书中,Hermione 被描述为有浓密的棕色头发和棕色眼睛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1136, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Guys, homophobia isn't tolerated in this office.\"", "generated_answer": "这些人关注的主题包括:\n\n1. 旅游\n2. 时尚\n3. 时间\n4. 家庭\n5. 家庭生活\n6. 家庭生活美学\n7. 家庭生活美学论坛\n8. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛\n9. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛\n10. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛\n11. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛\n12. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛\n13. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛\n14. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛\n15. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛\n16. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛\n17. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛论坛\n18. 家庭生活美学论坛论坛论坛论坛", "expected_answer": "伙计们,这个办公室不允许同性恋恐惧症。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1137, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The single was called \"\"Heaven Must Have Sent You Back to Me\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这首歌叫做《我必须发眼》。", "expected_answer": "这首单曲叫做 \"上天一定把你送回我身边\"。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1138, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My chinchilla eats bread.", "generated_answer": "莱斯威的品牌。", "expected_answer": "我的龙猫吃面包。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1139, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it.\"", "generated_answer": "这个规则是:让我们谈谈这个事情。", "expected_answer": "不打架俱乐部的第一条规则是让我们谈谈它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1140, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I won't let you.\"", "generated_answer": "不让你。", "expected_answer": "我不会让你这么做的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1141, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It spoke of journeys, discoveries, books, and change.", "generated_answer": "这些话都是指翻译、发现、写作和变化。", "expected_answer": "它谈到了旅行、发现、书籍和变化。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1142, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Vikings set up a base, which the Irish called a longphort.", "generated_answer": "魏氏创建了一个长城,英格兰人称为“长城”。", "expected_answer": "维京人建立了一个基地,爱尔兰人称之为 longphort。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1143, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I never saw it before.", "generated_answer": "我还没有见过。", "expected_answer": "我以前从未见过它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1144, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After bumping into an attendant named William on the way out, Peter feels faint.", "generated_answer": "在走出那里的路上, 后者碰上了一个名叫Vallian的石头。", "expected_answer": "在出去的路上碰到一个叫 William 的服务员后,Peter 感到很虚弱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1145, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm also going back to Paris today.\"", "generated_answer": "我也回来了。", "expected_answer": "我今天也要回巴黎。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1146, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's what I'm going to do.\"", "generated_answer": "这是对两个的评价。", "expected_answer": "这就是我要做的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1147, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are you in pain?", "generated_answer": "是否在痛苦中?", "expected_answer": "你疼吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1148, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have her call me back!", "generated_answer": "他的女友叫我回来了。", "expected_answer": "让她给我回电话!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1149, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What shall I do?", "generated_answer": "这么好的问题,你应该如何处理?", "expected_answer": "我该怎么办?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1150, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kilgariff agreed and was elected, beginning a long political career.", "generated_answer": "肯尔特·格拉里夫同意,他从此开始了一段长寿事。", "expected_answer": "Kilgariff 同意并当选了,开始了漫长的政治生涯。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1151, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seems Rahul had thought everything.", "generated_answer": "这真的很困难,开始了。", "expected_answer": "Rahul 似乎已经想到了一切。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1152, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Okay, I will not be concerned.", "generated_answer": "这样的事情,我不会担忧。", "expected_answer": "好吧,我不在乎。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1153, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A damask-designer like his father before him, he now devoted himself to full-time painting.", "generated_answer": "这位画家像他父亲那么多年前一样,现在将全神贯注于照相。", "expected_answer": "像他的父亲一样,他也是一名设计师,现在他全身心地投入到绘画中。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1154, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Might I enquire as to whom I'm addressing?\"", "generated_answer": "这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表达如下:\n\n这个问题可以用中文表", "expected_answer": "我可以问一下我在和谁讲话吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1155, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They're just a pile of stones.\"", "generated_answer": "这些只是一堆矿石。", "expected_answer": "它们只是一堆石头。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1156, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't let them get away!\"", "generated_answer": "不让他们走开.", "expected_answer": "别让他们跑了!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1157, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "March was windy and dark.", "generated_answer": "马丁路斯在亚利桑那。", "expected_answer": "三月里风很大,天很黑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1158, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Slow and steady wins the race.", "generated_answer": "阵风寒的冬季。", "expected_answer": "慢而稳者赢得此次竞速。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1159, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Episodes aired weekly, and were posted on the Red versus Blue website.", "generated_answer": "这里是英语翻译,中文翻译如下:\n\n这里是每周发布的新节目,我们在我们的红vs蓝网站上发布。", "expected_answer": "剧集每周播出,并发布在 Red versus Blue 网站上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1160, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The child soaked up information like a sponge.", "generated_answer": "这孩子像一片沙河里的沙子一样洒满了信息。", "expected_answer": "这孩子像海绵一样吸收信息。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1161, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "May I sit down?", "generated_answer": "我们已经做完了。", "expected_answer": "我可以坐下吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1162, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have the money I need to buy my sheep.", "generated_answer": "我有钱,可以用钱买我的羊。", "expected_answer": "我有足够的钱买我的羊。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1163, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"These conditions require that \"\"d\"\" and \"\"D\"\" be dominant.\"", "generated_answer": "这些条件需要D和D的主导性。", "expected_answer": "这些条件要求 \"d\" 和 \"D\" 占主导地位。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1164, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was possibly originally a humorous description of the occupants.", "generated_answer": "这可能是由文档描述中的内容来的。", "expected_answer": "这可能是对居住者的一种幽默的描述。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1165, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We can describe the object's movement with a differential equation of second order.\"", "generated_answer": "这是对象的运动可以用二次微分方程描述。", "expected_answer": "我们可以用二阶微分方程来描述物体的运动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1166, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Another run on the bank?", "generated_answer": "另一个银行走势.", "expected_answer": "又一次银行挤兑?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1167, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The stranger seemed satisfied with the answer.", "generated_answer": "这个奇怪的人看起来高兴地接受了答复。", "expected_answer": "陌生人似乎对答案很满意。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1168, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That August, Juggalo Championship Wrestling began a video distributing partnership with HighSpots dot com.", "generated_answer": "那个8月的Juggalo赛事开始了一家Video分发关系联盟与HighSpots.com。", "expected_answer": "那年八月,Juggalo 摔跤锦标赛开始与 HighSpots 网络公司合作发行视频。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1169, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This conservation and selective hunting system ensured good supplies of food.", "generated_answer": "这种保护和选择性猎捕制度保证了足够的食品供给。", "expected_answer": "这种保护和选择性狩猎系统确保了良好的食物供应。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1170, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A large portion of the cylinder had been uncovered.", "generated_answer": "中国西南联邦联盟的西南部分已经被大量地区清洗了。", "expected_answer": "圆柱体的大部分被揭开了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1171, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Now I will drift gently off to dreamland.", "generated_answer": "现在,我将饮用蒙邦。", "expected_answer": "现在我要慢慢地进入梦乡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1172, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The fumes from the traffic were unbearable.", "generated_answer": "这些煙气是无法忍受的。", "expected_answer": "交通的废气令人无法忍受。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1173, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nonverbal communication is sometimes more meaningful than the spoken words.", "generated_answer": "非语言交互的情感意义通常比说话的词汇量更为重要。", "expected_answer": "非语言交流有时比说话更有意义。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1174, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is a mutant with the power of telekinesis.", "generated_answer": "他是一个空洞的人。", "expected_answer": "他是一个拥有心灵感应能力的变异人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1175, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He understands the forces of nature.", "generated_answer": "他理解了自然的力量。", "expected_answer": "他理解自然的力量。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1176, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Reptiles include: grass snakes, adders, slowworms and common lizards.", "generated_answer": "蛇科的野生动物包括:草蜴、飞鸟蛙、慢跳蛙、平庸蛙。", "expected_answer": "爬行动物包括:草蛇、蝮蛇、蜥蜴和普通蜥蜴。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1177, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If you want a discount, you'll have to provide a ID.\"", "generated_answer": "如果想要折扣,你需要提供一个IT。", "expected_answer": "如果你想打折,你必须提供 ID。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1178, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Santa Rosa High School is well known for its award-winning ArtQuest program.", "generated_answer": "荷蘭華納高中良興與其獎務活動絕美。", "expected_answer": "Santa Rosa 高中以其屡获殊荣的 ArtQuest 项目而闻名。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1179, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I was disappointed at this inanimate bulk.", "generated_answer": "这是一个非常感谢的消息。", "expected_answer": "我对这无生命的躯体感到失望。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1180, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After a brief stint in the Soviet Army, Abramovich married his first wife, Olga.", "generated_answer": "\"後來,他結婚了他的第五名女友,她叫她的名字是Ogla。\"", "expected_answer": "在苏联军队短暂服役后, Abramovich 娶了他的第一任妻子 Olga。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1181, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"In a way, so am I,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "任何方式吧。", "expected_answer": "“在某种程度上,我也是,”他说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1182, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They were fascinating stories: each of them lived out his destiny to the end.", "generated_answer": "这些故事都是看到了结局的绝望。", "expected_answer": "这些都是迷人的故事:他们每个人都经历了自己的命运,直到最后。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1183, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Chimaira would continue their progression of heaviness with future albums.", "generated_answer": "谢谢。", "expected_answer": "在未来的专辑中,Chimaira 将继续他们沉重的脚步。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1184, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These rumors may even originate with us.", "generated_answer": "这些声言可能会被我们接受。", "expected_answer": "这些谣言甚至可能起源于我们。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1185, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was learning a lot of new things.", "generated_answer": "这个人学习很多新的东西。", "expected_answer": "他学到了很多新东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1186, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The thing itself was almost entirely buried in sand.", "generated_answer": "这个东西完全被沙漠包围了。", "expected_answer": "这东西本身几乎完全埋在沙子里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1187, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"To check one To pull the fell hide, skin over one's ears.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一种在一年之内检查一次的方法。", "expected_answer": "去检查、去拉掉皮革,把皮捂在耳朵上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1188, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If you release the clutch too quickly, the engine will stall.", "generated_answer": "如果你在开档太快,发动机就会爆炸。", "expected_answer": "如果你太快松开离合器,发动机将会失速。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1189, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.", "generated_answer": "说白了,悲痛的怕悲痛更糟。", "expected_answer": "告诉你的内心,对痛苦的恐惧比痛苦本身更可怕。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1190, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"There's one that says, 'Everything that happens once can never happen again.\"", "generated_answer": "这句话说的是,每个事物发生一次,都不会重复发生。", "expected_answer": "有一种说法是,曾经发生的一切都不会再发生了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1191, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was interred at Forest Lawn Cypress Cemetery in Cypress, California.", "generated_answer": "他被葬在格拉森格拉森墓园, 在格拉森, 加利比州的格拉森墓园。", "expected_answer": "他被安葬在加利福尼亚州赛普拉斯的森林草坪赛普拉斯公墓。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1192, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Java is not only an island, but also a popular programming language.", "generated_answer": "Java 是一個島,同时也是一個程序語言。", "expected_answer": "Java 不仅是一座岛,也是一种流行的编程语言。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1193, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What is it, dear?", "generated_answer": "一 (Yī)", "expected_answer": "怎么了,亲爱的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1194, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"So what should I do now?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "这么想, 孩子问道.", "expected_answer": "“那我现在该怎么办?”男孩问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1195, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was squatting in a corner doing yoga.", "generated_answer": "他在年轻人的身后翻滚。", "expected_answer": "他蹲在角落里做瑜伽。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1196, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I have known true alchemists,\"\" the alchemist continued.\"", "generated_answer": "我知道了三世空灵,三世空灵继续。", "expected_answer": "“我认识真正的炼金术士,”炼金术士继续说道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1197, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As hard as nails.", "generated_answer": "这是一段英文句子,全部用中文表达。", "expected_answer": "像钉子一样坚硬。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1198, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Historically the park provides rock shelters for the Aboriginal people.", "generated_answer": "古典的公园提供石器人类的石屋。", "expected_answer": "从历史上看,这个公园为土著人提供了岩石避难所。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1199, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The sun was turned into a golden disk.", "generated_answer": "阳光被金色的磨炭化了。", "expected_answer": "太阳变成了一个金色的圆盘。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1200, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They rejoined the United Counties League in Division One.", "generated_answer": "他们再回到了联盟州区的一届分一联盟。", "expected_answer": "他们在第一区重新加入了联合郡联盟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1201, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"There is no wine in this country,\"\" the young man said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"还没有酒\",阿根廷人说。", "expected_answer": "“这个国家没有酒,”年轻人说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1202, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Philip did not pursue the subject.", "generated_answer": "\"英国人\"这个词汇在英语中没有相关的意思,所以我无法将它翻译成中文。", "expected_answer": "Philip 没有探讨这个问题。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1203, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"We're just travelers,\"\" the alchemist answered.\"", "generated_answer": "\"我们只是旅行者,\" 他回答说。", "expected_answer": "“我们只是旅行者,”炼金术士回答。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1204, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Keep trying hard.", "generated_answer": "保持努力。", "expected_answer": "继续努力。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1205, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's exactly what I thought.\"", "generated_answer": "这是我的想法。", "expected_answer": "这正是我所想的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1206, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was a close associate of the powerful Chinese President Li Xiannian.", "generated_answer": "他是强大的中国总统的邻居。", "expected_answer": "他是强大的中国国家主席李先念的亲密伙伴。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1207, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many hands make light work.", "generated_answer": "这些结尾通过开玩笑来工作。", "expected_answer": "人多力量大。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1208, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Don't know,\"\" was the reply.\"", "generated_answer": "不知道", "expected_answer": "“不知道,”对方回答。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1209, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In geological terms, the Slickrock Trail is not part of the actual \"\"slickrock\"\" formation.\"", "generated_answer": "在地質學上,薩基河路不是真正的薩基河質。", "expected_answer": "从地质学的角度来说,Slickrock Trail 并不是真正的 “Slickrock” 地层的一部分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1210, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's the best part of it.\"", "generated_answer": "这是最好的装备。", "expected_answer": "这是最精彩的部分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1211, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tell me the composition of this material.", "generated_answer": "这个物质的含量是什么?", "expected_answer": "告诉我这种材料的成分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1212, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Take a sponge, some washing up liquid and a towel, then get to work!", "generated_answer": "操作步骤如下:\n\n1. 把操作用品(如操作液或洗衣液)和洗衣工具(如洗衣液操作器)搅拌起来。\n2. 在洗衣工具上操作,将操作液或洗衣液搅拌到洗衣工具上。\n3. 将操作液或洗衣液搅拌后的洗衣工具搅拌一次,确保洗衣工具消毒。\n4. 将操作液或洗衣液搅拌后的洗衣工具搅拌一次,确保洗衣工具消毒。\n5. 将操作液或洗衣液搅拌后的洗衣工具搅拌一次,确保洗衣工具消毒。\n6. 将操作液或洗衣液搅拌后的洗衣工具搅拌一次,确保洗衣工具消毒。\n7. 将操作液或洗衣液搅拌后的洗衣工具搅拌一次,确保洗衣工具消毒。\n8. 将操作液或洗衣�", "expected_answer": "拿一块海绵,一些洗涤液和一条毛巾,然后开始工作!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1213, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dash was born in London.", "generated_answer": "豆豆被生于伦敦。", "expected_answer": "Dash 出生于伦敦。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1214, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was requested to re-skate immediately, but he wanted to recover.", "generated_answer": "他被要求立即重新写作,但他想要恢复。", "expected_answer": "他被要求立即重新滑冰,但他想先恢复身体。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1215, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Renamo rebels later established their own political party.", "generated_answer": "这些人后来建立了自己的政治组织。", "expected_answer": "Renamo 叛乱分子后来建立了自己的政党。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1216, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The village has an active social group that holds several village events each year.", "generated_answer": "这个村庄有一个活跃的社区组织,每年都会举办一些村庄活动。", "expected_answer": "这个村庄有一个活跃的社会团体,每年都会举办几场乡村活动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1217, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Englishman was disappointed.", "generated_answer": "这个英国男子很不感到愉快。", "expected_answer": "英国人很失望。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1218, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The time must have been somewhere around six o'clock.\"", "generated_answer": "六点左右。", "expected_answer": "时间一定是六点左右。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1219, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An old fox need learn no craft.", "generated_answer": "一个老狗学习和不知道。", "expected_answer": "老狐狸不用学手艺。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1220, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What are you going to do, sir?", "generated_answer": "这么想啊?", "expected_answer": "你打算怎么办,先生?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1221, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I need to pay rent and keep the doors open.", "generated_answer": "我需要睡觉并保持窗帘打开。", "expected_answer": "我需要付房租,并让门开着。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1222, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He's probably trying to get in.\"", "generated_answer": "这可能是为了获取。", "expected_answer": "他可能想进去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1223, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't get too excited, it's just a hat.\"", "generated_answer": "不要太乐意,它只是个头。", "expected_answer": "别太激动,这只是一顶帽子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1224, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And that ... will be the ultimate mistake.", "generated_answer": "这将是最后的确认。", "expected_answer": "而且...将是最大的错误。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1225, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I can't go elsewhere, by your own account.\"", "generated_answer": "我无法走别的地方,你自己的说法。", "expected_answer": "据你自己说,我不能去别的地方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1226, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Reading or not, it's to you, really.\"", "generated_answer": "这是对你的话,真的。", "expected_answer": "不管你是不是在读书,这都是为了你,真的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1227, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They could laugh although they were sad.", "generated_answer": "他们可以笑,即使他们很悲伤。", "expected_answer": "虽然他们很悲伤,但他们能笑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1228, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This part of the town was half residential, half industrial.", "generated_answer": "这是一种关于黄金的词语。", "expected_answer": "城镇的这一部分一半是住宅区,一半是工业区。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1229, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They chase after him and he flies off to his ranch.", "generated_answer": "他们追逐他,他翱翔离开他们的草原。", "expected_answer": "他们追着他,他飞向他的牧场。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1230, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fresh as a daisy.", "generated_answer": "\"新\"", "expected_answer": "像雏菊一样新鲜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1231, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Undefined reference to 'swizzle'.\"", "generated_answer": "\"和找到了萨尔斯\"", "expected_answer": "未定义对 “swizzle” 的引用。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1232, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to take over a lot of plates and things.\"", "generated_answer": "我要拿很多盘子和东西。", "expected_answer": "我要接管很多盘子和东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1233, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We must treat people humanely.", "generated_answer": "人类的肌肤。", "expected_answer": "我们必须人道地对待人们。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1234, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The music was different than the single; it was angular, dark and jagged.", "generated_answer": "这首曲曲风雨的音乐与这首曲曲的音乐不同。", "expected_answer": "此音乐与那个单曲不同;它棱角分明,黑暗而参差不齐。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1235, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You must not remain here.", "generated_answer": "不能住在这里。", "expected_answer": "你不能留在这里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1236, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The lyrics parody springtime songs.", "generated_answer": "这是由电子乐器的歌曲。", "expected_answer": "这个歌词模仿了春天的歌曲。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1237, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hundreds must have seen it, and taken it for a falling star.", "generated_answer": "百万可能看见了,并且将其记录为下一个星星。", "expected_answer": "成百上千的人一定看到了它,并把它当成了坠落的星星。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1238, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Robin van Roon also joined them after a while.", "generated_answer": "\"赫尔德·沃纳\"。", "expected_answer": "过了一会儿,Robin van Roon 也加入了他们。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1239, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Doug Church also was very involved as a 'Creative Editor' on covers, layouts, features.\"", "generated_answer": "狗教基金会也非常主动的作为创意编辑人员,在纪元照片、特效和特效特效等方面的设计。", "expected_answer": "Doug Church 也是封面、版面、特写的“创意编辑”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1240, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for a better planet.", "generated_answer": "\"减少,使用,回收为一个更好的地球。\"", "expected_answer": "为了一个更好的星球,让我们减少,再利用,回收。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1241, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The curtain rose and the show was on.", "generated_answer": "这个节目的剧院飞起了。", "expected_answer": "幕布升起,演出开始了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1242, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Children play badminton on the lawn.", "generated_answer": "她喜欢玩篮球和没有.", "expected_answer": "孩子们在草坪上打羽毛球。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1243, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Love to live and live to love.", "generated_answer": "爱情爱生活,生活爱爱。", "expected_answer": "为爱而活着,为活着而爱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1244, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The greatest authority on meteorites stated that the height of its first appearance was about ninety or one hundred miles.", "generated_answer": "这个最大的天文学家认为他的第一次出现的高度是大约90或100英里。", "expected_answer": "最权威的陨石专家说,它第一次出现的高度大约是九十英里或一百英里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1245, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Latimer is consistently assessed as having a low risk of re-offending.", "generated_answer": "\"拉摩尔\" 的风险不会出现重新开始。", "expected_answer": "Latimer 一直被认为有较低的再次犯罪风险。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1246, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Only the good die young.", "generated_answer": "只有好的长短。", "expected_answer": "只有好人早逝。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1247, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even his last words are misunderstood.", "generated_answer": "\"最后的话,他的话也是这样。\"", "expected_answer": "甚至他最后的话也被误解了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1248, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have done with the red coat, believe me.", "generated_answer": "我已经做完了红色的事情。", "expected_answer": "相信我,我已经把红色的外套处理完了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1249, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was written and directed by the Cuban filmmaker, Leon Ichaso.", "generated_answer": "这部电影由印度电影制片人R.I.Chalízó写作和导演。", "expected_answer": "它是由古巴电影制作人 Leon Ichaso 创作和导演的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1250, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Not even the tribal chieftains are able to see him when they want to.", "generated_answer": "不许任何的群体领主都能看到他。", "expected_answer": "即使是部落首领也不能在他们想看的时候看到他。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1251, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "a couple standing outside in the dark near some festive lights.", "generated_answer": "他们的对象正站在外面,在一些热闹的灯光下。", "expected_answer": "一对夫妇站在外面的黑暗中,靠近一些节日的灯光。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1252, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many years later, the Bokhari English Prize was established there in his honor.", "generated_answer": "这里的价格增加了很久。", "expected_answer": "许多年后, Bokhari 英语奖就是为了纪念他而设立的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1253, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Red-Eye swung back and forth on the branch farther down.", "generated_answer": "红眼睛沉下落在树林里。", "expected_answer": "Red-Eye 在下面的树枝上来回摆动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1254, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was very little talking.", "generated_answer": "这里非常少有话说。", "expected_answer": "很少有人说话。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1255, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A young man, wearing a hoodie and a backpack, walks down an urban street.`", "generated_answer": "被褲子被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背被背�", "expected_answer": "一个穿着连帽衫和背包的年轻人走在城市街道上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1256, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's the other foreigner, the Englishman.\"", "generated_answer": "这些是可以获得的,吗?", "expected_answer": "是另一个外国人,那个英国人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1257, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Pakistani Taliban confirmed Shukrijumah's death two days later.\"", "generated_answer": "被警方证实了萨津曼的死亡,两天之后。", "expected_answer": "两天后,巴基斯坦塔利班证实了 Shukrijumah 的死亡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1258, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mount Everest is found on the international boarder between China and Nepal.", "generated_answer": "Mount Everest is located and found on the international border between China and Nepal.", "expected_answer": "珠穆朗玛峰位于中国和尼泊尔的国际边界上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1259, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What was I to do?", "generated_answer": "这是我做什么的问题。", "expected_answer": "我该怎么办?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1260, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The carpet was exquisite.", "generated_answer": "这个被动屋资产很好看。", "expected_answer": "地毯很精致。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1261, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个好的道理,但是要保持沉默,不要出声,比较好。", "expected_answer": "宁可闭口不言,被人看作愚妄,也不开口澄清一切疑惑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1262, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"What is love?\"\" the desert asked.\"", "generated_answer": "爱是什么?", "expected_answer": "“什么是爱?”沙漠问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1263, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The light-year is a unit of distance, not of time.", "generated_answer": "这是一个单位距离,而不是时间。", "expected_answer": "光年是距离单位,不是时间单位。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1264, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Listen and listen to me very closely, we call them lifts, not elevators.", "generated_answer": "听听我的话,我们叫他们“滚动”,不是“飞车”。", "expected_answer": "仔细听我说,我们称之为升降机,而不是电梯。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1265, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How did you do it?", "generated_answer": "这么做的原因是什么?", "expected_answer": "你是怎么做到的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1266, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His seat was unstable.", "generated_answer": "这个座位不稳定。", "expected_answer": "他的座位不稳。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1267, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We are obliged, at least once in our lives, to visit the holy city of Mecca.", "generated_answer": "\"我们一定要在我们生命中的一次最重要的时期上去访问穆斯林的神秘城市。\"", "expected_answer": "我们有义务,至少一生中有一次,去参观圣城麦加。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1268, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This section deals with the caveats of the proposed method.", "generated_answer": "这部分主要讨论了方法的附加条件。", "expected_answer": "本节讨论所提出方法的注意事项。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1269, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Slide the bill between the two leaves.", "generated_answer": "挤出来。", "expected_answer": "把账单放在两片叶子之间。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1270, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the Second World War, the island was occupied by the army.", "generated_answer": "在二次世界大战期间,这个岛屿被军队所占用。", "expected_answer": "在第二次世界大战中,该岛被军队占领。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1271, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The university has three residence halls for family housing.", "generated_answer": "这所大学有三个家庭住所的住所。", "expected_answer": "这所大学有三个供家庭居住的宿舍。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1272, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"No,\"\" he heard a voice on the wind say.\"", "generated_answer": "\"不,他听到了风中的声音说。\"", "expected_answer": "“不,”他听到风中有声音说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1273, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lee bought a ticket for the metro at central station.", "generated_answer": "\"李买了一张地铁车票在中心地铁站买到了。\"", "expected_answer": "Lee 在中央车站买了一张地铁票。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1274, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The term \"\"just my two cents\"\" is about opinion, not about money.\"", "generated_answer": "这个词“两个美元”是指意见,而不是钱。", "expected_answer": "术语 “just my two cents” 指的是个人意见,而不是钱。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1275, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was buried in a tomb in the cathedral in Ozieri.", "generated_answer": "这个人被派遣到一个洞穴里的宿舍里葬礼。", "expected_answer": "他被埋葬在 Ozieri 大教堂的一座坟墓里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1276, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Just, how big is that closet?", "generated_answer": "这个家具的大小是什么?", "expected_answer": "只是,那个壁橱有多大?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1277, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Suddenly, one of the hawks made a flashing dive through the sky, attacking the other.", "generated_answer": "即使这只鹰鸟在天空里窜起来,还是吃掉另一只鹰鸟的。", "expected_answer": "突然,其中一只鹰在空中俯冲,攻击另一只。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1278, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Prices for solar panels have dropped in past years.", "generated_answer": "价格已经下跌了过去几年。", "expected_answer": "太阳能电池板的价格在过去几年有所下降。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1279, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm literally a flying pony.\"", "generated_answer": "我真的是飞翔的马。", "expected_answer": "我真的是一匹会飞的小马。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1280, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The two cities are served by Los Cabos International Airport.", "generated_answer": "这两个城市都有莱芒国际机场服务。", "expected_answer": "Los Cabos 国际机场为这两个城市提供服务。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1281, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oh, is that all?", "generated_answer": "这是什么?", "expected_answer": "哦,就这些吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1282, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Without haste, yet without rest unhasting, yet unresting.", "generated_answer": "不忙碌,不休息,繼續忙碌,休息繼續。", "expected_answer": "不慌不忙,不思休息,并不不劳而获。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1283, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I still can't understand it though.\"", "generated_answer": "\"我还不明白它。\"", "expected_answer": "尽管如此,我还是不明白。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1284, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It had a diameter of about thirty yards.", "generated_answer": "这个长为三十公里的。", "expected_answer": "它的直径约为30码。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1285, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The site where these settlers situated near the mountains used to be called Conventa.", "generated_answer": "这里的这些居民住在附近的山谷上,这里被称为“欢乐山”。", "expected_answer": "这些定居者位于山区附近的地方过去被称为修道院。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1286, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A bad penny always comes back.", "generated_answer": "不会出现的痛感总会再次出现。", "expected_answer": "坏钱总会回来的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1287, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The tomato sauce was great.", "generated_answer": "这个萝�adaptive 是很好的。", "expected_answer": "番茄酱很棒。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1288, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Within the state of Illinois, school districts are numbered by their county.", "generated_answer": "在美国州级,学校区域由州的编号。", "expected_answer": "在伊利诺伊州,学区按其所在的县进行编号。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1289, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This will help you effectively collaborate with developers and coordinate cross-team projects throughout your career.", "generated_answer": "这将帮助你有效地与开发人员和协作项目的合作,并在你的整个工作生活中充分利用合作的机会。", "expected_answer": "这将有助于你在整个职业生涯中有效地与开发人员合作并协调跨团队项目。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1290, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry, it must be a phobia.", "generated_answer": "我的手臂很紧张,我的嘴唇很饱渴,这一定是心理情绪的症状。", "expected_answer": "我手心冒汗,嘴巴干燥,这一定是恐惧症。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1291, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He did not look up.", "generated_answer": "\"他看到了。\"", "expected_answer": "他没有抬头。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1292, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My grandmother and I went inside the Great Pyramid.", "generated_answer": "我的祖母和我一起进入了大庭院。", "expected_answer": "我和祖母走进了大金字塔。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1293, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Reliable counts are available in seconds.", "generated_answer": "可靠的数量可以在秒级别。", "expected_answer": "可靠的计数只需几秒钟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1294, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "First impressions are the most lasting.", "generated_answer": "这个词的中文是这个词的中文翻译。", "expected_answer": "第一印象是最持久的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1295, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We are sure that one war is enough.", "generated_answer": "我们确信,一个战争足够了。", "expected_answer": "我们确信一场战争就足够了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1296, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was no doubt about it.", "generated_answer": "这没有什么疑惑。", "expected_answer": "这是毫无疑问的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1297, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I always have both.", "generated_answer": "我总是有两个。", "expected_answer": "两者我都有。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1298, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was about the same age and height as the boy.", "generated_answer": "他就相同的年龄和身高。", "expected_answer": "他和那个男孩的年龄和身高差不多。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1299, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Broyles appears on two tracks of Boxing Nostalgic.", "generated_answer": "\"空白\"出现在两首拳击神话中。", "expected_answer": "Broyles 出现在 Boxing Nostalgic 的两首音乐中。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1300, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A child in a red jacket, sitting atop a slide.", "generated_answer": "红裙子的儿童在滑板上.", "expected_answer": "一个穿着红色夹克的孩子坐在滑梯上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1301, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sometimes I appear in the form of a solution, or a good idea.", "generated_answer": "这是一段英文句子,全部用中文翻译。", "expected_answer": "有时我会提出解决方案或好点子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1302, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In other words, it's not an open platform.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个不公开的平台。", "expected_answer": "换句话说,它不是一个开放的平台。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1303, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I found a little crowd of about twenty people surrounding the huge hole.", "generated_answer": "这里有一场大型的空洞,共有二十多人围着它。", "expected_answer": "我发现大约二十人的人群围着这个大洞。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1304, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And, in that mood, he was grateful to be in love.", "generated_answer": "在那种心情里,他对于爱情非常感谢。", "expected_answer": "在那种心情下,他很感激坠入爱河。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1305, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Republicanism became the dominant political value of Americans during and after the American Revolution.", "generated_answer": "苏联主义成为美国政治主义的主导形式,後者西欧叛义的发展。", "expected_answer": "在美国革命期间和之后,共和主义成为美国人的主要政治价值观。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1306, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This was the first donation accepted by the Smithsonian in the field of magic.", "generated_answer": "这是第一次获得的电影音乐部门的提货。", "expected_answer": "这是史密森学会在魔法领域接受的第一笔捐赠。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1307, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Inside, you'll find photographs and a brief synopsis of the item's history.\"", "generated_answer": "内部你会发现照片和简短的历史概述。", "expected_answer": "在里面,你会找到照片和物品历史的简要概述。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1308, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Kremlin suggested that the leaked documents were fake.", "generated_answer": "这个文档被称为“被隐藏的”。", "expected_answer": "克里姆林宫暗示泄露的文件是假的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1309, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Debra is a explorer that has been all over the world.", "generated_answer": "\"我们的爱好是在世界上所有的地方去探索。\"", "expected_answer": "Debra 是一个到过世界各地的探险家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1310, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A young Asian boy running with a white and gray dog on green grass.", "generated_answer": "一个年轻的阿德蒙人跑步,拥有一只白犬和一只灰犬在绿草上跑步。", "expected_answer": "一个年轻的亚洲男孩带着一条白灰色的狗跑在绿色的草地上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1311, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So there was no pressure to demolish old buildings to put new ones at their place.", "generated_answer": "这样,无法压制老楼拆出新房屋。", "expected_answer": "所以拆除旧建筑并原地建造新建筑完全没有压力。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1312, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After writing a bug report, one should regularly check if someone responded.", "generated_answer": "这样写一个报告,一定要经常检查,如果有人回复。", "expected_answer": "写完 bug 报告后,应该定期检查是否有人回复。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1313, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am in search of that universal language, among other things.", "generated_answer": "我在寻找那个天生的语言,除了这之外。", "expected_answer": "我在其他东西中间寻找那种通用语言。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1314, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm trying to explain to my mother how to get pictures off her phone.\"", "generated_answer": "我正试图用我的母亲理解如何拍照。", "expected_answer": "我正试图向我妈妈解释如何从她的手机上获取照片。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1315, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But you mustn't feel that way.\"", "generated_answer": "不要感到这样的愤怒。", "expected_answer": "但你千万别这么想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1316, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She's now eighteen years old.\"", "generated_answer": "这些年都没有.", "expected_answer": "她现在十八岁了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1317, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy observed in silence the progress of the animals and people across the desert.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩看着甲鱼和人类过河的进步,没有任何声音。", "expected_answer": "那个男孩默默地观察着动物和人类穿越沙漠的过程。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1318, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Joan cried, with shining eyes.", "generated_answer": "苏菲苏菲的眼泪汪汪地大哭了起来。", "expected_answer": "Joan 哭了,眼睛闪闪发光。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1319, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actions speak louder than words.", "generated_answer": "行动更为口袋里的话语。", "expected_answer": "行动胜于雄辩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1320, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Because they're still here.\"", "generated_answer": "因为他们仍然在这里。", "expected_answer": "因为他们还在这里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1321, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But when the reign of Tiberius ended, his poems were forgotten.", "generated_answer": "这时,帝王的停止结束,他的诗歌就被忽视了。", "expected_answer": "但是当 Tiberius 统治结束时,他的诗被遗忘了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1322, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"What's done is done.\"", "generated_answer": "这是什么?", "expected_answer": "木已成舟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1323, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conacher had nine siblings, including Hockey Hall of Famers Lionel Conacher and Roy Conacher.", "generated_answer": "关查尔克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关查尔)克(关�", "expected_answer": "Conacher 有九个兄弟姐妹,包括曲棍球名人堂的 Lionel Conacher 和 Roy Conacher。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1324, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I promise, I will be careful!", "generated_answer": "我保证我会尽力。", "expected_answer": "我保证,我会小心的!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1325, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Species are known generally as gromwells or stoneseeds.", "generated_answer": "这些物种被通常称为树根或树干。", "expected_answer": "此物种通常被称为紫草或石籽。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1326, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He subsequently was assigned to serve only in rural parishes.", "generated_answer": "这样,他后来被分配到了农村村庄。", "expected_answer": "随后,他被指派只在农村教区服务。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1327, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Melonpan and pineapple bun from Hong Kong are very similar.", "generated_answer": "\"葡萄酥和香蕉撒鱼蛋,韩式的是非常相似的。\"", "expected_answer": "香港的甜瓜和菠萝面包非常相似。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1328, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I bet it's a going away present.\"", "generated_answer": "这个事情将会被人接受。", "expected_answer": "我打赌这是一份送别礼物。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1329, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A rolling stone gathers no moss.", "generated_answer": "一块碎石不被草蒂积聚。", "expected_answer": "滚石不生苔。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1330, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Senator Theodore Bilbo.", "generated_answer": "艾尔维茨·布尔洛.", "expected_answer": "参议员 Theodore Bilbo。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1331, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In those times, the Master Work could be written simply on an emerald.", "generated_answer": "这些时候,最好的工作可以用银子写。", "expected_answer": "在那个时代,大师的作品可以简单地写在一块绿宝石上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1332, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What will happen to him?", "generated_answer": "什么事情发生了.", "expected_answer": "他会怎么样?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1333, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The shop is close by.", "generated_answer": "这家店靠近。", "expected_answer": "商店就在附近。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1334, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bananas contain a lot of sugar, even though they are fruits.", "generated_answer": "芒果包含很多糖,即使它们是苹果。", "expected_answer": "尽管香蕉是水果,但它们含有大量的糖。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1335, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Paranormal romance blends the real with the fantastic or science fictional.", "generated_answer": "\"福利的神秘情谊\"的真实主题是\"幻想或科学\"的神秘。", "expected_answer": "超自然的浪漫故事将现实与奇幻或科幻结合在一起。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1336, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cheese is made from milk, as well as many other dairy products.", "generated_answer": "奶酪是由牛奶制成的,同样也是许多其他的牛奶产品。", "expected_answer": "奶酪是由牛奶和许多其他乳制品制成的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1337, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I met your stepdad in the liquor shop yesterday.", "generated_answer": "我今天见到你的父亲在酒吧里。", "expected_answer": "我昨天在酒店遇见了你的继父。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1338, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Mine's in the door.\"", "generated_answer": "我不会做", "expected_answer": "我的在门里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1339, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conflicting reports exist relating to the outcome of this case.", "generated_answer": "这个案子的结果存在争议。", "expected_answer": "关于此案的结果,存在相互矛盾的报道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1340, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How can I help you madam?", "generated_answer": "你女儿好。", "expected_answer": "夫人,我能为您做些什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1341, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The structure chattered throughout the earthquake.", "generated_answer": "这个结构在地震中飞跃。", "expected_answer": "整个地震期间,这个结构一直在颤动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1342, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy saw a man appear behind the counter.", "generated_answer": "\"赞美,在这里。\"", "expected_answer": "男孩看见一个男人出现在柜台后面。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1343, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But he had little time for specifically Jewish politics.", "generated_answer": "但他没有很长时间参与特殊的犹太政治。", "expected_answer": "但是他几乎没有时间专门讨论犹太政治。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1344, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We'll have to satisfy them.\"", "generated_answer": "我们必须满足他们。", "expected_answer": "我们必须满足他们。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1345, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Empty vessels make the most sound.", "generated_answer": "这些船舶最响声。", "expected_answer": "空容器发出的声音最大。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1346, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Thank you, just the same.", "generated_answer": "谢谢, 加拿拉.", "expected_answer": "谢谢,还是一样。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1347, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman is cleaning a pool with a net while a man watches.", "generated_answer": "女人在水底清洗沙子,而男人看着。", "expected_answer": "一个女人在用网清理游泳池,而一个男人在看着。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1348, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The stray cat gave birth to kittens.", "generated_answer": "这只猫生下来的小猫是一群。", "expected_answer": "这只流浪猫生了小猫。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1349, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A small portion of the castle still remains within the Cathedral grounds.", "generated_answer": "一部分英国城堡的部分仍然保留着,可以让这座教堂的鼓声给你们带来一些感觉。", "expected_answer": "城堡的一小部分仍然保留在大教堂的庭院里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1350, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Just things like that.", "generated_answer": "\"想起来\"", "expected_answer": "就像那样。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1351, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man is sitting down on the ground sifting through dirt using a bucket.", "generated_answer": "这个男子正坐在地上,用一个桶搜索土地。", "expected_answer": "一个男人正坐在地上用一个桶筛土。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1352, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A young Arab, also loaded down with baggage, entered, and greeted the Englishman.", "generated_answer": "这个短信的内容是:\"我想说一句,你看见了我的照片吗?\"", "expected_answer": "一个年轻的阿拉伯人,也背着行李,走进来,向这位英国人打招呼。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1353, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The pharaoh subsequently incorporated many of these warriors into his personal guard.", "generated_answer": "这些年后,他将这些成为自己的个人经验。", "expected_answer": "法老随后将这些战士中的许多人编入了他的私人卫队。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1354, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cause of his death was not recorded.", "generated_answer": "因为他的状况没有记录。", "expected_answer": "没有记录他的死因。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1355, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The interviewer's questions are omitted from the transcripts, rendered merely as Q.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一个翻译的问题,全部用中文表示。", "expected_answer": "面试官的问题在成绩单中被省略了,仅仅呈现为 Q。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1356, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was not quite right either.", "generated_answer": "这个人也不是正确的。", "expected_answer": "他也不太对。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1357, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "New series of events would then originate which he called continuants.", "generated_answer": "新的事件将继续到该裁决进行。", "expected_answer": "新的一系列事件就会产生,他称之为连续事件。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1358, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Law enforcement consists of a one-man police department.", "generated_answer": "法律警察组成一名人民警察部.", "expected_answer": "执法由一个人的警察部门组成。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1359, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I’m coming to that.", "generated_answer": "我来到这里了。", "expected_answer": "我马上就会讲到。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1360, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The boy didn't know what a person's \"\"destiny\"\" was.\"", "generated_answer": "这个男孩没有知道人生的终身。", "expected_answer": "这个男孩不知道一个人的“命运”是什么。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1361, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Oxygen is important for us, but some bacteria don't need it at all.\"", "generated_answer": "维生素重要,但有一些病毒并不需要它。", "expected_answer": "氧气对我们很重要,但有些细菌根本不需要它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1362, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This award is given in three different categories.", "generated_answer": "这个奖项分为三个不同的类别。", "expected_answer": "该奖项分为三个不同的类别。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1363, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seemed the ordained order of things that dogs should work.", "generated_answer": "这个世界的规律,让人们想象的那样,说话应该是一种正常的行为。", "expected_answer": "狗应该工作似乎是命中注定的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1364, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One by one, the campfires were extinguished, and the oasis fell as quiet as the desert.", "generated_answer": "一行一行的,火火灭灭,沙沙沙沙。", "expected_answer": "营火一个接一个地熄灭了,绿洲变得像沙漠一样安静。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1365, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Country kits not yet listed.", "generated_answer": "国家儿童没有列表。", "expected_answer": "国家装备还没有列出。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1366, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A baseball team pitcher throwing a ball to the batter.", "generated_answer": "足球手投篮。", "expected_answer": "一位棒球队的投手把球投向击球手。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1367, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The strange horseman drew an enormous, curved sword from a scabbard mounted on his saddle.", "generated_answer": "这个奇怪的马车骑手抛出了他的无穷的钢铁剑,从船上的铁铃上挂着。", "expected_answer": "这位奇怪的骑士从马鞍上的剑鞘中抽出一把巨大的弯刀。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1368, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then Clement attempted to calculate the polar gravity, finding it surprisingly difficult.", "generated_answer": "这个方法计算了力量的重力,发现它非常困难。", "expected_answer": "然后 Clement 试图计算极地重力,发现它异常困难。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1369, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Poe Valley State Park is in Penn Township.", "generated_answer": "豆瓣飞行场首先在豆瓣的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰西部的荷兰�", "expected_answer": "Poe Valley 谷州立公园位于 Penn 镇。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1370, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It lies right on the border with Spain.", "generated_answer": "\"位于南美洲与西欧相邻的地区。\"", "expected_answer": "它正好位于西班牙的边境。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1371, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What could it be?", "generated_answer": "这可能是什么?", "expected_answer": "会是什么呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1372, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You cannot brew tea in a cold pot.", "generated_answer": "你还可以用茶水煮水。", "expected_answer": "你不能在冷壶里泡茶。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1373, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm feeling too good.\"", "generated_answer": "我感到过于好办。", "expected_answer": "我感觉太好了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1374, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you know?", "generated_answer": "你知道怎么了?", "expected_answer": "你怎么知道的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1375, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To make pure ice, you freeze water.", "generated_answer": "\"制作露珠水\"", "expected_answer": "要制造纯冰,你要把水冷冻起来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1376, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Albert requested such action from the Roman Curia.", "generated_answer": "这里有一些关于南英语的词汇。", "expected_answer": "Albert 请求罗马教廷采取这样的行动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1377, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The blade is typically long and usually under thick.", "generated_answer": "这个刀头通常长得长,通常是下垂的。", "expected_answer": "刀片通常很长,通常厚度不足。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1378, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He'd read it.\"", "generated_answer": "这本书读完了。", "expected_answer": "他读过了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1379, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Because you are trying to realize your destiny.", "generated_answer": "因为你正试图实现你的目标。", "expected_answer": "因为你在努力实现你的命运。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1380, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A shower of dirt fell from the hot pipes.", "generated_answer": "洗澡水源从心脏水管中源来。", "expected_answer": "一阵灰尘从热管中落下。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1381, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Exactly,\"\" answered the alchemist.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一段关于猫的诗。", "expected_answer": "“没错,”炼金术士回答。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1382, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The porcupine scurried home.", "generated_answer": "这是一首优秀的歌曲。", "expected_answer": "豪猪匆匆跑回家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1383, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The majority always claims to be pacifist, BUT ...", "generated_answer": "这么多人都声称自己是平和者,但是。", "expected_answer": "大多数人总是声称自己是和平主义者,但是...", "history": [] }, { "index": 1384, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do I know if I am experiencing a heart attack?", "generated_answer": "知道你在发生心肺病的时候是否知道的。", "expected_answer": "我如何知道自己是否患有心脏病?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1385, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The first contact occurred when James Cook's Endeavour anchored in Botany Bay.\"", "generated_answer": "第一次接触发生源发生在James Cooks和Endeavour在波特艙陆地陆舰与舰队的舰艘上。", "expected_answer": "第一次接触发生在 James Cook 的奋进号停泊在植物学湾的时候。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1386, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nowadays, the station serves Queens Road Market and Green Street.", "generated_answer": "现在,这个场馆已经为王国路市场和绿街服务了。", "expected_answer": "现在,这个车站为皇后大道市场和格林街服务。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1387, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They have two children, Erik and Alexandra.", "generated_answer": "他们有两个孩子,艾里兰和阿伦斯。", "expected_answer": "他们有两个孩子,Erik 和 Alexandra。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1388, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You all know the difference between an optimist and a pessimist.", "generated_answer": "这些人都知道差异性的区别。", "expected_answer": "你们都知道乐观者和悲观者的区别。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1389, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Why didn't you call me?\"", "generated_answer": "为什么不打电话给我?", "expected_answer": "你为什么不打电话给我?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1390, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In Greece, this music style was promoted as \"\"disco house\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "在希腊,这种音乐风格被推广为“美式房”。", "expected_answer": "在希腊,这种音乐风格被称为 \"disco house\"。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1391, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe we ought to go join her at the party.", "generated_answer": "可能要去参加她的聚会。", "expected_answer": "也许我们应该去参加她的聚会。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1392, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nowhatta area has eighteen sub-communities Mohalla.", "generated_answer": "十八个子镇: 南水区", "expected_answer": "Nowhatta 地区有 18 个 Mohalla 亚社区。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1393, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Please play All Funked Up from Vimeo", "generated_answer": "请祈祷,从美国的音乐节中起。", "expected_answer": "请用 Vimeo 播放 All Funked Up", "history": [] }, { "index": 1394, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Samuel wrote in his testament that his grandchildren should inherit all his money.", "generated_answer": "沈韦明在他的试画报告中写着他的后代应当尽情地借鉴所有他的钱。", "expected_answer": "Samuel 在遗嘱中写道,他的孙子应该继承他所有的财产。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1395, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She was just diagnosed with uterine cancer.", "generated_answer": "她最近只是被诊断为女性肺癌。", "expected_answer": "她刚刚被诊断出患有子宫癌。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1396, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Iraqi Police is under the command of Major General Hussein Jassim Alawadi.", "generated_answer": "\"西沙鱼\"的中文翻译是:\"西沙鱼\"的中文翻译是:\"西沙鱼\"", "expected_answer": "伊拉克警察由少将 Hussein Jassim Alawadi 指挥。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1397, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Governor of Tubas, Marwan Tubassi, is a Christian.", "generated_answer": "谢谢。", "expected_answer": "图巴斯总督 Hussein Jassim Alawadi 是基督徒。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1398, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why do you ask?", "generated_answer": "为什么你问了?", "expected_answer": "为什么这么问?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1399, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The crowd on the far left seemed to get bigger, and I heard now a faint murmur from it.", "generated_answer": "这队在最左边的人群看起来越来越大,我听到现在有一阵没有人听到的声音。", "expected_answer": "最左边的人群似乎越来越多,我现在听到了一个微弱的低语声。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1400, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The nearer the bone the sweeter the meat.", "generated_answer": "这边的肠粘度越高,肉肉也就越香。", "expected_answer": "离骨头越近,肉越甜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1401, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cup cracked and spilled its contents.", "generated_answer": "这个杯子碎了,满满的水滴落下来了。", "expected_answer": "杯子裂开了,打翻了里面的东西。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1402, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"The invaders carried the name everywhere.\"\" The beautiful girl spoke of the invaders with pride.\"", "generated_answer": "\"进攻者\"在每个地方都带着名字,她们都在谈论进攻者的美丽女孩。", "expected_answer": "“侵略者到处打着这个名号。”那个美丽的女孩自豪地谈到侵略者。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1403, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy remembered his dream, and suddenly everything was clear to him.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩回想起了他的梦想,他的眼泪就满满的流下来了。", "expected_answer": "男孩想起了他的梦,突然间一切对他来说都很清楚了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1404, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm leaving today,\"\" said the boy.\"", "generated_answer": "\"我要去现场了。\"", "expected_answer": "“我今天就要走了,”男孩说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1405, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Because the crystal was dirty.", "generated_answer": "这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意思是:这个词的意", "expected_answer": "因为水晶很脏。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1406, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My office is located on level fifteen.", "generated_answer": "房间在十五层。", "expected_answer": "我的办公室在十五层。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1407, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Could have been on my way to old Doc Brown!", "generated_answer": "可能已经到达老黄黄岭了。", "expected_answer": "可能是在去老 Brown 博士那里的路上!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1408, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Grow angry slowly; there's plenty of time.\"", "generated_answer": "若愤怒慢慢地蓬之,有时间。", "expected_answer": "让愤怒慢慢生长吧;有的是时间。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1409, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The reduced capacity forms were published by the individuals.", "generated_answer": "这些减少的容量的表格由个人发表。", "expected_answer": "容量缩减表由个人发布。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1410, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The town of Gueydan suffered numerous near catastrophes.", "generated_answer": "赤城市遭遇了许多近期灾难。", "expected_answer": "Gueydan 遭受了无数次近乎灾难的袭击。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1411, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Native shrubs have been planted in their place.", "generated_answer": "本地植物被替换了。", "expected_answer": "原生灌木已经被种植在它们的位置上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1412, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At the end of the season, he played in the Florida Instructional League.", "generated_answer": "最后一场比赛,他在美洲教练联盟赛上交结。", "expected_answer": "赛季结束时,他在佛罗里达教学联盟打球。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1413, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The camel driver was seated at the base of a palm tree, observing the sunset.", "generated_answer": "草马驾驶者坐在树下,观看半夜色。", "expected_answer": "骆驼车夫坐在一棵棕榈树的底部,观察日落。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1414, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you ever been to Singapore?", "generated_answer": "有吗您曾去过短民共和国?", "expected_answer": "你去过新加坡吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1415, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Credit won by lying is quick in dying.", "generated_answer": "赞助一笔骗局,很快就死亡。", "expected_answer": "说谎赢得的荣誉在死亡时会很快消失。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1416, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Please don't appeal to my Sentimental side.\"", "generated_answer": "这不是我的敏感面。", "expected_answer": "请不要迎合我多愁善感的一面。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1417, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Almost everyone here speaks Spanish.", "generated_answer": "这里是中文翻译:大多数人都会用西班牙语说话。", "expected_answer": "这里几乎每个人都说西班牙语。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1418, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No doubt the impact had caused a flash of fire.", "generated_answer": "不然,不会有这样的火烧。", "expected_answer": "毫无疑问,撞击引发了一场大火。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1419, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They're not concerned with that right now.\"", "generated_answer": "这些人目前并没有被认为是那样的。", "expected_answer": "他们现在不关心这个。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1420, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Robertson was brought up in Edinburgh and speaks fluent German.", "generated_answer": "Roberson 是在伦敦出生的,他的语言是意大利文。", "expected_answer": "Robertson 在爱丁堡长大,德语说得很流利。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1421, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Rahman's version, are in Desh raga.\"", "generated_answer": "\"马涅的战争在德希拉。\"", "expected_answer": "Rahman 的版本,在 Desh raga。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1422, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Roosevelt later vetoed a bill that would have disestablished it.", "generated_answer": "这个法律已经被延迟了一年。", "expected_answer": "Roosevelt 后来否决了一项会使其失去合法性的法案。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1423, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We couldn't make it in a week!\"", "generated_answer": "我无法在一周内理解这个事情。", "expected_answer": "我们不能在一周内赶到!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1424, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, the vehicle proved to be very noisy and unreliable under combat conditions.", "generated_answer": "这个车辆很热闹,不稳定,在审核中很不友好。", "expected_answer": "然而,车辆在战斗条件下被证明是非常嘈杂和不可靠的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1425, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You point to a trail of ants leading into the house.", "generated_answer": "这些蚂蚁在房屋里行程。", "expected_answer": "你指着一条冲向房子的蚂蚁群轨迹。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1426, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And who hired you for this?", "generated_answer": "这是你谁的工作?", "expected_answer": "谁雇你来的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1427, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Variants include De Sutter, DeSoto, DeZuter, DeZutter and De Zutter.", "generated_answer": "这些变体包括:Disruptor,Disruptor,Disruptor,Disruptor。", "expected_answer": "变体包括 De Sutter,DeSoto,DeZuter,DeZutter 和 De Zutter。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1428, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My daughter is happy that she found a feather on the street.", "generated_answer": "她的女儿很高兴找到一只鸟笼。", "expected_answer": "我女儿很高兴她在街上找到了一根羽毛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1429, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There were thirty girls on the soccer field.", "generated_answer": "三个女孩在足球场上.", "expected_answer": "足球场上有 30 个女孩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1430, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Haven't you got any feeling?\"", "generated_answer": "有没有活给你的。", "expected_answer": "你没有任何感觉吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1431, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm an old, superstitious Arab, and I believe in our proverbs.\"", "generated_answer": "我是一个老的普遍的梅拉人,我信仰我们的古话。", "expected_answer": "我是一个年迈而迷信的阿拉伯人,我相信我们的谚语。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1432, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The music video was directed by Mark Kohr.", "generated_answer": "这首歌的音乐片被导演 Mark KORR 推出。", "expected_answer": "这段音乐视频由 Mark Kohr 导演。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1433, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I could be wrong, but it's somewhere in that region.\"", "generated_answer": "这个新闻你看得出来了吗?", "expected_answer": "我可能错了,但它在那个区域的某个地方。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1434, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If only he did not see her!", "generated_answer": "如果他没有看见她。", "expected_answer": "要是他没看见她就好了!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1435, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We were all made by the same hand, and we have the same soul.", "generated_answer": "我们都是一样的手工制造,我们都有一样的肺。", "expected_answer": "我们都是同一只手创造的,我们有着相同的灵魂。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1436, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "راجع به چی حرف میزنی؟", "generated_answer": "\"马上来吧!\"", "expected_answer": "TO REMOVE", "history": [] }, { "index": 1437, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You wanna order, or doncha?", "generated_answer": "你想要订购或者打印。", "expected_answer": "你想点菜,还是 doncha?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1438, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Despite years of research, the problem remained intractable.", "generated_answer": "不解决了多年的研究。", "expected_answer": "尽管经过多年的研究,这个问题仍然难以解决。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1439, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You and I aren't like Hassan, that rich merchant.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一场胜负的比赛。", "expected_answer": "你和我不像 Hassan,那个富商。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1440, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Because for him, you are a green field, from which he always returns with game.", "generated_answer": "这是他的眼光里的一片绿色的平原,他总是从这里回来。", "expected_answer": "因为对他来说,你是一片绿地,他总是带着猎物从那里回来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1441, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I like crepes with nougat.", "generated_answer": "我喜欢薄荷和麦芽。", "expected_answer": "我喜欢加牛轧糖的薄饼。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1442, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It met with a positive review in Allmusic and mixed review from Pitchfork.", "generated_answer": "这个曲被广大的音乐人都感谢,但是有一些人的评论是深深的受伤。", "expected_answer": "它在 Allmusic 得到了积极的评价,在 Pitchfork 得到了褒贬不一的评价。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1443, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The band started as roadside musicians.", "generated_answer": "起初,音乐团队是驾车音乐者。", "expected_answer": "乐队以路边音乐家起家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1444, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She decided to study Accounting at a university in Portugal.", "generated_answer": "她决定在葡萃大学学习会计。", "expected_answer": "她决定在葡萄牙的一所大学学习会计。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1445, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Various conflicting accounts exist that describe saffron's first arrival in South and East Asia.\"", "generated_answer": "各种冲突的记载,描述了萨富人第一次到南东亚和东亚的地区的入侵。", "expected_answer": "关于藏红花的第一次来到南亚和东亚,存在着各种相互矛盾的说法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1446, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Exciting times are the lot of the fish patrol.", "generated_answer": "热闹的时光, 这些鱼船队的.", "expected_answer": "激动人心的时刻是鱼类巡逻的好时机。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1447, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This technique is also known as living polymerization.", "generated_answer": "这个技术也被称为生物化学化工。", "expected_answer": "这种技术也被称为活性聚合。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1448, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The underground railway network is less extensive, consisting of four lines.", "generated_answer": "这个部分的地铁网络更少,由四条线组成。", "expected_answer": "这个地铁网络不太广泛,由四条线路组成。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1449, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'll take a glance if you like.\"", "generated_answer": "我会看一看,如果你愿意。", "expected_answer": "如果你愿意,我可以看一眼。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1450, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"It's going to take a while,\"\" the boy said.\"", "generated_answer": "这样说的,很久。", "expected_answer": "“这需要一段时间,”男孩说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1451, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She went to these things resolutely.", "generated_answer": "她想要这些事物, 不过.", "expected_answer": "她毅然地去做这些事情。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1452, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Miller also described the track as too long.", "generated_answer": "这首曲子过长。", "expected_answer": "Miller 还形容这条赛道太长了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1453, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pages bound in cloth make a book.", "generated_answer": "这本书的页数是多少?", "expected_answer": "用布装订的书页构成一本书。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1454, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She offered to raise the funds and supervise construction of the hospital.", "generated_answer": "赵丽江起草了水库和水库的建设,并主持了水库的建设工作。", "expected_answer": "她提出筹集资金并监督医院的建设。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1455, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The area was surrounded by a wooden fence, later replaced by a concrete wall.", "generated_answer": "这个区域围成了一座木酒楼,后来更换了石棱楼。", "expected_answer": "该地区被木栅栏包围,后来被混凝土墙取代。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1456, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy was relieved.", "generated_answer": "这杯酒被解放了。", "expected_answer": "男孩松了口气。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1457, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The band was also featured on the soundtrack to the television show \"\"Due South\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这首乐曲也被引进到了电视剧《南风》的音乐版。", "expected_answer": "该乐队还出现在电视节目 \"Due South\" 的原声带上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1458, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you want to get us scooped?", "generated_answer": "你想要我们的茶杯吗?", "expected_answer": "你想抢我们的风头吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1459, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Access denied.", "generated_answer": "\"Access denied.\"", "expected_answer": "拒绝访问。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1460, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What was she to do?", "generated_answer": "\"好的,她要做什么?\"", "expected_answer": "她该怎么办呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1461, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vittal has already grown into a town.", "generated_answer": "已经成为一个城市了。", "expected_answer": "Vittal 已经成长为一个城镇。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1462, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"There is one church in the village, dedicated to the \"\"Holy Trinity\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这里有一座村庄的教堂,专享教堂。", "expected_answer": "村子里有一座教堂,专门供奉 \"Holy Trinity\"。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1463, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But I didn’t think that it contained any living creature.", "generated_answer": "这个", "expected_answer": "但我不认为里面有任何生物。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1464, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They found a cactus in a passenger's luggage at the airport's security check.\"", "generated_answer": "他们在机场安检检测中发现一只鳄鱼在乘客的行李中。", "expected_answer": "他们在机场安检处的一名乘客行李中发现了一株仙人掌。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1465, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Adversity and loss make a man wise.", "generated_answer": "\"老师的压抑让我失去了控制。\"", "expected_answer": "逆境和失败使人明智。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1466, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Only at very high pressures do we need to worry about such changes.", "generated_answer": "只有在非常高压下,我们需要担忧这样的变化。", "expected_answer": "只有在非常高的压力下,我们才需要担心这些变化。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1467, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can it be changed?", "generated_answer": "可能不能改变。", "expected_answer": "它能被改变吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1468, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One of the most used alloys is Zamac, a combination of Zinc and Aluminium.", "generated_answer": "一种最常用的钢丝是Zamac,其中包含了素钢和铁钢。", "expected_answer": "最常用的合金之一是锌铝合金。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1469, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He's doing it because it's what he wants to do.\"", "generated_answer": "他做这件事是因为他想要做。", "expected_answer": "他这么做是因为这是他想做的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1470, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oak is strong and also gives shade.", "generated_answer": "\"橡树也非常强大,还可以提供阴影。\"", "expected_answer": "橡木很结实,也能遮荫。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1471, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Best not to get in her way when she's on the hunt.\"", "generated_answer": "这不是为了阻碍她在离开时。", "expected_answer": "她在打猎时最好不要妨碍她。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1472, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There must be somebody there!", "generated_answer": "这是一个假的。", "expected_answer": "那里一定有人!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1473, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Policemen consider the mafia responsible for the massacre.", "generated_answer": "警察认为被起诉的人是色情网络交易的罪犯。", "expected_answer": "警察认为黑手党应对大屠杀负责。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1474, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why do you say that?", "generated_answer": "这是为什么你说这个。", "expected_answer": "你为什么这么说?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1475, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then came the night of the first falling star.", "generated_answer": "那么是星星的第一声音。", "expected_answer": "然后是第一颗流星坠落的夜晚。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1476, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hammers are basic tools in many trades.", "generated_answer": "锤子是基本工具和常用事物。", "expected_answer": "锤子是许多行业的基本工具。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1477, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He carried two dead hawks over his shoulder.", "generated_answer": "他可以拥有两只猪蹄子在他的肩膀上。", "expected_answer": "他肩上扛着两只死鹰。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1478, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Life begins at forty.", "generated_answer": "结束在四十。", "expected_answer": "人生从四十岁开始。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1479, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ironically, you just gave me the perfect alibi.", "generated_answer": "正是这样,你给我的完全的提示。", "expected_answer": "讽刺的是,你刚刚给了我完美的不在场证明。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1480, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Scattered groups of people were hurrying from the direction of Woking.", "generated_answer": "走群鸟,从白云山方向走来的。", "expected_answer": "分散的人群正从 Woking 方向匆匆赶来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1481, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The only shadow was that of the few scattered pine trees.", "generated_answer": "这只是新的裂落的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干红红的干干", "expected_answer": "唯一的阴影是那几棵散落的松树。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1482, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I know how they feel.", "generated_answer": "我知道他们的感受。", "expected_answer": "我知道他们的感受。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1483, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Excuse you for what?", "generated_answer": "\"对不起\"", "expected_answer": "原谅你什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1484, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "With his troll post he provoked the hackers to do penetration testing for him.", "generated_answer": "这个人的台词,他让爆裂者们做了他的冒险者检验。", "expected_answer": "他用他的帖子激怒了黑客,让他们为他做渗透测试。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1485, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Others remained where their families had lived for generations, with strong local ties.", "generated_answer": "其他人住在他们家乡里, 团结团糖的团结性强。", "expected_answer": "其他人留在他们的家庭世代居住的地方,与当地有着密切的联系。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1486, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The remix of the single featured producer Kanye West.", "generated_answer": "这首曲由英語的“Sling Goo”重新聲譜。", "expected_answer": "单曲制作人 Kanye West 的混音版。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1487, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Too many cooks spoil the broth.", "generated_answer": "太多的烹饪者在烹饪中沾满了污物。", "expected_answer": "人多误事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1488, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Her jaw was getting tired from chewing gum.", "generated_answer": "他的嘴巴被骂嘴唇弄累了。", "expected_answer": "她的下巴嚼口香糖嚼得很累。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1489, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pomp and circumstance", "generated_answer": "这是一种情况。", "expected_answer": "装腔作势", "history": [] }, { "index": 1490, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The organization's history spanned three centuries.\"", "generated_answer": "这个组织的历史过去三百多年。", "expected_answer": "该组织的历史跨越了三个世纪。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1491, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Taking wares to market for selling.", "generated_answer": "这是在市场上进行销售的一种方式。", "expected_answer": "将商品带到市场上销售。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1492, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The relationship between Janet and Arthur results in her becoming pregnant.", "generated_answer": "这两人的关系越来越亲密。", "expected_answer": "Janet 和 Arthur 的关系导致她怀孕了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1493, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We can't undo our mistakes.\"", "generated_answer": "我们不能再错误地做我们的错误。", "expected_answer": "我们不能弥补我们的错误。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1494, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The character is shown as a veteran soldier who is still father of Teela.", "generated_answer": "\"正确的是,这是一个过往的军人,仍然是父亲。\"", "expected_answer": "这个角色是一名老兵,他仍然是 Teela 的父亲。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1495, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nadia had had enough complaints of all the complaints from Sofia.", "generated_answer": "\"Nadia 已经足够多次对 Suiya 的抱怨了。\"", "expected_answer": "Nadia 已经受够了 Sofia 所有的抱怨。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1496, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He knew intuitively what to expect.", "generated_answer": "在你的创意方面,你应该预期什么?", "expected_answer": "他凭直觉知道会发生什么。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1497, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The town and its primary village are named after Ambrose Spencer.", "generated_answer": "不可能的。", "expected_answer": "该镇及其主要村庄以 Ambrose Spencer 的名字命名。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1498, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Two street who are dancing to accordion music.", "generated_answer": "二街和三街同步到音乐。", "expected_answer": "两条街的人在手风琴音乐的伴奏下跳舞。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1499, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe I could sell tickets.", "generated_answer": "可以卖票。", "expected_answer": "也许我可以卖票。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1500, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A group of people walking on snowy steps.", "generated_answer": "这些人是平民。", "expected_answer": "一群人走在积雪的台阶上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1501, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What are you crying about?", "generated_answer": "这个谈话的。", "expected_answer": "你哭什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1502, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The alchemist lighted the fire, and soon a delicious aroma filled the tent.", "generated_answer": "这里有一台火柴, 就像火烛一样, 热闹得令人食欲。", "expected_answer": "炼金术士点燃了火,很快一股香味充满了帐篷。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1503, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many people find it difficult to remember a sequence of more than seven numbers", "generated_answer": "太多了。", "expected_answer": "许多人发现很难记住一个超过七个数字的序列", "history": [] }, { "index": 1504, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She knows everything.", "generated_answer": "她知道所有的事。", "expected_answer": "她什么都知道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1505, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was the old, old story, I supposed.", "generated_answer": "这是老的老谊。", "expected_answer": "我想这是一个古老的故事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1506, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Please find me Chance Pe Dance.", "generated_answer": "这是一个艺术作品。", "expected_answer": "请给我找 Chance Pe Dance。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1507, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Ride Report proposed four main initiatives for study and evaluation.", "generated_answer": "这篇右侧报告提出了主要的项目和评估方案。", "expected_answer": "The Ride Report 提出了四个主要的研究和评估计划。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1508, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Could I borrow a bit of cash?", "generated_answer": "可以借一笔钱吗?", "expected_answer": "我能借点钱吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1509, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To scare a bird is not the way to catch it.", "generated_answer": "\"不是狂野的方式来捕捉。\"", "expected_answer": "吓唬一只鸟可不是抓住它的方法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1510, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His death is registered with the War Department in Washington.", "generated_answer": "他的死亡已经注册在我们的美国部门在纽约的记录中。", "expected_answer": "他的死亡在华盛顿的陆军部登记在案。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1511, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This is unacceptable, we must do something!", "generated_answer": "这是一个不可或缺的事,我们必须做些什么。", "expected_answer": "这是不可接受的,我们必须做点什么!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1512, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "William ran down the street.", "generated_answer": "William ran down the street.", "expected_answer": "William 沿街跑去。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1513, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They felt that the salesman had lied to them.", "generated_answer": "他们觉得钱手工布普勒骗了他们。", "expected_answer": "他们觉得推销员对他们撒了谎。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1514, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"All things are one,\"\" the old man had said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"一切皆為一\",老人说。", "expected_answer": "“万物一体,”老人说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1515, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, he cannot see or hear beyond the wall.", "generated_answer": "不知道他的眼睛和耳朵远远的看到和听到的。", "expected_answer": "然而,他在墙外看不见也听不见。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1516, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is religiously accredited by the Adventist Accrediting Association.", "generated_answer": "这是一个宗教的祷告词。", "expected_answer": "它得到了基督复临安息日会认证协会的宗教认证。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1517, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the boy's horse began to slow.\"", "generated_answer": "忽然,没有任何可见的原因,男孩的马开始了慢慢地退缩。", "expected_answer": "突然,不知什么原因,男孩的马开始减速。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1518, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I just don't trust anyone who says they've never had Hamburger Helper.\"", "generated_answer": "这个人我不信,任何人都没有吃过麦片食材。", "expected_answer": "我只是不相信那些说他们从来没有吃过汉堡帮手的人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1519, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The egg's shell is hard and brittle, while the interior is sticky on the fingers.\"", "generated_answer": "这个蛙的脚踏实硬,而内部则是粗硬的。", "expected_answer": "蛋壳又硬又脆,而里面的东西粘在手指上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1520, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Talking comes by nature, silence by wisdom.", "generated_answer": "谈话是自然的,难道是不是离开了这个世界?", "expected_answer": "说话是天性,沉默是智慧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1521, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One egg is like another.", "generated_answer": "一个鸡蛋就像一个瓜。", "expected_answer": "一个鸡蛋和另一个鸡蛋很像。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1522, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Their second album, \"\"Buffalo Springfield Again\"\", marked their progression to psychedelia and hard rock.\"", "generated_answer": "这首曲的第二首专辑,“跟新泰勒城”,表明他们的进步到了深度的活力和硬奢。", "expected_answer": "他们的第二张专辑 \"Buffalo Springfield Again\",标志着他们向迷幻和硬摇滚的方向发展。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1523, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sadly, my dream of becoming a squirrel whisperer may never happen.", "generated_answer": "遗憾的是,我的梦想,成为一个露眼猫的露眼猫,可能也会成为一件遗憾。", "expected_answer": "遗憾的是,我想成为松鼠语者的梦想可能永远不会实现。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1524, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Slow Tango\"\" originally appeared in the Wim Wenders film \"\"Faraway, So Close!\"", "generated_answer": "\"慢腿\" (Màn tuǐ)", "expected_answer": "\"Slow Tango\" 最初出现在 Wim Wenders 的电影 \"Faraway, So Close!\" 中。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1525, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Please don't feed the pigeons, or else they will haunt you forever!\"", "generated_answer": "不许鸡子吃饭,否则他们将永远追求你。", "expected_answer": "请不要喂鸽子,否则它们会永远缠着你!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1526, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I love you too.", "generated_answer": "我爱你也。", "expected_answer": "我也爱你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1527, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't be so silly!\"", "generated_answer": "不要这么愚蠢。", "expected_answer": "别这么傻了!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1528, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There are also a few smaller villages and retirement parks in the immediate area.", "generated_answer": "这也有一些小的村庄和老年园地附近。", "expected_answer": "邻近地区还有一些较小的村庄和退休公园。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1529, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It publishes a large number of scientific publications.", "generated_answer": "这本书针对科学研究的巨大数量的发表了许多科学文献。", "expected_answer": "它出版了大量科学出版物。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1530, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.", "generated_answer": "\"我们\" (Wǒmen) means \"we\" in English.", "expected_answer": "LGBT 代表女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性者。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1531, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No such thing ever happened.", "generated_answer": "这么一回事没有发生过。", "expected_answer": "从来没有发生过这样的事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1532, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one.", "generated_answer": "两个个人训练师,并将一个训练另一个。", "expected_answer": "雇佣两个私人教练,让其中一个训练另一个。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1533, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, many students of Lutterworth College in Harborough District actually hail from Blaby district.", "generated_answer": "这些学生,大多数来自工业区。", "expected_answer": "然而,Harborough 区 Lutterworth 学院的许多学生实际上来自 Blaby 区。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1534, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I think I know what's on your mind, Tuppy,\"\" I said.\"", "generated_answer": "我认为我知道你在想什么,我说。", "expected_answer": "“我想我知道你在想什么,Tuppy,”我说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1535, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This longer burn cut short a later Centaur disposal burn.", "generated_answer": "这只长音乐的鸟被切断了,最后被抛弃。", "expected_answer": "这种较长的燃烧缩短了后来的半人马处置燃烧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1536, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Will I learn to do that someday?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "\"你会不会要我们明天跟你说话?\"", "expected_answer": "“总有一天我会学会那样做吗?”男孩问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1537, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A Shell spokesman said the resignation was by mutual agreement.", "generated_answer": "这是一名商务人员回答说,这是两方都协商的退休。", "expected_answer": "壳牌发言人表示,辞职是双方同意的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1538, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Asymmetric cryptography uses pairs of keys.", "generated_answer": "\"同步密码学\"是同一对关键字的同步。", "expected_answer": "不对称加密使用成对的密钥。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1539, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On his hands and knees!", "generated_answer": "在他的手足和爪子上.", "expected_answer": "跪下!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1540, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A new movie is shown for the first time in the cinema.", "generated_answer": "这部新电影在第一场在电影院上映。", "expected_answer": "一部新电影首次在电影院上映。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1541, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Just pick up a first aid kit to restore your health.", "generated_answer": "赶紧拿一些第一aid箱来恢复你的健康。", "expected_answer": "拿一个急救箱来恢复你的健康。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1542, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finally, a young woman approached who was not dressed in black.", "generated_answer": "最后,一位年轻男子走近,他没有穿着裤子。", "expected_answer": "最后,一个没有穿黑色衣服的年轻女人走了过来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1543, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do we emerge as successful businesses during an economic downturn?", "generated_answer": "在经济下跌的情况下,我们如何成功地进行商业化?", "expected_answer": "在经济低迷时期,我们如何成为成功的企业?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1544, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Parachuting is dangerous.", "generated_answer": "我们的飞行是危险的。", "expected_answer": "跳伞很危险。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1545, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, not for them.", "generated_answer": "不是给他们", "expected_answer": "不,不是为他们。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1546, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The families will be here soon.", "generated_answer": "会来很快。", "expected_answer": "家人很快就会到了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1547, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cash, Thomas Craven, Clarence Darrow, W. E. B.", "generated_answer": "\"赵, 杨, 张, 王, 白\"", "expected_answer": "Cash, Thomas Craven, Clarence Darrow, W. E. B。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1548, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dora has a trampoline in her garden.", "generated_answer": "跳舞的花园里有一台跳舞棒。", "expected_answer": "Dora 在她的花园里有一张蹦床。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1549, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To the west is Yap State.", "generated_answer": "在西北方向是西北省。", "expected_answer": "西边是雅浦州。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1550, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A police officer standing next to a building looking toward the ground", "generated_answer": "警察人在建筑物的边上,看向地面。", "expected_answer": "一名警察站在一栋建筑物旁边,看着地面", "history": [] }, { "index": 1551, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These instruments are all performed in the pinpeat and mahaori orchestras.", "generated_answer": "这些乐器都在编导的Pine和Māori乐团中被弹奏。", "expected_answer": "这些乐器都是在 pinpeat 和 mahaori 管弦乐团中演奏的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1552, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was to be a common parliament and other common institutions.", "generated_answer": "这是共同的参议院和其他共同机构。", "expected_answer": "将会有一个共同的议会和其他共同的机构。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1553, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oregon sunstones can be up to three inches wide.", "generated_answer": "澳门石头可以超过三英寸宽。", "expected_answer": "俄勒冈州日落石的宽度可达 3 英寸。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1554, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why not right here?", "generated_answer": "这里不错。", "expected_answer": "为什么不在这里?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1555, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Clothes are made to be worn.", "generated_answer": "这些衣服是用来穿着的。", "expected_answer": "衣服是定做的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1556, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "points", "generated_answer": "点。", "expected_answer": "点", "history": [] }, { "index": 1557, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Strange images passed through my mind.", "generated_answer": "疑似的图像想象出来了。", "expected_answer": "奇怪的图像在我脑海中闪过。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1558, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Her computer suddenly shows a Blue Screen of Death.", "generated_answer": "她的电脑立即显示出一片蓝色的窗口。", "expected_answer": "她的电脑突然显示蓝屏死机。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1559, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Let him have everything he wants.", "generated_answer": "这样让他都能拥有他想要的。", "expected_answer": "让他拥有他想要的一切。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1560, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Like eating or sleeping, or like seeking love or finding a job.", "generated_answer": "这样的事情,就像吃饭,睡觉,找工作那样。", "expected_answer": "喜欢吃饭或者睡觉,或者喜欢寻找爱情或者找工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1561, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Capital town", "generated_answer": "城市。", "expected_answer": "首都", "history": [] }, { "index": 1562, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Britton-Macon Tories are a member of the Tri-County Conference.", "generated_answer": "英国豪华风格的马克托尔斯(McTavish)是英国的一家豪华的风格。", "expected_answer": "Britton-Macon 党是 Tri-County 会议的成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1563, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some of our biggest clients are affected.", "generated_answer": "这些会被最大的清洁工程师打造出来。", "expected_answer": "我们的一些大客户受到了影响。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1564, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He called to the boy, and they took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment.", "generated_answer": "他叫了男孩,他们就开始了在附近的段子上的工作。", "expected_answer": "他喊来了男孩,然后他们沿着营地周围的沙丘散步。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1565, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm not so much into anatomy, where's the bladder again?\"", "generated_answer": "这不是我感兴趣的那种针尖的词汇。", "expected_answer": "我对解剖学不太在行,我想再问一下膀胱在哪里来着?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1566, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The chocolate bar looked so tempting that Lenna just couldn't abstain from it.\"", "generated_answer": "这个巧克力杯看起来太甜了,而且它的香味还是很强烈的。", "expected_answer": "巧克力棒看起来如此诱人,Lenna 简直无法抗拒。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1567, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I think they're going to last for a long time,\"\" he said to the monk.\"", "generated_answer": "\"我认为你们会持续很长时间,\"", "expected_answer": "“我想它们会持续很长时间,”他对和尚说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1568, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The term has also seen a rise in use by antiquarians, traditionalists and reactionaries.", "generated_answer": "这个词也在古代宗教主义者、传统主义者和反叛者之中被注册。", "expected_answer": "这个术语也被古文物学家、传统主义者和反动派所使用。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1569, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The railroad crosses the river on the Kylling Bridge at the village of Verma.", "generated_answer": "这条铁路在河流上的桥上穿梭。", "expected_answer": "这条铁路穿过 Verma 村的 Kylling 桥。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1570, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A native method can also inspect and use objects created by Java application code.", "generated_answer": "这也可以用来指令和使用创建的Java应用程序的对象。", "expected_answer": "本机方法还可以检查和使用由 Java 应用程序代码创建的对象。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1571, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The metal ions have to be heated in the flame first.", "generated_answer": "铁铁的硬化必须先烧焦。", "expected_answer": "金属离子必须先在火焰中加热。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1572, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Waste not, want not", "generated_answer": "\"无忧无虑\"", "expected_answer": "不浪费,不愁缺", "history": [] }, { "index": 1573, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was the time of day when all of Spain slept during the summer.", "generated_answer": "这是夏天的时候,所有的花开了。", "expected_answer": "这是整个西班牙夏季人们睡觉的时间。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1574, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What are you going to do?", "generated_answer": "你要做什么?", "expected_answer": "你打算怎么办?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1575, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"See Earth's location in the universe for an orientation.\"", "generated_answer": "这里是地球的位置在宇宙中的方位。", "expected_answer": "查看地球在宇宙中的位置以确定方向。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1576, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She was his now, forever.", "generated_answer": "她现在是他永久的。", "expected_answer": "她现在是他的,直到永远。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1577, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At most, they thought that another meteorite had descended.", "generated_answer": "这些人认为,另一个碰撞物已经下降。", "expected_answer": "他们最多以为又有一颗陨石落下来了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1578, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To inspire, we need to work diligently.", "generated_answer": "为激动我们,我们需要热忱地工作。", "expected_answer": "为了激励,我们需要努力工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1579, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Refer to the Owner's Manual for further instructions.\"", "generated_answer": "请看主人公的说明书。", "expected_answer": "请参考用户手册以获取进一步的说明。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1580, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Benjamin was snacking on strips of bacon.", "generated_answer": "Benjamin 吃糙糕。", "expected_answer": "Benjamin 在吃培根条。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1581, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Her motto was \"\"Surtout Loyal\"\", which translates to 'Loyal above all'.\"", "generated_answer": "她的模型是“短缀魔都”,这意味着“短缀魔都”的翻译是“短缀魔都”。", "expected_answer": "她的座右铭是 \"Surtout Loyal\",意思是“忠诚高于一切”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1582, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Nobody's going to rush me into anything!\"", "generated_answer": "\"无人会推进我\"。", "expected_answer": "没人会催我做任何事!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1583, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I never stole a watch in my life.", "generated_answer": "这一生没有一次我偷钟的。", "expected_answer": "我一生中从未偷过手表。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1584, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Every purchase is a vote.", "generated_answer": "每一笔购买都是投票。", "expected_answer": "每一次购买都是一次投票。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1585, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Those are the rules of war,\"\" the leader explained.\"", "generated_answer": "这些是战争的规定,老大说。", "expected_answer": "“这是战争的规则,”领袖解释道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1586, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Janet Roger died three months ago.", "generated_answer": "肯特·罗德里奇在三个月内结束了营养计划。", "expected_answer": "Janet Roger 三个月前去世了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1587, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The reason for this, is to discern your strengths.", "generated_answer": "这是为了确定您的强度。", "expected_answer": "这样做的原因,是为了认清自己的优势。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1588, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And there you were in bed.", "generated_answer": "在那里你们在等待。", "expected_answer": "你躺在床上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1589, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They can have decorative carvings and in later times were erected as memorials.", "generated_answer": "这些物质可能有明显的区别,并且有多种类型,在电磁共振中被选择。", "expected_answer": "它们可以有装饰性的雕刻,后来被作为纪念物竖立起来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1590, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We tried to replace the coin but failed.", "generated_answer": "他尝试将钱放在地上,但失败了。", "expected_answer": "我们试图更换硬币,但失败了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1591, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Overnight, every charity organisation had to have one.", "generated_answer": "夜晚,每个赞助组都必须有一个。", "expected_answer": "一夜之间,每个慈善组织都必须有一个。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1592, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The group from Belgium plans to go hiking on Wednesday.", "generated_answer": "这个团体从比利时出现的计划去晚五天来游玩.", "expected_answer": "来自比利时的团队计划周三去远足。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1593, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Phantom of the Opera is the only musical I've ever seen.\"", "generated_answer": "这首歌剧的舞蹈都是我所看过的。", "expected_answer": "歌剧魅影是我看过的唯一一部音乐剧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1594, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The phone call got interrupted for unknown reasons.", "generated_answer": "这个电话号码被未知原因中断了。", "expected_answer": "不知什么原因,电话中断了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1595, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you sing me a lullaby?", "generated_answer": "可以看见我吗?", "expected_answer": "你能给我唱首摇篮曲吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1596, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Mother's on the extension.\"", "generated_answer": "父母的承诺.", "expected_answer": "妈妈在正在延期。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1597, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A gradual diminishing of time", "generated_answer": "时间的渐渐减少。", "expected_answer": "时间不断消逝", "history": [] }, { "index": 1598, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The song, written and sung by Wright, was recorded during two different sessions.", "generated_answer": "这首歌,写作和唱作是Wright的,在两个不同的记录会做。", "expected_answer": "这首由 Wright 创作和演唱的歌曲在两个不同的时段录制。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1599, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Great, can you show them to me?", "generated_answer": "会说明吗?", "expected_answer": "太好了,你能给我看看吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1600, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How valiantly I went at it that first day.", "generated_answer": "这么多次我在那天的第一天上手。", "expected_answer": "我在第一天去做是多么地勇敢啊。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1601, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"There's a caravan leaving today for Al-Fayoum.\"\"\"", "generated_answer": "\"今天有一张走私的跑车, 出现在了阿尔伯特。\"", "expected_answer": "\"今天有一队商队出发去 Al-Fayoum。\"", "history": [] }, { "index": 1602, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The downstairs hosts a small railroad collection museum.", "generated_answer": "下层有一个小的影像馆藏品集.", "expected_answer": "楼下有一个小型铁路收藏博物馆。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1603, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Did you see the chap over there with his arms in the air like he just doesn't care?\"", "generated_answer": "这个人在那里,他的手臂在飞翔般地,像他并不关心的人。", "expected_answer": "你有没有看到那边那个手臂举在空中的家伙,好像他根本不在乎似的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1604, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The landing was dimly light by a single, bare, low-power light-bulb.", "generated_answer": "这个灯光很暗,但是只有一个独自的灭光灯光。", "expected_answer": "只有一个光秃秃的低功率灯泡微弱地照亮了楼梯平台。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1605, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The topmost shoe box held only receipts from shopping trips a decade ago.", "generated_answer": "这个韩式飞马鞋店的顶级购物车获得了一代前后十年前的热情。", "expected_answer": "最上面的鞋盒里只有十年前购物旅行的收据。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1606, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Troops frequently wintered at Nicomedia.", "generated_answer": "汉军经常在尼克米塔被游客暴露。", "expected_answer": "部队经常在 Nicomedia 过冬。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1607, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Talk to me about it.", "generated_answer": "讨论这个问题吧。", "expected_answer": "跟我说说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1608, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yes, this is the right place.", "generated_answer": "是的,这是正确的计划。", "expected_answer": "是的,就是这里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1609, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cunningham, and Bunichi Kagawa.", "generated_answer": "\"崔尼河\"和\"群地河\"。", "expected_answer": "Cunningham 和 Bunichi Kagawa。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1610, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He really wants us to be friends, but we hardly have anything in common!", "generated_answer": "他真的想让我们亲切,但我们实际上没有什么共同点。", "expected_answer": "他真的希望我们成为朋友,但我们几乎没有任何共同点!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1611, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is all right.", "generated_answer": "这个很好。", "expected_answer": "没关系。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1612, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you say?", "generated_answer": "一看看", "expected_answer": "你说呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1613, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "North Kanara was transferred to the Bombay Presidency, and South was retained by Madras.", "generated_answer": "北部南部分分别交给了东方和西方两个领导人。", "expected_answer": "北卡纳拉被移交给孟买总统,而南卡纳拉被马德拉斯保留。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1614, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Well, you shouldn't have any trouble then.\"", "generated_answer": "这些人有困难。", "expected_answer": "那么,你不应该有任何麻烦。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1615, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yesterday he felt invincible, now he has a hangover.", "generated_answer": "今天他感觉无影无踪,现在他已经不再知道了。", "expected_answer": "昨天他觉得自己绝不会醉,现在他宿醉了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1616, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I saw Louis the other day, he was super concerned about you.", "generated_answer": "我昨天看到了利绍,他非常的担忧对他。", "expected_answer": "我前几天见过 Louis,他非常关心你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1617, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Write at once or you may forget it.", "generated_answer": "\"升一二月为马车\"", "expected_answer": "马上写下来,否则你会忘记的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1618, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Water had made the book crumpled and unreadable.", "generated_answer": "这本书被打碎了,不能阅读。", "expected_answer": "水把书弄皱了,无法阅读。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1619, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy put the stones in his pouch.", "generated_answer": "这个男孩把石头放进了他的袋子。", "expected_answer": "男孩把石头放在他的袋子里。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1620, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lost time is never found again.", "generated_answer": "最后一次没有找到游戏。", "expected_answer": "光阴一去不复返。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1621, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What else am I to do?", "generated_answer": "这个问题很简单,你可以直接用翻译工具来翻译。", "expected_answer": "我还能做什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1622, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I will cast a dangerous spell.", "generated_answer": "我将开始一项危险的法术。", "expected_answer": "我要施放一个危险的咒语。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1623, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His work was primarily in the area of plastics and catalysts.", "generated_answer": "他的作品主要是在聚合物和化合物领域进行了丰富的研究。", "expected_answer": "他的工作主要是在塑料和催化剂领域。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1624, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you like reading physical books or digital versions?", "generated_answer": "你喜欢阅读物理书本还是在线版本?", "expected_answer": "你喜欢读实体书还是电子书?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1625, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even then he hardly understood what this meant.", "generated_answer": "这个事情还不懂。", "expected_answer": "即使在那时,他也几乎不明白这意味着什么。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1626, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She's gonna like it, isn't she.\"", "generated_answer": "\"她真的很好看\"", "expected_answer": "她会喜欢的,不是吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1627, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The weather forecast for this week didn't look good at all.\"", "generated_answer": "这次天气预报都非常好。", "expected_answer": "本周的天气预报看起来一点都不好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1628, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I walked fast to avoid being overtaken.", "generated_answer": "我走得得快避开被超越。", "expected_answer": "我走得很快,以免被人超过。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1629, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Traditional cultural and religious mores tend to associate cross-dressing with homosexuality.", "generated_answer": "\"传统、文化和宗教习惯通常认为交叉关系与同性交叉相关。\"", "expected_answer": "传统文化和宗教习俗倾向于将变装与同性恋联系在一起。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1630, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The grenade is activated by the fuze in the handle.", "generated_answer": "绿色头被手臂的足脚激活。", "expected_answer": "手榴弹由手柄上的引信启动。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1631, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Who told you that?", "generated_answer": "这是什么?", "expected_answer": "谁告诉你的?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1632, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A black dog jumping into the water", "generated_answer": "黑狗跳跃入水。", "expected_answer": "一只黑狗跳进水里", "history": [] }, { "index": 1633, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sorel grew up in the Bronx, son of Jewish immigrants.", "generated_answer": "苏轼的出生在布鲁克林,十二世纪。", "expected_answer": "Sorel 在布朗克斯长大,父母是犹太移民。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1634, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No one seemed to have thought about it that night.", "generated_answer": "\"无人认为这晚上\"", "expected_answer": "那天晚上似乎没有人想过这件事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1635, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There are too many obstacles for the robot to find its way.", "generated_answer": "过多的障碍让机器人无法找到自己的路径。", "expected_answer": "机器人寻路有太多的障碍。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1636, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A little lemongrass should freshen it up.", "generated_answer": "这是一次小的黄柚草,可以使其更新一下。", "expected_answer": "加点柠檬草会让它更新鲜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1637, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Something smells around here.", "generated_answer": "这里的栽培有点香。", "expected_answer": "这附近有股味道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1638, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jeez, you look stoned!", "generated_answer": "这样的眼神很难看。", "expected_answer": "天哪,你看起来醉了!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1639, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The respectable young Englishmen she met at the latter did not appeal to her.", "generated_answer": "这位荣誉的年轻英国人,她遇见的那位并不吸引她的注意。", "expected_answer": "后来她遇到的可敬的年轻英国人对她没有什么吸引力。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1640, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sources differ regarding the date, the attackers and the attack aircraft used.", "generated_answer": "这里有不同的来源,指出攻击飞机发送时间。", "expected_answer": "消息来源在日期、攻击者和使用的攻击机方面有所不同。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1641, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"What is it that I still need to know?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "什么都没有,我还需要知道。", "expected_answer": "“我还需要知道什么?”男孩问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1642, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is interred in Evergreen Cemetery.", "generated_answer": "这是在Evergreen的类似。", "expected_answer": "他被安葬在常青公墓。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1643, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"You are wise, because you observe everything from a distance,\"\" the boy said.\"", "generated_answer": "这个孩子说的是:你的智慧来自于你对所有事物的观察,从远处看得到。", "expected_answer": "“你很聪明,因为你从远处观察一切,”男孩说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1644, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Love is the force that transforms and improves the Soul of the World.", "generated_answer": "爱是世界中的一种力量,使我们的灵魂更好地发展和改进。", "expected_answer": "爱是改变和改善世界灵魂的力量。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1645, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In that assembly he served several terms as speaker.", "generated_answer": "在那个会议中,他在那些桌上都做了几个小酸菜。", "expected_answer": "在那次大会上,他担任了几届议长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1646, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What is to be done?", "generated_answer": "什么需要做?", "expected_answer": "该怎么办?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1647, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most of them were staring quietly at the big table.", "generated_answer": "这些大多数人都在盯着大桌上看。", "expected_answer": "他们大多数人都静静地盯着大桌子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1648, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Critic Dave Marsh called it one of the best live albums ever made.", "generated_answer": "这首歌是一首最好的生活专辑。", "expected_answer": "评论家 Dave Marsh 称之为有史以来最好的现场专辑之一。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1649, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do kangaroos like to eat?", "generated_answer": "这些树和草都像草鸡那样发芽。", "expected_answer": "袋鼠喜欢吃什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1650, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I bet you forgot the wine!", "generated_answer": "这次你忘记了酒吗?", "expected_answer": "我打赌你忘了酒!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1651, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I see what you mean.", "generated_answer": "我明白了", "expected_answer": "我明白你的意思。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1652, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The heather was on fire, and you could see a thin blue smoke rising up slowly.", "generated_answer": "烫的草原在火烧中,你可以看到一股细微的蓝色的烟气漂往上游。", "expected_answer": "The heather 着火了,你可以看到一股淡蓝色的烟慢慢升起。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1653, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Christopher was confused.", "generated_answer": "看到这些错误, 你会感到困惑.", "expected_answer": "Christopher 很困惑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1654, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hm, I will have to ask Ian about that.", "generated_answer": "这个我得去问Ian。", "expected_answer": "嗯,我得问问 Ian。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1655, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As Venetians emigrated, they sought similar patent protection in their new homes.", "generated_answer": "这些突厥人在他们新居所里开始生产类似的专利。", "expected_answer": "随着威尼斯人移民,他们也在新家寻求类似的专利保护。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1656, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She's a wonderful person.\"", "generated_answer": "她是一个伟人。", "expected_answer": "她是个很棒的人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1657, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The writing was illegible.", "generated_answer": "这篇写稿无法读懂。", "expected_answer": "字迹难以辨认。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1658, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "‘It sounds like a horse,’ Alice thought to herself.", "generated_answer": "这声音像马蹄一样, 她自己告诉自己.", "expected_answer": "“听起来像匹马,”爱丽丝想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1659, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Their decision to work with several overseas studios led to major production delays.", "generated_answer": "他们决定与多个国外电视台合作导演的决定导致了大量的产品延迟。", "expected_answer": "他们与几家海外电影公司合作的决定导致了重大的制作延误。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1660, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Good afternoon sir, how may I be of service?", "generated_answer": "早上好,先生,你好。如何助我?", "expected_answer": "下午好,先生,我能为您服务吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1661, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consequently, the understory dries out more slowly than more exposed areas do.", "generated_answer": "结果,下层被更慢地推出,比更露外面的区域更慢地推出.", "expected_answer": "因此,下层植被干燥的速度比暴露的区域要慢。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1662, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy thought it a strange question.", "generated_answer": "这个问题看起来很奇怪。", "expected_answer": "这个男孩认为这是一个奇怪的问题。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1663, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As a result, luma must be distinguished from luminance.", "generated_answer": "这是一种股票类型,其价值由股票价格变化而变化。", "expected_answer": "因此,luma 必须与 luminance 区分开来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1664, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Coalitions in the Bundestag and state legislators are often described by party colors.", "generated_answer": "联盟在市长和省会议员中通常被政党颜色描述。", "expected_answer": "联邦议院和州立法者的联盟经常被描述为党派色彩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1665, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Each value specifying her qualification for one of the jobs.", "generated_answer": "这些值指定了她的职业资格,对应于一项职位。", "expected_answer": "每一个值都指定了她担任其中一项工作的资格。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1666, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The main ashram in Puttaparthi is known as Prasanthi Nilayam.", "generated_answer": "《華城經》中的主要節點為「禪經」。", "expected_answer": "Puttaparthi 的主要道场被称为 Prasanthi Nilayam。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1667, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You, you would not keep the truth from me.", "generated_answer": "这是你的真诚。", "expected_answer": "你,你不会对我隐瞒真相。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1668, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His grandfather had earlier served in the same body.", "generated_answer": "他的父亲的父亲在同一个国家军队中有一次参加的飞行工作。", "expected_answer": "他的祖父早些时候曾在同一机构任职。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1669, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She was the daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Moroh Coplon.", "generated_answer": "她是莱希·莱布尔·莱米尔·查尔斯·莱米尔的女儿。", "expected_answer": "她是 Samuel 和 Rebecca Moroh Coplon 的女儿。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1670, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The sheep were led home by a dog.", "generated_answer": "这些羊船被一只狗驱送回家。", "expected_answer": "这只羊被一条狗领回了家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1671, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is the brother of former Senator Julian McGauran.", "generated_answer": "他是前总理麦克马克斯·麦克马克斯的兄弟。", "expected_answer": "他是前参议员 Julian McGauran 的兄弟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1672, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It won't hurt you and we can make the City Edition.\"", "generated_answer": "这不难,我们可以生成中文翻译。", "expected_answer": "它不会伤害你,我们可以做城市版。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1673, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had assumed he would soon return to his sheep.", "generated_answer": "\"他年轻时,他将传播给他的父亲。\"", "expected_answer": "他原以为自己很快就会回到他的羊身边。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1674, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't you know me?\"", "generated_answer": "\"你好。\"", "expected_answer": "你不认识我吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1675, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I can help protect you.", "generated_answer": "我可以保护你。", "expected_answer": "我可以帮助保护你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1676, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why does the ice cream truck keep playing such a sad song “send in the clowns”?", "generated_answer": "这首歌是谁的?", "expected_answer": "为什么冰淇淋车一直在播放 “send in the clowns” 这样一首悲伤的歌?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1677, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Local bus routes serve the bus stop located outside the ticket hall.", "generated_answer": "本地公交路线依次服务于本地的公交车站。", "expected_answer": "当地公共汽车路线服务于售票厅外的公共汽车站。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1678, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Also, Inspector Gadget.", "generated_answer": "\"也\" (Yě)", "expected_answer": "还有,G型神探。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1679, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nothing of the kind.", "generated_answer": "\"无关事物\"", "expected_answer": "完全不是这样。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1680, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you know my name?", "generated_answer": "这是我们的爱好。", "expected_answer": "你怎么知道我的名字?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1681, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am Polish.", "generated_answer": "我被洗干净了,为什么他还活着?", "expected_answer": "我是波兰人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1682, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hot Wheels: Crash!", "generated_answer": "\"铁路碰撞\"", "expected_answer": "风火轮:碰撞!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1683, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man in a black suit is walking.", "generated_answer": "一个男人在黑色裤装的人正在走。", "expected_answer": "一个穿着黑色西装的男人正在走路。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1684, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had used the two stones only once, one morning when he was at a marketplace.", "generated_answer": "这是一个单词的翻译,不需要任何其他语言。", "expected_answer": "这两块石头他只使用过一次,那是一天早晨他在集市上的时候使用的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1685, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about what it's like to live and work there.\"", "generated_answer": "这里的生活和工作都很有趣。", "expected_answer": "我想知道你能否多告诉我一些在那里生活和工作的情况。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1686, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But, just before lunchtime, a boy stopped in front of the shop.", "generated_answer": "但是,在午餐前一刻,一个男孩在门前站着。", "expected_answer": "但是,就在午饭前,一个男孩在商店前停了下来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1687, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I should have been there.", "generated_answer": "这个话说白了就是你应该在那里。", "expected_answer": "我应该去的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1688, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But as he saw them lying there on the ground, another phrase came to his mind.", "generated_answer": "但是他看到他们在地上坟场上,另外一句话也来了。", "expected_answer": "但当他看到他们躺在地上时,他又想起了另一个短语。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1689, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They crossed the desert for another two days in silence.", "generated_answer": "这两天,他们再次走过沙漠。", "expected_answer": "他们又默默地穿越了沙漠两天。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1690, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Motion parallax is a monocular depth cue.", "generated_answer": "运动平行缓慢深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度缓慢的深度", "expected_answer": "运动视差是一个单眼深度线索。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1691, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The climate was mild; the farm lands were cheap and fertile.", "generated_answer": "调和的气候,农业地产价格和密度很便宜,并且非常肥沃。", "expected_answer": "气候温和;这些农场土地既便宜又肥沃。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1692, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That is the way locals now see the Roseland Peninsula.", "generated_answer": "这是当地人们现在对赤河岭的看法。", "expected_answer": "这就是当地人现在对 Roseland 半岛的看法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1693, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Be sure you spell the name right.", "generated_answer": "确认名字正确。", "expected_answer": "一定要把名字拼对。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1694, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, what is it?", "generated_answer": "这个, 你好吗?", "expected_answer": "好吧,怎么了?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1695, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The conflict uprooted many people.", "generated_answer": "这场冲击引起了许多人。", "expected_answer": "这场冲突使许多人背井离乡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1696, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Make sure you've read my introductory post on voice coding, since we will be building upon that.\"", "generated_answer": "确保你已经阅读我的入门文章《编码的概念》,因为我们将在这里建立。", "expected_answer": "请确保您已经阅读了我关于语音编码的介绍性文章,因为我们将在此基础上继续努力。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1697, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And that reminds me.", "generated_answer": "\"如果\"", "expected_answer": "这提醒了我。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1698, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Two Laurent polynomials are equal if their coefficients are equal.", "generated_answer": "这是一段英文句子,我将其翻译为中文。", "expected_answer": "若系数相等,则两个洛朗多项式相等。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1699, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Amblypygids possess no silk glands or venomous fangs.", "generated_answer": "\"Amblepitich\" 的花草是有殴打的。", "expected_answer": "Amblypygids 没有丝腺或毒牙。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1700, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was succeeded by Lord Hill of Oareford.", "generated_answer": "\"他被鲁尔夫·韦尔兹赞美。\"", "expected_answer": "他的继任者是 Oareford 的 Hill 勋爵。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1701, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Forty on Thursday is the name of the event.", "generated_answer": "\"芒种晚上\"", "expected_answer": "活动的名称是 Forty on Thursday 。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1702, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I know his voice.", "generated_answer": "我知道他的声音。", "expected_answer": "我知道他的声音。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1703, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As a result, the Andean flamingos are threatened species.", "generated_answer": "这样, 卢斯马兰翁的鸵鸟是一种被视为特殊種族的群体。", "expected_answer": "因此,安第斯火烈鸟是濒危物种。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1704, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I was told by my instructor to use a nichrome wire to burn metal solids.", "generated_answer": "这个教练告诉我要用硫化钠电线燃烧金属溶液。", "expected_answer": "我的老师告诉我用镍铬合金线来燃烧金属固体。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1705, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come what come must.", "generated_answer": "这个话题很重要。", "expected_answer": "该来的总会来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1706, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As Jennifer walked down the aisle, she wondered if she had made a mistake.", "generated_answer": "这个人在走下路时,她心里有些疑惑。", "expected_answer": "当 Jennifer 走过过道时,她想知道自己是否犯了一个错误。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1707, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to put her through college.\"", "generated_answer": "我要把她通过大学。", "expected_answer": "我要让她读完大学。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1708, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The tribal chieftain called for the boy, and presented him with fifty pieces of gold.", "generated_answer": "五百元的金子赐给了一位子弟。", "expected_answer": "部落首领叫来了男孩,并给他五十枚金币。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1709, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm the leader of the caravan,\"\" said a dark-eyed, bearded man.\"", "generated_answer": "我是班长,说道一位年轻的男子。", "expected_answer": "“我是商队的队长,”一个黑眼睛、长胡子的男人说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1710, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cottage burned down.", "generated_answer": "\"家园破坏了郊区。\"", "expected_answer": "小屋被烧毁了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1711, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An oriental woman is holding a microphone.", "generated_answer": "\"一名洋水女子在拿着麦克风。\"", "expected_answer": "一个东方女人拿着麦克风。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1712, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is long, and graded \"\"Very Difficult\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这是长长的,非常难行。", "expected_answer": "它很长,等级为“非常难”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1713, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However I am dressed, I shall still be Sancho Panza.", "generated_answer": "不许你穿我,我仍然是赤光猪。", "expected_answer": "无论我穿什么,我仍然是 Sancho Panza。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1714, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They don't see that the fields are new and the seasons change.\"", "generated_answer": "这不是新的草原,地球的季节发生了变化。", "expected_answer": "他们没有看到场地是新的,季节也变化了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1715, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At this point, she retired from the professional tour.", "generated_answer": "现在,她退出了专业舞台.", "expected_answer": "至此,她退出了职业巡回赛。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1716, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Man is the head but woman turns it.", "generated_answer": "男人是头,女人旋转它", "expected_answer": "男人是头,女人是脑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1717, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wait till we get home.", "generated_answer": "回家", "expected_answer": "等我们到家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1718, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jason makes his home in Providence, Rhode Island.", "generated_answer": "Jason 住在Providence, Rhode Island.", "expected_answer": "Jason 在罗德岛的普罗维登斯安家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1719, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was eighteen when he landed his first job in the industry.", "generated_answer": "十八岁时,他到了工业行业的第一个工作。", "expected_answer": "他 18 岁时找到了这个行业的第一份工作。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1720, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The stems of the tall glasses cracked and broke.", "generated_answer": "这些长针花的根部破碎了。", "expected_answer": "高脚杯的杯柄破裂了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1721, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I saw astonishment and horror on the faces of the people around me.", "generated_answer": "我看到了他们的面上的震惊和恐惧。", "expected_answer": "我看到周围人脸上的惊讶和恐惧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1722, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was the son of Benjamin Blake and nephew of Lord Proprietor, John Archdale.", "generated_answer": "他是Benjamin Lake的儿子,也是Lord Arcadell的兄弟。", "expected_answer": "他是 Benjamin Blake 的儿子,也是大地主 John Archdale的侄子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1723, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man playing the guitar is jumping.", "generated_answer": "\"一个男子弹播放唱歌,跳跃起来。\"", "expected_answer": "一个弹吉他的人在跳。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1724, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rewards for completing these include character concept art, new game modes, characters, and fatalities.", "generated_answer": "赏金奖励包括完成这些的人物、概念、游戏、模型人物和死亡。", "expected_answer": "完成这些任务的奖励包括角色概念图、新游戏模式、角色和死亡特效。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1725, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Something inside the cylinder was unscrewing the top.", "generated_answer": "这里有一点在内部的瓶子上面被刻痕。", "expected_answer": "圆筒里有什么东西正在拧开圆筒的顶部。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1726, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On the other hand, it may not be all right.", "generated_answer": "这样也不是正确的。", "expected_answer": "另一方面,这可能不太好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1727, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man is chopping up a roast pig.", "generated_answer": "一个男人在削掉一棵树苹果树。", "expected_answer": "一个男人正在切一只烤猪。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1728, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman carries a backpack and teal jacket", "generated_answer": "女人拿背包和单衣。", "expected_answer": "一个女人背着背包和蓝绿色夹克", "history": [] }, { "index": 1729, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can I have one of those?", "generated_answer": "这个。", "expected_answer": "我能要一个吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1730, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most of his early work incorporated subversive social comment.", "generated_answer": "这部份的早期作品都包含了暗示性的社会讽刺。", "expected_answer": "他早期的大部分作品都包含了颠覆性的社会评论。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1731, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The recluse from Lithuania and his compatriot were making up stories about mermaids and fays.", "generated_answer": "这个人来自丽江的隐匿者和他的同伴在做起谬誤的故事,谣传了真人和魔鬼。", "expected_answer": "这位立陶宛的隐士和他的同胞正在编造有关美人鱼和 fays 的故事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1732, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come on, I can handle it.", "generated_answer": "这么好,我可以处理它。", "expected_answer": "来吧,我能行。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1733, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It took forty five minutes for Pedro to drive to work.", "generated_answer": "Forty-five 分钟的时间,Pedro 驾驶了路。", "expected_answer": "Pedro 开车去上班花了 45 分钟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1734, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The lights dimmed and the music started.", "generated_answer": "灯火照耀,音乐开始。", "expected_answer": "灯光变暗,音乐开始了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1735, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you know who I am?", "generated_answer": "我知道你不知道我的名字。", "expected_answer": "你知道我是谁吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1736, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A public declaration an announcement of revolution.", "generated_answer": "\"公开的发布声明和宣言的革命。\"", "expected_answer": "一项公开的宣言,一项革命的宣告。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1737, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All tracks written and composed by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb.", "generated_answer": "这些曲被Barry, Robbin和Mariescape所创作。", "expected_answer": "Barry、Robin 和 Maurice Gibb 创作的所有曲目。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1738, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm observing passive-aggressive behavior\"\", the psychologist said in a professional tone.\"", "generated_answer": "我正观察到反悔行为,医生在专业的声色中说。", "expected_answer": "“我在观察被动攻击行为,”这位心理学家用专业的语气说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1739, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jenny went to Italy last year.", "generated_answer": "\"过洛杉矶一年\"", "expected_answer": "珍妮去年去了意大利。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1740, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some are closely linked to Swedish festivities.", "generated_answer": "这些夏天的装饰,与西班牙的节日有关。", "expected_answer": "有些与瑞典节日密切相关。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1741, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We have three boxes of noodles remaining.", "generated_answer": "这些食材还剩三个盒子。", "expected_answer": "我们还剩三盒面条。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1742, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It reminded him of the wool from his sheep...", "generated_answer": "这个回忆让他想起他的羊毛。", "expected_answer": "这让他想起了他羊身上的羊毛...", "history": [] }, { "index": 1743, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She married Kenneth Trueman.", "generated_answer": "她结婚了埃里克·沃鲁曼。", "expected_answer": "她嫁给了 Kenneth Trueman。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1744, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eliza was shocked at the revelation.", "generated_answer": "艾莉舍被惊讶地惊醒了。", "expected_answer": "Eliza 对这一发现感到震惊。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1745, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Both dice must be tossed in one throw.", "generated_answer": "这两个骰子必须被一次投掷。", "expected_answer": "两个骰子必须一次掷出。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1746, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They ate dinner at the fifth, and rested for two hours.", "generated_answer": "他们五号,休息了两个小时。", "expected_answer": "他们在五号吃了晚饭,休息了两个小时。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1747, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Prot is completely uninterested in flirtation.", "generated_answer": "\"Prod\" 没有兴趣于脱水。", "expected_answer": "Prot 对调情完全不感兴趣。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1748, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I dare her to move that desk out of here.", "generated_answer": "这是要移动出去的。", "expected_answer": "我谅她也不敢把那张桌子搬走。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1749, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come on in the office here.", "generated_answer": "赶紧来吧!", "expected_answer": "到办公室来吧。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1750, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was, however, still so hot from its flight through the air.", "generated_answer": "这样的照明,却仍然很难从它的火花中传递到天空。", "expected_answer": "然而,它在空中飞行时仍然很热。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1751, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Support services such as hospitals were non-existent.", "generated_answer": "支持服务在医院不存在。", "expected_answer": "诸如医院之类的支助服务根本不存在。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1752, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The celebrations would last a month and include free games and free food.", "generated_answer": "这些活动将持续一月,包括免费游戏和免费食物。", "expected_answer": "庆祝活动将持续一个月,包括免费游戏和免费食物。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1753, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The board sometimes had special markings, the meaning of which are unknown today.", "generated_answer": "这张板子时常有特殊的标记,当时的意义是不明的。", "expected_answer": "这块板子有时有特殊的标记,其意义今天还不知道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1754, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is built in a very similar layout to the Pentwyn leisure centre.", "generated_answer": "这个建筑物与《汤内部火箭中心》非常相似。", "expected_answer": "它与 Pentwyn 休闲中心的布局非常相似。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1755, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Coming home, a party of tourists passed us, singing and playing music.", "generated_answer": "回家,一组游客过来,正在唱歌和演奏音乐。", "expected_answer": "回家后,一群游客从我们身边走过,边唱歌边演奏音乐。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1756, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Who's the recipient?\"", "generated_answer": "谁是接受者?", "expected_answer": "收件人是谁?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1757, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This carpet is full of lice.", "generated_answer": "这张椅子完全满污了蝇子。", "expected_answer": "这块地毯满是虱子。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1758, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The flowers of many species are wind pollinated; the seeds usually contain starch.", "generated_answer": "花的许多种植物都是蜜蜂水润的,很容易被蜜蜂润薄。", "expected_answer": "许多物种的花是风授粉的;种子通常含有淀粉。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1759, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When you are loved, you can do anything in creation.", "generated_answer": "当你被爱慕时,你可以做任何事情。", "expected_answer": "当你被爱的时候,你可以在创造中做任何事情。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1760, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The giraffe had become fearful.", "generated_answer": "这个声音已经变成了声音。", "expected_answer": "长颈鹿变得害怕了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1761, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The plot from the novel was toned down for the film version.", "generated_answer": "这个平台“The Novel”被拆开了,用于免费版本。", "expected_answer": "这部小说的电影版的情节有所改编。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1762, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But he appeared to be unaware of any danger.", "generated_answer": "但他看起来并没有明白任何危险。", "expected_answer": "但他似乎没有意识到任何危险。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1763, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The young kid jumped the rusty gate.", "generated_answer": "被小孩子跳过了防线。", "expected_answer": "这个年轻的孩子跳过了生锈的大门。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1764, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Smooth water runs deep", "generated_answer": "清水深水行路。", "expected_answer": "大智若愚", "history": [] }, { "index": 1765, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Wizkids released a Demogoblin figure as part of their Amazing Spider-Man \"\"HeroClix\"\" set.\"", "generated_answer": "这是一款超级蝙蝠侠的队友。", "expected_answer": "Wizkids发布了一个小妖精形象作为他们的超凡蜘蛛侠 \"HeroClix\" 的一部分。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1766, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After I had finished the first batch of papers, I was getting into the workflow.", "generated_answer": "这是我完成了第一批写作后,我开始入门的过程。", "expected_answer": "在我完成第一批论文后,我开始进入工作流程。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1767, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At the first glance, it was really not very exciting.", "generated_answer": "这是第一次看到它,实在不太有趣。", "expected_answer": "乍一看,这真的不是很令人兴奋。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1768, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If I don't find it, I can always go home.\"", "generated_answer": "如果我没找到,我可以回家。", "expected_answer": "如果我找不到,我随时可以回家。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1769, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All sat frozen and watched the screen.", "generated_answer": "全部静止,监控屏幕。", "expected_answer": "所有人都呆呆地坐着,看着屏幕。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1770, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ground station to flight one-oh-one, please correct your altitude, over!", "generated_answer": "马上就飞到一一一了。", "expected_answer": "地面站呼叫 101 航班,请修正高度,完毕!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1771, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"When the truth about Eli's lack of superpowers was revealed, Eli quit the team.\"", "generated_answer": "当然了,当知道Eli的真相是他没有天才的时候。", "expected_answer": "当 Eli 没有超能力的真相被揭露后,Eli 退出了球队。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1772, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Usually, speeds are stated in words per minute.", "generated_answer": "通常,速度是每分钟的单词数。", "expected_answer": "通常,速度用每分钟的字数来表示。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1773, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Follow the right exit under the bridge.", "generated_answer": "路口右出口在桥上。", "expected_answer": "沿着桥下的右出口走。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1774, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Neither he nor members of his family shall seize the property of the merchants.", "generated_answer": "这个人,也不是他的家人,都不能拿到他的商业财产。", "expected_answer": "他和他的家庭成员都不能没收商人的财产。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1775, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In enolates the anionic charge is delocalized over the oxygen and the carbon.", "generated_answer": "在甲醇中,甲醇的电荷分配被分散到氧气和碳中。", "expected_answer": "烯醇酸盐中的阴离子电荷在氧和碳上离域。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1776, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I would give my head to know where the leak is.", "generated_answer": "我会知道哪里有污水。", "expected_answer": "我很想知道漏洞在哪儿。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1777, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She found walking in the woods a very good way to relax", "generated_answer": "她在树林里行走很好的方式来放松。", "expected_answer": "她发现在森林里散步是一种非常好的放松方式", "history": [] }, { "index": 1778, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That he wanted to travel.", "generated_answer": "不,他想去旅行。", "expected_answer": "他想去旅行。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1779, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He made her another bow.", "generated_answer": "他给她又削弯了一根短箭。", "expected_answer": "他又给她鞠了一躬。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1780, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How about that favor?", "generated_answer": "这个就是你的喜欢吗?", "expected_answer": "帮个忙怎么样?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1781, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As I watched, the planet seemed to grow larger and smaller.", "generated_answer": "这里看到,行星看起来越来越大,越来越小。", "expected_answer": "当我看着这颗行星时,它似乎变得忽大忽小。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1782, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you know me?", "generated_answer": "你知道我吗?", "expected_answer": "你认识我吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1783, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He could always go back to being a shepherd.", "generated_answer": "他总是回来去找一个羊群帮扶。", "expected_answer": "他随时可以重新当个牧羊人。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1784, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To give chalk for cheese", "generated_answer": "\"吃饼干,吃菜。\"", "expected_answer": "给粉笔换奶酪", "history": [] }, { "index": 1785, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Book a reservation for eight at a cafeteria saturday", "generated_answer": "《预订一张座位》,在客栈7点70分,星期六。", "expected_answer": "周六在自助餐厅预订八个人的桌位", "history": [] }, { "index": 1786, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This morning I found a calculator taped to my Wii.", "generated_answer": "笑容在移动中表现出来。", "expected_answer": "今天早上我发现了一个计算器贴在在我的Wii上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1787, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Cut off one's nose to spite one's face.\"", "generated_answer": "切掉嘴唇以便咬嘴唇。", "expected_answer": "自讨苦吃。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1788, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't want to take any chances.\"", "generated_answer": "不想出任意的机会。", "expected_answer": "我不想冒任何风险。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1789, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A scientist in a lab coat is using a microscope.", "generated_answer": "科学家在室内的微波镜上正在使用微波镜。", "expected_answer": "一位穿着实验室外套的科学家正在使用显微镜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1790, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cake is a lie.", "generated_answer": "这是一个系列。", "expected_answer": "蛋糕是个谎言。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1791, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The center was constructed in two phases.", "generated_answer": "中心建筑在两个层次上建造了。", "expected_answer": "该中心分两个阶段建造。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1792, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Seems like yesterday to me.", "generated_answer": "这样的天花之日。", "expected_answer": "对我来说好像是昨天。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1793, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Several figures approached him.", "generated_answer": "队伍.", "expected_answer": "几个人朝他走来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1794, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The balls are usually of the colors black, blue, and green.", "generated_answer": "这些球通常是黑色、蓝色和绿色的。", "expected_answer": "这些球通常是黑色、蓝色和绿色的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1795, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My hamster turned my homework into bedding.", "generated_answer": "我的手工已经变得像床了。", "expected_answer": "我的仓鼠把我的作业变成了被褥。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1796, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He continues to perform with the group.", "generated_answer": "他仍然在组乐队上表演。", "expected_answer": "他继续和乐队一起表演。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1797, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm coming, Fatima,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"我来了,我是\"", "expected_answer": "“我来了, Fatima,”他说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1798, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.\"", "generated_answer": "如果你躺在狗被的地方,你会被蚱蜢打扮.", "expected_answer": "如果你和狗躺在一起,你会和跳蚤一起起床。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1799, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The node on the stalk of wheat grew daily.", "generated_answer": "这是一段英文文本。", "expected_answer": "麦秆上的节每天都在生长。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1800, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you understand what it means?", "generated_answer": "\"你明白吗?\"", "expected_answer": "你明白这意味着什么吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1801, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In addition to these difficulties, a coalition of the natives formed.", "generated_answer": "在此外,一支由民族共同来源的联盟也成立了。", "expected_answer": "除了这些困难外,当地人还组成了一个联盟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1802, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"There's not a reason on earth why you should.\"", "generated_answer": "这不是为什么你射击的理由。", "expected_answer": "你没有理由这么做。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1803, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man is playing a guitar on the sidewalk.", "generated_answer": "一个男子在平衡桥上弹琴。", "expected_answer": "一个男人正在人行道上弹吉他。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1804, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Important information might be missing.", "generated_answer": "重要的信息可能会缺失。", "expected_answer": "重要信息可能会丢失。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1805, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I want to hear Shooby Taylor's Tearing Up The Album Charts.\"", "generated_answer": "我想听Shoey Taylor的拆掉专辑的星球。", "expected_answer": "我想听 Shooby Taylor 的 Tearing Up The Album Charts。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1806, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "See County of Marche.", "generated_answer": "看国家梅西。", "expected_answer": "参见 Marche 郡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1807, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Among these people were a couple of cyclists, a gardener I employed sometimes, and a girl carrying a baby.", "generated_answer": "这些人包括我们的一些人,有一个公主和一位骑士,我们的一些人也有一位猫和一个孩子。", "expected_answer": "这些人中有几个骑自行车的人,一个我不知什么时候雇的园丁,还有一个带着婴儿的女孩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1808, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Boxing Day is not widely celebrated in the United States.", "generated_answer": "跑马节(英文:Boxing Day)在美国并不特别地庆祝。", "expected_answer": "节礼日在美国没有被广泛庆祝。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1809, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sulpiride's primary use in medicine is in the management of the symptoms of schizophrenia.\"", "generated_answer": "苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏苏�", "expected_answer": "舒必利在医学上的主要用途是治疗精神分裂症的症状。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1810, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Diligence is the mother of good luck.", "generated_answer": "聪慧是好运的一部分。", "expected_answer": "幸运出自勤奋。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1811, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"We've done it!\"\" said the Englishman, who had also awakened early.\"", "generated_answer": "这个", "expected_answer": "“我们做到了!”英国人说,他也醒得很早。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1812, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The National Security Council is chaired by the President.", "generated_answer": "中央民生局主席是国家安危委员会主席。", "expected_answer": "国家安全委员会由总统担任主席。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1813, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The mechanic inspected the car for safety.", "generated_answer": "这辆机车进行安全检查。", "expected_answer": "机械师检查了汽车的安全性。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1814, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm free pretty much all afternoon.\"", "generated_answer": "我很随意,大约在下午全部空闲。", "expected_answer": "我几乎整个下午都有空。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1815, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hasan Buzurg seemed intent on restoring unity to the Ilkhanate.", "generated_answer": "\"豪赫勃艾克\"意识到要恢复伊它的协和。", "expected_answer": "Hasan Buzurg 似乎决心要恢复 Ilkhanate 的统一。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1816, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And I say maybe you both have it!", "generated_answer": "这个话题我们都有点听说,我说可能你们都有点听说。", "expected_answer": "我说也许你们两个都有!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1817, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The most popular version was recorded by The Ames Brothers.", "generated_answer": "这是最受欢迎的版本,由阿纳斯兄弟团队录音。", "expected_answer": "最受欢迎的版本是由 The Ames Brothers 录制的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1818, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She discovered a key hidden under her desk.", "generated_answer": "她发现在她的桌上的一钥匙。", "expected_answer": "她发现了藏在桌子下面的一把钥匙。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1819, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This proof completed a programme initiated and largely developed by Alexander Grothendieck.", "generated_answer": "这个证明完成了一项由大约由阿尔纳德·格特纳德创建的大约主要开发的计划。", "expected_answer": "这个证明完成了一个由 Alexander Grothendieck 发起和主要开发的程序。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1820, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Labour Party kept overall control of the councill.", "generated_answer": "职工政党在全国人大委员会掌握了主权。", "expected_answer": "工党保持了对议会的全面控制。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1821, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"They were given to me as a present by a king,\"\" the boy said.\"", "generated_answer": "这些物品被我赠给了一个王子的儿子。", "expected_answer": "“它们是国王送给我的礼物,”男孩说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1822, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is kind of you to ask, darling.", "generated_answer": "这是个好的问题。", "expected_answer": "亲爱的,你问得真好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1823, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sooner or later, they'll find out how to read these hieroglyphics.\"", "generated_answer": "这些基础语言的读写操作,他们会一定时间才会明白。", "expected_answer": "迟早,他们会发现如何阅读这些象形文字。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1824, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The senate condemned the invasion of the empire's colonies.\"", "generated_answer": "联邦议会对被占领的宫廷府地区的侵占通过了批评。", "expected_answer": "参议院谴责了对帝国殖民地的入侵。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1825, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The bigger they are the harder they fall.", "generated_answer": "这个话说白了就是:越大越难开心。", "expected_answer": "它们越大,摔得越重。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1826, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Lemon trees are not yellow, it's just the fruit.\"", "generated_answer": "莱文斯特艾莉克 (Lamentes Sano) 的第二个妻子是什么?", "expected_answer": "柠檬树不是黄色的,只是上面的水果是黄色的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1827, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Related to other species of Mediterranean firs, it is considered the \"\"Andalusian National Tree\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "这种关于其他摩尔湾火山的相关性,它被认为是和平时间内最为专利的“西班牙国家树”。", "expected_answer": "与其他种类的地中海冷杉相关,它被认为是“安达卢西亚国家树”。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1828, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Quite a nice view of the town from up there, and it's easy to find.\"", "generated_answer": "这里面的视角非常好,很容易找到。", "expected_answer": "从那里可以很好地看到城镇,而且很容易找到。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1829, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's like, 'Whew, the pressure's off.\"", "generated_answer": "这样, 就是, 力量已经消失了.", "expected_answer": "就像是,‘咻,压力消失了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1830, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "From the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains, ringing and rumbling.", "generated_answer": "这里有铁路站,在远处传来铁轨的响铃和响声。", "expected_answer": "从远处的火车站传来火车的声音,清脆而隆隆。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1831, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The biggest bedroom had a small, ornate fireplace on one wall which had seen recent use judging by the ashes crumbling in the grate.", "generated_answer": "这个最大的卧室有一个小的绿色火柴柴柴在一边的墙上,可以看出近来它们被用过。", "expected_answer": "最大的卧室的一面墙上有一个装饰华丽的小壁炉,从壁炉里的灰烬看,它最近还在使用。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1832, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hey, I bought pineapple juice with no sugar added.", "generated_answer": "这个,我买了紫色的糖无添加的香蕉汁。", "expected_answer": "嘿,我买了不加糖的菠萝汁。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1833, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You know what I mean?", "generated_answer": "这是你的爱情。", "expected_answer": "你懂我的意思吧?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1834, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The airport also serves as the main heliport for the Scottish offshore oil industry.", "generated_answer": "飞机场还是苏联油港的主要飞机场。", "expected_answer": "该机场也是苏格兰近海石油工业的主要直升机场。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1835, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Where's my insurance policy?\"", "generated_answer": "这是我的保险条.", "expected_answer": "我的保险单在哪里?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1836, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rucchin played high school hockey for Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School in London, Ontario.", "generated_answer": "西沃希在高中英語語言活動中表現出了非常好的表現。", "expected_answer": "Rucchin 在安大略省伦敦市 Sir Frederick Banting 中学打高中曲棍球。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1837, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He makes an initial approach with Celia Burrows, a member of the organisation.", "generated_answer": "他首先与萨尔刘克(Selaire)一起起来。", "expected_answer": "他与该组织的成员 Celia Burrows 进行了初步接触。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1838, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is no time like the present.", "generated_answer": "现在是最好的时机。", "expected_answer": "没有比现在更好的时光了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1839, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was glaringly hot, not a cloud in the sky nor a breath of wind.", "generated_answer": "这是热热的,没有一片云,也没有一点风。", "expected_answer": "天气非常热,天空中没有一丝云彩,也没有一丝风。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1840, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was shaken into wakefulness by someone.", "generated_answer": "他被某人醒来了。", "expected_answer": "有人把他摇醒了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1841, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Make sure to have the lastest drivers from Nvidia installed.", "generated_answer": "确保在NVIDIA的最新驱动器中安装。", "expected_answer": "确保安装了最新的 Nvidia 驱动程序。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1842, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The zones merge in the central part of town.", "generated_answer": "中心区。", "expected_answer": "这些区域在城镇的中部汇合。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1843, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The straw nest housed five robins.", "generated_answer": "这个草偶子宿舍安室里有五只麻雀。", "expected_answer": "稻草巢里住着五只知更鸟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1844, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Their only child died in infancy.", "generated_answer": "他们只有一个孩子在幼稚时。", "expected_answer": "他们唯一的孩子夭折了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1845, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Construction work taking place on a gravel railroad.", "generated_answer": "建设工程在黑色岩石铺垫上进行。", "expected_answer": "在一条砂砾铁路上进行的建筑工程。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1846, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man in a blue shirt and jeans poses by large mossy rocks.", "generated_answer": "蓝色的衬衫和裙子的男子站在大石头上。", "expected_answer": "一个穿着蓝色衬衫和牛仔裤的男人在长满苔藓的大岩石前摆姿势。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1847, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He took Urim and Thummim from his pocket, and began playing with them.", "generated_answer": "他从他的手中拿出了年和汤姆,开始玩了。", "expected_answer": "他从口袋里拿出 Urim 和 Thummim ,开始和他们玩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1848, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is often viewed as a subgenre of survivalist fiction.", "generated_answer": "这个作品通常被视为是“生存主义作品”的一部分。", "expected_answer": "它通常被视为生存主义小说的一个分支。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1849, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come into my office!", "generated_answer": "进入我的办公室。", "expected_answer": "到我办公室来!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1850, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An irregular petty war an armed mountaineer.", "generated_answer": "一个无规则的战争,一个装备的马克纳尔人.", "expected_answer": "一场不规则的小规模战争,一个武装的登山运动员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1851, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many drops make a shower.", "generated_answer": "许多水滴可以组成洗澡。", "expected_answer": "滴水成雨。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1852, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finally, install Dragonfly, a cleaner Python interface to NatLink.", "generated_answer": "最后,是“龙蜂”,是更加清晰的Python接口到NetLink。", "expected_answer": "最后,安装 Dragonfly,它是 NatLink 的一个更简洁的 Python 接口。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1853, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The clock in the town center was damaged by a lightning strike.", "generated_answer": "这个城市的中心时钟被雷撞破了。", "expected_answer": "市中心的钟被雷击损坏了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1854, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At once he leaned back in his chair.", "generated_answer": "在一次,他在他的座位上睡着了。", "expected_answer": "他立刻向后靠在椅子上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1855, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The swing yarder is also known as a grapple yarder.", "generated_answer": "这个起伏楼梯被称为阴险楼梯。", "expected_answer": "秋千也称为抓钩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1856, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In addition there were calls by trans-Atlantic liners and the docks were also busy.", "generated_answer": "还有,也有航空公司的飞机驾驶员和鸟娘们都在活动。", "expected_answer": "此外,还有跨大西洋航线的船只的呼叫,码头也很繁忙。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1857, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't try to enter into the life of the oasis.\"", "generated_answer": "不要跟随灌篮那个生活。", "expected_answer": "不要试图进入绿洲的生活。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1858, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.\"", "generated_answer": "什么眼看不到,心没有悲痛。", "expected_answer": "眼不见,心不烦。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1859, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you know how long I have been waiting for?", "generated_answer": "你知道我等了多久?", "expected_answer": "你知道我已经等了多久了吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1860, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Turn over the leaf quickly", "generated_answer": "把叶子快速转动。", "expected_answer": "快速翻叶", "history": [] }, { "index": 1861, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It had told him to dig where his tears fell.", "generated_answer": "这个故事告诉他要找到他的父亲的地方。", "expected_answer": "它告诉他要把他的眼泪落下的地方挖出来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1862, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you been to Japan?", "generated_answer": "已经去过日本。", "expected_answer": "你去过日本吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1863, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Well, he thought about that,\"\" the old man said.\"", "generated_answer": "这个老人说的是。", "expected_answer": "“嗯,他想过这个,”老人说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1864, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Judge may not think so.", "generated_answer": "这个话题可能让他没有想到的。", "expected_answer": "法官可能不这么认为。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1865, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The mint is now home to Freebridge Brewing.", "generated_answer": "这里现在是“矿山酿造”的家。", "expected_answer": "造币厂现在是 Freebridge 酿酒厂的所在地。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1866, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where are the keys?", "generated_answer": "在哪里找到钥匙?", "expected_answer": "钥匙在哪里?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1867, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even with night-vision googles, no target was in sight.", "generated_answer": "早上的夜眼飞机,没有目标。", "expected_answer": "即使有夜视镜,也看不到目标。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1868, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nora finds herself ugly, because she has pimples.", "generated_answer": "\"女人找到她的父亲,因为她有神话书籍。\"", "expected_answer": "诺拉发现自己很丑,因为她长了丘疹。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1869, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He moved about, invisible but everyone could hear him.", "generated_answer": "他没有出现,但每个人都可以听到他。", "expected_answer": "他四处走动,看不见,但每个人都能听见。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1870, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He picked up the dice for a second roll.", "generated_answer": "他把赌单拿起来了,进行了第二次投注。", "expected_answer": "他拿起骰子准备第二次掷骰。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1871, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Her dad makes the best chipotle in town!", "generated_answer": "她的父亲制作的最好的花椒。", "expected_answer": "她爸爸做的薯片是镇上最好的!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1872, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to find that damned alchemist, the Englishman thought.\"", "generated_answer": "我要找找英国人的那位邪念者", "expected_answer": "“我要找到那个该死的炼金术士,”英国人想。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1873, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The crooked maze failed to fool the mouse.", "generated_answer": "这个猫喵子飞到了鼠群里去了。", "expected_answer": "弯曲的迷宫骗不了老鼠。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1874, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This view has much in its favor.", "generated_answer": "这个观点的味道。", "expected_answer": "这种观点非常有利于它。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1875, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Every cloud has a silver lining", "generated_answer": "每个云都有一条银色的线.", "expected_answer": "黑暗中总有一丝光明", "history": [] }, { "index": 1876, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The production was played in the round.", "generated_answer": "这部作品在圆满进行的环保节点上演唱。", "expected_answer": "这出戏已经全面上演了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1877, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I forget what gave me the idea.", "generated_answer": "我忘记怎么想起来了。", "expected_answer": "我忘了是什么给了我这个想法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1878, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The most desired shape of spots on the cats is round, yet somewhat blockish.", "generated_answer": "这是最想要的小灰色的小灰色点。", "expected_answer": "猫身上最理想的斑点形状是圆形的,但有些是块状 。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1879, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This guy stole my watch.", "generated_answer": "这个人偷了我的时钟。", "expected_answer": "这家伙偷了我的手表。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1880, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He didn't need to demonstrate his science and art to anyone.\"", "generated_answer": "他没有必要展示他的科学和艺术给任何人。", "expected_answer": "他不需要向任何人展示他的科学和艺术。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1881, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Rights of Things, Blackstone's longest volume, deals with property.\"", "generated_answer": "这本书被称为“权利的物质”,“黑板”,“黄板”,“柴松”,“黄松”,它主要讲述了物质的权利。", "expected_answer": "黑石集团最长的著作《The Rights of Things》是关于财产的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1882, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Believe it or not, this peanut butter is homemade.", "generated_answer": "这是自制的花椒醋。", "expected_answer": "信不信由你,这花生酱是自制的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1883, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I want to see that map covered before we get through!", "generated_answer": "我想看看那张地图被擦掉之前我们还没有通过。", "expected_answer": "在我们通过之前,我想看看那张地图!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1884, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rewards and penalties applying to the provider are often specified.", "generated_answer": "这些重新扣款的制约条款通常明确。", "expected_answer": "适用于供应商的奖励和惩罚通常是指定的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1885, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He meets his father's raven and the race horse, whose burial place he kept.\"", "generated_answer": "他遇到了他父亲的黑羽鸟,以及驱驰骑马的祖坟。", "expected_answer": "他遇到了他父亲的乌鸦和赛马,他保留了它们的埋葬地。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1886, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Strip down the rig until you know exactly where the error is located.", "generated_answer": "穿越圆圈直到你知道空气的位置。", "expected_answer": "拆下钻机,直到你知道错误的确切位置。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1887, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It was just that he couldn't grasp what it meant.\"", "generated_answer": "这个是什么意思?", "expected_answer": "只是他不明白这意味着什么。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1888, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Waste not, want not.", "generated_answer": "不想不想.", "expected_answer": "不浪费,不愁缺。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1889, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Natalie gave me a pleasing massage, when we were in Luxembourg last week.", "generated_answer": "\"Natalie给我给我的愉快的烫意录\"", "expected_answer": "上周我们在卢森堡时,Natalie 给了我一个愉快的按摩。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1890, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Remember to draw your assumptions, before conclusions.", "generated_answer": "这是一个基于假设的结论的建议。", "expected_answer": "在下结论之前,记得要做出你的假设。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1891, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I thought you were gone.", "generated_answer": "我看到你离开了。", "expected_answer": "我以为你走了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1892, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Carter spoke fondly of Mitchell's talents.\"", "generated_answer": "谢谢莫莱兹的才能。", "expected_answer": "Carter 深情地谈到了 Mitchell 的才能。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1893, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Taking the jacket out, he began to clean the glasses.", "generated_answer": "脱掉衬衫,开始清洗镜子。", "expected_answer": "他拿出夹克,开始清洗眼镜。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1894, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "May I have some syrup to go on these pancakes?", "generated_answer": "这些糖果需要柠檬来加上。", "expected_answer": "我可以在这些薄煎饼上加点糖浆吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1895, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why should you not?", "generated_answer": "为什么你不会?", "expected_answer": "为什么不能呢?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1896, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cinema was abandoned.", "generated_answer": "这个城市已经迁到另一个地方了。", "expected_answer": "电影院被废弃了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1897, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe tomorrow will be better than yesterday.", "generated_answer": "明天可能会比今天好。", "expected_answer": "也许明天会比昨天更好。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1898, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Returned to normal, he still ends his relationship with Ella and leaves the school.", "generated_answer": "\"赵丽江\" (Zhāo Lì Jiāng)", "expected_answer": "恢复正常后,他仍然结束了与 Ella 的关系,离开了学校。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1899, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Black describes noise as the opposite of information: hype, inaccurate ideas, and inaccurate data.", "generated_answer": "黑色的声音是信息的相反面, 代表激发的想法和创造性的数据。", "expected_answer": "Black 将噪音描述为信息的对立面:炒作、不准确的想法和不准确的数据。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1900, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Petersburg route for Tallink.", "generated_answer": "中国西南联邦共和国。", "expected_answer": "去 Tallink 的 Petersburg 路线。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1901, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He could see that the old man wanted to know more about his life.", "generated_answer": "他看到那个老人想知道他的身份。", "expected_answer": "他能看出老人想更多地了解他的生活。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1902, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Air India Regional operates flights to Kolkata from this airport.", "generated_answer": "印度的一部分行驶到完全是印度的航空公司的机场。", "expected_answer": "印度支线航空有从这个机场飞往加尔各答的航班。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1903, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It takes two to have an argument.", "generated_answer": "这两个人都可以争吵。", "expected_answer": "只有两个人才能争论。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1904, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jason Hook was briefly a member of BulletBoys during this time.", "generated_answer": "肖尔·洛克(Jason Hook)在这个时期是“火箭”组的一位英勇成员。", "expected_answer": "在此期间,Jason Hook 曾一度是 BulletBoys 的成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1905, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These have been used with mixed reports of success and failure.", "generated_answer": "这些已经被用于各种不同的结果。", "expected_answer": "这些被用于成功和失败的混合报告。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1906, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Employees feel the pressure of unreasonable expectations.", "generated_answer": "这些人仍然压抑在最后一次交换中。", "expected_answer": "员工感受到不合理期望的压力。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1907, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't believe in voodoo.\"", "generated_answer": "我不信在乎魔术。", "expected_answer": "我不相信伏都教。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1908, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These calls are treated as international calls.", "generated_answer": "我想要用我的声音。", "expected_answer": "这些电话被视为国际电话。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1909, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most of her sculptures include benches, which have become her trademark.", "generated_answer": "这些艺术作品都包含了“灵魂”,这是她的知名标志。", "expected_answer": "她的大多数雕塑包括长凳,这已经成为她的商标。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1910, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are you ready to hear my counterargument?", "generated_answer": "这是你听我的反馈吗?", "expected_answer": "你准备好听我的反驳了吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1911, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do not cross the barbed wires.", "generated_answer": "这是一段英文句子,全部用中文表达。", "expected_answer": "不要越过铁丝网。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1912, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm not working for any other paper!\"", "generated_answer": "这不是我们其他的邮报。", "expected_answer": "我不为任何其他报纸工作!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1913, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you think it was?", "generated_answer": "这是什么?", "expected_answer": "你觉得是什么?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1914, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't think I've kept anything from you.\"", "generated_answer": "不认为你会得到什么。", "expected_answer": "别以为我对你隐瞒了什么。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1915, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I smiled and shook my head.", "generated_answer": "我笑了,打滚头。", "expected_answer": "我笑着摇摇头。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1916, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Overall, not too bad.", "generated_answer": "这个不错。", "expected_answer": "总的来说,还不错。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1917, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Amen.", "generated_answer": "这个人", "expected_answer": "阿门。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1918, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "but nowhere could he find his new companion.", "generated_answer": "但无法找到他的新友人。", "expected_answer": "但是他哪里也找不到他的新同伴。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1919, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am definitely open to the idea because I’ve always wanted to work as a small business owner.", "generated_answer": "我确实愿意接受这个想法,因为我总是想成为一家小店主。", "expected_answer": "我绝对接受这个想法,因为我一直想做一个小企业主。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1920, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He felt weighted down by the centuries of time since the Pyramids had been built.", "generated_answer": "这个地方被古代的城堡建筑的起源所写下的文字,被保存下来了。", "expected_answer": "自从金字塔建造以来,几个世纪的时间让他感到很沉重。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1921, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The other son was a poet, and delighted all of Rome with his beautiful verses.", "generated_answer": "这个兄弟儿是个诗人,并为了所有的罗马感到了美好的色彩。", "expected_answer": "另一个儿子是个诗人,他用优美的诗句取悦了整个罗马。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1922, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman wearing a headscarf is walking down the street towards a driveway entrance", "generated_answer": "女人在走路、驾车入口中行驶。", "expected_answer": "一个戴着头巾的女人正沿着街道走向车道入口", "history": [] }, { "index": 1923, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Meanwhile, the boy thought about his treasure.", "generated_answer": "然而,男孩在想着他的奇物。", "expected_answer": "与此同时,男孩想到了他的宝藏。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1924, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Come to my ranch, and I'm gonna show you what damage the tornado has caused.\"", "generated_answer": "来到我的牧场,我会告诉你什么样的损坏洪水才能破碎。", "expected_answer": "到我的农场来,我会告诉你龙卷风造成了什么样的破坏。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1925, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eddy current brakes are not suitable for locking a wheel.", "generated_answer": "铁轨阻力不适用于锁车。", "expected_answer": "涡流制动器不适合锁定车轮。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1926, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We'll stay right here and celebrate.\"", "generated_answer": "这里会飞龙般的, 我们要在这里庆祝.", "expected_answer": "我们就呆在这里庆祝。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1927, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Each participant supplies one wrapped gift.", "generated_answer": "这些片子,每个都有一个拿。", "expected_answer": "每个参与者提供一份包装好的礼物。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1928, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On Dragseid archaeologists have located grave mounds.", "generated_answer": "二次世紀的考古学家们已经发现了墓穴。", "expected_answer": "考古学家已经在 Dragseid 找到了坟墓。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1929, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Flights from one point to another within the same country are called domestic flights.", "generated_answer": "飞机从一点点地方到另一点点地方,都是国内飞行。", "expected_answer": "同一国家内从一个地点飞往另一个地点的航班称为国内航班。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1930, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I won't get my wings with that attitude.\"", "generated_answer": "不会获得我的翅膀这样的态度。", "expected_answer": "我不会用那种态度得到我的翅膀。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1931, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Well, then, why do we need all these books?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "这么好,为什么我们需要这些书?", "expected_answer": "“那么,为什么我们需要这些书?”男孩问道。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1932, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The doctor cried after his birth.", "generated_answer": "这位医生悲痛地呼吸。", "expected_answer": "医生在他出生后哭了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1933, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The mall also received a new logo and modern features like Wi-Fi internet access.", "generated_answer": "这个商场还获得了一个新的标志和现代化的形象,包括WiFi网络访问。", "expected_answer": "该购物中心还获得了新的标志和现代功能,如 Wi-Fi 互联网接入。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1934, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Keep an eye on him.", "generated_answer": "\"好的,我保持你在我面前。\"", "expected_answer": "盯着他。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1935, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even after his arrest and release, Ridolfi remained a spy for the Pope.", "generated_answer": "\"即使他被逮捕并释放也仍然是神的随从。\"", "expected_answer": "即使在他被逮捕和释放后,Ridolfi 仍然是教皇的间谍。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1936, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The more you read, the better you will be understood.", "generated_answer": "这是一个单线程的应用。", "expected_answer": "你读书越多,别人就越能理解你。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1937, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm looking forward to having more stability in my position and being done with the whole process. \"", "generated_answer": "我期待更多的稳定性,并完成这个过程。", "expected_answer": "我期待在我的位置上有更多的稳定性,并且能完成整个过程。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1938, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It also flew to Africa, continuing Sabena's extensive network there.\"", "generated_answer": "这也经常走到非洲,继续在那里工作。", "expected_answer": "它还飞往非洲,延续了 Sabena 在非洲的广泛网络。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1939, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Before we begin with the actual baptism, let's renew our creed.\"", "generated_answer": "\"先决定我们的信仰\"", "expected_answer": "在我们开始真正的洗礼之前,让我们更新我们的信条。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1940, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him,\"\" his heart said.\"", "generated_answer": "人类所有的东西都有一笔勾销,人心说。", "expected_answer": "“地球上的每个人都有宝藏等着他,”他的心说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1941, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you come pick me up at the office?", "generated_answer": "可以来打招呼吗?", "expected_answer": "你能来办公室接我吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1942, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All songs written by Arthur Enders.", "generated_answer": "这些歌曲,都是由 Arthur Enders 写的。", "expected_answer": "所有歌曲都是由 Arthur Enders 创作的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1943, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The kangaroo hopped noisily.", "generated_answer": "胖子跳跃热闹。", "expected_answer": "袋鼠跳得很大声。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1944, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That’s what the name is called.", "generated_answer": "这就是名字了。", "expected_answer": "这就是它的名字。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1945, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It won't be cheap, I take that isn't a concern?\"", "generated_answer": "这不会价格高, 我觉得这是我的心得.", "expected_answer": "不会便宜的,我想这不是问题吧?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1946, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you have any remedy for louses?", "generated_answer": "我们有一个疫苗吗?", "expected_answer": "你有什么治疗口臭的方法吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1947, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Like Washington, he survived the disastrous Battle of the Monongahela.", "generated_answer": "这么做,他也被那场火热的战役所避免。", "expected_answer": "像在华盛顿时一样,他在灾难性的 Monongahela 战役中幸存下来。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1948, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you mean?", "generated_answer": "这是什么意思?", "expected_answer": "什么意思?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1949, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red, green, and yellow signal lights.", "generated_answer": "我丈夫指出绿色、红色和黄色的亮度。", "expected_answer": "我妻子给我指出了红色、绿色和黄色信号灯的亮度。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1950, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Covington is the home of the Midwest's first indoor beach: Inspired by Nature.\"", "generated_answer": "河南的第一座内河状湖岸。", "expected_answer": "Covington 是中西部第一个室内海滩的所在地:灵感来自大自然。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1951, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Other white-majority towns also benefited by being part of the network of investment.", "generated_answer": "其他白人城镇也获益于参加融资网络。", "expected_answer": "其他白人占多数的城镇也因成为投资网络的一部分而受益。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1952, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Swimming national titles.", "generated_answer": "\"游泳国家冠军赛事\"", "expected_answer": "游泳全国冠军。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1953, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, what of that?", "generated_answer": "\"当他出现时\"", "expected_answer": "那又怎么样?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1954, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm already used to the way things are.\"", "generated_answer": "我以前已经愿愿地接受了这些。", "expected_answer": "我已经习惯了现在的生活方式。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1955, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was dropping off in flakes and raining down on the sand.", "generated_answer": "这是滑落在沙子上的,并且渐渐淹没在地上。", "expected_answer": "它像雪花一样飘落在沙滩上。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1956, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"To eat one's heart out.\"", "generated_answer": "吃心出来。", "expected_answer": "伤心欲绝。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1957, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Not too bad, I suppose.", "generated_answer": "不错吧。", "expected_answer": "我想还不错。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1958, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Was it a good idea?", "generated_answer": "这个主意很好。", "expected_answer": "这是个好主意吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1959, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They went to the kitchen at the back of the monastery.", "generated_answer": "他们去了屋子的后面。", "expected_answer": "他们去了修道院后面的厨房。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1960, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A typical performance takes approximately thirty-seven minutes.", "generated_answer": "\"一般来说,这个方法需要约有三十七分钟。\"", "expected_answer": "一个典型的表演大约需要 37 分钟。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1961, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That night, the Allies on the south side of the river attempted another crossing.", "generated_answer": "这晚上,南面河岸的所有的帮助者尝试再次过河。", "expected_answer": "那天晚上,河对岸的盟军试图再次渡河。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1962, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How long is what?", "generated_answer": "这个问题的答案是:在哪里?", "expected_answer": "什么多长?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1963, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His job was to find the director and the other board members.", "generated_answer": "他的任务是找到总理和其他主席。", "expected_answer": "他的工作是找到董事和其他董事会成员。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1964, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It contains Zucchini.", "generated_answer": "这是一款含有蜜蜂的食品。", "expected_answer": "它含有西葫芦。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1965, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "the camel drivers exchanged information about windstorms, and told stories about the desert.", "generated_answer": "这些驾驶员交换信息,他们传达着烟雾的故事。", "expected_answer": "骆驼司机们交换了有关风暴的信息,并讲述了沙漠的故事。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1966, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A good conscience is a soft pillow.", "generated_answer": "一个好的自愿是软的硬柜。", "expected_answer": "良心是柔软的枕头。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1967, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Barnack conceived the Leica as a small camera that produced a small negative.", "generated_answer": "赫克兰创意设计了小型相机,产生小型真片。", "expected_answer": "Barnack 把 Leica 设想成一个能产生小底片的小型相机。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1968, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Linux terminal refuses to make me a cup of coffee.", "generated_answer": "这个 Linux 标准输入窗口不让我喝一杯咖啡。", "expected_answer": "Linux 终端拒绝给我冲一杯咖啡。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1969, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I want to see him do it,\"\" said the chief.\"", "generated_answer": "我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看他做完,说的是:我想看", "expected_answer": "“我想看他做这件事,”主任说。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1970, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It didn't even occur to the boy to flee.\"", "generated_answer": "这样的事情,也没有人想到。", "expected_answer": "这个男孩甚至没有想到要逃跑。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1971, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A strong bid may scare your partner stiff.", "generated_answer": "强烈的眼睛可能会让你的对象看得很疼。", "expected_answer": "强势的出价可能会吓到你的搭档。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1972, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Its bloom period is July to October in North America.", "generated_answer": "他的花瓣的節日是7月至10月在北美。", "expected_answer": "北美的花期是 7 月至 10 月。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1973, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "add a track in Nike Running Tempo Mix", "generated_answer": "这是一段英文语句,全部用中文翻译。", "expected_answer": "在 Nike Running Tempo Mix 中添加一首音乐曲目", "history": [] }, { "index": 1974, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The original live album was recorded at Newcastle City Hall in North East England.", "generated_answer": "这首歌的原唱版本在英国的新英格兰城市哨兵堡的新英格兰城市哨兵堡唱片上亮相。", "expected_answer": "最初的现场专辑是在英格兰东北部的纽卡斯尔市政厅录制的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1975, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is overseen by Assistant Commissioners stationed at Malacca.", "generated_answer": "这里被监管的是马耳他市的助理分区监委。", "expected_answer": "它由驻扎在马六甲的助理专员监管。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1976, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The officer and police chief resigned.", "generated_answer": "这位领导和警察长退休了。", "expected_answer": "这位警官兼警察局长辞职了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1977, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It remains wholly privately held.", "generated_answer": "这个事情仅仅是私人的。", "expected_answer": "它仍然完全是私有的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1978, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Remind me to feed the cat when I get home.", "generated_answer": "记住把猫饱和吃回家。", "expected_answer": "等我回家时提醒我喂猫。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1979, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man and three women are preparing a meal indoors.", "generated_answer": "男人和两个女人在家里做饭。", "expected_answer": "一个男人和三个女人正在室内准备一顿饭。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1980, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I requested collection upon delivery.", "generated_answer": "我请求收集到到达。", "expected_answer": "我要求货到付款。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1981, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have no information about troops or about the movement of the tribes.", "generated_answer": "这里没有任何信息关于军队或者移动被称为“群众”的情况。", "expected_answer": "我没有关于军队或部落行动的信息。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1982, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was bisexual, I think.", "generated_answer": "他是半情的我认为。", "expected_answer": "我想他是双性恋。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1983, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Birth and death marks the limits of life.", "generated_answer": "生命的初期和末期,是生命的两个界限。", "expected_answer": "生与死标志着生命的极限。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1984, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A hundred nuns stampeded the Vatican.", "generated_answer": "百百的硬拼在巴黎。", "expected_answer": "一百名修女蜂拥至梵蒂冈。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1985, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Did you know that?", "generated_answer": "这样的问题,你知道吗?", "expected_answer": "你知道吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1986, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The type of salt used in the process is known as kosher salt.", "generated_answer": "这种类型的水晶用于过程称为“科斯水晶”。", "expected_answer": "这一过程中使用的盐被称为粗粒盐。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1987, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All seats were filled though special elections.", "generated_answer": "这些座位全都被填满,特别选举。", "expected_answer": "所有席位都是通过特别选举填补的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1988, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He has been called the folk guitarist's Thelonious Monk.\"", "generated_answer": "他被称作“音乐家”和“神秘的猎人”。", "expected_answer": "他被称为民间吉他手的 Thelonious Monk。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1989, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It contains B-sides and rare tracks not available on the group's regular studio albums.\"", "generated_answer": "这首曲包含了B-Sides和一些在正式工作室专辑中不可见的曲。", "expected_answer": "它包含乐队常规录音室专辑中没有的 B-sides 和稀有曲目。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1990, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Swimmer in a red bathing suit, white cap, and blue goggles emerging from the water", "generated_answer": "红裙、白帽、蓝色眼镜出现在水面上。", "expected_answer": "身穿红色泳衣、戴白色帽子、戴蓝色护目镜的游泳者从水中出现", "history": [] }, { "index": 1991, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "From its unique gesture it was clear, that the rhino was hostile.", "generated_answer": "这个特殊的手势显然表明了狮子是反对的。", "expected_answer": "从它独特的姿态可以清楚地看出,犀牛是怀有敌意的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1992, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is an unknown entity.", "generated_answer": "这是一个无形的实体。", "expected_answer": "这是一个未知的实体。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1993, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cod is the main business of the north shore.", "generated_answer": "北海的主要业务是资源交易。", "expected_answer": "鳕鱼是北岸的主要商品。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1994, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On the following day, the first clear sign of danger appeared.", "generated_answer": "这是下一天的第一次明显的危机。", "expected_answer": "第二天,第一个明显的危险迹象出现了。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1995, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They could not continue their method of producing surpluses.", "generated_answer": "这些人无法继续生产赚钱的方式。", "expected_answer": "他们无法继续他们生产盈余的方法。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1996, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It has got a temple dedicated to lord Vishnu who is worshipped as Bytrayappa.", "generated_answer": "这个城市有一个神庙,为了神人神,称为百福神。", "expected_answer": "它有一座神庙,专门供奉被称为 Bytrayappa 的 Vishnu 神。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1997, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Did you write that letter to Miss Mitchell?", "generated_answer": "这是你写的邮件给马丁兰教授吗?", "expected_answer": "你给 Mitchell 小姐写了那封信吗?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1998, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They wouldn't take it.\"", "generated_answer": "这不会。", "expected_answer": "他们不会接受的。", "history": [] }, { "index": 1999, "question": "Please translate the text to Chinese. Your response should only include the Chinese translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Better abort it before you get tangled up!", "generated_answer": "更好的,把它之前赶出去。", "expected_answer": "最好在你被缠住之前中止它!", "history": [] } ]