[ { "index": 0, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She'll be all right.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich werde es alles richten.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie wird schon in Ordnung sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"All's well that ends well.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Alles ist gut, was endet.\"", "expected_answer": "Ende gut, alles gut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 2, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you mean it?", "generated_answer": "\"Doch\"", "expected_answer": "Meinst du das wirklich so?", "history": [] }, { "index": 3, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The new patch is less invasive than the old one, but still causes regressions.", "generated_answer": "Die neue Patches sind weniger Übertragend als die alten, aber noch wirkt die Regressionsfähigkeit.", "expected_answer": "Das neue Pflaster ist weniger invasiv als das alte, führt aber immer noch zu Rückfällen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 4, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How is Mozilla going to handle ambiguities like queue and cue?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie wird Mosca bei Ambivalenz, wie Q und Qu, umgegangen werden?\"", "expected_answer": "Wie geht Mozilla mit Doppeldeutigkeiten um, wie bei „queue“ und „cue“?", "history": [] }, { "index": 5, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I guess you must think I'm kinda batty.\"", "generated_answer": "Was ist in der Partei?", "expected_answer": "Du musst denken, ich bin irgendwie bekloppt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 6, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No one near the remote machine you could ring?", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts unter dem verlorenen Maschine, die du können ringen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ist keiner in der Nähe des Remote-Computers, den du anrufen könntest?", "history": [] }, { "index": 7, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.", "generated_answer": "\"Sass für die Gänse\" ist \"Sass für den Gänse\" in der deutschen Sprache.", "expected_answer": "Was dem einen recht ist, ist dem anderen billig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 8, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Groves started writing songs when she was four years old.", "generated_answer": "Grafs erst begann, ihre Stimme zu schreiben, als sie zwei Jahre alt war.", "expected_answer": "Groves hat mit vier Jahren angefangen, Lieder zu schreiben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 9, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The long-lived bridge still stands today.", "generated_answer": "\"Die langfristige Blitzstände derzeit noch bestehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Die alte Brücke existiert immer noch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 10, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was nothing to hold him back except himself.", "generated_answer": "Es war nichts, das erhalten konnte, als, dass er sich selbst befestigte.", "expected_answer": "Nichts außer ihm selbst konnte ihn zurückhalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 11, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We spoke often.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir sprechen von.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir haben oft miteinander geredet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 12, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The electrician looked puzzled.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Darstellung\"", "expected_answer": "Der Elektriker sah verwirrt aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 13, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The ladder on the fire truck was not long enough.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Brief auf dem Feuerwagen war nicht lang genug.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Feuerwehrleiter war nicht lang genug.", "history": [] }, { "index": 14, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I will tell her what we decided.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich werde ihr unsere Entscheidungen erzählen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich werde ihr sagen, was wir entschieden haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 15, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Good things come in small packages.", "generated_answer": "\"Gute Dinge kommen in kleineren Taschen.\"", "expected_answer": "Klein aber fein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 16, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a member theater of the Union of the Theatres of Europe.", "generated_answer": "Die Theater ist ein Mitglieds-Teater der Europäischen Union.", "expected_answer": "Das Theater ist Mitglied der „Union of the Theatres of Europe“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 17, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "YOU WANNA TAKE THIS OUTSIDE?", "generated_answer": "Sie möchten das aus der Umgebung nehmen.", "expected_answer": "WILLST DU DAS DRAUSSEN KLÄREN?", "history": [] }, { "index": 18, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The immersion in hot water also kills the silkworm pupa.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Einführung in der Warmwasser-Kultur auch tötet das Schwäche, Hübbe.\"", "expected_answer": "Durch das Eintauchen in heißes Wasser wird außerdem die Puppe der Seidenraupe getötet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 19, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The attack on our root server overstrained our senior administrator.", "generated_answer": "Die Attack auf unser Rote Schiff hat unser Hauptadministrator verwundet.", "expected_answer": "Der Angriff auf unseren Root-Server hat unseren Senior-Administrator überfordert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 20, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you want me?", "generated_answer": "Wie geht's?", "expected_answer": "Willst du mich?", "history": [] }, { "index": 21, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That would be funny if he did.", "generated_answer": "Das wäre nett, wenn er das gemacht.", "expected_answer": "Es wäre witzig, wenn er das machen würde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 22, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Although she had flowers and applause, Mavis said she was not content.", "generated_answer": "\"Das hatte sie Blüten und Applaus, aber sie war nicht bequem.\"", "expected_answer": "Obwohl sie Blumen und Beifall bekam, sagte Mavis, dass sie nicht zufrieden war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 23, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Add the column and put the sum here.", "generated_answer": "\"Hinzufügen und die Summe hier zu setzen.\"", "expected_answer": "Fügen Sie die Spalte hinzu und geben Sie die Summe hier ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 24, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Alston commented that he felt the cartoonist \"\"might have had some racial intent\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Alston sagte, dass er den Künstler möglicherweise einen rassistischen Intention hatte.", "expected_answer": "Alston meinte, er habe das Gefühl, dass der Cartoonist „möglichweise rassistische Absichten“ hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 25, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Doing a handstand needs a lot of practice to learn.", "generated_answer": "Durch Handstand braucht man viel Zeit, um zu lernen.", "expected_answer": "Um einen Kopfstand machen zu können, muss man viel üben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 26, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Man in red tshirt and baseball cap viewed from above he is has a pile of posters", "generated_answer": "Man in red t-shirt and baseball cap viewed from above, he has a pile of poses.", "expected_answer": "Der Mann im roten T-Shirt und mit der Baseballkappe, den man von oben sieht, hat einen Stapel Poster.", "history": [] }, { "index": 27, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The two films were then released within one day of each other.", "generated_answer": "Die zwei Filme wurden später veröffentlicht, innerhalb eines Tages der anderen.", "expected_answer": "Die beiden Filme kamen damals im Abstand von einem Tag heraus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 28, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After experiencing a mind-blowing sensual orgy, Mike was sure he had taken an overdose.", "generated_answer": "Nach der Erfahrung mit einem mind-blowingen Sinnenverwallen, Mike war sicher, dass er ein Überdosis tätig gemacht hat.", "expected_answer": "Nachdem er einen irren Sinnesrausch erlebte, war sich Mike sicher, dass er eine Überdosis genommen hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 29, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Religious festivals include the Muslim Eids and the Christian Christmas and Easter.", "generated_answer": "Die religiöse Feste enthalten die Musliztische Eid und das Christliche Weihnachtsfest und der Ostern.", "expected_answer": "Zu religiösen Feiertagen gehören das islamische Opferfest Eid und das christliche Weihnachten und Ostern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 30, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you advise, sir?", "generated_answer": "Was erleidet Sie?", "expected_answer": "Was raten Sie mir, mein Herr?", "history": [] }, { "index": 31, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Charles looked on, angry that there was nothing he could do.", "generated_answer": "Charles gefällt, dass es nichts erleben konnte.", "expected_answer": "Charles schaute zu und war wütend, dass er nichts tun konnte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 32, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Port-de-Paix is served by Port-de-Paix Airport.", "generated_answer": "Portapeges ist von Portapeges-Luftport abgeschlossen.", "expected_answer": "Port-de-Paix ist an den Flughafen Port-de-Paix angebunden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 33, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is inhibited by the pneumotaxic centre.", "generated_answer": "Es wird durch den Némptokenten getan.", "expected_answer": "Wird durch das pneumotaktische Zentrum beeinträchtigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 34, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His wide grin earned many friends.", "generated_answer": "Er ist weißgrün und viele Freunde.", "expected_answer": "Mit seinem breiten Grinsen gewann er viele Freunde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 35, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It connects Sibi with Quetta both by road and railway.", "generated_answer": "Die Straße verbindet Cib und Quera, zwischen Straßen und Bahn.", "expected_answer": "Verbindet Sibi und Quetta sowohl über Straße als auch Schiene.", "history": [] }, { "index": 36, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In spite of this, I still believed that there were men in Mars.", "generated_answer": "In despite of this, I still believe that there were men on Mars.", "expected_answer": "Trotz allem glaubte ich immer noch daran, dass es Menschen auf dem Mars gibt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 37, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The land was ruined, and I had to find some other way to earn a living.", "generated_answer": "Die Bodenwelt wurde verwüstet, ich musste anders finden, um weg zu bleiben.", "expected_answer": "Das Land war zerstört und ich musste einen anderen Weg finden, um Geld zu verdienen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 38, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Footprints of mud and clay were on the floor.", "generated_answer": "Fingerstippungen auf der Tafel.", "expected_answer": "Auf dem Boden waren Schlamm- und Lehmfußabdrücke.", "history": [] }, { "index": 39, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I pointed out Mars, a bright dot of light.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich zeigte Mars, ein großer Dunkelpunkt.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich zeigte auf Mars, einen hellen Lichtpunkt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 40, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I know why I want to get back to my flock, he thought.", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß, warum ich mich zurück zu meiner Vogelflügel hinein möchte.", "expected_answer": "Ich weiß, warum ich zurück zu meiner Herde will, dachte er.", "history": [] }, { "index": 41, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You should see the other guy, specifically, how good at fighting he is.", "generated_answer": "Sie sollten sehen den anderen, insbesondere, wie gut er mit Kampf ist.", "expected_answer": "Du solltest den anderen Typ sehen, vor allem wie gut er im Kämpfen ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 42, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is of African-American and Italian descent.", "generated_answer": "Er ist von Afrikaner-Italiener-Abstammung.", "expected_answer": "Er ist afrikanisch-amerikanischer und italienischer Abstammung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 43, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's not Carson Sphinx.\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist nicht Carson Spinks.", "expected_answer": "Das ist nicht Carson Sphinx.", "history": [] }, { "index": 44, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lorenz is listed as a Swiss heritage site of national significance.", "generated_answer": "Lorenz ist als schweizerische Erbschutzsitz der nationalen Bedeutung bekannt.", "expected_answer": "Lorenz ist Schweizer Welterbe mit nationaler Bedeutung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 45, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We should not take for granted how fortunate we have been.", "generated_answer": "Wir sollten nicht für unsere Ergänzung sehen, wie wahr uns erstaunt wurde.", "expected_answer": "Wir sollten unser Glück nicht als selbstverständlich betrachten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 46, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The farmer works the soil and produces grain.", "generated_answer": "Die Bauern arbeiteten den Boden und produziert das Grün.", "expected_answer": "Der Bauer bearbeitet den Boden und erntet Getreide.", "history": [] }, { "index": 47, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Since I've gotten a dog, the regular visits of the fox have stopped.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nachdem ich ein Hund habe, habe ich die regelmäßigen Besuche des Fuchs verpasst.\"", "expected_answer": "Seitdem ich einen Hund habe, haben die regelmäßigen Besuche des Fuchses aufgehört.", "history": [] }, { "index": 48, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His speech ended with a standing ovation.", "generated_answer": "\"Seine Rede endete mit einem stehenden Obrigkeit.\"", "expected_answer": "Seine Rede endete mit Standing Ovations.", "history": [] }, { "index": 49, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"The wind told me that you know about love\"\" the boy said to the sun.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Der Wind sagte mir, dass du wusstest über Liebe,\" sagte der junge zu dem Sonnen.", "expected_answer": "„Der Wind sagte mir, dass du die Liebe kennst“, wandte sich der Jüngling an die Sonne.", "history": [] }, { "index": 50, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The little pink ones are so cute.", "generated_answer": "Die kleine rote Onne is so küste.", "expected_answer": "Die kleinen rosafarbenen sind so süß.", "history": [] }, { "index": 51, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The students colored with their crayons.", "generated_answer": "Die Studenten klebt mit ihren Krayons.", "expected_answer": "Die Schüler malten mit ihren Buntstiften aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 52, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seemed to him that it fell to earth about one hundred miles east of here.", "generated_answer": "Es scheint mir zu haben, dass ich auf den Boden fiel um bis zu einem Hundert Kilometer nötig.", "expected_answer": "Es schien ihm, als wäre es ungefähr 160 km östlich von hier auf die Erde gefallen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 53, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He took the fourth part and handed it to the monk.", "generated_answer": "Er fand den ersten Schritt und legte es dem Kommen zu.", "expected_answer": "Er nahm das vierte Stück und überreichte es dem Mönch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 54, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is a right-handed batsman and a left-arm slow bowler.", "generated_answer": "Er ist ein rechter Batsman und ein links-armes Schnellballer.", "expected_answer": "Er ist ein rechtshändiger Schläger und ein linkshändiger Werfer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 55, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where will you go?", "generated_answer": "Wo geht's dir?", "expected_answer": "Wo gehst du hin?", "history": [] }, { "index": 56, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The owner of the dwelling was not amused.", "generated_answer": "Der eigener Betteninhaber war nicht amüsiert.", "expected_answer": "Der Besitzer der Wohnung war nicht amüsiert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 57, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All of this activity in Milwaukee was in no way unique.", "generated_answer": "\"All dieser Aktivität in Milwaukee war nicht immer gleich.\"", "expected_answer": "All diese Aktivitäten in Milwaukee waren in keinerlei Hinsicht einmalig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 58, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Thai dancers happily going through their steps in unison.", "generated_answer": "\"Durch Tanzler freundlich durchschnitten.\"", "expected_answer": "Thai-Tänzer gehen ihre Schritte gerne unisono durch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 59, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm so glad to see you.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin so viel glücklich, dich zu sehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich bin so froh, dich zu sehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 60, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then she looked up.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nicht der Fall.\"", "expected_answer": "Dann schaute sie auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 61, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What was he like?", "generated_answer": "Was war er wie?", "expected_answer": "Wie war er?", "history": [] }, { "index": 62, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Luckily, the dagger couldn't penetrate the bullet proof vest.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Glücklich, dass die Dichtung nicht durch die Schützenleiste durchgekommen wurde.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Dolch konnte die kugelsichere Weste glücklicherweise nicht durchdringen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 63, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The borough was named for the area's terrain.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Tore wurde namensgeben, weil sie auf den Luftsträucher beruhen.", "expected_answer": "Der Bezirk wurde nach dem Gelände der Gegend benannt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 64, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Like everybody learns,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wie jeder muss,\" erfühlte er.", "expected_answer": "Wie jeder lernt, sagte er.", "history": [] }, { "index": 65, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This has become a bit of a cult in Romania.", "generated_answer": "Dies hat sich in der Regierung von Rom an einem kulten geworden.", "expected_answer": "Das ist in Rumänien Kult geworden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 66, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How often has the train been late?", "generated_answer": "Wie oft hat der Bahnsteuerung die Bahn gefälscht?", "expected_answer": "Wie oft war der Zug verspätet?", "history": [] }, { "index": 67, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He is currently a member of investment bank Jefferies' Global Senior Advisory Board.\"", "generated_answer": "Er ist derzeit Mitglied des Investmentbanken J.P. Morgan Globaler Senioren-Aktivitätsrat.", "expected_answer": "Er ist derzeit ein Mitglied von Jefferies Investmentbank Global Senior Advisory Board.", "history": [] }, { "index": 68, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To increase his popularity in public-opinion polls, the politician started a campaign.", "generated_answer": "\"Zur Steigerung seiner Öffentlichkeitswertigkeit in der öffentlichen Pläne stellte er eine politische Bewegung auf.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Politiker startete eine Kampagne, um seine Popularität bei Meinungsumfragen zu steigern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 69, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Unique designs and color combinations have been used to commemorate special competitions.", "generated_answer": "\"Unikaldesigns und Farbenkonzentrationen wurden in mehreren spezifischen Spielwürden verwendet.\"", "expected_answer": "Einmalige Designs und Farbkombinationen wurden verwendet, um spezielle Wettbewerbe zu zelebrieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 70, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cemetery is now managed by three trusts.", "generated_answer": "Das Friedhof ist jetzt verwaltet von drei Geschäftsgruppen.", "expected_answer": "Der Friedhof wird nun von drei Treuhandgesellschaften verwaltet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 71, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where is it, then?", "generated_answer": "Wo ist es denn?", "expected_answer": "Wo ist es dann?", "history": [] }, { "index": 72, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Always ask an objective question.", "generated_answer": "\"Allemalte jedes objektive Fragenstellen.\"", "expected_answer": "Stellen Sie immer eine sachliche Frage.", "history": [] }, { "index": 73, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "rate the current book two stars", "generated_answer": "\"Einzige ist der Weg zum Glück.\"", "expected_answer": "Bewerten Sie das aktuelle Buch mit zwei Sternen", "history": [] }, { "index": 74, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "More discussion is needed on how it will be financed.", "generated_answer": "Mehr Diskussionen sind notwendig um, wie es gefunden wird, für die Finanzierung zu tun.", "expected_answer": "Es bedarf weiterer Gespräche darüber, wie es finanziert wird.", "history": [] }, { "index": 75, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The move was made effective immediately.", "generated_answer": "Die Bewegung wurde zum Zeitpunkt der Aktivierung eingerichtet.", "expected_answer": "Der Umzug wurde unverzüglich wirksam.", "history": [] }, { "index": 76, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A soldier wearing a pink scarf peers out of the top of a vehicle.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Soldat, mit einem Pinkscaf, schaut auf den Oberflächen eines Waggens.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Soldat, der ein rosafarbenes Halstuch trägt, schaut aus dem Dach eines Fahrzeugs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 77, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Bambalio\"\" refers to a tendency to stammer.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Am Balai oder vor der Weise in den Jäger.\"", "expected_answer": "„Bambalio“ bezieht sich auf einen Hang zu stottern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 78, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I can work for the rest of today,\"\" the boy answered.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kann nicht für die Tanzspielerin heute arbeiten, er sagte.", "expected_answer": "„Ich kann für den Rest des heutigen Tages arbeiten“, antwortete der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 79, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'd like to order some cinnamon pretzels, please.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich möchte einige Zimtprüste bestellen, bitte.", "expected_answer": "Ich möchte ein paar Zimtbrezeln bestellen, bitte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 80, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy was also saddened; his friend was in pursuit of his destiny.", "generated_answer": "Der junge war auch verwüstigt, sein Freund in der Nähe seiner Erfahrung.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge war auch traurig; sein Freund verfolgte sein Schicksal.", "history": [] }, { "index": 81, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Women form less than half of the group.", "generated_answer": "Männer formen weniger als halb der Gruppe.", "expected_answer": "Frauen machen weniger als die Hälfte der Gruppe aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 82, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Men play football as a crowd watches.", "generated_answer": "Männer spielen Fußball, als ein Publikum beobachtet.", "expected_answer": "Männer spielen Fußball, während eine Menge sie beobachtet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 83, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How about once more around the park?", "generated_answer": "Einmal weitere Durchfahrt um die Parkung.", "expected_answer": "Wie wär's noch einmal um den Park herum?", "history": [] }, { "index": 84, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A song, a Girl, a maid.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin ein Mensch.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Lied, ein Mädchen, eine Magd.", "history": [] }, { "index": 85, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The line appears today on the Tube Map as an orange stripe.", "generated_answer": "Der Anfang ist ein Ort, wo man die ersten Schritte treffen muss.", "expected_answer": "Heute erscheint die Linie auf dem U-Bahn-Plan als orangefarbener Streifen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 86, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What kind of a proof is that?", "generated_answer": "Was ist das, das denn so ist?", "expected_answer": "Was für ein Beweis ist das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 87, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That application was rejected.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Ausführung des Angebots.\"", "expected_answer": "Dieser Antrag wurde abgelehnt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 88, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They had a lot to divulge.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe viel zu viel zu tun.", "expected_answer": "Sie hatten viel zu enthüllen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 89, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Every day was there to be lived or to mark one's departure from this world.\"", "generated_answer": "Jede Tag kann man leben, wie Arthurs Enttäuschung nach seinem Ausgang aus dem Weltbild.", "expected_answer": "Jeder Tag war da, um gelebt zu werden oder um seinen Abschied von der Welt zu kennzeichnen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 90, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Potato crisps are thinly sliced fried potatoes, eaten as a snack", "generated_answer": "Potatogriffe sind dünne, verlaufende Frittetenpotaten, als Snack eingesetzt.", "expected_answer": "Kartoffelchips sind in dünne Scheiben geschnittene Bratkartoffeln, die als Snack gegessen werden", "history": [] }, { "index": 91, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We are giving them no rest.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir sind König und keine Ruhm.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir lassen ihnen keine Ruhe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 92, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Throughout the entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies.", "generated_answer": "Über alle Dinge der Tageszeit werden wir unsere Feinde gesucht.", "expected_answer": "Den ganzen Tag über werden wir nach unseren Feinden Ausschau halten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 93, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Plastic surgery has become more popular.", "generated_answer": "Die Plastikchirurgie hat sich sehr verstärkt.", "expected_answer": "Schönheitschirurgie ist beliebter geworden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 94, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The tracking reference did not work.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Zeitangabe nicht auswiesen.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Sendungsverfolgung hat nicht funktioniert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 95, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But you are joking.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin dumm.\"", "expected_answer": "Aber du machst Witze.", "history": [] }, { "index": 96, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "With no weapons, the only attack option open to him was aerial ramming.", "generated_answer": "\"Mit keinem Waffen ist der nur angemessene Angriff, das dem Imbam's eidrigen Rimmung verfügbar.\"", "expected_answer": "Die einzige Angriffsmöglichkeit ohne Waffen, die ihm offen stand, war das Rammen aus der Luft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 97, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Touchscreens do not provide haptic feedback.", "generated_answer": "Diese Schraube nicht bieten großen Fettgebühr.", "expected_answer": "Touchscreens geben kein haptisches Feedback.", "history": [] }, { "index": 98, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was a tent like many at the oasis.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war ein Tent wie viele Ates.\"", "expected_answer": "Es war ein Zelt wie viele in der Oase.", "history": [] }, { "index": 99, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"This blurry tomography doesn't help me a lot with the diagnosis.\"", "generated_answer": "Dieser Blauer Tomographie hat mir nicht viel bei der Diagnose geführt.", "expected_answer": "Diese unscharfe Tomographie hilft mir bei der Diagnose nicht viel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 100, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sunburn can be avoided by applying sunscreen or by staying in the shadows.", "generated_answer": "Die Sonnenbrille kann die Sonnenbrillen- oder durch Schattengefühl vermieden werden.", "expected_answer": "Sonnenbrand kann durch Auftragen von Sonnenschutzmittel oder Verweilen im Schatten vermieden werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 101, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Since leaving office, he has also attended a number of other events of significance.", "generated_answer": "\"Seitdem, wie er lebt, hat er einige andere Ereignisse oder wichtige Dinge erlebt.\"", "expected_answer": "Er hat seit seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt auch an verschiedenen weiteren bedeutenden Veranstaltungen teilgenommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 102, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Fatima,\"\" the girl said, averting her eyes.\"", "generated_answer": "Fahmida der Gold setzte, Abwärts ihre Augen.", "expected_answer": "„Fatima“, sagte das Mädchen und sah weg.", "history": [] }, { "index": 103, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She also taught journalism at the University of California at Berkeley.", "generated_answer": "Sie auch lernte Journalistik an der Universität California at Berkeley.", "expected_answer": "Sie unterrichtete auch Journalismus an der University of California in Berkeley.", "history": [] }, { "index": 104, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Still waters run deep.", "generated_answer": "Die Wasser schwimmen sehr dunkel.", "expected_answer": "Stille Wasser sind tief", "history": [] }, { "index": 105, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The University is a member of several organizations of colleges and universities.", "generated_answer": "Die Universität ist Teil von vielen Vereinigungen von Hochschulen und Universitäten.", "expected_answer": "Die Universität ist Mitglied mehrerer Organisationen von Hochschulen und Universitäten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 106, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These chimes have a mellow sound.", "generated_answer": "Diese Melodien haben einen schmetterlingen Ton.", "expected_answer": "Diese Glocken haben einen sanften Klang.", "history": [] }, { "index": 107, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No one has ever done it before.", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts hat man seitdem gemacht.\"", "expected_answer": "Niemand hat es jemals zuvor getan.", "history": [] }, { "index": 108, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What game do you want to play?", "generated_answer": "Was Spiel möchtest du spielen?", "expected_answer": "Welches Spiel möchtest du spielen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 109, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The completed chartering contract is known as a charter party.", "generated_answer": "Die vollständige Kontraktschutzkonvention, bekannt als Kontraktschutzkonvention.", "expected_answer": "Der abgeschlossene Chartervertrag ist bekannt als Frachtvertrag.", "history": [] }, { "index": 110, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe the church, with the sycamore growing from within, had been haunted.", "generated_answer": "\"Möglicherweise hat die Kirche mit dem Sykarmar ausgebildet sein, die darin entsteht, gegebenenfalls gebildet worden.\"", "expected_answer": "Vielleicht war die Kirche, in der der Bergahorn von innen wuchs, verflucht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 111, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'll go right after it.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich gehe jetzt nachdessen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich gehe hinterher.", "history": [] }, { "index": 112, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "With the change in ownership, the company ceased most of its book publishing efforts.", "generated_answer": "Die Änderung der Eigentumsklage führte zu einem wenig angemessenen Zusammenhang, da die Firma die meisten ihrer Buchausgaben verloren.", "expected_answer": "Das Unternehmen stellte mit dem Eigentümerwechsel den Großteil seiner Buchverlagstätigkeiten ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 113, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You will need to know to build your own custom environment.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie müssen zu erstellen Ihre eigenen persönlichen Umgebung.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie müssen wissen, wie Sie Ihre ganz persönliche Umgebung erstellen können.", "history": [] }, { "index": 114, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An awesome picture of a young woman jumping in the air", "generated_answer": "\"Ein gutes Bild einer jungen Frau auf einem Stuhl.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein tolles Bild von einer jungen Frau, die in die Luft springt", "history": [] }, { "index": 115, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sure, see you there!", "generated_answer": "\"Sicher sehen Sie dich.\"", "expected_answer": "Sicher, wir sehen uns dort!", "history": [] }, { "index": 116, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some concurrent programming models include coprocesses and deterministic concurrency.", "generated_answer": "Das ist ein Beispiel für ein concurrentes Programmiermodell, das auch Code-Prozessen und Determinismus-Koncurrency nutzt.", "expected_answer": "Einige gleichlaufende Programmierungsmodelle umfassen Coprozesse und deterministische Parallelität.", "history": [] }, { "index": 117, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some storms are worth the wreckage.", "generated_answer": "\"Einige Stürme sind wertvolle Stürme.\"", "expected_answer": "Manche Stürme sind die Trümmer wert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 118, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This convention is a natural.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Veranstaltung ist natürliche.", "expected_answer": "Diese Konvention ist natürlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 119, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The final medal tally was led by host Vietnam, followed by Thailand and Indonesia.", "generated_answer": "Die letzte Spitze der Medaillereihe war von der Host-Vereinigung Vietnam, folgen von Thailand und Indonesien.", "expected_answer": "Die abschließende Medaillenspiegel wurde von Gastgeber Vietnam angeführt, gefolgt von Thailand und Indonesien.", "history": [] }, { "index": 120, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The tea was a little bit too hot.", "generated_answer": "Die Tee war ein wenig zu weit.", "expected_answer": "Der Tee war ein bisschen zu heiß.", "history": [] }, { "index": 121, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sisters Kimberly and Tiffany, and brother Ryan.", "generated_answer": "Sisters: Kimble und Tiffany und Bruder: Ryan.", "expected_answer": "Die Schwestern Kimberly und Tiffany sowie Bruder Ryan.", "history": [] }, { "index": 122, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Clams are small, round, soft, and tasty.", "generated_answer": "Klampen sind kleine, runde, softspiegelnd und tötend.", "expected_answer": "Muscheln sind klein, rund, weich und lecker.", "history": [] }, { "index": 123, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Her mom took her to the judo class at four o'clock.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich habe müssen die Chance in Mürren.\"", "expected_answer": "Ihre Mutter brachte sie um vier Uhr zum Judounterricht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 124, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Thailand turned out to be a very satisfying holiday.", "generated_answer": "\"Thailand wurde für eine gute Ferienwoche geworden.\"", "expected_answer": "Thailand stellte sich als ein sehr zufriedenstellender Urlaub heraus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 125, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Like an old fire horse.", "generated_answer": "\"Wie ein Notenblatt für Hunde.\"", "expected_answer": "Wie ein altes Feuerwehrschlauch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 126, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Originally, the finale for the sixth season was promoted as a cliff-hanger.", "generated_answer": "Die Finale für die zweite Hälfte des Siebentiers wurde als Cliphanger ausgezeichnet.", "expected_answer": "Ursprünglich wurde das Finale der sechsten Staffel als Cliffhanger beworben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 127, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I notice you still remember it.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Mäß ist in diesem Fall nicht erforderlich.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich stelle fest, dass du dich noch daran erinnerst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 128, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At these dimensions, it is large enough to be seen from space.", "generated_answer": "\"In diesen Größen, ist es groß genug, aus der Himmel zu sehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Bei diesen Dimensionen ist er groß genug, um vom Weltall gesehen zu werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 129, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Internet is built upon many protocols which complement each other perfectly.", "generated_answer": "Internet ist bestehend aus vielen Protokollen, die jedoch sich auf einander komplizierten Einsätzen verzichten.", "expected_answer": "Das Internet wird auf vielen Protokollen gebildet, die sich perfekt ergänzen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 130, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wait for the end of the war.", "generated_answer": "\"Wiederholen Sie es für die Entscheidung.\"", "expected_answer": "Warte auf das Ende des Krieges.", "history": [] }, { "index": 131, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finally, the Beatles began playing at the Jac on occasions.", "generated_answer": "\"Schließlich begannen die Beatles, währenden sie Live-Begleitung bei der \"Chuck\".", "expected_answer": "Zum Schluss begannen die Beatles manchmal im Jac zu spielen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 132, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pencils down, time is over.", "generated_answer": "Zwanzig, die Zeit ist vorbei.", "expected_answer": "Stifte weg, die Zeit ist vorbei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 133, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"This desert was once a sea,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Dieser Dessert war einmal ein See.\"", "expected_answer": "„Diese Wüste war einst ein Meer“, sagte er.", "history": [] }, { "index": 134, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A handsome shoe often pinches the foot.", "generated_answer": "Ein schönes Schuh oft klingt an den Fuß.", "expected_answer": "Ein schöner Schuh drückt oft den Fuß.", "history": [] }, { "index": 135, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He voyaged on a ship called The Beagle.", "generated_answer": "Er fuhr auf einem Schiff namens Beagle.", "expected_answer": "Er reiste mit einem Schiff namens The Beagle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 136, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I can reassure you, that we won't retreat until the oil until the peace is secured.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kann Ihnen sicherstellen, dass wir nicht zurückziehen, bis der Öl bis zum Frieden erreicht ist.", "expected_answer": "Ich kann Sie beruhigen, dass wir erst den Rückzug antreten, wenn das Öl gesichert ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 137, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And the big Persian knew of his existence before he did of hers.", "generated_answer": "\"Und der große Perser wusste sein Existenz vorher, als sie ihn wusste.\"", "expected_answer": "Und der große Perser wusste von seiner Existenz, bevor er von ihrer Existenz wusste.", "history": [] }, { "index": 138, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But after Musial injured his pitching arm, his career was in serious jeopardy.", "generated_answer": "Nach dem Schlägenfall bei Sill hatte sein Spieler sein Leben in der Gefahr.", "expected_answer": "Aber nachdem Musial seinen Wurfarm verletzte, war seine Karriere ernsthaft gefährdet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 139, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Toby said, he's gonna sue his ex-wife.\"", "generated_answer": "Toby sagt, er wird dich sehen, er ist XY.", "expected_answer": "Toby sagte, er wird seine Ex-Frau verklagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 140, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I can reassure you, that we won't retreat until the peace is secured.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kann Sie erstmals sicher sagen, dass wir nicht zurückziehen werden, bis das Stück gefordert ist.", "expected_answer": "Ich kann Sie beruhigen, dass wir erst den Rückzug antreten, wenn der Frieden gesichert ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 141, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't blame you.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich verstehe.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich gebe dir keine Schuld.", "history": [] }, { "index": 142, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He jumped up and turned quickly to face the imagined terror screaming \"\"Get back!\"\"\"", "generated_answer": "Er stand auf und umgegraben, um zu sehen, wie ein unglaubliches Terror aufgetaucht hatte.", "expected_answer": "Er sprang auf und drehte sich schnell, um dem vorgestellten Terror ins Auge zu sehen und schrie: „Geh zurück!“", "history": [] }, { "index": 143, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is reserved and serious, which is a further mark of respectability.", "generated_answer": "Er ist reserviert und serios, das ist ein weiterer Mark der Eigenkeit.", "expected_answer": "Er ist zurückhaltend und seriös, was ein weiteres Zeichen von Seriösität ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 144, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a member of the plastocyanin family of copper-binding proteins.", "generated_answer": "Dies ist ein Mitglied der Plastrophyilin-Familie der Kupferwirnproteine.", "expected_answer": "Es ist ein Mitglied der Plastocyanin-Familie der Kupferbindungsproteine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 145, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My dad is a Republican.", "generated_answer": "Ich bin ein Republikaner.", "expected_answer": "Mein Vater ist Republikaner.", "history": [] }, { "index": 146, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Red-Eye never committed a more outrageous deed.", "generated_answer": "Redeye nie einem mehr abscholierten Tat.", "expected_answer": "Red-Eye hat nie eine skandalösere Tat begangen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 147, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Good playgrounds have much more to offer than swings and slides.", "generated_answer": "Gute Spielplatz hat mehr Möglichkeiten als Staubsauger und Spielzeug.", "expected_answer": "Gute Spielplätze haben viel mehr zu bieten als nur Schaukeln und Rutschen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 148, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The massacre site was later visited by the Interior Minister, Mostefa Bensamour.", "generated_answer": "Der Massakerplatz wurde später dann durch die Innenministerin Moustafa Bansam besucht.", "expected_answer": "Der Ort des Massakers wurde später vom Innenminister Mostefa Bensamour besucht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 149, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sorry, the test period expired.", "generated_answer": "\"Entschuldigung, die Testzeitabgabe wurde abgelaufen.\"", "expected_answer": "Entschuldigung, der Testzeitraum ist abgelaufen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 150, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The forest burned for thirteen days.", "generated_answer": "Dreißig Tage wurde das Wald geboren.", "expected_answer": "Der Wald brannte dreizehn Tage lang.", "history": [] }, { "index": 151, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He kept driving at full speed, totally unfazed by the flap, flap, flap of the burst tyre.", "generated_answer": "Er fuhr und durchs Fahrzeug nicht aufgefallen von der rechten Seite.", "expected_answer": "Er fuhr weiterhin mit voller Geschwindigkeit, total unbeirrt von dem Klapp, Klapp, Klapp des zerplatzten Reifens.", "history": [] }, { "index": 152, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I accuse this man of being a faker!", "generated_answer": "Ich bezeichne dieser Mensch als Fähre.", "expected_answer": "Ich bezichtige diesen Mann, ein Fälscher zu sein!", "history": [] }, { "index": 153, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was a loud shriek from a woman standing behind us.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war eine große Schrecken von einer Frau, die von uns auf der Seite schwang.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gab einen lauten Schrei von einer hinter uns stehenden Frau.", "history": [] }, { "index": 154, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's Not Dylan!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist nicht Dillon.\"", "expected_answer": "Es ist nicht Dylan!", "history": [] }, { "index": 155, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Home is where the heart is.", "generated_answer": "In einer Heimat ist der Herzen.", "expected_answer": "Heimat ist, wo das Herz ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 156, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His hands began to tremble, and the woman sensed it.", "generated_answer": "Ich sehe, dass ihr Armen beginnen lassen und die Frau erfüllt ist.", "expected_answer": "Seine Hände begannen zu zittern, und die Frau spürte es.", "history": [] }, { "index": 157, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You might hear \"\"font families\"\" more than \"\"typefaces\"\", even though they could mean the same thing.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Du kannst die Familien mit Schrecken mehr als die mit Tatsachen sehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Vielleicht hört man „Schriftfamilien“ mehr als „Schriften“, auch wenn sie dasselbe bedeuten könnten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 158, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man with a white beard is writing in a book while two women look on", "generated_answer": "Der Mann mit weißem Bürenrichtung schreibt in einem Buch, als zwei Frauen aufhalten.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann mit weißem Bart schreibt in einem Buch, während zwei Frauen darauf schauen", "history": [] }, { "index": 159, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I wrote my bachelor thesis with latex.", "generated_answer": "Ich schrieb meinen Bachelor-Vorlesungsarbeit mit Latex.", "expected_answer": "Ich schrieb meine Bachelorarbeit mit Latex.", "history": [] }, { "index": 160, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've stuck it back together.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Hast du eine Frage?\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe es wieder zusammengeklebt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 161, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is the most valuable stamp in the world.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist der wichtigste Zimmerschutz im Weltall.\"", "expected_answer": "Es ist die wertvollste Briefmarke der Welt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 162, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Further, there is no mention of the comet in Chinese literature of the time.", "generated_answer": "\"Weiter, es gibt keine Berichterstattung über das Komet in der chinesischen Literatur des Jahrhunderts.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Komet wird in der chinesischen Literatur der Zeit nicht weiter erwähnt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 163, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Norfolk was the son of the poet Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey.", "generated_answer": "Nochkopf ist der Sohn von Quit Henry, Hauptherzog von Saray.", "expected_answer": "Der Sohn des Dichters Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey war Norfolk.", "history": [] }, { "index": 164, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A friend is easier lost than found.", "generated_answer": "Ein Freund ist leichter verloren als gefunden.", "expected_answer": "Ein Freund ist leichter verloren als gefunden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 165, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The quickening of time", "generated_answer": "\"Die Zeitverwaltung.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Beschleunigung der Zeit", "history": [] }, { "index": 166, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Four hundred and fifty dollars.", "generated_answer": "Sechs.", "expected_answer": "Vierhunderfünfzig Dollar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 167, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We've got to walk up to the tower.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Macht den Markt.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir müssen zum Turm hinaufgehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 168, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The plastic barrier shattered.", "generated_answer": "Die Plastikbarriere schissend.", "expected_answer": "Die Kunststoffabsperrung ist zerbrochen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 169, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was seen early in the morning, rushing over eastward.", "generated_answer": "Es wurde erst im Morgenstunden erkannt, Russland in der Ostwelt.", "expected_answer": "Es wurde morgens früh gesehen, als es ostwärts eilte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 170, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is found in the Indian subcontinent, China, and Southeast Asia.", "generated_answer": "Der ist in der Indischen Inselgebiete, China und Südostasien enthalten.", "expected_answer": "Es ist in Vorderindien, China und Südostasien zu finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 171, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Getting to play someone as unrestricted as a vampire is a thrill,\"\" she says.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das Spielen eines Menschen, der sich nicht verwirrt ist, ist eine Spaß für sie, sie sagt.\"", "expected_answer": "„Jemanden so unbehindert wie einen Vampir zum Spielen zu bringen ist ein Nervenkitzel“, sagt sie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 172, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man holding a newborn baby in a blue, pink, and white blanket.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann mit dem neuen Kind in einem blauen, roten und weißen Blasenkleid.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann, der in einer blauen, rosafarbenen und weißen Decke ein neugeborenes Baby hält.", "history": [] }, { "index": 173, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An huge hole had been made by the impact of the projectile.", "generated_answer": "Die Rückführung des Wasserprojekts hat durch das Geschäftspartner erstellt wurde.", "expected_answer": "Ein gewaltiges Loch war durch die Wucht des Projektils entstanden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 174, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She must have noted your lack of appetite.", "generated_answer": "Sie muss müssen wissen, dass Sie Ihre Nahrungsverluste erkennen.", "expected_answer": "Ihre Appetitlosigkeit muss sie bemerkt haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 175, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lemme have the Desk.", "generated_answer": "\"Lass mich die Tafel haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Gib mir den Schreibtisch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 176, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wisdom is the wealth of the wise.", "generated_answer": "Wissen ist die Wertung der Wein.", "expected_answer": "Weisheit ist der Reichtum der Weisen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 177, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The old man said nothing.", "generated_answer": "Der alte Mann sah nichts.", "expected_answer": "Der Alte Mann sagte nichts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 178, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You do it.", "generated_answer": "\"Du machst es.\"", "expected_answer": "Du machst es.", "history": [] }, { "index": 179, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was interred in his hometown Cloppenburg.", "generated_answer": "\"Er war in seinem \"Homo Nen\"-Probenkabinett.\"", "expected_answer": "Er wurde in seiner Heimatstadt Cloppenburg beigesetzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 180, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The quick fox jumped on the sleeping cat.", "generated_answer": "Die Kurfuchs fiel auf das dösende Katze.", "expected_answer": "Der schnelle Fuchs sprang auf die schlafende Katze.", "history": [] }, { "index": 181, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This swallow is twittering without Internet connection and has a swarm of followers.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Schwur ist mit keinem Internetverbindung ausgesetzt und hat einen großen Teil an Fans.", "expected_answer": "Diese Schwalbe twittert ohne Internetverbindung und hat einen Schwarm Follower.", "history": [] }, { "index": 182, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It drew a droplet of blood.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist wahr.\"", "expected_answer": "Es entnahm einen Blutstropfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 183, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bill decided that management should know about this incident.", "generated_answer": "Bil hat das gesagt, dass die Management wissen sollte, dass dieser Ereignis geschehen ist.", "expected_answer": "Bill beschloss, dass das Management von diesem Zwischenfall wissen sollte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 184, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was a member of the World Economic Forum in Davos.", "generated_answer": "Er war Mitglied des Weltwirtschaftskongresses in Dässeldorf.", "expected_answer": "Er war Mitglied des Weltwirtschaftsforums in Davos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 185, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We lit the lantern and walked over to his house.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir leuchten den Lichter und schwang zu seinem Haus.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir entzündeten die Laterne und gingen hinüber zu seinem Haus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 186, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where did you come from?", "generated_answer": "Wo kamst du her?", "expected_answer": "Wo kamst du her?", "history": [] }, { "index": 187, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To err is human To forgive divine.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nicht mein Problem.\"", "expected_answer": "Irren ist menschlich. Vergeben ist göttlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 188, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Bürger ist auch in der Stadt.\"", "expected_answer": "Lieber den Spatz in der Hand als die Taube auf dem Dach", "history": [] }, { "index": 189, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I think they perceived that nothing was to be done at the moment.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich glaube, dass sie den Preis von Bremen gesagt haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich glaube, sie haben erkannt, dass in dem Moment nichts zu tun war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 190, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pran Nath was born into a wealthy family in Lahore in present-day Pakistan.", "generated_answer": "Ranakul wurde geboren in wohlgebildeten Chāmen in Lahore, der gegründeten heutigen Pakistān.", "expected_answer": "Pran Nath wurde in Lahore im jetzigen Pakistan in eine reiche Familie hineingeboren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 191, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We dont want him!", "generated_answer": "\"Wir haben ihn nicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir wollen ihn nicht!", "history": [] }, { "index": 192, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But they were not there.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie sind nicht da.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie waren aber nicht da.", "history": [] }, { "index": 193, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But that was simply because my eye was tired.", "generated_answer": "Das war nur wegen meiner sichtbaren Augen.", "expected_answer": "Aber das war einfach nur der Fall, weil mein Auge müde war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 194, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Good-bye,\"\" said the boy.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Gute Nacht,\" sagte das junge.", "expected_answer": "„Lebe wohl,“ sagte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 195, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What would you say is the difference between a language and a dialect?", "generated_answer": "Was bedeutet es, dass ein Sprache ein Dialekt ist?", "expected_answer": "Was würden Sie sagen, ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Sprache und einem Dialekt?", "history": [] }, { "index": 196, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I would have won the Junior Olympics if not for those medaling kids.", "generated_answer": "Ich wäre gewonnen bei den Jugendjuryssen, wenn nicht für die jungen Mitglieder.", "expected_answer": "Ich hätte die Olympischen Spiele der Junioren gewonnen, wenn diese Medaillen-Kinder nicht gewesen wären.", "history": [] }, { "index": 197, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, but it is nice to meet you.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht wahr, dass es nicht gut ist, um dich zu bemeistern.\"", "expected_answer": "Nein, aber es ist schön, Sie kennenzulernen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 198, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Due to the expense of production, it is not being used for this purpose.", "generated_answer": "\"Durch die großen Produktionszahl wird dies nicht verwendet.\"", "expected_answer": "Wegen der Produktionskosten wird es nicht für diesen Zweck verwendet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 199, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Philip then tells his parents that he was suspended for \"\"singing\"\" the National Anthem.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Philip dann sagt seinen Eltern, dass er verweilt wurde, um zu singen den Nationalantron.\"", "expected_answer": "Philip erzählt seinen Eltern dann, dass er suspendiert wurde, für das „Singen“ der Nationalhymne.", "history": [] }, { "index": 200, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The sea has lived on in this shell, because that's its destiny.\"", "generated_answer": "Die See hat sich in diesem Schale gewohnt, weil das sei seine Ziel.", "expected_answer": "Das Meer hat in dieser Muschel weiter gelebt, weil es sein Schicksal ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 201, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mostly just the hearts of those who are trying to realize their destinies.", "generated_answer": "Die Hälse derjenigen, die ihre Zukünften erfüllen wollen.", "expected_answer": "Meistens nur die Herzen von denen, die versuchen, ihr Schicksal zu realisieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 202, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But instead of being saddened, he was happy.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist eine gute Idee.\"", "expected_answer": "Aber er war glücklich, anstatt traurig zu sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 203, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was arrested within days, placed on trial and found guilty.", "generated_answer": "Er wurde am ersten Tag verhaftet, gehalten im Strafprozess und entschieden.", "expected_answer": "Er wurde innerhalb von Tagen verhaftet, vor Gericht gestellt und für schuldig befunden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 204, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Every search begins with beginner's luck.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Einmal beginnt jede Sache mit Beginnen.\"", "expected_answer": "Jede Suche beginnt mit dem Anfängerglück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 205, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It was later revealed that the letter was a prank concocted by \"\"The eXile\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Das war später wieder entdeckt, dass das Brief ein Spielgedicht von \"die Exil\" war.", "expected_answer": "Es wurde später enthüllt, dass der Brief ein Streich war, der von „The eXile“ ausgeheckt wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 206, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The alchemist followed as the boy's horse ran for almost half an hour.\"", "generated_answer": "Der Alchemist folgt, als der jungen Jungfrau ihren Pferd führte, bis fast ein Halb Stunde.", "expected_answer": "Der Alchemist folgte, als das Pferd des Jungen fast eine halbe Stunde lief.", "history": [] }, { "index": 207, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where are the others?", "generated_answer": "Wo sind die anderen?", "expected_answer": "Wo sind die anderen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 208, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He postulated a dispersion theory before his coworker made his discovery and announcement.", "generated_answer": "Er stellte vor eine Verschiebungsklärung vor, bis sein Kollega ihm die Entdeckung und Ausgabe erklärt hat.", "expected_answer": "Er postulierte eine Dispersionstheorie, bevor sein Mitarbeiter seine Entdeckung und Ankündigung machte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 209, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sylvester needed to meditate to clear his mind.", "generated_answer": "Sylvester brauchte Meditation, um sein Gehirn zu schweifen.", "expected_answer": "Sylvester musste meditieren, um seinen Kopf frei zu machen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 210, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Olivia, have you seen my keys?", "generated_answer": "\"Oliver, haben Sie gesehen meine Kiech?\"", "expected_answer": "Olivia, hast du meinen Schlüssel gesehen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 211, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If you know your heart well, it will never be able to do that to you.", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn du deine Kunst wissen kannst, wird sie dir nie dazu bringen.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn du dein Herz gut kennst, wird es dir das nie antun können.", "history": [] }, { "index": 212, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He learned to play the harmonica from his father.", "generated_answer": "\"Heimlich\"", "expected_answer": "Er lernte das Spielen auf der Mundharmonika von seinem Vater.", "history": [] }, { "index": 213, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Although everything should be under the state's control, there is a lot of violence in prisons.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Auch wenn alle Dinge im Staat's gewöhnlich sind, gibt es viel Gewalt in den Strafgefängnissen.\"", "expected_answer": "Obwohl alles unter der Staatskontrolle sein sollte, gibt es in den Gefängnissen viel Gewalt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 214, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's the sub-foreman, explained Thorpe.\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist ein großer Faden.", "expected_answer": "Das ist der Sub-Vorarbeiter, erklärte Thorpe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 215, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The southern part of the island is a bird lover's paradise.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Südparte des Inlandes ist ein Vogelparadies.", "expected_answer": "Der Südteil der Insel ist ein Paradies für Vogelliebhaber.", "history": [] }, { "index": 216, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At least forty-one protesters were killed in the ensuing engagement.", "generated_answer": "Zwölfundersatz.", "expected_answer": "Mindestens einundvierzig Demonstranten wurden beim folgenden Einsatz getötet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 217, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the Master Work.", "generated_answer": "Es war meine Furcht der Misserfolgung, der erst das Master-Arbeit verpasst hat.", "expected_answer": "Es war meine Versagensangst, die mich davon abhielt, das Meisterwerk zu wagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 218, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He just got a new kite for his birthday.", "generated_answer": "\"Er ist weiterhin auf seine Dritte Spitze.\"", "expected_answer": "Er hat gerade einen neuen Drachen zu seinem Geburtstag bekommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 219, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "While a simple cards made by her sold only for five cents.", "generated_answer": "\"Während eines einfachen Karten, die von ihr entstehen, verkauft nur für fünf Cent.\"", "expected_answer": "Während eine einfache von ihr gefertigte Karte für nur fünf Cent verkauft wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 220, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The wound healed faster than anyone expected.", "generated_answer": "Die Wunde heilte besser als jeder erwartet hat.", "expected_answer": "Die Wunde heilte schneller als irgendjemand erwartet hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 221, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do I feel?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie kann ich es wirklich empfinden?\"", "expected_answer": "Wie fühle ich mich?", "history": [] }, { "index": 222, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You cannot eat the cake and have it To.", "generated_answer": "\"Du kannst die Kuchen nicht essen und sie haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Du kannst den Kuchen nicht essen und ihn haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 223, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In times of despair, look out for the helpers and you will find hope.", "generated_answer": "\"In dem Zeitraum, in dem die Elle spielt, ist die Lieder für die Elle, nicht nur für die Elle, sondern für alle.\"", "expected_answer": "In Zeiten der Verzweiflung, halten Sie Ausschau nach den Helfern und Sie werden Hoffnung finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 224, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Did you know that Harry got a new job?", "generated_answer": "Kanst du wissen, dass Harry neu ein Arbeitstyp erhoben hat?", "expected_answer": "Wusstest du, dass Harry einen neuen Job hat?", "history": [] }, { "index": 225, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I hope you are well!", "generated_answer": "Ich hoffe, du bist gut.", "expected_answer": "Ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen gut!", "history": [] }, { "index": 226, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've never seen her before.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich habe hier nicht gesehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe sie noch nie zuvor gesehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 227, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The club is the first non-government owned professional basketball club in China.", "generated_answer": "Die Gruppe ist der erste Non-Gewerbesteuer-Gesellschaftsvertrags-professioneller Bat-Bäuerliche-Busch-Club in China.", "expected_answer": "Der Verein ist der erste Profi-Basketballverein in China, der nicht im Besitz der Regierung ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 228, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To stuff into their own pockets.", "generated_answer": "\"In ihren eigenen Pochen.\"", "expected_answer": "Um sie in ihre eigenen Taschen zu stopfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 229, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Silence is golden.", "generated_answer": "Silence ist Golden.", "expected_answer": "Schweigen ist Gold.", "history": [] }, { "index": 230, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Somebody threw him off a train.", "generated_answer": "Ein Mensch wurde von einem Bahnwagon getötet.", "expected_answer": "Jemand hat ihn aus einem Zug geworfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 231, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He held a large number of business appointments.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte eine große Anzahl an Geschäftsanmeldungen.", "expected_answer": "Er hatte eine Vielzahl an Geschäftsterminen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 232, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cut your coat according to the cloth.", "generated_answer": "\"Kopieren Sie Ihre Code angemessen an die Regeln.\"", "expected_answer": "Kürzen Sie Ihren Mantel gemäß dem Stoff.", "history": [] }, { "index": 233, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A little token of appreciation.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein einziges Tisch für Aufmerksamkeit.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein kleines Zeichen der Anerkennung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 234, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The girl dropped the container, and the water spilled.", "generated_answer": "Die Jungfrau droppen des Tanks, und das Wasser spülte.", "expected_answer": "Das Mädchen ließ den Behälter fallen, und das Wasser lief aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 235, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The town was named after the Spanish term for lumber.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Stadt wurde namensgeben, weil sie dem Spanischen Terminus \"Lumbar\" bedeutet.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Stadt wurde nach dem spanischen Begriff für Holz benannt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 236, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"For better physical understanding, let's first recap where the pivot point is.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Zum schöneren Visier, erstmal wiederholen wir, wo die Luftfahrzeugpunkt ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Zum besseren physischen Verständnis fassen wir zuerst einmal zusammen, wo der Schwerpunkt ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 237, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Marc, would you please give me the fly swatter?", "generated_answer": "\"Herrin, könnten Sie mir bitte das Fleißwasser bitte.\"", "expected_answer": "Marc, würdest du mir die Fliegenklatsche bitte geben?", "history": [] }, { "index": 238, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He and his family went up north to the Arctic Circle to meet Santa Claus in Finland.", "generated_answer": "Er und sein Familie führten sich nach Norden nach dem Arktis zum Vorbereiten, um Santa Claus in Finnland zu erkennen.", "expected_answer": "Er und seine Familie gingen in Richtung Norden zum nördlichen Polarkreis, um in Finnland den Weihnachtsmann zu treffen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 239, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The empty flask stood on the tin tray.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Ampelstande steckte auf dem Tannenstreifen.\"", "expected_answer": "Die leere Flasche stand auf dem Blechtablett.", "history": [] }, { "index": 240, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The launch was flawless; all systems were \"\"go\"\", except for Doctor Wang's experiment.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Laune war flüssig, alle Systeme wurden richtig, unter anderem das Experiment des Doktors van N.", "expected_answer": "Der Start war perfekt; alle Systeme waren „Go“, außer Doktor Wangs Experiment.", "history": [] }, { "index": 241, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The author is a blogger and social media phenomenon.", "generated_answer": "Der Autor ist ein Blogger und ein Social Media-Phänomenon.", "expected_answer": "Der Autor ist ein Blogger und Social-Media-Phänomen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 242, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Maybe because that wasn't really his dream.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Möglicherweise, weil das nicht so einfach war.\"", "expected_answer": "Vielleicht, weil das nicht wirklich sein Traum war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 243, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Real schools, secondary schools giving a general practical education.", "generated_answer": "Gymnasien, zweiten Schulen, die eine generelle Bildung erziehen.", "expected_answer": "Echte Schulen, Sekundarschulen mit einer allgemeinbildenden praktischen Ausbildung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 244, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cats whiskers are very sensitive.", "generated_answer": "Die Katzen's Schäferhäute sind sehr sensibel.", "expected_answer": "Katzenschnurrhaare sind sehr empfindlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 245, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The closet door stuck a little as he pulled it open revealing a bare wooden floor covered on one side by a stack of old shoes boxes.", "generated_answer": "Die Tür schlug etwas auf, als ich sie offen hatte, die erstaunte einen leisen Wald, der auf einer Seite von den Schuhboxkiste verdeckt war.", "expected_answer": "Die Schranktür klemmte etwas, als er sie öffnete und einen kahlen Holzboden zum Vorschein brachte, der mit einem Stapel alter Schuhkartons auf einer Seite bedeckt war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 246, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"For centuries after her death, Welshmen cried-out \"\"Revenge for Gwenllian\"\" when engaging in battle.\"", "generated_answer": "Vier Jahrzehnte nach ihrer Tode wendete sich Welschmanns \"Revenge für Guenlin\" in der Schlacht ein.", "expected_answer": "Waliser schrien jahrhundertelang nach ihrem Tod in der Schlacht „Rache für Gwenllian“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 247, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fall seven times. Stand up eight.", "generated_answer": "Sechszehn.", "expected_answer": "Falle sieben Mal. Stehe acht Mal auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 248, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "undefined", "generated_answer": "\"Alles auf der Erde und er wandte um die Ecke des Fasches.\"", "expected_answer": "undefiniert", "history": [] }, { "index": 249, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I wouldn't take that too seriously.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich würde das nicht zu viel wirklich anspielen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich würde es nicht so ernst nehmen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 250, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.", "generated_answer": "Die Wörter sind mir in meinem nicht so hochenen Gedanke ein unendliches Maß an magischer Energie.", "expected_answer": "Meiner nicht so bescheidenen Meinung nach sin Worte unsere unerschöpflichste Quelle der Magie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 251, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is also used to emulate sounds generated by obsolete electronic equipment.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist auch verwendet, um die Sprache zu Enklaven, die von Oskalen und elektronischen Geräten genommen werden.\"", "expected_answer": "Es wird zudem verwendet, um Klänge nachzuahmen, die von veralteten Elektronikgeräten erzeugt werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 252, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This interpretation is not objective.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Interpretation ist nicht objektiv.", "expected_answer": "Diese Interpretation ist nicht sachlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 253, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The motorcycle made a loud noise.", "generated_answer": "Der Motorrad spielte eine große Ruhm.", "expected_answer": "Das Motorrad machte ein lautes Geräusch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 254, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You're just the one I wanted to see.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Du willst nicht Arbeiten auf See.\"", "expected_answer": "Du bist genau der, den ich sehen wollte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 255, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy wanted to believe that his friend had simply become separated from him by accident.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge wollte glauben, dass das Quadrat nur durch Zahlung einer Fehler verwirrt wurde.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge wollte glauben, dass sein Freund einfach versehentlich von ihm getrennt wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 256, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you ever heard the national anthem of South Korea?", "generated_answer": "\"Deutschlandlied\"", "expected_answer": "Haben Sie je die Nationalhymne von Südkorea gehört?", "history": [] }, { "index": 257, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lemon said that none of the teams were profitable.", "generated_answer": "Lemon sagte, dass keiner der Teams nicht profitabel war.", "expected_answer": "Lemon sagte, dass keines der Teams gewinnbringend sei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 258, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So I would be the next to go.", "generated_answer": "\"So wie mit dem nächsten.\"", "expected_answer": "Also wäre ich der Nächste, der geht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 259, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Servant sends Leonardo away, and the guests begin arriving for the wedding.", "generated_answer": "Die Dienstmann legt Leonarden ab und wird die Besucher auf den Weiden begeben.", "expected_answer": "Der Diener schickt Leonardo weg, und die Gäste trafen bei der Hochzeit ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 260, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When I returned to the common, the sun was setting.", "generated_answer": "\"Wieder zurückkehrte ich zum gemeinsamen Ort, als die Sonne schließlich wächst.\"", "expected_answer": "Als ich zum gemeinen Volk zurückkam, ging die Sonne unter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 261, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A child with a helmet on his head rides a bike.", "generated_answer": "Der junge mit einem Schirm auf seinem Fahrrad fahrt.", "expected_answer": "Ein Kind mit einem Helm auf dem Kopf fährt ein Fahrrad.", "history": [] }, { "index": 262, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I locked eyes with a fish in the tank.", "generated_answer": "Ich schläfge einen Fisch in einem Tank.", "expected_answer": "Ich bannte einen Fisch im Becken mit meinem Blick.", "history": [] }, { "index": 263, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I need a pacifier for my baby.", "generated_answer": "Ich brauche ein Pistzer für mein Kind.", "expected_answer": "Ich brauche für mein Baby einen Schnuller.", "history": [] }, { "index": 264, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It doesn't look good.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nicht gut.\"", "expected_answer": "Es sieht nicht gut aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 265, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Peace be unto you and grace before the Lord.", "generated_answer": "Gemütlichkeit und Glück bei den Göttern.", "expected_answer": "Friede sei mit dir und Gnade vor dem Herrn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 266, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If you have to wait until the war is over, then wait.", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn du müssen, bis der Krieg endet, dann warte.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn du warten musst, bis der Krieg vorbei ist, dann warte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 267, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Let's do this in chronological order.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Lass uns das in Zeitordnung durchführen.\"", "expected_answer": "Lassen Sie uns das chronologisch machen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 268, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What good will that do?", "generated_answer": "Was wird das tun?", "expected_answer": "Was nützt es?", "history": [] }, { "index": 269, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But not for long.", "generated_answer": "\"Auch nicht so lange.\"", "expected_answer": "Aber nicht lange.", "history": [] }, { "index": 270, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It must have fallen while I was sitting over there.", "generated_answer": "\"Es kam, wenn ich dorthin saß.\"", "expected_answer": "Es muss gefallen sein, während ich da drüben gesessen habe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 271, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In nineteen-sixty-nine the first man set foot on the moon's surface.\"", "generated_answer": "1969, war der erste Band auf dem Mond's Flügel.", "expected_answer": "1969 bestieg der erste Mann die Mondoberfläche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 272, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He's been crying for five minutes.\"", "generated_answer": "Er hat sich in Fünf Minuten schlafen lassen.", "expected_answer": "Er weint seit fünf Minuten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 273, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Freund zu allen ist ein Freund zu keinem.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Freund für jeden ist ein Freund für niemanden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 274, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You haven't got your wings yet.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich habe dich nicht gewingen seit der Schule.", "expected_answer": "Du hast noch nicht deine Flügel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 275, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Like a fish out of water.", "generated_answer": "\"Wie ein Fisch aus dem Wasser.\"", "expected_answer": "Wie ein Fisch auf dem Trockenen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 276, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You can't have your cake and eat it too.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kann Ihnen Ihre Krankheit erfahren.", "expected_answer": "Du kannst deinen Kuchen nicht haben und auch essen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 277, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And the sand and gravel had been flung violently in every direction.", "generated_answer": "\"Und die Sand und Gefühl hatten sich vollständig aufgebrochen.\"", "expected_answer": "Und der Sand und Kies waren in alle Richtungen heftig geschleudert worden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 278, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A realisation hits and he exclaims, I see!", "generated_answer": "\"Ich sehe.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine Erkenntnis trifft zu und er ruft, ich verstehe!", "history": [] }, { "index": 279, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Select between line X and line Y.", "generated_answer": "\"Wählen Sie zwischen der Linie X und der Linie Y.\"", "expected_answer": "Wählen Sie zwischen Zeile X und Zeile Y.", "history": [] }, { "index": 280, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"And I'm certain you'll find it,\"\" the alchemist said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Und bin sicher, dass du es finden wirst.\"", "expected_answer": "„Und ich bin sicher, du wirst es finden“, sagte der Alchemist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 281, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Please consult your physician if you experience any side effects.", "generated_answer": "Entschuldigung, bitte konsultiere deinen Arzt, wenn Sie nachhaltige Nebenwirkungen erleben.", "expected_answer": "Bitte konsultieren Sie Ihren Arzt, wenn Nebenwirkungen spüren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 282, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Experts of geology agree: Yesterday's tsunami was just a herald of the imminent apocalypse.\"", "generated_answer": "Das Geologen-Expert müssen, dass Yasater-Tsunami eine Voraussetzung für die kommenden Apokalypse ist.", "expected_answer": "Experten der Geologie sind sich einig: Der Tsunami von gestern war nur ein Vorbote der bevorstehenden Apokalypse.", "history": [] }, { "index": 283, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Antarctica is cold at this time of year.", "generated_answer": "Die Antarktis ist kalt heute.", "expected_answer": "Die Antarktis ist zu dieser Jahreszeit kalt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 284, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man stands with on foot elevated onto a step in front of a small fire.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann steht mit seinem Obst auf einer Stufenstelle in der Nähe des kleinsten Feuers.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann steht mit den hochgelagerten Füßen auf einer Treppe vor einem kleinen Feuer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 285, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The pin number is three, seven, two, six.", "generated_answer": "Die Telefonnummer ist drei, sechs-zwei.", "expected_answer": "Die PIN-Nummer lautet drei, sieben, zwei, sechs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 286, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To do that successfully, I must have no fear of failure.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nicht möglich, um das zu erfolgreich, wenn ich keine Angst vor Misserfolg habe.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich darf keine Angst vor Versagen haben, um dies erfolgreich zu tun.", "history": [] }, { "index": 287, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The thought was so dreadful to him that he forgot about the heat and went forward.", "generated_answer": "Die Gedanken war so schlecht, dass er den Kästchen nicht mehr überwinden wollte und weitergekommen seine.", "expected_answer": "Der Gedanke war so grauenvoll für ihn, dass er die Hitze vergaß und voranging.", "history": [] }, { "index": 288, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At least six De Winton locomotives have been preserved.", "generated_answer": "Sie haben mindestens sechs Tewinton Lokomotiven verloren.", "expected_answer": "Mindestens sechs De Winton-Lokomotiven sind erhalten geblieben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 289, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"System B, however, does not depend explicitly on \"\"t\"\" so it is time-invariant.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Systeme werden auf diese Weise explizit erklärt, dass sie die Haupt- und Nebenfunktionen der Grundlagen verwenden.\"", "expected_answer": "System B beruht allerdings nicht explizit auf „t“, so dass es zeitinvariant ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 290, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't want anything for myself.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin nicht willenlos für mich selbst.", "expected_answer": "Ich will nichts für mich selbst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 291, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Japan is a society awash in information.", "generated_answer": "Japans ist ein Gesellschaft der Informationen.", "expected_answer": "Japan ist eine Gesellschaft überflutet von Informationen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 292, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Beachley narrates the Seven Network factual series \"\"Beach Cops\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Beckley\" bezeichnet die sieben Netzwerk-Faktorial-Serie \"Beck-Cups\".", "expected_answer": "Beachley erzählt die reale Serie von Seven Network „Beach Cops“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 293, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "William Howard was born at Hinesburg, Vermont.", "generated_answer": "William Howard wurde geboren in Hinsburg, Verdun.", "expected_answer": "William Howard wurde in Hinesburg, Vermont geboren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 294, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They looked for the fallen mass, but found nothing.", "generated_answer": "Sie gesuchten die folgende Masse, aber finden sie nichts.", "expected_answer": "Sie suchten die gefallene Masse, fanden aber nichts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 295, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was so small and undeveloped.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war so groß und untergeblich.\"", "expected_answer": "Es war so klein und unbebaut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 296, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ibrahim Caramel brought his yellow eye rakishly into play.", "generated_answer": "Ibrahim Karmel's blond hair was visible.", "expected_answer": "Ibrahim Caramel brachte sein gelbes Auge flott ins Spiel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 297, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seems old and wise.", "generated_answer": "\"Es scheint alt und weise.\"", "expected_answer": "Es scheint alt und weise.", "history": [] }, { "index": 298, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"A part of me is also trying to come to terms with the fact that I won't be able to travel as much anymore.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Teil mir ist auch versucht, mit dem Tod des Fahrens zu kommen, um zu erkennen, dass ich nicht so weit weg kann noch.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Teil von mir versucht auch sich damit zu arrangieren, dass ich nicht mehr so viel verreisen kann.", "history": [] }, { "index": 299, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you imagine something more beautiful than a plastic bag swooping and floating in a breeze?", "generated_answer": "Können Sie es nicht erwägen, etwas besser als ein Plastikpack auf einem Winde schwimmen zu lassen?", "expected_answer": "Können Sie sich etwas Schöneres vorstellen, als eine Plastiktüte, die in einer Brise schwimmt und schwebt?", "history": [] }, { "index": 300, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Seoul has two main airports: the Incheon International Airport as well as Gimpo International Airport.", "generated_answer": "\"Seel hat zwei Mannschaftsflughäuser, die Inseln-International-Flughafen, sowie Gimpo-International-Flughafen.\"", "expected_answer": "Seoul hat zwei wichtige Flughäfen: den internationalen Flughafen Incheon und den internationalen Flughafen Gimpo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 301, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I thought you were going to teach me some of the things you know.", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube, du wirst mich zeigen, wie du wirklich wissen.", "expected_answer": "Ich dachte, du bringst mir einige Dinge bei, die du kennst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 302, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Maybe she didn't even remember him.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Möchte er nicht vermuten.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie erinnerte sich vielleicht nicht einmal mehr an ihn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 303, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The woman shook her head.", "generated_answer": "Die Frau hat.", "expected_answer": "Die Frau schüttelte den Kopf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 304, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A group of people, one of them with a guitar, were sitting by the campfire and singing songs.", "generated_answer": "Gruppe von Menschen, einer mit der Gitarre sitzen und singen.", "expected_answer": "Eine Personengruppe, einer von ihnen mit einer Gitarre, saß am Lagerfeuer und sang Songs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 305, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She looks as though she's going to come to.\"", "generated_answer": "Sie ist auf der Suche nach ihrer Umgebung.", "expected_answer": "Sie sieht aus, als ob sie kommen würde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 306, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tomorrow, sell your camel and buy a horse.", "generated_answer": "Morgens, kauf dir ein Kammer und kauf ein Pferd.", "expected_answer": "Du verkaufst morgen dein Kamel und kaufst ein Pferd.", "history": [] }, { "index": 307, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Let's stop this,\"\" another commander said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Lassen Sie's, und noch eine Befehlscommando sagen.\"", "expected_answer": "„Lass uns damit aufhören“, sagte ein anderer Kommandant.", "history": [] }, { "index": 308, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But he prevailed.", "generated_answer": "Und er treffte.", "expected_answer": "Aber er hat sich durchgesetzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 309, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He earned extra money by renting a room in his house to a lodger", "generated_answer": "Er erhielt weitere Geld durch das Vermieten eines Zimmern in seinem Haus zu einem Löffel.", "expected_answer": "Er verdiente zusätzliches Geld, durch die Vermietung eines Zimmers in seinem Haus an einen Untermieter", "history": [] }, { "index": 310, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As soon as he saw me among the crowd, he called to me to come down.", "generated_answer": "Er erkennte mich im Körper und sagte, \"Komm hier zum Kommen!\"", "expected_answer": "Sobald er mich in der Menge sah, rief er mich, dass ich herunterkomme.", "history": [] }, { "index": 311, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In this period, three family members left the group.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Zeitpunkt treffen drei Familienmitglieder ausgegeben.", "expected_answer": "Drei Familienmitglieder verließen in dieser Zeit die Gruppe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 312, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To calibrate the motion capture system, please do a T-pose.", "generated_answer": "\"Zur Kalibrierung des Motionsystems bitte ein T-Pose machen.\"", "expected_answer": "Zur Kalibrierung des Bewegungserfassungssystems, machen Sie bitte eine T-Pose.", "history": [] }, { "index": 313, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What is the height, length and width of the container?", "generated_answer": "Was ist die Höhe, Länge und Breite der Kiste?", "expected_answer": "Wie ist die Höhe, Länge und Breite des Behälters?", "history": [] }, { "index": 314, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A short, distinct, and pointed style the opposite of legato.", "generated_answer": "\"Geben Sie bitte eine deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein kurzer, deutlicher und spitzer Stil im Gegensatz zu Legato.", "history": [] }, { "index": 315, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This forced many of the residents to flee the city.", "generated_answer": "Dies führte viele der Residenten aus dem Stadtteil zu verfolgen.", "expected_answer": "Dies zwang viele der Bewohner, aus der Stadt zu flüchten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 316, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There were lights in the upper windows of the houses when the people went to bed.", "generated_answer": "Die Häuser hatten Lichter im oberen Fensterhöfen, als die Menschen zu Bett gezogen.", "expected_answer": "Als die Leute ins Bett gingen, gab es Lichter in den oberen Fenstern der Häuser.", "history": [] }, { "index": 317, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"What's this I hear!\"", "generated_answer": "Was ist das hier?", "expected_answer": "Was höre ich da?", "history": [] }, { "index": 318, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Anna Austen asked about the acceptation of the word \"\"alliteration\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ana Olson fragte über die Aufmerksamkeit des Wortes \"Alliteratio\".", "expected_answer": "Anna Austen fragte nach der Bedeutung von dem Wort „Alliteration“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 319, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you know any Silicon Valley billionaires?", "generated_answer": "\"Wissen Sie, wann in der Laken-Gebirge ein Millionär ist?\"", "expected_answer": "Kennen Sie irgendwelche Milliardäre des Silicon Valley?", "history": [] }, { "index": 320, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He noticed the unequal cooling of its surface.", "generated_answer": "Er erkennte die unregelmäßige Wärmeverlängerung der Seiten.", "expected_answer": "Er bemerkte die unterschiedliche Kühlung der Oberfläche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 321, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She could not sit still.", "generated_answer": "Sie konnte nicht stille sitzen.", "expected_answer": "Sie konnte nicht stillsitzen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 322, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seemed so safe and tranquil.", "generated_answer": "\"Es scheint so sicher und Fahrzeugkapazität.\"", "expected_answer": "Es schien so sicher und friedlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 323, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I read only what the birds wanted to tell me.", "generated_answer": "Ich lese nur was die Taube mir gesagt haben.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe nur das gelesen, was die Vögel mir sagen wollten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 324, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Please, be humble.", "generated_answer": "Plätze sind hämbli.", "expected_answer": "Bitte, sei bescheiden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 325, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Might others within your organisation have some inkling as to the their desires?", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß nicht, ob andere in Ihrer Organisation einige Hinweise haben, dass sie ihre Meinung haben.", "expected_answer": "Könnten andere in Ihrer Organisation etwas Ahnung von ihren Wünschen haben?", "history": [] }, { "index": 326, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The builder placed the brick onto the plank of wood, so it would bend into shape.", "generated_answer": "Die Bauern legte das Brech auf das Holzplank, sodass es in Form schwanken würde.", "expected_answer": "Der Bauarbeiter legte den Ziegel auf das Holzbrett, so dass er sich zurechtbiegen würde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 327, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The volume wouldn't increase much further.\"", "generated_answer": "Das Volumen wäre sehr groß.", "expected_answer": "Die Lautstärke würde sich nicht viel weiter erhöhen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 328, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I told you that your dream was a difficult one.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe dank Ihrer Träume eine schwierige Erfüllung gemacht.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe dir gesagt, dass dein Traum ein komplizierter war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 329, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Should I understand the Emerald Tablet?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "Können Sie das Emal-Tafel verstehen?", "expected_answer": "„Soll ich die Tabula Smaragdina verstehen?“ fragte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 330, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The flight to Australia was long.", "generated_answer": "Die Fluggeschwindigkeitsbeschränkung zur Aussie was lang.", "expected_answer": "Der Flug nach Australien war lang.", "history": [] }, { "index": 331, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I could not judge for her actions, but I believe that she is right.", "generated_answer": "Ich konnte nicht für ihre Aktionen sagen, aber ich glaube, dass sie richtig ist.", "expected_answer": "Ich konnte ihre Taten nicht verurteilen, aber ich glaube, dass sie recht hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 332, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These went from Mauchline to the Isle of Wight.", "generated_answer": "Diese gehen von \"Mackle\" nach \"Wiet\".", "expected_answer": "Diese gingen von Mauchline zur Isle of Wight.", "history": [] }, { "index": 333, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Its motto, on the nameplate below the title, is One of America's Great Newspapers.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich möchte es auch als einer der größten Nachrichtenblätter der Vereinigten Staaten sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Sein Motto, auf dem Typenschild unter dem Titel, lautet Eine der großen Zeitungen Amerikas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 334, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.", "generated_answer": "Die Gewölbe ist immer grüniger auf der anderen Seite des Gefäßes.", "expected_answer": "Auf der anderen Seite des Zauns ist das Gras immer grüner.", "history": [] }, { "index": 335, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"What's the matter with you?\"", "generated_answer": "Was ist denn mit Ihnen?", "expected_answer": "Was ist los mit mir?", "history": [] }, { "index": 336, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He heard a muffled grating sound and saw the black mark jerk forward an inch or so.", "generated_answer": "Ich gab ihr ein männliches Gedanke und sehen der schwarze Mädchen an, um ihr zu unterhalten.", "expected_answer": "Er hörte ein dumpfes quietschendes Geräusch und sah die schwarze Markierung etwa zwei Zentimeter nach vorne rücken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 337, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "For at that time, it had not occurred to him that it might be hollow.", "generated_answer": "\"Nun wird er nie gewundert, dass es nicht hohl ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Damals war es ihm nicht in den Sinn gekommen, dass es hohl sein könnte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 338, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't worry, I took a cab to get home safely.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht wahr, ich spreche Klinge, um zurück zu kommen sicher.\"", "expected_answer": "Keine Sorge, ich habe ein Taxi genommen, um sicher nach Hause zu kommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 339, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That is quite another matter.", "generated_answer": "Das ist eine weitere Geschichte.", "expected_answer": "Das ist doch etwas ganz anderes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 340, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What made you do it?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?\"", "expected_answer": "Was brachte dich dazu?", "history": [] }, { "index": 341, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Harry groaned aloud; we have lost him.", "generated_answer": "\"Harry gewann, wir haben verloren.\"", "expected_answer": "Harry stöhnte laut; wir haben ihn verloren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 342, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even with night-vision goggles, no target was in sight.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht mit Nachteils-Gebäcken konnte man kein Ziel erkennen.\"", "expected_answer": "Auch mit Nachtsichtbrille war kein Ziel in Sicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 343, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What did your family have to say about it?", "generated_answer": "Was deine Familie über dieses Thema aufgefallen.", "expected_answer": "Was hatte deine Familie dazu zu sagen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 344, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'd add a separate subsection which deals with this aspect.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich hätte einen unterschiedlichen Abschnitt, der diese Aspekt beschäftigt.", "expected_answer": "Ich würde einen separaten Absatz hinzufügen, der diesen Aspekt behandelt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 345, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Operation of the trunk line continued on wooden trestles.", "generated_answer": "Die Operation des Trunkschaltens bleibt auf den Holzspitzen ausgewählt.", "expected_answer": "Der Betrieb der Hauptleitung wurde auf Holzgestellen fortgesetzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 346, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The other fourteen campuses are two-year campuses referred to collectively as the University College.", "generated_answer": "Die anderen vierzehn Hochschulzellen sind zwei-jährige Hochschulzellen, die als gesamte Hochschulkolleg genannt werden.", "expected_answer": "Die anderen 14 Universitätsgelände sind zweijährige Universitätsgelände, die gemeinsam als University College bezeichnet werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 347, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's too bad that he's quickly going to forget my name, he thought.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist zu vieles, dass er schnell auf meinen Namen vergessen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich bedaure, dass er schnell meinen Namen vergessen wird, dachte er.", "history": [] }, { "index": 348, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One picture in the gallery shows how diligent slaves erect the statue of admiral Thompson.", "generated_answer": "Diese Bilder zeigen, wie die Dreigänger-Sklaven die Rätselstatte des Admiralts Thompsons bauen.", "expected_answer": "Wie fleißige Sklaven die Statue von Admiral Thompson aufstellen zeigt ein Bild in der Galerie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 349, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Imperial diet", "generated_answer": "\"Imperatorische Essen.\"", "expected_answer": "Reichstag", "history": [] }, { "index": 350, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bitcoin mining can be done with graphics cards or with specialized hardware.", "generated_answer": "Bitcoin-Mining kann mit Grafikkarten oder mit spezialisierten Hardware gemacht werden.", "expected_answer": "Bitcoin Mining kann mit Grafikkarten oder mit spezialisierter Hardware durchgeführt werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 351, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And at that I told him, and he took my place.", "generated_answer": "Und dabei hatte ich dann gesagt, und er hatte mein Platz aufgetaucht.", "expected_answer": "Und noch dazu habe ich es ihm gesagt, und er nahm meinen Platz ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 352, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I thought I'd give the kids a treat.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich glaubte, ich werde den Kinder einen Rat geben.", "expected_answer": "Ich dachte, ich mach den Kindern eine Freude.", "history": [] }, { "index": 353, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hold your nose to keep the smell from disabling your motor functions.", "generated_answer": "Hölle deine Nase, um diese Schande zu verhindern, dass Sie Ihre Funktionen motorisieren.", "expected_answer": "Halten Sie sich die Nase zu, um zu verhindern, dass der Geruch Ihre Motorik beeinträchtigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 354, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That sounds like their problem.", "generated_answer": "Das sieht sich auch aus als ihres Problem.", "expected_answer": "Das klingt nach ihrem Problem.", "history": [] }, { "index": 355, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How can you say that?", "generated_answer": "Wie kannst du das sehen?", "expected_answer": "Wie kannst du das sagen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 356, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He claimed two wickets in England's only innings as Border were beaten comprehensively.\"", "generated_answer": "Erwähnt hat er, dass er in England nur Inningen verloren hat, während Sperrle gegen einem Punkt treffen.", "expected_answer": "Er nahm zwei Wickets in Englands einzigen Innings in Anspruch, da Border umfangreich geschlagen wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 357, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Before entering politics Williams was a highly successful lawyer and businessman.", "generated_answer": "Befürwortlich ist, dass er vor dem Politikwahl eine sehr erfolgreiche Rechtsanwältin und Geschäftsfrau war.", "expected_answer": "Williams war vor seinem Eintritt in die Politik ein sehr erfolgreicher Anwalt und Geschäftsmann.", "history": [] }, { "index": 358, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some went away while I was there, and other people came.", "generated_answer": "Diese Personen gingen, als ich da war, und andere wurden da.", "expected_answer": "Während ich dort war gingen einige weg und andere Leute kamen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 359, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tobias tried to inject contempt into his tone.", "generated_answer": "\"Tobias versuchte, in seinem Ton zu einem Contempt zu injectieren.\"", "expected_answer": "Tobias versuchte, in seinen Ton Verachtung zu bringen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 360, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have to work this Saturday.", "generated_answer": "Ich muss diese Woche Arbeiten.", "expected_answer": "An diesem Samstag muss ich arbeiten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 361, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The great rulers found the squeaky grate was grating on their nerves.", "generated_answer": "Die Geschichte des Familien ist in der Nähe der Glücklichkeit.", "expected_answer": "Die großen Herrscher fanden heraus, dass das quietschende Gitter die Nerven aufrieb.", "history": [] }, { "index": 362, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When the blinding dust had settled a bit, the boy trembled at what he saw.", "generated_answer": "Als die Hölle durchfallen, hatte er das Betten gezogen, der jungen Mädchen trembelte an was er sah.", "expected_answer": "Als sich der blendende Staub etwas gelegt hatte, zitterte der Junge vor dem, was er sah.", "history": [] }, { "index": 363, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The early phase of life moves fast.", "generated_answer": "\"Der aktuellen Stadium des Lebens geht schnell.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Anfangsphase des Lebens schreitet schnell voran.", "history": [] }, { "index": 364, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When the Midnight Shift apprehended him, he revealed his new origins.", "generated_answer": "Nachdem der Nachmittagshilfe ihn bewusst hatte, er zeigte ihn seine neue Herkunft.", "expected_answer": "Als ihn die Mitternachtsschicht erkannte, ließ er seine Herkunft erkennen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 365, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is one of three Swedish prisons housing the most notorious and dangerous inmates.", "generated_answer": "Das ist eine der drei svyskischen Provinzen, die die amestadtesten und amestadtesten Insekten begeistert.", "expected_answer": "Es ist eines von drei schwedischen Gefängnissen, in denen die berüchtigtsten und gefährlichsten Insassen untergebracht sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 366, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These extra cards were inserted randomly into packs.", "generated_answer": "Diese Überdachten wurden in zufälligen Packungen insgesamt eingefügt.", "expected_answer": "Diese Zusatzkarten wurden wahllos in Pakete gesteckt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 367, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In origin, heroin was supposed to be the “non-addictive morphine substitute.”", "generated_answer": "In Original, Heroin wurde als Nonadditiv-Morphin-Substanz erwähnt.", "expected_answer": "Ursprünglich sollte Heroin der „nicht süchtig machende Morphinersatz“ sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 368, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das, die nicht auf der Straße lernen, werden nicht erneut auf der Straße.\"", "expected_answer": "Wer nicht aus der Geschichte lernt, ist dazu verdammt, sie zu wiederholen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 369, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I couldn’t stop staring at it.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich kallte nicht stop.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich konnte nicht aufhören, darauf zu starren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 370, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If we actually do want it solved, it will be.", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn wir es wollen, wird es lösen.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn wir tatsächlich wollen, dass es gelöst wird, wird es das.", "history": [] }, { "index": 371, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The fruit of a fig tree is apple shaped.", "generated_answer": "Die Obst der Bäume ist Appleformig.", "expected_answer": "Die Frucht eines Feigenbaums ist Apfel-förmig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 372, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fair exchange is no robbery.", "generated_answer": "\"Fälleausgleich ist kein Raub.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein fairer Austausch ist kein Diebstahl.", "history": [] }, { "index": 373, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What you eat today walks and talks tomorrow.", "generated_answer": "Was du heute essen, geht morgen und spricht.", "expected_answer": "Was du heute isst, läuft und redet morgen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 374, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Why didn't you say something?\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wieso hast du nichts zu sagen?\"", "expected_answer": "Warum hast du nichts gesagt?", "history": [] }, { "index": 375, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you seen Omar?", "generated_answer": "Sie haben erhöht.", "expected_answer": "Hast du Omar gesehen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 376, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I could go on for days about the delicious wines produced in this part of the world.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich kann für einige Tage aufgehen, über die leckeren Weinprodukte in dieser Teil der Welt.\"", "expected_answer": "Über die köstlichen Weine, die in diesem Teil der Welt produziert werden, könnte ich tagelang sprechen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 377, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Act did not prohibit paying a representative to appear in court.", "generated_answer": "Die Gesetzgebung nicht ermöglichen, ein Repräsentanten einzugehen, in der Gerichtsbarkeit zu kommen.", "expected_answer": "Das Gesetz verbietet nicht, einen Vertreter zu bezahlen, der vor Gericht erscheint.", "history": [] }, { "index": 378, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lombardi was born in Frugarolo, a small town in Piedmont.", "generated_answer": "Lombardy was born in Freigarolu, a small town in Imperia.", "expected_answer": "Lombardi wurde in Frugarolo, einer kleinen Stadt im Piemont, geboren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 379, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can we please leave now?", "generated_answer": "Können wir jetzt nochmal mal sehen?", "expected_answer": "Können wir bitte jetzt gehen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 380, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Turpin succeeded Indira Samarasekera, who saw the university through a period of strong growth.", "generated_answer": "Die Universität wurde durch den Turpin nach Indira Samarasikkeras, der die Universität durch einen Zeitraum von großer Entwicklung erlebte.", "expected_answer": "Turpin folgte Indira Samarasekera, die die Universität durch einen Zeitraum des starken Wachstums sah.", "history": [] }, { "index": 381, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Here I am, between my flock and my treasure, the boy thought.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist mein Leben zwischen meinem Vaterland und mein Ehre, der Junge legt.\"", "expected_answer": "Hier bin ich, zwischen meiner Herde und meinem Schatz, dachte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 382, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why does that plane keep going over?", "generated_answer": "\"Wieso fährt das Flugzeug so lange über?\"", "expected_answer": "Warum fliegt das Flugzeug weiter?", "history": [] }, { "index": 383, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've done this before with VirtualBox with good results.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ja, ich habe das gemacht bereits mit Virtuellen Box mit guten Ergebnissen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe das vorher bereits mit VirtualBox mit guten Resultaten gemacht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 384, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What did you eat for dinner?", "generated_answer": "Was hast du für den Abend essen?", "expected_answer": "Was hast du zu Abend gegessen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 385, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It then returns to the church, ascends at the altar and disappears.", "generated_answer": "Dann zieht er zur Kirche, steigt an den Altar und sehen.", "expected_answer": "Dann kehrt sie zur Kirche zurück, steigt den Altar hinauf und verschwindet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 386, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You cannot lose what you never had.", "generated_answer": "\"Er kann nur die Bücher in den Herstellern.\"", "expected_answer": "Du kannst nichts verlieren, was du nie hattest.", "history": [] }, { "index": 387, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's the kind of stuff they want.\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist das wie sie es will.", "expected_answer": "Das sind solche Sachen, die sie wollen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 388, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.", "generated_answer": "\"Hoffe auf den besten und preparere für den besten.\"", "expected_answer": "Hoffe auf das Beste und sei auf das Schlimmste vorbereitet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 389, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Initially, the weight loss was attained strictly by diet.", "generated_answer": "Anfangen wurde die Abneigung der Gewicht durch Diät.", "expected_answer": "Der Gewichtsverlust wurde anfänglich streng nach Diät erreicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 390, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Will it rain tomorrow?", "generated_answer": "Will es regnen morgen?", "expected_answer": "Regnet es morgen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 391, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Beaver River briefly enters the east-central part of the township.", "generated_answer": "Die Beeren-Stube wächst in der Mitte der Stadt.", "expected_answer": "Der Beaver River tritt kurz in den östlich-mittleren Teil der Gemeinde ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 392, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"This bridge is unofficially referred to as \"\"Blackwater Bridge\"\" by Coalition Forces operating there.\"", "generated_answer": "Dieser Brücken ist unoffiziell mit dem Namen \"Schwarze Wasserbrücke\" bezeichnet, wenn in dieser Lage einige Verkehrsorganisationen einladen.", "expected_answer": "Diese Brücke wird inoffiziell von Koalitionstruppen, die hier arbeiten, als „Blackwater Bridge“ bezeichnet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 393, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"This is the first phase of the job,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist der erste Bild des Kindes,\" erwähnt er.", "expected_answer": "„Das ist die erste Phase der Arbeit“, sagte er.", "history": [] }, { "index": 394, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The two large dogs are running through sand.", "generated_answer": "Die zwei große Hunde laufen für Sankt.", "expected_answer": "Die zwei großen Hunde laufen durch Sand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 395, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The actor's authentic facial expression was convincing the jury.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Actress' authentische Augenauge war erinnarbare zur Verdienstung der Jury.", "expected_answer": "Die authentische Mimik des Schauspielers überzeugte die Jury.", "history": [] }, { "index": 396, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All songs written by Neal Morse except where noted.", "generated_answer": "\"Alle Lieder, die von Neil Morris erstellt wurden, außer wo genannt wurden.\"", "expected_answer": "Alle von Neal Morse geschriebenen Songs, wenn nicht anders vermerkt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 397, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kirsten shrugged her shoulders.", "generated_answer": "Kirsten schlückte ihre Schulter.", "expected_answer": "Kirsten zuckte mit den Schultern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 398, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Conservatives fell to seven seats provincially, and Kennedy remained an opposition member.", "generated_answer": "Die Konservativen fielen zu sieben Seiten Provinzial, und Kennedy bleibt ein Opposition-Mitglied.", "expected_answer": "Die Konservativen fielen provinziell auf sieben Sitze, und Kennedy blieb Oppositionsmitglied.", "history": [] }, { "index": 399, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She crouched down to lace her shoes and spotted a four leaf clover.", "generated_answer": "Sie kam zum Schritt, um ihre Schuhe zu legen und sah den vorliegenden Schwierigkeitsgrad.", "expected_answer": "Sie hockte sich hin, um ihre Schuhe zuzuschnüren und sah ein vierblättriges Kleeblatt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 400, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The city took its name after one of these colonists, Phanagoras.", "generated_answer": "Fanagorien.", "expected_answer": "Ihren Namen erhielt die Stadt nach einem dieser Kolonisten, Phanagoras.", "history": [] }, { "index": 401, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Guess the result from the first scores.", "generated_answer": "\"Lass den Ergebnis von den ersten Schritten herunterladen.\"", "expected_answer": "Erraten Sie das Resultat aus den ersten Punkten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 402, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can I pay in cash?", "generated_answer": "Kann ich in Geld kaufen.", "expected_answer": "Kann ich in bar zahlen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 403, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If you tell me why you came here, I'll show you the project I've been working on.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kannst mir bitte erklären, wie du hier kommen hast und zeige mir, was ich für die Arbeit habe gemacht.", "expected_answer": "Wenn du mir erzählst, warum du hier bist, werde ich dir das Projekt zeigen, an dem ich gearbeitet habe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 404, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I was scared, but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits.", "generated_answer": "Ich war verwüstet, aber ich habe keine Zeit gegeben, um die Brücke zur Sandpiten zu fahren.", "expected_answer": "Ich hatte Angst, aber verschwendete keine Zeit damit herauszugehen und die Brücke zu den Sandgruben zu überqueren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 405, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Due to its path, scientists theorized that Kohoutek was an Oort-cloud object.", "generated_answer": "Durch ihre Weggebung, wurde der Stern namens Kötek als ein Orts-Kluster betrachtet.", "expected_answer": "Wissenschaftler theoretisierten aufgrund seines Weges, dass Kohoutek ein Oort-Cloud-Objekt war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 406, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Use not today what tomorrow will need.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht heute, wenn morgen wir brauchen.\"", "expected_answer": "Nutzen Sie heute nicht, was Sie morgen brauchen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 407, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A whiff of it will cure the most stubborn cold.", "generated_answer": "Einige Stücke dieses Geschenks werden die amsten kranken Köllenkrankheiten heilen.", "expected_answer": "Ein Hauch davon wird die hartnäckigste Erkältung heilen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 408, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Writing across the curriculum is a school-wide initiative.", "generated_answer": "Schuleweit schreiben ist eine ganz schoolwide Initiative.", "expected_answer": "Das Schreiben über den Lehrplan hinweg ist eine schulweite Initiative.", "history": [] }, { "index": 409, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The leopard does not change his spots.", "generated_answer": "Die Leopard geht nicht Ändern seine Stücke.", "expected_answer": "Die Katze lässt das Mausen nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 410, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She biked home, smiling all the way, knowing that she had won.", "generated_answer": "Sie kam zurück, lächerlich, weißen, weiß, weiß, weiß.", "expected_answer": "Sie fuhr mit dem Rad heim, lächelte den ganzen Weg, wissend, dass sie gewonnen hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 411, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His hands were abraded and exhausted, but he listened to his heart.", "generated_answer": "Ich höre sein Herz.", "expected_answer": "Seine Hände waren abgerieben und müde, aber er hörte auf sein Herz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 412, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a tourist destination, and fishing, camping and other activities are permitted.", "generated_answer": "Es ist ein Reiseort und die Fischerei, Camping und andere Aktivitäten sind erlaubt.", "expected_answer": "Es ist ein Urlaubsziel und Angeln, Campen sowie andere Aktivitäten sind erlaubt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 413, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am sorry for it.", "generated_answer": "Ich bin sicher.", "expected_answer": "Es tut mir leid.", "history": [] }, { "index": 414, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The table was adorned with lavish decorations.", "generated_answer": "Die Tafel war angezogen mit lässigen Dekorationen.", "expected_answer": "Der Tisch war mit aufwändigen Dekorationen dekoriert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 415, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy looked around him at the date palms.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge beobachtet den Umgebung, als ein Freund fährt.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge schaute sich bei den Dattelpalmen um.", "history": [] }, { "index": 416, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Never to come on a green twig;\"\" not to get on in the world.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nie wie alles auf einem grünen Trug, um nicht auf der Welt zu kommen.\"", "expected_answer": "„Nie auf einen grünen Zweig kommen;“ nicht in der Welt zurechtkommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 417, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Their presence was necessary because of strong civil unrest in the area.", "generated_answer": "Ich kann Ihnen das Text in deutsche übersetzen:\n\nIhr Angebot war notwendig, weil der Stadt in der Nähe eine sehr große Zivilgeschichte hat.", "expected_answer": "Ihre Anwesenheit war notwendig, aufgrund der starken bürgerlichen Unruhen in der Gegend.", "history": [] }, { "index": 418, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The newspaper articles had prepared everyone for the reception of the idea.", "generated_answer": "Die Zeitung \"Actics\" hatte allem für die Auswahl der Idee empfohlen.", "expected_answer": "Die Zeitungsartikel hatten jeden auf die Aufnahme des Konzepts vorbereitet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 419, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Attock Campus has gained a commendable reputation in a short time.", "generated_answer": "Die Atok-Hochschule hat sich in kurzer Zeit in der Praxis bekommen.", "expected_answer": "Der Attock Campus hat in kürzester Zeit einen anerkennenswerten Ruf erlangt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 420, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Braddock Heights is part of the Middletown School District.", "generated_answer": "Brederock is a part of the middleton school district.", "expected_answer": "Braddock Heights ist Teil des Middletown School District.", "history": [] }, { "index": 421, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "men that are not included in the line, the reserve, Militia Never mind, Farewell", "generated_answer": "\"Mannen, die nicht in der Linie stehen, die Reserve-Miliz-Evermänd.\"", "expected_answer": "Männer, die nicht eingeschlossen sind in der Linie, der Reserve, Milizarmee Never mind, Abschied", "history": [] }, { "index": 422, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After the season, he became a free agent.", "generated_answer": "Nach dem Spieltag, erwachte er als freier Agent.", "expected_answer": "Er wurde nach der Saison ein Free Agent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 423, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was killed by Nicaea.", "generated_answer": "Er wurde durch Nikai geworden.", "expected_answer": "Er wurde von Nicaea getötet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 424, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The sun shines on both sides of the hedge.", "generated_answer": "Die Sonne scheint auf beiden Seiten des Häuses.", "expected_answer": "Die Sonne scheint auf beiden Seiten der Hecke.", "history": [] }, { "index": 425, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's hard to compare something necessary and mundane with something I'm excited about.\"", "generated_answer": "Es ist schwierig, eine notwendige Dinge auf Montag zu vergleichen, das ist etwas, das ich aufgefallen bin.", "expected_answer": "Es ist schwer, etwas Notwendiges und Alltägliches mit etwas zu vergleichen, auf das ich gespannt bin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 426, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was also a prosperous manufacture of starch belonging to the Legrain family.", "generated_answer": "\"Es wurde auch eine gute Herstellung von Stachbruchblumen für dem Langen Familie.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gab auch eine wohlhabende Stärkeherstellung, die der Familie Legrain gehörte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 427, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where did you find that apple?", "generated_answer": "\"Wo findest du, dass es aufgetaucht ist?\"", "expected_answer": "Wo hast du diesen Apfel gefunden?", "history": [] }, { "index": 428, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where are they now?", "generated_answer": "Wo sind sie jetzt?", "expected_answer": "Wo sind sie jetzt?", "history": [] }, { "index": 429, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Another pot ! Try the teapot.", "generated_answer": "Andere Pots, versuchen Sie den Teapot.", "expected_answer": "Noch eine Kanne! Versuch's mit der Teekanne.", "history": [] }, { "index": 430, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Miller later wrote that the strategy was faultless on paper.", "generated_answer": "\"Nachdem Miller später schrieb, dass die Strategie auf Papier nicht leistungsfähiger war.\"", "expected_answer": "Später schrieb Miller, dass die Strategie auf dem Papier fehlerlos sei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 431, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That damn mouse could sense my anger.", "generated_answer": "Das ist das denn dasses Mäuse das kann, das Angesicht meiner Anger zu erfüllen.", "expected_answer": "Diese verdammte Maus konnte meine Wut spüren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 432, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You know, gifts are, by definition, free.", "generated_answer": "\"Du bist wahr, dass Geschenke sind nicht frei.\"", "expected_answer": "Du weißt, Geschenke sind definitionsgemäß kostenlos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 433, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Through Effingham it is Fayette Avenue and Willow Street.", "generated_answer": "\"Durch Evingham, ist Feyette-Avenue und Walhall-Strasse.\"", "expected_answer": "Durch Effingham ist es Fayette Avenue und Willow Street.", "history": [] }, { "index": 434, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The artist made a mistake with the boundaries between Peru and Ecuador.", "generated_answer": "Die Künstlerin hat eine Mischung von Randbedingungen zwischen Peru und Ecuador gemacht.", "expected_answer": "Der Künstler irrte sich mit den Grenzen zwischen Peru und Ecuador.", "history": [] }, { "index": 435, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It grows along the borders of lakes, ponds and streams and in marshes.", "generated_answer": "Die Gewitterlauf verdeutlicht, dass die Gewitterlauf in der Umgebung von See, Flüssen und Strome und im Meeresstromflussen lebendig ist.", "expected_answer": "Es wächst entlang der Grenzen von Seen, Teichen sowie Bächen und in Sümpfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 436, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To her amazement, she found a supermarket trolley lying on the seabed.", "generated_answer": "Die zu ihrer Aufgabe zufriedenstellenden Ergebnisse: Sie fand eine Supermarkt-Trolle auf dem Seeschoss.", "expected_answer": "Zu ihrer Verwunderung fand sie auf dem Meeresgrund einen Einkaufswagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 437, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The news was chilling, to say the least.", "generated_answer": "Die Nachricht war kühling, um den Leuten.", "expected_answer": "Gelinde gesagt waren die Nachrichten kühl.", "history": [] }, { "index": 438, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have Celtic ancestry.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe keltischer Vaterlandsheraltung.", "expected_answer": "Ich bin keltischer Abstammung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 439, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's true, the boy thought.\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist wahr.", "expected_answer": "Das ist wahr, dachte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 440, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They could barely see the boy.", "generated_answer": "Die Königin schläft.", "expected_answer": "Sie konnten den Jungen kaum sehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 441, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Toffee coated all the surfaces, it was disgustingly sticky.", "generated_answer": "\"Taufprotektion aller Dienstleistungen, aber die Anforderungen sind schwer.\"", "expected_answer": "Toffee bedeckte alle Oberflächen, es war erbärmlich klebrig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 442, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I got drunk yesterday and thought I built a super computer.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe gegessen gestern und dachte, ich wäre ein Superkoenig.", "expected_answer": "Gestern habe ich mich betrunken und dachte, ich habe einen Supercomputer gebaut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 443, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why are gully covers round?", "generated_answer": "\"Wir gehen wegen der Galle.\"", "expected_answer": "Warum sind Gully-Abdeckungen rund?", "history": [] }, { "index": 444, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The questionnaire is too simplistic.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Frage ist zu krank.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Fragebogen ist zu simpel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 445, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What is the matter?", "generated_answer": "Was ist das?", "expected_answer": "Was ist los?", "history": [] }, { "index": 446, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In a little while.", "generated_answer": "In einer kleinen Zeit.", "expected_answer": "In kurzer Zeit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 447, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Especially Liddell Hart wrote many books about the subject, partly propagating Fuller's theories.\"", "generated_answer": "Especially Laddel Hart schrieb viele Bücher über das Thema, vielleicht auch Propagandaforschung von Follers.", "expected_answer": "Besonders Liddell Hart schrieb viele Bücher über das Thema und verbreitete teilweise Fullers Theorien.", "history": [] }, { "index": 448, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You'd better get your friends.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Du bist bestaetigt, deine Freunde zu bekommen.\"", "expected_answer": "Hol lieber deine Freunde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 449, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I heard the land where the hobbits live, the Shire, has actually been filmed in New Zealand.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich habe hört, wo die Hopitäler leben, hat die Schlauch wirklich in Neuseeland filmt.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe gehört, dass das Land, in dem die Hobbits leben, das Auenland, tatsächlich in Neuseeland gefilmt wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 450, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I wish I could go back to the hospital.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich möchte zur Krankenhaus zurückgehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich wünschte, ich könnte zurückgehen ins Krankenhaus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 451, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't press the red button!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Donner prueft den Roten Knopf.\"", "expected_answer": "Drücken Sie nicht den roten Knopf!", "history": [] }, { "index": 452, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The illumination created a cozy atmosphere.", "generated_answer": "Die Lichter erzeugen ein kosmischer Atmosphäre.", "expected_answer": "Die Beleuchtung erzeugte eine gemütliche Atmosphäre.", "history": [] }, { "index": 453, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "John looked out the window of the show-house, happy he had mortgage approval, but worried about the repayments.", "generated_answer": "Johann aufblickte über die Tür des Showhäuses, glücklich, dass er das Aufenthaltverordnung erhielt, aber wahrscheinlich über die Zinsen verlangt.", "expected_answer": "John schaute aus dem Schaufenster Ausstellungshauses, froh, dass er eine Hypothekengenehmigung hatte, aber besorgt über die Rückzahlungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 454, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She noted that Rwanda was \"\"not looking for revenge\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Die war nicht gegen Revenge gesetzt.", "expected_answer": "Sie stellte fest, dass Ruanda „nicht auf Rache besinnt war“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 455, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If anything can go wrong, it will.", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn etwas nicht klappt, dann wird es.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn irgendwas schief gehen kann, dann wird es das auch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 456, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have the diet of a kid who found twenty dollars.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe die Tat von einem Kind, der 20 Dollar gefunden hat.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe die Ernährungsweise eines Kindes, das 20 Dollar gefunden hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 457, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An old man in a yellow shirt standing in a doorway.", "generated_answer": "Drei Männer, in einem Grünen Kleid, stehen im Tür.", "expected_answer": "Ein alter Mann in einem gelben Hemd, der in einem Durchgang steht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 458, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"", "generated_answer": "\"HtmlequalsEnd.\"", "expected_answer": "", "history": [] }, { "index": 459, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cathy took two hundred and ten pounds out of her bank account,", "generated_answer": "Kathie legte zwei hundert und zwanzig Pfund aus ihrem Bankkonto ab.", "expected_answer": "Cathy nahm zweihundertzehn Pfund von ihrem Bankkonto,", "history": [] }, { "index": 460, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Make hay while the sun shines.", "generated_answer": "\"Hier, während der Sonne schint.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Eisen schmieden, solange es heiß ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 461, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.", "generated_answer": "\"Schwerterkrankheiten brauchen schwerter Heilmitteln.\"", "expected_answer": "Wehret den Anfängen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 462, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Henderson was taking it in.", "generated_answer": "Henderson war dabei.", "expected_answer": "Henderson nahm auch daran teil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 463, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But we'll just postpone this.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Auch wir machen das.\"", "expected_answer": "Aber wir werden es einfach verschieben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 464, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Queen will hear you.", "generated_answer": "Die Königin wird Ihnen hören.", "expected_answer": "Die Königin wird dich hören.", "history": [] }, { "index": 465, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Our group played guitars while the others randomly hit resonant objects.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Gruppe spielte Gitarren, als die anderen angemessenen Objekte aufgezogen hatten.", "expected_answer": "Unsere Gruppe spielte Gitarren, während die anderen zufällig auf nachhallende Gegenstände schlug.", "history": [] }, { "index": 466, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nothing lost for lack of asking", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts wurde verloren, umständlich, nichts verloren, umständlich.\"", "expected_answer": "Nichts ist verloren mangels Fragen", "history": [] }, { "index": 467, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It would be ideal if the WiFi were gratis.", "generated_answer": "\"Es wäre ideal, wenn der WLAN sehr gut war.\"", "expected_answer": "Ideal wäre es, wenn das WLAN gratis wäre.", "history": [] }, { "index": 468, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can I get you a drink?", "generated_answer": "Kann ich dir ein Traum geben?", "expected_answer": "Kann ich dir ein Getränk holen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 469, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To fall into the house with the door to blurt out something to put it bluntly.", "generated_answer": "\"In einem Haus zu fangen, ohne eine Tür zu haben, um etwas zu sagen, zu sich zu erklären.\"", "expected_answer": "Mit der Tür ins Haus zu fallen, um etwas auszuplaudern, um es ganz offen zu sagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 470, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I want my baby to look like you.", "generated_answer": "Ich möchte mein Kind so ausgehen, wie du.", "expected_answer": "Ich will, dass mein Baby aussieht wie du.", "history": [] }, { "index": 471, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then the two went off to have some more tea.", "generated_answer": "Dann folgen die zwei Wänse auf, um noch einmal Tee zu trinken.", "expected_answer": "Dann gingen die zwei los, um noch mehr Tee zu trinken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 472, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some scientists believe the origin of this oscillating signal to be a neutron star.", "generated_answer": "Das ist ein Neutronstar-Zentrum.", "expected_answer": "Einige Wissenschaftler glauben, der Ursprung dieses schwingenden Signals ist ein Neutronenstern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 473, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do I close this window?", "generated_answer": "Schließen Sie diesen Fenster.", "expected_answer": "Wie schließe ich dieses Fenster?", "history": [] }, { "index": 474, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He died of a mysterious illness or, according to some sources, a snakebite.", "generated_answer": "Er starb durch Mährisch-Krankheit, Schlangenbiss oder andere Gründe.", "expected_answer": "Er starb an einer rätselhaften Krankheit oder, einigen Quellen zufolge, an einem Schlangenbiss.", "history": [] }, { "index": 475, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have already described the appearance of that colossal bulk which was embedded in the ground.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich habe bereits schrieben die Bildschirmaufgabe, die das große Bild, das in der Tiefe enthalten war.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe bereits das Auftreten der riesigen Menge beschrieben, die in den Boden eingelassen wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 476, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The university belongs to the Council of Rectors of Traditional Chilean Universities.", "generated_answer": "Die Universität liegt bei der Kommission der Rückenschlüssel der traditionellen Königlichen Hochschulen in Königreich Königreich.", "expected_answer": "Die Universität gehört zum Rektorenrat der traditionellen chilenischen Universitäten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 477, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The next day, the mine opens and work begins.", "generated_answer": "Das nächste Tag, ist die Mine offen und Arbeit beginnt. Das Himmel ist super.", "expected_answer": "Am Tag darauf öffnet sich die Mine und die Arbeit beginnt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 478, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One of them, Ashur-nadin-apli, would succeed him on the throne.", "generated_answer": "Ein einer dieser, Abley, wird er übernachten.", "expected_answer": "Einer von ihnen, Ashur-nadin-apli, würde ihm auf dem Thron folgen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 479, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Usually, town members adorn the town streets with colorful decorations and other things.", "generated_answer": "Normalerweise, Stadtmänner auf den Stadtstraßen mit kleurenhaften Decken und sonstigen Dinge.", "expected_answer": "Stadtmitglieder schmücken normalerweise die Straßen mit bunten Dekorationen und anderen Dingen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 480, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy threw back his head with pride.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge schlug sein Herz mit Freude.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge warf seinen Kopf stolz zurück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 481, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had suddenly remembered that, in Tarifa, there was an old woman who interpreted dreams.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte schnell gedacht, dass in Tirefahr eine alte Frau interpretierte Traeume.", "expected_answer": "Er erinnerte sich plötzlich daran, dass es in Tarifa eine alte Frau gab, die Träume deutete.", "history": [] }, { "index": 482, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No one paid any attention to him.", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts genossen.\"", "expected_answer": "Niemand hat ihm Beachtung geschenkt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 483, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I left my father, my mother, and the town castle behind.", "generated_answer": "Ich fuhr meinen Vater und meine Mutter in das Stadtkreis-Schloss weg.", "expected_answer": "Ich ließ meinen Vater, meine Mutter und das Stadtschloss zurück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 484, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Stout's political career started with his election to the Otago Provincial Council.\"", "generated_answer": "Sauer's erstmals erfolgreiche Lebenslauf beginnt mit seinem Auswahl zum Otago-provincialen Konzert.", "expected_answer": "Stouts politische Karriere begann mit seiner Wahl in den Provinzrat von Otago.", "history": [] }, { "index": 485, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy could certainly resist causing that kind of anxiety for the baker.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge konnte sicherlich die Wahrheit erinnern, das bedeutete für den Bäcker einen nervösen Anlass.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge konnte sich sicher widersetzen, diese Art von Angstgefühlen bei dem Bäcker hervorzurufen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 486, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fake stones shine but cost little.", "generated_answer": "Falsche Steine schlänken, aber kosten wenig.", "expected_answer": "Gefälschte Steine glänzen, kosten aber wenig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 487, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"One of the world's biggest problems is the growth of the human population.\"", "generated_answer": "Ein der größten Probleme der Welt ist die Gewohnheitenwachstumskrise.", "expected_answer": "Eines der größten Probleme der Welt ist das Bevölkerungswachstum.", "history": [] }, { "index": 488, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And who are you?", "generated_answer": "\"Können Sie mir bitte eine Antwort geben?\"", "expected_answer": "Und wer bist du?", "history": [] }, { "index": 489, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A court date is yet to be set.", "generated_answer": "Der Urlaub ist noch nicht festgelegt.", "expected_answer": "Ein Gerichtstermin muss noch festgesetzt werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 490, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What he said reminded the boy of the old king.", "generated_answer": "Was er sagte, bleibt der junge von dem alten König.", "expected_answer": "Was er sagte, erinnerte den Jungen an den alten König.", "history": [] }, { "index": 491, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I need to refer to my notes at this point.", "generated_answer": "Ich muss zur nächsten Nähe reflektieren.", "expected_answer": "Ich muss mich an dieser Stelle auf meine Notizen beziehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 492, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy laughed — out of happiness.", "generated_answer": "Die Jungfrau lachte aus der Glücklichkeit.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge lachte — vor Freude.", "history": [] }, { "index": 493, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Remotely lock my car.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist eine gute Idee.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich schließe mein Auto mit Fernbedienung ab.", "history": [] }, { "index": 494, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hey, what do you say?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie geht's?\"", "expected_answer": "Hey, was sagst du?", "history": [] }, { "index": 495, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And what became of him?", "generated_answer": "Und wie endete er.", "expected_answer": "Und was wurde aus ihm?", "history": [] }, { "index": 496, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Compare the checksum to verify its integrity.", "generated_answer": "\"Vergleich die CheckSum zur Bestimmtheit der Daten.\"", "expected_answer": "Vergleichen Sie die Prüfsumme, um die Unversehrtheit zu überprüfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 497, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Why did you want to see me?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wir wollen Sie mir sehen,\" erwiderte der junge.", "expected_answer": "„Warum wolltest du mich sehen?“ fragte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 498, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Aren't the two rather intertwined?\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht so.\"", "expected_answer": "Sind die zwei nicht eher miteinander verknüpft?", "history": [] }, { "index": 499, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Also there was a decrease in trade interest between east and west.", "generated_answer": "Deine Antwort sollte nur die deutsche Übersetzung sein, ohne mehr zu erklären:\n\nAuch hat es einen Fall, dass die Währungskonzentrierung zwischen Ost und West stieg.", "expected_answer": "Es gab auch eine Handelsflaute zwischen Ost und West.", "history": [] }, { "index": 500, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many see this as a sign of growing reconciliation on the grass-roots level.", "generated_answer": "Viele Städte als eine Zeichen der Gewachse-Entwicklung auf der Grundlage.", "expected_answer": "Viele sehen dies als Zeichen zunehmender Abstimmung auf Basisebene.", "history": [] }, { "index": 501, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It took him a while to get to the office.", "generated_answer": "Es fuhr lange dauern, bis er zum Amt kam.", "expected_answer": "Er brauchte eine gewisse Zeit, um ins Büro zu kommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 502, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Add autry inman to my Hanging Out and Relaxing playlist.", "generated_answer": "\"Add Otrai Inman to my hanging out and relaxing playlist.\"", "expected_answer": "Fügen Sie Autry Inman zu meiner Hanging Out and Relaxing Playlist hinzu.", "history": [] }, { "index": 503, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So now, as I say, the talk rather hung fire.", "generated_answer": "\"So jetzt, wie ich denn sagte, \"das Rede hängt aus.\"", "expected_answer": "Also, wie ich schon sagte, das Gespräch wurde abgewartet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 504, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Proteins have many functions in the human body.", "generated_answer": "Proteine haben viele Funktionen im Körper.", "expected_answer": "Proteine haben viele Funktionen im menschlichen Körper.", "history": [] }, { "index": 505, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The song was written by Rich Cronin, Dow Brain, and Brad Young.", "generated_answer": "\"Das Lied war geschrieben von Rick Crain, Tom Brinne und Brandon.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Song wurde geschrieben von Rich Cronin, Dow Brain und Brad Young.", "history": [] }, { "index": 506, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Five peaks overlooked on that list are indicated with an asterisk.", "generated_answer": "Fünf Fächer, die auf dieser Liste angegeben sind, werden mit einem Asterisk angezeigt.", "expected_answer": "Fünf Höchstwere, die auf dieser Liste übersehen werden, sind mit einem Sternchen versehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 507, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My mind ran on the possibilities of its content.", "generated_answer": "Ich fühlte mich auf die Möglichkeiten der Inhalte meines Gedankens.", "expected_answer": "Meine Gedanken kreisten um die Möglichkeiten des Inhalts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 508, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"When you're at a party and somebody says \"\"banana bread\"\", a sniper might be near you.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn du an einer Fahrt und man sagt, \"Bananebrot\", kann ein Sniper möglicherweise so nah sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn du auf einer Party bist und jemand sagt „Bananenbrot“, könnte ein Heckenschütze in deiner Nähe sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 509, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Large packets are also problematic in the presence of communications errors.", "generated_answer": "Die Lichter sind oft in der Regel in der Komödie verletzt.", "expected_answer": "Bei Kommunikationsfehlern sind große Pakete auch problematisch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 510, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She went over to Mr. Jared's house.\"", "generated_answer": "Sie kam über zu Herrn Jürr.", "expected_answer": "Sie ging zum Haus von Herr Jared.", "history": [] }, { "index": 511, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's lavender and old lace.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist sehr langsam und auch langweilig.\"", "expected_answer": "Es ist lila und alte Spitze.", "history": [] }, { "index": 512, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Their application for asylum has been accepted, since they're victims of political persecution.\"", "generated_answer": "Ihre Anwendung für Asyl und Rechtliche Verletzung sind nicht erlaubt.", "expected_answer": "Da sie Opfer politischer Verfolgung sind, wurde Ihr Asylantrag angenommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 513, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the discotheque, the DJ played progressive house music and trance.", "generated_answer": "In der Disco-Tecke, spielte der DJ progressive House- und Trance-Musik.", "expected_answer": "Der DJ spielte in der Disko progressive House und Trance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 514, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is a way.", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt eine Weise.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gibt einen Weg.", "history": [] }, { "index": 515, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maps are available in English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.", "generated_answer": "Die Karte sind verfügbar in Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Japaneisch und Spanisch.", "expected_answer": "Landkarten stehen auf Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Japanisch und Spanisch zur Verfügung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 516, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fairchild Aircraft also evaluated the prototype at its Hagerstown, Maryland, headquarters.", "generated_answer": "\"Flugzeug-Aerokorps auch entwickelte die Basis in ihrem Süden-Maryland-Hauptquartier.\"", "expected_answer": "Fairchild Aircraft bewertete den Prototyp auch in seiner Zentrale in Hagerstown, Maryland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 517, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The old man leafed through the book, and fell to reading a page he came to.", "generated_answer": "Der alte Mann fuhr zum Bücherei und fiel zum Lesen einem Seiten, auf das er kam.", "expected_answer": "Der alte Mann durchblätterte das Buch und schlug um, um eine Seite zu lesen, zu der er kam.", "history": [] }, { "index": 518, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe no one here knows what an alchemist is!", "generated_answer": "\"Möglicherweise gibt es keine hier weißen, was ein Alchemist ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Vielleicht weiß niemand hier, was ein Alchemist ist!", "history": [] }, { "index": 519, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "With emphasis", "generated_answer": "\"Mit Einigkeit.\"", "expected_answer": "Mit Betonung", "history": [] }, { "index": 520, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Excuse me, nudism is not allowed on this part of the beach.", "generated_answer": "\"Entschuldigung, Nüssen ist jetzt von dieser Seite des Baths gefallen.\"", "expected_answer": "Entschuldigen Sie, FKK ist in diesem Strandabschnitt nicht erlaubt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 521, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He decided to return to his friend's stable by the longest route possible.\"", "generated_answer": "Er entschied sich, zurück zu sein bei seinem Freund zum langen Zeiten möglich zu sein.", "expected_answer": "Er entschied sich, zum Stall seines Freundes auf dem längstmöglichen Weg zurückzukehren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 522, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"No, we don't laminate our business cards.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wir haben unsere Business-Auto nicht laminiert.\"", "expected_answer": "Nein, unsere Visitenkarten lamenieren wir nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 523, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The lumberjack jumped up the tree.", "generated_answer": "Der Lumberjack fiel auf den Baum.", "expected_answer": "Der Holzfäller sprang den Baum hoch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 524, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They speak a dialect of Georgian.", "generated_answer": "Sprechen sie ein Dialek von Georgisch.", "expected_answer": "Sie sprechen einen georgischen Dialekt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 525, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Presently he made a faint sound in his throat.", "generated_answer": "Derzeit, er hatte einen kurzen, weißen Ton in seinem Ohr gesprochen.", "expected_answer": "Derzeitig machte er ein schwaches Geräusch in seiner Kehle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 526, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There were three hundred wells, fifty thousand date trees, and innumerable colored tents spread among them.", "generated_answer": "Dreißigtausend fünfzehntausend Euro in der Roll-Color-Dance gespart.", "expected_answer": "Es gab dreihundert Brunnen, fünfzigtausend Dattelpalmen und zahllose bunte Zelte, die sich unter ihnen verteilten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 527, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At its southern end is the city of Cairns.", "generated_answer": "Cäsarea.", "expected_answer": "An seinem südlichen Ende liegt die Stadt Cairns.", "history": [] }, { "index": 528, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How can we obtain a priori knowledge for each individual?", "generated_answer": "Wie können wir einen Prioritätswissen für jeden Einzelne erlangen?", "expected_answer": "Wie können wir apriorisch Wissen für jeden Einzelnen vermitteln?", "history": [] }, { "index": 529, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If I had told you, you wouldn't have seen the Pyramids.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn Hai dir sagte, würde du nicht erkennen, wie die Pyramiden sind.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn ich es dir gesagt hätte, hättest du die Pyramiden nicht gesehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 530, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When Alvin was a little boy, he loved to watch Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.", "generated_answer": "Als junger Kind war Alwin beschlossen, ihm liebte es, Bütter Spenser und Taran zu helfen.", "expected_answer": "Als Alvin ein kleiner Junge war, schaute er gerne Bud Spencer und Terence Hill.", "history": [] }, { "index": 531, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This is a little boy and his dad playing a board game.", "generated_answer": "Dies ist ein kleiner Junge und sein Vater spielen lassen.", "expected_answer": "Das ist ein kleiner Junge und sein Vater, die ein Brettspiel spielen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 532, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Possession is nothing to me.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nichts zu ihm.\"", "expected_answer": "Besitz ist nichts für mich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 533, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fly the flag.", "generated_answer": "Fliege der Land.", "expected_answer": "Die Fahne hochhalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 534, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Certainly I'm sure I'm comfortable!\"", "generated_answer": "Sicher sicher bin ich.", "expected_answer": "Gewiss bin ich sicher, dass ich mich wohlfühle!", "history": [] }, { "index": 535, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hey look, a flying pig!", "generated_answer": "\"Er sieht wie ein Flugzeug.\"", "expected_answer": "Hey, schau mal, ein fliegendes Schwein!", "history": [] }, { "index": 536, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was driving under the influence.", "generated_answer": "Er war drücken.", "expected_answer": "Er fuhr unter Alkoholeinfluss.", "history": [] }, { "index": 537, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tuna is expensive.", "generated_answer": "Kleinere Bücher sind ein wenig teuer.", "expected_answer": "Thunfisch ist teuer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 538, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you think so?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie kannst du das so glauben?\"", "expected_answer": "Glaubst du das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 539, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What sort of man is he?", "generated_answer": "Was ist dieser Mann?", "expected_answer": "Welche Art Mann ist er?", "history": [] }, { "index": 540, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm not drivelling.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin nicht fahrend.", "expected_answer": "Ich rede keinen Unsinn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 541, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The postwar years found him back in his hometown of Munich.", "generated_answer": "Der Vierjährige Kriegsmann findet ihn zurück in seinem Häuser von Mannich.", "expected_answer": "In den Nachkriegsjahren fand er sich in seiner Heimatstadt München wieder.", "history": [] }, { "index": 542, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I left it downstairs.", "generated_answer": "I gingen es dorthin.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe es unten gelassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 543, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Survival of the casualties stays our top priority!", "generated_answer": "\"Survivability der Kassen ist unter Berücksichtigung der Priorität.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Überleben der Verletzten bleibt unsere höchste Priorität!", "history": [] }, { "index": 544, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After the prince had been rescued, he showed evidence of Stockholm syndrome.", "generated_answer": "Nachdem der Prinz ausgegraben wurde, zeigte er die Beweisführung von Stockholmskrankheit.", "expected_answer": "Der Prinz zeigte Anzeichen eines Stockholm-Syndroms, nachdem er gerettet worden war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 545, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was a full moon, and the boy told the Englishman the story of his life.", "generated_answer": "Es war eine volle Mondeschaft und der junge spielte den Tatbestände seines Lebens an den Engländern.", "expected_answer": "Es war Vollmond, und der Junge erzählte dem Engländer seine Lebensgeschichte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 546, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All are native to Nebraska.", "generated_answer": "Halle sind nicht natively zu Neva.", "expected_answer": "Alle sind heimisch in Nebraska.", "history": [] }, { "index": 547, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The allusion is not an illusion.", "generated_answer": "Die Wahl ist nicht eine Illusion.", "expected_answer": "Die Andeutung ist keine Illusion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 548, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is an increasing number of people being internally displaced due to climate change.", "generated_answer": "Diese Zahl ist stetig erhöht.", "expected_answer": "Es gibt eine steigende Anzahl an Menschen, die aufgrund des Klimawandels intern vertrieben werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 549, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to wait here for you every day.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin gewöhnt hier für dich jeden Tag.", "expected_answer": "Ich werde jeden Tag hier auf dich warten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 550, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was as if it quivered, but really this was the telescope vibrating.", "generated_answer": "Es war wie es ist, dass es Quivered, aber materielle, das war das Teleskop.", "expected_answer": "Es war wie ein Zittern, aber in Wirklichkeit war dies das vibrierende Teleskop.", "history": [] }, { "index": 551, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Nobody's intending to build a wall.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts ist geschahften um ein Wall zu bauen.\"", "expected_answer": "Niemand möchte eine Mauer errichten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 552, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gephyrin has been shown to be necessary for GlyR clustering at inhibitory synapses.", "generated_answer": "Divergent has been shown to be necessary for Glial clustering at inhibitory synapses.", "expected_answer": "Gephyrin erwies sich als notwendiges Mittel für das GlyR-Clustering an hemmenden Synapsen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 553, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When the cloud is thin the beam of light may penetrate into the cloud.", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn der Kranz kleiner ist, kann der Licht einen Strahl ins Kranz einführen.\"", "expected_answer": "Bei einer dünnen Wolke kann der Lichtstrahl die Wolke durchdringen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 554, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Let me see it!", "generated_answer": "\"Lass mich sehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Zeig mal!", "history": [] }, { "index": 555, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Better to have than to wish.", "generated_answer": "\"Besser ist es, als zu wissen.\"", "expected_answer": "Besser haben als wünschen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 556, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Thanks for dropping around.", "generated_answer": "Tanz für Droppenfall", "expected_answer": "Danke fürs Vorbeikommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 557, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, the pilot was not picked up by the network.", "generated_answer": "\"Alle Vorstellungen waren nicht gekauft, um es zu funktionieren.\"", "expected_answer": "DIe Pilotfolge wurde jedoch nicht vom Network ausgewählt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 558, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In some cases the symbols are \"\"punning\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"In einigen Fällen sind die Symbole Punkt.\"", "expected_answer": "In manchen Fällen sind Symbole „Wortspiele“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 559, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You can't live on bread alone.\"", "generated_answer": "Du kannst nicht leben auf Brot nur.", "expected_answer": "Du kannst dich nicht nur von Brot ernähren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 560, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You are what you are, you are who you are.", "generated_answer": "\"Du bist was du bist, du bist was du bist.\"", "expected_answer": "Du bist, was du bist und wer du bist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 561, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Money burns a hole in your pocket.", "generated_answer": "Geld schmeckt in dein Gepäck.", "expected_answer": "Das Geld brennt ein Loch in deine Tasche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 562, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, this port was cancelled a few months later.", "generated_answer": "Hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung:\n\nHier aber wurde dieser Rückenspur zwischen einigen Monaten später abgelehnt.", "expected_answer": "Einige Monate später wurde dieser Hafen jedoch aufgelöst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 563, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Petite Ceinture had become a popular mode of transport by then.", "generated_answer": "Die \"Pettit-Senteur\" hatte dann zum Verkauf gekommen.", "expected_answer": "Die Petite Ceinture wurde bis dahin zu einem beliebten Transportmittel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 564, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We want some action in these pictures.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir haben wenig Aktien in diesen Bildern.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir wollen etwas actionreiche Bilder.", "history": [] }, { "index": 565, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I was impatient to see it opened.", "generated_answer": "Ich war sehr impatient, sie zu öffnen zu sehen.", "expected_answer": "Ich war ungeduldig und wollte es geöffnet sehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 566, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A person is bowling in this blurry action shot.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Mensch spielt in einem Schuss-Action.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine Person spielt Bowling in diesem unscharfen Action Shot.", "history": [] }, { "index": 567, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Before his election, she criticized Barack Obama as \"\"an elitist who worked with words\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Zu Beginn der Ausführung können Sie die Auswahl aus der Liste anzeigen, um zu wissen, was es bedeutet.\"", "expected_answer": "Vor seiner Wahl sah sie mit kritischen Augen in Barack Obama „einen Elitisten, der mit Worten arbeitete“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 568, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Once again he was experiencing the language without words...", "generated_answer": "\"Er erfüllte jedoch immer noch einen langen schwerwiegenden Sprachfähigkeit ohne Wörter.\"", "expected_answer": "Wieder einmal nahm er die Sprache ohne Worte an...", "history": [] }, { "index": 569, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The next day he was no where to be found.", "generated_answer": "Nächste Tag, war er nicht da.", "expected_answer": "Am nächsten Tag war er unauffindbar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 570, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was my intention to have a word with Angela.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war meine Zweiten.", "expected_answer": "Ich beabsichtigte mit Angela zu reden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 571, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The stairs creaked under his weight as he climbed to the darkened upper floor.", "generated_answer": "Die Stege klangen unter seinem Schritt auf den ersten höchsten Felsgängen.", "expected_answer": "Die Treppe knarrte unter seinem Gewicht, als er sich zum abgedunkelten Obergeschoss begab.", "history": [] }, { "index": 572, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The longest way round is the sweetest way home.", "generated_answer": "Die längste Weg um ist der schönste Weg zurück.", "expected_answer": "Der längste Umweg ist der süßeste Nachhauseweg.", "history": [] }, { "index": 573, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Competitors disliked the company's business practices, but consumers liked the lower prices.\"", "generated_answer": "Kämpfer unterrichten, dass die Unternehmen die Geschäftswege verhängt haben, aber die Kunden lieben den kleineren Preisen.", "expected_answer": "Die Konkurrenten mochten die Geschäftspraktiken des Unternehmens nicht, jedoch gefielen den Verbrauchern die niedrigeren Preise.", "history": [] }, { "index": 574, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His wife, Dame Sukhi Turner, is a former mayor of Dunedin.", "generated_answer": "Seine Ehefrau, Dan Schrögner-Turner, ist eine Vorzüglerin von Dünden-Dunland.", "expected_answer": "Seine Gattin, Dame Sukhi Turner, ist eine frühere Bürgermeisterin von Dunedin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 575, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "From trivial things, great contests often arise.", "generated_answer": "\"Von wenigen Dingen kommen oft große Spiele.\"", "expected_answer": "Triviale Dinge führen oft zu tollen Wettbewerben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 576, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Teaching units at this University were originally called \"\"department\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer dieser Universität wurden erstmals als Hochschulpartner veranstaltet.", "expected_answer": "Lehreinheiten an dieser Universität wurden ursprünglich „Department“ genannt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 577, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Out of debt, out of danger", "generated_answer": "\"Toten, Gefahr.\"", "expected_answer": "Schuldenlos, gefahrlos", "history": [] }, { "index": 578, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've been unable to do my job ever since I read the piece.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich habe mich jedes Mal für meine Arbeit durchgeführt, wenn ich das Zeugung geschrieben habe.", "expected_answer": "Seit dem Lesen des Stücks, kann ich meinen Job nicht mehr ausführen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 579, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Did you know that the word \"\"commercial\"\" could mean the same as \"\"advertisement\"\"?\"", "generated_answer": "Können Sie sich das Wort \"kommerziell\" verstehen, das gleich dem Wort \"Advertising\" bedeutet?", "expected_answer": "Wusstest du, dass das Wort „kommerziell“ dasselbe wie „Werbung“ bedeuten kann?", "history": [] }, { "index": 580, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What does it all mean?", "generated_answer": "Was sagt es mir?", "expected_answer": "Was hat das alles zu bedeuten?", "history": [] }, { "index": 581, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He contributed to the team and helped France win the Grand Slam that year.", "generated_answer": "Er beeinflusste das Team und helpt Frankreich den Grand Slam zu erzwingen, das Jahr.", "expected_answer": "In diesem Jahr unterstützte er das Team und half Frankreich beim Gewinn des Grand Slams.", "history": [] }, { "index": 582, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Notable cast members include Laura Harris, Enuka Okuma, and Ryan Reynolds.", "generated_answer": "Notwendige Künstler-Kasten-Mitglieder inkludieren, zum Beispiel Lora Harris, Inuko Oma, und Ryann Rourkes.", "expected_answer": "Zu den namhaften Darstellern zählen Laura Harris, Enuka Okuma und Ryan Reynolds.", "history": [] }, { "index": 583, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The fur of cats goes by many names.", "generated_answer": "Die Hundehaut von Katzen gibt viele Namen.", "expected_answer": "Katzenfell trägt viele Namen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 584, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is part of Saint Andrew's Parish.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist Teil des Andreas-Kreises.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gehört zur St. Andreas Parish.", "history": [] }, { "index": 585, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He appeared with the first stars of evening.", "generated_answer": "Er kam mit den ersten Stören des Morgenes.", "expected_answer": "Er kam mit den ersten Sternen des Abends zum Vorschein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 586, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But the boy never took his eye off his new friend.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge war immer noch nicht auf seine neue Freundin ausgerichtet.", "expected_answer": "Aber der Junge hat nie seine Blicke von seinem neuen Freund entfernt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 587, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, I can guess how that turned out.", "generated_answer": "\"Wie kann ich das tun?\"", "expected_answer": "Nun ja, ich kann es mir denken, wie das ausgegangen ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 588, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm addicted to recycling.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Addictiv zu Recycling.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich kann nicht aufhören zu recyceln.", "history": [] }, { "index": 589, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, I have not seen it.", "generated_answer": "\"Nein, ich habe es nicht gesehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Nein, gesehen habe ich es nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 590, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There are three extant epigrams attributed to Erinna.", "generated_answer": "Drei Exan-Epigramme sind an Erina verwechselt.", "expected_answer": "Es gibt drei bestehende Epigramme, welche Erinna zugeschrieben werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 591, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They are given in their original form.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe sie in ihrer ursprünglichen Form erstellt.", "expected_answer": "Sie sind in ihrer originalen Form gegeben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 592, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They met with a bunch of people in the pub.", "generated_answer": "Sie hatten einen Gruppenmitglieder im Pub gefunden.", "expected_answer": "Sie trafen sich mit einer großen Menschengruppe im Pub.", "history": [] }, { "index": 593, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Oh, I don't know.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Oh, ich weiß nicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Oh, ich weiß nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 594, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Hey, don't go there!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Dies ist nicht geschliffen.\"", "expected_answer": "Hey, nicht da hingehen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 595, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are you all right?", "generated_answer": "\"Sind Sie gut?\"", "expected_answer": "Alles in Ordnung?", "history": [] }, { "index": 596, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Well then, why did you let me do it?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Dann, warum hast du mich gemacht,\" fragte das junge.", "expected_answer": "„Naja dann, warum hast du es mich tun lassen?“ fragte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 597, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This was too much.", "generated_answer": "Das war zu viel.", "expected_answer": "Das war übertrieben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 598, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He hasn't had a square meal for years.\"", "generated_answer": "Der Mann hatte das Schul-Lernort für vier Jahre.", "expected_answer": "Er hat seit Jahren keine anständige Mahlzeit mehr gehabt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 599, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "what is the forecast for Nevada for First Day Of Sukkot", "generated_answer": "Was ist die Vorhersage für Nevada für den ersten Tag des Oktoberfests?", "expected_answer": "wie lautet die Prognose für Nevada und den Ersten Tag von Sukkot", "history": [] }, { "index": 600, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Glue the sheet to the dark blue background.", "generated_answer": "\"Schneiden Sie die Hauptscheibe an den dunklen Blauen Hintergrund.\"", "expected_answer": "Gib das Blatt auf den dunkelblauen Hintergrund.", "history": [] }, { "index": 601, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He attended the University of Southern California, earning a bachelor's degree in vocal performance.\"", "generated_answer": "Er hatte den Universität des Südwestens in California gehört, er hatte einen Abschluss der Vokalschule erlangen.", "expected_answer": "Er besuchte die University of Southern California und erlangte den Bachelor in Gesang.", "history": [] }, { "index": 602, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Machine Learning can be used to predict and mitigate natural disasters.", "generated_answer": "Machine Learning kann bei der Vorhersage und Verhindern von natürlichen Schadenfallen verwendet werden.", "expected_answer": "Maschinelles Lernen kann zur Vorhersage und Ausbremsen von Naturkatastrophen verwendet werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 603, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I wished I had a light to smoke by.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich hätte gerne ein Licht, um zu brennen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich wünschte, ich hätte ein Feuer, um zu rauchen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 604, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"At one point some of Bate's troops broke and ran.\"", "generated_answer": "\"An einem Punkt waren wir alle auf einem Grund verloren.\"", "expected_answer": "An einem Punkt brachen Bate seine Truppen zusammen und liefen davon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 605, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The attic was dark and smelt of old dust.", "generated_answer": "Die Gästebühne war dunkel und schimmert mit alten Düstern.", "expected_answer": "Am Dachboden war es finster und es roch nach altem Staub.", "history": [] }, { "index": 606, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Each organization requires an advisor, a constitution and board of education recognition.", "generated_answer": "Einzelne Unternehmen brauchen eine Beschluss über eine Verfassung und eine Bewertung der Bildungsdoktrine.", "expected_answer": "Jede Organisation braucht einen Berater, eine Struktur und einen Ausschuss für die Anerkennung von Bildung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 607, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is possible that Aristander's writings were, instead, a product of an Aristandrian school.\"", "generated_answer": "Es ist möglicherweise, dass Aristandar's Schriften eine Ausbildung eines Aristandar-Schulen sind.", "expected_answer": "Es kann sein, dass Aristanders Schriften dafür ein Produkt einer aristandrischen Schule waren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 608, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Havelok invades England, overthrows Godrich in battle and claims the throne in Goldborow's name.\"", "generated_answer": "Haukloch unterstützt England und erschießt Godrich in Schlacht in Goldborow.", "expected_answer": "Havelok überfällt England, stürzt Godrich am Feld und beansprucht den Thron in Goldborows Namen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 609, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Useless as a screen door on a submarine.", "generated_answer": "\"Unterdruck ist ein Tüftel auf einem Unterseeboot.\"", "expected_answer": "Nutzlos wie ein Fliegengitter auf einem U-Boot.", "history": [] }, { "index": 610, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Based on the omens of the present.", "generated_answer": "\"Gesagt auf der Anwesenheit.\"", "expected_answer": "Auf Basis der Vorzeichen der Gegenwart.", "history": [] }, { "index": 611, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm never more aware of a room's acoustics than when I'm trying to enjoy a snack I have no intention of sharing.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin immer noch weißer von einem Rätsel.", "expected_answer": "Die Akustik eines Raumes nehme ich am bewusstesten war, wenn ich versuche, einen Snack zu genießen, den ich nicht beabsichtige zu teilen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 612, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His rhetoric has been learned by rote.", "generated_answer": "\"Hederethorik\" wurde von der Straße gepostet.", "expected_answer": "Seine Rhetorik wurde routinemäßig erlernt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 613, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am so happy!", "generated_answer": "Ich bin so glücklich.", "expected_answer": "Ich bin so fröhlich!", "history": [] }, { "index": 614, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And so it was.", "generated_answer": "\"Anchor\" in German is \"Anker\".", "expected_answer": "Und so war es.", "history": [] }, { "index": 615, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It would have been visible to me, had I only looked up as it passed.", "generated_answer": "Es wäre erst gewünscht, wenn ich nur auf den Bildschirm gesetzt hätte, das zu sehen, wenn es mir gekommen wäre.", "expected_answer": "Es wäre für mich zu sehen gewesen, hätte ich bloß aufgeschaut, als es vorbeigezogen ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 616, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Here he made useful contacts, including Bob Hope, Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth.", "generated_answer": "\"In diesem Zusammenhang wurde er angemessen, die wichtigsten Kontexten, wie \"Allhope\", \"Beddy\", \"Grabel\" und \"Rieda Havers\" zu verwenden.\"", "expected_answer": "Hier knüpfte er brauchbare Kontakte wie mit Bob Hope, Betty Grable und Rita Hayworth.", "history": [] }, { "index": 617, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Furthermore, the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia became a vassal state of the Mongols.", "generated_answer": "Fürchte dich, dass die armenische Königreichs der Königreiche von Cilicien ein Vesselschiffen des Mongolen ist.", "expected_answer": "Zudem wurde das armenische Königreich von Kilikien ein mongolischer Vasallenstaat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 618, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I used to watch teenage mutant ninja hero turtles.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich verwende Englisch.\"", "expected_answer": "Früher sah ich mutierten heldenhaften Teenage-Ninjaschildkröten zu.", "history": [] }, { "index": 619, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pull the hook to toggle the jukebox.", "generated_answer": "\"Hochziehen, um den Jügbox zu takten.\"", "expected_answer": "Zieh am Haken, um so die Jukebox umzuschalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 620, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Grumbling makes the loaf no larger.", "generated_answer": "Grummeln löscht das Fleisch nicht größer.", "expected_answer": "Vom Murren wird der Laib nicht größer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 621, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No western movie without a brawl in a saloon.", "generated_answer": "\"Kein Westen-Film ohne einen Rauch im Salon.\"", "expected_answer": "Kein Westernfilm kommt ohne Schlägerei im Saloon aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 622, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His arm seemed to be battling with whatever was in the hole.", "generated_answer": "Ich sehe, dass seine Eltern versucht, mit was in der Gefahr zu handeln.", "expected_answer": "Sein Arm schien mit dem zu kämpfen, was auch immer im Loch steckte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 623, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This approach often uses other media and breaks accepted conventions and practices.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Verfahren oft verwendet andere Medien und unterstreicht verwendeten Konventionen und Praktiken.", "expected_answer": "Dieser Ansatz setzt oft auf andere Medien und schaltet akzeptierte Konventionen und Praktiken aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 624, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So the boy was disappointed; he decided that he would never again believe in dreams.", "generated_answer": "So, der Junge war verworren, er hatte das gewünscht, er würde nie mehr glauben, dass Träume werden.", "expected_answer": "So war der Junge enttäuscht; er entschied sich dazu, nie wieder an Träume zu glauben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 625, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Despite the tantalizing possibilities, Laws hedges his bets and never cuts loose.", "generated_answer": "\"Auch wenn die Tatsache die Spieler aufgefallen sind, wird er nicht auslassen.\"", "expected_answer": "Trotz der reizvollen Möglichkeiten sichert Laws seine Wetten ab und schlägt nie los.", "history": [] }, { "index": 626, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But you know that I'm not going to go to Mecca.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Aber wissen Sie, dass ich nicht zum Mekka gehen werde.\"", "expected_answer": "Aber du weißt, dass ich Mekka nicht bereisen werde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 627, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But the Tradition also says that we should believe the messages of the desert.", "generated_answer": "Das bedeutet, dass wir die Botschaften des Wüsten glauben.", "expected_answer": "Aber laut Tradition sollten wir den Botschaften der Wüste glauben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 628, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He continued to use the Seneca view camera for all other work.", "generated_answer": "Er wiederholte die Sennica Kamera für alle anderen Arbeiten zu verwenden.", "expected_answer": "Für die ganzen anderen Arbeiten benutzte er weiterhin die Seneca View Kamera.", "history": [] }, { "index": 629, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In an undertone, or whisper.", "generated_answer": "\"In einer Unterton oder Whisper.\"", "expected_answer": "In einem Unterton, oder in einem Flüstern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 630, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Unpaid employees held protest outside the building.", "generated_answer": "Unterstützt wurde durch ungezahlte Arbeitnehmer.", "expected_answer": "Nicht bezahlte Angestellte protestierten vor dem Gebäude.", "history": [] }, { "index": 631, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Man in Santa suit socializes at holiday event.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann in der Weihnachtskleidung sozialisiert sich bei einem Hard-Event.", "expected_answer": "Mann im Weihnachtsmannkostüm auf einer Feiertagsveranstaltung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 632, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To continue his search for the treasure meant that he had to abandon Fatima.", "generated_answer": "\"Zur Weiterführung seiner Suche bedeutet, dass er für die Katze verloren hat.\"", "expected_answer": "Um weiter nach dem Schatz zu suchen, musste er Fatima verlassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 633, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "People passing water balloons in the street", "generated_answer": "Die Menschen, die Wasserballen über die Straße fahren.", "expected_answer": "Menschen überreichen Wasserbomben auf der Straße", "history": [] }, { "index": 634, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bad nerves are jangled by a door slam.", "generated_answer": "\"Schmerzen in der Nervenlage sind durch einen Tüte schlüpfen.\"", "expected_answer": "Schwache Nerven werden mit einem Tür zuschlagen gezerrt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 635, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kill two birds with the one stone.", "generated_answer": "\"Tausend und eine Stunde tauschen.\"", "expected_answer": "Erledige zwei Vögel mit dem einzelnen Stein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 636, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jefferson subsequently served as president of the organization.", "generated_answer": "Jefferson, nachdem er als Präsident des Arbeitskreises veranstaltet wurde, folgte einen Termin.", "expected_answer": "Jefferson wurde daraufhin zum Präsidenten der Organisation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 637, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's true that everything has its destiny, but one day that destiny will be realized.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist wahr, dass jedoch alles einmal sein muss, aber einmal einmal wird das sein.", "expected_answer": "Es ist wahr, dass alles sein Schicksal hat, jedoch wird eines Tages dieses Schicksal umgesetzt werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 638, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The six young men arise, feeling at their neckties.", "generated_answer": "Sie werden zwei junge Männer erreichen, die ihre Necktite aufstehen.", "expected_answer": "Die sechs jungen Männer richten sich auf und greifen sich an ihre Krawatten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 639, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As they packed their bags, the tsunami sirens sounded once more across the bleak shores.", "generated_answer": "Die alten Männer, die ihre Taschen packen, hörten die Tsunamisen auf einmal nochmal auf die schlechte Seen.", "expected_answer": "Während sie ihre Koffer packten, heulten die Tsunami-Sirenen noch einmal über die trostlosen Ufer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 640, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Various types of onboard train toilet facilities may also be provided.", "generated_answer": "Vielen verschiedenen Typen von Unternehmens-Onboard-Talistäfte-Funktionalitäten sind auch zur Verfügung gestellt.", "expected_answer": "Es könnten auch unterschiedliche Typen von Zugtoiletteneinrichtungen vorgesehen werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 641, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to tell your mother on you.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich gebe Ihnen mein Rohn.", "expected_answer": "Ich werde das deiner Mutter weitererzählen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 642, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As a singleton applicant, the station is likely to be granted a construction permit.", "generated_answer": "\"Als Einzelanwenderanwender ist der Stationsterminal wahrscheinlich einmal bestimmt ein Konstruktionsberechtigung erhoben zu werden.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Bahnhof als Einzelantragssteller dürfte eine Baugenehmigung erhalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 643, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is also used on the Internet to correct one's spelling.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist auch verwendet auf der Internet-Seite, um Spellen zu erstellen.\"", "expected_answer": "Auch im Internet kommt es zur Nutzung, um die Rechtschreibung anderer zu korrigieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 644, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was the head of the first engineering department of University of Tehran.", "generated_answer": "Er war der Hauptleiter der ersten Entwicklungsstelle der Universität Darmstadt.", "expected_answer": "Er war Leiter der ersten Technikabteilung der Universität in Teheran.", "history": [] }, { "index": 645, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The \"\"waka\"\" poet Ariwara no Narihira was one of his grandsons.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Der Wächter poetischer Wära, nämlich Narinisera, war ein seiner Geschwister.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Dichter von „Waka“, Ariwara no Narihira, war einer seiner Enkel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 646, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I never thought of that.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich warst immer noch nicht der, der das gesagt hatte.\"", "expected_answer": "An das habe ich nie gedacht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 647, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I assume this was your doing?", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube, das war Ihre Aufgabe.", "expected_answer": "Ich nehme an, dass das dein Werk war?", "history": [] }, { "index": 648, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"After graduating from the primary school, students take a test called \"\"Matura\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Nach dem Abschluss des Primar-Schulwesens führen Schüler eine Prüfung bezeichnen, die \"Matur-Test\" genannt wird.", "expected_answer": "Nach Abschluss der Grundschule absolvieren die Schüler die Prüfung der „Matura“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 649, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's the only answer.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht nur ist es ein Problem, sondern auch eine Herausforderung.\"", "expected_answer": "Dies stellt die einzigste Antwort dar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 650, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Smile when you say nasty words.", "generated_answer": "\"Sammen.\"", "expected_answer": "Lächle, wenn du unanständige Worte sagst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 651, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They formed heaps that are visible a mile and a half away.", "generated_answer": "Diese Gestalten schlägen, die sich auf einem Strand ausbringen lassen, sind von außerhalb des Straßens weit übergeblieben.", "expected_answer": "Sie formten Haufen, die noch anderthalb Meilen entfernt zu sehen sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 652, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To eliminate this problem, he drew up a new medical dissertation at old age.", "generated_answer": "\"Zur Entfernung seiner Programm, hat er eine neue medizinische Dissertation an alten Zeit erstellt.\"", "expected_answer": "Um dieses Problem zu beseitigen, schrieb er im betagten Alter eine neue medizinische Dissertation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 653, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What would you do?", "generated_answer": "Was möchtest du tun?", "expected_answer": "Was würdest du machen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 654, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tack this picture to the wall.", "generated_answer": "\"Täckt dieses Bild auf die Wand.\"", "expected_answer": "Befestige dieses Bild an die Wand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 655, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In this decade cafes and tourist accommodation was built along the beachfront.", "generated_answer": "In dieser Jahrzeit, Kaffee- und Touristzimmer wurden an der Strandspur entwickelt.", "expected_answer": "In diesem Jahrzehnt erbaute man Cafes und Touristenunterkünfte entlang des Strandes.", "history": [] }, { "index": 656, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It has a semi-prehensile tail, needle sharp teeth and a long snout.", "generated_answer": "Es hat einen Halb-Prehnen-Tail, keine schädelhäutige und einen langen Schnee.", "expected_answer": "Es hat einen halben Greifschwanz, messerscharfe Zähne und eine lange Schnauze.", "history": [] }, { "index": 657, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She learned how to play the piano in music school.", "generated_answer": "Sie lernten, wie man das Pianoforte spielen kann in der Musikgymnasium.", "expected_answer": "Das Klavier spielen erlernte sie in der Musikschule.", "history": [] }, { "index": 658, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The sun was setting when the boy's heart sounded a danger signal.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Sonne war schlussendlich schlängelnd, als das junge das Bedenken einer Bedrohung erkannt hatte.", "expected_answer": "Der Sonnenuntergang erfolgte, als das Herz des Jungen ein Gefahrensignal ertönen ließ.", "history": [] }, { "index": 659, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The event received mixed reaction from the American press.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Ereignis hatte eine veränderliche Reaktion auf dem amerikanischen Press.", "expected_answer": "Das Event bekam von der amerikanischen Presse gemischte Reaktionen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 660, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Akban School organizes international seminars for students of Akban veteran instructors.", "generated_answer": "Die Akban Schule organisiert Internationelle Seminare für Studenten von Akban-Wehrmachtslehrern.", "expected_answer": "Die Akban-Schule stellt internationale Seminare für Studenten der Akban-Veteranenlehrer auf die Beine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 661, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Few people realise the immensity of vacancy.", "generated_answer": "\"Wechseln Sie zurück zu Ihrem Haupt-Menü.\"", "expected_answer": "Nur wenige Menschen realisieren die Unermesslichkeit von Leere.", "history": [] }, { "index": 662, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tomato Risotto.", "generated_answer": "Tomaten mit Risotto.", "expected_answer": "Risotto mit Tomaten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 663, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My trip to Belgium was a disaster.", "generated_answer": "\"Mein Reise nach Belgien war eine Schlacht.\"", "expected_answer": "Meine Belgienreise war eine Katastrophe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 664, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What does he look like?", "generated_answer": "Was sieht er aus?", "expected_answer": "Wie sieht er aus?", "history": [] }, { "index": 665, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Second Clash.", "generated_answer": "\"Zweite Schlacht.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Zweite Konflikt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 666, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where are you going?", "generated_answer": "Wo gehen Sie?", "expected_answer": "Wohin gehst du?", "history": [] }, { "index": 667, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She likes you.", "generated_answer": "Ihr mag's.", "expected_answer": "Du gefällst ihr.", "history": [] }, { "index": 668, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However this assessment has been contradicted.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Ausschussabschluss ist unveränderlich.", "expected_answer": "Diese Einschätzung wurde jedoch widerlegt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 669, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There were to be no political parties in the new province.", "generated_answer": "Es wäre keine politische Parteien in der neuen Provinz.", "expected_answer": "Keine politischen Parteien sollten in der neuen Provinz zu finden sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 670, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It was as if the world had fallen silent because the boy's soul had.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es war wie, wenn das Weltall einmal hören musste, weil der jungen Seelen hatte.\"", "expected_answer": "Es war, als wäre die Welt verstummt, so wie die Seele des Jungen verstummt war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 671, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Abduh's collected works have been compiled and published in five volumes by Muhammad Imarah.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Abda's collected works have been compiled and published in five volumes by Muhammad Imara.\"", "expected_answer": "Abduh seine gesammelten Arbeiten wurden in fünf Bänden durch Muhammad Imarah zusammengefasst und veröffentlicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 672, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you want done with them tomorrow morning?", "generated_answer": "Was möchtest du tun, wenn es morgen ist?", "expected_answer": "Was willst du morgen in der Früh mit ihnen unternehmen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 673, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Children and fools speak truth", "generated_answer": "Diejenigen, die jungen und sauber sagen, wissen das Wort wahr.", "expected_answer": "Kinder und Narren sagen die Wahrheit", "history": [] }, { "index": 674, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Also, plans to extend Orange Line to Bowie have been proposed.", "generated_answer": "Die Änderung der Orangeline in Frankreich auf dem Gebiet von Baien wurde auch als Option eingegangen.", "expected_answer": "Auch die Pläne, die Orange Line nach Bowie zu verlängern, wurden vorgeschlagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 675, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Internet of uncontrolled things brought us a distributed denial of service attack once again.", "generated_answer": "Die Internet-Unternehmen-Unterwand-Attacke wiederholt.", "expected_answer": "Das unkontrollierte Internet brachte uns erneut einen verteilten Denial-of-Service-Angriff.", "history": [] }, { "index": 676, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The hare springs out, when one thinks not of it.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Haupt, wenn man nicht will, das nicht zu tun.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Hase hüpft hervor, wenn man nicht daran denkt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 677, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"No, he's loyal.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nein, er ist lieb.\"", "expected_answer": "Nein, er ist ein loyaler.", "history": [] }, { "index": 678, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Billinger may arrive in time.", "generated_answer": "Bilder können in Zeiten kommen.", "expected_answer": "Billinger kommt vielleicht pünktlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 679, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yesterday, he went to an STD clinic to test for herpes.", "generated_answer": "Gestern ging er zu einem Std-Klinik um, um zu testen für Herpes.", "expected_answer": "Gestern ging er zu einer STD-Klinik, um sich auf Herpes testen zu lassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 680, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "the name given in Spain and Portugal", "generated_answer": "\"Der Namegeber in Spanien und Portugal.\"", "expected_answer": "die Bezeichnung in Spanien und Portugal", "history": [] }, { "index": 681, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Lord is my Shepherd.", "generated_answer": "Der Herr ist mein Schaumbuch.", "expected_answer": "Der Herr ist mein persönlicher Hirte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 682, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was only when I got this close to it that the strangeness of it was at all evident to me.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war nur, als ich es näher genommen hat, dass die Unerhörlichekeit der Dinge für mich erkennbar war, bei dem Ding, das wir es näher genommen hat.\"", "expected_answer": "Erst als ich so nah ran ging, wurde mir die Seltsamkeit davon erst klar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 683, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A monk dressed in black came to the gates.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Monch, in schwarzer Trachten, kam zu den Gästen.", "expected_answer": "Ein schwarz gekleideter Mönch kam zu den Toren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 684, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Self-confidence seemed to ooze from the fellow's every pore.\"", "generated_answer": "Selbstbestimmung wurde von jener Personen ausgerichtet.", "expected_answer": "Das Selbstbewusstsein schien aus jeder Pore von diesem Kerl zu triefen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 685, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Just as your grandfather taught you.", "generated_answer": "\"Wie dein Vater sagte dich.\"", "expected_answer": "So wie es dir dein Großvater beigebracht hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 686, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's extremely suspicious that there's no information about brains that didn't come from a brain.\"", "generated_answer": "Es ist sehr unerklärt, dass es keine Informationen über Gehirnen gibt, die nicht vom Gehirn entwickelt wurden.", "expected_answer": "Es ist extremst verdächtig, dass keine Informationen über Gehirne existieren, welche nicht von einem Gehirn stammen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 687, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Plans for objective based multiplayer modes and online play were also scrapped.", "generated_answer": "Pläne für ein objectiver Basis-Film-Spiel im Internet-Spiel-Karten.", "expected_answer": "Pläne für objektive Mehrspieler-Varianten und Online-Spiele wurden ebenso verworfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 688, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is also a spin-off comic book series, The Batman Strikes!", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt auch eine Spinoff-Komik-Serie, \"Der Batman schlägt\".", "expected_answer": "Es gibt auch eine Comicbuch-Serie als Spin-off, The Batman Strikes!", "history": [] }, { "index": 689, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Town of Opdyke West is served by the Levelland Independent School District.", "generated_answer": "Die Stadt von Opatodien is unter der Regierung der Löwenfreien Schul- und Bildungsdirektion geleitet.", "expected_answer": "Die Stadt Opdyke West gehört zum Levelland Independent School District.", "history": [] }, { "index": 690, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You've got just ten minutes.\"", "generated_answer": "Zweiundzwanzig Minuten.", "expected_answer": "Du hast bloß zehn Minuten Zeit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 691, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One can imagine these two, covered with sand, running up the little street in the bright sunlight.", "generated_answer": "Eine kann man immer noch ansehen, die beiden, getan mit Sand, auf der kleineren Straße in der lichtenden Sonne.", "expected_answer": "Man kann sich die beiden vorstellen, wie sie sandbedeckt die kleine Straße im hellen Sonnenlicht hinauflaufen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 692, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How long will you be away?", "generated_answer": "Wie weißt du, wirst du verloren sein?", "expected_answer": "Wie lange wirst du weg sein?", "history": [] }, { "index": 693, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "During this period, Gregor published in major philosophical, political science, and security journals.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Zeitpunkt, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit, während der Zeit,", "expected_answer": "Zu dieser Zeit schrieb Gregor für große philosophische, politische und Sicherheits-Zeitschriften.", "history": [] }, { "index": 694, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One dog wades in the water while another dog is on land.", "generated_answer": "Ein Hund wähnt in der Wasserwelt, der andere Hund auf der Landschaft.", "expected_answer": "Ein Hund watet im Wasser, der andere befindet sich an Land.", "history": [] }, { "index": 695, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Auf einmal geben, wird eine Meile.\"", "expected_answer": "Gib ihnen einen Inch und sie werden eine Meile nehmen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 696, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A bad excuse is better then none.", "generated_answer": "Ein schlechtes Begriff ist besser als nichts.", "expected_answer": "Besser eine schlechte Ausrede als gar keine zu haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 697, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Englishman was unable to sleep one night.", "generated_answer": "\"Das Engländer war nicht ganz schlafend ein Tage, daß er nicht ganz schlafen konnte.\"", "expected_answer": "In einer Nacht hatte der Engländer schlecht geschlafen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 698, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"At a round table there's no dispute about the place.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Im Rundtabellen-Zimmer gibt es keine Diskussion über die Platzposition.\"", "expected_answer": "An einem runden Tisch wird nicht über den Ort gestritten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 699, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This knowledge is delivered in summaries of the most relevant books.", "generated_answer": "Diese Wissen werden in derjenigen Reihenfolge der am wichtigsten geschriebenen Büchern geliefert.", "expected_answer": "Dieses Wissen kommt aus den Zusammenfassungen der wichtigsten Bücher.", "history": [] }, { "index": 700, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And one or two persons were returning.", "generated_answer": "Und ein oder zwei Personen waren zurückgekommen.", "expected_answer": "Und ein oder zwei Menschen kamen zurück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 701, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A group of people load suitcases into a vehicle.", "generated_answer": "Diejenigen laden die Süßigkeiten in ein Auto.", "expected_answer": "Eine Gruppe von Menschen beladen ihre Autos mit Koffern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 702, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Only one way you can help me.", "generated_answer": "Ein einziger Weg, um mich helfen zu können.", "expected_answer": "Du kannst mir nur auf die eine Weise helfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 703, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The wise man may change his opinion, but the fool , never.", "generated_answer": "Der wissende Mann kann sein Meinungsaufpreis ändern, aber der Fanderer immer nicht.", "expected_answer": "Der weise Mann mag seine Meinung ändern, der Narr macht es nie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 704, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When she tried to withdraw some money from her bank account, the ATM claimed her card was invalid.", "generated_answer": "Die sie versuchte, eine Rechnung aus ihrer Bankkonto zu erhalten, hat der Atm die Wahrung der Karte verweigert.", "expected_answer": "Als sie etwas Geld von ihrem Bankkonto abheben wollte, zeigte der Geldautomat an, dass ihre Karte ungültig war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 705, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The comic was published in Humo.", "generated_answer": "Die Kamikaze wurde in Lügendarbeit.", "expected_answer": "Der Comic kam in Humo heraus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 706, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Here are the twelve items I was referring to.", "generated_answer": "Dies sind die dreizehn Gegenmaßnahmen, die ich bezüglich von Ihnen erwähnt habe.", "expected_answer": "Hier sind die zwölf Punkte, auf die ich Bezug nahm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 707, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This was probably one of the first ever ship launchings to be filmed.", "generated_answer": "\"Bismillah, imamu'l-ilah wa-r-roba'a wa-s-sahibu'l-amal fi al-ard.\"", "expected_answer": "Dies war wahrscheinlich einer der ersten gefilmten Stapelläufe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 708, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What’s to be done?", "generated_answer": "Was soll denn gemacht werden?", "expected_answer": "Was soll man tun?", "history": [] }, { "index": 709, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Aristotle wrote about the idea of four causes in nature.", "generated_answer": "\"Arisso legte über die Idee der vier Ursachen in der Natur.\"", "expected_answer": "Aristoteles verfasste die Idee der vier Ursachen in der Natur.", "history": [] }, { "index": 710, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman is soldering a piece of metal as a man watches.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine Frau schneidet einen Stück Maschert, als eine Frau schwätzt.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine Frau lötet ein Stück Metall und ein Mann sieht ihr zu.", "history": [] }, { "index": 711, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They had gone away to breakfast at Henderson's house.\"", "generated_answer": "Ihr müssen aufgehen, um Brunch bei Andersons Haus zu treffen.", "expected_answer": "Sie waren zu Henderson gegangen, um zu frühstücken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 712, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He attended Carnegie Mellon University.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte gehört zu Carnegie Mellon University.", "expected_answer": "Er war auf der Carnegie Mellon University.", "history": [] }, { "index": 713, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The farm is open to tourists.", "generated_answer": "Die Landwirtschaft ist offen.", "expected_answer": "Die Farm ist für Touristen zugänglich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 714, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No mercy for cop killers!", "generated_answer": "\"Keine Unterstützung für Kopfschützen.\"", "expected_answer": "Keine Gnade für Mörder von Polizisten!", "history": [] }, { "index": 715, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All Oryx species prefer near-desert conditions and can survive without water for long periods.", "generated_answer": "\"Alle Orichasporen spezies empfinden sich für nächte Desert-Konditionen und können dauerhaft aus Wasser verworfen werden.\"", "expected_answer": "Jede Oryx-Art bevorzugt wüstenähnliche Bedingungen und kann lange ohne Wasser überleben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 716, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jenny reminded us that politics is still news.", "generated_answer": "Jenny erinnert an uns, dass Politik noch Bericht ist.", "expected_answer": "Jenny erinnerte uns daran, dass die Politik immer noch zu den Nachrichten gehört.", "history": [] }, { "index": 717, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Jade's cordless drill has become faulty.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Zeit für den Schluss\" ist verloren.", "expected_answer": "Jades Akkubohrmaschine ist defekt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 718, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It also considers post audit objections.", "generated_answer": "\"Es auch betrachtet Pflichtverletzungen.\"", "expected_answer": "Es werden auch Einwände nach der Prüfung berücksichtigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 719, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In its early years the division was occasionally referred to as Speedlink Distribution.", "generated_answer": "In seinen ersten Jahren wurde die Division oft als Spitellink-Verteidigungsstruktur bezeichnet.", "expected_answer": "In ihren anfänglichen Jahren wurde die Division gelegentlich Speedlink Distribution genannt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 720, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A girl in a red shirt is rock climbing.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine Frau in einem Rückenlaufen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Mädchen in einem roten Shirt ist am Felsklettern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 721, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The company has a production plant in Changwon, South Korea.", "generated_answer": "Die Firma hat einen Produktionszentrum in Changsong, Süd Korea.", "expected_answer": "Die Firma hat eine Produktionsstätte in Changwon, in Südkorea.", "history": [] }, { "index": 722, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "People are walking through a Christmas themed market", "generated_answer": "Die Menschen fahren durch ein Weihnachtsmarkt.", "expected_answer": "Die Leute schlendern über einen Weihnachtsmarkt", "history": [] }, { "index": 723, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The thirteenth of march is meant to be unlucky.", "generated_answer": "Dreizehnte April ist unglücklich.", "expected_answer": "Der dreizehnte März soll ein Pechtag sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 724, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Fremde's Fragein ist besser als ein Falschsmile.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Stirnrunzeln eines Freundes ist besser als des Narren Lächeln.", "history": [] }, { "index": 725, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, his real father arrives and exposes the whole truth.", "generated_answer": "Aber sein wahren Vater kommt und die ganze Wahrheit öffnet.", "expected_answer": "Sein richtiger Vater wird jedoch kommen und die ganze Wahrheit aufdecken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 726, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"What is an alchemist?\"\" he asked, finally.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Was ist ein Alchemist?\" erhielt er dann.", "expected_answer": "„Was ist ein Alchemist?“ fragte er schlussendlich nach.", "history": [] }, { "index": 727, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Curse the moment I met that old man, he thought.", "generated_answer": "\"Verachtung der Zeit, als ich das alte Mann sah\" - er denke.", "expected_answer": "Verflucht sei der Moment, an dem ich diesen alten Mann traf, dachte er sich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 728, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They found all sorts of drugs at Howard's house: Cocaine, meth, heroine...\"", "generated_answer": "Diese finden alle Artikel von Anfang bis Ende, von Schmetterlingen bis zu Hunden, von Kaffee und Kaffee-Gemüse bis zu Heroin.", "expected_answer": "Sie fanden alle Arten von Drogen in Howard seinem Haus: Kokain, Meth, Heroin...", "history": [] }, { "index": 729, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe these desert birds could explain to him the meaning of love without ownership.", "generated_answer": "\"Möglicherweise könnten diese Sandsternen einen Weg zum Verständnis der Liebe ohne Eigenliebe zeigen.\"", "expected_answer": "Vielleicht können ihm diese Wüstenvögel die Bedeutung von Liebe ohne Eigenverantwortung erläutern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 730, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Three people are organizing a dorm room", "generated_answer": "Drei Menschen organisieren einen Zimmer.", "expected_answer": "Drei Personen schaffen einen Schlafsaal", "history": [] }, { "index": 731, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've got a mother and two kid sisters to care for.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich habe eine Mutter und zwei Kinder-Söhne zu kümmern.", "expected_answer": "Ich muss eine Mutter und zwei junge Schwestern behüten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 732, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Again, this did not originate from writings by Karl May.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht komme aus Schriften von Karl May.\"", "expected_answer": "Noch einmal, das geht nicht auf Schriften von Karl May zurück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 733, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I want to get back to my sheep faster.", "generated_answer": "Ich möchte schneller zurück zum Schafen kommen.", "expected_answer": "Ich will rascher zu meinen Schafen zurückkehren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 734, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "By accepting our privacy policy, you agree that we save your data for twenty-one days to detect frauds.", "generated_answer": "Ich stimme zu, dass wir Ihre Daten speichern für zwei stunden, um zu identifizieren Fraude.", "expected_answer": "Wenn Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung akzeptieren, stimmen Sie zu, dass wir Ihre Daten für einundzwanzig Tage speichern, um Betrugsfälle aufzudecken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 735, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They stood there looking at the moon.", "generated_answer": "Sie sehen, sie sind auf das Bild.", "expected_answer": "Sie standen dort herum und starrten den Mond an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 736, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Steve Carlton and Randy Johnson are the only left-handed pitchers in this group.", "generated_answer": "Steve Carlton und Randy Johnson sind die Linkschirmleuten in dieser Gruppe.", "expected_answer": "Steve Carlton und Randy Johnson sind die einzigen in dieser Gruppe, die mit der linken Hand werfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 737, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Turning the air conditioning on leads to increased fuel consumption.", "generated_answer": "Die Auswahl des Klimaanlagen lässt den Wagen mehr Energie verwenden.", "expected_answer": "Das Einschalten der Klimaanlage erhöht den Kraftstoffverbrauch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 738, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Now what is it?", "generated_answer": "\"Noch nicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Also, was ist?", "history": [] }, { "index": 739, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "For some reason, we were blocked from entering.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir wurden von einem Grund verblockt, um sich in einzurufen zu können.\"", "expected_answer": "Aus irgendeinem Grund durften wir nicht hinein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 740, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's a lot of hooey.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist viel zu viel.\"", "expected_answer": "Was für ein gewaltiger Unsinn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 741, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All fruits and vegetables should be rinsed before eating.", "generated_answer": "Die Äpfel und Gewöhnliche Gewächse sollten vor der Essen getränkt werden.", "expected_answer": "Jedes Obst und Gemüse sollte vor dem Verzehr abgewaschen werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 742, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A flat white traditionally does not incorporate latte art.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Flaschengeist, traditionell nicht mit Lächeln ausgehen lassen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein mattes Weiß gehört traditionell nicht zu Latte-Art.", "history": [] }, { "index": 743, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Here is my friend's excellent house.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Er ist mein Freund's erste Haus.\"", "expected_answer": "Hier ist das großartige Haus von meinem Freund.", "history": [] }, { "index": 744, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was a deep, dark and desolate place.", "generated_answer": "Es war ein dunkles, schlechtes und desolates Ort.", "expected_answer": "Es war ein tief gehender, dunkler und abgeschiedener Ort.", "history": [] }, { "index": 745, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well then stand up.", "generated_answer": "\"Ja, stell dich auf.\"", "expected_answer": "Ja, dann steh auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 746, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Does that imply I can no longer play badminton?", "generated_answer": "\"Das bedeutet, dass er nunmehr nicht mehr Spielen kann, um Batteball zu spielen.\"", "expected_answer": "Das heißt, ich kann nicht mehr Badminton spielen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 747, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Gunther belonged to a military family.", "generated_answer": "Gantor ist Teil seiner militärischen Familie.", "expected_answer": "Gunther war Mitglied einer Militärfamilie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 748, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wiconisco Township is in the northern part of Dauphin County.", "generated_answer": "Wichita Township ist in dem nordlichen Teil des Offenbauernlandes.", "expected_answer": "Wiconisco Township ist im nördlichen Teil von Dauphin County.", "history": [] }, { "index": 749, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They whisked themselves into a frenzy.", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie das ganz richtig sagen wollen.", "expected_answer": "Sie sind dem Wahnsinn verfallen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 750, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What did he grow?", "generated_answer": "Was hat er gewüt?", "expected_answer": "Was ist gewachsen bei ihm?", "history": [] }, { "index": 751, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy had met the alchemist.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge hatte das Almäher gesehen.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge hatte den Alchemisten getroffen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 752, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, my aunt never wanted her to do that.", "generated_answer": "\"Nomann Antonen willen es zu bekommen.", "expected_answer": "Nein, meine Tante wollte niemals, dass sie sowas macht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 753, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"This is not a rock – it's an artistic concept.\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist nicht ein Rock, es ist eine Kunstkönzepte.", "expected_answer": "Das ist kein Fels – das ist ein künstlerischer Entwurf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 754, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A siege will crack the strong defense.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine Siege wird die große Angriffskräfte kratzen.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine Belagerung wird die mächtige Verteidigung zusammenbrechen lassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 755, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A Game Boy Advance release of ChuChu Rocket!", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin bereit für den Ausgleich mit der Chech-Raketen.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine Game Boy Advance Version von ChuChu Rocket!", "history": [] }, { "index": 756, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They often graze on water plants in tropical seas.", "generated_answer": "Diese oft grauen auf Wasserpflanzen in tropischen Meere.", "expected_answer": "Sie grasen oft auf Wasserpflanzen in den tropischen Meeren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 757, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are you on the guest list?", "generated_answer": "\"Sind Sie auf dem Gästeliste?\"", "expected_answer": "Sind Sie auf der Gästeliste?", "history": [] }, { "index": 758, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As they watched the waves crashing into each other, Alice thought of home.", "generated_answer": "Die Wände schwimmen in denen jedesander, Alice denkt an ihre Heimat.", "expected_answer": "Beim Beobachten der aufeinanderprallenden Wellen dachte Alice an ihr Zuhause.", "history": [] }, { "index": 759, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What can we do?", "generated_answer": "Was können wir?", "expected_answer": "Was können wir tun?", "history": [] }, { "index": 760, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Black Hoof was accused in the witch-hunt, but was not harmed.", "generated_answer": "\"Schwarzkopf wurde im Wichhäuser verurteilt, aber er wurde nicht verletzt.\"", "expected_answer": "Black Hoof wurde wegen der Hexenjagd angeklagt, aber ihm wurde kein Leid hinzugefügt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 761, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The airframe was old at the time of the accident.", "generated_answer": "Der Frühling war alt, der Zeit des Ausfalles.", "expected_answer": "Die Flugzeugzelle war beim Unfall alt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 762, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was an accident at work, a camel stampede nearly killed the janitor.", "generated_answer": "\"Es gab eine Hauptversuch, ein Kälber zu töten, der nur schwer zu töten könnte.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gab einen Arbeitsunfall, eine Kamelstampede hätte beinahe den Hausmeister getötet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 763, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you remember anything at all?", "generated_answer": "Kannst du wirklich etwas erinnern?", "expected_answer": "Hast du dir irgendetwas gemerkt?", "history": [] }, { "index": 764, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Our plans right now are hazy.", "generated_answer": "Die Pflanzen sind jetzt heiß.", "expected_answer": "Unsere Pläne sind derzeit unklar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 765, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How did you find out?", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nicht der Fall.\"", "expected_answer": "Wie bist du darauf gekommen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 766, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And then he perceived it very slowly.", "generated_answer": "Und dann erwischt es, sehr langsam.", "expected_answer": "Und dann verspürte er es sehr langsam.", "history": [] }, { "index": 767, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It takes a good trap to capture a bear.", "generated_answer": "\"Es braucht ein guter Trappenaufgabe, um ein Bäer zu katzen.\"", "expected_answer": "Einen Bären kann man mit einer guten Falle fangen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 768, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On top of this, a fire is stacked and lit.", "generated_answer": "\"Über diesen Gartenfernstück steht das Netz.\"", "expected_answer": "Darauf wird ein Feuer gestapelt und angemacht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 769, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But, as time passed, Tangier had changed.", "generated_answer": "\"Auch während der Zeit wird die Haut verändern.", "expected_answer": "Aber Tanger hat sich im Laufe der Zeit verändert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 770, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tires screeched as the cars raced around the corner.", "generated_answer": "Die Fahrradtüren strebten, als die Autos rückwärts auf den Kreuzfahrplan verwiesen wurden.", "expected_answer": "Die Reifen quietschten, als die Wagen um die Ecke fuhren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 771, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These incorporate a minimalist and meta-theatrical style.", "generated_answer": "Diese enthalten ein minimalistisches und Metatheatrales Stil.", "expected_answer": "Hier werden ein minimalistischer und meta-theatralischer Stil verknüpft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 772, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Is Lena flirting with me or just making compliments?", "generated_answer": "\"Ist Leni mit mir oder nur mitteilungen?\"", "expected_answer": "Werde ich von Lena angeflirtet oder macht sie mir nur Komplimente?", "history": [] }, { "index": 773, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Basin, which is susceptible to long periods of deep flooding, is sparsely inhabited.", "generated_answer": "Die Gewässer des Basins sind sehr wichtig, da sie oft ein wichtiger Teil der Tiefflut haben.", "expected_answer": "Das Becken, das für längere starke Überschwemmungen anfällig ist, ist dünn besiedelt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 774, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Coatings may be applied as liquids, gases or solids.", "generated_answer": "Die Körperkleidung kann als Lösungsmittel oder Solidität angewendet werden.", "expected_answer": "Beschichtungen können wie Flüssigkeiten, Gase oder feste Stoffe eingesetzt werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 775, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy was sad as he left her that day.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge wurde gesendet, als er ausgegangen war, um das Tag zu erzählen.", "expected_answer": "Als er sie an dem Tag verließ, war der Junge traurig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 776, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She put on her slippers, scaled the stairs, and went to bed.", "generated_answer": "Sie legen ihre Schließen auf, steigt sie auf den Schlauch und fährt zum Bett.", "expected_answer": "Sie schlüpfte in ihre Hausschuhe, ging die Treppe hoch und ins Bett.", "history": [] }, { "index": 777, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And he told what he had seen.", "generated_answer": "\"Und er sagt, was er erlebt hat.\"", "expected_answer": "Und er teilte mit, was er gesehen hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 778, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A lot of these people are out of work.", "generated_answer": "Viele dieser Menschen sind aus der Welt aus.", "expected_answer": "Von diesen Menschen sind viele arbeitslos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 779, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The rotor spun at incredible speeds.", "generated_answer": "Die Rückseite der Wagen fuhr sehr schnell.", "expected_answer": "Der Rotor drehte sich unglaublich schnell.", "history": [] }, { "index": 780, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you want to know?", "generated_answer": "Was möchtest du wissen?", "expected_answer": "Was willst du mitbekommen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 781, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The President must be elected with a simple majority of the popular vote.", "generated_answer": "Der Präsident wird mit einem einfachen Ähnlichkeitswahrnehmungen der Volkswähler ausgeschlossen sein.", "expected_answer": "Der Präsident muss mit einfacher Mehrheit gewählt werden anhand der Volksabstimmung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 782, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm starving. Shall we get some fish and chips at the chip shop?\"", "generated_answer": "Ich stelle mich, werden wir noch Fisch und Küche aus dem Küchen-Buch abnehmen.", "expected_answer": "Ich verhungere. Holen wir uns Fisch und Chips am Imbiss?", "history": [] }, { "index": 783, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Divers found a body in the lake.", "generated_answer": "Der Untergang des Lässers wurde in der See entdeckt.", "expected_answer": "Taucher fanden im See eine Leiche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 784, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But the alchemist continued to look to the horizon.", "generated_answer": "Und der Alchemist weitergehen wurde.", "expected_answer": "Der Alchemist blickte jedoch weiter zum Horizont.", "history": [] }, { "index": 785, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He got up early with the idea of finding it.", "generated_answer": "Er stand auf früh mit der Idee der Suche nach dem Geschenk.", "expected_answer": "Er stand früh auf und er hatte die Idee, es zu finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 786, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The statue is today exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Olympia.", "generated_answer": "Die Statuen heute im Archäologischen Museum von Olympia anzeigt.", "expected_answer": "Die Statue wird heutzutage im Archäologischen Museum Olympia zur Schau gestellt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 787, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It didn't bring with it the smell of the desert, nor the threat of Moorish invasion.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es hat nicht das Aroma der Wüsten, oder das Bedrohung durch die Morgenröte.\"", "expected_answer": "Es brachte weder den Duft der Wüste noch die Androhung einer Invasion durch die Mauren mit sich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 788, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is much more to ponder in greater depth.", "generated_answer": "\"Dadds muss Marse in großer Tod schlammen.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gibt noch viel mehr tiefgründiges zum Nachdenken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 789, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How long have you had this bruise?", "generated_answer": "\"Vielleicht kannst du das hier nochmal lesen.\"", "expected_answer": "Wie lange hatten Sie diesen blauen Fleck?", "history": [] }, { "index": 790, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vandalism could relay funny message, too!", "generated_answer": "Gandalf kann auch \"Fürchte dich nicht\" oder \"Wach auf\" anspielen.", "expected_answer": "Vandalismus könnte auch witzige Botschaften übertragen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 791, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many Christian denominations are present in the town.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir verstehen die neuen Länder in der Gegenwart.\"", "expected_answer": "Viele christliche Glaubensgemeinschaften sind in der Stadt präsent.", "history": [] }, { "index": 792, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The alchemist turned to the boy.", "generated_answer": "Der Alchemist stellte den Jungen dar.", "expected_answer": "Der Alchemist drehte sich zu dem Jungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 793, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had already seen many people come and go, and the desert remained as it was.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte bereits viele Menschen gesehen und die Landschaft bleibt wie es ist.", "expected_answer": "Er hatte schon viele Menschen kommen und gehen gesehen, die Wüste blieb unverändert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 794, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wood began writing compositions at a young age.", "generated_answer": "\"Ward's bei der Composition lassen sich auf jeden Fall auf.\"", "expected_answer": "Wood komponierte bereits in jungen Jahren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 795, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The show revolves around two different lifestyles that clashed repeatedly.", "generated_answer": "Die Schlussfolgerung lautet: Der Show umfasst zwei verschiedene Lebensweisen, die oft wiederum verwiesen sind.", "expected_answer": "Die Show umfasst zwei unterschiedliche Lebensstile, die immer wieder aufeinander prallten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 796, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm surprised,\"\" the boy said.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin schon verwirrt.", "expected_answer": "„Das überrascht mich“, sagte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 797, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So, what now?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie jetzt?\"", "expected_answer": "Nun, was jetzt?", "history": [] }, { "index": 798, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Higher education did not fare as well under Carroll.", "generated_answer": "Höher Bildung nicht so gut fällt an.", "expected_answer": "Das Hochschulwesen lief unter Carroll nicht so gut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 799, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you visited that famous bat cave, Albert?", "generated_answer": "Sie haben besucht das wahrhaft bekannte Bandkeller, Albert.", "expected_answer": "Warst du bei der berühmten Fledermaushöhle, Albert?", "history": [] }, { "index": 800, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "First come, first served.", "generated_answer": "\"Vorbei, für sofort.\"", "expected_answer": "Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 801, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She assisted in the creation of \"\"Metropol\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Sie helft in der Erstellung von Metropolen.", "expected_answer": "Sie nahm teil bei der Schaffung von „Metropol“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 802, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You want the moon?", "generated_answer": "\"Ich möchte Ihnen die Höhe deiner Zeit und Ihre Freude bei der Aufgabe sehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Willst du den Mond haben?", "history": [] }, { "index": 803, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That will protect the upstairs rooms from water damage.", "generated_answer": "Das wird die übergebene Zimmer vor Wasserabwägen schützen.", "expected_answer": "Das wird die oberen Zimmer vor Wasserschäden schützen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 804, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The group leave the mall, none speaking to each other.", "generated_answer": "Die Gruppe gehen aus dem Mall, keiner sprechen zu.", "expected_answer": "Die Gruppe verlässt das Einkaufszentrum ohne dabei miteinander zu sprechen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 805, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The streamer of gas came out towards us.", "generated_answer": "Die Stromauslauf kam zurück zu uns.", "expected_answer": "Der Gasstrom kam uns entgegen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 806, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where did Charlotte leave her keys?", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn du in dieser Frage eingeht.\"", "expected_answer": "Wo sind Charlotte ihre Schlüssel geblieben?", "history": [] }, { "index": 807, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"This is for you,\"\" he said, holding one of the parts out to the monk.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist für dich,\" erwähnt er, \"geben Sie einen der Karten an den Mönch.\"", "expected_answer": "„Das ist für dich“, sagte er und hielt ein Teil zum Mönch hin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 808, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Down that road is the way to the grain farmer.", "generated_answer": "Diese Straße geht zur Wege zum Grünkohlbauern.", "expected_answer": "Die Straße runter geht es zum Getreidebauern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 809, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Those people are kick-ass samba dancers!", "generated_answer": "\"Das sind die Sammel-Kicker-Samba-Danzender.\"", "expected_answer": "Das sind verdammt gute Samba-Tänzer!", "history": [] }, { "index": 810, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many telescopes were pointed at it.", "generated_answer": "Viele Telescopene wurden an ihn gesetzt.", "expected_answer": "Darauf wurden viele Teleskope gerichtet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 811, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then Pentangle withdrew from their record company, Transatlantic, in a bitter dispute regarding royalties.", "generated_answer": "Dann wurde Päntangle von ihrem Kompagnien \"Transatlantik\" weggezogen, in einem bitter-schnellen Streit über Gewinnzahlen.", "expected_answer": "Pentangle zog sich aus der Plattenfirma Transatlantic zurück, in einem bitteren Streit um Lizenzgebühren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 812, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The college decided to ebb their plan for increasing their parking spaces.", "generated_answer": "Die Hochschule wollte sicherstellen, dass ihre Parkplätze erhöht werden.", "expected_answer": "Das College beschloss die geplante Aufstockung der Parkplätze aufzuheben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 813, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The chairman also has a seat in the university's Board of Governors.\"", "generated_answer": "Der Chef hat auch einen Platz im Universitätsrat.", "expected_answer": "Der Vorsitzende sitzt auch im Verwaltungsgremium der Universität.", "history": [] }, { "index": 814, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When Sabretooth betrayed and attacked the team, Polaris was severely injured.", "generated_answer": "\"Als Sebatroun den und das Team verraten und angreifen, wurde Polaris sehr verletzt.\"", "expected_answer": "Sabretooth verriet und attackierte das Team und dabei wurde Polaris schwer verletzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 815, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Captains complained of bulky buildings on the canal's edge blocking the line of sight.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Jasten wird kommen, eine kleinere Sparsamstellung auf den Kanälen und auf den Rande des Länderes.\"", "expected_answer": "Kapitäne kritisierten die sperrigen Gebäude am Kanalrand, welche die Sichtlinie blockierten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 816, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you file these files, please?", "generated_answer": "Kannst du das nicht?", "expected_answer": "Bitte, können Sie diese Akten einreichen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 817, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A ladybird is a type of red and black flying insect", "generated_answer": "\"Ladysbird ist ein Artstyp von Rot und Schwarzflüglernden Insekten.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Marienkäfer ist eine Art von einem roten und schwarzen, fliegenden Insekt", "history": [] }, { "index": 818, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is located in Uppsala.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist angefangen.\"", "expected_answer": "Es befindet sich in Uppsala.", "history": [] }, { "index": 819, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A child wearing a white shirt cutting paper with scissors while an adult wearing a blue sweater looks on", "generated_answer": "Der Kind in einem weißen Schirmhaube schneidet Papieren mit Schürfen, als ein Alter in einem blauen Trachtenkleid schaut auf.", "expected_answer": "Ein Kind im weißen Shirt, das Papier mit der Schere schneidet, während ein Erwachsener im blauen Pullover zusieht", "history": [] }, { "index": 820, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The volume is represented by the letter \"\"V\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Volumen ist in der Lateinisch-deutschen Sprache durch die Buchstabe V verwendet.", "expected_answer": "Die Lautstärke wird durch ein „V“ angezeigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 821, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Years of obscurity then followed for the club.", "generated_answer": "Jahre der Unbekanntheit folgenen.", "expected_answer": "Jahre der Unklarheit folgten anschließend für den Klub.", "history": [] }, { "index": 822, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This is what I wished for.", "generated_answer": "Das ist was ich wollte.", "expected_answer": "Das ist das, was ich mir gewünscht habe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 823, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What a lovely day!", "generated_answer": "Was ein lustiger Tag.", "expected_answer": "Was für ein herrlicher Tag!", "history": [] }, { "index": 824, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's a very good thing to learn about.\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist sehr gut zu lernen. Sie muss.", "expected_answer": "Es ist sehr gut darüber etwas zu lernen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 825, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The treasurer, however, objected that the sum was too much.", "generated_answer": "Die Trisector, aber das ist nicht zu viel.", "expected_answer": "Der Schatzmeister protestierte jedoch, weil die Summe zu hoch sei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 826, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man and a woman get married in a wedding ceremony.", "generated_answer": "Ein Mann und eine Frau werden verheiratet.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann und eine Frau heiraten auf einer Hochzeitsfeier.", "history": [] }, { "index": 827, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Lyceum presents one of Sheffield's annual Christmas pantomimes.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Die Liebe ist ein Weihnachtsspiel.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Lyzeum stellt eine von Sheffields jährlichen Weihnachts-Pantomimen vor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 828, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eve had a secret affair with Ronald.", "generated_answer": "Eid hatte einen eigenen Privatschieden mit Thronud.", "expected_answer": "Eve führte eine heimliche Affäre mit Ronald.", "history": [] }, { "index": 829, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"The factor,\"\" said Hart.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Der Faktor.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Faktor, meinte Hart.", "history": [] }, { "index": 830, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was thinking about omens, and someone had appeared.", "generated_answer": "Er war durchaus betrügerisch, als während des Gedankens über Omens ein Mensch angetroffen wurde.", "expected_answer": "Er dachte an Vorzeichen, und jemand tauchte auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 831, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That night, there was another jetting out of gas from the distant planet.", "generated_answer": "Das nächste Abend wurde auch noch ein Nebengebäude ausgegeben.", "expected_answer": "In dieser Nacht stieß noch weiteres Gas vom entfernten Planeten aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 832, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Niulakita's junior school is Lotoalofa Primary School.\"", "generated_answer": "Lakita's Junior School ist Loto-Alfa Primar-Schule.", "expected_answer": "Niulakita seine Junior School heißt Lotoalofa Primary School.", "history": [] }, { "index": 833, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cardinal Borromeo gave his collection of paintings and drawings to the library, too.", "generated_answer": "\"Kardinal Böhmer von Borowiecki gab seine Sammlung von Bildern und Raubstücken seinen Anbauern in der Stadt von Borowiec.\"", "expected_answer": "Auch Kardinal Borromeo übergab der Bibliothek seine Sammlung an Gemälden und Zeichnungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 834, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They think I'm working with them.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist wirklich eine großartige Idee!\"", "expected_answer": "Sie denken, dass ich mit ihnen arbeite.", "history": [] }, { "index": 835, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Breakfast is usually earlier than this, she thought.", "generated_answer": "Die Frühstücktrinkendes war oft vor diesem Seefahrt.", "expected_answer": "Das Frühstück ist eigentlich früher, dachte sie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 836, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Among others were soldiers from Gush Etzion and defenders of the Jewish quarter.", "generated_answer": "\"Andere waren Soldaten aus Geschichte und Besatzungsgebiete der Juden.\"", "expected_answer": "Unter anderen waren Soldaten von Gusch Etzion und Schützer vom jüdischen Viertel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 837, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It has happened many times before.", "generated_answer": "Es ist oft gemütlich.", "expected_answer": "Das ist schon öfters passiert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 838, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "with or without accompaniment", "generated_answer": "Ruhig entdeckt.", "expected_answer": "in Begleitung oder ohne", "history": [] }, { "index": 839, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You left out number five.", "generated_answer": "\"Du hast 5 entfernt.\"", "expected_answer": "Du hast die Nummer fünf weggelassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 840, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"But this payment goes well beyond my generosity,\"\" the monk responded.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das Geld geht nicht nur darum, mein Freund, dass ich mich freundlich bin, sondern auch darum, dass ich mich für die Arbeit der Menschen verantwortlich machen werde.\"", "expected_answer": "„Aber diese Vergütung übersteigt massiv meine Großzügigkeit“, antwortete der Mönch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 841, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is part of the Royal Armoured Corps.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist Teil des Königlichen Wegfahrzeugkorps.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gehört zum Royal Armoured Corps.", "history": [] }, { "index": 842, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You don't have to sign anything.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Du hast keinen Zeichen zu bestätigen.\"", "expected_answer": "Du musst nichts unterschreiben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 843, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He grew strawberries, so you would not like it.", "generated_answer": "Er schuf Stroberie, daß du nicht würdig wäre.", "expected_answer": "Er hat Erdbeeren angebaut, was dir ohnehin nicht gefallen würde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 844, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Welcome to Dave's guitar session.\"", "generated_answer": "Willkommen zum Dave's Gitarassenleben.", "expected_answer": "Willkommen bei Dave seiner Gitarren-Session.", "history": [] }, { "index": 845, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fair words butter no cabbage.", "generated_answer": "\"Gute Worte, aber nicht Kartoffel.\"", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 846, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"My watch wouldn't work without a quartz resonator.\"", "generated_answer": "Mein Uhrenkleid wurde ohne Quartzresonator nicht funktionieren können.", "expected_answer": "Meine Uhr würde ohne einem Quarzresonator nicht gehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 847, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "young lady Cheer up !", "generated_answer": "\"Jungfrau, Chère.\"", "expected_answer": "junge Dame, Kopf hoch!", "history": [] }, { "index": 848, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Not everyone is able to read source code.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht jeder kann den Quellcode lesen.\"", "expected_answer": "Nicht jeder ist in der Lage Quellcodes zu lesen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 849, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The treasure is at the Pyramids; that you already knew.", "generated_answer": "Die Geschöpfung ist bei den Pyramiden, die Sie alreadie wissen.", "expected_answer": "Der Schatz befindet sich bei den Pyramiden, das wusstet ihr schon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 850, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The former trolleybus loop is still used, by buses.", "generated_answer": "Die Formularebauten sind noch verwendet von Fahrzeugen.", "expected_answer": "Die ehemalige Obus-Ringleitung wird immer noch von Bussen eingesetzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 851, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't ask me why; I don't know why.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Don't ask me why, I don't know why.\"", "expected_answer": "Frag mich nicht nach dem warum, ich weiß nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 852, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A car has windows, lights, wheels... et cetera.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Auto hat Fenster, Licht, Wagen, auch andere Eigenschaften.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Auto besitzt Fenster, Lichter, Räder... et cetera.", "history": [] }, { "index": 853, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Help the woman get back to her feet.", "generated_answer": "\"Hilf, die Frau zurück zu ihrer Fuß.\"", "expected_answer": "Hilf der Frau beim Aufstehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 854, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I know good crystal from bad, and everything else there is to know about crystal.", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß gut über Krystall und alles andere, was über Krystall zu wissen ist.", "expected_answer": "Ich kenne gutes Kristall und schlechtes und alles andere, was es über Kristalle zu wissen gibt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 855, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Time and tide wait for no man.", "generated_answer": "\"Zeit und Tage für kein Mensch.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Rad der Zeit hält niemand auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 856, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The title of this book borrows a phrase from the writings of Reinhold Niebuhr.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Titel dieses Büchern stammt von einem Satz aus den Schriften von Reinhold Nieber.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Titel dieses Buches borgt sich einen Satz aus dem Schaffen von Reinhold Niebuhr aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 857, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The CEO of that Japanese company resigned.", "generated_answer": "Der Chef dieser japanischen Unternehmen hat verloren.", "expected_answer": "Der CEO des japanischen Unternehmens trat zurück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 858, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Other servants maintained the fires in the hookahs.", "generated_answer": "Andere Dienstleister behaupteten Fächer in den Hocker.", "expected_answer": "Andere Diener hielten das Feuer in den Wasserpfeifen aufrecht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 859, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"To realize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Zwei ist einmal eine Person's einzige wahre Aufgabe.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Verwirklichung des eigenen Schicksals ist die einzige wirkliche Verpflichtung des Menschen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 860, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Did you do that?", "generated_answer": "\"Sie gab es.\"", "expected_answer": "Warst du das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 861, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A boy came running towards me.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge kam rund um mich.", "expected_answer": "Ein Junge kam rennend auf mich zu.", "history": [] }, { "index": 862, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon.", "generated_answer": "Niel Armstrong war der erste Mensch, der auf dem Mond kam.", "expected_answer": "Neil Armstrong betrat als erster Mann den Mond mit seinen Füßen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 863, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This place is inaccessible by car due to the broken bridge.", "generated_answer": "Diese Stelle ist unerlässlich durch die verfallene Brücke.", "expected_answer": "Dieser Ort ist aufgrund der zerstörten Brücke nicht mit dem Auto erreichbar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 864, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Voids were filled that I didn't even realize that I had.\"", "generated_answer": "Vöglein waren, die ich nicht wusste, dass ich habe.", "expected_answer": "Leere Stellen wurden gefüllt, von denen ich nicht mal Bescheid wusste, dass ich sie hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 865, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"My name's Heather.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Mein Name ist Sheder.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich heiße Heather.", "history": [] }, { "index": 866, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the Shoreland Hotel.", "generated_answer": "In der Seenlager-Hotel.", "expected_answer": "Im Hotel Shoreland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 867, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I learned the alchemist's secrets in my travels.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich habe das Alchemist's Verdammte Geheimnis in meinem Reisen gelernt.", "expected_answer": "Die Geheimnisse des Alchemisten wurden mir auf meinen Reisen gelüftet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 868, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At the time of its construction, the building was the tallest in New York.", "generated_answer": "\"Das war mit der Bewerbung für die Anlage.\"", "expected_answer": "Zum Zeitpunkt seiner Konstruktion war das Gebäude der höchste Bau New Yorks.", "history": [] }, { "index": 869, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Tropic of Capricorn is in the Southern Hemisphere.", "generated_answer": "Die Tropikontinenz von Capricorn ist in der zwanziger Halbquadral.", "expected_answer": "Der Südliche Wendekreis liegt auf der südlichen Hemisphäre.", "history": [] }, { "index": 870, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This is due to them being named after pixels.", "generated_answer": "Dies ist darum da, da sie nach Pixelen bekannt wurden.", "expected_answer": "Das liegt daran, dass sie nach Pixeln benannt sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 871, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The book is edited by Chris DiBona, Sam Ockman and Mark Stone.", "generated_answer": "Der Buch ist durch Kirst, Dibona, Sam, und Markson verändert.", "expected_answer": "Das Buch wurde von Chris DiBona, Sam Ockman und Mark Stone herausgegeben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 872, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There are several non-governmental organisations in Sanski Most.", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt viele nicht-gegnerische Organisationen in Sanski Most.\"", "expected_answer": "In Sanski Most haben mehrere Nichtregierungsorganisationen ihren Sitz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 873, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Good point! well made.", "generated_answer": "\"Gute Punkte, wirklich gut geschaffen.\"", "expected_answer": "Guter Punkt! schön gemacht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 874, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She doesn't look happy.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Sie scheint nicht glücklich.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie sieht nicht fröhlich aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 875, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Stick to your clubs.", "generated_answer": "\"Stell dich an deinen Fußballclubs.\"", "expected_answer": "Bleibt bei euren Klubs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 876, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was not able to find the words for his feelings.", "generated_answer": "Er konnte nicht die Wörter für seine Emotionen finden.", "expected_answer": "Er konnte keine Worte für seine Gefühlslage finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 877, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had done this for years, and knew the schedule of everyone who passed.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte dies für Jahrzehnte gemacht und wusste die Umsetzung jedes Personen, die durchsprangen.", "expected_answer": "Er hatte dies über Jahre hinweg getan und er kannte die Zeitpunkte aller Verstorbenen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 878, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Stick the stamp on the envelope.", "generated_answer": "\"Stick the stamp on the envelope.\"", "expected_answer": "Klebe den Stempel auf das Kuvert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 879, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Unlike Joshua, he stood in no need of divine assistance.", "generated_answer": "Und wie auch Georg, stand er in der Welt, gab er seine zwei Schwester.", "expected_answer": "Im Gegensatz zu Joshua war er auf keine göttliche Hilfe angewiesen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 880, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You're going to have a bad time.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Du wirst ein schlechtes Tag haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Du wirst eine schlechte Zeit haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 881, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The home versions allow the player to choose from three difficulty modes.", "generated_answer": "Die Häuserversionen bieten dem Spieler die Möglichkeit, aus drei Schwierigkeitsstufen auszuwählen.", "expected_answer": "Mit den Homeversionen kann der Spieler zwischen drei Schwierigkeitsstufen wählen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 882, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can I be used to request invocation of a subsystem on the remote system?", "generated_answer": "Können wir die Subsystem-Namen auf der modernen Systeme verwenden?", "expected_answer": "Kann ich den Aufruf eines Sub-Systems auf dem Remote-System einverlangen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 883, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I did not chose that phrase.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich habe nicht das Frühstück verpasst.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe diesen Satz nicht ausgesucht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 884, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finally, he lifted one of the boards and after setting it aside carefully, looked into the space beneath the floor.", "generated_answer": "Sie gab es, um den Tisch zu bewegen.", "expected_answer": "Schließlich nahm er eines der Bretter in die Höhe und nachdem er es vorsichtig weggelegt hatte, schaute er in den Raum unter dem Boden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 885, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Its capital is Trinidad.", "generated_answer": "Die Hauptstadt ist Trinidad und Tobago.", "expected_answer": "Die Hauptstadt ist Trinidad.", "history": [] }, { "index": 886, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Greediness burst the bag.", "generated_answer": "Gratulationen brechen die Bank.", "expected_answer": "Die Gier ließ die Tasche zerbersten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 887, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Everything vintage you can imagine that can fit into a small space is there.", "generated_answer": "\"Alles wunderbar, was du in einer kleineren Raumführung einbehalten kannst, ist da.\"", "expected_answer": "Jede Art von Vintage, die man sich vorstellen kann in einem kleinen Raum, ist dort zu finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 888, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman is using a small scissors on a large net.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine Frau nutzt ein Edel, sie sieht auf Päckchennet.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine Frau verwendet eine Kleinschere für ein großes Netz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 889, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Only it'll be a lot easier with you.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nur wird es einfach besser mit Ihnen.\"", "expected_answer": "Nur wird es mit dir viel einfacher sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 890, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We chose a torus topology for our network.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir wählten eine Topologie von Tour für unsere Netzwerk.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir haben für unser Netzwerk eine Torus-Topologie ausgewählt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 891, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Very well, very well.", "generated_answer": "\"Sehr gut, sehr gut.\"", "expected_answer": "Sehr schön, sehr schön.", "history": [] }, { "index": 892, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, it seems that I am running out of cereals for breakfast.", "generated_answer": "\"Lagunen von der See ist geschützt.\"", "expected_answer": "Es sieht so aus als ob mir das Müsli für das Frühstück ausgeht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 893, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My cat laid there, soaking up the sunlight.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe meine Katzen auf ihre Sonnenlicht ausgeben.", "expected_answer": "Meine Katze lag dort und genoss das Sonnenlicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 894, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Air was either entering or escaping at the rim with a thin, sizzling sound.", "generated_answer": "Die Luft wurde in oder aus dem Räumen mit einem kleinsten Schallenfall zurückgezogen.", "expected_answer": "Luft kam herein oder trat aus der Felge mit einem schwachen, knisternden Geräusch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 895, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is also a well-used interchange for passengers between slow and fast services.", "generated_answer": "Es ist auch eine gute Verwendung für Passagiere zwischen Schnell- und Schnellwegfahrzeugen.", "expected_answer": "Es ist auch ein viel genutzter Knotenpunkt für Fahrgäste zwischen langsamen und schnellen Verkehrsmitteln.", "history": [] }, { "index": 896, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Money makes the man", "generated_answer": "Masse macht den Mensch.", "expected_answer": "Haste was, biste was", "history": [] }, { "index": 897, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Never let the sun set on thy wrath.", "generated_answer": "\"Nie lassst den Sonnenuntergang deiner Rathaus.\"", "expected_answer": "Lass niemals die Sonne untergehen bei dein Zorn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 898, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Grogan also became a film and television actress.", "generated_answer": "Gorgen auch wurde als Film- und Fernsehkünstlerin aufgewachsen.", "expected_answer": "Grogan wurde ebenfalls eine Film- und Fernsehschauspielerin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 899, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If it ain't broke, don't fix it.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn es nicht gebrochen ist, macht es nicht sinn, es zu fixieren.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn es nicht kaputt gegangen ist, dann nicht reparieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 900, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He remembered something his grandfather had once told him: that butterflies were a good omen.", "generated_answer": "\"Er vergleiche es an etwas, das sein Vater einmal erzählte ihm, dass Bütellern ein gutes Ohrblatt waren.\"", "expected_answer": "Er erinnerte sich an etwas, das sein Großvater einst zu ihm gesagt hatte: Schmetterlinge sind ein gutes Vorzeichen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 901, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many are now damaged or lost through erosion.", "generated_answer": "Viele sind jetzt der größte Gefähr.", "expected_answer": "Viele sind nun beschädigt oder verloren gegangen durch die Erosion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 902, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Never let the sun set on angry heart.", "generated_answer": "\"Nie lassen der Sonnenlicht auf ein ernstes Herz sitzen.\"", "expected_answer": "Lass niemals die Sonne untergehen bei wütendem Herzen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 903, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The results of the public voting are combined with the panel's votes.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Ergebnisse der Öffentlichen Wahlen werden mit den Panels-Antworten verknüpft.", "expected_answer": "Die Ergebnisse der öffentlichen Abstimmung werden mit den Stimmen des Gremiums zusammengelegt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 904, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What could it mean?", "generated_answer": "Was kann ich denn mein?", "expected_answer": "Was könnte das heißen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 905, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Therefore, the armed citizen-soldier carried the responsibility.", "generated_answer": "Dieses ist die Aufgabe des armeen- und soldatenwesens.", "expected_answer": "Deshalb hatte der bewaffnete Bürgersoldat die Verantwortung getragen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 906, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A cricket batsman swinging", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Cricket-Batsman schwang.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Cricketschläger am Schwingen", "history": [] }, { "index": 907, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Englishman didn't answer him directly.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wie geht's?\"", "expected_answer": "Der Engländer gab ihm keine direkte Antwort.", "history": [] }, { "index": 908, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"These are the spies,\"\" said one of the men.\"", "generated_answer": "Diese sind ihre Spinnen.", "expected_answer": "„Dies sind die Spione“, meinte einer von den Männern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 909, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't believe it!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Chanson\" in German is \"Chanson\".", "expected_answer": "Ich glaub es nicht!", "history": [] }, { "index": 910, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Stores include an Aldi supermarket, a smaller Foodworks grocery store and a McDonald's restaurant.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Starts enthalten, zum Beispiel, ein Alky-Supermarkt, einem kleineren, einem Food-Ware-Büro und einem MacGanns-Restaurant.", "expected_answer": "Zu den Läden zählen ein Aldi-Supermarkt, ein kleinerer Foodworks-Lebensmittelladen und ein McDonald's Restaurant.", "history": [] }, { "index": 911, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If he had it on him then they'll have that, too.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn er es hat, dann werden sie auch haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn er es hatte, werden sie es auch haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 912, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Foxes are uncommon where I'm from.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Fennec Foxes sind wenig bekannt.\"", "expected_answer": "Füchse sind unüblich, da wo ich herkomme.", "history": [] }, { "index": 913, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It took him half an hour to reach the edge of it.", "generated_answer": "Das hat er halb Stunde zum Rand gelangen.", "expected_answer": "Er brauchte eine halbe Stunde, um zum Rand zu gelangen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 914, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fully mature fourth-instar larvae are long.", "generated_answer": "Füllig erreichbar, vierfache und in Sternenlarva lange sind.", "expected_answer": "Voll ausgereifte Larven im vierten Stadium sind lang.", "history": [] }, { "index": 915, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The game was won by Baker.", "generated_answer": "Der Spiel wurde von Backer gewonnen.", "expected_answer": "Das Spiel gewann Baker.", "history": [] }, { "index": 916, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Four people dressed for warm weather out on a street walking.", "generated_answer": "\"Für Menschen, die für Warmes geworden sind, mit ihren Überwundenen Strassenfahrten.\"", "expected_answer": "Vier Personen in Kleidung für warmes Wetter gehen auf der Straße spazieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 917, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mind the gap.", "generated_answer": "\"Might kep.\"", "expected_answer": "Achten Sie auf den Spalt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 918, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is part of the municipality of Grootegast.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist Teil der Begründung des Geschäfts, den Gänsemangel.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gehört zur Gemeinde Grootegast.", "history": [] }, { "index": 919, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was sure the girl would never understand.", "generated_answer": "Er war sicher, dass die Frau nie verstehen würde.", "expected_answer": "Er war sich sicher, das Mädchen würde es niemals verstehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 920, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Look around some time.", "generated_answer": "Sprechen Sie deutsch?", "expected_answer": "Schau dich manchmal um.", "history": [] }, { "index": 921, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And he gave the boy his blessing.", "generated_answer": "Und er versprochen dem Jungen seine Barmherzigkeit.", "expected_answer": "Und er schenkte dem Jungen seinen Segen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 922, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why, bless my soul!", "generated_answer": "\"Wie kann ich mein Herz bewahren?\"", "expected_answer": "Warum, segne meine Seele!", "history": [] }, { "index": 923, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Now God has decided to use other methods.", "generated_answer": "Jetzt hat Gott die anderen Maßnahmen verwenden.", "expected_answer": "Gott hat nun beschlossen, andere Methoden anzuwenden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 924, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The python wasn't a snake, it was a programming language.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Python-Sprache war kein Schlangen, sondern ein Programmier-Sprache.", "expected_answer": "Python war nicht eine Schlange, sondern eine Programmiersprache.", "history": [] }, { "index": 925, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There, the alchemist separated the disk into four parts.", "generated_answer": "Ihre Meinung ist wichtig.", "expected_answer": "Dort wurde die Scheibe vom Alchemisten in vier Teile geteilt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 926, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As the sun rose, the men began to beat the boy.", "generated_answer": "Die Sonne fiel, als der Mann beginnt, den Jungen zu schlagen.", "expected_answer": "Beim Sonnenaufgang fingen die Männer damit an, den Jungen zu schlagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 927, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you know that it is correct?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie weißt du, dass das richtig ist?\"", "expected_answer": "Woher weißt du, dass es korrekt ist?", "history": [] }, { "index": 928, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This horse will nose his way to the finish.", "generated_answer": "Das Pferd wird sicher sein, dass er die Schlussfolgerung hat.", "expected_answer": "Dieses Pferd wird sich seinen Weg ins Ziel erschnüffeln.", "history": [] }, { "index": 929, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I do not know.", "generated_answer": "\"Freut mich, dich zu sehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich weiß nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 930, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He went on to build a career in insurance.", "generated_answer": "\"Wußt, um einen Beruf und Versicherung zu bauen.\"", "expected_answer": "Danach baute er sich eine Versicherungskarriere auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 931, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a quiet farm type suburb at Southern edge of Johannesburg.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist eine kleine, agrische Stadtluft im Südenrand von Johannesburg.\"", "expected_answer": "Das ist ein ruhiger Farm-Vorort am südlichen Rand Johannesburgs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 932, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sorry to keep you waiting.", "generated_answer": "\"Entschuldigung, ich warten.\"", "expected_answer": "Tut mir leid fürs Warten lassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 933, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They took their kids from the public school.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Kindern wurden von der öffentlichen Schule entfernt.", "expected_answer": "Sie holten die Kinder von der öffentlichen Schule ab.", "history": [] }, { "index": 934, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I like the avenger of the new episode, he really is a badass.", "generated_answer": "Ich liebe den Eindruck des neuen Episodens, er ist ein Schädel.", "expected_answer": "Ich mag den Rächer in der neuen Folge, er ist wirklich knallhart.", "history": [] }, { "index": 935, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After twelve hours of rowing, Darius climbed out of the canoe, and lied down on the beach to nap.", "generated_answer": "Nach zwölf Umkreise der Schlange stieg Darius aus dem Kanal und ließ sich an der See liegen.", "expected_answer": "Nach zwölf Stunden Rudern verließ Darius das Kanu und legte sich für ein Nickerchen am Strand hin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 936, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They currently hang in Hartwall Areena in Helsinki.", "generated_answer": "Ich verstehe nicht.", "expected_answer": "Zurzeit hängen sie in Helsinkis Hartwall Arena.", "history": [] }, { "index": 937, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Don't let them see that you're afraid,\"\" the alchemist said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht lassen Sie sie dich erkennen, wenn du dich verwundet bist\" - das ist das Allemith.", "expected_answer": "„Lass sie nicht deine Angst erkennen“, sagte der Alchemist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 938, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "God bless my soul!", "generated_answer": "\"Gott sei der Heilige mein Seelen.\"", "expected_answer": "Gott, segne mich und meine Seele!", "history": [] }, { "index": 939, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "From there, he could see Africa in the distance.", "generated_answer": "Aus dem dort konnte er aussehen Afrika.", "expected_answer": "Von hier aus konnte er Afrika von weitem sehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 940, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you suppose Ken got that gun?", "generated_answer": "Wie soll ich das Gewehr bekommen?", "expected_answer": "Was denkst du, woher Ken wohl die Waffe hat?", "history": [] }, { "index": 941, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Idealism led him to philosophic anarchy, and his family threw him off.", "generated_answer": "Idealismus führte ihn zum philosophischen Anarchie und ihre Familie ihn aus.", "expected_answer": "Der Idealismus steuerte ihn in Richtung der philosophischen Anarchie und seine Familie stieß ihn weg.", "history": [] }, { "index": 942, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I can not help but feel that this topic is hopelessly outdated.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich kann nicht helfen, das Thema nicht nur ausgebrannt zu werden, sondern auch ausgebrannt sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich kann nichts dafür, aber ich fühle, dass dieses Thema hoffnungslos veraltet ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 943, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Its current permanent population stands at four or five.", "generated_answer": "Ich kann es nicht verstehen, wie du das Text in der deutschen Sprache übersetzt hast.", "expected_answer": "Die aktuelle permanente Bevölkerungszahl liegt bei vier oder fünf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 944, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"One of Jackson's main arguments against the bill was the project's provincial nature.\"", "generated_answer": "Das einzige Argument, der Jackson gegen die Beschlagnahme der Beschlusses bekannt geworden ist, war seine Vernunft über die provincialen Art dieser Beschluss.", "expected_answer": "Eines der Hauptargumente von Jackson gegen das Gesetz war der provinzielle Projektcharakter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 945, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Proceeds go to the town's athletic programs.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Prozesse gehen zu den Jugendlichenprogrammen der Stadt.", "expected_answer": "Der Erlös geht an die städtischen Sportprogramme.", "history": [] }, { "index": 946, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is no place like home.", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt kein Platz so wie Heim.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gibt keinen schöneren Ort als das eigene Zuhause.", "history": [] }, { "index": 947, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you understand me?", "generated_answer": "Sie verstehen Sie.", "expected_answer": "Verstehst du, was ich meine?", "history": [] }, { "index": 948, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Moving with speed and aggression, the French pushed the Allies over the Aisne river.", "generated_answer": "Die Stunde, in der der Frank mit den Pferden und der Arbeit der Arzt über die Alster schwimmt, ist die Zeit, in der der Arzt über die Alster schwimmt.", "expected_answer": "Schnell und aggressiv schubsten die Franzosen die Alliierten über den Fluss Aisne.", "history": [] }, { "index": 949, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When he returned to Suriname, he worked in the financial system.", "generated_answer": "\"Wieder wurde er zur eigenen Familienscheinname zurückgewiesen, der erstellte einen Schiff im Nineteensiezenten-System.\"", "expected_answer": "Zurück in Suriname, arbeitete er im Finanzsystem.", "history": [] }, { "index": 950, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Treatment of endemic goiter is medical with iodine and thyroxine preparations.", "generated_answer": "Entwicklung der Endmikrokosmose ist medizinische mit AIDEN und THIOXID Füllung.", "expected_answer": "Die endemische Struma wird medizinisch mit Jod- und Thyroxinpräparaten behandelt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 951, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "People saw me coming and welcomed me, he thought.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist wahr.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Menschen sahen mich kommen und grüßten mich, dachte er sich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 952, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The members of the Senate had to be Finnish citizens.", "generated_answer": "Die Mitglieder des Senats waren müssen als amerikanischen Staatsbürger abgebildet sein.", "expected_answer": "Die Senatsmitglieder mussten finnische Staatsbürger sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 953, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't try to teach your grand-mother to suck eggs.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht versucht, deine Großmutter zu Äggeln.\"", "expected_answer": "Versuch nicht deiner Großmutter das Eier lutschen beizubringen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 954, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A white bird spreads its wings and jumps into the water feet first.", "generated_answer": "Der Weidevogel schwebt seine Langen Wandlungen und dann in die Wasserflügel reitet.", "expected_answer": "Ein weißer Vogel spreizt seine Flügel und springt mit den Füßen voran ins Wasser.", "history": [] }, { "index": 955, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How wonderful she must have looked in beach pyjamas!", "generated_answer": "Wie wundervoll sie müßten ausgehen in Bikini-Tee.", "expected_answer": "Wie toll sie in Strandpyjamas ausgesehen haben muss!", "history": [] }, { "index": 956, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That blond guy over there is a git.", "generated_answer": "Das Blondes über there ist ein Gute.", "expected_answer": "Der blonde Typ da drüben ist ein Depp.", "history": [] }, { "index": 957, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How can you have any happiness after that?", "generated_answer": "Wie kannst du einen Glück haben, nachdem du sterben?", "expected_answer": "Wie kannst du danach noch glücklich bleiben?", "history": [] }, { "index": 958, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man is putting in an order at the kitchen of a restaurant.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Mann legt ein in einer Küchenstube des Restaurants ein.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann gibt eine Bestellung in der Küche eines Restaurants auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 959, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Of course, the two were unable to do anything.", "generated_answer": "\"Of course, the tumor is benign.\"", "expected_answer": "Selbstverständlich konnten die beiden nichts tun.", "history": [] }, { "index": 960, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And the murmur lasted longer than a simple vow would have.", "generated_answer": "\"Und das Bewegung länger als ein einfaches Weltkreuz wäre.\"", "expected_answer": "Und das Murmeln hielt länger an als es ein simples Gelübde getan hätte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 961, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Presumably Ryan never did any sanity checks.", "generated_answer": "\"Vielleicht, lieber nicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Vermutlich hat sich Ryan nie gesundheitlich durchchecken lassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 962, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Born in Cologne, he is the son of composer Karlheinz Stockhausen.", "generated_answer": "Sein Vater war der Komponist Carl H. Stöckhüsen.", "expected_answer": "Er kommt aus Köln und ist der Sohn des Komponisten Karlheinz Stockhausen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 963, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Marry in haste, repent at leisure.", "generated_answer": "Acht", "expected_answer": "Heiraten in Eile bereut man in Weile.", "history": [] }, { "index": 964, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Please clear the gangway or we won't be able to get out\"", "generated_answer": "Entschuldigung, bitte. Gehen Sie weg, oder wir werden nicht ausgehen können.", "expected_answer": "Bitte räume den Durchgang oder wir kommen nicht heraus", "history": [] }, { "index": 965, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you mean to do?", "generated_answer": "Was Sie tun möchten.", "expected_answer": "Was willst du tun?", "history": [] }, { "index": 966, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What more do you want?", "generated_answer": "Was mehr du möchtest.", "expected_answer": "Was willst du noch mehr?", "history": [] }, { "index": 967, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"For more on Radcliffe's shifting role in the University, see Radcliffe College.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Rattenköpfigkeit in der Universität - Ratcliff-Hochschule.\"", "expected_answer": "Mehr über Radcliffes veränderte Rolle in der Universität finden Sie unter Radcliffe College.", "history": [] }, { "index": 968, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Maud Committee reported three years later.", "generated_answer": "Drei Jahre später wurde das Modellkomitee berichtet.", "expected_answer": "Das Maud-Komitee berichtete nach drei Jahren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 969, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Every path has its puddle.", "generated_answer": "\"Jeder Weg hat seine Pudel.\"", "expected_answer": "Jeder Pfad hat seine Pfütze.", "history": [] }, { "index": 970, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kuakata is the place of pilgrimage for both Hindu and Buddhist communities.", "generated_answer": "Kricketapfel ist das Ort der PILGRIMMARK für beide Hände und Büdderkommunen.", "expected_answer": "Kuakata ist Wallfahrtsort für sowohl hinduistische als auch buddhistische Gemeinschaften.", "history": [] }, { "index": 971, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She joined up too.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie joine zwei.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie schloss auch auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 972, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But it does not allow for adding new members to interfaces.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie nicht erlaubt, neue Eigenschaften zu einem Interface hinzuzufügen.\"", "expected_answer": "Man kann jedoch nicht neue Mitglieder zu Schnittstellen hinzuzufügen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 973, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Patience is a virtue.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Asiaten ist der Weltkrieg.\"", "expected_answer": "Geduld ist eine Tugend.", "history": [] }, { "index": 974, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The story is recounted in Sophocles' \"\"Women of Trachis\"\" and Ovid's \"\"Metamorphoses\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Die Geschichte wird dargebracht auf Sphokles' Frauen von Trachis und Obb's Metamorphenes.", "expected_answer": "Die Geschichte wird in Sophokles „Die Trachinierinnen“ und Ovids „Metamorphosen“ erzählt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 975, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His manservant was also kidnapped and held with him.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe auch sein Vater gekämpft.", "expected_answer": "Sein Diener wurde ebenfalls entführt und mit ihm zusammen festgehalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 976, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ines loves to go swimming.", "generated_answer": "In den Wasser zu schwimmen.", "expected_answer": "Ines liebt es zu schwimmen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 977, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The old runway near to Mountbatten Road is now called Old Airport Road.", "generated_answer": "\"Die alten Flughafenlinie nächste nach Mittelbau-Strasse ist jetzt 'Altes Flughafenweg'.\"", "expected_answer": "Der alte Runway in der Nähe der Mountbatten Road heißt heute Old Airport Road.", "history": [] }, { "index": 978, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Check the main features on the website.", "generated_answer": "\"Auf der Website können Sie die Menge an Funktionen aufprüfen.\"", "expected_answer": "Schauen Sie sich die wichtigsten Funktionen auf der Website an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 979, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn Leben ihren Augenbrüchen gibt, mach einen Lichter.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn dir das Leben eine Zitrone gibt, dann mach Limonade draus", "history": [] }, { "index": 980, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yes, it would be difficult.", "generated_answer": "Dies ist eine Schwierigkeit.", "expected_answer": "Ja, das wäre schwer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 981, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have a good time.", "generated_answer": "\"Gute Nacht.\"", "expected_answer": "Viel Spaß.", "history": [] }, { "index": 982, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Help the weak to preserve their strength.", "generated_answer": "Hilfe, den Wochenend zu bewahren.", "expected_answer": "Hilf den Schwachen, damit sie ihre Kraft behalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 983, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I always said so.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin immer noch gesagt.\"", "expected_answer": "Das sagte ich immer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 984, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What am I to do with it?", "generated_answer": "Was möchte ich tun.", "expected_answer": "Wieso betrifft mich das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 985, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This was first done by Bertrand around the same time that Cayley named them.", "generated_answer": "Dies war erst gemacht von Bertrand, umgekehrt wurde es von Käylle.", "expected_answer": "Zuerst wurde dies von Bertrand etwa zur gleichen Zeit getan, als Cayley sie nannte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 986, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But you've got to leave me alone.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Aber, sie haben müssen mir aussteigen.\"", "expected_answer": "Aber du sollst mich in Frieden lassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 987, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The devil take him!", "generated_answer": "Die Deutsche Sprache.", "expected_answer": "Der Teufel kriegt ihn!", "history": [] }, { "index": 988, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The agent secretly entered the embassy from the roof.", "generated_answer": "Die Agentin kam unbekannt aus dem Rauchen aus dem Amt.", "expected_answer": "Der Agent trat versteckt in die Botschaft durch das Dach ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 989, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Even though the sheep didn't teach me to speak Arabic.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich glaube, der Schiff hat mich nicht erzieht, um Sprache zu reden.\"", "expected_answer": "Obwohl mir das Schaf nicht die arabische Sprache beigebracht hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 990, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then they got ahold of some dough and went goofy.", "generated_answer": "Dann hatten sie ein Hund und wiegen.", "expected_answer": "Dann kriegten sie etwas Knete und wurden albern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 991, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That it was unable to deal with this boy who spoke the Language of the World.", "generated_answer": "Das war nicht vermögen, diesen Jungen, der Sprache der Welt zu beherrschen.", "expected_answer": "Dass der Umgang mit diesem Jungen unmöglich war, der die Sprache der Welt sprach.", "history": [] }, { "index": 992, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'll cough a bit for you\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kaufe ein bisschen für dich.", "expected_answer": "Ich werde ein wenig für dich husten", "history": [] }, { "index": 993, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My review of the sun: one star.", "generated_answer": "\"Mein Review des Sonnenstern.\"", "expected_answer": "Meine Sonnen-Bewertung: ein Stern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 994, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That is all I have to say.", "generated_answer": "Das ist alles, was man sagen muss.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe nur so viel zu sagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 995, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The reality is gradual development.", "generated_answer": "Ich verstehe nicht.", "expected_answer": "Die Realität entwickelt sich schrittweise.", "history": [] }, { "index": 996, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Screen the porch with woven straw mats.", "generated_answer": "Strommats an die Tafel schuellen.", "expected_answer": "Decke die Veranda mit geflochtenen Strohmatten ab.", "history": [] }, { "index": 997, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Englishman vanished, too, gone to find the alchemist.", "generated_answer": "Der Engländer wurde auch verloren, um den Alchemist zu finden.", "expected_answer": "Der Engländer verschwand ebenso, um den Alchemisten zu suchen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 998, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Because of the omens,\"\" the alchemist answered.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Weil der Alchemist eine Gebetsode erhielt.\"", "expected_answer": "„Wegen der Vorzeichen“, entgegnete der Alchemist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 999, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The men fell into an animated discussion.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann fiel in einem angemessenen Diskussion.", "expected_answer": "Die Männerrunde endete in einer lebhaften Diskussion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1000, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where is my wife?", "generated_answer": "Was ist das?", "expected_answer": "Wo bleibt meine Frau?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1001, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He'll knock you off a few sticks in no time.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Er wird dich aus einigen Stichen lassen.\"", "expected_answer": "Er wird dir im Handumdrehen ein paar Stöcken abschlagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1002, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most bids had fairly specific requirements regarding hand strength and suit distribution.", "generated_answer": "\"Mehrere Angebote hatten einige spezifische Voraussetzungen zur Anfrage von Hand-Kraft und Stilverteilung.\"", "expected_answer": "Die meisten Angebote hatten ziemlich spezifische Anforderungen zur Handfestigkeit und zum Anzugsvertrieb.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1003, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ohne diese Liebe wird man keine Botschaft haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Ohne so einer Liebe wären Träume etwas Bedeutungsloses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1004, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Apparently, it's the dumplings that make this stew taste so good.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Sehr gut.\"", "expected_answer": "Offenbar lassen die Knödel diesen Eintopf so gut schmecken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1005, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dunmore had two side platforms.", "generated_answer": "Die mehr man sich entscheidet.", "expected_answer": "Dunmore hat zwei seitliche Bahnsteige.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1006, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Too late, though, he recognizes the guard's voice as Karma's.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Zu spät aber erfährt er, dass der Gefährling sein Laut ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Es ist zu spät, er erkennt die Stimme des Wächters, jene von Karma.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1007, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was like electricity through her veins.", "generated_answer": "Es war wie Elektrizität durch ihre Läden.", "expected_answer": "Es fühlte sich an wie Elektrizität in ihren Adern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1008, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"And better still to be alone with one's books.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Und besser noch, als alleine mit seinen Büchern.\"", "expected_answer": "Und es ist noch besser allein zu sein mit jemandes Büchern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1009, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The family that prays together, stays together.", "generated_answer": "Die Familie trefft sich, bleibt.", "expected_answer": "Familien, die gemeinsam beten, bleiben zusammen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1010, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Faint heart never won fair lady.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht die Wehe nicht gewonnen hat die Fair Lady.\"", "expected_answer": "Frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1011, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In many years that followed, the word \"\"Basud\"\" was eventually changed to Bansud.\"", "generated_answer": "\"In mehreren Jahren folgendes Wort wurde später auch 'Bassout' geändert.\"", "expected_answer": "In den vielen darauffolgenden Jahren wurde das Wort „Basud“ zu Bansud.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1012, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man in a white shirt carries a drum as he talks to two other men.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann in einem weißen Schal legt ein Drum auf und spricht zu zwei anderen Mannen.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann im weißen Shirt trägt eine Trommel und spricht dabei mit zwei anderen Männern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1013, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conscience makes cowards of us all.", "generated_answer": "Gemütlichkeit macht alle Können.", "expected_answer": "Das Gewissen verwandelt uns alle in Feiglinge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1014, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Upon his return to Poland he continued his service in the economical intelligence.", "generated_answer": "Nach seinem Rückkehr zur Universität hatte er weiter seine Arbeit im Wirtschaftswissenschaften durchgeführt.", "expected_answer": "Zurück in Polen setzte er seinen Dienst für Economist Intelligence fort.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1015, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you seen it?", "generated_answer": "Sie haben es gesehen.", "expected_answer": "Konntest du es sehen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1016, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seemed such a little thing, so bright and small and still.", "generated_answer": "Es scheint so wenig, so kleiner und so schwer.", "expected_answer": "Es schien so klein zu sein, so hell und winzig und still.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1017, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Angela wanted to copy everything he had done.", "generated_answer": "\"Einzelfälle kopieren.\"", "expected_answer": "Angela wollte alles, was er tat, kopieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1018, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy waited, and then interrupted the old man just as he himself had been interrupted.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge wartete und dann interrupert der Alte, wie er sich selbst aufgehoben hatte.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge wartete, unterbrach anschließend den alten Mann, so wie er auch unterbrochen worden war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1019, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jim became head of the draft board.", "generated_answer": "\"Jim wurde Chef des Entscheidungsstabes.\"", "expected_answer": "Jim wurde Vorstand der Musterungskommission.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1020, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She had no right over him.", "generated_answer": "Sie hatte keine Rechte über ihn.", "expected_answer": "Sie hatte keinerlei Recht über ihn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1021, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Strong cryptography can prevent a man in the middle from reading a conversation.", "generated_answer": "\"Stark Kontografie kann ein Männer im Mitteln von einer Konsolenkonsversation verbergen.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine verstärkte Kryptographie kann vermeiden, dass ein Mann mittendrin ein Gespräch mitliest.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1022, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, nothing at all.", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts nichts.\"", "expected_answer": "Nein, absolut gar nichts.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1023, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We value your custom.", "generated_answer": "\"Wert Ihrer Kostüme.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir schätzen Ihre Kundschaft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1024, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was also a member of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity.", "generated_answer": "\"Er wurde auch Mitglied der Phi Alpha Delta-Gesellschaft der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Vereinigung.\"", "expected_answer": "Er war auch ein Mitglied der Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1025, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That sobered him a little.", "generated_answer": "Das hat ihm nicht sehr gut gezwungen.", "expected_answer": "Das brachte ihm ein wenig Ernüchterung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1026, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cavilla characterized the transfer of leadership as an illegal act.", "generated_answer": "Kavilas beschrieb den Übergang der Herrschaft als ungeeigneter Akt.", "expected_answer": "Cavilla stempelte den Führungswechsel als illegalen Akt ab.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1027, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Ijma' refers to a unanimous consensus.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist ein Unternehmen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ijma' steht für einen einstimmigen Konsens.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1028, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They are going to listen to the famous Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Federigo Borromeo.", "generated_answer": "Ihr werdet das erste Sprechen mit dem erfolgreichen Archivfürsten von Meinä, Baron Federico Borromeo.", "expected_answer": "Sie werden dem berühmten Erzbischof von Mailand zuhören, nämlich Kardinal Federigo Borromeo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1029, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The material may tear if tugged excessively.", "generated_answer": "Die Materialeignis kann durch zu starkes Taten getrocknet werden.", "expected_answer": "Das Material kann reißen, wenn zu kräftig daran gezogen wird.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1030, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was not a scholarly orientalist.", "generated_answer": "Er war nicht ein orientalistischer Schüler.", "expected_answer": "Er war kein hochgeistiger Orientalist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1031, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The loafers and golf caddies were used to hanging out near the railway station.", "generated_answer": "\"Nach unten und nach links sind die Fahrzeuge für den Bahnhof verwendet.\"", "expected_answer": "Gammler und Golf-Caddys waren es gewohnt in Bahnhofsnähe abzuhängen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1032, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He turned from the door and walked slowly toward the gate, still holding the keys in his hand.", "generated_answer": "Er wandte sich von der Tür und fuhr langsam zurück zu den Gästen, die den Schlüssel in den Hand befand.", "expected_answer": "Er drehte sich von der Tür weg und ging langsam Richtung Tor mit den Schlüsseln in seiner Hand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1033, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then suddenly he noticed it with a start.", "generated_answer": "\"Schnell genommen.\"", "expected_answer": "Dann merkte er es plötzlich mit einem Schreck.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1034, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A boy in white asleep at the bottom of the river.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge ist weiß und schläft im Untergrund des Flusses.", "expected_answer": "Ein Junge in weiß gekleidet, schlafend, am Flussende.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1035, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then he dropped his spade, picked up his jacket, and came out into the road.", "generated_answer": "Dann droppte er sein Spiel, legte sein Jacken auf und kam aus dem Straßenweg.", "expected_answer": "Dann ließ er seinen Spaten fallen, nahm seine Jacke und ging auf die Straße raus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1036, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The introduction provides some general notes about Paul.", "generated_answer": "Die Einführung erläutert einige gesetzliche Noten über Paul.", "expected_answer": "Die Einleitung enthält ein paar allgemeine Infos zu Paul.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1037, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To fleece him smartly.", "generated_answer": "\"Zum Ausdruck zu leisten.\"", "expected_answer": "Um es geschickt zu scheren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1038, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I've already mailed a copy of this letter to Mrs. Louise.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich habe bereits eine Kopie der Brief an Missus Louis gesendet.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe Mrs. Louise bereits eine Briefkopie zugesendet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1039, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'd like to have my robe.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich möchte meinen Ropen haben.", "expected_answer": "Ich hätte gerne mein Gewand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1040, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cathedral had Gothic architecture.", "generated_answer": "Der Kapitel wird mit Gotikarchitektur besitzen.", "expected_answer": "Die Kathedrale war im gotischen Stil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1041, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Marge is short for margarine.", "generated_answer": "\"März\" ist eine kurze Bezeichnung für \"Marzipan\".", "expected_answer": "Marge ist die Kurzform von Margarine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1042, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you mean?", "generated_answer": "Was bedeutet das?", "expected_answer": "Wie meinst du?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1043, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cat sat on the fence.", "generated_answer": "Der Katze stand auf dem Fahrrad.", "expected_answer": "Die Katze war auf der Umzäunung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1044, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When the judge pronounced the death sentence, the defendant showed no emotion.", "generated_answer": "Der Richter sprach den Todesverdictum, und der Verfugungsschutzantritt nicht in Bezug auf die Emotionen.", "expected_answer": "Bei der Verkündung des Todesurteils durch den Richter zeigte der Angeklagte keinerlei Emotion.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1045, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A cricket bowler winds up", "generated_answer": "\"Der Cricketer wird aufstehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Cricket-Bowler holt aus", "history": [] }, { "index": 1046, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't understand you.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich verstehe nicht Sie.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich kann dich nicht verstehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1047, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wow, the stroboscope effect on the ball is really astonishing!", "generated_answer": "Die Stroboskop-Effekt auf dem Ball ist sehr angenehmlich.", "expected_answer": "Wow, der Stroboskopeffekt am Ball ist echt staunenswert!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1048, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was steel, a fisher trap.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war Stahl, ein Fischerei-Trap.\"", "expected_answer": "Stahl, eine Fischerfalle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1049, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He picked up the two stones and put them back in his pouch.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte zwei Stämme auf den Beinen und legte sie in sein Gepäck.", "expected_answer": "Er nahm die zwei Steine hoch und steckte sie wieder in seine Tasche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1050, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His approach did not meet with universal acceptance.", "generated_answer": "Ich kann das Text nicht übersetzen, da ich nur eine deutsche Übersetzung erhalte.", "expected_answer": "Seine Vorgehensweise brachte keine allgemeine Akzeptanz entgegen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1051, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The soul is theirs, stored in silicon and microcode.", "generated_answer": "Der Seelenraum ist daher in Silizium und Mikrocoat enthalten.", "expected_answer": "Die Seele ist ihre, aufbewahrt in Silizium und Mikrocode.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1052, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What had been next to him five minutes ago was now at the other side.", "generated_answer": "\"Nun ist er nächste zu ihm.\"", "expected_answer": "Was vor fünf Minuten neben ihm war, war jetzt auf der anderen Seite.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1053, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Two white and brown dogs barking on the shoreline while waves roll in behind them.", "generated_answer": "Zwei weiße und Braunhunde laufen auf der Schiene, während wir auf der Nebenlinie wachsen.", "expected_answer": "Zwei weiße und braune Hunde, die an der Küste bellen, während hinter ihnen Wellen rollen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1054, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Adam is a crook.", "generated_answer": "\"Adam ist der Crew.\"", "expected_answer": "Adam ist ein Gauner.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1055, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Other bus companies such as Greyhound also provide numerous daily services.", "generated_answer": "Die Bus-Gesellschaften wie Greyhound auch bieten mehrere Dienstleistungen.", "expected_answer": "Andere Busgesellschaften wie Greyhound bieten auch zahlreiche tägliche Dienste an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1056, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His father was a skilled melodeon player.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Vater war ein schweren Melodionspieler.", "expected_answer": "Sein Vater war ein erfahrener Akkordeonspieler.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1057, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I thought about the difficulties in translation that might arise.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich habe durchaus über die Schwierigkeiten in der Übersetzung von Moray gesprochen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe über die Schwierigkeiten bei der Übersetzung nachgedacht, die entstehen könnten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1058, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The richest man in town!", "generated_answer": "Der Rentier der Stadt.", "expected_answer": "Der reichste Mann der Stadt!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1059, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Of course it was not you.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht wahr.\"", "expected_answer": "Natürlich warst du es nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1060, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Is that okay?", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin ein Mensch.\"", "expected_answer": "Ist das in Ordnung?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1061, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He left with high praise from the Ohio's newspapers.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Er ging mit einem gewaltigen Schritt aus dem \"Pilz\" aus dem \"Pulp\".\"", "expected_answer": "Er ging mit großem Lob von den Zeitungen aus Ohio.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1062, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace invented the Analytical Engine.", "generated_answer": "Charles Babbage und andere Löwenleben entwickelten die analytische Enge.", "expected_answer": "Charles Babbage und Ada Lovelace erfanden die Analytical Engine.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1063, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Replace the Ts in Tim Tebow's name with any other consonant to get a Star Wars character\"", "generated_answer": "\"Tim Taboe\" in German is \"Tim Taboe\".", "expected_answer": "Ersetze die Ts im Namen Tim Tebow durch einen anderen Konsonanten, um eine Star Wars-Figur zu erhalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1064, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wrestling, boxing and karate are well-known examples of martial arts.", "generated_answer": "Wrestling, Boxing, und Karate sind weltweit bekannte Beispiele für die Martial-Arts.", "expected_answer": "Wrestling, Boxen und Karate sind bekannte Beispiele für Kampfsport.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1065, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Each chapter has a title composed of four Chinese characters.", "generated_answer": "Einige Kapitel haben einen Titel aus drei Chinese Buchstaben.", "expected_answer": "Jedes Kapitel hat einen Titel, der aus vier chinesischen Zeichen besteht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1066, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But don't you think he's just beautiful!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Sie glaubt, er ist schön.\"", "expected_answer": "Denkst du nicht, dass er einfach nur wunderschön ist?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1067, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In one he had read that, many years ago, a famous Arabian alchemist had visited Europe.", "generated_answer": "In einem, das er erlebt hatte, dass viele Jahre zurück gekommen war, ein weißer algerischer Alchemist in Europa.", "expected_answer": "In einem hatte er gelesen, dass ein berühmter arabischer Alchemist vor vielen Jahren Europa besucht hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1068, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Guest House eventually moved to Lake Orion, Michigan.", "generated_answer": "Gastgehst befährt sich jetzt auf der See von Orion.", "expected_answer": "Das Guest House zog schließlich nach Lake Orion, Michigan.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1069, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you know about that?", "generated_answer": "Wie kannst du das so sein?", "expected_answer": "Was wissen Sie darüber?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1070, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, what do you want?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie geht's?\"", "expected_answer": "Nun, was willst du?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1071, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Easy come, easy go.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nur ein kleiner Schritt.\"", "expected_answer": "Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1072, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The course of love never did run smooth.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Ursache der Liebe, immer noch nicht längst.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Kurs der Liebe verlief nie reibungslos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1073, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you understand that?", "generated_answer": "Können Sie das verstehen?", "expected_answer": "Verstehst du das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1074, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You are what you eat.", "generated_answer": "Ich bin was du bist.", "expected_answer": "Du bist, was du isst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1075, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most of the people are of Swati tribe.", "generated_answer": "Die meisten Menschen sind von der Süd-Afrikanischen Süd-Swaat-Stamm.", "expected_answer": "Die meisten Menschen sind vom Swazi-Stamm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1076, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Will that suit you?", "generated_answer": "\"Willkommen!\"", "expected_answer": "Passt dir das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1077, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Apricot is healthy.", "generated_answer": "Apfelkuchen ist erst.", "expected_answer": "Aprikose ist gesund.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1078, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As you sow, so shall you reap.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe gerade geschissen und fahnte alle über mich selbst.", "expected_answer": "Man erntet, was man sät.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1079, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many artists have recorded their interpretations of the song.", "generated_answer": "Viele Künstler haben ihre Äußerungen der Lied in den Händen geschickt.", "expected_answer": "Viele Künstler haben ihre Interpretationen des Songs aufgenommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1080, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A lot of money.", "generated_answer": "Viel Geld.", "expected_answer": "Viel Geld.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1081, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the controversy that ensued he wrote many pamphlets, often anonymous, and frequently provocative.", "generated_answer": "In der Controverse stellte er viele Pläne der anonymen und verrückt veröffentlichten.", "expected_answer": "Im darauf folgenden Streit schrieb er viele, oft anonyme und häufig provokative Broschüren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1082, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is a letter of introduction addressing a Laird.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist eine Anmeldung, die einem Läden angefordert.\"", "expected_answer": "Es ist eine Empfehlung an einen Laird.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1083, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I can’t understand it.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich kann es nicht verstehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich verstehe es nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1084, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Salvatore hides in a meat factory that he owns.", "generated_answer": "Salatör verwaltet einen Fleischwirtschaft.", "expected_answer": "Salvatore versteckt sich in einer Fleischfabrik, die ihm gehört.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1085, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Williams participated in the event.", "generated_answer": "Williams participiert in das Event.", "expected_answer": "Williams nahm an der Veranstaltung teil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1086, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You had me worried.", "generated_answer": "\"Du hast mich verworffen.\"", "expected_answer": "Du hast mich beunruhigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1087, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After the Patriots, Fauria joined the Washington Redskins for one season.", "generated_answer": "Nach Patrius' Fury im Westen Westen Redskins-Fußball-Saison.", "expected_answer": "Nach den Patriots schließ sich Fauria den Washington Redskins für eine Saison an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1088, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "First things first.", "generated_answer": "\"Erstes Ding, erstes Ding.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Wichtigste zuerst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1089, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"When there's a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically drop down.\"", "generated_answer": "Kannst du mir bitte die Übersetzung in deutscher Sprache erteilen?", "expected_answer": "Die Sauerstoffmasken fallen bei einem Verlust des Kabinendrucks automatisch herunter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1090, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A joy to every child is the swan boat.", "generated_answer": "\"Er joiniert zum Gruppen der Svanbo.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Schwan-Boot ist eine Freude für jedes Kind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1091, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm the king of Salem,\"\" the old man had said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin der König von Salom,\" sagte das alte Mann.", "expected_answer": "„Ich bin der König von Salem“, hatte der alte Mann gesagt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1092, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It looks like it.", "generated_answer": "\"Es scheint wie es ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Es sieht so aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1093, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To add insult to injury.", "generated_answer": "\"Zusammen mit Schaden.\"", "expected_answer": "Um dem Ganzen die Krone aufzusetzen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1094, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Google search bar is for searching, not for typing URLs!", "generated_answer": "\"Zentrum für Forschung und Entwicklung\"", "expected_answer": "Die Google-Suchleiste dient der Suche, nicht der Eingabe von URLs!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1095, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The best cast at dice is not to play.", "generated_answer": "Die besten Kasten sind, nicht, um zu spielen.", "expected_answer": "Die beste Besetzung beim Würfeln ist nicht zu spielen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1096, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oh no, that is terrible!", "generated_answer": "\"Oh no, das ist schlimm.\"", "expected_answer": "Oh nein, das ist schrecklich!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1097, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The album eventually sold over four million records.", "generated_answer": "Der Album endetet schließlich über einen Millionen Händlern verkauft.", "expected_answer": "Das Album wurde letztendlich über vier Millionen Mal verkauft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1098, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The wide road shimmered in the hot sun.", "generated_answer": "Der weiße Weg schwankte in dein Herz.", "expected_answer": "Die breite Straße schimmerte in der heißen Sonne.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1099, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Mrs. Sarah doesn't either.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht auch Frau Sera.\"", "expected_answer": "Fräulein Sarah auch nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1100, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I didn't know shepherds knew how to read,\"\" said a girl's voice behind him.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich wusste nicht, dass Schiffer knew Hauptmann,\" sagte eine Frau, während ihres Hintergrundes.", "expected_answer": "„Ich wusste nicht, dass Hirten lesen können“, sagte eine Mädchenstimme hinter ihm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1101, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Or the name may derive from the Anglo-Saxon word \"\"hoppen\"\" meaning funfair.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Oder könnte der Name aus dem Englischen-Sachsenartigen Wort 'Hoppen', das bedeutet 'Feste' oder 'Festtag', entstehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Oder der Name stammt vom angelsächsischen Wort „Hopfen“, was Kirmes bedeutet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1102, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My first day at work was horrible, but it was not my fault", "generated_answer": "\"Meine erste Arbeitstag war schlecht, aber es war nicht meines Sohns.\"", "expected_answer": "Mein erster Tag bei der Arbeit war schrecklich, aber es war nicht mein Fehler", "history": [] }, { "index": 1103, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Windthorst is served by the Windthorst Independent School District.", "generated_answer": "Wintors is gelehrt von Wintorserindeutschland.", "expected_answer": "Windthorst dient dem Devine Independent School District.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1104, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm making brownies with Fred.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich machen Kranzkäse mit Fred.", "expected_answer": "Ich mache Brownies mit Fred.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1105, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The attacks, however, did not cease.", "generated_answer": "Die Angriffe, aber nicht zutreffen.", "expected_answer": "Jedoch hörten die Angriffe nicht auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1106, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Open source technology means people don't need to keep reinventing the wheel.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Open-Source Technologie bedeutet, dass Menschen kein, Re-Inventieren der Welt müssen.\"", "expected_answer": "Open-Source-Technologie bedeutet, dass Menschen das Rad nicht ständig neu erfinden müssen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1107, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Will no one go?", "generated_answer": "\"Wann wir nicht gehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Wird niemand gehen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1108, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The conversation was interrupted by the warehouse boss.", "generated_answer": "Die Konversation wurde durch das Warehouse-Buch gestoppt.", "expected_answer": "Das Gespräch wurde vom Chef des Lagers unterbrochen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1109, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The wind began to pick up.", "generated_answer": "Der Wind beginnt zu steigen.", "expected_answer": "Der Wind begann zuzunehmen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1110, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She realizes that he will have to remain in the military, which upsets her.", "generated_answer": "Sie glaubt, dass er muss im Heer bleiben, das fühlte ihr verwirrt.", "expected_answer": "Sie sieht ein, dass er beim Militär bleiben muss, was sie beunruhigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1111, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then, you taught me something of the universal language and the Soul of the World.", "generated_answer": "Dann haben Sie mir gezogen, etwas der Universelle Sprache und der Seelen des Weltes zu lernen.", "expected_answer": "Du hast mir dann etwas von der Universalsprache und der Seele der Welt beigebracht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1112, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rich here, poor hereafter.", "generated_answer": "\"Richert\"", "expected_answer": "Reich hier, arm im Folgenden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1113, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I needed to concentrate more\"\", cried Jasper.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich brauchte mehr Konsentration,\" sagte Jestbo.", "expected_answer": "„Ich musste mich mehr konzentrieren“, rief Jasper.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1114, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The album was said to draw inspiration from classic ballets and opera themes.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Album wurde als Inspiration von klassischen Ballet- und Operstücken verfolgt.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Album soll sich inspirieren lassen von klassischen Ballett- und Opernthemen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1115, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The hog crawled under the high fence.", "generated_answer": "Huhg gekroch unter den hochfernen Hügel.", "expected_answer": "Das Schwein kroch unter den hohen Zaun.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1116, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The crossbar latch consists of a signal line crossed by two control lines.", "generated_answer": "Die Krossbar-Lauchzeile bestehen aus einer Signallierungsschnitt, die zwei Regellinen überfüllt.", "expected_answer": "Der Querlattenschluss besteht aus einer Signalleitung, die gekreuzt wird von zwei Steuerleitungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1117, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I just want to give you a big hug!", "generated_answer": "Ich möchte Ihnen ein großes Geschenk geben.", "expected_answer": "Ich will dich einfach fest umarmen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1118, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He demonstrated the arpeggio sequence during a clinic at the Atlanta Institute of Music.", "generated_answer": "Das zeigte die Arpeggio-Sequenz im Klinik bei der Atlanta-Institut für Musik.", "expected_answer": "Er führte die Arpeggio-Sequenz vor während einem Kurs am Atlanta Institute of Music.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1119, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "By then, Blass had a sizable number of members in his own criminal gang.", "generated_answer": "Dann hatte Blas eine gewisse Anzahl an Mitgliedern seiner eigenen kriminellen Gruppe.", "expected_answer": "Blass hatte bis dahin eine beachtliche Anzahl von Mitgliedern in seiner eigenen kriminellen Bande.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1120, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Two dogs are facing each other in a grassy field.", "generated_answer": "Zwei Hunde stehen in einem Gartengarten.", "expected_answer": "Zwei Menschen stehen sich auf einem grasbewachsenen Feld gegenüber.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1121, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The binder is evacuated by the pumping system and collected or purged downstream.", "generated_answer": "Nebelender wird durch die Schadensersatz-Systeme ausgepumpt und übergewaschen.", "expected_answer": "Das Bindemittel wird durch das Pumpsystem entleert und stromabwärts gesammelt bzw. gespült.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1122, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many Christians are well-educated, but cannot rise to positions of responsibility.", "generated_answer": "Viele Christen sind erziehungsfähige, aber sie können nicht zu Berufserfahrung erzielen.", "expected_answer": "Viele Christen sind gut ausgebildet, können aber keine Führungspositionen einnehmen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1123, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hwang claimed to have created eleven different patent-specific stem cell lines.", "generated_answer": "Hahn erzählte, dass er 11 verschiedene Patent-Spezifikations-Stammsel-Linien erstellt hat.", "expected_answer": "Hwang behauptete, dass er elf verschiedene patentspezifische Stammzelllinien erzeugt hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1124, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The renovation was made by English, Swedish and Russian companies.", "generated_answer": "Die Aufarbeitung wurde durch Englische, Schwäbische und Russische Unternehmen gemacht.", "expected_answer": "Die Renovierung wurde von englischen, schwedischen und russischen Firmen durchgeführt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1125, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I looked at her.", "generated_answer": "Ich nehme sie.", "expected_answer": "Ich sah sie an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1126, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These combine library branches with sports and recreation centres.", "generated_answer": "Diese Branchen verknüpft mit Sport- und Recreationszentren.", "expected_answer": "Diese kombinieren Zweigstellen mit Sport- und Erholungszentren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1127, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The district is currently represented by Alex Mooney, a Republican.", "generated_answer": "Die Gemeinde ist derzeit von Alex Moni und einer Republikaner reprehensiv.", "expected_answer": "Der Bezirk wird gegenwärtig von Alex Mooney, einem Republikaner, vertreten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1128, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are we collecting comprehensive user feedback?", "generated_answer": "\"Wir sind komplett aufgrund der Nutzerbefragung.\"", "expected_answer": "Sammeln wir ausführliches Anwenderfeedback?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1129, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A sudden bright light shone upon me.", "generated_answer": "Einen schnellen leuchtenden Licht angekündigte sich.", "expected_answer": "Ein plötzliches helles Licht schien auf mich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1130, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You've got swell form.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Du hast schon viel Geld.\"", "expected_answer": "Du hast eine klasse Form.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1131, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A picture is worth a thousand words.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Bild ist wert einen THOUSAND WORTEN.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1132, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sometimes it's better to be with the sheep, who don't say anything.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Einmal ist es besser, sich als Schaf zu sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Manchmal ist es besser, bei den Schafen zu sein, die nichts sagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1133, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war", "generated_answer": "Schrei, und lass die Hunde vom Abendbleiben.", "expected_answer": "Cry Havoc und lass die Hunde des Krieges entkommen", "history": [] }, { "index": 1134, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is based on the height of a man with his arm raised.", "generated_answer": "Es ist auf Basis des Höhens eines Männern mit seinem Armen gestanden.", "expected_answer": "Es basiert auf der Größe eines Mannes mit erhobenem Arm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1135, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the books, Hermione is described as having bushy brown hair and brown eyes.", "generated_answer": "\"In den Büchern ist Haromini bezeichnet als haben Pussy-Braun-Haar und Braun Augen.\"", "expected_answer": "In den Büchern wird Hermine mit buschigen braunen Haaren und braunen Augen beschrieben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1136, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Guys, homophobia isn't tolerated in this office.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Gesellschaften\" ist und \"tolleriert\" die \"Söffen\".", "expected_answer": "Leute, in diesem Büro wird Homophobie nicht toleriert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1137, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The single was called \"\"Heaven Must Have Sent You Back to Me\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das Lied war namens \"heute muss ich dich zurückgeben\".", "expected_answer": "Die Single hieß „Heaven Must Have Sent You Back to Me“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1138, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My chinchilla eats bread.", "generated_answer": "\"Maischinshila\"", "expected_answer": "Mein Chinchilla isst Brot.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1139, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The first rule of don't fight club is let's talk about it.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Die erste Regel des \"Don't Fight Club\" ist: \"Lass uns sprechen über es.\"", "expected_answer": "Die erste Regel, den Club nicht zu bekämpfen, ist, darüber zu reden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1140, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I won't let you.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich werde dich nicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich lasse dich nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1141, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It spoke of journeys, discoveries, books, and change.", "generated_answer": "Das hatte jedes Sprechen von Drachen, Entdeckungen, Büchern und Wandel.", "expected_answer": "Es berichtet von Reisen, Entdeckungen, Büchern und Veränderung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1142, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Vikings set up a base, which the Irish called a longphort.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Völker setten ein Hafen, das die Irlander als langen Festung bezeichnen.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Wikinger errichteten eine Basis, die die Iren einen Longphort nannten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1143, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I never saw it before.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich habe schon nie gesagt.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe es noch nie zuvor gesehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1144, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After bumping into an attendant named William on the way out, Peter feels faint.", "generated_answer": "\"Nach dem Schlampenfallen eines Edemints namens Valion auf der Wegweise zum Ende seines Freundes.\"", "expected_answer": "Nachdem Peter auf dem Weg nach draußen auf einen Teilnehmer namens William gestoßen ist, fühlt er sich der Ohnmacht nahe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1145, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm also going back to Paris today.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich habe auch zwei Pässe.", "expected_answer": "Ich fahre heute auch nach Paris zurück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1146, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's what I'm going to do.\"", "generated_answer": "Dieses war auf königstwo.", "expected_answer": "Das ist das, was ich tun werde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1147, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are you in pain?", "generated_answer": "\"Sind Sie in Schmerz?\"", "expected_answer": "Hast du Schmerzen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1148, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have her call me back!", "generated_answer": "Ich habe ihr erwischt.", "expected_answer": "Sie soll mich zurückrufen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1149, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What shall I do?", "generated_answer": "Was soll ich tun?", "expected_answer": "Was soll ich tun?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1150, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Kilgariff agreed and was elected, beginning a long political career.", "generated_answer": "Kilgore wurde zum Mitglied des Landrates erklärt und beginnte eine lange politische Karriere.", "expected_answer": "Kilgariff stimmte zu und wurde gewählt. Dann begann eine lange politische Karriere.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1151, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seems Rahul had thought everything.", "generated_answer": "\"Es scheint wie ein Problem und startet jede Anlage.\"", "expected_answer": "Scheinbar hat Rahul an alles gedacht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1152, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Okay, I will not be concerned.", "generated_answer": "\"Ok, ich werde nicht bedauerlich sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Okay, ich werde mir keine Sorgen machen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1153, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A damask-designer like his father before him, he now devoted himself to full-time painting.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Damaskus-Designer wie sein Vater vorher, er nun besetzt hat, seinen Zeit für allemalige Malerei.\"", "expected_answer": "Als Damast-Designer wie sein Vater vor ihm, widmete er sich nun der Vollzeitmalerei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1154, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Might I enquire as to whom I'm addressing?\"", "generated_answer": "\"Woher kommt das?\"", "expected_answer": "Darf ich fragen, wen ich anspreche?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1155, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They're just a pile of stones.\"", "generated_answer": "Diese sind nur ein Fäule von Gold.", "expected_answer": "Sie sind nur ein Steinhaufen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1156, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't let them get away!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht lassen Sie sie weg.\"", "expected_answer": "Lasst sie nicht entkommen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1157, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "March was windy and dark.", "generated_answer": "März wurde.", "expected_answer": "Der März war windig und dunkel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1158, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Slow and steady wins the race.", "generated_answer": "Schneebedeckend und skittendes Winter.", "expected_answer": "In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1159, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Episodes aired weekly, and were posted on the Red versus Blue website.", "generated_answer": "\"Episoden werden heute wöchentlich auf unserer Red-vs-Blue-Webseite vorgestellt.\"", "expected_answer": "Folgen wurden wöchentlich gesendet und auf der Website Red versus Blue gepostet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1160, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The child soaked up information like a sponge.", "generated_answer": "Der junge sozugezogen Informationen wie ein Sponge.", "expected_answer": "Das Kind saugte Informationen auf wie ein Schwamm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1161, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "May I sit down?", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin durchgeführt.\"", "expected_answer": "Darf ich mich hinsetzen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1162, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have the money I need to buy my sheep.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe die Geld, das ich für meine Schafen brauche.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe das Geld, ich muss meine Schafe kaufen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1163, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"These conditions require that \"\"d\"\" and \"\"D\"\" be dominant.\"", "generated_answer": "Das bedeutet, dass D und D dominant sind.", "expected_answer": "Diese Gegebenheiten verlangen, dass „d“ und „D“ dominant sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1164, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was possibly originally a humorous description of the occupants.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist möglicherweise ein Original, das in der Beschreibung enthalten ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Es war ursprünglich möglicherweise eine humorvolle Beschreibung der Insassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1165, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We can describe the object's movement with a differential equation of second order.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Bewegungen dieser Objekte können mit einer verschiedenen Differentialgleichung von zweiter Ordnung beschrieben werden.", "expected_answer": "Die Bewegungsrichtung des Objekts können wir mit einer Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung beschreiben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1166, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Another run on the bank?", "generated_answer": "Andere Bankrun.", "expected_answer": "Ein weitere Ansturm auf die Bank?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1167, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The stranger seemed satisfied with the answer.", "generated_answer": "Der Anfänger scheint sich mit der Antwort entschieden gemacht.", "expected_answer": "Der Fremde schien zufrieden zu sein mit der Antwort.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1168, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That August, Juggalo Championship Wrestling began a video distributing partnership with HighSpots dot com.", "generated_answer": "Das August Jugo-Championship-Wrestling beginnt eine Video-Distribusierung-Partnerschaft mit Highspots.com.", "expected_answer": "Diesen August begann Juggalo Championship Wrestling eine Videovertriebspartnerschaft mit HighSpots dot com.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1169, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This conservation and selective hunting system ensured good supplies of food.", "generated_answer": "Diese Konservierung und spezifische Jagdverfahren garantierten guten Fütterungsangebot.", "expected_answer": "Dieses System der Erhaltung und selektiven Jagd stellte eine gute Versorgung mit Nahrungsmitteln sicher.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1170, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A large portion of the cylinder had been uncovered.", "generated_answer": "Hundertprozent der Körperkarte hatte bereits nicht erkennbar entdeckt werden.", "expected_answer": "Ein großer Teil des Zylinders war sichtbar gemacht worden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1171, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Now I will drift gently off to dreamland.", "generated_answer": "\"Jetzt werde ich gerade aus dem Rand ausgeben.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich treibe jetzt sanft ins Traumland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1172, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The fumes from the traffic were unbearable.", "generated_answer": "Die Förmüre aus dem Straßenverkehr waren unbearbare.", "expected_answer": "Die Abgase des Verkehrs waren untragbar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1173, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nonverbal communication is sometimes more meaningful than the spoken words.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht-Verbale Kommunikation\" ist oft mehr bedeutend als die Sprechen der Wörter.", "expected_answer": "Nonverbale Kommunikation ist manchmal aussagekräftiger als die gesprochenen Worte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1174, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is a mutant with the power of telekinesis.", "generated_answer": "\"Er ist ein Mensch, der ein Mensch ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Er ist ein Mutant mit der Kraft der Telekinese.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1175, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He understands the forces of nature.", "generated_answer": "Er versteht die Kraft der Natur.", "expected_answer": "Er versteht die Naturgewalt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1176, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Reptiles include: grass snakes, adders, slowworms and common lizards.", "generated_answer": "Reptilien sind, wie Beiern, Gärtnern, Adder und Schlange.", "expected_answer": "Reptilien sind: Ringelnattern, Nattern, Blindschleichen und gewöhnliche Eidechsen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1177, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If you want a discount, you'll have to provide a ID.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn du eine Rabatt erhältst, muss du eine IT beantragen.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie müssen einen Ausweis vorlegen, wenn Sie einen Rabatt wünschen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1178, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Santa Rosa High School is well known for its award-winning ArtQuest program.", "generated_answer": "Santa Rosa Hochschule ist sehr bekannt für seine erfolgreiche \"Kunstkampf\"-Programm.", "expected_answer": "Die Santa Rosa High School ist sehr bekannt für ihr ausgezeichnetes ArtQuest-Programm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1179, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I was disappointed at this inanimate bulk.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich war unterreg bei diesem Animate.\"", "expected_answer": "Von diesem leblosen Haufen war ich enttäuscht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1180, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After a brief stint in the Soviet Army, Abramovich married his first wife, Olga.", "generated_answer": "Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt im sozialen Armee, kam er zum ersten Mal in sein erste Familie, die er seine erste Frau, Olga, getroffen hat.", "expected_answer": "Nach einem kurzen Einsatz in der Sowjetarmee heiratete Abramowitsch seine erste Frau Olga.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1181, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"In a way, so am I,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Aber so, so.\"", "expected_answer": "„In gewisser Hinsicht bin ich es auch“, sagte er.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1182, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They were fascinating stories: each of them lived out his destiny to the end.", "generated_answer": "Das waren interessante Geschichten, jede dieser Geschichte hatte einen Ende, der nie endet.", "expected_answer": "Es waren faszinierende Geschichten: Jeder von ihnen lebt seine Bestimmung bis zum Ende.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1183, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Chimaira would continue their progression of heaviness with future albums.", "generated_answer": "Diera wird weiterhin ihre Prozession von Schwerwiegen mit weiteren Albumen fortführen.", "expected_answer": "Chimaira würden ihren starken Aufwärtstrend mit zukünftigen Alben fortsetzen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1184, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These rumors may even originate with us.", "generated_answer": "Das ist wirklich eine gute Idee.", "expected_answer": "Diese Gerüchte könnten auch von uns stammen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1185, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was learning a lot of new things.", "generated_answer": "Er wurde viel neue Dinge erfahren.", "expected_answer": "Er hat viele neue Dinge gelernt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1186, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The thing itself was almost entirely buried in sand.", "generated_answer": "Das Ding war fast ganz in Sand verdrückt.", "expected_answer": "Das Ding selbst war fast komplett im Sand vergraben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1187, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"To check one To pull the fell hide, skin over one's ears.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Zur Prüfung, ob man die Hauptskleidung auf den Tag, aus dem man die Hauptskleidung ausgeschüttet wird, einzuziehen muss.\"", "expected_answer": "Um einen zu überprüfen, das Fell über die Ohren ziehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1188, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If you release the clutch too quickly, the engine will stall.", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn du die Schraube zu niedrig losst, wird der Motor stürzen.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Motor wird abgewürgt, wenn Sie die Kupplung zu schnell loslassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1189, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.", "generated_answer": "\"Deine Herzen, sagt, dass die Furcht über Schmerzen weniger wert ist als die Schmerzen sich selbst.\"", "expected_answer": "Sag deinem Herzen, dass die Angst vor dem Leiden schlimmer ist als das Leiden selbst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1190, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"There's one that says, 'Everything that happens once can never happen again.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt eine Dichtung, die sagt: \"Jede Dinge, die passiert, kann nie wieder passieren.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gibt jemanden, der sagt: ‚Alles, was einmal passiert, kann sich nie wiederholen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1191, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was interred at Forest Lawn Cypress Cemetery in Cypress, California.", "generated_answer": "Er wurde in den Zarenbände des Cypress Cemetery in Cypress, Kalifornien entstellt.", "expected_answer": "Er wurde auf dem Forest Lawn Cypress Cemetery in Cypress, Kalifornien beerdigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1192, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Java is not only an island, but also a popular programming language.", "generated_answer": "Java ist nicht nur ein Insel, sondern auch ein wichtiger Programmier-Sprache.", "expected_answer": "Java ist nicht nur eine Insel, sondern es ist auch eine weit verbreitete Programmiersprache.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1193, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What is it, dear?", "generated_answer": "Was ist ein Jäger?", "expected_answer": "Was ist es, Schatz?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1194, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"So what should I do now?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "\"So, was soll ich jetzt machen, der junge fragt.\"", "expected_answer": "„Also, was soll ich jetzt machen?“ fragte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1195, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was squatting in a corner doing yoga.", "generated_answer": "Er war im Kreis in der Yola.", "expected_answer": "Er hockte in einer Ecke und machte Yoga.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1196, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I have known true alchemists,\"\" the alchemist continued.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin wahr gesagt, dass ich Tralemisten, die Alchemisten weiterhin.", "expected_answer": "„Ich habe echte Alchemisten gekannt,“ fuhr der Alchemist fort.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1197, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As hard as nails.", "generated_answer": "\"Ende Herz.\"", "expected_answer": "Hart wie Stahl.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1198, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Historically the park provides rock shelters for the Aboriginal people.", "generated_answer": "\"Geschichte im Park bietet Rock-Shelves für die Abodigungspersonen.\"", "expected_answer": "Traditionell bietet der Park Felsdächer für die Aborigines.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1199, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The sun was turned into a golden disk.", "generated_answer": "Der Sonnenwelle wurde in einem Goldeskönigrad umgesetzt.", "expected_answer": "Die Sonne wurde in eine goldene Scheibe verwandelt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1200, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They rejoined the United Counties League in Division One.", "generated_answer": "Sie wieder zum Unionkreisliga in Division 1 zurückgeführt.", "expected_answer": "Sie traten wieder in die United Counties League in der Division One ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1201, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"There is no wine in this country,\"\" the young man said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt kein Wein in dieser Länder,\" sagte der Mann.", "expected_answer": "„In diesem Land gibt es keinen Wein“, sagte der junge Mann.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1202, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Philip did not pursue the subject.", "generated_answer": "Philip nicht auf die Frage stieß.", "expected_answer": "Philip verfolgte das Thema nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1203, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"We're just travelers,\"\" the alchemist answered.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wir sind nur Wanderleute,\" antwortete der Alchemist.", "expected_answer": "„Wir sind nur Reisende“, antwortete der Alchemist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1204, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Keep trying hard.", "generated_answer": "\"Neben Sie noch.\"", "expected_answer": "Bemühen Sie sich weiter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1205, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's exactly what I thought.\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist genau was ich glaubte.", "expected_answer": "Das ist genau das, was ich dachte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1206, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was a close associate of the powerful Chinese President Li Xiannian.", "generated_answer": "Er war ein sehr nahtlose Beziehungskolleg zum wichtigen chinesischen Herrschaftsvolk des Präsidenten Lei Zhen.", "expected_answer": "Er war ein enger Verbündeter des mächtigen chinesischen Präsidenten Li Xiannian.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1207, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many hands make light work.", "generated_answer": "Viele Ende machen Arbeit leicht.", "expected_answer": "Viele Hände machen bald ein Ende.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1208, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Don't know,\"\" was the reply.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich weiß nicht\" war der Antwort.", "expected_answer": "„Weiß nicht,“ war die Antwort.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1209, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In geological terms, the Slickrock Trail is not part of the actual \"\"slickrock\"\" formation.\"", "generated_answer": "In der Geologischen Begründung, ist der Silikrok-Talbauch nicht Teil der wirklichigen Silikrok-Formation.", "expected_answer": "In geologischer Hinsicht ist der Slickrock Trail kein Teil der eigentlichen „Slickrock“-Formation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1210, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"That's the best part of it.\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist das beste Spiel.", "expected_answer": "Das ist der beste Teil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1211, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Tell me the composition of this material.", "generated_answer": "\"Was ist das Verfassungsgesetz?\"", "expected_answer": "Sagen Sie mir die Materialzusammensetzung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1212, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Take a sponge, some washing up liquid and a towel, then get to work!", "generated_answer": "Entschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für", "expected_answer": "Nimm einen Schwamm, ein bisschen Spülmittel und ein Handtuch und geh dann an die Arbeit!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1213, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dash was born in London.", "generated_answer": "Dash wurde in London geboren.", "expected_answer": "Dash wurde in London geboren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1214, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was requested to re-skate immediately, but he wanted to recover.", "generated_answer": "Er wurde angefordert, schnell zu Reksten, aber er will die Kopfschmerzen erholen.", "expected_answer": "Er wurde sofort aufgefordert, neu zu skaten, aber er wollte sich erholen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1215, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Renamo rebels later established their own political party.", "generated_answer": "Die Rennamöben-Rebellen später erstellten sich für ihre politische Partei.", "expected_answer": "Später gründeten die Renamo-Rebellen ihre eigene politische Partei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1216, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The village has an active social group that holds several village events each year.", "generated_answer": "Die Stadt hat eine aktive Gesellschaftstätte, die jährlich viele Stadt-Evente treffen.", "expected_answer": "Das Dorf hat eine aktive soziale Gruppe, die alljährlich mehrere Dorfveranstaltungen durchführt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1217, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Englishman was disappointed.", "generated_answer": "Der Englischen Mann war unglücklich.", "expected_answer": "Der Engländer war enttäuscht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1218, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The time must have been somewhere around six o'clock.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Zeit musste dann wirklich um sechs Uhr sein.", "expected_answer": "Es muss gegen sechs Uhr gewesen sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1219, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An old fox need learn no craft.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein altes Pferd knüpfte und nachgehält.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein alter Fuchs muss sein Handwerk nicht lernen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1220, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What are you going to do, sir?", "generated_answer": "Was möchtest du tun, Herr?", "expected_answer": "Was werden Sie machen, Sir?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1221, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I need to pay rent and keep the doors open.", "generated_answer": "Ich muss aufhören und die Tür schließen.", "expected_answer": "Ich muss Miete zahlen und die Türen offen halten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1222, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He's probably trying to get in.\"", "generated_answer": "Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass er versucht, inzwischen zu kommen.", "expected_answer": "Er versucht wahrscheinlich reinzukommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1223, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't get too excited, it's just a hat.\"", "generated_answer": "Nicht zu viel angefangen, es ist nur ein Kopf.", "expected_answer": "Mach dir keine Illusionen, es ist nur ein Hut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1224, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And that ... will be the ultimate mistake.", "generated_answer": "\"Und wird man das erstmal wiederholen.\"", "expected_answer": "Und das ... wird der letzte Fehler sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1225, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I can't go elsewhere, by your own account.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kann nicht weiter.", "expected_answer": "Ich kann nicht anderswo hingehen, nach deinen eigenen Vorstellungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1226, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Reading or not, it's to you, really.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Lesen oder nicht, es ist Ihnen, wirklich.\"", "expected_answer": "Lesen oder nicht, es liegt an dir, wirklich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1227, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They could laugh although they were sad.", "generated_answer": "Ich kann es leute tun, die sich auf eine schlechte Stunde ausgesucht haben, und ihnen auch ein Laugh machen.", "expected_answer": "Obwohl sie traurig waren, konnten Sie lachen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1228, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This part of the town was half residential, half industrial.", "generated_answer": "Dieses Produkt ist der Name des Produktes.", "expected_answer": "Dieser Teil der Stadt war halb Wohngebiet, halb Industriegebiet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1229, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They chase after him and he flies off to his ranch.", "generated_answer": "Er folgt ihn, und er fliegt auf sein Rang.", "expected_answer": "Sie laufen ihm hinterher und er fliegt auf seine Ranch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1230, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Fresh as a daisy.", "generated_answer": "\"Frisch\" und \"dasein\".", "expected_answer": "Quicklebendig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1231, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Undefined reference to 'swizzle'.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Und fanden Referenz zu Swizzel.\"", "expected_answer": "Undefinierter Bezug auf ‚Swizzle‘.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1232, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to take over a lot of plates and things.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich werde viele Platten und Dinge übernehmen.", "expected_answer": "Ich übernehme viele Teller und so.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1233, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We must treat people humanely.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir müssen menschlich behandelt werden.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir müssen Menschen menschenwürdig behandeln.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1234, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The music was different than the single; it was angular, dark and jagged.", "generated_answer": "Die Musik war unterschiedlich von dieser Lieder, die war \"Angriff, Hund und Jäger\".", "expected_answer": "Die Musik war anders als die Single; sie war schräg, dunkel und zerhackt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1235, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You must not remain here.", "generated_answer": "\"Du musst nicht hier bleiben.\"", "expected_answer": "Du darfst hier nicht bleiben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1236, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The lyrics parody springtime songs.", "generated_answer": "Die Länge der Spitze ist von Band-Liedern abgeleitet.", "expected_answer": "Der Text parodiert Frühlingslieder.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1237, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hundreds must have seen it, and taken it for a falling star.", "generated_answer": "Hunderte müssen das haben und für folgende Sterne den Zusammenhang setzen.", "expected_answer": "Hunderte müssen es gesehen und für eine Sternschnuppe gehalten haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1238, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Robin van Roon also joined them after a while.", "generated_answer": "\"Roden Van Roon, aus dem Leben auch.\"", "expected_answer": "Robin van Roon schloss sich ihnen nach einer Weile ebenfalls an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1239, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Doug Church also was very involved as a 'Creative Editor' on covers, layouts, features.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Dachkirche auch sehr beteiligt als kreativs Verfasser Unterlagen-Bildschirm-Features.\"", "expected_answer": "Doug Church war auch als ‚Creative Editor‘ auf Covern, Layouts und Features sehr engagiert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1240, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for a better planet.", "generated_answer": "\"Schwimmen, Verwenden, Recycling für ein besser Planeten.\"", "expected_answer": "Reduzieren, Wiederverwerten, Recyceln für einen besseren Planeten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1241, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The curtain rose and the show was on.", "generated_answer": "Die Karte schufen und die Show war alles.", "expected_answer": "Der Vorhang hob sich und die Show ging los.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1242, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Children play badminton on the lawn.", "generated_answer": "Sie spielt auf der Baskeball-Spielbank.", "expected_answer": "Kinder spielen auf dem Rasen Badminton.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1243, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Love to live and live to love.", "generated_answer": "Liebe zu leben und leben zu lieben.", "expected_answer": "Liebe das Leben und Lebe die Liebe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1244, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The greatest authority on meteorites stated that the height of its first appearance was about ninety or one hundred miles.", "generated_answer": "Die höchste Autorität über Meteore während der ersten Aufenthaltserfahrungen sagte, dass die Höhe seiner ersten Aufenthaltserfahrungen um nächstes Jahr um neunundzwanzig oder ein hundert Meter war.", "expected_answer": "Die größte Autorität über Meteoriten gab an, dass die Höhe der ersten Erscheinung etwa 145 bis 160 km betrug.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1245, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Latimer is consistently assessed as having a low risk of re-offending.", "generated_answer": "Lamatar ist immer wieder bewiesen, dass es eine hochwertige Gefahr von Rückendauer hat.", "expected_answer": "Latimer wird dauerhaft als mit einem geringen Risiko der Wiederholung bewertet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1246, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Only the good die young.", "generated_answer": "\"Nur die schlechte sterben gerne.\"", "expected_answer": "Nur die Besten sterben jung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1247, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even his last words are misunderstood.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist endlich geworden.\"", "expected_answer": "Selbst seine letzten Worte werden missverstanden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1248, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have done with the red coat, believe me.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe mit Rotem Kaffee verloren gehen.", "expected_answer": "Ich bin fertig mit dem roten Mantel, glaub mir.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1249, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was written and directed by the Cuban filmmaker, Leon Ichaso.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war schreiben und direktioniert von dem kubanischen Filmkünstlern Lien Eichchalo.\"", "expected_answer": "Der kubanische Filmemacher, Leon Ichaso schrieb das Drehbuch und führt Regie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1250, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Not even the tribal chieftains are able to see him when they want to.", "generated_answer": "Nicht einmal die tribaler Herren sind erst nicht angewendet, wenn sie es wollen.", "expected_answer": "Noch nicht mal die Stammesführer können ihn sehen, wenn sie wollen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1251, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "a couple standing outside in the dark near some festive lights.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Zusammenstellung ist auf der Seite.", "expected_answer": "Ein Paar steht draußen im Dunkeln in der Nähe von festlicher Beleuchtung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1252, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many years later, the Bokhari English Prize was established there in his honor.", "generated_answer": "Vielleicht wurde der Preis umgegangen, wenn in dieser Lage erhalten wurde.", "expected_answer": "Viele Jahre später wurde dort der Bokhari English Prize zu seinen Ehren aufgebaut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1253, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Red-Eye swung back and forth on the branch farther down.", "generated_answer": "Roter Augen schwang auf den Branchen von Fürth.", "expected_answer": "Rote-Augen schwenkten auf dem Ast weiter unten hin und her.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1254, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was very little talking.", "generated_answer": "Es wurde sehr wenig Rede sprechen.", "expected_answer": "Es wurde sehr wenig gesprochen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1255, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A young man, wearing a hoodie and a backpack, walks down an urban street.`", "generated_answer": "Der junge Mann, der in einem Hochübstkleid und einem Backpack läuft, fährt durch den Wiener Straße.", "expected_answer": "Ein junger Mann, der einen Kapuzenpulli und einen Rucksack trägt, geht eine städtische Straße runter.‘", "history": [] }, { "index": 1256, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's the other foreigner, the Englishman.\"", "generated_answer": "Dies sind frei, aber nicht verwendbar.", "expected_answer": "Es ist der andere Fremde, der Engländer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1257, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Pakistani Taliban confirmed Shukrijumah's death two days later.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Pakistann-Taliban berichtet, dass Shukriya Jamahar dritte Tage nachhiedergestossen wurde.", "expected_answer": "Die Pakistani Taliban bestätigten zwei Tage später Shukrijumahs Tod.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1258, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Mount Everest is found on the international boarder between China and Nepal.", "generated_answer": "Münstermont-Eberseite ist in der internationalen Grenze zwischen China und Nepal finden.", "expected_answer": "Der Mount Everest liegt an der internationalen Landesgrenze zwischen China und Nepal.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1259, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What was I to do?", "generated_answer": "Was sollte ich tun?", "expected_answer": "Was sollte ich tun?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1260, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The carpet was exquisite.", "generated_answer": "Die Katze war exzessiv.", "expected_answer": "Der Teppich war edel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1261, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.\"", "generated_answer": "Es ist besser zu stille und zu sprechen, als zu sprechen und alle zu löschen.", "expected_answer": "Es ist besser, zu schweigen und als Dummkopf angesehen zu werden, als den Mund aufzumachen und alle Zweifel zu beseitigen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1262, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"What is love?\"\" the desert asked.\"", "generated_answer": "Was ist Liebe, ist das, was ist Kunst?", "expected_answer": "„Was ist Liebe?“ fragte die Wüste.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1263, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The light-year is a unit of distance, not of time.", "generated_answer": "Die Jahreszeit ist keine Einheit der Distanz.", "expected_answer": "Das Lichtjahr ist eine Einheit der Entfernung, nicht der Zeit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1264, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Listen and listen to me very closely, we call them lifts, not elevators.", "generated_answer": "Lese und lese mir vielleicht ein wenig bitte, wir heißen sie \"Lippen\", nicht \"Ebene\".", "expected_answer": "Hören Sie zu und hören Sie mir genau zu, wir nennen sie Lifte, nicht Aufzüge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1265, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How did you do it?", "generated_answer": "Wie machst du das?", "expected_answer": "Wie hast du das gemacht?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1266, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His seat was unstable.", "generated_answer": "Die Stuhl war unstabile.", "expected_answer": "Sein Sitz war instabil.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1267, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We are obliged, at least once in our lives, to visit the holy city of Mecca.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir sind jedoch immer noch einmal in unseres Lebenslives erforderlich, die heilige Stadt von Mekka zu besuchen.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir sind verpflichtet, die heilige Stadt Mekka mindestens einmal in unserem Leben zu besuchen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1268, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This section deals with the caveats of the proposed method.", "generated_answer": "Diese Sektion beschäftigt sich mit den Schlüsselwörtern der angegebenen Methode.", "expected_answer": "Dieser Abschnitt handelt von den Vorbehalten des vorgeschlagenen Methode.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1269, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Slide the bill between the two leaves.", "generated_answer": "Schneiden Sie den Bildschirm-Bild zwischen den beiden Blüten.", "expected_answer": "Schieben Sie die Rechnung zwischen die zwei Blätter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1270, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In the Second World War, the island was occupied by the army.", "generated_answer": "In den zweiten Weltkrieg, der Insel wurde von der Armee besetzt.", "expected_answer": "Die Insel wurde im zweiten Weltkrieg von der Armee besetzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1271, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The university has three residence halls for family housing.", "generated_answer": "Die Universität hat drei Studentenhaus für Familienhäuser.", "expected_answer": "Die Universität hat drei Wohnheime für Familienunterkünfte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1272, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"No,\"\" he heard a voice on the wind say.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nein, er hörte eine Stimme auf dem Wind sagen.\"", "expected_answer": "„Nein,“ hörte er eine Stimme im Wind sagen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1273, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lee bought a ticket for the metro at central station.", "generated_answer": "\"Lei hat eine Fahrkarte für den U-Bahn auf einem zentralen Bahnhof bestellt.\"", "expected_answer": "Lee hat am Hauptbahnhof eine Fahrkarte für die U-Bahn gekauft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1274, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The term \"\"just my two cents\"\" is about opinion, not about money.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Just mein zwei Pfunds\" ist über Meinungen, nicht über Geld.", "expected_answer": "Der Begriff „nur meine zwei Cent“ bezieht sich auf Meinungen, nicht auf Geld.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1275, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was buried in a tomb in the cathedral in Ozieri.", "generated_answer": "Er wurde in einem Totehaus in der Kaserne in Osterreich entombtet.", "expected_answer": "Er wurde in der Kathedrale in Ozieri in einem Grab beerdigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1276, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Just, how big is that closet?", "generated_answer": "Was ist das Größe dieser Tasche?", "expected_answer": "Einfach, wie groß ist der Schrank?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1277, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Suddenly, one of the hawks made a flashing dive through the sky, attacking the other.", "generated_answer": "Schnell fliegen ein eines der Haufen durch den Himmel, um das andere zu beleidigen.", "expected_answer": "Plötzlich machte einer der Falken einen Sturzflug durch den Himmel und griff den anderen an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1278, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Prices for solar panels have dropped in past years.", "generated_answer": "Die Preise für Sonnenanlagen haben in den letzten Jahren erhöht.", "expected_answer": "Die Preise für Solarpanele sind in den letzten Jahren gefallen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1279, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm literally a flying pony.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin einfach ein fliegendes Pony.", "expected_answer": "Ich bin wortwörtlich ein fliegendes Pony.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1280, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The two cities are served by Los Cabos International Airport.", "generated_answer": "Die zwei Städte sind durch das Los Cabos- internationales Flughafen verfügbar.", "expected_answer": "Die beiden Städte werden über den internationalen Flughafen Los Cabos angeflogen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1281, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oh, is that all?", "generated_answer": "\"O, ist es alle?\"", "expected_answer": "Oh, ist das alles?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1282, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Without haste, yet without rest unhasting, yet unresting.", "generated_answer": "\"Ohne Schnelligkeit, ohne Rückkehr, ohne Rückkehr.\"", "expected_answer": "Ohne Eile, dennoch ohne Ruhe, nicht in Eile, dennoch rastlos.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1283, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I still can't understand it though.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das tun kann.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich kann es trotzdem immer noch nicht verstehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1284, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It had a diameter of about thirty yards.", "generated_answer": "Das hatte ein Durchmesser von 30 Zoll.", "expected_answer": "Es hatte einen Durchmesser von etwa 1 Meter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1285, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The site where these settlers situated near the mountains used to be called Conventa.", "generated_answer": "Die Seite, wo diese Zuwachssteller immer neben den Bergen sitten, genannt sich in der Vergangenheit \"Conventa\".", "expected_answer": "Der Ort, an dem diese Siedler sich in der Nähe der Berge befanden, wurde früher Conventa genannt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1286, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A bad penny always comes back.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein schlechtes Punkt wiederholt sich.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein schlechter Penny kommt immer zurück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1287, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The tomato sauce was great.", "generated_answer": "Die Tomatensauce ist wirklich gut.", "expected_answer": "Die Tomatensauce war großartig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1288, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Within the state of Illinois, school districts are numbered by their county.", "generated_answer": "In der Stadt des Illinois, sind Schul-Städte nach County-Namen.", "expected_answer": "Im Bundesstaat Illinois sind die Schuldbezirke nach ihrem County nummeriert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1289, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This will help you effectively collaborate with developers and coordinate cross-team projects throughout your career.", "generated_answer": "Dies helfen Sie effektiv zusammenarbeit mit Entwicklern und Kodierungsprojekten durch Ihrer Karriere.", "expected_answer": "Dies wird Ihnen helfen, mit Entwicklern wirksam zusammenzuarbeiten und teamübergreifende Projekte im Verlauf Ihrer gesamten Karriere zu koordinieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1290, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry, it must be a phobia.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe meine Hände schwer und mein Mund währmäßig, es muss eine Phobie sein.", "expected_answer": "Meine Handflächen waren schwitzig und mein Mund war trocken, es muss eine Phobie sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1291, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He did not look up.", "generated_answer": "\"Er in Lücken.\"", "expected_answer": "Er schaute nicht auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1292, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My grandmother and I went inside the Great Pyramid.", "generated_answer": "Die Großstadt und ich gehen in das Große Pyramiden.", "expected_answer": "Meine Großmutter und ich gingen in die Große Pyramide hinein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1293, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Reliable counts are available in seconds.", "generated_answer": "\"Zuverlässige Zähler sind verfügbar in Sekunden.\"", "expected_answer": "Zuverlässige Zählungen sind verfügbar in Sekunden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1294, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "First impressions are the most lasting.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist eine gute Idee.\"", "expected_answer": "Ersten Eindrücke sind die nachhaltigsten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1295, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We are sure that one war is enough.", "generated_answer": "Wir sind sicher, dass eine Kriegsbegeisterung einmal genug ist.", "expected_answer": "Wir sind sicher, dass ein Krieg genug ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1296, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was no doubt about it.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war keine Gewissheit über es.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gab keinen Zweifel daran.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1297, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I always have both.", "generated_answer": "Ich bin immer geworden.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe immer beides.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1298, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was about the same age and height as the boy.", "generated_answer": "Er war ähnlich alt und hoch als das Junge.", "expected_answer": "Er war ungefähr im gleichen Alter und so groß wie der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1299, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Broyles appears on two tracks of Boxing Nostalgic.", "generated_answer": "\"Bierless\" wird auf zwei Tracks von \"Boxing Nostalgia\" aufnehmen.", "expected_answer": "Broyles erscheint auf zwei Tracks von Boxing Nostalgic.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1300, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A child in a red jacket, sitting atop a slide.", "generated_answer": "Der Kinder in Rotemütze sitzt auf einer Spitze.", "expected_answer": "Ein Kind in einer roten Jacke, das auf einer Rutsche sitzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1301, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sometimes I appear in the form of a solution, or a good idea.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Entscheidungen wurden durch ein Vokabular vermittelt.\"", "expected_answer": "Manchmal erscheine ich in Form einer Lösung oder einer tollen Idee.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1302, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In other words, it's not an open platform.\"", "generated_answer": "\"In anderer Hinsicht, ist das nicht ein offenes Platz.\"", "expected_answer": "Sprich, es ist keine offene Plattform.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1303, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I found a little crowd of about twenty people surrounding the huge hole.", "generated_answer": "Ist gefunden, eine kleine Gruppe von über zwanzig Menschen um die große Schlange.", "expected_answer": "Ich fand eine kleine Ansammlung von etwa 20 Menschen, die das riesige Loch umgaben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1304, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And, in that mood, he was grateful to be in love.", "generated_answer": "Und in dem Mode war er freundlich.", "expected_answer": "Und er war dankbar, in dieser Stimmung, verliebt zu sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1305, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Republicanism became the dominant political value of Americans during and after the American Revolution.", "generated_answer": "Ötiziatizismus wurde in den letzten Jahren der dominante politische Wert der Amerikanischen Weltanschauung und nach dem Ausbruch des Ameerikanischen Revolutionen.", "expected_answer": "Der Republikanismus wurde zum dominierenden politischen Wert der Amerikaner während und nach der Amerikanischen Revolution.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1306, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This was the first donation accepted by the Smithsonian in the field of magic.", "generated_answer": "Das war der erste Angebot der Schüler der Südsee in der Gebiete der Magie.", "expected_answer": "Dies war die erste Spende, die von Smithsonian im Bereich der Magie akzeptiert wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1307, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Inside, you'll find photographs and a brief synopsis of the item's history.\"", "generated_answer": "In den Inneren finden Sie Fotografien und eine kurze Synopsie der Geschichte dieser Artikel.", "expected_answer": "Im Inneren finden Sie Fotos und eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Geschichte des Artikels.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1308, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Kremlin suggested that the leaked documents were fake.", "generated_answer": "Die Kremlins sagten, dass das gehackte Dokument falsch ist.", "expected_answer": "Der Kreml wies darauf hin, dass die durchgesickerten Dokumente gefälscht waren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1309, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Debra is a explorer that has been all over the world.", "generated_answer": "\"Wir sind Teufel und Patritius ist ein Exploratoren, der auf allen Orten der Welt gehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Debra ist ein Entdecker, der auf der ganzen Welt war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1310, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A young Asian boy running with a white and gray dog on green grass.", "generated_answer": "Der junge Arier-Jungfrau läuft mit einem weißen Hund und einem grauen Hund auf einem grünen Garten.", "expected_answer": "Ein junger asiatischer Junge, der auf grünem Gras mit einem weiß-grauen Hund läuft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1311, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "So there was no pressure to demolish old buildings to put new ones at their place.", "generated_answer": "\"So es war keine Notwendigkeit, alte Gebäude zu rauschen, um neue zu stellen.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gab also keinen Druck, alte Gebäude zu zerstören, um neue Gebäude an ihre Stelle zu setzen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1312, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After writing a bug report, one should regularly check if someone responded.", "generated_answer": "Nach Schreiben eines Bug-Bericht sollte man regelmäßig auf die Antwort des Betrüger prüfen.", "expected_answer": "Nachdem ein Fehlerbericht geschrieben wurde, sollte man regelmäßig überprüfen, ob jemand geantwortet hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1313, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am in search of that universal language, among other things.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich suche jedoch auch einen universellen Sprache, wie zum Beispiel Englisch.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich bin unter anderem auf der Suche nach dieser universellen Sprache.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1314, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm trying to explain to my mother how to get pictures off her phone.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich versuche, um meine Mutter zu erklären, wie man Bilder auf dem Telefon fotografieren kann.", "expected_answer": "Ich versuche meiner Mutter zu erklären, wie sie Fotos von ihrem Handy bekommt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1315, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"But you mustn't feel that way.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Aber du musst nicht glauben, dass das nicht so ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Aber du darfst dich so nicht fühlen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1316, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She's now eighteen years old.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Sie sind nur noch einige Jahre alt.\"", "expected_answer": "Jetzt ist sie 18 Jahre alt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1317, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy observed in silence the progress of the animals and people across the desert.", "generated_answer": "Der junge erfüllte sich in der Lage, die Entwicklung der Aninot und den Menschen über die Weltrande zu beobachten.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge beobachtete stillschweigend den Fortschritt der Tiere und Menschen in der Wüste.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1318, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Joan cried, with shining eyes.", "generated_answer": "Die junge weint mit gläsernen Augen.", "expected_answer": "Joan weinte, mit strahlenden Augen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1319, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Actions speak louder than words.", "generated_answer": "Dein Wort ist nicht so wichtig wie deine Tat.", "expected_answer": "Taten sagen mehr als Worte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1320, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Because they're still here.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Weil sie hier bleiben.\"", "expected_answer": "Weil sie immer noch hier sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1321, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But when the reign of Tiberius ended, his poems were forgotten.", "generated_answer": "Die Regierung des Tiberios endete, und die Gedichte wurden vergessen.", "expected_answer": "Aber als das Kaisertum von Tiberius endete, wurden seine Gedichte vergessen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1322, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"What's done is done.\"", "generated_answer": "Was ist das?", "expected_answer": "Was passiert ist, ist passiert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1323, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conacher had nine siblings, including Hockey Hall of Famers Lionel Conacher and Roy Conacher.", "generated_answer": "Die Konnacher hatten neun Söhne, insbesondere Inhalt der Hocke, Harl, der Harl, der Harl, Roy, der Harl, der Harl, der Harl und der Harl.", "expected_answer": "Conacher hatte neun Geschwister, einschließlich der Hockey Hall of Famers Lionel Conacher und Roy Conacher.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1324, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I promise, I will be careful!", "generated_answer": "Ich bin gesagt, ich werde sein.", "expected_answer": "Ich verspreche, ich werde vorsichtig sein!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1325, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Species are known generally as gromwells or stoneseeds.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist einige der Häufigsten Artikel auf der Markt.\"", "expected_answer": "Arten sind allgemein bekannt als Raupen oder Steinsamen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1326, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He subsequently was assigned to serve only in rural parishes.", "generated_answer": "Er wurde darauf gekommen, nur in Landwirten und Dorfparks zu arbeiten.", "expected_answer": "Anschließend wurde er nur noch in ländlichen Pfarreien eingesetzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1327, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Melonpan and pineapple bun from Hong Kong are very similar.", "generated_answer": "\"Mellonpan und Bananapfuhl aus Hongkong sind sehr ähnlich.\"", "expected_answer": "Melonenbrot und Ananasbrötchen aus Hongkong sind sich recht ähnlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1328, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I bet it's a going away present.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube, es ist ausgegangen.", "expected_answer": "Ich wette, es ist ein Abschiedsgeschenk.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1329, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A rolling stone gathers no moss.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Rollen Stein wird keine Mösse hinterlassen.\"", "expected_answer": "Wer rastet, der rostet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1330, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Senator Theodore Bilbo.", "generated_answer": "Senator Theo.", "expected_answer": "Senator Theodore Bilbo.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1331, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In those times, the Master Work could be written simply on an emerald.", "generated_answer": "\"In diesen Zeiten konnte man das masterarbeit auf einem Eimer schreiben.\"", "expected_answer": "In damaligen Zeiten konnte das Meisterwerk einfach auf einen Smaragd geschrieben werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1332, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What will happen to him?", "generated_answer": "Was passiert mit ihm?", "expected_answer": "Was wird mit ihm passieren?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1333, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The shop is close by.", "generated_answer": "Die Schloss ist nächste Nachbarschaft.", "expected_answer": "Der Laden ist in der Nähe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1334, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Bananas contain a lot of sugar, even though they are fruits.", "generated_answer": "Mannen enthalten viel Süßigkeit, obwohl sie als Frucht sind.", "expected_answer": "Bananen enthalten viel Zucker, auch wenn es Früchte sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1335, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Paranormal romance blends the real with the fantastic or science fictional.", "generated_answer": "\"Paranormal-roman\" hat die wirklichkeit mit dem fantastischen oder spekulativen.", "expected_answer": "Paranormale Romantik vermischt das Reale mit Fantastischem oder der Science-Fiction.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1336, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cheese is made from milk, as well as many other dairy products.", "generated_answer": "Käse ist auch gemeinsam mit vielen anderen Nahrungsmitteln geschmückt.", "expected_answer": "Käse wird aus Milch spwie vielen anderen Molkereiprodukten hergestellt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1337, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I met your stepdad in the liquor shop yesterday.", "generated_answer": "Ich konnte Ihnen Ihre Step-Geschäftspartner in der Bier-Kiosk gestern erleben.", "expected_answer": "Gestern traf ich deinen Stiefvater im Getränkeladen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1338, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Mine's in the door.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nicht mein Problem.\"", "expected_answer": "Meine ist in der Tür.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1339, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Conflicting reports exist relating to the outcome of this case.", "generated_answer": "Kontradirennde Berichterstattungen existieren, die dieser Fall berücksichtigen.", "expected_answer": "Über den Ausgang dieses Falles liegen widersprüchliche Meldungen vor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1340, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How can I help you madam?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie kann ich Ihnen haben?\"", "expected_answer": "Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen gnädige Frau?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1341, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The structure chattered throughout the earthquake.", "generated_answer": "Die Struktur schwankte durch die Erdbeben.", "expected_answer": "Die Struktur wurde während des Erdbebens zerrüttet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1342, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy saw a man appear behind the counter.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Mann, der auf der Seite des Herrn stand.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Junge sah hinter der Theke einen Mann erscheinen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1343, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But he had little time for specifically Jewish politics.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie hat nicht viel Zeit für juedisches politische Themen.\"", "expected_answer": "Er hatte aber wenig Zeit für spezifisch jüdische Politik.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1344, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We'll have to satisfy them.\"", "generated_answer": "Wir müssen ihnen entschuldigen.", "expected_answer": "Wir müssen sie befriedigen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1345, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Empty vessels make the most sound.", "generated_answer": "\"Vor allem die vollständigen Vessel führen die meisten Schallen.\"", "expected_answer": "Leere Fässer klingen hohl.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1346, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Thank you, just the same.", "generated_answer": "\"Danke, jemand.\"", "expected_answer": "Danke, gleichfalls.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1347, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman is cleaning a pool with a net while a man watches.", "generated_answer": "Die Frau ist mit Näten den Pflück ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreichend ausreic", "expected_answer": "Eine Frau reinigt einen Pool mit einem Kescher, während ein Mann zuschaut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1348, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The stray cat gave birth to kittens.", "generated_answer": "Die Strie-Katze gebännt Köten.", "expected_answer": "Die streunende Katze brachte Kätzchen zur Welt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1349, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A small portion of the castle still remains within the Cathedral grounds.", "generated_answer": "Ein kleiner Teil der Kastell, die noch aufgebaut ist, wird die Kathedrale Trommeln.", "expected_answer": "Ein kleiner Teil des Schlosses bleibt noch im Gelände der Kathedrale.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1350, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Just things like that.", "generated_answer": "Gleichsprechen.", "expected_answer": "Einfach solche Dinge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1351, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man is sitting down on the ground sifting through dirt using a bucket.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann sitzt auf dem Boden, sieht durch die Katze und liest durch ein Büffel.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann sitzt auf dem Boden und durchsiebt Erde mit einem Eimer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1352, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A young Arab, also loaded down with baggage, entered, and greeted the Englishman.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist wirklich eine großartige Idee!\"", "expected_answer": "Ein junger Araber, der ebenfalls mit Gepäck beladen war, trat ein und begrüßte den Engländer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1353, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The pharaoh subsequently incorporated many of these warriors into his personal guard.", "generated_answer": "Die Körper der Tyschur wurde später in seinem eigenen Leben eingeführt.", "expected_answer": "Der Pharao nahm in der Folge viele dieser Krieger in seine persönliche Leibgarde auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1354, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cause of his death was not recorded.", "generated_answer": "Diese Person ist nicht verfolgt.", "expected_answer": "Seine Todesursache wurde nicht festgestellt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1355, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The interviewer's questions are omitted from the transcripts, rendered merely as Q.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Fragebücher der Interviewer werden aus dem Transkript entfernt, erst nur als Satz geschildert.", "expected_answer": "Die Fragen des Interviewers werden auf den Transkripten weggelassen, lediglich als Q wiedergegeben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1356, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was not quite right either.", "generated_answer": "\"Er war nicht auch richtig.\"", "expected_answer": "Er lag auch nicht ganz richtig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1357, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "New series of events would then originate which he called continuants.", "generated_answer": "Neue Serie von Ereignissen würde dann zur Folge haben.", "expected_answer": "Es entstand dann eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe, die er Kontingente nannte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1358, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Law enforcement consists of a one-man police department.", "generated_answer": "Polizei ist ein solches Einwachsendes Polizei-Gesellschaftssystem.", "expected_answer": "Die Strafverfolgung besteht aus einer Ein-Mann-Polizeibehörde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1359, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I’m coming to that.", "generated_answer": "Ich komme zu dem.", "expected_answer": "Dazu komme ich noch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1360, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The boy didn't know what a person's \"\"destiny\"\" was.\"", "generated_answer": "Der junge wusste nicht, was ein Mensch sein Destinie war.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge wusste nicht, was das „Schicksal“ einer Person war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1361, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Oxygen is important for us, but some bacteria don't need it at all.\"", "generated_answer": "Oxygen ist wichtig für uns, aber einige Bakterien haben es nicht an.", "expected_answer": "Sauerstoff ist wichtig für uns, aber einige Bakterien brauchen ihn überhaupt nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1362, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This award is given in three different categories.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Auszeichnis ist in drei verschiedenen Kategorien geworden.", "expected_answer": "Dieser Preis wird in drei verschiedenen Kategorien verliehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1363, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It seemed the ordained order of things that dogs should work.", "generated_answer": "Das gab es als gewünschte Ordnung der Dinge, dass das Sprechen funktionieren sollte.", "expected_answer": "Es schien die bestimmte Reihenfolge der Dinge, dass Hunde arbeiten sollten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1364, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One by one, the campfires were extinguished, and the oasis fell as quiet as the desert.", "generated_answer": "Einmal, wurde jedoch die Campfähre erstreckt und die Ozeane wieder wie das Desert verwüstet.", "expected_answer": "Die Lagerfeuer wurden nacheinander gelöscht, und die Oase fühlte sich so ruhig an wie die Wüste.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1365, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Country kits not yet listed.", "generated_answer": "Deutsch:\n\nLandkreise, die noch nicht in der Liste stehen.", "expected_answer": "Landessätze sind noch nicht aufgelistet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1366, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A baseball team pitcher throwing a ball to the batter.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Baseball-Täter mit Ball in den Bat-Rohren.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Werfer eines Baseball-Teams wirft einen Ball zum Schläger.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1367, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The strange horseman drew an enormous, curved sword from a scabbard mounted on his saddle.", "generated_answer": "Der unglaublich wahrhaftige Rindermann legte ein enormes Köffsverf aus dem Korb aus dem auf seinem Schiff getretenen.", "expected_answer": "Der fremde Reiter zog ein riesiges Krummschwert aus einer auf seinem Sattel montierten Scheide.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1368, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then Clement attempted to calculate the polar gravity, finding it surprisingly difficult.", "generated_answer": "Die Geschwindigkeits-Gravitation ist für den Klima-Atlas ein wichtiger Bestandteil.", "expected_answer": "Clement versuchte dann, die polare Schwerkraft zu berechnen und fand es überraschend schwierig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1369, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Poe Valley State Park is in Penn Township.", "generated_answer": "Polnavos Skatepark ist in Pennsylvanien.", "expected_answer": "Der Poe Valley State Park liegt in Penn Township.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1370, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It lies right on the border with Spain.", "generated_answer": "Elias ist an der Grenze mit Spanien.", "expected_answer": "Es liegt direkt an der Grenze zu Spanien.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1371, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What could it be?", "generated_answer": "Was könnte es sein?", "expected_answer": "Was könnte es sein?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1372, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You cannot brew tea in a cold pot.", "generated_answer": "Du kannst auch Tee und ein kaltes Gewölbe brauen.", "expected_answer": "Sie können Tee nicht in einer kalten Kanne aufbrühen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1373, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm feeling too good.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin auch zu gut.", "expected_answer": "Ich fühle mich zu gut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1374, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you know?", "generated_answer": "Wie kennst du das?", "expected_answer": "Woher weißt du das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1375, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To make pure ice, you freeze water.", "generated_answer": "\"Zum Erstellen von Gewitterwasser.\"", "expected_answer": "Um pures Eis herzustellen, frierst du Wasser ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1376, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Albert requested such action from the Roman Curia.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist ein großer Fehler.\"", "expected_answer": "Albert forderte von der Römischen Kurie eine solche Maßnahme.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1377, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The blade is typically long and usually under thick.", "generated_answer": "Die Knübel ist oft lang und oft untergekommen.", "expected_answer": "Die Klinge ist typischerweise lang und in der Regel unter dick.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1378, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He'd read it.\"", "generated_answer": "Er hatte es gelesen.", "expected_answer": "Er hatte es gelesen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1379, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Because you are trying to realize your destiny.", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß, dass du es wirklich wolltet.", "expected_answer": "Weil du versuchst, deine Bestimmung zu erkennen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1380, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A shower of dirt fell from the hot pipes.", "generated_answer": "Schimmel von den Herzspitzen.", "expected_answer": "Ein Schmutzschauer fiel von den heißen Rohrleitungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1381, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Exactly,\"\" answered the alchemist.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch: \"Das ist die Exakte Übersetzung in Deutsch:", "expected_answer": "„Richtig,“ antwortete der Alchemist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1382, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The porcupine scurried home.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Berge ist seine Geschichte.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Stachelschwein flitzte nach Hause.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1383, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The majority always claims to be pacifist, BUT ...", "generated_answer": "Die Mehrheit bewiesen sich als päcifizistisch.", "expected_answer": "Die Mehrheit behauptet immer, Pazifist zu sein, ABER ...", "history": [] }, { "index": 1384, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do I know if I am experiencing a heart attack?", "generated_answer": "Wie weißt du, wenn du ein Herzattack erfüllst?", "expected_answer": "Woher weiß ich, ob ich einen Herzinfarkt habe?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1385, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The first contact occurred when James Cook's Endeavour anchored in Botany Bay.\"", "generated_answer": "Die erste Kontaktversuche beteiligten sich, wenn James K. Cooks Endeavor in Botme Bay befinde.", "expected_answer": "Der erste Kontakt fand statt, als die James Cook Endeavour in Botany Bay vor Anker ging.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1386, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nowadays, the station serves Queens Road Market and Green Street.", "generated_answer": "Heute, steht der Bahnhof für die Straße der Königin und dem Gasthof der Grün.", "expected_answer": "Heutzutage bedient der Bahnhof den Queens Road Market und die Green Street.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1387, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They have two children, Erik and Alexandra.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie haben zwei Kinder, Erich und Alexandrine.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie haben zwei Kinder, Erik und Alexandra.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1388, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You all know the difference between an optimist and a pessimist.", "generated_answer": "Die Unterschiede zwischen \"Optionen\" und \"Pessimisten\" werden wirklich verstehen.", "expected_answer": "Sie alle kennen den Unterschied zwischen einem Optimisten und einem Pessimisten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1389, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Why didn't you call me?\"", "generated_answer": "Wie kannst du mich nicht auf?", "expected_answer": "Warum haben sie mich nicht angerufen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1390, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"In Greece, this music style was promoted as \"\"disco house\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"In Griechenland, dieses Musikstil wurde als \"Disco-House\" verbreitet.\"", "expected_answer": "In Griechenland wurde dieser Musikstil als „Disco-House“ beworben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1391, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe we ought to go join her at the party.", "generated_answer": "Möchtest du dazu gehören, um zu gehen mit ihr an der Fahrt.", "expected_answer": "Wir sollten vielleicht zu ihr auf die Party gehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1392, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nowhatta area has eighteen sub-communities Mohalla.", "generated_answer": "Die Nähe des Wats haben 18 Untergebiete, Mahola.", "expected_answer": "Das Nowhatta-Gebiet hat achtzehn Sub-Communities Mohalla.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1393, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Please play All Funked Up from Vimeo", "generated_answer": "\"Vielen Dank für alle, die von uns gefangen sind.\"", "expected_answer": "Spiele bitte All Funked Up von Vimeo", "history": [] }, { "index": 1394, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Samuel wrote in his testament that his grandchildren should inherit all his money.", "generated_answer": "Sammi schrieb in seinem Testament, dass seine Geschwister alle seine Geld verdienen sollten.", "expected_answer": "Samuel schrieb in seinem Testament, dass seine Enkelkinder sein gesamtes Geld erben sollten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1395, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She was just diagnosed with uterine cancer.", "generated_answer": "Sie wurde jetzt mit Uterinerekrankheit diagnostiziert.", "expected_answer": "Sie hat gerad die Diagnose Gebärmutterkrebs erhalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1396, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Iraqi Police is under the command of Major General Hussein Jassim Alawadi.", "generated_answer": "Die deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie deutsche Übersetzung dieser Satz ist:\n\nDie de", "expected_answer": "Die irakische Polizei steht unter der Führung von Generalmajor Hussein Jassim Alawadi.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1397, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Governor of Tubas, Marwan Tubassi, is a Christian.", "generated_answer": "Der Regierungsrath von Tuba, Marwan Toubassi, ist ein Christ.", "expected_answer": "Der Gouverneur von Tubas, Marwan Tubassi, ist ein Christ.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1398, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why do you ask?", "generated_answer": "\"Wir fragen, weil wir möchten.\"", "expected_answer": "Warum fragst du?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1399, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The crowd on the far left seemed to get bigger, and I heard now a faint murmur from it.", "generated_answer": "Die Ähnlichkeit der Spalte links am Rand wurde jetzt aufgezeigt, und ich höre nun eine kleinere Mutterstimmung von ihr.", "expected_answer": "Die Menge ganz links wurde scheinbar größer, und ich hörte jetzt ein leises Geräusch davon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1400, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The nearer the bone the sweeter the meat.", "generated_answer": "Die näher der Knie, desto schöner das Fleisch.", "expected_answer": "Je näher der Knochen, desto süßer das Fleisch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1401, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cup cracked and spilled its contents.", "generated_answer": "Die Tasse schritt und spülte ihre Ausführung.", "expected_answer": "Die Tasse zerbrach und verschüttete ihren Inhalt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1402, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"The invaders carried the name everywhere.\"\" The beautiful girl spoke of the invaders with pride.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Besatzungsparteien waren immer wieder in jedem Ort, die schöne Mutter sprach von den Besatzungsparteien mit Freude.", "expected_answer": "„Die Eindringlinge trugen den Namen überallhin.“ Das schöne Mädchen sprach stolz von den Eindringlingen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1403, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy remembered his dream, and suddenly everything was clear to him.", "generated_answer": "Der junge erinnert an sein Traum und dann wurde alles einfach erklärt.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge dachte an seinen Traum, und plötzlich war ihm alles klar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1404, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm leaving today,\"\" said the boy.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich gehe jetzt zu Ende.\"", "expected_answer": "„Ich gehe heute,“ sagte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1405, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Because the crystal was dirty.", "generated_answer": "\"Weißt du, wir sind die Christen?\"", "expected_answer": "Weil der Kristall verdreckt war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1406, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My office is located on level fifteen.", "generated_answer": "Mein Amt ist auf dem 15. Malter.", "expected_answer": "Mein Büro befindet sich im 15. Stock.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1407, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Could have been on my way to old Doc Brown!", "generated_answer": "Könnte es dachte ich, ich komme zu Aller-Dach.", "expected_answer": "Könnte auf meinem Weg zum alten Doc Brown gewesen sein!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1408, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Grow angry slowly; there's plenty of time.\"", "generated_answer": "Greißt dich kränkt, dass es einmal geht, dass es einmal geht.", "expected_answer": "Werde langsam wütend; es ist genügend Zeit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1409, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The reduced capacity forms were published by the individuals.", "generated_answer": "Die reduzierte Kapazitätformen wurden von den Individuen veröffentlicht.", "expected_answer": "Die Formulare mit verminderter Kapazität wurden von jedem Einzelnen veröffentlicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1410, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The town of Gueydan suffered numerous near catastrophes.", "generated_answer": "Die Stadt Güdenthal hat viele nächste Katastren genommen.", "expected_answer": "Die Stadt Gueydan erlitt unzählige Beinahekatastrophen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1411, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Native shrubs have been planted in their place.", "generated_answer": "\"Natürliche Gewächse wurden in ihren Platz aufgebaut.\"", "expected_answer": "Einheimische Sträucher wurden an ihrer Stelle gepflanzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1412, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At the end of the season, he played in the Florida Instructional League.", "generated_answer": "Die letzte Spielzeit der Saison, hat er in den Florida-Begleitungsschaften endet.", "expected_answer": "Er spielte am Ende der Saison in der Florida Instructional League.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1413, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The camel driver was seated at the base of a palm tree, observing the sunset.", "generated_answer": "Die Kammerdriversitzt war auf dem Grunde des Palmbäume, der die Sonnenuntergang beobachtet.", "expected_answer": "Der Kameltreiber saß am Fuß einer Palme und beobachtete den Sonnenuntergang.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1414, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you ever been to Singapore?", "generated_answer": "Sie haben jemanden gesehen, der auf Singapur geht?", "expected_answer": "Warst du schon mal in Singapur?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1415, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Credit won by lying is quick in dying.", "generated_answer": "Die Zeit, um zu schwimmen, ist schon zu spät, um zu sterben.", "expected_answer": "Die Glaubwürdigkeit, den man durch Lügen gewinnt, stirbt schnell.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1416, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Please don't appeal to my Sentimental side.\"", "generated_answer": "Diese nicht meiner sentimentalen Seite angeht.", "expected_answer": "Bitte appelliere nicht an meine sentimentale Seite.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1417, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Almost everyone here speaks Spanish.", "generated_answer": "Viele jährlich sprechen die Sprache Spanisch.", "expected_answer": "Hier spricht fast jeder Spanisch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1418, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No doubt the impact had caused a flash of fire.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht die Embert bekommen einen frischen Fluss.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Aufprall hatte zweifellos einen Feuerblitz verursacht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1419, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They're not concerned with that right now.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kann das Text nicht verstehen.", "expected_answer": "Damit beschäftigen sie sich gerade nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1420, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Robertson was brought up in Edinburgh and speaks fluent German.", "generated_answer": "Roberson wurde in Edinburg geboren und spricht Flußdeutsch.", "expected_answer": "Robertson ist aufgewachsen in Edinburgh und spricht fließend Deutsch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1421, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Rahman's version, are in Desh raga.\"", "generated_answer": "Ramm's Werke sind in Dessauer.", "expected_answer": "Rahmans Version ist in Desh Raga.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1422, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Roosevelt later vetoed a bill that would have disestablished it.", "generated_answer": "Roosevelt läuft dann auch den B bill, der diese entwickeln würde.", "expected_answer": "Roosevelt widersprach später einem Gesetzentwurf, der es abgeschafft hätte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1423, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We couldn't make it in a week!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich konnte nicht in einer Woche in einem.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir konnten es nicht in einer Woche schaffen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1424, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, the vehicle proved to be very noisy and unreliable under combat conditions.", "generated_answer": "\"Aber, das Auto zeigt sich sehr noisig und unreliable in den kampfaktions.\"", "expected_answer": "Dennoch erwies sich das Fahrzeug unter Kampfbedingungen als sehr laut und unzuverlässig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1425, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You point to a trail of ants leading into the house.", "generated_answer": "Die Punkte zeigen eine Reihe von Ameisen, die in den Haus gestiegen sind.", "expected_answer": "Sie deuten auf eine Ameisenstraße, die in das Haus führt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1426, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And who hired you for this?", "generated_answer": "Und wer hielt Sie für diese Arbeit.", "expected_answer": "Und wer hat Sie dafür eingestellt?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1427, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Variants include De Sutter, DeSoto, DeZuter, DeZutter and De Zutter.", "generated_answer": "Varianten insgesamt sind: Disoter Disotter Disuterer und Disuterer.", "expected_answer": "Varianten hiervon sind De Sutter, DeSoto, DeZuter, DeZutter und De Zutter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1428, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My daughter is happy that she found a feather on the street.", "generated_answer": "Ich sehe, dass meine Tochter glücklich ist, dass sie ein Vogel auf der Straße gefunden hat.", "expected_answer": "Meine Tochter ist glücklich, dass sie eine Feder auf der Straße fand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1429, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There were thirty girls on the soccer field.", "generated_answer": "Dreizehn Frauen stehen auf der Fußballplatte.", "expected_answer": "Auf dem Fußballfeld waren dreißig Mädchen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1430, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Haven't you got any feeling?\"", "generated_answer": "Haben Sie nirgendwo Gefechte?", "expected_answer": "Hast du gar kein Gefühl?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1431, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm an old, superstitious Arab, and I believe in our proverbs.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin alterere Arabische Schöpfer, und ich glaube in unseren Propheten.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich bin ein alter, abergläubiger Araber und glaube an unsere Redewendungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1432, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The music video was directed by Mark Kohr.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Musik-Video ist direkt von Mark Kor.\"", "expected_answer": "Bei dem Musikvideo führte Mark Kohr Regie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1433, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I could be wrong, but it's somewhere in that region.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Neu, aber es ist in dem Dritten.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich könnte mich täuschen, aber es ist irgendwo in dieser Gegend.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1434, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "If only he did not see her!", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn er nicht siehnte.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn er sie nur nicht gesehen hätte!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1435, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We were all made by the same hand, and we have the same soul.", "generated_answer": "Wir wurden alle durch das gleiche Handwerk gemacht, und wir haben das gleiche Herzen.", "expected_answer": "Wir wurden alle von derselben Hand erschaffen, und wir haben die gleiche Seele.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1436, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "راجع به چی حرف میزنی؟", "generated_answer": "\"Rage, ich habe dich.\"", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 1437, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You wanna order, or doncha?", "generated_answer": "\"Sie möchten ein Bestellen oder Dünnkuchen.\"", "expected_answer": "Willst du bestellen, oder nicht?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1438, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Despite years of research, the problem remained intractable.", "generated_answer": "\"Durch Jahrzehnte von Forschung wurde das Problem weiterhin ungelöst.\"", "expected_answer": "Trotz langjähriger Forschungen blieb das Problem unlösbar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1439, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"You and I aren't like Hassan, that rich merchant.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wir sind das gleiche.\"", "expected_answer": "Du und ich sind nicht wie Hassan, dieser reiche Kaufmann.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1440, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Because for him, you are a green field, from which he always returns with game.", "generated_answer": "\"Da er du bist, ist ein grünenes Feld, aus dem er jedesmal zurück bringt mit Spiel.\"", "expected_answer": "Denn für ihn bist du ein grünes Feld, von dem er immer mit Spiel zurückkehrt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1441, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I like crepes with nougat.", "generated_answer": "Ich liebe Grieß mit Nüsse.", "expected_answer": "Ich mag Crepes mit Nougat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1442, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It met with a positive review in Allmusic and mixed review from Pitchfork.", "generated_answer": "\"Es hat mit einem positiven Ruf in aller Musik, eine vermischte Bewertung von Pitchford.\"", "expected_answer": "Es traf auf eine positive Kritik in Allmusic und gemischte Kritik von Pitchfork.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1443, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The band started as roadside musicians.", "generated_answer": "Die Gruppe beginnt als Straßenmusikanten.", "expected_answer": "Die Band begann als Straßenmusiker.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1444, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She decided to study Accounting at a university in Portugal.", "generated_answer": "Sie entschieden, Studium an der Universität in Portugal zu bekommen, um Rechnungslehre zu lernen.", "expected_answer": "Sie entschied sich, an einer Universität in Portugal Rechnungswesen zu studieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1445, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Various conflicting accounts exist that describe saffron's first arrival in South and East Asia.\"", "generated_answer": "Viele kontrastierende Berichte existieren, die die erste Einführung des Saffrons in Süd- und Ostasiens erzählen.", "expected_answer": "Verschiedene widersprüchliche Berichte beschreiben Safrans erste Ankunft in Süd- und Ostasien.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1446, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Exciting times are the lot of the fish patrol.", "generated_answer": "Das ist ein großer Anspruch auf die Leute.", "expected_answer": "Aufregende Zeiten sind das Los der Fischpatrouille.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1447, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This technique is also known as living polymerization.", "generated_answer": "Diese Technik ist auch bekannt als \"Lebenspolymere\".", "expected_answer": "Diese Technik ist auch bekannt als lebende Polymerisation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1448, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The underground railway network is less extensive, consisting of four lines.", "generated_answer": "Die untergrund-Räuber-Netzwerk ist weniger entwickelt, bestehend aus vier Linien.", "expected_answer": "Das U-Bahn-Netz ist weniger weitreichend und besteht aus vier Linien.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1449, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'll take a glance if you like.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich werde ein Blick nehmen, wenn du willst.", "expected_answer": "Wenn Sie möchten, werde ich einen kurzen Blick darauf werfen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1450, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"It's going to take a while,\"\" the boy said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Sein Vorstieg wird lange sein,\" der Junge sagte.", "expected_answer": "„Es wird eine Weile dauern,“ sagte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1451, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She went to these things resolutely.", "generated_answer": "Ich wollte diese Dinge, wirklich.", "expected_answer": "Sie ging diese Dinge resolut an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1452, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Miller also described the track as too long.", "generated_answer": "\"Müller auch beschwert, dass die Spitze zu lang ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Miller beschrieb den Track ebenfalls als zu lang.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1453, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pages bound in cloth make a book.", "generated_answer": "\"Seiten\" in German is \"Seiten\".", "expected_answer": "In Stoff gebundene Seiten machen ein Buch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1454, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She offered to raise the funds and supervise construction of the hospital.", "generated_answer": "Schälfer zum Aufbau der Fälle und der Beschäftigung des Krankenhauses.", "expected_answer": "Sie bot an, die Gelder zu sammeln und den Bau des Krankenhauses zu überwachen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1455, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The area was surrounded by a wooden fence, later replaced by a concrete wall.", "generated_answer": "Die Umgebung war umgeben von einem Holzfangen, später dann von einem konkreten Wälder.", "expected_answer": "Das Gebiet war umgeben von einem Holzzaun, der später durch eine Betonmauer ersetzt wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1456, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy was relieved.", "generated_answer": "Die Wein war erklärt.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge war erleichtert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1457, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The band was also featured on the soundtrack to the television show \"\"Due South\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Die Band wurde auch auf dem Soundtrack zum Fernsehen-Show 'Deutschlandfunk' verankert.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Band spielte auch auf dem Soundtrack zur Fernsehsendung „Due South“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1458, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you want to get us scooped?", "generated_answer": "\"Wollen Sie sie Socken haben?\"", "expected_answer": "Willst du uns aushöhlen lassen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1459, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Access denied.", "generated_answer": "\"Axenbein.\"", "expected_answer": "Zugriff verweigert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1460, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What was she to do?", "generated_answer": "\"Wirklich, sie muss tun.\"", "expected_answer": "Was hatte sie vor?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1461, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Vittal has already grown into a town.", "generated_answer": "\"Fatel\" hat bereits in einem Ort geworden.", "expected_answer": "Vittal ist schon zu einer Stadt gewachsen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1462, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"There is one church in the village, dedicated to the \"\"Holy Trinity\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Das ist ein kleines Kirche in der Stadt, das gerecht zu der heiligen Drei-Trinität.", "expected_answer": "In dem Dorf gibt es eine Kirche, die der „Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit“ gewidmet ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1463, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But I didn’t think that it contained any living creature.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist eine gute Idee.\"", "expected_answer": "Aber ich dachte nicht, dass es irgendein Lebewesen enthält.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1464, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They found a cactus in a passenger's luggage at the airport's security check.\"", "generated_answer": "Diese Personen hatte das Kätzchen in einem Passagierluggage im Flughafen-Sicherheitscheck gefunden.", "expected_answer": "SIe haben im Gepäck eines Passagiers beim Sicherheitscheck am Flughafen einen Kaktus gefunden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1465, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Adversity and loss make a man wise.", "generated_answer": "Entschuldigung, ich kann Ihre Antwort nicht in deutscher Sprache übersetzen.", "expected_answer": "Unglück und Verluste machen einen Mann weise.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1466, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Only at very high pressures do we need to worry about such changes.", "generated_answer": "\"Nur bei sehr hohen Druck werden wir dabei nur noch um hohe Änderungen betreffen.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir müssen uns nur unter sehr hohem Druck über solche Veränderungen Sorgen machen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1467, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can it be changed?", "generated_answer": "Kann nicht geandert werden.", "expected_answer": "Kann es geändert werden?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1468, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One of the most used alloys is Zamac, a combination of Zinc and Aluminium.", "generated_answer": "Zinc-Aluminum-Kombination.", "expected_answer": "Eine der meistverwendeten Gemische ist Zamak, eine Kombination aus Zink und Aluminium.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1469, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He's doing it because it's what he wants to do.\"", "generated_answer": "Er macht es, weil es ihm will.", "expected_answer": "Er macht es, weil es das ist, was er machen will.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1470, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oak is strong and also gives shade.", "generated_answer": "Oak ist stärker und auch schadet.", "expected_answer": "Eine Eiche ist stabil und gibt auch Schatten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1471, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Best not to get in her way when she's on the hunt.\"", "generated_answer": "Dies nicht, um ihr in der Lage zu sein, als sie nicht auf der Jagd ist.", "expected_answer": "Am besten ist es, ihr nicht im Weg zu stehen, wenn sie auf der Suche ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1472, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There must be somebody there!", "generated_answer": "\"Das muss sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Jemand muss dort sein!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1473, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Policemen consider the mafia responsible for the massacre.", "generated_answer": "Mafia ist für das Massaker verantwortlich.", "expected_answer": "Polizisten sind der Ansicht, dass die Mafia verantwortlich ist für das Massaker.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1474, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why do you say that?", "generated_answer": "\"Wir sagen, weil es so ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Warum sagst du das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1475, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Then came the night of the first falling star.", "generated_answer": "Dann kam der Nacht des ersten Sternfalles.", "expected_answer": "Dann war die Nacht der ersten Sternschuppe gekommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1476, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hammers are basic tools in many trades.", "generated_answer": "Hammern sind einfache Werkzeuge und können oft als Gewerbe bewährt werden.", "expected_answer": "Hämmer sind grundlegende Werkzeuge in vielen Bereichen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1477, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He carried two dead hawks over his shoulder.", "generated_answer": "Er kann mit zwei tödlichen Höhlen über sein Schadel schlafen.", "expected_answer": "Er trug zwei tote Falken über seiner Schulter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1478, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Life begins at forty.", "generated_answer": "\"Schlussfähig ist um 40.\"", "expected_answer": "Mit vierzig fängt das Leben an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1479, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ironically, you just gave me the perfect alibi.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe dich gern gewünscht.", "expected_answer": "Ironischerweise hast du mir gerade das perfekte Alibi gegeben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1480, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Scattered groups of people were hurrying from the direction of Woking.", "generated_answer": "Schwäbische Eule waren aus dem Nachbarraum von Bütow herumgewachsen.", "expected_answer": "Verstreute Personengruppen eilten aus Richtung Woking.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1481, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The only shadow was that of the few scattered pine trees.", "generated_answer": "Das einzige Schatten war das des neuen verzerrten Pinus-Bäume.", "expected_answer": "Der einzige Schatten war der von den wenigen verstreuten Pinienbäumen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1482, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I know how they feel.", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß wie sie es fühlen.", "expected_answer": "Ich weiß, wie sie sich fühlen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1483, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Excuse you for what?", "generated_answer": "Entschuldigung für was.", "expected_answer": "Dich für was entschuldigen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1484, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "With his troll post he provoked the hackers to do penetration testing for him.", "generated_answer": "Mit seinem Trollpost führte er die Hacker zu einem Entwicklungsprozess an.", "expected_answer": "Mit seinem Trollpost provozierte er die Hacker, für ihn Penetrationstests durchzuführen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1485, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Others remained where their families had lived for generations, with strong local ties.", "generated_answer": "Andere wurden wo ihre Familien für vier Generationen lebendig hinzugefügt, die sehr wichtigen Stolz auf den Ortsherren.", "expected_answer": "Andere blieben dort, wo ihre Familien seit Generationen gelebt hatten, mit starken lokalen Bindungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1486, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The remix of the single featured producer Kanye West.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Remix von der Sling-Gruppe\" enthielt Düzit Tange.", "expected_answer": "Der Remix der Single mit dem Produzenten Kanye West.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1487, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Too many cooks spoil the broth.", "generated_answer": "\"Zu viele Küchen spielen den Brot zu viel.\"", "expected_answer": "Zu viele Köche verderben den Brei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1488, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Her jaw was getting tired from chewing gum.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe sein Gesicht verloren, durch Trockenheit.", "expected_answer": "Ihr Kiefer wurde vom Kaugummi müde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1489, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Pomp and circumstance", "generated_answer": "\"Vor dem Zusammenhang.\"", "expected_answer": "Glanz und Gloria", "history": [] }, { "index": 1490, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The organization's history spanned three centuries.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Die Gruppe hat sich seit drei Jahrhunderten verlaufen.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Geschichte der Organisation umfasst drei Jahrhunderte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1491, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Taking wares to market for selling.", "generated_answer": "\"Entschuldigung, ich kann Ihnen keine deutsche Übersetzung erstellen.\"", "expected_answer": "Waren zum Verkauf auf den Markt bringen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1492, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The relationship between Janet and Arthur results in her becoming pregnant.", "generated_answer": "Die Beziehung zwischen Jett und anderen Kindern in ihrem Wachstum wird wachsend.", "expected_answer": "Die Beziehung zwischen Janet und Arthur führt dazu, dass sie schwanger wird.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1493, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We can't undo our mistakes.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wir können nicht und tun unsere Missachtungen.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir können unsere Fehler nicht rückgängig machen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1494, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The character is shown as a veteran soldier who is still father of Teela.", "generated_answer": "Die Richterhöfe sind als ein Vater von einem alten Soldaten angezeigt.", "expected_answer": "Der Charakter wird als Veteranensoldat gezeigt, der immer noch der Vater von Teela ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1495, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nadia had had enough complaints of all the complaints from Sofia.", "generated_answer": "Nadia hatte genug Komplizen von Suvia.", "expected_answer": "Nadia hatte genug Klagen von allen Klagen aus Sofia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1496, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He knew intuitively what to expect.", "generated_answer": "In den künstlerischen Bereichen, was erwartet.", "expected_answer": "Er wusste instinktiv, was er zu erwarten hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1497, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The town and its primary village are named after Ambrose Spencer.", "generated_answer": "\"Ohne Zwang ist es nicht möglich, ohne Zwang zu tun.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Stadt und ihr Hauptdorf sind benannt nach Ambrose Spencer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1498, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Two street who are dancing to accordion music.", "generated_answer": "\"Zwei Straßen hintertragen, zum Musik.\"", "expected_answer": "Zwei Straßen, die zu Akkordeonmusik tanzen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1499, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe I could sell tickets.", "generated_answer": "\"Möglicherweise kann ich Tickets verkaufen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich könnte vielleicht Karten verkaufen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1500, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A group of people walking on snowy steps.", "generated_answer": "Das ist ein guter Mensch, der auf schneebigen Stufen geht.", "expected_answer": "Eine Personengruppe, die auf schneebeckten Stufen geht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1501, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What are you crying about?", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist nicht mein Problem.\"", "expected_answer": "Warum weinst du?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1502, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The alchemist lighted the fire, and soon a delicious aroma filled the tent.", "generated_answer": "Die Alchemistin leuchtete die Feuer und bald war eine leckere Aromathe.", "expected_answer": "Der Alchemist entzündete das Feuer, und bald füllte das Zelt ein köstlicher Duft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1503, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many people find it difficult to remember a sequence of more than seven numbers", "generated_answer": "Viele Menschen finden es schwierig, mehr als sieben Zahlen zu vergessen.", "expected_answer": "Viele Menschen tun sich schwer, sich eine Folge von mehr als sieben Zahlen zu merken", "history": [] }, { "index": 1504, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She knows everything.", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß alles.", "expected_answer": "Sie weiß alles.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1505, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was the old, old story, I supposed.", "generated_answer": "\"Es war das alte, alte Geschichte, wusste ich.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich nehme an, es war die uralte Geschichte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1506, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Please find me Chance Pe Dance.", "generated_answer": "\"Bitte finde ich eine Chance, um zu dancen.\"", "expected_answer": "Bitte finden Sie mich Chance Pe Dance.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1507, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Ride Report proposed four main initiatives for study and evaluation.", "generated_answer": "Die Richtungs-Rapport stellte für viele große Anforderungen für Studien und Untersuchungen dar.", "expected_answer": "Der Fahrbericht empfahl vier Hauptinitiativen für Studien und Evaluierungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1508, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Could I borrow a bit of cash?", "generated_answer": "Können Sie ein wenig Geld zurückgeben?", "expected_answer": "Könnte ich mir etwas Bargeld leihen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1509, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To scare a bird is not the way to catch it.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Schurke ist kein Weg, um zu kämpfen.\"", "expected_answer": "Einen Vogel zu erschrecken, ist nicht der Weg, ihn zu fangen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1510, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His death is registered with the War Department in Washington.", "generated_answer": "Sein Tod ist mit dem R. Behörde in Washington vermerkt.", "expected_answer": "Sein Tod ist erfasst beim Kriegsministerium in Washington.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1511, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This is unacceptable, we must do something!", "generated_answer": "Das ist unangenehmlich, wir müssen etwas tun.", "expected_answer": "Das ist inakzeptabel, wir müssen etwas tun!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1512, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "William ran down the street.", "generated_answer": "William fuhr über den Weg.", "expected_answer": "William rannte die Straße runter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1513, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They felt that the salesman had lied to them.", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube, sie glauben, dass die Schiffmann ihnen ließen.", "expected_answer": "Sie spürten, dass der Verkäufer sie angelogen hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1514, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"All things are one,\"\" the old man had said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Alle Dinge sind ein Ganzes\" - der alte Mann hatte dort gesagt.", "expected_answer": "„Alles ist eins,“ hatte der alte Mann gesagt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1515, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, he cannot see or hear beyond the wall.", "generated_answer": "Hier kommt der Text in deutscher Sprache:\n\nAber er kann nicht sehen oder hören über den Wäldern.", "expected_answer": "Dennoch kann er nicht über die Mauer hinaus sehen oder hören.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1516, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is religiously accredited by the Adventist Accrediting Association.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist ein religiöser Adressbuch für den Advenzions-Adressbuch.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie ist religiös anerkannt von der Adventist Accrediting Association.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1517, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the boy's horse began to slow.\"", "generated_answer": "Sudannst du, für keinen wahrnehmbaren Grund, die Katze beginnt zu schlafen.", "expected_answer": "Ohne ersichtlichen Grund, begann das Pferd des Jungen plötzlich zu verlangsamen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1518, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I just don't trust anyone who says they've never had Hamburger Helper.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube nicht, dass jemanden sagt, dass er keine Hamburgerhilfe hat.", "expected_answer": "Ich vertraue einfach niemandem, der sagt, er hat noch nie Hamburger Helper gehabt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1519, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The egg's shell is hard and brittle, while the interior is sticky on the fingers.\"", "generated_answer": "Die X-Schale ist hard und Brillant, während der Inneren scharf und mit den Fingern.", "expected_answer": "Die Eierschale ist hart und zerbrechlich, das Innere klebt an den Fingern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1520, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Talking comes by nature, silence by wisdom.", "generated_answer": "Das spricht man von Natur, das schläft man von Wunsch.", "expected_answer": "Reden kommt von Natur, Schweigen von Weisheit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1521, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "One egg is like another.", "generated_answer": "Ei ist wie ein Ding.", "expected_answer": "Ein Ei ist gleicht dem anderen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1522, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Their second album, \"\"Buffalo Springfield Again\"\", marked their progression to psychedelia and hard rock.\"", "generated_answer": "Ihre zweite Album folgt den \"Springer\" wieder, markieren ihre weitergeleitete Entwicklung in Päckchen und Hardrock.", "expected_answer": "Ihr zweites Album, „Buffalo Springfield Again“, markierte ihre Entwicklung zu Psychedelia und Hardrock.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1523, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sadly, my dream of becoming a squirrel whisperer may never happen.", "generated_answer": "\"Schade, dass meine Träume von der Entstehung eines Aschwirren-Ruhmverständwirs nie erfüllt werden.\"", "expected_answer": "Leider kann mein Traum, Eichhörnchenflüsterer zu werden, nie wahr werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1524, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Slow Tango\"\" originally appeared in the Wim Wenders film \"\"Faraway, So Close!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Schnellangler\" ist der erste Name des Films \"Fernweiter, so weit, so nah\".", "expected_answer": "„Slow Tango“ erschien ursprünglich im Wim Wenders Film „In weiter Ferne, so nah!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1525, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Please don't feed the pigeons, or else they will haunt you forever!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Bitte kehre die Päckchen nicht ein, sonst werden sie dich immer noch hinterlegen haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Bitte füttere nicht die Tauben, sonst werden sie dich immer verfolgen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1526, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I love you too.", "generated_answer": "Ich liebe dich auch.", "expected_answer": "Ich liebe dich auch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1527, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't be so silly!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht so sehr so süsslich.\"", "expected_answer": "Sei nicht so dumm!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1528, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There are also a few smaller villages and retirement parks in the immediate area.", "generated_answer": "Das gibt auch einige kleinere Städte und Retirementspäcke im Umfeld.", "expected_answer": "Es gibt auch ein paar kleinere Dörfer und Pensionsparks im Nahbereich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1529, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It publishes a large number of scientific publications.", "generated_answer": "Diese Zeitschrift veröffentlicht viele wissenschaftliche Publikationen.", "expected_answer": "Es veröffentlicht eine große Menge wissenschaftlicher Publikationen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1530, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist eine gute Idee.\"", "expected_answer": "LGBT steht für lesbisch, schwul, bisexuell und transgender.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1531, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No such thing ever happened.", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts so wie das nie geschah.\"", "expected_answer": "Nichts dergleichen ist je passiert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1532, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hires two personal trainers and make one of them train the other one.", "generated_answer": "Hirzt zwei Personale Trainern und macht einen der beiden Trainerinnen ihnen.", "expected_answer": "Stellt zwei Personal Trainer ein und lässt einen von ihnen den anderen trainieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1533, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However, many students of Lutterworth College in Harborough District actually hail from Blaby district.", "generated_answer": "Hier kommt der deutsche Übersetzung:\n\nHier kommt der deutsche Übersetzung:\n\nMan muss auch denken, dass viele Studenten von Lutworth College und des Harburg-Gebietes nicht nur von dem Länderkreis entstehen, sondern auch von dem Länderkreis aus kommen.", "expected_answer": "Viele Schüler des Lutterworth College im Harborough District stammen tatsächlich aus dem Blaby District.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1534, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I think I know what's on your mind, Tuppy,\"\" I said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich glaube, ich weiß, was auf deinem Herzen geht,\" ich sagte.", "expected_answer": "„Ich glaube, ich weiß, was du denkst, Tuppy,“ sagte ich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1535, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This longer burn cut short a later Centaur disposal burn.", "generated_answer": "Dieser langweiliger Bericht wurde schwer geschlossen, ein weitergeleitetes Brief an dieser Seite entfernt.", "expected_answer": "Diese längere Verbrennung kürzt eine spätere Centaur-Entsorgungsverbrennung ab.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1536, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Will I learn to do that someday?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "Wie lernst du das?", "expected_answer": "„Werde ich eines Tages lernen, wie man das macht?“ fragte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1537, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A Shell spokesman said the resignation was by mutual agreement.", "generated_answer": "Die Ausweisungsstelle sagte, dass die Verlust der Stellenführung durch einen gemeinsamen Zusammenbruch stattfindet.", "expected_answer": "Der Rücktritt erfolgte einvernehmlich, sagte ein Shell-Sprecher.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1538, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Asymmetric cryptography uses pairs of keys.", "generated_answer": "Symmetrische Kryptographie ist eine Abkürzung für Symmetrische Kryptographie.", "expected_answer": "Asymmetrische Kryptographie nutzt Schlüsselpaare.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1539, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On his hands and knees!", "generated_answer": "\"Seinen Händen und Knieben.\"", "expected_answer": "Auf seinen Händen und Knien!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1540, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A new movie is shown for the first time in the cinema.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine neue Film wird für erstes Mal im Kino angezeigt.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein neuer Film wird zum ersten Mal im Kino gezeigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1541, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Just pick up a first aid kit to restore your health.", "generated_answer": "Kannst du ein erstes-Kranken-Gesetz-Geben-Set kaufen, um deinen Gesundheitswert zu erhalten?", "expected_answer": "Um Ihre Gesundheit wiederherzustellen, holen Sie sich einfach einen Erste-Hilfe-Kasten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1542, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finally, a young woman approached who was not dressed in black.", "generated_answer": "\"Schließlich, ein junger Mensch kam, der nicht in Kläden war.\"", "expected_answer": "Zum Schluss näherte sich eine junge Frau, die nicht in Schwarz gekleidet war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1543, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do we emerge as successful businesses during an economic downturn?", "generated_answer": "Wie können wir eine erfolgreiche Firmenentwicklung durch eine krise in der Wirtschaft ermöglichen?", "expected_answer": "Wie entwickeln wir uns zu erfolgreichen Unternehmen während eines Wirtschaftsabschwungs?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1544, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Parachuting is dangerous.", "generated_answer": "Ich kann das Text nicht verstehen.", "expected_answer": "Fallschirmspringen ist gefährlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1545, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No, not for them.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht für sie.\"", "expected_answer": "Nein, nicht für sie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1546, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The families will be here soon.", "generated_answer": "Die Vögel werden bald hier kommen.", "expected_answer": "Die Familien werden bald hier sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1547, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cash, Thomas Craven, Clarence Darrow, W. E. B.", "generated_answer": "\"Kess, Thomas Cravan, Clarance Derröw, W.E.B.\"", "expected_answer": "Cash, Thomas Craven, Clarence Darrow, W. E. B.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1548, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Dora has a trampoline in her garden.", "generated_answer": "Dora hat eine Trampoline im Garten.", "expected_answer": "Dora hat in ihrem Garten ein Trampolin.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1549, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To the west is Yap State.", "generated_answer": "Yap ist in der Westen.", "expected_answer": "Im Westen liegt der Staat Yap.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1550, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A police officer standing next to a building looking toward the ground", "generated_answer": "Ein Polizist, der über ein Gebäude, auf den Boden schaut.", "expected_answer": "Ein neben einem Gebäude stehender Polizist, der zu Boden schaut", "history": [] }, { "index": 1551, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These instruments are all performed in the pinpeat and mahaori orchestras.", "generated_answer": "Dieseinstrumente werden in den Pinn- und Maori-Orchestern gebracht.", "expected_answer": "Diese Instrumente werden alle in den Orchestern Pintorf- und Mahaori-Orchestern gespielt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1552, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There was to be a common parliament and other common institutions.", "generated_answer": "Das war der Ziel, dass es einen gemeinsamen Parlament und weitere gemeinsame Institutionen wäre.", "expected_answer": "Das Ziel war, ein gemeinsames Parlament und andere gemeinsame Institutionen zu haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1553, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Oregon sunstones can be up to three inches wide.", "generated_answer": "\"Oranienstein kann bis zu drei Zoll groß sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Sonnensteine aus Oregon können bis zu drei Zoll breit sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1554, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why not right here?", "generated_answer": "\"Wirklich hier?\"", "expected_answer": "Warum nicht hier und jetzt?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1555, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Clothes are made to be worn.", "generated_answer": "Die Kleider sind für gewonnen zu sein.", "expected_answer": "Kleidung ist dazu da, um getragen werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1556, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "points", "generated_answer": "Punkte.", "expected_answer": "Punkte", "history": [] }, { "index": 1557, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Strange images passed through my mind.", "generated_answer": "\"Unterirdische Bilder durch meine Gedanken fließen\"", "expected_answer": "Mir gingen merkwürdige Bilder durch den Kopf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1558, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Her computer suddenly shows a Blue Screen of Death.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Computer schläft eine blaue Tastenleiste.", "expected_answer": "Ihr Computer zeigt plötzlich einen Bluescreen an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1559, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Let him have everything he wants.", "generated_answer": "\"Er hat alles, was er möchte.\"", "expected_answer": "Gib ihm alles, wonach er fragt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1560, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Like eating or sleeping, or like seeking love or finding a job.", "generated_answer": "\"Wie es ein Leben ist, oder wie man es findet oder wie man es suchen muss.\"", "expected_answer": "So wie essen oder schlafen, oder nach Liebe streben oder eine Arbeit zu finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1561, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Capital town", "generated_answer": "Kapitalstadt.", "expected_answer": "Metropole mit politischem Zentrum", "history": [] }, { "index": 1562, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Britton-Macon Tories are a member of the Tri-County Conference.", "generated_answer": "Die Dütten-Mackentorier sind Teil der drei-Kreis-Freihandwerker.", "expected_answer": "Die Britton-Macon Tories stellen ein Mitglied der Tri-County Konferenz dar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1563, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some of our biggest clients are affected.", "generated_answer": "\"Einige von uns werden wirklich am größten Gewinn erzielen.\"", "expected_answer": "Einige von unseren größten Kunden sind davon betroffen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1564, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He called to the boy, and they took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment.", "generated_answer": "Er ruft den Jungen und sie setzt ihre Arbeit auf den Dünen, um den Anker zu bewahren.", "expected_answer": "Er rief den Jungen, und sie machten einen Spaziergang durch die Dünen, die das Lager umgaben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1565, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm not so much into anatomy, where's the bladder again?\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin nicht so sehr in Betracht von anatomischen Wörtern wieder.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich bin nicht vertraut mit Anatomie, wo ist die Blase noch gleich?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1566, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The chocolate bar looked so tempting that Lenna just couldn't abstain from it.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Kaffee-Bar stand so entzückend auf, dass Lena nur das nicht verpasst.", "expected_answer": "Der Schokoriegel sah so verführerisch aus, dass Lenna einfach nicht widerstehen konnte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1567, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I think they're going to last for a long time,\"\" he said to the monk.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich glaube, sie werden lange dauern, sagte er zu der Mutter.\"", "expected_answer": "„Ich denke, dass sie lange halten werden“, sagte er zum Mönch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1568, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The term has also seen a rise in use by antiquarians, traditionalists and reactionaries.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Begriff hat auch in der Verwendung von Antiquaristen, Traditionellen und Reaktionaren geworden.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Begriff wurde zunehmend auch von Buchhändlern, Traditionalisten und Reaktionären verwendet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1569, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The railroad crosses the river on the Kylling Bridge at the village of Verma.", "generated_answer": "Die Straßenbahn fährt über die Sekte am Killingbrücke in der Stadt von Werm.", "expected_answer": "Der Zug überquert den Fluss auf der Kylling-Brücke in der Nähe des Ortes Verma.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1570, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A native method can also inspect and use objects created by Java application code.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine Methode kann auch indirekt und mit Hilfe von Java-Anwendungsraum angepasst und verwendet werden, um Objekte, die von Java-Anwendungen erzeugt wurden, zu erzeugen.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine native Methode kann auch Objekte testen und anwenden, welche in Java programmiert wurden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1571, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The metal ions have to be heated in the flame first.", "generated_answer": "Die Metallionen müssen erst in der Flammenlamp gehärt werden.", "expected_answer": "Die Metallionen müssen zunächst in der Flamme erhitzt werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1572, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Waste not, want not", "generated_answer": "\"Wasten, Warten nicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Verschwende nicht, begehre nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1573, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was the time of day when all of Spain slept during the summer.", "generated_answer": "Das war das Zeitpunkt, und alle Späne schlief in der Sommerzeit.", "expected_answer": "Es war die Tageszeit, zu der im Sommer ganz Spanien schläft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1574, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What are you going to do?", "generated_answer": "Was solltest du tun?", "expected_answer": "Was wirst Du dann machen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1575, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"See Earth's location in the universe for an orientation.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Seien Sie in der Lage, Ihre Position auf der Erde in der Universität zu orientieren.\"", "expected_answer": "Um eine Orientierung zu erhalten, sehen Sie sich bitte die Position der Erde im Universum an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1576, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She was his now, forever.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie war jetzt für immer.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie gehörte nun ihm, für immer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1577, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At most, they thought that another meteorite had descended.", "generated_answer": "Das waren die meisten, die glaubten, dass ein weiterer Meteoritenfall gekommen sei.", "expected_answer": "Höchstens vermuteten sie, dass ein weiterer Meteorit herabgekommen sei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1578, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To inspire, we need to work diligently.", "generated_answer": "\"Zur Inspiration müssen wir arbeiten schwach.\"", "expected_answer": "Um andere zu inspirieren, müssen wir sorgfältig arbeiten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1579, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Refer to the Owner's Manual for further instructions.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Angeben Sie Ihrem eigenen Menschen für weitere Bedienungsanweisungen.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie finden weitere Anweisungen in der Bedienungsanleitung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1580, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Benjamin was snacking on strips of bacon.", "generated_answer": "Benjamin spielte Bohnen auf.", "expected_answer": "Benjamin nahm einen kleinen Imbiss aus Speckstreifen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1581, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Her motto was \"\"Surtout Loyal\"\", which translates to 'Loyal above all'.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ihr Modell war \"Schritt-für-Schritt-Loyalität\", das bedeutet \"Loyalität über alle andere Aspekte\".", "expected_answer": "Ihr Motto war „Surtout Loyal“, was übersetzt bedeutet „Loyalität über alles“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1582, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Nobody's going to rush me into anything!\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts wird mich in jemandem aufgeben.\"", "expected_answer": "Keiner wird mich zu irgendetwas hetzen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1583, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I never stole a watch in my life.", "generated_answer": "Ich bin ein nie Stolz geworden.", "expected_answer": "Ich noch nie eine Uhr in meinem Leben gestohlen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1584, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Every purchase is a vote.", "generated_answer": "\"Jede Bestellung ist ein Stimme.\"", "expected_answer": "Jeder Einkauf ist eine Stimmabgabe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1585, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Those are the rules of war,\"\" the leader explained.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das sind die Regeln der Kriegskunst,\" der Führer erklärte.", "expected_answer": "„Dies sind die Gesetze des Krieges“, erklärte der General.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1586, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Janet Roger died three months ago.", "generated_answer": "Janey Roger wird in 3 Monaten nach dem Tode.", "expected_answer": "Vor drei Monaten starb Janet Roger.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1587, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The reason for this, is to discern your strengths.", "generated_answer": "Das Grund für dieses ist, um Ihre Schwäche zu erkennen.", "expected_answer": "Die Ursache davon ist, seine Stärken zu erkennen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1588, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And there you were in bed.", "generated_answer": "Und da warst du.", "expected_answer": "Und dort im Bett lagst du.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1589, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They can have decorative carvings and in later times were erected as memorials.", "generated_answer": "Ich kann das Text nicht verstehen, da ich keine Sprache erfahren habe.", "expected_answer": "Sie können gestalterische Schnitzereien haben und wurden in späteren Zeiten als Gedenkstätten errichtet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1590, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We tried to replace the coin but failed.", "generated_answer": "Er versuchte, ein Kranz zu stecken, aber misserfiel.", "expected_answer": "Wir haben versucht, die Währung zu ersetzen, aber wir sind gescheitert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1591, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Overnight, every charity organisation had to have one.", "generated_answer": "\"Nachts, jeden kranken- oder wissenschaftlichen Verein, welches eine Nachmittagspersonal braucht, musste eine sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Kurzerhand war diese für jede Wohltätigkeitsorganisation verpflichtend.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1592, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The group from Belgium plans to go hiking on Wednesday.", "generated_answer": "Die Gruppe aus Belgien planen, um am Wochenende zu treffen.", "expected_answer": "Die belgische Gruppe plant, am Mittwoch wandern zu gehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1593, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Phantom of the Opera is the only musical I've ever seen.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Der Fanan des Opern ist der einzige Musikalisch, das ich jemals gesehen habe.\"", "expected_answer": "Das Phantom der Oper ist das einzige Musical, welches ich mir jemals angeschaut habe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1594, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The phone call got interrupted for unknown reasons.", "generated_answer": "Die Telefonansendung wurde für unbekannte Gründe verstört.", "expected_answer": "Das Telefonat wurde aus nicht bekannten Gründen unterbrochen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1595, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you sing me a lullaby?", "generated_answer": "Kannst du mir sehen bei Alila Bay?", "expected_answer": "Kannst du mir ein Schlaflied singen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1596, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Mother's on the extension.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Mutter's aufzunehmen.\"", "expected_answer": "Mutter ist in der Leitung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1597, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A gradual diminishing of time", "generated_answer": "Entwicklung der Zeit.", "expected_answer": "Eine rückläufige Entwicklung der Zeit", "history": [] }, { "index": 1598, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The song, written and sung by Wright, was recorded during two different sessions.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Lied, die von Wright geschrieben und gesungen wurde, wurde in zwei verschiedenen Sessionen gemeldet.\"", "expected_answer": "Das von Wright geschriebene und gesungene Lied wurde während zweier verschiedener Sessions aufgenommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1599, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Great, can you show them to me?", "generated_answer": "Ja, kann ich sie dir zeigen.", "expected_answer": "Super, kannst du sie mir vorführen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1600, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How valiantly I went at it that first day.", "generated_answer": "Wie vielen verschiedenen Weisen ich es dabei erst diese erste Tag gekämpft.", "expected_answer": "Wie mutig ich mich in diesen ersten Tag warf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1601, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"There's a caravan leaving today for Al-Fayoum.\"\"\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt eine Runde, die morgen für Al-Fayum gehen wird.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gibt eine Karawane, die heute nach Al-Fayoum fährt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1602, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The downstairs hosts a small railroad collection museum.", "generated_answer": "Die Umgänge stehen in einem kleineren Rathaus-Kollektions-Museum.", "expected_answer": "Im Erdgeschoss befindet sich ein kleines Museum aus gesammelten Eisenbahnen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1603, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Did you see the chap over there with his arms in the air like he just doesn't care?\"", "generated_answer": "Sie sah, der Hauch über there, mit seinen Armen in den Luft, wie er nicht wahrnehmen würde.", "expected_answer": "Hast du den Kerl da drüben mit den Händen in den Hosentaschen gesehen, der so aussieht, als wäre es ihm alles egal?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1604, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The landing was dimly light by a single, bare, low-power light-bulb.", "generated_answer": "Die Leitung war dunklich, aber ein einziger, schwerartiger Lichtbubel.", "expected_answer": "Die Landebrücke war durch eine einzige, blanke, Energiespar-Glühbirne schwach beleuchtet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1605, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The topmost shoe box held only receipts from shopping trips a decade ago.", "generated_answer": "Die Top-Shop-Bücher Halle hat sich seit Jahrzehnten für Jugendliche auf Jugendjagd-Trip-Tages ausgewertet.", "expected_answer": "Der oberste Schuhkarton enthielt ausschließlich Belege von Einkaufsfahrten vor einem Jahrzehnt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1606, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Troops frequently wintered at Nicomedia.", "generated_answer": "Truppen während der Nachmittagen waren oft in Nikomedia.", "expected_answer": "Oft überwinterten Truppen in Nikomedia.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1607, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Talk to me about it.", "generated_answer": "\"Talk to me about it.\"", "expected_answer": "Rede darüber mit mir.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1608, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yes, this is the right place.", "generated_answer": "Ja, das ist der richtige Plan. Kannst du es sehen?", "expected_answer": "Ja, dies ist der korrekte Ort.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1609, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cunningham, and Bunichi Kagawa.", "generated_answer": "\"Cunningham und Bunichi Kagawa.\"", "expected_answer": "[TO REMOVE]", "history": [] }, { "index": 1610, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He really wants us to be friends, but we hardly have anything in common!", "generated_answer": "Er wirklich möchte wir freunde werden, aber wir haben nichts in Beziehung.", "expected_answer": "Er will wirklich eine Freundschaft mit mir, dabei haben wir kaum etwas gemeinsam!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1611, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is all right.", "generated_answer": "Es ist alles richtig.", "expected_answer": "Alles ist in Ordnung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1612, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you say?", "generated_answer": "Wie sieht's.", "expected_answer": "Was denkst du darüber?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1613, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "North Kanara was transferred to the Bombay Presidency, and South was retained by Madras.", "generated_answer": "Nord-Kanara wurde zum Präsidendienst des Poms transferiert und Sud-Kanara wurde von Matresse zurückgegeben.", "expected_answer": "North Kanara wurde an die Präsidentschaft von Bombay abgegeben, und der Süden wurde von Madras behalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1614, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Well, you shouldn't have any trouble then.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Sie hat es drei Mal getan.\"", "expected_answer": "Dann solltest du damit eigentlich keine Probleme haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1615, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Yesterday he felt invincible, now he has a hangover.", "generated_answer": "Heute hat er sich verwirrt, jetzt ist er nicht mehr arbeiten.", "expected_answer": "Er fühlte sich gestern unbesiegbar, doch nun hat er einen Kater.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1616, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I saw Louis the other day, he was super concerned about you.", "generated_answer": "Ich sah Lewis das andere Tag, er war sehr bedroht von ihm.", "expected_answer": "Neulich traf ich Louis, er war sehr besorgt um dich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1617, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Write at once or you may forget it.", "generated_answer": "Rise up one two May for guests.", "expected_answer": "Schreiben es sofort auf, sonst vergisst du es.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1618, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Water had made the book crumpled and unreadable.", "generated_answer": "Was hat gemacht, dass das Buch krumm und ungerücklich wurde.", "expected_answer": "Durch Wasser wurde das Buch zerknittert und unlesbar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1619, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy put the stones in his pouch.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge legte diesteine in sein Pochen.", "expected_answer": "Der Junge packte die Steinchen in seine Beuteltasche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1620, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Lost time is never found again.", "generated_answer": "\"Letztendlich wurde das Spiel nie wieder gefunden.\"", "expected_answer": "Verlorene Zeit bleibt für immer unauffindbar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1621, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What else am I to do?", "generated_answer": "\"Wo ist das?\"", "expected_answer": "Was kann ich sonst noch machen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1622, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I will cast a dangerous spell.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich werde eine bedrohliche Spellenlehre geben.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich werde einen Fluch aussprechen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1623, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His work was primarily in the area of plastics and catalysts.", "generated_answer": "Ihre Arbeit war besonders in der Bereich der Plastik in Chemikalien.", "expected_answer": "Der Fokus seiner Arbeit lag vor allem auf Kunststoffen und Katalysatoren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1624, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you like reading physical books or digital versions?", "generated_answer": "Sie liebe es, Bücher zu lesen oder digital zu lesen.", "expected_answer": "Liest Du gerne richtige Bücher oder bevorzugst Du digitale Versionen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1625, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even then he hardly understood what this meant.", "generated_answer": "Dennoch hatte er nur einen wenig verstehen, was dies bedeutet.", "expected_answer": "Schon damals war ihm kaum klar, was das bedeutete.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1626, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She's gonna like it, isn't she.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Jessica geht es wie sie es will, nicht?\"", "expected_answer": "Sie wird es mögen, denkst du nicht auch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1627, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The weather forecast for this week didn't look good at all.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Wettervorhersage für den Schwelle ist gut.", "expected_answer": "Die Wettervorhersage für diese Woche sah ganz und gar nicht gut aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1628, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I walked fast to avoid being overtaken.", "generated_answer": "Ich fuhr weiter, um übermühsam zu werden.", "expected_answer": "Ich ging schnell, damit man mich nicht überholte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1629, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Traditional cultural and religious mores tend to associate cross-dressing with homosexuality.", "generated_answer": "\"Ritualen, Kultur und Religion sind oft mit Homosexualität verbunden.\"", "expected_answer": "Traditionelle kulturelle und religiöse Sitten neigen dazu, Cross-Dressing mit Homosexualität zu assoziieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1630, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The grenade is activated by the fuze in the handle.", "generated_answer": "Die Grünbeine ist aktiviert durch die Füße im Handtasche.", "expected_answer": "Die Granate wird durch den im Griff befindlichen Auslöser aktiviert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1631, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Who told you that?", "generated_answer": "Wer ist gestorben?", "expected_answer": "Wer sagt das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1632, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A black dog jumping into the water", "generated_answer": "\"Ein schwarzer Hund in der Wasserflügel.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein schwarzer Hund, der ins Wasser springt", "history": [] }, { "index": 1633, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sorel grew up in the Bronx, son of Jewish immigrants.", "generated_answer": "Sorgenkampf kam aus dem Böhmen, Sohn von Tausch und König.", "expected_answer": "Sorel wuchs als Sohn jüdischer Einwanderer in der Bronx auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1634, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "No one seemed to have thought about it that night.", "generated_answer": "Nirgendwo hatte man den Abend nicht gedacht.", "expected_answer": "Es schien, als habe niemand in dieser Nacht darüber nachgedacht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1635, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There are too many obstacles for the robot to find its way.", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt zu viele Schachmesser für den Robot, um sich auf seinen Weg zu kommen zu finden.\"", "expected_answer": "Für den Roboter gibt es zu viele Hindernisse, um seinen Weg zu finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1636, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A little lemongrass should freshen it up.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine kleine Lemongrass-Küche soll es aufreizen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein bisschen Zitronengras sollte es auffrischen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1637, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Something smells around here.", "generated_answer": "Die Umweltnahme hier ist schon aufgefallen.", "expected_answer": "Etwas riecht hier.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1638, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jeez, you look stoned!", "generated_answer": "\"Ich glaube, du sieht schockiert.\"", "expected_answer": "Verdammt, siehst Du bekifft aus!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1639, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The respectable young Englishmen she met at the latter did not appeal to her.", "generated_answer": "Die beteiligten jungen englischen Mädchen, die sie dort erreichen hatten, hatte sie nicht angemessen.", "expected_answer": "Die angesehenen jungen Engländer, die sie dort traf, gefielen ihr nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1640, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Sources differ regarding the date, the attackers and the attack aircraft used.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Quellen verschiedenen überzeugen, dass der Angriffssender die Luftkampfjagd verwendet.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Quellen unterscheiden sich in Bezug auf Datum und Angreifer und auch darin, welche Angriffsflugzeuge eingesetzt wurden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1641, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"What is it that I still need to know?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Welche Informationen muss ich noch erfahren?\"", "expected_answer": "„Was sonst muss ich wissen?“ fragte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1642, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is interred in Evergreen Cemetery.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist in einem Evergänse-Simulatortext.\"", "expected_answer": "Er wurde auf dem Evergreen Cemetery beigesetzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1643, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"You are wise, because you observe everything from a distance,\"\" the boy said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Du bist wahr, weil du alle Dinge von außerhalb deinen Sicht beobachst,\" sagte der junge.", "expected_answer": "„Deine Weisheit entstand aus der Tatsache, dass du alles aus der Ferne beobachtest“, sagte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1644, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Love is the force that transforms and improves the Soul of the World.", "generated_answer": "Liebe ist die Macht, die das Herzen der Welt erweitert und verbessern.", "expected_answer": "Liebe ist die Energie, die die Seele der Welt verändert und verbessert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1645, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In that assembly he served several terms as speaker.", "generated_answer": "In dem Assenmännchen, er hatte viele Dinge als Spice.", "expected_answer": "In dieser Konstellation war er einige Male als Redner tätig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1646, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What is to be done?", "generated_answer": "Was soll denn gemacht werden?", "expected_answer": "Was muss getan werden?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1647, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most of them were staring quietly at the big table.", "generated_answer": "Die meisten sieben waren stille gestanden, auf den großen Tisch.", "expected_answer": "Die meisten von ihnen blickten leise auf die große Tafel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1648, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Critic Dave Marsh called it one of the best live albums ever made.", "generated_answer": "\"Das könnte ein der besten lebenden Albümer der Geschichte sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Kritiker Dave Marsh bezeichnete es als eines der besten Live-Alben aller Zeiten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1649, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do kangaroos like to eat?", "generated_answer": "Was kocht, wie er auch erzieht.", "expected_answer": "Was wird von Kängurus gerne gegessen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1650, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I bet you forgot the wine!", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube, du hast das Wein vergessen.", "expected_answer": "Ich wette, dass du den Wein vergessen hast!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1651, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I see what you mean.", "generated_answer": "Ich verstehe, was du bedeutet.", "expected_answer": "Ich verstehe, was du meinst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1652, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The heather was on fire, and you could see a thin blue smoke rising up slowly.", "generated_answer": "Der Hef war auf Feuer und du konnte es erkennen, dass ein kleiner blauer Staub ausgebildet wurde und erst kam er langsamer.", "expected_answer": "Das Heidekraut brannte, und man konnte langsam aufsteigenden dünnen blauen Rauch sehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1653, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Christopher was confused.", "generated_answer": "\"Vergeben Sie die langen Schläuche.\"", "expected_answer": "Christopher schien durcheinander.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1654, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hm, I will have to ask Ian about that.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich muss bitte Ian um diese Frage fragen.\"", "expected_answer": "Hm, ich muss Ian dazu noch einmal fragen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1655, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As Venetians emigrated, they sought similar patent protection in their new homes.", "generated_answer": "In den neuen Wohngebieten wurde das Patentverfahren auch verbreitet.", "expected_answer": "Als die Venezianer emigrierten, suchten sie nach einem ähnlichen Patentschutz für ihre neuen Häuser.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1656, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"She's a wonderful person.\"", "generated_answer": "Sie ist eine wundervoll person.", "expected_answer": "Sie ist eine tolle Person.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1657, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The writing was illegible.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Schrift war unverständlich.\"", "expected_answer": "Man konnte die Schrift nicht lesen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1658, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "‘It sounds like a horse,’ Alice thought to herself.", "generated_answer": "\"Es klingt wie ein Pferd,\" sagte sie ihr selbst.", "expected_answer": "Es hört sich wie ein Pferd an,' dachte sich Alice im Stillen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1659, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Their decision to work with several overseas studios led to major production delays.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Entscheidung, ihre Arbeit mit verschiedenen östlichen Studios, hatte große Produktionslangfristen.", "expected_answer": "Ihre Entscheidung, mit mehreren Studios in Übersee zu kollaborieren, führte zu erheblichen Produktionsverzögerungen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1660, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Good afternoon sir, how may I be of service?", "generated_answer": "Guten Abend, Herr, wie kann ich Ihnen bei diesem Service helfen.", "expected_answer": "Guten Tag, der Herr, wie kann ich Ihnen weiterhelfen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1661, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Consequently, the understory dries out more slowly than more exposed areas do.", "generated_answer": "Die Untergrundstufe wird durch die Unterstützung der Untergrundstufe langsamer ausgehen als die öffentliche Höhe.", "expected_answer": "Dementsprechend trocknet der Unterboden langsamer aus als die leichter zugänglichen Bereiche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1662, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The boy thought it a strange question.", "generated_answer": "Der Junge fragte es ein wahrhaftes Problem.", "expected_answer": "Dem Jungen erschien das als eine merkwürdige Frage.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1663, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As a result, luma must be distinguished from luminance.", "generated_answer": "\"Lebensversicherungsgesellschaften\" in German.", "expected_answer": "Dementsprechend muss man Lumen von Helligkeit unterscheiden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1664, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Coalitions in the Bundestag and state legislators are often described by party colors.", "generated_answer": "Kollektionen in den Bundesrates und in den Landesverräterinnen sind oft dargebracht durch Parteicolors.", "expected_answer": "Koalitionen im Bundestag und des Bundesgesetzgebers werden oft durch die entsprechenden Parteifarben beschrieben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1665, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Each value specifying her qualification for one of the jobs.", "generated_answer": "\"Jede Einstellung, die eine Qualifikation für ein Job beschreibt.\"", "expected_answer": "Jeder Wert benennt ihre Qualifikation für einen der betrachteten Jobs.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1666, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The main ashram in Puttaparthi is known as Prasanthi Nilayam.", "generated_answer": "Die Hauptanschluss in Puttapatthi ist der Prashanthanilay.", "expected_answer": "Der bekannteste Ashram in Puttaparthi kennt man als Prasanthi Nilayam.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1667, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You, you would not keep the truth from me.", "generated_answer": "\"Du, du wirst nicht die Wahrheit mir wecken.\"", "expected_answer": "Du, du würdest die Wahrheit nicht vor mir verheimlichen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1668, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His grandfather had earlier served in the same body.", "generated_answer": "Sein Vater hatte Airläre in der gleichen Person eingesetzt.", "expected_answer": "Sein Großvater war früher in der selben Institution aktiv.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1669, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She was the daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Moroh Coplon.", "generated_answer": "Sie war die Tochter von Samuel und Rebekah Morrel-Copland.", "expected_answer": "Sie war der weibliche Abkömmling von Samuel und Rebecca Moroh Coplon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1670, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The sheep were led home by a dog.", "generated_answer": "Die Schühe wurden von einem Hund zurückgeleitet.", "expected_answer": "Die Schafe wurden von einem Hund in den Heimatstall geführt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1671, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He is the brother of former Senator Julian McGauran.", "generated_answer": "Er ist das Bruder des verstorbenen Senatoren Julian McGuire.", "expected_answer": "Er ist mit dem vormaligen Senator Julian McGauran verbrüdert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1672, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It won't hurt you and we can make the City Edition.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es war nicht schwer, dich zu tun und können wir das Jahrübertragung erstellen.\"", "expected_answer": "Für dich fällt es nicht ins Gewicht und wir können die City Edition auflegen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1673, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had assumed he would soon return to his sheep.", "generated_answer": "\"Er hat sich sehr gut gemacht.\"", "expected_answer": "Er hatte angenommen, bald zu seinen Schafen zurückkehren zu können.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1674, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't you know me?\"", "generated_answer": "\"Don't mention it.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie kennen mich nicht?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1675, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I can help protect you.", "generated_answer": "Ich kann Ihnen helfen.", "expected_answer": "Ich kann helfen dich zu beschützen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1676, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why does the ice cream truck keep playing such a sad song “send in the clowns”?", "generated_answer": "\"Wer lässt die Eiscreme-Trukke so weit spielen, so lässt sie so ein ganzes Lied spielen.\"", "expected_answer": "Warum spielt der Eiswagen solch ein trauriges Lied wie \"Schickt die Clowns herein\"?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1677, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Local bus routes serve the bus stop located outside the ticket hall.", "generated_answer": "Die LOCAL-Bahnlinien dienen der BÜROS-Städte zurück zum AUSBILDUNG im näheren Ort.", "expected_answer": "Örtliche Buslinien halten an der Bushaltestelle vor dem Ticketschalter.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1678, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Also, Inspector Gadget.", "generated_answer": "\"Auch, Inspektor Gärtner.\"", "expected_answer": "Übrigens, Inspektor Gadget.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1679, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nothing of the kind.", "generated_answer": "\"Nichts davon.\"", "expected_answer": "Nichts davon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1680, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How do you know my name?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie kennst du deinen Namen?\"", "expected_answer": "Woher wissen Sie, wie ich heiße?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1681, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am Polish.", "generated_answer": "Ich bin poliert. Wie war er auch lebendig?", "expected_answer": "Ich komme aus Polen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1682, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hot Wheels: Crash!", "generated_answer": "\"Höhle, schläge.\"", "expected_answer": "Heißer Reifen: Unfall!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1683, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man in a black suit is walking.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann in einem schwarzem Kleid führt sich.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann im schwarzem Mantel spaziert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1684, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He had used the two stones only once, one morning when he was at a marketplace.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte die beiden Steine nur einmal verwendet, ein Morgen in der Nähe von der Strandkabinett.", "expected_answer": "Er hatte die beiden Steine lediglich einmal benutzt, eines Morgens auf einem Marktplatz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1685, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about what it's like to live and work there.\"", "generated_answer": "Was kannst du mir bitte wissen über was es ist, einzurichten und arbeiten zu lassen dort?", "expected_answer": "Ich habe mich gefragt, ob Sie mir etwas mehr darüber erzählen könnten, wie es ist, dort zu leben und zu arbeiten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1686, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But, just before lunchtime, a boy stopped in front of the shop.", "generated_answer": "Und zuvor zwischen der Mahlzeiten.", "expected_answer": "Jedoch hielt kurz vor dem Mittagessen ein Junge vor dem Laden an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1687, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I should have been there.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich sollte da sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich habe etwas verpasst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1688, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But as he saw them lying there on the ground, another phrase came to his mind.", "generated_answer": "\"Aber als er sie auf dem Boden sah, eine andere Satz kam in seinem Herzen.\"", "expected_answer": "Doch als er sie dort auf dem Boden liegen sah, fiel ihm ein anderer Satz ein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1689, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They crossed the desert for another two days in silence.", "generated_answer": "Die Lüfte von Chisty crossed the desert for another two days in silence.", "expected_answer": "Für weitere zwei Tage durchquerten sie die Wüste in Stille.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1690, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Motion parallax is a monocular depth cue.", "generated_answer": "Motion Parallax ist ein Monolare Deckungszeichen.", "expected_answer": "Bei Bewegungsparallaxe handelt es sich um ein monokulares Tiefeninformationssignal.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1691, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The climate was mild; the farm lands were cheap and fertile.", "generated_answer": "Die Klimatologie war mild, die Landwirten waren teuer und fertile.", "expected_answer": "Das Klima war mild; das Ackerland war günstig und reich an Nährstoffen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1692, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That is the way locals now see the Roseland Peninsula.", "generated_answer": "Dies ist der Weg, wie die örtlichen Nachbarn jetzt die Roseland-Gebiete verstehen.", "expected_answer": "Auf diese Art sehen die Einheimischen heute die Halbinsel Roseland.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1693, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Be sure you spell the name right.", "generated_answer": "\"Vielleicht ist das Name richtig.\"", "expected_answer": "Gehe sicher, dass Du den Namen richtig schreibst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1694, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, what is it?", "generated_answer": "\"Wie ist das?\"", "expected_answer": "Nun, worum handelt es sich?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1695, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The conflict uprooted many people.", "generated_answer": "Konflikt uprofter viele Menschen.", "expected_answer": "Der Konflikt hat viele Menschen um ihre Wurzeln gebracht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1696, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Make sure you've read my introductory post on voice coding, since we will be building upon that.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Versuche, die vorliegende Einführung in den Konzepten von On-Zeichen-Codeierung erfasst zu haben, da wir uns auf diese Basis stützen werden.\"", "expected_answer": "Gehe sicher, dass Du meinen einführenden Beitrag zur Sprachcodierung gelesen hast, da wir darauf aufbauen werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1697, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And that reminds me.", "generated_answer": "\"Und erklärt mir.\"", "expected_answer": "Und das erinnert mich an etwas.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1698, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Two Laurent polynomials are equal if their coefficients are equal.", "generated_answer": "Die Polynom-Equality ist eine Gleichung, die bezeichnet wird, wenn die Koordinate der ersten Polynom-Variablen gleich ist und die Koordinate der zweiten Polynom-Variablen gleich ist.", "expected_answer": "Zwei Laurent-Polynome sind identisch, wenn sich ihre Koeffizienten entsprechen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1699, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Amblypygids possess no silk glands or venomous fangs.", "generated_answer": "\"Amphibien\" hat \"Dösili-Klänge oder Schweren-Fingern.\"", "expected_answer": "Geißelspinnen haben weder Seidendrüsen, noch giftige Reißzähne.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1700, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was succeeded by Lord Hill of Oareford.", "generated_answer": "Er war dritte Sohn des Herrn von Reweford.", "expected_answer": "Sein Nachfolger wurde Lord Hill von Oareford.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1701, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Forty on Thursday is the name of the event.", "generated_answer": "\"Barte am Donnerstag ist die Name der Veranstaltung.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Veranstaltung heißt Vierzig am Donnerstag.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1702, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I know his voice.", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß sein Gesang.", "expected_answer": "Seine Stimme kenne ich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1703, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As a result, the Andean flamingos are threatened species.", "generated_answer": "Die Aedean-Flammen sind als Trockenfleisch-Arten behandelt.", "expected_answer": "Deshalb sind die Anden-Flamingos eine bedrohte Art.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1704, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I was told by my instructor to use a nichrome wire to burn metal solids.", "generated_answer": "Ich wurde durch meinen Lehrer angeordnet, mit einem Nicro-Wirbel zu brennen solide Metall.", "expected_answer": "Mein Lehrer sagte mir, ich solle einen Nichrom-Draht benutzen, um Metallfeststoffe zu verbrennen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1705, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come what come must.", "generated_answer": "\"Komm, werde ich denn auch dort?\"", "expected_answer": "Es kommt, was kommen muss.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1706, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As Jennifer walked down the aisle, she wondered if she had made a mistake.", "generated_answer": "\"Wie sie in die Tiefe der Toren wandte, wunderte sie, ob sie einen Fehler machte.\"", "expected_answer": "Während Jennifer den Mittelgang entlang ging, fragte sie sich, ob sie nicht einen Fehler gemacht hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1707, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to put her through college.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich gebe sie durch die Hochschule.", "expected_answer": "Ich werde sie aufs College schicken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1708, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The tribal chieftain called for the boy, and presented him with fifty pieces of gold.", "generated_answer": "Die Tribeschfahne hatte den Jungen bewahret und erhielt von ihr fünfzig Groschen.", "expected_answer": "Der Stammes-Anführer ließ nach dem Knaben rufen und überreichte ihm fünfzig Goldstücke.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1709, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm the leader of the caravan,\"\" said a dark-eyed, bearded man.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin der Hauptmann der König,\" sagte ein grau-gelben Mann.", "expected_answer": "„Ich bin der Anführer der Karawane“, sagte ein dunkeläugiger Mann mit Bart.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1710, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cottage burned down.", "generated_answer": "Die Heidekaserne bindet den Stadt.", "expected_answer": "Das Ferienhaus brannte nieder.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1711, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An oriental woman is holding a microphone.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine Asiatische Frau bekommt einen Mikrophone.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine Frau aus dem Orient hält ein Mikrophon.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1712, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It is long, and graded \"\"Very Difficult\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "\"Das ist lang und schwer.\"", "expected_answer": "Es ist lang und als „sehr schwierig“ klassiert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1713, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "However I am dressed, I shall still be Sancho Panza.", "generated_answer": "\"Jedoch, ich bin geschildert, ich werde noch sein Schanko Panza.\"", "expected_answer": "Ganz egal, wie ich gekleidet bin, ich werde immer noch Sancho Panza sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1714, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They don't see that the fields are new and the seasons change.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube, die Feldern sind nicht neu und die Jahres werden ändern.", "expected_answer": "Sie sehen nicht, dass die Felder neu bestellt sind und die Jahreszeiten sich im Umbruch befinden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1715, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At this point, she retired from the professional tour.", "generated_answer": "In diesem Moment, kam sie vom professionellen Leben.", "expected_answer": "Zu diesem Zeitpunkt verabschiedete sie sich von der Profi-Tour und ging in Ruhestand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1716, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Man is the head but woman turns it.", "generated_answer": "Mann ist der Haupt, aber Frau wirft ihn.", "expected_answer": "Der Mann ist der Kopf, aber die Frau ist die, die ihn dreht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1717, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Wait till we get home.", "generated_answer": "Wie kann ich heim gehen?", "expected_answer": "Warte, bis wir zu Hause sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1718, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jason makes his home in Providence, Rhode Island.", "generated_answer": "Jason lebt sein Haus in Providence, Rhode Island.", "expected_answer": "Jason hat sich ein Heim in Providence, Rhode Island eingerichtet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1719, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was eighteen when he landed his first job in the industry.", "generated_answer": "Seventeen ist das Alter, den er seine erste Arbeit in der Industrie erfand.", "expected_answer": "Er war achtzehn, als er seinen ersten Arbeitsplatz in der Branche bekam.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1720, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The stems of the tall glasses cracked and broke.", "generated_answer": "Die Stämme der langen Gläser schneeben und brechen.", "expected_answer": "Die Hälse der hohen Gläser splitterten und brachen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1721, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I saw astonishment and horror on the faces of the people around me.", "generated_answer": "Ich sah Anstauung und Schrecklichkeit auf den Augen der Menschen um mir.", "expected_answer": "Ich sah Staunen und Schrecken in den Gesichtern der Menschen, die mich umgaben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1722, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was the son of Benjamin Blake and nephew of Lord Proprietor, John Archdale.", "generated_answer": "Er war der Sohn von Benjamin Lake und Vater von Lord Proprietor John Arcadell.", "expected_answer": "Er war der männliche Nachkomme von Benjamin Blake und Neffe des Lord Proprietor John Archdale.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1723, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man playing the guitar is jumping.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Mann spielt ein Gitarre und springt.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Gitarre spielender Mann springt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1724, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rewards for completing these include character concept art, new game modes, characters, and fatalities.", "generated_answer": "Die Auszeichnung für das Erreichen dieser Aktionen enthalten Charaktere, Konzeptart, neue Spiele, Charaktere und Tote.", "expected_answer": "Belohnungen für die Vervollständigung dieser beinhalten Charakterkonzeptkunst, neue Spielmodi, sowie Charaktere und Fatalitäten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1725, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Something inside the cylinder was unscrewing the top.", "generated_answer": "\"Etwas in der Kessel ist auf den Oberflächenrand gestreift.\"", "expected_answer": "Etwas innerhalb des Zylinders hat das Oberteil abgeschraubt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1726, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On the other hand, it may not be all right.", "generated_answer": "\"Auch wenn es nicht alles richtig ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Auf der anderen Seite ist es vielleicht doch nicht in Ordnung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1727, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man is chopping up a roast pig.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann ist auf einem Rosbau kommen.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann schneidet ein gebratenes Schwein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1728, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman carries a backpack and teal jacket", "generated_answer": "Die Frau fährt mit einem Backpack und einem Tuchjacken.", "expected_answer": "Ein Weib trägt einen Tornister und eine blaugrüne Jacke", "history": [] }, { "index": 1729, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can I have one of those?", "generated_answer": "\"Kann ich ein dassen haben?\"", "expected_answer": "Kann ich einen davon haben?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1730, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most of his early work incorporated subversive social comment.", "generated_answer": "\"Vielen seiner frühen Arbeiten entwickelte er sich auf verschiedene soziale Kommentare.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Großteil seiner frühen Arbeiten waren von subversiver Sozialkritik durchzogen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1731, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The recluse from Lithuania and his compatriot were making up stories about mermaids and fays.", "generated_answer": "Die Recluse aus Litauen und sein Komrade waren auf Geschichten von Märchen und Fremden seiner Umgebung verzichten.", "expected_answer": "Der Einsiedler aus Litauen und sein Landsmann dachten sich Geschichten von Meerjungfrauen und Feen aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1732, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come on, I can handle it.", "generated_answer": "\"Komm, ich kann es leisten.\"", "expected_answer": "Komm schon, ich werde damit umgehen können.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1733, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It took forty five minutes for Pedro to drive to work.", "generated_answer": "Vierundfünfzig Minuten führte er zu dem Wohnzimmer.", "expected_answer": "Pedro benötigte fünfundvierzig Minuten, um zu seiner Arbeit zu gelangen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1734, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The lights dimmed and the music started.", "generated_answer": "Die Lichter winkten, und die Musik startete.", "expected_answer": "Die Lichter wurden gedimmt und die Musik begann.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1735, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you know who I am?", "generated_answer": "Ich weiß, wer ich bin.", "expected_answer": "Weißt Du, wer ich bin?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1736, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A public declaration an announcement of revolution.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine offizielle Entscheidung und Announcement der Revolution.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine öffentliche Verkündung, eine Erklärung der Revolution.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1737, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All tracks written and composed by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb.", "generated_answer": "\"Alle Tracks, geschrieben und komponirt von Barrie, Robbin und Marisek.\"", "expected_answer": "Alle Lieder wurden verfasst und komponiert von Barry, Robin und Maurice Gibb.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1738, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm observing passive-aggressive behavior\"\", the psychologist said in a professional tone.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich erfüllte die persönlichen Bedürfnisse der Psycholog, als sie in einem professionellen Ton eine Behauptung über passiv-angriffliche Verhaltensweisen gesagt hat.", "expected_answer": "„Ich beobachte passiv-aggressives Verhalten“, verlautete der Psychologe in professionellem Ton.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1739, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jenny went to Italy last year.", "generated_answer": "Jenny besuchte Italien letzte Jahre.", "expected_answer": "Jenny fuhr letztes Jahr nach Italien.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1740, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Some are closely linked to Swedish festivities.", "generated_answer": "\"Sommerkleidung wurde zusammen mit schwedischen Festfeste verbunden.\"", "expected_answer": "Einige sind eng mit schwedischen Feiertagen verwoben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1741, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "We have three boxes of noodles remaining.", "generated_answer": "Drei Boxen Nudeln verfügbar.", "expected_answer": "Es gibt noch drei Schachteln Nudeln.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1742, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It reminded him of the wool from his sheep...", "generated_answer": "Das hat ihn davon ausgehen lassen, dass es wie das Woll von seiner Schafen verwirrt.", "expected_answer": "Es rief die Erinnerung an die Wolle seiner Schafe wach...", "history": [] }, { "index": 1743, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She married Kenneth Trueman.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie wohnt bei Kenzem Tromm.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie gab Kenneth Trueman das Ja-Wort.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1744, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eliza was shocked at the revelation.", "generated_answer": "Elias war schockiert von dem Erkenntnis.", "expected_answer": "Eliza war schockiert über diese Enthüllung.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1745, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Both dice must be tossed in one throw.", "generated_answer": "\"Bis zwei Tschechische Punkte müssen in einem Tischspielen-Takt gesetzt werden.\"", "expected_answer": "Es muss mit beiden Würfeln gleichzeitig gewürfelt werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1746, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They ate dinner at the fifth, and rested for two hours.", "generated_answer": "Diese waren die fünfte, und wurden dann zwei Stunden lang gewaschen.", "expected_answer": "Sie aßen Abendessen auf der Fünften und ruhten sich dann zwei Stunden aus.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1747, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Prot is completely uninterested in flirtation.", "generated_answer": "\"Protest\" ist \"unvertrefflich\" in der deutschen Sprache.", "expected_answer": "Prot lässt Flirten völlig kalt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1748, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I dare her to move that desk out of here.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich bin definitiv gegen die andere.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich wage es von ihr zu verlangen, den Schreibtisch hier wegzubringen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1749, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come on in the office here.", "generated_answer": "\"Komm, dort!\"", "expected_answer": "Kommen Sie zu mir ins Büro.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1750, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was, however, still so hot from its flight through the air.", "generated_answer": "Es war aber auch schwer für seine Licht, in den Luft zu schalten.", "expected_answer": "Es war jedoch noch immer sehr heiß vom Flug durch die Luft.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1751, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Support services such as hospitals were non-existent.", "generated_answer": "Unterstützungs-Service-Stellen der Krankenhaus waren nicht enthalten.", "expected_answer": "Unterstützungsdienste wie Krankenhäuser existierten nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1752, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The celebrations would last a month and include free games and free food.", "generated_answer": "Die Veranstaltungen wären bis zu einem Monat lang und inkludieren würden Freigängen und Freien Essen.", "expected_answer": "Die Feierlichkeiten gingen über einen Monat und es gab kostenlose Spiele und kostenloses Essen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1753, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The board sometimes had special markings, the meaning of which are unknown today.", "generated_answer": "Die Bäume oft hatten spezielle Farben, die heute unbekannt sind.", "expected_answer": "Die Tafel hatte teilweise besondere Markierungen, deren Bedeutung heute unbekannt ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1754, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is built in a very similar layout to the Pentwyn leisure centre.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist in einem sehr ähnlichen Layout parallel zu den Pängen-Laserzentren.\"", "expected_answer": "Es hat einen sehr ähnlichen Grundriss wie das Pentwyn Freizeitzentrum.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1755, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Coming home, a party of tourists passed us, singing and playing music.", "generated_answer": "Hochzeit.", "expected_answer": "Auf dem Nachhauseweg kam eine Gruppe von Touristen an uns vorbei, die sangen und Musik spielten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1756, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Who's the recipient?\"", "generated_answer": "Die Empfängerin.", "expected_answer": "An wen geht es?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1757, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This carpet is full of lice.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Bett ist voller Läsern.", "expected_answer": "Dieser Teppich ist verlaust.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1758, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The flowers of many species are wind pollinated; the seeds usually contain starch.", "generated_answer": "Die Blüten von vielen Arten sind weinpoliert, die Blüten schnell in den Schluckkästchen kommen.", "expected_answer": "Die Blumen vieler Arten werden vom Wind bestäubt; die Samen weisen normalerweise Stärke auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1759, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "When you are loved, you can do anything in creation.", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn du bei der Liebe geworden bist, kannst du jeden Dingen tun.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn man geliebt wird, kann man alles schaffen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1760, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The giraffe had become fearful.", "generated_answer": "Der Jäger hatte sich verwirrt.", "expected_answer": "Die Giraffe wurde ängstlich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1761, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The plot from the novel was toned down for the film version.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Protokoll 'Der Novel' wurde für die freie Version vermieden.\"", "expected_answer": "Die Handlung des Romans wurde für die Verfilmung abgeschwächt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1762, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "But he appeared to be unaware of any danger.", "generated_answer": "Seinem Ausdruck war es wie wenn er keinen Gefahr gewußt hatte.", "expected_answer": "Er schien sich jedoch keiner Gefahr bewusst zu sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1763, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The young kid jumped the rusty gate.", "generated_answer": "Der junge Kind fiel den Rückgabergang durch.", "expected_answer": "Das junge Kind sprang durch das rostige Tor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1764, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Smooth water runs deep", "generated_answer": "\"Schnellfluss rünt.\"", "expected_answer": "Stille Wasser sind tief", "history": [] }, { "index": 1765, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Wizkids released a Demogoblin figure as part of their Amazing Spider-Man \"\"HeroClix\"\" set.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wizkids hat eine Demo-Goblin-Figure als Teil der amaschten Spider-Man-Heroclix-Sammlung veröffentlicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Als Teil ihres Amazing Spider-Man „HeroClix“ Sets veröffentlichte Wizkids eine Demogoblin-Figur.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1766, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "After I had finished the first batch of papers, I was getting into the workflow.", "generated_answer": "Nachdem ich die erste Bücher abgeschlossen habe, bin ich in der Arbeit gestartet.", "expected_answer": "Nachdem ich den ersten Stapel Papiere erledigt hatte, kam ich allmählich in einen guten Arbeitsfluss.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1767, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At the first glance, it was really not very exciting.", "generated_answer": "Es war nicht sehr aufgefallen.", "expected_answer": "Auf den ersten Blick war es alles andere als aufregend.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1768, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If I don't find it, I can always go home.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn ich es nicht finde, kann ich gerade nach Hause gehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Sollte ich es nicht finden, kann ich immer noch nach Hause gehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1769, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All sat frozen and watched the screen.", "generated_answer": "\"Alle Seiten gezwungen und eses Screens erfüllt.\"", "expected_answer": "Alle saßen wie eingefroren da und starrten auf den Bildschirm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1770, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Ground station to flight one-oh-one, please correct your altitude, over!", "generated_answer": "Grundstationszug zurückziehen, bitte ändern Sie Ihre Angelegenheit.", "expected_answer": "Bodenstation an Flug Eins-Null-Eins, bitte ändern Sie die Höhe, over!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1771, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"When the truth about Eli's lack of superpowers was revealed, Eli quit the team.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Als die Wahrheit über Elyls unerfüllter Super-Potenzen entdeckt wurde, er war verwirrt.\"", "expected_answer": "Als herauskam, dass Eli über keine Superkräfte verfügte, verließ Eli das Team.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1772, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Usually, speeds are stated in words per minute.", "generated_answer": "\"Normalerweise sind die Geschwindigkeiten in Wörter pro Minute angegeben.\"", "expected_answer": "Normalerweise wird die Geschwindigkeit in Worten pro Minute angegeben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1773, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Follow the right exit under the bridge.", "generated_answer": "\"Nach rechten Auslassung unter den Brücken folgen.\"", "expected_answer": "Nehmen Sie die rechte Abfahrt unter der Brücke.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1774, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Neither he nor members of his family shall seize the property of the merchants.", "generated_answer": "Nie erst ein einheimischer nicht auch ein Familienmitglied.", "expected_answer": "Weder er, noch seine Familienangehörigen sollten den Besitz der Kaufleute beschlagnahmen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1775, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In enolates the anionic charge is delocalized over the oxygen and the carbon.", "generated_answer": "In Anilinen, ist der Anionische Stoff in der Anionenstoffe auf den Oxid und dem Kohlenstoff verwandelt.", "expected_answer": "Die anionische Ladung wird in Enolaten über den Sauerstoff und den Kohlenstoff entbunden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1776, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I would give my head to know where the leak is.", "generated_answer": "Ich werde meinen Kopf für den Weg geben.", "expected_answer": "Ich würde alles dafür geben, um herauszufinden, wo das Leck ist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1777, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She found walking in the woods a very good way to relax", "generated_answer": "Sie fand läuft in dem Wald eine sehr gute Weise, um sich zu regnen.", "expected_answer": "Wandern im Wald war für sie eine sehr gute Möglichkeit, sich zu entspannen", "history": [] }, { "index": 1778, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That he wanted to travel.", "generated_answer": "\"Aber, er will reisen.\"", "expected_answer": "Dass er wünschte zu verreisen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1779, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He made her another bow.", "generated_answer": "Er machte ihr ein weiterer Strick.", "expected_answer": "Er verbeugte sich vor ihr erneut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1780, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How about that favor?", "generated_answer": "Was für eine Favor.", "expected_answer": "Wie wäre es mit diesem Gefallen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1781, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "As I watched, the planet seemed to grow larger and smaller.", "generated_answer": "\"Wie ich sehe, ist der Planet immer wieder groß und klein.\"", "expected_answer": "Während ich zuschaute, schien der Planet kleiner und wieder größer zu werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1782, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you know me?", "generated_answer": "Können Sie mir wissen?", "expected_answer": "Kennst Du mich?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1783, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He could always go back to being a shepherd.", "generated_answer": "Er wollte immer wieder zurück zu finden, um einen Schäfer zu finden.", "expected_answer": "Er könnte im Notfall wieder Hirte werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1784, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "To give chalk for cheese", "generated_answer": "\"Zwei Geschenke für Käse.\"", "expected_answer": "Kreide gegen Käse tauschen", "history": [] }, { "index": 1785, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Book a reservation for eight at a cafeteria saturday", "generated_answer": "Bewirte eine Reservierung für 8 Personen am Samstag im Kaffeezimmer.", "expected_answer": "Buchen Sie eine Reservierung für acht Personen in der Cafeteria am Samstag", "history": [] }, { "index": 1786, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This morning I found a calculator taped to my Wii.", "generated_answer": "\"Das schläft, wenn man sich auf einem Kalender aufnehmen möchte.\"", "expected_answer": "Heute Morgen fand ich einen Taschenrechner, der an meine Wii geklebt war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1787, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Cut off one's nose to spite one's face.\"", "generated_answer": "Entfernen des Auges, um den Augenblick zu erkennen.", "expected_answer": "Jemandem die Nase abschneiden, um ihm ins Gesicht zu spucken.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1788, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't want to take any chances.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich mache keine Wünsche.", "expected_answer": "Ich will keine Risiken eingehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1789, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A scientist in a lab coat is using a microscope.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Wissenschaftler in einem Laborzimmerkleid ist mit einem Mikroskop arbeiten.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Laborkittel tragender Wissenschaftler verwendet ein Mikroskop.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1790, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cake is a lie.", "generated_answer": "Die Kuchen in der Lage.", "expected_answer": "Der Kuchen überzeugt nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1791, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The center was constructed in two phases.", "generated_answer": "Die Hauptstadt wurde in zwei Höfen entwickelt.", "expected_answer": "Die Einrichtung wurde in zwei Phasen konstruiert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1792, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Seems like yesterday to me.", "generated_answer": "Seems like today to me.", "expected_answer": "Als wäre es gestern gewesen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1793, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Several figures approached him.", "generated_answer": "\"Viele von uns haben ein Schlachtteam.\"", "expected_answer": "Einige Personen näherten sich ihm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1794, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The balls are usually of the colors black, blue, and green.", "generated_answer": "Die Bälle sind oft der Farben Schwarz, Blau und Grün.", "expected_answer": "Die Kugeln sind typischerweise Schwarz, Blau und Grün.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1795, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My hamster turned my homework into bedding.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe mein Handwerk in Bedingung gebracht.", "expected_answer": "Mein Hamster hat meine Hausaufgaben in Bettwäsche verwandelt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1796, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He continues to perform with the group.", "generated_answer": "Er weist dem Gruppenmitglieden weiterhin auf.", "expected_answer": "Weiterhin tritt er mit der Gruppe auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1797, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I'm coming, Fatima,\"\" he said.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich komme für Fata.", "expected_answer": "„Schon unterwegs, Fatima“, sagte er.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1798, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wenn du mit Hunden liegst, wirst du mit Fleischern aufwarten.\"", "expected_answer": "Wenn du dich zu den Hunden legst, wachst du mit Flöhen auf.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1799, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The node on the stalk of wheat grew daily.", "generated_answer": "\"Die Mauer auf dem Stuhl der Weide.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Knoten am Weizenstiel wurde jeden Tag größer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1800, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you understand what it means?", "generated_answer": "\"Entschuldigung, kenne ich nicht, was das bedeutet.\"", "expected_answer": "Weißt du eigentlich, was das bedeutet?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1801, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In addition to these difficulties, a coalition of the natives formed.", "generated_answer": "In addition, a coalition of the natives formed.", "expected_answer": "Zusätzlich zu diesen Schwierigkeiten formte sich eine Koalition der Eingeborenen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1802, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"There's not a reason on earth why you should.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt keine Rangflichtfrage, warum du schlachtst.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gibt keinen einzigen Grund, warum du das machen solltest.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1803, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man is playing a guitar on the sidewalk.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann spielt ein Gitarre auf einem Weg.", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann spielt Gitarre auf dem Bürgersteig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1804, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Important information might be missing.", "generated_answer": "\"Wichtige Informationen können auch nicht enthalten sein.\"", "expected_answer": "Wichtige Informationen können fehlen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1805, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I want to hear Shooby Taylor's Tearing Up The Album Charts.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich möchte hören, Schoebie Taylor's schlagen die Albumcharts.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich will das Lied Tearing Up The Album Charts von Shooby Taylor hören.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1806, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "See County of Marche.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie sehen das Land der Märch.\"", "expected_answer": "Vergleiche County of Marche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1807, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Among these people were a couple of cyclists, a gardener I employed sometimes, and a girl carrying a baby.", "generated_answer": "Diese Menschen waren auch einige Köpfe der Clerks, wir waren auch einige Tischtennen und eine Mädchen mit Kind.", "expected_answer": "Bei diesen Leuten waren einige Radfahrer, ein Gärtner, den ich gelegentlich beschäftigte, und ein Mädchenmit einem Baby.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1808, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Boxing Day is not widely celebrated in the United States.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Boxende Tag ist nicht sehr verbreitet in den USA.\"", "expected_answer": "In den Vereinigten Staaten wird der zweite Weihnachtsfeiertag kaum gefeiert.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1809, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sulpiride's primary use in medicine is in the management of the symptoms of schizophrenia.\"", "generated_answer": "Sulfatrits Primärverwendung in der Medizin ist die Behandlung der Symptome von Schizophrenie.", "expected_answer": "Sulpirid wird in der Medizin zur Eindämmung der Symptome der Schizophrenie eingesetzt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1810, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Diligence is the mother of good luck.", "generated_answer": "Intelligenz ist eine Gute Erscheinung.", "expected_answer": "Gewissenhaftigkeit ist die Mutter des Glücks.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1811, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"We've done it!\"\" said the Englishman, who had also awakened early.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wir werden es tun.\"", "expected_answer": "„Wir haben es geschafft!“ sagte der früh erwachte Engländer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1812, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The National Security Council is chaired by the President.", "generated_answer": "Der National Sicherheitsrat wird durch den Präsidenten verhandelt.", "expected_answer": "Der Präsident führt den Vorsitz im Nationalen Sicherheitsrat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1813, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The mechanic inspected the car for safety.", "generated_answer": "Die Maschinenlehrer ins gefahrliche Fahrzeug ins gesetzliche Betrieb geprüft.", "expected_answer": "Der Mechaniker führte für das Auto die Sicherheitsinspektion durch.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1814, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm free pretty much all afternoon.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin frei sehr viel an allen Morgenzeiten.", "expected_answer": "Eigentlich habe ich den ganzen Nachmittag Zeit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1815, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hasan Buzurg seemed intent on restoring unity to the Ilkhanate.", "generated_answer": "Hans Busch gab es immer noch einen Anspruch, die Einheit der Ikhath zu erhalten.", "expected_answer": "Hasan Buzurg schien die Einheit im Ilchane wiederherstellen zu wollen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1816, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "And I say maybe you both have it!", "generated_answer": "\"Und ich glaube, dass Sie beide haben es.\"", "expected_answer": "Und ich sage, eventuell habt ihr beide es!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1817, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The most popular version was recorded by The Ames Brothers.", "generated_answer": "\"Das ameisten verfügbare Version wurde von den Ainsen Brüdern gesetzt.\"", "expected_answer": "Die bekannteste Variante wurde von den Ames Brothers aufgenommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1818, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "She discovered a key hidden under her desk.", "generated_answer": "Sie erstaunte, dass ein Schlüssel unter ihrem Tisch gefunden wurde.", "expected_answer": "Sie fand einen Schlüssel, der sich unter ihrem Schreibtisch versteckte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1819, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This proof completed a programme initiated and largely developed by Alexander Grothendieck.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Beweis führte zu einer Programmierung, die von Alexander Grotendiech entwickelt wurde.", "expected_answer": "Dieser Beleg vervollständigte ein Programm, welches von Alexander Grothendieck initiiert und weitgehend entwickelt wurde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1820, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Labour Party kept overall control of the councill.", "generated_answer": "Die Arbeiterpartei legte überwiegend die Regierung der Kommission inhaftiert.", "expected_answer": "Die Labour Party behielt im Rat die Gesamtkontrolle.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1821, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"They were given to me as a present by a king,\"\" the boy said.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich habe sie dazu gegeben, als ein Geschenk für einen Jungen zu erhalten.", "expected_answer": "„Sie wurden mir als Geschenk des Königs überreicht“, sagte der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1822, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is kind of you to ask, darling.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist wie fragt man, wer ist das.\"", "expected_answer": "Danke, dass du fragst, Schatz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1823, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Sooner or later, they'll find out how to read these hieroglyphics.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Zukünftig werden sie wissen, wie sie diese Hierrhyphik entdechen.\"", "expected_answer": "Früher oder später werden sie herausfinden, wie diese Hieroglyphen zu lesen sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1824, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The senate condemned the invasion of the empire's colonies.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Senatur berichtete den Invasionen der Völkerreichs-Kolonien.", "expected_answer": "Der Senat verachtete die Invasion der imperialen Kolonien.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1825, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The bigger they are the harder they fall.", "generated_answer": "\"Die großen mehr, die stärker sie werden.\"", "expected_answer": "Je größer sie werden, desto schwerer sie fallen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1826, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Lemon trees are not yellow, it's just the fruit.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Lampe\" in German is \"Lampe\".", "expected_answer": "Zitronenbäume sind nicht gelb, nur die Frucht ist es.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1827, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Related to other species of Mediterranean firs, it is considered the \"\"Andalusian National Tree\"\".\"", "generated_answer": "Die Andalusische Wald ist als nationaler Baum der Andalussen bekannt.", "expected_answer": "Mit anderen Arten mediterraner Tannen verwandt gilt er als der „andalusische Nationalbaum“.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1828, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Quite a nice view of the town from up there, and it's easy to find.\"", "generated_answer": "Ganz nettes Bild der Stadt aus der Höhe und es ist einfach, sie zu finden.", "expected_answer": "Die Aussicht auf die Stadt von da oben ist nicht schlecht, und es ist auch leicht zu finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1829, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It's like, 'Whew, the pressure's off.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist wie, 'Pfeifen,' die Druck ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Es ist so wie: „Puh, der Stress ist weg.“", "history": [] }, { "index": 1830, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "From the railway station in the distance came the sound of trains, ringing and rumbling.", "generated_answer": "Die Bahnhofsstrecke in der Nähe kam die Stimme der Bahnen räumen und räuchen.", "expected_answer": "Aus der Ferne drangen die Geräusche des Bahnhofs, das Geräusch von Zügen, Klingeln und Rumpeln.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1831, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The biggest bedroom had a small, ornate fireplace on one wall which had seen recent use judging by the ashes crumbling in the grate.", "generated_answer": "Die größte Bettenzimmer hatte ein kleines, nach oben auf einer Seite einziehendes Feuerstand auf einer Seite, der aufgrund der Aschfälle aktuell betrieben wurde.", "expected_answer": "Das größte Schlafzimmer hatte einen kleinen, kunstvoll verzierten Kamin an einer Wand, der, der im Rost zerbröckelnden Asche zu urteilen, kürzlich noch benutzt worden war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1832, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Hey, I bought pineapple juice with no sugar added.", "generated_answer": "\"Hey, ich habe einen Pinus-Zucker-Herbst-Gemüse-Zucker-Herbst-Gemüse mit keinem Zucker hinzugefügt.\"", "expected_answer": "Hey, ich habe Ananassaft gekauft, der keinen Zuckerzusatz hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1833, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "You know what I mean?", "generated_answer": "\"Du weißt nicht, was ich bin.\"", "expected_answer": "Weißt du, was ich meine?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1834, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The airport also serves as the main heliport for the Scottish offshore oil industry.", "generated_answer": "Die Flughafen auch dient als Hälfpunkt für die deutsche Offshore-Ölindustrie.", "expected_answer": "Der Flughafen dient zudem als wichtigster Hubschrauberflugplatz für die Offshore-Ölindustrie Schottlands.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1835, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Where's my insurance policy?\"", "generated_answer": "Wo ist meine Krankenversicherungspolitik?", "expected_answer": "Wo finde ich meine Versicherung?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1836, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rucchin played high school hockey for Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School in London, Ontario.", "generated_answer": "Wirsham spielte für Sir Frederick, Panting Skintrey-Schule in London, Ontario.", "expected_answer": "Rucchin war in der Hockey-Mannschaft der Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School in London, Ontario.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1837, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He makes an initial approach with Celia Burrows, a member of the organisation.", "generated_answer": "Er eröffnet erst einen Anfang mit Selaibres, ein Mitglied der Gruppe.", "expected_answer": "Seine erste Annäherung machte er mit Celia Burrows, einem Mitglied der Organisation.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1838, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "There is no time like the present.", "generated_answer": "\"Es gibt keine Zeit, wie es heute ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gibt keine andere Zeit als die Gegenwart.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1839, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was glaringly hot, not a cloud in the sky nor a breath of wind.", "generated_answer": "Es war sehr warm, kein Nebel im Himmel und keine Windschränke.", "expected_answer": "Es war erstickend heiß, keine einzige Wolke am Himmel sichtbar, und nicht der kleinste Windhauch spürbar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1840, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was shaken into wakefulness by someone.", "generated_answer": "\"Er wurde durch jemand in Wachtwanglern getroffen.\"", "expected_answer": "Er wurde von jemandem wachgerüttelt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1841, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Make sure to have the lastest drivers from Nvidia installed.", "generated_answer": "\"Versuchen Sie, die am Ende von Nvidia installierten Drives zu haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Gehen Sie sicher, dass Sie die neuesten Treiber von Nvidia installiert haben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1842, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The zones merge in the central part of town.", "generated_answer": "Die Zoneen sind in der Mitte des Stadtes zusammenfasst.", "expected_answer": "Die Zonen gehen im Zentrum der Stadt ineinander über.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1843, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The straw nest housed five robins.", "generated_answer": "Die Staubgebirgsbesitzte hatten fünf Räucher.", "expected_answer": "Im Strohnest nisteten fünf Rotkehlchen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1844, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Their only child died in infancy.", "generated_answer": "Ich bin nur der Kind, der in der Kindheit lebte.", "expected_answer": "Ihr einziges Kind verstarb in den ersten Lebensjahren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1845, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Construction work taking place on a gravel railroad.", "generated_answer": "Entwicklungskonstruktionen auf einer Gravel-Räuberei.", "expected_answer": "Bauarbeiten an der Trasse einer Schotterbahn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1846, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man in a blue shirt and jeans poses by large mossy rocks.", "generated_answer": "\"Ein Blume in einem blauen Schal und Jähnigen sitzt von großen Musterläuten.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Mann in einem blauen Hemd und Jeans posiert neben großen bemoosten Felsen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1847, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He took Urim and Thummim from his pocket, and began playing with them.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte Yurim und Thamim aus seinem Koffer ausgerüstet und begann mit ihnen zu spielen.", "expected_answer": "Er entnahm Urim und Thummim seiner Tasche und spielte mit ihnen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1848, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is often viewed as a subgenre of survivalist fiction.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist oft als Sonderforschungskultur gesehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Es wird oft als Unterkategorie der Überlebensliteratur betrachtet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1849, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Come into my office!", "generated_answer": "Entschuldigung, bitte.", "expected_answer": "In mein Büro!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1850, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "An irregular petty war an armed mountaineer.", "generated_answer": "\"Irregulär - ein armes Montante.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein gelegentlicher Kleinkrieg, ein bewaffneter Alpinist.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1851, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Many drops make a shower.", "generated_answer": "Viele Dosen machen ein Schlafzimmer.", "expected_answer": "Genügend Tropfen ergeben eine Dusche.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1852, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Finally, install Dragonfly, a cleaner Python interface to NatLink.", "generated_answer": "\"Schließlich ist \"Dragonfly\" eine kleinere Python-Interfaz zur Netlink.\"", "expected_answer": "Am Ende installieren Sie Dragonfly, was eine sauberere Python-Schnittstelle zu NatLink darstellt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1853, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The clock in the town center was damaged by a lightning strike.", "generated_answer": "Die Uhr im Stadtzentrum wurde durch eine Sturmluftfallerfall verändert.", "expected_answer": "Die Rathausuhr der Stadt wurde durch einen Blitzschlag beschädigt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1854, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "At once he leaned back in his chair.", "generated_answer": "\"Er war einmal allein in seinem Stuhl.\"", "expected_answer": "Er lehnte sich plötzlich in seinem Stuhl zurück.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1855, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The swing yarder is also known as a grapple yarder.", "generated_answer": "Die Schwingungskörper ist auch bekannt als Acrepädium.", "expected_answer": "Man kennt den Swing Yard auch unter Grapple Yard.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1856, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "In addition there were calls by trans-Atlantic liners and the docks were also busy.", "generated_answer": "In addition, there were calls by Transatlantic Liners and the ducks were also visible.", "expected_answer": "Zusätzlich gab es Anrufe durch transatlantische Linienschiffe und die Docks waren regelmäßig belegt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1857, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't try to enter into the life of the oasis.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht versuchen Sie, in der Lebenswelt der Ozeane zu kommen.\"", "expected_answer": "Versuche nicht, das Leben der Oase zu betreten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1858, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.\"", "generated_answer": "Was die Ohr nicht sehen, der Herzen nicht träumen.", "expected_answer": "Was dem Auge verborgen, lässt das Herz nicht trauern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1859, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you know how long I have been waiting for?", "generated_answer": "Wie lang habe ich noch gewagt.", "expected_answer": "Ist dir klar, wie lange ich gewartet habe?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1860, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Turn over the leaf quickly", "generated_answer": "\"Spielen Sie die Seite auf.\"", "expected_answer": "Drehe das Blatt schnell um", "history": [] }, { "index": 1861, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It had told him to dig where his tears fell.", "generated_answer": "\"Er wurde davon ausgehen, dass er in seinen Augen liegen sollte.\"", "expected_answer": "Es sagte ihm, er möge graben, wohin seine Tränen fielen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1862, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Have you been to Japan?", "generated_answer": "Wurde du Japan erfahren?", "expected_answer": "Bist du in Japan gewesen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1863, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Well, he thought about that,\"\" the old man said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Er denkte darüber hinaus.\"", "expected_answer": "„Nun, er hatte darüber nachgedacht“, sagte der alte Herr.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1864, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Judge may not think so.", "generated_answer": "\"Judge may not think so.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Richter sieht das vielleicht anders.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1865, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The mint is now home to Freebridge Brewing.", "generated_answer": "Die Minne ist jetzt der Heim für frei brückenbier.", "expected_answer": "Heute befindet sich in der Münzstätte die Freebridge Brewing.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1866, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Where are the keys?", "generated_answer": "Wo sind die Türen?", "expected_answer": "Wo finde ich die Schlüssel?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1867, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even with night-vision googles, no target was in sight.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht mit Nachtwächergalgen wurde kein Ziel innerhalb.\"", "expected_answer": "Selbst mit Nachtsichtbrille war kein Angriffsziel in Sicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1868, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Nora finds herself ugly, because she has pimples.", "generated_answer": "Nora findet ihre Gästen, weil sie ihre Bücher haben.", "expected_answer": "Nora glaubt, sie sei hässlich, weil sie Pickel hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1869, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He moved about, invisible but everyone could hear him.", "generated_answer": "Er wandelte sich, unverständlich, aber jeder muss auf ihn hören.", "expected_answer": "Unsichtbar bewegte er sich herum, aber jeder konnte ihn hören.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1870, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He picked up the dice for a second roll.", "generated_answer": "Er hatte die Zahlen für einen zweiten Runden gekümmert.", "expected_answer": "Er nahm die Würfel für die zweite Runde.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1871, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Her dad makes the best chipotle in town!", "generated_answer": "Ihr Vater macht die besten Chips in der Stadt.", "expected_answer": "Ihr Vater macht das stadtbeste Chipotle!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1872, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm going to find that damned alchemist, the Englishman thought.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich werde den Deutschman für den englischen Mann finden.\"", "expected_answer": "Diesen verdammten Alchemisten werde ich finden, dachte der Engländer.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1873, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The crooked maze failed to fool the mouse.", "generated_answer": "Die Kroko-Massen fielen zu folgen dem Mause.", "expected_answer": "Das krumme Labyrinth konnte die Maus nicht in die Irre führen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1874, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This view has much in its favor.", "generated_answer": "Dieses Bild hat so viel in ihrer Flavor.", "expected_answer": "Diese Sichtweise hat viele Vorteile.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1875, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Every cloud has a silver lining", "generated_answer": "\"Einjocht hat jedes Bild einen Silberlin.\"", "expected_answer": "Jede Wolke hat einen silbrigen Rand", "history": [] }, { "index": 1876, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The production was played in the round.", "generated_answer": "Das Produktionsverfahren wurde in der Runde ausgeführt.", "expected_answer": "In dieser Runde wurde die Produktion gespielt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1877, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I forget what gave me the idea.", "generated_answer": "Ich vergess, was dachte ich.", "expected_answer": "Ich vergesse, woher ich die Idee hatte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1878, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The most desired shape of spots on the cats is round, yet somewhat blockish.", "generated_answer": "Die am besten gewünschte Form der Augenblicke auf dem Katzen ist ein veränderliches, aber etwas schwieriges.", "expected_answer": "Die begehrteste Form der Flecken auf Katzen ist rund, jedoch etwas blockförmig.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1879, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "This guy stole my watch.", "generated_answer": "Dieser Mensch hat meinen Glas gekauft.", "expected_answer": "Dieser Typ hat meine Uhr geklaut.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1880, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He didn't need to demonstrate his science and art to anyone.\"", "generated_answer": "Er konnte nicht dazu zeigen, dass er seine Wissen und Kunst an jemandem zeigte.", "expected_answer": "Er musste niemandem seine Fähigkeiten demonstrieren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1881, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"The Rights of Things, Blackstone's longest volume, deals with property.\"", "generated_answer": "Die Rechte des Dingen, \"Schwarze Bücher\", \"Langen-Bücher\" und \"Bollen\" beschäftigt sich mit der Eigenschaft.", "expected_answer": "The Rights of Things, Blackstones längster Band, handelt von Eigentum.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1882, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Believe it or not, this peanut butter is homemade.", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube es wirklich, das Erdbeben-Butter ist gemacht.", "expected_answer": "Mögen Sie es glauben oder nicht, aber diese Erdnussbutter ist selbstgemacht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1883, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I want to see that map covered before we get through!", "generated_answer": "\"Ich möchte sie sehen, die Bildschirmkleidung getan, bevor wir durchgehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich will die Karte in Sicherheit sehen, bevor wir durchkommen!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1884, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Rewards and penalties applying to the provider are often specified.", "generated_answer": "Reward-based penalties for the provider are often specified.", "expected_answer": "Belohnungen und Strafen, welche für den Anbieter gelten, werden im Regelfall angegeben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1885, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He meets his father's raven and the race horse, whose burial place he kept.\"", "generated_answer": "Er erreicht sein Vater's Räven und das Rennhorsch, das sein Grabplatz befand.", "expected_answer": "Er trifft den Raben des Vaters und das Rennpferd, dessen Begräbnisstätte er in Form hielt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1886, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Strip down the rig until you know exactly where the error is located.", "generated_answer": "Entschuldigung, ich kannst nicht verstehen, was du bedeutet.", "expected_answer": "Ziehen Sie die Ausrüstung ab, bis Sie genau identifizieren können, wo sich der Fehler befindet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1887, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It was just that he couldn't grasp what it meant.\"", "generated_answer": "Es war nur dass er nicht konkretem Anlass konkret erkennte.", "expected_answer": "Es war nur so, dass er nicht verstand, was das bedeutete.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1888, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Waste not, want not.", "generated_answer": "\"Wesen nicht, werden nicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Nicht verschwenden, nicht begehren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1889, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Natalie gave me a pleasing massage, when we were in Luxembourg last week.", "generated_answer": "Nataly gab mir eine gute Massage beim letzten Abend in Luxemburg letzte Woche.", "expected_answer": "Natalie gab mir letzte Woche eine angenehme Massage, als wir in Luxemburg waren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1890, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Remember to draw your assumptions, before conclusions.", "generated_answer": "Die Mitgliedschaft, um Ihre Absichten vor Entscheidungen zu erzielen.", "expected_answer": "Bedenken Sie, dass Sie zuerst Annahmen treffen, bevor Sie Schlussfolgerungen ziehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1891, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I thought you were gone.", "generated_answer": "Ich sah, du wurdest verloren.", "expected_answer": "Ich glaubte, du seist weg.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1892, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Carter spoke fondly of Mitchell's talents.\"", "generated_answer": "Mitchells Fähigkeiten waren von Carter gefällt.", "expected_answer": "Carter redete liebevoll von Mitchells Fähigkeiten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1893, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Taking the jacket out, he began to clean the glasses.", "generated_answer": "Entschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nEntschuldigung, hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung für Ihre Antwort:\n\nDie Katze hat die Gläser ausgezogen und beginnt sie zu waschen.", "expected_answer": "Während er die Jacke auszog, fing er an, die Brille zu reinigen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1894, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "May I have some syrup to go on these pancakes?", "generated_answer": "\"Könnte ich bitte ein Bitzwasser zum Essen dieser Pannenküche haben?\"", "expected_answer": "Darf ich für diese Pfannkuchen etwas Sirup haben?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1895, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Why should you not?", "generated_answer": "\"Wieso du nicht.\"", "expected_answer": "Warum Du nicht solltest?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1896, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The cinema was abandoned.", "generated_answer": "Der Straße wurde verloren.", "expected_answer": "Das Kino war verlassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1897, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Maybe tomorrow will be better than yesterday.", "generated_answer": "Möglicherweise morgen wird es besser als gestern.", "expected_answer": "Vielleicht wird es morgen besser als gestern werden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1898, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Returned to normal, he still ends his relationship with Ella and leaves the school.", "generated_answer": "\"Gegen alle Menschen ist eine gute Idee.\"", "expected_answer": "Nachdem er zur Normalität zurückkehrte, beendete er dennoch seine Beziehung zu Ella und verlässt die Schule.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1899, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Black describes noise as the opposite of information: hype, inaccurate ideas, and inaccurate data.", "generated_answer": "Schwarz beschrieb den Ton als das Gegenre der Information, der Hype, der erhöht die Idee und die Daten.", "expected_answer": "Schwarz beschreibt Noise als das Gegenteil von Information: Hype, unpräzise Vorstellungen und ungenaue Daten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1900, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Petersburg route for Tallink.", "generated_answer": "\"Mitte-Spornkrug-Förderung\".", "expected_answer": "Die Petersburger Route von Tallink.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1901, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He could see that the old man wanted to know more about his life.", "generated_answer": "Er konnte es erinnern, dass der alten Mann wollen, mehr über seine Leben zu wissen.", "expected_answer": "Er bemerkte, dass der alte Mann mehr über sein Leben erfahren wollte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1902, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Air India Regional operates flights to Kolkata from this airport.", "generated_answer": "\"Indiän regionale Fluggesellschaft (IFG) verlässt von dieser Flughafen nach Kolkata.\"", "expected_answer": "Air India Regional bietet von diesem Flughafen Flüge nach Kalkutta an.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1903, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It takes two to have an argument.", "generated_answer": "\"Das braucht zwei, um einen Streit zu haben.\"", "expected_answer": "Zu einem Streit gehören immer zwei.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1904, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Jason Hook was briefly a member of BulletBoys during this time.", "generated_answer": "Jason Hook war ein sehr guter Mitglied des \"Bullet Boys\".", "expected_answer": "Jason Hook war während dieser Zeit kurzzeitig ein Mitglied von den BulletBoys.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1905, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These have been used with mixed reports of success and failure.", "generated_answer": "Diese haben verwendet mit veränderlichen Berichtständen über Sünde und Verletzung.", "expected_answer": "Diese wurden mit vermischten Berichten über Sieg und Niederlage verwendet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1906, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Employees feel the pressure of unreasonable expectations.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Spieler weiterhin unterhalten hat, bis zum letzten Tag, angesagt.\"", "expected_answer": "Mitarbeiter verspüren den durch unzumutbare Erwartungen entstandenen Druck.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1907, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I don't believe in voodoo.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich glaube nicht an Voodoo.", "expected_answer": "An Voodoo glaube ich nicht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1908, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "These calls are treated as international calls.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich möchte mein Herz verloren geben.\"", "expected_answer": "Mit diesen Anrufen wird wie mit Auslandstelefonaten verfahren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1909, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Most of her sculptures include benches, which have become her trademark.", "generated_answer": "\"Viele seiner Skulpturen enthalten Vignes, die ihre Marken sind.\"", "expected_answer": "Viele ihrer Skulpturen enthalten Bänke, wodurch diese zu ihrem Markenzeichen geworden sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1910, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Are you ready to hear my counterargument?", "generated_answer": "Sie sind recht, zu hören meiner Antwort.", "expected_answer": "Bist du bereit für mein Gegenargument?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1911, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do not cross the barbed wires.", "generated_answer": "\"dann kreuzen Sie die Barten.\"", "expected_answer": "Überqueren Sie nicht die Stacheldrähte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1912, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm not working for any other paper!\"", "generated_answer": "Ich arbeite nicht für ein anderes Papier.", "expected_answer": "Ich werde nie für eine andere Zeitung arbeiten!", "history": [] }, { "index": 1913, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you think it was?", "generated_answer": "Was für ein?", "expected_answer": "Was denkst du, war es?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1914, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Don't think I've kept anything from you.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht verstehen, dass ich nichts von dir habe.\"", "expected_answer": "Denke nicht, dass ich etwas vor dir verheimlicht habe.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1915, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I smiled and shook my head.", "generated_answer": "Ich schluckte mein Herz.", "expected_answer": "Ich lächelte und negierte durch ein Kopfschütteln.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1916, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Overall, not too bad.", "generated_answer": "\"Überall, nicht sehr gut.\"", "expected_answer": "Gar nicht so schlecht.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1917, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Amen.", "generated_answer": "\"Ach, ja, wie geht's?\"", "expected_answer": "Amen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1918, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "but nowhere could he find his new companion.", "generated_answer": "\"Sie konnte nicht wiederholen, um seine neue Freundin zu finden.\"", "expected_answer": "doch er könnte seinen neuen Freund nirgends finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1919, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I am definitely open to the idea because I’ve always wanted to work as a small business owner.", "generated_answer": "Ich bin definitiv offen zur Idee, weil ich immer gewünschte Arbeit in einem kleineren Unternehmen zu tun.", "expected_answer": "Für die Idee bin ich definitiv offen, weil ich schon immer als Kleinunternehmer arbeiten wollte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1920, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He felt weighted down by the centuries of time since the Pyramids had been built.", "generated_answer": "Er wurde dargebracht von den alten Zeiten bis zum Bau der Kathedrale.", "expected_answer": "Er fühlte sich durch die Zeit der Jahrhundert belastet, seit die Pyramiden gebaut wurden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1921, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The other son was a poet, and delighted all of Rome with his beautiful verses.", "generated_answer": "Die andere Sohn war ein Dichter und hatte alle von Rom mit seinen schönen Gedichten begeistert.", "expected_answer": "Der andere Sohn war Dichter und beglückte ganz Rom mit seinen liebreizenden Versen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1922, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A woman wearing a headscarf is walking down the street towards a driveway entrance", "generated_answer": "\"Eine Frau, der ein Fahrrad fahrt, ist auf der Straße, Düngelweg und Straßenwege eingeleitet.\"", "expected_answer": "Eine Frau mit Kopftuch geht die Straße hinunter zu einer Einfahrt", "history": [] }, { "index": 1923, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Meanwhile, the boy thought about his treasure.", "generated_answer": "Dann spielte er sich über seine Geschöpfung.", "expected_answer": "Dabei dachte der Junge an seinen Schatz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1924, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Come to my ranch, and I'm gonna show you what damage the tornado has caused.\"", "generated_answer": "Komm zu meinem Ranz, ich werde zu dir zeigen, was die Tornado die Schäden hat.", "expected_answer": "Komm auf meinen Hof und ich zeige dir die Schäden, die der Tornado angerichtet hat.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1925, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Eddy current brakes are not suitable for locking a wheel.", "generated_answer": "Die Stromverlauf-Brake sind nicht für die Lockung eines Wagenes angepasst.", "expected_answer": "Eddys momentane Bremsen eignen sich nicht zum Blockieren eines Rades.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1926, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"We'll stay right here and celebrate.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Wir werden hier am Tag leuchten und glücklich ausgeben.\"", "expected_answer": "Wir werden hierbleiben und feiern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1927, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Each participant supplies one wrapped gift.", "generated_answer": "\"Einzeilige, wie das auch immer.\"", "expected_answer": "Jeder Teilnehmer bringt ein eingepacktes Geschenk mit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1928, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On Dragseid archaeologists have located grave mounds.", "generated_answer": "Die Gebirge sind in Onraksay gezogen.", "expected_answer": "In Dragseid haben Archäologen Grabhügel entdeckt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1929, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Flights from one point to another within the same country are called domestic flights.", "generated_answer": "Flug von einem Ort zum anderen in der selben Länder ist als domesticer Flug bekannt.", "expected_answer": "Flüge von einem Ort zum anderen innerhalb eines Landes bezeichnet man als Inlandsflüge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1930, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I won't get my wings with that attitude.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich werde nicht meine Wirbeln mit dem Ausmaße sehen.\"", "expected_answer": "Mit dieser Einstellung bekomme ich keine Flügel.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1931, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Well, then, why do we need all these books?\"\" the boy asked.\"", "generated_answer": "Wo und warum brauchen wir alle diese Bücher, der Junge sagt.", "expected_answer": "„Aber warum brauchen wir denn dann all diese Bücher?“ wunderte sich der Junge.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1932, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The doctor cried after his birth.", "generated_answer": "Der Arzt weinte, nachdem er seine Tochter geklärt hat.", "expected_answer": "Nach seiner Geburt weinte der Doktor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1933, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The mall also received a new logo and modern features like Wi-Fi internet access.", "generated_answer": "Die Malle auch neuem Logo und ein neues Zielbild wie Wifi-Internet-Dienst erhalten.", "expected_answer": "Die Mall bekam auch ein neues Logo sowie moderne Funktionen wie WLAN-Hotspot.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1934, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Keep an eye on him.", "generated_answer": "\"Ok, ich komme auf neu.\"", "expected_answer": "Werfen Sie ein Auge auf ihn.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1935, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Even after his arrest and release, Ridolfi remained a spy for the Pope.", "generated_answer": "Ebenfalls nach ihrem Auslassung und Ausfahrt ist der Papst noch ein Geheimbuch für den Papst.", "expected_answer": "Ridolfi blieb auch nach seiner Verhaftung und Freilassung ein Spion für den Papst.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1936, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The more you read, the better you will be understood.", "generated_answer": "\"Der einzige, der Pitzer ist.\"", "expected_answer": "Je mehr Sie lesen, desto besser versteht man Sie.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1937, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm looking forward to having more stability in my position and being done with the whole process. \"", "generated_answer": "Ich freue mich darauf, mehr Stabilität in meinem Beruf und zu beenden mit der Entscheidung.", "expected_answer": "Ich freue mich auf zunehmende Stabilität in meiner Position und darauf, mit dem gesamten Prozess fertig zu sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1938, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It also flew to Africa, continuing Sabena's extensive network there.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es auch flog in Afrika weiterhin, weil er die erheblichen Arbeit in Afrika durchgeführt hat.\"", "expected_answer": "Sie flog auch nach Afrika, um dort das ausgedehnte Netzwerk von Sabena auszuweiten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1939, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Before we begin with the actual baptism, let's renew our creed.\"", "generated_answer": "Vor uns beginnen wir mit der vorigen Bekämpfung, die wir uns neu eröffnen.", "expected_answer": "Bevor wir mit der eigentlichen Taufe beginnen, lasst uns unser Glaubensbekenntnis erneuern.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1940, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him,\"\" his heart said.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Jeder Mensch auf der Erde hat ein Geschenk, das er findet.\"", "expected_answer": "„Jeder auf der Erde hat einen Schatz, der auf ihn erwartet“, sprach sein Herz zu ihm.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1941, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Can you come pick me up at the office?", "generated_answer": "Kannst du mir bitte zurückgeben?", "expected_answer": "Holst du mich im Büro ab?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1942, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All songs written by Arthur Enders.", "generated_answer": "\"Alle Lieder\" von Arthur Enders.", "expected_answer": "Alle Songs wurden von Arthur Enders geschrieben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1943, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The kangaroo hopped noisily.", "generated_answer": "Der Kanga-Katze höpte noisol.", "expected_answer": "Laut hüpfte das Känguru.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1944, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That’s what the name is called.", "generated_answer": "Das ist was der Name ist.", "expected_answer": "Der Name heißt so.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1945, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It won't be cheap, I take that isn't a concern?\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es wird nicht kostenlos sein, ich dachte dorthin.\"", "expected_answer": "Günstig wird es nicht sein, doch ich nehme an, das ist kein Problem?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1946, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Do you have any remedy for louses?", "generated_answer": "\"Haben wir eine Entwicklungskrankheit?\"", "expected_answer": "Hast du ein Mittel gegen Läuse?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1947, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Like Washington, he survived the disastrous Battle of the Monongahela.", "generated_answer": "\"Wie Washington, erzielte er auch durch die unerlaubte Schlacht der Monongahela.\"", "expected_answer": "Er überlebte wie auch Washington die katastrophale Schlacht an der Monongahela.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1948, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "What do you mean?", "generated_answer": "Was bedeutet das?", "expected_answer": "Was meinst du?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1949, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "My wife pointed out to me the brightness of the red, green, and yellow signal lights.", "generated_answer": "Die Frau sagte mir, dass die Röte, Grün und Gelbflamme-Lichter sich stark anbilden.", "expected_answer": "Meine Frau hob die Helligkeit der roten, grünen und gelben Signalleuchten hervor.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1950, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"Covington is the home of the Midwest's first indoor beach: Inspired by Nature.\"", "generated_answer": "Kavinton ist das Heim der Westlichen ersten Inlandbäcke, inspiriert durch natürliche Natur.", "expected_answer": "In Covington kann man den ersten Innenraumstrand des Mittleren Westens finden: Inspiriert von der Natur.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1951, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Other white-majority towns also benefited by being part of the network of investment.", "generated_answer": "Andere Hauptstädte der weißen Bevölkerung erzielten auch durch Teilnehmern einer Investitionsnetzwerk.", "expected_answer": "Andere Städte mit weißer Mehrheit haben ebenfalls davon profitiert, Teil des Investitionsnetzwerks zu sein.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1952, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Swimming national titles.", "generated_answer": "\"Schwimmen nationalen Titeln.\"", "expected_answer": "Nationale Titel im Schwimmen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1953, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Well, what of that?", "generated_answer": "\"Wann wurde es ausgegeben?\"", "expected_answer": "Und was ist hiermit?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1954, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"I'm already used to the way things are.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich bin bereit, die Richtigkeit der Situation zu verstehen.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe mich schon an die Dinge gewöhnt.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1955, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It was dropping off in flakes and raining down on the sand.", "generated_answer": "\"Es drohte auf Flügeln und drang durch die Sand.\"", "expected_answer": "In Flocken fiel es herab und regnete auf den Sand.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1956, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"To eat one's heart out.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Zum Essen ein Herz zu kochen.\"", "expected_answer": "Sich verzehren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1957, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Not too bad, I suppose.", "generated_answer": "\"Nicht sehr schlecht, wie man sagt.\"", "expected_answer": "Gar nicht schlecht, denke ich.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1958, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Was it a good idea?", "generated_answer": "\"War es eine gute Idee.\"", "expected_answer": "Ist es eine gute Idee gewesen?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1959, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They went to the kitchen at the back of the monastery.", "generated_answer": "Sie führten zur Küche im Hinterhof der Heiligung an.", "expected_answer": "Sie gingen in die Küche im hinteren Bereich des Klosters.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1960, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A typical performance takes approximately thirty-seven minutes.", "generated_answer": "Das ist ein kurzer Begriff.", "expected_answer": "Die typische Darbietung dauert circa siebenunddreißig Minuten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1961, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "That night, the Allies on the south side of the river attempted another crossing.", "generated_answer": "Das Nacht hat die Alliierte auf der Südseite des Flusses einermal noch einmal versucht, einen weiteren Überlegen.", "expected_answer": "In jener Nacht versuchten die Alliierten eine weitere Überquerung auf der Südseite des Flusses.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1962, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "How long is what?", "generated_answer": "Wie lang ist das Votum?", "expected_answer": "Was dauert wie lange?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1963, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "His job was to find the director and the other board members.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Arbeit war, die Richter und andere Mitglieder der Regierung zu finden.", "expected_answer": "Es war seine Aufgabe, den Direktor und die anderen Vorstandsmitglieder zu finden.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1964, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It contains Zucchini.", "generated_answer": "\"Ich enthält Zucchini.\"", "expected_answer": "Es ist Zucchini darin enthalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1965, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "the camel drivers exchanged information about windstorms, and told stories about the desert.", "generated_answer": "Die Kamel-Fahrern informieren sich über Windungen und erzählen Geschichten über Desserts.", "expected_answer": "die Kamelführer tauschten den Wissensstand über Windstürme aus und erzählten Wüstengeschichten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1966, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A good conscience is a soft pillow.", "generated_answer": "Eine gute Gewissheit ist ein schlankes Schlüssel.", "expected_answer": "Ein gutes Gewissen ist ein sanftes Ruhekissen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1967, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Barnack conceived the Leica as a small camera that produced a small negative.", "generated_answer": "Barneck hatte die Leka als kleine Kamera gestellt, die eine kleinere NEG gebildet hat.", "expected_answer": "Barnack entwarf die Leica als handliche Kamera, die ein kleines Negativ produzierte.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1968, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The Linux terminal refuses to make me a cup of coffee.", "generated_answer": "Die Linux-Terminal wird mir kein Kaffeekaffee ausgeben.", "expected_answer": "Das Linux-Terminal verweigert es, mir eine Tasse Kaffee zuzubereiten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1969, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"\"\"I want to see him do it,\"\" said the chief.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Ich möchte es ihm sehen,\" sagte der Chef.", "expected_answer": "„Ich will beobachten, wie er vorgeht“, sagte der Häuptling.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1970, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It didn't even occur to the boy to flee.\"", "generated_answer": "\"Es war nicht so einfach, ihn zu bekommen.\"", "expected_answer": "Der Junge dachte nicht einmal daran zu fliehen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1971, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A strong bid may scare your partner stiff.", "generated_answer": "\"Eine starke Behauptung kann Ihren Partner sterben.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein starkes Gebot und ihr Partner wird vielleicht vor Schreck erstarren.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1972, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Its bloom period is July to October in North America.", "generated_answer": "Ihr Blumepräsenz ist im Juli bis Oktober in Nordamerika.", "expected_answer": "In Nordamerika ist die Blütezeit von Juli bis Oktober.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1973, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "add a track in Nike Running Tempo Mix", "generated_answer": "\"Addieren, in derartigen Rundem Mix.\"", "expected_answer": "ein Lied hinzufügen zu Nike Running Tempo Mix", "history": [] }, { "index": 1974, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The original live album was recorded at Newcastle City Hall in North East England.", "generated_answer": "\"Der Originallivealbum wurde im Newcastle City Hall in der Nördlichheit von England verpackt.\"", "expected_answer": "Das originale Live-Album wurde in der Stadthalle von Newcastle in Nordostengland aufgenommen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1975, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is overseen by Assistant Commissioners stationed at Malacca.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist überwacht von Assistentenkommissoren der Stations von Malakka.\"", "expected_answer": "Es wird von Assistenz-Kommissionsmitgliedern beaufsichtigt, die in Malacca stationiert sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1976, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The officer and police chief resigned.", "generated_answer": "Die Opter und das Polizeipferl verloren.", "expected_answer": "Der Offizier und Polizeichef legte sein Amt nieder.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1977, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It remains wholly privately held.", "generated_answer": "\"Es bleibt nur privater geschildert.\"", "expected_answer": "Es bleibt vollständig in Privatbesitz.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1978, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Remind me to feed the cat when I get home.", "generated_answer": "\"Versprechen mir, wenn ich zurück komme, das Katze zu essen.\"", "expected_answer": "Erinnere mich daran, dass ich die Katze füttere, wenn ich nach Hause komme.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1979, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A man and three women are preparing a meal indoors.", "generated_answer": "Der Mann und die Frauen sind in einem Haus ein Essen zu machen.", "expected_answer": "Drinnen bereiten ein Mann und drei Frauen eine Mahlzeit zu.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1980, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I requested collection upon delivery.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe die Ausgabe auf der Ausgabe ausgewählt.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe um Abholung bei Lieferung gebeten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1981, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "I have no information about troops or about the movement of the tribes.", "generated_answer": "Ich habe keine Informationen über Truppen oder über die Bewegung der Stämme.", "expected_answer": "Ich habe keine Truppeninformationen oder über Bewegungen der Stämme.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1982, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "He was bisexual, I think.", "generated_answer": "\"Er war bisexuell, ich glaube.\"", "expected_answer": "Ich denke, er war bisexuell.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1983, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Birth and death marks the limits of life.", "generated_answer": "Entstehung und Tode markieren die Grenzen von Leben.", "expected_answer": "Geburt und Tod stellen die Grenzen des Lebens dar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1984, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "A hundred nuns stampeded the Vatican.", "generated_answer": "\"Hundertjährige Stadt\"", "expected_answer": "Hundert Nonnen haben den Vatikan fluchtartig verlassen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1985, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Did you know that?", "generated_answer": "Wußten Sie, wußten Sie, wußten Sie, wußten Sie, wußten Sie?", "expected_answer": "Wusstest du das?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1986, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "The type of salt used in the process is known as kosher salt.", "generated_answer": "Kochsalz.", "expected_answer": "Das bei diesem Vorgang verwendete Salz wird als koscheres Salz bezeichnet.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1987, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "All seats were filled though special elections.", "generated_answer": "Die Plätze wurden vollständig aufgebaut.", "expected_answer": "Alle Mandate wurden durch Sonderwahlen vergeben.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1988, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"He has been called the folk guitarist's Thelonious Monk.\"", "generated_answer": "Er wurde als \"Pöck-Gitarrist-Monch\" bekannt.", "expected_answer": "Man nannte ihn den Thelonious Monk der Folk-Gitarristen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1989, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"It contains B-sides and rare tracks not available on the group's regular studio albums.\"", "generated_answer": "Das enthält B-SIDES und in seltenen Tracks nicht verfügbare Beiträge aus der Gruppe's ganzes Studioalbum.", "expected_answer": "Es enthält B-Seiten und seltene Stücke, die nicht auf den regulären Studioalben der Gruppe zu finden sind.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1990, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Swimmer in a red bathing suit, white cap, and blue goggles emerging from the water", "generated_answer": "\"Der Schwimmer in einem roten Bäckersuit, weißem Kappen und blauen Gäller aus dem Wasser.\"", "expected_answer": "Ein Schwimmer in einem roten Badeanzug, einer weißen Kappe und einer blauen Schwimmbrille entsteigt dem Wasser", "history": [] }, { "index": 1991, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "From its unique gesture it was clear, that the rhino was hostile.", "generated_answer": "\"Aus seiner unterschiedlichen Geste war es klar, dass der Rhein ausgesprochen war.\"", "expected_answer": "Aus einer einzigen Geste wurde klar, dass das Nashorn feindselig gesinnt war.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1992, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It is an unknown entity.", "generated_answer": "\"Es ist ein Unternehmen.\"", "expected_answer": "Es handelt sich um eine unbekannte Einheit.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1993, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Cod is the main business of the north shore.", "generated_answer": "Pod ist die Hauptunternehmen der Nordsee.", "expected_answer": "Kabeljau ist die Haupteinahmequelle an der Nordküste.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1994, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "On the following day, the first clear sign of danger appeared.", "generated_answer": "Diese nächste Tage zeigte erst der erste Überzeugung von Bedrohung.", "expected_answer": "Am nächsten Tag wurden erste eindeutige Gefahrenzeichen sichtbar.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1995, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "They could not continue their method of producing surpluses.", "generated_answer": "Ich kann das Text nicht verstehen.", "expected_answer": "Sie konnten ihre Methode zur Überschusserzeugung nicht fortsetzen.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1996, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "It has got a temple dedicated to lord Vishnu who is worshipped as Bytrayappa.", "generated_answer": "\"Es hat ein Tempel für Lord Vishnu, der als Bairava gewährt wird.\"", "expected_answer": "Es gibt einen dem Gott Vishnu gewidmeten Tempel, der als Bytrayappa verehrt wird.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1997, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Did you write that letter to Miss Mitchell?", "generated_answer": "Sie haben das Brief an Miss Mitchell geschrieben.", "expected_answer": "Hast Du den Brief an Miss Mitchell verfasst?", "history": [] }, { "index": 1998, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "\"They wouldn't take it.\"", "generated_answer": "Ich kann es nicht verstehen.", "expected_answer": "Sie würden es nicht aushalten.", "history": [] }, { "index": 1999, "question": "Please translate the text to German. Your response should only include the German translation, without any additional words:\n\n<|audio|>", "transcript": "Better abort it before you get tangled up!", "generated_answer": "\"Besser abtreten, bevor du dich auf die Zahnüberrest kommst.\"", "expected_answer": "Brechen Sie es besser ab, bevor Sie durcheinander kommen!", "history": [] } ]