Thank you so much, could you please share information about the distribution chart of short and long sentences in the data? I'm trying to fine-tune on a new language but having trouble with short sentences. I'd really appreciate your recommendations.
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From Llasa to Llasagna ๐: Finetuning LLaSA to generates Italian speech and other languages
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From Llasa to Llasagna ๐: Finetuning LLaSA to generates Italian speech and other languages
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From Llasa to Llasagna ๐: Finetuning LLaSA to generates Italian speech and other languages
9 days ago
Nice!!! Can I know how many data hours you need to train the Demo Kartoffel, I see that the model can speak short sentences. The problem usually seen in other models, even with Llasa Multilanguage when I test with DE.