- sentence-transformers
- sentence-similarity
- feature-extraction
- generated_from_trainer
- dataset_size:92934
- loss:MatryoshkaLoss
- loss:MultipleNegativesRankingLoss
base_model: sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2
- source_sentence: >-
aprepitant prevention chemotherapy induce nausea vomit
cinv0869130complete. The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy
and safety of recombinant human tissue plasminogen kinase derivatives for
injection and alteplase in the treatment of patients with acute ischemic
stroke within 4.5 hours.
- >-
Coronary Artery Diseases|Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease|Heart
Diseases|Cardiovascular Diseases inclusion criteria1 patient 1 stenosis
angiographic visually determine de novo lesion 50 d 3 major epicardial
territory lad andor branch cx andor branch rca andor branch supply
viable myocardium left main involvement2 patient hypoplastic rca absence
descend posterior presence lesion lad cx territory include trial 3vd
equivalent3 vessel size 15 mm diameter visually assess diagnostic
angiogram4 patient chronic stable angina stabilize acute coronary
syndrome inclusion criterion syntax study stable canadian
cardiovascular society class 1 2 3 4 angina pectoris unstable
braunwald class ib ic iib iic iiib iiic angina pectoris ischemia normal
cardiac enzyme value prior enrollment patient atypical chest pain
asymptomatic provide myocardial ischemia eg treadmill exercise test
radionuclide scintigraphy stress echocardiography5 anatomical syntax
score eligible6 patient amenable msct coronary angiography eg
claustrophobia high heartrate amenable betablocker poor renal function
etc discretion investigator7 patient inform nature study agree provision
provide write informed consent approve ethical committee respective
clinical siteexclusion criteria1 age 18 years2 unable informed consent3
know pregnancy time enrolment female childbeare potential menstruation
12 month take adequate contraceptive female breastfeed time enrolment4
prior pci cabg history coronary stent implantation5 evidence evolve
ongoing acute myocardial infarction ami ecg andor elevated cardiac
biomarker accord local standard hospital practice return normal limit
time enrollment6 concomitant cardiac valve disease require surgical
therapy reconstruction replacement7 single twovessel disease time heart
team consensus8 atrial fibrillation significant arrhythmias9 know
allergy iodinate contrast10 body mass index bmi 35 greater11
participation trial investigational drug device interrater agreement
revascularization strategy heart team angiofirst algorithm ct algorithm
interrater agreement assess cohens kappa kappa revascularization
strategy heart team angiofirst algorithm base invasive syntax score ii
ctfirst algorithm base noninvasive syntax score ii ffrct 95 confidence
interval ci heart team meeting take place average 1 2 week afer patient
enrollment level agreement decision make strategy base ct functional
assessment decision make strategy base ct functional assessment ct
algorithm group screen analysis nov 2017level agreement decision make
strategy base ct functional assessment decision make strategy base ct
functional assessment conventional angiography ct algorithm group screen
analysis nov 2017level agreement decision make strategy base
conventional angiography decision make strategy base ct functional
assessment conventional angiography angio algorithm group screen
analysis nov 2017interrater agreement revascularization strategy base
conventional angiography ct functional assessment heart team angiofirst
algorithm ctfirst algorithm screen analysis nov 2017anatomical syntax
score calculation base noninvasive ge revolution ct visual heart team
involve experienced coronary ct reader result syntax score ii screen
analysis nov 2017anatomical syntax score calculation base noninvasive ge
revolution ct visual core lab result syntax score ii screen analysis nov
2017anatomical syntax score calculation base invasive angiography visual
heart team result syntax score ii screen analysis nov 2017anatomical
syntax score calculation base invasive angiography visual core lab
result syntax score ii screen analysis nov 2017ct base functional
anatomy ffrct assess heartflow screen analysis nov 2017concordance
syntax score strategy screen analysis nov 2017agreement coronary
stenosis segment revascularize strategy screen analysis nov 2017
- >-
HIV Infections inclusion criterion 20 20 ideal weight height estimate
frame size good health clinically significant abnormal finding physical
examination medical history laboratory testsexclusion criterion history
clinically significant disease history clinically significant allergy
include drug allergy participate clinical trial 3 month prior study
entry hiv infect hepatitis b c virus infect active significant infection
prior exposure allergy know hypersensitivity pro 140 safety tolerability
pro 140 60 day
- >-
Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting inclusion criterion patient
naive emetogenic chemotherapy histologically cytologically confirm
malignant disease schedule receive single dose moderately emetogenic
chemotherapy study day 1 karnofsky score 60 greaterexclusion criterion
patient schedule receive dose cisplatin patient receive abdominal pelvic
radiation week prior 6 day initiation chemotherapy allergy study drug
antiemetic take cyp3a4 substratesprohibite medication significant
medical mental condition abnormal laboratory value platelet absolute
neutrophil ast alt bilirubin creatinine number patient report vomiting
number patient report vomiting overall phase cycle
1 overall phase 0120 hour post initiation mec cycle 1 number patient report complete response number patient report complete response vomiting use rescue medication overall phase cycle 1 overall phase 0120 hour post initiation mec cycle 1
- source_sentence: >-
eribulin mesylate phase iv clinical trial korean patient metastatic
locally advanced breast cancer. This study will treat patients with
Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer who have progressed
following prior therapy. This is the first time this drug has ever been
tested in patients, and so it will help to understand what type of side
effects may occur with the drug treatment. It will also measure the the
levels of drug in the body and preliminarily assess its anti-cancer
activity as monotherapy.
- >-
End Stage Renal Disease inclusion criterion esrd patient age 18 80
year clinically stable judge treat physician 30 day prior enrollment
demonstrate pertinent patient medical history physical examination
laboratory testing hemodialysis therapy hdf 3 month immediately prior
study enrollmentexclusion criterion inform consent provide significant
psychiatric disorder mental disability condition interfere patient
ability provide informed consent pregnant breastfeeding planning
pregnant unstable vascular access associate risk low variable
extracorporeal blood flow rate qb chronic liver disease know
paraproteinassociate disease know bleed disorder eg gastrointestinal
bleed colonic polyp small bowel angiodysplasia active peptic ulcer major
bleeding episode ie soft tissue bleed blood stool joint damage retinal
bleed extensive mucosal bleed exsanguination cerebral hemorrhage 12
week prior enrollment blood red blood cell transfusion 12 week prior
enrollment clinical sign acute infection 4 week prior enrollment
active cancer basal cell squamous cell skin cancer positive serology
test human immunodeficiency virus hepatitis infection schedule plan
intervention require hospitalization 1 week schedule livingdonor
transplantation study period currently participate interventional
clinical study participate interventional clinical study past 3 month
interfere study reduction ratio lambda immunoglobulin free light chain
λflc week 12reduction ratio kappa immunoglobulin free light chain kflc
week 12reduction ratio chitinase3like protein 1 ykl40 week 12reduction
ratio fibroblast growth factor 23 fgf23 week 12reduction ratio serum
beta2 microglobulin β2 m week 12 change baseline midweek predialysis
serum level λflc κflc ykl40 fgf23 ß2 m week 12 24change baseline midweek
predialysis serum level pentraxin3 ptx3 high sensitivity creactive
protein hscrp interleukin il6 interleukin10 il10 week 12 24percent
change pre postdialysis midweek serum level hscrp week 12percent change
pre postdialysis midweek serum level ptx3 week 12percent change pre
postdialysis midweek serum level il6 week 12percent change pre
postdialysis midweek serum level il10 week 12change baseline midweek
predialysis serum level fibrinogen week 12 24change baseline midweek
predialysis serum level albumin week 12 24single pool ktvurea week
24serum phosphorous week 24kidney disease quality life 36 kdqol36
baseline week 12 week 24dialysis symptom index dsi baseline week 12 week
24serum ferritin baseline week 12 week 24transferrin saturation tsat
baseline week 12 week 2424hour urine output monthly basis month 1 month
2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6erythropoiesis stimulate agent esa
responsiveness baseline week 4 week 8 week 12 week 16 week 20 week
24hemoglobin level baseline week 4 week 8 week 12 week 16 week 20 week
24esa dosage type administration frequency route baseline week 4 week 8
week 12 week 16 week 20 week 24intravenous iron dosage baseline week 4
week 8 week 12 week 16 week 20 week 24number adverse event
hospitalization cardiovascular event infective episode week 1 week
24total patient death week 1 week 24
- >-
Skin Laxity inclusion criterion male female subject age 18 75 year old
asa physical status classification system class class ii subject
complaint skin laxity line low eyelid area understand accept obligation
undergo procedure treatment area treat study participation absence
physical condition unacceptable investigator female childbeare potential
sexually active willing use approve method birth control study
participation willing able comply protocol requirement include
studyrequired imagesphotos assessmentsmeasurement return followup visit
willing release right use study photo include publication able read
understand sign date inform consent able communicate site video andor
photograph event virtual followup visitexclusion criterion subject
present asa physical status classification system class iii high festoon
periorbital area prior cosmeticaesthetic filler hyaluronic acid
polyllactic acid calcium hydroxylapatite et study treatment area past 12
month pregnant lactating plan pregnant study participation know
hypersensitivity allergy tumescent anesthetic lidocaine epinephrine know
hypersensitivity allergy ibuprofen nsaid previous surgery study
treatment area active systemic local skin disease alter wound heal
significant uncontrolled medical condition opinion investigator
participation study compromise patient health history autoimmune disease
exclude hashimotos thyroiditis know susceptibility keloid formation
hypertrophic scar cancerous precancerous lesion area treat possess
surgically implant electronic device ie pacemaker mental health illness
dementia schizophrenia psychiatric hospitalization past year
participation investigational study 30 day prior consent study
participation subject opinion investigator appropriate candidate study
day 180 number participant improvement low eyelid area determine mask
qualitative assessment improvement low eyelid area determine mask
qualitative assessment photograph 180days posttreatment compare baseline
blind independent reviewer improvement assess base photograph take visit
site 2d camera system 180day day 90 number participant improvement low
eyelid area determine mask qualitative assessment improvement low eyelid
area determine mask qualitative assessment photograph 90days
posttreatment compare baseline blind independent reviewer improvement
assess base photograph take visit site 2d camera system 90day
- >-
Breast Neoplasms|Breast Cancer inclusion criteria1 female age great
equal 20 years2 patient histologically cytologically confirm carcinoma
breast3 patient locally advance metastatic carcinoma breast4 patient
receive prior chemotherapeutic regimen include antracycline taxane 2
regimen locally recurrent andor metastatic disease5 patient prove
refractory recent chemotherapy 6 month therapy6 patient assessable
lesion accord recist v 117 adequately maintain bone marrow function
absolute neutrophil count anc great equal 15 x 109 l hemoglobin great
equal 100 gdl hemoglobin 100 gdl acceptable correct erythropoietin
transfusion platelet count great equal 100 x 109 l8 adequately
maintain liver function total bilirubin equal 15 time upper limit
normal uln alkaline phosphatasealp alanine aminotransferase alt
aspartate aminotransferase ast equal 3 x uln case liver metastasis equal
5 x uln9 adequately maintain renal function serum creatinine equal
20 mgdl calculate creatinine clearance great equal 40 mlmin cockcroft
gault formula10 resolution chemotherapy radiationrelated toxicity grade
1 severity low alopecia stable sensory neuropathy equal grade
211 eastern cooperative oncology group ecog performance status 0 212
life expectancy great equal 3 months13 patient willing able comply study
protocol duration study14 patient provide write consent participate
studyexclusion criteria1 patient receive chemotherapy radiation biologic
immunotherapy hormonal therapy week treatment start palliative radiation
enrolled2 pulmonary lymphangitic involvement result pulmonary
dysfunction require active treatment include use oxygen3 patient brain
subdural metastasis eligible complete local therapy discontinue use
corticosteroid indication week start treatment study sign andor symptom
brain metastasis stable week start study treatment4 patient meningeal
carcinomatosis5 significant cardiovascular impairment myocardial
infarction past month unstable angina history congestive heart failure
nyha class iii iv cardiac arrhythmia qtc prolongation bazetts formula
great 480 msec congenital long qt syndrome6 severeuncontrolle
intercurrent illnessinfection require administration antibiotic
injection7 patient process major surgery week participation clinical
trial8 patient prior malignancy past year breast cancer treat
nonmelanoma skin cancer carcinoma situ cervix excluded9 patient know
positive hiv status10 patient receive genetic therapy investigational
drug 4 week treatment start expect receive prohibit medication11 patient
prior allergy halichondrin b derivative active ingredient diluting
agent12 patient receive investigational product registration study13
patient pregnant possibly pregnant lactating14 patient agree practice
contraception study periods15 patient participate clinical trial 4 week
screening16 patient judge investigator sub investigator unsuitable
inclusion number participant treatmentemergent adverse event teae
treatmentemergent adverse event sae ae define harmful untoward sign
include abnormal laboratory value etc symptom disease participant
administer investigational product necessarily causal relationship
treatment sae define ae life threaten result death result
hospitalization initial prolonged result disability significant
persistent permanent change impairment damage disruption participant
body functionstructure physical activity quality life result congenital
anomaly require intervention prevent permanent impairment damage teaes
define event start date time administration dose study drug event
present prior administration dose study drug increase severity study
mean 376 month disease control rate dcr dcr define number participant
complete response cr partial response pr stable disease sd response
evaluation criterion solid tumor recist version 11 assess tumor response
tumor response evaluate investigator cr define disappearance extranodal
target lesion pathological lymph node decrease 10 millimeter mm short
axis pr define 30 decrease sum long diameter sld target lesion take
reference baseline sum diameter sd define sufficient shrinkage qualify
pr sufficient increase qualify progressive disease sld increase 20 small
value study include baseline small sld demonstrate absolute increase 5
mm lesion increase 2 mm 3 mm example qualify mean 376 month
- source_sentence: >-
safety study mt4666 subject alzheimer disease. This is a phase 1,
randomized, open label, single-dose, replicate crossover clinical trial to
compare the safety and pharmacokinetics of YH22162 in healthy male
Hypothesis: Study drug and comparator drug are showing equal
- >-
Alzheimer's Disease inclusion criterion probable alzheimer disease
consistent national institute aging alzheimers association criterion
diagnosis alzheimer disease mckhann et al 2011 mmse score 14 24
screening 12 26 baseline modify hachinski ischemic score mhis 4
screening appropriate caregiver available subject live home facility
require continuous 24hour nursing careexclusion criterion diagnosis
disease cause dementia diagnosis major depressive disorder define
diagnostic statistical manual mental disorder fourth edition text
revision dsmivtr year history current diagnosis psychosis history
myocardial infarction unstable angina month screen history
cerebrovascular disorder 18 month screen complication hepatic disorder
renal dysfunction safety 2 fix dose evp6124 subject alzheimer disease
criterion evaluation include adverse event clinical laboratory test
vital sign body weight 12lead ecg columbia suicide severity rating scale
cssrs week 56 change mini mental state examination mmse baseline week
52change neuropsychiatric inventory npi total score baseline week 52
- >-
Type 2 Diabetes inclusion criteria1 man nonpregnant woman 2865 year age2
diagnose t2d 3 years3 a1c 75 95 5980 mmolmol4 bmi 28 40 kgm25 oral
oad metformin plus additional oad note half maximum label dose high
tolerate change medication 12 week prior screening visit visit 1 refer
ada standard medical care diabetes 2018 table 83 maximum approve daily
dose noninsulin glucose lower agent 43 note subject sulfonylurea su
glucoselowere drug diabetes sus permit study glipizide glimepiride dose
half maximum label dosing exclusion study entry patient unwilling reduce
dose su time dmr procedure describe protocol excluded6 agree use
additional glucoselowere treatment eg liraglutide oad exception
glyburide recommend study investigator case persistent hyperglycemia7
agree donate blood participation study8 able comply study requirement
understand sign inform consent form9 woman childbeare potential wocbp
acceptable method contraception study10 woman breastfeedingexclusion
criteria1 diagnose type 1 diabetes t1d2 history diabetic ketoacidosis
hyperosmolar nonketotic coma3 probable insulin production failure define
fast c peptide serum 1 ngml 333pmoll4 previous use type insulin 1 month
time treatment gestational diabetes5 current use injectable medication
diabetes insulin glp1ra6 current use glyburide sulfonylurea su
glucoselowere drug diabetes7 hypoglycemia unawareness history severe
hypoglycemia 1 severe hypoglycemic event define need
thirdpartyassistance year8 know autoimmune disease include limit celiac
disease preexist symptom systemic lupus erythematosus scleroderma
autoimmune connective tissue disorder9 previous gi surgery limit
treatment duodenum bilroth 2 rouxeny gastric bypass similar procedure
conditions10 history chronic acute pancreatitis11 history diabetic
gastroparesis12 know active hepatitis active liver disease13 acute
gastrointestinal illness previous 7 days14 know history irritable bowel
syndrome radiation enteritis inflammatory bowel disease crohns disease15
know history structural functional disorder esophagus impede passage
device gastrointestinal tract increase risk esophageal damage endoscopic
procedure include barretts esophagus esophagitis dysphagia achalasia
stricturestenosis esophageal varix esophageal diverticula esophageal
perforation disorder esophagus16 know history structural functional
disorder esophagus include swallowing disorder esophageal chest pain
disorder drug refractory esophageal reflux symptoms17 know history
structural functional disorder stomach include gastroparesis gastric
ulcer chronic gastritis gastric varix hiatal hernia 2 cm cancer
disorder stomach18 know history chronic symptom suggestive structural
functional disorder stomach include symptom chronic upper abdominal pain
chronic nausea chronic vomiting chronic dyspepsia symptom suggestive
gastroparesis include postprandial fullness pain postprandial nausea
vomiting early satiety19 know history duodenal ulcer intestinal
diverticula diverticulitis intestinal varix intestinal stricturestenosis
small bowel obstruction obstructive disorder gi tract20 currently
ongoing symptom suggestive intermittent small bowel obstruction
recurrent bout postprandial abdominal pain nausea vomiting21 active h
pylori infection subject active h pylori continue screening process
treat appropriate antibiotic regimen22 history coagulopathy upper
gastrointestinal bleeding condition ulcer gastric varix stricture
congenital acquire intestinal telangiectasia23 current use
anticoagulation therapy warfarin discontinue 7 day 14 day procedure24
current use p2y12 inhibitor clopidogrel pasugrel ticagrelor discontinue
14 day 14 day procedure25 unable discontinue nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drug nsaid treatment 4 week follow procedure use low
dose aspirin allowed26 current use serotonergic medication ssri27 use
systemic glucocorticoid exclude topical ophthalmic application inhale
form 10 consecutive day 90 day prior screening visit28 use drug know
affect gi motility eg metoclopramide29 receive weight loss medication
meridia xenical counter weight loss medications30 untreatedinadequately
treat hypothyroidism define elevated thyroidstimulating hormone tsh
level screen thyroid hormone replacement therapy stable dose 6 week
prior screening31 persistent anemia define hemoglobin 10 gdl32 subject
donate blood receive transfusion prior 3 months33 subject condition
alter red blood cell turnover34 subject prosthetic joints35 significant
cardiovascular disease include know history valvular disease myocardial
infarction heart failure transient ischemic attack stroke 6 months36
moderate severe chronic kidney disease ckd estimate glomerular
filtration rate egfr 45 mlmin173m2 estimate mdrd37 know immunocompromise
status include limit individual undergo organ transplantation
chemotherapy radiotherapy past 12 month clinicallysignificant leukopenia
positive human immunodeficiency virus hiv immune status make subject
poor candidate clinical trial participation opinion investigator38
active systemic infection39 active malignancy 5 year exception treat
basal cell treat squamous cell carcinoma40 subject personal family
history medullary thyroid carcinoma41 subject multiple endocrine
neoplasia syndrome type 242 candidate surgery general anesthesia43
active illicit substance abuse alcoholism44 current smoker45 participate
ongoing clinical trial investigational drug device46 mental physical
condition opinion investigator make subject poor candidate clinical
trial participation47 unwilling unable perform smbg complete patient
diary comply study visit study procedure require protocoladditional
exclusion criterion confirm screening process1 a1c post runin phase 75
59 mmolmol 95 86 mmolmol2 severe hypoglycemic event define
hypoglycemia require thirdparty assistance clinically significant
hypoglycemic event define selfmonitored laboratory plasma glucose
level 54 mgdl 30 mmoll 2 glucose alert value 70 mgdl 39 mmoll clear
correctable precipitating factor identify screening visit visit 13
uncontrolled hyperglycemia glucose level 270 mgdl 15 mmoll overnight
fast 360 mgdl 20 mmoll randomly perform measurement medication runin
period confirm second measurement day4 mean 3 separate blood pressure
measurement 180 mmhg systolic 100 mmhg diastolic5 wocbp positive urine
pregnancy test baseline visit6 active uncontrolled gerd define grade iii
esophagitis greater7 abnormality gi tract prevent endoscopic access
duodenum8 anatomic abnormality duodenum preclude completion dmr
procedure include tortuous anatomy9 malignancy newly diagnose
endoscopy10 upper gastrointestinal condition ulcer polyp varix stricture
congenital acquire intestinal telangiectasia change hemoglobin a1c hba1c
change hba1c baseline dmr vs sham group 24 week post procedure
- >-
Solid Tumors inclusion criteria1 male female age 18 years2
histologically cytologically confirm nonhematologic malignancy3 eastern
cooperative oncology group ecog performance score 024 adequate bone
marrow renal hepatic function follow bone marrow absolute neutrophil
count anc 1500mm3 platelet 100000mm3 hemoglobin 90 gdl renal
function serum creatinine 20 mgdl hepatic function ast alt 15 x
uln liver metastasis present ast alt 50 x uln bilirubin 15 mgdl5
ptt 15 x uln andor inr 156 woman childbeare potential man agree use
adequate contraception follow list prior study entry duration study
participation 90 day follow completion therapy woman childbeare
potential negative urine pregnancy test 7 day prior initiation treatment
andor post menopausal woman amenorrheic 12 month consider nonchildbeare
potential total abstinence sexual intercourse minimum complete
menstrual cycle vasectomize male subject vasectomized partner female
subject hormonal contraceptive oral parenteral transdermal 3 month
prior study drug administration subject currently hormonal contraceptive
use barrier method study 1 month study completion intrauterine device
iud double barrier method condom contraceptive sponge diaphragm
vaginal ring spermicidal jelly cream additionally male subject
include vasectomize partner pregnant pregnant agree use condom duration
study 90 day follow completion therapy7 capable understanding comply
parameter outline protocol able sign inform consent approve independent
ethic committee iecinstitutional review board irb prior initiation
screening studyspecific proceduresexclusion criteria1 receive anticancer
therapy include investigational agent cytotoxic chemotherapy radiation
therapy biologic therapy 21 day period define 5 half life whichever
short prior study drug administration addition subject recover equal
grade 1 clinically significant adverse effectstoxicitie previous
therapy2 undergo major surgery 21 day study day 13 untreated brain
meningeal metastasis subject treat brain metastasis radiographically
clinically stable 4 week therapy evidence cavitation hemorrhage brain
lesion eligible provide asymptomatic require corticosteroid discontinue
steroid 1 week prior study day 14 central thoracic tumor lesion define
location involve abut hilar structure presence central nodal disease
allowed5 female subject pregnant breastfeeding6 receive potential
inhibitor metabolism linifanib 21 day prior initial study drug
administration drug include cyp3a inhibitor eg triazole itraconazole
ketoconazole fluconazole grapefruit juice verapamil diltiazem aprepitant
clarithromycin erythromycin cyp1a2 inhibitor eg fluvoxamine
ciprofloxacin mexiletine propafenone zileuton cyp2c19 inhibitor eg
omeprazole cyp2c8 substrate eg repaglinide paclitaxel rosiglitazone
cyp3a inducer eg rifampin carbamazepine7 proteinuria define national
cancer institute common terminology criterion adverse event nci ctcae
grade 1 baseline measure urine dipstick 2 great confirm 24 hour urine
collection 1 g24 hrs subject rescreene proteinuria show control
intervention8 currently exhibit symptomatic persistent uncontrolled
hypertension define diastolic blood pressure bp 100 mmhg systolic
blood pressure bp 150 mmhg subject rescreene bp show control
intervention9 clinically significant uncontrolled condition include
limit active uncontrolled infection class iii iv heart failure
define new york heart association functional classification system
unstable angina pectoris cardiac arrhythmia myocardial infarction 6
month history adrenal insufficiency history cerebral vascular
accident 6 month active ulcerative colitis crohns disease celiac
disease condition interfere absorption history autoimmune disease
kidney involvement history overt bleeding 30 ml bleedingepisode 3
month study drug administration psychiatric illnesssocial situation
limit compliance study requirement medical condition opinion study
investigator place subject unacceptably high risk toxicities10 receive
combination antiretroviral therapy human immunodeficiency virus hiv11
consume grapefruit grapefruit product 21 day prior initial study drug
administration12 document leave ventricular lv ejection fraction 50
investigate effect ketoconazole pharmacokinetic abt869 subject advanced
metastatic solid tumor blood sample pk abt869 ketoconazole collect
designate time point study different timepoint day 112 safety adverse
event number participant adverse event report measure safety adverse
event monitor lab test assessment physical exam vital sign evaluate
study study
- source_sentence: >-
effect adhesive overlay delivery contraceptive hormone ortho evra healthy
woman. This is A Randomized, Blinded, Placebo- and Positive-Controlled,
Four-Period, Crossover-Design Thorough QT/QTc (TQT) Study to Evaluate the
Effect of Orelabrutinib on Cardiac Repolarization in Healthy Subjects
- >-
Alagille Syndrome inclusion criteria1 inform consent assent provide
applicable institutional review board irb ethic committee ec2 clinical
andor genetic diagnosis algs3 male female participant age 12 month 5 kg
clinically significant cholestatic pruritus associate algs4 willingness
adhere acceptable method contraception treatment discontinuation female
childbeare potential sexually active sexually active program5
therapeutic option access ongoing algs clinical trialsexclusion
criteria1 diagnosis cholestatic liver disease algs2 female pregnant
breastfeeding3 clinically significant cardiovascular hepatic
gastrointestinal pulmonary neurologic infectious renal disease medical
condition opinion physician medical monitor preclude participation
program4 past medical history compensate decompensate cirrhosis5
presence disease condition know interfere absorption distribution
metabolism excretion maralixibat mode action
- >-
Myopia|Refractive Error inclusion criterion willing able sign informed
consent document legal age consent legally authorize representative sign
informed consent document able achieve well correct visual acuity bcva
2025 snellen well eye distance manifest cylinder equal 075 diopter eye
wear contact lense protocoldefine specification require spherical
contact lense available range power protocoldefine inclusion criterion
applyexclusion criterion eye condition contraindicate contact lens wear
systemic ocular abnormality infection disease likely affect successful
wear contact lense use accessory solution moderate severe ocular finding
examination use systemic ocular medication contraindicate contact lens
wear include use topical ocular medication require instillation contact
lens wear approve lubricating drop habitual lense wear extended wear
modality routinely sleep lense overnight 1 night week 3 month prior
enrollment previous corneal refractive surgery irregular cornea eye
injury surgery 6 month exclude placement punctal plug monovision
monocular subject eye functional vision subject fit lens history
intolerance hypersensitivity component test article protocoldefine
exclusion criterion apply subjective rating overall satisfaction overall
satisfaction rate participant 10point scale 1 dissatisfied 10 satisfied
participant rate eye provide single rating day 7 positive purchase
intent report questionnaire response assume lense price expect pay
likely purchase lense binary positive vs negative response variable
derive 5point likert scale positive purchase intent report percentage
participant choose definitely purchase probably purchase day 7
- >-
Healthy Volunteers inclusion criterion sign informed consent body mass
index bmi 18 30 kgm2 inclusive body weight 50 kg 90 kg surgically
sterile intact ovary abstinent sexually active practice effective method
nonhormonal birth control eg nonhormonal intrauterine device
doublebarrier method male partner sterilization entry study complete
term pregnancy 90 day admission study site history regular menstrual
cycle occur 25 35 day pregnant lactating blood pressure 90 140 mmhg
systolic inclusive high 90 mmhg diastolic hemoglobin equal 120
screeningexclusion criterion history smoking use nicotinecontaine
substance steroid hormonal therapy 30 day admission study receive depo
provera injection 6 month admission study history presence disorder
commonly accept contraindication sex hormonal therapy history current
clinically significant medical illness condition investigator consider
exclude patient interfere interpretation study result ngmn plasma
concentration period 1 2 0 24 48 72 120 168 171 174 180 192 204 216 240
hoursee plasma concentration period 1 2 0 24 48 72 120 168 171 174 180
192 204 216 240 hour pharmacokinetic parameter ngmn period 1 2
pharmacokinetic parameter ngmn measure auc cmax tmax css 0 24 48 72 120
168 171 174 180 192 204 216 240 hourspharmacokinetic parameter ee period
1 2 pharmacokinetic parameter ee measure auc cmax tmax css 0 24 48 72
120 168 171 174 180 192 204 216 240 hoursincidence adverse event measure
safety tolerability approximately 2 monthsthe number patient change
clinical laboratory test value physical examination result vital sign
measurement approximately 2 month
- source_sentence: >-
open label trial safety efficacy sym001 treatment immune thrombocytopenic
purpura itp. If your serious vaccine-induced adverse event has been
entered in the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) we are
interested in enrolling you for this study in order to log your symptoms.
The primary goal of this study is to create a national database and gather
vaccine-associated serious adverse events/injury data from newly
vaccinated individuals in the US in order to identify the possible
underlying causal relationships and plausible underlying biological
mechanisms. The project aims to identify the genetic determinants of
vaccine-induced adverse response by studying host genetics. We plan to use
whole genome sequencing to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms
associated with cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal,
musculoskeletal and immunological symptoms induced by vaccine
The secondary goal is to establish criteria that enable classification of
vaccine-induced adverse events/injuries compare data from our database
with the official Vaccine Injury Table National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program on or after March 21, 2017.
The tertiary goal is to establish a database to gather detailed long-term
adverse reaction data from subjects enrolled in FDA Emergency Use
Authorized vaccine clinical trials.
- >-
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura inclusion criterion confirm presence
thrombocytopenia platelet count 30000mm3 predose visit history
isolated itp rhdpositive serology previous treatment response line
therapy itpexclusion criterion know clinical picture suggestive cause
thrombocytopenia especially systematic lupus
erythematosusantiphospholipid syndrome evans syndrome immunodeficiency
state lymphoproliferative disorder liver diseaseingestion drug
quinidinequinine heparin sulfonamide hereditary thrombocytopenia confirm
relevant laboratory finding suspect infection hiv hepatitis c h pylori
clinical splenomegaly history abnormal bone marrow examination ongoing
haemorrhage correspond grade 3 4 bleeding scale underlie haemolytic
condition history splenectomy subject pregnant breast feeding intend
pregnant incidence severity adverse event aes include adverse event saes
6 week post dose measurement platelet count day 1 week 6
- >-
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus inclusion criterion patient complete
doubleblind base study mk043106400nct00397631 75 compliance study
medication base study treatment period woman childbeare potential
continue comply protocolspecifie contraceptive method change baseline ie
week 0 24week base study hemoglobin a1c hba1c week 54 hba1c measure
percent change baseline reflect week 54 hba1c percent minus week 0 hba1c
percent baseline 54 week change baseline ie week 0 24week base study
fast plasma glucose fpg week 54 change baseline week 54 define week 54
minus week 0 baseline week 54
- >-
Multiple System Atrophy inclusion criteriadiagnostic1 participant
diagnosis possible probable msa modify gilman et al 2008 diagnostic
criteria2 participant onset msa symptom occur 4 year screen assess
investigator3 evidence msa specific symptom deficit measure umsars
scaleexclusion criteriamedical history1 participant contraindication
study proceduresdiagnostic assessments1 presence confound diagnosis
andor condition affect participant safety study investigator judgement2
participant participation previous study diseasemodifye therapy prove
receipt active treatment compromise interpretability datum present study
consultation medical monitor designeeother1 participant participate
study investigate active passive immunization αsynuclein αsyn
progressive disease pd msa immunoglobulin g therapy 6 month screen
change baseline modify unified multiple system atrophy rating scale
umsar week 52 umsar historical review 11item scale adapt unify parkinson
disease rating scale updrs assess activity relate motor disability
relate autonomic dysfunction item score 0 normal 3 severe total score
sum score domain range 0 33 high score mean poor health 52 week change
baseline 11item umsar week 52 11 item umsar include 11 item ii assess
motor autonomic disability umsar historical review assess activity
relate motor disability autonomic dysfunction umsar ii motor examination
measure functional impairment specific parkinsonian cerebellar feature
item score 0 normal 4 severe total score sum score domain range 0 44
high score mean poor health 52 weekschange baseline umsar total score
umsar ii week 52 umsar total scale consist item umsars part ii umsar
historical review 12item scale assess activity relate motor disability
autonomic dysfunction item score 0 normal 4 severe umsar ii motor
examination 14item scale measure functional impairment eg speech rapid
alternate movement hand finger tap leg agility select complex movement
specific parkinsonian tremor rest cerebellar ocular motor dysfunction
heelshin test feature item score 0 normal 4 severe 52 weekschange
baseline umsars week 52 umsar historical review modified 11item scale
adapt updrs assess activity relate motor disability 8 item 4 novel item
relate autonomic dysfunction item score 0 normal 4 severe total score
sum score item range 0 44 high score mean poor health 52 weekschange
baseline umsars ii week 52 umsar ii motor examination 14item scale item
eg speech rapid alternate movement hand finger tap leg agility measure
functional impairment select complex movement item directly refer
specific parkinsonian tremor rest cerebellar ocular motor dysfunction
heelshin test feature motor examination section umsar base modify
updrsiii item addition novel item heelkneeshin ataxia item score 0
normal 4 severe total score sum score item range 0 56 high score mean
poor health 52 weeksclinical global impressionseverity cgis score cgis
assess clinicians impression participant clinical condition clinician
use total clinical experience participant population rate current
severity participant illness 7point scale range 1 normal ill 7 extremely
ill participant high score mean well health 52 weekschange baseline
scale outcome parkinson disease autonomic dysfunction scopaaut total
score scopaaut patientreported outcome assess autonomic function
autonomic function critical symptom domain msa scale selfcomplete
participant consist 25 item assess follow domain gastrointestinal 7 item
urinary 6 item cardiovascular 3 item thermoregulatory 4 item
pupillomotor 1 item sexual 2 item man 2 item woman score item range 0
experience symptom 3 experience symptom total composite score include
domain report score range 0 symptom 69 high burden symptom 52
weeksoverall survival os os define time day study drug administration
death cause 52 weekschange baseline level cerebrospinal fluid csf free
alphasynuclein αsyn 52 weekscmax maximum observe serum concentration
tak341 predose day 1 29 57 85 169 253 337 multiple timepoint 24 hour
postdose day 1 57 85 169 337 anytime day 365 427 early termination day
57 applicable early pk cohortstmax time occurrence cmax serum tak341
predose day 1 29 57 85 169 253 337 multiple timepoint 24 hour postdose
day 1 57 85 169 337 anytime day 365 427 early termination day 57
applicable early pk cohortsaucτ area concentrationtime curve dose
interval serum tak341 predose day 1 29 57 85 169 253 337 multiple
timepoint 24 hour postdose day 1 57 85 169 337 anytime day 365 427 early
termination day 57 applicable early pk cohortscsf concentration tak341
lumbar puncture csf sampling perform predose day 1 85 applicable early
pk cohort 365number participant adverse event ae adverse event ae define
untoward medical occurrence participant administer pharmaceutical
product untoward medical occurrence necessarily causal relationship
treatment datum report number participant analyze safety parameter
include clinically significant abnormal value clinical laboratory
evaluation vital sign ecg parameters physical examination neurological
examination columbiasuicide severity rating scale cssrs 52 weeksnumber
participant antidrug antibody 52 week
pipeline_tag: sentence-similarity
library_name: sentence-transformers
SentenceTransformer based on sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2
This is a sentence-transformers model finetuned from sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2. It maps sentences & paragraphs to a 384-dimensional dense vector space and can be used for semantic textual similarity, semantic search, paraphrase mining, text classification, clustering, and more.
Model Details
Model Description
- Model Type: Sentence Transformer
- Base model: sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2
- Maximum Sequence Length: 256 tokens
- Output Dimensionality: 384 dimensions
- Similarity Function: Cosine Similarity
Model Sources
- Documentation: Sentence Transformers Documentation
- Repository: Sentence Transformers on GitHub
- Hugging Face: Sentence Transformers on Hugging Face
Full Model Architecture
(0): Transformer({'max_seq_length': 256, 'do_lower_case': False}) with Transformer model: BertModel
(1): Pooling({'word_embedding_dimension': 384, 'pooling_mode_cls_token': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_tokens': True, 'pooling_mode_max_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_weightedmean_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_lasttoken': False, 'include_prompt': True})
(2): Normalize()
Direct Usage (Sentence Transformers)
First install the Sentence Transformers library:
pip install -U sentence-transformers
Then you can load this model and run inference.
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Download from the 🤗 Hub
model = SentenceTransformer("sentence_transformers_model_id")
# Run inference
sentences = [
'open label trial safety efficacy sym001 treatment immune thrombocytopenic purpura itp. If your serious vaccine-induced adverse event has been entered in the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) we are interested in enrolling you for this study in order to log your symptoms.\n\nThe primary goal of this study is to create a national database and gather vaccine-associated serious adverse events/injury data from newly vaccinated individuals in the US in order to identify the possible underlying causal relationships and plausible underlying biological mechanisms. The project aims to identify the genetic determinants of vaccine-induced adverse response by studying host genetics. We plan to use whole genome sequencing to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and immunological symptoms induced by vaccine administration.\n\nThe secondary goal is to establish criteria that enable classification of vaccine-induced adverse events/injuries compare data from our database with the official Vaccine Injury Table National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program on or after March 21, 2017.\n\nThe tertiary goal is to establish a database to gather detailed long-term adverse reaction data from subjects enrolled in FDA Emergency Use Authorized vaccine clinical trials.',
'Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura inclusion criterion confirm presence thrombocytopenia platelet count 30000mm3 predose visit history isolated itp rhdpositive serology previous treatment response line therapy itpexclusion criterion know clinical picture suggestive cause thrombocytopenia especially systematic lupus erythematosusantiphospholipid syndrome evans syndrome immunodeficiency state lymphoproliferative disorder liver diseaseingestion drug quinidinequinine heparin sulfonamide hereditary thrombocytopenia confirm relevant laboratory finding suspect infection hiv hepatitis c h pylori clinical splenomegaly history abnormal bone marrow examination ongoing haemorrhage correspond grade 3 4 bleeding scale underlie haemolytic condition history splenectomy subject pregnant breast feeding intend pregnant incidence severity adverse event aes include adverse event saes 6 week post dose measurement platelet count day 1 week 6',
'Multiple System Atrophy inclusion criteriadiagnostic1 participant diagnosis possible probable msa modify gilman et al 2008 diagnostic criteria2 participant onset msa symptom occur 4 year screen assess investigator3 evidence msa specific symptom deficit measure umsars scaleexclusion criteriamedical history1 participant contraindication study proceduresdiagnostic assessments1 presence confound diagnosis andor condition affect participant safety study investigator judgement2 participant participation previous study diseasemodifye therapy prove receipt active treatment compromise interpretability datum present study consultation medical monitor designeeother1 participant participate study investigate active passive immunization αsynuclein αsyn progressive disease pd msa immunoglobulin g therapy 6 month screen change baseline modify unified multiple system atrophy rating scale umsar week 52 umsar historical review 11item scale adapt unify parkinson disease rating scale updrs assess activity relate motor disability relate autonomic dysfunction item score 0 normal 3 severe total score sum score domain range 0 33 high score mean poor health 52 week change baseline 11item umsar week 52 11 item umsar include 11 item ii assess motor autonomic disability umsar historical review assess activity relate motor disability autonomic dysfunction umsar ii motor examination measure functional impairment specific parkinsonian cerebellar feature item score 0 normal 4 severe total score sum score domain range 0 44 high score mean poor health 52 weekschange baseline umsar total score umsar ii week 52 umsar total scale consist item umsars part ii umsar historical review 12item scale assess activity relate motor disability autonomic dysfunction item score 0 normal 4 severe umsar ii motor examination 14item scale measure functional impairment eg speech rapid alternate movement hand finger tap leg agility select complex movement specific parkinsonian tremor rest cerebellar ocular motor dysfunction heelshin test feature item score 0 normal 4 severe 52 weekschange baseline umsars week 52 umsar historical review modified 11item scale adapt updrs assess activity relate motor disability 8 item 4 novel item relate autonomic dysfunction item score 0 normal 4 severe total score sum score item range 0 44 high score mean poor health 52 weekschange baseline umsars ii week 52 umsar ii motor examination 14item scale item eg speech rapid alternate movement hand finger tap leg agility measure functional impairment select complex movement item directly refer specific parkinsonian tremor rest cerebellar ocular motor dysfunction heelshin test feature motor examination section umsar base modify updrsiii item addition novel item heelkneeshin ataxia item score 0 normal 4 severe total score sum score item range 0 56 high score mean poor health 52 weeksclinical global impressionseverity cgis score cgis assess clinicians impression participant clinical condition clinician use total clinical experience participant population rate current severity participant illness 7point scale range 1 normal ill 7 extremely ill participant high score mean well health 52 weekschange baseline scale outcome parkinson disease autonomic dysfunction scopaaut total score scopaaut patientreported outcome assess autonomic function autonomic function critical symptom domain msa scale selfcomplete participant consist 25 item assess follow domain gastrointestinal 7 item urinary 6 item cardiovascular 3 item thermoregulatory 4 item pupillomotor 1 item sexual 2 item man 2 item woman score item range 0 experience symptom 3 experience symptom total composite score include domain report score range 0 symptom 69 high burden symptom 52 weeksoverall survival os os define time day study drug administration death cause 52 weekschange baseline level cerebrospinal fluid csf free alphasynuclein αsyn 52 weekscmax maximum observe serum concentration tak341 predose day 1 29 57 85 169 253 337 multiple timepoint 24 hour postdose day 1 57 85 169 337 anytime day 365 427 early termination day 57 applicable early pk cohortstmax time occurrence cmax serum tak341 predose day 1 29 57 85 169 253 337 multiple timepoint 24 hour postdose day 1 57 85 169 337 anytime day 365 427 early termination day 57 applicable early pk cohortsaucτ area concentrationtime curve dose interval serum tak341 predose day 1 29 57 85 169 253 337 multiple timepoint 24 hour postdose day 1 57 85 169 337 anytime day 365 427 early termination day 57 applicable early pk cohortscsf concentration tak341 lumbar puncture csf sampling perform predose day 1 85 applicable early pk cohort 365number participant adverse event ae adverse event ae define untoward medical occurrence participant administer pharmaceutical product untoward medical occurrence necessarily causal relationship treatment datum report number participant analyze safety parameter include clinically significant abnormal value clinical laboratory evaluation vital sign ecg parameters physical examination neurological examination columbiasuicide severity rating scale cssrs 52 weeksnumber participant antidrug antibody 52 week',
embeddings = model.encode(sentences)
# [3, 384]
# Get the similarity scores for the embeddings
similarities = model.similarity(embeddings, embeddings)
# [3, 3]
Training Details
Training Dataset
Unnamed Dataset
- Size: 92,934 training samples
- Columns:
- Approximate statistics based on the first 1000 samples:
Text1 Text2 type string string details - min: 29 tokens
- mean: 104.36 tokens
- max: 256 tokens
- min: 8 tokens
- mean: 227.98 tokens
- max: 256 tokens
- Samples:
Text1 Text2 study people normal kidney function people reduce kidney function test bi 1467335 process body. The primary objective of the current study is to investigate the influence of moderate renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics of multiple doses in comparison to a matched control group with normal renal function.
Renal Insufficiency
16w interventional study titration doseefficacy assessment exelon chinese alzheimers disease patient. To investigate the efficacy of Exelon capsule at maximal tolerated dose in mild to moderate Chinese AD patients via dosage titration from 3mg/d to 12mg/d in a 16 weeks duration
Alzheimer's Disease key inclusion criterion diagnosis dementia alzheimers type accord dsmiv criterion clinical diagnosis probable ad accord nincdsadrda criteria mmse score 10 26 treatment naïve patient stop donepezil galantamine huperzine memantine 2 week stable medical condition sign inform consent form patient hisher legal guardiankey exclusion criterion severe ad patient history cerebrovascular disease active uncontrolled epilepsy active hypothyroidism asthma cns infection neurodegenerative disorder advanced severe progressive unstable medical condition attend clinical trial take clinical trial drug score 4 modify hachinski ischemic scale mhis patient achei memantine mean change baseline alzheimer disease assessment scale cognitive subscale adascog alzheimer disease assessment scale cognitive subscale adascog measure change cognitive function alzheimer disease assessment scale adas scale measure specific cognitive behavior disorder alzheimer disease ad patient alzheimer di...
case series saneso 360 gastroscope. To confirm the procedural performance of the Saneso 360° gastroscope in Esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (EGD) procedures.
EGD Procedure inclusion criterion 18 74 year age willing able comply study procedure provide write inform consent participate study schedule clinically indicate routine egd procedure asa class 13exclusion criterion alter esophageal gastric duodenal anatomy pregnant woman child 18 year age adult 75 year age subject routine endoscopic procedure contraindicate comorbid medical condition patient currently enrol investigational study directly interfere current study prior write approval sponsor asa class 45 successful egd procedure success assess end procedure 1 procedure success define successful intubation portion duodenum photograph portion duodenum take 24 hour study day endoscopist qualitative rating saneso 360 gastroscope endoscopist rate experience saneso 360 gastroscope immediately follow completion study procedure 1 fivepoint likert scale 5 excellent 4 good 3 acceptable 2 difficult 1unacceptable 24 hour study dayendoscopist qualitative rating saneso 360 gastroscope compare past...
- Loss:
with these parameters:{ "loss": "MultipleNegativesRankingLoss", "matryoshka_dims": [ 384, 256, 128, 64 ], "matryoshka_weights": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "n_dims_per_step": -1 }
Training Hyperparameters
Non-Default Hyperparameters
: 16learning_rate
: 2e-05num_train_epochs
: 1warmup_ratio
: 0.1fp16
: Truebatch_sampler
: no_duplicates
All Hyperparameters
Click to expand
: Falsedo_predict
: Falseeval_strategy
: noprediction_loss_only
: Trueper_device_train_batch_size
: 16per_device_eval_batch_size
: 8per_gpu_train_batch_size
: Noneper_gpu_eval_batch_size
: Nonegradient_accumulation_steps
: 1eval_accumulation_steps
: Nonetorch_empty_cache_steps
: Nonelearning_rate
: 2e-05weight_decay
: 0.0adam_beta1
: 0.9adam_beta2
: 0.999adam_epsilon
: 1e-08max_grad_norm
: 1.0num_train_epochs
: 1max_steps
: -1lr_scheduler_type
: linearlr_scheduler_kwargs
: {}warmup_ratio
: 0.1warmup_steps
: 0log_level
: passivelog_level_replica
: warninglog_on_each_node
: Truelogging_nan_inf_filter
: Truesave_safetensors
: Truesave_on_each_node
: Falsesave_only_model
: Falserestore_callback_states_from_checkpoint
: Falseno_cuda
: Falseuse_cpu
: Falseuse_mps_device
: Falseseed
: 42data_seed
: Nonejit_mode_eval
: Falseuse_ipex
: Falsebf16
: Falsefp16
: Truefp16_opt_level
: O1half_precision_backend
: autobf16_full_eval
: Falsefp16_full_eval
: Falsetf32
: Nonelocal_rank
: 0ddp_backend
: Nonetpu_num_cores
: Nonetpu_metrics_debug
: Falsedebug
: []dataloader_drop_last
: Falsedataloader_num_workers
: 0dataloader_prefetch_factor
: Nonepast_index
: -1disable_tqdm
: Falseremove_unused_columns
: Truelabel_names
: Noneload_best_model_at_end
: Falseignore_data_skip
: Falsefsdp
: []fsdp_min_num_params
: 0fsdp_config
: {'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_v2': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False}fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap
: Noneaccelerator_config
: {'split_batches': False, 'dispatch_batches': None, 'even_batches': True, 'use_seedable_sampler': True, 'non_blocking': False, 'gradient_accumulation_kwargs': None}deepspeed
: Nonelabel_smoothing_factor
: 0.0optim
: adamw_torchoptim_args
: Noneadafactor
: Falsegroup_by_length
: Falselength_column_name
: lengthddp_find_unused_parameters
: Noneddp_bucket_cap_mb
: Noneddp_broadcast_buffers
: Falsedataloader_pin_memory
: Truedataloader_persistent_workers
: Falseskip_memory_metrics
: Trueuse_legacy_prediction_loop
: Falsepush_to_hub
: Falseresume_from_checkpoint
: Nonehub_model_id
: Nonehub_strategy
: every_savehub_private_repo
: Nonehub_always_push
: Falsegradient_checkpointing
: Falsegradient_checkpointing_kwargs
: Noneinclude_inputs_for_metrics
: Falseinclude_for_metrics
: []eval_do_concat_batches
: Truefp16_backend
: autopush_to_hub_model_id
: Nonepush_to_hub_organization
: Nonemp_parameters
: Falsefull_determinism
: Falsetorchdynamo
: Noneray_scope
: lastddp_timeout
: 1800torch_compile
: Falsetorch_compile_backend
: Nonetorch_compile_mode
: Nonedispatch_batches
: Nonesplit_batches
: Noneinclude_tokens_per_second
: Falseinclude_num_input_tokens_seen
: Falseneftune_noise_alpha
: Noneoptim_target_modules
: Nonebatch_eval_metrics
: Falseeval_on_start
: Falseuse_liger_kernel
: Falseeval_use_gather_object
: Falseaverage_tokens_across_devices
: Falseprompts
: Nonebatch_sampler
: no_duplicatesmulti_dataset_batch_sampler
: proportional
Training Logs
Epoch | Step | Training Loss |
0.0861 | 500 | 2.1564 |
0.1721 | 1000 | 1.6731 |
0.2582 | 1500 | 1.3615 |
0.3443 | 2000 | 1.331 |
0.4304 | 2500 | 1.2666 |
0.5164 | 3000 | 1.1645 |
0.6025 | 3500 | 1.159 |
0.6886 | 4000 | 1.0752 |
0.7747 | 4500 | 1.0458 |
0.8607 | 5000 | 1.0803 |
0.9468 | 5500 | 1.0237 |
Framework Versions
- Python: 3.10.12
- Sentence Transformers: 3.3.1
- Transformers: 4.48.1
- PyTorch: 2.1.0a0+32f93b1
- Accelerate: 1.3.0
- Datasets: 3.2.0
- Tokenizers: 0.21.0
Sentence Transformers
title = "Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks",
author = "Reimers, Nils and Gurevych, Iryna",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
month = "11",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
title={Matryoshka Representation Learning},
author={Aditya Kusupati and Gantavya Bhatt and Aniket Rege and Matthew Wallingford and Aditya Sinha and Vivek Ramanujan and William Howard-Snyder and Kaifeng Chen and Sham Kakade and Prateek Jain and Ali Farhadi},
title={Efficient Natural Language Response Suggestion for Smart Reply},
author={Matthew Henderson and Rami Al-Rfou and Brian Strope and Yun-hsuan Sung and Laszlo Lukacs and Ruiqi Guo and Sanjiv Kumar and Balint Miklos and Ray Kurzweil},