2 values
tend to have a healthy weight. Now think of traditional cultures around the world. Think of traditional Asian cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Indian), where a couple of billion people have been eating a mostly plant-based diet for thousands of years. It’s hard to imagine these people—at least until recently— as anything other than slender. Now imagine a guy buying two hot dogs and ordering his second beer at a baseball game, or a woman ordering a cheeseburger and fries at your local fast food joint. The people in these images look different, don’t they? Unfortunately, the guy munching his hot dogs and sipping his beer is rapidly becoming the “all-American” image. I have had visitors from other countries tell me that one of the first things they notice when they arrive in our good land is the exceptional number of fat people. Solving this problem does not require magic tricks or complex equations involving blood types or carbohydrate counting or soul searching. Simply trust your observations on who is slim, vigorous and healthy and who is not. Or trust the findings of some impressive research studies, large and small, showing time and time again that vegetarians and vegans are slimmer than their meat-eating counterparts. People in these studies who are vegetarian or vegan are anywhere from five to thirty pounds slimmer than their fellow citizens. 7–13 In a separate intervention study, overweight subjects were told to eat as much as they wanted of foods that were mostly low-fat, whole-food and plant-based. In three weeks these people lost an average of seventeen pounds. 14 At the Pritikin Center, 4,500 patients who had gone through their three-week program got similar results. By feeding a mostly plant-based diet and promoting exercise, the Center found that its clients lost 5.5% of their body weight over three weeks. 15 Published results for still more intervention studies using a low-fat, whole foods, mostly plant-based diet:About two to five pounds lost after twelve days 16 About ten pounds lost in three weeks 17, 18 Sixteen pounds lost over twelve weeks 19 Twenty-four pounds lost after one year 20 All of these results show that consuming a whole foods, plant-based diet will help you to lose weight and, furthermore, it can happen quickly. The only question is how much weight you can lose. In most of these studies, the people who shed the most pounds were those who started with the most excess weight. 21 After the initial weight loss, the weight can be kept off for the long term by staying on the diet. Most importantly, losing weight this way is consistent with long-term health. Some people, of course, can be on a plant-based diet and still not lose weight. There are a few very good reasons for this. First and foremost, losing body weight on a plant-based diet is much less likely to occur if the diet includes too many refined carbohydrates. Sweets, pastries and pastas won’t do it. These foods are high in readily digested sugars and starches and, for the pastries, oftentimes very high in fat as well. As mentioned in chapter four, these highly processed, unnatural foods are not part of a plant-based diet that works to reduce body weight and promote health. This is one of the main reasons that I usually refer to the optimal diet as a whole foods, plant-based diet. Notice that a strict vegetarian diet is not necessarily the same thing as a whole foods, plant-based diet. Some people become vegetarian only to replace meat with dairy foods, added oils and refined carbohydrates, including pasta made with refined grains, sweets and pastries. I refer to these people as “junk-food vegetarians” because they are not consuming a nutritious diet. The second reason weight loss may be elusive is if a person never engages in any physical activity. A reasonable amount of physical activity, sustained on a regular basis, can pay important dividends. Thirdly, certain people have a family predisposition for overweight bodies that may make their challenge more difficult. If you are one of these people, I can only say that you probably need to be especially rigorous in your diet and exercise. In rural China, we noticed that obese people simply did not exist, even though Chinese immigrants in Western countries do succumb to obesity. Now, as the dietary and lifestyle practices of people in China are becoming more like ours, so too have their bodies become more like ours. For some of these people with genetic predispositions, it doesn’t take much bad food before their change in diet starts to cause problems.Keeping body weight off is a long-term lifestyle choice. Gimmicks that produce impressively large, quick weight losses don’t work in the long term. Short-term gains should not come along with long-term pain, like kidney problems, heart disease, cancer, bone and joint ailments and other problems that may be brought on with popular diet fads. If the weight was gained slowly, over a period of months and years, why would you expect to take it off healthily in a matter of weeks? Treating weight loss as a race doesn’t work; it only makes the dieter more eager to quit the diet and go back to the eating habits that put them in need of losing weight in the first place. One very large study of 21,105 vegetarians and vegans 13 found that body mass index was “… lower among those who had adhered to their diet for five or more years” compared to people who had been on the diet for less than five years.WHY THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU So there is a solution to the weight-gain problem. But how can you apply it to your own life? First of all, throw away ideas about counting calories. Generally speaking, you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight— as long you eat the right type of food. (See chapter twelve for details.) Secondly, stop expecting sacrifice, deprivation or blandness; there’s no need. Feeling hungry is a sign that something is wrong, and prolonged hunger causes your body to slow the overall rate of metabolism in defense. Moreover, there are mechanisms in our bodies that naturally allow the right kind of plant-based foods to nourish us, without our having to think
[ 83, 408, 32809, 9793, 525, 11575, 197, 38128, 197, 4870, 13, 197, 7184, 197, 27963, 44323, 26665, 329, 3079, 1470, 495, 1439, 197, 20019, 33188, 198, 14957, 13, 197, 39787, 44323, 26665, 329, 3079, 197, 68540, 1470, 495, 1439, 197, 7, 46023, 11, 17538, 29789, 11, 197, 48664, 705, 56842, 198, 64, 1470, 85489, 44323, 2282, 15068, 197, 16455, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 7883, 1113, 11575, 2157, 537, 398, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 2066, 198, 339, 40137, 44323, 197, 42820, 13, 62635, 753, 9793, 569, 32809, 55992, 24281, 197, 45010, 197, 16455, 99563, 197, 56371, 21113, 1678, 17643, 1189, 398, 2345, 198, 300, 197, 73254, 197, 1605, 197, 54895, 79726, 1693, 627, 7184, 55992, 24281, 11575, 3253, 4168, 2282, 4168, 287, 3324, 1146, 9793, 354, 2765, 27403, 53577, 43345, 287, 9793, 285, 197, 5686, 197, 48895, 36547, 11575, 198, 3231, 4047, 31777, 11, 82266, 11575, 6831, 7053, 43345, 287, 11575, 197, 1557, 2423, 63552, 53577, 1186, 4108, 36547, 14862, 414, 9030, 198, 9533, 197, 14239, 12710, 787, 13, 33026, 197, 16455, 17886, 197, 45010, 197, 3726, 197, 7349, 2765, 18780, 11, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 20670, 5380, 31140, 11, 33188, 3253, 4168, 2157, 3265, 287, 9793, 285, 9793, 354, 2765, 27403, 53577, 1942, 5772, 9793, 285, 197, 48895, 20501, 197, 86812, 398, 198, 17106, 18238, 33188, 197, 2118, 543, 24145, 863, 32526, 13, 25494, 9793, 525, 9793, 329, 197, 2749, 12170, 43827, 197, 1605, 1470, 20730, 198, 73457, 50394, 64442, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 43290, 197, 58174, 197, 20670, 197, 24467, 61280, 197, 20670, 37611, 535, 17886, 197, 414, 3253, 1411, 198, 1974, 20501, 33188, 197, 7959, 278, 58235, 44323, 1186, 266, 197, 16455, 627, 50, 20222, 2090, 197, 35686, 2765, 7217, 98366, 18441, 2157, 13070, 26665, 5908, 82266, 197, 24126, 7883, 447, 811, 198, 258, 12821, 4504, 2282, 4659, 99885, 82266, 1470, 277, 34658, 349, 18523, 287, 82266, 1942, 11206, 1602, 1874, 287, 13, 7721, 318, 2603, 198, 57755, 14862, 414, 197, 71484, 25653, 197, 14965, 20501, 1942, 4763, 11, 5306, 343, 20857, 53577, 197, 38128, 53577, 197, 14965, 20501, 98366, 627, 2244, 26665, 592, 33188, 81703, 826, 44323, 1942, 638, 55992, 69563, 17643, 1874, 18895, 58787, 11, 8986, 2812, 53577, 1942, 30632, 345, 3528, 287, 22724, 53577, 22724, 197, 33871, 64442, 197, 83571, 30627, 53577, 197, 588, 70, 598, 197, 548, 1942, 4763, 1195, 197, 54895, 198, 50828, 2157, 33166, 5773, 1113, 59361, 18753, 13, 10230, 68, 1184, 17886, 197, 45010, 18895, 58787, 197, 14965, 197, 548, 197, 83571, 8997, 82266, 198, 588, 30528, 197, 548, 197, 3852, 2940, 43827, 1186, 535, 32809, 71579, 16938, 3303, 3171, 1942, 4763, 1195, 197, 54895, 33188, 404, 1186, 5412, 198, 54961, 30060, 627, 22, 4235, 1032, 198, 644, 11575, 85786, 68698, 2129, 47698, 18895, 18339, 11, 197, 2017, 4870, 29724, 585, 82, 6831, 486, 3324, 820, 32809, 7883, 266, 61551, 198, 59178, 61551, 197, 20670, 6831, 7719, 44323, 197, 96420, 64442, 6831, 486, 2157, 537, 398, 8986, 363, 64354, 11, 197, 67733, 64567, 53577, 198, 21494, 6108, 13, 71267, 197, 28956, 197, 82089, 197, 45010, 197, 16455, 197, 55437, 80557, 197, 17645, 44323, 85786, 688, 15258, 198, 79, 3171, 627, 975, 198, 197, 1688, 33188, 10230, 1018, 1609, 258, 6391, 1992, 11, 197, 19, 11, 2636, 3303, 266, 4167, 197, 14965, 9793, 329, 3253, 606, 197, 20322, 33188, 404, 198, 28956, 30609, 197, 15252, 3253, 354, 1942, 79962, 56597, 13, 197, 1383, 1186, 12320, 287, 11575, 2157, 537, 398, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 198, 438, 3303, 442, 11780, 8285, 18865, 11, 33188, 6391, 1992, 59202, 64442, 197, 1220, 197, 32969, 197, 55437, 197, 20, 13, 20, 4, 44323, 33188, 404, 198, 2664, 197, 4870, 197, 2017, 197, 28956, 197, 82089, 627, 868, 198, 29986, 56597, 2066, 18895, 484, 2157, 461, 2129, 47698, 18895, 58787, 27287, 11575, 8986, 363, 64354, 11, 197, 67733, 198, 96420, 11, 2157, 537, 398, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 25, 10714, 3324, 1146, 32809, 1186, 535, 3303, 3171, 197, 55437, 197, 10924, 3324, 86, 21903, 2765, 954, 198, 845, 198, 10714, 197, 2002, 3303, 3171, 197, 55437, 17886, 197, 28956, 197, 82089, 198, 1114, 11, 197, 972, 198, 42560, 15247, 3303, 3171, 197, 55437, 197, 2017, 3324, 86, 21903, 197, 82089, 198, 777, 198, 76896, 42117, 3303, 3171, 197, 55437, 197, 10924, 197, 606, 197, 3236, 198, 508, 198, 2460, 44323, 197, 45010, 56597, 33827, 64442, 38303, 62217, 11575, 197, 67733, 197, 96420, 11, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 198, 14724, 88740, 197, 9514, 32809, 197, 1497, 197, 4870, 53577, 11, 1186, 4004, 6518, 11, 24263, 94036, 9793, 64860, 197, 28863, 398, 13, 33026, 197, 3323, 198, 7998, 20501, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 197, 4870, 197, 9514, 94036, 197, 1497, 13, 71267, 2157, 537, 44323, 197, 45010, 18895, 58787, 11, 33188, 198, 16455, 197, 14965, 37296, 291, 33188, 2157, 537, 3303, 3171, 6831, 486, 197, 54719, 197, 14965, 22087, 291, 48048, 33188, 2157, 537, 198, 327, 1140, 197, 4870, 627, 1691, 198, 197, 6153, 33188, 86370, 197, 4870, 197, 9563, 11, 33188, 197, 4870, 94036, 74242, 197, 99020, 197, 1885, 2066, 198, 1820, 17972, 197, 5098, 197, 1729, 18895, 17718, 25653, 33188, 2765, 3978, 13, 9391, 537, 197, 15693, 398, 11, 197, 18310, 197, 4870, 2090, 197, 3195, 198, 285, 197, 79499, 48048, 17972, 9860, 197, 12393, 627, 8538, 197, 16455, 11, 44323, 1470, 5366, 11, 94036, 74242, 25653, 11575, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 53577, 18895, 484, 98366, 197, 1497, 198, 4870, 13, 197, 3947, 197, 548, 11575, 1186, 365, 197, 1225, 3253, 1411, 17643, 99949, 2066, 2090, 13, 197, 5451, 53577, 1186, 461, 3646, 11, 197, 18310, 198, 2664, 197, 4870, 25653, 11575, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 20501, 2157, 1412, 197, 1752, 197, 14617, 32809, 197, 511, 2407, 748, 33188, 2765, 3978, 198, 14866, 32809, 78, 197, 35676, 60604, 1619, 1470, 277, 34658, 988, 13, 1602, 50, 26488, 11, 3303, 561, 4108, 53577, 3303, 561, 300, 6831, 263, 1431, 198, 3055, 24263, 627, 197, 9673, 197, 96420, 197, 548, 9793, 1108, 17886, 38143, 1570, 2765, 343, 10185, 1942, 773, 1590, 53577, 18895, 1132, 288, 53577, 11, 2066, 33188, 198, 53520, 4108, 11, 197, 14450, 92455, 197, 1225, 9793, 1108, 17886, 1186, 266, 61551, 6831, 616, 13, 197, 2170, 197, 37691, 17886, 23918, 2943, 1186, 414, 345, 45010, 9793, 1108, 398, 197, 35122, 11, 197, 15278, 4688, 197, 96420, 197, 548, 98366, 73972, 44323, 11575, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 64442, 198, 19033, 32809, 17643, 13677, 36502, 197, 4870, 53577, 3303, 442, 1295, 197, 12393, 13, 41065, 20501, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 37741, 198, 20489, 82, 64442, 25494, 197, 44066, 17643, 809, 32809, 33188, 65938, 2931, 2765, 3978, 61551, 11575, 1602, 67733, 197, 96420, 345, 197, 21494, 6108, 198, 94942, 627, 35293, 64442, 11575, 197, 6765, 197, 83571, 8997, 2765, 3978, 20501, 98366, 9215, 74753, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 1626, 1602, 300, 11575, 198, 67733, 197, 96420, 11, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 13, 7721, 638, 197, 16455, 2282, 52521, 197, 83571, 8997, 197, 3323, 32809, 198, 8319, 2157, 33166, 48048, 2765, 22704, 197, 96420, 11, 13008, 291, 23021, 8839, 53577, 60604, 1619, 1470, 277, 34658, 988, 345, 16564, 3303, 14635, 2157, 1037, 48048, 60604, 1619, 91159, 1771, 11, 1942, 26488, 53577, 3303, 561, 4108, 13, 25494, 17643, 809, 32809, 197, 45010, 198, 16455, 61551, 197, 2118, 73, 3200, 64567, 197, 83571, 30627, 863, 2282, 6769, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 98366, 38303, 62217, 11575, 198, 24217, 1018, 1245, 2765, 3978, 627, 791, 197, 5686, 17643, 1525, 197, 4870, 197, 9563, 2157, 352, 74242, 60736, 22784, 20501, 748, 11575, 99905, 197, 37593, 197, 833, 1154, 198, 258, 197, 3852, 197, 47692, 197, 7323, 13, 23845, 17643, 1525, 481, 197, 6173, 44323, 197, 47692, 197, 7323, 11, 1942, 592, 2692, 198, 263, 11575, 197, 23108, 2282, 10949, 11, 94036, 3303, 352, 197, 15693, 64378, 307, 1438, 627, 38075, 398, 11, 1470, 7770, 197, 16455, 9793, 525, 11575, 1186, 5285, 3303, 22496, 3571, 2066, 197, 2017, 4870, 2282, 10233, 198, 9210, 2157, 352, 78538, 33188, 404, 23918, 16210, 2157, 461, 81664, 3951, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 606, 44323, 197, 45010, 197, 16455, 11, 25494, 198, 4919, 197, 3323, 1942, 352, 64442, 197, 9514, 197, 55540, 197, 17483, 32809, 74242, 197, 36046, 7145, 343, 20857, 17886, 14862, 414, 2765, 3978, 53577, 198, 64562, 13, 71267, 7145, 4269, 197, 23078, 11, 197, 906, 197, 75375, 64442, 64453, 2423, 197, 16455, 1942, 318, 2603, 2765, 307, 98366, 8285, 380, 345, 17206, 197, 4636, 197, 46023, 197, 12828, 71336, 17886, 17749, 478, 944, 1470, 20730, 20530, 1942, 14912, 3635, 32809, 64453, 28222, 627, 7184, 11, 61551, 33188, 2765, 3978, 661, 53577, 8986, 16886, 26736, 90290, 44323, 197, 16455, 17886, 197, 23078, 197, 548, 2282, 762, 18238, 198, 6518, 197, 4908, 197, 2530, 11, 197, 708, 32809, 78, 9793, 525, 33188, 404, 2282, 10233, 2282, 52521, 2157, 461, 197, 4908, 197, 2530, 13, 197, 2520, 1942, 638, 44323, 198, 45010, 197, 16455, 48048, 83381, 5411, 3303, 22496, 28536, 11, 24263, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 3324, 731, 2157, 1412, 2282, 329, 197, 14239, 198, 15145, 33188, 404, 69480, 17886, 2765, 3978, 22087, 82, 32809, 197, 1593, 197, 96440, 13, 72447, 36502, 197, 4870, 197, 1885, 20501, 11575, 17972, 9860, 8986, 16886, 197, 12008, 13, 9796, 12828, 5908, 64442, 198, 98374, 55992, 1911, 3210, 8986, 2812, 11, 197, 28863, 197, 4870, 197, 9563, 288, 2765, 263, 1431, 98138, 17886, 33188, 17972, 197, 5098, 627, 12755, 9860, 3253, 1771, 197, 5562, 98366, 1470, 638, 197, 39393, 48048, 17972, 9860, 3303, 467, 11, 197, 4908, 16868, 307, 3520, 198, 96440, 11, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 11, 1470, 11967, 11, 2282, 606, 53577, 12710, 787, 197, 607, 1392, 53577, 197, 1605, 197, 96440, 198, 9210, 2157, 352, 74242, 2282, 6478, 25653, 48048, 75913, 1299, 2765, 3978, 1186, 7819, 13, 52792, 33188, 197, 4870, 6831, 300, 3253, 2692, 198, 36311, 398, 11, 197, 2017, 11575, 197, 19862, 44323, 197, 50814, 53577, 197, 42820, 11, 197, 35734, 6831, 619, 197, 9514, 25997, 32809, 3324, 731, 24263, 198, 1885, 197, 12393, 1570, 17886, 11575, 2157, 1683, 44323, 197, 82089, 30, 10473, 73910, 197, 4870, 197, 9563, 61551, 11575, 7145, 580, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 198, 1816, 26, 24263, 197, 3323, 2157, 2094, 33188, 2765, 72, 1430, 2157, 461, 7883, 1435, 32809, 197, 32637, 33188, 2765, 3978, 53577, 31780, 78546, 32809, 33188, 198, 91955, 9793, 370, 1220, 64442, 46162, 197, 49818, 17886, 197, 17483, 44323, 197, 18310, 197, 4870, 17886, 33188, 43290, 197, 2050, 13, 197, 4054, 198, 1225, 8986, 2812, 18895, 18339, 44323, 197, 1691, 11, 6550, 197, 83571, 30627, 53577, 197, 588, 70, 598, 198, 1032, 198, 59202, 64442, 36502, 2157, 395, 198, 1275, 6831, 300, 197, 2118, 1981, 8986, 1223, 197, 77405, 197, 54719, 197, 14965, 9793, 329, 99880, 1964, 291, 32809, 33188, 404, 2765, 3978, 2066, 1186, 535, 82266, 198, 6518, 197, 42820, 863, 197, 5807, 1636, 32809, 197, 16455, 197, 14965, 9793, 329, 74242, 268, 25653, 33188, 2765, 3978, 2066, 197, 1752, 197, 54895, 1186, 535, 198, 42820, 1196, 49952, 197, 37012, 17749, 9410, 17749, 10874, 90310, 197, 57489, 198, 4516, 197, 19041, 20501, 11575, 1942, 3294, 32809, 33188, 197, 4870, 2427, 467, 197, 35686, 13, 197, 4071, 197, 5269, 94036, 197, 9514, 197, 10492, 24263, 32809, 198, 22479, 197, 785, 8986, 1643, 5380, 5451, 44323, 52060, 11, 9776, 197, 14075, 197, 94784, 197, 9274, 18523, 287, 92853, 2490, 13, 197, 77641, 1942, 375, 1802, 345, 9514, 94036, 7883, 266, 61551, 2157, 1412, 61551, 197, 9514, 51880, 53577, 18895, 484, 197, 1497, 197, 4870, 2345, 198, 300, 17972, 197, 9514, 7883, 266, 33188, 198, 1315, 13459, 44323, 197, 14239, 627, 197, 7, 10031, 23918, 2943, 3324, 86, 21903, 2066, 2765, 2286, 6266, 197, 16041, 398, 11, 63744, 25997, 287, 198, 82, 65848, 22660, 11, 59451, 65593, 82266, 2282, 1974, 2136, 26, 197, 19041, 753, 73204, 197, 17483, 13, 197, 6251, 20659, 1602, 57932, 894, 20501, 11575, 70154, 198, 9210, 1942, 11793, 20501, 6831, 14684, 11, 53577, 197, 782, 4930, 291, 9793, 72722, 197, 936, 4881, 14862, 414, 36502, 32809, 1942, 10516, 33188, 198, 75555, 7145, 349, 44323, 2157, 295, 53904, 2191, 17886, 7604, 1137, 13, 197, 58276, 11, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 2157, 112939, 13978, 17886, 197, 414, 198, 65, 10233, 64442, 9215, 72247, 197, 7331, 33188, 49021, 197, 15674, 44323, 197, 21494, 6108, 197, 96420, 32809, 9215, 414, 819, 71275, 345, 30096, 197, 414, 9793, 2370, 32809, 197, 27963, 197 ]
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 47 – 48 , 314 – 17 , 315 United States Preventive Services Task Force, 288 United States Senate Select Committee on Nutrition, 83 urinary calcium, 205 – 6 , 206 , 214 USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), 28 V vascular dementia, 218 vegetables, 92 – 93 , 98 – 99 vegetarianism or veganism. See plant-based diet Virginia Tech, 33viruses, 190 , 197 – 99 vitamin supplements, 2 , 94 – 95 , 216 , 228 – 29 , 242 , 269 – 70 , 288 vitamins, 29 , 93 , 269 vitamin A, 231 vitamin B 12 , 232 vitamin C, 93 – 94 , 302 – 3 vitamin D, 179 – 81 , 200 – 201 , 208 , 231 , 361 – 68 , 363 Voit, Carl, 28 W Webb, Ryland, 34 weight (gain or loss), 102 – 4 , 138 – 43 Wendy’s, 289 Western diseases. See diseases of affluence whole foods, 2 , 98 , 106 , 141 , 228 – 29 , 262 , 270 – 71 , 302 See also plant-based diet WIC (Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Feeding program), 312 , 313 Willett, Walter, 271 – 75 , 284 , 286 Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Feeding Program (WIC), 312 , 313 Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), 166 , 316 Women’s Health Trial, 277 – 78 World Health Organization, 309 – 10 World Sugar Research Organization, 310 Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, 328 Y Youngman, Linda, 56 Z zinc, 252About the Authors For more than forty years, DR. T. COLIN CAMPBELL has been at the forefront of nutrition research. His legacy, the China Study, is the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. Dr. Campbell is Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemisty at Cornell University. He has received more than seventy grant-years of peer- reviewed research funding and authored more than 300 research papers. The China Study was the culmination of a twenty-year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. A 1999 graduate of Cornell University, THOMAS CAMPBELL is currently pursuing a career in medicine. In addition, he is a writer, actor and three-time marathon runner. Born and raised in Ithaca, NY, he has appeared on stage in London, Chicago and most of the states east of the Mississippi River. Mr. Campbell enjoys playing soccer, skiing and hiking.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>HYPERCOAGULA TION Causing: Heart Attack, Stroke, Muscle and Joint Pain, Fatigue, Brain Deterioration by W alter Last Hypercoagulation is an increased tendency of the blood to form obstru ctive fibrin fibres and clots. The tendency to excessive clot formation is also called thrombophilia or thromboembolic disease. Clots can lead to infarction or tissue death from blocked blood supply. Clots in the lungs are called pulmonary embolism, in the heart muscle it causes a heart attack, in the brain a stroke, in the legs ulcers and deep vein thrombosis. However, many of the less dramatic conditions result simply from incre ased fibrin production and tiny clots in capillaries. One can often see small red or brown spots, the size of a pinhead, on the abdomen, or there may be capillary spiders. They are not doing much damage in the skin, but they are also in the brain, in muscles, bone marrow etc. In addition fibrin obstructions can build up in blood vessels similar to clogged-up old water pipes. No surprise then that as we get older we forget where we put our keys or glasses. But sadly it often gets worse progressing to dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Also many other brain and organ functions are affected, and in addition also muscles and cellular energy production. The eyes and ears are especially sensitive to obstru ctions in the blood circulation. It has also been shown that metastasis formation in cancers depends on hypercoagulation. Fibrin is a sticky protein fiber. It naturally cross-links to make platelets stick together and form blood clots for sealing wounds to stop bleeding. The problem is that fibrin also starts cross-linking when non-bleeding inflammations are present as with cardiovascular disease. Commonly such inflammation is triggered by microbes and toxins in the blood. The resulting excess of cross-linked fibrin forms micro-clots that block blood flow in capillaries, it also sticks to the walls of blood vessels and narrows their opening, and it causes blood cells to clump together. Sticky blood appears to be a precondition for cholesterol to start clogging up arteries, and it is also a common factor leading to high blood pressure. Clumping can be seen with live blood analysis when erythrocytes aggreg ate, sometimes looking like many coins sticking together in a column-like manner (rouleaux formation). Such clumped blood does not flow freely like healthy blood, and cannot move through capillaries so that many organs become starved of nutrients. A partial list of conditions caused or triggered by hypercoagulation reads like a Who is Who of diseases: Arthritis, atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, bone necrosis, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue/CFS, chronic infections, deep vein thrombosis, dementia, depression, diabetes, eye diseases, fibromyalgia, heart attack, high blood pressure, infertility, Lyme disease, menstrual problems, metabolic syndrome, migraine, osteonecrosis of hips, knees and jaws, pulmonary embolism, stroke, tinnitus, and varicose veins. Which one or which combination of these conditions develops as a result of hypercoagulation depends on inherited or acquired weaknesses and co-factors. While some blood clotting disorders are inherited, most hypercoagulation problems are due to pathogenic microbes. It is the usual chain of events: antibiotics and other drugs cause intestinal dysbiosis with overgrowth of Candida, mycoplasmas and other microbes. These produce Leaky Gut Syndrome, with allergens and microbial toxins leading to chronic inflammation of the blood vessels as well as overgrowth of the blood with Pleomorphic Microbes. Another frequent cause of chronic inflammations are surgery and Dental Problems, especially due to microbes involved with root-canal fillings and infected gums. Therefore, a permanent solution requires the intestines to be sanitised and the microbial invasion brought under control as with the Ultimate Cleanse. However, this only stops further degeneration. It does not automatically clean out the already obstructed blood vessels. Clots, micro- clots and fibrin obstructions need to be dissolved, and dead or dying tissues replaced or invigorated. This is a long-term process requiring a strong commitment to healthy living. The remedies described in the following have been shown to be of great benefit in cleaning out obstructed blood vessels. I believe that it is best to experiment with all of them. Always start with low doses and increase gradually. Reduce again if and when there are any healing reactions or unexplained symptoms, afterwards gradually increase again. Observe your reactions and become the health expert for your body. Generally move dosages up and down in cycles rather than remaining at constant levels, and also try different combinations of remedies. Further, hypercoagulation is made much worse by high blood fat levels and clogging up of arteries with oxidized cholesterol and calcium. There is more information on improving your blood circulation at Cardiovascular Disease. Another important factor is periodic cleansing as in Fasting and Cleansin g. By far the best long-term strategy is to adopt
[ 18822, 1697, 71267, 3781, 2142, 44323, 197, 14884, 197, 8368, 76123, 705, 1602, 2618, 198, 4235, 198, 2166, 198, 11, 1602, 16104, 198, 4235, 198, 1114, 198, 11, 1602, 15189, 198, 23175, 197, 24137, 197, 4808, 688, 535, 7721, 2210, 82253, 197, 19085, 11, 1602, 15287, 198, 23175, 197, 24137, 7721, 32223, 197, 3461, 197, 34541, 6684, 25653, 18822, 332, 17462, 11, 1602, 6069, 198, 324, 3367, 1470, 17356, 2411, 11, 1602, 10866, 198, 4235, 198, 21, 198, 11, 1602, 11056, 198, 11, 1602, 11584, 198, 2078, 6486, 197, 7, 23175, 197, 24137, 197, 27725, 44323, 23845, 13130, 554, 705, 1602, 1591, 198, 53, 198, 33945, 2765, 46744, 11, 1602, 13302, 198, 83571, 4893, 11, 1602, 6083, 198, 4235, 198, 6365, 198, 11, 1602, 3264, 198, 4235, 198, 1484, 198, 83571, 8997, 2191, 82266, 197, 588, 30528, 2191, 13, 1602, 10031, 198, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 198, 81696, 10473, 4842, 11, 1602, 1644, 46957, 4881, 11, 1602, 7028, 198, 11, 1602, 4468, 198, 4235, 198, 1484, 198, 55911, 8778, 1942, 455, 4779, 11, 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10343, 197, 14884, 197, 42674, 11, 1602, 15500, 198, 4235, 198, 605, 198, 10343, 7721, 8734, 197, 28528, 197, 42674, 11, 1602, 12226, 198, 68007, 774, 6830, 27253, 267, 15420, 4422, 38270, 11, 1602, 16884, 198, 56, 198, 41672, 1543, 11, 15420, 17872, 11, 1602, 3487, 198, 57, 198, 89, 2910, 11, 1602, 12326, 10714, 33188, 197, 58990, 198, 2520, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 1186, 371, 88, 197, 42820, 11, 1602, 7842, 13, 10473, 13, 6391, 1971, 691, 6391, 16407, 33, 19659, 198, 64355, 74242, 268, 36547, 33188, 198, 1348, 7096, 44323, 9215, 332, 17462, 17643, 1874, 13, 13595, 285, 197, 40984, 11, 33188, 197, 23078, 197, 49812, 11, 20501, 33188, 2157, 537, 198, 884, 53999, 18895, 18339, 44323, 197, 12393, 53577, 9215, 332, 17462, 197, 2099, 38303, 55015, 13, 197, 9023, 13, 6391, 1141, 17696, 20501, 198, 95267, 9796, 619, 7721, 331, 324, 1543, 197, 48120, 23626, 1195, 36891, 44323, 18822, 332, 37842, 13083, 822, 75188, 88, 36547, 198, 91641, 616, 197, 31272, 13, 197, 1548, 64355, 17643, 8946, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 85786, 688, 88, 197, 52727, 57188, 44323, 197, 16944, 7058, 19981, 291, 17643, 1874, 1186, 38289, 53577, 79111, 3093, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 197, 3101, 17643, 1874, 3303, 9724, 13, 33026, 198, 23078, 197, 49812, 6831, 300, 33188, 1470, 360, 33196, 44323, 11575, 3324, 86, 7313, 4771, 73972, 5079, 2200, 44323, 6391, 1540, 616, 198, 31272, 11, 49149, 23382, 197, 31272, 53577, 33188, 197, 46023, 197, 11916, 329, 4625, 44323, 197, 4808, 688, 535, 198, 13613, 55103, 627, 32, 197, 2550, 24, 197, 28770, 44323, 6391, 1540, 616, 197, 31272, 11, 1602, 3701, 1937, 1950, 6391, 16407, 33, 19659, 198, 20501, 20725, 398, 198, 79, 1759, 7623, 11575, 1470, 548, 261, 17886, 197, 83543, 13, 71267, 13008, 684, 11, 197, 383, 20501, 11575, 40059, 11, 94510, 53577, 197, 28956, 7394, 198, 5730, 24893, 197, 42836, 13, 13083, 1540, 53577, 197, 93613, 17886, 25494, 339, 17544, 11, 18822, 56, 11, 197, 383, 64355, 197, 99567, 25653, 92675, 17886, 198, 40672, 11, 197, 47275, 53577, 2157, 537, 44323, 33188, 18895, 988, 7883, 561, 44323, 33188, 9391, 1056, 27126, 11391, 1553, 13, 9391, 81, 627, 34955, 17696, 82948, 7453, 1065, 197, 43012, 1942, 97288, 11, 1942, 6780, 287, 53577, 9793, 19787, 13, 128009, 128000, 49952, 9851, 8445, 1929, 59169, 350, 1294, 198, 23389, 985, 25, 18449, 21453, 11, 70034, 11, 68427, 323, 30833, 35567, 11, 26417, 22711, 11, 31417, 423, 1430, 2521, 367, 198, 1729, 468, 11857, 8155, 198, 75046, 1030, 351, 2987, 374, 459, 7319, 31954, 315, 279, 6680, 311, 1376, 1536, 103452, 20864, 535, 33595, 71831, 1347, 258, 33595, 71831, 65, 417, 323, 1206, 2469, 13, 578, 31954, 311, 27639, 94263, 198, 1659, 374, 1101, 2663, 84664, 65, 93655, 477, 84664, 754, 9034, 7918, 8624, 13, 2493, 2469, 649, 3063, 311, 4225, 277, 407, 477, 20438, 4648, 505, 19857, 6680, 198, 95783, 662, 2493, 2469, 304, 279, 45274, 527, 2663, 70524, 8126, 337, 2191, 11, 304, 279, 4851, 16124, 433, 11384, 264, 4851, 3440, 11, 304, 279, 8271, 264, 12943, 11, 304, 279, 198, 73336, 8725, 17254, 323, 5655, 54344, 84664, 65, 10934, 627, 11458, 1174, 1690, 315, 279, 2753, 22520, 220, 4787, 1121, 5042, 505, 2333, 439, 291, 33595, 71831, 1347, 258, 5788, 323, 13987, 1206, 2469, 304, 2107, 484, 5548, 13, 3861, 649, 198, 61917, 1518, 2678, 2579, 477, 14198, 19300, 11, 279, 1404, 315, 264, 9160, 2025, 11, 389, 279, 64772, 11, 477, 1070, 1253, 387, 2107, 35605, 63236, 13, 2435, 527, 539, 3815, 198, 59178, 5674, 304, 279, 6930, 11, 719, 814, 527, 1101, 304, 279, 8271, 11, 304, 24569, 11, 17685, 83748, 5099, 13, 763, 5369, 33595, 71831, 1347, 258, 1536, 20232, 649, 1977, 709, 304, 198, 51105, 31080, 4528, 311, 272, 25909, 5352, 2362, 3090, 32275, 627, 2822, 13051, 1243, 430, 439, 584, 636, 9191, 584, 10894, 1405, 584, 2231, 1057, 7039, 477, 29247, 13, 2030, 44145, 433, 3629, 5334, 11201, 76722, 311, 198, 67, 46744, 323, 44531, 596, 8624, 13, 7429, 1690, 1023, 8271, 323, 2942, 5865, 527, 11754, 11, 323, 304, 5369, 1101, 24569, 323, 35693, 198, 17947, 5788, 13, 578, 6548, 323, 25212, 527, 5423, 16614, 311, 1536, 103452, 20864, 919, 304, 279, 6680, 35855, 13, 1102, 706, 1101, 1027, 6982, 430, 198, 4150, 561, 10949, 18488, 304, 51423, 14117, 389, 17508, 1030, 351, 2987, 627, 37, 10892, 258, 374, 264, 28502, 13128, 33595, 71831, 655, 13, 1102, 18182, 5425, 47776, 311, 1304, 12235, 10145, 9396, 3871, 323, 1376, 6680, 1206, 2469, 369, 66934, 34254, 311, 3009, 198, 901, 16490, 13, 578, 3575, 374, 430, 33595, 71831, 1347, 258, 1101, 8638, 5425, 9142, 287, 994, 2536, 12, 901, 16490, 304, 171, 120912, 8836, 811, 527, 3118, 439, 449, 41713, 198, 67, 56407, 13, 7874, 398, 1778, 304, 171, 120912, 8836, 367, 374, 22900, 555, 80727, 323, 62186, 304, 279, 6680, 627, 791, 13239, 13937, 315, 5425, 55514, 33595, 71831, 1347, 258, 7739, 8162, 31717, 2469, 430, 2565, 6680, 33595, 120912, 363, 304, 2107, 484, 5548, 11, 433, 1101, 34240, 311, 279, 14620, 315, 6680, 198, 85, 434, 2053, 323, 44669, 1849, 872, 8736, 11, 323, 433, 11384, 6680, 7917, 311, 1206, 1538, 3871, 662, 93743, 6680, 8111, 311, 387, 264, 80538, 369, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 311, 1212, 272, 26330, 709, 85648, 11, 323, 433, 374, 1101, 264, 4279, 8331, 6522, 311, 1579, 6680, 7410, 627, 5176, 55432, 649, 387, 3970, 449, 3974, 6680, 6492, 994, 89357, 93210, 11377, 2392, 26263, 30912, 11, 7170, 3411, 1093, 1690, 19289, 38072, 3871, 304, 264, 198, 6361, 12970, 11827, 320, 583, 273, 12249, 18488, 570, 15483, 1206, 61292, 6680, 1587, 539, 33595, 120912, 363, 26662, 1093, 9498, 6680, 11, 323, 4250, 3351, 1555, 198, 11600, 484, 5548, 779, 430, 1690, 36853, 3719, 6917, 2111, 315, 37493, 627, 32, 7276, 1160, 315, 4787, 9057, 477, 22900, 555, 17508, 1030, 351, 2987, 16181, 1093, 264, 10699, 374, 10699, 315, 19338, 512, 7098, 40485, 11, 264, 91882, 91711, 11, 88191, 19338, 11, 17685, 19591, 63412, 11, 9572, 1174, 41713, 19338, 11, 21249, 36709, 11547, 8653, 11, 21249, 198, 258, 25384, 11, 5655, 54344, 84664, 65, 10934, 11, 52857, 11, 18710, 11, 20335, 11, 8071, 19338, 11, 33595, 71831, 65, 442, 16858, 55901, 11, 4851, 3440, 11, 1579, 6680, 7410, 345, 13885, 62587, 1174, 94216, 8624, 11, 78727, 5435, 11, 41861, 28439, 11, 92981, 11, 52368, 111501, 63412, 315, 43523, 11, 31624, 323, 82356, 11, 70524, 198, 9034, 337, 2191, 11, 12943, 11, 259, 98439, 11, 323, 767, 292, 974, 60764, 627, 23956, 832, 477, 902, 10824, 315, 1521, 4787, 39671, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 17508, 1030, 351, 2987, 14117, 389, 28088, 477, 19426, 198, 13451, 2136, 288, 323, 1080, 2269, 21846, 13, 6104, 1063, 6680, 94263, 1303, 24673, 527, 28088, 11, 1455, 17508, 1030, 351, 2987, 5435, 527, 4245, 311, 198, 2398, 29569, 80727, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 13783, 8957, 315, 4455, 25, 46850, 323, 1023, 11217, 5353, 63900, 22709, 70728, 285, 449, 927, 74189, 315, 198, 34, 4654, 64, 11, 856, 38828, 14833, 7044, 323, 1023, 80727, 13, 4314, 8356, 2009, 29200, 52683, 57496, 11, 449, 25405, 729, 323, 75418, 62186, 6522, 311, 198, 7562, 292, 304, 171, 120912, 8836, 367, 315, 279, 6680, 31080, 439, 1664, 439, 927, 74189, 315, 279, 6680, 449, 33540, 71017, 18654, 9620, 13, 13596, 21420, 5353, 315, 198, 7562, 292, 304, 171, 120912, 8836, 811, 527, 15173, 323, 48804, 45635, 11, 5423, 4245, 311, 80727, 6532, 449, 3789, 1824, 49921, 33595, 71831, 657, 826, 323, 29374, 198, 70, 6370, 13, 15636, 11, 264, 15690, 6425, 7612, 279, 39408, 1572, 311, 387, 20399, 4147, 323, 279, 75418, 30215, 7263, 1234, 2585, 439, 198, 4291, 279, 29950, 9785, 325, 627, 11458, 1174, 420, 1193, 18417, 4726, 5367, 17699, 13, 1102, 1587, 539, 9651, 4335, 704, 279, 2736, 54292, 291, 6680, 31080, 13, 2493, 2469, 11, 8162, 7058, 566, 2469, 323, 33595, 71831, 1347, 258, 1536, 20232, 1205, 311, 387, 56767, 11, 323, 5710, 477, 23069, 39881, 12860, 477, 1558, 71070, 660, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 1317, 9860, 1920, 198, 11265, 6322, 264, 3831, 15507, 311, 9498, 5496, 13, 578, 51236, 7633, 304, 279, 2768, 617, 1027, 6982, 311, 387, 315, 2294, 20331, 171, 71831, 83, 304, 198, 18883, 287, 704, 54292, 291, 6680, 31080, 13, 358, 4510, 430, 433, 374, 1888, 311, 9526, 449, 682, 315, 1124, 627, 38195, 1212, 449, 3428, 35130, 323, 5376, 27115, 662, 53253, 1578, 422, 323, 994, 1070, 527, 904, 21730, 25481, 477, 653, 81950, 198, 24738, 52273, 11, 27905, 27115, 5376, 1578, 13, 4761, 13570, 701, 25481, 323, 3719, 279, 2890, 6335, 369, 701, 2547, 662, 44493, 3351, 198, 41625, 1154, 709, 323, 1523, 304, 25492, 4856, 1109, 9861, 520, 6926, 5990, 11, 323, 1101, 1456, 2204, 28559, 315, 51236, 13, 15903, 13801, 69292, 1030, 351, 2987, 374, 1903, 1790, 11201, 555, 1579, 6680, 8834, 5990, 323, 272, 26330, 709, 315, 85648, 449, 36172, 1534, 39086, 323, 35719, 627, 3947, 374, 810, 2038, 389, 18899, 701, 6680, 35855, 520, 92976, 33945, 31974, 13, 13596, 3062, 8331, 374, 39445, 198, 9326, 598, 287, 439, 304, 435, 15067, 323, 86762, 258, 342, 13, 3296, 3117, 279, 1888, 1317, 9860, 8446, 374, 311, 11142 ]
year, laxative sales were conservatively placed at $350 million. Now that’s a lot of constipation! What’s going on here? Over 70 million Americans suffer from bowel problems. The number 2 cause of death in the United States is cancer. Of these, 100,000 give up their lives every year due to cancer of the colon. Here is a quote from the American Cancer Society, “Evidence in rec ent years suggests that most bowel cancer is caused b y environmental agents. Some scientists believe that a diet high in beef and/or low in fiber is the cause.” Colon problems such as colitis, ileitis and diverticulitis affect a conservative number of two mi llion people. The medical profession reports that “ Despite decades of research in these diseases, their cause and cure for the most part is still unknown.” Colostomy is a surgical procedure whereby the intestine is severed from the colon due to that organ’s functio nal breakdown. The colostomized individual is then faced with the lifetime elimination of feces through an opening in their side into an attached pouch. There are 100,000 people who undergo this radical approach each year. Needless to say, bowel difficulties such as autointoxication and constipati on are a growing concern to almost everyone. Out of these two conditions, which are actually symptoms of an -other problem, come a plethora of evils that are ruinous in their consequences. Constipation is a clogging up of the large intestine. It occurs in s everal ways. One of these is by a natural building up of the irritated mucus membrane and bowel wall to such an extent that feces can hardly pass through. One autopsy revealed a colon to be 9 inches in diameter with a pas sage through it no larger than a pe ncil! The rest was caked up layer upon layer of encrusted fecal material. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It’s that hard and black. Another autopsy revealed a stagnant colon to weigh in at an i ncredible 40 pounds! Imagine c arrying around all that morbid accumulated waste. When the bowel is that dirty, it can harbor an amazing variety of very harmful bacteria and parasites. It’s interesting to no te that worms outrank cancer as man’s deadliest enemy on a world -wide basis! It is estimated that 200 million people are infected by these intestinal parasites. These worms range in size from microscopic single -celled animals to 20 -ft-long tapeworms! These parasites kill more people annually than does cancer. One in four people in the world today is infected by roundworms. The U.S. is not immune to these parasites, as the number of cases has increased in the past few years. The need for bowel sanitation and cleanliness has been sadly neglected for some time now. Bowel movements every t wo to three days are considered normal and acceptable. We of the wholistic, nature -cure professions, know better. Our experiences prove beyond a doubt that poor bowel condition is the source for many, many disorders in the body. Recently medical researcher s in African countries have had a first - hand opportunity to verify these beliefs. Both British and South African medical scientists strongly insist that what is usually referred to as “regularity” may be a m atter of life and death. Insufficient numbers of bowel movements and too little fiber and bulk in the feces may often explain the existence of gall bladder disorders, heart problems, varicose veins, appendicitis, clotting in deep veins, hiatal hernia, diverticulosi s, arthritis and cancer of the colon. T his complete turn -around in medical orientation comes from top -notch surgeons and biochemists. In less than a century, there has occurred an incredible increase in certain diseases which these researchers have attempted to expla in by comparing Africans liv ing under tribal conditions and people living under the conditions of Western countries. Their research indicates that the increase in disease rates in Westerners were caused by changes occurring in the food makeup that reaches t he large bowel. In former t imes, ingested food was much coarser, contained more bulk and indigestible fiber. The processing of foods today makes them mushy, soft, fiberless and bulkless. These researchers claim that this situation is having a detrimental eff ect upon the American and British health. In England, Africa and India experiments were conducted to compare eating habits, foods and bowel waste products. These studies indicated that people living under primitive conditions on diets high in indigestible fiber passed from 2 -1/2 to 4-1/2 times as much feces as those in the Western countries, and these people were found to be relatively free of most of the diseases studied. Those studies concluded that diverticulosis appears to be directly related to a high carbohydrate diet such a s one containing white flour and sugar. The long retention of feces is also claimed to be a source of heart disorders, as the removal of fiber from the diet raises serum cholesterol levels and predisposes the body to coronary disease. The accusation is mad e that the removal of fiber from the diet is also responsible for tumors and cancer due to biochemical changes associated with poor bowel elimination. Constip ation is often referred to by those who have studied the situation as the “modern plague.” Indeed, it is the greatest present -day danger to health. Intestinal toxemia and the resulting autointoxication is a direct result of intestinal constipation. Constipation con tributes toward the lowering of body resistance, predisposing it to many acute illnesses and the creation of a great many degenerative and chronic processes. It cripples and kills more people in our country than most any other single morbid condition having to do with deficient function of life. For a lack of the colon to attend to its normal, regular and efficient function almost every human ailment has been attributed. What disturbs proper intestinal function? It involves a major factor in life - abnormal nutrition. Nutrition is of paramount importance to the general welfare of the body. Un less the individual educates himself in the art of conscious living, acquires rational habits and lives up to them consistently, nothing but physical and mental catastrophies can be the result. Intestinal constipation causes cellular constipation. It also increases the workload of the other excretory organs - kidney, skin, liver, lungs and lymph. The functioning of these organs becomes depleted and overworked. The cellular metabolism becomes sluggish, repair and growth are delayed and the ability to elimina te waste materials is lowered. The cells, instead of being alive and active, become dead and inactive. This process results in a decline in tissue and organ functional ability. Dr. Alexis Carrell, at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, took sm all pieces of heart tissue from a chicken embyro to produce one of the most remarkable experiments in medical history. He attempted to demonstrate that under suitable conditions, the living cell could live a very long time, perhaps indefinitely. The heart tissue was immersed in a nutrient solution from which it obtained its food. Likewise, waste material was secreted by the heart tissue into this same solution. Everyday the solution w as changed, taking away waste substances and providing fresh nutrients. It is amazing to report that this chicken heart tissue lived for 29 years in this fashion. It died one day when the assistant forgot to change the metabolized polluted fluid! In other words, autointoxication claimed this great masterpiece of experimental sci entific investigation. Said Carrell of this experience, “The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats which degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cell something upon which to feed and, so far as we know, the pulsation of l ife may go on forever.” The primary causes of constipation can be summarized as follows: faulty nutrition, ignoring the call to eliminate, lack of ph ysical activity, emotional and mental distress, extrinsic poisons and medications and lack of adequate amo unts of water. Faulty nutrition, as we have already seen, is a major underlying factor in constipation. Processed, devitalized foods low in fiber or bulk are not suitable substances to promote health and well -being. Ignoring the call to eliminate feces or urine contribute greatly to cellular congestion, autointoxication and eliminative organ distress. The lack of physical exercise makes weak and flaccid muscle tone incapable of holding up under the demands of poor diets and extra eliminative duty. Emotional and mental strain and tension produce unfavorable conditions in the digestive and eliminative organs, causing them to become tense and underactive. These a lso cause chemical imbalances and abnormal secretions to occur, generally upsetting the whole organi sm. Extrinsic poisons, such as tobacco, coffee, alcohol, chocolate and sugar, have unfavorable effects upon digestion and elimination by upsetting gastric secretions and nerve responses. Medications have a very upsetting effect upon these life -giving funct ions. They cause many afflictions in the bowel. Antibiotics, such as penicillin and sulfa, can completely eliminate the favorable intestinal flora, leaving the opportunity for reinfestation by harmful bacteria and virus. Laxatives are irritating to the bow el and are dangerous if used frequently. Most people also do not drink enough water; they are chronically dehydrated. This causes all body tissues and fluids to becom e th
[ 1060, 11, 74830, 1413, 6763, 1051, 11357, 8046, 9277, 520, 400, 8652, 3610, 13, 4800, 430, 753, 264, 2763, 315, 738, 49686, 0, 3639, 753, 2133, 389, 1618, 30, 220, 6193, 720, 2031, 3610, 9053, 7831, 505, 66358, 5435, 13, 578, 1396, 220, 17, 5353, 315, 4648, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 374, 9572, 13, 5046, 1521, 11, 220, 1041, 11, 931, 720, 47530, 709, 872, 6439, 1475, 1060, 4245, 311, 9572, 315, 279, 15235, 13, 5810, 374, 264, 12929, 505, 279, 3778, 26211, 13581, 11, 1054, 93702, 304, 1421, 1218, 720, 42820, 13533, 430, 1455, 66358, 9572, 374, 9057, 293, 379, 12434, 13307, 13, 4427, 14248, 4510, 430, 264, 10173, 1579, 304, 25309, 323, 5255, 720, 10516, 304, 24722, 374, 279, 5353, 2029, 32042, 5435, 1778, 439, 1400, 20000, 11, 31905, 20000, 323, 37098, 292, 360, 20000, 7958, 264, 15692, 1396, 315, 1403, 9686, 9507, 290, 720, 16455, 13, 578, 6593, 4913, 6821, 430, 1054, 18185, 11026, 315, 3495, 304, 1521, 19338, 11, 872, 5353, 323, 27208, 369, 279, 1455, 961, 374, 720, 44466, 9987, 2029, 4349, 537, 5650, 374, 264, 34933, 10537, 49001, 279, 92234, 374, 84450, 505, 279, 15235, 4245, 311, 430, 2942, 753, 42151, 822, 85633, 720, 9137, 2996, 13, 578, 1400, 537, 316, 1534, 3927, 220, 374, 1243, 17011, 449, 279, 19569, 44032, 315, 55061, 288, 1555, 459, 8736, 304, 872, 3185, 1139, 720, 276, 12673, 56952, 13, 2684, 527, 220, 1041, 11, 931, 1274, 889, 37771, 420, 18336, 5603, 1855, 1060, 13, 83383, 311, 2019, 11, 66358, 27129, 1778, 720, 300, 3154, 787, 5241, 20901, 323, 738, 575, 9491, 389, 527, 264, 7982, 4747, 311, 4661, 5127, 13, 4470, 315, 1521, 1403, 4787, 11, 902, 527, 3604, 720, 24738, 52273, 315, 459, 482, 1605, 3575, 11, 2586, 264, 68706, 315, 86907, 430, 527, 38339, 788, 304, 872, 16296, 13, 25538, 49686, 374, 264, 272, 26330, 709, 315, 720, 1820, 3544, 92234, 13, 1102, 13980, 304, 274, 3596, 278, 5627, 13, 3861, 315, 1521, 374, 555, 264, 5933, 4857, 709, 315, 279, 84971, 296, 38601, 39654, 323, 66358, 720, 16836, 311, 1778, 459, 13112, 430, 55061, 288, 649, 20781, 1522, 1555, 13, 3861, 76901, 10675, 264, 15235, 311, 387, 220, 24, 15271, 304, 23899, 449, 264, 6502, 39361, 720, 20322, 433, 912, 8294, 1109, 264, 1069, 26183, 321, 0, 578, 2800, 574, 272, 7897, 709, 6324, 5304, 6324, 315, 3289, 81, 28244, 55061, 278, 3769, 13, 1115, 46835, 649, 617, 720, 1820, 29237, 315, 11092, 28387, 23506, 13, 1102, 753, 430, 2653, 323, 3776, 13, 13596, 76901, 10675, 264, 97043, 15235, 311, 17988, 304, 520, 459, 602, 308, 59041, 720, 1272, 16701, 0, 38891, 272, 2961, 7169, 2212, 682, 430, 4411, 21301, 41165, 12571, 13, 2355, 720, 4599, 279, 66358, 374, 430, 19108, 11, 433, 649, 57511, 459, 8056, 8205, 315, 1633, 28856, 24032, 323, 79383, 13, 1102, 753, 7185, 311, 912, 1028, 430, 720, 56741, 82, 18333, 1201, 9572, 439, 893, 753, 99469, 9354, 389, 264, 1917, 482, 9328, 8197, 0, 1102, 374, 13240, 430, 220, 1049, 3610, 1274, 527, 29374, 555, 720, 45010, 63900, 79383, 13, 4314, 63000, 2134, 304, 1404, 505, 90090, 3254, 482, 3757, 839, 10099, 311, 220, 508, 482, 728, 24725, 15596, 365, 494, 82, 0, 4314, 720, 1768, 300, 3695, 5622, 810, 1274, 30171, 1109, 1587, 9572, 13, 3861, 304, 3116, 1274, 304, 279, 220, 1917, 3432, 374, 29374, 555, 4883, 56741, 82, 13, 578, 549, 815, 13, 374, 720, 1962, 22852, 311, 1521, 79383, 11, 439, 279, 1396, 315, 5157, 706, 7319, 304, 279, 3347, 2478, 1667, 13, 578, 1205, 369, 66358, 77623, 323, 720, 18883, 49958, 706, 1027, 44145, 51533, 369, 1063, 892, 1457, 13, 18943, 301, 19567, 1475, 259, 24670, 311, 2380, 2919, 527, 6646, 4725, 323, 720, 38116, 13, 1226, 315, 279, 421, 337, 4633, 11, 7138, 482, 66, 554, 69792, 11, 1440, 2731, 13, 5751, 11704, 12391, 7953, 264, 10712, 430, 8009, 66358, 720, 9233, 374, 279, 2592, 369, 1690, 11, 1690, 24673, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 42096, 6593, 32185, 274, 304, 11904, 5961, 617, 1047, 264, 1176, 18722, 10888, 6776, 311, 10356, 1521, 21463, 13, 2355, 720, 21279, 8013, 323, 4987, 11904, 6593, 14248, 16917, 32262, 430, 1148, 374, 6118, 14183, 311, 439, 1054, 23108, 488, 863, 1253, 387, 264, 296, 520, 466, 315, 720, 14789, 323, 4648, 13, 9925, 27781, 5219, 315, 220, 66358, 19567, 323, 2288, 2697, 24722, 323, 20155, 304, 279, 55061, 288, 1253, 3629, 10552, 279, 14209, 720, 1073, 19754, 62564, 24673, 11, 4851, 5435, 11, 767, 292, 974, 60764, 11, 8911, 19195, 285, 11, 94263, 1303, 304, 5655, 60764, 11, 15960, 4306, 72909, 689, 11, 37098, 68377, 72, 274, 11, 55652, 720, 438, 9572, 315, 279, 15235, 13, 350, 813, 4686, 2543, 482, 20019, 304, 6593, 17140, 4131, 505, 1948, 482, 1962, 331, 74272, 323, 17332, 2464, 1705, 13, 763, 2753, 720, 54895, 264, 9478, 11, 1070, 706, 10222, 459, 15400, 5376, 304, 3738, 19338, 902, 1521, 12074, 617, 17644, 311, 3327, 64, 304, 555, 720, 884, 45252, 66738, 15471, 6892, 1234, 40489, 4787, 323, 1274, 5496, 1234, 279, 4787, 315, 11104, 5961, 13, 11205, 3495, 720, 485, 25858, 430, 279, 5376, 304, 8624, 7969, 304, 11104, 388, 1051, 9057, 555, 4442, 31965, 304, 279, 3691, 27649, 430, 25501, 259, 568, 720, 17185, 66358, 13, 763, 4846, 259, 737, 288, 11, 6892, 10185, 3691, 574, 1790, 1080, 10642, 11, 13282, 810, 20155, 323, 1280, 15505, 1260, 24722, 13, 578, 8863, 315, 15657, 2355, 31213, 3727, 1124, 30823, 88, 11, 8579, 11, 24722, 1752, 323, 20155, 1752, 13, 4314, 12074, 3802, 430, 420, 6671, 374, 3515, 264, 65069, 3369, 77594, 720, 59723, 279, 3778, 323, 220, 8013, 2890, 13, 763, 9635, 11, 10384, 323, 6890, 21896, 1051, 13375, 311, 9616, 12459, 26870, 11, 15657, 720, 438, 66358, 12571, 3956, 13, 4314, 7978, 16717, 430, 1274, 5496, 1234, 28694, 4787, 389, 41943, 1579, 304, 1280, 15505, 1260, 220, 24722, 720, 36522, 505, 220, 17, 482, 16, 14, 17, 311, 220, 19, 12, 16, 14, 17, 3115, 439, 1790, 55061, 288, 439, 1884, 304, 279, 11104, 5961, 11, 323, 1521, 1274, 1051, 1766, 311, 387, 12309, 1949, 720, 1073, 1455, 315, 279, 19338, 20041, 13, 2355, 720, 23025, 7978, 20536, 430, 37098, 292, 360, 10934, 8111, 311, 387, 6089, 5552, 311, 264, 1579, 67732, 10173, 1778, 264, 274, 832, 8649, 4251, 720, 1517, 414, 323, 13465, 13, 578, 1317, 38231, 315, 55061, 288, 374, 1101, 11922, 311, 387, 264, 2592, 315, 4851, 24673, 11, 439, 279, 17065, 315, 24722, 505, 279, 10173, 720, 33371, 41529, 39086, 5990, 323, 80632, 8449, 279, 2547, 311, 66298, 8624, 13, 578, 65506, 374, 13088, 384, 430, 279, 17065, 315, 24722, 505, 720, 1820, 10173, 374, 1101, 8647, 369, 56071, 323, 9572, 4245, 311, 93532, 4442, 5938, 449, 8009, 66358, 44032, 13, 25538, 575, 520, 290, 720, 285, 3629, 14183, 311, 555, 1884, 889, 617, 20041, 279, 6671, 439, 279, 1054, 50889, 55537, 2029, 23150, 11, 220, 433, 374, 279, 12474, 3118, 482, 1316, 8137, 311, 720, 12393, 13, 1357, 65050, 41569, 22689, 323, 279, 13239, 3154, 787, 5241, 20901, 374, 264, 2167, 1121, 315, 63900, 738, 49686, 13, 25538, 49686, 390, 14121, 2142, 720, 83, 83071, 279, 46301, 315, 2547, 13957, 11, 80632, 8478, 433, 311, 1690, 30883, 49909, 323, 279, 9886, 315, 264, 2294, 1690, 5367, 75989, 323, 720, 7562, 292, 11618, 13, 1102, 71108, 645, 323, 29910, 810, 1274, 304, 1057, 3224, 1109, 1455, 904, 1023, 3254, 4411, 21301, 3044, 3515, 311, 656, 449, 720, 755, 5499, 734, 315, 2324, 13, 1789, 264, 6996, 315, 279, 15235, 311, 9604, 311, 1202, 4725, 11, 220, 5912, 323, 11297, 734, 4661, 1475, 3823, 60243, 479, 720, 4752, 1027, 30706, 13, 2355, 720, 3923, 26412, 1302, 6300, 63900, 734, 30, 1102, 18065, 264, 3682, 8331, 304, 2324, 482, 35663, 26677, 13, 39700, 374, 315, 74510, 720, 475, 685, 311, 279, 4689, 23460, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 1252, 2753, 279, 3927, 4834, 988, 5678, 304, 279, 1989, 315, 17371, 5496, 11, 1645, 18164, 720, 81, 1697, 26870, 323, 6439, 709, 311, 1124, 21356, 11, 4400, 719, 7106, 323, 10723, 35205, 22761, 552, 649, 387, 279, 1121, 13, 2355, 1090, 65050, 738, 49686, 11384, 35693, 738, 49686, 13, 1102, 1101, 12992, 279, 54696, 315, 279, 1023, 506, 4523, 683, 36853, 482, 39042, 11, 6930, 11, 720, 75, 1553, 11, 45274, 323, 43745, 13, 578, 31301, 315, 1521, 36853, 9221, 79266, 323, 927, 71214, 13, 578, 35693, 39097, 9221, 720, 3306, 2661, 819, 11, 13023, 323, 6650, 527, 23540, 323, 279, 5845, 311, 9961, 2259, 1028, 12571, 7384, 374, 39920, 13, 578, 7917, 11, 4619, 315, 1694, 13989, 323, 720, 3104, 11, 3719, 5710, 323, 32899, 13, 1115, 1920, 3135, 304, 264, 18174, 304, 20438, 323, 2942, 16003, 5845, 13, 2355, 720, 9023, 13, 60061, 3341, 16684, 11, 520, 279, 85738, 10181, 369, 13235, 8483, 11, 3952, 1554, 682, 9863, 315, 4851, 20438, 505, 264, 16553, 991, 1729, 299, 311, 720, 98374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 23649, 21896, 304, 6593, 3925, 13, 1283, 17644, 311, 20461, 430, 1234, 14791, 4787, 1174, 720, 1820, 5496, 2849, 1436, 3974, 264, 1633, 1317, 892, 11, 8530, 56334, 13, 578, 4851, 20438, 574, 78308, 304, 264, 50123, 6425, 505, 902, 433, 720, 677, 83, 2692, 1202, 3691, 13, 50487, 11, 12571, 3769, 574, 6367, 291, 555, 279, 4851, 20438, 1139, 420, 1890, 6425, 13, 79716, 279, 6425, 289, 439, 720, 17805, 11, 4737, 3201, 12571, 33155, 323, 8405, 7878, 37493, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 8056, 311, 1934, 430, 420, 16553, 4851, 20438, 12439, 369, 720, 1682, 1667, 304, 420, 11401, 13, 1102, 8636, 832, 1938, 994, 279, 18328, 29695, 311, 2349, 279, 28168, 1534, 95869, 15962, 0, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 2355, 2784, 787, 5241, 20901, 11922, 420, 2294, 59831, 315, 22772, 39074, 1218, 1104, 8990, 13, 51224, 3341, 16684, 315, 420, 3217, 11, 1054, 791, 2849, 374, 720, 12828, 34472, 13, 1102, 374, 16632, 279, 15962, 304, 902, 433, 49002, 902, 5367, 804, 988, 13, 50086, 420, 15962, 520, 28090, 11, 3041, 279, 2849, 2555, 220, 5304, 720, 8370, 311, 5510, 323, 11, 779, 3117, 439, 584, 1440, 11, 279, 56037, 367, 315, 326, 422, 68, 1253, 733, 389, 16058, 2029, 2355, 720, 791, 6156, 11384, 315, 738, 49686, 649, 387, 69729, 439, 11263, 25, 58671, 26677, 11, 32003, 279, 1650, 311, 22472, 11, 6996, 315, 1343, 32910, 950, 720, 7323, 11, 14604, 323, 10723, 35104, 11, 11741, 28692, 3273, 19941, 323, 31010, 323, 6996, 315, 26613, 87200, 653, 2641, 315, 3090, 13, 60249, 88, 26677, 11, 720, 300, 584, 617, 2736, 3970, 11, 374, 264, 3682, 16940, 8331, 304, 738, 49686, 13, 8773, 291, 11, 3567, 2223, 1534, 15657, 3428, 304, 24722, 477, 20155, 527, 539, 720, 73140, 481, 33155, 311, 12192, 2890, 323, 1664, 482, 35214, 13, 34881, 5620, 279, 1650, 311, 22472, 55061, 288, 477, 40335, 17210, 19407, 311, 35693, 720, 444, 7114, 290, 11, 3154, 787, 5241, 20901, 323, 38416, 1413, 2942, 35104, 13, 578, 6996, 315, 7106, 10368, 3727, 7621, 323, 1344, 4575, 307, 16124, 16630, 2355, 2910, 391, 481, 315, 10168, 709, 1234, 279, 18651, 315, 8009, 41943, 323, 5066, 38416, 1413, 14523, 13, 95300, 220, 323, 10723, 26800, 323, 24408, 720, 98374, 93071, 4787, 304, 279, 60071, 323, 38416, 1413, 36853, 11, 14718, 1124, 311, 3719, 43787, 323, 1234, 3104, 13, 4314, 264, 326, 708, 720, 1593, 11742, 737, 76527, 323, 35663, 6367, 919, 311, 12446, 11, 8965, 91069, 279, 4459, 2942, 72, 1554, 13, 1398, 46102, 3273, 19941, 11, 1778, 439, 720, 83, 677, 20067, 11, 11033, 11, 13200, 11, 18414, 323, 13465, 11, 617, 93071, 6372, 5304, 74502, 323, 44032, 555, 91069, 89385, 720, 21107, 919, 323, 32015, 14847, 13, 12851, 811, 617, 264, 1633, 91069, 2515, 5304, 1521, 2324, 482, 70, 2299, 42151, 65125, 13, 2435, 5353, 1690, 2355, 2715, 21937, 919, 304, 279, 66358, 13, 95951, 83300, 11, 1778, 439, 5869, 292, 61597, 323, 26858, 3716, 11, 649, 6724, 22472, 279, 37849, 63900, 82088, 11, 220, 9564, 279, 720, 454, 68164, 369, 312, 13885, 65078, 555, 28856, 24032, 323, 17188, 13, 445, 710, 5983, 527, 85077, 311, 279, 15631, 658, 323, 527, 11660, 422, 1511, 720, 69, 70941, 13, 2355, 720, 13622, 1274, 1101, 656, 539, 7172, 3403, 3090, 26, 814, 527, 27076, 2740, 409, 26233, 660, 13, 1115, 11384, 682, 2547, 39881, 323, 56406, 311, 387, 884, 384, 720, 339 ]
Answer: Do not think for one second that you brought about a death by assuming security. The greater you is not going to injure any one. It sees all and, knowing the length of life of all, it can inspire the other to give you that which can fulfill your assumption. You did not kill the person who named you in his will. If, a few days after your complete acceptance of the idea of security, Uncle John made his exit from this three dimensional plane and left you his estate, it is only because it was time for Uncle John to go. He did not die one second be- fore his time, however. The greater you saw the life span of John and used him as the way to bring about the fulfillment of your feeling of secu - rity. The acceptance of the end wills the means toward the fulfillment of that end. Do not be concerned with anything save the end. Always bear in mind that the responsibility to make it so is completely removed from your shoulders. It is yours because you accept it as so! More Free Books Law of Attraction Haven27. Question: I have more than one objective. Would it be ineffective to concentrate on different objectives at different periods of concentration? Answer: I like to take one consuming ambition, restrict it to a single short phrase, or act that implies fulfillment, but I do not limit my ambition. I only know that my real objective will include all the little ones. 28. Question: I find it difficult to change my concept of self. Why? Answer: Because your desire to change has not been aroused. If you would fall in love with what you really want to be, you would become it. It takes an intense hunger to bring about a transformation of self. "As the hart panteth after the waterbrooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O Lord. "If you would become as thirsty for perfection as then little hart is for water that it braves the anger of the tiger in the forest, you would become perfect. 29. Question: I am contemplating a business venture. It means a great deal to me, but I cannot imagine how it can come into being. Answer: You are relieved of that responsibility. You do not have to make it a reality, it already is! Although your concept of self seems so far re - moved from the venture you now contemplate, it exists now as a reality within you. Ask yourself how you would feel and what you would be doing if your business venture were a great success. Become identified with that character and feeling and you will be amazed how quickly you will realize your dream. The only sacrifice you are called upon to make, is to give up your present concept of self and appropriate the desire you want to express. 30. Question: As a metaphysical student I have been taught to believe that race beliefs and universal assumptions affect me. Do you mean that only to the degree I give these universal beliefs power over me, am I in - fluenced by them? Answer: Yes. It is only your individual viewpoint, as your world is forever bearing witness to your present concept of self. If someone offends you, change your concept of self. That is the only way others change. Tonight's paper may be read by any six people in this room and no two will interpret the same story in the same way. One will be elated, the oth- er depressed, another indifferent, and so on, yet it is the same story. Universal assumptions, race beliefs, call them what you will, they are not important to you. What is important is your concept, not of another, but of yourself, for the concept you hold of yourself determines the concept More Free Books Law of Attraction Havenyou hold of others. Leave others alone. What are they to you? Follow your own desires. The law is always in operation, always absolute. Your consciousness is the rock upon which all structures rest. Watch what you are aware of. You need not concern yourself with others because you are sustained by the absoluteness of this law. No man comes to you of his own accord, be he good, bad or indifferent. He did not choose you! You chose him! He was drawn to you because of what you are. You cannot destroy the state another represents through force. Rather, leave him alone. What is he to you? Rise to a higher level of conscious - ness and you will find a new world awaiting you, and as you sanctify your - self, others are sanctified. 31. Question: Who wrote the Bible? Answer: The Bible was written by intelligent men who used sollar and phallic myths to reveal psychological truths. But we have mistaken their allegory for history and, therefore, have failed to see their true message. It is strange, but when the Bible was launched upon the world, and accep - tance seemed to be in sight, the great Alexandria Library was burnt to the ground, leaving no record as to how the Bible came into being. Few peo- ple can read other languages, so they cannot compare their beliefs with others. Our churches do not encourage us to compare. How many of the millions who accept the Bible as fact, ever question it? Believing it is the word of God, they blindly accept the words and thus lose the essence they contain. Having accepted the vehicle, they do not understand what the vehicle conveys. 32. Question: Do you use the Apocrypha? Answer: Not in my teaching. I have several volumes of them at home. They are no greater than the sixty-six books of our present Bible. They are simply telling the same truth in a different way. For instance, the story is told of Jesus, as a young boy, watching children make birds out of mud. Holding the birds in their hands, they pretend the birds are flying. Jesus approaches and knocks the birds out of their hands. As they begin to cry, he picks up one of the broken birds and remolds it. Holding it high, he breathes upon it and the bird takes flight. Here is a story of one who came to break the idols in the minds of men, then show them how to use the same substance and remold it into a beautiful form and give it life. That is what this story is trying to convey. "I come, not to bring peace, but a sword." Truth slays all the little mud hens of the mind; slays illusions and then re molds them into a new pat - More Free Books Law of Attraction Haventern which sets man free. 33. Question: If Jesus was a fictional character created by Biblical writers for the purpose of illustrating certain psychological dramas, how do you account for the fact that he and his philosophy are mentioned in the non- religious and non Christian history of those times? Were not Pontius Pi - late and Herod real flesh and blood Roman officials in those days? Answer: The story of Jesus is the identical story as that of the Hindu sav- ior, Krishna. They are the same psychological characters. Both were sup- posed to have been born of virgin mothers. The rulers of the time sought to destroy them when they were children. Both healed the sick, resurrect - ed the dead, taught the gospel of love and died a martyr's death for mankind. Hindus and Christians alike believe their savior to be God made man. Today people quote Socrates, yet the only proof that Socrates ever exist- ed is in the works of Plato. It is said that Socrates drank hemlock, but I ask you, who is Socrates? I once quoted a line from Shakespeare and a lady said to me, "But Hamlet said that." Hamlet never said it, Shake - speare wrote the lines and put the words in the mouth of a character he created and named Hamlet. St. Augustine once
[ 5996, 16533, 25, 220, 3234, 539, 1781, 220, 369, 832, 220, 2132, 220, 430, 499, 220, 7263, 922, 264, 220, 4648, 555, 720, 66463, 220, 4868, 13, 578, 220, 7191, 220, 499, 374, 539, 2133, 220, 311, 5934, 554, 220, 904, 832, 13, 1102, 16008, 720, 543, 323, 11, 14392, 220, 279, 3160, 315, 2324, 220, 315, 682, 11, 433, 649, 31740, 220, 279, 1023, 220, 311, 3041, 720, 9514, 430, 902, 649, 21054, 701, 25329, 13, 720, 2675, 1550, 539, 5622, 279, 220, 1732, 889, 7086, 220, 499, 304, 813, 690, 13, 1442, 11, 264, 220, 2478, 2919, 1306, 2355, 22479, 4686, 26586, 315, 279, 220, 4623, 315, 4868, 11, 51521, 220, 3842, 1903, 813, 720, 13966, 505, 420, 2380, 56987, 11277, 220, 323, 2163, 499, 220, 813, 12675, 11, 220, 433, 374, 1193, 720, 28753, 220, 433, 574, 892, 220, 369, 51521, 220, 3842, 311, 733, 13, 1283, 220, 1550, 539, 2815, 220, 832, 2132, 220, 387, 7058, 1348, 813, 892, 11, 220, 4869, 13, 578, 220, 7191, 220, 499, 5602, 279, 2324, 9575, 315, 3842, 323, 720, 2656, 1461, 439, 279, 220, 1648, 311, 4546, 220, 922, 279, 220, 57383, 315, 701, 8430, 220, 315, 5819, 84, 18722, 81, 488, 13, 720, 791, 26586, 315, 279, 220, 842, 690, 82, 279, 220, 3445, 9017, 220, 279, 57383, 315, 430, 720, 408, 13, 3234, 539, 387, 220, 11920, 220, 449, 4205, 220, 3665, 279, 842, 13, 24119, 11984, 304, 720, 38824, 430, 279, 220, 12014, 311, 1304, 433, 779, 374, 6724, 7108, 220, 505, 720, 22479, 28004, 13, 1102, 374, 18821, 1606, 220, 499, 4287, 433, 439, 779, 0, 720, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 1544, 13, 16225, 25, 220, 358, 617, 220, 810, 1109, 832, 220, 16945, 13, 220, 19418, 220, 433, 387, 55288, 220, 311, 720, 444, 1189, 7853, 220, 389, 2204, 26470, 520, 2204, 18852, 315, 20545, 30, 5996, 16533, 25, 220, 358, 1093, 311, 1935, 832, 220, 35208, 220, 45715, 11, 9067, 433, 311, 264, 220, 3254, 220, 2875, 198, 28810, 11, 477, 1180, 430, 24897, 57383, 11, 719, 358, 656, 539, 4017, 856, 45715, 13, 358, 720, 3323, 1440, 220, 430, 856, 1972, 16945, 220, 690, 2997, 220, 682, 279, 220, 2697, 6305, 13, 720, 1591, 13, 16225, 25, 220, 358, 1505, 220, 433, 5107, 311, 2349, 220, 856, 7434, 315, 659, 13, 8595, 30, 5996, 16533, 25, 220, 9393, 220, 701, 12876, 220, 311, 2349, 220, 706, 539, 1027, 92624, 13, 1442, 499, 720, 41450, 220, 4498, 304, 3021, 220, 449, 1148, 499, 220, 2216, 1390, 311, 387, 11, 220, 499, 1053, 220, 3719, 220, 433, 13, 1102, 198, 79079, 459, 19428, 220, 34906, 220, 311, 4546, 220, 922, 264, 220, 18475, 315, 659, 13, 720, 48240, 279, 220, 75028, 26346, 774, 220, 1306, 279, 220, 3090, 15222, 35322, 11, 779, 220, 26346, 774, 220, 856, 13836, 1306, 720, 1820, 68, 11, 507, 10425, 13, 330, 2746, 499, 256, 1053, 220, 3719, 220, 439, 98208, 369, 39143, 439, 1243, 2697, 720, 47489, 374, 369, 3090, 220, 430, 433, 1437, 4798, 279, 220, 19788, 315, 279, 220, 52835, 304, 279, 220, 13952, 11, 499, 720, 41450, 220, 3719, 220, 4832, 13, 720, 1682, 13, 16225, 25, 220, 358, 1097, 79342, 220, 264, 2626, 26255, 13, 1102, 3445, 264, 220, 2294, 720, 30739, 311, 757, 11, 719, 358, 4250, 13085, 220, 1268, 433, 649, 2586, 220, 1139, 1694, 13, 720, 16533, 25, 220, 1472, 527, 51512, 220, 315, 430, 12014, 13, 1472, 220, 656, 539, 617, 220, 311, 1304, 433, 198, 64, 8903, 11, 433, 256, 2736, 374, 0, 10541, 701, 7434, 315, 659, 5084, 779, 3117, 312, 18722, 95918, 220, 505, 279, 220, 26255, 220, 499, 1457, 80907, 11, 433, 6866, 1457, 220, 439, 264, 8903, 720, 56950, 499, 13, 21069, 220, 6261, 1268, 220, 499, 1053, 220, 2733, 323, 220, 1148, 499, 220, 1053, 387, 3815, 198, 333, 701, 2626, 26255, 220, 1051, 264, 2294, 2450, 13, 51378, 220, 11054, 220, 449, 430, 198, 19740, 220, 323, 8430, 220, 323, 499, 690, 387, 220, 46304, 220, 1268, 6288, 499, 220, 690, 13383, 720, 22479, 8063, 13, 720, 791, 1193, 28235, 499, 220, 527, 2663, 220, 5304, 311, 1304, 11, 374, 311, 3041, 220, 709, 701, 3118, 720, 69587, 315, 659, 323, 220, 8475, 220, 279, 12876, 220, 499, 1390, 311, 3237, 13, 720, 966, 13, 16225, 25, 220, 1666, 264, 31768, 19506, 5575, 358, 617, 220, 1027, 15972, 311, 4510, 720, 9210, 7102, 220, 21463, 323, 220, 20789, 32946, 7958, 757, 13, 220, 3234, 499, 220, 3152, 430, 720, 3323, 311, 279, 220, 8547, 220, 358, 3041, 220, 1521, 220, 20789, 21463, 2410, 927, 220, 757, 11, 1097, 358, 304, 18722, 27256, 5886, 220, 555, 1124, 30, 5996, 16533, 25, 220, 7566, 13, 1102, 374, 1193, 701, 3927, 59485, 11, 439, 701, 1917, 220, 374, 16058, 720, 88450, 220, 11550, 311, 701, 3118, 7434, 315, 659, 13, 1442, 4423, 220, 1022, 1438, 499, 11, 720, 3455, 220, 701, 7434, 315, 659, 13, 3011, 256, 374, 279, 220, 1193, 1648, 3885, 2349, 13, 720, 90243, 596, 5684, 1253, 387, 220, 1373, 555, 904, 4848, 1274, 220, 304, 420, 3130, 256, 323, 912, 1403, 720, 14724, 14532, 279, 220, 1890, 220, 3446, 304, 279, 220, 1890, 220, 1648, 13, 3861, 220, 690, 387, 220, 658, 660, 11, 279, 220, 297, 339, 7058, 261, 220, 42642, 11, 2500, 220, 80008, 11, 323, 220, 779, 389, 11, 3686, 433, 374, 279, 220, 1890, 220, 3446, 13, 720, 59378, 32946, 11, 7102, 220, 21463, 11, 1650, 1124, 1148, 499, 220, 690, 11, 814, 527, 220, 539, 720, 15693, 311, 220, 499, 13, 3639, 374, 3062, 374, 701, 7434, 11, 539, 315, 2500, 11, 719, 720, 1073, 6261, 11, 369, 279, 220, 7434, 499, 220, 3412, 315, 6261, 27667, 279, 220, 7434, 720, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 9514, 3412, 315, 3885, 13, 220, 26257, 220, 3885, 220, 7636, 13, 3639, 527, 220, 814, 311, 499, 30, 11359, 220, 701, 198, 785, 32097, 13, 720, 791, 2383, 374, 2744, 304, 5784, 11, 2744, 10973, 13, 220, 4718, 25917, 374, 279, 198, 21161, 5304, 902, 682, 14726, 2800, 13, 10573, 1148, 499, 220, 527, 8010, 220, 315, 13, 1472, 720, 17483, 539, 4747, 6261, 449, 3885, 1606, 220, 499, 527, 29759, 220, 555, 279, 2355, 3518, 9218, 24639, 315, 420, 2383, 13, 220, 2360, 893, 4131, 311, 220, 499, 315, 813, 1866, 14902, 11, 387, 568, 720, 19045, 11, 3958, 220, 477, 80008, 13, 1283, 220, 1550, 539, 5268, 220, 499, 0, 1472, 220, 14896, 220, 1461, 0, 1283, 574, 720, 7788, 77, 311, 499, 220, 1606, 220, 315, 1148, 499, 220, 527, 13, 720, 2675, 4250, 7066, 279, 220, 1614, 2500, 220, 11105, 1555, 5457, 13, 26848, 11, 720, 22233, 220, 1461, 7636, 13, 3639, 374, 568, 220, 311, 499, 30, 43777, 220, 311, 264, 5190, 220, 2237, 315, 17371, 18722, 2136, 323, 220, 499, 690, 1505, 220, 264, 502, 1917, 220, 45088, 220, 499, 11, 323, 220, 439, 499, 220, 35589, 1463, 701, 18722, 726, 11, 3885, 527, 220, 35589, 1908, 13, 720, 2148, 13, 16225, 25, 220, 10699, 6267, 220, 279, 17377, 30, 720, 16533, 25, 220, 578, 17377, 574, 5439, 555, 25530, 3026, 889, 1511, 274, 21999, 323, 720, 764, 278, 416, 220, 51286, 311, 16805, 24064, 53219, 13, 2030, 584, 220, 617, 37104, 872, 720, 278, 1978, 683, 369, 3925, 323, 11, 9093, 11, 617, 220, 4745, 220, 311, 1518, 872, 837, 220, 1984, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 15234, 11, 719, 994, 279, 220, 17377, 574, 11887, 220, 5304, 279, 220, 1917, 11, 323, 220, 1645, 32752, 18722, 83, 685, 9508, 220, 311, 387, 304, 14254, 11, 279, 220, 2294, 57233, 220, 11896, 574, 50440, 311, 279, 198, 1993, 11, 9564, 220, 912, 3335, 220, 439, 311, 1268, 279, 17377, 3782, 220, 1139, 1694, 13, 44015, 220, 1069, 78, 7058, 698, 649, 1373, 220, 1023, 220, 15823, 11, 779, 814, 4250, 220, 9616, 220, 872, 21463, 449, 720, 59961, 13, 5751, 220, 31012, 656, 539, 15253, 603, 311, 9616, 13, 2650, 1690, 315, 279, 720, 26064, 919, 889, 4287, 279, 220, 17377, 439, 2144, 11, 3596, 220, 3488, 433, 30, 7984, 84446, 220, 433, 374, 279, 2355, 1178, 315, 4359, 11, 814, 89447, 4287, 279, 220, 4339, 323, 220, 8617, 9229, 220, 279, 28591, 814, 198, 53195, 13, 20636, 220, 11928, 220, 279, 7458, 11, 220, 814, 656, 539, 3619, 220, 1148, 279, 2355, 20347, 220, 390, 50369, 13, 720, 843, 13, 16225, 25, 220, 3234, 499, 220, 1005, 279, 5345, 511, 894, 4055, 30, 720, 16533, 25, 220, 2876, 304, 856, 12917, 13, 358, 617, 220, 3892, 27378, 315, 1124, 520, 2162, 13, 720, 7009, 527, 220, 912, 7191, 220, 1109, 279, 220, 53474, 55541, 6603, 315, 1057, 3118, 17377, 13, 220, 2435, 720, 548, 5042, 11890, 220, 279, 1890, 220, 8206, 304, 264, 220, 2204, 1648, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 279, 220, 3446, 198, 285, 3309, 220, 315, 10811, 11, 439, 264, 220, 3995, 220, 8334, 11, 10307, 220, 2911, 220, 1304, 20229, 704, 315, 27275, 627, 39, 15345, 220, 279, 20229, 304, 872, 6206, 11, 814, 35840, 220, 279, 20229, 527, 220, 16706, 13, 10811, 720, 16082, 14576, 323, 220, 85769, 279, 220, 20229, 704, 315, 872, 6206, 13, 1666, 814, 3240, 311, 16106, 11, 720, 383, 22657, 709, 220, 832, 315, 279, 220, 11102, 20229, 323, 220, 1323, 18938, 433, 13, 55777, 220, 433, 1579, 11, 568, 720, 21152, 589, 288, 5304, 433, 323, 220, 279, 12224, 5097, 11213, 13, 720, 8586, 374, 264, 3446, 315, 832, 220, 889, 3782, 220, 311, 1464, 220, 279, 90861, 304, 279, 220, 20663, 315, 3026, 11, 720, 3473, 1501, 220, 1124, 1268, 311, 1005, 220, 279, 1890, 220, 20278, 323, 220, 1323, 820, 433, 1139, 264, 720, 88044, 1376, 323, 220, 3041, 433, 2324, 13, 3011, 374, 1148, 420, 3446, 374, 4560, 220, 311, 20599, 13, 720, 7189, 2586, 11, 539, 220, 311, 4546, 9096, 11, 220, 719, 264, 20827, 1210, 30198, 1776, 954, 682, 279, 2697, 27275, 720, 71, 729, 315, 279, 220, 4059, 137, 122, 1776, 954, 88128, 323, 220, 1243, 312, 98834, 1124, 1139, 264, 220, 502, 3352, 18722, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 56208, 306, 944, 902, 7437, 893, 1949, 627, 1644, 13, 16225, 25, 220, 1442, 10811, 574, 264, 220, 44682, 3752, 220, 3549, 220, 555, 68201, 16483, 720, 2000, 279, 220, 7580, 220, 315, 94012, 220, 3738, 24064, 88826, 11, 1268, 220, 656, 499, 720, 4711, 369, 279, 220, 2144, 430, 568, 220, 323, 813, 19675, 527, 220, 9932, 220, 304, 279, 220, 2536, 7058, 97250, 323, 220, 2536, 9052, 3925, 315, 1884, 220, 3115, 30, 256, 40070, 220, 539, 40870, 9334, 21286, 18722, 5185, 323, 6385, 347, 220, 1972, 26000, 323, 220, 6680, 220, 13041, 7510, 304, 1884, 220, 2919, 30, 5996, 16533, 25, 220, 578, 3446, 315, 10811, 374, 279, 220, 20086, 3446, 439, 430, 315, 279, 220, 36142, 220, 11427, 7058, 2521, 11, 80409, 13, 2435, 220, 527, 279, 1890, 220, 24064, 5885, 13, 11995, 1051, 220, 1043, 7058, 3950, 220, 311, 617, 220, 1027, 9405, 315, 36999, 256, 27698, 13, 578, 220, 60996, 315, 279, 220, 892, 16495, 198, 998, 7066, 1124, 994, 814, 1051, 220, 2911, 13, 11995, 220, 62320, 220, 279, 14363, 11, 66819, 18722, 291, 279, 5710, 11, 15972, 279, 220, 42582, 315, 3021, 220, 323, 8636, 264, 90408, 596, 4648, 369, 720, 76, 70370, 13, 82729, 323, 220, 22125, 27083, 220, 4510, 220, 872, 274, 5758, 311, 387, 220, 4359, 1903, 720, 1543, 13, 720, 15724, 1274, 220, 12929, 220, 328, 78046, 11, 3686, 279, 220, 1193, 11311, 430, 328, 78046, 3596, 220, 3073, 7058, 291, 374, 304, 279, 220, 4375, 315, 69161, 13, 1102, 374, 1071, 220, 430, 328, 78046, 54244, 220, 17728, 1039, 11, 220, 719, 358, 720, 1091, 499, 11, 889, 374, 328, 78046, 30, 358, 3131, 24116, 220, 264, 1584, 505, 42482, 323, 264, 720, 121466, 1071, 220, 311, 757, 11, 330, 4071, 9777, 1169, 1071, 220, 430, 1210, 9777, 1169, 256, 2646, 220, 1071, 433, 11, 73423, 18722, 34474, 548, 220, 6267, 220, 279, 5238, 323, 220, 2231, 279, 220, 4339, 304, 279, 220, 11013, 315, 264, 220, 3752, 220, 568, 2355, 7266, 220, 323, 7086, 220, 9777, 1169, 13, 800, 13, 74565, 220, 3131 ]
-reverse diseases. But there are precautions: If your body is deficient in something, e.g. minerals, for best results an extended fast (over 9 days) should be avoided. Vegans can be deficient in proteins and fat. This is a major reason why supervision during your first fast is recommended. It is usually best to start with a short fast (with bed -rest), then be on a good diet for a couple of months to let the body build health and strength, while removing its deficiencies. Then have a second fast of equal length or slightly longer, then a good diet a gain. In this way you'll avoid possible complications. Breaking the fast in a proper way is also very important. Dr. Gian -Cursio observed migrating birds falling dead from the sky over New York on many occasions. Since these birds were fasting, his conclusion was that polluted air, as well as other toxins, can complicate fasts, and that there are times when y ou shouldn't do a long fast. Dr. Cursio set a limit of maximum 9 days for fasting and recommended fasting in an unpolluted environment. In the old days it was pretty easy and safe to go on a long water -fast. Nowadays with all food additives, dangerous artificial fats and trans -fats, and potent drugs - all of which may have damaged people severely - it has become more difficult. E.g. almost all bakeries (and candy and ice cream makers) now use dangerous cheap artificial fats. Antibiotics can have damaged peoples immune systems. (Example: detoxification of antibiotics during fasting can give temporary very high fevers.) Actually it wouldn't surprise me if we within 20 years will get an enormous wave of my stery deaths, due to the low -quality foods and detrimental drugs we now give our children. Also it is better to stay in bed, every day of the fast, with lots of sleep. When it comes to length I think a 10 day fast wi th bed -rest is better than a 30 -day fast without bed -rest. Almost the only thing you get on a long fast while working is the weight loss, but you don't get the healing. I would not recommend ANY fast while working, long or short, except possibly the first 2 or 3 days, th at's all. How should I break the fast? Correctly ending a fast is extremely important. S ince the stomach and digestive system have been taking a well -deserved rest, you have to start them up gently. Small portions of raw foods, preferably liquid, is best the first days, before slowly intro ducing other easy -to-digest (raw) foods, in small port ions, over the next week. Vegetable juices are fine. Avoid fruits and fruit juices since sugars overactivate the insulin mechanism. If you avoid fruits for the first week after a fast you should not develop the rav enous appetite that so easily can undo any weight loss you may have achieved. Note: serious (even life -threatening) problems can develop if you stuff yourself after a fast, especially with cooked foods. www.drbass.com/symptoms.html What Symptoms to Expect when You Improve Your Diet or Improving y our diet may cause you to feel sick "This is how recovery occurs - like the cycles in the Dow Jones Average at the beginning of a bull market recovery. You feel better, a reaction occurs and you don't feel as well for a short while. You recover and go even higher." copyright © Dr. Stanley S. Bass (718) 648 -1500 www.drbass.com 5 INTRODUCTION If I were asked which is the area of greatest misunderstanding and confusion in the field o f nutrition, I would immediately be forced to reply, it is the failure to properly understand and interpret the symptoms and changes which follow the beginning of a better nutritional program. HIGHER QUALITY NUTRITION 'What is meant by a better nutritional program? It is the introduction of foods of higher quality in place of lower quality ones. For example, if a person replaces a protein rich food such a pork with beef, the beef may be considered the superior of the two - due to its easier diges tibility, lower and less saturated fat content, etc. Similarly chicken is superior to beef, and fish is superior to chicken because of its more rapid digestibility and lower saturated fat content. Lima beans, lentils or chick peas, which are eaten at the same meal with vegetables, are superior in all the nutrients needed to rebuild health. As we go higher on the scale of quality, we begin to include protein rich food which may be eaten in the unfired (raw) state, such as cheese which is made from raw milk and unsalted. Then we ascend to the nuts and seeds which are eaten in the natural state (raw and unsalted). HIGHEST QUALITY - RAW FOOD To summarize: the closer the food comes to the natural state in which it occurs, or the closer to its raw, unfired (raw) form, the higher its quality. In this condition, all the enzymes are found intact. The amino acids are in their finest form. The minerals, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates and "life force" are present. The life force, in turn is capable of reproduc ing healthy tissue. This same classification of quality which we analyzed in relation to protein rich foods applies to the carbohydrates (the starch and sugar -rich foods), the fats and the mineral -rich foods. TOXIC SUBSTANCES The quality of a nutritional program is also improved by omitting toxic substances such, as coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco, salt, pepper, etc. from your diet. FOODS AND RECOVERY FROM ILLNESS What is the relation of quality of foods to recovery from illness? It is this in a nutshell: The higher the quality of food we eat, the quicker we recover from disease, provided we are able to digest and assimilate properly. To this must be added the knowledge of • proper food combining • proper order of eating the different kinds of food at a meal: e.g. the most easily digested food should be eaten first, the more complex one second, and the most concentrated item last • the correct quantity of food to be consumed (of each type) in the meal • the correct time for eating (when hungry, and not by the clock) REMARKABLE CHANGES Now - what happens when a person follows these rules and makes a decided improvement in the quality of food consumed? Remarkable things begin to happen to the body as well as the mind. The amazing intelligence present in every cell of the body and the wisdom of the body in its operation, immediately becomes manifest. The rule may be stated thusly: When the quality of the food coming into the body is of higher quality than the tissues which the body is made of, the body begins to discard the lower grade materials and tissues to make room for the superior materials which it uses to make new and healthier tissue. NATURE SELF -CURING This is the plan of Nature - the body is very selective and always aims for improvement for better health. The body always tries to produce health and always will, unless our interference is too great. Only then do we fail to recover and degenerate further into disease. The self -curing nature of many conditions such as colds, fevers, cuts, swelli ngs, injuries, etc., furnishes endless examples of how the body tends towards health - always - unless we do something to stop the process. SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS What are the symptoms or signs which become evident when we first begin to omit the lower grade foods and instead introduce superior foods - those which are most alive, more natural than we are accustomed to? Usually within three days, the symptoms vanish and we feel stronger due to the recuperation which follows. copyright © Dr. Stanley S. Bass (718) 648 -1500 www.drbass.com 6 To a lesser extent the same process occurs when we abandon lower quality foods and replace them with better foods. LOWER QUALITY - MORE STIMULATING Lower quality has undergone more preparation. Spices, salt and other ingredients have been added, as they tend to be more "stimulating" than less prepared and more natural foods. Animal foods such as meat, fowl, fish etc. are more stimulating than cheese, nuts and vegetable proteins. Consequently the withdrawal of stimulation which follows the abandonment of animal food produces a slower heart action - a resting phase - which registers in the mind as relaxation or a decrease of energy. This initial letdown lasts about ten days or slightly longer, and is followed by an increase of strength, a feeling of diminishing stress and greater well-being. AVOIDING FAILURE Now let us return to the symptoms which occur in the process of regeneration. The person who starts a better diet, stays on it for three days to a week and then quits will say, "Oh, I felt better on the old diet - the new one makes me feel weak." He failed because he didn't give his body a chance to adjust and complete its first phase of action - recuperation. If he had waited a while longer, he would have begun to
[ 5621, 4550, 19338, 13, 2030, 1070, 527, 2355, 1762, 936, 4065, 25, 2355, 2746, 701, 2547, 374, 87544, 304, 2555, 11, 384, 1326, 13, 34072, 11, 369, 1888, 3135, 459, 11838, 5043, 320, 2017, 220, 24, 2919, 8, 1288, 387, 31890, 13, 91013, 598, 2355, 4919, 387, 87544, 304, 28896, 323, 8834, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 3682, 2944, 3249, 38217, 2391, 701, 1176, 5043, 374, 11349, 13, 2355, 2181, 374, 6118, 1888, 311, 1212, 449, 264, 2875, 5043, 320, 4291, 4950, 482, 4014, 705, 1243, 387, 389, 264, 1695, 10173, 369, 264, 5743, 315, 4038, 311, 1095, 279, 2547, 220, 1977, 2890, 2355, 438, 8333, 11, 1418, 18054, 1202, 72946, 13, 5112, 617, 264, 2132, 5043, 315, 6273, 3160, 477, 10284, 5129, 11, 1243, 264, 1695, 10173, 264, 8895, 13, 720, 644, 420, 1648, 499, 3358, 5766, 3284, 36505, 13, 52624, 279, 5043, 304, 264, 6300, 1648, 374, 1101, 1633, 3062, 13, 2355, 9023, 13, 79704, 482, 34, 1759, 822, 13468, 85626, 20229, 16054, 5710, 505, 279, 13180, 927, 1561, 4356, 389, 1690, 25975, 13, 8876, 1521, 20229, 1051, 2355, 9533, 287, 11, 813, 17102, 574, 430, 95869, 3805, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1023, 62186, 11, 649, 1391, 49895, 5043, 82, 11, 323, 430, 1070, 527, 3115, 994, 379, 6033, 720, 5562, 77, 956, 220, 656, 264, 1317, 5043, 13, 2999, 13, 356, 1759, 822, 743, 264, 4017, 315, 7340, 220, 24, 2919, 369, 54560, 323, 11349, 54560, 304, 459, 22355, 980, 2844, 2355, 24175, 13, 2355, 644, 279, 2362, 2919, 433, 574, 5128, 4228, 323, 6220, 311, 733, 389, 264, 1317, 3090, 482, 9533, 13, 720, 7184, 35076, 449, 682, 3691, 85286, 11, 11660, 21075, 50127, 323, 1380, 482, 69, 1900, 11, 323, 36875, 11217, 482, 682, 315, 902, 1253, 617, 20727, 2355, 16455, 35906, 482, 433, 706, 3719, 810, 5107, 13, 469, 1326, 13, 4661, 682, 76928, 552, 320, 438, 32656, 323, 10054, 12932, 29414, 8, 1457, 1005, 11660, 2355, 62790, 21075, 50127, 13, 95951, 83300, 649, 617, 20727, 32538, 22852, 6067, 13, 320, 13617, 25, 61987, 2461, 315, 46850, 2391, 54560, 2355, 4919, 3041, 13643, 1633, 1579, 1172, 3078, 6266, 220, 34863, 433, 8434, 956, 13051, 757, 422, 584, 2949, 220, 508, 1667, 690, 636, 459, 23205, 12330, 315, 856, 357, 727, 720, 451, 27382, 11, 4245, 311, 279, 3428, 482, 10692, 15657, 323, 65069, 11217, 584, 220, 1457, 3041, 1057, 2911, 13, 2355, 720, 13699, 433, 374, 2731, 311, 4822, 304, 4950, 11, 1475, 1938, 315, 279, 5043, 11, 449, 10283, 315, 6212, 13, 3277, 433, 4131, 311, 3160, 358, 1781, 264, 220, 605, 1938, 5043, 24129, 270, 4950, 482, 4014, 720, 285, 2731, 1109, 264, 220, 966, 482, 1316, 5043, 2085, 4950, 482, 4014, 13, 35403, 279, 1193, 3245, 499, 636, 389, 264, 1317, 5043, 1418, 3318, 374, 279, 4785, 4814, 11, 719, 499, 2355, 15357, 956, 636, 279, 21730, 13, 358, 1053, 539, 7079, 4230, 5043, 1418, 3318, 11, 1317, 477, 2875, 11, 3734, 11000, 279, 1176, 220, 17, 477, 220, 18, 2919, 11, 270, 520, 596, 682, 13, 2355, 720, 4438, 1288, 358, 1464, 279, 5043, 30, 2355, 34192, 398, 13696, 264, 5043, 374, 9193, 3062, 13, 328, 125496, 279, 23152, 323, 60071, 1887, 617, 1027, 4737, 264, 1664, 482, 5919, 2841, 2800, 11, 2355, 9514, 617, 311, 1212, 1124, 709, 30373, 13, 15344, 19885, 315, 7257, 15657, 11, 52754, 14812, 11, 374, 1888, 279, 1176, 2919, 11, 1603, 14297, 20285, 294, 59144, 2355, 1605, 4228, 482, 998, 1773, 15505, 320, 1059, 8, 15657, 11, 304, 2678, 2700, 65125, 11, 927, 279, 1828, 2046, 13, 95392, 65959, 527, 7060, 13, 35106, 26390, 323, 14098, 65959, 2533, 2355, 82, 773, 1590, 927, 17281, 279, 32152, 17383, 13, 1442, 499, 5766, 26390, 369, 279, 1176, 2046, 1306, 264, 5043, 499, 1288, 539, 2274, 279, 43643, 665, 788, 2355, 680, 295, 635, 430, 779, 6847, 649, 29821, 904, 220, 4785, 4814, 499, 1253, 617, 17427, 13, 7181, 25, 6129, 320, 17206, 2324, 482, 97229, 6147, 8, 5435, 649, 2355, 16219, 422, 499, 6392, 6261, 1306, 264, 5043, 11, 5423, 449, 30205, 15657, 13, 2355, 720, 2185, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 2754, 1631, 52273, 2628, 2355, 3923, 77417, 311, 33185, 994, 1472, 65184, 4718, 27304, 2355, 269, 720, 48942, 4504, 379, 1057, 10173, 1253, 5353, 499, 311, 2733, 14363, 2355, 720, 22244, 374, 1268, 13654, 13980, 482, 1093, 279, 25492, 304, 279, 43532, 12201, 24478, 520, 279, 7314, 315, 264, 17231, 2355, 19859, 13654, 13, 1472, 2733, 2731, 11, 264, 13010, 13980, 323, 499, 1541, 956, 2733, 439, 1664, 369, 264, 2875, 1418, 13, 1472, 2355, 75383, 323, 733, 1524, 5190, 1210, 2355, 33006, 33006, 7065, 7388, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 256, 320, 21982, 8, 220, 23802, 482, 3965, 15, 262, 8604, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 4672, 220, 20, 33006, 720, 3301, 91199, 2355, 2746, 358, 1051, 4691, 902, 374, 279, 3158, 315, 12474, 70847, 323, 22047, 304, 279, 2115, 297, 282, 26677, 11, 358, 1053, 2355, 318, 44287, 387, 9770, 311, 10052, 11, 433, 374, 279, 8060, 311, 10489, 3619, 323, 14532, 279, 13803, 323, 4442, 902, 2355, 19070, 279, 7314, 315, 264, 2731, 43226, 2068, 13, 2355, 720, 39, 1953, 3087, 71375, 3414, 452, 1406, 49, 7237, 2355, 6, 3923, 374, 8967, 555, 264, 2731, 43226, 2068, 30, 1102, 374, 279, 17219, 315, 15657, 315, 5190, 4367, 304, 2035, 315, 4827, 4367, 2355, 3233, 13, 2355, 2520, 3187, 11, 422, 264, 1732, 41800, 264, 13128, 9257, 3691, 1778, 264, 36167, 449, 25309, 11, 279, 25309, 1253, 387, 6646, 279, 16757, 2355, 1073, 279, 1403, 482, 4245, 311, 1202, 8831, 4170, 288, 259, 3225, 11, 4827, 323, 2753, 50585, 8834, 2262, 11, 5099, 13, 35339, 16553, 374, 16757, 311, 2355, 1395, 830, 11, 323, 7795, 374, 16757, 311, 16553, 1606, 315, 1202, 810, 11295, 21552, 3225, 323, 4827, 50585, 8834, 2262, 13, 2355, 43, 7675, 27994, 11, 48907, 8839, 477, 31863, 47136, 11, 902, 527, 35661, 520, 279, 1890, 15496, 449, 24822, 11, 527, 16757, 304, 682, 279, 37493, 2355, 41917, 311, 32593, 2890, 13, 2355, 2170, 584, 733, 5190, 389, 279, 5569, 315, 4367, 11, 584, 3240, 311, 2997, 13128, 9257, 3691, 902, 1253, 387, 35661, 304, 279, 9662, 2757, 320, 1059, 8, 2355, 2513, 11, 1778, 439, 17604, 902, 374, 1903, 505, 7257, 14403, 323, 7120, 62334, 13, 2355, 12487, 584, 76412, 311, 279, 31049, 323, 19595, 902, 527, 35661, 304, 279, 5933, 1614, 320, 1059, 323, 7120, 62334, 570, 2355, 720, 39, 1953, 84966, 71375, 3414, 482, 53951, 88227, 2355, 1271, 63179, 25, 279, 12401, 279, 3691, 4131, 311, 279, 5933, 1614, 304, 902, 433, 13980, 11, 477, 279, 12401, 311, 1202, 7257, 11, 9662, 2757, 320, 1059, 8, 2355, 630, 11, 279, 5190, 1202, 4367, 13, 2355, 644, 420, 3044, 11, 682, 279, 56067, 527, 1766, 35539, 13, 578, 42500, 33969, 527, 304, 872, 28807, 1376, 13, 578, 34072, 11, 46192, 11, 2355, 15417, 5540, 11, 62345, 323, 330, 14789, 5457, 1, 527, 3118, 13, 578, 2324, 5457, 11, 304, 2543, 374, 13171, 315, 53823, 7697, 6892, 9498, 2355, 83, 11407, 13, 2355, 2028, 1890, 24790, 315, 4367, 902, 584, 30239, 304, 12976, 311, 13128, 9257, 15657, 17208, 311, 279, 62345, 320, 1820, 2355, 267, 1132, 323, 13465, 482, 14172, 15657, 705, 279, 50127, 323, 279, 25107, 482, 14172, 15657, 13, 2355, 720, 5319, 55, 1341, 16532, 790, 85510, 2355, 791, 4367, 315, 264, 43226, 2068, 374, 1101, 13241, 555, 52144, 1303, 21503, 33155, 1778, 11, 439, 11033, 11, 15600, 11, 18414, 11, 2355, 83, 677, 20067, 11, 12290, 11, 25349, 11, 5099, 13, 505, 701, 10173, 13, 2355, 720, 3873, 2114, 50, 3651, 3680, 72076, 4393, 358, 4178, 7415, 2355, 3923, 374, 279, 12976, 315, 4367, 315, 15657, 311, 13654, 505, 17563, 30, 2355, 2181, 374, 420, 304, 264, 94013, 25, 220, 578, 5190, 279, 4367, 315, 3691, 584, 8343, 11, 279, 39392, 584, 11993, 505, 8624, 11, 3984, 584, 527, 2355, 481, 311, 21552, 323, 40054, 76457, 10489, 13, 2355, 1271, 420, 2011, 387, 3779, 279, 6677, 315, 2355, 6806, 256, 6300, 3691, 35271, 2355, 6806, 256, 6300, 2015, 315, 12459, 279, 2204, 13124, 315, 3691, 520, 264, 15496, 25, 384, 1326, 13, 279, 1455, 6847, 4170, 10185, 3691, 1288, 387, 35661, 2355, 3983, 11, 279, 810, 6485, 832, 2132, 11, 323, 279, 1455, 38626, 1537, 1566, 2355, 6806, 256, 279, 4495, 12472, 315, 3691, 311, 387, 27073, 320, 1073, 1855, 955, 8, 304, 279, 15496, 2355, 6806, 256, 279, 4495, 892, 369, 12459, 320, 9493, 30056, 11, 323, 539, 555, 279, 9042, 8, 2355, 720, 793, 24995, 3578, 6969, 71894, 2355, 7184, 482, 1148, 8741, 994, 264, 1732, 11263, 1521, 5718, 323, 3727, 264, 6773, 16048, 304, 279, 4367, 315, 3691, 2355, 67776, 291, 30, 2355, 49945, 481, 2574, 3240, 311, 3621, 311, 279, 2547, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 4059, 13, 578, 8056, 11478, 3118, 304, 1475, 2849, 315, 2355, 1820, 2547, 323, 279, 24278, 315, 279, 2547, 304, 1202, 5784, 11, 7214, 9221, 14794, 13, 2355, 791, 6037, 1253, 387, 11224, 8617, 398, 25, 3277, 279, 4367, 315, 279, 3691, 5108, 1139, 279, 2547, 374, 315, 5190, 4367, 1109, 279, 39881, 2355, 8370, 279, 2547, 374, 1903, 315, 11, 279, 2547, 12302, 311, 38967, 279, 4827, 12239, 7384, 323, 39881, 311, 1304, 3130, 369, 279, 2355, 9712, 2521, 7384, 902, 433, 5829, 311, 1304, 502, 323, 39345, 20438, 13, 2355, 720, 45, 15215, 67325, 482, 39891, 1753, 2355, 2028, 374, 279, 3197, 315, 22037, 482, 279, 2547, 374, 1633, 44010, 323, 2744, 22262, 369, 16048, 369, 2731, 2890, 13, 578, 2547, 2355, 33222, 16696, 311, 8356, 2890, 323, 2744, 690, 11, 7389, 1057, 32317, 374, 2288, 2294, 13, 8442, 1243, 656, 584, 3775, 311, 11993, 323, 2355, 451, 19927, 4726, 1139, 8624, 13, 2355, 791, 659, 482, 66, 1711, 7138, 315, 1690, 4787, 1778, 439, 9439, 82, 11, 1172, 3078, 11, 15455, 11, 2064, 21148, 308, 5981, 11, 15319, 11, 5099, 2637, 9626, 21168, 26762, 2355, 52768, 315, 1268, 279, 2547, 28335, 7119, 2890, 482, 2744, 482, 7389, 584, 656, 2555, 311, 3009, 279, 1920, 13, 2355, 720, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 3651, 26093, 2507, 2355, 3923, 527, 279, 13803, 477, 12195, 902, 3719, 30576, 994, 584, 1176, 3240, 311, 52144, 279, 4827, 12239, 15657, 323, 4619, 2355, 396, 48945, 16757, 15657, 482, 1884, 902, 527, 1455, 13989, 11, 810, 5933, 1109, 584, 527, 53184, 311, 30, 2355, 71744, 2949, 2380, 2919, 11, 279, 13803, 92227, 323, 584, 2733, 16643, 4245, 311, 279, 52621, 367, 902, 11263, 13, 2355, 33006, 7065, 7388, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 256, 320, 21982, 8, 220, 23802, 482, 3965, 15, 262, 8604, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 220, 220, 21, 33006, 720, 1271, 264, 32415, 13112, 279, 1890, 1920, 13980, 994, 584, 15673, 4827, 4367, 15657, 323, 8454, 1124, 449, 2731, 2355, 96420, 13, 2355, 720, 94880, 71375, 3414, 482, 18954, 4015, 1829, 1112, 34657, 2355, 9230, 4367, 706, 64238, 810, 18459, 13, 2355, 6540, 1238, 11, 220, 12290, 323, 1023, 14293, 617, 1027, 3779, 11, 439, 814, 8541, 311, 387, 810, 330, 54754, 15853, 1, 1109, 2753, 10235, 323, 2355, 6518, 5933, 15657, 13, 21995, 15657, 1778, 439, 13339, 11, 282, 9802, 11, 7795, 5099, 13, 527, 810, 65792, 1109, 17604, 11, 31049, 323, 36581, 2355, 782, 668, 1354, 13, 2355, 1128, 39742, 279, 30836, 315, 41959, 902, 11263, 279, 91402, 315, 10065, 3691, 19159, 264, 29493, 4851, 2355, 1335, 482, 264, 41219, 10474, 482, 902, 25771, 304, 279, 4059, 439, 43685, 477, 264, 18979, 315, 4907, 13, 1115, 2926, 1095, 2996, 40758, 2355, 9274, 5899, 2919, 477, 10284, 5129, 11, 323, 374, 8272, 555, 459, 5376, 315, 8333, 11, 264, 8430, 315, 84153, 8631, 323, 7191, 2355, 9336, 33851, 13, 2355, 720, 8253, 30905, 1753, 65124, 2355, 7184, 1095, 603, 471, 311, 279, 13803, 902, 12446, 304, 279, 1920, 315, 60517, 13, 578, 1732, 889, 8638, 264, 2731, 10173, 11, 2355, 267, 954, 389, 433, 369, 2380, 2919, 311, 264, 2046, 323, 1243, 70577, 690, 2019, 11, 330, 12174, 11, 358, 6612, 2731, 389, 279, 2362, 10173, 482, 279, 502, 832, 3727, 757, 2355, 57676, 7621, 1210, 1283, 4745, 1606, 568, 3287, 956, 3041, 813, 2547, 264, 6140, 311, 7652, 323, 4686, 1202, 1176, 10474, 315, 1957, 482, 720, 2827, 3550, 367, 13, 1442, 568, 1047, 30315, 264, 1418, 5129, 11, 568, 220, 1053, 617, 22088, 311 ]
.2 fold; for magnesium, 17 fold; and for iron 50.6 fold; while for the fatsoluble activators, it was at least ten fold. The native diet of the New Zealand Maori provided an increase in the native foods over the displacing foods of the modernized whites of 6.2 fold for calcium, 6.9 fold for phosphorus, 23.4 fold for magnesium, 58.3 fold for iron; and the fatsoluble activators were increased at least ten fold. The native diet of the Melanesians provided similarly an increase over the provision made in the modernized foods which displaced them of 5.7 fold for calcium, 6.4 fold for phosphorus, 26.4 fold for magnesium, and 22.4 fold for iron; while the fat-soluble activators were increased at least ten fold. The Polynesians provided through their native diet for an increase in provision over that of the displacing imported diets, of 5.6 fold for calcium, 7.2 fold for phosphorus, 28.5 fold for magnesium, 18.6 fold for iron; and the fat-soluble activators were increased at least ten fold. The coastal Indians of Peru provided through their native primitive diets for an increase in provision over that of the displacing modernized diet of 6.6 fold for calcium, 5.5 fold for phosphorus, 13.6 fold for magnesium, 5.1 fold for iron; and an excess of ten fold was provided for fat-soluble vitamins. For the Indians of the Andean Mountains of Peru, the native foods provided an increase over the provision of the displacing modern foods of S fold for calcium, 5.5 fold for phosphorus, 13.3 fold for magnesium, 29.3 fold for iron; and an excess of at least ten fold was provided for fat-soluble vitamins. For the cattle tribes in the interior of Africa, the primitive foods provided an increase over the provision of the displacing modernized foods of 7.5 fold for calcium, 8.2 fold for phosphorus, 19.1 fold for magnesium, 16.6 fold for iron and at least ten fold for fat-soluble activators. For the agricultural tribes in Central Africa the native diet provided an increase over the provision of the displacing modern diet of 3.5 fold for calcium, 4.1 fold for phosphorus, 5.4 fold for magnesium, 16.6 fold for iron and ten fold for fat-soluble activators. All the above primitive diets provided also a large increase in the water-soluble vitamins over the number provided in the displacing modern diets. 7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 167/250FIG. 95. Effect of different wheat products on rats. Left: whole wheat. Center: white flour. Right: bran and middlings mixture. The graphs record actual amount of indicated minerals present, as milligrams per cent. Only the rats on the whole wheat developed normally without tooth decay. Those on white flour had tooth decay, were underweight, had skin infections and were irritable. They did not reproduce. The third group were undersize. The balance of the ration was the same for all. From the data presented in the preceding chapters and in this comparison of the primitive and modernized dietaries it is obvious that there is great need that the grains eaten shall contain all the minerals and vitamins which Nature has provided that they carry. Important data might be presented to illustrate this phase in a practical way. In Fig. 95 will be seen three rats all of which received the same diet, except for the type of bread. The first rat (at the left) received whole- wheat products freshly ground, the center one received a white flour product and the third (at the right) a bran and middlings product. The amounts of each ash, of calcium as the oxide, and of phosphorus as the pentoxide; and the amounts of iron and copper present in the diet of each group are shown by the height of the columns beneath the rats. Clinically it will be seen that there is a marked difference in the physical development Qf these rats. Several rats of the same age were in each cage. The feeding was started after weaning at about twenty-three days of age. The rat at the left was on the entire grain product. It was fully developed. The rats in this cage reproduced normally at three months of age. The rats in this first cage had very mild dispositions and could be picked up by the ear or tail without danger of their biting. The rats represented by the one in the center cage using white flour were markedly undersized. Their hair came out in large patches and they had very ugly dispositions, so ugly that they threatened to spring through the cage wall at us when we came to look at them. These rats had tooth decay and they were not able to reproduce. The rats in the next cage (illustrated by the rat to the right) which were on the bran and middlings mixture did not show tooth decay, but were considerably undersized, and they lacked energy. The flour and middlings for the rats in cages two and three were purchased from the miller and hence were not freshly ground. The wheat given to the first group was obtained whole and ground while fresh in a hand mill. It is of interest that notwithstanding the great increase in ash, calcium, phosphorus, iron and copper present in the foods of the last group, the rats did not mature normally, as did those in the first group. This may have been due in large part to the fact that the material was not freshly ground, and as a result they could not obtain a normal vitamin content from the embryo of the grain due to its oxidation. This is further indicated by the fact that the rats in this group did not reproduce, probably due in considerable part to a lack of vitamins B and E which were lost by oxidation of the embryo or germ fat. There is a misapprehension with regard to the possibility that humans may obtain enough of the vitamin D group of activators from our modern plant foods or from sunshine. This is due to the belief viosterol or similar products by other names, derived by exposing ergosterol to ultraviolet light, offer all of the nutritional factors involved in the vitamin D group. I have emphasized that there are known to be at least eight D factors that have been definitely isolated and twelve that have been reported as partially isolated. Coffin has recently reported relative to the lack of vitamin D in common foods as follows: (5) 1. A representative list of common foods was carefully tested, by approved technique, for their vitamin D content. 2. With the remote possibility of egg yolks, butter, cream, liver and fish it is manifestly impossible to obtain any amount of vitamin D worthy of mention from common foods. 3. Vegetables do not contain vitamin D. It will be noted that vitamin D, which the human does not readily synthesize in adequate amounts, must be provided by foods of animal tissues or animal products. As yet I have not found a single group of primitive racial stock which was building and maintaining excellent bodies by living entirely on plant foods. I have found in many parts of the world most devout representatives of modern ethical systems advocating the restriction of foods to the vegetable products. In every instance7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 168/250where the groups involved had been long under this teaching, I found evidence of degeneration in the form of dental caries, and in the new generation in the form of abnormal dental arches to an extent very much higher than in the primitive groups who were not under this influence. Many illustrations might be presented showing the special wisdom of the primitives in the matter of reinforcing their nutrition with protective foods. Few people will realize how reluctant members of the primitive races are, in general, to disclose secrets of their race. The need for this is comparable to the need for secrecy regarding modern war devices. The Indians of the Yukon have long known the cure for scurvy and history makes an important contribution to their wisdom in treating this disease. It is of interest that W. N. Kemp (6) of Vancouver states: The earliest recorded successful treatment of scurvy occurred in Canada in 1535 when Jacques Cartier, on the advice of a friendly Indian, gave his scurvyprostrated men a decoction of young green succulent'shoots' from the spruce trees with successful results. These happy effects apparently were not appreciated in Europe, for scurvy continued to be endemic. Since that time untold thousands of mariners and white land dwellers have died with this dreaded disease. Shortly before our arrival in Northern Canada a white prospector had died of scurvy. Beside him was his white man's packet of canned foods. Any Indian man or woman, boy or girl, could have told him how to save his life by eating animal organs or the buds of trees. Another illustration of the wisdom of the native Indians of that far north country came to me through two prospectors whom we rescued and brought out with us just before the fall freeze-up. They had gone into the district, which at that time was
[ 13, 17, 11816, 26, 369, 61933, 11, 220, 1114, 11816, 26, 323, 369, 11245, 220, 1135, 13, 21, 11816, 26, 1418, 198, 2000, 279, 50127, 337, 41572, 4197, 3046, 11, 433, 574, 520, 3325, 5899, 11816, 13, 578, 10068, 10173, 315, 279, 1561, 17340, 11583, 13915, 198, 64525, 459, 5376, 304, 279, 10068, 15657, 927, 279, 13770, 4628, 15657, 315, 279, 6617, 1534, 22632, 315, 220, 21, 13, 17, 198, 20557, 369, 35719, 11, 220, 21, 13, 24, 11816, 369, 33088, 30969, 11, 220, 1419, 13, 19, 11816, 369, 61933, 11, 220, 2970, 13, 18, 11816, 369, 11245, 26, 323, 279, 198, 69, 1900, 337, 41572, 4197, 3046, 1051, 7319, 520, 3325, 5899, 11816, 13, 578, 10068, 10173, 315, 279, 11220, 14997, 5493, 3984, 198, 65387, 398, 459, 5376, 927, 279, 17575, 1903, 304, 279, 6617, 1534, 15657, 902, 49246, 1124, 315, 220, 20, 13, 22, 198, 20557, 369, 35719, 11, 220, 21, 13, 19, 11816, 369, 33088, 30969, 11, 220, 1627, 13, 19, 11816, 369, 61933, 11, 323, 220, 1313, 13, 19, 11816, 369, 11245, 26, 1418, 198, 1820, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 4197, 3046, 1051, 7319, 520, 3325, 5899, 11816, 13, 578, 3735, 84267, 5493, 3984, 1555, 872, 198, 30838, 10173, 369, 459, 5376, 304, 17575, 927, 430, 315, 279, 13770, 4628, 25973, 41943, 11, 315, 220, 20, 13, 21, 11816, 369, 198, 27684, 2411, 11, 220, 22, 13, 17, 11816, 369, 33088, 30969, 11, 220, 1591, 13, 20, 11816, 369, 61933, 11, 220, 972, 13, 21, 11816, 369, 11245, 26, 323, 279, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 198, 9035, 3046, 1051, 7319, 520, 3325, 5899, 11816, 13, 578, 35335, 30507, 315, 48847, 3984, 1555, 872, 198, 30838, 28694, 41943, 369, 459, 5376, 304, 17575, 927, 430, 315, 279, 13770, 4628, 6617, 1534, 10173, 315, 220, 21, 13, 21, 198, 20557, 369, 35719, 11, 220, 20, 13, 20, 11816, 369, 33088, 30969, 11, 220, 1032, 13, 21, 11816, 369, 61933, 11, 220, 20, 13, 16, 11816, 369, 11245, 26, 323, 459, 13937, 198, 1073, 5899, 11816, 574, 3984, 369, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 46192, 13, 1789, 279, 30507, 315, 279, 1628, 5420, 41114, 315, 198, 3976, 84, 11, 279, 10068, 15657, 3984, 459, 5376, 927, 279, 17575, 315, 279, 13770, 4628, 6617, 15657, 315, 328, 198, 20557, 369, 35719, 11, 220, 20, 13, 20, 11816, 369, 33088, 30969, 11, 220, 1032, 13, 18, 11816, 369, 61933, 11, 220, 1682, 13, 18, 11816, 369, 11245, 26, 323, 459, 198, 327, 1140, 315, 520, 3325, 5899, 11816, 574, 3984, 369, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 46192, 13, 1789, 279, 36952, 39503, 304, 279, 15135, 198, 1073, 10384, 11, 279, 28694, 15657, 3984, 459, 5376, 927, 279, 17575, 315, 279, 13770, 4628, 6617, 1534, 198, 96420, 315, 220, 22, 13, 20, 11816, 369, 35719, 11, 220, 23, 13, 17, 11816, 369, 33088, 30969, 11, 220, 777, 13, 16, 11816, 369, 61933, 11, 220, 845, 13, 21, 11816, 369, 11245, 198, 438, 520, 3325, 5899, 11816, 369, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 4197, 3046, 13, 1789, 279, 29149, 39503, 304, 10913, 10384, 279, 10068, 198, 94942, 3984, 459, 5376, 927, 279, 17575, 315, 279, 13770, 4628, 6617, 10173, 315, 220, 18, 13, 20, 11816, 369, 35719, 345, 19, 13, 16, 11816, 369, 33088, 30969, 11, 220, 20, 13, 19, 11816, 369, 61933, 11, 220, 845, 13, 21, 11816, 369, 11245, 323, 5899, 11816, 369, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 198, 9035, 3046, 13, 2052, 279, 3485, 28694, 41943, 3984, 1101, 264, 3544, 5376, 304, 279, 3090, 1355, 337, 41572, 46192, 198, 2017, 279, 1396, 3984, 304, 279, 13770, 4628, 6617, 41943, 627, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 11515, 14, 5154, 6507, 13, 220, 2721, 13, 13756, 315, 2204, 34153, 3956, 389, 32510, 13, 14043, 25, 4459, 34153, 627, 9577, 25, 4251, 20415, 13, 10291, 25, 53358, 323, 65703, 19342, 21655, 13, 578, 40099, 198, 8716, 5150, 3392, 315, 16717, 34072, 3118, 11, 439, 2606, 84209, 824, 198, 1189, 13, 8442, 279, 32510, 389, 279, 4459, 34153, 8040, 14614, 2085, 198, 998, 8942, 31815, 13, 13266, 389, 4251, 20415, 1047, 26588, 31815, 11, 1051, 1234, 4870, 345, 32345, 6930, 30020, 323, 1051, 6348, 23349, 13, 2435, 1550, 539, 23645, 13, 578, 198, 32827, 1912, 1051, 26445, 553, 13, 578, 8335, 315, 279, 66901, 574, 279, 1890, 369, 198, 543, 627, 262, 5659, 279, 828, 10666, 304, 279, 38846, 30732, 323, 304, 420, 12593, 315, 279, 28694, 323, 198, 50889, 1534, 10173, 5548, 433, 374, 8196, 430, 1070, 374, 2294, 1205, 430, 279, 41936, 35661, 4985, 6782, 682, 279, 198, 1083, 17822, 323, 46192, 902, 22037, 706, 3984, 430, 814, 6920, 13, 44921, 828, 2643, 387, 198, 29844, 291, 311, 41468, 420, 10474, 304, 264, 15325, 1648, 13, 763, 23966, 13, 220, 2721, 690, 387, 3970, 2380, 32510, 682, 315, 902, 198, 42923, 279, 1890, 10173, 11, 3734, 369, 279, 955, 315, 16385, 13, 578, 1176, 11494, 320, 266, 279, 2163, 8, 4036, 4459, 7058, 86, 20559, 3956, 50999, 5015, 11, 279, 4219, 832, 4036, 264, 4251, 20415, 2027, 323, 279, 4948, 320, 266, 279, 198, 1315, 8, 264, 53358, 323, 65703, 19342, 2027, 13, 578, 15055, 315, 1855, 24767, 11, 315, 35719, 439, 279, 51180, 11, 323, 315, 198, 764, 24527, 30969, 439, 279, 20801, 55189, 26, 323, 279, 15055, 315, 11245, 323, 24166, 3118, 304, 279, 10173, 315, 1855, 1912, 198, 548, 6982, 555, 279, 2673, 315, 279, 8310, 24923, 279, 32510, 13, 18905, 2740, 433, 690, 387, 3970, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 198, 47462, 6811, 304, 279, 7106, 4500, 1229, 69, 1521, 32510, 13, 26778, 32510, 315, 279, 1890, 4325, 1051, 304, 198, 9739, 36460, 13, 578, 26040, 574, 3940, 1306, 584, 44159, 520, 922, 17510, 49493, 2919, 315, 4325, 13, 578, 11494, 520, 279, 198, 2414, 574, 389, 279, 4553, 24875, 2027, 13, 1102, 574, 7373, 8040, 13, 578, 32510, 304, 420, 36460, 55717, 198, 86336, 520, 2380, 4038, 315, 4325, 13, 578, 32510, 304, 420, 1176, 36460, 1047, 1633, 23900, 834, 28536, 323, 1436, 387, 198, 94599, 709, 555, 279, 2487, 477, 9986, 2085, 8137, 315, 872, 68196, 13, 578, 32510, 15609, 555, 279, 832, 304, 279, 198, 3133, 36460, 1701, 4251, 20415, 1051, 88101, 26445, 1534, 13, 11205, 7013, 3782, 704, 304, 3544, 29760, 323, 198, 20670, 1047, 1633, 28360, 834, 28536, 11, 779, 28360, 430, 814, 21699, 311, 10683, 1555, 279, 36460, 7147, 520, 603, 198, 9493, 584, 3782, 311, 1427, 520, 1124, 13, 4314, 32510, 1047, 26588, 31815, 323, 814, 1051, 539, 3025, 311, 23645, 627, 791, 32510, 304, 279, 1828, 36460, 320, 83718, 660, 555, 279, 11494, 311, 279, 1314, 8, 902, 1051, 389, 279, 53358, 323, 65703, 19342, 198, 76, 13025, 1550, 539, 1501, 26588, 31815, 11, 719, 1051, 33452, 26445, 1534, 11, 323, 814, 49101, 4907, 13, 578, 198, 1517, 414, 323, 65703, 19342, 369, 279, 32510, 304, 81947, 1403, 323, 2380, 1051, 15075, 505, 279, 2606, 261, 323, 16472, 198, 52898, 539, 50999, 5015, 13, 578, 34153, 2728, 311, 279, 1176, 1912, 574, 12457, 4459, 323, 5015, 1418, 198, 72408, 304, 264, 1450, 2606, 13, 1102, 374, 315, 2802, 430, 72665, 279, 2294, 5376, 304, 24767, 11, 35719, 345, 764, 24527, 30969, 11, 11245, 323, 24166, 3118, 304, 279, 15657, 315, 279, 1566, 1912, 11, 279, 32510, 1550, 539, 15196, 198, 86336, 11, 439, 1550, 1884, 304, 279, 1176, 1912, 13, 1115, 1253, 617, 1027, 4245, 304, 3544, 961, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 198, 8407, 574, 539, 50999, 5015, 11, 323, 439, 264, 1121, 814, 1436, 539, 6994, 264, 4725, 28170, 2262, 198, 1527, 279, 87701, 315, 279, 24875, 4245, 311, 1202, 71162, 13, 1115, 374, 4726, 16717, 555, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 32510, 304, 198, 576, 1912, 1550, 539, 23645, 11, 4762, 4245, 304, 24779, 961, 311, 264, 6996, 315, 46192, 426, 323, 469, 198, 8370, 1051, 5675, 555, 71162, 315, 279, 87701, 477, 82986, 8834, 627, 262, 2684, 374, 264, 5906, 680, 11310, 2711, 449, 5363, 311, 279, 13336, 430, 12966, 1253, 6994, 3403, 315, 279, 198, 55911, 8778, 423, 1912, 315, 4197, 3046, 505, 1057, 6617, 6136, 15657, 477, 505, 52495, 13, 1115, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 198, 60876, 3355, 11975, 337, 477, 4528, 3956, 555, 1023, 5144, 11, 14592, 555, 47066, 36376, 11975, 337, 311, 37232, 85311, 198, 4238, 11, 3085, 682, 315, 279, 43226, 9547, 6532, 304, 279, 28170, 423, 1912, 13, 358, 617, 46728, 430, 1070, 198, 548, 3967, 311, 387, 520, 3325, 8223, 423, 9547, 430, 617, 1027, 8659, 25181, 323, 30335, 430, 617, 198, 82850, 5068, 439, 26310, 25181, 627, 262, 76233, 258, 706, 6051, 5068, 8844, 311, 279, 6996, 315, 28170, 423, 304, 4279, 15657, 439, 11263, 25, 320, 20, 340, 16, 13, 362, 18740, 1160, 315, 4279, 15657, 574, 15884, 12793, 11, 555, 12054, 15105, 11, 369, 198, 50828, 28170, 423, 2262, 627, 17, 13, 3161, 279, 8870, 13336, 315, 19151, 94582, 2857, 11, 14432, 11, 12932, 11, 26587, 323, 7795, 433, 374, 14794, 398, 198, 318, 10236, 311, 6994, 904, 3392, 315, 28170, 423, 28390, 315, 6420, 505, 4279, 15657, 627, 18, 13, 43800, 4893, 656, 539, 6782, 28170, 423, 627, 256, 1102, 690, 387, 10555, 430, 28170, 423, 11, 902, 279, 3823, 1587, 539, 31368, 6925, 27985, 304, 26613, 15055, 345, 25849, 387, 3984, 555, 15657, 315, 10065, 39881, 477, 10065, 3956, 13, 1666, 3686, 358, 617, 539, 1766, 264, 3254, 198, 4166, 315, 28694, 19739, 5708, 902, 574, 4857, 323, 20958, 9250, 13162, 555, 5496, 11622, 198, 263, 6136, 15657, 13, 358, 617, 1766, 304, 1690, 5596, 315, 279, 1917, 1455, 95662, 24005, 315, 6617, 198, 75942, 6067, 59416, 279, 20020, 315, 15657, 311, 279, 36581, 3956, 13, 763, 1475, 2937, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 8953, 14, 5154, 2940, 279, 5315, 6532, 1047, 1027, 1317, 1234, 420, 12917, 11, 358, 1766, 6029, 315, 5367, 17699, 304, 198, 1820, 1376, 315, 29106, 1841, 552, 11, 323, 304, 279, 502, 9659, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 35663, 29106, 5438, 288, 311, 459, 198, 71272, 1633, 1790, 5190, 1109, 304, 279, 28694, 5315, 889, 1051, 539, 1234, 420, 10383, 627, 262, 9176, 45543, 2643, 387, 10666, 9204, 279, 3361, 24278, 315, 279, 72294, 304, 279, 5030, 198, 1073, 91115, 872, 26677, 449, 29219, 15657, 627, 262, 44015, 1274, 690, 13383, 1268, 44040, 3697, 315, 279, 28694, 21234, 527, 11, 304, 4689, 11, 311, 36333, 198, 325, 53810, 315, 872, 7102, 13, 578, 1205, 369, 420, 374, 30139, 311, 279, 1205, 369, 61059, 9002, 6617, 198, 11710, 7766, 627, 262, 578, 30507, 315, 279, 58763, 263, 617, 1317, 3967, 279, 27208, 369, 1156, 324, 14029, 323, 3925, 3727, 459, 3062, 198, 444, 32240, 311, 872, 24278, 304, 27723, 420, 8624, 13, 1102, 374, 315, 2802, 430, 468, 13, 452, 13, 81608, 320, 21, 8, 315, 198, 53, 21104, 5415, 512, 262, 578, 30758, 12715, 6992, 6514, 315, 1156, 324, 14029, 10222, 304, 7008, 304, 220, 9800, 20, 994, 198, 83929, 14295, 13416, 1291, 11, 389, 279, 9650, 315, 264, 11919, 7904, 11, 6688, 813, 1156, 324, 14029, 782, 496, 660, 3026, 264, 68652, 407, 198, 1073, 3995, 6307, 20639, 29580, 364, 68392, 82, 6, 505, 279, 8314, 10743, 12690, 449, 6992, 3135, 13, 4314, 6380, 198, 81524, 14132, 1051, 539, 26893, 304, 4606, 11, 369, 1156, 324, 14029, 8738, 311, 387, 96013, 627, 262, 8876, 430, 892, 13365, 820, 9214, 315, 3678, 40799, 323, 4251, 4363, 44935, 388, 617, 8636, 449, 420, 198, 67, 888, 291, 8624, 627, 262, 67587, 1603, 1057, 19163, 304, 17355, 7008, 264, 4251, 8882, 19534, 1047, 8636, 315, 1156, 324, 14029, 13, 18569, 579, 198, 40617, 574, 813, 4251, 893, 596, 10361, 315, 64114, 15657, 13, 5884, 7904, 893, 477, 5333, 11, 8334, 477, 3828, 11, 1436, 198, 19553, 3309, 1461, 1268, 311, 3665, 813, 2324, 555, 12459, 10065, 36853, 477, 279, 68543, 315, 12690, 627, 262, 13596, 40134, 315, 279, 24278, 315, 279, 10068, 30507, 315, 430, 3117, 10411, 3224, 3782, 311, 757, 198, 20322, 1403, 22199, 1105, 8884, 584, 45433, 323, 7263, 704, 449, 603, 1120, 1603, 279, 4498, 31030, 5352, 627, 7009, 1047, 8208, 1139, 279, 9474, 11, 902, 520, 430, 892, 574 ]
mankind has been known to become healed and resolved, and I myself have witnessed it. It is true that with intense spiritual work, a certain percentage of physical illnesses will remit or totally cure. In some cases they will not, but to a spiritually evolved person, it no longer matters whether it does or it doesn’ t. So, the fallacy ofcriticizing that spiritual work did not lead to the healing of something means that the person did not evolve enough. You follow A Course in Miracles, let’s say, with great intensity—or even AA, even the 12 Steps—you take the third step of the 12 Steps with great intensity; you finally reach a state whether the physicality survives or not is totally irrelevant. Because when you totally surrender your will to God, the craving for continued physicality disappears. And whether this physicality survives or not is, frankly, of no interest whatsoever. So, a person who intensely does spiritual work will either recover from the physical illness or they will reach such an advanced state of consciousness that whether the body survives or not is really not of any particular interest. They will even reach a point where if they left soon, that would be fine. So, spiritual endeavor, then, does handle any and all physical illnesses. Anybody who has been around in any of the consciousness teachings that are prevalent— A Course in Miracles is one I was familiar with—we saw people with every illness on the face of the earth go into remission or recover. And that started these Attitudinal Healing centers which were based on that group: a spiritual approach to chronic and incurable illnesses. Jerry Jampolsky started one out in Tiburon [California]. He wrote Love Is Letting Go of Fear. Jampolsky brought his whole staf f back east, where I had a big clinic. We started the second Attitudinal Healing center in New York. And there we did also see every kind of illness known to mankind remit. And this particular body, which was af flicted with all kinds of disasters in my 30s, slowly remitted from a whole lot of these disasters, including the ability to see. When I grew up, I had thick glasses and I was what you call nowadays a nerd—no doubt. While everybody played stickball, I sat there reading Plato. It does sound kind of nerdy when I look at it now. I liked Aristophanes and Plato and Aristotle, and those are my heroes. With thick bifocals on, you can’t play baseball too well, because it hits you in the nose before you see it. You’re too small and skinny to play football. I tried the swimming team, and they said, “Y ou’re way too short.” So Plato was my pal. But anyway, after this transformation of consciousness, many ailments healed themselves. And I still wore thick trifocals then. While in A Course in Miracles class, somebody said, “Why do you still wear them?” And I thought, Huh, I never thought of that as a belief system. I always thought, being a physician in training and being a physician, that nearsightednessand astigmatism and all those things were physical, due to faulty construction of the eyeball and the lens, et cetera. So I never thought of it as an illness due to a belief system. I put the glasses away in my pocket and never took them out again. So then I had to drive blind for six weeks. Happily, I wasn’ t living in New York City anymore. But it was interesting because what I needed to see, I could see. See, when you surrender every instant, when you stop trying to control or change every instant as it arises—as the wave of the instant arises—you surrender it as it arises; so you begin riding the crest of the instant of “now.” And as you do that—I would always be able to see just what I needed to see: the pedestrian right before I ran over him, so I missed him; the stop sign turning red, et cetera. Driving around Sedona, I can remember driving around the edge of the clif f and I could just see the edge of the clif f, so I was surrendering fear all the time. And I would just see the edge of the clif f as I needed to see it. I’d go to make a left turn in the dark and the rain, and all of a sudden, I would see the curb that I was supposed to see, because the headlights of some car would mysteriously arrive from someplace and illuminate the curb, and I’d make it. If you look at it through the intellect, it’ s hairy, but—anyway, for six weeks I surrendered my survival to the Presence of God. The Infinite Presence guided everything, which it has since 1965. It’s Because of the Self That You Survive, Not the Ego The ego sells you the illusion that it’ s because of the ego that you survive, but actually it’ s because of the Self with a capital S that you survive. It certainly was not the ego keeping me alive. Anyway, I thought, Well, I guess you’ll never get to see anything again. I mean, I couldn’ t see this crowd here, in a way. I couldn’ t see the table. I can’ t see anything close, and I can’ t see anything far. If you can’ t see either close or far, then you can’ t see anything, can you? I knew if it was light or dark. So, one day I was standing in the kitchen of a friend, and—I think it was A Course in Miracles class, in fact. We were standing in the kitchen, the friend, talking about this, that, or the other thing, and suddenly, with no warning, everything became clearly visible. I looked at the calendar across the room. I could read the calendar— January, February, March, April... So, even vision returned with great clarity. And a number of people who’ve heard the story tried it and had thesame experience. And they all said it took about six weeks. Anyway, that’ s the six-week program, folks—anybody who’ s willing to drive in traf fic without knowing where you’re going until the last instant, if your nerves can take it. As we progress spiritually, various peculiar phenomena do occur. There are physiologic changes that happen, and they dif fer depending where you are along the path. Some are exquisite. Some are beyond description. There’ s also various psychic, paranormal—the so-called Siddhis that arise, which spiritual debunkers like to attack. There’ s also paranormal kinds of things arise. There’ s exquisitely pleasurable sensations. Then, as you get higher and higher, at least in this particular case, there’ s extremely awful kinds of pain and you get wracked by all kinds of discomforts. So, we’ll try to recontextualize all these things. The physiology of the nervous system literally changes as you advance spiritually. There are shifts in the brain’ s neurotransmitters. There is a shift from adrenaline to endorphins as a predominant motif, neurochemically speaking. There’ s a diminishing in, and finally the elimination of, the startle reflex. As a shot goes of f behind me, I don’ t react at all. When I say “by me,” I’m talking about this body. If a shot goes of f, it’s a passing notice, but there’ s no sense of alarm. That disappeared after the near -death experience. In World War II, there was no fear of death either. We’d be facing imminent, certain death, and I felt high. People were throwing up on the deck, and I felt exhilarated. I was in a state of happiness. I guess I thought I was soon to be with God. So there’ s a dif ference in emotional reactions, and there are really profound changes throughout the human body. And I think the healing process which many people come to Sedona, seeking healing for various things, which we explained in the last lecture and previous ones. The ener gy field of Love, to choose Love, then tends to favor a healing and a healthiness of the entire acupuncture system and a strengthening of the immune system. I think any illness, if you become interested in intense spiritual work—and by intense, I mean intense—you can transcend the level at which that illness will remit. OceanofPDF.comCHAPTER 8 Understanding Karmic Influences There are also karmic influences that may prevail. There are many times when karmic deterrents to healing become transcended and the person goes into remission. There are certain serious karmic limitations, perhaps, that preclude the absolute healing of certain conditions, you see. So, each and every case is researched; that’ s why we find kinesiology very fun and useful. We find it’ s very useful in karmic research, because some trait or some persistence in your life that’ s not explicable by logic, with a few questions, you can find out where that originated, and sometimes you can even recall it. It wasn’ t this lifetime—no, it wasn’ t this lifetime. But
[ 43384, 706, 1027, 3967, 311, 3719, 198, 383, 5962, 323, 20250, 11, 323, 358, 7182, 617, 32126, 433, 13, 1102, 374, 837, 430, 449, 198, 396, 1137, 18330, 990, 11, 264, 3738, 11668, 315, 7106, 49909, 690, 1323, 275, 198, 269, 12756, 27208, 13, 763, 1063, 5157, 814, 690, 539, 11, 719, 311, 264, 88853, 28995, 198, 9164, 11, 433, 912, 5129, 13146, 3508, 433, 1587, 477, 433, 3250, 529, 259, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 4498, 2826, 315, 38096, 292, 4954, 430, 18330, 990, 1550, 539, 3063, 311, 279, 21730, 315, 2555, 198, 47321, 430, 279, 1732, 1550, 539, 38680, 3403, 627, 2675, 1833, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 1174, 1095, 753, 2019, 1174, 449, 2294, 21261, 51749, 1524, 198, 6157, 11, 1524, 279, 220, 717, 40961, 71480, 1935, 279, 4948, 3094, 315, 279, 220, 717, 40961, 449, 2294, 198, 396, 8127, 26, 499, 5616, 5662, 264, 1614, 3508, 279, 7106, 488, 83417, 477, 539, 374, 198, 28879, 750, 40815, 13, 9393, 994, 499, 12756, 32859, 701, 690, 311, 4359, 11, 279, 198, 5192, 2370, 369, 8738, 7106, 488, 61370, 13, 1628, 3508, 420, 7106, 488, 198, 20370, 85, 1924, 477, 539, 374, 11, 42762, 1174, 315, 912, 2802, 36734, 662, 2100, 11, 264, 1732, 889, 198, 396, 61132, 1587, 18330, 990, 690, 3060, 11993, 505, 279, 7106, 17563, 477, 198, 20670, 690, 5662, 1778, 459, 11084, 1614, 315, 25917, 430, 3508, 279, 198, 2664, 83417, 477, 539, 374, 2216, 539, 315, 904, 4040, 2802, 13, 2435, 690, 1524, 198, 23430, 264, 1486, 1405, 422, 814, 2163, 5246, 11, 430, 1053, 387, 7060, 13, 2100, 11, 18330, 198, 11178, 3372, 1174, 1243, 11, 1587, 3790, 904, 323, 682, 7106, 49909, 627, 8780, 2664, 889, 706, 1027, 2212, 304, 904, 315, 279, 25917, 45572, 430, 198, 548, 46941, 2345, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 220, 374, 832, 358, 574, 11537, 449, 86319, 5602, 198, 16455, 449, 1475, 17563, 389, 279, 3663, 315, 279, 9578, 733, 1139, 1323, 7711, 477, 198, 75383, 662, 1628, 430, 3940, 1521, 7867, 13138, 992, 49741, 19169, 902, 1051, 3196, 198, 263, 430, 1912, 25, 264, 18330, 5603, 311, 21249, 323, 62622, 481, 49909, 13, 29808, 198, 41, 1141, 3145, 8050, 3940, 832, 704, 304, 37916, 37190, 510, 46510, 948, 1283, 6267, 10919, 2209, 6914, 1303, 198, 11087, 315, 43067, 662, 622, 1141, 3145, 8050, 7263, 813, 4459, 357, 2642, 282, 1203, 11226, 11, 1405, 358, 1047, 264, 2466, 198, 90365, 13, 1226, 3940, 279, 2132, 7867, 13138, 992, 49741, 4219, 304, 1561, 4356, 13, 1628, 198, 19041, 584, 1550, 1101, 1518, 1475, 3169, 315, 17563, 3967, 311, 43384, 1323, 275, 13, 1628, 198, 576, 4040, 2547, 1174, 902, 574, 8136, 282, 42443, 449, 682, 13124, 315, 51751, 304, 856, 198, 966, 82, 11, 14297, 1323, 3847, 505, 264, 4459, 2763, 315, 1521, 51751, 11, 2737, 279, 198, 2968, 311, 1518, 627, 4599, 358, 14264, 709, 11, 358, 1047, 12314, 29247, 323, 358, 574, 1148, 499, 1650, 46877, 264, 198, 1215, 67, 2345, 2201, 10712, 13, 6104, 16470, 6476, 9396, 4047, 11, 358, 7731, 1070, 5403, 69161, 627, 2181, 1587, 5222, 3169, 315, 41283, 10470, 994, 358, 1427, 520, 433, 1457, 662, 358, 15262, 53029, 5237, 14997, 323, 198, 2169, 4428, 323, 79001, 11, 323, 1884, 527, 856, 23757, 13, 3161, 12314, 92640, 511, 1147, 389, 11, 499, 198, 4919, 1431, 1514, 20075, 2288, 1664, 11, 1606, 433, 13280, 499, 304, 279, 19689, 1603, 499, 1518, 198, 275, 13, 1472, 3207, 2288, 2678, 323, 48777, 311, 1514, 9141, 13, 358, 6818, 279, 24269, 2128, 345, 438, 814, 1071, 11, 1054, 56, 6033, 3207, 1648, 2288, 2875, 2029, 2100, 69161, 574, 856, 11091, 13, 2030, 13971, 13801, 10924, 420, 18475, 315, 25917, 11, 1690, 82907, 62320, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 13, 1628, 358, 2103, 28670, 12314, 90203, 511, 1147, 1243, 13, 6104, 304, 362, 17026, 304, 198, 59561, 18709, 220, 538, 11, 18570, 1071, 11, 1054, 10445, 656, 499, 2103, 10051, 1124, 12671, 1628, 358, 198, 61665, 11, 473, 12825, 11, 358, 2646, 3463, 315, 430, 439, 264, 16801, 1887, 662, 358, 2744, 3463, 345, 35214, 264, 28378, 304, 4967, 323, 1694, 264, 28378, 11, 430, 3221, 82, 65607, 2136, 438, 12025, 98671, 2191, 323, 682, 1884, 2574, 1051, 7106, 11, 4245, 311, 58671, 198, 48297, 315, 279, 37061, 543, 323, 279, 18848, 11, 1880, 272, 1430, 64, 13, 2100, 358, 2646, 3463, 315, 433, 439, 198, 276, 17563, 4245, 311, 264, 16801, 1887, 13, 358, 2231, 279, 29247, 3201, 304, 856, 18301, 323, 198, 37593, 3952, 1124, 704, 1578, 627, 4516, 1243, 358, 1047, 311, 6678, 18507, 369, 4848, 5672, 13, 35800, 1570, 1174, 358, 5828, 529, 259, 5496, 304, 198, 3648, 4356, 4409, 14926, 13, 2030, 433, 574, 7185, 1606, 1148, 358, 4460, 311, 198, 4151, 11, 358, 1436, 1518, 13, 3580, 11, 994, 499, 32859, 1475, 9888, 11, 994, 499, 3009, 198, 85134, 311, 2585, 477, 2349, 1475, 9888, 439, 433, 48282, 60654, 279, 12330, 315, 279, 198, 86258, 48282, 71480, 32859, 433, 439, 433, 48282, 26, 779, 499, 3240, 20427, 279, 73024, 315, 198, 1820, 9888, 315, 1054, 3409, 662, 863, 1628, 439, 499, 656, 430, 51757, 1053, 2744, 387, 3025, 311, 1518, 1120, 198, 12840, 358, 4460, 311, 1518, 25, 279, 47854, 1314, 1603, 358, 10837, 927, 1461, 11, 779, 358, 13942, 198, 40617, 26, 279, 3009, 1879, 13353, 2579, 11, 1880, 272, 1430, 64, 13, 53353, 2212, 36378, 6863, 11, 358, 649, 198, 30380, 10043, 2212, 279, 6964, 315, 279, 1206, 333, 282, 323, 358, 1436, 1120, 1518, 279, 6964, 198, 1073, 279, 1206, 333, 282, 11, 779, 358, 574, 32859, 287, 8850, 682, 279, 892, 13, 1628, 358, 1053, 1120, 1518, 279, 198, 7334, 315, 279, 1206, 333, 282, 439, 358, 4460, 311, 1518, 433, 13, 358, 7070, 733, 311, 1304, 264, 2163, 2543, 304, 279, 6453, 198, 438, 279, 11422, 11, 323, 682, 315, 264, 11210, 11, 358, 1053, 1518, 279, 44962, 430, 358, 574, 10171, 311, 198, 4151, 11, 1606, 279, 88720, 315, 1063, 1841, 1053, 24212, 13610, 17782, 505, 198, 15031, 2050, 323, 88682, 279, 44962, 11, 323, 358, 7070, 1304, 433, 13, 1442, 499, 1427, 520, 433, 1555, 198, 1820, 17108, 11, 433, 529, 274, 51133, 1174, 719, 2345, 3852, 3195, 1174, 369, 4848, 5672, 358, 71044, 856, 198, 20370, 85, 4023, 311, 279, 79723, 315, 4359, 13, 578, 55643, 79723, 33687, 4395, 345, 8370, 433, 706, 2533, 220, 5162, 20, 627, 2181, 753, 9393, 315, 279, 10323, 3011, 1472, 29878, 535, 11, 2876, 279, 469, 3427, 198, 791, 37374, 31878, 499, 279, 41919, 430, 433, 529, 274, 1606, 315, 279, 37374, 430, 499, 18167, 345, 8248, 3604, 433, 529, 274, 1606, 315, 279, 10323, 449, 264, 6864, 328, 430, 499, 18167, 13, 1102, 198, 66, 7770, 398, 574, 539, 279, 37374, 10494, 757, 13989, 13, 42669, 1174, 358, 3463, 11, 8489, 11, 358, 8101, 198, 9514, 4805, 2646, 636, 311, 1518, 4205, 1578, 13, 220, 358, 3152, 11, 358, 7846, 529, 259, 1518, 420, 13734, 198, 6881, 11, 304, 264, 1648, 662, 358, 7846, 529, 259, 1518, 279, 2007, 13, 358, 649, 529, 259, 1518, 4205, 3345, 11, 323, 358, 649, 529, 259, 198, 4151, 4205, 3117, 662, 1442, 499, 649, 529, 259, 1518, 3060, 3345, 477, 3117, 1174, 1243, 499, 649, 529, 259, 1518, 198, 73254, 11, 649, 499, 30, 358, 7020, 422, 433, 574, 3177, 477, 6453, 13, 2100, 11, 832, 1938, 358, 574, 11509, 198, 258, 279, 9979, 315, 264, 4333, 11, 323, 51757, 1781, 433, 574, 362, 17026, 220, 304, 14603, 18709, 220, 538, 11, 304, 198, 34210, 13, 1226, 1051, 11509, 304, 279, 9979, 11, 279, 4333, 11, 7556, 922, 420, 11, 430, 11, 477, 198, 1820, 1023, 3245, 11, 323, 15187, 1174, 449, 912, 10163, 11, 4395, 6244, 9539, 198, 12887, 13, 358, 7111, 520, 279, 13470, 4028, 279, 3130, 13, 358, 1436, 1373, 279, 13470, 2345, 198, 33327, 1174, 7552, 1174, 5587, 11, 5936, 662, 662, 662, 2100, 11, 1524, 11376, 6052, 449, 2294, 198, 566, 10981, 662, 1628, 264, 1396, 315, 1274, 889, 4070, 6755, 279, 3446, 6818, 433, 323, 1047, 279, 25030, 3217, 13, 1628, 814, 682, 1071, 433, 3952, 922, 4848, 5672, 13, 42669, 1174, 430, 529, 274, 198, 1820, 4848, 30609, 2068, 11, 15687, 2345, 3852, 2664, 889, 529, 274, 10032, 311, 6678, 304, 99988, 42355, 198, 30096, 14392, 1405, 499, 3207, 2133, 3156, 279, 1566, 9888, 11, 422, 701, 50581, 198, 4919, 1935, 433, 627, 2170, 584, 5208, 88853, 1174, 5370, 44797, 44247, 656, 12446, 662, 2684, 198, 548, 4571, 72, 39227, 4442, 430, 3621, 11, 323, 814, 1422, 18728, 11911, 1405, 499, 198, 548, 3235, 279, 1853, 13, 4427, 527, 59708, 13, 4427, 527, 7953, 4096, 627, 3947, 529, 274, 1101, 5370, 50217, 11, 92697, 22416, 779, 19434, 85813, 26301, 430, 31889, 345, 8370, 18330, 78293, 388, 1093, 311, 3440, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 1101, 92697, 13124, 315, 198, 58174, 31889, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 506, 9383, 275, 989, 7245, 56912, 72597, 13, 5112, 11, 439, 499, 636, 198, 90447, 323, 5190, 1174, 520, 3325, 304, 420, 4040, 1162, 11, 1070, 529, 274, 9193, 25629, 198, 74, 8843, 315, 6784, 323, 499, 636, 3189, 11440, 555, 682, 13124, 315, 44776, 82, 13, 2100, 11, 584, 4805, 1456, 198, 998, 312, 2196, 940, 553, 682, 1521, 2574, 13, 578, 78152, 315, 279, 23418, 1887, 198, 69191, 750, 4442, 439, 499, 12178, 88853, 662, 2684, 527, 29735, 304, 279, 8271, 529, 274, 198, 818, 2868, 1485, 83189, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 6541, 505, 79492, 311, 842, 16751, 1354, 439, 264, 198, 24361, 8129, 519, 60612, 11, 18247, 2464, 2740, 12365, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 264, 84153, 304, 345, 438, 5616, 279, 44032, 315, 11, 279, 1212, 273, 33766, 13, 1666, 264, 6689, 5900, 315, 282, 4920, 198, 2727, 11, 358, 1541, 529, 259, 14085, 520, 682, 13, 3277, 358, 2019, 1054, 1729, 757, 2476, 358, 4344, 7556, 922, 420, 2547, 662, 1442, 198, 64, 6689, 5900, 315, 282, 11, 433, 753, 264, 12579, 5406, 11, 719, 1070, 529, 274, 912, 5647, 315, 17035, 13, 3011, 198, 4338, 99567, 1306, 279, 3221, 482, 63007, 3217, 627, 644, 4435, 5111, 8105, 11, 1070, 574, 912, 8850, 315, 4648, 3060, 662, 1226, 7070, 387, 13176, 198, 318, 47507, 11, 3738, 4648, 11, 323, 358, 6612, 1579, 13, 9029, 1051, 21939, 709, 389, 279, 198, 34525, 11, 323, 358, 6612, 91826, 660, 13, 358, 574, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 23871, 13, 358, 8101, 358, 3463, 358, 198, 16514, 5246, 311, 387, 449, 4359, 13, 2100, 1070, 529, 274, 264, 1422, 18728, 768, 304, 14604, 25481, 11, 323, 198, 19041, 527, 2216, 28254, 4442, 6957, 279, 3823, 2547, 662, 1628, 358, 1781, 198, 1820, 21730, 1920, 902, 1690, 1274, 2586, 311, 36378, 6863, 11, 11125, 21730, 198, 2000, 5370, 2574, 11, 902, 584, 11497, 304, 279, 1566, 31678, 323, 3766, 6305, 627, 791, 38556, 29720, 2115, 315, 10919, 11, 311, 5268, 10919, 11, 1243, 28335, 311, 4799, 264, 21730, 323, 198, 64, 2890, 1918, 315, 279, 4553, 89538, 1887, 323, 264, 48513, 315, 279, 198, 70155, 1887, 13, 358, 1781, 904, 17563, 11, 422, 499, 3719, 8173, 304, 19428, 198, 86390, 940, 990, 17223, 555, 19428, 11, 358, 3152, 19428, 71480, 649, 74809, 279, 198, 3374, 520, 902, 430, 17563, 690, 1323, 275, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 88539, 220, 23, 198, 71251, 735, 2227, 292, 88654, 2436, 198, 3947, 527, 1101, 597, 2227, 292, 34453, 430, 1253, 66828, 13, 2684, 527, 1690, 3115, 198, 9493, 597, 2227, 292, 83720, 82, 311, 21730, 3719, 42590, 2954, 323, 279, 1732, 5900, 198, 18614, 1323, 7711, 13, 2684, 527, 3738, 6129, 597, 2227, 292, 9669, 11, 8530, 11, 430, 198, 1762, 866, 279, 10973, 21730, 315, 3738, 4787, 11, 499, 1518, 13, 2100, 11, 1855, 323, 198, 30115, 1162, 374, 57098, 26, 430, 529, 274, 3249, 584, 1505, 597, 1572, 31226, 1633, 2523, 323, 198, 817, 1285, 13, 1226, 1505, 433, 529, 274, 1633, 5505, 304, 597, 2227, 292, 3495, 11, 1606, 1063, 18027, 477, 198, 15031, 42056, 304, 701, 2324, 430, 529, 274, 539, 1367, 47214, 555, 12496, 11, 449, 264, 2478, 198, 17800, 11, 499, 649, 1505, 704, 1405, 430, 44853, 11, 323, 7170, 499, 649, 198, 17206, 19635, 433, 13, 1102, 5828, 529, 259, 420, 19569, 2345, 2201, 11, 433, 5828, 529, 259, 420, 19569, 13, 2030 ]
express anger that’s been built up over hundreds of years. Having led spiritual support groups for more than 20 years, I’ve had a bit of experience facilitating the kind of sacred space that allows for deep conversation. A unique energy must be brought forth in such groups, ensuring the emotional safety and well-being of all its participants. Most of us have felt this kind of energy in therapy, during religious ritual, or what have you. It’s a distinctly different vibration from normal conversation, stemming from a different set of brain waves.When Mary was looking for her son Jesus, she found him in the temple. And there was a reason for that. No soul finds any soul except in sacred space. Within that space, all is revealed—total communication is given and received, and miracles occur naturally. Until we reach that depth of dialogue within ourselves and with others, there can be no deeper breakthroughs regarding our most urgent problems. What will not solve today’s problems is conventional thought. What will not solve today’s problems is old tried-and- no-longer-true formulas. What will not solve today’s problems is endless attack and defense. What will not solve today’s problems is shallow conversation. What will solve today’s problems is new consciousness, from which will emerge new thinking and new hope. The planet needs a new story, and so do we. Who would be better to help create a new story for the planet than those of us who just happen to be involved with creating a new story for ourselves? A problem of midlife is the temptation to be redundant, simply imitating ourselves by doing the same things we’ve always done but with less verve. But the pulse of the moment—both personally and globally—is to let go now of what needs to be let go, to disenthrall ourselves of what used to be, and embrace a radically new kind of life. It is there for us. It’s there for us as individuals, and it’s there for us as a species. It’s alive in our imagination, and we can claim it if we wish to. Each of us is coded to play a maximally effective role helping to change the world, to the extent to which we are willing to be changed. I was once privy to a fascinating moment at a private party, where I saw the musical producer and performer Babyface sit strumming a guitar and singing his song “Change the World,” while former mayor of Atlanta, UN ambassador, and civil-rights legend Andrew Young sat a few feet away, listening and staring out into the distance. One man sang of wanting to change the world, while the other had memories of how much he’d already tried. Yet both received their intimations of possibility from the same internal source, from which all of us should now be drawing our inspiration and hope. Real vision comes not from what we see in the past or the future; it emerges from what we see within. The soul is the only safe repository for our dreams of a reborn world. It is the soul that will direct us—no matter what our age— to the role we can best play in realigning the earth with the consciousness of heaven. We have within us, through an internal guidance system created byGod Himself, all the instructions we need in order to midwife a new world. Both our temporal and eternal selves are programmed perfectly for what we need to do now. And I do mean now. Dear God, Please prepare me, heart and soul, to bring light into darkened times. Amen H ISTORY MOVES FORWARD ONE INSIGHT AT A TIME . From the Jewish embrace of a monotheistic God to Buddha’s vision of compassion; from the teaching of Jesus that God is love to Martin Luther’s insistence that we can talk to Him ourselves; from the individual’s creative genius spurred by the Italian Renaissance to the philosophical maturity of the European Enlightenment; from the genius of the American Experiment to the invention of quantum physics—the march of armies is creatively small compared to the march of ideas. And that is the purpose of time, for both the individual and the species: that as life progresses, our understanding can mature. All of us take two steps forward and one step back at times, but there is nevertheless an evolutionary impulse—within every heart, every cell, and every aspect of life—marching ahead despite all resistance. Our task is to consciously conspire with that impulse, in full partnership with the force of love at the center of all things, entwined with its divine pulsation and heat, both riding and directing the wave by which humanity shall rise up at last. I T’S AMAZING HOW MANY PEOPLE TODAY do not take it for granted that the planet will survive the next 50 years. Whether from weather disasters or military misadventures, there are so many ways we could be destroyed. Rationally, this is certainly true. But spiritual power is nonrational. That’s not to say it’s irrational; just nonrational. It springs forth from a quantum field not limited by mortal circumstances. The catastrophic possibilities that threaten the world today reflect who we have been until now, and they’ll stay the way they are for as long as we stay the way we are. The possibility for a miraculous change in global affairs reflects the possibility for miraculous change in us.Spiritual transformation, not human manipulation, is the only level fundamentally deep enough to alter the now dangerous trajectory of human history. We can’t just “fix” our way out of what’s going on now. We need a miracle, which we will only have if we ourselves become miracle workers. Miracles occur naturally in the presence of love. In our natural state, we are miracle workers because love is who we are. Talk about personal transformation—the journey from fear to love—is not a narcissistic exercise. It’s not fuzzy thinking or soft-brained New Ageism. It’s the most necessary component to our re-creating human society and affecting the course of history. The problem with the world is that we’ve been torn from our original nature. Torn from ourselves, we become addicts. Torn from each other, we become abusers. Torn from the earth, we become its destroyers. And that tear —a separation from our divine oneness—is not a metaphor. It is not a symbol. It is a literal, vicious, insidiously progressive disease of the human spirit. It is force . And it has at its
[ 8285, 1911, 197, 4091, 64442, 753, 74242, 268, 2282, 11476, 60910, 197, 2017, 9793, 46813, 44323, 198, 42820, 627, 29132, 197, 839, 1942, 53829, 940, 1942, 2870, 45360, 82, 2066, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 197, 508, 197, 42820, 11, 25494, 4070, 9793, 329, 11575, 81080, 44323, 198, 50659, 1186, 582, 76254, 33188, 197, 15674, 44323, 1942, 582, 1171, 1942, 1330, 64442, 52060, 4336, 2066, 197, 33980, 198, 62737, 13, 23845, 197, 9782, 197, 17947, 2157, 592, 74242, 2282, 6478, 2066, 339, 17886, 1942, 1412, 45360, 82, 11, 197, 729, 1711, 198, 1820, 67304, 41964, 1942, 39718, 53577, 6831, 616, 33851, 44323, 52060, 197, 1220, 73972, 29025, 13, 9391, 537, 44323, 71275, 9793, 525, 1186, 3903, 198, 576, 197, 15674, 44323, 197, 17947, 17886, 197, 46755, 11, 2765, 1711, 197, 97250, 197, 1018, 940, 11, 82266, 197, 12840, 9793, 525, 197, 9514, 13, 62635, 753, 11575, 198, 54121, 398, 2765, 18780, 5306, 18856, 43827, 197, 8416, 38303, 23124, 11, 18895, 336, 5424, 43827, 11575, 198, 64750, 8360, 44323, 197, 54160, 6831, 4798, 51861, 9391, 661, 6831, 300, 197, 20986, 2066, 197, 1964, 197, 942, 17538, 43493, 11, 1942, 383, 59202, 9793, 318, 17886, 33188, 197, 880, 698, 627, 3112, 197, 19041, 6831, 300, 11575, 17643, 1525, 2066, 64442, 13, 197, 2822, 1942, 11206, 1186, 8843, 197, 3852, 1942, 11206, 35699, 17886, 1942, 582, 1171, 198, 8920, 627, 43061, 64442, 1942, 1330, 11, 52060, 20501, 17643, 588, 5962, 2345, 5143, 197, 51271, 20501, 3253, 2116, 53577, 198, 42923, 11, 53577, 2157, 404, 18709, 197, 511, 2407, 9215, 72247, 13, 16360, 406, 321, 197, 906, 17643, 613, 64442, 197, 18021, 44323, 60520, 361, 198, 56950, 197, 2530, 4372, 53577, 48048, 23021, 3058, 11, 197, 19041, 94036, 74242, 73204, 59451, 10653, 3470, 20322, 82, 198, 1610, 29510, 197, 414, 2157, 537, 197, 86153, 197, 96440, 13, 197, 3923, 6831, 484, 1602, 1962, 198, 1942, 4035, 3324, 6423, 753, 197, 96440, 20501, 198, 444, 44322, 197, 61665, 13, 197, 3923, 6831, 484, 1602, 1962, 198, 1942, 4035, 3324, 6423, 753, 197, 96440, 20501, 62928, 26665, 1142, 9976, 7058, 2201, 24725, 261, 12, 1904, 38510, 26622, 13, 197, 3923, 6831, 484, 1602, 1962, 198, 1942, 4035, 3324, 6423, 753, 197, 96440, 20501, 6379, 1752, 198, 21208, 53577, 7604, 1137, 13, 197, 3923, 6831, 484, 1602, 1962, 198, 1942, 4035, 3324, 6423, 753, 197, 96440, 20501, 37296, 7331, 198, 62737, 627, 3923, 1602, 14724, 198, 1942, 4035, 3324, 6423, 753, 197, 96440, 20501, 8808, 38303, 23995, 2136, 11, 43827, 197, 8370, 6831, 484, 198, 336, 10286, 8808, 71579, 16113, 53577, 8808, 9793, 2862, 13, 33026, 197, 51174, 197, 56345, 11575, 8808, 18895, 683, 11, 53577, 197, 708, 20530, 198, 906, 627, 15546, 6831, 619, 74242, 2282, 22120, 32809, 88740, 40363, 11575, 8808, 18895, 683, 2066, 33188, 197, 51174, 197, 54895, 197, 54719, 44323, 198, 355, 197, 14965, 197, 4345, 9793, 64860, 32809, 74242, 197, 14386, 8905, 48048, 197, 46002, 11575, 8808, 18895, 683, 2066, 197, 2530, 4372, 30, 23845, 198, 35686, 44323, 2157, 307, 14789, 20501, 33188, 197, 4307, 367, 32809, 74242, 17643, 1072, 303, 519, 11, 1942, 318, 2603, 197, 2408, 1113, 198, 2530, 4372, 197, 1729, 20530, 287, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 58174, 197, 906, 4070, 197, 33222, 41595, 2282, 332, 48048, 197, 1752, 197, 424, 588, 627, 4071, 33188, 3303, 17660, 44323, 33188, 2157, 13209, 2345, 21704, 99905, 750, 53577, 3253, 1718, 750, 55434, 32809, 10428, 31780, 82022, 198, 1073, 197, 12840, 197, 56345, 32809, 74242, 10428, 31780, 11, 32809, 35697, 306, 4171, 543, 197, 2530, 4372, 44323, 197, 12840, 197, 2656, 32809, 74242, 11, 53577, 198, 336, 32337, 11575, 7145, 329, 2740, 8808, 197, 15674, 44323, 8986, 1643, 13, 62635, 20501, 197, 19041, 2066, 71275, 13, 62635, 753, 197, 19041, 2066, 71275, 61551, 198, 55977, 82, 11, 53577, 24263, 753, 197, 19041, 2066, 71275, 61551, 11575, 1942, 89721, 13, 62635, 753, 197, 52061, 17886, 197, 414, 55992, 10569, 11, 53577, 198, 906, 94036, 197, 8017, 24263, 748, 197, 906, 6831, 819, 32809, 13, 197, 4959, 44323, 71275, 20501, 1470, 6879, 32809, 90067, 11575, 23359, 318, 750, 198, 78995, 197, 5898, 88740, 287, 32809, 69480, 33188, 77608, 11, 32809, 33188, 197, 71272, 32809, 197, 8370, 197, 906, 197, 548, 198, 86, 9585, 32809, 1602, 1395, 197, 17805, 627, 40, 6831, 300, 197, 13486, 72270, 88, 32809, 11575, 1186, 5171, 16252, 2157, 13209, 36547, 11575, 2514, 3303, 6862, 11, 56842, 25494, 1942, 675, 33188, 198, 38827, 950, 197, 60012, 53577, 197, 29588, 261, 13083, 6243, 1594, 1942, 275, 11609, 372, 5424, 11575, 3253, 35846, 53577, 1942, 24992, 198, 26301, 1942, 647, 197, 2118, 4164, 33188, 197, 10343, 2476, 5329, 197, 35627, 2157, 352, 269, 44323, 197, 86234, 11, 77243, 198, 3042, 25512, 11, 53577, 1470, 6362, 87656, 197, 14845, 197, 41598, 197, 41672, 1942, 266, 11575, 1186, 365, 1186, 68, 295, 197, 14075, 345, 75919, 53577, 18895, 3329, 14294, 2129, 78, 33188, 99152, 13, 197, 4054, 197, 1543, 1942, 526, 44323, 51880, 287, 32809, 69480, 198, 1820, 77608, 11, 5329, 33188, 197, 1605, 9793, 329, 14477, 2490, 44323, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 197, 383, 7070, 197, 46584, 26665, 1142, 13, 197, 29174, 198, 21704, 17643, 8946, 33188, 404, 2129, 97476, 44323, 197, 9007, 3225, 43827, 33188, 1942, 373, 34443, 48518, 345, 1527, 197, 8370, 52060, 44323, 71275, 197, 5562, 82022, 74242, 2765, 1731, 197, 414, 197, 1354, 29579, 53577, 9793, 2862, 627, 13058, 5306, 1854, 197, 6716, 98366, 43827, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 197, 4151, 17886, 33188, 3303, 561, 82266, 33188, 1186, 3049, 26, 24263, 67304, 2431, 288, 198, 1527, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 197, 4151, 48048, 258, 13, 33026, 1942, 11206, 20501, 33188, 197, 3323, 1942, 5763, 17643, 3176, 2066, 197, 414, 2765, 1259, 82, 198, 1073, 11575, 17643, 16381, 77608, 13, 62635, 20501, 33188, 1942, 11206, 64442, 6831, 484, 2765, 1248, 71275, 2345, 2201, 2157, 1683, 197, 12840, 197, 414, 197, 425, 2345, 198, 998, 33188, 197, 5898, 197, 906, 94036, 93510, 90067, 17886, 17643, 6750, 287, 33188, 197, 28641, 48048, 33188, 38303, 23995, 2136, 44323, 198, 383, 5389, 13, 197, 1687, 9793, 525, 48048, 258, 71275, 11, 197, 20322, 80557, 34443, 3253, 2480, 685, 41393, 197, 7266, 197, 1729, 28622, 13595, 318, 726, 11, 52060, 33188, 17886, 20232, 197, 906, 197, 17483, 17886, 43345, 32809, 2157, 307, 48841, 11575, 8808, 77608, 627, 21279, 197, 414, 16679, 10020, 53577, 197, 295, 3051, 1942, 4372, 197, 548, 197, 15252, 2106, 197, 64185, 398, 2066, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 198, 17483, 32809, 20530, 82022, 627, 3112, 25494, 20530, 2157, 5420, 82022, 627, 31765, 9796, 347, 345, 5618, 197, 13923, 50394, 345, 18207, 53577, 1942, 11206, 345, 998, 81355, 287, 95053, 2129, 78, 2765, 847, 6901, 3324, 1769, 627, 32, 5794, 198, 39, 198, 36686, 9391, 40057, 1600, 90310, 29266, 197, 5338, 197, 9751, 4735, 94046, 23845, 10473, 5778, 198, 13, 197, 3915, 33188, 17538, 66929, 67304, 32337, 44323, 11575, 198, 57501, 1820, 4633, 9796, 347, 32809, 13083, 8512, 4317, 753, 5306, 1854, 44323, 197, 31929, 290, 26, 43827, 33188, 197, 668, 12092, 44323, 198, 55065, 64442, 9796, 347, 20501, 197, 31153, 32809, 9391, 35945, 15420, 26567, 753, 197, 1354, 81624, 64442, 197, 906, 94036, 3324, 1727, 32809, 13595, 318, 198, 2530, 4372, 26, 43827, 33188, 197, 55977, 753, 197, 52817, 83381, 9334, 42478, 8293, 197, 1729, 33188, 62635, 10700, 198, 49, 7304, 24918, 32809, 33188, 197, 46185, 11597, 950, 2157, 38954, 44323, 33188, 23626, 74387, 197, 1737, 4238, 53061, 280, 1527, 33188, 83381, 9334, 44323, 33188, 23845, 16093, 197, 78880, 32809, 33188, 17886, 7611, 44323, 197, 31548, 372, 198, 67865, 22416, 2157, 1132, 44323, 197, 2227, 552, 20501, 197, 846, 8046, 1942, 30632, 197, 5807, 1636, 32809, 33188, 2157, 1132, 44323, 198, 94784, 13, 197, 3112, 64442, 20501, 33188, 3303, 30349, 44323, 22724, 11, 2066, 197, 21704, 33188, 197, 55977, 53577, 33188, 1942, 89721, 512, 9210, 61551, 8986, 1643, 90071, 288, 11, 197, 414, 197, 8154, 10276, 94036, 2157, 1598, 627, 2460, 44323, 71275, 3324, 731, 3324, 1146, 18895, 7270, 2066, 1637, 53577, 197, 606, 78193, 78546, 36547, 3324, 1769, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 19041, 20501, 198, 37593, 20583, 80557, 75937, 3294, 661, 197, 6802, 17660, 2345, 56950, 7883, 1225, 197, 18207, 11, 7883, 1225, 47087, 11, 53577, 198, 30115, 197, 58158, 44323, 8986, 1643, 2345, 76, 83385, 11575, 2025, 54012, 6100, 52060, 10413, 4011, 13, 197, 8140, 50215, 20501, 32809, 198, 444, 71888, 38303, 2203, 556, 48048, 64442, 197, 6802, 17660, 11, 17886, 95142, 73972, 5079, 2200, 48048, 33188, 2066, 346, 44323, 198, 31153, 36547, 33188, 94651, 44323, 52060, 197, 58174, 11, 78755, 86, 1619, 48048, 197, 1220, 64378, 483, 3303, 14630, 367, 53577, 197, 20559, 345, 21704, 197, 50780, 53577, 2765, 1248, 287, 33188, 6831, 525, 197, 1729, 197, 8370, 9793, 7282, 488, 197, 19549, 7145, 1082, 60910, 36547, 34196, 627, 40, 198, 51, 40702, 88337, 24476, 1753, 13595, 3387, 9391, 17742, 197, 1777, 58089, 10473, 2114, 3097, 198, 20530, 98366, 3324, 731, 24263, 2066, 91159, 7719, 64442, 33188, 197, 51174, 6831, 484, 198, 20370, 85, 535, 33188, 29244, 197, 1135, 197, 42820, 13, 197, 25729, 43827, 197, 15561, 35697, 14533, 82266, 2157, 20860, 198, 34965, 329, 688, 1439, 11, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 197, 708, 197, 35676, 197, 2336, 197, 906, 1470, 619, 74242, 197, 15886, 291, 627, 49, 30154, 11, 2090, 20501, 1470, 7770, 398, 43908, 13, 197, 4071, 1942, 53829, 940, 3303, 1223, 20501, 197, 6414, 81, 1697, 13, 197, 4897, 753, 198, 1962, 32809, 1942, 352, 24263, 753, 1602, 404, 81, 1697, 280, 197, 4345, 197, 6414, 81, 1697, 13, 62635, 1942, 652, 826, 2066, 339, 43827, 11575, 197, 31548, 372, 198, 2630, 98366, 197, 18736, 197, 1729, 2157, 34472, 1470, 2496, 372, 9623, 13, 33026, 1470, 460, 267, 42810, 197, 9007, 13757, 64442, 198, 97229, 268, 33188, 77608, 3324, 6423, 197, 36013, 197, 14965, 197, 906, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 21113, 1678, 82022, 11, 53577, 197, 20670, 4805, 18895, 352, 198, 1820, 197, 3195, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 2066, 61551, 17972, 61551, 197, 906, 18895, 352, 33188, 197, 3195, 1602, 906, 198, 197, 548, 13, 33026, 197, 9007, 3225, 2066, 11575, 198, 20531, 582, 13850, 69480, 17886, 19373, 197, 2715, 4825, 197, 36013, 82, 33188, 197, 9007, 3225, 2066, 2157, 404, 582, 13850, 198, 3455, 17886, 71275, 815, 53829, 940, 73553, 1659, 11, 98366, 9793, 7282, 197, 1543, 575, 2987, 11, 20501, 33188, 197, 3323, 54843, 198, 58703, 2908, 750, 197, 33980, 82948, 1409, 32809, 197, 38377, 33188, 82022, 2765, 4091, 788, 197, 84887, 44323, 9793, 7282, 198, 19375, 13, 197, 1687, 94036, 1431, 197, 4345, 197, 2118, 5862, 863, 197, 414, 197, 3195, 14294, 44323, 197, 12840, 753, 31780, 287, 25653, 82022, 13, 197, 1687, 197, 17483, 11575, 198, 20531, 8061, 11, 197, 8370, 197, 906, 6831, 484, 197, 3323, 9793, 525, 748, 197, 906, 197, 2530, 4372, 2282, 52521, 2157, 404, 8061, 197, 56058, 627, 59561, 18709, 197, 511, 2407, 9215, 72247, 17886, 33188, 3303, 417, 768, 44323, 197, 31153, 13, 71267, 197, 414, 9215, 4688, 25277, 11, 197, 906, 1602, 548, 198, 20531, 8061, 197, 56058, 2282, 6769, 197, 31153, 20501, 197, 14965, 197, 906, 197, 548, 13, 10473, 1727, 197, 9274, 99905, 278, 198, 1485, 1659, 22416, 12710, 34090, 43827, 1186, 686, 32809, 197, 31153, 55434, 98366, 11575, 9215, 8362, 1056, 4633, 8285, 18865, 627, 2181, 753, 98366, 1186, 35858, 71579, 16113, 82266, 197, 3594, 31217, 2692, 197, 3648, 197, 17166, 2191, 13, 62635, 753, 33188, 2157, 537, 9215, 20726, 198, 8739, 32809, 197, 414, 17643, 12, 46002, 9793, 7282, 1942, 6180, 53577, 11575, 1740, 287, 33188, 1470, 5366, 44323, 198, 19375, 627, 791, 197, 35686, 48048, 33188, 77608, 20501, 64442, 197, 906, 4070, 74242, 268, 3324, 1540, 43827, 197, 414, 197, 10090, 198, 67812, 13, 10473, 1540, 43827, 197, 2530, 4372, 11, 197, 906, 2282, 52521, 13008, 31095, 13, 10473, 1540, 43827, 7883, 613, 197, 1605, 11, 197, 906, 198, 17106, 638, 197, 370, 4312, 13, 10473, 1540, 43827, 33188, 197, 28641, 11, 197, 906, 2282, 52521, 197, 1220, 197, 15886, 388, 13, 197, 3112, 64442, 197, 668, 277, 198, 29096, 85786, 36235, 43827, 197, 414, 64378, 483, 25653, 24639, 55434, 98366, 11575, 2157, 295, 1366, 269, 13, 62635, 20501, 98366, 11575, 1942, 4089, 627, 2181, 20501, 11575, 8986, 10157, 11, 5306, 9824, 11, 197, 1354, 307, 13610, 90071, 535, 2765, 56407, 44323, 33188, 9793, 7282, 1942, 53829, 13, 62635, 20501, 198, 9009, 198, 13, 197, 3112, 24263, 64355, 36547, 197, 1220 ]
, it can truly heal and offer a healthy future. The choice is yours. Study this book and find out exactly what it means to undertake the therapy, and please, in your own best interest, only embark on it if you are committed to staying on it until you are fully and truly healed. All over the world there are people who did just that, and who returned from life-threatening diseases to radiant health and a life more abundant. You are more than welcome to join them. As you read this book, you will find many references to Dr. Max Gerson’s epoch-making work, “A Cancer Therapy—Results of Fifty Cases,” which first appeared in 1958, one year before the author’s death. It is now in its sixth edition and has been translated into four languages. Needless to say, in the years since its inception medical technology and research have made enormous progress, offering possibilities that in Dr. Gerson’s day would have been hard to imagine. For that reason today’s reader may find parts of “A Cancer Therapy” dated or no longer relevant. However, what has remained topical and more relevant than ever is Dr. Gerson’s startlingly original approach to the causation, treatment and healing of cancer, which is totally different from current oncological practice. The organism’s breakdown of law and order on the cellular level, resulting in cancer, is the same today as it has ever been, and the Gerson Therapy’s ability to deal with that breakdown also remains unchanged. It should also be remembered that besides being a practicing physician, Dr. Gerson was also Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 1 4Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www.thegersonway.coman eminent scientist, closely involved in the debate in the US Congress on policies for cancer treatment, and was acknowledged for his brilliance by Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Schweitzer. His papers met all the traditional requirements for evidence-based medicine; today’s modern scientific approaches have started to shed some light onto why and how his therapy worked. Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 1 5Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www.thegersonway.comCHAPTER 1 The Story Begins “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” - Albert Einstein Some of the greatest scientific discoveries resulted from a sudden insight or inspiration that came unexpectedly, like a bolt from the blue. Others were made after long years of patient, painstaking effort. But the most fascinating achievements are the ones that grew out of a series of apparent coincidences, leading to an astonishing outcome. The Gerson Therapy belongs to this last category. It came into being because one exceptional man, the German-born physician Dr. Max Gerson, possessed the ability to ask the right questions at the right time, and seek for the answers with the utmost scientific rigor. His story helps us to understand how the life-saving therapy that bears his name came into being. Already as a small boy Max Gerson showed some scientific curiosity. He liked to play in the garden of his grandmother, who grew flowers as well as fruits and vegetables for her table. On one occasion, when she decided to try out some new artificial fertilizer, which was supposed to produce bigger and better crops, Max watched with consternation that the earthworms were leaving the beds treated with the new chemicals and migrated to the beds treated with the old, time-honored natural substances. Young Max concluded that there must have been something harmful and disturbing in the new chemicals, which the earthworms couldn’t stand, and which made them flee to the natural environment. He never forgot this early experience. Upon graduating from high school, Max decided to become a physician and went on to study at the universities of Breslau, Wuerzburg, Berlin, and Freiburg. Throughout his studies and for the rest of his life he remained eternally curious, always playing with possibilities, wondering ‘What would happen if…’ As a young doctor, working as assistant to Professor Ottfried Foerster in Breslau, he ordered the finest rose bushes from Holland, planted them and changed their fertilizer, their food, and—by installing light filters—even the amount of sunshine they received. With these methods he succeeded in changing the colors of the roses. This taught him that nutrients and light could change the metabolism of a living plant. But he had no idea how to apply this discovery to human beings, let alone to healing them. It took his own serious health problem, his recurring severe cluster migraines, to show him the way ahead. The migraines were so devastating and recurred so frequently, that he was desperate to do something about them. His teachers and professors, whom he had consulted, had been unable Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 1 6Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www.thegersonway.comto suggest a treatment. They had said that he’d feel better when he got to be in his mid-fifties. But the young doctor couldn’t envisage life for the next 30 years with those migraines which sometimes kept him in bed, in a darkened room, with violent pain and nausea, for two or three days a week! There had to be a better answer, and he was determined to find it. To start his search, he read everything apparently relevant that he could find. Nothing positive turned up. He visited a number of professors as a patient and found no help. It was by accident (if we believe in accidents) that one day he came across a paper describing how a woman, suffering from migraines, was helped when she using himself as a guinea pig. He abandoned his normal choice of food and tried out several different diets. It changed her diet. DIET! Nobody had taught him anything about diet; nor had his teachers ever mentioned the possibility that any chronic disease was connected with diet. But, as always, he was willing to experiment, even took him a while and a number of failures before he established that a salt-free vegetarian diet kept him free from the pain and nausea of migraines. That was when he started to use dietary treatment in his practice. When patients came to his office in Bielefeld suffering from migraine, he told them frankly that according to all the medical texts there was no cure for this problem—but that he himself had been suffering from it, until a change of diet had brought him relief. He suggested that the patients try the same method. When these patients returned to see him some 3-4 weeks later, they regularly reported that they were free from migraines—as long as they adhered to the strict dietary rules and didn’ t cheat. This experience made Dr. Gerson to refer to his method as the ‘Migraine Diet,’ the single treatment for a single complaint, as specified in conventional medicine, until something happened to change his view. One day a migraine sufferer consulted Dr. Gerson and was urged to adopt the ‘Migraine Diet.’ He did. But when he returned a month or so later, he had something extraordinary to report: yes, his migraines were gone, but the skin tuberculosis ( lupus vulgaris) he had been suffering from was also healing. Dr. Gerson was skeptical: “No, you couldn’t have had lupus, it must have been something else, lupus is incurable,” he declared. But the patient produced the results of laboratory tests, which proved that indeed there had been tubercle bacilli in the tissues of his lesions. Dr. Gerson was stunned. He couldn’t see a connection between migraine and lupus, so why did both conditions heal? This was another decisive moment in his life when he had to ask a question and find an answer. To start with, he asked his patient whether he knew other lupus sufferers, and if so, to send them to him for treatment, free of charge. Some came and were cured. and Dr. Gerson had to accept that his migraine diet could also heal the reputedly incurable skin tuberculosis. His remarkable results reached the ears of the famous lung tuberculosis specialist, Ferdinand Sauerbruch, of Munich, Germany. He put 450 of his ‘incurable’ lupus patients on Dr. Gerson’s diet, saying that if Gerson could stop the progress of the disease in a single patient, he would believe everything the young doctor claimed. The Gerson diet not only arrested the disease Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 1 7Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www.thegersonway.comprocess, it actually cured 445 of those seriously ill patients. Sauerbruch’s response was to publish ‘his’ results in numerous scientific papers. But Dr. Gerson was not satisfied. He
[ 11, 433, 649, 9615, 27661, 323, 3085, 264, 9498, 3938, 13, 578, 5873, 374, 720, 88, 2530, 13, 19723, 420, 2363, 323, 1505, 704, 7041, 1148, 433, 3445, 311, 49643, 279, 15419, 11, 323, 4587, 11, 304, 720, 22479, 1866, 1888, 2802, 11, 1193, 70531, 389, 433, 422, 499, 527, 11411, 311, 19994, 389, 433, 3156, 499, 527, 7373, 720, 438, 9615, 62320, 627, 2460, 927, 279, 1917, 1070, 527, 1274, 889, 1550, 1120, 430, 11, 323, 889, 6052, 505, 2324, 62999, 720, 67, 1082, 2315, 311, 77443, 2890, 323, 264, 2324, 810, 44611, 13, 1472, 527, 810, 1109, 10788, 311, 5249, 1124, 627, 2170, 499, 1373, 420, 2363, 11, 499, 690, 1505, 1690, 15407, 311, 2999, 13, 7639, 480, 1293, 753, 16746, 28846, 990, 11, 720, 48349, 26211, 40143, 2345, 10001, 315, 76020, 47124, 2476, 220, 902, 1176, 9922, 304, 220, 6280, 23, 11, 832, 1060, 1603, 279, 720, 3170, 753, 4648, 13, 1102, 374, 1457, 304, 1202, 26084, 14002, 323, 706, 1027, 25548, 1139, 3116, 15823, 13, 83383, 720, 998, 2019, 11, 304, 279, 1667, 2533, 1202, 54529, 6593, 5557, 323, 3495, 617, 1903, 23205, 720, 14703, 11, 10209, 24525, 430, 304, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 753, 1938, 1053, 617, 1027, 2653, 311, 13085, 13, 1789, 720, 9210, 2944, 3432, 753, 6742, 1253, 1505, 5596, 315, 1054, 32, 26211, 40143, 863, 30105, 477, 912, 5129, 9959, 13, 720, 11458, 11, 1148, 706, 14958, 66376, 323, 810, 9959, 1109, 3596, 374, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 753, 68834, 398, 720, 10090, 5603, 311, 279, 25540, 367, 11, 6514, 323, 21730, 315, 9572, 11, 902, 374, 12756, 2204, 505, 720, 3311, 78970, 5848, 6725, 13, 578, 47120, 753, 31085, 315, 2383, 323, 2015, 389, 279, 35693, 2237, 11, 720, 1407, 287, 304, 9572, 11, 374, 279, 1890, 3432, 439, 433, 706, 3596, 1027, 11, 323, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 753, 5845, 311, 3568, 720, 4291, 430, 31085, 1101, 8625, 35957, 627, 2181, 1288, 1101, 387, 27569, 430, 28858, 1694, 264, 36666, 28378, 11, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 574, 1101, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 16, 220, 19, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 276, 84629, 28568, 11, 15499, 6532, 304, 279, 11249, 304, 279, 2326, 8151, 389, 10396, 369, 9572, 720, 83, 35320, 11, 323, 574, 26579, 369, 813, 83580, 555, 48078, 33767, 349, 2999, 13, 17971, 56834, 21114, 13, 720, 16366, 16064, 2322, 682, 279, 8776, 8670, 369, 6029, 6108, 16088, 26, 3432, 753, 6617, 720, 85930, 20414, 617, 3940, 311, 25351, 1063, 3177, 8800, 3249, 323, 1268, 813, 15419, 6575, 13, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 16, 220, 20, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 88539, 220, 16, 198, 791, 15457, 92408, 198, 2118, 22111, 31739, 617, 2744, 23926, 16806, 14076, 505, 68480, 20663, 2029, 720, 5996, 12, 220, 17971, 55152, 198, 8538, 315, 279, 12474, 12624, 54098, 19543, 505, 264, 11210, 20616, 477, 20343, 430, 720, 6142, 51709, 11, 1093, 264, 32942, 505, 279, 6437, 13, 26080, 1051, 1903, 1306, 1317, 1667, 315, 8893, 11, 720, 92724, 89985, 5149, 13, 2030, 279, 1455, 27387, 33997, 527, 279, 6305, 430, 14264, 704, 315, 264, 4101, 315, 720, 680, 1415, 23828, 85096, 11, 6522, 311, 459, 50013, 15632, 13, 578, 480, 1293, 40143, 17623, 311, 420, 720, 4354, 5699, 13, 1102, 3782, 1139, 1694, 1606, 832, 25363, 893, 11, 279, 6063, 40260, 28378, 2999, 13, 720, 6102, 480, 1293, 11, 43890, 279, 5845, 311, 2610, 279, 1314, 4860, 520, 279, 1314, 892, 11, 323, 6056, 369, 279, 720, 25739, 449, 279, 54711, 12624, 78477, 13, 5414, 3446, 8779, 603, 311, 3619, 1268, 279, 2324, 59085, 720, 46755, 430, 30824, 813, 836, 3782, 1139, 1694, 627, 39470, 439, 264, 2678, 8334, 7639, 480, 1293, 8710, 1063, 12624, 41328, 13, 1283, 15262, 311, 1514, 304, 720, 1820, 13863, 315, 813, 39284, 11, 889, 14264, 19837, 439, 1664, 439, 26390, 323, 24822, 369, 1077, 2007, 13, 720, 1966, 832, 13402, 11, 994, 1364, 6773, 311, 1456, 704, 1063, 502, 21075, 65391, 11, 902, 574, 10171, 720, 998, 8356, 11493, 323, 2731, 31665, 11, 7639, 15746, 449, 738, 944, 367, 430, 279, 9578, 56741, 82, 1051, 720, 273, 2370, 279, 28036, 12020, 449, 279, 502, 26333, 323, 73691, 311, 279, 28036, 12020, 449, 279, 2362, 11, 720, 1712, 2902, 263, 3093, 5933, 33155, 13, 13566, 7639, 20536, 430, 1070, 2011, 617, 1027, 2555, 720, 71, 2227, 1285, 323, 34973, 304, 279, 502, 26333, 11, 902, 279, 9578, 56741, 82, 7846, 1431, 2559, 11, 323, 902, 720, 28010, 1124, 28500, 311, 279, 5933, 4676, 13, 1283, 2646, 29695, 420, 4216, 3217, 13, 720, 50384, 57017, 505, 1579, 2978, 11, 7639, 6773, 311, 3719, 264, 28378, 323, 4024, 389, 311, 4007, 720, 266, 279, 23978, 315, 426, 417, 75, 2933, 11, 468, 8977, 79302, 11, 20437, 11, 323, 7730, 581, 5673, 13, 46982, 813, 7978, 323, 369, 720, 1820, 2800, 315, 813, 2324, 568, 14958, 1880, 944, 750, 22999, 11, 2744, 5737, 449, 24525, 11, 20910, 720, 14336, 3923, 1053, 3621, 422, 1981, 529, 1666, 264, 3995, 10896, 11, 3318, 439, 18328, 311, 17054, 24881, 98625, 32757, 261, 3751, 720, 258, 426, 417, 75, 2933, 1174, 568, 11713, 279, 28807, 16392, 78306, 505, 38915, 11, 39441, 1124, 323, 5614, 872, 720, 69, 86795, 3213, 11, 872, 3691, 11, 323, 2345, 1729, 27730, 3177, 13711, 80078, 279, 3392, 315, 52495, 814, 4036, 13, 2355, 2409, 1521, 5528, 568, 26399, 304, 10223, 279, 8146, 315, 279, 61741, 627, 2028, 15972, 1461, 430, 37493, 323, 3177, 1436, 2349, 279, 39097, 315, 264, 5496, 6136, 13, 2030, 568, 720, 32345, 912, 4623, 1268, 311, 3881, 420, 18841, 311, 3823, 23837, 11, 1095, 7636, 311, 21730, 1124, 13, 220, 1102, 3952, 813, 720, 785, 6129, 2890, 3575, 11, 813, 46350, 15748, 10879, 9971, 33903, 11, 311, 1501, 1461, 279, 1648, 8469, 627, 791, 9971, 33903, 1051, 779, 33318, 323, 1421, 8293, 779, 14134, 11, 430, 568, 574, 28495, 311, 656, 720, 34431, 922, 1124, 13, 220, 5414, 13639, 323, 45724, 11, 8884, 568, 1047, 61302, 11, 1047, 1027, 12153, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 16, 220, 21, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 998, 4284, 264, 6514, 13, 220, 2435, 1047, 1071, 430, 568, 7070, 2733, 2731, 994, 568, 2751, 311, 387, 304, 813, 5209, 2269, 2130, 552, 13, 720, 4071, 279, 3995, 10896, 7846, 1431, 85775, 425, 2324, 369, 279, 1828, 220, 966, 1667, 449, 1884, 9971, 33903, 902, 720, 57753, 8774, 1461, 304, 4950, 11, 304, 264, 6453, 6901, 3130, 11, 449, 16806, 6784, 323, 61880, 11, 369, 1403, 477, 2380, 720, 14097, 264, 2046, 0, 220, 2684, 1047, 311, 387, 264, 2731, 4320, 11, 323, 568, 574, 11075, 311, 1505, 433, 627, 1271, 1212, 813, 2778, 11, 568, 1373, 4395, 14132, 9959, 430, 568, 1436, 1505, 13, 220, 12334, 6928, 720, 42286, 709, 13, 220, 1283, 12263, 264, 1396, 315, 45724, 439, 264, 8893, 323, 1766, 912, 1520, 13, 220, 1102, 574, 555, 11677, 320, 333, 720, 906, 4510, 304, 33788, 8, 430, 832, 1938, 568, 3782, 4028, 264, 5684, 23524, 1268, 264, 5333, 11, 16066, 720, 1527, 9971, 33903, 11, 574, 9087, 994, 1364, 1701, 5678, 439, 264, 1709, 35518, 24623, 13, 220, 1283, 23838, 813, 4725, 720, 12008, 315, 3691, 323, 6818, 704, 3892, 2204, 41943, 13, 220, 1102, 5614, 1077, 10173, 13, 220, 16943, 1372, 0, 37558, 1047, 15972, 720, 40617, 4205, 922, 10173, 26, 6463, 1047, 813, 13639, 3596, 9932, 279, 13336, 430, 904, 21249, 720, 67, 56407, 574, 8599, 449, 10173, 13, 2030, 11, 439, 2744, 11, 568, 574, 10032, 311, 9526, 11, 1524, 3952, 1461, 264, 720, 3556, 323, 264, 1396, 315, 28950, 1603, 568, 9749, 430, 264, 12290, 12862, 46482, 10173, 8774, 1461, 1949, 720, 1527, 279, 6784, 323, 61880, 315, 9971, 33903, 627, 4897, 574, 994, 568, 3940, 311, 1005, 34625, 6514, 304, 813, 6725, 13, 3277, 6978, 3782, 311, 813, 720, 27614, 304, 426, 25641, 31202, 16066, 505, 92981, 11, 568, 3309, 1124, 42762, 430, 4184, 311, 682, 279, 6593, 720, 87042, 1070, 574, 912, 27208, 369, 420, 3575, 38542, 430, 568, 5678, 1047, 1027, 16066, 505, 433, 11, 3156, 264, 720, 3455, 315, 10173, 1047, 7263, 1461, 16337, 13, 220, 1283, 12090, 430, 279, 6978, 1456, 279, 1890, 1749, 13, 3277, 720, 45010, 6978, 6052, 311, 1518, 1461, 1063, 220, 18, 12, 19, 5672, 3010, 11, 814, 15870, 5068, 430, 814, 1051, 720, 10816, 505, 9971, 33903, 60654, 1317, 439, 814, 36051, 291, 311, 279, 7452, 34625, 5718, 323, 3287, 529, 259, 41868, 13, 2355, 2028, 3217, 1903, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 311, 8464, 311, 813, 1749, 439, 279, 3451, 44, 5346, 8511, 27304, 23189, 279, 3254, 720, 83, 35320, 369, 264, 3254, 12458, 11, 439, 5300, 304, 21349, 16088, 11, 3156, 2555, 7077, 720, 998, 2349, 813, 1684, 13, 220, 3861, 1938, 264, 92981, 7831, 261, 61302, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 323, 574, 28932, 311, 11142, 720, 1820, 3451, 44, 5346, 8511, 27304, 14639, 220, 1283, 1550, 13, 256, 2030, 994, 568, 6052, 264, 2305, 477, 779, 3010, 11, 568, 1047, 2555, 720, 15824, 21707, 311, 1934, 25, 10035, 11, 813, 9971, 33903, 1051, 8208, 11, 719, 279, 6930, 88234, 320, 99889, 355, 74260, 285, 8, 2355, 383, 1047, 1027, 16066, 505, 574, 1101, 21730, 13, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 574, 44929, 25, 220, 1054, 2822, 11, 499, 7846, 1431, 617, 720, 32345, 99889, 355, 11, 433, 2011, 617, 1027, 2555, 775, 11, 99889, 355, 374, 62622, 481, 2476, 568, 14610, 13, 220, 2030, 279, 8893, 720, 8723, 2041, 279, 3135, 315, 27692, 7177, 11, 902, 19168, 430, 13118, 1070, 1047, 1027, 15286, 3035, 273, 80980, 58268, 720, 258, 279, 39881, 315, 813, 63324, 13, 220, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 574, 48026, 13, 1283, 7846, 1431, 1518, 264, 3717, 1990, 720, 76, 5346, 8511, 323, 99889, 355, 11, 779, 3249, 1550, 2225, 4787, 27661, 30, 1115, 574, 2500, 51391, 4545, 304, 813, 720, 14789, 994, 568, 1047, 311, 2610, 264, 3488, 323, 1505, 459, 4320, 13, 2057, 1212, 449, 11, 568, 4691, 813, 8893, 3508, 720, 383, 7020, 1023, 99889, 355, 96460, 11, 323, 422, 779, 11, 311, 3708, 1124, 311, 1461, 369, 6514, 11, 1949, 315, 6900, 13, 4427, 720, 6142, 323, 1051, 64688, 13, 323, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 1047, 311, 4287, 430, 813, 92981, 10173, 1436, 1101, 27661, 279, 720, 265, 19849, 398, 62622, 481, 6930, 88234, 627, 16366, 23649, 3135, 8813, 279, 25212, 315, 279, 11495, 21271, 88234, 24687, 11, 93607, 720, 50, 28196, 1347, 1412, 11, 315, 47304, 11, 10057, 13, 220, 1283, 2231, 220, 10617, 315, 813, 3451, 258, 2407, 481, 529, 99889, 355, 6978, 389, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 753, 720, 94942, 11, 5605, 430, 422, 480, 1293, 1436, 3009, 279, 5208, 315, 279, 8624, 304, 264, 3254, 8893, 11, 568, 1053, 720, 9978, 19704, 4395, 279, 3995, 10896, 11922, 13, 578, 480, 1293, 10173, 539, 1193, 12800, 279, 8624, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 16, 220, 22, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 4734, 11, 433, 3604, 64688, 220, 19697, 315, 1884, 14243, 5986, 6978, 13, 328, 28196, 1347, 1412, 753, 2077, 574, 311, 3498, 720, 14336, 26301, 529, 3135, 304, 12387, 12624, 16064, 13, 2355, 4071, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 574, 539, 20097, 13, 1283 ]
ampa Tribune several years ago told of an infant who contracted polio from the vaccination itself. The same thing happens with the flu vaccine. How many people do you know who took the flu shot and still contracted the flu? This is another example of the stupidity of this toxic practice, and one that has happened thousands of times. No one should deny the dangers of vaccines. The measles, mumps, rubella (German measles) and polio vaccines all contain live but weakened viruses. Although health officials say that polio has been wiped out in the U.S. since 1979, they often fail to mention that all recorded cases of polio since that time are actually caused by the polio vaccine, or that we now simply call polio by another name—spinal meningitis. When are we going to lift our heads out of the sand and into the heavens? A clean and vital body does not get sick. Its immune system is strong and its ability to protect itself is unbelievable. Natural immunity lasts a lifetime, whereas vaccinated immunity is shortlived—estimated at only approximately seven years. We forget that nature (God), through the botanical kingdom, supplies all that we need. It is far better to use herbal anti-parasitics, astringents and proliferants to clean and strengthen your body than it is to pollute it with toxic chemicals, active parasites and foreign proteins. Many vaccines have been collaborative experiments. One such experiment was reported between Kaiser Permanente of Southern California and the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) with the blessing of WHO(the World Health Organization). Between 1989 and 1991, this joint project used the virus from the Edmon-ston-Zagreb (E-Z) Measles on 1500 “poor, Black and Latino inner city children, primarily in Los Angeles. This experimentation had previously been attempted in Africa, Haiti and Mexico, with devastating results. Large numbers of children died directly from the vaccine and many more from the effects of its immuno-suppression, leading to the failure of these children to fight other pathogens.” (Cancer Cover-Up {Genocide} by Kathleen Deoul. See Bibliography.) Vaccinations have led to immuno-suppres-sion and mutation, causing untold conditions many now suffer from. Human beings and their use of science have created much unnecessary pain, suffering and death, based in stupidity and in the desire to control nature and others. Diseases from the Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS, cancer, mutation of the body, and countless other conditions can be directly related to vaccinations. Since most vaccines are alive and manufactured from human and animal tissues like monkey kidneys, cattle and human embryos, chicken hearts and human placentas, contamination and mutation of these viruses /vaccines exist. While nature always keeps itself in balance and harmony, the human ego has brought about a dangerous level of mutation and imbalance in nature, causing a frenzy of devastating and soon to be horrendous effects. Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a consumer’s group based in Virginia (USA), claims that vaccines are responsible for the increasing numbers of children and adults who suffer from immune system and neurological disorders, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and seizure disorders. She calls for studies to monitor the long-term effects of mass vaccinations, and wants physicians to be absolutely sure that these vaccines are safe and not harming people. (Good luck on that one.) There is overwhelming evidence now from research and reported cases from the United States, Great Britain, Africa, New Zealand and throughout the world, that vaccinations are a toxic and deadly practice. Ask yourself: Why does your government and other agencies that were created to “protect” the American public i.e., Center for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), Human Resource Services (HRS), knowingly allow such atrocities to exist? What is the difference between what is happening now and whatoccurred in Nazi Germany, where hundreds of thousands of Jews were destroyed? The difference is that it is legal and has spread worldwide. It now involves millions of people. The bottom line to this is simple: money. These same people probably go to church and think they won’t have to pay for such atrocities. If you think this world is heaven, think again. Many medical journals (including the prestigious British Lancet) have reported some of the side effects of these “killer” vaccinations; including side effects of the measles vaccine, which has been linked to asthma and allergy- type conditions. The DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) inoculation, which was first used in the 1940s, had widespread and disastrous results, including a multitude of deaths. Yet, states still legalized it. Japan outlawed it. The DPT vaccine has especially been linked to brain damage and neurological injuries (MS, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, etc.). The hepatitis B vaccine also stands out for many reasons. First, hepatitis B is not a difficult condition to overcome. Over 90 percent of hepatitis B cases are cured, and I’ve never seen a case not cured by natural means. Yet a vaccine was created for it, and this vaccine was administered to millions. It has now been linked to arthritis, diabetes, vascular conditions, Bell’s palsy, MS and other neurological conditions. In New Zealand, it was reported that diabetes increased by 60 percent following the introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine. The British Medical Journal reported a link between the hepatitis B vaccine and both autism and inflammatory bowel syndrome. One of the worst cases I’ve seen involved a sixteen-month-old female baby from Texas. She had a hepatitis B vaccination at three months of age, and shortly thereafter she went into constant convulsions. She became temporarily blind, and her left eye twisted to the left. She developed hepatitis and brain damage, and also had severe scoliosis of the spine. It took me two months to eliminate most of her convulsions. Her sight improved and the inflammation of her liver was diminishing. This was truly a sad case, but representative of what’s going on in the medical community. To add insult to injury, research has shown that the HIV virus was introduced in the Hepatitis B vaccine in four of the largest cities in the United States. Initially designed as a biological weapon, the HIV virus was introduced into the poor, ethnic groups and the gay communities. Dr. Horowitz, author of The Emerging Viruses, has done extensive investigative research into this matter and has collected a paper trail of who’s who, as well as the times and places of this whole experiment. What evil thoughts created and initiated this process are way beyond me. Whatever happened to themedical oath: “First, do no harm”? Vaccine investigator Neil Z. Miller questions whether we still need the polio vaccine when it causes every new case of polio in the country. Miller insists that before mass vaccination programs began fifty years ago, we didn’t have cancer in epidemic numbers; that autoimmune ailments were barely known; and that childhood autism did not exist. Our children are now given twenty to thirty different vaccinations in their lifetime, each having its own devastating effects. Is it any wonder that the incidence of juvenile diabetes has soared to 600,000 new cases per year, and is rising? This example is representative of most of the diseases out there. Those of us who work with cancer are appalled by the medical and scientific arrogance that has created this monster called “vaccines.” Doctors and researchers who do not understand health and how nature works still continue their endless efforts to destroy us through the guise of “modern” medical practices, saying that, “It’s the only way.” The problem of contamination has always plagued vaccine makers. During World War II a yellow fever vaccine manufactured with human blood serum was unknowingly contaminated with hepatitis viruses and given to the military. This resulted in more than 50,000 cases of serum hepatitis among our American troops who were injected with the vaccine. I also want to mention the simian virus, number 40—also known as Sim- 40 or the SV-40 virus. This virus was created in the early to mid-1950s when polio vaccines manufactured in monkey kidney tissue became contaminated. I have focused on this virus for many years now, and as research has shown, it causes cancer in animals and is probably linked to some lung cancers (mesothelioma) and bone marrow cancer (multiple myeloma). Humans today are more toxic and weakened than at any other time in history. The immune system, through genetics, is now at an all time low. Since people have chosen the paths they have, particularly through inoculation with poisons, we are seeing chronic and degenerative weaknesses or conditions, even in infants. Remember, you cannot put parasites into a toxic body without severe consequences. Since we know so little about viruses it is extremely dangerous to be playing with them like it were some game. It is now thought that these viral proteins become a part of our cells’ DNA structures in some way and are passed down through genetics. Again, it
[ 23465, 41439, 198, 3892, 1667, 4227, 3309, 315, 459, 31383, 889, 198, 20871, 291, 1499, 822, 505, 279, 47165, 5196, 13, 578, 1890, 3245, 8741, 449, 279, 198, 27256, 25474, 13, 2650, 1690, 1274, 656, 499, 1440, 889, 3952, 279, 20236, 6689, 323, 2103, 198, 20871, 291, 279, 20236, 30, 1115, 374, 2500, 3187, 315, 279, 88637, 315, 420, 21503, 198, 60621, 11, 323, 832, 430, 706, 7077, 9214, 315, 3115, 627, 2822, 832, 1288, 23973, 279, 37064, 315, 40300, 13, 578, 80337, 11, 296, 12055, 345, 60530, 6985, 320, 33179, 80337, 8, 323, 1499, 822, 40300, 682, 6782, 3974, 719, 58764, 198, 46957, 4881, 13, 10541, 2890, 7510, 2019, 430, 1499, 822, 706, 1027, 49266, 704, 304, 279, 198, 52, 815, 13, 2533, 220, 4468, 24, 11, 814, 3629, 3775, 311, 6420, 430, 682, 12715, 5157, 315, 1499, 822, 198, 11536, 430, 892, 527, 3604, 720, 936, 2656, 198, 555, 279, 1499, 822, 25474, 11, 477, 430, 584, 1457, 198, 15124, 2603, 1650, 1499, 822, 555, 2500, 836, 2345, 2203, 992, 67979, 20000, 13, 3277, 527, 584, 2133, 311, 198, 36069, 1057, 14971, 704, 315, 279, 9462, 323, 1139, 279, 63880, 5380, 32, 4335, 323, 16595, 2547, 1587, 539, 636, 14363, 13, 11699, 22852, 1887, 374, 3831, 323, 198, 1220, 5845, 311, 6144, 5196, 374, 52229, 13, 18955, 40368, 40758, 264, 19569, 345, 2940, 300, 70558, 40368, 374, 2875, 75, 2270, 2345, 45329, 520, 1193, 13489, 198, 81285, 1667, 13, 1226, 10894, 430, 7138, 320, 28622, 705, 1555, 279, 98302, 26135, 345, 13066, 7350, 682, 430, 584, 1205, 13, 1102, 374, 3117, 2731, 311, 1005, 51487, 7294, 58098, 300, 48079, 345, 64, 928, 812, 323, 43036, 1821, 311, 4335, 323, 20259, 701, 2547, 1109, 433, 374, 311, 198, 31241, 1088, 433, 449, 21503, 26333, 11, 4642, 79383, 323, 7362, 28896, 627, 8607, 40300, 617, 1027, 40806, 21896, 13, 3861, 1778, 198, 60529, 574, 5068, 1990, 68065, 3700, 1543, 6960, 315, 16642, 7188, 198, 438, 279, 549, 815, 13, 5955, 369, 31974, 7935, 320, 74558, 8, 449, 279, 40149, 315, 40312, 31524, 4435, 6401, 21021, 570, 28232, 220, 3753, 24, 323, 220, 2550, 16, 11, 420, 10496, 2447, 198, 2656, 279, 17188, 505, 279, 3279, 1677, 5594, 263, 11419, 351, 32575, 320, 36, 11419, 8, 2206, 300, 645, 389, 220, 3965, 15, 1054, 5481, 269, 345, 14755, 323, 44862, 9358, 3363, 2911, 11, 15871, 304, 9853, 12167, 13, 1115, 198, 60529, 367, 1047, 8767, 1027, 17644, 304, 10384, 11, 56290, 323, 12550, 345, 4291, 33318, 3135, 13, 20902, 5219, 315, 2911, 8636, 6089, 505, 279, 198, 85, 89121, 323, 1690, 810, 505, 279, 6372, 315, 1202, 4998, 16711, 59615, 4099, 11, 6522, 198, 998, 279, 8060, 315, 1521, 2911, 311, 4465, 1023, 720, 2398, 57118, 2029, 720, 3100, 11967, 18230, 47197, 198, 90, 10172, 43277, 534, 555, 65163, 1611, 11206, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 62926, 5814, 29275, 53, 4575, 12922, 617, 6197, 311, 4998, 16711, 59615, 24544, 1355, 290, 323, 27472, 11, 14718, 198, 3935, 820, 4787, 1690, 1457, 7831, 505, 13, 11344, 23837, 323, 872, 1005, 315, 198, 40657, 617, 3549, 1790, 26225, 6784, 11, 16066, 323, 4648, 11, 3196, 304, 198, 267, 16263, 488, 323, 304, 279, 12876, 311, 2585, 7138, 323, 3885, 13, 70674, 505, 279, 198, 38, 14643, 5111, 57496, 11, 46060, 11, 9572, 11, 27472, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 323, 28701, 198, 1605, 4787, 649, 387, 6089, 5552, 311, 91971, 13, 8876, 1455, 40300, 198, 548, 13989, 323, 28648, 505, 3823, 323, 10065, 39881, 1093, 39803, 198, 64381, 36371, 11, 36952, 323, 3823, 89873, 11, 16553, 23492, 323, 3823, 628, 18680, 300, 345, 778, 27935, 323, 27472, 315, 1521, 42068, 611, 85, 4575, 1572, 3073, 13, 6104, 7138, 198, 33222, 13912, 5196, 304, 8335, 323, 26348, 11, 279, 3823, 37374, 706, 7263, 198, 9274, 264, 11660, 2237, 315, 27472, 323, 68331, 304, 7138, 11, 14718, 264, 198, 69, 1466, 4341, 315, 33318, 323, 5246, 311, 387, 93840, 788, 6372, 627, 3511, 25062, 445, 4748, 36604, 11, 4872, 315, 279, 5165, 100058, 8245, 5955, 198, 8368, 64385, 705, 264, 11761, 753, 1912, 3196, 304, 13286, 320, 25342, 705, 8349, 430, 40300, 198, 548, 8647, 369, 279, 7859, 5219, 315, 2911, 323, 12884, 889, 7831, 198, 1527, 22852, 1887, 323, 64908, 24673, 11, 17508, 7323, 11, 6975, 198, 4338, 8623, 11, 51643, 11, 21249, 36709, 28439, 11, 99889, 355, 11, 68132, 46313, 590, 55652, 345, 36773, 91357, 323, 53250, 24673, 13, 3005, 6880, 369, 7978, 311, 8891, 279, 198, 4930, 9860, 6372, 315, 3148, 91971, 11, 323, 6944, 35944, 311, 387, 11112, 198, 19643, 430, 1521, 40300, 527, 6220, 323, 539, 90255, 1274, 13, 320, 15571, 15369, 389, 430, 198, 606, 29275, 3947, 374, 22798, 6029, 1457, 505, 3495, 323, 5068, 5157, 198, 1527, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 8681, 13527, 11, 10384, 11, 1561, 17340, 323, 6957, 198, 1820, 1917, 11, 430, 91971, 527, 264, 21503, 323, 25114, 6725, 13, 21069, 6261, 512, 10445, 1587, 701, 3109, 323, 1023, 13607, 430, 1051, 3549, 311, 1054, 47079, 89874, 1820, 3778, 586, 602, 1770, 2637, 5955, 369, 31974, 7935, 320, 74558, 705, 12369, 323, 26166, 198, 96443, 320, 82169, 705, 59788, 1572, 323, 25368, 63711, 15899, 45013, 198, 34541, 6684, 320, 19330, 27187, 1741, 705, 45013, 10554, 389, 67335, 2065, 64813, 198, 7, 1741, 3378, 705, 11344, 12027, 8471, 320, 39, 11706, 705, 68113, 2187, 1778, 72336, 311, 198, 29675, 30, 3639, 374, 279, 6811, 1990, 1148, 374, 12765, 1457, 323, 1148, 14310, 8293, 304, 32527, 10057, 11, 1405, 11758, 315, 9214, 315, 17420, 1051, 198, 15886, 291, 30, 578, 6811, 374, 430, 433, 374, 5897, 323, 706, 9041, 15603, 13, 1102, 1457, 198, 258, 12821, 2396, 11990, 315, 1274, 13, 578, 5740, 1584, 311, 420, 374, 4382, 25, 3300, 13, 4314, 198, 25030, 1274, 4762, 733, 311, 8993, 323, 1781, 814, 2834, 1431, 617, 311, 2343, 369, 1778, 198, 266, 28787, 1385, 13, 1442, 499, 1781, 420, 1917, 374, 23070, 11, 1781, 1578, 627, 8607, 6593, 42780, 320, 16564, 279, 41385, 8013, 720, 43, 1149, 295, 340, 617, 198, 76833, 1063, 315, 279, 3185, 6372, 315, 1521, 1054, 73178, 863, 91971, 26, 2737, 3185, 198, 81524, 315, 279, 80337, 25474, 11, 902, 706, 1027, 10815, 311, 51643, 323, 60754, 7058, 1337, 4787, 13, 578, 423, 2898, 320, 67, 15619, 700, 689, 2320, 531, 1892, 285, 2442, 295, 59063, 8, 87018, 2987, 11, 902, 198, 16514, 1176, 1511, 304, 279, 220, 6393, 15, 82, 11, 1047, 24716, 323, 53057, 3135, 11, 2737, 198, 64, 49068, 315, 16779, 13, 14968, 11, 5415, 2103, 78092, 433, 13, 6457, 65106, 291, 433, 13, 578, 423, 2898, 198, 85, 89121, 706, 5423, 1027, 10815, 311, 8271, 5674, 323, 64908, 15319, 198, 3269, 50, 11, 62145, 753, 11, 9928, 74680, 14746, 753, 8624, 11, 5099, 13, 4390, 791, 73975, 426, 25474, 1101, 13656, 704, 369, 1690, 8125, 13, 5629, 11, 73975, 198, 33, 374, 539, 264, 5107, 3044, 311, 23075, 13, 6193, 220, 1954, 3346, 315, 73975, 426, 198, 24857, 527, 64688, 11, 323, 358, 4070, 2646, 3970, 264, 1162, 720, 1962, 64688, 198, 555, 5933, 3445, 13, 14968, 264, 198, 85, 89121, 574, 3549, 369, 433, 11, 323, 420, 25474, 574, 38018, 311, 11990, 13, 1102, 198, 4752, 1457, 1027, 10815, 311, 55652, 11, 20335, 11, 64603, 4787, 11, 18366, 753, 281, 60384, 345, 4931, 323, 1023, 64908, 4787, 13, 763, 1561, 17340, 11, 433, 574, 5068, 430, 198, 8747, 16629, 7319, 555, 220, 1399, 3346, 2768, 279, 17219, 315, 279, 73975, 426, 198, 85, 89121, 13, 720, 791, 8013, 13235, 10139, 198, 5068, 264, 2723, 1990, 279, 73975, 426, 198, 85, 89121, 323, 2225, 38281, 323, 47288, 66358, 28439, 627, 4054, 315, 279, 12047, 5157, 358, 4070, 3970, 6532, 264, 59139, 23086, 6418, 8954, 198, 79064, 505, 8421, 13, 3005, 720, 32345, 264, 73975, 426, 47165, 520, 2380, 4038, 315, 4325, 345, 438, 20193, 46095, 1364, 4024, 1139, 6926, 5804, 14630, 919, 13, 3005, 6244, 198, 3975, 97254, 18507, 11, 323, 1077, 2163, 8071, 38817, 311, 279, 2163, 13, 3005, 8040, 73975, 198, 438, 8271, 5674, 11, 323, 1101, 1047, 15748, 1156, 337, 91260, 315, 279, 35776, 13, 1102, 3952, 757, 1403, 198, 50814, 311, 22472, 1455, 315, 1077, 5804, 14630, 919, 13, 6385, 14254, 13241, 323, 279, 198, 258, 45864, 367, 315, 1077, 26587, 574, 84153, 13, 1115, 574, 9615, 264, 12703, 1162, 11, 719, 198, 36369, 1413, 315, 1148, 753, 2133, 389, 304, 279, 6593, 4029, 627, 1271, 923, 27224, 311, 11134, 11, 3495, 706, 6982, 430, 279, 23495, 17188, 574, 198, 396, 30317, 304, 279, 61245, 82801, 426, 25474, 304, 3116, 315, 279, 7928, 9919, 304, 279, 3723, 198, 24137, 13, 59656, 6319, 439, 264, 24156, 10500, 11, 279, 23495, 17188, 574, 198, 396, 30317, 1139, 279, 8009, 11, 22277, 5315, 323, 279, 8485, 10977, 13, 2999, 627, 40701, 53431, 11, 3229, 315, 720, 791, 86148, 9734, 4881, 345, 706, 2884, 16781, 47736, 198, 61564, 1139, 420, 5030, 323, 706, 14890, 264, 5684, 9025, 315, 889, 753, 889, 11, 439, 1664, 198, 300, 279, 3115, 323, 7634, 315, 420, 4459, 9526, 13, 3639, 14289, 11555, 3549, 198, 438, 33230, 420, 1920, 527, 1648, 7953, 757, 13, 33739, 7077, 311, 49644, 950, 49042, 25, 1054, 5451, 11, 656, 912, 11682, 863, 5380, 53, 89121, 49581, 34221, 1901, 13, 17472, 4860, 3508, 584, 2103, 1205, 279, 198, 10097, 822, 25474, 994, 433, 720, 936, 4881, 198, 1475, 502, 1162, 315, 1499, 822, 304, 279, 3224, 13, 17472, 198, 1354, 1705, 430, 1603, 3148, 47165, 7620, 6137, 33517, 1667, 4227, 11, 584, 3287, 1431, 198, 19553, 9572, 304, 42620, 5219, 26, 430, 88191, 82907, 1051, 20025, 198, 5391, 26, 323, 430, 20587, 38281, 1550, 539, 3073, 13, 5751, 2911, 527, 1457, 2728, 198, 95065, 311, 27219, 2204, 91971, 304, 872, 19569, 11, 1855, 3515, 1202, 1866, 198, 3667, 561, 1113, 6372, 13, 2209, 433, 904, 5895, 430, 279, 39775, 315, 48770, 20335, 198, 4752, 87055, 311, 720, 5067, 11, 931, 198, 502, 5157, 824, 1060, 11, 323, 374, 16448, 30, 1115, 3187, 374, 198, 36369, 1413, 315, 1455, 315, 279, 19338, 704, 1070, 627, 23025, 315, 603, 889, 990, 449, 9572, 527, 917, 4841, 555, 279, 6593, 323, 198, 85930, 83843, 430, 706, 3549, 420, 18118, 2663, 1054, 85, 4575, 1572, 2029, 54943, 198, 438, 12074, 889, 656, 539, 3619, 2890, 323, 1268, 7138, 4375, 2103, 198, 9726, 872, 26762, 9045, 311, 7066, 603, 1555, 279, 84163, 315, 1054, 50889, 89874, 69216, 12659, 11, 5605, 430, 11, 1054, 2181, 753, 279, 1193, 1648, 49216, 791, 3575, 315, 47810, 706, 2744, 66402, 25474, 29414, 627, 16397, 4435, 5111, 8105, 264, 14071, 34653, 25474, 28648, 449, 3823, 6680, 198, 805, 372, 574, 84644, 11559, 52673, 449, 73975, 42068, 323, 2728, 311, 279, 198, 76, 20860, 13, 1115, 19543, 304, 810, 1109, 720, 1135, 11, 931, 198, 5157, 315, 41529, 73975, 4315, 198, 414, 3778, 17312, 889, 1051, 41772, 449, 279, 25474, 627, 40, 1101, 1390, 311, 6420, 279, 1675, 1122, 17188, 11, 1396, 220, 1272, 2345, 19171, 3967, 439, 4567, 7058, 1272, 477, 279, 17939, 12, 1272, 17188, 13, 1115, 17188, 574, 3549, 304, 279, 4216, 311, 5209, 12, 6280, 15, 82, 994, 198, 10097, 822, 40300, 28648, 304, 39803, 39042, 20438, 6244, 52673, 13, 358, 198, 19553, 10968, 389, 420, 17188, 369, 1690, 1667, 1457, 11, 323, 439, 3495, 706, 6982, 11, 433, 198, 936, 4881, 9572, 304, 10099, 323, 374, 4762, 10815, 311, 1063, 21271, 51423, 198, 1278, 288, 8942, 12574, 7942, 8, 323, 17685, 83748, 9572, 320, 36773, 856, 301, 7942, 4390, 95668, 3432, 527, 810, 21503, 323, 58764, 1109, 520, 904, 1023, 892, 304, 198, 19375, 13, 578, 22852, 1887, 11, 1555, 56104, 11, 374, 1457, 520, 459, 682, 892, 3428, 627, 12834, 1274, 617, 12146, 279, 13006, 814, 617, 11, 8104, 1555, 198, 258, 511, 2987, 449, 3273, 19941, 11, 584, 527, 9298, 21249, 323, 5367, 75989, 44667, 198, 269, 4787, 11, 1524, 304, 42534, 13, 20474, 11, 499, 4250, 2231, 79383, 1139, 264, 198, 998, 14668, 2547, 2085, 15748, 16296, 13, 8876, 584, 1440, 779, 2697, 922, 198, 46957, 4881, 433, 374, 9193, 11660, 311, 387, 5737, 449, 1124, 1093, 433, 1051, 1063, 198, 5924, 13, 1102, 374, 1457, 3463, 430, 1521, 29962, 28896, 3719, 264, 961, 315, 1057, 7917, 123956, 56420, 14726, 304, 1063, 1648, 323, 527, 5946, 1523, 1555, 56104, 13, 14077, 11, 433, 198 ]
physic ally and mentally. (257-191) As indicated, all the elements for revivifying, or for producing reproduction of functionings of organs, functionings of activities, functionings of nerve forces, are produced by glands. (360-4)It is always helpful to remembe r that, after resuscitation and balance are brought more perfectly to the body, we need to allow the system through its coordination to adjust the condit ion. This implies that there is a force of life which flows through the body at all times that will be a healing force when the body’ s balance is such that it can flow adequately. Cayce apparently sees balance and coordination as being actual physical forces within the body which can be affected through administration of different types of healing instrumentalities, such as massages, castor oil packs, exercises, inhalations, breathing adjustme nts, medications, surgery, and the attitudes of mind, emotions, and spirit. We must remem ber that attitudes, emotions, and beliefs all have their part in determining the health and constructive activity of the glandular structures of the body. This is the likely connection among thoughts and emotions, the functioning of the organs and systems, and the health or lack of it of the body. OceanofPDF.comChapter Ten Attitudes and Emotions in Healing Attitudes and emotions play a part in all healing experiences. Faith in the therapy, in the therapist, or in the God Force is an attitude, strengthened by repetitive activ ity. It is well known that such faith, even though it might not be the greatest in the world, aids in healing the body. Many years ago I suggested to a fifty-eight-year -old woman that she use a castor oil pack on her abdomen to ease the discomfort she developed from an episode of vomiting. She had never heard of such treatment before, but she readily agreed to use it according to the directions I gave her. When I saw her three days later, she was feeling great. “That pack was the best tranqui lizer I have ever used!” she exclaimed. Maybe it was the activity of the pack itself that did the relaxing and the healing, but it was aided by her attitude of acceptance of and trust in me as her physician. One cannot go through the physical readings and fail to come to the conclusion that emotions and attitudes of mind play a great part in the illnesses that have to do with portions of the body treated with castor oil packs. The psyche and the soma seemed at times to be one, as far as the Cayce readings are concerned. A good example is the instance of this woman who had gall bladder disease: Much might be said about the attitude the body has held that has caused a great deal of, or been a contributing cause to, the great distresses [cholecystitis] that come to the body; especially in the extremities, as these have grown to be in tendons, as the body has heldresentments in the body... Eliminating these will be getting only partially at the seat of the trouble. (3196-1) How does an attitude affect the physical body? How would it create an illness in the body? Why did Edgar Cayce say that a thought is a thing? These are questions that have puzzled searchers many years. I have thought of a “thing” as something that one could pick up and handle, like a tool, or a piece of bread, or a steering wheel. But one cannot pick up or handle a thought. And an attitude in a real sense is a thought. Cayce had no problem with this concept: To be sure, attitu des oft influence the physical conditions of the body. No one can hate his neighbor and not have stomach or liver trouble. (4021-1) In the spiritual realm, we understand God as bringing material things into reality, while creating us as coun terparts of Himself. Such an understanding still doesn’ t answer the questio n about how an attitude can bring about changes in a physical body. What physiology is involved? Perhaps it is most simply explained by acknowledging that emotions are basically located in the endocrine glands. These glands send nerve impulses throughout the body and, at the same time, produce and distribute hormones in accord with the kind of emotions being engendered. The chemicals thus produced are potent and direct activities in the autonomic nervous system and in various functioning organs. These chemicals produce conditions that we know as hypertension, ulcer of the stomach, heart disease, and a host of other illnesses that have not yet been recognized as having their origin in what we decide to think or to “feel.” Our emotions create either constructive or destructive habit patterns in the glands, as we use these emotions repeatedly over a period of time. The glands “do their thing,” in a sense, to the autonomic nervous system. Then the phys iology as a whole responds to create a physical illness that is a mirror image of the kind of thought that has been created as a pattern or habit in the mind of the glands. It may help to look at how a karmic influence—a memory from past lifetimes, and thus a thought imbedded in the consciousness—w as seen by Edgar Cayce to create a paralysis in the body of a thirty-nine-ye ar-old man.We can say that the karma affected the nervous system, perhaps through the circulation or through the influences of the endocrine glands—in this case, the adrenals, where power and for giveness lie side by side: Before this, then, the entity was in the land of the present sojourn, in those association s with the activ ities in the struggle for freedom on the part of some with whom the entity joined; yet the mercilessness of the savage (as woul d be termed in the present) was indicated in the orders given by the entity in dealing with characters and activities. And these rendered many helple ss. Ye are meeting same in thine own self. And some of those upon whom ye meted those measur es must today measure to thee in patience. Thus gain ye in that experience, through knowing that as ye sow, that must ye reap. For, life—the manifestation of that power, that influence ye call God—is continuous; and self must be purged that ye may walk as one with Him. For whom He loveth He chasteneth. Love thou thy fellow man! Manifest that ye would have measured to thee in thy daily life... So live today, then, that life that ye may look every one in the face and say, “The Lord for give thee, as I for give thee.” (2564-3) This man was living under the influence of thoughts he had chosen to make real because of his activiti es in a past life. They created a pattern. The pattern then brought about a condition of his physical body through the workings of the unconscious mind. All the time, I’m sure, he was asking himself and probably others, “Why did this happen to me?” His answer might have been found in another Cayce statement. This man apparently acted in error, a wrong direction according to his soul purpose in the earth. Cayce reminds all of us: For God alone quickens into life that which has through any form of error misdirected its flow through even the physical body. (1152-5) It’s a wonderful manner in whic h we are made. We have been told over and over again by the Cayce readings that the power of choice is God’ s greatest gift to us and we must learn to treasure that heritage and use it, not abuse it. In that way, we can create a new being!In his readings, Cayce seemed to sense the relationship of each part of the body to another portion, so that function then became a total working together. A weakening of one portion of the body often produced trouble and distress throughout the entire body. Cayce warned one man in his use of the packs: We would make these material applications. Don’ t do it until you have prayed very oft, or it’ll be more harm than good! (3492-1) This suggestion is stranger than psychosomatic direction becau se it has spiritual overtones, which Cayce seemed to find necessary in his explanation of the nature of the body. From the same reading, comes the following: Do this [the packs] for at least three series, after you have found yourself and your relationships to the Creator. Without finding that, apply it not. (3492-1) An unusual set of directions for application of the packs is also given in the same reading. The directions imply that the packs, when applied, can send a radiatio n of cleansing activity throughout the entire body. The mechanism is not described, only the mention that this will happen: Apply the packs warm, sufficient to make for that radiation of activity to the body, and then apply the electric pad—that throughout the whole body there may be that radiation which brings the elimination of poisons from the body (3492-1) This reading brings us back to the considerations which already have been touched upon—those dealing with eliminations, even from the cells themselves. Cayce’s “radiation” might be an effect brought on through the autonomic nervo us system.
[ 55124, 31953, 323, 198, 479, 750, 662, 320, 15574, 12, 7529, 340, 2170, 16717, 11, 682, 279, 5540, 220, 369, 5891, 344, 7922, 11, 477, 369, 17843, 198, 265, 23452, 315, 734, 826, 315, 36853, 11, 734, 826, 315, 7640, 345, 1723, 826, 315, 32015, 8603, 11, 527, 9124, 555, 82375, 13, 320, 6843, 12, 19, 8, 2181, 374, 2744, 11190, 311, 1323, 336, 1395, 436, 430, 11, 1306, 594, 26089, 7709, 323, 8335, 527, 198, 65, 6478, 810, 14268, 311, 279, 2547, 11, 584, 1205, 311, 2187, 279, 1887, 1555, 1202, 198, 27500, 2617, 311, 7652, 279, 9955, 275, 28772, 13, 1115, 24897, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 5457, 315, 2324, 198, 8370, 28555, 1555, 279, 2547, 520, 682, 3115, 430, 690, 387, 264, 21730, 220, 5457, 994, 198, 1820, 2547, 529, 274, 8335, 374, 1778, 430, 433, 649, 6530, 49672, 662, 53883, 346, 220, 14132, 198, 325, 288, 8335, 323, 38793, 439, 1694, 5150, 7106, 8603, 2949, 279, 198, 2664, 902, 649, 387, 11754, 1555, 8735, 315, 2204, 4595, 315, 198, 383, 6260, 42045, 1385, 11, 1778, 439, 64279, 11, 6445, 269, 5707, 31406, 11, 23783, 345, 258, 12130, 811, 11, 27027, 7652, 2727, 308, 2641, 11, 31010, 11, 15173, 11, 323, 279, 33726, 198, 1073, 4059, 11, 21958, 11, 323, 9090, 627, 1687, 2011, 1323, 336, 10418, 430, 33726, 11, 21958, 11, 323, 21463, 682, 617, 872, 961, 198, 258, 26679, 279, 2890, 323, 54584, 5820, 315, 279, 67169, 1299, 198, 47194, 315, 279, 2547, 662, 1115, 374, 279, 4461, 3717, 4315, 11555, 323, 198, 336, 41356, 11, 279, 31301, 315, 279, 36853, 323, 6067, 11, 323, 279, 2890, 477, 6996, 198, 1073, 433, 315, 279, 2547, 16853, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 26072, 18165, 198, 10673, 21237, 323, 5867, 41356, 304, 49741, 198, 10673, 21237, 323, 21958, 1514, 264, 961, 304, 682, 21730, 11704, 13, 34053, 198, 258, 279, 15419, 1174, 304, 279, 42863, 11, 477, 304, 279, 4359, 11994, 374, 459, 19451, 345, 67523, 18972, 291, 555, 59177, 4197, 433, 88, 13, 1102, 374, 1664, 3967, 430, 1778, 10082, 11, 1524, 198, 4636, 433, 2643, 539, 387, 279, 12474, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 52797, 304, 21730, 279, 2547, 16853, 8607, 1667, 4227, 358, 12090, 311, 264, 33517, 70815, 4771, 482, 820, 5333, 430, 1364, 1005, 198, 64, 6445, 269, 5707, 3854, 389, 1077, 64772, 311, 14553, 279, 44776, 1364, 8040, 505, 198, 276, 9417, 315, 63571, 13, 3005, 1047, 2646, 6755, 315, 1778, 6514, 1603, 11, 719, 198, 32158, 31368, 7378, 311, 1005, 433, 4184, 311, 279, 18445, 358, 6688, 1077, 16853, 4599, 358, 5602, 1077, 2380, 2919, 3010, 11, 1364, 574, 8430, 2294, 13, 1054, 4897, 3854, 574, 198, 1820, 1888, 41664, 72, 326, 3213, 358, 617, 3596, 1511, 18319, 1364, 80608, 13, 10926, 433, 574, 279, 198, 7323, 315, 279, 3854, 5196, 430, 1550, 279, 34948, 323, 279, 21730, 11, 719, 433, 574, 198, 3864, 291, 555, 1077, 19451, 315, 26586, 315, 323, 7095, 304, 757, 439, 1077, 28378, 627, 4054, 4250, 733, 1555, 279, 7106, 40174, 323, 3775, 311, 2586, 311, 279, 198, 444, 9134, 430, 21958, 323, 33726, 315, 4059, 1514, 264, 2294, 961, 304, 279, 198, 484, 2136, 288, 430, 617, 311, 656, 449, 19885, 315, 279, 2547, 12020, 449, 6445, 269, 5707, 198, 4853, 82, 13, 578, 88909, 323, 279, 58859, 9508, 520, 3115, 311, 387, 832, 11, 439, 3117, 439, 279, 198, 34, 352, 346, 40174, 527, 11920, 13, 220, 362, 1695, 3187, 374, 279, 2937, 315, 420, 198, 22803, 889, 1047, 19754, 62564, 8624, 512, 43182, 2643, 387, 1071, 922, 279, 19451, 279, 2547, 706, 5762, 430, 706, 198, 936, 2656, 264, 2294, 3568, 315, 11, 477, 1027, 264, 29820, 5353, 311, 11, 279, 2294, 198, 12489, 44357, 510, 971, 35853, 599, 20000, 60, 430, 2586, 311, 279, 2547, 26, 5423, 220, 304, 279, 198, 428, 1864, 1385, 11, 439, 1521, 617, 15042, 311, 387, 304, 8541, 2439, 11, 439, 279, 2547, 706, 5762, 2762, 1392, 304, 279, 2547, 662, 662, 662, 43420, 16252, 1521, 690, 387, 3794, 1193, 198, 4581, 34575, 520, 279, 10954, 315, 279, 12544, 13, 320, 16874, 21, 12, 16, 340, 4438, 1587, 459, 19451, 7958, 279, 7106, 2547, 30, 2650, 1053, 433, 1893, 459, 198, 484, 2136, 304, 279, 2547, 30, 8595, 1550, 60091, 53883, 346, 2019, 430, 264, 3463, 220, 374, 264, 3245, 5380, 9673, 527, 4860, 430, 617, 87420, 2778, 388, 1690, 1667, 13, 358, 617, 3463, 198, 1073, 264, 1054, 1626, 863, 439, 2555, 430, 832, 1436, 3820, 709, 323, 3790, 11, 1093, 264, 5507, 11, 477, 264, 198, 23164, 315, 16385, 11, 477, 264, 33277, 13587, 13, 2030, 832, 4250, 3820, 709, 477, 3790, 264, 198, 61665, 13, 1628, 459, 19451, 304, 264, 1972, 5647, 374, 264, 3463, 627, 34, 352, 346, 1047, 912, 3575, 449, 420, 7434, 512, 1271, 387, 2771, 11, 1651, 33462, 951, 43146, 10383, 279, 7106, 4787, 315, 279, 2547, 16853, 2822, 832, 649, 12491, 813, 9760, 323, 539, 617, 23152, 477, 26587, 12544, 627, 7, 16496, 16, 12, 16, 340, 644, 279, 18330, 22651, 11, 584, 3619, 4359, 439, 12967, 3769, 2574, 1139, 198, 265, 2786, 1174, 1418, 6968, 603, 439, 2346, 2024, 18753, 315, 66569, 13, 15483, 459, 8830, 198, 44466, 3250, 529, 259, 4320, 279, 2271, 822, 308, 922, 1268, 459, 19451, 649, 4546, 922, 198, 19926, 304, 264, 7106, 2547, 662, 3639, 78152, 374, 6532, 5380, 32576, 433, 374, 1455, 5042, 11497, 555, 61708, 430, 21958, 527, 198, 18275, 2740, 7559, 220, 304, 279, 842, 78738, 82375, 13, 4314, 82375, 3708, 32015, 87633, 198, 20322, 412, 279, 2547, 323, 11, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 8356, 323, 16822, 44315, 198, 258, 14902, 449, 279, 3169, 315, 21958, 1694, 2995, 1693, 291, 13, 578, 26333, 8617, 198, 8723, 2041, 527, 36875, 323, 2167, 7640, 304, 279, 3154, 48228, 23418, 1887, 198, 438, 304, 5370, 31301, 36853, 13, 4314, 26333, 8356, 4787, 430, 198, 906, 1440, 439, 63308, 11, 96971, 315, 279, 23152, 11, 4851, 8624, 11, 323, 264, 3552, 315, 198, 1605, 49909, 430, 617, 539, 3686, 1027, 15324, 439, 3515, 872, 6371, 304, 198, 12840, 584, 10491, 311, 1781, 477, 311, 1054, 57676, 49216, 8140, 21958, 1893, 3060, 54584, 477, 40652, 14464, 12912, 304, 198, 1820, 82375, 11, 439, 584, 1005, 1521, 21958, 19352, 927, 264, 4261, 315, 892, 13, 578, 198, 70, 8329, 1054, 3055, 872, 3245, 2476, 304, 264, 5647, 11, 311, 279, 3154, 48228, 23418, 1887, 13, 5112, 198, 1820, 4571, 602, 2508, 439, 264, 4459, 31680, 311, 1893, 264, 7106, 17563, 430, 374, 264, 198, 74325, 2217, 315, 279, 3169, 315, 3463, 430, 706, 1027, 3549, 439, 264, 5497, 477, 198, 97802, 304, 279, 4059, 315, 279, 82375, 627, 2181, 1253, 1520, 311, 1427, 520, 1268, 264, 597, 2227, 292, 10383, 29096, 5044, 505, 3347, 198, 113276, 7034, 11, 323, 8617, 264, 3463, 737, 2788, 9988, 304, 279, 25917, 2345, 86, 439, 3970, 555, 198, 2782, 12440, 53883, 346, 311, 1893, 264, 86139, 304, 279, 2547, 315, 264, 27219, 86703, 12, 9188, 802, 6418, 893, 23210, 649, 2019, 430, 279, 71542, 11754, 279, 23418, 1887, 11, 8530, 1555, 279, 198, 44398, 2987, 477, 1555, 279, 34453, 315, 279, 842, 78738, 82375, 49525, 420, 1162, 345, 1820, 1008, 1466, 1147, 11, 1405, 2410, 323, 369, 2728, 434, 10457, 3185, 555, 3185, 512, 10438, 420, 11, 1243, 11, 279, 5502, 574, 304, 279, 4363, 315, 279, 3118, 779, 73, 3514, 11, 304, 198, 54719, 15360, 274, 449, 279, 4197, 433, 552, 304, 279, 14993, 369, 11542, 220, 389, 279, 198, 4581, 315, 1063, 449, 8884, 279, 5502, 11096, 26, 3686, 279, 100252, 2136, 315, 279, 198, 82, 68256, 320, 300, 289, 11206, 294, 387, 61937, 304, 279, 3118, 8, 574, 16717, 304, 279, 10373, 198, 43068, 555, 279, 5502, 304, 14892, 449, 5885, 323, 7640, 627, 3112, 1521, 23188, 1690, 11591, 698, 11107, 13, 32269, 527, 6574, 1890, 304, 270, 483, 1866, 198, 726, 13, 1628, 1063, 315, 1884, 5304, 8884, 20043, 2322, 291, 1884, 7038, 324, 1560, 2011, 198, 31213, 6767, 311, 40344, 304, 30401, 627, 45600, 8895, 20043, 304, 430, 3217, 11, 1555, 14392, 430, 439, 20043, 58565, 11, 430, 198, 25849, 20043, 58003, 13, 1789, 11, 2324, 22416, 64050, 315, 430, 2410, 1174, 430, 10383, 198, 9188, 1650, 4359, 55434, 19815, 26, 323, 659, 2011, 387, 4087, 3640, 430, 20043, 1253, 4321, 198, 300, 832, 449, 21058, 627, 2520, 8884, 1283, 98892, 774, 1283, 75207, 268, 774, 13, 10919, 34223, 26236, 12637, 893, 4999, 39595, 430, 20043, 1053, 617, 17303, 311, 40344, 304, 26236, 7446, 2324, 662, 662, 16853, 4516, 3974, 3432, 1174, 1243, 11, 430, 2324, 430, 20043, 1253, 1427, 1475, 220, 832, 304, 279, 3663, 198, 438, 2019, 1174, 1054, 791, 10425, 369, 3041, 40344, 11, 439, 358, 369, 3041, 40344, 2029, 320, 4146, 19, 12, 18, 340, 2028, 893, 574, 5496, 1234, 279, 10383, 315, 11555, 568, 1047, 12146, 311, 198, 7072, 1972, 1606, 315, 813, 4197, 12583, 1560, 304, 264, 3347, 2324, 13, 2435, 3549, 264, 5497, 13, 578, 198, 14676, 1243, 7263, 922, 264, 3044, 315, 813, 7106, 2547, 1555, 279, 198, 1816, 826, 315, 279, 40711, 4059, 13, 2052, 279, 892, 11, 358, 4344, 2771, 11, 568, 574, 10371, 198, 40617, 726, 323, 4762, 3885, 11, 1054, 10445, 1550, 420, 3621, 311, 757, 12671, 198, 16366, 4320, 2643, 617, 1027, 1766, 304, 2500, 53883, 346, 5224, 13, 1115, 893, 198, 680, 31227, 31532, 304, 1493, 1174, 264, 5076, 5216, 4184, 311, 813, 13836, 7580, 304, 198, 1820, 9578, 13, 53883, 346, 35710, 682, 315, 603, 512, 2520, 4359, 7636, 4062, 729, 1139, 2324, 430, 902, 706, 1555, 904, 1376, 315, 198, 850, 5906, 20384, 291, 1202, 6530, 1555, 1524, 279, 7106, 2547, 662, 320, 7322, 17, 12, 20, 340, 2181, 753, 264, 11364, 11827, 304, 421, 292, 305, 584, 527, 1903, 13, 1226, 617, 1027, 3309, 927, 198, 438, 927, 1578, 555, 279, 53883, 346, 40174, 430, 279, 2410, 315, 5873, 374, 4359, 529, 274, 198, 70, 11423, 8352, 311, 603, 323, 584, 2011, 4048, 311, 32726, 430, 28948, 323, 1005, 433, 11, 539, 198, 370, 817, 433, 13, 763, 430, 1648, 1174, 584, 649, 1893, 264, 502, 1694, 0, 644, 813, 40174, 11, 53883, 346, 9508, 311, 5647, 279, 5133, 315, 1855, 961, 315, 198, 1820, 2547, 220, 311, 2500, 13651, 11, 779, 430, 734, 1243, 6244, 264, 2860, 3318, 198, 998, 3522, 662, 362, 83526, 315, 832, 13651, 315, 279, 2547, 3629, 9124, 12544, 198, 438, 35104, 6957, 279, 4553, 2547, 662, 53883, 346, 19201, 832, 893, 304, 813, 1005, 315, 198, 1820, 31406, 512, 1687, 1053, 1304, 1521, 3769, 8522, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 656, 433, 3156, 499, 198, 19553, 67797, 1633, 43146, 11, 477, 433, 4805, 387, 810, 11682, 1109, 1695, 0, 320, 18634, 17, 12, 16, 340, 2028, 24710, 374, 35058, 1109, 8841, 437, 13795, 5216, 387, 936, 84, 513, 433, 706, 198, 86390, 940, 927, 92745, 11, 902, 53883, 346, 9508, 311, 1505, 5995, 304, 813, 198, 327, 36990, 315, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 2547, 662, 5659, 279, 1890, 5403, 11, 4131, 279, 198, 44018, 512, 5519, 420, 510, 1820, 31406, 60, 369, 520, 3325, 2380, 4101, 11, 1306, 499, 617, 1766, 198, 22479, 726, 323, 701, 12135, 311, 279, 36778, 662, 17586, 9455, 430, 345, 10492, 433, 539, 13, 320, 18634, 17, 12, 16, 340, 2127, 19018, 743, 315, 18445, 369, 3851, 315, 279, 31406, 374, 1101, 2728, 304, 198, 1820, 1890, 5403, 13, 578, 18445, 34608, 430, 279, 31406, 11, 994, 9435, 11, 649, 198, 6820, 264, 12164, 6400, 308, 315, 60052, 5820, 6957, 279, 4553, 2547, 662, 578, 198, 2727, 5776, 2191, 374, 539, 7633, 11, 1193, 279, 6420, 430, 420, 690, 3621, 512, 29597, 279, 31406, 8369, 11, 14343, 311, 1304, 369, 430, 25407, 315, 198, 7323, 311, 279, 2547, 1174, 323, 1243, 3881, 279, 9249, 11262, 41128, 6957, 198, 1820, 4459, 2547, 1070, 1253, 387, 430, 25407, 902, 12716, 279, 44032, 198, 1073, 3273, 19941, 505, 279, 2547, 320, 18634, 17, 12, 16, 340, 2028, 5403, 12716, 603, 1203, 311, 279, 38864, 902, 2736, 617, 198, 82850, 24891, 5304, 2345, 54719, 14892, 449, 9961, 12922, 11, 1524, 505, 279, 7917, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 13, 53883, 346, 753, 1054, 70312, 367, 863, 2643, 387, 459, 2515, 7263, 389, 1555, 279, 198, 2784, 48228, 20233, 78, 603, 1887, 13 ]
with a hemochromatosis patient. Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement. The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease, or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional. © Copyright W alter Last & Austpac Productions. All Rights Reserved. | W eb Design by Austpac.10/30/24, 3:10 PM Health-Science-Spirit - Natural Therapy for Hemochromatosis https://health-science-spirit.com/Diseases/Hemachromatosis/Natural-Therapy-for-Hemachromatosis.html 2/2<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>THE LOVE CURE ... for CANCER and other DISEASES by Walter Last Love may be the missing factor in the treatment of many diseases. With cancer, for instance, psychological therapy has been shown to have a far greater success rate than any other properly evaluated therapy. Fear has a major negative impact on cancer patients. There is also a close relationship between fears often present subconsci ously and breathing problems as well as heart disease. Love is the opposite of fear. Emotional and psychological factors may well be the main reason why various therapies work with some patients but not with others. Releasing past emotional hurts and resentments is definitely good and helpful with any kind of healing, but it may not be enough if positive feelings remain missing. Therefore, the ideal is a holistic combin ation of appropriate therapies on other levels with additional comprehensive emotional therapy. After many years of working and experimenting with a wide range of therapies, I have come to the conclusion that some of the most important factors in restoring health and wellbeing are the twins of love and joy. For our emotional body, regular doses of these as well as other positive feelings, are as essential as vitamins are for the physical body, otherwise we develop emotional deficiency symptoms which can eventually disable physical functions. Most of us can remember a time when we were madly in love. Love, then, was not just a mental concept, but also an actual bodily sensation and it made us feel invincible. I believe that we really can become invincible in regard to disease by learning to feel this way again and this time on a regular basis as a way of life. Learning to Love Again Obviously it is not possible to fall in love with someone on a regular basis, but it is possible learning to experience the feeling of love as a conscious exercise. Love has traditionally been associated with the heart. Of course, it is not really the heart muscle itself that makes us feel love but rather an energy vortex or chakra in our aura that is centred at the middle of the breastbone. In order to feel love and increase our capacity to love we need to stimulate this heart centre by focusing our attention on it. Because of the specific location of the heart centre, diseases in the chest area should respond most readily to this therapy. This applies especially to breast cancer, which has a strong emotional and relationship component. For most of us, learning to feel love as a way of life does not come easy and requires a commitment to an exercise program. It will be especially difficult for most males, while many women may take to it quite naturally. In the following you will find some useful exercises. Experiment and continue to practise those that you find best to generate a feeling sensation in your body. Feeling is an energy, and energy follows thought or consciousness. This means the most basic requirement for activating our heart centre is to keep our attention focused on it. Later, when it is easy for us to feel, we can just keep a small part of our attention there while going about our daily business. You may find that it is very difficult to feel anything when you are tired or otherwise low in energy. Therefore, select a period of the day for these feeling exercises when you are reasonably energetic or possibly energise yourself beforehand with some light physical exercises combined with vigorous breathing in fresh air. Shaking all limbs and the whole body, as well as aerobic dancing to lively music are especially suitable to energise ones elf. Another possibility is a slow walk in fresh air with eyes to the ground, as monks may have done in a monastery garden. Breathing into the Heart Becoming conscious of our breath is one of the easiest ways to generate a feeling sensation inside our body and to keep our attention focused. Sit, lie or walk quietly and mentally follow your breath as it gently moves in and out. Breathe through the nose. Become aware that the outflowing breath is somewhat warmer than the incoming breath. After a while begin to pause for a second or two between inhalation and exhalation. Feel a light pressure in the middle of your chest during this pause. When you can distinctly feel it, focus again on feeling the warmth of the outgoing breath. Now combine this warmth with the light pressure felt in the middle of the chest. This is the location of the heart centre. Keep your attention focused on it and gradually try to intensify the feeling of warmth and spread it all over the chest, but especially towards the location of any health problem, such as a breast tumour. When you feel the warmth, you can disregard the pressure. This warmth inside your chest is very pleasant and makes you feel cosy, cared for and protected. Intensify any of these feelings if and when you get them. Try to create them deliberately by using your imagination and recalling other situations when you felt this way, possibly when relaxing in a warm bath while listening to soft music. You may find that you can perceive feeling sensations more easily and with greater intensity if you exhale very slowly and gently. When you can do this exercise successfully, you can also use it to keep your attention on the heart centre during your daily activities. You may quickly learn to keep part of your attention focused inside you chest while performing routine tasks, although you are likely to forget it during more demanding mental activities. That does not matter. If you ask your subconscious mind to remind you to do the exercise whenever conveniently possible, it will eventually oblige and may tell you a hundred times a day to focus again. If you are Home About Diseases Healing the Body Healing Foods Healing the Mind Healing the Emotions Energies Science & Spirituality Spirituality Contact10/30/24, 4:55 PM Health-Science-Spirit - The Love Cure https://health-science-spirit.com/Diseases/Cancer/The-Love-Cure.html 1/4somewhat tired it may even be easier to generate a feeling sensation during activities rather than by lying down and closing your eyes, which may cause you to drift of f to sleep. If it helps you to focus, you may also imagine your incoming breath being rose coloured or bright green and you may see this colour intensify in the chest area with each successive breath. Another possibil ity is to put one hand on the chest to feel a light pressure or to press lightly with one or several fingers at the middle of the breastbone. You may also experiment with a different breath imagination. Imagine your breath moving through the middle of the breastbone. Again, feel the slight pressure and then the developing warmth. For some, this exercise produces stronger sensations. When you are somewhat tired it will be better to do these exercises with your eyes open and possibly even while slowly moving or walking. Feeling Love After successfully practising the breathing exercise for some time, start experimenting with the following suggestions to see which one suits you best. Eventually you may use all of them at one time or another depending on arising opportunities. It will be easier to feel a love sensation if one already is in a loving relationship, or as a mother with a baby or as an animal lover with some puppies to care for. In this case you may just look lovingly at the chosen object while doing the breathing exercise and you may find it quite easy to convert the warmth in your chest into a feeling sensation of love. If you are not so lucky, you may recall in your memory a time or incident when you actually felt love. Vividly imagine this time and then intensify a sensation of love when it arises. Then forget the actual incident and only hold fast to that feeling inside your chest. A further possibility is to look lovingly at something grand or beautiful. This may be a tree, a flower, a picture, clouds, the sky or a person. Soak in the beauty and really appreciate it. Then send that feeling of appreciation back to the adored object. All the time keep focusing your attention on the breath in the chest centre and intensify any arising positive feeling. You may do the same by listening to some soul-stirring music. Eventually you can start feeling and sending a silent appreciation of love to anyone you come in contact with and over a distance also to someone with whom you have a disagreement or a past problem. When you tend to plants, watering, transplanting or sowing, project onto them your feeling of love or appreciation. You can really do that anytime at any activity. Your main problem will be to remind yourself again and again to do it. If you have difficulty generating a feeling sensation of love then try to feel compassion. This is also centred in the heart area. Look at or imagine pictures of suffering individuals. When you can feel and radiate compassion, try to change this to a feeling of love or a combination of
[ 449, 264, 17728, 5059, 442, 266, 10934, 8893, 627, 52125, 25, 578, 9395, 315, 420, 3566, 2816, 374, 311, 3493, 2038, 389, 1701, 5933, 21730, 5528, 311, 12576, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 17563, 323, 2890, 16048, 627, 791, 3229, 4250, 4287, 904, 5897, 12014, 369, 904, 3575, 40986, 505, 60257, 449, 1521, 5528, 13, 1789, 904, 6129, 8624, 345, 269, 422, 499, 527, 44003, 922, 264, 4040, 3388, 315, 1957, 11, 6056, 279, 1520, 315, 264, 40883, 2890, 6721, 627, 20644, 3028, 468, 11857, 8155, 612, 13222, 46051, 52964, 13, 2052, 10734, 15516, 13, 765, 468, 25470, 7127, 555, 13222, 46051, 13, 605, 14, 966, 14, 1187, 11, 220, 18, 25, 605, 5975, 6401, 12, 36500, 6354, 53829, 482, 18955, 40143, 369, 33924, 5059, 442, 266, 10934, 198, 2485, 1129, 12393, 31419, 1873, 1355, 53829, 916, 15302, 1082, 2315, 24240, 336, 613, 442, 266, 10934, 20906, 4688, 71626, 261, 9864, 15548, 11529, 336, 613, 442, 266, 10934, 2628, 220, 17, 14, 17, 128009, 128000, 17673, 40835, 356, 4622, 198, 13, 662, 662, 369, 220, 20076, 34, 643, 323, 1023, 423, 9311, 4157, 50, 198, 1729, 33305, 8155, 198, 29351, 1253, 387, 279, 7554, 8331, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 1690, 19338, 13, 3161, 9572, 1174, 369, 2937, 11, 24064, 15419, 706, 1027, 6982, 198, 998, 617, 264, 3117, 7191, 2450, 4478, 1109, 904, 1023, 10489, 26126, 15419, 662, 43067, 706, 264, 3682, 8389, 5536, 389, 9572, 6978, 627, 3947, 374, 1101, 264, 3345, 5133, 1990, 24087, 3629, 3118, 1207, 444, 54927, 220, 7162, 323, 27027, 5435, 439, 1664, 439, 4851, 8624, 13, 10919, 198, 285, 279, 14329, 315, 8850, 16853, 2321, 41964, 323, 24064, 9547, 1253, 1664, 387, 279, 1925, 2944, 3249, 5370, 52312, 990, 449, 1063, 6978, 719, 539, 449, 3885, 627, 697, 84652, 3347, 14604, 44164, 323, 47540, 1392, 374, 409, 171, 71831, 45168, 989, 1695, 323, 11190, 449, 904, 3169, 315, 21730, 11, 719, 433, 1253, 539, 387, 3403, 422, 198, 31587, 16024, 7293, 7554, 13, 15636, 11, 279, 10728, 374, 264, 61876, 68225, 520, 290, 315, 8475, 52312, 389, 1023, 5990, 449, 5217, 198, 884, 53999, 14604, 15419, 16853, 6153, 1690, 1667, 315, 3318, 323, 60257, 449, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 52312, 11, 358, 617, 2586, 311, 279, 17102, 430, 1063, 315, 279, 1455, 198, 15693, 9547, 304, 50203, 2890, 323, 57930, 527, 279, 44736, 315, 3021, 323, 16267, 13, 1789, 1057, 14604, 2547, 1174, 5912, 35130, 315, 1521, 439, 198, 9336, 439, 1023, 6928, 16024, 11, 527, 439, 7718, 439, 46192, 527, 369, 279, 7106, 2547, 1174, 6062, 584, 2274, 14604, 409, 171, 71831, 5979, 2301, 198, 24738, 52273, 902, 649, 9778, 11404, 7106, 5865, 13, 7648, 315, 603, 649, 6227, 264, 892, 994, 584, 1051, 13088, 398, 304, 3021, 13, 10919, 11, 1243, 345, 16514, 539, 1120, 264, 10723, 7434, 11, 719, 1101, 459, 5150, 48131, 37392, 323, 433, 1903, 603, 2733, 1558, 77972, 13, 358, 4510, 430, 584, 2216, 649, 3719, 198, 14386, 77972, 304, 5363, 311, 8624, 555, 6975, 311, 2733, 420, 1648, 1578, 323, 420, 892, 389, 264, 5912, 8197, 439, 264, 1648, 315, 2324, 627, 48567, 311, 10919, 14077, 198, 49314, 433, 374, 539, 3284, 311, 4498, 304, 3021, 449, 4423, 389, 264, 5912, 8197, 11, 719, 433, 374, 3284, 6975, 311, 3217, 279, 8430, 315, 3021, 198, 300, 264, 17371, 10368, 13, 10919, 706, 36342, 1027, 5938, 449, 279, 4851, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 433, 374, 539, 2216, 279, 4851, 16124, 5196, 430, 198, 80785, 603, 2733, 3021, 719, 4856, 459, 4907, 87627, 477, 523, 52503, 304, 1057, 40142, 430, 374, 2960, 1171, 520, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 17659, 20337, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 2733, 198, 31153, 323, 5376, 1057, 8824, 311, 3021, 584, 1205, 311, 51077, 420, 4851, 12541, 555, 21760, 1057, 6666, 389, 433, 13, 9393, 315, 279, 118020, 171, 71831, 66, 198, 2588, 315, 279, 4851, 12541, 11, 19338, 304, 279, 15489, 3158, 1288, 6013, 1455, 31368, 311, 420, 15419, 662, 1115, 17208, 5423, 311, 17659, 198, 66, 11967, 1174, 902, 706, 264, 3831, 14604, 323, 5133, 3777, 627, 2520, 1455, 315, 603, 11, 6975, 311, 2733, 3021, 439, 264, 1648, 315, 2324, 1587, 539, 2586, 4228, 323, 7612, 264, 15507, 311, 459, 10368, 2068, 13, 1102, 690, 387, 198, 36046, 1422, 171, 71831, 93113, 369, 1455, 25000, 11, 1418, 1690, 3278, 1253, 1935, 311, 433, 5115, 18182, 662, 763, 279, 2768, 499, 690, 33595, 71831, 303, 1063, 5505, 198, 327, 48815, 13, 47893, 323, 3136, 311, 88688, 1884, 430, 499, 33595, 71831, 303, 1888, 311, 7068, 264, 8430, 37392, 304, 701, 2547, 16853, 6251, 20659, 374, 459, 4907, 1174, 323, 4907, 11263, 3463, 477, 25917, 13, 1115, 3445, 279, 1455, 6913, 16686, 369, 72192, 1057, 4851, 198, 75217, 374, 311, 2567, 1057, 6666, 10968, 389, 433, 13, 25929, 1174, 994, 433, 374, 4228, 369, 603, 311, 2733, 11, 584, 649, 1120, 2567, 264, 2678, 961, 315, 1057, 6666, 1070, 198, 3556, 2133, 922, 1057, 7446, 2626, 13, 1472, 1253, 33595, 71831, 303, 430, 433, 374, 1633, 1422, 171, 71831, 93113, 311, 2733, 4205, 994, 499, 527, 19781, 477, 6062, 3428, 304, 198, 17947, 16853, 55915, 11, 3373, 264, 4261, 315, 279, 1938, 369, 1521, 8430, 23783, 994, 499, 527, 29546, 45955, 477, 11000, 4602, 1082, 6261, 198, 15145, 10888, 449, 1063, 3177, 7106, 23783, 11093, 449, 71920, 27027, 304, 7878, 3805, 13, 1443, 1802, 682, 49695, 323, 279, 4459, 2547, 1174, 439, 198, 9336, 439, 91490, 29066, 311, 49277, 4731, 527, 5423, 14791, 311, 4602, 1082, 6305, 41845, 13, 13596, 13336, 374, 264, 6435, 4321, 304, 7878, 3805, 449, 198, 58331, 311, 279, 5015, 11, 439, 66477, 1253, 617, 2884, 304, 264, 85861, 13863, 627, 51329, 44661, 1139, 279, 18449, 198, 33, 762, 18238, 17371, 315, 1057, 11745, 374, 832, 315, 279, 30689, 5627, 311, 7068, 264, 8430, 37392, 4871, 1057, 2547, 323, 311, 2567, 1057, 198, 54203, 10968, 13, 29508, 11, 10457, 477, 4321, 30666, 323, 34325, 1833, 701, 11745, 439, 433, 30373, 11031, 304, 323, 704, 13, 426, 1244, 383, 1555, 279, 19689, 627, 65349, 8010, 430, 279, 704, 171, 120912, 24060, 220, 11745, 374, 14738, 46039, 1109, 279, 19957, 11745, 13, 4740, 264, 1418, 3240, 311, 18579, 369, 264, 2132, 477, 198, 20375, 1990, 77773, 367, 323, 506, 12130, 367, 13, 32833, 264, 3177, 7410, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 701, 15489, 2391, 420, 18579, 13, 3277, 499, 649, 71249, 198, 57676, 433, 11, 5357, 1578, 389, 8430, 279, 41463, 315, 279, 37798, 11745, 627, 7184, 16343, 420, 41463, 449, 279, 3177, 7410, 6612, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 15489, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 3813, 315, 279, 4851, 12541, 13, 13969, 701, 198, 54203, 10968, 389, 433, 323, 27115, 1456, 311, 25228, 1463, 279, 8430, 315, 41463, 323, 9041, 433, 682, 927, 279, 15489, 11, 719, 5423, 7119, 279, 198, 2588, 315, 904, 2890, 3575, 11, 1778, 220, 439, 264, 17659, 15756, 414, 662, 3277, 499, 2733, 279, 41463, 11, 499, 649, 58817, 279, 7410, 13, 1115, 41463, 198, 42450, 701, 15489, 374, 1633, 24729, 323, 3727, 499, 2733, 85979, 11, 42777, 369, 323, 2682, 13, 1357, 729, 1463, 904, 315, 1521, 16024, 422, 323, 994, 499, 198, 456, 1124, 13, 9934, 311, 1893, 1124, 36192, 555, 1701, 701, 28899, 323, 89746, 1023, 15082, 994, 499, 6612, 420, 1648, 11, 11000, 198, 9493, 34948, 304, 264, 8369, 9061, 1418, 14624, 311, 8579, 4731, 13, 1472, 1253, 33595, 71831, 303, 430, 499, 649, 45493, 8430, 72597, 810, 6847, 323, 198, 4291, 7191, 21261, 422, 499, 57759, 1604, 1633, 14297, 323, 30373, 16853, 4599, 499, 649, 656, 420, 10368, 7946, 1174, 499, 649, 1101, 1005, 433, 311, 2567, 701, 6666, 389, 279, 4851, 12541, 2391, 701, 7446, 7640, 627, 2675, 1253, 6288, 4048, 311, 2567, 961, 315, 701, 6666, 10968, 4871, 499, 15489, 1418, 16785, 14348, 9256, 11, 8051, 499, 527, 4461, 198, 998, 10894, 433, 2391, 810, 26192, 10723, 7640, 13, 3011, 1587, 539, 5030, 662, 1442, 499, 2610, 701, 84951, 4059, 311, 24928, 499, 311, 656, 279, 198, 64562, 15716, 49170, 3284, 11, 433, 690, 9778, 1536, 53890, 323, 1253, 3371, 499, 264, 7895, 3115, 264, 1938, 311, 5357, 1578, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 198, 7778, 10180, 70674, 49741, 279, 14285, 49741, 40160, 49741, 279, 23754, 49741, 279, 5867, 41356, 75101, 552, 10170, 612, 17326, 10965, 17326, 10965, 9359, 605, 14, 966, 14, 1187, 11, 220, 19, 25, 2131, 5975, 6401, 12, 36500, 6354, 53829, 482, 578, 10919, 70819, 198, 2485, 1129, 12393, 31419, 1873, 1355, 53829, 916, 15302, 1082, 2315, 11547, 11967, 48848, 8288, 1009, 7813, 554, 2628, 220, 16, 14, 19, 57839, 81575, 19781, 433, 1253, 1524, 387, 8831, 311, 7068, 264, 8430, 37392, 2391, 7640, 4856, 1109, 555, 21078, 1523, 323, 15676, 701, 198, 58331, 11, 902, 1253, 5353, 499, 311, 34738, 315, 282, 311, 6212, 627, 2746, 433, 8779, 499, 311, 5357, 11, 499, 1253, 1101, 13085, 701, 19957, 11745, 1694, 16392, 58919, 477, 10107, 6307, 323, 499, 1253, 1518, 420, 12745, 198, 396, 729, 1463, 304, 279, 15489, 3158, 449, 1855, 50024, 11745, 13, 13596, 2278, 31617, 433, 88, 374, 311, 2231, 832, 1450, 389, 279, 15489, 311, 2733, 264, 3177, 7410, 477, 198, 998, 3577, 34504, 449, 832, 477, 3892, 33595, 71831, 983, 388, 520, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 17659, 20337, 13, 1472, 1253, 1101, 9526, 449, 264, 2204, 11745, 198, 318, 10569, 13, 38891, 701, 11745, 7366, 1555, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 17659, 20337, 13, 14077, 11, 2733, 279, 8275, 7410, 323, 1243, 279, 198, 16219, 287, 41463, 13, 1789, 1063, 11, 420, 10368, 19159, 16643, 72597, 13, 3277, 499, 527, 14738, 19781, 433, 690, 387, 2731, 311, 656, 1521, 198, 327, 48815, 449, 701, 6548, 1825, 323, 11000, 1524, 1418, 14297, 7366, 477, 11689, 627, 6251, 20659, 10919, 198, 6153, 7946, 3856, 3876, 279, 27027, 10368, 369, 1063, 892, 11, 1212, 60257, 449, 279, 2768, 18726, 311, 1518, 902, 198, 606, 29076, 499, 1888, 13, 38274, 499, 1253, 1005, 682, 315, 1124, 520, 832, 892, 477, 2500, 11911, 389, 40986, 10708, 627, 2181, 690, 387, 8831, 311, 2733, 264, 3021, 37392, 422, 832, 2736, 374, 304, 264, 21955, 5133, 11, 477, 439, 264, 6691, 449, 264, 8945, 477, 439, 459, 10065, 31657, 449, 198, 15031, 57725, 311, 2512, 369, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 499, 1253, 1120, 1427, 21955, 398, 520, 279, 12146, 1665, 1418, 3815, 279, 27027, 10368, 323, 499, 1253, 198, 171, 71831, 303, 433, 5115, 4228, 311, 5625, 279, 41463, 304, 701, 15489, 1139, 264, 8430, 37392, 315, 3021, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 539, 779, 18069, 1174, 499, 1253, 19635, 304, 701, 198, 17717, 264, 892, 477, 10672, 994, 499, 3604, 6612, 3021, 13, 42136, 307, 398, 13085, 420, 892, 323, 1243, 25228, 1463, 264, 37392, 315, 3021, 994, 433, 48282, 627, 12487, 10894, 279, 5150, 10672, 323, 1193, 3412, 5043, 311, 430, 8430, 4871, 701, 15489, 627, 32, 4726, 13336, 374, 311, 1427, 21955, 398, 520, 2555, 6800, 477, 6366, 13, 1115, 1253, 387, 264, 5021, 11, 264, 33595, 120912, 1223, 1174, 264, 6945, 11, 30614, 11, 279, 13180, 477, 264, 198, 9164, 13, 2100, 587, 304, 279, 13444, 323, 2216, 15763, 433, 13, 5112, 3708, 430, 8430, 315, 35996, 1203, 311, 279, 1008, 3093, 1665, 13, 2052, 279, 892, 2567, 198, 69, 87595, 701, 6666, 389, 279, 11745, 220, 304, 279, 15489, 12541, 323, 25228, 1463, 904, 40986, 6928, 8430, 13, 1472, 1253, 656, 279, 1890, 555, 14624, 198, 998, 1063, 13836, 5594, 404, 12928, 4731, 13, 38274, 499, 649, 1212, 8430, 323, 11889, 220, 264, 21737, 35996, 315, 3021, 311, 5606, 499, 2586, 304, 3729, 198, 4291, 323, 927, 264, 6138, 1101, 311, 4423, 449, 8884, 499, 617, 264, 62646, 477, 264, 3347, 3575, 13, 3277, 499, 8541, 311, 11012, 11, 73841, 345, 1485, 21494, 287, 477, 274, 24060, 11, 2447, 8800, 1124, 701, 8430, 315, 3021, 477, 35996, 13, 220, 1472, 649, 2216, 656, 430, 30194, 520, 904, 5820, 662, 4718, 198, 3902, 3575, 690, 387, 311, 24928, 6261, 1578, 323, 1578, 311, 656, 433, 627, 2746, 499, 617, 1422, 171, 71831, 66, 15070, 24038, 264, 8430, 37392, 315, 3021, 1243, 1456, 311, 2733, 30481, 13, 1115, 374, 1101, 2960, 1171, 304, 279, 4851, 3158, 13, 9372, 520, 198, 269, 13085, 9364, 315, 16066, 7931, 13, 3277, 499, 649, 2733, 323, 12164, 349, 30481, 11, 1456, 311, 2349, 420, 311, 264, 8430, 315, 3021, 477, 264, 198, 76128, 315 ]
softhereportwerefar morecautious,however;theyrecommended thatnoonetakemorethanthe RDAofthisvitamin,1.8to2.2mgperday.Tofollowthisrecommendation woulddeprivemanypeopleofameansforimprovingtheirhealthbytaking 50or100mgormoreeveryday,asIhaverecommended inChapter5. Manyorthomolecular psychiatristsrecommend200mgperdaytotheir patients,withsomepatientstaking400to600mgperday(Pauling,1983). Hawkinsreportedthat"Inmorethan5,000patientswehavenotobserved asinglesideeffectfrompyridoxineadministration of200mgofvitaminB6 daily."(HawkinsandPauling,1973.) Singledosesof50,000mgofvitaminB6aregivenwithoutseriousside effects.Theselargedosesaregivenastheantidotetopatientssuffering frompoisoningwithanoverdoseoftheantituberculosisdrugisoniazid (SieversandHarrier,1984). Nofataldosesareknownforfolacin(folicacid),pantothenicacid,vita- minB12,andbiotin.Thesefourwater-solublevitaminsaredescribedas lackingintoxicity,evenatveryhighintakes.ThevaluesoftheRDAfor adultmalesare400micrograms (/itg)forfolacin,7mgforpantothenicacid, 3fxgforvitaminB12,and200^gforbiotin. Thereisanoddsituationinvolvingfolacin.In1960theU.S.Foodand DrugAdministration(FDA)orderedthatnovitamintabletorone-day supplyofvitaminscontainmorethan250ngoffolacin,laterincreasedto 400ng.Thesecautiousorderswerenotissuedbecauseofevidencethat THELOWTOXICITYOFVITAMINS 255 folacinistoxicinlargerdoses.Folacinisnottoxic.Indeed,theFDAlimit of400/ngislessthantheamountconsiderednecessaryforgoodhealth. ProfessorRogerJ.Williams,whodiscoveredpantothenicacidandcarried outsomeoftheearlyworkonfolacin,haswrittenthat"Morethanthe specifiedamount(about2000micrograms,insteadof400micrograms) wouldberecommended ifitwerenotfortheconflictingFDAregulations." (Williams,1975.) Why,then,doestheFDApreventallofusfromobtainingtheproper amountofthisimportantvitamin?TheactionwastakenbytheFDAto makeiteasierforphysicianstodiagnoseadisease,perniciousanemia.This diseaseresultsfromthefailuretotransportvitaminB12fromthestomach intothebloodstream.TheresultingdeficiencyofvitaminB12ischaracter- izedbyanemiaandbyneurologicaldamageleadingtopsychosis.Both vitaminB12andfolacinarerequiredfortheproductionofredbloodcellsin thebonemarrow,andadeficiencyinB12isinpartcompensated forby increasingtheintakeoffolacin.Accordinglyahighintakeoffolacinmay preventtheanemiafromdeveloping,butitdoesnotcontroltheneurological damageresultingfromB12deficiencyandmaypossiblyexacerbate itby helpingtouseupthelimitedsupplyofB12byincreasingthered-cell production. In1960spokesmenforthemedicalprofessionarguedthatphysicians reliedonthedevelopmentofanemiatorecognizethediseaseandthatif folacinpreventedtheanemiatheywouldnotknowthatapatientbegin- ningtoshowsignsofpsychosiswasinfactsufferingfromperniciousane- mia.TheFDAthenannounced itsorderlimitingtheamountoffolacinin vitaminpreparations.Thisactionwas,therefore,nottoprotectthepub- licagainstfolacintoxicitybuttohelpphysicianstorecognizeperni- ciousanemiainafewpatientswhomightbereceivinglargeramounts offolacin. Now,aquarterofacenturylater,physiciansknowmoreaboutperni- ciousanemia,vitaminB12,andfolacin.Itiseasytotestanypatientwith neurologicalproblemsforB12deficiency.Thereisnolongeranyneedfor theFDAregulationthatlimitstheamountoffolacininvitaminprepara- tion.Thisregulationshouldberevoked. ThereisnoknownfataldoseofvitaminC.Asmuchas200grams(g) hasbeentakenbymouthoveraperiodofafewhourswithoutharmful effects.Between100and150gofsodiumascorbatehasbeengivenby intravenousinfusionwithoutharm. Thereislittleevidenceoflong-termtoxicity.Iknowamanwhohas takenover400kilograms(kg)ofthisvitaminduringthelastnineyears.He isachemist,workinginCalifornia.Whenhedevelopedmetastaticcancer, hefoundthathecouldcontrolhispainbytaking130gofvitaminCper 256 CHAPTER27 day,andhehastakenthisamount,overaquarterofapoundperday,for nineyears.Exceptthathehasnotsucceededinriddinghimselfcompletely ofhiscancer,hishealthisreasonablygood,withnoindicationofharmful sideeffectsofthevitamin. Therehasbeenextensivediscussionofpossiblesideeffectsofhighin- takesofvitaminC.Thissubjectistreatedinthefollowingchapter. Thereisnoknownfatalintakeoftheseveralcloselyrelatedsubstances, calledtocopherols,thathavevitamin-Eactivity.Differentmixturesofthese tocopherolsareavailable,withtheiractivity,determinedbyastandardtest, expressedasinternational units.Forexample,1mgofD-alpha-tocopherol equals1.49IUand1mgofD,L-alpha-tocopheryl acetate(amixtureofD andL)equals1IU. VitaminEisvaluableinmanyways,includingthetreatmentofcardiac andmusculardisorders.Itactsbothasageneralantioxidant,incollabora- tionwithvitaminC,andinsomespecificwaysinvolvinginteractionswith proteinsandlipidsnotyetwellunderstood. TheRDAofvitaminEis10IUperday.Manypeoplehavetakenmuch largeramountsoverlongperiodsoftime.Dr.EvanV.ShuteandDr. WilfridE.ShuteinCanadareportedonthousandsofpersonswhoreceived between50and3200IUofvitaminEperdayforlongperiodswithno signsofsignificanttoxicity(ShuteandTaub,1969;Shute,1978).Vitamin Easthefat-solubleantioxidant isavaluablecompaniontovitaminC,the mainwater-solubleantioxidant. 28 TheSideEffectsofVitamins Duringrecentyears,asmoreandmorepeoplehaverecognizedthevalueof anincreasedintakeofvitaminC,therehasdevelopedalivelyinterestinthe questionofpossiblesideeffectsofthisvitamintakenoverlongperiodsof time.Thisconcerninthepublicmindhasbeenamplifiedbyphysicians whocarryovertovitaminsthecautionaboutsideeffectsthattheyquite properlyattachtodrugs.Inpublicationandinconsultationwiththeir patients,theyhavespreadmisinformationandfalsealarm. Theproblemiscomplicatedbythebiochemicalindividuality(Chapter 10)thatgivesrisetotheheterogeneityoftheAmericanpopulation.The fact(Chapter26)thatonemanhastaken130grams(g)ofvitaminCper dayfornineyearswithoutdevelopinganysignsofharmfulsideeffectsdoes notmeanthateverypersonwoulddowellwiththisintake.Morepertinent isthereportbyDr.FredR.Klennerthathundredsofpersonsheobserved ingested10gofvitaminCperdayforyearsandremainedingoodhealth withnoproblemsthatcouldbeattributedtotheirhighintakeofthe vitamin. InareviewoftoxiceffectsofvitaminC,Dr.L.A.Barnessofthe UniversityofSouthFloridaCollegeofMedicinelistedfourteen(Barness, 1977).Ishalldiscussallofthem.Hesaidthatmanytoxiceffectsare insignificantorrareortroublesomebutoflittleconsequence.Amongthese 258 CHAPTER28 aresterilitycausedbyvitaminC,ofwhichthereisasingledoubtfulcase. Aboutreportsoffatiguetheauthorisskeptical;manypeoplereportan increaseinvigorwithincreasedintakeofthevitamin.Reportsofhypergly- cemiafollowingintakeofvitaminCmaybeunreliablebecauseofinterfer- encewiththetestforsugarintheurine,asdiscussedbelow.Itseems unlikelythattheallergicreactionsoccasionallyattributedtovitaminCare causedbytheascorbicacid
[ 708, 69, 19041, 403, 52898, 24470, 198, 6518, 936, 332, 1245, 11, 98936, 26, 20670, 86447, 430, 12684, 89821, 336, 461, 54895, 1820, 198, 49, 6486, 1073, 576, 55911, 8778, 11, 16, 13, 23, 998, 17, 13, 17, 12591, 716, 1316, 844, 1073, 1573, 576, 67689, 367, 198, 41450, 451, 12151, 16357, 500, 1184, 1073, 373, 598, 2000, 318, 782, 4504, 50828, 12393, 1729, 89894, 198, 1135, 269, 1041, 12591, 494, 461, 30115, 1316, 11, 300, 40, 71, 402, 486, 36971, 304, 26072, 20, 627, 8607, 2419, 316, 43943, 46876, 95059, 67689, 1049, 12591, 716, 1316, 998, 50828, 198, 81437, 11, 4291, 15031, 23557, 89985, 3443, 998, 5067, 12591, 716, 1316, 5417, 5049, 287, 11, 3753, 18, 4390, 39, 675, 11966, 76833, 9210, 33703, 6518, 54895, 20, 11, 931, 81437, 906, 72012, 354, 5598, 2841, 198, 4522, 645, 579, 27153, 1527, 3368, 1907, 5241, 483, 91690, 315, 1049, 12591, 1073, 55911, 8778, 33, 21, 198, 49174, 1210, 7, 39, 675, 11966, 438, 26368, 287, 11, 4468, 18, 29275, 60300, 839, 20274, 1073, 1135, 11, 931, 12591, 1073, 55911, 8778, 33, 21, 548, 43068, 30096, 805, 99355, 784, 579, 198, 81524, 5221, 107956, 93349, 20274, 548, 43068, 561, 383, 519, 94369, 295, 454, 16794, 784, 2084, 287, 198, 1527, 5481, 3416, 287, 4291, 276, 2017, 67, 974, 1073, 1820, 519, 275, 392, 74554, 73821, 3416, 28073, 307, 198, 3844, 648, 3078, 438, 27588, 7401, 11, 3753, 19, 4390, 45, 1073, 4306, 67, 20274, 548, 5391, 2000, 8566, 40488, 968, 7918, 58156, 705, 79, 13873, 3473, 292, 58156, 14605, 6388, 7058, 1083, 33, 717, 51526, 8385, 354, 258, 5221, 288, 830, 414, 13284, 1355, 337, 392, 3532, 275, 38925, 1636, 288, 17890, 300, 198, 75, 9162, 396, 5241, 62791, 11, 17206, 266, 1225, 12156, 396, 2094, 11829, 3745, 1073, 1820, 49, 6486, 2000, 198, 68956, 1764, 645, 548, 3443, 41543, 51870, 47325, 275, 70, 8, 2000, 8566, 40488, 11, 22, 12591, 2000, 79, 13873, 3473, 292, 58156, 345, 18, 8462, 70, 2000, 55911, 8778, 33, 717, 51526, 1049, 61, 70, 2000, 8385, 354, 258, 627, 3947, 17570, 347, 5469, 275, 4090, 258, 12821, 4504, 8566, 40488, 5450, 5162, 15, 1820, 52, 815, 1006, 1411, 438, 198, 78893, 96443, 7988, 6486, 8, 10767, 9210, 39142, 275, 309, 396, 481, 11222, 606, 11477, 198, 95783, 1073, 55911, 38925, 53195, 6518, 54895, 5154, 983, 1885, 337, 40488, 22997, 977, 43842, 1503, 998, 198, 3443, 983, 5221, 288, 762, 2784, 1245, 8076, 6703, 268, 354, 59326, 28753, 1073, 68, 1325, 967, 774, 266, 198, 17673, 9628, 5319, 55, 1341, 3414, 12766, 53, 964, 1428, 9751, 220, 3192, 198, 8566, 40488, 380, 82329, 258, 27995, 14685, 20274, 1006, 337, 40488, 285, 1962, 998, 14668, 13, 44623, 63738, 14938, 2149, 2408, 198, 1073, 3443, 45143, 285, 645, 267, 10118, 1820, 6173, 25742, 291, 95317, 97944, 1411, 12393, 627, 48120, 79525, 41, 1196, 484, 12663, 11, 1336, 347, 285, 21468, 79, 13873, 3473, 292, 58156, 438, 7063, 4588, 198, 11934, 638, 1073, 1820, 22928, 1816, 263, 8566, 40488, 11, 4752, 86, 56013, 306, 9379, 1, 7816, 54895, 1820, 198, 54534, 6173, 7, 9274, 1049, 15, 41543, 51870, 11, 65937, 1073, 3443, 41543, 51870, 340, 41450, 62386, 36971, 422, 275, 6703, 268, 354, 2000, 1820, 6263, 79308, 82169, 1610, 7607, 10246, 7, 62939, 11, 4468, 20, 29275, 10445, 11, 3473, 11, 3055, 478, 383, 82169, 93755, 37037, 69, 355, 1527, 677, 83, 2101, 339, 752, 299, 716, 198, 6173, 1073, 576, 15693, 55911, 8778, 30, 791, 1335, 86, 561, 3448, 1729, 1820, 82169, 998, 198, 7072, 635, 77783, 2000, 42305, 12734, 267, 31559, 3326, 974, 329, 56407, 11, 716, 77, 9824, 276, 22689, 29845, 198, 67, 1082, 12351, 288, 122761, 1527, 339, 830, 9557, 28879, 34489, 403, 55911, 8778, 33, 717, 1527, 61943, 316, 613, 198, 18614, 1820, 51105, 4116, 844, 1964, 288, 495, 287, 755, 10603, 1073, 55911, 8778, 33, 717, 285, 19740, 7058, 1534, 1729, 276, 22689, 438, 1729, 818, 2868, 31356, 43965, 21307, 3565, 82, 5759, 10934, 13, 21279, 198, 55911, 8778, 33, 717, 438, 8566, 582, 14080, 486, 3004, 71627, 752, 17158, 1073, 1171, 51105, 5997, 16319, 198, 1820, 6098, 336, 6172, 51526, 329, 830, 10603, 258, 33, 717, 58504, 4581, 5807, 729, 660, 369, 1729, 198, 43842, 4522, 1820, 396, 731, 1885, 337, 40488, 885, 6779, 398, 1494, 1108, 396, 731, 1885, 337, 40488, 18864, 198, 93755, 1820, 276, 22689, 1527, 16219, 287, 100004, 275, 28156, 1962, 2935, 339, 1994, 2868, 31356, 198, 15770, 1435, 288, 495, 287, 1527, 33, 717, 755, 10603, 438, 18864, 54228, 327, 51919, 349, 433, 1729, 198, 8823, 76019, 1559, 455, 339, 301, 32611, 95783, 1073, 33, 717, 1729, 43842, 4522, 700, 291, 33001, 198, 23452, 627, 644, 5162, 15, 2203, 8099, 5794, 71627, 16809, 950, 97235, 867, 3340, 9210, 42305, 9818, 198, 265, 124680, 6167, 15686, 76931, 1073, 276, 336, 10574, 461, 66, 4021, 450, 774, 291, 56407, 438, 9210, 333, 198, 8566, 40488, 1762, 74228, 1820, 276, 336, 10574, 36661, 41450, 1962, 33134, 9210, 391, 16794, 7413, 7058, 1251, 83, 9451, 4336, 625, 708, 44528, 5759, 10934, 16514, 13885, 11613, 2084, 287, 1527, 716, 77, 9824, 2194, 7058, 91299, 11829, 82169, 3473, 1036, 20018, 1202, 1382, 9696, 287, 1820, 6173, 1885, 337, 40488, 258, 198, 55911, 8778, 1762, 1768, 811, 29845, 1335, 16514, 11, 19041, 1348, 10337, 1751, 454, 4744, 440, 339, 752, 392, 7058, 416, 69849, 8566, 582, 396, 5241, 62791, 8248, 998, 50222, 604, 71, 1065, 12734, 4412, 66, 4021, 553, 716, 7907, 7058, 66, 1245, 276, 22530, 467, 2642, 365, 81437, 1336, 316, 492, 62386, 47444, 27995, 261, 6173, 82, 198, 1885, 337, 40488, 627, 7184, 15362, 33115, 1073, 18680, 3431, 68676, 11, 42305, 9818, 33134, 6518, 9274, 716, 7907, 7058, 66, 1245, 276, 22689, 14605, 76652, 33, 717, 51526, 8566, 40488, 28628, 1082, 6539, 28879, 478, 276, 1100, 16794, 4291, 198, 818, 2868, 31356, 96440, 2000, 33, 717, 755, 10603, 53407, 285, 77, 337, 647, 261, 3852, 17483, 2000, 198, 1820, 82169, 1610, 2987, 9210, 9696, 267, 383, 6173, 1885, 337, 40488, 14386, 76652, 1762, 15138, 7058, 28491, 29845, 1610, 7607, 71, 619, 62386, 85, 11059, 627, 3947, 285, 77, 564, 4262, 75494, 67, 974, 1073, 55911, 8778, 34, 885, 3647, 1412, 300, 1049, 51870, 3348, 340, 4752, 1395, 306, 3448, 65, 1631, 2969, 2017, 3271, 3205, 1073, 2642, 365, 25704, 22966, 2969, 2227, 1285, 198, 81524, 1823, 10259, 1041, 438, 3965, 70, 37181, 47876, 5171, 30986, 349, 4752, 1395, 833, 2116, 1729, 198, 59888, 81443, 13885, 7713, 4291, 2969, 2227, 627, 3947, 23265, 2433, 68, 28580, 1073, 4930, 9860, 998, 14668, 488, 2506, 33134, 13005, 1336, 2319, 300, 198, 83261, 2017, 3443, 86626, 56485, 6097, 70, 8, 1073, 576, 55911, 309, 485, 1711, 339, 301, 561, 94323, 42820, 52425, 198, 285, 613, 336, 380, 11, 21837, 258, 46510, 51861, 71, 15686, 1851, 291, 4150, 561, 780, 66, 11967, 345, 383, 15456, 9210, 383, 29177, 2935, 71, 13391, 467, 1729, 89894, 5894, 70, 1073, 55911, 8778, 34, 716, 198, 4146, 96424, 1544, 198, 1316, 51526, 383, 71, 561, 587, 21341, 285, 6173, 11, 2017, 64, 33115, 1073, 391, 801, 716, 1316, 11, 2000, 198, 94323, 42820, 5231, 1512, 9210, 383, 4752, 1962, 82, 30364, 31501, 81, 27598, 40617, 726, 884, 50268, 198, 1073, 71, 3510, 11967, 20393, 285, 383, 278, 576, 20489, 2915, 19045, 11, 4291, 2201, 485, 20901, 1073, 71, 2227, 1285, 198, 3002, 27153, 708, 69, 1820, 55911, 8778, 627, 3947, 4752, 82850, 428, 729, 2270, 3510, 17861, 1073, 9007, 21041, 579, 27153, 708, 69, 12156, 258, 7058, 79079, 1073, 55911, 8778, 34, 5221, 1056, 392, 585, 380, 2920, 48121, 830, 1573, 287, 41326, 627, 3947, 285, 77, 564, 4262, 75494, 396, 731, 1073, 6509, 2099, 17356, 2353, 989, 9920, 2008, 9623, 345, 44982, 55880, 17370, 3145, 11, 339, 589, 525, 55911, 8778, 13737, 7323, 920, 18780, 36171, 19020, 1073, 45010, 198, 55880, 17370, 3145, 548, 10547, 11, 4291, 50828, 7323, 12260, 47737, 1729, 561, 7803, 1985, 345, 14107, 291, 300, 98697, 8316, 10749, 87, 1545, 11, 16, 12591, 1073, 35, 65638, 2442, 511, 17370, 337, 198, 7324, 16, 13, 2491, 81100, 438, 16, 12591, 1073, 35, 31214, 65638, 2442, 511, 5237, 46125, 65802, 349, 76133, 13025, 1073, 35, 198, 438, 43, 8, 7324, 16, 81100, 627, 53, 76652, 36, 285, 838, 13429, 258, 35676, 2336, 11, 16564, 339, 295, 35320, 1073, 5057, 18029, 198, 438, 38827, 3395, 569, 285, 8076, 28628, 11613, 21704, 300, 351, 18958, 519, 42651, 519, 11, 2910, 980, 4422, 64, 7058, 28491, 4291, 55911, 8778, 34, 51526, 1354, 20969, 15934, 2336, 258, 12821, 4504, 69175, 22966, 198, 782, 668, 1354, 438, 34215, 3447, 1962, 47492, 9336, 8154, 52784, 627, 791, 49, 6486, 1073, 55911, 8778, 36, 285, 605, 81100, 716, 1316, 31002, 500, 1184, 71, 402, 295, 3448, 59178, 198, 27995, 261, 6173, 708, 424, 4930, 19862, 3594, 547, 920, 81, 5253, 16023, 53, 11086, 1088, 438, 9023, 627, 53477, 1658, 307, 36, 11086, 1088, 258, 6854, 329, 548, 36626, 6167, 52949, 708, 69, 77751, 1336, 461, 8946, 198, 42967, 1135, 438, 9588, 15, 81100, 1073, 55911, 8778, 36, 716, 1316, 2000, 4930, 19862, 22966, 2201, 198, 7908, 708, 3933, 625, 34828, 998, 14668, 488, 7, 2059, 1088, 438, 51, 44606, 11, 5162, 24, 26, 2059, 1088, 11, 4468, 23, 570, 53, 76652, 198, 37440, 383, 45283, 1355, 337, 41572, 519, 42651, 519, 374, 22510, 13429, 884, 41890, 83, 869, 76652, 34, 63738, 198, 3902, 13284, 1355, 337, 41572, 519, 42651, 519, 627, 1591, 198, 791, 16789, 7894, 708, 69, 53, 275, 38925, 198, 16397, 47743, 42820, 11, 300, 6518, 438, 6518, 16455, 71, 402, 486, 66, 4021, 1534, 1820, 970, 1073, 198, 276, 43842, 1503, 396, 731, 1073, 55911, 8778, 34, 11, 19041, 4752, 16219, 291, 278, 3210, 13014, 258, 1820, 198, 7998, 1073, 9007, 21041, 579, 27153, 708, 69, 576, 55911, 309, 396, 3448, 2017, 4930, 19862, 708, 69, 198, 1712, 29845, 444, 29644, 48121, 752, 476, 38824, 4752, 82850, 309, 501, 1908, 1729, 42305, 9818, 198, 1336, 511, 11687, 78, 1653, 111480, 309, 6442, 383, 936, 1516, 9274, 3002, 27153, 267, 9379, 20670, 84270, 198, 81768, 398, 1617, 16317, 347, 81, 13602, 5450, 72260, 51701, 49512, 367, 4291, 50828, 198, 81437, 11, 20670, 71, 4798, 21376, 34965, 26125, 438, 3934, 57880, 627, 791, 35686, 285, 5807, 14040, 1729, 1820, 38423, 32056, 55977, 488, 7, 26072, 198, 605, 8, 9210, 70, 1924, 6091, 11269, 1820, 71, 1430, 76730, 1073, 1820, 29518, 45541, 11829, 198, 34210, 7, 26072, 1627, 8, 9210, 263, 16357, 71, 561, 3448, 5894, 51870, 3348, 8, 1073, 55911, 8778, 34, 716, 198, 1316, 69, 1540, 483, 3236, 22966, 412, 16219, 287, 276, 1065, 625, 708, 32204, 2227, 1285, 3002, 81524, 28156, 198, 1962, 14622, 339, 7567, 1100, 1293, 41450, 67, 80599, 4291, 576, 396, 731, 93868, 77468, 14168, 198, 380, 6881, 403, 1729, 9023, 1006, 1171, 49, 11606, 2963, 1215, 339, 589, 7259, 708, 69, 9164, 32158, 5598, 2841, 198, 287, 10185, 605, 70, 1073, 55911, 8778, 34, 716, 1316, 69, 683, 7596, 438, 1864, 2692, 287, 1411, 12393, 198, 4291, 77, 47026, 10329, 267, 9379, 29177, 23019, 1356, 2844, 998, 50828, 12156, 396, 731, 1073, 1820, 198, 55911, 8778, 627, 644, 548, 1068, 14450, 5241, 560, 1740, 708, 28990, 76652, 34, 11, 9023, 1236, 885, 1823, 24422, 1073, 1820, 198, 31272, 1073, 26070, 58127, 57549, 1073, 13613, 292, 30808, 13539, 35124, 15247, 5462, 24422, 345, 4468, 22, 570, 40, 12492, 509, 3510, 1892, 37037, 69, 49818, 3924, 23174, 1123, 266, 35676, 998, 87, 560, 41027, 548, 198, 1354, 625, 34828, 17847, 548, 371, 583, 39863, 638, 8248, 1073, 56492, 444, 15880, 885, 72255, 45010, 198, 15966, 96424, 1591, 198, 548, 3751, 1429, 936, 2656, 1729, 55911, 8778, 34, 11, 1073, 8370, 19041, 285, 4522, 839, 5599, 83, 1285, 5756, 627, 10714, 11998, 708, 544, 266, 343, 14127, 383, 3170, 1056, 99020, 950, 26, 1543, 500, 56178, 486, 403, 276, 198, 79601, 14386, 71070, 4291, 43842, 1503, 396, 731, 1073, 1820, 55911, 8778, 26786, 708, 69, 69292, 23797, 7058, 66, 22689, 44018, 396, 731, 1073, 55911, 8778, 34, 37860, 359, 265, 51430, 28753, 1073, 2295, 809, 7058, 768, 4291, 339, 58924, 69, 1105, 8734, 258, 1820, 324, 483, 11, 300, 17242, 59942, 54277, 28628, 325, 12116, 198, 56113, 9210, 1820, 543, 75439, 265, 4109, 14310, 69491, 45213, 2844, 83, 869, 76652, 33099, 198, 936, 2656, 1729, 1820, 5171, 30986, 292, 58156 ]
our di gestive system is more than just a pleasure tube that eventually eliminates whatever indigestible concoction we fill ed it with. Our bodies replace the vast majority of our cells within seve n years or less. Some, such as the cells that line the mouth and digestiv e tract, are replaced daily. In a very real sense, the foods we eat are constantly in the process of becoming “us.” Given this fact, wouldn’t you want to ensure that every bite you take is made of the highest-quality raw materials (pun intended) from which to build the “you” that you are becoming? What w ould be the point of following a diet that compromises your health in the process? Is it worth ruining your kidneys, heart, or liver just to lose or gain weight, especially when you can achieve your goal without causing such damage? Youth is forgiving; we can eat practically any abomination for some per iod of decades with no apparent adverse effects. But eventually, the statistics say, virtually all of us have to admit t o ourselves that the gig is up. Eating garbage to look thin, consuming fat to gain weight, stimulating ourselves to artificial highs throug h supplements that give us “energy,” and relieving one discomfort wh ile unknowingly creating another, simply have not gotten us where we wan ted to go. Herein lies the paradox: losing weight, feeling good, even ridding oursel ves of intractable diseases, does not necessarily mean we have become healthier. Heroin users feel good. So do coffee drinkers. So too do supe rfood evangelists. Junk-food-eating entertainers, anorexic runway models, and supplement-pounding body builders may look good…but are any of these people nourishing their bodies on a cellular level? Are they eating whole, unrefined foods in the quantities and proportions on which their bodies were designed to thrive? Absolutely not. Where Diet and Health Meet I struggled with how to position this book, debating with several colleagues whether 80/10/10 referred to a weight- management plan or a healthy eating guideline. As you may have g uessed, it’s really a bit of both. I have spent the last several pages driving home the differences bet ween fragmented thinking and the big-picture perspective for one purpose: to cement in your mind the obvious and inextricable relation ship between the goals of weight management and healthful living. If you picked up this book looking for guidance in losing or gaining weight, rest a ssured, you have come to the right place. Yet I hope I have succeeded in persuading you that a perfect-looking body is not rea lly all you want. Shifting your focus to your health will speed you toward optimal body weight, I promise … but chances ar e you will feel so great that your appearance will take backseat—a mere sideshow to the vital main event your life has bec ome. Eating healthfully does not represent deprivation; having our hea lth destroyed—literally taken away by the mouthful—that is deprivation. People say, “Everything in moderation.” I suggest that foods that are good for us are good only in moderation, but that the foods that are harmful to us should be avoided, regardless of the dose. Some say, “It is a sickness to try to eat too well.” I suggest that it is a s ickness to intentionally do anything that is self- destructive. I believe it is time that we all started loving ourselv es a lot more, and that we demonstrate that love by nourishing our bodies with foods that love us back. My goal in writing this book is to provide a definitive resource for those who w ant to reach for the sky. I am committed to having it all in life, and I want that for my loved ones, my clients, and my audiences, as well. In these pages, I define healthful nutrition and summarize some rel evant information about carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and their roles in our bodies. I describe the 80/10/10 diet, my low-fat, low-protein program based on eating whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic, plant-based foods. I teach how to improve your diet in a gradual, easy wa y. Finally, I share numerous testimonials from people who have transformed their lives by following this program. Rather than coming out against fat or any other dietary choice, my int ention is to give voice to what has proven to be the healthiest choice in the world of food and nutrition. I am convinced that th e 80/10/10 plan meets human nutritional needs as well as can be hoped for in our modern world. Chapter 1. Determining Our True Dietary Nature How does one determine the correct food for any given creature? Let us suppos e that you were given a baby animal and you had no idea what it was or what it was supposed to eat. Perhaps it was a gift fr om a foreign land. How would you know what to feed it? The answer is relatively simple. All you would have to do is offer the cr eature different types of foods in their whole, natural state. That which it was designed for, it would eat. It would likely ignore a ll the other items, not even considering them as food. I have done this successfully with orphaned animals that I have save d. The same technique would work with a human child. Put the child in a room wi th a lamb and a banana. Sit back and watch to see which he plays with and which he eats. We can be fairly sure of the outcome. Try again with fats versus fruits by offering a choice of (natural, raw, unsalted) nuts, seeds, avocados, or olives on the one hand and any fresh sweet fruit on the other. Again, we can safely predict that the child will choose the sweet fruit. Aren’t We Carnivores? Our anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and psychology all indicate that we are not carnivores. To say that carnivores eat carnage or flesh does not accurately portray such creatures. Anima ls that live on other animals usually eat raw meat, straight from t he carcass, with relish. Carnivores consume most of the animal, not mere ly the flesh, eating the muscle meat as well as the organs and lapping up the warm, fresh blood and other bodily fluids with gusto. They delight in the guts and their partially digested contents. They even crush, split, and eat the smaller bones and their marrow and gr istle (collagen or cartilage). Dogs, for instance, require far more calcium than humans, for animal flesh is extremely acid forming. The calcium (an alkali ne mineral) in blood and bones offsets the acidic end materials of flesh foods. Th ey also require much more protein than humans do. 11 When you note the vigor with which dogs devour whole animals, you can be sur e that what carnivores need for their nourishment is quite delicious to them. Most of us love animals as fellow creatures on Earth. We do not salivate a t the idea of crushing the life out of a rabbit with our bare hands and teeth, and the thought of eating one in a freshly killed sta te is repulsive. We certainly do not enjoy chewing on bones, gristle, entrails, chunks of raw fat and flesh, and the hair and vermin that inevitably accompany them. We can not imagine slurping hot blood, getting it all over our faces, hands, and bodies. These behaviors are al ien to our natural disposition and are actually sickening. The sights and smells of the slaughterhouse and even the butcher sh op are those of death. Many people find them unspeakably abhorrent. Slaughterhouses are so objectionable to most people that no one is a llowed to visit. Even the employees find slaughterhouse conditions impossible to make peace with. Slaughterhous es have the highest employee turnover rate of any industry. Meat eating does not fit in with our concepts of kindness or compassion. There is no humane way to kill another creature. We kill our animals by proxy, finding the actual carcass or corpse to be a thi ng of disgust. The vast majority of adults agree that if they had to kill the animals in order to eat, they would not eat meat ever again. We disguise animal flesh by eating only small cuts of the muscle and some organ meats. Even then, we prefer to cook them an d camouflage them with condiments. We disguise the reality of meat by changing the names of the foods from w hat they really are to something more acceptable. We do not eat cow, pig, or sheep, but rather eat mutton, pork, ham, beef, steak, and veal. We do not speak of eating blood or lymph, but we salivate at the thought of a “juicy” steak. W e distort r eality even further by giving animal qualities to our natural f oods. Hence we refer to the “skin” of the fruit, eat its “flesh,” dig out the “ meat” of the nut, and even slice the “cheeks” or “shoulders” off fruit when we cut two sides away from the pit. These animal allusions minimize the horror of eating true flesh, but those of us who have not been desensitized are still aware of it. The Evidence When we weigh the evidence, we see that
[ 414, 1891, 13033, 535, 1887, 374, 810, 1109, 1120, 264, 17069, 14019, 430, 720, 3163, 1870, 60944, 8996, 1280, 15505, 1260, 76639, 407, 584, 5266, 1608, 433, 449, 13, 5751, 13162, 8454, 279, 13057, 8857, 315, 1057, 7917, 2949, 513, 588, 308, 720, 42820, 477, 2753, 13, 4427, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 7917, 430, 1584, 279, 11013, 323, 21552, 344, 384, 42929, 11, 527, 12860, 7446, 13, 763, 264, 1633, 1972, 5647, 11, 279, 15657, 584, 720, 33166, 527, 15320, 304, 279, 1920, 315, 10671, 1054, 355, 2029, 720, 22818, 420, 2144, 11, 8434, 1431, 499, 1390, 311, 6106, 430, 1475, 23556, 499, 1935, 220, 374, 1903, 315, 279, 8592, 22867, 7257, 7384, 320, 66007, 720, 396, 2954, 8, 505, 902, 311, 1977, 279, 1054, 9514, 863, 430, 499, 527, 10671, 30, 3639, 289, 220, 619, 387, 279, 1486, 315, 2768, 264, 10173, 220, 430, 92546, 701, 720, 12393, 304, 279, 1920, 30, 2209, 433, 5922, 92271, 701, 81960, 11, 4851, 11, 477, 26587, 220, 1120, 311, 9229, 477, 8895, 4785, 11, 5423, 994, 499, 649, 11322, 720, 22479, 5915, 2085, 14718, 1778, 5674, 30, 720, 2675, 339, 374, 93441, 26, 584, 649, 8343, 32367, 904, 671, 81480, 369, 1063, 824, 80087, 315, 11026, 449, 912, 10186, 31959, 6372, 13, 2030, 720, 3163, 1870, 11, 279, 13443, 2019, 11, 21907, 682, 315, 603, 617, 311, 17113, 259, 297, 13520, 430, 279, 23401, 374, 709, 13, 60638, 26964, 311, 1427, 15792, 11, 35208, 8834, 720, 998, 8895, 4785, 11, 65792, 13520, 311, 21075, 54879, 270, 583, 70, 305, 33690, 430, 3041, 603, 1054, 17947, 1174, 863, 323, 59644, 4504, 832, 44776, 421, 31905, 720, 3200, 3409, 11559, 6968, 2500, 11, 5042, 617, 539, 17454, 603, 1405, 584, 78853, 42323, 311, 733, 13, 720, 8586, 258, 15812, 279, 52313, 25, 13490, 4785, 11, 8430, 1695, 11, 1524, 436, 27598, 1057, 9697, 65635, 315, 304, 2193, 481, 19338, 11, 1587, 539, 14647, 3152, 720, 906, 617, 3719, 39345, 13, 6385, 2003, 3932, 2733, 1695, 13, 2100, 656, 11033, 98976, 13, 2100, 2288, 656, 924, 375, 436, 14239, 39153, 1705, 13, 67652, 64567, 5773, 1113, 720, 306, 7770, 388, 11, 459, 461, 14668, 52861, 4211, 11, 323, 22822, 2320, 13900, 2547, 49186, 1253, 1427, 1695, 83766, 527, 904, 315, 1521, 1274, 720, 77, 414, 11218, 872, 13162, 389, 264, 35693, 2237, 30, 8886, 814, 12459, 4459, 1174, 653, 1116, 1619, 15657, 304, 279, 33776, 323, 49892, 389, 902, 872, 720, 65, 10233, 1051, 6319, 311, 41972, 30, 56647, 539, 13, 33006, 9241, 27304, 323, 6401, 26911, 720, 40, 28214, 449, 1268, 311, 2361, 420, 2363, 11, 71513, 449, 3892, 18105, 220, 3508, 220, 1490, 14, 605, 14, 605, 220, 14183, 311, 264, 4785, 12, 720, 43573, 3197, 477, 264, 9498, 12459, 73545, 13, 1666, 499, 1253, 617, 342, 577, 22456, 11, 433, 753, 2216, 264, 2766, 315, 2225, 13, 2355, 40, 617, 7543, 279, 1566, 3892, 6959, 10043, 2162, 279, 12062, 1297, 584, 268, 87195, 7422, 323, 279, 2466, 80758, 13356, 720, 2000, 832, 7580, 25, 311, 24532, 304, 701, 4059, 279, 8196, 323, 304, 39749, 75438, 12976, 8448, 1990, 279, 9021, 315, 4785, 6373, 323, 720, 12393, 1285, 5496, 13, 720, 2746, 499, 13061, 709, 420, 2363, 3411, 369, 19351, 304, 13490, 477, 30240, 4785, 11, 2800, 264, 11107, 3149, 11, 499, 617, 2586, 311, 279, 1314, 2035, 13, 14968, 720, 40, 3987, 358, 617, 26399, 304, 24613, 2277, 499, 430, 264, 4832, 31348, 2547, 374, 539, 312, 64, 326, 398, 682, 499, 1390, 13, 1443, 18148, 701, 5357, 311, 701, 2890, 720, 14724, 4732, 499, 9017, 23669, 2547, 4785, 11, 358, 11471, 4696, 719, 17393, 802, 384, 499, 690, 2733, 779, 2294, 430, 701, 11341, 690, 1935, 720, 1445, 44158, 29096, 17983, 11314, 5269, 311, 279, 16595, 1925, 1567, 701, 2324, 706, 106508, 297, 2727, 13, 2355, 36, 1113, 2890, 3725, 1587, 539, 4097, 69764, 26, 3515, 1057, 568, 64, 326, 339, 14763, 2345, 69191, 750, 4529, 3201, 555, 279, 11013, 1285, 41128, 374, 720, 451, 65593, 13, 9029, 2019, 1174, 1054, 36064, 304, 64382, 2029, 358, 4284, 430, 220, 15657, 430, 527, 1695, 369, 603, 527, 1695, 1193, 304, 64382, 11, 719, 430, 720, 1820, 15657, 430, 527, 28856, 311, 603, 1288, 387, 31890, 11, 15851, 315, 279, 19660, 13, 720, 8538, 2019, 1174, 1054, 2181, 374, 264, 54950, 311, 1456, 311, 8343, 2288, 1664, 2029, 358, 4284, 430, 433, 374, 264, 274, 220, 26989, 311, 37304, 656, 4205, 430, 374, 659, 12, 720, 61368, 535, 13, 358, 4510, 433, 374, 892, 430, 584, 682, 3940, 21955, 1057, 9697, 85, 1560, 264, 2763, 810, 11, 323, 430, 584, 20461, 430, 3021, 555, 46798, 11218, 1057, 720, 65, 10233, 449, 15657, 430, 3021, 603, 1203, 13, 720, 5159, 5915, 304, 4477, 420, 2363, 374, 311, 3493, 264, 45813, 5211, 369, 1884, 889, 289, 3276, 311, 5662, 369, 279, 13180, 13, 358, 1097, 11411, 311, 720, 69666, 433, 682, 304, 2324, 11, 323, 358, 1390, 430, 369, 856, 10456, 6305, 11, 856, 8403, 11, 323, 856, 220, 30994, 11, 439, 1664, 13, 720, 644, 1521, 6959, 11, 358, 7124, 2890, 1285, 26677, 323, 63179, 1063, 1375, 3721, 519, 2038, 922, 62345, 11, 28896, 11, 323, 50127, 720, 438, 872, 13073, 304, 1057, 13162, 13, 358, 7664, 279, 220, 1490, 14, 605, 14, 605, 220, 10173, 11, 856, 3428, 64354, 11, 3428, 10039, 39340, 2068, 3196, 389, 12459, 4459, 11, 7878, 11, 57796, 11, 7257, 11, 720, 61694, 11, 6136, 6108, 15657, 13, 358, 4639, 1268, 311, 7417, 701, 10173, 304, 264, 53722, 11, 4228, 10667, 379, 13, 17830, 11, 358, 4430, 12387, 84610, 505, 720, 16455, 889, 617, 24411, 872, 6439, 555, 2768, 420, 2068, 13, 720, 65002, 1109, 5108, 704, 2403, 8834, 477, 904, 1023, 34625, 5873, 11, 856, 528, 1218, 290, 374, 311, 3041, 7899, 311, 1148, 706, 17033, 311, 387, 279, 720, 12393, 13744, 5873, 304, 279, 1917, 315, 3691, 323, 26677, 13, 358, 1097, 22954, 430, 270, 384, 220, 1490, 14, 605, 14, 605, 220, 3197, 20628, 3823, 43226, 3966, 439, 1664, 439, 720, 4919, 387, 26253, 369, 304, 1057, 6617, 1917, 13, 49526, 720, 26072, 220, 16, 13, 36007, 287, 5751, 3082, 83808, 22037, 33006, 4438, 1587, 832, 8417, 279, 4495, 3691, 369, 904, 2728, 17661, 30, 6914, 603, 1043, 981, 384, 430, 499, 1051, 2728, 264, 8945, 10065, 323, 499, 720, 32345, 912, 4623, 1148, 433, 574, 477, 1148, 433, 574, 10171, 311, 8343, 13, 19292, 433, 574, 264, 8352, 1448, 8019, 264, 7362, 4363, 13, 2650, 1053, 499, 1440, 1148, 311, 720, 11432, 433, 30, 720, 791, 4320, 374, 12309, 4382, 13, 2052, 499, 1053, 617, 311, 656, 374, 3085, 279, 1589, 384, 1598, 2204, 4595, 315, 15657, 304, 872, 4459, 11, 5933, 720, 2513, 13, 3011, 902, 433, 574, 6319, 369, 11, 433, 1053, 8343, 13, 1102, 1053, 4461, 10240, 264, 9507, 279, 1023, 3673, 11, 539, 1524, 13126, 1124, 439, 3691, 13, 358, 720, 19553, 2884, 420, 7946, 449, 13036, 291, 10099, 430, 358, 617, 3665, 294, 13, 720, 791, 1890, 15105, 1053, 990, 449, 264, 3823, 1716, 13, 10435, 279, 1716, 304, 264, 3130, 24129, 270, 264, 39406, 323, 264, 44196, 13, 29508, 1203, 323, 3821, 311, 720, 4151, 902, 568, 11335, 449, 323, 902, 568, 50777, 13, 1226, 649, 387, 14470, 2771, 315, 279, 220, 15632, 13, 9934, 1578, 449, 50127, 19579, 26390, 555, 10209, 264, 720, 12008, 315, 320, 53980, 11, 7257, 11, 7120, 62334, 8, 31049, 11, 19595, 11, 1860, 511, 5670, 11, 477, 8492, 1924, 389, 279, 832, 220, 1450, 323, 904, 7878, 10437, 14098, 389, 279, 1023, 13, 14077, 11, 584, 720, 4919, 21676, 7168, 430, 279, 1716, 690, 5268, 279, 10437, 14098, 13, 33006, 32, 1466, 1431, 1226, 32749, 344, 4692, 30, 720, 8140, 62690, 11, 78152, 11, 17332, 52755, 11, 323, 31018, 682, 13519, 430, 584, 220, 527, 539, 97733, 4692, 13, 2057, 2019, 430, 97733, 4692, 8343, 720, 66, 1923, 425, 477, 26000, 1587, 539, 30357, 25920, 1778, 20566, 13, 1556, 7675, 20170, 430, 3974, 389, 1023, 10099, 6118, 8343, 7257, 13339, 11, 7833, 505, 259, 568, 720, 7063, 66, 395, 11, 449, 1375, 819, 13, 32749, 344, 4692, 25024, 1455, 315, 279, 10065, 11, 539, 17983, 14869, 279, 26000, 11, 12459, 279, 16124, 13339, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 36853, 323, 720, 91719, 709, 279, 8369, 11, 7878, 6680, 323, 1023, 48131, 56406, 449, 93339, 13, 2435, 18454, 220, 304, 279, 65973, 323, 872, 26310, 4170, 10185, 8970, 13, 720, 7009, 1524, 5138, 11, 6859, 11, 323, 8343, 279, 9333, 25896, 323, 872, 83748, 323, 1099, 6127, 273, 320, 17666, 8703, 477, 7558, 88076, 570, 720, 35, 27403, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 1397, 3117, 810, 35719, 1109, 12966, 11, 220, 369, 10065, 26000, 374, 9193, 13935, 30164, 13, 578, 35719, 320, 276, 58998, 8115, 841, 720, 1083, 3333, 8, 304, 6680, 323, 25896, 36146, 279, 84903, 842, 7384, 315, 26000, 15657, 13, 666, 3999, 1101, 1397, 1790, 810, 13128, 1109, 12966, 656, 13, 220, 806, 720, 4599, 499, 5296, 279, 56022, 449, 902, 12875, 88289, 4459, 10099, 11, 499, 649, 387, 1765, 384, 430, 1148, 97733, 4692, 1205, 369, 872, 46798, 16409, 374, 720, 84270, 18406, 311, 1124, 13, 720, 13622, 315, 603, 3021, 10099, 439, 12637, 20566, 389, 9420, 13, 1226, 656, 539, 4371, 736, 264, 259, 279, 4623, 315, 14770, 279, 2324, 704, 315, 264, 39824, 449, 1057, 720, 55202, 6206, 323, 18311, 11, 323, 279, 3463, 315, 12459, 832, 304, 264, 50999, 7577, 29611, 1028, 374, 2109, 58921, 13, 1226, 7995, 656, 539, 4774, 75477, 389, 25896, 11, 720, 911, 29400, 11, 11751, 6341, 11, 27855, 315, 7257, 8834, 323, 26000, 11, 323, 279, 7013, 323, 2807, 1083, 220, 430, 40605, 19780, 1124, 13, 1226, 649, 539, 13085, 84671, 10194, 720, 10847, 6680, 11, 3794, 433, 682, 927, 1057, 12580, 11, 6206, 11, 323, 13162, 13, 4314, 28198, 527, 453, 602, 268, 311, 1057, 5933, 46096, 323, 527, 3604, 720, 82, 875, 6147, 13, 720, 791, 42266, 323, 50737, 315, 279, 40856, 7830, 323, 1524, 279, 76194, 559, 1200, 527, 1884, 315, 4648, 13, 9176, 1274, 1505, 1124, 7120, 23635, 2915, 720, 370, 20100, 8135, 13, 328, 52883, 37841, 527, 779, 46655, 481, 311, 1455, 1274, 430, 912, 832, 374, 264, 9507, 13111, 311, 4034, 13, 7570, 279, 8420, 1505, 720, 52742, 7490, 7830, 4787, 12266, 311, 1304, 9096, 449, 13, 328, 52883, 71, 788, 1560, 617, 279, 8592, 9548, 48639, 4478, 315, 904, 5064, 13, 720, 7979, 266, 12459, 1587, 539, 5052, 304, 449, 1057, 19476, 315, 45972, 477, 30481, 13, 2684, 220, 374, 912, 82126, 1648, 311, 5622, 2500, 17661, 13, 720, 1687, 5622, 1057, 10099, 555, 13594, 11, 9455, 279, 5150, 75566, 395, 477, 52644, 311, 387, 264, 62428, 7933, 315, 68162, 13, 578, 13057, 8857, 315, 12884, 7655, 720, 9210, 422, 814, 1047, 311, 5622, 279, 10099, 304, 2015, 311, 8343, 11, 814, 1053, 539, 8343, 13339, 220, 3596, 1578, 13, 1226, 65081, 10065, 26000, 555, 12459, 1193, 2678, 720, 23312, 315, 279, 16124, 323, 1063, 2942, 63875, 13, 7570, 1243, 11, 584, 10932, 311, 4394, 1124, 459, 294, 88068, 1124, 449, 9955, 12843, 13, 720, 1687, 65081, 279, 8903, 315, 13339, 555, 10223, 279, 5144, 315, 279, 15657, 505, 289, 9072, 814, 2216, 527, 311, 2555, 810, 22281, 13, 720, 1687, 656, 539, 8343, 19923, 11, 24623, 11, 477, 33012, 11, 719, 4856, 8343, 296, 973, 11, 36167, 11, 13824, 11, 25309, 11, 50059, 11, 323, 5320, 278, 13, 1226, 220, 656, 539, 6604, 315, 12459, 6680, 477, 720, 398, 56102, 11, 719, 584, 4371, 736, 520, 279, 3463, 315, 264, 1054, 8783, 2912, 863, 50059, 13, 468, 384, 70584, 436, 384, 2786, 1524, 4726, 555, 7231, 10065, 29600, 311, 1057, 5933, 282, 297, 30797, 13, 720, 39, 768, 584, 8464, 311, 279, 1054, 37282, 863, 315, 279, 14098, 11, 8343, 1202, 1054, 69, 17927, 2476, 4170, 704, 279, 1054, 13339, 863, 315, 279, 10184, 11, 323, 1524, 16363, 279, 1054, 1557, 21854, 863, 477, 1054, 5562, 388, 863, 1022, 720, 36698, 994, 584, 4018, 1403, 11314, 3201, 505, 279, 20428, 13, 4314, 10065, 682, 36807, 220, 30437, 279, 22169, 315, 12459, 837, 26000, 11, 719, 1884, 315, 603, 889, 720, 19553, 539, 1027, 951, 729, 84543, 527, 2103, 8010, 315, 433, 13, 33006, 791, 44796, 720, 4599, 584, 17988, 279, 6029, 11, 584, 1518, 430 ]
l ife, of motivations emanating from levels below 200 are all too clearly i llustrated by the scandals. Excessive zeal to capture an Olympic medal a nd defe at one’ s opponent by any means available ha s led to the abandonment of the power of ethical principle and a descent to the grossest level of force. There is nothing intrinsically w rong with some manifestations of pride. W e all may wel l be proud whe n our Olympians win medals, but that is a dif ferent kind of pride than egotism; it comes from the heart. It is an honoring of human achievement that transcends personal pride. TheOlympics, one of the greatest dramas of human striving, inspires the competitor to move from personal pride to an esteem that is an expression of u nconditiona l love and that honors one’ s opponents, as well, for their dedication to the same lofty principles. T rue success, as in true athl etic power, is characterized by grace, sensitivity, inner quiet, and paradoxically, gentleness in the noncompetitive lives of even fie rce competitors. The ABC that brings about fulfillment is the dedication to something higher than oneself (that is, teammates, God, country, and so forth), which is an ener gy of self-transcendence that calibrates high on the Map of C onsciousness. W e celebrate such champions because we recognize that they have overcome personal ambition through sacrifice and dedication to a hig her principle. The great become legendary when they teach by example. It is not what they have nor what they do but what the y have become tha t inspires all of us. Their A BC has universal appeal, for it evokes reverence for the selfless dedication inside us all. STEP 2: ENJOYMENT Reflect: Is it something you enjoy doing? Once yo u are sure your inten tion has universal appeal, ask yourself whether the endeavor is somethi ng you enjoy doing. W e watch people force themselves to go to work each morning because they have convinced themselves they must do a certain job, but their heart is not in it. The way to be a suc cess is to do what you like to do, to enjoy what you do, and thereby naturally do it to the best of you r ability and experience the joy that comes from giving your best. Here is an example from one patient who came to the clinic because he had everything in life but was miserable. The patient complained, “I’ve lost interest in my life. I hate going to work in the morning. I have everything I could ever want— Cadillacs, fancy houses, impressive titles, millions of dollars, great family—but I’m depressed. I don’ t see the point of it all. I don’ t get any sympathy from my friends. They all envy me.” “What do you like to do? Do you have a hobby you enjoy?” He said, “Doc, this will sound crazy to you, but I love to make dollhouses. I have a worksho p at the house and love makingdollhouses for my children, nieces, and nephews.” “Do you ever sell any of the dollhouses?” He r eplied, “Oh, I never thought of that. I put so much time and ef fort in them that I could never make money selling them.” I made a simple suggestion: “W ell, for fun, why don’ t you take the one you’re working on now, figure out a price that wou ld be profitable, put a price tag on it, and put it on consignment in any store that will allow it —but not in a toy store, where it will get lost an d not seen among the overwhelm of the other merchandise.” And tha t is what he did. Surpris ingly, he knew someone in the hardware business who was happy to put a dollhouse in his store window, and in fact used it to sell stair treads (there was a little staircase in the dollhouse). The dollhouse sold in short order. The next dollhouse was put in as “display only,” a nd orders were taken. Soon enough, the patient wh o had been miserable was happily in the dollhouse business, selling them a s fast as he could make them, and hiring out some of the work. They were absolutely adorable, handcrafted dollhouses and brought joy to the hearts of children. That was the ABC he was coming from when he said, “I want to bring joy to the hearts of children.” That is a universal principle that hardly anybody can ar gue with. One of the tests of the universal princi ple is whether it appeals to the heart. If your product or service appeals only to the head, it will have a limited success. It may be quite pr ofitable, but the great s uccesses in the world are those things that you yourself love doing and believe in, and which change people’ s lives. STEP 3: SER VICEABILITY Consider: Is what you want to d o actually needed by anyone? Is it truly a service to the world? Y ou wan t to make sure that wha t you are going to throw yourself into is not just a pet project or personal preference. Raspberry vinaigrette salad dressing may be some chef ’ s idea of haute cuisine, but that person al taste is not n ecessarily going to be shared by many in the populace, who may come into a restaurant once or twice out of curiosity then never return, becausethey just real ly wante d regular ranch dressing and it was not even an option. W e will notice that such a business, as a consequence, m ay become primarily for tourists and not appeal to locals, because the demand is limited. It does not serve any r eal need, other than just the idea of being cutesy, unique, or dif ferent. W e can apply this step to any arena of life by asking ourselves, Am I imposing m y own pet pr efer ence, or is it something that actually meets the needs of the people I am r elating to? STEP 4: AESTHETICS Check out all the sensory modes, and cover the ones for eign to your own personality by consulting with people who ar e experts in that ar ea. What is meant by that? The research of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) h as demonstrated that people process their experien ces of life primarily throug h one sensory mode or another. Some people a re primarily auditory. Some are visual. Some are feeling people. Of course, smell and tactile senses are also important. Let’ s co nsider a restaurant that is very attractive. The woman who runs it is obviously a visual person. When people look at the restaurant, they see that the decor is beautiful. She also does a great job on the food and the price. But the ac oustics are abominable. People can hardly hear themselves think, let alone have a conversation. The music is too loud, inappropriate in style, an d plays nonstop without a single break. Evidently, it is what she likes; however, it turns everyone else of f from the place. If you are the opposite, if you d o not care so much about how the thing looks as long as it feels right, then you would do well to call in some people in your life who are primarily vi sual and ask them how it looks to them. W e can tell how people process information by their language. People who say, “I se e what that means. How d oes this look to you?” are probably visual processors. People who say, “That doesn’ t feel good to me. That doesn’ t feel right,” are obviously feelin g people. Auditory people will say, “That doesn’ t sound right to me.” Just being aware of these cues will make the modes apparent to us. Y ou want to ma ke sure you co ver the sensory modes that are not your forte. It does not take long, only an hour at most, with an expert in the field to co nvey the id ea. One restaurant grew from failure to success p rimarily bychanging the music in the back ground from loud, funky W estern to soft baroque, which brought in high-paying and loyal customers. People w ant to relax for dinner. They want to have tablecloths, cloth napkins, approp riate music, and the right lights. Bright fluorescent lights and prim ary col ors may be great for a breakfast diner, but they will kill dinner business. Although the fast-food chains would seem to belie this obvious fact, people actually want dignity in their lives. They will reward you and apprecia te you for supp lying it or providing the means of achieving that state. Whatever you present, make sure it is featured in the best possible style, with regard for all the sensory modalities, and that it pleases as many of them as possible. It is well worth the extra trouble. Aside from the aforementioned sensory modalities, a high percentage of the populace rank comfort very high on their list. Potential customers walk out of stores for the simple fact that they could not find a chair to sit on
[ 326, 422, 68, 11, 315, 65931, 69239, 1113, 505, 5990, 3770, 220, 1049, 527, 682, 2288, 198, 7574, 398, 602, 9507, 3497, 660, 555, 279, 69129, 13, 1398, 87728, 69779, 311, 12602, 459, 25944, 198, 2106, 278, 264, 15953, 11211, 520, 832, 529, 274, 15046, 555, 904, 3445, 2561, 6520, 274, 6197, 311, 279, 198, 370, 11283, 479, 315, 220, 279, 2410, 315, 31308, 17966, 323, 264, 38052, 311, 279, 45371, 267, 198, 3374, 315, 5457, 627, 3947, 374, 4400, 10805, 1354, 2740, 289, 436, 647, 449, 1063, 78167, 315, 22519, 627, 54, 384, 682, 1253, 12724, 326, 387, 12691, 15240, 308, 1057, 15136, 5493, 3243, 60082, 11, 719, 430, 374, 264, 198, 88564, 18728, 306, 3169, 315, 22519, 1109, 8866, 354, 2191, 26, 433, 4131, 505, 279, 4851, 13, 1102, 374, 459, 198, 82649, 5620, 315, 3823, 26501, 430, 42590, 1438, 4443, 22519, 13, 578, 46, 14163, 1233, 11, 832, 315, 279, 12474, 220, 88826, 315, 3823, 68727, 11, 70390, 279, 198, 28344, 1960, 311, 3351, 505, 4443, 22519, 311, 459, 85597, 430, 374, 459, 7645, 198, 1073, 577, 308, 9233, 64, 326, 3021, 323, 430, 49593, 832, 529, 274, 19949, 11, 439, 1664, 11, 369, 872, 198, 9988, 20901, 311, 279, 1890, 87791, 16565, 627, 51, 56949, 2450, 11, 439, 304, 837, 12004, 75, 1880, 292, 2410, 1174, 374, 32971, 555, 21507, 345, 82, 48937, 1174, 9358, 11594, 11, 323, 52313, 2740, 1174, 16265, 77319, 304, 279, 2536, 93499, 198, 75, 1924, 315, 1524, 63405, 436, 346, 28650, 13, 578, 19921, 430, 12716, 922, 57383, 374, 198, 1820, 39955, 311, 2555, 5190, 1109, 57669, 320, 9210, 374, 11, 32746, 11, 4359, 345, 11389, 1174, 323, 779, 13544, 705, 902, 374, 459, 38556, 29720, 315, 659, 39160, 66, 408, 768, 430, 198, 5531, 10892, 988, 1579, 389, 279, 5135, 315, 356, 389, 23995, 2136, 13, 468, 384, 18890, 1778, 220, 34838, 198, 28753, 584, 15641, 430, 814, 617, 23075, 4443, 45715, 1555, 198, 82, 65848, 22660, 323, 39955, 311, 264, 305, 343, 1077, 17966, 13, 578, 2294, 3719, 28812, 198, 9493, 814, 4639, 555, 3187, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 1148, 814, 617, 6463, 1148, 814, 656, 719, 198, 12840, 279, 379, 617, 3719, 220, 49588, 259, 70390, 682, 315, 603, 13, 11205, 362, 18531, 706, 20789, 198, 34531, 278, 11, 369, 433, 3721, 8099, 98464, 369, 279, 659, 1752, 39955, 4871, 603, 682, 627, 51489, 220, 17, 25, 5301, 27237, 56, 5441, 198, 73889, 25, 2209, 433, 2555, 499, 4774, 3815, 18072, 12805, 30596, 577, 527, 2771, 701, 528, 268, 73352, 706, 20789, 14638, 11, 2610, 6261, 198, 49864, 279, 54914, 374, 1794, 774, 72, 7933, 499, 4774, 3815, 13, 468, 384, 3821, 1274, 5457, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 311, 733, 311, 990, 1855, 6693, 1606, 814, 617, 22954, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 814, 2011, 656, 264, 3738, 2683, 11, 719, 872, 4851, 374, 539, 304, 433, 13, 578, 1648, 311, 198, 1395, 264, 220, 11405, 65147, 374, 311, 656, 1148, 499, 1093, 311, 656, 11, 311, 4774, 1148, 499, 656, 11, 323, 28592, 198, 77, 72247, 656, 433, 311, 279, 1888, 315, 499, 436, 5845, 323, 3217, 279, 16267, 220, 430, 4131, 198, 1527, 7231, 701, 1888, 13, 5810, 374, 459, 3187, 505, 832, 8893, 889, 3782, 311, 198, 1820, 28913, 1606, 568, 1047, 4395, 304, 2324, 719, 574, 50739, 627, 791, 8893, 35070, 11, 1054, 40, 4070, 5675, 2802, 304, 856, 2324, 13, 358, 12491, 2133, 198, 998, 990, 304, 279, 220, 6693, 13, 358, 617, 4395, 358, 1436, 3596, 1390, 2345, 198, 94438, 484, 19807, 11, 27555, 15316, 11, 16358, 15671, 11, 11990, 315, 11441, 11, 2294, 198, 19521, 38542, 358, 4344, 42642, 13, 358, 1541, 529, 259, 1518, 279, 1486, 315, 433, 682, 13, 358, 1541, 529, 259, 636, 198, 3852, 47084, 505, 856, 4885, 13, 2435, 682, 66533, 757, 49216, 44130, 656, 499, 1093, 311, 656, 30, 3234, 499, 617, 264, 32628, 499, 4774, 12671, 198, 1548, 1071, 11, 220, 1054, 9743, 11, 420, 690, 5222, 220, 14599, 311, 499, 11, 719, 358, 3021, 311, 1304, 198, 78289, 37841, 13, 358, 617, 264, 990, 939, 78, 281, 520, 279, 3838, 323, 3021, 3339, 78289, 37841, 369, 856, 2911, 11, 11568, 1634, 11, 323, 44964, 28844, 49216, 2118, 5519, 499, 3596, 4662, 904, 315, 279, 7804, 37841, 12671, 198, 1548, 436, 384, 3523, 11, 1054, 12174, 11, 358, 2646, 3463, 315, 430, 13, 358, 2231, 779, 1790, 892, 323, 198, 830, 12108, 304, 1124, 430, 358, 1436, 2646, 1304, 3300, 11486, 1124, 49216, 40, 1903, 264, 4382, 24710, 25, 1054, 54, 26689, 11, 369, 2523, 11, 3249, 1541, 529, 259, 499, 1935, 279, 198, 606, 499, 3207, 3318, 389, 1457, 1174, 7216, 704, 264, 3430, 430, 289, 283, 27221, 387, 198, 26466, 481, 11, 2231, 264, 3430, 4877, 389, 433, 11, 323, 2231, 433, 389, 1615, 3615, 304, 904, 220, 3637, 198, 9210, 690, 2187, 433, 2001, 8248, 539, 304, 264, 22068, 3637, 11, 1405, 433, 690, 636, 5675, 459, 294, 539, 198, 29412, 4315, 279, 96848, 315, 279, 1023, 36045, 49216, 3112, 49588, 259, 374, 1148, 568, 1550, 13, 8242, 652, 285, 6892, 398, 1174, 568, 7020, 4423, 304, 279, 12035, 198, 27243, 889, 574, 6380, 311, 2231, 264, 7804, 7830, 304, 813, 3637, 3321, 1174, 323, 304, 2144, 198, 2656, 433, 311, 4662, 37649, 259, 31458, 320, 19041, 574, 264, 2697, 62862, 304, 279, 7804, 7830, 570, 578, 198, 78289, 7830, 6216, 304, 2875, 2015, 662, 578, 1828, 7804, 7830, 574, 2231, 304, 439, 1054, 5610, 198, 3323, 1174, 863, 264, 15953, 10373, 1051, 4529, 13, 32862, 3403, 11, 279, 8893, 421, 297, 1047, 1027, 198, 76, 12329, 481, 574, 37875, 304, 279, 7804, 7830, 2626, 11, 11486, 1124, 264, 274, 5043, 439, 568, 198, 29177, 1304, 1124, 11, 323, 24009, 704, 1063, 315, 279, 990, 627, 7009, 1051, 11112, 41708, 11, 1450, 80894, 7804, 37841, 323, 7263, 16267, 198, 998, 279, 23492, 315, 2911, 13, 3011, 574, 279, 19921, 568, 574, 5108, 505, 994, 568, 198, 84359, 11, 1054, 40, 1390, 311, 4546, 16267, 311, 279, 23492, 315, 2911, 2029, 3011, 374, 264, 20789, 198, 652, 16379, 430, 20781, 21739, 649, 802, 342, 361, 449, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 7177, 315, 279, 198, 96400, 550, 49697, 7245, 374, 3508, 433, 35730, 311, 279, 4851, 13, 1442, 701, 220, 2027, 477, 198, 8095, 35730, 1193, 311, 279, 2010, 1174, 433, 690, 617, 264, 7347, 2450, 13, 1102, 1253, 387, 198, 84270, 550, 315, 15729, 11, 719, 279, 2294, 274, 577, 1346, 288, 304, 279, 1917, 527, 1884, 220, 2574, 430, 198, 9514, 6261, 3021, 3815, 323, 4510, 304, 11, 323, 902, 2349, 1274, 529, 274, 6439, 627, 51489, 220, 18, 25, 14311, 650, 5604, 5854, 198, 38275, 25, 2209, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 294, 297, 3604, 4460, 555, 5606, 30, 2209, 433, 9615, 264, 198, 8095, 311, 279, 1917, 5380, 56, 6033, 78853, 259, 311, 1304, 2771, 430, 421, 64, 259, 499, 527, 2133, 311, 2571, 6261, 1139, 374, 198, 1962, 1120, 264, 6896, 2447, 477, 4443, 22698, 13, 48665, 348, 2259, 343, 68028, 33566, 198, 67, 57881, 1253, 387, 1063, 30806, 18217, 274, 4623, 315, 81098, 36105, 1174, 719, 220, 430, 1732, 453, 12945, 374, 198, 1962, 308, 384, 1140, 6751, 2133, 311, 387, 6222, 555, 1690, 304, 279, 94920, 11, 889, 220, 1253, 2586, 198, 18614, 264, 10960, 3131, 477, 11157, 704, 315, 41328, 1243, 2646, 471, 11, 387, 936, 18686, 36661, 1120, 1972, 14869, 1390, 68, 294, 5912, 39161, 32623, 323, 433, 574, 539, 1524, 459, 3072, 627, 54, 384, 690, 5406, 430, 1778, 264, 2626, 11, 439, 264, 29774, 11, 296, 19432, 3719, 198, 18375, 6751, 369, 32753, 323, 539, 14638, 311, 25958, 11, 1606, 279, 220, 7631, 374, 198, 18736, 13, 1102, 1587, 539, 8854, 904, 436, 384, 278, 1205, 11, 1023, 1109, 1120, 279, 4623, 315, 1694, 198, 66, 2142, 88, 1174, 5016, 11, 477, 1422, 18728, 306, 13, 468, 384, 220, 649, 3881, 420, 3094, 311, 904, 25946, 315, 2324, 555, 198, 71805, 13520, 11, 3383, 358, 49941, 296, 379, 1866, 6896, 550, 384, 809, 665, 346, 11, 477, 374, 433, 2555, 198, 9210, 3604, 20628, 279, 3966, 315, 279, 1274, 358, 1097, 436, 658, 1113, 311, 5380, 51489, 220, 19, 25, 362, 5288, 39, 1372, 19645, 198, 4061, 704, 682, 279, 49069, 20362, 1174, 323, 3504, 279, 6305, 369, 384, 625, 311, 701, 1866, 198, 9164, 2786, 555, 31831, 449, 1274, 889, 802, 384, 11909, 304, 430, 802, 37646, 627, 3923, 374, 8967, 555, 430, 30, 578, 3495, 315, 18247, 12, 2785, 84, 4633, 15840, 198, 8368, 12852, 8, 305, 439, 21091, 430, 1274, 1920, 872, 2183, 3675, 27750, 315, 2324, 198, 18375, 6751, 270, 583, 70, 305, 832, 49069, 3941, 477, 2500, 662, 4427, 1274, 264, 312, 15871, 198, 8039, 10843, 662, 4427, 527, 9302, 13, 4427, 527, 8430, 1274, 13, 5046, 3388, 1174, 22843, 323, 198, 83, 533, 458, 38207, 527, 1101, 3062, 627, 10267, 529, 274, 1080, 12548, 1814, 264, 10960, 430, 374, 1633, 19411, 13, 578, 5333, 889, 8640, 433, 198, 285, 14224, 264, 9302, 1732, 13, 3277, 1274, 1427, 520, 279, 10960, 11, 814, 1518, 198, 9210, 279, 10799, 374, 220, 6366, 13, 3005, 1101, 1587, 264, 2294, 2683, 389, 279, 3691, 323, 279, 198, 6692, 13, 2030, 279, 1645, 6033, 267, 1233, 527, 671, 8129, 481, 13, 9029, 649, 20781, 6865, 5694, 198, 27963, 11, 1095, 7636, 617, 264, 10652, 13, 578, 4731, 374, 2288, 17813, 11, 33781, 304, 198, 3612, 11, 459, 294, 11335, 220, 2536, 9684, 2085, 264, 3254, 1464, 13, 469, 1325, 4501, 1174, 433, 374, 1148, 1364, 198, 26094, 26, 4869, 1174, 433, 10800, 5127, 775, 315, 282, 505, 279, 2035, 627, 2746, 499, 527, 279, 14329, 11, 422, 499, 294, 297, 539, 2512, 779, 1790, 922, 1268, 279, 3245, 198, 95373, 439, 1317, 439, 433, 11321, 1314, 11, 1243, 499, 1053, 656, 1664, 311, 1650, 304, 1063, 1274, 198, 258, 701, 2324, 889, 527, 15871, 3355, 924, 278, 323, 2610, 1124, 1268, 433, 5992, 311, 1124, 13, 468, 384, 198, 4919, 3371, 1268, 1274, 1920, 2038, 555, 872, 4221, 13, 9029, 889, 2019, 13801, 10378, 513, 384, 1148, 430, 220, 3445, 13, 2650, 294, 297, 288, 420, 1427, 311, 499, 12671, 527, 4762, 9302, 198, 82848, 13, 9029, 889, 2019, 1174, 1054, 4897, 3250, 529, 259, 2733, 1695, 311, 757, 13, 3011, 3250, 529, 259, 198, 57676, 1314, 2476, 527, 14224, 2733, 258, 342, 1274, 13, 15416, 10843, 1274, 690, 2019, 1174, 1054, 4897, 198, 73014, 529, 259, 5222, 1314, 311, 757, 2029, 4702, 1694, 8010, 315, 1521, 57016, 690, 1304, 279, 198, 90922, 10186, 311, 603, 627, 56, 6033, 1390, 311, 7643, 2004, 2771, 499, 1080, 2807, 279, 49069, 20362, 430, 527, 539, 701, 198, 4057, 68, 13, 1102, 1587, 539, 1935, 1317, 11, 1193, 459, 6596, 520, 1455, 11, 449, 459, 6335, 304, 279, 2115, 198, 998, 1080, 308, 5735, 279, 887, 37646, 13, 3861, 10960, 14264, 505, 8060, 311, 2450, 281, 31230, 6751, 555, 52813, 279, 4731, 304, 279, 1203, 5015, 505, 17813, 11, 74988, 468, 1826, 944, 311, 8579, 198, 2308, 61652, 11, 902, 7263, 304, 1579, 89823, 323, 29947, 6444, 627, 16298, 289, 3276, 311, 12234, 369, 14177, 662, 2435, 1390, 311, 617, 2007, 33678, 17323, 11, 28392, 198, 7004, 11966, 11, 917, 897, 436, 6629, 4731, 11, 323, 279, 1314, 13001, 13, 27508, 74864, 13001, 198, 438, 9036, 74021, 1400, 477, 82, 1253, 387, 2294, 369, 264, 17954, 89206, 1174, 719, 814, 690, 5622, 198, 67, 4481, 2626, 13, 220, 10541, 279, 5043, 64567, 27271, 1053, 2873, 311, 2888, 420, 198, 677, 2528, 2144, 11, 1274, 3604, 1390, 38929, 304, 872, 6439, 13, 2435, 690, 11565, 198, 9514, 323, 9989, 689, 1028, 499, 369, 91135, 21078, 433, 477, 8405, 279, 3445, 315, 32145, 198, 9210, 1614, 13, 33739, 499, 3118, 11, 1304, 2771, 433, 374, 15109, 304, 279, 1888, 198, 10236, 1742, 11, 449, 5363, 369, 682, 279, 49069, 13531, 1385, 11, 323, 430, 433, 7245, 2315, 198, 300, 1690, 315, 1124, 439, 3284, 13, 1102, 374, 1664, 5922, 279, 5066, 12544, 627, 71088, 505, 279, 46752, 49069, 13531, 1385, 11, 264, 1579, 11668, 315, 198, 1820, 94920, 7222, 6981, 1633, 1579, 389, 872, 1160, 13, 55057, 6444, 4321, 198, 412, 315, 10756, 369, 279, 4382, 2144, 430, 814, 1436, 539, 1505, 264, 10716, 311, 2503, 389 ]
unthinking triumph to it. Aboveall, men of the world are carried away by a specious easydoctrine, all the more applicable to generalities and vagueexplanations in that it is badly based upon proved and triedscientific demonstrations.” 1 Yes, unfortunately for Béchamp, the deeper knowledge embodied in an understanding of the science of cytology – so neglected, asProfessor Minchin has complained, 2 even now in the twentieth century – was, and still seems to be, required to comprehend the profounder, 1La Théorie du Microzyma, p.38. 2. Presidential Address – British Association, September, 1915.more mystic and complicated workings of pathology. Nature was performing experiments which were open to all to read with the help of the microscope. But few were sufficiently skilled toprobe deep enough under what may often be misleading superficialities. Few possessed enough knowledge to understand the complexities revealed to Béchamp. Yet from the start, he warned the world againstbeing misled by too facile judgments. As early as 1869 he wrote: “In typhoid fever, in gangrene, and in anthrax, the existence has been proved of bacteria in the issues and in the blood,and one was very much disposed to take them for granted ascases of ordinary parasitism. It is evident, after what we havesaid, that instead of maintaining that the affection has hadas its origin and cause the introduction into the organism offoreign germs with their consequent action, one should affirmthat one is dealing here with an alteration of the functions ofmicrozymas, an alteration indicated by the change that hastaken place in their form.” 1 Béchamp, who had already demonstrated his knowledge of real parasitic disease conditions with his discovery of the cause of pébrine, was surely proving himself to be the best equipped for theunderstanding of those experiments that nature undertakes when the normal workings of the body are reduced to chaos, and anarchy reigns in the organism. But the majority of mankind, ignorant of the cytologicalelements, have been delighted with a crude theory of disease which they could understand, and have ignored the profound teaching of Professor Béchamp. It is to what appears to have been Pasteur’s attempted plagiarism of these views that we will now turn our attention. 1. Comptes Rendus 75, p.1525. Nature’s Experiments 219220 Béchamp or Pasteur?12. A Plagiarism Frustrated A marked contrast between Béchamp and Pasteur lay in the fact that Béchamp demanded that his views formed a logical sequence, while the latter was content to put forward views that were seemingly contradictory one to another. For instance, according to Pasteur, the body is nothing more than an inert mass, a mere chemical complex, which, while in a state of health, he maintained to be immune against the invasion of foreignorganisms. 1 He seems never to have realised that this belief contradicts the germ theory of disease originally put forward by Kircher and Raspail, which he and Davaine had been so quick in adopting. How can foreign organisms originate disease in a body when, according to Pasteur, they cannot find entry into the self-same body until after disease has set in? Anyone with a sense of humour wouldhave noticed an amusing discrepancy in such a contention, but though Pasteur’s admirers have acclaimed him as a wit, a sense of the ludicrous is seldom a strong point with anyone who takes himself asseriously as Pasteur did or as seriously as his followers take their admiration of him. On the 29th June, 1863, he read a memoir on the subject of putrefaction 2 before the Academy of Science. In this he said: “Let a piece of meat be wrapped up completely in a linen cloth soaked in alcohol” (here he copied Béchamp in an earlierexperiment) “and placed in a closed receptacle (with orwithout air matters not) in order to obstruct the evaporationof the alcohol. There will be no putrefaction, neither in theinterior, because no vibrios are there, nor on the outside,because the vapours of the alcohol prevent the developmentof germs on the surface; but I observed that the meat becametainted in a pronounced degree if small in quantity, andgangrenous if the meat were in considerable mass.” 3 1. “Le corps des animaux est formé, dans les cas ordinaires, a l’introduction des germes des étres inférieurs.” Comptes Rendus 56 p.1193. 2. ibid. pp.1189-94 3. ibid. p.1194.Pasteur’s object was to show that there were no inherent living elements in meat; that if external life, the germs of the air, were quite excluded, there would be no bacterial development from innerorganisms. These were the days in which, having enthusiastically adopted Béchamp’s ideas of the important parts played by the atmospheric hosts, he denied equally vociferously any inherent livingelements in animal and vegetable bodies. Béchamp, knowing that his own skill with the microscope outstripped that of all his contemporaries, excused Pasteur for nothaving been able to detect the minute organisms in the depth of the fleshy substance. But he maintained that Pasteur’s own acknowledgment of the tainted or gangrenous state of the meat shouldhave been sufficient to have convinced him of the reality of a chemical change and its correlative necessity – a causative agent. Béchamp claimed that Pasteur’s own experiments, while attempting to deny, onthe contrary proved the truth of the microzymian contentions. For instance, again, in an experiment with boiled milk, Pasteur observed a smell resembling tallow and noted the separation of thefatty matter in the form of clots. If there were nothing living in the milk, how could he account for the change in its odour and explain the cause of the clotting? Thus it is impossible to set aside the marked contrast between Béchamp and Pasteur in regard to their attention to any phenomenon, since by Béchamp nothing was ever ignored, while Pasteur constantlypassed over most contradictory evidence. For example, in spite of all the marked changes in milk, Pasteur was content to describe it as unalterable, except through access ofgerms of the air, and as being nothing more than a solution of mineral salts, of milk sugar and of casein, in which were suspended particles of fat, in short, that it was a mere emulsion which did not contain anyliving bodies capable of causing any change in its composition. For years Béchamp studied milk, and it was not till a much later date that he finally satisfied himself as to all its scientific complexities. We find that just as in 1857 Pasteur’s sponteparist views were entirely opposed to Béchamp’s, so through the 1860s Pasteur completely ignored Béchamp’s teaching in regard to the microzymas, or microsomes, ofthe cells and the fermentative changes due to these inherent living elements. Having realised the germs of the air, he seemed blind to the germs of the body, and ignored Béchamp’s prodigious work when thelatter differentiated by experiment the varying degrees of heat required A Plagiarism Frustrated 221222 Béchamp or Pasteur?to destroy the microzymas of milk, chalk, etc. Finally, it seems as though Pasteur must have been convinced against his will by Béchamp’s conclusions in regard to the diseases of silkworms,and his disparagement of Béchamp was no doubt provoked by his consciousness of a dangerous rivalry. At the end of 1868, laid low with illness, who can tell what thoughts passed through his mind regardingthe views of the man who had so enlightened him on the subject of airborne organisms and their part in fermentation; the man who had so incontestably proved the causes of the diseases of silkworms thathis own scientific reputation had been seriously threatened – the man, in short, who would never be his disciple? Anyway, when Pasteur rose from his sickbed, semi-paralysed, dragging one leg, the Prussian hordes had for a time interrupted the even tenor of French life and national distress overshadowed all minor controversies. Who can say whether he thought these catastrophicevents might have a lethal effect on the memories of his contemporaries? Be that as it may, in the year 1872 Pasteur suddenly sprang a surprise upon the Academy of Science. For a moment we must recapitulate. It will be remembered that as early as 1862, Béchamp took up the study of vinous fermentation and the results of his experiments were published in 1864, when he statedclearly that from the outside of the grape comes the mould that causes must to ferment and that the stalks and leaves of vines bear organisms that may produce a fermentation injurious to the vintage. Thus heshowed his extensive view of fermentative phenomena. Not only did he understand the part played by airborne organisms and the role of indwelling cellular elements, but he was also able to point to organismsfound on external surfaces. Subsequently, from the year 1869 to 1872,
[ 653, 83360, 38586, 311, 433, 13, 44710, 543, 11, 3026, 315, 279, 1917, 527, 11953, 3201, 555, 264, 1424, 1245, 4228, 92265, 11, 682, 279, 810, 8581, 311, 4689, 1385, 323, 40146, 327, 10609, 811, 304, 430, 433, 374, 25587, 3196, 5304, 19168, 323, 6818, 85930, 44895, 49216, 16, 198, 9642, 11, 26907, 369, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 11, 279, 19662, 6677, 78643, 198, 258, 459, 8830, 315, 279, 8198, 315, 79909, 2508, 1389, 779, 51533, 11, 439, 48120, 3468, 60171, 706, 35070, 345, 17, 1524, 1457, 304, 279, 62520, 9478, 198, 4235, 574, 11, 323, 2103, 5084, 311, 387, 11, 2631, 311, 58389, 279, 28254, 261, 345, 16, 8921, 666, 978, 30303, 3930, 18654, 21436, 64, 1174, 281, 13, 1987, 627, 17, 13, 42855, 9356, 1389, 8013, 10229, 11, 6250, 11, 220, 7529, 20, 90557, 11679, 292, 323, 17395, 79236, 315, 77041, 16853, 79519, 574, 16785, 21896, 902, 1051, 1825, 311, 682, 311, 1373, 198, 4291, 279, 1520, 315, 279, 73757, 13, 2030, 2478, 1051, 40044, 26611, 311, 53429, 5655, 3403, 1234, 1148, 1253, 3629, 387, 38309, 59915, 1385, 627, 72204, 43890, 3403, 6677, 311, 3619, 279, 84140, 198, 92076, 5962, 311, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 13, 14968, 505, 279, 1212, 11, 568, 19201, 279, 1917, 2403, 35214, 99525, 555, 2288, 51794, 59358, 627, 2170, 4216, 439, 220, 9714, 24, 568, 6267, 512, 46233, 13892, 764, 590, 34653, 11, 304, 13481, 48009, 11, 323, 304, 23064, 69865, 11, 279, 14209, 198, 4752, 1027, 19168, 315, 24032, 304, 279, 4819, 323, 304, 279, 6680, 51526, 832, 574, 1633, 1790, 26655, 311, 1935, 1124, 369, 11938, 14943, 2315, 315, 19664, 33403, 275, 2191, 13, 1102, 374, 30576, 11, 1306, 1148, 584, 305, 4798, 3864, 11, 430, 4619, 315, 20958, 430, 279, 37805, 706, 1047, 300, 1202, 6371, 323, 5353, 279, 17219, 1139, 279, 47120, 1022, 461, 625, 17684, 1026, 449, 872, 12777, 306, 1957, 11, 832, 1288, 33449, 9210, 832, 374, 14892, 1618, 449, 459, 73681, 315, 279, 5865, 315, 41543, 21436, 300, 11, 459, 73681, 16717, 555, 279, 2349, 430, 34143, 3448, 2035, 304, 872, 1376, 49216, 16, 198, 33, 978, 331, 1141, 11, 889, 1047, 2736, 21091, 813, 6677, 315, 1972, 198, 1768, 300, 49086, 8624, 4787, 449, 813, 18841, 315, 279, 5353, 315, 64032, 1347, 483, 13801, 16514, 22225, 39858, 5678, 311, 387, 279, 1888, 19167, 369, 279, 8154, 10276, 315, 1884, 21896, 430, 7138, 19165, 2094, 994, 279, 198, 8416, 79236, 315, 279, 2547, 527, 11293, 311, 28013, 11, 323, 459, 15630, 31402, 82, 198, 258, 279, 47120, 13, 2030, 279, 8857, 315, 43384, 11, 48080, 315, 279, 79909, 39227, 1604, 91555, 11, 617, 1027, 35072, 449, 264, 35750, 10334, 315, 8624, 902, 198, 20670, 1436, 3619, 11, 323, 617, 12305, 279, 28254, 12917, 315, 198, 48120, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 627, 2181, 374, 311, 1148, 8111, 311, 617, 1027, 58325, 324, 753, 17644, 84998, 198, 1073, 1521, 6325, 430, 584, 690, 1457, 2543, 1057, 6666, 627, 16, 13, 1219, 418, 288, 432, 408, 355, 220, 220, 2075, 11, 281, 13, 9756, 20, 627, 79519, 753, 1398, 50732, 256, 220, 13762, 8610, 256, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 477, 58325, 324, 30, 717, 627, 32, 1856, 351, 13884, 2191, 435, 2739, 496, 660, 198, 32, 13160, 13168, 1990, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 323, 58325, 324, 11203, 304, 279, 2144, 430, 198, 33, 978, 331, 1141, 30526, 430, 813, 6325, 14454, 264, 20406, 8668, 11, 1418, 198, 1820, 15629, 574, 2262, 311, 2231, 4741, 6325, 430, 1051, 23490, 198, 8386, 329, 91133, 832, 311, 2500, 627, 2520, 2937, 11, 4184, 311, 58325, 324, 11, 279, 2547, 374, 4400, 810, 1109, 198, 276, 81073, 3148, 11, 264, 17983, 11742, 6485, 11, 902, 11, 1418, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 198, 12393, 11, 568, 18908, 311, 387, 22852, 2403, 279, 30215, 315, 7362, 76991, 627, 16, 1283, 5084, 2646, 311, 617, 41193, 430, 420, 16801, 23093, 31095, 198, 1820, 82986, 10334, 315, 8624, 13517, 2231, 4741, 555, 26608, 9211, 323, 432, 13671, 607, 345, 8370, 568, 323, 5460, 8511, 1047, 1027, 779, 4062, 304, 48810, 627, 4438, 649, 7362, 44304, 82316, 8624, 304, 264, 2547, 994, 345, 74946, 311, 58325, 324, 11, 814, 4250, 1505, 4441, 1139, 279, 659, 1355, 373, 2547, 198, 39830, 1306, 8624, 706, 743, 304, 30, 33634, 449, 264, 5647, 315, 58469, 1053, 19553, 14000, 459, 60986, 79105, 304, 1778, 264, 52240, 11, 719, 3582, 198, 75070, 324, 753, 63698, 388, 617, 50082, 1461, 439, 264, 38467, 11, 264, 5647, 315, 279, 198, 75, 664, 84289, 374, 56452, 264, 3831, 1486, 449, 5606, 889, 5097, 5678, 439, 805, 13610, 439, 58325, 324, 1550, 477, 439, 14243, 439, 813, 20723, 1935, 872, 198, 48029, 20202, 315, 1461, 627, 1966, 279, 220, 1682, 339, 5651, 11, 220, 9714, 18, 11, 568, 1373, 264, 51342, 389, 279, 3917, 315, 198, 631, 1116, 1335, 198, 17, 1603, 279, 16192, 315, 10170, 627, 644, 420, 568, 1071, 512, 2118, 10267, 264, 6710, 315, 13339, 387, 20037, 709, 6724, 304, 264, 55115, 198, 89054, 69975, 304, 13200, 863, 320, 6881, 568, 22523, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 304, 459, 6931, 60529, 8, 1054, 438, 9277, 304, 264, 8036, 29918, 8061, 320, 4291, 477, 30096, 3805, 13146, 539, 8, 304, 2015, 311, 54292, 279, 3721, 96649, 1073, 279, 13200, 13, 2684, 690, 387, 912, 2231, 1116, 1335, 11, 14188, 304, 279, 2295, 2521, 11, 1606, 912, 56400, 28951, 527, 1070, 11, 6463, 389, 279, 4994, 8568, 6769, 279, 68857, 2530, 315, 279, 13200, 5471, 279, 4500, 1073, 17684, 1026, 389, 279, 7479, 26, 719, 358, 13468, 430, 279, 13339, 387, 11860, 295, 31329, 304, 264, 38617, 8547, 422, 2678, 304, 12472, 11, 323, 47114, 1466, 788, 422, 279, 13339, 1051, 304, 24779, 3148, 49216, 18, 198, 16, 13, 1054, 2356, 34922, 951, 4039, 12249, 1826, 1376, 978, 11, 7010, 3625, 4865, 49742, 17724, 11, 264, 326, 60656, 17158, 951, 82986, 288, 198, 5919, 14240, 417, 4225, 35285, 1759, 2029, 1219, 418, 288, 432, 408, 355, 220, 220, 3487, 281, 13, 9079, 18, 627, 17, 13, 19185, 307, 13, 12086, 13, 8899, 24, 12, 6281, 198, 18, 13, 19185, 307, 13, 281, 13, 9079, 19, 1087, 5642, 324, 753, 1665, 574, 311, 1501, 430, 1070, 1051, 912, 38088, 5496, 198, 22138, 304, 13339, 26, 430, 422, 9434, 2324, 11, 279, 17684, 1026, 315, 279, 3805, 11, 1051, 5115, 198, 327, 10391, 11, 1070, 1053, 387, 912, 45964, 4500, 505, 9358, 76991, 13, 4314, 1051, 279, 2919, 304, 902, 11, 3515, 99325, 198, 99338, 291, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 753, 6848, 315, 279, 3062, 5596, 6476, 555, 279, 198, 266, 8801, 33349, 18939, 11, 568, 15164, 18813, 12253, 11691, 7162, 904, 38088, 5496, 22138, 304, 10065, 323, 36581, 13162, 627, 33, 978, 331, 1141, 11, 14392, 430, 813, 1866, 10151, 449, 279, 73757, 198, 412, 30972, 7069, 430, 315, 682, 813, 59504, 5548, 11, 3521, 2656, 58325, 324, 369, 912, 339, 2370, 1027, 3025, 311, 11388, 279, 9568, 44304, 304, 279, 8149, 315, 279, 198, 69, 645, 8671, 20278, 13, 2030, 568, 18908, 430, 58325, 324, 753, 1866, 198, 474, 51122, 9247, 315, 279, 85073, 477, 13481, 1466, 788, 1614, 315, 279, 13339, 1288, 19553, 1027, 14343, 311, 617, 22954, 1461, 315, 279, 8903, 315, 264, 11742, 198, 3455, 323, 1202, 1867, 21064, 32961, 1389, 264, 25540, 1413, 8479, 662, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 198, 21974, 430, 58325, 324, 753, 1866, 21896, 11, 1418, 19969, 311, 23973, 1174, 389, 1820, 26102, 19168, 279, 8206, 315, 279, 8162, 21436, 1122, 2262, 919, 627, 2520, 2937, 11, 1578, 11, 304, 459, 9526, 449, 66185, 14403, 11, 58325, 324, 198, 5598, 2841, 264, 22843, 71707, 259, 7331, 323, 10555, 279, 25768, 315, 279, 69, 23758, 5030, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 1206, 2469, 13, 1442, 1070, 1051, 4400, 5496, 304, 279, 198, 76, 34263, 11, 1268, 1436, 568, 2759, 369, 279, 2349, 304, 1202, 11018, 414, 323, 10552, 279, 198, 1593, 315, 279, 94263, 1303, 5380, 45600, 433, 374, 12266, 311, 743, 16038, 279, 13160, 13168, 1990, 198, 33, 978, 331, 1141, 323, 58325, 324, 304, 5363, 311, 872, 6666, 311, 904, 25885, 345, 11536, 555, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 4400, 574, 3596, 12305, 11, 1418, 58325, 324, 15320, 36522, 927, 1455, 71240, 6029, 627, 2520, 3187, 11, 304, 34781, 315, 682, 279, 13160, 4442, 304, 14403, 11, 58325, 324, 198, 16514, 2262, 311, 7664, 433, 439, 653, 38377, 481, 11, 3734, 1555, 2680, 315, 1414, 1026, 315, 279, 3805, 11, 323, 439, 1694, 4400, 810, 1109, 264, 6425, 315, 25107, 198, 19776, 2641, 11, 315, 14403, 13465, 323, 315, 1162, 258, 11, 304, 902, 1051, 22340, 19252, 315, 198, 45283, 11, 304, 2875, 11, 430, 433, 574, 264, 17983, 991, 34003, 902, 1550, 539, 6782, 904, 64275, 13162, 13171, 315, 14718, 904, 2349, 304, 1202, 18528, 13, 1789, 198, 42820, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 20041, 14403, 11, 323, 433, 574, 539, 12222, 264, 1790, 3010, 2457, 430, 198, 383, 5616, 20097, 5678, 439, 311, 682, 1202, 12624, 84140, 627, 1687, 1505, 430, 1120, 439, 304, 220, 9741, 22, 58325, 324, 753, 37391, 11845, 380, 6325, 1051, 11622, 198, 454, 3950, 311, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 753, 11, 779, 1555, 279, 220, 9714, 15, 82, 58325, 324, 6724, 12305, 198, 33, 978, 331, 1141, 753, 12917, 304, 5363, 311, 279, 8162, 21436, 300, 11, 477, 8162, 82, 20969, 11, 315, 1820, 7917, 323, 279, 68736, 1413, 4442, 4245, 311, 1521, 38088, 5496, 198, 22138, 13, 20636, 41193, 279, 17684, 1026, 315, 279, 3805, 11, 568, 9508, 18507, 311, 279, 198, 1414, 1026, 315, 279, 2547, 1174, 323, 12305, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 753, 14814, 22941, 990, 994, 279, 75, 1683, 89142, 555, 9526, 279, 29865, 12628, 315, 8798, 2631, 198, 32, 1856, 351, 13884, 2191, 435, 2739, 496, 660, 5996, 12425, 9716, 256, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 477, 58325, 324, 30, 998, 7066, 279, 8162, 21436, 300, 315, 14403, 11, 43459, 11, 5099, 627, 24901, 1174, 433, 5084, 439, 3582, 58325, 324, 2011, 617, 1027, 22954, 2403, 198, 26301, 690, 555, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 753, 31342, 304, 5363, 311, 279, 19338, 315, 5554, 29700, 494, 82, 51526, 813, 29904, 3531, 315, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 574, 912, 10712, 76566, 555, 813, 198, 64589, 2136, 315, 264, 11660, 61022, 662, 2468, 279, 842, 315, 220, 9714, 23, 11, 17551, 3428, 449, 198, 484, 2136, 11, 889, 649, 3371, 1148, 11555, 5946, 1555, 813, 4059, 9002, 1820, 6325, 315, 279, 893, 889, 1047, 779, 82315, 1461, 389, 279, 3917, 315, 198, 1334, 32096, 44304, 323, 872, 961, 304, 74454, 26, 279, 893, 889, 1047, 198, 708, 304, 66817, 2915, 19168, 279, 11384, 315, 279, 19338, 315, 5554, 29700, 494, 82, 430, 26301, 1866, 12624, 17444, 1047, 1027, 14243, 21699, 1389, 279, 893, 345, 258, 2875, 11, 889, 1053, 2646, 387, 813, 84795, 5380, 49388, 1174, 994, 58325, 324, 16392, 505, 813, 14363, 2788, 11, 18768, 58098, 278, 1065, 291, 345, 35031, 3252, 832, 2531, 11, 279, 2394, 15950, 305, 81492, 1047, 369, 264, 892, 37883, 279, 198, 17206, 5899, 269, 315, 8753, 2324, 323, 5426, 35104, 85305, 291, 682, 9099, 198, 778, 12848, 552, 13, 10699, 649, 2019, 3508, 568, 3463, 1521, 35205, 22761, 560, 48764, 2643, 617, 264, 45089, 2515, 389, 279, 19459, 315, 813, 198, 778, 53471, 5548, 30, 2893, 430, 439, 433, 1253, 1174, 304, 279, 1060, 220, 9674, 17, 58325, 324, 15187, 198, 52773, 526, 264, 13051, 5304, 279, 16192, 315, 10170, 627, 2520, 264, 4545, 584, 2011, 55099, 275, 6468, 13, 1102, 690, 387, 27569, 430, 439, 198, 22928, 439, 220, 9714, 17, 11, 426, 978, 331, 1141, 3952, 709, 279, 4007, 315, 24848, 788, 74454, 323, 198, 1820, 3135, 315, 813, 21896, 1051, 4756, 304, 220, 9714, 19, 11, 994, 568, 11224, 7574, 398, 430, 505, 279, 4994, 315, 279, 52252, 4131, 279, 51370, 430, 11384, 198, 25849, 311, 68736, 323, 430, 279, 55972, 82, 323, 11141, 315, 86529, 11984, 44304, 198, 9210, 1253, 8356, 264, 74454, 5934, 28626, 311, 279, 24724, 13, 14636, 305, 4385, 13111, 813, 16781, 1684, 315, 68736, 1413, 44247, 13, 2876, 1193, 1550, 198, 383, 3619, 279, 961, 6476, 555, 70863, 44304, 323, 279, 3560, 315, 198, 485, 86, 6427, 35693, 5540, 11, 719, 568, 574, 1101, 3025, 311, 1486, 311, 44304, 15456, 389, 9434, 27529, 13, 3804, 39742, 1174, 505, 279, 1060, 220, 9714, 24, 311, 220, 9674, 17, 345 ]
in cold climates the number of red fibers, which are used for work not glucose and fats, reaches up to 96%! The main part of the daily diet power required (even in hot summer!) includes a sufficient amount of animal fats, such people useful to use evening as night fats in large numbers stored in the muscle fibers and then slowly used during the day. 258 258When eating in hot climates mainly plant food such people there is an obvious weight loss, fast fatigue and reluctance to move, as well as nervous exhaustion due to lack of fat, and (as a consequence) of excess alkalinization of blood which accumulates little used muscles glucose. Use in this situation, vitamin-rich raw vegetables and fruits only worsens the situation as more alkalify blood and because of the heavy destruction of vitamins in alkaline medium enhances vitamin deficiency and stimulates the nervous system. The characteristic manifestations of irritability, nervousness, impulsiveness and haste in doing so, perhaps neurasthenia, hypertension, diabetes (lean), heart attacks. The indigenous inhabitants of the middle latitudes have approximately the same number of different fibers (though there are options!), so They "all 100" suitable seasonal food, in which muscle use both types of fibers: in the winter - Animal products - in summer plant. Given the genetic predisposition mortgaged specific person to a particular type food, you can formulate the second rule of natural power: the choice food than the climatic conditions a person must take account of their individual physiological features - the type of "fuel", who uses his muscles. Theories of power and a great variety of diets, I want to tell you about the most common principles of nutrition, which are feasible in our conditions. Natural food should be varied. Foods are arranged in descending order preference and biological value. If we follow that rating can allow the body to samoistselitsya and samoochistitsya. • Pollen, 1 teaspoon, 2 times daily on an empty stomach (Before eating). • Herbal tea with honey. as a basis can be used linden, currants, briar, Veronica spiked, thyme, oregano, chamomile, peppermint, nettle, willow-herb. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices: a) 70% carrot, beet - 30%. b) 50% carrot, pumpkin - 50%. c) 40% carrot, pumpkin - 20%, sugar beet - 20% celery root - 20%. d) 50% apple, carrot - 30%, pumpkin - 20%. • Fresh fruit (not the mixing of families) for 30-40 minutes until meal. • Dried fruits. • Green. • Vegetable salads. • sprouted wheat. • Pumpkin seeds. 259 259• Nuts. • Dairy products. • Cereals. • Beans, soy, beans, peas. • Marine products. • Quail eggs. • Mushrooms. • Fish. • Poultry. • Meat. Best of all, if the person on the basis of this list and the fact that he loves will form its own menu. Man so much accustomed to a particular food, often for him it becomes impossible to abandon it. I brought in these lists food live and do not destroy the human body. But people have departed from this natural food. Much of what they are eating now is not food, and the farther a person is removed from the use of natural products, the more diseases he gains. Eating raw fruits and vegetables with the addition of boiled vegetables and unsalted nuts and seeds, he enjoyed to longevity and excellent health. Natural food is the same one that brings present health. to these products and tailored our entire digestive system. The more natural foods you eat, the better your health. I've shared a rich choice. Choosing these products and following the program of fasting, you will save a great physical condition for life. Rules of supply 1. Food should be alive (natural) and healthy (see the rating of food). Eat Fruits and vegetables grown without the use of pesticides. Prepare vegetables with a minimum amount of water if possible at relatively low temperatures, keeping them on fire as little as possible. 2. Eat the young grain cereal, as they contain lots of protein, all the B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals and trace elements. Introduction to the diet of sprouted Wheat has Curative and rejuvenating effects of on the body, because it contains a number of vitamins and various enzymes that stimulate the body's vital functions, optimize metabolism, strengthens the nervous system. Sprouted wheat is used for the restoration of life tone for a more rapid exit from the state of distress after borne diseases, to strengthen the organs of the respiratory system (Especially lung), to strengthen the teeth to improve the hair and restore their natural color. Eat it 3 times a week. Prepare the wheat must be so: Pour wheat 260 260water per day, then drain the water, and corn, cover the wet cloth until germination. Once the hatch white dots sprouts, wheat is ready. Wash it and eat. Can be in raw form, or you can mince along with vegetables and make patties. Cutlets little drain on both sides of the pan without oils (in they should be almost raw), and then sprinkle of olive oil. From vegetable oils is preferable olive oil, but no more than 2-4 tablespoons per day Method of preparation of porridge from wheat germ: a 22-24 hours prior to cooking meals or jelly grain of wheat at the rate of 50-100 g per person thoroughly rinsed with cold water. When This debris and weeds as lighter components emerge and removed with water. Water-washed wheat leaves in such quantity that it was at the top layer of grain, but did not cover it from above. Vessel with wheat put in a warm place and the cover is not very thick linen or paper towel. After the specified time, sprouted grains of wheat (as judged by the presence of germs appeared to 1 mm in length) a few times washed with cold water and then passed through a meat grinder or ground on an electric mill, and immediately poured into a vessel with just boiled milk, and in his absence - the boiling water. Approximate ratio of 1:1 or another, depending on the the desired concentration. in porridge or pudding add sugar to taste (Preferably honey), and butter add 1 teaspoon per serving wheat 50-100 city Boil porridge is unacceptable. It must be only cool to the desired temperature in the vessel, covered cover, and then immediately consumed as food. Porridge can brew only in the enamel, ceramic or glass container. 3. Try to replace meat with fish. Fish diet eliminate the excess of triglycerides in the blood increases the number of high-density lipoproteins, preventing the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques in the vessel walls. Recipes rejuvenation of the body on the basis of raw fish. Fish - the only living creature that has no Genes of aging. Fish from age does not die. At the same time, even the heat treatment of meat animals does not annihilate bio genes of aging. The greater the age of fish, the more fully it as a source of minerals, vitamins, shlakovyvodyaschih components... The conditions under which fish products are used for the removal of residues - is the lack of heat treatment and the absence of refined foods Sugars (jams, biscuits, rolls, ketchup and many other products containing refined sugars, too, are destructive substances that promote the conclusion of the slag). Sugars contained in plant foods do not have corrupting influence, because it comes into the body with substances neutralizing decay and even helps to remove excess 261 261sugars, arrived in the diet, so fruits and vegetables You can eat in any quantity. The compounds of sugars (sucrose and sugars) emanating from the body within a few months (And sometimes up to 2 two years), even in case of failure of products containing refined sugar, reduce the effect of cleansing and rejuvenation. When using the above fish recipes sharply increases the output of slag from the joints, bones, spine, improving the structure and quality of tissue, skin, increases physical and bio-energy potential of the body, increases potency in men and sensuality in women. Work is under way in the body to replace the tissue structure to a more perfect. Derived almost all kinds of toxins. Such food can feed a long. Its absorption - about 90%, long hungry, your body receives everything necessary for their livelihood. But at the same need intensive physical activity, otherwise it will do more harm than good. The finished product can be stored in refrigerator up to 3-4 days. Along with the fish you can eat and other foods, but not hot, and of course, does not contain refined sugars. If such fish will have children, then we can reduce the amount of pepper and spices (Peppers can be deleted altogether), increase the dose of lemon juice. You can use any variety of fish (cod, mackerel, Argentina, etc.), but the best of the sea, since they are less pathogenic microbes and industrial waste
[ 304, 9439, 92399, 198, 1820, 1396, 315, 2579, 49774, 11, 902, 527, 1511, 369, 990, 539, 198, 6200, 94697, 323, 50127, 11, 25501, 709, 311, 220, 4161, 90520, 578, 1925, 961, 315, 279, 7446, 10173, 198, 13477, 2631, 320, 17206, 304, 4106, 7474, 16715, 5764, 264, 14343, 198, 6173, 315, 10065, 50127, 11, 1778, 1274, 5505, 311, 1005, 198, 17206, 287, 439, 3814, 50127, 304, 3544, 5219, 198, 72349, 304, 279, 16124, 49774, 323, 1243, 14297, 1511, 198, 82977, 279, 1938, 627, 15966, 198, 15966, 4599, 12459, 304, 4106, 92399, 14918, 6136, 198, 14239, 1778, 1274, 1070, 374, 459, 8196, 4785, 4814, 11, 5043, 198, 45283, 22711, 323, 84050, 311, 3351, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 23418, 70663, 4245, 311, 198, 105516, 315, 8834, 11, 323, 320, 300, 264, 29774, 8, 315, 13937, 58998, 36207, 2065, 315, 6680, 198, 8370, 15783, 24031, 2697, 1511, 24569, 198, 6200, 94697, 13, 5560, 304, 420, 6671, 11, 28170, 41947, 7257, 198, 83571, 4893, 323, 26390, 1193, 47293, 729, 279, 6671, 439, 810, 198, 1727, 278, 1463, 6680, 323, 1606, 315, 279, 8987, 19814, 315, 46192, 198, 258, 66787, 483, 11298, 57924, 28170, 48294, 323, 95455, 279, 23418, 198, 9125, 13, 578, 29683, 78167, 315, 30118, 2968, 345, 77, 651, 788, 2136, 11, 97879, 13071, 323, 90539, 304, 3815, 779, 11, 8530, 198, 818, 324, 561, 12301, 689, 11, 63308, 11, 20335, 320, 2742, 705, 4851, 8951, 627, 791, 39678, 40771, 315, 279, 6278, 6987, 21237, 617, 13489, 279, 1890, 198, 4174, 315, 2204, 49774, 320, 4636, 1070, 527, 2671, 49743, 779, 198, 7009, 330, 543, 220, 1041, 1, 14791, 36899, 3691, 11, 304, 902, 16124, 198, 817, 2225, 4595, 315, 49774, 25, 304, 279, 12688, 482, 21995, 3956, 482, 304, 7474, 198, 21494, 627, 22818, 279, 19465, 80632, 3571, 10237, 70, 3359, 198, 52340, 1732, 311, 264, 4040, 955, 3691, 11, 499, 649, 198, 630, 6468, 279, 2132, 6037, 315, 5933, 2410, 25, 279, 5873, 198, 14239, 1109, 279, 11323, 780, 4787, 264, 1732, 2011, 198, 23609, 2759, 315, 872, 3927, 53194, 4519, 482, 279, 198, 1337, 315, 330, 64475, 498, 889, 5829, 813, 24569, 13, 578, 2490, 315, 2410, 198, 438, 264, 2294, 8205, 315, 41943, 11, 358, 1390, 311, 3371, 499, 922, 279, 1455, 4279, 198, 652, 5824, 645, 315, 26677, 11, 902, 527, 43303, 304, 1057, 4787, 627, 55381, 3691, 1288, 387, 28830, 627, 37, 9242, 527, 28902, 304, 44184, 2015, 198, 1762, 2251, 323, 24156, 907, 13, 1442, 584, 1833, 198, 9210, 10959, 649, 2187, 279, 2547, 311, 83478, 1705, 301, 1220, 7911, 198, 438, 10167, 2689, 331, 380, 1220, 7911, 627, 6806, 25385, 268, 11, 220, 16, 42384, 11, 220, 17, 3115, 7446, 389, 459, 4384, 23152, 198, 5462, 4746, 12459, 4390, 6806, 87972, 15600, 449, 26828, 13, 439, 264, 8197, 649, 387, 1511, 198, 75, 59317, 11, 10004, 1821, 11, 40568, 277, 11, 83621, 93342, 11, 270, 31218, 11, 297, 1610, 5770, 345, 331, 309, 316, 458, 11, 83804, 94932, 11, 4272, 11489, 11, 690, 363, 12, 1964, 65, 627, 56753, 14098, 323, 36581, 65959, 512, 64, 8, 220, 2031, 4, 75294, 11, 49112, 482, 220, 966, 126437, 65, 8, 220, 1135, 4, 75294, 11, 50625, 482, 220, 1135, 126437, 66, 8, 220, 1272, 4, 75294, 11, 50625, 482, 220, 508, 13689, 13465, 49112, 482, 220, 508, 4, 70121, 3789, 482, 220, 508, 126437, 67, 8, 220, 1135, 4, 24149, 11, 75294, 482, 220, 966, 13689, 50625, 482, 220, 508, 126437, 6806, 30260, 14098, 320, 1962, 279, 27890, 315, 8689, 8, 369, 220, 966, 12, 1272, 4520, 3156, 198, 42880, 627, 6806, 423, 4588, 26390, 627, 6806, 7997, 627, 6806, 95392, 77852, 627, 6806, 8314, 19042, 34153, 627, 6806, 76357, 19595, 627, 15537, 198, 15537, 6806, 452, 6256, 627, 6806, 79122, 3956, 627, 6806, 356, 486, 1147, 627, 6806, 81836, 11, 29839, 11, 27994, 11, 47136, 627, 6806, 23820, 3956, 627, 6806, 3489, 607, 19335, 627, 6806, 59205, 9949, 627, 6806, 17019, 627, 6806, 393, 55119, 627, 6806, 45965, 627, 14809, 315, 682, 11, 422, 279, 1732, 389, 279, 8197, 315, 420, 1160, 323, 279, 2144, 430, 198, 383, 16180, 690, 1376, 1202, 1866, 5130, 13, 2418, 779, 1790, 198, 4575, 50786, 311, 264, 4040, 3691, 11, 3629, 369, 1461, 198, 275, 9221, 12266, 311, 15673, 433, 13, 358, 7263, 304, 1521, 11725, 3691, 198, 25859, 323, 656, 539, 7066, 279, 3823, 2547, 627, 4071, 1274, 617, 56696, 505, 420, 5933, 3691, 13, 24191, 315, 1148, 198, 20670, 527, 12459, 1457, 374, 539, 3691, 11, 323, 279, 43726, 264, 1732, 374, 7108, 198, 1527, 279, 1005, 315, 5933, 3956, 11, 279, 810, 19338, 568, 198, 70, 1771, 13, 60638, 7257, 26390, 323, 24822, 449, 279, 5369, 315, 198, 754, 2230, 24822, 323, 7120, 62334, 31049, 323, 19595, 11, 568, 14333, 198, 998, 58219, 323, 9250, 2890, 13, 18955, 3691, 198, 285, 279, 1890, 832, 430, 12716, 3118, 2890, 13, 311, 1521, 198, 10354, 323, 41891, 1057, 4553, 60071, 1887, 627, 791, 810, 5933, 15657, 499, 8343, 11, 279, 2731, 701, 198, 12393, 13, 358, 3077, 6222, 264, 9257, 5873, 13, 77351, 1521, 3956, 198, 438, 2768, 279, 2068, 315, 54560, 11, 499, 690, 3665, 264, 2294, 7106, 198, 9233, 369, 2324, 627, 27099, 315, 8312, 198, 16, 13, 12369, 1288, 387, 13989, 320, 53980, 340, 438, 9498, 320, 4151, 279, 10959, 315, 3691, 570, 45614, 198, 37, 68998, 323, 24822, 15042, 2085, 279, 1005, 315, 61257, 627, 51690, 24822, 449, 264, 8187, 3392, 315, 3090, 422, 198, 10236, 520, 12309, 3428, 20472, 11, 10494, 1124, 389, 4027, 198, 300, 2697, 439, 3284, 627, 17, 13, 45614, 279, 3995, 24875, 62233, 11, 439, 198, 20670, 6782, 10283, 315, 13128, 11, 682, 279, 426, 46192, 11, 28170, 469, 345, 1083, 17822, 323, 11917, 5540, 13, 29438, 311, 279, 10173, 315, 8314, 19042, 198, 54, 20559, 706, 13182, 1413, 323, 73484, 1113, 6372, 315, 198, 263, 279, 2547, 11, 1606, 433, 5727, 264, 1396, 315, 46192, 323, 5370, 198, 17007, 79809, 430, 51077, 279, 2547, 596, 16595, 5865, 345, 95432, 39097, 11, 96931, 279, 23418, 1887, 627, 64505, 19042, 34153, 374, 1511, 369, 279, 35093, 315, 2324, 198, 59029, 369, 264, 810, 11295, 4974, 505, 279, 1614, 315, 35104, 1306, 198, 32096, 19338, 11, 311, 20259, 279, 36853, 315, 279, 42631, 1887, 198, 10953, 82, 4899, 21271, 705, 311, 20259, 279, 18311, 311, 7417, 279, 198, 51729, 323, 15301, 872, 5933, 1933, 13, 45614, 433, 198, 18, 3115, 264, 2046, 13, 32266, 279, 34153, 2011, 387, 779, 25, 27058, 34153, 198, 11387, 198, 11387, 13284, 824, 1938, 11, 1243, 24659, 279, 3090, 11, 323, 14095, 11, 3504, 279, 14739, 198, 89054, 3156, 17684, 33196, 13, 9843, 279, 44355, 4251, 32094, 198, 52773, 11934, 11, 34153, 374, 5644, 13, 6113, 433, 323, 8343, 13, 3053, 387, 304, 7257, 1376, 345, 269, 499, 649, 1332, 346, 3235, 449, 24822, 323, 1304, 198, 79, 1617, 552, 13, 20223, 10145, 2697, 24659, 389, 2225, 11314, 315, 279, 7363, 2085, 198, 78, 8839, 320, 258, 814, 1288, 387, 4661, 7257, 705, 323, 1243, 85947, 198, 1073, 33213, 5707, 13, 5659, 36581, 32462, 374, 70668, 198, 337, 535, 5707, 11, 719, 912, 810, 1109, 220, 17, 12, 19, 56588, 824, 1938, 198, 3607, 315, 18459, 315, 4247, 11431, 505, 34153, 82986, 25, 264, 220, 1313, 12, 1187, 198, 31482, 4972, 311, 17677, 21644, 477, 52441, 24875, 315, 34153, 520, 279, 4478, 315, 198, 1135, 12, 1041, 342, 824, 1732, 27461, 97139, 291, 449, 9439, 3090, 13, 3277, 198, 2028, 35098, 323, 70535, 439, 30673, 6956, 34044, 198, 438, 7108, 449, 3090, 13, 10164, 2695, 13883, 34153, 11141, 198, 258, 1778, 12472, 430, 433, 574, 520, 279, 1948, 6324, 315, 24875, 345, 8248, 1550, 539, 3504, 433, 505, 3485, 13, 650, 36648, 449, 34153, 2231, 304, 264, 8369, 2035, 198, 438, 279, 3504, 374, 539, 1633, 12314, 55115, 477, 5684, 43713, 627, 6153, 279, 5300, 892, 11, 8314, 19042, 41936, 315, 34153, 320, 300, 198, 18631, 3640, 555, 279, 9546, 315, 17684, 1026, 9922, 311, 220, 16, 9653, 304, 3160, 8, 264, 2478, 3115, 198, 86, 13883, 449, 9439, 3090, 323, 1243, 5946, 1555, 264, 13339, 46641, 477, 198, 1993, 389, 459, 9249, 2606, 11, 323, 7214, 44033, 1139, 264, 27274, 198, 4291, 1120, 66185, 14403, 11, 323, 304, 813, 19821, 482, 279, 50937, 3090, 627, 70620, 3509, 11595, 315, 220, 16, 25, 16, 477, 2500, 11, 11911, 389, 279, 198, 1820, 12974, 20545, 13, 304, 4247, 11431, 477, 82527, 923, 13465, 311, 12945, 198, 7, 4808, 809, 2915, 26828, 705, 323, 14432, 923, 220, 16, 42384, 824, 13788, 198, 86, 20559, 220, 1135, 12, 1041, 3363, 2577, 321, 4247, 11431, 374, 44085, 13, 1102, 2011, 387, 198, 3323, 7155, 311, 279, 12974, 9499, 304, 279, 27274, 11, 9960, 198, 3773, 11, 323, 1243, 7214, 27073, 439, 3691, 13, 20388, 11431, 649, 17109, 198, 3323, 304, 279, 92848, 11, 43124, 477, 9168, 5593, 627, 18, 13, 9934, 311, 8454, 13339, 449, 7795, 13, 17019, 10173, 198, 40895, 3357, 279, 13937, 315, 54033, 68590, 3422, 304, 279, 6680, 12992, 279, 1396, 315, 198, 12156, 89131, 19588, 454, 5646, 1354, 11, 27252, 279, 18488, 315, 198, 51105, 1206, 2469, 323, 264, 91882, 566, 261, 14546, 40852, 14295, 304, 279, 27274, 14620, 13, 45302, 198, 265, 63231, 367, 315, 279, 2547, 389, 279, 8197, 315, 7257, 7795, 627, 65641, 482, 279, 1193, 5496, 17661, 430, 706, 912, 198, 10172, 288, 315, 30084, 13, 17019, 505, 4325, 1587, 539, 2815, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 198, 1712, 11, 1524, 279, 8798, 6514, 315, 13339, 10099, 1587, 539, 98445, 349, 198, 38423, 21389, 315, 30084, 13, 578, 7191, 279, 4325, 315, 7795, 11, 279, 810, 198, 3725, 433, 439, 264, 2592, 315, 34072, 345, 55911, 38925, 11, 97010, 587, 62615, 85, 1094, 300, 331, 7141, 6956, 2564, 578, 4787, 1234, 902, 198, 18668, 3956, 527, 1511, 369, 279, 17065, 315, 71783, 482, 374, 279, 6996, 315, 198, 20559, 6514, 323, 279, 19821, 315, 38291, 15657, 198, 50, 773, 1590, 320, 73, 4214, 11, 87076, 11, 28473, 11, 597, 91997, 323, 1690, 1023, 198, 10354, 8649, 38291, 70913, 11, 2288, 11, 527, 198, 61368, 535, 33155, 430, 12192, 279, 17102, 315, 279, 198, 3306, 351, 570, 84867, 1590, 13282, 304, 6136, 15657, 656, 539, 617, 198, 6133, 6722, 287, 10383, 11, 1606, 433, 4131, 1139, 279, 2547, 449, 33155, 198, 60668, 4954, 31815, 323, 1524, 8779, 311, 4148, 13937, 198, 15602, 198, 15602, 82, 773, 1590, 11, 11721, 304, 279, 10173, 11, 779, 26390, 323, 24822, 198, 2675, 649, 8343, 304, 904, 12472, 13, 578, 32246, 315, 70913, 320, 82, 1791, 25888, 198, 438, 70913, 8, 69239, 1113, 505, 279, 2547, 2949, 264, 2478, 4038, 198, 7, 3112, 7170, 709, 311, 220, 17, 1403, 1667, 705, 1524, 304, 1162, 315, 8060, 315, 3956, 8649, 198, 1116, 1619, 13465, 11, 8108, 279, 2515, 315, 60052, 323, 73484, 367, 627, 4599, 1701, 279, 3485, 7795, 19141, 46473, 198, 43842, 2315, 279, 2612, 315, 67691, 505, 279, 35358, 11, 25896, 11, 35776, 345, 318, 782, 4504, 279, 6070, 323, 4367, 315, 20438, 11, 6930, 11, 12992, 198, 47692, 323, 17332, 65487, 4754, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 12992, 198, 19644, 2301, 304, 3026, 323, 6225, 10965, 304, 3278, 13, 5664, 374, 1234, 1648, 304, 279, 2547, 198, 998, 8454, 279, 20438, 6070, 311, 264, 810, 4832, 13, 68949, 198, 60301, 682, 13124, 315, 62186, 13, 15483, 3691, 649, 5510, 264, 198, 4930, 13, 11699, 44225, 482, 922, 220, 1954, 13689, 1317, 30056, 11, 701, 2547, 198, 54487, 1924, 4395, 5995, 369, 872, 64751, 13, 2030, 520, 279, 1890, 198, 17483, 37295, 7106, 5820, 11, 6062, 433, 690, 656, 810, 11682, 198, 54895, 1695, 13, 578, 8220, 2027, 649, 387, 9967, 304, 46044, 709, 311, 220, 18, 12, 19, 198, 14097, 627, 50909, 449, 279, 7795, 499, 649, 8343, 323, 1023, 15657, 11, 719, 539, 4106, 11, 323, 198, 1073, 3388, 11, 1587, 539, 6782, 38291, 70913, 13, 1442, 1778, 198, 18668, 690, 617, 2911, 11, 1243, 584, 649, 8108, 279, 3392, 315, 25349, 323, 49659, 198, 5417, 68, 36623, 649, 387, 11309, 31155, 705, 5376, 279, 19660, 315, 30564, 23661, 627, 2675, 649, 1005, 904, 8205, 315, 7795, 320, 20720, 11, 296, 9881, 301, 345, 96517, 11, 5099, 25390, 719, 279, 1888, 315, 279, 9581, 11, 2533, 814, 527, 2753, 1853, 29569, 198, 41543, 9620, 323, 13076, 12571 ]
(1903),1271-76. 60.QuotedinJamesJ.Walsh,HistoryoftheMedicalSocietyoftheStateofNew York(NewYork:TheMedicalSociety,1907),p.173. 252INotestoPages86-94 61.Bryan,itshouldbenoted,arguednotfromtheneedsoftheworkingclassnor evenhumanitariangrounds.Anearlyadvocateofwhathasbecomeknownas the"equalopportunity"doctrine,hisargumentforincludingthepoorerclasses inmedicinecamefromhisbeliefthat"itiscertaintheonlyhopeofthiscountry forsalvationfromanarchyisinkeepingthedoorsofhigheropportunityopento thepoorest."FromAssociationofAmericanMedicalColleges,Proceedingsof the18thAnnualMeeting,Cleveland,March16-17,1908,p.37. 62.F.C.ShattuckandJ.L.Bremer,"TheMedicalSchool,1869-1929," inS.E. Morison,ed.,TheDevelopmentofHarvardUniversity,1869-1929(Cambridge, Mass.:HarvardUniversityPress,1930),p.581. 63.QuotedinGarrison,Billings,p.256. 64.Philbrick,"MedicalColleges,"1700-02. 65.Rothstein,AmericanPhysicians,pp.230-34. 66.Kett,Formation,pp.135-38. 67.WalterL.Burrage,AHistoryoftheMassachusettsMedicalSociety,1781-1922. (Norwood,Mass.:PlimptonPress,1923),pp.426-27;andKonold,Ethics,pp. 22-26. 68.QuotedinRothstein,AmericanPhysicians,p.245(emphasisadded). 69.Ibid.,p.307.Seealso.RichardShryock,MedicalLicensinginAmerica, 1650-1965(Baltimore:JohnsHopkinsPress,1967),pp.51-52. 70.Shryock,MedicalLicensing,pp.53-54;RobertC.Derbyshire,Medical LicensureandDisciplineintheUnitedStates(Baltimore:JohnsHopkinsPress, 1969),p.7;Stevens,AmericanMedicine,p.43;andBerlant,Professionand Monopoly,chap.5. 71.Rothstein,AmericanPhysicians,pp.307-09. 72.Reed,"President'sAddress,"1605. 73."ReportoftheCommitteeonMedicalEthics,"JAMA,40(1903),1379-81. 74.Reed,"President'sAddress,"1605. 75.Rothstein,AmericanPhysicians,p.23. 76.See,forexample,T.McKeown,"AConceptualBackgroundforResearchand Development inMedicine,"InternationalJournalofHealthServices,3(1973), 17-28;andPowles,"Limitations." 77.Stevens,AmericanMedicine,p.40. 78.EdgarAllenForbes,"IstheDoctoraShylock?"World'sWork,14(1907), 8892-96. 79.B.EhrenreichandD.English,ComplaintsandDisorders:TheSexualPoliticsof Sickness(OldWestbury,N.Y.:TheFeministPress,1973).SeealsotheirFor HerOwnGood:150YearsoftheExperts'AdvicetoWomen(GardenCity, N.Y.:AnchorPress/Doubleday, 1978). 80.H.Bigelow,"TheConservationofEnergyandConservativeGynaecology," JAMA,4{\8S5),3U. 81.QuotedinStevens,AmericanMedicine,p.50. 82.Konold,Ethics,pp.35-37;and"ReportoftheCommitteeonSpecialties,and ontheProprietyofSpecialistsAdvertising,"TransactionsoftheAMA,20 (1869),111-13. 83.Konold,Ethics,pp.38-40. 84.Stevens,AmericanMedicine,p.50. 85.FiguresbasedonRothstein'sestimate{AmericanPhysicians,p.344)ofthe numberofphysiciansintheUnitedStatesin1900less5percentwhomayhave beenfull-timespecialists,whilethecurrentfigureisfromCambridgeResearch Institute,TrendsAffectingtheU.S.HealthCareSystem(Washington,D.C.: GovernmentPrintingOffice,1976),pp.357-66. NotestoPages94-109 I253 86.Stevens,AmericanMedicine,pp.85-88,92. 87.MauriceD.Clarke,"TherapeuticNihilism,"quotedinRothstein,American Physicians,pp.184-85. 88.Rothstein,AmericanPhysicians,p.324. 89.Stevens,AmericanMedicine,p.134. 90.Onthesuccessfulcampaigntogetridofmidwives,seeFrancesE.Kobrin,"The AmericanMidwifeControversy:ACrisisofProfessionalization," Bulletinofthe HistoryofMedicine,40(1966),350-63. 91.MorrisFishbein,TheNewMedicalFollies(NewYork:BoniandLiveright, 1927),p.231. CHAPTER3 1.SanderKelmandescribesthecontradiction thattechnologicalmedicineposed forprivatepracticephysiciansintheirattempttocontroltheprofessionin "TowardthePoliticalEconomyofMedicalCare,"Inquiry,8(Sept.1971), 30-37. 2.RosemaryStevens,AmericanMedicineandthePublicInterest(NewHaven: YaleUniversityPress,1971),pp.78,52.Onthecostofhospitalconstruction, seeC.RufusRorem,ThePublic'sInvestmentinHospitals(Chicago:University ofChicagoPress,1930),especiallypp.124-25. 3.Stevens,AmericanMedicine,p.145. 4.RichardHofstadter,TheAgeofReform(NewYork:VintageBooks,1955),pp. 137-38. 5.JAMA,35(1900),1353. 6.SimonFlexnerandJamesThomasFlexner,WilliamHenryWelchandthe HeroicAgeofAmericanMedicine(NewYork:VikingPress,1941),pp.111-17. 7.Ibid.,pp.130-34. 8.DonaldFleming,WilliamH.WelchandtheRiseofModernMedicine(Boston: Little,BrownandCo.,1954),conveystheimpressionthatWelchwasdrivenby competition.SeealsoS.FlexnerandJ.T.Flexner,Welch,p.138. 9.Fleming,Welch,pp.65-70;andFlexnerandFlexner,Welch,pp.136,154,171. 10.Theaccountisprintedinfullas"Recollections ofFrederickT.Gatesonthe OriginsoftheInstitute,"inGeorgeW.Comer'sofficialAHistoryofthe RockefellerInstitute—1901-1953(NewYork:RockefellerInstitutePress,1964), pp.575-84.ItisextensivelyreliedonbyComerandbyAllanNevins,JohnD. Rockefeller,TheHeroicAgeofAmericanEnterprise(NewYork:Charles Scribner'sSons,1940),vol.2,466-70;andHexnerandFlexner,Welch,269-71. IhavealsoquotedandreferredtoGates'memointhefollowingpages. 11.Comer,RockefellerInstitute,p.30;andaletterfromL.EmmettHolt,quotedin T.MitchellPrudden'sunpublishedhistoryoftheRockefellerInstitute. 12.Comer,RockefellerInstitute,pp.30-31. 13.Ibid.,pp.51-52. 14.FrederickT.Gates,Autobiography, unpublishedms.,1928,pp.387-88,Gates collection,RockefellerFoundationArchives;andComer,RockefellerInstitute, p.49. 15.Comer,RockefellerInstitute,p.68. 16.Ibid.,pp.39-40. 17.Ibid.,pp.40-41. 18.JohnD.RockefellertoStarrJ.Murphy,Dec.29,1916,RockefellerFamily Archives,recordgroup2. 254INotestoPages110-117 19.JohnD.RockefellertoStarrJ.Murphy,July1,1919,RockefellerFamily Archives,recordgroup2. 20.StarrJ.MurphytoJohnD.Rockefeller,July8,1919,RockefellerFamily Archives,recordgroup2. 21.FrederickT.GatestoJohnD.Rockefeller,Jan.20,1911,Gatescollection, RockefellerFoundationArchives. 22.JohnD.Rockefeller, Jr.,toStarrJ.Murphy,July5,1919,RockefellerFamily Archives,recordgroup2. 23.StarrJ.MurphytoJohnD.Rockefeller,Jan.2,1917,RockefellerFamily Archives,recordgroup2. 24.WilliamG.Rothstein,AmericanPhysiciansintheNineteenthCentury(Balti- more:JohnsHopkinsUniversityPress,1972),pp.159-60,234-39. 25.QuotedinRaymondB.Fosdick,JohnD.Rockefeller, Jr.,APortrait(New York:Har
[ 7, 7028, 18, 705, 6804, 16, 12, 4767, 627, 1399, 35007, 9437, 258, 29184, 41, 1196, 278, 939, 11, 13730, 1073, 1820, 53654, 50, 6180, 1073, 1820, 1423, 1073, 3648, 198, 100077, 36163, 100077, 75145, 53654, 50, 6180, 11, 7028, 22, 705, 79, 13, 11908, 627, 12326, 691, 354, 52525, 18183, 4218, 12, 6281, 198, 5547, 1823, 57858, 80824, 5562, 8123, 9437, 78365, 3340, 1962, 1527, 339, 1994, 291, 708, 69, 339, 2504, 287, 1058, 45807, 198, 17206, 26380, 275, 2850, 526, 1067, 82, 8794, 22928, 14625, 82615, 1073, 1336, 589, 300, 17106, 638, 5391, 300, 198, 1820, 1, 26880, 454, 68164, 1, 92265, 20393, 285, 14819, 2000, 16564, 339, 752, 10922, 261, 9031, 198, 258, 83543, 6142, 1527, 26301, 60876, 9210, 1, 275, 3510, 7770, 1820, 3323, 61893, 1073, 576, 11389, 198, 69, 1105, 278, 61428, 1527, 276, 15630, 58504, 33494, 79371, 10922, 708, 69, 90447, 454, 68164, 454, 17996, 198, 339, 752, 78, 42519, 1210, 3915, 64561, 1073, 29518, 53654, 6255, 1978, 288, 11, 85438, 287, 708, 69, 198, 1820, 972, 339, 81596, 65676, 11541, 22198, 28112, 1132, 845, 12, 1114, 11, 7028, 23, 7385, 13, 1806, 627, 5538, 1006, 732, 11086, 1617, 1983, 438, 41, 1236, 1823, 265, 1195, 1359, 791, 53654, 33849, 11, 9714, 24, 12, 5926, 24, 1359, 304, 50, 5253, 627, 42778, 3416, 11, 291, 2637, 791, 40519, 1073, 27588, 22329, 31272, 11, 9714, 24, 12, 5926, 24, 3100, 309, 14024, 345, 26909, 18976, 27588, 22329, 31272, 6010, 11, 7285, 15, 705, 79, 13, 23864, 627, 5495, 35007, 9437, 258, 38, 51103, 8324, 484, 826, 7385, 13, 4146, 627, 1227, 37089, 321, 70773, 1359, 53654, 6255, 1978, 288, 1359, 8258, 15, 12, 2437, 627, 2397, 2056, 8942, 12711, 15381, 16093, 67171, 9818, 11, 604, 13, 9870, 12, 1958, 627, 2287, 11606, 7211, 11, 60558, 11, 604, 13, 8878, 12, 1987, 627, 3080, 1196, 38377, 43, 1823, 8186, 425, 15381, 13730, 1073, 1820, 26909, 20652, 53654, 50, 6180, 11, 11256, 16, 12, 5926, 17, 627, 8368, 269, 6798, 11, 26909, 18976, 2169, 318, 19271, 6010, 11, 5926, 18, 705, 604, 13, 20363, 12, 1544, 26, 438, 78566, 820, 43225, 339, 1233, 11, 604, 627, 1313, 12, 1627, 627, 2614, 35007, 9437, 258, 49, 8942, 12711, 15381, 16093, 67171, 9818, 7385, 13, 13078, 53173, 55249, 17249, 4390, 3076, 2506, 21301, 2637, 79, 13, 14777, 815, 2176, 19171, 2056, 718, 569, 2059, 894, 1197, 11, 53654, 43, 24302, 258, 32132, 345, 10680, 15, 12, 5162, 20, 5462, 88232, 25, 13379, 82, 88373, 11966, 6010, 11, 5162, 22, 705, 604, 13, 3971, 12, 4103, 627, 2031, 11086, 894, 1197, 11, 53654, 43, 24302, 11, 604, 13, 4331, 12, 4370, 26, 35632, 34, 920, 261, 1729, 15255, 11, 53654, 198, 43, 6448, 554, 438, 24374, 48529, 258, 1820, 23175, 24137, 5462, 88232, 25, 13379, 82, 88373, 11966, 6010, 345, 5162, 24, 705, 79, 13, 22, 26, 626, 5230, 729, 15381, 16093, 13613, 55103, 7385, 13, 3391, 26, 438, 39379, 112916, 11, 19105, 1362, 438, 198, 11342, 40863, 71097, 391, 13, 20, 627, 6028, 2056, 8942, 12711, 15381, 16093, 67171, 9818, 11, 604, 13, 14777, 12, 2545, 627, 5332, 2887, 291, 1359, 27229, 596, 4383, 1359, 6330, 20, 627, 5958, 1210, 10577, 1073, 1820, 34541, 6684, 263, 53654, 66490, 1233, 1359, 41, 39200, 11, 1272, 7, 7028, 18, 705, 10148, 24, 12, 5932, 627, 5728, 2887, 291, 1359, 27229, 596, 4383, 1359, 6330, 20, 627, 2075, 2056, 8942, 12711, 15381, 16093, 67171, 9818, 7385, 13, 1419, 627, 4767, 815, 2176, 11, 1348, 87, 1545, 20594, 1345, 66, 6746, 785, 1359, 32, 45676, 940, 8879, 2000, 28528, 438, 198, 40519, 304, 13613, 55103, 1359, 34746, 44594, 1073, 14884, 11271, 11, 18, 7, 4468, 18, 1350, 1114, 12, 1591, 26, 438, 67684, 645, 1359, 16934, 811, 10246, 2813, 7914, 5230, 729, 15381, 16093, 13613, 55103, 7385, 13, 1272, 627, 2495, 82433, 12440, 80977, 2520, 9620, 1359, 40, 267, 383, 43824, 64, 2059, 88, 1039, 7673, 10343, 596, 6919, 11, 975, 7, 7028, 22, 1350, 25354, 17, 12, 4161, 627, 4643, 1823, 5253, 71, 1466, 41434, 438, 35, 13, 23392, 11, 1110, 32397, 92346, 4944, 8076, 75145, 20004, 940, 15000, 49086, 708, 69, 198, 50, 26989, 7, 18788, 24188, 20176, 22812, 7659, 18976, 791, 37, 26768, 380, 6010, 11, 4468, 18, 570, 10031, 19171, 50828, 2520, 198, 21364, 14516, 15571, 25, 3965, 9679, 708, 69, 1820, 87241, 6, 24350, 292, 11269, 36190, 6838, 8506, 13020, 345, 45, 7659, 18976, 15019, 6010, 15302, 5599, 839, 352, 11, 220, 4468, 23, 4390, 1490, 3924, 70323, 50481, 1359, 791, 15577, 8943, 1073, 33775, 438, 15577, 54268, 38, 53444, 762, 2508, 43352, 41, 39200, 11, 19, 36802, 23, 50, 20, 705, 18, 52, 627, 5932, 35007, 9437, 258, 626, 5230, 729, 15381, 16093, 13613, 55103, 7385, 13, 1135, 627, 6086, 11606, 263, 820, 43225, 339, 1233, 11, 604, 13, 1758, 12, 1806, 26, 438, 1, 10577, 1073, 1820, 34541, 6684, 263, 20989, 29646, 51526, 198, 263, 1820, 2051, 462, 2676, 1073, 20989, 1705, 73131, 1359, 8230, 708, 69, 1820, 39200, 11, 508, 198, 7, 9714, 24, 705, 5037, 12, 1032, 627, 6069, 11606, 263, 820, 43225, 339, 1233, 11, 604, 13, 1987, 12, 1272, 627, 5833, 7914, 5230, 729, 15381, 16093, 13613, 55103, 7385, 13, 1135, 627, 5313, 1006, 343, 1439, 31039, 263, 49, 8942, 12711, 596, 41230, 90, 29518, 67171, 9818, 7385, 13, 17451, 8, 1073, 1820, 198, 4174, 1073, 42305, 9818, 258, 1820, 23175, 24137, 258, 7028, 15, 1752, 20, 25426, 1336, 316, 352, 19553, 198, 82850, 9054, 45548, 3037, 1705, 11, 3556, 339, 762, 963, 18257, 285, 1527, 26479, 14024, 28528, 198, 644, 7815, 20594, 79717, 32, 1740, 287, 1820, 52, 815, 76080, 33099, 2374, 14358, 32799, 28365, 732, 13, 512, 62569, 39628, 24861, 11, 4468, 21, 705, 604, 13, 18520, 12, 2287, 627, 2688, 52525, 18183, 6281, 12, 7743, 358, 14022, 198, 4218, 7914, 5230, 729, 15381, 16093, 13613, 55103, 11, 604, 13, 5313, 12, 2421, 11, 6083, 627, 4044, 1345, 4202, 560, 35, 732, 14115, 441, 1359, 1016, 261, 32486, 45, 52526, 2191, 1359, 64825, 258, 49, 8942, 12711, 15381, 16093, 198, 67171, 9818, 11, 604, 13, 10336, 12, 5313, 627, 2421, 2056, 8942, 12711, 15381, 16093, 67171, 9818, 7385, 13, 16723, 627, 4578, 7914, 5230, 729, 15381, 16093, 13613, 55103, 7385, 13, 9565, 627, 1954, 8231, 6509, 2621, 1285, 66, 23465, 343, 406, 78, 456, 1907, 1073, 16497, 59488, 11, 4151, 23376, 3095, 36, 11606, 677, 26355, 1359, 791, 198, 29518, 34748, 48841, 825, 12848, 88, 25, 1741, 6091, 285, 1073, 58613, 2065, 1359, 61063, 1073, 1820, 198, 13730, 1073, 13613, 55103, 11, 1272, 7, 5162, 21, 705, 8652, 12, 5495, 627, 5925, 1345, 98416, 65641, 1395, 258, 11, 791, 3648, 53654, 37, 980, 552, 36163, 100077, 82368, 21446, 438, 83995, 492, 345, 5926, 22, 705, 79, 13, 12245, 627, 88539, 18, 198, 16, 815, 8363, 85699, 1969, 288, 745, 16241, 383, 8386, 329, 2538, 430, 26522, 5848, 83543, 3950, 198, 2000, 2039, 60621, 42305, 9818, 258, 50828, 56605, 998, 2935, 339, 752, 115649, 1362, 258, 198, 96129, 83071, 1820, 81147, 36, 71171, 1073, 53654, 33099, 1359, 644, 17795, 11, 23, 7, 25669, 13, 4468, 16, 1350, 966, 12, 1806, 627, 17, 2056, 974, 1563, 626, 5230, 729, 15381, 16093, 13613, 55103, 438, 1820, 12965, 35656, 36163, 39, 5389, 512, 56, 1604, 31272, 6010, 11, 4468, 16, 705, 604, 13, 2495, 11, 4103, 8231, 339, 762, 537, 1073, 71127, 48297, 345, 4151, 34, 2056, 1739, 355, 49, 13475, 11, 791, 12965, 596, 34976, 479, 258, 39, 4890, 16664, 7, 47275, 25, 31272, 198, 1073, 47275, 6010, 11, 7285, 15, 705, 36046, 604, 13, 8874, 12, 914, 627, 18, 7914, 5230, 729, 15381, 16093, 13613, 55103, 7385, 13, 9591, 627, 19, 2056, 718, 569, 39, 1073, 47940, 466, 11, 791, 17166, 1073, 697, 630, 36163, 100077, 25, 89567, 25335, 11, 6280, 20, 705, 604, 627, 10148, 12, 1987, 627, 20, 3587, 39200, 11, 1758, 7, 7028, 15, 705, 8878, 18, 627, 21, 815, 26490, 32771, 1215, 438, 29184, 42493, 32771, 1215, 11, 45887, 64463, 84616, 331, 438, 1820, 198, 31328, 292, 17166, 1073, 29518, 13613, 55103, 36163, 100077, 25, 53, 19787, 6010, 11, 6393, 16, 705, 604, 13, 5037, 12, 1114, 627, 22, 2506, 21301, 2637, 604, 13, 5894, 12, 1958, 627, 23, 920, 80794, 37, 3516, 287, 11, 45887, 39, 1196, 301, 331, 438, 1820, 49, 1082, 1073, 49552, 13613, 55103, 5462, 9611, 512, 39203, 8324, 4935, 438, 7489, 2637, 6280, 19, 705, 444, 588, 599, 21215, 4099, 9210, 84616, 331, 16514, 3696, 2116, 1729, 198, 79123, 815, 2176, 19171, 50, 1006, 2635, 1215, 438, 41, 844, 1006, 2635, 1215, 50640, 301, 331, 7385, 13, 10350, 627, 24, 1006, 3516, 287, 50640, 301, 331, 11, 604, 13, 2397, 12, 2031, 26, 438, 32771, 1215, 438, 32771, 1215, 50640, 301, 331, 11, 604, 13, 9795, 11, 10559, 11, 11123, 627, 605, 11829, 4711, 285, 1374, 31501, 9054, 300, 1, 3905, 3184, 315, 37831, 1126, 875, 51, 1246, 988, 263, 1820, 198, 13601, 708, 69, 1820, 644, 7815, 1359, 258, 40052, 54, 3034, 261, 596, 33912, 32, 13730, 1073, 1820, 198, 36152, 81712, 644, 7815, 2345, 7028, 16, 12, 6280, 18, 36163, 100077, 25, 36152, 81712, 644, 7815, 6010, 11, 5162, 19, 1350, 604, 13, 21228, 12, 5833, 28628, 285, 428, 28014, 265, 124680, 263, 1729, 1110, 261, 438, 1729, 2460, 276, 45, 5230, 1354, 11, 13379, 35, 627, 36152, 81712, 11, 791, 31328, 292, 17166, 1073, 29518, 86747, 36163, 100077, 25, 54567, 198, 50, 745, 65, 1215, 596, 50, 2439, 11, 6393, 15, 705, 12821, 13, 17, 11, 21404, 12, 2031, 26, 438, 20956, 1215, 438, 32771, 1215, 50640, 301, 331, 11, 16955, 12, 6028, 627, 40, 19553, 19171, 64825, 80281, 5671, 998, 38, 988, 2846, 336, 2003, 339, 830, 1573, 287, 11014, 627, 806, 3034, 261, 24412, 1197, 81712, 644, 7815, 7385, 13, 966, 26, 10018, 9638, 1527, 43, 13, 2321, 4150, 83, 39, 6312, 11, 64825, 258, 198, 51, 1345, 1641, 616, 47, 2739, 11025, 596, 359, 33966, 19375, 1073, 1820, 36152, 81712, 644, 7815, 627, 717, 3034, 261, 24412, 1197, 81712, 644, 7815, 11, 604, 13, 966, 12, 2148, 627, 1032, 2506, 21301, 2637, 604, 13, 3971, 12, 4103, 627, 975, 1006, 265, 1126, 875, 51, 1246, 988, 15381, 332, 18843, 5814, 11, 85317, 1026, 2637, 5926, 23, 11, 604, 13, 20062, 12, 2421, 38406, 988, 198, 13727, 24412, 1197, 81712, 19137, 19249, 1924, 26, 438, 1110, 261, 24412, 1197, 81712, 644, 7815, 345, 79, 13, 2491, 627, 868, 3034, 261, 24412, 1197, 81712, 644, 7815, 7385, 13, 2614, 627, 845, 2506, 21301, 2637, 604, 13, 2137, 12, 1272, 627, 1114, 2506, 21301, 2637, 604, 13, 1272, 12, 3174, 627, 972, 3587, 3180, 35, 2056, 1197, 830, 616, 14200, 626, 1138, 41, 1345, 324, 12989, 11, 5005, 13, 1682, 11, 7529, 21, 24412, 1197, 81712, 15547, 198, 19249, 1924, 11, 8716, 4166, 17, 627, 12375, 691, 354, 52525, 18183, 5120, 12, 8546, 198, 777, 3587, 3180, 35, 2056, 1197, 830, 616, 14200, 626, 1138, 41, 1345, 324, 12989, 11, 29527, 16, 11, 7529, 24, 24412, 1197, 81712, 15547, 198, 19249, 1924, 11, 8716, 4166, 17, 627, 508, 7914, 1138, 41, 1345, 324, 12989, 998, 13379, 35, 2056, 1197, 81712, 11, 29527, 23, 11, 7529, 24, 24412, 1197, 81712, 15547, 198, 19249, 1924, 11, 8716, 4166, 17, 627, 1691, 1006, 265, 1126, 875, 51, 1246, 14217, 78, 13379, 35, 2056, 1197, 81712, 11, 18820, 13, 508, 11, 7529, 16, 38406, 988, 13727, 345, 36152, 81712, 19137, 19249, 1924, 627, 1313, 3587, 3180, 35, 2056, 1197, 81712, 11, 16014, 2637, 998, 626, 1138, 41, 1345, 324, 12989, 11, 29527, 20, 11, 7529, 24, 24412, 1197, 81712, 15547, 198, 19249, 1924, 11, 8716, 4166, 17, 627, 1419, 7914, 1138, 41, 1345, 324, 12989, 998, 13379, 35, 2056, 1197, 81712, 11, 18820, 13, 17, 11, 7529, 22, 24412, 1197, 81712, 15547, 198, 19249, 1924, 11, 8716, 4166, 17, 627, 1187, 1196, 484, 5038, 38, 2056, 8942, 12711, 15381, 16093, 67171, 9818, 258, 1820, 45, 258, 7870, 21341, 64973, 5462, 3223, 72, 7058, 6518, 25, 13379, 82, 88373, 11966, 31272, 6010, 11, 4468, 17, 705, 604, 13, 11068, 12, 1399, 11, 11727, 12, 2137, 627, 914, 35007, 9437, 258, 30287, 12669, 33, 1006, 437, 67, 875, 11, 13379, 35, 2056, 1197, 81712, 11, 16014, 2637, 2599, 371, 14687, 36163, 198, 100077, 25, 27588 ]
Mysia Anderson, in her meaningful blog post “Self-Care Is Resistance,” says self-care is much more than intentional acts of kindness toward yourself such as taking naps, eating well, exercising, and stepping back from commitments, as importan t as these steps are. She says self-care is not only an act of love but a form of resistance. Living and surviving in the midst of scrutiny and violence is a radical act. Intentionally caring for your well-being, and making attempts to love yourself despite insults and dangers against your being, is a radical act.3 The concept of resistance may feel radical to you. It would be nice if we had a throng of cheerleaders to champion our progress, but this won’ t always be the case. In fact, it is likely you will feel painfully alone at times. Nonetheless, you must determine to follow the path the Lord has laid out for you. When you meet with those who doubt you and shout, “There are giants in the land,” you must push back. You must resist and claim your identity. If you are certain of your path, hold fast to it. Finding Meaning in the StruggleOne key to rediscovering your godly self is to find meaning in the midst of your struggle, not in the absence of it. This is a powerful truth. Many of us wait for the struggle to end before moving forward with our lives. Complaining about the way life is, we tell ourselves we will take action and grow when it is perfectly safe to do so. However, histor y has shown that we must find meaning and make difficult decisions in the midst of struggle. We have countless examples of people who have exhibited strength and tremendous courage when experiencing unspeakable difficulty. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and countless others have risen above their trials to provide inspiration to us all. Of course, our greatest example is Jesus Himself. Long ago, as a college student filled with angst, I discovered the book that changed many people’ s perspective on life— Man’ s Search for Meaning, writte n by Viktor Frankl in 1946. In it he chronicled his experience in the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. He wrote about how he found purpose in the midst of incredible suffering. He identified something in his experience that was meaningfu l and then immersed himself in that outcome. Frankl concluded the meaning of life can be found in every moment of living and that life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death. He said that a prisoner ’s reactions were not solely based on the conditions of his life but also the freedom of choice one alway s has in his suffering. He noted that suffering ceases to be suffering when we find meaning in our experience.4 What do Frankl’ s words mean to you? You have not been in a concentration camp, but you have endured suffering. You have likely questioned why you are in the situation you are in. Perhaps you’ve gone so far as to questio n God and wonder why you have not found a miraculous release from your pain. Know that there is purpose in your life, even in spite of your circumstances. Chrysalis I can remember the first time I read about the chrysalis. I must have been all of ten years old. I read with amazement.How could an insect enter into a tiny case for months and go through a transformation, mer ging in the spring as a butterfly? This was impossible. I read more. It was true. I took a keen interest and actually watched the transformation occur in nature. The caterpillar spun its chrysalis and emer ged months later as a butterfly. The chrysalis has had special meaning for me ever since. I believe we all can enter a “chrysalis season” and emer ge as butterflies. Regardless of what happens in your life, it is imperative that you find your purpose—the transformation needed. It is critical to discov er who God has meant you to be so you can enter a change process and emer ge as something entirely new. It is exciting to consider that you can discover your godly self regardless of what is taking place in your life. You may feel exhausted from your journey, but you still have a voice crying out to be heard. You have gifts and talents to share with others. There is a new you ready to burst onto the scene with bright colors. Take your eyes off your circum stances for a moment. Reflect on who your godly self really is. Consider what moves you. Are you moved when you hear a story of a homeless person being given food and shelter? Do you have an interest in helping those less fortunate than you? This may indicate a passion and purpose. Are you moved when walking through an art gallery, viewing exquisite paintings and sculptures? Time seems to stand still as your eyes are affixed to the artistry before you. This may reveal some creativity within. Are you touched when hearing Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman sing “Time to Say Goodbye”? Perhaps music has some special meaning to you and signals something for you to attend to. You may long to be wealthy and able to give boundlessly to others, or to be a painter, sculptor, or musician, but you can only be you. Still, you can be the best you possible. This means finding your voice, your artistry, your passion, and giving expression to it. Finding Y our V oice Having learned that marriage can be a place to grow if there is a measure of safety, and armed with a new mindset, it is critical to add yetsomething more. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, wisely decided there was an eighth habit needed for people to become all they were meant to be: “Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.” In his last book, The 8th Habit, Covey passionately says, The 8th Habit…is the voice of the human spirit—full of hope and intelligence, resilient by nature, boundless in its potential to serve the common good… The power to discover our voice lies in the potential that was bequeathed to us at birth. Laten t and undeveloped, the seeds of greatness were planted. We were given magnificent “birthgifts”—talents, capacities, privileges, intelligences, opportunities—that would remain largely unopened excep t through our own decision and ef fort.5 This is so true. There is within us a God-given desire to be all we can be, to express the yearning to find our voice in life. We want to talk about what is happening within us. W e want to be heard and to hear. What is it you want to say? Who is it you want to be? If you are like me, you have a mess age you want to proclaim. You want to influence others in some way, be it with your music, your art, your writing. Perhaps it is with your service and acts of kindness for humanity. As you use your voice and speak out your truths, you will grow. As you find your community of safety, your voice will become stronger. Choosing to Leave, Choosing to Stay As you find your voice and discover your ability to make choices, perhaps your greatest decision is whether you choose to leave or to stay. Perhaps you find you must leave to feel healthy and safe. Perhaps your decision to leave will be permanent. You have tried and tried to single-handedly save your marriage, only to become more exhausted and weary. Feeling utterly abandoned and mistreated, you have decided you must leave.Perhaps, like many others, you have decided to stay for now. Yet you recognize you must rediscover your passion for life. You must live, not just survive. Perhaps like Jill, you decide to stay and to thrive. You have a sense you can be healthy even as your mate attempts to become healthy. Regardless of his actio ns, you have decided for a season you will focus on you and being the person God designed you to be. You will experiment with life and see where it takes you. Townsend and Cloud, in their book Safe People, note that the key to deciding whether to leave or stay hinges on one last factor: Can the person you’re with be safe?6 While they list numerous indicators of a safe person, one in particular stands out that I would like to highlight. Unsafe people think they have it all together rather than admitting weaknesses. Becoming your godly self means being vulnerable, open to others, and influencing others. This cannot be done in a hostile, threatening environment. Consider once more what Jill has discovered. “For me to stay meant having several very firm talks with Todd. I could stay as long as he was working on himself. I could stay as long as he gave me some room to explore mysel f, supporting my involvement in my groups and my church. Those were prerequisites to me staying. I didn’ t need him to be on the same path I was on, but he had to support my journey.” Notice Jill needed room to explore herself. This will be different for each person. For some it means an absence of crazy-making behaviors. For others it means knowing their mate is working to become healthy. For
[ 44, 1065, 689, 21293, 1174, 304, 1077, 23222, 5117, 1772, 1054, 12363, 7813, 548, 2209, 40980, 2476, 198, 98036, 659, 41206, 374, 1790, 810, 1109, 47964, 14385, 315, 45972, 9017, 198, 22479, 726, 1778, 439, 4737, 308, 2690, 11, 12459, 1664, 11, 51582, 11, 323, 36567, 1203, 198, 1527, 42356, 11, 439, 1179, 276, 259, 439, 1521, 7504, 527, 13, 3005, 2795, 659, 41206, 374, 539, 198, 3323, 459, 1180, 315, 3021, 719, 264, 1376, 315, 13957, 627, 45605, 323, 40746, 304, 279, 35446, 315, 36752, 323, 9349, 374, 264, 198, 13584, 950, 1180, 13, 1357, 3012, 750, 30598, 369, 701, 1664, 33851, 11, 323, 3339, 198, 266, 34372, 311, 3021, 6261, 8994, 68989, 323, 37064, 2403, 198, 22479, 1694, 11, 374, 264, 18336, 1180, 13, 18, 198, 791, 7434, 315, 13957, 1253, 2733, 18336, 311, 499, 13, 1102, 1053, 387, 6555, 422, 584, 198, 32345, 264, 8983, 647, 315, 26085, 79486, 311, 18824, 1057, 5208, 11, 719, 420, 2834, 529, 259, 198, 33222, 387, 279, 1162, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 433, 374, 4461, 499, 690, 2733, 76699, 7636, 520, 3115, 627, 8284, 27163, 11, 499, 2011, 8417, 311, 1833, 279, 1853, 279, 10425, 706, 17551, 704, 198, 2000, 499, 13, 3277, 499, 3449, 449, 1884, 889, 10712, 499, 323, 42223, 11, 1054, 3947, 527, 198, 8376, 1821, 304, 279, 4363, 2476, 499, 2011, 4585, 1203, 13, 1472, 2011, 22884, 323, 3802, 701, 198, 17341, 662, 1442, 499, 527, 3738, 315, 701, 1853, 11, 3412, 5043, 311, 433, 627, 52522, 49203, 304, 279, 4610, 50428, 4054, 1401, 311, 21540, 93013, 701, 10087, 398, 659, 374, 311, 1505, 7438, 304, 279, 35446, 198, 1073, 701, 14993, 11, 539, 304, 279, 19821, 315, 433, 627, 2028, 374, 264, 8147, 8206, 13, 9176, 315, 603, 3868, 369, 279, 14993, 311, 842, 1603, 198, 66215, 4741, 220, 449, 1057, 6439, 13, 220, 1219, 501, 2101, 922, 279, 1648, 2324, 374, 11, 584, 3371, 198, 2530, 4372, 584, 690, 1935, 1957, 323, 3139, 994, 433, 374, 14268, 6220, 311, 656, 779, 627, 11458, 1174, 7135, 379, 706, 6982, 430, 584, 2011, 1505, 7438, 323, 1304, 5107, 198, 8332, 6948, 304, 279, 35446, 315, 14993, 627, 1687, 617, 28701, 10507, 315, 1274, 889, 617, 51713, 8333, 323, 198, 83, 1864, 408, 788, 25775, 994, 25051, 7120, 23635, 481, 17250, 662, 37488, 198, 51697, 22808, 11, 11826, 36302, 6342, 16014, 119604, 27562, 88430, 11, 323, 28701, 3885, 617, 198, 6091, 268, 3485, 872, 19622, 311, 3493, 20343, 311, 603, 682, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 1057, 198, 70, 11423, 3187, 374, 10811, 66569, 627, 6720, 4227, 11, 439, 264, 7926, 5575, 10409, 449, 91419, 11, 358, 11352, 279, 2363, 198, 9210, 5614, 1690, 1274, 529, 274, 13356, 389, 2324, 2345, 2418, 529, 274, 7694, 369, 198, 19312, 287, 1174, 2155, 668, 308, 555, 77116, 9454, 75, 304, 220, 6393, 21, 13, 763, 433, 568, 21249, 839, 813, 198, 50659, 304, 279, 93390, 20545, 3190, 2391, 4435, 5111, 8105, 13, 1283, 198, 86, 5646, 922, 1268, 568, 1766, 7580, 304, 279, 35446, 315, 15400, 16066, 13, 1283, 198, 43360, 2555, 304, 813, 3217, 430, 574, 7438, 33721, 326, 323, 1243, 198, 12828, 41019, 5678, 304, 430, 15632, 627, 38426, 75, 20536, 279, 7438, 315, 2324, 649, 387, 1766, 304, 1475, 4545, 315, 198, 64275, 323, 430, 2324, 2646, 3846, 2315, 311, 617, 7438, 11, 1524, 304, 16066, 323, 198, 63007, 13, 1283, 1071, 430, 264, 42950, 18217, 82, 25481, 1051, 539, 21742, 3196, 389, 279, 198, 16902, 315, 813, 2324, 719, 1101, 279, 11542, 315, 5873, 832, 453, 3195, 274, 706, 304, 813, 198, 82, 2084, 287, 13, 1283, 10555, 430, 16066, 3846, 2315, 311, 387, 16066, 994, 584, 1505, 198, 57865, 304, 1057, 3217, 13, 19, 198, 3923, 656, 9454, 75, 529, 274, 4339, 3152, 311, 499, 30, 1472, 617, 539, 1027, 304, 264, 198, 444, 94376, 3190, 11, 719, 499, 617, 56224, 16066, 13, 1472, 617, 4461, 198, 7998, 291, 3249, 499, 527, 304, 279, 6671, 499, 527, 304, 13, 19292, 499, 4070, 8208, 779, 198, 24470, 439, 311, 2271, 822, 308, 4359, 323, 5895, 3249, 499, 617, 539, 1766, 264, 91813, 198, 23859, 505, 701, 6784, 13, 14521, 430, 1070, 374, 7580, 304, 701, 2324, 11, 1524, 304, 198, 2203, 635, 315, 701, 13463, 627, 1163, 894, 19776, 285, 198, 40, 649, 6227, 220, 279, 1176, 892, 358, 1373, 922, 279, 523, 894, 19776, 285, 13, 358, 2011, 617, 198, 82850, 682, 315, 5899, 1667, 2362, 13, 358, 1373, 449, 1097, 1394, 1133, 67103, 1436, 459, 27080, 3810, 1139, 264, 13987, 1162, 369, 4038, 323, 733, 1555, 264, 198, 1485, 1659, 11, 4809, 67193, 304, 279, 10683, 439, 264, 56269, 30, 1115, 574, 12266, 627, 40, 1373, 810, 13, 1102, 574, 837, 13, 358, 3952, 264, 27989, 2802, 323, 3604, 15746, 279, 198, 1485, 1659, 12446, 304, 7138, 13, 578, 29068, 77602, 57585, 1202, 523, 894, 19776, 285, 323, 198, 41996, 53293, 4038, 3010, 439, 264, 56269, 662, 578, 523, 894, 19776, 285, 706, 1047, 3361, 7438, 198, 2000, 757, 3596, 2533, 13, 358, 4510, 584, 682, 649, 3810, 264, 1054, 331, 894, 19776, 285, 3280, 863, 323, 198, 41996, 3980, 439, 81776, 627, 63717, 315, 1148, 8741, 304, 701, 2324, 11, 433, 374, 48696, 430, 499, 1505, 198, 22479, 7580, 22416, 18475, 4460, 13, 1102, 374, 9200, 311, 2624, 869, 2781, 889, 4359, 198, 4752, 8967, 499, 311, 387, 779, 499, 649, 3810, 264, 2349, 1920, 323, 991, 261, 3980, 439, 198, 34431, 11622, 502, 16853, 2181, 374, 13548, 311, 2980, 430, 499, 649, 7142, 701, 10087, 398, 659, 198, 1610, 30920, 315, 1148, 374, 4737, 2035, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 1472, 1253, 2733, 39019, 505, 198, 22479, 11879, 11, 719, 499, 2103, 617, 264, 7899, 31299, 704, 311, 387, 6755, 13, 1472, 617, 198, 53430, 82, 323, 35032, 311, 4430, 449, 3885, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 502, 499, 5644, 311, 21165, 8800, 198, 1820, 6237, 449, 10107, 8146, 627, 18293, 701, 6548, 1022, 701, 10408, 357, 3095, 369, 264, 4545, 13, 35698, 389, 889, 198, 22479, 10087, 398, 659, 2216, 374, 13, 21829, 1148, 11031, 499, 627, 11787, 499, 7882, 994, 499, 6865, 264, 3446, 315, 264, 23855, 1732, 1694, 2728, 198, 14239, 323, 23756, 30, 3234, 499, 617, 459, 2802, 304, 10695, 1884, 2753, 40510, 198, 54895, 499, 30, 1115, 1253, 13519, 264, 11939, 323, 7580, 627, 11787, 499, 7882, 994, 11689, 1555, 459, 1989, 18537, 1174, 20705, 59708, 198, 34717, 826, 323, 75973, 30, 4212, 5084, 311, 2559, 2103, 439, 701, 6548, 527, 3611, 3366, 198, 998, 279, 1989, 5050, 1603, 499, 13, 1115, 1253, 16805, 1063, 28697, 2949, 627, 11787, 499, 24891, 994, 11011, 41184, 426, 511, 21148, 323, 21077, 27508, 1543, 198, 80407, 1054, 1489, 311, 25961, 7839, 29474, 74022, 19292, 4731, 706, 1063, 3361, 7438, 311, 198, 9514, 323, 17738, 2555, 369, 499, 311, 9604, 311, 627, 2675, 1253, 1317, 311, 387, 28994, 323, 3025, 311, 3041, 6965, 16117, 311, 3885, 11, 477, 311, 198, 1395, 264, 30581, 1174, 27863, 269, 1174, 477, 39844, 11, 719, 499, 649, 1193, 387, 499, 13, 16782, 11, 499, 649, 198, 1395, 279, 1888, 499, 3284, 13, 1115, 3445, 9455, 701, 7899, 11, 701, 1989, 5050, 1174, 701, 198, 6519, 290, 11, 323, 7231, 7645, 311, 433, 627, 52522, 816, 1057, 650, 297, 560, 198, 29132, 9687, 430, 11103, 649, 387, 264, 2035, 311, 3139, 422, 1070, 374, 264, 198, 48899, 315, 7296, 1174, 323, 17903, 449, 264, 502, 40543, 11, 433, 374, 9200, 311, 923, 379, 1441, 11793, 810, 627, 54924, 65479, 88, 1174, 3229, 315, 578, 220, 22, 29976, 1220, 315, 53485, 48023, 9029, 13801, 49143, 989, 6773, 1070, 574, 459, 37477, 14464, 4460, 369, 1274, 311, 3719, 682, 198, 20670, 1051, 8967, 311, 387, 25, 1054, 10086, 701, 7899, 323, 31740, 3885, 311, 1505, 48301, 49216, 644, 813, 1566, 2363, 11, 578, 220, 23, 339, 95178, 1174, 65479, 88, 92925, 2795, 345, 791, 220, 23, 339, 95178, 1981, 285, 279, 7899, 315, 279, 3823, 9090, 2345, 9054, 315, 198, 61893, 323, 11478, 11, 59780, 555, 7138, 11, 6965, 1752, 304, 1202, 198, 93036, 311, 8854, 279, 4279, 1695, 90578, 791, 2410, 311, 7142, 1057, 7899, 15812, 304, 279, 4754, 430, 574, 198, 1395, 593, 70737, 311, 603, 520, 7342, 13, 10128, 268, 259, 323, 59995, 1851, 291, 11, 279, 19595, 315, 198, 47991, 2136, 1051, 39441, 13, 1226, 1051, 2728, 41792, 198, 2118, 28813, 53430, 82, 63750, 51977, 812, 11, 59539, 11, 36832, 11, 60538, 2436, 345, 454, 403, 6165, 41128, 1053, 7293, 14090, 653, 57228, 506, 32752, 259, 198, 20322, 1057, 1866, 5597, 323, 31469, 12108, 13, 20, 198, 2028, 374, 779, 837, 13, 2684, 374, 2949, 603, 264, 4359, 2427, 2116, 12876, 311, 387, 682, 584, 649, 198, 1395, 11, 311, 3237, 279, 1060, 1251, 311, 1505, 1057, 7899, 304, 2324, 13, 1226, 1390, 311, 3137, 922, 198, 12840, 374, 12765, 2949, 603, 13, 468, 384, 1390, 311, 387, 6755, 323, 311, 6865, 16853, 3923, 374, 433, 499, 1390, 311, 2019, 30, 10699, 374, 433, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 30, 1442, 499, 527, 1093, 757, 345, 9514, 617, 264, 9622, 4325, 499, 1390, 311, 66084, 13, 1472, 1390, 311, 10383, 3885, 304, 198, 15031, 1648, 11, 387, 433, 449, 701, 4731, 11, 701, 1989, 11, 701, 4477, 13, 19292, 433, 374, 449, 198, 22479, 2532, 323, 14385, 315, 45972, 369, 22706, 16853, 2170, 499, 1005, 701, 7899, 323, 6604, 704, 701, 53219, 11, 499, 690, 3139, 662, 1666, 499, 198, 3990, 701, 4029, 315, 7296, 1174, 701, 7899, 690, 3719, 16643, 16853, 96144, 311, 26257, 11, 77351, 311, 29837, 198, 2170, 499, 1505, 701, 7899, 323, 7142, 701, 5845, 311, 1304, 11709, 345, 66372, 701, 12474, 5597, 374, 3508, 499, 5268, 311, 5387, 477, 311, 4822, 627, 32576, 499, 1505, 499, 2011, 5387, 311, 2733, 9498, 323, 6220, 627, 32576, 701, 5597, 311, 5387, 690, 387, 15690, 13, 1472, 617, 6818, 323, 198, 376, 1142, 311, 3254, 37240, 398, 3665, 701, 11103, 11, 1193, 311, 3719, 810, 198, 327, 15424, 291, 323, 76656, 662, 74658, 38631, 23838, 323, 8770, 2920, 11, 499, 617, 198, 8332, 4591, 499, 2011, 5387, 15178, 6356, 11, 1093, 1690, 3885, 11, 499, 617, 6773, 311, 4822, 369, 1457, 13, 14968, 499, 198, 34551, 553, 499, 2011, 21540, 3773, 701, 11939, 369, 2324, 13, 1472, 2011, 3974, 11, 539, 1120, 198, 20370, 85, 535, 627, 32576, 1093, 48311, 11, 499, 10491, 311, 4822, 323, 311, 41972, 13, 1472, 617, 264, 5647, 499, 198, 4919, 387, 9498, 1524, 439, 701, 30276, 13865, 311, 3719, 9498, 662, 44840, 315, 198, 26301, 1180, 822, 12548, 11, 499, 617, 6773, 369, 264, 3280, 499, 690, 5357, 389, 499, 323, 1694, 198, 1820, 1732, 4359, 6319, 499, 311, 387, 13, 1472, 690, 9526, 449, 2324, 323, 1518, 198, 2940, 433, 5097, 499, 627, 69594, 6820, 323, 15161, 11, 304, 872, 2363, 23088, 9029, 1174, 5296, 430, 279, 1401, 311, 198, 8332, 6714, 3508, 311, 5387, 477, 4822, 80934, 389, 832, 1566, 8331, 25, 3053, 279, 1732, 198, 9514, 3207, 449, 387, 6220, 30, 21, 198, 8142, 814, 1160, 12387, 34824, 315, 264, 6220, 1732, 11, 832, 304, 4040, 198, 97815, 704, 430, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 11415, 13, 74167, 1274, 1781, 814, 617, 433, 682, 198, 998, 3522, 4856, 1109, 55689, 44667, 627, 33, 762, 18238, 701, 10087, 398, 659, 3445, 1694, 20134, 11, 1825, 311, 3885, 11, 323, 198, 258, 27256, 11627, 3885, 13, 1115, 4250, 387, 2884, 304, 264, 33615, 11, 27903, 198, 24175, 13, 21829, 3131, 810, 1148, 48311, 706, 11352, 627, 75550, 757, 311, 4822, 8967, 3515, 3892, 1633, 7626, 13739, 449, 30534, 13, 358, 1436, 198, 60021, 439, 1317, 439, 568, 574, 3318, 389, 5678, 13, 358, 1436, 4822, 439, 1317, 439, 568, 6688, 198, 2727, 1063, 3130, 311, 13488, 856, 9697, 282, 11, 12899, 856, 22315, 304, 856, 5315, 198, 438, 856, 8993, 13, 13266, 1051, 86358, 311, 757, 19994, 13, 358, 3287, 529, 259, 1205, 1461, 311, 198, 1395, 389, 279, 1890, 1853, 358, 574, 389, 11, 719, 568, 1047, 311, 1862, 856, 11879, 662, 89874, 35293, 48311, 4460, 3130, 311, 13488, 11937, 13, 1115, 690, 387, 2204, 369, 198, 9739, 1732, 13, 1789, 1063, 433, 3445, 220, 459, 19821, 315, 14599, 28846, 28198, 13, 1789, 198, 59961, 433, 3445, 14392, 872, 30276, 374, 3318, 311, 3719, 9498, 662, 1789, 198 ]
, listen to the music, and let go all at the same time, allowing yourself to easily move with your partner. Combine the so- called opposites into the oneness of being without judgment or fear. Labeling action as “a fine effort” implies a belief that trying hard is better than not trying. But trying itself only exists because of beliefs about not trying. Attempting to pick up a piece of trash is really just not picking up the trash. Once you’ve picke d it up, then trying and not trying are irrelevant. Understand that you can act without the implied judgment of words such as effort and trying. You can compete without being focused on outcome. Eliminating opposites paradoxically unifies them so that it is unnecessary to identify with one position. I imagine that in today’ s language, Lao-tzu would sum up this 2nd verse of the Tao Te Ching in these two simple words: Just be. Do the T ao Now Do the Tao today by noticing an opportunity to defend or explai n yourself and choosing not to. Instead, turn within and sense the texture of misunderstanding, feeling it all the way through your physical system. Just be with what is, instead of opting to ease it by traversing the outer -world path of explaining and defend ing. Don’ t get caught up in the apparent duality of being right or wrong. Congratulate yourself for making a choice to be in paradoxical unity, a oneness where all of the spectrum simply is. Silently appreciate the opportun ity, along with your willingness to practice your sageness!OceanofPDF.comOceanofPDF.com3rd Verse Putting a value on status will cr eate contentiousness. If you overvalue possessions, people begin to steal. By not displaying what is desirable, you will cause the people’ s hearts to r emain undisturbed. The sage governs by emptying minds and hearts, by weakening ambitions and str engthening bones. Practice not doing.... When action is pur e and selfless, everything settles into its own perfect place. OceanofPDF.comLiving Contentment This 3rd verse of the Tao Te Ching advises rearranging priorities to ensure contentment. Focusing on obtaining more objects of desire encourages external factors to have control over us. Pursuit of status, be it monetary or a positio n of power, blinds us to our relationship to the eternal Tao, along with the contented life that is available. Overvaluing possessions and accomplishments stems from our ego’s fixation on getting more—wealth, belongings, statu s, power, or the like. The Tao recommends refraining from this kind of discontented way of life, which leads to thievery, contentiousness, and confusion. Rather than seeking more, the Tao practice of gratitude is what leads us to the contented life. We must replace personal desires with the Tao-centered question: How may I serve? By simply changing these kinds of thoughts, we will begin to see major changes taking place in our lives. The advice to practice “not doing” and trusting that all will settle into a perfect place may sound like a prescription for laziness and a failed society, yet I don’t think that’s what Lao-tzu is offering here. He isn’t saying to be slothful or inactive; rather, he’s suggesting that trusting in the Tao is the way to be directed by the Source of your creation and to be guided by a higher principle than your ego-driven desires. Ego-fixated wants can get in the way of Divine essence, so practice getting ego out of the way and be guided by the Tao in all that you do. In a state of frenzy? Trust in the Tao. Listen for what urges you onward, free from ego domination, and you’l l paradoxically be more productive. Allow what’ s within to come forward by suspending worldly determina tion. In this way, it will no longer be just you who is conducting this orchestration that you call your life. Much of this 3rd verse contains advice on how to govern. I view this not as political or administrative advice, but as it pertains to our own personal lives and those we’re entrusted to guide—that is, our immediate family, and in a larger sense, the human family that comprises all of those with whom we’re in contact on a daily basis.Encourage your relatives to empty their minds of thoughts about status and acquisitions, and think instead about serving others and contributing to the healt h and strength of all. Model the harmony of this attitude; after all, everyone has a calling to be inspired. The Source of creation is not interested in material possessions or status. It will provide what is needed— it will guide, motivate, and influence you and everyone else. Ego (and its incessant invent ory of desires) probably needs to be weakened so that the beauty of the Tao can be sensed. Demonstrate this to others by being a leader who removes the egocentric temptations that foster envy, anger, and competition. If Lao-tzu were able to view our contemporary world from his 2,500-year - old perspective, I believe that he’d offer the following advice based upon this 3rd verse of the T ao Te Ching: Remind yourself daily that ther e is no way to happiness; rather, happiness is the way. You may have a long list of goals that you believe will provide you with contentment when they’re achieved, yet if you examine your state of happiness in this moment, you’ll notice that the fulfillment of some previous ambitions didn’ t create an enduring sense of joy. Desires can produce anxiety, stress, and competitiveness, and you need to recognize those that do. Bring happines s to every encounter in life, instead of expecting extern al events to produce joy. By staying in harmony on the path of the Tao, all the contentment you could ever dream of will begin to flow into your life—t he right people, the means to finance where you’re headed, and the necessary factors will come together. “Stop pushing yourself,” Lao- tzu would say, “and feel gratitude and awe for what is. Your life is controlled by something far bigger and more significant than the petty details of your lofty aspirations.” Trust the perfection of the eternal T ao, for it is the ultimate Sour ce of the 10,000 things. The Tao is working for and with you, so you needn’ t remind it of what you crave or what you think it has forgotten on your behal f. Trust the harmony of the Tao. It took care of everything that you needed in your creation as well as your first nine months of life without any assistancefrom you, and totally independent of any desires you may have had. The Tao will continue to do so if you just trust it and practice not doing. Inventory your desires and then turn them over to the unnameable. Yes, turn them over and do nothing but trust. At the same time, listen and watch for guidance, and then connect yourself to the perfect energy that sends whatever is necessary into your life. You (meaning your ego) don’t need to do anything. Instead, allow the eternal perfection of the Tao to work through you. This is Laotzu’ s message for our world now. Henry David Thoreau made the following observation in the middle of the 19th century as he wrote at Walden Pond, and I feel that it personifie s this 3rd verse of the T ao Te Ching: Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito’ s wing that falls on the rails.... If the engine whistles, let it whistle till it is hoarse for its pains. If the bell rings, why should we run?... I have always been regretting that I was not as wise as the day I was born. Trust in your essential sageness. Don’ t let desires obscure your eternal connection to the T ao. Do the T ao Now Watch for an opportunity today to notice that you’re planning on buying something. Choose to do the Tao and listen for guidance. Be grateful that you have the choice to make the purchase, then practice listening to yourself and not doing. Through your feelings, the Tao will reveal the way for you in that moment. Trust it. You might be guided to buy the item and savor it with gratitude, donate it, procure one for you and one for someone else, give the money to a charity instead of getting the item, or refrain from obtaining it altogether. Practice doing the Tao in everyday situations and you’ll know contentment in a deeper sense. As this verse says, “When action is pure and selfless, everything settles into its own perfect place.” Now that’s my definition of contentment!OceanofPDF.comOceanofPDF.com4th Verse The T ao is empty but inexhaustible, bottomless, the ancestor of it all. Within it, the sharp edges become smooth; the twisted knots loosen; the sun is softened by a cloud; the dust settles into place. It is hidden but always pr esent. I do not know who gave birth to it. It seems to be the common ancestor of all, the father of things. OceanofPDF.comLiving
[ 11, 9020, 311, 279, 4731, 11, 323, 1095, 733, 682, 520, 279, 1890, 198, 1712, 11, 10923, 6261, 311, 6847, 3351, 449, 701, 8427, 662, 47912, 279, 779, 7058, 44982, 8081, 3695, 1139, 279, 389, 24639, 315, 1694, 2085, 19971, 477, 8850, 627, 2535, 287, 1957, 439, 1054, 64, 7060, 5149, 863, 24897, 264, 16801, 430, 4560, 2653, 374, 2731, 198, 54895, 539, 4560, 13, 2030, 4560, 5196, 1193, 6866, 1606, 315, 21463, 922, 539, 198, 85134, 13, 44617, 287, 311, 3820, 709, 264, 6710, 315, 23701, 374, 2216, 1120, 539, 21816, 709, 198, 1820, 23701, 13, 9843, 499, 4070, 10532, 441, 294, 433, 709, 11, 1243, 4560, 323, 539, 4560, 527, 198, 404, 98673, 627, 16648, 2752, 430, 499, 649, 1180, 2085, 279, 6259, 19971, 315, 4339, 1778, 198, 300, 5149, 323, 4560, 13, 1472, 649, 20874, 2085, 1694, 220, 10968, 389, 15632, 627, 42113, 16252, 8081, 3695, 52313, 2740, 653, 9803, 1124, 779, 430, 433, 374, 26225, 311, 198, 81496, 449, 832, 2361, 13, 358, 13085, 430, 304, 3432, 529, 274, 4221, 11, 445, 3524, 2442, 26738, 198, 41450, 2694, 709, 420, 220, 17, 303, 33487, 315, 279, 60608, 2722, 921, 287, 304, 1521, 1403, 4382, 198, 5880, 25, 4702, 387, 627, 5519, 279, 350, 15190, 4800, 198, 5519, 279, 60608, 3432, 555, 62464, 459, 6776, 311, 10726, 477, 3327, 2192, 308, 6261, 198, 438, 19301, 539, 311, 13, 12361, 11, 2543, 2949, 323, 5647, 279, 10651, 315, 198, 34965, 8154, 10276, 11, 8430, 433, 682, 279, 1648, 1555, 701, 7106, 1887, 13, 4702, 198, 1395, 449, 1148, 374, 11, 4619, 315, 75701, 311, 14553, 433, 555, 30517, 287, 279, 16335, 482, 14957, 198, 2398, 315, 26073, 323, 10726, 6892, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 636, 10791, 709, 304, 279, 10186, 198, 67, 10965, 315, 1694, 1314, 477, 5076, 13, 7409, 18071, 6468, 6261, 369, 3339, 264, 5873, 198, 998, 387, 304, 52313, 950, 31426, 1174, 264, 389, 24639, 1405, 682, 315, 279, 20326, 5042, 374, 627, 28671, 4501, 15763, 279, 86954, 433, 88, 11, 3235, 449, 701, 39375, 311, 6725, 198, 22479, 74789, 434, 0, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 18, 6634, 85168, 198, 99004, 264, 907, 389, 2704, 198, 14724, 1589, 384, 349, 67600, 2136, 627, 2746, 499, 927, 970, 53635, 345, 16455, 3240, 311, 27669, 627, 1383, 539, 29040, 1148, 374, 35946, 11, 499, 690, 198, 1593, 279, 1274, 529, 274, 23492, 311, 436, 991, 467, 2073, 380, 75325, 627, 720, 791, 39361, 2633, 82, 198, 1729, 4384, 287, 20663, 323, 23492, 345, 1729, 83526, 51566, 323, 610, 2995, 3473, 287, 25896, 627, 720, 89592, 539, 3815, 13, 662, 662, 16853, 4599, 1957, 374, 4087, 384, 323, 659, 1752, 345, 73826, 93018, 1139, 1202, 1866, 4832, 2035, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 45605, 9059, 479, 198, 2028, 220, 18, 6634, 33487, 315, 279, 60608, 2722, 921, 287, 70074, 56427, 8764, 30601, 220, 311, 6106, 198, 1834, 479, 13, 435, 87595, 389, 19546, 810, 6302, 315, 12876, 37167, 198, 21591, 9547, 311, 617, 2585, 927, 603, 13, 71760, 3159, 315, 2704, 11, 387, 433, 33384, 477, 198, 64, 20940, 822, 308, 315, 2410, 1174, 67161, 603, 311, 1057, 5133, 311, 279, 35825, 60608, 11, 3235, 198, 4291, 279, 2262, 291, 2324, 430, 374, 2561, 13, 6193, 838, 7623, 53635, 323, 198, 73087, 501, 100053, 44814, 505, 1057, 37374, 753, 84862, 389, 3794, 810, 2345, 31633, 345, 9978, 647, 826, 11, 2863, 84, 274, 11, 2410, 1174, 477, 279, 1093, 13, 578, 60608, 40912, 19914, 2101, 505, 198, 576, 3169, 315, 91222, 291, 1648, 315, 2324, 11, 902, 11767, 311, 270, 648, 1225, 13801, 1834, 1245, 2136, 11, 323, 22047, 13, 26848, 1109, 11125, 810, 11, 279, 60608, 6725, 198, 1073, 46135, 374, 1148, 11767, 603, 311, 279, 2262, 291, 2324, 13, 1226, 2011, 8454, 4443, 198, 5919, 3946, 449, 279, 60608, 50482, 3488, 25, 2650, 1253, 358, 8854, 30, 3296, 5042, 198, 52813, 1521, 13124, 315, 11555, 1174, 584, 690, 3240, 311, 1518, 3682, 4442, 4737, 198, 2050, 304, 1057, 6439, 627, 791, 9650, 311, 6725, 1054, 1962, 3815, 863, 323, 69344, 430, 682, 690, 25760, 1139, 264, 198, 64185, 2035, 1253, 5222, 1093, 264, 22866, 369, 65536, 1918, 323, 264, 4745, 8396, 13801, 47492, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 430, 753, 1148, 445, 3524, 2442, 26738, 374, 10209, 1618, 13, 1283, 4536, 1431, 5605, 311, 387, 198, 82, 70652, 1285, 477, 32899, 26, 4856, 1174, 568, 753, 23377, 430, 69344, 304, 279, 60608, 374, 279, 198, 3195, 311, 387, 15910, 555, 279, 8922, 315, 701, 9886, 323, 311, 387, 33687, 555, 264, 198, 90447, 17966, 1109, 701, 37374, 32505, 32097, 627, 36, 3427, 72013, 660, 6944, 649, 636, 304, 279, 1648, 315, 43361, 28591, 11, 779, 6725, 198, 51210, 37374, 704, 315, 279, 1648, 323, 387, 33687, 555, 279, 60608, 304, 682, 430, 499, 656, 13, 763, 264, 198, 2513, 315, 74941, 30, 17236, 304, 279, 60608, 13, 33249, 369, 1148, 63937, 499, 79287, 11, 1949, 198, 1527, 37374, 55949, 11, 323, 499, 110436, 326, 52313, 2740, 387, 810, 27331, 13, 27628, 198, 12840, 529, 274, 2949, 311, 2586, 4741, 555, 9482, 2518, 97706, 6449, 64, 73352, 13, 763, 420, 198, 3195, 11, 433, 690, 912, 5129, 387, 1120, 499, 889, 374, 31474, 420, 70984, 2214, 220, 430, 198, 9514, 1650, 701, 2324, 627, 43182, 315, 420, 220, 18, 6634, 33487, 5727, 220, 9650, 389, 1268, 311, 2633, 13, 358, 1684, 420, 539, 198, 300, 5054, 477, 23541, 9650, 11, 719, 439, 433, 18713, 1771, 311, 1057, 1866, 4443, 198, 75, 1924, 323, 1884, 584, 3207, 86382, 311, 8641, 41128, 374, 11, 1057, 14247, 220, 3070, 1174, 323, 198, 258, 264, 8294, 5647, 11, 279, 3823, 3070, 430, 41095, 682, 315, 1884, 449, 8884, 198, 906, 3207, 304, 3729, 389, 264, 7446, 8197, 27696, 61140, 701, 29658, 311, 4384, 872, 20663, 315, 11555, 922, 2704, 198, 438, 63948, 11, 323, 1781, 4619, 922, 13788, 3885, 323, 29820, 311, 198, 1820, 568, 3223, 305, 323, 8333, 315, 682, 13, 5008, 279, 26348, 315, 420, 19451, 26, 1306, 682, 345, 93057, 706, 264, 8260, 311, 387, 14948, 13, 578, 8922, 315, 9886, 374, 539, 198, 84798, 304, 3769, 53635, 477, 2704, 13, 1102, 690, 3493, 1148, 374, 4460, 2345, 198, 275, 690, 8641, 11, 62425, 11, 323, 10383, 499, 323, 5127, 775, 13, 469, 3427, 320, 438, 1202, 198, 20141, 519, 17459, 477, 88, 315, 32097, 8, 4762, 3966, 311, 387, 58764, 779, 430, 279, 198, 1395, 59051, 315, 279, 60608, 649, 387, 89542, 13, 33405, 71015, 420, 311, 3885, 555, 1694, 264, 198, 38491, 889, 29260, 279, 8866, 511, 40509, 26032, 811, 430, 31087, 66533, 1174, 19788, 1174, 323, 198, 79123, 627, 2746, 445, 3524, 2442, 26738, 1051, 3025, 311, 1684, 1057, 19225, 1917, 505, 813, 220, 17, 11, 2636, 4771, 18722, 820, 13356, 11, 358, 4510, 430, 568, 7070, 3085, 279, 2768, 9650, 3196, 5304, 198, 576, 220, 18, 6634, 33487, 315, 279, 350, 15190, 2722, 921, 287, 512, 6728, 485, 6261, 7446, 430, 9139, 384, 374, 912, 1648, 311, 23871, 26, 4856, 13801, 71, 67391, 374, 279, 1648, 16853, 2675, 1253, 617, 264, 1317, 1160, 315, 9021, 430, 499, 4510, 690, 3493, 220, 499, 449, 198, 1834, 479, 994, 814, 3207, 17427, 11, 3686, 422, 499, 21635, 701, 1614, 315, 198, 71, 67391, 304, 420, 4545, 11, 499, 4805, 5406, 430, 279, 57383, 315, 1063, 198, 20281, 51566, 3287, 529, 259, 1893, 459, 52876, 5647, 315, 16267, 13, 3959, 3946, 649, 198, 98374, 18547, 1174, 8631, 11, 323, 77651, 11, 323, 499, 1205, 311, 15641, 198, 54719, 430, 656, 13, 40224, 2306, 1572, 274, 311, 1475, 13123, 304, 2324, 11, 4619, 315, 198, 17557, 287, 16011, 453, 4455, 311, 8356, 16267, 13, 3296, 19994, 304, 26348, 220, 389, 279, 1853, 198, 1073, 279, 60608, 11, 682, 279, 2262, 479, 499, 1436, 3596, 8063, 315, 690, 3240, 311, 6530, 198, 18614, 701, 2324, 2345, 83, 568, 1314, 1274, 11, 279, 3445, 311, 17452, 1405, 499, 3207, 19946, 345, 438, 279, 5995, 9547, 690, 2586, 3871, 662, 1054, 10903, 17919, 6261, 2476, 445, 3524, 7058, 83, 26738, 1053, 2019, 11, 1054, 438, 2733, 46135, 323, 51517, 369, 1148, 374, 13, 4718, 2324, 374, 198, 59707, 555, 2555, 3117, 11493, 323, 810, 5199, 1109, 279, 61585, 198, 15216, 315, 701, 87791, 58522, 49216, 46648, 279, 39143, 315, 279, 35825, 350, 15190, 11, 369, 433, 374, 279, 17139, 95588, 3846, 315, 198, 1820, 220, 605, 11, 931, 2574, 627, 791, 60608, 374, 3318, 369, 323, 449, 499, 11, 779, 499, 1205, 77, 529, 259, 24928, 433, 315, 1148, 198, 9514, 81413, 477, 1148, 499, 1781, 433, 706, 25565, 389, 701, 2824, 278, 282, 13, 17236, 279, 198, 13279, 65527, 315, 279, 60608, 13, 1102, 3952, 2512, 315, 4395, 430, 499, 4460, 304, 701, 198, 38475, 439, 1664, 439, 701, 1176, 11888, 4038, 315, 2324, 2085, 904, 13291, 1527, 499, 11, 323, 12756, 9678, 315, 904, 32097, 499, 1253, 617, 1047, 13, 578, 198, 51, 3524, 690, 3136, 311, 656, 779, 422, 499, 1120, 7095, 433, 323, 6725, 539, 3815, 627, 23120, 701, 32097, 323, 1243, 2543, 1124, 927, 311, 279, 653, 609, 481, 13, 7566, 345, 413, 1124, 927, 323, 656, 4400, 719, 7095, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 9020, 323, 3821, 198, 2000, 19351, 11, 323, 1243, 4667, 6261, 311, 279, 4832, 4907, 430, 22014, 198, 69386, 374, 5995, 1139, 701, 2324, 13, 1472, 320, 57865, 701, 37374, 8, 1541, 1431, 1205, 311, 198, 3055, 4205, 13, 12361, 11, 2187, 279, 35825, 39143, 315, 279, 60608, 311, 990, 198, 20322, 499, 13, 1115, 374, 5034, 354, 26738, 529, 274, 1984, 369, 1057, 1917, 1457, 16853, 64463, 6941, 666, 461, 2933, 1903, 279, 2768, 22695, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 198, 777, 339, 9478, 439, 568, 6267, 520, 51668, 268, 71965, 11, 323, 358, 2733, 430, 433, 1732, 57609, 274, 420, 198, 18, 6634, 33487, 315, 279, 350, 15190, 2722, 921, 287, 512, 10267, 603, 8493, 832, 1938, 439, 36192, 439, 22037, 11, 323, 539, 387, 198, 87545, 1022, 279, 3839, 555, 1475, 94013, 323, 50646, 529, 274, 20611, 430, 198, 33695, 389, 279, 43700, 13, 662, 662, 662, 1442, 279, 4817, 421, 67043, 11, 1095, 433, 40649, 12222, 433, 374, 198, 6292, 2648, 369, 1202, 51266, 13, 1442, 279, 29519, 25562, 11, 3249, 1288, 584, 1629, 30, 662, 662, 662, 358, 198, 19553, 2744, 1027, 23023, 1303, 430, 358, 574, 539, 439, 24219, 439, 279, 1938, 358, 574, 198, 16381, 627, 46648, 304, 701, 7718, 74789, 434, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 1095, 32097, 40634, 701, 35825, 198, 7898, 311, 279, 350, 15190, 627, 5519, 279, 350, 15190, 4800, 198, 14581, 369, 459, 6776, 3432, 220, 311, 5406, 430, 499, 3207, 9293, 389, 12096, 198, 34431, 13, 22991, 311, 656, 279, 60608, 323, 9020, 369, 19351, 13, 2893, 26259, 430, 198, 9514, 617, 279, 5873, 311, 1304, 279, 7782, 11, 1243, 6725, 14624, 311, 198, 22479, 726, 323, 539, 3815, 13, 17331, 220, 701, 16024, 11, 279, 60608, 690, 16805, 279, 1648, 198, 2000, 499, 304, 430, 4545, 13, 17236, 433, 13, 1472, 2643, 387, 33687, 311, 3780, 279, 1537, 323, 198, 82, 3372, 433, 449, 46135, 11, 33009, 220, 433, 11, 80779, 832, 369, 499, 323, 832, 369, 4423, 198, 1531, 11, 3041, 279, 3300, 311, 264, 23693, 220, 4619, 315, 3794, 279, 1537, 11, 477, 58608, 505, 198, 677, 83, 2101, 433, 31155, 16853, 89592, 3815, 279, 60608, 304, 18254, 15082, 323, 499, 4805, 1440, 198, 1834, 479, 304, 264, 19662, 5647, 13, 1666, 420, 33487, 2795, 11, 1054, 4599, 1957, 374, 10748, 323, 198, 726, 1752, 11, 4395, 93018, 1139, 1202, 1866, 4832, 2035, 2029, 4800, 430, 753, 856, 198, 18881, 315, 2262, 479, 0, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 19, 339, 85168, 198, 791, 350, 15190, 374, 4384, 198, 8248, 55981, 15424, 1260, 345, 15205, 1752, 345, 1820, 46831, 315, 433, 682, 627, 720, 43061, 433, 11, 279, 17676, 13116, 3719, 11113, 280, 1820, 38817, 61317, 83842, 280, 1820, 7160, 374, 90158, 555, 264, 9624, 280, 1820, 16174, 93018, 1139, 2035, 627, 720, 2181, 374, 8340, 719, 2744, 550, 1560, 306, 627, 40, 656, 539, 1440, 889, 6688, 7342, 311, 433, 627, 2181, 5084, 311, 387, 279, 4279, 46831, 315, 682, 11, 279, 7126, 315, 2574, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 45605 ]
.” “But many never do,” I said, repeating his words. “Isn’t that how life works?” “No,” said Baba. “When your wish doesn’t come true, you’ve gone against the way life works. Let me show you.”His finger had found a tuft of grass growing between two bricks in the parapet. “A seed landed up here, where there’s no soil. It sprouted in a pinch of dust between these bricks. A little rain found this cranny, and now there is an explosion of life.” He flicked at the grass with his finger. “Each blade is so fragile that you can crush it with a tiny squeeze, yet this grass has all of life behind it. The power of life is irresistible. Go to the city and you’ll see wisps of grass pushing their way between tons of concrete in the roads that cars roll over every day” “But that’s what grass does,” I said. “What does it have to do with a wish?” “Life has one overwhelming desire,” said Baba, “which is to grow. Your wishes are part of life, and they deserve to have its power behind them.” “So you’re saying every wish should come true?” “I am” said Baba. “But they can’t.” I pointed down at the soccer field. “Both sides want to win. They fight to make that wish come true. Yet in the end one side has to lose. For them the wish doesn’t come true.” “That’s very true,” said Baba. “But you’ve left out the X factor, the unknown. The X factor is spiritual. It turns failures into victories, because in the deeper reality all wishes must come true. They have no choice.” “That’s quite a mystery,” I said. “One worth exploring on our second day, if you feel ready,” said Baba. He didn’t wait for an answer. Five minutes later he’d led me off the roof and down the stairs. We strode quickly away from the school, and the shouts from the soccer field faded into faint echoes. W HAT I L EARNED Baba had a lot to say about how wishes come true. This encounter wasn’t really a lesson, but it taught me something important even before we had begun. I stopped seeing life around me as routine and mechanical. Does anyone really bother about a bit of grass growing through the sidewalk? It’s just there. But every seed of grass is bursting with desire. It must expand andgrow. It seizes any chance to sprout. It uses any opportunity to get around obstacles. Desires are seeds just like that—they want to make something happen, and even when the desire is small and insignificant, it doesn’t want to stop until it gets to its goal. So the wonder is not that all of us have so many wishes, hopes, and dreams. The wonder is that they don’t come true all the time. Baba believed that they should. No, they must, because the irresistible power of life is never going to take no for an answer. If you have taken no for an answer—and all of us have —then spirit wants to change how you see yourself. Only one side can win a soccer game, but there’s a catch: The X factor is at work, and what you see on the surface isn’t always what you get.The Wishing Tree W e were walking down the road toward the village when Baba asked, “What would you wish for if you could wish for anything? Would you wish for riches?” “Yes,” I said without a moment’s hesitation. “Would you wish to be popular and famous?” “Yes, that sounds pretty good too,” I said. He smiled. “In fairy tales there are always three wishes. What would your third one be?” “Promise you won’t tell anybody, but I’d wish for someone to love me,” I said. “Deeply?” asked Baba. “You must be precise.” I felt my cheeks get warm. Before I could stammer out anything, Baba said, “Very well, deeply it is. Three wishes to work on. Now, let me see.” He began to scan the horizon like an old sea captain searching for port. “It’s around here somewhere. Ah,” he said, pointing to the tallest tree in the distance. “We need him.” We left the road and tramped across a field until we reached the tree. Baba said, “This is a wishing tree. It’s been giving people what they want for a long, long time.” “Are you sure you didn’t just make that up?” I was getting used to Baba’s mischievous tactics. Baba pointed to the bark, which had deep slashes hacked into it. “That’s how I know this is a wishing tree,” he said, launching into the following explanation: Wishing trees go back many centuries in India, although for modern people they are now more legend than fact. Everyone in this part of the country hadbeen told about wishing trees by their grandmothers, and perhaps belief was stronger here. For one day a villager was walking alone, dreaming about his future. He stopped to rest under a tree and thought, “If only I were rich.” When he returned home, to his amazement he found a mansion where his hut had stood, and inside the mansion was every kind of treasure. Immediately he knew that he had found the wishing tree. The young man told no one where his wealth had come from. He left the village that night, never to be seen there again. “But a year later,” Baba said, “he returned with an ax and began to hack at the tree, cursing it all the while. ‘You never told me that people would envy my money, and now I am miserable,’ he cried. ‘I trust no one, I cannot tell if anyone likes me for myself or only for my riches. Night and day I worry that I might lose everything, because I know nothing of how to handle money’” He chopped at the tree until he was exhausted. But the tree would not fall. Time passed, and one day a young woman from the village was wandering in the woods. She sat under the tree to rest, and a wish came to her. “If only I were famous. It would be so wonderful to be the most popular woman in the world.” When she got home, her house was swarmed with TV cameras and reporters. A huge crowd was gathering, and as soon as they spied the young woman, she was mobbed by s
[ 49216, 61603, 197, 35676, 197, 37593, 20530, 2476, 25494, 1942, 3864, 11, 17643, 65977, 9793, 285, 197, 5880, 13, 197, 2118, 89041, 1431, 64442, 197, 5269, 8986, 1643, 197, 19033, 12671, 198, 61559, 2476, 1942, 3864, 13083, 12273, 13, 197, 51928, 14862, 414, 6831, 819, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 1470, 638, 43908, 11, 197, 9514, 4070, 3253, 606, 197, 69849, 198, 1820, 197, 3195, 8986, 1643, 197, 19033, 13, 197, 10267, 50394, 33827, 197, 9514, 2029, 16366, 1186, 5248, 9793, 329, 59202, 11575, 3324, 90231, 44323, 197, 54454, 3253, 25156, 2282, 10259, 3324, 1146, 81355, 5908, 17886, 33188, 198, 1768, 391, 295, 13, 197, 48349, 197, 23425, 197, 1974, 291, 60910, 197, 6881, 11, 56842, 197, 19041, 753, 73204, 197, 708, 321, 13, 62635, 1942, 652, 19042, 17886, 11575, 3303, 37850, 198, 1073, 2765, 592, 2282, 10259, 197, 45010, 81355, 5908, 13, 23845, 8986, 2433, 7145, 467, 59202, 2090, 92592, 13184, 11, 53577, 82022, 197, 19041, 20501, 198, 276, 49658, 41555, 44323, 8986, 1643, 2029, 197, 1548, 1186, 1228, 291, 36547, 33188, 197, 54454, 48048, 9793, 285, 1186, 5248, 13, 197, 2118, 4959, 197, 63827, 20501, 197, 708, 198, 34298, 458, 64442, 197, 9514, 94036, 1470, 78277, 24263, 48048, 11575, 3324, 6577, 1942, 19901, 11, 14862, 295, 2090, 197, 54454, 64355, 52060, 44323, 8986, 1643, 198, 30998, 485, 24263, 13, 33026, 3303, 1223, 44323, 8986, 1643, 20501, 197, 404, 417, 380, 1260, 13, 9796, 78, 32809, 33188, 1470, 488, 53577, 197, 9514, 4805, 197, 4151, 6831, 285, 1725, 198, 1073, 197, 54454, 3303, 41913, 33188, 404, 197, 3195, 2282, 10259, 197, 35511, 44323, 38303, 9537, 17886, 33188, 197, 43791, 64442, 1470, 1590, 197, 1119, 198, 2017, 7883, 1225, 99297, 89874, 61603, 64442, 753, 197, 12840, 197, 54454, 2765, 7217, 2476, 25494, 1942, 3864, 13, 197, 44130, 2765, 7217, 24263, 9793, 525, 32809, 20530, 48048, 11575, 6831, 819, 12671, 198, 2118, 26833, 64355, 197, 606, 197, 2017, 94179, 54012, 556, 2476, 1942, 3864, 13083, 12273, 11, 197, 2118, 8370, 20501, 32809, 3253, 654, 13, 197, 7927, 198, 86, 21168, 197, 548, 73972, 44323, 8986, 1643, 11, 53577, 197, 20670, 54012, 5976, 32809, 9793, 525, 197, 1220, 3303, 1223, 197, 30998, 485, 197, 49818, 49216, 70214, 197, 9514, 3207, 1942, 17718, 7883, 1225, 6831, 819, 197, 5562, 1470, 638, 43908, 12671, 198, 10378, 197, 309, 863, 1942, 3864, 13083, 12273, 627, 61603, 197, 20670, 94036, 1431, 2029, 25494, 59574, 291, 2765, 785, 36547, 33188, 1942, 97288, 40350, 13, 197, 2118, 21279, 1942, 3422, 51880, 32809, 69552, 627, 7009, 1186, 492, 32809, 78538, 64442, 6831, 819, 1470, 638, 43908, 13, 197, 29174, 17886, 33188, 6379, 197, 606, 94864, 64355, 32809, 197, 1497, 627, 2520, 197, 49818, 33188, 6831, 819, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 1470, 638, 43908, 49216, 49977, 753, 197, 1225, 43908, 2476, 1942, 3864, 13083, 12273, 13, 197, 61603, 197, 9514, 4070, 36357, 14294, 33188, 22906, 1186, 5739, 11, 33188, 197, 16476, 627, 791, 22906, 1186, 5739, 20501, 1942, 53829, 940, 13, 62635, 197, 413, 82, 64152, 1439, 2129, 78, 5306, 858, 2490, 11, 2282, 6769, 17886, 33188, 59451, 10653, 198, 265, 2786, 52060, 6831, 21168, 1602, 25849, 198, 1470, 638, 43908, 13, 197, 7009, 9793, 525, 73204, 197, 12008, 49216, 49977, 753, 197, 84270, 11575, 2157, 96357, 2476, 25494, 1942, 3864, 627, 99799, 6831, 2419, 8285, 501, 5620, 25653, 197, 414, 197, 5686, 99297, 11, 748, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 197, 2359, 2476, 1942, 3864, 13083, 12273, 627, 1548, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 49850, 2066, 80557, 73670, 13, 13017, 535, 26388, 2142, 8986, 977, 197, 383, 7070, 197, 839, 50394, 197, 1885, 33188, 197, 76736, 53577, 198, 2996, 33188, 18895, 4825, 13, 197, 1687, 18895, 299, 451, 197, 28863, 398, 197, 14075, 43827, 33188, 1942, 2184, 11, 53577, 33188, 37296, 11934, 43827, 198, 1820, 1942, 97288, 40350, 1186, 14589, 2129, 78, 1186, 1673, 5459, 288, 627, 54, 198, 39, 835, 198, 25494, 15420, 198, 36, 9228, 1507, 198, 33, 12273, 9793, 329, 11575, 8986, 354, 32809, 1942, 352, 197, 9274, 197, 5269, 6831, 21168, 1470, 638, 43908, 13, 41065, 197, 967, 41014, 6831, 66636, 1431, 198, 54760, 11575, 197, 28595, 11, 2282, 332, 24263, 197, 2629, 3948, 50394, 1942, 11793, 197, 15693, 7883, 1055, 64334, 197, 906, 9793, 329, 198, 52253, 359, 13, 25494, 18895, 18033, 197, 66154, 8986, 1643, 198, 197, 20019, 50394, 61551, 7145, 14492, 53577, 2157, 4842, 45983, 13, 197, 22186, 198, 3852, 606, 17643, 750, 197, 754, 700, 197, 9274, 11575, 81080, 44323, 197, 54454, 3253, 25156, 197, 20322, 33188, 1942, 307, 365, 1727, 30, 62635, 753, 198, 4345, 197, 19041, 13, 197, 4071, 7883, 1225, 197, 23425, 44323, 197, 54454, 20501, 2282, 33712, 287, 48048, 54012, 556, 13, 62635, 1602, 25849, 198, 197, 33417, 53577, 67318, 13, 62635, 85786, 4861, 197, 3852, 23918, 685, 32809, 1942, 652, 412, 13, 62635, 197, 4881, 197, 3852, 40803, 68164, 32809, 10582, 197, 20019, 198, 677, 75079, 13, 197, 5001, 3946, 197, 548, 85786, 6910, 197, 4345, 197, 4908, 64442, 71201, 51880, 32809, 78538, 1942, 11793, 198, 71, 64860, 11, 53577, 7883, 1055, 61280, 33188, 54012, 556, 20501, 1942, 30632, 53577, 197, 1354, 625, 34828, 11, 24263, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 51880, 32809, 198, 9684, 21113, 1678, 24263, 10582, 82, 32809, 197, 1220, 31780, 278, 627, 4516, 33188, 6831, 14518, 20501, 98366, 64442, 52060, 44323, 71275, 9793, 525, 197, 708, 197, 35676, 6831, 21168, 11, 9793, 19031, 11, 53577, 2765, 1259, 82, 627, 791, 6831, 14518, 20501, 64442, 197, 20670, 2765, 263, 1431, 1470, 638, 43908, 52060, 33188, 22724, 13, 13083, 12273, 2282, 301, 32077, 64442, 197, 20670, 198, 5562, 13, 197, 2822, 11, 197, 20670, 1602, 25849, 345, 2282, 6769, 33188, 197, 404, 417, 380, 1260, 3303, 1223, 44323, 8986, 1643, 20501, 197, 37593, 31780, 287, 32809, 198, 23609, 73204, 2066, 80557, 73670, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 3324, 3448, 73204, 2066, 80557, 73670, 17223, 52060, 44323, 71275, 9793, 525, 198, 2345, 3473, 1942, 53829, 6831, 1821, 32809, 69480, 197, 5269, 197, 9514, 197, 4151, 14862, 414, 726, 13, 197, 7456, 197, 606, 94864, 94036, 69552, 11575, 198, 58121, 3913, 31777, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 19041, 753, 11575, 18353, 25, 33026, 1602, 55, 198, 1186, 5739, 20501, 36547, 98138, 11, 53577, 197, 12840, 197, 9514, 197, 4151, 25653, 198, 1820, 1942, 10730, 20501, 77, 1431, 197, 33222, 197, 12840, 197, 9514, 10582, 11829, 17749, 11218, 197, 6670, 198, 54, 198, 68, 6831, 486, 6831, 30855, 2765, 785, 33188, 197, 8714, 3324, 83071, 33188, 5306, 48164, 61280, 13083, 12273, 197, 1091, 291, 11, 197, 44130, 198, 41450, 197, 9514, 6831, 819, 2066, 748, 197, 9514, 1470, 619, 6831, 819, 2066, 197, 73254, 30, 17749, 619, 197, 9514, 6831, 819, 2066, 198, 14172, 288, 12671, 198, 86508, 2476, 25494, 1942, 3864, 197, 30096, 11575, 2157, 13209, 753, 9793, 288, 7709, 627, 2118, 29089, 197, 9514, 6831, 819, 32809, 74242, 75913, 1299, 53577, 1186, 23333, 12671, 198, 86508, 11, 64442, 1942, 3171, 197, 34055, 3253, 1411, 32809, 78, 2476, 25494, 1942, 3864, 627, 1548, 73123, 2230, 13, 197, 46233, 1186, 22704, 197, 2629, 645, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 197, 33222, 197, 28956, 6831, 21168, 13, 197, 3923, 6831, 619, 14862, 414, 198, 32827, 197, 606, 74242, 12671, 198, 2118, 21718, 197, 9514, 6831, 263, 1431, 3324, 616, 197, 3852, 2664, 11, 2282, 332, 25494, 7070, 6831, 819, 2066, 1942, 638, 606, 32809, 197, 31153, 50394, 2476, 25494, 198, 84359, 627, 2118, 34564, 398, 12671, 197, 1091, 291, 13083, 12273, 13, 197, 33672, 2157, 592, 74242, 197, 10872, 1082, 2029, 25494, 1186, 3903, 13938, 197, 1557, 21854, 10582, 6831, 2227, 627, 10438, 25494, 1470, 619, 18895, 67699, 14294, 197, 73254, 11, 13083, 12273, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 2118, 26840, 6831, 616, 11, 197, 33980, 398, 24263, 20501, 627, 20215, 6831, 21168, 32809, 98138, 25653, 13, 197, 7184, 11, 10428, 50394, 197, 4151, 49216, 1548, 2282, 16133, 32809, 1942, 4919, 33188, 9793, 269, 17403, 197, 4908, 80557, 62928, 197, 37541, 1470, 2756, 467, 46673, 287, 2066, 53357, 13, 197, 17818, 753, 198, 20019, 197, 6881, 1942, 316, 61752, 13, 23845, 71, 2476, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 11, 59574, 287, 32809, 33188, 3324, 19790, 53068, 17886, 33188, 198, 19909, 13, 197, 15085, 197, 17483, 9793, 318, 49216, 1687, 36357, 33188, 197, 8714, 53577, 26665, 33298, 82300, 2177, 11575, 40350, 21113, 1678, 197, 906, 198, 17643, 3939, 33188, 53068, 13, 13083, 12273, 198, 84359, 11, 197, 31378, 20501, 11575, 6831, 11218, 53068, 13, 62635, 753, 74242, 268, 3253, 2299, 197, 16455, 197, 12840, 197, 20670, 51880, 2066, 11575, 198, 4930, 11, 17972, 22724, 49216, 2118, 11787, 197, 9514, 1942, 554, 197, 9514, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 197, 4345, 78538, 64442, 60910, 12671, 25494, 6831, 300, 10582, 1303, 197, 2656, 32809, 13083, 12273, 753, 198, 34965, 5584, 58545, 3324, 69069, 627, 33, 12273, 59574, 291, 32809, 33188, 2282, 847, 11, 197, 8370, 9793, 329, 197, 33980, 1942, 47645, 9793, 11440, 2129, 78, 24263, 13, 197, 49977, 753, 197, 5269, 198, 40, 16868, 3409, 2090, 20501, 11575, 6831, 11218, 53068, 2476, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 34599, 287, 2129, 78, 33188, 1186, 1573, 287, 198, 327, 36990, 512, 54, 11218, 3324, 8016, 31780, 78546, 197, 35676, 197, 1189, 10612, 17886, 197, 34648, 11, 197, 37241, 2066, 43328, 944, 197, 16455, 198, 20670, 197, 548, 82022, 2157, 461, 197, 14845, 197, 54895, 1186, 533, 13, 197, 34124, 17886, 2090, 73972, 44323, 33188, 1470, 5083, 9793, 329, 82850, 3324, 820, 197, 9274, 6831, 11218, 3324, 8016, 197, 1729, 33188, 404, 197, 53766, 6489, 3058, 11, 53577, 197, 66372, 2282, 301, 4843, 6831, 300, 198, 4620, 261, 197, 6881, 13, 197, 2520, 197, 606, 99297, 11575, 5306, 484, 1435, 6831, 300, 6831, 30855, 197, 32676, 11, 2765, 1259, 287, 197, 9274, 9793, 285, 198, 21733, 13, 197, 1548, 18895, 18033, 32809, 197, 4014, 197, 8154, 11575, 53068, 53577, 197, 61665, 11, 197, 38684, 197, 3323, 25494, 6831, 486, 7145, 718, 49216, 4599, 197, 383, 862, 291, 197, 5227, 11, 32809, 9793, 285, 197, 109931, 1133, 197, 383, 59202, 11575, 2157, 10722, 56842, 9793, 285, 9793, 332, 198, 32345, 18895, 1411, 11, 53577, 197, 42450, 33188, 2157, 10722, 6831, 300, 7883, 1225, 197, 15674, 44323, 3324, 265, 4058, 13, 197, 96793, 197, 383, 198, 74, 943, 64442, 197, 383, 9793, 329, 59202, 33188, 6831, 11218, 53068, 13, 33026, 197, 82279, 197, 1543, 3324, 820, 73204, 197, 606, 56842, 198, 26301, 197, 31633, 9793, 329, 1470, 638, 43827, 13, 197, 1548, 36357, 33188, 5306, 48164, 64442, 9215, 492, 11, 197, 37593, 32809, 74242, 197, 29412, 197, 19041, 198, 33871, 627, 61603, 11575, 197, 3236, 8986, 977, 2476, 13083, 12273, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 2118, 383, 862, 291, 48048, 80557, 71468, 53577, 2282, 16133, 32809, 9793, 474, 36547, 33188, 198, 9528, 11, 1470, 1759, 287, 24263, 52060, 33188, 5329, 13, 197, 14336, 2675, 197, 37593, 3324, 820, 50394, 64442, 197, 16455, 6831, 619, 58638, 88, 13938, 198, 29359, 11, 53577, 82022, 25494, 197, 309, 2157, 12329, 481, 23189, 197, 383, 197, 745, 291, 13, 197, 14336, 40, 26665, 592, 73204, 197, 606, 11, 25494, 1470, 3483, 3324, 616, 748, 198, 3852, 606, 197, 26094, 50394, 2066, 13938, 726, 82266, 197, 3323, 2066, 13938, 7145, 718, 288, 13, 18822, 492, 53577, 99297, 25494, 6831, 8635, 64442, 25494, 198, 46068, 197, 1497, 7883, 1225, 1626, 11, 2282, 6769, 25494, 16868, 3409, 197, 42312, 44323, 197, 5269, 32809, 54922, 2157, 2596, 529, 89874, 1548, 23918, 18033, 36547, 33188, 53068, 21113, 1678, 197, 383, 6831, 300, 8285, 15424, 291, 13, 197, 4071, 33188, 53068, 6831, 619, 98366, 1186, 543, 627, 1489, 42531, 291, 11, 53577, 197, 606, 99297, 11575, 197, 82279, 6831, 7053, 43827, 33188, 5306, 48164, 6831, 300, 6831, 61380, 17886, 198, 1820, 197, 82129, 13, 7721, 383, 1942, 266, 197, 8154, 33188, 53068, 32809, 197, 4014, 11, 53577, 11575, 6831, 819, 1470, 373, 32809, 197, 1964, 13, 197, 38684, 197, 3323, 25494, 198, 52898, 1186, 23333, 13, 62635, 6831, 619, 74242, 197, 708, 6831, 14518, 1285, 32809, 74242, 33188, 2157, 537, 75913, 1299, 6831, 7053, 17886, 33188, 198, 14957, 49216, 4599, 1942, 383, 3253, 354, 197, 5227, 11, 197, 1964, 197, 7830, 6831, 300, 1942, 11710, 2106, 48048, 10473, 53, 1470, 309, 9431, 53577, 71031, 388, 627, 32, 9793, 4838, 1470, 654, 67, 6831, 300, 3253, 83895, 11, 53577, 61551, 197, 67156, 61551, 197, 20670, 42478, 1142, 33188, 197, 82279, 6831, 7053, 11, 1942, 383, 198, 16514, 2157, 677, 2788, 197, 1729, 1942 ]
intracellular hydrogen ion concentra - tion (iH+), and TBAR values were significantly higher than noninjured brain tissue, and energy molecules ATP, creatine phosphate (PCr), CMRglc, CMRO 2, and energy charge (EC) values were significantly lower when compared to normoxic brain con - trol samples.221 In brains exposed to DMSO, TBAR values were near control lev - els and marked recovery of EEG and auditory-evoked potentials was observed in brains treated with DMSO. Restoration of auditory-evoked potentials and EEG sug - gests that DMSO is involved in the preservation and restoration of cell membrane structures within the brain subjected to ischemia. 221 DMSO treatment also significantly increased ATP, CMRO2, and PCr values in postischemic brains and lowered noxious lactate and creatine when compared to untreated brains. 221 These findings indicated that DMSO appears to come close to normalizing brain metabolism during postischemic reperfusion, a finding that could explain in part its benefit following ischemic insults to the brain. This effect may not be totally due to free radical scavenging by DMSO since reducing free radicals alone following ischemia does not improve recovery of brain metabolism. A more likely explanation for the neuroprotective action of DMSO has to do with partially restoring to normal the energy metabolism of ischemic brain cells before bioener - getic failure has taken hold. This outcome is supported by evidence showing the effect of DMSO in increasing the energy fuels, ATP and PCr, while reducing cellular oxygen consumption and synaptic dysfunction. 222,223 In this regard, DMSO has been reported to increase the latency of anoxic depolarization of neurons after acute brain ischemia. 50 It is important to point out that when bioenergetic failure occurs for any reason, brain cell metabolism rapidly diminishes and the cell begins a process leading to necrosis and death. When cerebral ischemia occurs, the source of ATP in the form of oxygen and glucose can rapidly diminish due to inadequate delivery of cerebral blood flow, a process that leads to depletion or cessation of oxidative phosphorylation. Oxidative phosphorylation is the metabolic pathway within the mitochondria of brain cells where the citric acid cycle takes place, where enzymes and energy are released by the oxidation of nutrients to generate ATP. ATP is the molecule that 171 DMSO in Basic Neuroprotection supplies energy to cells and allows cellular metabolism to function. Once mito - chondria, or the process that catalyzes the synthesis of ATP, is irreversibly dam- aged, as can happen in ischemic stroke, no neuroprotective agent or intervention can reverse neuronal death. What is important about this simple concept is the erroneous impression some investigators distill from studies where a lethal lesion is created, irreversible neuronal death is obtained, treatment of a putative neuroprotective agent is given, failure to reverse neuronal death and its consequences is observed, and a conclusion about the failure of the agent is assumed. Under unusual circumstances, the neuroprotective agent can only prevent the brain injury from expanding or potentially protect the injured brain cells from dying, as may be the case in the ischemic penumbra where neurons may lie dormant until revival or death. A case in point is the relative efficacy of tPA, the only FDA-approved treatment for ischemic stroke. Studies have shown that within the 3–4½ h time window where tPA is most effective, 26% of patients return to normal spontaneously without treat - ment, while an additional 13% return essentially to normal if treated with tPA. 224 This finding indicates that even when part of the brain is still thought to be salvage - able after an acute ischemic stroke, the chances for returning the patient to a preoc - clusion status following the best treatment available at the present are limited indeed. The potential harm of tPA thrombolysis is another consideration of the potential for neuroprotection by a pharmacological agent. There has also been considerable con - cern that tPA can harm patients. For example, the percentage of patients who develop symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhages was reported increased by tPA therapy from 0.6% in placebo-treated patients to 6.4% in tPA-treated patients. 225 This may be the reason why some experiments testing the potential ability of DMSO in a variety of injuries to the brain and spinal cord show partial or incomplete success in preventing or reversing the damage caused by the lesion. The success and benefit of such treatments should be weighed in terms of the gravity of the injury, the relative benefit of a placebo or no treatment, and the safety of the experimental agent. In this sense, DMSO’s ability to prevent lipid peroxidation and increase high- energy phosphates such as ATP and PCr in the face of brain tissue headed for bio - energetic failure constitutes a dramatic advancement in the field of neuroprotection that mandates further exploration. Examination of another property by DMSO that seems to be the basis of action for thrombolytics like tPA, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), and clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix) is their action in inhibiting platelet aggregation, a condition that generally results from prolonged cerebral ischemia. Multiple studies have shown that thrombosis of the brain is the major cause of stroke. Cerebral thrombosis can occur when a blood clot blocks a cerebral vessel either partially or completely. The clot or thrombus is caused by an inap - propriate activation of the hemostatic process in an uninjured or mildly injured brain vessel through the aggregation of platelets that form a platelet plug. The clot can adhere to the vessel wall and impede or completely cut off cerebral blood flow, resulting in tissue death. Treatment of cerebral thrombosis can be started as soon as a diagnosis is confirmed. These consist of using thrombolytics such as tPA, clopidogrel, and aspirin to break up the clot made up of mostly aggregated platelets. Blood thinners (anticoagu - lants) can be given after platelet deaggregation to prevent further clots from forming.172 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease DMSO when given at 2 g/kg 6 h after embolic stroke has been shown to prevent thrombosis in mongrel dogs subjected to an embolus introduced into the MCA. The DMSO-treated animals were observed to have normal behavior and no neurologi - cal deficits following the experimental embolization.226 By contrast, three of nine control animals died after embolization, showing large infarctions of the thalamus, internal capsule, and piriform cortex, while the survivors showed contralateral hemi - plegia and impaired consciousness. 226 The authors of this study postulated that the positive actions of DMSO in the postischemic period may have been due to its action as a platelet deaggregator. This idea seemed reasonable because previous studies had shown that agents, such as methohexital and in this case DMSO, are able to protect the endothelial membrane in ischemic blood vessels, thus allowing prosta - cyclin to be released from endothelial cells at the site of ischemia to inhibit platelet aggregation. 227 This notion is the basis for using tPA to dissolve cerebral vessel clots made up of platelet aggregates and clopidogrel or aspirin to prevent further platelet aggregation. The assumption that DMSO could function as a platelet deaggregator was con - firmed in a later study in rats whose carotid arteries had been occluded. Dujovny and his team 102 examined experimentally occluded carotid arteries using scanning electron microscopy and observed within these vessels heavy deposits of platelets, red cell clumps, fibrin, and endothelial flattening in untreated control ani - mals. Animals treated with intravenous DMSO (2 g/kg) given 1 h prior to carotid occlusion revealed endothelial preservation and no platelet or fibrin clumping. 102 The findings by Dujovny et al.102 suggested that the beneficial action of DMSO in experimental brain trauma and cerebral ischemia may have been due, at least partly, to the protective effects by DMSO on the microcirculation by decreasing platelet aggregation and thus preventing the evolution of postischemic reperfusion injury. This effect on platelets by DMSO seems entirely plausible from the point of view that present therapy for arterial thrombosis consists of administering platelet deag - gregators such as cyclooxygenase inhibitors (aspirin), ADP receptor inhibitors (clop - idogrel, ticlopidine), adenosine reuptake inhibitors (dipyridamole), PDE inhibitors (cilostazol), and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists that can block the plate - let receptor for fibrinogen (tirofiban). What class of antiplatelet drugs DMSO might belong to remains to be determined. DMSO IN MISSILE INJURY TO THE BRAIN From a historical point of view, one of the more wretched creations introduced to society is the invention of the pistol not for hunting or target practice but for the sole purpose of killing people. Since the 1970s, firearm deaths have increased dramati - cally in the United States every year. Statistics indicate that in 1988, there were about 34,000 gunshot deaths in the United States and many of these were cranial gunshot wounds. By comparison, Canada statistics show 1450 deaths from gunshot wounds around the same period. 228 In large
[ 10805, 65441, 35784, 28772, 10219, 969, 18722, 28491, 320, 72, 39, 10, 705, 323, 31180, 946, 2819, 1051, 12207, 5190, 1109, 2536, 258, 80491, 8271, 20438, 11, 323, 4907, 35715, 67656, 11, 6184, 483, 79106, 320, 4977, 81, 705, 18582, 49, 6200, 66, 11, 18582, 1308, 198, 17, 11, 323, 4907, 720, 14215, 320, 7650, 8, 2819, 1051, 12207, 4827, 994, 7863, 311, 7617, 82329, 8271, 390, 18722, 83, 1098, 10688, 13, 12425, 763, 35202, 15246, 311, 423, 4931, 46, 11, 31180, 946, 2819, 1051, 3221, 2585, 23464, 18722, 2053, 323, 13160, 13654, 315, 76908, 323, 83629, 91345, 11059, 95358, 574, 13468, 304, 35202, 108135, 2920, 449, 423, 4931, 46, 13, 67925, 315, 83629, 91345, 11059, 95358, 323, 76908, 31705, 18722, 7114, 82, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 374, 6532, 304, 279, 46643, 323, 35093, 315, 2849, 39654, 14726, 2949, 279, 8271, 38126, 311, 98108, 689, 627, 12425, 198, 35, 4931, 46, 6514, 1101, 12207, 7319, 67656, 11, 18582, 1308, 17, 11, 323, 6812, 81, 2819, 304, 720, 2252, 285, 2464, 292, 35202, 323, 39920, 912, 30351, 51644, 349, 323, 6184, 483, 994, 7863, 311, 83920, 35202, 627, 12425, 4314, 14955, 16717, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 8111, 311, 2586, 3345, 311, 720, 8416, 4954, 8271, 39097, 2391, 1772, 285, 2464, 292, 312, 716, 55665, 11, 264, 9455, 430, 1436, 10552, 304, 961, 1202, 8935, 2768, 98108, 292, 68989, 311, 279, 8271, 13, 1115, 2515, 1253, 539, 387, 12756, 4245, 311, 1949, 18336, 83750, 833, 287, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 2533, 18189, 1949, 74356, 7636, 2768, 98108, 689, 1587, 539, 7417, 13654, 315, 8271, 39097, 13, 362, 810, 4461, 16540, 369, 279, 18247, 47079, 535, 1957, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 706, 311, 656, 449, 26310, 50203, 311, 4725, 279, 4907, 39097, 315, 98108, 292, 8271, 7917, 1603, 17332, 804, 18722, 36324, 8060, 706, 4529, 3412, 13, 1115, 15632, 374, 7396, 555, 6029, 9204, 279, 2515, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 7859, 279, 4907, 40373, 11, 67656, 323, 6812, 81, 11, 1418, 18189, 35693, 24463, 15652, 323, 99827, 32403, 627, 9716, 11, 12533, 763, 420, 5363, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 706, 1027, 720, 76833, 311, 5376, 279, 40370, 315, 459, 82329, 2219, 7569, 2065, 315, 34313, 1306, 30883, 8271, 98108, 689, 627, 1135, 198, 2181, 374, 3062, 311, 1486, 704, 430, 994, 17332, 804, 36324, 8060, 13980, 369, 904, 2944, 11, 720, 54160, 2849, 39097, 19019, 57160, 288, 323, 279, 2849, 12302, 264, 1920, 6522, 311, 19591, 63412, 323, 4648, 13, 3277, 60745, 98108, 689, 13980, 11, 279, 2592, 315, 67656, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 24463, 323, 34323, 649, 19019, 57160, 4245, 311, 46579, 9889, 315, 60745, 720, 51105, 6530, 11, 264, 1920, 430, 11767, 311, 92948, 477, 83460, 315, 79401, 95089, 2354, 627, 46, 87, 307, 1413, 95089, 2354, 374, 279, 41861, 38970, 2949, 279, 55042, 4298, 315, 720, 54160, 7917, 1405, 279, 6681, 2265, 13935, 11008, 5097, 2035, 11, 1405, 56067, 323, 4907, 527, 720, 78038, 555, 279, 71162, 315, 37493, 311, 7068, 67656, 13, 67656, 374, 279, 43030, 430, 220, 11123, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 14967, 32359, 782, 40241, 198, 13066, 7350, 4907, 311, 7917, 323, 6276, 35693, 39097, 311, 734, 13, 9843, 5568, 78, 18722, 331, 2159, 4298, 11, 477, 279, 1920, 430, 34454, 18854, 288, 279, 39975, 315, 67656, 11, 374, 25912, 3078, 6623, 3824, 7058, 3359, 11, 439, 649, 3621, 304, 98108, 292, 12943, 11, 912, 18247, 47079, 535, 8479, 477, 21623, 649, 10134, 79402, 4648, 13, 3639, 374, 3062, 922, 420, 4382, 7434, 374, 279, 77772, 21455, 1063, 26453, 1612, 484, 505, 7978, 1405, 264, 45089, 93217, 374, 3549, 11, 93294, 79402, 4648, 374, 12457, 11, 6514, 315, 264, 2231, 1413, 18247, 47079, 535, 8479, 374, 2728, 11, 8060, 311, 10134, 79402, 4648, 323, 1202, 16296, 374, 13468, 11, 323, 264, 17102, 922, 279, 8060, 220, 315, 279, 8479, 374, 19655, 627, 16648, 19018, 13463, 11, 279, 18247, 47079, 535, 8479, 649, 220, 1193, 220, 5471, 279, 720, 54160, 11134, 505, 24050, 477, 13893, 6144, 279, 15902, 8271, 7917, 505, 23069, 11, 439, 1253, 387, 279, 1162, 304, 279, 98108, 292, 5869, 3635, 969, 1405, 34313, 1253, 10457, 89460, 3156, 57105, 477, 4648, 627, 32, 1162, 304, 1486, 374, 279, 8844, 41265, 315, 259, 8201, 11, 279, 1193, 30473, 67362, 6514, 720, 2000, 98108, 292, 12943, 13, 19241, 617, 6982, 430, 2949, 279, 220, 18, 4235, 19, 27154, 305, 892, 3321, 1405, 259, 8201, 374, 1455, 7524, 11, 220, 1627, 4, 315, 6978, 471, 311, 4725, 88558, 2085, 4322, 18722, 479, 11, 1418, 459, 5217, 220, 1032, 4, 471, 16168, 311, 4725, 422, 12020, 449, 259, 8201, 627, 10697, 720, 2028, 9455, 15151, 430, 1524, 994, 961, 315, 279, 8271, 374, 2103, 3463, 311, 387, 72836, 18722, 481, 1306, 459, 30883, 98108, 292, 12943, 11, 279, 17393, 369, 13758, 279, 8893, 311, 264, 864, 511, 18722, 9134, 2704, 2768, 279, 1888, 6514, 2561, 520, 279, 3118, 527, 7347, 13118, 13, 578, 4754, 11682, 315, 259, 8201, 84664, 31146, 4548, 374, 2500, 18361, 315, 279, 4754, 369, 18247, 782, 40241, 555, 264, 36449, 5848, 8479, 13, 2684, 706, 1101, 1027, 24779, 390, 18722, 29644, 430, 259, 8201, 649, 11682, 6978, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 279, 11668, 315, 6978, 889, 2274, 12104, 13795, 10805, 582, 486, 42743, 71417, 1154, 574, 5068, 7319, 555, 259, 8201, 15419, 505, 220, 15, 13, 21, 4, 304, 43715, 88186, 6978, 311, 220, 21, 13, 19, 4, 304, 259, 8201, 88186, 6978, 627, 11057, 198, 2028, 1253, 387, 279, 2944, 3249, 1063, 21896, 7649, 279, 4754, 5845, 315, 720, 35, 4931, 46, 304, 264, 8205, 315, 15319, 311, 279, 8271, 323, 50112, 23125, 1501, 7276, 477, 33243, 2450, 304, 27252, 477, 76283, 279, 5674, 9057, 555, 279, 93217, 13, 578, 2450, 323, 8935, 315, 1778, 22972, 1288, 387, 47712, 304, 3878, 315, 279, 24128, 315, 279, 11134, 11, 279, 8844, 8935, 315, 264, 43715, 477, 912, 6514, 11, 323, 279, 7296, 315, 279, 22772, 8479, 627, 644, 420, 5647, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 753, 5845, 311, 5471, 68700, 824, 85078, 367, 323, 5376, 1579, 7058, 17947, 33088, 988, 1778, 439, 67656, 323, 6812, 81, 304, 279, 3663, 315, 8271, 20438, 19946, 369, 17332, 18722, 804, 36324, 8060, 42675, 264, 22520, 50925, 304, 279, 2115, 315, 18247, 782, 40241, 430, 76053, 4726, 27501, 627, 849, 27935, 315, 2500, 3424, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 430, 5084, 311, 387, 279, 8197, 315, 1957, 369, 720, 339, 442, 65, 5849, 13024, 1093, 259, 8201, 11, 1645, 2676, 4835, 278, 2912, 416, 13935, 320, 300, 5682, 258, 705, 323, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 15184, 14643, 349, 320, 2169, 402, 953, 8, 374, 872, 1957, 304, 20747, 5977, 12235, 1169, 52729, 11, 264, 3044, 430, 8965, 3135, 505, 44387, 60745, 98108, 689, 13, 29911, 7978, 617, 6982, 430, 84664, 65, 10934, 315, 279, 8271, 374, 279, 3682, 5353, 315, 12943, 13, 356, 486, 42743, 84664, 65, 10934, 649, 12446, 994, 264, 6680, 94263, 10215, 264, 60745, 27274, 3060, 26310, 477, 6724, 13, 578, 94263, 477, 84664, 10551, 374, 9057, 555, 459, 304, 391, 18722, 71621, 349, 15449, 315, 279, 17728, 537, 780, 1920, 304, 459, 71113, 80491, 477, 76949, 15902, 8271, 27274, 1555, 279, 52729, 315, 12235, 10145, 430, 1376, 264, 12235, 1169, 20206, 13, 578, 94263, 649, 49553, 311, 279, 27274, 7147, 323, 3242, 15686, 477, 6724, 4018, 1022, 60745, 6680, 6530, 11, 13239, 304, 720, 83, 11407, 4648, 13, 31969, 315, 60745, 84664, 65, 10934, 649, 387, 3940, 439, 5246, 439, 264, 23842, 374, 720, 42128, 13, 4314, 6824, 315, 1701, 84664, 65, 5849, 13024, 1778, 439, 259, 8201, 11, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 11, 323, 25689, 258, 311, 1464, 709, 279, 94263, 1903, 709, 315, 10213, 71922, 12235, 10145, 13, 20671, 15792, 5079, 320, 519, 4042, 47820, 18722, 75, 1821, 8, 649, 387, 2728, 1306, 12235, 1169, 409, 351, 35542, 311, 5471, 4726, 1206, 2469, 505, 30164, 13, 10861, 8289, 42972, 46962, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 8, 304, 17747, 13722, 323, 31974, 198, 35, 4931, 46, 994, 2728, 520, 220, 17, 342, 45870, 220, 21, 116781, 1306, 8126, 7918, 12943, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 5471, 720, 339, 442, 65, 10934, 304, 75642, 3833, 12875, 38126, 311, 459, 8126, 337, 355, 11784, 1139, 279, 386, 5158, 13, 578, 720, 35, 4931, 46, 88186, 10099, 1051, 13468, 311, 617, 4725, 7865, 323, 912, 18247, 848, 72, 18722, 5531, 57096, 2768, 279, 22772, 8126, 337, 2065, 13, 14057, 3296, 13168, 11, 2380, 315, 11888, 720, 2935, 10099, 8636, 1306, 8126, 337, 2065, 11, 9204, 3544, 4225, 277, 5247, 315, 279, 270, 17243, 355, 11, 5419, 48739, 11, 323, 30711, 7398, 49370, 11, 1418, 279, 32696, 8710, 6155, 278, 19715, 17728, 72, 18722, 698, 55901, 323, 50160, 25917, 627, 14057, 578, 12283, 315, 420, 4007, 1772, 7913, 430, 279, 720, 31587, 6299, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 279, 1772, 285, 2464, 292, 4261, 1253, 617, 1027, 4245, 311, 1202, 1957, 439, 264, 12235, 1169, 409, 351, 59231, 13, 1115, 4623, 9508, 13579, 1606, 3766, 7978, 1047, 6982, 430, 13307, 11, 1778, 439, 21747, 2319, 327, 2223, 323, 304, 420, 1162, 423, 4931, 46, 11, 527, 3025, 311, 6144, 279, 93329, 59544, 39654, 304, 98108, 292, 6680, 31080, 11, 8617, 10923, 463, 21127, 18722, 98584, 258, 311, 387, 6004, 505, 93329, 59544, 7917, 520, 279, 2816, 315, 98108, 689, 311, 69033, 12235, 1169, 52729, 627, 14206, 1115, 23035, 374, 279, 8197, 369, 1701, 259, 8201, 311, 73739, 60745, 27274, 1206, 2469, 720, 28010, 709, 315, 12235, 1169, 71643, 323, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 477, 25689, 258, 311, 5471, 4726, 12235, 1169, 52729, 627, 791, 25329, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 1436, 734, 439, 264, 12235, 1169, 409, 351, 59231, 574, 390, 18722, 69, 8600, 304, 264, 3010, 4007, 304, 32510, 6832, 1841, 354, 307, 85648, 1047, 1027, 18274, 10391, 627, 35, 9832, 119430, 323, 813, 2128, 198, 4278, 25078, 9526, 750, 18274, 10391, 1841, 354, 307, 85648, 1701, 720, 2445, 6073, 17130, 92914, 323, 13468, 2949, 1521, 31080, 8987, 34751, 315, 12235, 10145, 11, 2579, 2849, 1206, 12055, 11, 95235, 258, 11, 323, 93329, 59544, 52139, 6147, 304, 83920, 2585, 53088, 18722, 76, 1147, 13, 47966, 12020, 449, 10805, 81443, 423, 4931, 46, 320, 17, 342, 45870, 8, 2728, 220, 16, 116781, 4972, 311, 1841, 354, 307, 18274, 9134, 10675, 93329, 59544, 46643, 323, 912, 12235, 1169, 477, 95235, 258, 1206, 55432, 627, 4278, 198, 791, 14955, 555, 423, 9832, 119430, 1880, 453, 13, 4278, 12090, 430, 279, 24629, 1957, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 720, 87803, 8271, 30988, 323, 60745, 98108, 689, 1253, 617, 1027, 4245, 11, 520, 3325, 28135, 11, 311, 279, 29219, 6372, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 389, 279, 8162, 44398, 2987, 555, 44649, 12235, 1169, 52729, 323, 8617, 27252, 279, 15740, 315, 1772, 285, 2464, 292, 312, 716, 55665, 11134, 627, 2028, 2515, 389, 12235, 10145, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 5084, 11622, 50434, 505, 279, 1486, 315, 1684, 720, 9210, 3118, 15419, 369, 80935, 84664, 65, 10934, 17610, 315, 86661, 12235, 1169, 409, 351, 18722, 8157, 3046, 1778, 439, 44448, 48233, 19472, 521, 68642, 320, 300, 5682, 258, 705, 9827, 47, 35268, 68642, 320, 66, 23085, 18722, 307, 540, 3833, 11, 62547, 385, 10629, 483, 705, 1008, 71970, 483, 312, 7717, 731, 68642, 320, 67, 23799, 1907, 309, 1286, 705, 393, 1170, 68642, 320, 82123, 537, 1394, 337, 705, 323, 37807, 38828, 91748, 8105, 65, 14, 23440, 64, 35268, 43215, 1705, 430, 649, 2565, 279, 12235, 18722, 1169, 35268, 369, 95235, 258, 11968, 320, 83, 8869, 69, 34879, 570, 3639, 538, 315, 7294, 1787, 1169, 11217, 423, 4931, 46, 2643, 9352, 311, 8625, 311, 387, 11075, 627, 35, 4931, 46, 2006, 63847, 3015, 2006, 41, 76729, 5257, 3247, 74863, 691, 198, 3915, 264, 13970, 1486, 315, 1684, 11, 832, 315, 279, 810, 289, 62837, 53862, 11784, 311, 8396, 374, 279, 28229, 315, 279, 40536, 539, 369, 23330, 477, 2218, 6725, 719, 369, 279, 13612, 7580, 315, 13419, 1274, 13, 8876, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 11, 36705, 16779, 617, 7319, 13859, 9491, 18722, 66, 750, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 1475, 1060, 13, 25647, 13519, 430, 304, 220, 3753, 23, 11, 1070, 1051, 922, 220, 1958, 11, 931, 74881, 16779, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 323, 1690, 315, 1521, 1051, 70637, 532, 74881, 34254, 13, 3296, 12593, 11, 7008, 13443, 1501, 220, 9591, 15, 16779, 505, 74881, 34254, 720, 20019, 279, 1890, 4261, 627, 14261, 763, 3544 ]
is, as long as it’s firm, consistent, clear in its expectation of the follower, and rigid. Given those characteristics, you can find peo ple who believe in almost anything. The strangest behavior and belief can be —has been — attributed to God. It’s God’s way, they say. God’s word. And there are those who will accept that. Gladly. Because, you see, it eliminates the need to think. Now, let’s think about killing. Can there ever be a justifiable reason for killing anything? Think about it. You’ll find you need no outside authority to give you direction, no higher source to supply you with answers. If you think about it, if you look to see what you feel about it, the answers will be obvious to you, and you will act accordingly. This is called acting on your own authority. It is when you act on the authority of others that you get yourself into trouble. Should states and nations use killing t o achieve their political objectives? Should religions use killing to enforce their theological imperatives? Should societies use killing as a response to those who violate behavioral codes? Is killing an appropriate political remedy, spiritual convincer, or societal problem solver? Now, is killing something you can do if someone is trying to kill you? Would you use killing force to defend the life of a loved one? Someone you didn’t even know? Is killing a proper form of defense against those who would kill if they are not in some other way stopped? Is there a difference between killing and murder? The state would have you believe that killing to complete a purely political agenda is perfectly defensible. In fact, the state needs you to take its w ord on this in order to exist as an entity of power. Religions would have you believe that killing to spread and maintain knowledge of, and adherence to, their particular truth is perfectly defensible. In fact, religions require you to take their word on t his in order to exist as an entity of power. Society would have you believe that killing to punish those who commit certain offenses (these have changed through the years) is perfectly defensible. In fact, society must have you take its word for it in order to exist as an entity of power. Do you believe these positions are correct? Have you taken another’s word for it? What does your Self have to say? There is no “right” or “wrong” in these matters. But by your decisions you paint a portrait of Who You Are. Indeed, by their decisions your states and nations have already painted such pictures. By their decisions your religions have created lasting, indelible impressions. By their decisions your societies have produced their self -portraits, too. Are you please d with these pictures? Are these the impressions you wish to make? Do these portraits represent Who You Are? Be careful of these questions. They may require you to think. Thinking is hard. Making value judgments is difficult. It places you at pure creation, because there are so many times you’ll have to say, “I don’t know. I just don’t know.” Yet still you’ll have to decide. And so you’ll have to choose. You’ll have to make an arbitrary choice. Such a choice —a decision coming from no previous personal knowl edge —is called pure creation. And the individual is aware, deeply aware, that in the making of such decisions is the Self created. Most of you are not interested in such important work. Most of you would rather leave that to others. And so most of you are not self -created, but creatures of habit — other -created creatures. Then, when others have told you how you should feel, and it runs directly counter to how you do feel —you experience a deep inner conflict. Something deep inside you tells you that what other s have told you is not Who You Are. Now where to go with that? What to do? The first place you go is to your religionists —the people who put you there in the first place. You go to your priests and your rabbis and your ministers and your teachers, and they tell you to stop listening to your Self. The worst of them will try to scare you away from it; scare you away from what you intuitively know. They’ll tell you about the devil, about Satan, about demons and evil spirits and hell and damnation and every fri ghtening thing they can think of to get you to see how what you were intuitively knowing and feeling was wrong, and how the only place you’ll find any comfort is in their thought, their idea, their theology, their definitions of right and wrong, and their concept of Who You Are. The seduction here is that all you have to do to get instant approval is to agree. Agree and you have instant approval. Some will even sing and shout and dance and wave their arms in hallelujah! That’s hard to resist. Such approval, such rejoicing that you have seen the light; that you’ve been saved! Approvals and demonstrations seldom accompany inner decisions. Celebrations rarely surround choices to follow personal truth. In fact, quite the contrary. Not only may others fail to celebrate, they may actually subject you to ridicule. What? You’re thinking for yourself? You’re deciding on your own? You’re applying your own yardsticks, your own judgments, your own values? Who do you think you are, anyway? And, indeed, that is precisel y the question you are answering. But the work must be done very much alone. Very much without reward, without approval, perhaps without even any notice. And so you ask a very good question. Why go on? Why even start off on such a path? What is to be gaine d from embarking on such a journey? Where is the incentive? What is the reason? The reason is ridiculously simple. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO DO. What do You mean? I mean this is the only game in town. There is nothing else to do. In fact, there is nothing e lse you can do. You are going to be doing what you are doing for the rest of your life —just as you have been doing it since birth. The only question is whether you’ll be doing it consciously, or unconsciously. You see, you cannot disembark from the journey. You embarked before you were born. Your birth is simply a sign that the journey has begun. So the question is not: Why start off on such a path? You have already started off. You did so with the first beat of your heart. The question is: Do I wish to walk this path consciously, or unconsciously? With awareness or lack of awareness? As the cause of my experience, or at the effect of it? For most of your life you’ve lived at the effect of your experiences. Now, you’re invited to be the cause of them. That is what is known as conscious living. That is what is called walking in awareness. Now, many of you have walked quite some distance, as I’ve said. You have made no small progress. So you should not feel that after all these lives you’ve “only” come t o this. Some of you are highly evolved creatures, with a very sure sense of Self. You know Who You Are and you know what you’d like to become. Furthermore, you even know the way to get from here to there. That’s a great sign. That’s a sure indication. Of what? Of the fact that you now have very few lives left. Is that good? It is, now —for you. And that is so because you say it is so. Not long ago all you wanted to do was stay here. Now, all you want to do is leave. That’s a very good sign. Not long ago you killed things —bugs, plants, trees, animals, people —now you cannot kill a thing without knowing exactly what you’re doing, and why. That’s a very good sign. Not long ago you lived life as though it had no purpose. Now you know it has no purpose, save th e one you give it. That’s a very good sign. Not long ago you begged the universe to bring you Truth. Now you tell the universe your truth. And that’s a very good sign. Not long ago you sought to be rich and famous. Now you seek to be simply, and wonderfull y, your Self. And not so very long ago you feared Me. Now you love Me, enough to call Me your equal. All of these are very, very good signs. Well, gosh...You make me feel
[ 374, 11, 439, 1317, 439, 433, 753, 720, 8978, 11, 13263, 11, 2867, 304, 1202, 31293, 315, 2355, 1820, 49307, 11, 323, 33956, 13, 16644, 1884, 720, 19740, 5706, 11, 499, 649, 1505, 1069, 78, 7245, 889, 720, 9978, 19704, 220, 304, 4661, 4205, 13, 578, 47305, 478, 720, 56966, 323, 16801, 649, 387, 2001, 4752, 1027, 107216, 45213, 2844, 220, 311, 4359, 13, 1102, 753, 4359, 753, 1648, 11, 814, 2019, 13, 720, 28622, 753, 3492, 13, 2355, 3112, 1070, 527, 1884, 889, 690, 4287, 430, 13, 720, 38, 18599, 398, 13, 9393, 11, 499, 1518, 11, 433, 60944, 279, 2355, 17483, 311, 1781, 13, 2355, 7184, 11, 1095, 753, 1781, 922, 13419, 13, 3053, 1070, 720, 2099, 387, 264, 1120, 23444, 2944, 369, 13419, 220, 4205, 30, 21834, 922, 433, 13, 1472, 4805, 1505, 499, 720, 17483, 912, 4994, 11447, 311, 3041, 499, 2355, 19612, 11, 912, 5190, 2592, 311, 8312, 499, 720, 4291, 11503, 13, 1442, 499, 1781, 922, 433, 11, 422, 499, 2355, 7349, 311, 1518, 1148, 499, 2733, 922, 433, 11, 279, 720, 25739, 690, 387, 8196, 311, 499, 11, 323, 499, 690, 2355, 533, 28178, 13, 1115, 374, 2663, 15718, 389, 720, 22479, 1866, 11447, 13, 2355, 2181, 374, 994, 499, 1180, 389, 279, 11447, 315, 3885, 720, 9210, 499, 636, 6261, 1139, 12544, 13, 12540, 2355, 33169, 323, 17089, 1005, 13419, 259, 297, 11322, 720, 50828, 5054, 26470, 30, 12540, 44230, 2355, 817, 13419, 311, 29262, 872, 70634, 720, 318, 716, 5983, 30, 12540, 34775, 1005, 13419, 720, 300, 264, 220, 2077, 311, 1884, 889, 41587, 720, 56966, 278, 14236, 30, 2355, 3957, 13419, 459, 8475, 5054, 40239, 11, 720, 86390, 940, 36961, 261, 11, 477, 59529, 3575, 2355, 76601, 30, 220, 4800, 11, 374, 13419, 2555, 499, 649, 656, 422, 720, 90579, 374, 4560, 311, 5622, 499, 30, 19418, 499, 720, 817, 13419, 5457, 311, 10726, 279, 2324, 315, 264, 10456, 720, 606, 30, 35272, 499, 3287, 1431, 1524, 1440, 30, 2355, 3957, 13419, 264, 6300, 1376, 315, 9232, 2403, 720, 54719, 889, 220, 1053, 5622, 422, 814, 527, 539, 304, 220, 1063, 720, 1605, 1648, 10717, 30, 2355, 3957, 1070, 264, 6811, 1990, 13419, 323, 720, 66206, 1126, 30, 2355, 791, 1614, 1053, 617, 499, 4510, 430, 720, 74, 9585, 311, 4686, 264, 32227, 5054, 18909, 720, 285, 14268, 711, 37864, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 279, 1614, 720, 56345, 499, 311, 1935, 1202, 289, 6141, 389, 420, 304, 2015, 720, 998, 3073, 439, 459, 5502, 315, 2410, 13, 2355, 6882, 343, 919, 1053, 617, 499, 4510, 430, 720, 74, 9585, 311, 9041, 323, 10519, 6677, 720, 1073, 11, 323, 71628, 311, 11, 872, 4040, 8206, 720, 285, 14268, 711, 37864, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 44230, 220, 1397, 499, 311, 1935, 872, 3492, 389, 259, 813, 304, 720, 1382, 311, 3073, 439, 459, 5502, 315, 2410, 13, 2355, 50, 6180, 1053, 617, 499, 4510, 430, 13419, 720, 998, 32151, 1884, 889, 5379, 3738, 2355, 1885, 4377, 320, 45010, 617, 5614, 1555, 279, 720, 42820, 8, 374, 14268, 711, 37864, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 2355, 82, 6180, 2011, 617, 499, 1935, 1202, 3492, 369, 433, 304, 720, 1382, 311, 3073, 439, 459, 5502, 315, 2410, 13, 2355, 5519, 499, 4510, 1521, 10093, 527, 4495, 30, 720, 12389, 499, 4529, 2500, 753, 3492, 369, 433, 30, 220, 3639, 720, 28156, 701, 10323, 617, 311, 2019, 30, 2355, 3947, 374, 912, 1054, 1315, 863, 477, 1054, 35970, 863, 304, 1521, 720, 76, 10385, 13, 2355, 4071, 555, 701, 11429, 499, 6308, 264, 34133, 315, 720, 15546, 1472, 8886, 13, 2355, 44623, 11, 555, 872, 11429, 701, 5415, 323, 720, 77, 811, 617, 2736, 24937, 1778, 2355, 76503, 13, 220, 3296, 872, 11429, 701, 44230, 617, 720, 7266, 29869, 11, 1280, 301, 1260, 51091, 13, 3296, 720, 50828, 11429, 701, 34775, 617, 720, 8723, 2041, 872, 659, 482, 403, 27383, 11, 2288, 13, 2355, 11787, 499, 4587, 294, 449, 1521, 9364, 30, 8886, 720, 45010, 279, 51091, 499, 6562, 311, 1304, 30, 2355, 5519, 1521, 59234, 4097, 10699, 1472, 8886, 30, 720, 3513, 16994, 315, 1521, 4860, 13, 2435, 1253, 2355, 4408, 499, 311, 1781, 13, 53389, 374, 2653, 13, 720, 43346, 907, 59358, 374, 5107, 13, 1102, 720, 27170, 220, 499, 520, 10748, 9886, 1174, 1606, 1070, 720, 548, 779, 1690, 3115, 499, 4805, 617, 311, 2019, 11, 1054, 40, 720, 15357, 1431, 220, 1440, 13, 358, 1120, 1541, 1431, 1440, 2029, 14968, 2103, 499, 4805, 720, 19553, 311, 10491, 13, 1628, 779, 499, 4805, 617, 311, 720, 28150, 13, 220, 1472, 4805, 617, 311, 1304, 459, 25142, 720, 12008, 13, 2355, 21365, 264, 5873, 2001, 64, 5597, 5108, 505, 912, 720, 20281, 4443, 1440, 75, 6964, 2001, 285, 2663, 2355, 52833, 9886, 13, 1628, 279, 3927, 374, 8010, 11, 17693, 8010, 11, 430, 304, 279, 3339, 315, 1778, 2355, 8332, 6948, 374, 279, 10323, 3549, 13, 2355, 13622, 315, 499, 527, 539, 8173, 304, 1778, 720, 15693, 990, 13, 7648, 315, 499, 1053, 4856, 2355, 22233, 430, 311, 3885, 13, 1628, 779, 1455, 315, 499, 527, 720, 1962, 659, 482, 7266, 11, 719, 20566, 315, 14464, 107216, 1605, 482, 7266, 20566, 13, 2355, 12487, 11, 994, 3885, 617, 3309, 499, 1268, 499, 720, 5562, 2733, 11, 323, 433, 8640, 6089, 5663, 311, 2355, 5269, 499, 656, 2733, 2001, 9514, 3217, 264, 5655, 720, 4481, 12324, 13, 25681, 5655, 4871, 499, 2355, 83, 6572, 499, 430, 1148, 1023, 274, 617, 3309, 499, 374, 720, 1962, 10699, 1472, 8886, 13, 4800, 1405, 311, 733, 449, 2355, 9210, 30, 3639, 311, 656, 30, 2355, 791, 1176, 2035, 499, 733, 374, 311, 701, 720, 3833, 32718, 1705, 2001, 1820, 1274, 889, 2231, 499, 1070, 720, 258, 279, 1176, 220, 2035, 13, 1472, 733, 311, 701, 42963, 323, 720, 22479, 436, 12806, 285, 323, 701, 35050, 323, 701, 13639, 11, 220, 323, 814, 220, 3371, 499, 311, 3009, 14624, 720, 998, 701, 10323, 13, 578, 12047, 315, 1124, 690, 1456, 311, 720, 2445, 548, 499, 220, 3201, 505, 433, 26, 44030, 499, 3201, 720, 1527, 1148, 499, 97301, 3210, 1440, 13, 2355, 7009, 4805, 3371, 499, 922, 279, 38736, 11, 922, 44451, 11, 720, 9274, 45075, 323, 14289, 31739, 323, 15123, 220, 323, 720, 89719, 367, 323, 1475, 2698, 342, 427, 6147, 3245, 814, 720, 4919, 1781, 315, 311, 636, 499, 311, 1518, 1268, 220, 1148, 499, 720, 52898, 97301, 3210, 14392, 323, 8430, 574, 720, 35970, 11, 323, 1268, 279, 1193, 2035, 220, 499, 4805, 1505, 720, 3852, 6981, 374, 304, 872, 3463, 11, 872, 4623, 11, 720, 50828, 54641, 11, 872, 17931, 315, 220, 1314, 323, 720, 35970, 11, 323, 872, 7434, 315, 10699, 1472, 8886, 13, 2355, 791, 11163, 2720, 1618, 374, 430, 682, 499, 617, 311, 720, 3055, 311, 636, 9888, 14765, 374, 311, 7655, 13, 220, 84303, 720, 438, 499, 617, 9888, 14765, 13, 4427, 690, 720, 17206, 7936, 323, 42223, 323, 15612, 323, 220, 12330, 720, 50828, 11977, 304, 305, 8116, 9832, 1494, 0, 220, 3011, 753, 2653, 311, 22884, 13, 15483, 14765, 11, 220, 1778, 720, 265, 7453, 10332, 430, 499, 617, 3970, 279, 3177, 26, 430, 2355, 9514, 4070, 1027, 6924, 0, 2355, 29688, 26678, 323, 44895, 56452, 720, 582, 10348, 9358, 11429, 13, 33292, 811, 2355, 81, 548, 398, 9172, 11709, 311, 1833, 4443, 720, 59677, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 5115, 279, 26102, 13, 2876, 1193, 2355, 18864, 3885, 3775, 311, 18890, 11, 814, 1253, 720, 74128, 3917, 499, 311, 94847, 13, 3639, 30, 2355, 2675, 3207, 220, 7422, 369, 6261, 30, 1472, 3207, 720, 8332, 6714, 389, 701, 1866, 30, 1472, 3207, 19486, 720, 22479, 1866, 220, 20085, 70045, 11, 701, 1866, 59358, 11, 720, 22479, 1866, 2819, 30, 10699, 656, 499, 1781, 499, 720, 548, 11, 13971, 30, 2355, 3112, 11, 13118, 11, 430, 374, 20847, 301, 379, 279, 3488, 720, 9514, 527, 36864, 13, 220, 2030, 279, 990, 2011, 387, 2884, 1633, 1790, 720, 32676, 13, 15668, 1790, 2085, 11565, 11, 2085, 2355, 55539, 11, 8530, 2085, 1524, 904, 5406, 13, 2355, 3112, 779, 499, 2610, 264, 1633, 1695, 3488, 13, 8595, 720, 3427, 389, 30, 8595, 1524, 1212, 1022, 389, 1778, 264, 220, 1853, 30, 720, 3923, 374, 311, 387, 342, 8511, 294, 505, 8126, 34552, 389, 720, 21470, 264, 11879, 30, 11208, 374, 279, 220, 36210, 30, 720, 3923, 374, 279, 2944, 30, 2355, 791, 2944, 374, 73011, 4382, 13, 2355, 51, 4678, 3507, 87181, 54026, 5257, 9503, 13, 2355, 3923, 656, 1472, 3152, 30, 2355, 40, 3152, 420, 374, 279, 1193, 1847, 304, 6424, 13, 2684, 720, 285, 4400, 775, 311, 656, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 1070, 374, 2355, 42312, 384, 326, 325, 499, 649, 656, 13, 1472, 527, 2133, 311, 720, 1395, 3815, 1148, 499, 527, 3815, 369, 279, 2800, 220, 315, 720, 22479, 2324, 2001, 4345, 439, 499, 617, 1027, 3815, 433, 720, 11536, 7342, 13, 578, 1193, 3488, 374, 3508, 220, 499, 4805, 387, 3815, 433, 70903, 11, 477, 720, 359, 444, 71888, 13, 2355, 2675, 1518, 11, 499, 4250, 98644, 847, 505, 279, 720, 30362, 3520, 13, 1472, 79120, 1603, 499, 1051, 2355, 16381, 13, 4718, 7342, 374, 5042, 264, 1879, 430, 279, 720, 30362, 3520, 706, 22088, 13, 2100, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 25, 2355, 10445, 1212, 1022, 389, 1778, 264, 1853, 30, 1472, 617, 720, 46584, 3940, 1022, 13, 1472, 1550, 779, 449, 279, 1176, 2355, 23019, 315, 701, 4851, 13, 578, 3488, 374, 25, 3234, 358, 720, 82199, 311, 4321, 420, 1853, 70903, 11, 477, 2355, 359, 444, 71888, 30, 3161, 17985, 477, 6996, 315, 720, 20111, 2136, 30, 1666, 279, 5353, 315, 856, 2355, 50659, 11, 477, 520, 279, 2515, 315, 433, 30, 1789, 1455, 720, 1073, 701, 2324, 499, 4070, 12439, 520, 279, 2515, 315, 220, 701, 720, 327, 69597, 13, 4800, 11, 499, 3207, 18719, 311, 387, 279, 720, 1593, 315, 1124, 13, 220, 3011, 374, 1148, 374, 220, 3967, 439, 720, 64589, 5496, 13, 3011, 374, 1148, 374, 2663, 720, 81749, 304, 17985, 13, 220, 4800, 11, 1690, 315, 499, 617, 15203, 5115, 1063, 720, 19909, 11, 439, 358, 4070, 1071, 13, 1472, 617, 1903, 220, 912, 720, 9181, 5208, 13, 2100, 499, 1288, 539, 2733, 430, 720, 10924, 682, 1521, 6439, 499, 4070, 1054, 3323, 863, 220, 2586, 259, 297, 720, 576, 13, 4427, 315, 499, 527, 7701, 28995, 720, 846, 2859, 11, 449, 264, 1633, 2771, 5647, 315, 220, 10323, 13, 720, 2675, 1440, 10699, 1472, 8886, 323, 499, 1440, 1148, 720, 9514, 7070, 1093, 311, 3719, 13, 220, 24296, 11, 499, 720, 17206, 1440, 279, 1648, 311, 636, 505, 1618, 311, 720, 19041, 13, 2355, 4897, 753, 264, 2294, 1879, 13, 3011, 753, 264, 2771, 28137, 13, 2355, 2173, 1148, 30, 720, 2173, 279, 2144, 430, 499, 1457, 617, 1633, 2478, 6439, 720, 2414, 13, 720, 3957, 430, 1695, 30, 2355, 2181, 374, 11, 1457, 2001, 2000, 499, 13, 1628, 430, 374, 779, 1606, 720, 9514, 2019, 433, 374, 779, 13, 2876, 1317, 4227, 682, 499, 220, 4934, 311, 656, 574, 4822, 1618, 13, 4800, 11, 682, 499, 1390, 311, 720, 3055, 374, 5387, 13, 3011, 753, 264, 1633, 1695, 220, 1879, 13, 2355, 2688, 1317, 4227, 499, 7577, 2574, 2001, 57276, 11, 720, 64805, 11, 12690, 11, 10099, 11, 1274, 2001, 3409, 499, 2355, 34360, 5622, 264, 3245, 2085, 14392, 7041, 720, 12840, 499, 3207, 3815, 11, 323, 3249, 13, 3011, 753, 264, 1633, 2355, 19045, 1879, 13, 2355, 2688, 1317, 4227, 499, 12439, 2324, 439, 3582, 433, 1047, 720, 2201, 7580, 13, 4800, 499, 1440, 433, 706, 912, 2355, 77763, 11, 3665, 270, 384, 832, 499, 3041, 433, 13, 3011, 753, 264, 720, 1225, 1695, 1879, 13, 2355, 2688, 1317, 4227, 499, 80392, 220, 279, 15861, 311, 720, 82477, 499, 30198, 13, 4800, 499, 3371, 279, 15861, 720, 22479, 8206, 13, 1628, 430, 753, 264, 220, 1633, 1695, 1879, 13, 2355, 2688, 1317, 4227, 499, 16495, 311, 387, 9257, 323, 720, 69, 23333, 13, 4800, 499, 6056, 311, 387, 5042, 11, 323, 2355, 86, 14518, 9054, 379, 11, 701, 10323, 13, 220, 1628, 539, 779, 1633, 1317, 4227, 499, 38569, 2206, 13, 720, 7184, 499, 3021, 2206, 11, 3403, 311, 1650, 2206, 701, 2355, 26880, 13, 2355, 2460, 315, 1521, 527, 1633, 11, 1633, 1695, 12195, 13, 2355, 11649, 11, 342, 9451, 1131, 2675, 1304, 757, 2733 ]
think has a better life? “As a matter of fact, you have no idea of what happiness is u ntil you’ve dropped attachment.” Anthony de Mello, S.J., fr om Rediscovering Life “My life is a succession of events, just like yours. Only I am detached and see the passing show as a passing show, while you stick to things and move along with them.” Nisar gadatta Maharaj, fr om I Am That: T alks with Sri Nisar gadatta Maharaj In the case of an attachment to a person, the attachment comes from a belief in a lack of love. Y ou believe that this one person holds the key to your love and happiness, and without them your love and happiness will be gone. The belief justifies the attachment and puts you in extreme jeopardy, because everything is changing all the time, and no “body” is here forever. “People need each other and think it is love. There’ s no hanging on to, or fencing in, of the other one when one loves.” Lester LevensonAttachments run very deep. O ften our attachments make up the identity of the person w e think we are, and we feel that if we dropped our attachments, we would lose our identity. So, we cling to our attachments, when all along they rob us of our happiness and imprison us in misery. When y ou belie ve there’ s a lim ited amount of something, you become attached to what you have. W e can have at tachments to our body, mind, the image we have of ourselves, our partner, childre n, parents, family, friends, pets, career, personal achievements, fame, skills, hobbies, religion, success, and material objects like our car o r our house, as well as attachments to our opinions, beliefs, and points of view. Y ou have probably seen people fiercely defending their beliefs in politics, religion, and a whole host of other su bjects because of their deep attachment to their opinions. “W e are so married to our thoughts that we never even think of divorcing them. And, until we d o, we will conti nue, blindly attached to physical bodies and, in the overall, having a miserable life.” Lester Levenson, fr om Happiness Is Free, volumes 1–5 Over the years o ur mind can become deeply attached to a myriad of fixed ideas. It’ s ironic th at these ideas that we cling to actually bind us to being a limited person, make our life heavy, and stifle our natural happiness. History has shown us that people can be so attached to their beliefs they will die rather than let go of them. For some people, their attachments to their beliefs are the only things that keep them going despite their misery. “People don’ t want to be happy. T o be happy they have to chan ge their beliefs and ideas and they cling to them. They say, no way. W e refuse to be happy unless our desires are fulfilled.” Anthony de Mello, S.J. If you could empty yourself of all of your opinions and fixed ideas one by one, you would be enlightened, because when you’re free of all judgment, you allow things to be j ust as they are. And then you would be in awe of the joy and happiness that would fl ood through your very being, not to mention how your life would naturally spiral upward in every area. As I wrote in The Secr et, T enth Anniversary Edition, the fewer opinions you have, the f ewer conclusions you come to, the fewer fixed ideas you ho ld to, the more bliss and joy will be yours. What is actually attached is not you, b ut your mind! Attachments are a picnic for the mind be cause at tachments stren gthen the mind and keep us imprisoned in the belief that we’ re a limited, separate person, instead of the unlimited, blissfully happy A wareness that we really are. Because attachments come from your mind, you will feel a palpable fear when something the mind is attached to is threatened. And the biggest attachment your mind has is its attachment to being an ego and an individual perso n. Even though the truth—that we are really the one A wareness—is so wondrous, still our mind clings to the idea of being a separate person. There is no outcome to a life w ith attachment other than heartbreak and suf fering, because nothing in this material world is lasting or permanent, including our bodies. W ithout you realizing it, your mind has traded your happiness for attachments. Anthony de Mello summed up attachment beautifully in his interpretation of the Buddha’ s Four Noble T ruths:“The world is full of sorrow. The root of sorrow is attachment desire. The solution to a life without sorrow is the dropping of attachment.” Anthony de Mello, S.J., fr om Rediscovering Life Y ou can desire and have whatever you want; the problem only comes when you’re attached to those things. A war eness V ersus Attachment Y ou don’ t have to struggle to tr y to eliminate your attachments. Y ou don’ t have to put a wh ole lot of ef fort into try ing to change the way you feel. Attachment comes from identifying with the mind, and so to free yourself of attachments all you have to do is just stay as A wareness more and more, and all of your attachments will drop one by one! I cannot begin to tell you how incredible life is when you’re not ruled by attachments. The love that yo u feel for everyone and everyth ing is much deeper, and yet at the same time you don’ t feel an unbearable sadness when something ends or changes. “This is my secret. I don’ t mind what happens.” J. Krishnamurti, fr om the second public talk, Ojai, 1977 Krishnamurti’ s words show us what it’ s like not to be attached to anything. His words are true nonattachment. And while I know it’ s possibly hard for you to believe that you could ever fee l this way, that is only the m ind telling you that. Remember, nonattachment is your true nature; nonattachment is you, A wareness. Many years ago, my family and I had a beautiful house in the Australian countryside. My two children lo ved living in the country, and they loved that house. It was a magical life, but unfortu nately interest rates climbed to over 18 percent, and despite t aking o n extra work an d longer hours, in the end my h usband and I could not pay our mo rtgage. W e put ourselves through enormous sa crifice and suf fering for three years trying to hold o n to that house, and still we lo st it. On the day we finally moved out, I thought about the misery we had put ourselves through, and I decided I would never get attached to another house again. When we suf fer enough, we will change. Since th en, I have loved every house I’ve lived in—some I’ve loved and enjoyed more than any others before—but I’ve not been attached to a ny of them. While I was living in them, I enjoyed and appreciated them fully, with out any fear of not having them one day. And when it was time to walk away from them, I was able to do so with only gratitude in my heart, and with no sadness whatsoever. “Happiness occu rs when we’re not attached to any object, including the body, and material things.” Francis Lucille W e’re here in th e material world, and all things material must come to an end. If we’re at tached to something, it will guarantee suf fering when it goes. But if you deeply love what is here now in your life—if you’re truly grateful for what is here now, and if you appreciate it fully—you will never feel the same degree of pain when it goes.I ha d a very close relationship with my mother through my childhood and adult years. She was more than my mother; I also considered her to be my best friend. I used to be terrified of her dying because I couldn’ t imagine living without her or having any kind of worthwhile life if she was no longer in it. After I discovered The Secret, I becam e filled with gr atitude and appreciation for everything in my life, especially for my family and m y mother. I appreciated every moment with her. I would te ll her constantly about all the little things and big thin gs she had done for me throughout my life that mea nt so much to me. I would tell her constantly how much I loved her. So, when my mother passed, I didn’ t suf fer as I would have earlier in my life. Instead, I felt my love for my mother expand to be bigger than the Universe. And to this day, it has never changed. Y ou are love, a nd love is the stark opposite of attachment because love grants everything its freedom to come or go. Love is accepting and allo wing of everything, no matter what happens. “Love is what you are already. Love doesn’ t seek anything. It’ s already complete. It doesn’ t want, doesn’ t need, has no shoulds.” Byr on Katie, fr om
[ 1781, 706, 264, 2731, 2324, 5380, 61553, 264, 5030, 315, 2144, 11, 499, 617, 912, 4623, 315, 1148, 23871, 374, 577, 308, 1678, 499, 4070, 12504, 198, 22751, 49216, 70098, 409, 386, 4896, 11, 328, 3587, 2637, 1448, 8019, 220, 35258, 93013, 9601, 198, 62597, 2324, 374, 264, 50787, 315, 4455, 11, 1120, 1093, 18821, 13, 8442, 358, 1097, 45017, 323, 1518, 279, 198, 6519, 287, 1501, 439, 264, 12579, 1501, 1174, 1418, 499, 9396, 311, 2574, 323, 3351, 3235, 449, 198, 49818, 49216, 45, 285, 277, 34316, 33019, 53690, 1662, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 358, 3383, 3011, 25, 350, 453, 2857, 449, 34445, 452, 285, 277, 34316, 33019, 53690, 1662, 198, 644, 279, 1162, 315, 459, 20581, 311, 264, 1732, 11, 279, 20581, 4131, 505, 264, 16801, 304, 264, 198, 105516, 315, 3021, 13, 816, 6033, 4510, 430, 220, 420, 832, 1732, 10187, 279, 1401, 311, 701, 3021, 323, 198, 71, 67391, 11, 323, 2085, 1124, 701, 3021, 323, 23871, 690, 387, 8208, 13, 578, 16801, 198, 4345, 9803, 279, 20581, 323, 9711, 499, 304, 14560, 90704, 1174, 1606, 4395, 374, 198, 52813, 682, 279, 892, 11, 323, 912, 1054, 2664, 863, 374, 1618, 16058, 16853, 2118, 16298, 1205, 1855, 1023, 323, 1781, 433, 374, 3021, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 912, 21363, 389, 311, 11, 477, 68527, 304, 345, 1073, 279, 1023, 832, 994, 832, 16180, 49216, 43, 5302, 2009, 21778, 263, 76840, 1629, 220, 1633, 5655, 13, 507, 282, 2002, 1057, 34779, 1304, 709, 279, 9764, 315, 279, 198, 9164, 289, 384, 1781, 584, 527, 11, 323, 584, 2733, 430, 422, 584, 12504, 1057, 34779, 11, 584, 1053, 198, 1497, 1057, 9764, 662, 2100, 11, 584, 78264, 311, 1057, 34779, 11, 994, 682, 3235, 814, 10773, 603, 315, 1057, 198, 71, 67391, 323, 29319, 603, 304, 58701, 16853, 4599, 379, 6033, 2888, 5320, 1070, 529, 274, 264, 4671, 433, 291, 3392, 315, 2555, 11, 499, 3719, 12673, 311, 198, 12840, 499, 617, 13, 468, 384, 649, 617, 520, 259, 613, 1392, 311, 1057, 2547, 1174, 4059, 11, 279, 2217, 584, 617, 315, 198, 2530, 4372, 11, 1057, 8427, 1174, 1716, 265, 308, 11, 6699, 11, 3070, 1174, 4885, 11, 26159, 11, 7076, 1174, 4443, 198, 45620, 12760, 11, 33651, 11, 7512, 11, 64405, 11, 13901, 11, 2450, 11, 323, 3769, 6302, 1093, 1057, 198, 7063, 297, 436, 1057, 3838, 1174, 439, 1664, 439, 34779, 311, 1057, 18463, 11, 21463, 11, 323, 3585, 315, 1684, 16853, 56, 6033, 617, 4762, 3970, 1274, 79045, 29269, 872, 21463, 304, 11759, 11, 13901, 345, 438, 264, 4459, 3552, 315, 1023, 924, 293, 585, 82, 1606, 315, 872, 5655, 20581, 311, 872, 198, 454, 84996, 627, 2118, 54, 384, 527, 779, 12502, 311, 1057, 11555, 430, 584, 2646, 1524, 1781, 315, 41079, 6253, 1124, 627, 3112, 11, 3156, 584, 294, 297, 11, 584, 690, 687, 72, 12118, 11, 89447, 12673, 311, 7106, 13162, 323, 11, 304, 279, 198, 75555, 11, 3515, 264, 50739, 2324, 49216, 43, 5302, 2009, 21778, 263, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 79244, 2209, 3658, 11, 27378, 220, 16, 4235, 20, 198, 1959, 279, 1667, 297, 4433, 4059, 649, 3719, 17693, 12673, 311, 264, 52909, 315, 8521, 6848, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 198, 2534, 292, 270, 520, 1521, 6848, 430, 584, 78264, 311, 3604, 10950, 603, 311, 1694, 264, 7347, 1732, 345, 7072, 1057, 2324, 8987, 1174, 323, 357, 19636, 1057, 5933, 23871, 627, 13730, 706, 6982, 603, 430, 1274, 649, 387, 779, 12673, 311, 872, 21463, 814, 690, 2815, 198, 74303, 1109, 1095, 733, 220, 315, 1124, 13, 1789, 1063, 1274, 11, 872, 34779, 311, 872, 21463, 527, 279, 198, 3323, 2574, 430, 2567, 1124, 2133, 8994, 872, 58701, 16853, 2118, 16298, 1541, 529, 259, 1390, 311, 387, 6380, 662, 350, 297, 387, 6380, 814, 617, 311, 27114, 3980, 872, 21463, 323, 198, 94784, 323, 814, 78264, 311, 1124, 13, 2435, 2019, 1174, 912, 1648, 662, 468, 384, 26122, 311, 387, 6380, 7389, 1057, 198, 5919, 3946, 527, 41834, 49216, 70098, 409, 386, 4896, 11, 328, 3587, 627, 2746, 499, 1436, 4384, 6261, 315, 682, 315, 701, 18463, 323, 8521, 6848, 832, 555, 832, 11, 499, 198, 41450, 387, 82315, 11, 1606, 994, 499, 3207, 1949, 315, 682, 19971, 11, 499, 2187, 2574, 311, 198, 1395, 503, 88689, 439, 814, 527, 13, 1628, 1243, 499, 1053, 387, 304, 51517, 315, 279, 16267, 220, 323, 23871, 430, 198, 41450, 1344, 297, 347, 1555, 701, 1633, 1694, 11, 539, 311, 6420, 1268, 701, 2324, 1053, 18182, 198, 2203, 37478, 40872, 304, 1475, 3158, 627, 2170, 358, 6267, 304, 578, 4621, 81, 1880, 1174, 350, 65308, 47898, 14398, 11, 279, 17162, 18463, 499, 617, 345, 1820, 282, 37990, 261, 31342, 499, 2586, 220, 311, 11, 279, 17162, 8521, 6848, 499, 11640, 27221, 311, 11, 279, 810, 59045, 198, 438, 16267, 690, 387, 18821, 627, 3923, 374, 3604, 220, 12673, 374, 539, 499, 1174, 293, 8791, 701, 4059, 0, 220, 49484, 1392, 527, 264, 55562, 369, 279, 198, 38824, 387, 5353, 520, 259, 613, 1392, 93319, 342, 3473, 279, 4059, 323, 2567, 603, 52942, 304, 279, 16801, 198, 9210, 584, 529, 312, 264, 7347, 11, 8821, 1732, 11, 4619, 315, 279, 27862, 11, 59045, 3725, 6380, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 430, 584, 2216, 527, 13, 9393, 34779, 2586, 505, 701, 4059, 11, 499, 690, 198, 57676, 264, 75649, 481, 8850, 994, 2555, 279, 4059, 374, 12673, 311, 374, 21699, 627, 3112, 279, 220, 8706, 20581, 701, 4059, 706, 374, 1202, 20581, 311, 1694, 459, 37374, 323, 459, 198, 55977, 78072, 308, 13, 7570, 3582, 279, 8206, 41128, 584, 527, 2216, 279, 832, 362, 51806, 2136, 55434, 198, 708, 289, 94650, 11, 2103, 1057, 4059, 1206, 826, 311, 279, 4623, 315, 1694, 264, 8821, 1732, 627, 3947, 374, 220, 912, 15632, 311, 264, 2324, 289, 78942, 20581, 1023, 1109, 4851, 9137, 323, 56868, 282, 4776, 345, 28753, 4400, 220, 304, 420, 3769, 220, 1917, 374, 29869, 477, 15690, 11, 2737, 1057, 13162, 627, 54, 78942, 412, 499, 44114, 433, 11, 701, 4059, 706, 31207, 701, 23871, 369, 34779, 627, 70098, 409, 386, 4896, 66766, 709, 20581, 32719, 304, 813, 23692, 315, 279, 198, 33, 8512, 4317, 529, 274, 13625, 49687, 350, 54246, 82, 25, 2118, 791, 1917, 374, 2539, 315, 58596, 16853, 791, 3789, 315, 58596, 374, 20581, 12876, 627, 791, 6425, 311, 264, 2324, 2085, 58596, 374, 279, 26156, 315, 20581, 49216, 70098, 409, 386, 4896, 11, 328, 3587, 2637, 1448, 8019, 220, 35258, 93013, 9601, 198, 56, 6033, 649, 220, 12876, 323, 617, 8996, 499, 1390, 26, 279, 3575, 1193, 4131, 994, 499, 3207, 198, 68597, 311, 1884, 2574, 627, 32, 4208, 665, 434, 650, 55495, 355, 56848, 198, 56, 6033, 1541, 529, 259, 617, 311, 14993, 311, 490, 379, 311, 22472, 701, 34779, 13, 816, 6033, 1541, 529, 259, 617, 311, 198, 631, 264, 220, 421, 32878, 2763, 315, 31469, 12108, 1139, 1456, 6892, 311, 2349, 279, 1648, 499, 2733, 13, 56848, 4131, 198, 1527, 25607, 220, 449, 279, 4059, 11, 220, 323, 779, 311, 1949, 6261, 315, 34779, 682, 499, 617, 198, 998, 656, 374, 1120, 4822, 439, 362, 51806, 2136, 810, 323, 810, 11, 323, 682, 315, 701, 34779, 690, 6068, 198, 606, 555, 832, 0, 358, 4250, 3240, 311, 3371, 499, 1268, 15400, 2324, 374, 994, 499, 3207, 539, 21989, 198, 1729, 34779, 13, 578, 3021, 430, 30596, 577, 2733, 369, 5127, 323, 1475, 339, 6892, 374, 1790, 19662, 13801, 438, 3686, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 2733, 459, 99930, 51978, 994, 2555, 10548, 198, 269, 4442, 627, 31378, 374, 856, 6367, 13, 358, 1541, 529, 259, 4059, 1148, 8741, 49216, 41, 13, 62064, 12682, 5757, 72, 11, 1448, 8019, 279, 2132, 586, 3137, 11, 507, 73, 2192, 11, 220, 4468, 22, 198, 82265, 819, 12682, 5757, 72, 529, 274, 4339, 1501, 603, 1148, 433, 529, 274, 1093, 539, 311, 387, 12673, 311, 4205, 13, 5414, 198, 5880, 527, 837, 2536, 22751, 13, 220, 1628, 1418, 358, 1440, 433, 529, 274, 11000, 2653, 369, 499, 311, 198, 9978, 19704, 430, 499, 1436, 3596, 11307, 326, 420, 1648, 1174, 430, 374, 1193, 279, 296, 1280, 11890, 499, 430, 627, 29690, 1174, 2536, 22751, 374, 701, 837, 7138, 26, 2536, 22751, 374, 499, 1174, 362, 51806, 2136, 627, 8607, 1667, 4227, 11, 856, 3070, 323, 358, 1047, 264, 6366, 3838, 304, 279, 13673, 198, 66, 1656, 45355, 13, 3092, 220, 1403, 2911, 781, 29033, 5496, 304, 279, 3224, 1174, 323, 814, 10456, 430, 3838, 627, 2181, 574, 264, 24632, 220, 2324, 11, 719, 653, 4057, 84, 308, 2718, 2802, 7969, 45519, 311, 927, 220, 972, 3346, 11, 323, 198, 5919, 6100, 259, 264, 10789, 297, 308, 5066, 990, 459, 294, 5129, 4207, 11, 304, 279, 842, 856, 305, 603, 7198, 323, 358, 1436, 198, 1962, 2343, 1057, 4647, 17091, 15292, 13, 468, 384, 2231, 13520, 1555, 23205, 829, 1589, 22660, 323, 56868, 282, 4776, 198, 2000, 2380, 220, 1667, 4560, 311, 3412, 297, 308, 311, 430, 3838, 11, 323, 2103, 584, 781, 357, 433, 13, 1952, 279, 1938, 584, 198, 40276, 7882, 704, 11, 358, 3463, 922, 279, 58701, 584, 1047, 2231, 13520, 1555, 11, 323, 358, 198, 8332, 4591, 358, 1053, 2646, 636, 12673, 311, 2500, 3838, 1578, 13, 3277, 584, 56868, 18728, 3403, 345, 906, 690, 2349, 627, 12834, 270, 665, 11, 358, 617, 10456, 1475, 3838, 358, 4070, 12439, 304, 2345, 15031, 358, 4070, 10456, 323, 14333, 198, 6518, 1109, 904, 3885, 1603, 38542, 358, 4070, 539, 1027, 12673, 311, 264, 19541, 315, 1124, 13, 220, 6104, 358, 198, 16514, 5496, 304, 1124, 11, 358, 14333, 323, 26893, 1124, 7373, 1174, 449, 704, 904, 8850, 315, 539, 198, 69666, 1124, 832, 1938, 662, 1628, 994, 433, 574, 892, 311, 4321, 3201, 505, 1124, 11, 358, 574, 3025, 311, 198, 3055, 779, 449, 1193, 46135, 304, 856, 4851, 11, 323, 449, 912, 51978, 36734, 16853, 2118, 39, 67391, 3056, 84, 10242, 994, 584, 3207, 539, 12673, 311, 904, 1665, 11, 2737, 279, 2547, 1174, 323, 198, 8407, 2574, 49216, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 198, 54, 384, 3207, 1618, 304, 270, 384, 3769, 1917, 11, 323, 682, 2574, 3769, 2011, 220, 2586, 311, 459, 842, 13, 1442, 198, 906, 3207, 520, 259, 3939, 311, 2555, 11, 433, 690, 15803, 56868, 282, 4776, 994, 433, 5900, 13, 2030, 422, 499, 198, 33980, 398, 3021, 1148, 374, 1618, 1457, 304, 220, 701, 2324, 90863, 499, 3207, 9615, 26259, 369, 1148, 374, 1618, 198, 3409, 1174, 323, 422, 499, 15763, 433, 7373, 71480, 690, 2646, 2733, 279, 1890, 8547, 315, 6784, 198, 9493, 433, 5900, 2506, 6520, 294, 264, 1633, 3345, 5133, 449, 856, 6691, 1555, 856, 20587, 323, 6822, 198, 42820, 13, 3005, 574, 810, 1109, 856, 6691, 26, 358, 1101, 6646, 1077, 311, 387, 856, 1888, 4333, 13, 358, 198, 2656, 311, 387, 53731, 315, 1077, 23069, 1606, 358, 7846, 529, 259, 13085, 5496, 2085, 1077, 477, 198, 69666, 904, 3169, 315, 48776, 2324, 422, 1364, 574, 912, 5129, 304, 433, 13, 4740, 358, 11352, 578, 198, 20357, 11, 358, 220, 387, 11860, 384, 10409, 449, 1099, 520, 3993, 323, 35996, 369, 4395, 304, 856, 2324, 345, 36046, 369, 856, 3070, 323, 296, 379, 6691, 662, 358, 26893, 1475, 4545, 449, 1077, 662, 358, 198, 41450, 1028, 9507, 1077, 15320, 922, 682, 279, 2697, 2574, 323, 2466, 15792, 29181, 1364, 1047, 2884, 369, 198, 2727, 6957, 856, 2324, 430, 757, 64, 32512, 779, 1790, 311, 757, 13, 358, 1053, 3371, 220, 1077, 15320, 1268, 198, 59178, 358, 10456, 1077, 662, 2100, 11, 994, 856, 6691, 5946, 11, 358, 3287, 529, 259, 56868, 18728, 439, 358, 1053, 617, 6931, 198, 258, 856, 2324, 13, 12361, 11, 358, 6612, 856, 3021, 369, 856, 6691, 9407, 311, 387, 11493, 1109, 279, 198, 1844, 8194, 13, 1628, 311, 420, 1938, 1174, 433, 706, 2646, 5614, 627, 56, 6033, 527, 3021, 11, 264, 15953, 3021, 374, 279, 38246, 14329, 315, 20581, 1606, 3021, 25076, 198, 73826, 1202, 11542, 311, 2586, 477, 733, 13, 10919, 374, 25694, 323, 63747, 20611, 315, 4395, 345, 2201, 5030, 1148, 8741, 627, 2118, 29351, 374, 1148, 499, 527, 2736, 662, 10919, 3250, 529, 259, 6056, 4205, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 2736, 4686, 13, 1102, 198, 73014, 529, 259, 1390, 11, 3250, 529, 259, 1205, 11, 706, 912, 1288, 82, 49216, 1383, 81, 389, 45563, 11, 1448, 8019 ]
rung is another level of consci ousness beyond the waking consciousness, which we’ll call a question mark for now. When I was a kid, I had some bizarre experiences on the lowes t rung of the ladder because people could talk to me while I was dreaming. My brothers used to get our mother or other family members to come over to watch w hat wou ld happen. They’d say, “Look at this guy.” One time my oldest brother, Jim, gave me a bedsheet and said, “Y ou’re going to school, W ayne. Here’ s your shirt. Come on, get it on.” I was trying to get my arm into this sheet, but there was no armhole, of course, so I had this crazy thing going. Jim was saying to our mother, “Look at him; he thinks he’ s getting dressed.” Another time, I was dreaming about shoveling snow. I asked out loud, “Where’ s my shovel?” Jim said, “Here’ s your shovel, W ayne. G o ahead and take it.” He was on the second rung in waking consciousness, ta lking to me in d ream consciousness. I was in a dif ferent level of consciousness, so the dream w as real for me. As long as my brother would cooperate w ith me and pretend to be with me in the dream, then I would stay with it. But if he would’ve said, “Y ou’re crazy, you’re dreaming, just wake up,” I would’veeither go ne deep er into my unco nsciousness or come out of it and realized that ther e was no shovel. Of cou rse that’ s what eventually happened: I woke up a nd a gain ask ed, “Where’ s my shovel?” Jim said, “Oh, you’re awake.” I realized I didn’ t have my shovel, but I’d had the experience of having it. It all seemed incredibly real. The only time you know you’re dreaming is when you’re awake. So you have to wake u p to know that what you were just doing was an illusion. That’ s the dif ference between the dream-consciousness level and the waking-consciousness level. What I suggest is that in order to g o from one level of consciousness to anothe r, you have somebody who’ s on the second rung go down there and pretend to be with you on the first rung. Now we get to the third rung, which has the question mark. What is that level of conscio usness, and how is it dif ferent? I believe that i f somebody from that level of consciousness wanted us to know what is possible for us at a higher level than we’re liv ing right now, they would have to be here among us. Much like my brother speaking to me from waking consciousness to my dream consciousness, that person would pretend to be with us in the d ream. Someone from another level of consciousness would show us that we don’ t have to live this illusion, and then they ’d leave to another dimension. This is what I think highly spiritual people do: They clearly see the illusion. They know that the experience of the illusion is real, but it can’ t be, in fact. W e can’ t own anything, we can’ t have it, we can’ t get hold of it. There a re many highly spiritual people on this planet right now who understand this higher level of consciousness. They help us al ong as they try to get us to see that there’ s a higher place we can get to. That higher place isn ’ t form; it’ s transformation. When we get that, then we can go in and out of this next dimension... and then the next dimension ... and the next.... YOU CREA TE EVER YTHING YOU NEED When I was a ch ild, I realized th at the shovel that had been handed to me was an illusion, but my experie nce of it was very real. I believ e that when we die and leave our form, we will also be able to look back and see theillusion of all that we’ve accumu lated and held on to, all of our “shovels”— the money and things that we can’ t take with us—and understand that we created everythi ng that we need ed in the level we’re at now. W e created it all. If we needed a partner to fight with every day, then we cre ated that. If we needed to have poverty for some reason, then we created that. For me, this is the essence of life. I know that there ar e higher dimensions than this waking-co nsciousness level that we live in. I know that I can live th e illusion and e njoy it all, make it all work for me. I create whatever I need. If I need to have a house full of children, I create that. If I need to have an experience of lo sing my keys, I create that too. I’ve created everything that happens in order to make this level of consciousness work. Now, suppose you went to sleep and had a dream in which you had all this mon ey and everything you ever wanted. Then you woke up but were still atta ched to the stuf f that you had in your dream: “W ait a mi nute, I want that. There was gold there, there were all these friends, I had a Ferrari there. I’ve got to have all of this now!” Somebody would come along and say, “Sorry, that was a dream. Y ou can’ t be attached to that; it was only a thought you had.” W ell, that’ s the way you’ve got to view life. Instead of being in an eigh t-hour dream, you’re in an 80-year or a 90-year dream. At the end of the dream, you don’ t want to be looking back at all the stuf f you wish yo u could still have. Beca use you can’ t hav e it— none of it will ever actually be yours. As absurd as it would be for you to be attached to the stuf f that you had in your dream, it’ s equally as absurd for you to be attached to the stuf f that you’re having in this dream. In fact, when you get to a higher level, you’ll look back on all this and ask, “What did I need any of that for?” There is a plac e in our wakin g consciousness that is similar to our dreaming consciousness, in which there’ s nothing to limit us. This is the state of the waking dr eamer. W e are not the bodies that we c arry around or our poss essions, which are all j ust things that we have created because we need them for th e dream. Y es, in this dream the things that we need we also create. The trouble is, we don’ t want to call it a dream because it’ s so real. And yet, that is exactly what it is. Y ou ma y have had a similar ex perience to this: Y ou’re having a great dream, when something from an other dimension wakes you up—a bell goes of f, a door is sla mmed, the phone rings, whatever it may be—a nd you sort of ha lf w ake up and come ba ck into your form. Y ou leave pure thought andall th at g reat stu f f you can create, and you say to yourself, I want to go right back to sleep so I can find out how this dr eam turns out. When I bring this up with audie nces, I’ll ask, “What’ s going on here? If you’re creating this dream, then why would you ever need to go back to sleep to find ou t what the outcome was? Y ou’re the one writing it!” It would b e like me sitting down to write a story and wondering how it’ s going to turn out. If you asked me who was writing this story, I’d say, “I am.” Y o u’d poin t out, “Okay, if you’re writing it, then you must know how it’ s goin g to come out.” I’d then say, “Y eah, I’ve got it all outlined, so I guess I do know how it’ s going to come out.” I mean, if I’m writing it, then I can create whatever I want. So how do you explain what’ s happening when you’re trying to get back to a dream? Who ’ s writing the s cript, if it’ s not you? W ell, you have entered a n ew dimension with dif ferent rules, in which you are now playing a new role. Y ou’ve entered a dimensi on that’ s already been written, and you do this all the time—this wonderful dimension of thought is right there for you. Did it ever occur to you that you are creating everything you need for this dream? That when you finally leave your form this time around, you’re going to look back and see that the attachment you have to all your stuf f is just as much of an illusion as the knife the guy had in your other dream? Sure
[ 198, 125625, 374, 2500, 2237, 315, 1615, 5979, 220, 788, 2136, 7953, 279, 48728, 25917, 345, 8370, 584, 4805, 1650, 264, 3488, 1906, 369, 1457, 16853, 4599, 358, 574, 264, 10585, 11, 358, 1047, 1063, 33288, 11704, 389, 279, 97927, 259, 1629, 70, 315, 198, 1820, 36865, 1606, 1274, 1436, 3137, 311, 757, 1418, 358, 574, 56774, 13, 3092, 198, 15222, 3058, 1511, 311, 636, 1057, 6691, 477, 1023, 3070, 3697, 311, 2586, 927, 311, 198, 14658, 289, 9072, 289, 283, 27221, 3621, 13, 2435, 7070, 220, 2019, 1174, 1054, 10596, 520, 420, 7564, 662, 863, 3861, 892, 856, 198, 337, 5086, 10868, 1174, 11641, 11, 6688, 757, 264, 4950, 15470, 323, 1071, 11, 1054, 56, 6033, 3207, 2133, 311, 2978, 345, 54, 19432, 818, 13, 5810, 529, 274, 701, 15845, 13, 15936, 220, 389, 11, 636, 433, 389, 2029, 358, 574, 4560, 311, 636, 856, 6916, 198, 18614, 420, 11071, 11, 719, 1070, 574, 912, 6916, 31520, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 779, 358, 1047, 420, 14599, 3245, 198, 9738, 13, 11641, 574, 5605, 311, 1057, 6691, 1174, 1054, 10596, 520, 1461, 26, 568, 15849, 568, 529, 274, 3794, 198, 67, 14715, 49216, 14364, 892, 11, 358, 574, 56774, 922, 559, 869, 20659, 12056, 662, 358, 4691, 704, 17813, 345, 2118, 9241, 529, 274, 856, 93091, 12671, 11641, 1071, 11, 220, 1054, 8586, 529, 274, 701, 93091, 11, 468, 19432, 818, 13, 480, 297, 8469, 323, 198, 23609, 433, 2029, 1283, 574, 220, 389, 279, 2132, 1629, 70, 304, 48728, 25917, 11, 9637, 326, 10789, 311, 757, 198, 258, 294, 312, 309, 25917, 13, 358, 574, 304, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 2237, 315, 25917, 11, 779, 279, 198, 57291, 289, 439, 1972, 369, 757, 13, 1666, 1317, 439, 856, 10868, 1053, 47903, 289, 78942, 757, 323, 198, 8203, 408, 311, 387, 449, 757, 304, 279, 8063, 11, 1243, 358, 1053, 4822, 449, 433, 13, 2030, 422, 568, 198, 41450, 4070, 1071, 11, 1054, 56, 6033, 3207, 14599, 1174, 499, 3207, 56774, 11, 1120, 15508, 709, 2476, 358, 1053, 4070, 50998, 733, 841, 5655, 2781, 1139, 856, 653, 1030, 308, 23995, 2136, 477, 2586, 704, 315, 433, 323, 15393, 198, 9210, 9139, 384, 574, 912, 93091, 13, 5046, 4020, 436, 325, 430, 529, 274, 1148, 9778, 7077, 25, 358, 39826, 198, 455, 264, 15953, 264, 8895, 2610, 1608, 11, 1054, 9241, 529, 274, 856, 93091, 12671, 11641, 1071, 11, 1054, 12174, 11, 499, 3207, 35447, 2029, 358, 198, 8110, 1534, 358, 3287, 529, 259, 617, 856, 93091, 11, 719, 358, 7070, 1047, 279, 3217, 220, 315, 3515, 433, 13, 1102, 198, 543, 9508, 17235, 1972, 627, 791, 1193, 220, 892, 499, 1440, 499, 3207, 56774, 374, 994, 499, 3207, 35447, 13, 2100, 499, 198, 19553, 311, 15508, 577, 281, 311, 1440, 430, 1148, 499, 1051, 1120, 3815, 574, 459, 41919, 627, 4897, 529, 274, 279, 1422, 18728, 768, 1990, 279, 8063, 66666, 2136, 2237, 323, 279, 198, 86, 1802, 66666, 2136, 2237, 13, 3639, 358, 4284, 374, 430, 304, 2015, 311, 342, 297, 505, 832, 198, 3374, 315, 25917, 311, 39124, 1820, 436, 1174, 499, 617, 18570, 889, 529, 274, 389, 279, 2132, 198, 125625, 733, 1523, 1070, 323, 35840, 311, 387, 449, 499, 389, 279, 1176, 1629, 70, 627, 7184, 584, 636, 311, 279, 4948, 1629, 70, 11, 902, 706, 279, 3488, 1906, 13, 3639, 374, 430, 198, 3374, 315, 13902, 822, 603, 2136, 11, 323, 1268, 374, 433, 1422, 18728, 306, 30, 358, 4510, 430, 602, 282, 18570, 198, 1527, 430, 2237, 315, 25917, 4934, 603, 311, 1440, 1148, 374, 3284, 369, 603, 198, 266, 264, 5190, 2237, 1109, 584, 3207, 15471, 6892, 1314, 1457, 1174, 814, 1053, 617, 220, 311, 387, 1618, 198, 77405, 603, 13, 24191, 1093, 856, 10868, 12365, 311, 757, 505, 48728, 198, 64589, 2136, 311, 856, 8063, 25917, 11, 430, 1732, 1053, 35840, 311, 387, 198, 4291, 603, 304, 279, 294, 312, 309, 13, 35272, 505, 2500, 2237, 315, 25917, 1053, 198, 3528, 603, 430, 584, 1541, 529, 259, 617, 311, 3974, 420, 41919, 11, 323, 1243, 814, 18217, 67, 5387, 311, 198, 43063, 13167, 627, 2028, 374, 1148, 358, 1781, 7701, 18330, 1274, 656, 25, 2435, 9539, 1518, 279, 198, 82262, 13, 2435, 1440, 430, 279, 3217, 220, 315, 279, 41919, 374, 1972, 11, 719, 433, 649, 529, 259, 198, 1395, 11, 304, 2144, 13, 468, 384, 649, 529, 259, 1866, 4205, 11, 584, 649, 529, 259, 617, 433, 11, 584, 649, 529, 259, 636, 3412, 315, 433, 627, 3947, 264, 312, 1690, 7701, 18330, 1274, 389, 420, 11841, 1314, 1457, 889, 198, 8154, 2752, 420, 5190, 2237, 315, 25917, 13, 2435, 1520, 603, 453, 127721, 439, 814, 198, 1568, 311, 636, 603, 311, 1518, 430, 1070, 529, 274, 264, 5190, 2035, 584, 649, 636, 311, 13, 3011, 5190, 198, 2050, 4536, 18217, 259, 1376, 26, 433, 529, 274, 18475, 13, 3277, 584, 636, 430, 11, 1243, 584, 649, 733, 304, 198, 438, 704, 315, 420, 1828, 13167, 662, 662, 662, 323, 1243, 279, 1828, 13167, 220, 662, 662, 662, 323, 279, 198, 3684, 13, 662, 662, 16853, 57489, 356, 41806, 18793, 74766, 816, 57764, 15334, 49233, 198, 4599, 358, 574, 264, 523, 220, 699, 11, 358, 15393, 270, 520, 279, 93091, 430, 1047, 1027, 23415, 311, 757, 198, 16514, 459, 41919, 11, 719, 856, 2183, 648, 308, 346, 315, 433, 574, 1633, 1972, 13, 358, 2888, 85, 384, 430, 994, 198, 906, 2815, 323, 5387, 1057, 1376, 11, 584, 690, 1101, 387, 3025, 311, 1427, 1203, 323, 1518, 279, 82262, 315, 682, 430, 584, 4070, 15783, 84, 326, 660, 323, 5762, 389, 311, 11, 682, 315, 1057, 1054, 939, 869, 2053, 63750, 198, 1820, 3300, 323, 2574, 430, 584, 649, 529, 259, 1935, 449, 603, 17223, 3619, 430, 584, 198, 7266, 1475, 339, 72, 7933, 430, 584, 1205, 1608, 304, 279, 2237, 584, 3207, 520, 1457, 662, 468, 384, 3549, 433, 198, 543, 13, 1442, 584, 4460, 220, 264, 8427, 311, 4465, 449, 1475, 1938, 1174, 1243, 584, 1922, 520, 291, 430, 13, 1442, 198, 906, 4460, 311, 617, 19542, 369, 1063, 2944, 11, 1243, 584, 3549, 430, 627, 2520, 757, 11, 420, 374, 279, 28591, 315, 2324, 13, 358, 1440, 430, 1070, 802, 384, 5190, 198, 60339, 1109, 420, 48728, 23283, 308, 23995, 2136, 2237, 430, 584, 3974, 304, 13, 358, 1440, 198, 9210, 358, 649, 3974, 270, 384, 41919, 323, 384, 308, 4215, 433, 682, 11, 1304, 433, 682, 990, 369, 757, 13, 358, 1893, 198, 69386, 358, 1205, 13, 1442, 358, 1205, 311, 617, 264, 3838, 2539, 315, 2911, 11, 358, 1893, 430, 13, 1442, 358, 198, 17483, 311, 617, 459, 3217, 315, 781, 7936, 856, 7039, 11, 358, 1893, 430, 2288, 13, 358, 4070, 3549, 198, 73826, 430, 8741, 304, 2015, 311, 1304, 420, 2237, 315, 25917, 990, 627, 7184, 1174, 23289, 499, 4024, 311, 6212, 323, 1047, 264, 8063, 304, 902, 499, 1047, 682, 198, 576, 1647, 3999, 323, 4395, 499, 220, 3596, 4934, 13, 5112, 499, 39826, 709, 719, 1051, 198, 44466, 1651, 64, 523, 291, 311, 279, 357, 1739, 282, 430, 499, 220, 1047, 304, 701, 8063, 25, 1054, 54, 107902, 264, 9686, 308, 1088, 11, 358, 1390, 198, 9210, 13, 2684, 574, 6761, 1070, 11, 1070, 1051, 682, 1521, 4885, 11, 358, 1047, 264, 46853, 1070, 627, 40, 4070, 2751, 220, 311, 617, 682, 315, 420, 1457, 758, 863, 94192, 1053, 2586, 3235, 323, 2019, 13801, 2118, 19701, 1174, 430, 574, 264, 8063, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 529, 259, 387, 12673, 311, 430, 26, 433, 574, 1193, 264, 198, 61665, 499, 1047, 2029, 468, 26689, 11, 430, 529, 274, 279, 1648, 499, 4070, 2751, 311, 1684, 2324, 13, 12361, 315, 198, 35214, 304, 459, 384, 1108, 259, 21925, 8063, 11, 499, 3207, 304, 459, 220, 1490, 4771, 477, 264, 220, 1954, 4771, 8063, 13, 2468, 198, 1820, 842, 315, 279, 8063, 11, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 1390, 311, 387, 3411, 1203, 520, 682, 279, 357, 1739, 282, 499, 198, 82199, 30596, 577, 1436, 2103, 617, 13, 426, 23637, 1005, 499, 649, 529, 259, 220, 31081, 384, 433, 2345, 7000, 315, 433, 690, 3596, 198, 74128, 387, 18821, 627, 2170, 32677, 439, 433, 1053, 387, 369, 499, 311, 387, 12673, 311, 279, 357, 1739, 282, 430, 499, 1047, 198, 258, 701, 8063, 11, 433, 529, 274, 18813, 439, 32677, 369, 499, 311, 387, 12673, 311, 279, 357, 1739, 282, 430, 198, 9514, 3207, 3515, 304, 420, 220, 8063, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 994, 499, 636, 311, 264, 5190, 2237, 11, 499, 4805, 198, 7349, 1203, 389, 682, 420, 323, 2610, 11, 1054, 3923, 1550, 358, 1205, 904, 315, 430, 369, 12671, 198, 3947, 374, 264, 29960, 384, 304, 1057, 289, 43330, 342, 25917, 430, 374, 4528, 311, 1057, 198, 57291, 287, 25917, 11, 304, 902, 1070, 529, 274, 4400, 311, 4017, 603, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 198, 2513, 315, 279, 48728, 1377, 384, 15589, 662, 220, 468, 384, 527, 539, 279, 13162, 430, 584, 272, 2961, 88, 2212, 477, 198, 414, 2278, 4043, 919, 11, 902, 527, 682, 503, 88689, 2574, 430, 584, 617, 3549, 1606, 584, 198, 17483, 1124, 369, 270, 384, 8063, 13, 816, 1560, 11, 304, 420, 8063, 279, 2574, 430, 584, 1205, 584, 1101, 198, 3261, 13, 578, 12544, 374, 11, 584, 1541, 529, 259, 1390, 311, 1650, 433, 264, 8063, 1606, 433, 529, 274, 779, 1972, 627, 3112, 3686, 11, 430, 374, 7041, 1148, 433, 374, 627, 56, 6033, 7643, 379, 617, 1047, 264, 4528, 506, 824, 1873, 311, 420, 25, 816, 6033, 3207, 3515, 264, 2294, 198, 57291, 11, 994, 2555, 505, 459, 1023, 13167, 62667, 499, 709, 29096, 29519, 5900, 198, 1073, 282, 11, 264, 6134, 374, 32993, 296, 2106, 11, 279, 4641, 25562, 11, 8996, 433, 1253, 387, 29096, 15953, 499, 3460, 198, 1073, 6520, 59180, 289, 264, 441, 709, 323, 2586, 13081, 39713, 1139, 701, 1376, 662, 816, 6033, 5387, 10748, 3463, 323, 543, 270, 520, 342, 312, 266, 55854, 282, 282, 499, 649, 1893, 1174, 323, 499, 2019, 311, 6261, 11, 358, 1390, 311, 733, 1314, 198, 1445, 311, 6212, 779, 358, 649, 1505, 704, 1268, 420, 1377, 384, 309, 10800, 704, 627, 4599, 358, 4546, 420, 709, 449, 6264, 648, 308, 1634, 11, 358, 4805, 2610, 11, 1054, 3923, 529, 274, 2133, 389, 1618, 30, 1442, 198, 9514, 3207, 6968, 420, 8063, 11, 1243, 3249, 1053, 499, 3596, 1205, 311, 733, 1203, 311, 198, 26894, 311, 1505, 6033, 259, 1148, 279, 15632, 574, 30, 816, 6033, 3207, 279, 832, 4477, 433, 18319, 1102, 198, 41450, 293, 384, 1093, 757, 11961, 1523, 220, 311, 3350, 264, 3446, 323, 20910, 1268, 433, 529, 274, 198, 9738, 311, 220, 2543, 704, 13, 1442, 499, 4691, 757, 889, 574, 4477, 420, 3446, 1174, 358, 7070, 2019, 1174, 1054, 40, 198, 309, 2029, 816, 297, 577, 7070, 281, 2003, 259, 704, 11, 1054, 33413, 1174, 422, 499, 3207, 4477, 433, 11, 1243, 499, 2011, 1440, 1268, 198, 275, 529, 274, 733, 258, 342, 311, 2586, 704, 2029, 358, 7070, 1243, 2019, 1174, 1054, 56, 384, 1494, 11, 358, 4070, 2751, 433, 682, 33740, 11, 779, 358, 198, 52851, 358, 656, 1440, 1268, 433, 529, 274, 2133, 311, 2586, 704, 2029, 358, 3152, 11, 422, 358, 4344, 4477, 433, 11, 1243, 198, 40, 649, 1893, 8996, 358, 1390, 627, 4516, 1268, 656, 499, 10552, 1148, 529, 274, 12765, 994, 499, 3207, 4560, 311, 636, 1203, 198, 998, 264, 8063, 30, 10699, 18217, 274, 4477, 279, 274, 28658, 418, 11, 422, 433, 529, 274, 539, 499, 30, 468, 26689, 11, 499, 617, 10862, 198, 64, 308, 37990, 13167, 220, 449, 1422, 18728, 306, 5718, 11, 304, 902, 499, 527, 1457, 5737, 264, 502, 198, 5898, 13, 816, 6033, 4070, 10862, 264, 5213, 56587, 389, 430, 529, 274, 2736, 1027, 5439, 11, 323, 499, 656, 198, 576, 682, 279, 892, 2345, 576, 11364, 13167, 315, 3463, 374, 1314, 1070, 369, 499, 627, 7131, 433, 3596, 12446, 311, 499, 430, 499, 527, 6968, 4395, 499, 1205, 369, 420, 198, 57291, 30, 3011, 994, 499, 5616, 5387, 701, 1376, 420, 892, 2212, 11, 499, 3207, 198, 9738, 311, 1427, 1203, 323, 1518, 430, 279, 20581, 499, 617, 311, 682, 701, 357, 1739, 282, 374, 198, 4345, 439, 1790, 315, 459, 41919, 439, 279, 22145, 279, 7564, 1047, 304, 701, 1023, 8063, 5380, 40914 ]
it must presently be self evident to everybody. Sur ely, I thought, it could only be a matter of time ( say twenty years at most) until all doctors shifted to natural healing, because word would spread like wildfire a nd all their patients would demand it of them. I’d read a variety of articles documenting an incre dibly bitter controversy which raged throughout the 1950’s over the use of vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) for cardiovascular disease. Drs. Wilfrid and Evan Shute were at the center of this storm, which encircled their work in Ontario, Canada. They were among the very f irst medical doctors to clinically employ large doses of the vitamin in place of conventional drug therapy. Like many pioneers, they caught all the arrows. Almost a ll of the positive articles I saw were based on cas e histories and came from the popular press. Almost a ll of the criticism seemed to come from the medical press, which seemed singularly resistant to even tr y the Shute’s approach, let alone endorse it. Yet, somehow, their unwillingness to test the Shute’s hi gh-dose, natural vitamin E protocol did not seem to prevent them from dismissing it. In the early 50’s, Canada was a hotbed of leading-e dge nutritional research. Maybe there is something in the water up there. In Saskatchewan at about the same t ime, Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Humphrey Osmond found that niacin was the best way to treat psychos is. The Shutes found that vitamin E was the best wa y to treat heart disease. One might think that the only possible professional response to such important discoveries would be grateful acceptance and widesp read journal publication. Just the opposite occurred. For decades it has been said that pharmaceutical me dicine has little to gain from a cheap vitamin cure that cannot be patented and exploited for high profit. O bservers have also witnessed what happens to medica l doctors that have defected to drugless healing: the y gain many grateful patients, and lose a lot of re search funding. Few pharmaceutical companies willingly con tribute to the competition. The Shutes saw early that such would be the case, a nd paid their own way. They created their own resea rch foundation and treatment facility (The Shute Instit ute), created their own journal (The Summary), and in so doing, some would say, created their own trouble. The Vitamin E Story is Dr. Evan Shute’s first-hand, ring-side account of the discovery that high-dose d- alpha tocopherol cures serious disease. It is also an unusually interesting autobiography of an unusua lly interesting man. Evan Shute, an obstetrician by tra ining, was a poet by inclination. He once delivered 25 babies in 17 days, yet he also wrote children’s sto ries and published ten volumes of verse. Dr. Shute’ s professional character is perhaps best illustrated by his repeated efforts to credit medical student F loyd Skelton with major contributions to the development of vitamin E cardiovascular therapy. The Shute’s personal integrity is demonstrated by their maintai ning a non-commercial stance and never profiting fr om the sale of the vitamin. Oddly enough, in 1948 they act ually advocated making vitamin E a prescription ite m. Perhaps this is understandable, given the spectacul ar, wonder-drug-style patient recoveries that the S hutes had already seen by mid-century. TWENTY YEARS OF IGNORED SHUTE VITAMIN E RESEARCH: A Timeline 1936: Vitamin E-rich wheat germ oil cures angina. 1940: Vitamin E suspected as preventive of fibroids and endometriosis, and curative of atherosclerosis. 1945: Vitamin E shown to cure hemorrhages in skin a nd mucous membranes, and to decrease the diabetic’s need for insulin. 1946: Vitamin E greatly improves wound healing, inc luding skin ulcers. Also demonstrated effective in cases of claudication, acute nephritis, thrombosis, cirrhosis and phlebitis. Vitamin E strengthens and regulates heartbeat. 1947: Vitamin E successfully used as therapy for ga ngrene, inflammation of blood vessels (Buerger’s disease), retinitis and choroiditis. 1948: Vitamin E helps lupus erythematosus and short ness of breath. 1950: Vitamin E shown to be effective treatment for varicose veins, and in cases of severe body burns. 1954: The Shutes’ medical textbook, Alpha Tocophero l in Cardiovascular Disease, is published. 1956: The Heart and Vitamin E is published. It is not overly easy to see how such promise could be ignored for long. But it was. Dr. Shute’s frust ration with an unnaturally stubborn medical profession com es starkly through his text. "It was nearly impossible now for anyone who valued his future in Academe to espouse Vitamin E, prescr ibe it or advise its use. That would make a man a "quac k" at once. This situation lasted for many years. I n the United States, of course, the closure of the J.A.M. A. pages against us and tocopherol meant that it di d not exist. It was either in the U.S. medical bible or i t was nought. No amount of documentation could budg e medical men from this stance. Literature in the pos itive was ignored and left unread. Individual docto rs often said: "If it is as good as you say, we would all be using it." But nothing could induce them as person s of scientific background to make the simplest trial on a burn or coronary." (p 146) The American Medical Association even refused to le t the Shute’s present their findings at national me dical conventions. (p 148-9) In the early 1960’s, the Uni ted States Post Office successfully prevented even the mailing of vitamin E. (p 166) Linus Pauling wrote, in the book’s 1985 forward: "The failure of the medical establishment during th e last forty years to recognize the value of Vitami n E in controlling heart disease is responsible for a trem endous amount of unnecessary suffering and for many early deaths. The interesting story of the efforts to sup press the Shute discoveries about Vitamin E illustr ates the shocking bias of organized medicine against nutriti onal measures for achieving improved health." (vii) O that things were truly better today, but they are not. Yes, the American public can and does buy vit amin E (even by mail) without a prescription. Still, I am unaware of any burn clinic using topical vitamin E as their primary treatment. I am yet to see "megadose vitami n E cures cardiovascular disease" commercials on TV. I have never seen a bottle of vitamin E in an intensi ve care unit. It has now been nearly 60 years since vitamin E was seen to greatly help diabetics and cardiovasc ular patients and only very recently has medical re search "discovered" a glimmer of the value of this vitamin. For half a century, vitamin E has been an availab le specific for intermittent claudication, angina, pre vention of and recovery from heart attack, thrombop hlebitis, and a wide variety of other serious conditions. Aye, there’s the rub. Vitamin E is entirely too good for too many purpose s. Consumer Reports trashed it in back in 1972, and often since. It didn’t help matters that Evan Shute was "only" an obstetrician. (This obstetrician was, however, made a Fellow of the American Society of A ngiology in 1969.) And today, vitamin E’s very availability, and exceptional safety, seemingly ren der it unattractive for hospital use as the spectac ular therapy that it is. The Vitamin E Story surprised me with Chapter 12, a collection of rather funny real-life obstetrical experiences that Dr. Shute evidently just had to pu t down on paper. I’m glad he did, as the stories ar e both delightful and bizarre. There is the account of pro of of ovulation in a 102 year old woman. There is t he case of "cranial nerve neuralgia cured for two years by a hemorrhoidectomy. This shows the suggestive power of the knife." Then there is the surgeon who smoked du ring operations, the cigarette ash getting into the wound. And let’s not overlook the marriage ceremony perfor med during labor. "Uterine contractions imposed an odd punctuation to the responses, but the minister did most of the talking, fortunately." But this book is mostly the story of the Evan Shute who published over 120 medical papers; the doctor who was opposed to circumcision; the doctor who treated tens of thousands of patients with large amounts o f vitamin E. Tocopherol has been known and studied since the 192 0’s, generally in small quantities as a means to en sure a full-term pregnancy. Without the Shute brothers’ high-dosage clinical work, especially in cardiology, no one at all would be megadosing with vitamin E today.
[ 720, 275, 2011, 50801, 387, 659, 30576, 311, 16470, 13, 8242, 658, 88, 11, 358, 3463, 11, 433, 1436, 1193, 387, 264, 5030, 315, 892, 320, 2019, 17510, 720, 42820, 520, 1455, 8, 3156, 682, 16410, 30073, 311, 5933, 220, 21730, 11, 1606, 3492, 1053, 9041, 1093, 93225, 264, 15953, 682, 720, 50828, 6978, 1053, 7631, 433, 315, 1124, 13, 33006, 40, 7070, 1373, 264, 8205, 315, 9908, 68071, 459, 2333, 294, 6623, 26242, 26654, 902, 436, 3359, 6957, 279, 220, 220, 6280, 15, 753, 720, 2017, 279, 1005, 315, 28170, 469, 320, 67, 65638, 55961, 17370, 337, 8, 369, 41713, 8624, 13, 2999, 82, 13, 10785, 1658, 307, 323, 45043, 1443, 1088, 220, 1051, 720, 266, 279, 4219, 315, 420, 13766, 11, 902, 3289, 2496, 839, 872, 990, 304, 21193, 11, 7008, 13, 2435, 1051, 4315, 279, 1633, 282, 220, 874, 720, 69216, 16410, 311, 70432, 3539, 3544, 35130, 315, 220, 279, 28170, 304, 2035, 315, 21349, 5623, 15419, 13, 220, 9086, 720, 35676, 83407, 11, 814, 10791, 682, 279, 38057, 13, 35403, 264, 9507, 315, 279, 6928, 9908, 358, 5602, 1051, 3196, 389, 4865, 384, 720, 21843, 2490, 323, 3782, 505, 279, 5526, 3577, 13, 35403, 264, 9507, 315, 279, 19347, 9508, 311, 2586, 505, 279, 6593, 2355, 1911, 11, 902, 9508, 35044, 398, 31785, 311, 1524, 490, 379, 279, 1443, 1088, 753, 5603, 11, 1095, 7636, 19507, 433, 13, 14968, 11, 720, 15031, 5269, 11, 872, 46243, 2136, 311, 1296, 279, 1443, 1088, 753, 15960, 37224, 1773, 974, 11, 5933, 28170, 469, 11766, 1550, 539, 2873, 311, 2355, 93755, 1124, 505, 92595, 433, 13, 33006, 644, 279, 4216, 220, 1135, 753, 11, 7008, 574, 264, 4106, 2788, 315, 6522, 5773, 294, 713, 43226, 3495, 13, 10926, 1070, 374, 2555, 304, 279, 720, 13284, 709, 1070, 13, 763, 66253, 520, 922, 279, 1890, 259, 75534, 11, 2999, 13, 91103, 473, 26133, 323, 2999, 13, 72025, 8233, 15796, 12669, 720, 15456, 430, 13080, 40488, 574, 279, 1888, 1648, 311, 4322, 8841, 437, 374, 13, 578, 1443, 2142, 1766, 430, 28170, 469, 574, 279, 1888, 10667, 379, 311, 720, 83, 1244, 4851, 8624, 13, 3861, 2643, 1781, 430, 279, 1193, 3284, 6721, 2077, 311, 1778, 3062, 720, 98729, 552, 1053, 387, 26259, 26586, 323, 23865, 79, 1373, 8486, 17009, 13, 33006, 10156, 279, 14329, 10222, 13, 33006, 2520, 11026, 433, 706, 1027, 1071, 430, 35410, 757, 21945, 483, 706, 2697, 311, 8895, 505, 264, 12136, 28170, 27208, 220, 430, 720, 34360, 387, 63712, 323, 51763, 369, 1579, 11626, 13, 507, 17502, 19251, 617, 1101, 32126, 1148, 8741, 311, 1812, 3074, 326, 720, 3055, 12816, 430, 617, 711, 1599, 311, 5623, 1752, 21730, 25, 279, 379, 8895, 1690, 26259, 6978, 11, 323, 9229, 264, 2763, 315, 312, 2778, 720, 69, 38289, 13, 44015, 35410, 5220, 73652, 390, 35491, 311, 279, 10937, 13, 33006, 791, 1443, 2142, 5602, 4216, 430, 1778, 1053, 387, 279, 1162, 11, 264, 15953, 7318, 872, 1866, 1648, 13, 2435, 3549, 872, 1866, 312, 37541, 436, 331, 720, 73407, 323, 6514, 12764, 320, 791, 1443, 1088, 32996, 220, 1088, 705, 3549, 872, 1866, 8486, 320, 791, 22241, 705, 323, 304, 779, 720, 45359, 11, 1063, 1053, 2019, 11, 3549, 872, 1866, 12544, 13, 33006, 791, 45774, 469, 15457, 374, 2999, 13, 45043, 1443, 1088, 753, 1176, 25417, 11, 220, 10264, 25034, 2759, 315, 279, 18841, 430, 1579, 1773, 974, 294, 7058, 7288, 55961, 17370, 337, 272, 1439, 6129, 8624, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 459, 57899, 7185, 91537, 315, 459, 16236, 4381, 326, 398, 720, 88657, 893, 13, 45043, 1443, 1088, 11, 459, 18345, 16743, 1122, 555, 9781, 304, 287, 11, 574, 264, 40360, 555, 77004, 13, 1283, 3131, 12886, 220, 220, 914, 720, 48822, 552, 304, 220, 1114, 2919, 11, 3686, 568, 1101, 6267, 2911, 753, 43132, 54698, 323, 4756, 5899, 27378, 315, 33487, 13, 2999, 13, 1443, 1088, 529, 274, 720, 66886, 3752, 374, 8530, 1888, 36762, 555, 813, 11763, 9045, 311, 6807, 6593, 5575, 435, 781, 41221, 720, 50, 18126, 783, 449, 3682, 19564, 311, 279, 4500, 220, 315, 28170, 469, 41713, 15419, 13, 578, 1443, 1088, 753, 720, 30712, 17025, 374, 21091, 555, 872, 5088, 2192, 46607, 264, 2536, 74144, 30031, 323, 2646, 2848, 5977, 1448, 8019, 279, 720, 33754, 315, 279, 28170, 13, 56136, 398, 3403, 11, 304, 220, 6393, 23, 814, 1180, 577, 750, 64854, 3339, 28170, 469, 264, 22866, 433, 68, 296, 13, 720, 19292, 420, 374, 49839, 11, 2728, 279, 9618, 582, 360, 802, 11, 5895, 19158, 773, 11549, 8893, 11993, 552, 430, 279, 328, 305, 2142, 720, 32345, 2736, 3970, 555, 5209, 34457, 13, 33006, 48169, 1863, 56, 89913, 3083, 82390, 35, 6570, 11701, 650, 964, 1428, 691, 469, 3680, 44645, 25, 362, 220, 50628, 33006, 7285, 21, 25, 45774, 469, 41947, 34153, 82986, 5707, 272, 1439, 6590, 2259, 13, 33006, 6393, 15, 25, 45774, 469, 24740, 439, 71123, 315, 16178, 41194, 220, 323, 842, 4512, 462, 10934, 11, 323, 2917, 1413, 315, 264, 91882, 91711, 662, 33006, 6393, 20, 25, 45774, 469, 6982, 311, 27208, 71417, 1154, 304, 6930, 264, 15953, 65104, 788, 79348, 11, 323, 311, 18979, 279, 71975, 753, 2355, 17483, 369, 32152, 13, 33006, 6393, 21, 25, 45774, 469, 19407, 36050, 27653, 21730, 11, 3709, 45064, 287, 6930, 8725, 17254, 13, 7429, 21091, 7524, 304, 720, 24857, 315, 1206, 8039, 20901, 11, 30883, 44964, 38090, 11, 84664, 65, 10934, 11, 220, 30570, 41196, 10934, 323, 1343, 273, 4590, 285, 13, 45774, 469, 96931, 323, 2355, 1610, 24031, 53205, 13, 33006, 6393, 22, 25, 45774, 469, 7946, 1511, 439, 15419, 369, 13819, 7933, 48009, 11, 37140, 315, 6680, 31080, 320, 33, 8977, 1414, 753, 720, 67, 56407, 705, 2160, 2381, 285, 323, 70356, 590, 20000, 13, 33006, 6393, 23, 25, 45774, 469, 8779, 99889, 355, 89357, 49818, 14357, 355, 323, 2875, 86496, 315, 11745, 13, 33006, 6280, 15, 25, 45774, 469, 6982, 311, 387, 7524, 6514, 369, 220, 767, 292, 974, 60764, 11, 323, 304, 5157, 315, 15748, 2547, 44154, 13, 2355, 720, 6280, 19, 25, 578, 1443, 2142, 529, 6593, 56185, 11, 25737, 350, 511, 17370, 78, 326, 304, 92976, 33945, 31974, 11, 374, 4756, 13, 33006, 6280, 21, 25, 578, 18449, 323, 45774, 469, 374, 4756, 13, 33006, 2181, 374, 539, 39532, 4228, 311, 1518, 1268, 1778, 11471, 1436, 220, 387, 12305, 369, 1317, 13, 2030, 433, 574, 13, 2999, 13, 1443, 1088, 753, 1448, 592, 66901, 720, 4291, 459, 17380, 72247, 52496, 6593, 4913, 470, 1560, 38246, 398, 1555, 813, 1495, 13, 33006, 12348, 574, 7154, 12266, 1457, 369, 5606, 889, 33647, 220, 813, 3938, 304, 12644, 3981, 311, 16948, 1559, 45774, 469, 11, 1685, 5192, 19185, 68, 720, 275, 477, 32113, 1202, 1005, 13, 3011, 1053, 1304, 264, 893, 264, 330, 447, 582, 597, 1, 520, 3131, 13, 1115, 6671, 36513, 369, 1690, 1667, 13, 358, 308, 279, 720, 23175, 4273, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 279, 22722, 315, 279, 622, 885, 1345, 13, 362, 13, 6959, 2403, 603, 323, 55961, 17370, 337, 8967, 430, 433, 1891, 294, 539, 720, 29675, 13, 1102, 574, 3060, 304, 279, 549, 815, 13, 6593, 61301, 477, 602, 259, 574, 308, 2509, 13, 2360, 3392, 315, 9904, 1436, 37808, 70, 384, 720, 69216, 3026, 505, 420, 30031, 13, 47470, 304, 279, 1153, 433, 535, 574, 12305, 323, 2163, 61391, 13, 30440, 656, 302, 78, 10242, 3629, 720, 84359, 25, 330, 2746, 433, 374, 439, 1695, 439, 499, 2019, 11, 584, 1053, 682, 387, 220, 1701, 433, 1210, 2030, 4400, 1436, 49853, 1124, 439, 1732, 274, 315, 720, 85930, 4092, 311, 1304, 279, 45648, 9269, 389, 220, 264, 8395, 477, 66298, 1210, 320, 79, 220, 10465, 8, 33006, 791, 3778, 13235, 10229, 1524, 16436, 311, 514, 259, 279, 1443, 1088, 753, 3118, 872, 14955, 520, 5426, 757, 294, 950, 720, 444, 31759, 13, 320, 79, 220, 10410, 12, 24, 8, 763, 279, 4216, 220, 5162, 15, 753, 11, 279, 49966, 42323, 4273, 3962, 8410, 7946, 32098, 1524, 279, 720, 3796, 287, 315, 28170, 469, 13, 320, 79, 220, 11247, 8, 33006, 51697, 355, 7043, 287, 6267, 11, 304, 279, 2363, 753, 220, 3753, 20, 4741, 25, 33006, 10227, 8060, 315, 279, 6593, 21967, 2391, 270, 384, 1566, 36498, 1667, 311, 15641, 279, 907, 315, 29560, 10830, 308, 469, 304, 720, 778, 16608, 4851, 8624, 374, 8647, 369, 264, 18659, 842, 788, 3392, 315, 26225, 16066, 323, 369, 1690, 220, 4216, 720, 451, 27382, 13, 578, 7185, 3446, 315, 279, 9045, 311, 1043, 3577, 279, 1443, 1088, 54098, 922, 45774, 469, 12573, 520, 288, 279, 720, 939, 71191, 15837, 315, 17057, 16088, 2403, 69714, 72, 389, 278, 11193, 369, 32145, 13241, 2890, 1210, 320, 85, 3893, 8, 2355, 720, 46, 430, 2574, 1051, 9615, 2731, 3432, 11, 719, 814, 527, 220, 539, 13, 7566, 11, 279, 3778, 586, 649, 323, 1587, 3780, 13458, 264, 1083, 469, 720, 2069, 1055, 555, 8232, 8, 2085, 264, 22866, 13, 16782, 11, 358, 1097, 41747, 315, 904, 8395, 28913, 1701, 66376, 28170, 469, 439, 872, 6156, 6514, 13, 358, 1097, 3686, 311, 1518, 330, 71376, 329, 974, 13458, 10830, 308, 469, 272, 1439, 41713, 8624, 1, 63595, 389, 6007, 662, 358, 720, 19553, 2646, 3970, 264, 16893, 315, 28170, 469, 304, 459, 25228, 72, 5320, 2512, 5089, 13, 1102, 706, 1457, 1027, 7154, 220, 1399, 1667, 2533, 220, 28170, 720, 36, 574, 3970, 311, 19407, 1520, 1891, 10448, 1233, 323, 32844, 4378, 66, 220, 1299, 6978, 323, 1193, 1633, 6051, 706, 6593, 312, 2778, 720, 1, 4338, 21468, 1, 264, 2840, 19519, 315, 279, 907, 315, 420, 28170, 662, 1789, 4376, 264, 9478, 11, 28170, 469, 706, 1027, 459, 39011, 370, 514, 720, 52340, 369, 75568, 1206, 8039, 20901, 11, 6590, 2259, 11, 864, 348, 3012, 315, 323, 13654, 505, 4851, 3440, 11, 84664, 65, 454, 305, 273, 4590, 285, 11, 720, 438, 264, 7029, 8205, 315, 1023, 6129, 4787, 13, 33006, 32, 9188, 11, 1070, 753, 279, 10485, 13, 33006, 53, 76652, 469, 374, 11622, 2288, 1695, 369, 2288, 1690, 7580, 274, 13, 26262, 29140, 490, 13883, 433, 304, 1203, 304, 220, 4468, 17, 11, 323, 2355, 61917, 2533, 13, 1102, 3287, 1431, 1520, 13146, 430, 45043, 1443, 1088, 220, 574, 330, 3323, 1, 459, 18345, 16743, 1122, 13, 320, 2028, 18345, 16743, 1122, 574, 1174, 720, 98936, 11, 1903, 264, 37946, 315, 279, 3778, 13581, 315, 362, 7933, 31226, 304, 220, 5162, 24, 6266, 1628, 3432, 11, 28170, 469, 753, 1633, 720, 54162, 11, 323, 25363, 7296, 11, 23490, 5790, 2761, 433, 653, 266, 70178, 369, 8952, 1005, 439, 279, 9618, 582, 220, 1299, 720, 46755, 430, 433, 374, 13, 33006, 791, 45774, 469, 15457, 14792, 757, 449, 15957, 220, 717, 11, 264, 220, 4526, 315, 4856, 15526, 1972, 26928, 18345, 295, 12381, 720, 327, 69597, 430, 2999, 13, 1443, 1088, 67170, 1120, 1047, 311, 18757, 259, 1523, 389, 5684, 13, 358, 4344, 16089, 568, 1550, 11, 439, 279, 7493, 802, 384, 2225, 720, 9783, 492, 1285, 323, 33288, 13, 2684, 374, 279, 2759, 315, 463, 315, 315, 25568, 2987, 304, 264, 220, 4278, 1060, 2362, 5333, 13, 2684, 374, 259, 568, 1162, 720, 1073, 330, 73085, 532, 32015, 30828, 55901, 64688, 369, 1403, 1667, 555, 264, 71417, 590, 72783, 13, 1115, 5039, 279, 99578, 2410, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 22145, 1210, 5112, 1070, 374, 279, 46098, 889, 48637, 3930, 10264, 7677, 11, 279, 36213, 24767, 3794, 1139, 279, 220, 27653, 13, 720, 3112, 1095, 753, 539, 31805, 279, 11103, 22260, 84868, 1812, 2391, 9511, 13, 330, 52, 466, 483, 6155, 4109, 27070, 459, 10535, 720, 79, 73399, 311, 279, 14847, 11, 719, 279, 13015, 1550, 1455, 315, 279, 7556, 11, 87932, 1210, 33006, 4071, 420, 2363, 374, 10213, 279, 3446, 315, 279, 45043, 1443, 1088, 220, 889, 4756, 927, 220, 4364, 6593, 16064, 26, 279, 10896, 889, 720, 16514, 16475, 311, 74609, 26, 279, 10896, 889, 12020, 220, 22781, 315, 9214, 315, 6978, 449, 3544, 15055, 297, 282, 720, 55911, 8778, 469, 13, 33006, 51, 511, 17370, 337, 706, 1027, 3967, 323, 20041, 2533, 279, 220, 5926, 220, 15, 753, 11, 8965, 304, 2678, 33776, 439, 264, 3445, 311, 665, 2771, 720, 64, 2539, 9860, 20209, 13, 17586, 279, 1443, 1088, 20820, 529, 1579, 1773, 437, 425, 14830, 990, 11, 5423, 304, 3786, 31226, 1174, 912, 720, 606, 520, 682, 1053, 387, 19262, 5670, 287, 449, 28170, 469, 3432, 662 ]
rid the body of all waste and poisons, cleanse the intestines with enemas, the liver and other organs with cleansing peels with a minimal intake of hormones. Exclude food that pollutes the body with harmful substances, especially artificial, refined products. Switch to a separate diet, eat only twice a day, without snacks and feeding in front of the TV. After a month or two of such preparation, try fasting, at least weekly. Go regularly to the steam room or to the sauna, drink melted water and cook from it. Example: “I suffered from skin tuberculosis (lupus) for a long time and I just want to tell you how I cured it. I have cleansed my liver twice. I have under gone a course of therapeutic sweating and continue with warm baths with fir oil. I cleaned my intestines twice with an enema with the addition of swallowtail juice (each time after 25 days). I drink urine and smear it on myself in monthly cycles. In between, I drink herbal decoctions from the swallow. I feel much better, I am in a good mood and sometimes it seems to me that I am completely healthy. But suddenly my joints start to swell and I'm in pain, although not as much as before. I even exercise, which I couldn't even think about before. I just revived, I switched to a separate diet, my intestines work like clockwork, I lost 14 kg. What should I do next?' Comment and recommendation: It is necessary to clean the liver and large intestine several more times with quarter urine. Swallowtail is not suitable for this cleansing - it dries the intestinal mucosa and is only suitable for obese people. The diet should be enriched with sprouted wheat and bread made from it. Continue therapeutic sweating. Weight loss is explained by the breakdown and elimination of pathologically altered tissue. Once it all comes out, you'll start gaining weight again. Example: “I read about an Indian man who suffered from vitiligo (leucoderma), which is white spots all over his body, for 15 years. By drinking urine and rubbing his skin, he not only reduced the size of the spots, but gradually removed them. The skin regained its natural color and the hair darkened again. Moreover, by rinsing the nose with urine, the Indian improved his eyesight.' Comment: Here it is possible to cite the words of the famous Russian healer Panfelia Engalichev from the old days: "Obsolete sores and ulcers are healed by compresses from urine." It also treats various lichen, scaly, and psoriatic spots with itching, and painlessly expels and burns away all impurities, firming the skin at the same time." Already in Yemen, I received a nice letter from Mrs. Marie from Olomouc, where she writes that the chapter on urine therapy in my book "Doctor Myself" literally shocked her in the pleasant sense of the word. A year ago, a colleague at work told her under the guise of secrecy that it is good to paint minor skin blemishes with morning urine. She took it with a grain of salt then. Now he trusts me completely. Such a letter and trust are truly pleasing. Urinotherapy and salt deposition, polyarthritis Urine perfectly cleanses the body of salts, restores lost mobility. The method of treatment is simple: we apply compresses to the affected area alternately with very old (aged) urine and evaporated quarter urine. At the same time, we act on the deposit of salt deposition with an acidic and alkaline environment. You also need to drink urine several times a day and cleanseyour colon and liver. It is the malfunction of the exchange of mineral substances in the liver that leads to the deposition of salts. Hot baths, steam, sauna are essential, after which we apply oil, preferably olive, or melted butter to the affected areas. And now some practical examples: Example: "I got sick with polyarthritis at the age of 28. I was pregnant at the time. For several years, I tried to ward off the disease with compresses, but my joints gradually swelled and I could not even put on boots in the winter because of the pain. My fingers also became inflamed and swollen. My liver was angry. I started fasting one day a week and cleansed my intestines, liver, kidneys, joints and blood vessels. After the liver cleanse, the swelling on the hands disappeared, but the joints continued to hurt. I lost 10 kg. I felt better, but my liver often hurt after a hearty meal (I had a terrible appetite) and the arthritis did not stop. In addition, my menstrual cycle was interrupted. Today I know that starving for two weeks was too much stress for the body. Two years ago I also experienced ovarian inflammation. I tried to heal with a good mind, but to no avail. Two months ago, under the influence of my friends' stories, I started drinking a glass of urine once a day in the morning and starved myself for 36 hours a week on nothing but water and urine. About a week after starting urinotherapy, severe stomach problems started, which lasted for about two weeks. At the same time, a large amount of phlegm and slime was secreted. At night, another liver cleansing occurred sp
[ 1907, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 198, 1073, 198, 543, 720, 86, 5642, 198, 438, 198, 5481, 19941, 345, 18883, 325, 198, 1820, 198, 396, 478, 1572, 198, 4291, 198, 268, 35262, 345, 1820, 198, 75, 1553, 198, 438, 198, 1605, 198, 1813, 598, 198, 4291, 720, 9326, 598, 287, 198, 375, 2053, 198, 4291, 198, 64, 198, 93707, 198, 396, 731, 198, 1073, 198, 71, 494, 3233, 627, 96339, 198, 14239, 198, 9210, 198, 31241, 2142, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 198, 4291, 720, 71, 2227, 1285, 198, 2008, 9623, 345, 36046, 198, 472, 16895, 345, 1116, 1619, 720, 10354, 627, 17259, 198, 998, 198, 64, 198, 325, 68698, 198, 94942, 345, 33166, 198, 3323, 198, 15930, 560, 198, 64, 198, 1316, 345, 30096, 198, 9810, 7977, 198, 438, 198, 46519, 198, 258, 198, 7096, 720, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 16027, 627, 6153, 198, 64, 198, 10460, 198, 269, 198, 20375, 198, 1073, 198, 21470, 198, 1762, 36235, 345, 1568, 198, 9533, 287, 345, 266, 198, 56371, 198, 72867, 16853, 11087, 198, 23108, 398, 720, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 47690, 198, 3039, 198, 269, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 9258, 8733, 345, 98427, 198, 76, 3903, 291, 198, 13284, 198, 438, 198, 87895, 198, 1527, 198, 275, 627, 13617, 512, 10378, 198, 82, 2084, 291, 198, 1527, 198, 37282, 198, 83, 392, 74554, 198, 2387, 455, 355, 340, 2000, 198, 64, 198, 4930, 198, 1712, 198, 438, 198, 40, 198, 4345, 198, 53757, 198, 998, 198, 73457, 198, 9514, 198, 5269, 198, 40, 198, 66, 3149, 198, 275, 627, 40, 198, 19553, 198, 9326, 598, 291, 198, 2465, 198, 75, 1553, 198, 15930, 560, 627, 40, 198, 19553, 198, 8154, 8208, 198, 64, 198, 12120, 198, 1073, 198, 700, 32486, 720, 82, 906, 1113, 198, 438, 198, 9726, 198, 4291, 198, 83697, 198, 65, 27382, 198, 4291, 198, 92736, 198, 74913, 627, 40, 198, 18883, 291, 198, 2465, 198, 396, 478, 1572, 198, 15930, 560, 198, 4291, 198, 276, 720, 268, 9355, 198, 4291, 198, 1820, 198, 723, 684, 198, 1073, 198, 2332, 7331, 14928, 198, 8783, 560, 198, 76765, 198, 1712, 198, 10924, 198, 914, 198, 14097, 4390, 40, 198, 98427, 198, 324, 483, 198, 438, 198, 3647, 686, 720, 275, 198, 263, 198, 2465, 726, 198, 258, 198, 70238, 198, 49521, 627, 644, 198, 42967, 345, 40, 198, 98427, 198, 1964, 13616, 198, 451, 1030, 5247, 198, 1527, 198, 1820, 198, 2332, 7331, 16853, 40, 198, 57676, 720, 59178, 198, 58234, 13801, 40, 198, 309, 198, 258, 198, 64, 198, 19045, 198, 76, 1411, 198, 438, 198, 57753, 198, 275, 198, 325, 12116, 198, 998, 198, 2727, 198, 9210, 198, 40, 198, 309, 198, 884, 50268, 198, 38128, 662, 720, 4071, 198, 82, 44806, 198, 2465, 198, 73, 14737, 198, 2527, 198, 998, 198, 2332, 616, 198, 438, 198, 40, 2846, 198, 258, 198, 92724, 345, 37241, 198, 1962, 198, 300, 198, 59178, 198, 300, 198, 15145, 627, 40, 198, 17206, 720, 64562, 345, 8370, 198, 40, 198, 92062, 956, 198, 17206, 198, 27963, 198, 9274, 198, 15145, 627, 40, 198, 4345, 198, 7430, 2270, 345, 40, 198, 17790, 291, 198, 998, 198, 64, 198, 325, 68698, 198, 94942, 11, 720, 2465, 198, 396, 478, 1572, 198, 1816, 198, 4908, 198, 21321, 1816, 345, 40, 198, 55437, 198, 975, 198, 7501, 627, 3923, 198, 5562, 198, 40, 198, 3055, 198, 3684, 30, 1270, 10906, 198, 438, 198, 67689, 367, 512, 2181, 198, 285, 198, 95317, 198, 998, 198, 18883, 198, 1820, 198, 75, 1553, 198, 438, 198, 17185, 198, 396, 478, 483, 198, 325, 17998, 198, 6518, 198, 15487, 198, 4291, 198, 33115, 198, 324, 483, 627, 13521, 7331, 14928, 198, 285, 198, 1962, 198, 73140, 481, 198, 2000, 198, 576, 198, 9326, 598, 287, 198, 7058, 275, 198, 67, 4108, 198, 1820, 720, 71558, 198, 76, 1791, 12252, 198, 438, 198, 285, 198, 3323, 198, 73140, 481, 198, 2000, 198, 677, 2423, 198, 16455, 627, 791, 198, 94942, 198, 5562, 198, 1395, 198, 268, 14172, 291, 198, 4291, 720, 52773, 19042, 198, 86, 20559, 198, 438, 198, 48616, 198, 28010, 198, 1527, 198, 275, 627, 24433, 198, 700, 32486, 198, 82, 906, 1113, 627, 8459, 198, 9563, 198, 285, 720, 81950, 198, 1729, 198, 1820, 198, 9137, 2996, 198, 438, 198, 40895, 2617, 198, 1073, 198, 2398, 30450, 198, 278, 34259, 198, 83, 11407, 627, 12805, 198, 275, 198, 543, 720, 6716, 198, 412, 345, 9514, 3358, 198, 2527, 198, 70, 2101, 198, 4870, 198, 33871, 627, 13617, 512, 10378, 198, 888, 198, 9274, 198, 276, 198, 48664, 198, 1543, 198, 14965, 198, 82, 2084, 291, 198, 1527, 198, 55911, 321, 7992, 198, 75924, 1791, 4414, 1764, 1350, 8370, 198, 285, 198, 5902, 198, 68110, 198, 543, 198, 2017, 198, 26301, 198, 2664, 13801, 2000, 198, 868, 198, 42820, 627, 1383, 198, 3696, 16113, 198, 324, 483, 198, 438, 198, 60530, 7278, 198, 26301, 198, 37282, 345, 383, 198, 1962, 198, 3323, 720, 265, 54478, 198, 1820, 198, 2190, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 68110, 345, 8248, 198, 6902, 1870, 198, 46856, 198, 49818, 627, 791, 198, 37282, 198, 1610, 2692, 198, 1220, 198, 53980, 198, 3506, 720, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 51729, 198, 23449, 6901, 198, 33871, 627, 58276, 13801, 1729, 198, 81, 1354, 287, 198, 1820, 198, 77, 974, 198, 4291, 198, 324, 483, 345, 1820, 198, 48664, 198, 318, 96608, 720, 26301, 198, 58331, 492, 24314, 10906, 512, 8586, 198, 275, 198, 285, 198, 10236, 198, 998, 198, 68175, 198, 1820, 198, 5880, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 69, 23333, 198, 48807, 198, 383, 13412, 198, 36793, 69, 37029, 198, 4198, 278, 12333, 85, 198, 1527, 198, 1820, 198, 820, 198, 14097, 512, 1, 96326, 198, 708, 417, 198, 438, 198, 360, 17254, 198, 548, 198, 383, 5962, 198, 1729, 198, 39460, 288, 198, 1527, 720, 324, 483, 10246, 2181, 198, 19171, 198, 83, 1244, 82, 198, 959, 1245, 198, 22412, 345, 2445, 5893, 13801, 438, 198, 1725, 13915, 780, 198, 68110, 198, 4291, 198, 1641, 287, 345, 438, 198, 92724, 16117, 720, 4683, 2053, 198, 438, 198, 22464, 82, 198, 14075, 198, 543, 198, 6802, 38333, 345, 8978, 287, 198, 1820, 198, 37282, 198, 266, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 198, 1712, 10246, 39470, 198, 258, 198, 56, 16737, 345, 40, 198, 42923, 198, 64, 198, 53896, 198, 9638, 198, 1527, 198, 50329, 627, 12331, 648, 198, 1527, 198, 43819, 316, 283, 66, 345, 2940, 198, 32158, 198, 60179, 198, 9210, 198, 1820, 198, 41326, 198, 263, 198, 324, 483, 198, 46755, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 2239, 198, 1, 43824, 198, 5159, 726, 702, 69191, 750, 198, 939, 68485, 198, 1964, 198, 258, 720, 1820, 198, 45007, 198, 98935, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 1178, 627, 32, 198, 3236, 198, 6438, 345, 64, 198, 2119, 47831, 198, 266, 198, 1816, 198, 83, 820, 198, 1964, 198, 8154, 198, 1820, 198, 8890, 1082, 198, 1073, 720, 325, 846, 11377, 198, 9210, 198, 275, 198, 285, 198, 19045, 198, 998, 198, 34717, 198, 46770, 198, 37282, 198, 10329, 21168, 198, 4291, 198, 57902, 1251, 198, 324, 483, 627, 8100, 198, 91453, 198, 275, 198, 4291, 198, 64, 720, 911, 467, 198, 1073, 198, 43326, 198, 3473, 627, 7184, 198, 383, 198, 57755, 82, 198, 2727, 198, 884, 50268, 16853, 21365, 198, 64, 198, 9638, 198, 438, 198, 57755, 198, 548, 198, 376, 3988, 198, 698, 4522, 627, 52, 26355, 42811, 198, 438, 198, 43326, 198, 451, 3571, 345, 34535, 277, 40485, 198, 52, 40101, 198, 64185, 398, 198, 9326, 598, 288, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 198, 1073, 198, 19776, 2641, 345, 4014, 4692, 198, 55437, 198, 35035, 1429, 16853, 791, 198, 4492, 198, 1073, 198, 83, 35320, 198, 285, 720, 23796, 512, 906, 198, 10492, 198, 39460, 288, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 32157, 198, 4903, 198, 41512, 2718, 198, 4291, 198, 1225, 198, 820, 198, 7, 3359, 340, 324, 483, 198, 438, 720, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 33115, 198, 324, 483, 627, 1688, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 198, 1712, 345, 906, 198, 533, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 61614, 198, 1073, 198, 43326, 198, 451, 3571, 198, 4291, 198, 276, 720, 58156, 292, 198, 438, 198, 1727, 278, 483, 198, 24175, 627, 2675, 198, 19171, 198, 17483, 198, 998, 198, 98427, 198, 324, 483, 198, 325, 17998, 198, 15487, 198, 64, 198, 1316, 198, 438, 198, 18883, 8674, 414, 198, 77924, 198, 438, 198, 75, 1553, 627, 2181, 198, 285, 198, 1820, 198, 14991, 1723, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 40668, 198, 1073, 198, 1083, 3333, 198, 2008, 9623, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 75, 1553, 720, 9210, 198, 99470, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 451, 3571, 198, 1073, 198, 19776, 2641, 627, 20780, 198, 65, 27382, 345, 47690, 345, 9258, 8733, 198, 548, 198, 49582, 345, 10924, 198, 8370, 198, 906, 720, 10492, 198, 74913, 345, 81160, 2915, 198, 337, 535, 345, 269, 198, 76, 3903, 291, 198, 65, 6339, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 32157, 198, 33637, 627, 3112, 198, 3409, 198, 15031, 198, 652, 37119, 198, 52768, 512, 13617, 512, 7189, 198, 23196, 198, 82, 875, 198, 4291, 198, 34535, 277, 40485, 198, 266, 198, 1820, 198, 425, 198, 1073, 198, 1591, 627, 40, 198, 16514, 198, 30585, 52985, 198, 266, 198, 1820, 198, 1712, 627, 2520, 198, 325, 17998, 198, 42820, 345, 40, 198, 376, 1142, 198, 998, 198, 1637, 198, 1885, 198, 1820, 198, 67, 56407, 198, 4291, 198, 39460, 288, 345, 8248, 198, 2465, 198, 73, 14737, 198, 6902, 1870, 198, 2332, 15556, 720, 438, 198, 40, 198, 29177, 198, 1962, 198, 17206, 198, 631, 198, 263, 198, 754, 2469, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 84028, 198, 28753, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 92724, 627, 5159, 198, 69, 14437, 198, 19171, 198, 17106, 373, 720, 258, 1517, 3690, 198, 438, 198, 2332, 33389, 627, 5159, 198, 75, 1553, 198, 16514, 198, 526, 894, 16853, 40, 198, 47823, 198, 9533, 287, 198, 606, 198, 1316, 198, 64, 198, 10476, 198, 438, 198, 9326, 598, 291, 198, 2465, 720, 396, 478, 1572, 345, 75, 1553, 345, 64381, 36371, 345, 73, 14737, 198, 438, 198, 51105, 198, 85, 434, 2053, 627, 6153, 198, 1820, 198, 75, 1553, 198, 18883, 325, 345, 1820, 198, 2332, 6427, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 720, 89112, 198, 4338, 99567, 345, 8248, 198, 1820, 198, 73, 14737, 198, 86957, 198, 998, 198, 71, 5757, 627, 40, 198, 55437, 198, 605, 198, 7501, 627, 40, 198, 66922, 198, 58234, 13801, 8248, 198, 2465, 198, 75, 1553, 198, 61917, 720, 71, 5757, 198, 10924, 198, 64, 198, 383, 6862, 198, 42880, 198, 9149, 198, 32345, 198, 64, 198, 466, 12560, 198, 680, 295, 635, 340, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 277, 40485, 198, 23770, 198, 1962, 198, 9684, 627, 644, 198, 723, 684, 345, 2465, 720, 5794, 496, 940, 198, 22352, 198, 16514, 198, 55905, 291, 627, 15724, 198, 40, 198, 33134, 198, 9210, 198, 12134, 4504, 198, 2000, 198, 20375, 198, 82089, 198, 16514, 198, 37227, 198, 59178, 720, 95290, 198, 2000, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 16853, 11874, 198, 42820, 198, 6438, 198, 40, 198, 19171, 198, 327, 45933, 198, 869, 8997, 198, 258, 45864, 367, 627, 40, 198, 376, 1142, 198, 998, 198, 383, 278, 198, 4291, 720, 64, 198, 19045, 198, 38824, 345, 8248, 198, 998, 198, 2201, 198, 71363, 627, 11874, 198, 50814, 198, 6438, 345, 8154, 198, 1820, 198, 258, 41116, 198, 1073, 198, 2465, 198, 30562, 1270, 69335, 345, 40, 720, 47823, 198, 3696, 16113, 198, 64, 198, 59536, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 13486, 198, 64, 198, 1316, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 57902, 1251, 198, 438, 198, 12134, 2111, 198, 2465, 726, 198, 2000, 198, 1927, 198, 31482, 198, 64, 720, 10476, 198, 263, 198, 42312, 198, 8248, 198, 13284, 198, 438, 198, 324, 483, 627, 10714, 198, 64, 198, 10476, 198, 10924, 198, 40389, 198, 324, 258, 42811, 13801, 325, 19846, 720, 267, 316, 613, 198, 96440, 198, 47823, 345, 8370, 198, 4354, 291, 198, 2000, 198, 9274, 198, 20375, 198, 82089, 627, 1688, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 198, 1712, 345, 64, 198, 17185, 198, 6173, 720, 1073, 198, 764, 1978, 76, 198, 438, 198, 3306, 547, 198, 16514, 198, 21107, 291, 627, 1688, 198, 9471, 345, 43063, 198, 75, 1553, 198, 9326, 598, 287, 198, 14310, 8293, 198, 2203 ]
the head, the Qi within t he Y in Meridians flows from the ground upward (i.e. from foot to chest to hand); while in the Y ang Meridians, Qi flows from ceiling downward (i.e. from hand to head to foot) (see illustration 5). The Qi of the twelve Regular Meridians travels in a fixed direction, each Meridian transfe rring its Qi to the next Meridian where they meet. Y in Meridians meet in the chest, Y ang Meridians meet in the head, and  b oth Y in and Y angMeridians conjo in at the distal ends of the extremities. This fixed directional flow takes a complete day to make one cycle and is synchronize d with the ancient Chinese twelve hour day. According to this diurnal concept of the Meridian flow, which is fundamentally an ancient codification of the body’ s subtle biological (circadian) rhyth ms, each Or gan and thus its Meridian achieve s its peak level of vitality during an allocated h our (a roughly two-hour period in our time reckoning), the whole cycle beginning and ending at 3 am, at th e junction of liver and lung.When an excess or deficient condition within an Or gan or Meridian exists, symptoms may manifest during its specific hour within the d aily cycle. Usuallythese ar e the recurring symptoms often found in chronic disorders; for example, patients with liver imbalance often wake up out of deep sleep between 1 and 3 am and have dif ficulty returning to sleep. The following is a list of time relationships within the Or gan-Meridian Qi flow: In comp arison, the eight Extraordinary V essels function as reservoirs for the Regular Meridians, supplementing or storing the Qi of the Meridians as needed, contributing in this way to the o verall balance within the Meridian System. While the Reg ular Meridians are perceived as subtle thread- like pathways, the V essels are considered broad receptacles for the Qi. Furthermore, the Extraordinary V essels are c onsidered a primary force in embryological development, being responsible for the or gani zation of the embryonic terrain and early life’ s structural development. O f the eight Extraordinary V essels, the Conception (ren), Governing (du) and Penetrating (chong) V essels originate first. The Governing V essel is name d after its function of regulating the Y ang Meridians by acting as their reservoir. The Conception V essel regulates the Y in Meridians and is so named because its external pathway corre sponds to the linea nigra, th e dark line that appears on the abdomen during pregnancy. The Penetrating V essel is said to regulate the twelve Regular Meridians and Blood, being so named after its deep pa thway. Also  of i mportance is the Belt V essel wh ich, along with the above three core V essels, forms the nucleus of the embryonic formative force. The other four V essels, known as the Y in and Y ang Heel (qiao) V essels and the Y in and Y ang Linking (wei) V essels, are of secondary manifestation and significance, functioning to protect, restrain and counterbalance the outwardmoving tendenc y of the three core V essels. These four secondary V essels also provide reservoir functions for the Regular Meridians. Along t he Regular Meridians and the Conception and Governing V essels there exist a number of Qi holes or points (xue) where the ener getic influences found w ithin the pathway become concentrated and accessib le to manipulation through certain therapeutic techn iques such as acupuncture and massage, or for use in diagn osis. Th e six other V e ssels do not have independent points along their external projections but share points found along the Regular Meridians (see illustration 6). Archaeology of fers evidence th at there was a progressive evolution within the Meridian System theory. The most ancient manuscripts to date that mention the Meridians are scrolls that pre-d ate China’ s first medical canon, the Inner Classic, by abou t two centuries. These scrolls, which were recently unearthed in the Mawangdui tombs, mention th e practice of moxibustion, and specify eleven Meridians whose names and trajectories in the body dif fer fro m those currently accepted today. Nor do the Mawangdui manuscripts suggest any mutual interconnection between the m eridians. Puncturing the body with stone needles was documented in various texts as far back as the 8th century B.C., but the Inner Classic h olds the view that the practi ces of acupuncture and moxibustion arose separately. In fact, acupuncture is said to have come from the east, where it was utilized to combat disorders th at arose from the frequent win ds of that region, while m oxibustion originated in the north (probably Mongolia) where people used it to treat condit ions that developed from cold influences. By the time of the Inner Classic, however, these two modalities were already integrated into a single system. History suggests that the knowledge and use of these concent ration points preceded the development of the Meridian theory, for stone needling was practiced even in the ancient times. In o ld China the idea of the existence of influential points on the body was akin to the idea of influential points on the earth in the science of geomancy (feng shui). Geomancy was the traditional science used to determine appro priate auspicious sites for such tasks as the bu rial of the dead or the building of a temple. Geomancy was also used as an art of divination. Many of the conc entration point names (for a numbering system was n ot used until quite recently) still reflect this connection to certain landscape themes, such as rivers, hills, pools and mounds. Othe r point names display astrological, anatomical, animal or functional motifs. Each concentration point has its own unique therapeutic properties and characteristics. I n course of tim e it was discovered that certain point patterns andgroupings shared common properties and were linked internally to specific Or gans. Undoubtedly, th e meditative practices and insights of the sages and extensive clinical research by the ancient doctors provided a fertile groun d for the ener getic mapping of the body. In consequence of these diverse inquiries, besides numerous separate points with their individual properties, a total of 361 common concentration points on the Meridians and V essels were recognized.7 D i s e a s e C a u s a t i o n P athogenic forces disturb the body’ s equilibrium and harmony with i the surrounding environment. In C hinese medicine, illnesses ar e classified according to whether they originate from an internal or external cause. Once this equilibrium is lost, disease patterns become entrenched and develop according to an intrinsic progression. Internally, the delicate metabolic balancing process is usually disrupted by imbalanced emotions or lifestyle habits. External factors that cause illness arise generally from two sources: a) climatic disorde rs related to exc essive or prolonged exposure to one of the six exogenous Pernicious Influences (liu yin): wind, summer heat, dampness, dryness, cold and fire; b) pestilential substances in a variety of forms. The theory of pestilenti al substances, developed during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) concerns contagious diseases that are transmitted thro ugh nose and mouth. Specific patterns are associated with each pe stilence, and this idea parallels the modern concept of infectious pathogens. The six Pernicio us Influences are individually named after the n ormal climatic conditio n of a season that often leads to its formation. F or example the o ver -exposu re to cold that usually occurs in winter can progress into a pathogenic cold pattern in the body if resistance and adaptabilit y are weak. Each Pernicious Influence is also associated with Y in or Y ang according to its ef fect; a Y in excess injures the body’ s Y ang and a Y ang excess injures the body ’ s Y in. W ind, summerheat, dryness and fire are Y an g forms of excess; while dampness and c old are classified as Y in. Th e af finities between the seasons and Or gans with excess patterns follow the Five Element theory.In Chinese medicine the symptoms that a Pernicious Influence produces, mimic the characteri stics of its corresponding prototype in the environment. Th is is summarized as follows: summerheat and fire both are characterized by an increase of temperature (summerheat is specifically related to the s ummer season, while fire is non-specific to a particular season); cold by a decrease in te mperature; dampness is distingu ished by an increased presen ce of water; dryness by a decreased presence of water; and wind by a tendency for abruptness and changeability. The individual Pernicious Influences initially enter the body  through the skin or respiratory system, and then penetrate via the Meridians into the Or gans
[ 279, 2010, 11, 279, 58094, 2949, 259, 568, 816, 304, 8930, 307, 5493, 28555, 505, 279, 5015, 40872, 198, 1998, 1770, 13, 505, 4579, 311, 15489, 311, 1450, 1237, 1418, 304, 279, 816, 6590, 8930, 307, 5493, 11, 58094, 28555, 505, 198, 346, 8138, 45578, 320, 72, 1770, 13, 505, 1450, 311, 2010, 311, 4579, 8, 320, 4151, 40134, 220, 20, 4390, 791, 58094, 315, 279, 30335, 29900, 8930, 307, 5493, 35292, 304, 264, 8521, 5216, 11, 1855, 198, 27814, 36742, 1380, 1897, 436, 12928, 1202, 58094, 311, 279, 1828, 8930, 36742, 1405, 814, 3449, 13, 816, 304, 8930, 307, 5493, 198, 64510, 304, 220, 279, 15489, 11, 816, 6590, 8930, 307, 5493, 3449, 304, 279, 2010, 11, 323, 4194, 293, 297, 339, 816, 304, 323, 816, 6590, 27814, 307, 5493, 390, 7453, 304, 520, 279, 1612, 278, 10548, 315, 279, 6000, 1385, 13, 1115, 8521, 73945, 6530, 198, 79079, 264, 4686, 1938, 311, 1304, 832, 11008, 323, 374, 64899, 294, 449, 279, 14154, 198, 46023, 30335, 6596, 1938, 662, 10771, 311, 420, 1891, 63550, 7434, 315, 279, 8930, 36742, 6530, 13801, 8370, 374, 43593, 459, 14154, 20950, 2461, 315, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 27545, 24156, 198, 1361, 2496, 10272, 8, 29171, 10030, 11, 1855, 2582, 25893, 323, 8617, 1202, 8930, 36742, 11322, 274, 1202, 16557, 2237, 315, 198, 85, 2223, 488, 2391, 459, 20816, 305, 1057, 320, 64, 17715, 1403, 21925, 4261, 304, 1057, 892, 198, 25662, 20324, 705, 279, 4459, 11008, 7314, 323, 13696, 520, 220, 18, 1097, 11, 520, 270, 384, 49341, 315, 26587, 198, 438, 21271, 51861, 459, 220, 13937, 477, 87544, 3044, 2949, 459, 2582, 25893, 477, 8930, 36742, 6866, 345, 24738, 52273, 1253, 14794, 2391, 1202, 3230, 6596, 2949, 279, 294, 264, 1570, 11008, 13, 34067, 45010, 802, 384, 279, 46350, 13803, 3629, 1766, 304, 21249, 24673, 26, 369, 3187, 345, 81437, 449, 26587, 68331, 3629, 15508, 709, 704, 315, 5655, 6212, 1990, 220, 16, 323, 220, 18, 1097, 198, 438, 617, 1422, 282, 27081, 13758, 311, 6212, 13, 578, 2768, 374, 264, 1160, 315, 892, 12135, 198, 56950, 279, 2582, 25893, 5364, 261, 36742, 58094, 6530, 512, 644, 1391, 802, 3416, 11, 279, 8223, 26041, 21707, 650, 4043, 2053, 734, 439, 45512, 82, 369, 279, 198, 31504, 8930, 307, 5493, 11, 22822, 287, 477, 28672, 279, 58094, 315, 279, 8930, 307, 5493, 439, 4460, 345, 48210, 10831, 304, 420, 1648, 311, 279, 297, 2807, 543, 8335, 2949, 279, 8930, 36742, 744, 13, 6104, 198, 1820, 3263, 220, 1299, 8930, 307, 5493, 527, 26617, 439, 27545, 4617, 12, 1093, 44014, 11, 279, 650, 4043, 2053, 198, 548, 6646, 7353, 29918, 18709, 369, 279, 58094, 13, 24296, 11, 279, 26041, 21707, 650, 4043, 2053, 198, 548, 272, 49549, 1814, 291, 264, 6156, 5457, 304, 44481, 5848, 4500, 11, 1694, 8647, 198, 2000, 279, 477, 342, 5676, 1167, 367, 315, 279, 44481, 14338, 25911, 323, 4216, 2324, 529, 274, 24693, 198, 30671, 13, 507, 282, 279, 8223, 26041, 21707, 650, 4043, 2053, 11, 279, 1221, 1010, 320, 1466, 705, 94984, 1251, 198, 7, 1072, 8, 323, 13597, 17820, 1113, 320, 331, 647, 8, 650, 4043, 2053, 82316, 1176, 627, 791, 94984, 1251, 650, 4043, 301, 374, 836, 294, 1306, 1202, 734, 315, 58499, 279, 816, 6590, 198, 27814, 307, 5493, 555, 15718, 439, 872, 45512, 662, 578, 1221, 1010, 650, 4043, 301, 80412, 279, 816, 304, 198, 27814, 307, 5493, 323, 374, 779, 7086, 1606, 1202, 9434, 38970, 12603, 274, 3595, 82, 311, 279, 54956, 198, 77, 343, 969, 11, 270, 384, 6453, 1584, 430, 8111, 389, 279, 64772, 2391, 20209, 662, 578, 13597, 17820, 1113, 198, 53, 4043, 301, 374, 220, 1071, 311, 37377, 279, 30335, 29900, 8930, 307, 5493, 323, 20671, 11, 1694, 779, 7086, 198, 10924, 1202, 5655, 7251, 270, 3195, 662, 7429, 4194, 315, 602, 296, 403, 685, 374, 279, 33993, 650, 4043, 301, 421, 10864, 11, 3235, 449, 279, 198, 49532, 2380, 6332, 650, 4043, 2053, 11, 7739, 279, 62607, 315, 279, 44481, 14338, 1376, 1413, 5457, 627, 791, 1023, 3116, 650, 4043, 2053, 11, 3967, 439, 279, 816, 304, 323, 816, 6590, 1283, 301, 320, 80, 23332, 8, 650, 4043, 2053, 323, 198, 1820, 816, 304, 323, 816, 6590, 6074, 287, 320, 28204, 8, 650, 4043, 2053, 11, 527, 315, 14580, 64050, 323, 198, 7908, 100104, 11, 31301, 311, 6144, 11, 97876, 323, 5663, 22298, 279, 52046, 66215, 8541, 967, 379, 315, 279, 2380, 6332, 650, 4043, 2053, 13, 4314, 3116, 14580, 650, 4043, 2053, 1101, 198, 62556, 45512, 5865, 369, 279, 29900, 8930, 307, 5493, 627, 50909, 259, 568, 29900, 8930, 307, 5493, 323, 279, 1221, 1010, 323, 94984, 1251, 650, 4043, 2053, 198, 19041, 3073, 264, 1396, 315, 58094, 20349, 477, 3585, 320, 87, 361, 8, 1405, 279, 38556, 636, 292, 34453, 198, 15456, 289, 78942, 258, 279, 38970, 3719, 38626, 323, 2680, 581, 514, 311, 34786, 198, 20322, 3738, 37471, 2869, 602, 14295, 1778, 439, 89538, 323, 6378, 11, 477, 369, 1005, 198, 258, 13493, 2709, 285, 13, 666, 384, 4848, 1023, 650, 384, 11107, 2053, 656, 539, 617, 9678, 3585, 3235, 872, 198, 21591, 41579, 719, 4430, 3585, 1766, 3235, 279, 29900, 8930, 307, 5493, 320, 4151, 198, 83718, 367, 220, 21, 4390, 19249, 6043, 2508, 315, 282, 388, 6029, 270, 520, 1070, 574, 264, 23053, 15740, 2949, 198, 1820, 8930, 36742, 744, 10334, 662, 578, 1455, 14154, 79688, 311, 2457, 430, 6420, 279, 198, 27814, 307, 5493, 527, 79664, 430, 864, 1773, 30912, 5734, 529, 274, 1176, 6593, 44916, 11, 279, 37456, 22591, 345, 1729, 671, 283, 259, 1403, 24552, 13, 4314, 79664, 11, 902, 1051, 6051, 79675, 291, 304, 279, 198, 44, 675, 526, 1072, 72, 10390, 1302, 11, 6420, 270, 384, 6725, 315, 4647, 87, 581, 592, 290, 11, 323, 14158, 45314, 198, 27814, 307, 5493, 6832, 5144, 323, 86648, 304, 279, 2547, 1422, 18728, 13091, 296, 1884, 5131, 198, 55674, 3432, 662, 8170, 656, 279, 386, 675, 526, 1072, 72, 79688, 4284, 904, 27848, 198, 2295, 7898, 1990, 279, 296, 2781, 307, 5493, 13, 393, 20526, 1711, 279, 2547, 449, 9998, 57267, 198, 16514, 27470, 304, 5370, 22755, 439, 3117, 1203, 439, 279, 220, 23, 339, 9478, 426, 732, 2637, 719, 279, 37456, 198, 64431, 220, 305, 79573, 279, 1684, 220, 430, 279, 3856, 72, 27750, 315, 89538, 323, 4647, 87, 581, 592, 290, 51063, 198, 325, 1768, 2718, 662, 763, 2144, 11, 89538, 374, 1071, 311, 617, 2586, 505, 279, 11226, 11, 1405, 433, 574, 198, 1338, 1534, 311, 12896, 24673, 270, 520, 51063, 505, 279, 21420, 3243, 11729, 315, 430, 5654, 345, 3556, 296, 19488, 581, 592, 290, 44853, 304, 220, 279, 10411, 320, 55540, 91850, 8, 1405, 1274, 1511, 198, 275, 311, 4322, 9955, 275, 65125, 430, 8040, 505, 9439, 34453, 13, 3296, 279, 892, 315, 279, 37456, 198, 64431, 11, 220, 4869, 1174, 1521, 1403, 13531, 1385, 1051, 2736, 18751, 1139, 264, 3254, 198, 9125, 627, 13730, 13533, 220, 430, 279, 6677, 323, 1005, 315, 1521, 10219, 66901, 3585, 198, 27244, 291, 279, 4500, 315, 279, 220, 8930, 36742, 10334, 1174, 369, 9998, 1205, 2785, 574, 44664, 198, 17206, 304, 279, 14154, 3115, 13, 763, 297, 27221, 5734, 279, 4623, 315, 279, 14209, 315, 32549, 198, 7862, 389, 279, 2547, 574, 53007, 311, 279, 4623, 315, 32549, 3585, 389, 279, 9578, 304, 279, 198, 40657, 315, 28355, 6709, 320, 69, 833, 559, 2005, 570, 4323, 316, 6709, 574, 279, 8776, 8198, 1511, 311, 198, 67, 25296, 3057, 12776, 349, 90196, 9824, 6732, 369, 1778, 9256, 439, 279, 1048, 436, 532, 315, 279, 5710, 477, 198, 1820, 4857, 315, 264, 220, 27850, 13, 4323, 316, 6709, 574, 1101, 1511, 439, 459, 1989, 315, 3512, 2617, 13, 9176, 315, 198, 1820, 3613, 1218, 2214, 1486, 5144, 320, 2000, 264, 79362, 1887, 574, 308, 14479, 1511, 3156, 5115, 198, 47743, 398, 8, 2103, 8881, 420, 3717, 311, 3738, 18921, 22100, 11, 1778, 439, 36617, 345, 71, 3385, 11, 34239, 323, 296, 3171, 13, 507, 1820, 436, 1486, 5144, 3113, 47804, 31356, 11, 75893, 950, 345, 48999, 477, 16003, 84989, 627, 4959, 20545, 1486, 706, 1202, 1866, 5016, 37471, 6012, 323, 198, 19740, 5706, 13, 358, 308, 3388, 315, 6935, 384, 433, 574, 11352, 430, 3738, 220, 1486, 12912, 323, 4166, 826, 6222, 220, 4279, 6012, 323, 1051, 10815, 34167, 220, 311, 3230, 2582, 342, 598, 627, 20552, 35210, 1174, 270, 384, 1812, 22018, 12659, 323, 26793, 315, 279, 274, 1154, 323, 16781, 198, 91899, 3495, 220, 555, 279, 14154, 16410, 3984, 264, 70225, 94868, 77, 294, 369, 279, 38556, 636, 292, 198, 41892, 315, 279, 2547, 662, 763, 29774, 315, 1521, 17226, 44983, 1174, 28858, 12387, 198, 325, 68698, 3585, 449, 872, 3927, 6012, 11, 264, 2860, 315, 220, 18277, 4279, 198, 444, 94376, 3585, 389, 279, 8930, 307, 5493, 323, 650, 4043, 2053, 1051, 15324, 13, 22, 198, 35, 602, 274, 384, 264, 274, 384, 220, 356, 264, 577, 274, 264, 259, 602, 297, 308, 198, 47, 12004, 29569, 8603, 220, 38323, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 56411, 323, 26348, 449, 602, 279, 198, 20370, 1067, 287, 4676, 13, 763, 356, 305, 7496, 16088, 11, 49909, 802, 384, 21771, 198, 74946, 311, 3508, 814, 82316, 505, 459, 5419, 477, 9434, 5353, 627, 12805, 420, 56411, 374, 5675, 11, 8624, 12912, 3719, 82144, 323, 198, 16219, 4184, 311, 459, 47701, 33824, 13, 4514, 750, 1174, 279, 36301, 198, 4150, 57565, 44463, 1920, 374, 6118, 69627, 555, 737, 59502, 21958, 477, 198, 75, 16886, 26870, 627, 27002, 9547, 430, 5353, 17563, 31889, 8965, 505, 1403, 8336, 25, 264, 340, 566, 318, 780, 834, 53218, 10242, 5552, 311, 3521, 4043, 535, 477, 44387, 14675, 311, 832, 315, 279, 198, 51464, 506, 53595, 393, 944, 9824, 88654, 2436, 320, 747, 84, 379, 258, 1680, 10160, 11, 7474, 8798, 345, 67, 1141, 2136, 11, 9235, 2136, 11, 9439, 323, 4027, 26, 293, 8, 44885, 321, 2335, 33155, 304, 264, 8205, 315, 198, 10008, 13, 578, 10334, 315, 44885, 321, 23202, 453, 33155, 11, 8040, 2391, 279, 56983, 198, 96809, 15329, 320, 9795, 23, 12, 10513, 19, 362, 920, 6266, 10742, 89534, 19338, 220, 430, 527, 198, 1485, 5600, 60187, 577, 876, 19689, 323, 11013, 13, 29362, 12912, 527, 5938, 449, 198, 9739, 1069, 91866, 768, 11, 323, 420, 4623, 72474, 279, 6617, 7434, 315, 50600, 198, 2398, 57118, 627, 791, 4848, 393, 944, 11518, 603, 88654, 2436, 527, 32399, 7086, 1306, 279, 308, 477, 14991, 198, 566, 318, 780, 9955, 275, 822, 308, 315, 264, 3280, 430, 3629, 11767, 311, 1202, 18488, 13, 435, 477, 3187, 198, 1820, 297, 2807, 482, 327, 981, 84, 312, 311, 9439, 430, 6118, 13980, 304, 12688, 649, 5208, 1139, 264, 198, 2398, 29569, 9439, 5497, 304, 279, 2547, 422, 13957, 323, 10737, 46500, 379, 527, 7621, 627, 4959, 393, 944, 9824, 76040, 374, 1101, 5938, 449, 816, 304, 477, 816, 6590, 4184, 311, 198, 1220, 31469, 282, 440, 26, 264, 816, 304, 13937, 5934, 1439, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 816, 6590, 323, 264, 816, 6590, 13937, 5934, 1439, 198, 1820, 2547, 18217, 274, 816, 304, 13, 468, 1280, 11, 7474, 20559, 11, 9235, 2136, 323, 4027, 527, 816, 459, 342, 7739, 315, 198, 327, 1140, 26, 1418, 41369, 2136, 323, 272, 2362, 527, 21771, 439, 816, 304, 13, 666, 384, 8136, 1913, 1385, 198, 42967, 279, 15956, 323, 2582, 342, 598, 449, 13937, 12912, 1833, 279, 21594, 198, 1726, 10334, 662, 644, 8620, 16088, 279, 13803, 430, 264, 393, 944, 9824, 76040, 198, 8723, 1634, 11, 56459, 279, 3752, 72, 357, 1233, 315, 1202, 12435, 25018, 304, 279, 198, 24175, 13, 666, 374, 374, 69729, 439, 11263, 25, 7474, 20559, 323, 4027, 2225, 527, 198, 19740, 1534, 555, 459, 5376, 315, 9499, 320, 63666, 20559, 374, 11951, 198, 9920, 311, 279, 274, 4543, 1195, 3280, 11, 1418, 4027, 374, 2536, 19440, 311, 264, 4040, 198, 17217, 1237, 9439, 555, 264, 18979, 304, 1028, 296, 14702, 26, 41369, 2136, 374, 19512, 374, 42109, 555, 459, 198, 43842, 1503, 1685, 268, 3846, 315, 3090, 26, 9235, 2136, 555, 264, 25983, 9546, 315, 3090, 26, 323, 198, 19703, 555, 264, 31954, 369, 44077, 2136, 323, 2349, 2968, 16853, 791, 3927, 393, 944, 9824, 88654, 2436, 15453, 3810, 279, 2547, 4194, 1555, 198, 1820, 6930, 477, 42631, 1887, 11, 323, 1243, 64855, 4669, 279, 8930, 307, 5493, 1139, 279, 198, 2244, 342, 598 ]
) chopped fr esh lemongrass or lemon verbena, optional grated rind and juice of 2 limes ASIAN DRESSING 1/4 cup (50 mL) peanut oil 2 tbsp (25 mL) lemon juice 2 tbsp (25 mL) soy sauce 2 tbsp (25 mL) rice vinegar 1 tbsp (15 mL) sesame oil 1 tbsp (15 mL) liquid honey 1 tsp (5 mL) finely grated fr esh gingerr oot 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1. C ut c orn into 1-inch (2.5 cm ) pieces. Cut cauliflower into sm all florets. In a bowl, combine corn and cauliflower, set aside.2. Make Marinade: In a skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add butter, chile peppers and green onions. Cook, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes or until soft. Remove pan and stir in lemongrass, if using. Cool to room temperature. Add lime rind and juice. 3. Drizzle marinade over corn an d cauliflower. Cover and set asi de for up to 24 hour s in the refrigerator. B ring to room temperature 1 hour before grilling. Using a vegetable gril ling basket, grill vegetables over medium coals, turning often and basting with marinade for 5 to 7 minu tes or until tender -crisp. 4. M eanwhile, make Asian Dres sing: In a jar with tight-fitting lid, combine peanut oil, lemon juice, soy sau ce, vinegar, sesame oil, honey, ginger and garlic. Cover jar and shake well to combine. Set aside. 5. T ip grilled corn and cauliflower into a lar ge bowl and toss with dressing. Use: Th e marinade can be used for grilled fish, chicken and vegetables, and the Asian Dressing is lovely with both summer greens and winter root vegetable salads. T ry dif ferent nut oils—peanut oil is good—in the dressing. F r e e z i n g C o r n 1. Select Equipment: Se lect suitable-size freezer c ontainers, bags or Mason jars ( Freezing ). 2. Blanc h and cool medium ears as instructed on Corn. Cut ears into 1- inch (2. 5 cm) pieces or remove kernels as instructed on Corn. Pack into containers, leavi ng a 1/2-inch (1 cm) headspace. Remove air, lab el and seal. Freeze for up to 9 months.G a r l i c OFTEN THOUGHT OF ONL Y AS A HERB OR A SEASONING, garlic is a member of the lily family, which also includes onions, shallots, chives and leeks. Garlic (Allium sativum) can be hot and pungent when eaten raw, but when roasted, it morphs into a sweet and meltingly tender pulpy mass with a mellow flavour. All parts of the plant—bulb, tender green spring shoots and scapes (the long, green and twisted seed heads)—are eaten. Good Pr eserving V arieties There a re two subspecies of g arlic: hard-neck and soft-neck. All garlic varieties fall into one or the other subspecies. Unlike most other fruits and vegetables, garli c come in only five varieties: Rocambole, Por celain and Purple Stripe (hard-neck); Artichoke and Silverskin (soft-neck). Of course, there are hundreds of sub-varieties. Hard-Neck Garlic Hard-neck varieties are easy to peel and more pungent, but the cloves are usually smaller. Hard-neck garlic does not store as well as soft-neck garlic. Spanish Roja (left) and German Red (right) are Rocambole varieties.Romanian Red (above) is a Porcelain variety. It has lar ger and fewer cloves per bulb. Chesnok Red (above) is a Purple Stripe variety with red or purple markings. Soft-Neck Garlic The soft-neck garlic is milder in flavour and tends to be lar ger, has more cloves a nd keeps longer. It is likely to be the type that is available fresh in the new year, up until about la te February. After that, depending on your location, the only fresh garlic a vailable will be imported. Some Soft-Neck Garlic sub-varieties are Inchelium Red, California Early and Late, Chet’ s Italian Red and Susanville (Artichoke variety); and Mild Fr ench, Silver White and Nootka Rose (Silverskin variety). Pur chasing/Storing 1 lb (500 g) yields about 2 cups (500 mL) chopped garlic. Choose firm, plump bulbs that are heavy for their size. Skins should be clean, d ry and unbroken. A void bulbs that are sprouting. Store garlic in a ventilated conta iner in a cool, dry place, not in the refrigerator. If stored properly, soft-ne ck garlic should keep for up to 6 months, but garlic should be preserved as soon as possible after harvesting. Good W ithHerbs such as basil, oregano, marjoram, summer savory, bay, thyme, rosemary. Roasted garlic with cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg. Other Alliums, such as onions, leeks, shallots. Other vegetables, such as asparagus, fresh and dried beans, artichokes, tomatoes, eggplant, to name a few. Pr eparation For pres erving r aw garlic, peel a nd blanch whole cloves in boili ng water for 1 minut e. Immerse in cold wat er for 1 minute. Drain and pat dry. Leave whole for canning in syrup, or slice or chop for freezing. Essential: Ga rlic’ s close contact with so il may expose it to dangerou s bacteria. Garlic preserved in oil has been a popular item but cannot safely be made with home canning methods because temperature s in home pressure canners cannot achieve the high temperatures suf ficient to kill the toxic sp ores tha t may be on the raw garlic. Oil is the perfect in cubator for those spores. T o R o a s t G a r l i c : Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Cut a 1/4-inch (5 mm) slice of f the tops of the cloves in a whole head of garlic. Place, root end down, on a lar ge squar e of foil or in a baking pan. Drizzle 2 tsp (1 0 mL) olive oil over the top of the cloves.Fold the foil into a package around the garlic head or cover the p an with foi l. Bake in prehe ated oven for 1 hour or until cloves a re soft. Let cool. Squeeze caramelized cloves out of their skin. Canning Garlic For cent uries, he rbalists have made what was known as a “rob” from plant juice and sugar—essentially infused syrup. The sugar in the syrup acted as a preservative and carrier for the medicinal components of garlic and other herbs. In the Middle Ages, garlic and elderberries were common medicinal preparations tha t were used to treat a wide range of health problems, especially throat and chest ailments. 1. Pr epar e Equipment: W ash and heat 1-cup (250 mL) or pint (2-cup/500 mL) jars, and sc ald the lids, funnel, ladle and tongs ( Boiling W ater Method, Step by Step ). 2. Make a Medium Syrup: In a lar ge saucepan, combine 2 cups (500 mL) granulated suga r with 4 cups (1 L) water; stir until dissolved. Bring to a rolling b oil over high heat. Mak es 5 cups (1.25 L) syrup, enough for 6 cups (1.5 L) whole peeled garlic. 3. Pack peeled whole garlic into jars hot. Make a Hot Pack: Add 6 cups (1.5 L) whole peeled garlic to boiling syrup. Return to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Remov e pan from the heat and fill hot jars with hot garlic one at a time, sh aking the jar to pack tightly. Add hot syrup, leaving a 1/2-inch (1 cm) hea dspace. Run a thin non- metallic utensil around the inside of the jarto al low air to escape. Add more hot syrup, if necessary, to leav e a 1/2-inch (1 cm) headspace. W ipe sealing edge of jars with a clean, damp, lint-free cloth. Position flat lids over the tops of jars and hand-tighten screw bands. 4. Pr ocess garlic in a canner: Use a Boiling W ater Canner according to the chart below. OR Process garlic in a Pressure Canner following manufacturer ’ s directions for steam pressure and time at your altitude. 5. Cool, Label and Stor e: L ift jars from c anner and place on a clean towel or rack. Do not re-tighten screw bands. Let the jars cool to room temperature. This may take from 12
[ 8, 38525, 1448, 1560, 71, 514, 72255, 81, 395, 477, 30564, 19120, 7304, 11, 10309, 198, 911, 660, 436, 485, 323, 23661, 315, 220, 17, 326, 1769, 198, 1950, 22774, 423, 7973, 1753, 198, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 320, 1135, 65170, 8, 50933, 5707, 198, 17, 64975, 320, 914, 65170, 8, 30564, 23661, 198, 17, 64975, 320, 914, 65170, 8, 29839, 19737, 198, 17, 64975, 320, 914, 65170, 8, 20228, 47205, 198, 16, 64975, 320, 868, 65170, 8, 92223, 5707, 198, 16, 64975, 320, 868, 65170, 8, 14812, 26828, 198, 16, 39020, 320, 20, 65170, 8, 61802, 97276, 1448, 1560, 71, 67193, 618, 297, 354, 198, 17, 85388, 31735, 11, 61802, 38525, 198, 16, 13, 356, 8791, 272, 40545, 1139, 220, 220, 16, 25224, 320, 17, 13, 20, 10166, 883, 9863, 13, 20223, 96970, 1139, 1554, 682, 9943, 76430, 627, 644, 264, 19763, 11, 16343, 14095, 323, 96970, 1174, 743, 16038, 13, 17, 13, 7557, 64477, 1037, 25, 763, 264, 79085, 11, 8798, 33213, 5707, 927, 11298, 8798, 13, 220, 2758, 14432, 13801, 331, 458, 58573, 323, 6307, 45697, 13, 12797, 11, 55054, 15320, 1174, 369, 220, 18, 220, 4520, 477, 198, 39830, 8579, 13, 11016, 7363, 323, 23935, 304, 514, 72255, 81, 395, 11, 422, 1701, 13, 24882, 311, 3130, 198, 35658, 13, 2758, 42819, 436, 485, 323, 23661, 627, 18, 13, 2999, 44237, 90215, 1037, 927, 14095, 459, 294, 96970, 662, 18230, 323, 743, 47731, 409, 369, 709, 311, 198, 1187, 6596, 274, 304, 279, 46044, 662, 426, 10264, 311, 3130, 9499, 220, 16, 6596, 1603, 198, 911, 9585, 13, 12362, 264, 36581, 1099, 321, 38172, 14351, 11, 40158, 24822, 927, 11298, 198, 1030, 1147, 11, 13353, 3629, 323, 293, 15067, 220, 449, 90215, 1037, 369, 220, 20, 311, 220, 22, 1332, 84, 51309, 477, 3156, 198, 83, 1693, 482, 5192, 13391, 627, 19, 13, 386, 384, 276, 3556, 11, 1304, 14875, 423, 417, 7936, 25, 763, 264, 30695, 449, 10508, 2269, 15154, 27431, 11, 16343, 198, 375, 38918, 5707, 11, 30564, 23661, 11, 29839, 33254, 3846, 11, 47205, 1174, 92223, 5707, 11, 26828, 1174, 44768, 323, 198, 12440, 416, 13, 18230, 30695, 323, 27116, 1664, 311, 16343, 13, 2638, 16038, 627, 20, 13, 350, 6125, 61733, 14095, 323, 96970, 1139, 264, 45555, 3980, 19763, 323, 26251, 449, 32623, 627, 10464, 25, 666, 384, 90215, 1037, 649, 387, 1511, 369, 61733, 7795, 11, 16553, 323, 24822, 345, 438, 279, 14875, 29318, 287, 374, 17104, 449, 2225, 7474, 52011, 323, 12688, 3789, 198, 83571, 481, 77852, 13, 350, 35019, 1422, 18728, 306, 10184, 32462, 2345, 375, 38918, 5707, 374, 1695, 49525, 279, 198, 67, 57881, 627, 37, 436, 384, 384, 1167, 602, 308, 342, 220, 356, 297, 436, 308, 198, 16, 13, 8593, 20849, 25, 220, 1369, 16920, 14791, 7321, 50685, 272, 14848, 21211, 11, 18381, 477, 198, 44, 1525, 61111, 320, 3658, 20994, 96705, 17, 13, 70025, 305, 323, 7155, 11298, 25212, 439, 42075, 389, 22036, 662, 220, 20223, 25212, 1139, 220, 16, 7058, 37850, 320, 17, 13, 220, 20, 10166, 8, 9863, 477, 4148, 220, 64615, 439, 42075, 389, 22036, 662, 14114, 1139, 198, 40499, 11, 514, 6321, 7933, 264, 220, 16, 14, 17, 25224, 320, 16, 220, 10166, 8, 2010, 8920, 13, 11016, 3805, 1174, 10278, 658, 323, 26418, 627, 11180, 3059, 369, 709, 311, 220, 24, 4038, 1246, 264, 436, 326, 602, 272, 198, 46, 4082, 965, 4534, 46, 73282, 3083, 6328, 43, 816, 5871, 362, 16019, 33, 2794, 362, 5161, 36404, 1753, 345, 12440, 416, 374, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 326, 1570, 3070, 1174, 902, 1101, 5764, 45697, 11, 4985, 2469, 345, 331, 1924, 323, 514, 21854, 627, 45030, 416, 320, 2460, 2411, 7731, 344, 372, 8, 220, 649, 220, 387, 4106, 323, 281, 2234, 306, 994, 35661, 7257, 1174, 719, 994, 198, 299, 15386, 11, 433, 27448, 82, 1139, 264, 10437, 323, 50684, 398, 28682, 7893, 3368, 3148, 449, 264, 198, 76, 5412, 47697, 662, 2052, 5596, 315, 279, 6136, 2345, 16501, 65, 11, 28682, 6307, 10683, 220, 44727, 323, 198, 2445, 9521, 320, 1820, 1317, 11, 6307, 323, 38817, 10533, 14971, 68850, 548, 35661, 627, 15571, 2394, 1560, 20073, 650, 264, 462, 26640, 198, 3947, 264, 312, 1403, 5258, 89721, 315, 342, 802, 416, 25, 2653, 96533, 323, 8579, 96533, 13, 2052, 31735, 198, 959, 32606, 4498, 1139, 832, 477, 279, 1023, 5258, 89721, 13, 27140, 1455, 1023, 26390, 323, 198, 83571, 4893, 11, 7515, 747, 272, 2586, 304, 1193, 220, 4330, 36680, 25, 91926, 309, 61175, 11, 20388, 19637, 467, 220, 323, 198, 75613, 60666, 220, 320, 19221, 96533, 1237, 5277, 718, 4845, 220, 323, 8211, 3078, 8148, 220, 320, 3594, 96533, 570, 5046, 198, 12120, 11, 1070, 527, 11758, 315, 1207, 86515, 32606, 627, 28005, 12, 8989, 377, 95825, 198, 28005, 96533, 36680, 527, 4228, 311, 58212, 323, 810, 281, 2234, 306, 11, 719, 279, 85388, 527, 198, 44066, 9333, 662, 11481, 96533, 31735, 1587, 539, 3637, 439, 1664, 439, 8579, 96533, 31735, 627, 62897, 12093, 5697, 320, 2414, 8, 323, 6063, 3816, 320, 1315, 8, 527, 91926, 309, 61175, 36680, 2056, 7053, 1122, 3816, 320, 49532, 8, 374, 264, 20388, 60242, 8205, 662, 1102, 706, 45555, 17684, 323, 17162, 85388, 824, 46912, 627, 1163, 288, 77, 564, 3816, 320, 49532, 8, 374, 264, 41489, 60666, 8205, 449, 2579, 477, 25977, 65172, 627, 31631, 12, 8989, 377, 95825, 198, 791, 8579, 96533, 31735, 374, 296, 21439, 304, 47697, 323, 28335, 311, 387, 45555, 17684, 1174, 706, 810, 198, 33678, 2396, 264, 15953, 13912, 5129, 662, 1102, 374, 4461, 311, 387, 279, 955, 430, 374, 2561, 7878, 304, 198, 1820, 502, 220, 1060, 1174, 709, 3156, 922, 1208, 1028, 7552, 662, 4740, 430, 11, 11911, 389, 701, 198, 2588, 11, 279, 1193, 7878, 31735, 264, 348, 2141, 690, 387, 25973, 13, 4427, 25046, 12, 8989, 377, 198, 45030, 416, 1207, 86515, 32606, 527, 55692, 301, 2411, 3816, 11, 7188, 23591, 323, 36931, 345, 1163, 295, 529, 274, 15155, 3816, 220, 323, 31033, 8078, 220, 320, 9470, 718, 4845, 8205, 1237, 323, 61289, 2939, 66812, 345, 53443, 5929, 220, 323, 452, 1944, 4657, 16344, 220, 320, 28671, 3078, 8148, 8205, 4390, 47, 324, 43931, 85540, 5620, 198, 16, 19398, 320, 2636, 342, 8, 36508, 922, 220, 17, 26446, 320, 2636, 65170, 8, 38525, 31735, 627, 25017, 7626, 11, 628, 1538, 54320, 430, 220, 527, 8987, 369, 872, 1404, 13, 4923, 1354, 1288, 387, 198, 18883, 11, 294, 35019, 323, 653, 50009, 13, 362, 742, 220, 54320, 430, 527, 8314, 11149, 13, 9307, 220, 31735, 304, 264, 198, 688, 93583, 45866, 304, 261, 304, 264, 7155, 11, 9235, 2035, 11, 539, 304, 279, 46044, 662, 1442, 9967, 198, 81768, 398, 1174, 8579, 41078, 39713, 31735, 1288, 2567, 369, 709, 311, 220, 21, 4038, 11, 719, 31735, 1288, 198, 1395, 34683, 439, 5246, 439, 3284, 1306, 66747, 627, 15571, 468, 78942, 21364, 1302, 1778, 439, 68186, 11, 297, 1610, 5770, 11, 3678, 73, 94596, 11, 7474, 94760, 1174, 23542, 13801, 339, 31218, 11, 16392, 1563, 16853, 39972, 15386, 31735, 449, 51992, 11, 44768, 1174, 85388, 11, 10184, 71376, 627, 11663, 2052, 2411, 82, 11, 1778, 439, 45697, 11, 514, 21854, 11, 4985, 2469, 627, 11663, 24822, 11, 1778, 439, 439, 94789, 11, 7878, 323, 32720, 27994, 345, 472, 718, 8099, 11, 41613, 11, 19151, 21494, 11, 311, 836, 264, 2478, 16853, 3617, 384, 36235, 198, 2520, 1685, 220, 20073, 436, 1384, 31735, 11, 58212, 264, 15953, 1529, 3581, 4459, 85388, 304, 712, 4008, 7933, 3090, 369, 198, 16, 82470, 384, 13, 2417, 1195, 325, 304, 9439, 30125, 2781, 369, 220, 16, 9568, 13, 62368, 323, 3352, 9235, 662, 26257, 198, 67733, 369, 649, 1251, 304, 45322, 11, 477, 16363, 477, 48094, 369, 43318, 627, 38538, 2335, 25, 220, 18879, 436, 416, 529, 274, 3345, 3729, 449, 779, 3900, 1253, 29241, 433, 311, 8137, 283, 274, 198, 65, 78852, 13, 95825, 34683, 304, 5707, 706, 1027, 264, 5526, 1537, 719, 4250, 21676, 198, 1395, 1903, 449, 2162, 649, 1251, 5528, 1606, 9499, 274, 304, 2162, 198, 47074, 649, 5079, 4250, 11322, 220, 279, 1579, 20472, 56868, 282, 5499, 311, 5622, 279, 198, 998, 14668, 993, 76158, 49588, 259, 1253, 387, 389, 279, 7257, 31735, 13, 15895, 374, 279, 4832, 304, 19250, 859, 369, 198, 54719, 993, 4692, 627, 51, 297, 220, 432, 297, 264, 274, 259, 220, 480, 264, 436, 326, 602, 272, 6394, 4808, 20559, 24276, 311, 220, 3443, 59572, 320, 1049, 32037, 570, 20223, 264, 220, 16, 14, 19, 25224, 320, 20, 9653, 8, 16363, 198, 1073, 282, 279, 33522, 315, 279, 85388, 304, 264, 4459, 2010, 315, 31735, 13, 11004, 345, 2959, 842, 220, 1523, 11, 389, 264, 45555, 3980, 8330, 277, 384, 315, 47499, 477, 304, 264, 28915, 7363, 627, 9023, 44237, 220, 17, 39020, 320, 16, 220, 15, 65170, 8, 33213, 5707, 220, 927, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 85388, 1006, 820, 279, 220, 47499, 1139, 264, 6462, 2212, 279, 31735, 2010, 477, 3504, 198, 1820, 281, 459, 449, 22419, 326, 13, 53174, 304, 864, 383, 520, 291, 24276, 369, 220, 16, 6596, 477, 3156, 198, 33678, 2396, 264, 312, 8579, 13, 6914, 7155, 13, 328, 19901, 59811, 1534, 85388, 704, 315, 198, 50828, 6930, 627, 34, 6073, 95825, 198, 2520, 2960, 4433, 552, 11, 568, 436, 13616, 1705, 617, 1903, 1148, 574, 3967, 439, 264, 1054, 23576, 863, 505, 6136, 198, 8783, 560, 323, 13465, 2345, 434, 31668, 72903, 45322, 13, 578, 13465, 304, 279, 45322, 31532, 439, 264, 198, 24544, 54268, 323, 220, 19115, 369, 279, 58041, 6956, 315, 31735, 323, 1023, 198, 1964, 1302, 13, 763, 279, 12877, 50093, 11, 31735, 323, 22916, 36989, 1051, 4279, 58041, 198, 1762, 1768, 811, 49588, 259, 1051, 1511, 311, 4322, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 2890, 5435, 345, 36046, 28691, 323, 15489, 82907, 627, 16, 13, 2394, 384, 1768, 384, 20849, 25, 220, 468, 24767, 323, 8798, 220, 16, 1824, 455, 320, 5154, 65170, 8, 220, 477, 46746, 320, 17, 1824, 455, 14, 2636, 198, 76, 43, 8, 61111, 11, 323, 1156, 81404, 279, 100078, 11, 61319, 11, 58725, 273, 323, 259, 13483, 320, 2577, 8138, 468, 264, 466, 6872, 345, 8468, 555, 15166, 96705, 17, 13, 7557, 264, 25352, 5837, 31722, 25, 220, 763, 264, 45555, 3980, 19737, 857, 11, 16343, 220, 17, 26446, 320, 2636, 65170, 340, 68163, 7913, 31705, 64, 436, 449, 220, 19, 26446, 320, 16, 445, 8, 3090, 26, 23935, 3156, 56767, 13, 40224, 311, 264, 198, 16608, 293, 5707, 927, 1579, 8798, 13, 40424, 1560, 220, 20, 26446, 320, 16, 13, 914, 445, 8, 45322, 11, 3403, 369, 220, 21, 26446, 198, 7, 16, 13, 20, 445, 8, 4459, 83612, 31735, 627, 18, 13, 14114, 83612, 4459, 31735, 1139, 61111, 4106, 13, 7557, 264, 8166, 14114, 25, 220, 2758, 220, 220, 21, 26446, 198, 7, 16, 13, 20, 445, 8, 4459, 83612, 31735, 311, 50937, 45322, 13, 3494, 311, 264, 44790, 323, 44790, 369, 220, 18, 198, 38137, 13, 5031, 869, 384, 7363, 505, 279, 8798, 323, 5266, 4106, 61111, 449, 4106, 31735, 832, 520, 264, 198, 1712, 11, 559, 264, 10789, 279, 30695, 311, 3854, 40069, 662, 2758, 4106, 45322, 11, 9564, 264, 220, 16, 14, 17, 25224, 320, 16, 198, 6358, 8, 568, 64, 294, 8920, 13, 6588, 264, 15792, 2536, 12, 46258, 82036, 321, 2212, 279, 4871, 315, 279, 503, 37043, 453, 3428, 3805, 311, 12731, 13, 2758, 810, 4106, 45322, 11, 422, 5995, 1174, 311, 514, 402, 384, 264, 220, 16, 14, 17, 25224, 198, 7, 16, 10166, 8, 2010, 8920, 13, 468, 602, 375, 66934, 6964, 315, 61111, 449, 264, 4335, 11, 41369, 11, 59020, 12862, 198, 89054, 13, 12661, 10269, 100078, 927, 279, 33522, 315, 61111, 323, 1450, 2442, 492, 268, 22733, 21562, 627, 19, 13, 2394, 297, 1140, 31735, 304, 264, 649, 1215, 25, 220, 5560, 264, 2577, 8138, 468, 264, 466, 356, 4992, 4184, 311, 279, 198, 16320, 3770, 16853, 878, 198, 7575, 31735, 304, 264, 40090, 356, 4992, 2768, 14290, 18217, 274, 18445, 369, 198, 47690, 7410, 323, 892, 520, 701, 36958, 627, 20, 13, 24882, 11, 9587, 323, 800, 269, 384, 25, 220, 445, 422, 83, 61111, 505, 272, 459, 1215, 323, 2035, 389, 264, 4335, 43713, 198, 269, 30759, 13, 3234, 539, 312, 2442, 492, 268, 22733, 21562, 13, 6914, 279, 61111, 7155, 311, 3130, 198, 35658, 13, 1115, 1253, 1935, 505, 220, 717 ]
the oats were prepared. Oats were stored outdoors after harvesting and the oats partially germinated for days or even weeks in the rain and sun. 42b The outer husk was collected and fermented for a week or longer. This could have been used to produce an enzyme-rich starter for souring oats. Oats may have been fermented anywhere from 12-24 hours and as long as a week. I am unclear if the oats were consumed whole, or if the bran was removed. I am further unclear on all the details on how oats were prepared. Modern oatmeal flakes typically have the bran removed. The diet of the Outer Hebrides was extremely rich in fat-soluble vitamins A and D from cod’s head stuffed with cod livers which would protect against phytic acid. Their diet was also very rich in minerals from consumption of shellfish which could replenish potentially lost or blocked minerals if there was any phytic acid left in the oats. The combination of soil tending, careful oat preparation, and a mineral- and fat-soluble rich diet allowed oats to be a healthy staple for the isolated Gaelic populations. Unlike the careful harvesting and storage of oats by isolated cultures, even organic whole oats you buy in the store are heat treated and they are not left in the fields to germinate and dry. Oats are heat treated because the high fat content of this grain can easily suffer rancidity during storage. The heat treated oats lose their entire phytase enzyme content however, so soaking or souring oatmeal will not destroy any phytic acid prior to cooking. There is a surprising percentage of people I have talked to who have cavities or whose children have cavities who are heavy oat eaters. This confirms the results of the Mellanby’s years of human and animal trials. In the rickets experiments, oats that are first sprouted and then soured for two days lost their ability to produce rickets. The problem with preparing truly healthy-to-eat oats is that you need to special order oats that are still alive in order to sprout them. I am uncertain if you can make heat treated oats safe for the health of your teeth. My suggestion would be to sprout oats for two days and then to dry them and remove the oat bran through grinding and sifting or flaking. Then you would need to sour oats at a warm temperature with a starter for 24 hours before consuming. The consequences of oats that are not expertly prepared for our teeth are a documented cause for concern. Healthy Rice In rice-eating countries across the globe, rice is rarely consumed in its brown form, with the whole bran. In a quest to find the most ancient and traditional preparation methods, I found several accounts of partially polished rice. Rice is traditionally stored in its husk, and then fresh poundedbefore cooking. How much bran is removed in traditional brown rice preparation seems to be dependent on the breed of rice, and the other foods available in the diet. Ancient rice preparation included low tech milling, such as tumbling the rice with stones which removes a significant portion of bran and germ from the rice. 43b But some portion of the bran and germ remain. That exact amount of bran to be removed will depend on how long the rice is fermented, and the specific type of rice used. A good guess would be 50% of bran should be removed from rice. Milled rice has usually a little bit of germ, polished rice no germ. Rancid rice has a bitter aftertaste. In several nutrient absorption studies brown rice consumption did not lead to more nutrient absorption compared to rice with the bran removed. In one specific study, brown rice was compared with milled rice (rice without most of the bran and germ, but not polished totally white). There was no difference in nutrient absorption even though the brown rice actually contained more nutrients. 44b This apparent contradiction would be explained by the phytic acid and other anti-nutrients in the rice. One study showed that the anti-iron phytate levels in rice were disabled by the vitamin C in collard greens. 45b Because rice goes rancid rapidly or because insects and rodents eat it quickly, in rice-eating cultures rice is stored in the husk, or stored as white rice. In most of the rice-eating populations across the world it is very difficult to find brown rice. In a rice-based diet rice toxins are neutralized by sour fruit and vegetables high in vitamin C, land or sea organ meats rich in fat-soluble vitamins, and sometimes via the fermentation of rice or beans. Completely bran- and germ-free rice, known as white rice, can cause a vitamin B-1 (thiamine) deficiency in a diet very high in or exclusively of white rice. The condition is known as beriberi. Beriberi rarely occurred in people eating partially milled rice which retained a small portion of the bran. I know of people in rice-eating cultures with beautiful white, cavity-free teeth who grew up on white rice. Brem is a special rice-cake bread from Indonesia. It goes through a truly heroic fermentation process in which the rice is fermented for 5-6 days, and then it is sun dried for an additional 5-7 days. Millet and rice are also traditionally fermented with fish, pork or shrimp for several weeks to produce fermented condiments. The healthiest rice I have eaten is a partially milled rice (it has streaks of bran on it) that has been soaked with the brown rice starter as described in chapter six. Healthy Corn Even more than rice, the healthy preparation of corn as a grain is largely dependent upon the variety of the corn being used. This leads to a wide variety of traditional corn preparation methods which range from simple roasting to fermenting for two weeks. Corn is universally nixtamalized when prepared for consumption as flour. This is a process of soaking corn in an alkaline solution to release niacin (vitamin B 3) and then hulling. Modern corn tortillas, chips, and corn meals have either no corn bran or germ, or have very little corn bran or germ. They also are nixtamalized. Typical corn products with the bran and germ removed would be lower in phytic acid and lower in toxic properties than whole grain corn. I cannot clearly advise on how much of these corn products is safe to eat in relation to dental health. They seem comparable to unfermented unbleached wheat flour. If a food has the entire corn kernel in it, and it has not gone through a thorough fermentation process it probably is very high in anti-nutrients like phytic acid and lectins. I am certain that food products containing the entire corn kernel, either as it is, or as sprouted corn should be avoided. Another issue of concern with corn is genetically modified corn. Because of cross pollination, even many not genetically modified corns may have some genetic alteration.Animals typically will not eat genetically modified (GM) corn unless they are forced to do so. Those that have eaten it have had reproductive problems among other problems. Ogi, a traditional fermented cereal from West Africa illustrates the efforts needed to make corn, sorghum or millet safe to eat for children. To begin, the grains are already sun dried after harvesting and stored in their hulls. The corn is then soaked for 1-3 days. The corn bran, corn hulls, and corn germ are completely removed. The mixture is then fermented for 2-3 days, cooked and then dried for storage. 46b Pozol is a fermented corn dish from South America. The corn is cooked with calcium hydroxide to release niacin. The hull, or pericarp, of the corn is removed. Pozol is fermented for 1-14 days. Not every single indigenous grain recipe removes the bran of the grain or even ferments the grain. Injera is an Ethiopian bread traditionally made from teff. The recipe I have for injera uses from whole grain sorghum. The sorghum is fermented with an enzyme-rich starter for 48 hours. Chapati is a flat bread from India made with whole wheat and it is not leavened. In both of these cases it appears the cultures took a recipe that was fine with one grain, such as teff in Ethiopia and rice in India, and then used that same recipe with another more recently introduced grain. Over the past several hundred years new levels of trading, immigration and adoption of customs from other cultures have created whole grain recipes that appear superficially to be traditional, but are in fact adopted and do not effectively remove grain toxins. Sometimes it requires digging deep to find truly ancient and holistic grain recipes. There are so many examples of time-consuming and energy-intensive grain processing methods. If it was possible for cultures using these intensive methods of grain preparation to be healthy with less work, or to retain a higher yield by keeping the bran and the germ, I am certain they would have done so. I therefore believe these slow fermented and time-consuming ways of preparing grains, typically with the bran and germ removed, are the ones which will produce the greatest degree of health. Characteristics of Indigenous People’s Grain Preparation Biodynamic soil practices. Careful grain harvesting, including slow drying in the sun. Aging of grains. Storing grains carefully, many times with the outer hull to preserve freshness. Grinding grains fresh before preparation. Combining grains with other foods. Generally removing the bran and/or germ from the grain. Use of starters in low-phytase grains
[ 279, 85270, 1051, 10235, 13, 507, 1900, 1051, 9967, 34632, 198, 10924, 66747, 323, 279, 85270, 26310, 17684, 52299, 369, 2919, 477, 1524, 5672, 304, 279, 11422, 323, 7160, 627, 2983, 65, 198, 578, 198, 2743, 9222, 74, 574, 14890, 323, 96080, 369, 264, 2046, 477, 5129, 13, 1115, 1436, 617, 1027, 1511, 311, 8356, 198, 276, 49242, 41947, 27795, 369, 20897, 287, 85270, 13, 507, 1900, 1253, 617, 1027, 96080, 12660, 505, 220, 717, 12, 1187, 4207, 198, 438, 439, 1317, 439, 264, 2046, 13, 358, 1097, 25420, 422, 279, 85270, 1051, 27073, 4459, 11, 477, 422, 279, 53358, 574, 7108, 13, 358, 198, 309, 4726, 25420, 389, 682, 279, 3649, 389, 1268, 85270, 1051, 10235, 13, 18766, 72754, 42880, 82723, 11383, 198, 19553, 279, 53358, 7108, 13, 578, 10173, 315, 279, 56297, 1283, 1347, 3422, 574, 9193, 9257, 304, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 46192, 362, 198, 438, 423, 505, 20950, 753, 2010, 45413, 449, 20950, 326, 1986, 902, 1053, 6144, 2403, 1343, 70504, 13935, 13, 11205, 10173, 198, 16514, 1101, 1633, 9257, 304, 34072, 505, 15652, 315, 12811, 18668, 902, 1436, 70543, 819, 13893, 5675, 477, 198, 62448, 34072, 422, 1070, 574, 904, 1343, 70504, 13935, 2163, 304, 279, 85270, 13, 578, 10824, 315, 17614, 259, 2518, 11, 16994, 198, 78, 266, 18459, 11, 323, 264, 25107, 12, 323, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 9257, 10173, 5535, 85270, 311, 387, 264, 9498, 50056, 369, 279, 198, 61023, 660, 89738, 292, 22673, 627, 44179, 279, 16994, 66747, 323, 5942, 315, 85270, 555, 25181, 27833, 11, 1524, 17808, 4459, 85270, 198, 9514, 3780, 304, 279, 3637, 527, 8798, 12020, 323, 814, 527, 539, 2163, 304, 279, 5151, 311, 17684, 35116, 323, 9235, 13, 507, 1900, 527, 198, 20559, 12020, 1606, 279, 1579, 8834, 2262, 315, 420, 24875, 649, 6847, 7831, 436, 1149, 19025, 2391, 5942, 13, 578, 198, 20559, 12020, 85270, 9229, 872, 4553, 1343, 16820, 521, 49242, 2262, 4869, 11, 779, 78446, 477, 20897, 287, 72754, 42880, 690, 198, 1962, 7066, 904, 1343, 70504, 13935, 4972, 311, 17677, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 15206, 11668, 315, 1274, 358, 617, 15243, 198, 998, 889, 617, 57709, 1385, 477, 6832, 2911, 617, 57709, 1385, 889, 527, 8987, 72754, 8343, 388, 13, 1115, 43496, 279, 198, 8234, 315, 279, 61285, 276, 1729, 753, 1667, 315, 3823, 323, 10065, 19622, 13, 763, 279, 436, 17938, 21896, 11, 85270, 430, 527, 198, 3983, 8314, 19042, 323, 1243, 5945, 1171, 369, 1403, 2919, 5675, 872, 5845, 311, 8356, 436, 17938, 627, 791, 3575, 449, 20646, 9615, 9498, 4791, 5773, 266, 85270, 374, 430, 499, 1205, 311, 3361, 2015, 85270, 430, 198, 548, 2103, 13989, 304, 2015, 311, 8314, 412, 1124, 13, 358, 1097, 36218, 422, 499, 649, 1304, 8798, 12020, 85270, 6220, 369, 279, 198, 12393, 315, 701, 18311, 13, 3092, 24710, 1053, 387, 311, 8314, 412, 85270, 369, 1403, 2919, 323, 1243, 311, 9235, 1124, 323, 198, 5514, 279, 72754, 53358, 1555, 17282, 323, 274, 18148, 477, 1344, 1802, 13, 5112, 499, 1053, 1205, 311, 20897, 85270, 520, 264, 198, 83697, 9499, 449, 264, 27795, 369, 220, 1187, 4207, 1603, 35208, 13, 578, 16296, 315, 85270, 430, 527, 539, 198, 74987, 398, 10235, 369, 1057, 18311, 527, 264, 27470, 5353, 369, 4747, 627, 97213, 30616, 198, 644, 20228, 5773, 1113, 198, 5961, 4028, 279, 24867, 11, 20228, 374, 19029, 27073, 304, 1202, 14198, 1376, 11, 449, 279, 198, 67733, 53358, 13, 763, 264, 2271, 311, 1505, 279, 1455, 14154, 323, 8776, 18459, 5528, 11, 358, 1766, 3892, 198, 27298, 315, 26310, 44461, 20228, 13, 30616, 374, 36342, 9967, 304, 1202, 9222, 74, 11, 323, 1243, 7878, 95579, 15145, 17677, 13, 2650, 1790, 53358, 374, 7108, 304, 8776, 14198, 20228, 18459, 5084, 311, 387, 198, 38655, 389, 279, 28875, 315, 20228, 11, 323, 279, 1023, 15657, 2561, 304, 279, 10173, 13, 38050, 20228, 18459, 198, 83722, 3428, 13312, 46472, 11, 1778, 439, 15756, 9894, 279, 20228, 449, 27302, 902, 29260, 264, 5199, 13651, 198, 1073, 53358, 323, 82986, 505, 279, 20228, 627, 3391, 65, 198, 2030, 1063, 13651, 315, 279, 53358, 323, 82986, 7293, 13, 3011, 4839, 3392, 315, 198, 1347, 276, 311, 387, 7108, 690, 6904, 389, 1268, 1317, 279, 20228, 374, 96080, 11, 323, 279, 3230, 955, 315, 20228, 1511, 627, 32, 1695, 8101, 1053, 387, 220, 1135, 4, 315, 53358, 1288, 387, 7108, 505, 20228, 13, 386, 4473, 20228, 706, 6118, 264, 2697, 2766, 198, 1073, 82986, 11, 44461, 20228, 912, 82986, 627, 49, 1149, 307, 20228, 706, 264, 26242, 1306, 83, 5642, 13, 763, 3892, 50123, 44225, 7978, 14198, 20228, 15652, 198, 23770, 539, 3063, 311, 810, 50123, 44225, 7863, 311, 20228, 449, 279, 53358, 7108, 13, 763, 832, 3230, 198, 56065, 11, 14198, 20228, 574, 7863, 449, 296, 4473, 20228, 320, 23994, 2085, 1455, 315, 279, 53358, 323, 82986, 11, 719, 539, 198, 10097, 3384, 12756, 4251, 570, 2684, 574, 912, 6811, 304, 50123, 44225, 1524, 3582, 279, 14198, 20228, 198, 74128, 13282, 810, 37493, 627, 2096, 65, 198, 1115, 10186, 50859, 1053, 387, 11497, 555, 279, 1343, 70504, 198, 58156, 323, 1023, 7294, 5392, 332, 32930, 304, 279, 20228, 13, 3861, 4007, 8710, 430, 279, 7294, 12, 2534, 1343, 16820, 349, 5990, 304, 20228, 198, 52898, 8552, 555, 279, 28170, 356, 304, 4631, 569, 52011, 627, 1774, 65, 198, 9393, 20228, 5900, 436, 1149, 307, 19019, 477, 1606, 198, 258, 55529, 323, 94209, 8343, 433, 6288, 11, 304, 20228, 5773, 1113, 27833, 20228, 374, 9967, 304, 279, 9222, 74, 11, 477, 9967, 439, 4251, 198, 23994, 13, 763, 1455, 315, 279, 20228, 5773, 1113, 22673, 4028, 279, 1917, 433, 374, 1633, 5107, 311, 1505, 14198, 20228, 627, 644, 264, 20228, 6108, 10173, 20228, 62186, 527, 21277, 1534, 555, 20897, 14098, 323, 24822, 1579, 304, 28170, 356, 345, 1974, 477, 9581, 2942, 63875, 9257, 304, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 46192, 11, 323, 7170, 4669, 279, 74454, 315, 20228, 477, 198, 28440, 13, 86214, 53358, 12, 323, 82986, 12862, 20228, 11, 3967, 439, 4251, 20228, 11, 649, 5353, 264, 28170, 426, 12, 16, 320, 339, 5038, 483, 340, 755, 10603, 304, 264, 10173, 1633, 1579, 304, 477, 24121, 315, 4251, 20228, 13, 578, 3044, 374, 3967, 439, 10418, 8799, 72, 627, 39379, 8799, 72, 19029, 10222, 304, 1274, 12459, 26310, 296, 4473, 20228, 902, 35363, 264, 2678, 13651, 315, 279, 198, 1347, 276, 13, 358, 1440, 315, 1274, 304, 20228, 5773, 1113, 27833, 449, 6366, 4251, 11, 56429, 12862, 18311, 889, 14264, 709, 389, 198, 5902, 20228, 627, 33, 1864, 374, 264, 3361, 20228, 1824, 731, 16385, 505, 24922, 13, 1102, 5900, 1555, 264, 9615, 56375, 74454, 198, 4734, 304, 902, 279, 20228, 374, 96080, 369, 220, 20, 12, 21, 2919, 11, 323, 1243, 433, 374, 7160, 32720, 369, 459, 5217, 220, 20, 12, 22, 2919, 627, 44, 41984, 323, 20228, 527, 1101, 36342, 96080, 449, 7795, 11, 36167, 477, 56626, 369, 3892, 5672, 311, 198, 98374, 96080, 9955, 12843, 13, 578, 2890, 13744, 20228, 358, 617, 35661, 374, 264, 26310, 296, 4473, 20228, 320, 275, 706, 198, 267, 1127, 82, 315, 53358, 389, 433, 8, 430, 706, 1027, 69975, 449, 279, 14198, 20228, 27795, 439, 7633, 304, 12735, 4848, 627, 97213, 22036, 198, 13461, 810, 1109, 20228, 11, 279, 9498, 18459, 315, 14095, 439, 264, 24875, 374, 14090, 18222, 5304, 279, 198, 30265, 2676, 315, 279, 14095, 1694, 1511, 13, 1115, 11767, 311, 264, 7029, 8205, 315, 8776, 14095, 18459, 5528, 198, 8370, 2134, 505, 4382, 938, 15067, 311, 68736, 287, 369, 1403, 5672, 627, 91641, 374, 61528, 308, 953, 73807, 278, 1534, 994, 10235, 369, 15652, 439, 20415, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 1920, 315, 198, 708, 1802, 14095, 304, 459, 66787, 483, 6425, 311, 4984, 13080, 40488, 320, 55911, 8778, 426, 220, 18, 8, 323, 1243, 41298, 287, 13, 18766, 14095, 198, 83, 371, 34344, 11, 24512, 11, 323, 14095, 21644, 617, 3060, 912, 14095, 53358, 477, 82986, 11, 477, 617, 1633, 2697, 14095, 53358, 477, 198, 1414, 76, 13, 2435, 1101, 527, 308, 953, 73807, 278, 1534, 13, 74025, 14095, 3956, 449, 279, 53358, 323, 82986, 7108, 1053, 387, 198, 15115, 304, 1343, 70504, 13935, 323, 4827, 304, 21503, 6012, 1109, 4459, 24875, 14095, 13, 358, 4250, 9539, 32113, 389, 198, 5269, 1790, 315, 1521, 14095, 3956, 374, 6220, 311, 8343, 304, 12976, 311, 29106, 2890, 13, 2435, 2873, 30139, 311, 198, 359, 809, 28078, 653, 901, 3939, 34153, 20415, 13, 1442, 264, 3691, 706, 279, 4553, 14095, 10206, 304, 433, 11, 323, 433, 706, 539, 8208, 198, 20322, 264, 17879, 74454, 1920, 433, 4762, 374, 1633, 1579, 304, 7294, 5392, 332, 32930, 1093, 1343, 70504, 13935, 323, 198, 772, 1354, 13, 358, 1097, 3738, 430, 3691, 3956, 8649, 279, 4553, 14095, 10206, 11, 3060, 439, 433, 374, 11, 477, 439, 8314, 19042, 198, 39730, 1288, 387, 31890, 13, 13596, 4360, 315, 4747, 449, 14095, 374, 52033, 11041, 14095, 13, 9393, 315, 198, 29942, 7230, 2617, 11, 1524, 1690, 539, 52033, 11041, 14095, 82, 1253, 617, 1063, 19465, 73681, 8794, 25137, 11383, 690, 539, 8343, 52033, 11041, 320, 21287, 8, 14095, 7389, 814, 527, 9770, 311, 656, 779, 13, 13266, 198, 9210, 617, 35661, 433, 617, 1047, 42889, 5435, 4315, 1023, 5435, 627, 46, 8376, 11, 264, 8776, 96080, 62233, 505, 4410, 10384, 46480, 279, 9045, 4460, 311, 1304, 14095, 345, 82, 89626, 372, 477, 112455, 6220, 311, 8343, 369, 2911, 13, 2057, 3240, 11, 279, 41936, 527, 2736, 7160, 32720, 1306, 66747, 198, 438, 9967, 304, 872, 41298, 82, 13, 578, 14095, 374, 1243, 69975, 369, 220, 16, 12, 18, 2919, 13, 578, 14095, 53358, 11, 14095, 41298, 82, 11, 323, 14095, 198, 1414, 76, 527, 6724, 7108, 13, 578, 21655, 374, 1243, 96080, 369, 220, 17, 12, 18, 2919, 11, 30205, 323, 1243, 32720, 369, 198, 16568, 627, 2790, 65, 198, 47, 9700, 337, 374, 264, 96080, 14095, 12269, 505, 4987, 5270, 13, 578, 14095, 374, 30205, 449, 35719, 17055, 87, 579, 198, 998, 4984, 13080, 40488, 13, 578, 41298, 11, 477, 824, 292, 8035, 11, 315, 279, 14095, 374, 7108, 13, 80085, 337, 374, 96080, 369, 220, 16, 12, 975, 2919, 627, 2688, 1475, 3254, 39678, 24875, 11363, 29260, 279, 53358, 315, 279, 24875, 477, 1524, 18728, 1392, 279, 198, 911, 467, 13, 763, 73, 2473, 374, 459, 96634, 16385, 36342, 1903, 505, 1028, 544, 13, 578, 11363, 358, 617, 369, 5934, 2473, 5829, 505, 198, 67733, 24875, 25551, 876, 372, 13, 578, 25551, 876, 372, 374, 96080, 449, 459, 49242, 41947, 27795, 369, 220, 2166, 4207, 13, 27747, 9491, 374, 264, 198, 27323, 16385, 505, 6890, 1903, 449, 4459, 34153, 323, 433, 374, 539, 514, 5389, 291, 13, 763, 2225, 315, 1521, 5157, 433, 8111, 198, 1820, 27833, 3952, 264, 11363, 430, 574, 7060, 449, 832, 24875, 11, 1778, 439, 1028, 544, 304, 60457, 323, 20228, 304, 6890, 11, 323, 198, 3473, 1511, 430, 1890, 11363, 449, 2500, 810, 6051, 11784, 24875, 13, 6193, 279, 3347, 3892, 7895, 198, 42820, 502, 5990, 315, 11380, 11, 15443, 323, 25375, 315, 35869, 505, 1023, 27833, 617, 3549, 198, 67733, 24875, 19141, 430, 5101, 59915, 398, 311, 387, 8776, 11, 719, 527, 304, 2144, 18306, 323, 656, 539, 198, 27153, 3210, 4148, 24875, 62186, 627, 32148, 433, 7612, 42200, 5655, 311, 1505, 9615, 14154, 323, 61876, 24875, 19141, 13, 2684, 527, 779, 198, 35676, 10507, 315, 892, 70840, 323, 4907, 88092, 24875, 8863, 5528, 13, 1442, 433, 574, 3284, 198, 2000, 27833, 1701, 1521, 37295, 5528, 315, 24875, 18459, 311, 387, 9498, 449, 2753, 990, 11, 477, 311, 198, 56472, 264, 5190, 7692, 555, 10494, 279, 53358, 323, 279, 82986, 11, 358, 1097, 3738, 814, 1053, 617, 2884, 779, 13, 358, 198, 19041, 1348, 4510, 1521, 6435, 96080, 323, 892, 70840, 5627, 315, 20646, 41936, 11, 11383, 449, 198, 1820, 53358, 323, 82986, 7108, 11, 527, 279, 6305, 902, 690, 8356, 279, 12474, 8547, 315, 2890, 627, 12686, 5706, 315, 47103, 9029, 753, 75374, 74435, 27907, 37196, 61002, 17614, 12659, 627, 33099, 1285, 24875, 66747, 11, 2737, 6435, 46479, 304, 279, 7160, 627, 32, 3252, 315, 41936, 627, 626, 5620, 41936, 15884, 11, 1690, 3115, 449, 279, 16335, 41298, 311, 21813, 99316, 627, 6600, 4049, 41936, 7878, 1603, 18459, 627, 37292, 5859, 41936, 449, 1023, 15657, 627, 77641, 18054, 279, 53358, 323, 5255, 82986, 505, 279, 24875, 627, 10464, 315, 43806, 304, 3428, 12, 12989, 83, 521, 41936 ]
are able to pass through a relaxed bile duct. C. Olive oil, unrefined, which stimulates the gall bladder and bile duct to contract powerfully, thus expelling solid particles kept in storage for years. D. Coffee enemas, which consist of a coffee solution retained in the colon. They activate the liver to secrete its waste into the bile, enhancing bile flow and further relaxing the bile duct muscle. The Liver-Gall Bladder Flush is one of the most important procedures for persons over 15 years of age. If one is above 15 years of age and his or her physician gives approval, he or she should do this the first week of Metabolic Medicine's Cancer Cure Program, and should, with his or her physician's approval, repeat it every 2 months. The steps in doing this are not difficult and are as follows: For 5 days prior to the "Flush," consume as much apple juice or cider as the appetite permits, in addition to regular meals. You may add a total of 90 drops of Phos-A per quart of apple juice or cider each day. Nutritional supplements should also be taken during this time. The first preference for juice would be freshly juiced organic apples, and secondly, apple juice or cider (unsweetened and preferably organic if possible) purchased either from the health food or grocery store. A person should be sure to read the labels carefully and obtain a juice that has no additives whatsoever. 87 Winning The Cancer War If one is a severe hypoglycemic, is diabetic, or has difficulty tolerating the juice or cider, he or she may take 20 drops of Phos-A with each meal (90 drops daily) in water or some type of juice other than apple. Due to the high acidity, it is wise that one brush his teeth or rinse out his mouth with M ilk of Magnesia or baking soda solution after taking the ortho-phosphoric acid. At noon on the sixth day, one should eat a normal lunch. Two hours after lunch, 1 or 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in 1 to 3 ounces of warm filtered, distilled, reverse osmosis water should be taken. The taste may be objectionable to some. If so, the mixture can be followed by a little citrus juice if desired (freshly squeezed if possible). 1. Four hours after lunch, one should take a 1-quart coffee enema with one-fourth (1/4) cup of Epsom salt dissolved in it. This should be retained for 15 minutes and expelled. The coffee should be made as strong as one can tolerate but no stronger than 6 tablespoons of ground coffee per quart of water. 2. Five hours after lunch take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt, dissolved as the previous dose (Step 3). 3. Six or seven hours after lunch, one may fast if desired. However, it is preferable to have a fresh fruit salad with shipped cream, using as many fresh fruits or berries in season as possible. The whipped cream is necessary to cause gall bladder contractions. Use heavy, unpasteurized whipping cream as a dressing on the salad, whipped with a little raw (unheated) honey if desired. One can eat as much as desired of the whipped- cream-covered salad. If fresh fruit is unavailable, frozen berries such as strawberries, blueberries, boysenberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. can be used. These should also be covered with whipped cream and a large portion eaten. Take citrus fruit or juice after the cream and fruit meal, if desired. For hypoglycemics, the cream should balance the fruit. However, each hypoglycemic should adjust the amount of salad eaten to his individual tolerance. 4. At bedtime, there can be 1 of 3 choices (Note: Olive oil stimulates the gall bladder and bile duct to contract powerfully, thus expelling solid particles kept in storage for years. All juice should be freshly squeezed if possible): A. Take one-half (1/2) cup of unrefined olive oil or 6 tablespoons of Formula F followed by a small amount of orange, grapefruit, or lemon juice if the oil taste is objectionable. B. Take one-half (1/2) cup of unrefined olive oil or 6 tablespoons of Formula F blended with one-half (1/2) cup of orange, grapefruit, or diluted lemon juice. C. Take 4 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil or 4 tablespoons of Formula F 88 Winning The Cancer War followed by 1 tablespoon of citrus juice every 30 minutes until 6 ounces of oil have been consumed. This choice is preferable for those who are unusually weak or who have had gall bladder problems in the past. It has been found helpful to rinse the mouth with an alcohol base drink like Sherry to cut out the residue of the oil taste. If an alcohol base drink is unobtainable, try a natural carbonated drink, or club soda. (Do not swallow the alcohol drink or the carbonated drink.) D. (Note: If one should vomit during the consumption of the oil and juice, the procedure should be continued until it is finished. It is not necessary to make up for the amount that was vomited. Nausea felt during this process usually indicates stimulation of the gall bladder and/or liver.) 5. Immediately upon finishing the oil and juice (or while taking it), one should go to bed and lie on the right side with the right knee drawn up toward the chin for 30 minutes before going to sleep. This encourages the oil to drain from the stomach, helping contents of the gall bladder and/or liver to move into the small intestine. 6. If one feels quite ill during the night, another strong coffee enema with one- fourth (1/4) cup of Epsom salt dissolved in it may be taken. 7. If there is a strong feeling of nausea the following morning, one should try to remain in bed until it subsides somewhat. Vomiting should not be forced. 8. Upon arising, one must take another strong coffee enema with Epsom salt in it or, 1 hour before breakfast, take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in 1 to 3 ounces of warm distilled or filtered water. 9. If one continues to feel nauseous or very sore in the upper abdomen even after the enema, a light diet of sprouts, fruit (raw or steamed), yogurt or kefir, and freshly extracted vegetable juices (especially with beet greens in them) should be resumed. If one finds that the Metabolic Formulas cause discomfort immediately after the flush, they may be omitted for three days. Helpful Hints 1. Taking one hydrochloric acid tablet at bedtime w ill help reduce any nausea during the night. 2. If you have a tendency to get nauseated from the oil, take 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice after your doses of oil and citrus juice. 89 Winning The Cancer War 3. Placing a hot water bottle over the liver area (under the right ribcage) during the night also helps relieve nausea. Note: One should not be frightened by the above references to nausea, vomiting, soreness of the abdomen, etc. Chances are that the symptoms won't be severe enough to cause vomiting or soreness of the abdomen, as this happens only very rarely. Many people complete this procedure with minimal discomfort, and nearly everyone feels much better after completing it. Flushing the liver and gall bladder in the manner described (if the gall bladder is present) stimulates and cleans these organs as no other process does. Oftentimes, persons suffering for years from gallstones, lack of appetite, biliousness, backaches, nausea, and a host of other complaints w ill find gallstone-type objects in the stool the day following the flush. These objects are light to dark green in color, very irregular in shape, gelatinous in texture, and of sizes varying from "grape seed" size to "cherry" size. If there seems to be a large number of these objects in the stool, the flush should be repeated in 2 weeks. Fasting After The Liver-Gall Bladder Flush a fast may be started. The fast should last one or two days. We are now giving the body a rest and an opportunity to cleanse itself of much waste on the individual cell level. Each day of the fast one quart of fresh carrot juice and one pint of celery juice should be taken, along with all the distilled or filtered water desired. It is best to dilute the fresh juice with equal parts of water. It is important to remember that unless sufficient fluids are taken the poisons become concentrated and are not eliminated in the natural way. Cleansing The Small Intestine If there were only one kind of pill that would help everybody, the cancer patient or otherwise, it would be "Okra-Pepsin-E3" made by Standard Process, Inc. It would probably do the nation's health more good than any other one pill. It digests the mucus that coats the walls of many people's small intestine. Certain foods, such as pasteurized milk and many cooked foods, cause the mucus buildup on the wall of
[ 527, 3025, 311, 1522, 1555, 264, 720, 3833, 52551, 73394, 45339, 627, 34, 13, 47814, 5707, 11, 653, 1116, 1619, 11, 902, 95455, 279, 19754, 62564, 323, 73394, 45339, 311, 5226, 720, 13477, 3725, 11, 8617, 1367, 6427, 6573, 19252, 8774, 304, 5942, 369, 1667, 627, 35, 13, 27171, 665, 35262, 11, 902, 6824, 315, 264, 11033, 6425, 35363, 304, 279, 15235, 13, 2435, 720, 17281, 279, 26587, 311, 513, 9537, 1202, 12571, 1139, 279, 73394, 11, 47594, 73394, 6530, 323, 4726, 720, 3833, 710, 287, 279, 73394, 45339, 16124, 627, 791, 22617, 12279, 543, 2563, 21473, 58726, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 3062, 16346, 369, 11434, 720, 2017, 220, 868, 1667, 315, 4325, 13, 1442, 832, 374, 3485, 220, 868, 1667, 315, 4325, 323, 813, 477, 1077, 28378, 6835, 720, 55539, 11, 568, 477, 1364, 1288, 656, 420, 279, 1176, 2046, 315, 6344, 57565, 19152, 596, 26211, 720, 34, 554, 6826, 11, 323, 1288, 11, 449, 813, 477, 1077, 28378, 596, 14765, 11, 13454, 433, 1475, 220, 17, 720, 50814, 13, 578, 7504, 304, 3815, 420, 527, 539, 5107, 323, 527, 439, 11263, 512, 2520, 220, 20, 2919, 4972, 311, 279, 330, 47974, 1359, 25024, 439, 1790, 24149, 23661, 477, 66155, 439, 279, 720, 680, 295, 635, 29790, 11, 304, 5369, 311, 5912, 21644, 13, 1472, 1253, 923, 264, 2860, 315, 220, 1954, 21701, 315, 720, 3438, 437, 6830, 824, 41376, 315, 24149, 23661, 477, 66155, 1855, 1938, 13, 18878, 37842, 33690, 1288, 720, 19171, 387, 4529, 2391, 420, 892, 13, 578, 1176, 22698, 369, 23661, 1053, 387, 50999, 10479, 7725, 720, 61694, 41776, 11, 323, 2132, 398, 11, 24149, 23661, 477, 66155, 320, 11099, 4589, 6901, 323, 52754, 720, 61694, 422, 3284, 8, 15075, 3060, 505, 279, 2890, 3691, 477, 30687, 3637, 13, 362, 1732, 720, 5562, 387, 2771, 311, 1373, 279, 9382, 15884, 323, 6994, 264, 23661, 430, 706, 912, 85286, 720, 12840, 35654, 627, 4044, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 2746, 832, 374, 264, 15748, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 8274, 11, 374, 71975, 11, 477, 706, 17250, 15230, 1113, 279, 23661, 477, 720, 66, 1814, 11, 568, 477, 1364, 1253, 1935, 220, 508, 21701, 315, 2405, 437, 6830, 449, 1855, 15496, 320, 1954, 21701, 7446, 8, 304, 720, 13284, 477, 1063, 955, 315, 23661, 1023, 1109, 24149, 13, 24586, 311, 279, 1579, 98026, 11, 433, 374, 24219, 430, 720, 606, 15998, 813, 18311, 477, 74341, 704, 813, 11013, 449, 386, 81438, 315, 20918, 288, 689, 477, 28915, 39962, 720, 50560, 1306, 4737, 279, 30299, 78, 63837, 24527, 27456, 13935, 627, 1688, 38245, 389, 279, 26084, 1938, 11, 832, 1288, 8343, 264, 4725, 16163, 13, 9220, 4207, 1306, 16163, 11, 220, 16, 2355, 269, 220, 17, 56588, 315, 469, 1725, 316, 12290, 320, 76, 3326, 41930, 89418, 8, 56767, 304, 220, 16, 220, 311, 220, 18, 49138, 315, 2355, 83697, 18797, 11, 89867, 11, 10134, 2709, 8801, 285, 3090, 1288, 387, 4529, 13, 578, 12945, 1253, 387, 2355, 2347, 12181, 481, 311, 1063, 13, 1442, 779, 11, 279, 21655, 649, 387, 8272, 555, 264, 2697, 60290, 23661, 422, 2355, 83882, 320, 72408, 398, 65262, 422, 3284, 4390, 16, 13, 13625, 4207, 1306, 16163, 11, 832, 1288, 1935, 264, 220, 16, 74801, 472, 11033, 665, 9355, 449, 832, 42117, 339, 320, 16, 14, 19, 8, 720, 37765, 315, 469, 1725, 316, 12290, 56767, 304, 433, 13, 1115, 1288, 387, 35363, 369, 220, 868, 4520, 323, 67331, 13, 720, 791, 11033, 1288, 387, 1903, 439, 3831, 439, 832, 649, 50134, 719, 912, 16643, 1109, 220, 21, 720, 2048, 2203, 29639, 315, 5015, 11033, 824, 41376, 315, 3090, 627, 17, 13, 21594, 4207, 1306, 16163, 1935, 220, 16, 220, 62611, 315, 469, 1725, 316, 12290, 11, 56767, 439, 279, 3766, 19660, 720, 7, 8468, 220, 18, 4390, 18, 13, 19198, 477, 8254, 4207, 1306, 16163, 11, 832, 1253, 5043, 422, 12974, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 374, 70668, 311, 617, 720, 64, 7878, 14098, 33566, 449, 28358, 12932, 11, 1701, 439, 1690, 7878, 26390, 477, 63494, 304, 3280, 439, 720, 10236, 13, 578, 64357, 12932, 374, 5995, 311, 5353, 19754, 62564, 6155, 4109, 13, 5560, 720, 89945, 11, 22355, 5642, 324, 1534, 98622, 12932, 439, 264, 32623, 389, 279, 33566, 11, 64357, 449, 264, 2697, 720, 1059, 320, 359, 383, 660, 8, 26828, 422, 12974, 13, 3861, 649, 8343, 439, 1790, 439, 12974, 315, 279, 64357, 12, 720, 47100, 84408, 33566, 13, 1442, 7878, 14098, 374, 36087, 11, 20268, 63494, 1778, 439, 76203, 11, 720, 12481, 36989, 11, 13305, 268, 36989, 11, 3776, 36989, 11, 85146, 36989, 11, 5099, 13, 649, 387, 1511, 13, 4314, 1288, 720, 19171, 387, 9960, 449, 64357, 12932, 323, 264, 3544, 13651, 35661, 13, 12040, 60290, 14098, 477, 23661, 720, 10924, 279, 12932, 323, 14098, 15496, 11, 422, 12974, 13, 1789, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 38305, 11, 279, 12932, 1288, 8335, 720, 1820, 14098, 13, 4452, 11, 1855, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 8274, 1288, 7652, 279, 3392, 315, 33566, 35661, 311, 813, 720, 55977, 25065, 627, 19, 13, 2468, 89607, 11, 1070, 649, 387, 220, 16, 220, 315, 220, 18, 11709, 320, 9290, 25, 47814, 5707, 95455, 279, 19754, 62564, 323, 720, 65, 458, 45339, 311, 5226, 2410, 3725, 11, 8617, 1367, 6427, 6573, 19252, 8774, 304, 5942, 369, 1667, 13, 720, 2460, 23661, 1288, 387, 50999, 65262, 422, 3284, 997, 32, 13, 12040, 832, 34902, 320, 16, 14, 17, 8, 10747, 315, 653, 1116, 1619, 33213, 5707, 477, 220, 21, 56588, 315, 31922, 435, 2355, 19070, 291, 555, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 19087, 11, 52252, 36698, 11, 477, 30564, 23661, 422, 279, 5707, 12945, 374, 720, 2347, 12181, 481, 627, 33, 13, 12040, 832, 34902, 320, 16, 14, 17, 8, 10747, 315, 653, 1116, 1619, 33213, 5707, 477, 220, 21, 56588, 315, 31922, 435, 2355, 2067, 2954, 449, 832, 34902, 320, 16, 14, 17, 8, 10747, 315, 19087, 11, 52252, 36698, 11, 477, 80703, 30564, 23661, 627, 34, 13, 12040, 220, 19, 56588, 315, 653, 1116, 1619, 33213, 5707, 477, 220, 19, 56588, 315, 31922, 435, 198, 2421, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 19070, 291, 555, 220, 16, 220, 62611, 315, 60290, 23661, 1475, 220, 966, 4520, 3156, 220, 21, 49138, 315, 720, 74913, 617, 1027, 27073, 13, 1115, 5873, 374, 70668, 369, 1884, 889, 527, 720, 359, 44066, 7621, 477, 889, 617, 1047, 19754, 62564, 5435, 304, 279, 3347, 13, 1102, 706, 720, 82850, 1766, 11190, 311, 74341, 279, 11013, 449, 459, 13200, 2385, 7172, 1093, 720, 2059, 5515, 311, 4018, 704, 279, 49232, 315, 279, 5707, 12945, 13, 1442, 459, 13200, 2385, 7172, 374, 720, 359, 677, 23771, 481, 11, 1456, 264, 5933, 12782, 660, 7172, 11, 477, 6469, 39962, 13, 320, 5519, 539, 720, 2332, 7331, 279, 13200, 7172, 477, 279, 12782, 660, 7172, 29275, 35, 13, 320, 9290, 25, 1442, 832, 1288, 22752, 275, 2391, 279, 15652, 315, 279, 5707, 323, 23661, 11, 279, 720, 21826, 1288, 387, 8738, 3156, 433, 374, 8220, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 5995, 311, 720, 7072, 709, 369, 279, 3392, 430, 574, 22752, 1639, 13, 452, 3538, 64, 6612, 2391, 420, 1920, 720, 44066, 15151, 41959, 315, 279, 19754, 62564, 323, 5255, 26587, 29275, 20, 13, 69352, 5304, 25270, 279, 5707, 323, 23661, 320, 269, 1418, 4737, 433, 705, 832, 1288, 733, 720, 998, 4950, 323, 10457, 389, 279, 1314, 3185, 449, 279, 1314, 22095, 15107, 709, 9017, 279, 46175, 720, 2000, 220, 966, 4520, 1603, 2133, 311, 6212, 13, 1115, 37167, 279, 5707, 311, 24659, 505, 279, 720, 267, 316, 613, 11, 10695, 8970, 315, 279, 19754, 62564, 323, 5255, 26587, 311, 3351, 1139, 279, 720, 9181, 92234, 627, 21, 13, 1442, 832, 11321, 5115, 5986, 2391, 279, 3814, 11, 2500, 3831, 11033, 665, 9355, 449, 832, 12, 720, 35124, 339, 320, 16, 14, 19, 8, 10747, 315, 469, 1725, 316, 12290, 56767, 304, 433, 1253, 387, 4529, 627, 22, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 264, 3831, 8430, 315, 61880, 279, 2768, 6693, 11, 832, 1288, 1456, 311, 720, 48684, 304, 4950, 3156, 433, 5258, 3422, 14738, 13, 650, 316, 5977, 1288, 539, 387, 9770, 627, 23, 13, 30538, 40986, 11, 832, 2011, 1935, 2500, 3831, 11033, 665, 9355, 449, 469, 1725, 316, 12290, 304, 433, 720, 269, 11, 220, 16, 220, 6596, 1603, 17954, 11, 1935, 220, 16, 220, 62611, 315, 469, 1725, 316, 12290, 56767, 304, 220, 16, 220, 311, 220, 18, 720, 31044, 315, 8369, 89867, 477, 18797, 3090, 627, 24, 13, 1442, 832, 9731, 311, 2733, 49394, 788, 477, 1633, 36366, 304, 279, 8582, 64772, 1524, 1306, 720, 1820, 665, 9355, 11, 264, 3177, 10173, 315, 8314, 11934, 11, 14098, 320, 1059, 477, 4179, 3690, 705, 55575, 477, 2004, 92736, 11, 323, 720, 72408, 398, 28532, 36581, 65959, 320, 36046, 449, 49112, 52011, 304, 1124, 8, 1288, 720, 1395, 58505, 13, 1442, 832, 14035, 430, 279, 6344, 57565, 3459, 26622, 5353, 44776, 720, 318, 44287, 1306, 279, 18698, 11, 814, 1253, 387, 40542, 369, 2380, 2919, 627, 12978, 1285, 473, 21719, 198, 16, 13, 36925, 832, 17055, 72967, 292, 13935, 21354, 520, 89607, 289, 5986, 1520, 8108, 904, 61880, 720, 82977, 279, 3814, 627, 17, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 31954, 311, 636, 49394, 660, 505, 279, 5707, 11, 1935, 220, 17, 56588, 315, 720, 32, 35598, 68200, 23661, 1306, 701, 35130, 315, 5707, 323, 60290, 23661, 627, 4578, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 18, 13, 1856, 4628, 264, 4106, 3090, 16893, 927, 279, 26587, 3158, 320, 8154, 279, 1314, 20735, 66, 425, 8, 2391, 720, 1820, 3814, 1101, 8779, 48839, 61880, 627, 9290, 25, 3861, 1288, 539, 387, 60178, 555, 279, 3485, 15407, 311, 61880, 11, 63571, 11, 720, 82, 461, 2136, 315, 279, 64772, 11, 5099, 13, 921, 3095, 527, 430, 279, 13803, 2834, 956, 387, 15748, 720, 268, 1409, 311, 5353, 63571, 477, 36366, 2136, 315, 279, 64772, 11, 439, 420, 8741, 1193, 1633, 720, 81, 548, 398, 13, 9176, 1274, 4686, 420, 10537, 449, 17832, 44776, 11, 323, 7154, 720, 93057, 11321, 1790, 2731, 1306, 27666, 433, 13, 3061, 41913, 279, 26587, 323, 19754, 62564, 304, 720, 1820, 11827, 7633, 320, 333, 279, 19754, 62564, 374, 3118, 8, 95455, 323, 35294, 1521, 720, 1813, 598, 439, 912, 1023, 1920, 1587, 627, 46, 728, 92455, 11, 11434, 16066, 369, 1667, 505, 19754, 33610, 11, 6996, 315, 38575, 11, 20934, 1245, 2136, 11, 720, 1445, 14576, 11, 61880, 11, 323, 264, 3552, 315, 1023, 21859, 289, 5986, 1505, 19754, 11046, 10827, 6302, 304, 720, 1820, 64172, 279, 1938, 2768, 279, 18698, 13, 4314, 6302, 527, 3177, 311, 6453, 6307, 304, 1933, 11, 720, 1225, 42408, 304, 6211, 11, 18316, 15111, 788, 304, 10651, 11, 323, 315, 12562, 29865, 505, 330, 911, 2070, 10533, 1, 720, 2190, 311, 330, 331, 5515, 1, 1404, 13, 1442, 1070, 5084, 311, 387, 264, 3544, 1396, 315, 1521, 6302, 304, 279, 64172, 11, 720, 1820, 18698, 1288, 387, 11763, 304, 220, 17, 5672, 627, 37, 15067, 198, 6153, 578, 22617, 12279, 543, 2563, 21473, 58726, 264, 5043, 1253, 387, 3940, 13, 578, 5043, 1288, 1566, 832, 477, 720, 20375, 2919, 13, 1226, 527, 1457, 7231, 279, 2547, 264, 2800, 323, 459, 6776, 311, 81155, 5196, 315, 720, 59178, 12571, 389, 279, 3927, 2849, 2237, 13, 9062, 1938, 315, 279, 5043, 832, 41376, 315, 7878, 75294, 720, 8783, 560, 323, 832, 46746, 315, 70121, 23661, 1288, 387, 4529, 11, 3235, 449, 682, 279, 89867, 477, 720, 42231, 3090, 12974, 13, 1102, 374, 1888, 311, 19371, 1088, 279, 7878, 23661, 449, 6273, 5596, 315, 3090, 627, 2181, 374, 3062, 311, 6227, 430, 7389, 14343, 56406, 527, 4529, 279, 3273, 19941, 720, 17106, 638, 38626, 323, 527, 539, 34373, 304, 279, 5933, 1648, 627, 34, 22451, 287, 578, 15344, 1357, 478, 483, 198, 2746, 1070, 1051, 1193, 832, 3169, 315, 15530, 430, 1053, 1520, 16470, 11, 279, 9572, 8893, 477, 720, 61036, 11, 433, 1053, 387, 330, 11839, 969, 9483, 7270, 258, 13737, 18, 1, 1903, 555, 12028, 8773, 11, 4953, 13, 1102, 1053, 720, 55540, 656, 279, 7140, 596, 2890, 810, 1695, 1109, 904, 1023, 832, 15530, 13, 1102, 4170, 18450, 279, 720, 76, 38601, 430, 56737, 279, 14620, 315, 1690, 1274, 596, 2678, 92234, 13, 35211, 15657, 11, 1778, 439, 720, 57968, 324, 1534, 14403, 323, 1690, 30205, 15657, 11, 5353, 279, 296, 38601, 86765, 389, 279, 7147, 315 ]
them well. And how can one blame them? They spent many years in medical school, learning technicalities, procedures and protocols, and were taught that “cures” must come from outside the body. That is why physicians have no faith or instruction about the natural capacity of the human body to heal itself. In fact, many argue that almost all conditions presented to physicians are self-limiting and spontaneously resolve by the natural healing process, regardless of what the physician happens to prescribe. This natural healing process must become our focus, because the magnitude of sickness in this country is astonishing. More than three out of four Americans now suffer from a diagnosable chronic disease, a dilemma that the modern medical establishment not only fails to solve, but actually contributes to. Things must change. In March 2001, The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences issued a report titled, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. According to this report: “. . . between the health care we now have and the health care we could have lies not just a gap, but a chasm.” The report also said: “Health care harms patients too frequently and routinely fails to deliver its potential benefits.” The United States has the most expensive, yet one of the most inadequate health care systems in the world. Our infant mortality rate is worse than Cuba’s. According to the World Health Organization, our overall health is worse than that of almost every European country, as well as Australia, Canada, and Israel. According to the above Institute of Medicine report, “. . . a fundamental, sweeping redesign of the entire health care system is required.” The report cited that “. . . the nation’s health care delivery system has fallen short in its ability to translate knowledge into practice and to apply new technology safely andappropriately.” It went on to say, “. . . if the system cannot consistently deliver today’s science and technology, it is even less prepared to respond to the extraordinary advances that surely will emerge during the coming decades.” We’ve spent hundreds of billions of medical research dollars on outmoded science, which explains why we have not found the cause or the cure for a single chronic disease. Decades after President Richard Nixon declared “war on cancer” and after countless billions of dollars spent, malignancy survival rates are not noticeably improved. We have yet to produce a truly effective cancer treatment; every minute another American dies of cancer. The situation is similar with heart disease. We can implant a new artificial heart surgically, but we cannot prevent or cure heart disease. Why? Because so few resources are devoted to study of the body’s healing systems or to help patients understand and support their own health at the cellular level. Reallocating resources with these priorities in mind is the direction medicine must take if it is ever to be effective in reversing our epidemic of chronic disease. Everyone Is Unique Interested only in identifying symptoms, physicians do not listen to their patients. Patients are regarded as machines, similar to every other machine; doctors need not learn anything unique about individual people. A study reported in the December 1993 issue of Internal Medicine News found that 70 percent of patients were interrupted by their doctor within eighteen seconds after the patient began to describe their symptoms. As soon as the doctor has matched symptoms to a disease, treatments follow established protocols. Everyone with the same “disease” receives the same treatment. Such procedures completely ignore one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the twentieth century: biochemical individuality. Two people with the same so- called disease may need different treatments because no two people’s cells are malfunctioning for exactly the same reasons. Modern medicine does not teach physicians how to recognize or work with each patient’s unique biochemistry. Even when presented with scientific evidence that an alternative system works best, most physicians resist change and fail to apply these findings. Their disease-based focus interferes with the essence of what health care should be: the optimization of health at the cellular level based on a person’s unique biochemistry and life circumstances. Resistant to ChangeAdopting a more rational system of medicine would result in an enormous reduction in health-care costs by eliminating hundreds of thousands of physicians and closing thousands of hospitals (not to mention the potential financial ruin of drug companies). Obviously, the economic incentive to maintain the status quo and not change is enormous. Currently, cancer is a billion-dollar-a-day “industry” in the United States, and more people are employed in the AIDS industry than there are sufferers of AIDS. Modern medicine’s efforts to protect money and jobs were vividly described and documented in the 2000 book by former New York State Legislator, Daniel Haley, Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine. Haley points out that in the twentieth century several inexpensive and highly effective cures for cancer were introduced in American medicine. The developers of these cures, well-meaning people, were naive and believed that the world would welcome a cancer cure. What these people—among others, Harry Hoxey, William Frederick Koch, Royal Raymond Rife and Dr. Andrew Ivy—all failed to understand is that someone who threatens the survival of a prospering and growing industry with an inexpensive cure will not be welcomed. Proven and effective cancer cures were repudiated and suppressed by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Discoverers of these cures were isolated, harassed, persecuted, prosecuted, financially ruined and destroyed, and their treatments essentially have been lost. Some events described in Haley’s book are bizarre and are hard to believe, yet they are documented by evidence presented at jury trials and recorded in court records. The FDA, AMA, the National Cancer Institute, and the American Cancer Society still continue to suppress cancer cures, such as that developed by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski; his office has been raided by FDA agents and U.S. Marshals, he has been persecuted relentlessly, and his medical license is on a ten-year probation during which time he is not allowed to see new
[ 197, 49818, 6831, 616, 13, 197, 3112, 197, 5269, 94036, 197, 606, 97521, 373, 197, 49818, 30, 197, 7009, 42478, 306, 197, 35676, 197, 42820, 17886, 198, 69216, 1942, 2184, 11, 197, 21656, 197, 73237, 1385, 11, 197, 782, 54791, 53577, 197, 86512, 11, 53577, 6831, 486, 198, 2629, 3948, 64442, 197, 2118, 66, 1439, 863, 2157, 592, 1470, 638, 43827, 14294, 3002, 33188, 36502, 13, 197, 4897, 20501, 197, 35734, 197, 42305, 9818, 198, 19553, 73204, 1186, 64, 411, 82266, 17886, 3099, 197, 9274, 33188, 9215, 4688, 1470, 391, 4107, 44323, 33188, 9793, 7282, 36502, 32809, 197, 383, 278, 198, 275, 726, 13, 71267, 1186, 533, 11, 197, 35676, 49003, 361, 64442, 197, 60301, 52060, 197, 16902, 3303, 2762, 291, 32809, 197, 42305, 9818, 197, 548, 198, 726, 72259, 287, 53577, 42478, 546, 20933, 88878, 197, 1729, 33188, 9215, 4688, 197, 383, 6260, 54414, 11, 38113, 30920, 198, 1073, 197, 12840, 33188, 197, 42305, 12734, 9793, 680, 729, 32809, 3303, 417, 3191, 627, 2028, 9215, 4688, 197, 383, 6260, 54414, 2157, 592, 2282, 52521, 197, 414, 1186, 3466, 11, 2282, 6769, 33188, 2157, 35815, 44323, 198, 82, 26989, 17886, 2090, 1470, 5083, 20501, 89936, 263, 11218, 13, 197, 7816, 197, 54895, 197, 28956, 14294, 44323, 1186, 414, 23845, 2165, 598, 198, 3409, 1942, 2084, 43827, 11575, 2765, 72, 3326, 437, 481, 197, 7562, 292, 2765, 56407, 11, 11575, 2765, 458, 16274, 64442, 33188, 43328, 944, 198, 69216, 197, 34500, 479, 98366, 197, 3323, 1186, 6341, 32809, 1942, 4035, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 74128, 38303, 3688, 32809, 13, 197, 42575, 198, 25849, 69480, 13, 71267, 9391, 1132, 197, 1049, 16, 11, 33026, 71267, 7815, 44323, 9391, 92001, 44323, 33188, 18822, 1697, 197, 11916, 329, 4625, 198, 1073, 197, 3407, 12242, 197, 59326, 11575, 71031, 3324, 15621, 11, 1602, 29601, 287, 33188, 17428, 10965, 197, 1163, 10753, 25, 23845, 197, 3648, 197, 14884, 198, 2374, 2066, 33188, 197, 1691, 267, 6391, 306, 3431, 13, 1602, 11439, 32809, 2090, 71031, 25, 197, 77284, 197, 13, 197, 13, 2282, 10259, 33188, 197, 12393, 198, 10727, 197, 906, 82022, 9793, 525, 53577, 33188, 197, 12393, 1470, 548, 197, 906, 1470, 619, 9793, 525, 8986, 552, 98366, 197, 4345, 11575, 3253, 391, 11, 2282, 332, 11575, 198, 331, 10753, 2029, 33026, 71031, 197, 19171, 1942, 3864, 25, 197, 2118, 14884, 1470, 548, 9793, 16293, 3303, 266, 4167, 32809, 78, 1186, 70941, 53577, 198, 81, 412, 22870, 1186, 6341, 32809, 70609, 1553, 197, 1220, 3303, 354, 2335, 2282, 51565, 1220, 49216, 791, 197, 23175, 197, 24137, 64355, 33188, 2157, 537, 49658, 4114, 11, 14862, 295, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 2157, 537, 17886, 1037, 19684, 198, 12393, 1470, 548, 41393, 82, 17886, 33188, 77608, 13, 197, 8140, 197, 13885, 519, 2157, 76052, 7145, 349, 20501, 6831, 11073, 197, 54895, 6391, 31529, 753, 627, 11439, 32809, 33188, 197, 10343, 197, 14884, 197, 42674, 11, 197, 414, 197, 75555, 197, 12393, 20501, 6831, 11073, 197, 54895, 198, 9210, 44323, 197, 60301, 7883, 1225, 23626, 74387, 1470, 5083, 11, 61551, 6831, 616, 61551, 23845, 29139, 11, 6391, 276, 2649, 11, 53577, 197, 34627, 627, 11439, 32809, 33188, 197, 49532, 71267, 7815, 44323, 9391, 92001, 71031, 11, 197, 77284, 197, 13, 197, 13, 11575, 1186, 1263, 44186, 345, 82, 49642, 287, 197, 1171, 14312, 44323, 33188, 78755, 556, 197, 12393, 1470, 548, 41393, 20501, 59283, 2029, 33026, 71031, 1470, 1639, 198, 9210, 197, 77284, 197, 13, 197, 13, 33188, 9215, 367, 753, 197, 12393, 1470, 548, 70609, 6633, 41393, 64355, 1186, 58401, 49081, 17886, 197, 1220, 197, 2968, 32809, 198, 14372, 16868, 52286, 2129, 78, 26736, 34101, 53577, 32809, 197, 10492, 8808, 197, 59342, 1942, 2642, 989, 53577, 76571, 2718, 2029, 62635, 6831, 306, 25653, 32809, 1942, 352, 11, 197, 77284, 197, 13, 197, 13, 748, 33188, 41393, 1470, 3483, 197, 6387, 380, 4501, 70609, 1553, 198, 31213, 753, 31028, 1873, 53577, 197, 59342, 11, 24263, 20501, 7883, 1055, 197, 1752, 41446, 7360, 32809, 197, 6961, 32809, 33188, 198, 15824, 21707, 197, 14625, 3095, 64442, 1942, 554, 398, 6831, 484, 67304, 10286, 2765, 1711, 33188, 197, 5065, 197, 8332, 3536, 49216, 1687, 4070, 42478, 306, 9793, 46813, 44323, 2282, 91387, 44323, 197, 69216, 17643, 1874, 2765, 980, 1590, 25653, 14294, 2658, 291, 198, 40657, 11, 197, 8370, 8285, 501, 1771, 197, 35734, 197, 906, 9793, 525, 98366, 59202, 33188, 197, 1593, 82266, 33188, 1470, 554, 2066, 11575, 1942, 2222, 198, 7562, 292, 2765, 56407, 13, 197, 5005, 3536, 197, 10924, 10230, 40631, 11391, 718, 569, 18822, 29572, 197, 10210, 1636, 197, 2118, 11710, 25653, 198, 66, 11967, 863, 53577, 197, 10924, 18523, 1752, 2282, 91387, 44323, 2765, 980, 1590, 42478, 306, 11, 2157, 6750, 6709, 1942, 97860, 4023, 7145, 988, 198, 548, 98366, 197, 24467, 2915, 55992, 96608, 13, 197, 1687, 9793, 525, 14862, 295, 32809, 197, 98374, 11575, 26665, 3988, 7883, 40784, 1470, 11967, 198, 83, 35320, 26, 7883, 1225, 26388, 1088, 197, 43063, 23845, 16093, 2765, 552, 44323, 1470, 11967, 13, 33026, 1942, 275, 4090, 20501, 1942, 79962, 198, 4291, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 13, 197, 1687, 94036, 197, 6517, 519, 11575, 8808, 197, 472, 16895, 197, 18207, 1942, 5673, 2740, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 906, 198, 34360, 41446, 688, 82266, 1470, 554, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 13, 197, 10445, 30, 13083, 6769, 197, 708, 1186, 365, 10413, 2415, 197, 548, 198, 3667, 9437, 32809, 18895, 18339, 44323, 33188, 36502, 753, 197, 383, 6260, 41393, 82, 82266, 32809, 88740, 3303, 266, 4167, 197, 8154, 2752, 198, 438, 1942, 2870, 33188, 404, 197, 785, 197, 12393, 36547, 33188, 47087, 1299, 54843, 13, 197, 697, 4847, 1113, 10413, 2415, 48048, 198, 45010, 3303, 3334, 1385, 17886, 2157, 485, 20501, 33188, 83572, 197, 83543, 2157, 592, 3324, 731, 748, 24263, 20501, 197, 2099, 32809, 74242, 198, 78995, 17886, 17643, 3078, 287, 197, 414, 97726, 307, 8274, 44323, 197, 7562, 292, 2765, 56407, 627, 34124, 197, 3957, 197, 23657, 198, 84152, 197, 3323, 17886, 197, 1748, 7922, 1942, 1631, 52273, 11, 197, 42305, 9818, 20530, 98366, 14779, 268, 32809, 33188, 404, 198, 81437, 13, 10230, 266, 4167, 197, 548, 38113, 21632, 61551, 2157, 71242, 11, 1942, 79962, 32809, 7883, 1225, 197, 1605, 2157, 3899, 280, 3055, 12816, 197, 17483, 98366, 197, 12964, 197, 73254, 197, 9782, 197, 9274, 197, 55977, 197, 16455, 13, 23845, 18895, 18339, 71031, 291, 198, 258, 33188, 197, 33246, 197, 2550, 18, 197, 11407, 44323, 1602, 11830, 9391, 92001, 197, 14710, 1602, 15456, 64442, 197, 2031, 197, 25426, 44323, 198, 81437, 6831, 486, 2129, 81953, 197, 1729, 33188, 404, 20530, 5009, 48048, 258, 7883, 492, 15258, 197, 17859, 197, 10924, 33188, 3303, 16794, 198, 65, 16133, 32809, 83960, 33188, 404, 1942, 1631, 52273, 13, 197, 2170, 197, 67156, 61551, 33188, 20530, 5009, 64355, 2157, 35344, 1942, 1631, 52273, 198, 998, 11575, 2765, 56407, 11, 3324, 1244, 1392, 1186, 1573, 197, 34500, 291, 197, 86512, 13, 197, 34124, 48048, 33188, 1942, 373, 198, 2118, 67, 56407, 863, 17643, 346, 1924, 33188, 1942, 373, 3324, 35320, 627, 21365, 197, 782, 54791, 33910, 50268, 197, 13431, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 3253, 11423, 1942, 12575, 1104, 35697, 3773, 552, 44323, 198, 1820, 3324, 86, 52231, 197, 1189, 3431, 25, 2282, 822, 32056, 197, 55977, 488, 13, 10473, 1146, 197, 16455, 48048, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 708, 7058, 44982, 2765, 56407, 2157, 352, 197, 17483, 2765, 18780, 3324, 1244, 1392, 2282, 6769, 73204, 3324, 1146, 197, 16455, 753, 1470, 6572, 197, 548, 198, 14991, 1723, 287, 2066, 8285, 33839, 33188, 1942, 373, 17643, 99949, 13, 197, 49552, 197, 83543, 2765, 7217, 98366, 197, 668, 613, 198, 42305, 9818, 197, 5269, 32809, 197, 34551, 553, 82266, 98138, 48048, 7883, 613, 3303, 16794, 753, 197, 9782, 2282, 822, 52755, 627, 13461, 61280, 3303, 2762, 291, 48048, 1942, 12575, 1104, 7883, 28580, 64442, 80557, 197, 78095, 41393, 197, 19033, 198, 16241, 11, 2157, 537, 197, 42305, 9818, 10413, 380, 69480, 53577, 64152, 32809, 197, 10492, 197, 45010, 81703, 826, 13, 33026, 404, 198, 67, 56407, 6108, 1186, 3466, 60015, 809, 288, 48048, 33188, 197, 434, 768, 44323, 197, 12840, 197, 12393, 1470, 548, 197, 5562, 74242, 25, 33188, 198, 19680, 2065, 44323, 197, 12393, 36547, 33188, 47087, 1299, 54843, 2282, 1503, 25653, 11575, 99905, 753, 197, 9782, 198, 38423, 52755, 53577, 8986, 1643, 1470, 2496, 372, 9623, 627, 1079, 11451, 32809, 197, 4164, 2654, 2985, 287, 11575, 2157, 461, 7145, 1697, 41393, 44323, 197, 83543, 6831, 619, 9753, 17886, 80557, 82948, 494, 788, 198, 265, 23985, 17886, 197, 12393, 41206, 1470, 537, 82, 197, 1729, 197, 40895, 16252, 9793, 46813, 44323, 71579, 40137, 44323, 198, 42305, 9818, 53577, 1470, 18310, 71579, 40137, 44323, 9793, 4890, 16664, 197, 25804, 32809, 197, 30348, 33188, 3303, 354, 2335, 198, 76087, 197, 2739, 258, 44323, 2765, 73047, 33910, 17443, 570, 197, 49314, 11, 33188, 7883, 32107, 17886, 1189, 535, 32809, 198, 67913, 467, 33188, 24787, 197, 27610, 53577, 98366, 69480, 20501, 82948, 494, 788, 13, 197, 34814, 11, 1470, 11967, 20501, 11575, 198, 65, 15068, 54135, 7561, 11477, 197, 2118, 71864, 863, 17886, 33188, 197, 23175, 197, 24137, 11, 53577, 2157, 461, 197, 16455, 197, 548, 198, 36242, 17886, 33188, 23845, 26696, 197, 71864, 197, 54895, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 1942, 2084, 388, 44323, 23845, 26696, 627, 49552, 197, 83543, 753, 197, 6581, 19491, 32809, 197, 47079, 2157, 2596, 53577, 12710, 5598, 6831, 486, 5306, 65023, 398, 54012, 17890, 198, 438, 17928, 291, 17886, 33188, 197, 1049, 15, 197, 2239, 197, 1729, 197, 35627, 197, 3648, 66422, 672, 77524, 15420, 91067, 22582, 11, 11198, 12315, 198, 39, 43027, 11, 1602, 97036, 17886, 197, 1548, 6260, 25, 33026, 7721, 455, 4099, 53577, 197, 93976, 2987, 44323, 23845, 16093, 198, 13613, 55103, 13, 1602, 39, 43027, 68599, 14294, 64442, 17886, 33188, 3324, 86, 52231, 197, 1189, 3431, 85786, 17998, 17886, 4683, 4114, 53577, 198, 12156, 398, 7883, 40784, 1470, 1439, 2066, 1470, 11967, 6831, 486, 2129, 30317, 17886, 23845, 16093, 197, 83543, 13, 33026, 198, 65405, 44323, 197, 45010, 1470, 1439, 11, 6831, 616, 84096, 287, 197, 16455, 11, 6831, 486, 197, 3458, 535, 53577, 2282, 301, 32077, 64442, 33188, 198, 14957, 6831, 619, 6831, 5836, 11575, 1470, 11967, 1470, 554, 13, 197, 3923, 197, 45010, 197, 16455, 2345, 77405, 23021, 3058, 11, 13595, 11687, 198, 39, 5241, 1216, 11, 197, 45887, 13017, 265, 1126, 875, 40440, 5059, 11, 11391, 48202, 11391, 352, 12669, 11391, 1643, 53577, 197, 9023, 13, 197, 41598, 25494, 14029, 87247, 198, 16479, 32809, 197, 8154, 2752, 20501, 64442, 1942, 638, 606, 197, 14965, 71579, 1244, 729, 33188, 1942, 97860, 4023, 44323, 11575, 197, 782, 82, 61818, 198, 438, 3253, 25156, 197, 71864, 48048, 80557, 17886, 4683, 4114, 1470, 554, 6831, 484, 98366, 74242, 6831, 301, 31090, 13, 197, 1360, 1055, 198, 438, 7883, 40784, 1470, 11967, 1470, 1439, 6831, 486, 74831, 664, 10234, 53577, 1942, 455, 14655, 197, 1729, 33188, 23845, 16093, 198, 53654, 197, 64561, 197, 7, 39200, 8, 53577, 33188, 16360, 815, 13, 13017, 1411, 53577, 197, 78893, 197, 96443, 197, 7988, 6486, 4390, 51102, 388, 44323, 197, 45010, 1470, 1439, 6831, 486, 20501, 81619, 11, 9793, 277, 60104, 11, 197, 716, 5132, 2844, 11, 197, 782, 5132, 2844, 345, 76087, 398, 197, 2739, 1619, 53577, 197, 15886, 291, 11, 53577, 33188, 404, 3324, 1244, 1392, 197, 434, 31668, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 197, 55437, 627, 8538, 91973, 54012, 17890, 17886, 13595, 43027, 753, 197, 2239, 197, 548, 2282, 30582, 53577, 197, 548, 9793, 569, 32809, 2282, 301, 19704, 11, 14862, 295, 198, 20670, 197, 548, 17928, 291, 197, 1729, 7883, 28580, 3303, 2762, 291, 36547, 12710, 3431, 26665, 10522, 53577, 73052, 291, 17886, 1470, 29686, 198, 27295, 13, 33026, 13017, 6486, 11, 197, 39200, 11, 33188, 18822, 1697, 6391, 11967, 71267, 7815, 11, 53577, 33188, 23845, 16093, 198, 34, 11967, 7721, 6180, 18895, 484, 11926, 32809, 1942, 455, 1911, 1470, 11967, 1470, 1439, 11, 1942, 1412, 61551, 64442, 197, 16219, 291, 197, 1729, 198, 9023, 13, 197, 52059, 285, 20510, 13083, 324, 89, 1910, 33639, 26, 9793, 285, 197, 27614, 64355, 74242, 268, 197, 969, 4591, 197, 1729, 13017, 6486, 197, 55975, 53577, 16360, 815, 627, 80812, 1147, 11, 197, 383, 64355, 74242, 268, 197, 716, 5132, 2844, 197, 3833, 306, 16117, 11, 53577, 9793, 285, 197, 69216, 197, 13569, 20501, 25653, 11575, 198, 2002, 4771, 197, 20493, 367, 2765, 1711, 197, 8370, 22724, 197, 383, 20501, 98366, 197, 21642, 32809, 197, 4151, 8808 ]
an inner level, it governs the development of higher states of consciousness. TEJAS: inner radiance — the subtle energy of fire through which we digest impressions and thoughts. On an inner level, it governs the development of higher perceptual capacities. OJAS: primal vigor —the subtle energy of water as our vital energy reserve, the essence of digested food, impressions and thought. On an inner level it gives calm, and supports and nourishes all higher states of consciousness. Ayurveda and the Mind Psychological Functions of the Three Vital Essences Prana in the mind allows it to move and respond to the challenges of life. Tejas in the mind enables it to perceive and to judge correctly. Ojas in the mind gives patience and endurance that provides psychological stability. Prana in our deeper consciousness energizes us throughout the process of reincarnation, giving life to all aspects of our nature. Tejas in consciousness holds the accumulated insight of our will and spiritual aspiration. Ojas in con- sciousness is the material power from which the soul pro- duces all its various bodies. Each of these three factors has an emotional effect as well. Prana maintains emotional harmony, balance, and creativity. Tejas gives courage, fearlessness, and vigor that allows us to accomplish extraordinary actions. Ojas pro- vides peace, calm and contentment. Without these emo- tional sustaining forces, the mind cannot accomplish any- thing significant. How Prana, Tejas and Ojas are Built Up Prana, Tejas and Ojas are built up in two ways. On a gross level, they derive from the essence of the nutrients we take into the body as food, heat and air. On a subtle level, they are fed by the impressions we take in through the senses. Key to the functioning of Prana, Tejas and Ojas is the reproductive fluid, which functions as their contain- er in the physical body. It is the ultimate product of the food we take in that holds our strongest energies. Prana is the life-creating capacity inherent in the repro- ductive fluid. This creates children through the sexual act, butAcan be directed inwardly to rejuvenate both body and mind. Tejas is the capacity of the reproductive fluid to give courage and daring. For example, it enables male animals Ayurvedic Constitutional Types to fight with great strength in order to mate. Inwardly, it can give us vigor and decisiveness for any important action. Ojas is the power of the reproductive fluid to pro- mote endurance, which provides the ability to sustain us not only sexually but through all forms of sustained exer- tion, physically and mentally. Without the proper reserve of reproductive fluids, we must be deficient in Prana, Tejas and Ojas, which can negatively impact both physical and psychological health. Ayurveda emphasizes preserving enough of our reproductive fluid to maintain these three vital essences. It also shows us ways to develop these three forces when they are insufficient. On a subtle level, Ojas is fed through the sensory impressions of taste and smell. Tejas is the essence of the heat we absorb, not only through food but also through the skin, where we absorb sunlight. Tejas is fed through visual impressions. Prana is the vital energy we take in, not only through food but through liquids, and, of course, through breathing. Prana is carried by the fluids in our body, the blood and plasma, which serve as its vehicle. Our body fluids are energized by the Prana we take in. Prana is also absorbed through the senses of hearing and touch.' Prana, Tejas and Ojas and Health Imbalances Psychological imbalances are closely related to the con- ditions of Prana, Tejas and Ojas. Prana is responsible for the enthusiasm and expression in the psyche, without which we suffer from depression and mental stagnation. Tejas governs mental digestion and absorption, without which we lack clarity and determination. Ojas provides psychological stability and endurance, without whicu we experience anxiety and mental fatigue. Without the prop- er vital energies, the mind cannot function properly. We Ayurveda and the Mind cannot heal the mind without improving and harmonizing its energies.5 We will refer to Prana, Tejas and Ojas as background concepts throughout the book. While not as important as Vata, Pitta and Kapha, they must not be overlooked either. Please relate them back to Vata, Pitta and Kapha as their positive forms, or to the elements of air, fire and water for easy understanding. 3. The Three Gunas: How to Balance Your Consciousness e live in a magical universe filled with W great forces of life and death, creation and destruction. Divine powers can be found everywhere to lift us into a greater peace and understa ing. But "undivine" forces are also ever present, working to lure us down further into confusion and attachment. Truth and falsehood, ignorance and enlightenment form the light and dark, the illumination and shadow of the world. In this basic duality of creation, we struggle not merely to survive but also to find meaning in our lives. We must learn to navigate through these contrary currents so that we can benefit by the ascending spiritual force and avoid the descending unspiritual inertia. Nature herself is the Divine Mother in manifestation and the universe is her play of consciousness. She provides not only for material growth and expansion that moves outward, but also supports our spiritual growth and devel- opment, which moves within. Nature possesses a qualita- tive energy through which we can either expand into wis- dom or contract into ignorance. Nature functions through conscious forces, spirits if you will, which can be either enlightening or darkening, healing or harming. Most of these powers are unknown to us and we do not know how to use them. Trained as we are in a rational and scientific Ayurveda and the Mind manner to look to the outside, we lack the ability to per- ceive the subtle forces hidden in the world around us. However, for any real healing of the mind to be possible, we must understand these forces and learn how to work with them as they exist, not only in the world but also in our own psyche. Ayurveda provides a special language for understanding the primal forces of Nature and shows us how to work with them on all levels. According to Yoga and Ayurveda, Nature consists of three primal qualities, which are the main powers of Cosmic Intelligence that determine our spiritual growth. These are called gunas in Sanskrit, mean- ing "what binds," because wrongly understood they keep us in bondage to the external world. 1) Sattva — intelligence, imparts balance 2) Rajas — energy, causes imbalance 3) Tamas — substance, creates inertia The three gunas are the most subtle qualities of Nature that underlie matter, life and mind. They are the energies through which not only the surface mind, but also our deeper consciousness functions. They are the powers of the soul which hold the kannas and desires that propel us from birth to birth. The gunas adhere in Nature herself as her core potential for diversification. All objects in the universe consist of various combina- tions of the three gunas. Cosmic evolution consists of their mutual interaction and transformation. The three gunas are one of the prime themes of Ayurvedic thought and will occur throughout the book. They form a deeper level than the three biological humors and help us understand our mental and spiritual nature and how it functions. SATTVA is the quality of intelligence, virtue and good- ness, and creates harmony, balance and stability. It is light The Three Gunas (not heavy) and luminous in nature. It possesses an inward and upward motion and brings about the awakening of the soul. Sattva provides happiness and contentment of a last- ing nature. It is the principle of clarity, wideness and peace, the force of love that unites all things together. RAJAS is the quality of change, activity, and turbu- lence. It introduces a disequilibrium that upsets an exist- ing balance. Rajas is motivated in its action, ever seeking a goal or an end that gives it power. It possesses outward motion and causes self-seeking action that leads to frag- mentation and disintegration. While, in the short term, Rajas is stimulating and provides pleasure, owing to its unbalanced nature it quickly results in pain and suffering. It is the force of passion which causes distress and conflict. TAMAS is the quality of dullness, darkness, and inertia and is heavy, veiling or obstructing in its action. It func- tions as the force of gravity that retards things and holds them in specific limited forms. It possesses a downward motion that causes decay and disintegration. Tamas brings about ignorance and delusion in the mind and promotes insensitivity, sleep and loss of awareness. It is the principle of materiality or unconsciousness that causes consciousness to become veiled. Ayurveda
[ 459, 9358, 2237, 11, 433, 2633, 82, 279, 720, 30671, 315, 5190, 5415, 315, 25917, 13, 720, 2505, 41, 1950, 25, 9358, 12164, 685, 2001, 279, 27545, 4907, 315, 4027, 720, 20322, 902, 584, 21552, 51091, 323, 11555, 13, 720, 1966, 459, 9358, 2237, 11, 433, 2633, 82, 279, 4500, 315, 720, 90447, 78632, 940, 59539, 13, 720, 46, 41, 1950, 25, 87281, 56022, 2001, 1820, 27545, 4907, 315, 3090, 439, 720, 414, 16595, 4907, 21137, 11, 279, 28591, 315, 4170, 10185, 3691, 11, 720, 318, 40973, 323, 3463, 13, 1952, 459, 9358, 2237, 433, 6835, 720, 5531, 76, 11, 323, 11815, 323, 46798, 21168, 682, 5190, 5415, 315, 720, 64589, 2136, 13, 24852, 80627, 64, 323, 279, 23754, 720, 69803, 5848, 24460, 315, 279, 14853, 55371, 13133, 2436, 720, 3617, 3444, 304, 279, 4059, 6276, 433, 311, 3351, 323, 6013, 311, 279, 720, 331, 43470, 315, 2324, 13, 2722, 30826, 304, 279, 4059, 20682, 433, 311, 45493, 720, 438, 311, 11913, 12722, 13, 507, 30826, 304, 279, 4059, 6835, 30401, 323, 720, 408, 5890, 430, 5825, 24064, 20334, 13, 2394, 3444, 304, 720, 414, 19662, 25917, 4602, 4861, 603, 6957, 279, 720, 4734, 315, 95807, 55149, 11, 7231, 2324, 311, 682, 13878, 315, 1057, 720, 67812, 13, 2722, 30826, 304, 25917, 10187, 279, 41165, 720, 1354, 492, 315, 1057, 690, 323, 18330, 98741, 13, 507, 30826, 304, 390, 12, 720, 23995, 2136, 374, 279, 3769, 2410, 505, 902, 279, 13836, 463, 12, 720, 1072, 1634, 682, 1202, 5370, 13162, 13, 720, 4959, 315, 1521, 2380, 9547, 706, 459, 14604, 2515, 439, 720, 9336, 13, 2394, 3444, 33095, 14604, 26348, 11, 8335, 11, 323, 720, 846, 44515, 13, 2722, 30826, 6835, 25775, 11, 8850, 33028, 11, 323, 56022, 430, 720, 56967, 603, 311, 22829, 24674, 6299, 13, 507, 30826, 463, 12, 720, 68254, 9096, 11, 19858, 323, 2262, 479, 13, 17586, 1521, 94197, 12, 720, 83, 4001, 80184, 8603, 11, 279, 4059, 4250, 22829, 904, 12, 720, 1626, 5199, 13, 720, 4438, 2394, 3444, 11, 2722, 30826, 323, 507, 30826, 527, 34154, 3216, 720, 3617, 3444, 11, 2722, 30826, 323, 507, 30826, 527, 5918, 709, 304, 1403, 5627, 13, 1952, 264, 720, 94902, 2237, 11, 814, 43530, 505, 279, 28591, 315, 279, 37493, 720, 906, 1935, 1139, 279, 2547, 439, 3691, 11, 8798, 323, 3805, 13, 1952, 264, 27545, 720, 3374, 11, 814, 527, 23114, 555, 279, 51091, 584, 1935, 304, 1555, 720, 1820, 38207, 13, 5422, 311, 279, 31301, 315, 2394, 3444, 11, 2722, 30826, 323, 507, 30826, 720, 285, 279, 42889, 15962, 11, 902, 5865, 439, 872, 6782, 12, 720, 261, 304, 279, 7106, 2547, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 17139, 2027, 315, 279, 720, 14239, 584, 1935, 304, 430, 10187, 1057, 31005, 49969, 13, 720, 3617, 3444, 374, 279, 2324, 12, 46002, 8824, 38088, 304, 279, 53823, 12, 720, 68243, 15962, 13, 1115, 11705, 2911, 1555, 279, 7392, 1180, 11, 720, 8248, 32, 4919, 387, 15910, 63018, 398, 311, 73484, 349, 2225, 2547, 323, 720, 38824, 13, 2722, 30826, 374, 279, 8824, 315, 279, 42889, 15962, 311, 3041, 720, 66, 61140, 323, 59772, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 433, 20682, 8762, 10099, 24852, 80627, 292, 63285, 21431, 720, 998, 4465, 449, 2294, 8333, 304, 2015, 311, 30276, 13, 763, 1637, 398, 11, 433, 720, 4919, 3041, 603, 56022, 323, 34122, 13071, 369, 904, 3062, 720, 1335, 13, 507, 30826, 374, 279, 2410, 315, 279, 42889, 15962, 311, 463, 12, 720, 76, 1295, 49286, 11, 902, 5825, 279, 5845, 311, 14201, 603, 720, 1962, 1193, 27681, 719, 1555, 682, 7739, 315, 29759, 506, 261, 12, 720, 28491, 11, 22655, 323, 34325, 13, 17586, 279, 6300, 21137, 720, 1073, 42889, 56406, 11, 584, 2011, 387, 87544, 304, 2394, 3444, 11, 2722, 30826, 720, 438, 507, 30826, 11, 902, 649, 48291, 5536, 2225, 7106, 323, 720, 92109, 5848, 2890, 13, 24852, 80627, 64, 66159, 47995, 720, 268, 1409, 315, 1057, 42889, 15962, 311, 10519, 1521, 2380, 720, 85, 2223, 4043, 2436, 13, 1102, 1101, 5039, 603, 5627, 311, 2274, 1521, 2380, 720, 49896, 994, 814, 527, 39413, 13, 720, 1966, 264, 27545, 2237, 11, 507, 30826, 374, 23114, 1555, 279, 49069, 720, 318, 40973, 315, 12945, 323, 22843, 13, 2722, 30826, 374, 279, 28591, 315, 279, 720, 20559, 584, 35406, 11, 539, 1193, 1555, 3691, 719, 1101, 1555, 720, 1820, 6930, 11, 1405, 584, 35406, 40120, 13, 2722, 30826, 374, 23114, 1555, 720, 30318, 51091, 13, 2394, 3444, 374, 279, 16595, 4907, 584, 1935, 304, 11, 539, 720, 3323, 1555, 3691, 719, 1555, 67849, 11, 323, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 720, 20322, 27027, 13, 2394, 3444, 374, 11953, 555, 279, 56406, 304, 1057, 720, 2664, 11, 279, 6680, 323, 32426, 11, 902, 8854, 439, 1202, 7458, 13, 5751, 720, 2664, 56406, 527, 4602, 1534, 555, 279, 2394, 3444, 584, 1935, 304, 13, 2394, 3444, 374, 720, 19171, 42101, 1555, 279, 38207, 315, 11011, 323, 5916, 3238, 720, 3617, 3444, 11, 2722, 30826, 323, 507, 30826, 323, 6401, 2417, 76527, 720, 69803, 5848, 737, 76527, 527, 15499, 5552, 311, 279, 390, 12, 720, 2400, 82, 315, 2394, 3444, 11, 2722, 30826, 323, 507, 30826, 13, 2394, 3444, 374, 8647, 369, 720, 1820, 36232, 323, 7645, 304, 279, 88909, 11, 2085, 720, 8370, 584, 7831, 505, 18710, 323, 10723, 54363, 367, 13, 720, 6777, 30826, 2633, 82, 10723, 74502, 323, 44225, 11, 2085, 720, 8370, 584, 6996, 32373, 323, 26314, 13, 507, 30826, 5825, 720, 92109, 5848, 20334, 323, 49286, 11, 2085, 421, 292, 84, 584, 720, 50659, 18547, 323, 10723, 36709, 13, 17586, 279, 2047, 12, 720, 261, 16595, 49969, 11, 279, 4059, 4250, 734, 10489, 13, 1226, 24852, 80627, 64, 323, 279, 23754, 720, 34360, 27661, 279, 4059, 2085, 18899, 323, 18249, 4954, 720, 1220, 49969, 13, 20, 720, 1687, 690, 8464, 311, 2394, 3444, 11, 2722, 30826, 323, 507, 30826, 439, 4092, 720, 444, 58871, 6957, 279, 2363, 13, 6104, 539, 439, 3062, 439, 720, 53, 460, 11, 21823, 64, 323, 735, 1366, 64, 11, 814, 2011, 539, 387, 45536, 3060, 13, 720, 5618, 29243, 1124, 1203, 311, 650, 460, 11, 21823, 64, 323, 735, 1366, 64, 439, 872, 720, 31587, 7739, 11, 477, 311, 279, 5540, 315, 3805, 11, 4027, 323, 3090, 369, 720, 46122, 8830, 13, 220, 18, 13, 578, 14853, 22450, 300, 25, 720, 4438, 311, 31946, 4718, 720, 1128, 23995, 2136, 720, 68, 3974, 304, 264, 24632, 15861, 10409, 449, 720, 54, 2294, 8603, 315, 2324, 323, 4648, 11, 9886, 323, 720, 451, 3099, 13, 43361, 13736, 649, 387, 1766, 720, 30115, 2940, 311, 12157, 603, 1139, 264, 7191, 9096, 323, 14653, 64, 720, 287, 13, 2030, 330, 1263, 344, 483, 1, 8603, 527, 1101, 3596, 3118, 11, 3318, 720, 998, 57683, 603, 1523, 4726, 1139, 22047, 323, 20581, 13, 720, 25025, 323, 96118, 11, 41660, 323, 81869, 1376, 720, 1820, 3177, 323, 6453, 11, 279, 77052, 323, 12737, 315, 279, 720, 14957, 13, 763, 420, 6913, 294, 10965, 315, 9886, 11, 584, 14993, 539, 720, 1195, 989, 311, 18167, 719, 1101, 311, 1505, 7438, 304, 1057, 6439, 13, 1226, 720, 25849, 4048, 311, 21546, 1555, 1521, 26102, 60701, 779, 720, 9210, 584, 649, 8935, 555, 279, 36488, 18330, 5457, 323, 720, 48956, 279, 44184, 653, 86390, 940, 78552, 13, 720, 79519, 11937, 374, 279, 43361, 21720, 304, 64050, 720, 438, 279, 15861, 374, 1077, 1514, 315, 25917, 13, 3005, 5825, 720, 1962, 1193, 369, 3769, 6650, 323, 14800, 430, 11031, 720, 412, 1637, 11, 719, 1101, 11815, 1057, 18330, 6650, 323, 90870, 12, 720, 454, 479, 11, 902, 11031, 2949, 13, 22037, 50326, 264, 5965, 6388, 12, 720, 83, 535, 4907, 1555, 902, 584, 649, 3060, 9407, 1139, 19112, 12, 720, 5717, 477, 5226, 1139, 41660, 13, 22037, 5865, 1555, 720, 64589, 8603, 11, 31739, 422, 499, 690, 11, 902, 649, 387, 3060, 720, 268, 4238, 6147, 477, 6453, 6147, 11, 21730, 477, 90255, 13, 7648, 315, 720, 45010, 13736, 527, 9987, 311, 603, 323, 584, 656, 539, 1440, 1268, 720, 998, 1005, 1124, 13, 1183, 2692, 439, 584, 527, 304, 264, 25442, 323, 12624, 24852, 80627, 64, 323, 279, 23754, 720, 76, 4992, 311, 1427, 311, 279, 4994, 11, 584, 6996, 279, 5845, 311, 824, 12, 720, 8402, 279, 27545, 8603, 8340, 304, 279, 1917, 2212, 603, 13, 720, 11458, 11, 369, 904, 1972, 21730, 315, 279, 4059, 311, 387, 3284, 11, 720, 906, 2011, 3619, 1521, 8603, 323, 4048, 1268, 311, 990, 720, 4291, 1124, 439, 814, 3073, 11, 539, 1193, 304, 279, 1917, 719, 1101, 304, 720, 414, 1866, 88909, 13, 720, 74209, 80627, 64, 5825, 264, 3361, 4221, 369, 8830, 720, 1820, 87281, 8603, 315, 22037, 323, 5039, 603, 1268, 311, 990, 449, 720, 49818, 389, 682, 5990, 13, 10771, 311, 38673, 323, 24852, 80627, 64, 11, 720, 79519, 17610, 315, 2380, 87281, 29600, 11, 902, 527, 279, 720, 3902, 13736, 315, 95789, 22107, 430, 8417, 1057, 720, 86390, 940, 6650, 13, 4314, 527, 2663, 6166, 300, 304, 15089, 88650, 11, 3152, 12, 720, 287, 330, 12840, 58585, 1359, 1606, 72309, 16365, 814, 2567, 720, 355, 304, 43594, 311, 279, 9434, 1917, 13, 720, 16, 8, 328, 1617, 6723, 2001, 11478, 11, 3242, 7183, 8335, 720, 17, 8, 26291, 300, 2001, 4907, 11, 11384, 68331, 720, 18, 8, 350, 29189, 2001, 20278, 11, 11705, 78552, 720, 791, 2380, 6166, 300, 527, 279, 1455, 27545, 29600, 315, 22037, 720, 9210, 1234, 11828, 5030, 11, 2324, 323, 4059, 13, 2435, 527, 279, 49969, 720, 20322, 902, 539, 1193, 279, 7479, 4059, 11, 719, 1101, 1057, 720, 451, 10653, 25917, 5865, 13, 2435, 527, 279, 13736, 315, 279, 720, 82, 11206, 902, 3412, 279, 16095, 300, 323, 32097, 430, 89483, 603, 505, 720, 28813, 311, 7342, 13, 578, 6166, 300, 49553, 304, 22037, 11937, 439, 1077, 720, 2202, 4754, 369, 21797, 2461, 13, 720, 2460, 6302, 304, 279, 15861, 6824, 315, 5370, 3698, 2259, 12, 720, 83, 919, 315, 279, 2380, 6166, 300, 13, 95789, 15740, 17610, 315, 872, 720, 7129, 940, 16628, 323, 18475, 13, 578, 2380, 6166, 300, 720, 548, 832, 315, 279, 10461, 22100, 315, 24852, 80627, 292, 3463, 323, 690, 720, 511, 2407, 6957, 279, 2363, 13, 2435, 1376, 264, 19662, 2237, 1109, 720, 1820, 2380, 24156, 2854, 1105, 323, 1520, 603, 3619, 1057, 720, 93221, 323, 18330, 7138, 323, 1268, 433, 5865, 13, 720, 50, 22342, 13114, 374, 279, 4367, 315, 11478, 11, 35460, 323, 1695, 12, 720, 2136, 11, 323, 11705, 26348, 11, 8335, 323, 20334, 13, 1102, 374, 3177, 578, 14853, 22450, 300, 720, 25804, 8987, 8, 323, 46058, 788, 304, 7138, 13, 1102, 50326, 459, 63018, 720, 438, 40872, 11633, 323, 12716, 922, 279, 75149, 315, 279, 720, 82, 11206, 13, 328, 1617, 6723, 5825, 23871, 323, 2262, 479, 315, 264, 1566, 12, 720, 287, 7138, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 17966, 315, 32373, 11, 9923, 24639, 323, 720, 55225, 11, 279, 5457, 315, 3021, 430, 653, 3695, 682, 2574, 3871, 13, 720, 5726, 41, 1950, 374, 279, 4367, 315, 2349, 11, 5820, 11, 323, 29112, 84, 12, 720, 75, 768, 13, 1102, 40019, 264, 6759, 447, 46780, 430, 709, 5022, 459, 3073, 12, 720, 287, 8335, 13, 26291, 300, 374, 27762, 304, 1202, 1957, 11, 3596, 11125, 720, 64, 5915, 477, 459, 842, 430, 6835, 433, 2410, 13, 1102, 50326, 52046, 720, 49975, 323, 11384, 659, 99538, 1957, 430, 11767, 311, 8508, 12, 720, 32199, 323, 834, 61268, 13, 6104, 11, 304, 279, 2875, 4751, 11, 720, 49, 67922, 374, 65792, 323, 5825, 17069, 11, 56612, 311, 1202, 720, 359, 59502, 7138, 433, 6288, 3135, 304, 6784, 323, 16066, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 279, 5457, 315, 11939, 902, 11384, 35104, 323, 12324, 13, 720, 51, 1428, 1950, 374, 279, 4367, 315, 41630, 2136, 11, 27394, 11, 323, 78552, 720, 438, 374, 8987, 11, 5320, 8138, 477, 54292, 287, 304, 1202, 1957, 13, 1102, 2988, 12, 720, 83, 919, 439, 279, 5457, 315, 24128, 430, 2160, 2402, 2574, 323, 10187, 720, 49818, 304, 3230, 7347, 7739, 13, 1102, 50326, 264, 45578, 720, 49975, 430, 11384, 31815, 323, 834, 61268, 13, 350, 29189, 12716, 720, 9274, 41660, 323, 1624, 7713, 304, 279, 4059, 323, 39990, 720, 1354, 48937, 11, 6212, 323, 4814, 315, 17985, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 17966, 720, 1073, 3769, 488, 477, 40711, 2136, 430, 11384, 25917, 720, 998, 3719, 5320, 2230, 13, 24852, 80627, 64 ]
Albert Einstein probably meant when he suggested that you can’ t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. Sadness is experienced in your mind by processing and evaluating your life from a perspective of not having. Change your mind by moving up to a higher/faster ener gy. JOY AS SPIRITUAL ENERGY Consider how time seems to pass when you are joyful, versus the passage of time when you are in a state of grief or sadness. When you are inspired and involved joyfully in a project, time seems to fly. This is true for me when I am giving a talk or deeply involved in my writing. Hours pass and I am stunned that time has moved so quickly. This appearance of time as fast or slow happens because time is really an illusion. W e have invented time to carve up the oneness, which is in indivisible. T ime cannot exist when all is now. As you move into joy, the experience of time melts into the oneness of spirit, and time disappears. Consequently, living on purpose and feeling the joy of that purpose brings you into the faster ener gy pattern of spirit. This is the fastest/highest ener gy you can have. Being on purpose is being in the joyous present where time cannot exist.Now consider the reverse experience. Think about how slow time appears to move when you are sad. The more deeply you enter the ener gy patterns of grief, sorrow, melancholy, distress and sadness the slower time appears to move. Moments of grief seem interminable. Y ou look at the clock and find it impossible to believe that only fifteen minutes has passed. Albert Einstein wittily described time’ s passage when he discussed relativity. “When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and its longer than any hour. That’ s relativity.” Joy speeds up the illusion of time while sadness appears to slow it down. Faster ener gy is spirit. Joy is spirit, and it is this fast spiritual ener gy that will nullify the slower ener gy of sadness. Most of us tend to be drawn to those who have a positive, joyous outlook. Y ou acquire that attitude by becoming conscious of the many blessings life has given you. Be a person with a joyous attitude and you will become someone who radiates this faster positive joyous ener gy which will dispel sadness everywhere you are. Before you can send joy where there is sadness, you must first work on your personal ener gy patterns. Resolve to live in the faster ener gy of joy with yourself. This is accomplished most readily by feeling purposeful in all that you do as frequently as possible. MOVING T O PURPOSE Moving toward purpose in your life is like bathing yourself in joy. It is a simple way to move up to the faster frequencies of spirit. Abraham Maslow described the ladder of self-actualization as moving up from the basic needs for food, drink, and shelter to a sense of belonging and beauty appreciation. At the top of the self-actualization pyramid is a deep sense of purpose and meaning in your life. This is where spiritual joy is experienced. T ime disappears and you are in communion with the highest aspect of yourself, or what I call God consciousness. Here at the apex of the pyramid, joy is your constant companion. This state of bliss depends exclusively on the quality of your thoughts. It means letting go of your concerns about how you are being perceived by those around you, it means detaching from the results you produce and,instead, immersing your entire being into the activities of your life. It means refusing to pursue happiness and instead bringing happiness to all that you undertake. In short, perfect joy is found in the absence of striving for it, and instead realizing it is within you. A sense of purpose is not about what you do or about going on your ideal vacation. It is not realized by anything or anyone external to you. Purpose is found by being willing to suspend your ego, knowing that you are eternally connected to God, and surrendering the little mind to the big mind. The true joy of living is in allowing the higher ener gies of spirit to guide your life. In this state of awareness you never have to ask what your purpose is or how to find it. Instead, you feel purposeful in everything that you do, and you bring that kind of joy to all that you encounter. It will not matter whether you are weeding your garden, reading a novel, shoveling snow, creating your own symphony, driving through traf fic, or meditating in the silence of your bedroom. Y ou will be the bringer of joy because you are in harmony rather than in conflict with God. And the irony is that you will find that the surest way to get to that state of inner joyful purpose is by giving it all away. FINDING JOY BY GIVING IT A WAY Perhaps the surest way to find happiness and joy for yourself is to devote your ener gies toward making someone else happy. If you make an ef fort to search for joy you will find it elusive, lar gely because you will become engaged in the search itself. Y our life will be about striving and your life experience could be expressed in the sardonic saying that “Life is what happens while you are making other plans.” However, if you try to bring happiness to someone else then joy will come to you. You come into this life with nothing and you leave with nothing. The only thing you can do with your life is give it away. This is the true essence of feeling purposeful. This is the way to have joy in the face of sadness. Y ou experience joy when you attempt to bring it to others. This is what Saint Francis understood to be the goal of life.The entire second part of the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi is a testament to the truth that we find joy by giving it away. And in order to give it away, we must possess it ourselves. ... grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, To be understood as to understand, To be loved as to love; And he concludes: For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life. I have found that most of the times that I am engrossed in sadness due to a problem it is because of something that someone else has said or done, or failed to do. So this is the “problem.” I am sad because of the actions or inactions of others. Now, of course, this is an illusion; something that I have created in my thoughts. It is in my mind that I am experiencing the “problem.” So, what is the spiritual solution? It is always so simple that I often conk myself on the head for not realizing sooner. The spiritual solution is to attempt to bring some joy to someone else, and my sadness disappears instantly. And then it reappears in my thoughts again as I go through the mental dialogue of agonizing over someone else’ s conduct, and back I go to providing some joy to someone, and the cycle repeats itself until I finally get the real answer. Send some joy to the people whom I per ceive to be the sour ce of my sadness. But that seems so dif ficult. After all, my ego reminds me, they are wrong and I am right and my ego would much rather be right than happy. But I tame my ego, and change the thoughts I have of being wronged to thoughts of joy for those who I perceived have annoyed me. Instantly and permanently my sadness dissolves like magic. By sending joyful lovingthoughts to others, particularly to those whom I have perceived to be the source of my sadness, I end the problem, which only existed in my mind to begin with. As you get better at finding joy by giving it away you will find that another shift takes place. First you were working with your thoughts only, which is where you experience sadness. As you transform those thoughts of sadness into joy, your emotions will follow. You will experience a shift in your sense of physical well-being and begin to feel better. You will feel lighter, more comfortable, and healthier. Your feelings of despair, anger and depression will begin to dissolve, and then your behavior will change to follow the path of joy. You will reach out to those who have “wronged you,” with for giveness and extend a helping hand to those who used to be classified as your enemies. From thoughts to feelings to behaviors, your entire life shifts away from problems when you find your purpose by giving joy away. You may be wondering, at this point, if I am suggesting that you should never allow yourself to feel sad, which would be a form of denial. Of course you will experience sadness, and I do not advise you to pretend to be happy and joyful when you are not. So, how do you resolve the obvious paradox? HANDLING YOUR OWN SADNESS AND THE SADNESS OF OTHERS There is a powerful quote from A Course in Miracles that addresses the issue of sadness or negative emotions such as despair, darkness, hatred, injury, and doubt, which have been the subject matter of this book. Nothing
[ 17971, 55152, 4762, 8967, 994, 568, 12090, 430, 499, 649, 529, 259, 198, 60519, 264, 3575, 449, 279, 1890, 4059, 430, 3549, 433, 13, 31781, 2136, 374, 10534, 198, 258, 701, 4059, 555, 8863, 323, 38663, 701, 2324, 505, 264, 13356, 315, 198, 1962, 3515, 13, 10604, 701, 4059, 555, 7366, 709, 311, 264, 5190, 6801, 2352, 38556, 29720, 627, 27237, 56, 5871, 21061, 49, 964, 16788, 84376, 198, 38275, 1268, 892, 5084, 311, 1522, 994, 499, 527, 83212, 11, 19579, 279, 21765, 198, 1073, 892, 994, 499, 527, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 38384, 477, 51978, 13, 3277, 499, 527, 14948, 198, 438, 6532, 16267, 3725, 304, 264, 2447, 11, 892, 5084, 311, 11722, 662, 1115, 374, 837, 369, 757, 198, 9493, 358, 1097, 7231, 264, 3137, 477, 17693, 6532, 304, 856, 4477, 13, 30192, 1522, 323, 358, 198, 309, 48026, 430, 892, 706, 7882, 779, 6288, 662, 1115, 11341, 315, 892, 439, 5043, 198, 269, 6435, 8741, 1606, 892, 374, 2216, 459, 41919, 13, 468, 384, 617, 36592, 892, 311, 198, 7063, 588, 709, 279, 389, 24639, 11, 902, 374, 304, 3687, 23936, 13, 350, 75534, 4250, 3073, 994, 682, 374, 198, 3409, 627, 2170, 499, 3351, 1139, 16267, 1174, 279, 3217, 315, 892, 99191, 1139, 279, 389, 24639, 315, 198, 86390, 11, 323, 892, 61370, 13, 53123, 1174, 5496, 389, 7580, 323, 8430, 279, 198, 4215, 315, 430, 7580, 12716, 499, 1139, 279, 10819, 38556, 29720, 5497, 315, 9090, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 1820, 26731, 7682, 7656, 38556, 29720, 499, 649, 617, 13, 21347, 389, 7580, 374, 1694, 304, 279, 198, 4215, 788, 3118, 1405, 892, 4250, 3073, 13547, 2980, 279, 10134, 3217, 13, 21834, 922, 1268, 6435, 892, 8111, 198, 998, 3351, 994, 499, 527, 12703, 13, 578, 810, 17693, 499, 3810, 279, 38556, 29720, 12912, 198, 1073, 38384, 11, 58596, 1174, 87163, 5849, 1174, 35104, 323, 51978, 279, 29493, 892, 8111, 311, 198, 3479, 13, 83121, 315, 38384, 2873, 958, 1083, 481, 13, 816, 6033, 1427, 520, 279, 9042, 323, 1505, 198, 275, 12266, 311, 4510, 430, 1193, 37755, 4520, 706, 5946, 13, 17971, 55152, 198, 86, 1468, 1570, 7633, 892, 529, 274, 21765, 994, 568, 14407, 1375, 44515, 662, 1054, 4599, 264, 893, 198, 82, 1220, 449, 264, 5128, 3828, 369, 459, 6596, 1174, 433, 5084, 1093, 264, 9568, 13, 2030, 1095, 1461, 2503, 389, 264, 198, 10847, 45115, 369, 264, 9568, 323, 1202, 5129, 1109, 904, 6596, 662, 3011, 529, 274, 1375, 44515, 662, 89874, 80871, 25753, 709, 279, 41919, 315, 892, 1418, 51978, 8111, 311, 6435, 433, 1523, 627, 37, 2352, 38556, 29720, 374, 9090, 13, 28237, 374, 9090, 11, 323, 433, 374, 420, 5043, 18330, 38556, 29720, 430, 198, 14724, 854, 1463, 279, 29493, 38556, 29720, 315, 51978, 13, 7648, 315, 603, 8541, 311, 387, 15107, 311, 198, 54719, 889, 617, 264, 6928, 11, 16267, 788, 36721, 13, 816, 6033, 21953, 430, 19451, 555, 198, 17106, 18238, 17371, 315, 279, 1690, 56650, 2324, 706, 2728, 499, 13, 2893, 264, 1732, 198, 4291, 264, 16267, 788, 19451, 323, 499, 690, 3719, 4423, 889, 12164, 988, 420, 198, 69, 2352, 6928, 16267, 788, 38556, 29720, 902, 690, 13262, 301, 51978, 17277, 499, 527, 627, 10438, 499, 649, 3708, 16267, 1405, 1070, 374, 51978, 11, 499, 2011, 1176, 990, 389, 198, 22479, 4443, 38556, 29720, 12912, 13, 48402, 311, 3974, 304, 279, 10819, 38556, 29720, 315, 16267, 198, 4291, 6261, 13, 1115, 374, 27332, 1455, 31368, 555, 8430, 7580, 1285, 304, 198, 543, 430, 499, 656, 439, 14134, 439, 3284, 627, 67122, 1753, 350, 507, 7667, 198, 40832, 9017, 7580, 304, 701, 2324, 374, 1093, 73509, 6261, 304, 16267, 662, 1102, 374, 264, 198, 23796, 1648, 311, 3351, 709, 311, 279, 10819, 34873, 315, 9090, 13, 37488, 20459, 10516, 198, 5919, 17890, 279, 36865, 315, 659, 12, 12210, 2065, 439, 7366, 709, 505, 279, 6913, 3966, 198, 2000, 3691, 11, 7172, 11, 323, 23756, 311, 264, 5647, 315, 33152, 323, 13444, 35996, 627, 1688, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 659, 12, 12210, 2065, 47897, 374, 264, 5655, 5647, 315, 7580, 323, 198, 57865, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 1115, 374, 1405, 18330, 16267, 374, 10534, 13, 350, 75534, 198, 4338, 34531, 1590, 323, 499, 527, 304, 94132, 449, 279, 8592, 13189, 315, 6261, 11, 477, 198, 12840, 358, 1650, 4359, 25917, 13, 5810, 520, 279, 72627, 315, 279, 47897, 11, 16267, 374, 701, 198, 18568, 22489, 627, 2028, 1614, 315, 59045, 14117, 24121, 389, 279, 4367, 315, 701, 11555, 13, 1102, 198, 47321, 20806, 733, 315, 701, 10742, 922, 1268, 499, 527, 1694, 26617, 555, 198, 54719, 2212, 499, 11, 433, 3445, 3474, 12092, 505, 279, 3135, 499, 8356, 323, 11, 65937, 11, 4998, 388, 287, 701, 4553, 1694, 1139, 279, 7640, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 1102, 3445, 198, 1116, 985, 311, 23564, 220, 23871, 323, 4619, 12967, 220, 23871, 311, 682, 430, 499, 198, 1263, 531, 731, 13, 763, 2875, 11, 4832, 16267, 374, 1766, 304, 279, 19821, 315, 68727, 369, 433, 11, 323, 198, 65937, 44114, 433, 374, 2949, 499, 627, 32, 5647, 315, 7580, 374, 539, 922, 1148, 499, 656, 477, 922, 2133, 389, 701, 10728, 198, 54803, 367, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 15393, 555, 4205, 477, 5606, 9434, 311, 499, 13, 30145, 374, 198, 15456, 555, 1694, 10032, 311, 27343, 701, 37374, 11, 14392, 430, 499, 527, 1880, 944, 750, 198, 15647, 311, 4359, 11, 323, 32859, 287, 279, 2697, 4059, 311, 279, 2466, 4059, 13, 578, 837, 198, 4215, 315, 5496, 374, 304, 10923, 279, 5190, 38556, 342, 552, 315, 9090, 311, 8641, 701, 2324, 13, 763, 198, 576, 1614, 315, 17985, 499, 2646, 617, 311, 2610, 1148, 701, 7580, 374, 477, 1268, 198, 998, 1505, 433, 13, 12361, 11, 499, 2733, 7580, 1285, 304, 4395, 430, 499, 656, 11, 323, 499, 198, 82477, 430, 3169, 315, 16267, 311, 682, 430, 499, 13123, 662, 1102, 690, 539, 5030, 3508, 198, 9514, 527, 584, 16490, 701, 13863, 11, 5403, 264, 11775, 11, 559, 869, 20659, 12056, 1174, 6968, 198, 22479, 1866, 8045, 30748, 1174, 10043, 1555, 99988, 42355, 11, 477, 1812, 50644, 304, 279, 21847, 315, 198, 22479, 14150, 13, 816, 6033, 690, 387, 279, 4546, 261, 315, 16267, 1606, 499, 527, 304, 26348, 198, 74303, 1109, 304, 12324, 449, 4359, 13, 1628, 279, 51705, 374, 430, 499, 690, 1505, 430, 279, 198, 19643, 267, 1648, 311, 636, 311, 430, 1614, 315, 9358, 83212, 7580, 374, 555, 7231, 433, 682, 198, 14075, 16853, 37, 5358, 1753, 10458, 56, 7866, 480, 73246, 8871, 362, 25404, 198, 32576, 279, 2771, 267, 1648, 311, 1505, 23871, 323, 16267, 369, 6261, 374, 311, 48772, 198, 22479, 38556, 342, 552, 9017, 3339, 4423, 775, 6380, 662, 1442, 499, 1304, 459, 31469, 12108, 311, 198, 1874, 369, 16267, 499, 690, 1505, 433, 66684, 11, 45555, 342, 989, 1606, 499, 690, 3719, 198, 833, 3359, 304, 279, 2778, 5196, 13, 816, 1057, 2324, 690, 387, 922, 68727, 323, 701, 2324, 198, 50659, 1436, 387, 13605, 304, 279, 274, 569, 14338, 5605, 430, 1054, 26833, 374, 1148, 198, 71, 680, 729, 1418, 499, 527, 3339, 1023, 6787, 2029, 4452, 1174, 422, 499, 1456, 311, 4546, 198, 71, 67391, 311, 4423, 775, 1243, 16267, 690, 2586, 311, 499, 627, 2675, 2586, 1139, 420, 2324, 449, 4400, 323, 499, 5387, 449, 4400, 13, 578, 1193, 198, 1626, 499, 649, 656, 449, 701, 2324, 374, 3041, 433, 3201, 662, 1115, 374, 279, 837, 28591, 315, 198, 1897, 20659, 7580, 1285, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 1648, 311, 617, 16267, 304, 279, 3663, 315, 51978, 13, 816, 6033, 198, 50659, 16267, 994, 499, 4879, 311, 4546, 433, 311, 3885, 13, 1115, 374, 1148, 14539, 198, 81428, 285, 16365, 311, 387, 279, 5915, 315, 2324, 11829, 4553, 2132, 961, 315, 279, 23788, 315, 14539, 26184, 315, 2755, 13532, 374, 264, 61300, 198, 998, 279, 8206, 430, 584, 1505, 16267, 555, 7231, 433, 3201, 662, 1628, 304, 2015, 311, 3041, 433, 3201, 13801, 906, 2011, 15575, 433, 13520, 13, 2355, 13, 662, 662, 13500, 430, 358, 1253, 539, 779, 1790, 6056, 311, 387, 390, 708, 839, 439, 311, 2393, 345, 1271, 387, 16365, 439, 311, 3619, 345, 1271, 387, 10456, 439, 311, 3021, 26, 2355, 3112, 568, 45537, 25, 2355, 2520, 433, 374, 304, 7231, 430, 584, 5371, 280, 2181, 374, 304, 91047, 20324, 430, 584, 527, 91047, 20262, 280, 2181, 374, 304, 23069, 311, 659, 430, 584, 527, 9405, 311, 35825, 2324, 13, 2355, 40, 617, 1766, 430, 1455, 315, 279, 3115, 430, 358, 1097, 2995, 2177, 291, 304, 51978, 4245, 311, 264, 198, 35686, 433, 374, 1606, 315, 2555, 430, 4423, 775, 706, 1071, 477, 2884, 11, 477, 198, 16479, 311, 656, 13, 2100, 420, 374, 279, 1054, 35686, 2029, 358, 1097, 12703, 1606, 315, 279, 6299, 477, 198, 258, 4109, 315, 3885, 13, 4800, 1174, 315, 3388, 11, 420, 374, 459, 41919, 26, 2555, 430, 358, 617, 198, 7266, 304, 856, 11555, 13, 1102, 374, 304, 856, 4059, 430, 358, 1097, 25051, 279, 198, 2118, 35686, 2029, 2100, 11, 1148, 374, 279, 18330, 6425, 30, 1102, 374, 2744, 779, 4382, 430, 358, 198, 61917, 390, 74, 7182, 389, 279, 2010, 369, 539, 44114, 31373, 16853, 791, 18330, 6425, 374, 311, 4879, 311, 4546, 1063, 16267, 311, 4423, 775, 11, 323, 198, 2465, 51978, 61370, 22571, 662, 1628, 1243, 433, 312, 34531, 1590, 304, 856, 11555, 1578, 198, 300, 358, 733, 1555, 279, 10723, 21976, 315, 57770, 4954, 927, 4423, 775, 529, 274, 198, 77752, 11, 323, 1203, 358, 733, 311, 8405, 1063, 16267, 311, 4423, 11, 323, 279, 11008, 198, 265, 83539, 5196, 3156, 358, 5616, 636, 279, 1972, 4320, 662, 11244, 1063, 16267, 311, 279, 1274, 198, 1336, 316, 358, 824, 3846, 535, 311, 387, 279, 20897, 3846, 315, 856, 51978, 13, 220, 2030, 430, 5084, 779, 1422, 282, 3951, 627, 6153, 682, 11, 856, 37374, 35710, 757, 11, 814, 527, 5076, 323, 358, 1097, 1314, 323, 856, 37374, 198, 41450, 1790, 4856, 387, 1314, 1109, 6380, 16853, 4071, 358, 82923, 856, 37374, 11, 323, 2349, 279, 11555, 358, 617, 315, 1694, 5076, 291, 311, 198, 61665, 82, 315, 16267, 369, 1884, 889, 358, 26617, 617, 57130, 757, 13, 18549, 398, 323, 198, 716, 1543, 4501, 856, 51978, 14091, 18685, 1093, 11204, 13, 3296, 11889, 83212, 21955, 61665, 82, 311, 3885, 11, 8104, 311, 1884, 8884, 358, 617, 26617, 311, 387, 279, 198, 2484, 315, 856, 51978, 11, 358, 842, 279, 3575, 11, 902, 1193, 25281, 304, 856, 4059, 311, 198, 7413, 449, 627, 2170, 499, 636, 2731, 520, 9455, 16267, 555, 7231, 433, 3201, 499, 690, 1505, 430, 2500, 198, 13724, 5097, 2035, 13, 5629, 499, 1051, 3318, 449, 701, 11555, 1193, 1174, 902, 374, 198, 2940, 499, 3217, 51978, 13, 1666, 499, 5276, 1884, 11555, 315, 51978, 198, 18614, 16267, 1174, 701, 21958, 690, 1833, 662, 1472, 690, 3217, 264, 6541, 304, 701, 198, 98935, 315, 7106, 1664, 33851, 323, 3240, 311, 2733, 2731, 662, 1472, 690, 2733, 30673, 13801, 6518, 10882, 11, 323, 39345, 662, 4718, 16024, 315, 46996, 1174, 19788, 323, 198, 451, 4099, 690, 3240, 311, 73739, 11, 323, 1243, 701, 7865, 690, 2349, 311, 198, 19070, 279, 1853, 315, 16267, 662, 1472, 690, 5662, 704, 311, 1884, 889, 617, 1054, 35970, 291, 198, 9514, 2476, 449, 369, 2728, 434, 323, 13334, 264, 10695, 1450, 311, 1884, 889, 1511, 311, 387, 198, 65974, 439, 701, 14207, 627, 3915, 11555, 311, 16024, 311, 28198, 11, 701, 4553, 2324, 29735, 3201, 505, 198, 96440, 994, 499, 1505, 701, 7580, 555, 7231, 16267, 3201, 16853, 2675, 1253, 387, 20910, 11, 520, 420, 1486, 11, 422, 358, 1097, 23377, 430, 499, 1288, 198, 37593, 2187, 6261, 311, 2733, 12703, 11, 902, 1053, 387, 264, 1376, 315, 35013, 13, 5046, 198, 12120, 499, 690, 3217, 51978, 11, 323, 358, 656, 539, 32113, 499, 311, 35840, 311, 387, 198, 57621, 323, 83212, 994, 499, 527, 539, 13, 2100, 11, 1268, 656, 499, 9006, 279, 8196, 198, 1768, 40197, 5380, 75781, 75215, 21592, 69569, 328, 1846, 7415, 3651, 3247, 328, 1846, 7415, 3083, 198, 31367, 50, 198, 3947, 374, 264, 8147, 12929, 505, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 220, 430, 14564, 279, 198, 11407, 315, 51978, 477, 8389, 21958, 1778, 439, 46996, 1174, 27394, 11, 35242, 345, 258, 42861, 1174, 323, 10712, 11, 902, 617, 1027, 279, 3917, 5030, 315, 420, 2363, 13, 2355, 24714 ]
important thing that was brought out in this report is that studies have shown that women with breast cancer have lower-than - 162normal levels of DHEA, sometimes for years before they even develop the cancer. So it certainly makes sense to supplement DHEA in the body, which you can do easily, safely and at no cost with urine therapy. Uric acid, which was mentioned previously, has also been discovered to destroy free radicals which are thought to contribute to the development of cancer. SUMMARY ON CANCER AND URINE THERAPY Not only does urine contain innumerable easily assimilable nutrients, hormones, enzymes, anti-bacterial agents and antibodies that help support the immune system during cancer, but urine also contains proven anti-cancer agents such as: • Human Urine's Derivative (HUD) • H-11 Extract • Refine • Antineoplastons • DHEA Hormone • Uric Acid Urine therapy is obviously an excellent natural cancer treatment. Its nutritional benefits alone are phenomenal, not to mention the immense value of its innumerable other health-promoting, therapeutic agents. DETECTING CANCER THROUGH URINE TESTS Another important thing to consider in terms of cancer diagnosis is the fact that research has shown that certain components of urine sediment can be of great importance in identifying bladder, kidney and prostrate 163malignancies. In 1975, it was reported that urine studies are done on all urology patients at the Mayo Clinic to help detect cancer: "Cancer cells from early-stage urinary system tumors appear in the urine, which allows for detection of such new tumors before they are readily perceived by other diagnostic methods.Your Own Perfect Medicine Cells of urine sediment have been used in the same way that vaginal smears have been used to gain information on ovarian functioning. As a matter of fact, it was reported in 1971 that urine testing was actually shown to detect more cases of abnormal cell activity than the usual cervical Pap smear. Urine testing for urinary tract malignancies is a safe, easy procedure which can replace or supplement other forms of cancer detection." Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice This type of diagnosis is so important today because, as many doctors and patients are finding, cancer patients can actually be harmed by the diagnostic tests themselves. URINE THERAPY AND AIDS Report #31 RESEARCH INDICATIONS FOR AIDS As we've seen, DHEA, which is present in large amounts in urine has many diverse health applications and has also been reported as an AIDS treatment. The January, 1988 publication of Aids Treatment News, had an excellent article on the use of DHEA in AIDS. The article stated that 164Researchers suspect that AIDS patients have abnormally low levels of DHEA. Additionally, it is now believed that DHEA itself may have a direct anti-viral effect. With urine therapy, AIDS patients have easy, unlimited access to DHEA, which reportedly has been forced from the consumer market by the FDA for no apparent reason. Raising DHEA levels in the body through intemal urine therapy certainly is a safe, simple procedure that both cancer and AIDS patients can undoubtedly benefit from. But DHEA is only one of, as we have seen, many hundreds of vitally important immune boosting and health supporting elements in urine. Because of urine (and urea's) remarkable anti-viral properties, and its extraordinary capacity to heal and strengthen the immune system, it's obviously an immensely significant natural treatment for AIDS. 132 J J jThe Research Evidence and Case Studies Actually, urine therapy in treating AIDS has already been in the news, although it's still not widely known or accepted because, up until now, the scientific evidence and proof supporting the efficacy of urine therapy has never been compiled and publicly presented. An article done on AIDS treatments in 1988 in the magazine, SPIN, discusses the use of urine therapy in AIDS: 165"One of the latest and most interesting treatments for which the alternative community is holding a lot of hope is probably the oldest natural remedy known to man. It's called urine therapy and consists of drinking one's own urine and rubbing one's entire body with it... The idea of drinking urine for medicinal purposes certainly takes some getting used to, but consider the facts about urine... 'Urine therapy has been around for a long time...' said one NYC private practitioner who supports the therapy...When you have something that works, that's been around for a long time, even though it doesn't fit into any of the'scientific' approaches, and there are many things that don't, I would say try it...if I had AIDS I would definitely try it.'" Ironically, urine therapy is one of the most scientifically corroborated of all natural therapies, and has been a scientific healing approach used for almost a century by mainstream medical researchers. The article goes on to describe the case of one AIDS patient who reportedly had excellent results with urine therapy: "Quique Palladino was diagnosed with AIDS, Kaposi's Sarcoma (a type of cancer common to AIDS patients), and numerous infections last year. Today, he claims to have gone into complete remission thanks to urine therapy. 'At first I just laughed and made jokes, he says...but they said that you could start by applying it topically...' 'I had a terrible case of athlete's foot/ringworm that nothing seemed to work for. I started applying urine to it. After three days, the infection was completely gone. After that I was, so convinced that I didn't mind 166drinking it.' r i 'All my KS (cancer) lesions are [now] gone. The mouth ulcers that used to plague me have not returned. I used to have monthly outbreaks of genital herpes, but that's gone too. And even more importantly, my T-cell count has gone up.—Your Own Perfect Medicine The article continues: "More and more people are trying urine therapy now and they're reporting amazing results,' says Gene Ledorko, president of H.F.A. (Health, Education, AIDS Liaison), a group that meets weekly in New York City to discuss alternative and often holistic therapies for AIDS." There's also another extremely important recent medical discovery regarding urine and AIDS: Bay Area Reporter August 9, 1990 "Thanks to the research of Dr. Alvin Friedman-Kien and his staff at the New York University Medical Center it was discovered in 1988 that the antibodies to HIV-1 appear in the urine of patients diagnosed with AIDS: _According to the involved researchers 'urine is not considered infectious because it has not been shown to contain the virus, only the antibodies'. Blood often contains the HIV-1 and other potentially infectious agents such as hepatitis B. Urine is a'sterile' fluid that is not found to contain viruses such as 167HIV-I or hepatitis B except in individuals who may have an underlying kidney disease.— A recent article in a doctors' journal that emphasizes natural medical treatments revealed that Dr. S. Burzynski, who discovered the naturally occurring anti-cancer urine proteins called antineoplastons, is now conducting FDA-approved research on the use of urinary antineoplastons in treating AIDS: "According to Dr. Burzynski's research, antineoplastons are naturally occurring peptides and amino acid derivatives which are components of a biochemical defense system which parallels our immune system and protects us by reprogramming, or normalizing defective cells that may lead to disorders such as cancer, AIDS, autoimmune diseases, benign tumors, etc." Townsend Letter For Doctors June, 1993 During allergy research studies (see following section on allergies), in using natural urine therapy for allergy patients, it was also noted that urine:r 7 The Research Evidence and Case Studies "...greatly increased immune response, noticeably affecting and increasing the T- cell population and the body's resistance to viral infections." Physician's Handbook on Immuno-Tolerance This same research report also revealed that: 168"There seems to be an enhanced response or stimulation of the immune system, mostly of the T-cell population (with the use of urine therapy]. While under treatment, patients reported an absence of viral diseases (flu, colds, etc.), or greatly decreased symptoms. On a few patients who exhibited low T-cell counts, the T-cell population was restored to normal after finishing their treatment..." hi the studies that have been presented so far, we've seen that many doctors and researchers using natural urine therapy have produced amazing cures for a wide variety of viral and bacterial illnesses, all of which is significant for AIDS patients. There are also more testimonials and information on the treatment of AIDS with urine therapy in Chapters 6 and 7. URINE THERAPY AND ALLERGIES The field of allergy research is so huge and so complicated that the average person, let alone allergy researchers, fmd it difficult to understand it all. But one thing we do all know about allergies is that now almost everyone has one – or more. Scientists don't really know for certain just what exactly is the mechanism in the body that is responsible for allergic reactions, but they do know that
[ 3062, 3245, 430, 574, 7263, 704, 304, 420, 1934, 374, 430, 198, 267, 58787, 617, 6982, 430, 3278, 449, 17659, 9572, 617, 4827, 48754, 18722, 10674, 8416, 5990, 315, 423, 1837, 32, 11, 7170, 369, 1667, 1603, 814, 1524, 2274, 198, 1820, 9572, 13, 2100, 433, 7995, 3727, 5647, 311, 22822, 423, 1837, 32, 304, 279, 198, 2664, 11, 902, 499, 649, 656, 6847, 11, 21676, 323, 520, 912, 2853, 449, 40335, 15419, 627, 52, 2265, 13935, 11, 902, 574, 9932, 8767, 11, 706, 1101, 1027, 11352, 311, 198, 15886, 1949, 74356, 902, 527, 3463, 311, 17210, 311, 279, 4500, 315, 9572, 627, 28477, 49970, 6328, 20076, 34, 643, 3651, 35514, 4069, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 198, 2688, 1193, 1587, 40335, 6782, 304, 2470, 28057, 6847, 40054, 321, 481, 37493, 345, 71, 494, 3233, 11, 220, 56067, 11, 220, 7294, 1481, 71034, 220, 13307, 220, 323, 220, 59854, 220, 430, 220, 1520, 220, 1862, 220, 279, 2355, 70155, 1887, 2391, 9572, 11, 719, 40335, 1101, 5727, 17033, 198, 15719, 1824, 11967, 13307, 1778, 439, 512, 6806, 11344, 17229, 483, 596, 13031, 48258, 320, 31337, 340, 6806, 473, 12, 806, 23673, 198, 6806, 8718, 483, 198, 6806, 6898, 483, 92335, 2439, 198, 6806, 423, 1837, 32, 92208, 606, 198, 6806, 549, 2265, 50234, 198, 52, 40101, 15419, 374, 14224, 459, 9250, 5933, 9572, 6514, 13, 11699, 198, 24217, 37842, 7720, 7636, 527, 57492, 11, 539, 311, 6420, 279, 38883, 198, 970, 315, 1202, 304, 2470, 28057, 1023, 2890, 66271, 11780, 11, 37471, 13307, 627, 1170, 35837, 1753, 20076, 34, 643, 94205, 35514, 4069, 13916, 50, 198, 14364, 3062, 3245, 311, 2980, 304, 3878, 315, 9572, 23842, 374, 279, 198, 34210, 430, 3495, 706, 6982, 430, 3738, 6956, 315, 40335, 59132, 198, 4919, 387, 315, 2294, 12939, 304, 25607, 62564, 11, 39042, 323, 463, 71015, 198, 9892, 76, 6750, 32737, 13, 763, 220, 4468, 20, 11, 433, 574, 5068, 430, 40335, 7978, 527, 2884, 389, 682, 198, 2868, 36781, 6978, 520, 279, 58157, 40324, 311, 1520, 11388, 9572, 512, 47416, 11967, 7917, 505, 4216, 51256, 72735, 1887, 56071, 5101, 304, 279, 198, 324, 483, 11, 902, 6276, 369, 18468, 315, 1778, 502, 56071, 1603, 814, 527, 198, 888, 1570, 26617, 555, 1023, 15439, 5528, 7659, 414, 21189, 24118, 19152, 198, 21526, 315, 40335, 59132, 617, 1027, 1511, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 430, 58159, 198, 3647, 7596, 617, 1027, 1511, 311, 8895, 2038, 389, 85542, 31301, 13, 1666, 198, 64, 5030, 315, 2144, 11, 433, 574, 5068, 304, 220, 4468, 16, 430, 40335, 7649, 574, 3604, 198, 70463, 311, 11388, 810, 5157, 315, 35663, 2849, 5820, 1109, 279, 13783, 67827, 32743, 2355, 3647, 686, 627, 52, 40101, 7649, 369, 72735, 42929, 60327, 32737, 374, 264, 6220, 11, 4228, 10537, 198, 8370, 649, 8454, 477, 22822, 1023, 7739, 315, 9572, 18468, 10246, 55615, 992, 4548, 304, 33135, 32184, 28082, 198, 2028, 955, 315, 23842, 374, 779, 3062, 3432, 1606, 11, 439, 1690, 16410, 198, 438, 6978, 527, 9455, 11, 9572, 6978, 649, 3604, 387, 69525, 555, 279, 198, 8747, 12219, 7177, 5694, 627, 1539, 4069, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 3651, 46060, 198, 10577, 674, 2148, 3680, 44645, 19877, 12016, 50, 4716, 46060, 198, 2170, 584, 3077, 3970, 11, 423, 1837, 32, 11, 902, 374, 3118, 304, 3544, 15055, 304, 40335, 706, 198, 35676, 17226, 2890, 8522, 323, 220, 706, 1101, 1027, 5068, 439, 459, 46060, 198, 83, 35320, 627, 791, 6186, 11, 220, 3753, 23, 17009, 315, 362, 3447, 31969, 5513, 11, 1047, 459, 9250, 198, 7203, 389, 279, 1005, 315, 423, 1837, 32, 304, 46060, 13, 578, 4652, 11224, 430, 198, 10513, 60210, 15562, 430, 46060, 6978, 617, 671, 86336, 3428, 5990, 315, 198, 35, 1837, 32, 13, 23212, 11, 433, 374, 1457, 11846, 430, 423, 1837, 32, 5196, 1253, 617, 264, 198, 20384, 7294, 8437, 37478, 2515, 627, 2409, 40335, 15419, 11, 46060, 6978, 617, 4228, 11, 27862, 2680, 311, 198, 35, 1837, 32, 11, 902, 18307, 706, 1027, 9770, 505, 279, 11761, 3157, 555, 198, 1820, 30473, 369, 912, 10186, 2944, 627, 49, 51226, 423, 1837, 32, 5990, 304, 279, 2547, 1555, 528, 336, 278, 40335, 15419, 7995, 374, 264, 6220, 11, 2355, 23796, 10537, 430, 2225, 9572, 323, 46060, 6978, 198, 4919, 38048, 8935, 505, 13, 2030, 423, 1837, 32, 220, 374, 1193, 832, 315, 11, 439, 584, 617, 198, 29412, 11, 1690, 11758, 315, 13458, 750, 3062, 22852, 56028, 323, 2890, 198, 24249, 287, 5540, 304, 40335, 627, 18433, 315, 40335, 320, 438, 53560, 64, 596, 8, 23649, 7294, 8437, 37478, 6012, 11, 323, 1202, 198, 15824, 21707, 8824, 311, 27661, 323, 20259, 279, 22852, 1887, 11, 433, 596, 198, 677, 18785, 459, 63689, 5199, 5933, 6514, 369, 46060, 627, 9413, 198, 41, 198, 41, 198, 73, 791, 8483, 44796, 323, 11799, 19241, 198, 53692, 11, 40335, 15419, 304, 27723, 46060, 706, 2736, 1027, 304, 279, 3754, 345, 37241, 433, 596, 2103, 539, 13882, 3967, 477, 11928, 1606, 11, 709, 3156, 1457, 345, 1820, 12624, 6029, 323, 11311, 12899, 279, 41265, 315, 40335, 15419, 706, 2646, 2355, 82850, 20276, 323, 17880, 10666, 627, 2127, 4652, 2884, 389, 46060, 22972, 304, 220, 3753, 23, 304, 279, 14756, 11, 220, 9440, 691, 11, 35434, 279, 2355, 817, 315, 40335, 15419, 304, 46060, 512, 10680, 74737, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 5652, 220, 323, 220, 1455, 220, 7185, 220, 22972, 220, 369, 220, 902, 220, 279, 220, 10778, 2355, 29502, 374, 10168, 264, 2763, 315, 3987, 374, 4762, 279, 24417, 5933, 198, 1864, 9497, 3967, 311, 893, 13, 1102, 596, 2663, 40335, 15419, 323, 17610, 315, 16558, 832, 596, 1866, 2355, 324, 483, 323, 57035, 832, 596, 4553, 2547, 449, 433, 9522, 791, 4623, 315, 16558, 40335, 369, 58041, 10096, 7995, 5097, 1063, 198, 51210, 1511, 311, 11, 719, 2980, 279, 13363, 922, 40335, 9522, 6, 52, 40101, 220, 15419, 220, 706, 220, 1027, 220, 2212, 220, 369, 220, 264, 220, 1317, 220, 892, 74438, 220, 1071, 220, 832, 220, 34385, 256, 879, 2355, 652, 533, 72346, 889, 11815, 279, 15419, 1131, 4599, 499, 617, 2555, 198, 9210, 4375, 11, 430, 596, 1027, 2212, 369, 264, 1317, 892, 11, 1524, 3582, 433, 3250, 956, 198, 6410, 1139, 904, 315, 279, 364, 85930, 6, 20414, 11, 323, 1070, 527, 1690, 2574, 198, 9210, 1541, 956, 11, 358, 1053, 2019, 1456, 433, 1131, 333, 358, 1047, 46060, 358, 1053, 8659, 1456, 433, 3238, 702, 47493, 2740, 11, 40335, 15419, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 74647, 79819, 660, 315, 198, 543, 5933, 52312, 11, 323, 706, 1027, 264, 12624, 21730, 5603, 1511, 198, 2000, 4661, 264, 9478, 555, 21391, 6593, 12074, 627, 791, 4652, 5900, 389, 311, 7664, 279, 1162, 315, 832, 46060, 8893, 889, 18307, 1047, 2355, 327, 25777, 3135, 449, 40335, 15419, 512, 1, 62545, 593, 72460, 329, 3394, 574, 29704, 449, 46060, 11, 735, 31515, 72, 596, 13951, 82945, 320, 64, 198, 1337, 315, 9572, 4279, 311, 46060, 6978, 705, 323, 12387, 30020, 198, 4354, 1060, 13, 11450, 11, 568, 8349, 311, 617, 8208, 1139, 4686, 1323, 7711, 9523, 198, 998, 40335, 15419, 13, 364, 1688, 1176, 358, 1120, 32627, 323, 1903, 32520, 11, 568, 2795, 1131, 8248, 198, 20670, 1071, 430, 499, 1436, 1212, 555, 19486, 433, 1948, 2740, 81430, 42069, 1047, 264, 17936, 1162, 315, 34880, 596, 4579, 7534, 287, 56741, 430, 4400, 9508, 311, 198, 1816, 369, 13, 358, 3940, 19486, 40335, 311, 433, 13, 4740, 2380, 2919, 11, 279, 19405, 198, 16514, 6724, 8208, 13, 4740, 430, 358, 574, 11, 779, 22954, 430, 358, 3287, 956, 4059, 198, 11247, 3696, 16113, 433, 24314, 81, 198, 72, 364, 2460, 856, 47474, 320, 66, 11967, 8, 63324, 527, 510, 3409, 60, 8208, 13, 578, 11013, 8725, 17254, 430, 198, 2656, 311, 55537, 757, 617, 539, 6052, 13, 358, 1511, 311, 617, 15438, 77871, 198, 1073, 57455, 70085, 11, 719, 430, 596, 8208, 2288, 13, 1628, 1524, 810, 23659, 11, 856, 198, 51, 33001, 1797, 706, 8208, 709, 35192, 7927, 21189, 24118, 19152, 198, 791, 4652, 9731, 512, 1, 7816, 323, 810, 1274, 527, 4560, 40335, 15419, 1457, 323, 814, 2351, 198, 11998, 287, 8056, 3135, 2965, 2795, 24983, 32755, 672, 78, 11, 4872, 315, 473, 1006, 885, 627, 7, 14884, 11, 11930, 11, 46060, 84757, 3416, 705, 264, 1912, 430, 20628, 17496, 304, 1561, 198, 100077, 4409, 311, 4358, 10778, 323, 3629, 61876, 52312, 369, 46060, 10246, 3947, 596, 1101, 2500, 9193, 3062, 3293, 6593, 18841, 198, 1610, 29510, 40335, 323, 46060, 512, 23407, 12299, 48081, 198, 32559, 220, 24, 11, 220, 2550, 15, 198, 1, 12947, 311, 279, 3495, 315, 2999, 13, 1708, 9799, 62458, 16222, 3675, 323, 813, 5687, 520, 279, 198, 3648, 4356, 3907, 13235, 5955, 433, 574, 11352, 304, 220, 3753, 23, 430, 198, 1820, 59854, 311, 23495, 12, 16, 5101, 304, 279, 40335, 315, 6978, 29704, 449, 46060, 512, 1596, 6779, 311, 279, 6532, 12074, 364, 324, 483, 374, 539, 6646, 198, 258, 3836, 1245, 1606, 433, 706, 539, 1027, 6982, 311, 6782, 279, 17188, 345, 3323, 279, 59854, 4527, 20671, 3629, 5727, 279, 23495, 12, 16, 323, 1023, 198, 19644, 31668, 50600, 13307, 1778, 439, 73975, 426, 627, 52, 40101, 374, 264, 364, 3751, 458, 6, 15962, 430, 374, 539, 1766, 311, 6782, 42068, 1778, 439, 198, 11515, 39, 3166, 22197, 477, 73975, 426, 3734, 304, 7931, 889, 1253, 617, 459, 16940, 39042, 2355, 67, 56407, 35192, 198, 32, 3293, 4652, 304, 264, 16410, 6, 8486, 430, 66159, 5933, 6593, 198, 83, 1244, 1392, 10675, 430, 2999, 13, 328, 13, 12649, 89, 1910, 33639, 11, 889, 11352, 279, 18182, 198, 511, 46839, 220, 7294, 1824, 11967, 220, 40335, 220, 28896, 220, 2663, 220, 3276, 483, 92335, 2439, 11, 220, 374, 220, 1457, 220, 31474, 2355, 82169, 67362, 3495, 389, 279, 1005, 315, 72735, 3276, 483, 92335, 2439, 198, 258, 27723, 46060, 512, 1, 11439, 311, 2999, 13, 12649, 89, 1910, 33639, 596, 3495, 11, 3276, 483, 92335, 2439, 527, 18182, 198, 511, 46839, 96434, 323, 42500, 13935, 43645, 902, 527, 6956, 315, 198, 64, 93532, 9232, 1887, 902, 72474, 1057, 22852, 1887, 323, 198, 47079, 82, 603, 555, 312, 92726, 11, 477, 4725, 4954, 64903, 7917, 430, 1253, 198, 27152, 311, 24673, 1778, 439, 9572, 11, 46060, 11, 88191, 19338, 345, 8123, 625, 56071, 11, 5099, 10246, 69594, 6820, 27757, 1789, 54943, 198, 28259, 11, 220, 2550, 18, 198, 16397, 60754, 3495, 7978, 320, 4151, 2768, 3857, 389, 58742, 705, 304, 198, 985, 5933, 40335, 15419, 369, 60754, 6978, 11, 433, 574, 1101, 10555, 430, 198, 324, 483, 68459, 198, 22, 198, 791, 8483, 44796, 323, 11799, 19241, 198, 53670, 47991, 398, 7319, 22852, 2077, 11, 78988, 28987, 323, 7859, 279, 350, 7058, 5997, 7187, 323, 279, 2547, 596, 13957, 311, 29962, 30020, 10246, 67171, 12734, 596, 49924, 389, 15695, 16711, 9469, 32761, 198, 2028, 1890, 3495, 1934, 1101, 10675, 430, 512, 8953, 25938, 5084, 311, 387, 459, 24872, 2077, 477, 41959, 315, 279, 22852, 198, 9125, 11, 10213, 315, 279, 350, 33001, 7187, 320, 4291, 279, 1005, 315, 40335, 15419, 27218, 8142, 1234, 6514, 11, 6978, 5068, 459, 19821, 315, 29962, 19338, 198, 968, 10036, 11, 9439, 82, 11, 5099, 25390, 477, 19407, 25983, 13803, 627, 1966, 264, 2478, 6978, 889, 51713, 3428, 350, 33001, 14921, 11, 279, 350, 33001, 198, 45541, 574, 28101, 311, 4725, 1306, 25270, 872, 6514, 31538, 6151, 279, 7978, 430, 617, 1027, 10666, 779, 3117, 11, 584, 3077, 3970, 430, 1690, 198, 3055, 12816, 323, 12074, 1701, 5933, 40335, 15419, 617, 9124, 198, 309, 6795, 272, 1439, 369, 264, 7029, 8205, 315, 29962, 323, 45964, 49909, 11, 682, 315, 198, 8370, 374, 5199, 369, 46060, 6978, 627, 3947, 527, 1101, 810, 84610, 323, 2038, 389, 279, 6514, 315, 198, 32, 26696, 449, 40335, 15419, 304, 69481, 220, 21, 323, 220, 22, 627, 1539, 4069, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 3651, 13398, 124886, 5482, 198, 791, 2115, 315, 60754, 3495, 374, 779, 6908, 323, 779, 17395, 430, 279, 198, 17645, 1732, 11, 1095, 7636, 60754, 12074, 11, 282, 2329, 433, 5107, 311, 3619, 433, 682, 13, 2355, 4071, 832, 3245, 584, 656, 682, 1440, 922, 58742, 374, 430, 1457, 198, 60301, 5127, 706, 832, 1389, 477, 810, 627, 72326, 1541, 956, 2216, 1440, 369, 3738, 1120, 1148, 7041, 220, 374, 279, 17383, 304, 279, 2355, 2664, 430, 374, 8647, 369, 57596, 25481, 11, 719, 814, 656, 198, 33134, 430 ]
get to be innocent; we get to enjoy self-pity; we get to be the martyr and the victim; and we get to be the recipients of sympathy. Perhaps the biggest payof f of blame is that we get to be the innocent victim and the other party is the bad one. W e see this game played out in the media constantly, such as the endless blame games dramatized in a multitude of controversies, mudslinging, character assassinations, and lawsuits. In addition to the emotional payof f, blame has considerable financial benefits; therefore, it is a tempting package to be the innocent victim, as it is often financially rewarded.There was a famous example of this in New Y ork City many years ago. A public conveyance accident occurred. People poured out of the front door of the vehicle, then gathered in a small crowd, furnishing their names and addresses for future financial benefit. Bystanders quickly caught on to the game and secretly climbed into the back of the vehicle, so that they could then emer ge from the front as injured, “innocent victims.” They hadn’ t even been in the accident, but they were going to collect a reward! Blame is the world’ s greatest excuse. It enables us to remain limited and small without feeling guilty. But there is a cost—the loss of our freedom. Also, the role of victim brings with it a self-perception of weakness, vulnerability, and helplessness, which are the major components of apathy and depression. The first step out of blame is to see that we are choosing to blame. Other people who have had similar circumstances have for given, for gotten, and handled the same situation in a totally dif ferent way. W e earlier saw the case of V iktor Frankl, who chose to for give the Nazi prison guards and to see a hidden gift in his experience at the concentration camps. Because others, such as Frankl, have chosen not to blame, that option is also open to us. W e have to be honest and realize that we are blaming because we choose to blame. This is true, no matter how justified the circumstances may appear to be. It is not a matter of right or wrong; it is merely a matter of taking responsibility for our own consciousness. It is a totally dif ferent situation to see that we choose to blame rather than to think that we have to blame. In this circumstance, the mind often thinks, “W ell, if the other person or event is not to blame, then I must be.” Blaming others or ourselves is simply not necessary. The attraction of blame arises in early childhood as a daily occurrence in the classroom, playground, and at home among siblings. Blame is the central issue in the endless court proceedings and lawsuits that characterize our society. In truth, blame is just another one of the negative programs that we have allowed our mind to buy because we never stopped to question it. Why must something always be someone’ s “fault”? Why must the whole concept of “wrong” be introduced to the situation in the first place? Why must one of us be wrong, bad, or at fault? What seemed like a good idea at the time may not have turned out well. That’ s all. Unfortunate events may have just happened.T o overcome blame, it is necessary to look at the secret satisfaction and enjoyment we get out of self-pity, resentment, anger, and self-excuses, and to begin to surrender all of these little payof fs. The purpose of this step is to move up from being a victim of our feelings to choosing to have them. If we merely acknowledge and observe them, begin to disassemble them, and surrender the component parts, then we are consciously exercising choice. In this way, we make a major move out of the morass of helplessness. It is helpful in overcoming resistance and taking responsibility for our negative programs and feelings to see that they come from the small aspect of ourselves. It is the very nature of the smallest part of ourselves to think negatively, so there’ s an unconscious tendency to agree readily to its limited viewpoint. But that is not the whole of our beingness; for outside and beyond the smaller self is our greater Self. W e may not be conscious of our inner greatness. W e may not be experiencing it, but it is there. If we let go of our resistance to it, we can begin to experience it. Depression and apathy, therefore, result from the willingness to hang on to the small self and its belief systems, plus the resistance to our Higher Self, which consists of all of the opposites of the negative feelings. It is the nature of the universe that everything in it is represented by its equal and opposite. Thus, the electron’ s equal and opposite is the positron. Every force has an equal and opposite counter -force. Y in is compensated for by Y ang. There is fear but there is also courage. There is hatred but its opposite is love. There is timidity but there is also bravery. There is stinginess but also generosity. In the human psyche, every feeling has its opposite. The way out of negativity is, therefore, the willingness to acknowledge and let go of negative feelings and, at the same time, the willingness to let go of resisting their positive opposite. Depression and apathy are the result of being at the ef fect of the negative polarity. How does this work in everyday life? Let’ s look again at the example of someone’ s birthday that is approaching quickly. Because of things that have happened in the past, we have resentments and feel unwilling to do anything for the birthday. Somehow, it just seems impossible to get out and shop for a birthday present. W e resent having to spend the money. The mind conjures up all kinds of justifications: “I don’ t have time to shop”; “I can’ t for get how mean she was”; “She should apologize to me first.” In this case, two things are operating: clinging to the negative and the smallness in ourselves, andresisting the positive and the greatness in ourselves. The way out of apathy is to see, first of all, that “I can’ t” is an “I won’ t.” In looking at the “I won’ t,” we see that it is there because of negative feelings and, as they come up, they can be acknowledged and let go. It is also apparent that we are resisting positive feelings. These feelings of love, generosity, and for giveness can be looked at one by one. W e can sit down and imagine the quality of generosity and let go resisting it. Is there something generous within ourselves? In this case, we may not be willing to apply it to the birthday person in the beginning. What we can begin to see is the existence of such a quality as generosity within our consciousness. W e begin to see that, as we let go resisting the feeling of generosity, there is generosity. W e do, in fact, enjoy giving to others under certain circumstances. W e begin to remember the positive flood of feeling that comes upon us when we express gratitude and acknowledge the gifts that others have given us. W e see that we have really been suppressing a desire to for give and, as we let go of the resistance to being for giving, there emer ges the willingness to let go of the grievance. As we do this, we stop identifying with our small self and become consciously aware that there is something in us that is greater. It is always there but hidden from view. This process is applicable in all negative situations. It enables us to change the context by which we perceive our current situation. It enables us to give it a new and dif ferent meaning. It lifts us up from being the helpless victim to the conscious chooser. In the example given, it doesn’ t mean that we have to rush out and buy a birthday gift. But it does mean that we are now aware that we are in our current position out of choice. W e have total freedom, with greater latitude of action and choice. This is a much higher state of consciousness than the helpless victim who is trapped by a past resentment. One of the laws of consciousness is: W e ar e only subject to a negative thought or belief if we consciously say that it applies to us. W e are free to choose not to buy into a negative belief system. How does this work in everyday life? Let’ s take a common example. The newspapers report unemployment is at a record high. The television news commentator states: “No jobs are available.” At this point, we are free to refuse to buy into the negative thought form. W e can say instead, “Unemployment does not apply to me.” By refusing to accept the negative belief, it now has no hold over our own life.Examples from personal experience reveal that, during periods of high unemployment such as after W orld W ar II, there was no problem getting a job. As a matter of fact, one could have two or even three jobs at the same time: dishwasher, waiter, bellhop, cab driver, bartender, factory worker, greenhouse worker, and window-washer. This was the consequence of a belief system that said: “Unemployment applies to others but not to me,” and “Where there’ s
[ 636, 311, 387, 198, 6258, 511, 306, 26, 584, 636, 311, 4774, 659, 2320, 488, 26, 584, 636, 311, 387, 279, 90408, 323, 279, 11996, 280, 438, 584, 636, 311, 387, 279, 34876, 315, 47084, 16853, 32576, 279, 8706, 2343, 1073, 282, 315, 19065, 374, 430, 584, 636, 311, 387, 279, 25226, 198, 92039, 323, 279, 1023, 4717, 374, 279, 3958, 832, 13, 468, 384, 1518, 420, 1847, 6476, 704, 304, 279, 198, 7551, 15320, 1174, 1778, 439, 279, 26762, 19065, 3953, 13859, 266, 1534, 304, 264, 198, 26961, 3993, 315, 86893, 11, 27275, 82, 2785, 287, 11, 3752, 26816, 12922, 11, 323, 198, 68637, 12059, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 279, 14604, 2343, 1073, 282, 11, 19065, 706, 24779, 198, 76087, 7720, 26, 9093, 11, 433, 374, 264, 61299, 6462, 311, 387, 279, 25226, 198, 92039, 11, 439, 433, 374, 3629, 39075, 44937, 53407, 574, 264, 11495, 3187, 315, 420, 304, 1561, 816, 477, 74, 4409, 1690, 1667, 4227, 627, 32, 586, 20599, 685, 11677, 10222, 13, 9029, 44033, 704, 315, 279, 4156, 6134, 198, 1073, 279, 7458, 11, 1243, 20802, 304, 264, 2678, 13734, 11, 9626, 11218, 872, 5144, 323, 198, 54889, 369, 3938, 6020, 8935, 13, 426, 599, 85051, 6288, 10791, 389, 311, 279, 198, 5924, 323, 42839, 45519, 1139, 279, 1203, 315, 279, 7458, 11, 779, 430, 814, 1436, 198, 3473, 991, 261, 3980, 505, 279, 4156, 439, 15902, 11, 1054, 6258, 511, 306, 12697, 2029, 2435, 19117, 529, 259, 1524, 198, 82850, 304, 279, 11677, 11, 719, 814, 1051, 2133, 311, 6667, 264, 11565, 4999, 5028, 373, 374, 279, 1917, 529, 274, 12474, 28391, 13, 1102, 20682, 603, 311, 7293, 7347, 198, 438, 2678, 2085, 8430, 16390, 662, 2030, 1070, 374, 264, 2853, 22416, 4814, 315, 1057, 198, 25746, 8944, 13, 7429, 11, 279, 3560, 315, 11996, 12716, 449, 433, 264, 659, 17453, 1010, 315, 198, 13451, 2136, 11, 34104, 1174, 323, 1520, 33028, 11, 902, 527, 279, 3682, 6956, 198, 1073, 1469, 19682, 323, 18710, 627, 791, 1176, 3094, 704, 315, 19065, 374, 311, 1518, 430, 584, 527, 19301, 220, 311, 19065, 627, 11663, 1274, 889, 617, 1047, 4528, 13463, 617, 369, 2728, 11, 369, 17454, 345, 438, 18073, 279, 1890, 6671, 304, 264, 12756, 1422, 18728, 306, 1648, 662, 468, 384, 6931, 5602, 279, 198, 5756, 315, 650, 602, 76378, 9454, 75, 11, 889, 14896, 311, 369, 3041, 279, 32527, 9527, 27270, 323, 311, 198, 4151, 264, 8340, 8352, 304, 813, 3217, 520, 279, 20545, 29135, 13, 9393, 198, 59961, 11, 1778, 439, 9454, 75, 11, 617, 12146, 539, 311, 19065, 11, 430, 3072, 374, 1101, 1825, 311, 198, 355, 13, 468, 384, 617, 311, 387, 10978, 323, 13383, 430, 584, 527, 59771, 1606, 584, 198, 28150, 311, 19065, 13, 1115, 374, 837, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 35516, 279, 13463, 198, 18864, 5101, 311, 387, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 264, 5030, 315, 1314, 477, 5076, 26, 433, 374, 16632, 264, 5030, 198, 1073, 4737, 12014, 369, 1057, 1866, 25917, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 12756, 1422, 18728, 306, 198, 47965, 4090, 311, 1518, 430, 584, 5268, 220, 311, 19065, 4856, 1109, 311, 1781, 430, 584, 617, 220, 311, 198, 2067, 373, 13, 763, 420, 53237, 11, 279, 4059, 3629, 15849, 11, 1054, 54, 26689, 11, 422, 279, 1023, 198, 9164, 477, 1567, 374, 539, 311, 19065, 11, 1243, 358, 220, 2011, 387, 2029, 2563, 6605, 3885, 477, 198, 2530, 4372, 374, 5042, 539, 5995, 16853, 791, 33464, 315, 19065, 48282, 304, 4216, 20587, 439, 264, 7446, 32659, 198, 258, 279, 24978, 11, 42715, 11, 323, 520, 2162, 4315, 37783, 13, 2563, 373, 374, 279, 198, 52911, 4360, 304, 279, 26762, 5590, 29407, 323, 43986, 430, 70755, 198, 414, 8396, 662, 763, 8206, 11, 19065, 374, 1120, 2500, 832, 315, 279, 8389, 7620, 430, 198, 906, 617, 5535, 1057, 4059, 311, 3780, 1606, 584, 2646, 10717, 311, 3488, 433, 627, 10445, 2011, 2555, 2744, 387, 4423, 529, 274, 1054, 60672, 74022, 8595, 2011, 279, 4459, 198, 69587, 315, 1054, 35970, 863, 387, 11784, 311, 279, 6671, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 30, 8595, 198, 25849, 832, 315, 603, 387, 5076, 11, 3958, 11, 477, 520, 14867, 30, 3639, 9508, 1093, 264, 1695, 4623, 520, 198, 1820, 892, 1253, 539, 617, 6656, 704, 1664, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 682, 13, 1252, 33174, 4455, 1253, 198, 19553, 1120, 7077, 844, 297, 23075, 19065, 11, 433, 374, 5995, 311, 1427, 520, 279, 6367, 24617, 323, 198, 268, 4215, 479, 584, 636, 704, 315, 659, 2320, 488, 1174, 71654, 11, 19788, 1174, 323, 659, 98033, 4881, 11, 323, 198, 998, 3240, 311, 32859, 682, 315, 1521, 2697, 2343, 1073, 8789, 13, 578, 7580, 315, 420, 3094, 374, 311, 198, 3479, 709, 505, 1694, 264, 11996, 315, 1057, 16024, 311, 19301, 311, 617, 1124, 13, 1442, 198, 906, 16632, 25670, 323, 23846, 1124, 11, 3240, 311, 834, 70208, 1124, 11, 323, 198, 82, 852, 910, 279, 3777, 5596, 11, 1243, 584, 527, 70903, 51582, 5873, 627, 644, 420, 1648, 1174, 584, 1304, 264, 3682, 3351, 704, 315, 279, 4411, 395, 315, 1520, 33028, 627, 2181, 374, 11190, 304, 74017, 13957, 323, 4737, 12014, 369, 1057, 198, 43324, 7620, 323, 16024, 311, 1518, 430, 814, 2586, 505, 279, 2678, 13189, 198, 1073, 13520, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 1633, 7138, 315, 279, 25655, 961, 315, 13520, 311, 1781, 198, 29875, 8046, 1174, 779, 1070, 529, 274, 459, 40711, 31954, 311, 7655, 31368, 311, 1202, 7347, 198, 1068, 2837, 13, 2030, 430, 374, 539, 279, 4459, 315, 1057, 1694, 2136, 26, 369, 4994, 323, 198, 65, 23478, 279, 9333, 659, 374, 1057, 7191, 10323, 13, 468, 384, 1253, 539, 387, 17371, 315, 1057, 198, 4481, 63556, 13, 468, 384, 1253, 539, 387, 25051, 433, 11, 719, 433, 374, 1070, 13, 1442, 584, 1095, 733, 198, 1073, 1057, 13957, 311, 433, 11, 584, 649, 3240, 311, 3217, 433, 13, 46904, 323, 1469, 19682, 13801, 19041, 1348, 11, 1121, 505, 279, 39375, 311, 15020, 389, 311, 279, 2678, 659, 323, 1202, 198, 60876, 6067, 11, 5636, 279, 13957, 311, 1057, 35321, 10323, 11, 902, 17610, 315, 682, 198, 1073, 279, 8081, 3695, 315, 279, 8389, 16024, 627, 2181, 374, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 15861, 430, 4395, 304, 433, 374, 15609, 555, 1202, 198, 26880, 323, 14329, 13, 14636, 11, 279, 17130, 529, 274, 6273, 323, 14329, 374, 279, 20940, 2298, 627, 11769, 5457, 706, 459, 6273, 323, 14329, 5663, 482, 9009, 13, 816, 304, 374, 66982, 198, 2000, 555, 816, 6590, 13, 2684, 374, 8850, 719, 1070, 374, 1101, 25775, 13, 2684, 374, 35242, 719, 1202, 198, 454, 13921, 374, 3021, 13, 2684, 374, 6935, 19025, 719, 1070, 374, 1101, 86166, 662, 2684, 374, 198, 267, 287, 1918, 719, 1101, 65352, 662, 763, 279, 3823, 88909, 11, 1475, 8430, 706, 1202, 198, 454, 13921, 13, 578, 1648, 704, 315, 93795, 374, 11, 9093, 11, 279, 39375, 311, 198, 474, 52286, 323, 1095, 733, 315, 8389, 16024, 323, 11, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 279, 198, 86, 9585, 2136, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 70441, 872, 6928, 14329, 13, 46904, 323, 198, 391, 19682, 527, 279, 1121, 315, 1694, 520, 279, 31469, 282, 440, 315, 279, 8389, 76790, 662, 2650, 198, 28156, 420, 990, 304, 18254, 2324, 5380, 10267, 529, 274, 1427, 1578, 520, 279, 3187, 315, 4423, 529, 274, 15553, 430, 374, 198, 16082, 12092, 6288, 662, 9393, 315, 2574, 430, 617, 7077, 304, 279, 3347, 11, 584, 198, 19553, 47540, 1392, 323, 2733, 46243, 311, 656, 4205, 369, 279, 15553, 16853, 8538, 5269, 1174, 433, 1120, 5084, 12266, 311, 636, 704, 323, 8221, 369, 264, 15553, 198, 29844, 13, 468, 384, 47540, 3515, 311, 8493, 279, 3300, 662, 578, 4059, 16898, 1439, 709, 682, 198, 74, 8843, 315, 1120, 7174, 25, 1054, 40, 1541, 529, 259, 617, 892, 311, 8221, 66545, 1054, 40, 649, 529, 259, 369, 636, 1268, 198, 14622, 1364, 574, 66545, 1054, 8100, 1288, 37979, 311, 757, 1176, 2029, 763, 420, 1162, 11, 1403, 2574, 198, 548, 10565, 25, 97458, 311, 279, 8389, 323, 279, 2678, 2136, 304, 13520, 11, 323, 417, 11330, 279, 6928, 323, 279, 63556, 304, 13520, 13, 578, 1648, 704, 315, 1469, 19682, 198, 285, 311, 1518, 11, 1176, 315, 682, 11, 430, 1054, 40, 649, 529, 259, 863, 374, 459, 1054, 40, 2834, 529, 259, 2029, 763, 3411, 520, 279, 1054, 40, 198, 55767, 529, 259, 2476, 584, 1518, 430, 433, 374, 1070, 1606, 315, 8389, 16024, 323, 11, 439, 814, 198, 2063, 709, 11, 814, 649, 387, 26579, 323, 1095, 733, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 10186, 430, 584, 198, 548, 70441, 6928, 16024, 13, 4314, 16024, 315, 3021, 11, 65352, 1174, 323, 198, 2000, 2728, 434, 649, 387, 7111, 520, 832, 555, 832, 627, 54, 384, 649, 2503, 1523, 323, 13085, 279, 4367, 315, 65352, 323, 1095, 733, 198, 417, 11330, 433, 13, 2209, 1070, 2555, 28771, 2949, 13520, 30, 763, 420, 1162, 11, 584, 198, 18864, 539, 387, 10032, 311, 3881, 433, 311, 279, 15553, 1732, 304, 279, 7314, 13, 3639, 198, 906, 649, 3240, 311, 1518, 374, 279, 14209, 315, 1778, 264, 4367, 439, 65352, 2949, 198, 414, 25917, 13, 468, 384, 3240, 311, 1518, 430, 11, 439, 584, 1095, 733, 70441, 279, 8430, 315, 198, 7642, 22828, 1174, 1070, 374, 65352, 662, 468, 384, 656, 11, 304, 2144, 11, 4774, 7231, 311, 3885, 1234, 198, 66, 7770, 13463, 13, 468, 384, 3240, 311, 6227, 279, 6928, 18197, 315, 8430, 198, 9210, 4131, 5304, 603, 994, 584, 3237, 46135, 323, 25670, 279, 21258, 198, 9210, 3885, 617, 2728, 603, 13, 468, 384, 1518, 430, 584, 617, 2216, 1027, 98795, 264, 198, 5919, 556, 311, 369, 3041, 323, 11, 439, 584, 1095, 733, 315, 279, 13957, 311, 1694, 369, 7231, 11, 1070, 198, 41996, 14748, 279, 39375, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 279, 51013, 685, 13, 1666, 584, 656, 420, 11, 584, 3009, 198, 1748, 7922, 449, 1057, 2678, 659, 323, 3719, 70903, 8010, 430, 1070, 374, 198, 34431, 304, 603, 430, 374, 7191, 662, 1102, 374, 2744, 1070, 719, 8340, 505, 1684, 16853, 2028, 1920, 374, 8581, 304, 682, 8389, 15082, 13, 1102, 20682, 603, 311, 198, 3455, 279, 2317, 555, 902, 584, 45493, 1057, 1510, 6671, 13, 1102, 20682, 603, 198, 998, 3041, 433, 264, 502, 323, 1422, 18728, 306, 7438, 13, 1102, 54166, 603, 709, 505, 1694, 279, 63628, 198, 92039, 311, 279, 17371, 95353, 662, 763, 279, 3187, 2728, 11, 433, 3250, 529, 259, 3152, 430, 198, 906, 617, 311, 13270, 704, 323, 3780, 264, 15553, 8352, 13, 2030, 433, 1587, 3152, 430, 584, 527, 198, 3409, 8010, 430, 584, 527, 304, 1057, 1510, 2361, 704, 315, 5873, 13, 468, 384, 617, 2860, 198, 25746, 8944, 11, 449, 7191, 21518, 315, 1957, 323, 5873, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 1790, 5190, 198, 2513, 315, 25917, 1109, 279, 63628, 11996, 889, 374, 31691, 555, 264, 3347, 198, 2762, 479, 627, 4054, 315, 279, 7016, 315, 25917, 374, 25, 468, 384, 802, 384, 1193, 3917, 311, 264, 8389, 198, 61665, 477, 16801, 422, 584, 70903, 2019, 430, 433, 17208, 311, 603, 662, 468, 384, 527, 1949, 311, 198, 28150, 539, 311, 3780, 1139, 264, 8389, 16801, 1887, 627, 4438, 1587, 420, 990, 304, 18254, 2324, 30, 6914, 529, 274, 1935, 264, 4279, 3187, 627, 791, 32594, 1934, 26690, 374, 520, 264, 3335, 1579, 13, 578, 12707, 198, 10189, 69836, 5415, 25, 1054, 2822, 7032, 527, 2561, 2029, 2468, 420, 1486, 11, 584, 527, 1949, 198, 998, 26122, 311, 3780, 1139, 279, 8389, 3463, 1376, 13, 468, 384, 649, 2019, 4619, 345, 2118, 1844, 21093, 1587, 539, 3881, 311, 757, 2029, 3296, 39089, 311, 4287, 279, 8389, 198, 60876, 11, 433, 1457, 706, 912, 3412, 927, 1057, 1866, 2324, 5231, 4112, 505, 4443, 3217, 16805, 430, 11, 2391, 18852, 315, 1579, 198, 359, 21093, 1778, 439, 1306, 468, 477, 509, 468, 802, 8105, 11, 1070, 574, 912, 3575, 3794, 264, 198, 8975, 13, 1666, 264, 5030, 315, 2144, 11, 832, 1436, 617, 1403, 477, 1524, 2380, 7032, 520, 279, 1890, 198, 1712, 25, 61433, 1174, 68269, 1174, 29519, 26172, 11, 22239, 5696, 1174, 91505, 1174, 8803, 12128, 13801, 13553, 7830, 12128, 1174, 323, 3321, 2695, 34867, 662, 1115, 574, 279, 29774, 315, 264, 198, 60876, 1887, 430, 1071, 25, 1054, 1844, 21093, 17208, 311, 3885, 719, 539, 311, 757, 2476, 198, 438, 1054, 9241, 1070, 529, 274 ]
ately commend and condemn the most widely known and commonly used remedies, in regard to the same diseases, and under the same circumstances, and there is not a poison or nostrum, or process or compound which cannot exhibit the approving signature of some illustrious teacher or practitioner, as a valuable curative of disease, if not of all diseases. It does not require that one shall be very old to remember that former methods and means employed by the doctors in the cure of disease are now wholly discarded and utterly repudiated by those of the same school, as unprofessional if not wholly absurd and barbarous. Instances of this need not be given, as there are many survivors of the former practice ; and this maybe stated as either a compliment to the profession or in praise of the wonderful vitality of the patients of a former day, who bear in their bodies, in the shape of scars and gashes from lancet, cuppings, leeches, etc., the marks and evidences of certain “heroic” practices once the chief reliance of the doctors. Some can still remember what deserts of burning thirst they travelled through, with “water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink,” because the doctor said it would be certain death to let the famishing patient have even a sip of the life-giving beverage. What doctor would jeopard his reputation to-day by readopting the practice very common a score or more years ago? If these great revolutions of the past and these contradictions of the present are taken together, they constitute a ground of grave suspicion on the part of unprejudiced and non-partisan readers and observers that the whole subject of medicine is enveloped in mystery and uncertainty, and thatit is the part of wisdom to have as little to do as possible with the powerful and doubtful remedies of the profession. The writer having, in his earlier years, “suffered many things at the hands of the physicians, and was nothing better, but rather grew worse” (Mark 5: 26), has concluded, too tardily and after too many hesitations in his own case, to trust nature in the future, and the agencies she employs for recovery to health in case of disease. Having been the head of a family for twenty-five years, not exempted during this period from the common ailments of life, he is, notwithstanding, able to say that its members have not in all the above period taken a dime’s worth of any medicinal drug, and that neither whiskey nor tea or coffee has found any place in their dietary or Materia Medica. He has, however, made much use of the methods of the nutritive cure, and had a sound faith in such of its principles as he understood, without, however, having very fully comprehended the logical connection of its parts, and the philosophical and rational grounds upon which it rests, or the processes by which its fundamental truths are demonstrated. He rejoices, therefore, to find, and heartily to be able to commend to all, both to the afflicted as a means of getting well and to the healthy as a means of keeping well, the following thoroughly consistent and convincing volume on the subject of health and disease. To Dr. Robert Walter is due the merit of having wrought out a clear and comprehensive conception of fundamental principles, and their elaboration into a harmonious andconnected system, thus attaining a scientific basis for what he, with philosophical propriety, calls the nutritive cure. Instead of adding one other to the already too numerous and conflicting theories of health and disease, and bringing forward another new empirical attempt to cure the afflicted, he has attained a new exposition of principles, and consequently a new method of treatment, which logically harmonizes with what is known to be true in all other systems, and which discards the false and merely hypothetical ; thus laying a foundation upon which medical science may rear a harmonious and enduring structure, which shall no longer be the reproach of its builders, a very Babel of conflicting speech and learned confusion. If the Doctor’s style is sometimes felt to be rugged, and perhaps severe, it should be remembered that this is the usual method with men profoundly convinced and deeply in earnest, and who have some great truth to announce and some grave and dangerous errors to combat. Those who forget this are always offended at the plain and unsparing utterances of some bold reformer. Luther has many times been censured for the coarse and harsh terms in which he spoke and wrote, and justly, no doubt ; but those who rightly estimate his work look upon this as quite a venial offence. Let the reader endeavor to comprehend the dear, strong sense of Doctor Walter, and understand the great value of his principles and methods, and he will take little time to criticise his rugged and forcible rhetoric. A score of years of patient study and careful research, in connection with an extensive and wonderfully successful practice, give him a right to speak withconfidence, especially since his claims and pretensions are supported by hundreds of willing and joyful witnesses, who after having fully tried other remedies, ascribe to Dr. Walter and his methods their restoration to health. Joel Swartz.THE NUTRITIVE CURE. CHAPTER I GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS It was Lord Bacon, we believe, who said, “No man knows or can know more than the facts of his experience teach him.” It is further evident from the Baconian philosophy that facts are only the alphabet of science. As the alphabet must be formed into words, and the words arranged into sentences, before we can have rational discourse, so must the facts of experience be aggregated and generalized into principles, and these be formed into systems, before we can have comprehensive, reliable, and essential truth. The first requisite of scientific knowledge is a certainty Sir William Hamilton has said, “There is no more fruitful source of error than the allegation of false facts in reasoning”—that is, fiction is mistaken for fact, and upon this shadowy foundation are reared, often with most elaborate skill, the splendid structures of the imagination, assuming variously the shapes of philosophies, theologies, science “falsely so called,” schools, sects, arts, which, like magnificent frostwork or pinnacled icebergs, excite admiration and attract multitudes, who are ready to swear that these are eternal verities. But in those revolutions which attend all human affairs, and change the atmosphere of thought, these splendid delusions pass away like the “baseless fabric of a dream, nor leave a wreck behind.”Having attained a knowledge of the facts, the next essential is a knowledge of the co-ordinating principle which determines the true scientific arrangement. If the facts of experience are not classified and arranged in proper order, but are disposed only by accidental resemblances, or according to some preconceived notion of how they ought to be connected, a science is impossible, and a true interpretation of the facts unattainable. An army without military order is justly denominated a mob ; and the difficulty of managing it, and the certainty of defeat in an engagement, are exactly proportioned to the number of its individuals. Similarly does the multitude of facts which experience may collect encumber and confound all attempts at rational explication, if not duly and scientifically classified and systematized. Now we feel warranted in saying that it is at once the glory and the reproach of medical science that it has accumulated innumerable isolated and disjointed facts, which, though highly complimentary to the industry and perseverance of those of who have labored in this field, are, from want of logical disposition and scientific coherence, a labyrinth of confusion out of which the inquisitive mind has thus far been unable to find an escape ; and until some one shall furnish the Ariadnean thread which shall lead to the light of the co-ordinating principle, men shall continue to grope amid the facts of experience, all the more hopelessly because of their multitude and seeming contradictions. That medical science, with all its accumulations of facts, is thus involved in doubt, uncertainty, and confusion, rests not simply upon the assertion of the writer, who has long since learned to distrust its pretensions, but
[ 2718, 220, 74212, 220, 323, 220, 40074, 220, 279, 220, 1455, 220, 13882, 220, 3967, 220, 323, 198, 5581, 398, 1511, 51236, 11, 304, 5363, 311, 279, 1890, 19338, 11, 323, 1234, 198, 1820, 1890, 13463, 11, 323, 1070, 374, 539, 264, 21109, 477, 57426, 372, 11, 477, 198, 4734, 477, 24549, 902, 4250, 31324, 279, 77258, 12223, 198, 1073, 1063, 97583, 84718, 11326, 477, 55472, 11, 439, 264, 15525, 2917, 1413, 315, 198, 67, 56407, 11, 422, 539, 315, 682, 19338, 627, 2181, 220, 1587, 539, 220, 1397, 220, 430, 220, 832, 220, 4985, 220, 387, 220, 1633, 2362, 220, 311, 220, 6227, 430, 198, 35627, 5528, 323, 3445, 20011, 555, 279, 16410, 304, 279, 27208, 315, 198, 67, 56407, 527, 1457, 42241, 44310, 323, 38631, 2109, 664, 10234, 555, 1884, 315, 198, 1820, 220, 1890, 220, 2978, 11, 220, 439, 220, 653, 66886, 220, 422, 220, 539, 220, 42241, 220, 32677, 220, 323, 198, 2308, 2308, 788, 13, 220, 90341, 315, 420, 1205, 539, 387, 2728, 11, 439, 1070, 527, 1690, 198, 20370, 85, 86493, 315, 279, 4846, 6725, 2652, 323, 420, 7344, 11224, 439, 3060, 264, 198, 884, 501, 3904, 311, 279, 4913, 477, 304, 29488, 315, 279, 11364, 75716, 315, 198, 1820, 6978, 315, 264, 4846, 1938, 11, 889, 11984, 304, 872, 13162, 11, 304, 279, 6211, 315, 198, 2445, 1590, 323, 342, 14380, 505, 76385, 295, 11, 10747, 79, 826, 11, 514, 4842, 288, 11, 5099, 2637, 279, 15785, 323, 198, 68, 1325, 2436, 315, 3738, 1054, 18204, 292, 863, 12659, 3131, 279, 10388, 54180, 315, 279, 198, 3055, 12816, 13, 220, 4427, 649, 2103, 6227, 1148, 951, 15916, 315, 20252, 50690, 814, 198, 49610, 839, 1555, 11, 449, 1054, 13284, 11, 3090, 17277, 11, 323, 539, 264, 6068, 311, 198, 98427, 2476, 1606, 279, 10896, 1071, 433, 1053, 387, 3738, 4648, 311, 1095, 279, 198, 69, 309, 11218, 8893, 617, 1524, 264, 47715, 315, 279, 2324, 2427, 2299, 43450, 13, 220, 3639, 198, 38083, 1053, 53132, 813, 17444, 311, 11477, 555, 1373, 2985, 287, 279, 6725, 198, 1225, 4279, 264, 5573, 477, 810, 1667, 4227, 30, 220, 1442, 1521, 2294, 93574, 198, 1073, 220, 279, 220, 3347, 220, 323, 220, 1521, 220, 81523, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 3118, 220, 527, 220, 4529, 198, 998, 3522, 11, 814, 35256, 264, 5015, 315, 25165, 38141, 389, 279, 961, 315, 198, 359, 1762, 18631, 7725, 323, 2536, 29137, 17570, 13016, 323, 37643, 430, 279, 4459, 198, 11760, 315, 16088, 374, 54285, 291, 304, 23347, 323, 27924, 11, 323, 430, 275, 374, 279, 961, 315, 24278, 311, 617, 439, 2697, 311, 656, 439, 3284, 449, 279, 198, 13477, 1285, 323, 75699, 51236, 315, 279, 4913, 627, 791, 7061, 3515, 11, 304, 813, 6931, 1667, 11, 1054, 82, 2084, 291, 1690, 2574, 520, 279, 198, 89112, 315, 279, 35944, 11, 323, 574, 4400, 2731, 11, 719, 4856, 14264, 198, 86, 11073, 863, 320, 9126, 220, 20, 25, 220, 1627, 705, 706, 20536, 11, 2288, 62197, 1570, 323, 1306, 2288, 1690, 198, 17082, 31767, 304, 813, 1866, 1162, 11, 311, 7095, 7138, 304, 279, 3938, 11, 323, 279, 198, 351, 6072, 1364, 51242, 369, 13654, 311, 2890, 304, 1162, 315, 8624, 627, 29132, 1027, 279, 2010, 315, 264, 3070, 369, 17510, 36399, 1667, 11, 539, 39028, 291, 198, 82977, 220, 420, 220, 4261, 220, 505, 220, 279, 220, 4279, 220, 82907, 220, 315, 220, 2324, 11, 220, 568, 220, 374, 345, 1962, 50044, 11, 3025, 311, 2019, 430, 1202, 3697, 617, 539, 304, 682, 279, 198, 49532, 4261, 4529, 264, 74953, 753, 5922, 315, 904, 58041, 5623, 11, 323, 430, 198, 818, 2544, 65354, 6463, 15600, 477, 11033, 706, 1766, 904, 2035, 304, 872, 34625, 198, 269, 386, 29283, 3344, 3074, 662, 220, 1283, 706, 11, 4869, 11, 1903, 1790, 1005, 315, 279, 5528, 198, 1073, 279, 69714, 535, 27208, 11, 323, 1047, 264, 5222, 10082, 304, 1778, 315, 1202, 16565, 439, 198, 383, 16365, 11, 2085, 11, 4869, 11, 3515, 1633, 7373, 12963, 2954, 279, 198, 31356, 3717, 315, 1202, 5596, 11, 323, 279, 41903, 323, 25442, 198, 63211, 220, 5304, 220, 902, 220, 433, 220, 54331, 11, 220, 477, 220, 279, 220, 11618, 220, 555, 220, 902, 220, 1202, 198, 58703, 44186, 53219, 527, 21091, 13, 220, 1283, 48041, 1238, 11, 9093, 11, 311, 1505, 345, 438, 4851, 1570, 311, 387, 3025, 311, 74212, 311, 682, 11, 2225, 311, 279, 92268, 439, 264, 198, 47321, 315, 3794, 1664, 323, 311, 279, 9498, 439, 264, 3445, 315, 10494, 1664, 345, 1820, 2768, 27461, 13263, 323, 40661, 8286, 389, 279, 198, 11760, 315, 2890, 323, 8624, 13, 220, 2057, 2999, 13, 8563, 33305, 374, 4245, 279, 38559, 198, 1073, 220, 3515, 220, 79703, 220, 704, 220, 264, 220, 2867, 220, 323, 220, 16195, 220, 43656, 220, 315, 198, 58703, 44186, 16565, 11, 323, 872, 25985, 367, 1139, 264, 18249, 1245, 323, 15647, 1887, 11, 8617, 1651, 2101, 264, 12624, 8197, 369, 1148, 568, 11, 449, 198, 46185, 11597, 950, 21744, 2676, 11, 6880, 279, 220, 69714, 535, 27208, 662, 220, 12361, 315, 7999, 198, 606, 1023, 311, 279, 2736, 2288, 12387, 323, 52133, 26018, 315, 198, 12393, 220, 323, 220, 8624, 11, 220, 323, 220, 12967, 220, 4741, 220, 2500, 220, 502, 220, 46763, 198, 56605, 311, 27208, 279, 92268, 11, 568, 706, 63260, 264, 502, 91518, 315, 198, 652, 5824, 645, 11, 220, 323, 220, 52394, 220, 264, 220, 502, 220, 1749, 220, 315, 220, 6514, 11, 220, 902, 198, 848, 2740, 220, 18249, 4861, 220, 449, 220, 1148, 220, 374, 220, 3967, 220, 311, 220, 387, 220, 837, 220, 304, 220, 682, 220, 1023, 198, 46654, 11, 323, 902, 2624, 2402, 279, 905, 323, 16632, 59159, 2652, 8617, 198, 6789, 287, 220, 264, 220, 16665, 220, 5304, 220, 902, 220, 6593, 220, 8198, 220, 1253, 220, 14981, 220, 264, 198, 13279, 1677, 1245, 323, 52876, 6070, 11, 902, 4985, 912, 5129, 387, 279, 198, 265, 782, 613, 220, 315, 220, 1202, 220, 49186, 11, 220, 264, 220, 1633, 220, 426, 786, 220, 315, 220, 52133, 220, 8982, 220, 323, 198, 12964, 291, 22047, 627, 2746, 279, 19150, 753, 1742, 374, 7170, 6612, 311, 387, 55883, 11, 323, 8530, 198, 325, 19846, 11, 433, 1288, 387, 27569, 430, 420, 374, 279, 13783, 1749, 449, 198, 5794, 66278, 22954, 323, 17693, 304, 55349, 11, 323, 889, 617, 1063, 198, 47991, 8206, 311, 22203, 323, 1063, 25165, 323, 11660, 6103, 311, 198, 86743, 13, 220, 13266, 889, 10894, 420, 527, 2744, 54221, 520, 279, 14733, 323, 198, 11099, 45252, 22256, 3095, 315, 1063, 14265, 15180, 261, 13, 220, 36302, 706, 1690, 3115, 198, 82850, 272, 729, 3149, 369, 279, 50347, 323, 25984, 3878, 304, 902, 568, 12570, 323, 198, 86, 5646, 11, 323, 1120, 398, 11, 912, 10712, 2652, 719, 1884, 889, 54466, 16430, 813, 990, 198, 7349, 5304, 420, 439, 5115, 264, 11457, 532, 35355, 13, 220, 6914, 279, 6742, 54914, 311, 198, 884, 31882, 408, 279, 25237, 11, 3831, 5647, 315, 19150, 33305, 11, 323, 3619, 198, 1820, 2294, 907, 315, 813, 16565, 323, 5528, 11, 323, 568, 690, 1935, 2697, 198, 1712, 311, 9940, 1082, 813, 55883, 323, 52842, 1260, 34731, 13, 220, 362, 5573, 315, 1667, 315, 198, 23557, 4007, 323, 16994, 3495, 11, 304, 3717, 449, 459, 16781, 198, 438, 61085, 6992, 6725, 11, 3041, 1461, 264, 1314, 311, 6604, 449, 83029, 11, 5423, 2533, 813, 8349, 323, 4509, 4769, 527, 7396, 198, 1729, 11758, 315, 10032, 323, 83212, 28823, 11, 889, 1306, 3515, 7373, 198, 376, 1142, 1023, 51236, 11, 439, 3191, 311, 2999, 13, 33305, 323, 813, 5528, 872, 198, 4014, 7769, 311, 2890, 627, 23307, 301, 4593, 22321, 844, 1837, 452, 1406, 49, 45450, 356, 4622, 627, 88539, 358, 198, 95836, 3501, 37599, 643, 22545, 198, 2181, 574, 10425, 62484, 11, 584, 4510, 11, 889, 1071, 11, 1054, 2822, 893, 8964, 477, 649, 1440, 198, 6518, 1109, 279, 13363, 315, 813, 3217, 4639, 1461, 2029, 1102, 374, 4726, 30576, 198, 1527, 279, 62484, 1122, 19675, 430, 13363, 527, 220, 1193, 279, 28890, 315, 198, 40657, 13, 220, 1666, 279, 28890, 2011, 387, 14454, 1139, 4339, 11, 323, 279, 4339, 198, 1138, 3811, 1139, 23719, 11, 1603, 584, 649, 617, 25442, 41602, 11, 779, 198, 25849, 220, 279, 220, 13363, 220, 315, 3217, 220, 387, 220, 71922, 220, 323, 220, 67217, 220, 1139, 198, 652, 5824, 645, 11, 323, 1521, 387, 14454, 1139, 6067, 11, 1603, 584, 649, 617, 198, 884, 53999, 11, 15062, 11, 323, 7718, 8206, 13, 220, 578, 1176, 82780, 315, 198, 85930, 6677, 374, 264, 44743, 17177, 12656, 24051, 706, 1071, 345, 35816, 374, 912, 810, 89684, 2592, 315, 1493, 1109, 279, 58494, 315, 905, 198, 69153, 304, 33811, 63750, 9210, 374, 11, 17422, 374, 37104, 369, 2144, 11, 323, 5304, 420, 198, 34052, 88, 16665, 527, 312, 1636, 11, 3629, 449, 1455, 37067, 10151, 11, 279, 198, 70195, 51503, 14726, 315, 279, 28899, 11, 26619, 5370, 398, 279, 21483, 198, 1073, 13868, 552, 11, 279, 9268, 11, 8198, 1054, 69, 1147, 989, 779, 2663, 2476, 8853, 11, 31237, 82, 345, 7183, 11, 902, 11, 1093, 41792, 45834, 1816, 477, 281, 6258, 582, 839, 10054, 655, 5981, 11, 3521, 635, 198, 48029, 20202, 323, 9504, 2814, 21237, 11, 889, 527, 5644, 311, 47177, 430, 1521, 198, 548, 35825, 2807, 1385, 13, 220, 2030, 304, 1884, 93574, 902, 9604, 682, 3823, 198, 2715, 4825, 11, 220, 323, 220, 2349, 220, 279, 220, 16975, 220, 315, 220, 3463, 11, 220, 1521, 220, 70960, 198, 9783, 36807, 1522, 3201, 1093, 279, 1054, 3231, 1752, 13354, 315, 264, 8063, 11, 6463, 5387, 264, 198, 86, 25662, 4920, 2029, 29132, 63260, 264, 6677, 315, 279, 13363, 11, 279, 1828, 7718, 374, 264, 198, 90153, 315, 279, 1080, 12, 6114, 1113, 17966, 902, 27667, 279, 837, 198, 85930, 27204, 13, 220, 1442, 279, 13363, 315, 3217, 527, 539, 21771, 198, 438, 28902, 304, 6300, 2015, 11, 719, 527, 26655, 1193, 555, 50016, 198, 265, 28111, 3095, 11, 477, 4184, 311, 1063, 864, 444, 8946, 23035, 315, 1268, 814, 198, 2509, 220, 311, 220, 387, 220, 8599, 11, 220, 264, 220, 8198, 220, 374, 220, 12266, 11, 220, 323, 220, 264, 220, 837, 198, 17324, 367, 315, 279, 13363, 653, 1617, 467, 481, 13, 220, 1556, 13695, 2085, 6411, 198, 1382, 374, 1120, 398, 3453, 50615, 264, 12881, 2652, 323, 279, 17250, 315, 18646, 433, 345, 438, 220, 279, 220, 44743, 220, 315, 220, 18506, 220, 304, 220, 459, 220, 20392, 11, 220, 527, 220, 7041, 198, 782, 15750, 291, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 1396, 220, 315, 220, 1202, 220, 7931, 13, 220, 35339, 220, 1587, 220, 279, 198, 26961, 3993, 220, 315, 220, 13363, 220, 902, 220, 3217, 220, 1253, 220, 6667, 220, 3289, 900, 220, 323, 198, 6263, 801, 220, 682, 220, 13865, 220, 520, 220, 25442, 220, 1367, 1728, 11, 220, 422, 220, 539, 220, 77903, 220, 323, 198, 85930, 750, 21771, 323, 1887, 266, 1534, 13, 220, 4800, 584, 2733, 74280, 304, 198, 82, 17718, 430, 433, 374, 520, 3131, 279, 27025, 323, 279, 53823, 613, 315, 6593, 8198, 198, 9210, 433, 706, 41165, 304, 2470, 28057, 25181, 323, 85884, 291, 13363, 345, 8370, 11, 220, 3582, 220, 7701, 220, 54428, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 5064, 220, 323, 198, 82344, 424, 685, 315, 1884, 315, 889, 617, 10278, 3093, 304, 420, 2115, 11, 527, 11, 505, 198, 53757, 315, 20406, 46096, 323, 12624, 78925, 11, 264, 99810, 315, 198, 6263, 7713, 704, 315, 902, 279, 304, 9383, 3486, 4059, 706, 8617, 3117, 1027, 12153, 198, 998, 1505, 459, 12731, 2652, 323, 3156, 1063, 832, 4985, 52259, 279, 42626, 329, 818, 276, 198, 4629, 902, 4985, 3063, 311, 279, 3177, 315, 279, 1080, 12, 6114, 1113, 17966, 345, 5794, 4985, 3136, 311, 10707, 375, 23442, 279, 13363, 315, 3217, 11, 682, 279, 198, 6518, 220, 3987, 16117, 220, 1606, 220, 315, 220, 872, 220, 49068, 220, 323, 220, 76795, 198, 8386, 329, 22155, 13, 220, 3011, 6593, 8198, 11, 449, 682, 1202, 15783, 7607, 315, 198, 69153, 11, 374, 8617, 6532, 304, 10712, 11, 27924, 11, 323, 22047, 11, 54331, 539, 198, 15124, 2603, 5304, 279, 28519, 315, 279, 7061, 11, 889, 706, 1317, 2533, 9687, 311, 198, 67, 3843, 592, 220, 1202, 220, 4509, 4769, 11, 220, 719, 220 ]
ning in labor you are more likely to relax into it and less likely to panic and tense up, or to panic and push too hard and fast, which may cause tearing. Follow these steps to give yourself perineal massage: Create a safe environment where you will not be interrupted. Wash your hands thoroughly and trim your fingernails. Use a safe lubricant (sesame oil or ghee are good choices), with a towel under your bottom to catch dripping oil. Place one or both hands over the vulva and perineum with gratitude and honor your baby’ s gateway into this world. Insert one or two fingers (or thumbs if that feels best) into your vagina up to one or two knuckles, whatever feels comfortable. Apply downward pressure (toward your anus) for a few minutes. Slide back and forth between 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock. Note any sensation. Apply pressure to one side and then the other for several minutes. Breathe deeply and practice fully relaxing into the sensations. The massage is not only preparing the tissues, but also training your body how to relax around intense sensation and allow the tissues to stretch. The mental aspect of allowing, without clenching or tightening, is part of the preparation too. Stop when you feel you have had enough. Place your hand over your vulva and perineum and send your gratitude again.BASTI (WARM OIL ENEMA) Mama can do one or two oil enemas per week beginning at thirty-seven weeks—this is when baby is considered full term. Basti in general is the therapy of choice to eliminate vitiated vata and is one of the best remedies for reducing pain during late pregnancy and labor. Basti opens mama in a beautiful way, grounds her, and oleates and nourishes the entire pelvic bowl. Basti therapy is simple: Pour a quarter cup of warm sesame oil (about body temperature or slightly warmer) into an enema bag or bottle. (If you’d like to create an herbal oil blend for the enema, Ayurveda recommends using ashwagandha, bala, guduchi, and rose.) Lie on your left side and administer the oil into your rectum through your anus. Hold the oil inside of you until you have the ur ge to release. YONI PICCHU Another way to prepare your passageway for birth is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment called yoni picchu. This practice involves inserting a warm ghee- or sesame oil–soaked or ganic cotton ball into your vagina. Do this for fifteen consecutive days (six or seven hours at a time) after thirty-seven weeks. Inserting it before you go to sleep at night is a practical time. You can wrap the cotton ball in sterile gauze to assure that no shreds are left behind. This helps to lubricate and soften your tissues, allowing them to stretch more easily. It also serves as a powerful way to ground and stabilize vata dosha, drawing ener gy downward into the pelvic region in preparation for delivery. SITZ BATHS Soften the perineum by soaking weekly or twice-weekly in a sitz bath (a basin that fits perfectly into your toilet seat, so just your groin area isimmersed in the bath) or a half-filled bathtub during the last six weeks of pregnancy. Prepare the bath using one of these recipes: Recipe 1: Steep a handful of linden flowers in 32 ounces of boiled water for ten minutes. Strain and pour into a sitz bath (or half-filled bathtub) and soak for twenty to thirty minutes. Recipe 2: Add 2 tablespoons of heavy cream along with 2 drops each of jasmine, rose, and lavender essential oils to warm water in a sitz bath or a half-filled bathtub, and soak for twenty to thirty minutes. SUPPORTIVE FOODS, SUPPLEMENTS, AND BEVERAGES The following are a list of supportive foods, supplements, and beverages to be consumed daily during the weeks up to your birth. Red raspberry tea. Starting around thirty-five weeks, enjoy several cups of red raspberry tea per day. Red raspberry leaf is a mineral- rich nutritive and uterine tonic that is said to support a natural birth with minimal bleeding. Traditionally, red raspberry leaf has been used in late pregnancy to shorten the duration of labor and to reduce complications of pregnancy. Alfalfa juice powder. Take 2 teaspoons of alfalfa juice powder daily beginning at twenty-eight weeks in pregnancy to increase blood volume and blood health, minimize anemia, and reduce blood loss (depletion) during birth and postpartum. Dates. Ayurvedic teachings recommend eating six or seven dates per day during the last weeks of pregnancy because this palm fruit has an oxytocin-like ef fect on the body, leading to increased sensitivity of the uterus; dates help stimulate uterine contractions and reduce postpartum hemorrhage in the same way the hormone oxytocin does. They also support pregnancy and delivery becausetheir natural sugars easily break down in the body and will not spike blood sugar levels, while still of fering high energy; the high fiber content of dates helps you stay full, relieves constipation, and lowers your risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia; they are high in potassium, which helps maintain water and salt balance in the body, assisting in regulating your blood pressure; they are high in magnesium, which supports muscular health and helps alleviate muscle spasms and pain; and they are rich in vitamin K, which maintains proper blood clotting and healthy bones. You can eat dates straight or add them to smoothies and other ojas drinks to make those beverages more palatable. Ghee. Ghee, a low-lactose oil created by clarifying butter to remove the water and milk solids, is believed to lubricate the inner walls of the uterus, thereby aiding a smooth delivery. It is a primary ojas- forming food—one of the best ways to nourish all the tissue in your body and bring about a feeling of wellness and vitality. The butyric acid in ghee is essential for maintaining good stomach health; it supports proper digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food nutrients. It also lubricates the intestines, leading to proper elimination. (See this page for a recipe for making ghee.) BUILDING OJAS During your eighth and ninth months of pregnancy, ojas becomes unstable, moving from mother to baby. Focus on building ojas in your body, guided by the list below (adapted from the Birthing Ayurveda blog on www.BanyanBotanicals.com ; I highly recommend reading Vrinda Devani’ s week-by-week pregnancy and postpartum journey on the same website). Ingest more ghee. Start putting ghee, as much as you can tolerate, on all foods. Add it to warm milk and drink it daily. No need to be stingy; it is nourishing and supports your digestive fire (agni).Eat ojas-promoting foods. Almonds, dates, whole milk, avocados, cashews, pumpkin or sesame seeds, sweet and juicy fruits (mangos, peaches), sweet potatoes or yams, tapioca, and rice pudding are all foods that build ojas. Make sure the foods are nourishing, fresh, and wholesome. Eat more vibrantly colored vegetables. They have more life (prana), and will thus give you more life! Get good rest and avoid overexercising. Sleep, sleep, and sleep some more! Avoid daytime sleeping, though, as this could make you feel even more heavy. Meditate. Increasing the sense of feeling content in life is one of the most ef fective ways of increasing ojas. Laugh a lot, give a lot, and love a lot. These activities fill the heart and grow ojas. Avoid excessive sex. Ojas is released with every orgasm. Do a daily self-massage, if possible. Practice pranayama (breath work). Focus on slow, deep breathing such as nadi shodhana, or alternate-nostril breathing (see this page ) or abdominal breathing. BIRTH PLAN I suggest taking time each day in the weeks before birth to really envision the birth of your dreams. Where are you? What is your mood? What time of day (or night) is it? Who is there? Be as detailed and as vivid as possible. There is the vision that you hold, and then there are the practicalities of the process or the details that you want to assure are implemented into your birthing experience—which is where the “birth plan” comes in. The term “birth plan” can be misleading. You cannot “plan” your birth; birth is anunpredictable—and actually quite mystical—process. But you can prepare for it! Experienced midwives and birth workers say that women who are overly attached to their birth plan, to the extent that they try to control the process of birth, are often the ones who end up having interventions that they did not anticipate or want. Understand that the ideal experience that you are putting into your birth plan is simply a guide. From there, your deeper work is to trust in the process of birthing itself and whatever arises in that space. Communicate your vision, wishes,
[ 1251, 304, 9511, 499, 527, 810, 4461, 311, 12234, 1139, 433, 323, 2753, 4461, 198, 998, 22743, 323, 43787, 709, 11, 477, 311, 22743, 323, 4585, 2288, 2653, 323, 5043, 11, 902, 1253, 198, 1593, 56836, 13, 11359, 1521, 7504, 311, 3041, 6261, 824, 483, 278, 6378, 512, 4110, 264, 6220, 4676, 1405, 499, 690, 539, 387, 37883, 627, 54, 1003, 701, 6206, 27461, 323, 11259, 701, 39827, 944, 6341, 627, 10464, 264, 6220, 54494, 519, 320, 9459, 373, 5707, 477, 342, 50153, 527, 1695, 11709, 705, 449, 264, 198, 83, 68157, 1234, 701, 5740, 311, 2339, 77315, 5707, 627, 17826, 832, 477, 2225, 6206, 927, 279, 11981, 6723, 323, 824, 483, 372, 449, 46135, 198, 438, 16044, 701, 8945, 529, 274, 29895, 1139, 420, 1917, 627, 14099, 832, 477, 1403, 19779, 320, 269, 57949, 422, 430, 11321, 1888, 8, 1139, 701, 198, 85, 81701, 709, 311, 832, 477, 1403, 1168, 84796, 11, 8996, 11321, 10882, 627, 29597, 45578, 7410, 320, 83, 83071, 701, 82408, 8, 369, 264, 2478, 4520, 627, 30566, 1203, 323, 13544, 1990, 220, 24, 297, 529, 21321, 323, 220, 18, 297, 529, 21321, 13, 7181, 904, 198, 82, 42725, 13, 21194, 7410, 311, 832, 3185, 323, 1243, 279, 1023, 369, 3892, 198, 38137, 627, 33, 1244, 383, 17693, 323, 6725, 7373, 34948, 1139, 279, 72597, 13, 578, 198, 79685, 374, 539, 1193, 20646, 279, 39881, 11, 719, 1101, 4967, 701, 198, 2664, 1268, 311, 12234, 2212, 19428, 37392, 323, 2187, 279, 39881, 311, 198, 73184, 13, 578, 10723, 13189, 315, 10923, 11, 2085, 1206, 20345, 287, 477, 198, 75282, 6147, 11, 374, 961, 315, 279, 18459, 2288, 627, 10903, 994, 499, 2733, 499, 617, 1047, 3403, 627, 17826, 701, 1450, 927, 701, 11981, 6723, 323, 824, 483, 372, 323, 3708, 701, 198, 911, 17584, 1578, 1823, 6483, 40, 320, 54, 18394, 507, 1750, 5301, 49710, 340, 44, 3105, 649, 656, 832, 477, 1403, 5707, 665, 35262, 824, 2046, 7314, 520, 27219, 79125, 198, 82089, 2345, 576, 374, 994, 8945, 374, 6646, 2539, 4751, 13, 46168, 72, 220, 304, 4689, 374, 279, 198, 46755, 315, 5873, 311, 22472, 13458, 10234, 348, 460, 323, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1888, 51236, 198, 2000, 18189, 6784, 2391, 3389, 20209, 323, 9511, 662, 46168, 72, 16264, 57264, 304, 264, 198, 88044, 1648, 1174, 21319, 1077, 1174, 323, 32878, 988, 323, 46798, 21168, 279, 4553, 84168, 198, 65, 9802, 627, 33, 69560, 15419, 374, 4382, 25, 27058, 264, 8502, 10747, 315, 8369, 92223, 5707, 320, 9274, 198, 2664, 9499, 477, 10284, 46039, 8, 1139, 459, 665, 9355, 9145, 477, 16893, 13, 320, 2746, 499, 7070, 198, 4908, 311, 1893, 459, 51487, 5707, 20955, 369, 279, 665, 9355, 11, 24852, 80627, 64, 40912, 198, 985, 24767, 86, 351, 438, 4317, 11, 293, 6181, 11, 342, 664, 56017, 11, 323, 16392, 6266, 22213, 389, 701, 2163, 3185, 323, 198, 2953, 1601, 279, 5707, 1139, 701, 7763, 372, 1555, 701, 82408, 13, 23588, 279, 5707, 4871, 315, 198, 9514, 3156, 499, 617, 279, 4433, 3980, 311, 4984, 627, 56, 715, 40, 61706, 2198, 52, 198, 14364, 1648, 311, 10772, 701, 1522, 351, 25754, 369, 7342, 374, 264, 8776, 24852, 80627, 292, 198, 83, 35320, 2663, 379, 21446, 10532, 66852, 13, 1115, 6725, 18065, 39398, 264, 8369, 342, 50153, 7058, 269, 92223, 5707, 4235, 708, 7897, 477, 25893, 292, 24428, 5041, 1139, 701, 39888, 13, 3234, 420, 369, 198, 69, 333, 15247, 24871, 2919, 320, 51464, 477, 8254, 4207, 520, 264, 892, 8, 1306, 27219, 79125, 198, 82089, 13, 17539, 287, 433, 1603, 499, 733, 311, 6212, 520, 3814, 374, 264, 15325, 892, 13, 1472, 198, 4919, 15411, 279, 24428, 5041, 304, 82743, 342, 2933, 3059, 311, 36015, 430, 912, 559, 54469, 527, 2163, 198, 30998, 485, 13, 1115, 8779, 311, 54494, 349, 323, 81045, 701, 39881, 11, 10923, 1124, 311, 198, 73184, 810, 6847, 662, 1102, 1101, 17482, 439, 264, 8147, 1648, 311, 5015, 323, 70236, 198, 85, 460, 8924, 4317, 11, 13633, 38556, 29720, 45578, 1139, 279, 84168, 5654, 304, 18459, 198, 2000, 9889, 16853, 50, 964, 57, 426, 4932, 50, 198, 4516, 26117, 279, 824, 483, 372, 555, 78446, 17496, 477, 11157, 30609, 398, 304, 264, 2503, 89, 9061, 320, 64, 198, 18275, 258, 430, 18809, 14268, 1139, 701, 27306, 10954, 11, 779, 1120, 701, 98875, 3158, 374, 12828, 41019, 304, 279, 9061, 8, 477, 264, 4376, 44518, 81188, 2391, 279, 1566, 4848, 5672, 315, 198, 30585, 77, 6709, 662, 32266, 279, 9061, 1701, 832, 315, 1521, 19141, 512, 29880, 220, 16, 25, 220, 3441, 752, 264, 23810, 315, 326, 59317, 19837, 304, 220, 843, 49138, 315, 66185, 198, 13284, 369, 5899, 4520, 13, 4610, 467, 323, 5019, 1139, 264, 2503, 89, 9061, 320, 269, 4376, 44518, 198, 14034, 66513, 8, 323, 61792, 369, 17510, 311, 27219, 4520, 627, 29880, 220, 17, 25, 220, 2758, 220, 17, 56588, 315, 8987, 12932, 3235, 449, 220, 17, 21701, 198, 9739, 315, 66909, 11, 16392, 11, 323, 81460, 7718, 32462, 311, 8369, 3090, 304, 264, 198, 82, 11289, 9061, 477, 264, 4376, 44518, 81188, 11, 323, 61792, 369, 17510, 311, 27219, 4520, 627, 50, 16911, 6674, 88227, 50, 11, 54722, 9705, 29863, 11, 3651, 198, 11855, 3848, 11488, 198, 791, 2768, 527, 264, 1160, 315, 33445, 15657, 11, 33690, 11, 323, 47497, 311, 198, 1395, 27073, 7446, 2391, 279, 5672, 709, 311, 701, 7342, 627, 6161, 94802, 15600, 13, 220, 28757, 2212, 27219, 36399, 5672, 11, 4774, 3892, 198, 66, 8772, 315, 2579, 94802, 15600, 824, 1938, 662, 3816, 94802, 16312, 374, 264, 25107, 7058, 14172, 69714, 535, 323, 8791, 261, 483, 99305, 430, 374, 1071, 311, 1862, 264, 5933, 7342, 198, 4291, 17832, 35763, 13, 15415, 17868, 1174, 2579, 94802, 16312, 706, 1027, 198, 2656, 304, 3389, 20209, 311, 74481, 279, 8250, 315, 9511, 323, 311, 8108, 198, 5807, 10939, 315, 20209, 16853, 2149, 69, 85526, 23661, 17138, 662, 12040, 220, 17, 93200, 315, 85766, 85526, 23661, 17138, 7446, 198, 7413, 1251, 520, 17510, 70815, 5672, 304, 20209, 311, 5376, 6680, 198, 26116, 323, 6680, 2890, 11, 30437, 459, 22689, 11, 323, 8108, 6680, 4814, 198, 13089, 14723, 8, 2391, 7342, 323, 1772, 4581, 372, 627, 56338, 13, 220, 24852, 80627, 292, 45572, 7079, 12459, 4848, 477, 8254, 13003, 198, 716, 1938, 2391, 279, 1566, 5672, 315, 20209, 1606, 420, 33552, 14098, 198, 4752, 459, 99690, 55880, 258, 12970, 31469, 282, 440, 389, 279, 2547, 1174, 6522, 311, 7319, 198, 82, 48937, 315, 279, 85656, 26, 13003, 1520, 51077, 8791, 261, 483, 6155, 4109, 198, 438, 8108, 1772, 4581, 372, 71417, 425, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 279, 36908, 198, 61263, 55880, 258, 1587, 13, 2435, 1101, 1862, 20209, 323, 9889, 387, 936, 18686, 383, 404, 5933, 70913, 6847, 1464, 1523, 304, 279, 2547, 323, 690, 539, 37393, 198, 51105, 13465, 5990, 11, 1418, 2103, 315, 282, 4776, 1579, 4907, 26, 279, 1579, 24722, 198, 1834, 315, 13003, 8779, 499, 4822, 2539, 11, 1375, 39235, 738, 49686, 11, 323, 73115, 198, 22479, 5326, 315, 13033, 1697, 20335, 323, 281, 770, 566, 14989, 689, 26, 814, 527, 1579, 304, 198, 19644, 49163, 11, 902, 8779, 10519, 3090, 323, 12290, 8335, 304, 279, 2547, 13801, 395, 11330, 304, 58499, 701, 6680, 7410, 26, 814, 527, 1579, 304, 198, 76, 3326, 41930, 11, 902, 11815, 52192, 2890, 323, 8779, 61705, 198, 38827, 9326, 83060, 1026, 323, 6784, 26, 323, 814, 527, 9257, 304, 28170, 735, 11, 902, 198, 67913, 1771, 6300, 6680, 94263, 1303, 323, 9498, 25896, 13, 1472, 649, 8343, 198, 6528, 7833, 477, 923, 1124, 311, 11113, 552, 323, 1023, 297, 30826, 21662, 311, 198, 7072, 1884, 47497, 810, 11091, 15436, 627, 38, 50153, 13, 220, 480, 50153, 11, 264, 3428, 2922, 533, 974, 5707, 3549, 555, 20064, 7922, 14432, 311, 4148, 198, 1820, 3090, 323, 14403, 82486, 11, 374, 11846, 311, 54494, 349, 279, 9358, 14620, 315, 198, 1820, 85656, 11, 28592, 86387, 264, 11113, 9889, 662, 1102, 374, 264, 6156, 297, 30826, 7058, 55857, 3691, 87671, 315, 279, 1888, 5627, 311, 46798, 819, 682, 279, 20438, 304, 701, 198, 2664, 323, 4546, 922, 264, 8430, 315, 39890, 323, 75716, 662, 578, 719, 88, 2265, 198, 58156, 304, 342, 50153, 374, 7718, 369, 20958, 1695, 23152, 2890, 26, 433, 198, 78809, 6300, 74502, 11, 44225, 11, 323, 40054, 13763, 315, 3691, 198, 24217, 32930, 13, 1102, 1101, 54494, 988, 279, 39408, 1572, 11, 6522, 311, 6300, 198, 40895, 2617, 13, 320, 10031, 420, 2199, 220, 369, 264, 11363, 369, 3339, 342, 50153, 29275, 48280, 1753, 507, 41, 1950, 198, 16397, 701, 37477, 323, 43641, 4038, 315, 20209, 1174, 297, 30826, 9221, 45311, 345, 66215, 505, 6691, 311, 8945, 662, 26891, 389, 4857, 297, 30826, 304, 701, 2547, 1174, 33687, 198, 1729, 279, 1160, 3770, 320, 89171, 291, 505, 279, 37919, 1626, 24852, 80627, 64, 220, 5117, 389, 198, 2185, 662, 33, 3852, 276, 24406, 45983, 82, 916, 2652, 358, 7701, 7079, 5403, 650, 81, 17872, 6168, 5676, 529, 274, 198, 10476, 14656, 30609, 20209, 323, 1772, 4581, 372, 11879, 389, 279, 1890, 3997, 4390, 644, 7114, 810, 342, 50153, 13, 5256, 10917, 342, 50153, 11, 439, 1790, 439, 499, 649, 50134, 345, 263, 682, 15657, 13, 2758, 433, 311, 8369, 14403, 323, 7172, 433, 7446, 662, 2360, 1205, 311, 387, 198, 267, 287, 88, 26, 433, 374, 46798, 11218, 323, 11815, 701, 60071, 4027, 320, 3326, 72, 570, 89711, 297, 30826, 66271, 11780, 15657, 13, 1708, 55720, 11, 13003, 11, 4459, 14403, 11, 1860, 511, 5670, 345, 42371, 28844, 11, 50625, 477, 92223, 19595, 11, 10437, 323, 56153, 26390, 320, 76, 526, 437, 345, 375, 14576, 705, 10437, 35267, 477, 379, 4214, 11, 99176, 17270, 11, 323, 20228, 82527, 527, 682, 198, 96420, 430, 1977, 297, 30826, 13, 7557, 2771, 279, 15657, 527, 46798, 11218, 11, 7878, 11, 323, 198, 1336, 7298, 638, 627, 89711, 810, 17358, 18007, 28296, 24822, 13, 2435, 617, 810, 2324, 320, 652, 3444, 1350, 438, 690, 8617, 3041, 499, 810, 2324, 4999, 1991, 1695, 2800, 323, 5766, 927, 327, 3035, 3876, 627, 42845, 11, 6212, 11, 323, 6212, 1063, 810, 0, 35106, 62182, 21811, 11, 3582, 345, 300, 420, 1436, 1304, 499, 2733, 1524, 810, 8987, 16853, 44, 3671, 349, 13, 74540, 279, 5647, 315, 8430, 2262, 304, 2324, 374, 832, 315, 279, 198, 3646, 31469, 282, 96978, 5627, 315, 7859, 297, 30826, 627, 84967, 264, 2763, 11, 3041, 264, 2763, 11, 323, 3021, 264, 2763, 13, 4314, 7640, 5266, 279, 4851, 198, 438, 3139, 297, 30826, 627, 53216, 27639, 1877, 13, 507, 30826, 374, 6004, 449, 1475, 38765, 627, 5519, 264, 7446, 659, 1474, 39336, 11, 422, 3284, 627, 89592, 550, 276, 352, 3105, 320, 21152, 589, 990, 570, 26891, 389, 6435, 1174, 5655, 27027, 198, 21470, 439, 308, 2836, 559, 347, 84203, 11, 477, 25631, 29466, 496, 321, 27027, 320, 4151, 420, 2199, 1763, 269, 57056, 27027, 627, 33, 90682, 73666, 198, 40, 4284, 4737, 892, 1855, 1938, 304, 279, 5672, 1603, 7342, 311, 2216, 48146, 198, 1820, 7342, 315, 701, 19226, 13, 11208, 527, 499, 30, 3639, 374, 701, 20247, 30, 3639, 892, 315, 198, 1316, 320, 269, 3814, 8, 374, 433, 30, 10699, 374, 1070, 30, 2893, 439, 11944, 323, 439, 43120, 439, 3284, 627, 3947, 374, 279, 11376, 430, 499, 3412, 11, 323, 1243, 1070, 527, 279, 15325, 1385, 315, 279, 198, 4734, 477, 279, 3649, 430, 499, 1390, 311, 36015, 527, 11798, 1139, 701, 198, 44955, 1626, 3217, 50004, 374, 1405, 279, 1054, 28813, 3197, 863, 4131, 304, 13, 578, 4751, 198, 2118, 28813, 3197, 863, 649, 387, 38309, 13, 1472, 4250, 1054, 10609, 863, 701, 7342, 26, 7342, 374, 459, 359, 35798, 481, 17223, 3604, 5115, 69532, 2345, 4734, 13, 2030, 499, 649, 10772, 198, 2000, 433, 4999, 849, 45933, 5209, 59488, 323, 7342, 7487, 2019, 430, 3278, 889, 527, 198, 2017, 398, 12673, 311, 872, 7342, 3197, 11, 311, 279, 13112, 430, 814, 1456, 311, 2585, 279, 198, 4734, 315, 7342, 11, 527, 3629, 279, 6305, 889, 842, 709, 3515, 39455, 430, 198, 20670, 1550, 539, 48248, 477, 1390, 13, 71994, 430, 279, 10728, 3217, 430, 198, 9514, 527, 10917, 1139, 701, 7342, 3197, 374, 5042, 264, 8641, 13, 5659, 1070, 11, 701, 198, 451, 10653, 990, 374, 311, 7095, 304, 279, 1920, 315, 15606, 1626, 5196, 323, 8996, 48282, 198, 258, 430, 3634, 13, 16838, 349, 701, 11376, 11, 25223, 11 ]
. It is therefore a discipline to just watch without evaluating, investing worth in, editorializing, commenting, or having preferences about what is witnessed. Every life experience, no matter how “tragic,” contains a hidden lesson. When we discov er and acknowledge the hidden gift that is there, a healing takes place. As the payof fs of the ego are refused and surrendered, its grip on the psyche lessens, and spiritual experience progresses as the residues of doubt are progressively relinquished. As a consequence, belief is replaced by experiential knowledge, and the depth and intensity of devoti on increase and may eventually supersede and eclipse all other worldly activities and interests. Letting go of the old is facilitated by willingness, courage, and faith. Spiritual progres s literally benefits all mankind in that it raises the general level of consciousness. Even one iota makes a difference. Another obstacle to spiritual growth is impatience. This can be overcome by surrender. When the mind stops talking, one is aware that one is life. One is immersed in it rather than being on the surface, talking about it. Paradoxically, this enables full participation. With diminution of egocentricity, the joy of freedom and the sheer flow of life sweep one into total surrender. One then stops reacting to life so that it can be enjoyed with serenity. One has the illusion that one couldn’ t get through life unless one thinks. No such thing happens. It is not necessary for any individual to be there. It is not necessary to think that there is an “I” that is responsible for one’s actions. Everything is doing itself. It is the vanity of the ego that says, “I did this; I thought that; I decided that.” There is no such “I” at all. By understandin g and accepting the nature of the ego, it is transcended and finally collapses and disappears when all of its positionalities and their resultant dualiti es have been surrendered. The ego does not become enlightened but instead disappears and collapses. It is then replaced by a Transcendental Reality as described by the Buddha; that is, the Buddha Nature. Just as the sun shines forth when the clouds disappear, the Reality of the Self shines forth of its own as Revelation, Reali zation, and Enlightenment. Simply put, realization or enligh tenment is the condition where the sense of self moves from the limited linear material to the nonlinear infinite and formless. The “me” moves from the visible to the invisible. This occurs as a shift of awarene ss and identification from perception of form as objective and real to the realization of the purely subjective as the Ultimate Reality. Curiosity can be shifted from the form and content of thoughts in order to become aware of the silent nascent field of consciousness/awareness itself. Silence is of the Self; thoughts are of the self. In the process of spiritual discovery, one looks to discover what it is that is aware of—and has the autho rity to sense the existence of—“I-ness” or the quality of “I-ness,” rather than a specific or circumscribed “me” as the “I.” Spiritual intention subserves, reinforces, and focuses on witnessing and observing rather than on “doingness” or specifics. Spiritual processing is like positioning oneself in the wind or in a water current. One-pointedness of mind mean s to focus on the crest of the wave of witnessing/experiencing, plus being willing to surrender perceived loss or gain. That is the primary skill that is needed. The purpose of meditation is to transcend the mind and its mental activities and limited percep tions, thereby transcending duality and becoming increasingly aware of Oneness. It is simple to observe that although there is a “talking mind” going on at the same time, there is also a silent awareness that is more global and unfocused and operates automatically. Contemplation or meditation that focuses attention on context rather than content facilitates moving one’s identity from the transient and volitional (thereby becoming personal) to the unchanging quality of awarenes s itself. This leads to the discovery that one is the field and not the specifics of the content. This jump in realization can be very sudden, which is a level of the Buddhist state of satori. The ego often seems to collapse in a piecemeal fashion. Once faith in the reality of the ego as being the true self is undermined, its dissolution has already begun. When one’s loyalty and allegiance is shifted from the ego tothe ultimate reality of God, a space is created. Into the opening flows God’ s Grace, as represented by the Holy Spirit. The spiritual student is often seeking to transform, overcome, or slay the ego, when all that is necessary is to simply abandon it. This requires the development of trust, faith, and confidence in the Reality of God. When the seeking for gain is abandone d, life becomes relatively effortless and peaceful. The ego equates survival of life with control. In a final surrender of control, the underlying primordial fear arises. Life is a consequ ence of the Divinity of its Source, which is the ultimate confrontation to the very core of the ego. To undo the grip of the mind requires a radical humility and an intense willingness to surrender its underlying motivations. This willingness receives energy and power from another willingness—the one that arises from the love of God—and the passion for surrendering love of thought for love of God. Everyone already at a certain level knows that they “are”—the ego then quibbles about the details of definition, but the Self is not fooled by the ruse. All false identifications can be dropped in an instan t with the willingness to surrender all mental activities to God.In Reality, everything is spontaneously manifesting the inherent destiny of its essence; it doesn’ t need any external help to do this. With humility, one can relinqui sh the ego’s self-appointed role as savior of the world and surrender it straight to God. The world that the ego pictures is a projection of its own illusions and arbitrary positionalities. No such world exists. Traditionally, the pathways to God have been through the heart (love, devotion, selfles s service, surrender, worship, and adoration) or through the mind (Advaita, or the pathway of nonduality). Each way may seem more comfortable at one stage or another, or they alternate in emphasis. Nevertheless, it is a hindrance to consider that there is a personal self or an “I” or an ego that is doing the striving or seeking, or that will become enlightened. It is much easier to realize there is no such thing as the ego or an “I” identity that is doing any seeking; instead, it is an impersonal aspect of consciousness that is doing the exploring and seeking. The basic purpose of spiritual work and dedication is to transcend the innate evolutionary limitations of the ego and thereby access and develop the nascent capacity of consciousness itself, which bypas ses all the limitations of the ego/self. Truth then presents itself by virtu e of Divine Grace. Divinity reveals Itself to those who call upon It in God’ s time. The pace of spiritual evolution can seem slow, but spiritual endeavor is never futile. Progress can become very sudden and very major in dimension and impact. All the truth that is necessary to know has already been spoken by actual beings on this planet. All Great Teachers proclaim the same truth, for there is none other. The Radiance of the Self within beckons one on and provides spiritual inspiration and strength. The Presence of God within is the source of one’s existence; therefore, to seek one’s source is in accord with God’ s Will. The option for truth, peace, and joy is always available—although it’s seemingly burie d behind an ignorance and non-awareness that results from having chosen other options as a habit of thought. The inner truth reveals itself when all other options are refused by surrender to God. OceanofPDF.comSpiritual commitment is energized by the alignment of the spiritual will (calibration level 850) with the attributes of Divinity, which are truth, love, compassion, wisdom, and nonpartiality. Devotion prioritizes one’s life and attracts that which is of assistan ce. To be a servant of God is a dedication whereby the goal takes precedence over all other positionalities, attractions, or distractions. In the energy field of love, we are surrounded with love, and that brings gratitude. We are thankful for our life and for all the miracles of life. We are thankful for the doggies and the kitties, because they represent love. We are grateful for every act of kindne ss from others, their affection, caringness, and thoughtfulness. To unde rstand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and understand God, and to know God is to understand love. That which is ultimate and eternal transcends both objectivity and subjectivity and is beyond aware ness. It is referred to in the ancient spiritual literature as “the Supreme Spirit.” Out of the Supreme arises all that is manifest and unmanifest; all consciousness and awareness; all existence;
[ 13, 1102, 374, 9093, 264, 26434, 311, 1120, 3821, 2085, 198, 14504, 54643, 11, 26012, 5922, 304, 11, 28144, 4954, 11, 41365, 11, 477, 3515, 198, 62089, 922, 1148, 374, 32126, 627, 11769, 2324, 3217, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 1054, 376, 13070, 2476, 5727, 264, 8340, 18228, 627, 4599, 584, 2624, 869, 2781, 323, 25670, 279, 8340, 8352, 430, 374, 1070, 11, 264, 21730, 198, 79079, 2035, 627, 2170, 279, 2343, 1073, 8789, 315, 279, 37374, 527, 16436, 323, 71044, 11, 1202, 25703, 389, 279, 198, 46246, 1557, 2753, 729, 11, 323, 18330, 3217, 68711, 439, 279, 71783, 315, 10712, 198, 548, 72859, 85498, 3384, 13, 1666, 264, 29774, 11, 16801, 374, 12860, 555, 198, 327, 716, 1188, 532, 6677, 11, 323, 279, 8149, 323, 21261, 315, 3567, 89392, 389, 5376, 198, 438, 1253, 9778, 52790, 15686, 323, 56528, 682, 1023, 97706, 7640, 323, 198, 13014, 82, 627, 10267, 1303, 733, 315, 279, 2362, 374, 72849, 555, 39375, 11, 25775, 11, 323, 10082, 627, 87475, 940, 463, 18297, 274, 16280, 7720, 682, 43384, 304, 430, 433, 25930, 220, 279, 4689, 198, 3374, 315, 25917, 13, 7570, 832, 83010, 3727, 264, 6811, 13, 13596, 33287, 198, 998, 18330, 6650, 374, 3242, 266, 1873, 13, 1115, 649, 387, 23075, 555, 32859, 16853, 4599, 279, 4059, 18417, 7556, 11, 220, 832, 374, 8010, 430, 832, 374, 2324, 13, 3861, 374, 198, 12828, 41019, 304, 433, 4856, 1109, 1694, 389, 279, 7479, 1174, 7556, 922, 433, 627, 4368, 40197, 2740, 1174, 420, 20682, 2539, 20852, 13, 3161, 48416, 1516, 315, 198, 797, 511, 40509, 488, 1174, 279, 16267, 315, 11542, 323, 279, 33638, 6530, 315, 2324, 24021, 832, 1139, 198, 5143, 32859, 662, 3861, 1243, 18417, 74150, 311, 2324, 779, 430, 433, 649, 387, 14333, 449, 198, 805, 56685, 16853, 4054, 706, 279, 41919, 430, 832, 7846, 529, 259, 636, 1555, 2324, 7389, 832, 15849, 627, 2822, 1778, 3245, 8741, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 5995, 369, 904, 3927, 311, 387, 1070, 13, 1102, 198, 285, 539, 5995, 220, 311, 1781, 430, 1070, 374, 459, 1054, 40, 863, 430, 374, 8647, 369, 832, 753, 198, 4109, 13, 20696, 374, 3815, 5196, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 52671, 315, 279, 37374, 430, 2795, 11, 1054, 40, 1550, 198, 576, 26, 358, 3463, 430, 26, 358, 6773, 430, 2029, 2684, 374, 912, 1778, 1054, 40, 863, 520, 682, 627, 1383, 3619, 258, 342, 323, 25694, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 37374, 11, 433, 374, 42590, 2954, 198, 438, 5616, 87458, 323, 61370, 994, 682, 315, 1202, 68647, 1385, 323, 872, 198, 1407, 519, 19091, 12583, 1560, 617, 1027, 71044, 13, 578, 37374, 1587, 539, 3719, 198, 268, 4238, 6901, 719, 4619, 61370, 323, 87458, 13, 1102, 374, 1243, 12860, 555, 264, 198, 3246, 66, 408, 6430, 44874, 439, 7633, 555, 279, 46054, 26, 430, 374, 11, 279, 46054, 198, 79519, 13, 4702, 439, 279, 7160, 65880, 13544, 994, 279, 30614, 32153, 1174, 279, 44874, 198, 1073, 279, 10323, 65880, 13544, 315, 1202, 1866, 439, 76607, 11, 1050, 8115, 1167, 367, 11, 323, 198, 1737, 4238, 53061, 627, 61346, 2231, 11, 49803, 477, 665, 75, 1108, 5899, 479, 374, 279, 3044, 1405, 279, 5647, 198, 1073, 659, 11031, 505, 279, 7347, 13790, 3769, 311, 279, 75098, 24746, 323, 198, 630, 1752, 13, 578, 1054, 2727, 863, 11031, 505, 220, 279, 9621, 311, 279, 30547, 13, 1115, 13980, 439, 264, 198, 13724, 315, 8010, 818, 11107, 323, 22654, 505, 21063, 315, 1376, 439, 16945, 198, 438, 1972, 311, 279, 49803, 315, 279, 32227, 44122, 439, 279, 29950, 44874, 16853, 17119, 33279, 649, 387, 30073, 505, 279, 1376, 323, 2262, 315, 11555, 304, 2015, 311, 198, 17106, 638, 8010, 315, 279, 21737, 17580, 1189, 2115, 315, 25917, 14, 20111, 2136, 5196, 627, 28671, 768, 374, 315, 279, 10323, 26, 11555, 527, 315, 279, 659, 627, 644, 279, 1920, 315, 18330, 18841, 1174, 832, 5992, 311, 7142, 1148, 433, 374, 430, 198, 285, 8010, 220, 315, 17223, 706, 279, 4259, 78, 436, 488, 311, 5647, 279, 14209, 315, 2345, 2118, 40, 12, 2136, 863, 477, 198, 1820, 4367, 315, 1054, 40, 12, 2136, 2476, 4856, 1109, 264, 3230, 477, 4319, 6370, 17890, 1054, 2727, 863, 439, 279, 198, 10378, 49216, 87475, 940, 14944, 5258, 13583, 11, 95593, 11, 323, 24400, 389, 70042, 323, 198, 5598, 20073, 4856, 1109, 389, 1054, 45359, 2136, 863, 477, 49449, 13, 63849, 8863, 374, 198, 4908, 39825, 57669, 304, 279, 10160, 477, 304, 264, 3090, 1510, 627, 4054, 16983, 291, 2136, 315, 4059, 3152, 274, 311, 5357, 389, 279, 73024, 315, 279, 12330, 315, 198, 86, 8251, 287, 26900, 32836, 11627, 11, 5636, 1694, 10032, 311, 32859, 26617, 4814, 477, 198, 60246, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 6156, 10151, 430, 374, 4460, 627, 791, 7580, 315, 33862, 374, 311, 74809, 279, 4059, 323, 1202, 10723, 198, 33078, 323, 7347, 824, 32752, 259, 919, 11, 28592, 42590, 2518, 294, 10965, 323, 198, 17106, 18238, 15098, 8010, 315, 1952, 24639, 627, 2181, 374, 4382, 311, 23846, 430, 8051, 1070, 374, 264, 1054, 83, 30855, 4059, 863, 2133, 389, 520, 198, 1820, 1890, 892, 11, 1070, 374, 1101, 264, 21737, 17985, 430, 374, 810, 220, 3728, 323, 198, 359, 63257, 323, 27149, 9651, 662, 2140, 26980, 367, 477, 33862, 430, 198, 17870, 288, 6666, 389, 2317, 4856, 1109, 2262, 73633, 7366, 832, 753, 198, 17341, 505, 279, 41658, 323, 4499, 3079, 320, 19041, 1729, 10671, 4443, 8, 311, 279, 198, 3265, 8764, 4367, 315, 8010, 4978, 274, 5196, 13, 1115, 11767, 311, 279, 18841, 430, 832, 198, 285, 279, 2115, 323, 539, 279, 49449, 315, 279, 2262, 13, 1115, 7940, 304, 49803, 649, 198, 1395, 1633, 11210, 11, 902, 374, 264, 2237, 315, 279, 47841, 1614, 315, 274, 51737, 16853, 791, 37374, 3629, 5084, 311, 18678, 304, 264, 4447, 66, 3981, 278, 11401, 13, 9843, 10082, 304, 279, 198, 265, 2786, 315, 279, 37374, 439, 1694, 279, 837, 659, 374, 80617, 11, 1202, 81359, 706, 198, 46584, 22088, 13, 3277, 832, 753, 32883, 323, 68078, 374, 30073, 505, 220, 279, 37374, 311, 1820, 17139, 8903, 315, 4359, 11, 264, 3634, 374, 3549, 13, 32745, 279, 8736, 28555, 4359, 529, 274, 198, 87643, 11, 439, 15609, 555, 279, 19229, 17326, 627, 791, 18330, 5575, 374, 3629, 11125, 311, 5276, 11, 23075, 11, 477, 1776, 352, 279, 198, 13546, 11, 994, 682, 430, 374, 5995, 220, 374, 311, 5042, 15673, 433, 13, 1115, 7612, 279, 198, 30671, 315, 7095, 11, 10082, 11, 323, 12410, 304, 279, 44874, 315, 4359, 13, 3277, 279, 198, 26797, 287, 369, 8895, 374, 671, 438, 606, 294, 11, 2324, 9221, 12309, 80192, 323, 198, 55225, 1285, 627, 791, 37374, 3312, 988, 20237, 315, 2324, 449, 2585, 13, 763, 264, 1620, 32859, 315, 198, 2935, 11, 279, 16940, 9036, 93773, 8850, 48282, 13, 9601, 374, 264, 12777, 665, 346, 315, 279, 198, 12792, 13797, 315, 1202, 8922, 11, 902, 374, 279, 17139, 48853, 311, 279, 1633, 6332, 198, 1073, 279, 37374, 627, 1271, 29821, 279, 25703, 315, 279, 4059, 7612, 264, 18336, 75372, 323, 459, 19428, 198, 86, 9585, 2136, 311, 32859, 1202, 16940, 65931, 13, 1115, 39375, 198, 54487, 1924, 4907, 323, 2410, 505, 2500, 39375, 22416, 832, 430, 48282, 198, 1527, 279, 3021, 315, 4359, 17223, 279, 11939, 369, 32859, 287, 3021, 315, 3463, 369, 198, 31153, 315, 4359, 627, 34124, 2736, 520, 264, 3738, 2237, 8964, 430, 814, 1054, 548, 63750, 1820, 37374, 1243, 198, 447, 581, 39863, 922, 279, 3649, 315, 7419, 11, 719, 279, 10323, 374, 539, 80647, 555, 279, 198, 81, 817, 13, 2052, 905, 3608, 7174, 649, 387, 12504, 304, 459, 1798, 276, 259, 449, 279, 198, 86, 9585, 2136, 311, 32859, 682, 10723, 7640, 311, 4359, 5450, 44874, 1174, 4395, 374, 88558, 14794, 287, 279, 38088, 47176, 198, 1073, 1202, 28591, 26, 433, 3250, 529, 259, 1205, 904, 9434, 1520, 311, 656, 420, 13, 3161, 75372, 13801, 606, 649, 1375, 258, 47391, 559, 279, 37374, 753, 659, 99463, 3560, 439, 274, 5758, 315, 279, 1917, 323, 198, 82, 852, 910, 433, 7833, 311, 4359, 13, 578, 1917, 430, 279, 37374, 9364, 220, 374, 264, 22343, 198, 1073, 1202, 1866, 88128, 323, 25142, 68647, 1385, 13, 2360, 1778, 1917, 6866, 627, 43934, 17868, 1174, 279, 44014, 311, 4359, 617, 1027, 1555, 279, 4851, 320, 31153, 345, 3667, 6082, 11, 659, 645, 274, 2532, 11, 32859, 1174, 24863, 11, 323, 1008, 7769, 8, 477, 1555, 279, 198, 38824, 320, 24350, 1339, 64, 1174, 477, 279, 38970, 315, 74998, 10965, 8, 662, 9062, 1648, 1253, 2873, 810, 198, 19975, 481, 520, 832, 6566, 477, 2500, 1174, 477, 814, 25631, 304, 25679, 627, 70788, 11, 433, 374, 264, 48419, 35206, 311, 2980, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 4443, 659, 477, 459, 198, 10378, 863, 477, 459, 37374, 430, 374, 3815, 279, 68727, 477, 11125, 11, 477, 430, 690, 3719, 198, 268, 4238, 6901, 13, 1102, 374, 1790, 8831, 311, 13383, 1070, 374, 912, 1778, 3245, 439, 279, 37374, 477, 198, 276, 1054, 40, 863, 9764, 430, 374, 3815, 904, 11125, 26, 4619, 11, 433, 374, 459, 60849, 278, 13189, 198, 1073, 25917, 430, 374, 3815, 279, 24919, 323, 11125, 627, 791, 6913, 7580, 315, 18330, 990, 323, 39955, 374, 311, 74809, 279, 198, 6258, 349, 41993, 9669, 315, 279, 37374, 323, 28592, 2680, 323, 2274, 198, 1820, 17580, 1189, 8824, 315, 25917, 5196, 11, 902, 555, 42201, 15907, 682, 279, 198, 74268, 315, 279, 37374, 69339, 13, 30198, 1243, 18911, 5196, 555, 13053, 84, 384, 315, 43361, 198, 87643, 13, 8940, 13797, 21667, 1102, 726, 311, 1884, 889, 1650, 5304, 1102, 304, 4359, 529, 274, 892, 13, 578, 198, 1330, 315, 18330, 15740, 649, 2873, 220, 6435, 11, 719, 18330, 54914, 374, 2646, 198, 69, 332, 458, 13, 16418, 649, 3719, 1633, 11210, 323, 1633, 3682, 304, 13167, 323, 198, 58400, 627, 2460, 279, 8206, 430, 374, 5995, 311, 1440, 706, 2736, 1027, 22066, 555, 5150, 198, 1395, 826, 389, 420, 11841, 13, 2052, 8681, 47802, 66084, 279, 1890, 8206, 11, 369, 1070, 198, 285, 7000, 1023, 662, 578, 35969, 685, 315, 279, 10323, 2949, 92186, 2439, 832, 389, 323, 5825, 198, 86390, 940, 20343, 323, 8333, 13, 578, 79723, 315, 4359, 2949, 374, 279, 2592, 198, 1073, 832, 753, 14209, 26, 9093, 11, 311, 6056, 832, 753, 2592, 374, 304, 14902, 449, 4359, 529, 274, 198, 10149, 627, 791, 3072, 369, 8206, 11, 9096, 11, 323, 16267, 374, 2744, 2561, 2345, 37241, 433, 753, 198, 325, 336, 11559, 7951, 648, 294, 4920, 459, 41660, 323, 2536, 66104, 2136, 430, 3135, 505, 198, 69666, 12146, 1023, 2671, 439, 264, 14464, 315, 3463, 13, 578, 9358, 8206, 21667, 198, 275, 726, 994, 682, 1023, 2671, 527, 16436, 555, 32859, 311, 4359, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 87475, 940, 15507, 374, 4602, 1534, 555, 279, 17632, 315, 279, 18330, 690, 198, 55571, 18856, 2237, 220, 16217, 8, 449, 279, 8365, 315, 8940, 13797, 1174, 902, 527, 8206, 11, 3021, 345, 31929, 290, 11, 24278, 11, 323, 2536, 38520, 488, 662, 6168, 6082, 45777, 4861, 832, 753, 2324, 323, 198, 266, 37288, 430, 902, 374, 315, 7945, 276, 3846, 13, 2057, 387, 264, 41564, 315, 4359, 374, 264, 39955, 198, 2940, 1729, 279, 5915, 5097, 54156, 927, 682, 1023, 68647, 1385, 11, 39591, 345, 269, 77549, 627, 644, 279, 4907, 2115, 315, 3021, 11, 584, 527, 23712, 449, 3021, 11, 323, 430, 12716, 198, 911, 17584, 13, 1226, 527, 43788, 369, 1057, 2324, 323, 369, 682, 279, 71912, 315, 2324, 13, 1226, 527, 198, 58517, 1285, 369, 279, 5679, 68469, 323, 279, 67712, 552, 11, 1606, 814, 4097, 3021, 13, 1226, 527, 198, 911, 21508, 369, 1475, 1180, 315, 3169, 818, 11107, 505, 3885, 11, 872, 37805, 11, 30598, 2136, 345, 438, 3463, 31514, 627, 1271, 59995, 436, 2752, 279, 7138, 315, 4359, 11, 433, 374, 5995, 1193, 311, 1440, 279, 7138, 198, 1073, 3021, 5196, 13, 2057, 9615, 1440, 3021, 374, 311, 1440, 323, 3619, 4359, 11, 323, 311, 198, 33134, 4359, 374, 311, 3619, 3021, 627, 4897, 902, 374, 17139, 323, 35825, 42590, 1438, 2225, 1665, 1968, 323, 198, 11760, 1968, 323, 374, 7953, 8010, 86496, 13, 1102, 374, 14183, 311, 304, 279, 14154, 18330, 198, 69191, 1598, 439, 1054, 1820, 13814, 17326, 2029, 4470, 315, 279, 13814, 48282, 682, 430, 374, 198, 43415, 323, 653, 43415, 26, 682, 25917, 323, 17985, 26, 682, 14209, 280 ]
two or three hours daily with urine, occasionally. even with fresh urine. Giving up all medication she was given her urine twice or thrice daily. Within a fortnight she was half way through recovery and by the end of the month she could get up and move. Today she is fully recovered. lt is now only four months since she began her treatment. Her left leg which was getting thinner Mas regained its natural tonal shape and is fully healthy.” from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel PARALYSIS “Shri Pritam Singh works in Gandhi Ashram, Hapur (Dist. Merath). His right arm was paralysed and the neck had turned to his left. Both the parts pained. A month’s allopathic treatment proved futile. Chaudhri Nekiram, the Ashram Manager, advised him to try urine treatment. After 15 days of thrice or four times in take of urine and its massage in the sun her was completely relieved of both his complaints.” from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel 156 PARALYSIS “A male patient, age 60, was treating his paralysis with Urine Therapy. His treatment included daily rubbings with urine, which included his head. After he was cured of paralysis, his hair was no longer gray, but instead returned to its original color.” Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'Quinn PARASITES Mr. M. New York "I am a PWA. My major problem was parasites. My stool sample contained pus, large amounts of yeast and several parasites. My last test came back totally clear. No more pus and no more parasites!" World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward PENIS INFLAMMATION “A strange case came to doctor Maganlal Salaria. The patient Natha Kesarji is 35 and belongs to Pavaiya class. When 21 years old, excision was performed on his penis. This resulted in obstruction in urination. There was great inflammation in the passage of urine and he had to be admitted to the Civil Hospital. Medical efforts made the patient almost dead with pain. At last some person acquainted with Doctor Salaria, sent him to the latter's clinic. On 5-12-59 he was admitted there. An examination of the doctor revealed that the passage of urine was totally blocked due to high inflammation. Anyhow Doctor Salana decided to have a trial with urine cure before operation. Doctor Salaria gave his own urine to the patient three times up to 11 p.m. in the night. At 2:30 a.m. in the night he visited the patient and was surprised at what he saw. The patient was enjoying a sound sleep and his bed was drenched with his own unne. Urination continued but the patient was not at all aware of it. When he awoke, he felt great comfort. After that, he was made to drink his own urine. Such is the miraculous power of urine. Natha Kesaraji was cured within a couple of days and with a smiling face he returned home after thanking doctor Salaria.” Manav Mootra by R.M. Patel POISON 157 “The Ahmedabad Municipality had started killing stray dogs by poisoning. Unfortunately, a young boy's dog also got involved in that by chance. Consequently, he too was poisoned. As he came staggering home, the boy's father suspected that he had been poisoned. Immediately he made him drink a glassful of urine. Within a short time, the effects of the poison had disappeared.” Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'Quinn PHYSICAL DISABILITY “Shri Chandrashankar Purani (Rama & Sons Watch House, Ravpura Road, Baroda) experienced disability. He felt exhaustion by walking a few steps, had indigestion and felt despair in life. He had constipation too. He took to urine treatment and he got rid of all his troubles and disability too and regained youth as it were.” Manav Mootra by R.M. Patel PILES “I was suffering from bleeding piles. My condition was gradually deteriorating due to this disease. I was growing weak, had giddiness, would feed darkness and faint. Several indigenous remedies v!ere tried. I was opposed to an operation. Fate intervened and I was shown the book Arogyaka Amulya sadhan : shivambu - swamutra. I read it and steeled myself and gulped down a full glass of my early morning urine resolutely. For the whole day I was on nerves. I took onry kedgeree (khichri) and milk that day. In the evening I had clear motions without bleeding or pain. With one glass of urine I was instantly cured of the four-year-old complaint. With a week's urine treatment the chronic ailment was totally uprooted. Daily on waking up, I have replaced my urine for the celebrated cup that cheers: tea. When I miss my morning glass of urine I feel restless throughout the day. By urine massage, my complexion has become radiant and colour has brightened. A few of my acquintances also have become devoted to this therapy.” from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel PILES “S. Tribedi cured his major and minor troubles by Urine Therapy. He cured his piles, got rid of his glasses and nocturnal discharge by drinking urine and urine massages for one month. He is now perfectly healthy even at 70.” 158 Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'Quinn PILES “Kantilal Shah had chronic constipation and he suffered for a long time. It soon resulted in piles. The soft anus core scratches and there was unbearable pain and burning. He started Urine Therapy by rubbing his body, but he was so allergic that it resulted in nettle-rash. On advice, he stopped rubbing with urine and began taking it orally twice or three times daily. He did accordingly and got rid of the problem within a week, Nettle-rash still troubled him, so he continued the treatment, and ultimately the constipation was removed and the nettle-rash cured. His allergic condition was also eliminated. In the case of bleeding piles, bleeding stops if a piece of cloth soaked in urine is kept on the piles regularly.” Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'Quinn PROSTATE “Andrew Douglass, 60, had prostate problems and 10 specialists had recommended surgery as the only means to alleviate the problem. Although the chance of impotence was slim, he still chose to try alternatives before submitting to surgery. There was also the emotional problem of an orgasm without ejaculation as a side effect of the operation. He was advised to apply rectal implants using pure urine every day along with the ultimate universal remedy. At the time, he used a douche bag like the one women use. Two months later, he visited all the specialists who examined him before and they were all shocked to find him recovering without surgery or medication. His doctors wanted to know how he did it, yet he was reluctant to reveal the protocol followed. But, knowing that they would never reveal the information to other people, he told them how he used his urine. Of course, they did not believe that urine could be so effective, but Douglas gradually recuperated and a year later had no more problems. He enjoyed seeing the doctors so baffled.” Uropathy by Martin J. Lara PROSTATE Mr. Aristeo Olive "I suffer from prostate. It is not possible to be operated on at the age of 85 years. l have done several tests and I have had consultation with some doctors. My daughter, Maria 159 Olive, who attended a conference, insisted on me taking Urine- therapy, which she did herself. I started to take it and at first and it gave me diarrhea. I continued with the therapy and I was able to rid my body of pieces of meat and skin along with filaments and mucous by the intestine. I continued taking the Urine and it cleaned me thanks to God. My daughter lost 12 kilos of weight, she does gargling and applies it in the hair, which has improved. Also she is diabetic and she is already in control of her diabetes. Thanks to God and you Sonia who have taught us to know ourselves and to love God and others." World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward PSORIASIS “I was. suffering from psoriasis and pyoderma for about five years. I tried allopathic, homoeopathic, Ayurvedic and nature cure treatments without any gain. I was so desperate due to my ailment that I was planning to resign from my service and retire to my native place in Kutch. But then my friend Kanji D. Vaidya inspired and encouraged me to have recourse to urine treatment. I resolved to take up this treatment till I am fully recovered. I followed instructions given in the book Manav mutra regarding urine intake and urine massage. In the beginning for a few days I felt nausea, restlessness and weakness. One day while in sleep, I passed urine in the bed. Its colour was like blood. I was frightened and so consulted the Vaidya, who was my well-wisher. He advised and encouraged me to continue the treatment with faith and patience I thereafter gradually recovered and by the end of fifth month I was about 95% cured. Even now I continue to drink urine twice daily, and take occasional massage with it. I am quite certain that I shall be completely cured.” from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel PSORIASIS “Doctors report that the further growth of psoriasis could be checked,
[ 1403, 477, 2380, 4207, 7446, 449, 40335, 11, 23781, 13, 1524, 449, 7878, 40335, 13, 58951, 709, 682, 24099, 1364, 574, 2728, 1077, 40335, 11157, 477, 8983, 560, 7446, 13, 25218, 264, 84311, 492, 1364, 574, 4376, 1648, 1555, 13654, 323, 555, 279, 842, 315, 279, 2305, 1364, 1436, 636, 709, 323, 3351, 13, 11450, 1364, 374, 7373, 26403, 13, 26237, 374, 1457, 1193, 3116, 4038, 2533, 1364, 6137, 1077, 6514, 13, 6385, 2163, 2531, 902, 574, 3794, 65355, 20459, 86025, 1202, 5933, 8941, 278, 6211, 323, 374, 7373, 9498, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 27173, 984, 75564, 220, 1054, 2059, 462, 393, 1018, 309, 27992, 4375, 304, 48994, 14937, 2453, 11, 473, 100140, 320, 24243, 13, 8930, 589, 570, 5414, 1314, 6916, 574, 1370, 278, 1065, 291, 323, 279, 13272, 1047, 6656, 311, 813, 2163, 13, 11995, 279, 5596, 281, 2692, 13, 362, 2305, 753, 63747, 2398, 292, 6514, 19168, 85627, 13, 921, 8039, 71, 462, 452, 1247, 67808, 11, 279, 14937, 2453, 10790, 11, 26160, 1461, 311, 1456, 40335, 6514, 13, 4740, 220, 868, 2919, 315, 8983, 560, 477, 3116, 3115, 304, 1935, 315, 40335, 323, 1202, 6378, 304, 279, 7160, 1077, 574, 6724, 51512, 315, 2225, 813, 21859, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 220, 10132, 27173, 984, 75564, 220, 1054, 32, 8762, 8893, 11, 4325, 220, 1399, 11, 574, 27723, 813, 86139, 449, 17229, 483, 40143, 13, 5414, 6514, 5343, 7446, 10485, 65, 826, 449, 40335, 11, 902, 5343, 813, 2010, 13, 4740, 568, 574, 64688, 315, 86139, 11, 813, 7013, 574, 912, 5129, 18004, 11, 719, 4619, 6052, 311, 1202, 4113, 1933, 2029, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6, 2232, 6258, 220, 27173, 1950, 49596, 220, 4491, 13, 386, 13, 1561, 4356, 330, 40, 1097, 264, 393, 27486, 13, 3092, 3682, 3575, 574, 79383, 13, 3092, 64172, 6205, 13282, 75676, 11, 3544, 15055, 315, 41580, 323, 3892, 79383, 13, 3092, 1566, 1296, 3782, 1203, 12756, 2867, 13, 2360, 810, 75676, 323, 912, 810, 79383, 9135, 220, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 220, 81770, 1669, 2006, 6254, 1428, 44, 3579, 220, 1054, 32, 15234, 1162, 3782, 311, 10896, 7023, 276, 122591, 328, 58016, 13, 578, 8893, 61909, 64, 735, 33340, 7910, 374, 220, 1758, 323, 17623, 311, 43856, 2192, 7911, 538, 13, 3277, 220, 1691, 1667, 2362, 11, 3521, 1854, 574, 10887, 389, 813, 23806, 13, 1115, 19543, 304, 61051, 304, 4433, 2617, 13, 2684, 574, 2294, 37140, 304, 279, 21765, 315, 40335, 323, 568, 1047, 311, 387, 16584, 311, 279, 16803, 15429, 13, 13235, 9045, 1903, 279, 8893, 4661, 5710, 449, 6784, 13, 2468, 1566, 1063, 1732, 73734, 449, 19150, 328, 58016, 11, 3288, 1461, 311, 279, 15629, 596, 28913, 13, 1952, 220, 20, 12, 717, 12, 2946, 568, 574, 16584, 1070, 13, 1556, 24481, 315, 279, 10896, 10675, 430, 279, 21765, 315, 40335, 574, 12756, 19857, 4245, 311, 1579, 37140, 13, 5884, 5269, 19150, 8375, 3444, 6773, 311, 617, 264, 9269, 449, 40335, 27208, 1603, 5784, 13, 220, 19150, 328, 58016, 6688, 813, 1866, 40335, 311, 279, 8893, 2380, 3115, 709, 311, 220, 806, 281, 749, 13, 304, 279, 3814, 13, 2468, 220, 17, 25, 966, 264, 749, 13, 304, 279, 3814, 568, 12263, 279, 8893, 323, 574, 14792, 520, 1148, 568, 5602, 13, 578, 8893, 574, 22128, 264, 5222, 6212, 323, 813, 4950, 574, 294, 55071, 449, 813, 1866, 653, 818, 13, 256, 17229, 2617, 8738, 719, 279, 8893, 574, 539, 520, 682, 8010, 315, 433, 13, 3277, 568, 264, 96428, 11, 568, 6612, 2294, 6981, 13, 4740, 430, 11, 568, 574, 1903, 311, 7172, 813, 1866, 40335, 13, 15483, 374, 279, 91813, 2410, 315, 40335, 13, 61909, 64, 735, 33340, 42888, 574, 64688, 2949, 264, 5743, 315, 2919, 323, 449, 264, 37163, 3663, 568, 6052, 2162, 1306, 94121, 10896, 328, 58016, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 1345, 13, 63855, 220, 13228, 53076, 220, 220, 10895, 1054, 791, 41769, 28447, 36803, 2786, 1047, 3940, 13419, 62490, 12875, 555, 52236, 13, 19173, 11, 264, 3995, 8334, 596, 5679, 1101, 2751, 6532, 304, 430, 555, 6140, 13, 53123, 11, 568, 2288, 574, 71598, 13, 1666, 568, 3782, 55944, 2162, 11, 279, 8334, 596, 7126, 24740, 430, 568, 1047, 1027, 71598, 13, 69352, 568, 1903, 1461, 7172, 264, 9168, 1285, 315, 40335, 13, 25218, 264, 2875, 892, 11, 279, 6372, 315, 279, 21109, 1047, 29496, 2029, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6, 2232, 6258, 220, 85087, 15942, 12244, 5854, 220, 1054, 2059, 462, 67736, 81, 1003, 1201, 277, 14874, 5676, 320, 49, 3105, 612, 51838, 10573, 4783, 11, 35074, 79, 5808, 9728, 11, 4821, 14320, 8, 10534, 28353, 13, 1283, 6612, 70663, 555, 11689, 264, 2478, 7504, 11, 1047, 1280, 15505, 290, 323, 6612, 46996, 304, 2324, 13, 1283, 1047, 738, 49686, 2288, 13, 1283, 3952, 311, 40335, 6514, 323, 568, 2751, 9463, 315, 682, 813, 35665, 323, 28353, 2288, 323, 86025, 12822, 439, 433, 1051, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 1345, 13, 63855, 220, 393, 47078, 220, 1054, 40, 574, 16066, 505, 35763, 59872, 13, 3092, 3044, 574, 27115, 39436, 1113, 4245, 311, 420, 8624, 13, 358, 574, 7982, 7621, 11, 1047, 342, 1810, 1918, 11, 1053, 5510, 27394, 323, 38678, 13, 26778, 39678, 51236, 348, 0, 486, 6818, 13, 358, 574, 16475, 311, 459, 5784, 13, 60025, 90548, 323, 358, 574, 6982, 279, 2363, 362, 299, 4680, 13637, 3383, 3988, 64, 12703, 10118, 551, 559, 344, 3042, 84, 482, 2064, 309, 78981, 13, 358, 1373, 433, 323, 357, 2176, 839, 7182, 323, 91370, 7018, 1523, 264, 2539, 9168, 315, 856, 4216, 6693, 40335, 594, 9887, 13, 1789, 279, 4459, 1938, 358, 574, 389, 50581, 13, 358, 3952, 389, 894, 80142, 70, 76060, 320, 31764, 718, 462, 8, 323, 14403, 430, 1938, 13, 763, 279, 11714, 358, 1047, 2867, 54245, 2085, 35763, 477, 6784, 13, 3161, 832, 9168, 315, 40335, 358, 574, 22571, 64688, 315, 279, 3116, 4771, 6418, 12458, 13, 3161, 264, 2046, 596, 40335, 6514, 279, 21249, 60243, 479, 574, 12756, 709, 2959, 291, 13, 220, 13690, 389, 48728, 709, 11, 358, 617, 12860, 856, 40335, 369, 279, 28284, 10747, 430, 74983, 25, 15600, 13, 3277, 358, 3194, 856, 6693, 9168, 315, 40335, 358, 2733, 89358, 6957, 279, 1938, 13, 3296, 40335, 6378, 11, 856, 91679, 706, 3719, 77443, 323, 12745, 706, 10107, 6901, 13, 362, 2478, 315, 856, 19830, 396, 3095, 1101, 617, 3719, 29329, 311, 420, 15419, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 393, 47078, 220, 1054, 50, 13, 21163, 19586, 64688, 813, 3682, 323, 9099, 35665, 555, 17229, 483, 40143, 13, 1283, 64688, 813, 59872, 11, 2751, 9463, 315, 813, 29247, 323, 93101, 63550, 32643, 555, 16558, 40335, 323, 40335, 64279, 369, 832, 2305, 13, 1283, 374, 1457, 14268, 9498, 1524, 520, 220, 2031, 2029, 220, 11286, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6, 2232, 6258, 220, 393, 47078, 220, 1054, 42, 519, 321, 278, 37617, 1047, 21249, 738, 49686, 323, 568, 16654, 369, 264, 1317, 892, 13, 1102, 5246, 19543, 304, 59872, 13, 578, 8579, 82408, 6332, 66839, 323, 1070, 574, 99930, 6784, 323, 20252, 13, 1283, 3940, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 57035, 813, 2547, 11, 719, 568, 574, 779, 57596, 430, 433, 19543, 304, 4272, 11489, 3880, 1003, 13, 1952, 9650, 11, 568, 10717, 57035, 449, 40335, 323, 6137, 4737, 433, 220, 98122, 11157, 477, 2380, 3115, 7446, 13, 1283, 1550, 28178, 323, 2751, 9463, 315, 279, 3575, 2949, 264, 2046, 11, 452, 48726, 3880, 1003, 2103, 42132, 1461, 11, 779, 568, 8738, 279, 6514, 11, 323, 13967, 279, 738, 49686, 574, 7108, 323, 279, 4272, 11489, 3880, 1003, 64688, 13, 5414, 57596, 3044, 574, 1101, 34373, 13, 763, 279, 1162, 315, 35763, 59872, 11, 35763, 18417, 422, 264, 6710, 315, 28392, 69975, 304, 40335, 374, 8774, 389, 279, 59872, 15870, 2029, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6, 2232, 6258, 220, 5421, 25651, 1054, 41598, 32608, 448, 11, 220, 1399, 11, 1047, 47447, 5435, 323, 220, 605, 35416, 1047, 11349, 15173, 439, 279, 1193, 3445, 311, 61705, 279, 3575, 13, 10541, 279, 6140, 315, 3242, 98660, 574, 30453, 11, 568, 2103, 14896, 311, 1456, 27548, 1603, 34194, 311, 15173, 13, 2684, 574, 1101, 279, 14604, 3575, 315, 459, 38765, 2085, 99302, 439, 264, 3185, 2515, 315, 279, 5784, 13, 1283, 574, 26160, 311, 3881, 7763, 278, 63284, 1701, 10748, 40335, 1475, 220, 1938, 3235, 449, 279, 17139, 20789, 40239, 13, 2468, 279, 892, 11, 568, 1511, 264, 85453, 9145, 1093, 279, 832, 3278, 1005, 13, 256, 9220, 4038, 3010, 11, 568, 12263, 682, 279, 35416, 889, 25078, 1461, 1603, 323, 814, 1051, 682, 27718, 311, 1505, 1461, 42386, 2085, 15173, 477, 24099, 13, 5414, 16410, 4934, 311, 1440, 1268, 568, 1550, 433, 11, 3686, 568, 574, 44040, 311, 16805, 279, 11766, 8272, 13, 2030, 11, 14392, 430, 814, 1053, 2646, 16805, 279, 2038, 311, 1023, 1274, 11, 568, 3309, 1124, 1268, 568, 1511, 813, 40335, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 814, 1550, 539, 4510, 430, 40335, 1436, 387, 779, 7524, 11, 719, 31164, 27115, 52621, 660, 323, 264, 1060, 3010, 1047, 912, 810, 5435, 13, 1283, 14333, 9298, 279, 16410, 779, 65516, 839, 2029, 220, 549, 897, 19682, 555, 11826, 622, 13, 73257, 220, 5421, 25651, 220, 4491, 13, 1676, 17194, 78, 47814, 330, 40, 7831, 505, 47447, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 3284, 311, 387, 24026, 389, 520, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 5313, 1667, 13, 326, 617, 2884, 3892, 7177, 323, 358, 617, 1047, 29173, 449, 1063, 16410, 13, 3092, 10003, 11, 23880, 220, 11068, 47814, 11, 889, 18677, 264, 10017, 11, 29676, 389, 757, 4737, 17229, 483, 12, 15419, 11, 902, 1364, 1550, 11937, 13, 256, 358, 3940, 311, 1935, 433, 323, 520, 1176, 323, 433, 6688, 757, 69393, 13, 358, 8738, 449, 279, 15419, 323, 358, 574, 3025, 311, 9463, 856, 2547, 315, 9863, 315, 13339, 323, 6930, 3235, 449, 1488, 24469, 323, 65104, 788, 555, 279, 92234, 13, 358, 8738, 4737, 279, 17229, 483, 323, 433, 28822, 757, 9523, 311, 4359, 13, 256, 3092, 10003, 5675, 220, 717, 15395, 437, 315, 4785, 11, 1364, 1587, 97183, 2785, 323, 17208, 433, 304, 279, 7013, 11, 902, 706, 13241, 13, 7429, 1364, 374, 71975, 323, 1364, 374, 2736, 304, 2585, 315, 1077, 20335, 13, 11361, 311, 4359, 323, 499, 90491, 889, 617, 15972, 603, 311, 1440, 13520, 323, 311, 3021, 4359, 323, 3885, 1210, 220, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 220, 11659, 878, 32922, 1669, 220, 1054, 40, 574, 13, 16066, 505, 4831, 93003, 323, 4611, 4414, 1764, 369, 922, 4330, 1667, 13, 358, 6818, 63747, 2398, 292, 11, 5105, 4748, 62209, 11, 24852, 80627, 292, 323, 7138, 27208, 22972, 2085, 904, 8895, 13, 358, 574, 779, 28495, 4245, 311, 856, 60243, 479, 430, 358, 574, 9293, 311, 24509, 505, 856, 2532, 323, 16177, 311, 856, 10068, 2035, 304, 735, 14390, 13, 2030, 1243, 856, 4333, 31663, 7910, 423, 13, 650, 3864, 7911, 14948, 323, 21190, 757, 311, 617, 93370, 311, 40335, 6514, 13, 358, 20250, 311, 1935, 709, 420, 6514, 12222, 358, 1097, 7373, 26403, 13, 220, 358, 8272, 11470, 2728, 304, 279, 2363, 2418, 402, 5318, 969, 9002, 40335, 23730, 323, 40335, 6378, 13, 763, 279, 7314, 369, 264, 2478, 2919, 358, 6612, 61880, 11, 2800, 33028, 323, 23948, 13, 3861, 1938, 1418, 304, 6212, 11, 358, 5946, 40335, 304, 279, 4950, 13, 11699, 12745, 574, 1093, 6680, 13, 358, 574, 60178, 323, 779, 61302, 279, 650, 3864, 7911, 11, 889, 574, 856, 1664, 2695, 39672, 13, 1283, 26160, 323, 21190, 757, 311, 3136, 279, 6514, 449, 10082, 323, 30401, 358, 46095, 27115, 26403, 323, 555, 279, 842, 315, 18172, 2305, 358, 574, 922, 220, 2721, 4, 64688, 13, 7570, 1457, 358, 3136, 311, 7172, 40335, 11157, 7446, 11, 323, 1935, 28961, 6378, 449, 433, 13, 358, 1097, 5115, 3738, 430, 358, 4985, 387, 6724, 64688, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 11659, 878, 32922, 1669, 220, 1054, 96269, 1934, 430, 279, 4726, 6650, 315, 4831, 93003, 1436, 387, 10273, 11 ]
diseases was determined by genetic defects, but most of the diseases were the result of conditions and lifestyle. Only after antibiotics appeared, serious infections were defeated. People began to die less and live longer. But life has changed. The first fruits of civilization was the emer gence of a huge number of harmful products, due to which the human body began to become clogged with toxic concentrates, chemical carcinogens, new refined food products and alcohol. Human genes were not adapted to such changes. But natural selection has stopped working because medicine has worked well producing more and more medications. And then new chronic diseases appeared that shortened life. Scientists called them "diseases of civilization." At first, they develop imperceptibly for a person, as the harmful effects of the external and internal environment accumulate. A person is not sick yet, but is no longer healthy. But he could be healthy if he began to apply the necessary measures in a timely manner. Prevention is of particular importance precisely in the fight against "diseases of civilization." And one of the most important preventive measures is the ability to breathe correctly. Expert s assure: breathing is a reliable barometer of the state of the human body. Even by how often and deeply we breathe, you can make an accurate diagnosis of any ailment and prescribe treatment and in the end to cure not only the body, but also the head. According to scientists, breathingis closely interconnected not only with a state of health, but also with a state of consciousness. Maybe breathing not only keeps the soul in the body, but also decides its fate? Basic instinct What does it mean to breathe correctly? A strange question at first glance. After all, each of us daily makes nearly 20,000 breaths. And we do not think at all how to do it. Otherw ise, the same tragedy would have happened to us as with the hedgehog from the joke. Do you remember? The hedgehog ran through the forest, for got how to breathe, and died. Breathe! This basic instinct is laid in us by nature. A person is considered born when he takes his first breath, and dead when he takes his last breath. And between the beginning and the end there is only a series of breaths. The same is true with our younger brothers. But everyone breathes different ly. For example, jellyfish have the simplest form of breathing. Oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed through their skin, and dissolv ed carbon dioxide is vented out in the same way. And on the abdo men of insects there are many small holes. Each of these pores is the entrance to a tube called the trachea. It acts like a human breathing tube, or breathing throat! Thus, insects breathe in the same way as we do, with the only difference being that hundreds of breathing tubes can be located on their abdomen. And the pace of breathing, that is, how often we breathe air, largely depends on the size of the creature itself. The larger the animal, the slower it breathes. For example, an eleph ant inhales about 10 times per minute and a mouse about 200. And with the respiratory rate, it turns out that life expectancy is directly related: the elephant lives longer than a mouse. And turtles breathe very slowly and live very long.On average, a person inhales 16 times per minute, but perhaps less often - 6-8 times per minute, and maybe more often - up to 20 times per minute, depending on the circumstances. Moreover, young children breathe 20-30 times per minute, and infants - 40-60 times! Doctors have long been thinking about the riddle of uneven breathing in humans. The first information and tips for proper breathing were discovered already in Chinese jade inscripti ons, which date back to the VI century BC. Ancient sayings teach: “When breathing, you must do the following: hold your breath, it accumulates; if it has accumulated, it spreads further; if it spreads further, it goes down, it becomes calm; if it becomes calm, it strengthens. If released, then it grows; when it grows, you need to squeeze it again. If you squeeze it, it will reach the crown of the head. There it presses on the head, presses down. A person who follows this method lives, and whoever acts the other way round dies.” Who needs breathing exercises • The method of shallow breathing is shown to everyone, starting from infancy, and especially to peopl e with illnesses, because it is harmless and cures over a hundred diseases, eliminating the cause of the disease - carbon dioxide deficiency in the blood. • If a healthy person at rest after exhalation can hold his breath for at least 60 seconds, then the possibilitie s of a sick person are extremely limited: the holding of his breath does not exceed 5-10 seconds. The deeper the breath, the shorter the pause after exhalation and the delay after it, the harder the person is sick and it is necessary to correct his breathing as quickly as possible. • The instructio ns for using the method of volitional eliminat ion of deep breathing, devel oped by Buteyko, give indications for the method. First of all it includes: “asthma, angina pectoris, hypertension, obliterating endarteritis, spasm of cerebra l vessels, bronchi, heart, atherosclerosis, pulmonary emphysema, skin itching, neurosis. Normalization of breathing reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and shortnes s of breath, headache, dizziness, insomnia, normalizes weight, cures gastritis, colitis, nephritis, other diseases of the stomach and intestines, facilitates menopause, reduces susceptibility to colds and infectious diseases, relieves allergies, migraines, reduces the likelihood of a stroke, leg vein expansion with thromboph lebitis, fragility of blood vessels, enlar gement of the thyroid gland, possibly even paralysis, cancer and many others.” Whom this gymnastics is contraindicated to • people with mental illnesses and mental defects that do not allow the patient to understand the essence of the method and master it; • diseases that threaten severe bleeding; • infectious diseases in the acute period; • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; • patients with aneurysm with lar ge blood clots; • those who have foreign transplants in the body, as well as after heart surgery; • it is advisable for expectant mothers to under go a cleansi ng reaction before pregnancy. Also, the Buteyko method will be difficult to apply to people who have bad teeth and chroni c tonsillitis. It is necessary to cure them or remove diseased teeth and glands. If this is not done, then it will be difficult to increase the pause between inspiration and exit, and sometimes deterioration may occur with an increase in pause. Chapter 3. The structure of the respiratory system Before proceeding to the description of Buteyko respiratory gymnastics, let's try to under stand what the respiratory system is and how it works, what types of breathing are and how well you breathe. For any technique it is very important to understand all the nuances. Only in this case it will work efficiently. Therefore, do not skip this chapter, trying to immediately begin to practice. Breathing is a physiological process during which natural gas exchange occurs in the body. During inspiration, oxygen is supplied to all organs and tissues, and during expiration carbon dioxide is removed. This mechanism is supported by the work of the whole system of or gans (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 The beginning of the airways is the nasal cavities, which are connected to the pharynx. The walls of the nose form bones and cartilages, and the inner surface of these cavities is lined with mucous membrane. It is breathing through the nose that is physiologically correct. After all, the atmospheric air, bypassing the nasal cavities, manages to warm up and clear itself of microsc opic dust particles. Through the nose, purified and warmed air enters the upper part of the throat - the throat. The soft palate (small tongue) divides it into the nasopharynx and oropharynx. For the pharynx follows the larynx, in which the vocal cords are located. The next stage is the trachea. It has the appearance of a dense tube formed by unclo sed cartilage rings. It accumulates dust and foreign particles that can enter the body. In addition, the function of the trachea is to humidify the air. In the cavity of the chest, the trachea is divided into two tubes - the bronchi. On them purified and heated atmospheric air enters the lungs. The lungs are paired organs that have a conical shape. In the chest they are located on both sides of the heart, while the right lung has several large sizes. Inside they are covered with a thin shell - the pleura. The basis of the lungs is the so-called bronchial tree – branching bronchi and bronchioles. Small protrusions in the form of bubbles on the walls of the bronchioles are called alveoli. A network of capillaries permeates them, and it is through
[ 19338, 574, 11075, 555, 198, 4469, 5411, 42655, 11, 719, 1455, 315, 279, 19338, 1051, 279, 1121, 315, 4787, 323, 198, 75, 16886, 13, 8442, 1306, 46850, 9922, 11, 6129, 30020, 1051, 24164, 627, 16298, 6137, 311, 2815, 2753, 323, 3974, 5129, 662, 2030, 2324, 706, 5614, 627, 791, 1176, 26390, 315, 36017, 574, 279, 991, 261, 342, 768, 315, 264, 6908, 1396, 315, 198, 71, 2227, 1285, 3956, 11, 4245, 311, 902, 279, 3823, 2547, 6137, 311, 3719, 272, 25909, 198, 4291, 21503, 99005, 11, 11742, 52788, 57118, 11, 502, 38291, 3691, 3956, 198, 438, 13200, 13, 11344, 21389, 1051, 539, 30464, 311, 1778, 4442, 13, 2030, 5933, 198, 24536, 706, 10717, 3318, 1606, 16088, 706, 6575, 1664, 17843, 198, 6518, 323, 810, 31010, 13, 1628, 1243, 502, 21249, 19338, 9922, 430, 198, 8846, 6901, 2324, 13, 57116, 2663, 1124, 330, 67, 1082, 2315, 315, 36017, 1210, 2468, 1176, 11, 814, 198, 16219, 17190, 1512, 6623, 369, 264, 1732, 11, 439, 279, 28856, 6372, 315, 279, 9434, 198, 438, 5419, 4676, 47376, 13, 362, 1732, 374, 539, 14363, 3686, 11, 719, 374, 912, 198, 4930, 261, 9498, 662, 2030, 568, 1436, 387, 9498, 422, 568, 6137, 311, 3881, 279, 5995, 198, 2727, 24368, 304, 264, 32100, 11827, 662, 36947, 374, 315, 4040, 12939, 198, 10872, 285, 989, 304, 279, 4465, 2403, 330, 67, 1082, 2315, 315, 36017, 10246, 3112, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 3062, 71123, 11193, 374, 279, 5845, 311, 37397, 198, 20523, 398, 662, 33257, 274, 36015, 25, 27027, 374, 264, 15062, 3703, 21037, 315, 279, 1614, 315, 279, 198, 26380, 2547, 13, 7570, 555, 1268, 3629, 323, 17693, 584, 37397, 11, 499, 649, 1304, 459, 198, 37021, 349, 23842, 315, 904, 60243, 479, 323, 72333, 6514, 323, 304, 279, 842, 311, 198, 66, 554, 539, 1193, 279, 2547, 1174, 719, 1101, 279, 2010, 13, 10771, 311, 14248, 11, 27027, 285, 15499, 83416, 539, 1193, 449, 264, 1614, 315, 2890, 11, 719, 1101, 449, 264, 1614, 198, 1073, 25917, 627, 22105, 27027, 539, 1193, 13912, 279, 13836, 304, 279, 2547, 1174, 719, 1101, 28727, 1202, 198, 69, 349, 30, 720, 16323, 31655, 27907, 3923, 1587, 433, 3152, 311, 37397, 12722, 30, 362, 15234, 3488, 520, 1176, 34522, 627, 6153, 682, 11, 1855, 315, 603, 7446, 3727, 7154, 220, 508, 11, 931, 11745, 82, 13, 1628, 584, 656, 539, 198, 27963, 520, 682, 1268, 311, 656, 433, 13, 7089, 86, 77193, 11, 279, 1890, 31926, 1053, 617, 7077, 198, 998, 603, 439, 449, 279, 42766, 61722, 505, 279, 22380, 13, 3234, 499, 6227, 30, 578, 42766, 61722, 198, 6713, 1555, 279, 13952, 11, 369, 2751, 1268, 311, 37397, 11, 323, 8636, 627, 33, 1244, 383, 0, 1115, 6913, 31655, 374, 17551, 304, 603, 555, 7138, 13, 362, 1732, 374, 6646, 198, 16381, 994, 568, 5097, 813, 1176, 11745, 11, 323, 5710, 994, 568, 5097, 813, 1566, 11745, 627, 3112, 1990, 279, 7314, 323, 279, 842, 1070, 374, 1193, 264, 4101, 315, 11745, 82, 627, 791, 1890, 374, 837, 449, 1057, 14992, 20820, 627, 4071, 5127, 11745, 288, 2204, 14869, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 52441, 18668, 617, 279, 45648, 198, 630, 315, 27027, 13, 87669, 56767, 304, 3090, 374, 42101, 1555, 872, 198, 37282, 11, 323, 14091, 36415, 1608, 12782, 40589, 374, 10594, 291, 704, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 13, 1628, 389, 198, 1820, 671, 3055, 3026, 315, 41911, 1070, 527, 1690, 2678, 20349, 13, 9062, 315, 1521, 72028, 374, 198, 1820, 20396, 311, 264, 14019, 2663, 279, 490, 1815, 64, 13, 1102, 14385, 1093, 264, 3823, 27027, 14019, 345, 269, 27027, 28691, 0, 14636, 11, 41911, 37397, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 439, 584, 656, 11, 449, 198, 1820, 1193, 6811, 1694, 430, 11758, 315, 27027, 34083, 649, 387, 7559, 389, 198, 50828, 64772, 627, 3112, 279, 18338, 315, 27027, 11, 430, 374, 11, 1268, 3629, 584, 37397, 3805, 1174, 14090, 14117, 198, 263, 279, 1404, 315, 279, 17661, 5196, 13, 578, 8294, 279, 10065, 11, 279, 29493, 433, 198, 21152, 589, 288, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 459, 10732, 764, 3276, 60537, 3916, 922, 220, 605, 3115, 824, 9568, 323, 264, 198, 13540, 922, 220, 1049, 13, 1628, 449, 279, 42631, 4478, 11, 433, 10800, 704, 430, 2324, 198, 17557, 6709, 374, 6089, 5552, 25, 279, 46840, 6439, 5129, 1109, 264, 8814, 13, 1628, 198, 83, 52214, 37397, 1633, 14297, 323, 3974, 1633, 1317, 8231, 5578, 11, 264, 1732, 60537, 3916, 220, 845, 3115, 824, 9568, 11, 719, 8530, 2753, 3629, 18722, 21, 12, 23, 3115, 824, 9568, 11, 323, 7344, 810, 3629, 482, 709, 311, 220, 508, 3115, 824, 9568, 345, 81580, 389, 279, 13463, 13, 23674, 1174, 3995, 2911, 37397, 220, 508, 12, 966, 198, 15487, 824, 9568, 11, 323, 42534, 482, 220, 1272, 12, 1399, 3115, 4999, 96269, 617, 1317, 1027, 7422, 922, 279, 436, 3390, 315, 61437, 27027, 304, 198, 28400, 598, 13, 578, 1176, 2038, 323, 10631, 369, 6300, 27027, 1051, 220, 11352, 198, 46584, 304, 8620, 86115, 1672, 1250, 72, 49549, 11, 902, 2457, 1203, 311, 279, 30768, 9478, 18531, 627, 89167, 1188, 2019, 826, 4639, 25, 1054, 4599, 27027, 11, 499, 2011, 656, 279, 2768, 25, 3412, 198, 22479, 11745, 11, 433, 15783, 24031, 26, 422, 433, 706, 41165, 11, 433, 43653, 4726, 26, 422, 433, 198, 2203, 31458, 4726, 1174, 433, 5900, 1523, 11, 220, 433, 9221, 19858, 26, 422, 433, 9221, 19858, 11, 433, 198, 75337, 729, 13, 1442, 6004, 11, 1243, 433, 28815, 26, 994, 433, 28815, 11, 499, 1205, 311, 37663, 198, 275, 1578, 13, 1442, 499, 37663, 433, 11, 433, 690, 5662, 279, 27631, 315, 279, 2010, 13, 2684, 433, 198, 1911, 288, 389, 279, 2010, 11, 54063, 1523, 13, 362, 1732, 889, 11263, 420, 1749, 6439, 345, 438, 39371, 14385, 279, 1023, 1648, 4883, 8898, 2029, 720, 15546, 3966, 27027, 23783, 27907, 6806, 578, 1749, 315, 26682, 27027, 374, 6982, 311, 5127, 11, 6041, 505, 198, 13885, 6709, 1174, 323, 5423, 311, 1069, 56178, 384, 449, 49909, 11, 1606, 433, 374, 53997, 323, 198, 66, 1439, 927, 264, 7895, 19338, 11, 40599, 279, 5353, 315, 279, 8624, 482, 12782, 198, 67, 37901, 48294, 304, 279, 6680, 627, 6806, 1442, 264, 9498, 1732, 520, 2800, 1306, 506, 12130, 367, 649, 3412, 813, 11745, 220, 369, 520, 3325, 198, 1399, 6622, 11, 1243, 279, 67239, 648, 274, 315, 264, 14363, 1732, 527, 9193, 7347, 25, 279, 198, 43591, 315, 813, 11745, 1587, 539, 12771, 220, 20, 12, 605, 6622, 13, 578, 19662, 279, 11745, 345, 1820, 24210, 279, 18579, 1306, 506, 12130, 367, 323, 279, 7781, 1306, 433, 11, 279, 16127, 279, 198, 9164, 374, 14363, 323, 433, 374, 5995, 311, 4495, 813, 27027, 439, 6288, 439, 198, 10236, 627, 6806, 578, 21745, 822, 12548, 369, 1701, 279, 1749, 315, 4499, 3079, 38416, 266, 28772, 315, 5655, 198, 21152, 44661, 11, 90870, 1200, 291, 555, 426, 1088, 88, 9509, 11, 3041, 56190, 369, 279, 1749, 13, 5629, 315, 198, 543, 433, 5764, 25, 1054, 561, 41453, 11, 6590, 2259, 281, 1279, 285, 11, 63308, 11, 1536, 69191, 1113, 198, 5264, 466, 20000, 11, 993, 10753, 315, 28091, 14720, 326, 31080, 11, 31071, 14946, 11, 4851, 11, 264, 91882, 91711, 345, 79, 360, 55892, 991, 12989, 325, 1764, 11, 6930, 86075, 11, 18247, 14744, 13, 18944, 2065, 315, 27027, 198, 265, 1072, 1634, 279, 3392, 315, 39086, 304, 279, 6680, 323, 2875, 4978, 274, 315, 11745, 345, 2025, 1815, 11, 294, 97745, 11, 83511, 11, 4725, 4861, 4785, 11, 272, 1439, 56780, 20000, 11, 1400, 20000, 345, 77, 24453, 38090, 11, 1023, 19338, 315, 279, 23152, 323, 39408, 1572, 11, 73633, 198, 5794, 84110, 11, 26338, 88636, 311, 9439, 82, 323, 50600, 19338, 11, 1375, 39235, 198, 543, 2431, 552, 11, 9971, 33903, 11, 26338, 279, 29736, 315, 264, 12943, 11, 2531, 54344, 14800, 198, 4291, 84664, 65, 5237, 514, 4590, 285, 11, 8508, 1429, 315, 6680, 31080, 11, 665, 14115, 342, 1133, 315, 279, 54060, 198, 70, 1974, 11, 11000, 1524, 86139, 11, 9572, 323, 1690, 3885, 2029, 720, 1671, 316, 420, 70221, 39171, 374, 6155, 467, 67, 10297, 311, 27907, 6806, 1274, 449, 10723, 49909, 323, 10723, 42655, 430, 656, 539, 2187, 279, 198, 23557, 311, 3619, 279, 28591, 315, 279, 1749, 323, 7491, 433, 280, 6806, 19338, 430, 40250, 15748, 35763, 280, 6806, 50600, 19338, 304, 279, 30883, 4261, 280, 6806, 32152, 43918, 20335, 54448, 36891, 280, 6806, 6978, 449, 459, 12844, 1065, 76, 449, 45555, 3980, 6680, 1206, 2469, 280, 6806, 1884, 889, 617, 7362, 1380, 64805, 304, 279, 2547, 1174, 439, 1664, 439, 1306, 4851, 198, 82, 85392, 280, 6806, 433, 374, 69919, 369, 1755, 519, 220, 27698, 311, 1234, 733, 264, 35294, 72, 7933, 13010, 198, 15145, 20209, 16853, 13699, 11, 279, 426, 1088, 88, 9509, 1749, 690, 387, 5107, 311, 3881, 311, 1274, 889, 617, 3958, 198, 668, 774, 323, 27076, 72, 272, 20181, 484, 20000, 13, 1102, 374, 5995, 311, 27208, 1124, 477, 4148, 6759, 1503, 198, 668, 774, 323, 82375, 662, 1442, 420, 374, 539, 2884, 11, 1243, 433, 690, 387, 5107, 311, 5376, 279, 198, 28548, 1990, 20343, 323, 4974, 11, 323, 7170, 82189, 220, 1253, 12446, 198, 4291, 459, 5376, 304, 18579, 13, 15957, 220, 18, 13, 578, 6070, 315, 279, 42631, 1887, 27907, 10438, 39547, 311, 279, 4096, 315, 426, 1088, 88, 9509, 42631, 70221, 39171, 345, 1169, 596, 1456, 311, 1234, 2559, 1148, 279, 42631, 1887, 374, 323, 1268, 433, 4375, 11, 1148, 198, 9426, 315, 27027, 527, 323, 1268, 1664, 499, 37397, 627, 2520, 904, 15105, 433, 374, 1633, 3062, 311, 3619, 682, 279, 84889, 13, 8442, 304, 198, 576, 1162, 433, 690, 990, 30820, 662, 15636, 11, 656, 539, 10936, 420, 12735, 1174, 4560, 198, 998, 7214, 3240, 311, 6725, 627, 51329, 44661, 374, 264, 53194, 1920, 2391, 902, 5933, 6962, 9473, 198, 14310, 1759, 304, 279, 2547, 662, 12220, 20343, 11, 24463, 374, 17665, 311, 682, 36853, 323, 198, 83, 18934, 11, 323, 2391, 32792, 12782, 40589, 374, 7108, 13, 1115, 17383, 198, 285, 7396, 555, 279, 990, 315, 279, 4459, 1887, 315, 477, 342, 598, 320, 30035, 13, 220, 16, 4390, 720, 30035, 13, 220, 16, 198, 578, 7314, 315, 279, 3805, 2336, 374, 279, 72188, 57709, 1385, 11, 902, 527, 8599, 311, 198, 1820, 1343, 661, 24244, 13, 578, 14620, 315, 279, 19689, 1376, 25896, 323, 7558, 321, 1154, 11, 323, 279, 9358, 198, 40846, 315, 1521, 57709, 1385, 374, 32393, 449, 65104, 788, 39654, 627, 2181, 374, 27027, 1555, 279, 19689, 430, 374, 4571, 72, 30450, 4495, 13, 4740, 682, 11, 279, 198, 266, 8801, 33349, 3805, 11, 31818, 287, 279, 72188, 57709, 1385, 11, 29972, 311, 8369, 709, 323, 2867, 198, 275, 726, 315, 8162, 2445, 1200, 292, 16174, 19252, 13, 17331, 279, 19689, 11, 92600, 323, 82830, 198, 1334, 29933, 279, 8582, 961, 315, 279, 28691, 482, 279, 28691, 13, 578, 8579, 77338, 320, 9181, 198, 83, 647, 361, 8, 65928, 433, 1139, 279, 17580, 5237, 661, 24244, 323, 477, 5237, 661, 24244, 13, 1789, 279, 1343, 661, 24244, 198, 19070, 82, 279, 326, 661, 24244, 11, 304, 902, 279, 26480, 80717, 527, 7559, 627, 791, 1828, 6566, 374, 279, 490, 1815, 64, 13, 1102, 706, 279, 11341, 315, 264, 29050, 14019, 14454, 198, 1729, 21482, 385, 11163, 7558, 88076, 25562, 13, 1102, 15783, 24031, 16174, 323, 7362, 19252, 430, 198, 4919, 3810, 279, 2547, 662, 763, 5369, 11, 279, 734, 315, 279, 490, 1815, 64, 374, 311, 67038, 1463, 279, 198, 1334, 13, 763, 279, 56429, 315, 279, 15489, 11, 279, 490, 1815, 64, 374, 18255, 1139, 1403, 34083, 482, 279, 198, 68557, 14946, 13, 1952, 1124, 92600, 323, 32813, 45475, 3805, 29933, 279, 45274, 627, 791, 45274, 527, 35526, 36853, 430, 617, 264, 390, 950, 6211, 13, 763, 279, 15489, 814, 527, 198, 40563, 389, 2225, 11314, 315, 279, 4851, 11, 1418, 279, 1314, 21271, 706, 3892, 3544, 198, 54255, 13, 28468, 814, 527, 9960, 449, 264, 15792, 12811, 482, 279, 7245, 5808, 13, 578, 8197, 315, 279, 198, 75, 29222, 374, 279, 779, 19434, 31071, 331, 532, 220, 5021, 1389, 86567, 31071, 14946, 323, 31071, 53501, 645, 627, 26375, 81458, 36807, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 44783, 389, 279, 14620, 315, 279, 31071, 53501, 645, 527, 198, 44982, 453, 588, 14559, 13, 362, 4009, 315, 2107, 484, 5548, 55424, 988, 1124, 11, 323, 433, 374, 1555 ]
identifying with it or becoming unduly attached to it. One of the most difficult areas for clarification of the differentiationbetween self and body is the functioning of the senses. These are experienced and believed to be functions of the physical body itself. As strange as it may seem, the actual locus of sensory experience is within the invisible domain of the inner energy body that activates the physical body. The physical body, in and of itself, has no capacity to experience anything at all! The experiencing of the senses (as well as of everything else) is a quality of consciousness associated with one’s presence as an energy body within the physical body image. Anyone who has ever had an out-of-body experience remembers that all modalities of sense were the function of the etheric body that was associated with their consciousness and sense of self. Sight and hearing continue even if the physical body is in a dormant or unconscious state. The ‘self’ experience migrates out of the body along with the sense of positionality or movement. In that state, the ‘I’ sense is located within the energy body, and the physical body becomes an ‘it’. It is seen as ‘a body’, not ‘my body’. High numbers of people report identical experiences, so there is common agreement as to the nature of the phenomenon. Likewise, near- death experiences often involve the ‘self ’ traveling down tunnels of light, meeting people, and encountering various colors, and then having a reluctant return to re-inhabit the physical body. Thus, we can say that we inhabit a physical body, but we are not a physical body. It is clear that the spirit, soul, or energy self is a resident of the body and tends to blend in and diffuse with it, and so loses its unique identity. Some people are prone to leaving their body accidentally or at will; astral projection as a technique can in fact be taught as a skill so that one can leave one’s body at will and even choose locations to visit (e.g., at the Monroe Institute). Distant viewing and clairvoyance are the partial projections of the sensory faculty of the energy body. The ‘experiencer’ is the inner presence within what has been variously called the astral, etheric, soul, or spirit body. The spirit body is not controlled by the usual forces called physical but instead exists on another dimension or plane. Mind also travels with the spirit body and realizes that it is separate from the brain. Consciousness does not depend on physicality but exists independently of it. When localized, however, it tends to identify itself with form and location. Q: What about purification and mortification of the body? A: There is nothing to purify except illusion. Desires are for specific experiences and sensations that can be sought through the body, but theproblem is not that of the body but of the mind. It is the mind that is trying to anticipate and control experience. Q: Does the experience of the body change with advanced spiritual awareness? A: There are changes that occur in the nature of the bodily experience. The sense of location is more general and less specific. There are periods during spiritual work when the body seems to almost disappear as though forgotten. There are also times when very intense energies seemingly flow through the nervous system, and various burning sensations are experienced as though the nervous system were on fire. There was also a period when the kundalini energy flowed with intense pleasure up the back and spine into the head and brain, and then down and out to the heart. There can be a loss of bodily desires and withdrawal of interest in the body so that physical survival may at times depend on input from people in one’s surroundings. There can be a marked loss of appetite and interest in bodily sensations. Vision changes in that everything seems to be in slow motion. There is reliance primarily on peripheral vision rather than central vision. Time stops, which seems to be related to the loss of specific connection in space. There is also an unsteadiness of bodily movement. When realization of the Self occurs, there is difficulty with pronouns and what to call what the world considers to be ‘I’ in terms that are understandable. It seems strange at first to watch people speaking to the physical body as though it were one’s identity. There is a loss of the fear and startle reflexes. It is more difficult to process linear thought and decipher ordinary human speech. This results in a delay in responding to verbal communication. This delay has to do with a process occurring in consciousness that translates linear processing of language into meaning in terms of essence. This delay does not occur with understanding animals or human body language. It seems to happen because consciousness focuses on essence and meaning rather than on the detail of form. It also has to shift from its natural attunement with silence to proximal detailed sound. There is no separation between what appears to occur and the Self. ‘Causes’ are not sought externally, and so-called ‘events’ occur as a result of what is held in mind. There are no causes attributed to the world itself but only to consciousness. People around one seem to be run by the irrelevant and inconsequential, with much wasted energy. These aspects of consciousness are experienced as though by separate individuals, but the innerexperiencer is basically the same Self in everyone. The body is like a companion, a friendly pet that follows one around. It seems to be reliably present. It can also even have surgery without pain or anesthetics. One can continue to own the body and be responsible for it without identifying with it as one’s identity.CHAPTER 16 Karma, Guru, and Sage Q: Would you explain your understanding of karma? A: Every thought or action gives off a vibration or a track that is a high- frequency energy pattern associated with the person’s energy body. This interacts with the sea of consciousness, which is filled with an infinite number of such energy patterns that emanate from other energy bodies. Within this complex sea of intricate patterns, selections are made that influence the decisions and directions of life. Persistent patterns become reinforced and are therefore more dominant. The interactions that could ensue might be likened to the structural form of a molecule that determines with which other molecules it is capable of interacting. Thus, it may be compatible with some molecular forms and incompatible with others. Each person’s energy body carries with it a historical track of patterns that persist over time and influence decisions, behavior
[ 197, 1748, 7922, 48048, 24263, 82266, 198, 17106, 18238, 197, 1263, 3988, 197, 68597, 32809, 24263, 627, 465, 197, 4054, 44323, 33188, 2157, 537, 81664, 3951, 197, 33637, 2066, 197, 13115, 2461, 44323, 33188, 2765, 18780, 7246, 42967, 5311, 53577, 36502, 20501, 33188, 7679, 287, 44323, 33188, 1942, 4377, 13, 197, 9673, 197, 548, 198, 327, 45933, 53577, 2282, 301, 32077, 32809, 74242, 7679, 82, 44323, 33188, 197, 47692, 36502, 24263, 726, 13, 197, 2170, 198, 496, 853, 61551, 24263, 2157, 352, 85786, 336, 11, 33188, 89914, 72228, 355, 44323, 1942, 729, 683, 8285, 13267, 20501, 48048, 258, 33188, 198, 91851, 2765, 3199, 44323, 33188, 197, 4481, 197, 17947, 36502, 64442, 197, 9035, 988, 33188, 197, 47692, 36502, 627, 791, 197, 47692, 36502, 11, 17886, 53577, 44323, 24263, 726, 11, 64355, 73204, 1470, 391, 4107, 32809, 8285, 13267, 197, 73254, 198, 266, 52060, 4999, 465, 33026, 8285, 32836, 11627, 44323, 33188, 1942, 4377, 197, 38051, 6831, 616, 61551, 44323, 7883, 1225, 1626, 2525, 8, 20501, 11575, 198, 10692, 44323, 38303, 23995, 2136, 197, 50187, 48048, 197, 606, 753, 3303, 417, 768, 61551, 80557, 197, 17947, 36502, 198, 56950, 33188, 197, 47692, 36502, 32526, 13, 197, 41795, 197, 14965, 64355, 197, 2099, 9793, 329, 80557, 14294, 8838, 9534, 198, 50659, 197, 1864, 7207, 64442, 52060, 43328, 278, 1385, 44323, 1942, 1137, 6831, 486, 33188, 7679, 44323, 33188, 198, 2791, 292, 36502, 64442, 6831, 300, 197, 50187, 48048, 33188, 404, 38303, 23995, 2136, 53577, 1942, 1137, 44323, 5311, 627, 50, 492, 53577, 197, 383, 3329, 11926, 7883, 1055, 748, 33188, 197, 47692, 36502, 20501, 17886, 11575, 2765, 494, 519, 82266, 198, 359, 64589, 25277, 13, 33026, 197, 14336, 726, 529, 8285, 13267, 2157, 5346, 988, 14294, 44323, 33188, 36502, 197, 39393, 198, 4291, 33188, 1942, 1137, 44323, 36839, 2786, 82266, 2157, 14797, 13, 71267, 64442, 25277, 11, 33188, 197, 14336, 40, 529, 1942, 1137, 20501, 198, 40563, 48048, 258, 33188, 197, 17947, 36502, 11, 53577, 33188, 197, 47692, 36502, 2282, 762, 20969, 80557, 197, 14336, 275, 24535, 62635, 20501, 198, 29412, 61551, 197, 14336, 64, 36502, 20182, 98366, 197, 14336, 2465, 36502, 529, 627, 465, 197, 12243, 23239, 1941, 44323, 197, 16455, 71031, 197, 1748, 950, 8285, 69597, 11, 197, 708, 197, 19041, 20501, 198, 5581, 197, 351, 17589, 61551, 32809, 33188, 9215, 1598, 44323, 33188, 197, 15112, 6431, 263, 13, 15420, 1609, 25346, 11, 9215, 686, 7058, 63007, 8285, 69597, 197, 61917, 197, 14386, 4035, 33188, 197, 14336, 726, 197, 529, 26665, 3963, 287, 2765, 785, 3324, 15278, 2053, 44323, 95053, 345, 62349, 197, 16455, 11, 53577, 197, 967, 632, 4776, 2462, 1245, 22201, 82, 11, 53577, 59733, 9793, 2370, 11575, 198, 3833, 670, 519, 862, 32809, 17643, 3502, 97802, 33188, 197, 47692, 36502, 13, 197, 45600, 11, 197, 906, 94036, 1942, 352, 64442, 197, 906, 198, 258, 97802, 11575, 197, 47692, 36502, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 906, 197, 548, 98366, 11575, 197, 47692, 36502, 13, 62635, 20501, 41508, 64442, 33188, 198, 86390, 11, 1942, 11206, 11, 82266, 197, 17947, 5311, 20501, 11575, 10413, 1748, 44323, 33188, 36502, 53577, 3324, 1438, 32809, 197, 83732, 17886, 198, 438, 81664, 817, 48048, 24263, 11, 53577, 197, 708, 197, 50441, 197, 1220, 197, 9782, 197, 17341, 13, 7721, 638, 197, 16455, 197, 548, 26736, 606, 198, 998, 197, 273, 2370, 33188, 404, 36502, 197, 4575, 57222, 82266, 36547, 6831, 484, 26, 11575, 56070, 197, 61571, 61551, 11575, 198, 26522, 2428, 94036, 17886, 1186, 533, 74242, 197, 2629, 3948, 61551, 11575, 1942, 11088, 197, 708, 64442, 197, 606, 94036, 197, 22233, 197, 606, 753, 36502, 198, 266, 6831, 484, 53577, 7883, 1055, 197, 28150, 197, 32409, 32809, 197, 28560, 197, 2069, 1326, 2637, 36547, 33188, 9391, 263, 35804, 71267, 7815, 4390, 465, 11198, 11451, 37967, 287, 53577, 40507, 1334, 80897, 685, 197, 548, 33188, 3303, 21564, 197, 782, 25593, 44323, 33188, 198, 82, 729, 683, 1186, 582, 15070, 44323, 33188, 197, 17947, 36502, 13, 33026, 197, 14336, 327, 32836, 20099, 529, 20501, 33188, 197, 4481, 3303, 417, 768, 198, 56950, 197, 12840, 64355, 74242, 268, 2462, 13610, 1470, 4841, 33188, 11575, 56070, 11, 197, 2791, 292, 11, 1942, 11206, 11, 82266, 1942, 53829, 198, 2664, 13, 33026, 1942, 53829, 36502, 20501, 98366, 197, 59707, 197, 1729, 33188, 71275, 940, 2066, 1634, 1470, 4841, 197, 47692, 198, 8248, 197, 65937, 8285, 1705, 25653, 197, 43063, 2765, 18658, 82266, 197, 19563, 627, 465, 9391, 485, 197, 19171, 26665, 402, 2053, 48048, 33188, 1942, 53829, 36502, 53577, 92974, 4861, 64442, 24263, 20501, 85786, 68698, 198, 1527, 33188, 197, 54160, 13, 94170, 23995, 2136, 2765, 7217, 98366, 197, 20080, 25653, 197, 47692, 488, 2282, 332, 8285, 1705, 198, 258, 20080, 4501, 44323, 24263, 13, 197, 4599, 9030, 1534, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 24263, 3324, 1438, 32809, 197, 81496, 24263, 726, 198, 4291, 38510, 53577, 54861, 627, 48, 25, 197, 3923, 197, 9274, 3303, 324, 2461, 53577, 2157, 371, 2461, 44323, 33188, 36502, 5380, 32, 25, 197, 3947, 20501, 197, 42312, 32809, 3303, 324, 1463, 35699, 197, 82262, 13, 197, 5001, 3946, 197, 548, 2066, 1942, 15934, 198, 327, 69597, 53577, 1942, 729, 811, 64442, 94036, 74242, 1942, 2509, 197, 20322, 33188, 36502, 11, 2282, 332, 71579, 752, 299, 10329, 20501, 98366, 64442, 44323, 33188, 36502, 2282, 332, 44323, 33188, 2157, 485, 13, 62635, 20501, 33188, 2157, 485, 64442, 20501, 6942, 287, 198, 998, 197, 8322, 575, 349, 53577, 83886, 8285, 13267, 627, 48, 25, 197, 22186, 33188, 8285, 13267, 44323, 33188, 36502, 69480, 48048, 197, 42879, 1942, 53829, 940, 198, 20111, 2136, 5380, 32, 25, 197, 3947, 197, 548, 197, 19926, 64442, 197, 511, 2407, 17886, 33188, 9215, 1598, 44323, 33188, 2282, 347, 1570, 8285, 13267, 13, 33026, 198, 98935, 44323, 54861, 20501, 2157, 461, 3253, 18958, 53577, 197, 1752, 1942, 15934, 13, 197, 3947, 197, 548, 197, 19862, 82, 198, 82977, 1942, 53829, 940, 98138, 61280, 33188, 36502, 85786, 12116, 32809, 197, 60301, 35697, 41866, 61551, 197, 4636, 198, 97944, 10503, 13, 197, 3947, 197, 548, 197, 19171, 3324, 1769, 61280, 197, 1225, 2129, 1137, 197, 804, 68469, 85786, 336, 11559, 1186, 10516, 198, 20322, 33188, 9215, 651, 788, 41393, 11, 53577, 2462, 1245, 2282, 54444, 1942, 729, 811, 197, 548, 198, 327, 45933, 61551, 197, 4636, 33188, 9215, 651, 788, 41393, 6831, 486, 25653, 71537, 13, 197, 3947, 6831, 300, 197, 19171, 11575, 198, 19862, 61280, 33188, 16868, 1263, 278, 6729, 197, 17947, 1186, 10516, 291, 48048, 2129, 1137, 197, 698, 4058, 60910, 33188, 78546, 198, 438, 1942, 39138, 2129, 78, 33188, 47181, 53577, 197, 54160, 11, 53577, 59733, 2765, 785, 53577, 14294, 32809, 33188, 197, 18207, 627, 465, 197, 3947, 94036, 74242, 11575, 197, 9563, 44323, 2282, 347, 1570, 54012, 3946, 53577, 48048, 7788, 278, 44323, 60015, 478, 17886, 33188, 198, 2664, 197, 708, 64442, 197, 47692, 1942, 97860, 4023, 2157, 352, 36547, 3324, 1769, 197, 20080, 25653, 23235, 43827, 197, 16455, 198, 258, 197, 606, 753, 1942, 324, 1067, 826, 13, 197, 3947, 94036, 74242, 11575, 2157, 43161, 197, 9563, 44323, 29336, 295, 635, 53577, 60015, 478, 198, 258, 2282, 347, 1570, 1942, 729, 811, 13, 17904, 1854, 197, 19926, 17886, 64442, 7883, 1225, 1626, 85786, 12116, 32809, 74242, 17886, 1942, 10516, 198, 49975, 13, 197, 3947, 20501, 17643, 747, 685, 197, 18375, 6751, 25653, 197, 716, 24179, 5306, 1854, 7145, 1894, 197, 54895, 197, 52911, 198, 13311, 13, 68667, 18895, 3806, 11, 197, 8370, 85786, 12116, 32809, 74242, 197, 9920, 32809, 33188, 197, 9563, 44323, 1942, 15934, 198, 7898, 17886, 1942, 1330, 13, 197, 3947, 20501, 197, 19171, 80557, 21113, 43280, 1918, 44323, 2282, 347, 1570, 2157, 14797, 627, 465, 197, 4599, 92974, 2065, 44323, 33188, 7721, 491, 197, 14310, 1759, 11, 197, 19041, 20501, 81664, 27081, 48048, 26736, 263, 60086, 198, 438, 197, 12840, 32809, 68388, 197, 12840, 33188, 77608, 197, 6387, 13572, 32809, 74242, 197, 14336, 40, 529, 17886, 197, 18853, 64442, 197, 548, 198, 8154, 2752, 481, 13, 62635, 85786, 12116, 11609, 853, 36547, 43290, 32809, 6831, 759, 197, 16455, 1942, 375, 1802, 32809, 33188, 198, 47692, 36502, 61551, 197, 4636, 24263, 6831, 486, 197, 606, 753, 197, 17341, 627, 465, 197, 3947, 20501, 11575, 197, 9563, 44323, 33188, 1186, 686, 53577, 22087, 273, 60604, 2635, 288, 13, 62635, 20501, 2157, 461, 81664, 3951, 32809, 198, 4734, 197, 23603, 197, 61665, 53577, 197, 8332, 10781, 197, 21707, 9793, 7282, 1942, 40686, 13, 41065, 56597, 17886, 198, 64, 56274, 17886, 197, 6961, 287, 32809, 197, 424, 13616, 197, 51271, 13, 41065, 56274, 64355, 32809, 20530, 48048, 198, 64, 54414, 197, 511, 46839, 17886, 38303, 23995, 2136, 64442, 73553, 49346, 197, 23603, 197, 21315, 44323, 198, 11789, 2129, 78, 2157, 5420, 287, 17886, 197, 18853, 44323, 197, 434, 768, 13, 41065, 56274, 2765, 7217, 98366, 197, 511, 2407, 48048, 198, 8154, 10276, 197, 77896, 82266, 9793, 7282, 36502, 8986, 2681, 13, 62635, 85786, 12116, 32809, 9793, 64860, 198, 28753, 38303, 23995, 2136, 1186, 3466, 288, 25653, 197, 434, 768, 53577, 2157, 5420, 287, 7145, 1894, 197, 54895, 25653, 33188, 198, 14927, 44323, 38510, 13, 62635, 197, 19171, 64355, 32809, 197, 13724, 43827, 197, 1220, 9215, 4688, 197, 1617, 359, 1133, 48048, 1942, 321, 768, 198, 998, 197, 42598, 2931, 2765, 10319, 95487, 627, 465, 197, 3947, 20501, 73204, 85786, 36235, 2282, 10259, 197, 12840, 197, 34531, 1590, 32809, 197, 511, 2407, 53577, 33188, 7721, 491, 627, 14336, 23389, 4881, 529, 197, 548, 98366, 1942, 2509, 58558, 750, 11, 53577, 197, 708, 19434, 197, 14336, 12670, 529, 197, 511, 2407, 61551, 11575, 9753, 198, 1073, 197, 12840, 20501, 9793, 789, 17886, 2157, 485, 13, 197, 3947, 197, 548, 73204, 197, 936, 4881, 36547, 1356, 2844, 32809, 33188, 77608, 24263, 726, 198, 8248, 197, 3323, 32809, 38303, 23995, 2136, 627, 465, 10230, 68, 1184, 197, 20019, 197, 606, 85786, 336, 32809, 74242, 57842, 197, 1729, 33188, 197, 404, 98673, 53577, 198, 258, 444, 93450, 11, 48048, 2157, 1412, 6831, 15386, 197, 17947, 13, 197, 9673, 61551, 8132, 44323, 38303, 23995, 2136, 198, 548, 8285, 45933, 61551, 197, 4636, 197, 1729, 85786, 68698, 197, 55977, 82, 11, 2282, 332, 33188, 197, 4481, 327, 32836, 20099, 20501, 2282, 300, 2740, 33188, 1942, 373, 7721, 491, 17886, 7883, 1225, 606, 13, 33026, 36502, 20501, 197, 4908, 11575, 198, 884, 41890, 11, 11575, 1186, 18260, 3303, 295, 64442, 1186, 1573, 82, 197, 606, 197, 20019, 13, 62635, 85786, 12116, 32809, 74242, 17643, 747, 2915, 198, 29844, 13, 62635, 94036, 197, 19171, 7883, 1055, 9793, 525, 1942, 85392, 197, 30096, 3303, 467, 82266, 80557, 478, 49466, 13, 197, 4054, 94036, 198, 9726, 32809, 197, 785, 33188, 36502, 53577, 74242, 10413, 43419, 2066, 24263, 197, 30096, 197, 1748, 7922, 48048, 198, 275, 61551, 197, 606, 753, 197, 17341, 38565, 38524, 197, 845, 198, 42, 20306, 11, 9796, 21585, 11, 53577, 7721, 425, 198, 48, 25, 17749, 619, 197, 9514, 8285, 21435, 14862, 414, 197, 8154, 10276, 44323, 16868, 20306, 5380, 32, 25, 197, 11769, 197, 61665, 82266, 40033, 3253, 1924, 197, 1885, 11575, 5306, 18856, 82266, 11575, 197, 13432, 64442, 20501, 11575, 9793, 1108, 7058, 47621, 197, 17947, 3303, 3307, 197, 50187, 48048, 33188, 99905, 753, 197, 17947, 36502, 13, 41065, 198, 2295, 11613, 48048, 33188, 197, 37541, 44323, 38303, 23995, 2136, 11, 197, 8370, 20501, 1186, 4473, 48048, 80557, 17886, 26806, 198, 4174, 44323, 1942, 1412, 197, 17947, 3303, 3307, 82, 64442, 197, 16357, 349, 43827, 197, 1605, 197, 17947, 2282, 10233, 627, 43061, 2090, 197, 24126, 197, 37541, 44323, 17886, 376, 8630, 3303, 3307, 82, 11, 197, 24536, 82, 197, 548, 2157, 1037, 64442, 198, 258, 41116, 33188, 197, 8332, 6948, 53577, 83572, 82, 44323, 8986, 1643, 13, 10230, 14256, 3303, 3307, 82, 2282, 52521, 198, 265, 258, 25229, 53577, 197, 548, 197, 19041, 1348, 2157, 461, 2765, 8129, 519, 13, 33026, 60015, 4109, 64442, 1470, 619, 198, 729, 361, 2157, 492, 74242, 197, 747, 2779, 291, 32809, 33188, 6608, 4269, 38510, 44323, 11575, 2157, 55269, 64442, 2765, 16890, 288, 198, 4291, 197, 8370, 197, 1605, 2157, 82206, 24263, 20501, 1470, 391, 481, 44323, 60015, 36022, 13, 197, 45600, 11, 24263, 2157, 352, 74242, 198, 35942, 48048, 1942, 638, 2157, 43943, 197, 10008, 53577, 17886, 35942, 48048, 23021, 3058, 627, 465, 197, 4959, 99905, 753, 197, 17947, 36502, 1470, 277, 4108, 48048, 24263, 11575, 9793, 96798, 197, 13432, 44323, 3303, 3307, 82, 198, 9210, 3303, 5082, 197, 2017, 22724, 53577, 17886, 41116, 197, 8332, 6948, 11, 197, 56966 ]
area of the spleen-p ancreas. Continue walking this way as long as the image remains fixed in your mind. Repeat as many times as is convenient. 60 The Internal Exerc ises THE EAGLE EXERC ISE To the ancient Taoists the flying eagle represented the s pirit because of its god-like qualities-silence, serenity, and invisibility. The eagle is also an accomplished hunter. It soars effortlessly to great heights, and its sharp eyes are alert to all details of the landscape below. The eagle mani fests its attrib utes of intelligence, alertness, and ease when it hunts. The eagle is assoc iated with the metal element, so the Eagle Exercise stimula tes the lungs, skin, and the large intestine. This exercise is useful in overcoming melancholy, forlornness, and depressi on, which can result from or cause lung problems. (It is no coincidence that so many of the romantic poets and writers of Western literature suffered from tuberculosis.) This exercise is recommended for the treatment of emphyse ma, asthma, as well as skin problems (Taoists consider the skin to be the "third lung"). ' Figure 8. Eag le Exer cise. 61 The Internal Exercises Outstretched wings effortlessly holding the eagle aloft mark the eagl e. The reader should also remember that, when it is flying, the eagle's eyes are open and see everyth ing. Begin the Eagle Exercise by standing still. Take a few deep breath s whil e imagining yourself an eagle. When the visualization is complete, begin to walk slowly with your anns held out to the side in a slant, or with your hands gently clasped behin d you. As you walk, imagine you are an eagle, effortlessly floating through the blue sky, untouchable, divine. Your body should be very relaxed, but your mind and eyes should be very alert, noticing everything without focusing on any one thing in particular. Continue the exercise as long as the mind does not wander. If it does, stop and begin again. Though this exercise can be performed anytime, anywhere, it is especial ly effective if done outdoors, after the evening meal. THE MONKEY EXERC ISE To the ancient Taoists the monkey (or ape) epitomized boundless activ­ ity, curiosity, and free will. The monkey is con stantly acti ve, whether on the ground, swinging in the trees, or leaping play fully about, uninhibited by any cultural convention s. The monkey is associated with the water elem ent, so the Monkey Exercise stimulates the functions of the kidneys and bladder. This exerc ise is recommended for those feeling confined or restricted by circums tances in which there is a lack of freedom. To the Taoist will power resides in the kidneys. The Monkey Exercise is also recommended for any problems involving the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract. As the embodi ment of free will, the monkey inspires an exerc ise that is free-style in the broadest sense. This exercise is best done in private as the presence of others might be inhibiting. Begin by standing or sitting. Take a few deep breaths whil e imaginin g yourself as a monkey. When the visualization is com plete, kick off your shoes, throw off your clothes, and begin to act like a little monkey. Sit on the floor, crouch in a chair, leap about, bounce up and down, hang upside down or by one arm, whatever is physically possible to do without strain or exertion. 62 The Internal Exercises Figure 9. Mon key Exer cise. This exerc ise is complet ely free-style ; all the mov ements and actions should act out impulses and whims as they occur to you. Monkeys also rub and scratch themselves a great deal. You may do this also, espe cially in the area of the kidney s. EIGHT DIRECTIONAL EXERC ISES All the elements of the univ erse occ upy space and are theref ore direc­ tional. Since we are a part of the universe, we are influenced by space and are therefore dire ctional also. Directional ity arises wherev er elect ric forces are present, and elect ric forces are everywhere becaus e they are a property of atoms. The elect ric forces are the means whereby two magnets, for example, are drawn together or repel led apart. The se forces are also the means whereby a weak magnet is made more power ful. This ''rechar ging '' of electrical forces involves correct orientation of a body, or ''rechar gee'', with respect to the ''recha rger''. For exa mple, the north pole of a m agnet must be placed against the sout h pole of another magnet in order for magnetic induction to take place. In magnets, as in other substan ces, 63 The Internal Exercises ''recharging'' is actually a re-ordering of atoms or groups of atoms so that electrical energies are heightened. It was after repeated experiments on the energizing properties of direc­ tionality that the Taoists developed eight directional exercises for energiz­ ing mankind. The exercises involve the execution of correct actions in correct directio ns. The forms of these exercises were modeled after the eight trigrams of the Pa-Kua and were called Eight Brocade Pieces. (The word "brocade" was used to express its preciousness to generations of people.) These exercises can also be called The Eight Directional Exercises or Eight Energizing Exercises. Before you do these exercises, use a compass to determ ine the northern direction of the magnetic pole in your area (it is indicated as north by your compass), not the northern Pole of the earth's axis of rotation. Use this direction as a point of reference when doing the exercises. The exercises are as follows: Northwest For the Northwe stern Exercise, orient the front of the body toward the northwest. Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart. Point the toes inward. This takes the pressure off the nerve endings in your heels and prevents imbalance in pressure. Now pretend you are lifting a barbell of medium weight (to prevent too much straining). While keeping Figure 10. Northwest ern Exercise. 64 -- -- North The Internal Exercises the legs straight, bend down to pick up an imagi­ nary barbell. Lift the barbell to waist level. Then lift the barbell as high as possible above your head. Really visualize that you are lifting a bar­ bell. Then reverse this procedure. Do the exercise as many times as you wish. This exercise helps increase strength and benefits the lungs and large intestine. For the Northern Exercise, have your torso oriented in the northerly direction. Spread the feet wide apart. Pretend you are shooting an arrow from a bow. Shoot to your right and shoot to your left. Your head, anns, and torso change positions, but your feet remain stationa ry. Really visualize that you are pulling a taut bowstring and shooting an arrow. Do this exercise as many times as you wish. This exercise is good for the lungs, kidneys, large intestine, bladder, skin, and bones. Figure 11. Northern Exercise. 65 -- -- Northeast -- -- East The Internal Exercises Facing northea st, bend down and touch the toes with your fingertips. Keep the legs straight and bend at the waist and pelvis as much as possible. Then imagine that you are a mounta in. This posi­ tion may be held for as long as you wish. This exercise is good for the spleen-pancreas, muscle, and digestion. Figure 12. Northeastern Exercise. In the morning, stand under the sunlight and face east. Place your feet shoulder -width apart. Point the toes inward and close your eyes. With your arms hanging at your sides, tum the upp er body to the right and left sides. Let your head tum with the torso, and let the eyeballs trace the source of radiant heat emitted by the sun. Never move your feet. Your mind should follow these movements-never let it wander. Do this as long as you like. This exercise is good for the nerv es, liver, eyes, gallbladder, and weight reduction. 66 The Internal Exercises I \ Figure 13. Eastern Exercise. Figure 14. Southeastern Exercise. -- Southeast -- South Facing southea st, stand with your feet shoulder­ width apart. Point your toes inward and raise yourself on your toes. Lower yourself. Do this seven times as a set. If you wish you may do more sets. Do not let your mind wander from your actions. This exercise benefits the nerves, liver, gallbladder, and heart. Facing south, rotate your hips as if you had a boola-hoop around you. You may change the direction of rotation. Never let your mind wander onto other subjects. Do this as long as you wish. This exercise is good for the sexual organs. 67 The lntt�rna l Exercises Figure 15. Southern Exercise. Figure 16. Southwestern Exercise.
[ 3158, 315, 279, 720, 82, 698, 268, 2320, 459, 846, 300, 13, 720, 24433, 11689, 420, 1648, 439, 1317, 439, 279, 2217, 8625, 8521, 304, 701, 720, 38824, 13, 45901, 439, 1690, 3115, 439, 374, 17125, 13, 720, 1399, 578, 15774, 1398, 3035, 374, 288, 720, 17673, 469, 1929, 877, 4154, 28534, 358, 937, 720, 1271, 279, 14154, 60608, 1705, 279, 16706, 60989, 15609, 279, 274, 281, 7051, 1606, 315, 720, 1220, 10087, 12970, 29600, 1355, 321, 768, 11, 1446, 56685, 11, 323, 100137, 3225, 13, 578, 60989, 374, 1101, 459, 720, 73087, 501, 3384, 40827, 13, 1102, 779, 1590, 69704, 311, 2294, 36394, 11, 323, 1202, 17676, 720, 58331, 527, 5225, 311, 682, 3649, 315, 279, 18921, 3770, 13, 578, 60989, 893, 72, 282, 18450, 1202, 720, 45213, 220, 2142, 315, 11478, 11, 5225, 2136, 11, 323, 14553, 994, 433, 93929, 662, 720, 791, 60989, 374, 60707, 602, 660, 449, 279, 9501, 2449, 11, 779, 279, 36895, 33918, 720, 54754, 5724, 51309, 279, 45274, 1174, 6930, 11, 323, 279, 3544, 92234, 13, 720, 2028, 10368, 374, 5505, 304, 74017, 87163, 5849, 11, 369, 75, 1540, 2136, 11, 323, 720, 451, 1911, 72, 389, 11, 902, 649, 1121, 505, 477, 5353, 21271, 5435, 13, 320, 2181, 374, 912, 720, 1030, 2910, 7232, 430, 779, 1690, 315, 279, 24364, 74072, 323, 16483, 315, 11104, 720, 69191, 1598, 16654, 505, 88234, 6266, 1115, 10368, 374, 11349, 369, 720, 1820, 6514, 315, 991, 12989, 325, 7643, 11, 51643, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 6930, 5435, 320, 51, 3524, 1705, 720, 25742, 279, 6930, 311, 387, 279, 330, 32827, 21271, 1865, 720, 6, 720, 22804, 220, 23, 13, 21586, 514, 1398, 261, 272, 1082, 13, 720, 5547, 578, 15774, 91554, 720, 2729, 267, 62837, 27296, 69704, 10168, 279, 60989, 54266, 728, 1906, 279, 79340, 75, 384, 13, 720, 791, 6742, 1288, 1101, 6227, 430, 11, 994, 433, 374, 16706, 11, 279, 60989, 596, 6548, 720, 548, 1825, 323, 1518, 1475, 339, 6892, 13, 720, 11382, 279, 36895, 33918, 555, 11509, 2103, 13, 12040, 264, 2478, 5655, 11745, 274, 421, 321, 384, 720, 29116, 5859, 6261, 459, 60989, 13, 720, 4599, 279, 42148, 374, 4686, 11, 3240, 311, 4321, 14297, 449, 701, 3008, 82, 720, 28708, 704, 311, 279, 3185, 304, 264, 1776, 519, 11, 477, 449, 701, 6206, 30373, 57220, 7018, 2824, 258, 294, 499, 13, 720, 2170, 499, 4321, 11, 13085, 499, 527, 459, 60989, 11, 69704, 19596, 1555, 279, 720, 12481, 13180, 1174, 13365, 3102, 481, 11, 30467, 13, 4718, 2547, 1288, 387, 1633, 31467, 11, 719, 701, 720, 38824, 323, 6548, 1288, 387, 1633, 5225, 11, 62464, 4395, 2085, 21760, 720, 263, 904, 832, 3245, 304, 4040, 13, 720, 24433, 279, 10368, 439, 1317, 439, 279, 4059, 1587, 539, 40320, 13, 1442, 433, 1587, 11, 720, 9684, 323, 3240, 1578, 13, 18056, 420, 10368, 649, 387, 10887, 30194, 11, 720, 3852, 2940, 11, 433, 374, 33397, 14869, 7524, 422, 2884, 34632, 1174, 1306, 279, 11714, 720, 42880, 13, 720, 17673, 29637, 4889, 4154, 28534, 358, 937, 720, 1271, 279, 14154, 60608, 1705, 279, 39803, 320, 269, 85980, 8, 67422, 316, 1534, 6965, 1752, 4197, 5879, 198, 488, 11, 41328, 11, 323, 1949, 690, 13, 578, 39803, 374, 390, 357, 18007, 1180, 72, 5320, 11, 3508, 389, 720, 1820, 5015, 1174, 55060, 304, 279, 12690, 11, 477, 514, 14550, 1514, 7373, 922, 1174, 71113, 93617, 720, 1729, 904, 13042, 21977, 274, 13, 720, 791, 39803, 374, 5938, 449, 279, 3090, 12012, 1218, 11, 779, 279, 58937, 720, 53809, 95455, 279, 5865, 315, 279, 81960, 323, 62564, 13, 1115, 7584, 77193, 720, 285, 11349, 369, 1884, 8430, 45408, 477, 22486, 555, 4319, 6370, 259, 3095, 720, 258, 902, 1070, 374, 264, 6996, 315, 11542, 13, 2057, 279, 60608, 380, 690, 2410, 54068, 304, 279, 720, 64381, 36371, 13, 578, 58937, 33918, 374, 1101, 11349, 369, 904, 5435, 720, 258, 12821, 4504, 279, 81960, 11, 62564, 11, 323, 72735, 42929, 13, 720, 2170, 279, 8126, 31559, 11540, 315, 1949, 690, 11, 279, 39803, 70390, 459, 7584, 77193, 430, 374, 720, 10816, 11549, 304, 279, 7353, 478, 5647, 13, 1115, 10368, 374, 1888, 2884, 304, 879, 439, 279, 720, 74519, 315, 3885, 2643, 387, 20747, 5977, 13, 720, 11382, 555, 11509, 477, 11961, 13, 12040, 264, 2478, 5655, 11745, 82, 421, 321, 384, 43306, 258, 342, 720, 22479, 726, 439, 264, 39803, 13, 3277, 279, 42148, 374, 470, 281, 1649, 11, 10536, 1022, 701, 720, 939, 7217, 11, 2571, 1022, 701, 15447, 11, 323, 3240, 311, 1180, 1093, 264, 2697, 39803, 662, 29508, 389, 720, 1820, 6558, 11, 272, 76027, 304, 264, 10716, 11, 32571, 922, 11, 34782, 709, 323, 1523, 11, 15020, 36941, 720, 2996, 477, 555, 832, 6916, 11, 8996, 374, 22655, 3284, 311, 656, 2085, 26800, 477, 720, 327, 531, 290, 662, 720, 5538, 578, 15774, 91554, 720, 22804, 220, 24, 13, 3206, 1401, 1398, 261, 272, 1082, 13, 720, 2028, 7584, 77193, 374, 3543, 658, 88, 1949, 11549, 2652, 682, 279, 2016, 991, 812, 323, 6299, 720, 5562, 1180, 704, 87633, 323, 70205, 439, 814, 12446, 311, 499, 662, 3206, 10786, 1101, 10485, 720, 438, 19307, 5694, 264, 2294, 3568, 662, 1472, 1253, 656, 420, 1101, 1174, 1560, 375, 272, 34575, 304, 279, 720, 4903, 315, 279, 39042, 274, 13, 720, 36, 4735, 423, 41928, 984, 4154, 28534, 358, 29095, 720, 2460, 279, 5540, 315, 279, 653, 344, 2781, 325, 3056, 709, 88, 3634, 323, 527, 1070, 69, 16536, 13510, 66, 5879, 198, 83, 4001, 662, 8876, 584, 527, 264, 961, 315, 279, 15861, 1174, 584, 527, 28160, 555, 3634, 323, 720, 548, 9093, 13510, 20864, 4001, 1101, 662, 19438, 278, 433, 88, 48282, 1405, 85, 2781, 4135, 31050, 8603, 720, 548, 3118, 1174, 323, 4135, 31050, 8603, 527, 17277, 387, 936, 355, 384, 814, 527, 264, 3424, 720, 1073, 33299, 662, 578, 4135, 31050, 8603, 527, 279, 3445, 49001, 1403, 73780, 1174, 369, 720, 8858, 1174, 527, 15107, 3871, 477, 2109, 301, 6197, 10980, 662, 578, 513, 8603, 527, 1101, 279, 720, 47321, 49001, 264, 7621, 33297, 374, 1903, 810, 2410, 5716, 13, 1115, 3436, 265, 1799, 67193, 3436, 720, 1073, 20314, 8603, 18065, 4495, 17140, 315, 264, 2547, 1174, 477, 3436, 265, 1799, 57605, 364, 6752, 720, 4291, 5201, 311, 279, 3436, 265, 6583, 436, 1414, 98722, 1789, 506, 64, 296, 698, 1174, 279, 10411, 26078, 315, 264, 296, 945, 4816, 720, 25849, 387, 9277, 2403, 279, 65827, 305, 26078, 315, 2500, 33297, 304, 2015, 369, 720, 76, 39100, 38156, 311, 1935, 2035, 13, 763, 73780, 1174, 439, 304, 1023, 1207, 24986, 27750, 11, 720, 5495, 578, 15774, 91554, 720, 4708, 265, 63459, 4708, 374, 3604, 264, 312, 24747, 287, 315, 33299, 477, 5315, 315, 33299, 779, 430, 720, 19493, 12381, 49969, 527, 60487, 13, 720, 2181, 574, 1306, 11763, 21896, 389, 279, 4602, 4954, 6012, 315, 13510, 66, 5879, 198, 28491, 2786, 430, 279, 60608, 1705, 8040, 8223, 73945, 23783, 369, 4602, 450, 5879, 198, 287, 43384, 13, 578, 23783, 21736, 279, 11572, 315, 4495, 6299, 304, 720, 20523, 2167, 822, 12548, 13, 578, 7739, 315, 1521, 23783, 1051, 62653, 1306, 279, 720, 68632, 490, 84209, 315, 279, 16056, 16222, 4381, 323, 1051, 2663, 36944, 6031, 33896, 68640, 13, 320, 791, 720, 1178, 330, 15222, 33896, 1, 574, 1511, 311, 3237, 1202, 27498, 2136, 311, 22540, 315, 720, 16455, 6266, 4314, 23783, 649, 1101, 387, 2663, 578, 36944, 19438, 278, 91554, 720, 269, 36944, 75101, 4954, 91554, 13, 720, 10438, 499, 656, 1521, 23783, 11, 1005, 264, 24653, 311, 127410, 19661, 279, 18671, 720, 19612, 315, 279, 24924, 26078, 304, 701, 3158, 320, 275, 374, 16717, 439, 10411, 555, 701, 720, 31929, 705, 539, 279, 18671, 53727, 315, 279, 9578, 596, 8183, 315, 12984, 13, 5560, 420, 720, 19612, 439, 264, 1486, 315, 5905, 994, 3815, 279, 23783, 13, 720, 791, 23783, 527, 439, 11263, 25, 720, 26287, 11285, 1789, 279, 4892, 906, 58644, 33918, 11, 11744, 279, 4156, 315, 720, 1820, 2547, 9017, 279, 53342, 662, 15948, 449, 279, 7693, 720, 5562, 261, 9531, 10980, 13, 5236, 279, 45713, 63018, 13, 1115, 720, 79079, 279, 7410, 1022, 279, 32015, 77697, 304, 701, 720, 73610, 323, 29034, 68331, 304, 7410, 662, 4800, 720, 8203, 408, 499, 527, 33510, 264, 3703, 17696, 315, 11298, 4785, 720, 12464, 5471, 2288, 1790, 610, 2101, 570, 6104, 10494, 720, 22804, 220, 605, 13, 40505, 93029, 33918, 13, 720, 1227, 40614, 7233, 26287, 578, 15774, 91554, 720, 1820, 14535, 7833, 11, 37920, 1523, 311, 3820, 709, 459, 6669, 72, 5879, 198, 77, 661, 3703, 17696, 13, 53535, 279, 3703, 17696, 311, 29142, 2237, 13, 5112, 720, 36069, 279, 3703, 17696, 439, 1579, 439, 3284, 3485, 701, 720, 2025, 13, 29308, 51187, 430, 499, 527, 33510, 264, 3703, 5879, 198, 17696, 13, 5112, 10134, 420, 10537, 13, 3234, 279, 10368, 720, 300, 1690, 3115, 439, 499, 6562, 13, 1115, 10368, 8779, 720, 79601, 8333, 323, 7720, 279, 45274, 323, 3544, 720, 396, 478, 483, 13, 720, 2520, 279, 17355, 33918, 11, 617, 701, 64300, 720, 33536, 304, 279, 6463, 700, 398, 5216, 13, 48816, 279, 7693, 720, 9328, 10980, 13, 63039, 408, 499, 527, 10658, 459, 18404, 720, 1527, 264, 15631, 13, 50366, 311, 701, 1314, 323, 6230, 311, 701, 720, 2414, 13, 4718, 2010, 11, 3008, 82, 11, 323, 64300, 2349, 10093, 11, 720, 8248, 701, 7693, 7293, 8216, 64, 35019, 13, 29308, 51187, 720, 9210, 499, 527, 23062, 264, 259, 2784, 15631, 928, 323, 10658, 720, 276, 18404, 13, 3234, 420, 10368, 439, 1690, 3115, 439, 499, 720, 82199, 13, 1115, 10368, 374, 1695, 369, 279, 45274, 11, 81960, 11, 720, 17185, 92234, 11, 62564, 11, 6930, 11, 323, 25896, 13, 720, 22804, 220, 806, 13, 17355, 33918, 13, 720, 2397, 40614, 7233, 33763, 15102, 720, 7233, 7233, 37440, 578, 15774, 91554, 720, 70957, 6463, 1820, 64, 357, 11, 37920, 1523, 323, 5916, 279, 45713, 720, 4291, 701, 72148, 13, 13969, 279, 14535, 7833, 323, 720, 65, 408, 520, 279, 29142, 323, 12077, 2749, 439, 1790, 439, 3284, 13, 720, 12487, 13085, 430, 499, 527, 264, 6606, 64, 304, 13, 1115, 81993, 5879, 198, 28491, 1253, 387, 5762, 369, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 6562, 13, 1115, 720, 64562, 374, 1695, 369, 279, 87450, 268, 12, 857, 846, 300, 1174, 16124, 11, 720, 438, 74502, 13, 720, 22804, 220, 717, 13, 45680, 944, 33918, 13, 720, 644, 279, 6693, 11, 2559, 1234, 279, 40120, 323, 3663, 720, 61601, 13, 11004, 701, 7693, 17308, 482, 3175, 10980, 13, 5236, 720, 1820, 45713, 63018, 323, 3345, 701, 6548, 13, 3161, 701, 720, 16293, 21363, 520, 701, 11314, 11, 15756, 279, 64533, 2781, 2547, 311, 720, 1820, 1314, 323, 2163, 11314, 13, 6914, 701, 2010, 15756, 449, 279, 720, 11222, 708, 11, 323, 1095, 279, 37061, 5700, 11917, 279, 2592, 315, 720, 70312, 519, 8798, 48042, 555, 279, 7160, 13, 15037, 3351, 701, 720, 1897, 295, 13, 4718, 4059, 1288, 1833, 1521, 720, 31061, 3808, 12, 37593, 1095, 433, 40320, 13, 3234, 420, 439, 1317, 720, 300, 499, 1093, 13, 1115, 10368, 374, 1695, 369, 279, 20233, 1560, 11, 720, 75, 1553, 11, 6548, 11, 19754, 2067, 21473, 11, 323, 4785, 14278, 662, 720, 2287, 578, 15774, 91554, 720, 40, 1144, 720, 22804, 220, 1032, 13, 18516, 33918, 13, 19575, 220, 975, 13, 36664, 944, 33918, 13, 720, 7233, 58532, 15102, 720, 7233, 26070, 96418, 5945, 1820, 64, 357, 11, 2559, 449, 701, 7693, 17308, 5879, 198, 3175, 10980, 13, 5236, 701, 45713, 63018, 323, 4933, 720, 22479, 726, 389, 701, 45713, 13, 28636, 6261, 13, 3234, 420, 720, 81285, 3115, 439, 264, 743, 13, 1442, 499, 6562, 499, 1253, 656, 810, 720, 5022, 13, 3234, 539, 1095, 701, 4059, 40320, 505, 701, 720, 4109, 13, 1115, 10368, 7720, 279, 50581, 11, 26587, 11, 720, 70, 543, 2067, 21473, 11, 323, 4851, 13, 720, 70957, 10007, 11, 17348, 701, 43523, 439, 422, 499, 1047, 264, 720, 2707, 64, 2902, 48406, 2212, 499, 13, 1472, 1253, 2349, 279, 720, 19612, 315, 12984, 13, 15037, 1095, 701, 4059, 40320, 720, 10138, 1023, 15223, 13, 3234, 420, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 6562, 13, 720, 2028, 10368, 374, 1695, 369, 279, 7392, 36853, 13, 720, 3080, 578, 326, 406, 83, 5809, 90331, 326, 91554, 720, 22804, 220, 868, 13, 16642, 33918, 13, 19575, 220, 845, 13, 4987, 31382, 33918, 13 ]
yourneeds.(Ifyouhavebackproblemsorarestiff,trymycomprehensiveyetgentlestretchingroutinecalled theBacktoLifeStretchingProgram,whichyouwillfindinmypreviousbook,HealingBackPainNaturally.) Breathing,Relaxation,GuidedImagery~Meditation,QuietReflection,orPrayer Alloftheseactivitieshelptorelaxyourbody,calmyourmindand nervoussystem,relievestress,andstrengthenandfortifyyourheal ingsystem.Theycanalsohelpyoudiscoverahigherpowerthatorganizesanddirectstheflowofenergyintheuniverseandinyourbody.Attuningyourawarenesstothisforcecanbeextremelyempoweringforyourhealingsystem.Agreattimetodotheseactiv itiesisrightafterstretching,whenyourbodyandmindarealready inanaturallyrelaxedcondition. oTake5tol5minuteseachdaytositinaquietplace,relaxyourshouldersandentirebody,andcloseyoureyes.Beginbywatching GettingStarted 267 yourbreathflowinandoutofyournose.Youcanpracticeone ormoreofthebreathingtechniquesdescribedinthesectiononbreathing.Thesetechniqueswillhelptocalmandfocusyourmindandnervoussystem,bringingthemintoharmonywith yourhealingsystem. ~Onceyoufeelcalmandrelaxed,tryoneoftheguidedimagery!visualizationtechniquesdescribedinthisbook.Allowyourawarenesstogointotheinteriorofyourbody.Asyoufocusyourmentalenergiesonyourbody’sinternalstructures,imagineyourhealingsystemspringingintoactiontohelprepairanydamagedtissuesasitrestoresyourhealthandvitality. ExerciseforYourHealingSystemExercisehelpsyourhealingsystembytoningtheheart,strengthen ingcirculation,andimprovingmentalhealth.Morningexerciseisa greatwaytostarttheday.Ifyouarenotalreadydoingso,trytofind awaytofitmorningexerciseintoyourschedule. ~Eachday,do15minutesofsimplewalking,swimming,bicycling,jogging,aerobics,calisthenics,oranyotherexercise.If youfeellikedoingmore,orareusedtodoingmore,doso.However,ifyouarenewtoexercise,oryouhaven’texercisedlately,itisbettertostartoutgradually.Donottoforceorstrainwhenyouexercise.Observeyourbreathingtoseewhetheryou areoverdoingit.Whenyouexercise,youshouldbecomfortable withyourbreathing.Remember,slowandsteadywinstherace. Formaximumbenefittoyourhealingsystem,graduallybuild upto30to60minutesaday,threetosixdaysaweek. BreakfastforYourHealingSystem Eatalight,healthybreakfasteachday.Ifyourjobrequiresalotofphysicalactivityandgreatercaloricintake,useyourcommonsense andeatmore.Ifyouhaveasedentaryjob,suchasacomputeroper atororofficeworker,eatalighterbreakfast.Ifyouareoverweightornormallyeatalargerlunch,youmaywanttoskipbreakfastandjustdrinkwaterorjuices.Hereareothersuggestionsforbreakfast: 268ActivatingYourHealingSystemWhenYou’reSick oIfyouareonacarbohydrateorstarch-restricteddiet,eatleanproteinandvegetables,anddrinkwarmfluidssuchasherbal teas,decaffeinatedbeverages,andsoups. oIfyouarenotadiabeticornotonacarbohydrate-restricteddiet, eatfreshfruits,wholegrains,andorganiccereals,whichcan helpreducesugarcravingslaterintheday.Thesefoodsalsoprovidekeycaloricenergyandcontainahostofvitamins,minerals, andtraceelements,aswellasessentialfiberandfluidstoaid yourhealingsystem.Ifyou’reallowedtohavenaturalsugarsin yourdiet,trydriedfruits,includingraisins,figs,dates,andapri cots,andorganic,naturallysweetenedjamsandjelliesinlimitedquantities.Thesefoodscanbenourishingandhealthful. oYoucanalsoaddsmallquantitiesofnutbutters,suchaspeanut,cashew,almond,orsesametahini,orotherproteinsourcesforbreakfast. oYoucanalsoeatdairyproducts,suchasyogurtandlow-fatcot tagecheese,inlimitedquantitiesifyouarenotlactoseintoler antordonothaveotherdietaryrestrictions. oIfyouarediabetic,eatmoreproteinandwholegrainsforbreak fast,andavoidsweetsofallkinds.Breakfastproteinsandgrainscouldincludeawhole-wheatbagel,orricecrackerswithcottagecheese.Youcanalsoeatotherproteins,suchasnutbutters.Thesefoodswillprovidelong-lastingfuelthroughoutthedaywithoutdrasticincreasesinbloodsugar.Naturalsweeteners,suchasstevia,alsoareavailablethatcansatisfyyoursweetcrav ingswhilenotincreasingyourblood-sugarlevels. oAvoidsweet,starchy,oilybreakfastitemssuchasdonutsorpastries. oTakinganaturalsupplementordailyvitaminsmaybeappropri ate,especiallyifyou’renotgettingallthenutrientsyouneed fromyourregulardiet.(Reviewthesectiononvitaminsandnat uralsupplementsearlierinthisbookformoreinformation.) RemainderofMorningandAfternoon Ifyourworktakesyouawayfromhome,youcanstillfindsimple, easywaystostrengthenandfortifyyourhealingsystem,even GettingStarted 269 thoughyourschedulemaybehectic.Evenifyoustayathome,try toincorporatethefollowingactivitiesintoyourmorningroutine. Breathing,Relaxation,GuidedImagery,Meditation,QuietReflection,orPrayerThroughouttheday,becauseofyourmind’sinfluenceonyourheal ingsystem,whichoperatesbestinacalm,quiet,andrelaxedinter nalenvironment,itisimportanttokeepyourmindcalm,cool,andcollected.Breathing,relaxation,guidedimagery,meditation,quietreflection,andprayerareidealmethodsforhelpingtokeepyourmindtranquil.Themoreyoupracticethesemethods,theeasierit willbeforyoutoretainyourcomposureandkeepyourhealingsys temstrongandvibrant. •Takeshort,30-secondtoone-minutebreaksatleastonceanhourtocalmyourmindbypracticingoneormoreofthemeth odsforbreathing,relaxation,guidedimagery,meditation,quietreflection,orprayerthataredescribedinthisbook.Inthebeginning,youmayneedtoexperimentwithseveraloftheseoptionstofindoutwhatworksbestforyou.Afteryouhavefoundonethatworksforyou,learnoneormoreoftheothertechniques,aswell.Iusuallyrecommendgivingeachtechnique atleastaone-weektrial,untilyouarecomfortablewithitand havenoteditspositivebenefits. Duringstressfultimes,orwhenyoufeelyourselfbecoming upsetorlosingyourcomposure(especiallyinthepresenceofanotherperson),momentarilyexcuseyourselfandretreattoa safe,peacefulplace.Onceyouareoutofharm’sway,practice oneormoreofthesepeaceful,calmingtechniques.Afteryouhavecalmeddown,youwillbeinamuchbetterpositiontodeal withyoursituation. Oneofthetrickstothisstrategyislearninghowtorecognizewhenyouarefirstbeginningtoloseyourcomposure.Whenyouloseyourcomposure,inadditiontoyourmentalagitation,youwillmostlikelyexperienceoneormoreofthefollowingsymp toms: •Rapid,fearful,orangrythoughts 270ActivatingYourHealingSystemWhenYoureSick Shallow,rapidbreathingRapidheartbeatIncreasedperspiration ~Queasystomach(“butterfliesinyourstomach”) ~‘Weakknees Fromyourearlierreading,youmightrecognizethesesymp tomsaspartofthefight-or-flightresponse,which,ifallowedtocontinueorescalate,caninterferewithyourhealingsystemand causeharmtoyourbody,especiallyiftheyaresustainedovera longperiodoftime. Inmyworkasadoctor,thesestrategiesareparticularlyhelpful. Forexample,Isometimesmeetnewpatientswhohavealotofangerandarequiteupsetat“themedicalsystem”ingeneralanddoctorsinparticular.Theymaybeupsetforotherreasons,too,ofwhichImay notbeaware.Inthesesituations,Iamaprimetargetfortheiranger.Sometimes,theslightestthingIsaycantriggerahugeexplosionof angryemotions.Naturally,thisreactionfromapatientwillcausea waveoffearandangertowellupinsideofme,too.Inthisstate,Icouldeasilyretaliatewithfearandangerofmyown,butItrytostaycomposed.WhenInoticemyheartratespeedingup,mybre
[ 22479, 56345, 13127, 2746, 9514, 19553, 1445, 96440, 269, 15795, 3168, 11, 1568, 2465, 884, 53999, 47492, 16149, 60244, 10420, 287, 54080, 44982, 198, 1820, 3792, 998, 26833, 54998, 287, 10920, 11, 8370, 9514, 14724, 3990, 258, 87234, 265, 2528, 2239, 11, 1548, 6260, 3792, 47, 467, 45, 72247, 29275, 51329, 44661, 11, 6882, 710, 367, 11, 17100, 291, 1453, 351, 727, 93, 44, 3671, 367, 50947, 2005, 295, 45338, 11, 269, 3617, 1155, 198, 2149, 385, 69, 45010, 33078, 50222, 418, 461, 75, 14092, 414, 2664, 11, 5531, 2465, 414, 38824, 438, 198, 77, 651, 283, 784, 615, 11, 3833, 648, 7164, 676, 51526, 67523, 18972, 438, 4057, 1463, 22479, 383, 278, 198, 826, 615, 11829, 3418, 276, 19171, 8823, 88, 3023, 285, 3773, 1494, 1108, 261, 13477, 339, 859, 30528, 4861, 438, 20384, 267, 383, 5072, 1073, 17947, 258, 1820, 359, 8194, 438, 6577, 414, 2664, 47472, 38302, 22479, 20111, 4978, 34152, 576, 9009, 4919, 1395, 428, 54358, 3342, 90714, 69, 683, 414, 383, 278, 826, 615, 885, 47991, 20693, 295, 6132, 45010, 9035, 198, 1385, 285, 1315, 10924, 73184, 287, 11, 9493, 22479, 2664, 438, 38824, 548, 46584, 198, 74276, 72247, 3833, 52551, 9233, 627, 78, 18293, 20, 21220, 20, 38137, 9739, 1316, 83, 35154, 2259, 44750, 2050, 11, 3833, 14092, 414, 5562, 388, 438, 306, 556, 2664, 51526, 5669, 9514, 8233, 288, 29567, 1729, 14658, 287, 198, 29755, 33627, 220, 16567, 198, 22479, 21152, 589, 5072, 76831, 412, 1073, 88, 3514, 974, 39537, 4919, 60621, 606, 198, 494, 461, 1073, 1820, 21152, 44661, 26522, 8467, 5919, 17890, 258, 45010, 407, 263, 21152, 44661, 5221, 288, 7870, 2174, 8467, 14724, 50222, 418, 3768, 1969, 17870, 22479, 38824, 438, 77, 651, 283, 784, 615, 11, 81088, 49818, 396, 2319, 277, 65527, 4291, 198, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 627, 93, 12805, 9514, 57676, 5531, 1969, 3833, 52551, 11, 1568, 606, 1073, 339, 797, 2480, 291, 29116, 727, 0, 90081, 26522, 8467, 5919, 17890, 258, 576, 2239, 30181, 22479, 20111, 4978, 267, 540, 787, 78, 1820, 2295, 2521, 1073, 22479, 2664, 20855, 9514, 17870, 22479, 93221, 804, 68469, 3633, 414, 2664, 753, 10701, 47194, 11, 318, 24281, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 30323, 287, 18614, 1335, 998, 8823, 77539, 3852, 15770, 3359, 83, 18934, 300, 275, 4014, 4692, 22479, 12393, 438, 85, 2223, 488, 627, 849, 3035, 285, 830, 269, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 53809, 8823, 82, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 1729, 783, 287, 1820, 18207, 11, 67523, 18972, 198, 287, 44398, 2987, 51526, 318, 782, 4504, 93221, 12393, 1345, 80675, 64562, 10994, 198, 47991, 3195, 83, 537, 472, 339, 46212, 34001, 9514, 548, 1962, 46584, 45359, 708, 11, 1568, 998, 3990, 198, 14075, 998, 6410, 57902, 1251, 64562, 396, 2303, 2530, 8972, 627, 93, 4959, 1316, 11, 3055, 868, 38137, 1073, 23796, 81749, 11, 2332, 41133, 8568, 2912, 63198, 10540, 540, 3252, 15362, 261, 677, 1233, 11, 5531, 380, 12301, 1233, 11, 269, 3852, 1605, 64562, 34001, 198, 9514, 1897, 616, 43708, 78, 287, 6518, 11, 269, 548, 2656, 17825, 287, 6518, 12260, 28246, 67103, 2099, 11, 1463, 283, 548, 943, 998, 64562, 11, 683, 283, 72012, 1431, 327, 3035, 4147, 75, 2718, 11, 20000, 58234, 83, 537, 472, 412, 6902, 1870, 920, 263, 36726, 9009, 269, 78726, 9493, 9514, 64562, 13, 4213, 805, 5735, 414, 21152, 44661, 83, 974, 365, 71, 774, 727, 283, 198, 548, 2017, 45359, 275, 51861, 9514, 64562, 7509, 788, 71, 619, 17106, 316, 4057, 481, 198, 4291, 22479, 21152, 44661, 11652, 1402, 11, 36311, 438, 72766, 86, 6442, 1964, 580, 627, 1876, 710, 3375, 68244, 87287, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 11, 6902, 1870, 5957, 198, 7717, 78, 966, 998, 1399, 38137, 65726, 11, 339, 3829, 437, 953, 14097, 85277, 1247, 627, 23340, 9533, 2000, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 198, 36, 4306, 492, 11, 38128, 9137, 69, 5642, 613, 1316, 34001, 22479, 8975, 42475, 278, 354, 1073, 47692, 7323, 438, 66335, 5531, 27456, 396, 731, 11, 817, 22479, 53461, 1137, 198, 23775, 266, 6518, 34001, 9514, 19553, 1503, 306, 661, 8975, 10900, 1412, 300, 45670, 11533, 3376, 198, 859, 269, 1885, 292, 2504, 261, 23379, 4306, 86300, 9137, 9533, 34001, 9514, 548, 2017, 4870, 1540, 494, 750, 68, 4306, 42876, 75, 3265, 7509, 283, 18864, 53757, 43681, 13694, 9137, 9533, 438, 4345, 98427, 13284, 269, 8783, 1238, 91173, 548, 59961, 38982, 2000, 9137, 9533, 512, 16332, 24055, 1113, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 4599, 2675, 3207, 50, 875, 198, 78, 2746, 9514, 548, 263, 582, 277, 34658, 349, 66396, 1132, 5621, 6765, 54637, 3978, 23379, 266, 2742, 79565, 438, 83571, 4893, 51526, 98427, 83697, 67125, 784, 1412, 34867, 13616, 198, 668, 300, 11, 451, 88860, 15846, 1395, 43968, 11, 2914, 283, 1725, 627, 78, 2746, 9514, 548, 1962, 2836, 45938, 1540, 26934, 582, 277, 34658, 349, 5621, 6765, 54637, 3978, 345, 33166, 72408, 1658, 12059, 11, 67733, 911, 1771, 51526, 8629, 48738, 486, 1147, 11, 8370, 4919, 198, 8823, 265, 1072, 1634, 8734, 5192, 46851, 68676, 48121, 46212, 5221, 288, 830, 9242, 1147, 47026, 20013, 798, 5531, 27456, 17947, 438, 53195, 1494, 537, 1073, 55911, 38925, 60024, 17822, 345, 438, 15417, 22138, 11, 300, 9336, 300, 49582, 84045, 438, 67125, 34152, 3864, 198, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 34001, 9514, 3207, 21642, 998, 72012, 2693, 1147, 773, 1590, 258, 198, 22479, 94942, 11, 1568, 67, 4588, 1658, 12059, 11, 16564, 41098, 1354, 11, 915, 82, 11, 6528, 51526, 391, 462, 198, 66, 2469, 51526, 61694, 10337, 72247, 95928, 6901, 73, 4214, 438, 73, 616, 552, 258, 18736, 31548, 1385, 5221, 288, 830, 1411, 16810, 8123, 414, 11218, 438, 12393, 1285, 627, 78, 2675, 4919, 19171, 723, 9181, 31548, 1385, 1073, 24217, 8248, 5153, 10900, 1412, 300, 375, 38918, 10317, 1003, 365, 11, 278, 12669, 11, 23242, 112342, 1494, 6729, 11, 269, 1605, 782, 668, 1354, 2415, 2000, 9137, 9533, 627, 78, 2675, 4919, 19171, 33166, 67, 22704, 10354, 10900, 1412, 6539, 540, 5757, 438, 10516, 64354, 65598, 198, 83, 425, 1557, 2423, 54788, 18736, 31548, 1385, 1463, 283, 548, 1962, 75, 533, 974, 396, 22847, 198, 519, 22231, 8942, 525, 1605, 94942, 661, 28998, 919, 627, 78, 2746, 9514, 1636, 72, 45938, 23379, 266, 6518, 79565, 438, 67733, 911, 1771, 2000, 9137, 198, 9533, 51526, 402, 17390, 4589, 708, 13772, 74, 8843, 1823, 1127, 9533, 782, 668, 1354, 438, 911, 1771, 29177, 1012, 675, 31520, 2695, 20559, 21946, 301, 11, 17847, 560, 5192, 88512, 4291, 66, 34795, 1557, 2423, 39537, 4919, 19171, 33166, 1605, 782, 668, 1354, 10900, 1412, 300, 24217, 8248, 5153, 5221, 288, 830, 1411, 2332, 484, 782, 1325, 39122, 65265, 64475, 20322, 412, 339, 46212, 30096, 3696, 5174, 43842, 2315, 258, 51105, 82, 8734, 2112, 2693, 1147, 4589, 18724, 10900, 1412, 300, 267, 5230, 689, 11, 19171, 548, 10547, 9210, 66, 598, 7630, 4912, 2530, 4589, 5192, 402, 198, 826, 1336, 23684, 354, 43842, 4522, 22479, 51105, 1355, 8734, 43664, 627, 78, 53216, 95928, 91359, 15630, 50318, 1570, 9137, 9533, 1224, 784, 1412, 300, 15357, 6256, 31215, 561, 4108, 627, 78, 51197, 276, 2693, 1147, 455, 2833, 541, 5179, 55911, 38925, 37860, 76571, 198, 349, 11, 36046, 1463, 283, 529, 1466, 354, 51210, 543, 3473, 332, 32930, 9514, 17483, 198, 1527, 22479, 1610, 360, 569, 3978, 13127, 19997, 45010, 407, 263, 55911, 38925, 438, 34397, 198, 324, 1147, 455, 2833, 325, 277, 5741, 258, 576, 2239, 630, 461, 26125, 29275, 6728, 467, 1126, 1073, 85444, 438, 6153, 12684, 198, 2746, 22479, 1816, 79079, 9514, 14075, 1527, 5227, 7509, 283, 4919, 44466, 3990, 23796, 345, 46122, 3195, 267, 537, 265, 18972, 438, 4057, 1463, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 11, 17206, 198, 29755, 33627, 220, 16955, 198, 4636, 88, 2530, 8972, 37860, 383, 26636, 5253, 1055, 1463, 26169, 352, 589, 638, 11, 1568, 198, 998, 2910, 39382, 266, 19030, 44018, 33078, 396, 2303, 414, 57902, 1251, 54080, 627, 51329, 44661, 11, 6882, 710, 367, 11, 17100, 291, 1453, 351, 727, 28112, 3671, 367, 50947, 2005, 295, 45338, 11, 269, 3617, 1155, 60105, 339, 46212, 8568, 6769, 1073, 22479, 38824, 753, 258, 41116, 3633, 414, 383, 278, 198, 826, 615, 11, 8370, 3376, 988, 16241, 258, 582, 7828, 11, 44750, 51526, 3833, 52551, 2295, 198, 43078, 24175, 11, 20000, 15693, 998, 13397, 22479, 38824, 5531, 76, 11, 43296, 51526, 2119, 2258, 1823, 265, 44661, 11, 3833, 710, 367, 22377, 2480, 291, 29116, 727, 11, 2106, 7709, 11, 44750, 78098, 51526, 652, 1155, 548, 64053, 36842, 2000, 8823, 287, 998, 13397, 22479, 38824, 44469, 88684, 5221, 336, 461, 9514, 652, 24045, 774, 288, 336, 1086, 82, 63738, 68, 77783, 275, 198, 14724, 58747, 683, 412, 18673, 467, 22479, 884, 12313, 438, 13397, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 1065, 198, 880, 4620, 438, 85, 10892, 519, 627, 6806, 51, 2094, 22780, 11, 966, 44963, 998, 606, 24401, 9137, 37568, 56371, 263, 11455, 25704, 83, 3768, 2465, 414, 38824, 1729, 652, 533, 10332, 606, 494, 461, 1073, 49818, 774, 198, 30797, 2000, 21152, 44661, 11, 3833, 710, 367, 22377, 2480, 291, 29116, 727, 11, 2106, 7709, 11, 44750, 78098, 11, 269, 652, 1155, 339, 460, 1171, 288, 17890, 258, 576, 2239, 5450, 1820, 7413, 1251, 7509, 283, 18864, 17483, 998, 60529, 4291, 325, 17998, 1073, 45010, 2091, 267, 1073, 485, 412, 12840, 19033, 16241, 69, 683, 283, 37992, 9514, 19553, 15456, 263, 774, 266, 1816, 17692, 683, 283, 11, 1576, 6836, 494, 461, 1073, 1820, 8942, 14140, 2174, 8467, 11, 300, 9336, 2506, 44066, 67689, 70, 2299, 9739, 26522, 2428, 198, 266, 273, 14635, 606, 30609, 48447, 11, 3935, 1570, 283, 548, 19975, 481, 4291, 275, 438, 198, 72012, 9437, 1220, 31587, 68244, 1220, 627, 16397, 95290, 69, 495, 1769, 11, 269, 9493, 9514, 1897, 989, 414, 726, 17106, 18238, 198, 455, 751, 269, 18310, 22479, 884, 12313, 7, 36046, 48121, 752, 417, 768, 1073, 43063, 9164, 705, 29699, 6751, 40541, 817, 22479, 726, 438, 2171, 1244, 50195, 198, 19193, 11, 55225, 1285, 2050, 79046, 9514, 548, 412, 1073, 71, 2227, 753, 3195, 11, 60621, 198, 606, 494, 461, 1073, 45010, 55225, 1285, 11, 5531, 5424, 26522, 8467, 37992, 9514, 19553, 5531, 2106, 2996, 7509, 283, 14724, 1395, 258, 309, 1412, 58234, 3571, 83, 536, 278, 198, 4291, 88, 2530, 275, 4090, 627, 4054, 1073, 339, 295, 12938, 34152, 576, 63014, 285, 21656, 5269, 83, 461, 66, 4021, 450, 365, 12301, 9514, 548, 3983, 7413, 1251, 21220, 974, 22479, 884, 12313, 51861, 9514, 1497, 22479, 884, 12313, 54788, 723, 684, 998, 22479, 93221, 351, 7709, 7509, 283, 14724, 3646, 14617, 50659, 606, 494, 461, 1073, 339, 830, 1573, 826, 88, 1331, 198, 83, 7085, 512, 6806, 49, 44221, 17514, 686, 1285, 11, 85268, 894, 61665, 82, 198, 10914, 24055, 1113, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 4599, 2675, 265, 50, 875, 198, 2059, 7331, 11, 86812, 21152, 44661, 49, 44221, 73571, 97941, 32390, 29579, 198, 93, 26860, 300, 599, 316, 613, 7, 2118, 65, 6339, 55019, 6577, 414, 267, 316, 613, 863, 340, 93, 14336, 1687, 31141, 69819, 198, 3915, 9514, 59508, 5741, 6285, 7509, 283, 46068, 34551, 450, 774, 288, 65741, 1331, 198, 83, 7085, 300, 4581, 1073, 339, 830, 492, 27609, 77303, 2376, 11, 8370, 11, 333, 21642, 998, 9726, 4692, 5531, 349, 11, 4919, 2295, 809, 98909, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 438, 198, 1593, 71, 2227, 998, 22479, 2664, 11, 36046, 333, 20670, 5518, 592, 2692, 2017, 64, 198, 4930, 19862, 14450, 547, 627, 644, 2465, 1816, 300, 2172, 5009, 11, 6509, 15462, 70488, 548, 74039, 8823, 1285, 627, 11339, 87, 1545, 11, 3957, 12982, 64510, 943, 81437, 1336, 2319, 525, 278, 354, 1073, 4091, 438, 548, 84270, 455, 751, 266, 2118, 339, 16809, 950, 9125, 863, 287, 804, 15697, 3055, 12816, 258, 4581, 24553, 11829, 1631, 50891, 455, 751, 2000, 1605, 20489, 82, 11, 37227, 11, 1073, 8370, 1453, 352, 198, 1962, 1395, 20111, 5450, 39422, 33462, 811, 38868, 309, 391, 6417, 295, 1307, 2000, 50828, 4091, 815, 12982, 11, 6509, 4238, 478, 1626, 3957, 352, 4919, 18975, 1494, 4838, 4683, 41555, 1073, 198, 526, 894, 336, 41356, 2112, 72247, 23224, 60307, 1527, 391, 16794, 14724, 1593, 64, 198, 31498, 1885, 686, 438, 526, 531, 80599, 455, 42450, 1073, 2727, 11, 37227, 5450, 576, 2513, 38868, 66, 11206, 451, 38367, 2171, 278, 6629, 4291, 69, 686, 438, 4091, 1073, 2465, 785, 100004, 40, 1568, 83, 537, 352, 93834, 51861, 644, 14546, 4625, 87160, 376, 988, 4609, 287, 455, 11, 2465, 21152 ]
about 4 ounces of apple juice for 7 consecutive days, or for as long as the discomfort lasts, following the liver cleanse. It is best to drink the apple juice at least ½ hour before breakfast. In addition, a repeat colon cleanse may be necessary to clear out any of the late-coming stones. The tissue-cleansing method (ionized water), as mentioned above, also helps to remove the circulating toxins. If you place a small piece of fresh ginger into the thermos flask, drinking this water will quickly stop the nausea. Drinking 2 to 3 cups of chamomile tea per day also helps to calm the digestive tract and the nervous system. Chamomile is also a good “stone-breaker” of calcified stones. Feeling Sick During the Cleanse If you have properly followed all the directions given in the outlined procedure, but still feel sick sometime during the actual liver cleanse, please do not feel alarmed that something is wrong. Although it occurs rarely, a person may vomit or feel nauseated during the night. This happens when the gallbladder ejects bile and gallstones with such force that bile forces the oil back into the stomach. When the oil, combined with some bile, returns to the stomach, you are likely to feel sick. In such an instance, you may be able to feel the expulsion of stones. It will not be a sharp pain, just a mild contraction. During one of my 12 liver cleanses, I spent a miserable night. But, despite throwing up most of the oil mixture, this cleanse was just as successful as all the others I had done. By the time I vomited, the oil had already done its job; that is, it prompted the release of gallstones. If this happens to you, remember that this is only one night of discomfort. Recovery from conventional gallbladder surgery may take many weeks or months. Surgery may also lead to major pain and suffering in the years to come. The Liver Cleanse Did Not Deliver the Expected Results In some cases, albeit very rarely, the liver cleanse does not produce the results you expect. The following are the two main reasons, and their remedies, for such difficulties. Bile Duct Congestion It is likely that severe congestion in your liver’s bile ducts, due to extremely dense structures of stones, has prevented the apple juice from softening them sufficiently during the first cleansing attempt. In some individuals, it may take as many as 2 or 3 liver cleanses before the stones start coming out. Chanca piedra , also known as “stone-breaker,” can help prepare your liver and gallbladder for a more efficient release of stones, especially if you have calcified stones in the gallbladder. Take 20 drops of chanca piedra extract (see Suppliers List in the Appendix) in a glass of water, 3 times daily for at least 2 to 3 weeks before your next cleanse. Enteric peppermint oil, taken in capsule form, is also very useful in dissolving calcified gallstones or reducing their size. It may not be easy to find it in pure form, though. It is often mixed with other ingredients, which can reduce its effectiveness. Drinking 2 to 3 cups of chamomile tea per day also helps to dissolve calcified stones. Another useful method to help support the liver and gallbladder during the cleanse, and to encourage the release of more stones, is to soak a piece of flannel with heated apple cider vinegar and apply it to the liver/gallbladder area during the 20- to 30-minute period of lying still. Some people have found increased benefits from doing this using warm castor oil instead. The herbs Chinese gentian and bupleurum, help to break up some of the congestion and can, thereby, prepare your liver for a more successful cleanse. These herbs are prepared as a tincture. They are more commonly known as Chinese Bitters. (See Suppliers List in the Appendix.) The proper dosage for this tincture is ½ to 1 teaspoonful once daily on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before breakfast. This regimen should be followed for three weeks before drinking the apple juice (or using the other alternatives discussed in the previous section). Any unpleasant cleansing reactions usually disappear after 3 to 6 days; they can be minimized by following the tissue-cleansing method of using hot, ionizedwater and by keeping the colon clean with capsules of oxyflush, oxypowder, colosan, a colema, or an enema (see Chapter 5). Another method is to drink 3 tablespoons of undiluted, unsweetened lemon juice, 15 to 30 minutes before breakfast daily for one week. This stimulates the gallbladder and makes it ready for a more successful liver cleanse. Directions Not Followed You may not have followed the directions properly. Leaving out any one item from the procedure, or altering the dosages or timing of the steps laid out, may prevent you from obtaining the full results. In quite a few people, the liver cleanse does not work at all unless the large intestine has been cleansed first. The backup of waste and gases cuts down adequate bile secretion and prevents the oil mixture from moving easily through the GI tract. In people who are severely constipated, the gallbladder may barely open up during the liver cleanse. The best time for a colonic irrigation or an alternative colon cleansing method is the day of the actual liver cleanse. CHAPTER 5 Simple Guidelines to Avoid Gallstones Once you have eliminated all your gallstones through a series of liver cleanses, there are a number of healthful practices you can easily apply that will help your liver to remain permanently clear of stones. 1. Cleanse Your Liver Twice a Year I highly recommend that you cleanse your liver twice a year. The best date for a liver cleanse is about 10 days before or 10 days after a seasonal change. For example, begin the liver cleanse regimen around March 11 or 31, or June 11 or 30. Repeat the cleanse 6 months later. When the seasons change, the body also undergoes major physiological changes and is more inclined to release accumulated toxins and waste matter (as seen in an increased incidence of head colds or the flu). Since the immune system is naturally weaker during those 20 days of season
[ 197, 9274, 197, 19, 197, 31044, 44323, 197, 23182, 197, 8783, 560, 2066, 197, 22, 198, 444, 86880, 2765, 954, 11, 82266, 2066, 61551, 17972, 61551, 33188, 35697, 19975, 34196, 82, 11, 1186, 1573, 287, 33188, 8986, 1553, 1470, 2742, 325, 13, 62635, 20501, 198, 16241, 32809, 2765, 35465, 33188, 197, 23182, 197, 8783, 560, 36547, 197, 56371, 197, 27154, 9793, 414, 64334, 3470, 9533, 13, 71267, 13008, 684, 11, 11575, 17643, 11221, 47740, 263, 198, 18883, 325, 2157, 352, 74242, 9215, 20726, 32809, 41508, 14294, 197, 3852, 44323, 33188, 197, 5185, 12, 5065, 18895, 3233, 13, 33026, 3324, 11407, 1824, 22451, 287, 198, 4492, 197, 7, 290, 1534, 6831, 977, 705, 61551, 197, 37691, 197, 49532, 11, 197, 19171, 88740, 82, 32809, 48333, 33188, 1470, 2496, 15853, 32809, 87, 1354, 627, 2746, 197, 9514, 197, 2050, 11575, 1942, 30632, 3303, 9286, 44323, 1186, 2548, 197, 3252, 261, 2129, 78, 33188, 197, 700, 8801, 1186, 75, 1091, 11, 2765, 81, 16113, 2090, 6831, 977, 6831, 484, 198, 28863, 398, 63744, 33188, 197, 3458, 817, 64, 13, 197, 9023, 16113, 197, 17, 32809, 197, 18, 1470, 8772, 44323, 23918, 309, 316, 458, 197, 82694, 197, 716, 99297, 197, 19171, 88740, 82, 32809, 1470, 7828, 198, 1820, 2765, 15505, 535, 197, 2193, 53577, 33188, 9215, 651, 788, 41393, 13, 197, 1163, 309, 316, 458, 20501, 197, 19171, 11575, 3253, 1411, 197, 2118, 11046, 35449, 261, 863, 44323, 198, 27684, 1908, 18895, 3233, 627, 197, 6251, 20659, 7721, 875, 11198, 1711, 33188, 6391, 2742, 325, 18108, 2746, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 197, 81768, 398, 1186, 1573, 291, 52060, 33188, 83572, 82, 3253, 2116, 17886, 33188, 14294, 15472, 197, 21826, 11, 2282, 332, 18895, 484, 198, 57676, 1942, 875, 1942, 316, 4199, 2765, 1711, 33188, 89914, 8986, 1553, 1470, 2742, 325, 11, 197, 31121, 20530, 98366, 1186, 96551, 197, 8093, 2106, 64442, 198, 34431, 20501, 6831, 14684, 13, 197, 16179, 24263, 197, 14310, 1759, 7145, 548, 398, 11, 11575, 99905, 2157, 352, 5306, 79068, 82266, 1186, 96551, 197, 3458, 817, 660, 198, 82977, 33188, 9215, 492, 13, 41065, 9793, 680, 729, 61280, 33188, 3253, 543, 2067, 21473, 7883, 585, 82, 2282, 458, 53577, 3253, 543, 33610, 48048, 1942, 1412, 198, 9009, 64442, 2282, 458, 2066, 1634, 33188, 23021, 321, 78546, 2129, 78, 33188, 18895, 316, 613, 13, 197, 4599, 33188, 23021, 321, 11, 197, 67407, 48048, 1942, 638, 198, 65, 458, 11, 862, 82, 32809, 33188, 18895, 316, 613, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 14617, 32809, 1186, 96551, 1942, 875, 13, 71267, 1942, 1412, 80557, 57356, 11, 197, 9514, 2157, 352, 74242, 198, 481, 32809, 1186, 96551, 33188, 49658, 34003, 44323, 18895, 3233, 13, 62635, 6831, 484, 98366, 74242, 11575, 37296, 8035, 3303, 467, 11, 197, 4345, 11575, 2157, 699, 197, 8386, 1335, 627, 1602, 16397, 197, 606, 44323, 13938, 197, 717, 8986, 1553, 1470, 22451, 288, 11, 25494, 42478, 306, 11575, 2157, 12329, 481, 9215, 492, 13, 197, 4071, 11, 54012, 6100, 9776, 287, 60910, 198, 3646, 44323, 33188, 23021, 321, 2157, 13025, 11, 2090, 1470, 2742, 325, 6831, 300, 197, 4345, 61551, 31653, 1285, 61551, 52060, 33188, 23021, 3058, 25494, 9793, 329, 41595, 13, 197, 1383, 198, 1820, 22724, 25494, 5306, 316, 1639, 11, 33188, 23021, 321, 9793, 329, 197, 46584, 41595, 197, 1220, 69677, 26, 64442, 20501, 11, 24263, 3303, 15091, 291, 33188, 17643, 1655, 44323, 198, 70, 543, 33610, 13, 52792, 2090, 9793, 680, 729, 32809, 197, 9514, 11, 197, 30380, 64442, 2090, 20501, 197, 3323, 197, 606, 9215, 492, 44323, 35697, 19975, 627, 697, 7601, 43827, 38303, 44322, 3253, 543, 2067, 21473, 1942, 85392, 2157, 352, 3324, 731, 197, 35676, 197, 82089, 82266, 197, 50814, 627, 50, 85392, 2157, 352, 197, 19171, 197, 27152, 32809, 2157, 3111, 3303, 467, 53577, 1942, 2084, 287, 17886, 33188, 197, 42820, 32809, 1470, 638, 627, 33026, 15420, 1553, 6391, 2742, 325, 197, 7131, 197, 2688, 11198, 301, 1553, 33188, 197, 19430, 197, 10001, 18108, 644, 1942, 638, 1470, 2315, 11, 70671, 20582, 197, 1225, 7145, 548, 398, 11, 33188, 8986, 1553, 1470, 2742, 325, 2765, 7217, 98366, 197, 98374, 33188, 56597, 197, 9514, 25997, 627, 791, 1186, 1573, 287, 197, 548, 33188, 3324, 1146, 37741, 17643, 99949, 11, 53577, 33188, 404, 197, 1864, 291, 552, 11, 2066, 1942, 1412, 81664, 3951, 552, 627, 1602, 33, 458, 11198, 670, 6391, 647, 43598, 18108, 2181, 20501, 197, 14617, 64442, 85786, 19846, 38303, 7114, 290, 17886, 14862, 414, 8986, 1553, 753, 2282, 458, 197, 1076, 82, 11, 2765, 361, 32809, 96550, 54358, 2765, 1137, 198, 47194, 44323, 18895, 3233, 11, 64355, 41446, 74228, 33188, 197, 23182, 197, 8783, 560, 43827, 197, 3594, 6147, 197, 49818, 1942, 27781, 398, 2765, 1711, 198, 1820, 43290, 1470, 22451, 287, 36547, 4307, 13, 71267, 1942, 638, 197, 55977, 82, 11, 24263, 2157, 352, 3324, 731, 61551, 197, 35676, 61551, 197, 17, 82266, 197, 18, 8986, 1553, 198, 9326, 598, 288, 64334, 33188, 18895, 3233, 22087, 197, 5065, 14294, 627, 1602, 47119, 936, 3303, 1142, 969, 198, 11, 197, 19171, 197, 5391, 61551, 197, 2118, 11046, 35449, 261, 2476, 94036, 88740, 197, 13923, 14862, 414, 8986, 1553, 53577, 198, 70, 543, 2067, 21473, 2066, 11575, 2157, 461, 197, 43870, 17643, 1655, 44323, 18895, 3233, 11, 197, 36046, 748, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 1470, 17356, 1908, 18895, 3233, 17886, 198, 1820, 3253, 543, 2067, 21473, 13, 10473, 731, 197, 508, 2765, 3787, 44323, 197, 5776, 936, 3303, 1142, 969, 8285, 2193, 197, 7, 4151, 1602, 10254, 15532, 10904, 198, 17886, 33188, 198, 24819, 953, 8, 17886, 11575, 3253, 448, 44323, 6831, 977, 11, 197, 18, 3324, 1769, 2765, 5179, 2066, 36547, 197, 56371, 197, 17, 32809, 197, 18, 197, 82089, 64334, 14862, 414, 29244, 198, 18883, 325, 13, 197, 6403, 292, 197, 375, 604, 94932, 23021, 321, 11, 3324, 3448, 17886, 1470, 2690, 1130, 38510, 11, 20501, 197, 19171, 197, 1225, 42919, 1285, 17886, 2765, 1056, 20222, 198, 27684, 1908, 3253, 543, 33610, 82266, 17643, 1072, 6253, 33188, 404, 14153, 13, 62635, 2157, 352, 98366, 74242, 7883, 6539, 32809, 81703, 24263, 17886, 3303, 554, 38510, 345, 4636, 13, 62635, 20501, 197, 61917, 2157, 3366, 48048, 197, 1605, 197, 39220, 11, 197, 8370, 94036, 17643, 13677, 197, 1220, 89170, 13071, 627, 1602, 9023, 16113, 197, 17, 32809, 197, 18, 1470, 8772, 44323, 23918, 309, 316, 458, 197, 82694, 197, 716, 99297, 197, 19171, 88740, 82, 32809, 2765, 1056, 4035, 1470, 17356, 1908, 18895, 3233, 627, 1602, 14364, 42919, 1285, 43357, 32809, 88740, 1942, 2870, 33188, 8986, 1553, 53577, 3253, 543, 2067, 21473, 2765, 1711, 33188, 1470, 2742, 325, 11, 53577, 198, 998, 197, 967, 61140, 33188, 17643, 1655, 44323, 2157, 461, 18895, 3233, 11, 20501, 32809, 197, 708, 587, 11575, 3303, 9286, 44323, 1186, 75, 2659, 48048, 197, 383, 660, 197, 23182, 198, 66, 1814, 5306, 483, 12440, 53577, 197, 10492, 24263, 32809, 33188, 8986, 1553, 4951, 543, 2067, 21473, 96168, 2765, 1711, 33188, 197, 508, 12, 32809, 197, 966, 24401, 197, 19862, 198, 1073, 197, 6852, 18895, 484, 13, 7721, 638, 197, 16455, 9793, 525, 59202, 17886, 846, 1503, 2282, 51565, 1220, 43827, 20530, 287, 2090, 27287, 6831, 2227, 198, 3914, 269, 23021, 321, 197, 65937, 627, 1602, 791, 197, 1964, 1302, 1602, 46023, 3253, 306, 1122, 198, 53577, 1602, 65, 6189, 122967, 345, 88740, 32809, 3470, 60910, 1942, 638, 44323, 33188, 38303, 7114, 290, 53577, 198, 4919, 11, 197, 19041, 1729, 11, 197, 13923, 14862, 414, 8986, 1553, 2066, 11575, 2157, 461, 31653, 1285, 1470, 2742, 325, 13, 197, 9673, 197, 1964, 1302, 197, 548, 41446, 7360, 61551, 198, 64, 3324, 7956, 554, 13, 197, 7009, 197, 548, 2157, 461, 84925, 398, 197, 5391, 61551, 197, 46023, 13083, 29163, 13, 197, 7, 10031, 1602, 10254, 15532, 10904, 198, 17886, 33188, 198, 24819, 953, 6266, 33026, 197, 81768, 2765, 437, 425, 2066, 2090, 3324, 7956, 554, 20501, 197, 27154, 32809, 197, 16, 197, 668, 300, 33076, 1285, 197, 13486, 2765, 5179, 25653, 80557, 198, 3274, 18895, 316, 613, 11, 197, 9274, 197, 966, 26388, 2142, 64334, 3470, 9533, 13, 41065, 38113, 27236, 197, 5562, 74242, 1186, 1573, 291, 2066, 198, 28956, 197, 82089, 64334, 2765, 81, 16113, 33188, 197, 23182, 197, 8783, 560, 197, 81020, 27287, 33188, 197, 1605, 197, 41512, 5983, 2765, 3510, 59942, 17886, 33188, 198, 20281, 197, 2879, 570, 197, 8780, 21113, 45007, 1470, 22451, 287, 17643, 4109, 197, 44066, 35697, 41866, 197, 10924, 197, 18, 32809, 197, 21, 2765, 954, 280, 20670, 94036, 74242, 26388, 46806, 197, 1729, 1186, 1573, 287, 33188, 3324, 11407, 1824, 22451, 287, 43357, 44323, 27287, 9793, 354, 11, 197, 290, 1534, 13284, 53577, 197, 1729, 197, 33494, 33188, 47740, 263, 1470, 2742, 48048, 1470, 2690, 2482, 44323, 23021, 4223, 22402, 11, 197, 5241, 1100, 363, 1126, 11, 47740, 437, 276, 11, 11575, 198, 56745, 1764, 11, 82266, 80557, 82948, 9355, 197, 7, 4151, 197, 26072, 197, 20, 4390, 1602, 14364, 43357, 20501, 32809, 2765, 35465, 197, 18, 27579, 2203, 29639, 44323, 197, 1263, 321, 2844, 11, 197, 11099, 4589, 6901, 197, 273, 1677, 197, 8783, 560, 11, 197, 868, 32809, 198, 966, 26388, 2142, 64334, 3470, 9533, 2765, 5179, 2066, 197, 606, 197, 10476, 13, 41065, 18895, 318, 24031, 33188, 3253, 543, 2067, 21473, 53577, 2157, 2094, 198, 275, 197, 2359, 2066, 11575, 2157, 461, 31653, 1285, 8986, 1553, 1470, 2742, 325, 627, 1602, 61424, 197, 2688, 197, 12763, 291, 18108, 2675, 2157, 352, 98366, 9793, 525, 1186, 1573, 291, 33188, 83572, 82, 197, 81768, 398, 13, 197, 2356, 2370, 14294, 197, 3852, 197, 606, 23140, 43827, 33188, 198, 21826, 11, 82266, 197, 38377, 287, 33188, 2765, 437, 1154, 82266, 3324, 60176, 44323, 33188, 18895, 7270, 8986, 3864, 14294, 11, 2157, 352, 41446, 688, 197, 9514, 43827, 198, 677, 83, 2101, 33188, 95142, 56597, 13, 71267, 197, 84270, 11575, 1186, 365, 197, 16455, 11, 33188, 8986, 1553, 1470, 2742, 325, 2765, 7217, 98366, 98138, 36547, 52060, 198, 39870, 33188, 8986, 2812, 2129, 478, 483, 64355, 74242, 268, 1470, 22451, 291, 43290, 13, 33026, 197, 32471, 44323, 6831, 5642, 53577, 3253, 2315, 1470, 6256, 2765, 785, 198, 1037, 19684, 2282, 458, 197, 21107, 290, 53577, 41446, 48764, 33188, 23021, 321, 2157, 13025, 43827, 2157, 9308, 7883, 38367, 197, 20322, 33188, 9796, 40, 198, 2193, 13, 71267, 197, 16455, 197, 14965, 197, 548, 85786, 424, 989, 4882, 63332, 11, 33188, 3253, 543, 2067, 21473, 2157, 352, 2282, 548, 398, 53299, 60910, 2765, 1711, 198, 1820, 8986, 1553, 1470, 2742, 325, 13, 33026, 93510, 22724, 2066, 11575, 47740, 14338, 197, 404, 14746, 367, 82266, 80557, 197, 78095, 47740, 263, 1470, 22451, 287, 198, 4492, 20501, 33188, 99297, 44323, 33188, 89914, 8986, 1553, 1470, 2742, 325, 627, 197, 88539, 197, 20, 18108, 16778, 9796, 2480, 11243, 32809, 23845, 1019, 9796, 543, 33610, 18108, 12805, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 197, 40895, 15846, 52060, 14862, 414, 3253, 543, 33610, 197, 20322, 11575, 197, 20473, 44323, 8986, 1553, 1470, 22451, 288, 11, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 11575, 198, 4174, 44323, 197, 12393, 1285, 26736, 90290, 197, 9514, 94036, 7883, 38367, 197, 10492, 64442, 6831, 484, 88740, 14862, 414, 8986, 1553, 32809, 197, 48684, 198, 716, 1543, 4501, 41508, 44323, 18895, 3233, 627, 11367, 16, 13, 6391, 2742, 325, 197, 7927, 15420, 1553, 10473, 86, 560, 11575, 197, 9679, 18108, 40, 9793, 1108, 398, 17643, 31628, 64442, 197, 9514, 1470, 2742, 325, 14862, 414, 8986, 1553, 3324, 86, 560, 11575, 197, 3236, 13, 33026, 93510, 45186, 2066, 11575, 8986, 1553, 198, 18883, 325, 20501, 197, 9274, 197, 605, 2765, 954, 64334, 82266, 197, 605, 2765, 954, 197, 10924, 11575, 197, 17217, 278, 69480, 13, 197, 2520, 8285, 1545, 11, 81531, 33188, 198, 75, 1553, 1470, 2742, 325, 38113, 27236, 197, 20019, 9391, 1132, 197, 806, 82266, 197, 2148, 11, 82266, 17538, 2957, 197, 806, 82266, 197, 966, 13, 197, 39818, 33188, 1470, 2742, 325, 197, 21, 198, 50814, 8986, 977, 13, 197, 4599, 33188, 197, 17217, 82, 69480, 11, 33188, 36502, 197, 19171, 197, 8154, 3427, 288, 2157, 3111, 197, 42305, 41314, 198, 19926, 53577, 20501, 2157, 461, 17886, 566, 1619, 32809, 17643, 1655, 197, 40031, 7913, 32809, 87, 1354, 53577, 6831, 5642, 2157, 1683, 197, 38051, 197, 29412, 17886, 80557, 198, 43842, 1503, 197, 2910, 7232, 44323, 47181, 1470, 18938, 82266, 33188, 1186, 10036, 570, 7721, 1736, 33188, 197, 70155, 41393, 20501, 9215, 72247, 197, 906, 4506, 198, 82977, 197, 54719, 197, 508, 2765, 954, 44323, 197, 17217 ]
exercises you are doing to release y our ang er toward others. This is such a healing experience that can truly change your life. By obse rving your fears and ad dressing them during your mirror work, you have learned another very im portant lesson this week: you ar e not your fears. F ear is only a limitation of yo ur mind. Y ou always have a choice between love and fear. Y ou hav e also been practicing one of my favorite principles this week: how you start your day is often how you live your life. It makes me so happy to k now you are making an ef f ort to start your day with loving thoughts. This sets a positive tone for the rest of your beautiful day. See how much you have already learned in just 14 days? Co ntinue to give yourself every encouragem ent as you go through this new experience of mirror work. Always know that I am here by your side. Let’ s af firm: Her e I am, world—open and r e ceptive to all the wonderful things that this mirr or -work course is teaching me. Y our Day 14 Mirror W ork Exercise 1. Find a photo of yourself as a child at a time when you were truly happy. Perhaps you have a snapshot taken at your birthday party, or while you were doing something with friends or visiting one of your favorite places. 2. T ape this photo to your bathroom mirror.3. T alk to that vibrant and happy child in the photo. T ell this child how much you want to feel that way again. Discuss with your inner child your true feelings and what’ s holding you back. 4. Say these af firmations to yourself: I am willing to let go of all my fears. I am safe. I love my inner child. I love you. I am happy. I am content. And I am loved. 5. Repeat these af firmations ten times. The Power Is W ithin Y ou: Y our Day 14 Journaling Exercise 1. T ake out your journal and open it to the first exercise you did on Day 7. 2. Read the feelings and observations you wrote down when you did your mirror work that day. 3. On a new page, write down your feelings and observations today, after the second week of mirror work. Are the exercises getting easier for you? Are you feeling more comfortable looking in the mirror? 4. W rite down where you are having the most success. W rite down where you are having the most trouble. 5. Create a new mirror work exercise and af firmations to help you in those areas where you are experiencing blocks. Y our Heart Thought for Day 14: I Am W illing to See Only My Magnificence Choose to eliminate from you r mind and your life every negative, destructive, fearful idea and thought. No longer listen to or become part of detrimental thoughts or convers ations. T oday no one can harm you becauseyou refuse to b elieve in being hurt. Y ou refuse to indulge i n damaging emotions, no matter how justified they may seem to be. Y ou rise above anything that attempts to make you angry or afraid. Destructi ve thoughts have no power over you. Y ou thin k and say only what you want to create in your life. Y ou are more tha n adequ ate for all you need to do. Y ou are one with the Power that created you. Y ou are safe. All is well in your world. Y our Day 14 Meditation: Feel Y our Power (Day 14 of the audio download) W elcome this new day with open arms and love. Feel your po wer. Feel the p ower of your breath. Feel the power of your voice. Feel t he power of your love. Feel the power of your for giveness. Feel the power of your willingness to change. Y ou are beautifu l. Y ou are a divine, magnificent being. Y ou deserve all good—not just some good, but all good. Feel your power and be at peace with it, for you are safe.D A Y 1 5 F o r g i v i n g Y o u r s e l f a n d T h o s e W h o H a v e H u r t Y o u T oday’ s lesson is about for giveness—for giving yourself and those who have hurt you, thus opening your heart to a new level of loving yourself. For the past two weeks, you ha ve worked on releasing many o f the old beliefs that were blocking you. I know it wasn’ t an easy task, so give yourself time to celebrate your progress. How does it feel today to look in your mi rror and feel so much lighter? T ake a deep breath in. N ow release this breath and say, “Ahh! I am letting go of my past, and I feel great!” For giveness is a dif ficult area for all of us. W e build up these blocks that bind us for man y years. T ake my hand, and together let’ s work on learning to for give ourselves and those who have hurt us. Y ou can do it. For giveness ope ns our hearts to self-love. If you have a problem with loving yourself, you can get stuck in an unfor giving state. Many of us carry grudges for years and years. W e may feel self-righteous because of what someone did to us. I call this being stuck in the prison of se lf-righteous resentment. W e get to be right, but we never get to be happy. Y ou may disagr ee and say, “But you don’ t know what that person did to me. It’ s unfor giv able.” Being unwilling to for give is a terrible thing to do to yourself. Bittern ess is like swal lowing a teaspoon of poison e very day. It accumulates and harms you. It’ s impossible to be healthy and free when you keep yourself bound to the past.One of the biggest spiritual lessons you can learn is to understand that everyone is doing the best they can at any given moment. Pe ople can do only so much w ith the understanding, awareness, and knowledge they have. Invariably, people who mistreat others were themselves mistreated in childhood. The greater the level of violence, the greater their inner pain and the more they may lash out. This is not to say that their behavior is acceptable or excusable. Howev er, for your own spiritual growth, you must be aware of their pain. The inci dent you are holding on to is over—perhaps long over. Let it go. Allow y ourself to be free. Come out of this personal prison yo u have built and step into the sunshine of life. If the situation is continuing, then ask yourself why you think so little of yourself that you still put up with it. Why do you stay in such a situation? Y ou have a choice: you can stay stuck and bitter, or you can do yourself a favor by willingly for giving the past and letting it go, and then moving on to create a joyous, fulfilling life. Y ou have the freedom to make your life anything you want it to be, because you have freedom of choice. The pur pose of today’ s lesson is to help you raise your self-e steem to such a level that you will allow only loving experiences in your life. Please do not waste your time trying to get even. It will not work. What you give out always comes back to yo u. So drop the past and work on loving yourself now. Then you can have a wonderful future. One of the most valuable lesson s I have learned is that when yo u do your for giveness work, it is not necessary to go to the people involved and tell them that you fo r give them. Sometimes you will want to do this, but you do not h ave to. The major work in for giveness is done in your own heart and in front of your mirror. Remember, for giveness is seldom for others. It is for you. So many people have told me that they have truly for given someone, and then a month or two later they have received a phone call or ema il from that person, asking to be for given. This seems to happen most often after doing for giveness exer cises in front of a mirror. So as you do the mirror work exercises in today’ s lesson, let yourself experience your feelings deeply. Let’ s af firm: As I for give myself, it becomes easier to for give others.Y our Day 15 Mirror W ork Exercise I b elieve you re ceive the most b enefit from for giveness work when you do i t in front of a mirror. I suggest finding a mirror you can si t in front of comfortably. I like to use the long mirror on the back of my bedroom door. Give yourself time to do this exercise. And you will probably want to repeat it often. Most of us have a lot of people to for give. 1. Sit in front of your mirror and close your eyes. Breathe deeply several times. Feel yourself grounded on your chair. 2. Think of the many people who have hurt
[ 23783, 499, 527, 3815, 311, 198, 23859, 379, 1057, 6590, 2781, 9017, 3885, 13, 1115, 374, 1778, 264, 21730, 3217, 430, 649, 198, 376, 3988, 2349, 701, 2324, 627, 1383, 1536, 325, 436, 4504, 701, 24087, 323, 1008, 32623, 1124, 2391, 701, 18327, 990, 345, 9514, 617, 9687, 2500, 1633, 737, 2700, 519, 18228, 420, 2046, 25, 499, 802, 384, 539, 701, 198, 69, 7596, 13, 220, 435, 2487, 374, 1193, 264, 20893, 315, 30596, 4433, 4059, 13, 816, 6033, 2744, 617, 264, 5873, 198, 42967, 3021, 323, 8850, 16853, 56, 6033, 31081, 384, 1101, 1027, 36666, 832, 315, 856, 7075, 16565, 420, 2046, 512, 5269, 499, 1212, 701, 1938, 374, 3629, 1268, 499, 3974, 701, 2324, 13, 220, 1102, 3727, 757, 779, 6380, 198, 998, 597, 1457, 499, 527, 220, 3339, 459, 31469, 282, 64609, 311, 1212, 701, 1938, 449, 21955, 11555, 627, 2028, 7437, 264, 6928, 16630, 369, 279, 2800, 315, 701, 6366, 1938, 16853, 10031, 1268, 220, 1790, 499, 617, 2736, 9687, 304, 1120, 220, 975, 2919, 30, 3623, 32512, 6364, 311, 198, 47530, 6261, 1475, 8037, 15003, 1218, 439, 499, 733, 1555, 420, 502, 3217, 198, 1073, 18327, 990, 13, 24119, 1440, 430, 358, 1097, 1618, 555, 701, 3185, 627, 10267, 529, 274, 8136, 7626, 25, 6385, 384, 358, 1097, 11, 1917, 2345, 2569, 323, 436, 384, 3846, 54835, 311, 682, 279, 11364, 198, 58174, 430, 420, 8822, 81, 477, 482, 1816, 3388, 374, 12917, 757, 627, 56, 1057, 6187, 220, 975, 34954, 468, 477, 74, 33918, 198, 16, 662, 7531, 264, 6685, 315, 6261, 439, 264, 1716, 520, 264, 892, 994, 499, 1051, 9615, 198, 57621, 662, 19292, 499, 617, 264, 16694, 4529, 520, 701, 15553, 4717, 13801, 269, 1418, 499, 1051, 3815, 2555, 449, 4885, 477, 17136, 832, 198, 1073, 701, 7075, 7634, 627, 17, 662, 350, 85980, 420, 6685, 311, 701, 15197, 18327, 662, 18, 662, 350, 58998, 311, 430, 34076, 323, 6380, 1716, 304, 279, 6685, 13, 350, 26689, 420, 1716, 198, 5269, 1790, 499, 1390, 311, 2733, 430, 1648, 1578, 13, 66379, 449, 701, 198, 4481, 1716, 701, 837, 16024, 323, 1148, 529, 274, 10168, 499, 1203, 627, 19, 662, 25961, 1521, 8136, 7626, 811, 311, 6261, 25, 358, 1097, 10032, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 682, 856, 198, 69, 7596, 13, 358, 1097, 6220, 13, 358, 3021, 856, 9358, 1716, 13, 358, 3021, 499, 13, 358, 1097, 6380, 662, 358, 198, 309, 2262, 13, 1628, 358, 1097, 10456, 627, 20, 662, 45901, 1521, 8136, 7626, 811, 5899, 3115, 627, 791, 7572, 2209, 468, 78942, 258, 816, 6033, 25, 816, 1057, 6187, 220, 975, 10139, 287, 198, 53809, 198, 16, 662, 350, 264, 441, 704, 701, 8486, 323, 1825, 433, 311, 279, 1176, 10368, 499, 1550, 389, 198, 10369, 220, 22, 16853, 17, 662, 4557, 279, 16024, 323, 24654, 499, 6267, 1523, 994, 499, 198, 23770, 701, 18327, 990, 430, 1938, 16853, 18, 662, 1952, 264, 502, 2199, 11, 3350, 1523, 701, 16024, 323, 24654, 3432, 13801, 10924, 279, 2132, 2046, 315, 18327, 990, 13, 8886, 279, 23783, 3794, 198, 68, 77783, 369, 499, 30, 8886, 499, 8430, 810, 10882, 3411, 304, 279, 198, 74325, 5380, 19, 662, 468, 436, 635, 1523, 1405, 499, 527, 3515, 279, 1455, 2450, 13, 468, 436, 635, 1523, 198, 2940, 499, 527, 3515, 279, 1455, 12544, 627, 20, 662, 4324, 264, 502, 18327, 990, 10368, 323, 8136, 7626, 811, 311, 1520, 499, 198, 258, 1884, 5789, 1405, 499, 527, 25051, 10215, 627, 56, 1057, 18449, 36287, 369, 6187, 220, 975, 25, 358, 3383, 468, 5986, 287, 311, 3580, 8442, 198, 5159, 20918, 1104, 768, 198, 25017, 311, 22472, 505, 499, 436, 4059, 323, 701, 2324, 1475, 8389, 345, 61368, 535, 11, 63757, 4623, 323, 3463, 13, 2360, 5129, 9020, 311, 477, 3719, 961, 315, 198, 67, 17820, 3904, 278, 11555, 477, 7669, 520, 919, 13, 350, 297, 1316, 912, 832, 649, 11682, 499, 1606, 9514, 26122, 311, 293, 658, 19704, 304, 1694, 13194, 13, 816, 6033, 26122, 311, 68190, 602, 308, 34446, 198, 336, 41356, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 35516, 814, 1253, 2873, 311, 387, 13, 816, 6033, 10205, 3485, 198, 73254, 430, 13865, 311, 1304, 220, 499, 19021, 477, 16984, 13, 423, 30394, 72, 5320, 11555, 198, 19553, 912, 2410, 927, 499, 627, 56, 6033, 15792, 597, 323, 2019, 1193, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 1893, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 198, 6518, 49588, 308, 41228, 30912, 369, 682, 499, 1205, 311, 656, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 832, 449, 279, 7572, 430, 198, 7266, 499, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 6220, 13, 2052, 374, 1664, 304, 701, 1917, 627, 56, 1057, 6187, 220, 975, 77571, 25, 32833, 816, 1057, 7572, 198, 5549, 352, 220, 975, 315, 279, 7855, 4232, 340, 54, 658, 2063, 420, 502, 1938, 449, 1825, 11977, 323, 3021, 13, 32833, 701, 3273, 7205, 662, 32833, 198, 1820, 281, 297, 6703, 315, 701, 11745, 13, 32833, 279, 2410, 315, 701, 7899, 13, 32833, 259, 568, 2410, 315, 198, 22479, 3021, 13, 32833, 279, 2410, 315, 701, 369, 2728, 434, 13, 32833, 279, 2410, 315, 701, 198, 86, 9585, 2136, 311, 2349, 627, 56, 6033, 527, 5017, 21519, 326, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 264, 30467, 11, 41792, 1694, 13, 816, 6033, 23528, 682, 198, 19045, 63938, 1120, 1063, 1695, 11, 719, 682, 220, 1695, 13, 32833, 701, 2410, 323, 387, 520, 9096, 198, 4291, 433, 11, 369, 499, 527, 6220, 920, 362, 816, 220, 220, 16, 220, 20, 198, 37, 297, 436, 342, 602, 348, 602, 308, 342, 220, 816, 297, 577, 436, 274, 384, 326, 282, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 350, 305, 297, 274, 384, 220, 468, 305, 297, 198, 39, 264, 348, 384, 220, 473, 577, 436, 259, 220, 816, 297, 577, 198, 51, 297, 1316, 529, 274, 18228, 374, 922, 369, 2728, 434, 72318, 7231, 6261, 323, 1884, 889, 198, 19553, 13194, 499, 11, 8617, 8736, 701, 4851, 311, 264, 502, 2237, 315, 21955, 198, 22479, 726, 627, 2520, 279, 3347, 1403, 5672, 11, 499, 6520, 5320, 6575, 389, 28965, 1690, 297, 282, 279, 2362, 198, 9978, 30921, 430, 1051, 22978, 499, 662, 358, 1440, 433, 5828, 529, 259, 459, 4228, 3465, 11, 779, 3041, 198, 22479, 726, 892, 311, 18890, 701, 5208, 13, 2650, 1587, 433, 2733, 3432, 311, 1427, 304, 198, 22479, 9686, 436, 7787, 323, 2733, 779, 1790, 30673, 30, 350, 264, 441, 264, 5655, 11745, 304, 13, 452, 15941, 4984, 198, 576, 11745, 323, 2019, 1174, 1054, 32, 20990, 0, 358, 1097, 20806, 733, 315, 856, 3347, 11, 323, 358, 2733, 2294, 18319, 198, 2520, 2728, 434, 374, 264, 1422, 282, 3951, 3158, 369, 682, 315, 603, 13, 468, 384, 1977, 709, 1521, 10215, 430, 198, 7821, 603, 369, 893, 379, 1667, 13, 350, 264, 441, 856, 1450, 11, 323, 3871, 1095, 529, 274, 990, 389, 6975, 198, 998, 369, 3041, 13520, 323, 1884, 889, 617, 13194, 603, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 656, 433, 627, 2520, 2728, 434, 297, 375, 12548, 1057, 23492, 311, 659, 27578, 588, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 3575, 449, 198, 385, 4504, 6261, 11, 499, 649, 636, 16075, 304, 459, 653, 2000, 7231, 1614, 13, 9176, 315, 603, 6920, 198, 911, 664, 4282, 369, 1667, 323, 1667, 13, 468, 384, 1253, 2733, 659, 6840, 34172, 1606, 315, 1148, 198, 90579, 1550, 311, 603, 13, 358, 1650, 420, 1694, 16075, 304, 279, 9527, 315, 513, 59180, 6840, 34172, 198, 2762, 479, 13, 468, 384, 636, 311, 387, 1314, 11, 719, 584, 2646, 636, 311, 387, 6380, 16853, 56, 6033, 1253, 220, 18792, 81, 37443, 323, 2019, 1174, 1054, 4071, 220, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 1440, 1148, 430, 1732, 1550, 220, 311, 198, 2727, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 653, 2000, 342, 344, 3025, 2029, 21347, 46243, 311, 369, 3041, 374, 264, 17936, 3245, 311, 656, 311, 198, 22479, 726, 13, 426, 3328, 77, 4043, 374, 1093, 50454, 3428, 287, 264, 42384, 315, 21109, 384, 1633, 1938, 662, 1102, 198, 40031, 24031, 323, 84496, 499, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 12266, 311, 387, 9498, 323, 1949, 994, 499, 198, 13397, 6261, 6965, 311, 279, 3347, 38167, 315, 279, 8706, 18330, 18872, 499, 649, 4048, 374, 311, 3619, 430, 198, 93057, 374, 3815, 279, 1888, 814, 649, 520, 904, 2728, 4545, 13, 5250, 297, 698, 649, 656, 198, 3323, 779, 1790, 289, 78942, 279, 8830, 11, 17985, 11, 323, 6677, 814, 617, 627, 644, 71091, 1174, 1274, 889, 8770, 1244, 3885, 1051, 5694, 8770, 2920, 304, 198, 3124, 5812, 13, 578, 7191, 279, 2237, 220, 315, 9349, 11, 279, 7191, 872, 9358, 6784, 323, 198, 1820, 810, 814, 1253, 98381, 704, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 311, 2019, 430, 872, 7865, 374, 198, 38116, 477, 3521, 23620, 13, 2650, 5230, 2781, 1174, 369, 701, 1866, 18330, 6650, 11, 499, 2011, 198, 1395, 8010, 315, 872, 6784, 627, 791, 3709, 72, 18653, 499, 220, 527, 10168, 389, 311, 374, 927, 2345, 66372, 1317, 927, 662, 6914, 433, 733, 627, 19118, 379, 1057, 726, 311, 387, 1949, 13, 15936, 704, 315, 420, 4443, 9527, 30596, 577, 617, 5918, 198, 438, 3094, 1139, 279, 52495, 315, 2324, 13, 1442, 279, 6671, 374, 14691, 11, 1243, 2610, 198, 22479, 726, 3249, 499, 1781, 779, 2697, 315, 6261, 430, 499, 2103, 2231, 709, 449, 433, 13, 8595, 198, 3055, 499, 4822, 304, 1778, 264, 6671, 5380, 56, 6033, 617, 264, 5873, 25, 499, 649, 4822, 16075, 323, 26242, 1174, 477, 499, 649, 656, 6261, 264, 198, 75060, 555, 73652, 369, 7231, 279, 220, 3347, 323, 20806, 433, 733, 11, 323, 1243, 7366, 389, 198, 998, 1893, 220, 264, 16267, 788, 11, 50698, 2324, 662, 816, 6033, 617, 279, 11542, 311, 1304, 701, 2324, 198, 73254, 499, 1390, 433, 311, 387, 11, 1606, 499, 617, 11542, 315, 5873, 627, 791, 4087, 17477, 315, 3432, 529, 274, 18228, 374, 311, 1520, 499, 4933, 701, 659, 5773, 4179, 336, 311, 198, 21470, 264, 2237, 430, 499, 690, 2187, 1193, 21955, 11704, 304, 701, 220, 2324, 13, 5321, 198, 3055, 539, 12571, 701, 892, 4560, 311, 220, 636, 1524, 13, 1102, 690, 539, 990, 13, 3639, 499, 3041, 198, 412, 2744, 4131, 1203, 311, 30596, 577, 13, 2100, 6068, 279, 3347, 323, 990, 389, 21955, 198, 22479, 726, 1457, 662, 5112, 499, 649, 617, 264, 11364, 3938, 627, 4054, 315, 279, 1455, 15525, 18228, 274, 358, 617, 9687, 374, 430, 994, 30596, 577, 656, 701, 198, 2000, 2728, 434, 990, 11, 433, 374, 539, 5995, 311, 733, 311, 279, 1274, 6532, 323, 3371, 198, 49818, 430, 499, 12018, 436, 3041, 1124, 13, 18156, 499, 690, 1390, 311, 656, 420, 11, 719, 499, 656, 198, 1962, 305, 42738, 311, 13, 578, 3682, 990, 304, 369, 2728, 434, 374, 2884, 304, 701, 1866, 4851, 323, 304, 198, 7096, 315, 701, 18327, 16853, 29690, 1174, 369, 2728, 434, 374, 56452, 369, 3885, 13, 1102, 374, 369, 499, 627, 4516, 1690, 1274, 617, 3309, 757, 430, 814, 617, 9615, 369, 2728, 4423, 11, 323, 198, 3473, 264, 2305, 477, 1403, 3010, 814, 617, 4036, 264, 4641, 1650, 477, 991, 64, 3900, 505, 430, 198, 9164, 11, 10371, 311, 387, 369, 2728, 13, 1115, 5084, 311, 3621, 1455, 3629, 1306, 3815, 198, 2000, 2728, 434, 506, 261, 272, 5014, 304, 4156, 315, 264, 18327, 662, 2100, 439, 499, 656, 279, 18327, 990, 198, 327, 48815, 304, 3432, 529, 274, 18228, 11, 1095, 6261, 3217, 701, 16024, 17693, 16853, 10267, 529, 274, 8136, 7626, 25, 1666, 358, 369, 3041, 7182, 11, 433, 9221, 8831, 311, 369, 3041, 3885, 7659, 1057, 6187, 220, 868, 34954, 468, 477, 74, 33918, 198, 40, 293, 658, 19704, 499, 312, 3846, 535, 279, 1455, 293, 665, 830, 275, 505, 369, 2728, 434, 990, 994, 499, 198, 3055, 602, 259, 304, 4156, 315, 264, 18327, 662, 358, 4284, 9455, 264, 18327, 499, 649, 4502, 259, 304, 4156, 315, 198, 19975, 2915, 662, 358, 1093, 311, 1005, 279, 1317, 18327, 389, 279, 1203, 315, 856, 14150, 6134, 16853, 36227, 6261, 892, 311, 656, 420, 10368, 13, 1628, 499, 690, 4762, 1390, 311, 13454, 198, 275, 3629, 13, 7648, 315, 603, 617, 264, 2763, 315, 1274, 311, 369, 3041, 627, 16, 662, 29508, 304, 4156, 315, 701, 18327, 323, 3345, 701, 6548, 13, 426, 1244, 383, 17693, 198, 325, 17998, 3115, 13, 32833, 6261, 45445, 389, 701, 10716, 16853, 17, 662, 21834, 315, 279, 1690, 1274, 889, 617, 13194 ]
pancreatic enzyme from the pig allows for a dosage of three 325-mg tablets taken four times a day. It’s contraindicated for sarcoma patients. Crude Liver/V itamin B12 (Cobalamin) Injection This combinatio n is taken once daily as an intramuscular injec tion in a dose of 100 mcg of vitamin B12 with 3 cc of crude liver extract. Other than the patie nt attain ing excessive levels of vitamin B12 and occasional allergic reactions, there is no known contraindication for the crude liver/B12 injection. AcidolThe gastrointestinal enzyme product known as Acidol (betaine hydrochloride and pepsin) is taken in a dose of two capsules daily, three times a day with meals. There are contraindications to taking this digestive aid consisting of gastric ulcers, gastritis, severe nausea, intestin al bleeding, or esoph ageal problems. Patien ts with these difficulties and those taking Coumadin concurrently with Gerson treatment should not receive Acidol. Coenzyme Q10 While not a vitamin, coenzyme Q10 has vitaminlike properties. It provides for an initial dose of 90 mg once per day. If no side effects in the form of tachyca rdia or arrhythmia arises, on the second day of taking it increase CoQ10 to 300 mg daily, and on the third day increase the dose to 600 mg. Remain at that higher dosage thereafter. Wobe-Mugos and Megazyme Forte These gastrointestinal enzymes are used primarily when the patient suffers from severe, excessive gas. Some reports also indicate that the enzymes may be helpful in reducing tumor masses. Laetrile Laetrile, known generically as amygdalin, is indicated for the treatment of bone metastases, and it may be useful in the treatment of lung cancers as well. When laetrile is available, it is used primarily to reduce pain levels, although this effect requires ten days to two weeks of daily administration for optim um results. The dosage is 2 grams (5 cc) intravenously once per day. It may be useful for severely weakened cancer patients who have or have not under gone chemotherapy. A physician must make that determination. Brewer ’s YeastThis type of food yeast derived from the brewing of beer is not recommended under most circumstances because of the potentially increased risk of the yeast syndrome (candidiasis) developing or worsening. Also, many people taking brewer ’s yeast report extreme abdominal distension and gas. Castor Oil T reatment This plant oil is contraindica ted in patients who have undergone chemotherapy pretreatment. In nonchemotreated patients who are much weakened, castor oil treatment may be applicable after six to nine months on the Gerson Therapy. Yet it should be taken with great caution, as extremely toxic side effects can occur from the body’ s resulting elimination of prior chemotherapy residues. Castor oil is a powerful detoxifier, and long-buried cytotoxicity can come out of the tissues. Such a release may produce severe healing reactions. Coffee Enemas Coffee enemas are standard for cancer patients who are sapped of strength. The dosage is a 32-ounce enema once or twice per day. In some people, this dosage will be reduced to half strength by mixing 16 ounces of chamomile tea with 16 ounces of coffee. The coffee enema dosage may gradually be increased as needed, but care must be taken not to overstimulate the liver and cause extremely toxic side effects from the elimination of noxious chemotherapy residues lodged within the body. FIRST-YEAR FOLLOW -UP THERAPY FOR THE DEBILIT ATED CANCER PATIENT Follow-up therapy is required on this reduced Gerson protocol for the debilitated cancer patient. Chan ges in the medications will be made during the first year of Gerson treatment. For instance, approximately one month after dischar ge from the inpati ent treatment center (probably six to nine weeks after admission to the Gerson hospital and start of the GersonTherapy), thyroid, potassium, and Lugol medications are adjusted. If the patient has been on extremely reduced levels, these medications may be increased by 25 to 50 percent. Other supplements are generally kept at initial levels. If the patient was receiving normal levels of the Gerson protocol (e.g., 40 tsp of potassium and eighteen drops of Lugol), these medication levels are reduced by approximately 50 percent, assuming the patient is making satisfactory progress and gaining in strength. If the patient has been receiving norma l levels of medications such as 40 tsp of K and eighteen drops of Lugol, such medicatio n levels are reduced by appro ximately 50 percent. The adjusted medicatio n levels are generally maintained for nine to fourteen months. Supplemental adjustments are often made based on the diagnostic blood work and other diagnostic means. Note that this follow-up protocol differs significantly from the information in Dr. Gerson’ s original book “A Cancer Therapy.” Patients must now be kept on higher dosages of the three main medications for longer periods than in Dr. Gerso n’s day. When medications are reduced too rapidly (such as according to the schedule in A Cancer Therapy), patients often have difficulties and experience a slowing of recovery or a recurrence of disease. For prostrate, vulnerable, or exhausted patients who have or have not under gone chem otherapy before undertaking the Gerson Therapy, following the instructions in this chapter will ensure health improvement and potential recovery from disease. The weak ened state for almost any indiv idual can be overcome by accepting the recommendations originally put forth by Max Gerson, M.D. References for Chapter Sixteen 1 Gerson, M. A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases: A Summary of 30 Years of Clinical Experimentatio n and The Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy, 6th edition. Bonita, Calif.: The Gerson Institute, 1999, pp. 223–248. 2Nixon, D.W ; Zanca, J.A. The Cancer Recovery Eating Plan: The Right Foods to Help Fuel Your Recov ery. New York: Times Books, 1994, pp. 23–26. OceanofPDF.comChapter Seventeen MODIFIED THERAPY FOR NONCANCER P ATIENTS At the beginning of a weekend in February 1995, Pittsbur gh, Pennsylvania, resident Pamela Ptak, now thirty-four years old, drove to her parents’ home in Springfield, Massachusetts, for their regular visit. When she woke up the next morning in the bed she had occupied as a teenager, she noted that a large gray spot was stuck in the center of the field of vision of her left eye. When she stood in front of the mirror and closed her right eye, she could no longer see her head. It was blocked by the central eye spot, which appeared dark, warped, rippled, and in a shade of gray. Moreover, this spot in Pamela’ s left eye caused much of her color vision to be lost. Alarmed, she returned to Pittsbur gh, depending on her right eye to see while driving. Once home, she consulted an ophthalmologist who had been recommended to her by the local hospital in her east Pittsbur gh area. The eye doctor thought that his new patient’ s problem was central serous retinopathy, a condition that often disappears by itself. Central serous retinopathy is marked by acute localized detachment of the neural retina or retinal pigment epithelium in the region of the macula. Unfortunately for the patient, this specialist was wrong. Rather, her blocking eye spot did not go away and stayed with Pamela Ptak until June 1995. During the ensuing four-month period, the spot’ s symptomatic effects had worsened. After revisiting the same physician, she was put through another diagnostic procedure called fluor escein angiogram, which showed that multiple spots were now forming layers on the retinas of both the patient’ s eyes. The ophthalmologist obser ved that tissue behind the retina was “eaten away” and pitted. From his viewing scope he saw that a kind of “bird’ s nest” group of blood vessels had formed, which had hemorrh aged in thecenter. This graphic description caused her great uneasiness and moved her toward consulting another ophthalmologist for a second opinion. The second eye specialist diagnosed the young woman as suffering from a different condition— ocular histoplasmosis, and he urged immediate surgery to remove the nest of blood vessels. But eye surgery for the correction of her ocular histoplasmosis held no attraction for the patient. Ocular histopla smosis is an acute degenerative infection of the eye resulting from the inhalation of spores of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. The infectio n, which can become chronic, remains asymptomatic until some alteration in the retina occurs. This second doctor traced her eye disease to her work in a highly toxic job at an advertising agency where she was constantly exposed to spray glues, toxic art materials, lots of deadline pressure, and severe
[ 98144, 49242, 505, 279, 24623, 6276, 369, 264, 47040, 315, 2380, 220, 15257, 1474, 70, 198, 2048, 2641, 4529, 3116, 3115, 264, 1938, 662, 1102, 753, 6155, 467, 67, 10297, 369, 29147, 82945, 6978, 627, 16384, 799, 22617, 28332, 433, 8778, 426, 717, 320, 34, 677, 278, 8778, 8, 54911, 198, 2028, 68225, 6400, 308, 374, 4529, 3131, 220, 7446, 439, 459, 10805, 56455, 22077, 5934, 762, 73352, 304, 264, 198, 67, 974, 315, 220, 1041, 19777, 70, 315, 28170, 426, 717, 449, 220, 18, 12810, 315, 35750, 26587, 8819, 13, 7089, 1109, 198, 1820, 3352, 648, 32512, 36861, 6892, 27639, 5990, 315, 28170, 426, 717, 323, 28961, 57596, 198, 265, 4109, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 3967, 6155, 467, 67, 20901, 369, 279, 35750, 26587, 16675, 717, 198, 258, 7761, 627, 11916, 307, 337, 791, 80311, 49242, 2027, 3967, 439, 50234, 337, 220, 320, 29651, 8511, 198, 67229, 72967, 579, 323, 281, 7270, 258, 8, 374, 4529, 304, 264, 19660, 315, 1403, 65879, 7446, 1174, 2380, 198, 15487, 264, 1938, 449, 21644, 13, 2684, 527, 6155, 467, 30780, 811, 311, 4737, 420, 60071, 198, 3864, 31706, 315, 89385, 8725, 17254, 11, 56780, 20000, 11, 15748, 61880, 11, 39408, 258, 453, 35763, 345, 269, 1560, 5237, 4325, 278, 5435, 13, 7281, 3675, 10814, 449, 1521, 27129, 323, 1884, 4737, 198, 69310, 20920, 258, 79126, 449, 480, 1293, 6514, 1288, 539, 5371, 50234, 337, 627, 7489, 65728, 1229, 605, 198, 8142, 539, 264, 28170, 11, 1080, 65728, 1229, 605, 706, 28170, 4908, 6012, 13, 1102, 198, 782, 68254, 369, 459, 2926, 19660, 315, 220, 1954, 14060, 3131, 824, 1938, 13, 1442, 912, 3185, 6372, 304, 279, 198, 630, 315, 259, 613, 88, 936, 23527, 689, 477, 2961, 61254, 689, 48282, 11, 389, 279, 2132, 1938, 315, 4737, 433, 198, 79601, 3623, 48, 605, 311, 220, 3101, 14060, 7446, 1174, 323, 389, 279, 4948, 1938, 5376, 279, 19660, 311, 198, 5067, 14060, 13, 92692, 520, 430, 5190, 47040, 46095, 16853, 54, 15784, 5364, 773, 437, 323, 28443, 1394, 31218, 11246, 68, 198, 9673, 80311, 56067, 527, 1511, 15871, 994, 279, 8893, 198, 82, 20964, 505, 15748, 11, 27639, 220, 6962, 13, 4427, 6821, 1101, 13519, 430, 279, 198, 17007, 79809, 1253, 387, 11190, 304, 18189, 36254, 32738, 627, 8921, 17820, 458, 198, 8921, 17820, 458, 11, 3967, 1803, 2740, 439, 64383, 29684, 36207, 11, 374, 16717, 369, 279, 6514, 198, 1073, 17685, 68370, 2315, 11, 323, 433, 1253, 387, 5505, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 21271, 51423, 439, 198, 9336, 13, 3277, 1208, 17820, 458, 374, 2561, 11, 433, 374, 1511, 15871, 311, 8108, 6784, 5990, 345, 37241, 420, 2515, 7612, 5899, 2919, 311, 1403, 5672, 315, 7446, 8735, 198, 2000, 7706, 4543, 3135, 13, 578, 47040, 374, 220, 17, 34419, 320, 20, 12810, 8, 10805, 5389, 7162, 3131, 824, 198, 1316, 13, 1102, 1253, 387, 5505, 369, 35906, 58764, 9572, 6978, 889, 617, 477, 198, 19553, 539, 1234, 8208, 62730, 662, 362, 28378, 2011, 1304, 430, 198, 67, 82137, 627, 33, 4361, 261, 18217, 82, 32269, 561, 2028, 955, 315, 3691, 41580, 14592, 505, 279, 50259, 315, 13179, 374, 539, 198, 86447, 1234, 1455, 13463, 1606, 315, 279, 13893, 198, 43842, 1503, 5326, 315, 279, 41580, 28439, 320, 66, 4654, 3557, 285, 8, 11469, 477, 93405, 627, 13699, 11, 1690, 1274, 4737, 17109, 261, 18217, 82, 41580, 1934, 14560, 57056, 198, 12489, 2711, 323, 6962, 627, 19235, 269, 15895, 350, 312, 266, 479, 198, 2028, 6136, 5707, 374, 6155, 467, 67, 3074, 42323, 304, 6978, 889, 617, 64238, 198, 2464, 42811, 4509, 35320, 13, 763, 2536, 2464, 354, 2920, 6978, 889, 527, 1790, 198, 906, 3448, 291, 11, 6445, 269, 5707, 6514, 1253, 387, 8581, 1306, 4848, 311, 11888, 4038, 198, 263, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 662, 14968, 433, 1288, 387, 4529, 449, 2294, 28930, 11, 439, 198, 428, 54358, 21503, 3185, 6372, 649, 12446, 505, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 13239, 44032, 198, 1073, 4972, 220, 62730, 71783, 662, 11514, 269, 5707, 374, 264, 8147, 61987, 3125, 1174, 323, 198, 4930, 1481, 324, 1142, 79909, 91676, 488, 649, 2586, 704, 315, 279, 39881, 13, 15483, 264, 4984, 1253, 198, 98374, 15748, 21730, 25481, 627, 83380, 2998, 35262, 198, 83380, 665, 35262, 527, 5410, 369, 9572, 6978, 889, 527, 274, 5795, 315, 198, 75337, 13, 578, 47040, 374, 264, 220, 843, 12, 9933, 665, 9355, 3131, 477, 11157, 824, 1938, 13, 763, 1063, 198, 16455, 11, 420, 47040, 690, 387, 11293, 311, 4376, 8333, 555, 27890, 220, 845, 49138, 315, 198, 331, 309, 316, 458, 15600, 449, 220, 845, 49138, 315, 11033, 13, 578, 11033, 665, 9355, 47040, 1253, 198, 6902, 1870, 387, 7319, 439, 4460, 11, 719, 2512, 2011, 387, 4529, 539, 311, 198, 2017, 54754, 6468, 279, 26587, 323, 5353, 9193, 21503, 3185, 6372, 505, 279, 198, 40895, 2617, 315, 912, 30351, 62730, 71783, 74732, 2949, 279, 2547, 16853, 68892, 30237, 21176, 58772, 482, 3202, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 220, 4716, 3247, 220, 3467, 33, 1750, 964, 7520, 1507, 20076, 34, 643, 198, 93585, 10990, 198, 12763, 5352, 15419, 374, 2631, 389, 420, 11293, 480, 1293, 11766, 369, 279, 198, 39035, 3748, 660, 9572, 8893, 13, 42402, 14748, 304, 279, 31010, 690, 387, 1903, 2391, 198, 1820, 1176, 1060, 315, 480, 1293, 6514, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 13489, 832, 2305, 198, 10924, 834, 1799, 3980, 505, 279, 304, 4781, 72, 1218, 6514, 4219, 320, 55540, 4848, 311, 11888, 198, 82089, 1306, 26360, 311, 279, 480, 1293, 8952, 323, 1212, 315, 279, 480, 1293, 1016, 261, 9864, 705, 54060, 11, 62275, 11, 323, 93590, 337, 31010, 527, 24257, 13, 1442, 279, 198, 23557, 706, 1027, 389, 9193, 11293, 5990, 11, 1521, 31010, 1253, 387, 198, 43842, 1503, 555, 220, 914, 311, 220, 1135, 3346, 13, 7089, 33690, 527, 8965, 8774, 520, 198, 9613, 5990, 627, 2746, 279, 8893, 574, 12588, 4725, 5990, 315, 279, 480, 1293, 11766, 320, 68, 1326, 2637, 220, 1272, 198, 83, 2203, 315, 62275, 323, 63134, 21701, 315, 93590, 337, 705, 1521, 24099, 5990, 527, 198, 265, 54478, 555, 13489, 220, 1135, 3346, 11, 26619, 279, 8893, 220, 374, 3339, 198, 82, 7630, 2992, 5208, 323, 30240, 304, 8333, 13, 1442, 279, 8893, 706, 1027, 198, 265, 47444, 7617, 64, 326, 5990, 315, 31010, 1778, 439, 220, 1272, 39020, 315, 735, 323, 63134, 198, 91612, 315, 93590, 337, 11, 1778, 8249, 6400, 308, 5990, 527, 11293, 555, 3057, 865, 7253, 220, 1135, 198, 25426, 13, 578, 24257, 8249, 6400, 308, 5990, 527, 8965, 18908, 369, 11888, 311, 198, 35124, 15247, 4038, 662, 43491, 278, 220, 34074, 527, 3629, 1903, 3196, 389, 279, 198, 8747, 12219, 6680, 990, 323, 1023, 15439, 3445, 627, 9290, 430, 420, 1833, 5352, 11766, 44642, 12207, 505, 279, 198, 26125, 304, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 529, 274, 4113, 2363, 1054, 32, 26211, 40143, 662, 863, 44430, 198, 25849, 1457, 387, 8774, 389, 5190, 8924, 1154, 315, 279, 2380, 1925, 31010, 369, 198, 4930, 261, 18852, 1109, 304, 2999, 13, 480, 388, 78, 308, 753, 1938, 13, 3277, 31010, 527, 11293, 2288, 198, 86812, 398, 320, 21470, 439, 4184, 311, 279, 9899, 304, 362, 26211, 40143, 705, 220, 6978, 198, 61917, 617, 27129, 323, 3217, 264, 48408, 315, 13654, 477, 264, 76293, 198, 1073, 8624, 627, 2520, 463, 71015, 11, 20134, 11, 477, 39019, 6978, 889, 617, 477, 617, 539, 198, 8154, 8208, 8590, 1023, 9864, 1603, 49326, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 1174, 2768, 198, 1820, 11470, 304, 420, 12735, 690, 6106, 2890, 16048, 323, 4754, 198, 265, 7601, 505, 8624, 13, 578, 7621, 665, 291, 1614, 369, 4661, 904, 3687, 887, 940, 649, 387, 198, 2017, 2063, 555, 25694, 279, 19075, 13517, 2231, 13544, 555, 7639, 198, 38, 1293, 11, 386, 920, 627, 32812, 369, 15957, 19198, 15247, 198, 16, 198, 38, 1293, 11, 386, 13, 362, 26211, 40143, 25, 18591, 315, 76020, 47124, 25, 362, 22241, 315, 220, 966, 198, 55519, 315, 33135, 47893, 6400, 308, 323, 578, 70819, 315, 21844, 26211, 555, 198, 35, 3978, 40143, 1174, 220, 21, 339, 14002, 13, 13789, 6388, 11, 41889, 18976, 578, 480, 1293, 10181, 11, 220, 2550, 24, 11, 12086, 627, 12533, 4235, 14185, 627, 17, 45, 29572, 11, 423, 1196, 2652, 1901, 64345, 11, 622, 885, 13, 578, 26211, 35011, 60638, 9878, 25, 578, 10291, 198, 37, 9242, 311, 11736, 37384, 4718, 4158, 869, 89357, 13, 1561, 4356, 25, 8691, 18312, 11, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 12086, 627, 1419, 4235, 1627, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 26072, 78318, 15258, 198, 27557, 28420, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 4716, 21219, 34, 27267, 643, 393, 7520, 10990, 50, 198, 1688, 279, 7314, 315, 264, 9178, 304, 7552, 220, 2550, 20, 11, 21823, 82, 11490, 37224, 345, 82031, 18987, 11, 19504, 83243, 52170, 587, 11, 1457, 27219, 42117, 1667, 2362, 11, 23980, 311, 1077, 198, 26534, 529, 2162, 304, 53524, 11, 22108, 11, 369, 872, 5912, 4034, 13, 3277, 198, 32158, 39826, 709, 279, 1828, 6693, 304, 279, 4950, 1364, 1047, 25366, 439, 264, 32639, 13801, 32158, 10555, 430, 264, 3544, 18004, 7858, 574, 16075, 304, 279, 4219, 315, 279, 2115, 315, 11376, 198, 1073, 1077, 2163, 8071, 13, 3277, 1364, 14980, 220, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 18327, 323, 8036, 1077, 1314, 198, 19494, 11, 1364, 1436, 912, 5129, 1518, 1077, 2010, 13, 1102, 574, 19857, 555, 279, 8792, 8071, 198, 19164, 11, 902, 9922, 6453, 11, 87312, 11, 24169, 50185, 11, 323, 304, 264, 28601, 315, 18004, 627, 58276, 1174, 420, 7858, 304, 83243, 529, 274, 2163, 8071, 9057, 1790, 315, 1077, 1933, 11376, 311, 198, 1395, 5675, 627, 2149, 31372, 11, 1364, 6052, 311, 21823, 82, 11490, 37224, 11, 11911, 389, 1077, 1314, 8071, 311, 1518, 198, 3556, 10043, 13, 9843, 2162, 11, 1364, 61302, 459, 297, 81937, 16549, 889, 1047, 1027, 198, 86447, 311, 1077, 555, 279, 2254, 8952, 304, 1077, 11226, 21823, 82, 11490, 37224, 3158, 13, 578, 198, 19494, 10896, 3463, 430, 813, 502, 8893, 529, 274, 3575, 574, 8792, 1446, 788, 198, 2171, 258, 54042, 1174, 264, 3044, 430, 3629, 61370, 555, 5196, 13, 10913, 1446, 788, 198, 2171, 258, 54042, 220, 374, 13160, 555, 30883, 44589, 100177, 315, 279, 30828, 84827, 477, 198, 2171, 992, 77678, 64779, 301, 2411, 304, 279, 5654, 315, 279, 9155, 5724, 627, 31140, 369, 279, 8893, 11, 420, 24687, 574, 5076, 13, 26848, 1174, 1077, 198, 71456, 8071, 7858, 1550, 539, 733, 3201, 323, 20186, 449, 83243, 52170, 587, 3156, 5651, 198, 2550, 20, 13, 12220, 279, 72758, 3116, 23086, 4261, 11, 279, 7858, 529, 274, 12104, 13795, 6372, 198, 32345, 47293, 6901, 627, 6153, 17951, 5977, 279, 1890, 28378, 11, 1364, 574, 2231, 1555, 2500, 198, 8747, 12219, 10537, 2663, 54736, 1560, 346, 258, 92962, 13255, 11, 220, 902, 8710, 430, 198, 36773, 19300, 1051, 1457, 30164, 13931, 389, 279, 2160, 20718, 315, 2225, 279, 8893, 529, 274, 198, 58331, 13, 578, 297, 81937, 16549, 1536, 805, 29033, 430, 20438, 4920, 279, 84827, 220, 574, 1054, 68, 13827, 198, 14075, 863, 323, 281, 3847, 13, 5659, 813, 20705, 7036, 568, 5602, 430, 264, 3169, 315, 1054, 23414, 529, 274, 198, 22129, 863, 1912, 315, 6680, 31080, 1047, 14454, 11, 902, 1047, 71417, 20330, 304, 279, 3133, 662, 1115, 21154, 4096, 9057, 1077, 2294, 6316, 300, 1918, 323, 7882, 1077, 198, 83, 83071, 31831, 2500, 297, 81937, 16549, 369, 264, 2132, 9647, 627, 791, 2132, 8071, 24687, 29704, 279, 3995, 5333, 439, 16066, 505, 198, 64, 2204, 3044, 2345, 18274, 1299, 13034, 454, 14833, 8801, 285, 11, 220, 323, 568, 28932, 14247, 198, 82, 85392, 311, 4148, 279, 23634, 315, 6680, 31080, 13, 2030, 8071, 15173, 369, 279, 198, 6133, 31466, 315, 1077, 18274, 1299, 13034, 454, 14833, 8801, 285, 5762, 912, 33464, 369, 279, 8893, 627, 46, 22077, 13034, 454, 4355, 1554, 10934, 374, 459, 30883, 5367, 75989, 19405, 315, 279, 8071, 198, 1407, 287, 505, 279, 77773, 367, 220, 315, 993, 4692, 315, 279, 79902, 67005, 454, 14833, 1764, 198, 49333, 360, 27349, 13, 220, 578, 34527, 822, 308, 11, 902, 649, 3719, 21249, 11, 8625, 198, 300, 1631, 418, 13795, 3156, 1063, 73681, 304, 279, 84827, 13980, 13, 1115, 2132, 10896, 198, 376, 4535, 1077, 8071, 8624, 311, 1077, 990, 304, 264, 7701, 21503, 2683, 520, 459, 13172, 198, 56665, 1405, 1364, 574, 15320, 15246, 311, 23749, 2840, 1157, 11, 21503, 1989, 198, 78672, 11, 10283, 315, 22143, 7410, 11, 323, 15748 ]
But I needed a miracle to calm my anxiety and I prayed for one. Dear God, please help me see her innocence. A couple of hours later I got a text from her. She’d had the flu since last week, she was only starting to feel better, and could she call me tomorrow? She topped it of f with a sweet “I love you!” I hate to admit it even to myself, but there was a time in my life when I might have preempted that miracle with a ridiculous text. The ego claims to be the solution to any anxiety we feel when conflict arises: Project the blame outwar d! Tell that person how you feel! Tell them how wrong they are! The ego doesn’ t want us to realize, of course, that the attack will boomerang on us. In fostering guilt in anyone, the ego seeks to cancel out God. The ego constantly seesaws between thoughts of attack and thoughts of defense, both of which foster a belief that someone is guilty and theref ore separate from us. Forgiveness reminds us of the eternal innocence in which we were all created. It also reminds us of our oneness with each other, opening our eyes to our spiritual unity. Recognizing our oneness dissolves the ego, because ego is the false belief that we’re separate, and it disappe ars when we see we’re not. Where love is, ego cannot be. Forgiveness means remembering everyone is innocent becau se God created us that way. All of us lose conscious contact with our innocence at times, living as we do in a world that so contradicts it. But love sees through the illusion of the mistaken self to the truth that lies beyond. Everyone makes mistakes. Forgiveness has to do with how we respond to them, and how we respond to them has to do with how we interpret them. The miracle-min ded interpretation of all human behavior is to see whatever someone did as either love or a call for love. In either case, the appropriate response is love. When we judge someone, we’re holding them hostage to our expectations and standards. But we’re holding ourselves hostage as well, for the warden can’t leave the prison anymore than the prisoner can. The only way we can free ourselves is if we are willing to free others. What I perceive in you I cannot escape experiencing within myself. “Forgiveness is a selective remembering, based not on your selection”* (T-354). It is a conscious decision to focus on things that a person did rightwhile our ego is screaming about the thing they did wrong. In the case of my friend—and how often this is true—she hadn’ t even done anything; I just imagined that she had! Forgiveness is a choice to stand on what we know in our hearts, more than on what we perceive with our physical senses. Forgiving you, I free myself from the effects of whatever lovelessness you had shown me. Choosing not to believe in the cause, I am invulnerable to the effects. And as I choose that miracle in my own life, I become a miracle worker in yours. You are blessed, because my choice to see your innocence remin ds you it is there. I am blessed, because in releasing you from guilt I am releasing myself from guilt. Every encounter is a path to heaven or a path to hell, depending on whether I choose for my heart to be open or closed. It is only in choosing to see your innocence that I can see mine. We cannot experience inner peace if we’re holding thoughts of attack against anyone. We can escape the world we don’t want only by giving up attack thoughts. Everyone we meet is either our crucifier or our savior, depending on what we choose to be to them. Forgiveness is both our function and our salvation. It is the only antidote to our war on ourself and others. It is our return to sanity in a world that has gone insane. Forgivene ss is an illusion, because it remains within the realm of mortal thought. But it is an illusion that leads beyond illusion. Forgiveness is the way we are set free. The mystic Jesus is the mind of forgiveness. He loves all of us unconditionally because he sees us with the eyes of God. Seeing us with the eyes of God, he sees there is nothing not to love. The miracle of forgiveness is that then we can see it too. Dear Jesus, I know yours is the mind of unconditional love, but of myself I cannot get ther e. My wound, my trigger, my pain is too gr eat. I cannot see the innocence in one who hurt me. But I am willing, for I know that in my r esistance to love I only hurt myself. My mind and heart ar e open to r eceive you. Please change my mind and uplift my heart, that I might love as you do and thus know inner peace. AmenOceanofPDF.comGiving Up Grievances The ego’s plan for salvation centers around holding grievances. It maintains that, if someone else spoke or acted differently, if some external circumstance or event were chan ged, you would be saved. Thus, the source of salvation is constantly perceived as outside yourself. Each grievance you hold is a declaration, an assertion in which you believe, that says, “If this were different, I would be saved.” The change of mind necessary for salvation is thus demanded of everyone and everything except yourself. The role assigned to your own mind in this plan, then, is simply to determine what, other than itself, must change if you are to be saved. According to this insane plan, any perceived source of salvation is acceptable provided that it will not work. This ensures that the fruitless search will continue, for the illusion persists that, although this hope has always failed, there is still grounds for hope in other places and in other things. Another person will yet serve better; another situation will yet offer success. Such is the ego’s plan for your salvation. Surely you can see how it is in strict accord with the ego’s basic doctrine: “Seek but do not find.”* (WB- 121) Many of us have experienced relationships that felt at some point too hard to heal. Sometimes we’ve held on to grievances for decades. Yet even the smallest grievance is like a shadow that blocks the sun. Giving up grievances can be particularly difficult when we feel convinced that the grievance is valid. Then it feels as though by forgiving someone, we’re condoning bad behavior. But refusing to forgive someone isn’t hurting them; it’s hurting you. Do you prefer that you be right or happy?* (T -617). Most important, by holding grievances, we’re keeping the universe from healing whateve r situation we were upset by to begin with. We’re giving allthe power to one we feel hurt by, when the power of God would be ready to fix the situation if only we would get out of the way. The universe is always ready to begin again, to create the next great thing. God can solve any problem the moment the problem occurs. But by carrying grievances from the past into the present, we’re preventing Him from doing so. We have to choose to let the miracle in. Our grievances keep us tied to the past, programming the future to be just like it. Only in the Holy Instant, in the space of love that transcends our focus on the past, do our grievances give way to miracles. Many years ago I had a lunch date with a famous writer whose husband was the editor of a very powerfu l magazine. There had been an article in the magazine that I felt was demeaning to me, and I felt hurt. I cringe to even think of it now, but I had so little self-discipline that I mentioned my grievance to the woman at lunch. I saw her face fall and, in that moment, I knew what I had done. I didn’ t even know yet how badly I had blown it, in fact. I learned afterw ard that her husband had a very serious cancer; she had read my book, and she had asked to have lunch with me to seek wisdom and counsel. Having not been taken seriously, a situation arose in which I would have been taken seriously indeed. Yet I was the one who deflected that. I show ed up as a hurt, petty person dragging the past into the present, and in doing so I blocked the miracle. According to A Course in Miracles, we can have a grievance or a miracle, but we cannot have both. “Holding grievances is an attack on God’ s plan for salvation”* (WB-124). Some of the things we need to forgive at times are far, far worse than someone saying something that hurt our feelings. Betrayal, theft, violence —life can be hard, and people can be cruel. Forgiveness can be a process that takes time and doesn’ t come quickly or easily. But it’s a merciful act not only to the other person but to you. The more we hold on to our grievance, the longer it will take for the universe to correct the error and heal our wound. Forgiving a person doesn’ t mean we’re condoning what they did. And we don’t have to worry that by our forgiving them they’re going to get away with something either. Divine justice is inviolable; the universe
[ 2030, 358, 4460, 264, 45125, 311, 19858, 198, 2465, 18547, 323, 358, 67797, 369, 832, 13, 43922, 4359, 11, 4587, 1520, 757, 1518, 1077, 198, 6258, 511, 768, 627, 32, 5743, 315, 4207, 3010, 358, 2751, 264, 1495, 505, 1077, 13, 3005, 7070, 1047, 279, 20236, 2533, 1566, 198, 10476, 11, 1364, 574, 1193, 6041, 311, 2733, 2731, 1174, 323, 1436, 1364, 1650, 757, 16986, 5380, 8100, 40901, 433, 315, 282, 449, 264, 10437, 1054, 40, 3021, 499, 18319, 198, 40, 12491, 311, 17113, 433, 1524, 311, 7182, 11, 719, 1070, 574, 264, 892, 304, 856, 2324, 994, 358, 198, 46068, 617, 82847, 291, 430, 45125, 449, 264, 27873, 1495, 13, 578, 37374, 8349, 311, 198, 1395, 279, 6425, 311, 904, 18547, 584, 2733, 994, 12324, 48282, 25, 5907, 279, 198, 2067, 373, 704, 11710, 294, 0, 25672, 430, 1732, 1268, 499, 2733, 0, 25672, 1124, 1268, 5076, 814, 198, 548, 0, 578, 37374, 3250, 529, 259, 1390, 603, 311, 13383, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 430, 279, 3440, 690, 198, 754, 26429, 526, 389, 603, 627, 644, 86644, 34951, 304, 5606, 11, 279, 37374, 26737, 311, 9299, 704, 4359, 13, 578, 37374, 198, 1040, 18007, 16008, 8805, 1990, 11555, 315, 3440, 323, 11555, 315, 9232, 345, 21704, 315, 902, 31087, 264, 16801, 430, 4423, 374, 16390, 323, 1070, 69, 16536, 8821, 198, 1527, 603, 13, 70675, 13071, 35710, 603, 315, 279, 35825, 57311, 304, 902, 584, 1051, 198, 543, 3549, 13, 1102, 1101, 35710, 603, 315, 1057, 389, 24639, 449, 1855, 1023, 1174, 8736, 1057, 198, 58331, 311, 1057, 18330, 31426, 662, 67975, 4954, 1057, 389, 24639, 14091, 18685, 279, 37374, 345, 28753, 37374, 374, 279, 905, 16801, 430, 584, 3207, 8821, 11, 323, 433, 21504, 802, 82, 994, 198, 906, 1518, 584, 3207, 539, 13, 11208, 3021, 374, 11, 37374, 4250, 387, 627, 34635, 13071, 3445, 48384, 5127, 374, 25226, 387, 936, 84, 513, 4359, 198, 7266, 603, 430, 1648, 13, 2052, 315, 603, 9229, 17371, 3729, 449, 1057, 57311, 520, 198, 15487, 11, 5496, 439, 584, 656, 304, 264, 1917, 430, 779, 23093, 31095, 433, 13, 2030, 3021, 16008, 198, 20322, 279, 41919, 315, 279, 37104, 659, 311, 279, 8206, 430, 15812, 7953, 627, 34124, 3727, 21294, 13, 70675, 13071, 706, 311, 656, 449, 1268, 584, 6013, 198, 998, 1124, 11, 220, 323, 1268, 584, 6013, 311, 1124, 706, 311, 656, 449, 1268, 584, 14532, 1124, 627, 791, 45125, 13703, 7836, 23692, 315, 682, 3823, 7865, 374, 311, 1518, 8996, 198, 90579, 1550, 439, 3060, 3021, 477, 264, 1650, 369, 3021, 13, 763, 3060, 1162, 11, 279, 8475, 198, 2376, 374, 3021, 627, 4599, 584, 11913, 4423, 11, 584, 3207, 10168, 1124, 59468, 311, 1057, 198, 17557, 811, 323, 10886, 13, 2030, 584, 3207, 10168, 13520, 59468, 439, 1664, 345, 2000, 279, 289, 8506, 649, 1431, 5387, 279, 9527, 14926, 1109, 279, 42950, 649, 13, 578, 198, 3323, 1648, 584, 649, 1949, 13520, 374, 422, 584, 527, 10032, 311, 1949, 3885, 13, 3639, 358, 198, 716, 8402, 304, 499, 358, 4250, 12731, 25051, 2949, 7182, 627, 2118, 34635, 13071, 374, 264, 44010, 48384, 11, 3196, 539, 389, 701, 6727, 863, 5736, 4233, 12, 18384, 570, 1102, 374, 264, 17371, 5597, 311, 5357, 389, 2574, 430, 264, 1732, 1550, 1314, 3556, 1057, 37374, 374, 35101, 922, 279, 3245, 814, 1550, 5076, 13, 763, 279, 1162, 315, 198, 2465, 4333, 17223, 1268, 3629, 420, 374, 837, 2345, 32158, 19117, 529, 259, 1524, 2884, 220, 4205, 26, 358, 198, 4345, 35706, 430, 1364, 1047, 0, 70675, 13071, 374, 264, 5873, 311, 2559, 389, 1148, 584, 198, 33134, 304, 1057, 23492, 11, 810, 1109, 389, 1148, 584, 45493, 449, 1057, 7106, 198, 82, 4377, 627, 34635, 2299, 499, 11, 358, 1949, 7182, 505, 279, 6372, 315, 8996, 3021, 33028, 198, 9514, 1047, 6982, 757, 13, 77351, 539, 311, 4510, 304, 279, 5353, 11, 358, 1097, 1558, 94007, 198, 998, 279, 6372, 13, 1628, 439, 358, 5268, 430, 45125, 304, 856, 1866, 2324, 11, 358, 3719, 264, 198, 20531, 8061, 12128, 304, 18821, 13, 1472, 527, 33944, 11, 1606, 856, 5873, 311, 1518, 701, 198, 6258, 511, 768, 43650, 11729, 499, 433, 374, 1070, 13, 358, 1097, 33944, 11, 1606, 304, 28965, 499, 198, 1527, 34951, 358, 1097, 28965, 7182, 505, 34951, 13, 7357, 13123, 374, 264, 1853, 311, 198, 383, 5389, 477, 264, 1853, 311, 15123, 11, 11911, 389, 3508, 358, 5268, 369, 856, 4851, 311, 387, 198, 2569, 477, 8036, 13, 1102, 374, 1193, 304, 19301, 311, 1518, 701, 57311, 430, 358, 649, 1518, 198, 6095, 627, 1687, 4250, 3217, 9358, 9096, 422, 584, 3207, 10168, 11555, 315, 3440, 198, 69849, 5606, 13, 1226, 649, 12731, 279, 1917, 584, 1541, 1431, 1390, 1193, 555, 7231, 709, 198, 21208, 11555, 13, 22172, 584, 3449, 374, 3060, 1057, 15131, 3125, 477, 1057, 274, 5758, 13801, 81580, 389, 1148, 584, 5268, 311, 387, 311, 1124, 627, 34635, 13071, 374, 2225, 1057, 734, 323, 1057, 46035, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 1193, 198, 519, 307, 1295, 311, 1057, 4208, 389, 1057, 726, 323, 3885, 13, 1102, 374, 1057, 471, 311, 47942, 304, 264, 1917, 198, 9210, 706, 8208, 35118, 13, 70675, 344, 1994, 11107, 374, 459, 41919, 11, 1606, 433, 8625, 2949, 198, 1820, 22651, 315, 49972, 3463, 13, 2030, 433, 374, 459, 41919, 430, 11767, 7953, 41919, 627, 34635, 13071, 374, 279, 1648, 584, 527, 743, 1949, 627, 791, 11679, 292, 10811, 374, 279, 4059, 315, 53150, 13, 1283, 16180, 682, 315, 603, 198, 359, 97067, 1606, 568, 16008, 603, 449, 279, 6548, 315, 4359, 13, 56124, 220, 603, 449, 279, 198, 58331, 315, 4359, 11, 568, 16008, 1070, 374, 4400, 539, 311, 3021, 13, 578, 45125, 315, 53150, 198, 285, 430, 1243, 584, 649, 1518, 433, 2288, 627, 31765, 10811, 345, 40, 1440, 18821, 374, 279, 4059, 315, 84663, 3021, 345, 8248, 315, 7182, 358, 4250, 636, 9139, 384, 627, 5159, 27653, 11, 856, 8346, 1174, 856, 6784, 374, 2288, 1099, 8343, 627, 40, 4250, 1518, 279, 57311, 304, 832, 889, 13194, 757, 627, 4071, 358, 1097, 10032, 345, 2000, 358, 1440, 430, 304, 856, 436, 1560, 4011, 311, 3021, 358, 1193, 13194, 7182, 627, 5159, 4059, 323, 4851, 802, 384, 1825, 311, 436, 384, 8402, 499, 627, 5618, 2349, 856, 4059, 323, 97547, 856, 4851, 345, 9210, 358, 2643, 3021, 439, 499, 656, 323, 8617, 1440, 9358, 9096, 627, 32, 5794, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 97602, 3216, 64004, 5230, 3095, 198, 791, 37374, 753, 3197, 369, 46035, 19169, 2212, 10168, 88036, 13, 1102, 198, 67913, 1771, 430, 11, 422, 4423, 775, 12570, 477, 31532, 22009, 1174, 422, 1063, 9434, 198, 44398, 372, 1333, 477, 1567, 1051, 27114, 53293, 11, 499, 1053, 387, 6924, 13, 14636, 11, 279, 2592, 198, 1073, 46035, 374, 15320, 26617, 439, 4994, 6261, 13, 9062, 51013, 685, 499, 198, 6416, 374, 264, 18489, 11, 459, 28519, 304, 902, 499, 4510, 11, 430, 2795, 11, 1054, 2746, 420, 198, 52898, 2204, 11, 358, 1053, 387, 6924, 2029, 578, 2349, 315, 4059, 5995, 369, 198, 19776, 61428, 374, 8617, 30526, 315, 5127, 323, 4395, 3734, 6261, 627, 791, 3560, 12893, 311, 701, 1866, 4059, 304, 420, 3197, 11, 1243, 11, 374, 5042, 311, 198, 67, 25296, 1148, 11, 1023, 1109, 5196, 11, 2011, 2349, 422, 499, 527, 311, 387, 6924, 627, 11439, 311, 420, 35118, 3197, 11, 904, 26617, 2592, 315, 46035, 374, 198, 38116, 3984, 430, 433, 690, 539, 990, 13, 1115, 26420, 430, 279, 14098, 1752, 198, 1874, 690, 3136, 11, 369, 279, 41919, 67145, 430, 11, 8051, 420, 3987, 706, 198, 33222, 4745, 11, 1070, 374, 2103, 21319, 369, 3987, 304, 1023, 7634, 323, 304, 1023, 198, 58174, 13, 13596, 1732, 690, 3686, 8854, 2731, 26, 2500, 6671, 690, 3686, 3085, 198, 5748, 627, 21365, 374, 279, 37374, 753, 3197, 369, 701, 46035, 13, 65288, 499, 649, 1518, 1268, 433, 374, 304, 198, 6765, 14902, 449, 279, 37374, 753, 6913, 33235, 25, 1054, 40450, 719, 656, 539, 1505, 2029, 9, 320, 53968, 7058, 7994, 340, 8607, 315, 603, 617, 10534, 12135, 430, 6612, 520, 1063, 1486, 2288, 198, 19221, 311, 27661, 13, 18156, 584, 4070, 5762, 389, 311, 88036, 369, 11026, 13, 14968, 1524, 198, 1820, 25655, 51013, 685, 374, 1093, 264, 12737, 430, 10215, 279, 7160, 627, 97602, 709, 88036, 649, 387, 8104, 5107, 994, 584, 2733, 198, 444, 9799, 2041, 430, 279, 51013, 685, 374, 2764, 13, 5112, 433, 11321, 439, 3582, 555, 93441, 198, 90579, 11, 584, 3207, 9955, 20324, 3958, 7865, 662, 2030, 39089, 311, 44491, 4423, 198, 285, 77, 1431, 48389, 1124, 26, 433, 753, 48389, 499, 13, 3234, 499, 10932, 430, 499, 387, 1314, 477, 198, 57621, 30, 9, 320, 51, 482, 21717, 4390, 13622, 3062, 11, 555, 10168, 88036, 11, 584, 3207, 10494, 279, 15861, 505, 198, 383, 6260, 421, 349, 588, 436, 6671, 584, 1051, 23268, 555, 311, 3240, 449, 13, 1226, 3207, 7231, 682, 1820, 2410, 311, 832, 584, 2733, 13194, 555, 11, 994, 279, 2410, 315, 4359, 1053, 387, 5644, 311, 198, 5862, 279, 6671, 422, 1193, 584, 1053, 636, 704, 315, 279, 1648, 13, 578, 15861, 374, 2744, 198, 2359, 311, 3240, 1578, 11, 311, 1893, 220, 279, 1828, 2294, 3245, 13, 4359, 649, 11886, 904, 198, 35686, 279, 4545, 279, 3575, 13980, 13, 2030, 555, 15691, 88036, 505, 198, 1820, 3347, 1139, 279, 3118, 11, 584, 3207, 27252, 21058, 505, 3815, 779, 13, 1226, 617, 311, 198, 28150, 311, 1095, 279, 45125, 304, 13, 5751, 88036, 2567, 603, 17791, 311, 279, 3347, 345, 92726, 279, 3938, 311, 387, 1120, 1093, 433, 13, 8442, 304, 279, 19229, 18549, 11, 304, 279, 198, 8920, 315, 3021, 430, 42590, 1438, 1057, 5357, 389, 279, 3347, 11, 656, 1057, 88036, 3041, 198, 3195, 311, 71912, 627, 8607, 1667, 4227, 358, 1047, 264, 16163, 2457, 449, 264, 11495, 7061, 6832, 10177, 198, 16514, 279, 6576, 315, 264, 1633, 2410, 33721, 326, 14756, 13, 2684, 1047, 1027, 459, 4652, 304, 279, 198, 31606, 10119, 430, 358, 6612, 574, 61552, 287, 311, 757, 11, 323, 358, 6612, 13194, 13, 358, 1589, 18177, 311, 1524, 198, 27963, 315, 433, 1457, 11, 719, 358, 1047, 779, 2697, 659, 52765, 48529, 430, 358, 9932, 856, 198, 70, 462, 5230, 685, 311, 279, 5333, 520, 16163, 627, 40, 5602, 1077, 3663, 4498, 323, 11, 304, 430, 4545, 11, 358, 7020, 1148, 358, 1047, 2884, 13, 358, 3287, 529, 259, 198, 17206, 1440, 3686, 1268, 25587, 358, 1047, 36574, 433, 11, 304, 2144, 13, 358, 9687, 1306, 86, 85009, 430, 1077, 198, 13092, 7198, 1047, 264, 1633, 6129, 9572, 26, 1364, 1047, 1373, 856, 2363, 11, 323, 1364, 1047, 198, 1091, 291, 311, 617, 16163, 449, 757, 311, 6056, 24278, 323, 16467, 13, 20636, 539, 1027, 198, 83261, 14243, 1174, 264, 6671, 51063, 304, 902, 358, 1053, 617, 1027, 4529, 198, 805, 13610, 13118, 662, 14968, 358, 574, 279, 832, 889, 711, 2258, 430, 13, 358, 1501, 1608, 709, 439, 264, 198, 71, 5757, 11, 61585, 1732, 43476, 279, 3347, 1139, 279, 3118, 11, 323, 304, 3815, 779, 358, 198, 62448, 279, 45125, 627, 11439, 311, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 1174, 584, 649, 617, 264, 51013, 685, 477, 264, 198, 20531, 8061, 11, 719, 584, 4250, 617, 2225, 13, 1054, 39, 15345, 88036, 374, 459, 3440, 389, 198, 28622, 529, 274, 3197, 369, 46035, 863, 9, 320, 53968, 12, 8874, 4390, 8538, 315, 279, 2574, 584, 1205, 311, 44491, 520, 3115, 527, 3117, 11, 3117, 11201, 1109, 198, 90579, 5605, 220, 2555, 430, 13194, 1057, 16024, 13, 13315, 11872, 278, 11, 28483, 11, 9349, 198, 2345, 14789, 649, 387, 2653, 11, 323, 1274, 649, 387, 28128, 13, 70675, 13071, 649, 387, 264, 1920, 198, 9210, 5097, 892, 323, 3250, 529, 259, 2586, 6288, 477, 6847, 662, 2030, 433, 753, 264, 16888, 5092, 1180, 198, 1962, 1193, 311, 279, 1023, 1732, 719, 311, 499, 13, 578, 810, 584, 3412, 389, 311, 1057, 198, 70, 462, 5230, 685, 11, 279, 5129, 433, 690, 1935, 369, 279, 15861, 311, 4495, 279, 1493, 323, 198, 383, 278, 1057, 27653, 627, 34635, 2299, 264, 1732, 3250, 529, 259, 3152, 584, 3207, 9955, 20324, 1148, 814, 1550, 13, 1628, 198, 906, 1541, 1431, 617, 311, 11196, 430, 555, 1057, 93441, 1124, 814, 3207, 2133, 311, 636, 198, 14075, 449, 2555, 3060, 662, 43361, 12437, 374, 1558, 25947, 481, 26, 279, 15861 ]
al. 12 found a 77% reduction in all- cancer risk for postmenopausal women between the ends of the first and fourth years, of which 35% was attributed to vitamin D. Because most cancers take 15–20 years to proceed from initiation to clinical detection, this study is consistent with an important role in cancer prevention at the later stages of development, possibly through antiangiogenesis 101 and antimetastasis102 mechanisms. The series of studies in Norway finding increased survival rates for those diagnosed with cancer in summer or fall compared with winter or spring for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and Hodgkin’s lymphoma 13 also support the role of vitamin D late in cancer. Some observational studies also reported increased survival rates associated with higher serum 25(OH)D levels, as for colorectal cancer 103 and breast cancer. In a study of postmeno- pausal Canadian women, distant disease-free survival during a period of up to 17 years was significantly worse in women with prediagnostic deficient (<20 ng/mL) versus adequate (>29 ng/mL) serum 25(OH)D levels [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.94, 95% CI, 1.16–3.24; p = 0.02], as was overall survival (HR = 1.73, 95% CI, 1.05–2.86; p = 0.02). 104 Biological gradient (dose-response relation). Demonstrating a dose-response relation, preferably linear, between vitamin D and cancer risk is important for supporting vitamin D’s beneficial role. Meta-analyses of case-control data have determined dose-response relations for serum calcidiol levels and incidence of breast and colon cancer. For colorectal cancer, a 50% lower risk of colorectal cancer was associated with a serum 25(OH)D level of at least 33 ng/mL compared with 12 ng/mL or less. 55 For breast cancer, a meta-analysis found that serum 25(OH)D of approximately 52 ng/mL had 50% lower risk of breast cancer than those with a serum level less than 13 ng/mL. 54 However, the dose-response relation in Abbas et al.57 was similar to that for colorectal cancer. Many vitamin D supplementation studies found no benefit in reducing the risk of cancer from using too little vitamin D, generally about 400 IU/day, as reviewed in Grant and Garland. 18 Even the Women’s Health Initiative study, started in the mid-1990s, used too little vitamin D (400 IU/day) and generally found no benefit for colorectal cancer, 20 hip fractures19 or diabetes.21 However, there was a positive finding for colorectal cancer when estrogen therapy was also considered. 105 Some evidence now exists that the vitamin D dose–cancer response relation for breast cancer is nonlinear, with a threshold effect at about 20 ng/mL. 57 This finding may help explain why 400 IU/ day seemingly has no effect on cancer rates. Evidently serum vitamin D metabolites are used for an endocrine mechanism (regulation of calcium absorption) before they are used for autocrine mechanisms (facilitation of gene expression). 106and low rates in all southern states. Prostate cancer is also unusual for vitamin D-sensitive cancers in that prediagnostic serum 25(OH)D has generally been found uncorrelated with incidence of prostate cancer; 70 however, it has also been found associated with increased risk29,71 and decreased risk.29,72 However, early life UVB is protec- tive,73 as is UVB around the time of cancer discovery,74 suggesting that vitamin D may inhibit metastasis. Ecologic studies have consis-tently found an inverse correlation of prostate cancer with latitude. 75 Grant hypothesized that the geographic variation of prostate cancer mortality rates in the United States is related to a viral risk that is more common in winter and that higher serum 25(OH)D levels in winter reduce the risk of such infections. 76,77 An ecologic study determining that prostate cancer is diagnosed more often in winter supports this hypothesis. 78 Stat3 is involved in prostate cancer metastasis.79 Grant showed that vitamin D can block Stat3, which might explain why vitamin D is beneficial once prostate cancer is discovered. 80 Solar UV has been correlated with risk of NHL in the United Kingdom.81 However, further study determined that other factors, such as economic status, were probably confounders.82 The most recent analysis concludes that UVB irradiance reduces the risk of NHL.58 Evidence that vitamin D reduces the risk of lung cancer is limited. An observational study of early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) associated higher serum 25(OH)D levels with increased survival. 83 However, in advanced NSCLC, survival depended on vitamin D receptor alleles rather than on circulating serum 25(OH)D levels. 84 In Norway, there is no survival advantage for discovery of NSCLC in summer or fall compared with winter or spring.13 In an ecological study involving 111 countries, lung cancer was inversely correlated with indices of solar UVB. 39 However, this study did not consider dietary factors, which may have affected the finding because dietary fat seems to be a risk factor for lung cancer. 85 A recent cohort study in Finland found serum 25(OH)D level was inversely associated with lung cancer incidence for women [RR, 0.16; 95% CI, 0.04–0.59; P(trend) < 0.001] and younger participants [RR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.13–0.90; P(trend) = 0.04] but not for men [RR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.59–1.82; P(trend) = 0.81] or older individuals [RR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.50–1.70; P(trend) = 0.79]. 86 Thus, there is modest evidence that higher serum 25(OH)D levels confer protection against lung cancer. Melanoma is an interesting cancer with respect to UV irradi- ance and vitamin D. Studies have found good evidence that UVA, not UVB, is the primary risk factor for melanoma. 87-92 Also, good evidence exists that vitamin D reduces the risk of melanoma,93 including findings related to diet,94 sunlight,95 NMSC,26 blocking solar UVB92 and vitamin D receptor alleles.96 Also, melanoma mortality rates increase with increasing latitude in Europe,97 which reflects an effect of skin pigmentation, UVA and UVB.87 UVA is also a double-edged sword in that it also produces elastosis, which reduces the risk of melanoma as evidenced by melanoma’s devel-oping later in life on the face and neck rather than on the trunk and legs. 98 Smoking also produces elastosis, which seems to explain why smokers have a reduced risk of developing melanoma.56 Specificity (one agent, one result). Specificity (one agent, one result) does not apply to vitamin D because it has benefits for many types of disease ranging from cardiovascular diseases to infectious diseases. 99,100 Temporality (exposure precedes effect). Temporality (exposure precedes effect) is generally satisfied. However, a topic of ongoing www.landesbioscience.com Dermato-Endocrinology 21Vitamin D and cancer: Causality? Analogy with other causal relationships. Analogy is a double- edged sword for vitamin D and risk of cancer incidence or mortality rate. On the positive side, I used the principle of analogy when I viewed the Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the United States, 1950–94. 7 Many cancers had geographical variations in mortality rate similar to those of cancers well known to be vitamin D sensitive, such as breast and colon cancer. I concluded that most of them were, therefore, also vitamin D sensitive. 22 On the negative side, some studies have suggested that various vitamins reduce the risk of cancer only to learn after randomized, controlled trials that they did not. The best known case is that of beta carotene. Early studies of beta carotene found an inverse rela-tion for lung cancer with respect to dietary intake for smokers 118 and nonsmokers.119 However, when beta carotene supplements were taken, smokers had increased risk of lung cancer.120 For beta carotene, it was one component of vegetables in the diet; as far as is known, vitamin D production is the only beneficial effect of solar UVB irradiance. Response to Criticisms of the Ecological Approach At a World Health Organization meeting in Munich in 2005, dermatologists expressed their opinion that ecological studies using solar UVB doses as the index of vitamin D were perhaps incorrect in that irradiance was not always correlated with dose. That state-ment spurred Grant to find a personal index of solar UVB irradiance. Because integrated lifetime UVB irradiance is the primary risk factor for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), it seemed that incidence or death from SCC would be a suitable marker for long-term UVB irradiance. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is linked to both UVB and UVA irradiance, so it is also a useful index; however, melanoma is linked to UVA irradiance, 121 so it is not a useful indicator. The first report in this series was a meta-analysis of studies of second cancer after development of BCC, SCC or
[ 453, 627, 717, 1766, 264, 220, 2813, 4, 14278, 304, 682, 7058, 66, 11967, 5326, 369, 1772, 5794, 454, 80174, 3278, 1990, 279, 10548, 315, 279, 1176, 323, 11999, 1667, 11, 315, 902, 220, 1758, 4, 574, 30706, 311, 28170, 423, 13, 9393, 1455, 51423, 1935, 220, 868, 4235, 508, 1667, 311, 10570, 505, 61568, 311, 14830, 18468, 11, 420, 4007, 374, 13263, 449, 459, 3062, 3560, 304, 9572, 27344, 520, 279, 3010, 18094, 315, 4500, 11, 11000, 1555, 7294, 79428, 52379, 198, 4645, 323, 79312, 295, 561, 10949, 4278, 24717, 13, 720, 791, 4101, 315, 7978, 304, 32603, 9455, 7319, 20237, 7969, 369, 1884, 29704, 449, 9572, 304, 7474, 477, 4498, 7863, 449, 12688, 477, 10683, 369, 17659, 9572, 11, 79887, 95081, 9572, 11, 47447, 9572, 323, 83984, 8148, 753, 43745, 7942, 198, 1032, 1101, 1862, 279, 3560, 315, 28170, 423, 720, 5185, 304, 9572, 13, 4427, 90380, 7978, 1101, 5068, 7319, 20237, 7969, 5938, 449, 5190, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 5990, 11, 439, 369, 79887, 95081, 9572, 198, 6889, 323, 17659, 9572, 13, 763, 264, 4007, 315, 1772, 70191, 7058, 6733, 36514, 12152, 3278, 11, 29827, 8624, 12862, 20237, 2391, 264, 4261, 315, 709, 311, 220, 1114, 1667, 574, 12207, 11201, 304, 3278, 449, 4255, 72, 12219, 87544, 23246, 508, 7933, 93422, 8, 19579, 26613, 77952, 1682, 7933, 93422, 8, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 5990, 510, 71, 58757, 11595, 320, 17526, 8, 284, 220, 16, 13, 6281, 11, 220, 2721, 4, 21351, 11, 220, 16, 13, 845, 4235, 18, 13, 1187, 26, 281, 284, 220, 15, 13, 2437, 1145, 439, 574, 8244, 20237, 320, 17526, 284, 220, 16, 13, 5958, 11, 220, 2721, 4, 21351, 11, 220, 16, 13, 2304, 4235, 17, 13, 4218, 26, 281, 284, 220, 15, 13, 2437, 4390, 6849, 198, 37196, 5848, 20779, 320, 67, 974, 59569, 12976, 570, 86501, 1113, 264, 720, 67, 974, 59569, 12976, 11, 52754, 13790, 11, 1990, 28170, 423, 323, 9572, 5326, 374, 3062, 369, 12899, 28170, 423, 753, 24629, 3560, 13, 16197, 19415, 278, 73279, 315, 1162, 4565, 828, 617, 11075, 19660, 59569, 4398, 369, 41529, 10241, 12558, 337, 5990, 323, 39775, 315, 17659, 323, 15235, 9572, 13, 1789, 79887, 95081, 9572, 11, 264, 220, 1135, 4, 4827, 5326, 315, 79887, 95081, 9572, 574, 5938, 449, 264, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 2237, 315, 520, 3325, 220, 1644, 7933, 93422, 7863, 449, 220, 717, 7933, 93422, 477, 2753, 627, 2131, 1789, 17659, 9572, 11, 264, 8999, 56536, 720, 15456, 430, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 315, 13489, 220, 4103, 7933, 93422, 1047, 220, 1135, 4, 4827, 5326, 315, 17659, 9572, 1109, 1884, 449, 264, 41529, 2237, 2753, 1109, 220, 1032, 7933, 93422, 627, 4370, 4452, 11, 279, 19660, 59569, 12976, 304, 71245, 1880, 453, 13, 3226, 574, 720, 65387, 311, 430, 369, 79887, 95081, 9572, 627, 8607, 28170, 423, 73796, 7978, 1766, 912, 8935, 304, 720, 265, 1072, 6253, 279, 5326, 315, 9572, 505, 1701, 2288, 2697, 28170, 423, 11, 8965, 922, 220, 3443, 81725, 45839, 11, 439, 22690, 304, 24668, 323, 80074, 627, 972, 7570, 279, 720, 36190, 753, 6401, 38756, 4007, 11, 3940, 304, 279, 5209, 12, 2550, 15, 82, 11, 1511, 2288, 2697, 28170, 423, 320, 3443, 81725, 45839, 8, 323, 8965, 1766, 912, 8935, 369, 79887, 95081, 9572, 345, 508, 18638, 78332, 777, 477, 20335, 13, 1691, 4452, 11, 1070, 574, 720, 64, 6928, 9455, 369, 79887, 95081, 9572, 994, 70180, 15419, 574, 1101, 6646, 627, 6550, 198, 8538, 6029, 1457, 6866, 430, 279, 28170, 423, 19660, 4235, 66, 11967, 720, 2376, 12976, 369, 17659, 9572, 374, 75098, 11, 449, 264, 12447, 2515, 520, 922, 220, 508, 7933, 93422, 627, 3226, 1115, 9455, 1253, 1520, 10552, 3249, 220, 3443, 81725, 6018, 1316, 23490, 706, 912, 2515, 389, 9572, 7969, 13, 469, 1325, 4501, 41529, 28170, 423, 28168, 3695, 527, 1511, 369, 459, 842, 78738, 17383, 320, 1610, 2987, 315, 35719, 44225, 8, 1603, 814, 527, 1511, 369, 3154, 78738, 24717, 320, 22974, 33949, 315, 15207, 7645, 4390, 7461, 438, 3428, 7969, 304, 682, 18561, 5415, 13, 1322, 2513, 9572, 374, 1101, 19018, 369, 28170, 423, 57767, 51423, 304, 430, 4255, 72, 12219, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 706, 8965, 1027, 1766, 653, 6133, 9920, 449, 39775, 315, 47447, 9572, 280, 2031, 4869, 11, 433, 706, 1101, 1027, 1766, 5938, 449, 7319, 720, 82043, 1682, 11, 6028, 323, 25983, 5326, 13, 1682, 11, 5332, 4452, 11, 4216, 2324, 30136, 33, 374, 5541, 66, 7058, 83, 535, 11, 5958, 439, 374, 30136, 33, 2212, 279, 892, 315, 9572, 18841, 11, 5728, 23377, 720, 9210, 28170, 423, 1253, 69033, 68370, 10949, 13, 37211, 39227, 7978, 617, 1615, 285, 2442, 4501, 1766, 459, 29049, 26670, 315, 47447, 9572, 449, 21518, 627, 2075, 720, 69071, 22601, 83979, 430, 279, 46139, 23851, 315, 47447, 9572, 29528, 7969, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 374, 5552, 311, 264, 29962, 5326, 430, 374, 810, 4279, 304, 12688, 323, 430, 5190, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 5990, 304, 12688, 8108, 279, 5326, 315, 1778, 30020, 627, 4767, 11, 2813, 1556, 12208, 39227, 4007, 26679, 720, 9210, 47447, 9572, 374, 29704, 810, 3629, 304, 12688, 11815, 420, 31178, 627, 2495, 12442, 18, 374, 6532, 304, 47447, 9572, 68370, 10949, 13, 4643, 24668, 720, 3528, 291, 430, 28170, 423, 649, 2565, 12442, 18, 11, 902, 2643, 10552, 3249, 28170, 423, 374, 24629, 3131, 47447, 9572, 374, 11352, 627, 1490, 198, 72041, 30136, 706, 1027, 49393, 449, 5326, 315, 24603, 304, 279, 3723, 720, 34655, 5717, 13, 5932, 4452, 11, 4726, 4007, 11075, 430, 1023, 9547, 11, 720, 21470, 439, 7100, 2704, 11, 1051, 4762, 2389, 801, 388, 13, 6086, 578, 1455, 3293, 720, 35584, 45537, 430, 30136, 33, 76327, 685, 26338, 279, 5326, 315, 24603, 13, 2970, 198, 93702, 430, 28170, 423, 26338, 279, 5326, 315, 21271, 9572, 374, 7347, 13, 720, 2127, 90380, 4007, 315, 4216, 51256, 2536, 34859, 33001, 21271, 9572, 320, 2507, 3218, 34, 8, 5938, 5190, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 5990, 449, 7319, 20237, 627, 6069, 4452, 11, 304, 11084, 3119, 3218, 34, 11, 20237, 79101, 389, 720, 55911, 8778, 423, 35268, 98260, 4856, 1109, 389, 54828, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 5990, 627, 5833, 763, 32603, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 20237, 9610, 369, 18841, 315, 720, 2507, 3218, 34, 304, 7474, 477, 4498, 7863, 449, 12688, 477, 10683, 13, 1032, 763, 459, 720, 762, 5848, 4007, 16239, 220, 5037, 5961, 11, 21271, 9572, 574, 65683, 989, 49393, 449, 15285, 315, 13238, 30136, 33, 627, 2137, 4452, 11, 420, 4007, 1550, 539, 720, 25742, 34625, 9547, 11, 902, 1253, 617, 11754, 279, 9455, 1606, 34625, 8834, 5084, 311, 387, 264, 5326, 8331, 369, 21271, 9572, 627, 5313, 362, 3293, 41944, 720, 56065, 304, 37355, 1766, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 2237, 574, 65683, 989, 5938, 449, 21271, 9572, 39775, 369, 3278, 510, 8268, 11, 220, 15, 13, 845, 26, 220, 2721, 4, 21351, 11, 220, 15, 13, 2371, 4235, 15, 13, 2946, 26, 393, 1175, 9484, 8, 366, 220, 15, 13, 4119, 60, 323, 14992, 13324, 510, 8268, 11, 220, 15, 13, 1958, 26, 220, 2721, 4, 21351, 11, 220, 15, 13, 1032, 4235, 15, 13, 1954, 26, 393, 1175, 9484, 8, 284, 220, 15, 13, 2371, 60, 719, 539, 369, 3026, 510, 8268, 11, 220, 16, 13, 2839, 26, 220, 2721, 4, 21351, 11, 220, 15, 13, 2946, 4235, 16, 13, 6086, 26, 393, 1175, 9484, 8, 284, 220, 15, 13, 5932, 60, 477, 9191, 7931, 510, 8268, 11, 220, 15, 13, 6083, 26, 220, 2721, 4, 21351, 11, 220, 15, 13, 1135, 4235, 16, 13, 2031, 26, 393, 1175, 9484, 8, 284, 220, 15, 13, 4643, 27218, 4218, 14636, 11, 1070, 374, 27946, 6029, 430, 720, 90447, 41529, 220, 914, 19792, 39, 8, 35, 5990, 49843, 9313, 2403, 21271, 9572, 627, 40249, 276, 7942, 374, 459, 7185, 9572, 449, 5201, 311, 30136, 76327, 7058, 685, 323, 28170, 423, 13, 19241, 617, 1766, 1695, 6029, 430, 549, 13114, 11, 539, 30136, 33, 11, 374, 279, 6156, 5326, 8331, 369, 68012, 7942, 627, 4044, 12, 6083, 7429, 11, 1695, 720, 68, 28580, 6866, 430, 28170, 423, 26338, 279, 5326, 315, 68012, 7942, 11, 6365, 720, 16564, 14955, 5552, 311, 10173, 11, 6281, 40120, 11, 2721, 452, 32723, 11, 1627, 22978, 720, 82, 7569, 30136, 33, 6083, 323, 28170, 423, 35268, 98260, 13, 4161, 7429, 11, 68012, 7942, 720, 76, 76052, 7969, 5376, 449, 7859, 21518, 304, 4606, 11, 3534, 902, 720, 36013, 82, 459, 2515, 315, 6930, 24623, 32199, 11, 549, 13114, 323, 30136, 33, 13, 4044, 549, 13114, 374, 720, 19171, 264, 2033, 35535, 3640, 20827, 304, 430, 433, 1101, 19159, 92185, 10934, 11, 902, 26338, 279, 5326, 315, 68012, 7942, 439, 69457, 555, 68012, 7942, 753, 90870, 30592, 287, 3010, 304, 2324, 389, 279, 3663, 323, 13272, 4856, 1109, 389, 279, 38411, 323, 14535, 627, 3264, 73699, 1101, 19159, 92185, 10934, 11, 902, 5084, 311, 10552, 3249, 720, 3647, 41781, 617, 264, 11293, 5326, 315, 11469, 68012, 7942, 13, 3487, 198, 48614, 488, 320, 606, 8479, 11, 832, 1121, 570, 29362, 488, 320, 606, 8479, 11, 832, 720, 1407, 8, 1587, 539, 3881, 311, 28170, 423, 1606, 433, 706, 7720, 369, 1690, 4595, 315, 8624, 24950, 505, 41713, 19338, 311, 50600, 19338, 627, 1484, 11, 1041, 198, 12427, 269, 2786, 320, 327, 12313, 16599, 288, 2515, 570, 20539, 269, 2786, 320, 327, 12313, 720, 1762, 26785, 2515, 8, 374, 8965, 20097, 13, 4452, 11, 264, 8712, 315, 14529, 720, 2185, 929, 62452, 70728, 66, 1873, 916, 76508, 4428, 12, 3812, 91153, 2508, 220, 1691, 53, 76652, 423, 323, 9572, 25, 356, 12119, 2786, 5380, 63085, 16035, 449, 1023, 59557, 12135, 13, 20017, 16035, 374, 264, 2033, 7058, 291, 3640, 20827, 369, 28170, 423, 323, 5326, 315, 9572, 39775, 477, 29528, 720, 7853, 13, 1952, 279, 6928, 3185, 11, 358, 1511, 279, 17966, 315, 56203, 994, 358, 19894, 279, 43443, 315, 26211, 22806, 2786, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 220, 6280, 15, 4235, 6281, 627, 22, 720, 8607, 51423, 1047, 54001, 27339, 304, 29528, 4478, 4528, 311, 1884, 315, 51423, 1664, 3967, 311, 387, 28170, 423, 16614, 11, 1778, 439, 17659, 323, 15235, 9572, 13, 358, 20536, 430, 1455, 315, 1124, 1051, 11, 9093, 11, 1101, 28170, 423, 16614, 627, 1313, 198, 1966, 279, 8389, 3185, 11, 1063, 7978, 617, 12090, 430, 5370, 720, 55911, 38925, 8108, 279, 5326, 315, 9572, 1193, 311, 4048, 1306, 47341, 11, 14400, 19622, 430, 814, 1550, 539, 13, 578, 1888, 3967, 1162, 374, 430, 315, 13746, 1841, 354, 1994, 13, 23591, 7978, 315, 13746, 1841, 354, 1994, 1766, 459, 29049, 1375, 64, 2442, 290, 369, 21271, 9572, 449, 5201, 311, 34625, 23730, 369, 57757, 198, 8899, 720, 438, 32795, 76, 41781, 13, 9079, 4452, 11, 994, 13746, 1841, 354, 1994, 33690, 720, 52898, 4529, 11, 57757, 1047, 7319, 5326, 315, 21271, 9572, 13, 4364, 1789, 13746, 720, 7063, 354, 1994, 11, 433, 574, 832, 3777, 315, 24822, 304, 279, 10173, 26, 439, 3117, 439, 374, 3967, 11, 28170, 423, 5788, 374, 279, 1193, 24629, 2515, 315, 13238, 30136, 33, 76327, 685, 627, 2647, 311, 34307, 292, 13978, 315, 279, 37211, 5848, 54184, 198, 1688, 264, 4435, 6401, 21021, 6574, 304, 47304, 304, 220, 1049, 20, 11, 720, 1126, 8637, 22012, 13605, 872, 9647, 430, 50953, 7978, 1701, 13238, 30136, 33, 35130, 439, 279, 1963, 315, 28170, 423, 1051, 8530, 15465, 304, 430, 76327, 685, 574, 539, 2744, 49393, 449, 19660, 13, 3011, 1614, 12, 479, 85747, 24668, 311, 1505, 264, 4443, 1963, 315, 13238, 30136, 33, 76327, 685, 13, 9393, 18751, 19569, 30136, 33, 76327, 685, 374, 279, 6156, 5326, 8331, 369, 8330, 23333, 2849, 89468, 320, 3624, 34, 705, 433, 9508, 430, 39775, 477, 4648, 505, 80399, 1053, 387, 264, 14791, 11381, 369, 1317, 9860, 30136, 33, 76327, 685, 13, 15004, 278, 2849, 89468, 320, 33, 3791, 8, 374, 10815, 311, 2225, 30136, 33, 323, 549, 13114, 76327, 685, 11, 779, 433, 374, 1101, 264, 5505, 1963, 26, 4869, 11, 68012, 7942, 374, 10815, 311, 549, 13114, 76327, 685, 345, 7994, 779, 433, 374, 539, 264, 5505, 21070, 13, 578, 1176, 720, 11998, 304, 420, 4101, 574, 264, 8999, 56536, 315, 7978, 315, 2132, 9572, 1306, 4500, 315, 426, 3791, 11, 80399, 477 ]
until the husband can't stand her, and if he has low calciums too, di-vorce will probably result. He doesn't understand her condition and she doesn't either. There is a difference between weakness and tiredness and most people do not distinguish the two. The athletic young' man would be unduly tired. Tired in the morning, tired at night, tired all the time, but this woman is weak all the time. This type of person must be in a re-treat because unless something is done quickly she is going to be faced with a total hysterectomy because the ovaries are affected. Also, there are delta cells in both breasts. (lf the middle finger were placed on the breast it would feel like cord s, it wouldn't be like a lump.) Un- less something is done this person would have less than two years to live because the energy rating is down to 30. About all a doctor can find wrong here at this stage would be low in potassium, and a very slight calciums deficiency. If he took a pap smear there would be no blood or indication of anything wrong in the uterus area. The person is probably already over her menstrual period, but the calciums are still too low, giving her the effects of menopause: nerv-ousness, cold hands, cold feet, and in general needing a good tune-up. The liver is not manufacturing vitamin D, and without the liver manu-facturing an enzyme of vitamin D the body cannot assimilate calci-ums. This person must be in a retreat, or place where tests can be done every day. The numbers indicate that there is a tumorous area in the brain. The nerves in the brain are not carrying the messages through, not because they are tired, but because there is not enough electrolyte in the system for the messages to go from the brain to the vital organs. The high count of delta cells in the brain would be in the top of the head, toward the front of the brain, in the medula oblongata. This is the part of the brain with which we think and act, where we store in-formation with which we study and memorize. There are 4 percent of the people that do not go through a rough withdrawal, and there's no biological reason. The only reason we 125 know is that our instruments do not measure the grace of God, and, therefore, there is no biological reason why they should not go through just as rough a time as ev erybody else, but they don't and their numbers change and within four to seven days we can tell whether or not the body responds. It is impossible for anyone who has not been trained in the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization to understand these numbers. There are seven different stages that we go through from baby- hood to senior citizen, and in each stage these numbers indicate some-thing different. ANY CHANGE IN ONE NUMBER CHANGES THE MEAN- ING OF ALL NUMBERS, THEREFORE, ANY ONE NUMBER BE-ING PERFECT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING, UNLESS ALL NUMBERS ARE PERFECT THEN NO NUMBERS ARE PERFECT. In this equation stated above there are two ranges that we have not discussed, the B and D range. You can be just as near perfect health or death in the B range and the D range as in the A range. If anyone's body chemistry was in any range except A, and after a week's dieting their body chemistry moves into range A, this indicates that nature would be restoring you to per-fect health at the most rapid rate possible. However, if you started too late and your reserve energy level was too low the disease may be overtaking you faster than you can supply the minerals to repair the damage, this can be determined within a 30-day period. Range B is the range that indicates that the person really needs a tune-up. The longer this condition exis ts, the more critical it will be- come. The reserve energy is the criteria of the exact state of resistance of the body. Reserve energy between 18 and 60 years of age should be about 100 if one is in perfect health. Many people do not reach reserve ener-gy level 100 in their whole lifetime and may live to be in the seven-ties, eighties, or even nineties. There are people who break every rule of health and live to a ripe old age. Again, there is no biological rea-son to explain this, but there is a theological reason. One of the Ten Commandments tells us: HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER: 126 THAT THY DAYS MAY BE LONG UPON THE LAND WHICH THE LORD THY GOD GIVETH THEE. No one knows except the person himself whether or not he or she truly honors (honored) his or her father and mother. This calculation of energy is very difficult, and only those who master the subject through the ninth seminar will be able to calculate the energy level. There are people now that say they have cracked the code and that they can calculate the energy level. Believe them not. There is no way to crack a code because there is no code. It's simply mathematics used according to the age, height, weight, sex, race, as well as the specimen readings. In Chapter 7 we said it takes X amount of reserve energy divided by time to make a cell in the body if there is reserve energy behind it. You might ask, "What is the value of X?" The value of X is determined on the reserve energy by how strong the gastric juices are of one's liver. I have said many times to the RBTI students, "If you thoroughly understand seminar one, then you can go on to all eight seminars by yourself without help, but unless you do understand seminar one thoroughly and memorize the rules, then you will not understand seminar two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine." I had some of the st udents in seminar five to say, "Now I know what you meant when you said if we thoroughly understood the math in the body chemistry which was taught in seminar one that we could carry on through all nine seminars by ourselves, but I did not understand it." We do not mind you seeing your numbers, keeping your numbers, or trying to compare your numbers, but unless you have had the semi-nars you will not understand them. It is possible to work so hard until you will still burn up more re- serve energy each day than you took in and become more ill with your numbers in range A, and eventually it will be moving into other rang- es if you keep this up. Symptoms of a potassium deficiency in the brain show up long be- fore it shows in the blood, and indicates that the person works like a machine. They never seem to tire. They work long, long hours and 127 very, very hard. Nature seems to tell them that their time is short and they've got to get all their work done and prepare them for death. A potassium deficiency in the br ain means that the brain cannot accept enough oxygen, and if you have this condition and a low sugar condition, you really have a problem because the low sugar lets you know that there is something seriously wrong, but with the potassium deficiency there can be something seriously wrong and you may not be aware of it. Potassium deficiency shows up in range B, C, D, and E. It can show up in any range, but it is most prevalent in range Band D. Let us take an example in range B: Female, age 44, weight 120, height 5'5" ͭ.ͭ ͮ.Ͱͨ ͮ.ͪͨ ͯ ͩͨ This reading would not indicate a potassium deficiency but would indicate the person being a borderline diabetic, that the pancreas was not producing enough insulin. She would be slightly underweight. The salt number indicates that the cholesterol is just beginning to form and that she's much more tired than she should be, and has a weakness mixed with the tiredness which is upsetting her entire digestive sys-tem. The pH readings 6.80 / 6.20 would seem almost correct. However, the liver is slightly too acid, and th e body chemistry is slightly too al- kaline which would be creating some gas after eating, with minor burping, but not serious. Because of the borderline diabetic condition, the carbohydrate would rise higher at times and drop back down to 5.5, and if it dropped below 5.5 she would have to have something sweet or the en-ergy would run out completely. The last numbers indicate the proteins are just high enough that the person would be quite tired all of the time, but also indicate that she is in the menopause with hot and cold flashes, and at times, cold feet. This person is in need of a tune-up. 128 The numbers indicate that there is a vitamin C deficiency and the longer this condition lasts the greater the deficiency. Also there is an anemic condition. Most anemic people are much whiter than usual be-cause the liver is not getting enough iodine, iron or calciums. The reading indicates emphysema. This person is not getting enough oxygen. One of the finest things to do for emphysema is to walk a mile a day, but don't just start off and walk a mile the first day. Keep on until you walk slowly, one mile a day, with nothing in your hands. This person's numbers indicate the beginning of collagen disease,
[ 720, 39830, 279, 10177, 649, 956, 2559, 1077, 11, 323, 422, 568, 706, 3428, 35719, 82, 2288, 11, 1891, 8437, 16716, 690, 4762, 1121, 13, 1283, 3250, 956, 3619, 1077, 3044, 323, 1364, 3250, 956, 3060, 13, 720, 3947, 374, 264, 6811, 1990, 23948, 323, 19781, 2136, 323, 1455, 720, 16455, 656, 539, 33137, 279, 1403, 13, 578, 29703, 3995, 6, 893, 1053, 387, 2073, 3988, 19781, 13, 350, 2757, 304, 279, 6693, 11, 19781, 520, 3814, 11, 19781, 682, 279, 892, 11, 719, 420, 5333, 374, 7621, 682, 279, 892, 13, 1115, 955, 315, 1732, 2011, 387, 304, 264, 312, 2442, 1244, 1606, 7389, 2555, 374, 2884, 6288, 1364, 374, 2133, 311, 387, 17011, 449, 264, 2860, 54119, 72783, 1606, 279, 66168, 552, 527, 11754, 13, 7429, 11, 1070, 527, 9665, 7917, 304, 2225, 37449, 13, 220, 320, 11253, 279, 6278, 14654, 1051, 9277, 720, 263, 279, 17659, 433, 1053, 2733, 1093, 23125, 274, 11, 433, 8434, 956, 387, 1093, 264, 49629, 6266, 1252, 7058, 1752, 2555, 374, 2884, 420, 1732, 1053, 617, 2753, 1109, 1403, 1667, 311, 3974, 1606, 279, 4907, 10959, 374, 1523, 311, 220, 966, 13, 10180, 682, 264, 10896, 649, 1505, 5076, 1618, 520, 420, 6566, 1053, 387, 3428, 304, 62275, 11, 323, 264, 1633, 8275, 35719, 82, 48294, 13, 1442, 568, 3952, 264, 26365, 81603, 1070, 1053, 387, 912, 6680, 477, 28137, 315, 4205, 5076, 304, 279, 85656, 3158, 13, 720, 791, 1732, 374, 4762, 2736, 927, 1077, 78727, 4261, 11, 719, 279, 720, 27684, 2411, 82, 527, 2103, 2288, 3428, 11, 7231, 1077, 279, 6372, 315, 3026, 84110, 25, 20233, 12, 788, 2136, 11, 9439, 6206, 11, 9439, 7693, 11, 323, 304, 4689, 33921, 264, 1695, 26306, 5352, 13, 720, 791, 26587, 374, 539, 15266, 28170, 423, 11, 323, 2085, 279, 26587, 893, 84, 2269, 533, 1711, 459, 49242, 315, 28170, 423, 279, 2547, 4250, 40054, 76457, 1652, 5979, 12, 6370, 13, 1115, 1732, 2011, 387, 304, 264, 31114, 11, 477, 2035, 1405, 7177, 649, 387, 2884, 1475, 1938, 13, 578, 5219, 13519, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 15756, 20857, 3158, 304, 279, 8271, 13, 578, 50581, 304, 279, 8271, 527, 539, 15691, 279, 6743, 1555, 11, 539, 1606, 814, 527, 19781, 11, 719, 1606, 1070, 374, 539, 3403, 73396, 668, 304, 279, 1887, 369, 279, 6743, 311, 733, 505, 279, 8271, 311, 279, 16595, 36853, 13, 578, 1579, 1797, 315, 9665, 7917, 304, 279, 8271, 1053, 387, 304, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 2010, 11, 9017, 279, 4156, 315, 279, 8271, 11, 304, 279, 1812, 5724, 1536, 4930, 460, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 961, 315, 279, 8271, 449, 902, 584, 1781, 323, 1180, 11, 1405, 584, 3637, 304, 12, 1659, 449, 902, 584, 4007, 323, 16420, 553, 13, 720, 3947, 527, 220, 19, 3346, 315, 279, 1274, 430, 656, 539, 733, 1555, 264, 11413, 720, 63546, 278, 11, 323, 1070, 596, 912, 24156, 2944, 13, 578, 1193, 2944, 584, 220, 6549, 1440, 374, 430, 1057, 24198, 656, 539, 6767, 279, 21507, 315, 4359, 11, 323, 11, 720, 19041, 1348, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 24156, 2944, 3249, 814, 1288, 539, 733, 720, 20322, 1120, 439, 11413, 264, 892, 439, 3721, 89357, 2664, 775, 11, 719, 814, 1541, 956, 323, 872, 720, 38478, 2349, 323, 2949, 3116, 311, 8254, 2919, 584, 649, 3371, 3508, 477, 539, 279, 2547, 31680, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 12266, 369, 5606, 889, 706, 539, 1027, 16572, 304, 279, 1050, 4214, 720, 37196, 5848, 31535, 315, 45905, 2065, 311, 3619, 1521, 5219, 13, 720, 3947, 527, 8254, 2204, 18094, 430, 584, 733, 1555, 505, 8945, 7058, 5812, 311, 10195, 22618, 11, 323, 304, 1855, 6566, 1521, 5219, 13519, 1063, 12, 1626, 2204, 13, 720, 17742, 44139, 2006, 25002, 37936, 6969, 71894, 3247, 16691, 1111, 7058, 1753, 3083, 13398, 16322, 45216, 11, 62207, 34123, 11, 4230, 25002, 37936, 7354, 12, 1753, 79477, 6060, 58363, 45, 17773, 16691, 1111, 4230, 57764, 11, 6781, 38873, 13398, 16322, 45216, 16202, 79477, 6060, 25086, 5782, 16322, 45216, 16202, 79477, 6060, 13, 720, 644, 420, 24524, 11224, 3485, 1070, 527, 1403, 21986, 430, 584, 617, 539, 720, 17242, 59942, 11, 279, 426, 323, 423, 2134, 13, 720, 2675, 649, 387, 1120, 439, 3221, 4832, 2890, 477, 4648, 304, 279, 426, 2134, 323, 720, 1820, 423, 2134, 439, 304, 279, 362, 2134, 13, 1442, 5606, 596, 2547, 30903, 574, 304, 904, 2134, 3734, 362, 11, 323, 1306, 264, 2046, 596, 10173, 287, 872, 2547, 30903, 11031, 1139, 2134, 362, 11, 420, 15151, 430, 7138, 1053, 387, 50203, 499, 311, 824, 2269, 440, 2890, 520, 279, 1455, 11295, 4478, 3284, 13, 4452, 11, 422, 499, 3940, 2288, 3389, 323, 701, 21137, 4907, 2237, 574, 2288, 3428, 279, 8624, 1253, 387, 43661, 1802, 499, 10819, 1109, 499, 649, 8312, 279, 34072, 311, 13023, 279, 5674, 11, 420, 649, 387, 11075, 2949, 264, 220, 966, 11477, 4261, 13, 720, 6174, 426, 374, 279, 2134, 430, 15151, 430, 279, 1732, 2216, 3966, 264, 720, 83, 2957, 5352, 13, 578, 5129, 420, 3044, 506, 285, 10814, 11, 279, 810, 9200, 433, 690, 387, 7058, 2063, 13, 578, 21137, 4907, 374, 279, 13186, 315, 279, 4839, 1614, 315, 13957, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 720, 1079, 5976, 4907, 1990, 220, 972, 323, 220, 1399, 1667, 315, 4325, 1288, 387, 922, 720, 1041, 422, 832, 374, 304, 4832, 2890, 13, 9176, 1274, 656, 539, 5662, 21137, 38556, 2427, 88, 2237, 220, 1041, 304, 872, 4459, 19569, 323, 1253, 3974, 311, 387, 304, 279, 8254, 2442, 552, 11, 8223, 552, 11, 477, 1524, 20120, 26640, 13, 2684, 527, 1274, 889, 1464, 1475, 6037, 315, 2890, 323, 3974, 311, 264, 57796, 2362, 4325, 13, 14077, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 24156, 312, 64, 12, 942, 311, 10552, 420, 11, 719, 1070, 374, 264, 70634, 2944, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 18165, 7498, 1392, 10975, 603, 25, 473, 715, 878, 4534, 56, 435, 47239, 3651, 386, 31367, 25, 220, 9390, 26336, 4534, 56, 83931, 40330, 7354, 35042, 12250, 715, 3247, 92956, 79264, 720, 17673, 58477, 4534, 56, 59478, 480, 3166, 7780, 3247, 36, 13, 2360, 832, 8964, 3734, 279, 720, 9164, 5678, 3508, 477, 539, 568, 477, 1364, 9615, 49593, 320, 82649, 3093, 8, 813, 477, 1077, 7126, 323, 6691, 13, 720, 2028, 22702, 315, 4907, 374, 1633, 5107, 11, 323, 1193, 1884, 889, 720, 13943, 279, 3917, 1555, 279, 43641, 54675, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 11294, 279, 4907, 2237, 13, 2684, 527, 1274, 1457, 220, 430, 2019, 814, 617, 43939, 279, 720, 1889, 323, 430, 814, 649, 11294, 279, 4907, 2237, 13, 59121, 1124, 539, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 1648, 311, 17944, 264, 2082, 1606, 1070, 374, 912, 2082, 13, 1102, 596, 5042, 38696, 1511, 4184, 311, 279, 4325, 11, 2673, 11, 4785, 11, 1877, 11, 7102, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 58184, 40174, 13, 720, 644, 15957, 220, 22, 584, 1071, 433, 5097, 1630, 3392, 315, 21137, 4907, 18255, 720, 1729, 892, 311, 1304, 264, 2849, 304, 279, 2547, 422, 1070, 374, 21137, 4907, 4920, 433, 13, 1472, 2643, 2610, 11, 330, 3923, 374, 279, 907, 315, 1630, 7673, 720, 791, 907, 315, 1630, 374, 11075, 389, 279, 21137, 4907, 555, 1268, 3831, 720, 1820, 89385, 65959, 527, 315, 832, 596, 26587, 13, 358, 617, 1071, 1690, 3115, 311, 279, 432, 18066, 40, 4236, 11, 330, 2746, 499, 27461, 3619, 54675, 832, 11, 1243, 499, 649, 733, 389, 311, 682, 8223, 68569, 555, 6261, 2085, 1520, 11, 719, 7389, 499, 656, 3619, 54675, 832, 27461, 323, 16420, 553, 279, 5718, 11, 1243, 499, 690, 539, 3619, 54675, 1403, 11, 2380, 11, 3116, 11, 4330, 11, 4848, 11, 8254, 11, 8223, 477, 11888, 1210, 358, 1047, 1063, 315, 279, 357, 28092, 812, 304, 54675, 4330, 311, 2019, 11, 330, 7184, 720, 40, 1440, 1148, 499, 8967, 994, 499, 1071, 422, 584, 27461, 16365, 279, 7033, 304, 279, 2547, 30903, 902, 574, 15972, 304, 54675, 832, 430, 584, 1436, 6920, 389, 1555, 682, 11888, 68569, 555, 13520, 11, 719, 358, 1550, 539, 3619, 433, 1210, 720, 1687, 656, 539, 4059, 499, 9298, 701, 5219, 11, 10494, 701, 5219, 11, 720, 269, 4560, 311, 9616, 701, 5219, 11, 719, 7389, 499, 617, 1047, 279, 18768, 5392, 1590, 499, 690, 539, 3619, 1124, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 3284, 311, 990, 779, 2653, 3156, 499, 690, 2103, 8395, 709, 810, 312, 7058, 13570, 4907, 1855, 1938, 1109, 499, 3952, 304, 323, 3719, 810, 5986, 449, 701, 5219, 304, 2134, 362, 11, 323, 9778, 220, 433, 690, 387, 7366, 1139, 1023, 43200, 7058, 288, 422, 499, 2567, 420, 709, 13, 720, 29012, 52273, 315, 264, 62275, 48294, 304, 279, 8271, 1501, 709, 1317, 387, 7058, 1348, 433, 5039, 304, 279, 6680, 11, 323, 15151, 430, 279, 1732, 4375, 1093, 264, 5780, 13, 2435, 2646, 2873, 311, 28387, 13, 2435, 990, 1317, 11, 1317, 4207, 323, 220, 6804, 1633, 11, 1633, 2653, 13, 22037, 5084, 311, 3371, 1124, 430, 872, 892, 374, 2875, 323, 720, 20670, 3077, 2751, 311, 636, 682, 872, 990, 2884, 323, 10772, 1124, 369, 4648, 13, 720, 32, 62275, 48294, 304, 279, 1437, 37202, 3445, 430, 279, 8271, 4250, 720, 10543, 3403, 24463, 11, 323, 422, 499, 617, 420, 3044, 323, 264, 3428, 13465, 3044, 11, 499, 2216, 617, 264, 3575, 220, 1606, 279, 3428, 13465, 15714, 499, 720, 33134, 430, 1070, 374, 2555, 14243, 5076, 11, 719, 449, 279, 62275, 48294, 1070, 649, 387, 2555, 14243, 5076, 323, 499, 1253, 539, 387, 8010, 315, 433, 13, 14020, 49163, 48294, 5039, 709, 304, 2134, 426, 11, 356, 11, 423, 11, 323, 469, 13, 1102, 649, 1501, 709, 304, 904, 2134, 11, 719, 433, 374, 1455, 46941, 304, 2134, 17366, 720, 35, 13, 720, 10267, 603, 1935, 459, 3187, 304, 2134, 426, 25, 29738, 11, 4325, 220, 2096, 11, 4785, 220, 4364, 11, 2673, 220, 20, 6, 20, 1, 2355, 137, 255, 13, 137, 255, 465, 197, 137, 106, 13, 137, 108, 137, 101, 198, 137, 106, 13, 137, 103, 137, 101, 198, 137, 107, 198, 137, 102, 137, 101, 33006, 2028, 5403, 1053, 539, 13519, 264, 62275, 48294, 719, 1053, 720, 485, 8630, 279, 1732, 1694, 264, 89614, 71975, 11, 430, 279, 62268, 300, 574, 539, 17843, 3403, 32152, 13, 3005, 1053, 387, 10284, 1234, 4870, 13, 578, 12290, 1396, 15151, 430, 279, 39086, 374, 1120, 7314, 311, 1376, 323, 430, 1364, 596, 1790, 810, 19781, 1109, 1364, 1288, 387, 11, 323, 706, 264, 23948, 9709, 449, 279, 19781, 2136, 902, 374, 91069, 1077, 4553, 60071, 5826, 12, 880, 13, 720, 791, 37143, 40174, 220, 21, 13, 1490, 611, 220, 21, 13, 508, 1053, 2873, 4661, 4495, 13, 4452, 11, 720, 1820, 26587, 374, 10284, 2288, 13935, 11, 323, 270, 384, 2547, 30903, 374, 10284, 2288, 453, 7058, 36641, 483, 902, 1053, 387, 6968, 1063, 6962, 1306, 12459, 11, 449, 9099, 7951, 10194, 11, 719, 539, 6129, 13, 720, 18433, 315, 279, 89614, 71975, 3044, 11, 279, 67732, 720, 41450, 10205, 5190, 520, 3115, 323, 6068, 1203, 1523, 311, 220, 20, 13, 20, 11, 323, 422, 433, 12504, 3770, 220, 20, 13, 20, 1364, 1053, 617, 311, 617, 2555, 10437, 477, 279, 665, 12, 43043, 1053, 1629, 704, 6724, 13, 720, 791, 1566, 5219, 13519, 279, 28896, 527, 1120, 1579, 3403, 430, 720, 1820, 1732, 1053, 387, 5115, 19781, 682, 315, 279, 892, 11, 719, 1101, 13519, 430, 1364, 374, 304, 279, 3026, 84110, 449, 4106, 323, 9439, 62385, 11, 323, 520, 3115, 11, 9439, 7693, 13, 1115, 1732, 374, 304, 1205, 315, 264, 26306, 5352, 13, 220, 4386, 578, 5219, 13519, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 28170, 356, 48294, 323, 279, 720, 4930, 261, 420, 3044, 40758, 279, 7191, 279, 48294, 13, 7429, 1070, 374, 459, 720, 276, 8274, 3044, 13, 7648, 459, 8274, 1274, 527, 1790, 421, 2058, 1109, 13783, 387, 12, 1593, 279, 26587, 374, 539, 3794, 3403, 80087, 483, 11, 11245, 477, 35719, 82, 13, 720, 791, 5403, 15151, 991, 12989, 325, 1764, 13, 1115, 1732, 374, 539, 3794, 720, 268, 1409, 24463, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 28807, 2574, 311, 656, 369, 991, 12989, 325, 1764, 374, 311, 4321, 264, 14929, 264, 1938, 11, 719, 1541, 956, 1120, 1212, 1022, 323, 4321, 264, 14929, 279, 1176, 1938, 13, 720, 19999, 389, 3156, 499, 4321, 14297, 11, 832, 14929, 264, 1938, 11, 449, 4400, 304, 701, 6206, 13, 720, 2028, 1732, 596, 5219, 13519, 279, 7314, 315, 71313, 8624, 11 ]
the wilderness as a regular part of your life routine. T ake a day each month or week or two to be alone and commune with God. This is the ultimate therapy, and it’ s much less expensive than paying someone to listen! Keep Y our Silent Communion with God to Y ourself Everything that you wish to manifest emer ges from Spirit, from the silence. Y ou don’ t use your ego to manifest. In fact, ego can inhibit the creative process. For this reaso n, I ur ge you not to divulge y our private insights, what you intend to create. As St. Paul said, “That which is seen, hath not come from that which doth appear.” When you talk about your emer ging manife sting ideas and relate your insights to others, you often feel the need to explain and defend them. What happens is that ego has entered. Once the ego is present, the manifesting stops. Silence is where manifesting occurs, so keep your potential miracles in the treasured silence that you embrace as often as possible. Y ou can rely upon it and enjoy basking in th e serenity and inner peace that silence and meditation always bring.T h e F i f t h S e c r e t Flor ence Farr once said to me, “If we could say to ourselves, with sincerity, ‘The passing moment is as good as any I shall ever know,’ we could die upon the instant and be united with God.” — W illiam Butler Y eats Her e lies my past Goodbye I have kissed it; Thank you kids, I wouldn’ t have missed it. — Ogden Nash G i v e U p Y o u r P e r s o n a l H i s t o r y5 T h e F i f t h S e c r e t Give Up Y our Personal History When a speedboat zooms across the surface of the water, there’ s a white foamy froth behind it that’ s called the wake of the boat. The wake is nothing more than the tr ail that’ s left behind. The answer to, “What is driving the boat?” is that the boat moves because of present-moment ener g y generated by the engine. This is what mak es the boat move forward acros s the water. Do you think it’ s possible for the wake to drive the boat? Can the trail that’ s left behind make a boat go for ward? These are rhetorical questions with obvious answers. I’m sure you agree that the wake is only the trail left behind, and that it’ s not what drives the boat forward. I’m suggesting that you apply this idea to your life. The wake of your life is nothing more than a trail that ’ s left behind you. Thought of in this way, it’ s a bsolutely impossible for th at wake to drive you forward. The wake is not in any logic al way responsible for what you’re experiencin g or failing to ex perience today. The wake is just what it is, and nothing more—a trail that you’ve left behind. But have you? Being a V ictim of Y our Personal History For wel l over a quarter century now, I’ve worked with people to help them access higher levels of awareness. It’ s my experience that most people live thei r life in the wake by han ging on to personal histories to justify their self-defeating behaviors, and th e scarcity in their lives. They hang on to past pain s, abuses, and shortcomings as calling cards to annou nce a “poor me” stat us to everyone they meet, within minutes of their introduction. “I was aba ndoned as a child,” I’m an alcoholic,” “I’m an incest survivor,”“My parents were divorced and I’ve never gotten over it.” The list could go on for hundreds of pages. Y our past is over! By bonding to your past, you not only ensure that you’ll b e immobilized today, but you prevent yourself from healing. By referring to past struggles and using them as the reasons for no t getting on with you r life today, you’re doing the equivalent of attributing to the wake the abili ty to drive the boat. Thi s also works in reverse. Many people refer to th e good old days that are gone forever as the reason why they can’ t be happy and fulfilled today. “Ev erything has changed,” “No one respects anyone else like they used to,” “A dollar used to be worth a dollar, now everything is so overpriced,” “P eople don’ t seem to want to help out like they did in the p ast,” “When we were kids, we respected autho rity; today’ s kids walk all over their parents.” This is also living in the wake and assigning responsibility to the past for why you can’ t be successful or happy today. Getting Out of the W ake Imagine a pencil with the ability to only write your past history It has no use otherwise. All of your past is in that pencil. Are you going to keep it? What for? Are y ou going to give it up? Perhaps Omar Khayyam will inspire you with his poem: The moving finger writes and having           writ moves on. Nor all thy piety nor wit can lur e it           back to cancel half a line,    Nor all thy tears wash out one wor d           of it. Y ou can cry all night about the history in that pencil, all that it contains, and all you wis h you could erase—or bring back again— but all of yourtears can’ t wash out one word of the past, as the poet/philosopher reminds you. Y ou wa nt to let go of your personal history that’ s symbolize d by that pencil, but when you walk away from it, no matter how far yo u walk, you look back and there it is. Y ou’re ready to be rid of your personal history and to more fully li ve in the present moment. But the pencil is a lways there when you look back. I suggest that you pick up the penci l, and with compassion, allo w the words, w ounds, and pain of the past to be written, embraced, exam ined, understood, accepted, and loved for all that you’ve learned and experienced. The act of picking it up and embracing it will give you the strength to transform the past into song, poem, paint, or ritual if you feel called to do those things, or to throw it away in your unique way. Embracing Y our Personal History In a universe that’ s an intellig ent system with a divine crea tive force supporting it, there simply can be no accidents. As tough as it is to acknowledge, yo u had to go through what you went through in order to get to where you ar e today, and the evidence is that you did. Eve ry spiritual advance that you will make in your life will very likely be preceded by some kind of fall or seeming disaster. Those dark times, accid ents, tough episodes, periods of impoverishment, illnesses, abuses, and broken dreams were all in orde r. They happened, so you can assume they had t o and you can’ t unhappen them. Embrace them from that perspective, with help if you need it, and then understand them, accept them, honor them, and finally retire and/or transform them in your own wa y. (I know someone who gives them a new job description.) Become free to immerse yourself in this moment—the now that’ s called the pr esent —because it’ s simply that—a present to open, relish, nurture, play with, and enjoy and explore. All Y ou Get Is NowThe willingness and ability to live fully in the now eludes many people. While eating your appetizer, don’ t be concerned with dessert. While reading a bo ok, notice w here your thoughts are. While on vacation, be t here instead of thinking about what should have been done and what has to be done when returning home. Don’ t let the elusive present moment get used up by thoughts that aren’ t in the here and now. There’ s an irony to this habit of having your mind drift to other times and other pla ces. Y ou can only drift of f in the now, because now is all you ever get. So drifting of f is a way of using up your present mome nts. Y ou do indeed h ave a past, but not now! And yes, you have a future, b ut not now! And you can consume your now with thoughts of “then” and “maybe,” but that will keep you from the inner peace and success you could experience. It’ s d oubtful that the other creatures waste the present in thoughts of past and future. A be aver only does beaver, and he does it right in the moment. He doesn’ t spend his days wishing he were a young beaver again, or ruminating over the fact that his beaver siblings received more attention, or his fathe r beaver ran of f with a younger beaver when he was g
[ 279, 49362, 439, 264, 5912, 961, 315, 198, 22479, 2324, 14348, 627, 51, 264, 441, 264, 1938, 1855, 2305, 477, 2046, 477, 1403, 311, 387, 7636, 323, 79245, 449, 198, 28622, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 17139, 15419, 1174, 323, 433, 529, 274, 1790, 2753, 11646, 1109, 12798, 198, 90579, 311, 9020, 4999, 19999, 816, 1057, 60555, 6947, 16588, 198, 4291, 4359, 311, 816, 1057, 726, 198, 36064, 430, 220, 499, 6562, 311, 14794, 991, 261, 14748, 505, 17326, 11, 505, 279, 198, 35904, 768, 13, 816, 6033, 1541, 529, 259, 1005, 701, 37374, 311, 14794, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 37374, 649, 220, 69033, 279, 198, 52817, 1920, 662, 1789, 420, 312, 40055, 308, 11, 358, 4433, 3980, 499, 539, 311, 82791, 713, 379, 1057, 879, 198, 1354, 2866, 11, 1148, 499, 30730, 311, 1893, 13, 1666, 800, 13, 7043, 1071, 11, 1054, 4897, 902, 374, 3970, 345, 71, 589, 539, 2586, 505, 430, 902, 656, 339, 5101, 662, 863, 3277, 499, 3137, 922, 701, 198, 41996, 67193, 893, 1643, 55413, 6848, 323, 29243, 701, 26793, 311, 3885, 11, 499, 3629, 2733, 198, 1820, 1205, 311, 10552, 323, 10726, 1124, 13, 3639, 8741, 374, 430, 37374, 706, 10862, 627, 12805, 279, 37374, 374, 3118, 11, 279, 14794, 287, 18417, 627, 28671, 768, 374, 1405, 14794, 287, 13980, 11, 779, 2567, 701, 4754, 71912, 304, 198, 1820, 4353, 40412, 21847, 430, 499, 27830, 439, 3629, 439, 3284, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 17631, 198, 59723, 433, 323, 4774, 293, 71805, 304, 270, 384, 1446, 56685, 323, 9358, 9096, 430, 21847, 323, 198, 2106, 7709, 2744, 4546, 844, 305, 384, 220, 435, 602, 282, 259, 305, 220, 328, 384, 272, 436, 384, 259, 198, 3968, 269, 665, 346, 75006, 3131, 1071, 311, 757, 11, 1054, 2746, 584, 1436, 198, 37890, 311, 13520, 11, 449, 100226, 1174, 3451, 791, 12579, 198, 29699, 374, 439, 1695, 439, 904, 358, 4985, 3596, 198, 33134, 1174, 529, 584, 1436, 2815, 5304, 279, 9888, 198, 438, 387, 29292, 449, 4359, 49216, 2345, 468, 5986, 5038, 38325, 816, 50777, 198, 21364, 384, 15812, 856, 3347, 198, 15571, 29474, 358, 617, 59334, 433, 280, 13359, 499, 6980, 345, 40, 8434, 529, 259, 617, 13942, 433, 627, 2345, 41937, 5294, 28512, 198, 38, 602, 348, 384, 220, 549, 281, 198, 56, 297, 577, 436, 198, 47, 384, 436, 274, 297, 308, 264, 326, 198, 39, 602, 274, 259, 297, 436, 379, 20, 198, 51, 305, 384, 220, 435, 602, 282, 259, 305, 220, 328, 384, 272, 436, 384, 259, 198, 36227, 3216, 816, 1057, 198, 35127, 11346, 198, 4599, 264, 4732, 38865, 15932, 82, 4028, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 3090, 1174, 1070, 529, 274, 264, 4251, 198, 831, 27322, 13091, 339, 4920, 433, 430, 529, 274, 2663, 279, 15508, 220, 315, 279, 15688, 13, 578, 15508, 374, 4400, 198, 6518, 1109, 279, 490, 60243, 430, 529, 274, 2163, 4920, 13, 578, 4320, 311, 11, 1054, 3923, 374, 10043, 279, 198, 38865, 12671, 374, 220, 430, 279, 15688, 11031, 1606, 315, 3118, 1474, 13209, 38556, 342, 379, 8066, 198, 1729, 279, 4817, 13, 1115, 374, 1148, 52016, 1560, 279, 15688, 3351, 4741, 1645, 3714, 274, 279, 3090, 16853, 5519, 499, 1781, 433, 529, 274, 220, 3284, 369, 279, 220, 15508, 311, 6678, 279, 15688, 30, 3053, 279, 9025, 430, 529, 274, 198, 2414, 4920, 1304, 264, 15688, 733, 369, 26741, 30, 4314, 527, 87068, 4860, 449, 198, 677, 2528, 11503, 13, 358, 4344, 2771, 499, 7655, 430, 279, 15508, 374, 1193, 279, 9025, 2163, 198, 30998, 485, 11, 323, 430, 433, 529, 274, 539, 1148, 20722, 279, 15688, 4741, 627, 40, 4344, 23377, 430, 499, 3881, 420, 4623, 311, 701, 2324, 13, 578, 15508, 315, 701, 2324, 198, 285, 4400, 810, 1109, 264, 9025, 430, 18217, 274, 2163, 4920, 499, 13, 36287, 315, 304, 420, 1648, 13801, 275, 529, 274, 264, 17502, 9887, 12266, 369, 270, 520, 15508, 311, 6678, 499, 4741, 13, 578, 15508, 374, 198, 1962, 304, 904, 12496, 453, 1648, 8647, 369, 1148, 499, 3207, 5866, 967, 258, 342, 477, 22109, 198, 998, 506, 824, 1873, 3432, 662, 578, 15508, 374, 1120, 1148, 433, 374, 11, 323, 4400, 810, 29096, 9025, 198, 9210, 499, 4070, 2163, 4920, 13, 2030, 617, 499, 5380, 34242, 264, 650, 220, 52244, 315, 816, 1057, 19758, 11346, 198, 2520, 12724, 326, 927, 264, 8502, 9478, 1457, 1174, 358, 4070, 6575, 449, 1274, 311, 1520, 198, 49818, 2680, 5190, 5990, 315, 17985, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 856, 3217, 430, 1455, 1274, 198, 25859, 279, 72, 436, 2324, 304, 279, 15508, 555, 19538, 67193, 389, 311, 4443, 53210, 311, 9541, 872, 198, 726, 29899, 91955, 28198, 11, 323, 270, 384, 82484, 304, 872, 6439, 13, 2435, 15020, 389, 311, 198, 53520, 6784, 274, 11, 50162, 11, 323, 73021, 439, 8260, 7563, 311, 3008, 283, 308, 346, 264, 1054, 5481, 269, 198, 2727, 863, 2863, 603, 311, 5127, 814, 3449, 11, 2949, 4520, 315, 872, 17219, 13, 1054, 40, 198, 16514, 75891, 15953, 20262, 439, 264, 1716, 2476, 358, 4344, 220, 459, 56461, 2476, 1054, 40, 4344, 459, 43980, 49748, 1174, 863, 2118, 5159, 6699, 1051, 50592, 323, 358, 4070, 2646, 17454, 927, 433, 2029, 578, 1160, 1436, 733, 198, 263, 369, 11758, 315, 6959, 627, 56, 1057, 3347, 374, 927, 0, 3296, 64186, 311, 701, 3347, 11, 499, 539, 1193, 6106, 430, 198, 9514, 4805, 293, 384, 77441, 1534, 3432, 1174, 719, 499, 5471, 6261, 505, 21730, 13, 3296, 198, 1116, 14782, 311, 3347, 28970, 323, 1701, 1124, 439, 279, 8125, 369, 912, 259, 3794, 389, 198, 4291, 499, 436, 2324, 3432, 1174, 499, 3207, 3815, 279, 13890, 315, 17780, 10831, 311, 279, 15508, 198, 1820, 671, 4008, 13892, 311, 6678, 279, 15688, 13, 60223, 274, 1101, 4375, 304, 10134, 13, 9176, 1274, 8464, 198, 998, 270, 384, 1695, 2362, 2919, 430, 527, 8208, 16058, 439, 279, 2944, 3249, 814, 649, 529, 259, 387, 198, 57621, 323, 41834, 3432, 662, 1054, 35212, 89357, 1626, 706, 5614, 2476, 1054, 2822, 832, 43666, 198, 3852, 606, 775, 1093, 814, 1511, 311, 2476, 1054, 32, 18160, 1511, 311, 387, 5922, 264, 18160, 1174, 1457, 198, 73826, 374, 779, 927, 652, 7725, 2476, 1054, 47, 384, 1184, 1541, 529, 259, 2873, 311, 1390, 311, 1520, 704, 1093, 198, 20670, 1550, 220, 304, 279, 281, 12025, 2476, 1054, 4599, 584, 1051, 6980, 11, 584, 31387, 4259, 78, 436, 488, 26, 3432, 529, 274, 198, 74996, 4321, 682, 927, 872, 6699, 2029, 1115, 374, 1101, 5496, 304, 279, 220, 15508, 323, 198, 7128, 287, 12014, 311, 279, 3347, 369, 3249, 499, 649, 529, 259, 387, 6992, 477, 6380, 198, 31213, 16853, 29755, 4470, 315, 279, 468, 264, 441, 198, 52157, 264, 47218, 449, 279, 5845, 220, 311, 1193, 3350, 701, 3347, 3925, 1102, 706, 912, 198, 817, 6062, 13, 2052, 315, 701, 3347, 374, 304, 430, 47218, 13, 8886, 499, 2133, 311, 2567, 433, 5380, 3923, 369, 30, 8886, 379, 6033, 2133, 311, 3041, 433, 709, 30, 19292, 54658, 20774, 352, 88, 309, 690, 31740, 198, 9514, 449, 813, 33894, 512, 791, 7366, 14654, 14238, 323, 3515, 198, 119338, 4194, 86, 1018, 11031, 389, 627, 33763, 682, 26236, 9115, 2676, 6463, 38467, 649, 47747, 384, 433, 198, 119338, 4194, 1445, 311, 9299, 4376, 264, 1584, 345, 9421, 4194, 33763, 682, 26236, 24014, 11623, 704, 832, 4191, 294, 198, 119338, 4194, 1073, 433, 627, 56, 6033, 649, 16106, 682, 3814, 922, 279, 3925, 304, 430, 47218, 11, 682, 430, 433, 5727, 345, 438, 682, 499, 19112, 305, 499, 1436, 37088, 51749, 4546, 1203, 1578, 2345, 719, 682, 315, 701, 668, 1590, 649, 529, 259, 11623, 704, 832, 3492, 315, 279, 3347, 11, 439, 279, 40360, 14, 46185, 46459, 35710, 198, 9514, 627, 56, 6033, 10667, 32512, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 701, 4443, 3925, 430, 529, 274, 7891, 553, 294, 555, 430, 198, 79, 17438, 11, 719, 994, 499, 4321, 3201, 220, 505, 433, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 3117, 30596, 577, 4321, 11, 499, 198, 7349, 1203, 323, 1070, 433, 374, 13, 816, 6033, 3207, 5644, 311, 387, 9463, 315, 701, 4443, 220, 3925, 323, 198, 998, 810, 7373, 908, 5320, 304, 279, 3118, 4545, 13, 2030, 279, 47218, 374, 264, 326, 2336, 1070, 198, 9493, 499, 1427, 1203, 13, 358, 4284, 430, 499, 3820, 709, 279, 281, 46357, 326, 11, 323, 449, 198, 31929, 290, 11, 63747, 289, 279, 4339, 11, 289, 220, 3171, 11, 323, 6784, 315, 279, 3347, 311, 387, 5439, 345, 60163, 4535, 11, 7151, 304, 291, 11, 16365, 11, 11928, 11, 323, 10456, 369, 682, 430, 499, 4070, 198, 12964, 291, 323, 10534, 13, 578, 1180, 315, 21816, 433, 709, 323, 56501, 433, 690, 3041, 198, 9514, 279, 8333, 220, 311, 5276, 279, 3347, 1139, 5609, 11, 33894, 11, 6308, 11, 477, 28278, 422, 499, 198, 57676, 2663, 311, 656, 1884, 2574, 11, 477, 311, 2571, 433, 3201, 304, 701, 5016, 1648, 16853, 2321, 1347, 4628, 816, 1057, 19758, 11346, 198, 644, 264, 220, 15861, 430, 529, 274, 459, 60538, 1218, 1887, 449, 264, 30467, 81870, 259, 535, 5457, 198, 24249, 287, 433, 11, 1070, 5042, 649, 387, 912, 33788, 13, 1666, 11292, 439, 433, 374, 311, 198, 474, 52286, 11, 30596, 577, 1047, 311, 733, 1555, 1148, 499, 4024, 1555, 304, 2015, 311, 636, 198, 998, 1405, 499, 802, 384, 3432, 1174, 323, 279, 6029, 374, 430, 499, 1550, 13, 32460, 35019, 18330, 198, 60420, 430, 499, 690, 1304, 304, 220, 701, 2324, 690, 1633, 4461, 387, 53580, 555, 198, 15031, 3169, 315, 4498, 477, 76795, 21426, 662, 13266, 6453, 3115, 11, 1046, 307, 37952, 11, 11292, 198, 752, 15081, 11, 18852, 315, 77742, 16409, 11, 49909, 11, 50162, 11, 323, 11102, 19226, 198, 52898, 682, 304, 477, 451, 436, 662, 2435, 7077, 11, 779, 499, 649, 9855, 814, 1047, 220, 259, 297, 323, 499, 198, 4919, 529, 259, 31175, 64860, 1124, 627, 2321, 32337, 1124, 505, 430, 13356, 11, 449, 1520, 422, 499, 1205, 433, 11, 323, 1243, 198, 8154, 2752, 1124, 1174, 4287, 1124, 11, 16044, 1124, 11, 323, 5616, 16177, 323, 5255, 198, 4806, 1124, 304, 701, 1866, 10667, 379, 662, 320, 40, 1440, 4423, 889, 6835, 1124, 264, 502, 198, 8975, 4096, 6266, 51378, 1949, 311, 26612, 325, 6261, 304, 420, 4545, 22416, 1457, 198, 9210, 529, 274, 2663, 279, 550, 1560, 306, 2001, 28753, 433, 529, 274, 5042, 430, 29096, 3118, 311, 1825, 345, 265, 1706, 11, 79530, 11, 1514, 449, 11, 323, 4774, 323, 13488, 627, 2460, 816, 6033, 2175, 2209, 4800, 791, 39375, 323, 5845, 311, 3974, 7373, 304, 279, 1457, 658, 29246, 1690, 1274, 627, 8142, 12459, 701, 30168, 3213, 1174, 1541, 529, 259, 387, 11920, 449, 43849, 13, 6104, 5403, 198, 64, 712, 5509, 11, 5406, 289, 1618, 701, 11555, 527, 13, 6104, 389, 20769, 11, 387, 259, 1618, 4619, 198, 1073, 7422, 922, 1148, 1288, 617, 1027, 2884, 323, 1148, 706, 311, 387, 2884, 198, 9493, 13758, 2162, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 1095, 279, 66684, 3118, 4545, 636, 1511, 709, 555, 198, 61665, 82, 430, 7784, 529, 259, 304, 279, 1618, 323, 1457, 16853, 3947, 529, 274, 459, 51705, 311, 420, 14464, 315, 3515, 701, 4059, 34738, 311, 1023, 220, 3115, 323, 198, 1605, 40852, 27750, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 1193, 34738, 315, 282, 304, 279, 1457, 1174, 1606, 1457, 374, 682, 499, 3596, 198, 456, 13, 2100, 85353, 315, 282, 374, 264, 1648, 315, 1701, 709, 701, 3118, 296, 638, 308, 2641, 13, 816, 6033, 656, 198, 28074, 291, 305, 42738, 264, 3347, 11, 719, 539, 1457, 0, 1628, 10035, 11, 499, 617, 264, 3938, 11, 293, 8791, 539, 1457, 4999, 3112, 499, 649, 25024, 701, 1457, 449, 11555, 315, 1054, 3473, 863, 323, 1054, 37860, 2476, 719, 198, 9210, 690, 2567, 499, 505, 279, 9358, 9096, 323, 2450, 499, 1436, 3217, 627, 2181, 529, 274, 294, 220, 5599, 83, 1285, 430, 279, 1023, 20566, 12571, 279, 3118, 304, 11555, 315, 3347, 198, 438, 3938, 13, 362, 387, 17751, 1193, 1587, 387, 7403, 1174, 323, 568, 1587, 433, 1314, 304, 279, 4545, 627, 1548, 3250, 529, 259, 8493, 813, 2919, 46227, 568, 1051, 264, 3995, 387, 7403, 1578, 11, 477, 198, 81, 10318, 1113, 927, 220, 279, 2144, 430, 813, 387, 7403, 37783, 4036, 810, 6666, 11, 477, 198, 26301, 8834, 383, 436, 387, 7403, 10837, 315, 282, 449, 264, 14992, 387, 7403, 994, 568, 574, 342 ]
also keep your home or office well ventilated. Modern homes and office buildings are built a lot “tighter” than older construction to save on energy costs. While reducing energy waste is a good thing, reducing air circulation allows pollutants to accumulate to higher concentrations. For this reason, high-quality air filters (that will filter out both particulate matter and gaseous hydrocarbons) can be helpful. Use them in rooms where you spend a great deal of time, such as your office or bedroom.Obvious as it sounds, the most important thing you can do to keep your indoor air clean is to stop introducing pollutants in the first place. Before you purchase something new, consider if that product might contribute to your indoor pollution. As mentioned earlier, after you buy something, give it a chance to off-gas before you put it in your living environment. When I purchase a new television or computer monitor, I put it in the garage, turn it on and leave it there until I can no longer detect an odor. Hang your dry-cleaning outdoors or in a well-ventilated area until you can no longer detect an odor. Do not use products that have powerful chemical odors, such as mothballs or air fresheners. Use heat or sunshine to help expedite the off-gassing process, whenever possible. Health and Beauty Products That Fail Your skin provides enormous protection from microorganisms, such as germs, but skin also is designed to be permeable, allowing certain molecules in and out, which is good news when the skin allows antioxidants in to protect against the sun and allows toxins out through the sweat and oil glands. However, easy access also allows environmental toxins to penetrate. Personal care products are the largest source of toxic absorption through the skin and mucus membranes. One study found that 13 percent of the commonly used cosmetic preservative BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) is absorbed by your skin. Chemicals found in everyday personal products such as perfume, cologne, shaving cream, skin lotions, aftershave, toothpaste, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, nail polish, all types of household cleansers and so forth, can be absorbed quickly and produce effects that are toxic or even carcinogenic, especially when these toxic substances are combined. When I was suffering from severe chemical sensitivities, I found, much to my surprise, that the brands of toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant and skin lotion that I was using were all quite toxic. Products such as lotions, conditioners and makeup, especially when left on the skin for long periods of time, expose you to significant amounts of toxins, which can bioaccumulate, poison your cells and cause disease. Most common products sold to preserve and protect the skin in fact actually contain chemicals capable of damaging the skin. Virtually all commonly available cosmetic and personal care products contain ingredients (such as preservatives and colors) that are known to present problems. Many preservatives contain or release formaldehyde, a known toxin and carcinogen. Various parabens (a specific class of preservatives) have been shown to damage deep layers of the skin worse than severe sunburn, which causes the skin to age prematurely and even can cause cancer. Artificial colors have been shown to be carcinogenic, not only when ingested but also when applied to the skin. Yet peoplevoluntarily put these personal care products on their skin daily, unaware that these products contain toxic and potentially carcinogenic ingredients. By using products such as sunscreen and lotion, people are putting cancer-causing chemicals on their skin, then wondering why they developed skin cancer or why their skin is aging so fast. Choosing safe personal care and cosmetic products means reading labels carefully and learning about the health consequences of ingredients. Effective products are on the market that are high in quality and safety. The overwhelming majority, however, contain a variety of toxins that should be avoided. Some of the common toxins to look for and avoid include artificial fragrances, colors and flavors, formaldehyde, phenol, trichlorethylene, BHT/BHA, EDTA, cresol, detergents, glycols, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate and nitrates/ nitrosamines. Perfumes and other fragrances also cause problems. Traditionally, these products were made from flowers and herbs. But since World War II, most fragrances and perfumes have been made from synthetic petrochemicals, many of which are officially designated as hazardous materials. In fact, about 95 percent are synthetic, and more than 80 percent of the ingredients used in fragrances have never been tested for human safety. When they have been tested, many are found to be neuro- toxic and even carcinogenic. (Meanwhile, because of “trade secrets,” manufacturers are not required to list any of these toxic ingredients on their product labels.) Worse, these fragrances are not just in perfumes, but in everything from kitty litter to shampoos, soaps, lotions, shaving creams, household cleaners, laundry detergents and numerous other products. Fragrances now pollute our homes, schools, workplaces, stores, churches and other public places. People who regularly use synthetic perfumes are putting a heavy toxic burden on their bodies. The solution is to use essential oils made from natural ingredients such as flowers and herbs, if tolerable, and to avoid household and personal products made with synthetic fragrances. I have spent years researching the toxic effects of chemicals used to make products that people consume on a daily basis. I discovered that regular toothpaste, for example, contains numerous toxins, such as fluoride, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners and synthetic detergents, all of which can bioaccumulate in the body and lead to toxic overload. Toothpaste is especially important because the mucous membranes in your mouth are very permeable, so if you expose yourself to toxic toothpaste several times a day, you subject yourself to a lot of toxins. I eventually selected a toothpaste for my personal use that was both safe and effective (see appendix C), but it took eighteen months of research to find it. Toxic chemicals, used for detergent and foam-generating properties, are present in most toothpastes, as well as in many other personal care and household products. When these toxins— sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium cetyl sulfate and sodium laurethsulfate—are placed on the surface of the body, they can cause eye irritations, skin rashes, hair loss, scalp flaking similar to dandruff and allergic reactions. These chemicals are known to be irritating to the skin and are used to irritate the skin in laboratory experiments! Think about what happens when your highly sensitive gum tissue comes into contact with a known irritant, like sodium lauryl sulfate, in your toothpaste. Could this factor be contributing to our epidemic of gum disease? These man-made detergents pass through the skin and mucous membranes and bioaccumulate in fatty tissue—eye tissue, for example. Is there a possible connection between the sodium lauryl sulfate found in toothpaste and our epidemic of macular degeneration—a disease in which cells in the central part of the retina degenerate, and the leading cause of blindness in people over age fifty-five? The focus of manufacturers is always on marketability, so they often try to disguise these synthetic and toxic ingredients by making them seem “natural.” Labels will often state something like, “sodium lauryl sulfate—derived from coconut.” Regardless of derivation they are toxic and can accumulate easily in your tissues to levels that cause cellular malfunction and disease. People choose antibacterial soaps thinking they will protect them from germs, but the germicide in the soap goes right through the skin and bioaccumulates in tissue. In fact, these toxic chemicals, designed to kill cells, are now showing up in alarming amounts in human breast milk, and infants are much more susceptible to toxins. As always, the solution is to choose safe, natural products, usually available at health food and specialty stores. There are high-quality, certified organic, hair and skin care products available and I recommend you use them. (See appendix C for my personal choices.) Toxic Cleaning Products The home can be a toxic place already—do not make it more so with toxic cleaning products, solvents and workplace chemicals. Household cleaning products rank among the most toxic everyday substances to which people are exposed. Unfortunately, the manufacturer of household products is seldom the best source of accurate information about safety. As a practical matter, do not let any chemical come in contact with your skin unless you know it is safe. Most commercial brands are not safe, although safe household products are available at health food and specialty stores. (See appendix C for my choices.) Some especially toxic household cleaners include ammonia, chlorine bleach, aerosol propellants, detergents, petroleum distillates and toluene. Many of these substances not only harm the skin; they also give off toxic fumes that affect the person using the product and everyone else in the household. If you cannot avoid toxic household products, at least use them sparingly and in well-ventilated areas.Symptoms from “the flu” to headaches have been associated with products we use to clean our furniture, bathrooms and clothes, as well as air fresheners to keep our bathrooms smelling pleasant. Debra Lynn Dadd, in Nontoxic and Natural, wrote about a
[ 1101, 720, 13397, 701, 2162, 477, 5274, 1664, 71702, 660, 13, 18766, 10632, 323, 5274, 198, 5957, 826, 527, 5918, 264, 2763, 1054, 75282, 261, 863, 1109, 9191, 8246, 311, 3665, 389, 4907, 7194, 627, 8142, 18189, 4907, 12571, 374, 264, 1695, 3245, 11, 18189, 3805, 35855, 6276, 198, 31241, 332, 1821, 311, 47376, 311, 5190, 32466, 13, 1789, 420, 2944, 11, 1579, 22867, 3805, 198, 25630, 320, 9210, 690, 4141, 704, 2225, 2598, 6468, 5030, 323, 342, 521, 788, 17055, 7063, 47620, 8, 649, 387, 198, 8823, 1285, 13, 5560, 1124, 304, 12295, 1405, 499, 8493, 264, 2294, 3568, 315, 892, 11, 1778, 439, 701, 5274, 198, 269, 14150, 13, 4213, 2528, 439, 433, 10578, 11, 279, 1455, 3062, 3245, 499, 649, 656, 311, 2567, 701, 30619, 3805, 198, 18883, 374, 311, 3009, 33018, 83661, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 13, 13538, 499, 7782, 198, 34431, 502, 11, 2980, 422, 430, 2027, 2643, 17210, 311, 701, 30619, 25793, 627, 2170, 9932, 6931, 11, 1306, 499, 3780, 2555, 11, 3041, 433, 264, 6140, 311, 1022, 2427, 300, 1603, 499, 198, 631, 433, 304, 701, 5496, 4676, 13, 3277, 358, 7782, 264, 502, 12707, 477, 6500, 198, 33325, 11, 358, 2231, 433, 304, 279, 19833, 11, 2543, 433, 389, 323, 5387, 433, 1070, 3156, 358, 649, 912, 5129, 198, 62343, 459, 54097, 13, 41875, 701, 9235, 1824, 60051, 34632, 477, 304, 264, 1664, 12, 688, 93583, 3158, 3156, 198, 9514, 649, 912, 5129, 11388, 459, 54097, 13, 3234, 539, 1005, 3956, 430, 617, 8147, 11742, 198, 347, 1105, 11, 1778, 439, 98178, 46618, 477, 3805, 7878, 18724, 13, 5560, 8798, 477, 52495, 311, 1520, 31727, 635, 279, 198, 1885, 2427, 73932, 1920, 11, 15716, 3284, 627, 14884, 323, 31685, 15899, 3011, 40745, 198, 7927, 6930, 5825, 23205, 9313, 505, 8162, 76991, 11, 1778, 439, 17684, 1026, 11, 719, 198, 37282, 1101, 374, 6319, 311, 387, 55424, 481, 11, 10923, 3738, 35715, 304, 323, 704, 11, 902, 198, 285, 1695, 3754, 994, 279, 6930, 6276, 81115, 304, 311, 6144, 2403, 279, 7160, 323, 198, 56967, 62186, 704, 1555, 279, 28566, 323, 5707, 82375, 13, 4452, 11, 4228, 2680, 1101, 6276, 198, 24175, 278, 62186, 311, 64855, 627, 35127, 2512, 3956, 527, 279, 7928, 2592, 315, 21503, 44225, 1555, 279, 6930, 198, 438, 296, 38601, 79348, 13, 3861, 4007, 1766, 430, 220, 1032, 3346, 315, 279, 17037, 1511, 198, 9594, 18474, 1685, 54268, 426, 2607, 320, 8248, 4010, 660, 17055, 4223, 21220, 84, 1994, 8, 374, 42101, 555, 701, 6930, 627, 64938, 53703, 1766, 304, 18254, 4443, 3956, 1778, 439, 67443, 11, 1400, 96441, 11, 81109, 198, 47100, 11, 6930, 2763, 919, 11, 60801, 388, 19553, 11, 26588, 57968, 11, 779, 2690, 11, 559, 54830, 437, 11, 409, 50017, 1821, 11, 32095, 45129, 345, 543, 4595, 315, 14048, 35294, 388, 323, 779, 13544, 11, 649, 387, 42101, 6288, 323, 8356, 198, 81524, 430, 527, 21503, 477, 1524, 52788, 29569, 11, 5423, 994, 1521, 21503, 33155, 198, 548, 11093, 627, 4599, 358, 574, 16066, 505, 15748, 11742, 74633, 43479, 11, 358, 1766, 11, 1790, 311, 856, 198, 20370, 9868, 11, 430, 279, 16097, 315, 26588, 57968, 11, 63032, 11, 409, 50017, 519, 323, 6930, 87942, 430, 358, 574, 198, 985, 1051, 682, 5115, 21503, 13, 15899, 1778, 439, 2763, 919, 11, 3044, 388, 323, 27649, 345, 36046, 994, 2163, 389, 279, 6930, 369, 1317, 18852, 315, 892, 11, 29241, 499, 311, 5199, 198, 6173, 82, 315, 62186, 11, 902, 649, 17332, 99487, 11, 21109, 701, 7917, 323, 5353, 8624, 627, 13622, 4279, 3956, 6216, 311, 21813, 323, 6144, 279, 6930, 304, 2144, 3604, 6782, 198, 32056, 82, 13171, 315, 34446, 279, 6930, 627, 53, 2154, 1870, 682, 17037, 2561, 46552, 323, 4443, 2512, 3956, 6782, 198, 39220, 320, 21470, 439, 1685, 79629, 323, 8146, 8, 430, 527, 3967, 311, 3118, 5435, 627, 8607, 1685, 79629, 6782, 477, 4984, 16287, 86836, 11, 264, 3967, 98534, 323, 52788, 11968, 627, 73741, 1370, 370, 729, 320, 64, 3230, 538, 315, 1685, 79629, 8, 617, 1027, 6982, 311, 5674, 198, 33980, 13931, 315, 279, 6930, 11201, 1109, 15748, 7160, 22464, 11, 902, 11384, 279, 6930, 311, 4325, 198, 1762, 76, 1598, 398, 323, 1524, 649, 5353, 9572, 13, 59294, 8146, 617, 1027, 6982, 311, 387, 198, 7063, 18595, 29569, 11, 539, 1193, 994, 6892, 10185, 719, 1101, 994, 9435, 311, 279, 6930, 13, 14968, 1274, 12821, 3935, 6751, 2231, 1521, 4443, 2512, 3956, 389, 872, 6930, 7446, 11, 41747, 430, 1521, 198, 10354, 6782, 21503, 323, 13893, 52788, 29569, 14293, 13, 720, 1383, 1701, 3956, 198, 21470, 439, 83184, 323, 87942, 11, 1274, 527, 10917, 9572, 51877, 985, 26333, 389, 872, 198, 37282, 11, 1243, 20910, 3249, 814, 8040, 6930, 9572, 477, 3249, 872, 6930, 374, 30084, 779, 198, 9533, 627, 96144, 6220, 4443, 2512, 323, 46552, 3956, 3445, 5403, 9382, 15884, 198, 438, 6975, 922, 279, 2890, 16296, 315, 14293, 13, 48023, 3956, 527, 389, 198, 1820, 3157, 430, 527, 1579, 304, 4367, 323, 7296, 13, 578, 22798, 8857, 11, 4869, 345, 53195, 264, 8205, 315, 62186, 430, 1288, 387, 31890, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 4279, 62186, 311, 198, 7349, 369, 323, 5766, 2997, 21075, 8508, 95597, 11, 8146, 323, 32523, 11, 16287, 86836, 345, 15112, 337, 11, 490, 718, 20763, 339, 64651, 11, 426, 2607, 16675, 17455, 11, 49023, 32, 11, 46858, 337, 11, 4130, 70, 812, 11, 37807, 22093, 11, 1370, 370, 729, 345, 82, 47876, 1208, 3431, 75, 89418, 323, 308, 22288, 988, 14, 25719, 3714, 97081, 627, 3976, 69, 19131, 323, 1023, 8508, 95597, 1101, 5353, 5435, 13, 15415, 17868, 11, 1521, 3956, 198, 52898, 1903, 505, 19837, 323, 42393, 13, 2030, 2533, 4435, 5111, 8105, 11, 1455, 8508, 95597, 323, 198, 60645, 19131, 617, 1027, 1903, 505, 28367, 6896, 299, 32056, 82, 11, 1690, 315, 902, 527, 198, 33912, 398, 24073, 439, 51024, 7384, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 922, 220, 2721, 3346, 527, 28367, 345, 438, 810, 1109, 220, 1490, 3346, 315, 279, 14293, 1511, 304, 8508, 95597, 617, 2646, 1027, 198, 76036, 369, 3823, 7296, 13, 3277, 814, 617, 1027, 12793, 11, 1690, 527, 1766, 311, 387, 18247, 7058, 998, 14668, 323, 1524, 52788, 29569, 13, 320, 26054, 11, 1606, 315, 1054, 37171, 24511, 2476, 17032, 198, 548, 539, 2631, 311, 1160, 904, 315, 1521, 21503, 14293, 389, 872, 2027, 9382, 6266, 87904, 345, 45010, 8508, 95597, 527, 539, 1120, 304, 22535, 19131, 11, 719, 304, 4395, 505, 80921, 39682, 311, 198, 939, 54830, 437, 11, 779, 2690, 11, 2763, 919, 11, 81109, 81316, 11, 14048, 75965, 11, 35189, 4130, 70, 812, 198, 438, 12387, 1023, 3956, 13, 59189, 95597, 1457, 7230, 1088, 1057, 10632, 11, 8853, 345, 1816, 27170, 11, 10756, 11, 31012, 323, 1023, 586, 7634, 13, 9029, 889, 15870, 1005, 198, 20960, 18015, 22535, 19131, 527, 10917, 264, 8987, 21503, 23104, 389, 872, 13162, 13, 578, 6425, 374, 198, 998, 1005, 7718, 32462, 1903, 505, 5933, 14293, 1778, 439, 19837, 323, 42393, 11, 422, 198, 21220, 28057, 11, 323, 311, 5766, 14048, 323, 4443, 3956, 1903, 449, 28367, 198, 34298, 95597, 627, 40, 617, 7543, 1667, 45243, 279, 21503, 6372, 315, 26333, 1511, 311, 1304, 198, 10354, 430, 1274, 25024, 389, 264, 7446, 8197, 13, 358, 11352, 430, 5912, 26588, 57968, 345, 2000, 3187, 11, 5727, 12387, 62186, 11, 1778, 439, 89230, 11, 21075, 8146, 11, 32523, 345, 95928, 18724, 323, 28367, 4130, 70, 812, 11, 682, 315, 902, 649, 17332, 99487, 304, 279, 2547, 323, 198, 27152, 311, 21503, 43284, 13, 83499, 57968, 374, 5423, 3062, 1606, 279, 65104, 788, 198, 10759, 1347, 14997, 304, 701, 11013, 527, 1633, 55424, 481, 11, 779, 422, 499, 29241, 6261, 311, 21503, 198, 998, 8942, 57968, 3892, 3115, 264, 1938, 11, 499, 3917, 6261, 311, 264, 2763, 315, 62186, 13, 358, 9778, 198, 4626, 264, 26588, 57968, 369, 856, 4443, 1005, 430, 574, 2225, 6220, 323, 7524, 320, 4151, 198, 5200, 953, 356, 705, 719, 433, 3952, 63134, 4038, 315, 3495, 311, 1505, 433, 627, 1271, 14668, 26333, 11, 1511, 369, 91234, 323, 32183, 2427, 94207, 6012, 11, 527, 3118, 304, 198, 3646, 26588, 79, 28006, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 304, 1690, 1023, 4443, 2512, 323, 14048, 3956, 627, 4599, 1521, 62186, 2345, 39695, 1208, 3431, 75, 89418, 11, 39695, 272, 87348, 89418, 323, 39695, 67185, 17323, 14643, 349, 83872, 9277, 389, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 814, 649, 5353, 8071, 30118, 811, 11, 6930, 198, 81, 14380, 11, 7013, 4814, 11, 65426, 1344, 1802, 4528, 311, 294, 74976, 1386, 323, 57596, 25481, 13, 4314, 198, 32056, 82, 527, 3967, 311, 387, 85077, 311, 279, 6930, 323, 527, 1511, 311, 30118, 349, 279, 6930, 304, 198, 75, 4422, 5382, 21896, 0, 21834, 922, 1148, 8741, 994, 701, 7701, 16614, 42365, 198, 83, 11407, 4131, 1139, 3729, 449, 264, 3967, 30118, 519, 11, 1093, 39695, 1208, 3431, 75, 89418, 11, 304, 701, 198, 998, 8942, 57968, 13, 16910, 420, 8331, 387, 29820, 311, 1057, 42620, 315, 42365, 8624, 5380, 9673, 893, 27975, 4130, 70, 812, 1522, 1555, 279, 6930, 323, 65104, 788, 79348, 323, 198, 38423, 99487, 304, 40085, 20438, 2345, 19494, 20438, 11, 369, 3187, 13, 2209, 1070, 264, 3284, 198, 7898, 1990, 279, 39695, 1208, 3431, 75, 89418, 1766, 304, 26588, 57968, 323, 1057, 42620, 198, 1073, 9155, 1299, 5367, 17699, 29096, 8624, 304, 902, 7917, 304, 279, 8792, 961, 315, 279, 84827, 198, 451, 19927, 11, 323, 279, 6522, 5353, 315, 85515, 304, 1274, 927, 4325, 33517, 36399, 5380, 791, 5357, 315, 17032, 374, 2744, 389, 3157, 2968, 11, 779, 814, 3629, 1456, 311, 198, 4338, 8890, 1082, 1521, 28367, 323, 21503, 14293, 555, 3339, 1124, 2873, 1054, 53980, 49216, 24600, 690, 3629, 1614, 2555, 1093, 11, 1054, 82, 47876, 1208, 3431, 75, 89418, 2345, 51182, 505, 198, 1030, 27357, 2029, 44840, 315, 96354, 814, 527, 21503, 323, 649, 47376, 6847, 304, 701, 198, 83, 18934, 311, 5990, 430, 5353, 35693, 72287, 323, 8624, 627, 16298, 5268, 21196, 71034, 779, 2690, 7422, 814, 690, 6144, 1124, 505, 17684, 1026, 11, 719, 198, 1820, 82986, 14842, 304, 279, 27883, 5900, 1314, 1555, 279, 6930, 323, 17332, 40031, 24031, 304, 20438, 627, 644, 2144, 11, 1521, 21503, 26333, 11, 6319, 311, 5622, 7917, 11, 527, 1457, 9204, 709, 304, 57376, 198, 6173, 82, 304, 3823, 17659, 14403, 11, 323, 42534, 527, 1790, 810, 47281, 311, 62186, 13, 1666, 198, 33222, 11, 279, 6425, 374, 311, 5268, 6220, 11, 5933, 3956, 11, 6118, 2561, 520, 2890, 198, 14239, 323, 36974, 10756, 13, 2684, 527, 1579, 22867, 11, 23759, 17808, 11, 7013, 323, 6930, 198, 10727, 3956, 2561, 323, 358, 7079, 499, 1005, 1124, 13, 320, 10031, 88677, 356, 369, 856, 198, 30712, 11709, 29275, 1271, 14668, 47755, 15899, 198, 791, 2162, 649, 387, 264, 21503, 2035, 2736, 2345, 3055, 539, 1304, 433, 810, 779, 449, 21503, 198, 18883, 287, 3956, 11, 2092, 48764, 323, 27465, 26333, 13, 77073, 16204, 3956, 198, 13430, 4315, 279, 1455, 21503, 18254, 33155, 311, 902, 1274, 527, 15246, 627, 31140, 11, 279, 14290, 315, 14048, 3956, 374, 56452, 279, 1888, 2592, 315, 198, 37021, 349, 2038, 922, 7296, 13, 1666, 264, 15325, 5030, 11, 656, 539, 1095, 904, 11742, 198, 2063, 304, 3729, 449, 701, 6930, 7389, 499, 1440, 433, 374, 6220, 13, 7648, 8518, 16097, 198, 548, 539, 6220, 11, 8051, 6220, 14048, 3956, 527, 2561, 520, 2890, 3691, 323, 198, 15495, 1919, 10756, 13, 320, 10031, 88677, 356, 369, 856, 11709, 29275, 8538, 5423, 21503, 14048, 75965, 2997, 92003, 11, 85206, 83451, 345, 64, 6398, 337, 2047, 616, 1821, 11, 4130, 70, 812, 11, 60063, 1612, 484, 988, 323, 311, 10036, 1994, 13, 9176, 315, 1521, 198, 2008, 9623, 539, 1193, 11682, 279, 6930, 26, 814, 1101, 3041, 1022, 21503, 282, 19131, 430, 7958, 279, 198, 9164, 1701, 279, 2027, 323, 5127, 775, 304, 279, 14048, 13, 1442, 499, 4250, 5766, 198, 998, 14668, 14048, 3956, 11, 520, 3325, 1005, 1124, 96055, 398, 323, 304, 1664, 12, 688, 93583, 5789, 815, 1631, 52273, 505, 1054, 1820, 20236, 863, 311, 55403, 617, 1027, 5938, 449, 3956, 584, 1005, 198, 998, 4335, 1057, 14891, 11, 40983, 323, 15447, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 3805, 7878, 18724, 311, 2567, 1057, 198, 65, 589, 9949, 97103, 24729, 13, 1611, 14720, 45638, 423, 723, 11, 304, 720, 45, 546, 82329, 323, 18955, 11, 720, 86, 5646, 198, 9274, 264 ]
lotus pose is illustrated with the seven chakra positions. Running from the base of the spine to the top of the head, they are seen as the body’s energy centers. The term chakra, a Sanskrit word that literally means “wheel of light”, refers to th e seven basic ener gy centers in the body. In Indian philoso phy, the chakras correlate to major nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column, levels of consciousness, arch etypal elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, body functions and more. Some people reportedly see the chakras, de scribing them as spinning wheels of light and color located along thebackbone, going from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each of the seven chakras has a physical, an emotional, a creative and a spiritual c omponent (see chart overleaf). Colin Hall, the spa manager at the Ananda, likens the spine to an elevator shaft of ener gy and the chakras as the various floors in the building of our body from which to view and e xperience life. When we rise from one floor to another within our consciousness, our perspective changes and expands. “Based upon the area of consci ousness that it influences, each chakra has its own purpose in the body,” he explains. “In simple terms, we have a chakra for each issue that we commonly think about.” He goes on to say that our thoughts have a direct relationship with our state of h ealth. For example, love and faith based thoughts result in a smoot h ener gy flow through the chakras and thus the physical body. W orry, obsession and fear based thoughts af fect the chakra that relates to the issues we are thinking about, th us caus ing a blockage o r restriction in the flow of ener gy to that part of the body. Chakra therapists note that each chakra is found next to or near a hormonal gland in the body, so the chakras have the ability to push life ener gy or prana through the body to ensure vit ality. These ener gy centers receive and radiate ener gy constantly, acting as storeh ouses and transmitters of universal ener gy as well. T hey say that it is nec essary to balance the chakras from time to time to ef fectively regulate this flow. According to yoga masters, disharmony on a physical, mental or spiritual level may be corrected by certain postures that concent rate the brea th on the abdominal are a. Pranayama is especially active on the chakras, while the A yurvedic therapy o f pouring medicated oils on to the chakras (chakradhara ) also ef fectively regulates the proper flow prana. “It is particularly useful for people who have improper lifestyle habits,” explains A yurvedic physician, Dr Sreenarayanan, also of Ananda. “Their chakras are bloc ked as a result of stress, tension, bad diet, lack of exercise and so on. The therapy acts on the immune system, releasing ener gy flows, reducing anxiety and allowing the mind to become still and quiet.”Furthermore, chakras may be balance d by placing th e hands gently over them, a few inches above the physical body. In this process, the recipient may be receptive to a flowing or w arm sensation believed to be the transmission of universal ener gy. Known as Reiki in the W est, practitioners say it helps harmonize the body’ s biological and emotional systems. As universal ener gy is received, the “doors” for self-he aling are opened — and people use it for pain manag ement and stress-relief as well as for more spiri tual goals.A chakradhara session at Ananda, in the Himalayas, concentrates on the fifth chakra, the one that is related to creativity and communication. Chakradhara is often recommended after a period of panchakarma (see pages 46–49), for patients with high cholesterol or diabetes and for those who suffer from anxiety and stress.Some of the wold’ s principal oyster beds lie along the coasts of India, so references to mother-of-pearl and pearls are abundant in the Indian epics. They are potent when applied to the skin — as a powder or whole — especially on the chakras.A Reiki master lays his hands above a client at Mandarin Oriental Dhara Devi. Both calm ing and spiritual, Reiki involves the laying of hands on, or above, the body’ s chakras to balance and heal. THE SEVEN CHAKRASChakra Seven: Thought, universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge The crown chakra relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our conn ection to the greater world beyond, and, when develo ped, brings knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection and bliss. Chakra Six: Light, archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection The brow chakra or third eye cen ter is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such, it opens our psychic faculties and gives us greater understanding of “the big picture”. Chakra Five: Sound, creative identity, oriented to self-expression The throat chakra is related to communication and creativity. By experiencing the world symbolically through vibration (ie the vibration of sound representing language), a healthy fifth chakra results in expressiveness and erudition. Chakra Four: Air, social identity, oriented to self-acceptance The heart chakra is the middle chakra in the system of seven. It is related t o love and is the integra tor of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, per sona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion and experience a profound sense of peace and centeredness. Chakra Three: Fire, ego identity, oriented to self-definition Located in the solar plexus, this chakra is known as the power chakra. It rules our personal power, will and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, it brings ener gy, ef fectiveness, spontaneity and non-dominating power. Chakra T wo: Water, emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification Located in the abdomen, lower back and sexual or gans, the second chakra connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. Ideally, this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and the ability to accept change. Chakra One: Earth, physical identity, oriented to self-preservation Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It is rela ted to our survival instincts, our sense of grounding an d tothe physical plane. When healthy, this chakra brings health, prosperity, security and dynamic presence.nattu vaidya the barefoot doctor Throughout India, people re ceive medical help from both qualified and non-qualified practitioners. As we have no ted previously, there are four traditional systems practiced in India — A yurveda, Siddha, Unani and T ibetan medicine — all of which are based on humoral pathology. Since Independence in the 1940s, each has built up a solid base of medical colleg es imparting education in five-and-a-half y ear programs. They have been joined by a fifth: the study of Naturopathy. C urrently, only graduates of such recognized medical schools are legally entitled to practice medic ine, and it is believed that th ere are around 600,000 such licensed practitioners. Be that as it may, there are, in addition, literally hundreds of thousands of nonqualified healers servicing the health and welfare needs of India’ s huge population. Often, they comprise families that have pra cticed their individual skills for centuries — and are well known in the co mmunity. Some such practitioners may have s ome rudimentary education as well, but economic and other factors may have res ulted in their medical t raining being cut short. Others are completely unqu alified on paper, indeed they may even be illiterate, but they are th e recipients of countless generations of hea ling knowledge. As such, they are hugely skilled — and a vital part of any community.There are numerous examples of such traditional healers, all of whom fall into a category that can loosely be termed the “bare foot doctor” or nattu vaidya. The village midwife : Each vil lage has at least one traditional birth attendant known as a dai. T hese women are skilled in de livering not only healthy babies, but have knowledge of breach births, stillborn fetuses and ba bies with um bilical cords round their necks. Often coming from a family of m idwives, they are skilled i n ante-n
[ 2763, 355, 17477, 374, 36762, 449, 279, 8254, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 10093, 13, 29125, 198, 1527, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 35776, 311, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 2010, 11, 814, 527, 3970, 439, 279, 2547, 753, 198, 17947, 19169, 627, 791, 4751, 220, 523, 52503, 1174, 264, 15089, 88650, 3492, 430, 16280, 3445, 198, 2118, 39690, 315, 3177, 9520, 19813, 311, 270, 384, 8254, 6913, 38556, 29720, 19169, 304, 198, 1820, 2547, 662, 763, 7904, 10891, 28246, 37555, 1174, 279, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 81584, 311, 198, 37605, 32015, 13481, 24235, 86567, 704, 505, 279, 50112, 3330, 345, 43664, 315, 25917, 11, 5438, 1880, 1100, 278, 5540, 11, 48006, 198, 267, 1154, 315, 2324, 11, 8146, 11, 10578, 11, 2547, 5865, 323, 810, 627, 8538, 1274, 18307, 1518, 279, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 1174, 409, 274, 44631, 1124, 439, 198, 2203, 20353, 23529, 315, 3177, 323, 1933, 7559, 3235, 279, 1445, 20337, 11, 2133, 505, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 35776, 311, 279, 27631, 315, 198, 1820, 2010, 627, 4959, 315, 279, 8254, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 706, 264, 7106, 11, 459, 14604, 11, 264, 11782, 198, 438, 264, 18330, 272, 8019, 1166, 320, 4151, 9676, 927, 25126, 570, 40979, 11166, 11, 279, 31493, 198, 13600, 520, 279, 1556, 10018, 11, 3208, 729, 279, 35776, 311, 459, 39736, 31468, 315, 198, 804, 29720, 323, 279, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 439, 279, 5370, 27035, 304, 279, 4857, 315, 1057, 198, 2664, 505, 902, 311, 1684, 323, 384, 865, 13267, 2324, 13, 3277, 584, 10205, 505, 198, 606, 6558, 311, 2500, 2949, 1057, 25917, 11, 1057, 13356, 198, 19926, 323, 52956, 627, 2118, 29815, 5304, 279, 3158, 315, 1615, 5979, 220, 788, 2136, 430, 433, 34453, 11, 1855, 198, 331, 52503, 220, 706, 1202, 1866, 7580, 304, 279, 2547, 1174, 863, 568, 15100, 13, 1054, 644, 4382, 198, 18853, 11, 584, 617, 264, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 369, 1855, 4360, 430, 584, 17037, 1781, 198, 9274, 2029, 1283, 5900, 389, 311, 2019, 430, 1057, 11555, 617, 264, 2167, 198, 37195, 449, 1057, 1614, 315, 305, 384, 1902, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 3021, 323, 10082, 198, 31039, 11555, 1121, 304, 264, 1554, 1944, 305, 38556, 29720, 6530, 1555, 279, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 198, 438, 8617, 279, 7106, 2547, 662, 468, 477, 894, 1174, 49635, 323, 8850, 3196, 198, 61665, 82, 8136, 282, 440, 279, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 430, 36716, 311, 279, 4819, 584, 527, 7422, 198, 9274, 11, 270, 603, 25540, 6892, 264, 2565, 425, 297, 436, 20020, 304, 279, 6530, 315, 38556, 29720, 311, 198, 9210, 961, 315, 279, 2547, 16853, 1163, 52503, 220, 68616, 5296, 430, 1855, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 374, 1766, 1828, 311, 477, 198, 52759, 264, 74218, 67169, 304, 279, 2547, 1174, 779, 279, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 617, 279, 5845, 198, 998, 4585, 2324, 38556, 29720, 477, 220, 550, 3444, 220, 1555, 279, 2547, 311, 6106, 13458, 453, 488, 16853, 9673, 38556, 29720, 19169, 5371, 323, 12164, 349, 38556, 29720, 15320, 1174, 15718, 198, 300, 3637, 71, 220, 20340, 323, 1380, 83189, 315, 20789, 38556, 29720, 439, 1664, 13, 350, 35309, 198, 37890, 430, 433, 374, 19591, 4043, 661, 311, 8335, 279, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 505, 892, 311, 892, 311, 198, 830, 282, 440, 3210, 37377, 420, 6530, 16853, 11439, 311, 27102, 36467, 11, 12269, 277, 65527, 389, 264, 7106, 11, 10723, 477, 198, 86390, 940, 2237, 1253, 387, 37065, 555, 3738, 1772, 1439, 430, 10219, 4478, 198, 1820, 293, 5325, 270, 389, 279, 57056, 527, 264, 13, 220, 2394, 276, 352, 3105, 220, 374, 5423, 4642, 198, 263, 279, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 1174, 1418, 279, 362, 379, 80627, 292, 15419, 297, 282, 51513, 8249, 660, 198, 78, 8839, 389, 311, 279, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 320, 331, 587, 13584, 71, 5169, 883, 1101, 31469, 282, 440, 3210, 80412, 279, 198, 81768, 6530, 220, 550, 3444, 662, 1054, 2181, 374, 8104, 5505, 369, 1274, 889, 617, 198, 318, 81768, 19433, 26870, 2476, 15100, 362, 379, 80627, 292, 28378, 11, 2999, 198, 50, 4542, 277, 352, 29718, 11, 1101, 315, 1556, 10018, 13, 1054, 35897, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 527, 41840, 80142, 439, 264, 198, 1407, 315, 220, 8631, 11, 24408, 11, 3958, 10173, 11, 6996, 315, 10368, 323, 779, 389, 13, 578, 198, 46755, 14385, 389, 279, 22852, 1887, 11, 28965, 38556, 29720, 28555, 345, 265, 1072, 6253, 18547, 323, 10923, 279, 4059, 311, 3719, 2103, 323, 11594, 2029, 57417, 11, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 1253, 387, 8335, 294, 555, 25012, 270, 384, 6206, 198, 70, 4501, 927, 1124, 11, 264, 2478, 15271, 3485, 279, 7106, 2547, 662, 763, 420, 198, 4734, 11, 279, 22458, 1253, 387, 88651, 311, 264, 36612, 477, 289, 6916, 198, 82, 42725, 11846, 311, 387, 279, 18874, 315, 20789, 38556, 29720, 16853, 49306, 439, 1050, 7723, 304, 279, 468, 1826, 11, 43195, 2019, 433, 8779, 18249, 553, 279, 198, 2664, 529, 274, 24156, 323, 14604, 6067, 13, 1666, 20789, 38556, 29720, 374, 198, 42923, 11, 279, 1054, 28404, 863, 369, 659, 38435, 453, 287, 527, 9107, 2001, 323, 1274, 220, 1005, 198, 275, 369, 6784, 893, 351, 991, 306, 323, 8631, 48712, 4843, 439, 1664, 439, 369, 810, 18823, 72, 259, 940, 198, 85257, 885, 220, 523, 587, 13584, 71, 5169, 220, 3882, 520, 1556, 10018, 11, 304, 279, 76438, 98440, 11, 99005, 389, 279, 18172, 198, 331, 52503, 1174, 279, 832, 430, 374, 5552, 311, 28697, 323, 10758, 13, 220, 921, 587, 13584, 71, 5169, 220, 374, 198, 61917, 11349, 1306, 264, 4261, 315, 220, 281, 3581, 587, 20306, 220, 320, 4151, 6959, 220, 2790, 4235, 2491, 705, 369, 198, 81437, 449, 1579, 39086, 477, 20335, 323, 369, 1884, 889, 7831, 505, 18547, 198, 438, 8631, 87933, 315, 279, 289, 820, 529, 274, 12717, 297, 22604, 220, 28036, 10457, 3235, 279, 1080, 12019, 315, 6890, 11, 779, 198, 37009, 311, 6691, 8838, 12, 8174, 75, 323, 92732, 527, 44611, 304, 279, 7904, 4248, 1233, 13, 2435, 198, 548, 36875, 994, 9435, 311, 279, 6930, 2001, 439, 264, 17138, 477, 4459, 2001, 5423, 389, 279, 198, 331, 587, 13075, 662, 32, 1050, 7723, 7491, 57622, 813, 6206, 3485, 264, 3016, 520, 83871, 72051, 44327, 5169, 6168, 72, 627, 21279, 19858, 6892, 323, 18330, 11, 1050, 7723, 18065, 279, 35744, 315, 6206, 389, 11, 477, 3485, 11, 279, 198, 2664, 529, 274, 220, 523, 587, 13075, 220, 311, 8335, 323, 27661, 627, 17673, 5161, 42122, 6969, 12173, 49, 1950, 1163, 52503, 31048, 512, 85269, 11, 20789, 9764, 1174, 42208, 311, 659, 12934, 52286, 198, 791, 27631, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 36716, 311, 25917, 439, 10748, 17985, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 414, 4635, 384, 407, 311, 279, 7191, 1917, 7953, 11, 323, 11, 994, 90870, 78, 10696, 345, 1347, 826, 6677, 11, 24278, 11, 8830, 11, 18330, 3717, 323, 198, 2067, 1056, 627, 1163, 52503, 19198, 512, 14235, 11, 5438, 295, 1100, 278, 9764, 1174, 42208, 311, 659, 44107, 1191, 198, 791, 60375, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 477, 4948, 8071, 66031, 2024, 374, 5552, 311, 279, 1180, 315, 9298, 345, 21704, 22655, 220, 323, 97301, 3210, 662, 1666, 1778, 11, 433, 16264, 1057, 50217, 198, 22974, 495, 552, 323, 6835, 603, 7191, 8830, 315, 1054, 1820, 2466, 6945, 113068, 1163, 52503, 21594, 512, 16493, 11, 11782, 9764, 1174, 42208, 311, 659, 82593, 198, 791, 28691, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 374, 5552, 311, 10758, 323, 28697, 662, 3296, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 279, 1917, 7891, 2740, 1555, 48913, 320, 648, 279, 198, 85, 18856, 315, 5222, 14393, 4221, 705, 264, 9498, 18172, 220, 523, 52503, 198, 8234, 304, 3237, 13071, 323, 2781, 664, 684, 627, 1163, 52503, 13625, 512, 26777, 11, 3674, 9764, 1174, 42208, 311, 659, 12, 10543, 685, 198, 791, 4851, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 374, 279, 6278, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 304, 279, 1887, 315, 8254, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 9920, 259, 297, 3021, 323, 374, 279, 5503, 969, 5801, 315, 8081, 3695, 304, 279, 88909, 25, 4059, 198, 438, 2547, 1174, 8762, 323, 8954, 11, 824, 124340, 323, 12737, 1174, 37374, 323, 31426, 662, 362, 198, 38128, 11999, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 6276, 603, 311, 3021, 17693, 1174, 2733, 30481, 198, 438, 3217, 264, 28254, 5647, 315, 9096, 323, 31288, 2136, 627, 1163, 52503, 14853, 512, 17111, 11, 37374, 9764, 1174, 42208, 311, 659, 90150, 198, 48852, 304, 279, 13238, 281, 2635, 355, 11, 420, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 374, 3967, 439, 279, 2410, 198, 331, 52503, 662, 1102, 5718, 220, 1057, 4443, 2410, 1174, 690, 323, 51360, 1174, 439, 1664, 439, 198, 414, 39097, 13, 3277, 9498, 1174, 433, 12716, 38556, 29720, 1174, 31469, 282, 440, 13071, 345, 2203, 546, 2194, 488, 323, 2536, 1773, 8129, 1113, 2410, 16853, 1163, 52503, 350, 24670, 512, 29353, 11, 14604, 9764, 1174, 42208, 311, 659, 25313, 266, 2461, 198, 48852, 304, 279, 64772, 11, 4827, 1203, 323, 7392, 477, 342, 598, 11, 279, 2132, 198, 331, 52503, 220, 34161, 603, 311, 3885, 1555, 8430, 11, 12876, 11, 37392, 323, 198, 62274, 13, 67801, 1174, 420, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 12716, 603, 15962, 488, 323, 21507, 11, 8149, 198, 1073, 8430, 11, 7392, 57383, 323, 279, 5845, 311, 4287, 2349, 627, 1163, 52503, 3861, 512, 44924, 11, 7106, 9764, 1174, 42208, 311, 659, 2320, 48784, 198, 48852, 520, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 35776, 11, 420, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 7739, 1057, 16665, 627, 2181, 374, 1375, 64, 42323, 311, 1057, 20237, 62921, 11, 1057, 5647, 315, 95841, 459, 294, 311, 1820, 7106, 11277, 13, 3277, 9498, 1174, 420, 220, 523, 52503, 220, 12716, 2890, 345, 782, 82, 716, 488, 1174, 4868, 323, 8915, 9546, 1276, 1617, 84, 348, 3864, 7911, 198, 1820, 12743, 5447, 10896, 198, 60105, 6890, 11, 1274, 312, 3846, 535, 6593, 1520, 505, 2225, 198, 37435, 323, 2536, 12, 37435, 43195, 13, 1666, 584, 617, 912, 42323, 198, 1762, 18785, 1174, 1070, 527, 3116, 8776, 6067, 44664, 304, 198, 34648, 2001, 362, 379, 80627, 64, 11, 85813, 4317, 11, 1252, 5676, 323, 350, 19185, 295, 276, 16088, 107216, 543, 315, 902, 527, 3196, 389, 2854, 10020, 77041, 662, 8876, 198, 64499, 768, 304, 279, 220, 6393, 15, 82, 11, 1855, 706, 5918, 709, 264, 6573, 2385, 315, 198, 69216, 25511, 1560, 70772, 287, 6873, 304, 4330, 9976, 7561, 34902, 379, 2487, 198, 74053, 13, 2435, 617, 1027, 11096, 555, 264, 18172, 25, 279, 4007, 315, 198, 45, 36409, 897, 19682, 662, 356, 220, 963, 398, 1174, 1193, 220, 38581, 315, 1778, 15324, 198, 69216, 8853, 527, 26267, 20458, 311, 6725, 8249, 19661, 345, 438, 433, 374, 11846, 430, 270, 39357, 527, 2212, 220, 5067, 11, 931, 1778, 198, 72811, 43195, 627, 3513, 430, 439, 433, 1253, 1174, 1070, 527, 11, 304, 5369, 11, 16280, 11758, 315, 198, 339, 40137, 315, 2536, 37435, 27661, 388, 65918, 279, 2890, 323, 23460, 198, 56345, 315, 220, 6890, 529, 274, 6908, 7187, 662, 36016, 11, 814, 54350, 8689, 430, 198, 19553, 45103, 20864, 7725, 872, 3927, 7512, 369, 24552, 2001, 323, 527, 1664, 198, 5391, 304, 279, 1080, 9653, 2498, 662, 4427, 1778, 43195, 1253, 617, 274, 297, 2727, 198, 67455, 75643, 6873, 439, 1664, 11, 719, 7100, 323, 1023, 9547, 1253, 198, 19553, 594, 8675, 291, 304, 872, 6593, 259, 84353, 1694, 4018, 2875, 13, 26080, 527, 198, 884, 50268, 653, 447, 453, 1908, 389, 5684, 1174, 13118, 814, 1253, 1524, 387, 5986, 42612, 345, 8248, 814, 527, 270, 384, 34876, 315, 28701, 22540, 315, 568, 64, 38172, 198, 90153, 627, 2170, 1778, 11, 814, 527, 49737, 26611, 2001, 323, 264, 16595, 961, 315, 904, 198, 29502, 662, 3947, 527, 12387, 10507, 315, 1778, 8776, 27661, 388, 11, 682, 315, 198, 1336, 316, 4498, 1139, 264, 5699, 430, 649, 63557, 387, 61937, 279, 1054, 55202, 4579, 198, 38083, 863, 477, 220, 308, 1617, 84, 348, 3864, 7911, 16853, 791, 14458, 5209, 48841, 6394, 4959, 26886, 326, 425, 706, 220, 520, 3325, 832, 8776, 7342, 65022, 3967, 439, 264, 198, 67, 2192, 662, 350, 305, 2423, 3278, 527, 26611, 304, 409, 26587, 287, 539, 1193, 9498, 24869, 345, 8248, 617, 220, 6677, 315, 31471, 66332, 11, 2103, 16381, 16872, 4881, 323, 13081, 293, 552, 198, 4291, 4543, 20934, 950, 80717, 4883, 872, 13272, 82, 13, 36016, 5108, 505, 264, 3070, 198, 1073, 296, 887, 59488, 11, 814, 527, 26611, 602, 308, 40524, 5392 ]
heat to bring the ice wa ter to the boiling point. Of the three suggested positions, sitting or standing are prefera ble. Inhale a fairl y large amount of air into the throat and swallow the air. Swallowing drives the air dow n to the solar plexus. From the solar plexus the air is rolled dow n into the pelvic region. From there it will be driven dow n both sides of the vagina to be compressed there. (Fig. 5.29) This is accomplished by contractin g the abdo minal muscles do wnward in a slow wave. The vagina seems to expand, a flush of heat is experienc ed, and after a short time the po wer driven into it flow s up the spine to the head, which also becomes ver y warm. 2. Ovarian and Va ginal Compression Exercise Step-By-Ste p a. Sit on the edge of your chair with your feet flat on the floor about as far apart as y our shoulders’ width. Feel the feet support a part of the weight; do not place it all on the sitting bones. Wear loose clothing so that it will be easy to com pact the Chi. b. Inhale throug h the nostrils into the throat. From there swallow the air do wn to the solar plexus, mi dway between your heart and your navel. Do not stop at the heart center. Imagine air as a ball. - 120 -Chapter V (a) Inhal e through the nostri ls into the throat. (b) Swallo w air down to the solar plexus. (c) Push air down to the n avel. Fig. 5.29 Ovarian and Vaginal Compressing - 121 -Cultivating Ovarian Power (d) Then down to the lower abdomen. (e) Then press ai r down to the vagina. c. First the ball sits behind the solar plexus. From this point roll it dow n to the navel, then into the pelvis, and spread it out to both sides of the ovaries. This is acco mplished by contracting the abdom inal muscles do wnward in a slow wave. Feel the Chi pressure drop aroun d the ovaries, pack and compress the ovaries to energ y them, and grad ually pack the cervix. Squeeze the inner and outer lips of the vagina tightl y and keep on pushing into the vagina as if you were blowing up a balloon, until the vagina feels like it is expandin g. d. Forcibly compress the air into the ovaries for as long as you can. Once the air is driven into the ovaries, you will experience a - 122 -Chapter V flush of heat. After a short time the power driven into the ovaries flows up the spine to the head, which also beco mes ver y warm. The m inimum period for each com pression should be 30 to 40 seconds. Slow ly work up to at least one minute. Every single Ovarian Compression shoots tremendous energ y into the vagina. With compression lasting an entire minute the exercise takes full effect. The anal sphincter and perineum mu scles mu st be squeezed tightl y during this exercise to prevent leakage of energy. e. When you have finished the compression, exhale and relax completely. Saliva accu mulates in the mouth during compression: swallow it before exhaling. f. After com plete exhalation, take a num ber of quick, short breaths to recover your wind. Dart the air in and out of the nostrils to quickl y regain capacit y for anoth er compression. Rem ember to breath e through the nose, and do not inhale unduly large quantities of air. This process is called “Bellow s Breathin g” because you must pu mp your lower abdo men in and out quickl y in orde r to do it. This exercise quickl y charges the whole body. If you feel ill or out of sorts, several Ovarian Compressions will restore you to good form. Perform the exercises in the follow ing sequenc e: (1) First practice one Ovarian Compression. (2) Then, rotate the waist with the arms at shoulde r level. (3) Rest for a moment and repeat the exercise. Rem ember to keep the tongue up on the palate when compressing the air. In the beginnin g perfo rm tw o to three compressions, gradu ally increasin g to five. When you have grown stronge r you may do five co mpressions in succession, and then rest by rotating your body from the waist. Begin a second series of five com pressions. Keep the breat hing betw een compressions short and shallo w so y ou do not lodge pow er high in the body. Practice Ovarian Breathin g and Ovarian and Vaginal Compression twice a day for appr oximatel y fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening. Regular practice of these breathin g techniq ues yields many benefits in addition to those already mentioned, such as a decrease in insom nia and nervousn ess, and an improvement in overall energy. The exercise should start to take effect within three days after its co mmence ment. The ovaries feel warm and may itch, or feel - 123 -Cultivating Ovarian Power somew hat tingly an indication that the ovaries are receiving unusuall y high amounts of vital force. These signs occur only if the exercise is done prope rly. A mo nth or two of exercise will produc e substantial increases in strength and well-being. 3. Sum mary of Ovarian and Va ginal Compression a. Choose your prefer red position. b. Breathe in very slowly throu gh the nose, concentrati ng on the throat. Com press the air in the throat until you can inhale no further: c. S wallow strongl y to the solar plexus and hold the air there as if it we re a ball. d. Press the ball of air dow n to the navel region. e. From the navel press the ball of air dow n to the pelvic region. f. Press the ball strongl y and continuousl y into the ovaries until you can hold your breat h no longer: At the end of your breath capacity swallow the saliva strongly g. Rest b y taking quick, shallo w breaths throug h the nose. h. Relax b y rotating the waist several times. i. Start with 5 rep etitions and increase slowly to 36 at a sit ting. j. Keep th e ton gue up on th e palate. C. Venting Exercises for High Blood Pressure After practicing Ovarian Compression for two to six we eks, som e wome n with high blood pressure notice a large flow of Chi energy to the head. They feel tension in the head because the blood has follow ed the upw ard flow of the vital po wer. This is not unlike a mild symptom of the “Kundalini Syndrome,” in which freed energ y races about the body out of control. lf y ou suffer from high blood pressure and have not practiced meditation to open the Microcosmic Om it, wh ich distribut es the energy evenly througho ut the circuits of the body, you can meditate on two points to vent excess pressure. These are the Min g-Men, or Door of Life, on the spine directly
[ 8798, 220, 311, 4546, 220, 279, 10054, 10667, 2024, 198, 998, 279, 220, 50937, 220, 1486, 627, 262, 5046, 279, 220, 2380, 220, 12090, 220, 10093, 11, 220, 11961, 220, 477, 11509, 220, 527, 198, 81160, 64, 12704, 13, 763, 71, 1604, 220, 264, 6762, 75, 379, 3544, 220, 3392, 315, 220, 3805, 1139, 279, 220, 28691, 220, 323, 198, 2332, 7331, 279, 3805, 13, 4593, 7331, 287, 20722, 220, 279, 3805, 57587, 308, 311, 279, 220, 13238, 220, 281, 2635, 355, 627, 3915, 279, 220, 13238, 220, 281, 2635, 355, 220, 279, 3805, 374, 23255, 220, 57587, 308, 1139, 279, 220, 84168, 220, 5654, 627, 3915, 1070, 220, 433, 690, 387, 16625, 220, 57587, 308, 2225, 220, 11314, 315, 220, 279, 39888, 220, 311, 387, 198, 46803, 220, 1070, 13, 220, 320, 30035, 13, 220, 220, 20, 13, 1682, 8, 220, 1115, 374, 27332, 220, 555, 5226, 258, 342, 198, 1820, 671, 3055, 296, 992, 220, 24569, 656, 66580, 1637, 304, 264, 6435, 12330, 13, 578, 39888, 198, 325, 12116, 311, 9407, 1174, 264, 18698, 315, 220, 8798, 220, 374, 5866, 967, 1608, 11, 323, 1306, 220, 264, 2875, 198, 1712, 279, 3273, 7205, 16625, 220, 1139, 433, 6530, 274, 709, 279, 35776, 220, 311, 279, 220, 2010, 11, 220, 902, 198, 19171, 9221, 2807, 379, 8369, 627, 17, 13, 507, 959, 1122, 220, 323, 27713, 342, 992, 67261, 33918, 220, 15166, 12, 1383, 12, 21573, 281, 198, 256, 264, 13, 29508, 389, 279, 6964, 220, 315, 701, 10716, 220, 449, 701, 7693, 10269, 389, 279, 220, 6558, 198, 9274, 220, 439, 3117, 10980, 220, 439, 379, 1057, 28004, 529, 220, 2430, 13, 32833, 220, 279, 7693, 1862, 220, 264, 198, 4581, 315, 279, 220, 4785, 26, 656, 539, 2035, 220, 433, 682, 389, 220, 279, 11961, 25896, 13, 220, 42162, 198, 385, 974, 220, 17895, 220, 779, 430, 433, 690, 387, 4228, 220, 311, 470, 60821, 279, 34382, 627, 256, 293, 13, 763, 71, 1604, 220, 270, 583, 70, 305, 279, 57426, 8839, 220, 1139, 279, 28691, 13, 220, 5659, 1070, 220, 42276, 198, 1820, 3805, 656, 66580, 311, 279, 13238, 281, 2635, 355, 11, 9686, 294, 3195, 1990, 701, 4851, 220, 323, 198, 22479, 308, 3963, 13, 220, 3234, 539, 220, 3009, 220, 520, 279, 220, 4851, 220, 4219, 13, 220, 38891, 220, 3805, 439, 264, 220, 5041, 627, 12, 220, 4364, 220, 482, 26072, 220, 650, 198, 2948, 8, 93012, 384, 1555, 279, 31712, 462, 20170, 198, 286, 1139, 279, 28691, 627, 1921, 8, 4593, 37037, 289, 3805, 1523, 220, 311, 279, 198, 415, 13238, 281, 2635, 355, 627, 1361, 8, 23804, 3805, 1523, 220, 311, 279, 308, 264, 899, 627, 30035, 13, 220, 20, 13, 1682, 507, 959, 1122, 323, 650, 351, 992, 1219, 1911, 287, 198, 12, 220, 7994, 220, 482, 34, 495, 65243, 220, 507, 959, 1122, 7572, 198, 1528, 8, 5112, 1523, 220, 311, 279, 198, 256, 4827, 220, 64772, 627, 2069, 8, 5112, 3577, 16796, 436, 1523, 198, 257, 311, 279, 39888, 627, 262, 272, 13, 5629, 220, 279, 5041, 23874, 4920, 220, 279, 13238, 220, 281, 2635, 355, 13, 220, 5659, 420, 1486, 220, 6638, 198, 275, 57587, 308, 311, 279, 220, 308, 3963, 11, 220, 1243, 220, 1139, 279, 12077, 2749, 11, 220, 323, 9041, 220, 433, 704, 311, 220, 2225, 198, 82, 3422, 315, 220, 279, 66168, 552, 13, 220, 1115, 374, 1046, 78, 64884, 3384, 220, 555, 60506, 220, 279, 198, 370, 5717, 304, 278, 24569, 656, 66580, 1637, 304, 264, 6435, 220, 12330, 13, 32833, 279, 34382, 198, 47074, 220, 6068, 220, 66208, 77, 294, 279, 66168, 552, 11, 220, 3854, 323, 220, 25633, 279, 220, 66168, 552, 198, 998, 4602, 379, 1124, 1174, 323, 220, 6117, 577, 750, 3854, 220, 279, 52664, 953, 13, 328, 19901, 220, 279, 9358, 198, 438, 16335, 220, 23726, 315, 279, 220, 39888, 220, 10508, 75, 379, 323, 2567, 220, 389, 17919, 220, 1139, 279, 198, 85, 81701, 220, 439, 422, 499, 1051, 41442, 709, 264, 47856, 11, 220, 3156, 220, 279, 39888, 220, 11321, 198, 4908, 433, 374, 9407, 258, 342, 627, 262, 294, 13, 1789, 66, 6623, 220, 25633, 220, 279, 3805, 1139, 220, 279, 66168, 552, 220, 369, 439, 1317, 220, 439, 499, 198, 4919, 13, 9843, 279, 220, 3805, 374, 16625, 220, 1139, 279, 66168, 552, 11, 220, 499, 690, 3217, 220, 264, 198, 12, 220, 8259, 220, 482, 26072, 220, 650, 198, 22402, 315, 8798, 13, 220, 4740, 220, 264, 2875, 220, 892, 279, 2410, 16625, 220, 1139, 279, 66168, 552, 198, 39240, 709, 279, 35776, 220, 311, 279, 220, 2010, 11, 220, 902, 1101, 220, 387, 1030, 11083, 2807, 379, 8369, 627, 791, 296, 304, 3375, 4261, 220, 369, 1855, 220, 470, 3577, 290, 220, 1288, 220, 387, 220, 966, 311, 220, 1272, 198, 17859, 13, 220, 39247, 14869, 990, 709, 311, 220, 520, 3325, 220, 832, 9568, 13, 220, 7357, 220, 3254, 220, 507, 959, 1122, 198, 82511, 220, 44727, 220, 28040, 220, 4602, 379, 1139, 279, 39888, 13, 220, 3161, 198, 84292, 220, 29869, 220, 459, 4553, 220, 9568, 279, 10368, 220, 5097, 220, 2539, 2515, 627, 791, 3260, 220, 42822, 7956, 261, 220, 323, 824, 483, 372, 12097, 1156, 645, 12097, 357, 387, 220, 65262, 220, 10508, 75, 379, 198, 82977, 220, 420, 10368, 220, 311, 5471, 220, 81373, 220, 315, 4907, 16853, 262, 384, 13, 3277, 499, 617, 220, 8220, 220, 279, 26168, 11, 220, 57759, 1604, 220, 323, 12234, 198, 884, 50268, 662, 8375, 10126, 1046, 84, 15975, 988, 220, 304, 279, 220, 11013, 2391, 220, 26168, 512, 2332, 7331, 433, 1603, 220, 57759, 6260, 627, 262, 282, 13, 4740, 220, 470, 281, 1649, 220, 506, 12130, 367, 11, 220, 1935, 220, 264, 1661, 10418, 315, 4062, 11, 2875, 220, 11745, 82, 198, 998, 11993, 220, 701, 10160, 13, 49197, 279, 220, 3805, 304, 323, 220, 704, 315, 279, 57426, 8839, 311, 4062, 75, 379, 198, 1610, 467, 220, 99758, 379, 369, 459, 8942, 2781, 26168, 13, 220, 5031, 99384, 311, 11745, 384, 198, 20322, 220, 279, 19689, 11, 220, 323, 656, 539, 60537, 1604, 220, 2073, 3988, 220, 3544, 220, 33776, 220, 315, 3805, 627, 2028, 1920, 220, 374, 2663, 220, 1054, 33, 5412, 274, 58292, 258, 342, 863, 1606, 220, 499, 2011, 18757, 10710, 198, 22479, 4827, 671, 3055, 3026, 304, 323, 704, 4062, 75, 379, 304, 477, 451, 436, 311, 656, 433, 627, 262, 1115, 10368, 220, 4062, 75, 379, 10405, 220, 279, 4459, 2547, 13, 1442, 499, 2733, 5986, 477, 198, 412, 315, 21522, 11, 220, 3892, 220, 507, 959, 1122, 220, 1219, 40973, 220, 690, 15301, 220, 499, 311, 1695, 198, 630, 13, 26050, 279, 220, 23783, 220, 304, 279, 220, 1833, 6892, 11506, 967, 384, 512, 262, 320, 16, 8, 220, 5629, 220, 6725, 220, 832, 507, 959, 1122, 220, 67261, 627, 262, 320, 17, 8, 220, 5112, 11, 220, 17348, 220, 279, 29142, 449, 279, 11977, 520, 559, 11206, 451, 436, 2237, 627, 262, 320, 18, 8, 220, 9240, 220, 369, 264, 220, 4545, 323, 220, 13454, 220, 279, 10368, 627, 262, 5031, 99384, 311, 2567, 220, 279, 25466, 220, 709, 389, 279, 220, 77338, 220, 994, 198, 39460, 287, 220, 279, 3805, 13, 763, 279, 220, 3240, 79560, 342, 824, 831, 19535, 4483, 297, 311, 2380, 198, 39460, 919, 11, 220, 28032, 31953, 2333, 51410, 342, 311, 4330, 627, 262, 3277, 499, 617, 220, 15042, 3831, 68, 436, 499, 1253, 656, 4330, 1080, 296, 40973, 198, 258, 50787, 11, 220, 323, 1243, 220, 2800, 555, 42496, 220, 701, 2547, 220, 505, 220, 279, 29142, 627, 11382, 264, 2132, 220, 4101, 220, 315, 4330, 470, 3577, 919, 13, 220, 13969, 220, 279, 28855, 305, 287, 198, 29651, 86, 8517, 25633, 919, 220, 2875, 220, 323, 559, 37037, 289, 779, 379, 6033, 656, 539, 60891, 220, 7019, 2781, 198, 12156, 304, 279, 220, 2547, 16853, 262, 28082, 220, 507, 959, 1122, 220, 58292, 258, 342, 323, 507, 959, 1122, 220, 323, 650, 351, 992, 198, 82511, 220, 11157, 264, 1938, 369, 917, 81, 19488, 78432, 301, 379, 37755, 220, 4520, 220, 304, 279, 198, 57902, 1251, 220, 323, 37755, 220, 4520, 220, 304, 279, 220, 11714, 13, 220, 29900, 220, 6725, 220, 315, 198, 45010, 220, 11745, 258, 342, 2869, 24672, 577, 288, 36508, 1690, 7720, 220, 304, 5369, 220, 311, 1884, 198, 46584, 220, 9932, 11, 220, 1778, 220, 439, 264, 220, 18979, 220, 304, 1672, 316, 308, 689, 323, 198, 77, 651, 788, 77, 4043, 11, 323, 459, 16048, 304, 8244, 220, 4907, 16853, 262, 578, 10368, 220, 1288, 220, 1212, 220, 311, 1935, 220, 2515, 220, 2949, 2380, 220, 2919, 1306, 198, 1220, 1080, 9653, 768, 11540, 13, 578, 66168, 552, 220, 2733, 8369, 323, 1253, 95856, 11, 477, 220, 2733, 198, 12, 220, 4513, 220, 482, 34, 495, 65243, 220, 507, 959, 1122, 7572, 198, 57839, 365, 9072, 259, 11559, 220, 459, 28137, 220, 430, 279, 220, 66168, 552, 220, 527, 12588, 220, 16236, 84, 543, 379, 198, 12156, 15055, 220, 315, 16595, 5457, 13, 220, 4314, 12195, 220, 12446, 220, 1193, 422, 279, 220, 10368, 198, 285, 2884, 220, 463, 375, 436, 398, 13, 362, 4647, 56229, 477, 1403, 315, 10368, 220, 690, 2558, 66, 384, 12190, 198, 43842, 2315, 220, 304, 8333, 220, 323, 1664, 33851, 627, 18, 13, 8279, 85730, 315, 507, 959, 1122, 220, 323, 27713, 342, 992, 67261, 198, 257, 264, 13, 220, 22991, 220, 701, 10932, 2579, 2361, 627, 257, 293, 13, 220, 426, 1244, 383, 220, 304, 1633, 220, 14297, 270, 583, 37224, 279, 19689, 11, 220, 17576, 9491, 7933, 389, 279, 198, 87164, 13, 220, 1219, 3577, 220, 279, 3805, 304, 279, 220, 28691, 220, 3156, 220, 499, 649, 60537, 1604, 220, 912, 4726, 512, 257, 272, 13, 328, 7147, 363, 3831, 75, 379, 311, 279, 220, 13238, 220, 281, 2635, 355, 220, 323, 3412, 220, 279, 3805, 1070, 220, 439, 198, 333, 433, 584, 312, 264, 5041, 627, 257, 294, 13, 220, 8612, 279, 220, 5041, 315, 3805, 220, 57587, 308, 311, 279, 220, 308, 3963, 220, 5654, 627, 257, 384, 13, 220, 5659, 279, 220, 308, 3963, 220, 3577, 220, 279, 5041, 315, 3805, 220, 57587, 308, 311, 279, 220, 84168, 220, 5654, 627, 257, 282, 13, 8612, 220, 279, 5041, 3831, 75, 379, 323, 19815, 75, 379, 1139, 279, 66168, 552, 220, 3156, 198, 9514, 649, 3412, 220, 701, 28855, 305, 912, 5129, 25, 220, 2468, 279, 842, 220, 315, 701, 11745, 198, 38487, 220, 42276, 279, 85657, 16917, 198, 257, 342, 13, 220, 9240, 293, 379, 4737, 220, 4062, 11, 559, 37037, 289, 11745, 82, 220, 270, 583, 70, 305, 279, 19689, 627, 257, 305, 13, 220, 68685, 293, 379, 42496, 220, 279, 29142, 3892, 220, 3115, 627, 72, 13, 5256, 449, 220, 20, 2109, 1880, 6055, 323, 220, 5376, 220, 14297, 220, 311, 220, 1927, 520, 264, 2503, 43327, 627, 73, 13, 13969, 270, 384, 8941, 342, 361, 709, 389, 270, 384, 77338, 627, 34, 13, 27505, 287, 220, 91554, 369, 5234, 20671, 40090, 198, 262, 4740, 220, 36666, 220, 507, 959, 1122, 220, 67261, 220, 369, 1403, 311, 4848, 584, 90762, 11, 1794, 384, 198, 86, 638, 308, 449, 1579, 220, 6680, 220, 7410, 220, 5406, 220, 264, 3544, 220, 6530, 315, 34382, 220, 4907, 198, 998, 279, 220, 2010, 13, 220, 2435, 2733, 24408, 220, 304, 279, 220, 2010, 220, 1606, 220, 279, 6680, 220, 706, 198, 19070, 1608, 279, 709, 86, 85009, 6530, 315, 279, 220, 16595, 3273, 7205, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 220, 20426, 220, 264, 23900, 198, 24738, 80797, 220, 315, 279, 1054, 42, 1263, 278, 6729, 220, 57496, 2476, 220, 304, 902, 28634, 220, 4602, 379, 21234, 198, 9274, 220, 279, 2547, 704, 315, 2585, 627, 262, 59180, 379, 6033, 7831, 220, 505, 220, 1579, 220, 6680, 220, 7410, 220, 323, 617, 220, 539, 44664, 198, 2106, 7709, 220, 311, 1825, 220, 279, 18654, 9594, 21914, 19116, 433, 11, 421, 10864, 2916, 332, 1560, 279, 198, 17947, 220, 42147, 220, 1555, 78, 8791, 279, 46121, 220, 315, 279, 220, 2547, 11, 499, 649, 1812, 20227, 198, 263, 1403, 3585, 220, 311, 10594, 220, 13937, 220, 7410, 13, 220, 4314, 527, 279, 3468, 342, 50559, 11, 220, 477, 198, 53360, 220, 315, 9601, 11, 220, 389, 279, 35776, 220, 6089 ]
loving and trusting yourself. Not feeling “good enough” interferes with the decision- making process. How can you make a good decision when you are not sure about yourself? Susan Jeffers, in her marvelous book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, states that “if everybody feels fear when approaching something totally new in life, yet so many are out there ‘doing it’ despite the fear, then we must conclude that fear is not the problem.” She goes on to say that the real issue is not the fear, but how we hold the fear. We can approach it from a position of power or helplessness. The fact that we have the fear becomes irrelevant. We see what we think the problem is, and then we find out what the real problem is. Not feeling “good enough” and a lack of self-love is the real problem. We are always perfect, always beautiful, and ever-changing. We are doing the best we can with the understanding, knowledge, and awareness that we have. As we grow and change more and more, our “best” will only get better and better. EXERCISE: Letting Go As you read this exercise, take a deep breath and, as you exhale, allow the tension to leave your body. Let your scalp and your forehead and your face relax. Your head need not be tense in order for you to read. Let your tongue and your throat and your shoulders relax. You can hold a book with relaxed arms and hands. Do that now. Let your back and your abdomen and your pelvis relax. Let your breathing be at peace as you relax your legs and feet. Do you feel a noticeable change in your body since you started reading the previous paragraph? Notice how much you hold on. If you are holding on with your body, you are holding on with your mind. In this relaxed, comfortable position, say to yourself, “I am willing to let go. I release. I let go. I release all tension. I release all fear. I release all anger. I release all guilt. I release all sadness. I let go of old limitations. I let go and I am at peace. I am at peace with myself. I am at peace with theprocess of life. I am safe.” Go over this exercise two or three times. Feel the ease of letting go. Repeat it whenever thoughts of difficulty come up. It takes a little practice for the routine to become a part of you. Once you are familiar with this exercise, you can do it anywhere at any time. You will be able to relax completely in any situation. EXERCISE: Fears and Affirmations After each category listed below, write down your greatest fear. Then, think of a positive affirmation that would correspond to it. 1. Career Example: I am afraid that no one will ever see my value. YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation: Everybody at work appreciates me. YOUR AFFIRMATION: 2. Living Situation Example: I’ll never have a place of my own. YOUR FEAR:Sample Affirmation: There is a perfect home for me and I accept it now. YOUR AFFIRMATION: 3. Family Relations Example: My parents won’t accept me the way I am. YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation: I accept my parents and they in turn accept and love me. YOUR AFFIRMATION: 4. Money Example:I am afraid of being poor. YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation: I trust that all my needs will be taken care of. YOUR AFFIRMATION: 5. Physical appearance Example: I think that I’m fat and unattractive. YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation: I release the need to criticize my body. YOUR AFFIRMATION: 6. Sex Example: I am afraid that I will have to “perform.” YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation: I am relaxed and I flow with life easily and effortlessly. YOUR AFFIRMATION: 7. Health Example: I am afraid of being sick and unable to take care of myself. YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation: I will always attract all the help I need. YOUR AFFIRMATION:8. Relationships Example: I don’t think that anyone will ever love me. YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation: Love and acceptance are mine. I love myself. YOUR AFFIRMATION: 9. Old Age Example: I am afraid of getting old. YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation:Every age has its infinite possibilities. YOUR AFFIRMATION: 10. Death and Dying Example: What if there is no life after death? YOUR FEAR: Sample Affirmation: I trust the process of life. I am on an endless journey through eternity. YOUR AFFIRMATION: EXERCISE: Positive Affirmations Choose an area of fear from the last exercise that is most immediate for you. Using visualization, see yourself going through the fear, with a positive outcome. See yourself feeling free and at peace. Write down a positive affirmation 25 times. Remember the power you are tapping into!Review the belief checklist below taken from page 49, then study the affirmations corresponding to each belief. Make these affirmations part of your daily routine. Say them often in the car, at work, in the mirror, or any time you feel your negative beliefs surfacing.If You Believe: Your Affirmation Is: I am afraid to leave the house. I am always safe and protected. It wouldn’t work for me. My decisions are always perfect for me. Growing older frightens me. My age is perfect and I enjoy each new moment. I am afraid of flying. I center myself in safety and accept the perfection of my life. People scare me. I am loved and safe wherever I go. What if I become homeless? I am at home in the universe. Driving a car makes me claustrophobic. I relax and move with joy, ease, and comfort. What if I have a painful death? I will die peacefully and comfortably at the right time. I’m afraid of being alone. I express love and I will always attract love wherever I go. “I give myself permission to be at peace.”POWER POINTS 1. We are each responsible for our experiences. 2. Every thought we think is creating our future. 3. Everyone is dealing with the damaging patterns of resentment, criticism, guilt, and self-hatred. 4. These are only thoughts and thoughts can be changed. 5. We need to release the past and forgive everyone, including ourselves. 6. Self-approval and self-acceptance
[ 197, 385, 4504, 53577, 198, 376, 38587, 14862, 414, 726, 13, 197, 2688, 1186, 68, 20659, 197, 2118, 19045, 82948, 1409, 863, 60015, 809, 288, 48048, 33188, 197, 65038, 7058, 28936, 54414, 13, 197, 4438, 94036, 197, 9514, 78538, 11575, 3253, 1411, 197, 65038, 61280, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 98366, 1942, 554, 198, 9274, 14862, 414, 726, 5380, 86383, 17538, 6581, 388, 11, 17886, 197, 1964, 2157, 277, 899, 788, 197, 2239, 11, 1602, 34027, 33188, 13017, 686, 53577, 198, 197, 5519, 1602, 2181, 197, 49388, 345, 33169, 64442, 197, 2118, 333, 7883, 1225, 2664, 1186, 68, 2053, 1186, 686, 61280, 197, 16082, 12092, 1942, 11793, 3324, 354, 750, 8808, 198, 258, 8986, 1643, 11, 14862, 295, 197, 708, 197, 35676, 197, 548, 14294, 197, 19041, 197, 14336, 45359, 24263, 529, 54012, 6100, 33188, 1186, 686, 11, 59733, 197, 906, 2157, 592, 198, 444, 866, 64442, 1602, 69, 686, 198, 20501, 1602, 1962, 33188, 197, 35686, 49216, 7721, 383, 3253, 7217, 25653, 32809, 1942, 352, 64442, 33188, 92974, 197, 11407, 20501, 198, 1962, 33188, 1186, 686, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 5269, 197, 906, 1602, 6416, 198, 33188, 1186, 686, 13, 197, 1687, 94036, 197, 16082, 613, 24263, 43827, 11575, 36839, 44323, 198, 13477, 82266, 88740, 33028, 13, 33026, 1186, 533, 64442, 197, 906, 9793, 525, 33188, 1186, 686, 2282, 762, 20969, 197, 404, 98673, 627, 1687, 197, 4151, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 1602, 27963, 198, 33188, 197, 35686, 20501, 11, 53577, 59733, 197, 906, 81703, 14294, 197, 12840, 33188, 1602, 8110, 198, 35686, 20501, 13, 197, 2688, 1186, 68, 20659, 197, 2118, 19045, 82948, 1409, 863, 53577, 11575, 8986, 474, 44323, 5311, 27578, 588, 20501, 33188, 92974, 198, 35686, 627, 1687, 197, 548, 197, 33222, 197, 64185, 11, 197, 33222, 74242, 35777, 11, 53577, 197, 2099, 49961, 13, 197, 1687, 197, 548, 20530, 287, 198, 1820, 93510, 197, 906, 94036, 48048, 33188, 197, 8154, 10276, 11, 16868, 52286, 11, 53577, 197, 20111, 2136, 64442, 197, 906, 198, 19553, 13, 197, 2170, 197, 906, 3253, 654, 53577, 69480, 2157, 461, 53577, 2157, 461, 11, 197, 414, 197, 2118, 16241, 863, 6831, 484, 197, 3323, 10582, 2282, 22120, 198, 438, 2282, 22120, 627, 3337, 28534, 9311, 25, 1602, 10267, 1303, 198, 9796, 78, 198, 2170, 197, 9514, 38143, 2090, 8285, 18865, 11, 3324, 731, 11575, 197, 33980, 2282, 265, 589, 53577, 11, 61551, 197, 9514, 8285, 71, 1604, 11, 197, 7331, 198, 1820, 3324, 2711, 32809, 197, 22233, 14862, 414, 36502, 13, 197, 10267, 14862, 414, 1942, 5531, 79, 53577, 14862, 414, 1186, 461, 2025, 53577, 14862, 414, 198, 1594, 197, 3833, 710, 13, 197, 7927, 47181, 197, 17483, 98366, 74242, 3324, 1137, 17886, 43345, 2066, 197, 9514, 32809, 38143, 13, 197, 10267, 14862, 414, 198, 83, 647, 361, 53577, 14862, 414, 71579, 18283, 53577, 14862, 414, 197, 5562, 388, 197, 3833, 710, 13, 197, 2675, 94036, 197, 6416, 11575, 197, 2239, 48048, 198, 3833, 52551, 197, 16293, 53577, 9793, 2914, 13, 197, 5519, 64442, 82022, 13, 197, 10267, 14862, 414, 78546, 53577, 14862, 414, 197, 370, 5717, 268, 198, 438, 14862, 414, 3303, 301, 2749, 197, 3833, 710, 13, 197, 10267, 14862, 414, 2282, 265, 44661, 74242, 36547, 197, 55225, 61551, 197, 9514, 197, 3833, 710, 14862, 414, 197, 73336, 198, 438, 1186, 68, 295, 627, 5519, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 11575, 197, 24467, 481, 69480, 17886, 14862, 414, 36502, 1942, 1736, 197, 9514, 22087, 291, 197, 6285, 198, 1820, 197, 20281, 197, 28827, 30, 197, 35293, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 197, 9514, 197, 6416, 25653, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 43591, 198, 263, 48048, 14862, 414, 36502, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 43591, 25653, 48048, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 627, 644, 2090, 197, 3833, 52551, 11, 197, 19975, 481, 36839, 11, 1942, 352, 32809, 14862, 414, 726, 11, 197, 10378, 197, 309, 6831, 9585, 32809, 10428, 198, 3427, 13, 25494, 17643, 1655, 13, 25494, 10428, 31780, 13, 25494, 17643, 1655, 52060, 3324, 2711, 13, 25494, 17643, 1655, 52060, 1186, 686, 13, 25494, 17643, 1655, 52060, 198, 4091, 13, 25494, 17643, 1655, 52060, 3253, 11476, 13, 25494, 17643, 1655, 52060, 1942, 329, 2136, 13, 25494, 10428, 31780, 44323, 62928, 8986, 2408, 811, 13, 25494, 10428, 198, 3427, 53577, 25494, 197, 309, 36547, 197, 55225, 13, 25494, 197, 309, 36547, 197, 55225, 48048, 13938, 726, 13, 25494, 197, 309, 36547, 197, 55225, 48048, 71579, 752, 41948, 44323, 8986, 1643, 13, 25494, 197, 309, 1942, 5763, 49216, 11087, 1602, 2017, 2090, 8285, 18865, 3324, 1146, 82266, 197, 28956, 3324, 1769, 13, 197, 34027, 33188, 7883, 521, 44323, 10428, 1303, 31780, 627, 39818, 24263, 197, 1336, 31845, 197, 61665, 82, 44323, 81664, 27081, 1470, 638, 60910, 13, 62635, 3324, 2094, 11575, 8986, 2433, 26736, 34101, 198, 2000, 33188, 7145, 14492, 32809, 2282, 52521, 11575, 73972, 44323, 197, 9514, 13, 197, 12805, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 1186, 41505, 48048, 2090, 198, 64562, 11, 197, 9514, 94036, 20530, 24263, 197, 3852, 2940, 36547, 197, 3852, 22724, 13, 197, 2675, 6831, 484, 74242, 197, 481, 32809, 197, 3833, 710, 198, 884, 50268, 17886, 197, 3852, 1942, 275, 4090, 627, 3337, 28534, 9311, 25, 1602, 37, 7596, 53577, 23845, 544, 2923, 811, 198, 6153, 7883, 613, 76470, 14779, 291, 2282, 50481, 11, 25990, 2765, 785, 14862, 414, 3253, 11423, 1186, 686, 13, 197, 12487, 345, 27963, 44323, 11575, 197, 31587, 197, 2715, 2923, 367, 64442, 6831, 619, 1470, 269, 6961, 32809, 24263, 627, 16, 13, 6391, 548, 261, 198, 13617, 512, 40, 197, 309, 197, 2642, 14152, 64442, 73204, 197, 606, 6831, 484, 197, 2099, 197, 4151, 13938, 16709, 627, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 64952, 36547, 98138, 29336, 2827, 43398, 50394, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 17, 13, 15420, 2299, 7721, 275, 4090, 198, 13617, 512, 40, 4805, 197, 37593, 9793, 525, 11575, 197, 2050, 44323, 13938, 197, 785, 627, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 25, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 3947, 198, 20501, 11575, 1602, 64185, 197, 5227, 2066, 50394, 53577, 25494, 197, 10543, 24263, 82022, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 18, 13, 13017, 5285, 197, 75264, 198, 13617, 512, 5159, 25841, 82, 6831, 263, 1431, 197, 10543, 50394, 33188, 197, 3195, 25494, 197, 309, 627, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 40, 197, 10543, 13938, 25841, 82, 53577, 197, 20670, 17886, 197, 413, 197, 10543, 53577, 197, 31153, 50394, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 19, 13, 9391, 2596, 198, 13617, 58255, 197, 309, 197, 2642, 14152, 44323, 197, 35214, 3303, 10922, 627, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 40, 26665, 592, 64442, 52060, 13938, 197, 56345, 6831, 484, 74242, 3324, 3448, 1470, 548, 44323, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 20, 13, 197, 40353, 70998, 13322, 198, 13617, 512, 40, 197, 27963, 64442, 25494, 4344, 1186, 266, 53577, 21113, 266, 70178, 627, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 40, 17643, 1655, 33188, 197, 17483, 32809, 1470, 50308, 553, 13938, 36502, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 21, 13, 7721, 327, 198, 13617, 512, 40, 197, 309, 197, 2642, 14152, 64442, 25494, 6831, 484, 9793, 525, 32809, 197, 2118, 29588, 49216, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 40, 197, 309, 197, 3833, 52551, 53577, 25494, 1186, 10516, 48048, 8986, 1643, 7883, 38367, 53577, 197, 6581, 371, 16117, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 22, 13, 197, 14884, 198, 13617, 512, 40, 197, 309, 197, 2642, 14152, 44323, 197, 35214, 1942, 875, 53577, 21113, 481, 32809, 3324, 731, 1470, 548, 44323, 13938, 726, 627, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 40, 6831, 484, 197, 33222, 36547, 2193, 52060, 33188, 88740, 25494, 197, 17483, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 25, 23, 13, 197, 51922, 82, 198, 13617, 512, 40, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 27963, 64442, 197, 3852, 606, 6831, 484, 197, 2099, 197, 31153, 50394, 627, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 29351, 53577, 197, 10543, 685, 197, 548, 2157, 483, 13, 25494, 197, 31153, 13938, 726, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 24, 13, 1602, 18788, 198, 197, 17166, 198, 13617, 512, 40, 197, 309, 197, 2642, 14152, 44323, 10582, 1303, 62928, 627, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 25, 11769, 197, 425, 64355, 197, 1220, 17886, 26806, 197, 9007, 13757, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 605, 13, 197, 40358, 53577, 11198, 7169, 198, 13617, 512, 3923, 748, 197, 19041, 20501, 73204, 8986, 1643, 197, 10924, 59451, 589, 5380, 73613, 197, 11673, 946, 512, 18031, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 512, 40, 26665, 592, 33188, 54414, 44323, 8986, 1643, 13, 25494, 197, 309, 198, 25653, 1602, 276, 6379, 1752, 12710, 34090, 197, 20322, 197, 295, 34719, 627, 73613, 23845, 1785, 33532, 3579, 512, 3337, 28534, 9311, 25, 1602, 36590, 23845, 544, 2923, 811, 198, 25017, 80557, 96168, 44323, 1186, 686, 43827, 33188, 34196, 8285, 18865, 64442, 20501, 2157, 537, 55992, 14978, 2066, 198, 9514, 13, 197, 16834, 197, 90081, 11, 197, 4151, 14862, 414, 726, 31780, 287, 197, 20322, 33188, 1186, 686, 11, 48048, 11575, 197, 31587, 198, 87294, 13, 197, 10031, 14862, 414, 726, 1186, 68, 20659, 17389, 53577, 36547, 197, 55225, 13, 61473, 2765, 785, 11575, 197, 31587, 198, 2715, 2923, 367, 198, 197, 914, 1602, 15487, 13, 197, 29690, 33188, 3303, 1223, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 3324, 3713, 2129, 78, 0, 19997, 33188, 2282, 301, 4843, 26215, 1638, 2282, 50481, 3324, 3448, 43827, 36372, 197, 2491, 11, 59733, 18895, 18339, 33188, 198, 2715, 2923, 811, 1470, 269, 6961, 287, 32809, 7883, 613, 2282, 301, 4843, 13, 197, 8238, 197, 45010, 197, 2715, 2923, 811, 73972, 44323, 198, 22479, 2765, 5179, 7145, 14492, 13, 7721, 352, 197, 49818, 197, 61917, 17886, 33188, 1470, 277, 11, 36547, 98138, 11, 17886, 33188, 2157, 29912, 11, 82266, 197, 3852, 198, 1712, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 9215, 15410, 2282, 301, 30921, 1942, 30463, 4628, 34001, 197, 2675, 13083, 301, 19704, 512, 7927, 23845, 544, 2923, 367, 197, 3957, 512, 40, 197, 309, 197, 2642, 14152, 32809, 197, 22233, 33188, 197, 7830, 627, 40, 197, 309, 197, 33222, 1942, 5763, 53577, 7875, 627, 2181, 6831, 619, 77, 1431, 98138, 2066, 50394, 627, 5159, 197, 8332, 6948, 197, 548, 197, 33222, 197, 64185, 2066, 198, 2727, 627, 85102, 197, 2061, 1186, 1315, 729, 50394, 627, 5159, 197, 425, 20501, 197, 64185, 53577, 25494, 82948, 4215, 7883, 613, 198, 943, 2157, 13209, 627, 40, 197, 309, 197, 2642, 14152, 44323, 1186, 6852, 627, 40, 94651, 13938, 726, 17886, 1942, 39718, 53577, 197, 10543, 198, 1820, 197, 716, 13421, 44323, 13938, 8986, 1643, 627, 16298, 1942, 10727, 50394, 627, 40, 197, 309, 197, 385, 2111, 53577, 1942, 5763, 56842, 424, 25494, 31780, 627, 3923, 748, 25494, 2282, 52521, 197, 5227, 1752, 5380, 40, 197, 309, 36547, 197, 5227, 17886, 33188, 21113, 8194, 627, 94936, 11575, 1470, 277, 2157, 2094, 50394, 198, 54761, 592, 22761, 31906, 627, 40, 197, 3833, 710, 53577, 50388, 48048, 197, 4215, 11, 7883, 521, 11, 53577, 198, 19975, 627, 3923, 748, 25494, 9793, 525, 11575, 3303, 467, 1285, 59451, 589, 5380, 40, 6831, 484, 38004, 197, 55225, 3725, 53577, 197, 19975, 2915, 198, 266, 33188, 49021, 22724, 627, 40, 4344, 197, 2642, 14152, 44323, 197, 35214, 197, 32676, 627, 40, 8285, 1911, 197, 31153, 53577, 25494, 6831, 484, 197, 33222, 198, 266, 2193, 197, 31153, 56842, 424, 25494, 31780, 627, 10378, 3253, 535, 13938, 726, 197, 23443, 32809, 74242, 36547, 197, 55225, 2029, 62436, 197, 99928, 198, 16, 13, 197, 1687, 197, 548, 7883, 613, 10413, 43419, 2066, 197, 414, 8285, 69597, 627, 17, 13, 197, 11769, 197, 61665, 197, 906, 197, 27963, 20501, 197, 46002, 197, 414, 1186, 3049, 627, 18, 13, 197, 34124, 20501, 59451, 6260, 48048, 33188, 2765, 309, 4210, 3303, 3307, 82, 44323, 198, 2762, 479, 11, 1470, 1018, 42914, 11, 3253, 11476, 11, 53577, 5311, 2902, 266, 1171, 627, 19, 13, 197, 9673, 197, 548, 197, 3323, 197, 61665, 82, 53577, 197, 61665, 82, 94036, 74242, 197, 17805, 627, 20, 13, 197, 1687, 197, 17483, 32809, 17643, 1655, 33188, 3303, 561, 53577, 1186, 1813, 535, 7883, 1225, 606, 11, 197, 16564, 198, 2530, 4372, 627, 21, 13, 7721, 491, 12, 55539, 53577, 5311, 12, 10543, 685 ]
coronary bypass, and death comes very early, usually before age 20. Progeria is entropy that has been drastically, horribly sped up, and that happens because one gene, a minute speck of the body’ s pattern of intelligence, goes awry. Forces of disorder are unleashed by tipping the balance that each cell must maintain to remain alive. The same lesson applies to normal aging. As long as the body can renew itself according to its blueprint of orderliness, entro py is countered. As an old stomach or skin cell breaks down, it gets replaced; whenever a particle of food is metabolized, wastes are excreted and new food arrives. We can call this balance of creat ion and destruction dynamic non-change. In other words, change takes place within a stable framework. As far as our bodies are concerned, this state of dynamic non-change is crucial. Tipping the balance in either direction spells disaster—lack of change leads to death; too much change leads to wild disorder (as when a cancer cell starts dividing indiscriminately until it eventua lly takes over vital tissues and causes its own destruction, along with that of the rest of the body). Every cell knows how to defeat entropy by bringing intelligen ce to the rescue whenever disorder begins to intrude. The most critical example is provided by DNA itself. Long thought to be an inert chemical that sits unchanged in the cell’s nucleus, DNA is now known to have a remarkable capacity for self-repair. Under the assault of free radicals and other damaging influences, at least seven different kinds of mistakes can appear in a strand of DNA. (You can think of DNA as a computer tape whose information gets confused when the tape is broken, twisted, or bunched up.) If your genes passively accept ed such damage, as every other chemical would, the infor mation coded on the double helix would get more and more garbled, making orderly life impossible. But DNA has learned to repairitself. It can sense exactly which kind of damage has occurred, and via special enzymes the appropriate missing links are spliced back into place. This astonishing display of intelligence has been linked directly to human aging. If you graph the life expectancy of various animals, starting with short-lived shrew s and mice and proceeding through cows, elephants, and man, the resulting curve is almost perfectly matched by how well each animal’ s DNA can repair itself. The long-tailed shrew, for exam ple, has an extremely short life span, usual ly less than a year, while humans have the longest life span of any mammal, at a known maximum of between 115 and 120 years. In the early 1970s, two young gerontologists, Ron Hart and Richard Setlow, exposed the DNA of various animals to ultraviolet light in order to create a specific kind of damag e (adjacent molecules on the DNA strand became unnaturally fused). They then measured how much repair took place over a period of an hour, and in fact cells from the shrew repaired themselves more slowly than did cells from a mouse, which lives somewhat longer. The rate of self-repair increased with cows and elephants, culminating with humans, who have the fastest genetic-repair rate known. Later, Dr. Edward Schneider at the National Institutes on Aging verified that older cells repair themselv es much less efficiently than do younger ones. The overall conclusion is that aging results from the inability of DNA to keep up with the constant damage being inflicted on it millions of times per year. If this is how the balance of forces gives way inside us, why does Nature allow it to go on? If a human cell is more than 99 percent efficient at self- repair, why didn’ t evolution fill in the remaining deficit? This is a perplexing question, for to answer it you must know the secret of life itself. What we can say is that over a lifetime, each of our cells unde rgoes more damage than it can repair. Aging is the result of this deficit. If a cell repaired itself perfectly every time, every cell would be as new as the day we were born, and we would never grow old. This implies that by preventing as many genetic mistakes as possible, we would be preventing the result of those mistakes—the aging process. As seen from the level of intelligence, your cells want to be new at every moment. But old cells are littered with past mistakes that have takenphysical form as toxic debris, clogged pigments, cross-linked molecules, and damaged DNA. These rigid bits of matter no longer flow and change, which is necessary to life. In this section we will look at the living blueprint of the body, which is made of intelligence, to discover how it allows mistakes to occur. There is no biological necessity for these mistakes, and there are many techniques for correcting and avoiding them. Unlike the shrew, mouse, cow, or elephant, you are not imprisoned within a fixed genetic-repair rate. According to the new paradigm, your entire body is one field of awareness, and the activity inside your cells is directly influenced by how you think and act. You are talking to your DNA via the chemical messages sent from your brain, and these messages directly affect DNA ’s output of information. One enduring legacy from the past twenty years of mind-body research is that we have a very precise notion of how the trans formation from intellig ence to physiology takes place. We are no longer in doubt about the fact that invisible wisps of thought and emotion alter the fundamental chemistry of every cell. This knowledge raises the hope that the mistake of aging can be abolished at its source, in the depths of cellular awareness. OceanofPDF.comWRINKLES IN THE QUANTUM FIELD: The Transformation of Messages into Molecules To follow the trail of entropy from the visible to the quantum level, we can examine a single symptom of aging: wrinkles. Sometime when you’re standing in front of the bathro om mirror, consider the tiny wrinkles that form with age at the corner of your eyes or around your mouth. The lines in your face trace old, familiar emotions, and the map of anxiety, anger, frustration, fulfillment, happiness, and joy gets etched deeper into the skin every year. “Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been,” Mark Twain commented; but even if every wrinkle was the trace of a smile, how do they form? To a cell biologist, the cause of wrinkles lies in the skin’ s struct ure. Your skin is composed of many kinds of tissue—blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, muscles for giving us goose bumps and making our hair stand on end, fat cells, and two layers of skin cells, the dermis and epide rmis—all of which is surrounded by water and loose connective tissue. This connective tissue is composed primarily of collagen, a protein that has the extremely useful property of being able to bind with water. Collagen provides the skin with a soft, moist webbed cushion, giving it plumpness as well as the abilit y to stretch and fold as your body moves. Collagen itself isn’t made of cells, but nearby cells produce and repair it. The state of this connective tissue is therefore under the supervision of DNA. As people age, their colla gen under goes change, becomin g stiffer and less moist. As it loses resilience, collagen no longer snaps back when it is stretched or folded. It starts holding creases, and once a crease is permanent, a wrinkle has formed.The Free-Radical Theory Many physical influences can hasten the aging of collagen: smoking, excessive exposure to sunlight, vitamin deficiency, malnutrition, dehydration, underactive thyroid, and genetic predisposition, to name but a few. Yet there is no clear division between these influences and psychological factors. A widow grieving for her husband can become worn and wrinkled very quickly. The skin of a cancer patient under going chemotherapy can age prematur ely, both from the side effects of the drugs and his state of emotional turmoil. What these diverse influences have in common is that all can promote a specific kind of mistake in the molecular structure of collagen. Separate collagen molecu les get attached to one another through a process known as cross-linkage, a chemical reaction that permanently locks up the outer atomic shells of the collagen. The cause of cross-linkage lies in the destructive tendency of free radicals, the highly unstable oxygen atoms that bind indiscriminately with many vital molecules in the body, including DNA. In the mid-1950s, Dr. Denham Harman of the University of Nebraska was the first researcher to theorize that free radicals are an important if not primary cause of aging at the cellular level. Cross-linkage is only one example of the damage free radicals can inflict. They can also split up nearby molecules, break off pieces of molecules, garble information in various parts of cells, clog cell membranes, promote cancerous mutations, and impair the functioning of mitochondria (the energy factories inside each cell). Some cholesterol researchers believe that free radicals are responsible for the harm that cholesterol does to our bodies. In labora tory settings it is next to impossible to get cells to take up cholesterol in its normal form, but once free radicals react with cholesterol, causing it
[ 198, 6133, 263, 661, 31818, 11, 323, 4648, 4131, 1633, 4216, 1174, 6118, 1603, 4325, 220, 508, 627, 1360, 1414, 689, 374, 48602, 430, 706, 1027, 48863, 1174, 77104, 86710, 709, 11, 323, 430, 198, 71, 680, 729, 1606, 832, 15207, 11, 264, 9568, 2395, 377, 315, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 5497, 315, 198, 93375, 11, 5900, 1384, 894, 662, 30500, 315, 19823, 527, 69364, 555, 72293, 279, 198, 22298, 430, 1855, 2849, 2011, 10519, 311, 7293, 13989, 13, 578, 1890, 18228, 198, 391, 7350, 311, 4725, 30084, 13, 1666, 1317, 439, 279, 2547, 649, 14195, 5196, 4184, 311, 198, 1220, 54029, 315, 2015, 49958, 11, 1218, 299, 4611, 374, 86167, 13, 1666, 459, 2362, 23152, 477, 6930, 198, 5997, 18808, 1523, 11, 433, 5334, 12860, 26, 15716, 264, 19320, 315, 3691, 374, 198, 4150, 53904, 1534, 11, 82320, 527, 506, 4523, 291, 323, 502, 3691, 30782, 627, 1687, 649, 1650, 420, 8335, 315, 6184, 28772, 323, 19814, 8915, 2536, 51502, 627, 644, 1023, 4339, 11, 2349, 5097, 2035, 2949, 264, 15528, 12914, 13, 1666, 3117, 439, 1057, 198, 65, 10233, 527, 11920, 11, 420, 1614, 315, 8915, 2536, 51502, 374, 16996, 13, 350, 5772, 198, 1820, 8335, 304, 3060, 5216, 26701, 21426, 2345, 105516, 315, 2349, 11767, 311, 198, 63007, 26, 2288, 1790, 2349, 11767, 311, 8545, 19823, 320, 300, 994, 264, 9572, 2849, 8638, 198, 614, 6714, 94546, 258, 2718, 3156, 433, 1567, 4381, 326, 398, 5097, 927, 16595, 39881, 323, 198, 936, 4881, 1202, 1866, 19814, 11, 3235, 449, 430, 315, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 2547, 4390, 11769, 2849, 8964, 1268, 311, 18506, 48602, 555, 12967, 528, 616, 6569, 3846, 311, 279, 198, 417, 32824, 15716, 19823, 12302, 311, 10805, 799, 13, 578, 1455, 9200, 3187, 374, 198, 64525, 555, 15922, 5196, 13, 5843, 220, 3463, 311, 387, 459, 81073, 11742, 430, 23874, 198, 3265, 3811, 304, 279, 2849, 753, 62607, 11, 15922, 374, 1457, 3967, 311, 617, 264, 23649, 198, 38487, 369, 659, 5621, 12959, 662, 9636, 279, 11965, 315, 1949, 74356, 323, 1023, 198, 15770, 4210, 34453, 11, 520, 3325, 8254, 2204, 13124, 315, 21294, 649, 5101, 198, 258, 264, 42589, 315, 15922, 13, 320, 2675, 649, 1781, 315, 15922, 439, 264, 6500, 17401, 6832, 198, 26125, 5334, 22568, 994, 279, 17401, 374, 11102, 11, 38817, 11, 477, 293, 10880, 709, 29275, 2746, 701, 21389, 1522, 3210, 4287, 1608, 1778, 5674, 11, 439, 1475, 1023, 11742, 198, 41450, 11, 279, 304, 2000, 296, 367, 47773, 389, 279, 2033, 11591, 953, 1053, 636, 810, 323, 810, 198, 12440, 38759, 11, 3339, 220, 85869, 2324, 12266, 13, 2030, 15922, 706, 9687, 311, 13023, 275, 726, 13, 1102, 649, 5647, 7041, 902, 3169, 315, 5674, 706, 10222, 11, 323, 4669, 198, 15495, 56067, 220, 279, 8475, 7554, 7902, 527, 993, 75730, 1203, 1139, 2035, 627, 2028, 50013, 3113, 315, 11478, 706, 1027, 10815, 6089, 311, 3823, 198, 4210, 13, 1442, 499, 4876, 279, 2324, 66995, 315, 5370, 10099, 11, 6041, 449, 198, 8846, 62954, 559, 4361, 274, 323, 24548, 323, 39547, 1555, 46266, 11, 61866, 11, 323, 198, 1543, 11, 279, 13239, 16029, 374, 4661, 14268, 18545, 555, 1268, 1664, 1855, 198, 48999, 529, 274, 15922, 649, 13023, 5196, 13, 578, 1317, 2442, 5805, 559, 4361, 1174, 369, 7151, 7245, 11, 706, 459, 198, 428, 54358, 2875, 2324, 9575, 11, 13783, 14869, 2753, 1109, 264, 1060, 11, 1418, 12966, 617, 279, 198, 4930, 478, 2324, 9575, 315, 904, 36041, 278, 11, 520, 264, 3967, 7340, 315, 1990, 220, 7322, 323, 198, 4364, 1667, 627, 644, 279, 4216, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 11, 1403, 3995, 17684, 546, 22012, 11, 14662, 23750, 323, 12131, 198, 1681, 10516, 1174, 15246, 279, 15922, 315, 5370, 10099, 311, 37232, 85311, 3177, 304, 2015, 311, 198, 3261, 264, 3230, 3169, 315, 3824, 351, 384, 320, 25770, 18680, 35715, 389, 279, 15922, 42589, 198, 17106, 373, 17380, 72247, 75754, 570, 2435, 1243, 17303, 1268, 1790, 13023, 3952, 198, 2050, 927, 264, 4261, 315, 459, 6596, 11, 323, 304, 2144, 7917, 505, 279, 559, 4361, 52834, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 810, 220, 14297, 1109, 1550, 7917, 505, 264, 8814, 11, 902, 6439, 14738, 198, 4930, 261, 662, 578, 4478, 315, 659, 5621, 12959, 7319, 449, 46266, 323, 61866, 345, 3395, 65383, 449, 12966, 11, 889, 617, 279, 26731, 19465, 5621, 12959, 4478, 3967, 627, 31082, 1174, 2999, 13, 22653, 54887, 520, 279, 5165, 73828, 389, 77188, 24884, 198, 9210, 9191, 7917, 13023, 5685, 301, 85, 1560, 1790, 2753, 30820, 1109, 656, 14992, 198, 3233, 13, 578, 8244, 17102, 374, 430, 30084, 3135, 505, 279, 38550, 315, 15922, 198, 998, 2567, 709, 449, 279, 6926, 5674, 1694, 69177, 389, 433, 11990, 315, 3115, 198, 716, 1060, 16853, 2746, 420, 374, 1268, 279, 8335, 315, 8603, 6835, 1648, 4871, 603, 11, 3249, 1587, 22037, 198, 7331, 433, 311, 733, 389, 30, 1442, 264, 3823, 2849, 374, 810, 1109, 220, 1484, 3346, 11297, 520, 659, 7058, 77539, 1174, 3249, 3287, 529, 259, 15740, 5266, 304, 279, 9861, 29287, 30, 220, 1115, 374, 264, 198, 716, 9289, 287, 3488, 11, 369, 311, 4320, 433, 499, 2011, 1440, 279, 6367, 315, 2324, 5196, 627, 3923, 584, 649, 2019, 374, 430, 927, 264, 19569, 11, 1855, 315, 1057, 7917, 59995, 436, 3427, 288, 810, 198, 43965, 1109, 433, 649, 13023, 662, 77188, 374, 279, 1121, 315, 420, 29287, 13, 1442, 264, 2849, 198, 265, 77267, 5196, 14268, 1475, 892, 11, 1475, 2849, 1053, 387, 439, 502, 439, 279, 1938, 198, 906, 1051, 9405, 11, 323, 584, 1053, 2646, 3139, 2362, 13, 1115, 24897, 430, 555, 198, 1762, 82920, 439, 1690, 19465, 21294, 439, 3284, 11, 584, 1053, 387, 27252, 198, 1820, 1121, 315, 1884, 21294, 22416, 30084, 1920, 627, 2170, 3970, 505, 279, 2237, 315, 11478, 11, 701, 7917, 1390, 311, 387, 502, 520, 1475, 198, 29699, 13, 2030, 2362, 7917, 527, 39682, 291, 449, 3347, 21294, 430, 617, 4529, 47692, 1376, 439, 21503, 35098, 11, 272, 25909, 24623, 1392, 11, 5425, 55514, 35715, 345, 438, 20727, 15922, 13, 4314, 33956, 9660, 315, 5030, 912, 5129, 6530, 323, 2349, 345, 8370, 374, 5995, 311, 2324, 13, 763, 420, 3857, 584, 690, 1427, 520, 279, 5496, 54029, 198, 1073, 279, 2547, 1174, 902, 374, 1903, 315, 11478, 11, 311, 7142, 1268, 433, 6276, 198, 80024, 2094, 311, 12446, 662, 2684, 374, 912, 24156, 32961, 369, 1521, 21294, 11, 323, 198, 19041, 527, 1690, 12823, 369, 82475, 323, 31526, 1124, 627, 44179, 279, 559, 4361, 1174, 8814, 11, 19923, 1174, 477, 46840, 11, 499, 527, 539, 52942, 2949, 198, 64, 8521, 19465, 5621, 12959, 4478, 13, 10771, 311, 279, 502, 49340, 11, 701, 4553, 198, 2664, 374, 832, 2115, 315, 17985, 11, 323, 279, 5820, 4871, 701, 7917, 374, 6089, 198, 258, 27256, 5886, 555, 1268, 499, 1781, 323, 1180, 13, 1472, 527, 7556, 311, 701, 15922, 4669, 279, 198, 32056, 6743, 3288, 505, 701, 8271, 11, 323, 1521, 6743, 6089, 7958, 198, 56420, 18217, 82, 2612, 315, 2038, 13, 3861, 52876, 20160, 505, 279, 3347, 17510, 198, 42820, 315, 4059, 9534, 3495, 374, 430, 584, 617, 264, 1633, 24473, 23035, 315, 1268, 198, 1820, 1380, 18488, 505, 60538, 665, 346, 311, 78152, 5097, 2035, 13, 1226, 527, 912, 198, 4930, 261, 304, 10712, 922, 279, 2144, 430, 30547, 19112, 1725, 315, 3463, 323, 20356, 198, 38377, 279, 16188, 30903, 220, 315, 1475, 2849, 13, 1115, 6677, 25930, 279, 198, 61893, 430, 279, 16930, 315, 30084, 649, 387, 81081, 520, 1202, 2592, 11, 304, 279, 43957, 198, 1073, 35693, 17985, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 18408, 11898, 14344, 2006, 3247, 27090, 2891, 2864, 41378, 512, 791, 54752, 315, 27827, 1139, 386, 82206, 198, 1271, 1833, 279, 9025, 315, 48602, 505, 279, 9621, 311, 279, 31228, 2237, 11, 584, 649, 198, 327, 20588, 264, 3254, 49648, 315, 30084, 25, 74207, 13, 18024, 4199, 994, 499, 3207, 198, 10276, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 9061, 299, 8019, 18327, 1174, 2980, 279, 13987, 74207, 430, 198, 630, 449, 4325, 520, 279, 9309, 315, 701, 6548, 477, 2212, 701, 11013, 13, 578, 5238, 304, 198, 22479, 3663, 11917, 2362, 11, 11537, 21958, 11, 323, 279, 2472, 315, 18547, 1174, 19788, 13801, 1658, 3497, 367, 11, 57383, 11, 23871, 11, 323, 16267, 5334, 1880, 2454, 19662, 1139, 279, 6930, 198, 30115, 1060, 13, 1054, 54, 35465, 645, 1288, 16632, 13519, 1405, 43632, 617, 1027, 2476, 198, 9126, 12015, 467, 29786, 26, 719, 1524, 422, 1475, 3189, 36244, 574, 279, 11917, 315, 264, 15648, 345, 5269, 656, 814, 1376, 5380, 1271, 264, 2849, 88704, 11, 279, 5353, 315, 74207, 15812, 304, 279, 6930, 529, 274, 2080, 53560, 13, 4718, 198, 37282, 374, 24306, 315, 1690, 13124, 315, 20438, 2345, 51105, 31080, 11, 50581, 11, 7013, 198, 8566, 416, 645, 11, 24569, 369, 7231, 603, 63237, 65822, 323, 3339, 1057, 7013, 2559, 389, 198, 408, 11, 8834, 7917, 11, 323, 1403, 13931, 315, 6930, 7917, 11, 279, 2761, 34965, 323, 4248, 579, 19535, 285, 87247, 315, 198, 8370, 374, 23712, 555, 3090, 323, 20784, 4667, 535, 20438, 13, 1115, 4667, 535, 198, 83, 11407, 374, 24306, 15871, 315, 71313, 11, 264, 13128, 430, 706, 279, 9193, 198, 817, 1285, 3424, 315, 1694, 3025, 311, 10950, 449, 3090, 16853, 15623, 8703, 5825, 279, 6930, 449, 264, 8579, 11, 21147, 3566, 2788, 45738, 11, 220, 7231, 433, 198, 501, 1538, 2136, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 671, 3748, 379, 311, 14841, 323, 11816, 439, 701, 2547, 11031, 627, 15623, 8703, 5196, 4536, 1431, 1903, 315, 7917, 11, 719, 14373, 7917, 8356, 323, 13023, 433, 627, 791, 1614, 315, 420, 4667, 535, 20438, 374, 9093, 1234, 279, 38217, 315, 198, 56420, 13, 1666, 1274, 4325, 11, 872, 4631, 64, 4173, 1234, 5900, 2349, 11, 387, 884, 258, 342, 357, 14657, 323, 198, 1752, 21147, 13, 1666, 433, 33291, 56062, 1174, 71313, 912, 5129, 52404, 1203, 994, 433, 374, 198, 267, 62837, 477, 48135, 13, 1102, 8638, 10168, 1922, 2315, 11, 323, 3131, 264, 1922, 521, 374, 198, 98524, 11, 264, 3189, 36244, 706, 14454, 11829, 3658, 11151, 329, 950, 31535, 198, 8607, 7106, 34453, 649, 34143, 268, 279, 30084, 315, 71313, 25, 20149, 345, 327, 87728, 14675, 311, 40120, 11, 28170, 48294, 1174, 8811, 83664, 345, 80660, 50791, 11, 1234, 3104, 54060, 11, 323, 19465, 80632, 3571, 11, 311, 836, 719, 264, 198, 71830, 13, 14968, 1070, 374, 912, 2867, 13096, 1990, 1521, 34453, 323, 198, 92109, 5848, 9547, 13, 362, 57896, 220, 91844, 369, 1077, 10177, 649, 3719, 24634, 198, 438, 58370, 839, 1633, 6288, 662, 578, 6930, 315, 264, 9572, 8893, 1234, 2133, 198, 2464, 42811, 649, 4325, 6954, 2693, 658, 88, 11, 2225, 505, 279, 3185, 6372, 315, 279, 11217, 198, 438, 813, 1614, 315, 14604, 63355, 627, 3923, 1521, 17226, 34453, 617, 304, 4279, 374, 430, 682, 649, 12192, 264, 198, 52340, 3169, 315, 16930, 304, 279, 31206, 6070, 315, 71313, 13, 77240, 198, 17666, 8703, 17085, 84, 3625, 636, 12673, 311, 832, 2500, 1555, 264, 1920, 3967, 439, 198, 29942, 9142, 425, 11, 264, 11742, 13010, 430, 31859, 32776, 709, 279, 16335, 198, 6756, 44054, 315, 279, 71313, 662, 578, 5353, 315, 5425, 9142, 425, 15812, 304, 279, 198, 61368, 535, 31954, 315, 1949, 74356, 11, 279, 7701, 45311, 24463, 33299, 430, 198, 7821, 94546, 258, 2718, 449, 1690, 16595, 35715, 304, 279, 2547, 1174, 2737, 198, 56420, 13, 763, 279, 5209, 12, 6280, 15, 82, 11, 2999, 662, 9973, 5721, 5340, 1543, 315, 279, 3907, 315, 38379, 198, 16514, 279, 1176, 32185, 311, 46820, 553, 430, 1949, 74356, 527, 459, 3062, 422, 539, 198, 6682, 5353, 315, 30084, 520, 279, 35693, 2237, 627, 29601, 9142, 425, 374, 1193, 832, 3187, 315, 279, 5674, 1949, 74356, 649, 68568, 627, 7009, 649, 1101, 6859, 709, 14373, 35715, 11, 1464, 1022, 9863, 315, 35715, 345, 12440, 901, 2038, 304, 5370, 5596, 315, 7917, 11, 272, 848, 2849, 79348, 11, 12192, 198, 66, 11967, 788, 34684, 11, 323, 38974, 279, 31301, 315, 55042, 4298, 320, 1820, 198, 17947, 35159, 4871, 1855, 2849, 570, 4427, 39086, 12074, 4510, 430, 198, 10816, 74356, 527, 8647, 369, 279, 11682, 430, 39086, 1587, 311, 1057, 198, 65, 10233, 13, 763, 9511, 64, 259, 683, 5110, 433, 374, 1828, 311, 12266, 311, 636, 7917, 311, 1935, 709, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 304, 1202, 4725, 1376, 11, 719, 3131, 1949, 74356, 14085, 449, 39086, 345, 936, 985, 433 ]
itssymptoms, suchasthediarrhoeaandtherheumatismareworse atthattimeofyear,especiallywhentheweatheris damp.PeopleneedingColchicumareusuallysensitive tocold,arealwayssensitivetodampandtheirsymp- tomsareworseatnight.Movementofanysort,in- cludingwalking,willaggravatetheirpainsandthe onlypositiontheyfeelbetterinissittingdown.A keynoteofthisparticularremedyisthatthesenseof smellisextremelyacute;iftheyareunwellthesmellof foodcookingwillquicklyexacerbatetheirsymptoms INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA Colocynthis(Coloc) •81 and/ormakethemfeelfaint.Thissensitivitytofood smellsisatitsworstwitheggs,whichreallydomake themwanttovomit. EMOTIONAL/MENTALSYMPTOMS Complaintsfromanger.Memoryweak. Thisisasmallremedyanddoesnothavemany stronglymarkedemotionalcharacteristics. People needingthisremedymaybeabsent-mindedand forgetful.Theyareverysensitivetoangerandconflict andsymptoms-diarrhoeaornauseaorpainful joints-willbeworseafter,say,anargument. PHYSICALCOMPLAINTS Diarrhoea SymptomsStools:jelly-like;withmucus;watery. Painonpassingstools. Causesautumn. Thisdiarrhoeamaywellaccompanythejointcom- plaintsthatareworseinthedampweatherofautumn. Flatulence SymptomsBelly/stomach bloated.Windobstructed (difficulttoexpel). Jointpain SymptomsPains:inhandsandfeet;acute;tearing. WithSWELLING. Betterforwarmth. Worseforcold,wetweather;formovement;forwarm weather. This'rheumatism' affectsthesmalljointsofthehands andthefeet,whichmaybebetterforbeingwrapped upandkeptwarmandareworsefortouch.The toesespeciallyaresosensitivethatstubbingthem accidentally isagonisinglypainful.Thesevere,tearing painsinthejointsmayalsobeaccompaniedbyagreat generalweakness. Nausea SymptomsAppetitelost.Belly/stomach bloated. Withfaintness;vomiting(seebelow). Worseaftereating;forsmellandsightoffood. Thereisanintenseloathingatthesight,smellor thoughtoffood,andthenauseaisexacerbated particularlybythesmellofeggsandfish. Vomiting SymptomsPains:burning;sore,bruised.Withretch- ingaftervomiting. Worseforsmellofeggs. Thestomachisdistendedandmayfeelicycold.COLOCYNTHIS (Coloc.) Familyname:Cucurbitaceae Othernames:cucumiscolocynthis;bittercucumber; bitterapple;squirtingcucumber Colocynthis isatrailingplantthatgrowsinsandy placesinhot,dryregionsthroughouttheworld.Ithas ahairystemthatlooksverylikethecommoncucum- ber,yellowflowersandyellowfruitthesizeof oranges.Theseedsaresaidtobehighlynutritiousbut thepulpofthefruitisastrongpoisonwhichcauses severegastro-intestinal inflammation. Becauseofitsdrasticpurgativeeffectsithasbeenin generalmedicinalusefromearliesttimesforsuch complaintsaslethargyand'mania'.Itismentionedin theOldTestamentwhentheprophetElishashowed hisdivinemissionbymakingthispoisonousgourd intoawholesomevegetableduringatimeoffamine. Forthehomeopathicpreparationthedriedfruitis powdered,mixedwithalcoholandlefttomacerate; it isshakentwicedailyforaweekandthenstrainedand succussedasusual. GENERALSYMPTOMS Colocynthis isoneofthemaincolicremedies(see below).OthermajorcolicremediesareStaphysagria andDioscorea.Staphysagriachildrendevelopcolicfrom anger(likeColocynthis)butwillalsohaveteethwhich NBSEEALSOPAGES203-26FORGENERALADVICE,DOSANDDON'TS. 82•Coniummaculatum(Con.) INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA decayearly,andDioscoreabendrightbackwiththe pains. EMOTIONAL/MENTAL SYMPTOMS Complaintsfrom:anger;humiliation;indignation. Restless. Thephysicalsymptomsmaydevelopasaresultof feelingangryorhumiliated,andthepainscausethe sufferersintenseanguish,asaresultofwhichthey becomeveryrestlessandpossiblyirritable.Thepains aresobadastomakethemcryorscreamout. PHYSICALCOMPLAINTS Colic SymptomsInbabies.Bellybloated.Pains:cutting; griping;tearing;violent;inwaves.Withdiarrhoea (seebelow);nausea;vomiting. Betterforbendingdouble;forpressure;forpassinga stool. Worseafterdrinking;forcolddrinkswhenover- heated;beforeastool;afterearingfruit. Causesanger;eatingfruit;excitement;vexation. Thepainsmaybeeitherinthestomachorinthebelly andmaybesosevereastocausevomiting.Young babiescommonlypulltheirlegsuptotheirbelliesand screamiftheyaremoved.Oldersuffererswillalso doubleupwiththepainandwillpresshardonthe affectedarea(theymaydigtheirfistsintotheirbellies orbendoverthebackofachair,twistingandturning togetsomerelief).Eating,especiallyfruit,will aggravatethepains. Cramp SymptomsCramp:inthighs;legs;calves. Diarrhoea SymptomsStools:green;pasty.Withcolic(see above). Worseaftereatingfruit;aftereating. Causesanger;fruit. Headache SymptomsPains:onleftsideofface;spreaduptoear; tearing. Worsefortouch. Causesexcitement;vexation. Sciatica SymptomsPainstearing. Worseonrightsideofbody.Theawfultearingpainsareusuallyworseformove- ment,pressureandtouchandalthoughtheymaybe betterforwarmthareoftenworseforthewarmthof bedatnight. CONIUMMACULATUM (Con.) Familyname:Umbelliferae Othernames:commonhemlock;spottedhemlock; poisonhemlock;herbbennett;poisonparsley Commoninthiscountryaswellasthroughoutmostof EuropeandinpartsofAsia,NorthAfricaandAmer- ica,hemlockisfoundinhedges,meadows,bystreams andonwasteground.Itbelongstothesamefamilyas parsleyandinfactitsleaveshavebeenmistakenly takenforparsley,butunliketherestofitsfamilyevery singlepartofthisplantisextremelypoisonous.The nameConiumcomesfromtheGreek'konas',towhirl about,becausewheneatentheplantcausesgreat vertigobeforedeath. Medicinally ithasbeenusedfromasearlyasthe tenthcenturyforawiderangeofillnessesincluding tumours,epilepsy,whoopingcoughandmany others,tocurethebiteofrabiddogsandasanantidote tostrychninepoisoning.However,thesetreatments werefraughtwithdangerbecauseofthetoxicnature oftheherbanditeventually fellintodisuse. ItwascommonlyusedbytheRomansandthe INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA Cuprummetallicum(Cupr.)•83 Greeksasapoisonbothlegally(forcriminals)and illegally.Hemlockwasthepoisonthatthecondemned Socrateswasmadetodrink.Poisonousdosesproduce completeparalysiswhichstartsatthefeetandmoves upthebody,thelegsbecomingcoldatfirstandthen therestofthebodyfollowing.Therearenoconvul- sionsandnopain.Theabilitytothinkclearlyremains rightupuntildeath,whichiscausedbvasphyxia. Thehomeopathicremedyispreparedfroma tincturemadefromthefreshplantwheninflower. GENERALSYMPTOMS ComplaintsfromaccidentinjuryDizzy.Sweating: duringsleep;hot;atnight;onclosingeyes. WorseonKingdown. Betterforsittingdown. Thecomplaintsareworseforlyingdown,fromthe cough,thesweatingandthedizziness.Aslightly strangesymptom isthattheperson(and
[ 275, 784, 1631, 52273, 345, 21470, 561, 71, 19586, 1138, 77035, 64, 438, 700, 383, 46313, 2191, 548, 86, 11073, 198, 266, 339, 1617, 547, 1073, 3236, 11, 36046, 1336, 21341, 88823, 1894, 285, 198, 67, 1141, 61971, 454, 35291, 16490, 6255, 331, 86231, 548, 44066, 82, 19245, 198, 55880, 820, 11, 548, 278, 3195, 784, 729, 275, 99754, 347, 1141, 438, 1820, 17260, 88, 1331, 7058, 83, 7085, 548, 86, 11073, 266, 9471, 1345, 14797, 1073, 276, 1065, 371, 54788, 7058, 11150, 81749, 11, 14724, 351, 36490, 266, 19030, 404, 79, 1771, 438, 1820, 198, 3323, 3571, 20670, 57676, 58234, 258, 1056, 15154, 2996, 885, 198, 798, 10179, 1073, 576, 4581, 24553, 1864, 9497, 380, 9379, 6509, 1137, 1073, 198, 3647, 616, 285, 428, 54358, 32590, 82104, 20670, 548, 359, 9336, 6509, 76, 4896, 69, 198, 14239, 1030, 10979, 14724, 28863, 398, 327, 9779, 14034, 19030, 17260, 1631, 52273, 198, 51525, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 4349, 511, 1910, 576, 3100, 337, 511, 8, 7436, 5932, 198, 438, 14, 494, 587, 774, 336, 1897, 491, 1673, 5221, 1056, 48937, 998, 14239, 198, 3647, 6572, 285, 266, 1220, 50810, 267, 86, 83856, 70, 5981, 11, 8370, 54760, 5717, 731, 198, 49818, 53757, 83, 869, 79068, 627, 2783, 55101, 984, 14, 5441, 984, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 1110, 32397, 82, 1527, 4091, 72262, 13451, 627, 2028, 285, 10753, 543, 1864, 9497, 438, 28156, 2201, 339, 402, 336, 3852, 198, 4620, 398, 47462, 336, 41964, 19740, 5706, 13, 9029, 198, 818, 16490, 576, 1864, 291, 1631, 50891, 3518, 306, 34423, 438, 198, 41119, 1285, 76369, 548, 424, 1065, 729, 275, 344, 11269, 4091, 438, 6263, 21937, 198, 2914, 1631, 52273, 51389, 1138, 77035, 64, 1540, 3538, 64, 31215, 467, 1285, 198, 73, 14737, 2695, 484, 83036, 11073, 10924, 10900, 352, 11, 276, 14819, 627, 11079, 9579, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 22427, 1138, 77035, 64, 198, 29012, 52273, 626, 6309, 58658, 12160, 12970, 26, 4291, 76, 38601, 26, 59147, 727, 627, 47, 467, 263, 6519, 287, 267, 6309, 627, 23389, 4881, 2784, 22082, 627, 2028, 8747, 1138, 77035, 309, 352, 9336, 582, 10348, 1820, 33950, 884, 7058, 32397, 31177, 460, 4361, 11073, 48121, 291, 1141, 15561, 1073, 2784, 22082, 627, 32119, 59566, 198, 29012, 52273, 33, 12160, 14607, 316, 613, 14545, 660, 1196, 485, 677, 1257, 291, 198, 38224, 3951, 998, 4683, 301, 4390, 42097, 92724, 198, 29012, 52273, 47, 1771, 25, 21538, 2914, 438, 1897, 295, 26, 32590, 26, 668, 3329, 627, 2409, 17268, 19659, 1753, 627, 56351, 2000, 83697, 339, 627, 54, 11073, 10676, 820, 25576, 295, 15561, 26, 630, 14797, 26, 2000, 83697, 198, 15561, 627, 2028, 97670, 383, 46313, 2191, 6, 7958, 267, 17082, 30632, 33950, 708, 69, 1820, 89112, 198, 438, 339, 46053, 295, 11, 8370, 37860, 58234, 2000, 35214, 76804, 198, 455, 438, 99020, 11710, 1969, 548, 86, 11073, 4057, 3102, 11829, 198, 998, 288, 36046, 5518, 437, 729, 275, 344, 774, 266, 60498, 7278, 49818, 198, 4575, 57222, 374, 6241, 3876, 398, 92724, 1285, 5221, 288, 2099, 68, 11, 668, 3329, 198, 79, 1771, 258, 1820, 33950, 3647, 352, 1147, 15784, 73087, 22840, 1729, 351, 1244, 198, 25615, 13451, 2136, 627, 45, 3538, 64, 198, 29012, 52273, 2213, 295, 57743, 537, 1823, 12160, 14607, 316, 613, 14545, 660, 627, 2409, 69, 1673, 2136, 26, 85, 316, 5977, 10698, 3141, 50481, 4390, 54, 11073, 10924, 91955, 26, 69, 1105, 76, 616, 2914, 492, 1885, 1411, 627, 3947, 17570, 396, 729, 20782, 44661, 266, 6509, 492, 11, 3647, 616, 269, 198, 61665, 1885, 1411, 51526, 3473, 3538, 2852, 327, 51919, 660, 198, 74039, 1729, 6509, 76, 4896, 69, 797, 5981, 438, 18668, 627, 53, 316, 5977, 198, 29012, 52273, 47, 1771, 25, 22464, 287, 40514, 461, 11, 33713, 4147, 27216, 10420, 7058, 287, 10924, 85, 316, 5977, 627, 54, 11073, 69, 1105, 76, 4896, 69, 797, 5981, 627, 791, 267, 316, 613, 285, 12489, 2954, 438, 18864, 57676, 2912, 88172, 87401, 12321, 25259, 37012, 320, 6255, 511, 29275, 15547, 609, 57092, 1791, 324, 4590, 114785, 198, 46, 6456, 986, 49131, 1791, 372, 285, 2119, 511, 1910, 576, 56033, 3328, 66, 42012, 280, 65, 3328, 23182, 40514, 11642, 1303, 66, 42012, 198, 6255, 511, 1910, 576, 374, 62078, 14612, 21494, 9210, 70, 1849, 1354, 13634, 198, 27170, 258, 10847, 12260, 894, 4030, 88001, 412, 16142, 1410, 2506, 339, 300, 198, 1494, 1334, 615, 9210, 95373, 1225, 7792, 19030, 5581, 66, 1791, 372, 7058, 655, 7509, 5412, 89770, 13634, 5412, 36698, 27985, 1073, 198, 269, 5637, 5221, 2423, 6910, 5518, 3864, 83, 677, 2701, 1108, 18499, 332, 1018, 1245, 8248, 198, 339, 752, 13136, 1073, 339, 830, 21702, 10994, 4620, 5481, 3416, 8370, 936, 4881, 198, 325, 424, 797, 23834, 20653, 65050, 37140, 627, 18433, 1073, 1220, 3696, 5174, 79, 5673, 1413, 81524, 411, 300, 82850, 258, 198, 25615, 2106, 292, 992, 817, 1527, 686, 24013, 15487, 69, 1105, 1412, 198, 884, 32397, 82, 300, 273, 339, 867, 88, 438, 2846, 9345, 4527, 2181, 285, 30348, 31501, 198, 1820, 18788, 2323, 2908, 1336, 306, 383, 782, 22718, 36, 1706, 1003, 13111, 198, 26301, 614, 69513, 7711, 65, 1631, 1802, 576, 5481, 3416, 788, 70, 77492, 198, 18614, 675, 75790, 638, 83571, 2364, 1711, 266, 547, 1885, 20588, 627, 2520, 1820, 5227, 62209, 1762, 36235, 79371, 4588, 36698, 285, 198, 22491, 1126, 291, 13387, 3366, 4291, 278, 11353, 438, 2414, 38501, 9779, 349, 26, 433, 198, 285, 939, 587, 306, 86, 7725, 5179, 2000, 85277, 1247, 438, 3473, 58827, 438, 198, 65541, 59942, 300, 81324, 627, 95836, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 6255, 511, 1910, 576, 374, 606, 1073, 49818, 467, 2119, 292, 1864, 291, 552, 7, 4151, 198, 54277, 570, 11663, 37605, 2119, 292, 1864, 291, 552, 548, 626, 1366, 1065, 351, 4298, 198, 438, 35, 3614, 2202, 64, 7914, 1366, 1065, 351, 462, 613, 699, 86627, 1851, 2119, 292, 1527, 198, 4091, 7, 4908, 6255, 511, 1910, 576, 8, 8248, 14724, 19171, 71, 402, 7870, 774, 8370, 198, 34442, 49840, 47837, 3143, 11488, 9639, 12, 1627, 32002, 95836, 1846, 8688, 28365, 3204, 4064, 85741, 17773, 50, 627, 6086, 6806, 1128, 2411, 12214, 360, 27349, 7, 1128, 6266, 73755, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 198, 85599, 22928, 51526, 35, 3614, 2202, 370, 408, 1315, 1445, 4291, 1820, 198, 79, 1771, 627, 2783, 55101, 984, 14, 5441, 984, 16466, 44, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 1110, 32397, 82, 1527, 25, 4091, 26, 28400, 29109, 26, 485, 625, 367, 627, 12698, 1752, 627, 791, 47692, 24738, 80797, 3647, 352, 16219, 15790, 1407, 1073, 198, 1897, 20659, 526, 894, 269, 28400, 54873, 51526, 339, 752, 1771, 936, 18686, 383, 198, 82, 2084, 388, 396, 1137, 2379, 819, 11, 15790, 1407, 1073, 8370, 20670, 198, 17106, 638, 1225, 4014, 1752, 438, 54228, 404, 23349, 11829, 79, 1771, 198, 5518, 677, 329, 561, 316, 587, 774, 336, 62238, 1105, 47100, 412, 627, 11079, 9579, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 6255, 292, 198, 29012, 52273, 644, 48822, 552, 1823, 12160, 39245, 660, 1087, 1771, 25, 10453, 1303, 280, 70, 4664, 287, 26, 668, 3329, 26, 90162, 26, 258, 58365, 27216, 8747, 1138, 77035, 64, 198, 10698, 3141, 50481, 1237, 3458, 817, 64, 26, 85, 316, 5977, 627, 56351, 2000, 65, 2518, 4429, 26, 2000, 47074, 26, 2000, 6519, 287, 64, 198, 267, 1786, 627, 54, 11073, 10924, 3696, 16113, 26, 2000, 2119, 634, 81, 15872, 9493, 2017, 7058, 383, 660, 26, 15145, 561, 1786, 26, 10924, 13992, 36698, 627, 23389, 4881, 4091, 26, 91955, 36698, 26, 40541, 275, 1133, 26, 85, 327, 367, 627, 791, 79, 1771, 18864, 33131, 2544, 48121, 478, 316, 613, 269, 258, 1820, 9978, 398, 198, 438, 18864, 9620, 974, 19846, 561, 511, 3538, 85, 316, 5977, 39537, 983, 198, 48822, 552, 5581, 398, 24335, 50828, 73336, 7717, 78, 50828, 17696, 552, 438, 198, 82, 47100, 333, 20670, 69468, 5047, 8548, 509, 388, 2084, 388, 14724, 19171, 198, 4429, 455, 4291, 339, 752, 467, 438, 14724, 1911, 19221, 263, 1820, 198, 32157, 4903, 7, 20670, 18864, 45961, 50828, 69, 1705, 18614, 50828, 17696, 552, 198, 30986, 408, 2017, 1820, 1445, 1073, 613, 1334, 14287, 86, 11330, 438, 413, 287, 198, 998, 19209, 26429, 301, 4843, 570, 36, 1113, 11, 36046, 36698, 11, 14724, 198, 351, 36490, 266, 19030, 79, 1771, 627, 16384, 1141, 198, 29012, 52273, 16384, 1141, 25, 48121, 1108, 82, 26, 73336, 26, 5531, 2396, 627, 22427, 1138, 77035, 64, 198, 29012, 52273, 626, 6309, 96831, 57013, 15329, 27216, 2119, 292, 7, 4151, 198, 49532, 4390, 54, 11073, 10924, 91955, 36698, 26, 10924, 91955, 627, 23389, 4881, 4091, 26, 36698, 627, 12626, 1815, 198, 29012, 52273, 47, 1771, 95976, 2414, 3002, 1885, 580, 26, 59295, 7717, 78, 686, 280, 668, 3329, 627, 54, 11073, 4057, 3102, 627, 23389, 4881, 40541, 275, 1133, 26, 85, 327, 367, 627, 91792, 54397, 198, 29012, 52273, 47, 467, 267, 13992, 627, 54, 11073, 263, 1315, 3002, 1073, 2664, 11829, 675, 69, 495, 13992, 79, 1771, 548, 44066, 86, 11073, 630, 1009, 7058, 479, 11, 47074, 438, 22794, 438, 37241, 20670, 37860, 198, 58234, 2000, 83697, 339, 548, 61917, 86, 11073, 2000, 16142, 2227, 339, 1073, 198, 2788, 266, 9471, 627, 5910, 40, 2864, 26873, 1112, 835, 2864, 320, 1128, 29275, 15547, 609, 25, 52, 3172, 616, 333, 2473, 68, 198, 46, 6456, 986, 25, 5581, 30132, 1039, 26, 2203, 15889, 30132, 1039, 280, 5481, 3416, 30132, 1039, 26, 1964, 6194, 2734, 7211, 26, 5481, 3416, 73480, 3258, 198, 11076, 258, 576, 11389, 300, 9336, 561, 71, 1458, 412, 3646, 1073, 198, 31880, 51701, 4581, 708, 69, 39563, 22812, 2419, 74691, 438, 32, 1195, 7058, 3074, 20393, 336, 1039, 285, 15456, 21538, 17327, 11, 2727, 21738, 8568, 599, 1259, 82, 198, 11283, 86, 561, 797, 1067, 28628, 9978, 647, 34152, 6509, 373, 19521, 300, 198, 73480, 3258, 438, 13885, 533, 1220, 273, 402, 4385, 525, 82850, 80024, 3448, 398, 198, 83261, 2000, 73480, 3258, 100004, 359, 7792, 2791, 478, 1073, 1220, 19521, 30115, 198, 15698, 4581, 1073, 576, 21494, 285, 428, 54358, 5481, 3416, 788, 11829, 198, 609, 1128, 2411, 6716, 1527, 1820, 95448, 6, 40637, 300, 518, 83, 363, 71, 2881, 198, 9274, 8568, 6769, 1336, 1994, 266, 306, 383, 21494, 936, 4881, 47991, 198, 1653, 343, 677, 4746, 63007, 627, 13613, 292, 38745, 78942, 300, 82850, 2656, 1527, 521, 277, 398, 561, 383, 198, 83, 21341, 1189, 3431, 2000, 675, 1814, 853, 1073, 484, 2136, 288, 16564, 198, 83, 372, 2530, 86971, 458, 46246, 11, 14965, 34807, 66, 1409, 438, 35676, 198, 59961, 14287, 511, 554, 1820, 91035, 1073, 51205, 1810, 27403, 438, 46488, 519, 307, 1295, 198, 998, 4720, 2174, 483, 5481, 3416, 287, 67103, 2099, 11, 6509, 295, 1244, 1392, 198, 52898, 43389, 3948, 4291, 32550, 28753, 1073, 339, 295, 82329, 67812, 198, 1073, 1820, 1964, 7198, 635, 688, 1870, 11299, 396, 347, 285, 817, 627, 2181, 16514, 5581, 398, 2656, 1729, 1820, 45459, 598, 438, 1820, 198, 51525, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 11098, 10952, 55108, 416, 372, 3100, 455, 81, 6266, 6806, 6069, 198, 38, 770, 2857, 300, 66652, 3416, 21704, 1978, 750, 19793, 99495, 82, 8, 438, 198, 321, 1978, 750, 3924, 336, 1039, 86, 561, 383, 5481, 3416, 9210, 1820, 1321, 336, 19212, 198, 50, 78046, 86, 10753, 329, 295, 347, 35465, 1087, 78, 3416, 788, 67, 20274, 98374, 198, 15079, 1768, 9270, 8370, 2527, 37568, 339, 46053, 295, 438, 67182, 198, 455, 1820, 2664, 63738, 73336, 17106, 18238, 88172, 266, 3983, 438, 3473, 198, 700, 478, 1073, 1820, 2664, 44018, 53407, 548, 2201, 12296, 360, 7058, 82, 919, 438, 63913, 467, 11829, 2968, 998, 27963, 7574, 398, 1864, 1771, 198, 1315, 455, 39830, 63007, 11, 8370, 285, 936, 2656, 65, 4378, 12989, 68294, 627, 791, 5227, 62209, 1864, 9497, 285, 61212, 1527, 64, 198, 83, 7956, 554, 20920, 830, 442, 339, 830, 2548, 21494, 9493, 258, 39853, 627, 95836, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 1110, 32397, 82, 1527, 4575, 1748, 258, 42861, 35, 91591, 815, 906, 1113, 512, 71792, 826, 3583, 26, 10847, 26, 266, 9471, 26, 263, 86877, 58331, 627, 54, 11073, 263, 34655, 2996, 627, 56351, 69, 1105, 15154, 2996, 627, 791, 884, 32397, 82, 548, 86, 11073, 2000, 6852, 2996, 11, 1527, 1820, 198, 66, 1409, 11, 6509, 906, 1113, 438, 79371, 97745, 885, 3306, 73048, 198, 496, 5637, 1631, 80797, 6127, 9379, 339, 752, 1293, 61011 ]
moving particles that have no material form. When you turn up the magnification on the particles, you see that they are moving at incredi- ble speeds, beyond your capacity to measure them. When you look out- ward through the telescope, you see the same phenomena. That is, the universe within you and outside of you work in the same fashion. It is your nature to be able to attract, to expand, to be unlimited. The force is in you, and the force is outside you. The force is you. By knowing the nature of this force and seeing yourself as a divine expression of it, and by going within to the power that permits you to picture a desire, and then tapping that power with a private, lov- ing, cheerful knowing, you are on your way to using this vital force in ways that were unavailable to you with your conditioned view of yourself. Here are a few suggestions for putting these ideas into practice in 64 Manifest Your Destiny your life as you begin mastering this fourth spiritual principle of manifestation. SOME IDEAS FOR PUTTING THIS PRINCIPLE TO WORK When first arising in the morning, take a few moments to be alone and ask yourself, “How did the conditions of my life that I would like to change first come about?” “How can I facilitate making con- scious contact with my unlimited, invisible source of energy?” These two questions, when repeatedly considered, will begin to create their own answers. Remind yourself that it is spirit that gives life and movement to anything and everything, including you. It is that which causes your very existence. Therefore, you are truly ask- ing to join into the spirit of your life. You will soon realize that the conditions of your life have been manifested by you, even though you were not conscious of bring- ing them about. Your thoughts and mental pictures of lack, scarcity, self-absorption, authoritarianism, illness, guilt, worry and the like have been put into the universal spirit and have mani- fested in your life. The second question will flow from your answer to the first. You can hasten your conscious contact by radiating a totally new kind of mental picture while applying this fourth principle. Explore the possibility that the reason you believe that life is limit- ing is because you have assumed limitation to be in your life. In the world of nature, life, love and beauty are visibly repro- duced. You, too, are a part of nature. Does your view of life include the natural creative process reproducing within yourself? Or have you assumed an engineering view of life with a mechanical cause- and-effect conclusion? Perhaps you can shift this awareness to seeing cause and effect as 65 WAYNE W. DYER a law, but not the law. The law of originating mind is beyond the world of boundaries and measurement. You originated out of this law, and your imagination is a perfect example of this. No rule, no boundary, no form. Unlimited! The source of your imagination is the divine source. It is here that you are now making contact with the eternally moving, always alive source of light. Stay in this place within and you will know conscious contact with the divine all-creating intelligence. Whatever picture you are able to create mentally will assist you in knowing that the creative energy is flowing through you. Your pic- ture also provides a direction for the flow of energy. And your pic- ture gives substance to its eventual appearance in material form. You are not forcing anything with your picture. Strenuous effort is counterproductive to manifesting because it sets up the idea of a force that must be overcome. Get rid of the idea of forcing any- thing or making demands. Instead, imagine the creative knowing that allowed you to come into this world of form. It is a loving, flowing, gentle, peaceful energy that is the source of creation. Any effort to change that with demands or strenuous effort will inhibit that flow. It is vital that you incorporate the concept of a beginning and end- ing, or first and last with your mental picturing. When you apply this alpha and omega thinking you substantiate that first is the thought, the beginning, which creates the form, the end. Thought finds form in something in time and space. The expres- sion of thought in the form is a matter of gradual development, with a beginning and an ending. Never limit the spirit in any way. If you experience any kind of fric- tion, know that it is an error in your thinking and picturing rather 66 Manifest Your Destiny than proof that the creative force is working incorrectly. You cannot originate the originating force, you can only distribute it. Just continue to tell the spirit what you want without telling it how you want it to happen. Then retreat, in faith and trust. You need not specify the details, only be ready to see it particularize in an endless array of possibilities. Stay alert for clues! Keep your mental picturing to yourself. What you want to attract is a private matter between you and God. Discussing it with others will dissipate the energy in the direction of ego and the opinions of others. Outwardly, be mysterious and silent while inwardly you have faith in your ability to make conscious contact with the energy that is the source of existence. Let go of the need to convince anyone of the rightness of your position. Remain independent of the good opinion of others and keep yourself fixed on your ability to attract whatever it is that you previously thought was missing in your life. Examine all the supposed lacks and scarcities in your life. Then say to yourself, “I created all of this with my thoughts, conditioning, beliefs and actions.” It is only by recognizing that you have always been attracting to yourself what you have been radiating out in the form of invisible energy that you will be able to use this same energy in a more productive manner. Banish any guilt about your past actions. There is no past in the all-creative force of energy. There is only the universal now. Now you recognize that you have manifested all that you knew how to attract to yourself in the past. Now you are going to shift this awareness to a new way of being. You have attracted to yourself pre- cisely what you have needed in all the days of your life that make up this universal now. In this same now, you are shifting to a new energy pattern that embraces this fourth principle of manifesting. 67 WAYNE W. DYER Nothing is outside you. You can attract anything when you know it already exists in the consciousness of your mind and has to materialize from your new thoughts. Be responsible and trust- ing and you will see your power of attraction working almost immediately. Thought is creative action. It is neither good nor bad. However, the thoughts that you dwell on determine what you will possess or not possess. What you think about is what you will become. Be conscious of any thought or picture that will end up manifest- ing something that you do not want. If your conditioned way of thinking is in terms of pessimism, or impossibilities, or using your past misfortunes as reasons for not having a happier, more abundant life, decide to eradicate those thoughts. If you find yourself com- plaining to others, remind yourself that your complaints are a man- ifestation of your inner thoughts. Make contact with the power that first allows you to have a thought and ask it to help and guide you to new ways of picturing. Once you start catching yourself in the middle of thoughts or com- plaints, you Can initiate new pictures. This new picturing process is easy when you realize that you are connected to the power that allows you to attract to yourself what you desire. As difficult as it is to fathom, because of ego-based conditioning, you are indeed one of the ways in which God has particularized in this material world. Begin to act as if what you would like to attract is already in your life. If you want to create healing, formulate the picture, radiate out that energy to connect with the all-creating energy, be cheerful and trusting in your knowing, share it with no one and then begin acting in a new, healthy manner. The universe will give you minimal clues to begin your new 68 Manifest Your Destiny actions. Proceeding to act in the manner of your inner picture will hasten the process. If you want to materialize more prosperity, then start the process of thinking abundantly and acting that way also. Give thanks for all that has manifested in your life. Examine ways in which to be grate- ful and take some risks, knowing that what you want to attract is already an energy that you share. Buy yourself something special and donate something to someone less fortunate, even if your ego balks! Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass is a special favorite of mine. I recom- mend that you browse through it daily as I do frequently. Here is a portion that speaks of our oneness with the divine energy. Athwart the shapeless vastnesses of space. How should I think, how breathe a single breath, how speak, if, out of myself, I could
[ 720, 66215, 19252, 430, 617, 912, 3769, 1376, 13, 3277, 499, 2543, 709, 279, 720, 76, 3326, 2461, 389, 279, 19252, 11, 499, 1518, 430, 814, 527, 7366, 520, 2333, 8747, 12, 720, 901, 25753, 11, 7953, 701, 8824, 311, 6767, 1124, 13, 3277, 499, 1427, 704, 12, 720, 1637, 1555, 279, 56925, 11, 499, 1518, 279, 1890, 44247, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 279, 720, 359, 8194, 2949, 499, 323, 4994, 315, 499, 990, 304, 279, 1890, 11401, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 701, 7138, 311, 387, 3025, 311, 9504, 11, 311, 9407, 11, 311, 387, 27862, 13, 720, 791, 5457, 374, 304, 499, 11, 323, 279, 5457, 374, 4994, 499, 13, 578, 5457, 374, 499, 13, 3296, 720, 33134, 287, 279, 7138, 315, 420, 5457, 323, 9298, 6261, 439, 264, 30467, 720, 29199, 315, 433, 11, 323, 555, 2133, 2949, 311, 279, 2410, 430, 29790, 499, 720, 998, 6945, 264, 12876, 11, 323, 1243, 53728, 430, 2410, 449, 264, 879, 11, 98892, 12, 720, 287, 11, 71414, 14392, 11, 499, 527, 389, 701, 1648, 311, 1701, 420, 16595, 5457, 304, 720, 2336, 430, 1051, 36087, 311, 499, 449, 701, 66731, 1684, 315, 720, 22479, 726, 13, 720, 8586, 527, 264, 2478, 18726, 369, 10917, 1521, 6848, 1139, 6725, 304, 720, 1227, 720, 39595, 4718, 51497, 720, 22479, 2324, 439, 499, 3240, 88861, 420, 11999, 18330, 17966, 315, 720, 43415, 367, 13, 720, 50, 11662, 29075, 1950, 4716, 35480, 26098, 10245, 8743, 39539, 53919, 5257, 32904, 720, 4599, 1176, 40986, 304, 279, 6693, 11, 1935, 264, 2478, 14269, 311, 387, 7636, 720, 438, 2610, 6261, 11, 1054, 4438, 1550, 279, 4787, 315, 856, 2324, 430, 358, 1053, 720, 4908, 311, 2349, 1176, 2586, 922, 12671, 1054, 4438, 649, 358, 28696, 3339, 390, 12, 720, 23995, 3729, 449, 856, 27862, 11, 30547, 2592, 315, 4907, 12671, 720, 9673, 1403, 4860, 11, 994, 19352, 6646, 11, 690, 3240, 311, 720, 3261, 872, 1866, 11503, 13, 5031, 485, 6261, 430, 433, 374, 9090, 430, 6835, 720, 14789, 323, 7351, 311, 4205, 323, 4395, 11, 2737, 499, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 9210, 902, 11384, 701, 1633, 14209, 13, 15636, 11, 499, 527, 9615, 2610, 12, 720, 287, 311, 5249, 1139, 279, 9090, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 720, 2675, 690, 5246, 13383, 430, 279, 4787, 315, 701, 2324, 617, 1027, 720, 43415, 291, 555, 499, 11, 1524, 3582, 499, 1051, 539, 17371, 315, 4546, 12, 720, 287, 1124, 922, 13, 4718, 11555, 323, 10723, 9364, 315, 6996, 11, 720, 2445, 8362, 488, 11, 659, 97510, 66181, 11, 59021, 2191, 11, 17563, 11, 34951, 11, 11196, 323, 720, 1820, 1093, 617, 1027, 2231, 1139, 279, 20789, 9090, 323, 617, 893, 72, 12, 720, 69, 10185, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 578, 2132, 3488, 690, 6530, 505, 701, 720, 9399, 311, 279, 1176, 13, 720, 2675, 649, 34143, 268, 701, 17371, 3729, 555, 12164, 1113, 264, 12756, 502, 720, 15674, 315, 10723, 6945, 1418, 19486, 420, 11999, 17966, 13, 720, 52361, 279, 13336, 430, 279, 2944, 499, 4510, 430, 2324, 374, 4017, 12, 720, 287, 374, 1606, 499, 617, 19655, 20893, 311, 387, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 720, 644, 279, 1917, 315, 7138, 11, 2324, 11, 3021, 323, 13444, 527, 74106, 53823, 12, 720, 54478, 13, 1472, 11, 2288, 11, 527, 264, 961, 315, 7138, 13, 12838, 701, 1684, 315, 2324, 2997, 720, 1820, 5933, 11782, 1920, 14843, 6253, 2949, 6261, 30, 2582, 617, 720, 9514, 19655, 459, 15009, 1684, 315, 2324, 449, 264, 22936, 5353, 12, 720, 438, 23937, 17102, 30, 720, 32576, 499, 649, 6541, 420, 17985, 311, 9298, 5353, 323, 2515, 439, 720, 2397, 720, 42903, 4031, 468, 13, 96958, 643, 720, 64, 2383, 11, 719, 539, 279, 2383, 13, 578, 2383, 315, 71373, 4059, 374, 7953, 279, 720, 14957, 315, 23546, 323, 19179, 13, 1472, 44853, 704, 315, 420, 720, 20510, 11, 323, 701, 28899, 374, 264, 4832, 3187, 315, 420, 13, 2360, 6037, 11, 912, 720, 66280, 11, 912, 1376, 13, 49605, 0, 720, 791, 2592, 315, 701, 28899, 374, 279, 30467, 2592, 13, 1102, 374, 1618, 720, 9210, 499, 527, 1457, 3339, 3729, 449, 279, 1880, 944, 750, 7366, 11, 2744, 720, 52061, 2592, 315, 3177, 13, 29837, 304, 420, 2035, 2949, 323, 499, 690, 1440, 720, 64589, 3729, 449, 279, 30467, 682, 12, 46002, 11478, 13, 720, 47916, 6945, 499, 527, 3025, 311, 1893, 34325, 690, 7945, 499, 304, 720, 33134, 287, 430, 279, 11782, 4907, 374, 36612, 1555, 499, 13, 4718, 10532, 12, 720, 5081, 1101, 5825, 264, 5216, 369, 279, 6530, 315, 4907, 13, 1628, 701, 10532, 12, 720, 5081, 6835, 20278, 311, 1202, 42835, 11341, 304, 3769, 1376, 13, 720, 2675, 527, 539, 25957, 4205, 449, 701, 6945, 13, 800, 1466, 9373, 5149, 720, 285, 5663, 34370, 311, 14794, 287, 1606, 433, 7437, 709, 279, 4623, 315, 264, 720, 9009, 430, 2011, 387, 23075, 13, 2175, 9463, 315, 279, 4623, 315, 25957, 904, 12, 720, 1626, 477, 3339, 18651, 13, 12361, 11, 13085, 279, 11782, 14392, 720, 9210, 5535, 499, 311, 2586, 1139, 420, 1917, 315, 1376, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 21955, 11, 720, 5072, 287, 11, 22443, 11, 26733, 4907, 430, 374, 279, 2592, 315, 9886, 13, 5884, 720, 6581, 371, 311, 2349, 430, 449, 18651, 477, 93319, 9373, 5149, 690, 69033, 720, 9210, 6530, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 16595, 430, 499, 33435, 279, 7434, 315, 264, 7314, 323, 842, 12, 720, 287, 11, 477, 1176, 323, 1566, 449, 701, 10723, 72829, 1711, 13, 3277, 499, 3881, 720, 576, 8451, 323, 34998, 7422, 499, 11153, 6629, 430, 1176, 374, 279, 720, 61665, 11, 279, 7314, 11, 902, 11705, 279, 1376, 11, 279, 842, 13, 720, 85269, 14035, 1376, 304, 2555, 304, 892, 323, 3634, 13, 578, 67605, 12, 720, 82, 290, 315, 3463, 304, 279, 1376, 374, 264, 5030, 315, 53722, 4500, 11, 720, 4291, 264, 7314, 323, 459, 13696, 13, 720, 27247, 4017, 279, 9090, 304, 904, 1648, 13, 1442, 499, 3217, 904, 3169, 315, 1448, 292, 12, 720, 28491, 11, 1440, 430, 433, 374, 459, 1493, 304, 701, 7422, 323, 72829, 1711, 4856, 720, 2287, 720, 39595, 4718, 51497, 720, 54895, 11311, 430, 279, 11782, 5457, 374, 3318, 44447, 13, 1472, 4250, 720, 4775, 3357, 279, 71373, 5457, 11, 499, 649, 1193, 16822, 433, 13, 720, 10156, 3136, 311, 3371, 279, 9090, 1148, 499, 1390, 2085, 11890, 433, 720, 5269, 499, 1390, 433, 311, 3621, 13, 5112, 31114, 11, 304, 10082, 323, 7095, 13, 1472, 720, 17483, 539, 14158, 279, 3649, 11, 1193, 387, 5644, 311, 1518, 433, 4040, 553, 304, 720, 276, 26762, 1358, 315, 24525, 13, 29837, 5225, 369, 43775, 0, 720, 19999, 701, 10723, 72829, 1711, 311, 6261, 13, 3639, 499, 1390, 311, 9504, 374, 720, 64, 879, 5030, 1990, 499, 323, 4359, 13, 66379, 287, 433, 449, 3885, 720, 14724, 93522, 349, 279, 4907, 304, 279, 5216, 315, 37374, 323, 279, 18463, 315, 720, 59961, 13, 720, 2729, 1637, 398, 11, 387, 26454, 323, 21737, 1418, 63018, 398, 499, 617, 720, 75710, 304, 701, 5845, 311, 1304, 17371, 3729, 449, 279, 4907, 430, 720, 285, 279, 2592, 315, 14209, 13, 6914, 733, 315, 279, 1205, 311, 28008, 5606, 315, 720, 1820, 1314, 2136, 315, 701, 2361, 13, 92692, 9678, 315, 279, 1695, 720, 454, 37400, 315, 3885, 323, 2567, 6261, 8521, 389, 701, 5845, 311, 9504, 720, 69386, 433, 374, 430, 499, 8767, 3463, 574, 7554, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 720, 849, 20588, 682, 279, 10171, 37856, 323, 52415, 1385, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 5112, 2019, 720, 998, 6261, 11, 1054, 40, 3549, 682, 315, 420, 449, 856, 11555, 11, 35121, 11, 720, 9978, 30921, 323, 6299, 2029, 1102, 374, 1193, 555, 49183, 430, 499, 617, 2744, 720, 82850, 51647, 311, 6261, 1148, 499, 617, 1027, 12164, 1113, 704, 304, 279, 720, 630, 315, 30547, 4907, 430, 499, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 1005, 420, 1890, 4907, 720, 258, 264, 810, 27331, 11827, 13, 720, 51341, 819, 904, 34951, 922, 701, 3347, 6299, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 3347, 304, 279, 720, 543, 12, 52817, 5457, 315, 4907, 13, 2684, 374, 1193, 279, 20789, 1457, 13, 4800, 720, 9514, 15641, 430, 499, 617, 79754, 682, 430, 499, 7020, 1268, 311, 720, 266, 2193, 311, 6261, 304, 279, 3347, 13, 4800, 499, 527, 2133, 311, 6541, 420, 720, 20111, 2136, 311, 264, 502, 1648, 315, 1694, 13, 1472, 617, 29123, 311, 6261, 864, 12, 720, 79155, 989, 1148, 499, 617, 4460, 304, 682, 279, 2919, 315, 701, 2324, 430, 1304, 709, 720, 576, 20789, 1457, 13, 763, 420, 1890, 1457, 11, 499, 527, 32931, 311, 264, 502, 720, 17947, 5497, 430, 83487, 420, 11999, 17966, 315, 14794, 287, 13, 720, 3080, 720, 42903, 4031, 468, 13, 96958, 643, 720, 24714, 374, 4994, 499, 13, 1472, 649, 9504, 4205, 994, 499, 720, 33134, 433, 2736, 6866, 304, 279, 25917, 315, 701, 4059, 323, 706, 720, 998, 3769, 553, 505, 701, 502, 11555, 13, 2893, 8647, 323, 7095, 12, 720, 287, 323, 499, 690, 1518, 701, 2410, 315, 33464, 3318, 4661, 720, 318, 44287, 13, 720, 85269, 374, 11782, 1957, 13, 1102, 374, 14188, 1695, 6463, 3958, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 720, 61665, 82, 430, 499, 44935, 389, 8417, 1148, 499, 690, 15575, 477, 539, 720, 9007, 434, 13, 3639, 499, 1781, 922, 374, 1148, 499, 690, 3719, 13, 720, 3513, 17371, 315, 904, 3463, 477, 6945, 430, 690, 842, 709, 14794, 12, 720, 287, 2555, 430, 499, 656, 539, 1390, 13, 1442, 701, 66731, 1648, 315, 720, 83360, 374, 304, 3878, 315, 73623, 2191, 11, 477, 91182, 13757, 11, 477, 1701, 701, 720, 53520, 5906, 4057, 8699, 439, 8125, 369, 539, 3515, 264, 44467, 11, 810, 44611, 720, 14789, 11, 10491, 311, 89514, 1884, 11555, 13, 1442, 499, 1505, 6261, 470, 12, 720, 501, 2101, 311, 3885, 11, 24928, 6261, 430, 701, 21859, 527, 264, 893, 12, 720, 7107, 367, 315, 701, 9358, 11555, 13, 720, 8238, 3729, 449, 279, 2410, 430, 1176, 6276, 499, 311, 617, 264, 720, 61665, 323, 2610, 433, 311, 1520, 323, 8641, 499, 311, 502, 5627, 315, 72829, 1711, 13, 720, 12805, 499, 1212, 34168, 6261, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 11555, 477, 470, 12, 720, 32397, 82, 11, 499, 3053, 39201, 502, 9364, 13, 1115, 502, 72829, 1711, 1920, 374, 720, 46122, 994, 499, 13383, 430, 499, 527, 8599, 311, 279, 2410, 430, 720, 56967, 499, 311, 9504, 311, 6261, 1148, 499, 12876, 13, 720, 2170, 5107, 439, 433, 374, 311, 282, 73555, 11, 1606, 315, 37374, 6108, 35121, 11, 720, 9514, 527, 13118, 832, 315, 279, 5627, 304, 902, 4359, 706, 4040, 1534, 304, 720, 576, 3769, 1917, 13, 720, 11382, 311, 1180, 439, 422, 1148, 499, 1053, 1093, 311, 9504, 374, 2736, 304, 701, 720, 14789, 13, 1442, 499, 1390, 311, 1893, 21730, 11, 89959, 279, 6945, 11, 12164, 349, 704, 720, 9210, 4907, 311, 4667, 449, 279, 682, 12, 46002, 4907, 11, 387, 71414, 323, 720, 376, 38587, 304, 701, 14392, 11, 4430, 433, 449, 912, 832, 323, 1243, 3240, 15718, 720, 258, 264, 502, 11, 9498, 11827, 13, 720, 791, 15861, 690, 3041, 499, 17832, 43775, 311, 3240, 701, 502, 720, 2614, 720, 39595, 4718, 51497, 720, 4109, 13, 41870, 287, 311, 1180, 304, 279, 11827, 315, 701, 9358, 6945, 690, 720, 71, 561, 268, 279, 1920, 13, 720, 2746, 499, 1390, 311, 3769, 553, 810, 44202, 11, 1243, 1212, 279, 1920, 720, 1073, 7422, 23325, 18007, 323, 15718, 430, 1648, 1101, 13, 21335, 9523, 369, 682, 720, 9210, 706, 79754, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 1398, 20588, 5627, 304, 902, 311, 387, 86454, 12, 720, 1285, 323, 1935, 1063, 15635, 11, 14392, 430, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 9504, 374, 720, 46584, 459, 4907, 430, 499, 4430, 13, 11544, 6261, 2555, 3361, 720, 438, 33009, 2555, 311, 4423, 2753, 40510, 11, 1524, 422, 701, 37374, 720, 65, 1727, 82, 0, 720, 54, 3223, 27484, 1543, 753, 78614, 315, 41046, 374, 264, 3361, 7075, 315, 10705, 13, 358, 38301, 12, 720, 76, 408, 430, 499, 27100, 1555, 433, 7446, 439, 358, 656, 14134, 13, 5810, 374, 264, 720, 15750, 430, 21881, 315, 1057, 389, 24639, 449, 279, 30467, 4907, 13, 720, 86340, 36708, 279, 6211, 1752, 13057, 2136, 288, 315, 3634, 13, 720, 4438, 1288, 358, 1781, 11, 1268, 37397, 264, 3254, 11745, 11, 1268, 6604, 11, 422, 11, 704, 315, 720, 2465, 726, 11, 720, 40, 1436 ]
, in combination with diuretic herbs, to reduce fluid retention and swelling. Silver birch sap is a mild diuretic. The oil distilled from the leaves is antiseptic and is commonly used in preparations to treat eczema and psoriasis. A decoction of silver birch bark can be used as a lotion for chronic skin problems. The bark can also be macerated in oil and applied to joints for the relief of rheumatism. Related Species The Himalayan silver birch (B. utilis), a close relative, is used to treat convulsions, dysentery, hemorrhages, and skin diseases. Bidens tripartita (Asteraceae) Bur Marigold Description Annual growing to a height of 2 ft (60 cm). Has toothed lance-shaped leaves, yellow button-like flower heads, and burrlike fruit. Habitat & Cultivation Bur marigold grows throughout Europe and in other temperate regions, including Australia and New Zealand. It is found in damp places and near fresh water. Parts Used Aerial parts. Constituents Bur marigold contains flavonoids, xanthophylls, volatile oil, acetylenes, sterols, and tannins. History & Folklore The herbalist Nicholas Culpeper, writing in 1652, extolled bur marigold: “It helps the cachexia or evil disposition of the body, the dropsy and yellow jaundice, it opens obstructions of the liver, and mollifies the hardness of the spleen being applied outwardly.” Medicinal Actions & Uses Little used in medicine today, bur marigold is astringent and diuretic, and employed to treat bladder and kidney problems. It has a longstanding reputation for staunching blood flow, and can be used for uterine hemorrhage and conditions causing blood in the urine. Bur marigold’s astringency is beneficial in counteracting peptic ulceration, diarrhea, and ulcerative colitis.Silver birch is widespread in temperate regions throughout the northern hemisphere. Its leaf oil is used to improve eczema and psoriasis.Barberry berries were traditionally used in a decoction to treat peptic ulcers. Beta vulgaris (Chenopodiaceae) Red Beet, White Beet Description Perennial with swollen edible red or white root, upright shoots, large deep green leaves tinged with red, and spikes of green-petaled flowers. Habitat & Cultivation Sea beet (the wild subspecies) is native to coastal regions of Europe, North Africa, and Asia from Turkey to the East Indies. Red beet is widely cultivated as a vegetable, white beet as a vegetable and source of sugar. Part Used Root. Constituents White beet contains betaine, which promotes liver regeneration and fat metabolism. Red beet contains betanin (also found in red wine), which is partly responsible for its immune-enhancing effect, and inorganic nitrate, which increases nitric oxide levels within the body and thus lowers blood pressure. History & Folklore The Materia Medica, written by Dioscorides in the 1st century ce, recommends the following prescription for clearing the head and relieving earache—mix beet juice with honey and sniff it up the nose. Medicinal Actions & Uses White beet acts to support the liver, bile ducts, and Betula pendula syn. B. verrucosa (Betulaceae) Silver Birch Description Handsome slender deciduous tree growing to a height of 100 ft (30 m). Has pale grey papery bark, toothed leaves, and catkins in spring. Habitat & Cultivation Silver birch is common in Europe, in temperate regions of Asia, and in North America. It flourishes in woods and thickets, and is also planted as a garden ornamental. The leaves are gathered in late spring. Parts Used Leaves, bark, sap. Constituents Silver birch contains saponins, flavonoids, tannin, and a volatile oil that includes methyl salicylate. US_158-179_Abies_balsa_Boswe_serratta.indd 178 26/02/16 12:47 pm179 other medicinal Plants Bixa orellana (Bixaceae) Annatto Description Evergreen tree growing to 26 ft (8 m). Has large leaves, pink or white flowers, and red fruit capsules containing red seeds. Habitat & Cultivation Native to tropical forests in the Americas and the West Indies, annatto is widely cultivated in similar climatic zones, notably in India. Seeds are collected as the fruit splits open. Parts Used Seeds, leaves, root. Constituents The seed pulp contains carotinoid coloring principles. History & Folklore In tropical South America, the brilliant red pigment in the seed pulp has traditionally been used in body painting. Annatto dye is also used as a colorant for margarine and cheese. Medicinal Actions & Uses In the Caribbean, annatto leaves and roots are used to make an astringent infusion that is taken to treat fever, epilepsy, and dysentery. The infusion is also taken as an aphrodisiac. The leaves alone make an infusion that is used as a gargle. The seed pulp reduces the severity of blistering when applied immediately to burns. T aken internally, the seed pulp acts as a general antidote for poisoning.Boswellia serrata (Burseraceae) Boswellia, Indian Olibanum, Sallaki (Sanskrit) Description Deciduous tree, growing to about 49 ft (15 m), with pale papery bark, compound leaves, and clusters of small white flowers. The gum resin exudes from the bark and is transparent gold in color. Habitat & Cultivation Boswellia grows in dry, hilly regions of central and northern India. Parts Used Gum resin, bark. Constituents Boswellia contains triterpene acids (including beta-boswellic acid), essential oil, terpenols, monosaccharides, uronic acids, sterols, and tannins. History & Folklore Boswellia, a close relative of frankincense (B. sacra ), has been used for many thousands of years as an astringent and anti-inflammatory. Medicinal Actions & Uses Boswellia makes an effective mouthwash and gargle, the antiseptic and astringent resin helping to heal and tighten inflamed mucous membranes. Sore throat, laryngitis, canker sores, and gum disease will all benefit. Boswellia is also markedly anti- inflammatory and antiarthritic. This makes it potentially useful in chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and psoriasis. Other conditions that may benefit include gout, asthma, hay fever, and nettle rash. Research Research into Boswellia is ongoing and has expanded in recent years. Clinical trials (mostly in India and Germany) indicate that Boswellia counteracts inflammation in conditions such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. The majority of trials noted that symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and poor grip strength all improved. There is increasing evidence that Boswellia has marked pain-relieving activity, and that it promotes stable blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.Boswellia serrata Bignonia catalpa syn. Catalpa bignonioides (Bignoniaceae) Catalpa Description Deciduous tree growing to 65 ft (20 m). Has large oval leaves in whorls of 3, white flowers in conical clusters, and long thin fruits (bean pods). Habitat & Cultivation Native to the southeastern U.S., this tree is often planted in gardens in southern and western Europe. Parts Used Bark, fruit. Constituents The bark contains catalpine, and oxylenzoic and protocatechetic acids. History & Folklore Catalpa bark was formerly used as a substitute for quinine in treating malaria. Medicinal Actions & Uses The mildly sedative and narcotic bark is used to treat asthma, whooping cough, and other spasmodic coughs in children. The distilled water of the fruit, in combination with herbs commonly used to treat eye problems, such as eyebright ( Euphrasia officinalis, p. 209) and rue ( Ruta graveolens, p. 265), makes an effective eyewash for conjunctivitis and other eye infections. RCaution Never use the roots, which are highly poisonous.Borago officinalis (Boraginaceae) Borage Description Hairy annual growing to 2 ft (60 cm). Has a pulpy stem, large basal leaves, and attractive blue flowers in summer. Habitat & Cultivation Borage is a common Mediterranean weed thought to originate from southern Spain and Morocco. Often grown as a garden herb, it is
[ 11, 304, 10824, 449, 1891, 554, 29150, 42393, 11, 311, 8108, 15962, 38231, 323, 55307, 13, 15347, 15606, 331, 220, 35735, 374, 264, 23900, 1891, 554, 29150, 13, 578, 5707, 89867, 505, 279, 11141, 374, 3276, 1082, 27330, 323, 374, 17037, 1511, 304, 47979, 311, 4322, 12208, 89, 9355, 323, 4831, 93003, 13, 220, 362, 68652, 407, 315, 15310, 15606, 331, 54842, 649, 387, 1511, 439, 220, 264, 87942, 369, 21249, 6930, 5435, 13, 578, 54842, 649, 1101, 387, 9155, 261, 660, 304, 5707, 323, 9435, 311, 35358, 369, 279, 16337, 315, 68132, 46313, 2191, 627, 11948, 51567, 220, 578, 76438, 44957, 15310, 2355, 44955, 331, 320, 33, 13, 42587, 705, 264, 3345, 8844, 11, 374, 1511, 311, 220, 4322, 5804, 14630, 919, 11, 22709, 306, 727, 11, 71417, 1154, 11, 220, 323, 6930, 19338, 627, 66552, 729, 2463, 4581, 6388, 320, 32, 3751, 114785, 340, 62339, 2947, 343, 820, 198, 5116, 220, 25992, 7982, 311, 264, 2673, 2355, 1073, 220, 17, 10702, 320, 1399, 10166, 570, 11697, 26588, 291, 86345, 35831, 220, 11141, 11, 14071, 3215, 12970, 23153, 14971, 11, 323, 220, 7951, 81, 4908, 14098, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 220, 12649, 3678, 343, 820, 2355, 70, 1849, 6957, 4606, 323, 304, 1023, 220, 6940, 349, 13918, 11, 2737, 8494, 323, 220, 1561, 17340, 13, 1102, 374, 1766, 304, 41369, 7634, 323, 220, 3221, 7878, 3090, 627, 30021, 12477, 220, 362, 2918, 5596, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 220, 12649, 3678, 343, 820, 5727, 2355, 1517, 402, 263, 17390, 11, 865, 32329, 5237, 25734, 82, 11, 17509, 5707, 11, 1645, 2676, 2963, 288, 11, 22562, 3145, 11, 323, 259, 1036, 1354, 627, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 220, 578, 51487, 380, 40796, 720, 34, 360, 375, 716, 11, 4477, 304, 220, 10680, 17, 11, 1327, 337, 839, 7951, 3678, 343, 820, 25, 220, 1054, 2181, 8779, 279, 61387, 327, 689, 477, 14289, 46096, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 279, 21701, 88, 323, 14071, 12203, 1263, 560, 11, 433, 16264, 1536, 20232, 315, 279, 26587, 11, 323, 55509, 9803, 279, 72003, 315, 279, 87450, 268, 1694, 9435, 52046, 398, 49216, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 220, 15013, 1511, 304, 720, 83543, 3432, 11, 7951, 3678, 343, 820, 374, 264, 928, 306, 323, 1891, 554, 29150, 11, 323, 20011, 311, 4322, 62564, 323, 39042, 5435, 13, 1102, 706, 264, 74229, 17444, 369, 82721, 287, 6680, 6530, 11, 323, 649, 387, 1511, 369, 8791, 261, 483, 71417, 425, 323, 4787, 14718, 6680, 304, 279, 40335, 13, 12649, 3678, 343, 820, 753, 264, 928, 2301, 374, 24629, 304, 5663, 36022, 1069, 27330, 96971, 367, 11, 69393, 11, 323, 96971, 1413, 1400, 20000, 815, 48130, 15606, 331, 374, 24716, 304, 6940, 349, 13918, 6957, 720, 1820, 18671, 69766, 13, 11699, 16312, 5707, 374, 1511, 311, 7417, 12208, 89, 9355, 323, 4831, 93003, 41620, 15717, 63494, 1051, 720, 48126, 17868, 1511, 304, 264, 720, 451, 1030, 407, 311, 4322, 720, 375, 27330, 8725, 17254, 627, 65911, 74260, 285, 320, 1163, 268, 454, 31559, 114785, 340, 6161, 75049, 11, 5929, 75049, 198, 5116, 220, 3700, 32331, 449, 76193, 67740, 2579, 720, 269, 4251, 3789, 11, 49685, 44727, 11, 3544, 5655, 6307, 720, 273, 4798, 43327, 291, 449, 2579, 11, 323, 51760, 315, 6307, 2320, 1955, 839, 19837, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 220, 15379, 49112, 320, 1820, 8545, 720, 2008, 43590, 8, 374, 10068, 311, 35335, 13918, 315, 4606, 11, 4892, 10384, 11, 323, 13936, 505, 17442, 311, 279, 6460, 85318, 13, 3816, 49112, 374, 13882, 67166, 439, 264, 36581, 11, 4251, 49112, 439, 264, 36581, 323, 2592, 315, 13465, 627, 5920, 12477, 220, 19385, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 5929, 49112, 5727, 1297, 8511, 11, 720, 8370, 39990, 26587, 60517, 323, 8834, 39097, 13, 3816, 49112, 5727, 1297, 276, 258, 320, 19171, 220, 1766, 304, 2579, 13378, 705, 902, 374, 28135, 8647, 220, 369, 1202, 22852, 84182, 9151, 2515, 11, 323, 304, 61694, 25719, 7853, 11, 902, 12992, 25719, 2265, 51180, 5990, 2949, 279, 2547, 323, 8617, 73115, 6680, 7410, 627, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 220, 578, 386, 29283, 3344, 3074, 11, 720, 26650, 555, 69198, 6133, 3422, 304, 279, 220, 16, 267, 9478, 3846, 11, 40912, 279, 2768, 22866, 369, 220, 33850, 279, 2010, 323, 59644, 4504, 2487, 1815, 2345, 36171, 49112, 23661, 449, 26828, 323, 58387, 433, 709, 279, 19689, 13, 720, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 220, 5929, 49112, 2355, 11613, 311, 1862, 279, 26587, 11, 73394, 45339, 82, 11, 323, 13315, 5724, 42630, 5724, 6925, 13, 426, 13, 72567, 1791, 12252, 198, 5462, 295, 360, 114785, 340, 53443, 88088, 198, 5116, 220, 43396, 638, 73342, 70493, 9373, 720, 9528, 7982, 311, 264, 2673, 315, 220, 1041, 10702, 320, 966, 296, 570, 11697, 720, 79, 1604, 20366, 26365, 727, 54842, 11, 26588, 291, 11141, 11, 323, 8415, 11966, 304, 10683, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 220, 15347, 15606, 331, 374, 720, 5581, 304, 4606, 11, 304, 6940, 349, 13918, 315, 13936, 11, 323, 304, 4892, 5270, 13, 1102, 20415, 21168, 304, 33633, 323, 12314, 1441, 11, 323, 374, 1101, 39441, 439, 264, 13863, 40545, 44186, 13, 578, 11141, 527, 20802, 304, 3389, 10683, 627, 30021, 12477, 220, 78614, 11, 54842, 11, 35735, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 220, 15347, 15606, 331, 5727, 274, 10969, 1354, 11, 720, 1517, 402, 263, 17390, 11, 259, 1036, 258, 11, 323, 264, 17509, 5707, 430, 5764, 79574, 4371, 2912, 5185, 627, 2078, 62, 11286, 12, 11128, 1596, 57773, 890, 42926, 1702, 437, 906, 646, 618, 33019, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 11256, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 717, 25, 2618, 9012, 11128, 1023, 58041, 50298, 198, 33, 47484, 16536, 657, 3444, 320, 33, 953, 114785, 340, 28192, 17173, 198, 5116, 220, 18374, 13553, 5021, 7982, 311, 220, 1627, 10702, 2355, 7, 23, 296, 570, 11697, 3544, 11141, 11, 18718, 477, 4251, 19837, 11, 323, 720, 1171, 14098, 65879, 8649, 2579, 19595, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 220, 17118, 311, 35148, 720, 1348, 37379, 304, 279, 52248, 323, 279, 4410, 85318, 11, 720, 1036, 17173, 374, 13882, 67166, 304, 4528, 11323, 780, 26467, 11, 720, 1962, 2915, 304, 6890, 13, 74089, 527, 14890, 439, 279, 14098, 720, 82, 40133, 1825, 627, 30021, 12477, 220, 74089, 11, 11141, 11, 3789, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 220, 578, 10533, 64188, 5727, 1841, 354, 258, 590, 720, 3506, 287, 16565, 627, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 220, 763, 35148, 4987, 2355, 32132, 11, 279, 20333, 2579, 77678, 304, 279, 10533, 2355, 79, 13136, 706, 36342, 1027, 1511, 304, 2547, 19354, 13, 720, 28192, 17173, 54631, 374, 1101, 1511, 439, 264, 1933, 519, 369, 720, 76, 34992, 483, 323, 17604, 627, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 220, 763, 279, 35374, 11, 720, 1036, 17173, 11141, 323, 20282, 527, 1511, 311, 1304, 459, 720, 64, 928, 306, 71308, 430, 374, 4529, 311, 4322, 34653, 11, 720, 752, 458, 46246, 11, 323, 22709, 306, 727, 13, 578, 71308, 374, 1101, 4529, 2355, 300, 459, 89111, 299, 4338, 18029, 13, 578, 11141, 7636, 1304, 459, 720, 13885, 7713, 430, 374, 1511, 439, 264, 97183, 273, 13, 578, 10533, 64188, 720, 265, 1072, 1634, 279, 31020, 315, 81792, 287, 994, 9435, 720, 318, 44287, 311, 44154, 13, 350, 264, 2779, 34167, 11, 279, 10533, 720, 79, 13136, 14385, 439, 264, 4689, 90687, 1295, 369, 52236, 1823, 437, 9336, 689, 63034, 460, 320, 62339, 805, 114785, 340, 33, 437, 9336, 689, 345, 48664, 507, 2808, 276, 372, 11, 2355, 50, 543, 14966, 320, 50, 41874, 1018, 340, 5116, 220, 3799, 307, 9373, 5021, 11, 7982, 311, 922, 720, 2491, 10702, 320, 868, 296, 705, 449, 28639, 26365, 727, 54842, 11, 24549, 720, 273, 4798, 11, 323, 28066, 315, 2678, 4251, 19837, 13, 578, 720, 70, 372, 54614, 506, 29246, 505, 279, 54842, 323, 374, 18300, 720, 35637, 304, 1933, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 220, 29071, 9336, 689, 28815, 304, 2355, 54310, 11, 305, 14722, 13918, 315, 8792, 323, 18671, 6890, 627, 30021, 12477, 220, 75589, 54614, 11, 54842, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 220, 29071, 9336, 689, 5727, 490, 2058, 79, 1994, 720, 582, 3447, 320, 16564, 13746, 1481, 437, 90563, 416, 13935, 705, 7718, 720, 74913, 11, 2024, 2821, 3145, 11, 1647, 437, 582, 1799, 3422, 11, 4433, 14338, 720, 582, 3447, 11, 22562, 3145, 11, 323, 259, 1036, 1354, 627, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 220, 29071, 9336, 689, 11, 2355, 64, 3345, 8844, 315, 26875, 2910, 1137, 2355, 5462, 13, 11347, 969, 7026, 706, 1027, 1511, 369, 1690, 9214, 315, 720, 42820, 439, 459, 264, 928, 306, 323, 7294, 67595, 13, 720, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 220, 29071, 9336, 689, 2355, 80785, 459, 7524, 11013, 70545, 323, 97183, 273, 11, 279, 720, 519, 1082, 27330, 323, 264, 928, 306, 54614, 10695, 311, 27661, 2355, 438, 67845, 4704, 3690, 65104, 788, 79348, 13, 328, 461, 720, 87164, 11, 326, 661, 983, 20000, 11, 649, 7197, 779, 417, 11, 323, 42365, 8624, 2355, 14724, 682, 8935, 13, 29071, 9336, 689, 374, 1101, 88101, 7294, 7058, 258, 55097, 323, 7294, 47601, 50308, 13, 1115, 3727, 433, 720, 19644, 31668, 5505, 304, 21249, 47288, 19338, 720, 21470, 439, 68132, 46313, 590, 55652, 11, 96971, 1413, 1400, 20000, 11, 2355, 438, 4831, 93003, 13, 7089, 4787, 430, 1253, 8935, 720, 1012, 342, 412, 11, 51643, 11, 18137, 34653, 11, 323, 4272, 11489, 57342, 13, 720, 28528, 220, 8483, 1139, 29071, 9336, 689, 374, 14529, 2355, 438, 706, 17626, 304, 3293, 1667, 13, 33135, 19622, 720, 1278, 537, 398, 304, 6890, 323, 10057, 8, 13519, 430, 720, 33, 437, 9336, 689, 5663, 11613, 37140, 304, 4787, 720, 21470, 439, 55652, 323, 47288, 66358, 8624, 13, 720, 791, 8857, 315, 19622, 10555, 430, 13803, 1778, 2355, 300, 6784, 11, 70334, 11, 323, 8009, 25703, 8333, 682, 720, 318, 96608, 13, 2684, 374, 7859, 6029, 430, 720, 33, 437, 9336, 689, 706, 13160, 6784, 48712, 84446, 5820, 11, 323, 720, 9210, 433, 39990, 15528, 6680, 34323, 5990, 304, 720, 16455, 449, 955, 220, 17, 20335, 1823, 437, 9336, 689, 63034, 460, 198, 33, 625, 21947, 34454, 6733, 6925, 13, 32544, 6733, 720, 65, 625, 21446, 590, 288, 320, 33, 625, 21446, 114785, 340, 34, 4306, 6733, 198, 5116, 220, 3799, 307, 9373, 5021, 7982, 311, 220, 2397, 10702, 720, 7, 508, 296, 570, 11697, 3544, 61137, 11141, 304, 421, 269, 4835, 315, 220, 18, 11, 4251, 720, 89770, 304, 390, 950, 28066, 11, 323, 1317, 15792, 26390, 720, 59438, 55687, 4390, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 220, 17118, 311, 279, 720, 105270, 15102, 944, 549, 815, 2637, 420, 5021, 374, 3629, 39441, 304, 720, 54592, 729, 304, 18561, 323, 19001, 4606, 627, 30021, 12477, 220, 60629, 11, 14098, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 220, 578, 54842, 5727, 34454, 39138, 11, 2355, 438, 99690, 2963, 13028, 292, 323, 1760, 82615, 331, 5411, 33969, 627, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 220, 32544, 6733, 54842, 574, 2355, 70614, 1511, 439, 264, 28779, 369, 934, 83334, 304, 2355, 10367, 1113, 69263, 627, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 220, 578, 76949, 720, 32424, 1413, 323, 39788, 14546, 54842, 374, 1511, 311, 4322, 2355, 561, 41453, 11, 889, 34807, 40700, 11, 323, 1023, 83060, 2658, 292, 720, 66, 1409, 82, 304, 2911, 13, 578, 89867, 3090, 315, 279, 2355, 36698, 11, 304, 10824, 449, 42393, 17037, 1511, 2355, 998, 4322, 8071, 5435, 11, 1778, 439, 37061, 1315, 320, 469, 455, 4171, 36259, 720, 1885, 292, 992, 285, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 12652, 8, 323, 56949, 320, 432, 16382, 25165, 337, 729, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 14374, 705, 720, 80785, 459, 7524, 3999, 365, 1003, 369, 16898, 20526, 344, 20000, 323, 720, 1605, 8071, 30020, 627, 22322, 64, 1516, 220, 15037, 1005, 279, 20282, 11, 902, 527, 2355, 12156, 398, 74508, 1823, 269, 6438, 2856, 992, 285, 320, 33, 269, 351, 258, 114785, 340, 33, 2747, 198, 5116, 220, 473, 22704, 9974, 7982, 311, 220, 17, 10702, 2355, 7, 1399, 10166, 570, 11697, 264, 7893, 3368, 19646, 11, 3544, 80710, 11141, 11, 323, 720, 266, 70178, 6437, 19837, 304, 7474, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 220, 426, 2747, 374, 264, 4279, 720, 44, 3671, 618, 33561, 40475, 3463, 311, 82316, 505, 720, 105270, 6456, 18157, 323, 59230, 13, 36016, 15042, 439, 264, 720, 70, 8506, 39999, 11, 433, 374 ]
–78, 279 diosgenin 91Dipsacus fullonum 203dittany 202diuretic herbs, action of 13 South American 53 divination herbs, Native American 49Divine Husbandman’s Classic (Chinese text) 20, 42, 111, 126, 130, 161, 168, 169, 196, 201, 212, 237, 247, 253, 259 dizziness 306Doctrine of Signatures 18, 24, 259dodder 198Dodderige, Joseph 50dog rose 263dog violet 282dong quai 41, 42, 63, 68, 117, 124Dorema ammoniacum 203Dorstenia, D. contrayerva 203 D. convexa 203D. klainei 203 dosage 24, 31, 290 essential information 299 doshas (Ayurvedic medicine) 37–38Dracaena cinnabari 196dragon’s blood 196dried herbs, buying 17 drying at home 289 Drimia maritima see Urginea maritimaDrosera rotundifolia 203Druidic herbs 18, 149, 283dry coughs 310Dryopteris filix-mas syn. Aspidium filix-mas 202–203 du zhong 208 E earache 312, 318East Indian rosebay 205eastern red cedar 185Ebers papyrus 19, 44, 62, 168, 196echinacea 13, 27, 51, 92, 107, 151, 177Echinacea spp. 13, 27, 51, 92, 107, 151, 177 E. angustifolia 92E. pallida 92E. purpurea 92 Echium vulgare 203–204Ecklonia maxima 44Eclecticism 27, 50–51Eclipta prostata syn. E. alba 204eczema 300edema during pregnancy 317edible rhubarb 126eggplant 69, 270–71elaci (cardamom) 93elder 15, 18, 34, 132elderberry 51, 132elecampane 13, 26, 107Eletteria cardamomum 13, 22, 38, 93eleuthero 94Eleutherococcus senticosus 94elm 20, 145Elymus repens see Agropyron repensembelia 204Embilia ribes 204Emblica officinalis 31, 204emetic herbs, Native American 51emmenagogue herbs, action of 13emollient herbs, effects of 13endive 190endocrine system, effect of herbs 12, 13English ivy 219English Physitian, The (Culpeper) see Culpeper, Nicholas Entada phaseoloides 205ephedra 10, 11, 18, 31, 42, 95Ephedra sinica 10, 11, 18, 42, 95ephedrine 11, 95Epilobium angustifolium see Chamaenerion angustifolia Equisetum arvense 13, 16, 136, 205ergot 217Erigeron, E. affinis 195 E. canadensis see Conyza canadensis syn. Erigeron canadensis E. philadelphicus 195 Eriodictyon californicum 205Ervatamia coronaria 205Eryngium maritimum 206eryngo 206Erythraea centaurium 206Erythrina variegata 206Erythronium americanum 206Erythroxylum coca 11, 18, 28, 52–53, 206–207Eschscholzia californica 50, 207essential oils 297, 299essiac (anticancer remedy) 264estrogen levels, menopausal 316eucalyptus 46, 47, 96, 207Eucalyptus, E. camaldulensis 47 E. globulus 46, 47, 96E. smithii 96, 207 eucommia bark 207–208Eucommia ulmoides 207–208Eugenia caryophyllata syn. Syzgium aromaticum 20, 36, 97 Euonymus atropurpureus 208Eupatorium, E. cannabinum 208 E. maculatum 209E. occidentale 208E. perfoliatum 208E. purpureum 48, 209E. teucrifolium 208 Euphorbia, E. atoto 209 E. hirta, syn. E. pilulifera 209E. kansui 209E. lancifolia 209E. maculata 209E. pekinensis 209 Euphrasia spp. 179, 209–10European angelica 63European hazel 102European herbal medicine 32–35 bans on 27, 28, 34Dark Ages 21four humors theory 32, 33influence in South America 53medical schools 22medieval folk healing 20–21modern practitioners 34–35popular herbs 35scientific medicine’s break away from 23, 25, 34 use of native medicines 26–27 European leadwort 251European nettle tree 185European skullcap 135Euterpe oleracea 210Evelyn, John 113evening primrose 51, 241oil 30, 179 evodia 210Evodia rutaecarpa 210expectorant herbs, action of 13eye problems 310eye tonic 21, 48, 147eyebright 179, 209–10 F Fagopyrum, F. cymosum 210 F. dibotrys 210F. esculentum 14, 210 “false fire” tonic 83false hellebore 160false unicorn root 186–87fennel 177, 197, 212, 223fenugreek 277–78Feronia limonia 210fertility problems 316Ferula, F. assa-foetida 38, 203, 210–11 F. gummosa syn. F. galbaniflua 203, 211F. jaeshkeana 211F. persica 211F. silphion 211F. sumbul 211 fever bark 46, 165feverfew 33, 35, 78, 140, 286, 291fevers 311 Ficus, F. benghalensis 211 F. carica 211–12, 222F. cotinifolia 212F. indica 212F. lacor 212F. racemosa 212F. religiosa 212F. retusa 212 fig 211–12, 222figwort 268Filipendula ulmaria 35, 98first aid see bites, minor; cuts and grazes; nosebleeds; sprains first aid kit 290“5-flavored herb” (schisandra) 133flame of the forest 180flavonoids 14flax dodder 198flaxseed 16, 109flea seed 123Fleming, Alexander 28florists’ chrysanthemum 78flu 311fluid retention, during pregnancy see edema menstrual 315 fly agaric 18, 187fo ti 41, 43, 124Foeniculum vulgare 177, 197, 212, 223food plants 11–12, 23, 35forskolin 84Forsythia suspensa 212four humors, theory of 20, 32, 33“Four Things Soup” 42, 117foxglove 15, 26, 35, 194, 202, 290fractures 312 Fragaria vesca 212–13Fr angula alnus see Rhamnus frangula frankincense 179Fraxinus, F. americana 213 F. excelsior 213F. ornus 213 French bean 246–47fringe tree 13, 188–89fringed pink 201Fritillaria thunbergii 43fruit & berries, harvesting & processing 289fu ling 40, 61Fucus vesiculosis 16, 213Fumaria, F. officinalis 86, 213 F. parviflora 213 fumitory 86, 213fungal infections 314 skin 304 G galangal 22, 41, 61galbanum 203, 211Galega officinalis 214Galen 20, 21, 32, 33,
[ 4235, 2495, 11, 220, 17267, 198, 67, 3614, 4469, 258, 220, 5925, 35, 3153, 96405, 2539, 263, 372, 220, 9639, 67, 1468, 3852, 220, 2366, 8747, 554, 29150, 42393, 11, 1957, 315, 220, 1032, 198, 26070, 3778, 220, 4331, 198, 614, 2617, 42393, 11, 17118, 3778, 220, 2491, 12792, 483, 74459, 1543, 753, 22591, 320, 46023, 720, 1342, 8, 220, 508, 11, 220, 2983, 11, 220, 5037, 11, 220, 9390, 11, 220, 5894, 11, 220, 10718, 11, 220, 8953, 11, 220, 11739, 11, 220, 5162, 11, 220, 679, 11, 220, 11227, 11, 220, 14590, 11, 220, 14125, 11, 220, 14022, 11, 220, 15537, 198, 67, 97745, 220, 12879, 31595, 315, 7220, 2859, 220, 972, 11, 220, 1187, 11, 220, 15537, 67, 347, 1126, 220, 3753, 91563, 1126, 7404, 11, 15466, 220, 1135, 18964, 16392, 220, 15666, 18964, 80836, 220, 16544, 76311, 934, 2192, 220, 3174, 11, 220, 2983, 11, 220, 5495, 11, 220, 2614, 11, 220, 8546, 11, 220, 8874, 35, 461, 1764, 69911, 18029, 372, 220, 9639, 35, 269, 16172, 689, 11, 423, 13, 6155, 352, 46965, 220, 9639, 198, 35, 13, 67030, 64, 220, 9639, 35, 13, 20839, 8511, 72, 220, 9639, 198, 41625, 425, 220, 1187, 11, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 13754, 198, 49582, 2038, 220, 15531, 198, 41625, 4752, 320, 74209, 80627, 292, 16088, 8, 220, 1806, 4235, 1987, 9023, 17544, 7304, 272, 6258, 370, 2850, 220, 5162, 56519, 753, 6680, 220, 5162, 67, 4588, 42393, 11, 12096, 220, 1114, 198, 67, 28609, 520, 2162, 220, 17212, 198, 35, 6417, 689, 3678, 275, 7675, 1518, 86586, 35518, 3678, 275, 7675, 35, 299, 805, 64, 5868, 1263, 333, 39260, 220, 9639, 9023, 2480, 292, 42393, 220, 972, 11, 220, 10161, 11, 220, 16085, 54310, 40700, 82, 220, 12226, 86315, 2985, 261, 285, 1488, 953, 1474, 300, 6925, 13, 1666, 10629, 2411, 1488, 953, 1474, 300, 720, 2366, 4235, 9639, 198, 1072, 60848, 647, 220, 12171, 198, 36, 198, 686, 1815, 220, 13384, 11, 220, 17592, 37440, 7904, 16392, 47364, 220, 10866, 61601, 944, 2579, 76396, 220, 9741, 36, 1941, 281, 90294, 220, 777, 11, 220, 2096, 11, 220, 5538, 11, 220, 8953, 11, 220, 5162, 4842, 258, 83682, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 3971, 11, 220, 6083, 11, 220, 7699, 11, 220, 9690, 11, 220, 11242, 36, 60171, 83682, 91799, 13, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 3971, 11, 220, 6083, 11, 220, 7699, 11, 2355, 9690, 11, 220, 11242, 198, 36, 13, 6590, 592, 333, 39260, 220, 6083, 36, 13, 67597, 4849, 220, 6083, 36, 13, 4087, 52833, 64, 220, 6083, 198, 36, 331, 2411, 11981, 70, 548, 220, 9639, 4235, 7854, 36, 377, 12490, 689, 1973, 7675, 220, 2096, 51830, 772, 42914, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 1135, 4235, 3971, 36, 566, 11696, 64, 36321, 460, 6925, 13, 469, 13, 453, 4749, 220, 7854, 69768, 9355, 220, 3101, 291, 9355, 2391, 20209, 220, 16718, 291, 1260, 22408, 45597, 65, 220, 9390, 29468, 21494, 220, 3076, 11, 220, 10914, 4235, 6028, 301, 25471, 320, 5057, 309, 316, 8, 220, 6365, 68076, 220, 868, 11, 220, 972, 11, 220, 1958, 11, 220, 9413, 68076, 15717, 220, 3971, 11, 220, 9413, 10274, 11860, 26393, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 7699, 36, 9638, 689, 3786, 309, 316, 372, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 1313, 11, 220, 1987, 11, 220, 6365, 10274, 952, 2382, 220, 6281, 46439, 26567, 511, 92411, 3288, 17038, 355, 220, 6281, 24037, 220, 508, 11, 220, 9591, 36, 398, 38827, 2109, 729, 1518, 4701, 18237, 2298, 2109, 1137, 3172, 37029, 220, 7854, 99886, 25045, 20735, 288, 220, 7854, 99886, 15677, 2856, 992, 285, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 7854, 336, 5411, 42393, 11, 17118, 3778, 220, 3971, 336, 5794, 72036, 42393, 11, 1957, 315, 220, 1032, 336, 337, 1477, 42393, 11, 6372, 315, 220, 1032, 408, 535, 220, 7028, 408, 78738, 1887, 11, 2515, 315, 42393, 220, 717, 11, 220, 1032, 23392, 17967, 88, 220, 13762, 23392, 13101, 79544, 11, 578, 320, 34, 360, 375, 716, 8, 1518, 720, 34, 360, 375, 716, 11, 40796, 198, 2300, 2649, 10474, 337, 590, 288, 220, 10866, 24453, 291, 969, 220, 605, 11, 220, 806, 11, 220, 972, 11, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 2983, 11, 220, 2721, 36, 764, 291, 969, 7589, 3074, 220, 605, 11, 220, 806, 11, 220, 972, 11, 220, 2983, 11, 220, 2721, 24453, 291, 40101, 220, 806, 11, 220, 2721, 23176, 321, 677, 2411, 6590, 592, 333, 337, 2411, 1518, 921, 3105, 804, 290, 720, 526, 592, 333, 39260, 198, 36, 9383, 295, 372, 802, 1055, 325, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 845, 11, 220, 9795, 11, 220, 10866, 2431, 354, 220, 13460, 20027, 7420, 263, 11, 469, 13, 3611, 85703, 220, 6280, 198, 36, 13, 649, 329, 87778, 1518, 1221, 88, 4458, 649, 329, 87778, 6925, 13, 720, 20027, 7420, 263, 649, 329, 87778, 198, 36, 13, 10891, 15503, 764, 59344, 220, 6280, 198, 36, 462, 347, 858, 26039, 1652, 6553, 86231, 220, 10866, 36, 10776, 266, 309, 689, 22760, 10649, 220, 10866, 36, 894, 983, 2411, 3678, 275, 3375, 220, 11056, 727, 71690, 220, 11056, 36, 894, 339, 969, 12791, 2960, 4202, 2411, 220, 11056, 36, 894, 339, 41071, 767, 36110, 460, 220, 11056, 36, 894, 339, 2298, 2411, 39542, 372, 220, 11056, 36, 894, 339, 55889, 28433, 272, 17270, 220, 806, 11, 220, 972, 11, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 4103, 4235, 4331, 11, 220, 11056, 4235, 12060, 17812, 331, 21740, 337, 68151, 1652, 6553, 3074, 220, 1135, 11, 220, 12060, 49582, 32462, 220, 18163, 11, 220, 15531, 434, 18029, 320, 8322, 11967, 40239, 8, 220, 12815, 478, 26252, 5990, 11, 3026, 454, 80174, 220, 15340, 68, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 220, 2790, 11, 220, 2618, 11, 220, 4161, 11, 220, 12060, 36, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 11, 469, 13, 6730, 4852, 360, 87778, 220, 2618, 198, 36, 13, 13509, 19990, 220, 2790, 11, 220, 2618, 11, 220, 4161, 36, 13, 77821, 3893, 220, 4161, 11, 220, 12060, 198, 20732, 3705, 689, 54842, 220, 12060, 4235, 12171, 55218, 3705, 689, 8725, 46159, 288, 220, 12060, 4235, 12171, 36, 773, 59386, 272, 661, 5237, 25734, 460, 6925, 13, 5837, 89, 90339, 720, 277, 13795, 372, 220, 508, 11, 220, 1927, 11, 220, 3534, 198, 55218, 7987, 355, 520, 897, 324, 52833, 355, 220, 12171, 36, 455, 66844, 11, 469, 13, 65228, 372, 220, 12171, 198, 36, 13, 9155, 360, 27349, 220, 12652, 36, 13, 3056, 1748, 1604, 220, 12171, 36, 13, 824, 8566, 10574, 372, 220, 12171, 36, 13, 4087, 52833, 372, 220, 2166, 11, 220, 12652, 36, 13, 1028, 1791, 93366, 337, 2411, 220, 12171, 198, 36, 455, 20100, 14840, 11, 469, 13, 520, 2117, 220, 12652, 198, 36, 13, 305, 2154, 64, 11, 6925, 13, 469, 13, 11715, 360, 333, 2473, 220, 12652, 36, 13, 69385, 2005, 220, 12652, 36, 13, 76385, 333, 39260, 220, 12652, 36, 13, 9155, 360, 460, 220, 12652, 36, 13, 1069, 8148, 87778, 220, 12652, 198, 36, 455, 4171, 36259, 91799, 13, 220, 11128, 11, 220, 12652, 4235, 605, 64469, 34426, 3074, 220, 5495, 64469, 20750, 301, 220, 4278, 64469, 51487, 16088, 220, 843, 4235, 1758, 198, 65, 598, 389, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 1958, 26915, 50093, 220, 1691, 35124, 2854, 1105, 10334, 220, 843, 11, 220, 1644, 258, 41116, 304, 4987, 5270, 220, 4331, 69216, 8853, 220, 1313, 2106, 32986, 29036, 21730, 220, 508, 4235, 1691, 50889, 43195, 220, 1958, 4235, 1758, 44348, 42393, 220, 1758, 85930, 16088, 753, 1464, 3201, 505, 220, 1419, 11, 720, 914, 11, 220, 1958, 198, 817, 315, 10068, 39653, 220, 1627, 4235, 1544, 198, 64469, 3063, 32251, 220, 13860, 64469, 4272, 11489, 5021, 220, 9741, 64469, 35113, 11600, 220, 8878, 36, 29051, 375, 297, 1565, 83682, 220, 8848, 36, 899, 1910, 11, 3842, 220, 8190, 17206, 287, 9036, 25888, 220, 3971, 11, 220, 13341, 74913, 220, 966, 11, 220, 11128, 198, 5230, 47428, 220, 8848, 35212, 47428, 68563, 762, 82997, 220, 8848, 17557, 269, 519, 42393, 11, 1957, 315, 220, 1032, 19494, 5435, 220, 12226, 19494, 99305, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 2166, 11, 220, 10288, 1216, 3141, 1315, 220, 11128, 11, 220, 12652, 4235, 605, 198, 37, 198, 37, 351, 1289, 10952, 11, 435, 13, 272, 1631, 437, 372, 220, 8848, 198, 37, 13, 42168, 354, 42426, 220, 8848, 37, 13, 1560, 3395, 306, 372, 220, 975, 11, 220, 8848, 198, 2118, 3934, 4027, 863, 99305, 220, 6069, 3934, 305, 6853, 65, 461, 220, 6330, 3934, 82930, 3789, 220, 9714, 4235, 4044, 69, 2734, 301, 220, 11242, 11, 220, 4468, 11, 220, 11227, 11, 220, 12533, 31453, 773, 10957, 220, 16367, 4235, 2495, 37, 20110, 689, 4671, 21947, 220, 8848, 69, 62587, 5435, 220, 15340, 37, 261, 5724, 11, 435, 13, 1089, 64, 12, 831, 295, 4849, 220, 1987, 11, 220, 9639, 11, 220, 8848, 4235, 806, 198, 37, 13, 42365, 8801, 64, 6925, 13, 435, 13, 15730, 6993, 333, 28723, 220, 9639, 11, 220, 11483, 37, 13, 12203, 4385, 441, 3444, 220, 11483, 37, 13, 7565, 3074, 220, 11483, 37, 13, 5554, 764, 290, 220, 11483, 37, 13, 2694, 16501, 220, 11483, 198, 1897, 424, 54842, 220, 2790, 11, 220, 10680, 1897, 424, 71830, 220, 1644, 11, 220, 1758, 11, 220, 2495, 11, 220, 6860, 11, 220, 17361, 11, 220, 17335, 1897, 3078, 220, 220, 15134, 198, 37, 59344, 11, 435, 13, 293, 833, 12130, 87778, 220, 11483, 198, 37, 13, 1841, 3074, 220, 11483, 4235, 717, 11, 220, 9716, 37, 13, 48681, 258, 333, 39260, 220, 11227, 37, 13, 75780, 220, 11227, 37, 13, 44979, 269, 220, 11227, 37, 13, 9148, 336, 12252, 220, 11227, 37, 13, 6833, 67717, 220, 11227, 37, 13, 2160, 31853, 220, 11227, 198, 915, 220, 11483, 4235, 717, 11, 220, 9716, 915, 32251, 220, 16332, 51240, 575, 408, 5724, 8725, 5730, 689, 220, 1758, 11, 220, 3264, 3983, 12576, 1518, 49433, 11, 9099, 26, 15455, 323, 51933, 288, 26, 720, 77, 974, 901, 6910, 26, 8314, 1771, 198, 3983, 12576, 16530, 220, 13754, 2118, 20, 12556, 76486, 39999, 863, 320, 21740, 285, 24155, 8, 220, 9423, 1517, 373, 315, 279, 13952, 220, 5245, 1517, 402, 263, 17390, 220, 975, 1517, 710, 32189, 1126, 220, 3753, 1517, 710, 23425, 220, 845, 11, 220, 7743, 69, 89391, 10533, 220, 4513, 37, 3516, 287, 11, 20643, 220, 1591, 1517, 269, 1705, 529, 523, 42426, 32329, 336, 372, 220, 2495, 27256, 220, 15134, 67125, 38231, 11, 2391, 20209, 1518, 720, 291, 9355, 198, 5794, 496, 940, 220, 15189, 198, 22374, 70479, 292, 220, 972, 11, 220, 9674, 831, 9165, 220, 3174, 11, 220, 3391, 11, 220, 8874, 37, 16355, 292, 16903, 11981, 70, 548, 220, 11242, 11, 220, 4468, 11, 220, 11227, 11, 220, 12533, 14239, 11012, 220, 806, 4235, 717, 11, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 1758, 69, 82687, 37737, 220, 5833, 37, 1105, 77996, 689, 9482, 58925, 220, 11227, 35124, 2854, 1105, 11, 10334, 315, 220, 508, 11, 220, 843, 11, 220, 1644, 2118, 28070, 20695, 61434, 863, 220, 2983, 11, 220, 8546, 15361, 70, 31153, 220, 868, 11, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 1758, 11, 220, 6393, 11, 220, 2366, 11, 220, 13754, 1658, 533, 1439, 220, 13384, 198, 37, 4193, 10649, 65635, 936, 220, 11227, 4235, 1032, 23376, 198, 526, 5724, 453, 77, 355, 1518, 432, 5721, 77, 355, 1448, 526, 5724, 198, 1658, 1201, 2910, 1137, 220, 11128, 23376, 710, 71956, 11, 435, 13, 66879, 3444, 220, 11702, 198, 37, 13, 3521, 2053, 2521, 220, 11702, 37, 13, 40545, 355, 220, 11702, 198, 44297, 21059, 220, 14205, 4235, 2618, 1658, 18177, 5021, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 9367, 4235, 4578, 1658, 57658, 18718, 220, 679, 37, 1018, 484, 10649, 270, 359, 7881, 3893, 220, 3391, 36698, 612, 63494, 11, 66747, 612, 8863, 220, 17212, 33721, 38172, 220, 1272, 11, 220, 5547, 37, 38601, 65635, 292, 360, 10934, 220, 845, 11, 220, 11702, 37, 372, 10649, 11, 435, 13, 2856, 992, 285, 220, 4218, 11, 220, 11702, 198, 37, 13, 1370, 85, 333, 75, 6347, 220, 11702, 198, 69, 372, 10843, 220, 4218, 11, 220, 11702, 69, 58267, 30020, 220, 16104, 198, 37282, 220, 12166, 198, 38, 198, 16876, 526, 278, 220, 1313, 11, 220, 3174, 11, 220, 5547, 16876, 6993, 372, 220, 9639, 11, 220, 11483, 38, 1604, 6885, 2856, 992, 285, 220, 11584, 38, 36749, 220, 508, 11, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 843, 11, 220, 1644, 11, 220 ]
ends the h uman life as we know it an d extends beyond the Earth. In other words, it do es not end when our human life ends. It has no beginning and no end and it exists beyond the concept of time and space. It is the source of all our thoughts, and emotions, and our liveliness, and it contains the codes for our ener gy, information and intelligence. Healing comes from connecting with this Source and disease arises when we are disconnected from it. The challenges that we discussed in the first section of this book dis sipate when we become conscious and develop a deep relationship with that part of ourselves that is beyond our body and the mind. Consciousness is not an intellectual concept; the understanding comes from experiencing it. It is nothing, in the sense that it is devoid of any duality or polarity, and yet it is everything. It is an absolute that contains the ener gy, information and intelligence that manifests in the physical body. It exists within us as we ll as outside of us. The nervous system is the seat of our Consciousness. As infants and young kids under age five, we experience the still and the absolute nature of Consciousness and we have a memory of it. Beyond the age of five, we begi n to move into the experience of human life and for get our connection with this Source. When we experience it again, it is like coming home to ourselves. W e remember that that is w ho we truly are, Pure Consciousness. Our physical, mental/emotional, ener getic, intuitive and spiritual bodies are dif ferent expressions of this Consciousness. H O W D O E S C O N S C I O U S N E S S H E A L? Experiencing Co nsciousness is about being in touch with our tr ue Essence. This experience is expansive, whole and blissful and we naturally gravitate towards it. W e begin to infuse the experience into our lives. W e begin to align our actions, our choices and our lifestyle to wha t we haveexperienced. W e begin to heal. W e move towards acceptance, w hich spares a lot of our ener gy that was tied up in worry, control and conflict. This fee ling of wholeness perm eates our being. Psychologica l stress that also cau sed bloc kages in the flo w of this ener gy and intelligenc e begins to dissipate. W e now set up the ground for healing and health. W hat we need to do to heal aga in becomes clear. W e become open to making changes that were not possible before. W e tu ne in to what we need and we find ways to get it. W e begin to believe that healing is possible and begin to trust in the bigger p icture. W e feel part and parcel of this Universe and no longer feel isolated. In deeper parts of us, w e begin to believe that all is we ll. W e move towards activities and life styles that promote our health and our growth. Anything else is no longer desi rable. It is this shift that allows us to heal and transform our lives. Any meditation practice that involves transcending beyond the physical aids in exper iencing and developing greater Consciousness. Through meditation, we relea se stress from our ne rvous system. The mental and emotional imprints on the n ervous system begin to loosen their grip, and c hannels that were blocked begin to open. In this way, we are working at the root cause of illness and we are not just stuck in a limited medical diagnosis. There is a deep connection be tween spirituality and healing. T o become more conscious is not to control the outcome of our actions; it is rather to co-create with that which is lar g er. It is to harmonize with our higher Self and let Nature d o what is for the highest good. W e regain our p ower when we harmonize with Nature. W e heal when we reconnect with the Source out of w hich all life arises. When we become that tuned in to who we truly are, there is no longer an attachment to a desired outcome, instead we feel okay with whatever happens. W e realize that what is in store for us is far more than we could have imagined. Our indi vidual Consciousness is part of the Unified Field of Consciousness. The laws of Unified Field are the laws of Nature and this is the foundation for A yurvedic Medicine. It is no longer possible to be Conscious and engage in lifestyles that block our healing.H O W T O D E V E L O P C O N S C I O U S N E S S When we talk about living our ultimate T ruth, we are talking about the bigger T ruth that connects us all. That truth isn’ t attained by thinking harder; it is only attained by transcending thinking, i.e. not thinking at all. That is what meditation is! The act of not thinking, not doing, so the truth may sur face in the silence and in the non-doing. That T ruth is there whether we know it or not. But when w e can connect with it via meditation, it is most use ful. In that ultimate T ruth, our personal truth may surface; the truth of our desires, the truth of our cu rrent life, and that holds the key to learning how to heal. So, connecting with the bigger T ruth will serve us greatly. The ultimate T ruth is that at the core of our existence, we are whol e, complete and Pure Consciousness. That is the key to healing our relationship with food, and healing our life. W e are multi-dimensional being s and the only way to restore w holeness is to b egin at the Source. Healing happens in our core and not necessarily in the elimination of symptoms. When we heal from within, the symptoms either disappear or no longer get in the way of our happiness. The dee p desire of our being is to feel loved, validated, needed, cherished, and valued and the irony of this is that at our core we are nothing but love. W e are worthy and we are on this planet to have a human experience in all that we experience and, ultima tely, to rest in the knowing that we are complete and whole at our core. This is simple but not easy! Our subconsciou s is a place of n eutrality, in the sense that it does not judge how we fulfill our desires or em body our core beliefs. If the subconscious belief is that “I am unworthy,” then our habits and life will continuously try to fill that need by any means possible. Food becomes one of the means. Until we change our subconscious beliefs, any breakthrough will be temporary and we will find ourselves repeating this pattern ov er and over again. In order to have a dif ferent belief, we must have a dif ferent experience; an experience of wholeness. Meditation creates that experience.Our me ditation will feed our emotional hunger in place o f the food upon which we’ve been pr eviously r elying to do this. Patti, a mother of four school-a ge kids and the wife of a very busy husband came to me one day feeling overwhelmed with all that she had to do. She felt she was con tinuously on the run and in an emer gency mode. She was starting to feel flutters in her chest and she was struggling with anxiety. She worried about the kids and felt guilty if she could not keep up. One of the first things I suggested for her was to learn meditation. She began a meditation pract ice and came fo r a follow-up appointment a we ek later. She felt calm and l ess intense and was able to accomplish mor e. She was surprised at the quick r esults s he was obtaining fr om the med itation. She worried less and finally felt tha t everything was going to be okay. She felt happy and she looked happy and at peace. Everyone’ s expe rience with meditation will be dif ferent and the results are dependent upon the state of one’ s nervous system and w hat else is happening in your body and yo ur life. But I have yet to have a client who did not experien ce benefits from meditation. For many, if not for all my clients, it has been the key to helping them regain their health. Create s ome tim e and space in your life to be still and quiet. Start with five minutes. Notice the ef fect it has on your life. That is meditation. Learning a technique will help you establis h a solid practice. Find a teacher who can teach you this practice. Pay attention to one ar ea of y our life. Ar e ther e any patterns that you r epeat? What is one pattern that you continuously r epeat?C H A P T E R 8T h e B i g g e r C o n t e x t Our Consciousness is the subtlest yet the most powerful part of our being and it holds our power to heal. Healing is not just about physical health; it is about th e harmonious co-existe nce of our inner and outer worlds. In the medical field, we think of health
[ 1438, 198, 1820, 305, 4543, 276, 2324, 439, 584, 1440, 433, 459, 294, 2289, 7953, 279, 9420, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 345, 275, 656, 1560, 539, 842, 994, 1057, 3823, 2324, 10548, 13, 1102, 706, 912, 7314, 220, 323, 912, 842, 198, 438, 433, 6866, 7953, 279, 7434, 315, 892, 323, 3634, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 2592, 315, 682, 1057, 198, 61665, 82, 11, 323, 21958, 11, 323, 1057, 15471, 55798, 11, 323, 433, 5727, 279, 14236, 369, 1057, 198, 804, 29720, 1174, 2038, 323, 11478, 13, 49741, 4131, 505, 21583, 449, 198, 576, 8922, 323, 8624, 48282, 220, 994, 584, 527, 40186, 505, 433, 13, 578, 198, 331, 43470, 430, 584, 14407, 304, 279, 1176, 3857, 315, 420, 2363, 834, 47715, 349, 994, 198, 906, 3719, 17371, 323, 2274, 264, 5655, 5133, 449, 430, 961, 315, 198, 2530, 4372, 430, 374, 7953, 1057, 2547, 323, 279, 4059, 627, 1128, 23995, 2136, 374, 539, 459, 20207, 7434, 26, 279, 8830, 4131, 505, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 433, 13, 1102, 374, 4400, 11, 304, 220, 279, 5647, 430, 433, 374, 76939, 315, 904, 294, 10965, 477, 198, 79, 73627, 1174, 323, 3686, 433, 374, 4395, 13, 1102, 374, 459, 10973, 430, 5727, 220, 279, 38556, 29720, 13801, 26125, 323, 220, 11478, 430, 84332, 304, 279, 7106, 2547, 662, 1102, 6866, 198, 56950, 603, 439, 584, 9507, 439, 4994, 315, 603, 13, 578, 23418, 1887, 374, 279, 220, 10954, 315, 1057, 198, 1128, 23995, 2136, 13, 1666, 42534, 323, 3995, 6980, 1234, 4325, 4330, 11, 584, 3217, 279, 198, 44466, 323, 279, 10973, 7138, 315, 92752, 2136, 323, 584, 617, 264, 5044, 315, 433, 627, 56441, 279, 4325, 315, 4330, 11, 584, 2197, 72, 308, 311, 3351, 1139, 279, 3217, 315, 3823, 2324, 198, 438, 369, 636, 1057, 3717, 449, 420, 8922, 13, 3277, 584, 3217, 433, 1578, 11, 433, 198, 285, 1093, 5108, 2162, 311, 13520, 13, 468, 384, 6227, 430, 430, 374, 289, 11640, 584, 9615, 198, 548, 11, 30688, 92752, 2136, 13, 5751, 7106, 11, 10723, 63876, 41964, 11, 38556, 636, 292, 345, 396, 35251, 323, 18330, 13162, 527, 1422, 18728, 306, 24282, 315, 420, 198, 1128, 23995, 2136, 627, 39, 507, 468, 220, 423, 507, 469, 328, 220, 356, 507, 452, 328, 356, 358, 507, 549, 328, 452, 469, 328, 328, 220, 473, 469, 362, 445, 18072, 849, 32836, 11627, 3623, 308, 23995, 2136, 374, 922, 1694, 304, 5916, 449, 1057, 490, 61198, 84870, 627, 2028, 3217, 374, 61838, 11, 4459, 323, 59045, 1285, 323, 584, 18182, 29059, 20227, 198, 83, 71839, 433, 13, 468, 384, 3240, 311, 4225, 817, 279, 3217, 1139, 1057, 6439, 13, 468, 384, 3240, 311, 198, 6750, 1057, 6299, 11, 1057, 11709, 323, 1057, 19433, 311, 421, 64, 259, 584, 617, 327, 45933, 13, 468, 384, 220, 3240, 311, 27661, 13, 468, 384, 3351, 7119, 26586, 11, 289, 305, 718, 993, 5518, 198, 64, 2763, 315, 1057, 38556, 29720, 430, 574, 17791, 709, 304, 11196, 1174, 2585, 323, 12324, 627, 2028, 11307, 38172, 315, 421, 17648, 434, 14175, 384, 988, 1057, 1694, 13, 17680, 1640, 3074, 326, 8631, 430, 198, 19171, 2211, 84, 11163, 41840, 597, 1154, 304, 279, 9943, 289, 315, 420, 38556, 29720, 323, 60538, 967, 384, 12302, 311, 198, 67, 1056, 575, 349, 13, 468, 384, 1457, 743, 709, 279, 5015, 369, 21730, 323, 2890, 13, 468, 9072, 584, 1205, 198, 998, 656, 220, 311, 27661, 945, 64, 304, 9221, 2867, 662, 468, 384, 3719, 1825, 311, 3339, 4442, 430, 198, 52898, 539, 3284, 1603, 13, 468, 384, 9964, 841, 304, 311, 1148, 584, 1205, 323, 584, 1505, 5627, 311, 198, 456, 433, 13, 468, 384, 3240, 311, 4510, 430, 21730, 374, 3284, 323, 3240, 311, 220, 7095, 304, 279, 198, 65, 4601, 281, 220, 3911, 13, 468, 384, 2733, 961, 323, 30409, 315, 420, 29849, 323, 912, 220, 5129, 2733, 198, 61023, 660, 13, 763, 19662, 5596, 315, 603, 11, 289, 384, 3240, 311, 4510, 430, 682, 374, 584, 9507, 13, 468, 384, 3351, 198, 83, 71839, 7640, 323, 2324, 9404, 430, 12192, 1057, 2890, 323, 1057, 6650, 627, 78403, 775, 374, 912, 5129, 86588, 436, 481, 13, 1102, 374, 420, 6541, 430, 6276, 603, 311, 27661, 198, 438, 5276, 1057, 6439, 627, 8780, 33862, 6725, 430, 18065, 42590, 2518, 7953, 279, 7106, 52797, 198, 258, 2183, 602, 11627, 323, 11469, 7191, 92752, 2136, 13, 17331, 33862, 345, 906, 14049, 64, 513, 8631, 505, 1057, 841, 18030, 788, 1887, 13, 578, 10723, 323, 14604, 198, 318, 26822, 389, 279, 308, 72175, 788, 1887, 3240, 311, 83842, 872, 25703, 11, 323, 272, 305, 6819, 430, 198, 52898, 19857, 3240, 311, 1825, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 1174, 584, 527, 3318, 520, 279, 3789, 5353, 315, 198, 484, 2136, 323, 584, 527, 539, 1120, 16075, 304, 264, 7347, 6593, 23842, 627, 3947, 374, 220, 264, 5655, 3717, 387, 66617, 75456, 323, 21730, 13, 350, 297, 3719, 198, 6518, 17371, 374, 539, 311, 2585, 279, 15632, 315, 1057, 6299, 26, 433, 374, 4856, 311, 198, 1030, 40779, 449, 430, 902, 374, 45555, 342, 2781, 662, 1102, 374, 311, 18249, 553, 449, 1057, 5190, 10323, 198, 438, 1095, 22037, 294, 297, 1148, 374, 369, 279, 8592, 1695, 13, 468, 384, 49655, 1057, 281, 297, 6703, 994, 198, 906, 18249, 553, 449, 22037, 13, 468, 384, 27661, 994, 584, 51136, 449, 279, 8922, 704, 198, 1073, 289, 305, 718, 682, 2324, 220, 48282, 13, 3277, 584, 3719, 430, 33519, 304, 311, 889, 584, 9615, 527, 345, 19041, 374, 912, 5129, 459, 20581, 220, 311, 264, 12974, 15632, 11, 4619, 584, 2733, 17339, 198, 4291, 8996, 8741, 13, 468, 384, 13383, 430, 1148, 374, 304, 3637, 369, 603, 220, 374, 3117, 810, 198, 54895, 584, 1436, 617, 35706, 627, 8140, 1280, 72, 348, 3421, 92752, 2136, 374, 220, 961, 315, 279, 73534, 8771, 315, 92752, 2136, 627, 791, 7016, 315, 73534, 8771, 527, 279, 7016, 315, 22037, 323, 420, 374, 279, 16665, 198, 2000, 362, 379, 80627, 292, 19152, 13, 1102, 374, 912, 5129, 3284, 311, 387, 92752, 323, 198, 85839, 304, 79731, 430, 2565, 1057, 21730, 3924, 507, 468, 220, 350, 507, 220, 423, 469, 650, 469, 445, 507, 393, 220, 356, 507, 452, 328, 356, 358, 507, 549, 328, 452, 469, 328, 328, 198, 4599, 584, 3137, 922, 5496, 1057, 17139, 350, 54246, 11, 584, 527, 7556, 922, 279, 198, 65, 4601, 350, 54246, 430, 34161, 603, 682, 13, 3011, 8206, 4536, 529, 259, 63260, 555, 7422, 198, 19221, 261, 26, 433, 374, 1193, 63260, 555, 42590, 2518, 7422, 11, 602, 1770, 13, 539, 7422, 520, 682, 627, 4897, 374, 1148, 33862, 374, 0, 578, 1180, 315, 539, 7422, 11, 539, 3815, 11, 779, 279, 8206, 198, 18864, 1765, 3663, 304, 279, 21847, 323, 304, 220, 279, 2536, 30659, 287, 13, 3011, 350, 54246, 374, 1070, 3508, 198, 906, 1440, 433, 477, 539, 13, 2030, 994, 289, 384, 649, 4667, 449, 433, 4669, 33862, 11, 433, 374, 198, 3646, 1005, 5716, 13, 763, 430, 17139, 350, 54246, 11, 1057, 4443, 8206, 1253, 7479, 26, 279, 8206, 198, 1073, 1057, 32097, 11, 279, 8206, 315, 1057, 7015, 436, 8135, 2324, 11, 323, 430, 10187, 279, 1401, 311, 6975, 198, 5269, 311, 27661, 13, 2100, 11, 220, 21583, 449, 279, 11493, 350, 54246, 690, 8854, 603, 19407, 662, 578, 198, 67666, 350, 54246, 374, 430, 520, 279, 6332, 315, 1057, 14209, 11, 584, 527, 421, 337, 384, 11, 4686, 198, 438, 30688, 92752, 2136, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 1401, 311, 21730, 1057, 5133, 449, 198, 14239, 11, 323, 21730, 1057, 2324, 627, 54, 384, 527, 7447, 33520, 1694, 274, 323, 279, 1193, 1648, 311, 15301, 289, 305, 17648, 434, 374, 198, 998, 293, 384, 8326, 520, 279, 8922, 13, 49741, 8741, 304, 1057, 6332, 323, 539, 14647, 304, 198, 1820, 44032, 315, 13803, 13, 3277, 584, 27661, 505, 2949, 11, 279, 13803, 198, 50998, 32153, 477, 912, 5129, 636, 304, 279, 1648, 315, 1057, 23871, 627, 791, 45833, 281, 12876, 220, 315, 1057, 1694, 374, 311, 2733, 10456, 11, 33432, 11, 4460, 11, 81171, 345, 438, 33647, 323, 279, 51705, 315, 420, 374, 430, 520, 1057, 6332, 584, 527, 4400, 719, 3021, 627, 54, 384, 527, 28390, 323, 584, 527, 389, 420, 11841, 311, 617, 264, 3823, 3217, 304, 682, 198, 9210, 584, 3217, 323, 11, 8675, 7675, 259, 989, 1174, 311, 2800, 304, 279, 14392, 430, 584, 527, 198, 15079, 323, 4459, 520, 1057, 6332, 627, 2028, 374, 4382, 719, 539, 4228, 4999, 8140, 1207, 444, 54927, 283, 274, 374, 264, 2035, 315, 308, 384, 80381, 2786, 1174, 304, 279, 5647, 430, 433, 1587, 539, 11913, 198, 5269, 584, 220, 21054, 1057, 32097, 477, 991, 2547, 1057, 6332, 21463, 13, 1442, 279, 84951, 198, 60876, 374, 430, 1054, 40, 1097, 15375, 34594, 1174, 863, 1243, 1057, 26870, 323, 2324, 690, 31978, 1456, 198, 998, 5266, 430, 1205, 555, 904, 3445, 3284, 13, 12369, 9221, 832, 315, 279, 3445, 627, 25503, 584, 2349, 1057, 84951, 21463, 11, 904, 42445, 690, 387, 198, 79190, 323, 584, 690, 1505, 13520, 40916, 420, 5497, 25568, 2781, 323, 927, 198, 33871, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 617, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 16801, 11, 584, 2011, 617, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 198, 50659, 26, 459, 3217, 315, 421, 17648, 434, 13, 77571, 11705, 430, 3217, 95113, 757, 294, 7709, 690, 5510, 1057, 14604, 34906, 304, 2035, 297, 282, 279, 3691, 198, 59723, 902, 584, 4070, 1027, 550, 384, 18785, 436, 658, 7169, 311, 656, 420, 627, 47, 32055, 11, 264, 6691, 315, 3116, 2978, 7561, 3980, 6980, 323, 279, 7555, 315, 264, 1633, 13326, 10177, 198, 6142, 311, 757, 832, 1938, 8430, 43206, 449, 682, 430, 1364, 1047, 311, 656, 13, 3005, 198, 66922, 1364, 574, 390, 25826, 66735, 389, 279, 1629, 323, 304, 459, 991, 261, 342, 2301, 3941, 13, 3005, 574, 198, 40389, 311, 2733, 1344, 74870, 304, 1077, 15489, 323, 1364, 574, 20558, 449, 18547, 662, 3005, 198, 50810, 4588, 922, 279, 6980, 323, 6612, 16390, 422, 1364, 1436, 539, 2567, 709, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 198, 3983, 2574, 358, 12090, 369, 1077, 574, 311, 4048, 33862, 13, 3005, 6137, 264, 198, 2106, 7709, 3856, 10054, 323, 3782, 12018, 436, 264, 1833, 5352, 18101, 264, 584, 27955, 3010, 662, 3005, 198, 66922, 19858, 323, 326, 4043, 19428, 323, 574, 3025, 311, 22829, 4411, 384, 13, 3005, 574, 198, 20370, 652, 4147, 520, 279, 4062, 436, 1560, 122761, 274, 568, 574, 19546, 1448, 8019, 279, 1812, 433, 367, 13, 3005, 198, 50810, 4588, 2753, 323, 5616, 6612, 49588, 259, 4395, 574, 2133, 311, 387, 17339, 662, 3005, 6612, 198, 57621, 323, 1364, 7111, 6380, 323, 520, 9096, 627, 34124, 529, 274, 506, 375, 436, 1873, 449, 33862, 690, 387, 1422, 18728, 306, 323, 279, 3135, 527, 198, 38655, 5304, 279, 1614, 315, 832, 529, 274, 23418, 1887, 323, 289, 9072, 775, 374, 198, 71, 680, 6147, 304, 701, 2547, 323, 30596, 4433, 2324, 13, 2030, 358, 617, 3686, 311, 617, 264, 3016, 889, 198, 23770, 539, 2183, 3675, 3846, 7720, 505, 33862, 13, 1789, 1690, 1174, 422, 539, 220, 369, 682, 856, 198, 32969, 11, 433, 706, 1027, 279, 1401, 311, 10695, 1124, 49655, 872, 2890, 627, 4110, 274, 297, 2727, 6935, 384, 323, 3634, 304, 701, 2324, 311, 387, 2103, 323, 11594, 13, 5256, 449, 4330, 198, 38137, 13, 25773, 279, 31469, 282, 440, 433, 706, 389, 701, 2324, 13, 3011, 374, 33862, 13, 21579, 264, 198, 26522, 2428, 690, 1520, 499, 1826, 370, 48303, 305, 264, 6573, 6725, 13, 7531, 264, 11326, 889, 649, 198, 668, 613, 499, 420, 6725, 627, 21243, 6666, 311, 832, 802, 37646, 315, 379, 1057, 2324, 13, 1676, 384, 9139, 384, 904, 12912, 430, 499, 198, 81, 384, 11221, 30, 3639, 374, 832, 5497, 430, 499, 31978, 436, 384, 11221, 30, 34, 473, 362, 393, 350, 469, 432, 220, 220, 23, 51, 305, 384, 220, 426, 602, 342, 342, 384, 436, 220, 356, 297, 308, 259, 384, 865, 259, 198, 8140, 92752, 2136, 374, 279, 27545, 267, 3686, 279, 1455, 8147, 961, 315, 1057, 1694, 198, 438, 433, 10187, 1057, 2410, 311, 27661, 13, 49741, 374, 539, 1120, 922, 7106, 2890, 26, 433, 374, 198, 9274, 270, 384, 18249, 1245, 1080, 10397, 17194, 308, 346, 315, 1057, 9358, 323, 16335, 24800, 13, 763, 279, 198, 69216, 2115, 11, 584, 1781, 315, 2890 ]
If it touches the ha t on its head, it passes the test of “That’s me I see.” Yet gre at apes don’t have m irrors in their native habitat, so there seems to be no evolutionary reason for this ability. Likewise, we don’t know why three other creatures—magpies, elephants, and dolphins—can recognize themselves in a mirror. Magpies use their reflections to preen themselves more, while elephants, once they understand how a mirror works, engage in novel new behaviors. For example, they spend an inordinate amount of time examining the inside of thei r mouths, an area of the body they couldn’t see without the aid of a mirror. (If this topic fascinates you, go to a YouTube video that shows Asian elephants and how they behave when confronted with a mirror: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=-EjukzL-bJc.) Mirrors aren’t the only way w e recognize ourselves. The oldest artifacts that hint at self-awareness are sculptures that depict humanoid forms. What makes them so astonishing, according to the mos t recen t archeology, is that such objects predate the rise of Homo sapiens. A simplified time line will help us to get our bearings: 14 million years ago First great apes appear 2.5 million years ago The genus Homo evolves 1.9 million years ago Hominids evolve into Homo erectus 200,000 years ago Homo sapiens appears 10,000 years ago End of the last Ice Age By the time Homo sapiens wa s becoming a distinct species, around 200,000 years ago, our closest ancestor, Homo erectus, had long discovered fire and toolmaking. Nor did hominids waitfor our species in order to develop a sense of self-awareness. In extremely ancient ruins have been found crude humanoid figures fashioned by Homo erectus. T hey are astonishingly old. The first to b e discovered was the Ven us of Berekhat Ram, a basalt artifact unearthed in 1981 by a team of archeologists from Hebrew University on a dig in the Golan Heights near Syria in Israel. The Ven us of Berekhat Ram consists of two round shapes, the bigger one suggesting a body, the smaller one a head. Three incisions can be seen, two on either side of the “body” stan ding for arms, o ne encircling the “head” without standing for any facial feature. Despite the name Venus, t his object is so primitive that at first som e experts believed it was an accidental formation made by natural erosion. The debate over whether these are intentional marks etched by an artist was settled when a closely related figure, the Ven us of Tan-Tan, was l ater discovered in Morocco. The two sculptures rese mble each other so closely that they cou ld have been created by the same hand. Dating the Israeli find was exciting but difficult to pinp oint. The Venus of B erekhat Ram was sandwiched between tw o layers of v olcanic deposits, one from around 230,000 years BCE, the other from 700,000 years BCE. The sculpture was made sometime in that vast expanse of time. To the modern eye, the Venus of Tan- Tan from the same Lower Stone Age looks more conv incingly human, since it has a torso, head, and legs. The fact that a mind predating not just Homo sapiens but Ne anderthals felt the urge to depict i ts form artistically is a sign of self-awareness woven into the very fabric of our existe nce. The sculptor is saying, “This is what I and my kind look like.” As far back as anyone can tell, there were never humans without self-awareness. “I” hasn’t just survived since prehistory: it metastasized. All around us we s ee evidence of malignant selfishness. The gr otesque excesses of greed in our present Gilded Age is a symptom of “I” run amok, and we’ve seen ho w recklessness in the financial sector can bring about disasters i n the global economy without the moneyed culprits bothering to care—or stopping in their pursuit of even m ore wea lth. If it weren ’t for the ego’s drive to defeat other egos, to make itself important by denigrating anyone who is different, there would be no n eed for us-versus-them thinking andthe end less conflicts this has created, from family squabbles to civil wa rs, religious crusades, and the global atomic threat. Can we account for this metastasis and come up with a cure? If you lived th rough the Cold War and the threat of nu clear devastation, you have seen how “I,” having formed an enemy, will carry enmity to the brink of m ass destruction. Even if the nuclear shadow somehow vanished, nations would continue to perfect new, more deadly means of mechanized death. It would benefit humankind to reduce the am ount of damage we do to ourselves that is directly traceable to our habit of viewing the world f rom the ego’s p erspective, given the needless fear and sufferin g it has brought. C h o o s i n g t o B e S e p a r a t e No one catches pneumonia or even the common cold voluntarily, but when it comes to “I”—whose ill effects reach into every corner of life, we have chosen to be separate—this is a species trait. We have evolved to feel superior to every other life form. On the one hand, t his gave us a major evol utionary advantage. Consider how we relate to the environment. Every other cr eature adapts to the e nvironment and merges with it. Over billions of years, evolution has created exquisite mechanisms for adapting to the most inhospitable reaches on the planet. The interior of Antarctica, for example, contains a specific kind of mountain know n as a “nunatak,” a peak that crops up from the thick surround ing ice cap. A more desolate environment would be hard to imagine, with nothing but ice fields in all directions, subzero cold, howling winds, and seemingly no foothold for plants or animals. Yet the re are records of a white seabird known as the snow petrel ( Pagodroma nivea ) nestin g in nunataks as much as 60 miles in land fr om the coast, t o which they must return to skim the water for food. When mating season arrives, snow petrels find exposed rock crevices for their nests made of small pebble s, and amating couple nurtures a single egg in a frozen wilder ness for forty to fifty d ays before it hatches. Evolution placed the snow petrel in this si tuation, but humans have a choice about wh ere and how to live. These choices weren’t dictated by our physical limitations. Humans have encroached on the planet’s farthest reaches much more than our hominid anc estors could physically endure. It is our force of will, an inner drive that is determined to bring Nature under c ontrol, that impelled us to inhabit all but the most lifeless environments in terms of extreme heat and cold, scarce food supplies, long periods of the year without the sun, high altitude, and so on. When we were still in our naked state, extreme physical hardship did push us to the edge of survival, nearly exting uishing Homo sapiens a lmost as soo n as our species appeared. It took awareness to overcome the ph ysical odds against us. As de tailed in a 2016 Scientific American art icle, titled “When the Sea Saved Humanity,” human survival was touch and go, and most of our ancestors didn’t make it. The article’s author, Curtis W. Marean, is an archeologist from Arizona State University, whose team discovered the evidence for this evolutionary crisis. Marean writes: At some point between 195,000 and 123,000 years ago, the population size of Homo sapiens plummeted, thanks to cold, dry climate conditions that left much of our ancestors’ African homeland uninhabitable. Everyone alive today is d escended from a group of people from a single region who survive d this catastrophe. The southern coast of Africa would have been one of the few spots where humans could survive during this climate crisis because it harbors an abundance of shellfish and edible plants. At c aves along a section of the South African coast, know n as Pinnacle Point, archeologists have found abundant mollusk shells and occasionally remains of seals and whales, indicating thatalmost fifty thousand years before previously explored sites, early humans had learned to harvest the sea for food while the harshness of an Ice Age climate caused almost everyone else to succumb. Tool s in the caves suggest that these survivors h ad high cognitive abilities—Marean makes a strong if controversial case for mental faculties that were totally necessary for survival, such as c alculating tidal rise and fall by the moon.
[ 1442, 433, 29727, 279, 6520, 259, 389, 1202, 2010, 11, 433, 16609, 279, 1296, 315, 198, 49977, 753, 757, 358, 1518, 49216, 29174, 2886, 520, 1469, 288, 1541, 1431, 617, 296, 6348, 32786, 304, 872, 10068, 39646, 11, 779, 198, 19041, 5084, 311, 387, 912, 41993, 2944, 369, 420, 5845, 13, 50487, 345, 906, 1541, 1431, 1440, 3249, 2380, 1023, 20566, 2345, 31606, 45752, 11, 61866, 345, 438, 83506, 2345, 4919, 15641, 5694, 304, 264, 18327, 13, 7023, 45752, 1005, 198, 50828, 63851, 311, 864, 268, 5694, 810, 11, 1418, 61866, 11, 3131, 198, 20670, 3619, 1268, 264, 18327, 4375, 11, 16988, 304, 11775, 502, 198, 30998, 22965, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 814, 8493, 459, 304, 8904, 3392, 220, 315, 892, 198, 42716, 5859, 279, 220, 4871, 315, 279, 72, 436, 65609, 11, 459, 3158, 315, 279, 2547, 814, 198, 92062, 1431, 1518, 2085, 279, 12576, 315, 264, 18327, 13, 320, 2746, 420, 8712, 15550, 258, 988, 198, 9514, 11, 733, 311, 264, 13674, 2835, 430, 5039, 14875, 61866, 323, 1268, 198, 20670, 36792, 994, 41782, 449, 264, 18327, 512, 2485, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 14, 3821, 23856, 11065, 36, 73, 3178, 89, 43, 1481, 41, 66, 662, 340, 59561, 32786, 7784, 1431, 279, 1193, 1648, 289, 384, 15641, 13520, 13, 578, 24417, 198, 472, 27499, 430, 13310, 520, 659, 66104, 2136, 527, 75973, 430, 43504, 198, 26380, 590, 7739, 13, 3639, 3727, 1124, 779, 50013, 11, 4184, 311, 198, 1820, 23518, 259, 1421, 268, 259, 802, 1557, 2508, 11, 374, 430, 1778, 6302, 864, 1045, 279, 10205, 315, 198, 39, 16279, 82295, 729, 662, 362, 44899, 892, 1584, 690, 1520, 603, 311, 636, 1057, 198, 68760, 826, 512, 975, 3610, 1667, 4227, 5629, 2294, 1469, 288, 5101, 198, 17, 13, 20, 3610, 1667, 4227, 578, 64677, 84497, 220, 93054, 198, 16, 13, 24, 3610, 1667, 4227, 473, 8129, 3447, 38680, 1139, 84497, 38732, 355, 198, 1049, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 84497, 82295, 729, 220, 8111, 198, 605, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 4060, 315, 279, 1566, 20534, 13381, 198, 1383, 279, 892, 84497, 82295, 729, 220, 10667, 274, 10671, 264, 12742, 9606, 345, 20019, 220, 1049, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 11, 1057, 18585, 46831, 11, 84497, 38732, 355, 13801, 32345, 1317, 11352, 4027, 323, 5507, 28936, 13, 8170, 1550, 5105, 258, 3447, 3868, 2000, 1057, 9606, 220, 304, 2015, 311, 2274, 264, 5647, 315, 659, 66104, 2136, 13, 763, 198, 428, 54358, 14154, 46762, 617, 1027, 1766, 35750, 93209, 12678, 198, 69, 8958, 291, 555, 84497, 38732, 355, 662, 350, 35309, 527, 50013, 398, 2362, 13, 578, 1176, 198, 998, 293, 384, 11352, 574, 279, 18732, 603, 315, 426, 28726, 9379, 15504, 11, 264, 3122, 3223, 37739, 198, 359, 28641, 291, 304, 220, 3753, 16, 555, 264, 2128, 315, 802, 1557, 22012, 505, 37366, 198, 31272, 389, 264, 4170, 304, 279, 480, 38872, 40503, 3221, 12911, 304, 6921, 627, 791, 18732, 603, 315, 426, 28726, 9379, 15504, 17610, 315, 1403, 4883, 21483, 11, 279, 198, 65, 4601, 832, 23377, 264, 2547, 11, 279, 9333, 832, 264, 2010, 13, 14853, 198, 2910, 6948, 649, 387, 3970, 11, 1403, 389, 3060, 3185, 315, 279, 1054, 2664, 863, 46294, 67542, 369, 198, 16293, 11, 297, 841, 3289, 404, 63198, 279, 1054, 2025, 863, 2085, 11509, 369, 904, 28900, 198, 13043, 13, 18185, 279, 836, 50076, 1174, 259, 813, 1665, 374, 779, 28694, 430, 520, 198, 3983, 1794, 384, 11909, 11846, 433, 574, 459, 50016, 18488, 1903, 555, 198, 53980, 58097, 13, 578, 11249, 927, 3508, 1521, 527, 47964, 198, 15914, 1880, 2454, 555, 459, 10255, 574, 220, 23183, 994, 264, 15499, 5552, 7216, 345, 1820, 18732, 603, 315, 25566, 9469, 276, 11, 574, 326, 264, 466, 11352, 304, 59230, 13, 578, 1403, 198, 2445, 24285, 1439, 312, 325, 296, 901, 1855, 1023, 779, 15499, 430, 814, 4020, 27221, 617, 198, 82850, 3549, 555, 279, 1890, 1450, 627, 66230, 279, 16286, 1505, 574, 13548, 719, 5107, 311, 9160, 79, 297, 396, 627, 791, 50076, 315, 426, 220, 28726, 9379, 15504, 574, 28974, 291, 1990, 4483, 297, 13931, 198, 1073, 348, 8492, 4919, 292, 34751, 11, 832, 505, 2212, 220, 9870, 11, 931, 1667, 79677, 11, 279, 198, 1605, 505, 220, 7007, 11, 931, 1667, 79677, 13, 578, 51067, 574, 1903, 36113, 198, 258, 430, 13057, 506, 95519, 315, 892, 13, 2057, 279, 6617, 8071, 11, 279, 50076, 220, 315, 25566, 7058, 77197, 505, 279, 1890, 28636, 14637, 13381, 5992, 810, 5804, 3709, 11559, 198, 26380, 11, 2533, 433, 706, 264, 64300, 11, 2010, 11, 323, 14535, 13, 578, 2144, 430, 264, 4059, 198, 24361, 1113, 539, 1120, 84497, 82295, 729, 220, 719, 220, 4275, 62905, 339, 1147, 6612, 279, 33147, 311, 198, 15237, 858, 602, 10814, 1376, 10255, 2740, 374, 264, 1879, 315, 659, 66104, 2136, 56874, 1139, 198, 1820, 1633, 13354, 315, 1057, 29253, 308, 346, 13, 578, 27863, 269, 374, 5605, 11, 1054, 2028, 374, 198, 12840, 358, 323, 856, 3169, 1427, 1093, 2029, 1666, 3117, 1203, 439, 5606, 649, 3371, 11, 1070, 198, 52898, 2646, 12966, 2085, 220, 659, 66104, 2136, 627, 10378, 863, 12775, 1431, 1120, 26968, 2533, 864, 19375, 25, 433, 68370, 300, 1534, 13, 2052, 198, 20019, 603, 584, 274, 37443, 6029, 315, 94329, 45743, 2136, 13, 578, 1099, 297, 2392, 593, 198, 327, 1140, 288, 315, 56926, 304, 1057, 3118, 480, 91354, 13381, 374, 264, 49648, 315, 1054, 40, 89874, 6236, 1097, 564, 11, 323, 584, 4070, 3970, 11640, 289, 29299, 33028, 304, 279, 6020, 10706, 198, 4919, 4546, 922, 51751, 602, 308, 279, 3728, 8752, 2085, 279, 198, 29359, 291, 11957, 652, 1220, 91259, 311, 2512, 51749, 23351, 304, 872, 33436, 315, 198, 17206, 296, 16536, 584, 64, 326, 339, 13, 1442, 433, 15058, 18217, 83, 369, 279, 37374, 753, 6678, 311, 18506, 1023, 198, 797, 437, 11, 311, 220, 1304, 5196, 3062, 555, 3453, 5346, 1113, 5606, 220, 889, 374, 198, 64750, 11, 1070, 1053, 387, 912, 308, 384, 291, 369, 603, 95036, 355, 7716, 336, 7422, 323, 1820, 842, 2753, 26885, 420, 706, 3549, 11, 505, 3070, 8330, 12806, 645, 311, 198, 94230, 10667, 10242, 11, 10597, 62818, 3536, 11, 220, 323, 279, 3728, 25524, 6023, 13, 3053, 584, 198, 4711, 369, 420, 68370, 10949, 323, 2586, 709, 449, 264, 27208, 5380, 2746, 499, 12439, 270, 11413, 279, 24062, 5111, 323, 279, 6023, 315, 11148, 2867, 198, 3667, 561, 367, 11, 499, 617, 3970, 1268, 1054, 40, 2476, 3515, 14454, 459, 9354, 11, 690, 198, 74865, 665, 76, 488, 311, 279, 68215, 315, 296, 1089, 19814, 13, 7570, 422, 279, 11499, 198, 34052, 17354, 59581, 11, 17089, 1053, 3136, 311, 4832, 198, 943, 11, 810, 25114, 3445, 315, 7852, 1534, 4648, 13, 1102, 1053, 8935, 198, 28400, 70370, 311, 8108, 279, 1097, 220, 632, 315, 5674, 584, 656, 311, 13520, 198, 9210, 374, 6089, 11917, 481, 311, 1057, 14464, 315, 20705, 279, 1917, 282, 10083, 279, 198, 13546, 753, 281, 55495, 9262, 11, 2728, 279, 97930, 8850, 323, 7831, 258, 342, 433, 706, 198, 65, 6478, 627, 34, 305, 297, 297, 274, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 297, 220, 426, 384, 220, 328, 384, 281, 264, 436, 264, 259, 384, 198, 2822, 832, 38934, 69329, 477, 1524, 279, 4279, 9439, 198, 12821, 3935, 6751, 11, 719, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 1054, 40, 63750, 86243, 5986, 6372, 5662, 1139, 198, 30115, 9309, 315, 2324, 11, 584, 617, 12146, 311, 387, 8821, 2345, 576, 374, 264, 198, 43590, 18027, 13, 1226, 617, 28995, 311, 2733, 16757, 311, 1475, 1023, 2324, 198, 630, 13, 1952, 279, 832, 1450, 11, 259, 813, 6688, 603, 264, 3682, 3721, 337, 220, 1516, 661, 198, 14625, 25843, 13, 21829, 1268, 584, 29243, 311, 279, 4676, 13, 7357, 198, 1605, 1589, 384, 1598, 39732, 2641, 311, 279, 384, 308, 3182, 323, 82053, 449, 433, 13, 6193, 198, 30742, 919, 315, 1667, 11, 15740, 706, 3549, 59708, 24717, 369, 198, 329, 391, 1303, 311, 279, 1455, 60537, 4890, 15729, 25501, 389, 279, 11841, 13, 578, 198, 2295, 2521, 315, 72787, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 5727, 264, 3230, 3169, 315, 198, 16966, 467, 1440, 308, 439, 264, 1054, 116667, 69828, 2476, 264, 16557, 430, 31665, 709, 505, 279, 198, 339, 875, 9172, 6892, 10054, 2107, 13, 362, 810, 951, 34166, 4676, 1053, 387, 198, 19221, 311, 13085, 11, 449, 4400, 719, 10054, 5151, 304, 682, 18445, 345, 2008, 14486, 9439, 11, 1268, 2785, 29592, 11, 323, 23490, 912, 79463, 820, 369, 11012, 198, 269, 10099, 627, 29174, 279, 312, 527, 7576, 315, 264, 4251, 66591, 2668, 3967, 439, 279, 12056, 198, 7005, 3833, 320, 43455, 347, 58084, 82432, 64, 883, 23634, 258, 342, 304, 29195, 460, 2857, 439, 1790, 439, 220, 1399, 198, 76, 3742, 304, 4363, 1448, 8019, 279, 13962, 11, 259, 297, 902, 814, 2011, 471, 311, 79669, 279, 198, 13284, 369, 3691, 13, 3277, 73219, 3280, 30782, 11, 12056, 6896, 54883, 1505, 198, 327, 3950, 7091, 1922, 85, 1238, 369, 872, 96221, 1903, 315, 2678, 1069, 60980, 274, 11, 323, 1097, 1113, 5743, 220, 60196, 1439, 264, 3254, 19151, 304, 264, 20268, 8545, 261, 86496, 369, 198, 4057, 88, 311, 33517, 294, 264, 1065, 1603, 433, 305, 9296, 13, 38321, 9277, 279, 12056, 198, 7005, 3833, 304, 420, 4502, 259, 4090, 11, 719, 12966, 617, 264, 5873, 922, 421, 39357, 323, 198, 5269, 311, 3974, 627, 9673, 11709, 15058, 1431, 81498, 555, 1057, 7106, 9669, 627, 95668, 617, 3289, 299, 3939, 389, 279, 11841, 753, 3117, 61943, 25501, 1790, 198, 6518, 1109, 1057, 5105, 258, 307, 46845, 1826, 1105, 1436, 22655, 46753, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 414, 5457, 315, 690, 11, 459, 9358, 6678, 430, 374, 11075, 311, 4546, 22037, 198, 8154, 272, 14848, 1098, 11, 430, 3242, 15556, 603, 311, 33427, 682, 719, 279, 1455, 2324, 1752, 198, 79391, 304, 3878, 315, 14560, 8798, 323, 9439, 11, 59290, 3691, 198, 13066, 7350, 11, 1317, 18852, 315, 279, 220, 1060, 2085, 279, 7160, 11, 1579, 36958, 345, 438, 779, 389, 627, 4599, 584, 1051, 2103, 304, 1057, 19557, 1614, 11, 14560, 7106, 198, 19221, 5383, 1550, 4585, 603, 311, 279, 6964, 315, 20237, 11, 7154, 1327, 287, 577, 11218, 198, 39, 16279, 82295, 729, 220, 264, 326, 3646, 439, 44276, 308, 439, 1057, 9606, 9922, 13, 1102, 3952, 198, 20111, 2136, 311, 23075, 279, 1343, 32910, 950, 21448, 2403, 603, 13, 1666, 409, 259, 5805, 304, 198, 64, 220, 679, 21, 38130, 3778, 220, 1989, 220, 2045, 11, 25891, 1054, 4599, 279, 15379, 50262, 198, 35075, 488, 2476, 3823, 20237, 574, 5916, 323, 733, 11, 323, 1455, 315, 1057, 198, 685, 267, 1105, 3287, 1431, 1304, 433, 13, 578, 4652, 753, 3229, 11, 51816, 468, 13, 64898, 276, 11, 374, 198, 276, 802, 1557, 16549, 505, 17368, 3314, 3907, 11, 6832, 2128, 198, 4338, 21468, 279, 220, 6029, 369, 420, 41993, 11501, 13, 64898, 276, 198, 60179, 512, 1688, 1063, 1486, 1990, 220, 6280, 11, 931, 323, 220, 4513, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 345, 1820, 7187, 1404, 315, 84497, 82295, 729, 220, 71278, 291, 11, 9523, 198, 998, 9439, 1174, 9235, 10182, 4787, 430, 2163, 1790, 315, 1057, 198, 685, 267, 1105, 529, 11904, 56336, 71113, 10796, 15729, 13, 22172, 198, 52061, 3432, 374, 294, 3920, 2954, 505, 264, 1912, 315, 1274, 505, 264, 198, 15698, 5654, 889, 18167, 294, 420, 65396, 13, 578, 198, 105270, 6456, 13962, 220, 315, 10384, 1053, 617, 1027, 832, 315, 279, 2478, 198, 68110, 1405, 12966, 1436, 18167, 2391, 420, 10182, 198, 5192, 9667, 1606, 433, 69566, 1105, 459, 37492, 315, 12811, 18668, 323, 198, 291, 1260, 11012, 627, 1688, 272, 1860, 288, 3235, 264, 3857, 315, 279, 4987, 11904, 13962, 11, 1440, 308, 439, 198, 47, 70053, 5236, 1174, 802, 1557, 22012, 220, 617, 1766, 44611, 55509, 33879, 44054, 198, 438, 23781, 8625, 315, 57877, 323, 57874, 11, 19392, 430, 60301, 33517, 16579, 1667, 1603, 8767, 36131, 6732, 11, 4216, 198, 28400, 598, 1047, 9687, 311, 24322, 279, 9581, 369, 3691, 1418, 279, 198, 13279, 939, 2136, 315, 459, 20534, 13381, 10182, 9057, 4661, 5127, 775, 311, 198, 65541, 3635, 13, 13782, 274, 304, 279, 66664, 4284, 430, 1521, 32696, 305, 1008, 1579, 198, 66, 51549, 18000, 2345, 44, 548, 276, 3727, 264, 3831, 422, 20733, 1162, 198, 2000, 10723, 98083, 430, 1051, 12756, 5995, 369, 20237, 11, 1778, 198, 300, 272, 453, 3395, 1113, 86559, 10205, 323, 4498, 555, 279, 18266, 13 ]
strual syndrome (PMS) symptoms and libido. Start with ½ teaspoon or less to see how your body reacts to maca if you are new to it, working up to 1 teaspoon or more over the next few weeks. Incorporating maca for beauty: Enjoy a delicious smoothie of maca blended with banana and almond milk or coconut water. Stir into your herbal teas. Sprinkle over oatmeal. EDIBLE WEEDS Believe it or not, weeds can help you look and feel more beautiful. They are the perfect demonstration of the abundance of nature’s beauty foods: they literally are everywhere you turn. You can find weeds in your backyard and at your local farmer’s market. If you are unsure of exactly what weeds you are looking for, it’s always a better bet to get them from the market. Purslane, dandelion greens, and lamb’s-quarter are all particularly beauty-boosting weeds. Weeds are hearty plants that tend to be especially high in nutrients and antioxidants. Purslane is an exceptionally high source of omega-3 fatty acids, while dandelion (also a bitter food) and lamb’s-quarter (which tastes like a combination between spinach and Swiss chard) contain large amounts of vitamins A, C, and K and minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese, and potassium. Incorporating edible weeds for beauty: Add to smoothies. Lightly steam or sauté. Add to soups.MSM-RICH FOODS Methy lsulf onylm ethane, also known as MSM, has a lot of health- and beauty- enriching properties. It contains sulfur, which helps with the proper functioning of proteins in your body. MSM is revered for joint health and helping to promote beautiful skin. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and is even said to aid with circulation. Some of the richest natural sources of MSM include tomatoes, raspberries, apples, Swiss chard, and alfalfa sprouts. Incorporating MSM-rich foods for beauty: When they’re in season, snack on lots of fresh raspberries and apples. Slice up tomatoes and eat them plain. Add chopped tomatoes to your soups or stews. Blend Swiss chard into your smoothies. WHITE TEA White tea may be very helpful in maintaining your weight, and some have even anecdotally claimed that it protects against acne. A series of experiments on human fat cells (adipocytes) demonstrate that white tea can help inhibit new fat cells while stimulating the fat mobilization from mature fat cells. 9 This may even be useful in combating cellulite. Green tea has received great press, but it contains a fairly high level of caffeine. We all know this can feel temporarily energizing but is still irritating to your nervous system. While actual caffeine levels depend on the specific buds and brewing methods used, green tea generally contains more caffeine than white tea. White tea undergoes less processing than green or black tea, even though they derive from the same plant ( Camellia sinensis ). Because it is less processed, white tea also contains more antioxidants, which are great for keeping your skin youthful and protecting your vitality. Incorporating white tea for beauty: Source some excellent organic white tea and drink it during the day, stopping by late afternoon, as it does contain some caffeine. For added benefits, add some sliced ginger, turmeric, or lemon. A Word About SupplementsYou certainly do not have to take a dozen supplement pills every day to be healthy. And you will never achieve the beauty and health results you are after by trying to rely on pills in lieu of eating a superior, nutrition-packed diet made up mostly of whole foods. Unfortunately, most supplements out there are synthetically created, which makes them cheaper to produce and more stable. The problem is that with vitamins, more is most definitely not more. Synthetic vitamins are not remotely similar to the forms of these nutrients found in nature, which you would obtain from eating natural foods. Our bodies evolved for millions of years getting these nutrients in unison with countless other nutritional cofactors that are present in real food. Vitamin supplements may not be bioavailable, usable, or absorbable by your body, and even worse, they can be recognized and treated as a toxin, which then has to be processed and expelled by your eliminative organs. One study even found synthetic vitamin supplementation can actually increase mortality rates! 10 One supplement that is a must is an excellent probiotic supplement, which is not an isolated micronutrient but rather helps your entire body function more efficiently. Remember that the best probiotics are not necessarily those with the highest culture counts but ones that have the most effective and diverse strains that can actually be assimilated into your body (please see authors’ websites for resources and recommendations: deepakchopra. com , kimberlysnyder. com ). What’s the best way to get the nutrients you need? Be sure to eat from a wide variety of plant foods, preferably organic, as the first step. You can also source specific superfoods rich in certain vitamins (bee pollen is rich in B vitamins, for instance). If you still are worried you aren’t eating as well as you should, you can also source a high-quality, whole-food-based and nonsynthetic multivitamin or multimineral supplement from a reputable company that has done the necessary work and research to ensure optimal nutritional absorption. It should include vitamin D 3 (which many people do need to supplement, especially if you aren’t getting an adequate dosage of regular sunshine) and the spectrum of B vitamins, including vitamin B 12 . If you’re vegan, you should definitely supplement vitamin B 12 . A magnesium-oxygen supplement (such as Detoxy +) is great for promoting ongoing cleansing (see this page ). As recommended in Pillar 1 , be sure to consume chia, hemp, or flaxseeds daily for daily omega-3 fats. An algae-based DHA and EPA supplement can be good insurance, as some people don’t convert omega-3 fats adequately into longer-chain DHA fats. Algae is the primary source from which fish obtain their DHA, and scientists from Harvard and the Cleveland Clinic also report in The
[ 496, 940, 1942, 88, 303, 6786, 197, 5417, 4931, 8, 1942, 1631, 52273, 53577, 198, 2808, 5362, 13, 67099, 48048, 197, 27154, 197, 668, 300, 33076, 82266, 197, 1752, 32809, 197, 4151, 197, 5269, 14862, 414, 36502, 197, 3007, 82, 32809, 2157, 17544, 748, 197, 9514, 198, 548, 8808, 32809, 24263, 11, 197, 21837, 60910, 32809, 197, 16, 197, 668, 300, 33076, 82266, 2157, 461, 197, 2017, 33188, 29244, 1186, 365, 197, 82089, 627, 644, 6133, 4406, 1113, 2157, 17544, 2066, 74242, 59051, 512, 39804, 11575, 70609, 9824, 73123, 6627, 648, 44323, 2157, 17544, 97521, 2954, 48048, 2282, 276, 3444, 53577, 70671, 12669, 2157, 34263, 198, 269, 197, 1030, 27357, 6831, 977, 627, 626, 404, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 197, 1964, 13616, 197, 668, 300, 627, 64505, 36244, 197, 2017, 23021, 266, 42880, 627, 1507, 13880, 197, 12739, 1507, 50, 198, 22404, 19704, 24263, 82266, 98366, 11, 197, 906, 6910, 94036, 88740, 197, 9514, 197, 7349, 53577, 1186, 96551, 2157, 461, 74242, 35777, 13, 197, 7009, 197, 548, 33188, 198, 64185, 2765, 7439, 55681, 44323, 33188, 197, 370, 98681, 44323, 9215, 1598, 753, 74242, 59051, 197, 96420, 25, 197, 20670, 8986, 2058, 750, 198, 548, 7883, 1225, 2940, 197, 9514, 197, 413, 13, 197, 2675, 94036, 81703, 197, 906, 6910, 17886, 14862, 414, 78546, 17884, 53577, 36547, 14862, 414, 9030, 198, 24470, 1195, 753, 2157, 55660, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 11099, 554, 44323, 8285, 33839, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 6910, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 20986, 2066, 11, 24263, 753, 198, 33222, 11575, 2282, 22120, 2282, 295, 32809, 10582, 197, 49818, 43827, 33188, 2157, 55660, 13, 10230, 1759, 38947, 11, 2765, 38221, 290, 3253, 265, 729, 345, 438, 8986, 3042, 753, 58414, 197, 548, 52060, 73972, 49257, 74242, 59051, 12, 13297, 287, 197, 906, 6910, 13, 197, 1687, 6910, 197, 548, 197, 383, 6862, 198, 64805, 64442, 3324, 408, 32809, 74242, 197, 36046, 9793, 1108, 17886, 9215, 332, 32930, 53577, 197, 519, 42651, 1821, 13, 10230, 1759, 38947, 20501, 198, 276, 197, 7959, 750, 9793, 1108, 48518, 44323, 1602, 33796, 12, 18, 1186, 23758, 82300, 3447, 11, 5329, 2765, 38221, 290, 197, 18109, 708, 11575, 198, 65, 3328, 197, 14239, 8, 53577, 8986, 3042, 753, 58414, 197, 83894, 3324, 28006, 197, 4908, 11575, 197, 76128, 2282, 10259, 198, 42682, 613, 53577, 7721, 86, 1056, 23918, 569, 8, 197, 53195, 8986, 2812, 197, 6173, 82, 44323, 5306, 275, 38925, 23845, 11, 6391, 11, 53577, 40440, 53577, 198, 1083, 17822, 1942, 1412, 61551, 1470, 17356, 2411, 11, 197, 2534, 11, 2157, 66964, 11, 53577, 3303, 354, 49163, 627, 644, 6133, 4406, 1113, 197, 291, 1260, 197, 906, 6910, 2066, 74242, 59051, 512, 2261, 32809, 73123, 6627, 552, 627, 14235, 398, 197, 47690, 82266, 1942, 94943, 627, 2261, 32809, 1942, 283, 1725, 1345, 9691, 11151, 33929, 197, 3873, 2114, 50, 198, 44, 774, 88, 198, 4835, 14643, 198, 3633, 18244, 198, 774, 2194, 11, 197, 19171, 197, 5391, 61551, 197, 4931, 44, 11, 64355, 11575, 8986, 354, 44323, 197, 12393, 12, 53577, 74242, 59051, 7058, 268, 14172, 287, 88028, 13, 62635, 197, 13676, 1942, 14643, 324, 11, 197, 8370, 88740, 82, 48048, 33188, 197, 81768, 198, 1723, 287, 44323, 197, 782, 668, 1354, 17886, 14862, 414, 1602, 2664, 13, 197, 4931, 44, 20501, 17643, 424, 291, 2066, 12710, 787, 197, 12393, 53577, 198, 8823, 287, 32809, 3303, 442, 1295, 74242, 35777, 1942, 8148, 13, 62635, 64355, 197, 15719, 67595, 53577, 197, 519, 42651, 519, 198, 81524, 53577, 20501, 7883, 1055, 1942, 3864, 32809, 197, 3864, 48048, 1470, 2496, 2987, 13, 7721, 638, 44323, 33188, 197, 2265, 6536, 9215, 4688, 198, 40751, 44323, 197, 4931, 44, 25728, 3324, 316, 20798, 11, 7145, 13671, 36989, 11, 29336, 645, 11, 7721, 86, 1056, 23918, 569, 11, 53577, 197, 3181, 85526, 198, 52773, 11934, 627, 644, 6133, 4406, 1113, 197, 4931, 44, 41947, 197, 96420, 2066, 74242, 59051, 512, 4599, 197, 20670, 3207, 17886, 197, 17217, 11, 49351, 474, 25653, 8986, 2469, 44323, 1186, 2548, 7145, 13671, 36989, 53577, 29336, 645, 627, 34336, 60910, 3324, 316, 20798, 53577, 7883, 266, 197, 49818, 197, 21435, 627, 2261, 23918, 18033, 3324, 316, 20798, 32809, 14862, 414, 1942, 283, 1725, 82266, 18895, 28844, 627, 46100, 7721, 86, 1056, 23918, 569, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 73123, 6627, 552, 627, 58099, 197, 2505, 32, 198, 14404, 197, 82694, 2157, 352, 74242, 197, 1225, 88740, 1285, 17886, 2157, 1673, 2101, 14862, 414, 197, 4870, 11, 53577, 1942, 638, 9793, 525, 7883, 1055, 198, 276, 762, 16510, 750, 197, 21974, 64442, 24263, 197, 47079, 82, 197, 69849, 1602, 582, 818, 13, 23845, 197, 20473, 44323, 8285, 50732, 25653, 198, 26380, 1186, 266, 1470, 6572, 197, 44879, 575, 57878, 8, 2765, 7439, 71015, 64442, 197, 5902, 197, 82694, 94036, 88740, 17886, 66917, 8808, 1186, 266, 198, 37791, 5329, 18895, 318, 15853, 33188, 1186, 266, 2157, 29029, 2065, 43827, 2157, 1598, 1186, 266, 1470, 6572, 627, 24, 198, 41065, 2157, 352, 198, 17206, 74242, 42919, 1285, 17886, 197, 22631, 1113, 47087, 360, 635, 13, 9796, 4542, 197, 82694, 64355, 17643, 8946, 3253, 1244, 197, 1911, 11, 2282, 332, 24263, 198, 13676, 11575, 1186, 1334, 398, 9793, 1108, 54843, 44323, 1602, 88860, 483, 13, 197, 1687, 52060, 16868, 3409, 2090, 94036, 1186, 96551, 16679, 97254, 198, 804, 70, 4954, 2282, 332, 20501, 18895, 484, 197, 404, 1018, 1113, 32809, 14862, 414, 9215, 651, 788, 41393, 13, 197, 8142, 89914, 197, 88860, 483, 198, 43664, 197, 20080, 25653, 33188, 1942, 15934, 2282, 29088, 53577, 2282, 4361, 287, 43357, 82, 197, 2656, 11, 3253, 4542, 197, 82694, 198, 7642, 750, 197, 13676, 2157, 461, 197, 88860, 483, 197, 54895, 197, 5902, 197, 82694, 13, 197, 14404, 197, 82694, 197, 8154, 3427, 288, 197, 1752, 198, 21315, 197, 54895, 3253, 4542, 82266, 197, 11708, 197, 82694, 11, 7883, 1055, 197, 4636, 197, 20670, 197, 28197, 43827, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 21494, 198, 1021, 26479, 616, 689, 1942, 258, 87778, 198, 570, 13083, 6769, 24263, 20501, 197, 1752, 197, 35122, 11, 197, 5902, 197, 82694, 197, 19171, 1602, 13676, 2157, 461, 198, 519, 42651, 1821, 11, 197, 8370, 197, 548, 3253, 1244, 2066, 197, 33494, 14862, 414, 1942, 8148, 14862, 2969, 1285, 53577, 197, 47079, 287, 198, 22479, 5306, 2223, 488, 627, 644, 6133, 4406, 1113, 197, 5902, 197, 82694, 2066, 74242, 59051, 512, 3692, 1942, 638, 8285, 25777, 197, 61694, 197, 5902, 197, 82694, 53577, 2765, 35465, 24263, 2765, 1711, 33188, 99297, 11, 18895, 7153, 198, 1729, 197, 5185, 197, 10924, 12684, 11, 61551, 24263, 2765, 7217, 197, 53195, 1942, 638, 197, 88860, 483, 13, 197, 2520, 13008, 291, 2282, 51565, 1220, 345, 723, 1942, 638, 1942, 75730, 197, 3252, 261, 11, 3324, 324, 2165, 11, 82266, 197, 273, 1677, 627, 32, 197, 11116, 197, 10714, 1602, 10254, 4779, 2675, 1470, 7770, 398, 20530, 98366, 9793, 525, 32809, 3324, 731, 11575, 20530, 5797, 1942, 455, 2833, 3303, 3385, 7883, 1225, 99297, 32809, 74242, 198, 38128, 13, 197, 3112, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 197, 37593, 197, 613, 19704, 33188, 74242, 59051, 53577, 197, 12393, 56597, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 10924, 198, 1729, 6942, 287, 32809, 17643, 398, 25653, 3303, 3385, 17886, 8986, 26235, 44323, 7883, 1113, 11575, 12750, 2521, 11, 9215, 332, 17462, 71004, 2765, 3978, 2157, 1037, 198, 455, 2157, 537, 398, 44323, 197, 67733, 197, 96420, 13, 197, 31140, 11, 2157, 537, 1942, 455, 4779, 14294, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 198, 20960, 339, 37774, 197, 7266, 11, 197, 8370, 2157, 2094, 197, 49818, 197, 1557, 3271, 32809, 197, 98374, 53577, 2157, 461, 18895, 481, 627, 791, 197, 35686, 20501, 64442, 48048, 5306, 275, 38925, 11, 2157, 461, 20501, 2157, 537, 7604, 7627, 1602, 1962, 198, 2157, 461, 627, 38234, 18015, 5306, 275, 38925, 197, 548, 98366, 197, 1864, 354, 989, 1942, 79962, 32809, 33188, 197, 10008, 44323, 197, 45010, 9215, 332, 32930, 198, 15456, 17886, 9215, 1598, 11, 197, 8370, 197, 9514, 6831, 619, 64453, 23771, 43827, 7883, 1113, 9215, 4688, 197, 96420, 13, 197, 8140, 198, 65, 10233, 75937, 8905, 2066, 2157, 91387, 44323, 197, 42820, 10582, 1303, 197, 45010, 9215, 332, 32930, 17886, 21113, 3416, 48048, 198, 1868, 1752, 197, 1605, 9215, 332, 37842, 197, 1030, 69, 21846, 64442, 197, 548, 3303, 2762, 17886, 92974, 197, 14239, 13, 17904, 76652, 198, 13066, 4779, 2157, 352, 98366, 74242, 2282, 822, 10547, 11, 197, 23620, 11, 82266, 197, 3518, 30986, 481, 197, 1729, 14862, 414, 36502, 11, 53577, 198, 17206, 6831, 11073, 11, 197, 20670, 94036, 74242, 197, 47167, 53577, 3324, 2920, 61551, 11575, 32809, 59866, 11, 197, 8370, 59733, 64355, 32809, 74242, 198, 35122, 53577, 49658, 15556, 197, 1729, 14862, 414, 197, 40895, 258, 1413, 88725, 598, 13, 197, 4054, 18895, 18339, 7883, 1055, 59202, 198, 20960, 18015, 5306, 76652, 1942, 455, 10075, 94036, 197, 74128, 17886, 20542, 2157, 76052, 7145, 988, 4999, 605, 198, 4054, 1942, 455, 2833, 64442, 20501, 11575, 2157, 592, 20501, 80557, 8285, 25777, 197, 782, 8385, 14546, 1942, 455, 2833, 11, 197, 8370, 20501, 198, 1962, 80557, 20501, 81619, 2157, 292, 2298, 332, 13283, 2282, 332, 7145, 1894, 88740, 82, 14862, 414, 78755, 556, 36502, 7679, 2157, 461, 198, 43870, 398, 13, 197, 29690, 64442, 33188, 93510, 197, 782, 8385, 51003, 197, 548, 98366, 9215, 74753, 197, 54719, 48048, 33188, 198, 75254, 1470, 10745, 18523, 82, 2282, 332, 197, 3233, 64442, 9793, 525, 33188, 2157, 537, 7883, 40784, 53577, 64378, 113305, 11609, 1771, 198, 9210, 94036, 197, 74128, 74242, 197, 395, 318, 93583, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 36502, 197, 7, 31121, 197, 4151, 197, 48105, 529, 197, 906, 11974, 2066, 198, 13035, 53577, 17643, 31628, 811, 25, 1602, 33980, 587, 110459, 969, 627, 884, 198, 11, 1602, 58993, 655, 61492, 50355, 627, 884, 198, 4390, 3923, 753, 33188, 93510, 197, 3195, 32809, 10582, 33188, 9215, 332, 32930, 197, 9514, 197, 17483, 30, 197, 3513, 1942, 554, 32809, 7883, 266, 43827, 11575, 6831, 579, 198, 30265, 2676, 44323, 197, 21494, 197, 96420, 11, 41446, 809, 2915, 197, 61694, 11, 61551, 33188, 43290, 78193, 13, 197, 2675, 94036, 197, 19171, 48518, 198, 52340, 12750, 96420, 7145, 718, 17886, 1470, 7770, 5306, 275, 38925, 197, 7, 33131, 3303, 33389, 20501, 7145, 718, 17886, 13083, 5306, 275, 38925, 11, 2066, 198, 4956, 570, 52792, 197, 9514, 18895, 484, 197, 548, 6831, 269, 4588, 197, 9514, 197, 9329, 1431, 7883, 1113, 61551, 6831, 616, 61551, 197, 9514, 197, 5562, 11, 197, 9514, 198, 4919, 197, 19171, 48518, 11575, 9793, 1108, 22867, 11, 197, 67733, 64567, 6108, 53577, 9215, 2439, 1910, 18015, 1602, 26961, 344, 76652, 198, 269, 2157, 495, 61334, 3333, 1942, 455, 2833, 43827, 11575, 17643, 631, 481, 197, 10348, 64442, 64355, 41595, 33188, 198, 95317, 98138, 53577, 17643, 1874, 32809, 197, 28389, 65938, 2931, 9215, 332, 37842, 197, 3518, 66181, 13, 62635, 197, 5562, 198, 1012, 5306, 76652, 11198, 198, 18, 198, 197, 83894, 197, 35676, 197, 16455, 20530, 197, 17483, 32809, 1942, 455, 2833, 11, 197, 36046, 748, 198, 9514, 197, 9329, 1431, 10582, 1303, 80557, 197, 1037, 19684, 2765, 437, 425, 44323, 197, 23108, 1942, 359, 31338, 8, 53577, 33188, 1942, 39806, 44323, 198, 33, 5306, 275, 38925, 11, 197, 16564, 5306, 76652, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 3207, 197, 588, 30528, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 5562, 7604, 7627, 198, 13066, 2833, 5306, 76652, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 627, 32, 2157, 3326, 41930, 16405, 19472, 1942, 455, 2833, 197, 1161, 1412, 61551, 11198, 11269, 4223, 197, 37297, 20501, 3253, 1244, 2066, 3303, 442, 11780, 198, 6497, 287, 1470, 22451, 287, 197, 7, 4151, 1602, 576, 36372, 198, 570, 197, 2170, 17643, 36971, 17886, 1602, 47, 484, 277, 197, 16, 198, 11, 74242, 1942, 554, 32809, 198, 85594, 23918, 689, 11, 9793, 3342, 11, 82266, 1186, 75, 710, 325, 6910, 2765, 5179, 2066, 2765, 5179, 1602, 33796, 12, 18, 1186, 1900, 13, 197, 2127, 197, 24823, 6043, 6108, 198, 35, 17455, 53577, 23626, 8201, 1942, 455, 2833, 94036, 74242, 3253, 1411, 197, 71054, 11, 61551, 1942, 638, 197, 16455, 2765, 263, 1431, 198, 14500, 197, 33796, 12, 18, 1186, 1900, 197, 1037, 447, 2718, 2129, 78, 17972, 261, 66286, 11198, 17455, 1186, 1900, 13, 197, 2149, 67378, 20501, 33188, 198, 6682, 48518, 43827, 197, 8370, 1186, 819, 64453, 23771, 33188, 404, 11198, 17455, 11, 53577, 1942, 12575, 1705, 43827, 1602, 27588, 22329, 198, 438, 33188, 1602, 34, 22198, 6391, 3817, 292, 197, 19171, 71031, 17886, 1602, 791 ]
to dress ever again. I did not want to be told when to be in what building or on what committee at any specific time. I wanted freedom, complete freedo m. I made the decision to leave a marvelo us teaching assignment at a wonderful university in order to have that control over my life. Again, I point out that never once did I entertain the idea that I would abandon my responsibilities and obligations. As I have said, I place an enormous amount of importance on being responsible for the choices that I have made in my life. My famil y comes first, and I have always met all of my obligations as a father and a husband. And I have been blessed with supportive family members who always encourage me to pursue my own dreams, regardle ss of how “crazy” they may seem at the time. They have always known that Wayne was the kind of person who could not survive if he had to run his life by other people’ s rules. In turn, I respect the need of my wife and of all my children to take risks and to trust the universe to provide as long as they are acting out of love for themselves and for all others. This kind of mutual respect for the rights of all of us to follow our dreams is of paramount importance in creating an abundant life. If your loved ones are fighting you, then everyone is weakened. When you are being encouraged, everyone is empowered. I continue to make decisions wherein I have more control over my own destiny. Being a writer requires tremendous mental and physical discipline. But I am the one who decides when I write and how I write, and if I want to write nude in the middle of the day on Wednesday (which it is right now, and which I am right now), then that is precisely what I will do. I probably put in more hours speaking, writing, producing tapes, consulting, researching, and reading than I ever did before, but I am free to do it at my own whim. I honestly do not know the difference between a Sunday and a Tuesday I live each day, doing what I love, and always focusing on what I have, rather than on what is missing. I have always pursu ed freedom because that was the focus of my thoughts. I did not run away from bondage—I lived joyfully through the years when my schedule was governed by other people and events—but I always focused on what I wanted. Freedo m. The small amounts of freedom that I had were so thoroughly blissful for me that I stayed focused on those, rather thancommiserating about my lacks. And through all of it, every single step along the way, money was never an issue. I never went for a better-paying job. Ever! And irony of ironie s, paradox of paradoxes, each succeeding position provided me with more money. ABUNDANCE AND DOING WHA T YOU LOVE I do not want to be the least bit equivocal here. In order to experience abundance in your life you must transform yourself in such a way as to be doing what you love, and loving what you do. Now! Yes, today. It is that crucial. Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life. Rober t Louis Stevenson said it this way in 1882: “If a man loves the labor of his trade apart from any question of success or fame, the Gods have called him.” I would like to help you receive that call to follow your bliss. Remember, our days are the precious currency of our life. In effect, how we spend our days is a measure of the quality of our life. When our days are spent in unsatisfying tasks in which we feel ungratified, simply spinning our wheels to pay the bills, we are working to satisfy something outside of ourselves, like our financial obligations. If you choose to satisfy financial debts by doing work you dislike, you are constantly thinking about and centered on what you dislike. In fact, a third of your entire life becomes focused on thoughts which are negative. Since what you focus on expands, you are going to find this negativity enlar ging in your life. Your life literally becomes focused on what you dislike. When you are experiencing your daily life doing work which you do not love, you are operating from a scarcity consciousness. Why do people spend their lives doing things that they do not love? Because they believe in scarcity rather than abundance. They will tell you, “I don’t have enough to do whatever I want, so I have to do the things I do.” Or “I can’t afford to do what I love.” Or “I have no other choice—I’ve got to pay my bills.” Or “I don’t know anything else.” Look at these reasons very carefully. They all imply that there is a scarcity of what is needed to survive. The person feels forced, by virtue of this scarcity, to continue in whatever work he is doing to fulfill his outer needs. However, if you understand that what you focus on expands, then you begin to see the folly in ever trying to fill in the gaps by doing what you loathe. Theloathsomeness is what continues to expand, because that is where all of the energy is centered. Think about this for a few moments longer. You cannot feel fulfilled unless you feel authentic to yourself. Authenticity comes from acknowledging the needs of both your outer and your inner selves. If you hate or are indifferent to your work, then those life moments are phony in a metaphysical sense. That is, you are behaving in form inconsistently with who you really are in thought. Ninety-nine percent of you is disappointed while the remaining 1 percent carries out the charade that you are living! If you live like this for a long period of time, you will learn to focus on scarcity. Why? Because you feel incomplete, and the incomplete part of your life is what we label as scarcity, and that is what will continue to expand. It becomes a vicious circle from which you cannot escape, unless you are willing to do what it takes to begin doing what you love and loving what you do. You are probably thinking how impractical this is when it comes right down to living your life every single day, and paying bills and meeting all of your obligations. Let me say that your skepticism is duly registered, but that I regard it as part of the scarcity consciousness that can be overcome. A recent incident in my life illustrates this. One of my dearest friends is named Joanna. I have known Joanna for twelve years, and she is godmot her to two of our children. She is one of the brightest, most sensitive, best-re ad people I have ever known. When Joanna and I first met in 1976 she had been working as a flight attendant for a major airline for sixteen years. She had an apartment in the same building as I did in Fort Lauderdale, and we had many occasions to talk. Often she told me how dissatisfied she was with her job as a flight attendant. My reaction was always: “What do you love to do?” Consistently, her response had to do with her love of books and ideas, and an attrac tion to the publishing field, which she would not consider because of low pay and the necessity for a move to New York. Joanna continued to fly because, as she told me, the benefits were good, the hours were great, and she could not imagine giving up all those years of seniority logged toward a retirement that was twenty years away. I encour aged her to leave, to take the risks that go with doing what you love, and assured her that abund ance would flow into her life. She liked the idea, yet she was not ready to make such a move. Meanwhile, she managedfrom paycheck to paycheck, never seriously in debt, still always short of the money that she needed, regardl ess of how many extra hours she flew. The more she worked, the higher her income-tax bite and the more she felt that she was not working for herse lf, but simply to keep ahead of the game. Meanwhile, her life was going by. After realizing her phenomenal skills, I began to hire Joanna to do some work for me. She started out by typing my manuscripts for magazine articles and doing some editing work. Eventually, she became my personal editor, and worked on my previous three books, editing, rewriting, line editing, typing, doing research, and generally becoming indispensable to me. The acknow ledgment at the beginning of this book is testimony to the important role that she has played in its development. As the years went by and Joanna continued to fly, her dissa tisfaction intensified, and unusual things began to “happen” to her. She injured herself rather seriously on three different occasions, all of which required her to take time off from flying. Illness became a feature of her life. She tried relocating overseas, but still she continued to have personal and physical difficulties. She was losing the excitement for life that had always been her trademark, and she was increasing the scarcity in her life. Her bills mounted, and though she mana ged to stay ahead of the creditors, she was experiencing anything but abundance. Recently the breakthrough happened. During a phone conversation about some details of this book, Joanna
[ 311, 8679, 3596, 1578, 13, 358, 1550, 539, 1390, 311, 387, 3309, 994, 311, 387, 304, 198, 12840, 4857, 477, 389, 1148, 13093, 520, 904, 3230, 892, 13, 358, 4934, 11542, 345, 15079, 28634, 78, 296, 13, 358, 1903, 279, 5597, 311, 5387, 264, 45882, 78, 603, 12917, 198, 31051, 520, 264, 11364, 12374, 304, 2015, 311, 617, 430, 2585, 927, 856, 198, 14789, 627, 31485, 11, 358, 1486, 704, 430, 2646, 3131, 1550, 358, 46276, 279, 4623, 430, 358, 1053, 198, 370, 11283, 856, 28423, 323, 30255, 13, 1666, 358, 617, 1071, 11, 358, 2035, 459, 198, 268, 494, 788, 3392, 315, 12939, 220, 389, 1694, 8647, 369, 279, 11709, 430, 358, 198, 19553, 1903, 304, 856, 2324, 13, 3092, 44526, 379, 4131, 1176, 11, 323, 358, 617, 2744, 2322, 682, 315, 198, 2465, 30255, 439, 264, 7126, 323, 264, 10177, 13, 1628, 358, 617, 1027, 33944, 449, 198, 24249, 535, 3070, 3697, 889, 2744, 15253, 757, 311, 23564, 856, 1866, 198, 57291, 82, 11, 5363, 273, 11107, 315, 1268, 1054, 66, 12350, 863, 814, 1253, 2873, 520, 279, 892, 13, 2435, 617, 198, 33222, 3967, 430, 28640, 574, 279, 3169, 315, 1732, 889, 1436, 539, 18167, 422, 198, 383, 1047, 311, 1629, 813, 2324, 555, 1023, 1274, 529, 274, 5718, 13, 763, 2543, 11, 358, 5201, 279, 1205, 315, 198, 2465, 7555, 323, 315, 682, 856, 2911, 311, 1935, 15635, 323, 311, 7095, 279, 15861, 311, 198, 62556, 439, 1317, 439, 814, 527, 15718, 704, 315, 3021, 369, 5694, 220, 323, 369, 682, 198, 59961, 13, 1115, 3169, 315, 27848, 5201, 369, 279, 3268, 315, 682, 315, 603, 311, 1833, 1057, 198, 57291, 82, 374, 315, 74510, 12939, 304, 6968, 459, 44611, 2324, 13, 1442, 701, 198, 385, 2111, 6305, 527, 11039, 499, 11, 1243, 5127, 374, 58764, 13, 3277, 499, 527, 198, 35214, 21190, 11, 5127, 374, 62935, 627, 40, 3136, 311, 1304, 11429, 42418, 358, 617, 810, 2585, 927, 856, 1866, 198, 5086, 6577, 662, 21347, 264, 7061, 7612, 28040, 10723, 323, 7106, 26434, 627, 4071, 358, 1097, 279, 832, 889, 28727, 994, 358, 3350, 323, 1268, 358, 3350, 11, 323, 422, 358, 1390, 311, 198, 5040, 20637, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 1938, 389, 8079, 320, 8370, 433, 374, 1314, 1457, 345, 438, 902, 358, 1097, 1314, 1457, 705, 1243, 430, 374, 24559, 1148, 358, 690, 656, 13, 358, 4762, 198, 631, 304, 810, 4207, 12365, 11, 4477, 11, 17843, 52796, 11, 31831, 345, 61564, 287, 11, 323, 5403, 1109, 358, 3596, 1550, 1603, 11, 719, 358, 1097, 1949, 311, 656, 433, 520, 856, 198, 785, 74571, 13, 358, 27136, 656, 539, 1440, 279, 6811, 1990, 264, 7418, 323, 264, 198, 41299, 358, 3974, 1855, 1938, 11, 3815, 1148, 358, 3021, 11, 323, 2744, 21760, 389, 1148, 358, 198, 19553, 11, 4856, 1109, 389, 1148, 374, 7554, 13, 358, 617, 2744, 10037, 84, 1608, 11542, 198, 28753, 430, 574, 279, 5357, 315, 856, 11555, 13, 358, 1550, 539, 1629, 3201, 505, 198, 65339, 425, 51757, 12439, 16267, 3725, 1555, 279, 1667, 994, 856, 9899, 574, 198, 70, 6846, 291, 555, 1023, 1274, 323, 4455, 38542, 358, 2744, 10968, 389, 1148, 358, 198, 87692, 13, 7730, 66981, 296, 13, 578, 2678, 15055, 315, 11542, 430, 358, 1047, 1051, 779, 198, 339, 14776, 398, 59045, 1285, 369, 757, 430, 358, 20186, 10968, 389, 1884, 11, 4856, 1109, 3705, 12329, 1113, 922, 856, 37856, 13, 1628, 1555, 682, 315, 433, 11, 1475, 3254, 3094, 198, 39393, 279, 1648, 11, 3300, 574, 2646, 459, 4360, 13, 358, 2646, 4024, 369, 264, 2731, 89823, 198, 8975, 13, 18374, 0, 1628, 51705, 315, 11245, 648, 274, 11, 52313, 315, 52313, 288, 11, 1855, 73820, 198, 3571, 3984, 757, 449, 810, 3300, 16853, 720, 1905, 13508, 8606, 3651, 9503, 1753, 8662, 32, 350, 15334, 40835, 27907, 40, 656, 539, 1390, 311, 387, 279, 3325, 2766, 69558, 3768, 1618, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 3217, 198, 370, 98681, 304, 701, 2324, 499, 2011, 5276, 6261, 304, 1778, 264, 1648, 439, 311, 387, 198, 45359, 1148, 499, 3021, 11, 323, 21955, 1148, 499, 656, 13, 4800, 0, 7566, 11, 3432, 662, 1102, 374, 430, 198, 5192, 1791, 532, 13, 44245, 1148, 499, 3021, 374, 279, 82575, 315, 3515, 37492, 304, 198, 22479, 2324, 13, 432, 6048, 259, 12140, 83048, 1071, 433, 420, 1648, 304, 220, 9367, 17, 25, 1054, 2746, 264, 893, 16180, 198, 1820, 9511, 315, 813, 6696, 10980, 505, 904, 3488, 315, 2450, 477, 33651, 11, 279, 44875, 198, 19553, 2663, 1461, 2029, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 1520, 499, 5371, 430, 1650, 311, 1833, 701, 198, 2067, 1056, 627, 29690, 1174, 1057, 2919, 527, 279, 27498, 11667, 315, 1057, 2324, 13, 763, 2515, 11, 1268, 198, 906, 8493, 1057, 2919, 374, 264, 6767, 315, 279, 4367, 315, 1057, 2324, 13, 3277, 1057, 2919, 527, 198, 95464, 304, 7120, 7630, 7169, 9256, 304, 902, 584, 2733, 653, 911, 266, 1908, 11, 5042, 38960, 198, 414, 23529, 311, 2343, 279, 19123, 11, 584, 527, 3318, 311, 27651, 2555, 4994, 315, 198, 2530, 4372, 11, 1093, 1057, 6020, 30255, 13, 1442, 499, 5268, 311, 27651, 6020, 198, 39035, 2641, 555, 3815, 990, 499, 48969, 11, 499, 527, 15320, 7422, 922, 323, 198, 3133, 291, 389, 1148, 499, 48969, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 264, 4948, 315, 701, 4553, 2324, 9221, 198, 63257, 389, 11555, 902, 527, 8389, 13, 8876, 1148, 499, 5357, 389, 52956, 345, 9514, 527, 2133, 311, 1505, 420, 93795, 665, 14115, 67193, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 4718, 2324, 16280, 198, 17106, 20969, 10968, 389, 1148, 499, 48969, 13, 3277, 499, 527, 25051, 701, 198, 49174, 2324, 3815, 990, 902, 499, 656, 539, 3021, 11, 499, 527, 10565, 505, 264, 198, 2445, 8362, 488, 25917, 627, 10445, 656, 1274, 8493, 872, 6439, 3815, 2574, 430, 814, 656, 539, 3021, 5380, 18433, 814, 4510, 304, 82484, 4856, 1109, 37492, 13, 2435, 690, 3371, 499, 345, 10378, 1541, 1431, 617, 3403, 311, 656, 8996, 358, 1390, 11, 779, 358, 617, 311, 656, 279, 2574, 358, 656, 49216, 2244, 1054, 40, 649, 1431, 10150, 311, 656, 1148, 358, 3021, 2029, 2582, 1054, 40, 617, 912, 1023, 5873, 51757, 4070, 2751, 198, 998, 2343, 856, 19123, 2029, 2582, 1054, 40, 1541, 1431, 1440, 4205, 775, 2029, 9372, 520, 1521, 8125, 198, 1225, 15884, 662, 2435, 682, 34608, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 82484, 315, 1148, 374, 4460, 311, 198, 20370, 85, 535, 13, 578, 1732, 11321, 9770, 11, 555, 35460, 315, 420, 82484, 1174, 311, 3136, 304, 198, 69386, 990, 568, 374, 3815, 311, 21054, 813, 16335, 3966, 13, 4452, 1174, 422, 499, 198, 8154, 2752, 430, 1148, 499, 5357, 389, 52956, 11, 1243, 499, 3240, 311, 1518, 279, 81789, 198, 258, 3596, 4560, 311, 5266, 304, 279, 33251, 555, 3815, 1148, 499, 781, 70036, 13, 666, 20782, 27382, 6431, 434, 374, 1148, 9731, 311, 9407, 11, 1606, 430, 374, 1405, 682, 315, 279, 198, 17947, 374, 31288, 627, 39787, 922, 420, 369, 264, 2478, 14269, 5129, 662, 1472, 4250, 2733, 41834, 198, 39870, 499, 2733, 13513, 311, 6261, 13, 47467, 488, 4131, 505, 198, 474, 51122, 3252, 279, 3966, 315, 2225, 701, 16335, 323, 701, 9358, 84137, 13, 1442, 499, 198, 71, 349, 477, 527, 80008, 311, 701, 990, 11, 1243, 1884, 2324, 14269, 527, 1343, 3633, 304, 264, 198, 4150, 1366, 19506, 5647, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 499, 527, 87657, 304, 1376, 80961, 4501, 449, 198, 14965, 499, 2216, 527, 304, 3463, 13, 27825, 2676, 86703, 3346, 315, 499, 374, 25406, 198, 3556, 279, 9861, 220, 16, 3346, 24266, 704, 279, 1181, 1037, 430, 499, 527, 5496, 0, 1442, 198, 9514, 3974, 1093, 420, 369, 264, 1317, 4261, 315, 892, 11, 499, 690, 4048, 311, 5357, 389, 198, 2445, 8362, 488, 662, 8595, 30, 9393, 499, 2733, 33243, 11, 323, 279, 33243, 961, 315, 198, 22479, 2324, 374, 1148, 584, 2440, 439, 82484, 1174, 323, 430, 374, 1148, 690, 3136, 311, 198, 33417, 13, 1102, 9221, 264, 43510, 12960, 505, 902, 499, 4250, 12731, 11, 7389, 198, 9514, 527, 10032, 311, 656, 1148, 433, 5097, 311, 3240, 3815, 1148, 499, 3021, 323, 21955, 198, 12840, 499, 656, 627, 2675, 527, 4762, 7422, 1268, 23356, 37119, 420, 374, 994, 433, 4131, 1314, 198, 2996, 311, 5496, 701, 2324, 1475, 3254, 1938, 11, 323, 12798, 19123, 323, 6574, 682, 198, 1073, 701, 30255, 13, 6914, 757, 2019, 430, 701, 67233, 374, 77903, 9879, 11, 719, 198, 9210, 358, 5363, 433, 439, 961, 315, 279, 82484, 25917, 430, 649, 387, 23075, 13, 362, 198, 47743, 10672, 304, 856, 2324, 46480, 420, 627, 4054, 315, 856, 409, 15795, 4885, 374, 7086, 91162, 13, 358, 617, 3967, 91162, 369, 198, 15930, 21903, 1667, 11, 323, 1364, 374, 10087, 47928, 1077, 311, 1403, 315, 1057, 2911, 13, 3005, 374, 832, 315, 279, 198, 73216, 478, 11, 1455, 16614, 11, 1888, 5621, 1008, 1274, 358, 617, 3596, 3967, 13, 3277, 91162, 198, 438, 358, 1176, 2322, 304, 220, 4468, 21, 1364, 1047, 1027, 3318, 439, 264, 11213, 65022, 369, 264, 198, 37605, 33575, 369, 59139, 1667, 13, 3005, 1047, 459, 13455, 304, 279, 1890, 4857, 198, 300, 358, 1550, 304, 11246, 78255, 11, 323, 584, 1047, 1690, 25975, 311, 3137, 13, 36016, 1364, 198, 83, 820, 757, 1268, 14091, 47365, 1364, 574, 449, 1077, 2683, 439, 264, 11213, 65022, 13, 3092, 198, 60307, 574, 2744, 25, 1054, 3923, 656, 499, 3021, 311, 656, 12671, 7440, 380, 4501, 1174, 1077, 2077, 198, 32345, 311, 656, 449, 1077, 3021, 315, 6603, 323, 6848, 11, 323, 459, 6510, 582, 73352, 311, 279, 198, 28602, 287, 2115, 11, 902, 1364, 1053, 539, 2980, 1606, 315, 3428, 2343, 323, 279, 198, 77, 4093, 488, 369, 264, 3351, 311, 1561, 4356, 13, 91162, 8738, 311, 11722, 1606, 11, 439, 1364, 198, 83, 820, 757, 11, 279, 7720, 1051, 1695, 1174, 279, 4207, 1051, 2294, 11, 323, 1364, 1436, 539, 198, 318, 24281, 7231, 709, 682, 1884, 1667, 315, 10195, 488, 14042, 9017, 264, 21624, 198, 9210, 574, 17510, 1667, 3201, 16853, 40, 8037, 20330, 1077, 311, 5387, 11, 311, 1935, 279, 15635, 430, 733, 449, 3815, 1148, 499, 198, 31153, 11, 323, 28478, 1077, 430, 23325, 44260, 1053, 6530, 1139, 1077, 2324, 13, 3005, 15262, 279, 198, 42877, 11, 3686, 1364, 574, 539, 5644, 311, 1304, 1778, 264, 3351, 13, 26982, 11, 1364, 9152, 1527, 78079, 311, 78079, 11, 2646, 14243, 304, 11897, 11, 2103, 2744, 2875, 315, 279, 198, 29359, 430, 1364, 4460, 11, 5363, 75, 4043, 315, 1268, 1690, 5066, 4207, 1364, 32122, 13, 578, 198, 6518, 1364, 6575, 11, 279, 5190, 1077, 8070, 58144, 23556, 323, 279, 810, 1364, 6612, 430, 198, 32158, 574, 539, 3318, 369, 1077, 325, 59180, 11, 719, 5042, 311, 2567, 8469, 315, 279, 1847, 627, 26054, 11, 1077, 2324, 574, 2133, 555, 16853, 6153, 44114, 1077, 57492, 7512, 11, 358, 6137, 311, 18467, 91162, 311, 656, 1063, 198, 1816, 369, 757, 13, 3005, 3940, 704, 555, 20061, 856, 79688, 369, 14756, 198, 16641, 323, 3815, 1063, 16039, 990, 13, 38274, 1174, 1364, 6244, 856, 4443, 198, 9044, 1174, 323, 6575, 389, 856, 3766, 2380, 6603, 11, 16039, 11, 95545, 11, 1584, 198, 62453, 11, 20061, 11, 3815, 3495, 11, 323, 8965, 10671, 64284, 311, 198, 2727, 13, 578, 12125, 6197, 9247, 520, 279, 7314, 315, 420, 2363, 374, 24365, 311, 279, 198, 15693, 3560, 430, 1364, 706, 6476, 304, 1202, 4500, 627, 2170, 279, 1667, 4024, 555, 323, 91162, 8738, 311, 11722, 11, 1077, 834, 9258, 259, 285, 91409, 198, 396, 729, 1908, 11, 323, 19018, 2574, 6137, 311, 1054, 71, 64860, 863, 311, 1077, 13, 3005, 15902, 11937, 198, 74303, 14243, 389, 2380, 2204, 25975, 11, 682, 315, 902, 2631, 1077, 311, 198, 23609, 892, 1022, 505, 16706, 13, 12799, 2136, 6244, 264, 4668, 315, 1077, 2324, 13, 3005, 6818, 198, 265, 1092, 1113, 25355, 11, 719, 2103, 1364, 8738, 311, 617, 4443, 323, 7106, 198, 13798, 3951, 552, 13, 3005, 574, 13490, 279, 28361, 369, 2324, 430, 1047, 2744, 1027, 1077, 198, 48126, 21799, 11, 323, 1364, 574, 7859, 279, 82484, 304, 1077, 2324, 13, 6385, 19123, 198, 82616, 11, 323, 3582, 1364, 31231, 53293, 311, 4822, 8469, 315, 279, 66599, 11, 1364, 574, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 4205, 719, 37492, 627, 46237, 279, 42445, 7077, 13, 12220, 264, 4641, 10652, 922, 198, 15031, 3649, 315, 420, 2363, 11, 91162 ]
person in the habit of taking sugar in the form of sweets and drinks is found with an increased quantity of sugar in his urine and he may get diabetes. But a number of patients get sugar absorbed in their blood without any trace of it in his urine. The change brought in the urine through improper diet sometimes puts even expert physicians in a quandary. My own experience shows that the seasonal changes also affect urine and its constituents. 26 : AUTO-URINE THERAPY Modern doctors hold that all the substances coming out with urine are useless and injurious to health. The above analysis based on a chemical examination of urine clearly shows their ignorance. On the contrary, all its ingredients are useful otherwise some dodors as mentioned before, would not have mixed it with medicine and prescribed it for internal use. Minerals chemically refined, are mixed with medicine and are prescribed for different diseases. Nature has already equipped human body with a good number of useful substances. To denounce them as harmful· is not wise. In other words, it can be said that these medical practitioners under the cover of their certificates can declare anything as good or bad according to their convenience. They can even dare to make a right or a worng statement and mislead the public as they like. They cannot do so in the case of urine successful ly for long. It has been already proved that it possesses such properties as would increase and purify the blood as well as build, enliven and strengthen tissues rendered lifeless by disease. Urine is generally described as having one demerit, i.e., its unpleasant odour. Its taste also is considered so bad that the very idea of drinking it creates nauses. People indicate their disgust against it by various facial expressions! This difficulty is put forward by those only who have never made an attempt to drink it. My own experince says that some medicines are far more distasteful and have much more foul smell. I used to shudder while taking them. Vitamin is a. digestive medicine and I used to take it after meals. It was abnormally distasteful and had a very foul odour and so even the person pouring it into a tumbler felt a vomiting sensation! My condition while actually drinking it could well be imagined! Nevertheless I took it regularly twice a day and became accustomed to the dosage. The taste of urine is not so bad. Any person in the habit of taking chemical salts will not feel a distaste for it. The urine of a health person appears and tastes like rain water. It is a bit saltish. In summer, the quantity of urine is reduced. It is condensed and becomes thick reddish-yellow and a little THE ANALYSIS OF URINE : 27 unpalatable. It is saltish, sour and bitter and we feel reluctant to take it. But we take daily a number of medicines which have a far more foul smell and are quite unpalatable. After all, likes and dislikes for particular taste are subjective in natures and depend upon the habits of our tongue. We are almost always misled by this tiny organ and invite physical ruin. It is necessary to be free from the slavery to tongue at least for health. Urine is the substance which can prove highly useful to the body in case one does not lose command over tongue for a moment. It is a folly to overlook the benefits of such a substance and follow blindly the likes and dislikes of the palate. The smell of urine can also be defended by the same argument. The law applicable to tongue holds good in the case of the nose also. A Chinese does not feel the smell of urine or stools, because he has been accustom ed to the through their daily uses in agriculture. I myself am unable to distinguish the smell of roses but I can appreciate that of Champa and Mogra. How pleasant is the smell of the melted ghee but a Zulu woman of South Africa feels nauseated by it. She draws back and twists her nose saying, "Naugagabi -it gvies a bad smell". But the same woman likes to put on clothes or lether skirts soaked in castor oil day and night, which mixed with perspiration smells so bad that nobody can even stand beside her. It means that there is nothing like an absolute good or bad smell in itself. On the contrary they are only relative. Similarly pleasantness and unpi;;asantness of smell is associated with the habit of the sense of smell and it can be so trained that wrong dislikes can well be given up for the sake of health. If urine is a natural gift for health, why does not the child possess an instinct to take it from the very birth? It can be said that all other living beings do possess that instinct from the very birth and use it whenever necessary. The animals have another instinct also. They do not take their food when ill. They do not touch ariy food as long as sickness continues and take it only when absolutely free from it. Kind nature has provided human being with the power of discretion. But alsa! he does not preoperly use it. He is sometimes misguided 28 : AUTO-URINE THERAPY by wrong logic and sensual mind. Consequently man is moving away from natt:re. Any drunkard usually hesitates to take wine in his first attempt. He feels natural reluctance and it arises from natural instinct. But the instinctive reluctance is gradually suppressed and ultimately he becomes a habitual drunkard. Similar might have been his habit of taking herbs. In the beginning they might have a2peared to him tastEful and palatable. At the same time he found them convenient in utilising them and found them beneficial too. But in the course of time he began to create a science out of their use, a11d he totally neglected to uti I ise the natural gift, I.e. urine as a medicine, because he was too much habituated with use of herbs. Moreover, the same argument which is advanced by the doctors against the uses of urine and in favour of allopathy was adopted by them in favour of herbs. We know now how plausible is the argument of modern medical practitioners about urine. If man moves away from nature as he is misled by the glamour of mod2rn medicine, he must suffer the consequences. He has to taste the bitter furits inasmuch as he behaves in disregard of narturalla'-"(s. Armstrong and myself have experienced that urine taken internally passes through all d:gestive organs and is well fihered there through. With every f1.uation, its purity incerses on each repe~ted intake of urine. Eve. ybody can have this experience by keepmg one day's fast on uri.. 2 and water. Urine then purifies the body and removes foreign accL!mulated matter. It renews the glands and nerves rendered I ifeless by disease. As a matter of fact, urine not only sets in order the lungs, gall-bladder, stomach, brain, heart~ etc., but removes many incurable diseases also. In short, we can obtain best results by keeping a fast on urine and water. CHAPTER IX A SURE CURE OF ALL DISEASES I have repeatedly stated in this book that urine i-s not a medicine for any particular disease. It is a gift of nature to gtt rid of many physical ills. People ask how can there be "One· and the same medicine for one and all diseases?" Disease~ differ from one another in their causes.and symptoms. The dtsease.s, caused: by the aggravation of vata (gas), pitta (bile) and kapha (pte~i, are cured by different medicines. Can urine have the ingredints to· cure all the three? If urine is beneficial in one case, it cannot b@ so in another and opposite case. Such a question from ·a laymarh. tan well be excused as they have no medical knowledge. iut wflen it is raised by medical practitioners ~ith high de8rees a~ wsftions,.it can be concluded that they are doing so with some mala fide intention or a selfish motive of discouraging the use of urine. They have not at all cared to study the principles underlying the urine therapy. It is true th<.t there cannot be the same med'icine icir atl diseases. The urine of cow does cure may diseases and V~idyas use it. Similarly the system of Ayurveda prescribes the tJrine o( eight or nine animals for curing many diseases. It may be' used with-benefit. Such a practice cannot ~ accepted as scientifk.. Tnt! urir,e of an animal is useful to itself only. Th~ use of auto-urine ooty, t:n:!refore, is scientific. However healthy an cui:mal may be, it cannot be said with surety that its urine will be positively beneficial to others. shri Bapalal Vaidya, while writing about his own exper~nces ·(See part IV of the book) states that he cured a wound on the neck of his mare by the ointment of ashes
[ 1732, 304, 279, 14464, 720, 1073, 4737, 13465, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 76657, 323, 21662, 374, 1766, 449, 459, 720, 43842, 1503, 12472, 315, 13465, 304, 813, 40335, 323, 568, 1253, 636, 20335, 13, 2030, 720, 64, 1396, 315, 6978, 636, 13465, 42101, 304, 872, 6680, 2085, 904, 720, 15417, 315, 433, 304, 813, 40335, 13, 578, 2349, 7263, 304, 279, 40335, 1555, 720, 318, 81768, 10173, 7170, 9711, 1524, 6335, 35944, 304, 264, 42676, 661, 13, 720, 5159, 1866, 3217, 5039, 430, 279, 36899, 4442, 1101, 7958, 720, 324, 483, 323, 1202, 51720, 13, 220, 1627, 551, 36440, 12, 1539, 4069, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 720, 49552, 16410, 3412, 430, 682, 279, 33155, 5108, 704, 449, 720, 324, 483, 527, 29948, 323, 5934, 28626, 311, 2890, 13, 578, 3485, 6492, 3196, 720, 263, 264, 11742, 24481, 315, 40335, 9539, 5039, 872, 41660, 13, 720, 1966, 279, 26102, 11, 682, 1202, 14293, 527, 5505, 6062, 1063, 720, 67, 347, 1105, 439, 9932, 1603, 11, 1053, 539, 617, 9709, 433, 449, 720, 83543, 323, 32031, 433, 369, 5419, 1005, 13, 84886, 8590, 2740, 720, 1116, 1619, 11, 527, 9709, 449, 16088, 323, 527, 32031, 369, 2204, 720, 67, 1082, 2315, 13, 22037, 706, 2736, 19167, 3823, 2547, 449, 264, 1695, 720, 4174, 315, 5505, 33155, 13, 2057, 3453, 9933, 1124, 439, 28856, 14260, 374, 539, 720, 4583, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 433, 649, 387, 1071, 430, 1521, 6593, 43195, 720, 8154, 279, 3504, 315, 872, 35537, 649, 16292, 4205, 439, 1695, 477, 720, 14176, 4184, 311, 872, 19679, 13, 2435, 649, 1524, 33304, 311, 1304, 264, 720, 1315, 477, 264, 4191, 983, 5224, 323, 5906, 27152, 279, 586, 439, 814, 1093, 13, 2435, 720, 34360, 656, 779, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 40335, 6992, 14869, 369, 1317, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 720, 46584, 19168, 430, 433, 50326, 1778, 6012, 439, 1053, 5376, 720, 438, 4087, 1463, 279, 6680, 439, 1664, 439, 1977, 11, 665, 75, 2116, 323, 20259, 39881, 720, 7472, 291, 2324, 1752, 555, 8624, 13, 720, 52, 40101, 374, 8965, 7633, 439, 3515, 832, 2486, 261, 275, 11, 602, 1770, 2637, 1202, 720, 359, 45007, 11018, 414, 13, 11699, 12945, 1101, 374, 6646, 779, 3958, 430, 279, 1633, 720, 42877, 315, 16558, 433, 11705, 4415, 4881, 13, 9029, 13519, 872, 68162, 720, 69849, 433, 555, 5370, 28900, 24282, 758, 1115, 17250, 374, 2231, 720, 13741, 555, 1884, 1193, 889, 617, 2646, 1903, 459, 4879, 311, 7172, 433, 13, 720, 5159, 1866, 2183, 1736, 2795, 430, 1063, 39653, 527, 3117, 810, 1612, 561, 52221, 720, 438, 617, 1790, 810, 40884, 22843, 13, 358, 1511, 311, 559, 57229, 1418, 4737, 720, 49818, 13, 45774, 374, 264, 13, 60071, 16088, 323, 358, 1511, 311, 1935, 433, 1306, 720, 2727, 1147, 13, 1102, 574, 671, 86336, 1612, 561, 52221, 323, 1047, 264, 1633, 40884, 11018, 414, 720, 438, 779, 1524, 279, 1732, 51513, 433, 1139, 264, 259, 3635, 1565, 6612, 264, 63571, 720, 82, 42725, 758, 3092, 3044, 1418, 3604, 16558, 433, 1436, 1664, 387, 720, 29116, 1619, 758, 35053, 358, 3952, 433, 15870, 11157, 264, 1938, 323, 6244, 720, 4575, 50786, 311, 279, 47040, 13, 578, 12945, 315, 40335, 374, 539, 779, 3958, 13, 5884, 720, 9164, 304, 279, 14464, 315, 4737, 11742, 78235, 690, 539, 2733, 264, 1612, 5642, 720, 2000, 433, 13, 578, 40335, 315, 264, 2890, 1732, 8111, 323, 36263, 1093, 11422, 3090, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 264, 2766, 12290, 819, 13, 763, 7474, 11, 279, 12472, 315, 40335, 374, 11293, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 1321, 30040, 323, 9221, 12314, 63244, 819, 74012, 323, 264, 2697, 3247, 66857, 75564, 3083, 35514, 4069, 551, 220, 1544, 720, 359, 19866, 15436, 13, 1102, 374, 12290, 819, 11, 20897, 323, 26242, 323, 584, 2733, 44040, 311, 720, 23609, 433, 13, 2030, 584, 1935, 7446, 264, 1396, 315, 39653, 902, 617, 264, 3117, 720, 6518, 40884, 22843, 323, 527, 5115, 653, 19866, 15436, 13, 4740, 682, 11, 13452, 323, 720, 4338, 26094, 369, 4040, 12945, 527, 44122, 304, 308, 2859, 323, 6904, 720, 59723, 279, 26870, 315, 1057, 25466, 13, 1226, 527, 4661, 2744, 99525, 555, 420, 720, 47216, 2942, 323, 22114, 7106, 38339, 13, 1102, 374, 5995, 311, 387, 1949, 505, 720, 1820, 33792, 311, 25466, 520, 3325, 369, 2890, 13, 17229, 483, 374, 279, 20278, 720, 8370, 649, 12391, 7701, 5505, 311, 279, 2547, 304, 1162, 832, 1587, 539, 720, 1497, 3290, 927, 25466, 369, 264, 4545, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 81789, 311, 31805, 720, 1820, 7720, 315, 1778, 264, 20278, 323, 1833, 89447, 279, 13452, 323, 720, 4338, 26094, 315, 279, 77338, 13, 578, 22843, 315, 40335, 649, 1101, 387, 35844, 555, 720, 1820, 1890, 5811, 13, 578, 2383, 8581, 311, 25466, 10187, 1695, 304, 279, 720, 5756, 315, 279, 19689, 1101, 13, 362, 8620, 1587, 539, 2733, 279, 22843, 315, 40335, 477, 720, 267, 6309, 11, 1606, 568, 706, 1027, 1046, 1476, 1608, 311, 279, 1555, 872, 7446, 720, 4881, 304, 30029, 13, 358, 7182, 1097, 12153, 311, 33137, 279, 22843, 315, 720, 3714, 288, 719, 358, 649, 15763, 430, 315, 921, 23465, 323, 61021, 969, 13, 2650, 720, 45007, 374, 279, 22843, 315, 279, 50459, 342, 50153, 719, 264, 1901, 25415, 5333, 315, 4987, 720, 74691, 11321, 49394, 660, 555, 433, 13, 3005, 27741, 1203, 323, 62990, 1077, 19689, 720, 82, 17718, 11, 330, 16589, 773, 351, 26140, 482, 275, 56079, 552, 264, 3958, 22843, 3343, 2030, 279, 1890, 5333, 13452, 720, 998, 2231, 389, 15447, 477, 514, 700, 77305, 69975, 304, 6445, 269, 5707, 1938, 323, 3814, 11, 720, 8370, 9709, 449, 7565, 29579, 50737, 779, 3958, 430, 19093, 649, 1524, 720, 2752, 30488, 1077, 13, 1102, 3445, 430, 1070, 374, 4400, 1093, 459, 10973, 1695, 720, 269, 3958, 22843, 304, 5196, 13, 1952, 279, 26102, 814, 527, 1193, 8844, 13, 720, 68791, 24729, 2136, 323, 653, 2554, 6911, 15969, 2136, 315, 22843, 374, 5938, 720, 4291, 279, 14464, 315, 279, 5647, 315, 22843, 323, 433, 649, 387, 779, 16572, 430, 720, 35970, 99985, 649, 1664, 387, 2728, 709, 369, 279, 25491, 315, 2890, 13, 720, 2746, 40335, 374, 264, 5933, 8352, 369, 2890, 11, 3249, 1587, 539, 279, 1716, 15575, 720, 276, 31655, 311, 1935, 433, 505, 279, 1633, 7342, 949, 1102, 649, 387, 1071, 430, 682, 1023, 720, 64275, 23837, 656, 15575, 430, 31655, 505, 279, 1633, 7342, 323, 1005, 433, 720, 1336, 31845, 5995, 13, 578, 10099, 617, 2500, 31655, 1101, 13, 2435, 720, 3055, 539, 1935, 872, 3691, 994, 5986, 13, 2435, 656, 539, 5916, 264, 462, 88, 3691, 439, 1317, 720, 300, 54950, 9731, 323, 1935, 433, 1193, 994, 11112, 1949, 505, 433, 13, 720, 10854, 7138, 706, 3984, 3823, 1694, 449, 279, 2410, 315, 32022, 13, 720, 4071, 453, 9258, 758, 568, 1587, 539, 864, 3376, 398, 1005, 433, 13, 1283, 374, 7170, 76606, 220, 1591, 551, 36440, 12, 1539, 4069, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 720, 1729, 5076, 12496, 323, 60717, 4059, 13, 53123, 893, 374, 7366, 720, 14075, 505, 308, 1617, 25, 265, 13, 5884, 29850, 569, 6118, 20365, 82829, 311, 1935, 13378, 304, 813, 720, 3983, 4879, 13, 1283, 11321, 5933, 84050, 323, 433, 48282, 505, 5933, 720, 6442, 7956, 13, 2030, 279, 31655, 535, 84050, 374, 27115, 56089, 323, 720, 495, 7253, 568, 9221, 264, 84820, 29850, 569, 13, 22196, 2643, 617, 1027, 720, 26301, 14464, 315, 4737, 42393, 13, 763, 279, 7314, 814, 2643, 617, 720, 64, 17, 375, 1636, 311, 1461, 58172, 36, 1285, 323, 11091, 15436, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 568, 1766, 720, 49818, 17125, 304, 4186, 3876, 1124, 323, 1766, 1124, 24629, 2288, 13, 720, 4071, 304, 279, 3388, 315, 892, 568, 6137, 311, 1893, 264, 8198, 704, 315, 872, 720, 817, 11, 264, 806, 67, 568, 12756, 51533, 311, 8791, 72, 358, 77193, 279, 5933, 8352, 11, 358, 1770, 13, 40335, 439, 264, 720, 83543, 11, 1606, 568, 574, 2288, 1790, 14464, 13148, 449, 1005, 315, 42393, 13, 720, 58276, 11, 279, 1890, 5811, 902, 374, 11084, 555, 279, 16410, 720, 69849, 279, 5829, 315, 40335, 323, 304, 12617, 315, 63747, 2398, 88, 574, 18306, 555, 720, 49818, 304, 12617, 315, 42393, 13, 720, 1687, 1440, 1457, 1268, 50434, 374, 279, 5811, 315, 6617, 6593, 720, 652, 533, 684, 388, 922, 40335, 13, 1442, 893, 11031, 3201, 505, 7138, 439, 568, 374, 720, 34965, 839, 555, 279, 80049, 315, 1491, 17, 36722, 16088, 11, 568, 2011, 7831, 279, 720, 444, 62808, 13, 1283, 706, 311, 12945, 279, 26242, 18742, 1220, 304, 10753, 1412, 439, 568, 720, 30998, 4798, 304, 58817, 315, 308, 472, 324, 21575, 25279, 30309, 82, 662, 720, 34013, 4620, 323, 7182, 617, 10534, 430, 40335, 4529, 720, 56544, 750, 16609, 1555, 682, 294, 25, 7114, 535, 36853, 323, 374, 1664, 9314, 1964, 291, 720, 19041, 1555, 13, 3161, 1475, 282, 16, 13, 4090, 11, 1202, 53500, 3709, 388, 288, 389, 1855, 720, 265, 375, 93, 6702, 23730, 315, 40335, 13, 32460, 13, 379, 2664, 649, 617, 420, 3217, 555, 720, 13397, 12591, 832, 1938, 596, 5043, 389, 13371, 5354, 220, 17, 323, 3090, 13, 17229, 483, 1243, 4087, 9803, 279, 720, 2664, 323, 29260, 7362, 1046, 43, 0, 76, 7913, 5030, 13, 1102, 312, 10189, 279, 82375, 720, 438, 50581, 23188, 358, 422, 121658, 555, 8624, 13, 1666, 264, 5030, 315, 2144, 11, 40335, 720, 1962, 1193, 7437, 304, 2015, 279, 45274, 11, 19754, 16677, 21473, 11, 23152, 11, 8271, 11, 4851, 93, 720, 12380, 2637, 719, 29260, 1690, 62622, 481, 19338, 1101, 13, 763, 2875, 11, 584, 649, 720, 677, 23771, 1888, 3135, 555, 10494, 264, 5043, 389, 40335, 323, 3090, 13, 96424, 40812, 720, 32, 328, 4622, 356, 4622, 3083, 13398, 423, 9311, 4157, 50, 720, 40, 617, 19352, 11224, 304, 420, 2363, 430, 40335, 602, 1355, 539, 264, 16088, 720, 2000, 904, 4040, 8624, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 8352, 315, 7138, 311, 342, 5683, 9463, 315, 1690, 720, 47692, 220, 3385, 13, 9029, 2610, 1268, 649, 1070, 387, 330, 4054, 14260, 323, 279, 1890, 720, 83543, 369, 832, 323, 682, 19338, 7673, 31974, 93, 1782, 505, 832, 2500, 720, 258, 872, 11384, 662, 438, 13803, 13, 578, 7748, 325, 521, 516, 11, 9057, 25, 555, 279, 720, 351, 36490, 367, 315, 348, 460, 320, 40625, 705, 281, 46124, 320, 65, 458, 8, 323, 597, 1366, 64, 320, 25123, 93, 72, 11, 527, 64688, 555, 720, 64750, 39653, 13, 3053, 40335, 617, 279, 6892, 1171, 21719, 311, 14260, 27208, 682, 279, 720, 28956, 949, 1442, 40335, 374, 24629, 304, 832, 1162, 11, 433, 4250, 293, 31, 779, 304, 2500, 720, 438, 14329, 1162, 13, 15483, 264, 3488, 505, 9787, 64, 11203, 5730, 71, 13, 14531, 1664, 387, 720, 40541, 2656, 439, 814, 617, 912, 6593, 6677, 13, 602, 332, 289, 59567, 433, 374, 9408, 720, 1729, 6593, 43195, 4056, 411, 1579, 409, 23, 8016, 264, 93, 18090, 728, 919, 17974, 275, 649, 387, 720, 444, 10391, 430, 814, 527, 3815, 779, 449, 1063, 296, 6181, 282, 579, 14944, 477, 720, 64, 45743, 47094, 315, 34293, 4210, 279, 1005, 315, 40335, 13, 2435, 617, 539, 520, 682, 720, 66, 1636, 311, 4007, 279, 16565, 16940, 279, 40335, 15419, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 837, 270, 27, 13, 83, 1070, 4250, 387, 279, 1890, 1812, 6, 55103, 18385, 404, 71554, 19338, 13, 720, 791, 40335, 315, 19923, 1587, 27208, 1253, 19338, 323, 650, 93, 43686, 300, 1005, 433, 13, 720, 68791, 279, 1887, 315, 24852, 80627, 64, 1685, 56236, 279, 259, 41, 40101, 297, 7, 8223, 477, 720, 94323, 10099, 369, 97330, 1690, 19338, 13, 1102, 1253, 387, 6, 1511, 449, 1481, 89729, 13, 720, 21365, 264, 6725, 4250, 4056, 11928, 439, 7330, 333, 74, 13, 662, 350, 406, 0, 4433, 404, 23379, 315, 459, 720, 48999, 374, 5505, 311, 5196, 1193, 13, 666, 93, 1005, 315, 3313, 12, 324, 483, 297, 115966, 11, 259, 19822, 99424, 1116, 461, 11, 720, 285, 12624, 13, 4452, 9498, 459, 39044, 25, 14991, 1253, 387, 11, 433, 4250, 387, 1071, 720, 4291, 2771, 1919, 430, 1202, 40335, 690, 387, 40646, 24629, 311, 3885, 13, 97946, 720, 33, 391, 278, 278, 650, 3864, 7911, 11, 1418, 4477, 922, 813, 1866, 2183, 93, 99262, 9787, 7, 10031, 961, 720, 3166, 315, 279, 2363, 8, 5415, 430, 568, 64688, 264, 27653, 389, 279, 13272, 315, 813, 55318, 720, 1729, 279, 297, 396, 479, 315, 67101 ]
. They report making decisions about their next lifetime once they got to heaven, choosing a new family and new challenges. As one girl put it, “Heaven isn’t easy. You have to work there.” Because they are often so young, children who report past lives are the strongest evidence that reincarnation isn’t just a cultural artifact. There is also the convincing matter of convergence: all three categories of witnesses— children who remember past lives, people who have had an NDE, and people who have experienced being out of their bodies generally—agree on how the afterlife works. Out-of-body experiences are much more common than we suppose, and a few people have mastered them to the point that they become “astral tourists.” F. Holmes Atwater of the Monroe Institute is one of several researchers in thefield, and his subjects often report experiences that take them into the Akashic field, including those domains we associate with dying. What they see is completely consistent with NDEs and children who remember a past life. One child told her parents that God doesn’t speak in words or in a language like English or Spanish. This is consistent with the esoteric belief that communication takes place on the astral planes by telepathy. People returning from near-death also say that what they heard or learned came to them without speech, often through instantaneous insight or revelation. Are these children exceptional because they remember a past life, or are the rest of us abnormal in not remembering who we once were? I think neither answer is right, exactly. The function of memory is closely attached to strong emotions. Few people can remember what they had for dinner on a Tuesday last month, but if that dinner was the occasion for proposing marriage to someone you loved, it can be recalled for years. Similarly, these children seem to remember being wrenched from their old life, and this powerfully negative memory carries over beyond the boundary of death. Dr. Stevenson records one instance where a child was born with a pattern of red dots on his chest and had memories of pain from a fatal shotgun blast. On the other side, however, it would be emotionally barren if we remembered everything that ever happened to us. The pioneering Soviet neurologist Alexander Luria had one such patient, a journalist he called S., who had total recall. He could sit in a crowded press conference and afterward remember every word spoken by each person in the room. But S. was an emotional blank and lacked the ability to understand poetry, symbols, and metaphors—for him, every event was a literal fact recorded on a mental tape. (When Luria asked him if sorrow ever sat heavy on his mind, S. replied matter-of-factly that sorrow doesn’t weigh anything.) Memory is erased in many ways, one of the most typical being retrograde amnesia. We see this phenomenon in victims of automobile accidents and war. A person who loses consciousness after being hit by a car or struck down by a bullet can remember everything up to the moment of impact, but not beyond. After waking up in the hospital wondering What happened to me? the patient or soldier tries to fill in a gap in time based on guesswork. If I am in a hospital and my arm is broken, I must have been hit by a car . Reincarnation creates a similar gap in memory, except for those few who carry recollections over from one life to the next. In the space between lifetimes identity is reshaped; somehow we change completely, and at the same time we continue as who we are. The afterlife, then, is a kind of transformation chamber. On a cool fall day, if you stroll outside, you might find a chrysalis hanging from a twig. The pupa inside was once a caterpillar and in time it will reincarnate as a butterfly. To do so, every cell in the caterpillar must be transformed. In its pupal stage the insect is shapelessorganic goo. That caterpillar melts and reshapes itself at the same time. Its old physical identity is erased entirely. All insects that move from larvae to fully grown adults do something similar, and just as caterpillars bear almost no resemblance to a butterfly, a dragonfly nymph stalking the bottom of a pond for minnows bears no resemblance to its final stage, nor a maggot to a housefly. For insects, reincarnation is a creative leap that doesn’t involve conscious choices, since the information encoded in the insect’s genes produces the same transformation generation after generation without variance. Countless monarch butterflies are clones of the original butterfly millions of years ago. Human DNA, however, manufactures new people, each of whom feels unique. Uniqueness in physical structure is only the beginning. We emerge from the transformation chamber not just a bit unique, the way one chimpanzee or dachshund might differ from another, but totally free to create ourselves from the inside, using desires, hopes, dreams, beliefs, and aspirations, all the tools available in consciousness. The Vedic rishis would argue that consciousness governs this whole machinery—reincarnation is just a variation on the theme of time and place, producing new talents and interests. As the rishis saw it, reincarnation is a creative leap that recombines old karma, good and bad, in a unique combination. The new lifetime and the old are joined inexorably by millions of karmic links, yet for the most part the person being reborn feels that he is something totally new. This is where a creative leap comes in, according to the rishis. Think of it like money in the bank: you may have only $500, but you are free to spend it any way you choose. In karmic terms cause leads to effect, and as long as that chain holds, event A is forged to event B. A universe without cause and effect would be chaotic. If you drop a ball, gravity makes it fall downward toward the earth, and this result is so reliable that it can be reduced nearly to a certainty. If Karma were just as certain, there would be no need for reincarnation, because the karmic balance at the end of a lifetime would be as reliable as the cocoon that produces monarch butterflies from a larva, not monarchs one spring and swallowtails the next. Karma isn’t predictable, however. People perform all kinds of actions and reap completely d
[ 13, 197, 7009, 71031, 2157, 1802, 197, 8332, 6948, 197, 9274, 33188, 404, 29244, 8986, 29615, 197, 13486, 197, 20670, 3253, 354, 32809, 198, 383, 5389, 11, 197, 971, 14759, 11575, 8808, 1186, 5285, 53577, 8808, 23918, 43470, 13, 197, 2170, 197, 606, 3253, 2881, 46162, 24263, 345, 40565, 5389, 20501, 77, 1431, 7883, 6539, 13, 197, 2675, 9793, 525, 32809, 98138, 197, 19041, 49216, 18433, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 197, 61917, 197, 708, 197, 82279, 11, 83570, 197, 14965, 71031, 3303, 561, 8986, 1924, 197, 548, 33188, 198, 4620, 478, 7883, 28580, 64442, 17643, 2910, 55149, 20501, 77, 1431, 197, 4345, 11575, 1470, 44547, 197, 64822, 13, 197, 3947, 20501, 197, 19171, 198, 1820, 197, 12296, 2910, 287, 2157, 1683, 44323, 38303, 81848, 25, 52060, 197, 28956, 1470, 5381, 44323, 6831, 8251, 288, 2345, 198, 5988, 197, 14965, 197, 30380, 3303, 561, 8986, 1924, 11, 197, 16455, 197, 14965, 9793, 525, 9793, 329, 80557, 18822, 1170, 11, 53577, 197, 16455, 198, 14965, 9793, 525, 8285, 45933, 197, 35214, 14294, 44323, 33188, 404, 2282, 10233, 3253, 804, 750, 2345, 69200, 25653, 197, 5269, 33188, 198, 10924, 14789, 197, 19033, 627, 2729, 8838, 9534, 8285, 69597, 197, 548, 2157, 1412, 2157, 461, 84925, 197, 54895, 197, 906, 1942, 455, 2972, 11, 53577, 11575, 198, 71830, 197, 16455, 9793, 525, 2157, 88473, 197, 49818, 32809, 33188, 59574, 64442, 197, 20670, 2282, 52521, 197, 2118, 21100, 278, 3324, 414, 1705, 49216, 37, 13, 13595, 337, 9004, 197, 1688, 13284, 44323, 33188, 9391, 263, 35804, 71267, 7815, 20501, 197, 606, 44323, 85786, 17998, 17643, 1874, 388, 17886, 71579, 830, 823, 11, 53577, 9793, 285, 29724, 585, 82, 197, 61917, 71031, 8285, 69597, 64442, 3324, 731, 197, 49818, 2129, 78, 33188, 23845, 74, 1003, 292, 198, 2630, 11, 197, 16564, 197, 54719, 2765, 316, 1771, 197, 906, 197, 72631, 48048, 2765, 7169, 13, 197, 3923, 197, 20670, 197, 4151, 20501, 198, 884, 50268, 197, 79499, 48048, 18822, 1170, 82, 53577, 83570, 197, 14965, 197, 30380, 11575, 3303, 561, 8986, 1643, 13, 197, 4054, 198, 3124, 3324, 820, 197, 1964, 25841, 82, 64442, 9796, 347, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 1942, 23635, 17886, 197, 5880, 82266, 17886, 11575, 8986, 2681, 197, 4908, 198, 23392, 82266, 7721, 857, 819, 13, 41065, 20501, 197, 79499, 48048, 33188, 80066, 83775, 2282, 301, 4843, 64442, 198, 51271, 3324, 2094, 197, 2050, 25653, 33188, 11575, 56070, 197, 39157, 197, 1729, 197, 15772, 2398, 88, 13, 10230, 68, 1184, 862, 287, 198, 1527, 9215, 686, 97586, 197, 19171, 1942, 352, 64442, 197, 12840, 197, 20670, 197, 55603, 82266, 197, 12964, 291, 1470, 373, 32809, 197, 49818, 198, 30096, 1942, 40686, 11, 197, 61917, 197, 20322, 17886, 4811, 18133, 197, 1354, 492, 82266, 17643, 899, 367, 627, 11787, 197, 45010, 83570, 197, 7959, 278, 2282, 6769, 197, 20670, 197, 30380, 11575, 3303, 561, 8986, 1643, 11, 82266, 197, 548, 198, 1820, 197, 4014, 44323, 71275, 197, 370, 8416, 17886, 98366, 197, 30380, 287, 197, 14965, 197, 906, 197, 13486, 6831, 486, 30, 25494, 197, 27963, 198, 818, 2544, 73670, 20501, 49021, 11, 8285, 33839, 13, 33026, 7679, 44323, 2157, 4836, 20501, 1470, 2353, 989, 197, 68597, 32809, 198, 4620, 67304, 41356, 13, 13017, 365, 197, 16455, 94036, 197, 30380, 197, 12840, 197, 20670, 9793, 329, 2066, 2765, 4481, 25653, 11575, 198, 41299, 34196, 197, 10460, 11, 2282, 332, 748, 64442, 2765, 4481, 6831, 300, 33188, 197, 94411, 2066, 197, 782, 8478, 198, 5730, 8950, 32809, 1942, 638, 606, 197, 9514, 197, 385, 2111, 11, 24263, 94036, 74242, 69004, 4841, 2066, 197, 42820, 13, 7721, 79962, 398, 11, 197, 45010, 198, 5988, 85786, 336, 32809, 197, 30380, 197, 35214, 6831, 55071, 43827, 33188, 404, 62928, 8986, 1643, 11, 53577, 2090, 198, 13477, 3725, 9215, 15410, 2157, 4836, 1470, 277, 4108, 197, 2017, 2282, 23478, 33188, 2282, 73566, 44323, 59451, 589, 13, 197, 9023, 627, 626, 5230, 34237, 197, 27295, 197, 606, 57356, 56842, 11575, 59491, 6831, 300, 2282, 1540, 48048, 11575, 3303, 3307, 44323, 197, 1171, 198, 68916, 25653, 9793, 285, 23918, 478, 53577, 9793, 329, 14477, 2490, 44323, 3303, 467, 43827, 11575, 1186, 4306, 197, 6474, 13562, 197, 64417, 627, 1966, 33188, 197, 1605, 94864, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 24263, 6831, 619, 74242, 67304, 6082, 750, 91809, 1466, 748, 197, 906, 198, 30380, 291, 7883, 1225, 1626, 64442, 197, 2099, 9793, 680, 6901, 32809, 71275, 13, 33026, 3303, 6473, 4776, 1602, 50, 869, 3978, 198, 818, 2868, 848, 380, 23845, 2635, 8363, 15420, 75884, 9793, 329, 197, 606, 1942, 1412, 3303, 16794, 11, 11575, 12710, 5036, 380, 197, 383, 1470, 4841, 7721, 39188, 14965, 9793, 329, 35593, 69004, 543, 13, 197, 1548, 1470, 619, 1942, 275, 17886, 11575, 1470, 654, 9988, 197, 1911, 38303, 2251, 53577, 198, 10924, 1637, 197, 30380, 7883, 1225, 67398, 42478, 1713, 197, 1729, 7883, 613, 99905, 17886, 33188, 197, 3039, 13, 197, 4071, 7721, 627, 16514, 80557, 67304, 41964, 197, 10399, 53577, 8986, 11440, 33188, 197, 2968, 32809, 197, 8154, 2752, 3303, 78, 15501, 11, 1942, 12048, 345, 438, 2157, 295, 1366, 1105, 72318, 9793, 318, 11, 7883, 1225, 29402, 6831, 300, 11575, 8986, 10157, 1186, 533, 73052, 291, 25653, 11575, 197, 93221, 198, 64620, 13, 197, 7, 4599, 15420, 75884, 197, 1091, 291, 9793, 318, 748, 1942, 7924, 197, 2099, 1942, 266, 197, 89945, 25653, 9793, 285, 2157, 485, 11, 7721, 13, 17643, 3523, 198, 60065, 8838, 2269, 33839, 64442, 1942, 7924, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 197, 57740, 197, 73254, 29275, 10869, 20501, 197, 261, 1503, 17886, 197, 35676, 197, 2336, 11, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 2157, 537, 26382, 950, 197, 35214, 11512, 299, 7082, 198, 309, 98575, 13, 197, 1687, 197, 4151, 2090, 197, 15112, 6431, 263, 17886, 5306, 858, 5861, 44323, 197, 28172, 3454, 197, 4575, 7024, 53577, 198, 11710, 13, 23845, 99905, 197, 14965, 197, 50441, 38303, 23995, 2136, 197, 10924, 197, 35214, 95878, 197, 1729, 11575, 1470, 277, 82266, 11609, 1983, 2765, 785, 198, 1729, 11575, 2282, 23180, 94036, 197, 30380, 7883, 1225, 1626, 60910, 32809, 33188, 2157, 13209, 44323, 197, 58400, 11, 2282, 332, 98366, 198, 65, 23478, 13, 197, 6153, 6831, 1802, 60910, 17886, 33188, 9793, 6432, 6831, 14518, 287, 1602, 3923, 9793, 680, 6901, 32809, 50394, 5380, 33188, 198, 23557, 82266, 1942, 820, 1291, 197, 4646, 32809, 66948, 17886, 11575, 3253, 391, 17886, 22724, 2282, 1503, 25653, 3253, 34401, 1816, 13, 1602, 2746, 25494, 197, 309, 17886, 11575, 198, 71127, 53577, 13938, 197, 2227, 20501, 2282, 82809, 11, 25494, 2157, 592, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 95878, 197, 1729, 11575, 1470, 277, 198, 627, 697, 2910, 55149, 197, 59619, 11575, 1942, 79962, 3253, 391, 17886, 2157, 4836, 11, 35699, 2066, 197, 54719, 1186, 365, 197, 14965, 198, 74865, 69004, 3184, 197, 2017, 43827, 197, 606, 8986, 1643, 32809, 33188, 29244, 13, 71267, 33188, 1942, 1330, 2282, 10259, 198, 113276, 7034, 197, 17341, 20501, 197, 2548, 10395, 26, 1942, 638, 5269, 197, 906, 69480, 33910, 50268, 11, 53577, 36547, 33188, 198, 25030, 22724, 197, 906, 11926, 61551, 197, 14965, 197, 906, 197, 548, 13, 33026, 197, 10924, 14789, 11, 59733, 11, 20501, 11575, 197, 15674, 44323, 198, 1485, 1659, 23918, 15578, 13, 87491, 11575, 197, 43296, 1186, 543, 99297, 11, 748, 197, 9514, 18895, 1119, 14294, 3002, 11, 197, 9514, 2157, 492, 198, 3990, 11575, 23918, 894, 19776, 285, 9793, 8764, 43827, 11575, 3324, 38022, 13, 33026, 3303, 46931, 197, 42450, 6831, 300, 197, 13486, 11575, 1470, 977, 77602, 198, 438, 17886, 22724, 24263, 6831, 484, 17643, 2910, 1923, 349, 61551, 11575, 2282, 6339, 22374, 13, 197, 1271, 20530, 197, 708, 11, 7883, 1225, 47087, 17886, 33188, 198, 66, 977, 77602, 2157, 592, 74242, 51324, 291, 13, 71267, 197, 1220, 3303, 21175, 92675, 33188, 17886, 9885, 20501, 197, 12510, 1752, 61694, 3253, 2689, 13, 197, 4897, 1470, 977, 77602, 2157, 85128, 53577, 197, 2548, 9521, 24263, 726, 36547, 33188, 1942, 373, 22724, 13, 197, 37220, 62928, 198, 47692, 197, 17341, 20501, 197, 261, 1503, 78755, 556, 398, 13, 197, 2460, 17886, 55529, 64442, 50388, 43827, 8986, 277, 71342, 32809, 1186, 22732, 198, 62376, 197, 68956, 82, 20530, 1942, 11793, 1942, 79962, 11, 53577, 197, 4345, 61551, 1470, 977, 50946, 1590, 2282, 686, 197, 60301, 73204, 198, 265, 28111, 685, 32809, 11575, 2282, 6339, 22374, 11, 11575, 2765, 56250, 22374, 9215, 32800, 18895, 30855, 33188, 2282, 2896, 44323, 11575, 197, 3595, 198, 2000, 26388, 3409, 82, 2282, 7596, 73204, 17643, 28111, 685, 32809, 197, 1220, 14547, 92675, 11, 9215, 269, 11575, 2157, 16094, 354, 32809, 11575, 198, 7830, 22374, 627, 2520, 17886, 55529, 11, 17643, 2910, 55149, 20501, 11575, 197, 52817, 197, 273, 391, 64442, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 197, 14386, 4035, 1602, 64589, 198, 25825, 11, 1942, 1736, 33188, 17886, 1659, 197, 19889, 17886, 33188, 17886, 9885, 753, 3253, 22383, 197, 8723, 1634, 33188, 198, 25030, 73553, 1659, 3253, 17699, 197, 10924, 3253, 17699, 197, 30096, 2462, 5397, 13, 197, 2568, 1752, 198, 1677, 1132, 2282, 6339, 55019, 197, 548, 40507, 3233, 44323, 33188, 197, 10090, 2282, 6339, 22374, 2157, 91387, 44323, 197, 42820, 197, 6438, 627, 35075, 11198, 7476, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 197, 98550, 1439, 8808, 197, 16455, 11, 7883, 613, 44323, 197, 1336, 316, 1186, 68, 2053, 198, 9782, 13, 197, 1844, 5118, 24639, 17886, 197, 47692, 6608, 554, 20501, 197, 3323, 33188, 81531, 1251, 13, 197, 1687, 67304, 10286, 198, 1527, 33188, 73553, 1659, 23918, 15578, 98366, 197, 4345, 11575, 81080, 197, 9782, 11, 33188, 197, 3195, 197, 606, 198, 331, 90988, 99066, 82266, 2765, 613, 939, 1263, 2157, 492, 2765, 14657, 43827, 197, 43063, 11, 2282, 332, 3324, 354, 750, 17389, 32809, 40363, 198, 2530, 4372, 43827, 33188, 197, 42450, 11, 27287, 54012, 3946, 11, 9793, 19031, 11, 2765, 1259, 82, 11, 2282, 301, 30921, 11, 53577, 198, 300, 5682, 811, 11, 52060, 33188, 197, 16297, 197, 10547, 17886, 38303, 23995, 2136, 627, 791, 17904, 34383, 7145, 819, 285, 6831, 619, 49003, 361, 64442, 38303, 23995, 2136, 3253, 2017, 4511, 2090, 197, 67733, 198, 55377, 16725, 2345, 265, 2910, 55149, 20501, 197, 4345, 11575, 2462, 7246, 25653, 33188, 197, 9224, 44323, 22724, 53577, 197, 2050, 345, 8723, 6253, 8808, 3324, 278, 812, 53577, 60015, 18450, 13, 197, 2170, 33188, 7145, 819, 285, 1942, 675, 24263, 11, 17643, 2910, 55149, 20501, 11575, 198, 52817, 197, 273, 391, 64442, 17643, 22631, 1572, 62928, 16868, 20306, 11, 3253, 1411, 53577, 2282, 329, 11, 17886, 11575, 197, 9782, 198, 76128, 13, 33026, 8808, 8986, 29615, 53577, 33188, 62928, 197, 548, 197, 72254, 17886, 327, 269, 2915, 197, 1729, 2157, 91387, 198, 1073, 16868, 2227, 292, 197, 16259, 11, 14862, 295, 2066, 33188, 2157, 537, 73972, 33188, 99905, 197, 35214, 17643, 16381, 1186, 68, 2053, 64442, 197, 383, 20501, 198, 34431, 3324, 354, 750, 8808, 627, 2028, 20501, 56842, 11575, 197, 52817, 197, 273, 391, 197, 6716, 17886, 11, 197, 74946, 32809, 33188, 7145, 819, 285, 13, 197, 39787, 44323, 24263, 198, 4908, 2157, 2596, 17886, 33188, 2282, 1201, 25, 197, 9514, 2157, 352, 9793, 525, 197, 3323, 197, 3, 2636, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 17389, 32809, 1942, 3825, 24263, 198, 3852, 197, 3195, 197, 9514, 197, 28150, 13, 71267, 16868, 2227, 292, 197, 18853, 197, 1593, 197, 99470, 32809, 89170, 11, 53577, 61551, 17972, 61551, 64442, 198, 8995, 197, 54219, 11, 29402, 23845, 20501, 1186, 1813, 291, 32809, 29402, 13083, 13, 23845, 21113, 8194, 197, 30096, 197, 1593, 53577, 89170, 198, 41450, 74242, 197, 6583, 14546, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 2765, 897, 11575, 2282, 543, 11, 197, 71891, 2157, 2094, 24263, 1186, 543, 2765, 785, 1637, 3324, 83071, 198, 1820, 197, 28641, 11, 53577, 2090, 9753, 20501, 197, 708, 17643, 51430, 64442, 24263, 94036, 74242, 17643, 54478, 9215, 22928, 32809, 11575, 198, 12525, 18773, 13, 52792, 40440, 20306, 6831, 486, 197, 4345, 61551, 1470, 7770, 11, 197, 19041, 6831, 619, 74242, 73204, 197, 17483, 2066, 198, 265, 2910, 55149, 11, 2282, 6769, 33188, 16868, 2227, 292, 2282, 5085, 36547, 33188, 6379, 44323, 11575, 8986, 29615, 6831, 619, 74242, 61551, 198, 265, 51430, 61551, 33188, 1470, 511, 9186, 64442, 197, 8723, 1634, 197, 1677, 1132, 2282, 6339, 55019, 43827, 11575, 8986, 277, 6723, 11, 98366, 198, 1677, 87150, 197, 606, 1942, 2702, 53577, 78395, 7331, 41060, 33188, 29244, 627, 42, 20306, 20501, 77, 1431, 3303, 9037, 481, 11, 197, 98936, 13, 10230, 68, 1184, 197, 29588, 52060, 16868, 8843, 44323, 197, 4109, 53577, 198, 265, 391, 33910, 50268, 2765 ]
is used in severe stages of disorders. Pramathya is used in moderately aggravated Doshas. It is used in medium stage of disorder. Example Musta – Nut grass (root) – Cyperus rotundus Indrayava – Seeds of Kutaja – Bark of Holarrhena antidysenterica Pramathya S Cool it down S honey S diarrhoea, dysentery with bleeding – as in Ulcerative colitis.20. Ayurveda’s Take on Re- boiling Water and Herbal Teas Y Re-boiling water, in the context of this article means, boiling once, allowing cooling down and then again boiling it. Ayurveda does not approve of this. e Above Sanskrit verse Means the Following – Once any liquid, water or kashayam (decoction) is boiled and cooled down, if it is re-heated, that liquid acts like poison. Besides water, this rule also applies to – Ghrita – herbal ghees Taila – herbal oils Paneeya – herbal drinks and juices involving boiling process While making Leha – herbal jams like chyawanprash, we make the Kashaya (decoction/herbal tea) rst and then to it, other jaggery or sugar etc are added and re-heated. In this case, the Kashaya is not allowed to cool down and as soon as Kashaya is ready, we just add the other ingredients and continue heating. So, the above rule does not apply here. About Making Oils, Avalehaere is another rule while preparing herbal ghee, herbal oils, jams etc. It is best to prepare these oils, ghee and herbal jam in more than one day. is is because; the night time has its own benecial effect on the product. But here, it cannot be considered as re-boiling. Because, once Kashaya is made, it is added with sugar/oil/ghee. en boiled for some time and then the boiling is continued on the next day. Here, the boiling is a continuous process and we are not re-boiling the nished product. For Using Oils for Massage Some practitio ners heat the massage oil, just before starting massaging. is is ne in winters and in cold climate places. Because, if we massage extremely cold oil, it may cause Kapha increase, leading to joint stiffness or Vata Dosha increase. So, heating the oil just above the room temperature, before massage is agreeable. Can we heat the market available kashayam, before consumption? No. ere is a wrong assumption to heat the ready – made kashayam that is available in the market, before consumption. is can be very dangerous. Not only the Kashaya, even the preservatives also get heated, leading to complex unhealthy mix. It may cause worse diseases than the patient already is suffering with. Logic Why Re-boiling water makes it poison? e answers are not totally convincing. Here is some effort: e water contains dissolved gases and minerals. Once they are boiled, they reach an activated stage. But if they are cooled and re-boiled, their complex interaction makes it poisonous or unhealthy to consume. In Ayurveda, it leads to formation of Ama – a product of altered digestion and metabolism.Minerals that are good for us in small doses, such as calcium salts, can be very harmful when re-boiled and can lead to kidney stones and gallstones. What is wrong with re-boiling Kashayam, herbal ghee, oils etc? Kashay – decoction simply means boiling herbs with water for some time, ltered. Like all cooked foods, Kashaya is told to be taken when it is freshly made and in hot condition. Kashay making itself is a form of cooking. Only in high Pitta condition, a freshly made kashay is allowed to cool down before consumption. So, when kashay is freshly made, the water soluble active principles of herbs are in activated, charged condition. is when consumed, gets easily absorbed and quickly show their benets in the body. But if Kashayam is re-heated, after cooling down, it loses the charge of active principles and they become very hard for digestion, leading to production of ama – a product of altered digestion and metabolism. is further leads to onset of many diseases. Same is the case with herbal jams, herbal ghees and herbal oils. is Rule also Applies to Cooked Food Heating is a process of charging up the active principles in the food and herbs that we consume. Once they are charged up and activated, they have to be consumed so that their energy and total of their phyto-nutrients are easily absorbed by the body. But once after they cool down and again re-heated, they are not as charged as previously, leading to erratic absorption. Reference: Kaiyadeva Nighantu – Drava Varga Sharangdhara Samhita Prathama Khanda 121. Kashaya Home Remedy for Fever Y Ayurveda offers many home remedies in combination of herbs and dosage forms for fever. In fever, Kashayam (water decoction) is mainly used, because it gets absorbed quickly and brings about swift action. Here we learn about one such powerful Kashayam home remedy for fever. Ingredients Guduchi powder – Stem of Indian Tinospora – Tinospora cordifolia – 5 g rams Dashamula – group of ten roots. Available online herb stores – 25 g rams e Dashamoola are – Bilva – Aegle marmelos Agnimantha – Premna mucronata Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens Gambhari – Gmelina arborea Brihati – Solanum indicum Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum Gokshura – Tribulus terrestrisShalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum Prishnaparni – Uraria picta Water – 200 ml Procedure Guduchi + Dashamoola – 25 grams together is added to 200 ml of water, boiled in mild re, and reduced to 50 ml. Filtered. How to take? is Kashayam is taken in a dose of 10–20 m l two times a day before food. Once prepared kashayam can only be stored for one day. If you prepare this kashayam in the morning, you can have the same Kashayam at night, without heating. How it is effective? Guduchi is one of the widely used herbs in treating fever. It is potent antipyretic herb. Dashamoola group of herbs is very potent anti inammatory. When can one use it? is Kashayam can be used as a co drink in any type of fever. It can also be used along with other fever medications that you might be taking.•22. Kashaya Home Remedy for Fever and Cold Y Ayurveda has many powerful herbs with antipyretic (relieving fever) benets. Here is a simple Kashayam home remedy for fever and cold using four choicest of anti-fever Ayurveda herbs. Ingredients 6 Grams of each of Amla – Indian gooseberry – Natural coolant, anti oxidant. Guduchi – Indian Tinospora – Potent antipyretic, anti viral and anti bacterial herb. It is widely used herb in many Ayurvedic medicines for fever. Chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica – Anti pyretic herb. Pippali – Long pepper – Piper longum – Good for fever, indigestion and cold. How to do? 6 Grams of each of these herbs – total 24 grams is added with 200 m l of water. Take it in wide mouthed vessel, boil it in mild re. Stir continuously. Boil and reduce it to 50 ml. is is a kashayam (water decoction preparation). Dose 10–15 ml of this Kashayam 2 times a day before food is helpful to improve digestion, relieve fever and cold.• • •In Ayurveda term, this remedy is told to help in fever occurring due to Kapha imbalance. Once prepared Kashayam can be kept only for a period of 12–15 h ours. Re-heating of this kashayam is not advised.• • •23. Dashamula Kashayam with Castor Oil for Low Back Pain By Dr. Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) Y Ayurveda provides a lot of time tested formulations and treatments for effective healing and cure of low back pain. Dashamula Kashayam and castor oil forms a useful and highly effective combination in warding off the low back pain. Dashamula Kashaya – Castor Oil Combination Reference – Yoga Ratnakara, Vata Vyadhi
[ 374, 1511, 304, 15748, 18094, 315, 24673, 627, 47, 2453, 589, 7911, 374, 1511, 304, 70351, 63368, 58020, 4752, 13, 1102, 374, 1511, 304, 11298, 198, 21406, 315, 19823, 627, 13617, 198, 32876, 64, 1389, 18878, 16763, 320, 2959, 8, 1389, 18221, 716, 355, 5868, 1263, 355, 198, 1451, 11872, 2979, 1389, 74089, 315, 97007, 19580, 1389, 60629, 315, 16071, 1138, 71, 7304, 90687, 1065, 1992, 3074, 198, 47, 2453, 589, 7911, 328, 24882, 433, 1523, 328, 26828, 328, 58705, 77035, 64, 11, 22709, 306, 727, 449, 35763, 115972, 300, 304, 16991, 3913, 1413, 1400, 20000, 13, 508, 13, 24852, 80627, 64, 753, 12040, 389, 1050, 7058, 754, 8138, 10164, 323, 87972, 198, 6777, 300, 198, 56, 198, 697, 70566, 8138, 3090, 11, 304, 279, 2317, 315, 420, 4652, 3445, 11, 50937, 3131, 11, 10923, 198, 43296, 287, 1523, 323, 1243, 1578, 50937, 433, 13, 24852, 80627, 64, 1587, 539, 29251, 315, 420, 627, 170, 222, 224, 68, 44710, 15089, 88650, 33487, 60807, 279, 23548, 115972, 12805, 904, 14812, 11, 3090, 477, 597, 1003, 352, 309, 320, 451, 1030, 407, 8, 374, 66185, 323, 65410, 1523, 11, 422, 198, 275, 374, 312, 38435, 660, 11, 430, 14812, 14385, 1093, 21109, 627, 52555, 3090, 11, 420, 6037, 1101, 17208, 311, 115972, 38, 71, 98827, 1389, 51487, 342, 383, 288, 198, 45895, 64, 1389, 51487, 32462, 198, 8419, 78989, 1389, 51487, 21662, 323, 65959, 16239, 50937, 1920, 198, 8142, 3339, 2009, 4317, 1389, 51487, 90398, 1093, 114781, 42029, 652, 1003, 11, 584, 1304, 279, 42708, 12874, 198, 13089, 1030, 407, 39007, 13616, 15600, 8, 220, 188, 59125, 323, 1243, 311, 433, 11, 1023, 503, 16094, 727, 477, 13465, 5099, 527, 3779, 198, 438, 312, 38435, 660, 627, 644, 420, 1162, 11, 279, 42708, 12874, 374, 539, 5535, 311, 7155, 1523, 323, 439, 5246, 439, 42708, 12874, 198, 285, 5644, 11, 584, 1120, 923, 279, 1023, 14293, 323, 3136, 24494, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 3485, 198, 13233, 1587, 539, 3881, 1618, 627, 10714, 25274, 507, 8839, 11, 7671, 1604, 4317, 170, 223, 241, 486, 374, 2500, 6037, 1418, 20646, 51487, 342, 50153, 11, 51487, 32462, 11, 90398, 5099, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 16241, 311, 10772, 1521, 32462, 11, 342, 50153, 323, 51487, 20673, 304, 810, 1109, 832, 1938, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 198, 28753, 26, 279, 3814, 892, 706, 1202, 1866, 20331, 188, 16158, 384, 171, 105, 222, 440, 389, 279, 2027, 627, 4071, 1618, 11, 433, 4250, 387, 6646, 439, 312, 70566, 8138, 13, 9393, 11, 3131, 42708, 12874, 374, 198, 28010, 11, 433, 374, 3779, 449, 13465, 20886, 321, 4951, 50153, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 268, 66185, 369, 1063, 892, 323, 1243, 279, 198, 754, 8138, 374, 8738, 389, 279, 1828, 1938, 13, 5810, 11, 279, 50937, 374, 264, 19815, 1920, 198, 438, 584, 527, 539, 312, 70566, 8138, 279, 220, 188, 77, 3384, 2027, 627, 2520, 12362, 507, 8839, 369, 27483, 198, 8538, 3856, 275, 822, 308, 388, 8798, 279, 6378, 5707, 11, 1120, 1603, 6041, 3148, 4210, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 198, 188, 818, 304, 86082, 323, 304, 9439, 10182, 7634, 13, 9393, 11, 422, 584, 6378, 9193, 198, 88172, 5707, 11, 433, 1253, 5353, 735, 1366, 64, 5376, 11, 6522, 311, 10496, 357, 72, 171, 105, 222, 2136, 477, 650, 460, 58020, 4317, 198, 79601, 13, 2100, 11, 24494, 279, 5707, 1120, 3485, 279, 3130, 9499, 11, 1603, 6378, 374, 198, 69200, 481, 627, 6854, 584, 8798, 279, 3157, 2561, 597, 1003, 352, 309, 11, 1603, 15652, 5380, 2822, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 486, 374, 264, 5076, 25329, 311, 8798, 279, 5644, 1389, 1903, 597, 1003, 352, 309, 430, 374, 198, 10547, 304, 279, 3157, 11, 1603, 15652, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 649, 387, 1633, 11660, 13, 2876, 198, 3323, 279, 42708, 12874, 11, 1524, 279, 1685, 79629, 1101, 636, 32813, 11, 6522, 311, 6485, 198, 359, 38128, 6651, 13, 1102, 1253, 5353, 11201, 19338, 1109, 279, 8893, 2736, 374, 924, 171, 105, 222, 4776, 198, 4291, 627, 27849, 198, 10445, 1050, 70566, 8138, 3090, 3727, 433, 21109, 5380, 170, 223, 241, 68, 11503, 527, 539, 12756, 40661, 13, 5810, 374, 1063, 384, 171, 105, 222, 371, 512, 170, 223, 241, 68, 3090, 5727, 56767, 45612, 323, 34072, 13, 9843, 814, 527, 66185, 11, 814, 198, 23430, 459, 22756, 6566, 13, 2030, 422, 814, 527, 65410, 323, 312, 70566, 2230, 11, 872, 6485, 198, 69175, 3727, 433, 74508, 477, 53808, 311, 25024, 13, 763, 24852, 80627, 64, 11, 433, 11767, 198, 998, 18488, 315, 105664, 1389, 264, 2027, 315, 29852, 74502, 323, 39097, 1345, 10670, 1147, 430, 527, 1695, 369, 603, 304, 2678, 35130, 11, 1778, 439, 35719, 78235, 11, 649, 387, 198, 1225, 28856, 994, 312, 70566, 2230, 323, 649, 3063, 311, 39042, 27302, 323, 19754, 33610, 627, 3923, 374, 5076, 449, 312, 70566, 8138, 42708, 352, 309, 11, 51487, 342, 50153, 11, 32462, 5099, 5380, 42, 1003, 352, 1389, 68652, 407, 5042, 3445, 50937, 42393, 449, 3090, 369, 1063, 892, 345, 188, 75, 34259, 627, 13246, 682, 30205, 15657, 11, 42708, 12874, 374, 3309, 311, 387, 4529, 994, 433, 374, 50999, 1903, 198, 438, 304, 4106, 3044, 13, 42708, 352, 3339, 5196, 374, 264, 1376, 315, 17677, 13, 8442, 304, 1579, 198, 47, 46124, 3044, 11, 264, 50999, 1903, 597, 1003, 352, 374, 5535, 311, 7155, 1523, 1603, 198, 67776, 562, 627, 4516, 11, 994, 597, 1003, 352, 374, 50999, 1903, 11, 279, 3090, 88045, 4642, 16565, 315, 42393, 198, 548, 304, 22756, 11, 11684, 3044, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 994, 27073, 11, 5334, 6847, 42101, 198, 438, 6288, 1501, 872, 20331, 188, 2641, 304, 279, 2547, 627, 4071, 422, 42708, 352, 309, 374, 312, 38435, 660, 11, 1306, 28015, 1523, 11, 433, 33291, 279, 6900, 315, 4642, 198, 652, 5824, 645, 323, 814, 3719, 1633, 2653, 369, 74502, 11, 6522, 311, 5788, 315, 198, 3105, 1389, 264, 2027, 315, 29852, 74502, 323, 39097, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 4726, 11767, 311, 198, 263, 751, 315, 1690, 19338, 627, 19749, 374, 279, 1162, 449, 51487, 90398, 11, 51487, 342, 383, 288, 323, 51487, 32462, 627, 170, 222, 224, 285, 18592, 1101, 83265, 311, 12797, 291, 12369, 198, 1548, 1113, 374, 264, 1920, 315, 23468, 709, 279, 4642, 16565, 304, 279, 3691, 323, 42393, 198, 9210, 584, 25024, 627, 12805, 814, 527, 11684, 709, 323, 22756, 11, 814, 617, 311, 387, 27073, 779, 430, 198, 50828, 4907, 323, 2860, 315, 872, 37555, 998, 5392, 332, 32930, 527, 6847, 42101, 555, 279, 2547, 627, 4071, 3131, 1306, 814, 7155, 1523, 323, 1578, 312, 38435, 660, 11, 814, 527, 539, 439, 11684, 198, 300, 8767, 11, 6522, 311, 95675, 44225, 627, 9032, 25, 51710, 88, 1037, 6723, 452, 1108, 92406, 1389, 2999, 2979, 650, 18405, 198, 43315, 526, 31721, 5169, 8388, 71, 6388, 2394, 589, 3105, 20774, 10018, 220, 7994, 13, 42708, 12874, 5492, 5031, 9497, 198, 2000, 85001, 198, 56, 198, 74209, 80627, 64, 297, 171, 105, 222, 388, 1690, 2162, 51236, 304, 10824, 315, 42393, 323, 47040, 198, 10008, 369, 34653, 13, 763, 34653, 11, 42708, 352, 309, 320, 13284, 68652, 407, 8, 374, 14918, 1511, 11, 1606, 433, 198, 19209, 42101, 6288, 323, 12716, 922, 30462, 1957, 13, 5810, 584, 4048, 922, 832, 198, 21470, 8147, 42708, 352, 309, 2162, 40239, 369, 34653, 627, 46847, 198, 38, 664, 56017, 17138, 1389, 81948, 315, 7904, 350, 15570, 71764, 1389, 350, 15570, 71764, 23125, 333, 39260, 1389, 220, 20, 342, 436, 4214, 198, 43363, 309, 5724, 1389, 1912, 315, 5899, 20282, 13, 16528, 2930, 39999, 10756, 1389, 220, 914, 342, 436, 4214, 198, 170, 223, 241, 68, 37770, 309, 47080, 527, 115972, 33, 321, 6723, 1389, 362, 797, 273, 296, 2227, 301, 437, 198, 32, 5010, 40310, 23218, 1389, 12029, 3458, 65104, 2298, 460, 198, 2059, 26039, 13637, 1389, 507, 55889, 28433, 4547, 372, 198, 47, 4306, 64, 1389, 27155, 85499, 20508, 372, 924, 525, 337, 729, 198, 38, 3042, 77007, 1389, 480, 28226, 2259, 59588, 61148, 198, 33, 462, 9379, 72, 1389, 11730, 276, 372, 4547, 372, 198, 42, 519, 587, 2850, 1389, 11730, 276, 372, 865, 32329, 511, 8035, 372, 198, 38, 564, 939, 5808, 1389, 21163, 19990, 88026, 496, 285, 2059, 278, 391, 1923, 72, 1389, 3959, 2658, 2411, 25893, 36324, 372, 198, 3617, 819, 7004, 1923, 72, 1389, 17229, 10649, 72829, 64, 198, 29353, 1389, 220, 1049, 16116, 198, 34255, 198, 38, 664, 56017, 489, 37770, 309, 47080, 1389, 220, 914, 34419, 3871, 374, 3779, 311, 220, 1049, 16116, 315, 3090, 345, 754, 2230, 304, 23900, 220, 188, 265, 11, 323, 11293, 311, 220, 1135, 16116, 13, 12619, 291, 627, 4438, 311, 1935, 5380, 170, 223, 241, 285, 42708, 352, 309, 374, 4529, 304, 264, 19660, 315, 220, 605, 4235, 508, 296, 326, 1403, 3115, 264, 1938, 1603, 3691, 627, 12805, 10235, 597, 1003, 352, 309, 649, 1193, 387, 9967, 369, 832, 1938, 627, 2746, 499, 10772, 420, 597, 1003, 352, 309, 304, 279, 6693, 11, 499, 649, 617, 279, 1890, 198, 42, 1003, 352, 309, 520, 3814, 11, 2085, 24494, 627, 4438, 433, 374, 384, 171, 105, 222, 96978, 5380, 38, 664, 56017, 374, 832, 315, 279, 13882, 1511, 42393, 304, 27723, 34653, 13, 1102, 374, 36875, 198, 519, 23799, 2171, 292, 39999, 627, 43363, 309, 47080, 1912, 315, 42393, 374, 1633, 36875, 7294, 304, 188, 8836, 5382, 627, 4599, 649, 832, 1005, 433, 5380, 170, 223, 241, 285, 42708, 352, 309, 649, 387, 1511, 439, 264, 1080, 7172, 304, 904, 955, 315, 34653, 627, 2181, 649, 1101, 387, 1511, 3235, 449, 1023, 34653, 31010, 430, 499, 2643, 387, 198, 89894, 98566, 1313, 13, 42708, 12874, 5492, 5031, 9497, 198, 2000, 85001, 323, 24062, 198, 56, 198, 74209, 80627, 64, 706, 1690, 8147, 42393, 449, 3276, 23799, 2171, 292, 320, 3833, 84446, 34653, 8, 20331, 188, 2641, 627, 8586, 374, 264, 4382, 42708, 352, 309, 2162, 40239, 369, 34653, 323, 9439, 1701, 3116, 2665, 292, 478, 315, 198, 15719, 34303, 424, 24852, 80627, 64, 42393, 627, 46847, 198, 21, 29937, 82, 315, 1855, 315, 198, 32, 1029, 64, 1389, 7904, 63237, 15717, 1389, 18955, 97870, 11, 7294, 36172, 519, 627, 38, 664, 56017, 1389, 7904, 350, 15570, 71764, 1389, 14020, 306, 3276, 23799, 2171, 292, 11, 7294, 29962, 323, 7294, 45964, 198, 1964, 65, 13, 1102, 374, 13882, 1511, 39999, 304, 1690, 24852, 80627, 292, 39653, 369, 34653, 627, 1163, 22288, 13637, 1389, 1856, 3635, 6438, 1167, 1216, 10946, 3074, 1389, 23853, 4611, 2171, 292, 39999, 627, 47, 2877, 8115, 1389, 5843, 25349, 1389, 70907, 1317, 372, 1389, 7839, 369, 34653, 11, 1280, 15505, 290, 323, 9439, 627, 4438, 311, 656, 5380, 21, 29937, 82, 315, 1855, 315, 1521, 42393, 1389, 2860, 220, 1187, 34419, 374, 3779, 449, 220, 1049, 296, 326, 315, 3090, 627, 18293, 433, 304, 7029, 11013, 291, 27274, 11, 44790, 433, 304, 23900, 220, 188, 265, 13, 65292, 31978, 627, 1255, 321, 323, 8108, 433, 311, 220, 1135, 16116, 627, 170, 223, 241, 285, 374, 264, 597, 1003, 352, 309, 320, 13284, 68652, 407, 18459, 4390, 35, 974, 198, 605, 4235, 868, 16116, 315, 420, 42708, 352, 309, 220, 17, 3115, 264, 1938, 1603, 3691, 374, 11190, 311, 198, 318, 35563, 74502, 11, 48839, 34653, 323, 9439, 98566, 198, 6806, 198, 6806, 644, 24852, 80627, 64, 4751, 11, 420, 40239, 374, 3309, 311, 1520, 304, 34653, 31965, 4245, 311, 198, 42, 1366, 64, 68331, 627, 12805, 10235, 42708, 352, 309, 649, 387, 8774, 1193, 369, 264, 4261, 315, 220, 717, 4235, 868, 305, 11604, 627, 697, 38435, 1113, 315, 420, 597, 1003, 352, 309, 374, 539, 26160, 98566, 198, 6806, 198, 6806, 1419, 13, 37770, 309, 5724, 42708, 352, 309, 198, 4291, 11514, 269, 15895, 369, 12310, 198, 3792, 35567, 198, 1383, 2999, 13, 432, 34856, 324, 309, 816, 815, 13, 14306, 320, 74209, 340, 56, 198, 74209, 80627, 64, 5825, 264, 2763, 315, 892, 12793, 98077, 323, 22972, 369, 198, 68, 171, 105, 222, 96978, 21730, 323, 27208, 315, 3428, 1203, 6784, 13, 37770, 309, 5724, 42708, 352, 309, 323, 6445, 269, 198, 74913, 7739, 264, 5505, 323, 7701, 384, 171, 105, 222, 96978, 10824, 304, 26741, 287, 297, 171, 105, 222, 279, 3428, 1203, 198, 92724, 627, 43363, 309, 5724, 42708, 12874, 1389, 11514, 269, 15895, 86956, 198, 9032, 1389, 38673, 41677, 43974, 5169, 11, 650, 460, 96100, 329, 6151 ]
vitamin A — help tosoothe nerves and replenish vital nutrients and water that alcohol depletes. You get natural sugars instead of empty calories in sodas. And they taste so darned good! The punch bowl is festive and it can be the center of a lively party. Offering a nonalcoholic punch is a responsible host’s job, and designated drivers will be thankful that you made it with fresh, refreshing ingredients. Out of sight, out of mind For success in juicing and to stay motivated and firmly develop the juicing habit, you need to get up close and personal with your juicer. The first rule of juicing is that the juicer takes cent er stage on the kitchen count er and is in full view all the time. When you accept that the juicing machi ne will always be there, reminding you of its nobl e caus e, you can think carefully about how you work and what will stream line the proces s of juicing. Run through the juicing process and organi ze your juicing equi pment so that you work clean and uncluttered. Keep a peel ing knife and a larger vegetable knife sharpened and at hand at the juicing cent er or what I like to think of as the health hub. You need a large cutting boar d and a long- handled brush, as well as a jug to collect the juice if your juicer does n’t come with its own jug. A compost buck et and a suppl y of plastic bags for collecting and saving the pulp are essential (see Chapt er 13). Situate the juicer as close to the sink and to your glasses as you can (you may have to rearrange some cupboards). This will save time when it com es to serving the juice and cleaning up. If you can, position the juicer on the count er between the sink and the refrigerator because most of the fresh fruit and veget ables will need to be chilled. Reserve a shelf in your refrigerator, preferably at eye level, for juicing ingredients. The more prominent the ingredients are, the more likely you’ll be to use them.P i ñ a - S t r a w b e r r y C o l a d a Prep time: About 3 min • Juicing time: 2 min • Yield: 3 servings Ingr edients 4 cups strawberries 1/2 lemon 1/2 pineapple 1/2 cup coconut cream Dir ections 1 Wash the strawberries under gently streaming water, hull, and pat dry. 2 Peel the lemon, leaving the white pith on. 3 Cut the top and the base off the pineapple and cut the pineapple in half lengthwise. Wrap one half and set aside in the refrigerator. Stand up the other half and cut away and discard the outer skin. Cut the pineapple flesh into wedges to fit the juicer feed tube. 4 Turn on the juicer and place a jug under the spout. 5 Working on a slow speed, process the strawberries and lemon. 6 Increase the speed to medium and process the pineapple. 7 Stir in coconut cream, pour into 2 glasses, and enjoy! Per serving: Calories 197 (From Fat 89); Fat 10g (Saturated 8g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 28mg; Carbohydrate 29g (Dietary Fiber 2g); Protein 3g. Tip: Coconut cream is found in the same section of the supermarket as coconut milk. It’s made in exactly the same wayas coconut milk, but with less water, which makes it thicker in drinks. Use coconut milk if you can’t find coconut cream. S k o a l! Prep time: About 3 min • Juicing time: 2 min • Yield: 2 servings Ingr edients 2 oranges 1 ruby grapefruit 1 mango 1 cup sparkling grape juice or mineral water Dir ections 1 Peel the oranges and grapefruit, leaving the white pith on. 2 Peel the mango and remove the pit. 3 Turn on the juicer and place a jug under the spout. 4 Working on a slow speed, process the oranges and grapefruit. 5 Increase the speed to medium and process the mango. 6 Stir in the grape juice, pour into 2 glasses, and enjoy! Per serving: Calories 170 (From Fat 5); Fat 1g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 2mg; Carbohydrate 44g (Dietary Fiber 4g); Protein 5g. R e d Z i n g e r M i x e r Prep time: About 4 min • Juicing time: 2 min • Yield: 2 servings Ingr edients 2 pomegranates2 oranges 1 cup raspberries 2 ounces vodka, rum, or gin Dir ections 1 Break apart each of the pomegranates into 4 pieces and pull out the red seeds. Discard the rind and the white membrane. 2 Peel the oranges, leaving the white pith on. 3 Wash the raspberries under gently streaming water; pat dry. 4 Turn on the juicer and place a jug under the spout. 5 Working on a slow speed, process the oranges and raspberries. 6 Increase the speed to medium and process the pomegranate seeds. 7 Stir in the alcohol, pour into 2 glasses, and enjoy! Per serving: Calories 262 (From Fat 9); Fat 1g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 5mg; Carbohydrate 49g (Dietary Fiber 3g); Protein 4g. G i n g e r e d O r a n g e M i x e r Prep time: About 2 min • Juicing time: 2 min • Yield: 2 servings Ingr edients 2 oranges 2 red plums 1 piece (1-inch) peeled fresh ginger 3 pears 2 ounces vodka, rum, or ginDir ections 1 Peel the oranges, leaving the white pith on. 2 Cut the plums in half and remove the stone. 3 Cut the pears if necessary to fit the juicer feed tube. 4 Turn on the juicer and place a jug under the spout. 5 Working on a slow speed, process the oranges. 6 Increase the speed to medium and process the plums, ginger, and pears. 7 Stir in the alcohol, pour into 2 glasses, and enjoy! Per serving: Calories 313 (From Fat 14); Fat 2g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 1mg; Carbohydrate 62g (Dietary Fiber 4g); Protein 3g. C o o l W a t e r m e l o n P u n c h Prep time: About 6 min • Juicing time: 2 min • Yield: 6 servings Ingr edients 1 watermelon 3 red grapefruits 3 oranges 2 papayas 1 lime 4 cups ice cubes Dir ections 1 Cut the watermelon in half lengthwise. Trim away the top and bottom. Cut each half in half lengthwise. Trim away the rind andany white flesh; discard. Cut into wedges to fit the feed tube of the juicer. 2 Peel the grapefruits, oranges, and lime, leaving the white pith on. 3 Peel the papayas. 4 Turn on the juicer and place a jug under the spout. 5 Working on a slow speed, process the watermelon, grapefruits, oranges, papayas, and lime. 6 Pour the punch into a container with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate until guests arrive. 7 When ready to serve, shake or stir the punch and pour into a punch bowl. Add ice and enjoy! Per serving: Calories 333 (From Fat 2); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 18mg; Carbohydrate 83g (Dietary Fiber 4g); Protein 6g. A p p l e M e l o n F i z z P u n c h Prep time: About 6 min • Juicing time: 2 min • Yield: 6 servings Ingr edients 1 honeydew, musk, or cantaloupe melon 2 oranges 6 apples 1 piece (2-inches) peeled fresh ginger 2 cups carbonated water 4 cups ice cubes Dir ections1 Cut the melon in half, scoop out the seeds and trim away the rind; discard. Cut the melon flesh into wedges to fit the juicer feed tube. 2 Peel the oranges, leaving the white pith on. 3 Cut the apples to fit the juicer feed tube. 4 Turn on the juicer and place a jug under the spout. 5 Working on a slow speed, process the melon and oranges. 6 Pour the punch into a container with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate until guests arrive. 7 When ready to serve, shake or stir the punch and pour into a punch bowl. Stir in carbonated water, add ice, and enjoy! Per serving: Calories
[ 28170, 362, 2001, 1520, 311, 708, 78, 1820, 50581, 323, 70543, 819, 16595, 37493, 323, 3090, 430, 198, 278, 11353, 409, 698, 2392, 13, 1472, 636, 5933, 70913, 4619, 315, 4384, 198, 5531, 2490, 304, 24905, 300, 13, 1628, 814, 12945, 779, 74777, 291, 1695, 4999, 791, 21004, 19763, 374, 59937, 323, 433, 649, 387, 279, 4219, 315, 264, 49277, 198, 34057, 13, 67118, 264, 2536, 278, 45494, 21004, 374, 264, 8647, 3552, 753, 2683, 345, 438, 24073, 12050, 690, 387, 43788, 430, 499, 1903, 433, 449, 198, 72408, 11, 37018, 14293, 627, 2729, 315, 14254, 11, 704, 315, 4059, 198, 2520, 2450, 304, 10479, 10332, 323, 311, 4822, 27762, 323, 33595, 71831, 8892, 398, 2274, 279, 10479, 10332, 198, 97802, 11, 499, 1205, 311, 636, 709, 3345, 323, 4443, 220, 449, 701, 10479, 13296, 13, 578, 33595, 71831, 59125, 6037, 198, 1073, 10479, 10332, 374, 430, 279, 10479, 13296, 5097, 2960, 2781, 6566, 389, 279, 9979, 1797, 2781, 323, 198, 285, 304, 2539, 1684, 682, 279, 892, 13, 3277, 499, 4287, 220, 430, 279, 10479, 10332, 8002, 72, 841, 690, 198, 33222, 387, 1070, 11, 64042, 499, 315, 1202, 13348, 75, 384, 25540, 384, 11, 499, 649, 1781, 15884, 198, 9274, 1268, 499, 990, 323, 1148, 690, 4365, 1584, 279, 29394, 274, 315, 10479, 10332, 627, 6869, 1555, 279, 10479, 10332, 1920, 323, 2942, 72, 14017, 701, 10479, 10332, 3312, 72, 281, 479, 779, 198, 9210, 499, 990, 4335, 323, 653, 566, 6339, 291, 13, 13969, 264, 58212, 6892, 22145, 323, 264, 8294, 198, 83571, 481, 22145, 57463, 291, 323, 520, 1450, 520, 279, 10479, 10332, 2960, 2781, 477, 1148, 358, 1093, 198, 998, 1781, 315, 439, 279, 2890, 19240, 13, 1472, 1205, 264, 3544, 14713, 712, 277, 294, 323, 264, 1317, 7058, 39921, 15998, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 264, 23200, 311, 6667, 279, 23661, 422, 701, 10479, 13296, 1587, 308, 1431, 198, 2063, 449, 1202, 1866, 23200, 13, 362, 57823, 22786, 1880, 323, 264, 82113, 379, 315, 12466, 18381, 220, 369, 198, 17840, 287, 323, 14324, 279, 64188, 527, 7718, 320, 4151, 921, 2756, 2781, 220, 1032, 570, 29508, 6426, 279, 198, 8783, 13296, 439, 3345, 311, 279, 19868, 323, 311, 701, 29247, 439, 499, 649, 320, 9514, 1253, 617, 198, 998, 56427, 853, 1063, 10747, 19826, 570, 1115, 690, 3665, 892, 994, 433, 470, 1560, 311, 198, 82, 20073, 279, 23661, 323, 16204, 709, 627, 2746, 499, 649, 11, 2361, 279, 10479, 13296, 389, 279, 1797, 2781, 1990, 279, 19868, 323, 279, 198, 1116, 65044, 859, 1606, 1455, 315, 279, 7878, 14098, 323, 13294, 671, 645, 690, 1205, 311, 387, 198, 331, 4473, 13, 25820, 264, 28745, 304, 701, 46044, 11, 52754, 520, 8071, 2237, 11, 369, 198, 8783, 10332, 14293, 13, 578, 810, 21102, 220, 279, 14293, 527, 11, 279, 810, 198, 14617, 499, 4805, 387, 311, 1005, 1124, 1087, 602, 1717, 109, 264, 482, 328, 259, 436, 264, 289, 293, 384, 436, 436, 379, 220, 356, 297, 326, 264, 294, 264, 198, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 18, 1332, 7436, 22410, 10332, 892, 25, 220, 17, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 18, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 19, 26446, 76203, 198, 16, 14, 17, 30564, 198, 16, 14, 17, 78182, 198, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 34557, 12932, 198, 6315, 384, 5247, 198, 16, 6113, 279, 76203, 1234, 30373, 17265, 3090, 11, 41298, 11, 323, 198, 4781, 9235, 627, 17, 89694, 279, 30564, 11, 9564, 279, 4251, 281, 411, 389, 627, 18, 20223, 279, 1948, 323, 279, 2385, 1022, 279, 78182, 323, 4018, 279, 198, 39138, 23182, 304, 4376, 3160, 4583, 13, 43287, 832, 4376, 323, 743, 16038, 304, 279, 198, 1116, 65044, 859, 13, 15948, 709, 279, 1023, 4376, 323, 4018, 3201, 323, 38967, 198, 1820, 16335, 6930, 13, 20223, 279, 78182, 33595, 120912, 4385, 1139, 11077, 4282, 311, 33595, 71831, 83, 279, 198, 8783, 13296, 5510, 14019, 627, 19, 12268, 389, 279, 10479, 13296, 323, 2035, 264, 23200, 1234, 279, 993, 412, 627, 20, 22938, 389, 264, 6435, 4732, 11, 1920, 279, 76203, 323, 30564, 627, 21, 40733, 279, 4732, 311, 11298, 323, 1920, 279, 78182, 627, 22, 65292, 304, 34557, 12932, 11, 5019, 1139, 220, 17, 29247, 11, 323, 4774, 4999, 3976, 13788, 25, 84037, 220, 4468, 320, 3915, 26417, 220, 4578, 1237, 26417, 220, 605, 70, 320, 50, 35467, 220, 23, 70, 1237, 921, 35244, 220, 15, 12591, 26, 83541, 220, 1591, 12591, 280, 9028, 34658, 349, 220, 1682, 70, 320, 35, 3978, 661, 54727, 220, 17, 70, 1237, 49475, 220, 18, 70, 627, 16394, 25, 72379, 12932, 374, 1766, 304, 279, 1890, 3857, 315, 279, 198, 9712, 19859, 439, 34557, 14403, 13, 1102, 753, 1903, 304, 7041, 279, 1890, 1648, 300, 34557, 14403, 11, 719, 449, 2753, 3090, 11, 902, 3727, 433, 59884, 304, 198, 3696, 15872, 13, 5560, 34557, 14403, 422, 499, 649, 1431, 33595, 71831, 303, 34557, 12932, 627, 50, 597, 297, 264, 326, 59162, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 18, 1332, 7436, 22410, 10332, 892, 25, 220, 17, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 17, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 17, 85138, 198, 16, 46307, 52252, 36698, 198, 16, 70368, 198, 16, 10747, 64612, 52252, 23661, 477, 25107, 3090, 198, 6315, 384, 5247, 198, 16, 89694, 279, 85138, 323, 52252, 36698, 11, 9564, 279, 4251, 281, 411, 389, 627, 17, 89694, 279, 70368, 323, 4148, 279, 20428, 627, 18, 12268, 389, 279, 10479, 13296, 323, 2035, 264, 23200, 1234, 279, 993, 412, 627, 19, 22938, 389, 264, 6435, 4732, 11, 1920, 279, 85138, 323, 52252, 36698, 627, 20, 40733, 279, 4732, 311, 11298, 323, 1920, 279, 70368, 627, 21, 65292, 304, 279, 52252, 23661, 11, 5019, 1139, 220, 17, 29247, 11, 323, 4774, 4999, 3976, 13788, 25, 84037, 220, 8258, 320, 3915, 26417, 220, 20, 1237, 26417, 220, 16, 70, 320, 50, 35467, 220, 15, 70, 1237, 921, 35244, 220, 15, 12591, 26, 83541, 220, 17, 12591, 280, 9028, 34658, 349, 220, 2096, 70, 320, 35, 3978, 661, 54727, 220, 19, 70, 1237, 49475, 220, 20, 70, 627, 49, 384, 294, 220, 1901, 602, 308, 342, 384, 436, 220, 386, 602, 865, 384, 436, 198, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 19, 1332, 7436, 22410, 10332, 892, 25, 220, 17, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 17, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 17, 281, 638, 68163, 988, 17, 85138, 198, 16, 10747, 85146, 36989, 198, 17, 49138, 76524, 11, 14322, 11, 477, 47283, 198, 6315, 384, 5247, 198, 16, 15996, 10980, 1855, 315, 279, 281, 638, 68163, 988, 1139, 220, 19, 9863, 323, 6958, 704, 198, 1820, 2579, 19595, 13, 11997, 569, 279, 436, 485, 323, 279, 4251, 39654, 627, 17, 89694, 279, 85138, 11, 9564, 279, 4251, 281, 411, 389, 627, 18, 6113, 279, 85146, 36989, 1234, 30373, 17265, 3090, 26, 3352, 9235, 627, 19, 12268, 389, 279, 10479, 13296, 323, 2035, 264, 23200, 1234, 279, 993, 412, 627, 20, 22938, 389, 264, 6435, 4732, 11, 1920, 279, 85138, 323, 85146, 36989, 627, 21, 40733, 279, 4732, 311, 11298, 323, 1920, 279, 281, 638, 68163, 349, 198, 325, 6910, 627, 22, 65292, 304, 279, 13200, 11, 5019, 1139, 220, 17, 29247, 11, 323, 4774, 4999, 3976, 13788, 25, 84037, 220, 14274, 320, 3915, 26417, 220, 24, 1237, 26417, 220, 16, 70, 320, 50, 35467, 220, 15, 70, 1237, 921, 35244, 220, 15, 12591, 26, 83541, 220, 20, 12591, 280, 9028, 34658, 349, 220, 2491, 70, 320, 35, 3978, 661, 54727, 220, 18, 70, 1237, 49475, 220, 19, 70, 627, 38, 602, 308, 342, 384, 436, 384, 294, 220, 507, 436, 264, 308, 342, 384, 220, 386, 602, 865, 384, 436, 198, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 17, 1332, 7436, 22410, 10332, 892, 25, 220, 17, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 17, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 17, 85138, 198, 17, 2579, 628, 6370, 198, 16, 6710, 320, 16, 25224, 8, 83612, 7878, 44768, 198, 18, 281, 7596, 198, 17, 49138, 76524, 11, 14322, 11, 477, 47283, 6315, 384, 5247, 198, 16, 89694, 279, 85138, 11, 9564, 279, 4251, 281, 411, 389, 627, 17, 20223, 279, 628, 6370, 304, 4376, 323, 4148, 279, 9998, 627, 18, 20223, 279, 281, 7596, 422, 5995, 311, 33595, 71831, 83, 279, 10479, 13296, 5510, 14019, 627, 19, 12268, 389, 279, 10479, 13296, 323, 2035, 264, 23200, 1234, 279, 993, 412, 627, 20, 22938, 389, 264, 6435, 4732, 11, 1920, 279, 85138, 627, 21, 40733, 279, 4732, 311, 11298, 323, 1920, 279, 628, 6370, 11, 44768, 345, 438, 281, 7596, 627, 22, 65292, 304, 279, 13200, 11, 5019, 1139, 220, 17, 29247, 11, 323, 4774, 4999, 3976, 13788, 25, 84037, 220, 15231, 320, 3915, 26417, 220, 975, 1237, 26417, 220, 17, 70, 320, 50, 35467, 220, 15, 70, 1237, 921, 35244, 220, 15, 12591, 26, 83541, 220, 16, 12591, 280, 9028, 34658, 349, 220, 5538, 70, 320, 35, 3978, 661, 54727, 220, 19, 70, 1237, 49475, 220, 18, 70, 627, 34, 297, 297, 326, 220, 468, 264, 259, 384, 436, 296, 384, 326, 297, 308, 220, 393, 577, 308, 272, 305, 198, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 21, 1332, 7436, 22410, 10332, 892, 25, 220, 17, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 21, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 16, 3090, 72218, 198, 18, 2579, 52252, 1658, 12059, 198, 18, 85138, 198, 17, 26365, 98440, 198, 16, 42819, 198, 19, 26446, 10054, 55204, 198, 6315, 384, 5247, 198, 16, 20223, 279, 3090, 72218, 304, 4376, 3160, 4583, 13, 45476, 3201, 279, 1948, 323, 198, 15205, 13, 20223, 1855, 4376, 304, 4376, 3160, 4583, 13, 45476, 3201, 279, 436, 485, 323, 3852, 4251, 33595, 120912, 4385, 26, 38967, 13, 20223, 1139, 11077, 4282, 311, 33595, 71831, 83, 279, 5510, 14019, 315, 198, 1820, 10479, 13296, 627, 17, 89694, 279, 52252, 1658, 12059, 11, 85138, 11, 323, 42819, 11, 9564, 279, 4251, 281, 411, 198, 263, 627, 18, 89694, 279, 26365, 98440, 627, 19, 12268, 389, 279, 10479, 13296, 323, 2035, 264, 23200, 1234, 279, 993, 412, 627, 20, 22938, 389, 264, 6435, 4732, 11, 1920, 279, 3090, 72218, 11, 52252, 1658, 12059, 345, 269, 5637, 11, 26365, 98440, 11, 323, 42819, 627, 21, 27058, 279, 21004, 1139, 264, 5593, 449, 264, 10508, 12, 171, 71831, 83, 1303, 27431, 323, 198, 1116, 65044, 349, 3156, 15051, 17782, 627, 22, 3277, 5644, 311, 8854, 11, 27116, 477, 23935, 279, 21004, 323, 5019, 1139, 264, 198, 79, 3265, 19763, 13, 2758, 10054, 323, 4774, 4999, 3976, 13788, 25, 84037, 220, 8765, 320, 3915, 26417, 220, 17, 1237, 26417, 220, 15, 70, 320, 50, 35467, 220, 15, 70, 1237, 921, 35244, 220, 15, 12591, 26, 83541, 220, 972, 12591, 280, 9028, 34658, 349, 220, 6069, 70, 320, 35, 3978, 661, 54727, 220, 19, 70, 1237, 49475, 220, 21, 70, 627, 32, 281, 281, 326, 384, 220, 386, 384, 326, 297, 308, 220, 435, 602, 1167, 1167, 220, 393, 577, 308, 272, 305, 198, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 21, 1332, 7436, 22410, 10332, 892, 25, 220, 17, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 21, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 16, 26828, 67, 365, 11, 3167, 74, 11, 477, 16869, 278, 283, 375, 10804, 263, 198, 17, 85138, 198, 21, 41776, 198, 16, 6710, 320, 17, 3502, 8696, 8, 83612, 7878, 44768, 198, 17, 26446, 12782, 660, 3090, 198, 19, 26446, 10054, 55204, 198, 6315, 384, 5247, 16, 20223, 279, 10804, 263, 304, 4376, 11, 57507, 704, 279, 19595, 323, 11259, 3201, 279, 198, 81, 485, 26, 38967, 13, 20223, 279, 10804, 263, 33595, 120912, 4385, 1139, 11077, 4282, 311, 33595, 71831, 83, 279, 10479, 13296, 198, 11432, 14019, 627, 17, 89694, 279, 85138, 11, 9564, 279, 4251, 281, 411, 389, 627, 18, 20223, 279, 41776, 311, 33595, 71831, 83, 279, 10479, 13296, 5510, 14019, 627, 19, 12268, 389, 279, 10479, 13296, 323, 2035, 264, 23200, 1234, 279, 993, 412, 627, 20, 22938, 389, 264, 6435, 4732, 11, 1920, 279, 10804, 263, 323, 85138, 627, 21, 27058, 279, 21004, 1139, 264, 5593, 449, 264, 10508, 12, 171, 71831, 83, 1303, 27431, 323, 198, 1116, 65044, 349, 3156, 15051, 17782, 627, 22, 3277, 5644, 311, 8854, 11, 27116, 477, 23935, 279, 21004, 323, 5019, 1139, 264, 198, 79, 3265, 19763, 13, 65292, 304, 12782, 660, 3090, 11, 923, 10054, 11, 323, 4774, 4999, 3976, 13788, 25, 84037 ]
athing 101, 107 breathing problems 57, 280 asthma 191, 250, 280, 283 bronchitis 54, 250, 280, 283 bunions 46Cardiovascular system 193, 260-3 carpal tunnel syndrome 328 cerebellum 276 cerebral palsy 54, 278 cervical vertebrae reflex areas 28, 34, 35 charts see maps & charts chemotherapy & cancer 38, 51, 54, 198 chest reflex areas angina pectoris 263 cardiovascular system 261 fluid retention 239 foot maps 26, 27, 28, 29, 335 foot-roller technique 163 foot self-help sequences 111, 116, 117, 120 foot sequences 88, 89, 98, 99, 103, 104, 107 golf-ball technique 172, 177 hand maps 30, 31, 32, 33, 335 hand self-help sequences 150, 151, 156, 159, 160 hand sequences 130, 131, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141 high blood pressure 262 pregnant women 239 swollen feet 301 children desserts 209, 214 developmental concerns 40 foot sequence 210-13 hand sequence 214-15 injuries & problems 186, 291 physical awareness 44, 45 research studies 54 self-help 48-9 session timing 69, 70, 194, 208, 251 shoes 60 sibling support 50-1 special needs 40, 54 see also babies; teenagers circling 243, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 301 see also rotating-on-a-point cobblestone mats 48, 55, 222, 311 coccyx see tailbone colic 54, 207 colon reflex areas babies 206, 207 children 212 constipation 229, 250, 267 diarrhea 207 flatulence 267 foot-roller technique 165, 229 foot self-help sequences 112, 113, 121 foot sequences 92, 93, 104 golf-ball technique 173, 177, 229, 267 hand self-help sequences 152, 153, 160, 161 hand sequences 132, 133, 140 irritable bowel syndrome 266 maps 26, 27, 30, 31, 339INDex 347congestive heart failure 260, 262 conjunctivitis 256 constipation 55, 229, 250, 267 cupping foot problems 311, 312, 313 foot rejuvenation 291, 293, 306-7 foot relaxer workouts 295, 301 golf-ball technique 169 hand rejuvenation 314, 320 hand relaxer workout 319 see also double-cupping Deafness see hearing impairments depression 55, 219, 254 descending colon reflex areas 27, 93, 104 desserts see foot desserts; hand desserts diabetes 251, 271, 291 diaphragm lateral marker 22, 23, 24 diaphragm reflex areas cardiovascular system 261 foot maps 26, 27 foot self-help sequence 111 foot sequences 88, 89, 95 hand maps 30, 31, 32, 33 hand self-help sequences 148, 149, 150, 152 hand sequences 129, 130, 132 diarrhea 207 digestive system 193, 264-7 dizziness 255 double-cupping foot problems 310, 311, 312, 313 foot rejuvenation 293, 306-7 foot relaxer workouts 295, 301 men’s foot flexibility 243 Ear reflex areas children 210, 211, 215 foot self-help sequences 110, 111 foot sequences 86, 87, 102, 103 golf-ball technique 170 hand self-help sequences 150, 151, 160 hand sequences 130, 131, 140 maps 26, 27, 30, 31, 333 paralysis 279 tinnitus 259 elbow reflex areas foot-roller technique 164 foot self-help sequences 118, 119 foot sequences 100, 101, 106 maps 28, 29, 272, 342 skeletal reflex areas 34, 35 elderly people see senior citizens emphysema 280 endocrine system 193, 268-71, 276, 284 epilepsy 278 equipment 69, 70, 233 self-help see tools ergonomics 64-5 esophagus reflex areas, colic 207 eye disorders 256 eye reflex areas babies 203, 205 children 210, 211, 215 eye disorders 256 foot self-help sequences 110, 111, 121 foot sequences 86, 87, 103 golf-ball technique 170 hand self-help sequences 150, 151, 159 hand sequences 130, 131, 140 maps 26, 27, 30, 31, 333 paralysis 279 Face reflex areas Bell’s palsy 278 foot self-help sequences 116, 117, 121 foot sequences 96, 97, 106 headaches 252 maps 28, 29, 334 fainting 191 fallopian tubes reflex areas children 213 foot maps 28, 29, 284, 343 foot-roller technique 165 foot self-help sequences 116, 117, 120 foot sequences 98, 99, 106 hand maps 32, 33, 284, 343 hand self-help sequences 156, 157, 161 hand sequences 136, 137, 140 infertility 234, 235 menopause 237 reproductive system 284, 285 fever 207 fibromyalgia 257 finger-pull children 214 golf-ball self-help sequence 177 hand relaxer workouts 316, 319, 322, 325 hand self-help sequences 146, 149, 153, 158, 159, 160 hand sequences 126, 127, 129, 133, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141 keyboarding 329 mini-sessions 196, 197, 199 sports performance 221 stress 244 techniques 122, 142 texting thumb 220 tired & sore hands 327 finger rollers 168 finger side-to-side arthritis 223 children 214 golf-ball self-help sequence 177 hand relaxer workouts 317, 323 hand self-help sequences 146, 147, 158, 159, 160 hand sequences 126, 127, 139 keyboarding 329 relaxation mini-sessions 196 sports performance 221 techniques 123, 143 texting thumb 220 tired & sore hands 327finger-walking 74-5 first aid 8-10, 190-1 flatulence 267 flicking (foot dessert) 294, 298, 301 fluid retention 232, 239 foot & ankle swelling 301, 308 foot desserts children 209 foot relaxer workouts 294-301 mini-sessions 195-6, 199, 251 rejuvenation 291 senior citizens 222, 224-5 techniques 78-83, 294 use in sessions see foot workouts; specific desserts (eg spinal twist) foot flicking 294, 298, 301 foot health & awareness 44-5, 58-61 foot maps & charts 23, 26-9, 35 body system charts see specific body systems (eg cardiovascular system) foot pressure sensors & signals 8-10, 13, 18-21, 58, 290 foot rejuvenation 20, 44, 57, 290-309 foot relaxation exercises 178-9, 309 foot rollers 52, 53, 162, 168 self-help techniques 162-5, 229, 230, 237, 245 foot tools 52, 162-7, 230 see also foot rollers; health pathways foot workouts babies 203-4 children 209-13 health concerns see specific health concerns (eg headaches) mini-sessions 183-99 relaxer workouts 294-301 self-help sequences 108-19, 120-1 self-help tools 162-7, 222, 230 sequences 84-101, 102-7 session preparation 69-71, 194 Gallbladder reflex areas constipation 229 digestive system 264,
[ 44661, 220, 4645, 11, 220, 7699, 198, 21152, 44661, 5435, 220, 3226, 11, 220, 11209, 51643, 220, 7529, 11, 220, 5154, 11, 220, 11209, 11, 220, 16085, 198, 31071, 331, 20000, 220, 4370, 11, 220, 5154, 11, 220, 11209, 11, 220, 16085, 198, 65, 359, 919, 220, 2790, 5889, 822, 33945, 1887, 220, 7285, 11, 220, 11387, 12, 18, 198, 7063, 19866, 26711, 28439, 220, 16884, 198, 66, 486, 17696, 372, 220, 16660, 198, 66, 486, 42743, 281, 60384, 220, 4370, 11, 220, 16949, 198, 66, 651, 950, 5309, 51313, 68, 33766, 5789, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 1958, 11, 220, 1758, 198, 37684, 1518, 14370, 612, 27223, 198, 2464, 42811, 612, 9572, 220, 1987, 11, 220, 3971, 11, 220, 4370, 11, 220, 3753, 198, 27417, 33766, 5789, 6590, 2259, 281, 1279, 285, 220, 15666, 198, 41713, 1887, 220, 15602, 198, 15962, 38231, 220, 14815, 198, 4579, 14370, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 16596, 198, 4579, 12, 1496, 15105, 220, 9892, 198, 4579, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 5037, 11, 220, 8027, 11, 220, 8546, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 4364, 198, 4579, 24630, 220, 2421, 11, 220, 4578, 11, 220, 3264, 11, 220, 1484, 11, 220, 6889, 11, 220, 6849, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 7699, 198, 19665, 68302, 15105, 220, 10861, 11, 220, 11242, 198, 1450, 14370, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 843, 11, 220, 1644, 11, 220, 16596, 198, 1450, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 3965, 11, 220, 9690, 11, 220, 10132, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 11068, 11, 220, 6330, 198, 1450, 24630, 220, 5894, 11, 220, 9263, 11, 220, 9795, 11, 220, 10148, 11, 220, 10125, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 6860, 11, 220, 9335, 198, 1579, 6680, 7410, 220, 14274, 198, 20895, 3278, 220, 14815, 198, 76193, 7693, 220, 12405, 198, 5988, 72513, 220, 12652, 11, 220, 11584, 198, 48006, 10742, 220, 1272, 198, 4579, 8668, 220, 8848, 12, 1032, 198, 1450, 8668, 220, 11584, 12, 868, 198, 15319, 612, 5435, 220, 9714, 11, 220, 17335, 198, 7106, 17985, 220, 2096, 11, 220, 1774, 198, 3495, 7978, 220, 4370, 198, 659, 50570, 220, 2166, 12, 24, 198, 3882, 18912, 220, 3076, 11, 220, 2031, 11, 220, 6393, 11, 220, 12171, 11, 220, 13860, 198, 15653, 220, 1399, 198, 45323, 1862, 220, 1135, 12, 16, 198, 3361, 3966, 220, 1272, 11, 220, 4370, 198, 1518, 1101, 220, 24869, 26, 37719, 198, 58132, 63198, 220, 14052, 11, 220, 17168, 11, 220, 16780, 11, 220, 17408, 11, 220, 18163, 11, 220, 17690, 11, 220, 12405, 198, 1518, 1101, 220, 42496, 10539, 7561, 16983, 198, 86656, 901, 11046, 62156, 220, 2166, 11, 220, 2131, 11, 220, 9716, 11, 220, 15134, 198, 78412, 11377, 87, 1518, 9986, 20337, 198, 2119, 292, 220, 4370, 11, 220, 12060, 198, 77924, 33766, 5789, 24869, 220, 11056, 11, 220, 12060, 198, 2911, 220, 11227, 198, 738, 49686, 220, 14378, 11, 220, 5154, 11, 220, 16567, 198, 69393, 220, 12060, 198, 10269, 59566, 220, 16567, 198, 4579, 12, 1496, 15105, 220, 10680, 11, 220, 14378, 198, 4579, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 7261, 11, 220, 8190, 11, 220, 7994, 198, 4579, 24630, 220, 6083, 11, 220, 6365, 11, 220, 6849, 198, 19665, 68302, 15105, 220, 11908, 11, 220, 11242, 11, 220, 14378, 11, 220, 16567, 198, 1450, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 9756, 11, 220, 9800, 11, 220, 6330, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 10718, 198, 1450, 24630, 220, 9413, 11, 220, 9423, 11, 220, 6860, 198, 6348, 23349, 66358, 28439, 220, 15999, 198, 14370, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 17887, 5358, 327, 220, 17678, 444, 7114, 535, 4851, 8060, 220, 11387, 11, 220, 14274, 198, 93540, 20526, 344, 20000, 220, 4146, 198, 1040, 49686, 220, 2131, 11, 220, 14378, 11, 220, 5154, 11, 220, 16567, 198, 37765, 10194, 198, 4579, 5435, 220, 15134, 11, 220, 13384, 11, 220, 15231, 198, 4579, 73484, 367, 220, 17335, 11, 220, 17313, 11, 220, 12879, 12, 22, 198, 4579, 12234, 261, 46944, 220, 16780, 11, 220, 12405, 198, 19665, 68302, 15105, 220, 11739, 198, 1450, 73484, 367, 220, 16104, 11, 220, 9588, 198, 1450, 12234, 261, 26308, 220, 16874, 198, 1518, 1101, 220, 2033, 1824, 455, 10194, 198, 1951, 2642, 2136, 1518, 11011, 38974, 1392, 198, 451, 4099, 220, 2131, 11, 220, 13762, 11, 220, 12375, 198, 89132, 15235, 33766, 5789, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 6365, 11, 220, 6849, 198, 34107, 15916, 1518, 4579, 72513, 26, 1450, 72513, 198, 8747, 16629, 220, 13860, 11, 220, 15828, 11, 220, 17335, 198, 8747, 95896, 76, 45569, 11381, 220, 1313, 11, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 1187, 198, 8747, 95896, 76, 33766, 5789, 41713, 1887, 220, 15602, 198, 4579, 14370, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 1544, 198, 4579, 659, 50570, 8668, 220, 5037, 198, 4579, 24630, 220, 2421, 11, 220, 4578, 11, 220, 2721, 198, 1450, 14370, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 843, 11, 220, 1644, 198, 1450, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 10410, 11, 220, 10161, 11, 220, 3965, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 9756, 198, 1450, 24630, 220, 9748, 11, 220, 5894, 11, 220, 9413, 198, 8747, 1138, 41033, 220, 12060, 198, 37439, 535, 1887, 220, 7285, 11, 220, 12815, 12, 22, 198, 67, 97745, 220, 3192, 198, 4429, 1824, 455, 10194, 4579, 5435, 220, 12226, 11, 220, 15134, 11, 220, 13384, 11, 220, 15231, 198, 4579, 73484, 367, 220, 17313, 11, 220, 12879, 12, 22, 198, 4579, 12234, 261, 46944, 220, 16780, 11, 220, 12405, 198, 3026, 753, 4579, 25152, 220, 14052, 198, 18292, 33766, 5789, 198, 2911, 220, 8848, 11, 220, 11483, 11, 220, 12112, 198, 4579, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 5120, 11, 220, 5037, 198, 4579, 24630, 220, 4218, 11, 220, 4044, 11, 220, 4278, 11, 220, 6889, 198, 19665, 68302, 15105, 220, 8258, 198, 1450, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 3965, 11, 220, 9690, 11, 220, 6330, 198, 1450, 24630, 220, 5894, 11, 220, 9263, 11, 220, 6860, 198, 14370, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 8765, 198, 86139, 220, 17267, 198, 259, 98439, 220, 15537, 198, 301, 15802, 33766, 5789, 4579, 12, 1496, 15105, 220, 10513, 198, 4579, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 8899, 11, 220, 9079, 198, 4579, 24630, 220, 1041, 11, 220, 4645, 11, 220, 7461, 198, 14370, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 15741, 11, 220, 17590, 198, 69397, 33766, 5789, 220, 1958, 11, 220, 1758, 198, 68076, 398, 1274, 1518, 10195, 10495, 198, 336, 12989, 325, 1764, 220, 11209, 198, 408, 78738, 1887, 220, 7285, 11, 220, 16332, 12, 6028, 11, 220, 16660, 11, 220, 17058, 198, 752, 458, 46246, 220, 16949, 198, 68618, 220, 3076, 11, 220, 2031, 11, 220, 12994, 659, 50570, 720, 4151, 7526, 198, 2431, 14609, 1233, 220, 1227, 12, 20, 198, 288, 5237, 59838, 33766, 5789, 11, 1400, 292, 220, 12060, 198, 19494, 24673, 220, 4146, 198, 19494, 33766, 5789, 24869, 220, 9639, 11, 220, 10866, 198, 2911, 220, 8848, 11, 220, 11483, 11, 220, 12112, 198, 8071, 24673, 220, 4146, 198, 4579, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 5120, 11, 220, 5037, 11, 220, 7994, 198, 4579, 24630, 220, 4218, 11, 220, 4044, 11, 220, 6889, 198, 19665, 68302, 15105, 220, 8258, 198, 1450, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 3965, 11, 220, 9690, 11, 220, 11068, 198, 1450, 24630, 220, 5894, 11, 220, 9263, 11, 220, 6860, 198, 14370, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2148, 11, 220, 8765, 198, 86139, 220, 17267, 198, 16680, 33766, 5789, 198, 18366, 753, 281, 60384, 220, 16949, 198, 4579, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 8027, 11, 220, 8546, 11, 220, 7994, 198, 4579, 24630, 220, 4161, 11, 220, 3534, 11, 220, 7461, 198, 55403, 220, 12326, 198, 14370, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 17153, 198, 69, 71959, 220, 7529, 198, 96688, 23085, 1122, 34083, 33766, 5789, 2911, 220, 11702, 198, 4579, 14370, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 17058, 11, 220, 16522, 198, 4579, 12, 1496, 15105, 220, 10680, 198, 4579, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 8027, 11, 220, 8546, 11, 220, 4364, 198, 4579, 24630, 220, 3264, 11, 220, 1484, 11, 220, 7461, 198, 1450, 14370, 220, 843, 11, 220, 1644, 11, 220, 17058, 11, 220, 16522, 198, 1450, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 10132, 11, 220, 10895, 11, 220, 10718, 198, 1450, 24630, 220, 9795, 11, 220, 10148, 11, 220, 6860, 198, 95643, 220, 11727, 11, 220, 12422, 198, 3026, 84110, 220, 14590, 198, 42889, 1887, 220, 17058, 11, 220, 15935, 198, 1897, 424, 220, 12060, 198, 76426, 442, 16858, 55901, 220, 15574, 198, 80216, 2320, 620, 2911, 220, 11584, 198, 19665, 68302, 659, 50570, 8668, 220, 11242, 198, 1450, 12234, 261, 46944, 220, 15340, 11, 220, 16874, 11, 220, 15805, 11, 220, 15257, 198, 1450, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 10465, 11, 220, 10161, 11, 220, 9800, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 11286, 11, 220, 11068, 11, 220, 6330, 198, 1450, 24630, 220, 9390, 11, 220, 6804, 11, 220, 9748, 11, 220, 9423, 11, 220, 10148, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 10350, 11, 220, 10125, 11, 220, 6860, 11, 220, 9335, 198, 13939, 287, 220, 18196, 198, 13726, 1355, 8719, 220, 5162, 11, 220, 4468, 11, 220, 2550, 198, 10034, 5178, 220, 12425, 198, 8631, 220, 13719, 198, 12823, 220, 8259, 11, 220, 10239, 198, 69094, 25015, 220, 8610, 198, 19781, 612, 36366, 6206, 220, 13817, 198, 80216, 89713, 220, 8953, 198, 80216, 3185, 4791, 25034, 198, 55652, 220, 12533, 198, 2911, 220, 11584, 198, 19665, 68302, 659, 50570, 8668, 220, 11242, 198, 1450, 12234, 261, 46944, 220, 16718, 11, 220, 15726, 198, 1450, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 10465, 11, 220, 10288, 11, 220, 11286, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 11068, 11, 220, 6330, 198, 1450, 24630, 220, 9390, 11, 220, 6804, 11, 220, 10125, 198, 13939, 287, 220, 18196, 198, 43685, 13726, 1355, 8719, 220, 5162, 198, 10034, 5178, 220, 12425, 198, 12823, 220, 4513, 11, 220, 10290, 198, 69094, 25015, 220, 8610, 198, 19781, 612, 36366, 6206, 220, 13817, 80216, 2695, 30855, 220, 5728, 12, 20, 198, 3983, 12576, 220, 23, 12, 605, 11, 220, 7028, 12, 16, 198, 27323, 59566, 220, 16567, 198, 69, 1228, 287, 320, 5447, 43849, 8, 220, 17168, 11, 220, 17690, 11, 220, 12405, 198, 67125, 38231, 220, 12338, 11, 220, 14815, 198, 5447, 612, 39448, 55307, 220, 12405, 11, 220, 14498, 198, 5447, 72513, 198, 2911, 220, 12652, 198, 4579, 12234, 261, 46944, 220, 17168, 12, 12405, 198, 13726, 1355, 8719, 220, 6280, 12, 21, 11, 220, 2550, 11, 220, 13860, 198, 73484, 367, 220, 17335, 198, 10195, 10495, 220, 9716, 11, 220, 10697, 12, 20, 198, 12823, 220, 2495, 12, 6069, 11, 220, 17168, 198, 1005, 304, 16079, 1518, 4579, 46944, 26, 2355, 220, 3230, 72513, 320, 797, 50112, 27744, 340, 5447, 29447, 287, 220, 17168, 11, 220, 17690, 11, 220, 12405, 198, 5447, 2890, 612, 17985, 220, 2096, 12, 20, 11, 220, 2970, 12, 5547, 198, 5447, 14370, 612, 27223, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 1627, 12, 24, 11, 220, 1758, 2547, 1887, 27223, 720, 4151, 3230, 2547, 2355, 220, 6067, 320, 797, 41713, 1887, 340, 5447, 7410, 26148, 612, 17738, 220, 23, 12, 605, 11, 220, 1032, 11, 2355, 220, 972, 12, 1691, 11, 220, 2970, 11, 220, 13754, 198, 5447, 73484, 367, 220, 508, 11, 220, 2096, 11, 220, 3226, 11, 220, 13754, 12, 15500, 198, 5447, 43685, 23783, 220, 11256, 12, 24, 11, 220, 15500, 198, 5447, 89713, 220, 4103, 11, 220, 4331, 11, 220, 10674, 11, 220, 8953, 198, 659, 50570, 12823, 220, 10674, 12, 20, 11, 220, 14378, 11, 220, 9870, 11, 2355, 220, 220, 14590, 11, 220, 13078, 198, 5447, 7526, 220, 4103, 11, 220, 10674, 12, 22, 11, 220, 9870, 198, 1518, 1101, 220, 4579, 89713, 26, 2890, 44014, 198, 5447, 46944, 24869, 220, 9639, 12, 19, 198, 2911, 220, 12652, 12, 1032, 198, 2890, 10742, 1518, 3230, 2890, 2355, 10742, 320, 797, 55403, 340, 13726, 1355, 8719, 220, 10750, 12, 1484, 198, 12234, 261, 46944, 220, 17168, 12, 12405, 198, 659, 50570, 24630, 220, 6640, 12, 777, 11, 220, 4364, 12, 16, 198, 659, 50570, 7526, 220, 10674, 12, 22, 11, 220, 9716, 11, 220, 9870, 198, 24630, 220, 5833, 12, 4645, 11, 220, 4278, 12, 22, 198, 3882, 18459, 220, 3076, 12, 6028, 11, 220, 6393, 198, 38, 543, 2067, 21473, 33766, 5789, 198, 738, 49686, 220, 14378, 198, 60071, 1887, 220, 12815, 11, 220 ]
biopsy 185 Lung cancer 45, ll1 Lutaud, Auguste 49 Lwoff, Andre 85 Lymphoid leukemia 86 Lynch, Kenneth 76 Macaque monkeys 183 MacFadden's Health-R estorium 230 Maclea n's 191 Mad cow disease ll, 168 Maddox, John 126, 145 Madonna ll5 Madrid 222 Magendie, Fran�ois 56 Maggots to clean wounds 40 Magic bullets 22, 24, 40 Magic Johnson Foundation 144 Malan, Rian 147 Malaria 150 Malathion 74, 76 Malaysia 203 Malnutrition 43, 92, 100 et seq., 136, 146, 152, 181 Manila 213 et seq. Marcuse, Herben 23 Marijuana 112 Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) 48 Markowitz, Marrin 44 Mass vaccinations 60, 228 Max-Planck-Institute 203 May, Kevin 207 Mayans 17 Mayo Clinic 232 Mayo Collected Papers 232 Mayr, Anton 162 Mbeki, Thabo 14, 152 McBean, Eleanora 228 McClintock, Barbara 45, 47, 56 McCormick, Marie 244 McDonald's 32 McKeo wn, Thomas 26, 263, 265 Measles 25, 58, 242 et seqq. Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF, Doctors without Borders) 178 Medical-industrial complex 21, 219 Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 102 Medical Hypotheses 58, 195 Meditel 148, 150 et seq. Meningitis 241 Merck 237, 241 et seq., 244. 260 Mercury 237 et seqq., 264 Mercury, Freddie 141 Mertens, Thomas 250 Metamphetamines 111 Metastases 86 Methylmercury 242 Methylpred nisolone 208 Meyerhans, Andreas 45 Microbe hunters 49, 52 et seq., 275 Microbe theory 17 et seqq., 267 Microbicides 133 Microchip factories 187 Miklos, George 89 Military-industrial complex 219 Miller, Donald 20 Miller, Neil 42, 67 Milton, John 91 Mineral pills 265 Mitochondria 104, 137 MMW Fortschritte der Medizin (Advances in Medi cine) 178 Model of how not to respond 136 Molecular waste 163 MON863, genetically altered com 264 Monocausal disease model 23 et seq., 56, 88, 158, 235 Montagnier, Luc 87, 90, 94, 96, 109 Moore, John 136 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 101, 104, 110 Morphine 32, 228 MSD Sharp & Dohme 250 Muller, Paul Hermann 67 Mullis, Kary 90 et seq., 96, 126, 150 Multiple combination therapy (HAART) 128 et seqq. Multiple sclerosis 104, 137 Muscle relaxants 102 Mutter, Joachim 15 Mycobacterial infections 131 Mycobacteri um tuberculosis 39, 139 Nabarro, David 191 Nairobi 148 Nasdaq 218 National Academy of Sciences 124 et seq., 244 National Cancer Institute (NCI) 21, 90, 93, 112, 127 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIND) 193 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 100, 102, 112 National Institutes of Health (NIH) 20, 22, 72, 90, 135, 153, 21� 242, 244 National Reye's Syndrome Foundation 209 National Vaccine Information Center 220, 260 Nature · 30, 52, 91, 96, 122, 125 et seq., 136, 144 et seq., 170, 183, 222 Nature Biotechnology 37, 89, 97, 125, 136 Nature Medi cine 261 Naturopathic philosophy 159 Index NBC News 134 Needle exchange programs 156 Negative pressure rooms 178 Negative results, not to publicize 20, 85, 216 Netherlands 204 et seq. Netherlands, avian Au panic in the 204 Neue Zurcher Zeitung 136 Neuraminidase 221 Neuraminidase inhibitors 216, 221 Nevirapine (Viramune) 138, 140 -Therapeutic Value 140 -Toxicity 140 New England Journal of Medicine (N£JM) 23, 39, 52. 104, 122, 134, 178, 216 New Scienti.st 32 Newton, Isaac 24 New York 19, 22, 44, 60 et seq., 63, 67, 72, 85, 99. 104, 111, 114, 118, 132, 134, 136, 142, 176, 191, 222 et seqq., 248 New Yorker 24 New York Post 133 New York Times 18, 116, 122 et seqq., 127, 133, 136. 179 Nicholas, Stephen 132 Nicholson, Jeremy 29, 37 Nicholson, Karl 216 Nietzsche, Friedrich 263 Ningbo, Chinese province 176 Nitrite inhalants (poppers) 102, 104, 114 Nixon, Richard 21, 88 Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth 30, 123 Non-A, non-B hepatitis 154 Non-progressors 129 Nonoxynol-9 134 Normand, Jacques 112 Northern Ireland 170 North Rhine-Westfa lia (NRW) 204 Nuclear death 117 Nullius in verba 17 Nureyev, Rudolph 141 Nussbaum, Bruce 137 Occult hepatitis C viruses 15 7 Offit, Paul 242 Old guard virologists 49, 88 Olmsted, Dan 245 Oncoviruses 84 One-dimensional thinking 17, 23, 267 One disease, one cause, one miracle cure 24, 31, 54 et seq. Opium 104 Option of corruption 217 Orenstein, Walter 244 Organophosphates 74, 76, 80, 170 et seq. Osler, William 20 Osteoporosis 34, 131, 201, 265 Ottawa Citizen 192 Overmedicated society 23, 186, 228, 266 Oxenberg, Catherine 115 Oxidativ e stress 4 7 Package insert 140, 182 Padian, Nancy 118 317 Index Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Eleni 94, 114 Papanicolaou, George 258 PAP smear test 25 et seq., 261 Papua New Guinea 82 et seq., 163 Paranoia 205 Paris green. pesticide 62 Parry, Herbert 163 Pasteur. Louis 24, 28 et seq., 37 et seq., 40, 45, 49, 51 et seqq., 56, 235 Pasteurian microbe theory 56 Pasteurians 40 Pasteur Institute 84, 87, 97, 145 Pasteurized food 264 Patriarca, Paul 243 Patriarca, Peter 242 Paul, John 63 PCB 237 Pediatric Medical Advisory Panel 132 Peer review 52 et seq., 195 et seq., 249 Peer reviewed journals 52, 196 Pellagra 55, 59 Peltz, Perri 135 Penicillin 38, 89, 228 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) 197, 200 Permafrost 222 Pershing rockets 117 Penh Group 84, 94 et seq., 97, 145 Petry, Karl Ulrich 258 Penenkof er, Max von 56 Phages 48 Phase 1 trials 132 Phase 2 trials 132 Phosgene 228 Phosmet 76, 170 et seqq. Phosphide 206 Phthisics (tubercular people) 54 PH values 34 Picture Press 143 Pill-mania 23 Pineapples 266 Pittman-Moor e
[ 99647, 220, 9741, 720, 43, 2234, 9572, 220, 1774, 11, 9507, 16, 720, 43, 332, 8039, 11, 6287, 68, 220, 2491, 720, 43, 69685, 11, 27525, 220, 5313, 720, 43, 32800, 590, 96306, 220, 4218, 720, 43, 69581, 11, 49498, 220, 4767, 720, 44, 17544, 593, 61820, 220, 10750, 720, 20122, 37, 71195, 596, 6401, 11151, 1826, 269, 2411, 220, 9870, 720, 44, 8061, 64, 308, 596, 220, 7529, 720, 38136, 19923, 8624, 9507, 11, 220, 8953, 720, 44, 723, 5241, 11, 3842, 220, 9390, 11, 220, 9591, 720, 38136, 13767, 9507, 20, 720, 38136, 1907, 220, 9716, 720, 34015, 408, 648, 11, 31925, 5809, 30148, 220, 3487, 720, 44, 16094, 2469, 311, 4335, 34254, 220, 1272, 720, 44638, 34164, 220, 1313, 11, 220, 1187, 11, 220, 1272, 720, 44638, 11605, 5114, 220, 8929, 720, 30700, 276, 11, 432, 1122, 220, 10288, 720, 44, 58016, 220, 3965, 720, 30700, 589, 290, 220, 5728, 11, 220, 4767, 720, 30700, 59185, 220, 9639, 720, 30700, 83664, 220, 3391, 11, 220, 6083, 11, 220, 1041, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 9795, 11, 220, 10465, 11, 220, 9756, 11, 220, 10562, 720, 1692, 10746, 220, 11702, 1880, 13278, 13, 720, 48741, 817, 11, 6385, 8123, 220, 1419, 720, 97967, 13567, 220, 7261, 720, 12331, 483, 63711, 32184, 320, 8578, 43, 8, 220, 2166, 720, 9126, 53431, 11, 69698, 258, 220, 2096, 720, 26909, 91971, 220, 1399, 11, 220, 14261, 720, 6102, 12, 21119, 377, 32600, 7815, 220, 9639, 720, 11356, 11, 16768, 220, 12060, 720, 11356, 598, 220, 1114, 720, 11356, 78, 40324, 220, 12338, 720, 11356, 78, 4349, 2258, 45231, 220, 12338, 720, 11356, 81, 11, 17958, 220, 10674, 720, 44, 77614, 72, 11, 666, 48521, 220, 975, 11, 220, 9756, 720, 26353, 10654, 11, 469, 2742, 6347, 220, 14261, 720, 26353, 5176, 396, 1197, 11, 32207, 220, 1774, 11, 220, 2618, 11, 220, 3487, 720, 85031, 494, 875, 11, 33116, 220, 13719, 720, 26353, 18735, 596, 220, 843, 720, 26353, 6746, 78, 66580, 11, 11355, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 15666, 11, 220, 14374, 720, 7979, 300, 645, 220, 914, 11, 220, 2970, 11, 220, 12754, 1880, 13278, 80, 13, 720, 13613, 762, 1354, 15878, 58418, 288, 320, 4931, 37, 11, 54943, 2085, 720, 86137, 8, 220, 11256, 720, 53654, 18251, 47479, 6485, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 13762, 720, 53654, 1666, 8132, 315, 11344, 6834, 10965, 220, 4278, 720, 53654, 39515, 78, 39422, 220, 2970, 11, 220, 6280, 3344, 57743, 220, 10410, 11, 220, 3965, 1880, 13278, 13, 720, 44, 6147, 20000, 220, 13341, 720, 27814, 377, 220, 14590, 1174, 220, 13341, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 13719, 13, 220, 11387, 720, 27814, 26533, 220, 14590, 1880, 13278, 80, 2637, 220, 12815, 720, 27814, 26533, 11, 68362, 220, 9335, 720, 44, 531, 729, 11, 11355, 220, 5154, 720, 35773, 309, 22718, 97081, 220, 5037, 720, 35773, 561, 2315, 220, 4218, 720, 44, 42972, 1195, 26533, 220, 12754, 720, 44, 42972, 24361, 308, 61023, 606, 220, 12171, 720, 44, 35472, 71, 598, 11, 51162, 220, 1774, 720, 35709, 1395, 49073, 220, 2491, 11, 220, 4103, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 14417, 720, 35709, 1395, 10334, 220, 1114, 1880, 13278, 80, 2637, 220, 16567, 720, 35709, 65, 76195, 220, 9423, 720, 35709, 30762, 35159, 220, 9674, 720, 44, 1609, 2353, 11, 10058, 220, 4578, 720, 86426, 18251, 47479, 6485, 220, 13762, 720, 89437, 11, 9641, 220, 508, 720, 89437, 11, 34221, 220, 2983, 11, 220, 3080, 720, 44, 16695, 11, 3842, 220, 5925, 720, 6349, 3333, 26153, 220, 14374, 720, 55470, 47517, 4298, 220, 6849, 11, 220, 10148, 720, 8195, 54, 11246, 21740, 99380, 2761, 3344, 78071, 320, 24350, 3095, 304, 92857, 80852, 8, 720, 11256, 720, 1747, 315, 1268, 539, 311, 6013, 220, 9795, 720, 44, 43943, 12571, 220, 9892, 720, 22053, 26051, 11, 52033, 29852, 470, 220, 12815, 720, 11342, 511, 80174, 8624, 1646, 220, 1419, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 3487, 11, 220, 2421, 11, 220, 11286, 11, 720, 12422, 720, 35515, 3326, 1291, 11, 14103, 220, 4044, 11, 220, 1954, 11, 220, 6281, 11, 220, 4161, 11, 220, 7743, 720, 26694, 461, 11, 3842, 220, 9795, 720, 44, 30986, 19025, 323, 22806, 2786, 34114, 8423, 320, 8195, 18408, 8, 220, 4645, 11, 720, 6849, 11, 220, 5120, 720, 44, 16751, 483, 220, 843, 11, 220, 14261, 720, 4931, 35, 40361, 612, 423, 2319, 2727, 220, 5154, 720, 44, 620, 261, 11, 7043, 32565, 1036, 220, 3080, 720, 44, 620, 285, 11, 735, 661, 220, 1954, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 4161, 11, 220, 9390, 11, 220, 3965, 720, 33189, 10824, 15419, 320, 17455, 3065, 8, 220, 4386, 1880, 13278, 80, 13, 720, 33189, 91357, 220, 6849, 11, 220, 10148, 720, 62698, 9326, 12234, 1821, 220, 4278, 720, 44, 6339, 11, 11186, 613, 318, 220, 868, 720, 44, 3418, 677, 71034, 30020, 220, 9263, 720, 44, 3418, 677, 2540, 72, 4543, 88234, 220, 2137, 11, 220, 10125, 720, 45, 370, 82301, 11, 6941, 220, 7529, 720, 45, 84552, 220, 10410, 720, 45, 300, 74307, 220, 13302, 720, 31912, 16192, 315, 23199, 220, 8874, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 13719, 720, 31912, 26211, 10181, 320, 10153, 40, 8, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 1954, 11, 220, 6365, 11, 220, 7261, 11, 720, 6804, 720, 31912, 10181, 315, 2052, 43043, 323, 88911, 1245, 70674, 720, 8368, 5358, 8, 220, 7285, 720, 31912, 10181, 389, 26166, 46784, 320, 45, 52271, 8, 220, 1041, 11, 220, 4278, 11, 720, 7261, 720, 31912, 73828, 315, 6401, 320, 15259, 39, 8, 220, 508, 11, 220, 1313, 11, 220, 5332, 11, 220, 1954, 11, 720, 8878, 11, 220, 9800, 11, 220, 1691, 5809, 220, 12754, 11, 220, 13719, 720, 31912, 1050, 9188, 596, 57496, 5114, 220, 12652, 720, 31912, 100058, 8245, 5955, 220, 8610, 11, 220, 11387, 720, 79519, 9787, 220, 966, 11, 220, 4103, 11, 220, 5925, 11, 220, 4161, 11, 220, 8259, 11, 220, 6549, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 9795, 11, 220, 8929, 1880, 720, 13565, 2637, 220, 8258, 11, 220, 10750, 11, 220, 9716, 720, 79519, 12371, 52536, 220, 1806, 11, 220, 4578, 11, 220, 3534, 11, 220, 6549, 11, 220, 9795, 720, 79519, 92857, 80852, 220, 15602, 720, 45, 36409, 897, 589, 292, 19675, 220, 11068, 8167, 720, 40476, 5513, 220, 9565, 720, 24581, 273, 9473, 7620, 220, 10132, 720, 39589, 7410, 12295, 220, 11256, 720, 39589, 3135, 11, 539, 311, 586, 553, 220, 508, 11, 220, 5313, 11, 220, 12463, 720, 45, 24530, 220, 7854, 1880, 13278, 13, 720, 45, 24530, 11, 1860, 1122, 33150, 22743, 304, 279, 220, 7854, 720, 8989, 361, 1901, 2639, 261, 29931, 2234, 220, 9795, 720, 8989, 324, 8778, 307, 521, 220, 12425, 720, 8989, 324, 8778, 307, 521, 68642, 220, 12463, 11, 220, 12425, 720, 45, 5230, 404, 391, 483, 320, 50135, 309, 2957, 8, 220, 10350, 11, 220, 6860, 720, 71626, 261, 32486, 5273, 220, 6860, 720, 59408, 14668, 488, 220, 6860, 720, 3648, 9635, 10139, 315, 19152, 320, 45, 22386, 90478, 8, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 2137, 11, 220, 4103, 13, 720, 6849, 11, 220, 8259, 11, 220, 9565, 11, 220, 11256, 11, 220, 12463, 720, 3648, 21302, 72, 1258, 220, 843, 720, 77477, 11, 42608, 220, 1187, 720, 3648, 4356, 220, 777, 11, 220, 1313, 11, 220, 2096, 11, 220, 1399, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 5495, 11, 220, 3080, 11, 220, 5332, 11, 220, 5313, 11, 220, 1484, 13, 720, 6849, 11, 220, 5037, 11, 220, 8011, 11, 220, 8899, 11, 220, 9413, 11, 220, 9565, 11, 220, 9795, 11, 220, 10239, 11, 220, 10967, 11, 220, 7529, 11, 720, 9716, 1880, 13278, 80, 2637, 220, 14185, 720, 3648, 64874, 220, 1187, 720, 3648, 4356, 3962, 220, 9423, 720, 3648, 4356, 8691, 220, 972, 11, 220, 8027, 11, 220, 8259, 1880, 13278, 80, 2637, 220, 6804, 11, 220, 9423, 11, 220, 9795, 13, 720, 11128, 720, 86279, 19736, 11, 18587, 220, 9413, 720, 86279, 72638, 11, 28217, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 1806, 720, 86279, 72638, 11, 35131, 220, 12463, 720, 45, 3978, 85828, 11, 80474, 220, 15666, 720, 45, 287, 754, 11, 8620, 17271, 220, 10967, 720, 98547, 1269, 77773, 1821, 320, 79, 32542, 8, 220, 4278, 11, 220, 6849, 11, 220, 8011, 720, 45, 29572, 11, 12131, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 2421, 720, 2822, 6853, 12, 8989, 64607, 11, 91186, 17862, 220, 966, 11, 220, 4513, 720, 8284, 6830, 11, 2536, 7826, 73975, 220, 10559, 720, 8284, 54391, 1105, 220, 9748, 720, 8284, 5241, 1910, 337, 12, 24, 220, 9565, 720, 26042, 438, 11, 64850, 220, 7261, 720, 72191, 14990, 220, 8258, 720, 26287, 18452, 483, 61861, 3716, 55916, 320, 27416, 54, 8, 220, 7854, 720, 45, 9834, 4648, 220, 8546, 720, 3360, 9334, 304, 2807, 4749, 220, 1114, 720, 45, 554, 88, 5230, 11, 48538, 44070, 220, 9335, 720, 45, 1892, 59611, 11, 24785, 220, 10148, 720, 22513, 495, 73975, 356, 42068, 220, 868, 220, 22, 720, 4699, 275, 11, 7043, 220, 12754, 720, 18788, 7771, 3355, 299, 848, 1705, 220, 2491, 11, 220, 2421, 720, 46, 18244, 24836, 11, 11824, 220, 13078, 720, 46, 1031, 869, 404, 4881, 220, 5833, 720, 4054, 33520, 7422, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 16567, 720, 4054, 8624, 11, 832, 5353, 11, 832, 45125, 27208, 220, 1187, 11, 220, 2148, 11, 720, 4370, 1880, 13278, 13, 720, 7271, 2411, 220, 6849, 720, 5454, 315, 21948, 220, 13460, 720, 46, 1466, 12711, 11, 33305, 220, 13719, 720, 24105, 5237, 24527, 988, 220, 5728, 11, 220, 4767, 11, 220, 1490, 11, 220, 8258, 1880, 13278, 13, 720, 29967, 1565, 11, 12656, 220, 508, 720, 46, 5455, 89766, 10934, 220, 1958, 11, 220, 9263, 11, 220, 679, 11, 220, 14374, 720, 46, 5683, 14406, 47317, 220, 5926, 720, 1959, 2106, 10297, 8396, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 9714, 11, 220, 14261, 11, 220, 15999, 720, 46, 87, 56936, 11, 42663, 220, 7322, 720, 46, 87, 307, 20053, 384, 8631, 220, 19, 220, 22, 720, 13401, 5774, 220, 6860, 11, 220, 10828, 720, 47, 10272, 11, 35336, 220, 8899, 720, 16718, 8167, 720, 47, 391, 329, 454, 29752, 13737, 273, 454, 29752, 11, 469, 2963, 72, 220, 6281, 11, 220, 8011, 720, 47, 5472, 292, 8083, 283, 11, 10058, 220, 15966, 720, 47, 2599, 81603, 1296, 220, 914, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 15602, 720, 47, 391, 4381, 1561, 48903, 220, 6086, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 9892, 720, 4368, 70995, 220, 10866, 720, 60704, 6307, 13, 84673, 220, 5538, 720, 4368, 894, 11, 58463, 220, 9892, 720, 75070, 324, 13, 12140, 220, 1187, 11, 220, 1591, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 1806, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 1272, 11, 220, 1774, 11, 220, 2491, 11, 720, 3971, 1880, 13278, 80, 2637, 220, 3487, 11, 220, 12422, 720, 75070, 324, 1122, 8162, 1395, 10334, 220, 3487, 720, 75070, 324, 5493, 220, 1272, 720, 75070, 324, 10181, 220, 5833, 11, 220, 4044, 11, 220, 3534, 11, 220, 9591, 720, 75070, 324, 1534, 3691, 220, 12815, 720, 47, 2416, 277, 936, 11, 7043, 220, 14052, 720, 47, 2416, 277, 936, 11, 11291, 220, 12754, 720, 26368, 11, 3842, 220, 5495, 720, 4977, 33, 220, 14590, 720, 36294, 23336, 13235, 45013, 19482, 220, 9413, 720, 31988, 3477, 220, 4103, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 6280, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 14735, 720, 31988, 22690, 42780, 220, 4103, 11, 220, 5162, 720, 47, 616, 12944, 220, 2131, 11, 220, 2946, 720, 47, 3903, 89, 11, 3700, 462, 220, 8878, 720, 29305, 292, 61597, 220, 1987, 11, 220, 4578, 11, 220, 14261, 720, 16298, 369, 279, 14693, 950, 31969, 315, 47966, 320, 47, 21352, 8, 720, 4468, 11, 220, 1049, 720, 3976, 99161, 42602, 220, 9716, 720, 47, 56090, 287, 53098, 220, 8546, 720, 29305, 71, 5856, 220, 5833, 11, 220, 6281, 1880, 13278, 2637, 220, 3534, 11, 220, 9591, 720, 47, 15501, 11, 35131, 16991, 14172, 220, 15966, 720, 29305, 79671, 1073, 2781, 11, 7639, 6675, 220, 3487, 720, 3438, 1154, 220, 2166, 720, 31833, 220, 16, 19622, 220, 9413, 720, 31833, 220, 17, 19622, 220, 9413, 720, 3438, 437, 43471, 220, 14261, 720, 3438, 437, 4150, 220, 4767, 11, 220, 8258, 1880, 13278, 80, 13, 720, 3438, 24527, 579, 220, 11056, 720, 3438, 576, 1233, 320, 83, 392, 3035, 1299, 1274, 8, 220, 4370, 720, 11079, 2819, 220, 1958, 720, 25696, 8612, 220, 10290, 720, 47, 484, 1474, 9345, 220, 1419, 720, 47, 483, 680, 645, 220, 15999, 720, 47, 1468, 1543, 5364, 10922, 384 ]
cells can easily devour them. But flu due to Salmonella is not easily zapped away. Re- member, the zapper current does not penetrate the bowel con- tents, which is exactly where Salmonella lives! Besides zapping to clear them from your tissues, you must eliminate them from the bowel by using the Bowel Program (page 546). Lugol’s iodine solution (see Recipes ) can quite quickly get rid of Salmonella throughout the body. Use 6 drops (small drops from an eyedropper) in ½ glass of water four times a day. If noNON-PAINFUL DISEASES 203more Salmonella is consumed, it will be vanquished in a day or two. If your flu brings you a fever, use Lugol’s. Fever Fevers are there to help your body fight the invaders...up to a point. Don't use a fever medication unless the body tempera ture goes over 102°F, and then only enough to bring the fever down a bit. Most fevers, especially “fevers of unknown origin” are due to Salmonellas and Shigellas. Your body may be young and strong enough to kill them but not strong enough to kill an ev- erlasting supply of them coming from dairy foods you eat on a daily basis. Stop eating salads at restaurants immediately. Stop eating food made by others' hands unless it is sterilized. Stop eating dairy foods until you have cooked them. Stop eating those that can't be cooked. Sam Ellis, age 7, had two episodes of severe abdominal pain with fe ver lasting two weeks. He got hyperactive with milk products, had a frequent cough and stuffy nose. (Here the picture is quite clear. The milk products were bringing him Salmonellas, Shigellas and other bacteria which grew in his intestine to produce pain. But why only Sam and not his brothers?) Sam had a buildup of ben zene from using bathroom soap containing a special herbal oil. Sam also had hookworms, intestinal fluke, and rabbit fluke, probably due to his lowered immunity from the benzene. Then his mother boiled Sam's milk, removed the polluted soap (she planned to use it herself!) and killed his parasites with the parasite herbs. His fever went away and stayed away. He said he enjoyed all this because now he “could play after school” without a stomach ache and he wasn't being sent to the nurse's office because of a fever. Notice the bacteria causing the temperature went away by themselves, probably due to the return of his nor mally strong immune system.THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES 204Jalene McCormick, 46, had been passing lots of kidney stones (hundreds) for years and had a temperature most of the time for which she was on antibiotics. It took her six months on our kidney herb recipe to dissolve and pass so many they no longer showed up on X-ray, and to stop making them. Then her fever left, not to return. Kristen Jane Johnson, a young mother, had recurrent fevers and fa- tigue but, besides EBV, her doctors found no cause. We found HIV virus and a lot of bacteria and parasites. The fever -causing bacterium was Salmonella. To stop her Salmonella attacks she had to raise her immunity besides boiling all dairy products. Moldy foods (pasta ) and lunch meats (benzopyrenes) were the source of liver toxicity. Each new Salmonella attack immediately invaded the liver so a vicious cycle was set up. When she stayed meticulously on the parasite program, meticulously off unsterilized dairy prod- ucts, and meticulously off benzene-polluted items, she cured her- self of fevers and night sweats and the HIV infection. Perhaps in two years the liver will have recovered enough to kill Salmonella that enter it, but she is not taking any chances till then. Although Kristen was eating food polluted with both Sal- monellas and Shigellas she only “picked up” Salmonella, never Shigella! Why is that? In contrast, people with multiple sclero sis “pick up” Shigellas, not Salmonellas. Multiple Sclerosis & Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the brain and spinal cord. It is called lateral sclerosis if the disease is mainly in the spinal cord. It is caused by fluke parasites reaching the brain or spinal cord and attempting to multiply there. Any of the four common flukes may be responsible. Kill them immediately with your zapper or a frequency generator (434 KHz to 421 KHz). TheyNON-PAINFUL DISEASES 205cannot return unless you reinfect yourself. Stop eating meats, except fish and seafood. All meats are a source of fluke parasite stages unless canned or very well cooked. Pets and family members are undoubtedly carriers of the same flukes, although they do not show the same symptoms. Give away your house pets. Don't kiss your loved ones on the mouth. Make sure your sex partner has also been freed of fluke parasites. The most important question you must be able to answer is why did these parasites enter your brain and spinal cord? When the brain contains solvents, it allows flukes to multiply there. The solvents, xylene and toluene are common brain solvents always seen in MS cases. Evidently these solvents accumulate first in the motor and sensory regions of the brain, inviting the parasites to these locations. Xylene and toluene are industrial solvents used in paint and thinners. It is also a pollutant of certain carbonated beverages (I found it in 7-Up,TM ginger ale and others that I tested). Stop drinking them. All MS cases I have seen also harbor Shigella bacteria in the brain and spinal cord. These come from dairy products. They are manure bacteria. Be absolutely meticulous about sterilizing dairy products. Even one tsp. unsterilized milk added to scram bled eggs could reinfect you. Not even heavy whipping cream or butter is safe without boiling. Kill bacteria every day with a zapper. Shigellas produce chemicals that are toxic to the brain and spinal cord. Eliminating Shigellas brings immediate im- provement. All large parasites like flukes have their own entourage of bacteria and viruses. Perhaps it is these that initiate the brain's reaction, which is inflammation and scar tissue formation in the outer covering of brain cells and nerve fibers. Perhaps it is the fluke stages themselves. Your brain is trying desperately to heal these lesions, only to be assailed by a fresh batch of solvent and Shigellas and another generation of parasites and pathogens.THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES 206The other pollutant associated with MS is mercury from dental metal. The mercury that is constantly released in the mouth does not all get excreted by the kidneys or eliminated by the bowels. Some of it travels up to the brain and gets into the spinal cord as well. You will be able to eliminate and excrete more mercury by doing a kidney and liver cleanse. The mercury may itself be polluted with thallium which is even more toxic. For this reason mercury removal should be done extra thor oughly to be sure no thallium has been left behind. If you are concerned about MS-like symptoms, purchase slides of the brain regions, cerebrum, and cerebellum. Or pur- chase pork brains at the grocery store and snip out a portion of the sensory lobe and cerebellum. Prepare these as test sub stances (sterilize your hands afterward). Test your daily foods and body products for their presence in these brain areas. Also test for parasites, bacteria (especially Nocardia and Shigella ) and other pollutants such as arsenic and pesticides. If the disease (tremor and lack of sensation) has not progressed too far, you can cure it. In all cases you can stop it from progressing further by cleaning up dentalware, the environment and diet. Brandi Rainey, age 34, of Amish religious culture, was diagnosed with MS four months earlier after an MRI confirmed it although she had symptoms for many years. She was told she had inherited a gene for it and that Amish folk are particularly susceptible to MS for reasons of inbreeding. She had a constant pain running down the side of her neck, and headache. Her legs were getting too heavy to get up stairs. Our tests showed her brain was full of scandium (tooth metal alloy) and fluoride (toothpaste ). Her vision was get ting worse; her eyes were full of wood alcohol. She lost no time in getting dentures: there were no teeth that could be saved. She had several bacteria growing in her jaw bone : Strep G (sore throat bacteria), Staphylococcus aureus (this was raising her pulse to over 100), Clostridium tetani (causes great stiffness), and Shig
[ 7917, 220, 649, 198, 68, 38367, 88289, 1124, 627, 4071, 20236, 220, 4245, 311, 62826, 6985, 220, 374, 539, 6847, 1167, 5795, 3201, 13, 1050, 7058, 9792, 11, 279, 1167, 3183, 1510, 1587, 539, 64855, 279, 66358, 220, 390, 7058, 83, 812, 11, 902, 374, 7041, 1405, 62826, 6985, 220, 6439, 0, 31909, 1167, 3713, 198, 998, 2867, 1124, 505, 701, 39881, 11, 499, 2011, 22472, 1124, 505, 279, 198, 15802, 301, 555, 1701, 279, 18943, 301, 6826, 220, 320, 2964, 220, 22048, 4390, 43, 773, 337, 753, 220, 80087, 483, 220, 6425, 320, 4151, 45302, 883, 649, 5115, 6288, 636, 198, 1907, 315, 62826, 6985, 6957, 279, 2547, 13, 5560, 220, 21, 21701, 320, 9181, 21701, 198, 1527, 459, 91772, 299, 7067, 8, 304, 220, 27154, 9168, 315, 3090, 3116, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 1442, 912, 30663, 9483, 6979, 50736, 423, 9311, 4157, 50, 198, 9639, 6518, 62826, 6985, 220, 374, 27073, 11, 433, 690, 387, 5355, 447, 3384, 304, 264, 1938, 477, 198, 20375, 627, 2746, 701, 20236, 220, 12716, 499, 264, 34653, 1174, 1005, 93590, 337, 753, 16853, 37, 2099, 198, 6251, 3078, 527, 1070, 311, 1520, 701, 2547, 4465, 279, 91321, 1131, 455, 311, 264, 198, 2837, 13, 4418, 956, 1005, 264, 34653, 220, 24099, 220, 7389, 279, 2547, 6940, 64, 259, 554, 198, 3427, 288, 927, 220, 4278, 59572, 11, 323, 1243, 1193, 3403, 311, 4546, 279, 34653, 1523, 264, 198, 4590, 627, 13622, 1172, 3078, 11, 5423, 1054, 1897, 3078, 315, 9987, 6371, 863, 220, 527, 4245, 198, 998, 62826, 75595, 220, 323, 1443, 343, 75595, 662, 4718, 2547, 1253, 387, 3995, 323, 198, 4620, 3403, 311, 5622, 1124, 719, 539, 3831, 3403, 311, 5622, 459, 3721, 7058, 261, 70529, 8312, 315, 1124, 5108, 505, 34479, 15657, 499, 8343, 389, 264, 198, 49174, 8197, 13, 14549, 12459, 77852, 520, 15926, 7214, 13, 14549, 198, 91955, 3691, 1903, 555, 3885, 6, 6206, 7389, 433, 374, 66740, 1534, 13, 14549, 198, 91955, 34479, 15657, 3156, 499, 617, 30205, 1124, 13, 14549, 12459, 1884, 198, 9210, 649, 956, 387, 30205, 627, 24903, 44707, 11, 4325, 220, 22, 11, 1047, 1403, 18243, 315, 15748, 57056, 6784, 220, 449, 1172, 2807, 198, 70529, 1403, 5672, 13, 1283, 2751, 17508, 3104, 220, 449, 14403, 3956, 11, 1047, 264, 198, 69, 70791, 40700, 323, 6392, 88, 19689, 662, 320, 8586, 279, 6945, 374, 5115, 2867, 627, 791, 14403, 3956, 1051, 12967, 1461, 62826, 75595, 1174, 1443, 343, 75595, 220, 323, 198, 1605, 24032, 902, 14264, 304, 813, 92234, 311, 220, 8356, 220, 6784, 13, 220, 2030, 3249, 198, 3323, 8388, 323, 539, 813, 20820, 10380, 8388, 1047, 264, 86765, 315, 3399, 1167, 1994, 198, 1527, 1701, 15197, 27883, 8649, 264, 3361, 51487, 5707, 13, 8388, 198, 19171, 1047, 9903, 56741, 82, 11, 63900, 1344, 10647, 11, 323, 39824, 1344, 10647, 1174, 4762, 198, 24567, 311, 813, 39920, 40368, 505, 279, 72046, 1994, 13, 5112, 813, 6691, 198, 754, 2230, 8388, 596, 14403, 11, 7108, 279, 95869, 27883, 320, 32158, 13205, 311, 1005, 433, 198, 71, 388, 491, 16715, 323, 7577, 813, 220, 79383, 220, 449, 279, 85573, 42393, 13, 5414, 34653, 198, 42700, 3201, 323, 20186, 3201, 13, 1283, 1071, 568, 14333, 682, 420, 1606, 198, 3409, 568, 1054, 29177, 1514, 1306, 2978, 863, 220, 2085, 220, 264, 23152, 78831, 323, 568, 198, 16514, 77, 956, 1694, 3288, 311, 279, 29198, 596, 5274, 1606, 315, 264, 34653, 13, 25773, 198, 1820, 24032, 14718, 279, 9499, 4024, 3201, 555, 5694, 345, 55540, 4245, 311, 279, 471, 315, 813, 6463, 296, 750, 3831, 22852, 1887, 844, 1837, 356, 4622, 4716, 13398, 423, 9311, 4157, 50, 198, 7854, 41, 278, 1994, 89071, 875, 11, 220, 2790, 11, 1047, 1027, 12579, 10283, 315, 39042, 27302, 198, 3283, 46813, 8, 369, 1667, 323, 1047, 264, 9499, 1455, 315, 279, 892, 369, 198, 8370, 1364, 574, 389, 46850, 13, 1102, 3952, 1077, 4848, 4038, 389, 1057, 39042, 198, 1964, 65, 11363, 311, 73739, 323, 1522, 779, 1690, 814, 912, 5129, 8710, 198, 455, 389, 1630, 30630, 11, 323, 311, 3009, 3339, 1124, 662, 5112, 1077, 34653, 220, 2163, 11, 539, 311, 198, 693, 627, 76943, 268, 22195, 11605, 11, 264, 3995, 6691, 11, 1047, 65174, 1172, 3078, 323, 2267, 7058, 83, 22711, 719, 11, 28858, 50242, 53, 1174, 1077, 16410, 1766, 912, 5353, 13, 1226, 1766, 198, 39, 3166, 17188, 323, 264, 2763, 315, 24032, 323, 79383, 13, 578, 34653, 482, 936, 985, 198, 65, 2540, 2411, 574, 62826, 6985, 662, 2057, 3009, 1077, 62826, 6985, 220, 8951, 1364, 198, 32345, 311, 4933, 1077, 40368, 28858, 50937, 682, 34479, 3956, 13, 55263, 88, 198, 96420, 320, 79, 14635, 883, 323, 16163, 63875, 320, 8123, 89, 1289, 1466, 288, 8, 1051, 279, 2592, 315, 198, 75, 1553, 58011, 13, 9062, 502, 62826, 6985, 220, 3440, 7214, 64765, 279, 198, 75, 1553, 779, 264, 43510, 11008, 574, 743, 709, 13, 3277, 1364, 20186, 91426, 198, 263, 279, 85573, 2068, 11, 91426, 1022, 653, 3751, 321, 1534, 34479, 14814, 7058, 670, 82, 11, 323, 91426, 1022, 72046, 1994, 2320, 980, 2844, 3673, 11, 1364, 64688, 1077, 7058, 726, 315, 1172, 3078, 323, 3814, 10769, 1900, 220, 323, 279, 23495, 19405, 13, 19292, 304, 198, 20375, 1667, 279, 26587, 690, 617, 26403, 3403, 311, 5622, 62826, 6985, 198, 9210, 3810, 433, 11, 719, 1364, 374, 539, 4737, 904, 17393, 12222, 1243, 627, 16179, 77214, 574, 12459, 3691, 95869, 449, 2225, 8375, 7058, 1677, 75595, 220, 323, 1443, 343, 75595, 220, 1364, 1193, 1054, 94599, 709, 863, 62826, 6985, 1174, 2646, 198, 2059, 343, 6985, 758, 8595, 374, 430, 30, 763, 13168, 11, 1274, 449, 5361, 57219, 2382, 53415, 198, 2118, 30345, 709, 863, 1443, 343, 75595, 1174, 539, 62826, 75595, 16853, 33189, 328, 91711, 612, 29793, 79432, 198, 43, 19715, 328, 91711, 198, 33189, 91357, 220, 320, 4931, 8, 374, 264, 8624, 315, 279, 8271, 323, 50112, 198, 32089, 13, 1102, 374, 2663, 45569, 91357, 220, 422, 279, 8624, 374, 14918, 304, 279, 198, 2203, 992, 23125, 627, 2181, 374, 9057, 555, 1344, 10647, 79383, 19261, 279, 8271, 477, 50112, 198, 32089, 323, 19969, 311, 31370, 1070, 13, 5884, 315, 279, 3116, 4279, 198, 1517, 65850, 1253, 387, 8647, 13, 27933, 1124, 7214, 449, 701, 198, 89, 3183, 477, 264, 11900, 14143, 320, 20165, 735, 11732, 311, 220, 18245, 735, 11732, 570, 2435, 30663, 9483, 6979, 50736, 423, 9311, 4157, 50, 198, 10866, 34360, 471, 7389, 499, 15601, 3836, 6261, 13, 14549, 12459, 63875, 345, 11945, 7795, 323, 53405, 662, 2052, 63875, 527, 264, 2592, 315, 1344, 10647, 85573, 198, 267, 1154, 7389, 64114, 477, 1633, 1664, 30205, 13, 36986, 323, 3070, 198, 23832, 527, 38048, 35991, 315, 279, 1890, 1344, 65850, 11, 8051, 198, 20670, 656, 539, 1501, 279, 1890, 13803, 13, 21335, 3201, 701, 3838, 198, 65301, 13, 4418, 956, 21735, 701, 10456, 6305, 389, 279, 11013, 13, 7557, 2771, 701, 198, 11814, 8427, 706, 1101, 1027, 28634, 315, 1344, 10647, 79383, 627, 791, 1455, 3062, 3488, 499, 2011, 387, 3025, 311, 4320, 374, 198, 35734, 1550, 1521, 79383, 3810, 701, 8271, 323, 50112, 23125, 949, 3277, 198, 1820, 8271, 5727, 2092, 48764, 11, 433, 6276, 1344, 65850, 311, 31370, 1070, 13, 578, 198, 39298, 48764, 11, 865, 64651, 220, 323, 311, 10036, 1994, 220, 527, 4279, 8271, 2092, 48764, 2744, 198, 29412, 304, 10504, 5157, 13, 469, 1325, 4501, 1521, 2092, 48764, 47376, 1176, 304, 279, 198, 59088, 323, 49069, 13918, 315, 279, 8271, 11, 42292, 279, 79383, 311, 198, 45010, 10687, 627, 55, 64651, 323, 311, 10036, 1994, 220, 527, 13076, 2092, 48764, 1511, 304, 6308, 323, 198, 64771, 5079, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 264, 71134, 519, 315, 3738, 12782, 660, 47497, 320, 40, 198, 15456, 433, 304, 220, 22, 47197, 20594, 44, 44768, 220, 22180, 323, 3885, 430, 358, 12793, 570, 14549, 198, 3696, 16113, 1124, 627, 2460, 10504, 5157, 358, 617, 3970, 1101, 57511, 1443, 343, 6985, 220, 24032, 304, 279, 198, 54160, 323, 50112, 23125, 662, 4314, 2586, 505, 34479, 3956, 13, 2435, 527, 198, 1543, 554, 24032, 13, 2893, 11112, 96278, 922, 66740, 4954, 34479, 198, 10354, 13, 7570, 832, 39020, 13, 653, 3751, 321, 1534, 14403, 3779, 311, 36061, 293, 839, 198, 797, 5981, 1436, 15601, 3836, 499, 13, 2876, 1524, 8987, 98622, 220, 12932, 220, 477, 198, 65, 6339, 374, 6220, 2085, 50937, 13, 27933, 24032, 1475, 1938, 449, 264, 198, 89, 3183, 13, 1443, 343, 75595, 220, 8356, 26333, 430, 527, 21503, 311, 279, 8271, 198, 438, 50112, 23125, 13, 43420, 16252, 1443, 343, 75595, 220, 12716, 14247, 737, 7058, 782, 7986, 627, 2460, 3544, 79383, 1093, 1344, 65850, 617, 872, 1866, 1218, 61140, 315, 198, 65, 78852, 323, 42068, 13, 19292, 433, 374, 1521, 430, 39201, 279, 8271, 596, 198, 60307, 11, 902, 374, 37140, 323, 23087, 20438, 18488, 304, 279, 198, 2743, 18702, 315, 8271, 7917, 323, 32015, 220, 49774, 13, 19292, 433, 374, 279, 198, 1517, 10647, 18094, 5694, 13, 4718, 8271, 374, 4560, 38643, 311, 27661, 198, 45010, 63324, 11, 1193, 311, 387, 1089, 5805, 555, 264, 7878, 7309, 315, 69996, 323, 198, 2059, 343, 75595, 220, 323, 2500, 9659, 315, 79383, 323, 78284, 844, 1837, 356, 4622, 4716, 13398, 423, 9311, 4157, 50, 198, 11056, 791, 1023, 71134, 519, 5938, 449, 10504, 374, 51852, 220, 505, 198, 67, 6430, 9501, 662, 578, 51852, 430, 374, 15320, 6004, 304, 279, 11013, 198, 28156, 539, 682, 636, 506, 4523, 291, 555, 279, 81960, 477, 34373, 555, 279, 198, 15802, 2053, 13, 4427, 315, 433, 35292, 709, 311, 279, 8271, 323, 5334, 1139, 279, 50112, 198, 32089, 439, 1664, 13, 1472, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 22472, 323, 506, 9537, 810, 198, 1195, 26533, 555, 3815, 264, 39042, 323, 26587, 81155, 13, 578, 51852, 1253, 198, 275, 726, 387, 95869, 449, 270, 543, 2411, 220, 902, 374, 1524, 810, 21503, 13, 1789, 198, 576, 2944, 51852, 17065, 1288, 387, 2884, 5066, 73833, 220, 1409, 398, 311, 198, 1395, 2771, 912, 270, 543, 2411, 706, 1027, 2163, 4920, 627, 2746, 499, 527, 11920, 922, 10504, 12970, 13803, 11, 7782, 198, 66921, 315, 279, 8271, 13918, 11, 28091, 1347, 372, 1174, 323, 28091, 17696, 372, 662, 2582, 4087, 7058, 331, 521, 36167, 220, 35202, 520, 279, 30687, 3637, 323, 4224, 575, 704, 264, 13651, 315, 198, 1820, 49069, 326, 15784, 323, 28091, 17696, 372, 13, 32266, 1521, 439, 1296, 1207, 357, 3095, 198, 7, 3751, 321, 553, 701, 6206, 49043, 570, 3475, 701, 7446, 15657, 323, 2547, 198, 10354, 369, 872, 9546, 304, 1521, 8271, 5789, 13, 7429, 1296, 369, 198, 1768, 300, 3695, 11, 24032, 320, 36046, 452, 74378, 689, 220, 323, 1443, 343, 6985, 883, 323, 1023, 198, 31241, 332, 1821, 1778, 439, 87364, 292, 220, 323, 61257, 13, 1442, 279, 220, 8624, 320, 83, 1864, 269, 198, 438, 6996, 315, 37392, 8, 706, 539, 62916, 2288, 3117, 11, 499, 649, 27208, 433, 627, 644, 682, 5157, 499, 649, 3009, 433, 505, 76722, 4726, 555, 16204, 198, 455, 29106, 1698, 11, 279, 4676, 323, 10173, 627, 28268, 72, 22674, 1216, 11, 4325, 220, 1958, 11, 315, 3383, 819, 10597, 7829, 11, 574, 29704, 449, 198, 4931, 3116, 4038, 6931, 1306, 459, 52460, 11007, 433, 8051, 220, 1364, 1047, 198, 24738, 52273, 369, 1690, 1667, 13, 3005, 574, 3309, 1364, 1047, 28088, 264, 15207, 198, 2000, 433, 323, 430, 3383, 819, 29036, 527, 8104, 47281, 311, 10504, 369, 198, 20489, 82, 315, 304, 21152, 16490, 13, 3005, 1047, 264, 6926, 6784, 4401, 1523, 279, 198, 3002, 315, 1077, 13272, 1174, 323, 47846, 662, 6385, 14535, 1051, 3794, 2288, 8987, 198, 998, 636, 709, 32249, 13, 5751, 7177, 8710, 1077, 8271, 574, 2539, 315, 55392, 2411, 198, 12464, 8942, 9501, 220, 46964, 8, 323, 89230, 220, 320, 998, 8942, 57968, 7609, 6385, 11376, 574, 636, 43327, 198, 86, 11073, 26, 1077, 6548, 1051, 2539, 315, 7732, 13200, 662, 3005, 5675, 912, 892, 304, 198, 51210, 18653, 1439, 25, 1070, 1051, 912, 18311, 430, 1436, 387, 6924, 13, 3005, 1047, 198, 325, 17998, 24032, 7982, 304, 1077, 16942, 220, 17685, 551, 800, 10200, 480, 220, 320, 82, 461, 28691, 198, 65, 78852, 705, 800, 1366, 88, 1092, 92411, 220, 86768, 355, 220, 320, 576, 574, 19054, 1077, 28334, 311, 198, 2017, 220, 1041, 705, 19197, 496, 307, 2411, 220, 28953, 5676, 220, 320, 936, 4881, 2294, 70334, 705, 323, 1443, 343 ]
a bar gain bin in a grocery store in France in 2006, among all the hundreds of th ousands of books that exist, and at the exac t same time that I was at that grocery store? I w ould bet that the probability is close to zero. That event was divinely orchestrated as a result of my meditating and living in a higher state of consciousness. Meaningful coincidences or synchronistic events begin to occur when you align yourself with the spiritual ener gy that resides in the Ajna chakra. Life bec omes ea sier and more fu lfilling. Y ou experience more joy, and your life becomes more meaningful. Our Societal Relationship with the Sixth Chakra W e have not yet reached a point in our society where sixth chakra consciousness e xists for the ma jority. If that were the case, there would be no such thing as good people and bad people, therefore no wars would formulate. There would be no push-pull of the ego, and thus we wouldn’ t be concerned with competition or getting ahead of other people. A mind-set of abundance would reign everywhere as we would realize that there is enough on this planet for everyone. Crime would be nonexistent as a result of wealth consciou sness. If everything was light, then there would be no darkness.The feel ing of interconnectedness would end the debate as to whether or not we need to t ake care of our planet. The answer would be obvious. Daily life would flow in greater peace and harmony. The emer gence of spiritual enli ghtenment is in its infancy in the W est. There is certain ly more awareness than in the past one hundred years, but greater darkness as well. W e have shifted from world wars to wars on ourselves and our health. Illness in society as a whole reflects the state of consciousness of its people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prev ention, half of all US adults, or 133 million people, suf fer from at least o ne chronic disease. Disease cannot exist in sixth chakra consciousness. By synchronizing with mind, body, spirit, and the entire universe, you are vibrating at s uch a fast speed that the lower ener gies of disease cannot take hold in you. Let me give you an example. Pe rhaps there has been a time in y our life when yo u were living in bliss. Y our career was great. Y ou were deeply in love. Y o ur family life was balanced, and you woke up every morning feeling fantastic. Y ou felt on top of the world. Maybe that time lasted for a week, a month, or a year. But do you remember that during that time, when you felt like you could take on the world, you didn’ t get sick? People around y ou were getting colds o r the flu, but not you. Y ou were untouched by d isease even though you were exposed to it. Inversely, perhaps there was a t ime when everything was goi ng wrong. Y ou lost your job, your car broke down, and your dog died all in one week. Y ou were stressed, sad, and worried, and on top of it all you got hit with a killer bronchial infection. I wo uld suggest that if you want to live a life that is disease-free, along with following the other principles of fered in this book, st ay away from disease c onsciousness. T urn of f the TV or radio when prescription drug ads come on, and even try to av oid advertisements for hospi tals, cancer treatment centers, and other medical centers. Y ou don’ t want any of that ener gy anywhere near you. It will lower your vibrational frequency. If friends o r family talk about the flu epidemic or the Zika virus, ask them to please c hange th e subject. If yo u feel a minor ache or pain, try not to surf the i nternet looking for diseases. Instead, do some yoga breathin g, meditate, or change your diet. I know people who feel a small pain, and after browsing disease possibilities, they’re of f to their doctor with a self- diagnosis. Other than getting yearly checkups, wouldn’ t it be b etter to nothave to rely on doctors so much? Y our body is a healing machine. Consider it as such. W ouldn’ t it be wonderful if inst ead of medical advertisements, we had motivational adv ertisements? Im agine where your thoughts would go if you saw a big billb oard that read “Y our body is a healing mach ine. Y ou’re healthy now,” then you opened your internet browser and a pop-up ad read “Y ou ha ve extraordinary ener gy!” Most medical companies would go out of business. When we let go of the belief that disease is a given, we can then evolve in consciousness as a society. Living Life in the Ajna Chakra The person who dwells in the Ajna chakra lives a magical but disciplined life. The gifts that come with sixth chakra consciousness only come with the grea test amount of austerity and adherence to steadfast principles. It’ s no wond er that only a select few ever attain this level of consciousness. The work req uired to gain these gifts is a tough and often lonely road. Others around you may not understand why you need to meditate for an hour a day or practice yoga daily. They may not get why you buy only or ganic food, recycle, or consistently give to charities. They might tease yo u for never drinking alcohol, using drugs, or taking any substances that will harm your body. Th ey may find you weak for never ar guing with others or trying to prove that you’re right. And they certainly won’ t understand why you prefer silence to blaring music or a loud television. By living in the Ajna chakra you give up a great many things, but you gain mu ch more in return. Y ou live in bliss and joy every day of your life. The reso urces you need seem t o appear out of nowhere. Y ou begin to see into the future a nd know the places and people to avoid. Y our life unfolds ef fortlessly and easily. Many pe ople living in this state have the power to heal. And when you are in the presence of others, they feel at peace. Recognizing Sixth Chakra Imbalances Practicing medit ation and living a life of austerity are not the o nly ways to obtain th e level of transcendence most people seek. Beware of fast tracks totranscendence. S ome people will try to obtain sixth chakra transcendence by d estructive means such as extreme fasting, drugs, alcohol, and other types of addictive behavior. Y ou can have momentary journeys i nto bliss by flooding your brain with addict ive substances or by depriving the brain of oxygen, food, or water. But these things always come with a price. By forcing yourself into higher states of consciousness, you create a karmic debt tha t must be repaid. Often the lows include plummeting back into the most pri mal and basic areas of the first chakra, where you’re surrounded by fear, shame, and guilt. Since all of us are seeking a grea ter spiritual connection on some level, it can be tempting to try to take a shortcut to transcendent bli ss. However, anything worth having is also wo rth working toward. Accepting Sixth Chakra Gifts If you’r e not already living in the sixth chakra state of consc iousness at least some of the time, it can be scary to accept the gifts of this chakra. Y ou may be reluctan t to follow your intuition or trust your visions, whether they come from within or as outer visual experiences. Accepting sixth chakra gifts can give you an edge over others w ho don’ t accept them. Y our power of intuition can save you a lot of pain and heartache. It can help you make better choices and guide you along your life p ath with gr eater ease. The p ower of dreaming and visualization can get you to your desires and life purpose at lightning speed. The sixth chakra transcends time and space. In the universal realm, manifestation is not linear. It does not await the per fect time and place. Y ou can take quantum leaps in progress through the power of visualization, daydreaming, and following your intuition. I me t thi s woman at a meeting of Al-Anon, a recovery group for people who are af fected by someone else’ s drinking. She was a nice person with a big heart. She s hared with me that she had been in the program for over forty-nine years. She said she was still working on the issues that plagued her from the beginning. Many other women in the program seemed to be experiencing the same. They had spent years and often dec ades in the program, going over the mistak es of the past and often repeating the same mistakes in the p resent. I often h ear this story
[ 264, 3703, 8895, 9736, 304, 264, 198, 42511, 22228, 3637, 304, 9822, 304, 220, 1049, 21, 11, 4315, 682, 279, 11758, 315, 270, 220, 40137, 315, 198, 12383, 430, 3073, 11, 323, 520, 279, 506, 582, 259, 1890, 892, 430, 358, 574, 520, 430, 30687, 3637, 5380, 40, 289, 220, 619, 220, 1297, 430, 279, 19463, 220, 374, 3345, 311, 7315, 13, 3011, 1567, 574, 3512, 22870, 198, 22312, 15462, 660, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 856, 1812, 50644, 323, 5496, 304, 264, 5190, 1614, 315, 198, 64589, 2136, 627, 19312, 287, 1285, 23828, 85096, 477, 14453, 4633, 4455, 3240, 311, 12446, 994, 198, 9514, 5398, 6261, 449, 279, 18330, 38556, 29720, 430, 54068, 304, 279, 41757, 3458, 523, 52503, 627, 26833, 106508, 8019, 288, 37646, 274, 1291, 323, 810, 18922, 326, 7712, 287, 13, 816, 6033, 3217, 810, 16267, 1174, 323, 701, 198, 14789, 9221, 810, 23222, 627, 8140, 42509, 22029, 33907, 449, 279, 68077, 921, 52503, 198, 54, 384, 617, 539, 3686, 8813, 264, 1486, 304, 1057, 8396, 1405, 26084, 523, 52503, 198, 64589, 2136, 384, 865, 1705, 369, 279, 7643, 503, 269, 488, 662, 1442, 430, 1051, 279, 1162, 11, 1070, 1053, 387, 198, 2201, 1778, 220, 3245, 439, 1695, 1274, 323, 3958, 1274, 11, 9093, 912, 25981, 1053, 198, 630, 6468, 13, 2684, 1053, 387, 912, 4585, 2320, 620, 315, 279, 37374, 11, 323, 8617, 584, 8434, 529, 259, 387, 198, 444, 29644, 291, 449, 10937, 477, 3794, 8469, 315, 1023, 1274, 13, 362, 220, 4059, 25063, 315, 198, 370, 98681, 1053, 31402, 17277, 439, 584, 1053, 13383, 430, 1070, 374, 3403, 198, 263, 420, 11841, 369, 5127, 13, 24845, 1053, 387, 88034, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 198, 31633, 1615, 5979, 283, 274, 2136, 13, 1442, 4395, 574, 3177, 11, 1243, 1070, 1053, 387, 912, 198, 23449, 2136, 11829, 2733, 6892, 315, 83416, 2136, 1053, 842, 279, 11249, 439, 311, 3508, 477, 198, 1962, 584, 1205, 311, 259, 264, 441, 2512, 315, 1057, 11841, 13, 578, 4320, 1053, 387, 8196, 13, 13690, 198, 14789, 1053, 6530, 304, 7191, 9096, 323, 26348, 16853, 791, 991, 261, 342, 768, 315, 18330, 665, 747, 342, 427, 53061, 374, 304, 1202, 86617, 304, 279, 468, 1826, 627, 3947, 374, 220, 3738, 14869, 810, 17985, 1109, 304, 279, 3347, 832, 7895, 1667, 11, 719, 198, 66335, 27394, 439, 1664, 13, 468, 384, 617, 30073, 505, 1917, 25981, 311, 25981, 389, 198, 2530, 4372, 323, 1057, 2890, 13, 12799, 2136, 304, 8396, 439, 264, 4459, 27053, 279, 1614, 315, 198, 64589, 2136, 315, 1202, 1274, 13, 10771, 311, 279, 41991, 369, 31974, 7935, 198, 438, 60101, 1218, 290, 11, 4376, 315, 682, 2326, 12884, 11, 477, 220, 9423, 3610, 1274, 11, 56868, 18728, 505, 520, 198, 56371, 297, 841, 21249, 8624, 13, 31974, 4250, 3073, 304, 26084, 523, 52503, 198, 64589, 2136, 13, 3296, 14453, 4954, 449, 4059, 11, 2547, 1174, 9090, 11, 323, 220, 279, 4553, 198, 359, 8194, 11, 499, 527, 51037, 520, 274, 125738, 264, 5043, 4732, 430, 279, 4827, 38556, 342, 552, 315, 198, 67, 56407, 4250, 1935, 3412, 304, 499, 627, 10267, 757, 3041, 499, 459, 3187, 13, 5250, 436, 6356, 1070, 706, 1027, 264, 892, 304, 379, 1057, 2324, 198, 9493, 30596, 577, 1051, 5496, 304, 59045, 13, 816, 1057, 7076, 574, 2294, 13, 816, 6033, 1051, 17693, 304, 198, 31153, 13, 816, 297, 4433, 3070, 2324, 574, 24770, 11, 323, 499, 39826, 709, 1475, 6693, 198, 1897, 20659, 14964, 13, 816, 6033, 6612, 389, 1948, 220, 315, 279, 1917, 13, 10926, 430, 892, 36513, 369, 264, 198, 10476, 11, 264, 2305, 11, 477, 264, 1060, 662, 2030, 656, 499, 6227, 430, 2391, 430, 220, 892, 11, 994, 198, 9514, 6612, 1093, 499, 1436, 1935, 389, 279, 1917, 11, 499, 3287, 529, 259, 636, 14363, 30, 9029, 198, 20019, 379, 6033, 1051, 3794, 9439, 82, 297, 436, 279, 20236, 11, 719, 539, 499, 13, 816, 6033, 1051, 220, 68622, 198, 1729, 294, 374, 47714, 1524, 3582, 499, 1051, 15246, 311, 433, 13, 763, 3078, 989, 1174, 8530, 1070, 574, 198, 64, 259, 75534, 994, 4395, 574, 733, 72, 7933, 5076, 13, 816, 6033, 5675, 701, 2683, 11, 701, 1841, 14760, 198, 2996, 11, 323, 701, 5679, 8636, 682, 304, 832, 2046, 13, 816, 6033, 1051, 32647, 11, 12703, 11, 323, 198, 50810, 4588, 11, 323, 389, 1948, 315, 433, 682, 499, 2751, 4295, 449, 264, 25534, 31071, 331, 532, 19405, 627, 40, 24670, 8725, 67, 4284, 430, 422, 499, 1390, 311, 3974, 264, 2324, 430, 374, 8624, 12862, 11, 3235, 198, 4291, 2768, 279, 1023, 16565, 315, 282, 12616, 304, 420, 2363, 11, 357, 19432, 3201, 220, 505, 198, 67, 56407, 272, 389, 23995, 2136, 13, 350, 66967, 315, 282, 279, 6007, 477, 9063, 994, 22866, 5623, 14058, 198, 2063, 389, 11, 323, 1524, 1456, 311, 1860, 49866, 43749, 369, 68927, 2554, 259, 1147, 11, 9572, 198, 83, 35320, 19169, 11, 323, 1023, 6593, 19169, 13, 816, 6033, 1541, 529, 259, 1390, 904, 315, 430, 198, 804, 29720, 12660, 3221, 499, 13, 1102, 690, 4827, 701, 17358, 1697, 11900, 662, 1442, 198, 30562, 297, 436, 3070, 220, 3137, 922, 279, 20236, 42620, 477, 279, 82026, 17188, 11, 2610, 1124, 311, 198, 31121, 272, 305, 853, 270, 384, 3917, 13, 1442, 30596, 577, 2733, 264, 9099, 78831, 477, 6784, 11, 1456, 220, 539, 311, 20884, 198, 1820, 602, 308, 114239, 3411, 369, 19338, 13, 220, 12361, 11, 656, 1063, 27102, 11745, 258, 342, 11, 1812, 20227, 345, 269, 2349, 701, 10173, 13, 358, 1440, 1274, 889, 2733, 264, 2678, 6784, 1174, 323, 1306, 198, 65, 87366, 8624, 24525, 11, 814, 3207, 315, 282, 311, 872, 10896, 449, 264, 659, 7058, 8747, 50915, 13, 7089, 1109, 3794, 45370, 1817, 8772, 11, 8434, 529, 259, 433, 387, 293, 56916, 311, 912, 339, 525, 311, 17631, 389, 16410, 779, 1790, 30, 816, 1057, 2547, 374, 264, 21730, 5780, 13, 21829, 198, 275, 439, 1778, 627, 54, 220, 619, 77, 529, 259, 433, 387, 11364, 422, 1798, 384, 329, 315, 6593, 43749, 11, 584, 1047, 198, 47928, 344, 1697, 3439, 220, 531, 285, 3808, 30, 2417, 945, 483, 1405, 701, 11555, 1053, 733, 422, 499, 198, 82, 675, 264, 2466, 4121, 65, 297, 569, 430, 1373, 1054, 56, 1057, 2547, 374, 264, 21730, 8002, 19661, 13, 816, 6033, 3207, 198, 38128, 1457, 1174, 863, 1243, 499, 9107, 701, 7757, 7074, 323, 264, 2477, 5352, 1008, 1373, 198, 2118, 56, 6033, 6520, 5320, 24674, 38556, 29720, 758, 863, 7648, 6593, 5220, 1053, 733, 704, 315, 198, 27243, 627, 4599, 584, 1095, 733, 315, 279, 16801, 430, 8624, 374, 264, 2728, 11, 584, 649, 1243, 220, 38680, 198, 258, 25917, 439, 264, 8396, 16853, 45605, 9601, 304, 279, 41757, 3458, 921, 52503, 198, 791, 1732, 889, 14156, 6572, 304, 279, 41757, 3458, 523, 52503, 6439, 264, 24632, 719, 70166, 198, 14789, 13, 578, 21258, 430, 2586, 449, 26084, 523, 52503, 25917, 1193, 2586, 449, 198, 1820, 2886, 64, 1296, 3392, 315, 61630, 323, 71628, 311, 85387, 16565, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 198, 2201, 289, 2159, 2781, 430, 1193, 264, 3373, 2478, 220, 3596, 36861, 420, 2237, 315, 25917, 13, 578, 198, 1816, 4326, 577, 2757, 311, 220, 8895, 1521, 21258, 374, 264, 11292, 323, 3629, 40666, 5754, 13, 26080, 198, 20019, 499, 1253, 539, 3619, 3249, 499, 1205, 311, 1812, 20227, 369, 459, 6596, 264, 1938, 198, 269, 6725, 27102, 7446, 662, 2435, 1253, 539, 636, 3249, 499, 3780, 1193, 477, 25893, 292, 3691, 345, 2827, 5566, 11, 477, 21356, 3041, 311, 51371, 13, 2435, 2643, 67126, 30596, 577, 369, 2646, 198, 3696, 16113, 13200, 11, 1701, 11217, 11, 477, 4737, 904, 33155, 430, 690, 11682, 701, 198, 2664, 662, 666, 3999, 1253, 220, 1505, 499, 7621, 369, 2646, 802, 1709, 287, 449, 3885, 477, 4560, 311, 198, 35563, 430, 499, 3207, 1314, 13, 1628, 814, 7995, 2834, 529, 259, 3619, 3249, 499, 10932, 198, 35904, 768, 311, 1529, 3329, 4731, 477, 264, 17813, 12707, 627, 1383, 5496, 304, 279, 41757, 3458, 523, 52503, 499, 3041, 709, 264, 2294, 1690, 2574, 11, 719, 499, 198, 60246, 12097, 523, 810, 220, 304, 471, 13, 816, 6033, 3974, 304, 59045, 323, 16267, 1475, 1938, 315, 701, 2324, 627, 791, 594, 78, 4433, 1634, 499, 1205, 2873, 259, 297, 5101, 704, 315, 28211, 13, 816, 6033, 3240, 311, 1518, 198, 18614, 279, 3938, 264, 15953, 1440, 279, 7634, 323, 1274, 311, 5766, 13, 816, 1057, 2324, 90765, 198, 830, 12108, 16117, 323, 6847, 662, 9176, 1069, 297, 698, 5496, 304, 420, 1614, 617, 279, 2410, 311, 198, 383, 278, 13, 1628, 994, 499, 527, 304, 279, 9546, 315, 3885, 11, 814, 2733, 520, 9096, 627, 18398, 4954, 68077, 921, 52503, 2417, 76527, 198, 3617, 533, 10332, 1812, 275, 520, 290, 323, 5496, 264, 2324, 315, 61630, 527, 539, 279, 297, 308, 398, 5627, 311, 198, 677, 23771, 270, 384, 2237, 315, 74809, 768, 220, 1455, 1274, 6056, 13, 38310, 548, 315, 5043, 14242, 311, 1485, 66, 408, 768, 13, 328, 297, 2727, 1274, 690, 1456, 311, 6994, 26084, 523, 52503, 74809, 768, 198, 1729, 294, 76509, 535, 3445, 1778, 439, 14560, 54560, 11, 11217, 11, 13200, 1174, 323, 1023, 198, 9426, 315, 57407, 7865, 662, 816, 6033, 220, 649, 617, 4545, 661, 64876, 602, 62918, 59045, 555, 198, 90906, 3785, 701, 8271, 449, 39326, 99677, 33155, 477, 555, 36980, 2299, 279, 8271, 315, 198, 78, 19472, 11, 3691, 11, 477, 3090, 662, 2030, 1521, 2574, 2744, 2586, 449, 264, 3430, 13, 3296, 198, 42596, 6261, 1139, 5190, 5415, 315, 25917, 11, 499, 1893, 264, 597, 2227, 292, 198, 451, 13045, 49588, 259, 2011, 387, 2109, 3864, 13, 36016, 279, 66246, 2997, 71278, 287, 1203, 1139, 279, 198, 3646, 12776, 8811, 323, 220, 6913, 5789, 315, 279, 1176, 523, 52503, 11, 1405, 499, 3207, 23712, 555, 198, 69, 686, 1174, 21648, 11, 323, 34951, 13, 8876, 682, 315, 603, 527, 11125, 264, 2886, 64, 2024, 18330, 198, 7898, 389, 1063, 2237, 11, 433, 649, 387, 61299, 311, 1456, 311, 1935, 264, 38215, 311, 198, 1485, 66, 29293, 60389, 11107, 13, 4452, 1174, 4205, 5922, 3515, 374, 1101, 24670, 436, 339, 3318, 198, 83, 83071, 627, 17059, 287, 68077, 921, 52503, 57060, 198, 2746, 499, 529, 81, 384, 539, 2736, 5496, 304, 279, 26084, 523, 52503, 1614, 315, 13902, 602, 788, 2136, 520, 198, 56371, 1063, 315, 279, 892, 11, 433, 649, 387, 29565, 311, 4287, 279, 21258, 315, 420, 523, 52503, 13, 816, 6033, 198, 18864, 387, 31344, 276, 259, 311, 1833, 701, 57351, 477, 7095, 701, 58395, 11, 3508, 814, 198, 2063, 505, 2949, 477, 439, 16335, 9302, 11704, 627, 17059, 287, 26084, 523, 52503, 21258, 649, 220, 3041, 499, 459, 6964, 927, 3885, 289, 11640, 1541, 529, 259, 198, 10543, 1124, 13, 816, 1057, 2410, 315, 57351, 649, 3665, 499, 264, 2763, 315, 6784, 323, 198, 18207, 1815, 13, 1102, 649, 1520, 499, 1304, 2731, 11709, 323, 8641, 499, 3235, 701, 198, 14789, 281, 12004, 449, 1099, 87135, 14553, 13, 578, 281, 297, 6703, 315, 56774, 323, 42148, 649, 636, 198, 9514, 311, 701, 32097, 323, 2324, 7580, 520, 33538, 4732, 13, 578, 26084, 523, 52503, 198, 1485, 66, 1438, 892, 220, 323, 3634, 13, 763, 279, 20789, 22651, 11, 64050, 374, 539, 198, 23603, 662, 1102, 220, 1587, 539, 2597, 279, 824, 282, 440, 892, 323, 2035, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 1935, 31228, 198, 273, 2690, 304, 5208, 1555, 279, 2410, 315, 42148, 11, 1938, 57291, 287, 11, 323, 198, 44018, 701, 57351, 627, 40, 757, 259, 62428, 274, 5333, 520, 264, 6574, 315, 1708, 59016, 263, 11, 264, 13654, 1912, 369, 1274, 198, 14965, 527, 8136, 282, 1599, 555, 4423, 775, 529, 274, 16558, 13, 3005, 574, 264, 6555, 1732, 449, 264, 198, 16548, 4851, 13, 3005, 274, 305, 1636, 449, 757, 430, 1364, 1047, 1027, 304, 279, 2068, 369, 927, 198, 4057, 88, 86703, 1667, 13, 3005, 1071, 1364, 574, 2103, 3318, 389, 279, 4819, 430, 66402, 198, 1964, 505, 220, 279, 7314, 13, 9176, 1023, 3278, 304, 279, 2068, 9508, 311, 387, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 279, 1890, 13, 2435, 1047, 7543, 1667, 323, 3629, 1654, 1008, 288, 304, 279, 198, 15252, 11, 2133, 927, 279, 8770, 587, 1560, 315, 279, 3347, 323, 3629, 40916, 279, 1890, 198, 80024, 2094, 304, 279, 281, 47540, 13, 358, 3629, 305, 2487, 420, 3446 ]
akra healing, colour visualisation with the corresponding chakra colour and simultaneous meditation on the chakra points is a powerful healing practice. We can visualise these colours and breathe each colour vibration into the related chakra, drawing in for at least five breaths. It is not unusual for some people to be unable to visualise colours in a particular chakra; in this case, intent upon the colour can work well. The safest and best way is to invoke abundant white light, which is freely available to all.White light is actually the most balanced mixture of all of the seven colours and the shades in between. For self-healing, invoking this beautiful healing light without mental restraints will work wonderfully well. White light works with an intelligence of its own, and is far more purified than our limited awareness. In certain civilisations, the ancients understood the healing and rebalancing effects of colours and erected domes of coloured glass of individual colours. When the sun’s rays permeated through the coloured glass they would shower the colour ener gy on the people inside the dome. OceanofPDF.com1 0 The last word Through this book we have tried to present fundamental information about the chakras from a health and healing perspective. Most of the information has not been documented, but has been passed on from guru to shishya (disciple). Coming from a background of science and psychology, we both have been able to comprehend the energetic effect of our mental and emotional states on our organs and glands, leading to the progress of disease. Our background using aromatherapy with lymph drainage in our practice, alongside the individual experiences of our clients and an understanding of Hindu spiritual practices, Ayurveda and tantra, made it easier to weave it all together and pr ovide a scientific under standing of this subject. We hope readers will gain an understanding of and clarity about the chakras and the vital role they play in our lives. We hope healers will be able to enrich their practice by using the information in the book, and blend their skills, experience and understanding in their healing practices. We hope this will be the beginning of the journey for seekers as well as healers. There is still much more to learn and unlear n in the pr ocess of lear ning. An award-winning advertisemen t on a meditation practice by a spiritual group states: ‘Embark on a journey where you are bound to lose all your baggage.’ In this journey of life we are all carrying our baggage of material desires, attachments, greed, hatred, jealousy and anger. In our spiritual quest we all have to lighten ourselves up so that we can ascend to a higher spiritual plane. Chakras are best understood as levels of conscious awareness, not morality.Impurities also have to be understood from the level of discrimina tion, not morality; the y arise out of desir e, self-gratification and self-inter est. There is much more to life than fame, fortune, status, authority and attachments to things or people. All pain comes to us through ignorance and remaining blind when experience tells us something different. In the process of birth, consciousness dawns on us from a subtle to a gross level, then we seek to raise our selves from gross to subtle to mer ge again with the sour ce. Hari om ta t sat. OceanofPDF.comG l o s s a r y Agni: fire. Ahamkara: ego. Ajna chakra: the psychic command centr e situated between the br ows. Akasha: ethereal space. Amrit: psychic nectar of immortality. Anahata: the heart c hakra. Anubhuti: a spiritual e xperience. Anulom vilom: to alternate (nostril br eathing). Apana: vital ener gy in the lo wer part of the bod y below the navel. Asana: a steady and comf ortable position of the bod y. Astral body: the subtle, psychic body, finer than the ph ysical bod y. Avatara: divine incar nation. Awareness: the faculty of consciousness. Bandha: a psycho-muscular energy lock that redirects the flow of psychic energy in the bod y. Bhajan: a devotional song. Bhakta: one who follows the path of bhakti y oga. Bhakti yoga: the yoga of devotion. Bhavana: devotion. Bhrumadhya: the eyebrow centre, kshetram or contact point for the ajna chakra. Bija mantra: seed sound; a basic mantra or vibration that has its origin in trance consciousness.Bindu: the psychic centre situated at the top back of the head; a point or drop that is the substra tum of the w hole cosmos, the sea of total cr eation. Brahma: the divine spirit, Hindu god; cr eator of the univ erse. Brahma granthi: knot of creation; a psycho-muscular knot in the perineum that must be released for kundalini to enter and ascend through the sushumna nadi. It symbolises the blockage posed by material and sensual attachments. Brahma nadi: the most subtle pranic f low within the sushumna nadi. Brahmin: a member of the highest Hindu caste, namely the priestly caste. Buddhi: the higher intelligence, concerned with real wisdom; the faculty of valuing things f or the adv ancement of life and conscious a wareness. Causal body: the body experienced in deep sleep and in certain types of samadhi. Central canal: the hollow passage within the spinal cord. In the subtle body, this is the pa th of sushumna nadi. Cerebral cortex: grey matter on the surface of the brain responsible for higher mental functions. Cerebrospinal fluid: a cushion of f luid that protects the brain and spinal cor d. Cervical plexus: automatic nerve plexus in the neck associated with the vishuddhi c hakra. Cervix: the circular opening leading into the womb; the seat of the muladhara c hakra. Chakra: literally ‘wheel’ or ‘vortex’; a major psychic centre in the subtle body responsible for specific ph ysiological and psy chic functions. Chiti shakti: willpower. Chitta: mind; conscious, subconscious and unconscious le vels of the brain.Coccygeal plexus: a small nerve plexus at the base of the spine behind the pelvic cavity related to the swadhisthana c hakra. Consciousness: the medium of univ ersal and individual a wareness. Deity: a form of divinity; a divine being ha ving subor dinate functions. Devata: divine po wer. Devi: a goddess; a manifesta tion of shakti. Dharana: concentration; continuity of mental processes on one object or idea without lea ving it. Dharma: rightful duty. Dhyana: meditation, in the sense of intense meditation for an extended period of time. Dosha: a body type classified in A yurveda. Durga: Hindu goddess; a personification of Shakti pictured riding upon a tiger to whom personal ambition is r endered. Ganga: the river Ganges, the longest and most sacr ed river in India. Granthi: one of three psychic knots on the susuhmna nadi that hinder the upward passage of kundalini: brahma granthi, vishnu granthi and rudra granthi. Guna: one of the three qualities or matter of prakruti: tamas, rajas and sattva. Guru: literally ‘he w ho dispels dar kness’; a spiritual master or teac her. Guru chakra: another name for the ajna chakra, the eye of intuition, through which the inner guru’ s guidance manifests. Gyana yoga: a path of yoga concerned directly with knowledge and self- awareness. Hatha yoga: a system of yoga that specially deals with practices for bodily purification.Hypothalamus: a portion of the brain that integrates temperature, sleep, food intake, the development of se xual characteristics and endocrine activity. Ida: a major psychic channel that conducts manas shakti or mental energy, located on the left side of the psy chic body; the ‘ha’ of ha tha yoga. Idriya: sense organ. Ishaan: the direction of north-east. Japa: chanting. Janani: one who has attained spiritual kno wledge. Jnanendriya: an organ of knowledge or a sensory organ such as eyes, ears and nose. Kali: a form of Shakti who arouses terror and fear; the destroyer of ignorance in her de votees. Karma: actions or deeds, the inherent subconscious imprints that make a person act. Karma yoga: an action performed unselfishly for the welfare of others and the fulfilment of dhar ma. Karmendriya: an organ of action such as feet, hands, vocal chords, anus, sexual organs. Khechari mudra: a mudra of hatha yoga and tantra in which the tongue passes back into the pharynx to stimulate the flow of amrit from the lal
[ 52503, 21730, 11, 12745, 9302, 8082, 449, 279, 12435, 523, 52503, 198, 48439, 323, 58632, 33862, 389, 279, 523, 52503, 3585, 374, 264, 8147, 198, 383, 6260, 6725, 13, 1226, 649, 9302, 1082, 1521, 27230, 323, 37397, 1855, 12745, 198, 85, 18856, 1139, 279, 5552, 523, 52503, 11, 13633, 304, 369, 520, 3325, 4330, 11745, 82, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 198, 359, 81324, 369, 1063, 1274, 311, 387, 12153, 311, 9302, 1082, 27230, 304, 264, 4040, 198, 331, 52503, 26, 304, 420, 1162, 11, 7537, 5304, 279, 12745, 649, 990, 1664, 13, 578, 62844, 323, 198, 16241, 1648, 374, 311, 20466, 44611, 4251, 3177, 11, 902, 374, 26662, 2561, 311, 682, 21384, 3177, 374, 3604, 279, 1455, 24770, 21655, 315, 682, 315, 279, 8254, 27230, 198, 438, 279, 37199, 304, 1990, 13, 1789, 659, 38435, 6260, 1174, 47128, 420, 6366, 21730, 198, 4238, 2085, 10723, 312, 7610, 690, 990, 61085, 1664, 13, 5929, 3177, 4375, 198, 4291, 459, 11478, 315, 1202, 1866, 11, 323, 374, 3117, 810, 92600, 1109, 1057, 7347, 198, 20111, 2136, 627, 644, 3738, 8431, 56276, 11, 279, 46845, 4167, 16365, 279, 21730, 323, 198, 265, 13616, 9151, 6372, 315, 27230, 323, 66906, 4824, 288, 315, 58919, 9168, 315, 198, 55977, 27230, 13, 3277, 279, 7160, 753, 45220, 55424, 660, 1555, 279, 58919, 198, 59536, 814, 1053, 17639, 279, 12745, 38556, 29720, 389, 279, 1274, 4871, 279, 58438, 16853, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 16, 220, 15, 198, 791, 1566, 3492, 198, 24798, 420, 2363, 584, 617, 6818, 311, 3118, 16188, 2038, 922, 198, 1820, 523, 587, 13075, 505, 264, 2890, 323, 21730, 13356, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 2038, 198, 4752, 539, 1027, 27470, 11, 719, 706, 1027, 5946, 389, 505, 60526, 311, 559, 819, 7911, 198, 1528, 3510, 3863, 570, 40991, 505, 264, 4092, 315, 8198, 323, 31018, 11, 584, 2225, 198, 19553, 1027, 3025, 311, 58389, 279, 45955, 2515, 315, 1057, 10723, 323, 198, 336, 41964, 5415, 389, 1057, 36853, 323, 82375, 11, 6522, 311, 279, 5208, 315, 8624, 627, 8140, 4092, 1701, 32369, 1894, 9864, 449, 43745, 58592, 304, 1057, 6725, 345, 39393, 3002, 279, 3927, 11704, 315, 1057, 8403, 323, 459, 8830, 315, 198, 39, 485, 84, 18330, 12659, 11, 24852, 80627, 64, 323, 33202, 11, 1903, 433, 8831, 311, 68608, 433, 682, 198, 998, 3522, 323, 550, 297, 20013, 264, 12624, 1234, 11509, 315, 420, 3917, 627, 1687, 3987, 13016, 690, 8895, 459, 8830, 315, 323, 32373, 922, 279, 198, 331, 587, 13075, 323, 279, 16595, 3560, 814, 1514, 304, 1057, 6439, 13, 1226, 3987, 27661, 388, 690, 387, 3025, 198, 998, 31518, 872, 6725, 555, 1701, 279, 2038, 304, 279, 2363, 11, 323, 20955, 872, 198, 54340, 11, 3217, 323, 8830, 304, 872, 21730, 12659, 13, 1226, 3987, 420, 198, 14724, 387, 279, 7314, 315, 279, 11879, 369, 50433, 439, 1664, 439, 27661, 388, 13, 2684, 374, 198, 44466, 1790, 810, 311, 4048, 323, 653, 1576, 308, 304, 279, 550, 297, 1140, 315, 35499, 46607, 627, 2127, 10292, 27875, 19772, 16737, 259, 389, 264, 33862, 6725, 555, 264, 18330, 198, 4166, 5415, 25, 3451, 99886, 847, 389, 264, 11879, 1405, 499, 527, 6965, 311, 9229, 682, 701, 198, 21946, 15292, 14639, 198, 644, 420, 11879, 315, 2324, 584, 527, 682, 15691, 1057, 61649, 315, 3769, 32097, 345, 46978, 11, 56926, 11, 35242, 11, 80822, 323, 19788, 13, 763, 1057, 18330, 2271, 584, 682, 198, 19553, 311, 83608, 13520, 709, 779, 430, 584, 649, 76412, 311, 264, 5190, 18330, 11277, 627, 1163, 587, 13075, 527, 1888, 16365, 439, 5990, 315, 17371, 17985, 11, 539, 45651, 86935, 38333, 1101, 617, 311, 387, 16365, 505, 279, 2237, 315, 14572, 2259, 73352, 11, 539, 198, 57902, 2786, 26, 279, 379, 31889, 704, 315, 951, 404, 384, 11, 659, 25313, 266, 2461, 323, 659, 45994, 1826, 627, 3947, 374, 1790, 810, 311, 2324, 1109, 33651, 11, 33415, 11, 2704, 11, 11447, 323, 198, 46978, 311, 2574, 477, 1274, 13, 2052, 6784, 4131, 311, 603, 1555, 41660, 323, 198, 44536, 18507, 994, 3217, 10975, 603, 2555, 2204, 13, 763, 279, 1920, 198, 1073, 7342, 11, 25917, 294, 41096, 389, 603, 505, 264, 27545, 311, 264, 20547, 2237, 11, 1243, 584, 198, 26797, 311, 4933, 1057, 84137, 505, 20547, 311, 27545, 311, 4809, 3980, 1578, 449, 279, 20897, 3846, 627, 39, 2850, 8019, 9637, 259, 7731, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 38, 326, 297, 274, 274, 264, 436, 379, 198, 32, 47342, 25, 4027, 627, 32, 5721, 107486, 25, 37374, 627, 62173, 3458, 523, 52503, 25, 279, 50217, 3290, 39239, 384, 31183, 1990, 279, 1437, 297, 9092, 627, 56902, 31543, 25, 8537, 44353, 3634, 627, 6219, 1018, 25, 50217, 308, 39916, 315, 4998, 76052, 16853, 2127, 1494, 460, 25, 279, 4851, 272, 305, 52503, 627, 2127, 392, 71, 32973, 25, 264, 18330, 384, 865, 13267, 16853, 2127, 360, 316, 26886, 316, 25, 220, 311, 25631, 320, 2201, 496, 321, 1437, 384, 44661, 4390, 32, 857, 64, 25, 16595, 38556, 29720, 304, 279, 781, 7205, 961, 315, 279, 30111, 379, 3770, 279, 308, 3963, 627, 2170, 3444, 25, 264, 24981, 323, 470, 69, 64609, 481, 2361, 315, 279, 30111, 379, 627, 32, 56070, 2547, 25, 279, 27545, 1174, 50217, 2547, 11, 73886, 1109, 279, 1343, 32910, 950, 30111, 379, 627, 10066, 266, 5169, 25, 30467, 3709, 277, 7140, 627, 59893, 2136, 25, 279, 22291, 315, 25917, 16853, 34844, 4317, 25, 264, 42111, 1474, 355, 22077, 4907, 5409, 430, 72271, 279, 6530, 315, 50217, 198, 17947, 304, 279, 30111, 379, 627, 33, 71, 97386, 25, 264, 3567, 41964, 5609, 16853, 33, 71, 587, 2629, 25, 832, 889, 11263, 279, 1853, 315, 44089, 10114, 72, 379, 297, 6885, 627, 33, 71, 10114, 72, 27102, 25, 279, 27102, 315, 56357, 627, 33, 71, 29345, 25, 56357, 627, 33, 4171, 372, 52687, 7911, 25, 279, 84416, 12541, 11, 597, 939, 295, 2453, 477, 3729, 1486, 369, 279, 26514, 3458, 198, 331, 52503, 627, 33, 29230, 68009, 25, 10533, 5222, 26, 264, 6913, 68009, 477, 48913, 430, 706, 1202, 6371, 304, 198, 376, 685, 25917, 662, 10154, 84, 25, 279, 50217, 12541, 31183, 520, 279, 1948, 1203, 315, 279, 2010, 26, 264, 1486, 477, 198, 6861, 430, 374, 279, 1207, 13645, 15756, 315, 279, 289, 14512, 83645, 1174, 279, 9581, 315, 2860, 1589, 384, 367, 627, 33, 33607, 1764, 25, 279, 30467, 9090, 11, 36142, 10087, 26, 1589, 384, 859, 315, 279, 653, 344, 2781, 325, 627, 33, 33607, 1764, 16109, 339, 72, 25, 51900, 315, 9886, 26, 264, 42111, 1474, 355, 22077, 51900, 304, 279, 824, 483, 372, 198, 9210, 2011, 387, 6004, 369, 597, 1263, 278, 6729, 311, 3810, 323, 76412, 1555, 279, 198, 82, 1136, 372, 3458, 308, 2836, 13, 1102, 7891, 5014, 279, 2565, 425, 37260, 555, 3769, 323, 60717, 198, 46978, 627, 33, 33607, 1764, 308, 2836, 25, 220, 279, 1455, 27545, 550, 32370, 282, 3428, 2949, 279, 274, 1136, 372, 3458, 308, 2836, 627, 33, 33607, 1083, 25, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 8592, 36142, 69524, 1174, 32125, 279, 28185, 398, 69524, 16853, 33, 8512, 6151, 25, 279, 5190, 11478, 11, 11920, 449, 1972, 24278, 26, 279, 22291, 315, 198, 838, 7623, 2574, 282, 477, 279, 3439, 46845, 1133, 315, 2324, 323, 17371, 264, 51806, 2136, 627, 34, 80174, 2547, 25, 279, 2547, 10534, 304, 5655, 6212, 323, 304, 3738, 4595, 315, 198, 47096, 329, 6151, 627, 44503, 40021, 25, 279, 42902, 21765, 2949, 279, 50112, 23125, 13, 763, 279, 27545, 2547, 345, 576, 374, 279, 7251, 270, 315, 274, 1136, 372, 3458, 308, 2836, 627, 34, 486, 42743, 49370, 25, 20366, 5030, 389, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 8271, 8647, 369, 5190, 198, 93221, 5865, 16853, 34, 486, 15222, 2203, 992, 33595, 120912, 2480, 25, 220, 264, 45738, 315, 282, 326, 2480, 430, 36236, 279, 8271, 323, 50112, 1867, 294, 627, 34, 651, 950, 281, 2635, 355, 25, 17392, 32015, 281, 2635, 355, 304, 279, 13272, 5938, 449, 279, 198, 85, 819, 8512, 6151, 272, 305, 52503, 627, 34, 651, 953, 25, 279, 28029, 8736, 6522, 1139, 279, 73937, 26, 279, 10954, 315, 279, 198, 25133, 52687, 5169, 272, 305, 52503, 627, 1163, 52503, 25, 16280, 3451, 39690, 529, 477, 3451, 85, 45692, 529, 26, 264, 3682, 50217, 12541, 304, 279, 27545, 2547, 198, 417, 43419, 369, 3230, 1343, 379, 6455, 5848, 323, 26200, 47994, 5865, 16853, 1163, 12583, 559, 10114, 72, 25, 220, 690, 13477, 627, 1163, 46124, 25, 4059, 26, 17371, 1174, 84951, 323, 40711, 514, 348, 2053, 315, 279, 8271, 732, 511, 11377, 713, 278, 281, 2635, 355, 25, 264, 2678, 32015, 281, 2635, 355, 520, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 35776, 4920, 279, 198, 48624, 45775, 56429, 5552, 311, 279, 2064, 329, 21843, 84203, 272, 305, 52503, 627, 1128, 23995, 2136, 25, 220, 279, 11298, 315, 653, 344, 55495, 278, 323, 3927, 264, 51806, 2136, 627, 1951, 488, 25, 264, 1376, 315, 3512, 13797, 26, 264, 30467, 1694, 6520, 348, 287, 1207, 269, 294, 3357, 5865, 16853, 14934, 460, 25, 30467, 3273, 7205, 627, 1951, 10176, 25, 264, 52190, 26, 264, 14794, 64, 73352, 315, 559, 10114, 72, 627, 35, 13279, 3444, 25, 20545, 26, 50106, 315, 10723, 11618, 389, 832, 1665, 477, 4623, 198, 30096, 514, 64, 348, 287, 433, 627, 35, 78338, 25, 99044, 14523, 16853, 35, 8671, 3444, 25, 33862, 11, 304, 279, 5647, 315, 19428, 33862, 369, 459, 11838, 198, 19862, 315, 892, 16853, 85443, 4317, 25, 264, 2547, 955, 21771, 304, 362, 379, 80627, 64, 627, 35, 91876, 25, 36142, 52190, 26, 264, 1732, 2461, 315, 1443, 10114, 72, 42666, 20427, 5304, 264, 198, 83, 7420, 311, 8884, 4443, 45715, 374, 436, 842, 12616, 627, 38, 19934, 25, 279, 15140, 480, 5637, 1174, 279, 22807, 323, 1455, 17475, 1608, 15140, 304, 6890, 627, 6600, 32329, 72, 25, 832, 315, 2380, 50217, 61317, 389, 279, 4582, 12825, 76, 3458, 308, 2836, 430, 57780, 279, 198, 455, 1637, 21765, 315, 597, 1263, 278, 6729, 25, 20716, 41453, 16109, 339, 72, 11, 348, 819, 9110, 16109, 339, 72, 323, 68330, 969, 198, 911, 32329, 72, 627, 38, 8733, 25, 832, 315, 279, 2380, 29600, 477, 5030, 315, 550, 587, 81, 32973, 25, 26555, 300, 11, 436, 67922, 323, 198, 82, 1617, 6723, 627, 38, 21585, 25, 16280, 3451, 383, 289, 11640, 13262, 2053, 15627, 1168, 434, 529, 26, 264, 18330, 7491, 477, 1028, 582, 1077, 627, 38, 21585, 523, 52503, 25, 2500, 836, 369, 279, 26514, 3458, 523, 52503, 11, 279, 8071, 315, 57351, 11, 1555, 198, 8370, 279, 9358, 60526, 529, 274, 19351, 84332, 16853, 38, 88, 3444, 27102, 25, 264, 1853, 315, 27102, 11920, 6089, 449, 6677, 323, 659, 7058, 20111, 2136, 627, 39, 66826, 27102, 25, 264, 1887, 315, 27102, 430, 35426, 12789, 449, 12659, 369, 48131, 198, 26047, 2461, 3924, 1100, 8942, 17243, 355, 25, 220, 264, 13651, 315, 279, 8271, 430, 75762, 9499, 11, 6212, 11, 3691, 198, 396, 731, 11, 279, 4500, 315, 513, 865, 940, 17910, 323, 842, 78738, 5820, 16853, 769, 64, 25, 264, 3682, 50217, 5613, 430, 74198, 893, 300, 559, 10114, 72, 477, 10723, 4907, 345, 40563, 389, 279, 2163, 3185, 315, 279, 26200, 47994, 2547, 26, 279, 3451, 4317, 529, 315, 6520, 49588, 27102, 627, 769, 462, 7911, 25, 5647, 2942, 627, 40, 15605, 276, 25, 279, 5216, 315, 10411, 40607, 627, 41, 18826, 25, 77674, 627, 18820, 5676, 25, 832, 889, 706, 63260, 18330, 1168, 78, 289, 4995, 627, 41, 19285, 408, 462, 7911, 25, 459, 2942, 315, 6677, 477, 264, 49069, 2942, 1778, 439, 6548, 11, 25212, 323, 198, 77, 974, 627, 42, 8115, 25, 264, 1376, 315, 1443, 10114, 72, 889, 66208, 9459, 8818, 323, 8850, 26, 279, 96289, 315, 198, 625, 269, 685, 304, 1077, 409, 7055, 288, 627, 42, 20306, 25, 6299, 477, 54811, 11, 279, 38088, 84951, 737, 26822, 430, 1304, 264, 198, 9164, 1180, 627, 42, 20306, 27102, 25, 459, 1957, 10887, 653, 726, 65923, 369, 279, 23460, 315, 3885, 323, 279, 198, 1285, 12723, 479, 315, 294, 13279, 7643, 627, 42, 2227, 408, 462, 7911, 25, 459, 2942, 315, 1957, 1778, 439, 7693, 11, 6206, 11, 26480, 56759, 11, 82408, 345, 44687, 36853, 627, 42, 383, 1799, 72, 27275, 969, 25, 264, 27275, 969, 315, 52677, 64, 27102, 323, 33202, 304, 902, 279, 25466, 16609, 198, 1445, 1139, 279, 1343, 661, 24244, 311, 51077, 279, 6530, 315, 1097, 1018, 505, 279, 326, 278 ]
deteriorated so much that the animals could barely breed. Their fa ces had become narro w, their teeth crooked, their pelvic girdles narrow, their bones and body structure very small, and their dispositions poor. Mothers wouldn't nurse their young and sometimes became cannibalistic. They no longer lived very long. Before the degenerating group completely lost the ability to breed, Pottenger began to again feed them all raw food. It took four generations on a perfect, raw food diet before some perfect -appearing individuals showed up in the group. It takes longer to repair the damage than it does to cause it and it takes generations of unflagging persistence. I think much the same process has happened to humans in this century. With the invention of the roller mill and the consequen t degradation of our daily bread to white flour; with the birth of industrial farming and the generalized lowering of the nutritional content of all of our crops; our overall ratio of nutrition to calories worsened. Then it worsened again because we began to have industrial food manufacturing and national brand prepared food -marketing systems; we began subsisting on devitalized, processed foods. The result has been an even greater worsening of our ratio of nutrition to calories. And just like Pottenger's cats, we civilized humans in so -called advanced countr ies are losing the ability to breed, our willingness (or the energy) to mother our young; we're losing our good humor in the same way Pottenger's degenerated cats became bad tempered. As a group we feel so poorly that we desperately need to feel better fas t, and what better way to do that than with drugs. Is it any wonder that the United States, the country furthest down the road of industrial food degeneration, spen ds 14 percent of its gross domestic product on medical services? Any wonder that so many bab ies are born by Cesarean, any wonder that so many of our children have crooked teeth needing an orthodontist? The most depressing aspect of this comes into view when considering that Pottenger's cats took four generations on perfect food to repair most of the nutritional damage. In the specific case of my daughter, I know some things about the nutritional history of her maternal ancestors. My daughter' s grandmother grew up on a Saskatchewan farm. Though they certainly grew their own rich wheat on virgin semi-arid prairie soil, I'm sure the family bought white flour at the store for daily use. Still, there was a garden and a cow producing raw milk and free- range fertile eggs and chicken and other animals. There probably were lots of canned vegetables in w inter, canned but still highly nutritious because of the fertility of their prairie garden. My mother consequently had perfect teeth until the Great Depress ion forced her to live for too many years on lard and white bread. During this time of severe m alnutrition she had her three babies. The first one got the best of her nutritional reserves. The second, born after the worst of the malnutrition, was very small and weak and had a hard time growing up. Fortunately for me, for a few years before I (the la st child) was born, the worst of the economic times had past and the family had been living on a farm. There were vegetables and fresh raw milk and fruit. My mother had two good years to rebuild her nutritional reserves. But "Grannybell" did not managed to replace enough. Shortly after I was born my mother lost every one of her teeth all at once. The bone just disappeared around them. Thus, I was born deficient. And my childhood and adolescent nutrition was poor too: soda crackers, pasteurized processe d artificial cheese, evaporated milk from cans, hotdogs and canned beans, hotdogs and cabbage. It wasn't until I was pregnant w ith my first baby that I started to straighten up my diet. I continued eating very well after my first daughter, so my youngest d aughter had another three years of good diet to draw on. Thus both my own daughters got a somewhat better start than I had had. My teeth were not as good as my mother's had been before those years of malnutrition took them all. Instead of perfect strai ght undecayed teeth like a healthy farm girl should have, mine were somewhat crowded, with numerous cavities. My jaw bone had not received enough minerals to develop to its full size. My pelvic girdle also was smaller than my mother's was. I had had a poo r start. My daughters did better. The older one (the first child typically gets the best of the nutritional reserves) has such a wide jaw that there are small spaces between her teeth. My second daughter has only one crooked tooth, she has wider, more solid hip s, stronger bones and a broader face than I do. If my younger daughter will but from this point in her life, eat perfectly and choose her food wisely to responsibly avoid empty calories and maximize her ratio of nutrition to calories, her daughter (if she gives us granddaughters as her older sister already has done) may exhibit the perfect physiology that her genes carry. Along the lines of helping you avoid empty calories I will give you some information about various common foods that most people don' t know and that most books about food and health don't tell, or misunderstand. Butter, Margarine and Fats in General. Recently, enormous propaganda has been generated against eating butter. Its been smeared in the health magazines as a saturated ani mal fat, one containing that evil substance, cholesterol. Many people are now avoiding it and instead, using margarine. Composition of Oils Saturated Monosaturated Unsaturated Butter 66% 30% 4% Coconut Oil 87% 6% 2% Cottonseed Oil 26% 18% 52% Olive Oil 13% 74% 8% Palm Oil 49% 37% 9% Soybean Oil 14% 24% 58% Sunflower Oil 4% 8% 83% Safflower Oil 3% 5% 87% Sesame Oil 5% 9% 80% Peanut Oil 6% 12% 76% Corn Oil 3% 7% 84% This is a major and serious misunderstanding. First of all, margarine is almost indigestible, chemically very much like shortening – an artificially saturated or hydrogenated vegetable fat. Hydrogenated fats can't be properly broken down by the body's digest ive enzymes, adding to the body's toxic load. Margarine, bei ng a chemically -treated vegetable oil with artificial yellow color and artificial flavorings to make it seem like butter, also releases free radicals in the body that accelerate ageing. So, to avo id the dangers of eating cholesterol -containing butter, peop le eat something far worse for them! There are severe inconsistencies with the entire "cholesterol -is-evil" theory. Ethnic groups like the Danes, who eat enormous quantities of cholesterol -containing foods, have little circulatory disease. Actually, the li ver itself produces cholesterol; it's presence in the blood is an important part of the body chemistry. Cholesterol only becomes a problem because of deranged body chemistry due to the kind of overall malnutrition Americans usually experience on their junk food diets. Avoiding cholesterol in foods does little good, but eating a low -fat, low -sugar, complex -carbohydrate (whole foods) diet high in minerals does lower blood cholesterol enormously. Actually, high quality fresh (not rancid) butter in moderate qu antities is about the finest fat a person could eat. But high quality butter is almost unobtainable. First of all, it has to be raw, made from unpasteurized cream. Second, butter can contain very high levels of fat -soluble vitamins, but doesn't have to. Vi tamin -rich butter's color is naturally bright yellow, almost orange. This color does not come from a test tube. Pale yellow butter as is found in the commercial trade was probably almost white before it wa s artificially tinted. Butter from grass -pastured c ows naturally changes from yellow -orange to white and back again through the year as the seasons change. Spring grass, growing in the most intense sunlight of the year contains very high levels of chlorophyl l and vitamins. Cows eating this grass put high l evels of vitamins A and D into their cream, evidenced by the orange color of vitamin A. By July, natural butter has degraded to medium -yellow in color. By August, it is pale yellow. Industrial dairy cows fed exclusively on hay or artificial, processed feed s (lacking in these vitamins), produce butterfat that is almost white. I prefer to obtain my butter from a neighbor who has several dairy cows grazing on fertile bottom land pasture. We always fre eze a year's supply in late spring when butter is at its be st. Interestingly, that is also the time of year when my neighbor gets the most production from her cows and is most willing to part with 25 pounds of extra butter. In general, fats are poor foods that should be avoided. Their ratio of
[ 39436, 660, 779, 1790, 430, 279, 10099, 1436, 20025, 28875, 13, 11205, 2267, 27750, 720, 32345, 3719, 44669, 299, 289, 11, 872, 18311, 14425, 11059, 11, 872, 84168, 342, 2668, 645, 15376, 11, 872, 25896, 323, 2547, 6070, 1633, 2678, 11, 323, 872, 720, 4338, 28536, 8009, 13, 86035, 8434, 956, 29198, 872, 3995, 323, 7170, 6244, 14068, 51629, 4633, 13, 2435, 912, 5129, 12439, 1633, 1317, 13, 2355, 262, 13538, 279, 5367, 94207, 1912, 6724, 5675, 279, 5845, 311, 28875, 11, 393, 1751, 10214, 6137, 311, 1578, 5510, 1124, 682, 7257, 3691, 13, 1102, 3952, 3116, 720, 7642, 811, 389, 264, 4832, 11, 7257, 3691, 10173, 1603, 1063, 4832, 482, 34531, 3329, 7931, 8710, 709, 304, 279, 1912, 13, 1102, 5097, 5129, 311, 13023, 720, 1820, 5674, 1109, 433, 220, 1587, 311, 5353, 433, 323, 433, 5097, 22540, 315, 653, 10104, 3252, 42056, 13, 2355, 262, 358, 1781, 1790, 279, 1890, 1920, 706, 7077, 311, 12966, 304, 420, 9478, 13, 3161, 279, 28229, 315, 279, 29551, 2606, 323, 279, 12777, 268, 259, 720, 451, 49241, 315, 1057, 7446, 16385, 311, 4251, 20415, 26, 449, 279, 220, 7342, 315, 13076, 33489, 323, 279, 67217, 46301, 315, 279, 43226, 720, 1834, 315, 682, 315, 1057, 31665, 26, 1057, 8244, 11595, 315, 26677, 311, 25247, 47293, 6901, 13, 5112, 433, 47293, 6901, 1578, 1606, 584, 6137, 311, 617, 720, 485, 47479, 3691, 15266, 323, 5426, 6883, 10235, 3691, 482, 92918, 6067, 26, 584, 6137, 5258, 11330, 389, 3567, 2223, 1534, 11, 15590, 720, 96420, 13, 578, 1121, 706, 1027, 459, 1524, 7191, 93405, 315, 1057, 11595, 315, 26677, 311, 25247, 13, 2355, 262, 1628, 1120, 1093, 393, 1751, 10214, 596, 19987, 11, 584, 86079, 12966, 304, 779, 482, 44982, 11084, 2346, 376, 220, 552, 527, 13490, 279, 5845, 311, 28875, 11, 1057, 720, 86, 9585, 2136, 320, 269, 279, 4907, 8, 311, 6691, 1057, 3995, 26, 584, 2351, 13490, 1057, 1695, 28485, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 393, 1751, 10214, 596, 5367, 10766, 19987, 720, 17106, 373, 3958, 90761, 13, 1666, 264, 1912, 584, 2733, 779, 31555, 430, 584, 38643, 1205, 311, 2733, 2731, 67618, 259, 11, 323, 1148, 2731, 1648, 311, 656, 430, 1109, 720, 4291, 11217, 13, 2209, 433, 904, 5895, 430, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 279, 3224, 18742, 61943, 1523, 279, 5754, 315, 13076, 3691, 5367, 17699, 11, 993, 268, 11729, 220, 975, 720, 25426, 315, 1202, 20547, 13018, 2027, 389, 6593, 3600, 30, 5884, 5895, 430, 779, 1690, 16993, 220, 552, 527, 9405, 555, 62463, 548, 276, 11, 904, 5895, 430, 720, 708, 1690, 315, 1057, 2911, 617, 14425, 11059, 18311, 33921, 459, 30299, 86815, 380, 30, 578, 1455, 71810, 13189, 315, 420, 4131, 1139, 1684, 994, 720, 25742, 287, 430, 393, 1751, 10214, 596, 19987, 3952, 3116, 22540, 389, 4832, 3691, 311, 13023, 1455, 315, 279, 43226, 5674, 13, 2355, 262, 763, 279, 3230, 1162, 315, 856, 10003, 11, 358, 1440, 1063, 2574, 922, 279, 43226, 3925, 315, 1077, 50150, 38618, 13, 3092, 10003, 6, 274, 720, 53766, 27510, 14264, 709, 389, 264, 66253, 8961, 13, 18056, 814, 7995, 14264, 872, 1866, 9257, 34153, 389, 36999, 220, 18768, 58493, 307, 550, 75690, 17614, 11, 720, 40, 2846, 2771, 279, 3070, 11021, 4251, 20415, 520, 279, 3637, 369, 7446, 1005, 13, 16782, 11, 1070, 574, 264, 13863, 323, 264, 19923, 17843, 7257, 14403, 323, 220, 1949, 7058, 9866, 70225, 19335, 323, 16553, 323, 1023, 10099, 13, 2684, 4762, 1051, 10283, 315, 64114, 24822, 304, 289, 958, 11, 64114, 719, 2103, 7701, 720, 24217, 1018, 1245, 1606, 315, 279, 48111, 315, 872, 550, 75690, 13863, 13, 3092, 6691, 52394, 1047, 4832, 18311, 3156, 279, 8681, 4241, 676, 28772, 720, 25229, 1077, 311, 3974, 369, 2288, 1690, 1667, 389, 326, 569, 323, 4251, 16385, 13, 2355, 262, 12220, 420, 892, 315, 15748, 296, 453, 83664, 1364, 1047, 1077, 2380, 24869, 13, 578, 1176, 832, 2751, 279, 1888, 315, 1077, 43226, 30600, 13, 578, 720, 5686, 11, 9405, 1306, 279, 12047, 315, 279, 8811, 83664, 11, 574, 1633, 2678, 323, 7621, 323, 1047, 264, 2653, 892, 7982, 709, 13, 42536, 369, 757, 11, 220, 369, 720, 64, 2478, 1667, 1603, 358, 320, 1820, 1208, 357, 1716, 8, 574, 9405, 11, 279, 12047, 315, 279, 7100, 3115, 1047, 3347, 323, 279, 3070, 1047, 1027, 5496, 389, 264, 8961, 13, 720, 3947, 1051, 24822, 323, 7878, 7257, 14403, 323, 14098, 13, 3092, 6691, 1047, 1403, 1695, 1667, 311, 32593, 1077, 43226, 30600, 13, 2030, 720, 1, 6600, 13184, 17696, 1, 1550, 539, 9152, 311, 220, 8454, 3403, 13, 67587, 1306, 358, 574, 9405, 856, 6691, 5675, 1475, 832, 315, 1077, 18311, 682, 520, 3131, 13, 578, 720, 20337, 1120, 29496, 2212, 1124, 13, 2355, 262, 14636, 11, 358, 574, 9405, 87544, 13, 1628, 856, 20587, 323, 36088, 26677, 574, 8009, 2288, 25, 39962, 94911, 11, 3347, 12844, 1534, 29394, 325, 294, 720, 472, 16895, 17604, 11, 60150, 660, 14403, 505, 43732, 11, 4106, 81134, 323, 64114, 27994, 11, 4106, 81134, 323, 74873, 13, 1102, 5828, 956, 3156, 358, 574, 20895, 289, 78942, 720, 2465, 1176, 8945, 430, 358, 3940, 311, 7833, 268, 709, 856, 10173, 13, 358, 8738, 12459, 1633, 1664, 1306, 856, 1176, 10003, 11, 779, 856, 39637, 294, 264, 7490, 720, 32345, 2500, 2380, 1667, 315, 1695, 10173, 311, 4128, 389, 13, 14636, 2225, 856, 1866, 30968, 2751, 264, 14738, 2731, 1212, 1109, 358, 1047, 1047, 13, 2355, 262, 3092, 18311, 1051, 539, 439, 1695, 439, 856, 6691, 596, 1047, 1027, 1603, 1884, 1667, 315, 8811, 83664, 3952, 1124, 682, 13, 12361, 315, 4832, 610, 2192, 342, 427, 720, 1263, 762, 43995, 18311, 1093, 264, 9498, 8961, 3828, 1288, 617, 11, 10705, 1051, 14738, 39313, 11, 449, 12387, 57709, 1385, 13, 3092, 16942, 17685, 1047, 539, 2355, 42923, 3403, 34072, 311, 2274, 311, 1202, 2539, 1404, 13, 3092, 84168, 342, 2668, 273, 1101, 574, 9333, 1109, 856, 6691, 596, 574, 13, 358, 1047, 1047, 264, 83810, 436, 720, 2527, 13, 2355, 262, 3092, 30968, 1550, 2731, 13, 578, 9191, 832, 320, 1820, 1176, 1716, 11383, 5334, 279, 1888, 315, 279, 43226, 30600, 8, 706, 1778, 264, 7029, 16942, 430, 720, 19041, 527, 2678, 12908, 1990, 1077, 18311, 13, 3092, 2132, 10003, 706, 1193, 832, 14425, 11059, 26588, 11, 1364, 706, 22622, 11, 810, 6573, 18638, 274, 11, 16643, 720, 82091, 323, 264, 27927, 3663, 1109, 358, 656, 13, 1442, 856, 14992, 10003, 690, 719, 505, 420, 1486, 304, 1077, 2324, 11, 8343, 14268, 323, 5268, 1077, 220, 3691, 720, 49143, 989, 311, 87388, 5766, 4384, 25247, 323, 35608, 1077, 11595, 315, 26677, 311, 25247, 11, 1077, 10003, 320, 333, 1364, 6835, 603, 720, 53766, 3315, 27603, 439, 1077, 9191, 13219, 2736, 706, 2884, 8, 1253, 31324, 279, 4832, 78152, 430, 1077, 21389, 6920, 13, 2355, 262, 32944, 279, 5238, 315, 10695, 499, 5766, 4384, 25247, 358, 690, 3041, 499, 1063, 2038, 922, 5370, 4279, 15657, 430, 1455, 720, 16455, 1541, 6, 259, 1440, 323, 430, 1455, 6603, 922, 3691, 323, 2890, 1541, 956, 3371, 11, 477, 90700, 13, 2355, 720, 4071, 466, 11, 24079, 75314, 323, 435, 1900, 304, 3331, 13, 2355, 262, 42096, 11, 23205, 30617, 706, 1027, 8066, 2403, 12459, 14432, 13, 11699, 1027, 91567, 1636, 304, 279, 2890, 32947, 439, 264, 720, 82, 35467, 53088, 8811, 8834, 11, 832, 8649, 430, 14289, 20278, 11, 39086, 13, 9176, 1274, 527, 1457, 31526, 433, 323, 4619, 11, 1701, 720, 76, 34992, 483, 13, 2355, 720, 76783, 315, 507, 8839, 2355, 220, 328, 35467, 220, 3206, 437, 35467, 220, 62143, 35467, 2355, 4071, 466, 220, 220, 2287, 4, 220, 966, 4, 220, 19, 4, 720, 7489, 27357, 15895, 220, 220, 4044, 4, 220, 21, 4, 220, 17, 4, 720, 34, 17307, 23425, 15895, 220, 220, 1627, 4, 220, 972, 4, 220, 4103, 4, 720, 46, 25859, 15895, 220, 220, 1032, 4, 220, 5728, 4, 220, 23, 4, 720, 47, 7828, 15895, 220, 220, 2491, 4, 220, 1806, 4, 220, 24, 4, 720, 50, 2303, 17937, 15895, 220, 220, 975, 4, 220, 1187, 4, 220, 2970, 4, 720, 31192, 39853, 15895, 220, 220, 19, 4, 220, 23, 4, 220, 6069, 4, 720, 50, 2715, 15115, 15895, 220, 220, 18, 4, 220, 20, 4, 220, 4044, 4, 720, 50, 288, 373, 15895, 220, 220, 20, 4, 220, 24, 4, 220, 1490, 4, 720, 47, 5420, 332, 15895, 220, 220, 21, 4, 220, 717, 4, 220, 4767, 4, 720, 91641, 15895, 220, 220, 18, 4, 220, 22, 4, 220, 5833, 4, 33006, 2028, 374, 264, 3682, 323, 6129, 70847, 13, 5629, 315, 682, 11, 19205, 75314, 374, 4661, 1280, 15505, 1260, 11, 8590, 2740, 1633, 1790, 1093, 2875, 6147, 115972, 276, 78220, 50585, 477, 35784, 660, 36581, 8834, 13, 40602, 4469, 660, 50127, 649, 956, 387, 10489, 11102, 1523, 555, 279, 2547, 596, 21552, 99677, 720, 17007, 79809, 11, 7999, 311, 279, 2547, 596, 21503, 2865, 13, 24079, 75314, 11, 13582, 7933, 264, 8590, 2740, 482, 83, 2920, 36581, 5707, 449, 21075, 14071, 1933, 323, 720, 472, 16895, 17615, 826, 311, 1304, 433, 2873, 1093, 14432, 11, 1101, 19786, 1949, 74356, 304, 279, 2547, 430, 43880, 80043, 13, 2100, 11, 311, 1860, 78, 887, 279, 720, 67, 14381, 315, 12459, 39086, 482, 778, 2101, 14432, 11, 1069, 454, 514, 8343, 2555, 3117, 11201, 369, 1124, 0, 2355, 3947, 527, 15748, 92922, 449, 279, 4553, 330, 971, 273, 33282, 482, 285, 12, 59967, 1, 10334, 13, 92518, 5315, 1093, 279, 11824, 288, 11, 889, 8343, 23205, 720, 31548, 1385, 315, 39086, 482, 778, 2101, 15657, 11, 617, 2697, 4319, 38220, 8624, 13, 34863, 11, 279, 908, 2807, 5196, 19159, 39086, 26, 433, 596, 720, 74519, 304, 279, 6680, 374, 459, 3062, 961, 315, 279, 2547, 30903, 13, 921, 35244, 1193, 9221, 264, 3575, 1606, 315, 2761, 3811, 2547, 2355, 52755, 4245, 311, 279, 3169, 315, 8244, 8811, 83664, 9053, 6118, 3217, 389, 872, 30774, 220, 3691, 41943, 13, 35106, 287, 39086, 304, 720, 96420, 1587, 2697, 1695, 11, 719, 12459, 264, 3428, 482, 45283, 11, 3428, 482, 82, 8734, 11, 6485, 482, 7063, 34658, 349, 320, 67733, 15657, 8, 10173, 1579, 304, 34072, 1587, 4827, 6680, 720, 971, 273, 33282, 84563, 13, 2355, 53692, 11, 1579, 4367, 7878, 320, 1962, 436, 1149, 307, 8, 14432, 304, 24070, 934, 3276, 1385, 374, 922, 279, 28807, 8834, 264, 1732, 1436, 8343, 13, 2030, 1579, 4367, 720, 65, 6339, 374, 4661, 653, 677, 23771, 481, 13, 5629, 315, 682, 11, 433, 706, 311, 387, 7257, 11, 1903, 505, 22355, 5642, 324, 1534, 12932, 13, 10657, 11, 14432, 649, 6782, 1633, 220, 1579, 720, 43664, 315, 8834, 482, 39298, 41572, 46192, 11, 719, 3250, 956, 617, 311, 13, 11655, 259, 8778, 482, 14172, 14432, 596, 1933, 374, 18182, 10107, 14071, 11, 4661, 19087, 13, 1115, 1933, 720, 28156, 539, 2586, 505, 264, 1296, 14019, 13, 12629, 14071, 14432, 439, 374, 1766, 304, 279, 8518, 6696, 574, 4762, 4661, 4251, 1603, 433, 10667, 274, 720, 472, 16895, 398, 49104, 291, 13, 31457, 505, 16763, 482, 53520, 3149, 272, 297, 9092, 18182, 4442, 505, 14071, 482, 35264, 311, 4251, 323, 1203, 1578, 1555, 279, 1060, 720, 300, 279, 15956, 2349, 13, 12531, 16763, 11, 7982, 304, 279, 1455, 19428, 40120, 315, 279, 1060, 5727, 1633, 1579, 5990, 315, 37833, 5237, 4010, 326, 323, 720, 55911, 38925, 13, 356, 4336, 12459, 420, 16763, 2231, 1579, 326, 384, 899, 82, 315, 46192, 362, 323, 423, 1139, 872, 12932, 11, 69457, 555, 279, 19087, 1933, 315, 28170, 362, 13, 720, 1383, 5887, 11, 5933, 14432, 706, 91978, 311, 11298, 482, 28969, 304, 1933, 13, 3296, 6287, 11, 433, 374, 28639, 14071, 13, 25563, 34479, 46266, 23114, 24121, 720, 263, 18137, 477, 21075, 11, 15590, 5510, 274, 320, 75, 9162, 304, 1521, 46192, 705, 8356, 14432, 45283, 430, 374, 4661, 4251, 13, 2355, 40, 10932, 311, 6994, 856, 14432, 505, 264, 9760, 889, 706, 3892, 34479, 46266, 84550, 389, 70225, 5740, 4363, 89355, 13, 1226, 2744, 3541, 384, 3059, 264, 720, 3236, 596, 8312, 304, 3389, 10683, 994, 14432, 374, 520, 1202, 387, 357, 13, 58603, 11, 430, 374, 1101, 279, 892, 315, 1060, 994, 856, 9760, 5334, 279, 1455, 720, 23452, 505, 1077, 46266, 323, 374, 1455, 10032, 311, 961, 449, 220, 914, 16701, 315, 5066, 14432, 13, 2355, 644, 4689, 11, 50127, 527, 8009, 15657, 430, 1288, 387, 31890, 13, 11205, 11595, 315 ]
routines and habits, and the dream you have deep within yourself of some extraordinarily satisfying way of l iving. In the quote that opens this chapter, James Allen poetically explains that the dream is the ma gical realm out of which newly created life emer ges. Buried within you is an unlimited capacity for cre ation, what Allen calls a waking angel that’ s anxious to plant seedlings to fulfill your dreams and your destiny. I simp ly couldn’ t resist adding the Ernest Holmes quote describing this dynamic imagination as “fire from heaven.” They’re both appropriate invitations and reminders that you need to tend to that burning fire, the dream within you, if living a balanced life is important. How This Imbalance Shows Up in Your Life This absence of balance between dreams and habits may be very subtle. It doesn ’ t necessarily reveal itself in the obvious symptoms of heartburn, depression illnes s, or anxiety—it’ s more often something that feels like an unwelcome companion by your side, which continually whispers to you that you’re ignoring something. There’ s some often-unidentifiab le task or experience that you sense is part of your beingness. It may seem intangible, but you can fee l the longing to be what you’re intended to be. Y ou sense that there’ s a higher agenda; your way of life and your r eason for life are out of b alance. Until you pay attention, this subtle visitor will continue to prod you to regain your equilibrium. Think of a balance scale with on e side weighted down and the other side up, l ike a teeter - totter with an obese child on one end and a skinny kid on the other. In this case, the heavy end that tips the scale out of balance is the overweight kid representing you r everyday behaviors: the work you do, the place where you reside, the people with whom you interact, your geographic location, the books you read, the movies you see, and the conversations th at fill up your life. It’ s not that any of these things are badin an d of thems elves. The imbalance exists because they’re unhealthy for your particul ar life—they simply don’ t mesh with what you’ve im agined yourself to be. W hen it’ s unhealthy, it’ s wrong, and on some level you feel that. Wh en you live your life going th r ough th e motions, it may seem to be convenient, but the weight of your dissatisfaction creates a huge imbalance in the only life you have now. Y ou’re perplexed by the ever -present gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction that you can’ t seem to sha ke, that pit-of-the-stomach sensation of emptiness. It shows up when you’re sound asleep and your dreams are filled with rem inders of what you’d love to be, but you wake an d return to pursuing your safe routine. Y ou r dreams are also demanding yo ur attention in w aking life w hen you’re petulant and ar gumentative with others, because in actua lity you ’re so frustrated with yourself that you try to relieve the pressure by venting anger outward. Imbalance masquerades as a sense of frustration with your current lif estyle. If you allow yourself to think about this “fire from heaven,” you p roceed to rationalize your status quo with explanations and mental mean derings that you know in your heart are excuses because you don’ t think you have the tools to get in balance. Y ou may get to a point where you become increasingly hard on yourself and beg in see king medicatio n and other treatment for feelings of inadequacy—and for what’ s called depr ession. Y ou’ll surely witness yourself feeling more and more angry and moody, with mo re frequent occurrences of minor af flictions such as colds, headaches, and insomnia. As time goes on in this state of imb alance, there’ s less enthusiasm for what has become the drudgery of life. W o rk is now even more routine, with even less purpose and drive. These blahs begin appearing in your beha vior toward your family and those you love. Y ou’re easily agitated, picking on others for no apparent reason. If you’re able to be honest with yo urself, you recognize that your irritability stems from being out of balan ce with the bigger d ream you’ve always had, but which is now apparently slipping away. When th ese subtle symptoms surface, it’ s crucial to explore th e kind of ener gy you’re giving to the s cale to create balance—or in this case, imbalance. The heavy angst is w eighing down your reason for being—butyou are the only one who can rebalance this scale of your lif e. Here are some too ls to help you return to a balanced life, beginning with recognizing the ways in which you may be sabotaging yourself. Mental Energy That Makes the Manifestation of Your Dreams Impossible Y our de sire to be and live from greatness is an aspect of your spiritual ener gy. In order to create balance in this area of your life, you have to use the ener gy of y our thoughts to harmonize with what you d esire. Y our mental ener gy attracts what you think about. Thoughts that pay homage to frustration will attract frustration. When you say or think anything resembling Ther e’ s nothing I can do; my li fe has spun out of contr ol, and I’m trapped, that’ s what yo u’ll attract—that is, resistance to your highest desires! Every thought of frust ration is like purchasing a ticket for more frustration. Every thought tha t agrees that you’re stuck is asking the Universe to send you even mor e of that glue to keep you stuck. The sing le most important tool to being in balance is knowing that you and you alone a r e r esponsible for the imbalance between wha t you dr eam your life is meant to be, and the daily habits that drain life fr om that dr eam. Y ou can create a new alignment with your mental ener gy and instruct the Universe to send opportunities to correct this imbalance. When you do so, you disc over tha t while the world of reality has its limits, the world of your imagination is without boundaries. Out of this boundless imagination comes the s eedling of a reality that’ s been crying out to be restored to a balanced environment. Restoring the Balance The objective of this principle is to create a balance between dreams and habits. The least complicated w ay to begin is to recognize the signs of habitual ways of being, and th en learn to shift your thinking to being inbalance with your dreams. So what are your dreams? What is it that lives within you that’ s never gone away? What inner night-light continues to glow, ev en if it’ s only a glimmer, in your thoughts and dreams? Whatever it is, however absurd it may seem to others, if you want to restore the balance between your dreams and you r habits, you need to make a shift in the ener gy that you’re contributing to your dreams. If you’re out of balance, it’ s primarily because you’ve ener getically allowed your habits to define your life. Tho se habit s, and the conse quences thereof, are the result o f the ener gy you’ve given them. In the early stages of the rebalancing process, concentrate on this awareness: Y ou get what you think about, whether you want it or not. Commit to thinking about wha t you want, rather than how impossible or dif ficult that dream may seem. Give your personal dreams a place to hang out on the balance scale so that you can see them in your imagination and they can soak up the ener gy they deserve. Thoughts are mental ener gy; they’re the currency that you have to attract what you desire. Y ou must learn to stop sp ending that currency on thoughts you don’ t want, even though y ou may feel compelled to continue your habitual behavior. Y our body mi ght con tinue, for a while, to stay where it’ s been traine d to be, but meanwhile, thoughts are being aligned with your dreams. The esteemed 19th-century wr iter Louisa May Alcott phrases this idea in an encouraging and inspiring manner: Far away in the sunshine are my highest inspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead....Choosing to restore a semblance of balance between your dreams and your habits seems possible with Ms. Alcott’ s phrases in mind: “look up and see,” and “believ e in them.” The words bring to life an ener getic alignment. Rather t han putting your thoughts on what is, or what you’ve habitually thought for a l ifetime, you shift to looking up and seeing, and firmly believing in what you see. When you begin to think in this manner, the Universe conspi res to work with you, and sends you precisely what you’re thinking and believing. It
[ 30597, 323, 26870, 11, 323, 279, 8063, 499, 198, 19553, 5655, 2949, 6261, 315, 1063, 76024, 37154, 1648, 198, 1073, 326, 220, 2299, 13, 763, 279, 12929, 430, 16264, 420, 12735, 1174, 7957, 20661, 220, 3273, 37774, 198, 30992, 1771, 430, 279, 8063, 374, 279, 7643, 342, 950, 22651, 704, 315, 902, 13945, 3549, 2324, 198, 41996, 14748, 13, 12649, 1142, 220, 2949, 499, 374, 459, 27862, 8824, 369, 1922, 520, 290, 11, 1148, 198, 80977, 6880, 264, 48728, 34426, 220, 430, 529, 274, 38100, 311, 6136, 10533, 19342, 311, 21054, 701, 198, 57291, 82, 323, 701, 47176, 662, 358, 12714, 14869, 7846, 529, 259, 22884, 7999, 279, 62023, 40401, 198, 3022, 23524, 420, 8915, 28899, 439, 1054, 11029, 505, 23070, 2029, 2435, 3207, 198, 21704, 8475, 220, 59769, 323, 66697, 430, 499, 1205, 311, 8541, 311, 430, 198, 22464, 287, 4027, 11, 279, 8063, 2949, 499, 11, 422, 5496, 264, 24770, 2324, 374, 3062, 627, 4438, 1115, 2417, 22298, 37380, 3216, 304, 4718, 9601, 198, 2028, 19821, 315, 8335, 1990, 19226, 323, 26870, 1253, 387, 1633, 27545, 627, 2181, 3250, 18217, 259, 14647, 16805, 5196, 304, 279, 8196, 13803, 315, 4851, 22464, 345, 451, 4099, 5986, 4978, 274, 11, 477, 18547, 44603, 529, 274, 810, 3629, 2555, 430, 11321, 1093, 459, 198, 359, 35184, 22489, 555, 701, 3185, 11, 902, 35611, 89248, 311, 499, 430, 198, 9514, 3207, 32003, 220, 2555, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 1063, 3629, 20486, 1748, 13215, 370, 514, 3465, 477, 198, 50659, 430, 499, 5647, 374, 961, 315, 701, 1694, 2136, 13, 1102, 1253, 2873, 528, 61186, 345, 8248, 499, 649, 11307, 326, 279, 79422, 311, 220, 387, 1148, 499, 3207, 10825, 311, 387, 13, 816, 6033, 5647, 198, 9210, 1070, 529, 274, 264, 5190, 18909, 26, 701, 1648, 315, 2324, 220, 323, 701, 436, 384, 1525, 369, 2324, 220, 527, 704, 198, 1073, 293, 453, 685, 13, 30070, 499, 2343, 6666, 11, 420, 27545, 20792, 690, 3136, 311, 14814, 198, 9514, 311, 49655, 701, 56411, 627, 39787, 315, 220, 264, 8335, 5569, 449, 389, 384, 3185, 37924, 1523, 323, 279, 1023, 3185, 198, 455, 11, 326, 602, 441, 264, 1028, 1430, 482, 2458, 466, 449, 459, 50320, 1716, 389, 832, 842, 323, 264, 48777, 10585, 389, 198, 1820, 1023, 662, 763, 420, 1162, 11, 279, 8987, 842, 430, 10631, 279, 5569, 704, 315, 8335, 374, 279, 198, 2017, 4870, 10585, 14393, 499, 436, 18254, 28198, 25, 279, 990, 499, 656, 11, 279, 198, 2050, 1405, 499, 48383, 11, 279, 1274, 449, 8884, 499, 16681, 11, 701, 198, 713, 12968, 3813, 11, 279, 6603, 220, 499, 1373, 11, 279, 9698, 499, 1518, 11, 323, 279, 198, 444, 74095, 270, 520, 5266, 709, 701, 2324, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 539, 430, 904, 315, 1521, 2574, 527, 3958, 258, 459, 294, 315, 5685, 77892, 13, 578, 68331, 6866, 1606, 814, 3207, 53808, 369, 198, 22479, 220, 54008, 802, 2324, 71201, 5042, 1541, 529, 259, 11546, 449, 1148, 499, 4070, 737, 945, 1619, 198, 22479, 726, 311, 387, 13, 468, 48916, 433, 529, 274, 53808, 1174, 433, 529, 274, 5076, 11, 323, 389, 1063, 2237, 499, 2733, 198, 9210, 13, 1254, 665, 499, 3974, 701, 2324, 2133, 270, 436, 220, 1409, 270, 384, 54245, 11, 220, 433, 1253, 2873, 311, 387, 198, 444, 48239, 11, 719, 279, 4785, 315, 701, 97894, 11705, 264, 6908, 68331, 198, 258, 279, 1193, 2324, 499, 617, 1457, 16853, 56, 6033, 3207, 74252, 291, 555, 279, 3596, 482, 29844, 39719, 675, 287, 8430, 315, 97894, 198, 9210, 499, 649, 529, 259, 2873, 311, 16249, 2004, 11, 430, 20428, 8838, 10826, 5594, 316, 613, 37392, 315, 198, 21643, 1918, 13, 1102, 5039, 709, 994, 499, 3207, 5222, 33173, 323, 701, 19226, 527, 10409, 198, 4291, 1323, 1280, 388, 315, 1148, 499, 7070, 3021, 311, 387, 11, 719, 499, 15508, 459, 294, 471, 311, 198, 79, 1759, 7623, 701, 6220, 14348, 13, 816, 6033, 436, 19226, 527, 1101, 26192, 30596, 4433, 6666, 198, 258, 289, 264, 10789, 2324, 289, 48916, 499, 3207, 6896, 69733, 323, 802, 342, 1143, 1413, 449, 3885, 11, 1606, 198, 258, 1180, 4381, 326, 488, 499, 18217, 265, 779, 33630, 449, 6261, 430, 499, 1456, 311, 48839, 279, 198, 47074, 555, 10594, 287, 19788, 52046, 13, 2417, 22298, 9427, 16339, 3536, 439, 264, 5647, 315, 198, 1658, 3497, 367, 449, 701, 1510, 10345, 1826, 982, 13, 1442, 499, 2187, 6261, 311, 1781, 922, 198, 576, 1054, 11029, 505, 23070, 2476, 499, 281, 938, 4739, 311, 25442, 553, 701, 2704, 41608, 449, 198, 327, 10609, 811, 323, 10723, 3152, 2761, 826, 430, 499, 1440, 304, 701, 4851, 527, 198, 40541, 4881, 1606, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 1781, 499, 617, 279, 7526, 311, 636, 304, 8335, 627, 56, 6033, 1253, 220, 636, 311, 264, 1486, 1405, 499, 3719, 15098, 2653, 389, 6261, 198, 438, 2197, 304, 1518, 11734, 8249, 6400, 308, 323, 1023, 6514, 369, 16024, 315, 198, 258, 1037, 447, 2826, 17223, 369, 1148, 529, 274, 2663, 36980, 220, 1362, 662, 816, 6033, 4805, 22225, 11550, 198, 22479, 726, 8430, 220, 810, 323, 810, 19021, 323, 4647, 1094, 1174, 449, 4647, 312, 21420, 198, 14310, 34346, 315, 9099, 8136, 282, 21937, 919, 220, 1778, 439, 9439, 82, 11, 55403, 11, 323, 83511, 13, 1666, 198, 1712, 5900, 389, 304, 420, 1614, 315, 73354, 453, 685, 11, 1070, 529, 274, 2753, 36232, 369, 1148, 706, 198, 17106, 638, 279, 1377, 664, 70, 727, 315, 2324, 13, 468, 297, 59106, 374, 1457, 1524, 810, 14348, 11, 449, 1524, 2753, 198, 77763, 323, 6678, 13, 4314, 53661, 82, 220, 3240, 26449, 304, 701, 2824, 64, 348, 2521, 9017, 198, 22479, 3070, 323, 1884, 499, 3021, 662, 816, 6033, 3207, 6847, 945, 33337, 11, 21816, 389, 3885, 198, 2000, 912, 10186, 2944, 13, 1442, 499, 3207, 3025, 311, 387, 10978, 449, 30596, 4433, 726, 11, 499, 198, 34551, 553, 430, 701, 30118, 2968, 44814, 505, 1694, 704, 315, 9839, 276, 3846, 449, 279, 198, 65, 4601, 294, 312, 309, 499, 4070, 2744, 1047, 11, 719, 902, 374, 1457, 14132, 64802, 198, 14075, 16853, 4599, 270, 42918, 27545, 13803, 7479, 11, 433, 529, 274, 16996, 311, 13488, 270, 384, 3169, 315, 198, 804, 29720, 499, 3207, 7231, 311, 279, 274, 272, 1604, 311, 1893, 8335, 51749, 304, 420, 1162, 345, 21495, 5085, 13, 578, 8987, 91419, 374, 289, 384, 1108, 287, 1523, 701, 2944, 369, 1694, 38542, 9514, 527, 279, 1193, 832, 889, 649, 12646, 5085, 420, 5569, 315, 701, 10345, 384, 13, 5810, 527, 198, 15031, 2288, 20170, 311, 1520, 499, 471, 311, 220, 264, 24770, 2324, 11, 7314, 449, 49183, 198, 1820, 5627, 304, 902, 499, 1253, 387, 62058, 4210, 6261, 627, 44, 6430, 12634, 3011, 37970, 279, 40461, 367, 315, 4718, 198, 65454, 82, 83752, 198, 56, 1057, 409, 87011, 311, 387, 323, 3974, 505, 63556, 374, 459, 13189, 315, 701, 18330, 198, 804, 29720, 662, 763, 2015, 311, 1893, 8335, 304, 420, 3158, 315, 701, 2324, 11, 499, 617, 311, 1005, 198, 1820, 38556, 29720, 315, 379, 1057, 11555, 311, 18249, 553, 449, 1148, 499, 294, 1560, 556, 13, 816, 1057, 198, 93221, 38556, 29720, 61191, 1148, 499, 1781, 922, 13, 61399, 430, 2343, 220, 68089, 311, 198, 1658, 3497, 367, 690, 9504, 33086, 13, 3277, 499, 2019, 477, 1781, 4205, 198, 265, 43064, 23258, 384, 529, 274, 4400, 358, 649, 656, 26, 856, 908, 1172, 706, 57585, 704, 315, 6155, 8492, 11, 323, 198, 40, 4344, 31691, 1174, 430, 529, 274, 1148, 30596, 577, 4805, 9504, 41128, 374, 11, 13957, 311, 701, 8592, 198, 5919, 3946, 0, 7357, 3463, 315, 1448, 592, 66901, 374, 1093, 23395, 264, 11989, 369, 810, 198, 1658, 3497, 367, 13, 7357, 3463, 49588, 259, 34008, 430, 499, 3207, 16075, 374, 10371, 279, 198, 1844, 8194, 311, 3708, 499, 1524, 4411, 384, 220, 315, 430, 38561, 311, 2567, 220, 499, 16075, 627, 791, 7936, 514, 1455, 220, 3062, 5507, 311, 1694, 304, 8335, 374, 14392, 430, 499, 198, 438, 499, 7636, 264, 436, 384, 436, 1560, 43419, 369, 279, 68331, 1990, 421, 64, 259, 499, 1377, 384, 309, 198, 22479, 2324, 220, 374, 8967, 311, 387, 11, 323, 279, 7446, 26870, 430, 24659, 2324, 1448, 8019, 430, 1377, 384, 309, 16853, 56, 6033, 649, 220, 1893, 264, 502, 17632, 449, 701, 10723, 38556, 29720, 323, 21745, 279, 198, 1844, 8194, 311, 3708, 10708, 311, 4495, 420, 68331, 13, 3277, 220, 499, 656, 779, 345, 9514, 2624, 927, 49588, 259, 1418, 279, 1917, 315, 8903, 706, 1202, 13693, 11, 279, 1917, 315, 701, 198, 318, 10569, 374, 2085, 23546, 13, 4470, 315, 420, 6965, 1752, 28899, 4131, 198, 1820, 274, 384, 291, 2785, 315, 264, 8903, 430, 529, 274, 1027, 31299, 704, 311, 387, 28101, 311, 220, 264, 24770, 198, 24175, 627, 12698, 5620, 279, 31946, 198, 791, 16945, 315, 420, 17966, 374, 311, 1893, 264, 8335, 1990, 19226, 323, 198, 10796, 1220, 13, 578, 3325, 17395, 289, 19432, 311, 3240, 374, 311, 15641, 279, 12195, 315, 198, 97802, 940, 5627, 315, 1694, 11, 323, 270, 665, 4048, 311, 6541, 701, 7422, 311, 1694, 304, 22298, 449, 701, 19226, 13, 2100, 1148, 527, 701, 19226, 30, 3639, 374, 433, 430, 6439, 198, 56950, 499, 430, 529, 274, 2646, 8208, 3201, 30, 3639, 9358, 3814, 18179, 9731, 311, 198, 6200, 363, 1174, 3721, 665, 422, 433, 529, 274, 1193, 264, 2840, 19519, 1174, 304, 701, 11555, 323, 19226, 30, 33739, 433, 198, 285, 11, 4869, 32677, 433, 1253, 2873, 311, 3885, 11, 422, 499, 1390, 311, 15301, 279, 8335, 198, 42967, 701, 19226, 323, 499, 436, 26870, 11, 499, 1205, 311, 1304, 264, 6541, 304, 279, 198, 804, 29720, 430, 499, 3207, 29820, 311, 701, 19226, 13, 1442, 499, 3207, 704, 315, 8335, 11, 433, 529, 274, 198, 18375, 6751, 1606, 499, 4070, 38556, 636, 2740, 5535, 701, 26870, 311, 7124, 701, 198, 14789, 13, 666, 78, 513, 14464, 274, 11, 323, 279, 31025, 934, 2436, 34366, 11, 527, 279, 1121, 297, 282, 279, 38556, 29720, 198, 9514, 4070, 2728, 1124, 627, 644, 279, 4216, 18094, 315, 279, 12646, 278, 9151, 1920, 11, 37455, 389, 420, 198, 20111, 2136, 25, 816, 6033, 636, 1148, 499, 1781, 922, 11, 3508, 499, 1390, 433, 477, 539, 627, 34541, 311, 7422, 922, 421, 64, 259, 499, 1390, 11, 4856, 1109, 1268, 12266, 477, 198, 88564, 282, 3951, 430, 8063, 1253, 2873, 13, 21335, 701, 4443, 19226, 264, 2035, 311, 15020, 198, 412, 389, 279, 8335, 5569, 779, 430, 499, 649, 1518, 1124, 304, 701, 28899, 323, 198, 20670, 649, 220, 61792, 709, 279, 38556, 29720, 814, 23528, 13, 61399, 527, 10723, 38556, 29720, 280, 20670, 3207, 279, 11667, 430, 499, 617, 311, 9504, 1148, 499, 12876, 13, 816, 6033, 2011, 198, 12964, 311, 3009, 993, 13696, 430, 11667, 389, 11555, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 1390, 11, 1524, 198, 4636, 379, 6033, 1253, 2733, 48984, 311, 3136, 701, 84820, 7865, 662, 816, 1057, 198, 2664, 9686, 342, 427, 390, 259, 6364, 11, 369, 264, 1418, 11, 311, 4822, 1405, 433, 529, 274, 1027, 5542, 68, 294, 311, 387, 11, 719, 198, 14622, 3556, 11, 11555, 527, 1694, 27210, 449, 701, 19226, 13, 578, 97564, 198, 777, 339, 34457, 3189, 5480, 9928, 10994, 3297, 1708, 51805, 32847, 420, 4623, 304, 459, 26921, 198, 438, 34147, 11827, 512, 33987, 3201, 304, 279, 52495, 198, 548, 856, 8592, 12979, 811, 627, 40, 1253, 539, 5662, 1124, 345, 8248, 358, 649, 1427, 709, 323, 1518, 279, 13444, 345, 9978, 19704, 304, 1124, 323, 1456, 311, 1833, 198, 2940, 814, 3063, 13, 662, 662, 662, 96144, 311, 15301, 264, 80664, 685, 315, 8335, 1990, 701, 19226, 323, 198, 22479, 26870, 5084, 3284, 449, 16450, 13, 1708, 51805, 529, 274, 32847, 304, 4059, 25, 1054, 7349, 709, 323, 198, 4151, 2476, 323, 220, 1054, 32898, 85, 384, 304, 1124, 2029, 578, 220, 4339, 4546, 311, 2324, 459, 38556, 636, 292, 17632, 627, 65002, 259, 19538, 10917, 701, 11555, 389, 1148, 374, 11, 477, 1148, 499, 4070, 14464, 1870, 198, 61665, 369, 264, 326, 422, 4199, 11, 499, 6541, 311, 3411, 709, 323, 9298, 11, 323, 32620, 198, 32898, 4504, 304, 1148, 499, 1518, 13, 3277, 499, 3240, 311, 1781, 304, 420, 11827, 1174, 279, 198, 1844, 8194, 1615, 2554, 594, 311, 990, 449, 220, 499, 11, 323, 22014, 499, 24559, 1148, 499, 3207, 198, 83360, 323, 35090, 13, 1102 ]
ficult problem to overcome during health improvement: to acquire a liking for what is nutritionally good. There is no doubt that taste buds are adaptable and can be re-educated, but this comes gradually. Introduce unfamiliar foods and supplements in very small mounts only, well mixed with familiar foods. Be imaginative and experiment with new ways to prepare food. Do not eat if you are not really hungry, if you are extremely agitated or emotionally upset, if you are unwell with a fever or comparable condition or if you are still full from the previous meal. Always prepare food lovingly. FOOD COMBINING Food muscle testing, experience with patients as well as my own body have shown me the importance of correct food combining. The fundamental biochemical considerations with regard to food combining are as follows: 1. Typical protein foods (usually containing oil or fat) require strongly acid gastric juices. 2. Dif ferent types of protein foods may need dif ferently composed gastric juices for digestion. 3. Starches need B vitamins and chlorides, calcium and magnesium, for enzyme activation. 4. Sweeteners or sugars as well as acids inhibit the digestion of starches. Disregarding these facts by mixing foods indiscriminately may be contributing to infections and degenerative diseases - especially allergies, arthritis, cancer and autoimmune diseases. Initially, most people have a reasonably strong digestive system and do not feel any ill effects, no matter what they eat or combine. This is also true if bodily responses have become dull by being ignored for many years. However, sooner or later the unpleasant effects and degenerative symptoms will appear. There are three main groups of food to consider when working out correct combinations: 1. proteins, sweet and acid foods, sweet vegetables, fruits 2. neutral foods such as fats and oils, non-sweet vegetables, avocados olives, cream cheese 3. starches such as cereals, potatoes and dry legumes The neutral foods may be combine d with either one of the other groups while the two extreme groups should be kept apart. Observing this simple rule will already prevent the more serious consequences of incorrect food combining. In poor health and during health improvement, however, it is advisable to be even more careful. With few exceptions, most foods are best digested as a moderated mono -diet - only closely related foods are eaten together, for example different kinds of grains. With severe digestive problems one may temporarily adopt a strict mono-diet, one kind of food only at a meal, and observe its ef fects. The next best possibility is to eat foods correctly combined, but still separated during the meal. This is most important with meat, fish or nuts. These are best eaten at the beginning of the meal for proteins to receive the strong gastric juices in the pit of the stomach. The rest of the meal, if not too liquid, will remain in distinct layers on top. Remember this if you have proteins and starches at the same meal. You may mix a small amount of flavo ring vegetables 'with meat or fish, or eat a fruit together with some nuts. Generally it is preferable to have either some fresh vegetable juice or a small amount of raw vegetables before a cooked meal. For those with a sluggish metabolism, a small amount of sweet food or fruits as dessert after a protein meal will provide energy for the digestion of slow-burning protein-fat combinations. This, however, is not advisable after a starch meal or for those with blood- sugar problems. Glucose and maltose (as in barley sugar) do not contain fructose and therefore cause less of a problem if combined with starches. If the digestion is sluggish, a small amount of fruit acids, such as lemon juice sprinkled over meat or fish, or ascorbic acid with or after protein meals, may be beneficial as well as half a cup of a bitter herb tea afterwards. Cooked subacid fruit that is low in fructose, such as apple, does not react in the same way as sweet fruit that is high in fructose. Therefore, most individuals will be fine using this as a flavoring with cereals or starches, for example apple puree with rice. FOOD-COMBINING CHART10/30/24, 11:31 AM Health-Science-Spirit - General Diet Rules https://health-science-spirit.com/Healing_Foods/General-Diet-Rules.html 3/6Direct connections between groups indicate good combinations. Connections between groups with one interception are fair. Connections between groups with two interceptions are poor. FOOD GROUPS 'Hard' proteins meat, fish, nuts, oily seeds, soybeans 'Soft' proteins eggs, milk proteins, meat/fish broth, tofu, soymilk, nut butters, fermented soy or nuts Acid fruit lemon, grapefruit, pineapple or acid berries Subacid fruits apricots, peaches, pears, bananas, cooked apples Sweet food sweeteners, foods with added sugar, molasses, honey, dried fruits, oranges, figs and other sweet fruits and berries, juices of sweet vegetables Sweet vegetables sweet potatoes, pumpkin, onion, carrot, turnip, beetroot, tomatoes, green peas Neutral foods fats and oils, non-sweet vegetables (mainly green), sprouted seeds, avocados, olives Starches grain products, potatoes, dry legumes, food yeast, sago and taro. Some factors that make food combining less important are: •   A strong digestive system and being physically active •   Chewing extremely well •   Only eating small meals The opposite factors will, of course, increase the importance of correct food combining. Being able to eat just about anything, however, is not a guarantee of strong digestive powers; the system may be too weak to react. If you are in good health, you may forget about food combining by omitting just one group of foods from a mixed meal - the cooked starches; most others combine reasonably well with each other. However, it is generally acceptable to eat starches at the end of a meal, separated from the protein part by a vegetable or sprout salad or by some cooked vegetables. If you are rather sensitive, then this middle part of the meal may consist of neutral vegetables rather than sweet ones. Foods are classified as hard protein s, soft proteins or starches according to the amount of gastric acid and pepsin that is needed for their digestion. The actual percentage of protein in a food is less important in this respect than the amount of fat, oil and fiber surrounding the protein. Meat, nuts and cooked soybeans, for instance, are difficult to break down. They need the full strength of gastric acid and pepsin and, therefore, are called 'hard proteins'. Eggs, uncooked dairy proteins, broth of meat and fish, fermented soy products, soy milk and fine nut butters, on the other hand, need less acidity and may be called'soft proteins'. Proteins in processed cheese, in cow's milk used as a drink, but especially in milk added to coffee or tea, are very difficult to digest and thus become hard proteins. Non-fatty fish, especially if marinated, is easy to digest and almost a soft protein, while fatty fish is closer to meat in its gastric requirements. Food yeast with a 50% protein content and also the non-oily legumes are grouped with the starches because their fat-free proteins are relatively easy to digest and require only slight acidity. INTESTINAL FERMENT ATION10/30/24, 11:31 AM Health-Science-Spirit - General Diet Rules https://health-science-spirit.com/Healing_Foods/General-Diet-Rules.html 4/6Combining food high in fiber with sweet food is likely to cause wind. This gave rise to the frequently quoted rule not to combine vegetables with fruit. In this case some of the sugar from the fruit may not be absorbed and then may over-stimulates bacterial activity in the large intestine, causing excessive wind, flatulence or bloati ng. Some intestinal fermentation is desirable in order to keep our beneficial bacteria happy. This is best done with a moderate amount of fiber in the diet. It breaks down at a slow rate and greatly helps to maintain regular soft bowel motion. However, trouble brews if we add a large amount of sugar in any form. This is like adding petrol to a slow, controlled burn-of f of bush land that then gets out of control and becomes a raging wildfire. It is very similar in our intestines. Because fiber remains in the large intestine for a long time, excessive fermentation may even happen if we have sweet food several hours after a raw salad. How much sweetness we can tolerate together with fiber is very individual. The more efficient we absorb our food, the larger the amount of sweetness that we can handle without getting into trouble. For individuals with a weak sugar metabolism it is not good to have much sweetness on an empty stomach as that drives the blood sugar level too high, followed by symptoms of hypoglycemia. In this case it is best to completely separate food high in fiber from sweet food and have the fiber meal after the sweet meal. Therefore, breakfast is safest as a moderately sweet meal, for instance by flavoring cooked rice or sago with banana or apple puree. The evening meal is then
[ 171, 71831, 93113, 3575, 311, 23075, 2391, 2890, 16048, 25, 311, 198, 582, 999, 264, 49837, 369, 1148, 374, 26677, 750, 1695, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 10712, 430, 12945, 220, 68543, 527, 94848, 323, 649, 387, 312, 88781, 11, 719, 420, 4131, 198, 6902, 1870, 662, 1357, 48945, 50383, 15657, 323, 33690, 304, 1633, 2678, 57322, 1193, 1174, 1664, 9709, 449, 11537, 15657, 627, 3513, 77361, 323, 9526, 449, 502, 5627, 311, 10772, 3691, 13, 3234, 539, 8343, 422, 499, 527, 539, 2216, 30056, 1174, 422, 499, 527, 9193, 945, 33337, 477, 198, 74453, 750, 23268, 11, 422, 499, 527, 653, 9336, 449, 264, 34653, 477, 30139, 3044, 220, 477, 422, 499, 527, 2103, 2539, 505, 279, 3766, 15496, 13, 24119, 10772, 198, 14239, 21955, 398, 16853, 3873, 2114, 7837, 59631, 1753, 198, 27844, 16124, 7649, 11, 3217, 449, 6978, 439, 1664, 439, 856, 1866, 2547, 617, 6982, 757, 279, 12939, 315, 4495, 3691, 35271, 627, 791, 16188, 93532, 38864, 449, 5363, 311, 3691, 35271, 527, 439, 11263, 512, 16, 13, 74025, 13128, 15657, 320, 44066, 8649, 5707, 477, 8834, 8, 1397, 16917, 13935, 89385, 65959, 627, 17, 13, 423, 333, 18728, 306, 4595, 315, 13128, 15657, 1253, 1205, 1422, 18728, 4501, 24306, 89385, 65959, 369, 74502, 627, 18, 13, 800, 1132, 288, 1205, 426, 46192, 323, 37833, 3422, 11, 35719, 323, 61933, 11, 369, 49242, 15449, 627, 19, 13, 27687, 18724, 477, 70913, 439, 1664, 439, 33969, 69033, 279, 74502, 315, 70181, 288, 627, 4944, 1610, 29510, 1521, 13363, 555, 27890, 15657, 94546, 258, 2718, 1253, 387, 29820, 311, 30020, 323, 5367, 75989, 19338, 482, 5423, 198, 543, 2431, 552, 11, 55652, 11, 9572, 323, 88191, 19338, 627, 91084, 1174, 1455, 1274, 617, 264, 29546, 3831, 60071, 1887, 323, 656, 539, 2733, 904, 5986, 6372, 11, 912, 5030, 1148, 814, 8343, 477, 16343, 627, 2028, 374, 1101, 837, 422, 48131, 14847, 617, 3719, 41630, 555, 1694, 12305, 369, 1690, 1667, 13, 4452, 1174, 31373, 477, 3010, 279, 47989, 198, 81524, 323, 5367, 75989, 13803, 690, 5101, 16853, 3947, 527, 2380, 1925, 5315, 315, 3691, 311, 2980, 994, 3318, 704, 4495, 28559, 512, 16, 13, 28896, 11, 10437, 323, 13935, 15657, 11, 10437, 24822, 11, 26390, 198, 17, 13, 21277, 15657, 1778, 439, 50127, 323, 32462, 11, 2536, 1355, 4589, 24822, 11, 1860, 511, 5670, 8492, 1924, 11, 12932, 17604, 198, 18, 13, 70181, 288, 1778, 439, 28091, 1147, 11, 35267, 323, 9235, 2531, 19131, 198, 791, 21277, 15657, 1253, 387, 16343, 294, 449, 3060, 832, 315, 279, 1023, 5315, 1418, 279, 1403, 14560, 5315, 1288, 387, 8774, 10980, 627, 38863, 287, 420, 4382, 6037, 690, 2736, 5471, 279, 810, 6129, 16296, 315, 15465, 3691, 35271, 627, 644, 8009, 2890, 323, 2391, 2890, 16048, 11, 4869, 1174, 433, 374, 69919, 311, 387, 1524, 810, 16994, 13, 3161, 2478, 20157, 11, 1455, 15657, 527, 198, 16241, 4170, 10185, 439, 264, 87316, 40774, 482, 94942, 482, 1193, 15499, 5552, 15657, 527, 35661, 3871, 1174, 369, 3187, 2204, 13124, 315, 41936, 13, 3161, 198, 325, 19846, 60071, 5435, 832, 1253, 28191, 11142, 264, 7452, 40774, 1773, 3978, 11, 832, 3169, 315, 3691, 1193, 520, 264, 15496, 11, 323, 23846, 1202, 31469, 282, 115192, 627, 791, 1828, 1888, 13336, 374, 311, 8343, 15657, 12722, 11093, 11, 719, 2103, 19180, 2391, 279, 15496, 13, 1115, 374, 1455, 3062, 449, 13339, 11, 33595, 71831, 939, 198, 269, 31049, 13, 4314, 527, 1888, 35661, 520, 279, 7314, 315, 279, 15496, 369, 28896, 311, 5371, 279, 3831, 89385, 65959, 304, 279, 20428, 315, 279, 23152, 627, 791, 2800, 315, 279, 15496, 11, 422, 539, 2288, 14812, 11, 690, 7293, 304, 12742, 13931, 389, 1948, 13, 20474, 420, 422, 499, 617, 28896, 323, 70181, 288, 520, 279, 198, 25030, 15496, 627, 2675, 1253, 6651, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 33595, 120912, 28316, 10264, 24822, 364, 4291, 13339, 477, 33595, 71831, 939, 11, 477, 8343, 264, 14098, 3871, 449, 1063, 31049, 13, 44493, 433, 374, 70668, 198, 998, 617, 3060, 1063, 7878, 36581, 23661, 477, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 7257, 24822, 1603, 264, 30205, 15496, 627, 2520, 1884, 449, 264, 88046, 39097, 11, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 10437, 3691, 477, 26390, 439, 43849, 1306, 264, 13128, 15496, 690, 3493, 4907, 369, 198, 1820, 74502, 315, 6435, 1481, 54444, 13128, 64354, 28559, 13, 1115, 11, 4869, 1174, 374, 539, 69919, 1306, 264, 70181, 15496, 477, 369, 1884, 449, 6680, 7058, 82, 8734, 5435, 13, 8444, 94697, 323, 55756, 974, 320, 300, 304, 81817, 13465, 8, 656, 539, 6782, 1448, 87873, 323, 9093, 5353, 2753, 315, 264, 3575, 422, 11093, 198, 4291, 70181, 288, 13, 1442, 279, 74502, 374, 88046, 11, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 14098, 33969, 11, 1778, 439, 30564, 23661, 51798, 839, 927, 13339, 477, 33595, 71831, 939, 11, 477, 439, 6133, 94598, 198, 58156, 449, 477, 1306, 13128, 21644, 11, 1253, 387, 20331, 171, 71831, 16158, 439, 1664, 439, 4376, 264, 10747, 315, 264, 26242, 39999, 15600, 27905, 13, 12797, 291, 1207, 58156, 14098, 430, 374, 3428, 198, 258, 1448, 87873, 11, 1778, 439, 24149, 11, 1587, 539, 14085, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 439, 10437, 14098, 430, 374, 1579, 304, 1448, 87873, 13, 15636, 11, 1455, 7931, 690, 387, 198, 171, 71831, 818, 1701, 420, 439, 264, 33595, 120912, 3372, 287, 449, 28091, 1147, 477, 70181, 288, 11, 369, 3187, 24149, 10748, 68, 449, 20228, 627, 3873, 2114, 7813, 40600, 691, 1753, 6969, 3065, 605, 14, 966, 14, 1187, 11, 220, 806, 25, 2148, 6912, 6401, 12, 36500, 6354, 53829, 482, 3331, 27304, 23694, 198, 2485, 1129, 12393, 31419, 1873, 1355, 53829, 916, 14, 1548, 6260, 1426, 9242, 14, 15777, 9607, 3978, 11151, 2482, 2628, 220, 18, 14, 21, 16411, 13537, 1990, 5315, 13519, 1695, 28559, 627, 55851, 1990, 5315, 449, 832, 70568, 527, 6762, 16853, 55851, 1990, 5315, 449, 1403, 73557, 527, 8009, 16853, 3873, 2114, 27968, 50, 198, 6, 28005, 6, 28896, 13339, 11, 33595, 71831, 939, 11, 31049, 11, 78571, 19595, 11, 29839, 28440, 198, 13575, 14450, 6, 28896, 19335, 11, 14403, 28896, 11, 13339, 14, 171, 71831, 939, 45993, 11, 80247, 11, 779, 1631, 34263, 11, 10184, 719, 5153, 11, 96080, 29839, 477, 31049, 198, 11916, 307, 14098, 30564, 11, 52252, 36698, 11, 78182, 477, 13935, 63494, 198, 3214, 58156, 26390, 21726, 292, 2469, 11, 1069, 14576, 11, 281, 7596, 11, 68442, 11, 30205, 41776, 198, 59522, 3691, 10437, 18724, 11, 15657, 449, 3779, 13465, 1174, 22337, 52090, 11, 26828, 1174, 32720, 26390, 11, 85138, 11, 33595, 71831, 5981, 323, 1023, 10437, 26390, 323, 63494, 11, 65959, 198, 1073, 10437, 24822, 198, 59522, 24822, 10437, 35267, 11, 50625, 11, 38427, 11, 75294, 11, 2543, 575, 11, 49112, 2959, 11, 41613, 11, 6307, 47136, 198, 88007, 15657, 50127, 323, 32462, 11, 2536, 1355, 4589, 24822, 320, 3902, 398, 6307, 705, 8314, 19042, 19595, 11, 1860, 511, 5670, 11, 8492, 1924, 198, 626, 1132, 288, 24875, 3956, 11, 35267, 11, 9235, 2531, 19131, 11, 3691, 41580, 11, 274, 6438, 323, 12460, 78, 627, 8538, 9547, 430, 1304, 3691, 35271, 2753, 3062, 527, 512, 6806, 17529, 118586, 3831, 60071, 1887, 323, 1694, 22655, 4642, 198, 6806, 17529, 4194, 1163, 79510, 9193, 1664, 198, 6806, 17529, 4194, 7456, 12459, 2678, 21644, 198, 791, 14329, 9547, 690, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 5376, 279, 12939, 315, 4495, 3691, 35271, 13, 21347, 3025, 311, 8343, 1120, 922, 4205, 345, 98936, 1174, 374, 539, 264, 15803, 315, 3831, 60071, 13736, 26, 279, 1887, 1253, 387, 2288, 7621, 311, 14085, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 304, 1695, 2890, 11, 499, 1253, 198, 41119, 922, 3691, 35271, 555, 52144, 1303, 1120, 832, 1912, 315, 15657, 505, 264, 9709, 15496, 482, 279, 30205, 70181, 288, 26, 1455, 3885, 16343, 198, 20489, 2915, 1664, 449, 1855, 1023, 662, 4452, 1174, 433, 374, 8965, 22281, 311, 8343, 70181, 288, 520, 279, 842, 315, 264, 15496, 11, 19180, 505, 279, 13128, 198, 4581, 555, 264, 36581, 477, 8314, 412, 33566, 477, 555, 1063, 30205, 24822, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 4856, 16614, 11, 1243, 420, 6278, 961, 315, 279, 15496, 1253, 198, 6387, 380, 315, 21277, 24822, 4856, 1109, 10437, 6305, 627, 37, 9242, 527, 538, 72, 171, 71831, 291, 439, 2653, 13128, 274, 11, 8579, 28896, 477, 70181, 288, 4184, 220, 311, 279, 3392, 315, 89385, 13935, 323, 281, 7270, 258, 430, 374, 4460, 369, 198, 50828, 74502, 13, 578, 5150, 11668, 315, 13128, 304, 264, 3691, 374, 2753, 3062, 304, 420, 5201, 1109, 279, 3392, 315, 8834, 11, 5707, 323, 33595, 71831, 655, 198, 20370, 1067, 287, 279, 13128, 627, 7979, 266, 11, 31049, 323, 30205, 29839, 28440, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 527, 1422, 171, 71831, 93113, 311, 1464, 1523, 13, 2435, 1205, 279, 2539, 8333, 315, 89385, 13935, 323, 281, 7270, 258, 323, 345, 19041, 1348, 11, 527, 2663, 364, 19221, 28896, 4527, 76892, 11, 653, 99797, 34479, 28896, 11, 45993, 315, 13339, 323, 33595, 71831, 939, 11, 96080, 29839, 3956, 11, 29839, 14403, 323, 33595, 71831, 818, 198, 24217, 719, 5153, 11, 389, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 1205, 2753, 98026, 323, 1253, 387, 2663, 364, 3594, 28896, 24482, 1360, 668, 1354, 304, 15590, 17604, 11, 304, 19923, 596, 14403, 1511, 439, 264, 7172, 11, 719, 5423, 304, 14403, 3779, 311, 11033, 477, 15600, 11, 527, 1633, 1422, 171, 71831, 93113, 311, 21552, 198, 438, 8617, 3719, 2653, 28896, 13, 11842, 2269, 23758, 33595, 71831, 939, 11, 5423, 422, 3678, 15846, 11, 374, 4228, 311, 21552, 323, 4661, 264, 8579, 13128, 11, 1418, 40085, 33595, 71831, 939, 374, 198, 33678, 805, 311, 13339, 304, 1202, 89385, 8670, 627, 27844, 41580, 449, 264, 220, 1135, 4, 13128, 2262, 323, 1101, 279, 2536, 16405, 1570, 2531, 19131, 527, 41141, 449, 279, 70181, 288, 1606, 872, 8834, 12862, 28896, 198, 548, 12309, 4228, 311, 21552, 323, 1397, 1193, 8275, 98026, 16853, 691, 10238, 30546, 220, 435, 643, 5441, 7520, 1294, 605, 14, 966, 14, 1187, 11, 220, 806, 25, 2148, 6912, 6401, 12, 36500, 6354, 53829, 482, 3331, 27304, 23694, 198, 2485, 1129, 12393, 31419, 1873, 1355, 53829, 916, 14, 1548, 6260, 1426, 9242, 14, 15777, 9607, 3978, 11151, 2482, 2628, 220, 19, 14, 21, 37292, 5859, 3691, 1579, 304, 33595, 71831, 655, 449, 10437, 3691, 374, 4461, 311, 5353, 10160, 13, 1115, 6688, 10205, 311, 279, 14134, 24116, 6037, 539, 311, 16343, 198, 83571, 4893, 449, 14098, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 1063, 315, 279, 13465, 505, 279, 14098, 1253, 539, 387, 42101, 323, 1243, 1253, 927, 5594, 318, 24031, 45964, 198, 7323, 304, 279, 3544, 92234, 11, 14718, 220, 27639, 10160, 11, 33595, 120912, 266, 59566, 477, 293, 1261, 72, 7933, 13, 4427, 63900, 74454, 374, 35946, 304, 2015, 311, 2567, 198, 414, 20331, 171, 71831, 16158, 24032, 6380, 662, 1115, 374, 1888, 2884, 449, 264, 24070, 3392, 315, 33595, 71831, 655, 304, 279, 10173, 13, 1102, 18808, 1523, 520, 264, 6435, 4478, 323, 19407, 198, 8823, 82, 311, 10519, 5912, 8579, 66358, 11633, 627, 11458, 1174, 12544, 17109, 82, 422, 584, 923, 264, 3544, 3392, 315, 13465, 304, 904, 1376, 13, 1115, 374, 1093, 7999, 58183, 311, 264, 6435, 11, 14400, 8395, 8838, 282, 315, 30773, 198, 1974, 430, 1243, 5334, 704, 315, 2585, 323, 9221, 264, 70517, 8545, 171, 71831, 265, 13, 1102, 374, 1633, 4528, 304, 1057, 39408, 1572, 13, 9393, 33595, 71831, 655, 8625, 304, 279, 3544, 198, 396, 478, 483, 369, 264, 1317, 892, 11, 27639, 74454, 1253, 1524, 3621, 422, 584, 617, 10437, 3691, 3892, 4207, 1306, 264, 7257, 33566, 13, 2650, 1790, 198, 95928, 2136, 584, 649, 50134, 3871, 449, 33595, 71831, 655, 374, 1633, 3927, 13, 578, 810, 31469, 171, 71831, 12575, 584, 35406, 1057, 3691, 11, 279, 8294, 279, 3392, 315, 198, 95928, 2136, 430, 584, 649, 3790, 2085, 3794, 1139, 12544, 627, 2520, 7931, 449, 264, 7621, 13465, 39097, 433, 374, 539, 1695, 311, 617, 1790, 64550, 389, 459, 4384, 23152, 439, 430, 20722, 279, 6680, 198, 82, 8734, 2237, 2288, 1579, 11, 8272, 555, 13803, 315, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 22689, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 433, 374, 1888, 311, 6724, 8821, 3691, 1579, 304, 33595, 71831, 655, 505, 198, 95928, 3691, 323, 617, 279, 33595, 71831, 655, 15496, 1306, 279, 10437, 15496, 13, 15636, 11, 17954, 374, 62844, 439, 264, 70351, 10437, 15496, 11, 369, 2937, 555, 198, 171, 120912, 3372, 287, 30205, 20228, 477, 274, 6438, 449, 44196, 477, 24149, 10748, 68, 13, 578, 11714, 15496, 374, 1243 ]
, not a daybefore, starvation begins very slowly. Usually it takes a considerable period oftime after that before death occurs. It is important to note that this discussionapplies only to the abstention from food, not water. Death takes place veryquickly in the absence of water. The chart on the previous page shows numerically the phenomenal ability of the body to protect the most essential tissues of the body right up to the time ofdeath. If a person fasted for 30 days, the average time it takes for the return ofhunger in a person that is not at all overweight, and then ignored the return ofhunger, and continued to abstain from food—if the person could avoid forcedexercise, keep warm, and had enough hydration, it could take as much as anadditional 20 to 60 days to die of starvation! At death the body would haveexperienced losses of 40 to 60 percent of its starting body weight. (Ancel Keys etal, 1950) A emaciated person can not afford to lose nearly as much weight as anobese person, and death under conditions of starvation will occur earlier. In allcases of starvation the brain, nerves, heart, lungs, kidneys and liver remain largelyintact and functional to the very end. During a fast, it is almost impossible todamage essential organs, unless of course the person creates the damage by fearsabout the process, or by internalizing the fears of others. If those fears arepresent, the fast should not be attempted. Weight Loss By Fasting Loss of weight indicates, almost guarantees, that detoxification and healing is occurring. I can’t stress this too much. Of all the things I find my patients seem tomisunderstand or forget after being told, it is that they can’t heal in a rapid mannerwithout getting smaller. This reality is especially hard for the family and friends ofsomeone who is fasting, who will say, “you’re looking terrible dear, so thin. Yourskin is hanging on your bones. You’re not eating enough protein or nutrient food to be healthy and you must eat more or you’re going to develop serious deficiencies. You don’t have any energy, you must be getting sicker. You’re doingthe wrong thing, obviously. You have less energy and look worse every day. Goand see a doctor before it is too late.” To succeed with friends like this, a fasterhas to be a mighty self-determined person with a powerful ability to disagree withothers. Medical personnel claim that rapid weight loss often causes dangerous deficiencies; these deficiencies force the person to overeat and regain even moreweight afterward. This is largely untrue, though there is one true aspect to it: afasted, detoxified body becomes a much more efficient digester and assimilator,extracting a lot more nutrition from the same amount food is used to eat. If, afterextended fasting a person returns to eating the same number of calories as theydid before; they will gain weight even more rapidly than before they stated fasting.When fasting for weight loss, the only way to keep the weight off is to greatlyreform the diet; to go on, and stay on, a diet made up largely of non-starchy,watery fruits and vegetables, limited quantities of cooked food, and very limitedamounts of highly concentrated food sources like cereals and cooked legumes.Unless, of course, after fasting, one’s lifestyle involves much very hard physicallabor or exercise. I’ve had a few obese fasters become quite angry with me forthis reason; they hoped to get thin through fasting and after the fast, to resumeovereating with complete irresponsibility as before, without weight gain. People also fear weight loss during fasting because they fear becoming anorexic or bulimic. They won’t! A person who abstains from eating for thepurpose of improving their health, in order to prevent or treat illness, or even onewho fasts for weight loss will not develop an eating disorder. Eating disordersmean eating compulsively because of a distorted body image. Anorexics andbulimics have obsessions with the thinner-is-better school of thought. Theanorexic looks at their emaciated frame in the mirror and thinks they are fat! Thisis the distorted perception of a very insecure person badly in need of therapy. A bulimic, on the other hand stuffs themselves, usually with bad food, and then purges it by vomiting, or with laxatives. Anorexics and bulimics are notaccelerating the healing potential of their bodies; these are life threateningconditions. Fasters are genuinely trying to enhance their survival potential. Occasionally a neurotic individual with a pre-existing eating disorder will become obsessed with fasting and colon cleansing as a justification to legitimizetheir compulsion. During my career while monitoring hundreds of fasters, I’veknown two of these. I discourage them from fasting or colon cleansing, and refuseto assist them, because they carry the practices to absurd extremes, andcontribute to bad press about natural medicine by ending up in the emergencyward of a hospital with an intravenous feeding tube in their arm. Cases Beyond The Remedy Of Fasting Occasionally, very ill people have a liver that has become so degenerated it cannot sustain the burden of detoxification. This organ is as vital to survival as thebrain, heart and lungs. We can get along with only one kidney, we can live with nospleen, with no gallbladder, with only small parts of the stomach and intestines,but we can not survive without a liver for more than a day or so. The liver is themost active organ in the body during detoxification. To reach an understanding ofdetoxification, it helps to know just what the liver does for us on an ongoing basis. The liver is a powerful chemical filter where blood is refined and purified. The liver passes this cleansed blood out through the superior vena cava, directly to theheart. The blood is then pumped into general and systemic circulation, where itreaches all parts of the body, delivering nutrition and oxygen at a cellular level. Onits return flow, a large proportion of the depleted blood is collected by the gastric,splenic and superior and inferior mesenteric veins that converge to form the largeportal vein which enters the liver. Thus a massive flow of waste from all the cellsof the body is constantly flowing into the liver. The huge hepatic artery also entersthe liver to supply oxygen and nutrients with which to sustain the liver cellsthemselves. The liver is constantly at work refining the blood. It is synthesizing, purifying, renovating, washing, filtering, separating and detoxifying. It works day and nightwithout stopping. Many toxins are broken down by enzymes and their componentparts are efficiently reused in various parts of the body. Some impurities arefiltered out and held back from the general circulation. These debris are collectedand stored in the gall bladder, which is a little sack appended to the liver. After ameal, the contents of the gall bladder (bile) are discharged into the duodenum, theupper part of the small intestine just beyond the stomach. This bile also containsdigestive enzymes produced by the liver that permit the breakdown of fatty foodsin the small intestine. Sometimes a large flow of bile finds its way into the stomach by pressure or is sucked into the stomach by vomiting. Excessive biliary secretion and excretioncan also result from overeating, which overcrowds the area. Sometimes colonicsor massage can also stimulate a massive flow of bile. Extremely bitter andirritating, when bile gets into the stomach the person either vomits or wishes theycould. And after vomiting and experiencing the taste of bile, wishes they hadn’t. When no food at all enters the system, the blood keeps right on passing through the liver/filter just as it does when we are eating. When the liver does nothave to take care of toxins generated by the current food intake, each passagethrough the liver results in a cleaner blood stream, with the debris decreasing inquantity, viscosity, and toxicity, until the blood becomes normalized. Duringfasting, debris from the gall bladder still pass through the small intestine and intothe large intestine. However, if the bowels do not move the toxins in the bile arereadsorbed into the blood stream and get recirculated in an endless loop. Thistoxic recycling makes a faster feel just terrible, like they had a flu or worse! The bowels rarely move while fasting. During fasting only enemas or colonics permit elimination from the large intestine. If done effectively and frequently,enemas will greatly add to the well being and comfort of the faster. Many timeswhen a faster seems to be retracing or experiencing a sudden onset of acute discomfort or symptoms, these can be almost immediately relieved by an enema or colonic. A person with major liver degeneration inevitably dies, with or without fasting, with or without traditional medicine. Significantly impaired kidney function canalso bring about this same result. Mercifully, death while fasting is usuallyaccomplished relatively free of pain, clear of mind and with dignity. That often cannot be said of death in a hospital. There are much worse experiences than death. Fasting is not a cure-all. There are some conditions that are beyond the ability of the body to heal. Ultimately, old age gets us all. Dr. Linda Hazzard, one of the greats of natural hygiene, who practiced Osteopathic medicine in the 1920s, had a useful way of categorizing conditionsthat respond well to fasting. These she labeled “acute conditions,” and “chronicdegenerative conditions.” A third classification, “chronic conditions with organicdamage,” does not respond to fasting. Acute conditions, are usually inflammationsor infections with irritated tissue, with
[ 11, 539, 264, 1938, 15145, 11, 78245, 12302, 1633, 14297, 13, 34067, 433, 5097, 264, 24779, 4261, 315, 1712, 1306, 430, 1603, 4648, 13980, 13, 1102, 374, 3062, 311, 5296, 430, 420, 10430, 391, 7350, 1193, 311, 279, 63944, 3012, 505, 3691, 11, 539, 3090, 13, 16290, 5097, 2035, 1633, 28863, 398, 304, 279, 19821, 315, 3090, 627, 791, 9676, 389, 279, 3766, 2199, 5039, 8015, 2740, 279, 57492, 5845, 315, 198, 1820, 2547, 311, 6144, 279, 1455, 7718, 39881, 315, 279, 2547, 1314, 709, 311, 279, 892, 315, 63007, 13, 1442, 264, 1732, 5043, 291, 369, 220, 966, 2919, 11, 279, 5578, 892, 433, 5097, 369, 279, 471, 315, 71, 72722, 304, 264, 1732, 430, 374, 539, 520, 682, 50254, 11, 323, 1243, 12305, 279, 471, 315, 71, 72722, 11, 323, 8738, 311, 63944, 467, 505, 3691, 90863, 279, 1732, 1436, 5766, 9770, 64562, 11, 2567, 8369, 11, 323, 1047, 3403, 88000, 11, 433, 1436, 1935, 439, 1790, 439, 459, 36599, 220, 508, 311, 220, 1399, 2919, 311, 2815, 315, 78245, 0, 2468, 4648, 279, 2547, 1053, 617, 327, 45933, 18151, 315, 220, 1272, 311, 220, 1399, 3346, 315, 1202, 6041, 2547, 4785, 13, 320, 89167, 301, 25104, 1880, 278, 11, 220, 6280, 15, 8, 362, 991, 582, 10234, 1732, 649, 539, 10150, 311, 9229, 7154, 439, 1790, 4785, 439, 459, 677, 2423, 1732, 11, 323, 4648, 1234, 4787, 315, 78245, 690, 12446, 6931, 13, 763, 682, 24857, 315, 78245, 279, 8271, 11, 50581, 11, 4851, 11, 45274, 11, 81960, 323, 26587, 7293, 14090, 396, 533, 323, 16003, 311, 279, 1633, 842, 13, 12220, 264, 5043, 11, 433, 374, 4661, 12266, 11791, 9814, 7718, 36853, 11, 7389, 315, 3388, 279, 1732, 11705, 279, 5674, 555, 24087, 9274, 279, 1920, 11, 477, 555, 5419, 4954, 279, 24087, 315, 3885, 13, 1442, 1884, 24087, 527, 29844, 11, 279, 5043, 1288, 539, 387, 17644, 627, 8459, 25733, 3296, 435, 15067, 198, 40938, 315, 4785, 15151, 11, 4661, 36755, 11, 430, 61987, 2461, 323, 21730, 374, 198, 511, 46839, 13, 358, 649, 1431, 8631, 420, 2288, 1790, 13, 5046, 682, 279, 2574, 358, 1505, 856, 6978, 2873, 10390, 285, 8154, 2752, 477, 10894, 1306, 1694, 3309, 11, 433, 374, 430, 814, 649, 1431, 27661, 304, 264, 11295, 11827, 30096, 3794, 9333, 13, 1115, 8903, 374, 5423, 2653, 369, 279, 3070, 323, 4885, 315, 90579, 889, 374, 54560, 11, 889, 690, 2019, 11, 1054, 9514, 3207, 3411, 17936, 25237, 11, 779, 15792, 13, 98018, 8148, 374, 21363, 389, 701, 25896, 13, 1472, 3207, 539, 12459, 3403, 13128, 477, 50123, 3691, 198, 998, 387, 9498, 323, 499, 2011, 8343, 810, 477, 499, 3207, 2133, 311, 2274, 6129, 198, 755, 43690, 13, 1472, 1541, 1431, 617, 904, 4907, 11, 499, 2011, 387, 3794, 274, 5327, 13, 1472, 3207, 3815, 1820, 5076, 3245, 11, 14224, 13, 1472, 617, 2753, 4907, 323, 1427, 11201, 1475, 1938, 13, 6122, 438, 1518, 264, 10896, 1603, 433, 374, 2288, 3389, 2029, 2057, 12265, 449, 4885, 1093, 420, 11, 264, 10819, 4752, 311, 387, 264, 42727, 659, 1773, 47737, 1732, 449, 264, 8147, 5845, 311, 29395, 449, 59961, 627, 53654, 17274, 3802, 430, 11295, 4785, 4814, 3629, 11384, 11660, 198, 755, 43690, 26, 1521, 72946, 5457, 279, 1732, 311, 927, 33166, 323, 49655, 1524, 810, 4870, 49043, 13, 1115, 374, 14090, 88977, 11, 3582, 1070, 374, 832, 837, 13189, 311, 433, 25, 8136, 15386, 11, 61987, 1908, 2547, 9221, 264, 1790, 810, 11297, 4170, 5302, 323, 40054, 321, 859, 11, 24396, 287, 264, 2763, 810, 26677, 505, 279, 1890, 3392, 3691, 374, 1511, 311, 8343, 13, 1442, 11, 1306, 42198, 54560, 264, 1732, 4780, 311, 12459, 279, 1890, 1396, 315, 25247, 439, 814, 23770, 1603, 26, 814, 690, 8895, 4785, 1524, 810, 19019, 1109, 1603, 814, 11224, 54560, 51861, 54560, 369, 4785, 4814, 11, 279, 1193, 1648, 311, 2567, 279, 4785, 1022, 374, 311, 19407, 265, 630, 279, 10173, 26, 311, 733, 389, 11, 323, 4822, 389, 11, 264, 10173, 1903, 709, 14090, 315, 2536, 5594, 15630, 25576, 266, 727, 26390, 323, 24822, 11, 7347, 33776, 315, 30205, 3691, 11, 323, 1633, 7347, 6173, 82, 315, 7701, 38626, 3691, 8336, 1093, 28091, 1147, 323, 30205, 2531, 19131, 10840, 1752, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 1306, 54560, 11, 832, 753, 19433, 18065, 1790, 1633, 2653, 55124, 543, 4422, 477, 10368, 13, 358, 4070, 1047, 264, 2478, 50320, 5043, 388, 3719, 5115, 19021, 449, 757, 369, 576, 2944, 26, 814, 26253, 311, 636, 15792, 1555, 54560, 323, 1306, 279, 5043, 11, 311, 16063, 70030, 1113, 449, 4686, 35048, 2805, 3225, 439, 1603, 11, 2085, 4785, 8895, 627, 16298, 1101, 8850, 4785, 4814, 2391, 54560, 1606, 814, 8850, 10671, 198, 276, 461, 14668, 477, 7173, 318, 292, 13, 2435, 2834, 1431, 0, 362, 1732, 889, 63944, 1771, 505, 12459, 369, 279, 77763, 315, 18899, 872, 2890, 11, 304, 2015, 311, 5471, 477, 4322, 17563, 11, 477, 1524, 389, 365, 6292, 5043, 82, 369, 4785, 4814, 690, 539, 2274, 459, 12459, 19823, 13, 60638, 24673, 14622, 12459, 48206, 3210, 1606, 315, 264, 62236, 2547, 2217, 13, 1556, 114340, 1233, 323, 16501, 318, 1233, 617, 7600, 8719, 449, 279, 65355, 31530, 1481, 22120, 2978, 315, 3463, 13, 578, 276, 461, 14668, 5992, 520, 872, 991, 582, 10234, 4124, 304, 279, 18327, 323, 15849, 814, 527, 8834, 0, 1115, 285, 279, 62236, 21063, 315, 264, 1633, 62945, 1732, 25587, 304, 1205, 315, 15419, 13, 362, 198, 16501, 318, 292, 11, 389, 279, 1023, 1450, 6392, 82, 5694, 11, 6118, 449, 3958, 3691, 11, 323, 1243, 198, 26047, 4282, 433, 555, 63571, 11, 477, 449, 74830, 5983, 13, 1556, 114340, 1233, 323, 7173, 318, 1233, 527, 539, 44988, 261, 1113, 279, 21730, 4754, 315, 872, 13162, 26, 1521, 527, 2324, 27903, 16902, 13, 435, 14533, 527, 36297, 4560, 311, 18885, 872, 20237, 4754, 627, 22513, 69491, 264, 18247, 29150, 3927, 449, 264, 864, 50457, 12459, 19823, 690, 198, 17106, 638, 44898, 449, 54560, 323, 15235, 60052, 439, 264, 42535, 311, 49297, 450, 19030, 404, 1391, 34003, 13, 12220, 856, 7076, 1418, 16967, 11758, 315, 5043, 388, 11, 358, 4070, 5391, 1403, 315, 1521, 13, 358, 66087, 1124, 505, 54560, 477, 15235, 60052, 11, 323, 2098, 355, 11269, 7945, 1124, 11, 1606, 814, 6920, 279, 12659, 311, 32677, 69971, 11, 323, 444, 2248, 311, 3958, 3577, 922, 5933, 16088, 555, 13696, 709, 304, 279, 13147, 1637, 315, 264, 8952, 449, 459, 10805, 81443, 26040, 14019, 304, 872, 6916, 627, 38402, 31886, 578, 5031, 9497, 5046, 435, 15067, 198, 22513, 69491, 11, 1633, 5986, 1274, 617, 264, 26587, 430, 706, 3719, 779, 5367, 10766, 433, 198, 34360, 14201, 279, 23104, 315, 61987, 2461, 13, 1115, 2942, 374, 439, 16595, 311, 20237, 439, 279, 54160, 11, 4851, 323, 45274, 13, 1226, 649, 636, 3235, 449, 1193, 832, 39042, 11, 584, 649, 3974, 449, 12155, 698, 268, 11, 449, 912, 19754, 2067, 21473, 11, 449, 1193, 2678, 5596, 315, 279, 23152, 323, 39408, 1572, 100004, 584, 649, 539, 18167, 2085, 264, 26587, 369, 810, 1109, 264, 1938, 477, 779, 13, 578, 26587, 374, 1124, 537, 4642, 2942, 304, 279, 2547, 2391, 61987, 2461, 13, 2057, 5662, 459, 8830, 315, 19842, 5241, 2461, 11, 433, 8779, 311, 1440, 1120, 1148, 279, 26587, 1587, 369, 603, 389, 459, 14529, 8197, 627, 791, 26587, 374, 264, 8147, 11742, 4141, 1405, 6680, 374, 38291, 323, 92600, 13, 578, 198, 75, 1553, 16609, 420, 35294, 291, 6680, 704, 1555, 279, 16757, 348, 7304, 272, 2979, 11, 6089, 311, 279, 18207, 13, 578, 6680, 374, 1243, 62454, 1139, 4689, 323, 46417, 35855, 11, 1405, 433, 265, 14576, 682, 5596, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 24944, 26677, 323, 24463, 520, 264, 35693, 2237, 13, 1952, 1220, 471, 6530, 11, 264, 3544, 21801, 315, 279, 79266, 6680, 374, 14890, 555, 279, 89385, 10900, 501, 56989, 323, 16757, 323, 38279, 11083, 1992, 292, 60764, 430, 80867, 311, 1376, 279, 3544, 39053, 54344, 902, 29933, 279, 26587, 13, 14636, 264, 11191, 6530, 315, 12571, 505, 682, 279, 2849, 708, 69, 279, 2547, 374, 15320, 36612, 1139, 279, 26587, 13, 578, 6908, 80445, 780, 65415, 1101, 3810, 267, 383, 26587, 311, 8312, 24463, 323, 37493, 449, 902, 311, 14201, 279, 26587, 2849, 31177, 12116, 4372, 627, 791, 26587, 374, 15320, 520, 990, 74285, 279, 6680, 13, 1102, 374, 52389, 4954, 11, 4087, 7922, 345, 1466, 869, 1113, 11, 28786, 11, 30770, 11, 50545, 323, 61987, 7922, 13, 1102, 4375, 1938, 323, 3814, 30096, 23351, 13, 9176, 62186, 527, 11102, 1523, 555, 56067, 323, 872, 3777, 18753, 527, 30820, 69843, 304, 5370, 5596, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 4427, 3242, 38333, 527, 42231, 704, 323, 5762, 1203, 505, 279, 4689, 35855, 13, 4314, 35098, 527, 14890, 438, 9967, 304, 279, 19754, 62564, 11, 902, 374, 264, 2697, 53433, 52287, 311, 279, 26587, 13, 4740, 1097, 68, 278, 11, 279, 8970, 315, 279, 19754, 62564, 320, 65, 458, 8, 527, 57191, 1139, 279, 3930, 347, 9195, 11, 279, 13886, 961, 315, 279, 2678, 92234, 1120, 7953, 279, 23152, 13, 1115, 73394, 1101, 5727, 37439, 535, 56067, 9124, 555, 279, 26587, 430, 11810, 279, 31085, 315, 40085, 15657, 258, 279, 2678, 92234, 627, 32148, 264, 3544, 6530, 315, 73394, 14035, 1202, 1648, 1139, 279, 23152, 555, 7410, 477, 374, 198, 82, 40458, 1139, 279, 23152, 555, 63571, 13, 1398, 87728, 293, 35546, 87067, 323, 506, 89790, 4919, 1101, 1121, 505, 927, 91955, 11, 902, 88204, 5469, 279, 3158, 13, 18156, 15235, 1233, 269, 6378, 649, 1101, 51077, 264, 11191, 6530, 315, 73394, 13, 93796, 26242, 323, 404, 1018, 1113, 11, 994, 73394, 5334, 1139, 279, 23152, 279, 1732, 3060, 22752, 1220, 477, 25223, 814, 29177, 13, 1628, 1306, 63571, 323, 25051, 279, 12945, 315, 73394, 11, 25223, 814, 19117, 1431, 627, 4599, 912, 3691, 520, 682, 29933, 279, 1887, 11, 279, 6680, 13912, 1314, 389, 12579, 198, 20322, 279, 26587, 64624, 1120, 439, 433, 1587, 994, 584, 527, 12459, 13, 3277, 279, 26587, 1587, 912, 339, 525, 311, 1935, 2512, 315, 62186, 8066, 555, 279, 1510, 3691, 23730, 11, 1855, 1522, 351, 774, 1458, 279, 26587, 3135, 304, 264, 32981, 6680, 4365, 11, 449, 279, 35098, 44649, 304, 13832, 11, 99530, 11, 323, 58011, 11, 3156, 279, 6680, 9221, 30510, 13, 12220, 9533, 287, 11, 35098, 505, 279, 19754, 62564, 2103, 1522, 1555, 279, 2678, 92234, 323, 1139, 1820, 3544, 92234, 13, 4452, 11, 422, 279, 15631, 2053, 656, 539, 3351, 279, 62186, 304, 279, 73394, 802, 486, 7819, 269, 2788, 1139, 279, 6680, 4365, 323, 636, 1421, 2496, 7913, 304, 459, 26762, 6471, 13, 666, 380, 82329, 34978, 3727, 264, 10819, 2733, 1120, 17936, 11, 1093, 814, 1047, 264, 20236, 477, 11201, 4999, 791, 15631, 2053, 19029, 3351, 1418, 54560, 13, 12220, 54560, 1193, 665, 35262, 477, 15235, 1233, 198, 40781, 44032, 505, 279, 3544, 92234, 13, 1442, 2884, 13750, 323, 14134, 88531, 35262, 690, 19407, 923, 311, 279, 1664, 1694, 323, 6981, 315, 279, 10819, 13, 9176, 3115, 9493, 264, 10819, 5084, 311, 387, 38831, 4628, 477, 25051, 264, 11210, 42080, 315, 30883, 198, 4338, 19975, 477, 13803, 11, 1521, 649, 387, 4661, 7214, 51512, 555, 459, 665, 9355, 198, 269, 1400, 14338, 627, 32, 1732, 449, 3682, 26587, 5367, 17699, 40605, 8898, 11, 449, 477, 2085, 54560, 345, 4291, 477, 2085, 8776, 16088, 13, 7220, 98864, 50160, 39042, 734, 649, 19171, 4546, 922, 420, 1890, 1121, 13, 25145, 5092, 398, 11, 4648, 1418, 54560, 374, 6118, 73087, 501, 3384, 12309, 1949, 315, 6784, 11, 2867, 315, 4059, 323, 449, 38929, 13, 3011, 3629, 4250, 387, 1071, 315, 4648, 304, 264, 8952, 13, 2684, 527, 1790, 11201, 11704, 1109, 4648, 627, 37, 15067, 374, 539, 264, 27208, 23148, 13, 2684, 527, 1063, 4787, 430, 527, 7953, 279, 5845, 198, 1073, 279, 2547, 311, 27661, 13, 55106, 11, 2362, 4325, 5334, 603, 682, 627, 9023, 13, 39162, 473, 10002, 569, 11, 832, 315, 279, 2294, 82, 315, 5933, 53056, 11, 889, 44664, 198, 46, 5455, 62209, 16088, 304, 279, 220, 5926, 15, 82, 11, 1047, 264, 5505, 1648, 315, 22824, 4954, 3044, 267, 9379, 6013, 1664, 311, 54560, 13, 4314, 1364, 30929, 1054, 32590, 4787, 2476, 323, 1054, 7562, 292, 451, 7642, 1413, 4787, 2029, 362, 4948, 24790, 11, 1054, 7562, 292, 4787, 449, 17808, 43965, 2476, 1587, 539, 6013, 311, 54560, 13, 6515, 1088, 4787, 11, 527, 6118, 26288, 811, 269, 30020, 449, 84971, 20438, 11, 449 ]
Jaffe were taking issue with Wachsman‘s alleged actions in the original suit, they referred to the first index number. (In fact, it would have been improper for them to refer to the second number because t hat number referred to the alleged wrongful death suit, and not the suit allegedly filed by Cecelia Zyjewski.) The judge refused to grant Abady & Jaffe‘s motion, however, claiming that the first index number was no longer operative. . 248 31. ―You Will Never Set Foot in Sloan -Kettering‖ “Don‟t use my name.” Joseph Ransohoff, M.D., as quoted by Seymour Brenner, M.D. We have already seen the caution that the eminent neurosurgeon, Dr. Joseph Ransohoff, exhibited in attaching his name to Revici even after he had seen three of his incurable p atients make astounding recoveries under Revici‘s care. Although it would be easy as armchair critics to fault him for his caution, we are not the ones whose career would be put at risk. No matter how well known, there is little future for a lone physician who would attempt to take on the $100 -billion cancer industry by speaking in behalf of Dr. Revici. The great weight of potential lawsuits, ostracism, and a team of enthusiastic defenders of the American Cancer Society way of life can make the practice of medicine far more confining than most of us might realize. We have seen Dr. Galbraith‘s contradictory behavior of using Revici‘s method for nine years or more, writing President Eisenhower, and having his wife treated by Dr. Revici under an assumed name — only to turn around and allow his name to appear on the CAG report. Dr. Galbraith was no country doctor. He was president of the Nassau County Medical Society. He also served as president of the New York State Medical Society. Those were not the only p hysicians who were touched by the effect of the Revici stigma. Raymond K. Brown, M.D., who worked for two years at Sloan -Kettering, saw it first hand. His assignment was to explore new medical treatments that were outside the mainstream of medicine. As par t of that inquiry he arranged for two staff physicians from different medical departments at Sloan -Kettering to go with him one Saturday morning to Trafalgar Hospital on their free time to observe Dr. Revici. But both of the young doctors canceled at the l ast minute. Both of them were told by their respective department heads that if they went to Revici‘s office, they would not be allowed to practice at Sloan -Kettering ever again. As Dr. Brown told Rep. Guy Molinari at the hearing in 1988, ―They had been told by the heads of their respective departments, ‗If you put one foot in that man‘s office, you will never set foot in Sloan -Kettering.‘ ‖ Dr. Brown confirmed to me that each of the doctors separately came to him with the same message. It would appear th at the message might have originated from higher than the departmental level due to the similarity of the two excuses. During my visit to his Manhattan apartment, Dr. Brown related another incident that might provide an insight into the influence that th e American Cancer Society tries to use, unbeknownst to the public. Brown said he was shown a letter. It came from Arthur Holleb, executive vice -president of the 249 ACS, on ACS letterhead that was addr essed to Robert Good, M.D., president of Sloan -Kettering Institute, which was conducting a Laetrile study. According to Dr. Brown, the letter informed Dr. Good that Sloan -Kettering‘s decision to study Laetrile was embarrassing. Holleb invited Good‘s staf f to consult with the ACS before further commitments regarding the Laetrile study were made. Part of the letter appears in Ralph Moss‘s book. Dr. Brown confirmed that it was the same letter which he saw. One source, who wished to remain unidentified, said he saw Good‘s written reply to Holleb, which he described as a ―masterpiece of diplomacy.‖ Good informed the ACS executive that Sloan -Kettering was devoted to learning the truth whichever way it led. He also told Holleb that if Laetrile were found to be beneficial, both Sloan -Kettering and the American Cancer Society could rejoice in having another weapon against cancer. Despite Good‘s statement to Holleb, his public action was more suited to ACS wishes. According to Moss, the following week Good declare d that ―at this moment there is no evidence that [L]aetrile has any effect on cancer,‖ despite the fact that early evidence in the Sloan -Kettering lab had demonstrated just the opposite. The studies continued. After several tests conducted at Sloan -Ketteri ng showed Laetrile to be beneficial in spontaneous mouse cancers, and one flawed experiment showed it to be ineffective, the Institute announced that Laetrile was not effective. According to Moss, Dr. Kenamatsu Sugiura, the highly respected scientist who headed the Laetrile study, flatly disagreed with Sloan -Kettering‘s official statement regarding Laetrile. Ralph Moss reported in his book that he was dismissed from his job on his first day back to work after he publicly aligned himself with a criticism o f Sloan -Kettering‘s official stance regarding Laetrile. Dr. Brown had a personal family experience with Dr. Revici as well. In 1971 he took his sister to see Revici because she had developed breast cancer. She was slated for surgery and follow -up radiati on treatments. The surgery was postponed for six weeks while she followed Revici‘s treatment which consisted of daily injections of his medicine. When the surgery was performed, the excised lump was found to contain no cancer, only degenerated tissue. Ac cording to Dr. Brown, after the surgery her surgeon came out and told him, ―I‘m sorry, something is wrong in the Pathology Department; they couldn‘t read the specimen. So, I just took her lump out. We‘ll reschedule her for Monday, when the regular patholog y reading comes through.‖ Testifying before Molinari, Dr. Brown went on to say, ―On Sunday the doctor walked in to my sister‘s room and said, ‗You have no cancer.‘ ‖ As Dr. Brown told Congressman Molinari: The pathologist I talked to later said he had n ever seen anything quite like it. The specimen showed obviously cancerous tissue, but it was all degenerated. My sister knows nothing about 250 medicine, but she said, ‗You know it‘s a funny thing, a bout a half - hour after I get my shot, I feel a drawing in my breast, on the lump, and also, up on my neck I get another feeling the same way. There‘s a little spot in my right breast that feels exactly the same; in about a half -hour it pulls and draws. ‘ When I spoke with Dr. Brown nearly twenty -five years after his sister‘s treatment by Revici, he reported that she continued to be well, with no recurrence of her breast cancer. The following example might provide the extent to which the leadership of the cancer research committee has closed ranks against Revici. Dr. Brown provided the author with an exchange of letters with Roswell Park Memorial Institute, a cancer hospital rated by U.S. News and World Report to be the tenth -leading cancer treatment ce nter in the nation. Because he was acutely aware of the negative impact Revici‘s name had on the interpretation of any research, Dr. Brown sent a letter to the Roswell Park director, Gerald Murphy, M.D., asking Murphy to test two substances (BNP and TT) for him. Brown intentionally told Dr. Murphy that neither the drug ‗BNP‘ nor ‗TT‘ worked on rat tumors although he knew that they actually did. He also didn‘t mention that the substances being tested were in fact two of Revici‘s medicines. Dr. Murphy wrote back rather excitedly, ―... although I was told TT did not work in the rat, there are some rather impressive results here due to TT on this tumor in this strain of rat.‖ Soon after, Dr. Brown let it slip that TT was a drug developed by Revici. The study was immediately canceled. Years later, a letter from Dr. C. William Aungst, then the director of Roswell Park, was placed into evidence at the OPMC hearings against Dr. Revici. In Aungst‘s letter, he selectively referred to Dr. Brown‘s letter to Dr. Murphy in which Dr. Brown stated BNP didn‘t work on rats,1 and left out any reference to the TT medicine. Dr. Aungst also made no reference to the ―impressive results‖ former director Murphy reported on Revici‘s TT. As Dr. Brown reports in his own book Cancer, AIDS and the Medical Establishment, Roswell Park has since refused to acknowledge that any study with TT ever took place. The story of one highly recognized researcher might encapsulate why no one
[ 622, 38880, 1051, 4737, 4360, 449, 468, 87973, 1543, 43741, 10711, 6299, 304, 279, 4113, 7937, 11, 814, 720, 265, 5671, 311, 279, 1176, 1963, 1396, 13, 320, 644, 2144, 11, 433, 1053, 617, 1027, 41086, 369, 1124, 311, 8464, 311, 279, 2132, 720, 4174, 1606, 259, 9072, 1396, 14183, 311, 279, 10711, 93732, 4648, 7937, 11, 323, 539, 279, 7937, 19755, 13019, 720, 1729, 50245, 37029, 87654, 73, 365, 33639, 6266, 578, 11913, 16436, 311, 13500, 3765, 7759, 612, 622, 38880, 43741, 11633, 11, 4869, 11, 21039, 430, 279, 720, 3983, 1963, 1396, 574, 912, 5129, 64885, 13, 2355, 13, 220, 220, 14185, 720, 220, 2148, 13, 51753, 2675, 4946, 15037, 2638, 15819, 304, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 378, 244, 2355, 2118, 8161, 378, 253, 83, 1005, 856, 836, 2029, 2355, 61760, 432, 598, 2319, 1885, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 439, 24116, 555, 94611, 44808, 1215, 11, 386, 920, 13, 2355, 1687, 617, 2736, 3970, 279, 28930, 430, 279, 84629, 18247, 20370, 713, 263, 11, 2999, 13, 15466, 432, 598, 2319, 1885, 11, 51713, 304, 720, 1617, 12092, 813, 836, 311, 10315, 3457, 1524, 1306, 568, 1047, 3970, 2380, 315, 813, 62622, 481, 281, 520, 4167, 1304, 74154, 720, 75383, 552, 1234, 10315, 3457, 43741, 2512, 13, 10541, 433, 1053, 387, 4228, 439, 6916, 35296, 23531, 311, 14867, 1461, 369, 813, 28930, 11, 720, 906, 527, 539, 279, 6305, 6832, 7076, 1053, 387, 2231, 520, 5326, 13, 2360, 5030, 1268, 1664, 3967, 11, 1070, 374, 2697, 3938, 720, 2000, 264, 47766, 28378, 220, 889, 1053, 4879, 311, 1935, 389, 279, 400, 1041, 482, 65, 15068, 9572, 5064, 555, 12365, 304, 17981, 720, 1073, 2999, 13, 10315, 3457, 13, 578, 2294, 4785, 315, 4754, 43986, 11, 67094, 582, 2191, 11, 323, 264, 2128, 315, 42702, 41131, 315, 720, 1820, 3778, 26211, 13581, 1648, 315, 2324, 649, 1304, 279, 6725, 315, 16088, 3117, 810, 2389, 5859, 1109, 720, 3646, 315, 603, 2643, 13383, 13, 5996, 1687, 617, 3970, 2999, 13, 10845, 14720, 411, 43741, 71240, 7865, 315, 1701, 10315, 3457, 43741, 1749, 369, 11888, 1667, 477, 810, 11, 720, 26372, 4900, 89181, 11, 323, 3515, 813, 7555, 12020, 555, 2999, 13, 10315, 3457, 1234, 459, 19655, 836, 2001, 720, 3323, 311, 2543, 2212, 323, 2187, 813, 836, 311, 5101, 389, 279, 356, 1929, 1934, 13, 2999, 13, 10845, 14720, 411, 574, 912, 3224, 720, 38083, 13, 1283, 574, 4872, 315, 279, 73002, 2933, 6406, 13235, 13581, 13, 1283, 1101, 10434, 439, 4872, 315, 279, 720, 3648, 4356, 3314, 13235, 13581, 13, 5996, 23025, 1051, 539, 279, 1193, 281, 305, 1065, 9818, 889, 1051, 24891, 555, 279, 2515, 315, 279, 10315, 3457, 60381, 13, 43670, 735, 13, 720, 49488, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 889, 6575, 369, 1403, 1667, 520, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 11, 5602, 433, 1176, 1450, 13, 5414, 16720, 574, 311, 720, 4683, 20763, 502, 6593, 22972, 430, 1051, 4994, 279, 21391, 315, 16088, 13, 1666, 1370, 259, 315, 430, 26981, 720, 383, 28902, 369, 1403, 5687, 35944, 505, 2204, 6593, 26280, 520, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 311, 733, 449, 720, 40617, 832, 7884, 6693, 311, 350, 15817, 278, 12440, 15429, 389, 872, 1949, 892, 311, 23846, 2999, 13, 10315, 3457, 13, 2030, 2225, 315, 720, 1820, 3995, 16410, 34546, 520, 279, 326, 12025, 9568, 13, 11995, 315, 1124, 1051, 3309, 555, 872, 20081, 9476, 720, 36910, 430, 422, 814, 4024, 311, 10315, 3457, 43741, 5274, 11, 814, 1053, 539, 387, 5535, 311, 6725, 520, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 3596, 720, 33871, 13, 5996, 2170, 2999, 13, 10690, 3309, 3402, 13, 26340, 33518, 258, 2850, 520, 279, 11011, 304, 220, 3753, 23, 11, 51753, 7009, 1047, 1027, 3309, 555, 279, 14971, 315, 872, 720, 417, 9262, 26280, 11, 639, 245, 2746, 499, 2231, 832, 4579, 304, 430, 893, 43741, 5274, 11, 499, 690, 2646, 743, 4579, 304, 720, 50, 39429, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 13, 14336, 639, 244, 2999, 13, 10690, 11007, 311, 757, 430, 1855, 315, 279, 16410, 26214, 3782, 311, 1461, 449, 279, 720, 25030, 1984, 13, 1102, 1053, 5101, 270, 520, 279, 1984, 2643, 617, 44853, 505, 5190, 1109, 279, 720, 28414, 278, 2237, 4245, 311, 279, 38723, 315, 279, 1403, 55586, 13, 5996, 16397, 856, 4034, 311, 813, 29890, 13455, 11, 2999, 13, 10690, 5552, 2500, 10672, 430, 2643, 3493, 720, 276, 20616, 1139, 279, 10383, 430, 270, 384, 3778, 26211, 13581, 16696, 311, 1005, 11, 42644, 1247, 4262, 267, 311, 279, 720, 898, 13, 10690, 1071, 568, 574, 6982, 264, 6661, 13, 1102, 3782, 505, 28686, 16071, 273, 65, 11, 11145, 17192, 482, 24544, 1748, 315, 720, 1820, 220, 220, 14735, 720, 79184, 11, 389, 79184, 6661, 2025, 430, 574, 11022, 4043, 291, 311, 8563, 7839, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 4872, 315, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 720, 644, 7815, 11, 902, 574, 31474, 264, 5034, 17820, 458, 4007, 13, 5996, 11439, 311, 2999, 13, 10690, 11, 279, 6661, 16369, 2999, 13, 7839, 430, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 43741, 5597, 311, 4007, 5034, 17820, 458, 720, 16514, 45105, 13, 16071, 273, 65, 18719, 7839, 43741, 357, 2642, 282, 311, 8666, 449, 279, 79184, 1603, 4726, 42356, 720, 1610, 29510, 279, 5034, 17820, 458, 4007, 1051, 1903, 13, 3744, 315, 279, 6661, 8111, 304, 40904, 44610, 43741, 2363, 13, 2999, 13, 10690, 720, 42128, 430, 433, 574, 279, 1890, 6661, 902, 568, 5602, 13, 2355, 4054, 2592, 11, 889, 37287, 311, 7293, 65578, 11, 1071, 220, 568, 5602, 7839, 43741, 5439, 10052, 311, 16071, 273, 65, 11, 902, 568, 720, 5919, 17890, 439, 264, 51753, 13943, 23164, 315, 62340, 13, 378, 244, 7839, 16369, 279, 79184, 11145, 430, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 574, 720, 3667, 9437, 311, 6975, 279, 8206, 54784, 1648, 433, 6197, 13, 1283, 1101, 3309, 16071, 273, 65, 430, 422, 5034, 17820, 458, 1051, 1766, 311, 387, 720, 68244, 7235, 11, 2225, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 323, 279, 3778, 26211, 13581, 1436, 92859, 304, 3515, 2500, 720, 23722, 2403, 9572, 13, 5996, 20397, 7839, 43741, 5224, 311, 16071, 273, 65, 11, 813, 586, 1957, 574, 810, 32599, 311, 79184, 25223, 13, 10771, 311, 720, 44, 3746, 11, 279, 2768, 2046, 7839, 16292, 294, 430, 51753, 266, 420, 4545, 1070, 374, 912, 6029, 430, 510, 43, 60, 64, 17820, 458, 706, 720, 3852, 2515, 389, 9572, 11, 378, 244, 8994, 279, 2144, 430, 4216, 6029, 304, 279, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 10278, 1047, 21091, 720, 4345, 279, 14329, 13, 578, 7978, 8738, 13, 4740, 3892, 7177, 13375, 520, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 72, 7933, 8710, 720, 8921, 17820, 458, 311, 387, 24629, 304, 54557, 8814, 51423, 11, 323, 832, 48008, 9526, 8710, 433, 311, 387, 720, 483, 40784, 11, 279, 10181, 7376, 430, 5034, 17820, 458, 574, 539, 7524, 13, 5996, 11439, 311, 44610, 11, 2999, 13, 14594, 309, 51843, 328, 51640, 5808, 11, 279, 7701, 31387, 28568, 889, 220, 19946, 279, 5034, 17820, 458, 720, 56065, 11, 10269, 398, 71803, 449, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 43741, 4033, 5224, 9002, 5034, 17820, 458, 13, 40904, 44610, 5068, 720, 258, 813, 2363, 430, 568, 574, 27292, 505, 813, 2683, 389, 813, 1176, 1938, 1203, 311, 990, 1306, 568, 17880, 27210, 720, 40617, 726, 449, 264, 19347, 297, 282, 94193, 482, 42, 22120, 287, 43741, 4033, 30031, 9002, 5034, 17820, 458, 13, 5996, 9023, 13, 10690, 1047, 264, 4443, 3070, 3217, 449, 2999, 13, 10315, 3457, 439, 1664, 13, 763, 220, 4468, 16, 568, 3952, 813, 13219, 311, 1518, 720, 37284, 3457, 1606, 1364, 1047, 8040, 17659, 9572, 13, 3005, 574, 53370, 369, 15173, 323, 1833, 482, 455, 12164, 9491, 389, 720, 83, 1244, 1392, 13, 578, 15173, 574, 62720, 369, 4848, 5672, 1418, 1364, 8272, 10315, 3457, 43741, 6514, 902, 720, 6387, 13539, 315, 7446, 65246, 315, 813, 16088, 13, 5996, 4599, 279, 15173, 574, 10887, 11, 279, 3521, 4147, 49629, 574, 1766, 311, 6782, 912, 9572, 11, 1193, 5367, 10766, 720, 83, 11407, 13, 6515, 272, 2745, 311, 2999, 13, 10690, 11, 1306, 279, 15173, 1077, 46098, 3782, 704, 323, 3309, 1461, 11, 51753, 40, 14336, 76, 14931, 11, 720, 34431, 374, 5076, 304, 279, 8092, 2508, 6011, 26, 814, 7846, 14336, 83, 1373, 279, 58184, 13, 2100, 11, 358, 1120, 3952, 1077, 720, 75, 1538, 704, 13, 1226, 14336, 657, 594, 8972, 1077, 369, 7159, 11, 994, 279, 5912, 1853, 1640, 379, 5403, 4131, 1555, 13, 378, 244, 720, 2323, 7922, 1603, 33518, 258, 2850, 11, 2999, 13, 10690, 4024, 389, 311, 2019, 11, 51753, 1966, 7418, 279, 10896, 15203, 304, 311, 856, 13219, 43741, 720, 3039, 323, 1071, 11, 639, 245, 2675, 617, 912, 9572, 13, 14336, 639, 244, 2355, 2170, 2999, 13, 10690, 3309, 71483, 33518, 258, 2850, 25, 5996, 791, 1853, 16549, 358, 15243, 311, 3010, 1071, 568, 1047, 308, 3596, 3970, 4205, 2355, 84270, 1093, 433, 13, 578, 58184, 8710, 14224, 9572, 788, 20438, 11, 2355, 8248, 433, 574, 682, 5367, 10766, 13, 3092, 13219, 8964, 4400, 922, 220, 220, 5154, 720, 16088, 11, 719, 1364, 1071, 11, 639, 245, 2675, 1440, 433, 43741, 264, 15526, 3245, 11, 264, 25646, 264, 4376, 482, 720, 25704, 1306, 358, 636, 856, 6689, 11, 358, 2733, 264, 13633, 304, 856, 17659, 11, 389, 279, 2355, 75, 1538, 11, 323, 1101, 11, 709, 389, 856, 13272, 358, 636, 2500, 8430, 279, 1890, 2355, 3195, 13, 2684, 43741, 264, 2697, 7858, 304, 856, 1314, 17659, 430, 11321, 7041, 279, 2355, 25030, 26, 304, 922, 264, 4376, 482, 25704, 433, 34145, 323, 27741, 13, 3451, 2355, 4599, 358, 12570, 449, 2999, 13, 10690, 7154, 17510, 482, 53770, 1667, 1306, 813, 13219, 43741, 6514, 555, 10315, 3457, 11, 568, 720, 76833, 430, 1364, 8738, 311, 387, 1664, 11, 449, 912, 76293, 315, 1077, 17659, 9572, 13, 5996, 791, 2768, 3187, 2643, 3493, 279, 13112, 311, 902, 279, 11692, 315, 279, 9572, 3495, 720, 57885, 706, 8036, 21467, 2403, 10315, 3457, 13, 2999, 13, 10690, 3984, 279, 3229, 449, 459, 9473, 315, 12197, 720, 4291, 16870, 9336, 5657, 27872, 10181, 11, 264, 9572, 8952, 22359, 555, 549, 815, 13, 5513, 323, 4435, 8423, 311, 387, 279, 720, 83, 21341, 482, 21307, 9572, 6514, 3846, 308, 466, 304, 279, 7140, 13, 5996, 18433, 568, 574, 1645, 98466, 8010, 315, 279, 8389, 5536, 10315, 3457, 43741, 836, 1047, 389, 279, 23692, 315, 904, 720, 61564, 11, 2999, 13, 10690, 3288, 264, 6661, 311, 279, 16870, 9336, 5657, 7690, 11, 55357, 31053, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 10371, 31053, 311, 720, 1985, 1403, 33155, 320, 15967, 47, 323, 33844, 8, 369, 1461, 13, 10690, 37304, 3309, 2999, 13, 31053, 430, 14188, 279, 5623, 720, 378, 245, 15967, 47, 14336, 6463, 639, 245, 15249, 14336, 6575, 389, 11494, 56071, 8051, 568, 7020, 430, 814, 3604, 1550, 13, 1283, 1101, 3287, 14336, 83, 6420, 430, 720, 1820, 33155, 1694, 12793, 1051, 304, 2144, 1403, 315, 10315, 3457, 43741, 39653, 13, 2999, 13, 31053, 6267, 220, 1203, 4856, 720, 40541, 1639, 398, 11, 51753, 1131, 8051, 358, 574, 3309, 33844, 1550, 539, 990, 304, 279, 11494, 11, 1070, 527, 1063, 4856, 16358, 3135, 720, 6881, 4245, 311, 33844, 389, 420, 36254, 304, 420, 26800, 315, 11494, 13, 378, 244, 2355, 67196, 1306, 11, 2999, 13, 10690, 1095, 433, 21818, 430, 33844, 574, 264, 5623, 8040, 555, 10315, 3457, 13, 578, 4007, 574, 7214, 720, 66, 39492, 13, 23116, 3010, 11, 264, 6661, 505, 2999, 13, 356, 13, 12656, 362, 2234, 267, 11, 1243, 279, 7690, 315, 16870, 9336, 5657, 11, 574, 9277, 720, 18614, 6029, 520, 279, 507, 93623, 45348, 2403, 2999, 13, 10315, 3457, 13, 763, 362, 2234, 267, 43741, 6661, 11, 568, 82775, 14183, 311, 2999, 13, 720, 49488, 43741, 6661, 311, 2999, 13, 31053, 220, 304, 902, 2999, 13, 10690, 11224, 426, 27321, 3287, 14336, 83, 990, 389, 32510, 11, 16, 323, 2163, 704, 904, 720, 16690, 311, 279, 33844, 16088, 13, 5996, 9023, 13, 362, 2234, 267, 1101, 1903, 912, 5905, 311, 279, 51753, 318, 69563, 3135, 378, 244, 4846, 7690, 31053, 5068, 389, 720, 37284, 3457, 43741, 33844, 13, 1666, 2999, 13, 10690, 6821, 304, 813, 1866, 2363, 26211, 11, 220, 46060, 323, 279, 13235, 87865, 1174, 720, 75120, 9336, 5657, 706, 2533, 16436, 311, 25670, 430, 904, 4007, 449, 33844, 3596, 3952, 2035, 13, 5996, 791, 3446, 315, 832, 7701, 15324, 32185, 2643, 43669, 6468, 3249, 912, 832 ]
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ISBN 9780593234020 Ebook ISBN 9780593234037 Illustrations by Cocorrina Edited and compiled by Gary Jansenrhid_prh_6.0_139653424_c0_r0 OceanofPDF.comCONTENTS Cover Title Page Copyright Mindful Moments OceanofPDF.comBreathe-Reality is DIFFERENT in different states of consciousness. To REVISE your reality, look within.In my stillness, I am the eternal possibility. In my movement, I am the cosmos. Infinite being is also infinite love.KNOWING YOURSELF IS KEY TO KNOWING THE WORLDThe world outside your skin is as much you as the world inside. Your personal and universal bodies are equally yours. There is no center of consciousness in the body because consciousness is not in the body. The body is in consciousness. Gratitude is ABUNDANCE consciousness.Intention with LOVE and detachment makes even the most IMPROBABLE happen.Words are noises in the air. Consciousness gives them life. Names and forms are many. Reality is one. Embrace the unpredictable and the unexpected. That is the path to your infinite creativity. If you want infinite energy, focus on the infinite.BLISS, CONSCIOUSNESS, and LOVE are the essence of BEING.Joy, ecstasy, and unbounded LOVE are the natural state of the unconditioned mind.Awareness conceives, governs, and sustains body and mind. You need only not interfere with it. Your personal desire is also a manifestation of the total universe. Everything you call the “world,” including your own body, is sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts in consciousness. When you look at your body, you are looking at your past. To love and to be loved—this is the most natural and spontaneous expression of our being.Love is the HIGHEST intelligence.Everything perceived as “outside” is sensations, feelings, images, and thoughts within you, and “you” has no location. The observer has no location in space or time. The terms inside and outside do not apply. Addiction is not getting enough of what you don’t want. It is being hooked to a memory of pleasure that is now pain. Fear is the memory of pain. Addiction is the memory of pleasure. Freedom is beyond both. To SHIFT your identity to your INNERMOST being is to affirm your perfection.ere is ONLY innity.Letting go of our habitual certainties opens the doorway to creativity. Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box. Consciousness exists in every cell of our body and in every particle in the universe. OceanofPDF.comThis moment is as it should be, unless you think about it. This moment is eternal before you label it. This is the moment of power. Be the moment. Every experience creates its own bodymind. I experienced childhood and youth in different bodies, different minds.Beyond LOGIC is POETRY. Beyond POETRY is MUSIC. Beyond MUSIC is the DANCE. Beyond the DANCE, just LOVE.Pure consciousness is the source of synchronicity and meaningful coincidence. As you rest in pure awareness and watch synchronicity unfold, “surrender to God” takes on new meaning.The universe dances to a silent, abstract, mathematically perfect symphony in the cosmic mind. The laws of physics are precisely fine-tuned for us to exist and even to allow us to discover those laws. You CREATE your past and your future NOW.Your senses send electrical information to your brain. Your consciousness converts that information into a material universe. When we don’t nourish our self with love, we replace self with stuff—that is, material things—but stuff never fulfills us. The world is not a collection of things. It is a network of relationships. All form arises from the form
[ 3314, 3907, 323, 574, 198, 276, 22712, 14561, 520, 800, 13, 3842, 753, 3907, 304, 1561, 4356, 627, 31151, 25, 8604, 920, 81, 36154, 818, 35, 27253, 916, 198, 97283, 1073, 24317, 916, 39, 3097, 69461, 350, 964, 14344, 3083, 720, 35420, 30442, 5288, 198, 37725, 50, 27907, 2127, 7867, 3993, 315, 2895, 17584, 11, 555, 32602, 423, 13, 5340, 16684, 720, 42113, 16252, 51568, 11, 43897, 37456, 26888, 320, 2239, 27281, 12, 6620, 705, 720, 1729, 17520, 445, 13, 42255, 11, 386, 920, 627, 791, 4359, 6247, 11, 555, 81796, 17478, 268, 720, 40, 3053, 3234, 1102, 67457, 555, 56578, 445, 13, 18276, 320, 2239, 27281, 12, 6620, 8, 720, 32697, 26888, 369, 95809, 9029, 11, 555, 51206, 1901, 13, 426, 683, 12021, 9509, 11, 2405, 920, 13, 720, 26833, 753, 264, 43680, 2345, 2688, 264, 45912, 11, 555, 30750, 21256, 11529, 543, 720, 59561, 18709, 11, 555, 44632, 90023, 720, 24714, 2209, 25619, 7839, 311, 2893, 3082, 11, 555, 3842, 86852, 8650, 720, 15335, 6296, 13, 11994, 11, 555, 6941, 432, 13, 70687, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 2405, 920, 13, 720, 791, 53179, 315, 2468, 27523, 11, 555, 56786, 29026, 16844, 720, 69162, 26797, 261, 11, 555, 55761, 468, 36648, 1543, 11, 2405, 920, 627, 720, 60319, 3467, 3096, 50, 27907, 29831, 1223, 479, 27864, 320, 64, 220, 1135, 21099, 9722, 705, 555, 350, 23156, 4487, 18280, 720, 40, 3053, 3234, 1102, 27864, 12175, 320, 64, 220, 1399, 21099, 9722, 705, 555, 56578, 445, 13, 18276, 720, 2746, 9601, 2209, 264, 4140, 11, 4314, 8886, 279, 23694, 27864, 720, 2948, 220, 1135, 21099, 9722, 705, 720, 1729, 921, 35285, 25581, 12, 39320, 11, 2405, 920, 13, 720, 791, 220, 22, 29976, 1220, 315, 53485, 48023, 9029, 12175, 720, 2948, 220, 1135, 21099, 9722, 705, 720, 1729, 18587, 432, 13, 65479, 88, 720, 50179, 369, 13690, 19048, 27864, 320, 64, 220, 1135, 21099, 9722, 705, 720, 1729, 358, 8503, 4355, 650, 12341, 519, 33006, 2460, 315, 279, 3485, 527, 2561, 520, 701, 2254, 79761, 11, 477, 720, 18864, 387, 11713, 555, 17136, 25, 18276, 4783, 720, 25342, 25, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 916, 12175, 26, 720, 57564, 4783, 8494, 25, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 916, 31877, 26, 720, 57564, 4783, 6560, 25, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 15549, 26, 18276, 4783, 4987, 10384, 25, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 86232, 26, 720, 57564, 4783, 6890, 25, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 1896, 198, 97283, 1073, 24317, 916, 46, 272, 384, 264, 308, 297, 282, 393, 423, 435, 662, 272, 297, 296, 1687, 3987, 499, 14333, 420, 18276, 4783, 2363, 627, 2746, 499, 1053, 1093, 311, 5371, 264, 1949, 16808, 16850, 720, 36599, 18276, 4783, 6603, 323, 3956, 11, 477, 422, 499, 720, 41450, 1093, 2038, 922, 279, 18276, 5114, 11, 720, 31121, 3729, 512, 57564, 4783, 11, 4953, 627, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 15633, 15, 198, 9028, 4835, 14176, 11, 9362, 220, 18485, 972, 12, 15633, 15, 27907, 7, 19104, 8, 220, 19852, 12, 24619, 20, 477, 320, 4728, 8, 220, 21969, 12, 8358, 21, 198, 7, 19104, 8, 220, 19852, 12, 25392, 23, 320, 40153, 8, 477, 320, 4728, 8, 220, 13655, 12, 18625, 20, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 870, 352, 7830, 916, 12175, 7436, 8604, 870, 352, 73407, 2726, 198, 29986, 323, 4332, 304, 8494, 555, 25, 720, 57564, 4783, 8494, 80092, 13, 12604, 2637, 220, 972, 14, 1927, 40904, 720, 626, 2637, 57233, 39008, 220, 679, 20, 14642, 25, 220, 21018, 12, 25285, 24, 12, 16371, 24, 720, 6806, 56464, 25, 220, 21018, 12, 25285, 24, 12, 17448, 19, 7436, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 916, 31877, 33006, 29986, 323, 4332, 304, 279, 3723, 15422, 555, 25, 720, 57564, 4783, 6560, 11, 12604, 2637, 220, 16443, 33, 74123, 278, 28567, 2637, 7295, 468, 605, 720, 20, 11855, 14642, 25, 220, 2096, 12, 508, 12, 24542, 17, 12, 4513, 15, 7436, 56464, 25, 220, 2096, 12, 508, 12, 24542, 17, 12, 4513, 24, 198, 6806, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 15549, 720, 29986, 323, 4332, 304, 279, 5545, 315, 4987, 10384, 555, 25, 18276, 4783, 16998, 320, 47, 1919, 705, 12604, 2637, 393, 8548, 627, 1642, 220, 19146, 11, 72959, 84698, 2821, 220, 11056, 23, 720, 6806, 14642, 12598, 710, 25, 220, 1544, 12, 806, 12, 20419, 12, 21381, 19, 7436, 10373, 31, 1725, 9996, 442, 6973, 86232, 720, 6806, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 86232, 33006, 29986, 304, 6890, 555, 512, 57564, 4783, 72714, 6890, 11, 5444, 4657, 276, 22872, 11, 720, 26687, 2360, 13, 220, 18, 11, 426, 12, 17, 11, 650, 15969, 43883, 73, 11, 1561, 22767, 220, 5120, 220, 17819, 720, 6806, 14642, 25, 220, 5925, 12, 806, 12, 19561, 21, 12, 10674, 15, 56464, 25, 220, 5925, 12, 806, 12, 19561, 21, 12, 9892, 15, 720, 6806, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 1896, 33006, 35, 26204, 304, 7008, 555, 25, 720, 60139, 1030, 561, 11, 220, 22393, 15, 29070, 7595, 2136, 88, 800, 2637, 23393, 11, 426, 732, 13, 650, 21, 47, 220, 21, 36, 20, 720, 7084, 25, 320, 20354, 8, 220, 15726, 12, 19027, 15, 7436, 56464, 25, 320, 20354, 8, 220, 15726, 12, 11387, 15, 720, 6806, 8604, 1783, 467, 1030, 561, 916, 720, 51, 2957, 304, 311, 18276, 29707, 29303, 916, 12175, 369, 279, 1888, 304, 720, 1354, 5682, 1697, 3137, 9063, 16850, 1948, 18276, 4783, 12283, 0, 720, 3112, 11, 1879, 709, 4669, 279, 18276, 4783, 7427, 16406, 311, 5371, 720, 1820, 18276, 4783, 2930, 20846, 323, 4822, 16369, 922, 720, 12840, 753, 2133, 389, 449, 701, 7075, 12283, 13, 1472, 4805, 5371, 720, 65, 318, 6167, 398, 45976, 922, 25, 99474, 323, 52418, 11, 720, 20989, 18093, 11, 5761, 53300, 11, 3658, 1398, 3913, 13044, 11, 720, 36227, 40690, 11, 323, 810, 0, 720, 2185, 870, 352, 7830, 916, 12175, 198, 97283, 1073, 24317, 916, 128009, 128000, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 13857, 7388, 220, 2366, 17, 555, 18682, 587, 65097, 969, 198, 97257, 811, 7065, 7388, 220, 2366, 16, 555, 77488, 17847, 2259, 198, 97257, 811, 13517, 9922, 304, 13203, 171, 71831, 8892, 811, 323, 3344, 31767, 555, 198, 34564, 587, 65097, 969, 11, 4756, 555, 94294, 30427, 11, 459, 79967, 315, 198, 14326, 4783, 11, 264, 13096, 315, 71244, 10836, 4783, 15620, 11, 1561, 198, 100077, 11, 304, 220, 2366, 16, 627, 2460, 3268, 4694, 627, 29986, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 555, 94294, 30427, 16744, 2600, 388, 11, 459, 198, 318, 1374, 315, 10836, 4783, 11, 264, 13096, 315, 71244, 10836, 4783, 198, 4178, 34, 11, 1561, 4356, 627, 566, 847, 942, 19644, 466, 916, 198, 3218, 9272, 2770, 62602, 4292, 374, 264, 32464, 323, 62602, 4292, 449, 1400, 94906, 374, 264, 198, 36009, 32464, 315, 71244, 10836, 4783, 15620, 627, 46285, 220, 17272, 27033, 15726, 16496, 15, 198, 36, 2239, 34526, 220, 17272, 27033, 15726, 13074, 22, 198, 97257, 811, 555, 77488, 17847, 2259, 198, 53441, 323, 20276, 555, 24765, 622, 61965, 41196, 307, 5407, 71, 62, 21, 13, 15, 62, 10125, 21598, 18517, 669, 15, 1745, 15, 198, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 24194, 44978, 198, 31996, 198, 3936, 5874, 198, 13857, 198, 70738, 1285, 83121, 198, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 33, 1244, 383, 12, 47264, 374, 69649, 643, 1863, 304, 198, 8747, 171, 105, 222, 261, 306, 5415, 315, 198, 64589, 2136, 13, 2057, 66923, 9311, 198, 22479, 8903, 11, 1427, 2949, 5450, 856, 2103, 2136, 11, 358, 1097, 279, 35825, 198, 9007, 3225, 627, 644, 856, 7351, 11, 358, 1097, 279, 83645, 627, 644, 171, 71831, 62664, 1694, 374, 1101, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 3021, 11606, 45029, 1753, 21592, 66873, 3507, 12282, 198, 5319, 59127, 1753, 3247, 51991, 791, 1917, 4994, 701, 6930, 374, 439, 1790, 198, 9514, 439, 279, 1917, 4871, 13, 4718, 4443, 198, 438, 20789, 13162, 527, 18813, 198, 88, 2530, 627, 3947, 374, 912, 4219, 315, 25917, 304, 198, 1820, 2547, 1606, 25917, 374, 539, 198, 258, 279, 2547, 13, 578, 2547, 374, 304, 198, 64589, 2136, 627, 6600, 17584, 374, 14469, 13508, 8606, 198, 64589, 2136, 7522, 3012, 449, 40835, 323, 198, 19842, 9064, 3727, 1524, 279, 198, 3646, 40540, 1308, 33, 3578, 198, 71, 64860, 1196, 2311, 527, 58448, 304, 279, 3805, 627, 1128, 23995, 2136, 6835, 1124, 2324, 627, 8139, 323, 7739, 527, 1690, 627, 47264, 374, 832, 627, 2321, 32337, 279, 50235, 323, 279, 198, 54959, 627, 4897, 374, 279, 1853, 311, 701, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 198, 846, 44515, 627, 2746, 499, 1390, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 4907, 11, 5357, 389, 198, 1820, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 1823, 19046, 1242, 11, 3501, 3624, 43752, 7415, 345, 438, 40835, 527, 279, 28591, 198, 1073, 7354, 1753, 3587, 2303, 11, 93663, 11, 323, 198, 359, 66786, 40835, 527, 198, 1820, 5933, 1614, 315, 279, 198, 359, 9233, 291, 4059, 885, 1698, 2136, 20245, 1924, 11, 2633, 82, 11, 323, 198, 82, 592, 1771, 2547, 323, 4059, 13, 1472, 1205, 198, 3323, 539, 40978, 449, 433, 627, 7927, 4443, 12876, 374, 1101, 264, 198, 43415, 367, 315, 279, 2860, 15861, 627, 36064, 499, 1650, 279, 1054, 14957, 2476, 2737, 701, 198, 785, 2547, 11, 374, 72597, 11, 5448, 11, 16024, 11, 323, 198, 61665, 82, 304, 25917, 627, 4599, 499, 1427, 520, 701, 2547, 11, 499, 527, 3411, 520, 198, 22479, 3347, 627, 1271, 3021, 323, 311, 387, 198, 385, 2111, 2345, 576, 374, 279, 1455, 198, 53980, 323, 198, 2203, 546, 18133, 198, 29199, 315, 1057, 198, 35214, 1236, 1009, 374, 279, 473, 1953, 84966, 198, 93375, 5253, 1225, 1626, 26617, 439, 1054, 68090, 863, 374, 72597, 345, 57676, 826, 11, 5448, 11, 323, 11555, 2949, 499, 11, 323, 198, 2118, 9514, 863, 706, 912, 3813, 627, 791, 22842, 706, 912, 3813, 304, 3634, 477, 892, 13, 578, 198, 18853, 4871, 323, 4994, 656, 539, 3881, 627, 2261, 2538, 374, 539, 3794, 3403, 315, 1148, 198, 9514, 1541, 1431, 1390, 13, 1102, 374, 1694, 43770, 311, 264, 198, 17717, 315, 17069, 430, 374, 1457, 6784, 627, 91471, 374, 279, 5044, 315, 6784, 13, 79790, 374, 198, 1820, 5044, 315, 17069, 13, 25320, 374, 198, 65, 23478, 2225, 627, 1271, 83603, 701, 9764, 311, 198, 22479, 31448, 88178, 1694, 374, 198, 998, 264, 171, 105, 225, 8892, 701, 39143, 13, 188, 486, 374, 27785, 304, 188, 77, 488, 1236, 52189, 733, 315, 1057, 84820, 2847, 62124, 198, 25149, 279, 70458, 311, 28697, 627, 31887, 315, 7422, 4994, 279, 3830, 11, 636, 198, 1907, 315, 279, 3830, 627, 1128, 23995, 2136, 198, 16703, 304, 1475, 2849, 198, 1073, 1057, 2547, 323, 304, 198, 30115, 19320, 304, 279, 198, 359, 8194, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 2028, 4545, 374, 439, 433, 1288, 387, 11, 7389, 499, 1781, 198, 9274, 433, 13, 1115, 4545, 374, 35825, 1603, 499, 2440, 433, 627, 2028, 374, 279, 4545, 315, 2410, 627, 3513, 279, 4545, 627, 11769, 3217, 198, 59619, 1202, 1866, 198, 2664, 38824, 13, 358, 198, 327, 45933, 20587, 198, 438, 12822, 304, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 306, 198, 65, 10233, 11, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 306, 198, 76, 8843, 1823, 23478, 8241, 1341, 374, 198, 2089, 1372, 11492, 627, 56441, 13228, 1372, 11492, 374, 198, 44, 47427, 627, 56441, 76073, 374, 279, 198, 35, 8606, 627, 56441, 279, 423, 8606, 345, 4345, 40835, 1087, 554, 25917, 374, 279, 2592, 315, 198, 82, 14445, 62791, 323, 23222, 198, 1030, 2910, 7232, 627, 2170, 499, 2800, 304, 10748, 17985, 323, 198, 14658, 14453, 62791, 28572, 345, 2118, 82, 852, 910, 311, 4359, 863, 5097, 389, 502, 198, 57865, 11829, 15861, 73806, 311, 264, 21737, 11, 8278, 345, 10590, 336, 7167, 4832, 8045, 30748, 304, 279, 55801, 198, 38824, 627, 791, 7016, 315, 22027, 527, 24559, 33595, 71831, 818, 2442, 49983, 369, 603, 198, 998, 3073, 323, 1524, 311, 2187, 603, 311, 7142, 1884, 198, 68637, 627, 2675, 31876, 701, 3347, 198, 438, 701, 3938, 23214, 7659, 414, 38207, 3708, 20314, 198, 26125, 311, 701, 8271, 627, 7927, 25917, 198, 14500, 82, 430, 2038, 198, 18614, 264, 3769, 15861, 627, 4599, 584, 1541, 1431, 46798, 819, 1057, 659, 449, 3021, 11, 584, 198, 8319, 659, 449, 6392, 41128, 374, 11, 3769, 2574, 38542, 198, 58404, 2646, 5716, 171, 71831, 657, 82, 603, 627, 791, 1917, 374, 539, 264, 4526, 315, 2574, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 198, 17969, 315, 12135, 627, 2460, 1376, 48282, 505, 279, 1376 ]
terbalanced by the reduced disturbing effect of the calcium of the ribs. The e>pOSure time can in frontal and oblique views be kept at 1-6 ms at 300 rnA current. Lowering of contrast by this technique is of obvious disadvantage for the recognition of density 12 Delectability of corona structures differences between the "A" zone and surrounding tissue. Radiographs obtained with relatively low rube tension improve contrast between the "A" zone and "B" zone but at the expense of considerable loss in resolution of detail. Other radiographic technical considerations pertain to clinical radiologic study of small objects. X -rays are generated in a focal spot of a small bur finite area, e.g., 0.3 by 0.25 mm'. The size of the effective focal SpOt in relation to the size of the object is critical, as also is the homogeneity of the x-ray output. Variations of intensi­ ty from different parts of the focal SpOt may nor only produce distortion of the image but actual false im­ ages, e.g., multiplication of structures in the radio­ graph. A final radiograph ic pOint concerns those structures which produce lines as fmc as threads in a radiograph. Is it really pOssible to see in the lung thread fine struc­ tures whose diameters are of the order of the diameter of a small focal SpOt, i.e., are considerab ly less than one mm? Is it not likely that for radiography to show such threadfine structures they must have an absorp­ tion coefficient considerab ly higher than rhe surround­ ing tissue? Perhaps these structures arc shaped as thin sheets and are oriented tangentia lly to the beam? In histological sections of lungs which in radio­ graphs have shown threadfine structures, no calcium or other opaque material which could produce a marked increase in absorption has ever been repOrted. A dense absorber, however, is not a prerequisite for the production of radiographica lly visible, threadfme opacities. The material in these structures may have the same absorption coefficient as the material of sur­ rounding lung tissue. The amount of material per unit volume in the threadfine structures may be greater than in the surrounding lung. SuperimpOsitio n of a large number of threads may also produce such effects. The indjvidua J thread-structure might "drown" as an average increased density compared with the density of surrounding lung. If many small structures are randomly dispersed they will appear in the radiogr•ph as a result of summation, which statistically can be expressed as a gaussian distribution. It is therefore impOrtant to recall that the images of the threads do not necessarily correspOnd to specific threads in the tissue. Instead, we see their statistical representation. The biokinetic principles of structural development around lung lesions have also been studied in the female breast. These studies were performed as it seemed likely that the principles might be valid also in organs other than the lung. The female breast was selected because anatomica lly and physiologically it is very different from lung and because it offers suitable conditions for finely detailed radiographic studies. The case material of breast tumours is selective. Mammogra ms from routine health examinations and from patients with breast symptoms have been studied with regard to the possible existence of structural changes similar to those observed in the lung. No quantitative estimation of the structural changes has bec.::n au em pLed. h was found in a mixed material from several hospitals that strikingly similar structural changes can sometimes be observed around breast and lung cancers. The biokinetic mechanisms proposed to explain these similarities were then examined by dif­ ferent in vitro and in vivo studies in dogs. The radiographic studies were made both with con­ ventional radiographic breast examinations using com· pression of the breast and in certain cases xeroradio­ graphy without compress ion. Most of the "conven­ tionaJ" mammographies were made with HDiagnos t M" (l'hilips/C. H. F. Muller), which is provided with a built-in six pulse generator. The tube potential has usually been 25-30 kVp, the rotating molybdenum anode has had a nominal 0.6 mm focal spot. To the beryllium window has been added a molybdenu m fil­ ter. The focus-film distan:e has usually been 40 em. The exposures have been made with an automatic exposure timer (Amplimat ) and a mobile ionization chamber and light localizer. Standard craniocauda l, lateral and oblique projections have been available in all cases. Sampling of cellular material for diagnosis and im· planting of electrodes for measurements of electric potentials in breast tumours were made with a stereo­ taxic instrument, Mammotest (Tekniska Rontgcncen­ traleo AB, P.O. Box50100, S-10405 Stockholm, Swe­ den). For the implantation of electrodes in lung tumours, a versatile biplane fluoroscopic unit was also developed, which is now available under the trade name of Angioscope (Siemens-Eiema AB, Fack S-171 20 Solna, Sweden). Reference 1. Nordenstr"m, B.: New trends and technique s in roc;n1gcn diag· nosis of bronchial carcjnoma.ln: Simon, M., Pmchen, E. j., and Le May, Al. (cds.): Frontiers of Pulmonar y Radiology. New York. Grune and Stratton, 1969. p. 380. Detectability of corona structures 13 III. Corona structures around malignant and benign neoplasms in the lung Despite the frequency of pulmonary neop lasms in con­ temporary radiologic experience, corona structures around these neoplasms have thus far not enjoyed adequate description. In this chapter it is anempted to correct this deficiency in radiologic analysis of lung tumours. Previously, three of the corona structures have been reported, the 11A" and "B" zones and the radiating structures (6). Once the author became aware of these characteristic appearances, their presence became de­ tected around approximately 25 per cent of pulmonary masses larger than about 2.5 em in diameter and pe· ripheral to the hila. Adctitional corona structures are now found. Previous descriptions were incomplete. To appreciate the analysis in this book of the func­ tional and morphologic significan ce of the corona structures, their accurate description is essential. In this chapter, the most important radiographic coronal manifestations will first be described: the "A" and "B, zones, radiating structures, the arches and ar· cades, circular structure displacement and vascular narrowing. Other radiogr•phi cally visible structures will then be described: lamellae, infiltmted str•nds, and retraction pockets. All of these structural changes will be seen in later chapters to represent interactions 14 Malignant and benign neoplasms among specific pathophysiological events induced by the pathological tissue (see, e.g., Chapter XV). As a preliminary example, Fig. III: 1 illustrates a centrally necrotic adenocarcinoma in the periphery of the right upper lobe. All the corona structures are usually not evident in a single radiograph. The radio­ graphic signs may be quite subtle. A. "A" zone The "A" zone is radiographically seen as a halo or arcuate radiolucent area around all or a portion of an intrapulmonary radiopaque mass (Figs. III: 1-9). The "A" zone is less opaque than the surrounding pulmo­ nary parenchyma. The width of the "A" zone ranges from 2 mm to 8 em in the present material, but it is usually between 5 to 30 mm wide. The width often varies in different parts of the zone. The inner border of the "A" zone is limited by the surface of the tumour. The outer border of the "A" zone is usually ill­ defined (Figs. III: 2, 4, 5). In the periphery of the "A" zone, radiopacity frequently increases graduaUy until Fig. Ill: I. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma of lung, frontal radjograph. A radiolucent, 1-2 em broad, "A'' zone (A) surrounds the tumour. The "B" zone (B) lies peripheral to the "A" zone,and is smaller and slightly more radiopaque. Histologically, the centre of the cancer was necrotic, evi~ dent on the radiograph as ill-defined, central radiolucency (N), Structures radiate from the tumour's surface. An opa­ que y-shaped band, here called a lamella (L
[ 198, 466, 59502, 555, 279, 11293, 34973, 2515, 315, 279, 720, 27684, 2411, 315, 279, 56249, 13, 578, 384, 64727, 3204, 554, 892, 649, 304, 66746, 720, 438, 1536, 37526, 6325, 387, 8774, 520, 220, 16, 12, 21, 10030, 520, 220, 3101, 56939, 32, 720, 3311, 13, 28636, 287, 315, 13168, 555, 420, 15105, 374, 315, 720, 677, 2528, 49836, 369, 279, 18324, 315, 17915, 720, 717, 1611, 772, 2968, 315, 1867, 6863, 14726, 12062, 1990, 279, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 323, 14932, 720, 83, 11407, 13, 35969, 67132, 12457, 449, 12309, 3428, 436, 3845, 720, 83, 2711, 7417, 13168, 1990, 279, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 323, 720, 64690, 1, 10353, 719, 520, 279, 20900, 315, 24779, 4814, 304, 720, 56856, 315, 7872, 13, 720, 11663, 12164, 12968, 11156, 38864, 281, 7770, 720, 998, 14830, 12164, 39227, 4007, 315, 2678, 6302, 13, 1630, 482, 66243, 527, 720, 16583, 304, 264, 42199, 7858, 315, 264, 2678, 7951, 35326, 3158, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 720, 15, 13, 18, 555, 220, 15, 13, 914, 9653, 4527, 578, 1404, 315, 279, 7524, 42199, 3165, 85895, 304, 720, 23013, 311, 279, 1404, 315, 279, 1665, 374, 9200, 11, 439, 1101, 374, 279, 720, 35940, 76730, 315, 279, 865, 30630, 2612, 13, 28968, 811, 315, 25228, 72, 5879, 198, 1919, 505, 2204, 5596, 315, 279, 42199, 3165, 85895, 1253, 6463, 1193, 720, 98374, 50971, 315, 279, 2217, 719, 5150, 905, 737, 5879, 198, 1154, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 47544, 315, 14726, 304, 279, 9063, 5879, 198, 4539, 13, 720, 32, 1620, 12164, 3257, 18385, 281, 46, 396, 10742, 1884, 14726, 720, 8370, 8356, 5238, 439, 282, 13183, 439, 14906, 304, 264, 12164, 3257, 13, 720, 3957, 433, 2216, 281, 46, 784, 1260, 311, 1518, 304, 279, 21271, 4617, 7060, 610, 1791, 5879, 198, 19020, 6832, 13047, 2481, 527, 315, 279, 2015, 315, 279, 23899, 720, 1073, 264, 2678, 42199, 3165, 85895, 11, 602, 1770, 2637, 527, 2980, 370, 14869, 2753, 1109, 720, 606, 9653, 30, 2209, 433, 539, 4461, 430, 369, 12164, 5814, 311, 1501, 720, 21470, 4617, 63157, 14726, 814, 2011, 617, 459, 15938, 79, 5879, 198, 28491, 36706, 2980, 370, 14869, 5190, 1109, 68132, 9172, 5879, 198, 287, 20438, 30, 19292, 1521, 14726, 15952, 27367, 439, 15792, 720, 92537, 323, 527, 42208, 69760, 689, 326, 398, 311, 279, 24310, 30, 720, 644, 13034, 5848, 14491, 315, 45274, 902, 304, 9063, 5879, 198, 87286, 617, 6982, 4617, 63157, 14726, 11, 912, 35719, 720, 269, 1023, 47584, 3769, 902, 1436, 8356, 264, 720, 47462, 5376, 304, 44225, 706, 3596, 1027, 2109, 2244, 6702, 13, 720, 32, 29050, 15938, 655, 11, 4869, 11, 374, 539, 264, 80884, 369, 720, 1820, 5788, 315, 12164, 3257, 3074, 326, 398, 9621, 11, 4617, 69, 2727, 720, 454, 582, 1385, 13, 578, 3769, 304, 1521, 14726, 1253, 617, 720, 1820, 1890, 44225, 36706, 439, 279, 3769, 315, 1765, 5879, 198, 1067, 287, 21271, 20438, 13, 578, 3392, 315, 3769, 824, 5089, 720, 26116, 304, 279, 4617, 63157, 14726, 1253, 387, 7191, 720, 54895, 304, 279, 14932, 21271, 13, 7445, 6802, 29967, 275, 822, 308, 315, 264, 720, 17185, 1396, 315, 14906, 1253, 1101, 8356, 1778, 6372, 13, 720, 791, 1280, 73, 1325, 4381, 622, 4617, 12, 7993, 2643, 330, 67, 4935, 1, 439, 459, 720, 17645, 7319, 17915, 7863, 449, 279, 17915, 720, 1073, 14932, 21271, 13, 1442, 1690, 2678, 14726, 527, 720, 11719, 398, 77810, 814, 690, 5101, 304, 279, 12164, 74646, 6806, 764, 720, 300, 264, 1121, 315, 35359, 367, 11, 902, 47952, 649, 387, 720, 14107, 291, 439, 264, 64547, 8141, 13, 1102, 374, 9093, 720, 6802, 2244, 61512, 311, 19635, 430, 279, 5448, 315, 279, 14906, 656, 720, 1962, 14647, 1867, 18744, 46, 303, 311, 3230, 14906, 304, 279, 720, 83, 11407, 13, 12361, 11, 584, 1518, 872, 29564, 13340, 13, 720, 791, 6160, 79117, 5411, 16565, 315, 24693, 4500, 720, 20019, 21271, 63324, 617, 1101, 1027, 20041, 304, 279, 720, 43734, 17659, 13, 4314, 7978, 1051, 10887, 439, 433, 720, 325, 16809, 4461, 430, 279, 16565, 2643, 387, 2764, 1101, 304, 720, 1813, 598, 1023, 1109, 279, 21271, 13, 578, 8954, 17659, 574, 720, 4626, 1606, 75893, 3074, 326, 398, 323, 4571, 72, 30450, 433, 374, 720, 1225, 2204, 505, 21271, 323, 1606, 433, 6209, 14791, 720, 16902, 369, 61802, 11944, 12164, 12968, 7978, 13, 720, 791, 1162, 3769, 315, 17659, 15756, 2530, 374, 44010, 13, 720, 44, 8836, 92241, 10030, 505, 14348, 2890, 69570, 323, 505, 6978, 449, 17659, 13803, 617, 1027, 20041, 720, 4291, 5363, 311, 279, 3284, 14209, 315, 24693, 720, 19926, 4528, 311, 1884, 13468, 304, 279, 21271, 13, 2360, 720, 31548, 22018, 42304, 315, 279, 24693, 4442, 706, 720, 17106, 105939, 77, 8065, 991, 281, 61950, 13, 305, 574, 1766, 304, 264, 9709, 3769, 505, 720, 325, 17998, 24461, 430, 21933, 398, 4528, 24693, 720, 19926, 649, 7170, 387, 13468, 2212, 17659, 323, 720, 39049, 51423, 13, 578, 6160, 79117, 5411, 24717, 11223, 311, 720, 95444, 1521, 43874, 1051, 1243, 25078, 555, 1422, 5879, 198, 809, 306, 304, 55004, 323, 304, 41294, 7978, 304, 12875, 13, 720, 791, 12164, 12968, 7978, 1051, 1903, 2225, 449, 390, 5879, 198, 44322, 12164, 12968, 17659, 69570, 1701, 470, 14260, 720, 4099, 315, 279, 17659, 323, 304, 3738, 5157, 865, 261, 269, 4111, 5879, 198, 4539, 88, 2085, 25633, 28772, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 330, 444, 1055, 5879, 198, 28491, 64, 41, 1, 36041, 67245, 1051, 1903, 449, 12445, 72, 3326, 437, 259, 720, 44, 1, 320, 75, 39982, 321, 3153, 11547, 13, 473, 13, 435, 13, 52627, 261, 705, 902, 374, 3984, 449, 720, 64, 5918, 3502, 4848, 28334, 14143, 13, 578, 14019, 4754, 706, 720, 44066, 1027, 220, 914, 12, 966, 597, 53, 79, 11, 279, 42496, 296, 5849, 65, 5294, 372, 720, 276, 536, 706, 1047, 264, 47855, 220, 15, 13, 21, 9653, 42199, 7858, 13, 2057, 279, 720, 655, 25734, 2411, 3321, 706, 1027, 3779, 264, 296, 5849, 9117, 1509, 296, 1488, 5879, 198, 466, 13, 578, 5357, 2269, 9672, 1612, 276, 57076, 706, 6118, 1027, 220, 1272, 991, 13, 720, 791, 70530, 617, 1027, 1903, 449, 459, 17392, 14675, 9198, 320, 6219, 501, 78432, 883, 323, 264, 6505, 28772, 2065, 720, 331, 15578, 323, 3177, 2254, 3213, 13, 12028, 1589, 5676, 511, 8039, 64, 326, 11, 720, 75, 19715, 323, 1536, 37526, 41579, 617, 1027, 2561, 304, 720, 543, 5157, 13, 720, 99722, 315, 35693, 3769, 369, 23842, 323, 737, 14260, 720, 21494, 287, 315, 80390, 369, 22323, 315, 9249, 720, 19644, 8643, 304, 17659, 15756, 2530, 1051, 1903, 449, 264, 39052, 5879, 198, 18081, 292, 14473, 1174, 386, 8836, 354, 478, 320, 56815, 77, 49660, 432, 546, 21325, 1031, 268, 5879, 198, 376, 1604, 78, 14469, 11, 393, 8548, 13, 8425, 14408, 410, 11, 328, 12, 6849, 2304, 53182, 11, 37326, 5879, 198, 5294, 570, 720, 2520, 279, 46460, 367, 315, 80390, 304, 21271, 15756, 2530, 11, 720, 64, 33045, 6160, 19563, 54736, 84667, 5089, 574, 1101, 8040, 11, 720, 8370, 374, 1457, 2561, 1234, 279, 6696, 836, 315, 720, 10976, 3614, 2474, 320, 22771, 73837, 13737, 72, 9355, 14469, 11, 435, 474, 328, 12, 11123, 220, 508, 11730, 3458, 11, 720, 97971, 570, 720, 9032, 720, 16, 13, 452, 28884, 496, 1, 76, 11, 426, 18976, 1561, 18845, 323, 15105, 274, 304, 64430, 47803, 16, 70, 14606, 40817, 14260, 720, 76205, 315, 31071, 331, 532, 75566, 94908, 7942, 929, 77, 25, 22021, 11, 386, 2637, 393, 76, 7674, 11, 469, 13, 503, 2637, 323, 720, 2356, 3297, 11, 1708, 13, 320, 4484, 82, 13, 1680, 15248, 4918, 315, 35962, 1677, 277, 379, 35969, 2508, 13, 1561, 720, 100077, 13, 2895, 2957, 323, 54035, 783, 11, 220, 5162, 24, 13, 281, 13, 220, 13897, 13, 720, 58293, 2968, 315, 1867, 6863, 14726, 220, 1032, 14767, 13, 720, 10803, 6863, 14726, 2212, 720, 76, 6750, 519, 323, 65309, 720, 818, 454, 14833, 1026, 304, 279, 21271, 720, 20397, 279, 11900, 315, 70524, 841, 454, 5252, 1026, 304, 390, 5879, 198, 79190, 12164, 39227, 3217, 11, 1867, 6863, 14726, 720, 20019, 1521, 841, 454, 14833, 1026, 617, 8617, 3117, 539, 14333, 720, 1037, 19684, 4096, 13, 763, 420, 12735, 433, 374, 459, 21643, 291, 311, 720, 20523, 420, 48294, 304, 12164, 39227, 6492, 315, 21271, 720, 83, 372, 2530, 13, 720, 83039, 11, 2380, 315, 279, 1867, 6863, 14726, 617, 1027, 720, 76833, 11, 279, 220, 806, 32, 1, 323, 330, 33, 1, 26467, 323, 279, 12164, 1113, 720, 47194, 320, 21, 570, 9843, 279, 3229, 6244, 8010, 315, 1521, 720, 19740, 4633, 27351, 11, 872, 9546, 6244, 409, 5879, 198, 83, 1599, 2212, 13489, 220, 914, 824, 2960, 315, 70524, 720, 27428, 288, 8294, 1109, 922, 220, 17, 13, 20, 991, 304, 23899, 323, 1069, 14260, 720, 462, 764, 3333, 311, 279, 305, 10746, 13, 2467, 302, 3079, 1867, 6863, 14726, 527, 720, 3409, 1766, 13, 30013, 28887, 1051, 33243, 13, 720, 1271, 15763, 279, 6492, 304, 420, 2363, 315, 279, 2988, 5879, 198, 83, 4001, 323, 27448, 39227, 4698, 276, 3846, 315, 279, 1867, 6863, 720, 47194, 1174, 872, 13687, 4096, 374, 7718, 13, 763, 720, 576, 12735, 11, 279, 1455, 3062, 12164, 12968, 22760, 278, 720, 43415, 811, 690, 1176, 387, 7633, 25, 279, 330, 32, 1, 323, 720, 64690, 11, 26467, 11, 12164, 1113, 14726, 11, 279, 5438, 288, 323, 802, 14260, 720, 66, 3536, 11, 28029, 6070, 44153, 323, 64603, 720, 77, 6172, 287, 662, 7089, 12164, 74646, 6806, 17247, 272, 750, 9621, 14726, 720, 14724, 1243, 387, 7633, 25, 32703, 616, 6043, 11, 4225, 3036, 2562, 291, 610, 6806, 82103, 11, 720, 438, 312, 27523, 30278, 13, 2052, 315, 1521, 24693, 4442, 720, 14724, 387, 3970, 304, 3010, 30732, 311, 4097, 22639, 720, 975, 386, 6750, 519, 323, 65309, 841, 454, 14833, 1026, 4315, 3230, 1853, 85404, 41314, 4455, 36572, 555, 720, 1820, 89961, 20438, 320, 4151, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 15957, 53694, 570, 720, 2170, 264, 33269, 3187, 11, 23966, 13, 14767, 25, 220, 16, 46480, 264, 720, 1189, 81, 750, 19591, 4744, 292, 100213, 511, 8362, 258, 7942, 304, 279, 824, 94648, 315, 720, 1820, 1314, 8582, 326, 15784, 13, 2052, 279, 1867, 6863, 14726, 527, 720, 44066, 539, 30576, 304, 264, 3254, 12164, 3257, 13, 578, 9063, 5879, 198, 86972, 12195, 1253, 387, 5115, 27545, 13, 720, 32, 13, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 720, 791, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 374, 12164, 65031, 3970, 439, 264, 71812, 477, 720, 8362, 6426, 12164, 44906, 1189, 3158, 2212, 682, 477, 264, 13651, 315, 459, 720, 258, 57014, 360, 55892, 12164, 96580, 3148, 320, 37, 14801, 13, 14767, 25, 220, 16, 12, 24, 570, 578, 720, 30233, 1, 10353, 374, 2753, 47584, 1109, 279, 14932, 7893, 6489, 5879, 198, 77, 661, 39040, 331, 1631, 64, 13, 578, 2430, 315, 279, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 21986, 720, 1527, 220, 17, 9653, 311, 220, 23, 991, 304, 279, 3118, 3769, 11, 719, 433, 374, 720, 44066, 1990, 220, 20, 311, 220, 966, 9653, 7029, 13, 578, 2430, 3629, 720, 959, 552, 304, 2204, 5596, 315, 279, 10353, 13, 578, 9358, 3973, 720, 1073, 279, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 374, 7347, 555, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 720, 83, 372, 414, 13, 720, 791, 16335, 3973, 315, 279, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 374, 6118, 5986, 5879, 198, 9910, 320, 37, 14801, 13, 14767, 25, 220, 17, 11, 220, 19, 11, 220, 20, 570, 763, 279, 824, 94648, 315, 279, 330, 32, 1, 720, 8855, 11, 12164, 21213, 14134, 12992, 6117, 4381, 52, 88, 3156, 23966, 13, 12799, 25, 358, 13, 8489, 89142, 100213, 511, 8362, 258, 7942, 315, 21271, 11, 720, 7096, 278, 9038, 73, 3257, 13, 362, 12164, 44906, 1189, 11, 220, 16, 12, 17, 991, 7353, 11, 330, 32, 4708, 10353, 720, 4444, 8, 71374, 279, 15756, 414, 13, 578, 330, 33, 1, 10353, 320, 33, 8, 15812, 35688, 720, 998, 279, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 51526, 374, 9333, 323, 10284, 810, 12164, 96580, 13, 720, 64157, 30450, 11, 279, 12541, 315, 279, 9572, 574, 19591, 4744, 292, 11, 3721, 72, 93, 720, 55923, 389, 279, 12164, 3257, 439, 5986, 39817, 1174, 8792, 12164, 337, 1791, 2301, 720, 8368, 705, 71150, 12164, 349, 505, 279, 15756, 414, 596, 7479, 13, 1556, 1200, 64, 5879, 198, 593, 379, 35831, 7200, 11, 1618, 2663, 264, 32703, 6985, 320, 43 ]
was intended to become activated for the healing of the injured tissue and any remaining viable tumour tissue. This procedure represent s therefore an artificially induced self-driving sytrem. . Direcr currenr rrearmenr of rumours is described under Secritms C and D. Two main effects are utilized. One is to obtain, if possible, a complete destruction of the tumour tissue by the liberation of protons at the sur­ face of the anode, which is placed in the tumour. The ot.her effect involves the induction of different biologi­ cal and electrochemical reactions in the tissues sur­ rounding the tumour. In this way, some of the sponta­ neously occurring processes of healing in tissue injury are intended to be induced. This procedure also repre­ sents the use of a driven $Yfltm during the treatment. leading to an injury-induced telf-driving symm after the applied current is discontinued. As shown by the experimental and clinical studies in the previous chapters, a large variety of tissue reac­ tions can be induced. In general, application of direct current between a tumour and its surrounding s will induce two kinds of transports: ions of the supporting electrolytes and electrolytic products from the surfaces of the electrodes. These transportS thereby modify the conditions for survival of neoplastic cells. The tra.ns­ ports also lead to the development of recombination products and the appearance of true "biological reac­ tions", such as anodic accumulation of leukocytes, for­ mation of capillary thromboses and scar tissue, water transport and changes of individual cells. In this way possibilities may exist for local treatment of regions of tissue larger than the tumour tissue primarily de­ stroyed around the anode. To date many possibilities remain for optimizing the conditions of treatment, Treatment of cancer 271 e.g., with regard to elect:rode technique, suitable volt­ age, fluctuation of voltage, current-density and dura­ tion of treatment. When direct current of "low" energy is used, the local destructive effects are low. Nevertheless, consid­ erable effects on surrounding tissue can be expected when the current is allowed to flow over a long period of time, e.g., several hours. When direct current of "high" energy is used, local destruction close to the electrodes becomes pronounced. A large number of variables as yet undefined will influence these effects in individual tissues in vivo. Only extensive experi­ mental and empirical testing will tell us how the treat­ ment technique can be optimized. Alternatives to pres­ ently available clinical techniques of treating cancer are desirable. This need applies particularly for treat­ ing primary neoplasms in the most surgically inaccessi­ ble locations, e.g., brain, pancreas, liver, spine and prostate. Electrochemical treatments should offer promising results in these organs as well as for meta­ static disease in various parts of the body. A. Spontaneous and induced healing of cancers Tbe spontaneous disappearance of verified cancers is very rare, but well documented (20, 28, 63). Everson (18) and Everson and Cole (19) reviewed the subject extensively. Initially they considered 600 cases of re­ ported spontaneous regressions but finally accepted only 47 as sufficiently documented by microscopic fmdings to justify inclusion in their series. Later they extended the study to include 120 authenticated cases. The authors admit that many of the discarded cases may also have been true expressions of spontaneous regression. Dunphy (16), Shimkin (62), Stewart (67) and others have also emphasized both the existence of spontaneous healing of cancers and the importance of recognizing such occurrences as a means of adding to our knowledge of environmental variations in the rela­ tionship of tumour and host. The mechanism of spontaneous healing of a malig­ nant tumour is still obscure. Presumabl y immunolog ic or hormonal, the mechanism has been thought to be a change in the environment of the tumour. For exam­ ple, Smithers (64) noted that after three of his patients with breast cancer experienced a natural menopause, their tumours regressed for as long as seventeen years. In most cases, however, the process of spontaneous regression remains obscure. Seen in the light of BCEC mechanisms, the thera­ peutic problem now is bow best to support spontane- 272 Treatment of cancer ous tendencies toward healing of a growing tumour, when its foci of internal injury release energy only intermittently and often weakly. The energy released in spontaneous injury may be sufficient to induce ionic exchange by diffusion and migration over a BCEC, e.g., in healing ordinary wounds and fractures. Such conditions should perhaps be called nonprogres sive in­ juries. Conversions of energy in biology usually take place with remarkably little loss of energy. The possi­ bility is worth serious consideration that most of the energy necessary for ionic transports in healing a non­ progressive injury may be provided by the injury it­ self. In this view, infectious injuries or locally degrad­ ing injuries in cancers may be called progressive injuries. The critical point is that the healing induced in pro­ gressive injuries either temporarily or permanently lags behind the advancing primary pathologic process. Logically, extensive local destruction might release enough energy for the healing also of progressive inju­ ries. Obviously enough, this solution is possible only in selected instances, usually most "elegantly" by sur­ gical removal of the diseased tissue (and sometimes unfortunately also a large quantity of normal tissue). The ideal solution would be selectively to depress the disease by supporting physiologic healing mechanisms while preserving normal tissue. How electric current can be suitably used toward these goals is, of course, not easily answered. It will, however, be seen that direct current can offer beneficial effects on malignan t tumours regarded as unsuitable for more traditional types of therapy. B. Diathermic production of local tissue injury in lung tumours I. Dry electrodes A technique for local electrocoagulation of small soli­ tary rumours in the lung has previously been described by the author, based on an experience of 30 patients (39, 40). As much as possible of the centre of each of these solitary and relatively small tumours was electrocoagu­ lated with an ordinary surgical electrocoagulation ap­ paratus. The neutral large electrode was applied to the patient's skin. The active electrode consisted of a thin, Tenon-coated, stainless steel string, electrically insu­ lated except at its tip. This elect:rode, 0.5 mm in diameter was introduced percutaneously under biplane fluoroscopic control. A thermoelectric detector needle (0.9 mm in diameter) Fig. XVII: Z. Electrodes for "wet" diathermic electrOCOagu­ lation of pulmonary tumours. (a) Spiral screw soldered to a cannula. The exterior of the cannula is insulated with Tef­ lon. This electrode is inserted through a Teflon rube (b) and anchored in the tumour tissue by the spira.l part, which is screwed into the tumour. High frequency current applied between the tumour elecuode and a.n indifferent, large, skin (Fig. XVII: 2 c) for recording of the generated tem­ peratures was then similarly introduced and positioned at the edge of the lesion. Injured bronchial arteries inside the tumour sometimes bled, appearing fluoro­ scopically as a local blurring of the surroundings of the tumour. The bleedings stopped spontaneously. No serious complications occurred in any of these pa­ tients. This technique proved to be successful in caus­ ing necrosis of small neoplasms, usually small metasta­ ses less than I em in diameter. A drawback of this technique has been that much heat is generated in the tumour ncar the electrode. Nearby tissues desiccate easily, interrupting the elec­ tric current. Tumours larger than 1 em in diameter were therefore usually unsuitable for this type of treat­ ment. In order to overcome these difficulties, a Teflon tube (1.5 mm in diameter, of the type shown in Fig. XVII: 2 b) was frrst inserted into the tumour. A 1.2 mm diameter needle served as stylet. After removal of the stylet, a Teflon-coated needle electrode, 1.0 mm in diameter (Fig. XVII: 2 a), was insened through the Teflon tube. This modification made it possible to remove the electrode for occasional cleaning, which improved the efficiency of the electrocoagulation pro­ cedure. 2. Electrodes perfused with liquid This technique presents certain advantages compared with the dry electrode technique. The active electrode consists of a stainless steel can­ nula, I mm thick and insulated by Teflon
[ 574, 10825, 311, 3719, 22756, 369, 279, 720, 383, 6260, 315, 279, 15902, 20438, 323, 904, 9861, 31528, 720, 83, 372, 414, 20438, 13, 1115, 10537, 4097, 274, 9093, 459, 720, 472, 16895, 398, 36572, 659, 60811, 6705, 83, 1864, 662, 720, 13, 45611, 5192, 272, 852, 20191, 436, 265, 2227, 268, 81, 315, 66025, 374, 7633, 1234, 720, 8596, 1018, 1026, 356, 323, 423, 13, 9220, 1925, 6372, 527, 34716, 13, 3861, 374, 720, 998, 6994, 11, 422, 3284, 11, 264, 4686, 19814, 315, 279, 720, 83, 372, 414, 20438, 555, 279, 55633, 315, 463, 35511, 520, 279, 1765, 5879, 198, 1594, 315, 279, 459, 536, 11, 902, 374, 9277, 304, 279, 15756, 414, 13, 578, 720, 354, 44872, 2515, 18065, 279, 38156, 315, 2204, 6160, 86735, 5879, 198, 5531, 323, 25396, 32056, 25481, 304, 279, 39881, 1765, 5879, 198, 1067, 287, 279, 15756, 414, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 11, 1063, 315, 279, 37391, 64, 5879, 198, 818, 7162, 31965, 11618, 315, 21730, 304, 20438, 11134, 720, 548, 10825, 311, 387, 36572, 13, 1115, 10537, 1101, 312, 1762, 5879, 198, 82, 812, 279, 1005, 315, 264, 16625, 400, 56, 1517, 14046, 2391, 279, 6514, 662, 720, 21307, 311, 459, 11134, 38973, 259, 491, 60811, 8045, 76, 1306, 720, 1820, 9435, 1510, 374, 65259, 13, 720, 2170, 6982, 555, 279, 22772, 323, 14830, 7978, 304, 720, 1820, 3766, 30732, 11, 264, 3544, 8205, 315, 20438, 312, 582, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 649, 387, 36572, 13, 763, 4689, 11, 3851, 315, 2167, 720, 3311, 1990, 264, 15756, 414, 323, 1202, 14932, 274, 690, 720, 485, 10743, 1403, 13124, 315, 69169, 25, 65125, 315, 279, 12899, 720, 19493, 299, 398, 2392, 323, 73396, 29150, 3956, 505, 279, 27529, 720, 1073, 279, 80390, 13, 4314, 7710, 50, 28592, 5719, 279, 720, 16902, 369, 20237, 315, 841, 454, 52279, 7917, 13, 578, 9781, 53428, 5879, 198, 3476, 1101, 3063, 311, 279, 4500, 315, 312, 76128, 720, 10354, 323, 279, 11341, 315, 837, 330, 8385, 5848, 312, 582, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 498, 1778, 439, 459, 53860, 46835, 315, 57381, 57878, 11, 369, 5879, 198, 76, 367, 315, 2107, 35605, 84664, 65, 20274, 323, 23087, 20438, 11, 3090, 720, 27543, 323, 4442, 315, 3927, 7917, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 720, 9007, 13757, 1253, 3073, 369, 2254, 6514, 315, 13918, 315, 720, 83, 11407, 8294, 1109, 279, 15756, 414, 20438, 15871, 409, 5879, 198, 11207, 291, 2212, 279, 459, 536, 13, 2057, 2457, 1690, 24525, 720, 48684, 369, 74142, 279, 4787, 315, 6514, 11, 720, 99654, 315, 9572, 220, 15828, 384, 1326, 2637, 449, 5363, 311, 4135, 25, 299, 451, 15105, 11, 14791, 16798, 5879, 198, 425, 11, 39388, 4090, 315, 22465, 11, 1510, 89131, 323, 294, 5808, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 6514, 13, 720, 4599, 2167, 1510, 315, 330, 10516, 1, 4907, 374, 1511, 11, 279, 720, 2497, 40652, 6372, 527, 3428, 13, 35053, 1174, 77554, 5879, 198, 28057, 6372, 389, 14932, 20438, 649, 387, 3685, 720, 9493, 279, 1510, 374, 5535, 311, 6530, 927, 264, 1317, 4261, 720, 1073, 892, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 3892, 4207, 13, 3277, 2167, 1510, 315, 720, 1, 12156, 1, 4907, 374, 1511, 11, 2254, 19814, 3345, 311, 279, 720, 19493, 299, 5919, 9221, 38617, 662, 362, 3544, 1396, 315, 720, 19129, 439, 3686, 5732, 690, 10383, 1521, 6372, 720, 258, 3927, 39881, 304, 41294, 13, 8442, 16781, 5866, 5879, 198, 93221, 323, 46763, 7649, 690, 3371, 603, 1268, 279, 4322, 5879, 198, 479, 15105, 649, 387, 34440, 13, 20054, 5983, 311, 1685, 5879, 198, 4501, 2561, 14830, 12823, 315, 27723, 9572, 720, 548, 35946, 13, 1115, 1205, 17208, 8104, 369, 4322, 5879, 198, 287, 6156, 841, 454, 14833, 1026, 304, 279, 1455, 12274, 2740, 304, 5323, 72, 5879, 198, 901, 10687, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 8271, 11, 62268, 300, 11, 26587, 11, 35776, 323, 720, 782, 2513, 13, 69390, 32056, 22972, 1288, 3085, 720, 25475, 3876, 3135, 304, 1521, 36853, 439, 1664, 439, 369, 8999, 5879, 198, 2020, 8624, 304, 5370, 5596, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 720, 32, 13, 3165, 546, 18133, 323, 36572, 720, 383, 6260, 315, 51423, 720, 51, 1395, 54557, 52979, 315, 24884, 51423, 374, 720, 1225, 9024, 11, 719, 1664, 27470, 320, 508, 11, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 5495, 570, 10641, 1293, 720, 7, 972, 8, 323, 10641, 1293, 323, 24298, 320, 777, 8, 22690, 279, 3917, 720, 428, 28014, 13, 59656, 814, 6646, 220, 5067, 5157, 315, 312, 5879, 198, 36626, 54557, 70880, 919, 719, 5616, 11928, 720, 3323, 220, 2618, 439, 40044, 27470, 555, 90090, 720, 69, 2329, 826, 311, 9541, 28286, 304, 872, 4101, 13, 25929, 814, 720, 42198, 279, 4007, 311, 2997, 220, 4364, 38360, 5157, 13, 720, 791, 12283, 17113, 430, 1690, 315, 279, 44310, 5157, 720, 18864, 1101, 617, 1027, 837, 24282, 315, 54557, 720, 1610, 11433, 13, 29838, 12989, 320, 845, 705, 54585, 8148, 320, 5538, 705, 29868, 320, 3080, 8, 720, 438, 3885, 617, 1101, 46728, 2225, 279, 14209, 315, 720, 2203, 546, 18133, 21730, 315, 51423, 323, 279, 12939, 315, 720, 34551, 4954, 1778, 57115, 439, 264, 3445, 315, 7999, 311, 720, 414, 6677, 315, 12434, 27339, 304, 279, 1375, 64, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 2200, 315, 15756, 414, 323, 3552, 13, 720, 791, 17383, 315, 54557, 21730, 315, 264, 8811, 343, 5879, 198, 52985, 15756, 414, 374, 2103, 40634, 13, 4203, 372, 62573, 379, 33119, 1640, 18385, 720, 269, 74218, 11, 279, 17383, 706, 1027, 3463, 311, 387, 264, 720, 3455, 304, 279, 4676, 315, 279, 15756, 414, 13, 1789, 7151, 5879, 198, 698, 11, 9259, 388, 320, 1227, 8, 10555, 430, 1306, 2380, 315, 813, 6978, 720, 4291, 17659, 9572, 10534, 264, 5933, 3026, 84110, 1174, 720, 50828, 15756, 2530, 1239, 14715, 369, 439, 1317, 439, 82497, 1667, 13, 720, 644, 1455, 5157, 11, 4869, 11, 279, 1920, 315, 54557, 720, 1610, 11433, 8625, 40634, 13, 720, 86775, 304, 279, 3177, 315, 79677, 34, 24717, 11, 279, 270, 2473, 5879, 198, 375, 332, 292, 3575, 1457, 374, 15631, 1888, 311, 1862, 37391, 2194, 7058, 15741, 31969, 315, 9572, 220, 788, 61555, 9017, 21730, 315, 264, 7982, 15756, 414, 11, 720, 9493, 1202, 282, 2168, 315, 5419, 11134, 4984, 4907, 1193, 720, 2295, 24621, 4501, 323, 3629, 7621, 398, 13, 578, 4907, 6004, 720, 258, 54557, 11134, 1253, 387, 14343, 311, 49853, 220, 21427, 720, 40668, 555, 58430, 323, 12172, 927, 264, 79677, 34, 11, 720, 68, 1326, 2637, 304, 21730, 19664, 34254, 323, 78332, 13, 15483, 720, 16902, 1288, 8530, 387, 2663, 2536, 782, 18297, 274, 535, 304, 5879, 198, 90927, 13, 1221, 29390, 315, 4907, 304, 34458, 6118, 1935, 720, 2050, 449, 49723, 2697, 4814, 315, 4907, 13, 578, 2278, 72, 5879, 198, 65, 1429, 374, 5922, 6129, 18361, 430, 1455, 315, 279, 720, 17947, 5995, 369, 220, 21427, 69169, 304, 21730, 264, 2536, 5879, 198, 14703, 535, 11134, 1253, 387, 3984, 555, 279, 11134, 433, 5879, 198, 726, 13, 763, 420, 1684, 11, 50600, 15319, 477, 24392, 409, 6902, 5879, 198, 287, 15319, 304, 51423, 1253, 387, 2663, 23053, 15319, 13, 720, 791, 9200, 1486, 374, 430, 279, 21730, 36572, 304, 463, 5879, 198, 47819, 15319, 3060, 28191, 477, 31859, 720, 23698, 4920, 279, 44169, 6156, 1853, 39227, 1920, 13, 720, 2250, 2740, 11, 16781, 2254, 19814, 2643, 4984, 720, 268, 1409, 4907, 369, 279, 21730, 1101, 315, 23053, 5934, 84, 5879, 198, 4108, 13, 36530, 3403, 11, 420, 6425, 374, 3284, 1193, 720, 258, 4183, 13422, 11, 6118, 1455, 330, 68, 1978, 18007, 1, 555, 1765, 5879, 198, 70, 950, 17065, 315, 279, 6759, 1503, 20438, 320, 438, 7170, 720, 359, 11275, 1101, 264, 3544, 12472, 315, 4725, 20438, 570, 720, 791, 10728, 6425, 1053, 387, 82775, 311, 39300, 279, 720, 67, 56407, 555, 12899, 4571, 72, 39227, 21730, 24717, 720, 3556, 47995, 4725, 20438, 13, 2650, 9249, 1510, 720, 4919, 387, 7937, 2915, 1511, 9017, 1521, 9021, 374, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 720, 1962, 6847, 19089, 13, 1102, 690, 11, 4869, 11, 387, 3970, 430, 720, 20384, 1510, 649, 3085, 24629, 6372, 389, 60327, 276, 259, 720, 83, 372, 2530, 27458, 439, 7120, 86581, 369, 810, 8776, 720, 9426, 315, 15419, 13, 720, 33, 13, 7923, 1894, 21914, 5788, 720, 1073, 2254, 20438, 11134, 304, 720, 39049, 15756, 2530, 720, 40, 13, 31941, 80390, 720, 32, 15105, 369, 2254, 25396, 1030, 351, 2987, 315, 2678, 2092, 72, 5879, 198, 83, 661, 66025, 304, 279, 21271, 706, 8767, 1027, 7633, 720, 1729, 279, 3229, 11, 3196, 389, 459, 3217, 315, 220, 966, 6978, 720, 7, 2137, 11, 220, 1272, 570, 720, 2170, 1790, 439, 3284, 315, 279, 12541, 315, 1855, 315, 1521, 720, 39298, 45906, 323, 12309, 2678, 15756, 2530, 574, 25396, 1030, 47820, 5879, 198, 22851, 449, 459, 19664, 34933, 25396, 1030, 351, 2987, 1469, 5879, 198, 1768, 1015, 13, 578, 21277, 3544, 72048, 574, 9435, 311, 279, 720, 23557, 596, 6930, 13, 578, 4642, 72048, 44660, 315, 264, 15792, 11, 720, 33787, 263, 23283, 660, 1174, 25468, 9699, 925, 11, 9249, 750, 1672, 84, 5879, 198, 22851, 3734, 520, 1202, 11813, 13, 720, 2028, 4135, 25, 299, 451, 11, 220, 15, 13, 20, 9653, 304, 23899, 574, 11784, 720, 716, 10453, 20933, 1234, 6160, 19563, 54736, 84667, 2585, 13, 362, 720, 700, 76, 4748, 47262, 32314, 31409, 320, 15, 13, 24, 9653, 304, 23899, 8, 23966, 13, 53694, 5660, 25, 1901, 13, 69390, 5919, 369, 330, 86, 295, 1, 1891, 1894, 21914, 43906, 7767, 46, 47820, 5879, 198, 2354, 315, 70524, 15756, 2530, 13, 320, 64, 8, 89888, 22733, 60877, 291, 311, 264, 720, 66, 1036, 5724, 13, 578, 28362, 315, 279, 14068, 5724, 374, 79379, 449, 350, 830, 5879, 198, 12490, 13, 1115, 72048, 374, 22306, 1555, 264, 350, 830, 12490, 436, 3845, 320, 65, 8, 323, 720, 3581, 3093, 304, 279, 15756, 414, 20438, 555, 279, 993, 9008, 929, 961, 11, 902, 374, 720, 82, 39717, 291, 1139, 279, 15756, 414, 13, 5234, 11900, 1510, 9435, 720, 42967, 279, 15756, 414, 10732, 20811, 536, 323, 264, 1276, 80008, 1174, 3544, 11, 6930, 720, 7988, 343, 13, 53694, 5660, 25, 220, 17, 272, 8, 369, 14975, 315, 279, 8066, 1592, 5879, 198, 716, 2859, 574, 1243, 30293, 11784, 323, 35328, 720, 266, 279, 6964, 315, 279, 93217, 13, 763, 80491, 31071, 331, 532, 85648, 720, 42450, 279, 15756, 414, 7170, 293, 839, 11, 26449, 20236, 18812, 5879, 198, 2445, 454, 2740, 439, 264, 2254, 1529, 21081, 315, 279, 40190, 315, 279, 720, 83, 372, 414, 13, 578, 67106, 826, 10717, 88558, 13, 2360, 720, 94427, 36505, 10222, 304, 904, 315, 1521, 7251, 5879, 198, 83, 4167, 13, 1115, 15105, 19168, 311, 387, 6992, 304, 25540, 5879, 198, 287, 19591, 63412, 315, 2678, 841, 454, 14833, 1026, 11, 6118, 2678, 2322, 14635, 5879, 198, 9459, 2753, 1109, 358, 991, 304, 23899, 13, 720, 32, 88620, 315, 420, 15105, 706, 1027, 430, 1790, 720, 20559, 374, 8066, 304, 279, 15756, 414, 308, 7063, 279, 72048, 13, 720, 53062, 1729, 39881, 951, 292, 43872, 6847, 11, 12956, 287, 279, 10732, 66, 5879, 198, 376, 292, 1510, 13, 350, 372, 2530, 8294, 1109, 220, 16, 991, 304, 23899, 720, 52898, 9093, 6118, 7120, 86581, 369, 420, 955, 315, 4322, 5879, 198, 479, 13, 720, 644, 2015, 311, 23075, 1521, 27129, 1174, 264, 350, 830, 12490, 720, 74838, 320, 16, 13, 20, 9653, 304, 23899, 11, 315, 279, 955, 6982, 304, 23966, 13, 720, 55, 53, 5660, 25, 220, 17, 293, 8, 574, 282, 637, 267, 22306, 1139, 279, 15756, 414, 13, 362, 220, 16, 13, 17, 720, 3906, 23899, 31409, 10434, 439, 1742, 83, 13, 4740, 17065, 315, 720, 1820, 1742, 83, 11, 264, 350, 830, 12490, 23283, 660, 31409, 72048, 11, 220, 16, 13, 15, 9653, 304, 720, 67, 37144, 320, 30035, 13, 53694, 5660, 25, 220, 17, 264, 705, 574, 1672, 6901, 1555, 279, 720, 51, 830, 12490, 14019, 13, 1115, 17466, 1903, 433, 3284, 311, 720, 5514, 279, 72048, 369, 28961, 16204, 11, 902, 720, 318, 96608, 279, 15374, 315, 279, 25396, 1030, 351, 2987, 463, 5879, 198, 13498, 13, 720, 17, 13, 69390, 5919, 22535, 2656, 449, 14812, 720, 2028, 15105, 18911, 3738, 22934, 7863, 720, 4291, 279, 9235, 72048, 15105, 13, 720, 791, 4642, 72048, 17610, 315, 264, 25468, 9699, 649, 5879, 198, 77, 5724, 11, 358, 9653, 12314, 323, 79379, 555, 350, 830, 12490 ]
it from the Earth forever! So don't, Oh don't, worry about your Individual Selves, Beloved Ones. You can be sure after a Service, such as has been and is being rendered, you will have Assistance. Don't question the care of your own In- dividual Life. How in the Name of the Great Presence of Light, could any human Being who is sincere in the Call to the Presence, for the Protection of America and its People; how could he or she fail to have It fill that one's world, which would DISCOURSE VIII 211 later Out-picture as Magnificent Majesty and Victory of the Light, individually speaking? It could not be other- wise! Life, Beloved Ones, never fails Its Creation! Try to feel at One with Me tonight! While This Radiance is pouring forth into your world, forget for the moment that I am an Ascended Being, a Cosmic Being. Forget it is anything but the Power and Activity of your own Life! We must get you to feel more Powerfully the Reality which is your Life ACTING. We are the Power of Life ACT- ING! Our Understanding, Our Ability is beyond yours! Think again! Still We are the Power and the Presence of Light ACTING; and this is what We want you to feel, with such great earnestness. Then you remove from your world—your feeling world, any feeling there is anything unusual about the Activity of This Great Law of Life, which produces these Results for you and the World. Beloved Ones, as long as there is a feeling or sense of something mystical about This Great Law, you are holding It to some degree from you; from rushing in and doing Its Perfect Work for you. All of the teachings of mankind have made the Action of the Great Law of Life to the human sense, something mystical! It is not! Even the Ascension is as practical as your mathematics; because It is the Action of your Life, directed by the Great Indi- vidualized God Presence, your "Mighty I AM." Tonight, let us enter into the practical feeling, that your Presence of Life is the Intelligence and Power which is doing these things for mankind and the World. So far as 212 THE "I AM99 DISCOURSES the Protection of America is concerned, will you feel with Me for a moment, the Fulfilment of the Promise of the Great Ones, whom you have now come to know as the Great Goddess of Liberty and the Mighty Arcturus ? Each One has promised, if necessary, that "The Light of a Thou- sand Suns," shall descend into the Earth, dissolve and con- sume all human selfishness and discord from the planet! These Promises are Real! It does mean your co-operation with the Great Cosmic Law; and We are nearing the Balancing Activity, thru these Mighty Calls of the people of Earth. Then, have courage to go on, and on, and on, in these Mighty Decrees! Naturally, if you believe My Words, it will give you a Greater Courage and Strength, a Greater Depth of Feeling, in Its release thru These Decrees—into the mental and feeling world of mankind; to perform This Service which is required and It is all a PERFECTLY NATURAL PROCESS. As you become more aware of it, you begin to feel as you must now, the Fulfilment of your Calls. Beginning with the Shrine Class, you will find this acting with Tremendously Greater Power in your world; and you will begin to see more rapidly the Out-picturing of your Call. I want to congratulate our Beloved Mr. and Mrs. Sindelar on the Magazine, for standing against destructive forces which have rarely been felt upon this Earth. Now their great struggle is passed, and I congratulate them. I wish to shake their hands, thru the Messenger's. DISCOURSE VIII 213 Beloved Students, I want to say to those who have some- times felt critical or impatient: you have no more idea than an infant, what these Blessed Ones have had to stand against from the sinister force of human creation; for this Magazine has been a thorn in the side of the sinister ac- tivity, prodding it and will continue to! A Stronger Guard is this night placed about them, their home and activity; and a greater happiness will fill each one, their worlds and activity. The Messengers stood against the great onslaught in the beginning, gaining their momentum, and now they can laugh at all human destructive activities and know they have no power! So these Beloved Ones will be able to say to all destructive forces: "You have no power! Get thee hence"! That is what We want every one of the Precious Students to be able to do, thru the Harmony in the feeling —say to all limiting destructive forces or appearances of any kind: "You have no power! Get thee hence"!—and it will be done! You cannot imagine what it means to stand as a target for all the vicious forces of the Earth; for remember the Whole Earth is now coming to know of This Activity. In every country in the World, It has become known. Today, some of the unfortunate Blessed Ones, who have let vicious gossip turn them aside, are seeing their mistakes and will see them more and more; until they return home to This Great Stream of Light. All the vicious human opinions on Earth; dear people, 214 THE "I AM99 DISCOURSES don't matter! Why will mankind not understand and see the first Fundamental of Life is—what Individuals send forth, they must reap! Why will people not understand and believe that—before it is too late; and they have to reap the frightful destruction they send out? Again, We shall be patient, and you will see it return upon its creator. We have been patient through many centuries, will you not be pa- tient with Us a few years ? You will see all the Proof any human Being desires of This Great Law; but It is not affected by human opinions concerning It. We are not affected by human opinions! We utilize the Great Law to the Fullest Degree, which the Law of the Individual will permit, as each one's own Light expands. Therefore We see the Glory. More and more people, the students espe- cially, are coming to a point
[ 275, 505, 220, 279, 9420, 220, 16058, 0, 220, 2100, 1541, 956, 11, 220, 8840, 1541, 956, 11, 220, 11196, 220, 922, 720, 22479, 220, 30440, 220, 328, 4372, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 74933, 13, 220, 1472, 220, 649, 387, 2771, 220, 1306, 720, 64, 5475, 11, 220, 1778, 220, 439, 706, 1027, 220, 323, 220, 374, 1694, 220, 23188, 11, 220, 499, 220, 690, 720, 19553, 220, 46865, 13, 220, 4418, 956, 220, 3488, 220, 279, 2512, 220, 315, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 763, 7058, 614, 3421, 220, 9601, 13, 720, 4438, 220, 304, 279, 4076, 220, 315, 279, 8681, 220, 79723, 220, 315, 8828, 11, 220, 1436, 720, 3852, 3823, 220, 21347, 220, 889, 220, 374, 49424, 220, 304, 279, 7290, 220, 311, 279, 79723, 11, 720, 2000, 279, 19721, 220, 315, 5270, 220, 323, 220, 1202, 9029, 26, 220, 1268, 220, 1436, 220, 568, 720, 269, 1364, 220, 3775, 311, 617, 220, 1102, 5266, 430, 220, 832, 596, 220, 1917, 11, 220, 902, 220, 1053, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 58333, 220, 11483, 720, 68676, 220, 4470, 80758, 220, 439, 20918, 37243, 220, 67344, 220, 323, 220, 49427, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 8828, 11, 220, 32399, 220, 12365, 30, 220, 1102, 1436, 220, 539, 220, 387, 1023, 7058, 4583, 0, 220, 9601, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 2646, 220, 14865, 220, 11699, 35386, 0, 720, 22170, 311, 2733, 520, 3861, 220, 449, 220, 2206, 18396, 0, 220, 6104, 220, 1115, 220, 35969, 685, 720, 285, 51513, 220, 13544, 220, 1139, 220, 701, 220, 1917, 11, 220, 10894, 220, 369, 279, 4545, 720, 9210, 358, 1097, 459, 40660, 2954, 220, 21347, 11, 220, 264, 95789, 220, 21347, 13, 220, 61328, 220, 433, 374, 720, 73254, 220, 719, 220, 279, 7572, 220, 323, 220, 15330, 220, 315, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 9601, 0, 720, 1687, 2011, 220, 636, 499, 311, 2733, 810, 220, 7572, 3725, 220, 279, 44874, 220, 902, 720, 285, 701, 220, 9601, 220, 21800, 1753, 13, 220, 1226, 220, 527, 279, 7572, 220, 315, 9601, 220, 21800, 7058, 1753, 0, 220, 5751, 220, 46551, 11, 220, 5751, 220, 37083, 220, 374, 7953, 220, 18821, 0, 720, 39787, 220, 1578, 0, 220, 16782, 220, 1226, 220, 527, 279, 7572, 220, 323, 220, 279, 79723, 220, 315, 720, 14235, 220, 21800, 1753, 26, 220, 323, 220, 420, 220, 374, 1148, 220, 1226, 220, 1390, 220, 499, 220, 311, 2733, 11, 720, 4291, 220, 1778, 220, 2294, 220, 55349, 2136, 13, 220, 5112, 220, 499, 220, 4148, 220, 505, 220, 701, 720, 14957, 2345, 22479, 220, 8430, 220, 1917, 11, 220, 904, 220, 8430, 220, 1070, 220, 374, 4205, 720, 359, 81324, 220, 922, 220, 279, 220, 15330, 220, 315, 1115, 220, 8681, 220, 7658, 220, 315, 9601, 11, 720, 8370, 220, 19159, 220, 1521, 220, 18591, 220, 369, 499, 220, 323, 220, 279, 4435, 13, 720, 22404, 5047, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 439, 1317, 220, 439, 1070, 220, 374, 264, 8430, 220, 477, 5647, 220, 315, 720, 34431, 220, 69532, 220, 922, 220, 1115, 220, 8681, 220, 7658, 11, 220, 499, 220, 527, 10168, 720, 2181, 311, 1063, 220, 8547, 220, 505, 220, 499, 26, 220, 505, 220, 38117, 220, 304, 323, 220, 3815, 220, 11699, 720, 52141, 220, 5664, 220, 369, 499, 13, 220, 2052, 315, 279, 220, 45572, 220, 315, 43384, 720, 19553, 220, 1903, 220, 279, 220, 5703, 220, 315, 279, 220, 8681, 220, 7658, 220, 315, 9601, 220, 311, 279, 720, 26380, 220, 5647, 11, 220, 2555, 220, 69532, 0, 220, 1102, 374, 539, 0, 220, 7570, 220, 279, 720, 41203, 2711, 220, 374, 439, 15325, 220, 439, 701, 220, 38696, 26, 220, 1606, 220, 1102, 720, 285, 279, 220, 5703, 220, 315, 701, 220, 9601, 11, 220, 15910, 220, 555, 279, 220, 8681, 220, 113744, 7058, 1325, 940, 1534, 220, 4359, 220, 79723, 11, 220, 701, 220, 330, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 1210, 720, 90243, 11, 220, 1095, 603, 3810, 220, 1139, 220, 279, 15325, 220, 8430, 11, 220, 430, 220, 701, 720, 90269, 220, 315, 9601, 220, 374, 279, 22107, 220, 323, 220, 7572, 220, 902, 220, 374, 720, 45359, 220, 1521, 220, 2574, 220, 369, 43384, 220, 323, 220, 279, 4435, 13, 220, 2100, 3117, 439, 220, 11227, 3247, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1484, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 1820, 19721, 220, 315, 5270, 220, 374, 11920, 11, 220, 690, 220, 499, 220, 2733, 220, 449, 720, 7979, 369, 264, 4545, 11, 220, 279, 48550, 12723, 479, 220, 315, 279, 7451, 220, 315, 279, 720, 22111, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 8884, 220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 1457, 220, 2586, 220, 311, 1440, 220, 439, 279, 720, 22111, 220, 61785, 220, 315, 32492, 220, 323, 220, 279, 75268, 220, 1676, 302, 56266, 220, 949, 9062, 720, 4054, 706, 19487, 11, 220, 422, 5995, 11, 220, 430, 220, 330, 791, 220, 8828, 220, 315, 264, 86471, 7058, 92346, 220, 74068, 1359, 220, 4985, 220, 55668, 220, 1139, 220, 279, 9420, 11, 220, 73739, 220, 323, 220, 390, 7058, 32423, 220, 682, 3823, 220, 45743, 2136, 220, 323, 220, 32141, 220, 505, 220, 279, 11841, 0, 720, 9673, 220, 18042, 5014, 220, 527, 8976, 0, 220, 1102, 1587, 220, 3152, 220, 701, 220, 1080, 67334, 720, 4291, 220, 279, 220, 8681, 220, 95789, 220, 7658, 26, 220, 323, 220, 1226, 220, 527, 220, 83399, 220, 279, 720, 38989, 9151, 220, 15330, 11, 220, 41178, 220, 1521, 220, 75268, 220, 41227, 220, 315, 279, 1274, 720, 1073, 9420, 13, 720, 12487, 11, 220, 617, 220, 25775, 220, 311, 733, 389, 11, 323, 220, 389, 11, 323, 220, 389, 11, 304, 1521, 720, 44, 492, 88, 220, 3799, 8016, 0, 220, 60842, 11, 220, 422, 499, 220, 4510, 220, 3092, 220, 28730, 11, 220, 433, 720, 14724, 3041, 220, 499, 220, 264, 33381, 220, 99630, 220, 323, 220, 32937, 11, 220, 264, 33381, 720, 20361, 220, 315, 74658, 11, 220, 304, 11699, 4984, 220, 41178, 220, 4314, 220, 3799, 8016, 2345, 18614, 720, 1820, 10723, 220, 323, 220, 8430, 220, 1917, 220, 315, 43384, 26, 220, 311, 2804, 220, 1115, 720, 1898, 220, 902, 220, 374, 2631, 220, 323, 220, 1102, 374, 682, 264, 79477, 6060, 9109, 720, 45, 835, 51785, 220, 52537, 13, 220, 1666, 499, 220, 3719, 220, 810, 220, 8010, 220, 315, 433, 11, 720, 9514, 3240, 220, 311, 2733, 220, 439, 499, 220, 2011, 220, 1457, 11, 220, 279, 48550, 12723, 479, 220, 315, 701, 720, 56392, 13, 220, 52950, 220, 449, 220, 279, 94574, 220, 3308, 11, 220, 499, 220, 690, 220, 1505, 220, 420, 720, 36022, 220, 449, 220, 76263, 408, 7162, 220, 33381, 220, 7572, 220, 304, 701, 220, 1917, 26, 720, 438, 499, 220, 690, 220, 3240, 220, 311, 1518, 810, 220, 19019, 220, 279, 4470, 2320, 858, 1711, 720, 1073, 701, 220, 7290, 13, 720, 40, 1390, 220, 311, 89246, 220, 1057, 7984, 5047, 220, 4491, 13, 220, 323, 220, 18083, 13, 220, 97781, 301, 277, 720, 263, 279, 220, 22168, 11, 220, 369, 11509, 220, 2403, 220, 40652, 220, 8603, 720, 8370, 220, 617, 220, 19029, 220, 1027, 220, 6612, 220, 5304, 220, 420, 220, 9420, 13, 220, 4800, 220, 872, 720, 47991, 220, 14993, 220, 374, 5946, 11, 220, 323, 220, 358, 89246, 220, 1124, 13, 220, 358, 6562, 720, 998, 27116, 220, 872, 220, 6206, 11, 220, 41178, 220, 279, 42619, 596, 13, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 58333, 220, 220, 11702, 720, 22404, 5047, 220, 20783, 11, 220, 358, 1390, 220, 311, 2019, 311, 1884, 220, 889, 220, 617, 220, 1063, 7058, 15487, 220, 6612, 220, 9200, 220, 477, 74797, 25, 220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 912, 810, 220, 4623, 720, 54895, 220, 459, 31383, 11, 220, 1148, 220, 1521, 220, 77097, 220, 74933, 220, 617, 220, 1047, 220, 311, 2559, 720, 69849, 220, 505, 220, 279, 63667, 220, 5457, 220, 315, 3823, 220, 9886, 26, 220, 369, 420, 720, 34015, 10119, 220, 706, 220, 1027, 220, 264, 270, 1540, 220, 304, 279, 3185, 220, 315, 279, 63667, 220, 1645, 7058, 83, 1968, 11, 220, 463, 634, 287, 220, 433, 323, 220, 690, 220, 3136, 220, 311, 0, 362, 27191, 261, 220, 12542, 720, 285, 420, 220, 3814, 220, 9277, 220, 922, 220, 1124, 11, 220, 872, 220, 2162, 220, 323, 220, 5820, 26, 720, 438, 264, 7191, 220, 23871, 220, 690, 220, 5266, 1855, 220, 832, 11, 220, 872, 220, 24800, 220, 323, 720, 7323, 13, 720, 791, 19234, 15232, 220, 14980, 220, 2403, 220, 279, 2294, 220, 88792, 220, 304, 279, 720, 7413, 1251, 11, 220, 30240, 220, 872, 220, 24151, 11, 220, 323, 220, 1457, 220, 814, 220, 649, 720, 4355, 7595, 220, 520, 682, 3823, 220, 40652, 220, 7640, 220, 323, 220, 1440, 220, 814, 720, 19553, 220, 912, 2410, 0, 220, 2100, 1521, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 74933, 220, 690, 220, 387, 3025, 220, 311, 2019, 720, 998, 682, 40652, 220, 8603, 25, 220, 330, 2675, 220, 617, 220, 912, 2410, 0, 220, 2175, 220, 40344, 720, 71, 768, 1, 0, 220, 3011, 220, 374, 1148, 220, 1226, 220, 1390, 220, 1475, 220, 832, 220, 315, 279, 42770, 1245, 720, 32052, 220, 311, 387, 3025, 220, 311, 656, 11, 41178, 220, 279, 66480, 220, 304, 279, 8430, 720, 2345, 37890, 220, 311, 682, 33994, 220, 40652, 220, 8603, 220, 477, 27351, 220, 315, 720, 3852, 3169, 25, 220, 330, 2675, 220, 617, 220, 912, 2410, 0, 220, 2175, 220, 40344, 220, 16472, 1, 0, 2345, 438, 220, 433, 720, 14724, 387, 2884, 0, 720, 2675, 4250, 220, 13085, 220, 1148, 220, 433, 3445, 220, 311, 2559, 220, 439, 264, 2218, 720, 2000, 682, 279, 43510, 220, 8603, 220, 315, 279, 9420, 26, 220, 369, 6227, 220, 279, 720, 91682, 220, 9420, 220, 374, 1457, 220, 5108, 220, 311, 1440, 220, 315, 1115, 220, 15330, 13, 720, 644, 1475, 220, 3224, 220, 304, 279, 220, 4435, 11, 220, 1102, 706, 220, 3719, 220, 3967, 13, 720, 15724, 11, 220, 1063, 220, 315, 279, 34707, 220, 77097, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 889, 220, 617, 720, 1169, 43510, 220, 58587, 220, 2543, 220, 1124, 220, 16038, 11, 220, 527, 9298, 220, 872, 220, 21294, 720, 438, 690, 220, 1518, 1124, 220, 810, 220, 323, 220, 810, 26, 220, 3156, 220, 814, 220, 471, 220, 2162, 720, 998, 1115, 220, 8681, 220, 9384, 220, 315, 8828, 13, 720, 2460, 279, 43510, 220, 3823, 220, 18463, 220, 389, 9420, 26, 220, 25237, 220, 1274, 11, 220, 11584, 3247, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1484, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 15357, 956, 220, 5030, 0, 220, 8595, 220, 690, 220, 43384, 220, 539, 220, 3619, 220, 323, 220, 1518, 720, 1820, 1176, 220, 92539, 220, 315, 9601, 220, 374, 2345, 12840, 220, 62525, 220, 3708, 720, 71627, 11, 220, 814, 220, 2011, 220, 58003, 0, 220, 8595, 220, 690, 220, 1274, 220, 539, 220, 3619, 720, 438, 4510, 220, 430, 2345, 15145, 220, 433, 374, 2288, 3389, 26, 220, 323, 220, 814, 220, 617, 220, 311, 58003, 720, 1820, 30647, 1285, 220, 19814, 220, 814, 220, 3708, 220, 704, 30, 220, 14077, 11, 220, 1226, 4985, 220, 387, 720, 23557, 11, 220, 323, 220, 499, 220, 690, 220, 1518, 433, 471, 220, 5304, 220, 1202, 20514, 13, 220, 1226, 617, 720, 82850, 220, 8893, 220, 1555, 220, 1690, 220, 24552, 11, 220, 690, 220, 499, 220, 539, 387, 7251, 7058, 83, 1188, 220, 449, 220, 4073, 264, 2478, 220, 1667, 220, 949, 1472, 220, 690, 220, 1518, 682, 279, 38091, 220, 904, 720, 26380, 220, 21347, 220, 32097, 220, 315, 1115, 220, 8681, 220, 7658, 26, 220, 719, 220, 1102, 374, 539, 720, 32157, 220, 555, 3823, 220, 18463, 220, 18815, 220, 1102, 13, 1226, 220, 527, 220, 539, 720, 32157, 220, 555, 3823, 220, 18463, 0, 220, 1226, 220, 29166, 220, 279, 8681, 220, 7658, 220, 311, 720, 1820, 435, 41154, 267, 220, 38182, 11, 220, 902, 220, 279, 7658, 220, 315, 279, 30440, 220, 690, 720, 40781, 11, 220, 439, 1855, 220, 832, 596, 220, 1866, 220, 8828, 220, 52956, 13, 220, 15636, 220, 1226, 720, 4151, 279, 59261, 13, 220, 4497, 220, 323, 220, 810, 220, 1274, 11, 220, 279, 4236, 220, 1560, 375, 7058, 16158, 398, 11, 220, 527, 5108, 220, 311, 264, 1486 ]
are partly to blame. As his paper indicates, “ancestral-type” breastfeeding and weaning are important for the development of the face and jaw. While we might equate dental decay with diet in adulthood, the highly processed baby foods, artificial baby milk formulas, and “commercial nipples” that are all so common in use today were simply not available before the Industrial Revolution.15 Dr. Boyd concludes that treatment, prevention, or reversal of malocclusion may help to address SDB. From an evolutionary standpoint, he argues that pediatric dentists are uniquely placed to identify those patients who are at risk of OSA and SDB, and that their practices should acknowledge aspects that impact long-term health, such as airway size. Thefact is that set-back jaws increase the risk of sleep apnea for the rest of a child’ s life. Dr. Boyd proposes that pediatric sleep medicine centers should employ at least one dentist experienced in dentofacial issues related to sleep problems and OSA, and sugges ts rewriting the rulebook when it comes to cephalometric norms (the models used by dentists to measure “correct” proportions of the skull and face).15 The current models are almost entirely based on twentieth-century skulls and fail to take the evolu tion of the human chewing apparatus into account. These considerations apply to traditional orthodontic techniques such as tooth extraction and retraction of the jaw for aesthetic alignment. In his paper on airway-centric dentistry, Dr. William Hang explains that it has been recognized for more than 30 years that the upper jaw rarely protrudes and is more commonly set back, yet treatment is still often directed to correcting protrusio n of the upper teeth. Dr. Hang argues that extraction of bicuspid (premola r) teeth and retraction of the incisors and canine teeth negatively affects airway size and that dentists must consider how these procedures impact the airway, concluding, “Clearly, extraction/retraction must stop.”27 TREA TMENT OPTIONS Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most severe form of SDB. It is caused by a series of anatomical factors that reduce the size of the space at the back of the nose, mouth, and throat, and problems that make the upper airway more likely to collapse. This explains why children with craniofacial syndromes and conditions including cerebral palsy, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and obesity are more at risk. Anatomically, children with OSA have a soft palate that is on average 30% larger than normal.44 This causes extra restriction to the airway. Furthe r contributing features include a buildup of fluid in the eardrum and inflamed sinuses, perhaps indicating that a more general disorder af fects the airway as a whole.44 The simplest explanation is that most children with OSA have dif ficulty breathing through the nose. Not all children with enlar ged adenoids and tonsils suffer from OSA— craniofacial structure, genetic, and neuromuscular functions can also play a part—but the severity of OSA is related to the size of those tissues. One2002 study confirms that the top two-thirds of the upper airway is around 50% smaller in children with OSA than in other children.45 While further research is needed, it is thought that this narrow point is where airway obstruction occurs in OSA. For this reason, the most common treatment for OSA in nonobese children is surgical removal of the tonsils and/or adenoids.15 However, adenotonsillectomy can leave a child with residual SDB.43 Despite its popularity, the overall effectiveness of the operation as a treatment for OSA was unknow n until the following 2010 study. It was acknowledged that success rates were likely to be lower than estimated, and factors that leave the child with unresolved OSA after treatment were still undefined. In 2010, scientists from the University of Chicago’ s Department of Pediatrics carried out a multicenter review of otherwise healthy children under going adenotonsillectomy as a treatment for OSA.46 The study looke d at 578 children who were treated in pediatric sleep centers in the United States and Euro pe. Around 50% of the children were obese. Data included results from all preoperative and postoperative nocturnal polysomnograms —a polysomnogram is a test that records brain waves, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, respiratory rate, and eye and leg movements during sleep. Removing the adenoids and tonsils significantly reduced the number of apneas and hypopneas per hour of sleep (AHI), but OSA was only completely resolved in 27% of the children. While this was considered a significant improvement, symptoms persisted after treatment for a large number of subjects, particularly those who were obese, having asthma and older than 7 years.46 The fact that nearly three-quarters of the children continued to have sleep apnea post-tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy points to causative factors aside from enlar ged adenoids and tonsils. It is logical to argue that a child with underdeveloped airways and/or a habit of mouth/faster breathing is more likely to experience resistance to breathing during sleep and therefore suf fer SDB. There is growing evidence that medications including intranasal steroids may be helpful in mild OSA.44 The very fact that nasal decongestants can help with minor instances of the condition points to nasal stuffiness as a problem. That means that exercises to unblock the nose can be used successfully in place of medic ation. Widening the upper jaw (maxillaryexpansion), known to be a useful treatment for SDB, can also be considered in cases of childhood OSA. According to an article published in the American Journ al of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedi cs in 1987, the procedure may be warranted on the basis of airway size alone.47 TONGUE-TIE AND BOTTLE FEEDING Distinct from the adult conditi on, the onset of OSA in children can be caused by abnormal activity of the tongue.48 This may be down to genetic and anatomical factors such as tongue-tie, though it is more commonly the result of bottlefeeding and habits including pacifier use, digit sucking, or sucking the lip, arm, or a blanke t. In adults, OSA is affected by poor tongue resting position and tongue size. In a healthy child, the tongue rests high in the palate.49 This is the resting position conducive to nasal breathing. Correctly placed, the tongue shapes the upper jaw into a wide U, forming the basis for an attractive, well-proportioned face and jaws that are big enough to house all of the adult teeth without crowding. The activity of the tongue—sucking, swallowing, and chewing—s timulates oral-fa cial development, a process that continues until the child is around 13 to 15 years old. However, narrow jaws or constrictions of the tissues can make it difficult for a baby to suckle or hold his or her tongue in the correct place. When the mouth hang s open, the tongue cannot rest easily in the roof of the mouth, and poor breathing habits form. A tongue-tie, or short lingual frenulum, occurs when the tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth is too tight.49 Babies with this condition may find breastfeedin g difficult because they are unable to lift their tongue sufficiently to extract milk from the breast. This may cause frustration or fussy feeding in the baby, and the mother may experience nipple soreness, blocked ducts, or mastitis. When breastfeeding is problematic because of tongue-t ie, the answer is usually to introduce bottle- feeding, while the underlying cause goes undiagnosed. Tongue-tie is a relatively comm on condition in newborns, but it does have an impact on development if left untreated.50 Without the freedom to suckle correctly, the child can develop a tongue thrust that leads tomisalignment of the jaws, and infants with a tongue-tie are more likely to be exclu sively bottle fed by one week of age. Lip-tie has not received the same attention in studies as tongue-tie, but it is also known to cause difficulty in breastfeeding.51 In older children, an untreated tongue-tie has been shown to create speech difficulties and contribu te to SDB. The modified tongue position leads to mouth breathing, the development of an anterior and posterior crossbite, and imbalanced, disproportionate growth of both the upper and lower jaw. All these anatomical changes af fect the size of the upper airway. An article by Brian G. Palmer published in Sleep Review in 2003 explains that a high palate can also affect breathing and the alignment of the teeth.52 Palmer writes, “Since the roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nose, any increase in the height of the palate decreases the volume size of the nasal chamber.” This reduce d size increases nasal air resistance. A high palate can cause the opening at the back of the nose to narrow, which means the soft-tissue region of the airway is smaller and more likely to collapse. Palmer points
[ 527, 28135, 311, 19065, 13, 1666, 813, 5684, 198, 485, 25858, 11, 1054, 685, 56070, 10827, 863, 65864, 323, 584, 44159, 527, 3062, 369, 279, 198, 30671, 315, 279, 3663, 323, 16942, 13, 6104, 584, 2643, 3312, 349, 29106, 31815, 449, 198, 94942, 304, 64033, 11, 279, 7701, 15590, 8945, 15657, 11, 21075, 220, 8945, 14403, 198, 630, 26622, 11, 323, 1054, 84707, 68212, 863, 430, 527, 682, 779, 4279, 304, 1005, 3432, 198, 52898, 5042, 539, 2561, 1603, 279, 25563, 22910, 13, 868, 198, 9023, 13, 63721, 45537, 430, 6514, 11, 27344, 11, 477, 59214, 315, 198, 14991, 511, 9134, 1253, 1520, 311, 2686, 328, 3590, 13, 5659, 459, 41993, 51882, 345, 383, 29633, 430, 53166, 18653, 1705, 527, 42329, 9277, 311, 10765, 1884, 198, 81437, 889, 527, 520, 5326, 315, 507, 7934, 323, 328, 3590, 11, 323, 430, 872, 12659, 1288, 198, 474, 52286, 13878, 430, 5536, 1317, 9860, 2890, 11, 1778, 439, 3805, 3195, 1404, 13, 578, 34210, 374, 430, 743, 15825, 82356, 5376, 279, 5326, 315, 6212, 1469, 33252, 369, 279, 2800, 315, 264, 198, 3124, 529, 274, 2324, 13, 2999, 13, 63721, 55725, 430, 53166, 6212, 16088, 19169, 1288, 198, 7823, 520, 3325, 832, 50351, 10534, 304, 18653, 1073, 33211, 4819, 5552, 311, 6212, 198, 96440, 323, 507, 7934, 11, 323, 274, 2661, 288, 10814, 95545, 279, 6037, 2239, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 198, 59822, 278, 24264, 40851, 320, 1820, 4211, 1511, 555, 18653, 1705, 311, 6767, 1054, 20523, 89874, 782, 403, 919, 315, 279, 35113, 323, 3663, 570, 868, 578, 1510, 4211, 527, 4661, 11622, 198, 31039, 389, 62520, 34457, 98712, 323, 3775, 311, 1935, 279, 3721, 44906, 73352, 315, 279, 198, 26380, 75477, 41705, 1139, 2759, 13, 4314, 38864, 3881, 311, 198, 88008, 30299, 86815, 292, 12823, 1778, 439, 26588, 33289, 323, 312, 27523, 315, 198, 1820, 16942, 369, 37637, 17632, 627, 644, 813, 5684, 389, 3805, 3195, 65524, 18653, 5050, 1174, 2999, 13, 12656, 41875, 15100, 430, 198, 275, 706, 1027, 15324, 369, 810, 1109, 220, 966, 1667, 430, 279, 8582, 16942, 19029, 198, 782, 376, 29246, 323, 374, 810, 17037, 743, 1203, 11, 3686, 6514, 374, 2103, 3629, 198, 20384, 291, 311, 82475, 81458, 355, 822, 308, 315, 279, 8582, 18311, 13, 2999, 13, 41875, 29633, 430, 198, 327, 27523, 315, 293, 59344, 10629, 320, 1762, 76, 8083, 436, 8, 18311, 323, 312, 27523, 315, 279, 3709, 42314, 323, 198, 4919, 483, 18311, 48291, 22223, 3805, 3195, 1404, 323, 430, 18653, 1705, 2011, 2980, 198, 5269, 1521, 16346, 5536, 279, 3805, 3195, 1174, 72126, 1174, 1054, 75471, 13801, 327, 27523, 10991, 27523, 2011, 3009, 2029, 1544, 198, 51, 41806, 350, 5441, 52380, 198, 4213, 1257, 535, 6212, 1469, 33252, 320, 3204, 32, 8, 374, 279, 1455, 15748, 1376, 315, 328, 3590, 13, 1102, 374, 9057, 198, 1729, 264, 4101, 315, 75893, 950, 9547, 220, 430, 8108, 279, 1404, 315, 279, 3634, 220, 520, 279, 1203, 198, 1073, 279, 19689, 11, 11013, 11, 323, 28691, 11, 323, 5435, 430, 1304, 279, 8582, 3805, 3195, 198, 6518, 4461, 311, 18678, 13, 1115, 15100, 3249, 2911, 449, 70637, 822, 22974, 532, 198, 23707, 303, 442, 288, 323, 4787, 2737, 60745, 281, 60384, 1174, 57596, 22408, 2381, 285, 11, 51643, 345, 438, 33048, 527, 810, 520, 5326, 13, 1556, 22612, 2740, 1174, 2911, 449, 507, 7934, 617, 264, 8579, 198, 19866, 349, 430, 374, 389, 5578, 220, 966, 4, 8294, 1109, 4725, 13, 2096, 1115, 11384, 5066, 198, 72431, 311, 279, 3805, 3195, 662, 50940, 1820, 436, 29820, 4519, 2997, 264, 86765, 315, 198, 67125, 304, 279, 384, 569, 10952, 323, 4704, 3690, 7589, 4881, 11, 8530, 19392, 430, 264, 810, 198, 25615, 19823, 8136, 282, 115192, 279, 3805, 3195, 439, 264, 4459, 13, 2096, 578, 45648, 16540, 374, 198, 9210, 1455, 2911, 449, 507, 7934, 617, 1422, 282, 27081, 27027, 1555, 279, 19689, 627, 2688, 682, 2911, 220, 449, 665, 14115, 53293, 100213, 17390, 323, 20181, 8839, 7831, 505, 507, 7934, 2345, 198, 73085, 822, 22974, 532, 6070, 11, 19465, 11, 323, 21143, 442, 355, 22077, 5865, 649, 1101, 1514, 264, 198, 4581, 38542, 279, 31020, 315, 507, 7934, 374, 5552, 311, 279, 1404, 315, 1884, 39881, 13, 3861, 1049, 17, 4007, 43496, 430, 279, 1948, 1403, 45726, 315, 279, 8582, 3805, 3195, 374, 2212, 198, 1135, 4, 9333, 304, 2911, 449, 507, 7934, 1109, 304, 1023, 2911, 13, 1774, 6104, 4726, 198, 61564, 374, 4460, 11, 433, 374, 3463, 430, 420, 15376, 1486, 374, 1405, 3805, 3195, 198, 677, 3099, 13980, 304, 507, 7934, 13, 1789, 420, 2944, 11, 279, 1455, 4279, 6514, 369, 198, 3204, 32, 304, 2536, 677, 2423, 2911, 374, 34933, 17065, 315, 279, 20181, 8839, 323, 5255, 198, 21825, 17390, 13, 868, 4452, 1174, 100213, 354, 2439, 321, 772, 5650, 649, 5387, 264, 1716, 449, 33247, 198, 50, 3590, 13, 3391, 18185, 220, 1202, 23354, 1174, 279, 8244, 27375, 315, 279, 5784, 439, 264, 198, 83, 35320, 369, 507, 7934, 574, 84644, 308, 3156, 279, 2768, 220, 679, 15, 4007, 662, 1102, 574, 198, 474, 51122, 3640, 430, 2450, 7969, 1051, 4461, 311, 387, 4827, 1109, 13240, 11, 323, 198, 69, 21846, 430, 5387, 279, 1716, 449, 81261, 507, 7934, 1306, 6514, 1051, 2103, 198, 9811, 627, 644, 220, 679, 15, 11, 14248, 505, 279, 3907, 315, 10780, 529, 274, 6011, 315, 198, 36294, 71528, 11953, 704, 264, 92520, 1992, 3477, 315, 6062, 9498, 2911, 198, 8154, 2133, 100213, 354, 2439, 321, 772, 5650, 439, 264, 6514, 369, 507, 7934, 13, 2790, 578, 4007, 781, 4845, 294, 198, 266, 220, 22915, 2911, 889, 1051, 12020, 304, 53166, 6212, 19169, 304, 279, 3723, 198, 24137, 323, 20026, 1069, 13, 33916, 220, 1135, 4, 315, 279, 2911, 1051, 50320, 13, 2956, 5343, 198, 8234, 505, 682, 864, 43719, 323, 1772, 43719, 93101, 63550, 99919, 316, 77, 56485, 198, 29096, 99919, 316, 77, 13255, 374, 264, 1296, 430, 7576, 8271, 17301, 11, 6680, 24463, 5990, 345, 18207, 4478, 11, 42631, 4478, 11, 323, 8071, 323, 2531, 19567, 2391, 6212, 627, 64719, 279, 100213, 17390, 323, 20181, 8839, 12207, 11293, 279, 1396, 315, 198, 391, 98357, 323, 9950, 454, 98357, 824, 6596, 315, 6212, 320, 32, 24860, 705, 719, 507, 7934, 574, 1193, 198, 884, 50268, 20250, 304, 220, 1544, 4, 315, 279, 2911, 13, 6104, 420, 574, 6646, 264, 198, 91645, 16048, 11, 13803, 54095, 1306, 6514, 369, 264, 3544, 198, 4174, 315, 15223, 11, 8104, 1884, 889, 1051, 50320, 11, 3515, 51643, 323, 198, 2061, 1109, 220, 22, 1667, 13, 2790, 578, 2144, 430, 7154, 2380, 83641, 315, 279, 2911, 198, 86957, 311, 617, 6212, 1469, 33252, 1772, 12, 35511, 321, 772, 5650, 323, 100213, 590, 72783, 3585, 198, 998, 25540, 1413, 9547, 16038, 505, 665, 14115, 53293, 100213, 17390, 323, 20181, 8839, 13, 1102, 374, 20406, 311, 198, 867, 361, 430, 264, 1716, 449, 1234, 16219, 291, 3805, 2336, 323, 5255, 264, 14464, 315, 198, 33780, 6801, 2352, 27027, 374, 810, 4461, 311, 3217, 13957, 311, 27027, 198, 82977, 6212, 323, 9093, 56868, 18728, 328, 3590, 627, 3947, 374, 7982, 6029, 430, 31010, 2737, 10805, 26997, 278, 58161, 198, 18864, 387, 11190, 304, 23900, 507, 7934, 13, 2096, 578, 1633, 2144, 430, 72188, 409, 444, 7114, 1821, 649, 198, 8823, 449, 9099, 220, 13422, 315, 279, 3044, 3585, 311, 72188, 6392, 1918, 439, 264, 198, 35686, 13, 3011, 3445, 430, 23783, 311, 653, 4677, 279, 19689, 649, 387, 1511, 198, 61605, 304, 2035, 315, 8249, 520, 290, 13, 48740, 6147, 279, 8582, 16942, 320, 2880, 35605, 4683, 10722, 705, 3967, 311, 387, 264, 5505, 6514, 369, 328, 3590, 11, 649, 1101, 387, 6646, 198, 258, 5157, 315, 20587, 507, 7934, 13, 10771, 311, 459, 4652, 4756, 304, 279, 198, 29518, 622, 3514, 453, 315, 32210, 86815, 1233, 323, 43911, 1073, 33211, 32210, 16771, 72, 10755, 304, 220, 3753, 22, 345, 1820, 10537, 1253, 387, 74280, 389, 279, 8197, 315, 3805, 3195, 1404, 7636, 13, 2618, 198, 51, 7691, 2279, 9469, 5484, 3651, 426, 24732, 877, 29031, 1507, 1753, 198, 73867, 505, 279, 6822, 9955, 12583, 389, 11, 279, 42080, 315, 507, 7934, 304, 2911, 649, 387, 198, 936, 2656, 555, 35663, 5820, 315, 279, 25466, 13, 2166, 1115, 1253, 387, 1523, 311, 19465, 198, 438, 75893, 950, 9547, 1778, 439, 25466, 2442, 648, 11, 3582, 433, 374, 810, 17037, 279, 198, 1407, 315, 16893, 46519, 323, 26870, 2737, 23744, 3125, 1005, 11, 16099, 44625, 11, 477, 198, 82, 47270, 279, 19588, 11, 6916, 11, 477, 264, 1529, 89829, 259, 13, 763, 12884, 11, 507, 7934, 374, 11754, 555, 8009, 25466, 198, 4014, 287, 2361, 323, 25466, 1404, 627, 644, 264, 9498, 1716, 11, 279, 25466, 54331, 1579, 304, 279, 77338, 13, 2491, 1115, 374, 279, 198, 4014, 287, 2361, 95561, 311, 72188, 27027, 13, 41070, 398, 9277, 1174, 279, 25466, 198, 93159, 279, 8582, 16942, 1139, 264, 7029, 549, 11, 30164, 279, 8197, 369, 459, 19411, 345, 9336, 10039, 15750, 291, 3663, 323, 82356, 430, 527, 2466, 3403, 311, 3838, 682, 315, 279, 6822, 198, 668, 774, 2085, 9460, 7113, 13, 578, 5820, 315, 279, 25466, 2345, 82, 47270, 11, 91747, 345, 438, 75477, 2345, 82, 6935, 24031, 21308, 2269, 64, 272, 532, 4500, 11, 264, 1920, 430, 9731, 198, 39830, 279, 1716, 374, 2212, 220, 1032, 311, 220, 868, 1667, 2362, 13, 4452, 1174, 15376, 82356, 477, 198, 444, 6765, 919, 315, 279, 39881, 649, 1304, 433, 5107, 369, 264, 8945, 311, 19419, 273, 477, 3412, 198, 26301, 477, 1077, 25466, 304, 279, 4495, 2035, 13, 3277, 279, 11013, 15020, 274, 1825, 11, 279, 198, 83, 647, 361, 4250, 2800, 6847, 304, 279, 15485, 315, 279, 11013, 11, 323, 8009, 27027, 26870, 198, 630, 627, 32, 25466, 2442, 648, 11, 477, 2875, 38172, 940, 47934, 16903, 11, 13980, 994, 279, 20438, 430, 198, 1617, 14576, 279, 25466, 311, 279, 6558, 315, 279, 11013, 374, 2288, 10508, 13, 2491, 93792, 449, 420, 198, 9233, 1253, 1505, 17659, 11432, 258, 342, 5107, 1606, 814, 527, 12153, 311, 12157, 198, 50828, 25466, 40044, 311, 8819, 14403, 505, 279, 17659, 13, 1115, 1253, 5353, 198, 1658, 3497, 367, 477, 282, 13753, 26040, 304, 279, 8945, 1174, 323, 279, 6691, 1253, 3217, 198, 77, 52264, 36366, 2136, 11, 19857, 45339, 82, 11, 477, 19218, 20000, 13, 3277, 65864, 374, 198, 35686, 780, 1606, 315, 25466, 2442, 30958, 11, 279, 4320, 374, 6118, 311, 19678, 16893, 7058, 46519, 11, 1418, 279, 16940, 5353, 5900, 2073, 72, 3326, 20158, 627, 51, 647, 361, 2442, 648, 374, 264, 12309, 1081, 389, 3044, 304, 46397, 82, 11, 719, 433, 1587, 198, 19553, 459, 5536, 389, 4500, 422, 2163, 83920, 13, 1135, 17586, 279, 11542, 311, 198, 82, 57075, 12722, 1174, 279, 1716, 649, 2274, 264, 25466, 30985, 430, 11767, 10390, 285, 45698, 315, 279, 82356, 11, 323, 42534, 449, 264, 25466, 2442, 648, 527, 810, 4461, 311, 198, 1395, 81384, 84, 274, 3210, 16893, 23114, 555, 832, 2046, 315, 4325, 13, 42239, 2442, 648, 706, 539, 4036, 279, 198, 25030, 6666, 304, 7978, 439, 25466, 2442, 648, 11, 719, 433, 374, 1101, 3967, 311, 5353, 198, 72964, 304, 65864, 13, 3971, 198, 644, 9191, 220, 2911, 11, 459, 83920, 25466, 2442, 648, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 1893, 198, 89325, 27129, 323, 6044, 84, 1028, 311, 328, 3590, 13, 578, 11041, 25466, 2361, 198, 99470, 311, 11013, 27027, 11, 279, 4500, 315, 459, 37229, 323, 46000, 198, 29942, 91035, 11, 323, 737, 59502, 11, 80153, 6650, 315, 2225, 279, 8582, 323, 198, 15115, 16942, 662, 2052, 1521, 75893, 950, 4442, 8136, 282, 440, 279, 1404, 315, 279, 8582, 3805, 3195, 16853, 2127, 4652, 555, 17520, 480, 13, 42216, 4756, 304, 24708, 10506, 220, 304, 220, 1049, 18, 198, 30992, 1771, 430, 264, 1579, 77338, 649, 1101, 7958, 27027, 323, 279, 17632, 315, 279, 198, 668, 774, 13, 4103, 42216, 14238, 11, 1054, 12834, 279, 15485, 315, 279, 11013, 374, 1101, 279, 6558, 315, 279, 198, 77, 974, 11, 904, 5376, 304, 279, 2673, 220, 315, 279, 77338, 43154, 279, 8286, 1404, 315, 198, 1820, 72188, 25199, 662, 863, 1115, 8108, 294, 1404, 12992, 72188, 3805, 13957, 13, 362, 1579, 198, 19866, 349, 649, 5353, 279, 8736, 520, 279, 1203, 315, 279, 19689, 311, 15376, 1174, 902, 3445, 198, 1820, 8579, 2442, 11407, 5654, 315, 279, 3805, 3195, 374, 9333, 323, 810, 4461, 311, 18678, 627, 20577, 1195, 3585 ]
might find it as overwhelming as you feared it would be. The wild and out-of-control emotions that you’ve struggled so long to contain—creating, in so doing, your wild and out-of-control physical appetites—have all been stirred up. Your detoxification process, both emotional and physical, is in full swing now. You may even be experiencing some chemical withdrawal as you let go of certain foods.As an overeater, you’ve addressed the wildness of your emotional nature with what is ironically a very disciplined approach to life: You will go eat now. You have been disciplined, but disciplined by fear. What might have seemed to you or others like a complete lack of discipline on your part has actually been a strict adherence to an internal, dictatorial authority. The problem is that that internal authority is the voice of fear and compulsion instead of the voice of your true self. As your mind realigns with its true self, your body will realign with its true self. Being a divine creation, you know exactly what to do and how to be—on every level of your existence. Y our bodily appetites are programmed naturally to follow the instructions of a divine intelligence. Your overeating, however, has been like a hacker that has reprogrammed your computer. What we’re doing now is programming it back. This reprogramming cannot be accomplished overnight. One aspect of your personality that has been damaged by your addictive tendencies is the ability to tolerate discomfort. When it comes to a compulsive ur ge to eat, you need it when you need it. Results must occur immediately. And now you are likely to exercise the same lack of impulse control and impose the same intolerance on your weight-loss process. You want it and you want it now, and if it doesn’ t happen by Thursday, then you might as well go back to your old habits, because obviously this doesn’ t work. Now is a time to exercise discipline: not of your appetites, but of your thoughts. Y ou know a lot about the discipline of fear; now it’ s time to learn about the discipline of love. Love is merciful, gentle, understanding, patient, for giving, and kind. So you must be toward yourself as you go through this process. No one needs to remind you of the many ef forts you’ve made to lose weight in your past. It’ s not as though you haven’ t tried. Y et the same violence toward self that was displayed in the moment when you overate was then displayed when you fell of f the wagon. You’re not good. Y ou’re a failur e. You’re weak. I hate you. Let’ s eat. Now look at what happens when you take a loving approach to weight loss. In a way, you’re relearning how to feed yourself like a stroke victim might have to relearn how to speak or walk. Sometimes the smallest action represents the biggest step forward. A minimal improvement can be an important break from the past.It might not seem like a big deal for someone else, but for you, it’ s extraordinary that you woke up one morning not obsessed with what you would eat today. For you, this represents a change, a pattern interruption, created in part by the work you’ve been doing with this course. And it builds on the musculature that will ultimately result in a new persona, new behavior, and new body. You deserve credit for this. Please read that last sentence again. You deserve cr edit for this. Do not discount the significance of this change, for the slightest break in the chain of horror makes room for the beginning of a new chain—a chain of healthy thoughts and healthy appetites. This change, however small at first, must be affirmed, celebrated, and built upon—which it cannot be if you discount it. You are not in the habit of celebrating yourself when it comes to how you eat, and you owe it to yourself—and to this process—to learn to do it. Conscious weight loss does not involve hating yourself; hatred is blasphemy, which means thinking that is contrary to the thoughts of God. That which is contrary to Divine Mind cannot possibly be your salvation, as your salvation lies in aligning with, not working against, the divine. It is love and only love that will heal you. The miraculous change in perception here means going from hating how you have been, to loving the possibility of who you can now be. You must choose the new you in order to become the new you. The issue here is not what you are running away from, but rather what you are running towar d. You’re not just rejecting what you don’ t want, but proactively claiming what you do. The only way to break from your subconscious belief that eating is the source of your comfort is by building on your faith that God is the source of your comfort. Y our relationship with the divine is not just something to reluctantly embrace, as in “Okay, if I have to.” It’ s the relationship that you most yearn for in your heart, whether you realize it or not. Y ou can’ t break your dysfunctional habit of doing whatever the fear -mind commands except by building on your relationship with love. Y ou must cultivate a passion for what you really, truly want. And what you really, truly want is love. That is the meaning of discipleship, which obviously comes from the same root as the word discipline. Your problem is not lack of discipline, but rather misplaced discipline. Discipleship means disciplining yourself to serve the divine.The divine is the source of your good, just as overeating is the source of your destruction. Serving the divine leads to healing yourself, just as serving the fear -mind leads to hurting yourself. As you do these lessons, false comfort will give way to true comfort, and self-destruction will give way to self-nourishment and self-care. All of this is for one reason only: so you can better show up for love. Isn’t it extraordinary, if you think about it, how much ener gy human beings put into avoiding the idea that love is the answer? How many 800 numbers have you called, doctors have you seen, sur geries have you endured, exercises have you done, seminars have you attended, fancy diets have you tried—all of which might have cost you time and money you scarcely had—in an ef fort to try to get a plane into the air with what amounted to only one engine? Love costs nothing. No time. No money. No ef fort, really. Yet the fear - mind, the mind that is your compulsion, would do anything to dissuade you from doing the one thing it knows would make it disappear in an instant. For the fear -mind is on its own quest for self-preservation. It doesn’ t mind your trying to lose weight, for it knows that without divine help, you will be in its grip forever anyway. In fact, it loves to trip you up with one more diet that it knows you won’ t be able to stick to. According to A Course in Miracles, the dictate of the fear -mind, when it comes to love, will always be that you seek but do not find. Begin to give more conscious attention to how your spiritual quest fits into your weight-loss ef forts. Expand your thinking to a more soulful motivation for why you want to lose weight in the first place. Is it simply to look better? There is certainly nothing wrong with that, but of itself it doesn’ t attract spiritual support. As a bodily concern, it keeps your consciousness bound to the level of the body and is therefore non- miraculous. A more soulful motivation would be to make your body a container for greater Light. When you dwell more lightly within your mind, you will dwell more lightly within your body. On both levels, your sense of well- being will increase. Y our life choices will improve across the board, as both your mind and body develop more refined appetites. Y our food choices will become more spiritual as you begin to see your body, and to feel your body, as part of a divine matrix of love. That is the kind of miraculous impulsethat attracts cosmic support. It aligns your desires with the lar ger drive toward greater life that is coded into the workings of the universe. Your motivation then becomes not just about losing pounds, but about gaining enlightenment. Not the enlightenment of someone sitting under a tree in some far -off place in a remote part of the world, but rather the light- filled consciousness of someone who can wake up in the morning without the fear of an addictive lure—of being drawn against your will into the daze of inappropriate eating, of overly processed foods that you can’ t get enough of, and of chronic self-loathing. You are getting there. The discomfort of emotional detox doesn’ t mean the process isn’ t working, but rather that it is. Do not let the ghosts of old emotions taunt you or deter you. It took more than a day to build the self- destructive mechanism that has caused you so much sorrow, and it takes more than a day to replace it with something new. You are beginning to understand. One thought at a time, one healthier choice at a time, one moment-spent-free-of-the-monkey-on-your -back at a time, you are building the structure to contain the new you.
[ 2643, 1505, 433, 439, 22798, 439, 499, 38569, 433, 1053, 387, 627, 791, 8545, 323, 704, 8838, 4565, 21958, 430, 499, 4070, 28214, 779, 1317, 311, 198, 53195, 2345, 46002, 11, 304, 779, 3815, 11, 701, 8545, 323, 704, 8838, 4565, 7106, 198, 680, 295, 3695, 2345, 19553, 682, 1027, 75940, 709, 627, 7927, 61987, 2461, 1920, 11, 2225, 14604, 323, 7106, 11, 374, 304, 2539, 19336, 198, 3409, 13, 1472, 1253, 1524, 387, 25051, 1063, 11742, 30836, 439, 499, 1095, 198, 3427, 315, 3738, 15657, 20855, 459, 927, 68, 977, 1174, 499, 4070, 20669, 279, 8545, 2136, 315, 701, 14604, 7138, 198, 4291, 1148, 374, 80865, 264, 1633, 70166, 5603, 311, 2324, 25, 1472, 690, 733, 8343, 198, 3409, 13, 1472, 617, 1027, 70166, 11, 719, 70166, 555, 8850, 662, 3639, 2643, 617, 198, 325, 16809, 311, 499, 477, 3885, 1093, 264, 4686, 6996, 315, 26434, 389, 701, 961, 706, 198, 74128, 1027, 264, 7452, 71628, 311, 459, 5419, 11, 6587, 39036, 11447, 662, 578, 198, 35686, 374, 430, 430, 5419, 11447, 374, 279, 7899, 315, 8850, 323, 1391, 34003, 198, 65937, 315, 279, 7899, 315, 701, 837, 659, 627, 2170, 701, 4059, 1972, 625, 82, 449, 1202, 837, 659, 11, 701, 2547, 690, 1972, 625, 449, 1202, 198, 1904, 659, 13, 21347, 264, 30467, 9886, 11, 499, 1440, 7041, 1148, 311, 656, 323, 1268, 311, 198, 1395, 2345, 263, 1475, 2237, 315, 701, 14209, 13, 816, 1057, 48131, 30168, 3695, 527, 198, 15252, 2106, 18182, 311, 1833, 279, 11470, 315, 264, 30467, 11478, 627, 7927, 927, 91955, 11, 4869, 1174, 706, 1027, 1093, 264, 55222, 430, 706, 312, 15252, 2106, 198, 22479, 6500, 662, 3639, 584, 3207, 3815, 1457, 374, 15840, 433, 1203, 627, 2028, 312, 92726, 4250, 387, 27332, 25402, 13, 3861, 13189, 315, 198, 22479, 17743, 430, 706, 1027, 20727, 555, 701, 57407, 61555, 374, 279, 198, 2968, 311, 50134, 44776, 13, 3277, 433, 4131, 311, 264, 48206, 535, 4433, 3980, 311, 8343, 345, 9514, 1205, 433, 994, 499, 1205, 433, 13, 18591, 2011, 12446, 7214, 662, 1628, 1457, 198, 9514, 527, 4461, 311, 10368, 279, 1890, 6996, 315, 49967, 2585, 323, 33330, 279, 198, 25030, 75431, 389, 701, 4785, 77401, 1920, 13, 1472, 1390, 433, 323, 499, 1390, 433, 198, 3409, 11, 323, 422, 433, 3250, 529, 259, 3621, 555, 7950, 1174, 1243, 499, 2643, 439, 1664, 733, 1203, 198, 998, 701, 2362, 26870, 11, 1606, 14224, 420, 3250, 529, 259, 990, 627, 7184, 374, 264, 892, 311, 10368, 26434, 25, 539, 315, 701, 30168, 3695, 11, 719, 315, 701, 198, 61665, 82, 13, 816, 6033, 1440, 264, 2763, 922, 279, 26434, 315, 8850, 26, 1457, 433, 529, 274, 892, 311, 4048, 198, 9274, 279, 26434, 315, 3021, 13, 10919, 374, 16888, 5092, 11, 22443, 11, 8830, 345, 23557, 11, 369, 7231, 11, 323, 3169, 13, 2100, 499, 2011, 387, 9017, 6261, 439, 499, 733, 198, 20322, 420, 1920, 627, 2822, 832, 3966, 311, 24928, 499, 315, 279, 1690, 31469, 75652, 499, 4070, 1903, 311, 9229, 198, 4870, 304, 701, 3347, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 539, 439, 3582, 499, 9167, 529, 259, 6818, 13, 816, 1880, 279, 1890, 198, 56251, 768, 9017, 659, 430, 574, 12882, 304, 279, 4545, 994, 499, 927, 349, 198, 16514, 1243, 12882, 994, 499, 11299, 315, 282, 279, 61519, 13, 1472, 3207, 539, 1695, 13, 816, 6033, 3207, 264, 198, 18910, 324, 384, 13, 1472, 3207, 7621, 13, 358, 12491, 499, 13, 6914, 529, 274, 8343, 627, 7184, 1427, 520, 1148, 8741, 994, 499, 1935, 264, 21955, 5603, 311, 4785, 198, 9563, 13, 763, 264, 1648, 1174, 499, 3207, 312, 21656, 1268, 311, 5510, 6261, 1093, 264, 12943, 11996, 198, 46068, 617, 311, 312, 12964, 1268, 311, 6604, 477, 4321, 13, 18156, 279, 25655, 1957, 198, 10200, 9773, 279, 8706, 3094, 4741, 13, 362, 17832, 16048, 649, 387, 459, 198, 15693, 1464, 505, 279, 3347, 28628, 2643, 539, 2873, 1093, 264, 2466, 3568, 369, 4423, 775, 11, 719, 369, 499, 11, 433, 529, 274, 198, 15824, 21707, 430, 499, 39826, 709, 832, 6693, 539, 44898, 449, 1148, 499, 198, 41450, 8343, 3432, 662, 1789, 499, 11, 420, 11105, 264, 2349, 11, 264, 5497, 75103, 345, 7266, 304, 961, 555, 279, 990, 499, 4070, 1027, 3815, 449, 420, 3388, 13, 1628, 433, 198, 5957, 82, 389, 279, 3167, 3395, 1598, 430, 690, 13967, 1121, 304, 264, 502, 29055, 11, 502, 198, 56966, 1174, 323, 502, 2547, 662, 1472, 23528, 6807, 369, 420, 627, 5618, 1373, 430, 1566, 11914, 1578, 13, 1472, 23528, 1589, 4600, 369, 420, 13, 220, 3234, 539, 198, 28459, 279, 26431, 315, 420, 2349, 11, 369, 279, 60147, 1464, 304, 279, 8957, 198, 1073, 22169, 3727, 3130, 369, 279, 7314, 315, 264, 502, 8957, 29096, 8957, 315, 9498, 198, 61665, 82, 323, 9498, 30168, 3695, 13, 1115, 2349, 11, 4869, 2678, 520, 1176, 11, 2011, 387, 198, 2715, 8600, 11, 28284, 11, 323, 5918, 5304, 50004, 433, 4250, 387, 422, 499, 11336, 433, 627, 2675, 527, 539, 304, 279, 14464, 315, 32689, 6261, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 1268, 499, 198, 33166, 11, 323, 499, 42210, 433, 311, 6261, 17223, 311, 420, 1920, 50617, 4048, 311, 656, 433, 627, 1128, 23995, 4785, 4814, 1587, 539, 21736, 305, 1113, 6261, 26, 35242, 374, 198, 50397, 764, 4625, 1174, 902, 3445, 7422, 430, 374, 26102, 311, 279, 11555, 315, 4359, 627, 4897, 902, 374, 26102, 311, 43361, 23754, 4250, 11000, 387, 701, 46035, 11, 439, 198, 22479, 46035, 15812, 304, 5398, 287, 449, 11, 539, 3318, 2403, 11, 279, 30467, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 31153, 323, 1193, 3021, 430, 690, 27661, 499, 13, 578, 91813, 2349, 304, 21063, 198, 6881, 3445, 2133, 505, 305, 1113, 1268, 499, 617, 1027, 11, 311, 21955, 279, 13336, 198, 1073, 889, 499, 649, 1457, 387, 627, 2675, 2011, 5268, 279, 502, 499, 304, 2015, 311, 3719, 279, 502, 499, 13, 578, 4360, 198, 6881, 374, 539, 1148, 499, 527, 4401, 3201, 505, 11, 719, 4856, 1148, 499, 527, 198, 28272, 311, 11710, 294, 13, 1472, 3207, 539, 1120, 63686, 1148, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 1390, 11, 719, 198, 782, 64119, 21039, 1148, 499, 656, 627, 791, 1193, 1648, 311, 1464, 505, 701, 84951, 16801, 430, 12459, 374, 279, 198, 2484, 315, 701, 6981, 374, 555, 4857, 389, 701, 10082, 430, 4359, 374, 279, 2592, 315, 198, 22479, 6981, 13, 816, 1057, 5133, 449, 279, 30467, 374, 539, 1120, 2555, 311, 198, 3833, 670, 18007, 27830, 11, 439, 304, 1054, 33413, 1174, 422, 358, 617, 220, 311, 2029, 1102, 529, 274, 279, 5133, 430, 499, 198, 3646, 1060, 77, 369, 304, 701, 4851, 11, 3508, 499, 13383, 433, 477, 539, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 529, 259, 1464, 198, 22479, 88804, 14464, 315, 3815, 8996, 279, 8850, 482, 38824, 11545, 3734, 198, 1729, 4857, 389, 701, 5133, 449, 3021, 13, 816, 6033, 2011, 67632, 264, 11939, 369, 198, 12840, 499, 2216, 1174, 9615, 1390, 13, 1628, 1148, 499, 2216, 1174, 9615, 1390, 374, 3021, 627, 4897, 374, 279, 7438, 315, 49260, 2200, 11, 902, 14224, 4131, 505, 279, 198, 25030, 3789, 439, 279, 3492, 26434, 13, 220, 4718, 3575, 374, 539, 6996, 315, 26434, 11, 719, 198, 74303, 90660, 220, 26434, 13, 11997, 38558, 2200, 3445, 15869, 5859, 6261, 311, 198, 13570, 279, 30467, 11829, 30467, 374, 279, 2592, 315, 701, 1695, 11, 1120, 439, 927, 91955, 374, 279, 2592, 315, 198, 22479, 19814, 13, 72743, 279, 30467, 11767, 311, 21730, 6261, 11, 1120, 439, 198, 82, 20073, 279, 8850, 482, 38824, 11767, 311, 48389, 6261, 13, 1666, 499, 656, 1521, 18872, 345, 3934, 6981, 690, 3041, 1648, 311, 837, 6981, 11, 323, 659, 6953, 3099, 690, 3041, 198, 3195, 311, 659, 5392, 414, 16409, 323, 659, 41206, 13, 2052, 315, 420, 374, 369, 832, 2944, 1193, 25, 779, 198, 9514, 649, 2731, 1501, 709, 369, 3021, 627, 89041, 1431, 433, 24674, 1174, 422, 499, 1781, 922, 433, 11, 1268, 1790, 38556, 29720, 3823, 198, 1395, 826, 2231, 1139, 31526, 279, 4623, 430, 3021, 374, 279, 4320, 30, 2650, 1690, 220, 4728, 198, 38478, 617, 499, 2663, 11, 16410, 617, 499, 3970, 11, 1765, 342, 4804, 617, 499, 198, 408, 3149, 11, 23783, 617, 499, 2884, 11, 68569, 617, 499, 18677, 11, 27555, 41943, 198, 19553, 499, 6818, 87247, 315, 902, 2643, 617, 2853, 499, 892, 323, 3300, 499, 198, 2445, 8362, 989, 1047, 49525, 459, 31469, 12108, 311, 1456, 311, 636, 264, 11277, 1139, 279, 3805, 449, 1148, 198, 6173, 291, 311, 1193, 832, 4817, 5380, 29351, 7194, 4400, 13, 2360, 892, 13, 2360, 3300, 662, 2360, 31469, 12108, 11, 2216, 662, 14968, 279, 8850, 18722, 38824, 11, 279, 4059, 430, 374, 701, 1391, 34003, 11, 1053, 656, 4205, 311, 14091, 84, 1037, 499, 198, 1527, 3815, 279, 832, 3245, 433, 8964, 1053, 1304, 433, 32153, 304, 459, 9888, 627, 2520, 279, 8850, 482, 38824, 374, 389, 1202, 1866, 2271, 369, 659, 2320, 48784, 13, 1102, 3250, 529, 259, 4059, 198, 22479, 4560, 311, 9229, 4785, 11, 369, 433, 8964, 430, 2085, 30467, 1520, 11, 499, 690, 387, 198, 258, 1202, 25703, 16058, 13971, 662, 763, 2144, 11, 433, 16180, 311, 8577, 499, 709, 449, 832, 810, 10173, 198, 9210, 433, 8964, 499, 2834, 529, 259, 387, 3025, 311, 9396, 311, 13, 10771, 311, 362, 17026, 304, 198, 59561, 18709, 11, 220, 279, 62974, 315, 279, 8850, 482, 38824, 11, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 3021, 11, 690, 2744, 387, 198, 9210, 499, 6056, 719, 656, 539, 1505, 627, 11382, 311, 3041, 810, 17371, 6666, 311, 1268, 701, 18330, 2271, 18809, 198, 18614, 701, 4785, 77401, 31469, 75652, 13, 51241, 701, 7422, 311, 264, 810, 13836, 1285, 198, 47928, 40227, 369, 3249, 499, 1390, 311, 9229, 4785, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 13, 2209, 433, 5042, 311, 198, 7349, 2731, 30, 2684, 374, 7995, 4400, 5076, 449, 430, 11, 719, 315, 5196, 433, 198, 73014, 529, 259, 9504, 18330, 1862, 13, 1666, 264, 48131, 4747, 11, 433, 13912, 701, 198, 64589, 2136, 6965, 311, 279, 2237, 315, 279, 2547, 323, 374, 9093, 2536, 7058, 20531, 582, 13850, 627, 32, 810, 13836, 1285, 25835, 1053, 387, 311, 1304, 701, 2547, 264, 5593, 369, 198, 66335, 8828, 13, 3277, 499, 44935, 810, 34504, 2949, 701, 4059, 11, 499, 690, 198, 67, 9336, 810, 34504, 2949, 701, 2547, 662, 1952, 2225, 5990, 11, 701, 5647, 315, 1664, 7058, 35214, 690, 5376, 13, 816, 1057, 2324, 11709, 690, 7417, 4028, 279, 4580, 11, 439, 2225, 198, 22479, 4059, 323, 2547, 2274, 810, 38291, 30168, 3695, 13, 816, 1057, 3691, 11709, 690, 198, 17106, 638, 810, 18330, 439, 499, 3240, 311, 1518, 701, 2547, 1174, 323, 311, 2733, 701, 2547, 13801, 300, 961, 315, 264, 30467, 6303, 315, 3021, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 3169, 315, 91813, 3242, 360, 751, 9379, 61191, 55801, 1862, 13, 1102, 5398, 82, 701, 32097, 449, 279, 45555, 17684, 6678, 198, 83, 83071, 7191, 2324, 430, 374, 47773, 1139, 279, 79236, 315, 279, 15861, 627, 7927, 25835, 1243, 9221, 539, 1120, 922, 13490, 16701, 11, 719, 922, 198, 70, 2101, 81869, 13, 2876, 279, 81869, 315, 4423, 11961, 1234, 264, 198, 9528, 304, 1063, 3117, 482, 1885, 2035, 304, 264, 8870, 961, 315, 279, 1917, 11, 719, 4856, 279, 3177, 7058, 28611, 25917, 315, 4423, 889, 649, 15508, 709, 304, 279, 6693, 2085, 198, 1820, 8850, 315, 459, 57407, 57683, 2345, 1073, 1694, 15107, 2403, 701, 690, 1139, 279, 294, 10033, 198, 1073, 33781, 12459, 11, 315, 39532, 15590, 15657, 430, 499, 649, 529, 259, 636, 3403, 198, 1073, 11, 323, 315, 21249, 659, 27578, 44661, 627, 2675, 527, 3794, 1070, 13, 578, 44776, 315, 14604, 61987, 3250, 529, 259, 3152, 198, 1820, 1920, 4536, 529, 259, 3318, 11, 719, 4856, 430, 433, 374, 13, 3234, 539, 1095, 279, 54940, 315, 2362, 198, 336, 41356, 9637, 3935, 499, 477, 4130, 499, 13, 1102, 3952, 810, 1109, 264, 1938, 311, 1977, 279, 659, 7058, 61368, 535, 17383, 430, 706, 9057, 499, 779, 1790, 58596, 1174, 323, 433, 5097, 198, 6518, 1109, 264, 1938, 311, 8454, 433, 449, 2555, 502, 16853, 2675, 527, 7314, 311, 3619, 13, 3861, 3463, 520, 264, 892, 11, 832, 39345, 198, 12008, 520, 264, 892, 11, 832, 4545, 23032, 306, 12862, 8838, 10826, 78396, 798, 10539, 53246, 482, 1445, 520, 264, 198, 1712, 11, 499, 527, 4857, 279, 6070, 311, 6782, 279, 502, 499, 13 ]
Produce Human W recks Disciplined Correct Life Practices W ill Restore Pristine Perfection Our word health isderived from theSaxon word forwhole. Heal isderived from thesame word andmeans torestore toastate ofwholeness, soundness, integrity.Holy comes from thesame rootandsignifies wholeness andpurity ofmind. Taken initsfull- ness ofmeaning, health means completeness andperfection oforganization, fitness of life,freedom ofaction, harmony offunctions, vigor andfreedom from allstain andcor- ruption—in a phrase, it is “a sound mind in a sound body.” Condition of Perfection Health isacondition ofperfect development, astate ofwholeness andharmonious development andgrowth andadaptation ofparttopartoftheorganism, oforgantoor- gan, with nopart stunted andnopart inexcess. Inthisstate oforganic development liestheperfection andsymmetry ofbeauty.Beauty isbutthereflection ofwholeness, of health. Itiseasy todemonstrate thattheforms andproportions ofman andofevery ani- malandplant which areintheir highest andmost useful state arealsothemost beautiful. When every bone isofthebest form andsize foritsservice inthetotal organism, there isperfect proportion; when every muscle isfully andproportionately developed, with justenough fatinthecellular tissues toround outthemuscles, wehave thehighest beauty ofform; when thetexture oftheskin isfinest andthecirculation oftheblood most vigorous, theblood well nourished andfreed ofallwaste, there istheglow and charm ofthefinest complexion. The highest beauty istheexpression ofthehighest health. Beauty Fades with Loss of Health Partial beauty,fading beauty,decaying beauty—these arebuttheexpressions ofpar- tial,fading ordecaying health. They represent unsatisfactory andpainful states ofexis- tence. Beauty belongs toglowing health andperfection oforganization. Itisimpossible forustoseparate these ideals. Wecannot picture health interms oftheconventional, for contemporary man isfarshort ofthiswholeness oforganization andvigor offunction that is health.A Picture of Health Ifwetrytopicture health what dowesee? Aform ofperfect symmetry andpropor- tion; aclean, smooth, semi-transparent skin, with theredblood shining through, espe- cially inthecheeks andends ofthefingers andtoes; glossy hairthatisfulloflife;clear, bright eyes thatarefullofexpression anddance with life; rosy lipsthatsmile with the joys oflife; pearly white, sound, even teeth; abreath thatisassweet asthatofaflower inthespringtime; freedom from disagreeable body odors, indeed, where health isper- fect, emitting anagreeable aroma; abody thatisfilled with activity,delighting inwork orexercise; andahappy,courageous, mirthful, andhopeful disposition, andadesire to help others. Such apicture ofhealth cancome only from theorderly,regular andperfect per- formance ofthefunctions oflife—from asound heredity,acongenial environment and conduct thatconforms with theconstitutional nature ofman. Health istheperfect combi- nation ofbodily organization, intellectual energyandmoral power inharmonious unity. Itmeans perfect organization ofbrain andnerves thatareasfinely proportioned asthe bones andmuscular system. Inahealthy person wewould expect toseethesymmetry andproportion ofhead oftheCro-Magnon, nottheasymmetry anddisproportion ofhead of modern man. A Perfect Instrument Perfect in Every Respect Asevery organofthebody isessential towholeness andintegrity ofstructure and vigor offunction, noorgancanbespared. Notmerely must thenutritive anddrainage systems beperfectly adapted totherequirements ofthebrain andbody,butthesmallest andapparently least important parts ofthebody must beharmoniously andfully devel- oped. AsDr.Nichols sowell expressed it:“The smallest instrument outoftune brings discord into the harmony of life.” How issuch ahigh state ofhealth tobeattained? How may weassure wholeness andfullness ofdevelopment; vigor offunction andfreedom from disease andsuffering? How may man bereturned tothatsoundness andintegrity ofstructure andvigor and force oflifethatheknew inthemorning ofhisexistence? Ifcontemporary man isso lacking inhealth thatheisbutapuny specimen ofmanhood, how canheberestored to his pristine power and majesty? In a word: How may man be healed? Living in Accord with Natural Law Produces Perfect Health Itshould notrequire argument toconvince theintelligent man andwoman thatthis canbedone only upon abasis oflaw—natural law—specifically,upon abasis ofthose laws thatoperate tomake human lifepossible. Alllaws operate tomake human lifepos- sible. Alllaws essential tothewelfare ofman arewritten inhisown constitution. Every ruleofhuman conduct, tobevalid inpromoting human welfare andhappiness, must be inharmony with hisnature. Nolaw,nosocial custom (convention), nomoral precept canhave anyreality toman thatdoes notaccord with hishighest welfare. Ifitisnot intimately related toman’ shighest fitness—physical, moral andintellectual—it cannot correspond to his highest ideals of truth, duty and enjoyment. Theunperverted instincts ofwild animals living intheir natural homes arethelaws oftheir lives. There seems tobenoreason todoubt thatman’ sinstincts were once equal- lyperfect guides inhisways oflife.Butifthiswasever true, itcertainly isnotsotoday. Man’ sinstincts have been sosmothered andburied beneath alayer ofcultural baggage thatthey nolonger constitute reliable guides tohiminhisway oflife. They have been “conditioned” until they are misguides.Health-Sapping Perversions Begin Early In Life Nonetheless itistrue thateven now instincts arefairly reliable guides toconduct intheyoung. Butwebegin theprocess ofperverting these instincts almost from birth. Instinct does notleave usunwarned when wetake ourfirst smoke, butsocial usage de- mands thatweignore thewarning andsuppress thevigorous protests ofinstinct. We must learn tosmoke, even now thatweareaware thattheendmay bedeath from lung cancer.Today wemay getourfirst smoke second-hand asmere infants. Smoking inthe house hasbecome almost universal. Many babies aresickened andeven killed bythe unintelligent practice offathers andmothers filling thehouse with thepoisonous fumes of burning tobacco. Wearenotleftunwarned byourfirst efforttodevelop alcoholism. The first drink ofbeer isobnoxious. Wineboth smells andtastes fermented, anditis.Thefirstdrink of brandy orwhiskey burns andbites, itsmarts andstings asitgoes down, there isprotest every inch oftheway.Butweignore these protests, wedisregard these warnings, weare determined to“grow up,” andtheonly way thiscanbedone inoursociety istobecome an addict of one or more kinds. Bad Practices Produce Human Wrecks Coffeeandteaarereproaches toboth oursense ofsmell andtooursense oftaste. They produce a“high” state thatshouldnot bemistaken forvigor andwell-being; they interfere with sleep, keeping usawake forhours. Butweignore these warnings ofthe faithful sentinels oflife.Wesuppress theurgetofleefrom such poisons. Wearedeter- mined tobelong.Wewant tobe“one ofthegang” even ifwehave towreck ourselves in the process. Wehave learned totake themiserable fragments ofnatural-foods with which the food processors andrefiners have flooded themarket, fragments thatlack allappeal to ourgustatory sense, andtoaddsweetening, colorings, flavorings, etc.tothem tomake them appeal tothesenses ofsight, smell andtaste inspite oftheir unfitness toserve theneeds ofhuman nutrition. Weeatthem, little thinking thatthey donotrepresent true foods orthatthey may prove tobeactually hurtful. Wehave found ways togetunfit sub- stances bytheguards thatstand attheentrance tothealvine canal. Wehave found ways to deceive ourselves and to wreck ourselves without knowing that we are doing it. Disciplined Correct Life Practices Will Restore Pristine Perfection Fortheevils ofignorance theremedy isknowledge—for theevils offalse ideas theremedy istruth. Forthesource oftruth andknowledge wehave nature—especially human nature. Only when truth andknowledge areuniversal canweexpect men and women tocease injuring anddestroying themselves inriotous indulgence intobacco
[ 87988, 11344, 468, 312, 14895, 198, 24374, 10567, 1619, 41070, 9601, 64813, 468, 5986, 44920, 2394, 54165, 3700, 13421, 198, 8140, 3492, 2890, 374, 51182, 505, 279, 50, 52936, 3492, 369, 67733, 13, 82130, 374, 51182, 505, 198, 6509, 373, 3492, 323, 47321, 311, 31904, 23211, 349, 315, 1336, 17648, 434, 11, 5222, 2136, 11, 17025, 662, 72291, 198, 6716, 505, 279, 25030, 3789, 2914, 625, 9803, 421, 17648, 434, 323, 79, 5631, 315, 38824, 13, 57074, 304, 1220, 9054, 7058, 2136, 315, 57865, 11, 2890, 3445, 80414, 323, 716, 13421, 315, 24844, 11, 17479, 315, 198, 14789, 17514, 265, 8944, 315, 1335, 11, 26348, 1022, 600, 82, 11, 56022, 323, 25746, 8944, 505, 682, 267, 467, 323, 6133, 7058, 14455, 49525, 264, 17571, 11, 433, 374, 1054, 64, 5222, 4059, 304, 264, 5222, 2547, 662, 89874, 10770, 315, 3700, 13421, 198, 14884, 52435, 9233, 315, 64185, 4500, 11, 264, 2513, 315, 1336, 17648, 434, 323, 13279, 1677, 1245, 198, 30671, 323, 74189, 323, 89171, 367, 315, 4581, 3565, 472, 1073, 1820, 8629, 2191, 11, 315, 1813, 519, 10922, 7058, 30528, 11, 449, 66126, 472, 357, 28736, 323, 63913, 472, 55981, 1140, 13, 763, 576, 2513, 315, 61694, 4500, 198, 24013, 383, 716, 13421, 323, 24738, 33342, 315, 1395, 59051, 662, 94909, 374, 8248, 19041, 69, 1191, 315, 1336, 17648, 434, 11, 315, 198, 12393, 13, 1102, 1082, 6539, 11791, 7439, 71015, 430, 1820, 10008, 323, 782, 403, 919, 315, 1543, 323, 1073, 30115, 53088, 7058, 14991, 438, 21494, 902, 527, 258, 50828, 8592, 323, 3646, 5505, 1614, 527, 19171, 49818, 537, 6366, 627, 4599, 1475, 17685, 374, 1073, 1820, 16241, 1376, 323, 2190, 369, 275, 784, 1033, 304, 339, 295, 2426, 47120, 345, 19041, 374, 64185, 21801, 26, 994, 1475, 16124, 374, 3725, 323, 782, 15750, 2718, 8040, 345, 4291, 1120, 268, 1409, 8834, 48121, 762, 54230, 39881, 5801, 801, 704, 49818, 355, 19153, 11, 584, 19553, 279, 75254, 198, 1395, 59051, 315, 630, 26, 994, 279, 28596, 315, 6509, 8148, 374, 5589, 478, 323, 339, 762, 2496, 2987, 315, 1820, 51105, 198, 3646, 71920, 11, 279, 51105, 1664, 46798, 3384, 323, 25746, 291, 315, 543, 86, 5642, 11, 1070, 6127, 383, 6200, 363, 323, 198, 99509, 315, 339, 830, 258, 478, 91679, 13, 578, 8592, 13444, 6127, 383, 29199, 315, 1820, 75254, 198, 12393, 627, 94909, 435, 3536, 449, 25733, 315, 6401, 198, 38414, 13444, 1174, 69, 2277, 13444, 1174, 8332, 17718, 13444, 2345, 45010, 527, 8248, 1820, 14107, 919, 315, 1768, 7058, 83, 532, 17514, 2277, 477, 8332, 17718, 2890, 13, 2435, 4097, 7120, 7630, 2992, 323, 92724, 1285, 5415, 315, 327, 285, 7058, 83, 768, 13, 31685, 17623, 311, 6200, 24060, 2890, 323, 716, 13421, 315, 24844, 13, 1102, 285, 318, 10236, 198, 2000, 592, 974, 68698, 1521, 52805, 13, 468, 762, 3483, 6945, 2890, 958, 1026, 315, 1820, 444, 44322, 11, 369, 198, 778, 14084, 893, 374, 24470, 8846, 315, 576, 1336, 17648, 434, 315, 24844, 323, 85, 71070, 1022, 600, 198, 9210, 374, 2890, 885, 25586, 315, 6401, 198, 2746, 86, 15501, 3565, 3911, 2890, 1148, 57587, 288, 2176, 30, 362, 630, 315, 64185, 46220, 323, 2741, 269, 7058, 28491, 26, 1645, 2742, 11, 11113, 11, 18768, 75318, 6930, 11, 449, 9139, 291, 51105, 49025, 1555, 11, 1560, 375, 7058, 16158, 398, 304, 1820, 1557, 21854, 323, 1438, 315, 339, 830, 14437, 323, 998, 288, 26, 74156, 7013, 339, 3689, 1285, 385, 1517, 1643, 26, 7574, 13801, 73216, 6548, 430, 548, 1285, 385, 69, 29199, 323, 99975, 449, 2324, 26, 938, 23707, 19588, 31177, 1900, 67697, 449, 279, 198, 7453, 1065, 315, 14789, 26, 281, 22928, 4251, 11, 5222, 11, 1524, 18311, 26, 67441, 589, 430, 285, 395, 4589, 12025, 9379, 1073, 64, 39853, 198, 258, 6509, 2702, 1712, 26, 11542, 505, 29395, 481, 2547, 11018, 1105, 11, 13118, 11, 1405, 2890, 374, 716, 7058, 3836, 11, 90556, 459, 69200, 481, 55279, 26, 671, 1094, 430, 285, 28611, 449, 5820, 1174, 9783, 45850, 304, 1816, 198, 114340, 18865, 26, 323, 1494, 11392, 1174, 66, 61140, 788, 11, 296, 4914, 1285, 11, 323, 61893, 1285, 46096, 11, 323, 3536, 556, 311, 198, 8823, 3885, 627, 21365, 1469, 3911, 315, 12393, 649, 2063, 1193, 505, 279, 1382, 398, 1174, 23108, 323, 64185, 824, 7058, 12057, 315, 339, 830, 600, 82, 315, 14789, 88958, 439, 801, 1077, 291, 488, 1174, 23184, 4469, 532, 4676, 323, 198, 77752, 430, 444, 10008, 449, 279, 49674, 7138, 315, 1543, 13, 6401, 6127, 383, 64185, 3698, 72, 7058, 99895, 315, 65, 347, 1570, 7471, 11, 20207, 4907, 438, 76, 10020, 2410, 304, 13279, 1677, 1245, 31426, 16853, 2181, 47321, 4832, 7471, 315, 54160, 323, 77, 13583, 430, 33637, 5589, 989, 21801, 291, 12025, 383, 198, 82091, 323, 38827, 22077, 1887, 13, 763, 64, 38128, 1732, 289, 365, 619, 1755, 311, 325, 774, 288, 1631, 33342, 198, 438, 782, 15750, 315, 2025, 315, 1820, 96141, 5364, 3326, 263, 11, 539, 1820, 300, 1631, 33342, 323, 4338, 782, 15750, 315, 2025, 198, 1073, 6617, 893, 627, 32, 24118, 43405, 24118, 304, 7357, 78138, 198, 32, 325, 1225, 2942, 1073, 1820, 2664, 374, 49582, 311, 1336, 17648, 434, 323, 396, 68312, 315, 7993, 323, 198, 85, 71070, 1022, 600, 11, 912, 1813, 1149, 276, 9620, 7360, 13, 2876, 1195, 989, 2011, 1243, 332, 1018, 535, 323, 3696, 467, 425, 198, 46654, 387, 64185, 398, 30464, 311, 19041, 999, 1392, 315, 1820, 54160, 323, 2664, 1174, 8248, 6509, 76, 19790, 198, 438, 680, 31227, 3325, 3062, 5596, 315, 1820, 2664, 2011, 2824, 277, 1677, 13610, 323, 3725, 90870, 7058, 16771, 13, 1666, 9023, 2112, 718, 3145, 58565, 616, 13605, 433, 25, 2118, 791, 25655, 14473, 704, 14450, 2957, 12716, 198, 43679, 1139, 279, 26348, 315, 2324, 49216, 4438, 2425, 1412, 264, 12156, 1614, 315, 12393, 311, 1395, 1617, 2692, 30, 2650, 1253, 584, 395, 554, 421, 17648, 434, 198, 438, 9054, 2136, 315, 30671, 26, 56022, 1022, 600, 323, 25746, 8944, 505, 8624, 323, 82, 2084, 287, 5380, 4438, 1253, 893, 10418, 2549, 291, 311, 339, 1900, 801, 2136, 323, 396, 68312, 315, 7993, 323, 85, 71070, 323, 198, 9009, 315, 113276, 774, 70036, 74, 943, 304, 49818, 80675, 315, 26301, 93772, 30, 1442, 778, 14084, 893, 41905, 198, 75, 9162, 304, 12393, 430, 383, 285, 8248, 391, 359, 88, 58184, 315, 1543, 5812, 11, 1268, 649, 383, 655, 478, 3093, 311, 198, 26301, 66085, 2410, 323, 24906, 41339, 30, 763, 264, 3492, 25, 2650, 1253, 893, 387, 62320, 5380, 45605, 304, 80657, 449, 18955, 7658, 12311, 1634, 24118, 6401, 198, 2181, 5562, 539, 4408, 5811, 311, 12296, 1736, 279, 396, 21149, 893, 323, 22803, 430, 576, 198, 4919, 2788, 606, 1193, 5304, 671, 10949, 315, 20510, 2345, 53980, 2383, 2345, 52340, 750, 1174, 59723, 671, 10949, 315, 54719, 198, 68637, 430, 86299, 311, 7072, 3823, 10345, 752, 24576, 13, 2052, 68637, 14816, 311, 7072, 3823, 10345, 752, 437, 7058, 82, 1260, 13, 2052, 68637, 7718, 311, 16142, 19806, 315, 1543, 527, 26650, 304, 26301, 785, 16812, 13, 7357, 198, 13233, 1073, 26380, 6929, 11, 311, 1395, 1930, 304, 25475, 11780, 3823, 23460, 323, 71, 67391, 11, 2011, 387, 198, 258, 13279, 65527, 449, 813, 67812, 13, 452, 337, 675, 10337, 437, 2772, 2587, 320, 444, 7611, 705, 9859, 10020, 864, 1512, 198, 4919, 19553, 904, 265, 2786, 311, 1543, 430, 28156, 539, 4575, 541, 449, 813, 75254, 23460, 13, 1442, 20000, 1962, 198, 396, 7253, 5552, 311, 1543, 529, 559, 7656, 17479, 2345, 47692, 11, 16033, 323, 80643, 59517, 44603, 4250, 198, 6133, 6961, 311, 813, 8592, 52805, 315, 8206, 11, 14523, 323, 45278, 627, 791, 359, 716, 22361, 62921, 315, 68974, 10099, 5496, 304, 50828, 5933, 10632, 527, 339, 301, 8805, 198, 1073, 50828, 6439, 13, 2684, 5084, 311, 8123, 461, 1525, 11791, 5599, 83, 430, 1543, 529, 274, 6442, 7956, 82, 1051, 3131, 6273, 7058, 398, 64185, 28292, 304, 26301, 2336, 315, 14789, 53701, 333, 576, 86, 521, 424, 837, 11, 433, 66, 7770, 398, 374, 1962, 82, 354, 6423, 16853, 1692, 529, 274, 6442, 7956, 82, 617, 1027, 61977, 27510, 291, 323, 11490, 1142, 24923, 453, 1155, 315, 66, 44547, 61649, 198, 9210, 20670, 308, 337, 647, 261, 35256, 15062, 28292, 311, 40617, 21538, 285, 3195, 315, 14789, 13, 2435, 617, 1027, 198, 2118, 9233, 291, 863, 3156, 814, 527, 5906, 24343, 288, 76080, 6354, 3713, 393, 19251, 919, 19110, 23591, 763, 9601, 198, 8284, 27163, 433, 3843, 361, 270, 349, 1055, 1457, 62921, 527, 42000, 398, 15062, 28292, 311, 77752, 198, 258, 20670, 283, 983, 13, 2030, 2984, 3088, 279, 4734, 315, 716, 50517, 1521, 62921, 4661, 505, 7342, 627, 8897, 7956, 1587, 539, 22233, 603, 359, 34581, 291, 994, 14739, 731, 1057, 3983, 16603, 11, 719, 23191, 10648, 409, 7058, 1969, 82, 430, 906, 13431, 279, 19464, 323, 98060, 279, 92347, 20857, 22670, 315, 6442, 7956, 13, 1226, 198, 25849, 4048, 311, 3647, 4845, 11, 1524, 1457, 430, 906, 548, 20111, 430, 1820, 408, 18864, 4950, 68, 589, 505, 21271, 198, 66, 11967, 662, 15724, 289, 336, 352, 636, 414, 3983, 16603, 2132, 25417, 33928, 486, 42534, 13, 73699, 304, 1820, 198, 7830, 706, 17106, 638, 4661, 20789, 13, 9176, 24869, 264, 417, 875, 6901, 323, 17206, 7577, 555, 1820, 198, 359, 396, 21149, 6725, 1022, 19568, 323, 6489, 3058, 21973, 279, 7830, 449, 279, 5481, 3416, 788, 282, 19131, 198, 1073, 20252, 27531, 627, 1687, 548, 1962, 2414, 359, 34581, 291, 555, 414, 3983, 5149, 83, 536, 1851, 13200, 2191, 13, 578, 1176, 7172, 198, 1073, 48895, 374, 677, 95832, 13, 32926, 21704, 50737, 323, 83, 28006, 96080, 11, 323, 20000, 11829, 3983, 98427, 315, 198, 1347, 13634, 477, 1336, 47190, 44154, 323, 65, 3695, 11, 1202, 76, 7183, 323, 267, 826, 439, 275, 3427, 288, 1523, 11, 1070, 374, 782, 1985, 198, 30115, 17560, 315, 16142, 352, 53701, 906, 13431, 1521, 22670, 11, 11077, 285, 1610, 569, 1521, 19530, 11, 584, 548, 198, 67, 47737, 311, 2118, 67318, 709, 2476, 323, 1820, 3323, 1648, 420, 4919, 2788, 606, 304, 2530, 6180, 6127, 677, 52521, 198, 276, 39326, 315, 832, 477, 810, 13124, 627, 17519, 64813, 87988, 11344, 468, 265, 14895, 198, 83380, 438, 668, 74709, 486, 782, 14576, 311, 21704, 11604, 1137, 315, 3647, 616, 323, 998, 2530, 1137, 43146, 5642, 627, 7009, 8356, 264, 2118, 12156, 863, 1614, 430, 5562, 1962, 33015, 380, 3448, 369, 85, 71070, 323, 9336, 33851, 26, 814, 198, 2295, 69, 486, 449, 6212, 11, 10494, 603, 675, 731, 369, 31482, 13, 2030, 906, 13431, 1521, 19530, 315, 1820, 198, 75710, 1285, 3288, 258, 2053, 315, 14789, 1196, 288, 455, 1911, 279, 324, 456, 1073, 273, 830, 442, 1778, 3273, 19941, 13, 1226, 1636, 1430, 7058, 1083, 291, 311, 9978, 647, 662, 54, 365, 519, 311, 1395, 2118, 606, 315, 339, 797, 526, 863, 1524, 422, 906, 19553, 16190, 25662, 13520, 304, 198, 1820, 1920, 627, 1687, 19553, 9687, 2458, 731, 1124, 12329, 481, 35603, 315, 53980, 64567, 82, 449, 902, 279, 198, 14239, 37686, 323, 1116, 40799, 617, 49886, 1124, 55660, 11, 35603, 430, 105516, 682, 34531, 278, 311, 198, 49541, 592, 5382, 5647, 11, 323, 998, 74094, 4589, 6147, 11, 1933, 826, 11, 17615, 826, 11, 5099, 2446, 49818, 311, 7072, 198, 49818, 14638, 311, 6509, 4377, 59161, 492, 11, 22843, 323, 83, 5642, 1672, 6100, 315, 50828, 653, 74621, 311, 13570, 198, 339, 1994, 6910, 315, 26380, 26677, 13, 1226, 33166, 49818, 11, 2697, 7422, 430, 20670, 1541, 354, 36369, 837, 198, 96420, 477, 9210, 20670, 1253, 12391, 311, 1395, 74128, 13194, 1285, 13, 1226, 19553, 1766, 5627, 311, 456, 359, 6410, 1207, 7058, 9623, 555, 339, 797, 55708, 430, 2752, 520, 1820, 24677, 685, 311, 1820, 278, 62301, 40021, 13, 1226, 19553, 1766, 5627, 198, 998, 93928, 13520, 323, 311, 36850, 13520, 2085, 14392, 430, 584, 527, 3815, 433, 627, 24374, 10567, 1619, 41070, 9601, 64813, 4946, 44920, 2394, 54165, 3700, 13421, 198, 2520, 1820, 5230, 8839, 315, 625, 269, 685, 9139, 336, 9497, 374, 90153, 72318, 279, 5230, 8839, 1022, 714, 6848, 198, 700, 336, 9497, 220, 3843, 952, 13, 1789, 6509, 930, 315, 59677, 323, 90153, 584, 19553, 7138, 2345, 36046, 198, 26380, 7138, 13, 8442, 994, 8206, 323, 90153, 527, 96400, 649, 906, 17557, 3026, 323, 198, 65762, 311, 346, 521, 86685, 323, 15886, 287, 5694, 304, 85150, 788, 37960, 29355, 528, 677, 20067 ]
ofsunlight. This pigment deposit absorbs thevisible andultraviolet rays, converts them intorays oflessenergyandlower vibra- tion, andthen passes them onto thedeeper cells oftheepidermis. Acombination ofthe infrared and ultraviolet rays will result in the deepest pigmentation. Itmust beunderstood inthiscontext thatthesun’srays donotproduce pigment; rather,they occasion itsformation. Pigmentation isaphysiological process, pigment be- ingmanufactured within thebody from theelements offood anddeposited intheskin by theprocesses oflife.Thetanning process istotally dependent upon thebody’ sability to make useofthesun. Alack ofresponse may commonly beseen incases ofleukoderma, where the white patches of skin fail to produce pigment. The second protective mechanism thebody uses against toomuch sunshine isa thickening ofthecorneum, theuppermost layer ofskin. This process isundesirable, as itresults inharsh, dry,coarse skin. Itislargely toavoid thisdryness thatolive oiland other commercial preparations areused ontheskin, butitis)farwiser toavoid excessive exposure by retreating to the shade. Wemust distinguish between suntan andsunburn. This latter isatrueburn andinju- restheskin justasifitwasfireorscalding water.Aninflammatory process results and may beaccompanied bysevere blisters, general discomfort, andlater apeeling ofthe dead tissue. Asinother burns, there arethree degrees ofsunburn. Afirst degree burn produces redness duetoanexcess ofblood intheskin, causing much orlittle discom- fort, depending upon theseverity oftheburn. Insecond-degree burns, theskin becomes intensely redandpainful tothetouch andmay beaccompanied bydiarrhea, fever and/or vomiting. Blisters may develop andthen burst, dischar ging their fluid contents over the body.There isalsomuch itching andfinally peeling oftheskin. Athird-degree burn re- sults inasloughing dermatitis andmay endindeath. Complications may develop, such asinflammation ofthebrain, stomach andintestines; blood poisoning; andhemorrhages. 13.1.5 The Sunbath Sunbaths play avital role inthelifeprocesses ofhuman nutrition, thetanning process being coincident with them. There isatendency tooverexpose theskin toac- quire a“good tan,” andthisshould beavoided, asitwillenervate thebody,lessening the value of the sunbath. Theuntanned body should begin with exposure tothesolar rays ofabout tenminutes adayandincrease gradually until anhour ormore may betaken without harm. Too much sunwill result inrestlessness anddecreased nerve tone. Additional precaution must betaken byblond andred-haired people, asthey donotpigment asreadily asdark- haired people. Heliophobes, those individuals who redden andblister andarecautioned tostay outofthesun, should stilltake sunbaths butdosoforshort periods during the early morning or late afternoon hours to avoid lar ge amounts of ultraviolet rays. Thesunbath should betaken inanentirely nude state orwith scanty attire, preferably without glasses orhats, astheeyes andhair also benefit. Sunglasses render theeyes more sensitive tothesunlight andultimately impair thevision, whereas ithasbeen foundthatgazing directly intothesungreatly benefits weak eyesight. Itisalsoknown thatsun- light accelerates the growth of hair. Suntan lotion orolive oilontheskin isunnecessary andshould notbeused. These willprevent alltheultraviolet rays from being absorbed andwillinhibit theoil-secreting glands ofthebody from working properly.They willnotprevent theinjurious effects of excessive sunbathing, norwillthey provide forauniform tan.Remember,itisnotmere tanning thatweseek, butageneral revitalizing oftheentire organism, notconfined to the skin alone. Suntan lotion orolive oilontheskin areunnecessary andshould notbeused. These willprevent alltheultraviolet rays from being absorbed andwillinhibit theoil-secreting glands ofthebody from working properly.They willnotprevent theinjurious effects of excessive sunbathing, norwillthey provide forauniform tan.Remember,itisnotmere tanning thatweseek, butageneral revitalizing oftheentire organism, notconfined to the skin alone. Ifthesunbath istaken atthebeach, additional caution must beexercised, asthere- flection from thesand andwater cause more sunrays tostrike thebody.Thus, burning willresult more quickly.Neither athinhaze over thesunnoracool breeze willprevent theultraviolet rays from reaching us.Itisimportant tounderstand inthiscontext thatit isnotthesun’sheat from which webenefit (except secondarily onacold day), butrather itslight. Thehotsunisvery exhausting andshould beavoided, andlikeother animals we should instinctively seek the shade at these times. Those people living incolder climates must take advantage ofthewarmer months tosecure anample supply ofsun-made reserves tocarry them through sunless periods. This isnottosaythatthebody stores upsunshine, butrather itstores upsubstances produced with theaidofsunshine tobeused intimes ofstringency.Along with vitamin D,other materials aresynthesized inthebody with theaidofthesun’srays. These body reserves will beadequate aslong asthegeneral mode ofliving throughout theyear is notenervating. Allforms ofexcesses, dissipation oftheemotions, lack ofrestandsleep, sexual excesses, overwork and/or an improper diet will waste these reserves. Some additional precautions should benoted inthecase ofinvalids orgenerally weak individuals. Ifthesunbath leaves theperson feeling weak ordepressed orwith an increase inanyofhis/hersymptoms, then ithasbeen overdone. Fever,headache, weari- ness, lossofappetite andsleeplessness may allbeconsidered signs ofexcess. Inthose individuals suffering from asthma ortuberculosis, adifficulty inbreathing may beex- perienced. Nervous patients may notbeable tosleep duetoastimulating effect caused bytoomuch sun. Theendresult forsecuring thesunbath should betoproduce abetter feeling intheindividual, notworse. Aperson’ sneed forsunlight isdependent upon their ability tomake useofthese light rays. Overindulgence ofthesunbath willlend toaddi- tional enervation and serves no useful purpose. 13.2. Natural Light Versus Artificial Light Sunlight, when broken upbymeans ofaprism, isfound tobeconposed ofthecolor bands ofthespectrum—red, orange, yellow,green, blue, indigo andviolet. These differ- entcolors represent different rates ofvibration, increasing aswegofrom redtoviolet, while their wavelengths decrease. These visible rays give ussensations oflight, color andheat. Inaddition tothese color rays, sunlight alsocontains other rays notperceptible toourocular sense andtherefore invisible. The wavelengths immediately shorter than visible violet andthose immediately longer than visible redareboth invisible tohumans and are called ultraviolet and infrared, respectively. Regarding theheating power ofsunlight, itisfound tobegreatest attheredendof thespectrum where itblends with theinfrared rays, while thegreatest chemical activity takes place attheviolet end, blending with theultraviolet rays. These invisible rays of thesunarethemost beneficial ones. However,thecomplete color spectrum, blended inperfect proportion soastoproduce white light, isneeded forideal growth anddevelop- ment of both plants and animals. Artificial light does notradiate acomplete spectrum butinstead produces alight with anexcess ofoneormore ofthecolor rays. Inthecase ofincandescent lighting, most of itslight isyellow,orange andred,whereas thestandard “cool white” fluorescent light emits mostly yellow-green light. The various so-called “sunlamps” produce either too much ultraviolet ortoomuch infrared radiation andaredefinitely harmful. They may cause headaches, third-degree burns and severe conjunctivitis. Theeffects ofartificial lighting have been noticed inboth plants andanimals. John Ott,oftheTimeLapse Research Laboratory,discovered thattheapples onabranch ofa treeunder artificial light grew largerthan those growing under natural light, butthey did notmature orripen. Despite theaddition ofmany chemical products toproduce more color inthefruit, thefruit never acquired color until exposed toultraviolet rays from the sun. Further observations made byOttrevealed thattheratio ofthesexes ofplants was affected bydifferent wavelengths ofthespectrum. Experimenting onapumpkin vine raised in
[ 315, 40619, 4238, 13, 1115, 77678, 16946, 91111, 198, 1820, 12887, 323, 360, 376, 85311, 45220, 11, 33822, 1124, 528, 269, 954, 315, 1752, 17947, 438, 15115, 56400, 969, 7058, 28491, 11, 323, 3473, 16609, 1124, 8800, 279, 451, 10653, 7917, 315, 1820, 752, 1814, 34965, 13, 362, 76128, 315, 1820, 198, 258, 82482, 323, 37232, 85311, 45220, 690, 1121, 304, 279, 51621, 24623, 32199, 627, 2181, 25849, 387, 8154, 52784, 304, 576, 2196, 430, 6509, 359, 753, 66243, 1541, 354, 98374, 77678, 280, 74303, 1174, 20670, 13402, 1202, 1659, 13, 49654, 32199, 374, 1366, 1065, 41314, 1920, 11, 77678, 387, 7058, 287, 98550, 3149, 2949, 279, 2664, 505, 279, 22138, 315, 14239, 323, 451, 981, 1639, 304, 6509, 8148, 555, 198, 339, 752, 41948, 288, 315, 14789, 5221, 295, 6073, 1920, 6127, 354, 750, 18222, 5304, 279, 2664, 529, 274, 2968, 311, 198, 7072, 1005, 1073, 6509, 359, 13, 1708, 474, 315, 2376, 1253, 17037, 293, 2423, 268, 3709, 2315, 315, 273, 3178, 4414, 1764, 345, 2940, 279, 4251, 29760, 315, 6930, 3775, 311, 8356, 77678, 627, 791, 2132, 29219, 17383, 279, 2664, 5829, 2403, 311, 316, 1412, 52495, 52435, 198, 339, 875, 6147, 315, 339, 762, 17334, 372, 11, 279, 13886, 3646, 6324, 315, 37282, 13, 1115, 1920, 374, 1263, 288, 26014, 11, 439, 198, 275, 8234, 304, 13279, 939, 11, 9235, 11, 1030, 2648, 6930, 13, 1102, 23265, 867, 989, 311, 48956, 420, 54310, 2136, 430, 337, 535, 5707, 438, 198, 1605, 8518, 47979, 527, 2656, 389, 6509, 8148, 11, 719, 20000, 8, 24470, 86, 12329, 311, 48956, 27639, 198, 327, 12313, 555, 2160, 73910, 311, 279, 28601, 627, 54, 336, 592, 33137, 1990, 40795, 276, 323, 40619, 22464, 13, 1115, 15629, 374, 62078, 361, 22464, 323, 258, 8783, 7058, 4014, 17082, 8148, 1120, 300, 333, 275, 16514, 11029, 1105, 66, 4852, 287, 3090, 662, 2127, 258, 55097, 1920, 3135, 323, 198, 18864, 387, 73087, 22840, 555, 325, 19846, 1529, 9487, 11, 4689, 44776, 11, 323, 68676, 85980, 20659, 315, 1820, 198, 34854, 20438, 13, 1666, 258, 1605, 44154, 11, 1070, 527, 28956, 12628, 315, 40619, 22464, 13, 362, 3983, 8547, 8395, 198, 8723, 1634, 2579, 2136, 3930, 11269, 276, 327, 1140, 315, 51105, 304, 6509, 8148, 11, 14718, 1790, 477, 56492, 834, 884, 7058, 4057, 11, 11911, 5304, 1521, 27570, 315, 1820, 22464, 13, 763, 5686, 38775, 44154, 11, 279, 37282, 9221, 198, 396, 61132, 2579, 438, 92724, 1285, 311, 339, 295, 3102, 323, 18864, 387, 73087, 22840, 555, 8747, 1138, 41033, 11, 34653, 323, 5255, 198, 85, 316, 5977, 13, 426, 1638, 388, 1253, 2274, 323, 3473, 21165, 11, 834, 1799, 67193, 872, 15962, 8970, 927, 279, 198, 2664, 662, 3947, 374, 1147, 316, 1412, 86075, 323, 40276, 1069, 20659, 315, 6509, 8148, 13, 20277, 2668, 38775, 8395, 312, 7058, 82, 122761, 304, 76466, 1409, 287, 61485, 20000, 323, 18864, 842, 28074, 589, 13, 13620, 10939, 1253, 2274, 11, 1778, 198, 51410, 45864, 367, 315, 1820, 54160, 11, 23152, 323, 396, 478, 1572, 26, 6680, 52236, 26, 323, 30132, 54308, 1154, 627, 1032, 13, 16, 13, 20, 578, 8219, 65, 589, 198, 31192, 65, 27382, 1514, 1860, 2223, 3560, 304, 339, 12740, 752, 41948, 288, 315, 26380, 26677, 11, 279, 83, 6073, 198, 4734, 1694, 23828, 1748, 449, 1124, 13, 2684, 374, 266, 21906, 311, 2017, 327, 2972, 279, 37282, 311, 582, 7058, 999, 264, 2118, 19045, 14531, 2476, 323, 576, 5562, 387, 48956, 291, 11, 439, 275, 14724, 268, 651, 349, 279, 2664, 1174, 1752, 6147, 279, 198, 970, 315, 279, 7160, 65, 589, 627, 791, 3935, 7443, 2547, 1288, 3240, 449, 14675, 311, 6509, 7569, 45220, 315, 9274, 5899, 38137, 198, 65726, 51701, 20542, 27115, 3156, 459, 25704, 477, 6518, 1253, 1297, 3448, 2085, 11682, 13, 25619, 198, 59178, 7160, 14724, 1121, 304, 4014, 33028, 323, 451, 846, 1503, 32015, 16630, 13, 24086, 72147, 198, 25849, 1297, 3448, 555, 2067, 2159, 323, 1171, 68479, 1274, 11, 12025, 36661, 1541, 49808, 343, 479, 439, 888, 1570, 439, 23449, 7058, 4317, 2757, 1274, 13, 473, 12574, 5237, 677, 288, 11, 1884, 7931, 889, 312, 11025, 323, 2067, 1601, 323, 548, 936, 1516, 291, 198, 83, 537, 352, 704, 1073, 6509, 359, 11, 1288, 2103, 23609, 7160, 65, 27382, 719, 41625, 1073, 269, 8846, 18852, 2391, 279, 198, 22928, 6693, 477, 3389, 13658, 4207, 311, 5766, 45555, 3980, 15055, 315, 37232, 85311, 45220, 627, 1016, 288, 359, 65, 589, 1288, 1297, 3448, 108019, 306, 556, 398, 20637, 1614, 477, 4291, 84955, 88, 69260, 11, 52754, 198, 30096, 29247, 477, 71, 1900, 11, 12025, 383, 58331, 323, 51729, 1101, 8935, 13, 60671, 34968, 3219, 279, 58331, 198, 6518, 16614, 311, 6509, 359, 4238, 323, 495, 7253, 38974, 279, 13311, 11, 20444, 78942, 300, 82850, 1766, 9210, 70, 6795, 6089, 1139, 6509, 2234, 1244, 398, 7720, 7621, 6548, 492, 13, 1102, 285, 1147, 564, 4262, 430, 40619, 7058, 4238, 14511, 988, 279, 6650, 315, 7013, 16853, 50, 3935, 276, 87942, 477, 337, 535, 5707, 6167, 288, 8148, 374, 15278, 20726, 323, 5562, 539, 1395, 2656, 13, 4314, 198, 14724, 93755, 682, 1820, 360, 376, 85311, 45220, 505, 1694, 42101, 323, 14724, 258, 66917, 279, 74913, 7962, 846, 1303, 198, 70, 8329, 315, 1820, 2664, 505, 3318, 10489, 662, 7009, 690, 1962, 93755, 279, 258, 73, 28626, 6372, 315, 198, 327, 87728, 7160, 65, 44661, 11, 6463, 14724, 20670, 3493, 86084, 39451, 14531, 11652, 1402, 1174, 20000, 1962, 61031, 198, 83, 6073, 430, 86, 2423, 1247, 11, 719, 351, 18958, 79955, 4954, 315, 1820, 306, 556, 47120, 11, 539, 6263, 1619, 311, 198, 1820, 6930, 7636, 627, 50, 3935, 276, 87942, 477, 337, 535, 5707, 6167, 288, 8148, 527, 15278, 20726, 323, 5562, 539, 1395, 2656, 13, 4314, 198, 14724, 93755, 682, 1820, 360, 376, 85311, 45220, 505, 1694, 42101, 323, 14724, 258, 66917, 279, 74913, 7962, 846, 1303, 198, 70, 8329, 315, 1820, 2664, 505, 3318, 10489, 662, 7009, 690, 1962, 93755, 279, 258, 73, 28626, 6372, 315, 198, 327, 87728, 7160, 65, 44661, 11, 6463, 14724, 20670, 3493, 86084, 39451, 14531, 11652, 1402, 1174, 20000, 1962, 61031, 198, 83, 6073, 430, 86, 2423, 1247, 11, 719, 351, 18958, 79955, 4954, 315, 1820, 306, 556, 47120, 11, 539, 6263, 1619, 311, 198, 1820, 6930, 7636, 627, 2746, 6509, 359, 65, 589, 6127, 3448, 520, 1820, 1395, 613, 11, 5217, 28930, 2011, 387, 327, 3035, 4147, 11, 12025, 6881, 7058, 69, 1191, 505, 279, 92346, 323, 13284, 5353, 810, 7160, 66243, 311, 74104, 279, 2664, 662, 45600, 11, 20252, 198, 14724, 1407, 810, 6288, 662, 63295, 12004, 21538, 10033, 927, 279, 82, 15278, 269, 582, 1786, 46385, 690, 93755, 198, 1820, 360, 376, 85311, 45220, 505, 19261, 603, 28628, 285, 15693, 259, 94006, 2752, 304, 576, 2196, 430, 275, 198, 285, 1962, 6509, 359, 753, 20559, 505, 902, 3566, 89729, 320, 11945, 2132, 6751, 389, 582, 820, 1938, 705, 719, 74303, 198, 1220, 4238, 13, 578, 35513, 359, 285, 1225, 79953, 323, 5562, 387, 48956, 291, 11, 323, 4908, 1605, 10099, 198, 906, 1288, 31655, 3210, 6056, 279, 28601, 520, 1521, 3115, 627, 23025, 1274, 5496, 3709, 2061, 92399, 2011, 1935, 9610, 315, 16142, 277, 1195, 4038, 198, 83, 974, 66, 554, 459, 1545, 8312, 315, 40619, 27975, 30600, 311, 74865, 1124, 1555, 7160, 1752, 18852, 627, 2028, 4536, 1751, 437, 352, 9210, 1820, 2664, 10756, 33834, 359, 31338, 11, 719, 74303, 433, 44569, 709, 2008, 9623, 198, 8723, 2041, 449, 279, 3864, 37181, 359, 31338, 311, 1395, 2656, 528, 1769, 315, 928, 2301, 662, 50909, 449, 28170, 198, 35, 11, 1605, 7384, 264, 417, 1910, 83979, 304, 1820, 2664, 449, 279, 3864, 1073, 6509, 359, 753, 66243, 13, 4314, 2547, 198, 417, 13583, 690, 387, 1037, 19684, 439, 4930, 12025, 383, 25615, 3941, 315, 64275, 6957, 814, 686, 374, 198, 1962, 268, 651, 1113, 13, 2052, 10008, 315, 327, 1140, 288, 11, 14091, 49686, 315, 1820, 336, 41356, 11, 6996, 315, 265, 2752, 26894, 345, 44687, 13937, 288, 11, 927, 1816, 323, 5255, 459, 41086, 10173, 690, 12571, 1521, 30600, 627, 8538, 5217, 61003, 1288, 3399, 9437, 304, 339, 762, 521, 315, 12071, 82, 1262, 804, 750, 198, 13451, 7931, 13, 1442, 6509, 359, 65, 589, 11141, 279, 9164, 8430, 7621, 477, 451, 14655, 477, 4291, 459, 198, 79601, 304, 3852, 1073, 26301, 7682, 388, 1631, 52273, 11, 1243, 78942, 300, 82850, 927, 10655, 13, 85001, 1174, 2025, 1815, 11, 584, 2850, 7058, 2136, 11, 2537, 708, 69, 680, 295, 635, 323, 26894, 33028, 1253, 682, 1395, 25742, 291, 12195, 315, 327, 1140, 13, 763, 54719, 198, 55977, 82, 16066, 505, 51643, 64609, 392, 74554, 11, 1008, 3168, 27081, 304, 21152, 44661, 1253, 387, 327, 7058, 45933, 13, 452, 651, 788, 6978, 1253, 539, 1395, 481, 311, 26894, 3930, 11269, 561, 318, 15853, 2515, 9057, 198, 1729, 998, 316, 1412, 7160, 13, 578, 408, 1407, 369, 5132, 1711, 279, 40619, 65, 589, 1288, 1297, 454, 48945, 671, 22120, 198, 1897, 20659, 304, 1820, 55977, 11, 539, 86, 11073, 13, 5345, 1293, 529, 274, 17483, 369, 40619, 4238, 374, 38655, 5304, 872, 198, 2968, 311, 7072, 1005, 1073, 45010, 3177, 45220, 13, 6193, 485, 360, 29355, 315, 6509, 359, 65, 589, 690, 75, 408, 311, 723, 72, 7058, 83, 4001, 665, 8943, 323, 17482, 912, 5505, 7580, 627, 1032, 13, 17, 13, 18955, 8828, 25187, 355, 59294, 8828, 198, 31192, 4238, 11, 994, 11102, 709, 65, 31218, 598, 315, 60917, 2191, 11, 374, 15456, 311, 1395, 444, 3950, 315, 339, 762, 795, 198, 43006, 315, 6509, 39806, 2345, 1171, 11, 19087, 11, 14071, 1174, 13553, 11, 6437, 11, 1280, 7992, 323, 85, 32012, 13, 4314, 1782, 7058, 306, 21712, 4097, 2204, 7969, 315, 85, 18856, 11, 7859, 439, 29229, 1073, 442, 2579, 83, 869, 32012, 345, 3556, 872, 93959, 18979, 13, 4314, 9621, 45220, 3041, 603, 82, 729, 811, 315, 4238, 11, 1933, 198, 438, 20559, 13, 763, 723, 684, 311, 45010, 1933, 45220, 11, 40120, 1101, 13676, 1023, 45220, 539, 716, 1512, 1260, 198, 998, 50926, 22077, 5647, 323, 19041, 1348, 30547, 13, 578, 93959, 7214, 24210, 1109, 198, 12887, 80836, 323, 54719, 7214, 5129, 1109, 9621, 2579, 548, 21704, 30547, 311, 28400, 598, 198, 438, 527, 2663, 37232, 85311, 323, 59141, 11, 15947, 16853, 85625, 279, 383, 1113, 2410, 315, 40619, 4238, 11, 433, 285, 15456, 25410, 797, 11423, 520, 700, 291, 408, 1073, 198, 6509, 39806, 1405, 433, 2067, 1438, 449, 279, 258, 82482, 45220, 11, 1418, 279, 70, 11423, 11742, 5820, 198, 79079, 2035, 520, 1820, 85, 32012, 842, 11, 56941, 449, 279, 360, 376, 85311, 45220, 13, 4314, 30547, 45220, 315, 198, 6509, 359, 548, 49818, 537, 24629, 6305, 13, 4452, 1174, 339, 66274, 5282, 1933, 20326, 11, 55645, 304, 64185, 21801, 779, 561, 454, 48945, 4251, 3177, 11, 374, 41917, 369, 64053, 6650, 323, 16219, 7058, 479, 315, 2225, 11012, 323, 10099, 627, 9470, 16895, 3177, 1587, 539, 70312, 349, 264, 15079, 20326, 719, 65937, 19159, 453, 492, 449, 198, 276, 327, 1140, 315, 606, 494, 461, 315, 339, 762, 795, 45220, 13, 763, 339, 762, 521, 315, 2910, 62452, 1189, 18186, 11, 1455, 315, 198, 1220, 4238, 374, 28969, 1174, 35264, 323, 1171, 11, 2940, 300, 279, 20885, 1054, 43296, 4251, 863, 74864, 3177, 198, 336, 1220, 10213, 14071, 39368, 3177, 13, 578, 5370, 779, 19434, 1054, 40619, 75, 14989, 863, 8356, 3060, 2288, 198, 59178, 37232, 85311, 64609, 4285, 1412, 59141, 25407, 323, 548, 755, 7627, 28856, 13, 2435, 1253, 198, 1593, 55403, 11, 4948, 38775, 44154, 323, 15748, 16898, 20526, 344, 20000, 627, 791, 81524, 315, 472, 16895, 18186, 617, 1027, 14000, 304, 21704, 11012, 323, 77896, 13, 3842, 198, 46, 5683, 11, 1073, 1820, 1489, 43, 7629, 8483, 32184, 1174, 4338, 21468, 430, 1820, 680, 645, 389, 78671, 3581, 315, 64, 198, 9528, 8154, 21075, 3177, 14264, 8294, 54895, 1884, 7982, 1234, 5933, 3177, 11, 719, 20670, 1550, 198, 1962, 76, 1598, 477, 462, 2821, 13, 18185, 279, 723, 684, 315, 35676, 11742, 3956, 311, 98374, 810, 198, 3506, 304, 339, 830, 21702, 11, 279, 36698, 2646, 19426, 1933, 3156, 15246, 259, 11206, 376, 85311, 45220, 505, 279, 198, 40619, 627, 31428, 24654, 1903, 555, 46, 5683, 92076, 5962, 430, 700, 6400, 315, 6509, 327, 288, 315, 64805, 574, 198, 32157, 555, 64750, 93959, 315, 6509, 39806, 13, 47893, 287, 389, 391, 1538, 8148, 30050, 198, 93613, 304 ]
atively “clean.” Thefatsoc- cur in simple, easily assimilated molecules that are cholesterol-free and low in sodium. Avocados areamong themost ideal between-meal snacks fordieters, according to experts attheInstitute ofBariatrics (fatstudies) atCedars ofLebanon Hospital, Miami Beach. Since most people eatthem fresh, “the essential fatty acids intheavocado remain unrefined. They retain thenitrogen compounds thatactaschemical ‘tags,’ tolettheliver know how to break down and use them. “The fatsintheavocado will notbeturned into bulge. They’ll become energyre- serves, lining membranes forthenerves... The same goes forthecarbohydrates inthe avocado. They’re complex carbohydrates ofthetype thateverybody needs. The body knows what todowith them.” Butmany remain skeptical. AsoneWeight Watchers In- ternational director explains it,“I’m nomore ofanutritionist than anyone else inour group. W e’re all just former fat people.” “But IDOknow thatavocados aredefinitely offourlist,atleast inthebeginning stages of our weight-loss program. They’re simply too fatty.” Theavocado isstilllargely unknown outside theWestern Hemisphere. Europe’ sculi- nary Bible, Larousse Gastronomique, dismisses itasanut-like fruit “much prized bythe Americans.” ButLatin Americans have traditionally taken adifferent view from Europeans, es- teeming the avocado even in pre-Columbian times. Legend hasitthatthe16th century Aztec emperor Montezuma entertained Hernando Cortes with a feast featuring avocados upon the conquistador ’s arrival in Mexico. TheSpaniards, entranced with thenew fruit, were supposed tohave murmured “bo- cados”, meaning “what amouthful!” Which accounts, wearetold, fortheavocado’ s name. The Random House Dictionary oftheEnglish Language offers adifferent—and more plausible-story oftheword’ sorigin. “Avocado” isreportedly acorrupt pronuncia- tion of the Nahuatl Indian word for testicle. Ifso,theallusion might betothefruit’ sappearance oritssupposed aphrodisiac prop- erties. Unripe supermarket avocados canbehurried along ifburied inabinofflour orrice or put in a paper bag. They’re ripewhen they yield alittle tothetouch. Don’ twait until they start develop- ing dark or soft spots; that means they’re starting to spoil. Never cutanavocado before itisripe; theflesh willbehard andbitter andwillnever mature. Fully ripeavocados willkeep forafewdays chilled. They don’tfreeze well un- less pureed. Ifyou’re only using halfanavocado atatime, leave theseed intheremaining half tokeep itfrom spoiling intherefrigerator.After ithasbeen cut,thefruit willdiscolor alittle; scrub itwith aslice oflemon orlime tosomewhat restore itsbright chartreuse color. The avocado’ sleathery shell makes anatural—even elegant—dish from which to spoon thetender flesh. Ahalved avocado, garnished with justalittle lemon juice ifde- sired, can make a satisfying light lunch or snack unto itself. Partofwhat makes itsoelusive isthechameleon quality ofanavocado’ sflavor.The cup-shaped depression leftwhen thepitisremoved isanideal spot foradding whatever you wish. The fruit also takes on some of the flavor of whatever you add.Article #5: “Natural” Foods By Joanne Will Definitions and Standards V ary Among Food Companies Definitions and Standards Vary Among Food Companies What are“natural” foods? Itdepends with whom you talk. The term hasvaried meanings toconsumers. Food companies have established definitions tosuittheir own products. Retail outlets from food stores tohealth food outlets have their own idea of what “natural” foods may or may not be. Thefederal government hasnoestablished standards fortheuseoftheterm, though guidelines foritsusehave been proposed inthefood advertising regulations oftheFed- eral T rade Commision (FTC), expected to be acted upon by Congress this fall. But for now the term is up for grabs, and that’ s a confusing situation. “Natural foods arethose thatdonotcontain anyman-made substances oranychem- icalpreservatives,” says Dick Peterson, afood shopper who seeks out“natural” foods. “Fresca isatotally unnatural drink,” according toPeterson. “Igave updrinking, itwhen I read the ingredients listed on the can,” he said. “It’ s just like Chemistry 101.” Another consumer also described theterm bywhat itisn’t.Inhermind, Jell-O with its artificial coloring, flavoring and sugar, is exemplary. Others see“natural” asfoods which areorganically grown with natural fertilizers. Artificial coloring isprohibited insome people’ sdefinition. Added sugar isconsidered a no-no by others. Ever since theterm natural became aselling point, food companies have tempted shoppers with products solabeled. Butdefinitions andstandards vary among food com- panies. Quaker Oats, forexample, hasdeveloped adefinition ofnatural asitapplies to itsproducts. Itstates that“Afood orablend offoods derived entirely from components asthey arefound innature (water lostondehydration excepted) may beconsidered as natural. Such food orblend offoods may beprocessed totheextent thatinedible ornon- nutritive substances areremoved, orifonly inconsequential amounts ofnutrients arere- moved, or if only the form of the food is changed.” Pillsbury discourages theuseoftheterm natural when referring toitsproducts, al- though two ofthem, bottled apple juice andunbleached flour,aretouted asnatural. Itsuseoftheterm relates toaproduct thathasaminimal amount ofprocessing, oras with unbleached flour,theproduct is“naturally” aged. Kraft uses theterm natural on itscheese products todistinguish them from theprocessed variety.The company also hasagroup ofdairy products promoted asnatural. These products areformulated with ingredients thatarenotsynthesized. “Wetrytousetheterm natural only aswethink consumers perceive it,” a legal spokesman for the company said. IftheFTC food regulations areadopted asproposed, astandard fortheuseofthe term inadvertising would provide these boundaries fordetermining theclaims infood advertising: “Advertising shall notrepresent thatafood isnatural oranatural food if: (1)Such food hasunder gone more than aminimal processing after harvest orslaughter, where minimal processing may include: theremoval ofinedible substances, theappli- cation ofphysical processes (e.g., cutting, grinding, drying orpulping) thatchange only theform ofthefood; and/orprocessing necessary tomake thefood edible orsafeforhu- man consumption ortopreserve it;(2)Such food contains anyartificial flavorings, color additive orchemical preservative (asdefined bytheFood andDrug Administration) or anyother artificial orsynthetic ingredient; (3)Such food iscomposed oftwoormore ingredients andoneormore ofsuch ingredients could notberepresented asnatural ora natural food in accordance with this paragraph.” Butthese probably arenotthefinal standards foradvertising natural foods inthe FTC regulations, which also address theuseofsuch terms asenergyandcalories, or- ganic foods, health foods, fatty acids andcholesterol. The FTC proposal hasyettobemodified toreflect theopinions ofconsumer,food company andhealth food groups who responded during the public comment period. There isconcern bytheFTC staffaswell assuch groups astheInstitute ofFood Technologists thatifafood islabeled “natural,” itwillimply theproduct issuperior to processed foods in terms of nutrient content and safety. TheDepartment ofAgriculture inthestate ofMaine recently passed aregulation in- troduced andsupported bytheorganic farmers andgardeners association inthestate, which wanted topolice their own industry.Thelawestablishes guidelines fortheuseof theterms natural andorganic onfood labelling oradvertising, andsetsdown definitions of “minimal processing” and “raw agricultural commodity.” Itprohibits theuseoftheterm health food onproduct labeling orinadvertising, but allows theuseoftheterm toidentify astore orrestaurant assuch. Additionally,itprohi- bitsthatafood advertised asnatural ororganically grown make claims thatitissuperior in nutrient content or safety. InMaine, growers, processors andsellers must keep records ofcrop locations, ad- ditions tosoil, ingredients andsuppliers fortwoyears after thefood issold andwhich must be supplied on demand to the State Department of Agriculture. Enforcement islefttothecourts, butthere aresome loopholes inthelaw,according toDaniel Harlan, assistant tothecommissioner ofagriculture. Thelawallows forcer- tification butdoes notsay
[ 8046, 1054, 18883, 2029, 578, 69, 1900, 511, 7058, 2407, 304, 4382, 11, 6847, 40054, 93583, 35715, 430, 527, 39086, 12862, 323, 3428, 304, 39695, 627, 10066, 511, 5670, 527, 77405, 1124, 537, 10728, 1990, 35073, 278, 43402, 369, 8747, 2481, 11, 4184, 311, 198, 4683, 15916, 520, 1820, 644, 7815, 315, 33, 41979, 6329, 320, 45283, 267, 58787, 8, 520, 34, 291, 1590, 315, 2356, 6993, 263, 15429, 11, 18045, 198, 3513, 613, 13, 8876, 1455, 1274, 8343, 49818, 7878, 11, 1054, 1820, 7718, 40085, 33969, 304, 1820, 402, 47282, 7293, 198, 359, 1116, 1619, 13, 2435, 14389, 1243, 275, 26252, 32246, 430, 533, 300, 32056, 3451, 14412, 23189, 311, 1169, 339, 301, 1553, 198, 33134, 1268, 311, 1464, 1523, 323, 1005, 1124, 627, 14305, 50127, 258, 1820, 402, 47282, 690, 539, 65, 2549, 291, 1139, 7173, 713, 13, 2435, 4805, 3719, 4907, 265, 7058, 82, 13583, 11, 36471, 79348, 369, 3473, 13583, 1131, 578, 1890, 5900, 13544, 762, 277, 34658, 988, 304, 1820, 198, 402, 47282, 13, 2435, 3207, 6485, 62345, 315, 339, 16612, 270, 349, 1225, 2664, 3966, 13, 578, 2547, 198, 33134, 82, 1148, 11791, 363, 411, 1124, 2029, 2030, 35676, 7293, 44929, 13, 1666, 606, 8459, 10573, 388, 763, 7058, 4253, 1697, 7690, 15100, 433, 102305, 40, 4344, 9859, 461, 315, 38918, 17462, 380, 1109, 5606, 775, 304, 414, 198, 4166, 13, 468, 384, 3207, 682, 1120, 4846, 8834, 1274, 49216, 61603, 3110, 11839, 3409, 430, 402, 511, 5670, 527, 755, 7627, 1022, 414, 1638, 11, 266, 56371, 304, 1820, 7413, 1251, 198, 267, 1154, 315, 1057, 4785, 77401, 2068, 13, 2435, 3207, 5042, 2288, 40085, 662, 89874, 791, 402, 47282, 374, 44466, 27995, 989, 9987, 4994, 279, 55924, 96878, 13, 4606, 529, 1156, 24520, 7058, 77, 661, 17377, 11, 32404, 46651, 18879, 496, 14609, 2428, 11, 13738, 288, 433, 300, 38918, 12970, 14098, 1054, 59178, 87630, 555, 1820, 198, 92786, 49216, 4071, 42647, 9053, 617, 36342, 4529, 1008, 18780, 1684, 505, 51607, 11, 1560, 7058, 668, 74914, 279, 68346, 1524, 304, 864, 7813, 1152, 13464, 3115, 627, 40775, 706, 275, 9210, 1820, 845, 339, 9478, 15757, 55300, 57883, 9995, 10333, 13722, 65550, 41556, 4988, 198, 34, 371, 288, 449, 264, 53268, 16850, 1860, 511, 5670, 5304, 279, 39879, 380, 5477, 18217, 82, 19163, 304, 12550, 627, 791, 12768, 81560, 11, 11751, 4979, 449, 1243, 365, 14098, 11, 1051, 10171, 311, 19553, 87651, 3149, 1054, 754, 7058, 66, 5670, 9520, 7438, 1054, 12840, 1097, 2969, 1285, 18319, 16299, 9815, 11, 584, 11554, 820, 11, 369, 1820, 402, 47282, 529, 274, 198, 609, 627, 791, 10836, 4783, 10685, 315, 1820, 23392, 11688, 6209, 1008, 18780, 17223, 198, 6518, 50434, 46199, 315, 16142, 541, 529, 274, 8781, 13, 1054, 10066, 47282, 863, 374, 11998, 53423, 1645, 269, 6722, 19126, 95585, 7058, 28491, 315, 279, 452, 27793, 60435, 7904, 3492, 369, 1296, 2045, 627, 2746, 708, 63738, 543, 7713, 2643, 1297, 8942, 830, 21702, 529, 35735, 13322, 477, 275, 784, 455, 3950, 89111, 299, 4338, 18029, 2047, 7058, 2774, 627, 1844, 52191, 49313, 1860, 511, 5670, 649, 30998, 324, 4588, 3235, 422, 11490, 1142, 304, 9068, 1885, 75, 414, 477, 23994, 198, 269, 2231, 304, 264, 5684, 9145, 627, 7009, 3207, 24169, 365, 12301, 814, 7692, 453, 2433, 311, 339, 295, 3102, 13, 4418, 529, 4483, 1339, 3156, 814, 1212, 2274, 7058, 287, 6453, 477, 8579, 19300, 26, 430, 3445, 814, 3207, 6041, 311, 65893, 627, 27247, 4018, 276, 402, 47282, 1603, 433, 285, 52191, 26, 279, 69, 17927, 690, 1395, 19221, 323, 65, 3328, 323, 14724, 37593, 198, 76, 1598, 13, 49256, 57796, 402, 511, 5670, 690, 13397, 369, 2642, 365, 14097, 85042, 13, 2435, 1541, 1431, 52738, 1664, 653, 7058, 1752, 10748, 291, 627, 2746, 9514, 3207, 1193, 1701, 4376, 276, 402, 47282, 520, 266, 547, 11, 5387, 1521, 291, 304, 700, 336, 2101, 4376, 198, 998, 13397, 433, 1527, 20016, 8138, 304, 19041, 1658, 7420, 859, 662, 6153, 78942, 300, 82850, 4018, 11, 339, 830, 21702, 690, 4338, 3506, 198, 278, 2433, 26, 46001, 433, 4291, 439, 4859, 315, 273, 1677, 477, 40043, 311, 57839, 81575, 15301, 1202, 73216, 9676, 54149, 198, 3506, 16853, 791, 68346, 529, 20328, 589, 727, 12811, 3727, 459, 4688, 80078, 26861, 2345, 73933, 505, 902, 311, 198, 2203, 9186, 279, 83, 1693, 26000, 13, 362, 12130, 2111, 68346, 11, 61016, 3384, 449, 1120, 278, 2433, 30564, 23661, 422, 451, 7058, 82, 2757, 11, 649, 1304, 264, 37154, 3177, 16163, 477, 40459, 30449, 5196, 627, 5920, 1073, 12840, 3727, 433, 708, 301, 22784, 6127, 383, 331, 97911, 4367, 315, 276, 402, 47282, 529, 274, 1517, 3372, 662, 791, 198, 37765, 35831, 18710, 2163, 9493, 279, 79, 20000, 46856, 374, 276, 64053, 7858, 369, 3071, 8996, 198, 9514, 6562, 13, 578, 14098, 1101, 5097, 389, 1063, 315, 279, 17615, 315, 8996, 499, 923, 86554, 674, 20, 25, 1054, 55381, 863, 40160, 3296, 11186, 20991, 4946, 198, 51642, 323, 35653, 650, 74021, 22395, 12369, 32886, 198, 51642, 323, 35653, 650, 661, 22395, 12369, 32886, 198, 3923, 527, 2118, 53980, 863, 15657, 30, 1102, 59047, 449, 8884, 499, 3137, 13, 578, 4751, 706, 959, 1142, 198, 14622, 826, 311, 67776, 388, 13, 12369, 5220, 617, 9749, 17931, 311, 73140, 50828, 1866, 198, 10354, 13, 35139, 28183, 505, 3691, 10756, 311, 12393, 3691, 28183, 617, 872, 1866, 4623, 315, 198, 12840, 1054, 53980, 863, 15657, 1253, 477, 1253, 539, 387, 627, 791, 69, 5187, 3109, 706, 2201, 34500, 291, 10886, 369, 1820, 817, 1073, 339, 1430, 76, 11, 3582, 198, 24343, 11243, 369, 1220, 817, 19553, 1027, 11223, 304, 339, 830, 1411, 13172, 14640, 315, 1820, 92887, 7058, 3333, 350, 436, 1037, 6947, 1854, 320, 4082, 34, 705, 3685, 311, 387, 31532, 5304, 555, 8151, 420, 4498, 627, 4071, 369, 1457, 279, 4751, 374, 709, 369, 49155, 11, 323, 430, 529, 274, 264, 31715, 6671, 627, 2118, 55381, 15657, 527, 54719, 430, 15357, 354, 53195, 904, 1543, 27975, 33155, 477, 3852, 2464, 7058, 950, 24544, 79629, 2476, 2795, 23373, 40891, 11, 264, 14239, 94303, 889, 26737, 704, 2118, 53980, 863, 15657, 627, 2118, 37, 417, 936, 374, 266, 354, 750, 81846, 7172, 2476, 4184, 311, 35919, 1293, 13, 1054, 40, 70, 525, 709, 3696, 16113, 11, 433, 9493, 198, 40, 1373, 279, 14293, 10212, 389, 279, 649, 2476, 568, 1071, 13, 1054, 2181, 529, 274, 1120, 1093, 42846, 220, 4645, 49216, 14364, 11761, 1101, 7633, 279, 5098, 555, 12840, 433, 285, 77, 1431, 5450, 1964, 38824, 11, 622, 616, 24540, 449, 198, 1220, 21075, 35987, 11, 17615, 287, 323, 13465, 1174, 374, 77381, 16853, 51154, 1518, 2118, 53980, 863, 439, 96420, 902, 527, 8629, 2740, 15042, 449, 5933, 36214, 12509, 627, 9470, 16895, 35987, 374, 782, 93617, 1672, 638, 1274, 529, 274, 18881, 13, 18152, 13465, 374, 25742, 291, 198, 64, 912, 29466, 555, 3885, 627, 44587, 2533, 279, 5098, 5933, 6244, 439, 6427, 1486, 11, 3691, 5220, 617, 54980, 198, 939, 32542, 449, 3956, 2092, 23121, 13, 2030, 49663, 323, 2752, 2402, 13592, 4315, 3691, 470, 7058, 17443, 13, 3489, 4506, 507, 1900, 11, 30906, 1545, 11, 706, 16219, 291, 264, 18881, 315, 53980, 439, 275, 391, 7350, 311, 198, 1220, 10354, 13, 1102, 33169, 430, 48349, 14239, 477, 62573, 408, 315, 96420, 14592, 11622, 505, 6956, 198, 561, 36661, 527, 15456, 6301, 1598, 320, 13284, 5675, 17675, 81824, 3734, 291, 8, 1253, 387, 25742, 291, 439, 198, 53980, 13, 15483, 3691, 477, 83732, 315, 96420, 1253, 387, 35122, 311, 1820, 71272, 430, 1619, 1260, 477, 6414, 7058, 24217, 1018, 535, 33155, 802, 261, 336, 5047, 11, 477, 333, 3323, 28093, 93450, 15055, 315, 24217, 32930, 802, 486, 7058, 95918, 11, 477, 422, 1193, 279, 1376, 315, 279, 3691, 374, 5614, 49216, 47, 3385, 20176, 34293, 1154, 279, 817, 1073, 339, 1430, 76, 5933, 994, 22797, 311, 1220, 10354, 11, 453, 7058, 4636, 1403, 315, 49818, 11, 72178, 24149, 23661, 323, 359, 901, 3939, 20415, 1174, 11554, 19042, 439, 53980, 627, 37220, 817, 1073, 339, 1430, 76, 36716, 311, 59948, 1076, 430, 4752, 8778, 2931, 3392, 315, 21315, 11, 477, 300, 198, 4291, 653, 901, 3939, 20415, 1174, 339, 752, 299, 1076, 374, 2118, 77, 72247, 863, 20330, 13, 65660, 5829, 279, 5098, 5933, 389, 198, 1220, 1557, 2423, 3956, 11791, 89747, 1124, 505, 279, 35122, 8205, 662, 791, 2883, 1101, 198, 4752, 351, 896, 315, 67, 22704, 3956, 30026, 439, 53980, 13, 4314, 3956, 527, 630, 7913, 449, 198, 39220, 430, 548, 1962, 20960, 83979, 13, 1054, 54, 15501, 83, 283, 751, 71, 1430, 76, 5933, 1193, 439, 86, 774, 771, 198, 67776, 388, 45493, 433, 2476, 264, 5897, 18367, 369, 279, 2883, 1071, 627, 2746, 1820, 4082, 34, 3691, 14640, 527, 99338, 291, 439, 782, 3950, 11, 264, 20885, 369, 1820, 817, 1073, 1820, 198, 5098, 304, 329, 31024, 1053, 3493, 1521, 23546, 45728, 16890, 287, 279, 49661, 3630, 347, 198, 329, 31024, 25, 1054, 73131, 4985, 539, 36369, 430, 64, 14239, 4536, 4688, 105125, 4688, 3691, 422, 512, 7, 16, 8, 21365, 3691, 706, 8154, 8208, 810, 1109, 264, 93707, 8863, 1306, 24322, 477, 52742, 7490, 13801, 2940, 17832, 8863, 1253, 2997, 25, 9139, 6868, 838, 315, 1619, 1260, 33155, 11, 279, 77196, 72, 7058, 65982, 315, 47692, 11618, 320, 68, 1326, 2637, 14713, 11, 17282, 11, 46479, 477, 79, 360, 10194, 8, 430, 3455, 1193, 198, 1820, 630, 315, 339, 830, 1411, 26, 323, 5255, 21315, 5995, 311, 7072, 279, 14239, 67740, 477, 82, 2642, 830, 269, 17156, 7058, 1543, 15652, 64609, 454, 58085, 433, 58809, 17, 8, 21365, 3691, 5727, 904, 472, 16895, 17615, 826, 11, 1933, 198, 723, 3486, 477, 32056, 1685, 54268, 320, 300, 9910, 555, 1820, 27844, 323, 78893, 17128, 8, 477, 198, 3852, 1605, 21075, 477, 20960, 18015, 25795, 26, 320, 18, 8, 21365, 3691, 374, 93834, 315, 20375, 494, 461, 198, 39220, 323, 606, 494, 461, 315, 21470, 14293, 1436, 539, 62386, 29844, 291, 439, 53980, 60425, 198, 53980, 3691, 304, 18859, 449, 420, 14646, 49216, 4071, 45010, 4762, 527, 1962, 339, 830, 992, 10886, 369, 329, 31024, 5933, 15657, 304, 1820, 198, 4082, 34, 14640, 11, 902, 1101, 2686, 279, 817, 1073, 21470, 3878, 439, 17947, 438, 5531, 2490, 11, 477, 7058, 30528, 292, 15657, 11, 2890, 15657, 11, 40085, 33969, 323, 971, 273, 33282, 13, 578, 79360, 14050, 706, 88, 7211, 677, 336, 347, 1908, 311, 36013, 279, 454, 84996, 315, 47864, 1174, 14239, 2883, 323, 12393, 3691, 5315, 889, 198, 6961, 291, 2391, 279, 586, 4068, 4261, 627, 3947, 374, 444, 29644, 555, 1820, 4082, 34, 5687, 300, 9336, 1089, 1412, 5315, 12025, 383, 644, 7815, 315, 27844, 198, 29356, 22012, 430, 34918, 14239, 83031, 23121, 1054, 53980, 2476, 433, 14724, 318, 2603, 279, 3107, 2425, 3550, 2521, 311, 198, 35122, 15657, 304, 3878, 315, 50123, 2262, 323, 7296, 16853, 791, 27725, 315, 32, 13130, 554, 304, 61943, 349, 315, 6334, 68, 6051, 5946, 527, 70, 2987, 304, 7058, 83, 30317, 323, 18717, 555, 1820, 61694, 20957, 323, 70, 8506, 388, 15360, 304, 61943, 349, 345, 8370, 4934, 1948, 337, 560, 872, 1866, 5064, 662, 1016, 301, 675, 34500, 288, 17959, 369, 1820, 817, 1073, 198, 339, 1430, 1026, 5933, 323, 61694, 389, 14239, 10278, 6427, 477, 329, 31024, 11, 323, 5022, 2996, 17931, 198, 1073, 1054, 93707, 8863, 863, 323, 1054, 1059, 29149, 38983, 662, 89874, 2181, 782, 5923, 1220, 279, 817, 1073, 339, 1430, 76, 2890, 3691, 389, 3107, 55402, 477, 258, 329, 31024, 11, 719, 198, 56967, 279, 817, 1073, 339, 1430, 76, 311, 81496, 92907, 477, 34326, 1089, 1412, 13, 23212, 1174, 275, 782, 6151, 7058, 4590, 31177, 460, 14239, 46841, 439, 53980, 477, 8629, 2740, 15042, 1304, 8349, 430, 275, 1056, 3550, 2521, 198, 258, 50123, 2262, 477, 7296, 16853, 644, 6334, 68, 11, 70077, 11, 37686, 323, 82, 25812, 2011, 2567, 7576, 315, 35247, 10687, 11, 1008, 7058, 2400, 82, 311, 708, 321, 11, 14293, 323, 13066, 15532, 12108, 1146, 42820, 1306, 279, 14239, 2425, 820, 323, 8370, 198, 25849, 387, 17665, 389, 7631, 311, 279, 3314, 6011, 315, 37963, 627, 1737, 11167, 374, 2414, 998, 339, 762, 414, 2641, 11, 719, 19041, 264, 417, 638, 62576, 7298, 304, 339, 301, 675, 11, 74946, 198, 998, 41686, 5340, 10946, 11, 18328, 311, 339, 66274, 2796, 261, 315, 351, 2265, 10745, 13, 666, 301, 675, 56967, 369, 3913, 7058, 83, 2461, 719, 28156, 539, 37890 ]
look at this “super junk food.” 35.2.1 What Is Molasses? Molasses isayellowish ordark-brown, thick, sweet, sticky syrup which ismost of- tenused forcooking, candy-making orasalivestock feed. Most molasses isobtained as aby-product inthemanufacturing ofsugar from sugar cane butsome isobtained from thesugar beet. Therefore, countries thatgrow sugar cane produce most oftheworld’ s molasses. In the United States, Louisiana is the center of molasses production. Molasses contains 36to50percent sugar.Chemists anddrug manufacturers useit tomake many chemical products, including industrial alcohol. Molasses yields large amounts ofcitric acid. This citric acid from molasses isused inmaking softdrinks. Low- grade molasses, called blackstrap, is fed to livestock. Molasses thatistobeeaten contains much sugar,soittastes sweet. Itisoften used in making cookies and candy for the unusual flavor which it imparts. 35.2.2 How Molasses is Produced Inpreparation forharvesting thesugar cane, thefields aresetafire toburn offthe dried upleaves. Then thesugar cane iscutdown andtaken tothesugar refinery.Itisput through high-pressure rollers tosqueeze outthejuice. The juice contains many impu- rities including field soil, cane fiber andwax, organic acids, ash, nitrogen compounds,pectin andgum. Ontheother side ofthevatcontaining thejuice istheresulting fibrous tissue, called bagasse. The bagasse isfurther processed togettheultimate sugar content outofit.Itis sprayed with super -heated hotwater which quickly saturates thebagasse andpicks up, in solution, more sugar. It also picks up some of the pulpy or ganic matter. This isthen squeezed outofthebagasse byyetanother setofhigh-pressure rollers. Itiscooled andcombined with theoriginal juice. This diluted juice contains lesssugar than the vir gin pressing. Also, it contains a lot of or ganic matter or pulp. Togetcrystalline sugar from cane juice, thefirst step istostabilize itchemically so thatitsprized content, sucrose, willnotbecome invert sugar,thatis,fructose and/orglu- cose. Cane juice hasapHofabout 5.4,which isontheacid side, andthefirst boiling would cause thesucrose tobreak down intoitstwobasic sugars, fructose andglucose. Asastabilizer,about five gallons ofliquified quicklime isadded to1,000 gallons of juice. This gives itapHofabout 8.0,thus stabilizing thesucrose. Also added atthis stage toclarify theliquid aresulphur dioxide/ carbon dioxide and, usually,phosphoric acid. Then thejuice isputthrough itsfirst boiling toremove most ofitswater andto obtain thefirst extraction. What remains from thisfirst extraction iscalled crude mo- lasses. Then more chemicals areadded totheresidue andyetanother cooking (boiling) is done. Acid sulphite and carbon compounds are added. After thisextraction comes yetanother extraction during which bone char (cattle bones thathave been heated tothepoint ofcharring), sulphur compounds andchlorine are used as clarifiers and purifiers. Chlorine is used for its “bleaching” action. The final residue is called molasses. 35.2.3 Molasses Contains Sugar Asyouhave learned from previous lessons, refined sugar ofanykind hasdevastating effects onourhealth. Such sugars areresponsible formany diseases and disorders including tooth decay,obesity,heart disease, hypoglycemia, diabetes, meningitis and many others. Youhave also learned thatwhen youeatanyrefined carbohydrate, thebody must take vital nutrients from healthy cells tometabolize incomplete foods. Thus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, andcalcium aredrawn from various parts ofthebody tomake useofthesugar.Likewise other valuable vitamins, minerals andenzymes arerobbed from the body. Since molasses contains 36-50 percent sugar,theknown harmful effects ofwhite sugar would also apply to molasses. 35.3. Harmful Chemicals In Molasses 35.3.1 Sulphur Dioxide Most ofthechemicals which areused intherefining process ofcane sugar eventu- allyfindtheir way intothewaste residue which isthemolasses. Therefore, younotonly have theharmful effects ofthesugar butalso ofthetoxic chemicals which areused in its manufacture. W e will take a look at some of the chemicals. 35.3.1 Sulphur Dioxide Sulphur dioxide isachemical compound ofsulphur andoxygen, having antioxidant properties. It is sometimes used in food for control of discoloration. Anantioxidant isasubstance thatprevents ordelays oxidation—a substance capable ofchemically protecting other substances from uniting with oxygen. Itisoneofthemost common groups ofadditives used toprevent change incolor orflavor caused byoxygenintheair.Forexample, some fruits andvegetables containing certain enzymes (such as apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, peaches, pears andpotatoes), darken when exposed to air after being cut, bruised, or allowed to overmature. According totheMerck manual, exposure tosulphur dioxide results inrespiratory tract irritation: sneezing, cough, dyspnea, andpulmonary edema when inhaled asin smog. Ifthebody responds sostrongly tothisagent when itisintheair,itmakes sense thatitcannot tolerate itwhen weingest itwith ourfood. Itis,infact, adeadly poison and is treated as such in the manual. Everyone knows thatweneed oxygen tolive; intheabsence ofoxygen wecannot breathe. Onacellular level ourcells require oxygen tofunction. Allplants andfruits of plants contain oxygen asanessential component oftheir structure. Oxygen also plays a roleinevery action andreaction inourbody andisrequired toproduce theATP(adeno- sine triphosphate) for ener gy metabolism. Oxidation may beinterpreted inseveral ways. Theaddition ofoxygen toamolecule isoneform ofoxidation. Every oxidation must alsobeaccompanied bytheopposite re- action, a reduction, and this is when oxygen is taken away or reduced from a molecule. Oxidations andreductions areessential inutilization offoods toprovide energy.The oxidation offoodstuf fs,fats, carbohydrates, andproteins, takes place inastep bystep manner through what iscalled the“Kreb’ scycle.” Theendresult oftheKreb’ scycle is liberation of ener gy to be used as needed by the body. Any interference atanypoint during theoxidation reduction process cananddoes effect theentire body.Research islacking onwhat effectantioxidants which areadded toourfood canhave ongeneral cellular metabolism butasstudents ofLife Science youknow thatanyfragmentation ofournatural foods always results inadverse conse- quences. Especially serious consequences occur when outandoutpoisons areadded to our food, such as sulphur dioxide. •Must be digested ef ficiently. •Must have protein adequacy. •Must have vitamin adequacy. •Must supply mineral salts amply. •Must supply our needs for essential fatty acids. •Must supply our needs for caloric values. Does molasses meet any of these requirements? Molasses istheendproduct inthemanufacture ofrefined sugar.Itcontains many toxic substances. Psychologically,thisdark gooey product hasnoappeal atallexcept thatwehave become accustomed toitandhave learned toaccept itasanaddition toour dietalong with other perversions. Children naturally rebel against thetaste ofmolasses. This does not occur with a nice ripe banana or a piece of watermelon, for example. Molasses isnotdelicious toanyunperverted palate. Furthermore, molasses hasno natural state since Nature never created such aconglomeration ofsugar andchemicals. Molasses hasnoliving state inNature. Itisrepulsive tooursense ofsmell, taste and sight. Molasses isnoteasily digested. Aslittle asonetea-spoonful willresult innausea. This indicates thatthebody rejects thispoison rather than attempting todigest itasit would with a normal food such as an apple. Molasses isnotdigested efficiently.Itisoften passed through thebody with little absorption andoften results indiarrhea. This isanother indication thatthebody isat- tempting to dispose of this toxic matter. Molasses is entirely lacking in protein. Since molasses goes through such along boiling process, there arenovitamins left intheendproduct. Theonly mineral salts thataredetectable inmolasses arethose in- organic minerals thatareresidues from thecontaminants accumulated during themanu- facturing process. These inor ganic minerals are not usable and are toxic
[ 1427, 520, 420, 1054, 9712, 30774, 3691, 49216, 1758, 13, 17, 13, 16, 3639, 2209, 33518, 52090, 5380, 44, 337, 52090, 374, 352, 5412, 819, 6141, 847, 1481, 4935, 11, 12314, 11, 10437, 11, 28502, 45322, 902, 374, 3646, 315, 7058, 2002, 2656, 369, 1030, 10979, 11, 32656, 28846, 477, 116607, 344, 478, 1197, 5510, 13, 7648, 22337, 52090, 374, 677, 83, 2692, 439, 198, 6243, 29745, 304, 339, 16357, 4830, 1711, 59161, 8734, 505, 13465, 63335, 719, 15031, 374, 677, 83, 2692, 505, 198, 6509, 8734, 49112, 13, 15636, 11, 5961, 430, 67318, 13465, 63335, 8356, 1455, 315, 16142, 1410, 529, 274, 198, 45444, 52090, 13, 763, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 29974, 374, 279, 4219, 315, 22337, 52090, 5788, 627, 44, 337, 52090, 5727, 220, 1927, 998, 1135, 25426, 13465, 662, 64938, 1705, 323, 73821, 17032, 1005, 275, 198, 38501, 731, 1690, 11742, 3956, 11, 2737, 13076, 13200, 13, 33518, 52090, 36508, 3544, 198, 6173, 82, 315, 54961, 2265, 13935, 13, 1115, 6681, 2265, 13935, 505, 22337, 52090, 374, 2656, 304, 28936, 8579, 3696, 15872, 13, 12310, 7058, 7082, 22337, 52090, 11, 2663, 3776, 5202, 11, 374, 23114, 311, 51876, 627, 44, 337, 52090, 430, 380, 677, 2176, 13827, 5727, 1790, 13465, 1174, 708, 1468, 28006, 10437, 13, 1102, 285, 61917, 1511, 198, 258, 3339, 8443, 323, 32656, 369, 279, 19018, 17615, 902, 433, 3242, 7183, 627, 1758, 13, 17, 13, 17, 2650, 33518, 52090, 374, 88365, 198, 644, 1762, 36235, 369, 13279, 7164, 287, 279, 82, 8734, 63335, 11, 279, 9184, 264, 417, 1955, 11029, 311, 22464, 1022, 1820, 198, 67, 4588, 709, 273, 4798, 13, 5112, 279, 82, 8734, 63335, 374, 10453, 2996, 323, 83261, 311, 6509, 8734, 94734, 662, 2181, 285, 631, 198, 20322, 1579, 89561, 89713, 311, 53013, 704, 1820, 8783, 560, 13, 578, 23661, 5727, 1690, 3242, 84, 7058, 1018, 552, 2737, 2115, 17614, 11, 63335, 24722, 323, 86, 710, 11, 17808, 33969, 11, 24767, 11, 47503, 32246, 11, 1002, 258, 323, 70, 372, 13, 1952, 1820, 1605, 3185, 315, 1820, 50813, 778, 2101, 279, 8783, 560, 6127, 1964, 288, 495, 287, 16178, 27620, 198, 83, 11407, 11, 2663, 9145, 13559, 627, 791, 9145, 13559, 374, 69, 4004, 15590, 311, 456, 1820, 67666, 13465, 2262, 704, 1073, 275, 28628, 285, 198, 52773, 43995, 449, 2307, 482, 383, 660, 4106, 13284, 902, 6288, 94577, 988, 279, 21946, 13559, 323, 79, 5908, 709, 345, 258, 6425, 11, 810, 13465, 662, 1102, 1101, 22657, 709, 1063, 315, 279, 7893, 3368, 477, 25893, 292, 5030, 16853, 2028, 6127, 12301, 65262, 704, 1073, 1820, 21946, 13559, 555, 47492, 43063, 743, 1073, 12156, 89561, 89713, 627, 2181, 9652, 42831, 323, 67407, 449, 279, 10090, 23661, 13, 1115, 80703, 23661, 5727, 2753, 82, 8734, 198, 54895, 279, 9043, 47283, 26422, 13, 7429, 11, 433, 5727, 264, 2763, 315, 477, 25893, 292, 5030, 477, 64188, 627, 1271, 456, 5192, 599, 543, 483, 13465, 505, 63335, 23661, 11, 279, 3983, 3094, 6127, 537, 13052, 553, 433, 2464, 2740, 779, 198, 9210, 1220, 652, 1534, 2262, 11, 11405, 25888, 11, 690, 1962, 17106, 638, 43299, 13465, 1174, 339, 3689, 11, 1658, 87873, 323, 42461, 10036, 7058, 66, 974, 13, 356, 2194, 23661, 706, 391, 39, 1073, 9274, 220, 20, 13, 19, 11, 8370, 374, 263, 1820, 58156, 3185, 11, 323, 339, 830, 874, 50937, 198, 41450, 5353, 279, 82, 1791, 25888, 311, 9137, 1523, 1139, 275, 267, 86, 677, 6099, 70913, 11, 1448, 87873, 323, 6200, 94697, 627, 2170, 561, 13052, 3213, 1174, 9274, 4330, 51222, 315, 41093, 1908, 4062, 40043, 374, 17249, 311, 16, 11, 931, 51222, 315, 198, 8783, 560, 13, 1115, 6835, 433, 391, 39, 1073, 9274, 220, 23, 13, 15, 11, 34232, 27276, 4954, 279, 82, 1791, 25888, 13, 7429, 3779, 520, 576, 198, 21406, 311, 13115, 1463, 279, 54737, 264, 417, 360, 764, 324, 40589, 14, 12782, 40589, 323, 11, 6118, 1174, 764, 24527, 27456, 198, 58156, 627, 12487, 279, 8783, 560, 374, 631, 20322, 1202, 3983, 50937, 311, 5514, 1455, 315, 1220, 13284, 323, 998, 198, 677, 23771, 279, 3983, 33289, 13, 3639, 8625, 505, 420, 3983, 33289, 374, 44982, 35750, 4647, 7058, 34968, 13, 5112, 810, 26333, 527, 17249, 311, 700, 288, 61707, 323, 47492, 43063, 17677, 320, 754, 8138, 340, 285, 2884, 13, 50234, 83778, 635, 323, 12782, 32246, 527, 3779, 627, 6153, 420, 327, 27523, 4131, 3686, 43063, 33289, 2391, 902, 17685, 1181, 320, 66, 4730, 198, 82091, 430, 19553, 1027, 32813, 311, 339, 752, 787, 315, 331, 20450, 705, 83778, 324, 32246, 323, 72967, 483, 198, 548, 1511, 439, 20064, 12099, 323, 4087, 12099, 13, 92479, 483, 374, 1511, 369, 1202, 1054, 901, 12092, 863, 1957, 627, 791, 1620, 49232, 374, 2663, 22337, 52090, 627, 1758, 13, 17, 13, 18, 33518, 52090, 31911, 32019, 198, 2170, 9514, 19553, 9687, 505, 3766, 18872, 11, 38291, 13465, 315, 3852, 15674, 706, 3667, 561, 1113, 198, 81524, 389, 414, 12393, 13, 15483, 70913, 802, 13213, 43419, 1376, 3852, 19338, 323, 24673, 198, 16564, 26588, 31815, 1174, 677, 28222, 1174, 18207, 8624, 11, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 22689, 11, 20335, 11, 67979, 20000, 323, 198, 35676, 3885, 627, 2675, 19553, 1101, 9687, 430, 9493, 499, 33166, 3852, 1116, 1619, 67732, 11, 279, 2664, 2011, 198, 23609, 16595, 37493, 505, 9498, 7917, 311, 4150, 53904, 553, 33243, 15657, 13, 14636, 11, 39695, 345, 19644, 49163, 11, 61933, 11, 323, 27684, 2411, 527, 7788, 77, 505, 5370, 5596, 315, 1820, 2664, 311, 7072, 198, 817, 1073, 6509, 8734, 662, 73097, 25346, 1023, 15525, 46192, 11, 34072, 323, 17007, 79809, 802, 261, 677, 2788, 198, 1527, 279, 2547, 16853, 12834, 22337, 52090, 5727, 220, 1927, 12, 1135, 3346, 13465, 1174, 339, 1247, 4262, 28856, 6372, 315, 5902, 198, 82, 8734, 1053, 1101, 3881, 311, 22337, 52090, 627, 1758, 13, 18, 13, 92071, 1285, 36424, 82, 763, 33518, 52090, 198, 1758, 13, 18, 13, 16, 46962, 764, 324, 423, 37901, 198, 13622, 315, 1820, 32056, 82, 902, 527, 2656, 304, 19041, 5589, 287, 1920, 315, 66, 2194, 13465, 1567, 84, 7058, 750, 3990, 50828, 1648, 1139, 16142, 5642, 49232, 902, 6127, 30132, 337, 52090, 13, 15636, 11, 499, 1962, 3323, 198, 19553, 279, 71, 2227, 1285, 6372, 315, 6509, 8734, 719, 19171, 315, 339, 295, 82329, 26333, 902, 527, 2656, 304, 198, 1220, 30847, 13, 468, 384, 690, 1935, 264, 1427, 520, 1063, 315, 279, 26333, 627, 1758, 13, 18, 13, 16, 46962, 764, 324, 423, 37901, 198, 50, 360, 764, 324, 40589, 374, 613, 336, 950, 24549, 59161, 360, 764, 324, 323, 78, 19472, 11, 3515, 70339, 198, 13495, 13, 1102, 374, 7170, 1511, 304, 3691, 369, 2585, 315, 2624, 795, 367, 627, 2127, 519, 42651, 519, 374, 300, 392, 1333, 430, 1762, 48764, 6141, 301, 954, 71162, 29096, 20278, 13171, 198, 1073, 2464, 2740, 22973, 1023, 33155, 505, 5089, 287, 449, 24463, 13, 1102, 285, 606, 1073, 49818, 537, 198, 5581, 5315, 315, 723, 51454, 1511, 311, 93755, 2349, 304, 3506, 477, 1517, 3372, 9057, 555, 78, 19472, 258, 1820, 1334, 10749, 87, 1545, 11, 1063, 26390, 323, 83571, 4893, 8649, 3738, 56067, 320, 21470, 439, 198, 680, 645, 11, 21726, 292, 2469, 11, 68442, 11, 23008, 4108, 11, 1069, 14576, 11, 281, 7596, 323, 19644, 20798, 705, 95788, 994, 15246, 198, 998, 3805, 1306, 1694, 4018, 11, 43100, 4147, 11, 477, 5535, 311, 927, 76, 1598, 627, 11439, 311, 1820, 27814, 377, 11630, 11, 14675, 311, 82, 360, 764, 324, 40589, 3135, 304, 417, 5682, 5382, 198, 2193, 66510, 25, 21423, 10333, 287, 11, 40700, 11, 22709, 79, 33252, 11, 323, 79, 360, 55892, 1608, 9355, 994, 304, 60985, 439, 258, 198, 3647, 540, 13, 1442, 1820, 2664, 31680, 779, 4620, 398, 311, 576, 8252, 994, 433, 58504, 1820, 1334, 11, 73384, 2094, 5647, 198, 9210, 275, 34360, 50134, 433, 9493, 584, 287, 478, 433, 4291, 1057, 14239, 13, 1102, 285, 11, 13885, 533, 11, 17546, 329, 398, 21109, 198, 438, 374, 12020, 439, 1778, 304, 279, 11630, 627, 34124, 8964, 430, 86, 1994, 291, 24463, 311, 25859, 26, 304, 1820, 3518, 768, 315, 78, 19472, 584, 34360, 198, 65, 1244, 383, 13, 1952, 65441, 2237, 1057, 37791, 1397, 24463, 311, 1723, 13, 2052, 64805, 323, 1658, 12059, 315, 198, 64805, 6782, 24463, 439, 276, 49582, 3777, 315, 50828, 6070, 13, 87669, 1101, 11335, 264, 198, 5898, 483, 1225, 1957, 323, 60307, 304, 414, 2664, 323, 285, 6413, 311, 98374, 279, 835, 47, 44879, 12052, 7058, 82, 483, 2463, 764, 93473, 8, 369, 38556, 29720, 39097, 627, 46, 87, 307, 367, 1253, 387, 94561, 54682, 17998, 5627, 13, 578, 723, 684, 315, 78, 19472, 311, 309, 55269, 198, 285, 606, 630, 315, 85078, 367, 13, 7357, 71162, 2011, 10942, 15784, 73087, 22840, 555, 1820, 454, 13921, 312, 7058, 1335, 11, 264, 14278, 11, 323, 420, 374, 994, 24463, 374, 4529, 3201, 477, 11293, 505, 264, 43030, 627, 46, 87, 307, 811, 60772, 1072, 5247, 527, 49582, 304, 1338, 2065, 315, 96420, 311, 62556, 4907, 11829, 198, 85078, 367, 315, 14239, 267, 1739, 8789, 17514, 1900, 11, 62345, 11, 323, 782, 668, 1354, 11, 5097, 2035, 304, 561, 752, 555, 9710, 198, 76, 4992, 1555, 1148, 374, 44982, 279, 2118, 42, 32575, 529, 1156, 5566, 2029, 578, 408, 1407, 315, 1820, 42, 32575, 529, 1156, 5566, 374, 198, 2808, 21597, 315, 38556, 29720, 311, 387, 1511, 439, 4460, 555, 279, 2547, 16853, 8780, 32317, 58946, 1100, 787, 2391, 279, 85078, 367, 14278, 1920, 649, 438, 28156, 198, 27153, 279, 306, 556, 2547, 662, 28528, 83031, 9162, 389, 12840, 2515, 519, 42651, 1821, 902, 527, 17249, 198, 998, 414, 14239, 649, 19553, 389, 25615, 35693, 39097, 719, 300, 38318, 315, 26833, 10170, 198, 9514, 33134, 430, 3852, 43302, 367, 315, 3514, 4688, 15657, 2744, 3135, 304, 329, 4550, 31025, 7058, 45045, 13, 36625, 6129, 16296, 12446, 994, 704, 438, 412, 5481, 19941, 527, 17249, 311, 198, 414, 3691, 11, 1778, 439, 83778, 324, 40589, 627, 6806, 32876, 387, 4170, 10185, 31469, 282, 5499, 398, 16853, 6806, 32876, 617, 13128, 41228, 2826, 16853, 6806, 32876, 617, 28170, 41228, 2826, 16853, 6806, 32876, 8312, 25107, 78235, 1097, 2603, 16853, 6806, 32876, 8312, 1057, 3966, 369, 7718, 40085, 33969, 627, 6806, 32876, 8312, 1057, 3966, 369, 1652, 27456, 2819, 627, 22186, 22337, 52090, 3449, 904, 315, 1521, 8670, 5380, 44, 337, 52090, 6127, 383, 408, 3107, 304, 339, 16357, 4830, 554, 315, 1116, 1619, 13465, 662, 2181, 13676, 1690, 198, 998, 14668, 33155, 13, 17680, 30450, 1174, 576, 23449, 80566, 1216, 2027, 706, 2201, 34531, 278, 520, 278, 2635, 1512, 198, 9210, 906, 19553, 3719, 53184, 311, 275, 438, 19553, 9687, 311, 10543, 433, 46488, 723, 684, 311, 414, 198, 94942, 39393, 449, 1023, 281, 19251, 919, 13, 15394, 18182, 36417, 2403, 279, 83, 5642, 315, 45444, 52090, 627, 2028, 1587, 539, 12446, 449, 264, 6555, 57796, 44196, 477, 264, 6710, 315, 3090, 72218, 11, 369, 3187, 627, 44, 337, 52090, 374, 1962, 9783, 9824, 311, 3852, 359, 716, 22361, 77338, 13, 24296, 11, 22337, 52090, 706, 2201, 198, 53980, 1614, 2533, 22037, 2646, 3549, 1778, 264, 444, 6200, 316, 21597, 59161, 8734, 323, 32056, 82, 627, 44, 337, 52090, 12775, 337, 2299, 1614, 304, 79519, 13, 1102, 285, 10200, 58921, 311, 2530, 1137, 315, 3647, 616, 11, 12945, 323, 198, 82, 492, 13, 33518, 52090, 4536, 1295, 38367, 4170, 10185, 13, 1666, 56492, 439, 263, 7870, 64, 1355, 33076, 1285, 690, 1407, 304, 3458, 817, 64, 627, 2028, 15151, 430, 1820, 2664, 60515, 420, 5481, 3416, 4856, 1109, 19969, 11791, 15505, 433, 300, 275, 198, 41450, 449, 264, 4725, 3691, 1778, 439, 459, 24149, 627, 44, 337, 52090, 374, 1962, 45961, 10185, 30820, 662, 2181, 285, 61917, 5946, 1555, 279, 2664, 449, 2697, 198, 3518, 66181, 323, 61917, 3135, 1280, 72, 1138, 41033, 13, 1115, 374, 43063, 28137, 430, 1820, 2664, 374, 266, 7058, 4307, 287, 311, 28490, 315, 420, 21503, 5030, 16853, 44, 337, 52090, 374, 11622, 32161, 304, 13128, 627, 12834, 22337, 52090, 5900, 1555, 1778, 3235, 50937, 1920, 11, 1070, 7784, 111480, 38925, 2163, 198, 258, 1820, 408, 3107, 13, 578, 3323, 25107, 78235, 430, 1636, 13478, 481, 304, 45444, 52090, 527, 54719, 304, 7058, 61694, 34072, 430, 277, 13213, 307, 1157, 505, 279, 778, 8778, 1821, 41165, 2391, 1124, 276, 84, 7058, 34210, 1711, 1920, 13, 4314, 304, 269, 25893, 292, 34072, 527, 539, 41030, 323, 527, 21503 ]
, “Containing Inhibits Raiders.” 49.10. The Case Against Commercially-Grown Foods 49.10.1 Hazards ofChemical Fertilizers, Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Fumi- gants, etc. 49.10.2 The “Benefits”? 49.10.3 Chemical Fertilizers vs. Or ganic Methods 49.10.4 No Dif ferences? Use Supplements? 49.10.1 Hazards of Chemical Fertilizers, Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Fumigants, etc. The snowballing evidence against chemical pesticides culminated inRachel Car- son’slandmark book, Silent Spring,ledtothebanintheUnited States ofD.D.T.,and restrictions on the use of other poisons on food crops. OnDecember 25,1975, anarticle appeared intheSt.Petersbur g(Florida) Indepen- dent,entitled “Pesticides Can Kill People, Too.” Geor giaTasker,oftheKnight News- papers, wrote about theexperience ofJoan Cole with theinsecticide “Sevin” (which is notsupposed tobeasbadassuch insecticides as“Malathion”). Shedusted abigtoma- toring with “Sevin” onadryday.Acouple ofdays later,shedecided todiscard the plants altogether,andjerked them outonawindy day.Thenext dayshefeltasthough shewere having anervous breakdown. Shecouldn’ tgetup,shecouldn’ tthink straight. Ms.Cole said, “Ihadreally panicky feelings. Mywhole body sortofwent intolimbo or something.” Thenext day,when shefeltalittle better,sheracked herbrain, andthen in dawned on her that she must have inhaled “all that damned stuf f.” Thearticle continues, “Dr.John Davies, apesticide expert attheUniversity ofMiami Medical School, hasbeen analyzing thetissue ofaFort Walton Beach (Florida) woman who recently died. Initial autopsy tests indicate Mrs. R.J.Clark may have become fatally illafter inhaling toomuch nemagon, apesticide used tocontrol nematodes. “Helen Lund, another Miami gardener,hasgiven upusing pesticides altogether.Shewascaring fortheplants ofvacationing friends andmixed some Malathion, used it,anddecided to take theleftover mixture home. Shedrove home with itintheback seatofhercar.By thetime shereached herhouse, shewasdizzy andsick toherstomach. Shesaid, ‘Igot to thinking this is going to kill the birds—and me.’ “Sowhile theEnvironmental Protection Agency continues tocrack down ondan- gerous pesticides, banning inJuly ofthisyear chlordane andheptachlor except forvery limited use,thepossibilities ofsevere sickness anddeath arealways present when using any pesticide.” The World Health Organization hasreleased figures disclosing almost 500,000 re- ported cases ofpesticide poisoning in1981. Forevery reported case, how many others donotreport oreven recognize therelationship oftheir ailments topesticide exposure or ingestion? AsHygienists, weareconcerned about thehazards ofingesting chemical residues in ourdrinking water orinourfood. How many thousands ofworkers arealso exposed to the dangers involved in handling pesticides, or in growing or handling the crops?49.10.2 The “Benefits”? The chemical cartels maintain that therisk issmall compared tothebenefits achieved. What benefits? Modern insecticides arenonselective, killing orinjuring beneficial insects andani- mals, andpersisting intheenvironment, upsetting theecological balance. Allchemical pesticides upset the eco balance so significantly that crop yields eventually diminish. TheNational Audubon Society says, “Between 80and90percent ofpesticides used inhomes andgardens donogood atall.More often, they doharm. These chemicals are ahazard towildlife, pets, andhumans. None ofthem aretotally safe. And they often cause more problems than they solve.” 49.10.3 Chemical Fertilizers vs. Organic Methods Chemical fertilizers may initially increase theabundance ofcrops, buttheeventual result of failing to replace the exhausted elements of the soil is depletion. Testsmade intheearly 1960s ontheRodale crops inEmmaus, Pennsylvania, indi- cated adecided superiority innutritional value oforganically-grown food over thecom- mercial varieties. Crops were grown sidebyside, halforganically andhalfcommercially (using chemical fertilizers and insecticides). Otherwise, the conditions were identical. Thecrops were then tested toseehow they compared innutritional value. Sixnu- trients were measured, andthereports indicate thesuperiority innutritional value of organically-grown food. Thefollowing comparisons between theorganically-grown and thecommercially-cultivated wheat andoatsgives thehigher percentages ofthese sixnu- trients in the or ganically-grown crops: Nutrients Organically-Grown Oats Organically-Grown Wheat Protein 28% higher 16% higher Vitamin B1 92% higher 108% higher Vitamin B2 171% higher 131% higher Niacin 100% higher 63% higher Calcium 25% higher 29% higher Phosphorus 3% higher 1% higher But the best proof is when we taste and enjoy the better flavor of the food. Anarticle inthePalm Beach (Florida) Post,July 29,1974, byBryce Nelson, Chief oftheMiddle Western Bureau oftheLosAngeles Times inChicago, tells about organic farmers who increased their yields, increased thequality oftheir produce, andimproved their own health andthehealth oftheir stock. Most ofthem sold their products atregular prices ontheopen market. Theorganic farmers said their fertilizer cost waslower,they hadtodolesswork togetashigh orhigher yields than chemical farmers, andthey were happier. Ina1976 study fortheNational Science Foundation, Dr.Barry Commoner deter- mined thatorganic farming methods produce foods more economically,andofhigher quality.Thestudy,made with organic farmers infivestates, showed thatfoods cost$16 anacre lesstoproduce. (The claim isusually made thatorganic farming ismore trouble and more expensive than chemical farming.) More recently,Purdue University Agronomist Jerry Mannering reported evidence of theimportance oforganic matter toplants. The correct chemical andphysical compo- sition, ofthesoil, andthesoilenergy,canbemaintained only byconservation andre- placement oforganic matter.Only organic matter cancreate andmaintain inthewater - holding and nutrient-holding capacity of soils.49.10.4 No Differences? Use Supplements? Numerous representatives ofvested interests maintain thatthere isnodifference in the.nutrient quality ofsafety between chemical food production andfood produced or- ganically. Other vested interests maintain (and even exaggerate) thefood deficiencies created by chemical food production, and of fer a solution—vitamin and mineral supplements. Hygienists must face these issues squarely,anddetermine how toresolve theconten- tions resulting from these claims. Synthetic fertilizers may initially help produce largerfruits andvegetables, butthey areoften lacking intaste andlower innutritional value. Vitamins andminerals, proteins andenzymes infoods thatareproduced organically have repeatedly been shown tobe superior,qualitatively andquantitatively.And, inexorably,when thesoilisdepleted, ex- hausted by the use of chemical agriculture, what then? In1900, wheat inKansas contained about 18% protein. Today Montana wheat (grown invirginsoil) also contains 18% protein. ButKansas wheat today contains only 11%protein, because thevirginsoilisdepleted andthefarmers areusing chemical fer- tilizers. The lateJohn Tobe, inTheProvoker,November -December 1976, said, “The food processors andchemical corporations have arranged forvarious professors ofgreat uni- versities togoonthestump and make statements that there isnospecial value in organically-grown foods. Here Iwould liketotellyouabout some research thatwas conducted attheMassachusetts Institute ofTechnology.Many foods grown intheUnit- edStates were compared with their counterparts grown inMexico, Central America and Latin America. Itwasfound thatmany ofthefoods grown intheU.S. arelower innutri- tional value than thesame foods grown inMexico, Central America, andLatin America, where chemical farming hasnotbeen established.” Thecaption ofthearticle is“Some- times It Pays T o Be Blind.” Many people acknowledge thatcommercially-grown food isdeficient innutritional value, anditiswell known thatorganically-grown food ismore abundant intrace ele- ments, which arenecessary tolife.One example isthedeficiency ofcopper,anecessary trace element, which isdestroyed bychemicalization. Toomany people trytorestore these deficiencies byaugmenting their diets with food supplements (p
[ 345, 2118, 87741, 763, 5923, 1220, 43136, 49216, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 578, 11799, 30241, 28943, 398, 12279, 4935, 40160, 198, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 16, 32595, 2402, 315, 64938, 950, 435, 86795, 12509, 11, 393, 10027, 3422, 11, 435, 2234, 76195, 11, 74956, 76195, 11, 435, 25330, 7058, 70, 1821, 11, 5099, 627, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 17, 578, 1054, 85423, 863, 5380, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 18, 36424, 435, 86795, 12509, 6296, 13, 2582, 25893, 292, 19331, 198, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 19, 2360, 423, 333, 18728, 2436, 30, 5560, 92410, 5380, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 16, 32595, 2402, 315, 36424, 435, 86795, 12509, 11, 393, 10027, 3422, 11, 435, 2234, 76195, 11, 74956, 76195, 345, 37, 372, 343, 1821, 11, 5099, 627, 791, 12056, 4047, 287, 6029, 2403, 11742, 61257, 11957, 52299, 304, 84978, 3341, 7058, 942, 753, 1974, 4075, 2363, 11, 60555, 12531, 1174, 839, 998, 1820, 6993, 258, 1820, 23175, 4273, 315, 35, 920, 844, 119604, 438, 198, 28998, 919, 389, 279, 1005, 315, 1023, 3273, 19941, 389, 3691, 31665, 627, 1966, 33246, 220, 914, 11, 4468, 20, 11, 459, 7203, 9922, 304, 1820, 626, 1087, 2481, 11490, 342, 7, 58127, 8, 2314, 752, 268, 7058, 55923, 11, 306, 15621, 1054, 47, 10027, 3422, 3053, 27933, 9029, 11, 25619, 2029, 4323, 269, 96095, 6396, 261, 1174, 1073, 1820, 97643, 5513, 7058, 48393, 11, 6267, 922, 279, 50659, 315, 23307, 276, 24298, 449, 279, 258, 9885, 14842, 1054, 1542, 9799, 863, 320, 8370, 374, 198, 1962, 13066, 3950, 311, 1395, 300, 14176, 395, 1412, 27080, 76195, 439, 2118, 30700, 589, 290, 65312, 95552, 28244, 671, 18400, 7942, 7058, 83, 5620, 449, 1054, 1542, 9799, 863, 389, 329, 894, 1316, 885, 23045, 698, 315, 14097, 3010, 11, 70561, 79741, 11791, 48660, 279, 198, 64805, 31155, 1174, 438, 73, 17172, 291, 1124, 704, 263, 675, 50090, 1938, 99065, 428, 2919, 383, 66922, 561, 71, 1409, 198, 939, 365, 486, 3515, 459, 651, 788, 31085, 13, 3005, 92062, 529, 259, 456, 455, 10900, 383, 92062, 529, 259, 27963, 7833, 627, 22365, 732, 1286, 1071, 11, 1054, 40, 32345, 54760, 7363, 19501, 16024, 13, 3092, 67733, 2547, 3460, 1073, 42700, 528, 337, 318, 754, 477, 198, 34431, 2029, 5112, 428, 1938, 11, 9493, 1364, 66922, 278, 2433, 2731, 1174, 90605, 11440, 1077, 54160, 11, 323, 3473, 304, 198, 67, 6513, 291, 389, 1077, 430, 1364, 2011, 617, 304, 60985, 1054, 543, 430, 68465, 357, 1739, 282, 49216, 791, 7203, 9731, 11, 1054, 9023, 3587, 3180, 56872, 11, 264, 30223, 14842, 6335, 520, 1820, 31272, 315, 85250, 198, 53654, 6150, 11, 706, 82850, 42118, 279, 83, 11407, 315, 64, 34380, 71509, 13011, 320, 58127, 8, 5333, 198, 14965, 6051, 8636, 13, 4220, 76901, 7177, 13519, 18083, 13, 432, 3587, 22338, 847, 1253, 617, 3719, 72461, 198, 6374, 1064, 60537, 6260, 311, 316, 1412, 24566, 6241, 11, 264, 30223, 14842, 1511, 311, 2935, 24566, 266, 2601, 13, 1054, 39, 8564, 198, 43, 1263, 11, 2500, 18045, 22641, 804, 1174, 4752, 43068, 709, 985, 61257, 31155, 662, 2059, 365, 5171, 3329, 198, 2000, 1820, 64805, 315, 54803, 367, 287, 4885, 323, 57785, 1063, 8560, 589, 290, 11, 1511, 433, 51526, 8332, 4591, 311, 198, 23609, 279, 2414, 2017, 21655, 2162, 13, 95552, 51515, 2162, 449, 433, 258, 1820, 1445, 10954, 1073, 1964, 7063, 50006, 198, 339, 4199, 559, 486, 3939, 1077, 7830, 11, 559, 365, 80202, 91591, 323, 82, 875, 311, 1964, 267, 316, 613, 13, 1443, 288, 3864, 11, 3451, 40, 23196, 198, 998, 7422, 420, 374, 2133, 311, 5622, 279, 20229, 17223, 757, 14639, 198, 2118, 50, 363, 71, 458, 279, 83166, 19721, 16784, 9731, 311, 5192, 474, 1523, 389, 36255, 7058, 1414, 788, 61257, 11, 49636, 304, 29527, 315, 576, 3236, 523, 26680, 2194, 323, 383, 418, 613, 9761, 3734, 369, 1225, 198, 18736, 1005, 11, 339, 752, 3746, 13757, 315, 325, 19846, 54950, 323, 63007, 527, 33222, 3118, 994, 1701, 198, 3852, 84673, 49216, 791, 4435, 6401, 21021, 706, 78038, 12678, 95935, 4661, 220, 2636, 11, 931, 312, 7058, 36626, 5157, 315, 30223, 14842, 52236, 304, 3753, 16, 13, 8371, 1225, 5068, 1162, 11, 1268, 1690, 3885, 198, 15357, 354, 11998, 16536, 1055, 15641, 9139, 301, 15838, 315, 50828, 82907, 311, 30223, 14842, 14675, 198, 269, 88447, 5380, 2170, 31916, 88364, 1705, 11, 584, 548, 444, 29644, 291, 922, 279, 71, 1394, 2402, 315, 287, 60955, 11742, 71783, 304, 198, 414, 3696, 16113, 3090, 477, 258, 414, 14239, 13, 2650, 1690, 9214, 315, 56058, 527, 19171, 15246, 311, 198, 1820, 37064, 6532, 304, 11850, 61257, 11, 477, 304, 7982, 477, 11850, 279, 31665, 30, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 17, 578, 1054, 85423, 863, 5380, 791, 11742, 7558, 2053, 10519, 430, 9139, 3267, 2425, 30632, 7863, 311, 1820, 68244, 1220, 198, 613, 32077, 13, 3639, 7720, 18072, 49552, 27080, 76195, 527, 6414, 1779, 535, 11, 13419, 477, 258, 73, 1711, 24629, 41911, 323, 5676, 7058, 76, 1147, 11, 323, 40926, 287, 304, 1820, 24175, 11, 91069, 279, 762, 5848, 8335, 13, 2052, 32056, 198, 30223, 76195, 23268, 279, 42688, 8335, 779, 12207, 430, 19641, 36508, 9778, 57160, 627, 791, 31912, 15416, 392, 263, 13581, 2795, 11, 1054, 26556, 220, 1490, 438, 1954, 25426, 315, 30223, 76195, 1511, 198, 21538, 20969, 323, 54592, 729, 1541, 540, 1411, 520, 543, 93868, 3629, 11, 814, 656, 71, 2227, 13, 4314, 26333, 527, 198, 1494, 58757, 16190, 699, 14789, 11, 26159, 11, 323, 28400, 598, 13, 2290, 315, 49818, 527, 28879, 750, 6220, 13, 1628, 814, 3629, 198, 1593, 810, 5435, 1109, 814, 11886, 49216, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 18, 36424, 435, 86795, 12509, 6296, 13, 44037, 19331, 198, 64938, 950, 36214, 12509, 1253, 15453, 5376, 279, 370, 98681, 315, 66, 3787, 11, 719, 1820, 3163, 940, 198, 1407, 315, 22109, 311, 8454, 279, 39019, 5540, 315, 279, 17614, 374, 92948, 627, 2323, 3647, 1037, 304, 1820, 22928, 220, 5162, 15, 82, 389, 1820, 60207, 1604, 31665, 304, 90174, 355, 11, 20355, 11, 1280, 72, 7058, 66, 660, 87818, 4591, 66732, 6301, 332, 37842, 907, 315, 8629, 2740, 2427, 4935, 3691, 927, 279, 884, 7058, 19370, 36680, 13, 356, 3787, 1051, 15042, 3185, 65, 1065, 579, 11, 4376, 8629, 2740, 323, 38106, 84707, 398, 198, 84322, 11742, 36214, 12509, 323, 27080, 76195, 570, 18715, 11, 279, 4787, 1051, 20086, 627, 791, 66, 3787, 1051, 1243, 12793, 311, 325, 2701, 363, 814, 7863, 6301, 332, 37842, 907, 13, 19198, 9110, 7058, 376, 4167, 1051, 17303, 11, 323, 19041, 3476, 13519, 279, 9712, 2521, 488, 6301, 332, 37842, 907, 315, 198, 8629, 2740, 2427, 4935, 3691, 13, 578, 44018, 36595, 1990, 279, 8629, 2740, 2427, 4935, 323, 198, 339, 66274, 19370, 398, 1824, 495, 55786, 34153, 323, 78, 1900, 70, 1924, 279, 90447, 54208, 315, 45010, 4848, 9110, 7058, 376, 4167, 304, 279, 477, 25893, 2740, 2427, 4935, 31665, 512, 79570, 32930, 10995, 2740, 12279, 4935, 507, 1900, 10995, 2740, 12279, 4935, 56738, 198, 1360, 39340, 220, 1591, 4, 5190, 220, 845, 4, 5190, 198, 53, 76652, 426, 16, 220, 6083, 4, 5190, 220, 6640, 4, 5190, 198, 53, 76652, 426, 17, 220, 11123, 4, 5190, 220, 9263, 4, 5190, 198, 45, 18029, 258, 220, 1041, 4, 5190, 220, 5495, 4, 5190, 198, 48268, 2411, 220, 914, 4, 5190, 220, 1682, 4, 5190, 198, 3438, 24527, 30969, 220, 18, 4, 5190, 220, 16, 4, 5190, 198, 4071, 279, 1888, 11311, 374, 994, 584, 12945, 323, 4774, 279, 2731, 17615, 315, 279, 3691, 627, 2127, 7203, 304, 1820, 47, 7828, 13011, 320, 58127, 8, 3962, 11, 29527, 220, 1682, 11, 4468, 19, 11, 555, 33, 894, 346, 27562, 11, 14681, 198, 1073, 1820, 45035, 11104, 22555, 315, 1820, 30696, 2127, 713, 645, 8691, 304, 47275, 11, 10975, 922, 17808, 198, 66911, 388, 889, 7319, 872, 36508, 11, 7319, 279, 10692, 315, 50828, 8356, 11, 323, 318, 96608, 198, 50828, 1866, 2890, 323, 1820, 12393, 315, 50828, 5708, 13, 7648, 315, 49818, 6216, 872, 3956, 520, 23108, 198, 59869, 389, 1820, 2569, 3157, 13, 578, 61694, 20957, 1071, 872, 65391, 2853, 574, 15115, 1174, 20670, 198, 32345, 17825, 1752, 1816, 311, 456, 1003, 1108, 477, 90447, 36508, 1109, 11742, 20957, 11, 323, 20670, 1051, 198, 71, 680, 1291, 16853, 644, 64, 4468, 21, 4007, 369, 1820, 31912, 10170, 5114, 11, 2999, 1823, 11687, 7874, 261, 4130, 7058, 1083, 291, 430, 61694, 33489, 5528, 8356, 15657, 810, 47379, 1174, 438, 1073, 90447, 198, 10692, 662, 791, 56065, 1174, 28010, 449, 17808, 20957, 4225, 344, 478, 988, 11, 8710, 430, 96420, 2853, 3, 845, 198, 276, 29574, 3625, 9684, 48945, 13, 320, 791, 3802, 374, 44066, 1903, 430, 61694, 33489, 374, 6518, 12544, 198, 438, 810, 11646, 1109, 11742, 33489, 29275, 7816, 6051, 1174, 47, 16468, 361, 3907, 72808, 14609, 380, 29808, 30960, 4776, 5068, 6029, 315, 198, 1820, 475, 685, 315, 61694, 5030, 311, 64805, 13, 578, 4495, 11742, 323, 47692, 1391, 78, 7058, 82, 684, 11, 315, 6509, 74913, 11, 323, 6509, 74913, 17947, 11, 4919, 65, 336, 1673, 2692, 1193, 555, 6387, 8943, 60772, 7058, 16491, 315, 61694, 5030, 662, 7456, 17808, 5030, 649, 3261, 323, 67913, 467, 304, 16142, 977, 18722, 43591, 323, 50123, 2902, 15345, 8824, 315, 69561, 13, 2491, 13, 605, 13, 19, 2360, 86897, 30, 5560, 92410, 5380, 68837, 788, 24005, 315, 7164, 291, 12034, 10519, 430, 19041, 4536, 347, 18691, 304, 198, 1820, 1276, 332, 13283, 4367, 59161, 39718, 1990, 11742, 3691, 5788, 323, 14239, 9124, 477, 7058, 30528, 2740, 16853, 11663, 79051, 12034, 10519, 320, 438, 1524, 39030, 349, 8, 279, 14239, 72946, 3549, 198, 1729, 11742, 3691, 5788, 11, 323, 315, 18728, 264, 6425, 2345, 55911, 8778, 323, 25107, 33690, 627, 31916, 88364, 1705, 2011, 3663, 1521, 4819, 95563, 1174, 438, 67, 25296, 1268, 311, 17775, 279, 778, 268, 7058, 83, 919, 13239, 505, 1521, 8349, 627, 38234, 18015, 36214, 12509, 1253, 15453, 1520, 8356, 8294, 1658, 12059, 323, 83571, 4893, 11, 719, 20670, 198, 548, 61917, 32161, 528, 5642, 323, 15115, 6301, 332, 37842, 907, 13, 29560, 38925, 323, 1083, 17822, 11, 28896, 198, 438, 17007, 79809, 3630, 30797, 430, 548, 8723, 2041, 2942, 2740, 617, 19352, 1027, 6982, 311, 1395, 198, 9712, 2521, 1174, 1788, 275, 8046, 323, 31548, 275, 8046, 662, 3112, 11, 55981, 269, 2915, 1174, 9493, 279, 708, 121038, 451, 11274, 11, 506, 7058, 15424, 291, 555, 279, 1005, 315, 11742, 30029, 11, 1148, 1243, 5380, 644, 7028, 15, 11, 34153, 304, 94963, 13282, 922, 220, 972, 4, 13128, 13, 11450, 37105, 34153, 198, 3348, 4935, 1558, 404, 8326, 708, 321, 8, 1101, 5727, 220, 972, 4, 13128, 13, 2030, 94963, 34153, 3432, 5727, 1193, 198, 806, 4, 79565, 11, 1606, 279, 46957, 8326, 708, 121038, 451, 11274, 323, 339, 830, 2227, 388, 527, 985, 11742, 18728, 7058, 1678, 12509, 627, 791, 3389, 13379, 350, 15784, 11, 304, 791, 81361, 10668, 1174, 34827, 482, 33246, 220, 4468, 21, 11, 1071, 11, 1054, 791, 3691, 198, 82848, 323, 32056, 25341, 617, 28902, 369, 959, 1245, 45724, 315, 47991, 48986, 7058, 3078, 1385, 311, 3427, 6167, 478, 1538, 323, 1304, 12518, 430, 1070, 4536, 437, 3037, 907, 304, 198, 8629, 2740, 2427, 4935, 15657, 13, 5810, 358, 41450, 3208, 295, 354, 12160, 283, 9274, 1063, 3495, 430, 16514, 198, 444, 55015, 520, 1820, 26909, 20652, 10181, 315, 63507, 662, 8607, 15657, 15042, 304, 1820, 4665, 7058, 291, 24137, 1051, 7863, 449, 872, 38495, 15042, 304, 69931, 11, 10913, 5270, 323, 198, 42647, 5270, 13, 1102, 16514, 15456, 430, 35676, 315, 339, 830, 9242, 15042, 304, 1820, 52, 815, 13, 527, 15115, 6301, 332, 462, 7058, 83, 4001, 907, 1109, 279, 25030, 15657, 15042, 304, 69931, 11, 10913, 5270, 11, 323, 42647, 5270, 345, 2940, 11742, 33489, 706, 1962, 82850, 9749, 2029, 578, 24232, 315, 1820, 7203, 374, 2118, 8538, 7058, 15487, 1102, 94708, 350, 297, 2893, 55370, 49216, 8607, 1274, 25670, 430, 84707, 398, 2427, 4935, 3691, 374, 755, 5499, 6301, 332, 37842, 198, 970, 11, 323, 20000, 9336, 3967, 430, 8629, 2740, 2427, 4935, 3691, 374, 6518, 44611, 10805, 580, 10732, 7058, 1392, 11, 902, 7784, 20726, 311, 14789, 38167, 3187, 6127, 71, 4313, 10603, 315, 66, 18994, 1174, 276, 20726, 198, 15417, 2449, 11, 902, 374, 15886, 291, 555, 32056, 2065, 13, 2057, 316, 3852, 1274, 1456, 83, 461, 4412, 198, 45010, 72946, 555, 19729, 479, 287, 872, 41943, 449, 3691, 33690, 320, 79 ]
air was perfectly straight andvery coarse. Shedecided tohave apermanent wave. Thebeauty operator failed toapply aneutraliz- ingagent tocounter thechemicals used inthewaving lotion. Onthefollowing day,her scalp wascovered with afiery redrash which extended intotheearsanddown theback ofherneck. The hair itself was curled sotightly thatitseemed toconsist oftiny red- dish gray corkscrews! Hercondition became soserious thatiteventually ended upinthe courts with asettlement after considerable testimony offered bytheattending physician totheeffectthatElizabeth’ shairandscalp condition wasduetothechemical action of the waving lotions. Asaresult ofthisabuse thehairinthefront partofthe(head became very thinanda tinybald spot appeared onthetopofthehead. Itisinteresting inthisdiscussion tonote, however,thathairhasregrown toaremarkable extent inthisarea andthebald spot is nolonger there due, without adoubt, tothefactthatthehaircells were notpermanently destroyed. Itisinteresting tonote, too,thatduring theintervening years during which time Eliz- abeth’ shealth andgeneral vitality have grown enormously duetoincorporating theprin- ciples ofNatural Hygiene intoourliving andeating practices, hernew crop ofhairhas changed from itsformer coarse, bristle-like, straight texture toamuch finer texture and itisalsonow softly curly.Dr.Elizabeth nolonger bothers patronizing expensive beauty shops except for an occasional haircut! Wehave observed oneother case where almost straight hair hasbecome somuch more curly andchanged intexture thatithasattracted thecomments offriends andasso- ciates. This woman isanathletic instructor inanelementary school. Shekeeps herhair cutquite short since shehastotake frequent showers because ofthenature ofherwork.After ayear orsofollowing agreatly-improved dietary intake, herhairisnoticeably im- proved in texture and possesses a lovely natural curl. Persons who lose their hair,however,more often than notexhibit apast history of catarrhal troubles, nervousness, diseases ofother areas oftheskin. Their past medical hhistory often shows thatthey experienced many ofthecommon childhood diseases; some have venereal diseases. Then there areothers who may have suffered blows and bruises during childhood. Forexample, thecuffing ofchildren ontheside ofthehead may lead tobaldness inlater life. Many participate during theformative teen years in such physical contact sports as football where multiple blows are often sustained. Dyes, bleaches, excessive shampooing with soaps, theapplication ofchemical poi- sons intheform ofsalves, tonics, andvarious cure-alls advertised fordandruf fanditchy scalp—all can be factors leading to falling out of the hair and baldness. Certain drugs, forexample, those used inchemotherapy,especially drugs containing mercury andiodine andmost particularly cytoxan (cyclophosphamide) commonly used totreat lymphomas andcertain types ofleukemia, lead tohair loss, often tocomplete baldness. Many ofthese arecapable ofmembrane simple diffusion orcanbeactively transported tocause celldeath. Interestingly,too,isthefactthatcytoxan andsome ofthe other drugs also cause nausea, malfunctioning oftheliver anddrastic reduction inthe number of leucocytes (hypoleucocytosis—the loss of white blood cells). And yet, thevast majority ofpeople, like little lambs following thebellweather lamb totheslaughter,justapply themost widely andglamorously advertised lotions and creams totheir hairandscalp andpopallmanner ofpoison pills likechildren popping “MandM’s,”andnever question their effectiveness orsuspect thedangers thatmay lie waiting in the wings. Itappears thatmost people who sufferfrom chronic diseases ofthehair andscalp have been constipated foryears and, more often than not,thesolid-fluid ratio within the body hasbecome deranged totheextent thattheir bodies lack suppleness andflexibility andthebody channel routes have become clogged with abnormal amounts ofsolid de- brisaccumulated through wrong living andeating habits tosuch anextent thatthecircu- latory powers ofthebody have been greatly curtailed. Obviously,such systemic deteri- oration does notoccur overnight. Itisonethattakes time; such conditions are,nodoubt, like all chronic diseases, years in the making. Normal sexual activity stimulates theflow ofthesebaceous glands ofthescalp. Itis possible thatoverstimulation ofthese glands, however,causes them, inlime, toproduce less and may exhaust the vitality of the hair itself. Wounds, burns, andexcessive heat which again accelerates theaction oftheseba- ceous glands, can cause death of the hair cells and subsequent hair loss. Inallbaldness thatremains on-going, there hasbeen death, death ofthehaircell. As noted, haircells candiefrom numerous causes, butallhairloss(barring, ofcourse, loss from some milder external cause) canbetraced, inthefinal analysis, toinsuf ficient or total lack ofcirculation oftheblood tothepapilla which houses andfeeds theroot (the papilla isoften called the“mother” ofthehairsince itisthrough thisorgan thatthehair is fed). Most overweight people show pronounced hairloss. People who eatapreponderance ofcooked food rarely have healthy-looking hairandoften exhibit thinstraggly-looking hair.Wehave noted thatpersons who areheavy meat eaters quite often have very thin sickly-looking hair. Overnutrition andtheeating ofcooked foods “inflate” thebody andbuild toxic-laden adipose tissue. Nutrients which should bedirected tohair follicles donotarrive duetoincreased blood viscosity (thick blood), acondition which impedes thecirculatory powers ofthe body.Thebody then stores theavailable nutrients wherever itcanandthey areusually used tobuild fatty tissue which is,initsturn, used tostore uneliminated andever-accu- mulating toxic debris. Excess fat,therefore, becomes atoxic vault andthepossibility isever present that, under stress, this“vault” canopen wide andthrow itsdeath-dealing contents into the mainstream to impede and destroy life. Adiseased scalp isanindication ofthepresence ofimpurities, toxic metabolites, in thebloodstream. Thehair,likeevery other partofthebody isnourished bytheblood. Dr.Shelton points outthatuntil thegeneral health issuch asto“guarantee tothehair adequate nutrition, through the blood, the hair cannot be improved.” Tokeep thebeauty ofthehairthroughout life,itmust beprotected from violence and itmust alsoobtain adequate amounts ofallnutrient factors dayafter daythroughout life. Forexample, alack ofvitamin Ainthedietmay cause thehairtobecoarse andugly. Itisbelieved alsothatalack ofsome oftheBvitamins orofiron, copper,and/oriodine may cause thehairtofalloutandthatlack ofother vitamins, especially pantothenic acid; para-aminobenzoic acid, orPABA; andinositol, may cause thehairtogray prematurely. Some forms ofeczema ofthescalp may beduetoalack ofessential fatty acids in thediet. Allthree anti-gray hairvitamins canbeproduced intheintestinal tract bybac- teria thatnormally,inhealthy people, reside there. When thefood intake iscorrect and well-adapted to human needs, there seems to be no deficiency in any of these vitamins. Itisinteresting also tolearn thatexperiments attheGood Housekeeping Institute (according toGayelord Hauser) showed thatfactors other than vitamin presence alsoin- fluenced graying ofthehair as,forexample, alowredblood cellcount andother ab- normalities intheblood. Itisworthy ofnote here toobserve thatfemales more often than men complain offalling hairandmany who dosohave menstruated copiously for years, acondition demonstrated tobearesult ofunhygienic living andeating practices. Falling hairisacompanion disorder toanemia. Copious menstruation, when prolonged, canresult insevere anemia andmany women thus afflicted develop gray hairvery early in life. Inanimal experimentation alack ofeven oneoftheBvitamins cancause animals to lose their hair. When thefood intake isagain made optimal, thehairquickly grows inandbecomes luxuriant. Itisinteresting here tonote thatmale animals lose their hair about twice as fastasfemale animals doandithasbeen suggested thatperhaps baldness inmales may have an unexplained sex linkage. Our own research inthisarea with ourtwodogs, oneaDoberman andtheother aCollie, casts some doubt onthisthesis. Both animals were “rescued,” onefrom the pound andonefrom afamily whose children were abusing thep
[ 1334, 574, 14268, 7833, 323, 1225, 50347, 627, 2059, 291, 79741, 311, 19553, 264, 98524, 12330, 13, 578, 1395, 59051, 5793, 4745, 311, 10492, 459, 68, 14587, 450, 7058, 287, 8252, 311, 8456, 279, 32056, 82, 1511, 304, 16142, 2370, 87942, 13, 1952, 339, 830, 1573, 287, 1938, 11, 1964, 198, 94307, 79, 574, 21468, 449, 8136, 72, 727, 2579, 81, 1003, 902, 11838, 1139, 1820, 7596, 438, 2996, 279, 1445, 198, 1073, 1964, 63440, 13, 578, 7013, 5196, 574, 92626, 274, 354, 73048, 430, 275, 325, 16809, 311, 6387, 380, 43146, 6577, 2579, 7058, 73933, 18004, 272, 74402, 846, 9092, 0, 6385, 9233, 6244, 274, 24332, 1245, 430, 635, 688, 1870, 9670, 709, 258, 1820, 198, 67971, 2641, 449, 439, 7211, 1001, 1306, 24779, 24365, 9076, 555, 1820, 1617, 2518, 28378, 198, 998, 1820, 27153, 9210, 76637, 529, 559, 1334, 438, 94307, 79, 3044, 574, 1072, 11269, 1820, 32056, 1957, 315, 198, 1820, 64211, 2763, 919, 627, 2170, 64, 1407, 315, 576, 370, 817, 279, 51729, 48121, 830, 9598, 961, 1073, 1820, 26408, 6244, 1633, 15792, 10018, 198, 47216, 65, 4852, 7858, 9922, 389, 339, 295, 454, 1073, 1820, 2025, 13, 1102, 285, 88657, 304, 576, 70969, 8941, 1295, 345, 98936, 1174, 339, 589, 1334, 4752, 1610, 4935, 311, 548, 4075, 481, 13112, 304, 576, 4903, 323, 1820, 65, 4852, 7858, 374, 198, 77, 337, 647, 261, 1070, 4245, 11, 2085, 1008, 5599, 83, 11, 311, 339, 830, 533, 9210, 1820, 51729, 37791, 1051, 539, 716, 1543, 4501, 198, 15886, 291, 627, 2181, 285, 88657, 8941, 1295, 11, 2288, 11, 9210, 82977, 279, 396, 651, 6147, 1667, 2391, 902, 892, 4072, 450, 7058, 17862, 529, 1364, 1902, 323, 25615, 75716, 617, 15042, 84563, 3930, 295, 2003, 6133, 4406, 1113, 279, 652, 258, 7058, 66, 38558, 315, 55381, 10320, 43312, 1139, 414, 64275, 323, 91955, 12659, 11, 1077, 943, 19641, 315, 51729, 4752, 198, 17805, 505, 1202, 35627, 50347, 11, 1437, 29400, 12970, 11, 7833, 10651, 311, 309, 1412, 73886, 10651, 323, 198, 20000, 278, 942, 363, 57150, 69203, 662, 9023, 51773, 19049, 308, 337, 647, 261, 82454, 36380, 4954, 11646, 13444, 198, 27868, 3734, 369, 459, 28961, 86824, 4999, 1687, 19553, 13468, 832, 1605, 1162, 1405, 4661, 7833, 7013, 706, 17106, 638, 1794, 1412, 198, 6518, 69203, 323, 17805, 528, 428, 554, 430, 411, 300, 266, 55535, 279, 15069, 1022, 12337, 323, 29963, 7058, 5979, 988, 13, 1115, 5333, 374, 276, 589, 22740, 33315, 304, 2194, 1001, 661, 2978, 13, 3005, 441, 7270, 1077, 51729, 198, 10453, 84270, 2875, 2533, 1364, 71, 561, 354, 731, 21420, 52902, 1606, 315, 3473, 1598, 315, 1964, 1816, 37992, 264, 3236, 477, 708, 44018, 945, 1244, 398, 38025, 96608, 34625, 23730, 11, 1077, 51729, 285, 24467, 2915, 737, 7058, 96608, 304, 10651, 323, 50326, 264, 17104, 5933, 14284, 627, 92432, 889, 9229, 872, 7013, 11, 98936, 1174, 6518, 3629, 1109, 539, 327, 66917, 1469, 561, 3925, 315, 198, 4719, 1138, 12130, 35665, 11, 23418, 2136, 11, 19338, 315, 1605, 5789, 315, 6509, 8148, 13, 11205, 3347, 6593, 198, 71, 19375, 3629, 5039, 430, 20670, 10534, 1690, 315, 339, 66274, 1677, 20587, 19338, 280, 15031, 617, 11457, 44353, 19338, 13, 5112, 1070, 527, 59961, 889, 1253, 617, 16654, 46303, 323, 198, 33713, 5014, 2391, 20587, 13, 37962, 1545, 11, 279, 66, 1386, 287, 315, 5988, 389, 6509, 579, 315, 1820, 2025, 198, 18864, 3063, 25410, 4852, 2136, 304, 68676, 2324, 13, 9176, 16136, 2391, 279, 630, 1413, 9562, 1667, 304, 198, 21470, 7106, 3729, 10034, 439, 9141, 1405, 5361, 46303, 527, 3629, 29759, 627, 35, 9891, 11, 12704, 14576, 11, 27639, 63032, 287, 449, 779, 2690, 11, 279, 5242, 315, 32056, 48027, 7058, 38448, 304, 1820, 630, 315, 19776, 2396, 11, 8941, 1233, 11, 323, 959, 1245, 27208, 12, 5700, 46841, 45728, 74976, 1739, 282, 438, 1641, 88, 198, 94307, 79, 87247, 649, 387, 9547, 6522, 311, 16054, 704, 315, 279, 7013, 323, 48653, 2136, 627, 65542, 11217, 11, 30906, 1545, 11, 1884, 1511, 304, 2464, 42811, 1174, 36046, 11217, 8649, 198, 1195, 26533, 323, 3205, 483, 323, 3646, 8104, 9693, 998, 87, 276, 320, 66, 3418, 385, 764, 24527, 66796, 8, 17037, 1511, 198, 28879, 1244, 43745, 23063, 323, 66, 7770, 4595, 315, 273, 3178, 22689, 11, 3063, 311, 51729, 4814, 11, 3629, 311, 15079, 198, 65, 4852, 2136, 13, 9176, 315, 45010, 527, 11600, 481, 315, 10759, 88554, 4382, 58430, 477, 4919, 1395, 64119, 198, 27543, 291, 311, 1593, 2849, 63007, 13, 58603, 1174, 37227, 11, 380, 383, 34210, 9210, 11377, 998, 87, 276, 323, 15031, 315, 1820, 198, 1605, 11217, 1101, 5353, 61880, 11, 72287, 287, 315, 339, 301, 1553, 323, 3696, 5174, 14278, 304, 1820, 198, 4174, 315, 514, 1791, 57878, 320, 79343, 1286, 1791, 511, 16820, 10934, 22416, 4814, 315, 4251, 6680, 7917, 4390, 3112, 3686, 11, 279, 85, 561, 8857, 315, 16455, 11, 1093, 2697, 32703, 1302, 2768, 279, 17696, 15561, 198, 75, 3042, 311, 6509, 52883, 1174, 4345, 10492, 1124, 537, 13882, 323, 6200, 309, 269, 7162, 46841, 2763, 919, 323, 198, 846, 4214, 311, 50828, 7013, 438, 94307, 79, 323, 8539, 543, 76, 4992, 315, 5481, 3416, 26153, 1093, 5988, 50949, 198, 2118, 44, 438, 44, 753, 2476, 438, 37593, 3488, 872, 27375, 477, 86521, 1002, 279, 67, 14381, 430, 18864, 10457, 198, 50634, 304, 279, 27296, 627, 2181, 34531, 1590, 430, 3646, 1274, 889, 7831, 1527, 21249, 19338, 315, 1820, 51729, 323, 94307, 79, 198, 19553, 1027, 738, 63332, 369, 42820, 323, 11, 810, 3629, 1109, 539, 11, 6509, 5303, 17878, 11595, 2949, 279, 198, 2664, 706, 17106, 638, 2761, 3811, 311, 1820, 71272, 430, 50828, 13162, 6996, 82113, 24639, 323, 12287, 3225, 198, 438, 1820, 2664, 5613, 11543, 617, 3719, 272, 25909, 449, 35663, 15055, 315, 32127, 409, 7058, 29272, 40031, 7913, 1555, 5076, 5496, 323, 91955, 26870, 311, 21470, 459, 71272, 430, 339, 762, 2496, 84, 7058, 75, 5382, 13736, 315, 1820, 2664, 617, 1027, 19407, 2917, 2629, 2230, 13, 36530, 1174, 21470, 46417, 4130, 72, 7058, 7769, 1587, 539, 511, 2407, 25402, 13, 1102, 3416, 774, 1617, 2094, 892, 26, 1778, 4787, 527, 10337, 347, 5599, 83, 345, 4908, 682, 21249, 19338, 11, 1667, 304, 279, 3339, 627, 12484, 7392, 5820, 95455, 279, 5072, 315, 45010, 65, 77140, 82375, 315, 339, 82182, 79, 13, 1102, 285, 198, 10236, 430, 2017, 54754, 2987, 315, 45010, 82375, 11, 4869, 1174, 936, 4881, 1124, 11, 304, 40043, 11, 311, 98374, 198, 1752, 323, 1253, 17960, 279, 75716, 315, 279, 7013, 5196, 627, 54, 3171, 11, 44154, 11, 323, 327, 87728, 8798, 902, 1578, 14511, 988, 279, 1335, 315, 45010, 4749, 7058, 346, 788, 82375, 11, 649, 5353, 4648, 315, 279, 7013, 7917, 323, 17876, 7013, 4814, 627, 644, 543, 65, 4852, 2136, 430, 1864, 1771, 389, 65912, 11, 1070, 706, 82850, 4648, 11, 4648, 315, 1820, 51729, 5997, 13, 1666, 198, 1962, 291, 11, 7013, 37791, 39738, 648, 1527, 12387, 11384, 11, 719, 543, 51729, 9563, 1921, 20450, 11, 315, 12120, 11, 4814, 198, 1527, 1063, 296, 21439, 9434, 5353, 8, 649, 65, 17820, 4535, 11, 304, 339, 830, 992, 6492, 11, 311, 1354, 1739, 282, 5499, 477, 198, 5143, 6996, 315, 44398, 2987, 315, 1820, 51105, 311, 339, 752, 391, 6374, 902, 15316, 323, 65642, 9139, 1944, 320, 1820, 198, 79, 391, 6374, 374, 61917, 2663, 279, 2118, 27510, 863, 315, 1820, 71, 4825, 1736, 433, 380, 71, 1458, 420, 8629, 430, 1820, 51729, 198, 285, 23114, 4390, 13622, 50254, 1274, 1501, 38617, 7013, 9563, 13, 9029, 889, 8343, 391, 265, 20949, 685, 198, 1073, 99797, 3691, 19029, 617, 9498, 31348, 7013, 4988, 26117, 31324, 15792, 496, 16094, 398, 31348, 198, 51729, 1196, 2701, 525, 10555, 430, 77751, 889, 527, 89945, 13339, 8343, 388, 5115, 3629, 617, 1633, 15792, 198, 82, 875, 398, 31348, 7013, 16853, 1959, 83664, 323, 1820, 91955, 315, 99797, 15657, 1054, 38555, 863, 279, 2664, 323, 5957, 21503, 2922, 21825, 198, 329, 575, 974, 20438, 627, 79570, 32930, 902, 1288, 4950, 75712, 311, 51729, 82714, 645, 1541, 354, 1138, 535, 3930, 295, 2003, 846, 1503, 198, 51105, 99530, 320, 339, 875, 6680, 705, 264, 9233, 902, 50502, 288, 279, 44398, 38220, 13736, 315, 1820, 198, 2664, 662, 791, 2664, 1243, 10756, 279, 10547, 37493, 28578, 433, 4919, 438, 20670, 527, 44066, 198, 2656, 311, 5957, 40085, 20438, 902, 374, 11, 2381, 267, 399, 11, 1511, 311, 4412, 653, 40895, 15846, 323, 2099, 12, 4575, 84, 7058, 76, 15853, 21503, 35098, 13, 1398, 1140, 8834, 11, 19041, 1348, 11, 9221, 520, 82329, 35684, 323, 339, 752, 3746, 3225, 374, 2099, 3118, 430, 11, 1234, 8631, 11, 420, 2118, 84083, 863, 649, 2569, 7029, 323, 7265, 1202, 63007, 6953, 6260, 198, 18075, 1139, 279, 21391, 311, 3242, 15686, 323, 7066, 2324, 627, 2654, 1082, 1503, 65426, 374, 276, 485, 20901, 315, 339, 752, 417, 768, 315, 6802, 38333, 11, 21503, 28168, 3695, 11, 304, 198, 1820, 51105, 4116, 13, 578, 51729, 11, 4908, 30115, 1023, 961, 1073, 1820, 2664, 4536, 414, 3384, 555, 1820, 51105, 627, 9023, 11086, 301, 783, 3585, 704, 9210, 39830, 279, 25615, 2890, 2425, 1412, 12025, 78, 2118, 8890, 277, 14164, 311, 1820, 51729, 198, 1037, 19684, 26677, 11, 1555, 279, 6680, 11, 279, 7013, 4250, 387, 13241, 49216, 1271, 13397, 279, 1395, 59051, 315, 1820, 51729, 20322, 412, 2324, 80824, 25849, 387, 5883, 505, 9349, 323, 198, 275, 25849, 1101, 677, 23771, 26613, 15055, 315, 543, 24217, 13283, 9547, 1938, 10924, 1938, 20322, 412, 2324, 627, 11339, 87, 1545, 11, 453, 474, 315, 55911, 8778, 362, 48121, 291, 3978, 18864, 5353, 279, 51729, 83, 677, 55397, 2648, 323, 773, 398, 627, 2181, 285, 9978, 32077, 1101, 339, 4306, 474, 315, 15031, 315, 1820, 33, 55911, 38925, 477, 1073, 2534, 11, 24166, 1174, 438, 5255, 3205, 483, 198, 18864, 5353, 279, 51729, 998, 13772, 412, 438, 9210, 105516, 315, 1605, 46192, 11, 5423, 281, 13873, 3473, 292, 13935, 280, 15138, 12, 8778, 677, 268, 13028, 292, 13935, 11, 477, 47, 57650, 26, 323, 15570, 27094, 11, 1253, 5353, 279, 51729, 68273, 11872, 89019, 16853, 8538, 7739, 315, 69768, 9355, 315, 339, 82182, 79, 1253, 4950, 84, 11269, 278, 474, 315, 49582, 40085, 33969, 304, 198, 79371, 3978, 13, 2052, 28956, 7294, 22595, 7013, 55911, 38925, 649, 65, 752, 30317, 304, 1820, 71558, 42929, 555, 56977, 7058, 466, 689, 430, 86336, 1174, 258, 38128, 1274, 11, 48383, 1070, 13, 3277, 279, 14239, 23730, 374, 20523, 323, 198, 9336, 26831, 2756, 291, 311, 3823, 3966, 11, 1070, 5084, 311, 387, 912, 48294, 304, 904, 315, 1521, 46192, 627, 2181, 285, 88657, 1101, 311, 12964, 430, 327, 50732, 520, 1820, 15571, 4783, 33494, 10181, 198, 49555, 2745, 311, 70475, 301, 541, 14433, 882, 8, 8710, 430, 69, 21846, 1023, 1109, 28170, 9546, 1101, 258, 7058, 27256, 5886, 1099, 17718, 315, 1820, 51729, 439, 11, 1348, 87, 1545, 11, 453, 363, 1171, 51105, 2849, 1868, 323, 1605, 671, 7058, 8416, 1385, 304, 1820, 51105, 13, 1102, 285, 43629, 315, 10179, 1618, 311, 49133, 430, 69, 87503, 810, 3629, 198, 54895, 3026, 29011, 1022, 17157, 7013, 438, 35676, 889, 8924, 2319, 525, 54630, 13148, 6293, 13610, 369, 198, 42820, 11, 264, 9233, 21091, 311, 1395, 64, 1407, 315, 359, 8671, 88364, 292, 5496, 323, 91955, 12659, 627, 37, 17157, 7013, 285, 45670, 41890, 19823, 311, 276, 22689, 13, 25991, 1245, 54630, 4090, 11, 994, 44387, 345, 4919, 1407, 54682, 19846, 459, 22689, 323, 35676, 3278, 8617, 92268, 2274, 18004, 7013, 1225, 4216, 198, 258, 2324, 627, 644, 48999, 66196, 453, 474, 315, 17206, 832, 1073, 1820, 33, 55911, 38925, 649, 1593, 10099, 311, 198, 1497, 872, 7013, 16853, 4599, 279, 14239, 23730, 374, 33871, 1903, 23669, 11, 279, 51729, 28863, 398, 28815, 304, 438, 17106, 20969, 198, 63959, 324, 5485, 13, 1102, 285, 88657, 1618, 8941, 1295, 430, 37576, 10099, 9229, 872, 7013, 922, 11157, 439, 198, 9533, 300, 43734, 10099, 656, 438, 411, 300, 82850, 12090, 430, 66372, 48653, 2136, 304, 1764, 645, 1253, 198, 19553, 459, 653, 81950, 1877, 72541, 627, 8140, 1866, 3495, 304, 576, 4903, 449, 1057, 15930, 347, 27403, 11, 832, 64, 5519, 81295, 323, 1820, 1605, 198, 64, 15623, 648, 11, 57133, 1063, 10712, 389, 339, 380, 71, 14093, 13, 11995, 10099, 1051, 1054, 417, 66, 3340, 2476, 389, 830, 442, 279, 198, 79, 801, 323, 606, 1527, 8136, 5285, 6832, 2911, 1051, 69579, 279, 79 ]
inariseincardiac index and stroke index innormal subjects. Caffeine alsoresults incerebral vascular resistance with a decrease in blood flow. Sandord Bolton reported a60% increase inacute heart attacks associated with con- sumption ofonetofivecups ofcoffeeanda120% increase with more than fivecups. Anepidemiological study involving Hawaiian males showed asignificant correlation between cof fee consumption and heart disease. Caffeine also stimulates release ofcatecholamines from theadrenal medulla. Cate- cholamines have amarked effectonthecentral nervous system, metabolic rate, temper- ature and smooth muscle. Inonestudy,instant coffee(220 mg.ofcaffeine), wasgiven to18young males with aresultant increase inepinephrine blood levels andurinary output. Blood lipids were alsoincreased asaresult ofcatecholamine stimulation. Epinephrine isavasoconstrictor and cardiac stimulant. Even insmall doses, caffeine isapowerful poison thatresults inimpairment ofall parts ofthebody.These systemic effects often result inheart impairment asenervation of this or gan becomes greater. 74.5.5 Alcohol Evidence linking alcohol consumption and heart disease includes the following: 1.Heavy alcohol consumption isassociated with elevated blood pressure. 2.Distinctive forms ofheart enlar gement andheart failure occur inadvanced alcoholics, who often tend to be malnourished. 3.Alcohol has been shown to result in impaired performance of heart muscle in humans. 4.Experimental evidence inanimals shows structural andfunctional derangement ofheart muscle cells as an ef fect of chronic administration of alcohol.Alcohol isapoison anditsingestion results inenervation ofallbodily organs in- cluding theheart. Theheart isatfirststimulated while itattempts toridthebody ofthis poison butalter atime becomes enervated anditsfunction becomes impaired. Accumu- lation ofthevery toxic products ofalcohol burden theliver andallother parts ofthe body including thenervous system andglands thatdirectly affecttheheart performance. 74.5.6 Stress Various studies have shown coronary heart disease tobeassociated with such psy- chological tendencies asanxiety,neuroticism, depression, aggression, hostility,sense of time urgency andwith such social factors asmobility,status, lifeevents anddissatisfac- tions. These factors may contribute tothedevelopment ofheart impairment along with un- derlying conditions ofenervation andtoxicosis thatresult from improper dietandthe rest of the factors which result in chronic disease. Under stressful conditions, adrenal glands willsecrete certain hormones thathave a direct influence ontheheart. Repeated stress willeventually result inenervation ofthe heart andtherestoftheorgans responding tothatstress. This isjustanother factor inthe total health package that should not be ignored. 74.5.7 Obesity Evidence linking obesity andoverweight tocardiovascular riskincludes thefollow- ing: 1.Insurance experience indicates thatthedeath ratefrom all“diseases” including cardio- vascular rises, as relative weight goes from low to above average. 2.Some follow-up studies ofUnited States populations show similar relationships and risks. 3.Obesity andoverweight arewidely associated with other riskcharacteristics thought to have aninfluence infatty artery disease (specifically,high blood pressure, glucose in- tolerance anddiabetes andelevated blood uricacid). Allofthese factors canberesolved through a proper diet and weight reduction, as can cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Obesity,obviously,istheresult ofimproper diettogether with lack ofexercise. This condition isthedirect result ofadiethigh infats, meat, dairy products andsugar.Allof these foods willnotonly result inobesity butthetoxins invariably found inallofthese foods will clog thebody with poisons andcontribute tothedevelopment ofdegenera- tivediseases ofallkinds including heart impairment. Obesity may becorrected quickly through afastfollowed byadietofrawfruits, vegetables, nuts (unsalted) andseeds. Not only willweight normalize butgeneral total health willgreatly improve along with the lowered incidence of heart disease. 74.6. A Look At Other Societies Weston Price attributed degeneration ofmodern society tomodern refined foods. To prove histheory,hevisited several “primitive” tribes ofpeople, during the1930s, in many parts oftheworld. Inevery case, those people who lived exclusively onnatural foods were free from dental caries andother signs ofphysical degeneration andthey lived long andhealthy lives. However,when some members oftheir society adopted the “modern” dietary ofrefined white flour,sugar,pastries, jams, andcanned goods, their health declined. This wasevident inthefirstgeneration after theadoption ofthemodern diet. More recently,Dan Geor gakas conducted astudy oflongevous peoples throughout theworld. Itiswell known thatthepeople from Abkhasia inRussia areespecially long-lived andhealthy.Such degenerative diseases asheart disease arevirtually unknown there. Commenting onthedietfollowed bythese people, Geor gakas says, “The tradi- tional dietfollowed bymost ofthose who became centenarians contained between 1,500 and2,000 calories aday.Seventy percent ofthatintake wasfrom vegetables anddairy products. Fruits, nuts, grains made up the rest of the diet.” Inaddition, Geor gakas notes, there wasnocoffee,teaorsugar andlittle butter orsalt. Whatever thefood served, allleftovers were discarded, because they were considered harmful togood health. Such concerns forfreshness guaranteed thataminimal lossof nutrients took place between garden andtable. Most food wasconsumed raworboiled, with nothing fried. Geor gakas says, ifthe1970 census isaccurate, Abkhasia would have alongevity rate20times thatoftheUnited States. Factors such asthenature ofthetraditional diet, strenuous physical activity throughout life,thehilly terrain, rhythmic patterns ofwork, apollution-free environment andtheunique psychological support enjoyed bythelong- lived figure heavily in their longevity. InHunza, heart trouble isvirtually unknown. TheHunzas liveupon theproduce of their land (mainly fruits andnuts); engage instrenuous physical exercise throughout their lives; andliveinanunpolluted environment freefrom stress. This healthy regime results in longevity and a life free from all degenerative diseases. 74.7. Hypertension Blood pressure istheforce exerted byblood against thewalls ofthevessels thatcarry it.When theheart contracts, thepressure isincreased. When theheart relaxes, thepres- sure isdecreased. Theblood pressure isdetermined notonly bythepower oftheheart expelling theblood, butalsobytheresistance totheblood flow encountered inthearte- rioles acting under the influence of the nervous system and of the hormones. When ourregulatory devices become impaired inanyway,thearteries may constrict andstaythatway.Theblood pressure rockets. Physicians label thiscondition “essential hypertension.” Tocorrect thiscondition, wemust simply eliminate thecause ofalldis- ease byliving according totheneeds ofthebody andeliminating poisons andenervating influences. High blood pressure isasymptom thatispresent inmany diseases. Itisoneofmany endings ofaseries ofcrises intoxicosis. Dr.Shelton says, “Perhaps thegreatest single cause ofhigh blood pressure istoxemia resulting from checked elimination. Secondary toxemia, such asthatseen innephritis, andintestinal autointoxication arising outofgas- trointestinal fermentation andputrefaction, allproduce enough nerve irritation tocause nigh blood pressure. Ahigh-protein dietgives risetoaparticularly virulent irritation when it putrefies in the digestive tract.” Dr.Shelton further explains thatanyform ofexcess taxes thenervous system and brings onenervation, checking secretion andexcretion. Checked secretion produces in- digestion with itsconsequent intestinal autointoxication; checked excretion produces toxemia. Fasting, especially along fast, tends tolower theblood pressure. Theblood isless viscous when fasting, andarterial obstructions arecleared out. The body isgenerally lesscongested andtheblood flows more easily.Thepulse goes down, theblood pressure drops, andenergies areconserved. During thefast, thebody removes itsexcess toxins andirritations. However,itisimportant thattheperson learn tolivehealthfully after the fastortheblood pressure willriseagain. Dr.Shelton says, “Togotobedandfastand reduce blood pressure, andthen return totheformer mode ofliving—the former excess- esandindulgences, tothepoisonous vices andemotional habits, totheprior sexual ex- cesses andtodishonesty,gambling, etc.—is torapidly rebuild thepathological state that produced the high blood pressure.”74.8
[ 304, 277, 1082, 2910, 569, 18029, 1963, 323, 198, 29341, 1963, 6301, 2553, 15223, 13, 356, 38880, 483, 1101, 8234, 3709, 486, 42743, 64603, 13957, 449, 198, 64, 18979, 304, 6680, 6530, 16853, 48144, 541, 62677, 5068, 264, 1399, 4, 5376, 304, 32590, 4851, 8951, 5938, 449, 390, 7058, 1264, 562, 315, 69786, 1073, 69680, 8772, 315, 79217, 10018, 4364, 4, 5376, 449, 810, 1109, 4330, 66, 8772, 627, 2127, 752, 307, 22530, 5848, 4007, 16239, 59103, 25000, 8710, 61179, 34828, 26670, 198, 42967, 69903, 11307, 15652, 323, 4851, 8624, 627, 34, 38880, 483, 1101, 95455, 4984, 315, 43872, 331, 337, 97081, 505, 279, 329, 47738, 1812, 35178, 13, 356, 349, 7058, 331, 337, 97081, 617, 1097, 43161, 2515, 6167, 762, 46186, 23418, 1887, 11, 41861, 4478, 11, 6940, 7058, 1598, 323, 11113, 16124, 627, 644, 36224, 18339, 1174, 86258, 11033, 7, 8610, 14060, 10440, 88860, 483, 705, 574, 43068, 311, 972, 82279, 25000, 449, 198, 64, 1407, 519, 5376, 304, 752, 483, 764, 40101, 6680, 5990, 323, 324, 3367, 2612, 13, 20671, 19588, 3447, 1051, 198, 19171, 43842, 1503, 439, 64, 1407, 315, 43872, 331, 337, 20588, 41959, 13, 11266, 483, 764, 40101, 374, 402, 40055, 444, 6765, 269, 198, 438, 47345, 12936, 69733, 627, 13461, 1672, 30632, 35130, 11, 49750, 374, 391, 1223, 1285, 21109, 430, 8234, 304, 6802, 1334, 479, 315, 543, 198, 18753, 315, 1820, 2664, 662, 9673, 46417, 6372, 3629, 1121, 304, 18207, 53317, 439, 268, 8943, 198, 1073, 420, 477, 25893, 9221, 7191, 16853, 5728, 13, 20, 13, 20, 45396, 198, 93702, 31799, 13200, 15652, 323, 4851, 8624, 5764, 279, 2768, 512, 16, 52425, 5781, 13200, 15652, 374, 50187, 449, 32389, 6680, 7410, 627, 17, 920, 380, 7956, 535, 7739, 315, 18207, 665, 14115, 342, 1133, 323, 18207, 8060, 12446, 304, 42879, 13200, 1233, 345, 14965, 3629, 8541, 311, 387, 8811, 77, 414, 3384, 627, 18, 9833, 11353, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 1121, 304, 50160, 5178, 315, 4851, 16124, 304, 12966, 627, 19, 91420, 6029, 304, 77896, 5039, 24693, 323, 50328, 2761, 57733, 315, 18207, 198, 38827, 9326, 7917, 439, 459, 31469, 282, 440, 315, 21249, 8735, 315, 13200, 9833, 11353, 374, 66652, 3416, 323, 1220, 287, 43598, 3135, 304, 268, 8943, 315, 543, 65, 347, 1570, 36853, 304, 7058, 11150, 279, 18207, 13, 578, 18207, 374, 266, 3983, 54754, 7913, 1418, 433, 266, 34372, 5801, 1123, 68, 2664, 315, 576, 198, 5481, 3416, 719, 38377, 520, 547, 9221, 665, 651, 660, 323, 1220, 1723, 9221, 50160, 13, 80625, 84, 7058, 2354, 315, 1820, 1225, 21503, 3956, 315, 278, 11353, 23104, 279, 75, 1553, 323, 37037, 700, 5596, 315, 1820, 198, 2664, 2737, 1243, 651, 788, 1887, 323, 70, 8329, 430, 20384, 398, 7958, 1820, 18207, 5178, 627, 5728, 13, 20, 13, 21, 51568, 198, 73741, 7978, 617, 6982, 66298, 4851, 8624, 311, 1395, 50187, 449, 1778, 26200, 7058, 331, 5848, 61555, 439, 276, 16708, 1174, 818, 2868, 29150, 2191, 11, 18710, 11, 40307, 11, 61029, 1174, 98935, 315, 198, 1712, 54917, 323, 4291, 1778, 3674, 9547, 33928, 677, 1429, 1174, 2899, 11, 2324, 12670, 323, 67, 1056, 7630, 582, 7058, 83, 919, 627, 9673, 9547, 1253, 17210, 311, 339, 15686, 76931, 315, 18207, 53317, 3235, 449, 653, 7058, 1126, 6852, 4787, 315, 268, 8943, 323, 998, 14668, 10934, 430, 1407, 505, 41086, 10173, 438, 1820, 198, 4014, 315, 279, 9547, 902, 1121, 304, 21249, 8624, 627, 16648, 46883, 4787, 11, 60564, 82375, 690, 325, 9537, 3738, 44315, 430, 19553, 264, 198, 20384, 10383, 389, 1820, 18207, 13, 1050, 43054, 8631, 289, 4618, 688, 1870, 1121, 304, 268, 8943, 315, 1820, 198, 18207, 323, 700, 478, 1073, 1820, 1813, 598, 30438, 311, 9210, 95290, 13, 1115, 374, 4345, 43063, 8331, 304, 1820, 198, 5143, 2890, 6462, 430, 1288, 539, 387, 12305, 627, 5728, 13, 20, 13, 22, 95171, 198, 93702, 31799, 33048, 323, 2017, 4870, 311, 5057, 822, 33945, 5326, 14866, 279, 19070, 7058, 287, 512, 16, 5450, 82, 5890, 3217, 15151, 430, 339, 15686, 589, 4478, 1527, 682, 2118, 67, 1082, 2315, 863, 2737, 32844, 7058, 33945, 38268, 11, 439, 8844, 4785, 5900, 505, 3428, 311, 3485, 5578, 627, 17, 87933, 1833, 5352, 7978, 315, 23175, 4273, 22673, 1501, 4528, 12135, 323, 198, 6091, 2857, 627, 18, 13, 4213, 28222, 323, 2017, 4870, 527, 44715, 989, 5938, 449, 1023, 5326, 19740, 5706, 3463, 311, 198, 19553, 459, 258, 41116, 4225, 23758, 65415, 8624, 320, 52340, 750, 1174, 12156, 6680, 7410, 11, 34323, 304, 7058, 21220, 261, 685, 323, 8747, 16629, 323, 68, 3532, 660, 6680, 4433, 292, 58156, 570, 1708, 385, 69, 45010, 9547, 649, 655, 288, 8905, 198, 20322, 264, 6300, 10173, 323, 4785, 14278, 11, 439, 649, 39086, 323, 54033, 68590, 579, 5990, 627, 4213, 28222, 1174, 677, 18785, 1174, 380, 1964, 288, 495, 315, 318, 81768, 10173, 998, 3522, 449, 6996, 315, 64562, 13, 1115, 198, 9233, 6127, 42109, 1248, 1121, 315, 2836, 774, 1108, 4225, 1900, 11, 13339, 11, 34479, 3956, 323, 82, 8734, 662, 2149, 385, 69, 198, 45010, 15657, 690, 1962, 3323, 1121, 304, 677, 28222, 719, 339, 295, 5241, 1354, 74614, 1766, 304, 37037, 69, 45010, 198, 96420, 690, 272, 848, 279, 2664, 449, 3273, 19941, 323, 444, 2248, 311, 339, 15686, 76931, 315, 451, 7642, 64, 7058, 83, 2270, 1082, 2315, 315, 543, 74, 8843, 2737, 4851, 53317, 13, 95171, 1253, 387, 20523, 291, 6288, 198, 20322, 8136, 561, 19070, 291, 555, 2836, 295, 1073, 1059, 1658, 12059, 11, 24822, 11, 31049, 320, 11099, 62334, 8, 323, 325, 6910, 13, 2876, 198, 3323, 690, 4870, 22436, 719, 25615, 2860, 2890, 690, 47991, 398, 7417, 3235, 449, 279, 198, 15115, 291, 39775, 315, 4851, 8624, 627, 5728, 13, 21, 13, 362, 9372, 2468, 7089, 42509, 26640, 198, 24188, 263, 8650, 30706, 5367, 17699, 315, 50889, 8396, 311, 50889, 38291, 15657, 13, 2057, 198, 35563, 13034, 383, 683, 1174, 383, 29968, 3892, 1054, 74548, 863, 39503, 315, 16455, 11, 2391, 279, 7285, 15, 82, 11, 304, 198, 35676, 5596, 315, 16142, 1410, 13, 763, 30115, 1162, 11, 1884, 1274, 889, 12439, 24121, 389, 53980, 198, 96420, 1051, 1949, 505, 29106, 1841, 552, 323, 1605, 12195, 315, 47692, 5367, 17699, 323, 20670, 198, 75, 2270, 1317, 323, 38128, 6439, 13, 4452, 1174, 9493, 1063, 3697, 315, 50828, 8396, 18306, 279, 198, 2118, 50889, 863, 34625, 315, 1116, 1619, 4251, 20415, 1174, 82, 8734, 1174, 53520, 4108, 11, 90398, 11, 323, 66, 7443, 11822, 11, 872, 198, 12393, 19284, 13, 1115, 289, 521, 1325, 306, 304, 339, 830, 874, 81157, 1306, 279, 329, 2091, 315, 49818, 347, 944, 198, 94942, 627, 7816, 6051, 1174, 39125, 4323, 269, 342, 587, 300, 13375, 12025, 18339, 315, 4930, 5230, 788, 32538, 6957, 198, 16142, 1410, 13, 1102, 285, 9336, 3967, 430, 1820, 16455, 505, 3765, 74, 4752, 689, 304, 45606, 527, 36046, 1317, 62954, 323, 38128, 662, 21365, 5367, 75989, 19338, 439, 18207, 8624, 527, 48481, 1870, 9987, 198, 19041, 13, 12535, 287, 389, 79371, 3978, 19070, 291, 555, 45010, 1274, 11, 4323, 269, 342, 587, 300, 2795, 11, 1054, 791, 124979, 7058, 83, 4001, 10173, 19070, 291, 555, 3646, 315, 54719, 889, 6244, 2960, 268, 30627, 13282, 1990, 220, 16, 11, 2636, 198, 438, 17, 11, 931, 25247, 114057, 815, 3163, 88, 3346, 315, 9210, 396, 731, 574, 1527, 24822, 323, 67, 22704, 198, 10354, 13, 435, 68998, 11, 31049, 11, 41936, 1903, 709, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 10173, 49216, 644, 723, 684, 11, 4323, 269, 342, 587, 300, 8554, 11, 1070, 5828, 511, 21869, 11, 82694, 1105, 8734, 323, 56492, 14432, 477, 43326, 627, 47916, 279, 14239, 10434, 11, 682, 2414, 9146, 1051, 44310, 11, 1606, 814, 1051, 6646, 198, 71, 2227, 1285, 13445, 1411, 2890, 13, 15483, 10742, 369, 72408, 2136, 19883, 430, 8778, 2931, 2537, 708, 69, 198, 24217, 32930, 3952, 2035, 1990, 13863, 323, 2048, 13, 7648, 3691, 574, 67776, 291, 7257, 269, 754, 2230, 345, 4291, 4400, 41951, 627, 9688, 269, 342, 587, 300, 2795, 11, 422, 1820, 4468, 15, 44702, 374, 37021, 349, 11, 3765, 74, 4752, 689, 1053, 617, 3235, 52779, 198, 7853, 508, 15487, 430, 1073, 1820, 23175, 4273, 13, 68318, 1778, 12025, 12301, 1598, 315, 339, 295, 13584, 3079, 10173, 345, 267, 1466, 9373, 7106, 5820, 6957, 2324, 63738, 71, 14722, 25911, 11, 29171, 21914, 12912, 315, 1816, 345, 391, 980, 1516, 12862, 4676, 323, 1820, 9782, 24064, 1862, 14333, 555, 339, 39122, 7058, 75, 2270, 7216, 17345, 304, 872, 58219, 16853, 644, 39, 359, 4458, 11, 4851, 12544, 374, 48481, 1870, 9987, 13, 578, 39, 359, 51455, 3974, 59723, 279, 98374, 315, 198, 50828, 4363, 320, 3902, 398, 26390, 323, 64866, 1237, 16988, 1798, 1466, 9373, 7106, 10368, 6957, 198, 50828, 6439, 26, 323, 25859, 74276, 359, 31241, 2844, 4676, 1949, 1527, 8631, 13, 1115, 9498, 17942, 198, 8234, 304, 58219, 323, 264, 2324, 1949, 505, 682, 5367, 75989, 19338, 627, 5728, 13, 22, 13, 39515, 531, 2711, 198, 52586, 7410, 6127, 383, 9009, 43844, 291, 555, 51105, 2403, 279, 87396, 315, 1820, 85, 434, 2053, 430, 74865, 198, 275, 51861, 279, 18207, 17517, 11, 279, 47074, 374, 43842, 1503, 13, 3277, 279, 18207, 12234, 288, 11, 279, 24544, 7058, 19643, 374, 451, 846, 1503, 13, 578, 51105, 7410, 374, 67, 47737, 539, 3323, 555, 339, 752, 1223, 315, 1820, 18207, 198, 4683, 6427, 279, 51105, 11, 719, 1147, 28113, 700, 288, 4011, 311, 1820, 51105, 6530, 23926, 304, 1820, 20430, 7058, 462, 7298, 15718, 1234, 279, 10383, 315, 279, 23418, 1887, 323, 315, 279, 44315, 627, 4599, 1057, 1610, 38220, 7766, 3719, 50160, 304, 3852, 3195, 11, 339, 686, 466, 552, 1253, 390, 6765, 198, 438, 60021, 9210, 3195, 11829, 51105, 7410, 53098, 13, 88599, 2440, 420, 9233, 1054, 49582, 198, 79343, 531, 2711, 2029, 350, 511, 28132, 420, 9233, 11, 289, 336, 592, 5042, 22472, 279, 1593, 315, 278, 509, 285, 7058, 47714, 555, 64275, 4184, 311, 339, 1994, 6910, 315, 1820, 2664, 323, 40895, 16252, 3273, 19941, 323, 268, 651, 1113, 198, 258, 27256, 2436, 627, 12243, 6680, 7410, 374, 300, 1631, 80797, 430, 13391, 2762, 304, 35676, 19338, 13, 1102, 285, 606, 1073, 35676, 198, 408, 826, 315, 300, 4804, 315, 5192, 5014, 72815, 10934, 13, 2999, 11086, 301, 783, 2795, 11, 1054, 32576, 279, 70, 11423, 3254, 198, 1593, 315, 12156, 6680, 7410, 6127, 5241, 22689, 13239, 505, 10273, 44032, 13, 44634, 198, 998, 87, 22689, 11, 1778, 12025, 9379, 29412, 6301, 24453, 38090, 11, 323, 71558, 3154, 787, 5241, 20901, 40986, 704, 1073, 40625, 7058, 33542, 71558, 74454, 323, 631, 1116, 1335, 11, 682, 98374, 3403, 32015, 66510, 311, 1593, 198, 77, 1108, 6680, 7410, 13, 362, 12156, 10039, 39340, 10173, 70, 1924, 10025, 11269, 391, 472, 49257, 9043, 29580, 66510, 198, 9493, 433, 2231, 1116, 552, 304, 279, 60071, 42929, 49216, 9023, 11086, 301, 783, 4726, 15100, 430, 3852, 630, 315, 327, 1140, 13426, 1243, 651, 788, 1887, 323, 198, 1347, 826, 389, 268, 8943, 11, 13598, 87067, 323, 327, 89790, 13, 94461, 87067, 19159, 304, 7058, 37439, 290, 449, 1202, 444, 72457, 63900, 3154, 787, 5241, 20901, 26, 10273, 506, 89790, 19159, 198, 998, 87, 22689, 627, 37, 15067, 11, 5423, 3235, 5043, 11, 28335, 311, 15115, 279, 51105, 7410, 13, 578, 51105, 374, 1752, 198, 2749, 66, 788, 994, 54560, 11, 323, 5408, 532, 1536, 20232, 527, 9326, 1636, 704, 13, 578, 2547, 374, 7642, 750, 198, 1752, 444, 7114, 291, 323, 1820, 51105, 28555, 810, 6847, 662, 791, 79307, 5900, 1523, 11, 279, 51105, 7410, 198, 91612, 11, 323, 804, 68469, 527, 6387, 2841, 13, 12220, 279, 9533, 11, 279, 2664, 29260, 433, 11814, 1140, 62186, 198, 438, 404, 1018, 811, 13, 4452, 1174, 20000, 15693, 430, 339, 752, 1293, 4048, 311, 25859, 12393, 3725, 1306, 279, 198, 9533, 269, 1820, 51105, 7410, 690, 32609, 33871, 13, 2999, 11086, 301, 783, 2795, 11, 1054, 51, 540, 354, 677, 291, 438, 9533, 438, 198, 27369, 6680, 7410, 11, 323, 3473, 471, 311, 1820, 35627, 3941, 315, 64275, 22416, 4846, 13937, 7058, 288, 438, 485, 56099, 2436, 11, 311, 339, 752, 78, 3416, 788, 348, 1238, 323, 336, 41964, 26870, 11, 311, 339, 752, 3334, 7392, 506, 7058, 1140, 288, 323, 68987, 819, 36224, 88, 1174, 40429, 9894, 11, 5099, 35192, 285, 5801, 44221, 398, 32593, 279, 2398, 5848, 1614, 430, 198, 8723, 2041, 279, 1579, 6680, 7410, 2029, 5728, 13, 23 ]
imbalance in the brain.This imbalance drives people toseek outcarbohydrates (which isonly natural since carbohydrates areourmost efficient fuelsource). Thedesire forapredominantly carbo- hydrate, low-protein dietisinherent inthehuman make-up, anditcannot befooled bya high protein diet. The article inthejournal also suggested thatinstead ofahigh-protein approach to weight loss, amore natural andhealthy approach would betoeatsmall amounts ofnat- urally occurring high-carbohydrate foods (such as fruits) and for get about the protein. 85.2.6 The Ultimate High-Protein Diet What’ sworse than ahigh-protein, low-carbohydrate dietforlosing weight? Answer: Anall-protein diet. Incredible asitmay seem, there were thousands ofpeople inthelate1970s who followed ahigh-protein, weight-loss dietthatconsisted ofnothing more than highly- processed animal protein, sugar, and artificial coloring. Called “liquid protein,” theonly foods consumed inthisdietwere vials ofanimal ex- tracts thatcontained hooves from cows andother animal waste products from slaughter houses. This “protein” (actually theunusable by-products from meat-packing) wasliqui- fiedormelted down andthen artificially flavored andcolored sothatitwould taste like agrape orcherry soda. Youcanimagine how melted cow hooves would taste—small wonder thatthey hadtodisguise theobnoxious odors andsickening taste ofsuch aprod- uct. Each day,aperson would open aplastic tube ofthispure protein “gunk” andsqueeze itdown thethroat. Theprotein syrup would filltheperson upatalow-calorie cost, and weight loss would follow. Unfortunately,notonly didweight loss occur,butsodidvomiting, dehydration, muscle cramps, nausea, dry skin, and loss of hair. Inthelate1970s, theliquid protein dietcraze wasatitspeak. Thousands andthou- sands ofvilevials ofgrape- andcherry-flavored protein were sold togullible men and women who proceeded to wreck their health on a dangerous 100% protein diet. To be certain, these people were also losing weight. And some even lost more. InDixHills, New York,Donna Cochran began aneight-month Super Pro-Gest liq- uidprotein diet. First Mrs. Cochran lostsixty pounds onthediet. Then shelostherlife. Shedieted because ofheart complications brought about bytheall-protein diet. Herhus- band and son sued and received $55,000—a small amount indeed for a loved one’ s life. Liquid-protein diets cancause hard-to-detect, andpossibly fatal, heart problems. The all-protein diet, disrupts thebody’ smineral balance, anddrastically reduces thepotassi- umlevel. This dangerously reduced potassium level leads toarrhythmia, ortheabnormal beating of the heart. Theliquid orall-protein dietwasfirst developed byadoctor who gottheidea from intravenous feeding. Justlikeintravenous feeding, theliquid-protein dietisanunnatural anddebilitating practice. Fortunately,word hasnow gotten around about thedangers of thisall-protein diettrick. Unfortunately,people stillbelieve inthepower ofahigh-pro- tein, low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss, and think it is safe. 85.3. The True Needs Of The Body 85.3.1 Carbohydrates—Not Protein 85.3.2 Suf ficient Protein: It’ s Easy! 85.3.1 Carbohydrates—Not Protein Carbohydrates intheir natural forms offresh anddried fruits andsome vegetables should always beused inpreference toconcentrated protein foods. People who con-sciously reduce theamount ofcomplex carbohydrates inthedietandeatmore protein foods instead inanattempt tolose weight or“improve” their health areplaying adan- gerous game. Listen towhat Dr.Helen C.Kiefer oftheNorthwestern University Med- icalSchool hastosayabout therelative importance ofcarbohydrates andproteins ina well-balanced diet: “Carbohydrates must notfallbelow acertain limiting amount inanydiet, orwerun theriskofending upinanunhealthy metabolic state; or,perhaps worse over thelong run,wemay waste thebody’ sprotein stores from tissues such asmuscle toprevent this unhealthy metabolic state.” “Proteins, unlike carbohydrates orfats, contain theelement nitrogen. When westrip thisnitrogen from theamino acid components ofproteins inorder toconvert them to carbohydrates forenergy,weruntheriskofbuilding upammonia inourbloodstreams. Ammonia is highly toxic. After detailing thedangers ofammonia andother protein by-products intheblood- stream, Dr.Kiefer gives thisunqualified endorsement ofapredominantly carbohydrate- based dietover thetypical protein dietused forboth weight lossandasaregular dietby so many people: “An appropriate level oftheoft-maligned carbohydrate isperhaps thebestprotection inanydiet. Itprotects theneed ofthebrain cells forcarbohydrates; theneed tometab- olize fatsforenergywithout increasing theacid load ofthebloodstream; theprotection ofprotein intissue andtheprevention ofexcess nitrogen excretion when protein com- ponents (amino acids) must be used for ener gy.” 85.3.2 Sufficient Protein: It’s Easy! Protein needs andrequirements areincredibly lowforahealthy person. Infact, one measure ofaperson’ shealth ishow much protein they must consume tomaintain their body weight. Sick anddiseased people crave largeamounts ofprotein forstimulation fortheir exhausted bodies. Healthy people, ontheother hand, canfunction very well on about one-fifth of the protein the average American consumes. How canwemake sure thatwegetenough protein, butnottoomuch? Easy.Just eliminate allsubstandard, harmful, andprocessed foods from thedietandeatanabun- dance offresh fruits with some vegetables, sprouts, andnuts orseeds (ifdesired). Allof these foods canbeeaten intheir rawstate, and(with theexception ofnuts andseeds) are lowinconcentrated protein. Yetthese foods dosupply alltheessential amino acids that weneed forahealthy life.More importantly,thefoods oftheLife Science dietsupply us with anabundance ofnatural carbohydrates—our body’ snumber onenutrient need. In addition, wereceive afullarray ofvitamins, minerals, enzymes, andyetundiscovered elements from these fresh and wholesome foods packaged by nature. Atrueprotein deficiency onacalorie-suf ficient dietisararity.Cancers from ahigh- protein dietareall,toocommon. Say“No!” tothepropaganda andmisinformation thatis circulating about anysupposed benefits ofahigh-protein diet. Say“Yes!”tothehealth- promoting and nutrient-abundant diet of fresh raw fruits, vegetables, sprouts, and seeds. 85.4. Questions & Answers Ifeelsogood after eating several high-protein meals. IfeellikeIcould fight atiger! How could that be bad? There isavery good reason thatyoufeelso“ener getic” orstimulated after a high-protein meal. Thechemical composition ofuricacid, aby-product ofprotein metabolism, isremarkably similar tothatofcaffeine. You’re notgetting anyenergy from thehigh-protein meals, you’re receiving chemical stimulation. Heavy pro- teineaters arealways “high” ondrugs—either from thestimulating effects oftheuricacid by-products, orthey may actually become intoxicated onthealcohol that forms inthebody from protein fermentation. And please—don’ tgoaround fighting anytigers; they’re almost asdangerous asthose high-protein meals you’re putting away. Well, then, is protein bad? Should I just not eat any protein foods ever again? Better notstop eating allprotein foods, oryou may gohungry! Allour biologically-correct foods (such asfruits, sprouts, vegetables, etc.) contain ample protein intheform ofeasily assimilable amino acids. No,protein isnot“bad.” But protein from animal sources isharmful because ofalltheaccompanying toxins, fats, etc.And excessive protein, whether from plants oranimals, isalways harmful. Okay, so how much protein is too much? What do you mean by excessive? Ifyoueatanyofthefoods thatarenotsuitable forourphysiology (and thisin- cludes allmeats, dairy products, eggs, andother animal products), then youwillbe getting toomuch protein. Ifyouovereat thesubstandard foods such aslegumes and grains, youwillbegetting more protein than isprobably needed. Toguard yourself against excessive protein intake, follow these simple rules: 1)Never eatanyanimal products. 2)Ifyoueatconcentrated protein foods from theplant kingdom, such as beans, peas, grains, soyproducts, then eatthese nomore than once every dayor two. 3)Donotovereat onnuts
[ 68331, 304, 279, 8271, 29845, 68331, 20722, 1274, 311, 26797, 704, 7063, 34658, 988, 320, 8370, 374, 3323, 5933, 2533, 198, 7063, 34658, 988, 527, 414, 3646, 11297, 40373, 930, 570, 666, 59626, 556, 369, 391, 1171, 8129, 18007, 1841, 754, 7058, 88478, 11, 3428, 10039, 39340, 10173, 58504, 38638, 304, 1820, 26380, 1304, 5352, 11, 323, 275, 34360, 387, 8134, 839, 555, 64, 198, 12156, 13128, 10173, 627, 791, 4652, 304, 1820, 43618, 1101, 12090, 430, 65937, 315, 1494, 1108, 10039, 39340, 5603, 311, 198, 4870, 4814, 11, 72375, 5933, 323, 38128, 5603, 1053, 1297, 4748, 1900, 30632, 15055, 315, 34397, 7058, 43024, 31965, 1579, 24948, 34658, 349, 15657, 320, 21470, 439, 26390, 8, 323, 369, 636, 922, 279, 13128, 627, 5313, 13, 17, 13, 21, 578, 29950, 5234, 58186, 39340, 27304, 198, 3923, 529, 2064, 11073, 1109, 264, 12156, 10039, 39340, 11, 3428, 24948, 34658, 349, 10173, 2000, 18310, 4785, 30, 22559, 512, 2127, 543, 10039, 39340, 10173, 627, 644, 59041, 439, 275, 18864, 2873, 11, 1070, 1051, 9214, 315, 16455, 304, 339, 301, 349, 4468, 15, 82, 889, 198, 19070, 291, 264, 12156, 10039, 39340, 11, 4785, 77401, 10173, 9210, 6387, 13539, 315, 42312, 810, 1109, 7701, 7058, 35122, 10065, 13128, 11, 13465, 1174, 323, 21075, 35987, 627, 21634, 1054, 54737, 13128, 2476, 279, 3323, 15657, 27073, 304, 576, 94942, 52898, 348, 10522, 315, 48999, 506, 7058, 37288, 430, 53615, 11640, 10296, 505, 46266, 323, 1605, 10065, 12571, 3956, 505, 40856, 198, 37841, 13, 1115, 1054, 79565, 863, 320, 74128, 279, 359, 23620, 555, 68973, 505, 13339, 2320, 9162, 8, 574, 41093, 72, 7058, 69, 1142, 494, 3903, 291, 1523, 323, 3473, 78220, 88340, 323, 2119, 3093, 779, 9210, 275, 41450, 12945, 1093, 198, 12944, 375, 41245, 5515, 39962, 13, 1472, 4919, 318, 24281, 1268, 50459, 19923, 11640, 10296, 1053, 12945, 2345, 9181, 198, 86, 14518, 430, 20670, 1047, 68987, 285, 8890, 1082, 279, 677, 95832, 11018, 1105, 323, 82, 875, 6147, 12945, 315, 21470, 264, 20329, 7058, 670, 627, 4959, 1938, 11, 391, 1293, 1053, 1825, 54020, 5174, 14019, 315, 576, 52833, 13128, 1054, 70, 3200, 863, 323, 53013, 198, 275, 2996, 279, 87164, 13, 578, 79565, 45322, 1053, 5266, 339, 752, 1293, 709, 4306, 363, 49236, 30303, 2853, 11, 323, 198, 4870, 4814, 1053, 1833, 16853, 31140, 1174, 1962, 3323, 1550, 4870, 4814, 12446, 1174, 65, 6256, 347, 307, 85, 316, 5977, 11, 99857, 345, 38827, 9326, 1589, 14989, 11, 61880, 11, 9235, 6930, 11, 323, 4814, 315, 7013, 16853, 644, 339, 301, 349, 4468, 15, 82, 11, 279, 54737, 13128, 10173, 66, 969, 3059, 574, 266, 1220, 23635, 13, 63294, 323, 339, 283, 7058, 82, 2914, 315, 85, 458, 85, 10522, 315, 911, 2070, 12, 323, 331, 5515, 12556, 76486, 13128, 1051, 6216, 13445, 620, 1260, 3026, 323, 198, 65762, 889, 45374, 311, 36850, 872, 2890, 389, 264, 11660, 220, 1041, 4, 13128, 10173, 627, 1271, 387, 3738, 11, 1521, 1274, 1051, 1101, 13490, 4785, 13, 1628, 1063, 1524, 5675, 810, 627, 644, 35, 953, 39, 3385, 11, 1561, 4356, 11, 8161, 3458, 95495, 6713, 6137, 459, 68632, 23086, 7445, 1322, 12279, 478, 908, 80, 7058, 2480, 79565, 10173, 13, 5629, 18083, 13, 95495, 6713, 5675, 51464, 1919, 16701, 389, 79371, 3978, 13, 5112, 74135, 537, 1964, 14789, 627, 2059, 291, 3978, 291, 1606, 315, 18207, 36505, 7263, 922, 555, 1820, 543, 10039, 39340, 10173, 13, 6385, 13092, 7058, 7198, 323, 4538, 42184, 323, 4036, 400, 2131, 11, 931, 29096, 2678, 3392, 13118, 369, 264, 10456, 832, 529, 274, 2324, 627, 97740, 10039, 39340, 41943, 649, 1593, 2653, 4791, 1773, 13478, 11, 323, 54228, 19094, 11, 4851, 5435, 13, 578, 198, 543, 10039, 39340, 10173, 11, 24927, 82, 279, 2664, 529, 274, 1083, 3333, 8335, 11, 323, 3696, 36419, 26338, 279, 19644, 82643, 7058, 372, 3374, 13, 1115, 59594, 11293, 62275, 2237, 11767, 311, 1138, 61254, 689, 11, 477, 1820, 370, 8416, 198, 1395, 1113, 315, 279, 4851, 627, 1016, 301, 33089, 477, 543, 10039, 39340, 10173, 16514, 3983, 8040, 555, 2172, 5009, 889, 2751, 1820, 42877, 505, 198, 59888, 81443, 26040, 13, 4702, 4908, 59888, 81443, 26040, 11, 279, 54737, 10039, 39340, 10173, 17570, 15278, 4688, 198, 438, 39035, 76254, 6725, 13, 42536, 1174, 1178, 706, 3409, 17454, 2212, 922, 279, 67, 14381, 315, 198, 576, 543, 10039, 39340, 10173, 376, 875, 13, 19173, 1174, 16455, 2103, 9978, 19704, 304, 339, 752, 1223, 315, 1494, 1108, 10039, 7058, 39340, 11, 3428, 24948, 34658, 349, 10173, 369, 4785, 4814, 11, 323, 1781, 433, 374, 6220, 627, 5313, 13, 18, 13, 578, 3082, 44240, 5046, 578, 14285, 198, 5313, 13, 18, 13, 16, 3341, 34658, 988, 2345, 2688, 49475, 198, 5313, 13, 18, 13, 17, 328, 1739, 282, 5499, 49475, 25, 1102, 529, 274, 19122, 4999, 5313, 13, 18, 13, 16, 3341, 34658, 988, 2345, 2688, 49475, 198, 9028, 34658, 988, 304, 50828, 5933, 7739, 1022, 2548, 323, 67, 4588, 26390, 323, 15031, 24822, 198, 5562, 2744, 387, 2656, 304, 1762, 2251, 311, 444, 1189, 55373, 13128, 15657, 13, 9029, 889, 390, 31419, 13610, 8108, 279, 6173, 315, 24126, 62345, 304, 79371, 3978, 23775, 266, 6518, 13128, 198, 96420, 4619, 108019, 56605, 311, 1497, 4785, 477, 2118, 318, 35563, 863, 872, 2890, 527, 43012, 1008, 276, 7058, 1414, 788, 1847, 13, 33249, 311, 12840, 2999, 3924, 8564, 356, 11606, 648, 809, 315, 1820, 26287, 31382, 3907, 3344, 7058, 950, 33849, 34143, 437, 352, 9274, 9139, 301, 1413, 12939, 315, 7063, 34658, 988, 323, 782, 668, 1354, 304, 64, 198, 9336, 84225, 4979, 10173, 512, 2118, 9028, 34658, 988, 2011, 539, 13772, 54277, 1645, 7770, 33994, 3392, 304, 3852, 94942, 11, 477, 6703, 359, 198, 700, 3267, 1073, 2518, 709, 74276, 359, 38128, 41861, 1614, 26, 477, 11, 66372, 11201, 927, 279, 4930, 198, 6236, 25576, 336, 352, 12571, 279, 2664, 529, 274, 79565, 10756, 505, 39881, 1778, 33928, 355, 9326, 311, 93755, 420, 198, 359, 38128, 41861, 1614, 49216, 2118, 1360, 668, 1354, 11, 20426, 62345, 477, 69, 1900, 11, 6782, 279, 6229, 47503, 13, 3277, 9909, 4664, 198, 576, 45168, 26252, 505, 279, 309, 3394, 13935, 6956, 315, 782, 668, 1354, 67141, 311, 14500, 1124, 311, 198, 7063, 34658, 988, 2291, 10202, 11, 6703, 359, 700, 3267, 1073, 24177, 709, 309, 1677, 689, 304, 414, 51105, 62075, 627, 6219, 1677, 689, 374, 7701, 21503, 627, 6153, 45293, 279, 67, 14381, 315, 309, 1677, 689, 323, 1605, 13128, 555, 68973, 304, 1820, 51105, 7058, 4116, 11, 2999, 11606, 648, 809, 6835, 420, 359, 37435, 42143, 315, 391, 1171, 8129, 18007, 67732, 7058, 31039, 10173, 2017, 279, 3737, 950, 13128, 10173, 2656, 369, 21704, 4785, 4814, 56533, 548, 70, 1299, 10173, 1729, 198, 708, 1690, 1274, 512, 2118, 2127, 8475, 2237, 315, 1820, 14450, 1474, 48242, 67732, 374, 66372, 279, 16241, 782, 40241, 198, 258, 3852, 94942, 13, 1102, 47079, 82, 1243, 12320, 315, 1820, 54160, 7917, 369, 7063, 34658, 988, 26, 1243, 12320, 311, 4150, 370, 7058, 337, 553, 50127, 1348, 10202, 30096, 7859, 279, 58156, 2865, 315, 1820, 51105, 4116, 26, 279, 782, 40241, 198, 1073, 79565, 528, 11407, 323, 339, 752, 265, 7611, 315, 327, 1140, 47503, 506, 89790, 994, 13128, 470, 7058, 2767, 320, 309, 3394, 33969, 8, 2011, 387, 1511, 369, 38556, 29720, 49216, 5313, 13, 18, 13, 17, 328, 27781, 49475, 25, 1102, 753, 19122, 4999, 1360, 39340, 3966, 323, 71226, 527, 258, 11081, 6623, 3428, 2000, 64, 38128, 1732, 13, 15268, 533, 11, 832, 198, 48899, 315, 391, 1293, 529, 1364, 1902, 374, 5269, 1790, 13128, 814, 2011, 25024, 10390, 1673, 467, 872, 198, 2664, 4785, 13, 82411, 323, 67, 1082, 1503, 1274, 81413, 3544, 6173, 82, 315, 79565, 369, 54754, 2987, 198, 2000, 50828, 39019, 13162, 13, 44454, 1274, 11, 389, 1820, 1605, 1450, 11, 649, 1723, 1633, 1664, 389, 198, 9274, 832, 2269, 58710, 315, 279, 13128, 279, 5578, 3778, 60606, 627, 4438, 649, 86, 336, 731, 2771, 430, 906, 456, 268, 1409, 13128, 11, 719, 1962, 998, 316, 1412, 30, 19122, 662, 10156, 198, 40895, 3357, 682, 2008, 20885, 11, 28856, 11, 323, 35122, 15657, 505, 279, 94942, 23775, 16623, 370, 359, 7058, 99975, 1022, 2548, 26390, 449, 1063, 24822, 11, 8314, 11934, 11, 323, 64866, 477, 325, 6910, 320, 333, 83882, 570, 1708, 385, 69, 198, 45010, 15657, 649, 33131, 13827, 304, 50828, 7257, 2513, 11, 323, 17411, 279, 7959, 315, 64866, 323, 325, 6910, 8, 527, 198, 10516, 258, 444, 1189, 55373, 13128, 13, 14968, 45010, 15657, 8924, 85023, 682, 1820, 49582, 42500, 33969, 430, 198, 86, 1994, 291, 86084, 38128, 2324, 93868, 23659, 1174, 339, 830, 9242, 315, 1820, 26833, 10170, 41943, 85023, 603, 198, 4291, 459, 370, 98681, 315, 53980, 62345, 2345, 414, 2547, 529, 274, 4174, 389, 268, 332, 13283, 1205, 13, 763, 198, 723, 684, 11, 1051, 8402, 8136, 620, 1686, 315, 55911, 38925, 11, 34072, 11, 56067, 11, 323, 47492, 1263, 285, 21468, 198, 22138, 505, 1521, 7878, 323, 88318, 15657, 47237, 555, 7138, 627, 32, 1904, 79565, 48294, 389, 582, 278, 30303, 1355, 1739, 282, 5499, 10173, 285, 277, 10981, 662, 34, 32842, 505, 264, 12156, 7058, 79565, 10173, 548, 543, 77347, 12255, 1677, 13, 25961, 61559, 18319, 311, 339, 752, 897, 351, 10018, 323, 34965, 26125, 430, 285, 198, 44398, 15853, 922, 904, 13066, 3950, 7720, 315, 1494, 1108, 10039, 39340, 10173, 13, 25961, 86508, 18319, 998, 1820, 12393, 7058, 25475, 11780, 323, 50123, 39130, 1263, 519, 10173, 315, 7878, 7257, 26390, 11, 24822, 11, 8314, 11934, 11, 323, 19595, 627, 5313, 13, 19, 13, 24271, 612, 38343, 198, 40, 1897, 2053, 540, 1411, 1306, 12459, 3892, 1579, 10039, 39340, 21644, 13, 1442, 68, 616, 3043, 40, 29177, 4465, 520, 7420, 4999, 4438, 1436, 430, 387, 3958, 5380, 3947, 374, 25727, 1695, 2944, 430, 9514, 57676, 708, 2118, 804, 636, 292, 863, 477, 54754, 7913, 1306, 264, 198, 12156, 10039, 39340, 15496, 13, 578, 32056, 18528, 315, 324, 292, 58156, 11, 43815, 29745, 315, 79565, 198, 4150, 53904, 2191, 11, 374, 38548, 2915, 4528, 311, 9210, 1073, 88860, 483, 13, 1472, 3207, 539, 51210, 904, 17947, 198, 1527, 279, 12156, 10039, 39340, 21644, 11, 499, 3207, 12588, 11742, 41959, 13, 29201, 463, 7058, 668, 483, 11796, 527, 33222, 1054, 12156, 863, 389, 3696, 13602, 2345, 50998, 505, 279, 54754, 15853, 6372, 315, 1820, 324, 292, 58156, 555, 68973, 11, 477, 20670, 1253, 3604, 3719, 87523, 389, 1820, 278, 11353, 430, 198, 10008, 304, 1820, 2664, 505, 13128, 74454, 13, 1628, 4587, 2345, 15357, 529, 259, 3427, 20019, 11039, 198, 3852, 83, 33214, 26, 814, 3207, 4661, 439, 32550, 788, 12025, 71, 974, 1579, 10039, 39340, 21644, 499, 3207, 10917, 198, 14075, 16853, 11649, 11, 1243, 11, 374, 13128, 3958, 30, 12540, 358, 1120, 539, 8343, 904, 13128, 15657, 3596, 1578, 5380, 56351, 539, 9684, 12459, 682, 79565, 15657, 11, 477, 9514, 1253, 733, 57932, 894, 0, 2052, 414, 198, 8385, 30450, 1824, 28132, 15657, 320, 21470, 439, 1658, 12059, 11, 8314, 11934, 11, 24822, 11, 5099, 6266, 6782, 42853, 198, 79565, 304, 1820, 630, 315, 68, 38367, 40054, 321, 481, 42500, 33969, 13, 2360, 11, 79565, 374, 1962, 2118, 14176, 2029, 2030, 198, 79565, 505, 10065, 8336, 374, 71, 2227, 1285, 1606, 315, 543, 1820, 582, 10348, 287, 62186, 345, 69, 1900, 11, 5099, 32264, 27639, 13128, 11, 3508, 505, 11012, 477, 77896, 11, 374, 33222, 28856, 627, 33413, 11, 779, 1268, 1790, 13128, 374, 2288, 1790, 30, 3639, 656, 499, 3152, 555, 27639, 5380, 2746, 9514, 33166, 3852, 1073, 339, 830, 9242, 430, 548, 1962, 73140, 481, 369, 414, 42305, 31226, 320, 438, 420, 258, 7058, 7548, 682, 2727, 1900, 11, 34479, 3956, 11, 19335, 11, 323, 1605, 10065, 3956, 705, 1243, 499, 14724, 1395, 198, 51210, 311, 316, 1412, 13128, 13, 1442, 9514, 2017, 33166, 279, 2008, 20885, 15657, 1778, 439, 1978, 19131, 323, 198, 911, 1771, 11, 499, 14724, 1395, 51210, 810, 13128, 1109, 374, 55540, 4460, 13, 350, 540, 11280, 6261, 198, 69849, 27639, 13128, 23730, 11, 1833, 1521, 4382, 5718, 25, 220, 16, 8, 27247, 8343, 3852, 48999, 198, 10354, 13, 220, 17, 8, 2746, 9514, 33166, 444, 1189, 55373, 13128, 15657, 505, 279, 21494, 26135, 11, 1778, 439, 198, 28440, 11, 47136, 11, 41936, 11, 29839, 10354, 11, 1243, 8343, 45010, 9859, 461, 1109, 3131, 1475, 1938, 269, 198, 20375, 13, 220, 18, 8, 8161, 354, 2017, 33166, 389, 64866 ]
-ups starting from aposition where herarms were extended behind heronthefloor.These were tobeused asaleverage inachieving thesitting position. After about sixmonths shewasable todo20ofthese. Shehadn’ t,asyet,reached herfinal goal: todo30situps with hands clasped behind her head, but she knew she’d get there one of these days. Then, ithappened! Another accident. Several months ago, shewasoutfeeding her beloved birds. Itwas anunusually cold morning forTucson. Having several appoint- ments scheduled forthatmorning, shewasinahurry andcaught heropen-toed slipper inthecurled hose which wasrigid duetotheovernight freeze. Shewent sailing through theair,landing onherright side andskating along thegravel which toreathermuscles and ligaments. Forweeks, Dr.Elizabeth could hardly move. Shetook nopain killers inspite ofthe severe pain. Hotbaths andoccasional short fasts took away allthediscomfort butshe was unable todoasingle sit-up, tosaynothing ofmost other exercises. Butwas she defeated? NotDr.Elizabeth! Just theother dayshedid26bend-knee sit-ups, hertoes tucked under the bed frame. She’ s off again with new goals beckoning down the road. Incidentally,forfemales over theageof60,those achieving bent-knee sit-ups in90 seconds areawarded thePlatinum Accolade. Dr.Elizabeth didhers in60seconds and she confesses to being over 70! Wehave included thisstory inthislesson, nottobrag, buttomake apoint. Inwork- ing in the field of corrective exercises, patience and persistence will be rewarded. Inthelegal world, there isanoldsaying, “Timeisoftheessence.” This phrase is found inmany contracts, especially those having todowith thesaleorpurchase ofreal estate. Itmeans thatwithin acertain time frame, thecontract must befulfilled andall legal obligations with respect to that particular contract must be fulfilled.Incorrecting spinal orother physical imperfections, time isalso oftheessence but here thephrase must beinterpreted differently.Corrective work cannot behurried. The body willestablish itsown schedule andcells willberepaired according toacerebrally- devised master plan. Therepairing andhealing willtake place methodically,generation bygeneration ofcellular replication, asthebody receives theproper tools—all ofthem. We refer, of course, to the biodynamics of or ganic existence. Itwould betheheight offolly,forexample, to.expect recovery tooccur with speed if proper -food benoteaten, orshould theimpaired individual failtoobtain maximum rest, both physiological, mental, sensorial, and physical; or any other of life’ s basic needs. Itisthisoneelement oftime thatisperhaps themost difficult ofallprinciples forthe novice Hygienist tograsp. Correcting defects inthephysical structure requires themost time of all. It is slow work. Generally,immediate results cannot beseen. They arenotvisible, they areoften not even felt,butthey arethere! They take place internally,within andabout thecellcom- munities ofmuscles, ligaments andbones. One generation ofdamaged cells isdiscard- ed,recycled, replaced byhealthier cells, more efficient cells, cells thatarelessstressed. Timeisoftheessence! Patience andpersistence inanswering thebody’ sbasic needs will eventually occasion only salubrious results. 96.5.2 Sports Injuries Failure towarm-up before exercising vigorously,failure tocool down following ex- ercise, andnotknowing how toperform correctly various stretching exercises aregen- erally considered the most common causes of sports injury. Themost common sports injuries are:soreness, sidestitches, cramps, low-back pain, knee injuries, shin splints, tendinitis, bursitis, stress fractures, heel spurs, plantar fascitis, and common sprains. Generally,incorrect stretching ofmuscles andfailure toobtain sufficient flexibility andsuppleness ofmuscles through sustained continuous andgraduated exercise prove tobemajor factors insports injuries; again, thefailure torecognize thatittakes time to develop physical wellness, including muscular wellness. When muscles arestretched toofast, orinbouncy jerking motions, thebody re- sponds with the“stretch reflex,” orthetendency ofamuscle tocontract instead ofrelax- ingwhen stretched tooquickly orforcibly.Therapists andsports experts suggest thatall stretching, tobebeneficial, should bedone inslow,gentle movements nottothepoint where pain isfelt. Stretches should beheld atleast fifteen seconds. Some recommend increasing the stretch time to as long as 30 seconds for maximum benefit. Simple sprains arethemost common back injury andoften occur when muscles of theback ortheligaments arestretched ortorn. Common activities thatpeople generally don’teven think about, when done improperly,canresult inback sprains; simple every- dayactivities asbending, lifting, standing orsitting. This iswhy weemphasize inthis lesson theneed toproceed slowly when corrective exercises areintroduced foranypur- pose. Back sprains canalso result from accidents as,forexample, being wrenched when cars collide. Dr.Robert years agosuffered asevere back trauma when heswerved to avoid hitting apick-up truck which carried twoyoung children initsopen back. Hewas grabbed bythepassenger inhiscaratthesame time. Hesuffered forseveral years before he eventually recovered. Slipped orruptured discs areuncommon, butcancause severe pain andeven com- plete disability. Sometimes such slipped orinjured discs canpinch thespinal nerves causing pain to radiate down theback ofthethigh andleg—the “sciatica” pain. Ifthepinching contin- ues, actual irremedial nerve damage canresult. Osteoarthritis canbeamajor factor inback pain, specially inthelatemiddle years. Spurs andsponging causes narrowing of discs with nerve impingements which cause the pain. Male prostate problems anduterine problems infemales, constipation, etc., areall probable factors which will influence the amount of pain felt. Routine Xrays oftheback canonly reveal bone changes andthisonly after there has been asmuch as30% deterioration. They donotreveal sprains, slipped discs, etc.Other measures and tests may be required to identify a slipped disc. 96.5.3 How to Keep a Straight Back and Improve Posture There arecertain “Dos” andcertain “Don’ ts”thatareapplicable tosound body back mechanics. They apply when sleeping, sitting, driving, standing, walking and in lifting. Sleeping -Sleep onamattress thatyoufindcomfortable. Ingeneral, most specialists inback problems agree thatafirm mattress willsupply thebest support. Sleep onyour side, inthefetal position, with theknees bent. Some persons find thatsleeping onthe back with apillow placed under theknees provides themost comfort. Sleeping positions canoften prove amoot issue since theaverage person changes hisposition many times during thehours ofsleeping anddoes sowithout hisconscious awareness ofhefact. A good general ruleofthumb, therefore, istoassume acomfortable position andjustrelax. Sitting -Most chairs areanabomination. They aremade tofitaverage people and actually there arefewindividuals who are“average.” Therefore, most chairs areuncom- fortable and stress the back. Chairs should belowenough sothatthesitting individual canplace both feetonthe floor with hisknees somewhat higher than hiships. Itisnotwise tocross thelegsatany time. Ifyour sitting chair haslegs thatareslightly toolong foryou, youcanelevate the legs byusing astool orhave acarpenter orhandyman make acorrection intheheight. Always sitfirmly against theback ofthechair.This willassist thespine tomaintain a straight alignment. Driving -The carseat should beadjusted forward sothattheknees remain bent. They should bemaintained higher than thehips. Thedriver should sitstraight andshould drive well balanced keeping both hands onthesteering-wheel. Anelongated cushion placed against theback oftheseat may assist posture since fewcarseat cushions are designed with correct posture maintenance in mind. Standing -Ifaperson with back pain must stand athiswork, heshould stand with onefootup,changing positions often. Ifheisrequired tobend over,heshould dosoby bending with the knees while keeping the back as straight as possible. Werecall onehousewife anumber ofyears agowho hadsuffered much pain follow- ing a back injury. While working inherkitchen andaround thehouse, shemade itastrict policy never tobend down topick upanobject ortoobtain something kept inalower cupboard. In- stead, shewould always doadeep knee bend while holding ontothesink orsome other
[ 27859, 198, 40389, 505, 264, 3571, 1405, 1077, 16293, 1051, 11838, 4920, 1077, 6167, 830, 4081, 662, 9673, 198, 52898, 311, 1395, 2656, 439, 1604, 4453, 304, 45620, 4504, 279, 82, 15154, 2361, 13, 4740, 922, 4848, 50814, 198, 939, 365, 300, 481, 12067, 508, 1073, 45010, 13, 3005, 32345, 77, 529, 259, 11, 6539, 295, 39225, 3939, 1077, 12085, 5915, 25, 12067, 966, 47965, 8772, 198, 4291, 6206, 57220, 7018, 4920, 1077, 2010, 11, 719, 1364, 7020, 1364, 7070, 636, 1070, 832, 315, 1521, 2919, 627, 12487, 11, 78942, 680, 6901, 0, 13596, 11677, 13, 26778, 4038, 4227, 11, 559, 365, 300, 412, 46519, 1077, 198, 9978, 5047, 20229, 13, 1102, 16514, 459, 359, 44066, 9439, 6693, 369, 51, 60385, 13, 20636, 3892, 9732, 7058, 1392, 13847, 369, 9210, 57902, 1251, 11, 559, 365, 51410, 1494, 40956, 323, 62308, 1077, 2569, 4791, 291, 21818, 716, 198, 48121, 762, 324, 839, 38600, 902, 574, 14746, 307, 3930, 11269, 1820, 6846, 492, 31030, 13, 1443, 365, 306, 51129, 1555, 198, 1820, 1334, 11, 49441, 389, 71, 618, 492, 3185, 323, 4991, 1113, 3235, 279, 911, 3963, 902, 63108, 1894, 38827, 19153, 198, 438, 29413, 24469, 627, 2520, 82089, 11, 2999, 51773, 19049, 1436, 20781, 3351, 13, 1443, 295, 1982, 66126, 467, 61135, 1672, 6100, 315, 1820, 198, 325, 19846, 6784, 13, 8166, 65, 27382, 323, 14310, 300, 4001, 2875, 5043, 82, 3952, 3201, 682, 339, 42925, 19975, 719, 32158, 198, 16514, 12153, 12067, 300, 2222, 2503, 5352, 11, 311, 37890, 42312, 315, 3646, 1023, 23783, 13, 2030, 16514, 1364, 198, 755, 68922, 30, 2876, 9023, 51773, 19049, 0, 4702, 279, 1605, 1938, 70561, 307, 1627, 65, 408, 12934, 34191, 2503, 27859, 11, 305, 531, 7217, 198, 83, 40458, 1234, 279, 4950, 4124, 13, 3005, 529, 274, 1022, 1578, 449, 502, 9021, 92186, 20324, 1523, 279, 5754, 627, 40345, 57222, 1174, 2000, 69, 87503, 927, 279, 425, 1073, 1399, 11, 54719, 32145, 30280, 12934, 34191, 2503, 27859, 304, 1954, 198, 17859, 527, 675, 21632, 279, 2169, 30190, 11683, 337, 1037, 13, 2999, 51773, 19049, 1550, 71, 388, 304, 1399, 17859, 323, 198, 32158, 48466, 288, 311, 1694, 927, 220, 2031, 4999, 1687, 19553, 5343, 420, 27583, 304, 576, 28595, 11, 539, 83, 677, 4193, 11, 31056, 316, 731, 1469, 787, 13, 763, 1816, 7058, 287, 304, 279, 2115, 315, 91852, 23783, 11, 30401, 323, 42056, 690, 387, 44937, 627, 644, 1820, 6564, 1917, 11, 1070, 374, 276, 18938, 17718, 11, 1054, 1489, 285, 1073, 1820, 434, 768, 2029, 1115, 17571, 374, 198, 15456, 304, 35676, 17517, 11, 5423, 1884, 3515, 11791, 363, 411, 279, 33754, 31215, 13173, 315, 8110, 198, 65215, 13, 1102, 47321, 430, 56950, 1645, 7770, 892, 4124, 11, 279, 20871, 2011, 387, 1285, 28611, 323, 543, 198, 6564, 30255, 449, 5201, 311, 430, 4040, 5226, 2011, 387, 41834, 5450, 20523, 287, 50112, 477, 1605, 7106, 17190, 25384, 11, 892, 374, 19171, 315, 1820, 434, 768, 719, 198, 6881, 279, 28810, 2011, 387, 94561, 22009, 662, 34192, 535, 990, 4250, 2824, 324, 4588, 13, 578, 198, 2664, 289, 4618, 267, 5212, 1202, 785, 9899, 323, 37791, 690, 62386, 77267, 4184, 311, 582, 486, 1347, 750, 7058, 451, 26451, 7491, 3197, 13, 2684, 12959, 287, 323, 383, 6260, 690, 23609, 2035, 1749, 2740, 1174, 81157, 198, 1729, 81157, 315, 5997, 1299, 48891, 11, 12025, 383, 2664, 21879, 279, 81768, 7526, 87247, 315, 49818, 627, 1687, 8464, 1174, 315, 3388, 11, 311, 279, 6160, 80011, 315, 477, 25893, 292, 14209, 627, 2181, 41450, 1297, 383, 2627, 1022, 8788, 11, 1348, 87, 1545, 11, 311, 27042, 13654, 311, 511, 2407, 449, 4732, 422, 198, 81768, 482, 14239, 3399, 1295, 13827, 11, 477, 5562, 279, 318, 77267, 3927, 3775, 998, 677, 23771, 7340, 2800, 345, 21704, 53194, 11, 10723, 11, 12271, 532, 11, 323, 7106, 26, 477, 904, 1023, 315, 2324, 529, 274, 6913, 3966, 627, 2181, 380, 26301, 606, 6229, 315, 1712, 430, 28470, 6356, 1124, 537, 5107, 315, 543, 652, 5824, 645, 369, 1820, 198, 39142, 560, 10320, 88364, 380, 311, 911, 13671, 13, 41070, 287, 42655, 304, 339, 24453, 19506, 6070, 7612, 1124, 537, 198, 1712, 315, 682, 13, 1102, 374, 6435, 990, 627, 77641, 1174, 318, 14978, 3135, 4250, 293, 2423, 268, 13, 2435, 527, 1962, 12887, 11, 814, 527, 61917, 539, 198, 17206, 6612, 100004, 20670, 527, 19041, 0, 2435, 1935, 2035, 34167, 1174, 56950, 323, 9274, 279, 5997, 884, 7058, 76, 6165, 315, 38827, 19153, 11, 29413, 24469, 323, 82091, 13, 3861, 9659, 315, 15770, 3359, 7917, 374, 77592, 7058, 291, 11, 2827, 37676, 11, 12860, 555, 12393, 1291, 7917, 11, 810, 11297, 7917, 11, 7917, 430, 548, 1752, 267, 14715, 627, 1489, 285, 1073, 1820, 434, 768, 0, 7281, 1873, 323, 79, 8185, 304, 598, 86, 4776, 279, 2664, 529, 8057, 6099, 3966, 690, 198, 3163, 1870, 13402, 1193, 4371, 392, 84718, 3135, 627, 4161, 13, 20, 13, 17, 13482, 763, 90927, 198, 17965, 16190, 2227, 5352, 1603, 51582, 77849, 1174, 30039, 311, 43296, 1523, 2768, 506, 7058, 18865, 11, 323, 1962, 33134, 287, 1268, 311, 29588, 12722, 5370, 42949, 23783, 527, 4469, 7058, 261, 750, 6646, 279, 1455, 4279, 11384, 315, 10034, 11134, 16853, 88070, 537, 4279, 10034, 15319, 527, 14835, 461, 2136, 11, 14414, 478, 26286, 11, 1589, 14989, 11, 3428, 15825, 6784, 345, 74, 34191, 15319, 11, 77111, 12786, 21719, 11, 8541, 2381, 285, 11, 293, 1759, 20000, 11, 8631, 78332, 11, 35428, 993, 1759, 11, 6136, 277, 15550, 20000, 345, 438, 4279, 8314, 1771, 627, 77641, 1174, 63054, 42949, 315, 38827, 19153, 323, 30039, 311, 677, 23771, 14343, 25152, 198, 2914, 455, 501, 24639, 315, 38827, 19153, 1555, 29759, 19815, 323, 6902, 13148, 10368, 12391, 198, 83, 677, 336, 3111, 9547, 1672, 3476, 15319, 26, 1578, 11, 279, 30039, 311, 34551, 553, 430, 1468, 2094, 892, 311, 198, 16219, 7106, 39890, 11, 2737, 52192, 39890, 627, 4599, 24569, 527, 267, 62837, 311, 1073, 561, 11, 477, 258, 65, 82401, 21706, 10789, 54245, 11, 279, 2664, 312, 7058, 82, 3595, 82, 449, 279, 2118, 73184, 33766, 2476, 30299, 295, 21906, 315, 56455, 9326, 311, 20871, 4619, 315, 3833, 710, 7058, 287, 9493, 41398, 2288, 28863, 398, 477, 10676, 6623, 662, 1016, 119740, 1705, 323, 84660, 11909, 4284, 430, 543, 198, 73184, 287, 11, 311, 1395, 68244, 7235, 11, 1288, 4950, 606, 1672, 10516, 11, 16149, 273, 19567, 539, 998, 339, 752, 787, 198, 2940, 6784, 374, 66922, 13, 800, 2171, 8696, 1288, 2824, 789, 91028, 37755, 6622, 13, 4427, 7079, 198, 43842, 4522, 279, 14841, 892, 311, 439, 1317, 439, 220, 966, 6622, 369, 7340, 8935, 627, 16778, 8314, 1771, 527, 49818, 537, 4279, 1203, 11134, 323, 61917, 12446, 994, 24569, 315, 198, 1820, 1445, 30299, 39567, 24469, 527, 267, 62837, 64609, 1540, 13, 7874, 7640, 430, 16455, 8965, 198, 15357, 116904, 1055, 1781, 922, 11, 994, 2884, 75298, 1174, 4919, 1407, 304, 1445, 8314, 1771, 26, 4382, 1475, 7058, 1316, 33078, 439, 65, 2518, 11, 33510, 11, 11509, 477, 82, 15154, 13, 1115, 374, 35734, 584, 336, 51480, 553, 304, 576, 198, 28595, 1243, 12320, 311, 782, 4739, 14297, 994, 91852, 23783, 527, 396, 30317, 369, 276, 1100, 324, 7058, 2972, 627, 3792, 8314, 1771, 649, 19171, 1121, 505, 33788, 439, 11, 1348, 87, 1545, 11, 1694, 289, 55071, 994, 198, 51808, 67190, 13, 2999, 2056, 677, 531, 1667, 945, 437, 2084, 291, 264, 325, 19846, 1203, 30988, 994, 20365, 86, 2841, 311, 198, 48956, 20129, 1469, 875, 5352, 11092, 902, 11953, 1403, 82279, 2911, 304, 1220, 2569, 1203, 13, 60350, 300, 198, 59312, 2788, 555, 339, 752, 395, 10214, 60537, 3510, 47957, 6509, 373, 892, 13, 473, 288, 2084, 291, 369, 325, 17998, 1667, 1603, 198, 383, 9778, 26403, 627, 7594, 6586, 477, 6722, 3149, 57795, 527, 359, 5581, 11, 719, 4919, 1593, 15748, 6784, 323, 17206, 470, 7058, 5282, 28353, 16853, 32148, 1778, 43578, 477, 258, 80491, 57795, 649, 13576, 331, 279, 2203, 992, 50581, 14718, 6784, 311, 198, 70312, 349, 1523, 279, 1445, 315, 339, 774, 1108, 323, 1978, 22416, 1054, 54927, 54397, 863, 6784, 13, 1442, 339, 752, 258, 28075, 2018, 7058, 1157, 11, 5150, 6348, 1864, 291, 532, 32015, 5674, 649, 1407, 13, 507, 5455, 78, 277, 40485, 649, 54971, 3111, 8331, 304, 1445, 6784, 11, 35426, 304, 339, 301, 38346, 3390, 1667, 13, 46142, 323, 82, 621, 3252, 11384, 98867, 315, 198, 17242, 82, 449, 32015, 3242, 287, 3808, 902, 5353, 279, 6784, 627, 37521, 47447, 5435, 323, 29051, 483, 5435, 4225, 87503, 11, 738, 49686, 11, 5099, 2637, 527, 543, 198, 20493, 481, 9547, 902, 690, 10383, 279, 3392, 315, 6784, 6612, 627, 74118, 1630, 66243, 315, 1820, 1445, 649, 3323, 16805, 17685, 4442, 323, 576, 3323, 1306, 1070, 706, 198, 82850, 33928, 1412, 439, 966, 4, 82189, 13, 2435, 1541, 52262, 41711, 8314, 1771, 11, 43578, 57795, 11, 5099, 96442, 198, 2727, 24368, 323, 7177, 1253, 387, 2631, 311, 10765, 264, 43578, 2624, 627, 4161, 13, 20, 13, 18, 2650, 311, 13969, 264, 46910, 6984, 323, 65184, 3962, 554, 198, 3947, 527, 66, 7770, 1054, 85443, 863, 323, 66, 7770, 1054, 8161, 529, 10814, 863, 339, 460, 265, 680, 47214, 311, 28632, 2547, 1203, 198, 2727, 5776, 1233, 13, 2435, 3881, 994, 21811, 11, 11961, 11, 10043, 11, 11509, 11, 11689, 323, 304, 33510, 627, 42845, 287, 482, 42845, 389, 309, 1617, 676, 430, 9514, 3990, 19975, 481, 13, 763, 25615, 11, 1455, 35416, 198, 258, 1445, 5435, 7655, 430, 2642, 2923, 33326, 690, 95783, 279, 16241, 1862, 13, 24708, 389, 22479, 198, 3002, 11, 304, 339, 830, 22029, 2361, 11, 449, 279, 74, 69819, 30280, 13, 4427, 11434, 1505, 430, 26894, 287, 389, 1820, 198, 1445, 449, 1469, 97023, 9277, 1234, 279, 74, 69819, 5825, 1124, 537, 6981, 13, 75247, 10093, 198, 4919, 61917, 12391, 1097, 1944, 4360, 2533, 279, 17645, 1732, 4442, 813, 3571, 1690, 3115, 198, 82977, 279, 31482, 315, 26894, 287, 323, 28156, 58565, 411, 412, 813, 64589, 17985, 315, 383, 34210, 13, 362, 198, 19045, 4689, 6037, 1073, 26091, 11, 9093, 11, 6127, 78, 46151, 264, 19975, 481, 2361, 323, 4345, 3833, 710, 627, 50, 15154, 482, 13622, 26993, 527, 276, 370, 81480, 13, 2435, 527, 28010, 311, 6410, 17645, 1274, 323, 198, 74128, 1070, 527, 71830, 55977, 82, 889, 527, 2118, 17645, 2029, 15636, 11, 1455, 26993, 527, 359, 884, 7058, 4057, 481, 323, 8631, 279, 1203, 627, 1163, 4825, 1288, 3770, 268, 1409, 779, 9210, 6509, 15154, 3927, 649, 2050, 2225, 7693, 263, 1820, 198, 31549, 449, 813, 74, 69819, 14738, 5190, 1109, 813, 34322, 13, 1102, 285, 1962, 4583, 311, 29942, 279, 1978, 37568, 3852, 198, 1712, 13, 1442, 22479, 11961, 10716, 706, 73336, 430, 5518, 80598, 5507, 647, 369, 9514, 11, 499, 66, 2194, 3532, 349, 279, 198, 73336, 555, 985, 12025, 1786, 477, 19553, 1645, 8035, 1992, 477, 10888, 88, 1543, 1304, 1645, 269, 31466, 304, 1820, 2627, 627, 38195, 2503, 8978, 398, 2403, 279, 1445, 315, 1820, 35296, 662, 2028, 31331, 448, 380, 279, 2203, 483, 10390, 1673, 467, 264, 198, 89292, 17632, 627, 94936, 482, 791, 1841, 44158, 1288, 387, 88897, 4741, 779, 9210, 339, 1247, 69819, 7293, 30280, 627, 7009, 1288, 33015, 1673, 2692, 5190, 1109, 279, 34322, 13, 666, 72139, 1288, 2503, 89292, 323, 5562, 198, 33067, 1664, 24770, 10494, 2225, 6206, 389, 339, 18223, 4776, 62727, 13, 1556, 39122, 660, 45738, 198, 37469, 2403, 279, 1445, 315, 45010, 266, 1253, 7945, 48378, 2533, 2478, 66, 2648, 266, 68241, 527, 198, 5919, 1571, 449, 4495, 48378, 13709, 304, 4059, 627, 94742, 482, 2746, 391, 1293, 449, 1203, 6784, 2011, 2559, 264, 576, 1816, 11, 305, 4385, 619, 2559, 449, 198, 606, 5447, 455, 11, 52813, 10093, 3629, 13, 1442, 383, 285, 6413, 25410, 408, 927, 20393, 4385, 619, 8924, 28113, 198, 65, 2518, 449, 279, 31624, 1418, 10494, 279, 1203, 439, 7833, 439, 3284, 627, 89553, 6797, 832, 7830, 48841, 459, 900, 315, 42820, 945, 363, 6292, 1047, 82, 2084, 291, 1790, 6784, 1833, 7058, 287, 264, 1203, 11134, 16853, 8142, 3318, 15517, 74, 7606, 323, 20019, 279, 7830, 11, 559, 29532, 433, 64, 6765, 4947, 2646, 198, 83, 677, 408, 1523, 1948, 875, 709, 276, 1735, 64609, 78, 677, 23771, 2555, 8774, 304, 278, 1223, 87041, 13, 763, 7058, 43280, 11, 559, 365, 619, 2744, 656, 1037, 752, 22095, 37920, 1418, 10168, 8800, 6509, 771, 477, 15031, 1023, 198 ]
cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometime fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now and where you stand?” Fittingly enough, these lines were penned by a writer bedfast through illness, but he turned that illness into a great victory, eventually recovering his health and giving the world masterpieces of literature. His name — Robert Louis Stevenson.We must not be soft with ourselves no matter what our goals or positions. All things fare best when they are constantly tested by opposition. The sturdiest grass is that which must grow through concrete. The coddled lawn burns clean away at first exposure to sun or wind. If we have an aching muscle we must learn to exercise it, not to rest it, and we will find the muscle soon healed. If our psyche is closing us in, cutting us of f from life and growth and expansion, then we must learn to test and use and expand that psyche. If we do not, the psyche will atrophy, cut of f completely all normal ties with life. Still, to be human is to be weak, is to be subject to sin and suf fering and error, and as long as we live we never truly overcome any of these; but as long as we live we must try, for we truly live only when we try. What we finally have to learn is that we cannot expect an ultimate or even a satisfying victory over our infirmities when we meet them one by one, but only when we have found a way of assembling all on the same field of battle for one final showdown. What results then must be a complete step forward in our evolution as human beings, for no one is ever defeated who gathers courage to face their assembled weaknesses. “How is this possible?” someone may ask. “How does one gather all their weaknesses in one spot and overcome them?” It is not simple or even apparent. In isolated areas, yes. If you have a tendency to be afraid of new situations, then you can build up confidence about them by forcing yourself to enter into them. Sooner or later you are bound to meet each new situation calmly, if not eagerly, for the general condition of newness has become familiar. This exercise of willpower, however, while it will tend to give you courage in every aspect of your life simply because you have met fear in one area and defeated it, nevertheless will not overcome a tendency to be lazy, for example, or untruthful, or disloyal, or even to eat too much. As a matter of fact, it can readily be seen that this helter -skelter treatment of the unwhole psyche is much like a person trying to plug a series of leaks in a dike with their fingers. Eventually all ten fingers will be occupied, and still the new leaks come. The Universal Author What is needed is a new approach to the psyche, one that treats it as a single thing and not as a group of aberrations or incomplete perceptions, and the approach which gives 100 percent cures in 100 percent of cases is one in which the individual comes to know and be aware of his Secret Self. Each of us faces life with an undeveloped psyche. It is undeveloped because it is less than whole, because it is only a partial manifestation of something greater than itself. Only insofar as it approaches awareness of this greater self does it approximate wholeness or self-suf ficiency. That sense of self which we use in our daily rounds of ef fort is useful only insofar as it is larger than the task we undertake. It is perfectly up to peeling potatoes, for instance, but when something lar ge is asked of it, then it may cower in the corner. Bridges are built by the Secret Self and not by the surface ego. Towers and highways and planes and automobiles and television are wrought by the Secret Self. All books are written by the same author, all pictures painted by the same artist, all music written by the same composer. The ego of the individual is simply not up to such tasks, and as long as we live entrapped in bondage to our surface self, then our ef forts can only be crowned by such puny results as fit our ego. Only when we tear ourselves away, divorce ourselves from vanity and conceit and ego and surface self, can we at last perceive the true dimensions of the being that dwells within us. Then we know our true self, then we turn our life over to it. Then our efforts take on a grandeur and purpose that are bound to achieve noble and vigorous ends, for the power that engrosses us proceeds from outside us and carries us along on its sur ging tides and is greater than us in every way. Any man or woman whose life is aimed at creative ef fort is bound to discover the Secret Self sooner or later. No one can closet themself in the nebulous realm of the mental and spiritual without early coming to know that there dwells within them a mental being of enormous dimension and power, contact with which has the power to ennoble and illumine each moment. The author seeks his muse with all his heart. The painter pauses with raised brush, awaiting inspiration. W e are moved from within toward each aspiration, provided it is loftier than the limitations of the surface self; and so the world belongs to those who aspire, who dare, who try, for allaspiration is only ef fort against the prison of the surface self, and all such effort is the alchemy by which the common clay of our little egos is transmuted into something transcendental and precious. An Artist Finds His T alent A number of years ago there lived in a poor section of a lar ge city a man who had given up the years of his youth to perfect his art. He lived meagerly on what few pennies he could earn making charcoal sketches in waterfront bars, and he spent every moment he could spare in front of his easel. He painted ships, every conceivable type and kind, at sea, becalmed and in storm, in port, loading and unloading, ships under sail, ships under steam, sleek yachts, wallowing freighters, men-o’-war. He loved the sea and he loved to paint, and by the amount of time he had spent at each he should have mastered his art very well, but he hadn’ t. Somehow it escaped him. His paintings were not amateurish: they exhibited the hand of an artisan; yet they always seemed clichés, as if they were saying something that had been said a thousand times before. People would look at them and even comment that they had seen them before. They hadn’ t, of course. The paintings just contrived to look like others that had been done. The painter realized this fact only too well. His work was intensely dissatisfying to him. He often would relate that when he first was struck with an idea for a new subject he would be deeply elated and would set to work with a vengeance. Then, as the work progressed under his hand, he gradually would come to see that it was not a thing of inspiration at all, but wooden, pat, said before, a reproduction, and even before the work was finished he would be gripped by a depression so intense that he scarcely could finish. Still, he drove himself unremittingly. He felt a talent was within him, and he was determined to get it out. Once, in a rage at himself, he burned all the paintings in his studio, nearly setting fire to the building. Another time he was so furious at his hand for its clumsiness that he badly lacerated his fingers, intent on cutting them of f. All this, of course, wouldindicate that our friend was not psychologically stable, but perhaps it was simply that his provocation was great, so enormous was the creative ur ge that constantly goaded him. Like most of the great lessons that life teaches, his enlightenment came dear. When war broke out he had just finished a period of deep dissatisfaction with his painting. Disgustedly, he decided to turn his back on it forever. He shipped out as a merchant seaman aboard a freighter bound for Murmansk. The convoy was attacked by German planes and submarines as it skirted the Norwegian coast. Our painter ’s ship was sunk, and he wound up in a lifeboat on the frigid and stormy Arctic Ocean. For days and nights they drifted, fighting the freezing cold, trying to stay alive. At one juncture the skies cleared long enough for them to be sighted by German planes, and they were bombed and strafed. Five men were killed, three others seriously wounded, dying that night. A day later, two more died from exposure. Finally there were left in the boat only the painter and the ship’ s purser, an elderly and apparently frail man who surprisingly still survived. “It’s no use,” said the painter at length. “There is no hope for us, and we might as well slip over the side right now and be done with it.” “That’ s not for us to decide,” said the purser. “Who then?” asked the painter. The purser sat calmly, and his eyes were kind. “Do we decide to be born?” he asked. “Do we
[ 4250, 1629, 3201, 505, 264, 23948, 26, 499, 2011, 36113, 4465, 433, 704, 477, 198, 716, 819, 26, 323, 422, 430, 387, 779, 11, 3249, 539, 1457, 323, 1405, 499, 2559, 12671, 435, 15154, 398, 198, 268, 1409, 11, 1521, 5238, 1051, 78797, 555, 264, 7061, 4950, 9533, 1555, 17563, 11, 719, 568, 198, 42286, 430, 17563, 1139, 264, 2294, 12845, 1174, 9778, 42386, 813, 2890, 323, 198, 70, 2299, 279, 1917, 7491, 47568, 315, 17649, 13, 5414, 836, 2001, 8563, 12140, 198, 626, 5230, 34237, 23210, 2011, 539, 387, 8579, 449, 13520, 912, 5030, 1148, 1057, 9021, 477, 10093, 627, 2460, 2574, 21057, 1888, 994, 814, 527, 15320, 12793, 555, 14076, 13, 578, 198, 267, 324, 8747, 478, 16763, 374, 430, 902, 2011, 3139, 1555, 14509, 13, 578, 272, 14898, 839, 37125, 198, 22464, 82, 4335, 3201, 520, 1176, 14675, 311, 7160, 477, 10160, 13, 1442, 584, 617, 459, 264, 28075, 198, 38827, 9326, 584, 2011, 4048, 311, 10368, 433, 11, 539, 311, 2800, 433, 11, 323, 584, 690, 1505, 279, 198, 38827, 9326, 5246, 62320, 13, 1442, 1057, 88909, 374, 15676, 603, 304, 11, 14713, 603, 315, 282, 505, 2324, 198, 438, 6650, 323, 14800, 11, 1243, 584, 2011, 4048, 311, 1296, 323, 1005, 323, 9407, 198, 9210, 88909, 13, 1442, 584, 656, 539, 11, 279, 88909, 690, 520, 58175, 1174, 4018, 315, 282, 6724, 682, 198, 8416, 20405, 449, 2324, 13, 16782, 11, 311, 387, 3823, 374, 311, 387, 7621, 11, 374, 311, 387, 3917, 311, 7589, 198, 438, 56868, 282, 4776, 323, 1493, 1174, 323, 439, 1317, 439, 584, 3974, 584, 2646, 9615, 23075, 904, 198, 1073, 1521, 26, 719, 439, 1317, 439, 584, 3974, 584, 2011, 1456, 1174, 369, 584, 9615, 3974, 1193, 994, 584, 198, 1568, 13, 3639, 584, 5616, 617, 311, 4048, 374, 430, 584, 4250, 1755, 459, 17139, 477, 198, 17206, 264, 37154, 12845, 927, 1057, 4225, 2923, 1385, 994, 584, 3449, 1124, 832, 555, 198, 606, 11, 719, 1193, 994, 584, 617, 1766, 264, 1648, 315, 81759, 682, 389, 279, 1890, 198, 2630, 315, 8209, 369, 832, 1620, 72708, 13, 3639, 3135, 1243, 2011, 387, 264, 198, 15079, 3094, 4741, 304, 1057, 15740, 439, 3823, 23837, 11, 369, 912, 832, 374, 3596, 198, 755, 68922, 889, 86781, 25775, 311, 3663, 872, 35105, 44667, 627, 98476, 374, 420, 3284, 12671, 4423, 1253, 2610, 13, 1054, 4438, 1587, 832, 9762, 682, 872, 198, 13451, 2136, 288, 304, 832, 7858, 323, 23075, 1124, 12671, 1102, 374, 539, 4382, 477, 1524, 198, 680, 1415, 13, 763, 25181, 5789, 11, 10035, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 31954, 311, 387, 16984, 315, 502, 198, 82, 33462, 811, 11, 1243, 499, 649, 1977, 709, 12410, 922, 1124, 555, 25957, 6261, 198, 998, 3810, 1139, 1124, 13, 2100, 27674, 477, 3010, 499, 527, 6965, 311, 3449, 1855, 502, 6671, 198, 5531, 76, 398, 1174, 422, 539, 63473, 1174, 369, 279, 4689, 3044, 315, 502, 2136, 706, 3719, 198, 69, 41505, 662, 1115, 10368, 315, 690, 13477, 1174, 4869, 1174, 1418, 433, 690, 8541, 311, 3041, 499, 198, 66, 61140, 304, 1475, 13189, 315, 701, 2324, 5042, 1606, 499, 617, 2322, 8850, 304, 198, 606, 3158, 323, 24164, 433, 11, 38330, 690, 539, 23075, 264, 31954, 311, 387, 198, 50113, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 477, 653, 59677, 1285, 11, 477, 834, 2032, 278, 11, 477, 1524, 311, 8343, 2288, 1790, 13, 1666, 264, 198, 60065, 315, 2144, 11, 433, 649, 31368, 387, 3970, 430, 420, 11591, 466, 482, 4991, 18354, 6514, 315, 279, 198, 359, 67733, 88909, 374, 1790, 1093, 264, 1732, 4560, 311, 20206, 264, 4101, 315, 37796, 304, 264, 198, 67, 3043, 449, 872, 19779, 13, 38274, 682, 5899, 19779, 690, 387, 25366, 11, 323, 2103, 198, 1820, 502, 37796, 2586, 627, 720, 791, 26581, 7030, 720, 3923, 374, 4460, 374, 264, 502, 5603, 311, 279, 88909, 11, 832, 430, 32839, 433, 439, 264, 3254, 198, 1626, 323, 539, 439, 264, 1912, 315, 82102, 811, 477, 33243, 51866, 11, 323, 279, 198, 16082, 613, 902, 6835, 220, 1041, 3346, 272, 1439, 304, 220, 1041, 3346, 315, 5157, 374, 832, 304, 198, 8370, 279, 3927, 4131, 311, 1440, 323, 387, 8010, 315, 813, 8769, 10323, 627, 4959, 315, 603, 12580, 2324, 449, 459, 59995, 1851, 291, 88909, 13, 1102, 374, 59995, 1851, 291, 1606, 198, 275, 374, 2753, 1109, 4459, 11, 1606, 433, 374, 1193, 264, 7276, 64050, 315, 2555, 198, 66335, 1109, 5196, 13, 8442, 304, 94671, 439, 433, 20414, 17985, 315, 420, 7191, 198, 726, 1587, 433, 45968, 421, 17648, 434, 477, 659, 1355, 1739, 282, 10603, 662, 3011, 5647, 315, 659, 198, 8370, 584, 1005, 304, 1057, 7446, 20101, 315, 31469, 12108, 374, 5505, 1193, 304, 94671, 439, 433, 374, 198, 27995, 261, 1109, 279, 3465, 584, 49643, 13, 1102, 374, 14268, 709, 311, 1069, 20659, 35267, 11, 369, 198, 4956, 11, 719, 994, 2555, 45555, 3980, 374, 4691, 315, 433, 11, 1243, 433, 1253, 272, 1223, 304, 279, 198, 74525, 662, 77339, 527, 5918, 555, 279, 8769, 10323, 323, 539, 555, 279, 7479, 37374, 627, 51, 16345, 323, 60395, 323, 25761, 323, 79648, 323, 12707, 527, 198, 86, 6478, 555, 279, 8769, 10323, 13, 2052, 6603, 527, 5439, 555, 279, 1890, 3229, 1174, 682, 198, 76503, 24937, 555, 279, 1890, 10255, 11, 682, 4731, 5439, 555, 279, 1890, 40550, 16853, 791, 37374, 315, 279, 3927, 374, 5042, 539, 709, 311, 1778, 9256, 11, 323, 439, 1317, 439, 584, 198, 25859, 11751, 5795, 304, 43594, 311, 1057, 7479, 659, 11, 1243, 1057, 31469, 75652, 649, 1193, 387, 198, 66, 45184, 555, 1778, 8474, 88, 3135, 439, 5052, 1057, 37374, 13, 8442, 994, 584, 18036, 13520, 198, 14075, 1174, 25549, 13520, 505, 52671, 323, 20245, 275, 323, 37374, 323, 7479, 659, 345, 4919, 584, 520, 1566, 45493, 279, 837, 15696, 315, 279, 1694, 430, 14156, 6572, 2949, 198, 355, 13, 5112, 584, 1440, 1057, 837, 659, 11, 1243, 584, 2543, 1057, 2324, 927, 311, 433, 13, 5112, 1057, 198, 6581, 19491, 1935, 389, 264, 6800, 12844, 323, 7580, 430, 527, 6965, 311, 11322, 35482, 323, 198, 92347, 20857, 10548, 11, 369, 279, 2410, 430, 2995, 2177, 288, 603, 34555, 505, 4994, 603, 323, 198, 7063, 4108, 603, 3235, 389, 1202, 1765, 67193, 259, 3422, 323, 374, 7191, 1109, 603, 304, 1475, 1648, 16853, 8780, 893, 477, 5333, 6832, 2324, 374, 20034, 520, 11782, 31469, 12108, 374, 6965, 311, 198, 98729, 279, 8769, 10323, 31373, 477, 3010, 662, 2360, 832, 649, 33044, 1124, 726, 304, 279, 198, 818, 65, 13850, 22651, 315, 279, 10723, 323, 18330, 2085, 4216, 5108, 311, 1440, 198, 9210, 1070, 14156, 6572, 2949, 1124, 264, 10723, 1694, 315, 23205, 13167, 323, 198, 13477, 1174, 3729, 449, 902, 706, 279, 2410, 311, 61624, 51093, 323, 47506, 483, 1855, 198, 29699, 13, 578, 3229, 26737, 813, 39948, 449, 682, 813, 4851, 13, 578, 30581, 86932, 198, 4291, 9408, 15998, 11, 45088, 20343, 13, 468, 384, 527, 7882, 505, 2949, 9017, 198, 9739, 98741, 11, 3984, 433, 374, 59527, 1291, 1109, 279, 9669, 315, 279, 7479, 659, 280, 438, 779, 279, 1917, 17623, 311, 1884, 889, 84611, 11, 889, 33304, 11, 889, 1456, 1174, 369, 682, 300, 29579, 374, 1193, 31469, 12108, 2403, 279, 9527, 315, 279, 7479, 659, 11, 323, 682, 1778, 198, 6581, 371, 374, 279, 453, 25055, 555, 902, 279, 4279, 37148, 315, 1057, 2697, 8866, 437, 374, 198, 1485, 76, 2844, 1139, 2555, 74809, 6430, 323, 27498, 627, 720, 2127, 29459, 51730, 5414, 350, 453, 306, 27907, 32, 1396, 315, 1667, 4227, 1070, 12439, 304, 264, 8009, 3857, 315, 264, 45555, 3980, 3363, 264, 893, 198, 14965, 1047, 2728, 709, 279, 1667, 315, 813, 12822, 311, 4832, 813, 1989, 13, 1283, 12439, 198, 2727, 1435, 398, 389, 1148, 2478, 44049, 552, 568, 1436, 7380, 3339, 61203, 68782, 304, 198, 13284, 7096, 16283, 11, 323, 568, 7543, 1475, 4545, 568, 1436, 24804, 304, 4156, 315, 813, 198, 68, 84597, 13, 1283, 24937, 18198, 11, 1475, 95883, 955, 323, 3169, 11, 520, 9581, 11, 387, 5531, 2106, 198, 438, 304, 13766, 11, 304, 2700, 11, 8441, 323, 653, 10853, 11, 18198, 1234, 30503, 11, 18198, 1234, 198, 47690, 11, 48494, 379, 82106, 11, 7147, 24060, 46217, 388, 11, 3026, 16405, 529, 12, 11710, 662, 1283, 10456, 279, 9581, 323, 198, 383, 10456, 311, 6308, 11, 323, 555, 279, 3392, 315, 892, 568, 1047, 7543, 520, 1855, 568, 1288, 198, 19553, 71325, 813, 1989, 1633, 1664, 11, 719, 568, 19117, 529, 259, 13, 80147, 433, 28883, 1461, 627, 16366, 36692, 1051, 539, 19077, 819, 25, 814, 51713, 279, 1450, 315, 459, 67219, 26, 3686, 198, 20670, 2744, 9508, 63692, 5512, 11, 439, 422, 814, 1051, 5605, 2555, 430, 1047, 1027, 198, 84359, 264, 16579, 3115, 1603, 13, 9029, 1053, 1427, 520, 1124, 323, 1524, 4068, 198, 9210, 814, 1047, 3970, 1124, 1603, 13, 2435, 19117, 529, 259, 11, 315, 3388, 13, 578, 36692, 1120, 198, 8386, 2270, 311, 1427, 1093, 3885, 430, 1047, 1027, 2884, 627, 791, 30581, 15393, 420, 2144, 1193, 2288, 1664, 13, 5414, 990, 574, 70733, 198, 67, 1056, 7630, 7169, 311, 1461, 13, 1283, 3629, 1053, 29243, 430, 994, 568, 1176, 574, 17948, 198, 4291, 459, 4623, 369, 264, 502, 3917, 568, 1053, 387, 17693, 658, 660, 323, 1053, 743, 311, 198, 1816, 449, 264, 72788, 13, 5112, 11, 439, 279, 990, 62916, 1234, 813, 1450, 11, 568, 198, 6902, 1870, 1053, 2586, 311, 1518, 430, 433, 574, 539, 264, 3245, 315, 20343, 520, 682, 11, 719, 198, 6798, 268, 11, 3352, 11, 1071, 1603, 11, 264, 39656, 11, 323, 1524, 1603, 279, 990, 574, 198, 12402, 568, 1053, 387, 23854, 7069, 555, 264, 18710, 779, 19428, 430, 568, 80987, 198, 29177, 6381, 13, 16782, 11, 568, 23980, 5678, 38223, 1800, 1303, 398, 662, 1283, 6612, 264, 11005, 574, 198, 56950, 1461, 11, 323, 568, 574, 11075, 311, 636, 433, 704, 13, 9843, 11, 304, 264, 34049, 520, 5678, 345, 383, 27724, 682, 279, 36692, 304, 813, 14356, 11, 7154, 6376, 4027, 311, 279, 4857, 627, 14364, 892, 568, 574, 779, 53170, 520, 813, 1450, 369, 1202, 78057, 1918, 430, 568, 25587, 198, 75, 9779, 660, 813, 19779, 11, 7537, 389, 14713, 1124, 315, 282, 13, 2052, 420, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 1053, 485, 8630, 430, 1057, 4333, 574, 539, 96655, 15528, 11, 719, 8530, 433, 574, 198, 15124, 2603, 430, 813, 2605, 2328, 574, 2294, 11, 779, 23205, 574, 279, 11782, 4433, 3980, 198, 9210, 15320, 733, 14589, 1461, 627, 13246, 1455, 315, 279, 2294, 18872, 430, 2324, 33992, 11, 813, 81869, 3782, 198, 451, 277, 13, 3277, 4208, 14760, 704, 568, 1047, 1120, 8220, 264, 4261, 315, 5655, 198, 67, 1056, 52370, 449, 813, 19354, 13, 4185, 70, 28244, 398, 1174, 568, 6773, 311, 2543, 813, 1203, 389, 198, 275, 16058, 662, 1283, 28358, 704, 439, 264, 30338, 513, 13005, 37606, 264, 46217, 261, 6965, 198, 2000, 15356, 76, 41874, 13, 578, 80561, 574, 18855, 555, 6063, 25761, 323, 86642, 198, 300, 433, 38380, 291, 279, 45721, 13962, 13, 5751, 30581, 18217, 82, 8448, 574, 68265, 11, 323, 568, 198, 86, 801, 709, 304, 264, 2324, 38865, 389, 279, 1448, 21596, 323, 13766, 88, 37518, 22302, 13, 1789, 2919, 323, 198, 77, 2866, 814, 92662, 11, 11039, 279, 43318, 9439, 11, 4560, 311, 4822, 13989, 13, 2468, 832, 198, 73, 63974, 279, 50393, 23803, 1317, 3403, 369, 1124, 311, 387, 14254, 291, 555, 6063, 198, 39157, 11, 323, 814, 1051, 89938, 323, 610, 2642, 291, 13, 21594, 3026, 1051, 7577, 11, 2380, 198, 59961, 14243, 28593, 11, 23069, 430, 3814, 13, 362, 1938, 3010, 1174, 1403, 810, 8636, 505, 198, 327, 12313, 13, 17830, 1070, 1051, 2163, 304, 279, 15688, 1193, 279, 30581, 323, 279, 8448, 529, 274, 198, 26047, 805, 1174, 459, 29920, 323, 14132, 91223, 893, 889, 29392, 2103, 26968, 627, 17818, 753, 912, 1005, 2476, 1071, 279, 30581, 520, 3160, 13, 1054, 3947, 374, 912, 3987, 369, 603, 11, 323, 584, 198, 46068, 439, 1664, 21818, 927, 279, 3185, 1314, 1457, 323, 387, 2884, 449, 433, 49216, 49977, 529, 274, 539, 369, 603, 311, 10491, 2476, 1071, 279, 4087, 805, 16853, 2118, 15546, 1243, 12671, 4691, 279, 30581, 16853, 791, 4087, 805, 7731, 73170, 1174, 323, 813, 6548, 1051, 3169, 13, 1054, 5519, 584, 10491, 311, 387, 9405, 12671, 198, 383, 4691, 13, 1054, 5519, 584 ]
IGHTY VICTORY AND YOUR LIMITLESS INVINCIBLE LEGIONS OF VICTORY; ALL THE ASCENDED MASTERS, THE GREAT ANGELIC HOST, THE COSMIC BEINGS, AND THOSE WHO DIRECT THE FORCES OF THE ELEMENTS! I DEMAND t here be established around me, within my Electronic Circle and of all under this Radiation, all Activities of the Cosmic Light Substance and Miracle Flame from the Ascended Masters’ Octave, to become a Reservoir of Their Power and Powers! I COMMAND this be created and established through my Conscious Calls; and It becomes a Receptacle into which the Great Ones can pour Their Gifts and Blessings of Life, to enable us to do for our fellowman that which we cannot otherwise do, and which individuals cannot do f or themselves! BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE AND GREAT HOST OF ASCENDED MASTERS! CHARGE! (x3) my Electronic Circle and those of all under this Radiation, with the Ascended Masters’ Love which keeps the Light in the atmosphere about us blazing brighter and brighter and brighter with the Ascended Masters’ Invincible Power and Love of the Sacred Fire, so we may radiate Their Love to all we contact wherever we go, everywhere forever! Notes of Instruction - Electronic Circle a. If you choose to fill your Ele ctronic Circle with the Sevenfold Flame from each one of the Seven Mighty Elohim, you could become so aware of your “Mighty I AM Presence” and Its Light within and around you, that you could go through conditions and be absolutely unconscious of the discor d, the imperfection, and inharmony through which you pass! b. Oh, if mankind but knew what it means to charge the atmosphere around the physical body! If people knew the Power they could have by charging their Electronic Circles with the Invincible Purit y, the Herculean Harmony, and Mighty Victory’s Victory of all Activities of the Sacred Fire - and then call to the Beloved Seven Mighty Elohim to concentrate within their Electronic Circles every Power of the Sacred Fire which They direct - the very intensit y of that Fire Element around them would automatically go out into their problems and dissolve them before they appear. That is how you can redeem the causes that have gone before, and prevent the results bringing you back greater misery! c. We would lov e to have you begin to make a daily Call to your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,” to pour such Love and Gratitude to the Seven Mighty Kumaras in the name of all mankind, that It would form the Open Door through which one day you may enjoy standing in Their Visible, Tangible Presence and thanking Them in person for Their Love that has helped set you Free. Should you choose to qualify your Electronic Circle with Their Flame of Love from Venus, I am sure you would be greatly delighted! If you choose to charge y our Electronic Circle once an hour with all Activities of the Sacred Fire which They direct and which We, the Seven Mighty Elohim direct, I am sure you will feel a tremendous uplift, and your Victories will come quickly! d. If you will abide within the Electronic Circle from your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,” then there will again begin to form, as in the first two Golden Ages, the Oval of Light Substance around the physical form. Then as the outer edge of that is qualified with the Blue Fla me, you will find wherever you move, you are a Blessing; wherever you move, Perfection is pouring forth; wherever you move, all things will bless you, everywhere forever. Decrees For The Four Elements FIRE: “I AM” the Ascended Masters' Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Transmuting Flame of all misuse of the Fire Element by me and all mankind through all the ages. Beloved Presence of God - "I AM" in me, and Beloved Astrea, draw within Your Cosmic Circle and Sword of Blue Flame the cause, core, effect, re cord and memory of all fear of Fire, fear of Air, fear of Water, and fear of Earth, and TRANSMUTE it into the God Illumination and Ascended Masters' Understanding and Right Use of the Sacred Fire. Beloved Helios and Vesta, Beloved Zarathustra and all Who are in charge of the Fire Element, we love, bless and thank You and all the Salamanders for Your Service to us and all mankind through the ages. We ask that all destructive activities of the Fire El ement be transmuted into the Sacred Fire of God's Love, to bring eternally sustained Purity and Perfection everywhere on Earth NOW! - to be ever -expanding and world -enfolding until all are ASCENDED and FREE! BY THE MIGHTIEST…! (x3) THANK YOU! (x3) AS GOD'S MOST HOLY NAME "I AM"! AIR: "I AM" the Ascended Master's Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Transmuting Flame of all misuse of the Air Element by me or any of mankin d- in or out of embodiment. Beloved Presence of God - "I AM" in me, and Beloved Thor and Aries, we love, bless and thank You! We bless the Northwinds, Southwinds, Eastwinds, Westwinds, and the Sylphs of the Air who are Your Messengers, asking that all destructive activities of the Air be transmuted by the Violet Transmuting Flame, and that never again will the Air Element participate in any destructive activity. We thank You and consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained, ever -expanding and world -enfolding, until all are ASCENDED and FREE! BY THE MIGHTIEST…! (x3) THANK YOU! (x3) AS GOD'S MOST HOLY NAM E "I AM"! WATER: "I AM" the Ascended Masters' Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Transmuting Flame of all misuse of the Water Element by me and every Lifestream, in or out of embodiment, and all who ever consciou sly or unconsciously used the Water Element destructively. Beloved Presence of God - "I AM" in me and in all mankind, Beloved Neptune and Lunara, we love, bless and thank You and all the Beings of the Water Element, all the Undines who have ever served, are serving us now, or ever will serve us and all mankind. We bless the Water Element everywhere and the blessed Undines who are Your Messengers - asking that all destructive activities of the Water Element be transmuted by the Violet Transmuting Flame, and th at never again will the Water Element participate in any destructive activity. We thank You and consciously accept this done right now - eternally sustained, ever -expanding and world -enfolding until all are ASCENDED and FREE! BY THE MIGHTIEST…! (x3) THANK YOU! (x3) AS GOD'S MOST HOLY NAM E "I AM"! EARTH: "I AM" the Ascended Masters' Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Transmuting Flame of all misuse of Earth's Gifts; consciously or unconsciously inflicted upon the Gnomes and Nature Spirits by myself and all mankind. Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me and all mankind, Beloved Pelleur and Virgo, we love, bless and thank You and all the Beings of the Earth and all Beings ho w work with it, the Gnomes and Nature Spirits, asking that all destructive activitie s of the Earth Element be transmuted by the Violet Fire and that never again will the Earth Element participate in any destructive activity. We thank You and consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained, ever -expanding and world - enfolding u ntil all are ASCENDED and FREE! BY THE MIGHTIEST…! (x3) THANK YOU! (x3) AS GOD'S MOST HOLY NAM E "I AM"! Decrees For God Government - Archangel Michael and the Legions of Power and Protection I AM My I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. In the Name, Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, blazing in my Heart, and by the Power of Light’s Victory now made manifest on Earth, I INVOKE Archangel Michael and His Legions of Power and Protection to come forth NOW! Beloved Ones, descend into Washington, D.C. and the surrounding suburban areas. With Your Sword of Blue Flame, CUT FREE! (x3) every force that is not of the Light! Encapsulat e these energies in Your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace and instantly TRANSMUTE it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into Light! Beloved Archangel Michael, I ASK that You now direct Your Legions of Power and Protection to expand this Divine Service into every state, city, town and homestead
[ 4735, 56, 650, 15149, 7668, 3651, 21592, 10592, 38873, 68024, 39539, 13880, 720, 36313, 43486, 3083, 650, 15149, 7668, 26, 13398, 3247, 20382, 45262, 386, 6483, 4419, 11, 3247, 62093, 2147, 38, 2818, 1341, 720, 29787, 11, 3247, 74044, 56061, 7354, 12124, 11, 3651, 4534, 76734, 40312, 20843, 3247, 4716, 33429, 3083, 3247, 720, 92854, 50, 0, 2355, 720, 40, 51914, 4064, 259, 1618, 387, 9749, 2212, 757, 11, 2949, 856, 35269, 21918, 323, 315, 682, 1234, 420, 720, 75246, 367, 11, 682, 44382, 315, 279, 95789, 8828, 95387, 323, 77064, 49957, 505, 279, 40660, 2954, 720, 44, 14533, 529, 5020, 525, 11, 311, 3719, 264, 1838, 76950, 315, 11205, 7572, 323, 46137, 0, 358, 41318, 420, 387, 2355, 7266, 323, 9749, 1555, 856, 92752, 41227, 26, 323, 1102, 9221, 264, 1050, 1512, 8061, 1139, 902, 720, 1820, 8681, 74933, 649, 5019, 11205, 57060, 323, 44361, 826, 315, 9601, 11, 311, 7431, 603, 311, 656, 369, 1057, 12637, 1543, 720, 9210, 902, 584, 4250, 6062, 656, 11, 323, 902, 7931, 4250, 656, 282, 477, 5694, 0, 2355, 720, 11855, 1623, 22449, 386, 4735, 56, 358, 6912, 21626, 45856, 2152, 3651, 62093, 45678, 3083, 20382, 45262, 386, 6483, 4419, 0, 1084, 720, 2198, 30859, 0, 220, 320, 87, 18, 8, 856, 35269, 21918, 323, 1884, 315, 682, 1234, 420, 90326, 11, 449, 279, 40660, 2954, 720, 44, 14533, 529, 10919, 902, 13912, 279, 8828, 304, 279, 16975, 922, 603, 86350, 53657, 323, 53657, 720, 438, 53657, 449, 279, 40660, 2954, 34722, 529, 19337, 77972, 7572, 323, 10919, 315, 279, 61118, 6785, 11, 779, 584, 720, 18864, 12164, 349, 11205, 10919, 311, 682, 584, 3729, 28578, 584, 733, 11, 17277, 16058, 0, 2355, 720, 22405, 315, 30151, 482, 35269, 21918, 2355, 64, 13, 1442, 499, 5268, 311, 5266, 701, 27039, 51738, 14338, 21918, 449, 279, 31048, 20557, 49957, 505, 1855, 832, 315, 279, 720, 60628, 75268, 100169, 40617, 11, 499, 1436, 3719, 779, 8010, 315, 701, 1054, 44, 492, 88, 358, 6912, 79723, 863, 323, 11699, 720, 14235, 2949, 323, 2212, 499, 11, 430, 499, 1436, 733, 1555, 4787, 323, 387, 11112, 720, 359, 64589, 315, 279, 2624, 269, 294, 11, 279, 17190, 13421, 11, 323, 304, 13279, 65527, 1555, 902, 499, 1522, 0, 2355, 720, 65, 13, 8840, 11, 422, 43384, 719, 7020, 1148, 433, 3445, 311, 6900, 279, 16975, 2212, 279, 7106, 2547, 0, 720, 2746, 1274, 7020, 279, 7572, 814, 1436, 617, 555, 23468, 872, 35269, 16741, 645, 449, 279, 720, 15527, 77972, 14874, 275, 379, 11, 279, 78252, 1130, 276, 66480, 11, 323, 75268, 49427, 753, 49427, 315, 682, 44382, 315, 279, 720, 94528, 1171, 6785, 482, 323, 1243, 1650, 311, 279, 7984, 5047, 31048, 75268, 100169, 40617, 311, 37455, 2949, 872, 720, 90743, 16741, 645, 1475, 7572, 315, 279, 61118, 6785, 902, 2435, 2167, 482, 279, 1633, 25228, 275, 379, 315, 430, 720, 17111, 8711, 2212, 1124, 1053, 9651, 733, 704, 1139, 872, 5435, 323, 73739, 1124, 720, 15145, 814, 5101, 13, 3011, 374, 1268, 499, 649, 49878, 279, 11384, 430, 617, 8208, 1603, 11, 323, 5471, 720, 1820, 3135, 12967, 499, 1203, 7191, 58701, 0, 2355, 720, 66, 13, 1226, 1053, 98892, 384, 311, 617, 499, 3240, 311, 1304, 264, 7446, 7290, 311, 701, 1054, 22404, 5047, 75268, 358, 6912, 720, 90269, 2476, 311, 5019, 1778, 10919, 323, 2895, 17584, 311, 279, 31048, 75268, 41240, 300, 304, 279, 836, 315, 682, 720, 76, 70370, 11, 430, 1102, 1053, 1376, 279, 5377, 25166, 1555, 902, 832, 1938, 499, 1253, 4774, 11509, 304, 720, 35897, 71396, 11, 41462, 1260, 79723, 323, 94121, 49038, 304, 1732, 369, 11205, 10919, 430, 706, 9087, 720, 751, 499, 3658, 13, 12540, 499, 5268, 311, 26456, 701, 35269, 21918, 449, 11205, 49957, 315, 10919, 720, 1527, 50076, 11, 358, 1097, 2771, 499, 1053, 387, 19407, 35072, 0, 1442, 499, 5268, 311, 6900, 379, 1057, 35269, 720, 26264, 3131, 459, 6596, 449, 682, 44382, 315, 279, 61118, 6785, 902, 2435, 2167, 323, 902, 1226, 11, 279, 720, 60628, 75268, 100169, 40617, 2167, 11, 358, 1097, 2771, 499, 690, 2733, 264, 28040, 97547, 11, 323, 701, 12022, 2490, 720, 14724, 2586, 6288, 0, 1084, 720, 67, 13, 1442, 499, 690, 58299, 2949, 279, 35269, 21918, 505, 701, 1054, 22404, 5047, 75268, 358, 6912, 79723, 2476, 720, 3473, 1070, 690, 1578, 3240, 311, 1376, 11, 439, 304, 279, 1176, 1403, 18288, 50093, 11, 279, 56789, 315, 8828, 95387, 720, 20019, 279, 7106, 1376, 13, 5112, 439, 279, 16335, 6964, 315, 430, 374, 15337, 449, 279, 8868, 54297, 757, 11, 499, 720, 14724, 1505, 28578, 499, 3351, 11, 499, 527, 264, 44361, 287, 26, 28578, 499, 3351, 11, 3700, 13421, 374, 51513, 720, 71627, 26, 28578, 499, 3351, 11, 682, 2574, 690, 16458, 499, 11, 17277, 16058, 13, 220, 3799, 8016, 1789, 578, 13625, 35257, 2355, 37, 7618, 25, 220, 1054, 40, 6912, 863, 279, 40660, 2954, 34722, 6, 7658, 315, 70675, 13071, 11, 61328, 31514, 11, 323, 4149, 7129, 287, 720, 3968, 373, 315, 682, 62851, 315, 279, 6785, 8711, 555, 757, 323, 682, 43384, 1555, 682, 279, 17051, 13, 7984, 5047, 720, 90269, 315, 4359, 482, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 304, 757, 11, 323, 7984, 5047, 20717, 5325, 11, 4128, 2949, 4718, 95789, 21918, 323, 720, 50, 1178, 315, 8868, 49957, 279, 5353, 11, 6332, 11, 2515, 11, 312, 23125, 323, 5044, 315, 682, 8850, 315, 6785, 11, 8850, 315, 6690, 11, 720, 69, 686, 315, 10164, 11, 323, 8850, 315, 9420, 11, 323, 41447, 9691, 11701, 433, 1139, 279, 4359, 61720, 2617, 323, 40660, 2954, 720, 44, 14533, 6, 46551, 323, 10291, 5560, 315, 279, 61118, 6785, 13, 2355, 720, 22404, 5047, 16183, 3614, 323, 650, 30279, 11, 7984, 5047, 62531, 589, 3497, 64, 323, 682, 10699, 527, 304, 6900, 220, 315, 279, 6785, 8711, 11, 720, 906, 3021, 11, 16458, 323, 9901, 1472, 323, 682, 279, 8375, 309, 85051, 369, 4718, 5475, 311, 603, 323, 682, 43384, 720, 20322, 279, 17051, 13, 1226, 2610, 430, 682, 40652, 7640, 315, 279, 6785, 4072, 991, 306, 387, 1380, 76, 2844, 1139, 720, 1820, 61118, 6785, 315, 4359, 596, 10919, 11, 311, 4546, 1880, 944, 750, 29759, 393, 5631, 323, 3700, 13421, 17277, 389, 720, 44924, 23214, 0, 482, 311, 387, 3596, 482, 4683, 26673, 323, 1917, 482, 268, 69, 15345, 3156, 682, 527, 20382, 45262, 323, 16655, 0, 2355, 20507, 3247, 386, 4735, 40, 5288, 1981, 0, 320, 87, 18, 8, 220, 81957, 15334, 0, 320, 87, 18, 8, 220, 5871, 59478, 13575, 80199, 96722, 56, 19668, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 0, 2355, 720, 58261, 25, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 279, 40660, 2954, 11060, 596, 7658, 315, 70675, 13071, 11, 61328, 31514, 11, 323, 4149, 7129, 287, 720, 3968, 373, 315, 682, 62851, 315, 279, 6690, 8711, 555, 757, 477, 904, 315, 893, 8148, 294, 12, 304, 477, 704, 315, 49497, 13, 720, 22404, 5047, 79723, 315, 4359, 482, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 304, 757, 11, 323, 7984, 5047, 29550, 323, 362, 4108, 11, 584, 3021, 11, 16458, 323, 9901, 720, 2675, 0, 1226, 16458, 279, 4892, 86, 8843, 11, 4987, 86, 8843, 11, 6460, 86, 8843, 11, 4410, 86, 8843, 11, 323, 279, 328, 4010, 764, 82, 315, 279, 6690, 720, 14965, 527, 4718, 19234, 15232, 11, 10371, 430, 682, 40652, 7640, 315, 279, 6690, 387, 1380, 76, 2844, 555, 279, 720, 53, 32012, 4149, 7129, 287, 49957, 11, 323, 220, 430, 2646, 1578, 690, 279, 6690, 8711, 16136, 304, 904, 720, 61368, 535, 5820, 13, 1226, 9901, 1472, 323, 70903, 4287, 420, 2884, 1314, 1457, 11, 1880, 944, 750, 720, 82, 592, 2692, 11, 3596, 482, 4683, 26673, 323, 1917, 482, 268, 69, 15345, 11, 3156, 682, 527, 20382, 45262, 323, 16655, 0, 11187, 20507, 3247, 386, 4735, 40, 5288, 1981, 0, 320, 87, 18, 8, 220, 81957, 15334, 0, 320, 87, 18, 8, 5871, 59478, 13575, 80199, 96722, 56, 452, 1428, 469, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 0, 1084, 54, 19706, 25, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 279, 40660, 2954, 34722, 6, 7658, 315, 70675, 13071, 11, 61328, 31514, 11, 323, 4149, 7129, 287, 720, 3968, 373, 315, 682, 62851, 315, 279, 10164, 8711, 555, 757, 323, 1475, 445, 7107, 1259, 11, 304, 477, 704, 315, 2355, 9034, 347, 3904, 11, 323, 682, 889, 3596, 1615, 5979, 283, 121486, 477, 26118, 71888, 1511, 279, 10164, 8711, 720, 61368, 3210, 13, 7984, 5047, 79723, 315, 4359, 482, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 304, 757, 323, 304, 682, 43384, 11, 7984, 5047, 80724, 720, 438, 45449, 5169, 11, 584, 3021, 11, 16458, 323, 9901, 1472, 323, 682, 279, 2893, 826, 315, 279, 10164, 8711, 11, 682, 279, 720, 20552, 1572, 889, 617, 3596, 10434, 11, 527, 220, 13788, 603, 1457, 11, 477, 3596, 690, 8854, 603, 323, 682, 43384, 13, 1226, 720, 65, 1752, 279, 10164, 8711, 17277, 323, 279, 33944, 17314, 1572, 889, 527, 4718, 19234, 15232, 482, 10371, 720, 9210, 682, 40652, 7640, 315, 279, 10164, 8711, 387, 1380, 76, 2844, 555, 279, 74574, 4149, 7129, 287, 720, 3968, 373, 11, 323, 270, 520, 2646, 1578, 690, 279, 10164, 8711, 16136, 304, 904, 40652, 5820, 13, 1226, 720, 58517, 1472, 323, 70903, 4287, 420, 2884, 1314, 1457, 482, 1880, 944, 750, 29759, 11, 3596, 482, 4683, 26673, 323, 720, 14957, 482, 268, 69, 15345, 3156, 682, 527, 20382, 45262, 323, 16655, 0, 7866, 3247, 386, 4735, 40, 5288, 1981, 0, 320, 87, 18, 8, 220, 81957, 720, 57489, 0, 320, 87, 18, 8, 5871, 59478, 13575, 80199, 96722, 56, 452, 1428, 469, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 0, 2355, 720, 36, 77454, 25, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 279, 40660, 2954, 34722, 6, 7658, 315, 70675, 13071, 11, 61328, 31514, 11, 323, 4149, 7129, 287, 720, 3968, 373, 315, 682, 62851, 315, 9420, 596, 57060, 26, 70903, 477, 26118, 71888, 69177, 5304, 279, 480, 17101, 288, 720, 438, 22037, 82877, 555, 7182, 323, 682, 43384, 13, 7984, 5047, 79723, 315, 4359, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 304, 757, 323, 682, 720, 76, 70370, 11, 7984, 5047, 393, 6853, 324, 323, 9734, 3427, 11, 584, 3021, 11, 16458, 323, 9901, 1472, 323, 682, 279, 2893, 826, 315, 279, 720, 44924, 323, 682, 2893, 826, 11640, 289, 990, 449, 433, 11, 279, 480, 17101, 288, 323, 22037, 82877, 11, 10371, 430, 682, 720, 61368, 535, 4197, 275, 648, 274, 315, 279, 9420, 8711, 387, 1380, 76, 2844, 555, 279, 74574, 6785, 323, 430, 2646, 1578, 720, 14724, 279, 9420, 8711, 16136, 304, 904, 40652, 5820, 13, 1226, 9901, 1472, 323, 70903, 720, 10543, 420, 2884, 1314, 1457, 11, 1880, 944, 750, 29759, 11, 3596, 482, 4683, 26673, 323, 1917, 482, 33632, 15345, 577, 308, 1678, 682, 720, 548, 20382, 45262, 323, 16655, 0, 7866, 3247, 386, 4735, 40, 5288, 1981, 0, 320, 87, 18, 8, 220, 81957, 15334, 0, 320, 87, 18, 8, 5871, 59478, 13575, 720, 88178, 96722, 56, 452, 1428, 469, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 0, 220, 3799, 8016, 1789, 4359, 10423, 482, 33006, 19249, 17729, 8096, 323, 279, 7765, 919, 315, 7572, 323, 19721, 2355, 40, 6912, 3092, 358, 6912, 79723, 323, 358, 6912, 3861, 449, 279, 358, 6912, 79723, 315, 1475, 1732, 389, 9420, 13, 763, 720, 1820, 4076, 11, 10919, 11, 57201, 11, 7572, 323, 22677, 315, 279, 7984, 5047, 79723, 315, 4359, 11, 358, 6912, 11, 86350, 720, 258, 856, 18449, 11, 323, 555, 279, 7572, 315, 8828, 753, 49427, 1457, 1903, 14794, 389, 9420, 11, 358, 2006, 59280, 2355, 19249, 17729, 8096, 323, 5414, 7765, 919, 315, 7572, 323, 19721, 311, 2586, 13544, 23214, 0, 31879, 22404, 5047, 74933, 11, 55668, 1139, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 323, 279, 14932, 46318, 5789, 13, 3161, 4718, 720, 50, 1178, 315, 8868, 49957, 11, 73957, 16655, 0, 220, 320, 87, 18, 8, 1475, 5457, 430, 374, 539, 315, 279, 8828, 758, 49526, 7560, 2690, 360, 266, 384, 1521, 49969, 304, 4718, 95789, 21918, 315, 5929, 34944, 13, 53535, 1475, 17130, 315, 720, 576, 93795, 1139, 279, 11977, 315, 43361, 32171, 323, 22571, 41447, 9691, 11701, 220, 433, 5353, 11, 6332, 11, 2515, 11, 720, 8716, 323, 5044, 1203, 1139, 8828, 758, 5996, 2355, 22404, 5047, 9683, 17729, 8096, 11, 358, 5871, 42, 220, 430, 1472, 1457, 2167, 4718, 7765, 919, 315, 7572, 323, 19721, 720, 998, 9407, 420, 43361, 5475, 1139, 1475, 1614, 11, 3363, 11, 6424, 323, 5105, 73437 ]
fatty acids lead to deficiencies,    inflammations and fatty degeneration of arteries and organs •  Problems can be avoided and health deterioration reversed by using mainly unheated fats and oils, plenty of antioxidants and    sufficient omega-3 fatty acids CHOLESTEROL You may read about HDL and LDL in connection with cholesterol and heart disease. HDL is short for high-density lipoproteins and LDL for low-density lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are biomolecules composed of proteins and lipids; they can be used to transport cholesterol between the liver and tissue cells. Those that carry cholester ol from the cells to the liver, are the high-density lipoproteins, and regarded as beneficial. The cholesterol in them is called HDL cholesterol. Low-density lipoproteins carry LDL cholesterol from the liver to tissue cells, a low level of these is regarded as good.10/30/24, 2:39 PM Health-Science-Spirit - Meat & Fat https://health-science-spirit.com/Healing_Foods/Meat-%26-Fat.html 4/6The aim of medical intervention is to increase the value of HDL cholesterol, and lower the value of LDL cholesterol in the blood. However, I am not aware of evidence that these medical strategies are successful. Therefore, I tend to disregard measurements of HDL, LDL and cholesterol, and specific interventions to normalize values; instead I focus on a natural lifestyle to improve health in every way. Cholesterol is now portrayed as the great villain in causing cardiovasc ular disease and heart attacks by clogging the arteries and especially the coronary arteries of the heart muscle with fatty sludge. However, cholesterol is an extremely valuable biochemical. It forms, for instance, the base of steroid hormones and vitamin D and is especially highly concentrated in the brain as well as in the liver, adrenal glands and nerves. Hypoglycemics or fast oxidizers usually have low levels of this important nutrient. Recent studies link low cholesterol levels with an increased risk of cancer. Excess cholesterol is normally excreted with the bile but may form gallstones if there is a lack of lecithin and taurine needed to form bile salts. The cholesterol content of food is not normally a problem in itself. Most cholesterol in the body is formed in the liver from breakdown products of saturated fats, and the more cholesterol that is ingested with food, the less is it synthesized. Thus the overall cholesterol level normally remains stable. Cholesterol overproduction arises partly from the stimulating effect of high epinephrine levels but mainly from an oversupply of saturated fats and a deficiency of chromium. The body tries desperately to lower the keto-acid and fatty levels in blood and liver, and cholesterol overproduction provides a temporary solution. Even elevated glucose and fructose levels may be reduced by conversion into cholesterol. In this way sweet foods, too, contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases Sugar ingestion raises the insulin level and a key enzyme that synthesizes cholesterol is actually regulated by insulin. The higher the sugar intake, the higher is the insulin level, and the more cholesterol is synthesized in the liver. A higher intake of polyunsaturated oils in males has led to some decrease in cholesterol levels, however in women it has led to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In animal experiments it was found that high-sugar diets were less damaging in the presence of saturated fats such as beef tallow or coconut oil. Despite huge efforts, medical research so far has not conclusively shown that a high-cholesterol diet or high-cholesterol blood levels cause heart disease. As we can see from the following published scientific facts and observations, it is often to the contrary. •  Medically supervised trials with low-cholesterol diets were unsuccessful in significantly lowering blood-cholesterol levels or    reducing the risk of heart disease. •  Low blood cholesterol does not mean freedom from heart disease. Some drug treatments to lower cholesterol have resulted in    increased rates of heart disease. •  About 50% of men under the age of 55 who die of heart attack do not have elevated cholesterol levels or any of the other risk    factors such as hypertension, smoking, obesity or diabetes. •  Some other cultural groups have a low risk of heart disease despite a high intake of cholesterol and so had W estern populations    before the compulsory pasteurization of milk products and chlorination of water supplies. Recently an evaluation was published of six major trials entailing the lowering of cholesterol in the blood and involving tens of thousands of individuals over many years. The result was surprising. There was on average a cholesterol reduction of about 10% and indeed a small reduction of 14% from death of coronary heart disease. However, the total number of deaths was significantly higher in those patients who had their cholesterol lowered compared to the control group. This included not only higher mortality from cancer but on average a 67% higher mortality rate from violent death, such as accidents, homicides and suicides. This high rate of death from violent causes was found in every one of these trials. In looking for an explanation for this increased violence, researchers found that monkeys on a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat became more aggressive. Studies on humans found lower cholesterol levels among criminals, individuals with aggressive or violent behavior or limited self-control and those involved with homicide and suicide. This is probably due to a more erratic sugar metabolism that results if cholesterol and fats are curtailed in an inapp ropriate way. Erratic blood-sugar fluctuations tend to induce uncontrollable mood swings, includin g aggressive behavior. Criminal and aggressive individuals have been shown to frequently have an erratic or hypoglycemic-type sugar metabolism. After decades of habitual sugar and meat consumption, the insulin level rises permanently because of a reduced efficiency in controlling glucose levels. Then cholesterol levels also remain chronically high. Reducing cholesterol in this situation, as with drugs, means that less sugar is converte d into cholesterol. Therefore blood-sugar levels become more erratic and behavior is more aggressive. Thus low-cholesterol diets are only appropriate if they are also low in sweet food. There is, however, a connection between cholesterol intake and atherosclerosis and heart disease. If cholesterol in food is heated, especially with access to air, then cholesterol is oxidized to oxy-cholesterol and this damages the blood vessels to cause atherosclerotic lesions. Once such lesions exist, normal cholesterol in combination with high calcium levels may also contribute to a further build-up of plaques. In exper iments using animals it was found that with high intakes of either cholesterol or oxy-cholesterol, atherosclerotic degeneration occurred only with oxy-cholesterol, not with cholesterol. Oxy-cholesterol is also carcinogenic. This means that the high disease rate from cardiovascular disease and atherosclerotic aging processes are mainly due to the heating - especially frying - of meat, eggs and milk products. Avoiding chlorinated water and using high levels of antioxidants would also insure that cholesterol does not become oxidized inside the body. In conclusion, to avoid cholesterol-related health problems: •  Minimize the use of sweetened food, heated fats, oils and chlorinated water •  Maximize the intake of unheated fats, oils, antioxidants, and fresh raw foods10/30/24, 2:39 PM Health-Science-Spirit - Meat & Fat https://health-science-spirit.com/Healing_Foods/Meat-%26-Fat.html 5/6•  Lower high cholesterol levels with cleansing periods and plenty of lemon juice Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement. The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease, or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional. © Copyright W alter Last & Austpac Productions. All Rights Reserved. | W eb Design by Austpac.10/30/24, 2:39 PM Health-Science-Spirit - Meat & Fat https://health-science-spirit.com/Healing_Foods/Meat-%26-Fat.html 6/6<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Preface The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 1957 Restored and updated by Trung Nguyen Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2018 ________________ THE POISONED NEED The purpose of this volume is to provide a working reference of various statements regarding vaccination and not to offer a "cure" of any specific disease in any specific individual. Preconceived opinions regarding vaccination will not be changed overnight nor by the reading of a single book. Herein are the opinions of many great scientists and doctors (of many schools). Many have spent a lifetime of research—of trial and error before making their statements. The reader has the privilege to accept or to re
[ 40085, 33969, 3063, 311, 409, 171, 71831, 5979, 6072, 345, 9421, 304, 171, 120912, 8836, 811, 323, 40085, 5367, 17699, 315, 85648, 323, 36853, 198, 6806, 4194, 4194, 1360, 22442, 649, 387, 31890, 323, 2890, 82189, 28537, 555, 1701, 14918, 653, 383, 660, 50127, 323, 32462, 11, 11510, 315, 81115, 323, 198, 9421, 56868, 171, 71831, 12575, 34998, 12, 18, 40085, 33969, 198, 2198, 17328, 39023, 1971, 198, 2675, 1253, 1373, 922, 12445, 43, 323, 86543, 304, 3717, 449, 39086, 323, 4851, 8624, 13, 12445, 43, 374, 2875, 369, 1579, 89131, 19588, 454, 5646, 1354, 323, 198, 12615, 43, 369, 3428, 89131, 19588, 454, 5646, 1354, 13, 42239, 454, 5646, 1354, 527, 39538, 82206, 24306, 315, 28896, 323, 19588, 3447, 26, 814, 649, 387, 1511, 311, 7710, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 1990, 279, 26587, 323, 20438, 7917, 13, 13266, 430, 6920, 523, 1286, 3751, 8492, 505, 279, 7917, 311, 279, 26587, 11, 527, 279, 1579, 89131, 19588, 454, 5646, 1354, 345, 438, 27458, 439, 20331, 171, 71831, 16158, 13, 578, 39086, 304, 1124, 374, 2663, 12445, 43, 39086, 13, 12310, 89131, 19588, 454, 5646, 1354, 6920, 86543, 39086, 505, 279, 198, 75, 1553, 311, 20438, 7917, 11, 264, 3428, 2237, 315, 1521, 374, 27458, 439, 1695, 13, 605, 14, 966, 14, 1187, 11, 220, 17, 25, 2137, 5975, 6401, 12, 36500, 6354, 53829, 482, 45965, 612, 26417, 198, 2485, 1129, 12393, 31419, 1873, 1355, 53829, 916, 14, 1548, 6260, 1426, 9242, 14, 7979, 266, 11316, 1627, 7424, 266, 2628, 220, 19, 14, 21, 791, 9395, 315, 6593, 21623, 374, 311, 5376, 279, 907, 315, 12445, 43, 39086, 11, 323, 4827, 279, 907, 315, 86543, 39086, 304, 279, 6680, 627, 11458, 1174, 358, 1097, 539, 8010, 315, 6029, 430, 1521, 6593, 15174, 527, 6992, 13, 15636, 11, 358, 8541, 311, 58817, 22323, 315, 198, 39, 16931, 11, 86543, 323, 39086, 11, 323, 118020, 171, 71831, 66, 39455, 311, 22436, 2819, 26, 4619, 358, 5357, 389, 264, 5933, 19433, 311, 7417, 2890, 304, 198, 30115, 1648, 16853, 1163, 35244, 374, 1457, 45877, 439, 279, 2294, 40148, 304, 14718, 32844, 4378, 66, 220, 1299, 8624, 323, 4851, 8951, 555, 272, 26330, 279, 85648, 323, 198, 36046, 279, 66298, 85648, 315, 279, 4851, 16124, 449, 40085, 1776, 20132, 13, 4452, 1174, 39086, 374, 459, 9193, 15525, 93532, 13, 1102, 198, 10008, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 279, 2385, 315, 77848, 44315, 323, 28170, 423, 323, 374, 5423, 7701, 38626, 304, 279, 8271, 439, 1664, 439, 304, 279, 198, 75, 1553, 11, 60564, 82375, 323, 50581, 13, 39515, 540, 398, 66, 38305, 477, 5043, 36172, 12509, 6118, 617, 3428, 5990, 315, 420, 3062, 50123, 627, 26198, 7978, 2723, 3428, 39086, 5990, 449, 459, 7319, 5326, 315, 9572, 662, 1398, 1140, 39086, 374, 14614, 506, 4523, 291, 449, 279, 73394, 719, 198, 18864, 1376, 19754, 33610, 422, 1070, 374, 264, 6996, 315, 514, 66, 411, 258, 323, 259, 4202, 483, 4460, 311, 1376, 73394, 78235, 13, 578, 39086, 2262, 315, 3691, 374, 539, 14614, 264, 198, 35686, 304, 5196, 13, 7648, 39086, 304, 279, 2547, 374, 14454, 304, 279, 26587, 505, 31085, 3956, 315, 50585, 50127, 11, 323, 279, 810, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 430, 374, 6892, 10185, 449, 3691, 11, 279, 2753, 374, 433, 92106, 13, 14636, 279, 8244, 39086, 2237, 14614, 8625, 15528, 627, 1163, 35244, 927, 23452, 48282, 28135, 505, 279, 65792, 2515, 315, 1579, 4248, 483, 764, 40101, 5990, 719, 14918, 505, 459, 17918, 85023, 315, 198, 82, 35467, 50127, 323, 264, 409, 171, 71831, 5979, 2301, 315, 97962, 13, 578, 2547, 16696, 38643, 311, 4827, 279, 66634, 38698, 307, 323, 40085, 5990, 304, 6680, 323, 26587, 11, 323, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 927, 23452, 5825, 264, 13643, 6425, 13, 7570, 32389, 34323, 323, 1448, 87873, 5990, 1253, 387, 11293, 555, 14747, 198, 18614, 39086, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 10437, 15657, 11, 2288, 11, 17210, 311, 279, 4500, 315, 41713, 19338, 32019, 88447, 25930, 279, 198, 1354, 24292, 2237, 323, 264, 1401, 49242, 430, 52389, 4861, 39086, 374, 3604, 35319, 555, 32152, 13, 578, 5190, 279, 13465, 23730, 11, 279, 5190, 374, 198, 1820, 32152, 2237, 11, 323, 279, 810, 39086, 374, 92106, 304, 279, 26587, 16853, 32, 5190, 23730, 315, 10062, 11099, 35467, 32462, 304, 25000, 706, 6197, 311, 1063, 18979, 304, 39086, 5990, 11, 4869, 304, 3278, 433, 706, 6197, 311, 459, 198, 43842, 1503, 5326, 315, 41713, 8624, 13, 763, 10065, 21896, 433, 574, 1766, 430, 1579, 1355, 8734, 41943, 1051, 2753, 34446, 304, 279, 198, 74519, 315, 50585, 50127, 1778, 439, 25309, 259, 7331, 477, 34557, 5707, 13, 18185, 220, 6908, 9045, 11, 6593, 3495, 779, 3117, 706, 539, 84082, 3210, 198, 70463, 430, 264, 1579, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 10173, 477, 1579, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 6680, 5990, 5353, 4851, 8624, 13, 1666, 584, 649, 1518, 505, 279, 2768, 4756, 198, 56447, 72, 171, 71831, 66, 13363, 323, 24654, 11, 433, 374, 3629, 311, 279, 26102, 16853, 6806, 4194, 4194, 13613, 2740, 60089, 19622, 449, 3428, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 41943, 1051, 46025, 304, 1879, 72, 171, 71831, 66, 18007, 46301, 6680, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 5990, 477, 198, 9421, 18189, 279, 5326, 315, 4851, 8624, 627, 6806, 4194, 4194, 25162, 6680, 39086, 1587, 539, 3152, 11542, 505, 4851, 8624, 13, 4427, 5623, 22972, 311, 4827, 39086, 617, 19543, 304, 198, 9421, 7319, 7969, 315, 4851, 8624, 627, 6806, 4194, 4194, 10714, 220, 1135, 4, 315, 3026, 1234, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 2131, 889, 2815, 315, 4851, 3440, 656, 539, 617, 32389, 39086, 5990, 477, 904, 315, 279, 1023, 5326, 198, 9421, 9547, 1778, 439, 63308, 11, 20149, 11, 33048, 477, 20335, 627, 6806, 4194, 4194, 8538, 1023, 13042, 5315, 617, 264, 3428, 5326, 315, 4851, 8624, 8994, 264, 1579, 23730, 315, 39086, 323, 779, 1047, 468, 1826, 944, 22673, 198, 9421, 1603, 279, 65868, 3347, 12844, 2065, 315, 14403, 3956, 323, 37833, 2617, 315, 3090, 17135, 627, 46237, 459, 16865, 574, 4756, 315, 4848, 3682, 19622, 1218, 14612, 279, 46301, 315, 39086, 304, 279, 6680, 323, 16239, 22781, 315, 198, 339, 40137, 315, 7931, 927, 1690, 1667, 13, 578, 1121, 574, 15206, 13, 2684, 574, 389, 5578, 264, 39086, 14278, 315, 922, 220, 605, 4, 323, 198, 28074, 291, 264, 2678, 14278, 315, 220, 975, 4, 505, 4648, 315, 66298, 4851, 8624, 13, 4452, 1174, 279, 2860, 1396, 315, 16779, 574, 1879, 72, 171, 71831, 66, 18007, 5190, 198, 258, 1884, 6978, 889, 1047, 872, 39086, 39920, 7863, 311, 279, 2585, 1912, 13, 1115, 5343, 539, 1193, 5190, 29528, 505, 9572, 198, 8248, 389, 5578, 264, 220, 3080, 4, 5190, 29528, 4478, 505, 16806, 4648, 11, 1778, 439, 33788, 11, 89495, 323, 85049, 13, 1115, 1579, 4478, 315, 4648, 198, 1527, 16806, 11384, 574, 1766, 304, 1475, 832, 315, 1521, 19622, 627, 644, 3411, 369, 459, 16540, 369, 420, 7319, 9349, 11, 12074, 1766, 430, 61820, 389, 264, 10173, 3428, 304, 39086, 323, 50585, 198, 45283, 6244, 810, 19738, 13, 19241, 389, 12966, 1766, 4827, 39086, 5990, 4315, 32638, 11, 7931, 449, 19738, 477, 198, 90162, 7865, 477, 7347, 659, 4565, 323, 1884, 6532, 449, 50077, 323, 18639, 13, 1115, 374, 4762, 4245, 311, 264, 810, 95675, 13465, 198, 4150, 53904, 2191, 430, 3135, 422, 39086, 323, 50127, 527, 2917, 2629, 2230, 304, 459, 304, 680, 220, 25264, 1648, 13, 15863, 780, 6680, 1355, 8734, 33595, 120912, 670, 38170, 8541, 311, 49853, 198, 359, 778, 69855, 20247, 57890, 11, 1836, 258, 342, 19738, 7865, 662, 33836, 323, 19738, 7931, 617, 1027, 6982, 311, 14134, 617, 198, 276, 95675, 477, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 8274, 10827, 13465, 39097, 627, 6153, 11026, 315, 84820, 13465, 323, 13339, 15652, 11, 279, 32152, 2237, 38268, 31859, 1606, 315, 264, 11293, 31469, 171, 71831, 5979, 2301, 304, 198, 778, 16608, 34323, 5990, 13, 5112, 39086, 5990, 1101, 7293, 27076, 2740, 1579, 13, 3816, 59144, 39086, 304, 420, 6671, 11, 439, 449, 11217, 345, 47321, 430, 2753, 13465, 374, 19873, 668, 294, 1139, 39086, 13, 15636, 6680, 1355, 8734, 5990, 3719, 810, 95675, 323, 7865, 374, 810, 198, 351, 47819, 13, 14636, 3428, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 41943, 527, 1193, 8475, 422, 814, 527, 1101, 3428, 304, 10437, 3691, 627, 3947, 374, 11, 4869, 1174, 264, 3717, 1990, 39086, 23730, 323, 264, 91882, 91711, 323, 4851, 8624, 13, 1442, 39086, 304, 3691, 374, 32813, 345, 36046, 449, 2680, 311, 3805, 11, 1243, 39086, 374, 36172, 1534, 311, 99690, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 323, 420, 26186, 279, 6680, 31080, 311, 5353, 198, 1894, 437, 566, 261, 14546, 63324, 13, 9843, 1778, 63324, 3073, 11, 4725, 39086, 304, 10824, 449, 1579, 35719, 5990, 1253, 1101, 17210, 311, 264, 198, 69, 4004, 1977, 5352, 315, 40852, 14295, 13, 763, 2183, 737, 812, 1701, 10099, 433, 574, 1766, 430, 449, 1579, 528, 2094, 315, 3060, 39086, 477, 99690, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 345, 1894, 437, 566, 261, 14546, 5367, 17699, 10222, 1193, 449, 99690, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 11, 539, 449, 39086, 627, 46, 4223, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 374, 1101, 52788, 29569, 13, 1115, 3445, 430, 279, 1579, 8624, 4478, 505, 41713, 8624, 323, 264, 91882, 566, 261, 14546, 30084, 198, 4734, 288, 527, 14918, 4245, 311, 279, 24494, 482, 5423, 87196, 482, 315, 13339, 11, 19335, 323, 14403, 3956, 13, 35106, 287, 37833, 15846, 3090, 323, 1701, 198, 12156, 5990, 315, 81115, 1053, 1101, 70632, 430, 39086, 1587, 539, 3719, 36172, 1534, 4871, 279, 2547, 16853, 644, 17102, 11, 311, 5766, 39086, 14228, 2890, 5435, 512, 6806, 4194, 4194, 6349, 12117, 279, 1005, 315, 10437, 6901, 3691, 11, 32813, 50127, 11, 32462, 323, 37833, 15846, 3090, 198, 6806, 4194, 4194, 6102, 12117, 279, 23730, 315, 653, 383, 660, 50127, 11, 32462, 11, 81115, 11, 323, 7878, 7257, 15657, 605, 14, 966, 14, 1187, 11, 220, 17, 25, 2137, 5975, 6401, 12, 36500, 6354, 53829, 482, 45965, 612, 26417, 198, 2485, 1129, 12393, 31419, 1873, 1355, 53829, 916, 14, 1548, 6260, 1426, 9242, 14, 7979, 266, 11316, 1627, 7424, 266, 2628, 220, 20, 14, 21, 6806, 4194, 4194, 9230, 1579, 39086, 5990, 449, 60052, 18852, 323, 11510, 315, 30564, 23661, 198, 52125, 25, 578, 9395, 315, 420, 3566, 2816, 374, 311, 3493, 2038, 389, 1701, 5933, 21730, 5528, 311, 12576, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 17563, 323, 2890, 16048, 627, 791, 3229, 4250, 4287, 904, 5897, 12014, 369, 904, 3575, 40986, 505, 60257, 449, 1521, 5528, 13, 1789, 904, 6129, 8624, 345, 269, 422, 499, 527, 44003, 922, 264, 4040, 3388, 315, 1957, 11, 6056, 279, 1520, 315, 264, 40883, 2890, 6721, 627, 20644, 3028, 468, 11857, 8155, 612, 13222, 46051, 52964, 13, 2052, 10734, 15516, 13, 765, 468, 25470, 7127, 555, 13222, 46051, 13, 605, 14, 966, 14, 1187, 11, 220, 17, 25, 2137, 5975, 6401, 12, 36500, 6354, 53829, 482, 45965, 612, 26417, 198, 2485, 1129, 12393, 31419, 1873, 1355, 53829, 916, 14, 1548, 6260, 1426, 9242, 14, 7979, 266, 11316, 1627, 7424, 266, 2628, 220, 21, 14, 21, 128009, 128000, 31078, 580, 198, 791, 10230, 78, 3416, 291, 197, 24581, 273, 25, 7721, 455, 14655, 13017, 11613, 197, 10714, 17904, 4575, 2617, 198, 36, 77780, 9391, 66, 10654, 11, 197, 3438, 35, 11, 197, 8225, 198, 6280, 22, 18108, 12698, 3093, 53577, 197, 12030, 197, 1729, 198, 1305, 2234, 18822, 70, 38855, 198, 2782, 41865, 11, 197, 67722, 64, 11, 6391, 276, 2649, 198, 679, 23, 198, 7841, 198, 1602, 17673, 197, 2089, 53076, 1507, 197, 4031, 1507, 198, 791, 3303, 30349, 44323, 2090, 5306, 4765, 20501, 32809, 197, 62556, 11575, 197, 21837, 197, 16690, 44323, 2462, 1245, 18108, 95687, 38113, 29510, 5306, 4575, 2617, 53577, 98366, 32809, 197, 26133, 11575, 197, 98046, 554, 1, 44323, 197, 3852, 1942, 15934, 2765, 56407, 18108, 258, 197, 3852, 1942, 15934, 197, 55977, 627, 1602, 4808, 444, 8946, 40803, 84996, 38113, 29510, 5306, 4575, 2617, 6831, 484, 98366, 74242, 197, 17805, 197, 6846, 492, 9215, 269, 18108, 1729, 33188, 197, 6285, 44323, 11575, 1942, 2222, 197, 2239, 13, 197, 8586, 258, 197, 548, 33188, 40803, 84996, 44323, 197, 35676, 3253, 1244, 1942, 12575, 1705, 18108, 438, 20530, 12816, 197, 28125, 197, 35676, 1942, 2184, 82, 570, 197, 8607, 9793, 525, 42478, 306, 11575, 8986, 29615, 44323, 17643, 1874, 2345, 1073, 26665, 532, 18108, 438, 18794, 64334, 2157, 1802, 33188, 404, 79185, 3808, 13, 33026, 62577, 64355, 33188, 72270, 43869, 32809, 197, 10543, 18108, 269, 32809, 17643 ]
children have been inoculated. Many Advantages? Up to now, none of the three strains has been tried on a mass scale in the U. S. because a large percentage of the population already has been vaccinated with the Salk "killed" product. Nevertheless, Drs. Sabin, Cox, and Koprowski believe that the live polio vaccine is the final answer to polio. If successful, the advantages are many: Live vaccine costs less; it is easy to administer in syrup, spray, or pill form; it provides longer immunity; it not only protects against paralyzing polio, as the Salk shots do, but also against all polio infections. Another appraisal of live virus vaccine will be made on July 7 in New York when the National Foundation, which has supported Dr. Albert Sabin’s research with grants amounting to $1.5 million, will hold a conference to determine its value. The evaluation group, headed by Dr. Thomas B. Turner of Johns Hopkins University, will include the original committee that recommended the first Salk vaccine trials. "Reports from the Sabin live virus vaccine trials appear encouraging," said Basil O’Connor, president of the National Foundation. "But before the new vaccine is made generally available, it must be licensed by the National Institute of Health in Washington. We cannot be sure if and when a live vaccine will be so licensed. In the meantime, there is only one sensible thing to douse the Salk killed-virus vaccine to the fullest extent." — Newsweek, June 29, 1959. Are you confused? We are! We would like to know the truth and we feel that only an impartial congressional investigation of this entire matter can ferret out the facts. Editor’s Note: It will be interesting to see when the U. S. Department of Public Health okays a live Polio Vaccine if at all. 1. Will they wait until the six big drug houses get rid of their immense stock of Salk. 2. Will they O.K. it at all unless the manufacture of it is in the hands of these drug companies. 3. Will they refuse to okay the others and give the go-ahead to the Doctor Cox vaccine, because it is owned by Lederle Drugs, one of the big six. Bibliography THE HYGIENIC SYSTEM, Vol. 2, 3, 6, 7 Dr. Herbert M. Shelton —P. 0. Box 1277, San Antonio, Texas. BECHAMP OR PASTEUR? — E. Douglas Hume — FACTS AGAINST COMPULSORY VACCINATION — H. B. Anderson, Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau, 226 W. 47th St., New York City. VITAL FACTS ABOUT FOODS — Otto Carque — Health Research. THE MEDICAL VOODOO — Annie Riley Hale. THE VACCINATION PROBLEM — Joseph P. Swan — VACCINATION A CRIME — Felix Oswald. PUBLIC HEALTH THE AMERICAN WAY — H. B. Anderson — Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau, 1860 Broadway, Suite 1215, N. Y. 23, N. Y. THE GOLDEN CALF — Charles W. Forward, John M. Watkins Co. — 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2, London. PHILOSOPHY OF HEALTH — Dr. John Tilden — SYPHILIS THE WEREWOLF OF MEDICINE — Dr. Herbert M. Shelton. VACCINATION A DELUSION — Alfred Russel Wallace — National Anti- Vaccination League — Swan Sonnenschein and Co. — Lim., London. THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINATION — Lily Loat — Health Research. THE VACCINATION SUPERSTITION — J. W. Hodge — Niagara Falls, N.Y. UNANSWERABLE OBJECTIONS TO VACCINATION — Isaac L. Peebles.MEDICAL DELUSIONS — Thomas Morgan — Guiding Star Pub. House — 314 W. 63rd St., Chicago, Ill. ROYAL COMMISSION ON VACCINATION — London. VACCINATION AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION — Pub. by W. J. Furnival — Stone Staffs, London. SMALLPOX AND VACCINATION — H. V. Knaggs Health Research. SCHICK INOCULATION—ITS DANGERS AND FALLACIES — M. Beddow Bayly — London THE VACCINATION DELUSION — W. R. Hadwen, M.D. — London. A BLUNDER IN POISONS — C. F. Nichols. THE STORY OF THE SALK ANTI-POLIOMYELITIS VACCINE BY M. BEDDOW BAYLY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. <|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>THE NEW MEDICINE OF DR HAMER by W alter Last Dr Hamer had an exceptionally high success rate with his cancer therapy, by far the highest I have seen of any therapy.  During one of several trials of the persecuted Dr Hamer the public prosecutor (Wien er-Neustadt in Austria ) had to admit that after 4 to 5 years 6,000 out of 6,500 patients with mostly advanced cancer were still alive. That is over 90%, almost a reversal of the results to be expected after conventional treatment of advanced conditions. Dr Hamer started his cancer researc h when he developed testicle cancer after his son was shot dead. He wondered if his son’s death was the cause of his cancer. Subsequently he investigated and documented over 15,000 cases of cancer and always found the following characteristics to be present, which he termed the Iron Rules of Cancer.  The Iron Rules of Cancer 1. Every cancer and related disease starts as a DHS that is a Dirk Hamer Syndrome, which is a serious, acute-dramatic and isolating     conflict-shock-experience. It manifests simultaneously on three levels, psyche, brain and organ. 2. The theme of the psychic conflict determines the location of the focus or HAMER Herd in the brain, and the location of the     cancer in the organ. 3. The course of the psychic conflict correlates with the development of the HAMER Herd in the brain, and the course of the     cancer in the organ. At the moment of the conflict-shock a short circuit occurs in a pre-determined place of the brain. This can be photographed with computed-tomography (CT) and looks like concentric rings on a shooting target or like the surface of water after a stone has been dropped into it. Later on, if the conflict becomes resolved, the CT image changes, an edema develop, and finally scar tissue. How specific and precisely located these brain lesions are may be seen from the following.  After a professional lecture a doctor handed him the brain CT of a patient and asked to explain it. From this Dr Hamer diagnosed the patient to have a fresh bleeding bladder carcinoma in the healing phase, an old prostate carcinoma, diabetes, an old lung carcinoma and sensory paralysis in a specific area, in addition to the corresponding emotional conflicts. Amazingly, Dr Hamer was able to show that at the same time as the concentric brain lesion appears also the target organ CT may show such a concentric lesion. According to Dr Hamer this happens instantly when the psychic shock hits the subconscious level and this same second is the start of cancer. However, also other diseases can
[ 83570, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 17886, 511, 7913, 627, 1602, 8607, 197, 24350, 38886, 5380, 1602, 2378, 32809, 82022, 11, 197, 6836, 44323, 33188, 197, 28956, 11609, 1771, 64355, 74242, 268, 26665, 1142, 25653, 11575, 2157, 395, 71880, 17886, 33188, 16360, 13, 7721, 627, 1602, 28753, 11575, 8986, 2812, 197, 41650, 44323, 33188, 75913, 2987, 197, 46584, 64355, 74242, 268, 5306, 4575, 15846, 48048, 18108, 1820, 7721, 1727, 197, 64011, 4473, 1, 70388, 13, 18822, 2099, 20583, 11, 11198, 5544, 13, 7721, 9068, 11, 6391, 5241, 11, 53577, 40440, 454, 1849, 6780, 2282, 301, 19704, 18108, 9210, 33188, 8986, 535, 3303, 73267, 5306, 89121, 20501, 33188, 14547, 73670, 32809, 3303, 73267, 13, 52792, 31653, 1285, 11, 33188, 18108, 14625, 38886, 197, 548, 197, 35676, 25, 15420, 535, 5306, 89121, 1470, 537, 82, 197, 1752, 26, 24263, 20501, 7883, 6539, 32809, 65494, 1601, 17886, 1942, 11160, 455, 345, 1602, 52773, 352, 11, 82266, 3303, 484, 38510, 26, 24263, 197, 782, 68254, 17972, 261, 197, 12828, 2498, 26, 24263, 98366, 197, 3323, 197, 47079, 82, 197, 69849, 18108, 1768, 5893, 20994, 3303, 73267, 11, 61551, 33188, 7721, 1727, 197, 28734, 20530, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 19171, 197, 69849, 52060, 3303, 73267, 17886, 25384, 627, 1602, 14364, 70998, 652, 92120, 44323, 8986, 535, 5306, 17402, 5306, 89121, 6831, 484, 74242, 2157, 1037, 25653, 17538, 3988, 197, 22, 17886, 197, 3648, 66422, 672, 18108, 9493, 33188, 18822, 1697, 13017, 4159, 11, 197, 8370, 64355, 1942, 12796, 197, 9023, 13, 197, 67722, 7721, 9068, 753, 17643, 1874, 198, 48048, 91159, 1821, 197, 6173, 287, 32809, 197, 3, 16, 13, 20, 2157, 15068, 11, 6831, 484, 197, 6416, 11575, 38303, 2251, 32809, 2765, 25296, 197, 1220, 18108, 970, 13, 33026, 7883, 24756, 45360, 11, 47181, 291, 197, 1729, 197, 9023, 13, 197, 42493, 13083, 13, 10473, 399, 261, 44323, 197, 13379, 82, 13595, 454, 11966, 18108, 31272, 11, 6831, 484, 25728, 33188, 197, 10090, 197, 57885, 64442, 17643, 36971, 33188, 43290, 7721, 1727, 18108, 85, 89121, 26665, 10522, 13, 197, 1, 24682, 43827, 33188, 7721, 9068, 8986, 535, 5306, 17402, 5306, 89121, 26665, 10522, 197, 41866, 18108, 967, 414, 4210, 1359, 1942, 3864, 13083, 30149, 49149, 529, 57987, 11, 3303, 40631, 44323, 33188, 18822, 1697, 13017, 4159, 13, 197, 42513, 18108, 15145, 33188, 8808, 5306, 89121, 20501, 2157, 1037, 3253, 804, 750, 197, 10547, 11, 24263, 2157, 592, 74242, 197, 72811, 197, 1729, 33188, 18108, 31912, 71267, 7815, 44323, 197, 14884, 17886, 17749, 32799, 13, 197, 1687, 1470, 3483, 74242, 1942, 554, 748, 53577, 61280, 11575, 8986, 535, 18108, 85, 89121, 6831, 484, 74242, 197, 708, 197, 72811, 13, 71267, 33188, 50394, 519, 547, 11, 197, 19041, 20501, 197, 3323, 197, 606, 1942, 37864, 197, 1626, 32809, 18108, 67, 1559, 33188, 7721, 1727, 16868, 4473, 8437, 17402, 5306, 89121, 32809, 33188, 1186, 41154, 267, 197, 71272, 1210, 197, 2345, 197, 14710, 10476, 11, 17538, 2957, 197, 1682, 345, 1602, 6280, 24, 627, 1602, 11787, 197, 9514, 68950, 2656, 30, 197, 1687, 197, 548, 0, 197, 1687, 6831, 619, 197, 4908, 32809, 16868, 3409, 33188, 26665, 952, 53577, 197, 906, 1186, 96551, 64442, 18108, 3323, 80557, 55992, 38520, 38303, 2542, 4001, 17886, 7164, 18413, 44323, 2090, 78755, 556, 2157, 1683, 94036, 197, 809, 2171, 14294, 18108, 1820, 1186, 11613, 627, 9597, 753, 197, 9290, 25, 62635, 6831, 484, 74242, 60015, 60955, 32809, 197, 4151, 61280, 33188, 16360, 13, 7721, 13, 197, 27725, 44323, 74246, 18108, 14884, 60368, 954, 11575, 8986, 535, 10230, 73267, 17904, 89121, 748, 36547, 52060, 627, 1602, 16, 13, 197, 10149, 197, 20670, 49850, 21113, 1678, 33188, 1942, 953, 2282, 343, 2765, 73047, 9793, 20340, 10582, 197, 1907, 44323, 33188, 404, 197, 12828, 1137, 197, 13787, 44323, 18108, 50, 1727, 627, 1602, 17, 13, 197, 10149, 197, 20670, 49149, 11606, 13, 24263, 36547, 52060, 21113, 1752, 33188, 197, 98550, 554, 44323, 24263, 20501, 17886, 33188, 9793, 2914, 44323, 197, 45010, 18108, 73821, 33910, 17443, 627, 1602, 18, 13, 197, 10149, 197, 20670, 60604, 817, 32809, 60368, 352, 33188, 23021, 3058, 53577, 3253, 535, 33188, 31780, 99588, 32809, 33188, 197, 43824, 6391, 5241, 18108, 85, 89121, 11, 2282, 6769, 24263, 20501, 197, 18838, 197, 1729, 15420, 7442, 273, 197, 9023, 13602, 11, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 2282, 343, 1942, 953, 627, 13083, 69713, 5814, 18108, 17673, 13595, 56, 29134, 965, 1341, 7721, 59861, 11, 17904, 337, 13, 197, 17, 11, 197, 18, 11, 197, 21, 11, 197, 22, 197, 9023, 13, 13595, 261, 9339, 9391, 13, 197, 2059, 301, 783, 197, 2345, 47, 13, 197, 15, 13, 197, 1642, 18108, 6804, 22, 11, 7721, 276, 197, 17555, 82513, 11, 10473, 7619, 627, 1602, 11855, 2198, 16407, 197, 878, 10230, 6483, 55838, 30, 197, 2345, 23626, 13, 11198, 283, 27481, 13595, 3972, 197, 2345, 198, 59810, 50, 197, 86495, 790, 6391, 52707, 1112, 50, 7668, 17904, 30542, 52960, 197, 2345, 13595, 13, 13083, 13, 197, 96629, 345, 1602, 65661, 30060, 529, 9391, 291, 950, 197, 9032, 13083, 17612, 11, 197, 14057, 17749, 13, 197, 2618, 339, 197, 626, 2637, 197, 3648, 66422, 672, 6391, 488, 627, 53, 34288, 197, 59810, 50, 197, 76630, 197, 3873, 2114, 50, 197, 2345, 49149, 83, 998, 6391, 277, 593, 197, 2345, 197, 14884, 197, 28528, 627, 17673, 9391, 1507, 15942, 197, 11417, 4564, 46, 197, 2345, 197, 2127, 11044, 11391, 18280, 13595, 1604, 627, 17673, 17904, 30542, 52960, 197, 9295, 70392, 197, 2345, 17538, 974, 764, 10230, 13, 7721, 16965, 197, 2345, 198, 1602, 53, 30542, 52960, 23845, 6391, 49, 5778, 197, 2345, 13017, 68818, 49149, 2332, 4852, 627, 60359, 197, 1837, 44249, 10473, 1837, 88337, 90611, 17749, 3097, 197, 2345, 13595, 13, 13083, 13, 197, 96629, 197, 2345, 6391, 275, 30060, 123956, 1602, 53654, 197, 9032, 13083, 17612, 11, 197, 9714, 15, 13083, 8714, 3195, 11, 7721, 9486, 197, 7994, 20, 11, 18822, 13, 66422, 13, 197, 1419, 11, 18822, 13, 66422, 627, 17673, 9796, 8021, 965, 6391, 984, 37, 197, 2345, 197, 54567, 17749, 13, 197, 27014, 11, 197, 13379, 9391, 13, 17749, 266, 11966, 6391, 78, 13, 197, 2345, 197, 1691, 6391, 762, 321, 18108, 76874, 11, 197, 1163, 3329, 6391, 2177, 11391, 2799, 11, 17749, 732, 13, 17, 11, 15420, 6610, 627, 11079, 40, 38658, 3143, 49952, 197, 12766, 197, 1837, 44249, 197, 2345, 197, 9023, 13, 197, 13379, 10473, 52965, 197, 2345, 198, 50, 10158, 39, 1750, 1669, 10473, 1837, 17749, 643, 38879, 87116, 197, 12766, 9391, 1507, 1341, 4069, 197, 2345, 197, 9023, 13, 13595, 261, 9339, 9391, 13, 197, 2059, 301, 783, 627, 53, 30542, 52960, 23845, 197, 39432, 2078, 1294, 197, 2345, 197, 2149, 29093, 11391, 1892, 301, 17749, 543, 580, 197, 2345, 18822, 1697, 197, 33749, 7058, 53, 4575, 2617, 197, 71207, 197, 2345, 7721, 16965, 7721, 27476, 729, 64959, 53577, 6391, 78, 13, 197, 2345, 15420, 318, 2637, 15420, 6610, 627, 1602, 17673, 96176, 9331, 197, 76630, 17904, 30542, 52960, 197, 2345, 15420, 1570, 197, 4357, 266, 197, 2345, 197, 14884, 197, 28528, 627, 17673, 17904, 30542, 52960, 7721, 34704, 790, 7237, 197, 2345, 17538, 13, 17749, 13, 13595, 15912, 197, 2345, 18822, 72, 60822, 13017, 5700, 11, 18822, 7659, 627, 1899, 11954, 40451, 3578, 49149, 15327, 36, 37868, 197, 5319, 17904, 30542, 52960, 197, 2345, 197, 3957, 65805, 15420, 13, 10230, 2176, 39863, 1345, 1507, 15942, 197, 39432, 2078, 43486, 197, 2345, 197, 42493, 9391, 8629, 197, 2345, 9796, 2480, 287, 197, 12988, 10230, 392, 13, 13595, 1559, 197, 2345, 198, 16104, 17749, 13, 197, 5495, 6634, 197, 626, 2637, 197, 47275, 11, 25494, 657, 627, 52565, 984, 6391, 1937, 26311, 57884, 17904, 30542, 52960, 197, 2345, 15420, 6610, 627, 1602, 53, 30542, 52960, 52711, 10473, 1837, 9391, 1507, 15942, 197, 9295, 11673, 5123, 197, 2345, 10230, 392, 13, 197, 1729, 17749, 13, 17538, 627, 1602, 37, 399, 4023, 197, 2345, 197, 46960, 197, 34311, 82, 11, 15420, 6610, 627, 9691, 4006, 2089, 55, 52711, 17904, 30542, 52960, 197, 2345, 13595, 13, 17904, 13, 197, 37353, 351, 5981, 197, 14884, 197, 28528, 627, 1602, 50, 2198, 10915, 41266, 7767, 56942, 2345, 14813, 11198, 5330, 4419, 52711, 13017, 4006, 1741, 5482, 197, 2345, 9391, 13, 13083, 54637, 363, 18108, 23407, 398, 197, 2345, 15420, 6610, 198, 17673, 17904, 30542, 52960, 197, 39432, 2078, 1294, 197, 2345, 17749, 13, 11391, 13, 13595, 329, 17378, 11, 9391, 920, 13, 197, 2345, 15420, 6610, 627, 1602, 32, 197, 9574, 82491, 41266, 197, 2089, 1669, 30626, 197, 2345, 6391, 13, 13017, 13, 18822, 718, 3145, 627, 17673, 61931, 7668, 197, 12766, 10473, 1837, 7721, 37550, 197, 88722, 9483, 1971, 40, 1937, 56, 2818, 964, 1669, 17904, 30542, 4069, 13083, 56, 9391, 627, 1602, 66337, 35, 3387, 13083, 3097, 9109, 11, 9391, 2056, 732, 815, 2637, 15420, 2056, 732, 1087, 627, 197, 128009, 128000, 17673, 16560, 52699, 1341, 4069, 3083, 14644, 473, 1428, 643, 198, 1729, 468, 11857, 8155, 198, 9023, 9777, 261, 1047, 459, 48298, 1579, 2450, 4478, 449, 813, 9572, 15419, 1174, 555, 3117, 279, 8592, 358, 617, 3970, 315, 904, 15419, 662, 220, 4194, 16397, 832, 198, 1073, 3892, 19622, 315, 279, 93698, 2999, 9777, 261, 279, 586, 36151, 320, 54, 3675, 2781, 12, 8989, 592, 26804, 304, 35998, 220, 883, 1047, 311, 17113, 430, 1306, 220, 19, 311, 220, 20, 1667, 198, 21, 11, 931, 704, 315, 220, 21, 11, 2636, 6978, 449, 10213, 11084, 9572, 1051, 2103, 13989, 13, 3011, 374, 927, 220, 1954, 13689, 4661, 264, 59214, 315, 279, 3135, 311, 387, 198, 7475, 1306, 21349, 6514, 315, 11084, 4787, 627, 9023, 9777, 261, 3940, 813, 9572, 312, 325, 8362, 305, 994, 568, 8040, 1296, 2045, 9572, 220, 1306, 813, 4538, 574, 6689, 5710, 13, 1283, 31156, 422, 813, 4538, 753, 4648, 198, 16514, 279, 5353, 315, 813, 9572, 662, 3804, 39742, 568, 27313, 323, 27470, 927, 220, 868, 11, 931, 5157, 315, 9572, 323, 2744, 1766, 279, 198, 44018, 17910, 311, 387, 3118, 11, 902, 568, 61937, 279, 16979, 23694, 315, 26211, 662, 52050, 791, 16979, 23694, 315, 26211, 198, 16, 13, 7357, 9572, 323, 5552, 8624, 8638, 439, 264, 73703, 430, 374, 264, 85029, 9777, 261, 57496, 11, 902, 374, 264, 6129, 11, 30883, 1773, 2453, 780, 323, 13399, 1113, 198, 46493, 390, 171, 120912, 858, 7666, 1197, 10397, 13267, 13, 1102, 84332, 25291, 389, 2380, 5990, 11, 88909, 11, 8271, 323, 2942, 627, 17, 13, 578, 7057, 315, 279, 50217, 390, 171, 120912, 858, 27667, 279, 3813, 315, 279, 5357, 477, 473, 1428, 643, 6385, 67, 304, 279, 8271, 11, 323, 279, 3813, 315, 279, 198, 46493, 9572, 304, 279, 2942, 627, 18, 13, 578, 3388, 315, 279, 50217, 390, 171, 120912, 858, 97303, 449, 279, 4500, 315, 279, 473, 1428, 643, 6385, 67, 304, 279, 8271, 11, 323, 279, 3388, 315, 279, 198, 46493, 9572, 304, 279, 2942, 627, 1688, 279, 4545, 315, 279, 390, 171, 120912, 858, 7666, 1197, 220, 264, 2875, 16622, 13980, 304, 264, 864, 1773, 47737, 2035, 315, 279, 8271, 13, 1115, 649, 387, 57303, 449, 198, 72111, 2442, 316, 5814, 320, 1182, 8, 323, 5992, 1093, 10219, 2265, 25562, 389, 264, 10658, 2218, 477, 1093, 279, 7479, 315, 3090, 1306, 264, 9998, 706, 1027, 198, 11513, 7069, 1139, 433, 13, 25929, 389, 11, 422, 279, 390, 171, 120912, 858, 9221, 20250, 11, 279, 19084, 220, 2217, 4442, 11, 459, 1608, 9355, 2274, 11, 323, 33595, 71831, 77, 750, 23087, 20438, 627, 4438, 118020, 171, 71831, 66, 323, 24559, 7559, 1521, 8271, 63324, 527, 1253, 387, 3970, 505, 279, 2768, 13, 109110, 4740, 264, 6721, 31678, 264, 10896, 198, 71, 6601, 1461, 279, 8271, 19084, 315, 264, 8893, 323, 4691, 311, 10552, 433, 13, 5659, 420, 2999, 9777, 261, 29704, 279, 8893, 311, 617, 264, 7878, 35763, 198, 2067, 21473, 89468, 304, 279, 21730, 10474, 11, 459, 2362, 47447, 89468, 11, 20335, 11, 459, 2362, 21271, 89468, 323, 49069, 86139, 304, 264, 198, 9727, 72, 171, 71831, 66, 3158, 11, 304, 5369, 311, 279, 12435, 14604, 390, 171, 120912, 31095, 627, 66173, 398, 1174, 2999, 9777, 261, 574, 3025, 311, 1501, 430, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 439, 279, 10219, 2265, 8271, 93217, 8111, 1101, 279, 2218, 2942, 19084, 1253, 198, 3528, 1778, 264, 10219, 2265, 93217, 13, 10771, 311, 2999, 9777, 261, 420, 8741, 22571, 994, 279, 50217, 10988, 13280, 279, 84951, 2237, 323, 198, 576, 1890, 2132, 374, 279, 1212, 315, 9572, 662, 4452, 1174, 1101, 1023, 19338, 649 ]
. Given the nature of diet's importance during pregnancy, consultation with your doctor about dietary changes is advised. However, during pregnancy it is never too late to gradually upgrade one's diet. Whatever changes of a positive nature are made can only improve the condition of mother and child and allow for an easier delivery. The program fulfills all the dietary requirements for both mother and child during gestation. Because of the ample fresh fruit recommended, the primary requirement—abundant fuel in the form of glucose—is satis­ fied. Many of the ingredients in the daily raw salads further help fulfill the glucose requirement, and these salads provide the mother and baby with the minerals and vitamins necessary for proper growth and develop­ ment. Actually the most beneficial diet during pregnancy (and at any other time!) is a diet that has a preponderance of raw fruit and vegetables, and some raw nuts and seeds. This will supply all the fuel, amino acids, minerals, fatty acids, and vitamins needed to perpetuate a high level of health. This program is more than adequate in fulfilling these require­ ments. That foods are combined properly insures that maximum nu­ trients will be available for absorption at each meal with a minimum of waste. Proper diet will insure an energetic, delightful pregnancy. Improper diet can turn this inspiring experience into an ordeal. Frequently, pregnant women are advised to drink plenty of pasteurized milk to insure that they get enough calcium for their babies' teeth and bones. The truth is most adults do not have the digestive enzymes lactase and renin that are necessary to get calcium from milk, for it is bound in the indigestible protein complement casein. In addition, pasteurization causes the calcium to be unusable due to heat derangement.4 To insure that they are getting adequate usable calcium, pregnant women should remember it is readily available in abundance in fresh fruit, beans, cau- 4Therc are several Hygienic authorities on the subject of utilizing calcium from pasteurized cow's milk. All say the same thing: We can't! Herbert M. Shelton, Ph.D. The Hygienic Care of Children. Bridgeport, Connecticut: Natural Hygiene Press, 1970. N. W. Walker, M.D. Diet and Salad Suggestions. Phoenix, Arizona: Norwalk Press, 1971. Robin A. Hur. Food Reform: Our Desperate Need. Austin, Texas: Heidelburg, 1975. Joyce M. Kling. "Lesson #55, Prenatal Care for Better Infant and Maternal Health and Less Painful Childbirth." In The Life Science Health System, by T. C. Fry. Austin, Texas: Life Science, 1984. M. Bircher-Benner. Eating Your Way to Health. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1973. THE MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS • 103 liflower, cabbage, lettuce and other leafy greens, nuts and seeds (almonds and sesame seeds particularly), asparagus, and figs.5 Fresh orange juice helps the body to retain calcium, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton in The Hygienic Care of Children. Adequate sunshine is also required for calcium metabolism. The fetus stores a calcium supply in its tissues, which it draws upon during the later stages of pregnancy, so it is most crucial for the pregnant woman to obtain and retain adequate calcium for herself and her child during the early months of pregnancy. Pregnant women are also counseled to drink milk so they will have a rich milk supply for the baby. That is ludicrous. Do cows enrich their milk supply by drinking the milk of another species? Of course they don't! They eat lots of grain and grass. We, like all other mammals, auto­ matically make milk when we are pregnant. The consumption of lots of fresh fruit and fresh green vegetables makes our milk even more rich and abundant. By the way, if you are given folic acid pills "for your milk," you might want to substitute a daily green salad, which is a fine, readily available natural source of folic acid. Remember, it is not how much calcium is contained in the foods one eats, but how much is actually usable (absorbed and retained). The taking of dolomite or calcium supplements during pregnancy does not provide usable calcium, and frequently causes harmful calcium deposits in the placenta. These supplements provide an inorganic calcium (whether or not they are labeled organic), which our bodies simply cannot use. Dr. Ralph C. Cinque has conducted extensive experimentation and research on this subject. The information here is taken directly from text material he wrote.6 Again we are dealing with a difference in philoso­ phies. Natural Hygiene is diametrically opposed to the acquisition of vi­ tamins and minerals from sources other than natural ones, natural meaning gardens and orchards, not pills. I'm sure supporters of both sides of this issue could knock heads and be very convincing for their own philosophies. The fact remains that, according to Natural Hygiene, which this book is all about, all vitamin and mineral supplements, be­ cause they are fractionated, are treated as toxic waste in the body. As in so many other issues concerning nutrition, some traditional doctors are beginning to recognize the Hygienic viewpoint. Dr. Vicki G. Hufhagel, speaking at the Fourteenth Annual Nutrition Conference sponsored by 'See Day Seventeen of the Program for Fresh Almond Milk, page 195. 6Ralph C. Cinque, Ph.D. "Lesson #55, Prenatal Care for Better Infant and Maternal Health and Less Painful Childbirth." In The Life Science Health System, bv T. C. Frv. Austin, Texas: Life Science, 1984. Rose Dosti. "Nutritional Needs Greater for Pregnant Teen-agers, Over?0s." Los Angeles Times, 31 May 1984. "Vitamin Megadoses Can Be Harmful." Los Angeles Times, 20 December 1983. 104 • FIT FOR LIFE the Dairy Council of California, said, "We are just learning what harm they can do to a small embryo. Vitamins are drugs." Dr. Hufnagel is an obstetrician/gynecologist. Dr. Myron Winick, Director of the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University, stated, "Some people treat vitamin pills like candy, but they're not. They're more like drugs. And we all know that there are no safe drugs, only safe doses." Far better than taking manufactured dolomite would be to sprinkle the mineral dolomite (like lime) in your garden, and then grow leafy green lettuce that will provide you with plenty of usable organic calcium! It is imperative to understand that calcium deficiencies are the result not only of taking in insufficient amounts of calcium, but also from overeating and miscombining foods, practices that seriously impair digestion and absorption. Pregnancy does not carry with it the license to overeat! A weight gain of more than twenty to twenty-five pounds can result in an oversize baby and a high-risk delivery.7 Pregnant women tend to overeat when they are eating highly processed, adulterated foods. 'ITiey are over­ eating in response to their bodies' signals that nutritional needs are not being met. FIT FOR LIFE emphasizes the foods that are the most nourish­ ing for mother and child and will actually help you to keep your weight gain down. Incidentally, during pregnancy more than any other time, certain items are harmful. This program will help you gradually eliminate many of them. The placenta, which is supposed to filter out harmful substances ingested by the mother and protect the fetus from these substances, has no effectiveness in screening drugs, alcohol, tobacco poisons, caffeine, salt, vinegar, and chemical additives and preservatives in processed foods. By following the program you will automatically be eliminating these harmful influences. None of them are included in any of the menu items, with the exception of salt, which is always indicated as an optional ingredient. As far as the other, more harmful substances, let's be candid for the sake of our future children. There is no "safe" drug, prescription or nonprescription, that can be taken during pregnancy, notwithstanding the fact that many pregnant women are still being counseled to take drugs. Thalidomide was merely the tip of the iceberg. All drugs, from aspirin to pain relievers to tranquilizers, carry with them the risk of defor­ mity and mental retardation for your baby. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can result in "fetal alcohol syndrome," a deformity of the face and head that is frequently accompanied by mental retardation. Caffeine in coffee, tea, sodas, chocolate, and many drugs has been linked to birth defects. Cigarette smoking causes oxygen deprivation to the fetus, result­ ing in premature, low-weight births and mental retardation. 7 In my last pregnancy I gained a total of only fourteen pounds and both the baby and I were in excellent health. One hour after the birth, I was up bathing him—with an abundance of energy! THE MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED
[ 13, 16644, 279, 7138, 315, 720, 94942, 596, 12939, 2391, 20209, 11, 29173, 449, 701, 10896, 922, 720, 94942, 661, 4442, 374, 26160, 13, 4452, 11, 2391, 20209, 433, 374, 2646, 2288, 3389, 720, 998, 27115, 14234, 832, 596, 10173, 13, 33739, 4442, 315, 264, 6928, 7138, 720, 548, 1903, 649, 1193, 7417, 279, 3044, 315, 6691, 323, 1716, 323, 2187, 720, 2000, 459, 8831, 9889, 13, 720, 791, 2068, 5716, 67267, 682, 279, 34625, 8670, 369, 2225, 6691, 323, 720, 3124, 2391, 13033, 367, 13, 9393, 315, 279, 42853, 7878, 14098, 11349, 11, 720, 1820, 6156, 16686, 2345, 370, 1263, 519, 10633, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 34323, 55434, 274, 3689, 5879, 198, 69, 1142, 13, 9176, 315, 279, 14293, 304, 279, 7446, 7257, 77852, 4726, 1520, 21054, 720, 1820, 34323, 16686, 11, 323, 1521, 77852, 3493, 279, 6691, 323, 8945, 720, 4291, 279, 34072, 323, 46192, 5995, 369, 6300, 6650, 323, 2274, 5879, 198, 479, 13, 34863, 279, 1455, 24629, 10173, 2391, 20209, 320, 438, 520, 904, 720, 1605, 892, 16715, 374, 264, 10173, 430, 706, 264, 864, 20949, 685, 315, 7257, 14098, 323, 24822, 11, 720, 438, 1063, 7257, 31049, 323, 19595, 13, 1115, 690, 8312, 682, 279, 10633, 11, 42500, 33969, 11, 720, 1083, 17822, 11, 40085, 33969, 11, 323, 46192, 4460, 311, 22313, 6426, 264, 1579, 2237, 315, 720, 12393, 13, 1115, 2068, 374, 810, 1109, 26613, 304, 50698, 1521, 1397, 5879, 198, 1392, 13, 3011, 15657, 527, 11093, 10489, 1672, 1439, 430, 7340, 11148, 5879, 198, 376, 4167, 690, 387, 2561, 369, 44225, 520, 1855, 15496, 449, 264, 8187, 315, 720, 86, 5642, 13, 65658, 10173, 690, 70632, 459, 45955, 11, 50189, 20209, 13, 720, 48942, 716, 10173, 649, 2543, 420, 34147, 3217, 1139, 459, 74781, 13, 720, 37, 70941, 11, 20895, 3278, 527, 26160, 311, 7172, 11510, 315, 3347, 12844, 1534, 720, 76, 34263, 311, 70632, 430, 814, 636, 3403, 35719, 369, 872, 24869, 6, 18311, 323, 720, 82091, 13, 578, 8206, 374, 1455, 12884, 656, 539, 617, 279, 60071, 56067, 51644, 521, 720, 438, 5790, 258, 430, 527, 5995, 311, 636, 35719, 505, 14403, 11, 369, 433, 374, 6965, 304, 720, 1820, 1280, 15505, 1260, 13128, 23606, 1162, 258, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 3347, 12844, 2065, 720, 936, 4881, 279, 35719, 311, 387, 16236, 481, 4245, 311, 8798, 2761, 57733, 13, 19, 2057, 70632, 720, 9210, 814, 527, 3794, 26613, 41030, 35719, 11, 20895, 3278, 1288, 720, 30380, 433, 374, 31368, 2561, 304, 37492, 304, 7878, 14098, 11, 27994, 11, 2211, 84, 7058, 19, 1016, 3035, 527, 3892, 10320, 88364, 292, 11527, 389, 279, 3917, 315, 35988, 35719, 505, 3347, 12844, 1534, 19923, 596, 720, 76, 34263, 13, 2052, 2019, 279, 1890, 3245, 25, 1226, 649, 956, 0, 720, 21364, 9339, 386, 13, 37940, 783, 11, 2405, 920, 13, 578, 10320, 88364, 292, 10852, 315, 15394, 13, 20467, 403, 11, 31461, 25, 18955, 720, 31916, 43312, 8612, 11, 220, 4468, 15, 13, 720, 45, 13, 468, 13, 23074, 11, 386, 920, 13, 27304, 323, 64646, 88715, 13, 23503, 11, 17368, 25, 8170, 19599, 8612, 11, 220, 4468, 16, 13, 720, 77771, 362, 13, 21670, 13, 12369, 40365, 25, 5751, 3959, 80213, 14998, 13, 19816, 11, 8421, 25, 1283, 27900, 10481, 11, 220, 4468, 20, 13, 720, 80871, 346, 386, 13, 80127, 13, 330, 71504, 674, 2131, 11, 393, 1466, 4306, 10852, 369, 24327, 83488, 323, 7011, 3051, 6401, 323, 9865, 35567, 1285, 720, 3736, 28813, 1210, 763, 578, 9601, 10170, 6401, 744, 11, 555, 350, 13, 356, 13, 53517, 13, 19816, 11, 8421, 25, 9601, 10170, 11, 220, 3753, 19, 13, 720, 44, 13, 37919, 9211, 7826, 268, 1215, 13, 60638, 4718, 12424, 311, 6401, 13, 24899, 25, 71244, 18312, 11, 220, 4468, 18, 13, 720, 17673, 80199, 63706, 5876, 1863, 9109, 5871, 42, 1507, 57828, 43486, 7436, 220, 6889, 10345, 15115, 11, 74873, 11, 71655, 323, 1023, 16312, 88, 52011, 11, 31049, 323, 19595, 320, 278, 55720, 720, 438, 92223, 19595, 8104, 705, 439, 94789, 11, 323, 4237, 82, 13, 20, 30260, 19087, 23661, 720, 8823, 82, 279, 2547, 311, 14389, 35719, 11, 4184, 311, 2999, 13, 58463, 37940, 783, 304, 720, 791, 10320, 88364, 292, 10852, 315, 15394, 13, 63140, 19684, 52495, 374, 1101, 2631, 369, 720, 27684, 2411, 39097, 13, 578, 76688, 10756, 264, 35719, 8312, 304, 1202, 39881, 11, 720, 8370, 433, 27741, 5304, 2391, 279, 3010, 18094, 315, 20209, 11, 779, 433, 374, 1455, 720, 5192, 1791, 532, 369, 279, 20895, 5333, 311, 6994, 323, 14389, 26613, 35719, 369, 720, 71, 388, 491, 323, 1077, 1716, 2391, 279, 4216, 4038, 315, 20209, 13, 720, 47, 40381, 519, 3278, 527, 1101, 2346, 325, 839, 311, 7172, 14403, 779, 814, 690, 617, 264, 720, 14172, 14403, 8312, 369, 279, 8945, 13, 3011, 374, 90271, 13, 3234, 46266, 31518, 872, 720, 76, 34263, 8312, 555, 16558, 279, 14403, 315, 2500, 9606, 30, 5046, 3388, 814, 1541, 956, 0, 720, 7009, 8343, 10283, 315, 24875, 323, 16763, 13, 1226, 11, 1093, 682, 1023, 56669, 11, 3313, 5879, 198, 76, 7167, 1304, 14403, 994, 584, 527, 20895, 13, 578, 15652, 315, 10283, 315, 720, 72408, 14098, 323, 7878, 6307, 24822, 3727, 1057, 14403, 1524, 810, 9257, 323, 720, 370, 1263, 519, 13, 3296, 279, 1648, 11, 422, 499, 527, 2728, 282, 7918, 13935, 26153, 330, 2000, 701, 14403, 1359, 720, 9514, 2643, 1390, 311, 28779, 264, 7446, 6307, 33566, 11, 902, 374, 264, 7060, 11, 31368, 720, 10547, 5933, 2592, 315, 282, 7918, 13935, 13, 720, 29690, 11, 433, 374, 539, 1268, 1790, 35719, 374, 13282, 304, 279, 15657, 832, 720, 68, 1900, 11, 719, 1268, 1790, 374, 3604, 41030, 320, 3518, 269, 2788, 323, 35363, 570, 578, 4737, 720, 1073, 21968, 86903, 477, 35719, 33690, 2391, 20209, 1587, 539, 3493, 720, 23620, 35719, 11, 323, 14134, 11384, 28856, 35719, 34751, 304, 279, 720, 501, 582, 16985, 13, 4314, 33690, 3493, 459, 304, 61694, 35719, 320, 49864, 477, 720, 1962, 814, 527, 30929, 17808, 705, 902, 1057, 13162, 5042, 4250, 1005, 13, 720, 9023, 13, 40904, 356, 13, 30011, 593, 706, 13375, 16781, 66196, 323, 720, 61564, 389, 420, 3917, 13, 578, 2038, 1618, 374, 4529, 6089, 505, 1495, 720, 8407, 568, 6267, 13, 21, 14077, 584, 527, 14892, 449, 264, 6811, 304, 10891, 28246, 5879, 198, 48172, 13, 18955, 10320, 43312, 374, 13047, 16743, 750, 16475, 311, 279, 24279, 315, 3355, 5879, 198, 83, 38925, 323, 34072, 505, 8336, 1023, 1109, 5933, 6305, 11, 5933, 720, 57865, 36536, 323, 41245, 2402, 11, 539, 26153, 13, 358, 2846, 2771, 15879, 315, 2225, 720, 82, 3422, 315, 420, 4360, 1436, 14459, 14971, 323, 387, 1633, 40661, 369, 872, 1866, 720, 46185, 11597, 552, 13, 578, 2144, 8625, 430, 11, 4184, 311, 18955, 10320, 43312, 11, 720, 8370, 420, 2363, 374, 682, 922, 11, 682, 28170, 323, 25107, 33690, 11, 387, 5879, 198, 1593, 814, 527, 19983, 660, 11, 527, 12020, 439, 21503, 12571, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 1666, 304, 720, 708, 1690, 1023, 4819, 18815, 26677, 11, 1063, 8776, 16410, 527, 720, 7413, 1251, 311, 15641, 279, 10320, 88364, 292, 59485, 13, 2999, 13, 71362, 72, 480, 13, 473, 1739, 71, 351, 301, 11, 720, 34474, 1802, 520, 279, 13625, 46487, 25992, 39700, 15217, 30638, 555, 720, 13575, 2176, 6187, 78318, 15258, 315, 279, 6826, 369, 30260, 1708, 12669, 44925, 11, 2199, 220, 6280, 13, 720, 21, 49, 31323, 356, 13, 30011, 593, 11, 2405, 920, 13, 330, 71504, 674, 2131, 11, 393, 1466, 4306, 10852, 369, 24327, 83488, 323, 7011, 3051, 6401, 323, 720, 28551, 35567, 1285, 9576, 28813, 1210, 763, 578, 9601, 10170, 6401, 744, 11, 58037, 350, 13, 356, 13, 2939, 85, 13, 19816, 11, 8421, 25, 9601, 720, 36500, 11, 220, 3753, 19, 13, 720, 58524, 423, 71779, 13, 330, 79570, 37842, 44240, 33381, 369, 60747, 519, 24138, 12, 11467, 11, 6193, 949, 15, 82, 1210, 9853, 12167, 8691, 11, 220, 2148, 720, 11356, 220, 3753, 19, 13, 720, 1, 53, 76652, 28443, 5670, 288, 3053, 2893, 92071, 1285, 1210, 9853, 12167, 8691, 11, 220, 508, 6790, 220, 3753, 18, 13, 720, 6849, 7436, 7608, 4716, 61094, 279, 79122, 9251, 315, 7188, 11, 1071, 11, 330, 1687, 527, 1120, 6975, 1148, 11682, 720, 20670, 649, 656, 311, 264, 2678, 87701, 13, 29560, 38925, 527, 11217, 1210, 2999, 13, 473, 1739, 77, 351, 301, 374, 459, 720, 677, 267, 16743, 1122, 4951, 75030, 16549, 13, 2999, 13, 3092, 2298, 12468, 875, 11, 10783, 315, 279, 10181, 315, 720, 35075, 39700, 520, 19326, 3907, 11, 11224, 11, 330, 8538, 1274, 4322, 720, 55911, 8778, 26153, 1093, 32656, 11, 719, 814, 2351, 539, 13, 2435, 2351, 810, 1093, 11217, 13, 1628, 584, 720, 543, 1440, 430, 1070, 527, 912, 6220, 11217, 11, 1193, 6220, 35130, 1210, 720, 33987, 2731, 1109, 4737, 28648, 21968, 86903, 1053, 387, 311, 85947, 279, 720, 1083, 3333, 21968, 86903, 320, 4908, 42819, 8, 304, 701, 13863, 11, 323, 1243, 3139, 16312, 88, 6307, 720, 28163, 10743, 430, 690, 3493, 499, 449, 11510, 315, 41030, 17808, 35719, 0, 1102, 374, 720, 318, 716, 1413, 311, 3619, 430, 35719, 72946, 527, 279, 1121, 539, 1193, 720, 1073, 4737, 304, 39413, 15055, 315, 35719, 11, 719, 1101, 505, 927, 91955, 720, 438, 5906, 22631, 5859, 15657, 11, 12659, 430, 14243, 38974, 74502, 323, 720, 3518, 66181, 13, 83627, 1587, 539, 6920, 449, 433, 279, 5842, 311, 927, 33166, 0, 362, 720, 4870, 8895, 315, 810, 1109, 17510, 311, 17510, 36399, 16701, 649, 1121, 304, 459, 720, 9146, 553, 8945, 323, 264, 1579, 46570, 9889, 13, 22, 60747, 519, 3278, 8541, 311, 927, 33166, 720, 9493, 814, 527, 12459, 7701, 15590, 11, 40694, 466, 660, 15657, 13, 364, 964, 648, 88, 527, 927, 5879, 198, 91955, 304, 2077, 311, 872, 13162, 6, 17738, 430, 43226, 3966, 527, 539, 720, 35214, 2322, 13, 7608, 4716, 61094, 66159, 279, 15657, 430, 527, 279, 1455, 46798, 819, 5879, 198, 287, 369, 6691, 323, 1716, 323, 690, 3604, 1520, 499, 311, 2567, 701, 4785, 720, 60246, 1523, 13, 720, 40345, 57222, 11, 2391, 20209, 810, 1109, 904, 1023, 892, 11, 3738, 720, 3699, 527, 28856, 13, 1115, 2068, 690, 1520, 499, 27115, 22472, 1690, 720, 1073, 1124, 13, 578, 29960, 16985, 11, 902, 374, 10171, 311, 4141, 704, 28856, 33155, 720, 287, 10185, 555, 279, 6691, 323, 6144, 279, 76688, 505, 1521, 33155, 11, 706, 720, 2201, 27375, 304, 23061, 11217, 11, 13200, 11, 27531, 3273, 19941, 11, 49750, 11, 720, 43326, 11, 47205, 11, 323, 11742, 85286, 323, 1685, 79629, 304, 15590, 15657, 13, 720, 1383, 2768, 279, 2068, 499, 690, 9651, 387, 40599, 1521, 720, 71, 2227, 1285, 34453, 13, 2290, 315, 1124, 527, 5343, 304, 904, 315, 279, 5130, 720, 3699, 11, 449, 279, 4788, 315, 12290, 11, 902, 374, 2744, 16717, 439, 459, 10309, 720, 39625, 13, 1666, 3117, 439, 279, 1023, 11, 810, 28856, 33155, 11, 1095, 596, 387, 5803, 720, 2000, 279, 25491, 315, 1057, 3938, 2911, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 330, 19193, 1, 5623, 11, 22866, 720, 269, 2536, 24544, 1479, 11, 430, 649, 387, 4529, 2391, 20209, 11, 72665, 720, 1820, 2144, 430, 1690, 20895, 3278, 527, 2103, 1694, 2346, 325, 839, 311, 1935, 720, 3696, 13602, 13, 666, 278, 307, 316, 579, 574, 16632, 279, 11813, 315, 279, 89135, 13, 2052, 11217, 11, 505, 720, 300, 5682, 258, 311, 6784, 59644, 3078, 311, 68040, 12509, 11, 6920, 449, 1124, 279, 5326, 315, 711, 269, 5879, 198, 76, 488, 323, 10723, 77072, 367, 369, 701, 8945, 13, 45396, 15652, 2391, 720, 30585, 77, 6709, 649, 1121, 304, 330, 69, 22029, 13200, 28439, 1359, 264, 79212, 488, 315, 279, 3663, 720, 438, 2010, 430, 374, 14134, 24895, 555, 10723, 77072, 367, 13, 356, 38880, 483, 720, 258, 11033, 11, 15600, 11, 24905, 300, 11, 18414, 11, 323, 1690, 11217, 706, 1027, 10815, 311, 7342, 720, 755, 115192, 13, 356, 44375, 668, 20149, 11384, 24463, 69764, 311, 279, 76688, 11, 1121, 5879, 198, 287, 304, 42227, 11, 3428, 12923, 66332, 323, 10723, 77072, 367, 13, 720, 22, 763, 856, 1566, 20209, 358, 18661, 264, 2860, 315, 1193, 63360, 16701, 323, 2225, 279, 8945, 323, 358, 1051, 304, 720, 327, 25777, 2890, 13, 3861, 6596, 1306, 279, 7342, 11, 358, 574, 709, 73509, 1461, 81902, 459, 37492, 315, 4907, 0, 720, 17673, 80199, 63706, 5876, 1863, 9109, 5871, 42, 1507 ]
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balancing the whole mind body system. To respect your body type, youhave to trust that its needs are good for you. Telling Bobby to look for a new job was in line with what his body was already saying. No one can be happy or healthy in an unbalanced state, because it is just not natural. AS NA TURE MADE YOU Like the doshas, your prakruti is double-edged. You can see yourself as trapped by it, or you can learn from it and benefit from what your system is trying to tell you. A Pitta nature may predispose you to hostility and a Vata nature to irritable bowels, but nothing forces you to embrace the stressful lifestyle that fans Pitta to a flame or drives Vata to exhaustion, bringing out such problems. Living with your doshas is a perfect example of how to find freedom within your nature’ s limits. Because you were born with it, your body type does not change. On the other hand, the doshas are constantly in flux. Every time you look at a mountain, eat a potato chip, listen to Mozart, or carry out any thought or action, your doshas shift. A person whose heart is pounding is having a strong Vata reaction, no matter what his basic nature is. Whatever your prakruti happens to be, try to live all three doshas fully. To be completely healthy, everyone needs to experience and express the best that can be derived from each of the doshas—that is what it means to become a complete person. The positive psychological traits of each dosha include the following: Vata— imaginative, sensitive, spontaneous, r esilient, exhilarated Pitta— intellectual, confident, enterprising, joyous Kapha— calm, sympathetic, courageous, for giving, loving Whenever you meet someone who lives up to all of these qualities, naturally you are impressed. Such a person has accepted the greatest gift ofnature—perfect balance. Rare as it is, perfect balance is not abnormal; it is possible for everyone to achieve. Every body type contains a wide range of possibilities. Unfortunately, we all have a tendency to compa re ourselves to a norm, which generates feelings of inadequacy when we cannot live up to the standards we feel everyone must meet. Such conformity is not in nature’ s plan. Take the following example: Body weight is a sensitive subject. Everyone wants to maintain an ideal weight, but millions of people struggle in vain. Critics point out that our society is obsessed with thinness at any price; women in particular feel anxious and unworthy if they don’t look as if they just stepped out of the pages of Vogue. (The current fad for weight training has added a little more muscle to the desirable female frame, but it has also stripped acceptable body fat down to near zero.) Ayurveda would say that the trouble does not lie in our fixation on the perfect figure but in ignorance about nature’ s underlying design. By nature, a Vata woman will be thin and a Kapha solid, if not actually heavy. What gives both types their undeniable attractiveness lies deeper. Vatas are charming, vivacious, and vibrant—they communicate a natural sense of exhilaration. Kaphas may not be blessed with light, agile bodies, but they have their own beauty—they are serene, with large, soft eyes, a graceful manner, and a full, gently contoured figure. In the eyes of an Ayurvedic doctor, this is the ideal type, as healthy as it is beautiful. Pittas, who come closest to our current Western notions of the ideal type physi cally, being medium in build and well proportioned, also have a quality of self-control that makes them attractive to others. Each dosha, then, provid es an ideal that is of equal worth in nature’ s eyes; it should be equal in our eyes, too. People sometimes think that “balancing the doshas” means trying to get equal amounts of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. That is mistaken; you cannot change the ratio of doshas you were born with. What you can do is find the balance that is right for each dosha in you. The doshas function on a slidingscale, with too much or too little at either end of the scale and a point of balance in the middle: Ayurveda tells you to keep as close to the balance point as you can. This is not something you have to concentrate on. Your body keeps in balance by following its normal processes. But since the doshas are so responsive to your habits, you do need to learn how to stop pulling them out of balance. It is customary to think mainly in terms of aggravating a dosha rather than depleting it, because being a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha type indicates that you already have a good amount of that one dosha. Your aim is not to add more (aggravate the dosha), which would lead to imbalance. A Vata person who has developed weak digestion could be diagnosed as having depleted Pitta, but for all practical purposes he is treated as having aggravated Vata, the most likely cause of the problem. If a dosh a goes out of balance, you would typically notice the following physical symptoms: Vata is unbalanced when there is pain, spasms, cramps, chills, or shakiness. Pitta is unbalanced when there is inflammation, fever, excessive hunger and thirst, heartburn, or hot flashes. Kapha is unbalanced when there is congestion, mucus dischar ge, heaviness, fluid r etention, lethar gy, or oversleeping. These simple guidelines can help you when you have unexplained symptoms of illness (a more detailed description of how to spot imbalances is given at the end of this chapte r). We should emphasize that guidelines arenot a substitute for medical school; an Ayurvedic physician, like his Western counterpart, spends a lifetime learning to diagnose disorders of all kinds. Any dosha can give rise to any symptom. Constipation, a textb ook sign of Vata imbalance, can be due to Pitta or Kapha in some cases; this holds true for every other typical sympto m. If you are seriously ill, you need a professional opinion about your condition. When symptoms turn into chronic conditions, diagnoses based on body types continue to be useful. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha people tend to be susceptible to dif ferent disorders, both physical and mental. Vata types are prone to insomnia, chronic constipation, nervous stomach, anxiety and depression, muscle spasms or cramps, PMS (premenstrual syndr ome), irritable bowel, chr onic pain, high blood pr essur e, and arthritis. Pitta types are prone to rashes, acne, heartburn, peptic ulcers, early balding and prematur e gray hair, poor eyesight, hostility, self-criticism, and heart attacks r elated to str ess (T ype A behavior). Kapha types are prone to obesity, congested sinuses, chest colds, painful joints, asthma and/or allergies, depression, diabetes, high cholester ol, and chronic sluggishness in the morning. This simply outlines the broad shape of things. There is no simple one-to- one relationship between a disease and a body type. Being a Vata does not mean that nature has doomed you to get arthritis, nor does being a Pitta or a Kapha automatically protect you from it. Illness is individual and depends on the overall pattern of your life, with body type serving as an important influence, not a cause. Also, major disorders such as heart disease and cancer are the result of more than one dosha becoming unbalanced. Once one dosha is disturbed, the others will follow suit unless balance is restored. Although different in severity, colds and asthma are linked in Ayurveda, because they often involve Vata going out of balance first, followed by Kapha aggravation. Knowing the dosha that usually leads the pack (it is usually Vata) helps you to correct the imbalance as soon as possible. When you see someone who isangry and anxious at the same time, a typical combination in high-stress situations, you quickly recognize that Vata has gone out of balance and led Pitta after it. You will notice that some of the symptoms of dosha imba lance are mental. This is an important fact. Your mind first detects imbalances in the body. Since a balanced body makes the mind alert, clear, sensitive, and happy, its absence causes these qualities to decline. When they do, something has gone wrong with a dosha. By standards accepted in our society, you can be normal without being happy. Ayurveda argues that this is not nature’ s standard of health, however; unhappiness indicates that action is needed now to avoid disease in the future. THE SUBTLE SOURCE OF DISEASE Recently we saw a woman who had under gone a mastectomy for breast cancer; the surgery had been successful, and she was considered out of danger. A complication arose, however. She returned to her surgeon repeatedly, complaining of pain. “I can’ t find anything wrong,” he said.
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77513, 1486, 704, 430, 1057, 198, 82, 6180, 374, 44898, 449, 15792, 2136, 520, 904, 3430, 26, 3278, 304, 4040, 2733, 198, 276, 30351, 323, 15375, 34594, 422, 814, 1541, 1431, 1427, 439, 422, 814, 1120, 25319, 704, 315, 279, 198, 11014, 315, 91072, 662, 320, 791, 1510, 282, 329, 369, 4785, 4967, 706, 3779, 264, 2697, 810, 198, 38827, 9326, 311, 279, 35946, 8954, 4124, 11, 719, 433, 706, 1101, 37779, 22281, 198, 2664, 8834, 1523, 311, 3221, 7315, 29275, 74209, 80627, 64, 1053, 2019, 430, 279, 12544, 1587, 539, 10457, 304, 1057, 84862, 389, 279, 198, 64185, 7216, 719, 304, 41660, 922, 7138, 529, 274, 16940, 2955, 13, 3296, 7138, 345, 64, 650, 460, 5333, 690, 387, 15792, 323, 264, 735, 1366, 64, 6573, 11, 422, 539, 3604, 8987, 662, 3639, 198, 70, 1924, 2225, 4595, 872, 81832, 100045, 15812, 19662, 662, 650, 19907, 527, 198, 1799, 5424, 11, 18434, 19995, 11, 323, 34076, 71201, 19570, 264, 5933, 5647, 315, 198, 327, 71, 3653, 367, 13, 735, 1366, 300, 1253, 539, 387, 33944, 449, 3177, 11, 62565, 13162, 11, 719, 814, 198, 19553, 872, 1866, 13444, 71201, 527, 95863, 11, 449, 3544, 11, 8579, 6548, 11, 264, 78462, 198, 76, 4992, 1174, 323, 264, 2539, 11, 30373, 687, 21020, 7216, 13, 763, 279, 6548, 315, 459, 24852, 80627, 292, 198, 38083, 1174, 420, 374, 279, 10728, 955, 11, 439, 9498, 439, 433, 374, 6366, 13, 21823, 300, 1174, 889, 2586, 198, 37561, 311, 1057, 1510, 11104, 59682, 315, 279, 10728, 955, 4571, 72, 272, 750, 1174, 1694, 198, 27178, 304, 1977, 323, 1664, 21801, 291, 11, 1101, 617, 264, 4367, 315, 659, 4565, 198, 9210, 3727, 1124, 19411, 311, 3885, 13, 9062, 8924, 4317, 11, 1243, 11, 2104, 1560, 459, 10728, 198, 9210, 374, 315, 6273, 5922, 304, 7138, 529, 274, 6548, 26, 433, 1288, 387, 6273, 304, 1057, 6548, 11, 2288, 627, 16298, 7170, 1781, 430, 1054, 13616, 9151, 279, 8924, 4752, 863, 3445, 4560, 311, 636, 198, 26880, 15055, 315, 650, 460, 11, 21823, 64, 11, 323, 735, 1366, 64, 13, 3011, 374, 37104, 26, 499, 4250, 198, 3455, 279, 11595, 315, 8924, 4752, 499, 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36490, 349, 220, 279, 8924, 4317, 705, 902, 1053, 3063, 311, 68331, 13, 362, 650, 460, 1732, 198, 14965, 706, 8040, 7621, 74502, 1436, 387, 29704, 439, 3515, 79266, 198, 47, 46124, 11, 719, 369, 682, 15325, 10096, 568, 374, 12020, 439, 3515, 63368, 650, 460, 345, 1820, 1455, 4461, 5353, 315, 279, 3575, 627, 2746, 264, 8924, 71, 264, 5900, 704, 315, 8335, 11, 499, 1053, 11383, 5406, 279, 2768, 198, 47692, 13803, 512, 53, 460, 374, 653, 59502, 994, 1070, 374, 6784, 11, 83060, 1026, 11, 1589, 14989, 11, 523, 3385, 11, 477, 198, 939, 587, 1918, 627, 47, 46124, 374, 653, 59502, 994, 1070, 374, 37140, 11, 34653, 1174, 27639, 34906, 323, 198, 339, 874, 11, 4851, 22464, 11, 477, 4106, 62385, 627, 42, 1366, 64, 374, 653, 59502, 994, 1070, 374, 55146, 11, 296, 38601, 834, 1799, 3980, 345, 383, 402, 1918, 11, 15962, 436, 1880, 3012, 11, 98522, 277, 29720, 11, 477, 17918, 3583, 287, 627, 9673, 4382, 17959, 649, 1520, 499, 994, 499, 617, 653, 81950, 198, 24738, 52273, 315, 17563, 320, 64, 810, 11944, 4096, 315, 1268, 311, 7858, 737, 76527, 198, 285, 2728, 520, 279, 842, 315, 420, 38838, 668, 436, 570, 1226, 1288, 47032, 430, 17959, 527, 1962, 264, 28779, 369, 6593, 2978, 26, 459, 24852, 80627, 292, 28378, 11, 1093, 813, 11104, 198, 8456, 4581, 11, 38202, 264, 19569, 6975, 311, 58681, 24673, 315, 682, 13124, 627, 8780, 8924, 4317, 649, 3041, 10205, 311, 904, 49648, 13, 25538, 49686, 11, 264, 1495, 65, 28579, 1879, 315, 198, 53, 460, 68331, 11, 220, 649, 387, 4245, 311, 21823, 64, 477, 735, 1366, 64, 304, 1063, 5157, 26, 420, 10187, 837, 198, 2000, 1475, 1023, 14595, 12104, 78, 296, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 14243, 5986, 11, 499, 1205, 264, 198, 66886, 9647, 922, 701, 3044, 627, 4599, 13803, 2543, 1139, 21249, 4787, 11, 85488, 3196, 220, 389, 2547, 198, 9426, 3136, 311, 387, 5505, 13, 650, 460, 11, 21823, 64, 11, 323, 735, 1366, 64, 1274, 8541, 311, 387, 198, 86521, 1512, 1260, 311, 1422, 18728, 306, 24673, 11, 2225, 7106, 323, 10723, 627, 53, 460, 4595, 527, 38097, 311, 83511, 11, 21249, 738, 49686, 11, 23418, 23152, 13801, 276, 16708, 323, 18710, 11, 16124, 83060, 1026, 477, 1589, 14989, 11, 393, 4931, 320, 1762, 5794, 496, 940, 198, 23707, 303, 81, 297, 2727, 705, 6348, 23349, 66358, 11, 29231, 389, 292, 6784, 11, 1579, 6680, 550, 4043, 324, 384, 11, 323, 55652, 627, 47, 46124, 4595, 527, 38097, 311, 436, 14380, 11, 46905, 11, 4851, 22464, 11, 1069, 27330, 8725, 17254, 11, 4216, 198, 65, 4852, 287, 323, 6954, 2693, 384, 18004, 7013, 11, 8009, 6548, 492, 11, 61029, 1174, 659, 1824, 1018, 42914, 11, 323, 198, 18207, 8951, 436, 658, 660, 311, 610, 4043, 320, 51, 379, 375, 362, 7865, 4390, 42, 1366, 64, 4595, 527, 38097, 311, 33048, 11, 44385, 291, 7589, 4881, 11, 15489, 9439, 82, 11, 26175, 198, 73, 14737, 11, 51643, 323, 5255, 58742, 11, 18710, 11, 20335, 11, 1579, 523, 1286, 3751, 8492, 11, 323, 198, 7562, 292, 88046, 2136, 304, 279, 6693, 627, 2028, 5042, 50729, 279, 7353, 6211, 315, 2574, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 4382, 832, 4791, 7058, 606, 5133, 1990, 264, 8624, 323, 264, 2547, 955, 13, 21347, 264, 650, 460, 1587, 539, 198, 14622, 430, 7138, 706, 58737, 499, 311, 636, 55652, 11, 6463, 1587, 1694, 220, 264, 21823, 64, 477, 264, 198, 42, 1366, 64, 9651, 6144, 499, 505, 433, 13, 12799, 2136, 374, 3927, 323, 14117, 198, 263, 279, 8244, 5497, 315, 701, 2324, 11, 449, 2547, 955, 13788, 439, 459, 3062, 198, 258, 41116, 11, 539, 264, 5353, 627, 13699, 11, 3682, 24673, 1778, 439, 4851, 8624, 323, 9572, 527, 279, 1121, 315, 198, 6518, 1109, 832, 8924, 4317, 10671, 653, 59502, 13, 9843, 832, 8924, 4317, 374, 56507, 345, 1820, 3885, 690, 1833, 7937, 7389, 8335, 374, 28101, 13, 10541, 2204, 304, 198, 78119, 1174, 9439, 82, 323, 51643, 527, 10815, 304, 24852, 80627, 64, 11, 1606, 814, 3629, 198, 14386, 4035, 650, 460, 2133, 704, 315, 8335, 1176, 11, 8272, 555, 735, 1366, 64, 46041, 367, 627, 96621, 279, 8924, 4317, 430, 6118, 11767, 279, 3854, 320, 275, 374, 6118, 650, 460, 8, 8779, 499, 198, 998, 4495, 279, 68331, 439, 5246, 220, 439, 3284, 13, 3277, 499, 1518, 4423, 889, 374, 526, 894, 323, 38100, 520, 279, 1890, 220, 892, 11, 264, 14595, 10824, 304, 1579, 5594, 676, 198, 82, 33462, 811, 11, 499, 6288, 15641, 430, 650, 460, 706, 8208, 704, 315, 8335, 323, 6197, 198, 47, 46124, 1306, 433, 627, 2675, 690, 5406, 430, 1063, 315, 279, 13803, 315, 8924, 4317, 737, 4749, 86345, 527, 198, 93221, 13, 1115, 374, 459, 3062, 2144, 13, 4718, 4059, 1176, 67578, 737, 76527, 304, 279, 198, 2664, 662, 8876, 264, 24770, 2547, 3727, 279, 4059, 5225, 11, 2867, 1174, 16614, 11, 323, 198, 57621, 1174, 1202, 19821, 11384, 1521, 29600, 311, 18174, 13, 3277, 814, 656, 345, 34431, 706, 8208, 5076, 449, 264, 8924, 4317, 13, 3296, 10886, 11928, 304, 1057, 198, 82, 6180, 1174, 499, 649, 387, 4725, 2085, 1694, 6380, 662, 24852, 80627, 64, 29633, 430, 420, 198, 285, 539, 7138, 529, 274, 5410, 315, 2890, 11, 4869, 26, 31175, 67391, 15151, 430, 198, 1335, 374, 4460, 1457, 311, 5766, 8624, 304, 279, 3938, 627, 17673, 16532, 51, 877, 54431, 3083, 220, 423, 9311, 4157, 198, 46237, 584, 5602, 264, 5333, 889, 1047, 1234, 8208, 264, 19218, 72783, 369, 17659, 198, 66, 11967, 26, 279, 15173, 1047, 1027, 6992, 11, 323, 1364, 574, 6646, 704, 315, 198, 32550, 662, 362, 86919, 51063, 11, 4869, 662, 3005, 6052, 311, 1077, 46098, 198, 265, 43054, 398, 1174, 42126, 315, 6784, 627, 10378, 649, 529, 259, 1505, 4205, 5076, 2476, 568, 1071, 627 ]