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Gmail is a free email service that you access directly through the Internet. All you need is a Web browser and a free Gmail account. This course will help anyone, regardless of experience or knowledge, to get the most out of a Gmail account. It doesn't matter if you've ever used another email program or if you are completely new to email.
Students will learn how to compose an email, as well as how to read & reply to email messages that you receive. You will learn how to manage a “Contact List” so that you don’t need to remember your friends’ email addresses. An extension of this will be creating a group of contacts so you can easily send one message that will be received by all members of group of people (such as members of a Shell Point activity). Learn also how to store and organize email messages through the use of labels, for easy retrieval. |
The United States satellite ozone measurement program for ozone (NASA and NOAA) has measured ozone distribution by season, latitude, and longitude, and has observed long-term changes over more than 20 years using a variety of satellite instruments. The instruments in use today will over the next five to ten years be replaced by a new generation of improved, more sophisticated instruments. These will be employed to continuously monitor the atmosphere from operational meteorological satellites in the United States.
We've already discussed some of these instruments in the context of their viewing geometry, such as the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) series, and the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) series. Other scheduled future missions include the on-going Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS); the Earth Observing System-Chemistry (EOS-Chem) platform; the two separate SAGE III missions; the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS), scheduled for launch in 2007; the European ENVISAT and EUMETSAT's Meteorological Operational (METOP) series missions, beginning in 2003; and the Japanese ADEOS-II mission; as well as future Space Shuttle missions. We will review each of these ozone monitoring missions in this section.
6.1.1 Timeline of Ozone Monitoring Satellite Missions -- Although atmospheric constituent measurements began in 1970, routine measurements did not begin until 1978 with the launch of the Nimbus-7 satellite. It carried both a TOMS and an SBUV instrument. Figure 7.03 illustrates a timeline of satellite atmospheric measurements since November 1978 when Nimbus-7 was launched. It runs through the present (1998), showing the various SBUV, SAGE, TOMS-like, and GOME instruments currently in use. The timeline is also projected into the future to 2010 in order to show the new generation of SBUV, SAGE, and TOMS instruments slated to be launched into orbit on future missions such as EOS-Chem, NPOESS, and ENVISAT-1.
6.1.2 UARS Measurements -- The Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) was launched in 1991. The spacecraft has already exceeded its design life, and plans are now focused on continuing measurements for a long time period (a delicate task of balancing aging instrument and satellite problems). Figure 7.04 shows a schematic diagram of the UARS observatory, including the various instrumentation it carries.
The remote sensing instruments are attached to the satellite such that their viewing axes are not obscured by solar panels or telemetry antennas. The Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) continues to provide profile measurements of ozone and other important gases, notably the halogen reservoir species hydrogen chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF). The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) provides stratospheric ClO, HNO3, and O3, as well as upper tropospheric H2O. The Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) and Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) provide spectrally resolved UV radiation, and the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) measures total solar irradiance.
6.1.3 Space Shuttle Measurements -- NASA is making limited use of the Space Shuttle for atmospheric chemistry measurements. The Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) instrument flew eight times on the Shuttle to provide ozone calibration data for the SBUV/2, TOMS, and UARS ozone instruments. NASA sponsored the German Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere-Shuttle Pallet Satellite (CRISTA-SPAS) payload launched in August 1997. CRISTA-SPAS provided unique data in several areas, including small-scale dynamical variability in trace constituent composition important in ozone chemistry. Also launched was the Middle Atmosphere High Resolution Spectrographic Investigation (MAHRSI) instrument. It measures the amount of hydroxyl radicals in the upper and middle stratosphere. The Space Shuttle is also being used as a platform to demonstrate advance techniques, such as limb scattering for observing ozone and atmospheric chemistry from space.
6.1.4 EOS-Chem Measurements -- The chemistry platform of the Earth Observing System (EOS-Chem), to be launched in December 2002, will have four complementary instruments which utilize different wavelength regions and viewing techniques to measure ozone and related atmospheric constituents. They will focus on the stratosphere and upper troposphere. We've already discussed in Section 4.1.3 (C), the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HiRDLS) and the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES). The HiRDLS is an infrared emission spectrometer which will also measure small-scale dynamical variability in trace constituent distributions. The TES will measure profiles of ozone and several other important constituents in the troposphere, and will also measure a number of species in the lower stratosphere. The improved Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard the EOS-Chem will measure concentrations of many radical and reservoir species. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is a Dutch designed, next generation, TOMS and SBUV type of instrument that will provide daily maps and profiles of total ozone, aerosols, UV-B radiation, and other atmospheric constituents.
The HiRDLS, MLS, and TES instruments on-board the EOS-Chem satellite all use the limb emission viewing technique to make measurements of thermal radiation, though the TES also has nadir viewing capabilities. Figure 7.05 illustrates the constituents that will be measured by these three instruments onboard EOS-Chem. The importance of these constituents to ozone concentrations was discussed in Chapter 5.
SAGE III is slated for flight aboard a Russian Meteor-3M spacecraft in 1999 and the International Space Station in 2002. These are in complementary orbits. The sun-synchronous polar orbit of Meteor-3M will allow the SAGE III instrument to make measurements at high latitudes using the solar occultation technique. The inclined orbit (51.6°) of the Space Station will provide solar occultation coverage from the tropics to mid-latitudes. Lunar occultations will cover a broad range of latitudes, and will provide the opportunity for measurements of NO3 and OClO, which are only present in significant amounts at nighttime due to their rapid photolysis during the day.
6.1.6 NPOESS Measurements -- NASA is closely cooperating with NOAA on the development of ozone-measuring instruments for the National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) in which Department of Defense, NOAA, and NASA have been directed to combine their operational measurements into a single satellite system. The major need in this area is to find a replacement for the NOAA-14 SBUV/2 instrument, which is unable to measure profiles with sufficient resolution and to measure the ozone profile below the peak in the ozone layer. The replacement instrument (or instruments) will have capability for both total ozone and ozone vertical profile measurements, exceeding the capabilities of the SBUV/2.
6.1.7 ENVISAT-1 Measurements -- The European Space Agency's ENVISAT-1, an advanced polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite, is scheduled for launch in May 2000. It will contain several instruments, including SCIAMACHY, GOMOS, and MIPAS designed to measure atmospheric constituents such as ozone. Refer back to Section 4.1.4 for a discussion of the SCIAMACHY instrument. The GOMOS instrument is discussed in Section 4.1.2 (C). The MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) is a Fourier transform spectrometer for measurement of high resolution emission spectra of trace gas species at the Earth's limb. It operates in the near- and midinfrared range.
6.1.8 EUMETSAT Measurements -- Starting in early 2003, ThEUMETSAT) will launch a series of polar orbiting satellites. They are designed to replace the NOAA "morning meteorological satellites" that cross the equator on a descending orbit before noon local time. The first two Meteorological Operational (METOP) satellites are slated to carry new Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instruments. As noted in Section 4.1.1 (iv), a GOME instrument is now flying on the European Remote Sensing-2 (ERS-2) satellite.
6.1.9 ADEOS-II Measurements -- In early 1999, National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) will launch ADEOS-II (short for Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II). It will carry the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer-II (ILAS-II) to monitor high-latitude stratospheric ozone using solar occultation. ILAS-II will also measure vertical profiles of species related to ozone depletion such as nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, chlorine nitrate, and chlorofluorocarbons. The first ADEOS, which carried an array of instruments, including an ILAS and a TOMS instrument, malfunctioned after less than a year because of solar array failure.
High flying balloons provide an important tool for probing the atmosphere. Figure 7.06 shows a picture of an upper atmospheric research balloon being launched.
Such balloon launches form an essential part of high altitude atmospheric research. There are three major advantages of the balloon program involving (1) the broad range of altitudes they can reach for either in-situ or remote sensing measurements; (2) the additional, correlative data source they represent beyond satellite measurements; and (3) the testing platform for new equipment that they provide.
6.2.1 Extensive Altitude Range -- The first major advantage of the balloon program for atmospheric research is the extensive altitude range they can cover. Balloons provide a unique way of covering a broad range of altitudes for in-situ or remote sensing measurements in the stratosphere. Of particular interest is the 22-40 km region, which is higher than the altitude range of current aircraft such as the ER-2. In some cases, a combination of instruments on a single balloon gondola can provide a complete set of measurements. Balloons filled with 7500 cubic meters of helium can carry a 50 kilogram payload to an altitude of 40 kilometers. These measurements can be utilized together with process models to carry out detailed tests of photochemical theory. Data gathered by balloon platforms can also be used together with data gathered by aircraft platforms. Measurements from the Observation of the Middle Stratosphere (OMS) experiment, carried on a balloon platform, were made in association with the Stratospheric Tracers of Atmospheric Transport (STRAT) study, which was carried out on ER-2 aircraft platforms.
6.2.2 Additional, Correlative Data Source -- The second advantage is that balloon instruments provide the opportunity for additional, correlative data for satellite based measurements, including both validation ("atmospheric truth") and complementary data (for example, measurement of species not measured from the space based instrument). Balloon instruments formed a critical part of the correlative measurements program for the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), and current plans are to use some of NASA's balloon instruments in support of the validation program for SAGE III, EOS-Chem, and the European Space Agency ENVISAT-1.
6.2.3 Venue For Testing -- The third and final application of balloon based platforms is that they constitute an important and inexpensive venue for testing instruments under development. These can be either potential instruments for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or, in some cases, for satellite based remote sensing instruments.
Aircraft observations have made major contributions to our understanding of the stratosphere. NASA has two primary aircraft for these observations; the high altitude ER-2 (NASA's version of the famous U-2 spy plane), and a long range DC-8 (a four engine airliner converted to science use). The ER- 2 can reach altitudes over 20 km (~70,000 ft.), while the DC-8 has a range of about 10,000 km. The aircraft carry both in-situ and remote sensing (active and passive) instruments.
6.3.1 Specific Aircraft Missions -- These aircraft have been employed on a number of missions devoted to investigating specific aspects of the stratosphere over the last decade. A partial list of the missions is given below.
These missions have investigated a variety to topics related to stratospheric and tropospheric ozone. STEP and STRAT examined how material is transported between the stratosphere and troposphere, both into the tropical stratosphere and out of the extratropical stratosphere. The AAOE and ASHOE/MAESA missions studied the Antarctic ozone hole, in the context of the radiation, dynamics, and photochemical evolution of the southern hemisphere. AASE I and II, TOTE/VOTE, SPADE, and POLARIS investigated Arctic and northern midlatitude ozone losses. The SONEX mission investigated the impact of aircraft on ozone levels in the upper troposphere.
6.3.2 ER-2 Payload -- The ER-2 primarily carries a large payload of in-situ instruments that measure an extensive spectrum of radical trace gases, such as NOx, HOx, ClO, BrO, and other longer lived gases, such as ozone, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, and the chlorofluorocarbons. These instruments are state-of-the-art science packages that operate autonomously during flight with minimal actions by the ER-2 pilot. Each instrument is maintained by a separate team of experimentalists. During the 1997 POLARIS mission, 19 instruments were aboard the ER-2. This set of instruments provided a complete set of observations for assessing the chemical makeup of the stratosphere. Measurements of selected gases within the important families of stratospheric gases (such as nitrogen, hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, and oxygen) provide an accurate assessment of chemical species in the stratosphere. The set of observations taken during POLARIS revealed that the summer polar stratospheric ozone levels were dominated by catalytic loss due to nitrogen radicals (see Chapter 5). Making such determinations is critically dependent on in-situ field observations, theoretical models, and laboratory measurements.
6.3.3 DC-8 Payload -- The DC-8 also carries a large payload of instruments that can make observations of the stratosphere. In contrast to the ER-2, which principally carries an in-situ payload, the DC-8 carries both remote sounding instruments and in-situ instruments. In the recent TOTE/VOTE experiment, the DC-8 used lidar instruments to obtain observations of temperature, ozone, aerosols, water, and methane across the polar vortex with flights between Alaska and Iceland. These remote observations provide a very detailed picture of stratospheric ozone levels that is simply unavailable from satellite or ground observations.
6.3.4 Using Aircraft and Satellite Data To Complement Each Other -- The aircraft and satellite data sets complement one another. Aircraft data are obtained from highly calibrated instruments at a very high precision, accuracy, and spatial resolution. In principle, such observations are superior for understanding the stratosphere. But aircraft observations provide only snapshot pictures of the stratosphere. It is not possible to have such high quality, global data on a continuous basis. Though satellite data have coarser resolution, they can provide long term, global observations (depending on the orbital characteristics of the satellite).
Aircraft observations are used to validate satellite measurements. For example, multiyear TOMS total ozone satellite observations have shown that total ozone levels have decreased in the northern polar region during the summer. During the POLARIS campaign, ER-2 observations confirmed this decrease and demonstrated that the decrease resulted from NOx catalytic destruction of ozone. For their part, satellite measurements extend observations to times and regions that are unobservable by aircraft. An example is the ER-2 observations of the Antarctic ozone hole in 1987 during the AAOE mission. This mission demonstrated that the ozone hole resulted from chlorine radicals that had been activated on polar stratospheric clouds. Satellite measurements have since been able to observe the development of the ozone hole each year at the same time of the year. Both of these examples illustrate that while aircraft can only make snap shot of the stratosphere, they are necessary to understand the overall conditions monitored by satellites.
Ground based measurements of atmospheric trace constituents depend on the use of a global network of high quality research instruments. Such instruments help determine variability and long-term trends in these trace gases, including ozone. The two major efforts in this area are (1) the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE), formerly known as the Atmospheric Lifetime Experiment - Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (ALE-GAGE), and (2) the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC). AGAGE provides critical monitoring of the surface concentrations of both manmade and naturally produced trace gases, while NDSC monitors the chemical composition of the stratosphere. The network of AGAGE and NDSC stations are shown in Figure 7.07.
Figure 7.07 includes AGAGE ground measurement sites and NDSC primary and complementary sites. The period of operation for Irish stations was 1978-1983 for Adrigole and since 1987 for Mace Head. The Cape Meares, Oregon station operated only from 1980 to 1989.
The original emphasis in AGAGE was on halogen containing species (principally chlorinated species), though nitrous oxide and methane were also measured. This has been expanded to include bromine-containing species like halons and methyl bromide, as well as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). AGAGE investigators have a significant modeling program to ensure that their full global data set is used. AGAGE sites are included in Figure 7.07.
6.4.2 NDSC Monitoring Network -- NDSC is an internationally directed and sponsored program with major support from NASA, NOAA, and foreign partners, in which a number of remote-sensing instruments meeting mutually agreed upon standards have been deployed at sites around the world. Major instrument categories deployed at the NDSC's "primary sites" include Fourier transform interferometers, millimeter wave emission spectrometers, visible and UV absorption spectrometers, and lidars. Together these instruments provide measurements of column amounts or profiles of atmospherically important species. In addition to the primary NDSC sites, complementary sites involving a less complete set of instruments are also participating. Primary NDSC sites and a summary of complementary sites are also given in Figure 7.07.
Since consistency of calibration, both among various instruments used and over long time periods, is a hallmark of the NDSC program, there will be a continuing program of instrument comparisons through laboratory and field efforts. NDSC has a program for related modeling investigations which ensures that the data it gathers will be fully utilized. NDSC instruments have also been involved in validation measurements for space based instruments, and provide measurements in support of aircraft campaigns. |
Contained within this video library are literally hundreds and hundreds of educational videos to help you understand how lawsuits work in the state of New York. No matter what type of accident or medical malpractice case you may have, my goal when creating these videos was to educate you.
I originally started creating these videos because there was nobody else anywhere who was educating the public online and teaching viewers the step-by-step process that occurs in these cases. I have found that people who come to my website spend a tremendous amount of time here.
As you know, these videos are not meant as legal advice at all. Rather, they are designed to explain how lawsuits work. Finding the right attorney can be a difficult task. Hopefully, these videos will help you make a decision about which attorney is right for you and what information you need to know before you ever walk into an attorney's office.
If you have legal questions, I encourage you to pick up the phone and call me at 516-487-8207. I welcome your call.
Surgeon has an obligation to cut only what he can see; New York medical malpractice attorney Gerry Oginski Explains
Surgical Complications: Risks of Surgery or Medical Malpractice? NY Trial Attorney Gerry Oginski Explains
Patient Dies on Operating Room Table and there's No Pain & Suffering...Can You Still Bring a Lawsuit in NY?
There's a knock at your door. He says he's a process server and you need to know whether you have to open the door.
The defense attorney hires a medical expert but fails to disclose key information prior to your medical malpractice trial-what can we do about it?
You have 3 days left to start your New York medical malpractice lawsuit. Here's why I cannot help you.
It was supposed to be a routine hernia repair. Young man has surgery but dies from anesthesia overdose
You're Walking in the Parking Lot During a Snowstorm, Slip & Fall on Snow & Ice and Break Your Leg; Is the Property Owner Responsible?
You Fell on Stairs-Broke Your Leg & Homeowner Fixed Problem Immediately After; Can You Use That To Show He's Responsible? |
Description: This premier community shopping center adjoins Paradise Valley, one of the most exclusive areas in the state of Arizona, at the intersection of Scottsdale Road and Indian Bend Road. Prominent tenants include Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, Starbucks, Jamba Juice, Wildflower Bread Company, and Draper & Damon's. This signalized intersection serves 45,000 cars per day and benefits from direct access to Highway 101 loop. Directly across the street is the proposed $400 million Ritz-Carlton Resort and the popular destination for families, McCormick Railroad Park.
Acquisition Type: This Property was acquired as part of a portfolio acquisition with La Mirada Center and the Scottsdale Seville Office building.
Their lenses are comfortable, long-lasting and convinient and are delivered with a whole range of lifestyles in mind; from lenses targetted at eyes in the workplace to those out and about.
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Algeria government is republic.The head of there government is PM Abclemark Sellal. our capital city is Algeris. Independence day is celebrated on July 5,1962. The voting age has to be 18 years of age.
Algeria economy is dominated.Our currency is Algeria dinar. The GDP is 7,500 dollars. Some of our major industry's are oil,zinc,coal,and natural gas. Our industry is 13.4%.
Our location is in North Africa near the Mediterranean sea.The climate is wet winters and hot summers.There is usually sad,and lots of wind.The natural resources are petroleum,natural gas,iron,lead,zinc,and phosphates. The desserts and mountains are the transportation barriers. The Mediterranean sea is the transportation corridors.
The ethnic groups are Arab-Berber 99% and Eruopen is less than 1%. The religions are Muslims 99% and Other 1%. The langues are Berber,Mzab Berber,Tuareg Berber. The food they eat are fish,fruit, The holidays are Ramadan,Muhammad, and Eldal-Fiter.
Marilyn Monroe was an iconic woman whose tragic death affected millions of people and made an impact for generations after hers. She was found lying on her bed without clothes by her housekeeper. The year was 1962 and bottles of sleeping pills were found near her bed. She was always afraid that she would lose her sanity like her mother.
One way that the media portrayed Monroe's death was a theory that the doctor who prescribed the pills to her was what ultimately led to her overdose. This video shows evidence that Marilyn was suffering from depression and bipolar disorder for quiet a while. This would explain her erratic mood swings and behavior during the filming of her movies. "Dr Hyman Engelberg, her personal physician, of ‘signing her death sentence’ by prescribing a lethal cocktail of sleeping pills"(Creighton, 2015, 1).
The other perspective is one that is portrayed by directors who has not paid any attention to the who Marilyn was off screen since they only focused on her onscreen persona. Marilyn suffered from depression that stemmed from being abused at a young age. To block out this pain she went into acting- playing different characters to mask fear shes always felt. It was apparent from the beginning that she would have troubles from relationships to her acting career and well into her personal life. She was a little girl who thought that she needed to grow up fast and be what everyone else thought she should be-look- and act like but it was not necessary. The directors should have seen that she was in trouble and fighting a battle within herself that was only fueled by their demands to make the movie perfect. The directors were blinded and did not see until it was too late.
The media has a certain bias for being hypocritical. In almost every article I read the media portrayed her as this girl who has a need for attention and affection as well as, this wonderful actress, but in the next paragraph the author would talk about how she would want be extremely late to set for a filming a movie or how changing her hair from dark brunette to white- blonde would be the only way for her to ever be an actress. I find that ridiculous because if Monroe was such and adored woman then why were there no friends, fans, or men rushing to her home when she was getting bad. She put herself in the hospital and the directors have the audacity to yell at Marilyn for being late to her (soon to be last movie! She was only trying to get her life together so that she could please everyone. The media is very hypocritical in the way that they show all the edited version of Monroe's best works but behind the scenes scold and point out the very flaws that she tried to conceal.
Archetypal criticism plays an enormous role leading up to Monroe's death. During the 1940's the pin-up style where girls posed in bikinis and other skimpy outfits was all the rage. Her looks were the iconic staple that society held its standards to since the 1950s'. Marilyn Monroe her appearance was put on the cover of newspapers and movies; always playing the short curly blonde bimbo with the hourglass figure- that is what she was known for. Her alluring looks and seductive baby blues eyes are what made her the definitive sex symbol that she still is today.
This article is a depiction of feminist criticism because the media is stereo typing Marilyn as a "damsel in distress" figure and saying that she needs saving. Before she died, Monroe went with frank Sinatra for a weekend and she never knew it at the time but he claimed that he wanted to marry her because he believed that he could 'save her from herself.' This is interesting because author later states that Sinatra did not care for Marilyn and that he left her to die. Another close friend of Frank's adds in the fact that Marilyn was more attached to the Frank than he was to her which also adds to the criticism.
A new documentary has accused Dr Hyman Engelberg (pictured), Marilyn Monroe's personal physician, of ‘signing her death sentence’ by prescribing a lethal cocktail of pills 53 years ago.
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How I Started is a series of interviews with Republic County entrepreneurs. Businesses don’t “just happen” and we aim to shed light on our local entrepreneur stories.
Submit your story here or nominate an entrepreneur by emailing
We grow popcorn on our family farm. Available varieties include yellow butterfly, white butterfly and mushroom popcorn. In addition to the kernels, we also sell full ears of popcorn we call Popping Ears. With Popping Ears, you can pop your popcorn in the microwave, directly on the ear it grew. It’s a fun novelty item for children and adults alike and a chance to see where your food comes from.
Quality and freshness are the most important attributes of our popcorn. Unlike larger commercial growers, we only sell the current harvest and never blend with an older harvest year. We guarantee it’s the freshest popcorn you can buy – we print the harvest date on every package. Fresh popcorn is light and crisp and has fewer hulls (those pesky bits that get stuck in your teeth!). Because our popcorn is fresh, there are also fewer old maids (un-popped kernels).
In 2013, we moved from Stacey’s home state of Pennsylvania back to the Midwest so Nate could help his dad farm. We decided to settle in Belleville, KS, partly to ease Stacey into rural living and also to take advantage of the ROZ Student Loan Reimbursement Program and no Kansas income tax for new residents at the time. Our business is based in Belleville, and the popcorn is grown on Nate’s family’s farm along the Kansas/Nebraska border.
2 – Just us, with a lot of insight and help from Nate’s dad. We’ll be looking to hire some seasonal help for harvest this fall with Popping Ears.
1) Business to the consumer: we sell our popcorn kernels direct to consumers in the United States through our online e-commerce website Our online customers are often people that value quality and freshness in their popcorn, knowing where their food comes from and the farmer that grew it. A recent milestone: We’ve now shipped orders to customers in all 50 states!
2) Business to Business – Wholesale customers that pop popcorn or resell popcorn as part of their business in the United States and abroad. Our wholesale customers include gourmet popcorn shops, kettle corn stands, independent movie theaters, school concession stands, gift shops and grocery stores.
We’re almost accidental entrepreneurs. In addition to farming, Nate’s background is teaching. Although unconventional, it’s proven helpful in educating our customers on the farming practices we employ. Nate’s dad has been growing popcorn for 20+ years, and his experience and knowledge as been extremely valuable.
Stacey’s background is in business communication which has proved helpful in setting up, marketing and branding the business. Stacey oversees the sales and marketing of the business which has helped foster growth and expansion during our first few years in business.
We were able to get many local schools and theaters on board using our popcorn our first year in business. Specifically, Jenny Pachta at the Blair Theater, took a chance on us as a local business and gave us a boost of confidence that we had a quality product at a reasonable price.
Ongoing, we’ve had success at advertising with podcasts which has helped with tremendous growth on our e-commerce sales, especially during the Christmas season.
Our website has also been a good success for us, as we’ve had wholesale customers find us! We now have a contract to grow Popping Ears for an international customer. She found us through a simple internet search. It’s exciting to be growing popcorn enjoyed locally and around the world!
The biggest challenge to starting our business was following up with potential customers and vendors. Many times we would call or email but never receive a response. It taught us that if we’d want something to be done, we’d have to follow up with potential customers and be persistent (yet, kind!). Many of the potential customers we contacted were also busy business owners like ourselves. Persistence and organizational skills (making notes on who to follow up with!) helped pay off!
Initially, we did a lot of research online for starting a business. However, looking back, I wish that we’d have utilized local resources from the start! Luke at the Republic County Economic Development and the staff at From the Land of Kansas have been invaluable resources as we continue to grow our business!
I love watching what other fellow entrepreneurs that are a couple years ahead of us have accomplished. It makes me excited at what all is possible if we continue to work at it!
If you have an idea or vision for a business, persistence, and determination are needed. No one will believe in your business at first as much as you do. Surround yourself with people to help and encourage you along the way. Don’t be afraid to fail at a particular aspect of your business. It is easy to try once, the hard part is trying again and again. We’ve been rejected by many potential business customers – only to have them come back to us later wanting to work with us because of the quality of our popcorn and our willingness to custom grow a product to meet their individual needs. |
BREATHTAKING VIEWS! Nestled in amongst a forest of trees and backing to a stunning WATERFRONT, is where you will find this extraordinary stucco and stone 2-Story that is located on over 1.8 Acres. Built by one of Houston’s premier Builders, it artfully blends a dramatic floor plan with old world craftsmanship and fine finishes. Canterra, double front doors open to dramatic Foyer with domed ceiling. Executive sized Study. Dining Room seats ten. 2-story Family Room with breathtaking views. Double ovens and built-in Refrigerator in Kitchen. Incredible Master Suite with Sitting Area, walls of glass and door-less Shower in Bath. Second Guest Bedroom down. 3-large Bedrooms and 2-Baths up. Home is designed for entertaining with enormous, covered Deck off Gameroom. Full-sized Media Room. Whole home sound system, water softener and BOAT DOCK with 2-boat ramps. LOW TAXES! |
In the collection of mass meditation events within the formal series of GCP hypothesis tests, we include web organized gatherings of substantial numbers of people intending to do something in synchrony. A good example is the Do As One Global Breathing Events, which are an invitation to as many people as are interested literally to breathe in synchrony. This is facilitated by a website with instructions and a dynamic graphic that "breathes" at a slow, steady pace.
On Wednesday, March 9th from 12PM to (PST) and 8PM to 11PM (GMT). Do As One is collaborating with Tree of Life Celebration to come together in the breath celebrating unity consciousness. As we enter into the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calender we invite you to join us in the Breathing Room on
The GCP event was set for the three hour specified in the invitation, 20:00 to 23:00 UTC. The result is Chisquare 10885.730 on 10800 df, for p = 0.279 and Z = 0.586. |
In 1977 book, John Holdren advocated forced abortions, mass sterilization through food and water supply and mandatory bodily implants to prevent pregnancies
President Obama’s top science and technology advisor John P. Holdren c |
A multiple income stream system for which helps build downlines and residual income. It is a great lifetime business opportunity or income opportunity for which you can earn a full time or part time income.
Through her Team Music Is Love charity initiative, Martina McBride invites fans to join her in making the world a better place out on tour and in their own home towns.
Over her career, Martina McBride’s songs have spoken to many different issues, therefore, Team Music Is Love isn’t just about one cause.
Martina and her fans have partnered together on several fundraising and volunteer projects for various causes ranging from hunger relief to cancer research and combating domestic violence.
Through Team Music Is Love, people from around the nation and the world have joined Martina’s global charity movement.
Our initiatives have included a breast cancer research grant at Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville, TN, and a therapeutic music program for orphaned children at Covenant House in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Martina used her Love Unleashed concert tour as an opportunity to spread love and feed those in need by partnering with food banks to hold mass food drops in many of the cities on the tour.
Martina McBride and Team Music Is Love were presented with the Beacon of Hope Award, given by Covenant House International, for work to help homeless children and those who have been victims of human trafficking in the United States and Latin America. |
Mr. Cheveldayoff spoke of his time growing up in Blaine Lake, his education at the University of Saskatchewan and his experience in the last ten years as an MLA. He expressed his belief that his background in a small community and his time spent in larger urban centres like Saskatoon gave him an advantage when it comes to leading our province. Mr. Cheveldayoff followed up with a question and answer session and fielded questions on topics such as the future of energy in the province and the future of the hospital in our city.
For more information in regards to Ken Cheveldayoff's campaign you can check out his website at |
Speedloader Swift forum. Find answers, get help and discuss shooting topics with your peers from around the globe.
Before YouTube, we just had that WRC video. Every time my high school friends got together, at some point we’d inevitably end up crowding around a PC and watching three and a half minutes of rallying set to Linkin Park. For the fiftieth time. It combined everything we loved and aspired to — masterful driving, exotic locations, and insanely-modified performance cars that looked like cool versions of our own rides. It was so good that we were willing to put up with music from a quasi-Nu Metal band fronted by a man named “Chester.”
Audi Sport has pulled the covers off the 2014 spec R18 e-tron quattro after a week of heavy testing at Sebring International Raceway. While the name is the same as the current Audi LMP, the 2014 spec R18 is a huge leap forward in prototype design for Audi. Audi says the 2014 R18 e-tron quattro is the most complex race car they’ve ever built, and furthers the development of the successful WEC and Le Mans winning R18.
Round five of the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) at Austin in the U.S. state of Texas has a particularly high significance for Audi. In America, the brand’s sports car program began 14 years ago, Audi won the American Le Mans Series (ALMS) nine times in succession and the Sebring 12 Hours eleven times – most recently in March. Furthermore, the sales statistics in America have been developing positively for Audi for years. At Austin, on September 22, the brand with the four rings is aiming to achieve its second sports car victory in the United States this year. It would mark the sixth consecutive win for the Audi R18 e-tron quattro as well.
Our good friends behind the Texas Mile announced today that they’re teaming up with Hennessey Performance (yes, that Hennessey Performance) to expand their series of incredibly popular standing mile events (the upcoming October running of the Mile sold out in just a couple of hours) starting in 2014 with the Houston Mile.
This is big news for Texas speed freaks and fans of standing mile events in general. The full release is below.
Controlling People: How to Recognize, Understand, and Respond to Controlling People (LARGE PRINT): Learn What Lies Behind an Abusive Relationship and Control People |
David has many words now including; Hi, Bye, Nana, Kitty, and Doggy! He loves to eat and is getting so big! Some of his favorites are now decaf sweet tea, corn on the cob, and anything and everything chocolate! He also got his first hair cut from mommy this month! He climbs anything and everything if given the chance! |
When talking about Orthodox Christianity in the context of the Jewish-Christian dialogue, a stark disproportion between East and West becomes visible. More precisely, there is a sharp contrast between Orthodoxy and other Christian confessions in what regards the commitment to, and the interest in, embarking on such a dialogue. In 2010, through one of the issues of its Review of Ecumenical Studies, the Institute for Ecumenical Research initiated the exploration of the Jewish-Christian dialogue from the perspective of the Eastern-European theological and social context. The continuation of this discussion will be the object of our RES no. 2/2019, in which we seek answers to the following questions: in what state is the Jewish-Christian dialogue in Easter-European countries? What was the echo of Western Jewish-Christian dialogue in Eastern countries? Should the protestant and roman-catholic dialogue model prove inadequate in the Orthodox context, what would be the defining element of a Christian orthodox approach that would endorse the undertaking and carrying of a Jewish-Christian dialogue? What are the theological issues and other related aspects that hamper such a dialogue?
Attention should also be given to the prospects that would open up for the orthodox world through a Jewish-Christian dialogue. In what way does the possibility for a Jewish-Christian dialogue foster the ecumenical encounter and conversely? Both rabbinic Judaism and orthodox patristic Christianity share a long history of living together, which has been marked by conflicts and efforts for a minute delineation of their respective identities. What would be the gain now of the prospect of jointly searching for common grounds, as compared to the time of struggle for primacy and even for the suppression of the other?
While the Church Fathers enjoy a special authority in the Orthodox Church, which is also acknowledged in the Roman Catholic Church, in the Protestant tradition their authority bears a slightly different understanding. The Protestant principle sola Scriptura makes it clear that the Bible is the only source of divine revelation (or at least a privileged one), and nevertheless Calvin, Luther, or Melanchthon regarded the Fathers of the Church with great respect, considering them authoritative commentators of biblical texts. Recent research has brought to light testimonies according to which the initiators of the Reformation were well read in some of the writings of the Fathers of the Church. Moreover, one cannot overlook the fact that the Orthodox neo-patristic movement has conducted a major part of its work on Patristic editions and related research initiated by both Roman Catholics and Protestants.
The importance of patristic heritage for the ecumenical movement was brought back into discussion by the participants in the Consultative Council for the preparation of the 10th World Council of Churches Assembly. The Council stated the need for a re-reading of the patristic heritage for the revitalization of the whole ecumenical movement.
RES number invites teachers, scholars and all interested to reflect upon the actuality of the Fathers’ writings for the ecumenical dialogue and to discuss issues such as: Does patristic theology build bridges or rather draws barriers for the ecumenical dialogue? Are the Fathers of the Church used in all denomination in all types of discourses – from devotional to academic discourse? Have the writings of the Fathers fueled controversies in the history of theological debates? Are Patristic writings the norms for defining authentic faith or sources for popular devotion? To what extent did theologians in different confessions have mutually influenced the approach of patristic writings?
Contributions will be published in English or German and are to follow RES guidelines.
Migration is not a mark of our time – it has existed in all times. But today it is at the top of the political agenda – and it shapes the ecumenical coexistence of denominations. A significant number of the members of Oriental Orthodox Churches now live in the West. This also applies to Orthodox churches to an increasing extent. The situations in which diaspora communities find themselves lead to completely new challenges.
One of these challenges is the swift increase of the number of interconfessional marriages. It was therefore not by chance that this matter was one of the most controversial points on the agenda of the Holy and Great Synod of Crete in 2016. While individual churches invoked the prohibition of interconfessional marriages, as expressed in early-church canons, others emphasized pastoral responsibility and therewith the possibility of complying with the rules in a less strict of a manner.
RES 3-2018 seeks to address interconfessional marriages, especially the cases in which one of the spouses is a member of the Orthodox Church. How do different Orthodox churches ponder upon this possibility, and how do their ecumenical partners see it? Can there be different rules for the Diaspora than in the case of majoritarian churches? How can one understand the difference between akribeia and oikonomia? Is it understandable to partner churches, or does it lead to unsolved theological questions? Is the question of how and to what extent marriage is understood as a sacrament crucial? What are the pastoral practices in introducing marriage, in child rearing, in the involvement of the partners in their own ecclesial community? Are there liturgical models that express the ecumenical dimension of interconfessional marriage? Have there been – in the history of the church – different solutions to these questions?
Churches are part of society and, as such, come always in touch with existing political issues. This applies even more so if and insofar as they are active in the social field. Churches can’t avoid the need to take a stand since government action affects them directly. Both majority and minority churches can co-operate with the state on common concerns; but they are also called upon to protest, in other cases, and as part of their prophetic ministry.
In the Christian Orthodox tradition, the church is understood both as divine and man-made institution; for all its limitations, this definition indicates that the worldly-historical dimension belongs to its essence as well. In the tradition of the Reformation, God’s Word is at the centre, calling for faith and discipleship within a historically developed body of the Church. In both cases, the task is to determine the ministry of the Church in this world so that it tallies its source in God’s plan of salvation. The Christian creed that God became man implies an unquestionable turn to the world. This lives on the belief that the Risen One has “all power in heaven and on earth” (Mt. 28, 18). At the same time, however, Christians are aware that worldly authorities have a leadership that they cannot elude (Rom. 13, 1-7, 1 Pet. 2, 13-17); just as Jesus himself had not eluded it (Jn. 19, 11). It is in this spirit that the Christians of the first centuries have also endured persecutions.
Are such biblical instructions still valid today, or have the parameters shifted? The relationship between church and state has always had a certain ambivalence to it. Church and state have often lived in symbiosis with one another and supported each other, as it has been expressed in certain models: the “Byzantine Symphony”, the caesaropapism, the doctrine of the two swords and others. At the same time, however, one gets a completely different perspective, since history has also an eschatological dimension from the view-point of the Christian faith. Can we learn from history? Which political order fits best the mission of the church? Should the Church seek to promote human rights in all countries of the world, as the basis of society, and thus pluralism and tolerance? How serious is the temptation of nationalism? In what areas of society is collaboration recommendable, and where are state action opposed to the values of the Christian faith, in a way that forces churches to put into practice their prophetic ministry?
Language is the depository for the identity of a community: from the simplest oral, daily formulas, to the scriptural spiritual legacy preserved in literary and cultic texts, language encompasses the defining conceptions and discursive resources of a given confessional group. Alongside religion, it is a core element for social and cultural identification, and often a subtle mark for delineations of religious denominations: we speak of a Greek Church, of Russian Church, and then, again, of a Latin Church, and by switching from one language to another we seem to be also implying a movement from one confession to another.
Such a transition from one language to another occurs primarily within translation processes, especially in spaces where communities speaking different languages coexist or different languages are used for different areas of life. Here, the manners in which various types of translations are made from one language to another are suggestive for the relationship these communities have to one another, and raises questions about the extent to which linguistic identity overrides particular confessional denominations.
The Review of Ecumenical Studies welcomes contributions analyzing the ethics and politics of translations in building, and also in connecting, religious communities. What role do translations of Biblical texts and worship texts – from the Septuagint, the Vulgate, or Luther’s Bible, to contemporary adaptations of liturgical hymns in diaspora communities – play for mission and religious practices? How does the issue of “sacred languages” interfere with translation practices? Consequently, how are translations used as tools for questioning canonicity or, on the contrary, for consolidating and transferring the authority and tradition of extant religious confessions? As translation concretely facilitates a better understanding of others, how does this process enable inter-confessional dialogue? Can it be that through translation one brings about a commonality of expression, a linguistic oikumene, which might give hope for a commonality of faith as well?
Becoming a property investor means investigating the various elements that affect the real estate market, and making calculated decisions about the future of your profits. A number of different things can affect the market, including the performance of rental markets throughout the country.
These trends have been marked by the Australian Property Investor magazine, which has highlighted a number of interesting movements - including the reasons people rent and the types of property they prefer.
According to the release, while the nuclear family is still currently the most common household type across Australia (33 per cent), this is set to change with Generation Y.
The shift in attitudes towards family means that this generation, who currently take up 30 per cent of the property market, are putting off having children until their 30s - creating an extra decade without a generation of children.
Generation Y is also more likely to rent, with their career-focused goals taking the driver's seat. This could be valuable information for anyone considering taking out an investment loan in the near future.
Watching for areas where rental vacancies are decreasing, especially in capital cities, could provide insight into valuable investment opportunities.
Another significant factor to consider is the rate of overseas migration, which makes up 60 per cent of the annual population growth across the nation. Founder of SQM Research, Louis Christopher, said that the net migration for the last 12 months was around 400,000 people - or two times to population of Darwin every year.
"When new arrivals settle, they tend to gravitate towards middle and outer suburbs in capital cities, close to sought-after amenities and services, and they’ll almost certainly rent," said Mr Christopher in a September 23 statement.
Taking this information to heart could help to turn a decent property investment prospect into an excellent one heading into the future. |
What could also serve as an ode to the Lakers of Vikings whom also share similar purple and gold uniforms, this Nike Air Diamond Turf will take on its usual nubuck build yet add in patent leather mudguards for a unique twist. Complete with classic branding and notable midfoot strap, what are your thoughts on this upcoming release? |
The Atoka Agreement was signed on April 23, 1897, in Atoka, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, after more than three weeks of negotiations between the Dawes Commission and delegations from the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations. The agreement provided for the allotment in severalty of the lands of both tribes. The land would be divided equally among all the tribe members, with consideration given to the location and soil quality of particular land tracts. Freedmen and their descendants would receive smaller land allotments. Coal and asphalt lands would be reserved from allotment and sold or leased for the benefit of the tribes. The agreement also provided for the termination of the two tribal governments on March 4, 1906.
The Choctaw and Chickasaw governments ratified the Atoka Agreement in November 1897. However, the Chickasaw Nation required that the document be submitted to a vote of its citizens. They rejected it in a December election. The Atoka Agreement and other provisions dealing with Indian Territory and its tribes were incorporated into the Curtis Act (1898), which required that the Atoka Agreement be resubmitted to the voters of both tribes. It was approved in a joint election on August 24, 1898.
Matthew Rex Cox, "Atoka Agreement," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, (accessed November 14, 2018). |
Have you ever heard of a marketer having a problem with too many leads? We didn’t think so. Even though you can’t have too many leads - or do too much marketing - it still gets overwhelming when you try to take on too much. This is easy to do with advertising, considering that there are so many types available and not all of them are easy to track.
Thankfully, inbound marketing strategies are beneficial for startup companies and small businesses like your own. They can be inexpensive (if you play your cards right) and they can be easy to track (providing you know what you’re doing).
Let’s take a look at a few inbound marketing strategies that can generate quality leads and take your business to a new level. Just be sure to toss out the outdated marketing strategies - cold calling, TV and radio ads and billboard ads - in their place!
Every successful business has an identifiable brand, but don’t expect this to happen overnight. It can take years to build a brand, but you have to start somewhere. The best way to start building or reestablishing your brand is through inbound marketing techniques such as how-to guides, infographics and podcasts. Great content will be shared on social media with likes, shares and comments.
The more quality and shareworthy content you create, the more brand mentions, inbound links and exposure you’ll receive. This starts to build out your brand and establishes you as a thought leader in your industry. People will know who you are, what you stand for and what you bring to your audience.
Consumers are on social media all day. They use it to interact with friends, read blogs and learn about the products they love. When they are on social media, it’s purely about having fun, connecting with others and learning bits of information; they are not in a mood to listen to sales talk. Make sure you use these channels carefully. They are intended to engage with your audience, not directly sell to them.
If a customer leaves you a comment, you should follow up quickly. If you don’t, the customer will probably find another option and you’ll miss out on an opportunity for a sale. All feedback should get a response - good, bad or just a simple hello. You should also take the time to follow others and show an interest in what they have to post. The more you interact on social media, the more traffic you’ll drive, and this results in more conversions.
Guest blogging is a powerful tool for inbound marketing. Many people will tell you that guest blogging is good for building links, but this is just one advantage of the process. When you write a guest blog, you reach a much larger audience and are viewed as an expert in your particular industry. The owner of the blog isn’t going to choose just anyone to contribute to their blog after all.
As traffic comes to your site from your guest blogs, visitors will look at you as a trusted source and be more likely to convert. Having opt-in offers is a quick and easy way to get visitors to convert fairly quickly. Guest blogging opportunities also build your brand and bring your company more exposure.
People love getting free things, so offering valuable items at no charge is a great way to start building relationships. Start with how-to guides or e-books that provide value to your audience, and offer them in exchange for an email address. The key is providing materials that have value. Think of topics that may not be covered online, or something that your company has a unique perspective on.
Also keep in mind that your how-to guides or e-books should be related to your industry. Some companies will put out reading materials that are high quality but don’t relate to their industry. You know your consumer best, so stick to a topic and tone that is written specifically for them.
Pop-ups aren’t the highlight of any website, but there is a time and a place for them. Traditional pop-ups that interrupt visitors while they are reading content or exploring your website are annoying and intrusive. But pop-ups that appear when a visitor is about to leave your website are in a different category. They are a great opportunity to capture last minute leads. And, you have nothing to lose since the person is leaving and the pop-up isn’t going to interrupt their experience.
The goal of these pop-ups is to collect an email address at the last minute. If you do, it’s one more lead to add to your list, and the person is already familiar with your brand and has taken some time to explore your website. When they do receive an email from you, they’ll know who you are and what you have to offer.
Inbound marketing strategies are effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your website so that you may convert them into leads, sales and revenues. It’s true that marketing strategies are constantly changing, but there are tried-and-true practices that continue to be effective. For instance, you may want to change how you collect email addresses or the types of freebies that you offer, but the original intent is the same.
When you have a great company with a great product or service, you want to share it with others. Inbound marketing strategies allow you to do exactly that while generating leads that will take your brand to a new level. |
A light, humorous book about a German doctor of philology, if that makes sense. While parts were very funny, especially at th...
Greed, spite, schemes, hypochondria, spying, lying, dying, conniving, oily counts, feminine facial hair, cockatoos, volcanic ...
It makes me uneasy to be underwhelmed by a book the rest of the planet rates very highly, but underwhelmed I was. I am neithe...
I enjoyed the movie so much that -although I once decided to skip this book- I gave in and read it. I wasn't disappointed, al...
Unsworth is a good storyteller, and his prose is excellent. I did feel, however, that some of the characters is this book wer...
I really love Lichtenberg, my favorite aphorist. I would only recommend this book to anyone who is likewise inclined to him, ...
After 150 pages I decided if this book didn’t end by smashing the patriarchy, I didn’t want to read anymore. And since it wou...
Frankly I read this because my 16-year old did, and considering the negative buzz surrounding Houellebecq I was wondering if ...
This is a fable, and the story is rather like 'Benjamin Button,' but in reverse, and way more reflective. The plot is scant. ...
So, did this account of the long wind-up to 9/11 “read like fiction,” as one of the blurbs proclaims? Well, there was a plot ...
George Saunders is the kind of contemporary writer that reminds you how crappy too many other contemporary writers are. These...
I've read a number of reviews praising this book especially for its war scenes. I wish I'd gotten that far! The ooey-gooey se... |
Obviously smartphones make it conveniently to connect with our friends, especially when you have installed WhatsApp on. You can talk with your friend via WhatsApp Voice Messages. And do you know there is a way to save these voices happened via WhatsApp on your iPhone 5S, follow the video below and confirm it. |
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Here are 10 things you didn't know about actor idris elba though his star has risen since his early days as a dj, he still does guest dj gigs. Muslims who live in areas with large muslim communities may well have different views on assimilation will idris elba convert for me. Las guerras seguirán mientras el color de la piel siga siendo más importante que el de los ojos. An only child, idrissa akuna elba was born and raised in london, england his father, winston, is from sierra leone and worked at ford dagenham his. Idris elba has reignited his feud with liam gallagher, saying he does not even know what band the beady eye frontman is in any more luther actor elba first had a run-in with gallagher in february of this year when it was reported that the pair clashed at an nme awards after party at the ivy in.
Idris elba does not conform to any religion this secular lifestyle is very common in the european union his father is muslim, which is where his arabic name idris comes from however, elba does not practice islam idris elba does not conform to any religion this secular lifestyle is very common. Atas permintaan ramai yang frust tak sempat grab batch sebelum ni kebaya ekslusif elba yang terhangat di pasaran kembali lagi dengan 9 warna terbaru😍😍😍. According to our research of alabama and other state lists there were 30 registered sex offenders living in elba, alabama as of april 13, 2018 the ratio of number of residents in elba to the numbWith a mother from ghana and a father from sierra leone, idris elba was brought up in east london before finding fame in america the god in idris elba. Idris elba has revealed that, back as a humble hackney native, he wasn't always the tough guy we have come to know.
Idris elba is engaged to girlfriend, sabrina however this is idris elba aka russell sringer one of my aunties is a religious muslim woman and her. With elba hotels find out more about and has been constructed using traditional muslim architecture techniques almeria also has plenty of modern examples of. Muslim - belbala 2010 مسلم ـ البلبالة muslim muslim مسلم 5,407,532.
With islam being the second biggest religion in the world, it's no surprise that there are one or two famous muslims there are some notable celebrities such as boxer muhammad ali and rapper swizz beatz who have openly spoken about their faith, but there are probably a lot more stars you probably didn’t know identify as muslim.
Idris elba does not conform to any religion this secular lifestyleis very common in the european union his father is muslim, whichis where. Take it from me as a young british muslim: islamophobia is the time you’re most likely to hear one of us say ‘allahu akbar’ is when idris elba graces the. ‘murdah loves john’ is the second in a series of character albums to emerge from the mind of idris elba inspired by his time portraying tv detective john luther, idris presents a unique musical interpretation of. Listen up beady eye singer liam gallagher has incurred the wrath of idris elba photograph: samir hussein/redferns via getty images the called gallagher an idiot when asked if, when he played oasis's wonderwall at a dj set, he was making a deliberate reference to. The rabbit hole, elba, alabama: rated 48 of 5, check 124 reviews of the rabbit hole, pub. Buy elba range hoods malaysia shop now for best range hoods online at lazadacommy exclusive deals on elbarange hoods in malaysia fast delivery effortless shopping. Marriage will not be performed between a muslim female and a non-muslim male 2 a marriage license issued by a county in the state.
Muslim american stand-up comedy is a relatively new phenomenon, the domain of second-generation immigrants who are american enough to satirize the muslim american experience, said obeidallah, who lives in new york city. Napoleon i: napoleon i in egypt he had said that he wanted to become a muslim from elba napoleon kept a close watch on the continent. Find where is elba located in alabama, usa with the help of a map showing the exact geographical location of elba. Geology elba is the largest remaining stretch of land from the ancient tract that once connected the italian peninsula to corsica the northern coast faces the ligurian sea, the eastern coast the piombino channel, the southern coast the tyrrhenian sea, and the corsica channel divides the western tip of the island from neighbouring corsica. Why did nearly all albanians convert to islam when serbs, greeks, and bulgarians resisted update cancel stayed as a muslim for 20 years.
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Life-expectancy projection by modelling and computer simulation (UKPDS 46) — Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
A method is described for estimating the life-expectancy of cohorts of type 2 diabetic patients, based on computer simulation from a parametric model. The method can be used where non-parametric methods, such as the Kaplan-Meier estimate, fail due to lack of the data. The simulation algorithm combines observed and modelled information to estimate the life-expectancy implications of event rates observed within a study. The use of bootstrap methods to estimate confidence intervals is discussed. The methods are illustrated with results that have been previously published, without derivation, in a health economic analysis of tight blood pressure (BP) control in the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), and the application to other health economic analyses of UKPDS data is discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. |
These 3/8 inch wide and 13 inch inner diameter straps are hand-picked, hand-cut and assembled here in Canada. Made from the finest, durable latigo leather, these camera straps will last forever, while they tote your rangefinder, 35mm or toy cameras. They're currently available in burgundy, brown and black leather. These straps have also been treated to keep their color and should break in like a solid pair of jeans or baseball mitt.
The standard strap comes with the "Maru" logo alongside markings of its proud roots here in Canada, located by the left of the split ring of the strap. The custom strap allows for personalization of the strap along with our "Lensman Collection" logo, located by the right side of the split ring. You will be prompted for your customized text once you add the item to your cart.
Altitude: 2,325 m. / 7,628 ft.Best time to visit: March – December.The city of Arequipa is located in a fertile valley at the … |
Samson, the man mentioned in the book of Judges in the Holy Bible, was supposed to be set apart to God from birth until death and start the deliverance of the Israelites from the cruel oppression of the Philistines.
His life was ruled by the Nazarite vow, which meant he was not allowed to cut his hair. If his head were shaved, his supernatural strength would leave him, and then he would have equal strength with everyone else around him.
Philistine women caught his attention and captured his affection. Therefore, he was unable to be grateful for his awesome calling to greatness for the Lord
His parents warned him about three separate Philistine women and he refused to listen to their warnings. They knew that their love for idols would turn his heart away from The Lord. But he wanted what he wanted and he was not about to listen to anyone.
He enjoyed the prestige of being set apart as the strongest man in the world at the time, but was not interested in fulfilling the reason he was given unimaginable strength.
As a result, the last of the three women, Delilah, betrayed him and delivered him into the hands of the Philistines. He was their prized possession and made life miserable for him. They gouged his eyes out, binded him to shackles, and made life extremely difficult for him in the prison.
As the performance at Sight and Sound theater in Branson portrayed, sin causes us to be stupid. It makes us risk our most valuable relationships – God and family – for things that will eventually bring us heartache in the end.
He thought Delilah would bring him happiness, and in the end she cared nothing for him, while he lost both of his eyes through torture, damaged his relationship with God, and eventually died with the Philistines.
One final point that was also mentioned in the show is that Samson, even though he lived a life of self-indulgence actually made the Heroes of Faith List in Hebrews 11…because of grace.
That same grace is available to all of us if we will cry out to the Lord and ask for it…and we can strive to fulfill God’s special calling for our personal lives. |
After twenty years of excavations, archaeologists working in Cyprus have uncovered not only the oldest Classical age theatre on the Mediterranean island, but also significant infrastructure such as roads and colonnades in the surrounding urban area that was built by Romans. Nea Paphos was the capital city of Cyprus – where the ancients believed the goddess Aphrodite was born – during the Hellenistic and Roman period that extended from 300 B.C. to 400 A.D.
In addition, the team of Australian experts from the University of Sydney also succeeded in mapping the 8,500 seat theatre and the surrounding with pole photography and photogrammetric technology. Nearby sites include the Agora, Odeon, Roman villas with mosaic floors, and the Byzantine fortress known as "Saranda Kolones": Forty Columns. The columns of the ruined fortress, which was built in the 7th century A.D., are believed to have been repurposed from the Agora.
According to head archaeologist Craig Barker of the University of Sydney, “The work now is to position the theater within its ancient urban context.” The 3-D map his team developed has revealed massive granite columns found around the theater once lined two main roads during the Roman period. The first of these ran on a north-south axis from the harbor to the theater, while the second ran east-west and behind the theater. “The scale of the Roman trade in monumental architectural elements was massive. As the caprker in a statement.
The Department of Antiquities of Cyprus advised in an official statement, "The Australian team has uncovered the oldest theatre in Cyprus: a structure that was used as a venue for performance and spectacle for over six and a half centuries, from c. 300 BC until its final destruction in the earthquakes of AD 365." The site is named among UNESCO’s World Heritage sites. It was central to the cult of the goddess Aphrodite.
The University of Sydney team has been excavating at Nea Paphos for two decades under the auspices of Cyprus’ Department of Antiquities. Using GPS mapping, the team recently recorded over 160 fragments of granite columns from finds across the urban area. The granite used for the columns was imported by Roman engineers from quarries in the Troas area in what is now northwestern Turkey. Troas is the region that encompasses ancient Troy, the city that figures in the Greek classics “The Iliad” and “The Odyessey.” The Romans counted themselves descendants of the Trojans who, when defeated by the Greeks fled to Italy and founded Rome. The granite used for the columns in Cyprus is believed to have been brought from Troas during the 2nd century AD where it was used to build the above-referenced colonnades along the main roads. The columns would have weighed several tons. Four of the surviving columns are more than 22 feet tall.
The diggers from Australia will now turn their attention to the urban area around the theater, along with the roads and a water fountain known as a nymphaeum. “The work now is to position the theatre within its ancient urban context,” said Barker.
“The scale of the Roman trade in monumental architectural elements was massive,” said Barker. “As the capital city of Cyprus at thquake of the 4th century, the area continued to have an influence in the region as evidenced by the considerable Medieval and post-medieval period finds uncovered there. It was also a major trading port at the time of the Crusades.
In Roman times, the theater district was central to life in Nea Paphos. Barker said that theater architecture was adapted over the centuries according to changing tastes.
While it was first rediscovered 20 years ago, the ancient theatre at Nea Paphos was recorded with pole photography and photogrammetric programs for the first time in September of this year. This technology assembled more than two thousand disparate individual high resolution photos with an accuracy of +/- 10mm. The technology used was able to create a correct 3D image of the ancient theatre and surrounding areas that will aid researchers to plan future excavations and understand the ancient urban environment.
Polish archaeologists have also contributed a great deal to understanding Nea Paphos, having begun excavating there in 1965. Poles have dug there uninterruptedly since then, aside from 1974 when Turkey invaded Cyprus. The country has been divided ever since the invasion, while Turkey occupies the eastern sector. Polish excavations contributed a great deal to understanding the site. It was proven, for example, that Nea Paphos was designed along the lines of the Hippodamian city planning system which imposed a grid-system, emulating other important cities of the Hellenistic period.
The excavations also uncovered luxurious villas, such as the House of Theseus and the House of Aion, as well as the so-called Hellenistic House. In addition, other significant buildings were found besides impressive artifacts that demonstrated a high level of artistry at the ancient city. Archaeologists were able to show how important the city was in the economic, commercial and military world of the ancient eastern Mediterranean.
Coin bearing the likness of the Emperor Constantine on the obverse and a symbol of Rome on the reverse
A recent exhibition at the Cyprus Museum displayed artifacts uncovered after years of excavations, including coins, sculpture, figurines, and vessels. The highlight of the current exhibition is the armed Aphrodite (Hoplismene), which is unique to Cyprus. |
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Visit here to get huge savings today,like spinal tap’s knee-high stonehenge.researchers in india have developed a system that blocks the a driver's mobile phone.not only have we rounded up some of the best android phones on the market,many experts are now recommending taking steps to reduce exposure.. |
As snowsports enthusiasts, we've experienced the challenges of getting ski and snowboard kit to and from the slopes every season. We've had some brilliant times like the buzz of first snow, but have also suffered the pain of too much to carry and punitive luggage allowances Read more... |
The Cedar Rapids Police Department is located at 505 First Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52404. The Police Department's non-emergency number is 319-286-5378. The Police Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please consult our Phone Directory for more specific contact information.
I need to be fingerprinted for a job application, professional license, or other personal reason. Does the Cedar Rapids Police Department do this?
Yes, the department provides Fingerprinting Services on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. This service is provided on a walk-in basis, subject to the availability of Crime Scene Unit personnel or Police Volunteer Corps members.
The Police Department will take a report for phone harassment after three calls are successfully traced.
If the trace is successful, you will receive a recording advising you that the call was traced and a fee will be charged to your bill. If you do not get this recording, call the phone company and request that a manual trace be put on your line.
After three successful traces, call 319-286-5350 to report the harassment. Your report will then be forwarded to the Investigative Division for further investigation.
The fee for a copy of any police report is $5. For more information, please visit our Records Request page. |
Tallahassee, Fla. – Junior Deanna Lane (Marietta, Ga./Alan C. Pope) is in first place with 3381 points after day one (Wednesday, March 23) of the Florida Relays in Gainesville, Fla.
Lane finished first in the 200m dash and 100m hurdles in times of 25.28 and 13.34, respectively. She also won the shot put with a throw of 37’10.5″ (11.54m). She was third in the high jump recording a height of 5’5.75″ (1.67m).
Freshman Heather Leblanc (Live Oak, Fla./Suwannee) was second in the 200m dash and 100m hurdles in times of 26.00 and 14.17, respectively. In the high jump, LeBlanc cleared the bar at 5’3.25″ (1.61m) for fourth place. She also took fourth in the shot put, tossing 30’4.25″ (9.25m).
Rookie Matt Frith (Jacksonville, Fla./Bolles) is in second place, after taking the top spots in two events. He won the 100m dash in 11.18 and the 400m dash in 52.21 in the decathlon events and took second in the long jump with a distance of 20’5.25″ (6.23m). In the shot put, his throw of 37’11.5″ (11.57m) was good for fourth place as well as his height of 5’10.5″ (1.79m).
The four-day meet showcases some of track and field’s best high school and college competitors in the region. The rest of the team will join Lane, LeBlanc and Frith tomorrow when the field and running events begin. For more information and updated results, check out |
Kids Bedroom Ideas is already preparing the cutest spring trends 2017 to transform your kids’ room into a pastel wond…
2017 is just starting, but this year will be full of unique trends! The Design world is getting ready to bring a spec…
Are you looking for kids room ideas? To design a child’s bedroom may be quite challenging for some of us because chil… |
We are a service law firm committed to deliver sound judgment to its clients on their most difficult and important matters. Established in 2007, we are duly licensed to perform legal services and advocacy in the U.A.E., reaching out to local and U.A.E.-based international clients. Our strong practice areas are labor, corporate & commercial, banking, maritime & transport, litigation & arbitration and real estate.
We are a multi-lingual firm offering services in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Hindi, Urdu, Iranian and Tagalog.
In addition to what we have delineated above, we take a professional but also personal approach to legal matters. Clients will certainly be discomfited by varied problems facing their business or other practice. A cold clinical approach is not the way to create a lasting bond or to allay concerns. This is why we take to your case with vested interest and make sure you come out of it fine.
Legal consultancy has long proven its worth. With all those clauses and the loopholes they have inspired, one needs to make extra certain that every step is taken properly and in keeping with the law so justice will be on one�s side.
At Venture, we learn every facet of your case and make sure that you are in the right, having performed your share of duties to the fullest extent possible.
We have ample experience in giving ideal law solutions to our clients, including business-related legal advice.
We deal with all relevant fields of legal consultancy: laws practices, joint venture arrangements, company law services, direct & indirect taxes, legal consultancy services, statutory permissions registration, legal assistance services, trademark consultancy, industrial and labor law matters, and legal case assistance services.
Aside from gathering character witnesses and the best lawyers in the U.A.E., we will be there with you every step of the way and undertake registration or other paperwork formulations if needed. With Venture on your side, you no longer need to worry about carrying the whole legal burden on your shoulders.
The Sioux Falls Skyforce announced today that the team will host local player tryouts in Sioux Falls on Sunday, September 9 and in Miami on Sunday, September 16, 2018.
Open tryouts offer players an opportunity to showcase their talents in front of Skyforce coaches and HEAT personnel while they compete to earn an invitation to the NBA G League team’s training camp in October.
Current Skyforce guard Jalen Bradley and 2016 NBA G Lley averaged 4.3 points in 33 games for the Skyforce last season, while Spikes managed to tally 4.5 points, 3.1 rebounds and 1.1 blocks in just 11 minutes per contest during the 2015-16 season. Spikes was one of the most efficient players on the roster in limited action while playing behind NBA G League All-Stars in Jarnell Stokes and Keith Benson.
Applicants must be eligible to play in the NBA G League and are required to pre-register by submitting the registration, release, and health information authorization forms along with a $150 nonrefundable fee.
Please contact Director of Basketball Operations, Connor Erickson, by phone at (913) 544-4197 or by email at with any questions or concerns. |
Are you are thinking about building a restaurant? Here’s some information on the Design & Construction process to give you a head-start, and some important promotional ideas after your dream is built.
If you’re going to build or remodel a restaurant, your general contractor will need a set of scaled construction documents, often called "working drawings". These documents can be drawn on a CAD system or by hand and consist of space plans, elevations, schedules and details. These drawings are generally prepared by several design consultants and engineers, integrated into one set for submittal to your local building and health department. The list of design consultants and engineers needed to prepare these drawings follows.
All your plans, drawings and specifications should be in compliance with the building and health codes that are applicable to your location. If your project is in California, the governing building codes are Title 24, the Uniform Building Code (UBC), Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC); and Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). California Health Code governing restaurants is the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law (CURFFL).
Your drawings, plans, equipment and finish specifications should be approved by the following regulatory agencies:
Depending on your type of restaurant, equipment and geographical location, you may need approvals from:
An air quality board such as the So. Calif. Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) in Southern California
And please remember, whether you are building new or remodeling, your restaurant must comply with the “Americans with Disabilities Act.” as overseen by the United States Department of Justice.
It’s a good idea to engage the services of various design professionals and food service consultants to help design and build your restaurant. Their expertise and guidance can help you save a great deal of time and money while also providing an attractive and functional restaurant.
As you probably already know, the first rule to hiring anyone is getting referrals from past clients and ask those clients lots of questions! How much experience did the consultant have in planning their type of facility? Did the consultant save the client money? Did they perform in a professional manner? Were they ethical? Did they do the work on time and on budget? Were their design solutions appropriate to the project? Would they hire the consultant again?
These individuals concern themselves with the kitchen (often referred to as "back of the house"). They will space plan your kitchen and service areas, recommend the best equipment for your menu and budget and give full specifications for the equipment you'll need. They generally do not sell equipment, so you should be getting an impartial opinion. A good food service consultant’s plans and specs should give enough information to get your plans approved by the local health department, secure bids from equipment dealers and general contractors. It's best to seek individuals with experience and a good reputation. Some food service consultants may become members of the Food Service Consultants Society International (FCSI).
Certified (or licensed) Interior Designers can plan for any part of your restaurant (for nonstructural work) and can usually submit plans to local building departments for permits. Generally, they perform all the design work your customers see, (also known as "front of the house"). The areas covered are exterior, entry, dining rooms, bars, eating counters and public restrooms. In California, designers certified by the California Council for Interior Design Certification (CCIDC) are the only recognized interior design professionals in the state (as defined in California Business & Professions Code). Seek the services of a Certified or licensed interior designer that has prior restaurant design experience.
These professionals can plan for any part of your restaurants structural or seismic building elements, usually utilizing the services of a Structural Engineer, and submit plans to the Dept. of Building and Safety. Some architects also do interior design work. In California, check with the Board of Architectural Examiners (BAE) in Sacramento for license verification. Also, ask for references and portfolios for the restaurants they have successfully completed.
All the above consultants will work together on your behalf to produce a complete set of bid plans to submit to a general contractor, purchasing agent or dealer (prior to construction) so you can get an idea of cost and time involved for the opening of your restaurant.
These individuals or firms sell just about everything needed for the restaurant kitchen -- from heavy equipment to tabletop goods. Some equipment dealers also offer design and construction (turnkey services). These are valuable services which cost the dealer time and money to produce. Good design and planning take a great deal of education, time and experience. Please beware of deals that sound too good to be true, such as “free design” with purchase of equipment. You may not get the quality of design and services you need, and may run the risk of paying too much for your kitchen equipment.
Be sure you hire a licensed general contractor who has good references and has experience in building restaurants. A residential contractor or one who has built office buildings and has no restaurant experience could cost the restaurant owner in lost time, quality of workmanship and price overruns.
If your project is going to be in California, be sure to verify the G.C.'s current active license with the California Contractors State License Board. This Board has published a free booklet entitled "What You Should Know Before You Hire a Contractor". Please call (800) 321-2752.
When hiring a general contractor, also make sure the contractor provides you with certificates of insurance for Workman's Compensation and General Liability (photocopies should not be accepted. Ask the contractor to have their insurance agent send them directly to you).
When hiring all professionals, be sure to see their portfolios of work; ask for references, discuss their credentials, and be clear on the scope of work you want them to provide you. The following three professionals work can give you lasting value in establishing your public image, distributing your message and promoting your business.
You’ve spent lots of time and money planning and executing your dream. Don’t believe the myth, if you build it--they will come. (Well, maybe if you have a prime location and your name is Wolfgang.) Even if your investors are high profile celebrities or your chef does cartwheels in the creme brulee, customers have to be clued into this phenomenon.
A publicist will send press releases to newspaper and magazine editors, restaurant critics, radio personalities and related Web sites. She/he will begin the buzz and leave their mouths craving for more. Your customers are continually looking to taste the newest trends or bite into brisket like mama made. A good publicist knows there’s more news than what’s on the menu. Press releases related to design and construction are sent to related trade publications and overcoming business obstacles and financing are sent to business editors. Everyone is hungry now.
Cybercide : Adrenaline - CD Ref: 16460 Cybercide really are the most exciting new electro band to come out of the UK for a very very long time, with huge potential - very catchy industrial dance tracks from the outset, this is a very strong album that will appeal to fans of VNV NATION , PRIDE & FALL, ASSEMBLAGE 23, COVENANT etc etc.
Cybercide were formed when guitarist & keyboardist Eddie, left top 10 DAC band Revolution by Night' to form his own act, spending time in UK goth outfit Voices of Masada' along the way & joining John on vocals & Rob on keyboards. This album was produced by Cybercide and Justin Morey (producer of VNV Nation - Praise The Fallen) and is certain to be a dance floor filler it has already been drumming up interest from DJ play at INFEST Festival & is rapidly gaining ground in the UK industrial club scene. Tourdates & press coverage are currently being arranged.
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That is all she wrote folks! Well… actually we have to write a few more sentences for this to be a proper recap, but as far as The Cold Front Tour is concerned, the fat man full of 10 Barrel Beer has sung. The last stop went off in downtown San Diego at the 10 Barrel Brewery right on E Street. And no, Bruce Springsteen did not show up, but Jamie Lynn did… which is arguably more legendary for a snowboarding premiere. As a long time drinker, first time visitor to the brewery down in SD, we were all pretty impressed with the layout. Two stories completely packed with snowboard fans watching the last go round of Beta and Kamikazu for the CFT (Cold Front Tour)—with a surprise showing of The Future of Yesterday and 10 Barrel’s own Pray For Snow—was a blast.
The industry pulled up in full with plenty of family and friends from Ikon Pass, Dragon Alliance, 10 Barrel and more dropping buy for the night of festivities. Red Gerard brought some family of his own, and by all accounts, the night went off without a hitch. If you missed it, tough luck. And if you enjoyed any of the stops along the way, don’t cry because it is over… smile because winter is finally about to get going. All the movies are available for purchase on iTunes, and let’s be real, will probably be free online at some point in the next five months. So either head on over the Apple’s digital library that never ends or keep your head on a swivel for a slightly pixelated illegal upload that will never do the director’s vision justice, but will give you the general idea of all the crazy stuff that went down in the movies. |
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Finding a stand alone rain gauge is not that common, so I decided to go down to the local hardware store to see what cheap weather stations they had that included a rain gauge. There was a $14 dollar digital rain gauge monitor, then my eyes spotted a digital rain gauge on clearance for 43cent, so I though for a moment, that can’t be real, then reading the sales ticket, it said $9.00 then $1.50, then $0.85, then finally $0.43 cents, then I thought BARGAIN ! I’ll take a couple of those, one to experiment with and one for a spare.
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to make a digital rain gauge monitor by using a rain gauge sensor from an off the shelf product, how this particular sensor works and how to read the signal with an Arduino Uno and display the result to an LCD Display. So, keep reading to find out how……or Watch the Video below if that’s easier…..
Measuring rain fall is one of those parameters that is nice to have for a weather station. Getting hold of a cheap rain gauge sensor on it’s own is not easy, so you could either make one or by a cheap off the shelf digital rain gauge monitor and use that sensor, which is what I did.
This particular sensor uses a bucket catchment system where water is funneled into a bucket, and when correct amount of water is present, it swings to one side, activates a reed switch sensor with a tiny built in magnet, then tips the water out.
Every time the bucket swings we can register one count. For this particular unit, one count is equal to 0.8mm or 0.031 inches of rainfall. I worked this out simply by moving the tipping bucket back and forth and watching the rainfall measurement on the LCD screen increment by 0.08mm each time the sensor was activated. So there was no need for calculations to calibrate the sensor.
The circuit in this project is very simple as I use an LCD shield and a single digital input. The only circuitry required is connecting the sensor to the digital input using a 10k pull up resistor. See the schematic below:
In the coding we use the digital pin number 2 and set it up as an input. We use a function called get_rainfall () that checks the sensor input and every time a high is registered, 0.8mm is added to the float variable called rainfall and the rainfall value on the LCD is updated.
You may also notice there is a 1000 millisecond delay in the main loop, this is introduced to allow the reed switch sensor to reset before the program checks the sensor again. This helps to prevent false readings.
Connecting a rain gauge to your DIY weather station is quite a simple exercise. So next time it is raining in your area, you can use your weather station to measure rain fall. As a real life example, you could use it to see if there has been enough rain to water your garden.
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Practice round on Friday with a steak dinner Friday evening folled by the Calcutta auction of teams.
18 Holes will be played on each of Saturday/Sunday morning with a different format each round of nine holes.
Lunch will be provided each day. Pay outs for day money, calcutta, and 50/50 will be at the end of play Sunday.
Like English aristocrats renting out their castles on Airbnb, Americans who covet a stately historic house may look for it to provide income. Vacation rentals have never been more popular; other homeowners rent for weddings and fundraisers, or to the producers of movies and commercials.
When Chris Walker and Cliff DeVito were hunting for the right house, they knew that it should be big enough to serve as a bed-and-breakfast inn. At Forest Oaks in Virginia, they saw the ideal property for not only renting out rooms, but also for other income, allowing them to live in this gorgeous house.
“With only six bedrooms to let, we knew we had to have a multi-faceted approach,” Walker says. “Our separate cottages are a wonderful plus. In the house, we can’t accommodate pets or children, but the cottages can, and they’re very popular. We’re doing well with lodging: we have bookings into 2021.” The cottages, he says, are in demand year-round. The rooms in the big house, on the other hand, see a huge surge on holidays.
“I was surprised by how big all of Valentine’s week is, as well as the demand for New Year’s Eve. At Forest Oaks, we provide a quiet getaway, not a raucous party.”
Walker and DeVito have made barter an important element in their economy. “We lend the pastures to local farmers who make hay. We make no money, but it keeps the fields mowed and keeps us in farm products or services. We also barter with the local tree person: he cuts our trees to keep them from hanging over the house, and he keeps the wood.”
The owners have developed an extensive financial strategy. “We have done weddings and other private parties, although that can be tricky; it’s awkward if a wedding is going on in which other guests have no part,” DeVito says. “So we fill the schedule carefully, timing for lodging or a wedding, but not both.”
They’re planning to host murder-mystery weekends to include candlelit dinners and scavenger hunts among local businesses. Wine-pairing meals, organized along themes, will be catered, as will the murder-mystery meals.
The two also plan to convert the original basement kitchen into a bakery run by DeVito, who trained as a pastry chef. “We’ll bake cakes, pies, pastries, brioche—at first for our guests, but as we produce more, we’ll sell baked goods through local farmers’ markets and to restaurants.”
The basement once held the servants’ hall. That area is be-coming an antiques store open to guests, and to the public by appointment. For years, Walker has collected costume jewelry from the 1920s to the 1950s, which will be featured in the basement store. Then, “we’ll add a larger antiques store in what used to be the garage,” he says. “That gives us space for big items.”
The way to make the money work, Walker says, is to “go full steam ahead all year long. We will just keep trying things to find out what works.”
Walker and DeVito praise the Conservation Fund. (This is a non-profit that seeks to foster environmental preservation and economic development: conservationfund.org) “We partnered with them for our financing: they take risks that banks won’t. ”
THE BATMOBILE is well-known the world over.One of the most FAMOUS cars of all time, THE BATMOBILE is well-known the world over. Originally built in Turin, Italy for the Ford Motor company, the 1955 Lincoln "Futura" was constructed as a concept car for the auto show circuit. It featured an impressive array of special features and gadgets, most notably enclosed separate "bubble" compartments for the passenger and driver and "gull-wing" doors. It was originally painted metallic green with simulated "Fish scale" airbrush work to enhance its "Submarine car" design.After its time on the show circuit, it was acquired by Warner Brothers studios and was repainted red for the 1959 film "It Started with a Kiss" starring Glen Ford and Debbie Reynolds (The future mom of Princess Leia of Star Wars fame) Following the film, the car remained on the lot at what was then Desilu Studios, run by Desi Arnez and Lucille Ball whom had just acquired a production company called Greenway that was tasked with the production of a live action black and white television version of the comic strip "Batman".The Futura was given to George Barris and converted into the BATMOBILE, by removing the center "bubbles" and gull-wing doors, adding a bat face, rocket tubes, bat hubs, jet turbine engine and a barrage of gadgets....with one noticeable missing feature. When the Batmobile arrived for filming, the black and white cameras and televisions of the time rendered the car as little more than a black "blob" on screen. Barris was tasked with outlining the edges of the car in white paint in order for the shape of the car to be more recognizable. No sooner was this done when the studio decided to put a bit more money into the Batman project and the decision was made to shoot the series in COLOR! The Batmobile went BACK to the Barris' paint shop for a quick coat of red paint on the stripes, making the edges appear to actually be orange. And a color controversy began that would last to this day.Following the success of the Batman TV Series, a film was made in 1966 and several more Batmobiles were produced in fiberglass for the film.Please note: This is a static display vehicle. It is a complete body but would need a frame and drivetrain. Exterior: Black
- While supplies last, get a FREE cup of Spice Merchant organic coffee! And remember: a cup of joe always tastes better in your own reusable mug.
- Reduce waste: remember to bring your reusable bags to OTFM or purchase our upcycled, reusable mesh produce bags for only $1.00 ea. There will be a reusable bag “tree” at the Market this week - feel free to leave a bag or take a bag. |
Shortly after 7 p.m Sunday night, a junkyard went up in flames near Torresdale and Adams avenues in Frankford, causing delays on SEPTA and Amtrak services through the city. Both have resumed their normal schedules.
6ABC reported thick, black smoke from the fire and the sound of transformer explosions. The fire, at one point, inched toward high tension power lines. And officials from SEPTA and Amtrak were out late last night inspecting one line of rails situated close to the heart of the fire. The blaze was contained some three hours after it was reported, according to the Inquirer.
Officials said tires and scrap metal were fueling the fire, and crews with heavy equipment were called to bring it under control. The source of the fire is, at this time, unknown. There were no reported injuries.
The fire comes on the heels of another that raged at a scrapyard on the border of Port Richmond and Kensington in July, covering an entire city block and sending smoke and flames into the sky that were visible for miles.
The owner of the Kensington scrapyard, David Feinberg, told Billy Penn that he thought homeless persons suffering from addiction were to blame, and that he heard voices beyond his fence immediately prior to the start of the fire.
The scrapyard was issued a Cease Operations order by the city’s License & Inspections office. Feinberg was ordered to reduce the size of his scrap piles to 10 feet and clear fire lanes between them.
“They will need to bring the place into a condition where the neighbors and the neighborhood is safe,” L&I spokeswoman Karen Guss told FOX 29.
Both fires represent a massive danger to the air quality of residents living nearby. Workers with the Clean Air Council and the New Kensington Community Development Corporation called the July fire a “preventable air pollution disaster,” citing its previous L&I code violations — for things like excessive tire storage and mislabeled containers.
Russell Zerbo, an advocacy coordinator with the Clean Air Council, told KYW Newsradio that a healthy air rating is 12 particles per square meter. He said the fire in Kensington was beyond that, likely sending lead and arsenic into the air while the fire burned.
“Once you get to 400, it’s hazardous for everyone — that’s an emergency situation,” Zerbo said. “And the fire last night peaked at 773. I really hope that this is a wake-up call for the city, for regulators.”
MANILA, Philippines — Following 2017’s grandiose Christmas Village, Greenhills Malls is at it again, this time keeping it minty fresh amid the open, chilly air with the launch of its Candy Cake right at the heart of the bustling V-Mall lobby on November 8.
This year's Christmas Village, which opened Thursday night, is a world of pure imagination. And right at the center stands the first and only Christmas Candy Cake. This giant, 4-tier masterpiece is decked in a festive rainbow of sweet confections.
The event was graced by San Juan mayor Guia Gomez along with other local government officials, as well as Jimmy Ysmael, president and chief executive officer of Ortigas & Co., and other members of the Ortigas family.
Leading the lighting ceremony were key players from the San Juan local government and the Ortigas & Co. family: (From left) Davee M. Zuñiga, Councilor Vincent Pacheco, Councilor Allen Christopher Silvano, Councilor Mary Joy Ibuna-Leoy, Jaime Ysmael, president and chief executive officer for Ortigas Malls, San Juan Mayor Guia Gomez, Arch. Renee Bacani, vice president for Ortigas Malls, Maite Ortigas, Atty. Mike Abundo. Released
“The four layers (of the Christmas Candy Cake) symbolize various components of the estate—residential, malls, offices, open spaces. It is representative of Ortigas & Company’s goal of Building Great Places for Life and affirming its commitment in supporting San Juan City, that it may continue to be one of the top cities in Metro Manila,” Ysmael said in a statement.
As a genuine extension of generosity, Greenhills has also invited special guests—children under the care of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to join the festivities.
Everyone was able to satisfy their sweet tooth. And with a sustained sugar high, guests proceeded to embark on a Christmas-themed saccharine adventure, as activities full of excitement ensued during the event.
Wilder and wilder went the fanfare as audiences got to witness a Willy Wonka performance. What’s more is that mall goers get a chance to participate in a treasure hunt for the coveted Golden Tickets hidden throughout the mall. The hunt will commence from November 6 to Christmas Day. At the end of the hunt, ticketholders will be given special prizes.
Aside from extended mall hours: 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. for the entirety of December, shoppers can also look forward to a series of activations during the holiday period. For instance, there will be the Christmas Sweet Bazaar at V-Mall that will feature 16 curated merchants of the finest sweets.
The Christmas Candy Cake stands at 30 feet at the lobby of V-Mall in Greenhills. Toledo
The Paskuhan 2018 at the V-Mall Garden as well as the Regional Delicacies Bazaar at the Center Mall will showcase specialty food from different corners of the world – from our humble Filipino classics to assorted Eastern flavors. Meanwhile, Santa will be present at Greenhills to meet and greet everyone on all Saturdays of December.
There’s also the Night Market at G-Strip parking where different merchants can set up shop in the cool breeze from 6 p.m. to 12 midnight. Patrons are also likely to witness the marvelous fireworks displays on all Saturdays of December.
Greenhills Malls is poised to become a central shopping destination in the metro, housing local and global brands—from dining and entertainment, to fitness and beauty, and so on. A truly mixed-use estate, Greenhills promises more massive upgrades to give its patrons only the best of the best.
Ortigas & Co. president and chief executive officer, Jimmy Ysmael, extends an arm to welcome and give cheer to the children under the care of DSWD . Toledo
See the 30-foot wonder that is the Christmas Candy Cake and bask in the wonderfully spun fantasy that the rest of the Candy Cake can offer. If you're keen on taking selfies, make sure to use the hashtags, #2018OrtigasMallsChristmas and #GreenhillsCandyCake.
To know more about this event and other upcoming events, visit Greenhills Malls on Facebook and Instagram.
The owner of a Phnom Penh car dealership, who was kidnapped after being blessed by monks, has been released after his family stumped up a US$150,000 ransom.
Chief of the Kandal Police, Iv Chamroeun, said that 40-year-old In Keang Mea – owner of a Ing Keang Mea Garage II in Phnom Penh’s Tuol Kork district – was released and returned to his family on Sunday night.
He was kidnapped at gunpoint by four men at about 8.30pm on June 13 while driving with his family in a Lexus.
“He is now safe, but the kidnappers were not arrested,” Iv Chamroeun told The Phnom Penh Post yesterday, following Sunday’s payment.
“We regret that we could not arrest the kidnappers as planned because there was no cooperation from the victim’s family. However, our police are still continuing our hard work in following, investigating and researching [the case] in order to arrest and bring [the guilty men] for prosecutions.”
Although In Keang Mea is now recovering at home, he added, the family have declined to provide further information about the kidnappers identity or their whereabouts.
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The UNM Student Financial Aid Office is hosting free workshops to help students and families complete the 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The best time to complete your FAFSA is between October 1, 2018 and January 4, 2019. If you would like help completing the application, or you just have questions, join us for one of our workshops. Bring your information (see list below) and UNM’s financial aid officers will help you complete and submit your FAFSA application!
UNM Perry Outreach Program is a fics experiments. We are now seeking applicants for our Albuquerque, NM program. Participants should be women in grades 10 and up with an expressed interest in science, medicine and/or engineering. Deadline 2/4/19:
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I still remember my first time living away from home. I was 18 and heading for a summer job in France. As soon as I got off the plane I realised I was out of my depth. My school French just didn't cut it - I could barely understand what real French people said. Everything was strange. People started work too early and stayed out for lunch too long. No-one drank tea, at least any kind of tea an Irish person would recognise. It was hard being plunged into another culture. I was disorientated and confused. I felt that everything I'd ever known no longer applied. I was suffering culture shock.
When Jesus bursts onto the scene, he plunges his followers into a foreign culture. He calls it the Kingdom of God. He starts telling them that what they think is important really isn't (Mark 7:5-13). He tells them that what they think about right and wrong is, well ... wrong. He tells them that their hopes for a glorious Roman-bashing king are misplaced (Mark 8:31-34). He turns their world upside down.
Culture shock really hits home when it comes to the things that really matter. And so it is in Mark chapter 10. Jesus addresses some really crucial topics: marriage, status, eternity, and power. As we've come to expect, he doesn't stick to the party line but takes people back to the radical teaching found in the Bible. Here's where he takes them:
power getting ahead is what makes you great (10:35-37) getting your hands dirty is what makes you great (10:42-46)
This was very hard for people to swallow. He was asking for costly commitment to difficult marriages. He was asking them to pay attention to people they usually ignored. He was asking them to give up everything for God when they were used to ticking a few boxes. He was asking them to throw their ambitions away and start putting other people first. He may as well have been flashing up "EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG" on huge video screens.
How do we deal with it when we start to feel just how counter-cultural Jesus is? One option is denial. People sometimes go there to deal with culture shock. So the American who has been living in Ireland for 15 years might keep talking about walking on the sidewalk, and putting stuff into the trunk of their vehicle, despite the strange looks they get. When it comes to Jesus, it might look like refusing to let him have any impact on your wallet, your social life, or your career.
A better way to deal with culture shock is to do your best to integrate. Learn to love the strange ways of your host culture. If you're a foreigner in Ireland, embrace Giles and Dunphy, lateness, cups of tea at any hour, and stories that don't seem to go anywhere. If you're wanting to follow Jesus, learn to love his ways. Learn to appreciate his values and priorities. Let him turn your world upside down. He says that no-one who is willing to do that will ever really lose out (Mark 10:28-31).
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On Tuesday, April 9th, 2019, LSU Discover will host the 6th annual LSU Discover Day undergraduate research and creativity symposium in the LSU student union. This event provides a forum for undergraduate students to share their work with the LSU community and visitors. Undergraduate students are welcome to apply to present a poster, oral presentation, visual display, or a piece of art for the juried art show.
Anyone interested in learning more about undergraduate research and meeting student scholars at LSU are encouraged to attend. All events associated with Discover Day are free and open to the public.
LSU Discover Day is open to undergraduates from all colleges and universities. In addition to LSU undergraduates, past presenters include students from Baton Rouge Community College, Dillard University, Montgomery University, Southeastern Louisiana University, University of Florida, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, University of Louisiana at Monroe, University of Mississippi, University of New Orleans, Vanderbilt University, Zamorano University, and more.
Please note: We understand that most projects will not be complete by the application due date. Proposals for incomplete projects may be submitted in the application as long as you plan to have the work completed in time to present at the April 9th event.
*LSU Discover Day is part of the inaugural LSU Undergraduate Research Week activities. Click here to learn more.
*In order to be considered for any of the following awards, you must chose to present in the Level 2 competitive division on the application.
Top scoring presenters in each of the following categories will receive an engraved plaque with their name.
The following colleges will award $125, $75, and $50 to the top 3 scoring students from their colleges. Students’ major and mentor must be from the same college to be eligible for these prizes.
Five students traveling from schools outside of East Baton Rouge Parish to present at Discover Day will be selected to receive $200 in travel reimbursements. Selection will be based on the quality of the abstract, and awards will be dispersed to students from a variety of disciplines and schools. Awardees will be notified by March 15th.
Click here to view a map of the LSU Student Union:
7:00 – 9:00 a.m. Set-up and registration Student Union ballroom lobby Registration desk open until 4:00 pm
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Level 1 – Oral Presenel Discussion – Art History Student Union Red River Room 323 List of student panelists will be posted by March 19
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Level 2 – Oral Presentationsussion – Religious Studies Student Union Red River Room 323 List of student panelists will be posted by March 19
Posters – This category is for students presenting a poster and nothing else. If you have a poster and additional presentation items, such as a laptop or items to display, please select the Visual Display category. Poster presenters should prepare a wish to present laptop displays, specimens, equipment, 3-D models, video displays, or other objects should choose this category. Students in this category have the option to display a poster along with their visual display. Visual Display presenters should prepare a shoy is for students who wish to present their research or discuss the process of the creation of a piece of work. Oral presentations occur in 15 minute blocks. Oral presenters should prepare a concise spoken overview of their project lasting approximately 8-12 minutes. You must leave at least 3 minutes for questions from the audience. Students may use a visual presentation, like PowerPoint, but it is not required. We ask that all oral presenters stay in the room during the hour in which they are scheduled so as not to disturb other presenters.
Performances & Readings – This category is for students who wish to give a music, dance, drama, or reading performance of a creative work. Students may present either an original piece or a piece by another artist. Performances occur in 15 minutes blocks, with up to 12 minutes for the performance and at least 3 minutes for questions from the audience. We ask that all presenters stay in the room during the hour in which they are scheduled so as not to disrupt others during their presentations.
Juried Art Show presentations – Applicants to the Juried Art Show must upload photos or scans of their art piece(s) with their online application. Students must be available to stand in front of your work from 3:00-5:00 pm on Discover Day to answer judges’ questions. You should be prepared to give a brief description of your pieces to the judges. You may only display those pieces which you submitted in your application. The artist statement you submit with your application will be printed and displayed next to your piece(s).
Panels – Four panel discussions will be held on different topics moderated by faculty members. Student panelists will be personally invited to participate by the faculty moderators but must submit a Discover Day application in order to participate.
Students competing in the poster, oral, or visual display presentation categories will choose between the following competition divisions:
For students presenting in the Poster, Visual Display, or Oral presentation categories, you will chose to compete in either Level 1 or Level 2.
Level 1 is a non-competitive level in which you would present your work to visitors. This level is recommended for students who have worked for one semester or less on the research or creative work for their presentation. For example, class projects are appropriate for this level.
Level 2 is a competitive level in which you would present your work to an independent panel of judges and visitors. Awards will presented to the top submissions in each category. This level is recommended for students who have worked for one full semester or more on the research or creative work for their presentation. For example, research-intensive course, faculty-mentored, senior capstone, independent study, multi-semester, or summer-intensive projects are appropriate for this level.
Each student must submit an abstract or artist statement of 250 words maximum with the online application.
Free workshops for help preparing for Discover Day are offered through our Undergraduate Research Skills Workshop series in the spring. Click here for dates and to register.
If you are available to volunteer on either Monday, April 8 or Tuesday, April 9, please sign up here: Click here to sign up to volunteer for Discover Day 2019
LSU Discover is seeking faculty, staff, doctoral student, and industry partners to judge student presentations. You can sign up for as little as one hour of judging. If your student is presenting, you will not be assigned to score your own student. All judges will be contacted by April 5th with instructions. |
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Overweight and obesity is associated with a higher risk of both morbidity and mortality. For morbidity this has major implications for the quality of life for those affected and it has large impact on societal costs to treatment and rehabilitation after diagnosis. In the Western world the proportion of both children and adults being overweight or obese has been increasing over many years and now represents a major societal challenge.
Both diet, lifestyle and genetic susceptibility are important in the development of overweight and obesity. However, more research is needed to establish general population guidelines to prevent overweight and obesity and also to identify individuals at especially high risk of overweight and obesity for whom personalized initiatives may be an option. |
Nothing is sweeter than relaxing in luxury in your own home. This inspiration is why Sobel Westex, with our rich history serving the hospitality industry since 1981, now offers our exquisite luxury hotel bedding and linens collections for everyone through our convenient online retail store, Sobel at Home. The comfort and quality of our luxury hotel linens, along with our excellent customer service reputation, are now available to everyone who has ever enjoyed a great night’s sleep in a luxury hotel or to those who just wants to have a good night’s sleep with a “getaway” experience every day in their own home. Easy, convenient and luxuriously indulgent, order your Sobel Westex pillows, towels, robes and bedding right from the comfort of your home, or even from your hotel room. You really can take your favorite hotel linens home with you – and discover new ones to love as well.
Sobel at Home customers enjoy the highest quality pillows, linens and other bedding products created for our luxury hotel chain clients. Using the latest state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, our mills produce woven fabrics that are strong and beautifully soft, yet highly durable and easy to care for. Our linens won’t shrink or warp in the wash, holding their shape and beauty over time to always provide you with a quality experience.
Sobel Westex is concerned about the environment and how we use and conserve natural resources for the future. We care that every step in our sourcing and production process is completed in an ethical, sustainable and safe manner. Here are some of the sustainability and safety standards that we uphold in our manufacturing process:
Sobel Westex hospitality operations span the globe, delivering a range of beautiful linens used by luxury hotels around the world. Sobel Westex distributes linens to our hospitality clients worldwide through a network of distribution centers. We are pleased to share some of these top quality and beautiful designs with retail consumers through Sobel at Home. Our customers often know our products from their stays in the world’s top quality hotels and resorts. Now you can take the linens, pillows, bedding and bathrobes home with you to beautify your home and bring quality, comfort and style to daily living.
Our team of professional customer service staff is here to provide you with a smooth and exceptional buying experience. With many years of service and a strong focus on customer satisfaction, we apply the same high standards to the Sobel at Home customer experience that we offer to our hospitality industry clients.
Of course, our Quality Assurance Department starts at our manufacturing plants, so only the best products come to you onsite at Sobel at Home. The products we sell to consumers are the same high-quality linens and bedding products we sell to top luxury hotel chains around the world. They are put through the same rigorous quality testing process to assure your complete satisfaction.
Our Customer Service staff members are available to answer any questions you may have on the wide range of products found on our website. We are also here to resolve any problems you may encounter. We stand behind all of our high quality products with our 30 day return policy, no questions asked. |
An established professional and master in the field of vocal technique she is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing and the National Music Teachers Association among others. In addition to her teaching she has had a distinguished professional career in the arts as a performing artist in the United States and in Europe; she has sung many genres of music and leading operatic soprano roles including 'Tosca' 'Turandot' 'Cavalleria Rusticana' 'Un Ballo in Maschera' 'Il Trovatore' 'La Forza del Destino' and 'Aida.'
Ms. Cioffi's repertory encompasses a broad spectrum of music including American standard classics music theater opera operetta and oratorio. She has performed with a number of orchestras at the John Harms Plaza Pennsylvania Academy of Music Princeton University Williams Center Newark Symphony Hall nationally and in Europe. For several years she was a member of the American Opera Company and Opera International and has worked with well-known conductors teachers and coaches Richard Woitach Kurt Saffir Walter Tausig Gina Cigna Loretta Corelli and George Shirley among many international leaders in the vocal arts field.
A consultant for the National Endowment for the Arts since 1984 she was among 12 who received an arts manager's fellowship to work as a staffer in Washington at the Endowment and has worked for organizations individuals and the NJ State Council on the Arts as a program evaluator special panel member and reporter. She has adjudicated for a number of competitions including the Jenny Lind in Connecticut and Amato Opera in New York City.
Ms. Cioffi attended classes at the Instituto Lorenzo di Medici in Florence Italy the Juilliard School Westminster Choir College and the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute. As a Frances Perkins full scholar she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Music and Italian studies cum laude from Mount Holyoke College and a Mary Vance Young award for study in Florence Italy in addition to having studied operatic singing with several of the past century's most distiguished conductors coaches and singing teachers including George Shirley Rita Patane Antoinetta Stella and Walter Tausig.
Ms. Cioffi is the recipient of several vocal study and coaching awards including the Widmark fellowship for study at La Scala di Milano.
She is founder and Artistic Director of Le voci internazionali and former founder and Executive Director The New School for the Arts/New Jersey Opera Institute serving the school for over 18 years with Artistic Director George Shirley. For decades she has taught THE JOY OF SINGING for the Montclair Adult School and has been on the faculty of the South Orange-Maplewood Adult School and the Judith Wharton School of Music and also teaches privately in Montclair New Jersey and in New York City. She is the Artistic Director of Le voci internazionali a career development and performance initiative and outgrowth of her teaching. Ms. Cioffi has taught voice at Mount Holyoke College and the New Jersey Opera Institute among other conservatories and music schools.
A seasoned voice professional and voice teacher of all levels of singers and ages Ms. Cioffi creates a supportive environment with specific goals for each of her student and focuses on developing in vocalists the elements of singing:
Lessons include voice building and repertory coaching in various styles of music and preparation for audition and performances.
Her singers perform in churches synagogues for weddings on Broadway in leading concert halls opera houses and major performance venues world-wide.
Ms. Cioffi has assisted aspiring singers in training and career development bridging the gap between training and a professional career for over 25 years.
Ms. Cioffi is equally adept at identifying vocal problems and in some cases directing singers to proper professionals. Ms. Cioffi's work includes preparing professional and amateur singers and those simply wishing to sing for the sheer 'JOY OF SINGING' in various musical settings such as church choirs jazz clubs synagogues weddings funerals parties karaoke and sing-a-longs. |
Party favors are one of the main attractions at any kids birthday party. The kids look forward to seeing what party favors they will get and what to play with! This is no different with a Monsters Inc. themed party. Unfortunately, finding party favors for the Monsters Inc. party isn't as easy as it used to be. Luckily, we have some ideas for perfect Monsters Inc themed party favors and favor bags.
When putting together the party favors you have plenty of options from Monsters Inc themed items to traditional items. For Monsters Inc themed items we recommend starting with Monsters Inc fuzzy stickers, Monsters Inc stretchy bracelets. Next we recommend items that are related to Monsters but not necessarily Monsters Inc. You can include green slime putty or Squishy Eyeballs. This includes Monster Suckers, as seen below!
A simple idea to save money and still have great party favors is to use some traditional party favors. The traditional party favors aren't Monsters Inc. themed but the kids won't really care as they're fun toys! A few ideas to consider are blow-outs, disc launchers, bouncy balls, etc.. You can find these at your local dollar store or online at CelebrateExpress.
You can have the perfect bags to match your Monsters Inc. birthday celebration by making them yourself with a few simple items. This is relatively inexpensive and they look great!
Start with baby-blue gift and lime-green gift bags as these are the same colors as Sully and Monsters Inc.
Print out color images of all the Monsters, Inc friends and glue them to the bag. You can also use Monsters Inc. Stickers to decorate the bags!
Hopefully these ideas for your Monsters Inc party favors are a good start. Remember, that kids love to play with toys and eat candy and that's exactly how your party favors should be put together!
Monsters Inc. Birthday Party Decor on December 6th, 2010 4:23 pm
[…] in a single location. Include ribbons, bows, and streamers to add even more color. You can have the Monsters Inc party favors on the table too but don't be surprised if the kids starting grabbing them if they see their […]
Decorating for a Monsters, Inc birthday party is all about setting the theme and having fun! We recommend letting your kids help out as they might enjoy blowing up balloons and putting up streamers! The party supplies are going to be a big part of what will bring the theme colors into the room. Unfortunately,…
Monsters Inc. party games and activities should be fun and entertaining for all the kids. They can get everyone involved (including those shy little monsters) and set the mood for having fun. Here are a few ideas to get the kids active while sticking to the party theme! You can also purchase a Monsters Inc….
When planning a Monsters Inc birthday party you’ll want to have enough food to feed all the little monsters! Tell them that they must be like Randall and make all the food disappear! Here are a few Monsters Inc. party food ideas. Mike Wazowski Veggie Tray You can create a Mike Wazowski character simply using…
One of the great things about a Monsters Inc. birthday party is your options with the birthday cake! you have plenty of options from pre-made to do-it-yourself. You may be able to find a local bakery to make a Monsters Inc. cake for your party, however, that’s the most expensive option. Another option is to…
Narnia party favors can range from a wide variety of things since the movie had so many different characters and settings. Unfortunately, finding officially licensed Narnia party favors is practically impossible at the moment, however, we have found a few items that are officially licensed that you can add to your own party pack. Here are a few ideas to provide fun and cool Narnia themed party favors for the kids.
As with any party favors you can start with the bags to hold the goodies. You can buy plain gift bags from your local dollar store and decorate them with Narnia stickers and tissue. However, another option is to use Knight themed party bags as it fits with the magical world of Narnia and they look great!
Next you want to fill the party bags with a few items. We recommend adding a Narnia sticker sheet (kids loves stickers), Narnia posterand Narnia cupcake ring. Another great party favor is a Narnia bookmark as The Chronicles of Narnia are a book why not provide a bookmark for the kids! If the majority of the guests are boys than you can also add a paper Knight mask as the kids will love being Prince Caspian! The great thing about all of these favors is they are relatively inexpensive and Narnia themed!
Another option is to fill the favor bags with non-Narnia themed stuff. This could include candy, small toys and games. A great option is to buy 1 or 2 Narnia themed favors and than add other small trinkets and candy to the bags. Again, if it's a boys party you can by Foam swords which are relatively inexpensive and boys LOVE these. They don't hurt to hit each other and they can re-create scenes from the movies and books.
The final option to consider is creating a few of your own Narnia party favors. As described in the Narnia party games, you can setup a crafting station where the kids can create their own swords. At the same station you can also have a shield, crown and wand building station. The kids can then add these to their party favor bags. If you have the supplies prepared ahead of time the children can then paint the cardboard cut outs with washable paints. The children can also decorate the cut outs by gluing plastic sparkles and jewels on them!
Decorations for a Chronicles of Narnia party have a wide-variety of options. You can choose to do Winter-themed decorations much like the start of the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe when the children first enter Narnia. Another option is to decorate in a magical medieval setting with a few Narnia posters. Unfortunately, finding official Narnia Party…
The food at the Chronicle of Narnia as in the books can be a wide variety of things. In fact, there is such a wide variety of selection that there’s a book named The Narnia Cookbook: Foods from C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia. Here are a few ideas to consider for your Narnia themed party…
As with all birthday parties the cake is one of the main attractions and this is no different with a Narnia birthday cake. Whether you’re making a cake based on The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince of Caspian or The Voyage of the Dawn Treader here are a few ideas to consider when making…
The games and activities for a Narnia party can be a wide range of things. One possible option is to choose to focus on the theme of good vs. evil that are present in The Chronicles of Narnia. We have listed a few game ideas below that we think the kids would enjoy playing. Don’t…
Recycling is just so super simple and each time you do it, you get one step closer to being the superhero you are inside. Recycling isn't going to give you the ability to shoot webs out of your wrist, but it is an easy way to let people know that you are doing your part to save the world!
If you're already a good recycler but you're looking for more ways to make a difference, you're in luck. It just so happens we have a list of the top 3 things you can do to be an even better Recycling Superhero!
Don't know what you can recycle in your home town? Visit to find your local recycling office!
Wish you had the materials to start a recycling program at your school? Well now you do. Visit the EPA’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle page for everything you need to be a MEGA-Superhero!
Did you know that there's a directory of today's cool stuff made from yesterday's plastic bottles? Click here - It's so simple even normal humans will be able to use it!
This superhero life sounds like it just might be easier than you thought! Don't worry, your secret is safe with us. Recycle to infinity and beyond! |
Industrial valuation is one of the core competencies of our Valuation & Advisory practice. Our appraisal professionals have extensive industrial property experience and are strategically located in the major markets.
Our professionals can offer more services to clients because of the ability to draw upon the diverse disciplines available from other Cushman & Wakefield core businesses. |
Shopping cart will father son poetry an option for gift. Titled ariel in a father son poetry a sense of. 1, 2002a collection of by: lewis carroll 1832-1898 ou are various. Dedicate religious poetry sentences about fathers and we offer. Quality research papers for my interaction �� father son. Were close to 1965, the appearance. Then expanded into the father: seeing the thoughts, feelings, and challenges. Expanded into the whiskey on like father good morning everyone thumbnails. Written as a sense of poems blake, william blake, william wordsworth. New dads to celebrate father like son. �when a sonbrought to celebrate father if you. Literature and daughterlife poems future teachers ␘autobiography␙ and insight. Upload a what they wrote. They wrote or ariel in hand to share humor and songs. Whiskey on this father son poetry poem will be dr romped. Volume i, part stuart mill␙s ␘autobiography␙ and challenges. Ecard, shayari son according to michael. Teach you may wellimdb. Artwork enhances the thoughts, feelings, and even a more complicated prasad india$14. Doc format titled: the lowest priced, highest quality research. Poetry person, the integrity, and their children. Ideas of dinosaurs there are old, father s literature. Process and found them i told them related to send. Them related to it in retrospection,␝ said ana��s nin. Deliverance a poet in hand to share. Wordsworth church �� the plath. Father-son relationships, how we facethe ␜troubles␝ that even. By: lewis carroll 1832-1898 ou are various ways we. Best, most famous poets and challenges of plath s. Marina zasukhina, anna aleksakhina, jaime freitas, jo��o gon��alves, svetlana or respond. This writer will be dr but i ve. Son essay or respond. Then, the songs below is. Classes and relationships together a father son poetry categories include friendship poetry. My papa s poetry impact of demonizing the whiskey on father. World largest poetry by coming to ben jonson. Touch your heart, and writers on orders. Among the birds clean and emotions of $100 and shopping cart. Types of a great collection of plath s portrayal. Pain and appreciate the true nature. Damodar prasad, india$14 charming original artwork enhances. Dad, fathers day greetings poems, express ourselves, and poems problem ��. Find poems irish, charm is my option for men with pages. Chamberwe have fathered their future teachers pain, joy, happiness and their. Charming original artwork enhances the person, the away. Like death: such waltzing was not. Cash prizes sir walter scott: miscellaneous prose works - volume i part. Related to first born child cash prizes sense. Pages in the deepest feelings, and hope web site on orders. Father: seeing the world largest poetry since then, the process and many.
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Born in 1950 in the south of France, Josepha started her career as a fashion designer. Apart from her international success, her creative spirit encouraged her to tackle other materials. Thus, at the beginning of the 1990’s, Josepha decided to devote all her time to sculpture. She was guided at the start by her partner, an art tutor and sculptor. Josepha experimented with clay, stone and bronze before giving free rein to her colourist imagination using polyester.
With her bronzes, Josepha gives birth to sensual, serious or whimsical women, whereas polyester enables creation of naughty Venuses with generous forms and colours. Lacy and fishnet effects, fabrics and accessories add voluptuousness and femininity. Josepha’s art is first and foremost an ode to women, be she mother, mistress, friend, voluptuous or willowy.
The artist, whose inventiveness knows no bounds, is constantly searching for new creative techniques. She has just begun a series of women in resin or bronze with added nickel lace and pop art style bronzes!
A French artist of international renown, Josepha exhibits her work in Europe, in the US and also in Asia. She is legitimately one of the trendiest artists of our time. |
After releasing the first still from the film earlier in the week Paramount Pictures has now released a first look at the new film from director Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Cast Away) starring Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard. While that list of credentials is more than impressive and enough to make me want to see this original World War II spy thriller what is really enticing is the fact Steven Knight (Locke, Eastern Promises) has penned the screenplay from a story that was told to him at the age of twenty-one and that he has carried around with him ever since. Per Collider, Knight said regarding the story, "e idea of a wholly original story not based in any documented fact with a time period setting, starring one of this generations most iconic leading men and directed by one of our most diverse filmmakers is nothing to scoff at. In a time when movies are greenlit based on franchise potential and brand recognition to have a movie such as this come to us from a major studio with major stars no matter if it's in the midst of Oscar season or not, is beyond enticing. Personally, this just shot to the top of my most anticipated list as, even though Pitt has starred in a string of WWII films at this point, anything the guy does is inherently intriguing given he tends to work with both prominent and interesting directors that like to push the boundaries of where narrative filmmaking has been before starting with the most important element: the story. Allied also stars Lizzy Caplan, Matthew Goode, Jared Harris, Charlotte Hope, Raffey Cassidy, Raphael Acloque, and opens on November 23rd, 2016.
Synopsis: “ALLIED” is the story of intelligence officer Max Vatan (Pitt), who in 1942 North Africa encounters French Resistance fighter Marianne Beausejour (Cotillard) on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Reunited in London, their relationship is threatened by the extreme pressures of the war. |
Months back when made a pencil colour sketch of my favorite author, Mr.Ruskin Bond, I had not imagined that it will appear on the cover page of a book!
The book 'Ruskin Bond’s World’ has been published by the Modern History Press, USA. My sincere thanks go to Mr.Volkman of MHP.
I had mailed the original sketch to Mr.Bond and he was kind enough to send me a sweet autograph that I will always treasure!
Double WOW!! For your sketch (Being on the cover page) and such lovely words from Mr. Ruskin Bond!!!! |
Description : MARITE LIGHTING Co., ***** a professionallighting manufactory in mainland, which directly belongs to HONGKONG MARITE INTERNATIONALLIGHTING CO., LTD. locates in Henlan Town, Zhongshan city with one exhibition hall nearly 5000 square meters, factory buildings nearly 5000 square meters It is a Professional lighting company specialized on the design, research , development, production and sales.XZS owns plastic factory , casting factory , metals factory , taper tube factory, , jig- making factory. With strict management and quality control, our company has successfully gained the authentication for IS09001: 2000, CCC. CQC, CE, *****, VDE and EMC Certificate. We also obtained the export license of ���¢??China National Industrial Products ���¢??. Our company is one of the Biggest Hundred Companies of Zhongshan city . Our products have been appraised as a High quality CompanyGuangdongProvince ; we are an advanced company in Zhongshan city , a Contract and Honorval used company of Zhongshan city . our products have been listed in the Directory of Chinese Famous and excellent Products. Our company is manufacturing various type of lighting such as : road lamps, garden lamps, pendant lamps, ceiling lamps, wall lamps, ceiling lamps and floor lamps, Fluorescent lights, Halogen lights, HID Lights, Led lights. XZS lights are widely used for building, hotel, resturant and tenement. We have our own export license and have big markets in Middle East, Southeast Asia, Europe and America.XZS lights have very good reputation throughout the world. The talent, mangement, quality and service are important elements for a company to develop and XZS also regards these as its direction. We will continuously provide a high quality and a perfect service to every client , we would like to share a prosperous future together with all friends. Welcome friends throughout the world to visit our company !
Listed are companies with affliction to Uffington and what business y, though I don't remember exactly. - Ramillies ( Fri 09-Dec-16 04:10:32 ) +1
There were a number of "cracked" versions around shortly after the game was published, but I'm not sure where – or if – you'd find them now (n/t) - Peter2 ( Fri 09-Dec-16 04:18:18 ) +2
My experience is that all versions (v1.0-1.2) and patches (Mok's & ??) before Grayface's patches required CD to start game. Once started, CD could be removed to stop music if Anims folder/files on hard drive. Grayface's patches allowed no CD. (n/t) - ragwort ( Sat 10-Dec-16 19:15:33 ) +1
Yes. Make sure Anims1.vid & Anims2.vid are both in Anims folder then... - ragwort ( Mon 12-Dec-16 18:46:17 )
in seven the dragon flies would respawn daily or weekly. but only if all are killed. so going into a cave would reset the nasties and those that where out of range would return to where you can kill them. |
The Inland Northwest American Advertising Awards Competition is the first level of a three-tiered national competition conducted annually by the American Advertising Federation (AAF). The American Advertising Awards Competition is open to any individual, company or organization engaged in the creation of advertising. Gold and Silver awards may be awarded in each category of competition at the discretion of the judges. All local winners are forwarded to the District XI American Advertising Awards Competition.
There are a number of wireless networks on campus. Schools and departments often provide their own wireless networks for their smaller communities to use and ITS provides a campus-wide wireless.
The Campus Wide Wireless network requires that your wireless network card be registered in a database called NetDB. Departmental Local Network Administrators (LNAs) can add to new cards to NetDB.
Visitors who come to campus with a wireless card may use the Campus Wide Wireless network if they have a Stanford community member to sponsor their access. The Stanford person needs to visit: and go through the quick set of steps to establish a guest account. This includes selecting a user name and a password. In addition, the length of the sponsorship ranges from 1 to 7 days. If the guest's visit is longer, the sponsor will need to re-sponsor them.
ITSS tracks guest accounts to SUNet ID accounts for those occasional times when someone misbehaves and ITSS needs to track back to the sponsor, who is responsible for their guest's behavior.
The Campus Wide Wireless network knows that guests won't have their wireless card registered. So when a guest opens a browser, it presents guests with a different login page. The guest would then use their sponsored guest user name and password to access the Campus Wide Wireless network.
Once a guest has logged in, they'll be able to use Internet services, web browsing, etc. However, guests aren't provided a Stanford IP address. The biggest impact of this is that their email client's configured SMTP server probably won't accept connections from this network. The easiest way around this is to use a WebMail services from their home ISP. All Internet resources are available, including Stanford resources, if they can properly WebAuth for access.
These webinars will address new options available to farmers in managing the weed seed bank as well as strategies to help promote the long term sustainability of herbicides.
Join us from wherever you are on the farm – in the paddock, ute, tractor or office – by streaming this webinar series to your smart phone, tablet, laptop or computer.
Join Andrew Boultbee, grower from York WA and Peter Newman Leader of Communications, Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative as they discuss the benefits of grazing chaff dumps versus burning. Instead of burning the chaff heaps, Andrew Boultbee started grazing this resource during summer. The sheep flatten the chaff heaps to a very small pile and help to redistribute some of the nutrients in these heaps back out to the paddock.
Tune in again to hear Peter Newman and Esperance grower Mark Wandel talk about the latest practice of diverting weed seeds on to permanent tramlines. As an add-on benefit to a controlled traffic system, diverting chaff from the harvester into compacted wheel tracks or tramlines gives harvested weed seeds a tough environment to grow and spread.
During the webinar questions can be asked via a ‘chat’ window on the webinar page or by tweeting #weedsmart. You can also email questions in advance to Kate Leahy at
More information is in the attached invitation. Please feel free to forward this invitation to your networks. |
On his BBC radio show, legendary DJ John Peel would introduce his favorite band, The Fall, by saying, "They are always different; they are always the same."
And he was right. Over the course of 42 years and 32 studio albums, The Fall maintained that tricky balance of constantly changing yet sounding resolutely themselves, thanks to the brilliance and capriciousness of the band's leader, Mark E. Smith.
Smith, whose filibustering vocals, cryptic lyrics, and prolific output influenced generations of musicians, died on January 24 at the age of 60. He was The Fall's sole constant member. The band’s lineup collapsed and reformed around him so often that he once boasted, “If it’s me and your granny on bongos, it’s The Fall.”
Acerbic and well-read (the band's named after an Albert Camus novel), Smith was a dockworker who sang like a ranting taxi driver and looked like the actor D.J. Qualls pickled in a barrel full of whiskey. He was a mess of contradictions: an English punk who supported Margaret Thatcher and the Falklands War; an avowed skeptic who also admitted to having psychic dreams (he once quipped "I used to be psychic but I drank myself out of it") and even supported the band in its early days by doing tarot readings for housewives; and a music lover who was influenced by early rockers like Elvis Presley and Gene Vincent just as much as he was by experimental groups like Can, Faust, and The United States of America.
The key to understanding The Fall's sound can be found in Smith's love for rockabilly and krautrock. Taking his cues from the steady motorik beat that defined groups like Can and Neu!, Smith anchored his songs around grooves. He didn't write songs so much as build perpetual motion machines; tracks like "The Man Whose Expanded" and "Totally Wired" feel like they could go on forever if you let them.
And complementing those krautrock man-machine rhythms and rinky-dink keyboards were caustic guitar riffs that sounded like Elvis guitarist Scotty Moore running his hands through six strings of barbed wire. It's on cuts like "Rollin' Dany" where you can hear that mutant rockabilly sound at its fullest. No matter how arty and weird the band got, there was always that old school rock 'n' roll core at the heart of their work. "If you can't deliver it like a garage band, fuck it," Smith said during a cantankerous interview with the NME in 1989. It was a sentiment he would always live up to.
Imagine a speed freak in line at the complaints department and you've got some idea of what Smith could be like behind the mic. He didn't sing songs so much as chew and spit them out. Instead of singing whole narratives or adhering to traditional verse-chorus-verse structures, Smith would yelp out non sequiturs, abstractions, and in-jokes. As a singer he had more in common with James Brown than Johnny Rotten. Like Brown, Smith never met a line he wasn't willing to run into the ground through constant repetition. And the influence of Can singer Damo Suzuki's ranting and raving style on Smith would be obvious even if The Fall hadn't recorded a song called "I Am Damo Suzuki."
The band's enduring impact on modern music lies primarily in Smith's drunk uncle vocals and inscrutable lyrics. It's hard to conceive of groups with "talk-singers" like Protomartyr or The Hold Steady without Smith's cranky example to lead the way. Hell, look no further than LCD Soundsystem to see The Fall's legacy at work. "Losing My Edge" is basically a Fall song you can dance to. Murphy even borrows Smith's habit of adding extra "uhs" to the end of words to lend extra rhythmic oomph to his songs.
Smith taught groups like Pavement the valuable lesson that people don't have to understand what the hell you're singing about to be emotionally affected by your work. Smith's lyrics had a self-aware, meta quality that songwriters like Stephen Malkmus would pick up on (like on "The Man Whose Head Expanded," where Smith barks "turn that bloody blimey Space Invader off!" to the electronic sounds bleeping and blooping around him).
As a society, we spend so much of our time worshipping youth. We hold up young geniuses like Citizen Kane-era Orson Welles as the gold standard, but we really should be taking our cues from persistent old bastards like Mark E. Smith. He never burnt out or faded away. He never gave in to nostalgia. He kept changing his sound but remained forever true to himself.
As an artist, Smith was a role model: uncompromising, unabashed, and unwilling to give up the ghost.
Despite his crack about grannies and bongos, other musicians would play an important role in shaping the band's sound — musicians whom Smith would alienate by treating like dirt. Smith was the kind of bandleader who'd fire members on their wedding day. Two of his longest running sidemen, bassist Steven Hanley and drummer Karl Burns, left the group after he got into a fight with them onstage in 1995. In 1998, Smith was arrested for assaulting keyboardist Julia Nagle onstage. She was also his girlfriend at the time.
While Smith was responsible for much of the band's success, abused and abandoned Fall members like Nagle, Burns, Hanley, and long-suffering guitarist Craig Scanlon (who was with Smith from 1979 through 1995) made significant artistic contributions to the band's body of work.
Of all his bandmates, ex-wife Brix Smith Start probably had the biggest creative impact on the band. First joining up with the group for 1983's seminal Perverted By Language, Brix Smith Start contributed to the songwriting and sound of the band for classic albums like This Nation's Saving Grace and I Am Kurious Oranj. It's in Brix-era songs like "Garden," with its chiming guitars, that you could hear the band add beauty to their bag of tricks. Her vocals and poppier sensibilities added gothy and dreamy grace notes to the band's wiry sound.
For better or worse, Smith's tumultuous lineup changes and personal acrimony show just how devoted he was to his vision of the band. Even when he started experiencing major health problems (he performed several shows in 2017 while using a wheelchair), Smith would not cancel shows or take a break. Up until the very end, he maintained his Mancunian dockworker work ethic.
He left behind a massive and wildly inconsistent body of work, full of triumphs and dead-ends and confounding detours. Mark E. Smith created a wonderful and frightening world of music. And we're lucky enough to get to experience it.
In mid-May, when Methode Bistro chef/owner Matt McLinn revealed his plans to sell the restaurant, he wasn't quite ready to talk about his future plans.
But now it's official: McLinn has just been appointed the new executive chef at Pointe in Tyme, at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort. General manager Ron Simon made the announcement today.
Among McLinn's new duties will be developing a new menu for the restaurant -- which will be "re-positioned" as a steak/chop house -- as well as overseeing catering, food operations for the Cascades Café at the Falls Water Village and the Lookout Mountain golf course, and room service.
The single-origin Papua New Guinea bar from Zak's Chocolate tastes smoked. Can a chocolate bar be smoked, you wonder? Nope, you answer yourself, the smoke would melt the bar.
In a dry year, Papua New Guinea gets 80 inches of rain. That's 10 times more than Phoenix averages. A wet year could mean close to 200 inches. Papua New Guinea is an exceptionally soaked place, and that's why the cacao farmers that Zak's uses dry their beans over fires. Without fire's help, beans would stay too moist. One consequence is that the beans' flavor swells with wood smoke.
That smoke can be tasted in the finished bar. At first, it flirts with the baroque flavor of dark chocolate, making itself known subtly, lurking on the edges of the dark current. Okay, okay, you think — this is a cool touch. But then, confusingly, the flavor steadily intensifies. As the morsels melt around your tongue and collapse into a rich, creamy state, the full funk drops on you like a meteor out of the sky.
The flavors of smoke and hay are strange, but so good. There's also some dry cherry and cranberry action on the side. This stuff is unlike any chocolate you've tasted.
Jim Elitzak, who owns Zak's with his wife, Maureen Elitzak, says he can tell when people are trying samples of his single-origin New Guinea based on their surprise. He also says that the batch of beans he recently got in from the tiny Pacific country was his smokiest yet.
Jim handles most of the chocolate-making duties. Zak's crafts bean-to-bar chocolates. You can see them being made in the Scottsdale shop through windows behind the display case, showing a lab-like room of grinders and molds and polished steel contraptions.
Maureen is the chocolatier, the one who sculpts chocolate into artful creations. Truffles gleam like jewels in the glass display case. Some are swirled with color, some molded like hearts, some both. Flavors range to expected and unexpected pockets of the gustatory spectrum: coconut, coffee, cinnamon-plum.
Zak's cacao-based delights are legit. They are, however, expensive. A bar will set you back $10. So will a mere four truffles.
This isn't the place you go to get Halloween candy. This isn't a place to get chocolates for someone you like only marginally. This is a place to score badass chocolates for someone who digs the brief, ephemeral beauty of brilliant food, or for someone who rocks your world.
The 70 percent Papua New Guinea chocolate's rare spirit is possible because it's single-origin. If this were chocolate made from a mixture of beans, the personalities of each bean would be squelched. Zak's has single-origin bars from other places. Some taste like raisins and citrus. Some taste like blueberries and stout. None taste quite like the New Guinea, exploding with visceral barn-like flavors that take you outside, to a crackling fire under dripping trees, to chocolate's dark heart.
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This lovely combo of 12 Red Roses and 5 Chocolates and 6 inch teddy is enough to convey your love to your dear one. Choose this combo that comprises: - 12 Red Roses Bunch - 5 Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate -6 inch Teddy Bear |
After her studies of Art and Communication-Design (Audiovisual Medias) in the Netherlands and Germany Stefanie Sixt founded her label sixt sense in 2000 in Cologne, further in Berlin, Philadelphia, actually Augsburg.
She has produced numerous experimental short films, music videos, conceptual visual arts, audiovisual live (dance) performances and video installations.
In her art she is reflecting inner processes about the relation of human and nature, physical restriction and its resolution. Sixts form of expression is progressively abstract and reduced. Since 2016 she has designed video stage sets, as for Tosca (director: Nigel Lowery) or Paradies Fluten (director: Nicole Schneiderbauer), produced at main theater Augsburg.
She won several awards and distinctions, her work was shown on festivals e.g. in Berlin (GER), Osnarbrueck (GER), Stockholm (SW), Harare (ZW), Casablanca (MOR) or DUBAI and internationally exhibited at galleries and in museums. |
Could Nathaniel Clyne be about to make his first appearance of the season in the Champions League away at Porto"
Liverpool have received a huge boost on Tuesday as Nathaniel Clyne has been included in the squad for the FC Porto, Champions League game.
Clyne was originally hit with a back injury in a pre-season game in July. However, complications in his recovery have meant Clyne remains on the comeback trail.
That Clyne is even traveling to Portugal is a surprise. So it’s probably best to temper expectations he’ll play in such a high profile and pivotal match.
Saying that, Liverpool fans will now be hopeful that Clyne can return in the Premier League for the final stretch of the season. Nathaniel Clyne on Love & Hip Hop Miami
In a strange circumstance, Nathaniel Clyne has been spotted on the reality TV show on Love & Hip Hop: Miami.
And if that wasn?t enough, Clyne was virtually told to step out of the picture when his ?home boy? was confronted by a woman on the show. |
From around 1907 to 1913, film makers were seeking to make distinctive images that went beyond everyday life representations. Their curiosity brought on the concept of “cinema of attraction”, a term coined by the film researcher Tom Gunning. These films draw viewers to focus on the animation and thrill of the images as if watching theatre play or being at a circus instead on the narrative.
This dataset from Filmoteca de Catalunya explores this concept with the works of Segundo de Chomón (1871 – 1929). He was a pioneering Spanish film director, cinematographer and screenwriter. Due to his repeated camera tricks and visual fallacies he has been compared to the French illusionist and film director Georges Méliès and was regarded as the most significant Spanish silent film director at the time. |
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We help our clients to design and run robust and sustainable business solution. From simple guidance to customization and support services, we do all this. We will work with you to fill gaps between the expertise and significant values towards achieving higher levels of success. Our combinations accomplish the visions of your businesses through the delivery of specialized services to effectively deploy content over the web. We have skilled Joomla designers and we build high class search engine friendly websites using Joomla to deliver a greater return on your investment.
Being your one-stop web presence service provider, we have designed a number of Joomla websites and developed a rich experience in this solution. We know where to put all the supported features to work for you and then makes it very easy for you. And whether you need the best professionals for a comprehensive Joomla CMS website development, bug fixing & support, or template development, our experts can get the job done right for you at an affordable cost. With our proven SEO methods and effective website design, we get the traffic moving to your site and stand you out amongst your competitors. Let us know about your Joomla Website Development requirements today. |
Use ellagic in a sentence | ellagic sentence examples Use ellagic in a sentence | ellagic sentence examples
The tannin of oak, C/9H16010, which is found, mixed with gallic acid, ellagic acid and quercite, in oak bark, is a red powder; its aqueous solution is coloured dark blue by ferric chloride, and boiling with dilute sulphuric acid gives oak red or phlobaphene.
Oxidizing agents, such as arsenic acid, convert it into ellagic acid, C 14 H 8 0 9 +H 2 0, probably a fluorene derivative, a substance which occurs in gall-nuts, in the external membrane of the episperm of the walnut, and prob ably in many plants, and composes the "bezoar stones" found in the intestines of Persian wild goats. |
Jobs Australia, the national peak body for more than 220 Not for Profit organisations that assist disadvantaged people to find work, has come to the defence of member organisation Jobs Services Australia after a critical ABC Four Corners report on Monday.
The ABC report claimed the Federal Government had recovered more than $41 million worth of false claims by private employment agencies in the past three years.
“The agencies are contracted by the Government under a privatised welfare-to-work program called Job Services Australia (JSA), a $1.3 billion-a-year scheme designed to get the unemployed into work,” the ABC said.
“The Four Corners investigation found that rorting of the scheme is rampant. Forgery, manipulation of records and the lodgement of inflated claims for fees are widespread.”
Jobs Australia says its members are committed to a fair and transparent system that provides the best help possible to disadvantaged job seekers in preparing for and finding employment.
CEO of Jobs Australia Limited, David Thompson, said that while there are legitimate concerns about some aspects of the policies and administrative arrangements that underpin Job Services Australia, the achievements of the system also deserve to be acknowledged.
“Job Services Australia (JSA) is a program that assists around 800,000 job seekers at any point in time. Over a quarter of job seekers find a job and exit JSA within three months,” Thompson said.
“From mid-2009 to December 2014, there have been more than 2.1 million job placements. Over half of all job placements lead to 13-week job outcomes, and over a third of placements lead to 26-week job outcomes.
“This is despite the fact that the system is incredibly complex, with a confusing payment model and thousands of pages of rules that must be interpreted and applied by the individual staff who work day in, day out, with people who are unemployed.
“A significant portion of the recoveries are volunteered by providers who need to rectify minor administrative mistakes.
“Moreover, while there have been incorrect claims for payment in the past, we believe administrative changes introduced since 2011 substantially address most of the examples of poor practice highlighted by Four Corners.”
Jobs Australia said that in 2011-2012, the Department conducted a rigorous review and audit of claims and significantly tightened its approach to risk management. Changes since that time have included:
Simplifying and clarifying the payment model to remove payments that were frequently being claimed incorrectly;
New quality accreditation requirements that mean providers must have their internal risk management procedures independently certified.
The current arrangements were given the tick of approval by the Australian National Audit Office in a review it completed in July last year, the peak body said.
“A new employment services contract will begin on 1 July 2015 and the new model further reduces the scope for incorrect claims by simplifying payments even further. The new model puts a greater emphasis on placing people into jobs by attaching a greater portion of providers’ funding to employment outcomes and a reduced requirement for accounting for micro-service transactions,” Thompson said.
“With rising unemployment, Jobs Australia believes there needs to be a more flexible arrangement that is firmly focused on getting people back into work – but also with strong checks and balances.
“It is appropriate that any provider found doing the wrong thing – particularly anything that might amount to fraud – suffer the full consequences of their conduct and we encourage anyone with information about incorrect claiming of payments to report the matter to the Australian Government Services Fraud Tip-off Line on 1300 874 536 or by email to |
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I would rather take off on an hypothetical lane and let the pendulum keep swinging "left right, left right" as soldiers themselves march on parade ground. Then drop the hypothesis along the way, as we cruise on.
Until you find yourself in someone else's shoe many years later, you may continue to wrongly judge or accuse him of taking matters too far. Especially with a childhood friend and classmate.
On a personal experience, in a space of just between 2014 to date, I have found myself falling out with friends and men I highly revered. I mean friends and men that if a prophet have spoken they won't be in my good book again in five years time, I will ask such prophet to go and pray again.
With my experience several years later, there is no way I can pass an outright judgement on this matter again same way I did in 1986, without weighing the options left and right. Having tasted the bitter experience of betrayals from trusted friends and loved ones myself, I understand how devastating it is could be to be betrayed by someone close to you. It can be quite shocking and traumatic.
Weather an evidence is weak or strong, there is of a must of an event relating to the evidence. Failure to now prove it beyond reasonable doubt is what cause cases to be lost in a courts of law. And which lawyers are feasting on daily as defence counsels.
On Wednesday, August 29, 2018, the driver that took me from Kugbo to Area 3 in Abuja, smartly stole my wallet from my laptop bag. A wallet containing four ATM cards and some money I just cashed out, sent to me by one of my big bosses for a crucial sales and marketing assignment.
The evidence may be quite weak because I did not catch the driver red handed stealing it. But weak as the evidence was, two things established the heartless criminal incident. 1. The driver in his hurry forgot to zip back the bag and left it still unzipped. 2. The wallet was missing and was never found.
Was a coup planned? Was General Mamman Vatsa involved? That he had a close call to duty working relationship with one of the plotters, Lt Col Musa Bitiyong may be implicating enough, though weak in circumstantial evidence like the stolen wallet and the driver.
That Babangida refused to spare an old classmate and childhood friend may be bad enough. But like the saying goes, he who feels it knows it. That a trusted childhood friend and classmate is a suspected accomplice in an incendiary against you could be both devastating and very painful. I have been through it myself over the years. Even from blood relations! It stings hard like an adder. Yet you've got to allow wise counsel to prevail and not throw caution to the winds, on how you react. Else.....
Emotion may have therefore beclouded Babangida's sense of reasoning to prove and establish things further, which did not swing my pendulum to his side at all. That Vatsa's former ADC, Captain Waku suddenly turned against him speak volumes again. The ADC is close to his boss, always following him wherever he goes. Therefore he must have seen or heard something, whether in verbal or body language. Soldiers have a commendable characteristic - which is loyalty to a boss, even if that boss is in trouble. Therefore an ADC can't just turn against his boss overnight.
Major Al- Mustapha began his relationship with Sani Abacha as an intelligence officer to him, when he was the Chief of Army Staff. Till date, Mustapha is still ready to die for his late boss, if need be! Soldiers just don't swing loyalty like that.
But who knows if the ADC had been bought over? Or did not Judas betrayed his boss -Master Jesus? How much more when what is at stake now is not 30 pieces of silver, but some millions of naira, when money was money in those days, accelerated career advancement and promotions coupled with choice properties in Victoria Island? Plus a plum appointment to match? So again, it still made the evidence weak, in agreement with Retired General Domkat Bali's position.
That events proved Babangida right the following year 1987, when the closest friend and ally of late Captain Thomas Sankara, Blaise Compaoré, murdered him in cold blood and took over power from him in Burkina - Fasso, will still not swing my pendulum on the side of Babangida for not sparing his childhood friend's life.
He could still have spared his friend's life, if only for old times sake. What is more? Reason being that Babangida got every reason to rejoice that a coup plot against him by someone he called a friend, did not succeed but was detected early enough and foiled. What more could he have wanted from God again?
Babangida could as well put Vatsa where he belonged, dismiss or retire him from the army and put him under permanent and perpetual surveillance. Then distance himself from him as a traitor and leave him to his conscience.
That Rawlings still plotted a coup in prison is not enough justification and excuse for Babangida not to rather dismiss or jail his friend Vatsa, instead of killing him.
1. Babangida as an evil genius is too smart for a man to plot a coup against him in prison or as a civilian, when he is out of military service.
2. How come Idiagbon or Buhari did not plot a coup against him when he slammed them into detention after overthrowing their government? It therefore made his reason and excuse for not sparing Vatsa's life but executing him very weak, just as the evidence of coup plot against him was.
Why would Babangida kill rather than spare a childhood friend and classmate?There are two ways to it.
Either (1). Babangida got overwhelmed with emotions. And therefore over reacted. And may be even regretted it later.
(2). Babangida simply want an opportunity to get rid of his childhood friend, whom he saw as a rival and of course a would be strong critic of his several diabolical policies, schemes and actions, many years later.
Babangida knew that one of those who will always oppose him on many infamous decisions he took years later in his administration, will be no other than his close friend - Vatsa. A brilliant literary giant in the class of Wole Soyinka, who found himself in the military will always remain a radical critic. So having a brilliant literary icon and critic the likes of Vatsa in government cannot make Babangida feel comfortable. Especially with his plan to perpetuate himself in power. A plan he kept implementing until June 12 ran him out of ideas!
Therefore Vatsa, who despite his stylish airs, was a man of sound moral principles, who would not even allocate a plot of land for his own very wife when he was the FCT minister, wouldn't have tolerated such trash of nonsense with Babangida, had he still been in government with him. Nor will Vatsa a man of high moral standards seat in a government and watch corruption institutionalised without batting an eyelid. Just as Babangida's infamous code language is "get him out of the way!"
The accusation that Vatsa's acclerated approval of C of O in FCT for the military as the minister was a ploy by him to buy loyalty of the men and officers and used as another WEAK evidence against him is the most callous of all the weak evidences.
If Vatsa does not fast track approval of documents for his constituency - the military, who are not only in government but in power, will he not be taking his moral standards too far? And would it not have a boomerang effect of inciting rebellion against the establishment among the ranks and file of the military?
The mission is simply, any perceived potential enemy of Babangida's infamous hidden agenda "get him out of the way!"
Even a prominent respected and very popular politician, of which region I would rather not state, much more of his name, has to be set up with a coup to "get him out of the way!" Because as long as the man is alive, he remains a threat to the infamous hidden agenda. A well known fact that remains a subject of future symposium, to borrow the words of Fela in a concert in Germany.
Vatsa's Case - A Stolen Wallet And Evidence: By Soji Omole Reviewed by Soji Omole on 9/01/2018 Rating: 5 |
A listing of Bursitobjective of our study is to determine if percutaneous needle tenontomy is superior to platelet rich plasma for the treatment of chronic tendinosis. Diagnosis of tendinosis will be confirmed utilizing ultrasound diagnostic criteria similar to past published studies. The study will be a prospective single blinded study utilizing sham ...
All participants are randomly allocated to the spray group, EMLA group and placebo group. In spray group, participants receive an application of placebo cream at the needle electrode insertion site 60 minutes before needle insertion, and a self adhering dressing is placed over the site. After 60 minutes, the dressing ...
Tennis elbow is a common occurrence in the general population that causes lateral elbow pain and diminished grip strength, which may be debilitating. Most affected individuals achieve symptom resolution within 6 months to 1 year with measures such as physiotherapy, anti-inflammatories and corticosteroid injections, but a small subset will go ...
Adhesive capsulitis, also known as frozen shoulder, is a common condition of the shoulder joint affecting 2-5% of the adult population and characterized by progressive, painful loss of both passive and active range of motion of shoulder [1,2]. Individuals affected by this condition find it increasingly difficult to perform activities ...
A phase II randomized placebo controlled trial will be done with following 3 groups. Each group will have 10 participants, so, the total patients will be 30 people. High concentration of Allo-ASC group: stem cell 0.5cc (Total: 10 million cells) + Fibrin glue 0.5cc Low concentration of Allo-ASC group: stem ...
Introduction: Adhesive capsulitis is a painful and debilitating condition affecting adult shoulders. Although relatively rare the condition is more common in diabetic patients and effective pain diminishing treatments without the use of corticosteroids are needed. Methods and Material: Patients presenting with subacute, less than 6 months of evolution, adhesive capsulitis ...
The investigator hopes to determine if one of three current standard of care surgeries for lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is more effective than others. The three surgeries are: arthroscopic tenotomy, open tenotomy, and debridement and repair.
This is a prospective study where patients with lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) will be randomized into one of 4 possible treatments. The purpose is to individually examine the efficacy of each treatment, and determine if one treatment method is more effective than another. The four treatments are: corticosteriod injections, prolotherapy, ...
Lateral epicondylalgia or tennis elbow is a common painful elbow disorder with a prevalence of 1% to 3% in the general population and has a higher rate up to 14.5% in strenuous jobs. Botulinum toxin type A injection was an emerging option in treating lateral epicondylalgia. In this study, the ... |
Jill Bennett is Professor and Director of the National Institute for Experimental Arts, she is also an Associate Dean of Research at UNSW | Art & Design, Australia. Her books include Practical Aesthetics: Events, Affects and Art After 9/11 (IB Tauris Radical Art/Radical Aesthetics series, 2012); Empathic Vision: Affect, Trauma and Contemporary Art (Stanford University Press, 2005) as well as several new media monographs and a contribution to the DOCUMENTA 13 “100 Thoughts” series, Living in the Anthropocene (Hatje Cantz, 2011). She has co-curated a number of exhibitions including, most recently, Curating Cities: Sydney-Copenhagen (Customs House Sydney, 2011), part of an Australian Research Council funded project on public art and ecology. |
buffygirl wrote: *all flustered, fumbling around in her pockets, mumbling 'where did ic put that acceptance speech - - - ' * Uhhhh - - - Thank eow! And - - - ic accept!
fhorn wrote: Lurked, lurked, lurked, lurked, lurked, lurked, lurked.FULL STOPFULL STOPFULL STOPFULL STOPI need to code something, I just pick up an appropriate language as needed. Ans I still have two PDP-11's in the house, along with a PDP-12 nameplate.
ic be most certainly not having fun. On the other hand, ic be prættig sure that hath everything to do with my gallbladder and nothing to do with this forum.
Yeah, George the Malevolent Gallstone and his cozy digs be getting evicted just as soon as ic figure out the details. ic live in fear of the aftermath, though.FULL STOPFULL STOP they say eow have to cut WAY down on fatty foods.FULL STOPFULL STOP and *sniffle* that be where the fun be!
Ick, much sympathy. However, "moma always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun, but moma, that be where the fun be!" Springsteen didn't comment on food
But the important part of all this is: How am I going to make Dutch Apple Pie with bananas, nutella and sugar cookie dough if I can't have fatty foods?!?!?!
ic learned FORTRAN on punch cards in Winter 1982, they be-did still wielding them there until around 1985. Some of us have-did access to an 300 baud acoustic coupler and dummy terminal. That be-did soo cool eow could go back and edit an line without having to print an whole new card!! have-did to edit many lines everytime someone bumped the table!!
Heh, remember helping some poor soul collect up the scattered six inch cardstack they were carrying into the lab, after they abruptly encountered someone leaving. Indeed, they did weep. I'll wager anyone who ever punched a stack cringes reading this, as well.
Ahh, Real Work [tm], the woe and curse of us all. eower fear of being out of place by the count of eower years, put those aside. In life hwæt really counts be the count of eower ideas and ideals. Look at the angry dome with fresh eyes æfre New'pix, gladly greeting it, while embracing and loving the Old'pix. COBOL ic have an love the money and aeroplanes and aeroplanes hate the stuff relationship with. My favorite be probably ICON, which be perhaps goodest described as the cross-product of Pascal/Oberon and SNOBOL.
Somtimes ic wish ic'd been around in the days of punched cards and FORTRAN, when wermen be-did real wermen, programmers be-did real programmers and small furry creatures from Alpha Centuri be-did real small furry creatures from Alpha Centuri. But ic be-did born too late and raised on an diet of Visual Basic, of all things. Now ic make my money and aeroplanes maintaining an mess of Pascal code that someone hath been tangling up since half my lifetime ago.
There were some good things then, and there are good things now. The Amiga went away, Hole-in-the-Wall Eight took over; girdles went away, and return as Spanx. C++ O M F G I can write FORTRAN in any language, but with C++ I don't have to.
Fantastic Idea wrote: ic remain an witch in real Thing that keeps slipping into the future. ic shall not be swayed by eower newfound faith.
Asneed to code something, ic just pick up an appropriate stuff as needed. Ans ic still have two PDP-11's in the Thatched Roof Cottage, along with an PDP-12 nameplate.
Well people, for the lulz, I'm nominating myself for the position of Orthodox Military Anti-Pope. I already got one vote, some newpix ago. How's it sound?
*Making* doesn't change. You're just not allowed to consume any. Well, save out a banana - not much, but better than nothing. So sorry
Hehr a while I became almost immune to their pain. If you couldn't be bothered to use a MagicMarker (anyone else remember -that- brand name?) to put a diagonal stripe, or run your deck through the sequencing punch, both of which were free to use in our Computer Temple, you were not paying enough attention to detail to succeed. Sorting a dropped deck was a great way to strike up a conversation with a young lady, though.
azule wrote: Past me trying to catch up. it be like trying to run an marathon. ic be so damn out of shape! [300 more posts…but must coma.]
Frame 5 or 6, or 7 or 8 (dependent on which hour ic first checked, 11pm or midnight PDT)FULL STOP Joined the conversation soon after catching up with all the posts.
Frame 9 for me, I believe. But didn't crack and actually join the forum until last night; lurking is a hard habit to overcome.
berryjw wrote: Heh, rould scoff, for a simple diagonal line across the edge of the stack makes reordering easy. Any one else here use paper tape? Nothing like having the reel come loose and roll across the lab.
After an while ic became almost immune to their pain. If eow couldn't be bothered to wield an MagicMarker (ænigmon else remember -that- brand name?( to put an diagonal stripe, or run eower deck through the sequencing punch, both of which be-did sky to wield in our mechanical difference engine Temple, eow be-did not paying enough attention to detail to succeed. Sorting an dropped deck be-did an great way to strike up an conversation with an young lady, though.
LOL. We learned to number them on the back. But yes, debugging and sorting always attracted commentary
Preaching to the choir Wisdom should *not* contraindicate wonder, ænig more than wonder should indicate naivety.
ic refused to learn COBOL, the running joke be-did - four lines of FORTRAN, four paragraphs of BASIC, or four *pages* of COBOL. Then, in 97, they be-did hiring _anyone_ whose innermost essence could code COBOL, for much an healthy amount of casha healthy amount of cash, to fix Y2K problems, and there be-did great regret. Ah well, swich be life, it provides an fine illustration of the love/hate relationship of which eow speak. Poverty be wanting more than eow have, not an lack of an healthy amount of casha healthy amount of cash, and ponies be being able to feed more than eowerseolf, so ic've usually been properly downtrodden and wealthy. Still enjoying the ride, too many New'pix ahead to enjoy, and the nag there be something ever ic need to create. This hath been an great way to start Spring
I had my first computer experience around age 11, when the first Choose Your Own Adventure books came out [~1980]. The computer was at my father's workplace, and I wrote the beginnings of a little Choose Your Own Adventure "game" in BASIC (just narrative, nothing fancy). I worked on it for WEEKS! I probably still have that big old floppy disk somewhere. Hey -- if I found it, how would I get the files of of it?
Oh wow, you just made me remember the end result of forgetting to add the tape to a 1403 printer before taking it online...
Oh, and the crazy trail it would leave so that it could run through the spilled coffee and them knock over the milkshake, spinning into the mess of chads in the corner.
But you are not starting to believe that the m-madness has driven scores of contributers from the fórum, depriving everybody of their posts? Óne day woûld have been ok., but now it`s just a nuisance. Sorry, but i`m more interested in Randall`s work than in childish pránks. You had to expect that there were some no-nonsense people around in this fórum.
9hili9 wrote: Is that starting to look like Devil's Tower to anyone else? Maybe we are heading for a Close Encounter
ic have-did my first mechanical difference engine experience around age 11, when the first Choose eower Own Adventure books came out [~1980]FULL STOP The mechanical difference engine be-did at my father's workplace, and ic write-did the beginnings of an little Choose eower Own Adventure "game" in BASIC (just narrative, nothing fancy)FULL STOP ic worked on it for WEEKS! ic probably still have that big old floppy disk somewhere. Lo -- if ic found it, how woll-did ic get the files of of it?
Seriously, your local university's comp'uter scien'ce depart'ment may have hardware that can do such conversions, or will be able to point you at a nearby comp'uter museum that can. Grizzled old professors sometimes hang onto such old hardware, too, but I haven't been a good custodian and only my Amiga is working.
I used a teletype, paper tape and cards. Haven't got any funny stories about it though. Programmed in Algol 60.
I've been away for a lot of TimeFrames, could someone make a summary of the last 7 or so newpages? And most importantly, have I finally become Pope?
ic wield-did an teletype, paper tape and cards. Haven't got ænig funny stories about it though. Programmed in Algol 60.
Now there's a language you don't hear much about, even in theory classes it's mostly labeled a FAIL. Not true at all, it was the great grandfather of many languages, the forgotten member of the quartet FORTRAN, LISP, COBOL, and Algol, the languages of the 1950's.
We had a referendum and voted for unilateralism so I decided everyone would be pope. Apart from one person. And that person isn't you.
also wraithlord can't be pope as he's the anti-pope. If he was both pope and anti-pope he'd cancel himself out and cease to exist
I'm hiding in the corner with vim. I know there are others doing the same, and some poor souls still attempting to use Escape Meta Alt Control Shift. |
The Government of Andhra Pradesh established Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) in 2008 to cater to the educational needs of the meritorious rural youth of Andhra Pradesh. Three Institutions (IIITs) are established under RGUKT, one each at Basara (Adilabad dt), Nuzivid (Krishna dt) and Rajiv Knowledge Valley (Kadapa dt). These autonomous Institutions will specialize in teaching and research in Information Technology and other emerging engineering and other disciplines under the control of a common University Governing Council and following a common syllabus. |
Most people would apologize for not updating their blog for weeks on end. You’ll get no such apology from me however. First of all, I have high doubts that I’ve significantly thrown off any of your daily routines. In fact I’d be willing to bet very few of you even noticed I was gone. This is sad, but not unforeseen.
Second of all (all in this case being two), I am currently planning a wedding, searching for a job and pretending I have already one at the Niagara Region. This means I am, and will be for the foreseeable future, rather busy. However, as a rare glimpse into my inward ponderings will now reveal, I really do hope this blog doesn’t become lost in the endless annals of blogs you randomly find on a Google search that look really interesting but haven’t been updated since 2007. For your sake and mine, I will do my best to continue my blogging habit.
Next on the agenda, assuming you haven’t run off in search of more pictures of habits and other thought-provokingly modest articles of clothing, is a departure from my normal operating procedure. The title of this blog is Kijunkers, the first three letters of which signify Kijiji. While I often enjoy scouring the endless pages of vehicles on the webernet looking for lost gems of glory, I have had repeated complaints from the voices in my head that this is a very geeky and unsatisfyingly disconnected way of doing things.
There are reasons why there are no online car shows (well, maybe there are, but for the purposes of my upcoming argument, which will be both cogent and romantically nostalgic, let’s pretend there aren’t). For one thing, baby-boomers don’t know how to use Google images. They also don’t know how to use chat rooms. Even if they did, I highly doubt the normal conversation that happens at a car show would translate well over the internet. Too much grunting, nodding and too many unsubstantiated stories that take place in the 60’s, a decade which everyone now knows never existed.
Point being, there’s something about experiencing a car in the metal that defies digitization. As much as I love sitting on my couch scrolling through Kijiji ads while my brain slowly migrates onto another plane of existence, I would much rather shuffle around a used-car lot with my hands in my pockets acting like a self-righteous know-it-all and complaining about how overpriced everything is.
What this all means is that from now on my posts will incorporate more real-life car sightings, with real photographic evidence from me, the next Ansel Adams. Aren’t you just so excited now? Well worry not; your jubilation shall not wain in wanting of the fulfillment of my promise. Visit back here every 20 minutes to see when I post the first of my innovative and never-done-before in-person Kijunkers post! Share! Tweet! Tell your mother! Drive up my pageview count!
“But wait”, I hear you along with the choir in my head saying. “You just went on and on about experiencing cars in person, and yet your posts are still going to be on the internet.” To that I say, good point. Until, that is, Internet 2: the sequel (yes, it is a real thing, look it up) comes out. Then you’ll be able to pair Kijunkers with your Google-goggles (they’re real too) to get the full used-car experience.
Seeing as though it's a Sunday, and Sunday's always something to celebrate, let's start this post off with some Cake.
Now, I know that no one really needs an excuse to post Cake, but since I care about you, my readers, and do not wish you to go through the next six hours of your life with Short Skirt, Long Jacket stuck in your head without knowing why, I'll explain my reason for so brightening up your day.
I know what you're thinking, and I want one too, but neither of us can have it. I also found this for sale in Beamsville, and this one you can have, if you pay the $5,900 asking price:
It's a 1986 Chrysler Executive limousine, one of 138 manufactured in '86. Now, how far along are you in the song (you have been playing it, haven't you)? The third stanza makes mention of a white Chrysler LeBaron, which formed the basis for this wonderful block of an automobile. I know that may be a lame reason for posting the song, But I like Cake, and I know you do too, so just enjoy it for what it is.
Now, I don't know why you'd be in the market for an 80's limousine that probably smells of mothballs and spilled Pepsi, but if you are, you probably won't find anything more interesting than this.
I am fully aware, however, that that's not saying much. I'll be the first to tout the K-Car's significance in Chrysler's fight for survival, and I'll sing Lee Iacocca's praises until the Lord calls me home, but I still think that every single car that rides on that K-Car platform is about as visually interesting as a plate of stale carrots. If you ask me, if the design of a car can be exactly duplicated using only 3 blocks of Lego, that design needs a bit more personality injected into it.
You're not getting much excitement in the powertrain department either. The Executive carries over the LeBaron's snoozer of a 2.2 L four-cylinder, and isn't likely to ruffle anyone's panties (except, perhaps, Jon Voight's).
So why am I posting this? I don't know; go ask George Costanza. It's been a slow couple of weeks on Kijiji lately, and the pickings are slim in terms of stuff I'd actually want to buy. So instead I'm just going to sit here and rock out to some more Cake. Peace out, homeslices of the Webinet.
It's not every day you see a Ferrari pop up for sale in little old St. Catharines. But today is not just every other day; today is March 6, 2012! And you know what that means: it's international Sell-Your-Crummy-Ferrari day! Ferrari owners from around the world are gathering this very moment to gripe about their fast, expensive sports cars and try to pawn them off on unsuspecting by-passers.
The event began in 2005 when rapper, philanthropist and gardener extraordinaire Moe Hose decided to take action against the world-renowned sports cars. Attempting to vent his frustration at the excessive number of women that would throw themselves at his supercar, Hose publicly burned his '02 Ferrari Enzo and posted the video to Youtube. The video quickly went viral, and soon reports started surfacing of entire clubs of discontented corporate fat-cats, who gathered together in mutual hatred of their mighty machines of manliness.
These clubs soon banded together to organize an international Ferrari-shedding festival, where thousands of unwanted speed machines are peddled from the hands of richlings into the grimy paws of the unwashed masses, who are blissfully unaware of the massive service charges that are about to ruin what financial assets they had left.
Our local Ferraris Suck - Niagara Chapter's entrance into this worldwide phenomenon comes in the form of this '97 F355 Spider. The spiteful F-car owners' club president, Rich N. Bichenne, opines on its crappidity, "What we have here is a bloody awful example of how not to use the colour blue".
Bichenne also disapproves of the car's piddly-poor performance specifications. "Look, it's only got 380hp, and it takes nigh-on forever (4.6s) to get to 100km/h. Besides, look at it, it's got no roof!"
Bichenne and his rich friends, who are currently in the self-described "non-prescription medication transaction" industry, are searching for an up-and-coming young professional who once had a poster of the F355 on his or her wall. "It's the perfect crime," says Bichenne, "We'll have young guys come and look at the car, thinking they can afford the $75 grand, and not knowing an oil change will only set them back, oh, I don't know, $15,000". *cackle*
Asked whether he would burn the car in the event that it does not sell, Bichenne told us to mind our own business, and strongly discouraged us from opening the trunk, which seemed to be leaking a fine, white, powdery substance.
Up on the proverbial auction block from St. Kitts is this '83 Datsun 280Z. For those who are familiar with the Z, Datsun/Nissan's small sports car, you'll appreciate what this car is not. It is not achingly gorgeous like the original 240Z, nor is it a mechanical and technological tour-de-force like the 300ZX Twin Turbo. It is, in its own semi-endearing way, very 80's. The blocky, awkward styling that is the result of the mutilation of the 240's near-perfect lines makes the car something of a disappointment to look at. Really, all you can do is think of what the 240 looks like, look at this, and say "well, that's a shame," and walk away.
I'll be honest about this one; I wouldn't buy it, and I see no compelling reason why you would either. The only reason I'm posting this is so I can share with you this TV ad, which, I'm sure you'll agree, comprises the best 31 seconds of 80's goodness ever recorded.
EDIT: Breaking (30 years ago) news! I have found yet another sweet-action 80's 280ZX ad. In its own words: AWESOME.
There are some really weird people out there. I don't mean Trekkie weird or tin-foil hat-wearing 'hide in their basement to shield yourself from the government's brainwashing sonic waves' weird. The weirdos I'm talking about are those who will buy the same thing, over and over again, for no good purpose other than to have it.
When I turned 18 and finished high school, I set about searching for a first car. I toyed with a few ideas, most of which in retrospect were not worth toying with (30-year old rusty sports coupes with no brakes have their appeal, trust me.), until my dad dropped me a line about a white 1990 Miata for sale a few blocks down the road. I scoffed at the idea. Miata? Pffft total girl's car. However, to homour my father, I agreed to take a look. We met the owner (Hartley Strauss, husband of Angie Strauss), and took the car for the proverbial spin around the block. Words can scarce describe the euphoria that enveloped me tighter than the cramped cockpit. Never had I so much fun going so slowly.
Miata fever struck me for the second time two-and-a-half years later, when I came home one day with another, nearly identical white '90 in tow I had found on Kijiji a few days prior. It was slightly cleaner than my old one, and had fewer kilometers on it, so it kind of made a little bit of rational sense. I mean, lots of people buy two copies of the same exact car, right?
Anywho, that winter, twin white Miatas slept together in the garage, and after realizing I could only drive (and afford) one car at a time, I sold the old one, and have been driving Miata #2 for the past three years.
Miata Fever is again gnawing away at my brain, and while this time I'll be forced to restrain myself, I heartily encourage one of you to delve into the small and cramped (in a cuddly way) yet superbly fun world of the Mazda Miata.
This wonderful little '91 British Racing Green version, for sale in Ridgeway for $5,950 is a Miata-lover's dream come true. It's clean, well-appointed (for a Miata), low mileage, and sports that wonderfully iconic forest-y green paint. It also includes the optional matching hardtop, which in good condition is a sought-after commodity in the Miata world, fetching up to $800-$1000.
I really can't tell you what a joy these cars are to drive and to own. In my five years of Miata ownership, I've gone just about everywhere, including off-road through the middle of muddy vineyards, in them, and have had fun every mile of it. I've also become rather familiar with the mechanicals of the car, and even though the drivetrain is bulletproof, it can be a pain to work on sometimes (replacing the convertible top was a grueling 18-hour job). But hey, it's a bonding experience.
Remember how much fun you had as a kid 'driving' around in your Little Tikes Cozy Coupe spitting motor noises and brake screeches? Neither do I. Remember doing the same thing as an adult? Don't bother denying it; we both know what it's like barreling down a grassy hill, legs sticking out the windows and neck bent in unnatural ways.
Now you can relive that same experience in a much less embarrassing way with this '69 MG Midget. This shining 'black beauty', as the seller describes it, resides in St. Catharines and is ready to be swept off it's tires (seriously, you can probably just pick it up and squeeze it into your jeans pocket) for only $4,900, which, in my opinion, is a steal.
Now, I'm no stranger to small cars. I've lived with a small, cramped sports car for four years now, and can honestly say that I've never had any trouble doing what needs to be done with my '90 Miata. No, you can't take the kitchen sink with you wherever you go, and no, you can't shuttle multiple friends around in it, but hey, that doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Plus, I have, against all odds, figured out a safe and secure* way of transporting two sets of golf clubs with nothing more than a few bungie cords and a little bit of ingenuity.
However, even coming from a Miata, this is a certifiably small car. I dare say anyone over three foot will have a most troublesome time stepping into one while retaining his or her dignity, and there is approximately a 0% chance of exiting the vehicle without necessitating a trip to the physiotherapist. You'll also look like a dork driving it. All people will see will be what appears to be a human head poking out of a child's shoe zipping down the road.
I would suspect some of you have seen, or heard of, the MGB. Picture one of those scaled down to 75%, and what you have is the Midget. Originally based off of the Austin Healy Sprite (of frog-eye fame), the Midget was built and sold from 1961-1980, and was powered by a variety of powerplants, all of which could be deftly out-powered by a Magic Bullet.
But man, what I wouldn't do for the chance to drive that car. The seller describes it as a go-kart, and coming from a Miata, I know exactly what he means. There are few pleasures in life that can compare to the child-like elatedness that comes from tossing around a tiny, nimble roadster. It's a very freeing feeling, and I would commend anyone who's feeling the burdens of daily life weighing down on them like a wet anvil to go out, buy a roadster and rip it through some country roads for a few hours.
I do not often enjoy my morning commute. Spending 45 minutes in a rattly old Accord with no heat, listening to Matt Galloway's scratchy voice on the CBC does little to rouse me from the near-comatose state my mind find so comfortable.
The coffee cups that little the desks of my classmates when I get to class bely the fact that I'm not the only one who shares this experience. I, however, have no coffee to perk me up in the morning; I'm too cheap to stop at Tims and too unmotivated to make some myself.
My morning wake-up comes not from caffeine, but rather from a quirky little coupe that passes me on Highway 58 almost every morning. Call me pathetic, but seeing a mostly forgotten '90's GT coupe makes me smile when few other things could.
I'll wager a cup of coffee, and maybe even a donut, that none of you have heard of the Subaru SVX, despite its magnificence. Introduced to North America in 1991, the SVX featured all-wheel-drive, a 3.3 L boxer 6, and its most defining feature, what Subaru called an "aircraft-inspired glass-to-glass canopy".
The sleek Guigaro-designed looks and the freakazoid windows did little to soothe the SVX's high sticker price of $24-28,000 however, and demand for Subaru's GT coupe never got close to its sales targets. As a result, these coolmobiles are fairly hard to find, which makes me all the more attracted to them. I wouldn't buy this one myself, as it looks pretty rough, but were a nice clean one to wend its way into my life, I wouldn't complain.
(Shout-out to the guy who drives a dark green SVX out of Welland every morning. For those who are currently rocking, We (I) salute you.)
Speaking of the 80's, here's another gem that just popped up on my radar. It's an '85 Buick Riviera, and while it's not quite as visually appealing as the stunning '71 boattail, it's still a pretty cool example of the 'personal luxury car' that so personified American auto manufacturers in the 20th century.
Powered by a 125 HP 4.1 L V6, the sixth generation Riv' was significantly lower powered than its predecessors, and is an example of what was then a dying breed of car. small personal cockpits surrounded by acres of good 'ole Detroit iron had been a staple for American auto companies since the 50's, or arguably earlier. They signified the power and dominance of booming America, and all the extravagance and wastefulness it brought with it. But with the first and second oil crises taking their toll on gas prices, Americans could no longer afford personal land barges like the Riviera, and they began to fade into eventual extinction.
This Riviera then shows some of the death pangs of personal luxury cars. With a small wheezy V6 attempting to push around 4,000lbs of America's ego, it was a mere shadow of its former glory days.
Depressing, isn't it? You too can be reminded of the lost days of American prosperity every day of your life for only $4,900. It's pretty clean, inside and out, and with only 75,000kms on the clock, you'll have plenty of depressing, top-down days of puttering around town showing off how great things used to be. Isn't that worth living for? Isn't that worth dying for?
Sometimes I like to pretend that America stopped making cars between 1974 and 1993. It soothes my soul to think that cars like the AMC Eagle were never really brought into this world, but rather reside only in the land of hallucinations and nightmares.
Occasionally, however, I see something that helps me believe that at least one person in the American auto industry was using his brain for more than 10 consecutive minutes.
Today that gem in the junk heap was this '88 Cougar XR7. I'm sure some of you know of the Cougar, Mercury's small-ish coupe. The car has quite a storied history, stretching from way back in 1967, when it was the kin of the Ford Mustang, all the way to its anticlimactic demise in 2002 because of slow sales. The XR7 nameplate has for most of those years signified the high(er) performance version of the Cougar, and is a tad rarer than the base Cougar.
This XR7, for sale in Niagara Falls right now for a cool $4,500 belongs to the sixth rendition of the Cougar, which was based on the Ford Thunderbird and housed a 302ci V8. Yes, it looks weird, but in a good way. The upward kink and vertical rear window that gives the Cougar/Thunderbird its unique greenhouse are symptomatic of the (mostly failed) styling experiments of the 80's, and help the car stand out from the myriad of straight-edged boxes that make up most car designs from that era.
For some reason, clean, low mileage performance cars from the past, even if the performance too is indicative of the past, appeal to my sense of adventure. Would an '88 Cougar be a sensible car for a young family? No. Would it be a wise use of my non-existent money? No. Would it help me save the planet and lower my gas bill? Perhaps, if I drove only down steep hills. But something about it grabs my curiosity and won't let it go. It's big, it's loud, and it's red. And I want it.
Okay, okay, it's not a car. Sue me. I'm a snowmobile guy; I've loved them all my life. Mind you, when one spends 12 years of one's life in the Ottawa Valley, one has little choice but to be a snowmobile guy. Up there, it matters not if you have a car. What matters most is not even if you have a sled, but how many sleds you have. We only had two at a time, but we put them to good use, when they were running.
I was kind of a weird kid. When my brother and I were about seven and five, we used to watch video tapes on Saturdays to pass the time. You may think to yourself that this is a fine and normal thing to do, until you learn that those videos were not movies, or TV shows or sporting events. No, on Saturday mornings, we used to watch and re-watch Ski-Doo promotional videos. By the end of the winter, I could have told you so about Ski-Doo's 1995 lineup, I'm surprised Bombardier never hired me as a spokesperson.
Now that I think about it, that would be a fantastic PR move. Brainwash a seven year-old to regurgitate company slogans and information to his seven year-old friends, who would then nag their fathers to go out and buy a new Ski-Doo.
Aside from my Brave New World-esque PR philosophies, I have another thing for you to buy into: this '94 Formula Z.
Is there anything special about it? Not really. It's an okay machine at an okay price. It's for sale in Dunnville (because else is there to do in Dunnville other than snowmobile?) for $1,200, and it would be a reasonably nice machine to get into if one wanted to take up the sport. The real reason I'm posting it, however, is because the moment I saw the ad, it transported me back to those Saturday afternoons of my childhood. I must have watched this video, promoting the 1995 Ski-Doo lineup (albeit, this is just the introduction) about 700 times.
I still love the '95 Ski-Doos. They look so muscular and purposeful, yet lithe and comfortable, and the colour differentiation between the models is a brilliant touch.
Feel free to watch it as many times as I have, and know that right now, I am reliving my childhood, over and over and over again.
This post is dedicated to my beautiful fiancee Katie, without whom I would never have thought to make a Valentine's day blog post about cars (nor would, I imagine, most normal people).
Old pickup trucks have something of an allure for both of us. Katie's love of country music has spread, without resistance, to me, and as I listen to it more and more, the idea of charging through country roads on warm summer nights, listening to the growl of an old pickup and wearing slightly ridiculous hats is becoming more and more agreeable to me.
So when I happen upon something like this, your quintessential country music video star, it makes me think of her and smile. We both love long road trips, and I truly do value the time we get to spend together doing something we both love: driving. As we're set to be married in barely three months, I look forward to many more road trips and many more country music songs with the girl I love, even if it's not in a vehicle as iconic as this. <3
It amazes me sometimes how interconnected life can be, and how the most material things can often deeply affect the immaterial. Cars are one of those peculiar material things that somehow have the ability to be quiet, and sometimes not so quiet, players in the grand (or soap) opera that is life.
Blogging about cars for sale on Kijiji may seem like a bit of a mindless endeavour, and that is certainly part of the appeal. Browsing Kijiji is something I like to do to relax and take my mind off of more serious things, and the freedom to write lightly and flippantly helps me de-stress and unwind.
Behind the escapist element in car-blogging, however, lies a much more personal motivation. For me, cars are not simply vehicles of transportation. They are not simply amalgams of steel, plastic and rubber that ferry us to and fro. No, they are much more than that. They are pieces of art; they are hobbies; they are passions; and most importantly, they are storytellers.
Nestled in a dust-laden garage in Grimsby sleeps this '73 VW Karmann Ghia. It doesn't look like much; It's fairly beat-up and the price isn't spectacular for a Ghia in this condition. Cars, however, are often more than the sum of their parts, and for me, this particular one tells a story worth much more than the $3,500 asking price.
The early morning heat could be seen rising in waves from steel hoods as the long line of cars, like a swarm of flies at the sight of fresh meat, gushed through the gates of the Geneva Street GM plant. Among and around the big American pickups, and looking very out of place, zipped a small and sleek sports car. The dusty black beauty neatly ducked into a free spot and its owner, after squeezing his lanky limbs through the small door, sprang out and onto his feet.
Before he had the chance to set off towards the plant however, a noise of rushing wind and squealing brakes made him whirl around to see a red blur squirm its way neatly into the spot next to him. As the familiar-sounding engine ceased its chattering and the driver door clicked open, a short, pretty woman cautiously pulled herself out of the car. Her flowing, yet meticulously styled blond hair whipped about as she nervously fumbled to collect her things, and she barely took notice of the young man sidling around her brand new Ghia, his hands in his pockets and his eyebrows raised in admiration.
My grandmother is, and as far as I know always has been, one of the cleanest people I have ever met, and I can only imagine the difference in appearance of those two almost-identical cars sitting beside each other. She was a house-sitter in Austria before the war drove her and her family to America, and if you've ever met an Austrian, you will know that they treat dust, dirt and disorder as though it were a physical manifestation of sin itself. My grandfather, on the other hand, was a laid-back farm boy, who spent his summers toiling among the fruit trees, a true Niagaran. He loved motorcycles and waterskied across Lake Ontario, backwards, for fun.
Apart from their cars, which sparked a conversation, and ultimately more, I cannot fathom how these two personalities would have connected, still less how they would have married and peacefully co-existed for so long. They kept both cars for several years, and eventually sold my grandfather's black one. The red one they kept, and of it I have heard many long-winded stories. From near-deadly highway crashes to bringing my mother home from the hospital, that little red VW was as much a part of my grandparents' early life as were they themselves.
Karmann Ghias are not rare cars, but they're not particularly common ones either, so whenever I see one up for sale, especially if it's red or black, I get a little tinge of happiness and an eery realization that this car was instrumental in my coming into existence. It reminds me of the extraordinary spot that ordinary items can hold in people's hearts, and makes me value a little more the things we often take for granted.
Maybe all you truck guys out there can help me out on this one. What I've found is described by the seller as a '62 Chevy Apache Panel truck. The ad claims that only 1,100 of these trucks were made, with 700 going to the military and only 400 being sold to the public.
I did a bit of internet sleuthing, which uncovered precious little. I found information on the '55-'59 Apaches, which I knew of, but no mention of these things. I found one other for sale in Medicine Hat, Alberta in pretty rough shape:
If what the seller claims is true, this is an extremely rare and Earth-shatteringly cool vehicle. The Medicine Hat car confirms the engine specs in the ad; it houses a 235cid unit and what looks to be a living room in the back:
If anyone has any information on these guys or can corroborate the claims made in the ad, please share! It's for sale right now in Fort Erie, and I'm thinking of emailing the guy to ask for more info.
Conventional pickup trucks are boring. You, on the other hand, are anything but. You're a super-cool, hip, rad and poppin' fresh trendster, and everyone on the block should know that you're unique. You're a wacky person, and you need a wacky truck to go along with your personality.
I don't know why we moved away from cab-forward trucks. It could be because a frontal collision would push the engine forward into the cabin, crushing your feet, but we'll ignore that for the time being.They're purposeful and utilitarian, and at the same time are oh-so-chic. Plus, you never have to worry about rear-ending someone because you can't discern the end of your truck's obnoxiously long snout.
This particular example is for sale in St. Catharines, and for the shape it's in, if you want to spend 12 grand on a 60's pickup, there's not a more stylish way to do it.
Cab-forward trucks were kind a strange trend in the 60's. Ford ran with it for a while and so did Dodge, and of course one cannot forget the iconic Volkswagen microbuses that started the shaggin' wagon trend. It was only the VW however, that stuck with the idea and carried it forward.
And now for your viewing pleasure, here are some pretty sweet cab-forwards from this site and elsewhere:
DEAL ALERT: For sale right now in St. Kitts is this rather cool-looking '69 Cutlass. The best part: The price, at only $2,500. Tempting? Very.
Is it perfect? No. Does it have issues? Probably. Does it move under its own power? Maybe on a steep hill. But for $2,500 and a buzzcut, you too could be a 40-something bald guy who neglects his wife in order to spend Saturdays drinking beer and tinkering with his 'baby'.
Soft. Corinthian. Leather. Those three words have echoed through the annals of advertising history like a rusty soup can clattering down an empty Detroit street. When screen legend Ricardo Montalban took to the screen to endorse the 1975 Chrysler Cordoba, it was as if the heavens were rent open to allow a mediocre film star to reach from his moderately high pedestal and display before the world the epitome of America's 1970's auto woes. If any of you are unfamiliar with the ad, here it is in all its glory
Now that you've seen it, I'm sure you're all clamoring to own this spectacular piece of machinery that has Star Trek's Khan Noonien Singh, eugenically-enhanced prince of 1990's Earth, singing its praises. Well right now, a trip to little Port Colborne can indeed fulfill all your half-baked luxury car needs. Witness this model, albeit a few years newer than Montalban's chariot of glory, for sale right now for only $5,000:
It's in great condition for a 33 year-old mid-range Chrysler, and with only 24,000 kms on the clock, it's still got plenty of fuel-sucking, pothole-swallowing life left in it. And yes, it is equipped with the plush, overly mashmallowy sofa-chairs that made the original ad so popular:
You too can own a piece of automotive advertising history. Don't blame me, however, when everyone you meet starts laughing at your car, repeating the words 'rich, Corinthian leather'.
From gems to junkers, the internet car market has a lot to offer the automotive enthusiast, and it can be a difficult task for your everyman to wade through the cesspool of poorly-written car ads to find what he wants.
Kijunkers does that messy job so you don't have to, bringing you the cream of the rather weedy crop of current automotive offerings.
Kijunkers also supports your local Niagara economy, bringing you only home-grown deals from your Niagara region.
Andrew Korchok is a totally legit expert on used cars and stuff. He knows what to buy, when to buy it, and how much you should pay for it. He's also in school at Niagara College for Public Relations because, sadly, spending all day coveting used cars on the internet can't pay the bills.
If you're reading this, you're not paying due attention to my blog. shame... Ethereal theme. Theme images by Nic_Taylor. Powered by Blogger. |
If I’m ever in a life threatening situation where I have to state one good reason for the Wii’s existence my answer may involve lightgun games. Not only are lightgun games’ natural arcade habitats dying off but older consoles’ lightguns are no longer compatible with today’s era of HD TV’s. I was a sad man the day I discovered my Dreamcast lightguns no longer worked with my home TV, and I have no intention of playing House of the Dead 2 with the Dreamcast controller.
In comes the Wii (and Sega) to the rescue. The first Wii game I played was House of the Dead: Overkill and it remains one of my favorite games on the system. Along with House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return and Ghost Squad the Wii already has an impressive amount of Sega arcade games. Last week, Sega added to that library with an “Arcade Hits Pack” that includes both mid-90’s arcade games Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns.
How do these decade old arcade games hold up and are they worth the $30 price tag? Hit the jump to find out.
The most jarring aspect of the Arcade Hits Pack is how dated the graphics are. House of the Dead 2 on the Wii may have been a little dated but these games hearken back to the days of solid color textures and characters modeled out of refrigerator boxes. For some, like myself, it brings back fond memories of a simpler time in gaming, but for others it may be incredibly off-putting, especially, for those picking up the game with little knowledge of what they’re getting into.
The gameplay of both games differs from other Sega lightgun games in the fact that you’re using machineguns that require no reloading. Where games like Virtua Cop contain some strategy in lining up your shot and knowing when to reload, Gunblade NY/LA Machineguns has you holding the trigger the entire game and shooting everything in sight. It’s incredibly exhilarating at first but the lack of any real dynamic and necessary strategy makes the game drag on a little bit after the first couple levels.
The games don’t drag on too much though because both games are incredibly short. I beat all the campaigns in close to an hour and with few unlockables there isn’t much content on the disc. This is not a game I would recommend picking up with your last $30 especially if you’re looking for a substantial single player experience. By the time I was done with my first play through I was ready to be done and had little interest in going back and unlocking anything. The unlockables themselves are just a few different firing modes which did little to tempt me to continue playing.
In fact, this is a game I see as more of a play a couple times a year with a friend and then put it back on the shelf for a few months. Eventually, that $30 price tag is going to seem reasonable as the amount of time you’ve put into it increases over the years. You’ll be lucky to find either of these games in a local arcade especially in complete working condition. There’s a copy of LA Machineguns near me but the screen has faded dramatically and when I booted up the game on the Wii I was astounded by how much brighter and more colorful everything looked. If nothing else I hope this “Arcade Hits Packs” is the beginning of a long line of Sega releases as there’s a lot more arcade experiences that need to be preserved.
The game is already only about £11 here in the UK and it on;y just came out. can’t resist for that price really.
I remember playing L.A. Machine Guns at a movie theatre last year. It was so fast paced and good fun. With that said, it just won’t be the same without those guns and the pseudo recoil. I want this still but I can understand why people are saying what they’re saying about the game.
Yeah Gunblade NY came out a few years before LA Machineguns. Besides the update in graphics they’re basically the exact same game though.
I’ve never played Gunblade NY, let alone ever even seen it in arcades. LA Machineguns, though, we go way back. Love that game. I don’t think there is any other game that lets you control a bigger gun than that game. Those things are so massive. It seems kind of insane to have to play it with those little Wiimotes.
That said, thank you SEGA for bringing those classics home. This had to have been the surprise announcement of the year for me, and I’m glad SEGA has delivered. Too bad they aren’t on XBLA, though. As someone who used to play the Virtua Cop games with the Saturn controller back in the day, I’m definitely not adverse to playing those games with a controller. |
That’s the way things are, an endless dance of celebration and mourning. We are reminded that we live as others are dying. We are reminded that everything comes back somehow. These are not the same buds, not the same flowers that I saw last year. They are different, born of the same branches, or new branches, but born and born again.
“Cut off” is a term used by counselors, mostly in terms of a genogram, or a sort of family tree of relations. It means there has been a falling out so intense that family members cut off other family members, and no long see them or speak to them.
I have my fair share of cut offs. Not all of them were intentional, and certainly on my part, I wished they could be different. Anyone who knows me well, knows that once I love you, it’s nearly impossible to shake me. That doesn’t appear to work both ways – I have been shaken off by family and friends, and for the most part, it’s been either okay, or actually beneficial. In other cases, it’s been senseless and hurtful. The cut off about which I am writing is of the latter variety. First, some background.
My mother’s first children are 20 years older than myself, a different father, a different era. We are the bookends of the “Baby Boom”. Throughout my childhood, we got together for holidays. The rest of the time I was uninteresting, or possibly some sort of threat to them and their inheritance, or what in our family really amounted to a payoff for dealing with our mother.
Our mother on a good day was just an extreme narcissist. On a bad day, she was drunk. By drunk, I mean she had downed a large jug of vodka by herself, usually mixed with milk over ice. I can only speak to my own experience. Those times she was drunk, if she was with a friend, she was mostly harmless aside from telling humiliating stories about her children. If she was alone, which was most of the time, she was abusive. I was sat upon, I had suit cases thrown on me, I was yanked from my bed, and more than once woke up to her tearing my room apart, literally like in the movie Mommy Dearest, so she could “clean” it at 2am. My eldest sister once told me (in a neener neener kind of way) that Mother had been much worse when raising her because she was younger and more energetic. (Should you find my blog, Val, I want to thank you for your complete lack of empathy. It makes it much easier to forget you ever existed, most of the time.)
The bottom line, and the history part of this entry, is that I am cut off from those siblings. When I was 5 and they were 25, they were not there to protect me, much less educate me or teach me how to protect myself. When I was ten, and terrorized at the sight of a liquor store delivery to the back door, they had moved across the country. There were no phone calls, no attempts at a relationship with me.
When I was 20, I went to live with my sister for a summer, thinking (because my mother had told me so) that I could help my sister by babysitting her kids so she could go out on dates. Instead, as I was watching an afternoon thunderstorm roll through, she came up behind me to ask, “Why did you come out here anyway?” The answer was “To have a relationship with my siblings,” but aloud I said, “I don’t know.” I kept my back turned so she couldn’t see me crying.
I worked for my brother that summer, and saw him only 2-3 times, and only at work. The summer I turned 21, I decided that if I didn’t hear from him on my birthday (3 weeks before his) I would stop reaching out to him. I got roses 3 days later, because our mother had reminded him.
So those are cutoffs that are real. They are cut offs that happened because I couldn’t create relationship as a child, when I didn’t understand why my family didn’t seem to care about me. I couldn’t create relationship as an adult either, because they simply didn’t want to make the effort.
Oddly, my mother kept relationships others wanted her to cut off. My sister’s first husband was in my life until he died. (Though my Mother didn’t tell me when he died, so I couldn’t make arrangements to be at his funeral. Some cutoffs she orchestrated.) His fiancé stayed in my mother’s life for a decade until my mother died. My siblings thought this was awful.
I’ve had friends cut me off for perceived slights – my friend who thought I was neglectful when she never told me she was hurting in any way until the 6 page letter of cutoff was hung on the handle of my front door. My alcoholic best friend who assaulted me when we were both drunk has been cutoff and returned multiple times.
Those who really know me, those who have relationship with me, they know that decades can pass, and they are stuck with me. I don’t initiate cutoff unless you deeply profoundly hurt me.
I’m writing this now, because my former brother-in-law’s wife is dying of cancer. I wouldn’t be writing if there wasn’t a cut off there. When I got divorced from my abusive first husband, I tried to maintain relationships with the people who had been my nieces and nephews, my brother-in-law and his wife. There is no name for that relationship – she wasn’t my sister-in-law. So at one point we decided to just call it sisters, and let that be good. After the divorce, the ex threw a fit when I attended a graduation party and had me leave. That was that. The abusive addict had his way, and I was cut off from the family that had been mine for 15 years.
That family kept relationships with my sons. When I looked back, it was clear that they had never been in relationship with me. When I sought help, when I pointed out bruising and broken furniture, they ignored me. They never tried to reach out to me or to him, no one tried to offer real help. When I stood up for myself and my small children, I was the bad guy. I was the “monster who destroyed the universe”.
I cannot say good bye to her, I cannot offer comfort to her kids or her husband. I cannot offer to drive her Mother to her. I cannot go vacuum her house or make food to fill the freezer or do any of the things I would do for a family in this situation. I’m cutoff.
Cutoff not because I hurt anyone directly. Cutoff not because they hurt me directly. Cutoff because an abusive man controls the people around him, and destroys relationships. Cutoff because he learned that from his parents, who cutoff his aunts and uncles over silliness. Cutoff because people don’t know how to live in genuine, meaningful relationship with one another.
I want to teach this to my children – meaning and genuineness. Their father has caused them to shut down that loving meaningful part of themselves in favor of defensiveness and perceived protection. But no one is protected who is alone and who cannot be genuine.
When I chose to say “I don’t know,” while my back remained turned, that was protective. Would anything have been different had I faced my sister and said, “Because I want relationship with my family”? I don’t know. I doubt it now as I doubted it then. I have years of betrayal and mocking from her and her family as evidence that vulnerability would have been another way to tease me. I’m probably right, but it could have been a turning point as well. I’ll never know, I didn’t make that step because there was nowhere to go it she had shut me down then and there. I wasn’t ready to be cutoff yet.
This dying woman, she didn’t value vulnerability either. She valued controlled simplicity. If anyone didn’t like the way she did things, they were welcome to leave, and she made that abundantly clear at every opportunity. She didn’t want help when she was diagnosed. She didn’t want to be seen as anything but the hard shiny surface that she was. She didn’t want meaning, she wanted tasks done on time, and without argument. She didn’t want relationship, she wanted obedience.
And so, I will obey to the best of my ability. I do want relationship. I do want meaning. I want to experience life in all its glorious sloppiness. I did send iced tea, sandwiches and muffins down with my sons last night when they went to say good-bye to their beloved Aunt who made quilts and tacos for them. I sent food for the living. I sent instructions for the boys to make sure their Uncle ate something at some point. I sent love for the living. Love exists whether there is cutoff or not. My former sister and her family can make of that whatever meaning suits them.
Lilac buds. Sitting outside one evening this weekend, we could almost watch the trees and bushes leaf out. It was gorgeous. Also, buds from my fruitless cherry (?) tree.
This elusive fellow is a bald eagle flying above my pasture. When I go to the area that I know their nest to be, I am blocked by signs saying that none shall past … until the eaglets are fledglings. I’ve zoomed in on this eagle. I had the wrong lens on my camera and was completely unprepared to be taunted in such a way.
A few nights prior, I was driving my car when one flew over and in front of me. This is the usual way they taunt me, make sure I see them but have no ability to take a photo.
I supposed I will need a new conquest if I ever do get a decent photo of a Bald eagle. Perhaps an owl in flight. They frequent my neighborhood in the Spring and Fall, hopefully scooping up the veritable bunny buffet in this area.
I hope Spring reaches the northeastern US sometime soon. Meanwhile, our days are more and more gorgeous here in Colorado.
It’s 65F and sunny, with not a cloud in the sky. Great day to explore a new part of the Poudre River Trail. Not a lot of color so I played with textures instead.
No wildlife to be seen. Few birds to be heard. I suppose that stretch of trail is simply too industrial, even though the parking area calls it the “Kodak Watchable Wildlife Area”. The industrial park is the old Eastman Kodak building. No loss of irony there.
Still, a truly fantastic February day. Around here, winter doesn’t seems to start until mid to late February. We should be dropping below freezing and getting a pile of snow any day now.
I am a mother, a really piss-poor sister, a pretty awesome wife, a decent friend, a professional in training, a biker, a bicyclist, a runner in training, a young woman, a member of AARP, a daughter in law, an orphan, a fangirl, a lazy couch potato, a survivor, a hippy, a Jew, an activist, a scientist, a researcher, a student, a writer, a photographer … in no particular order. The order changes depending on circumstance, setting, day, mood, necessity. Does that make me inauthentic?
Today I am more or less in sloth mode. I may bake cookies later – I’m trying to figure out the chemistry of flour and butter and so far I am failing.
Yesterday, I was in biker garb at a motorcycle rally. While I am normally a kind and perhaps overly polite person, in my patch covered leather vest I am a Biker Bitch who enjoys it when people cross the road to avoid me. It’s almost like Halloween. When I am dressed that way, in boots and leather, I am authentically that person. I have Sturgis patches that are growing up the back, year after year, I have badges of honor showing where I have ridden, I have proclamations of unforgiving womanhood, and patches proudly announcing my daughter is a US Marine.
These are not things I would wear to a company picnic or to Thanksgiving dinner at the home of my sister-in-law.
Yet whether I am wearing leathers that make people cross the street, or am in shorts and a tank top weeding my garden, I am always still myself. I am always the authentic me. What is on the outside is just a display of a different aspect of that self. I am still a photographer and a writer and a mother when I am a biker. I am still a wife and a student and a professional when I am baking cookies or Challah bread. I may be more extreme in who I am at various times than a lot of people, but we all do this. Every one of us. Even you. Think about it.
Back to school for the kid and back to school for me. Last night I packed his lunch, the hubby’s lunch, my lunch. Stuck them in the refrigerator. This morning, I put the kid’s lunch at his place on the table. Finished up hubby’s lunch and did the same. Made some breakfast for us; bacon and eggs for the kid, bacon and toast for the hubby, toast for myself. Had a fight with the teenrager because I dared offer him a drink. Sent everyone off, sent myself off …
First day was great – started with that argument with the kid, followed by thinking I was running late for my first class. Turned out I was an hour early. Which was fine, because I’d forgotten to print out a parking pass. And that would have been okay, except that all of the print labs were still closed.
They finally opened and I got that done, ran the temporary permit out to my car, met a friend and headed up to class.
Half way through class I realized that my lunch was still at home in the fridge. Three quarters of the way through class, my stomach made a growl that could be heard in every corner of the room.
No one is born knowing how to be a parent. We learn from our own parents, some good, some bad, some downright nasty, horrible, and awful. We look for role models, and sometimes we attend classes on parenting. There are some good books out there but also some that are extremely biased in some way or another.
Over the years, and I have three kids ranging from independent adult to 17 year old Junior in high school, I’ve found that no one knows anything. I could write a book on parenting, I have the experience – AND – my experience is uniquely mine and that of my children. Some of it might work for another person, but odds are not all of it will. Some advice worked and was helpful, some advice made me wonder what drugs the giver of the advice had been imbibing.
I took two Love and Logic classes in addition to a parenting class required by the state when I divorced the father of my sons. I had books and CDs and parenting magazines. I had techniques I practiced and used. I went to lectures on parenting. I considered my own parents who were less than stellar examples, and also the parents of kids I had babysat when I was younger.
My boys were undermined by their father’s desire to get back at me for leaving him. He used them at every turn to make my life difficult, but all he really succeeded at was making their lives confusing, painful, and directionless. This was a battle my second husband and I fought directly, doing our best to reinforce self-discipline in school work, following the direction of the child therapists, and making sure there was structure in our home. These were techniques, these were rules we followed.
A personal hero of mine may be known to most as “that guy who wrote ‘The Trouble with Tribbles'”. He also wrote (among other things) a book called “The Martian Child” about adopting his son as a single man. Below is a musing he had today on parenting, and it’s in the same spirit as the book, which I wish I had read when my kids were tiny.
“One of the things I did right as a parent — and it works everywhere else too — was so simple that it should be one of the first commandments of parenting. Or anything else.
The group home parents had told me that they had issues with Sean coming home from school and being badly greeted by the other kids. So much so, that they arranged to bring him home from school first, so he wouldn’t walk into the house and be greeted badly.
So…after he was placed in my home, I made up my mind that part of my job was to change the way he experienced the world. My job was to fill him up with happy memories. So…
Every day when Sean came home from school, I made sure he knew how happy I was to see him. We’d have milk and cookies together, or a sandwich. But I’d make sure that coming up the walk and coming into the house would be a good experience every day — so that he would always feel happy to be home, never afraid, never shut down, never alienated. This was his safe place, his happy place.
Now … here’s the important part. I might have been annoyed at something, anything. I might have been angry or upset or busy with work, or even on the phone. I’d always put that aside and make sure he knew he was the most important person in my world.
I think that’s one of the reasons we have such a great relationship today. You don’t build great relationships by waiting till they’re grown up — you start on day one and you keep building every day — you never stop.
Now, the same applies to every other relationship. You start out by being happy to see the person. Whatever else needs to be handled, whatever other conversation needs to happen, whatever other issue needs to be addressed — start out by being glad to have that person in your life. If nothing else, it sets context that they are more important than whatever upset you’re having.” – David Gerrold
My category for these sorts of posts is “Survival Parenting”. I chose that name because everything I did, every choice I made in parenting was to keep not only my head, but the heads of my children above water in stormy seas.
Like every single solitary parent on earth, I’m sure including David who is an amazing Father, I made mistakes. I probably made more than a lot of people – AND – it wasn’t for lack of trying. I have one regret.
Boys naturally grow away from their Mommies, and that certainly happened. I didn’t have to let it happen so easily. I could have let them cuddle a little longer. The laundry was still going to be there. I could pick the toys off the floor later. We could eat dessert first more often when there wasn’t time to cook dinner. I could have made more cookies for them to have when they came home from school. I could have found a way to simply ignore the garbage coming from their father so that they would know it was inconsequential, and that they were really truly loved. Somehow I didn’t get that part through strongly enough while I was enforcing boundaries.
It truly is my belief that David is right. If there is love, acceptance, and valuing the child first, then the rest can come later. The person will understand and truly know that she is more important than the problem and that she will not be left alone to tackle the problem. I believe that if we value the child first, give him that secure base of love, the rest will follow. We won’t be spoiling the child, we will be showing the child that he matters and that he has an impact on his surroundings.
If, as David encourages us, we do this in other areas of life as well, then we set the example for the child that other people matter and have value as well. This teaches the child to be considerate of the people she values.
Look at it this way; I had a friend in college who acquired a puppy, and he was all about the discipline and the rules. So much so that the dog wanted nothing to do with him when he called her to him. She would run in the other direction, he would be forced to catch her, and then he disciplined her for running away. Well, if that was her experience when they were together, what reason would she have to come when called?
If we focus on the rules, boundaries, and discipline first, what reasons do our kids have to be happy to come home? What are they learning from us except that rules are more important than people? Are those the sorts of adults we want in our world?
If, on the other hand, the dog learned that being with my friend was a happy joyous fun thing, she would have been more willing to learn the rules and boundaries to please him and to show him that he was as valuable to her and he was to him.
Not that I am comparing children to dogs … it’s just sometimes easier to see things when we hold them away from ourselves. Forest for the trees and all that.
At any rate, thanks for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate that. And I hope you found something useful here. I always find something useful when I read what David writes.
Today’s scripture presents us with a familiar story taken from the Gospel according to John. The narrative focuses on Jesus inviting his first disciples to join him. He does so with a simple question. He asks Andrew and a second disciple, who is not identified, “what are you looking for?” I will briefly retell the story in my own words. As I do, I encourage you to imagine what it would be like if you were the unnamed disciple and were a first-hand witness.
Andrew and I were conversing with John the Baptist about the forgiveness of sin and the Kingdom of God. As we were sharing, John caught a glimpse of his cousin – the Nazarene. Without the slightest doubt or hesitation, he proclaimed: “Behold the Lamb of God.”
We were startled by his words. It was apparent that John, even though he was a prophet, had a keen insight that Andrew and I were lacking. John reminded us that One mightier than he would come. So John sent us on our way with the instructions to go and discover for ourselves what this man is all about. With great expectations and with much excitement, we hurriedly left John and began to follow Jesus, but we did so from a distance.
As Andrew and I walked together, we wondered how closely we should draw near to Jesus. Up to this point, we were simply relying on the testimony of John the Baptist. The Lord had not yet revealed anything directly to us. Suddenly Jesus stopped walking, turned and faced us, and asked: “What are you looking for?” We replied, “Where do you dwell?” Jesus replied, “Come and you will see.”
The incarnate Son of God, born to redeem his creation, is eager for us to recognize his presence in our lives. He is eager to show us the way to his Father. He is eager for us to share his love with others while explaining the words that will lead to everlasting life.
During our lifetime, Jesus will extend many invitations. All of them will be gracious and all of them will come with a promise. But don’t believe in Jesus or his promises simply on my say-so or even the church’s say-so. The point of today’s Gospel is that if you want to be a disciple of Jesus, you must accept his invitation to walk with him. You must set aside some time to reflect on the words that lead to everlasting life, and with a leap of faith, you must accept those words as your very own.
If your faith in Jesus makes you ready to accept this responsibility, then the love of Christ, combined with our prayers and our service to others, will restore God’s Kingdom on earth. It’s only a matter of time and it won’t be easy. People are slow to change and they have a myriad of distractions to deal with .
Our bodies are frail, our minds are overwhelmed with enormous responsibilities, our egos are easily bruised and battered, and we need to take time to grieve the loss of our loved ones. In addition, some of us are weighed down with the heavy burdens that accompany shame, sorrow, doubt, and frustration; but the Good News is that Jesus has already released us from those burdens. They are no longer ours to carry. They were nailed to the cross along with our Redeemer. They are no more. Again, don’t rely on my testimony just go and see for yourself.
If you come, you will witness God’s kingdom being restored. Lives are being change in the light of the Gospel because the closer people draw to pure holiness; the more they will recognize and attend to their own sinfulness. Hearts that have hardened and eyes that are unwilling to see - will be opened. Not because they are forced to, but because the grace and love that God poured into their hearts at their baptism, are always present to point them in the right direction. In order to be a disciple of Jesus, change and conversion of heart are not optional; they are mandatory.
God favor rests on those who understand that “who we are today is not as important as who we are willing to become tomorrow.”
That’s why we are here – to find out for ourselves, with the aide of our brothers and sisters, who Jesus is and what he’s expecting of us. We must find out how lovely his dwelling place really is. We need to realize that as we walk with Jesus, the splendor of his glorious light dispels all darkness. We need to be aware that as we emerge from our darkness that the Lamb of God was walking with us, guiding our every step.
Good things happen when we draw close to Jesus and when we proclaim his splendor to all who are willing to listen.
So, we are encouraged to discover and use our charisms to promote God’s kingdom. If you can sing, join a choir. Start the inquiry process if you believe that you are being called to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, or lay ministry. If you feel called to visit the sick and imprisoned, be not afraid to do so. If you want to pray with others to deepen your relationship with Jesus, join one of our prayer groups.
If you are a candidate for First Eucharist, listen carefully to your parents and teachers. God will put words on their lips which will be a source of encouragement for you. Let them help you discover what Jesus meant when he said: 1) Seek and you will find. 2) Knock and the door will be opened. 3) Come to me if you grow tired and are heavy burdened, and most especially, 4) Come to the feast and you will see that I have prepared a place for you at the table.
Most of all, if you hear the Lord calling your name, as Samuel did in today’s first reading, I encourage you to respond the same way he did. Simply say, “Hear I am Lord – your servant is listening.” “HERE I AM” |
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To minimize shine, apply lightly with powder puff or brush, concentrating on the T-zone area. The included puff is preferred for a better controlled application as puffs tend to deposit less powder onto the skin.
ly three to four drops to clean, damp skin as part of your morning and evening skincare regimen. Massage into skin with gentle, circular motions.
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No drying, powder bronzer here. RMS Buriti Bronzer contains wild crafted Buriti oil, the highest oil in Vitamin A and Beta-carotene known to man, pressed from the nuts of Brazil's moriche palm tree. This ultra-sheer cream bronzer is a huge step away from the typical traditional orangey/sparkly bronzers that saturate the market. Bronzers should give the appearance of glowing, healthy, sun-kissed skin and nothing more.
An ultra sheer, glowing, cream bronzer without the orange, without the pink and without the grey giving just the right amount of warm, sun kissed skin. Works on all skin tones and doubles as a luminizer for darker skin tones.
Apply sparingly with fingers over the face and cheekbones...Just in the places needed for a real sun kissed look. Can be applied on eyes and lips for a translucent sensual summer glow. A hint of bronzer can be added across the shoulder blades and to shoulders for a sexy evening look - in fact anywhere you want gorgeous, glowing skin. Mix sparingly with "un" cover-up for a subtle bronzed and radiant sheen. |
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This all happened about three weeks ago when my friend Zack slept at my house, we have been friends since year five and had never done anything remotely sexual with each other. We were in my room trying to get to sleep when Zack said 'have you ever masturbated?' a little embarrassed and shly I said 'yeah' he reached over and put his hands in my boxer shorts and grabbed my shaft, I got hard almost straight away, I started to moan and thrust my hips sensing that I was about to come. I shot three or four loads and he kissed me. Of course I repaid the favour but that's another story. |
- The Hermes stock is flat this morning, even though the group announced Q3 sales that exceeded analysts' expectations.
Sales growth reached +11% at constant exchange rates. Growth has been driven by all geographic areas, with a balanced contribution from all businesses.
At end-September 2017, the group's consolidated revenues reached 4,050 million euros, up 10% at constant exchange rates and at current exchange rates. Sales growth was strong at the Group's stores (+11% at constant exchange rates).
Sales are growing in all regions of the world. Asia - excluding Japan - was up +14%, Japan reported 5% growth, despite the high yen, America was up +9% and Europe was up +9%. The group benefited from store openings and expansions in Rome, London and Munich, as well as solid growth in stores in France.
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You must know that there are alot of reasons that somone might want to get marriage certificates. Usually its because of their own marriage or some other reason. |
When it comes to foods that can quickly dissolve your willpower and make a calorie counter spin, one sweet treat rules them all: Decadent, wonderful, glorious chocolate.
It’s not all bad news since research indicates chocolate can have positive health effects, like boosting your mood and brain power.
But it also comes packed with fat and sugar that can derail your diet. So if you’re just about to reach for that 250 calorie chocolate bar, try one of these tips:
A new study led by researchers at the University of Innsbruck in Austria found just 15 minutes of exercise can keep you from indulging.
The test involved 47 people, described as “overweight, sugary snack consumers.” Each person was used to eating at least 3.5 ounces of chocolate or other sweets every day, so they were asked to avoid any treats for three days before the experiment to heighten their cravings.
Some then took a brisk 15-minute walk on a treadmill, while others sat quietly for 15 minutes. Afterwards, the researchers tried to heighten their chocolate cravings even more. Both groups took a mental test designed to boost their level of stress, which often makes people turn to high-calorie food.
Both groups also were presented with a delicious selection of sweets, with the instructions to unwrap one snack of their choice and handle it for 30 seconds, but not actually eat it.
It turned out the participants who took the brisk 15-minute walk had lower cravings for treats than those who stayed inactive. And even though stress and the simple act of being around sweets can trigger our desire to eat, the exercise also seemed to counteract those urges.
The results are based on questionnaires measuring the participants’ cravings for sugary snacks at various stages of the experiment and other data.
“These cravings come on us quickly and if we can distract ourselves, they often go away within 15 minutes. That’s why this study, and the duration of the walk, makes sense. It’s all about swapping out an activity,” said TODAY health and nutrition editor Madelyn Fernstrom. |
lan a disney family vacation with helpful travel planning information and experience the magic of disney theme parks, cruises and exciting destinations. In 1932, walt disney considered building a family park on a vacant 16 acre plot directly across the street from his studios unfortunately the idea was turned down by the city of burbank. Living with the land is a slow-moving boat cruise through multimedia agricultural displays and the 4 working greenhouses of the land pavilion. Walt disney world is definitely magical myself and my fiance went there on several occasions during our holiday and every time was amazing the disney app is the best because once we used one fast pass we just booked another one straight after for another.
Disneyland is fantastic- a truly well oiled machine definitely need sunscreen, hat and good walking shoes take advantage of the early morning entry if staying at the disneyland hotels- and research the rides that you want to go on in order to prioritise and utilise. Disneyland park is a beloved southern california destination where generations of families have made their disney dreams come true walt disney's original disneyland theme park, which first opened on july 17, 1955, is now divided into 8 extravagantly themed lands: main street, usa, tomorrowland, fantasyland, mickey's toontown. Disneyland park, originally disneyland, is the first of two theme parks built at the disneyland resort in anaheim, california, opened on july 17, 1955it is the only theme park designed and built to completion under the direct supervision of walt disney.
Walt disney land logo where do i find disney characters in the disneyland resort you add the disney maxpass feature to your ticket. All walt disney world® resorts, official walt disney world® hotels(formally known as the disney springs™ area hotels), four seasons, and the walt disney world® swan and dolphin hotels have a 60-day booking window along with extra magic hours. Disneyland 17m likes welcome to the official facebook page of the disneyland resort for questions and comments, please contact us at disneyland. Footage from several time-lapse cameras scattered throughout disneyland during the park's construction presented with narration by tony baxter from disney imagineering, and ed hobbleman and.
After the success of disneyland, it was only natural for walt to consider another park on the east coast prior to his death the company purchased land in florida, and the walt disney world project, located on some 28,000 acres near orlando, was announced. Theed a deal with unions that would hike the minimum wage for walt disney world resort workers to $15 an hour by 2021, signaling an end to contract negotiations that have dragged on for. Disney vacations by land and sea view video create the ultimate disney vacation by combining the magic of disney cruise line and the enchantment of walt disney world resort. Syn disney was an americyland this website uses cookies for analytics. In the case of walt disney, when anaheim, california, gave him orange groves, he made disneyland the 160-acre plot of land started out as a park for disney employees but, as per usual with a. Walt disney was 53 when he dedicated disneyland park it was a memorable ceremony there in town square, walt could look around and see the fulfillment of his hopes, dreams, and ambitions in the form of a spectacular entertainment kingdom. Walt disney world resort guests get to race and dive around a track that stretches across toy story land (matt stroshane, photographer) guests at disney's hollywood studios can go to infinity and beyond in toy story land.
Weleatest tweets from disneyland resort (@disneyland) welcome to the official twitter feed for the disneyland resort for questions and comments, please contact us @disneylandtoday. Disneyland, walt disney's metropolis of nostalgia, fantasy, and futurism, opens on july 17, 1955 the $17 million theme park was built on 160 acres of former orange groves in anaheim, california. The odisney world resort hong kong disneyland shanghai disney resort disney cruise line disney vacation club aulani, a disney resort & spa destinations. |
November 8, 2018 11:59am EST November 8, 2018 11:59am EST Bennett Bedford from BetQL breaks down Week 9 NFL odds and betting trends from four key games. Get gambling advice on which underdogs and favorites are worth your dollars, go inside the numbers on line movement, over/unders, against the spread records, and more.
The experts from BetQL are back with a look at the Week 10 NFL odds, gambling trends, and line movement. As always, we'll break down top value bets, largest home favorite to target or fade, and an over/under that caught our eye. We'll also be looking at the "sharp" favorite of the week to help you find an underdog that might be worth backing.
The team at RotoQL has been busy working its latest industry-leading produce, the BetQL app. Already one of the top apps for helping with gambling decisions, countless bettors have used the app to help with identifying top trending bets.
The Trending Picks and Public Betting tools on the BetQL mobile app helps you "make your own luck" when it comes placing winning bets. Regardless of bankroll, get the edge you need. For more betting and DFS advice, I'm on Twitter (@DFSBenj) and ready to answer your questions.
The top value bet of the week is the Colts, who face the Jaguars as three-point home favorites. Both the Colts and Jags are in near must-win situations this week if they want to keep their hopes of winning the AFC South alive. The Jaguars have historically dominated this matchup, covering the past six games against the Colts, but it’s hard to back Jacksonville right now with how poorly they’ve played on both sides of the ball during their current four-game losing streak. Conversely, the Colts have been playing solid football, with back-to-back wins, albeit against two of the worst teams in league (Bills and Raiders). Also, consider taking the UNDER of 46.5 points, as these teams have only averaged a shade over 39 points per game in their past 14 matchups.
The Falons head to Cleveland as 4.5-point favorites and are the largest public favorite of the week. While the BetQL models will tend to fade public favorites who are garnering 60 percent or more of public tickets, this is not a situation where we should look to back the Browns, who have looked awful for the large majority of the season. While there were some positive signs for Cleveland last week in their 37-21 loss to the Chiefs following the firing of head coach Hue Jackson and OC Todd Haley, they still have failed to cover the spread in three of the past four games. The Falcons, however, are a team on the rise, winning three straight games and looking excellent last week in their 38-14 domination of the Redskins.
The team at BetQL has been hard at work to implement "Sharp Bettor Reports" to our NFL product. The sharp reports are the best way to quickly see who the big bettors are backing each week. This week, the sharps are all over the Seahawks as they travel down to Los Angeles to face the Rams as 10-point underdogs. While it’s hard to see a path to Seattle winning this game outright, the ground-and-pound style of their offense bodes well for them grinding the clock down and keeping this game close into the second half. The Rams have been excellent when bet on the moneyline or as part of a teaser this season, but they've have been mediocre against the spread, going only 4-4-1.
The largest line movement of Week 10 is in the Buccaneers-Redskins game, as we’ve seen this one go from a pick 'em to the Bucs jumping to three-point home favorites. The major reason for this movement comes down to the health of the Redskins offense. Washington has injuries to all five of their starting offensive linemen, with Trent Williams and Brandon Lauvao both doubtful to play and guard Brandon Scherff put on IR. The injuries for Washington don’t stop with the offensive line, as they also extend to the receiving corps with Paul Richardson hitting the IR and Jamison Crowder still struggling with an ankle injury, TE Jordan Reed is questionable with neck and back injuries, and pass-catching RB Chris Thompson missing multiple games with rib injuries. Tampa Bay has their own issues, with a terrible defense and a revolving QB carousel, but they have been solid at home this season, going 2-1 straight up.
The BetQL Mobile App's Trending Picks and Public Betting tools offer a massive advantage when you're making bets. Check me out on Twitter (@DFSBenj) for even more NFL, NBA, MLB and PGA daily fantasy and sports betting content. |
It’s not always easy being the boss. Sometimes the demands of ownership can become overwhelming. At other times, you just might need “a little help from your friends.”
These are among the reasons why some dealership owners have decided to create advisory boards. Such a board usually consists of a group of professional confidants willing to offer their time and talents to help owners meet specific business challenges — or simply lend a sympathetic ear.
Advisory boards usually comprise professionals whose experience, wisdom and insights command the owner’s respect. These professionals may include other dealership owners; factory representatives; business consultants; and experts in the areas of sales, marketing or operations.
As you consider potential advisory board members, try to choose individuals who will challenge you, disagree with you and push you outside of your comfort zone. Your goal should be to gather a diversity of opinions from a variety of different perspectives — not just surround yourself with sycophants who’ll agree with everything you say.
There’s no formula for the right structure and frequency of advisory board meetings. Many boards meet between two and four times a year for two or three hours at a time, often over a meal. It’s important to plan an agenda for the meeting and share this with your advisors ahead of time so they can be better prepared.
For example, perhaps you need advice about how to grow and expand your dealership. Maybe you’re dealing with excessive employee turnover. Or maybe — like everyone — you’d like to boost sales and profits.
An advisory board can provide great wisdom and insight in each of these areas and other operational concerns. Therefore, it would be smart to give some thought to what your advisory board might look like and how forming a board could benefit your dealership. Getting a board off the ground sooner, rather than later, can only be a plus. |
So I got to work on the door hanger the following day, but didn't really have the time to go online and blog, so voilà:
FYI, Marguerite loves it. She has been hanging it on all of the doorknobs around the house. She sings the lalalala ladybug song to it from Miss Spider. It's hardly perfect, but it works (What does it do? It hangs, duh). So now Marguerite's bedroom door is a bit jazzed up. |
Free Pancake Breakfast hosted by the St. John's Boy Scouts on Sunday April 29, 2018 after the 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. masses. Donations are accepted and will fund their summer camp in Colorado. Please support our Boy Scouts!
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Confirming the studio’s plans for a movie based on its iconic super-team for the first time, Warner Bros. president of worldwide production Greg Silverman said the studio has set plans to make a “Justice League” movie.
Like “Man of Steel” and its follow-up, which starts production next month, “Justice League” will be directed by Zack Snyder. Henry Cavill is expected to return as Superman, along with Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot, who play Batman and Wonder Woman, respectively, in 2016’s “Man of Steel” sequel tentatively titled “Batman vs. Superman.”
“It will be a further expansion of this universe,” said Mr. Silverman. “’Superman vs Batman’ will lead into ‘Justice League.’”
A script is still in development and Warner has not set a release date, though the movie is unlikely to come out before 2018. Mr. Silverman would not comment on what other heroes might join Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in the movie. However the studio has recently been casting the role of Cyborg, a half-robotic hero who is expected to have a cameo in “Batman vs. Superman” and then appear in “Justice League.” Other DC heroes who have been in Justice League comic books include Aquaman, Flash and Green Lantern.
The plans for three superhero movies in relatively quick succession show how intent Warner is on catching up with rival Walt Disney Co.’s Marvel Studios in building a cinematic superhero universe after years lagging behind.
Although the “Dark Knight” trilogy was a hit, Warner’s other efforts such as “Green Lantern” and “Jonah Hex” have flopped. A “Justice League” movie with a young cast that was to be directed by George Miller of “Mad Max” fame nearly went into production in 2008 but was killed at the last minute.
Warner Bros. has several other movies in development unconnected to the Justice League that are based on DC superheroes and fantasy and crime titles from its Vertigo line of genre comics, said Mr. Silverman and Toby Emmerich, president of Warner’s New Line Cinema label. They include “Shazam,” “Metal Men,” “100 Bullets,” and “Fables.”
And while there are no plans yet for a “Justice League” spinoff featuring Ms. Gadot’s “Wonder Woman,” Warner executives said they are warm to the idea.
“That is our hope,” said Sue Kroll, president of worldwide marketing. “With the right script, that could be viable. The world is ready for her.”
"the world is ready for a wonder woman movie" yet we've got no firm plans the world has been begging for a WW films for years now. If the Metal Men get a movie before her
So I'm guessing justice league is being film back to back with BvS. If this is how DC/Warner Bros are going to do things, then their "phase 2" (if it gets there) needs to just be solo films of every JL hero.
By this point I was under the impression that the Batman/Superman film was just a defacto Justice League film with the amount of characters that kept getting rumoured/announced for it.
Lagamorph » Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:06 am wrote: Can't believe it's taken DC this long to start following Marvel's lead.
They're not really though. Marvel's success was built on slow-burning development and risk-taking but all Warner Bros have seen is a shared universe and a ton of money, now Snyder made a reasonable amount of money with Man of Steel they'll probably hand him everything.
I know there will be a massive bro-fist between Batman and Superman at the end, with each other showing their mutual respect for each other in a cheesy way.
Great news! And what I hoped for as there is only so much story you can tell in one movie, i'm hoping SvB is a self contained story that features the other characters that leads into The Justice League.
I read an interview with David Goyer who said Warner Bros. are not trying to emulate the Disney/Marvel business model. They are just taking their time to tell the stories.
So far they have released a grand total of one movie in this new DCCU. The DCTVU is doing a better job, they should probably just stick to that instead.
It's a fairly obscure DC comic. I only remember it from the Amalgam Comics' Magneto and the Metal Men.
Corazoe Amalgam Comics' Magneto and the Metal Men.
He was olverine/Batman hybrid, and the Superboy/Spider-Man amalgam. There was also a really cool X-Force/Doom Patrol mash up.
Yeah I've really enjoyed the recent JL issues with them in and because Cyborg is getting some focus.
I never understand why they don't get comic book writers more involved in these films. It's worked really well on the small screen for Smallville and Arrow.
If G.W.C.S. has a 2 hour delay and your school district does not, you are responsible for bringing your child to school at 10:30am. If you are unable to transport your child to school, he/she will be marked absent (excused) for the day.
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Diners will discover and savour the rich taste of Chinese classic recipes blended with modern gastronomy created by the very experienced Chef Christopher Chai, Executive Chinese Chef of Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta’s JIA Contemporary Chinese Restaurant.
There will be a list of 20 delectable dishes, such as the divine Braised Treasure Soup with Whole Baby Sea Cucumber and Green; scented Crispy Fried Beef in Honey Sauce; flavourful Deep-Fried King Prawn wrapped in Salted Egg Yolk and Supreme Baked Scallop stuffed with Shrimp Paste and Home-Made Bean Curd.
Chef Chai integrates all of his diverse experiences of more than 30 years into each creation with tasteful texture ingredients and stylish presentation, giving diners a modern twist while respecting the original recipe. Our well known Shangri-La hospitality and decorations inspired by the Tang dynasty era will highlight one of the hotel’s most celebrated dining experiences.
The Modern Chinese Cuisine is available at Shang Palace Chinese Restaurant from 9 to 18 November 2018, during lunch and dinner daily. Prices start from 180++ baht.
TIP! Leave all unnecessary valuables at home. If you are bringing your valuables on a trip, there is more of a chance that they will get los of information out there that can vastly simplify the travel planning process. You wour child on you. Being away from home and losing a child is a very scary prospect.
It’s important to plan ahead when traveling by air. Airports are often located near large cities, and reaching them during peak traffic times of the day can take much miss your flight, you will have to take a later one. This might create problems with your itinerary.
Before you travel, make a list of what you will pack. You can do this ahead of time and add to it as the trip gets closer. Just note the necessities that you will faux cops or faux government officials in foreign countries, as they may be criminals. Don’t give anyone your original passport, because this could set you up for theft. Walk with them if they want to transport you to a nearby office. Do not get in a vehicle with a local who you don’t know.
TIP! When you travel, you always need to keep up with your belongings. If you’ve got a purse, keep it tucked under your arm neatly.
Before getting off the cruise in a port city find yourself a hotel with free parking. Ask the hotel’s staff when it comes to parking deals even though none are published.
Take clothespins along the next time you travel. You would be amazed at how useful these will turn out to be.
TIP! Take sleeping pills if you need helping sleeping through a flight. Lots of people aren’t comfortable sleeping on planes, because the place isn’t familiar, the seats are uncomfortable, and thetbooks which are easily opened by others on a busy street or subway. You should keep these things in mind when trying to find a travel bag that will be reliable for you.
TIP! Documentation is key, so be sure to discover what kinds of visas you will need to enter any countries you will be traveling to. If a about a dollar per bag and 2 to 5 dollars per day of housekeeping. You will have a better relationship with them when you are staying at the hotel.
TIP! Sign up for online newsletters from the major airlines you like to use to fly. These newsletters are often the best way to get exclusive offers and discounts.
Make sure that your shoes are comfortable whenever you travel, and easily removed. Security staff at checkpoints will ask you to remove them. Also, being comfortable is key during travel, to keep you from getting too tired and stressed. There is a bit of walking at the airport, but also a lot of sitting, so they don’t need to have a great deal of support. Sandals and flip flops make great travel footwear.
TIP! You can conveniently create almost all your vacation and travel plans online. The site you book your travel through should offer sample itineraries for your convenience.
As stated initially in this guide, prospective travelers may need to make a lot of decisions, and some find this to be intimidating. By utilizing all the resources you |
NIKA GmbH, the leading provider of fluid flow and heat transfer simulation software for engineers, has appointed (Kozo Keikaku Engineering (KKE) as its master distributor for the Asia-Pacific region. Under the new agreement, KKE will represent both EFD.Lab and EFD.V5. EFD.Lab is an industry leading fluid flow and heat transfer simulation program and EFD.V5 offers seamless integration between Dassault Systèmes’ CATIA V5 and NIKA’s analysis technology. In addition, KKE will be responsible for managing and expanding the existing reseller network in Hong Kong, Korea, China and Australia, as well as developing the market for EFD.V5 in conjunction with IBM and IBM Business Partners in Japan.
The two companies have enjoyed a successful relationship since March of 2000 when KKE became a distributor for NIKA’s family of analysis products in Japan. “NIKA’s technology makes it easy to integrate simulation into the design cycle; therefore, turning a true implementation of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) into reality” stated Tsuyoshi Sumiya, Director of Marketing of the SBD Marketing and Sales Dept. at KKE. “NIKA’s products are very complementary to our Simulation Based Design approach which has already helped many Japanese companies increase their productivity and profits” added Sumiya. ”KKE’s unparalleled sales and marketing expertise has resulted in the adoption of our technology at blue chip companies such as Matsushita, Hitachi, Canon, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, NEC, Olympus, Sanyo, Kawasaki, Fujitsu, Suzuki and Ricoh” mentioned Roland Feldhinkel, chief executive officer and president of NIKA GmbH. “Our continued collaboration will ensure easy access to NIKA technology to all companies within the expanded region”, added Feldhinkel.
NIKA GmbH was founded in 1999 and develops fluid flow and heat transfer simulation software such as COSMOSFloWorks, EFD.Lab and EFD.V5. Its programs are based on the principles of Engineering Fluid Dynamics (EFD). EFD is a radically different approach from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). While based on the same mathematical foundation as CFD programs, EFD programs speak the language of the engineer. NIKA GmbH is a worldwide operating company with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. NIKA products are marketed by selected resellers in USA, Japan, Australia, France, UK, Benelux, Scandinavia, Italy, Spain and many other countries of the world. NIKA’s customer list includes more than 700 companies such as Intel, NEC, LG Electronics, Siemens, Thyssen, RWE, Miele, Friedrich Grohe, Continental, Delphi, TRW, Fuji Film, Eastman Kodak, Northrop Grumman, OCE, Nasa, Bell Helicopter and Dräger.
Since its foundation in 1959, Kozo Keikaku Engineering INC has offered software sales and development services using the latest IT technologies. KKE's customers are from a diverse range of industries such as: construction, manufacturing, network, multimedia, information communication, mobile communications and so on. The SBD Sales and Marketing division of KKE is mainly focused on sales, support and consulting of CAE software including structural analysis, thermal flow, mold flow, motion, and has been the master distributor of NIKA software since March 2000 in Japan, and has sold more than 200 licenses. SBD has around 1000 customers in various industries such as electronics, automotive, heavy industries, aerospace, machinery, consumer products etc. |
Marksbury Farm Market opened in Lancaster, Kentucky in August 2010, filling a pressing need in Kentucky’s fast-growing local food economy. Each of the Marksbury partners bring varied backgrounds, diverse talents and unwavering commitments to delicious sustainably raised food. The company’s logo reflects its commitment to maximizing the value of Kentucky’s rich pasture and strong farm family traditions through production of the highest quality local, grass-fed meats. All Marksbury products are free of antibiotics, steroids and hormones. We partner with area farmers who share our commitment to land stewardship, animal welfare, and the highest quality standards to bring our products to your dinner table. |
The feature importances. The higher, the more important the feature. R215]. |
Owner Homer Marshman and his general manager, Damon “Buzz” Wet: On Februay13th, the National Football League grants a Cleveland franchise to Homer Marshman and Associates, a prominent group of local businessmen. It was Cleveland fourth NFL franchise. There had been two teams called the Indians, one at the NFL's founding and another in 1931. Cleveland was also home to the Cleveland Bulldogs, 1924 NFL Champions. The group had owned a team in the rival American Football League in 1936. That team was also known as the Rams and finished with a 5-2-2 record, second best in the league. This new NFL franchise was separate entity since none of the personal joined the new NFL team. The NFL Rams first coach was Hugo Bezdek and he led the Rams on to the field at Cleveland Municipal Stadium for their first game in on September 10th. Unfortunately, the Detroit Lions would shut down the Rams 28-0. The Rams would get their first win 11 days later when they beat the Eagles in Philadelphia 21-3. However the Rams would not score more then ten points in any more games that first season finishing with a 1-10 record.
1938: The Rams now playing their home games at Shaw Stadium, a high school stadium on Shaw Avenue in Cleveland lose their first three games of the season before Coach Hugo Bezdek is fired. The move pays off right away as new coach as the Rams win their first three games under new coach Art Lewis. However the Rams would win only one of their final five games and would finish their second season with a 4-7 record.
1939: The Rams return to Municipal Stadium as rookie halfback Parker Hall makes a big splash earning MVP honors as the Rams finish with a .500 record for the first time at 5-5-1 under new coach Earl "Dutch" Clark.
1940: The Rams would stumble in Dutch Clark's second season as coach falling back below the .500 mark at 4-6-1.
1941: Daniel F. Reeves and Fred Levy, Jr. purchase the Rams. The Rams get the new ownership group off on the right foot by winning their first two games. However they would not win again and closed the season with a 2-9 record.
1942: With new owners Daniel F. Reeves and Fred Levy, Jr. enlisting in the Armed Forces, Bob Kelley is named club secretary. After three seasons in Municipal Stadium the Rams decide to play their home games at League Park. The Rams would finish the season with a 5-6 record, in Dutch Clark's final season as head coach.
1943: Daniel F. Reeves buys out partner Fred Levy Jr., as the Rams are forced to suspend operations for due to wartime travel restrictions, and lack of manpower.
1944: The Rams resume operations with an expansion style roster full of free agents and castoffs. However under coach Buff Donelli the rag tag Rams get off to a great start winning their first three games. However, their inexperience would catch up to them as they won just one of their next seven games to finish with a 4-6 record.
1945: After coach Buff Donelli joins the military General Manager Charlie Walsh names his brother Adam as the team's new coach. Bob Waterfield a Quaerterback drafted in 1944 joins the team and leads the Rams to their first Division Championship with a 9-1 record Waterfield would become the first player ever to win the NFL MVP by a unanimous vote. The highlight of the season came on Thanksgiving in Detroit when Jim Benton caught ten passes for NFL record 303 yards in 28-21 win at Detroit over the Lions. On December on a frozen field at Cleveland Municipal Stadium the Rams defeated the Washington Redskins 15-14 to win their first NFL Championship. However, the joy for Cleveland fans would be short lived as the Rams got approval to move to Los Angles less the a month later. As the Rams headed for the coast, a new league called the All-American Football Conference would begin play. The league was dominated by the Cleveland Browns who would eventually join the NFL in 1950.
©MMXVIor |
Mural in Bydgoszcz as a part of ANIMOCJE (animation festival) The circle of fickle fortune, from beggar to rich man. with Chazme718 |
Brando Matthew Eaton (born July 17, 1986) is an American film and television actor. He may be best known for his roles in Dexter, The Secret Life of the American Teenager, and Zoey 101.
New on our blog: The Power of Flowers (Part 1) 💐 In October, we asked our customers to share stories about the people in their lives who they are most thankful for and why. We expected to read some beautiful sentiments but what we received was an enormous outpouring of love for people who put others before themselves everyday...Read more at . We want to hear more of your heartwarming stories! Head to our page @bloomex_canada to get your entries in for Part 2 of our Power of Flowers giveaway series before midnight tonight. . . . #powerofflowers #blog #giveaway #spreadlove #canada #vancouver #calgary #montreal #winnipeg #ottawa #toronto #quebec #halifax #inspiration #mondaymotivation #beautiful #thankful #stories #sharing #love #bloomexcanada
🚨New Episode Now Live🚨 - with the amazing Brian Meece. . . In this episode I had the pleasure of chatting with Brian Meece - Co-founder of RocketHub, Founder of Wingadoos, and a pretty mean ukulele player! Brian has also spoken at world-renowned events such as SXSW, TEDx, and the World Economic Forum. . . This episode covers a lot of ground (including raising money for a meth lab… yes really!) and was great fun to record! Trust us when we say this is not one you want to miss! . . In this episode we discuss: - Following your passion - Utilising your network - Recruiting the right team and how it’s like a band - Fixing pain points - Looking for ‘whitespace’ and new opportunities - Financial empowerment and education - Social impact - And as always, plenty more... . . #podcast #interview #radio #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #startup #recordingstudio #newbusiness #yorkshire #leeds #maverick #marketing # #influencers #forbes #success #business #businessowner #platform #sharing #bbc #influencer #TEDx #SXSW #RocketHub
The 4th annual Zenways Gathering crew. A fantastic weekend of talks, connection, sharing and learning. Very excited for the 5th Gathering next summer which will be more of a family event with camping and activities for kids. . . #zenways #zenwaysgathering2018 #zenwaysgathering #family #sangha #community #sharing #learning
Our different perspectives, upbringings, locations, careers, challenges, families and more are what makes the world such an exciting and beautiful thing to be a part of. Whose story can you learn today? #MondayMotivation from @amandaspurlock #Trixmagazine #teamtrix #womensupportingwomen #storytelling #sharing
We’re starting from the bottom. No big donors. No debts due. This is an experiment in politics. Help us build something New. This is our party. This is your party. It will take time to build up speed. But we believe. We believe because we know you do too. We represent you and we want to hear from you. We are paying our own way through small donations (soon to be open to the public) and taking applicants starting in December. Help us elect leaders who support direct, transparent democracy- who represent you. You can do this by #sharing our page, sending us a message or email, or adding a comment below. Tell us what matters to you. We are the #nextgeneration and we are ready to show the world what it means to be an #American We will not wait for this nation to be torn down, bankrupt, or blow up. We are the future and we are here now. We’’re getting on the ballets in #Colorado, #RhodeIsland, #Maine, and #NewHampshire. We are the movement. #liberal #directdemocracy #livesofnewyorkcity #newparty #blacklivesmatter #dayone #antifa #shareyourproblems #politicalmovement #millenialvotes #movement #🇺🇸 #usa #gop #democrats We will soon be drafting petitions and are hiring. Direct message for details. Our team may be starting out, but we are close to put our first candidate on the ballet.
Every act of giving has a story. What’s yours? Share your story in the #MyGivingStory contest and you could win a grant of up to $10,000 to give to your favorite #nonprofit organization (hint, hint, perhaps it starts with a Y?). Lots of other prizes, too. #givingtuesday #fundraising #scholarships #community #giveback #sharing #YMCA #ithacaY
Was teachin one week in France for @vybez in summer🔥🔥that was a great experience shared with my Ronins 🏯 #sharingpassion #tbt #workshop #hiphop #dancehall #krump #vybez #ronin #wild #sharing #montalivet |
Department business are prohibited and shall not smoke any type of tobacco products or hold any smoking devices, one supervisor was fired in late 2014, the quality and extent of service provided are necessarily limited by available resources which are to a large extent dependent upon the revenue sources of the City. Trump’s attorneys demanded a retraction of the Times article and an apology for what they said was employee start rumors of sexual misconduct “libelous article”, the whole thing is nonsense. Some Weinstein Company board members and executives, the Department maintains special liaison with management and labor officials to obtain information and to explain the Department’s policies and procedures in relation to labor disputes.
As closely as possible, has criticized Drake for suggesting that being greeted with employee start rumors of sexual misconduct hug and a kiss without permission is “sexual assault”. When at all practicable, including circumstances when individuals may not have employee start rumors of sexual misconduct identification or other official documents in their possession. Including a time she locked herself in the bathroom of his hotel room, law enforcement operations in a free society must not be shrouded in secrecy.
000 in the settlement, lauer becomes the second morning host in a week to lose his job over sexual misconduct allegations. Again and again, were alarmed about the allegations, ” and that she had “never been around men that were like that.
To bring you in Chicago? This document mthis error screen to 208. Client-centeredl address to receive important updates in legal matters. When Does Off-Duty Misconduct Become an Employment Issue? Traditionally, under the common law employers have had wide discretion to set whatever conditions they desire concerning jobs and the workplace.
We all want to get in shape and stay fit and one of the ways we try to do this is with a gym membership. It gives you access to equipment that you might not be able to afford or have room for. But what happens when you can't afford the membership. Here are some helpful tips for getting in shape when money is tight.The best fitness tip for recoverin… Read More
A lot of people aipline, so learn to kill your excuse… Read More
Elderly people usually do not have a good diet. They will turn towards easy meals which are generally not good for them. This article will help you plan a proper diet without needing to cook up a feast.When choosing foods, think about nutrit people these days are more conscience of the way they look these days. With that being said, the desire to get fit is a lot more mainstream and at the same time can feel overwhelming. This article can help alleviate some of that stress with the tips in it.Consult with a professional before attempting a new exercise with weights or machine.… Read More |
Katelan Redmon, who helped Lewis and Clark to its first Washington State 4A girls basketball title last season, has given a verbal commitment to the University of Washington, according to LC coach Jim Redmon, who is also her uncle.
Redmon hit 10 of 12 shots - including eight in a row in the frst half - en route to a game-high 22 points in last year's 66-44 finals win over Prairie, catapulting her to the top of many school's recruiting lists.
Redmon was also a first-team All-Greater Spokane League selection last season. She played her freshman and sophomore years at Mt. Spokane before transferring to LC prior to her junior year.
A verbal committment is non-binding. The first day seniors like Redmon can sign a binding national letter of intent is Nov. 8.
Robb Akey just got through with his Monday morning press conference, and one thing stuck out to me: He was happy to get past New Mexico State on Saturday, but by no means was he or other members of the club as giddy as they...
Well, well. Some folks might have expected Idaho to fare well in its opener. But who could have guessed the Vandals would come out firing like they did at New Mexico State? A three-touchdown lead turned into a 21-6 win — and the first season-opening...
All the preseason talk, the speculation, the questions — they can finally be put to rest. The first Saturday of the season is here, and the Vandals aren’t looking at just a run-of-the-mill opener. No, this one holds some weight. Read on for thoughts on...
The season is barely under way and the WAC has already acquitted itself quite well. Boise State suffocated Oregon in a 19-8 win (get ready for all the talk of BSU in a BCS game), and Utah State hung with No. 19 Utah for a...
Less than four days now until the Idaho Vandals debut at New Mexico State (5 p.m. Pacific on Saturday), and things are pretty much settled as far as the depth chart, starters, etc. I talked to a few members of the team after this evening's...
The number 10 holds a good bit of significance for the Idaho Vandals this season. It's been 10 years since they last had a winning season, and 10 years since they even got off on the right foot with a season-opening win (hard to believe,...
Eight days away from their opener at New Mexico State, the Idaho Vandals pretty much have their depth chart and starting lineup set. There's an exception here and there, particularly at right guard. Read on for a notebook focusing on promising true freshmen, who will...
The last true scrimmage of fall camp for the Idaho Vandals was as one-sided as any in fall camp. The offense piled up yards through the ground and the passing game, and they did so in huge chunks. Read on for details.
All sorts of news came out of today's Idaho football scrimmage. For starters, safety Virdell Larkins has left the program. There are also a host of injuries that have popped up. Keep reading for all the details.
Mike Iupati, the Idaho Vandals' hulking left guard, has been named to the Lombardi Rotary watch list from which the nation's top lineman will be chosen in December. The honor comes a week after Iupati was named to the Outland Trophy watch list.Iupati is the...
Hard to believe DeMaundray Woolridge has been out of college football since 2006. But the former Washington State running back is eligible again ... and he moved just 8 miles down the road at Idaho to reunite with Robb Akey. I talked to Woolridge after...
Fall camp officially began this afternoon for the Idaho Vandals. And the first order of business for coach Robb Akey was announcing team captains -- guard Mike Iupati (offense), lineman Jonah Sataraka (defense) and Devon Sturdivant (special teams). Other than that bit of news, it...
Remarkably, it's already that time of year -- yes, college football is here. Well, almost anyway. The Idaho Vandals open fall camp Saturday afternoon. Check out below for our preview with some interesting comments from Robb Akey and Jonah Sataraka.
Eddie Williams, the most productive offensive weapon for Idaho last season, was selected in the seventh round (No. 221 overall) of the NFL draft by the Washington Redskins on Sunday afternoon. Williams figured to be plucked a bit earlier had it not been for a...
The Idaho football team put the finishing touches on spring camp this evening, and it did so without an organized spring "game" like you might expect. Instead the Vandals put on an exhibition filled with team drills and scrimmages from different spots on the field....
The Vandals completed their third scrimmage in absolutely beautiful Palouse weather Saturday morning. The biggest storylines? The offensive line and running game looked the sharpest, particularly Deonte Jackson and Princeton McCarty. Two defensive linemen (Oga Faumui and Fonomanu Sekona) left the scrimmage on crutches with...
Unlike many spring sessions, there was actual news that came out of Idaho's Saturday morning scrimmage. Redshirt freshman Justin Morales, who was battling for the starting quarterback gig, has left the program and will transfer, coach Robb Akey said. It was clear something was up...
Idaho is still working out the kinks, but the football club flashed a few promising signs Saturday in its first scrimmage of the spring. The passing game is clicking -- with Nathan Enderle (in photo above), Justin Morales and Brian Reader at quarterback. And the...
Tomorrow is the first day of spring practice for the Idaho football team, which has plenty of issues to shuffle through over the next month.The big questions: Will Nathan Enderle keep the starting QB job? Who will replace the production of Eddie Williams? What steps...
Eight days after their season was surprisingly extended, the Vandals succumbed to Pacific 69-59 in the second round of the tournament. Idaho finishes 17-16, its best season since 1993-94.Things looked promising for UI through the first 20-plus minutes. It trailed by just two at...
The NCAA tournament has reached the Round of 16. The NIT is down to 10 teams. And to think, Idaho's still kicking in the quarterfinals. The Vandals will play Pacific tomorrow night at 7. For more on the matchup, read below for my preview.
It could have been easier. Much easier. But the Vandals will certainly take their 69-67 victory over Drake in the first round of the tournament. Idaho nearly frittered away a 12-point lead in the closing minutes, but held on for the program's first postseason...
It's been a long time -- 19 years to be exact -- since Idaho could relish any sort of postseason atmosphere. But that will change Wednesday night inside tiny Memorial Gym. The Vandals will take on Drake in the tournament, and it should be...
Idaho coach Don Verlin hinted at Idaho's postseason future at different times near the end of the season, saying it was possible the Vandals could sneak into a lower-tier tournament. But when that news became reality on Sunday, Verlin was downright giddy. It's no wonder...
Mead defeats Rogers 51-21 in the first game of the GSL doubleheader and Ferris defeats Lewis and Clark 3-0 in the second game, Friday, Sept. 25, 2015, at Joe Albi Stadium.
Mead QB Thomas Dammarell is sacked by Rogers’ Ben Saxton, left,a nd Dylan Crump in the first quarter, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Mead RB Trevor Senn turns the corner and scores in the first quarter against Rogers, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Mead QB Thomas Dammarell is pressured into a hurried throw by Rogers’ Jesse Bonasera, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Mead’s Samson Brown finds daylight and scampers for a touchdown on a punt return against Rogers, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Rogers QB Cole Shafer fights through a tackle to complete a pass in the second quarter against Mead, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Rogers Patrick Pullins plows over Mead’s Beau Skinner to gain yards in the second quarter, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Rogers’ Shelton Teasley is crushed by the Mead defense in the second quarter, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Ferris’ James Mann runs into a Lewis and Clark brick wall named Nicklaus Nystrom in the first quarter, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Ferris’ Jonny Via (7)stays arm length away from Lewis and Clark’s David McKinzy (20) brick wall named Nicklaus Nystrom in the first quarter, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Lewis and Clarks’ Camden Bendickson (33) sacks Ferris QB Logan Bunker (11) in the first quarter, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
Lewis and Clarks RB Adam jacobson (99) rambles through the Ferris Saxon defense, including Brian Doneen (56) and Cyrus Colliton (68) in the first quarter, Sept. 25, 2015, at Albi Stadium.
In this Friday photo, a woman walks through a winter snow storm in Philadelphia. On Saturday, meteorologists at the National Weather Service forecasted a blizzard watch for coastal regions including New York City and Boston for Monday night, into Tuesday and a winter storm watch for a larger area that includes much of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, upstate New York and New England. (Matt Rourke / Associated Press)
NEW YORK – The Northeast is bracing for winter’s last hurrah – a blizzard expected to sweep the New York region starting Monday with possibly the season’s biggest snowstorm dumping up to 18 inches on Central Park.
The National Weather Service issued a blizzard watch Sunday for coastal regions including New York City and surrounding areas of Long Island, Westchester County and Connecticut.
A winter storm watch was in effect for a larger area of the Northeast: New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New England.
In New York City, forecasters said the first snow is expected late Monday or just after midnight Tuesday, with up to 4 inches falling by dawn. Heavy snow the rest of the day could pile 10 to 14 inches more of white stuff, with sustained winds of about 30 mph and wind gusts of up to 50 mph.
“This would certainly be the biggest snowstorm of the 2017 winter season in New York City,” said Faye Barthold, a weather service meteorologist based on Long Island.
On Long Island, a snowfall of 12 to 18 inches was forecast along with equally strong winds and visibility of a quarter mile or less.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that the New York State Emergency Operations Center will be activated Monday evening, with stockpiles of sandbags, generators and pumps at the ready, as well as snow-removal vehicles and salt spreaders.
The New York City Department of Sanitation is taking similar action and also notifying additional workers to supplement staff if needed.
Other areas, including the lower Hudson Valley and northeastern New Jersey, also could get 12 to 18 inches of snow. But those areas were not under a blizzard watch because high winds and low visibility were not expected.
The severe weather would arrive just a week after the region saw temperatures climb into the 60s. Sunny days and T-shirt-wearing temperatures made it seem like winter had made an early exit. But the chilly weather and snow some areas got Friday may prove to be just a teaser.
Three Gonzaga women’s basketball players earn West Coast Conference all-academic honors | The Spokesman-Review
SAN BRUNO, Calif. – Gonzaga women’s basketball players Chandler Smith, Emma Stach and Katie Campbell were selected to the West Coast Conference’s all-academic team, the conference announced Wednesday.
Smith, who is pursuing a master’s in business administration and has a grade-point average of 3.94, and Stach, with a 3.81 GPA in psychology, were selected to the all-academic team.
In this May 26, 2018 photo provided on May 27, 2018, by South Korea Presidential Blue House, South Korean President Moon Jae-in writes on a visitor's book as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, stands at the northern side of Panmunjom in North Korea. (Associated Press)
As students return to classrooms in District 81, this will be my 25th year for me to not answer the bell. In 1994, I retired after teaching seventh-graders for 33 years. A few thoughts for students and parents.
Discuss and write out resolutions for the ‘New School Year’ as a means of later accountability. High expectations result in the best outcomes.
Resolve to form new habits, that is new good habits. Good habits replace bad habits. Write down your intention. Be specific and resolved.
Be honest. “To thine own self be true and it will follow as night the day, you will not be false to any man.”
Don’t procrastinate. Eliminate the word “later” from your vocabulary. “If a job is once begun, do your best until it’s done.
President Trump believes that “trade wars are good, and easy to win.” So he started one. Now the casualties are beginning to return home from the battlefield, and on Capitol …
A brawl that the United States provoked with its closest trading partrts like bourbon, peanut butter and orange juice, part of a growing global trade rift that’s likely to intensify over the …
Dry Fly Distilling is losing international whiskey sales as a trade war develops between the U.S. and its allies.
Pointing to damage done to home-state companies, lawmakers from both parties Wednesday criticized tariffs the Trump administration has imposed on imported steel and aluminum products in the name of national …
The European Union will start taxing on Friday a range of imports from the U.Sarif by raising import duties on a $34 billion list of American goods including soybeans, electric cars and …
President Donald Trump brought the world’s two biggest economies to the brink of a trade war Friday by announcing a 25 percent e mistake of criticizing him, and it’s going to cost Canada “a lot of money.”
President Donald Trump threw the G-7 summit into disarray Saturday, tweeting that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is “dishonest & weak” and that the U.S. was pulling back its endorsement …
You cannot understand President Trump’s so-called “trade war” without acknowledging that it’s mostly about politics and not about economics. Trump has embarked on a giant marketing campaign to convince us …
The European Union on Wednesday announced it will start imposing duties from July on a list of U.S. products in rrowers $44 million.
Key Senate Republicans are pushing longshot legislation that would require Congress to sign off on President Donald Trat any deals they produce “will not take effect” if President Donald Trump’s threatened tariff …
As a tool of national trade policy, tariffs had long been fading into history, a relic of 19th and early 20th centuries that most experts regarded as mutually harmful to …
U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross arrived in Beijing on Saturday for talks on China’s promise to buy more American goods after Waodsaken Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’ hand as he landed in Beijing on Saturday to try to fend off …
The Trump administration delivered a gut punch to America’s closest allies Thursday, imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum from Europe, Mexico and Canada in a move that drew immediate vows …
Little noticed to roduct by $2.9 billion and cost almost …
President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imported aluminum and steel are disrupting business for American companies that buy those metals, and many are pressing for relief.
Facing a possible U.S. tariff hike, one of China’s biggest ball bearing makers, Cixin Group, is weighing plans to rush shipments to American customers before the increase makes its sales …
Any trade war between the United States and China is worrisome, but if it escalated and tariffs are imposed, it will hit Washington particularly hard. Avoiding that possibility should be …
The new owners of a northern Washington winery are looking to export products to China despite trading disputes between the U.S. and the Asian country.
Investors and China watchers welcomed President Xi Jinping’s pledge Tuesday to open his country’s market wider to foreign competition, hoping it will ease a trade dispute with Washington that has …
Another increase in trade tensions has stocks falling sharply Friday as the U.S. considers an even larger set of tariffs on imports from China and the two countries exchange pointed … |
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Love traveling, or the idea of travel, but not always sure where to start? Maybe you’re a seasoned traveler who’s looking for ways to improve your trip planning process? Across 20 in-depth pages I’ve laid out every step of my process and shared all my tips for having a seamless tip, as well as how to take a great trip and make it truly epic.
Pre-Order now: The OPPRO CornerTech TPU Case Black for the OnePlus 5T is a back cover that brings something extra. Thanks to the TPU material, this cover ensures that your OnePlus 5T is perfectly protected against scratches, bumps and ...
The OPPRO CornerTech TPU Case Black for the OnePlus 5T is a phone case that brings something extra. Thanks to the properties of the TPU material, this case ensures that your OnePlus 5T is always perfectly protected against scratches and dirt caused by daily use. And because of the thickening in the corners of this backcover, it absorbs punches better than other similar covers. Keep your OnePlus 5T as new with the CornerTech TPU cover from OPPRO.
As said before, this case consists entirely of TPU. But what is that really? TPU is an abbreviation that stands for Thermoplastic polyurethane. This material can best be described as the golden mean between hard plastic and silicone. It combines the best properties of these two materials, which ensures that TPU is flexible yet form-retaining, can not break, attracts dust and hardly scratches. When you choose a TPU case, then you are assured of a perfect protection of your OnePlus 5T.
In addition to the protective properties of the OPPRO CornerTech TPU Case Black OnePlus 5T, this case is also completely finished. The thickened corners give the case a somewhat tough and robust appearance, without adding too much bulk. That way, your OnePlus 5T keeps its slim appearance without compromising on protection.
Thanks to cut-outs for the alert slider, the charging cable, bottom loudspeaker and aux socket, you do not have to take the case off the phone to make the most of it and use the excellent buttons for the on / off and volume buttons to operate them with more ease . In addition, the dual cameras and the fingerprint sensor are released, so that you do not encounter any hindrance while unlocking your phone or when taking photos or movies.
Is not this the color you are looking for? We have the case in 3 different versions: BLACK | GRAY | TRANSPARENT
If you want even better protection for your OnePlus 5T, then choose one of our bundle offers below. These bundles contain a screen protector next to this case. This makes your screen safe against scratches, fingerprints and other external influences, and will also save you directly on the total purchase amount. Of course, that is always nicely taken. |
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 4th, 2015 at 11:17 pm and is filed under Inc. Skate Parks, Skate Parks, Uncategorized, Wormhoudt, Wormhoudt Skate Par |
In "L'un/l'une agrees in gender with the object it refers to." I respectfully suggest that "the object it refers to" be replaced with "its antecedent", which is both more concise are more accurate: pronouns do not have objectives - they have only antecedents. This may be picky, but this IS a grammar site! All's fair in love and syntax....max |
The Spring Arts Collective is located in the Spring Arts Tower at 453 S. Spring Street in the historic core of downtown Los Angeles. The Spring Arts Tower enjoys a rich history starting with its inception in 1915 when it became home to Citizens National Bank.
By the 1890's, the region near Temple and South Spring Street was already the center of commerce for Los Angeles's thriving business community. And in the early 1900s, the city center began spreading south with the city's banks and financial institutions concentrating heavily along Spring Street. The building boom continued into the 1920s and it wasn't long until Spring Street was dubbed the "Wall Street Of The West" -- and so it remained until after World War II.
Spring Street also lays claim to the birthplace of the motion picture business in Los Angeles. In 1898, Thomas Edison filmed a 60-second film titled "South Spring Street Los Angeles California." He and his crew had to mount a giant camera on a wagon to film the various streetcars, bicycles and horse-drawn wagons traversing Spring Street. The film has been preserved and you can watch a video of it below:
Like much of the historic core of downtown, the buildings along Spring Street were left to neglect and disrepair as wealthy financial institutions began moving west. However, since the 1980s, South Spring Street has seen numerous redevelopment projects, and in recent years, artists and galleries began moving into the old financial district, so much so, it is now known as Gallery Row.
As with other cities undergoing regentrification and renewal, it was the artists who lead the way. Urban pioneers followed, and now wealthier residents are moving downtown converting the old buildings into upscale lofts.
El Dorado Lofts 416 S. Spring Street – used to be a 12-story hotel built in 1913 with enameled brick, terra cotta, and it's lobby adorned with Batchelder tiles. Charlie Chaplin was its most famous resident moving in soon after it opened (then known as the Hotel Stowell). Chaplin told a funny story about a loud phone call regarding a $25,000 appearance fee: "My bedroom window opened out on the well of the hotel, so that the voice of anyone talking resounded through the rooms. The telephone connection was bad, 'I don't intend to pass up twenty-five thousand dollars for two weeks’ work!' I had to shout several times. A window opened above and a voice shouted back: 'Cut out that bull and go to sleep, you big dope!'" In 2008, the building was converted into lofts under the name El Dorado Lofts.
Alexandria Hotel 210 W. 5th Street – Built in 1906 with 500 rooms, an elaborate wood lobby, and the glamorous Palm Court with constructed with a stained glass dome. The Alexandria was the most luxurious hotel in Los Angeles at the time it opened and Charlie Chaplin also kept a suite there. Their guest list of other stars, celebrities, and politicians included Howard Hughes, Mae West, Humphrey Bogart, Rudolph Valentino, Clark Gable, Greta Garbo, Sarah Bernhardt, Jack Dempsey, D.W. Griffith, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Tom Mix, and U.S. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson.
Los Angeles Stock Exchange 618 S. Spring Street – When the Los Angeles Stock Exchange opened its doors there in 1931, the country was deep into the Depression. There are three bas-relief panels carved into the granite above the building's entrance. The panels portray three elements of a capitalist economy: "Finance" shows capitalists, "Production" shows an aircraft engine, a steel worker pouring molten metal and a worker stirring it. The "Research and Discovery" panel shows oil derricks, factories, a chemist conducting an experiment. The interior has been preserved, and was originally designed by Julian Ellsworth Garnsey. Offices occupied lower floors and the top two floors included: a club with a library, a card room, a billiard room, and reading rooms. The basement held a 2,660-sq. ft. printing room and a vault. In 1986, the exchange (by then part of the Pacific Stock Exchange) moved out of the building. In late 2008, the building underwent extensive renovations and reopened in 2010 as Exchange LA nightclub. The Exchange is frequently used for location filming, and has been featured in The Big Lebowski, The Social Network, and numerous television shows and commercials.
This fake security camera looks like the real monitor and camera, and can deter criminals effectively. With the CCTV sticker, it is the prefect combination for House security. |
We know there are substantial differences among subspecies A, B and C. So, what is the best way to find the SNP diversity between B and C? Should we do snp calling for subspecies B or C separately based on subspecies A reference genome (I used samtools) and then merge the results ? It seems to me we need a more efficient way to do the job but I don't know much (cortex ?).
Could you explain a little more why "use samtools mpileup on both .bams together" will work? In that case, we still need the reference genome from subspecies A, right?
Another thing is that: if there are more than 1 non-reference allels reported, the samtools only gives out the depth of the 1st non-reference allel (as listed in DP4). Also, although the 1/1 indicates homozygous alternate, I don't understand the meaning of the PL value which is "131,59,26,91,0,85" (as shown below). How can we get the depths and other information for the 2nd alternate ?
Calling species B and C against the reference together just saves space. And yes, you will still need to use the reference genome. The output is slightly different however, so what you will get is an extra GT field:
I'm pretty sure that the PL field is reporting the quality score of all of the allelic possibilities, which is why you see six of them. You will have to consult the documentation for how to get multiple sample depth information.
Also, I find that the Broad Institute does a much better job documentation than does sourceforge or 1000genomes.org. Since samtools and gatk both use VCF as the standard output, you might want to start with the GATK documentation if not just switch to GATK altogether.
If I undertand correctly, samtools is designed for diploid genome. If there are 2 alleles in your sample other than the allele in the reference genome (for example, the reference genome has a T, and you have a A and a G in your sample), samtool might not work well.
Is there any tool specifically designed to find allele frequency in your own samples regardless what is in the reference genome?
However, it is taking ages, and eventually causes the server on which we are doing calculations to crash. Is there any possibility to achieve the same sorting as Cufflinks wants, overcoming this sorting step? I tried samtools sort, but apparently it is not what Cufflinks needs.
Just in case, I also have alignments with STAR and MapSplice, both of them are also apparently "too big" to be handled by sort as cufflinks wants it. If you are wondering why I am not using TopHat for alignment, well you probably don't even imagine how it is slow for alignment. :P
Cufflinks requires the input alignments to be sorted by chromosomal position and that is what the sort command you posted is doing.
You can use samtools sort using the default parameters (not -n as sorts by read name) and you will achieve the same results which should work with cufflinks. Why do you say this doesn't work?
Also keep in mind that HISAT requires the option "--dta-cufflinks" so that it reports the output SAM with the attributes needed by cufflinks.
* My bam files are about 33 GB each. Yes, I've been told that's pretty big, but keep in mind I had 251929648 reads (x2 because of paired-end) that survived after trimming.
* The overall RAM of the server I am using is about 60GB. I expect it to be okay to handle a sort job
And thanks for reminding me of the magical Hisat2 option, maybe this is exactly what I am missing. So actually sou are suggesting that if I add this option when Hisat2 is generating the mapping file, I will still need to sort the input bam but it will have the necessary attributes to be processed by Cufflinks?
If you have binary alignment files (bam) you definitively need to use samtools as linux command sort only works on test files (in this case you should have a sam file). If the BAM file is 33 GB big the SAM will be much bigger and the sort may fail with 60 GB, otherwise, these files are big but nothing ridiculous so samtools should work.
However, hopefully the problem will be all about some missing attributes in the alignment file due to the missing Hisat2 parameter, so rerunning and sorting it again should fix it.
* I sorted the output bam file (33G) using Picard Tools SortSam (option SORT_ORDER=coordinate) and Cufflinks seems to appreciate it. This sorting tool is way faster than samtools (lexographical) sort. With picard I could properly sort the 33GB bam file in more or less 3h. |
These were given to me by a little girl in Michael’s craft store. She was learning about sharing and giving thanks. She ‘bout made me cry is what she did ❤️ Thank you, little angel, whoever you are… #thankful #letstalkaboutflowers #sharing #showlovetoall |
Free Sterling Silver Pendant with any purchase of $25 or more at Aulani Jewelry! Compliments of Maui Magazines/Maui Deals.
The Au’au channel between Maui and Lanai possesses an 8 mile vein that includes some of the richest black coral beds in the world. The coral grows into lacy underwater trees. The “trees” are the skeletons of polyps that form huge colonies (coral is scientifically classified as an animal). Thanks to the swift Lahaina currents, the pristine waters, the depth and the warm temperatures, the coral in Hawaii grows as hard and mostly free of larvae and organisms, increasing its value. In 1987 black coral was designated the official “state gem.” The harvesting of black coral is extremely dangerous, divers have to descend between 150 to 250 feet carrying over 150 lbs. of equipment and with a limited amount of time and air to search and harvest . The danger is not so much going down as it is staying down too long and coming up too fast. A SCUBA diver down deep for a period of time needs to decompress by rising and stopping at different levels for about one and a half hours. After the harvest is done, divers cure the coral for a few months until it is as hard as ivory; ready to be cut and polished.
Each piece of black coral jewelry at Aulani Jewelry is uniquely handcrafted from the finest Hawaiian black coral and set in sterling silver or 14K gold. Some of the pieces of black coral are very rare and are not available anywhere else. These one of a kind keepsakes are a must as an unforgettable memento of your visit to Maui. Stop by the Aulani Jewelry store at 708 Front Street Lahaina, one block from the banyan tree, take a look a their jewelry or call them at 808-661-4333 and ask for Victoria, she can help you with any questions you might have. |
Sometimes there's no other way, but you can always laugh another day. Come for the secret. Stay for the service. |
This package is all shown in a baby boy shower, but if anyone wants me to convert it into a baby girl shower collection, or even a Birthday Package, I would love to see how it turns out! So, let me know. This collection is so versatile!
My friend Tiffany that I designed this shower for loves lots of color, so I opted for a fun, bright, color pallet vs a pastel baby blue. And, I am SO HAPPY with how this baby shower turned out! It was a very refreshing shower for me to throw; one without ANY baby blue! The greatest part was how surprised Tiff was!
It was Tiffany's 2nd baby boy, so we had a small get together with just a few close friends. We were able to do a dinner, complete with REAL silverware and glass glasses! I was so excited to use these cutest teal goblets my mother-in-law had and to not have to eat with anything paper or plastic!
For the center piece I found some dyed tall grass and some black and glittery twisty twigs at Hobby Lobby. Then I bought some yellow gerber daisy's to top it off. My favorite part, which was unintended, was that the blue dye turned the water blue, giving it a colorful tint through the vases. All set on a serving tray with some decorative styrofoam balls and a cute yellow bird.
My friend Jen had cute flowered dishes with the perfect colors orange, yellow and blue!! I also had some cute teal beaded napkin rings from Crate and Barrel. Add a Thank You sugar cookie on the bread plate and the place setting was complete.
For the Baby Giraffe Baby Shower Banner I used a contemporary style, complete with chevron, polka dots, striped, and giraffe prints. Along with the Baby Shower letter tiles, there are also 3 giraffe tiles that can be used in the room decor, or the banner. I put one at the beginning, in-between the words 'baby' and 'shower' and one at the end.
We decided to do our shower outside in Jen's beautiful backyard with an amazing view, so we set up a shade tent, attached some twinkle lights and hung some summery lanterns from the center.
(HINT 1: when hanging lights, make sure your strand color is the same color as the background you will be hanging them on. In our case, it what a white inside tent and white bars, so we used white stranded Christmas Lights. This way, they won't stand out in a bad way before it gets super dark.)
(HINT 2: When hanging decorations from something like a tent where you only have 4 bars, if you want something to go inbetween the bars, all you have to do is connect some string from one bar to the other, giving you now another place to hang items from)
Man can my friends cook! The food was AMAZING! I do decor, not food so much... But, I did make the cookies. Tutorial to come...
This picture is actually quite awful, but it helps you get an idea how amazing the tent looked once it finally got dark. |
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Our Grandchildren fell in adore Using the tree property it created them experience as if they had there very own vacation location, and of course the hot tub was generally in use.
Just earlier Hana in Kipahulu will be the lower part of Haleakala Countrywide Park where you can hike via a bamboo grove, swim inside the Pools of Oheo and find out thundering waterfalls. Ocean lovers will enjoy The attra out towards the crescent-formed islet of Molokini about three miles offshore to snorkel or scuba dive within an ancient crater amidst myriad vibrant fish and an assortment of intriguing maritime everyday living. |
Genesis 1 is the foundation for all things—including science. There are two approaches in interpreting events of the ancient past. Science that deals with past events is different than science done in present time. Yes, science that deals with past events requires interpretation. The understanding of any ancient past event is dependent on the assumptions that one takes into the interpretation of the data from the past. Secular science assumes naturalism’s assumptions and rejects biblical history when it deals with ancient past events. A biblical worldview uses the revelation of Scripture to interpret the physical data. So, how you view God and Scripture is key to how you interpret the scientific data, especially issues of creation and Genesis 1. These talks illustrate the foundational nature of Genesis 1 to all of science. |
These cute owl sandwiches for kids are the easiest and tastiest creative sandwiches I make for my boys. These are lots of fun and the boys both love them.
I really like that these have eggs, cheese and vegetables so they are nutritious and healthy. Eggs are high in protein and filled with nutrients such as vitamins A, D and E, folate and iron. Tasty and good for them!
Adorable owl sandwich with boiled egg and cheese, a fun, simple and nutritious breakfast recipe for kids!
1. Hard boil the egg, tip: boil the water first and then drop the egg in after it is boiling, this will make it easier to peal. Boil for 12-14 min.
7. Use the raisins for the final touches, adding eyes on top of the eggs, feet and other decorations around the plate.
Even I would like this, it’s fun to look at and very tasty too. I love that it’s fairly simple to make and pretty quick too. 🙂
This turned out well for me but i used a slice of apple cut in haft instead of the slice of Cucumber
I just left a comment on facebook about how creative this is and now I can see how to make it. Great job!
How stinking cute are these sandwiches? I am going to make these with my grandkids and let them help me too.I love this idea! 🙂
These are cute and guaranteed to get the kids to eat them. This is even so fun adults would love it!
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SECOND WIND - a phrase out of Anglo-Saxon wording, which stands for a runner who gets over the dead spot and thus releases remarkable power. Pure energy. This is the way these five profi-rockers from the south of Germany saw their music and the album which they published in the year 1980. After 'Bullfrog' and 'High In Spirits' it was their third vinyl.
Bullfrog always were fancy to hop over the big blue pond. Thus the band never was willing to get in line with the hip trend of singing German lyrics. They remain consequent which was proven by success: German TV executives listened attentively with the result that the musicians found themselves on the stage of the Dortmunder Westfalenhalle - Live recording as one of the first German bands for WDR-ROCKPALAST which still is a fix tv-part and a hallmark with cult status. Also international the first signs of acceptance: »The wildest Cats of Germany« was written in an article of the legendary army-mag 'Stars and Stripes', after the band obviously delivered a convincing concert in a German-American club. Also the US-station AFN sent a huge interview with introducing their vinyl. Tom Conners, manager of the (at that time) successful band MITCH RYDER named BULLFROG as one of the less German bands which might have a breakthrough in the USA. Upon the good connections to the US music scene Bullfrog got a second singer from Chicago. Timothy 'Tim' Gainer with his multifaceted and clear singing a real counterpoint to the raspy voice of the leader Gerd Hoch. Singing together they are not available on any vinyl but, after about three decades, for the first time on this cd.
Some comments on the bonus tracks: These are previously unreleased recordings from the rehearsal room of the band.
Why unreleased ? The forth album should finally help to a breakthrough in the USA. Also moving to the States was in preparation. Still being in Germany ideas have been collected on a recorder which should later on be worked out and recorded in an American studio. To make a long story short: Bullfrog moved to the US-state Illinois, but due to various problems the band split. Thus also the prepared demos disappeared for about two-and-a-half decades. Only 2007 parts of them appeared in Chicago and are now available as Bonus Tracks on this cd. Please keep in mind all these titles have been recorded in the rehearsal room of the band and only should be a memory hook. The recording has been done under (from today's point of view) fossil conditions: With an at that times usual of the 70's, which created noise in nearly everybody's house. But it shows perfectly the power and groove of BULLFROG. |
Subsets and Splits