int64 4
| Score
int64 5
| Title
stringlengths 9
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stringlengths 3
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int64 5
⌀ |
8,223 | 11 | Connection Pooling in .NET/SQL Server? | <c#><.net><sql-server><connection-pooling> | 15 |
8,447 | 1,521 | What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#? | <c#><enums><flags> | 2,239 |
8,546 | 64 | Is there a "try to lock, skip if timed out" operation in C#? | <c#><multithreading><locking> | 41 |
8,625 | 249 | Generic type conversion FROM string | <c#><generics><primitive><type-safety> | 397 |
8,763 | 20 | Best way to play MIDI sounds using C# | <c#><.net><midi> | 9 |
8,800 | 74 | Best implementation for Key Value Pair Data Structure? | <c#><data-structures><collections> | 137 |
8,893 | 12 | Anyone know of an on-line free database? | <c#><database> | 6 |
8,896 | 87 | Can I get Memcached running on a Windows (x64) 64bit environment? | <c#><c++><windows><64-bit><memcached> | 53 |
8,919 | 9 | Looking for best practice for doing a "Net Use" in C# | <c#><.net-1.1> | 9 |
8,941 | 71 | Generic type checking | <c#><generics><primitive><type-safety> | 40 |
8,966 | 22 | Using C#/WIA version 2.0 on Vista to Scan | <c#><.net><.net-3.5><wia><image-scanner> | 22 |
8,987 | 30 | Calling Table-Valued SQL Functions From .NET | <c#><.net><sql> | 19 |
9,303 | 13 | How do you retrieve selected text using Regex in C#? | <c#><regex><perl> | 7 |
9,304 | 155 | C# 3.0 auto-properties — useful or not? | <c#><.net><automatic-properties> | 121 |
9,314 | 39 | "Could not find type" error loading a form in the Windows Forms Designer | <c#><.net><winforms><visual-studio-2008><visual-studio-2005> | 9 |
9,376 | 72 | ILMerge Best Practices | <c#><.net><deployment><ilmerge> | 44 |
9,486 | 11 | How do I make Visual Studio auto generate braces for a function block? | <c#><visual-studio> | 5 |
9,508 | 11 | C# 2.0 code consuming assemblies compiled with C# 3.0 | <c#><.net><.net-3.5> | 6 |
9,666 | 64 | Is accessing a variable in C# an atomic operation? | <c#><multithreading> | 36 |
9,673 | 220 | How do I remove duplicates from a C# array? | <c#><arrays><duplicates> | 447 |
9,734 | 7 | C#.Net case-insensitive string | <c#><.net> | 21 |
9,805 | 7 | Calculate DateTime Weeks into Rows | <c#><> | 6 |
10,274 | 39 | When should I not use the ThreadPool in .Net? | <c#><.net><multithreading><design-decisions> | 17 |
10,412 | 73 | How can a Word document be created in C#? | <c#><.net><ms-word><openxml> | 49 |
10,456 | 27 | HowTo Disable WebBrowser 'Click Sound' in your app only | <c#><.net><winforms> | 12 |
10,644 | 83 | Any decent C# profilers out there? | <c#><.net><profiling><profiler> | 35 |
10,855 | 1,061 | LINQ query on a DataTable | <c#><.net><linq><datatable><.net-3.5> | 1,314 |
10,901 | 12 | Future proofing a large UI Application - MFC with 2008 Feature pack, or C# and Winforms? | <c#><c++><winforms><mfc><user-interface> | 8 |
10,905 | 32 | Can you use generic forms in C#? | <c#><.net><winforms> | 21 |
11,194 | 93 | Conditional Linq Queries | <c#><linq><linq-to-sql><.net-3.5> | 158 |
11,345 | 16 | XPATHS and Default Namespaces | <c#><xml><xpath><namespaces> | 10 |
11,423 | 13 | How to host a WPF form in a MFC application | <c#><wpf><mfc> | 5 |
11,585 | 50 | Clearing Page Cache in ASP.NET | <c#><><outputcache> | 48 |
11,632 | 33 | What are the most important functional differences between C# and VB.NET? | <c#><><comparison> | 32 |
11,762 | 40 | Why does a bad password cause "Padding is invalid and cannot be removed"? | <c#><.net><exception><encryption> | 27 |
11,767 | 61 | Browse for a directory in C# | <c#><.net><directory> | 61 |
11,926 | 13 | ASP.Net MVC route mapping | <c#><><><routing> | 6 |
12,045 | 20 | Unit testing a timer based application? | <c#><.net><unit-testing><timer> | 10 |
12,051 | 1,608 | Calling the base constructor in C# | <c#><.net><inheritance><constructor> | 1,961 |
12,306 | 58 | Can I serialize a C# Type object? | <c#><serialization> | 98 |
12,702 | 51 | Returning DataTables in WCF/.NET | <c#><.net><wcf><web-services><datatable> | 83 |
12,836 | 13 | C# Database Access: DBNull vs null | <c#><orm><null><dbnull> | 15 |
13,060 | 22 | What do ref, val and out mean on method parameters? | <c#><.net><> | 27 |
13,599 | 26 | Convert enums to human readable values | <c#><enums><human-readable> | 18 |
13,615 | 73 | Validate Enum Values | <c#><validation><enums> | 88 |
13,765 | 17 | Open Source C# Opportunities | <c#><open-source> | 14 |
13,963 | 9 | Best method of Textfile Parsing in C#? | <c#><fileparse> | 12 |
14,008 | 59 | Genetic Programming in C# | <c#><genetic-algorithm><genetic-programming><evolutionary-algorithm> | 28 |
14,453 | 5 | Does anyone have .Net Excel IO component benchmarks? | <c#><excel><components> | 5 |
14,464 | 80 | Bit fields in C# | <c#><bit-fields> | 56 |
14,731 | 62 | UrlEncode through a console application? | <c#><.net><console> | 79 |
14,775 | 7 | Interview question on C# and similarities/differences | <c#><> | 9 |
14,934 | 7 | Parameter Binding: What happens under the hood? | <c#><.net><sql><database><api> | 5 |
14,943 | 79 | How to Disable Alt + F4 closing form? | <c#><.net><winforms> | 106 |
14,967 | 159 | Are there any suggestions for developing a C# coding standards / best practices document? | <c#><standards><procedure> | 139 |
15,142 | 274 | What are the pros and cons to keeping SQL in Stored Procs versus Code | <c#><sql><sql-server><stored-procedures> | 179 |
15,204 | 16 | What is the best way to iterate through a strongly-typed generic List<T>? | <c#><.net><><generics><collections> | 31 |
15,486 | 87 | Sorting an IList in C# | <c#><generics><sorting><ilist> | 55 |
15,734 | 15 | Google Analytics Access with C# | <c#><google-analytics><google-analytics-api> | 15 |
15,744 | 18 | How do you use #define? | <c#> | 13 |
15,828 | 232 | Reading Excel files from C# | <c#><.net><excel><ms-office> | 152 |
15,880 | 18 | Read from .msg files | <c#><outlook><email><message><msg> | 9 |
16,100 | 997 | Convert a string to an enum in C# | <c#><string><enums> | 1,681 |
16,114 | 6 | C# Include Derived Control in Toolbox | <c#><visual-studio><winforms><textbox> | 7 |
16,306 | 7 | How to get only directory name from SaveFileDialog.FileName | <c#><string><parsing> | 15 |
16,432 | 180 | String output: format or concat in C#? | <c#><string><coding-style><string.format> | 88 |
16,747 | 45 | What's the best way to implement field validation using ASP.NET MVC? | <c#><><validation> | 26 |
16,795 | 18 | PHPs htmlspecialcharacters equivalent in .NET? | <c#><.net><php><> | 11 |
16,833 | 23 | How do you download and extract a gzipped file with C#? | <c#><.net><gzip> | 29 |
17,032 | 27 | Should I *always* favour implictly typed local variables in C# 3.0? | <c#><styles><resharper> | 37 |
17,125 | 14 | What are real life applications of yield? | <c#><.net><yield> | 12 |
17,170 | 189 | When to use IList and when to use List | <c#><.net> | 182 |
17,532 | 19 | ASP.NET Custom Controls - Composites | <c#><.net><><user-controls><controls> | 5 |
17,533 | 27 | Request Windows Vista UAC elevation if path is protected? | <c#><.net><windows-vista><uac><elevated-privileges> | 26 |
17,612 | 29 | How do you place a file in recycle bin instead of delete? | <c#><.net><c++><windows><io> | 38 |
17,725 | 14 | Large, Complex Objects as a Web Service Result | <c#><><xml><web-services><serialization> | 5 |
17,772 | 18 | Anyone know a quick way to get to custom attributes on an enum value? | <c#><.net><reflection><enums><attributes> | 11 |
17,878 | 20 | Listen for events in another application | <c#><events><delegates> | 14 |
17,944 | 355 | How to round up the result of integer division? | <c#><java><math> | 504 |
18,097 | 53 | In C#, do you need to call the base constructor? | <c#><inheritance><constructor> | 60 |
18,407 | 10 | Most succinct way to determine if a variable equals a value from a 'list' of values | <c#><logic><boolean-logic> | 16 |
18,421 | 15 | Best way to bind Windows Forms properties to ApplicationSettings in C#? | <c#><.net> | 11 |
18,448 | 17 | Encryption in C# Web-Services | <c#><web-services><security><encryption> | 8 |
18,533 | 20 | C#: What Else Do You Use Besides DataSet | <c#><.net><sql><dataset> | 20 |
18,765 | 16 | Importing C++ enumerations into C# | <c#><c++> | 12 |
19,147 | 674 | What is the correct way to create a single-instance WPF application? | <c#><.net><wpf><mutex> | 555 |
19,347 | 10 | What is the best way to go from Java/C# to C++? | <c#><java><c++><visual-studio> | 8 |
19,353 | 28 | Detecting audio silence in WAV files using C# | <c#><.net><audio> | 14 |
19,454 | 16 | Enforce Attribute Decoration of Classes/Methods | <c#><xml><serialization><coding-style><.net-attributes> | 19 |
19,589 | 64 | Loading System.ServiceModel configuration section using ConfigurationManager | <c#><.net><xml><wcf><configurationmanager> | 50 |
19,656 | 6 | How to find an implementation of a C# interface in the current assembly with a specific name? | <c#><linq><reflection><linq-to-objects> | 8 |
19,746 | 53 | Views in separate assemblies in ASP.NET MVC | <c#><><plugins> | 16 |
19,933 | 9 | How to copy a file in C# | <c#><.net><file> | 11 |
20,061 | 16 | Store data from a C# application | <c#><.net> | 17 |
20,084 | 85 | XML Serialization and Inherited Types | <c#><xml><inheritance><serialization><xml-serialization> | 54 |
20,156 | 209 | Is there an easy way to create ordinals in C#? | <c#><.net><ordinals> | 320 |
20,267 | 13 | Best way to replace tokens in a large text template | <c#><.net> | 13 |
20,298 | 48 | How to stop an animation in C# / WPF? | <c#><wpf> | 84 |
20,346 | 208 | What are attributes in .NET? | <c#><.net><glossary><.net-attributes> | 147 |
20,467 | 6 | Path Display in Label | <c#><.net><winforms><path> | 9 |
Subsets and Splits