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ترور احمد ولی کرزی | 271,705 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"July 12, 2011",
"Hamid Karzai",
"Crime and law",
"Kandahar Province",
"Afghan Taliban"
] | fa | https://fa.wikinews.org/wiki/%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1_%D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF_%D9%88%D9%84%DB%8C_%DA%A9%D8%B1%D8%B2%DB%8C | [
"احمد ولی کرزی، برادر ناتنی حامد کرزی حوالی ساعت ده سه شنبه ۱۲ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۱۱ در منزلش در قندهار به ضرب گلولهٔ یکی از محافظان خود به قتل رسید.",
"دلایل کشته شدن احمد ولی کرزی مشخص نشده و قاتلش هم توسط یکی دیگر از محافظانش کشته شدهاست.",
"احمد ولی کرزای، برادر رئیسجمهور افغانستان متهم به ریاست یکی از کارتلهای مواد مخدر در این کشور بودهاست. وی پیش از این نیز دوبار ترور شدهبود اما جان سالم بهدر برده بود.",
"در سال ۲۰۰۸ در کنار وی تانکری حامل سوخت منفجر شده بود همچنین در سال۲۰۰۹ با اطرافیانش مورد حملهٔ افرادی با مسلسل قرار گرفت."
] | null | interlang link |
Aid ship sailing to Somalia hijacked; aid supply threatened | 13,743 | [
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"July 5, 2005",
"Merchant shipping"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Aid_ship_sailing_to_Somalia_hijacked;_aid_supply_threatened | [
"Soon after a UN report highlighted the food crisis facing Somalia, a ship carrying food aid to Somalia has been hijacked off the coast of the country and its ten crew members abducted. The pirates are demanding a ransom of half a million dollars for the return of the ship.",
"Neither the UN World Food Programme (WFP) nor the ship's owners are willing to pay the ransom. Last year, pirates killed 30 sailors.",
"The WFP hopes the ship will be released soon but cannot continue shipments until then because of safety concerns. If the ship is released soon, there will be no interruption in aid supply.",
"The WFP believe the crew is still on board the ship and that the crew are \"fine\". They hope the ship will be returned to them shortly.",
"The WFP supplies about 3,000 tons of food for about 275,000 Somalis per month, and the country currently has about two weeks of stocks left."
] | 2005-07-05 | title |
900 tysięcy Somalijczyków traci pomoc humanitarną | 13,743 | [
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"July 5, 2005",
"Merchant shipping"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/900_tysi%C4%99cy_Somalijczyk%C3%B3w_traci_pomoc_humanitarn%C4%85 | [
"900 tysięcy Somalijczyków będzie musiało walczyć z głodem, po tym jak Światowy Program Żywienia (World Food Programme) zawiesił w tym tygodniu swą pomoc dla Somalii z powodu kradzieży żywności.",
"Wszelkie transporty pomocy humanitarnej zostały zawieszone w poniedziałek, po tym jak jeden ze statków agencji został zaatakowany przez piratów u wybrzeży Somalii.",
"\"Zawiesiliśmy naszą pomoc z powodu braku bezpieczeństwa na wodach terytorialnych Somali\" - przekazała agencja w oświadczeniu wydanym w Kenii. \"Zastanowimy się nad ewentualnym zniesieniem naszej decyzji dopiero po uwolnieniu statku\", dodał przedstawiciel agencji. Jeśli stanie się to szybko, to, według agencji, nie będzie żadnych przeszkód, aby kontynuować pomoc.",
"Wcześniej przedstawiciele agencji wyrazili nadzieję na szybkie uwolnienie statku, jego dziesięcioosobowej załogi i 850 ton ryżu.",
"Światowy Program Żywienia dostarcza około 3 tysiące ton jedzenia każdego miesiąca dla blisko 275 tysięcy pogrążonych przez susze i powodzie Somalijczyków.",
"\"Efekty czteroletniej suszy, która w znacznym stopniu wpłynęła na życie mieszkańców Somalii oraz chroniczna groźba braku żywności i niedawne powodzie wpłynęły na pogorszenie stanu zdrowia Somalijczyków\", powiedział jeden przedstawicieli ONZ, odpowiedzialny za koordynację pomocy humanitarnej.",
"Według raportu OCHA (organizacji odpowiedzialnej za koordynację działań humanitarnych), 500 tysięcy Somalijczyków zostało bezpośrednio dotkniętych skutkami suszy, 400 tysięcy musiało zmienić miejsce zamieszkania, a kolejne 12 tysięcy cierpi z powodu okresowych powodzi w centralnych regionach kraju, takich jak Hiraan i środkowe Shabelle. Podobna sytuacja ma miejsce w nieuznawanym przez społeczność międzynarodową państwie Somaliland na północy Somalii.",
"OCHA szacuje, że około 44 tysięcy ludzi zostało bezpośrednio dotkniętych skutkami tsunami, a wielu innych ciągle potrzebuje pomocy."
] | null | interlang link |
Al Jazeera cameraman killed in eastern Libya | 250,034 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Arab Spring",
"Al Jazeera",
"Crime and law",
"2011 Libyan uprising",
"March 13, 2011",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_cameraman_killed_in_eastern_Libya | [
"An Al Jazeera cameraman working in Libya was killed in an alleged ambush on Saturday as he was returning with his team to the rebel-held city of Benghazi. Al Jazeera, in an official statement, called the act a \"cowardly crime\" and \"part of the Libyan regime's malicious campaign targeting Al Jazeera and its staff\".",
"Ali Hassan al-Jaber, along with two colleagues, was returning from a reporting assignment on an opposition protest in a nearby town, when unidentified gunmen opened fire on the car in which the group was traveling. Al Jaber was rushed to a hospital but a bullet had apparently penetrated his heart and he died. One of his colleagues was wounded.",
"The director general of Al Jazeera Wadah Khanfar paid tribute to Jaber at the network's media forum. He said, \"He was one of those people who lived and eventually died in the pursuit of truth. We are determined to carry on regardless. We cannot sacrifice our lives except for noble causes. There is no nobler cause than the pursuit of truth.\"",
"Al Jaber, a Qatari national, is the first journalist reported to have been killed in the Libyan conflict. Reporters who were previously welcomed by opponents of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi now feel threatened by Gaddafi supporters as his forces near Benghazi. There are signs that Gaddafi intends to drive the foreign press out of Libya. He has already announced that foreign reporters working in the east of the country are working for \"Al-Qaeda.\" Many journalists are now planning to leave the city.",
"The director of Al Jazeera, Wadah Khanfar, said that the killing of the cameraman followed \"an unprecedented campaign\" against the news organization by Gaddafi. He said, \"Al Jazeera reiterates the assault cannot dent its resolve to continue its mission, professionally enlightening the public of the unfolding events in Libya and elsewhere.\" He described the people in Benghazi who expressed support of the station once news of the ambush was reported."
] | 2011-03-13 | title |
Càmera d'Al Jazeera matat a Líbia oriental | 250,034 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Arab Spring",
"Al Jazeera",
"Crime and law",
"2011 Libyan uprising",
"March 13, 2011",
"Middle East"
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/C%C3%A0mera_d%27Al_Jazeera_matat_a_L%C3%ADbia_oriental | [
"Un càmera qatarià d' Al Jazeera treballant a Líbia va ser mort en una emboscada el dissabte 12 de març, quan tornava amb el seu equip a la ciutat rebel de Benghazi. Al Jazeera, en una declaració oficial, va descriure el fet com un \"crim covard\" i com a \"part de la campanya maliciosa del règim libi contra Al-Jazeera i el seu personal\".",
"Ali Hassan al-Jaber, juntament amb dos col·legues, n'era tornant d'una missió informativa sobre una protesta de l'oposició en un poble proper, quan homes armats no identificats van obrir foc contra l'automòbil en què viatjava el grup. Al Jaber va ser traslladat d'urgència a un hospital, però una bala li havia penetrat pel que sembla, el seu cor i traspassà. Un dels seus col·legues va ser ferit.",
"El director general d'Al Jazeera Wadah Khanfar va retre homenatge a Jaber al fòrum en xarxa del mitjà de comunicació. Ell va dir, “Va ser una d'aquelles persones que va viure i finalment va transir en la recerca de la veritat. Estem determinats a prosseguir sense dubtar. No podem sacrificar les nostres vides, excepte per les causes nobles. No hi ha causa més noble que la recerca de la veritat”."
] | 13 de març del 2011, Líbia | interlang link |
کارمند الجزیره در لیبی کشته شد | 250,034 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Arab Spring",
"Al Jazeera",
"Crime and law",
"2011 Libyan uprising",
"March 13, 2011",
"Middle East"
] | fa | https://fa.wikinews.org/wiki/%DA%A9%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%85%D9%86%D8%AF_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%B2%DB%8C%D8%B1%D9%87_%D8%AF%D8%B1_%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%A8%DB%8C_%DA%A9%D8%B4%D8%AA%D9%87_%D8%B4%D8%AF | [
"فیلمبردار شبکهٔ خبری الجزیره، علی حسن جابر در بنغازی کشته شد. وی که پس از تهیهٔ خبر در مورد تظاهرات مخالفان از یکی شهرهای همجوار به بنغازی برمیگشت، مورد حملهٔ افراد مسلح قرار گرفت که اتومبیل حامل او و همراهانش را به گلوله بستند. وی به بیمارستان منتقل شد اما جان سالم به در نبرد. به او ۳ گلوله اصابت کرده و قلبش نیز آسیب دیده بود. شبکهٔ الجزیره مسئولیت این عمل را به عهدهٔ معمر قذافی رهبر لیبی دانسته و اعلام کرده در این مورد ساکت نخواهد نشست. حسن اولین خبرنگاری است که در اعتراضات اخیر لیبی به قتل میرسد.",
"نیروهای وفادار به معمر قذافی در روزهای اخیر توانستهاند چند شهر کلیدی از جمله زاویه و راس لانوف را از معترضان پس بگیرند و آمادهٔ حمله به بنغازی مرکز اصلی معترضان میشوند.",
"شبکهٔ الجزیره نقش برجستهای در پوشش خبری حوادث اخیر کشورهای عربی از جمله قیام و شورش لیبی داشتهاست."
] | null | interlang link |
Un caméraman qatari abattu en Libye | 250,034 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Arab Spring",
"Al Jazeera",
"Crime and law",
"2011 Libyan uprising",
"March 13, 2011",
"Middle East"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Un_cam%C3%A9raman_qatari_abattu_en_Libye | [
"Un caméraman qatari travaillant pour la chaine d'information Al Jazeera a été abattu en Libye. Ali Hassan al-Jaber a été pris dans une embuscade alors qu'il travaillait avec son équipe dans le bastion rebelle de Benghazi. Après avoir été abattu, il a été transporté à l'hôpital, où il est mort des suites de ses blessures. Un second journaliste de la chaine a été blessé au cours de l'embuscade.",
"L'équipe avec laquelle travaillait Jaber travaillait pour le service arabe. Ils étaient retournés à Benghazi après avoir tourné un reportage sur une manifestation de l'opposition dans une ville voisine. Le groupe se rendait à une interview lorsque leurs voiture à été prise pour cible par des inconnus. D'après la chaine, ils auraient été « attirés » pour réaliser cette interview.",
"Le directeur général, Wadah Khanfar, a rendu hommage à Jaber sur le forum de la télévision. « Il fut l'un de ceux qui vivent, et finalement meurent, dans la recherche de la vérité. Nous sommes déterminés à exercer malgré cela. Nous ne pouvons pas sacrifier nos vies, sauf pour de nobles causes. Il n'y a pas de cause plus noble que la recherche de la vérité » a-t-il déclaré.",
"« Al Jazeera condamne le lâche assassinat, qui s'inscrit dans le cadre de la campagne malveillante du régime libyen visant Al Jazeera et son personnel » ajoute le réseau d'information. « Al Jazeera rappelle que l'agression ne peut affaiblir sa détermination à poursuivre sa mission, et à éclairer le public des événements en cours en Libye et ailleurs. Al-Jazira souligne que tous les auteurs et leurs complices seront poursuivis sans relâche et traduits en justice ».",
"Ali Hassan al-Jaber est le premier journaliste assassiné dans le conflit en Libye, débuté le 15 février dernier."
] | Publié le 13 mars 2011 | interlang link |
Al Jazeera says Snapchat's act a 'clear attack on the rights of journalists' as Snapchat blocks Qatar-based news network's channel in Saudi Arabia | 2,824,132 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"September 21, 2017",
"Al Jazeera",
"Crime and law",
"Saudi Arabia"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_says_Snapchat%27s_act_a_%27clear_attack_on_the_rights_of_journalists%27_as_Snapchat_blocks_Qatar-based_news_network%27s_channel_in_Saudi_Arabia | [
"On Monday, Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera's Acting Director General Mostefa Souag said Snapchat's actions were \"alarming and worrying\" after the US-based messaging and media sharing platform blocked their channel from the discover publisher section in Saudi Arabia, following a request from the Saudi government. The block was introduced on Sunday, and the Saudi government accused Al Jazeera of content violating cyber crime laws of the kingdom.",
"Mostefa Souag said Snapchat's action \"sends a message that regimes and countries can silence any voice or platform they don't agree with by exerting pressure on the owners of social media platforms and content distribution companies. This step is a clear attack on the rights of journalists and media professionals to report and cover stories freely from around the world\".",
"A spokesperson of Snapchat's parent company, Snap, Inc., on Sunday, said, \"We make an effort to comply with local laws in the countries where we operate\". Al Jazeera's Snapchat content outside the discover channel can be accessed by Saudis. Snap, Inc. said the channel's content is available in fourteen Middle Eastern countries.",
"Al Jazeera's website was blocked in Saudi Arabia and the UAE in late May, amid controversy over remarks allegedly made by Qatar. Four countries, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE broke their diplomatic ties with Qatar for allegedly supporting \"extremists\". Accused by those four nations of funding militant groups, Qatar was issued with a list of thirteen demands, including shutting down Al Jazeera, to lift the sanctions. In July, Egypt foreign ministry announced citizens of Qatar could no longer travel to Egypt without a visa, ending the visa-free travels to the country for Qataris. However, a spokesperson of the foreign ministry said those measures would not apply to Qatari students studying in Egyptian public universities, nor to partners or children of Egyptians.",
"Al Jazeera's head of Incubation and Innovation Research, Morad Rayyan, said, \"We are urging them [Snapchat] to review the decision that was made. They were the ones who invited us to be one of their news partners for the region.\""
] | 2017-09-21 | title |
El canal de Snapchat de la cadena de noticias catarí Al Jazeera fue bloqueado en Arabia Saudita | 2,824,132 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"September 21, 2017",
"Al Jazeera",
"Crime and law",
"Saudi Arabia"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/El_canal_de_Snapchat_de_la_cadena_de_noticias_catar%C3%AD_Al_Jazeera_fue_bloqueado_en_Arabia_Saudita | [
"El domingo, la plataforma de mensajería y medios de comunicación Snapchat, con sede en los Estados Unidos, bloqueó el canal de Al Jazeera, una cadena de noticias con sede en Qatar, de su sección Discover (una plataforma para que los medios publiquen videos, fotos y noticias) en Arabia Saudita tras una solicitud del gobierno de ese país. Las autoridades saudíes acusaron al medio de delitos cibernéticos e indicaron que su contenido violaba las \"leyes locales\" del reino.",
"Un portavoz de la compañía matriz de Snapchat, Snap, Inc., dijo el domingo: \"Hacemos un esfuerzo para cumplir con las leyes locales en los países donde operamos\". El contenido de Al Jazeera se puede consultar fuera de su canal Discover. Además, Snap, Inc. señaló que el contenido del canal está disponible en catorce países de Oriente Medio.",
"El director general interino del medio de comunicación, Mostefa Souag, afirmó que las acciones de Snapchat eran \"alarmantes y preocupantes\". También agregó que \"[envían] un mensaje de que los regímenes y los países pueden silenciar cualquier voz o plataforma con la que no están de acuerdo ejerciendo presión sobre los propietarios de las plataformas de medios sociales y las compañías de distribución de contenido. Este paso es un claro ataque a los derechos de los periodistas y profesionales de los medios de comunicación para informar y cubrir historias libremente de todo el mundo\".",
"Al Jazeera fue bloqueada en Arabia Saudí y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos el 24 de mayo, acusando a la compañía por publicar \"noticias falsas\". Cuatro países, Bahrein, Egipto, Arabia Saudita y Emiratos Árabes Unidos rompieron sus relaciones diplomáticas con Catar por supuestamente apoyar a \"extremistas\". Esas cuatro naciones han acusado a Catar de financiar grupos militantes y establecieron una lista de trece demandas, entre las que se incluye el cierre de Al Jazeera.",
"Sin embargo, en julio, el ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Egipto anunció que los ciudadanos de Catar no podrían viajar a Egipto sin visa, poniendo fin a los viajes sin visado al país, que entró en vigor el 20 de julio. Sin embargo, un portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores dijo que esas medidas no se aplicarán a los estudiantes cataríes que estudian en las universidades públicas egipcias, ni a los socios o hijos de los egipcios.",
"Por su parte, Morad Rayyan, jefe de Incubación e Investigación de Innovación de Al Jazeera, apuntó: \"Les estamos instando a que revisen la decisión tomada, ellos fueron quienes nos invitaron a ser uno de sus socios de noticias para la región\"."
] | 19 de septiembre de 2017 | interlang link |
Al Qaeda: 'Blair brought destruction to the heart of London' | 17,725 | [
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"August 4, 2005",
"United Kingdom"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Al_Qaeda:_%27Blair_brought_destruction_to_the_heart_of_London%27 | [
"A warning has been sent out by Osama Bin Laden's lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahri saying that more attacks will be carried out because of Tony Blair's foreign policy decisions.",
"The comments were from a videotape shown on the satellite television channel al-Jazeera. The message said was: \"Blair has brought you destruction to the heart of London, and he will bring more destruction, God willing.\"",
"Al-Zawahri also warned other nations to leave Muslim lands to avoid further violence. He was quoted as saying: \"What you have seen, O Americans, in New York and Washington and the losses you are having in Afghanistan and Iraq, in spite of all the media blackout, are only the losses of the initial clashes, If you continue the same policy of aggression against Muslims, God willing, you will see the horror that will make you forget what you had seen in Vietnam.\"",
"Tony Blair has denied that his policies caused the July 7 bomb attacks. Downing Street has refused to comment on the tape.",
"Police were on high alert today in London, with 6,000 officers watching for a repeat of the attacks two and four weeks ago and they continue to investigate the 7 July bombings and are holding 15 people in connection with the 21 July attempt."
] | 2005-08-04 | title |
Al Qaeda amenaza al Reino Unido con más ataques | 17,725 | [
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"August 4, 2005",
"United Kingdom"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Al_Qaeda_amenaza_al_Reino_Unido_con_m%C3%A1s_ataques | [
"Aymán al-Zawahirí, el lugarteniente de Osama bin Laden, ha difundido un comunicado a través del canal Al-Yazira en el que amenaza a los británicos con \"más destrucción y catástrofes\".",
"El \"número dos\" de Al Qaeda culpa en su comunicado a Tony Blair y a sus decisiones políticas de los atentados del 7J, y advierte que habrá acciones \"más sangrientas\" contra el Reino Unido \"a no ser que frenen la agresión contra los musulmanes\".",
"\"Abandonad nuestros países\", \"el jeque Osama Bin Laden os dijo que no podréis soñar con seguridad hasta que haya seguridad en Palestina y hasta que todos los ejércitos infieles se retiren de la tierra de Mahoma\" añade Al-Zawahirí en el video.",
"También se hace referencia a los países que han participado en la ocupación de Iraq. \"En lo que se refiere a las naciones de la alianza de los cruzados, os hemos ofrecido una tregua si abandonáis la tierra del Islam\".",
"Las amenazas de atentados se repiten contra los EEUU, y el terrorista habla en la grabación de \"cientos de víctimas\" estadounidenses a no ser que se retiren de Iraq \"inmediatamente\". \"De lo que habéis sido testigos en Washington y Nueva York es una pequeña muestra. Lo que os espera, os hará olvidar lo que habéis visto en esas ciudades. No tenéis más opción que retiraros\", es la seria advertencia de Al-Zawahirí, que también menciona la oferta de paz que ofreció a \"los cruzados\" tras el atentado del 11M en Madrid."
] | 4 de agosto de 2005 | interlang link |
Al-Kaida grozi Tony'emu Blairowi | 17,725 | [
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"August 4, 2005",
"United Kingdom"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Al-Kaida_grozi_Tony%27emu_Blairowi | [
"Zastępca Osamy bin Ladena, Ajman al-Zawahiri ostrzegł Wielką Brytanię, że w tym kraju zostaną przeprowadzone kolejne ataki terrorystyczne. To odpowiedź Al-Kaidy na politykę zagraniczną premiera Wielkiej Brytanii, Tony'ego Blaira.",
"Ostrzeżenie zostało wyemitowane przez katarską telewizję satelitarną Al-Dżazira. \"Blair przyniósł zniszczenie sercu Londynu i przyniesie znacznie więcej zniszczeń\" - brzmiała wiadomość nagrana na taśmie wideo.",
"Tony Blair zaprzeczył, że to jego polityka była przyczyną zamachów bombowych z 7 lipca. Brytyjski rząd odmówił komentarza w sprawie ostrzeżenia zawartego na taśmie wideo.",
"Brytyjska policja była dzisiaj postawiona w stan pełnej gotowości, by zapobiec zamachom podobnym do tych sprzed 2 i 4 tygodni. Nadal trwa śledztwo w sprawie zamachów z 7 lipca 2005."
] | null | interlang link |
Al Qaeda ameaça Reino Unido com mais ataques | 17,725 | [
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"August 4, 2005",
"United Kingdom"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Al_Qaeda_amea%C3%A7a_Reino_Unido_com_mais_ataques | [
"Aymán al-Zawahirí, importante líder seguidor de Osama bin Laden, difundiu um comunicado através do canal Al Jazeera no qual ameaça os britânicos com \"mais destruição e catástrofes\".",
"O \"número dois\" da Al Qaeda culpa, em seu comunicado, Tony Blair e a suas decisões políticas pelos atentados de 7 de julho, e adverte que haverá ações \"mais sangrentas\" contra o Reino Unido \"a não ser que cessem a agressão contra os muçulmanos\".",
"Abandonai nossos países,(...) o xeque Osama Bin Laden vos disse que não podereis sonhar com segurança até que haja segurança na Palestina e até que todos os exércitos infiéis se retirem da terra de Mahomé, disse ele num vídeo emitido pela Al Jazeera.",
"Também foi feita referência aos países que participaram na ocupação do Iraque. \"No que se refere às nações da aliança dos cruzados, oferecemos-vos uma trégua se abandonais a terra do Islã\".",
"As ameaças também foram feitas contra os Estados Unidos da América"
] | 4 de agosto de 2005 | interlang link |
Al-Qaeda commander Abou Zeid killed in Mali by French forces | 686,759 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"March 3, 2013",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Al-Qaeda_commander_Abou_Zeid_killed_in_Mali_by_French_forces | [
"The President of Chad Idriss Deby has confirmed that the senior Al-Qaeda commander Abdelhamid Abou Zeid has been killed by French troops in Northern Mali.",
"Abou Zeid is a senior commander in the Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb who are fighting French-backed Malian forces, he was killed along with 40 other militants four days ago in the Adrar des Ifoghas mountain range. He is believed to have been behind the abduction of 20 Westeners as well as the killings of British national Edwin Dyer in 2009 and French national Michel Germaneau in 2010.",
"President Deby said in a statement on Friday: \"Chadian forces killed two jihadi leaders, including Abou Zeid\", \"On February 22, we lost several soldiers in the Ifogha mountains after destroying the jihadists' base. This was the first time there was a direct confrontation with the jihadists\". Chadian troops have been involved in helping to fight off troops as part of a wider African force and they have been playing a key role in trying to free Northern Mali.",
"A French government spokesperson, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem warned that reports of his death were as yet unconfirmed. Al-Qaeda are currently holding seven French nationals hostages in Sahel and there are no confirmed reports that they have been executed."
] | 2013-03-03 | title |
За два дня в Мали уничтожены два лидера Аль-Каиды — Абдельхамид Абу Зейд и Мухтар Бельмухтар | 686,759 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"March 3, 2013",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%97%D0%B0_%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B0_%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%8F_%D0%B2_%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8B_%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B0_%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0_%D0%90%D0%BB%D1%8C-%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%8B_%E2%80%94_%D0%90%D0%B1%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%B4_%D0%90%D0%B1%D1%83_%D0%97%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B4_%D0%B8_%D0%9C%D1%83%D1%85%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80_%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC%D1%83%D1%85%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80 | [
"1 и 2 марта 2013 года правительство Чада последовательно заявило об убийстве на севере Мали сразу двух лидеров «Аль-Каиды» — Абдельхамида Абу Зейда и Мухтара Бельмухтара.",
"Уничтожение боевиков произошло в ходе операции против исламистов на севере Мали, в которой военный контингент из Чада участвует вместе с французскими войсками и малийскими правительственными силами.",
"1 марта 2013 года президент Чада Идрис Деби сообщил, что на севере Мали убит один из лидеров «Аль-Каиды» в Северной Африке — Абдельхамид Абу Зейд.",
"По словам Деби, боевик был убит в ходе боя с подразделениями армии Чада.",
"Алжирец Абу Зейд считался вторым человеком в руководстве «Аль-Каиды» в странах исламского Магриба и одним из самых кровожадных боевиков в Северной Африке.\nРанее об убийстве Абу Зейда сообщило алжирское телевидение.",
"На следующий день — 2 марта 2013 года государственное телевидение Чада заявило, что солдаты армии страны убили в Мали исламистского лидера Мухтара Бельмухтара.",
"Генерал армии Чада Захария Гобонгве добавил, что в результате спецоперации вооружённым силам Чада удалось захватить 60 машин боевиков",
"Мухтар Бельмухтар — алжирский полевой командир.\nРодился в Гардая.\nНачал свою карьеру в Афганистане в 1991 году, где сражался в рядах моджахедов.\nВ бою потерял левый глаз.",
"Вернувшись в 1993 году в Алжир, он присоединился к ВИГ, а впоследствии организовал собственную исламистскую группировку — «Аль-Каида в странах исламского Магриба».\nНаходится в розыске за террористическую деятельность.\nСкрываясь от алжирских властей, он перебрался на север Мали.",
"Считается, что именно он в январе 2013 года отдал приказ о захвате заложников на нефтеперерабатывающем комплексе в Алжире, в результате которого погибло 37 человек.",
"Мухтар Бельмухтар получил прозвище Неуловимый.\nВ июне 2012 года уже сообщалось о его уничтожении, однако эта информация впоследствии не подтвердилась.\nНа этот раз сообщений из независимых источников о гибели главаря банды пока также пока не поступало."
] | 3 марта 2013 года | interlang link |
Alan Turing given posthumous pardon | 1,038,856 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"December 25, 2013",
"United Kingdom",
"David Cameron",
"Alan Turing"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Alan_Turing_given_posthumous_pardon | [
"The UK government announced yesterday the British mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing would be posthumously pardoned for his 61-year-old \"gross indecency\" — homosexual activity — conviction.",
"At Bletchley Park, Turing had worked on breaking the Enigma code used by the Nazis during World War II. The ability for the British to decode German communication may possibly have shortened the war by two years. In 1952, Turing was convicted of gross indecency after he had a relationship with another man. He was subjected to chemical castration as an alternative to going to prison.",
"In 1954, Turing died aged 41 from cyanide poisoning. An inquest found he'd committed suicide, but some dispute this and believe it was an accident.",
"The pardon was granted under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy.",
"Chris Grayling, the justice secretary, said: \"Dr Alan Turing was an exceptional man with a brilliant mind. His brilliance was put into practice at Bletchley Park during the Second World War where he was pivotal to breaking the Enigma code, helping to end the war and save thousands of lives.",
"\"His later life was overshadowed by his conviction for homosexual activity, a sentence we would now consider unjust and discriminatory and which has now been repealed. Dr Turing deserves to be remembered and recognised for his fantastic contribution to the war effort and his legacy to science. A pardon from the Queen is a fitting tribute to an exceptional man.\"",
"Prime Minister David Cameron said: \"Alan Turing was a remarkable man who played a key role in saving this country in World War Two by cracking the German Enigma code. His action saved countless lives. He also left a remarkable national legacy through his substantial scientific achievements, often being referred to as the father of modern computing.\"",
"The pardon follows a formal apology made in 2009 by Prime Minister Gordon Brown, as well as an e-petition campaign that attracted 37,404 signatures."
] | 2013-12-25 | title |
Postume Begnadigung für Alan Turing | 1,038,856 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"December 25, 2013",
"United Kingdom",
"David Cameron",
"Alan Turing"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Postume_Begnadigung_f%C3%BCr_Alan_Turing | [
"London (Vereinigtes Königreich), 25.12.2013 – Am 24. Dezember 2013 und damit mehr als 59 Jahre nach seinem Tod wurde der britische Mathematiker Alan Turing durch einen Gnadenerlass von Königin Elisabeth II. rehabilitiert. Turing war 1952 für einen sexuellen Akt mit einem anderen Mann entsprechend einem Gesetz aus dem Jahre 1885 verurteilt worden. Die Sektion 11 des Criminal Law Ammendment diente dazu, homosexuelle Handlungen zu verfolgen, und nach ihr war bereits Oscar Wilde verurteilt worden. Während Wilde zu „schwerer Arbeit“ verurteilt wurde, war die Strafe für Turing die chemische Kastration, bei der ihm weibliche Hormone gespritzt wurden, um seinen Sexualtrieb zu dämpfen. Zwei Jahre nach dem Urteil starb Turing. Die offizielle Todesursache wurde als Selbsttötung festgestellt, während viele jedoch von einem Unfall sprachen.",
"Die Verurteilung und seine letzten zwei Lebensjahre überschatteten das Leben eines Mannes, der zuvor als Held gefeiert und als mathematisches Genie verehrt worden war. Turing war Mathematiker und gilt als einer der Väter des Computers. Er war im Zweiten Weltkrieg als Codeknacker für die britische Regierung tätig, und zu seinen größten Leistungen dabei gehört es, den Code der deutschen Enigma-Maschine so weitgehend entschlüsselt zu haben, dass man direkte Maßnahmen gegen derart verschlüsselte Meldungen ergreifen konnte.",
"Der jetzige Gnadenakt erfolgte, nachdem zuvor bereits zwei Versuche, durch Unterschriftensammlungen eine Begnadigung zu erreichen, gescheitert waren. 2009 entschuldigte sich der damalige Premierminister Gordon Brown als Ergebnis der Petition offiziell im Namen der Regierung für das Urteil. 2011 wurde eine zweite Petition vom dafür zuständigen Staatsminister im Justizministerium Thomas McNally jedoch mit dem Hinweis darauf, dass die Verurteilung entsprechend geltendem Recht erfolgt sei, abgelehnt. Der heutige britische Justizminister Chris Grayling begrüßte nun den Gnadenerlass der Königin als für einen Mann wie Turing angemessen und gerechtfertigt bei einem Urteil, das man heute als nicht tragbar ansehen würde.",
"In Manchester, wo seit 1994 eine Straße nach Turing benannt ist und wo es seit 2001 ein Denkmal für ihn gibt, ehrt auch die Universität Manchester den Mathematiker, der dort die letzten sechs Jahre seines Lebens gearbeitet hatte. Am 31. März 2014 - dem Jahrestag des Urteils - sollen nun die Namen aller Männer aus Manchester, die nach dem betreffenden Gesetz verurteilt wurden, in einer Zeremonie öffentlich verlesen werden. Alan Turing wurde begnadigt, doch es steht ein genereller Gnadenerlass für mindestens 50.000 Männer aus, die nach eben diesem Gesetz verurteilt wurden, wie der Aktivist Peter Tatchell betonte. Viele Wissenschaftler hoffen jedoch, dass sich nun der öffentliche Fokus zumindest für Alan Turing auf seine wissenschaftliche Leistungen und seinen Beitrag zum Zweiten Weltkrieg verschiebt.",
"Der Gnadenakt in Großbritannien erfolgt zu einer Zeit, wo in Uganda das Gesetz gegen Homosexualität gerade verschärft wird und die Höchststrafe nun lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe beträgt und das oberste Gericht in Indien die seit 2009 straffreie Homosexualität wieder zu einer Straftat erklärt."
] | null | interlang link |
Algeria blocks internet across nation to prevent cheating in diploma exams | 2,846,285 | [
"June 23, 2018",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Oracle Corporation",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Algeria_blocks_internet_across_nation_to_prevent_cheating_in_diploma_exams | [
"In order to prevent cheating in high school diploma exams, the Algerian government ordered a series of two-hour nation-wide internet blockades, starting on Wednesday, reports from tech giant Oracle and Agence France-Presse confirmed.",
"Per the blockage, neither the cellular nor the wired data connections are to provide internet access during the exam hours. Social networking website Facebook has been blocked for the entire period. More than 500 thousand students had to appear for re-examination in June 2016 after question papers were leaked on Facebook. During the re-examinations, there were partial bans on Facebook and Twitter, and during that month, multiple employees working at the education ministry and the exam printers were arrested on suspicion of leaking the exams.",
"CCTV cameras have been installed at the locations where the exam question papers are printed, and metal detectors have been installed in over 2000 exam centres. According to various reports, around 700 thousand students are due to take the exams, whose results are expected to be declared a month later from July 22. Electronic gadgets are banned from the exam centres.",
"National education minister Nouria Benghabrit said the decision for the nation-wide blockade was \"not comfortable\" for the ministry, but it \"should not passively stand in front of such a possible leak.\" According to internet service provider Algérie Télécom, the move was \"aimed at ensuring the high school diploma tests run smoothly.\"",
"Other countries including India and Iraq also have a record of using internet blackouts as preventative measures against cheating during exams."
] | 2018-06-23 | title |
Algérie : Internet bloqué dans tout le pays pour empêcher la triche lors des examens | 2,846,285 | [
"June 23, 2018",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Oracle Corporation",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Alg%C3%A9rie_:_Internet_bloqu%C3%A9_dans_tout_le_pays_pour_emp%C3%AAcher_la_triche_lors_des_examens | [
"Afin de prévenir la tricherie lors des examens de fin d'études secondaires, le gouvernement algérien a ordonné une série de blocages nationaux de deux heures sur Internet, effectifs à partir de mercredi 20 juin, ont confirmé des rapports de l'entreprise Oracle et de l'Agence France Presse.",
"Durant le blocage, ni le réseau cellulaire ni les connexions câblées ne peuvent fournir l'accès à Internet pendant les heures d'examen. Le réseau social Facebook a été bloqué pendant toute la période. En juin 2016, plus de 500 000 étudiants ont dû se présenter pour un nouvel examen après une fuite des sujets sur Facebook. Au cours de ces nouveaux examens, il y a eu des interdictions partielles sur Twitter et Facebook et plusieurs employés travaillant au ministère de l'éducation ainsi que les imprimeurs d'examens ont été arrêtés, soupçonnés d'avoir divulgué les sujets.",
"Des caméras de vidéo-surveillance ont été installées aux lieux d'impression des sujets et des détecteurs de métal ont été mis en place dans plus de 2 000 centres d'examen, les gadgets électroniques y étant interdits. Selon divers rapports, environ 700 000 étudiants passent leurs examens cette année et les résultats devraient être annoncés à partir du 22 juillet.",
"Le ministre de l'éducation nationale Nouria Benghabrit a déclaré que la décision du blocus national n'était pas « confortable » pour le ministère, mais qu'il « ne devrait pas rester passif face à une telle fuite possible ». Selon le fournisseur de services Internet Algérie Télécom, l'opération « visait à assurer le bon déroulement des tests pour le diplôme d'études secondaires ».",
"D'autres pays comme l'Inde et l'Irak ont également recours à des coupures d'Internet comme mesure préventive contre la tricherie pendant les examens.",
"24 juin 2018",
"Partager cet article :\nCourriel,\nDigg,\nFacebook,\nIdenti.ca,\nReddit,\nLinkedin,\nTwitter,\nWhatsapp"
] | Publié le 24 juin 2018 | interlang link |
Algerije blokkeert internet in het gehele land om examenfraude te voorkomen | 2,846,285 | [
"June 23, 2018",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Oracle Corporation",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Algerije_blokkeert_internet_in_het_gehele_land_om_examenfraude_te_voorkomen | [
"De regering van Algerije heeft het internet in het gehele land geblokkeerd als maatregel om examenfraude te voorkomen. De blokkade werd afgelopen woensdag van kracht. Volgens de minister van Onderwijs, Nouria Benghabrit (en), was het geen gemakkelijke beslissing om over te gaan op een nationale blokkade. Dergelijke blokkades tijdens examens kwamen eerder voor in India, Iran en Irak.",
"Door de blokkade zijn zowel de vaste als mobiele internetverbindingen tijdens examenuren getroffen. Het sociale medium Facebook is tijdens de gehele examenperiode geblokkeerd, omdat de proefwerken daar waren uitgelekt. Meerdere medewerkers van het ministerie van Onderwijs zijn op verdenking van fraude opgepakt.",
"Er is cameratoezicht ingesteld op alle plekken waar proefwerken worden geprint en er zijn metaaldetectoren geïnstalleerd in tweeduizend centra waar examens worden afgelegd. Elektronische apparaten zijn verboden. Naar schatting zullen 700.000 studenten herexamens moeten maken. De uitslagen worden op 22 juli bekend gemaakt."
] | 23 juni 2018 | interlang link |
В Алжире отключали Интернет на время экзаменов | 2,846,285 | [
"June 23, 2018",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Oracle Corporation",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%92_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B6%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B5_%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%87%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%8F_%D1%8D%D0%BA%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2 | [
"Чтобы предотвратить мошенничество на выпускных экзаменах в школах, по распоряжению правительства Алжира несколько раз на два часа полностью прекращался доступ в Интернет по всей стране, через любые проводные и беспроводные сети алжирских провайдеров. Доступ к социальной сети Facebook был закрыт на все дни проведения экзаменов.",
"Ещё в июне 2016 года обнаружилась утечка экзаменационных заданий через Facebook, после чего были арестованы некоторые сотрудники министерства образования и типографий, где печатались экзаменационные листы, а более 500 тысяч выпускников отправились на переэкзаменовку, во время которой частично блокировался доступ к Facebook и Twitter.",
"В этом году во всех типографиях, печатающих экзаменационные листы, были установлены системы видеонаблюдения, а более двух тысяч экзаменационных центров оборудованы металлодетекторами; экзаменуемым запрещено проносить в них какие-либо электронные устройства.",
"Министр образования Алжира Нурия Бенгабрит-Ремаун (англ. Nouria Benghabrit-Remaoun) заявила, что решение о всеалжирском временном отключении Интернета было «неудобным» для министерства, но оно «не могло бездействовать при угрозе новой подобной утечки экзаменационных материалов». Интернет-провайдер Algérie Télécom утверждает, что временное отключение Интернета было сделано «для того, чтобы убедиться, что выпускные экзамены прошли беспрепятственно».",
"По данным из различных источников, в этом году в Алжире сдают выпускные экзамены около 700 тысяч студентов.\nВыпускные экзамены в школах Алжира в 2018 году сдают с 20 по 25 июня.\nРезультаты будут объявлены через месяц, 22 июля.",
"Частичное отключение интернета в Алжире проходило в прошлом году. Однако, по сообщениям СМИ, результатов это не принесло.",
"Случаи полного прекращения доступа к Интернету на время экзаменов отмечались и в других странах.\nТак, по данным ООН, в 2016 году к этим мерам прибегали Индия, Ирак и Эфиопия, а первой такой страной стал Узбекистан в 2014 году."
] | 24 июня 2018 года | interlang link |
Alleged 9-11 conspirators will confess and plead guilty | 117,944 | [
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 9, 2008",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Alleged_9-11_conspirators_will_confess_and_plead_guilty | [
"In proceedings by the Guantanamo military commission at the United States Guantanamo Bay Naval Base on Monday, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators stated that they will confess and plead guilty to the charges they face in the planning and execution of the September 11 attacks in 2001.",
"The four that stand accused with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind, are Mustafa al-Hawsawi, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ammar al-Baluchi (aka Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali), and Walid bin 'Attash. They have all been at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp for at least two years.",
"The defendants announced their intentions in court, with Stephen R. Henley reading their filing.",
"The judge asked if they would plead guilty. \"Yes,\" said Mohammed, \"we don't want to waste time.\" He also said it was \"our earnest desire\" to admit guilt and said he wanted the proceeding to end because \"I do not trust Americans.\"",
"Mohammed also expressed displeasure that it took over a month for the court to address his filing requesting \"an immediate hearing session to announce our confessions.\" In court he said, \"I don't know — are the military commissions using carrier pigeons or what?\" speaking in English.",
"The judge would not accept pleas from Binalshibh and al-Hawsawi, ordering mental competency hearings for the two.",
"Al Hawsawi objected and told the judge he decided to plead guilty \"with all my complete mental capacity and voluntarily.\"",
"However, Mohammed told the judge they would not enter their pleas without Binalshibh and al-Hawsawi, \"We want everyone to plead together.\"",
"\"Our plea was based on joint strategy,\" al-Baluchi told the judge. \"All of these decisions are undertaken by us without any pressure or influence by Khalid Sheikh [Mohammed],\" he further said. \"What was said or will be said by Khalid Sheikh will be repeated by us, also.\"",
"After the competency evaluations, another hearing will be held, where the five may enter their pleas. Presiding Officer Stephen Henley asked for briefs from prosecutors on whether the military commission can \"accept a plea of guilty to a capital offense.\"",
"Monday's hearing was unusual in that, in addition to the press, the families of five 9/11 victims were also in attendance."
] | 2008-12-09 | title |
États-Unis : cinq suspects des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 demandent à passer aux aveux | 117,944 | [
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 9, 2008",
"United States",
"North America"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/%C3%89tats-Unis_:_cinq_suspects_des_attentats_du_11_septembre_2001_demandent_%C3%A0_passer_aux_aveux | [
"Les cinq hommes accusés d’avoir préparé les attaques terroristes du 11 septembre 2001 aux États-Unis et détenus à Guantanamo ont décidé de plaider coupables. C’est ce qu’affirme le juge présidant leur procès à la base américaine de Guantanamo à Cuba. Le juge Stephen Henley a lu au tribunal une note des accusés, notamment Khalid Cheikh Mohammed, le présumé cerveau du complot, réclamant une audience pour passer aux aveux. Mohammed avait auparavant dit qu’il souhaitait être exécuté pour devenir un martyr.",
"Les cinq suspects disent avoir décidé de retirer toutes leurs requêtes et de plaider coupable le 4 novembre, jour où M. Barack Obama a remporté l'élection présidentielle. Le président élu a dit qu’il souhaite fermer le centre de détention de Guantanamo après sa prise de fonction en janvier. Il veut que les détenus de Guantanamo soient jugés par des tribunaux civils ou militaires, mais non plus par les tribunaux spéciaux."
] | Publié le 9 décembre 2008 | interlang link |
Alleged war criminal Radovan Karadžić caught in Serbia | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Alleged_war_criminal_Radovan_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87_caught_in_Serbia | [
"Alleged war criminal Radovan Karadžić was caught yesterday in Serbia by Serbian security forces after almost 13 years on the run from authorities.",
"Last night he was questioned by an inquisitor of the War Crimes Court in Belgrade.",
"Karadžić has been accused by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Bosnian War from 1992 to 1995. The Srebrenica massacre, in which about 8,000 Muslims were killed, is among the most serious of his alleged crimes. The massacre was categorised as genocide by both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.",
"Internationally, the arrest was unanimously welcomed. Along with former military chief Ratko Mladić, Karadžić has been one of the most sought-after war criminals of the Balkan conflict.",
"Described by the BBC's Kate Adie as a \"smart, rather vain man\", his capture found him with a long white beard working in a clinic and practicing alternative medicine under the name Dragan Dabic."
] | 2008-07-22 | title |
Srbové zatkli Radovana Karadžiče | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/Srbov%C3%A9_zatkli_Radovana_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%8De | [
"Srbský prezident Boris Tadić dnes v Bělehradě oznámil, že se podařilo zatknout Radovana Karadžiče. Ten je obviněn z válečných zločinů a již několik let se úspěšně skrýval. O jeho vydání bude usilovat Haagský tribunál.",
"Radovan Karadžić, který se celá léta schovával před spravedlností, byl zatčen a bude postaven před tribunál ICTY v Haagu. Dnes večer o tom informovala rada pro národní bezpečnost Srbska. Jeden z nejhledanějších zločinců současné doby se od roku 1997, kdy přišel o moc, skrýval neznámo kde; spekulovalo se nejdříve o Pale poblíž Bosny a Hercegoviny, později o hranici Srbska a Černé Hory. Karadžić byl v první polovině 90. let prezidentem Republiky srbské, jejíž vojska etnicky vyčistila mnohé oblasti v bývalé jugoslávské republice."
] | Pondělí 21. července 2008 | interlang link |
Serbien: Mutmaßlicher Kriegsverbrecher Radovan Karadžić gefasst | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Serbien:_Mutma%C3%9Flicher_Kriegsverbrecher_Radovan_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87_gefasst | [
"Belgrad (Serbien), 22.07.2008 – Am gestrigen Montag, dem 21. Juli 2008, wurde der seit fast 13 Jahren gesuchte mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrecher Radovan Karadžić von serbischen Sicherheitskräften gefunden und verhaftet. Wie aus Reihen des serbischen Kriegsverbrechergerichts verlautete, wurde er auf serbischem Boden gefasst.",
"In der Nacht zu heute wurde der 63-Jährige von einem Untersuchungsrichter am Belgrader Kriegsverbrechergericht bereits zum ersten Mal vernommen.",
"Karadžić ist vor dem UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunal für Ex-Jugoslawien wegen Völkermords, Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit im Bosnienkrieg von 1992 bis 1995 angeklagt, insbesondere wegen des Massakers von Srebrenica im Juli 1995, bei dem etwa 8.000 Muslime umgebracht worden sind. Das Massaker wurde sowohl vom Internationalen Gerichtshof als auch vom UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunal als Völkermord eingestuft.",
"International wurde die Festnahme einhellig begrüßt. Karadžić gehörte mit dem – immer noch gesuchten – früheren Militärchef Ratko Mladić zu den meistgesuchten mutmaßlichen Kriegsverbrechern des Balkankonflikts."
] | null | interlang link |
Radovan Karadzic a été arrêté en Serbie | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Radovan_Karadzic_a_%C3%A9t%C3%A9_arr%C3%AAt%C3%A9_en_Serbie | [
"Selon une déclaration des services du président serbe Boris Tadic confirmée par le procureur du Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie, Serge Brammertz, l'ancien responsable politique serbe de Bosnie Radovan Karadzic a été arrêté à Belgrade vendredi soir vers 21 heures 30. Après avoir été interrogé par un tribunal serbe qui lui a signifié son arrestation, il aurait été conduit en prison, et devrait être extradé dès cette fin de semaine pour La Haye aux Pays-Bas.",
"En fuite depuis treize ans, il a été inculpé en 1995 de génocide, de crimes de guerre et de crimes contre l'humanité pour son rôle lors de la guerre de Yougoslavie et plus particulièrement lors du siège de Sarajevo et du massacre de Srebrenica en 1995.",
"Parmi les réactions internationales, l'Union européenne, par un communiqué du Haut représentant pour la politique étrangère, Javier Solana, estime que cette arrestation constitue une « étape importante » pour une future adhésion de la Serbie. Le Tribunal pénal de la Haye a rappelé que deux Serbes, Ratko Mladic et Goran Hadzic, sont encore recherchés par ses services."
] | Publié le 22 juillet 2008 | interlang link |
Radovan Karadžić è stato arrestato | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Radovan_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87_%C3%A8_stato_arrestato | [
"Radovan Karadžić, medico serbo-bosniaco ricercato per genocidio, crimini di guerra e crimini contro l'umanità dal Tribunale Penale Internazionale per l'ex-Jugoslavia, è stato arrestato venerdì 18 luglio nelle vicinanze di Belgrado. Secondo alcune fonti, l'arresto è stato effettuato nel sobborgo di Batajnica, distante 13 chilometri dalla capitale serba.",
"L'annuncio è stato fatto dalla Presidenza della Serbia ed è stato confermato da Serge Brammertz, procuratore del Tribunale Penale Internazionale. «Vorrei congratularmi con le autorità serbe e in particolare con il Consiglio di sicurezza nazionale per aver raggiunto questo importante risultato nella collaborazione con il Tpi» ha dichiarato Brammertz.",
"Latitante da 13 anni, Karadžić aveva assunto negli ultimi tempi una falsa identità (l'esperto in medicina alternativa Dragan Dabić) e si era fatto volontariamente crescere capelli e barba in maniera disordinata. Lavorava come medico in un ambulatorio privato alla periferia di Belgrado, dove nessuno aveva sospettato la sua reale identità, né che la sua specializzazione fosse fasulla.",
"Appena catturato, è stato immediatamente tradotto in carcere, consegnato alle autorità del TPI e sottoposto ad un primo interrogatorio. L'avvocato di Karadžić, Svetozar Vujakić, ha dichiarato che il suo assistito ha definito l'interrogatorio una «farsa» e che si sarebbe rifiutato di rispondere ad alcune domande. È stato già preannunciato ricorso contro la decisione di affidare Karadžić alle autorità del TPI.",
"Bosniaco di origini serbe, Radovan Karadžić fu presidente dal 1992 al 1995 della Repubblica Serba di Bosnia, territorio bosniaco a maggioranza serba autoproclamatosi indipendente da Sarajevo poco dopo la dichiarazione di indipendenza della Bosnia-Erzegovina. Assunse anche il ruolo di comandante in capo dell'esercito irregolare serbo-bosniaco, guidato dal generale Ratko Mladić.",
"Diventò presto il ricercato numero uno del Tribunale dell'Aja, in quanto responsabile e mandante di numerose operazioni di pulizia etnica condotte contro bosniaci e croati durante la Guerra in Bosnia-Erzegovina. Il più grave di questi atti è il massacro di Srebrenica, una serie di esecuzioni di massa in cui morirono circa 8.000 civili bosniaci di fede musulmana.",
"Venne condannato in contumacia nel 1996 dal TPI e a suo carico venne emesso un mandato di cattura internazionale. Gli Stati Uniti avevano addirittura posto una taglia di 5 milioni di dollari sulla sua testa, così come su quella di Mladić (ricercato numero due, tuttora latitante, per le stesse motivazioni di Karadžić). A lungo hanno pesato sulla sua latitanza sospetti di connivenza delle autorità serbe, che sembrano però essere stati fugati dal decisivo apporto delle forze di sicurezza di Belgrado nella cattura."
] | martedì 22 luglio 2008 | interlang link |
ラドヴァン・カラジッチ被告を逮捕。ボスニア紛争中の虐殺を指揮したセルビア人勢力の最高指導者 | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%83%A9%E3%83%89%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%82%AB%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B8%E3%83%83%E3%83%81%E8%A2%AB%E5%91%8A%E3%82%92%E9%80%AE%E6%8D%95%E3%80%82%E3%83%9C%E3%82%B9%E3%83%8B%E3%82%A2%E7%B4%9B%E4%BA%89%E4%B8%AD%E3%81%AE%E8%99%90%E6%AE%BA%E3%82%92%E6%8C%87%E6%8F%AE%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F%E3%82%BB%E3%83%AB%E3%83%93%E3%82%A2%E4%BA%BA%E5%8B%A2%E5%8A%9B%E3%81%AE%E6%9C%80%E9%AB%98%E6%8C%87%E5%B0%8E%E8%80%85 | [
"カラジッチ被告が逮捕された日時や場所は明らかにされていないものの[1]、Beta ニュース・エージェンシーは「信頼できる情報源」によると、7月21日の月曜日にベオグラードで逮捕されたとしている[1]。セルビアの特別裁判所は軍警察(Žandarmerija)によって護衛されており、またカラジッチ被告の兄弟であるルカ・カラジッチ氏(Luka Karadžić)が裁判所に入っていくところも確認された[1]。",
"オランダのハーグでは、旧ユーゴスラヴィア国際戦犯法廷の検察長セルヘ・ブランメルツ(Serge Brammertz)氏がこのことに関して「歓迎する。」「これは、10年以上にわたってこの日を待ち続けていた虐殺の犠牲者たちにとって非常に重要な日だ。」と話し[1][2][4]、セルビアの国際戦犯法廷に対する協力のマイルストーンであるとした[2][7]。",
"デイトン合意を実現させたアメリカ合衆国の外交官リチャード・ホルブルック(Richard Holbrooke)はBBCに対して、カラジッチを「世界最悪の人物の一人、ヨーロッパのビンラディン」と呼び[2][3]、「カラジッチ被告なくして虐殺は成り立たなかった」と話し[4][7]、その逮捕を歓迎した。",
"アメリカのワシントンに駐在するセルビアの外交官ヴラディミル・ペトロヴィッチ氏(Vladimir Petrović)は、「セルビアが国際的義務を全面的に遂行した事例であり、今後もセルビアは国際法廷への協力を続ける」と話した[4][7]。",
"残された逃走中の「大物」戦犯には、虐殺を現場で指揮したセルビア人勢力の将軍ラトコ・ムラジッチ被告と、クロアチア領内でのクロアチア人に対する迫害を行ったクライナ・セルビア人共和国の指導者ゴラン・ハジッチ被告(Goran Hadžić)が残されている[1]。"
] | 【2008年7月22日】 | interlang link |
Radovan Karadzic é preso na Sérvia, acusado de genocídio na Bósnia | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Radovan_Karadzic_%C3%A9_preso_na_S%C3%A9rvia,_acusado_de_genoc%C3%ADdio_na_B%C3%B3snia | [
"O ex-presidente servo-bósnio Radovan Karadzic, envolvido em massacres contra civis durante a Guerra da Bósnia, foi preso e será entregue ao tribunal de Haia, disse o governo da Sérvia nesta segunda-feira. O gabinete do presidente Boris Tadic declarou que Karadzic foi levado perante um juiz da Corte para Crimes de Guerra da Sérvia, procedimento legal que indica que ele deve ser extraditado em breve para a Corte para Crimes de Guerra da ONU em Haia, Países Baixos.",
"Ele havia sido condenado por crime de guerra pelo Tribunal Penal Internacional em julho de 1995 por ter autorizado o ataque a civis durante o cerco de 43 meses a Sarajevo."
] | 22 de julho de 2008 | interlang link |
Ministar: Karadžić, Mladić i Hadžić nisu u BiH | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/Ministar:_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87,_Mladi%C4%87_i_Had%C5%BEi%C4%87_nisu_u_BiH | [
"20. jul 2008.Sarajevo/ Bosna i Hercegovina (Beta) - Direktor policije Republike Srpske (RS) Uroš Pena kazao je da optuženi za ratne zločine Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić i Goran Hadžić nisu u BiH.",
"On je rekao da svi koji su činili ratne zločine u BiH moraju da odgovaraju i da su zločine činili ljudi po imenu i prezimenu.",
"\"Naš tim svakodnevno razmenjuje podatke sa svim regionalnim institucijama koje su uključene u razbijanje mreže podrške, traženja, lociranja i hapšenja tih osoba. U ovom momentu, sigurno je da nijedan od trojice koje traži (Tribunal) u Hagu Karadžić, Mladić i Hadžić nisu na teritoriji BiH\", izjavio je Pena za \"Dnevni avaz\"."
] | null | interlang link |
通緝13年卡拉季奇被捕 | 110,077 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Translated news",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"Bosnian War",
"July 22, 2008"
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E9%80%9A%E7%B7%9D13%E5%B9%B4%E5%8D%A1%E6%8B%89%E5%AD%A3%E5%A5%87%E8%A2%AB%E6%8D%95 | [
"波斯尼亞頭號戰爭罪通緝犯卡拉季奇(Radovan Karadzic,1945-,前波黑塞族共和國總統)星期一在塞爾維亞首都貝爾格萊德(Belgrade)的一輛公共汽車上被捕。",
"星期一,卡拉季奇於塞爾維亞首都貝爾格萊德的一輛公共汽車上被捕。曾經是精神科醫生的他,在過去13年一直以“達比奇”(Dragan Dabic)這個假身份,在貝爾格萊德市郊一間私人診所當另類治療醫師。被捕時的他,身形比從前消瘦,並蓄了一把長鬍鬚,又戴上眼鏡。",
] | 【2008年7月22日讯】 | interlang link |
American captain freed from Somali pirates | 124,784 | [
"April 12, 2009",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/American_captain_freed_from_Somali_pirates | [
"Captain Richard Phillips of the American cargo ship Maersk Alabama has been freed from Somali pirates after being held hostage for four days. The U.S. Navy reports three of the four pirates were killed in a short gun battle with Navy SEALs, with the fourth being taken into custody.",
"Phillips was removed to the USS Bainbridge, a Navy warship, before being flown to another, the USS Boxer, where he was examined and is said to be in good health. Talks between the Navy and pirates were not going well prior to the short battle.",
"\"The negotiations between the elders and American officials have broken down. The reason is American officials wanted to arrest the pirates in Puntland and elders refused the arrest of the pirates,\" said an official involved.",
"The FBI announced it was opening an investigation into the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama, which arrived at its original destination of Mombasa, Kenya on Saturday.",
"\"We are all absolutely thrilled to learn that Richard is safe and will be re-united with his family,\" John Reinhart, CEO of the Maersk Line said. \"Maersk Line Limited is deeply grateful to the Navy, the FBI and so many others for their tireless efforts to secure Richard's freedom.\""
] | 2009-04-12 | title |
Piraterie vor Somalia: US-Navy befreit Kapitän | 124,784 | [
"April 12, 2009",
"Crime and law",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Piraterie_vor_Somalia:_US-Navy_befreit_Kapit%C3%A4n | [
"Mogadischu (Somalia) / Washington D.C. (Vereinigte Staaten), 15.04.2009 – Durch einen Einsatz von US-amerikanischen Elitesoldaten wurde der Kapitän des Motorschiffes Mærsk Alabama am Sonntag, den 12. April befreit. Richard Phillips war vier Tage als Geisel von somalischen Piraten auf einem Rettungsboot festgehalten worden. Die Besatzung des Schiffes hatte die Kontrolle über den Frachter zurückgewinnen können und die Fahrt nach Kenia fortgesetzt. Die Piraten hatten zuvor für den Austausch des Kapitäns ein Lösegeld von zwei Millionen US-Dollar verlangt. Das Rettungsboot war über mehrere Tage hinweg von zwei US-Kriegsschiffen verfolgt worden.",
"Scharfschützen hatten drei der vier Piraten mit gezielten Schüssen getötet, als diese den Kapitän mit Schusswaffen bedrohten. Einer der Piraten befand sich zum Zeitpunkt der Aktion offenbar zu Verhandlungen an Bord des Zerstörers USS Bainbridge. Er wurde festgenommen. Die Militäraktion war durch US-Präsident Barack Obama angeordnet worden. Demnach sollten die Marinesoldaten eingreifen, sobald eine unmittelbare Gefährdung des 53-jährigen Kapitäns durch die Piraten bestünde. Der Kommandeur vor Ort sah eine solche Gefährdung und gab um 18:19 Uhr MEZ den Einsatzbefehl.",
"Barack Obama äußerte seine Befriedigung über die geglückte Befreiungsaktion und nannte den Mut von Kapitän Phillips als „Beispiel für alle Amerikaner“.",
"Bei einer ähnlichen Aktion französischer Soldaten am Karfreitag wurden zwei Piraten und der 27-jährige Schiffseigner der Yacht Tanit getötet. Vier weitere Franzosen wurden befreit und sind inzwischen nach Paris zurückgekehrt, drei weitere Piraten wurden festgenommen. Eine Obduktion soll Klarheit bringen, ob der Franzose durch die Piraten erschossen oder von Kugeln französischer Soldaten getroffen wurde.",
"Es wird nun befürchtet, dass die gewaltsame Befreiung den Beginn einer Gewaltspirale in der Region darstellt. Bisherige Piratenüberfälle hatten meist einen unblutigen Verlauf. Zur Zeit halten somalische Piraten mehr als ein Dutzend Schiffe mit etwa 200 Besatzungsmitgliedern fest. Abdi Garad, ein Anführer der Piraten, kündigte inzwischen im somalischen Eyl an, verstärkt US-Bürger anzugreifen. „Dadurch könnte die Gewalt in diesem Teil der Welt sprunghaft zunehmen, da besteht kein Zweifel“, sagte der Oberkommandierende des U.S. Naval Central Command, Vizeadmiral William Gortney, auf einer Pressekonferenz in Bahrain."
] | null | interlang link |
Capitão americano é libertado dos piratas somalis | 124,784 | [
"April 12, 2009",
"Crime and law",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Capit%C3%A3o_americano_%C3%A9_libertado_dos_piratas_somalis | [
"O capitão Richard Phillips do navio cargueiro Maersk Alabama foi libertado dos piratas da Somalia depois de capturado por quatro dias. A Marinha dos Estados Unidos informou que três dos piratas foram mortos pelos Navy Seals por tiros e o quarto pirata foi preso.",
"Phillips foi movido para o navio de guerra USS Bainbridge, depois foi para o USS Boxer, onde foi examinado e estava com boa saúde.",
"A FBI lançou investigações sobre a captura do Maersk Alabama, que chegou em seu destino em Mombasa, Quênia, no sábado."
] | 12 de abril de 2009 | interlang link |
American nun murdered in Brazil | 4,515 | [
"February 15, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"United States",
"Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva",
"Roman Catholic Church",
"Amazon rainforest"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/American_nun_murdered_in_Brazil | [
"ANAPU, Pará, Brazil —\nGunmen murdered an American Catholic nun, Sister Dorothy Stang, 73, in Pará, Brazil.",
"The crime occurred Saturday, Feb. 12, at 9:00 a.m. Her attackers shot Stang six times: once in the head, three times in the back, while she was carrying a Bible. Another shot, at her neck, was fatal. The crime occurred in Anapu, Pará, inside the Amazon region.",
"Stang is from Ohio, United States. She had been living in Pará for about 38 years. She came to Brazil in 1966. She is a member of the Catholic group Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She was an activist and had been working at the region of Anapu. Earlier this year, the missionary received an \"Honorary Citizenship of the State\" from the state of Para.",
"Stang had been defending the Projeto de Desenvolvimento Sustentado(Project of Supported Development) or PDS for short. The Trans-Amazon development project was designed to generate jobs and income in Anapu. It supported the creation of an fruit processing industry, the construction of two small 500 kilowatt hydroelectric powerplants, and aided reforestation in degraded areas. According to Reuters, loggers, ranchers, and large farmers have been strong opponents of the project and of Stang.",
"Stang has already received death threats several times before. In March 2004, she asked for help from Brazilian Federal authorities, saying she and other persons were on a death list.",
"On another occasion, in August 2004, she said, \"It is not my safety but that of the people that really matters. All of the Sisters of Notre Dame working in Brazil work very closely with our people and want to be a sign of hope. It is wonderful to be a part of this struggle and this is the contribution of Notre Dame.\"",
"The police requested the arrest of four suspects. Two are the alleged gunfighters Eduardo and Fogoió, one is a man called Tato who supposedly contacted the gunfighters and the other one is a farmer, Vítor Miro Bastos de Moura, known as Bida who is believed to have contracted the assassins.",
"The Brazilian police also found a body of another man 500 meters from the place were they found the body of the nun. The murdered man was identified as the peasant Adalberto Xavier Leal, known as the Cabeludo or the Hairy Man. He was working for a farmer who had already invaded the area of the PDS maintained by sister Dorothy.",
"The Brazilian police commissioner Marcelo Ferreira said the peasant was killed as a revenge for the murder of sister Dorothy. He received several shots from an armed group. According to the police the group would be connected to the missionary.",
"The funerals of sister Dorothy Stang will take place in Anapu and Altamira. She is scheduled to be buried on the morning of Feb. 16 in Anapu.",
"In the United States, a funeral mass is scheduled on March 19 at Mount Notre Dame Convent Chapel in Cincinnati, Ohio.",
"The Brazilian government declared the resolution of the case a high priority. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sent two ministers and the federal police force to the region. Eight Ministers are scheduled to have an extraordinary meeting and discuss the case.",
"Rosana Gisele da Costa, a friend of Stang's from the Institute of Environment Research, told reporters that there must be a more active government presence in the region.",
"\"Unfortunatelly this is not a isolated case\", da Costa said.",
"She said other people will die if the Brazilian government does not start good political development of the region. She hopes the current actions by the government after the murderer of sister Dorothy will not be temporary.",
"Video(Terra News)"
] | 2005-02-15 | title |
Amerikansk nunna mördad i Brasilien | 4,515 | [
"February 15, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"United States",
"Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva",
"Roman Catholic Church",
"Amazon rainforest"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Amerikansk_nunna_m%C3%B6rdad_i_Brasilien | [
"Anapu, Pará, Brasilien –\nBeväpnade män har mördat en amerikansk katolsk nunna, syster Dorothy Stang, 73, i Pará, Brasilien.",
"Brottet inträffade på morgonen lördagen den 12 februari. Stang sköts sex gånger, en gång i huvudet, tre gånger i ryggen och en gång i hennes hand, i vilken hon bar en bibel. Ytterligare ett skott, i hennes nacke, var dödligt. Brottet inträffade i Anapu, Pará, i Amazonasregionen.",
"Stang kom från Ohio i USA. Hon hade bott i Pará i ungefär 38 år och kom till Brasilien 1966. Hon var medlem i den katolska gruppen Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur och var en aktivist som verkat i Anapuregionen. Tidigare har hon erhållit hedersmedborgarskap i staten Pará."
] | 15 februari 2005 | interlang link |
American tourist killed in Beijing | 111,116 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 9, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/American_tourist_killed_in_Beijing | [
"Two relatives of a coach for the American Volleyball team, and their tour-guide, were attacked by a knife-wielding Chinese man Saturday.",
"Todd and Barbara Bachman of Farmington, Minnesota USA, in-laws of Hugh McCutcheon- head U.S. indoor men’s volleyball coach, were touring the Drum Tower in central Beijing when the attack occurred. Mr. Bachman was killed, his wife and their tour-guide were injured and are undergoing treatment at Peking Union Medical College Hospital.",
"Elisabeth Bachman McCutcheon, wife of Hugh McCutcheon and a member of the 2004 United States women’s Olympics volleyball team, was also present for the attack on her parents, but was herself uninjured.",
"The attacker, identified by Chinese state sources as Tang Yongming, a 47 year old from Hangzhou, Zhejiang leapt to his death from the tower's second story in what was labeled a suicide.",
"A United States Olympic Committee spokesman stated that the victims weren't wearing anything that might have marked them as Americans or as associated with a US team. He further stated that it wasn't known whether the U.S. men's volleyball team would compete in a match scheduled for Sunday and that no extra security was planned for U.S. athletes.",
"U.S. President George W. Bush and his wife Laura were in the city for the Olympic games. Mr. Bush stated, “Laura and I were also saddened by the attack on an American family and their Chinese tour guide today in Beijing. The United States government has offered to provide any assistance the family needs.”",
"Todd Bachman was the CEO of Bachman's, Inc; a regional chain of garden centers based in Minneapolis. He was sixty-two years old."
] | 2008-08-09 | title |
北京發生持械襲擊一名美國遊客死亡 | 111,116 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 9, 2008",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E7%99%BC%E7%94%9F%E6%8C%81%E6%A2%B0%E8%A5%B2%E6%93%8A%E4%B8%80%E5%90%8D%E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B%E9%81%8A%E5%AE%A2%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1 | [
] | 【2008年8月9日讯】 | interlang link |
Amnesty International accuses Israel of "war crimes" in Lebanon | 48,002 | [
"August 23, 2006",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty_International_accuses_Israel_of_%22war_crimes%22_in_Lebanon | [
"The human rights organisation Amnesty International has accused Israel of committing war crimes by deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure in Lebanon during the Israel-Lebanon conflict, calling the attacks \"indiscriminate and disproportionate\". Israel has rejected the charge.",
"\"The pattern, scope and scale of the attacks makes Israel's claim that this was 'collateral damage', simply not credible,\" said Kate Gilmore, of Amnesty International.",
"Amnesty International cites the magnitude of the destruction caused by Israeli air strikes and artillery bombings, and declarations such as the one made by Israeli Chief of Staff Lt Gen Dan Halutz, that \"nothing is safe [in Lebanon], as simple as that\", as evidence that civilians were deliberately targeted.",
"Israel rejected the accusation, stating that the bombings of civilian areas was justified because Hezbollah uses civilians as \"humans shields\" : Lebanese infrastructure was \"targeted only when that infrastructure was being exploited by the Hezbollah machine, and this is in accordance with the rules of war\", said the Israeli spokesman Mark Regev. \"Unlike Hezbollah, we did not deliberately target the Lebanese civilian population\", Mr. Regev said.",
"Over 1,000 Lebanese, mostly civilians were killed during the fighting, while 161 Israelis, mostly soldiers, were killed by Hezbollah. The Israeli attacks also wounded about 4,000 people, and turned nearly 1 million people, a quarter of the population of Lebanon, into internal refugees."
] | 2006-08-23 | title |
Amnistía Internacional acusa a Israel de cometer crímenes de guerra | 48,002 | [
"August 23, 2006",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnist%C3%ADa_Internacional_acusa_a_Israel_de_cometer_cr%C3%ADmenes_de_guerra | [
"Un informe de Amnistía Internacional (AI) acusa a Israel de atacar civiles de manera deliberada durante su campaña contra Hezbolá en el Líbano y dijo que el estado de Israel es culpable de crímenes de guerra.",
"Según AI, Israel no sólo atacó tiendas de alimentos de manera intencionada durante los ataques de artillería y los bombardeos aéreos, sino que bloqueó hospitales y servicios públicos como acueductos y plantas de energía para obligar a la gente a abandonar los pueblos.",
"\"La evidencia recogida sugiere contundentemente que la extensa destrucción de obras públicas, sistemas de generación de energía, casas de civiles y la industria era parte integral de la estrategia militar y no dañó colateral\", afirma el reporte.",
"Según Israel, ellos no atacaron civiles y advirtieron a los no combatientes que abandonaran el sur del Líbano. Israel afirma que el único responsable por la destrucción es Hezbolá.",
"Según el reporte de Amnistía Internacional, entre el 12 de julio y el 14 de agosto de 2006 la Fuerza Aérea de Israel llevó a cabo más de 7.000 bombardeos aéreos contra 7.000 sitios.",
"Por su parte, la armada israelí hizo más de 2.500 bombardeos y lanzó un número aún indeterminado de ataques de artillería contra el sur del Líbano.",
"Los ataques israelíes mataron a más de 1.100 personas, de las cuales la tercera parte eran niños. Como resultado hubo 4.000 heridos y 970.000 personas obligadas a abandonar sus hogares y huir al norte.",
"Según AI muchas de las violaciones llevadas a cabo por Israel son crímenes de guerra que dan lugar a la responsabilización a nivel individual por los crímenes.",
"El gobierno libanés estimó que 31 sitios claves de infraestructura como el aeropuerto, los acueductos, los sistemas de alcantarillado, las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, 80 puentes y 94 autopistas fueron parcial o totalmente destruidos. Además, más de 25 estaciones de gasolina y 900 negocios fueron atacados, y más de 30.000 casas y oficinas fueron demolidas.",
"Según el gobierno israelí, ellos sólo estaban destruyendo la infraestructura de los terroristas y el daño a infraestructura civil fue incidental y el resultado de que Hezbolá usara \"escudos humanos\"."
] | 27 de agosto de 2006 | interlang link |
Amnesty International accusa Israele di "crimini di guerra" in Libano | 48,002 | [
"August 23, 2006",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty_International_accusa_Israele_di_%22crimini_di_guerra%22_in_Libano | [
"L'organizzazione a favore dei diritti umani, Amnesty International ha accusato Israele di aver commesso crimini di guerra colpendo deliberatamente delle infrastrutture civili in Libano durante i 34 giorni di conflitto. Amnesty ha definito gli attacchi «indiscriminati e sproporzionati». Israele ha respinto l'accusa.",
"«Il modello, lo scopo e la scala degli attacchi rende la difesa di Israele, ovvero che si tratta di un \"danno collaterale\", semplicemente poco credibile», ha detto Kate Gilmore, di Amnesty International.",
"Amnesty International ha affermato che la grandezza della distruzione causata dai raid aerei e dai bombardamenti e le dichiarazioni del generale israeliano Dan Halutz, secondo cui «non c'è nulla di sicuro [in Libano]», come la prova che i civili sono stati deliberatamente colpiti.",
"Israele ha rigettato le accuse, affermando che i bombardamenti sui civili erano giustificati dal fatto che Hezbollah ha usato i civili come \"scudi umani\": le infrastrutture libanesi erano «obiettivo di bombardamenti solo quando venivano utilizzate dai militanti del Partito di Dio, e questo in accordo con le regole della guerra», ha detto il portavoce israeliano Mark Regev. «Diversamente da Hezbollah, noi non abbiamo deliberatamente colpito la popolazione civile», ha detto Regev.",
"Più di 1.000 libanesi, per lo più civili, sono stati uccisi durante i combattimenti, mentre 161 israeliani, per lo più soldati, sono stati uccisi da Hezbollah. Gli attacchi di Israele hanno anche ferito circa 4.000 persone, e ha creato circa un milione di profughi, circa un quarto della popolazione del Libano."
] | mercoledì 23 agosto 2006 | interlang link |
Amnesty International oskarża Izrael o zbrodnie wojenne | 48,002 | [
"August 23, 2006",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty_International_oskar%C5%BCa_Izrael_o_zbrodnie_wojenne | [
"Organizacja Amesty International w swych publikacjach oskarża Izreal o atakowanie cywilów w czasie swej ofensywy przeciwko Hezbollahowi w południowym Libanie. Według niej, państwo kraj ten jest winny zbrodni wojennych.",
"Według organizacji, Izrael nie tylko atakuje drogi przekazu pomocy międzynarodowej, ale także swymi atakami artyleryjskimi i bombowymi także blokuje szpitale i infrastrukturę publiczną - wodociągi, elektrownie - aby zmusić mieszkańców do ucieczki z miejsc zamieszkania.",
"\"Ewidencja potwierdza ogrom zniszczeń dokonanych na budynkach użyteczności publicznych, systemach energetycznych, domach cywilnych i przemyśle. Było to działanie celowe, ujęte w strategii wojskowej - nie były one skutkami ubocznymi.\"",
"Według Izraela, nie atakuje on cywili, a co więcej - ostrzega on ich, aby Ci, którzy nie walczą, opuścili południe Libanu. Co więcej, propaganda Izraelska głosi też, że jedynym odpowiedzialnym za zniszczenia jest Hezbollah.",
"Według raportu Amnesty International, pomiędzy 12 czerwca a 14 sierpnia 2006 roku, Siły Powietrzne Izraela użyły ponad 7 tysięcy rakiet, atakując taką samą ilość celów.",
"Izraelskie ataki zabiły ponad 1100 osób, z których mniej więcej jedna trzecia to dzieci. Rezultatem tych działań było także zranienie kolejnych 4 tysięcy ludzi, oraz przesiedlenie 970 tysięcy ludzi, zmuszonych do opuszczenia swych domostw i ucieczki na północ.",
"Rząd Libański szacuje, że 31 obiektów infrastruktury, takich jak lotnisko, akwedukty, systemy kanałów i oczyszczanie ścieków, 80 mostów oraz 94 autostrad zostało całkowicie lub częściowo zniszczone, zaś ponad 25 stacji benzynowych, 900 firm i ponad 30 tysięcy domów zostało zdemolowane.",
"Według rządu Izraelskiego, ich wojska niszczyły jedynie infrastrukturę wykorzystywaną przez terrorystów, zaś zniszczenia miejsc cywilnych były incydentalne."
] | null | interlang link |
Anistia Internacional acusa Israel de ter praticado crimes de guerra no Líbano | 48,002 | [
"August 23, 2006",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Anistia_Internacional_acusa_Israel_de_ter_praticado_crimes_de_guerra_no_L%C3%ADbano | [
"A organização de direitos humanos Anistia Internacional acusou Israel de cometer crimes de guerra por ter deliberadamente atacado a infraestrutura civil no Líbano durante o conflito contra o grupo terrorista Hizbollah. A organização chamou o ataque israelense de \"indiscriminado e desproporcional\". Israel rejeitou a acusação.",
"\"O padrão, alcance e a escala dos ataques tornam a declaração de Israel de que isto foi um 'efeito colateral', simplesmente não crível,\" disse Kate Gilmore, da Anistia Internacional.",
"A Anistia Internacional citou a magnitude da destruição causada pelos ataques aéreos israelenses e bombardeios da artilharia, e algumas declarações como aquelas feitas pelo comandante israelense General Dan Halutz de que \"nada estava seguro\" no Líbano como evidências de que civis foram deliberadamente atacados.",
"Israel rejeitou a acusação e afirmou que os bombardeios de áreas civis foram justificados porque o Hizbollah usa civis como \"escudos humanos\". Segundo o porta-voz israelense Mark Regev a infraestrutura libanesa foi visada somente quando ela foi usada pelo Hizbollah e acrescentou que ao contário do grupo terrorista libanês Israel não ataca deliberadamente a população civil libanesa."
] | 23 de agosto de 2006 | interlang link |
Amnesty International tells Iran to free imprisoned journalists | 128,537 | [
"Freedom of the press",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"2009 Iranian presidential elections",
"Crime and law",
"June 28, 2009",
"Free speech",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty_International_tells_Iran_to_free_imprisoned_journalists | [
"The human rights organization Amnesty International has requested that Iran free journalists imprisoned in the wake of violence which occurred after recent presidential elections in the country. The Iranian government maintains that it has only detained those that have played a role in influencing the recent instability.",
"News media have reported that dozens of journalists have been arrested in Iran, according to Amnesty International there may be up to 30 journalists imprisoned in the country. Amnesty International refers to the imprisoned journalists as \"prisoners of conscience.\"",
"Associated Press reported that reporters for foreign news media outlets have been barred from covering recent events from streets in Iran, and in addition multiple foreign journalists have been forced to leave the country. According to Amnesty International Iason Athanasiadis-Fowden, reporter for The Washington Times, was arrested on about June 19, and Maziar Bahari of Newsweek was arrested on June 21. On June 22, approximately 20 of the 25 employees for the Iran-based newspaper Kalameh Sabz were taken into custody. Kalameh Sabs was founded in 2009 by Mir Hossein Mousavi, the opposition candidate in the recent presidential election.",
"Jenny Leong, co-ordinator of Amnesty International in Australia, expressed concern to ABC Online about the well-being of the imprisoned journalists. \"People have been detained for peacefully expressing their views and in the case of journalists it's even more shocking when they are prevented the ability to freely express themselves when it is precisely their job to be able to provide that information,\" said Leong.",
"Amnesty International stated that Etemad-e Melli newspaper editor Mohammad Ghochani was arrested and is located in a jail of the Ministry of Intelligence and National Security of Iran. Keyvan Samimi Behbehani, a member of the Center for Human Rights Defenders' Arbitrary Arrests Committee and editor of a banned periodical called Nameh, was taken into custody by Iranian officials at his home.",
"Deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa for Amnesty International, Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, said that without further information from the Iranian government, Amnesty International would be under the impression that authorities were attempting to quash freedom of speech. Sahraoui said that \"Unless the authorities lift all unlawful restrictions on freedom of expression which includes the right of journalists to report on events and release all the journalists arrested, we can only assume they are trying to hide evidence of abuse and further silence any critical voice.\"",
"In an official release from Amnesty International put out Friday, the organization said that by their actions of imprisoning journalists, the Iranian authorities were sending a message that they were only interested in hiding information from the public. \"It is shocking that journalists – whose job it is to provide information to others – are being detained, on top of all the other draconian measures the authorities have taken to restrict the free flow of information about what is really happening in Iran. Rather than trying to investigate alleged abuses, the only message the authorities are sending is that they are seeking to hide the truth, both from their own citizens and the rest of the world,\" read the statement."
] | 2009-06-28 | title |
Amnistía Internacional pide a Irán que libere a periodistas detenidos | 128,537 | [
"Freedom of the press",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"2009 Iranian presidential elections",
"Crime and law",
"June 28, 2009",
"Free speech",
"Middle East"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnist%C3%ADa_Internacional_pide_a_Ir%C3%A1n_que_libere_a_periodistas_detenidos | [
"Amnistía Internacional (AI), la organización no-gubernamental de derechos humanos de mayor alcance global, ha peticionado a las autoridades de Irán a que liberen a los periodistas arrestados en el contexto de violencia ocurrido luego de las elecciones presidenciales. El gobierno iraní sostiene que sólo ha arrestado a aquellos que han causado y propiciado la reciente inestabilidad política.",
"Los medios han reportado que docenas de periodistas han sido arrestados en el país islámico, y según indica Amnistía Internacional hasta 30 periodistas han sido detenidos. La organización se refirió a estos periodistas detenidos como \"prisioneros de conciencia\".",
"Associated Press reportó que a los periodistas de cadenas de medios internacionales se las ha prohibido reportar los eventos recientes acaecidos en las calles en Irán, así como varios reporteros extranjeros se han visto forzados a dejar el país. Según relata AI, Iason Athanasiadis-Fowden, reportero de The Washington Times, fue arrestado el 19 de junio, y Maziar Bahari de Newsweek fue detenida el 21 de junio. El 22 de junio, aproximadamente 20 de los 25 empleados del periódico iraní Kalameh Sabz fueron llevados en custodia. Kalameh Sabs fue fundado en 2009 por Mir Hossein Mousavi, el candidato opositor en las recientes elecciones presidenciales.",
"Jenny Leong, coordinador de AI en Australia, expresó consternación sobre el bienestar de los reporteros detenidos. \"La gente ha sido detenida por expresar pacíficamente sus opiniones y en el caso de los reporteros es aún más escandaloso que se les esté prohibiendo que usen su habilidad para expresarse libremente, cuando es precisamente su trabajo ser capaces de proveer esta información\", enunció Leong.",
"Amnistía Internacional anunció que el editor del periódico Etemad-e Melli, Mohammad Ghochani, fue arrestado y trasladado a una prisión del Ministerio de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacional de Irán. Asimismo, Keyvan Samimi Behbehani, un miembro del Comité de Arrestos Arbitrarios del Centro de Defensores de los Derechos Humanos y editor del censurado periódico Nameh, fue arrestado en su hogar y llevado en custodia por oficiales iraníes.",
"El subdirector de Amnistía Internacional para Medior Oriente y el Norte de África, Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, dijo que sin más investigación por parte del gobierno iraní, AI tendría que asumir que las autoridades están intentando socavar la libertad de expresión. Sahraoui declaró que \"a menos que las autoridades detengan toda restricción ilegítima de la libertad de expresión, que incluye el derecho de los periodistas para que reporten eventos, y que liberen a todos los periodistas arrestado, sólo podemos asumir que están intentado ocultar toda evidencia de un abuso y silenciar más aún a cualquier voz crítica\".",
"En un liberado de prensa oficial de Amnistía Internacional, emitido el viernes, la organización expresó que al encarcelar a los periodistas, las autoridades iraníes estaban solamente interesadas en enviar el mensaje de que se estaba ocultando información del público.",
"\"Es escandaloso que los periodistas –cuyo trabajo es proveer la información a otros– estén siendo detenidos, en conjunto con las otras medidas draconianas que las autoridades han realizado para restringir el flujo libre de la información sobre qué es lo que realmente está ocurriendo en Irán. Más que tratar de investigar los alegados abusos, el único mensaje que las autoridades están enviando es que están intentando esconder la verdad, tanto a sus propios ciudadanos como al resto del mundo\", rezaba la declaración."
] | 28 de junio de 2009Teherán, Irán — | interlang link |
Amnesty Report 2006: disadvantaged pay price of war on terror | 41,406 | [
"Amnesty International",
"Original reporting",
"Politics and conflicts",
"US War on Terror",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"May 26, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty_Report_2006:_disadvantaged_pay_price_of_war_on_terror | [
"The human rights watchdog NGO Amnesty International described 2005 as a year of contradictions with signs of hope for human rights being undermined through \"deception and failed promises\" of \"arrogant\" governments. Amnesty International issues annual reports on the development of human rights issues, with detailed reports on the situation in every individual country.",
"At the launch of its 2006 International Report, the Secretary General for Amnesty International (AI), Irene Khan, said that a number of governments have \"paralyzed international institutions and squandered public resources in pursuit of narrow security interests, sacrificed principles in the name of the 'war on terror' and turned a blind eye to massive human rights violations. As a result, the world has paid a heavy price, in terms of erosion of fundamental principles and in the enormous damage done to the lives and livelihoods of ordinary people\".",
"According to the release report, Iraq sank into a \"vortex of sectarian violence in 2005.\" Secretary General Khan warned: \"When the powerful are too arrogant to review and reassess their strategies, the heaviest price is paid by the poor and powerless – in this case, ordinary Iraqi women, men and children.\" A 2004 Lancet study estimates that 100,000 excess deaths have occurred with roughly three times as many injured since the US-led invasion in 2003.",
"Continuing her criticism of international bodies, Ms Khan stated that \"Intermittent attention and feeble action by the United Nations and the African Union fell pathetically short of what was needed in Darfur,\" referring to the conflict that a number of reports estimate has killed over 300,000 people.",
"The Amnesty International annual report claims that European governments have been \"partners in crime with the United States,\" by defying the absolute ban on torture through the alleged use of extraordinary rendition.",
"The United Kingdom pursued \"diplomatic assurances\" to deport people to countries where they face torture. \"Just as we must condemn terrorist attacks on civilians in the strongest possible terms, we must resist claims by governments that terror can be fought with torture. Such claims are misleading, dangerous and wrong - you cannot extinguish a fire with petrol,\" said Ms Khan. \"Powerful governments are playing a dangerous game with human rights. The score card of prolonged conflicts and mounting human rights abuses is there for all to see ... the ‘war on terror' is failing and will continue to fail until human rights and human security are given precedence over narrow national security interests,\" said Ms Khan.",
"Amnesty International list their key demands in 2006: to address the conflict and end human rights abuses in Darfur; to negotiate for an Arms Trade Treaty to govern the trade of small arms so that they cannot be used to commit human rights abuses; that the US Administration close Guantánamo Bay detention camp, and disclose the names and locations of all ‘war on terror' prisoners elsewhere; and to insist on equal standards of respect of human rights from all governments, whether in Darfur or Guantánamo, Chechnya or China.",
"\"The political and moral authority of governments will be increasingly judged on their stand on human rights at home and abroad. More than ever the world needs those countries with power and international influence... to behave with responsibility and respect for human rights. Governments must stop playing games with human rights,\" declared Ms Khan."
] | 2006-05-26 | title |
Amnesty Bericht 2006: Benachteiligte zahlen den Preis für den Krieg gegen Terrorismus | 41,406 | [
"Amnesty International",
"Original reporting",
"Politics and conflicts",
"US War on Terror",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"May 26, 2006"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty_Bericht_2006:_Benachteiligte_zahlen_den_Preis_f%C3%BCr_den_Krieg_gegen_Terrorismus | [
"London (England), 28.05.2006 – Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International beschreibt das Jahr 2005 als eines von Widersprüchen. Hoffnungszeichen für Menschenrechte würden durch „Täuschungen und nicht eingehaltene Versprechen“ von „arroganten“ Regierungen unterlaufen. Amnesty International gibt jährlich Berichte zur Entwicklung der Menschenrechte mit ausführlichen Beschreibungen der Situation in jedem einzelnen Land heraus.",
"Bei der Veröffentlichung des internationalen Jahresberichts 2006 sagte die Generalsekretärin von Amnesty International (AI) Irene Khan, einige Regierungen hätten „bei der Verfolgung von engen Sicherheitsinteressen internationale Institutionen gelähmt und öffentliche Resourcen verschleudert, Prinzipien im Namen des ‚Kriegs gegen den Terrorismus‘ geopfert und schwerwiegende Menschenrechtsverletzungen ignoriert. Als Ergebnis musste die Welt einen schweren Preis zahlen – in Bezug auf die Aushöhlung grundsätzlicher Prinzipien und den gewaltigen Schaden, der an dem Leben und am Lebensunterhalt von gewöhnlichen Menschen angerichtet wurde“.",
"Laut dem Bericht fiel der Irak 2005 in einen „Strudel religiöser Gewalt“. Generalsekretärin Khan warnte: „Wenn die Mächtigen zu arrogant sind, um ihre Strategien zu prüfen und zu überdenken, dann wird der schwerste Preis von den Armen und Machtlosen bezahlt – in diesem Fall von gewöhnlichen irakischen Frauen, Männern und Kindern.“ Eine Lancet Studie von 2004 schätzt, dass seit der von den Vereinigten Staaten angeführten Invasion 2003 ungefähr 100.000 Menschen gestorben sind und ungefähr dreimal so viele verletzt wurden.",
"Frau Khan führte ihre Kritik an internationalen Institutionen fort, indem sie sagte, dass „wechselnde Aufmerksamkeit und klägliches Handeln durch die Vereinten Nationen und die Afrikanische Union erbärmlich kürzer ausfielen, als es in Darfur nötig gewesen wäre“. Damit bezog sie sich auf den Konflikt, der nach Schätzungen einiger Berichte über 300.000 Menschen das Leben gekostet hat.",
"Der Jahresbericht von Amnesty International behauptet, dass europäische Regierungen „Partner bei den Verbrechen der Vereinigten Staaten“ gewesen seien. Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, sich über das absolute Folterverbot hinweggesetzt zu haben, indem sie vermeintlich Gefangene zur Verhaftung und zum Verhör in andere Länder überführt haben.",
"Das Vereinigte Königreich ersuchte „diplomatische Versprechen“, damit sie Menschen in Länder zurückbringen konnten, wo ihnen Folter droht. „Genauso wie wir terroristische Angriffe auf Zivilisten auf die deutlichste Art und Weise verurteilen müssen, müssen wir uns den Behauptungen von Regierungen, dass Terrorismus mit Folter bekämpft werden kann, widersetzen. Solche Behauptungen sind irreführend, gefährlich und falsch – man kann ein Feuer nicht mit Benzin löschen,“ sagte Frau Khan. „Mächtige Regierungen spielen ein gefährliches Spiel mit Menschenrechten. Die Liste der langanhaltenden Konflikte und sich häufenden Menschenrechtsverletzungen kann von allen gesehen werden ... der ‚Krieg gegen den Terrorismus‘ ist im Begriff des Scheiterns und wird weiterhin scheitern, bis Menschenrechten und der Sicherheit von Menschen wieder der Vorzug vor engen nationalen Sicherheitsinteressen gegeben wird“, sagte Frau Khan.",
"Amnesty International zählt ihre Hauptforderungen im Jahr 2006 auf:",
"„Die politische und moralische Autorität von Regierungen wird immer mehr auf Grund ihres Standpunktes zu Menschenrechten, zu Hause und im Ausland, beurteilt werden. Mehr als sonst ist die Welt darauf angewiesen, dass sich die Länder mit Macht und internationalem Einfluss ... verantwortlich und in Anerkennung der Menschenrechte verhalten. Regierungen müssen aufhören, mit Menschenrechten zu spielen“, erklärte Frau Khan."
] | null | interlang link |
Amnesty report's criticisms rejected by Bush administration | 11,244 | [
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"June 5, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"University of Sydney",
"United States",
"David Hicks",
"North America",
"Donald Rumsfeld",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty_report%27s_criticisms_rejected_by_Bush_administration | [
"Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty International, compared the United States detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to a Soviet-era gulag in that it is \"entrenching the practice of arbitrary and indefinite detention in violation of international law,\" she said.",
"The group's Executive Director William Schulz, on Fox News Sunday, said in response to questioning that they do not \"know for sure\" whether or not testimonies it has published describing torture and abuse of prisoners by sections of the U.S. military are valid because the U.S. will not give access to the camp to investigate them. [1]",
"He also said he has no conclusive evidence that U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, ordered torture of detainees at the facility. Schulz had previously referred to \"apparent high-level architects of torture,\", and included Donald Rumsfeld in that group. [2]",
"Director Schulz stated that comparing the installation to a gulag was perhaps not the best choice of words. \"...they (detainees) are not in forced labor, they are not being denied food. But,\" he continued,\" there are some analogies between the gulags and our detention facilities.\" Schulz alleged that U.S. officials are \"running an archipelago of detention facilities,\" some secret. The report also describes \"ghost\" detainees who \"disappear\" and the export of prisoners to countries that are known to practice torture.",
"During his appearance, Schulz argued that his and other human rights groups should be given broader access to the facility. \"We don't know for sure what all is happening at Guantanamo,\" he said, \"and our whole point is that the United States ought to allow independent human rights organizations to investigate.\" The treatment of prisoners at the facility has been in hot dispute recently, with Amnesty International comparing the facility to a \"gulag\" in its annual human rights report. Bush administration officials condemned the comparison.",
"On Friday, the U.S. government released documents indicating that both guards and detainees at the facility had on a few occasions abused the Qur'an, the Muslim holy book.",
"Prisoners and ex-prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have testified that they have been tortured. David Hicks, still being held, filed an affidavit on August 5, 2004 [3] declaring that he had been tortured, abused and ill-treated during his detention by US military authorities, and that he saw and heard similar treatment inflicted on other detainees. Mamdouh Habib, now free, says about his time at Guantanamo Bay that he was told by interrogators that his family had been killed, and that he was tied to the ground while a prostitute menstruated on him. Professor Christopher Tennant of Sydney University also stated he saw an unsigned medical report from Guantanamo Bay that backed up Habib's claim to have been beaten while in US custody;"
] | 2005-06-05 | title |
Anistia Internacional diz que não tem certeza sobre supostos abusos em Guantânamo | 11,244 | [
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Amnesty International",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"June 5, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"University of Sydney",
"United States",
"David Hicks",
"North America",
"Donald Rumsfeld",
"Middle East"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Anistia_Internacional_diz_que_n%C3%A3o_tem_certeza_sobre_supostos_abusos_em_Guant%C3%A2namo | [
"Ao comentar sobre a recente comparação que fez a Anistia Internacional fez do centro de detenção norte-americano na Baía de Guantânamo, o Diretor Executivo da Anistia Internacional William Schulz disse para o jornal americano Fox News Sunday que o seu grupo não tem certeza sobre a veracidade das acusações feitas contra militares dos EUA.",
"Ele também disse que não tem nenhuma informação de que o Secretário da Defesa dos EUA Donald Rumsfeld ordenou a tortura de detentos da prisão. Schulz tinha dito em relatos anteriores que Rumsfeld era \"aparentemente um arquiteto de alto-nível da tortura\" e que surras e fome foram usadas contra os prisioneiros de Guantânamo.",
"O diretor Schulz admitiu que chamar a instalação de \"gulag\" talvez não tenha sido a melhor escolha de palavras. \"...eles [os detentos] não estão em regime de trabalhos forçados, a eles não está sendo negada comida.\" Continuando, ele disse: \"mas há algumas analogias com os gulags e nossas instalações de detenção.\". Segundo Schulz os oficiais americanos escodem segredos sobre o funcionamento da prisão em Guantânamo.",
"O tratamento dado a prisioneiros na prisão da Baía de Guantânamo tem estado em disputa recentemente.\nIntegrantes da Anistia Internacional chamarão a prisão de \"gulag\". O governo do Presidente George W. Bush considera as declarações da Anistia Internacional injustas.",
] | 6 de junho de 2005 | interlang link |
Amnesty: "looming human rights crisis" in Darfur | 48,513 | [
"Amnesty International",
"August 28, 2006",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Omar al-Bashir",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty:_%22looming_human_rights_crisis%22_in_Darfur | [
"A \"peacekeeping gap\" is likely to plunge Sudan back into major conflict in the Darfur region, according to Amnesty International. The group today added its voice today to a growing disquiet over the worsening situation in that country, as expressed by the International Rescue Committee.",
"In a statement, the body’s Executive Deputy Secretary General Kate Gilmore, confirmed concerns that the Sudanese government are arming soldiers in preparation for conflict, despite signing a peace deal in May.",
"\"Eyewitnesses in el-Fasher in North Darfur are telling us that Sudanese government military flights are flying in troops and arms on a daily basis,\" Gilmore said, urging the international community to act.",
"The U.N. is discussing a draft resolution today to send 20,000 troops into western Sudan to protect the 2.5 million displaced people. But the Sudanese government has rejected calls for foreign intervention, instead suggesting a 26,000-strong domestic force, which Amnesty opposes.",
"\"How can Sudan — which appears to be about to launch its own offensive in Darfur — realistically propose being a peacekeeper in a conflict to which it is a major party and perpetrator of grave human rights violations,\" Amnesty officials asked.",
"Evidence that Khartoum is arming in preparation for further fighting in Darfur is causing concern among governments about a future genocide. Yesterday the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer flew to the Sudanese capital to urge the government, led by Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, to accept the U.N. force.",
"\"Darfur is on the verge of a dangerous downward spiral,\" Frazer said, criticizing the U.N. for \"foot dragging\" on the issue.",
"The Sudanese government are wholly against the U.N. intervention. National Congress Party chairman Ghazi Salah Eldin Atabani told journalists \"any state that sponsors this [U.N.] draft resolution will be regarded as assuming a hostile attitude against the Sudan.\"",
"If Darfur does descend into further government-sponsored conflict, the consequences would be devastating for the civilian population, according to Eric Reeves of Democracy Now:",
"\"If this offensive takes place, there will be massive, massive civilian destruction. I think we're also likely to see a withdrawal of virtually all humanitarian workers. This will leave some 1.2 million people completely dependent on humanitarian aid, without any assistance whatsoever,\" Reeves told the Coalition for Darfur on Saturday.",
"Meanwhile, the situation for the millions of refugees on the ground is deteriorating rapidly, according to the International Rescue Committee. On Wednesday, the group released statistics which suggest as many as 200 women have been sexually assaulted since the start of July, often as they leave settlements in search of firewood and food.",
"\"This is a massive spike in figures,\" said the IRC's Kurt Tjossem, \"we are used to hearing of 2 to 4 incidents of sexual assault per month in Kalma camp [in southern Darfur]\"."
] | 2006-08-28 | title |
Amnesty International: Darfur steht Menschenrechtskrise bevor | 48,513 | [
"Amnesty International",
"August 28, 2006",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Omar al-Bashir",
"Crime and law",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Amnesty_International:_Darfur_steht_Menschenrechtskrise_bevor | [
"Khartum (Sudan), 31.08.2006 – Eine Unterbrechung der friedenssichernden Maßnahmen könnte den Sudan nach Angaben eines Berichts von Amnesty International in der Darfur-Region zurück in einen schweren Konflikt stürzen. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation schloss sich am 28. August der wachsenden Besorgnis des „International Rescue Committee“ über die sich verschlechternde Situation in Darfur an. In einer Erklärung bestätigte die stellvertretende Generalsekretärin von Amnesty International, Kate Gilmore, Besorgnisse, die sudanesische Regierung bewaffne Soldaten in Vorbereitung für den Konflikt, obwohl sie im Mai einen Friedensvertrag unterschrieben hatte.",
"„Augenzeugen in el-Fasher im Norden Darfurs erzählen uns, dass Flugzeuge der sudanesischen Regierung täglich Truppen und Waffen einfliegen“, sagte Gilmore und forderte gleichzeitig die internationale Gemeinschaft auf zu handeln.",
"Die Vereinten Nationen diskutieren heute einen Resolutionsentwurf, der vorsieht, 20.000 Soldaten in den Westen des Sudans zu schicken, um die 2,5 Millionen vertriebenen Menschen zu beschützen. Aber die sudanesische Regierung hat die Forderung nach einer Intervention des Auslands zurückgewiesen und schlug stattdessen vor, eine 26.000 Mann starke inländische Truppe zu entsenden, was Amnesty International zurückweist.",
"„Wie kann der Sudan, der im Begriff zu sein scheint, seine eigene Offensive in Darfur zu starten, realistischerweise vorschlagen, ein Friedensbringer in einem Konflikt zu sein, in dem er selbst eine große Rolle spielt und Täter von schwerwiegenden Menschenrechtsverletzungen ist“, fragten Amnesty-Offizielle.",
"Anzeichen, dass Khartum sich für weitere Kämpfe in Darfur mit Waffen ausrüstet, rufen große Besorgnis unter Regierungen über einen möglicherweise bevorstehenden Völkermord hervor. Gestern flog die stellvertretende Außenministerin der Vereinigten Staaten, Jendayi Frazer, in die sudanesische Hauptstadt, um die von Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir angeführte Regierung zu drängen, die UN-Truppe zu akzeptieren.",
"„Darfur steht am Rande einer gefährlichen Abwärtsspirale“, sagte Frazer, die auch meinte, dass es in der UN nicht zu Verzögerungen kommen dürfe.",
"Die sudanesische Regierung ist gänzlich gegen die UN-Intervention. Der Vorsitzende der Nationalen Kongress-Partei, Ghazi Salah Eldin Atabani, sagte Journalisten, dass „jeder Staat der diesen [UN] Resolutionsentwurf finanziert, so angesehen wird, als nimmt er eine feindliche Haltung gegenüber dem Sudan an“.",
"Falls Darfur in einen weiteren regierungsgeförderten Konflikt herabsinke, wären laut Eric Reeves von Democracy Now die Konsequenzen für die Zivilbevölkerung verheerend.",
"„Falls diese Offensive stattfindet, wird es sehr, sehr große zivile Zerstörung geben. Ich denke, dass sich dann wahrscheinlich auch fast alle humanitären Helfer zurückziehen würden. Dies würde ungefähr 1,2 Millionen Menschen, die völlig auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen sind, ohne jegliche Hilfe zurücklassen“, sagte Reeves der „Koalition für Darfur“ am Samstag.",
"Mittlerweile verschlimmert sich laut dem „International Rescue Committee“ die Situation für Millionen von Flüchtlingen vor Ort rapide. Am Mittwoch hat die Gruppe Statistiken herausgegeben, die vermuten lassen, dass seit Anfang Juli mindestens 200 Frauen vergewaltigt worden sind – oft, wenn sie die Siedlungen verlassen, um nach Brennholz und Nachrung zu suchen.",
"„Das ist eine massive Spitze der Zahlen“, sagte Kurt Tjossem vom „International Rescue Committee“ (IRC), „wir sind es gewohnt, von zwei bis vier Fällen sexueller Übergriffe pro Monat im Kalma-Camp [in Süd-Darfur] zu hören.“"
] | null | interlang link |
Angolan police arrest two after attack on Togo football team | 147,478 | [
"January 11, 2010",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Angolan_police_arrest_two_after_attack_on_Togo_football_team | [
"Angolan police arrested two people earlier today, on charges of attacking the football team from Togo that was travelling by bus en route to a tournament, which left two of the Togolese team's support staff and their Angolan bus driver dead.",
"Macario Lembe, the deputy governor of Angola's Cabinda province, commented on the incident. \"Two assailants were captured on Friday, one a few minutes after the attack and the second at the border while crossing into Congo-Brazzaville. The first suspect was injured in his left thigh by police who responded when he opened fire from a tree at the Togolese bus.\"",
"The two arrested suspects were reportedly part of a team of five that ambushed the Togolese bus with gunfire on Friday as it passed through Cabinda, a province of Angola. The Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC) group claimed responsibility for the attack.",
"The Togolese team pulled out of the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations football tournament, which opened yesterday, due to the ambush."
] | 2010-01-11 | title |
Angola : deux suspects interpelés après l'attaque du bus de l'équipe de football du Togo | 147,478 | [
"January 11, 2010",
"Crime and law"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Angola_:_deux_suspects_interpel%C3%A9s_apr%C3%A8s_l%27attaque_du_bus_de_l%27%C3%A9quipe_de_football_du_Togo | [
"La police angolaise a annoncé avoir arrêté deux personnes dans le cadre de l'enquête sur l'attaque du bus de l'équipe de football du Togo, qui devait participer à la coupe d'Afrique des nations. Les suspects ont été interpelés dans l'enclave de Cabinda, où a eu lieu l'embuscade. Selon les autorités, ils appartiendraient au Front de libération de l'enclave de Cabinda[1], groupe ayant revendiqué la responsabilité de l'attaque.",
"Les séparatistes cabindais ont affirmé qu'ils ne visaient pas l'équipe togolaise, mais les forces de sécurité angolaises. Ils ont abattu le chauffeur du bus, le coach-adjoint et le porte-parole des Éperviers togolais, alors que neufs joueurs de la délégation ont été blessés. Le gardien de but, Kodjovi Dodji Obilalé, qui a été blessé, est actuellement hospitalisé en Afrique du Sud. Les médecins ont qualifié son état de stable."
] | Publié le 12 janvier 2010 | interlang link |
Angolan Supreme Court summons President dos Santos over nepotism claims | 2,800,610 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"October 26, 2016",
"Economy and business",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Angolan_Supreme_Court_summons_President_dos_Santos_over_nepotism_claims | [
"The Supreme Court of Angola yesterday summoned President José Eduardo dos Santos to explain his decision to appoint his daughter head of the national state-owned oil firm, Sonangol. The pair face claims of nepotism and breach of probity legislation.",
"Isabel dos Santos, Africa's richest woman according to Forbes, is also summoned. She took control of Sonangol in June after her father fired the entire board. Angola is now the continent's largest oil producer, surpassing Nigeria after militancy affected production there. The company nonetheless is struggling to cope with reduced prices for oil.",
"The court's move comes as it accepts a petition by a group of lawyers against the dos Santoses. \"It is the first time that the court will examine a decision of the president,\" said one of them, David Mendes. \"The law stipulates that public officials cannot nominate or allow the nomination of family members,\" he added yesterday.",
"According to Mendes the dos Santoses have eight days to answer the court. One member of ruling MPLA anonymously told reporters \"The constitution of Angola is clear: the president does not have to personally explain actions taken during his term in court or in parliament\". He said a representative would appear instead.",
"José Eduardo dos Santos has ruled for over 30 years, but has expressed an intention to resign in 2018 following elections next year. Three years ago his son Jose Filomeno dos Santos was made head of the national Sovereign Wealth Fund. Isabel dos Santos owns shares in both Angolan and Portuguese businesses, particularly financial and telecoms firms."
] | 2016-10-26 | title |
Tribunal Supremo convoca Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos por indícios de nepotismo em Angola | 2,800,610 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"October 26, 2016",
"Economy and business",
"Constitutions (unsorted)",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Tribunal_Supremo_convoca_Presidente_Jos%C3%A9_Eduardo_dos_Santos_por_ind%C3%ADcios_de_nepotismo_em_Angola | [
"O Tribunal Supremo (a Corte Suprema angolana) convocou ontem o presidente da República de Angola José Eduardo dos Santos para explicar sua decisão de nomear sua filha como integrante da empresa estatal de petróleo nacional, Sonangol. Os indícios par de face ao [nepotismo] e violação à legislação de [probidade].",
"Isabel dos Santos, mulher mais rica da África, de acordo com a Forbes, também é indiciada. Ela assumiu o controlo da Sonangol em Junho, depois que seu pai decidiu despedir toda a equipa. Angola é hoje o maior produtor de petróleo do continente, superando a Nigéria depois de militância afectar a produção lá. A empresa, no entanto, está a lutar para lidar com preços reduzidos ao petróleo.",
"O movimento no tribunal vem depois aceitar uma petição por um grupo de advogados contra Santos. \"É a primeira vez que o Tribunal [Supremo] vai examinar uma decisão do presidente\", disse um deles, David Mendes. \"A lei estipula que os funcionários públicos não podem nomear ou permitir a nomeação dos membros da família\", acrescentou ontem.",
"De acordo com Mendes, Santos tem oito dias para responder ao Tribunal Supremo. Um membro do governista MPLA disse anonimamente aos repórteres. \"A Constituição de Angola é clara: o presidente não tem de explicar pessoalmente as acções tomadas durante o seu mandato em juízo ou no Parlamento\". Ele disse que um representante iria aparecer em seu lugar.",
"José Eduardo dos Santos já governa há mais de 30 anos, mas manifestou a intenção de renunciar em 2018, após as eleições do próximo ano. Três anos atrás, seu filho, José Filomeno dos Santos foi feito chefe do Fundo Nacional Soberano. Isabel dos Santos detém acções em ambas empresas angolanas e portuguesas, particularmente as empresas financeiras e de telecomunicações."
] | 26 de outubro de 2016 | interlang link |
Anniversary of Tak Bai incident marked with lawsuits | 24,781 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"South Thailand insurgency",
"October 25, 2005",
"Featured article",
"Thaksin Shinawatra"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Anniversary_of_Tak_Bai_incident_marked_with_lawsuits | [
"Marking the anniversary of an incident at Tak Bai police station which led to 78 people suffocating while being detained by the Thai army, relatives of the deceased plan to file a lawsuit with the Pattani provincial court seeking 80 million baht (approx. US$2 million, 1.6 million euro) in compensation.",
"Utt Bueraheng, the lawyer representing the families is confident they will win their case as an investigation into the incident took some disciplinary action against involved senior officers.",
"The suit will name the Thai Defence Ministry, Army, Royal Thai Police Office, Interior Ministry, and Narathiwat provincial authorities as defendants. Earlier in the week other lawsuits were filed in relation to the incident; in all cases the named defendants are the same.",
"The Tak Bai incident is one of the most publicised events of the South Thailand insurgency. On October 25, 2004 six local men were arrested, accused of supplying defence force weapons to insurgents. Villagers organised a protest, demanding that the police release the accused. Instead, the police called in army reinforcements who used tear gas and water cannons on the crowd; shooting started, and seven people were killed.",
"Hundreds of local citizens, mostly young Muslim men, were arrested. They were made to strip to the waist and lie on the ground. Their hands were bound behind their backs and later in the afternoon they were loaded into trucks to be taken to an army camp where they were to be detained. The prisoners were stacked on top of each other in the trucks, and by the time the three-hour trip to the camp was completed, 78 men had suffocated in the heat.",
"The incident provoked widespread protest, not limited to Muslims in the south. Many non-Muslim Thais were shocked by the army's behaviour. However the Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Sinawatra, gave his full support to the army and until these lawsuits were brought, very little disciplinary action had been taken against those responsible. Thaksin's response in defending the army's actions was to say the men died, \"because they were already weak from fasting during the month of Ramadan.\"",
"The lawsuits brought earlier this week against the five state agencies seek a total of more than eighteen million baht (approx. US$ 440,000 or 370,000 euros) in compensation. The first lawsuit was filed on behalf of relatives of five of the seven protesters killed outside Tak Bai police station; this suit seeks 5.8 million baht. The second lawsuit was filed by a group of seventeen of the protesters who were injured in the clash with police and security forces; this suit seeks 12.4 million baht compensation for injury and loss of property. All of the lawsuits have been brought with the assistance of the Law Society of Thailand.",
"The aftermath of the Tak Bai incident saw many of the protesters seeking asylum in neighbouring Malaysia. Recently forty of those who had fled across the border returned after they had been given assurances by authorities regarding their safety.",
"The leadership of the insurgents remains unclear, with no clearly identified organisational structure, or announced objectives. However, there have been separatists in the former Malay sultanate since the 1930s. Under military rule, they were firmly suppressed and only since early 2004 has violence flared in the troubled provinces. The government reacted to this by declaring Martial law in January of 2004.",
"Despite the imposition of Martial law, attacks on police, government officials, schools and military compounds continued unabated. This prompted the Prime Minister to introduce an executive decree for administration in emergency situations early in 2005. Additional troops were dispatched to the troubled provinces bringing the total in the area to 30,000; however, lack of counter-insurgency training and experience meant they have done little in the way of quelling the violence. In the past six months the army has reported that 298 have been killed, and over 300 injured in attacks. The estimated total killed since the start of 2004 is claimed to be over one thousand."
] | 2005-10-25 | title |
タイ南部・タクバイ事件から1年、遺族に賠償を求める動き | 24,781 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"South Thailand insurgency",
"October 25, 2005",
"Featured article",
"Thaksin Shinawatra"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A4%E5%8D%97%E9%83%A8%E3%83%BB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AF%E3%83%90%E3%82%A4%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6%E3%81%8B%E3%82%891%E5%B9%B4%E3%80%81%E9%81%BA%E6%97%8F%E3%81%AB%E8%B3%A0%E5%84%9F%E3%82%92%E6%B1%82%E3%82%81%E3%82%8B%E5%8B%95%E3%81%8D | [
] | 【2005年10月26日】 | interlang link |
Anonymous muscle in on Canadian teen rape case | 720,482 | [
"April 12, 2013",
"Women's rights",
"Human rights",
"Anonymous (group)",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"Nova Scotia",
"North America",
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Anonymous_muscle_in_on_Canadian_teen_rape_case | [
"On Wednesday, the Internet hacking collective Anonymous vowed to publish the names of the four suspects involved in the alleged rape of Canadian Rehtaeh Parsons, who committed suicide last week.",
"A message sent to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) by the hacktivist group called \"for immediate legal action\" in the case, citing that \"If we [Anonymous] were able to locate these boys within 2 hours, it will not be long before someone else finds them.\"",
"This latest operation by the group, dubbed \"Operation Justice For Rehtaeh\", led to expression of concern among the members of the RCMP. In an interview with the National Post, Nova Scotia Justice Minister Ross Landry spoke of the dangers of releasing this crucial information in this ongoing investigation, \"We don't want another child taking their life because some vigilante group think it's OK … maybe it's a wrong name — then what would they do to someone?\"",
"The 17-year-old Parsons was taken off life support on Sunday following an attempt to take her own life days before. Her mother erected a Facebook page celebrating the life of her daughter as well as acknowledging the true reasons for her daughters tragic passing, \"Rehtaeh is gone today because of the four boys that thought that raping a 15-year-old girl was okay, and to distribute a photo to ruin her spirit and reputation would be fun.\""
] | 2013-04-12 | title |
Anonymous sier sitt om den canadiske tenåringsvoldtekten | 720,482 | [
"April 12, 2013",
"Women's rights",
"Human rights",
"Anonymous (group)",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"Nova Scotia",
"North America",
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police"
] | no | https://no.wikinews.org/wiki/Anonymous_sier_sitt_om_den_canadiske_ten%C3%A5ringsvoldtekten | [
"Målform: Bokmål - Dato: 13. april 2013 - Oppdater siden - Rediger artikkelen - Flere nyheter",
"På onsdag kunngjorde hackergruppen Anonymous at de akter å kunngjøre navnene til de fire som er mistenkt for å ha voldtatt canadiske Rehtaeh Parsons, som begikk selvdrap forrige uke.",
"I en melding sendt til det kanadiske ridende politi (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) krever gruppen «umiddelbar juridisk handling» i saken, og legger til at «når vi sporet opp guttene i løpet av to timer, er det ikke lenge før noen andre finner dem».",
"Dette siste utspillet fra gruppen, kalt «Operasjon rettferdighet for Rehtaeh», førte til uttrykk for bekymring fra medlemmer av den canadiske politistyrken. I et intervju med avisen «National Post» advarte Nova Scotias justisminister, Ross Landry, mot farene ved å offentliggjøre slik vital informasjon i den pågående etterforskningen. «Vi ønsker ikke at andre barn skal ta sitt liv fordi en selvtektsgruppe synes det er greit. Kanskje det er feil navn, og hva ville de da ha gjort mot noen?»",
"17 år gamle Parsons ble søndag koblet fra maskinen som holdt henne i live etter at hun forsøkte å ta sitt eget liv noen dager tidligere. Hennes mor opprettet en Facebook-side som både feiret datterens liv og tilkjennegav årsaken til hennes tragiske død. «Rehtaeh er nå borte på grunn av de fire guttene som syntes at å voldta en 15-åring var greit, og at det var morsomt å distribuere et bilde som knekte henne psykisk og ødela hennes gode rykte.»"
] | null | interlang link |
Anonymous people reveal animal cruelty at Australian Inghams poultry producer factory using CCTV footage | 704,302 | [
"March 21, 2013",
"Crime and law",
"Animal rights",
"New South Wales",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Anonymous_people_reveal_animal_cruelty_at_Australian_Inghams_poultry_producer_factory_using_CCTV_footage | [
"Anonymous people submitted a video depicting employees of Inghams Enterprises, an Australian poultry producer, to Animal Liberation. The video displays animal cruelty at an Inghams plant in Tahmoor, Macarthur Region, south-west of Sydney. The video was recorded without the employees' knowledge over a two-week period in February. Animal Liberation maintains that the footage is legitimate.",
"Spokesperson for Animal Liberation Emma Hurst stated to Sydney Morning Herald, \"You can see a total disrespect of these animals. There are scenes where they've put the music up very, very loud, the workers are screaming, jumping about, dancing, picking up the turkeys, dancing while holding onto the turkeys, throwing them onto the shackles, and just that whole mentality as though these animals don’t have feelings, that they're objects.\"",
"Using CCTV, over 140 hours were recorded, depicting 136 incidences of animal cruelty as well as aggravated animal cruelty, resulting in the animals' death or severe conditions. Ms. Hurst said, \"Hanging upside down, their legs are already brittle, and we've got footage as well where their legs have actually ripped off from their bodies ... and the legs have been tossed around.\"",
"Animal Liberation and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) are again calling for the mandatory installation of CCTV cameras in all Australian abattoirs. RSPCA New South Wales chief inspector David O'Shannessy told the ABC that surveillance and inspections of abattoirs should be commonplace in Australia. \"The CCTV would certainly send a strong signal to those people working with animals that their welfare is of the highest priority.\"",
"Inghams CEO Kevin McBain released a statement saying that an investigation had been launched into the \"intolerable incidents\". \"We condemn the animal abuse we have seen in the footage and will — as a matter of urgency — work to review, retrain and reinforce our animal welfare standards throughout our organisation\"",
"The New South Wales Police and the New South Wales Food Authority are continuing to investigate the video."
] | 2013-03-21 | title |
Анонимы обнаружили через видеонаблюдение жестокое обращение с животными на птицефабрике в Сиднее | 704,302 | [
"March 21, 2013",
"Crime and law",
"Animal rights",
"New South Wales",
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D1%8B_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7_%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%B6%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%89%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D1%81_%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%BC%D0%B8_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B5%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B5_%D0%B2_%D0%A1%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B5 | [
"Анонимные люди передали организации по защите животных (англ. Animal Liberation) видео, показывающее жестокое обращение с животными на птицефабрике компании Ингамс (англ. Inghams Enterprises) в Сиднее. Видео было записано в феврале без ведома работников птицефабрики. На нём есть пометки времени, и оно считается достоверным.",
"Записано 140 часов обращения с животными: обнаружено 136 случаев жестокого обращения, в том числе ведущего к смерти или увечьям, после которых оставлять птицу жить жестоко. Эмма Херста из организации по защите животных после просмотра видео заметила, что часто птицам отрывали их хрупкие лапы или вешали за лапы вниз головой; работники включали радио и бросались птицами, танцевали, как будто они не животные.",
"Королевская организация по предотвращению жестокого обращения с животными (англ. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) поставила вопрос об установлении видеонаблюдения на всех птицефабриках в обязательном порядке для того, чтобы работники осознавали, что в первую очередь важно благосостояние птицы.",
"Компания Имгамс извинилась и сказала, что ведётся расследование. Расследование также ведётся полицией штата Новый Южный Уэльс."
] | 22 марта 2013 года | interlang link |
Another Jemaah Islamiyah leader captured in Indonesia | 71,849 | [
"June 15, 2007",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Another_Jemaah_Islamiyah_leader_captured_in_Indonesia | [
"Police in Indonesia said today that they have captured the top leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist organization.",
"The man, known as Zarkasih, or Mbah, was captured last Saturday in Yogyakarta on Java, the same day another Jemaah Islamiyah leader, Abu Dujana, was captured, also on Java.",
"Jemaah Islamiyah, believed to be connected to the al-Qaeda terrorist network, is blamed for several acts of terrorism in Indonesia, including the 2002 Bali bombings, the 2003 Marriott Hotel bombing, the 2004 Jakarta embassy bombing and the 2005 Bali bombings.",
"Police said Zarkasih, 45, confessed to being the head of Jemaah Islamiyah. He is also known as Mbah, which means \"grandfather\" in Javanese language. Police said he came to prominence as the organization's other leaders were captured or went into hiding.",
"\"I became the emergency head in 2005,\" Zarkasih said in a videotaped confession, which police played for reporters.",
"Abu Dujana, 39, was head of Jemaah Islamiyah's military operations, police said. He is believed have directed anti-Christian attacks and beheadings in Poso, Central Sulawesi, and had taken part in the 2003 and 2004 hotel and embassy bombings in Jakarta.",
"Police said both Zarkasih and Abu Dujana left Indonesia in the 1980s for Afghanistan, where they likely developed links with al-Qaeda."
] | 2007-06-15 | title |
Homogénéité (physique) | 71,849 | [
"June 15, 2007",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Homog%C3%A9n%C3%A9it%C3%A9_(physique) | [] | interlang link |
Anti-terrorism raids in New Zealand | 82,463 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"New Zealand",
"Crime and law",
"Waitangi Day",
"October 15, 2007"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Anti-terrorism_raids_in_New_Zealand | [
"Around 17 people were arrested and a number of guns and weapons were seized earlier this morning (NZDT) at \"terrorist\" training camps and anarchist group homes following raids by the New Zealand Police around the country. The raids were under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002 and Arms Act.",
"The raids, conducted by over 300 armed police officers, focused on indigenous Māori and environmental activists, including activist Tame Iti. Iti faces eight counts relating to firearms, including having a semi-automatic shotgun and two molotov cocktails. He is well known in New Zealand for many high profile cases, including a sedition charge for shooting the New Zealand flag, for which he was later acquitted, during Waitangi day in 2005.",
"Police Commissioner Howard Broad said that those targeted were from various ethnicities and from different motivations.",
"Commissioner Broad said, \"It was military-style activity they were training for\", adding that he did not believe \"protest activity involves firearms or other weapons.\" One training camp raided by police was \"guerilla-style\" in the Urewera mountain ranges. Guns, ammunition and grenades were found in the camp.",
"No one has yet been charged with a crime against the Terrorism Suppression Act, only with charges relating to the Arms Act. \"[The Police] are proceeding with full care in talking to people and assessing information before we can determine whether there is sufficient evidence to seek the consent of the Attorney General through the Solicitor General to charge anyone under [the Terrorism Suppression Act],\" Commissioner Broad said. \"This is the first time that the Terrorism Suppression Act has been considered in terms of an operation.\"",
"Warrants were executed in New Zealand's largest city, Auckland; the capital, Wellington; Christchurch; Palmerston North and towns in the Eastern Bay of Plenty region. The warrants were issued under the Summary Proceedings Act, which allows searching for evidence of committing an offence against the Terrorism Suppression and Arms acts.",
"The police were informed of the existence of the camps by hunters who stumbled across a training operation being conducted by the groups. The raids were undertaken after evidence was gathered during 2006 and 2007 and followed months of police work. Police had infiltrated the camps, and taken video footage of weapons training. Phone and text message communications and conversations between suspects were recorded. Commissioner Broad said, \"Based on the information and the activity known to have taken place, I decided it was prudent that action should be taken in the interests of public safety.\". Reports have indicated a specific threat to the Prime Minister, Helen Clark, was involved.",
"Prime Minister Helen Clark was briefed on the raids last week by police but refused to comment to reporters earlier today.",
"Those who have been arrested and appeared in court today were given interim name suppression."
] | 2007-10-15 | title |
17 detenidos tras redada antiterrorista en Nueva Zelanda | 82,463 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"New Zealand",
"Crime and law",
"Waitangi Day",
"October 15, 2007"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/17_detenidos_tras_redada_antiterrorista_en_Nueva_Zelanda | [
"15 de octubre de 2007Wellington, Nueva Zelanda —",
"La Policía de Nueva Zelanda ha detenido durante una redada antiterrorista a 17 personas, entre ellos activistas maoríes, pacifistas y ecologistas, bajo la acusación de formar varios grupos paramilitares.",
"El director de la Policía neozelandesa, Howard Broad, precisó en conferencia de prensa que las operaciones tuvieron lugar en supuestos campos de entrenamiento en la Bahía de Plenty, en el norte del archipiélago; la capital, Wellington, y las ciudades de Auckland y Christchurch, entre otras.",
"Los detenidos \"estaban entrenándose en el uso de armas de fuego y de otras armas\", tal y como demuestra el hecho de que las autoridades se incautaran de numerosas armas de fuego no autorizadas.",
"\"Las actividades para las que se entrenan son de carácter militar\", agregó el dirigente policial, al tiempo que consideró que los objetivos a los que apuntaban estos grupos son únicamente locales y por el momento no tienen conexiones internacionales.",
"La operación, en la que han participado unos 300 agentes, es la primera que se ha llevado a cabo bajo la ley antiterrorista aprobada en octubre del 2002, poco antes de que los laboristas ganaran las últimas elecciones. Se espera que algunos de los detenidos declaren hoy mismo ante los jueces que investigarán el caso.",
"La voz de alarma la dieron unos cazadores que vieron a varias personas camufladas y armadas moviéndose de forma sospechosa.",
"Entre los detenidos, según el diario local The New Zealand Herald, se encuentra el líder maorí Tame Iti, muy conocido en el país, aunque se desconoce de qué se le acusa; del mismo modo, otro de los detenidos es Omar Hamed, fundador de una organización anticapitalista denominada Aotearoa Radical Youth (Juventudes Radicales de Nueva Zelanda)."
] | null | interlang link |
Apaches accuse Prescott Bush of robbing Geronimo's grave | 28,945 | [
"Crime and law",
"December 25, 2005",
"United States",
"North America",
"Yale University",
"George W. Bush"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Apaches_accuse_Prescott_Bush_of_robbing_Geronimo%27s_grave | [
"Native Americans are petitioning Congress to investigate the elite Skull and Bones group and return what they believe are the remains of Apache warrior Geronimo for reburial.",
"The petition alleges that Geronimo's grave was robbed in 1918 by members of the society, including Prescott Bush, President George W. Bush's grandfather. The alleged graverobbers stole Geronimo's head and his prized silver bridle, which had been buried with him. These allegations are also within a book by Yale graduate, Alexandra Robbins, titled; \"Secrets of the Tomb\". Robbins suggests that the reason these men robbed graves is; \"Bones as a society is preoccupied with death; skulls, skeletons, and artwork depicting death are prevalent in the tomb. When Bonesmen steal things they use the euphemism that they are taking 'gifts to the goddess' whom they honor within the tomb.\"",
"Robbins also said; \"I think it's ridiculous that Bonesmen's sense of entitlement is broad enough to include items that allegedly don't belong to them. The items they supposedly steal as a prank or competition may be valuable and meaningful to the actual owners. It's appalling that proper authorities have not forced their way into the tomb to retrieve the items that don't belong in there.\"",
"An economics professor at Clark College, James Craven, suggests that; \"In the near future, there will finally be large groups of Natives showing up in front of 'the tomb' to protest this ugly racism and grave robbing by the Bones, and they will not be leaving until that skull and any other Native artifacts have been returned...[The theft] is a metaphor for something much bigger and even uglier. It is the ugly racism and hubris of the in-bred power elites who seek to infiltrate positions of power.\"",
"In her book, Robbins also reports that Apaches met with Skull and Bones representatives following their admission by letter that they did in fact have a skull they called \"Geronimo\". The Apaches were offered some bones, but refused to accept them at that time because, according to the petition; \"It was obviously not the skull seen in the smuggled photograph.\"",
"Endicott Davison, an attorney for Skull and Bones, denied that Geronimo's skull is in the possession of the group."
] | 2005-12-25 | title |
Apachen beschuldigen Prescott Bush des Grabraubes an Geronimo | 28,945 | [
"Crime and law",
"December 25, 2005",
"United States",
"North America",
"Yale University",
"George W. Bush"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Apachen_beschuldigen_Prescott_Bush_des_Grabraubes_an_Geronimo | [
"Washington D.C. (USA), 07.02.2006 – Die amerikanischen Ureinwohner haben eine Petition an den US-Kongress gerichtet, in der sie eine Untersuchung bei Skull & Bones fordern, einer Studentenverbindung an der Yale-Universität. Hierdurch soll erreicht werden, dass die Indianer das zurück erhalten und wieder beerdigen können, von dem sie annehmen, dass es die sterblichen Überreste ihres Apachekriegers Geronimo sind.",
"Die Petition geht davon aus, dass Geronimos Grab im Jahre 1918 von der „Bones-Gesellschaft“ beraubt wurde, unter der Beteiligung von Prescott Bush, dem Großvater des gegenwärtigen US-Präsidenten George W. Bush. Die mutmaßlichen Grabesräuber entwendeten Geronimos Kopf und silbernes Zaumzeug aus dem Grab. Diese Behauptung wird auch in einem neueren Buch, „Secrets of the Tomb“, der Yale-Studentin Alexandra Robbins aufrechterhalten. Robbins vermutet, dass der Grund, dass diese Personen Gräber ausrauben, folgender ist: Die „Bones-Gesellschaft“ als solche, sei von vornherein vom Tod eingenommen; Schädel, Skelette und Kunstwerke, die den Tod darstellen, würden sich mit Vorliebe in der „Skull & Bones-Gruft“ befinden. Wenn „Bonesmen“ Sachen stehlen, würden sie es in dem beschönigendem Licht sehen, dass sie „Geschenke zu der Göttin“ bringen, die sie in ihrer „Gruft“ verehren.",
"Robbins sagt weiter, dass sie denke, es sei lächerlich, dass der Sinn der „Bonesmen“ Anspruch auf Gegenstände erhebe, die vermutlich nicht ihnen gehören. Die Sachen, die sie mutmaßlich als Streich oder Wettbewerb gestohlen hätten, seien eventuell wertvoll für die eigentlichen Besitzer. Es sei erschreckend, dass sich die zuständigen Autoritäten nicht einen Weg in die „Bones-Gruft“ verschafft hätten, um das wiederzuerlangen, was nicht in die „Gruft“ gehöre.",
"Ein Ökonomie-Professor des Clark-Colleges, James Craven, vermutet, dass in der nahen Zukunft schließlich große Gruppen von Indianern vor der „Bones-Gruft“ erscheinen werden, um gegen diesen abscheulichen Rassismus und die Grabraube der „Bones“ zu protestieren und sie würden solange nicht weichen werden, bis dieser „Kopf“, und jedes andere indianische Artefakt, zurückgegeben werden wird... Der Diebstahl sei eine Metapher für etwas viel größeres und gefährlicheres. Dies sei der schreckliche Rassismus der angeborenen Power-Eliten, und diese würden die Positionen der Macht infiltrieren wollen.",
"In dem Buch von Robbins wird außerdem berichtet, dass sich Apachen in Folge einer Mitteilung mit „Skull & Bones“-Mitgliedern getroffen hätten, dass „Bones“ tatsächlich einen Schädel in der „Gruft“ habe, den sie „Geronimo“ nennen würden. Den Apachen wurden einige Knochen angeboten, die aber als unakzeptabel von ihnen zurückgewiesen wurden, weil es, wie es in der Petition heißt: Offensichtlich nicht der Schädel gewesen sei, den sie auf einem geschmuggelten Foto gesehen hatten. Endicott Davison, der Anwalt von „Skull & Bones“, streitet ab, dass Geronimos Schädel in dem Besitz seiner Klienten sei."
] | null | interlang link |
Appeals court confirms death penalty for Saddam Hussein | 57,166 | [
"Saddam Hussein",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"December 26, 2006",
"Shia Islam"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Appeals_court_confirms_death_penalty_for_Saddam_Hussein | [
"According to the Tribunal spokesman Raed Jouhi, the Iraqi High Tribunal's appeals court in Baghdad confirms the sentence of death against the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, after a month and a half of trial review.",
"According to the CNN, no sentence has been notified to Saddam Hussein yet.",
"On November 5, Hussein was sentenced to death for his role in the Dujail massacre in 1982, in which 148 Shiites died.",
"According to Iraqi laws, Hussein would be hanged within 30 days, and there is no chance of pardon."
] | 2006-12-26 | title |
Berufungsgericht bestätigte Todesurteil gegen Saddam Hussein | 57,166 | [
"Saddam Hussein",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"December 26, 2006",
"Shia Islam"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Berufungsgericht_best%C3%A4tigte_Todesurteil_gegen_Saddam_Hussein | [
"Bagdad (Irak), 26.12.2006 – Der ehemalige irakische Diktator Saddam Hussein muss innerhalb der nächsten 30 Tage hingerichtet werden. Das Todesurteil vom 5. November wurde von einem Berufungsgericht heute bestätigt. Die 30-Tage-Frist erging aufgrund eines irakischen Gesetzes.",
"In dem Prozess war Hussein wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit zum Tode verurteilt worden. Konkret ging es um ein Massaker an 148 Schiiten im Jahr 1982."
] | null | interlang link |
Confermata la condanna a morte per Saddam Hussein | 57,166 | [
"Saddam Hussein",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
"December 26, 2006",
"Shia Islam"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Confermata_la_condanna_a_morte_per_Saddam_Hussein | [
"Nessuno sconto di pena per Saddam Hussein. L'ex dittatore iracheno ha visto confermata la condanna a morte per crimini contro l'umanità da parte della corte che doveva revisionare la regolarità del processo a suo carico. L'annuncio è stato dato dal portavoce del tribunale, Raed Jouhi, che ha aggiunto che non vi sono possibilità per il rais di ricevere una grazia, dato che non è contemplata dalla giustizia irachena.",
"Dopo un mese e mezzo di lavori, dunque, il processo sembra essere giunto a compimento: secondo la legge irachena, Hussein dovrà essere giustiziato entro trenta giorni a partire da oggi, per impiccagione.",
"Se non ci saranno contrattempi, dunque, la condanna verrà eseguita prima del 28 aprile prossimo, data in cui l'ex rais compirà 70 anni, età limite per legge entro la quale è possibile giustiziare un uomo."
] | martedì 26 dicembre 2006 | interlang link |
Argentina: TV channel taken off the air in Mendoza at rival’s request | 97,063 | [
"Original reporting",
"Translated news",
"January 25, 2008",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Argentina:_TV_channel_taken_off_the_air_in_Mendoza_at_rival%E2%80%99s_request | [
"Mendoza, Argentina — The Argentinian federal judge Olga Arrabal ordered closure of public rebroadcasting station in Mendoza Province at request of Vila-Manzano Group, a monopolistic media conglomerate.",
"The judge ordered the cessation of broadcasts by the local relay transmitter of Canal 7 television station in Mendoza's capital. The inhabitants of this city and Maipú, Luján de Cuyo, Lavalle, San Martín, Palmira, Junín, Santa Rosa, La Paz and Rivadavia Departments lost access to the public television.",
"The country's Media Secretary, Public Broadcasting System and Channel 7 will appeal the resolution of the Second Federal Court of Mendoza.",
"\"We are going to do everything necessary to defend the right to the information\", said Rosario Lufrano, the executive director of Canal 7. In addition, she added that they would go to Mendoza all the times that be necessary, since they had done it with San Rafael, to achieve that all the citizens have free and free access to the unique national channel that has Argentina.",
"In 2007, Channel 7 had installed new relay in the cities of Mar del Plata, Bariloche, Neuquén, Santa Rosa, Comodoro Rivadavia, San Rafael and Mendoza. Nevertheless, in San Rafael and Mendoza they had problems, due to the judicial presentations made by Vila-Manzano Group's companies.",
"A Commission of Neighbors called for a day of mobilization for the next January 30 in the downtown of Mendoza, to repudiate the measure adopted by the judge."
] | 2008-01-25 | title |
Obligan a Canal 7 Argentina dejar de transmitir en Mendoza | 97,063 | [
"Original reporting",
"Translated news",
"January 25, 2008",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Obligan_a_Canal_7_Argentina_dejar_de_transmitir_en_Mendoza | [
"24 de enero de 2008Mendoza, Argentina — El canal estatal argentino debió interrumpir sus transmisiones en la provincia de Mendoza debido a una resolución dictada el pasado 14 de enero por la jueza federal Olga Arrabal, a instancias del grupo Vila-Manzano, propietario de un poderoso multimedio.",
"La medida cautelar obligo a interrumpir la señal de la antena retransmisora de la ciudad de Mendoza, dejando a los habitantes de esa ciudad y los departamentos de Maipú, Luján de Cuyo, Lavalle, San Martín, Palmira, Junín, Santa Rosa, La Paz y Rivadavia sin acceso a la televisión pública.",
"La medida tomada por la jueza Arrabal impide transmitir por la frecuencia de aire Nº 11. Sin embargo, tal frecuencia fue la asignada por el Comité Federal de Radiodifusión (COMFER) a instancias de la Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones (CNC) y así fue instalada conforme a lo ordenado en el Decreto 84/05 del Poder Ejecutivo Nacional.",
"Las autoridades de la Secretaría de Medios de la Nación, del Sistema Nacional de Medios Públicos y de Canal 7 solicitaron la habilitación de la Feria Judicial para apelar la resolución del Segundo Juzgado Federal de Mendoza que dejó a más de 1 millón de personas sin acceso al canal.",
"\"Vamos a hacer todo lo necesario para defender el derecho a la información\", declaró la directora ejecutiva del canal, Rosario Lufrano. Además recalcó que irían a Mendoza todas las veces que sea necesario, como lo habían hecho con San Rafael, para lograr que todos los ciudadanos tengan acceso libre y gratuito al único canal nacional que tiene Argentina.",
"Canal 7 durante el transcurso del año pasado había instalado nuevas repetidoras en las ciudades de Mar del Plata, Bariloche, Neuquén, Santa Rosa, Comodoro Rivadavia, San Rafael y Mendoza. Sin embargo, en estas últimas ciudades tuvieron problemas, debido a las presentaciones judiciales que hicieron las empresas del grupo Vila-Manzano.",
"Por otra parte, una Comisión de Vecinos convocó a una jornada de movilización para el próximo miércoles 30 de enero en el centro de la ciudad de Mendoza, en repudió a la medida adoptada por la jueza Arrabal."
] | null | interlang link |
Canal de Televisão na Argentina é retirado do ar em Mendoza | 97,063 | [
"Original reporting",
"Translated news",
"January 25, 2008",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Canal_de_Televis%C3%A3o_na_Argentina_%C3%A9_retirado_do_ar_em_Mendoza | [
"A juíza federal argentina Olga Arrabal deu ordens de encerramento da estação de televisão pública de retransmissão em Mendoza a pedido da Vila-Manzano Group.",
"O juiz ordenou a cessação das emissões pelo transmissor local do Canal 7 a estação de televisão em Mendoza da cidade capital. Os habitantes desta cidade e Maipú, Luján de Cuyo, Lavalle, San Martín, Palmira, Junín, Santa Rosa, La Paz e Rivadavia ficaram sem acesso à televisão pública.",
"As autoridades da Secretaría de Medios de la Nación, oSistema Nacional de Medios Públicos e do Canal 7 irá apelar a resolução do Segundo Tribunal Federal de Mendoza que deixou mais de 1 milhão de pessoas sem acesso ao canal.",
"*Mariotto acudió a la Justicia para que vuelva a funcionar Canal 7 en Mendoza — Inforegión, 24 de janeiro de 2008",
"*Eduardo Ayassa. La Televisión Pública tuvo que levantar su señal en Mendoza [inativa] — Los Andes, 24 de janeiro de 2008. Página visitada em 25 de janeiro de 2008. Arquivada em 18 de janeiro de 2008"
] | 25 de janeiro de 2008 | interlang link |
Argentine president Fernández to send bill legalising abortion to National Congress within 10 days | 2,890,791 | [
"Women's rights",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"March 4, 2020",
"South America",
"Roman Catholic Church",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Argentine_president_Fern%C3%A1ndez_to_send_bill_legalising_abortion_to_National_Congress_within_10_days | [
"On Sunday in Argentina's National Congress, President of Argentina Alberto Fernández announced he is to send a bill to the congress in the next ten days which aims to legalise abortion of human pregnancy. The president had previously called it \"a matter of public health\".",
"\"[W]ithin the next 10 days, I will present a bill for the voluntary interruption of pregnancy that legalises abortion at the initial time of pregnancy and allows women to access the health system when they make the decision to abort\", Fernández said. Thousands of people had gathered outside the National Congress with slogans supporting the legalisation of abortion of pregnancy.",
"Abortion of pregnancy is currently illegal in the Catholic-majority country, and is permitted only in two cases: if the pregnancy was a product of rape, or if it poses a risk to the woman. Fernández said the law has \"condemned many women, generally of limited resources, to resort to abortive practices in absolute secrecy, putting their health and sometimes their lives at risk\".",
"Estimates by the Argentinian government state about 350 thousand illegal abortions are carried out in the country each year. Illegal abortion is a crime punishable with a prison term in the Latin American country since 1921. Saying \"there are many abortions despite the criminal threat\" ((es))Spanish language: hay muchos abortos pese a la amenaza penal, President Fernández elaborated, \"A state that is present must protect citizens in general and obviously women in particular. And in the 21st Century, every society needs to respect the individual choice of its members to decide freely about their bodies ((es))Spanish language: En el siglo XXI, toda sociedad necesita respetar la decisión individual de sus miembros para disponer libremente de sus cuerpos\".",
"Following the president's announcements, the director of Argentina's Amnesty International, Mariela Belski, said the president had \"heard the demands of women, adolescents and girls\".",
"The proceedings of the abortion rights was criticised by archbishop Monsenor Jorge Eduardo Scheinig. Calling it a \"culture of death\" the archbishop said \"We need to pray so that in Argentina, the yes to life is stronger than death.\"",
"Uruguay, Guyana and Cuba are the other Latin American countries where abortion during the early weeks of pregnancy is legal. Back in 2018, the Argentine congress approved a bill legalising abortion, but it was dismissed by the senate."
] | 2020-03-04 | title |
Projeto de lei que legaliza o aborto será enviado ao Congresso Nacional da Argentina | 2,890,791 | [
"Women's rights",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"March 4, 2020",
"South America",
"Roman Catholic Church",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Projeto_de_lei_que_legaliza_o_aborto_ser%C3%A1_enviado_ao_Congresso_Nacional_da_Argentina | [
"No domingo, o presidente argentino Alberto Fernández anunciou que enviará um projeto de lei ao Congresso Nacional nos próximos dez dias que visa legalizar o aborto. O presidente já o havia chamado de \"uma questão de saúde pública\".",
"\"Nos próximos dez dias, apresentarei um projeto de lei pela interrupção voluntária da gravidez para legalizar o aborto no momento inicial da gestação e permitir que as mulheres acessem o sistema de saúde quando tomarem a decisão\", afirmou Fernández. Milhares de pessoas se reuniram em frente ao Congresso Nacional da Argentina com slogans apoiando a legalização.",
"Atualmente, o aborto é ilegal no país de maioria católica e só é permitido em dois casos: se a gravidez foi resultante de estupro ou se representa um risco para a mulher. Fernández disse que a lei \"condenou muitas mulheres, geralmente de recursos limitados, a recorrerem a práticas abortivas em absoluto sigilo, colocando sua saúde e, às vezes, suas vidas em risco\".",
"Estimativas do governo argentino indicam a realização de cerca de 350 mil abortos ilegais a cada ano. O aborto ilegal é um crime punível no país latino-americano desde 1921. O presidente Fernández afirmou que \"um Estado presente deve proteger os cidadãos em geral e obviamente as mulheres em particular e no século XXI toda sociedade precisa respeitar a escolha individual de seus membros para decidir livremente sobre seus corpos\".",
"Após os anúncios do presidente, a diretora da Anistia Internacional da Argentina, Mariela Belski, disse que o presidente \"ouviu as demandas de mulheres, adolescentes e meninas\". O processo dos direitos ao aborto foi criticado pelo arcebispo Monsenor Jorge Eduardo Scheinig. Chamando de \"cultura da morte\", o arcebispo disse: \"Precisamos orar para que na Argentina o sim à vida seja mais forte que a morte\".",
"Uruguai, Guiana e Cuba são os outros países da América Latina onde o aborto durante as primeiras semanas de gravidez é legal. Em 2018, o congresso argentino aprovou um projeto de lei que legalizava o aborto, mas ele acabou barrado pelo Senado."
] | 4 de março de 2020 | interlang link |
Argentine Supreme Court declares Riveros pardon unconstitutional | 74,296 | [
"July 13, 2007",
"Translated news",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Argentine_Supreme_Court_declares_Riveros_pardon_unconstitutional | [
"The Supreme Court of Argentina today ruled that a decree issued by the Argentine ex-president Carlos Saúl Menem was unconstitutional. The decree pardoned military general Santiago Omar Riveros, charged for crimes against humanity which were committed during the \"Guerra Sucia\", a military rule (1976-1983) in Argentina.",
"The members of the Supreme Court of Justice decided by a majority of four votes the revoke of the pardon towards Riveros. The votes were as follows:",
"The Supreme Court thus retracted the pardon towards Riveros. The ruling also left an open door for the cases of other pardoned generals, such as Jorge Videla and Eduardo Massera.",
"\"Crimes against humanity, because of their seriousness in nature, are not only contrary to the Constitución Nacional, but as well to the entire international community,\" the Supreme Court ruled. Nearly 30,000 disappeared in the Argentina military dictatiorship."
] | 2007-07-13 | title |
La Corte Suprema de Argentina revoca los indultos a Riveros | 74,296 | [
"July 13, 2007",
"Translated news",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/La_Corte_Suprema_de_Argentina_revoca_los_indultos_a_Riveros | [
"13 de julio de 2007Buenos Aires, Argentina —",
"La Corte Suprema de Argentina hoy 13 de julio declaró inconstitucional a los indultos que habían sido firmados por el ex-presidente de Argentina, Carlos Menem. Los mismos perdonaban a al general Santiago Omar Riveros por crímenes de lesa humanidad durante la última dictadura militar en 1989.",
"Los integrantes de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación Argentina decidieron por una mayoría de 4 votos la revocación de los indultos. Los votos fueron los siguientes",
"La Suprema Corte dejó así pues, sin efecto, a los indultos a favor de Santiago Omar Riveros. De este modo, también se da la posibilidad de que ocurra lo mismo a los indultos que protegen a Eduardo Massera, Jorge Videla y otros jefes militares por su participación en la \"Guerra Sucia\", en la cual desaparecieron cerca de 30.000 personas.",
"\"Los delitos de lesa humanidad, por su gravedad, son contrarios no sólo a la Constitución Nacional, sino también a toda la comunidad internacional\", aseguró la Suprema Corte."
] | null | interlang link |
Arizona bans abortion for genetic abnormalities | 2,921,324 | [
"Women's rights",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"April 30, 2021"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Arizona_bans_abortion_for_genetic_abnormalities | [
"On Tuesday, the Governor of the US state of Arizona Doug Ducey signed into law a bill banning abortion if sought solely because of a foetus' genetic abnormality.",
"Senate Bill 1457, which stalled twice for criticism by opponents of abortion, passed both chambers of the Republican-controlled Arizona Legislature last week in a party-line vote, amended twice along the way to alleviate concerns by two hesitant Republicans.",
"The bill makes it a Class 6 felony, the least severe, to seek or perform an abortion \"because of a genetic abnormality of the child\", defined as \"the presence or presumed presence of an abnormal gene expression in an unborn child\", but not a \"severe fetal abnormality\" considered \"incompatible with life.\" Intimidating someone to get an abortion and soliciting or accepting monies to finance an abortion for this purpose has been made a Class 3 felony.",
"The bill also allows the unborn child's father or, in case the mother is under 18, a maternal grandparent to sue, as well as including the applicability of state law to \"an unborn child at every stage of development\", which Senator Kirsten Engel and Representative Melody Hernandez wrote in a submitted minority report \"would open up the potential for prosecutors to charge persons including the pregnant individual whose conduct results in a woman having a miscarriage with murder, manslaughter or child endangerment.\"",
"Other provisions of the bill includes a prohibition on the distribution \"via courier, delivery or mail service\" of abortion-inducing drugs, a ban on any public educational institution from performing or aiding non-life saving abortion, a ban on the use of public or tax monies paid by the state or students for university research involving foetal remains or somatic cell nuclear transfer, or any state money towards organisations providing abortion care, and requiring all foetal remains to be buried or cremated.",
"KYMA-DT reported Ducey is an anti-abortion rights governor who ran on the Republican ballot and has never vetoed anti-abortion legislation. In a statement, Duckey said, \"[t]here's immeasurable value in every single life — regardless of genetic makeup [...] We will continue to prioritize protecting life in our preborn children, and this legislation goes a long way in protecting real human lives.\" The news release, originally published on his website also read, \"[w]ith this legislation, Arizona remains among the top pro-life states in the nation.\"",
"Senator Nancy Barto said, according to the release \"[w]e need to protect our most vulnerable, especially those with treatable genetic conditions [...] They are loved, integral members of our community that make Arizona whole\". Cathi Herrod, president of Center for Arizona Policy said in her own news release, according to the Associated Press \"[t]oday, Arizonans win.\"",
"Representative Diego Espinoza wrote in a tweet, \"I'm disappointed to see Arizona moving in this direction, ignoring the needs and desires of doctors, women, and families for an extreme political agenda.\" Representative and House Democratic Leader Reginald Bolding wrote in a statement \"it's disturbing and wrong that the legislature is not focusing on policies to help [women], and instead is stripping away the fundamental freedom to choose if, when, and how to start or grow a family.\"",
"In a letter shared to a Facebook post, the union United Campus Workers at Arizona State University urged last Saturday to the Arizona Board of Regents, university president Michael M. Crow and University of Arizona president Robert D. Robbins to \"immediately speak out against SB 1457\", calling it \"a blatant attack on reproductive freedom\"."
] | 2021-04-30 | title |
Arizona proíbe aborto por anomalias genéticas | 2,921,324 | [
"Women's rights",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"April 30, 2021"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Arizona_pro%C3%ADbe_aborto_por_anomalias_gen%C3%A9ticas | [
"Na terça-feira (27/04), o governador do estado do Arizona, Doug Ducey, sancionou um projeto de lei que proíbe o aborto se solicitado apenas por causa de uma anomalia genética do feto.",
"O projeto de lei 1457 do Senado, que ficou paralisado duas vezes por críticas dos oponentes do aborto, foi aprovado nas duas câmaras do Legislativo do Arizona, controlado pelos republicanos, em uma votação partidária, emendada duas vezes ao longo do caminho para aliviar as preocupações de dois republicanos hesitantes.",
"O projeto de lei torna crime de classe 6, o menos grave, buscar ou realizar um aborto \"por causa de uma anomalia genética da criança\", definido como \"a presença ou presença presumida de uma expressão gênica anormal em um nascituro\", mas não uma \"anormalidade fetal grave\" considerada \"incompatível com a vida\". Intimidar alguém para fazer um aborto e solicitar ou aceitar dinheiro para financiar um aborto com esse propósito foi considerado um crime de classe 3.",
"O projeto também permite que o pai do nascituro ou o avô materno, no caso da mãe ser menor de 18 anos, processe judicialmente os envolvidos no aborto, bem como inclui a aplicabilidade da lei estadual a \"um nascituro em todas as fases de desenvolvimento\". A senadora Kirsten Engel e a representante Melody Hernandez da minoria democrata criticaram a permissão escrevendo num relatório que isto \"abriria o potencial para os promotores acusarem pessoas, incluindo a gestante cuja conduta resulta num aborto espontâneo, de homicídio, homicídio culposo ou de colocarem criança em perigo\".",
"Outras disposições da lei incluem a proibição da distribuição \"via correio ou entrega a domicílio\" de drogas indutoras do aborto, a proibição de qualquer instituição educacional pública realizar ou ajudar o aborto que não salva vidas, a proibição do uso de medicamentos fornecidos gratuitamente, a proibição do uso dos fetos para pesquisas universitárias. A lei também proíbe o envio de dinheiro do estado para organizações que prestam assistência ao aborto e exige que todos os restos mortais fetais sejam enterrados ou cremados.",
"A KYMA-DT reportou que Ducey é um governador antiaborto que nunca vetou a legislação antiaborto. Em um comunicado, Duckey disse que \"há um valor incomensurável em cada vida - independentemente da composição genética (...). Continuaremos a priorizar a proteção da vida de nossos filhos antes do nascimento e esta legislação ajuda muito a proteger a vida real, vidas humanas\". O comunicado à imprensa, publicado originalmente em seu site, também dizia: \"com esta legislação, o Arizona continua entre os principais estados pró-vida do país\".",
"A senadora Nancy Barto disse, de acordo com o comunicado, \"[precisamos] proteger nossos mais vulneráveis, especialmente aqueles com doenças genéticas tratáveis (...). Eles são amados, membros integrantes de nossa comunidade que tornam o Arizona inteiro\". Cathi Herrod, presidente do Center for Arizona Policy disse em seu próprio comunicado à imprensa, de acordo com a Associated Press: \"hoje, os habitantes do Arizona venceram\".",
"O deputado Diego Espinoza escreveu em seu Twitter: \"estou desapontado em ver o Arizona se movendo nesta direção, ignorando as necessidades e desejos de médicos, mulheres e famílias e favor de uma agenda política extrema\". O deputado e líder democrata da Câmara, Reginald Bolding, escreveu: \"é perturbador e errado que a legislatura não esteja se concentrando em políticas para ajudar [as mulheres] e, em vez disso, esteja tirando a liberdade fundamental de escolher se, quando e como começar ou aumentar uma família\".",
"Em uma carta compartilhada em um post no Facebook, o sindicato United Campus Workers, da Arizona State University, pediu no último sábado (243/04) ao Conselho de Regentes do Arizona, ao presidente da universidade Michael M. Crow e ao presidente da Universidade do Arizona, Robert D. Robbins, que \"se manifestem imediatamente contra o SB 1457\", chamando-o de\" um ataque flagrante à liberdade reprodutiva\"."
] | 2 de maio de 2021 | interlang link |
Arkansas Democratic party chairman assassinated by gunman | 111,407 | [
"North America",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Democratic Party (United States)",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 13, 2008",
"Hillary Clinton",
"Bill Clinton"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Arkansas_Democratic_party_chairman_assassinated_by_gunman | [
"Bill Gwatney, chairman of the Democratic Party of Arkansas, died this afternoon at 3:59 pm CDT (UTC-5) after having been shot earlier this morning.",
"\"He [the gunman] came in and went into this office and started shooting,\" said police Lt. Terry Hastings, speaking to reporters outside the party headquarters.",
"The suspect is Tim Johnson, a white male, described by Gwatney's secretary as wearing \"khaki pants, white shirt, silver-gray hair, late 40s.\" He reportedly walked into the party headquarters facilities in Little Rock, Arkansas, conversed with the Chairman's secretary, refused her offer of bumper stickers, and then walked past her saying he had to see the Chairman.",
"After the shooting, Johnson got into his blue Chevrolet pickup truck and led police on a 25-mile chase. The end result was the shooting of the suspect, who was airlifted to a hospital and eventually died of his wounds.",
"According to The New York Times, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton issued a joint statement saying, \"We are stunned and shaken by today's shooting at the Arkansas Democratic Party where our good friend and fellow Democrat Bill Gwatney was critically wounded ... Bill is not only a strong chairman of Arkansas' Democratic Party, but he is also a cherished friend and confidante.\"",
"Gwatney was also a car dealership owner and former state senator."
] | 2008-08-13 | title |
Líder do Partido Democrata em Arkansas é assassinado pelo atirador | 111,407 | [
"North America",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Democratic Party (United States)",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 13, 2008",
"Hillary Clinton",
"Bill Clinton"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/L%C3%ADder_do_Partido_Democrata_em_Arkansas_%C3%A9_assassinado_pelo_atirador | [
"Little Rock, Arkansas, Estados Unidos • 14 de agosto de 2008",
"Foi morto a tiros ontem, Bill Gwatney, presidente do Partido Democrático do Estado de Arkansas. A morte ocorreu às 3:59pm CDT (UTC-5), após ter sido baleado cedo na manhã.",
"\"Ele [o atirador] entrou no escritório e foi parar na preseça e começou a disparar\", disse o tenente da polícia Terry Hastings, falando a repórteres fora da sede do partido.",
"O suspeito é Tim Johnson, um homem branco, descrito pela secretária de Gwatney vestindo de \"calça khaki, camisa branca, cinza-prata cabelo, mais de 40 anos.\" Ela relata que caminhou em instalações sede do partido em Little Rock, Arkansas, conversou com o presidente da secretária, ela recusou oferta de vinhetas pára-choques e em seguida, andou dizendo que ela tinha passado para ver o presidente.",
"Após o tiroteio, Johnson pegou a camionete Chevrolet e começou ser perseguido pela polícia por 25 milhas (40 km), o que levou a troca de tiros. O resultado final foi a filmagem do suspeito, que foi levado a um hospital e posteriormente, morreu de ferimentos.",
"De acordo com o jornal The New York Times, Bill Clinton e Hillary Clinton divulgaram uma declaração conjunta, que dizia: \"Estamos atordoados e abalada pelo tiroteio de hoje, no Partido Democrático de Arkansas onde o nosso bom amigo e colega democrata Bill Gwatney foi ferido criticamente não é Bill [Clinton]... Só um forte presidente do Partido Democrata de Arkansas, mas ele é também um querido amigo e confidente\".",
"Gwatney era também um ex-proprietário de loja de automóveis e senador.",
"Não se sabe o motivo que levou Tim Johnson planejar e assassinar Bill Gwatney."
] | null | interlang link |
阿肯色州槍殺案美國民主黨主席不治 | 111,407 | [
"North America",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Democratic Party (United States)",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 13, 2008",
"Hillary Clinton",
"Bill Clinton"
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E9%98%BF%E8%82%AF%E8%89%B2%E5%B7%9E%E6%A7%8D%E6%AE%BA%E6%A1%88%E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B%E6%B0%91%E4%B8%BB%E9%BB%A8%E4%B8%BB%E5%B8%AD%E4%B8%8D%E6%B2%BB | [
"美國阿肯色州發生槍殺案,一名槍手昨日(8月13日)闖入民主黨阿肯色州分部總辦事處,向民主黨阿肯色州主席格瓦特尼(Bill Gwatney)開槍,急救後不治。而涉案兇徒則於警方追捕過程中被擊斃。",
"聯邦調查局已接手調查事件,據報,涉案兇徒周三早上被零售連鎖店Target store解僱,原因是他在店內的牆上塗鴉,之後他曾到當地的浸信會總部,然後用手槍指著工作人員說:「我失業了」",
] | 【2008年8月14日讯】 | interlang link |
Armed police arrest two more 21 July bombing suspects in dramatic raids | 17,174 | [
"Metropolitan Police",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"July 29, 2005"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Armed_police_arrest_two_more_21_July_bombing_suspects_in_dramatic_raids | [
"Armed police officers from SO19 have raided properties in the Notting Hill and North Kensington areas of London and Italian forces have arrested the fourth bombing suspect at a property in Rome, Italy. The raids were in connection with the failed bombings on July 21.",
"Scotland Yard have announced that a number of arrests have been made, and that three of the suspected July 21 bombers are now in custody. The most recently arrested suspects are reported to be those wanted in connection with the Oval tube and London bus bombing attempts [1].",
"Officers in full body armour, helmets and gas masks and armed with shotguns and assault rifles were seen moving in. Small explosions were heard soon after, and CS gas and stun grenades are also believed to have been used. Police are cautioning that CS grenade launchers and explosive entries could be mistaken for shots, and have said that no shots were fired.",
"Police at one point described the raid as entering a \"challenging phase\". Eyewitnesses said that the police asked one person in a building that was surrounded to give himself up. They apparently addressed the person as \"Muhammad\" [2]. Muktar Said Ibrahim, one of two suspects named after the failed 21 July bombing attempts, is also known as Muhammad. The other officially-named suspect has already been arrested in Birmingham.",
"At one point the cordon around the area was expanded, cutting off TV news stations from their broadcast vehicles which were caught inside the sealed-off area.",
"Two weeks before the failed attacks of July 21, a series of bombs on July 7 killed 56 people, including four suicide bombers.",
"Two women have also been arrested at Liverpool Street station, but it is not clear if the arrests are in connection with terrorism. Both the surface and underground stations were evacuated and were searched, but have now re-opened."
] | 2005-07-29 | title |
Großrazzia in London gegen Terrorverdächtige | 17,174 | [
"Metropolitan Police",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"July 29, 2005"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Gro%C3%9Frazzia_in_London_gegen_Terrorverd%C3%A4chtige | [
"London (Vereinigtes Königreich), 29.07.2005 – In London findet zurzeit eine großangelegte Razzia in zwei Stadtteilen statt, eine in Ladbroke Grove bei Notting Hill und die andere in Holland Park. Dabei hat es Schüsse und Explosionen gegeben, Augenzeugen berichten von acht kleineren Explosionen. Nach Scotland Yard sind mindestens zwei Person bisher verhaftet worden, eine wurde in einem weißen Schutzanzug abgeführt. Der Chef der Polizeibehörde wird mit den Worten zitiert: „Das Netz zieht sich zu.“"
] | null | interlang link |
Londyn: Strzały w zachodniej części miasta | 17,174 | [
"Metropolitan Police",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"July 29, 2005"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Londyn:_Strza%C5%82y_w_zachodniej_cz%C4%99%C5%9Bci_miasta | [
"Uzbrojone oddziały brytyjskiej policji urządziły obławę w dzielnicy Notting Hill w zachodniej części Londynu. Działania policji mają związek z nieudanymi zamachami bombowymi z 21 lipca 2005 roku.",
"Funkcjonariusze są w pełni uzbrojeni, mają na sobie maski przeciwgazowe. Świadkowie słyszeli na miejscu odgłosy niewielkich eksplozji i strzały. Prawdopodobnie w obławie został także użyty gaz.",
"Z ostatnich doniesień wynika, że policja negocjuje poddanie się mężczyzny podejrzanego o współudział w zamachach z 21 lipca. Według informacji telewizji BBC tym mężczyzną może być Muktar Said Ibrahim, znany także jako \"Mahomet\". Inny podejrzany został wcześniej aresztowany w Birmingham.",
"Ewakuowano wszystkie osoby postronne znajdujące się w pobliżu miejsca akcji policji."
] | null | interlang link |
Armed police briefly surround a mosque in east London | 16,222 | [
"July 22, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Armed_police_briefly_surround_a_mosque_in_east_London | [
"Around 10.15am UTC, armed police surrounded a Mosque in East London because of a bomb scare. A short time afterwards, this cordon was lifted."
] | 2005-07-22 | title |
ロンドンのモスク、警官に一時包囲される | 16,222 | [
"July 22, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%B3%E3%81%AE%E3%83%A2%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AF%E3%80%81%E8%AD%A6%E5%AE%98%E3%81%AB%E4%B8%80%E6%99%82%E5%8C%85%E5%9B%B2%E3%81%95%E3%82%8C%E3%82%8B | [
] | 【2005年7月22日】 | interlang link |
Armed police shoot man dead on London Underground | 16,214 | [
"Metropolitan Police",
"July 22, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Suicide attacks",
"The Times (UK)"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Armed_police_shoot_man_dead_on_London_Underground | [
"London Metropolitan Police have confirmed that armed police officers shot and killed a man at Stockwell Underground station just after 10 a.m. BST this morning. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Sir Ian Blair, the Commissioner of London Metropolitan, told a press conference this afternoon that the man was challenged by police officers (not in uniform) but refused to follow instructions. Some witnesses claim he did not appear to be carrying any arms, but wore a heavy coat that may have concealed a weapon. One passenger, Anthony Larkin, said the man appeared to be wearing a “bomb belt”.",
"Mark Whitby, apparently the closest eye witness said; \"He half-tripped, was half-pushed to the floor. The policeman nearest to me had the black automatic pistol in his left hand, he held it down to the guy and unloaded five shots into him.\"",
"Police have revealed that the shooting was connected with yesterday's attempted attacks, but but have not confirmed him to be one of the four bombing suspects. Police sources have indicated that the man who was shot had been followed covertly, and after he was confronted he ran off and was followed on foot by up to twenty police from street level into the Underground station.",
"London Underground suspended some services on the Victoria and Northern lines, citing a request by the police. The Northern line was then completely suspended for a short time mid-afternoon after a security alert at Mornington Crescent Station.",
"The London Ambulance Service have dispatched ambulances and the air ambulance to the scene. The Metropolitan Police have cordoned off a 200 metre perimeter around the station.",
"Passenger Briony Coetsee said: \"We were on the Tube and then we suddenly heard someone say 'get out, get out' and then we heard gunshots.\"",
"Mark Whitby, who was sitting just five metres from the incident, told BBC News: \"I saw an Asian [of South Asian origin] guy run onto the train hotly pursued by three plain-clothes police officers. One of them was carrying a black handgun - it looked like an automatic - they pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him. He was wearing a large coat, unusual for the time of year.\"",
"“As the man got on the train I looked at his face. He looked from left to right, but he basically looked like a cornered rabbit, like a cornered fox. He looked absolutely petrified. He sort of tripped but they were hotly pursuing him and couldn't have been more than two or three feet behind him at this time. He half-tripped, was half-pushed to the floor. The policeman nearest to me had the black automatic pistol in his left hand, he held it down to the guy and unloaded five shots into him. I didn’t see any guns or anything like that; I didn’t see him carrying anything. I didn’t even see a bag to be quite honest.\"",
"Reports from ITV News suggested that the person shot was another suicide bomber. Sky News (web) reported the same, [1]\nbut later reported that \"initial examinations [...] did not discover any explosives on the suspect.\" [2]",
"Meanwhile, The Times reported that police believed the man to be one of the would-be bombers who escaped after the 21 July attacks. BBC News reported that the man had been under surveillance as a result of CCTV footage from the 21 July crime scenes.",
"BBC in London alerts: At-a-glance reports: Police say the man shot at Stockwell had been followed by surveillance officers because he had emerged from a house linked to the investigation into Thursday's blasts.",
"Passenger Anthony Larkin told BBC News the man appeared to be wearing a \"bomb belt with wires coming out\"."
] | 2005-07-22 | title |
Verdächtiger in London von Polizei erschossen | 16,214 | [
"Metropolitan Police",
"July 22, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Suicide attacks",
"The Times (UK)"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Verd%C3%A4chtiger_in_London_von_Polizei_erschossen | [
"London (Großbritannien), 22.07.2005 – Wie der Fernsehsender Sky TV unter Berufung auf Polizeikreise berichtet, haben Polizisten einen Verdächtigen verfolgt, der in eine U-Bahn im Süden der Stadt (U-Bahn-Station Stockwell) flüchtete. Eine Sprecherin der Londoner Polizei bestätigte Meldungen, er sei erschossen worden.",
"Angeblich handelte es sich um einen der mutmaßlichen Attentäter, die gestern wieder für Angst in der Metropole gesorgt hatten.",
"Die Polizei hat einen 200-Meter-Bereich um die U-Bahn-Station Stockwell abgesperrt. Die Bahnlinien Victoria und Northern Lines wurden nach Aufforderung durch die Polizei eingestellt. Krankenwagen seien unterwegs zu dem Schauplatz in Stockwell.",
"Der Augenzeuge Mark Witby sagte gegenüber BBC, er habe in der U-Bahn gesessen und seine Zeitung gelesen, als er ein lautes Geräusch gehört habe. „Runter, Runter!“ hätten Leute gerufen. „Ich sah einen Asiaten in den Zug rennen, der von drei zivilgekleideten Polizisten verfolgt wurde. Einer von ihnen hielt eine schwarze Handfeuerwaffe - es sah wie eine Automatik aus - sie schubsten ihn zu Boden, hielten ihn von oben fest und gaben fünf Schüsse auf ihn ab.“\nDer Verdächtige sei dadurch aufgefallen, dass er mit einem Wintermantel bekleidet gewesen sei.",
"Der Moslemische Rat von Großbritannien zeigte sich besorgt über eine mögliche „Todesschuss-Politik“. Ihr Sprecher Inayat Bunglawala sagte: „Es mag Gründe geben, warum die Polizei es für notwendig hielt fünf Schüsse auf den Mann abzugeben und ihn zu erschießen, aber sie werden diese Gründe erklären müssen.“",
"Ein anderer U-Bahn-Passagier, Anthony Larkin, sagte gegenüber BBC: „Ich habe diese Polizisten gesehen und sie riefen 'Runter, runter!' und ich sah diesen Kerl, der mir so vorkam, als hätte er einen Sprengstoffgürtel getragen mit Drähten, die da herausragten.“"
] | null | interlang link |
La policía británica dispara contra un sospechoso en el metro de Londres | 16,214 | [
"Metropolitan Police",
"July 22, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Suicide attacks",
"The Times (UK)"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/La_polic%C3%ADa_brit%C3%A1nica_dispara_contra_un_sospechoso_en_el_metro_de_Londres | [
"La policía británica ha abatido a un sospechoso en el metro de Londres. La estación donde ocurrieron los hechos fue Stockwell al sur de la capital, al intentar penetrar el presunto terrorista en uno de los vagones de un tren. La estación fue evacuada y quedaron suspendidas algunas líneas. El presunto terrorista resultó ser Jean Charles de Menezes, de nacionalidad brasileña, quien iba rumbo al trabajo.",
"Un portavoz de Scotland Yard declaró a los medios: \"Podemos confirmar que poco después de las 10 (09:00 UTC), agentes armados entraron en la estación de Stockwell y le ordenaron que se detuviera. Como hizo caso omiso, la Policía disparó y el hombre murió allí mismo\". Según testigos, el hombre abatido es de origen asiático. Saltó la barrera, entró al vagón y tropezó, hecho que aprovecharon los policías para abalanzársele y dispararle en cinco ocasiones a quemarropa, según declaró un testigo llamado Mark Whitby a la BBC.",
"En los exámenes iniciales practicados \"no se descubrieron explosivos en el sospechoso\". Sky News",
"La policía también acordonó la mezquita del este de Londres, muy cerca del centro financiero, media hora después del incidente en Stockwell.",
"Las autoridades siguen buscando a los autores de las explosiones del día anterior, que dejaron como saldo una persona herida. Scotland Yard ha publicado estas fotos:"
] | 22 de julio de 2005 | interlang link |
Scotland Yard a abattu un homme apparemment impliqué dans les attentats du 21 juillet | 16,214 | [
"Metropolitan Police",
"July 22, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Suicide attacks",
"The Times (UK)"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Scotland_Yard_a_abattu_un_homme_apparemment_impliqu%C3%A9_dans_les_attentats_du_21_juillet | [
"Scotland Yard, la police britannique, a confirmé les rumeurs et témoignages selon lesquels trois policiers en civil auraient abattu un homme à la station de Stockwell. Les coups de feu ayant entraîné la mort se seraient produits aux alentours de 9:00 UTC (10:00 locales). La station avait au préalable été évacuée. Il n'est pas pour l'instant clair s'il s'agissait ou non d'un des kamikazes qui avaient vainement essayé de faire sauter quatre bombes jeudi.",
"Selon Mark Whitby, un témoin oculaire, trois officiers de police auraient poursuivi un homme d'origine « asiatique » et plus précisément « pakistanaise », un d'entre eux tirant cinq balles d'un pistolet « noir, probablement automatique » sur le suspect, maintenu au sol. Il aurait été touché à la tête. L'homme portait un long manteau d'hiver, selon M.Whitby [source].",
"Parallèlement, on apprend que la police a identifé les auteurs des attentats manqués de jeudi. Des photos, tirées des caméras de vidéosurveillance ont été rendues publiques. Il s'agirait de quatre hommes, âgés entre 18 et 40 ans, d'origine nord-africaine et pakistanaise."
] | Publié le 22 juillet 2005 | interlang link |
ロンドンの地下鉄で警官が男性を射殺 | 16,214 | [
"Metropolitan Police",
"July 22, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom",
"Suicide attacks",
"The Times (UK)"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%B3%E3%81%AE%E5%9C%B0%E4%B8%8B%E9%89%84%E3%81%A7%E8%AD%A6%E5%AE%98%E3%81%8C%E7%94%B7%E6%80%A7%E3%82%92%E5%B0%84%E6%AE%BA | [
"BBCニュースによると警察の要請によりロンドン地下鉄はヴィクトリア線とノーザン線の運行を見合わせているという。ロンドン救急サービス (LAS) は救急車と救急ヘリコプターを現場に派遣している。ロンドン首都警察はストックウェル駅の周囲200メートルを封鎖している。",
"乗客の一人、Briony Coetseeさんによると、車内で突然「降りろ」という声が聞こえて、銃声が聞こえたという。",
"5メートルほど離れた所に座っていた乗客マーク・ウィットビーさんがBBCに語った話によると、「私服警官3名に追われていた(南)アジア系の男性が警官によって床に押しつけられ、5発の銃弾を打ち込まれ」、また「犯人は野球帽をかぶり、冬に着るような厚いコートを着ていた」という。乗客ジェイソン・ダインズさんがBBSのNews 24に語ったところによると、銃声の後プラットフォームにいた人々は出口に走り出し、列車内の乗客はパニックとなりドアを叩いて開けるよう求めていたという。"
] | 【2005年7月23日】 | interlang link |
Armed troops take control of Suva, Fiji | 55,668 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"November 30, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Armed_troops_take_control_of_Suva,_Fiji | [
"Armed Fijian soldiers took control of the streets of Suva, Fiji just before dawn",
"In a show of force, the troops fired a mortar into the harbour and over Nukulau Island, where George Speight, leader of the Fiji Coup of 2000, is currently serving a term of life imprisonment for his role in the overthrow of the constitutional government. Most of the mortar rounds fell into the ocean.",
"Soldiers, travelling in a convoy of trucks, set up barricades on key roads that led into the central business district of Suva while others patrolled the city.",
"Major Neumi Leweni, a military spokesman, said that the activity is not a military coup in disguise. \"The exercise is in anticipation of any foreign intervention and the [Fiji military] is taking all precautionary measures.\" He pointed out to sea where an Australian black hawk helicopter had crashed and where three Australian warships were moored. Australian officials said the ships were there in case Australian citizens needed to be evacuated.",
"The black hawk helicopter that had crashed was attempting to land on the HMAS Kanimbla, and its passengers were Special Air Service soldiers. Referring to the crash, Major Leweni said: \"[It] just confirms that there are other forces out there and that is exactly why we are doing this exercise\".",
"Talks in New Zealand between Laisenia Qarase, Prime Minister of Fiji, and , military commander Commodore Frank Bainimarama concluded without an agreement. Winston Peters, foreign minister for New Zealand, said the talks were \"lengthy, serious and meaningful\", but ultimately unsuccessful. Mr. Qarase said the three hour talks were not long enough to get to any conclusion, \"...it was a good start and there is need for further consultations on some of the issues.\"",
"Mr Qarase arrived at Nadi via a Royal New Zealand Air Force plane and then flew on an Air Chatham Islands plan to Suva. He was met by questioning media. Mr Qarase remained quiet. Commodore Bainimarama also said nothing to the awaiting media when he arrived in Fiji on a commercial flight.",
"Mr Qarase has requested that all regional foreign ministers come to a meeting being held in Sydney, Australia tomorrow that is related to the coup threats.",
"Countries that are part of the Pacific Forum are able to help other member countries, if the government asks for help.",
"Ambassadors from the United States of America, Australia and Britain have all met with Fijian military officers to seek insurances that there wasn't going to be a coup. Major Lewini responded angrily, \"[It is] inappropriate for a civilian diplomat to visit a military camp and seek to speak directly to officers,\" he said.",
"\"I'm not aware anyone's threatening foreign intervention. I can assure you New Zealand isn't,\" Helen Clark, Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand, said.",
"At the same time, Andrew Hughes, police commissioner for Fiji, is currently on leave in Brisbane following threats. Moses Driver will now act as the police commissioner.",
"The military has said they will \"clean up\" the government if the armed forces do not get three controversial bills passed and all investigations into senior military officers are dropped.",
"The military has said that they do not need police permission to conduct such exercises."
] | 2006-11-30 | title |
Fidji : des troupes armées contrôlent la capitale Suva | 55,668 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"November 30, 2006"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Fidji_:_des_troupes_arm%C3%A9es_contr%C3%B4lent_la_capitale_Suva | [
"Des militaires fidjiens en arme et en tenue de combat ont pris le contrôle des rues de Suva juste avant l'aube pour éviter toute ingérence étrangère et sécuriser les zones stratégiques selon le porte-parole militaire, le Major Neumi Leweni.",
"Ils ont effectué des démonstrations de force dans la rue, en employant un mortier et en faisant feu sur le port et vers l'île de Kuluau où George Speight, le chef sur coup d'état de 2000, effectue une peine de prison à vie pour son rôle dans le renversement du gouvernement constitutionnel. La plupart des coups n'ont pas porté et sont tombés dans l'océan.",
"Des soldats, transportés sur des camions, ont mis en place des barricades sur les routes principales qui conduisent dans le C.B.D. (traduction?) de Suva alors que des soldats en arme patrouillent la ville.",
"Le Major Leweni a indiqué que cette action militaire n'était pas un coup d'état déguisé. \"Cet exercice est effectué en anticipation de toute action étrangère et [l'armée fidjienne] prend toutes les mesures nécessaires\". Il montre la mer où un hélicoptère black hawk australien s'est écrasé et où trois bateaux de guerre australiens sont au mouillage. Les autorités australiennes ont indiqué que ces navires était présent au cas où des citoyens australiens devaient être évacués.",
"L'hélicoptère s'est écrasé en tentant de se poser sur le Kanimbla, ses passagers étaient des membres des forces spéciales de l'armée de l'air. Selon le Major Leweni : \"cela confirme la présence de forces extérieures et c'est exactement pourquoi nous pratiquons cet exercice\".",
"Les pourparlers qui se sont déroulés dans la Maison du Gouvernement à Wellington (Nouvelle-Zélande) entre Laisenia Qarase, le premier ministre Fidjien et le Commodore Frank Bainarama, mais ont échoué. Le premier ministre néo-zélandais, Winston Peter, a décrit la réunion comme 'longue, sérieuse et significative\". M. Quarase a dit que trois heures de discussions étaient insuffisantes pour arriver à une conclusion, \"...c'est un bon début et il y a besoin d'autres réunions pour régler certains problèmes\". Le commodore n'a pas fait de déclaration."
] | Publié le 1er décembre 2006 | interlang link |
Armorize Technologies: Crimes use "Edison Chen's nude photos" as a web phishing tool | 100,154 | [
"Original reporting",
"2008 SecuTech Expo",
"Science and technology",
"Translated news",
"Hong Kong",
"Crime and law",
"February 23, 2008"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Armorize_Technologies:_Crimes_use_%22Edison_Chen%27s_nude_photos%22_as_a_web_phishing_tool | [
"In a recent press conference by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China, Armorize Technologies disclosed details on web-phishing crimes related to the \"Edison Chen photo scandal\".",
"The scandal which has become a hot topic in the Chinese-language world - especially in Hong Kong - has seen some governments discipline the public for distributing these related photos.",
"According to Armorize Technologies, organized crime gangs have distributed malicious code recently masquerading as \"Edison's photos\" through phishing, e-mail hacking, and peer-to-peer file transfer. Even though Google will attempt to tag these phishing sites as dangerous to a user's computer, there are many instances where the malicious code will not be found by anti-virus software such as Norton AntiVirus, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Trend Micro Internet Security, and NOD32.",
"Also in this conference, Armorize described their HackAlert service:",
"Edison Chen had claimed to quit the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, but the (photo) scandal shows yet another information security crisis on the World Wide Web that includes Taiwan."
] | 2008-02-23 | title |
香港藝人淫照案風波 全球資訊安全陷入危機 | 100,154 | [
"Original reporting",
"2008 SecuTech Expo",
"Science and technology",
"Translated news",
"Hong Kong",
"Crime and law",
"February 23, 2008"
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E8%97%9D%E4%BA%BA%E6%B7%AB%E7%85%A7%E6%A1%88%E9%A2%A8%E6%B3%A2_%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E8%B3%87%E8%A8%8A%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8%E9%99%B7%E5%85%A5%E5%8D%B1%E6%A9%9F | [
] | 【2008年2月22日讯】 | interlang link |
Arrest made as mayor of Gdańsk, Poland stabbed on stage | 2,860,143 | [
"Paweł Adamowicz",
"Donald Tusk",
"January 14, 2019",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Andrzej Duda",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Arrest_made_as_mayor_of_Gda%C5%84sk,_Poland_stabbed_on_stage | [
"An individual has been arrested after Paweł Adamowicz, mayor of the Polish city of Gdańsk, was stabbed last night whilst on stage at a fundraising event. He died today.",
"Reports on the implement used vary between a knife and a \"sharp tool\". The attacker is reported to have jumped on stage during the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and claimed he was wrongfully imprisoned under Adamowicz's former party Civic Platform's time in government. Adamowicz was an early supporter of democracy, and has been mayor since 1998.",
"Ex-Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the current President of the European Council, wrote \"Let's all pray for Mayor Adamowicz. Paweł, we are with you.\" Tusk, a founding Civic Platform member, is from Gdańsk. Interior Minister Joachim Brudziński called the stabbing \"an act of inexplicable barbarity.\" He said \"I can’t find the words, an explanation, for this kind of act. Especially since the finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has for the last 27 years always been associated with good, with something joyful, positive.\"",
"The fundraiser was intending this year to obtain money for children's hospitals to buy equipment. It raises money annually to assist the nation's medical services.",
"Brudziński said Adamowicz required resuscitation, and was in a \"serious\" condition; TVN24 reported he received surgery. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki tweeted \"We are with Mayor Adamowicz in our thoughts and prayers.\" President Andrzej Duda remarked, \"Today I am unconditionally with him and his loved ones, just as I hope all of us compatriots are. I pray for his return to health and full strength.\"",
"Duda told local media Adamowicz's heart was restarted by doctors \"and there is hope, but his condition is very difficult.\" Police spokesman Mariusz Ciarka said a press badge was used by the assailant, reported by The Guardian as convicted of assaults and by Associated Press of bank robberies, to gain entry. The detained suspect's identity is restricted to 'Stefan W' owing to Polish privacy legislation.",
"Adamowicz was taken to the Medical University of Gdańsk, where Dr. Tomasz Stefaniak was met with applause early today upon announcing to journalists Adamowicz remained alive. \"The next hours will decide everything,\" Stefaniak said. Politicians and the Archbishop of Gdańsk, Sławoj Leszek Głódź, were reported by local media to have visited the hospital while Adamowicz received emergency surgery.",
"Adamowicz subsequently was announced to have died. Health Minister Łukasz Szumowski said \"We couldn’t win,\" and the city flag is at half-mast. Gdańsk residents donated blood by the hundreds today in a bid to assist. Vigils nationwide this evening were attended by thousands.",
"Adamowicz, 53, has supported LGBT rights and and the inclusion of minority groups. He recently condemned anti-semitism after vandalism against a synagogue in the city. Adamowicz was at the event after collecting money for the organisation in Gdańsk's streets alongside volunteers nationwide.",
"A potential charge of murder against Stefan W carries a possible life sentence. Prosecutor Krzysztof Sierak told reporters today psychiatric assessments will be carried out to confirm if Stefan W is fit for trial."
] | 2019-01-14 | title |
Neergestaoke börgermeister Danzig gehieëmeldj | 2,860,143 | [
"Paweł Adamowicz",
"Donald Tusk",
"January 14, 2019",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Andrzej Duda",
] | li | https://li.wikinews.org/wiki/Neergestaoke_b%C3%B6rgermeister_Danzig_gehie%C3%ABmeldj | [
"Veurblaad - Lètste verangeringe, Willekäörige pazjena, Veur pagina's in, Alle artikele - De Kaffee, Zandjbak, Hölp, Spellingshölp - Nuujseuverzich",
"MOFERT - 14 jannewarie 2019 - Paweł Adamowicz (en), de börgermeister vanne Poolse stad Danzig (Gdańsk), dae gister tiejes 'n manifestaasje veur e good doel vanne WOŚP op 't podium woort aangevallen en inne boek en zien hert woort gestaoke, is in 't krankenhoes gestorven aan zien verwónje. De dokters höbbe det dizmörges bekandjgemaak. De börgermeister woort de aafgeloupe nach veur oere lang opereerdj en in e coma gehaje. De inweuners van Danzig woorten ouch in groeate getalen opgerope veur blood te donere veur Adamowicz, meh det al baadje nieks. Adamowicz is drieënvieftig jaor aad gewaore.",
"d'n Däöjer is de zevenentwintjigjäörige Stefan W. Dem zie motief is nanneet gans dudelik. Me zaet det t'r haet gerope wraak te wille numme, went hae zów ónterech in 't gevank höbbe gezaete wie Adamowicz zien partie, 't Börgerplatform, ane mach waas.",
"Dit artikel besleit aad nuujs en maak deil oet van oos arsjief van nuujsberichte."
] | null | interlang link |
Neergestoken burgemeester Gdańsk overleden | 2,860,143 | [
"Paweł Adamowicz",
"Donald Tusk",
"January 14, 2019",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Andrzej Duda",
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Neergestoken_burgemeester_Gda%C5%84sk_overleden | [
"Paweł Adamowicz, de burgemeester van de Poolse stad Gdańsk die gisteren tijdens een liefdadigheidsmanifestatie van WOŚP (en) op het podium werd aangevallen en in zijn buik en hart gestoken, is in het ziekenhuis aan zijn verwondingen overleden. Dit hebben artsen vanmorgen bekendgemaakt. De burgemeester werd afgelopen nacht urenlang geopereerd en in coma gehouden. Inwoners van Gdańsk werden ook in groten getale opgeroepen om bloed voor Adamowicz te doneren, maar dit alles mocht dus niet baten. Adamowicz was 53 jaar.",
"De dader is de 27-jarige Stefan W., over wiens motief nog weinig duidelijk is. Hij zou hebben geroepen dat hij wraak wilde nemen, omdat hij toen Adamowicz' partij Burgerplatform aan de macht was onterecht in de gevangenis was gezet.",
"In Gdańsk is een stille tocht voor de burgemeester gehouden. In Warschau en andere Poolse steden zijn anti-gewelddemonstraties gehouden."
] | 14 januari 2019 | interlang link |
Subsets and Splits