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414 | We know many Greek politicians, scientists, and artists. Possibly the most known person of this culture is Homer, the legendary blind poet, who composed two masterpieces of Greek literature: the poems Iliad and Odyssey. | Biz ko'plab yunon siyosatchilari, olimlari va musavvirlarini bilamiz. Ehtimol, bu madaniyatning eng mashhur shaxsi Yunon adabiyotining ikki shoh asarlari "Iliada" va "Odissey" dostonlarini yozgan, ko'zi ojiz afsonaviy shoir Gomerdir. |
415 | Sophocles and Aristophanes are still popular playwrights and their plays are considered to be among the greatest works of world literature. | Sofokl va Aristofan hanuzgacha taniqli dramanavislar bo'lib, ularning asarlari jahon adabiyotining durdona asarlaridan hisoblanadi. |
416 | Another famous Greek is a mathematician Pythagoras, mostly known for his famous theorem about relations of the sides of right triangles. | Yana bir mashhur grek bu asosan o'zining to'g'ri burchakli uchburchakning tomonlari o'rtasidagi munosabatlar teoremasi bilan mashhur bo'lgan matematik Pifagordir. |
417 | There are varying estimates for how many people speak Hindi. It is estimated to be between the second and fourth most commonly spoken language in the world. | Hind tilida qancha odam gaplashishi haqida turli taxminlar mavjud. Uning dunyoda eng keng tarqalgan ikkinchi va to'rtinchi tillar orasida ekani taxmin qilinadi. |
418 | The number of native speakers varies depending on whether or not very closely related dialects are counted. | Ona tilida so'zlashuvchilar soni juda yaqin bog'langan dialektlarlarning hisobga olingan yoki olinmaganiga bog'liq ravishda farq qiladi. |
419 | Estimates range from 340 million to 500 million speakers, and as many as 800 million people can understand the language. | Hisob-kitoblarga ko'ra, so'zlovchilari 340 milliondan 500 milliongacha bo'lib, 800 millionga yaqin odam bu tilni tushuna oladi. |
420 | Hindi and Urdu are similar in vocabulary but different in script; in everyday conversations, speakers of both languages can usually understand each other. | Hind va urdu tili lug'at jihatidan o'xshash, lekin yozuv jihatidan farqli; kundalik suhbatlarda, odatda, har ikkala tilda gapiruvchilar bir-birini tushunadi. |
421 | Around the 15th century, northern Estonia was under great cultural influence of Germany. | Taxminan 15-asrlarda Shimoliy Estoniya Germaniyaning ulkan madaniy ta'siri ostida yashagan. |
422 | Some German monks wanted to bring God closer to the native people, so they invented the Estonian literal language. | Ayrim nemis rohiblari Xudoni tub xalqqa yaqinlashtirishni xohlashdi, shuning uchun ular eston adabiy tilini yaratishdi. |
423 | It was based on the German alphabet and one character "Γ/Γ΅" was added. | U nemis alifbosiga asoslangan hamda birgina "Γ/Γ΅" belgisi qo'shilgan edi. |
424 | As time passed, many words that were borrowed from German coalesced. This was the beginning of enlightenment. | Vaqt o'tishi bilan, nemis tilidan kirib kelgan ko'plab so'zlar birlashdi. Bu ma'rifatning ibtidosi edi. |
425 | Traditionally, the heir to the throne would go straight into the military after finishing school. | An'anaga ko'ra, taxt vorisi maktabni tamomlagach, to'g'ri harbiy xizmatga jo'nardi. |
427 | Charles was the first member of the British Royal Family to be awarded a degree. | Charlz Britaniya Qirollik oilasining daraja bilan taqdirlangan dastlabki a'zosi bo'lgan. |
428 | European Turkey (eastern Thrace or Rumelia in the Balkan peninsula) includes 3% of the country. | Turkiyaning Yevropa qismi (sharqiy Frakiya yoki Bolqon yarim orolidagi Rumeliya deb ham ataladi) mamlakatning 3% hududini qamrab olgan. |
430 | Turkey's area, including lakes, occupies 783,562 square kilometres (300,948 sq mi), of which 755,688 square kilometres (291,773 sq mi) are in south west Asia and 23,764 square kilometres (9,174 sq mi) in Europe. | Turkiyaning maydoni, ko'llarni hisobga olgan holda, 783 562 kvadrat kilometerni (300 948 kvadrat milya) egallaydi, shundan 755 688 kvadrat kilometr (291 773 kvadrat milya) janubiy g'arbiy Osiyoda va 23 764 kvadrat kilometr (9174 kvadrat milya) Yevropada joylashgan. |
431 | Turkey's area makes it the world's 37th-largest country, and is about the size of Metropolitan France and the United Kingdom combined. | Turkiya hududi uni dunyodagi 37-eng yirik mamlakatga aylantiradi va deyarli Metropliten Fransiya hamda Birlashgan Qirollikning birgalikdagi maydoniga teng. |
432 | Turkey is encircled by seas on three sides: the Aegean Sea to the west, the Black Sea to the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. | Turkiya uch tomondan dengizlar bilan o'ralgan: g'arbda Egey dengizi, shimolda Qora dengiz, janubda o'rta Yer dengizi joylashgan. |
433 | Luxembourg has a long history but its independence dates from 1839. | Lyuksemburgning uzun tarixi bor, lekin uning mustaqilligi 1839-yildan boshlanadi. |
434 | Present-day parts of Belgium were part of Luxembourg in the past but became Belgian after the 1830s Belgian Revolution. | Belgiyaning hozirgi kundagi hududlari o'tmishda Lyuksemburgning tarkibida bo'lgan, biroq 1830-yillardagi Belgiya inqilobidan so'ng Belgiya hududiga aylangan. |
435 | Luxembourg has always tried to remain a neutral country but it was occupied in both World War I and World War II by Germany. | Lyuksemburg doim betaraf mamlakat bo'lib qolishga harakat qilgan, ammo Birinchi jahon urushida ham, Ikkinchi jahon urushida ham Germaniya tomonidan bosib olingan. |
436 | In 1957 Luxembourg became a founding member of the organization which is today known as the European Union. | 1957-yilda Lyuksemburg hozirda Yevropa Ittifoqi sifatida tanilgan tashkilotning ta'sischi a'zosi bo'lgan. |
437 | The Drukgyal Dzong is a ruined fortress and Buddhist monastery in the upper part of the Paro District (in Phondey Village). | Drukgyal Dzong β Paro tumanining yuqori qismida (Phondey qishlog'ida) joylashgan vayron qilingan qal'a va buddaviylik monastiri. |
438 | It is said that in 1649, Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel created the fortress to commemorate his victory against the Tibetan-Mongol forces. | Aytishlaricha, 1649-yili Zabdrung Ngavang Namgyel Tibet-mo'g'ul kuchlariga ustidan g'alabasini xotirlash maqsadida mazkur qal'ani bunyod etgan. |
439 | In 1951, a fire caused for only some of the relics of the Drukgyal Dzong to remain, such as the image of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. | 1951-yili yong'in tufayli Drukgyal Dzongning faqat ayrim qoldiqlari, masalan, Zabdrung Ngavang Namgyal surati qoldi, xolos. |
440 | After the fire, the fortress was preserved and protected, remaining to be one of Bhutan's most sensational attractions. | Yong'indan so'ng qal'a saqlab qolindi va himoyaga olindi, u Butandagi eng shov-shuvli jozibador maskanlaridan biri bo'lib qoldi. |
441 | During the 18th century Cambodia found itself squeezed between two powerful neighbors, Thailand and Vietnam. | 18-asrda Kambodja Tailand va Vetnamdek ikki qudratli qo'shnisi orasida siquvda qoldi. |
442 | The Thais invaded Cambodia several times in the 18th century and in 1772 they destroyed Phnom Phen. | 18-asrda taylandliklar Kambodjaga bir necha marotaba bostirib kirgan va 1772-yil Pnom Fenni vayron qilgan. |
443 | In the last years of the 18th century the Vietnamese also invaded Cambodia. | 18-asrning oxirgi yillarida vetnamliklar ham Kambodjani istilo qildi. |
444 | Eighteen percent of Venezuelans are unemployed, and most of those who are employed work in the informal economy. | Venesuelaliklarning o'n sakkiz foizi ishsiz bo'lib, ish bilan ta'minlanganlarning ko'pchiligi norasmiy iqtisodda ishlaydi. |
445 | Two thirds of Venezuelans who work do so in the service sector, nearly a quarter work in industry and a fifth work in agriculture. | Ishlaydigan venesuelaliklarning uchdan ikki qismi xizmat ko'rsatish sohasida mehnat qiladi, deyarli chorak qismi sanoatda va beshdan bir qismi qishloq xo'jaligida ishlaydi. |
446 | An important industry for Venezuelans is oil, where the country is a net exporter, even though only one percent work in the oil industry. | Venesuelaliklar uchun muhim sanoat bu mamlakat sof eksportchi bo'lgan neft sanoatidir, garchi neft sanoatida aholining faqat bir foizi ishlasa ham. |
447 | Early in the nation's independence, Singapore Botanic Gardens' expertise helped to transform the island into a tropical Garden City. | Davlat mustaqilligining ilk kunlarida Singapur Botanika bog'i ekspertlari orolni tropik bog' shaharga aylantirishga ko'maklashdilar. |
448 | In 1981, Vanda Miss Joaquim, an orchid hybrid, was chosen as the nation's national flower. | 1981-yili orxideya gibridi bo'lgan Vanda Miss Joakim xalqning milliy guli sifatida tanlab olindi. |
450 | And then back to the north through the west, once again crossing the Mara river, after the rains in around April. | Va keyin aprel oyidagi yomg'irdan so'ng g'arb orqali, yana Mara daryosini kesib o'tib, shimolga qaytiladi. |
452 | Learning to create interactive media requires conventional and traditional skills, as well as tools mastered in interactive classes (storyboarding, audio and video editing, story telling, etc.) | Interfaol mediani yaratishni o'rganish uchun odatiy va an'anaviy ko'nikmalar, shuningdek, interfaol darslarda o'rganilgan vositalar (hikoya taxtasini yaratish, audio va videoni tahrirlash, hikoya so'zlash va h.k.) talab etiladi. |
453 | Interactive design requires that you re-assess your assumptions about media production and learn to think in a non-linear ways. | Interfaol dizayn media mahsulot haqidagi taxminlaringizni qayta baholashingizni va noodatiy usullar orqali o'ylashni o'rganishni talab qiladi. |
454 | Interactive design requires that components of a project connect to each other, but also make sense as a separate entity. | Interaktiv dizayn loyiha komponentlarining bir-birlariga bog'lanishlarini, biroq alohida element sifatida ma'noga ega bo'lishlarini ham talab qiladi. |
455 | The disadvantage of zoom lenses is that the focal complexity and number of lens elements required to achieve a range of focal lengths is much greater than for prime lenses. | Yaqinlashtiruvchi linzalarning asosiy noqulayligi shundan iboratki, fokusning murakkabligi va fokus masofasiga erishish uchun talab qilingan linza elementlari soni asosiy fokusli linzalarga qaraganda ancha katta bo'ladi. |
456 | This is becoming less of an issue as lens manufacturers achieve higher standards in lens production. | Obyektiv ishlab chiqaruvchilarning obyektiv ishlab chiqarishda erishgan yuqori standartlari tufayli bu tobora arzimas muammoga aylanib bormoqda. |
457 | This has allowed zoom lenses to produce pictures of a quality comparable to that achieved by lenses with fixed focal length. | Bu yaqinlashtirish linzalari o'zgarmas fokusli linzalar yordamida erishilgan natija bilan taqqoslanadigan rasmlar yaratish imkonini beradi. |
458 | Another disadvantage of zoom lenses is that the maximum aperture (the speed) of the lens is usually lower. | Yaqinlashtiruvchi obyektivlarning boshqa bir kamchiligi shundaki, obyektivning maksimal diafragmasi (tezligi) odatda pastroq bo'ladi. |
459 | This makes inexpensive zoom lenses hard to use in low-light conditions without a flash. | Bu yorug'lik kam bo'lgan sharoitlarda arzon kattalashtiruvchi linzalardan chaqnoqsiz foydalanishni qiyinlashtiradi. |
460 | One of the most common problems when trying to convert a movie to DVD format is the overscan. | Kinofilmni DVD formatiga aylantirishda eng ko'p uchraydigan muammolardan biri bu tasvirni ortiqcha yoyib yuborishdir. |
461 | Most televisions are made in a way to please the general public. | Ko'pchilik televideniyelar keng ommaga yoqadigan tarzda tayyorlanadi. |
462 | For that reason, everything you see on the TV had the borders cut, top, bottom and sides. | Ana shu sababli siz televizorda ko'radigan barcha narsalar yuqoridan, pastdan va yon tomonlardan kesilgan chegaralarga ega bo'ladi. |
463 | This is made to ensure that the image covers the whole screen. That is called overscan. | Bu tasvir ekranni to'liq qoplashini ta'minlash uchun qilingan. Bu overskan deyiladi. |
464 | Unfortunately, when you make a DVD, it's borders will most likely be cut too, and if the video had subtitles too close to the bottom, they won't be fully shown. | Afsuski, DVDga yozganingizda uning chetlari ham kesilishi mumkin, agar videoda taglavha tag qismga juda yaqin joylashgan bo'lsa, ular ko'rinmaydi. |
465 | The traditional medieval castle has long inspired the imagination, conjuring up images of jousts, banquets and Arthurian chivalry. | An'anaviy o'rta asrlar qal'asi ritsarlar turnirlari, banketlar va Artur rutsarligini qiyofalantirgan holda uzoq vaqtlar tasavvurlarni ilhomlantirib keldi. |
467 | But is our imagination based on reality? Why were castles built in the first place? How were they designed and built? | Biroq bizning tasavvurimiz haqiqatga asoslanganmi? Nega birinchi navbatda qasrlar qurilgan? Ular qanday qilib loyihalashtirilgan va bunyod etilgan? |
468 | Typical for the period, Kirby Muxloe Castle is more of a fortified house than a true castle. | o'sha davrga xos bo'lgan Kibri Muxloe qal'asi haqiqiy qal'adan ko'ra, ko'proq mustahkamligi oshirilgan uydir. |
469 | Its large glazed windows and thin walls would not have been able to resist a determined attack for long. | Uning katta oynaband derazalari va ingichka devori keskin hujumga uzoq dosh berolmagan bo'lardi. |
470 | In the 1480s, when its construction was begun by Lord Hastings, the country was relatively peaceful and defense was only required against small bands of roving marauders. | 1480-yillarda qurilishi Lord Gastings tomonidan boshlangan vaqtda mamlakat nisbatan tinch bo'lgan va mudofaa izg'ib yurgan mayda qaroqchilar to'dalariga qarshi talab qilingan xolos. |
471 | The balance of power was a system in which European nations sought to maintain the national sovereignty of all European states. | Kuchlar muvozanati Yevropa mamlakatlari barcha Yevropa davlatlarining milliy suverenitetini saqlashga harakat qilgan tizim edi. |
472 | The concept was that all European nations had to seek to prevent one nation from becoming powerful, and thus national governments often changed their alliances in order to maintain the balance. | Konsepsiya Yevropaning barcha davlatlari bir davlatning qudratli bo'lishing oldini olishga intilishlaridan iborat edi va shu tarzda milliy hukumatlar muvozanatni saqlash maqsadida o'z ittifoqlarini tez-tez o'zgartirib turardilar. |
473 | The War of Spanish Succession marked the first war whose central issue was the balance of power. | Ispaniya merosi uchun urush kuchlar muvozanati asosiy muammosi bo'lgan birinchi urushni belgilab berdi. |
474 | This marked an important change, as European powers would no longer have the pretext of being religious wars. Thus, the Thirty Years' War would be the last war to be labeled a religious war. | Bu muhim o'zgarish bo'ldi, chunki Yevropaning qudratli davlatlari endi diniy urushni bahona qila olmas edi. Shu tarzda, diniy urush deb nomlangan o'ttiz yillik urush oxirgi urush bo'ldi. |
475 | The temple of Artemis at Ephesus was destroyed on July 21, 356 BCE in an act of arson committed by Herostratus. | Efesdagi Artemida ibodatxonasi m.a. 356-yil 21-iyulda Gerostratning qasddan o't qo'yishi oqibatida vayron qilingan. |
476 | According to the story, his motivation was fame at any cost. The Ephesians, outraged, announced that Herostratus' name never be recorded. | Hikoyaga ko'ra, uning muddaosi istalgancha badal evaziga mashhur bo'lish edi. G'azablangan efesliklar Gerostratning nomi hech qachon qayd etilmasligini e'lon qiladi. |
477 | The Greek historian Strabo later noted the name, which is how we know today. The temple was destroyed on the same night that Alexander the Great was born. | Keyinchalik yunon tarixchisi Strabon mazkur nomni qayd etgan, shu tarzda biz bugun undan xabardormiz. Ibodatxona Buyuk Aleksandr dunyoga kelgan tunda vayron etilgan. |
478 | Alexander, as king, offered to pay to rebuild the temple, but his offer was denied. Later, after Alexander died, the temple was rebuilt in 323 BCE. | Aleksandr shoh sifatida ibodatxonani qayta qurish uchun pul to'lashni taklif qildi, biroq uning taklifi rad etildi. Keyinchalik, Aleksandr vafotidan so'ng, m.a.323-yilda ibodatxona qayta barpo qilindi. |
479 | Make sure your hand is as relaxed as possible while still hitting all the notes correctly - also try not to make much extraneous motion with your fingers. | Notalarning barchasini to'g'ri bosar ekansiz, qo'lingizning iloji boricha bo'shashganligiga ishonch hosil qiling β shuningdek, barmoqlaringiz bilan tegishli bo'lmagan harakatlarni ko'p qilmaslikka urining. |
480 | This way, you will tire yourself out as little as possible. Remember there's no need to hit the keys with a lot of force for extra volume like on the piano. | Shu tarzda, siz o'zingizni imkon qadar kamroq toliqtirasiz. Unutmang, pianinodagi singari qo'shimcha kuch uchun klaviaturani katta kuch bilan urishga hojat yo'q. |
481 | On the accordion, to get extra volume, you use the bellows with more pressure or speed. | Akkordeonda qo'shimcha tovush chiqarish uchun ohangdan kuchliroq bosim yoxud tezlik bilan foydalanasiz. |
482 | Mysticism is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God. | Tasavvuf β bu yakuniy voqelik, ilohiylik, ma'naviy ishonch yoki Xudodan ongli ravishda xabardor bo'lish, o'zlikni anglash, Xudo bilan muloqotda bo'lish istagining mavjudligidir. |
483 | The believer seeks a direct experience, intuition, or insight into divine reality/the deity or dieties. | E'tiqod qiluvchi ilohiy borliq/ma'bud yoki ma'budlarga bo'lgan bevosita tajriba, ichki his yoki tushunchani izlaydi. |
484 | Followers pursue certain ways of living, or practices that are intended to nurture those experiences. | Shogirdlar hayotning muayyan yo'llarini yoxud ushbu tajribani boyitishga qaratilgan amaliyotlarni davom ettiradilar. |
486 | Sikhism is a religion from the Indian sub-continent. It originated in the Punjab region during the 15th century from a sectarian split within the Hindu tradition. | Sikxizm Hind submaterigidagi dindir. U Panjob mintaqasida 15-asrda Hinduizm an'analari doirasidagi sektalarga bo'linish natijasida kelib chiqqan. |
487 | Sikhs consider their faith to be a separate religion from Hinduism though they acknowledge its Hindu roots and traditions. | Sikxlar garchi o'z e'tiqodlarining Hinduizm asosidagi ildizlar va an'analarga egaligini tan olsalar ham, uni hinduizmdan alohida din deb hisoblaydilar. |
488 | Sikhs call their religion Gurmat, which is Punjabi for "way of the guru". The guru is a fundamental aspect of all Indian religions but in Sikhism has taken on an importance that forms the core of Sikh beliefs. | Sikxlar o'z dinini "Gurmat" deb ataydi, bu panjob tilida "guru yo'li" degani. Guru barcha hind dinlarining asosiy xususiyatidir, biroq sikxizmda sikx e'tiqodi asosini tashkil etuvchi ahamiyatga ega. |
489 | The religion was founded in the 15th century by Guru Nanak (1469β1539). There followed in succession a further nine gurus. | Mazkur dinga Guru Nanak (1469β1539) tomonidan 15-asrda asos solingan. So'ngra to'qqiz nafar guru ketma-ket ergashdi. |
490 | However, in June 1956, Krushchev's promises were put to the test when riots in Poland, where workers were protesting against food shortages and wage cuts, turned into a general protest against Communism. | Biroq 1956-yilning iyunida xodimlar oziq-ovqat tanqisligi hamda ish haqi kamaytirilishiga qarshi namoyishlar o'tkazayotgan joyda, kommunizmga qarshi umumiy norozilikka aylanib ketganda, Polshadagi tartibsizliklar vaqtida Xrushchevning va'dalari sinovdan o'tkazildi. |
491 | Although in the end, Krushchev sent in tanks to restore order, he did give way to some economic demands and agreed to appoint the popular Wladyslaw Gomulka as the new prime minister. | Oxir-oqibat, Xrushchyov tartibni qayta tiklash maqsadida tanklarni yuborganligiga qaramay, u ayrim iqtisodiy talablarga yon berdi hamda mashhur Vladislav Gomulkani yangi bosh vazir etib tayinlashga rozilik berdi. |
492 | The Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze Age civilisation in the northwest Indian subcontinent encompassing most of modern-day Pakistan and some regions in northwest India and northeast Afghanistan. | Hind vodiysi sivilizatsiyasi β hozirgi Pokistonning aksariyat qismi hamda shimoli-sharqiy Afg'oniston va shimoli-g'arbiy Hindistondagi ba'zi viloyatlarni o'z ichiga olgan shimoli-g'arbiy Hindiston subkontinentida joylashgan Bronza davri svilizatsiyasi edi. |
493 | The civilisation flourished in the basins of the Indus River wherefore it derives its name. | Bu tamaddun Hind daryosi havzasida gullab-yashnadi, shu sababli uning nomini oldi. |
494 | Although some scholars speculate that since the civilisation also existed in the basins of the now dried up Sarasvati River, it should be aptly called the Indus-Sarasvati Civilization, while some call it the Harappan Civilization after Harappa, the first of its sites to be excavated in the 1920s. | Ba'zi olimlar hozirda qurib bitgan Sarasvati daryosi havzalarida ham sivilizatsiya mavjud bo'lganligi sababli, u mos ravishda Hind-Sarasvati sivilizatsiyasi deb nomlanishi kerak, deb ta'kidlasa-da, ayrimlar 1920-yillarda qazilgan joylardan birinchisi β Harappa sharafiga uni Harappa sivilizatsiyasi deb ataydi. |
495 | The militaristic nature of the Roman empire aided in the development of medical advances. | Rim imperiyasining militaristik tabiati tibbiyot yutuqlarining taraqqiyotiga ko'maklashdi. |
496 | Doctors began to be recruited by Emperor Augustus and even formed the first Roman Medical Corps for use in the aftermath of battles. | Imperator Avgust shifokorlarni yollay boshladi hamda ular hattoki urushlardan so'ng foydalanish maqsadida birinchi Rim tibbiyot korpusini yaratishdi. |
497 | Surgeons had knowledge of various sedatives including morphine from extracts of poppy seeds and scopolamine from herbane seeds. | Jarrohlar ko'knor urug'i ekstraktlaridan olingan morfin va mingdevona urug'idan olingan skopolaminni o'z ichiga olgan turli tinchlantiruvchi vositalar to'g'risida ma'lumotga ega edilar. |
498 | They became proficient at amputation to save patients from gangrene as well as tourniquets and arterial clamps to stem blood flow. | Ular kasallarni gangrenadan saqlash uchun amputatsiya qilish, shuningdek, qon oqishini to'xtatish uchun turniket va arterial qisqichlardan foydalanishda mohir bo'lib olishdi. |
499 | Over multiple centuries, the Roman empire led to great gains in the field of medicine and formed much of the knowledge we know today. | Bir necha asrlar davomida Rim imperiyasi tibbiyot sohasida ulkan g'alabalarga erishgan va hozirgi vaqtda bizga ma'lum bilimlarning katta qismini shakllantirdi. |
500 | Pureland origami is origami with the restriction that only one fold may be done at a time, more complex folds like reverse folds are not allowed, and all folds have straightforward locations. | Pyurlend origami β bu bir vaqtning o'zida faqat bitta buklama bajarilishi mumkin bo'lgan, teskari buklamalar kabi murakkab buklamalarga yo'l qo'yilmaydigan va barcha buklamalar oddiy o'ringa ega bo'lgan origamidir. |
501 | It was developed by John Smith in the 1970s to help inexperienced folders or those with limited motor skills. | U tajribasiz buklovchilarga yoxud harakatlanish ko'nikmalari cheklanganlarga ko'mak berish maqsadida 1970-yillarda Jon Smit tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan. |
502 | Children develop an awareness of race and racial stereotypes quite young and these racial stereotypes affect behavior. | Irq va irqiy stereotiplar haqida tushuncha yosh bolalarda juda erta shakllanadi va mazkur irqiy stereotiplar xulq-atvorga ta'sir o'tkazadi. |
503 | For instance, children who identify with a racial minority that is stereotyped as not doing well in school tend to not do well in school once they learn about the stereotype associated with their race. | Masalan, o'zini "maktabda yaxshi o'qimaydi" stereotipi bilan qaraladigan irqiy ozchilikka mansub deb bilgan bolalar o'zlarining irqiga oid stereotip haqida eshitganidan so'ng maktabda yaxshi o'qimay qo'yishga moyil bo'lgan. |
504 | MySpace is the third most popular website used in the United States and has 54 million profiles currently. | MySpace Qo'shma Shtatlarda foydalaniladigan uchinchi eng mashhur sayt hisoblanadi va ayni vaqtda 54 millionta profilga ega. |
505 | These websites have gotten a lot of attention, especially in the education setting. | Bu veb-saytlar, xususan, ta'lim muassasalarida yuqori e'tibor qozondi. |
506 | There are positive aspects to these websites, which include, being able to easily setup a class page which can include blogs, videos, photos, and other features. | Mazkur veb-saytlar ijobiy jihatlarga ega, jumladan, bloglar, videolar, rasmlar va boshqa xususiyatlarni o'z ichiga olgan sinf sahifasini osongina o'rnata oladi. |
507 | This page can easily be accessed by providing just one web address, which makes it easy to remember and easy to type in for students who may have trouble using the keyboard or with spelling. | Mazkur sahifaga birgina veb-manzilni ko'rsatish orqali osongina kirish mumkin, bu klaviaturadan foydalanish yoki imloda muammolari bor talabalar uchun yozish va eslab qolishni osonlashtiradi. |
508 | It can be customized to make it easy to read and also with as much or little color as desired. | Uni o'qishni osonlashtirish, shuningdek kerakli darajada ko'proq yoki kamroq rangli qilib sozlash mumkin. |
509 | Attention Deficit Disorder "is a neurological syndrome whose classic defining triad of symptoms including impulsivity, distractibility, and hyperactivity or excess energy". | Diqqatni jamlay olmaslik buzilishi "bu nevrologik sindrom bo'lib, uning klassik aniqlovchi alomatlari impulsivlik, chalg'ituvchanlik va giperfaollik yoki ortiqcha energiyani o'z ichiga oladi". |
510 | It is not a learning disability, it is a learning disorder; it "affects 3 to 5 percent of all children, perhaps as many as 2 million American children". | Bu o'rganishga layoqatsizlik emas, bu o'rganish faoliyatidagi buzilish; bu "barcha bolalarning 3β5 foizi, ehtimol, qariyb 2 million amerikalik bolalarga ta'sir o'tkazadi". |
511 | Children with ADD have a hard time focusing on things like school work, but they can concentrate on things they enjoy doing like playing games or watching their favorite cartoons or writing sentences without punctuation. | ADDga yo'liqqan bolalar o'qish mashg'ulotlari kabi narsalarga diqqat jamlashga qiynaladi, lekin ular o'yinlar o'ynash yoki sevimli multfilmlarini tomosha qilish yoxud gaplarni tinish belgilarisiz yozish kabi narsalarga diqqatini jamlay oladi. |
512 | These children tend to get into a lot of trouble, because they "engage in risky behaviors, get into fights, and challenge authority" in order to stimulate their brain, since their brain can not be stimulated by normal methods. | Ushbu bolalar odatda ko'p muammolarga duch keladi, chunki ular o'zlarining ongini odatiy usullar bilan rag'batlantira olmaganliklari uchun rag'batlantirish maqsadida "qaltis xatti-harakatlarda ishtirok etishadi, janjallarga kirishishadi va hokimiyatga qarshi chiqishadi". |
513 | ADD affects relationships with other peers because other children can not understand why they act the way that they do or why they spell they way they do or that their maturity level is different. | ADD boshqa tengdoshlar bilan munosabatlarga ta'sir qiladi, chunki boshqa bolalar ularning o'zlarini nega bunday tutishini yoki nega bunday talaffuz qilishini yoxud ularning yetuklik darajasi boshqacha ekanini tushuna olmaydilar. |
514 | As the ability to obtain knowledge and to learn changed in such a way as mentioned above the base rate at which knowledge was obtained changed. | Bilim olish hamda o'rganish slohiyati yuqorida tilga olinganidek o'zgargani tufayli, bilim olishning bazaviy darajasi ham o'zgargan. |
515 | The approach to obtaining information was different. No longer did pressure reside within individual recall, but the ability to recall text became more of a focus. | Axborot olish bo'yicha yondashuv boshqacha edi. Individual eslash vaqtida ortiq bosim bo'lmas edi, biroq matnni eslash qobiliyatiga ko'proq e'tibor qaratila boshlagandi. |
516 | In essence, the Renaissance made a significant change in the approach to learning and the dissemination of knowledge. | Aslini olganda, Uyg'onish davri o'rganish hamda bilim berishga nisbatan bo'lgan yondashuvda katta o'zgarishlar qildi. |
517 | Unlike other primates, hominids no longer use their hands in locomotion or bearing weight or swinging through the trees. | Boshqa primatlardan farqli ravishda, gominidlar siljish yoki vaznini ko'tarish yoxud daraxtlar oralab o'tishda ortiq qo'llaridan foydalanmaydi. |
518 | The chimpanzee's hand and foot are similar in size and length, reflecting the hand's use for bearing weight in knuckle walking. | Shimpanzening qo'l va oyoq kaftlari o'lcham va uzunlik jihatidan bir xil, bu qo'lning bo'g'imda yurish paytida og'irlikni ko'tarish uchun foydalanilishida aks etadi. |
519 | The human hand is shorter than the foot, with straighter phalanges. | Inson qo'li tekisroq bo'g'imlarga ega bo'lib, oyoqdan kaltaroqdir. |
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