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Error code: UnexpectedError
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int64 | ipadScreenshotUrls
string | appletvScreenshotUrls
string | artworkUrl512
string | screenshotUrls
string | features
string | supportedDevices
string | advisories
string | isGameCenterEnabled
bool | artistViewUrl
string | artworkUrl100
string | artworkUrl60
string | kind
string | currency
string | description
string | primaryGenreName
string | primaryGenreId
int64 | isVppDeviceBasedLicensingEnabled
bool | sellerName
string | releaseDate
string | bundleId
string | trackId
int64 | trackName
string | genreIds
string | currentVersionReleaseDate
string | languageCodesISO2A
string | fileSizeBytes
int64 | sellerUrl
string | formattedPrice
string | averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion
float64 | userRatingCountForCurrentVersion
int64 | trackContentRating
string | releaseNotes
string | contentAdvisoryRating
string | averageUserRating
float64 | trackCensoredName
string | trackViewUrl
string | minimumOsVersion
string | artistId
int64 | artistName
string | genres
string | price
float64 | version
string | wrapperType
string | userRatingCount
int64 |
321,745,474 | ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Detaillierte sowie einfach zu verwendende Offline-Karten für Outdoor-Reisende, Radfahrer und Wanderer. Wir haben jeden Weg, Pfad oder Piste auf der Karte. Zeichnen Sie Ihre GPS-Tracks auf und markieren Sie ihre Lieblingsplätze.
• Unglaublich detaillierte Karten von allen Ländern der Welt.
• Basierend auf offenen Daten des OpenStreetMap-Projektes.
• Monatliches Update mit aufgebesserten Daten.
• Unglaublich schnell – Ergebnisse erscheinen sofort, noch während Sie tippen.
• Es funktioniert auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise – nach Objektnamen, Kategorie oder sogar GPS-Koordinaten.
• Es findet Objekte in mehreren Sprachen – dadurch wird Ihre Suche viel einfacher denn je gemacht.
• Turn-by-Turn Fahrtrichtungen.
• Sprachanweisungen während der Navigation in 9 Sprachen verfügbar.
• Routen für Autofahren/Radfahren/Wandern/Kurzstrecke.
• Automatische Umleitung bringt Sie auf Ihrem Weg zurück.
• Unterstützt Zwischenziele auf Ihrer Reiseroute.
• Synchronisieren Sie Ihre Daten über mehrere Geräte hinweg.
• Es speichert Daten auf einem Server als Backup.
• Lieblingsplätze auf der Karte speichern
• Aus einer Vielzahl an Symbolen wählen, die man Markierungen zuweisen kann.
• Zeichnen Sie Ihre Ausflüge auf, auch wenn die App im Hintergrund läuft.
• Überwachen Sie während des Trips Ihre Echtzeitgeschwindigkeit, Distanz und Reisezeit genauso wie die Höhe direkt auf der Karte.
• Wählen Sie aus 7 festen Track-Farben oder Höhen- sowie Geschwindigkeitsverläufen.
• Es ist ganz einfach, Ihre Tracks, Markierungen oder die ganze Reise-Kollektion als KML- oder GPX-Datei zu exportieren.
• Benutzer-Reiserouten werden für leichteren Zugang in Kollektionen organisiert.
ONLINE-Kartenquellen von [Pro]:
OpenCycleMap, Outdoors, Transport, Transport Dark, Landscape, Mobile Atlas, Neighbourhood.
• Ein-Finger-Zoom
• Reise-Computer mit Geschwindigkeits- sowie Höhenangabe.
• Tracking-Modus.
• Koordinaten und Maßstab.
• Einstellungen von sichtbaren Objekten können individuell angepasst werden.
• 11 unterschiedliche Kartensprachen werden unterstützt.
• Große Beschriftungen auf Karten sind besonders hilfreich, während man fährt.
Guru Maps bietet zwei Abonnementoptionen (Preise können je nach Standort variieren):
• pro Monat / pro Jahr (mit 7-Tage-Testversion),
• Einmaliger kauf.
Für diejenigen, die früher für einen In-App-Kauf bezahlt haben, wird automatisch ein lebenslanges Abonnement aktiviert.
Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzerklärung:
Die weitere Verwendung von GPS im Hintergrund kann die Akkulaufzeit erheblich verkürzen. | Navigation | 6,010 | true | Evgen Bodunov | 2009-07-30T01:57:25Z | com.bodunov.galileo | 321,745,474 | Guru Maps — GPS Offline Karten | ['6010', '6003'] | 2023-11-13T14:42:58Z | ['BE', 'CS', 'NL', 'EN', 'FI', 'FR', 'DE', 'HU', 'IT', 'JA', 'KO', 'PL', 'PT', 'RU', 'ZH', 'ES', 'TH', 'ZH', 'UK'] | 106,692,608 | | Gratis | 4.56745 | 897 | 4+ | In diesem Update haben wir einen Routenübersichts-Button hinzugefügt und viele kleine Unregelmäßigkeiten in der Benutzeroberfläche behoben. | 4+ | 4.56745 | Guru Maps — GPS Offline Karten | | 12.0 | 321,745,477 | Evgen Bodunov | ['Navigation', 'Reisen'] | 0 | 5.4.6 | software | 897 |
571,654,652 | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Jumsoft's Toolbox for Pages is the ultimate companion for Apple Pages, designed to supercharge your productivity and unleash your creativity. Packed with thousands of meticulously crafted and fully customizable items, this app offers endless possibilities to create exceptional documents for every occasion.
Discover a vast collection of beautifully designed templates, stunning infographics, and a wide range of document details such as clipart and bullets. With Toolbox for Pages, you have the power to effortlessly craft compelling and visually stunning documents like never before.
Whether you're working on a business presentation, designing a flyer, crafting a resume, or preparing a newsletter, Toolbox for Pages provides the perfect tools to make your work shine. Stay ahead of the curve with regular content updates, ensuring you always have access to fresh and inspiring materials.
Don't worry if you've made purchases on a different platform – simply use the same Apple ID and your content will be seamlessly transferred. And for those who have previously purchased the app, enjoy lifetime access with the "Restore Purchases" option.
We value your feedback! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please reach out to our dedicated support team at [email protected]. If you love using Toolbox for Pages, we would greatly appreciate your rating and review on the App Store, helping fellow users discover the benefits of this powerful productivity tool. | Graphics & Design | 6,027 | true | Jumsoft | 2012-12-18T23:52:38Z | com.jumsoft.ToolboxforPages | 571,654,652 | Toolbox for Pages: Templates | ['6027', '6007'] | 2023-11-29T09:26:41Z | ['EN'] | 39,518,208 | | Gratis | 3.66667 | 3 | 4+ | • Added iOS 17 support
• Several UI fixes
• Other minor fixes and improvements
If you find something not working right, please let us know at [email protected]. If you like the app, we would appreciate your rating and review on the App Store for fellow users. | 4+ | 3.66667 | Toolbox for Pages: Templates | | 9.2 | 325,934,228 | Jumsoft | ['Grafik und Design', 'Produktivität'] | 0 | 7.1.5 | software | 3 |
582,635,628 | ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Elevate your productivity with Jumsoft's Toolbox for Keynote – the ultimate companion to Apple Keynote. With an expansive assortment of thousands of customizable items, offering unparalleled quality and limitless potential for creative combinations, you'll uncover an extensive resource hub. From meticulously crafted themes and layouts to awe-inspiring infographics and even the minutest slide components like clipart and bullet points, the app accommodates all occasions.
Embark on a journey of crafting captivating presentations, now streamlined to perfection!
Choose between flexible monthly or yearly subscriptions for complete access to the app's expansive arsenal and enjoy regular content updates. This ensures a steady influx of fresh and innovative ideas, keeping your creative reservoir abundant. Toolbox for Keynote simplifies the pursuit of inspiration, making your work not only enjoyable but also exceptionally impactful in its outcomes.
*** Requires Keynote 7.0 or later.
For cross-platform purchase activation, ensure consistent use of the same Apple ID.
** Users of previous app versions are automatically upgraded to the Lifetime purchase option, perpetually accessible via the "Restore Purchases" feature.
Should you encounter any obstacles, kindly reach out to us at [email protected]. Your feedback is invaluable to us. If you're pleased with the app, please consider rating and reviewing it on the App Store, a gesture greatly appreciated by your fellow users. | Graphics & Design | 6,027 | true | Jumsoft | 2013-01-09T17:49:17Z | com.jumsoft.keynote.toolbox | 582,635,628 | Toolbox for Keynote: Templates | ['6027', '6007'] | 2023-11-28T19:08:40Z | ['EN'] | 38,089,728 | | Gratis | 3 | 2 | 4+ | • Added iOS 17 support
• Several UI fixes
• Other minor fixes and improvements
If you find something not working right, please let us know at [email protected]. If you like the app, we would appreciate your rating and review on the App Store for fellow users. | 4+ | 3 | Toolbox for Keynote: Templates | | 9.2 | 325,934,228 | Jumsoft | ['Grafik und Design', 'Produktivität'] | 0 | 7.1.5 | software | 2 |
891,362,701 | ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Detaillierte sowie einfach zu verwendende Offline-Karten für Outdoor-Reisende, Radfahrer und Wanderer. Wir haben jeden Weg, Pfad oder Piste auf der Karte. Zeichnen Sie Ihre GPS-Tracks auf und markieren Sie ihre Lieblingsplätze.
• Unglaublich detaillierte Karten von allen Ländern der Welt.
• Basierend auf offenen Daten des OpenStreetMap-Projektes.
• Monatliches Update mit aufgebesserten Daten.
• Unglaublich schnell – Ergebnisse erscheinen sofort, noch während Sie tippen.
• Es funktioniert auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise – nach Objektnamen, Kategorie oder sogar GPS-Koordinaten.
• Es findet Objekte in mehreren Sprachen – dadurch wird Ihre Suche viel einfacher denn je gemacht.
• Turn-by-Turn Fahrtrichtungen.
• Sprachanweisungen während der Navigation in 9 Sprachen verfügbar.
• Routen für Autofahren/Radfahren/Wandern/Kurzstrecke.
• Automatische Umleitung bringt Sie auf Ihrem Weg zurück.
• Unterstützt Zwischenziele auf Ihrer Reiseroute.
• Synchronisieren Sie Ihre Daten über mehrere Geräte hinweg.
• Es speichert Daten auf einem Server als Backup.
• Lieblingsplätze auf der Karte speichern
• Aus einer Vielzahl an Symbolen wählen, die man Markierungen zuweisen kann.
• Zeichnen Sie Ihre Ausflüge auf, auch wenn die App im Hintergrund läuft.
• Überwachen Sie während des Trips Ihre Echtzeitgeschwindigkeit, Distanz und Reisezeit genauso wie die Höhe direkt auf der Karte.
• Wählen Sie aus 7 festen Track-Farben oder Höhen- sowie Geschwindigkeitsverläufen.
• Es ist ganz einfach, Ihre Tracks, Markierungen oder die ganze Reise-Kollektion als KML- oder GPX-Datei zu exportieren.
• Benutzer-Reiserouten werden für leichteren Zugang in Kollektionen organisiert.
• Unterstützt MBTiles- sowie SQLiteDB-Offline-Rasterkarten.
• Ein-Finger-Zoom
• Reise-Computer mit Geschwindigkeits- sowie Höhenangabe.
• Tracking-Modus.
• Koordinaten und Maßstab.
• Einstellungen von sichtbaren Objekten können individuell angepasst werden.
• 11 unterschiedliche Kartensprachen werden unterstützt.
• Große Beschriftungen auf Karten sind besonders hilfreich, während man fährt. | Navigation | 6,010 | true | Evgen Bodunov | 2014-07-13T04:18:18Z | com.bodunov.GalileoPro | 891,362,701 | Guru Maps Pro — Offline Karten | ['6010', '6003'] | 2023-11-13T16:35:42Z | ['BE', 'CS', 'NL', 'EN', 'FI', 'FR', 'DE', 'HU', 'IT', 'JA', 'KO', 'PL', 'PT', 'RU', 'ZH', 'ES', 'TH', 'ZH', 'UK'] | 106,782,720 | | 69,99 € | 4.68771 | 602 | 4+ | In diesem Update haben wir einen Routenübersichts-Button hinzugefügt und viele kleine Unregelmäßigkeiten in der Benutzeroberfläche behoben. | 4+ | 4.68771 | Guru Maps Pro — Offline Karten | | 12.0 | 321,745,477 | Evgen Bodunov | ['Navigation', 'Reisen'] | 69.99 | 5.4.6 | software | 602 |
531,318,615 | ['', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | The ideal tool for users of MS Office, Bundle for MS Office provides you with over 35,000 unique designs for Word documents, spreadsheet templates for Excel, first-class slideshow themes for Powerpoint, and over 2000 images and graphics for illustrating your content. All templates are available in US and international paper sizes.
Bundle for MS Office is free to download with free items in each category and in-app purchases for instant use. All items can be purchased individually or in packs. Bundle purchase unlocks all the items within the Bundle for MS Office and enables free content updates. With Bundle for MS Office, your work will always be the most productive.
Royalty-free stock images, illustrations, and photographs in a fast-growing library. It can be used in both personal and commercial projects.
The app's library comes with regular content updates. The first 3 days are on the house and then you can get it in affordable monthly, semi-annual, annual, or lifetime plans!
Subscribe to take advantage of all the Premium features described above.
• Your payment will be charged to your iTunes Account as soon as you confirm your purchase.
• You can manage your subscriptions and turn off auto-renewal from your Account Settings after the purchase.
• Your subscription will renew automatically unless you turn off auto-renew at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
• The cost of renewal will be charged to your account 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.
• When canceling a subscription, your subscription will stay active until the end of the period. Auto-renewal will be disabled, but the current subscription will not be refunded.
• Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when purchasing a subscription.
Instructions to manage your auto-renewing subscriptions can be found here:
Privacy Policy:
Terms of Use:
Help us develop the best app available in the store! If you have found a bug, got a suggestion, or want a new feature, email us
at: [email protected]
* Latest versions of MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Powerpoint are recommended. | Productivity | 6,007 | true | UAB "Graphic Node" | 2012-06-04T23:40:00Z | com.graphicnode.templatesoffice | 531,318,615 | Bundle for MS Office Templates | ['6007', '6027'] | 2023-12-04T07:34:25Z | ['EN'] | 24,643,584 | | Gratis | 4 | 1 | 4+ | • Updated to iOS 17.
• Usability improvements.
If you have any questions or feedback about the app, please contact us at: [email protected] | 4+ | 4 | Bundle for MS Office Templates | | 15.0 | 438,911,754 | Graphic Node | ['Produktivität', 'Grafik und Design'] | 0 | 7.6 | software | 1 |
1,509,244,262 | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | ['Selten/schwach ausgeprägt: Gebrauch von Alkohol, Tabak oder Drogen bzw. Verweise hierzu'] | false | | software | EUR | Introducing Jumsoft's Toolbox for MS PowerPoint, the ultimate companion for all your Microsoft PowerPoint projects! With thousands of customizable items and millions of possibilities to combine them, you'll have everything you need to create stunning presentations. From fully designed themes and layouts to eye-catching infographics and even the smallest slide details like clipart and bullets, we've got you covered.
Say goodbye to time-consuming slideshow creation. With Toolbox for MS PowerPoint, it's never been quicker and easier to make memorable presentations that leave a lasting impression.
Discover the plethora of content waiting for you in these diverse categories:
Explore a range of captivating themes, from professional and business-oriented to creative and imaginative. Stay tuned for even more exciting themes coming soon!
Wow your audience with eye-catching infographics that effortlessly communicate complex data. Choose from various categories such as City Maps, Infographic Elements, Data Visualization, Country Maps, Flags & Symbols.
Simplify complex concepts and processes using our extensive collection of diagrams. Whether it's data diagrams, flowcharts, fraction diagrams, or relationship charts, we've got you covered. Plus, explore additional categories like icon diagrams, image diagrams, lists, maps, schedules, silhouette charts, and timelines.
Make a lasting impression with professionally designed logos. Browse through a wide selection of letters, nature-inspired logos, objects, shapes, and technology-themed logos to find the perfect fit for your brand or presentation.
Fine-tune every detail of your slides with our versatile collection of elements. From captivating backgrounds and badges & ribbons to engaging clipart, icons, patterns, shapes, and stock icons, the possibilities are endless. Unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life!
With Toolbox for MS PowerPoint, your slideshows will become a joy to work with!
Please note that Microsoft PowerPoint is required to use this app.
If you have made previous purchases and they haven't been restored automatically, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we will assist you in transferring your Lifetime purchases.
To activate purchases on another platform, ensure that you are using the same Apple ID.
If you encounter any issues or find something not working correctly, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Your feedback is valuable to us. Additionally, if you enjoy using the app, we would greatly appreciate your rating and review on the App Store. Your feedback helps fellow users discover and benefit from the app. | Productivity | 6,007 | true | Jumsoft | 2020-05-15T07:00:00Z | com.jumsoft.ToolboxforPowerPoint | 1,509,244,262 | Toolbox for MS PowerPoint | ['6007', '6027'] | 2023-11-01T06:05:06Z | ['EN'] | 38,517,760 | | Gratis | 3.4 | 5 | 12+ | • Added iOS 17 support
• Several UI fixes
• Other minor fixes and improvements
If you find something not working right, please let us know at [email protected]. If you like the app, we would appreciate your rating and review on the App Store for fellow users. | 12+ | 3.4 | Toolbox for MS PowerPoint | | 9.2 | 325,934,228 | Jumsoft | ['Produktivität', 'Grafik und Design'] | 0 | 7.1.4 | software | 5 |
6,444,089,812 | ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'Watch4-Watch4', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Einfache Tiden-App für iOS, iPadOS und macOS.
- 5000+ Offizielle Tidenstationen
- Widgets für Home- und Lockscreen
- Tages-, Wochen- und Monatsansicht
- Dark- & Light Mode
- Weltweite Abdeckung
- Interaktive Graphen
- Einfaches Speichern von Favoriten
- Dark mode
- Keine Werbung
- Keine In-App Käufe
- Komplett kostenlos! | Weather | 6,001 | true | Tassilo Bouwman | 2023-02-17T08:00:00Z | | 6,444,089,812 | Hochwasser: Gezeiten & Widgets | ['6001', '6002'] | 2023-11-11T20:21:51Z | ['DE'] | 12,432,384 | null | Gratis | 4.69564 | 23 | 4+ | - Neue Hilfe Seite
- Fehlerbehebungen | 4+ | 4.69564 | Hochwasser: Gezeiten & Widgets | | 17.0 | 1,211,406,015 | Tassilo Bouwman | ['Wetter', 'Dienst\xadprogramme'] | 0 | 1.2.1 | software | 23 |
1,509,248,422 | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | ['Selten/schwach ausgeprägt: Gebrauch von Alkohol, Tabak oder Drogen bzw. Verweise hierzu'] | false | | software | EUR | Jumsoft's Toolbox for Microsoft Word is the ultimate companion for maximizing your productivity with Microsoft Word. Discover thousands of highest-quality customizable items and unlock millions of creative possibilities: from professionally designed templates to stunning infographics, and even the smallest document details like clipart and bullets, catering to all your needs.
Choose between monthly or yearly access to the entire app's collection and benefit from regular content updates, ensuring that you never run out of fresh creative ideas. Toolbox for Microsoft Word makes finding inspiration effortless, work enjoyable, and results impactful!
Discover the vast array of content waiting for you in the following categories:
- Ads
- Albums
- Books
- Brochures
- Business Cards
- Calendars & Planners
- Cards & Invitations
- Catalogs
- Certificates
- Corporate Stationery
- Flyers
- Forms & Envelopes
- Legal Contracts
- Letters
- Miscellaneous
- Newsletters & Magazines
- Posters
- Project Planning Forms
- Promo
- Resume & CV
- Social Media Items
- City Maps
- Infographic Elements
- Data Visualization
- Country Maps
- Flags & Symbols
- Data Diagrams
- Flowcharts
- Fraction Diagrams
- Icon Diagrams
- Image Diagrams
- Lists
- Maps
- Relationship Charts
- Schedules
- Silhouette Charts
- Timelines
- Letters
- Nature
- Objects
- Shapes
- Technology
- Backgrounds
- Badges & Ribbons
- Bullets
- Characters
- Clipart
- Clipart Icons
- Doodles
- Flat Icons
- Frames
- Icons
- Patterns
- Shapes
- Stock Icons
Enhance your creativity, productivity, and project outcomes with Jumsoft's Toolbox for Microsoft Word. Download now and unlock a world of possibilities!
*** Requires Microsoft Word.
To activate purchases on another platform, please ensure that you are using the same Apple ID.
** Users of previous versions will automatically receive the Lifetime purchase, which can always be reactivated using the "Restore Purchases" option.
If you encounter any issues or need assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected]. If you enjoy using the app, we would greatly appreciate your rating and review on the App Store to help fellow users. | Productivity | 6,007 | true | Jumsoft | 2020-09-09T07:00:00Z | com.jumsoft.ToolboxforMSWord | 1,509,248,422 | Toolbox for Microsoft Word | ['6007', '6027'] | 2023-11-01T05:42:14Z | ['EN'] | 47,039,488 | | Gratis | 4 | 1 | 12+ | • Added iOS17 support
• Several UI fixes
• Other minor fixes and improvements
If you find something not working right, please let us know at [email protected]. If you like the app, we would appreciate your rating and review on the App Store for fellow users. | 12+ | 4 | Toolbox for Microsoft Word | | 9.2 | 325,934,228 | Jumsoft | ['Produktivität', 'Grafik und Design'] | 0 | 7.1.4 | software | 1 |
955,778,068 | ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Enhance your Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel experience with the feature-packed Toolbox for MS Office. This comprehensive toolkit offers a wide range of amazing content designed to elevate your productivity and creativity. Whether you're creating professional presentations, drafting documents, designing posters, or adding artistic elements to your work, Toolbox for MS Office has got you covered.
Power up your PowerPoint presentations with a collection of beautiful themes, including stunning infographics and corporate showcases. These themes will help you deliver comprehensive and visually appealing presentations that captivate your audience.
When it comes to Word, Toolbox provides thousands of templates for various purposes. Whether you need documents, reports, posters, flyers, or business stationery, you'll find an extensive selection of templates to choose from. The range of options is virtually limitless, ensuring that you'll always find what you need and more.
Visualizing data becomes a breeze with Toolbox's infographics for PowerPoint and Word. Explore numerous beautiful and creative ways to present your information graphically, making it easier for your audience to understand and engage with your content.
To add a special artistic touch to your documents and presentations, Toolbox offers a wide variety of elements and graphics. These resources will help you customize your work, making it visually appealing and unique.
Crafted with care by the passionate team at Jumsoft, Toolbox for MS Office guarantees outstanding quality items. It provides unmatched value-for-money, enabling you to take your work to the next level and beyond. The app is available as a free download, allowing you to explore free samples from all item categories. Additionally, you can choose between monthly or yearly access to the entire collection of items within the app. Rest assured that regular content updates are always free of charge, ensuring that you never run out of creative ideas.
Please note that Toolbox for MS Office requires Office 365 or standalone Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 or later. With its impressive range of features, skillful design, and extensive experience, Toolbox for MS Office is the ultimate choice for enhancing your Microsoft Office experience. | Graphics & Design | 6,027 | true | Jumsoft | 2015-01-28T10:29:42Z | com.jumsoft.ToolboxforMSOffice.OSX | 955,778,068 | Toolbox for Microsoft Office | ['6027', '6007'] | 2023-11-23T13:15:25Z | ['EN'] | 39,857,152 | | Gratis | 0 | 0 | 4+ | • Added iOS 17 support
• Several UI fixes
• Other minor fixes and improvements
If you find something not working right, please let us know at [email protected]. If you like the app, we would appreciate your rating and review on the App Store for fellow users. | 4+ | 0 | Toolbox for Microsoft Office | | 9.2 | 325,934,228 | Jumsoft | ['Grafik und Design', 'Produktivität'] | 0 | 7.1.4 | software | 0 |
1,662,059,644 | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Introducing Journey: Your Ultimate Navigation Companion!
Navigating the physical world and digital spaces has never been so stress-free! Journey is here to revolutionize both your real-world journey planning and in-app navigation experience. This all-encompassing navigation app is designed with advanced route planning and monitoring capabilities, with a complete weather integration, route alerts, and more. We support driving, walking, and biking directions.
Key Features:
• Revolutionary Journey Assistant: Your personal AI concierge while driving, fully voice activated for safety. Ask for recommendations nearby, to build a route, and how's the weather looking ahead.
• Weather Along Your Route: See real-time weather along your route and get notified if conditions worsen. Our detailed route planner can show you how the weather will change through your entire journey as you drive, so you can be informed and prepared for your drive.
• Car, Motorcycle, Bicycle, Walking: We support turn-by-turn navigation for however way you're traveling.
• CarPlay Support: Our app is fully ready for CarPlay, enabling you to get turn-by-turn directions right in your vehicle.
• Weather Maps in you phone and CarPlay: See precipitation, temperature, cloudiness and wind maps right in your phone or vehicle. Always know what the weather looks like ahead for a safer trip.
• Route Watch: Actively monitor your routes for weather changes, and get notifications based on your preferences. We currently support alerts for precipitation, winter, visibility, and windy conditions.
• No Ads, Privacy First: We built Journey with a strong fundamental in privacy. Enjoy ad-free navigation wherever you go!
• Real-Time Traffic Updates: Stay up-to-date with traffic conditions and avoid congested routes with our precise real-time updates.
• In-App Navigation: Smoothly move around within the app, thanks to our intuitive in-app navigation design, allowing you to easily access all features.
• Hazard Notifications: Instant alerts about road hazards, accidents, construction sites, and more, enabling you to stay prepared and plan alternate routes when necessary.
• Recurring Routes: Set up routine routes (such as your commutes) and always stay informed about any potential hazards or traffic conditions along the way.
• Departure Reminders: Never be late again! Journey determines the perfect departure time based on real-time traffic and your destination, ensuring timely arrivals.
• User-Friendly Interface: Navigate the app with ease using our sleek and intuitive interface, promising a smooth user experience from start to finish.
Take control of your daily schedule, don't let traffic and unexpected obstacles dictate it. And experience effortless in-app navigation, no more fumbling around trying to find the features you need.
Try our 7-day free trial, discover all of our premium features, and subscribe for a auto-renewing annual or monthly subscription. Save by going with our annual plan!
Terms of Service:
Privacy Policy:
Download Journey now for a smoother, more efficient commute and an overall streamlined app navigation experience! Download our companion MacOS app for a smooth route planning experience in your Mac. | Navigation | 6,010 | true | Journey Technologies, Inc. | 2023-06-12T07:00:00Z | com.journeytech.navigation | 1,662,059,644 | Journey Navigation | ['6010', '6003'] | 2023-11-28T21:02:13Z | ['EN'] | 164,165,632 | | Gratis | 0 | 0 | 4+ | New Features:
- Added various guidance voice options, offering over 100 voices in 30 different languages, allowing for a more personalized navigation experience.
- Introduced the ability to change the guidance language.
- Significantly improved the speed of CarPlay app initialization.
- Added a new feature to change the app UI language directly from the navigation settings. Current language options include English, French, and Portuguese, with more to be added soon.
- Weather announcements at the start of navigation are now turned off by default for a cleaner experience, with the option to re-enable them in the navigation settings.
- Relocated the preferred navigation app setting to the navigation settings section for easier access and configuration.
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue preventing the “scroll to top” feature from working correctly on certain list pages.
- Addressed a crash in CarPlay that could occur during app launch.
- Corrected the alignment of the share popup on iPads for optimal user experience.
- Fixed a bug in guidance announcements where the metric system was sometimes used incorrectly based on the phone's regional settings. An upcoming update will introduce a feature to manually select the unit of measurement within the app. | 4+ | 0 | Journey Navigation | | 16.0 | 1,662,059,646 | Journey Technologies | ['Navigation', 'Reisen'] | 0 | 1.43.5 | software | 0 |
1,522,091,176 | ['', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Join the global online sailing community at, and use this app to navigate your virtual sailboat.
Sailonline is free for everyone to play, and is supported by Sailonline Yacht Club (SYC) memberships.
To register, go to to create an account for your virtual boat, and register the boat in one or more of the active races.
If you are just visiting, you can login as Guest (see button under Login).
To learn how to sail your virtual boat successfully, read through the Manual pages at (specific instructions in the manual may refer to race web pages, so you may find some differences from how things work in this app).
If you have any questions, reach out to the community in the Forum, or in the race Chats.
Once you’ve mastered the basics, look through the Links section of for additional community tools.
If you have any suggestions on improving this app, please reach out to the developer, or use the Forum pages on | Games | 6,014 | true | Dan Costin | 2020-09-30T07:00:00Z | com.dancostin.SOL | 1,522,091,176 | Sailonline | ['6014', '7015', '6010', '7013'] | 2021-03-12T22:26:43Z | ['EN'] | 9,135,104 | | Gratis | 0 | 0 | 4+ | Password fix for special characters | 4+ | 0 | Sailonline | | 13.0 | 326,079,633 | Dan Costin | ['Spiele', 'Simulation', 'Navigation', 'Rennsport'] | 0 | 2.5.5 | software | 0 |
1,494,642,810 | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | [] | [] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Jetzt ist Keys für MacOS und iPadOS verfügbar! Natürlich ist die iPadOS-Version dieser App nur nützlich, wenn Sie eine iPad-kompatible Tastatur besitzen.
Wenn Sie eine motorische Behinderung oder ein anderes Problem mit der Zugänglichkeit haben, senden Sie mir bitte eine E-Mail an [email protected], um 100 % Rabatt auf diese Erweiterung zu erhalten. Keine Fragen gefragt.
Mit Keys for Safari können Benutzer im Internet surfen, ohne nach Maus oder Trackpad greifen zu müssen. Es unterscheidet sich von anderen mauslosen Navigationserweiterungen dadurch, dass es versucht, Tasten auf der Seite stilvoll darzustellen, um die Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern. Konkret erzeugt es schwebendes Kauderwelsch sparsam und bevorzugt es, bereits auf der Seite befindlichen Text als Schlüssel zu verwenden.
- Klicken Sie weg, scrollen Sie weg oder drücken Sie die Escape-Taste zum Deaktivieren
- Anpassbarer Aktivierungsschlüssel
- Funktionale Rücktaste
Drücken Sie einfach G, um Verknüpfungen zu generieren, und geben Sie dann eine beliebige Verknüpfung ein, um darauf zu klicken. | Productivity | 6,007 | true | Appccessibility Shox | 2020-01-13T08:00:00Z | shockerella.Keys | 1,494,642,810 | Keys for Safari | ['6007'] | 2022-02-26T07:43:42Z | ['EN'] | 1,210,368 | null | 0,99 € | 0 | 0 | 4+ | Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, der die Seite nach unten scrollen ließ, wenn die Escape-Taste verwendet wurde, um farbige Verknüpfungen zu deaktivieren. | 4+ | 0 | Keys for Safari | | 15.0 | 1,494,642,809 | Appccessibility Shox | ['Produktivität'] | 0.99 | 1.1 | software | 0 |
1,665,115,607 | [''] | [] | [''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Table of contents is a Safari extension for quickly navigating documents.
In any web page with sections—an article, a documentation page, etc—summon Table of contents to see a list of all headings in the page. Tap any to jump to it instantly. | Utilities | 6,002 | true | Nathan Manceaux-Panot | 2023-01-13T08:00:00Z | garden.lemon.Table-of-contents | 1,665,115,607 | Table of contents — for Safari | ['6002'] | 2023-05-08T07:38:18Z | ['EN'] | 826,368 | null | Gratis | 5 | 1 | 4+ | Fixed:
– Minor visual glitch when tapping a heading | 4+ | 5 | Table of contents — for Safari | | 15.0 | 1,477,251,316 | Nathan Manceaux-Panot | ['Dienst\xadprogramme'] | 0 | 1.2 | software | 1 |
1,224,059,816 | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | The application will be useful to yachtsmen and skippers of all categories, as well as for those who prepare to become one.
This handy reference guide has a description of all navigation marks of the IALA Maritime Buoyage Systems: lateral marks of Regions A and B, cardinal marks, isolated danger mark, safe water mark, special marks, new danger mark.
The app provides information that is necessary to identify sea marks at any time of the day: it demonstrates their different shapes, colours and light characteristics.
We welcome any comments and suggestions to our e-mail: [email protected] | Education | 6,017 | true | Smirnov Yury | 2017-04-10T22:32:38Z | edu.SmirnovYury.NavigationMarks | 1,224,059,816 | Navigation Marks | ['6017'] | 2021-01-21T23:14:43Z | ['EN', 'RU'] | 1,613,824 | | 1,99 € | 0 | 0 | 4+ | Added support Dark Mode | 4+ | 0 | Navigation Marks | | 14.0 | 420,438,416 | Smirnov Yury | ['Bildung'] | 1.99 | 1.3 | software | 0 |
1,188,750,283 | ['', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Are you pilot, student pilot or flight instructor ? Then this app is an essential tool for you.
Solve your aviation navigation problems with your iPad or iPhone, fast and easy, whether you are a seasoned pilot or you just learn to fly.
Aviation NavCalc is a flight navigation calculator app. It incorporates all standard features of a common handheld navigation calculator and uses graphical capabilities for better visualization of the solution to the Navigation problem. So you will get a deep understanding of the navigational procedures which will lead to a better situational awareness, which means more safety.
Aviation NavCalc solves all the standard problems which show up in the navigation part of flight training for getting the private pilot license and the examination. This flight computer app consists of several different modules, each designed to solve a kind of problem. To facilitate the reuse of numbers in different modules, many modules have an import and/or export feature. With this feature, numbers can be exported to a main module, and from there they can be imported again, into an other module. There’s an export or import button in modules, where it makes sense to have this feature.
The flight computer app can be used for practical flight planning and it is a valuable tool for flight students. Use it for your flight planning or for studying when you learn to fly to get your private pilot license. Virtually all navigation problems which can show up at the examination for the private pilot license, can be solved with this app.
The app solves:
- Time speed distance
- Wind triangle
- Wind out of 2 drift angles
- Unit conversion
- Dead reckogning
- Great circle computation
- Fuel calculation (the full function of our app "Fuel Converter")
- Conversion between time and degrees of longitude
- All kinds of altitude and airspeed calculations
- Crosswind calculation
- Point of no return, point of safe return, point of equal time
Aviation NavCalc is designed with usability as main goal. It can be used by flight students and flight instructors to enhance the flight training experience. It is also a valuable tool for flight planning, including a distance calculator and much more.
Get this pilot app now risk free, because the app stores has a money-back guarantee ! | Navigation | 6,010 | true | Thomas Oswald | 2016-12-22T22:39:12Z | com.aeroware.AviationNavCalc | 1,188,750,283 | Aviation NavCalc | ['6010', '6002'] | 2021-01-26T00:46:12Z | ['EN'] | 1,882,112 | | 5,99 € | 0 | 0 | 4+ | The app was updated for the iOS versions. | 4+ | 0 | Aviation NavCalc | | 14.3 | 740,516,956 | Thomas Oswald | ['Navigation', 'Dienst\xadprogramme'] | 5.99 | 1.5 | software | 0 |
1,525,348,273 | ['', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Eine umfassende Anwendung, die Ihnen hilft, alle Aktivitäten in der Natur in vollen Zügen zu genießen:
- Multi-Aktivitäten (Sportparcours, Kulturbesuch, spielerische Aktivität),
- Daten in Form eines digitalen Offline-Topo-Guides,
- Audio-Navigation der Rundwege (mehrere Offline-Karten, Kompass, Höhe,...)
- Interaktive multimediale Informationspunkte,
- Integriertes Alarmmanagement (programmierbares Szenario mit Lokalisierung, Anruf, SMS,...),
- Erstellung von audio-geführten Routen,
- Statistiken,
- Integrierte Tutorials,
- ... | Navigation | 6,010 | true | Devint Technology | 2020-09-23T07:00:00Z | com.devinttechnology.kaminoguide | 1,525,348,273 | Kamino Guide | ['6010', '6003'] | 2023-08-10T14:32:16Z | ['FR'] | 32,077,824 | | Gratis | 0 | 0 | 4+ | - 3.3.2: Verschiedene Korrekturen
- 3.3.1: Korrektur für das Hinzufügen eines Elements in den Verlauf
- Verwaltung von Statistiken nach Art der Aktivität
- Verbesserte Audioführungsinformationen,
- Verwaltung von Topo-Guide Mono-Aktivität mit Anzeige des entsprechenden Symbols,
- Anzeige der Straßen auf der Übersichtskarte für die aktive Strecke,
- Anzeige der Entfernung von der eigenen Position zum aktiven Punkt auf dem Höhenprofil,
- Hinzufügen von zusätzlichen Aktionen für Multimedia-Informationspunkte,
- und über 60 verschiedene Verbesserungen und Korrekturen. | 4+ | 0 | Kamino Guide | | 11.0 | 1,525,348,275 | Devint technology | ['Navigation', 'Reisen'] | 0 | 3.3.2 | software | 0 |
1,643,541,730 | ['', '', '', ''] | [] | [] | [] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | The app provides with a set of options to navigate through the Mandelbrot set in iPad. Starting from the initial range, you can zoom into a selected range and choose the color scheme and the maximum iterations. If you like the finding, you can save it for the furtuer navigation and/or share it.
* When first installed, an item with the default region will be created.
* Select an item from the list to see the Mandelbrot set within a region
- Color map, maximum iterations, and generator can be changed to generate a new image. Once updated, the save button will be enabled, so the changes can be saved.
* Click "Explore" to open a scene to navigate down the chosen region.
- The image on the right will display the region of the chosen item with a white box, which can be dragged and pinched.
- The image on the left will display the region within the white box.
- Color map, maximum iterations, and generator can be changed to recalculate the Mandelbrot set within the white box and to update the image on the left.
- If you like the result, you may save it to further navigate down.
- By clicking "Reset, the white box will be moved back to the original position with the original size.
- As navigating down to smaller regions, try to increase the maximum iterations and to use cpu as the generator, which would make it longer to generate a new image. | Education | 6,017 | true | Jae-Seung Lee | 2022-09-26T07:00:00Z | com.resonance.jlee.MandelbrotExplorer | 1,643,541,730 | Mandelbrot Navigator 2 | ['6017'] | 2022-10-01T06:35:55Z | ['EN'] | 1,142,784 | null | Gratis | 1 | 1 | 4+ | null | 4+ | 1 | Mandelbrot Navigator 2 | | 15.0 | 1,146,296,876 | Jae-Seung Lee | ['Bildung'] | 0 | 1.0 | software | 1 |
1,326,887,258 | [] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Whether you want to keep all your charts and technical manuals in one single place, have a concise way of performing flight checklists or want to know your way around the airport while on the ground and taxiing, AirEFB allows you to do just that in one single iPad app.
Designed to integrate with the X-Plane flight simulator, AirEFB provides an interface layer to all the documents you need to carry onboard and an absolute must have to find your way to holding point X or runway Y while on the ground.
Using our next generation communications protocol you can connect AirEFB to X-Plane seamlessly and effortlessly. Install a simple plugin and it all happens automatically, on the fly and over the Air; no need to configure anything.
AirEFB is compatible with iPad devices running iOS 9 or later, in all its screen sizes, and connects to X-Plane versions 9, 10 and 11.
CHARTS allows you to access your own synched PFD approach plates, your Air Account uploaded charts, and over 4GB of US airport charts as published by the FAA.
A DOCUMENTS manager allows you to load and query your own aircraft specifications and technical documents in PDF format.
With CHEKLISTS you can create your own aircraft checklists and go through them, as well as load any lists in XChecklist (clist.txt) format or beam them down from X-Plane automatically. Plus the PLANE INTERFACE feature allows items to be preemptively marked completed by looking at their corresponding datarefs before you set them as done.
And last (for now) but certainly not least, the AIRPORT DATA & MAP section allows you lookup your favourite airport and display it, together with your plane and all surrounding traffic with beautiful graphics and animations. Know where you are in an airport, its ATC frequencies in use, the current weather and real-time, wind and altimeter settings as well as seeing all surrounding traffic moving as they do. Taxing will never be the same again.
AirEFB currently supports X-Plane native ATC traffic as well as JAR design's X-Life traffic. | Games | 6,014 | true | Haversine Ltd | 2017-12-21T20:29:08Z | com.haversine.airefb | 1,326,887,258 | AirEFB | ['6014', '7015', '6010'] | 2023-09-14T17:31:39Z | ['EN'] | 371,438,592 | | 19,99 € | 0 | 0 | 4+ | - Fixes an issue with METARs.
- Fixes overlap with dynamic island on selected iPhones.
- Icon now defaults to blue (can be changed back in settings)
- Contains multiple bug fixes and performance improvements. | 4+ | 0 | AirEFB | | 15.0 | 651,459,822 | Haversine Ltd | ['Spiele', 'Simulation', 'Navigation'] | 19.99 | 1.8 | software | 0 |
1,664,254,516 | ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | AirTrack is an application designed to integrate with flight simulators in real time over a local area network, providing remote flight display and control through glass cockpit instruments, as well as control over some of the simulation variables. It replicates instruments and panels found on real planes using devices such as tablets and computers.
With the aid of a plugin in the simulator, flight data is exchanged over the local network and displayed on the Mac, iPad and iPhone apps. Likewise actions on these are propagated back to the simulator and allow for its remote control.
But if this isn't enough, AirTrack can also use your device's built-in GPS, Accelerometer and Gyro to determine your current movements and attitude and the Internet to download real weather to simulate an aircraft's sensors. Turn your car trip into a flight experience by getting information about your instant position, heading and surrounding waypoints. See yourself in an EFIS style navigation display / primary flight display or plan your multi-leg trip with the built in flight planner which gives you real-time information about your waypoints, how far they are and how long it will take you to reach them.
For a comprehensive summary overview visit the app pages at:
For a detailed in depth description of how things work, check its operations manual at:
In its present version AirTrack supports both the X-Plane (10, 11, 12, …) for which it was originally developed, and the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Plugins currently exist for X-Plane and MSFS2020. In the future AirTrack may and will quite possibly support other simulators and flight data sources as it has been designed with horizontal expansion in mind. Plugins can be downloaded from:
The following are just some of its features and components:
- Pixel perfect, totally re-scalable and optimised for retina and super retina displays
- Multi window-panel support on iPad and Mac including stage manager
- Boeing 737 NG style Primary Flight Display with EFIS panel
- Boeing 737 NG style Navigation Display with EFIS panel
- Standalone TCAS engine for collision avoidance on the ND with TA and TA/RA
- Terrain database with the world map included in the ND
- 737 NG style Mode Control Panel - MCP for auto-pilot control
- A radio stack comprising COM, NAV, ADF and XPDR radios
- A default navigation database with possibility of upgrade to latest Navigraph or FAA CIFP
- Detailed airport information pages with weather, runways, approaches, procedures and frequencies
- A Flight planner with airports runways, SID,STAR, Approach procedures, direct entry routes, world routes and weather
- SimBrief flight plan import
- Air Traffic sourced from Simulator, VATIM, IVAO and real world ADS-B
- Worldwide airport weather based on real time world METARs
- EFB with User files, charts, cloud charts and US based publications
- Free Air Account Cloud services including Charts, Routes and Waypoints
- Remote Yoke/Joystick/Rudder control for flight simulator.
- Support for X-Plane flight simulator
- Support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
- Enhanced support for the Zibo 737 NG family of aircraft for X-Plane
- Enhanced support for the PMDG 737 NG family of aircraft for MSFS2020
This version of AirTrack includes Boeing Instruments and unlocked access to all related panels (PFD, ND, MCP, Radio and Flight Planner).
Terms of Use: | Navigation | 6,010 | true | Haversine Ltd | 2023-09-27T07:00:00Z | com.haversine.airtrack | 1,664,254,516 | AirTrack NG | ['6010', '7015', '6014'] | 2023-12-08T09:28:51Z | ['EN'] | 304,896,000 | | 39,99 € | 0 | 0 | 4+ | Bug fixes and performance improvements. | 4+ | 0 | AirTrack NG | | 16.0 | 651,459,822 | Haversine Ltd | ['Navigation', 'Simulation', 'Spiele'] | 39.99 | 4.2.2 | software | 0 |
6,450,742,423 | ['', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | BrowserMask is a Safari extension that allows you to browse websites as if you were using another browser by changing the User Agent sent to the websites by Safari. This way, you can make any website believe it is being shown on other browsers like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
With BrowserMask, you can configure the masked browser of each website, and these settings will be persisted each time you visit any page of a configured website. This is really useful for websites that require using another browser but are fully compatible with Safari or to avoid some annoyances, for example:
• Set Microsoft Edge as the masked browser on to be able to use Bing Chat from Safari.
• Set macOS Safari as the masked browser on on iOS Safari to avoid the annoying "Open in the Reddit App" pop-ups.
BrowserMask supports macOS, iOS and iPadOS.
• You can enable the BrowserMask Extension from the Extensions section of Safari settings.
• BrowserMask includes multiple popular browsers built-in and you can add any custom one by defining its User Agent.
Privacy by Design: BrowserMask works completely on-device and does not store or send any information outside of the protected app sandbox. | Utilities | 6,002 | true | Pedro Jose Pereira Vieito | 2023-06-29T07:00:00Z | com.pvieito.BrowserMask | 6,450,742,423 | BrowserMask for Safari | ['6002', '6007'] | 2023-06-30T17:47:40Z | ['EN'] | 5,725,184 | null | 3,99 € | 0 | 0 | 4+ | null | 4+ | 0 | BrowserMask for Safari | | 16.4 | 931,232,010 | Pedro Jose Pereira Vieito | ['Dienst\xadprogramme', 'Produktivität'] | 3.99 | 1.0 | software | 0 |
1,523,741,976 | ['', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Rando est une app toute simple qui vous laisse obtenir toutes les cartes nécessaires hors connexion gratuitement pour faire votre randonnée dans les Pyrénées, avec les grandes points d'intérêt majeurs (sommets, refuges...), une sélection de randonnées (que vous pouvez conserver ou supprimer) et la possibilité d'importer n'importe tracé GPX.
- importez vos fichiers GPX depuis Fichiers OU directement depuis un un URL copié dans votre presse-papier OU depuis l'application Apple Forme/Santé (pour récupérer vos sessions Apple Watch ou d'appareils tiers ou apps tierces synchronisés avec Apple Santé.
- pas d'abonnement nécessaire, pas de pubs, pas de données collectées, pas de trackers !
- mise en cache automatique de la carte parcourue
- grandes étapes Pyrénéennes dont les refuges
- localisation sur la carte avec boussole
- estimation du temps restant / Km / dénivelé de votre trace GPX
- visualisation du profil de dénivelé
- tour 3D en vue satellite pour visualiser votre balade (nécessite une connexion)
- cartes OpenTopo, IGN et bien d'autres... | Navigation | 6,010 | true | Mathieu Vandeginste | 2020-07-16T07:00:00Z | com.matvdg.rando | 1,523,741,976 | Rando Pyrénées | ['6010', '6004'] | 2023-09-04T10:25:01Z | ['EN', 'FR'] | 18,088,960 | | Gratis | 0 | 0 | 4+ | - Ajout de plus de 1600 points d'intérêts dans les Pyrénées (pics, refuges, abris...)
- Vous pouvez collectionner les points d'intérêts dans une toute nouvelle section, mais pas de triche possible ! Il faut y être pour les collectionner !
- Dans la fiche d'un point d'intérêt sur la carte, accédez directement au site web ou téléphone si disponible, et appuyez sur l'étoile pour le collectionner si vous êtes à proximité
- Vous pouvez maintenant filtrer sur la carte les points d'intérêts que vous voulez afficher (tous, aucun, refuges, abris, pics, cascades, boutiques)
- Vous pouvez à présent partager votre position avec un proche pour qu'il vous situe sur la carte IGN avec précision ! (dans les réglages > partager ma position)
- Vous pouvez maintenant chercher et filtrer les points d'intérêt par catégories et les trier
- Nombreux correctifs de bugs et autres améliorations | 4+ | 0 | Rando Pyrénées | | 16.0 | 1,522,204,200 | Mathieu Vandeginste | ['Navigation', 'Sport'] | 0 | 2.0 | software | 0 |
6,462,859,352 | ['', '', '', ''] | [] | ['', '', '', ''] | ['iosUniversal'] | ['MacDesktop-MacDesktop', 'iPhone5s-iPhone5s', 'iPadAir-iPadAir', 'iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular', 'iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina', 'iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular', 'iPhone6-iPhone6', 'iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus', 'iPadAir2-iPadAir2', 'iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular', 'iPadMini3-iPadMini3', 'iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen', 'iPhone6s-iPhone6s', 'iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus', 'iPadMini4-iPadMini4', 'iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular', 'iPadPro-iPadPro', 'iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular', 'iPadPro97-iPadPro97', 'iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular', 'iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE', 'iPhone7-iPhone7', 'iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus', 'iPad611-iPad611', 'iPad612-iPad612', 'iPad71-iPad71', 'iPad72-iPad72', 'iPad73-iPad73', 'iPad74-iPad74', 'iPhone8-iPhone8', 'iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus', 'iPhoneX-iPhoneX', 'iPad75-iPad75', 'iPad76-iPad76', 'iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS', 'iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax', 'iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR', 'iPad812-iPad812', 'iPad834-iPad834', 'iPad856-iPad856', 'iPad878-iPad878', 'iPadMini5-iPadMini5', 'iPadMini5Cellular-iPadMini5Cellular', 'iPadAir3-iPadAir3', 'iPadAir3Cellular-iPadAir3Cellular', 'iPodTouchSeventhGen-iPodTouchSeventhGen', 'iPhone11-iPhone11', 'iPhone11Pro-iPhone11Pro', 'iPadSeventhGen-iPadSeventhGen', 'iPadSeventhGenCellular-iPadSeventhGenCellular', 'iPhone11ProMax-iPhone11ProMax', 'iPhoneSESecondGen-iPhoneSESecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGen-iPadProSecondGen', 'iPadProSecondGenCellular-iPadProSecondGenCellular', 'iPadProFourthGen-iPadProFourthGen', 'iPadProFourthGenCellular-iPadProFourthGenCellular', 'iPhone12Mini-iPhone12Mini', 'iPhone12-iPhone12', 'iPhone12Pro-iPhone12Pro', 'iPhone12ProMax-iPhone12ProMax', 'iPadAir4-iPadAir4', 'iPadAir4Cellular-iPadAir4Cellular', 'iPadEighthGen-iPadEighthGen', 'iPadEighthGenCellular-iPadEighthGenCellular', 'iPadProThirdGen-iPadProThirdGen', 'iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular', 'iPadProFifthGen-iPadProFifthGen', 'iPadProFifthGenCellular-iPadProFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone13Pro-iPhone13Pro', 'iPhone13ProMax-iPhone13ProMax', 'iPhone13Mini-iPhone13Mini', 'iPhone13-iPhone13', 'iPadMiniSixthGen-iPadMiniSixthGen', 'iPadMiniSixthGenCellular-iPadMiniSixthGenCellular', 'iPadNinthGen-iPadNinthGen', 'iPadNinthGenCellular-iPadNinthGenCellular', 'iPhoneSEThirdGen-iPhoneSEThirdGen', 'iPadAirFifthGen-iPadAirFifthGen', 'iPadAirFifthGenCellular-iPadAirFifthGenCellular', 'iPhone14-iPhone14', 'iPhone14Plus-iPhone14Plus', 'iPhone14Pro-iPhone14Pro', 'iPhone14ProMax-iPhone14ProMax', 'iPadTenthGen-iPadTenthGen', 'iPadTenthGenCellular-iPadTenthGenCellular', 'iPadPro11FourthGen-iPadPro11FourthGen', 'iPadPro11FourthGenCellular-iPadPro11FourthGenCellular', 'iPadProSixthGen-iPadProSixthGen', 'iPadProSixthGenCellular-iPadProSixthGenCellular', 'iPhone15-iPhone15', 'iPhone15Plus-iPhone15Plus', 'iPhone15Pro-iPhone15Pro', 'iPhone15ProMax-iPhone15ProMax'] | [] | false | | software | EUR | Questa app permette di risolvere i problemi di navigazione riguardanti il vento, le rotte ortodromiche e lossodromiche, conversioni varie, prue, METAR e TAF. | Education | 6,017 | true | Samuele Stasi | 2023-08-23T07:00:00Z | com.sstasi.navtool | 6,462,859,352 | NavTool - Navigation Tool | ['6017', '6010'] | 2023-08-29T11:06:33Z | ['EN'] | 186,802,176 | null | Gratis | 0 | 0 | 4+ | null | 4+ | 0 | NavTool - Navigation Tool | | 12.0 | 1,703,539,587 | Samuele Stasi | ['Bildung', 'Navigation'] | 0 | 1.3.6 | software | 0 |
Dataset Card for Macappstore Applications Metadata
Mac App Store Applications Metadata sourced by the public API.
- Curated by: MacPaw Inc.
- Language(s) (NLP): Mostly EN, DE
- License: MIT
Dataset Details
This data aims to cover our internal company research needs and start collecting and sharing the macOS app dataset since we have yet to find a suitable existing one. Full application metadata was sourced by the public iTunes search API for the US, Germany, and Ukraine between December 2023 and January 2024.
The data is organized into 43 columns ranging from such essential details as app names, descriptions, and genres, along with release and version information, user ratings, and asset links.
Data Collection and Processing
The data was fetched by querying the iTunes Search API with the request:{term} &country={country}&entity={entity}&genreId=genre &limit={limit}&offset={offset}},
where the term
parameter was selected in a way that maximized app types and skipped games; country
and offset
had to be specified to avoid the API limitations.
The data is provided in its original form without any additional cleaning or transformations. It contains over 87,000 samples and is grouped by the country API and is presented in the corresponding CSV files: metadata-US.csv
, metadata-DE.csv
, and metadata-UA.csv
Dataset Card Contact
Feel free to reach out [email protected] if you have any questions or need further information about the dataset!
- Downloads last month
- 84
Data Sourcing report
No elements in this dataset have been identified as either opted-out, or opted-in, by their creator.