Dataset Viewer (First 5GB)
Auto-converted to Parquet
Search is not available for this dataset
The dataset viewer is not available for this split.
Rows from parquet row groups are too big to be read: 442.42 MiB (max=286.10 MiB)
Error code:   TooBigContentError

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Dataset Card

image/png image/png

This dataset contains a single huggingface split, named 'all_samples'.

The samples contains a single huggingface feature, named called "sample".

Samples are instances of plaid.containers.sample.Sample. Mesh objects included in samples follow the CGNS standard, and can be converted in Muscat.Containers.Mesh.Mesh.

Example of commands:

import pickle
from datasets import load_dataset
from plaid.containers.sample import Sample

# Load the dataset
dataset = load_dataset("chanel/dataset", split="all_samples")

# Get the first sample of the first split
split_names = list(dataset.description["split"].keys())
ids_split_0 = dataset.description["split"][split_names[0]]
sample_0_split_0 = dataset[ids_split_0[0]]["sample"]
plaid_sample = Sample.model_validate(pickle.loads(sample_0_split_0))
print("type(plaid_sample) =", type(plaid_sample))

print("plaid_sample =", plaid_sample)

# Get a field from the sample
field_names = plaid_sample.get_field_names()
field = plaid_sample.get_field(field_names[0])
print("field_names[0] =", field_names[0])

print("field.shape =", field.shape)

# Get the mesh and convert it to Muscat
from Muscat.Bridges import CGNSBridge
CGNS_tree = plaid_sample.get_mesh()
mesh = CGNSBridge.CGNSToMesh(CGNS_tree)

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

This dataset contains 3D CFD RANS solutions, under geometrical variations of a compressor blade.

A description is provided in the MMGP paper Sections 4.1 and Appendix A.1.

The variablity in the samples are 2 input scalars and the geometry (mesh). Outputs of interest are 3 scalars and 3 fields.

Eight nested training sets of sizes 8 to 1000 are provided, with complete input-output data. A testing set of size 200 is provided, for which outputs are not provided.

Dataset created using the PLAID library and datamodel, version: 0.1.

  • Language: PLAID
  • License: cc-by-sa-4.0
  • Owner: Safran

Dataset Sources

Downloads last month

Space using PLAID-datasets/Rotor37 1

Collection including PLAID-datasets/Rotor37