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España en el extranjero haya personas de cogo de secretario de esta LTniversidad. E n el Congreso h a continuado esta tarde el Convocando á los opositores á las Escuelas nocimientos comerciales y pregunta la verdad de la versión publicada esta m a ñ a n a por EZ debate iniciado ayer por el Sr, Silió acerca de de niños, vacantes en este distrito. Distrito universitario de Valladplid.—Con- Liberal respecto á los telegramas cambiados la propaganda anarquista en las escuelas laientre el representante de España en el N'ati- cas. vocando á los opositores á Escuelas elementaHizo uso de la palabra el Sr. Lerroux para cano y el Sr. León y Castillo. les de niños, vacantes en este distrito. manifestar que en el fondo está conforme con Administración municipal.—Alcaidía consp]l ministro de Estado dice que existen en titucional de Béjar.—Vacante de la plaza de algunas legaciones los agregados comerciales, las doctrinas del diputado conservador, considerando un absurdo esas enseñanzas antipamédico titular del primer distrito de esta c i u y expresa su opinión conforme con el Marqués trióticas, y con este motivo hizo varios párradad. de Corvera. fos m u y sentidos tratando de la patria y de Ayuntamiento eonstitucional de Puebla Refiriéndose á la noticia, dice que en su malos deberes que para con la m i s m a tienen tojunto á C o r i a. - E d i c t o en averiguación del yor parte es cierta. dos los ciudadanos. «aradeio «leí mozo Manuel Romero García. Hace la historia de esta cuestión, manifes1 El discurso del diputado republicano h a tando que cuando recibió el Sr. León y Castif sido oído con gusto. El Sr. Silió rectificó b r e llo el telegrama del Sr. Ojeda ya había salido • vemente, y quedó suspendido el debate hasta de París el Nuncio, y que dadas las buenas el lunes, para cuyo día h a n pedido la palabra relaciones que nos u n e p con el Vaticano c o n los Sres. Soriano y Nocedak Barcelona 14. sidera natural el requerimiento hecho por el 5 Después se entró en la orden del día, conSr. Ojeda. Organizado \iox la J u v e n t u d federal, mañasumiendo el Sr. Muro el tercer t u r n o contra Niega la posibilidad de u n enfriamiento de 4ia celebrará la Liga del segundo distrito u n el Protocolo de Algeciras. relaciones con Francia, a u n cuando se hubiem i t i n revolucionario y antisolidario. i Presupuesto»). H a l l a r á n , entre otros, los Sres. Serrano, ra verificado el hecho, ni con el Vaticano por ' Se reunió esta tarde la comisión general, y no haberse hecho á causa del gran amor que Clavero y Morro. siempre h a demostrado el Papa hacia el pueblo el resultado de la misma h a sido el siguiente; — Los republicanos radicales h a n telegraSe aprobaron los proyectos de cédulas y pev hacia sus Gobiernos. nado al Sr. J u n o y pidiéndole gestione que en tróleos, y empezó la discusión del proyecto de Rectifica el marqués de Corvera insistiendo el proyecto de amnistía se incluya el caso de alcoholes. en sus anteriores puntos de vista. D. José Naicens. - Varias señoras de San Baudilio de Liobregat han telegrafiado á la duquesa de Bailen adhiriéndose á la protesta contra la lej de asociaciones. Algunos electores del distrito de Berga pedirán también á su diputado Sr. Pons y Henrich que se oponga al triunfo del mismo p r o yecto del Gobierno. El Sr. Bergamín iugi.stió en que se separar a n ciertas leyes especiales del presupuesto de ingresos, y el Sr. Cobián insistió en que esto no podía hacerse sino cuando el ministro se convenciera de que la mayoría lo abandonaba en sus propó-íitos. Insistió de nuevo el Sr. Bsrgamíno y el señor Requejo, reiteró cuáles son los propósitos del ministro y cuál la necesidad del Gobierno de dar satisfacción á las solicitudes de que se resuelva de u n a vez u n problema de tanta trascendencia como el de alcoholes, y pidió que se dictaminara con las firmas, en contra de los que no lo consideran así procedente. El Sr. La Viesca manifestó que no comprendía por qué no se dictaminaban todos los proyectos como el de consumos y sal; n o comprendiendo tampoco por qué se hace cuestión de Gobierno unos proyectos sí y otros n o. Continuaron discutiendo sobre dicho punto conservadores y liberales, y en votación se acordó empezar con el examen y discusión de la ley de alcoholes. Sobre este proyecto hubo también debate m u y empeñado, proponiendo los conservadores que nombrara u n a ponencia que estudiara el asuuto, á lo que se opuso el presidente por considerar que la subcomisión de Hacienda había ya dictaminado sobre este proyecto. i Por último, se acordó que u n empleado del Congreso diese lectura á las informaciones públicas, en cuya labor continuaban á las seis y media. La impresión general es que la Comisión no dictaminará en este proyecto. E l a c i a lie .4igcciras. Después del discurso del Sr. Muro h a i n t e r venido en el debate el Sr. Moret como presidente ¿ e la Comisión, pronunciado u n b r i llante discurso qara defender la política internacional del Gobierno. Lamentó que "con tanta ligereza se haya hablado por la prensa del Protocolo de Algeciras, haciendo creer á la opinión que estamos abocados á u n conflicto. Con la Conferencia de Algeciras, ha adquirido España u n puesto importante en la política europea, el cual conviene no perder. Por esta Conferencia se ha evitado que en el porvenir pueda n i n g u n a noción hacer una guerra de conquista, porque en conservar la soberanía del Sultán están interesadas todas las naciones europeas. \"a es hora también, ha dicho el Sr. Moret, que el Gobierno traiga á debate el tratado franco español, porque si bien es cierto que lo allí acordado ha sido nulo desde el momento que se firmó el acta de Algeciras, de todos m o dos conviene que el país conozca dicho tratado sobre el cual tanto se ha fantaseado. A última hora ha intervenido en e l debate el ministro de Estado, dividiendo su discurso en cuatro partes: 1." política de España antes de la conferencia; 2." I^abor de los comisionados españoles en Algeciras; 3.'' Misión conferida á Francia y España; y 4." Programa para el porvenir como consecuencia lógica del Protocolo. La CámaTa escucha con gran atención al ministro de Estado, porque en realidad su discurso resulta interesantísimo. * ••• » Nuestro compaiiero en la preasa D. líarique Artero, emprenderá muy en breve una notable campaña teatral, en unión del popular y lotivo empresario de teatros D. José Conde Trigueros, saliendo de ésta en siete soberbios automóviles, conduciendo á la compañía que actuará en las principales provincias. cSliírfiiiilim Fsrroaarriks andalucss, "SG de ü o t i e i n b r e al 2 d e n i e i e m b r e . PEBIODO DE EXPLOTACIÓN E n 1906: Brutos 427.471 >,ii5 Kfiométríoos a s s a l e s 2(>.">si M E n 1905: Brutos 384;^(r>,20 K i l o m é t r i c o s assaales 1S..');U ¡U Dlferenoia s o b r e 1906: Brutos e s más 4-2.')iU.7ti » ea menos » KiloH'jéírioos en m á s 2.i>li>,i)r> s 8n m e a o s » I n g r e s e s totales á p a r t i r d e s d e 1." d a E c a r o : E n 1906 18.61o.2'^),7» E n 1905. 19.328.448,97 M a d r i d 10 de D i c i e m b r e 1906.—El s e c r e t a r i o del Consejo dg AdmixíiBtraelSc. luis de Oiieysa, fl. .«?/>. Círculos políticos. LÍNEA R E G U L A R D E V A P O R E S e n t r e SsvlÜa, B ü b u o , Máísíra, O í d ' » y p a s i tos íistarmedios.—Dos salidsa 9eGaa«*t;f«< d * los pne.'to? c o m p r e n d i d o s e n t r e B u b a ; - 7 Marseiia.—Sírviíño gamanal SEtre PAH?*» G'Jóís y Gááit.—Trm (*a id««i s a m s o a í e * -i* í j d o s los p u e r t o s , ha-ita S«vi»!8. La c3i8pañía de Maderas, madrid (Argumosa 14, teléfono 184, Bilbao-Santander.) Tenerife 14.—Insisten los concejales en su intransigencia, no aceptando la presidencia de Schwartz y han telegrafiado á los diputados á Cortes que gestionen del ministro la suspensión del referido alcalde. Los íeiiientes de alcalde se negaron ayer á cooperar con el Sr. Sehwartz en el reparto del dinero entregado por el gobernador para los pobres. Están ultimándose los preparativos, para la pronta aparición de la «Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada» (edición Espasa) que constituirá el verdadero aooiitecimimto del siglo. Muy en breve circularán con profesión riquísimos-albums, sin precedentes, deri'oehe de buen gusto y prodigalidad artística. Cttcherlto de Bilbao. El día 20 celebra su santo el simpático y valiente matador de toros Castor Ibarra «Gooherito de Bilbao». Este aplaudido diestro tiene contratada muchas corridas en las principales plazas de España y Mediodía de Francia durante la próxima temporada taurina. Actualmente se encuentra en sus posesiones de San Fernando del Jarama, en donde continuará todo lo que resta de invierno, hasta los primeros días de Marzo, en que volverá á dedicarse á su arriesgada profesión. Deseamos á «Cocherito» muchas felicidades y muchas más contratas de las que afortunadamente tiene ya escrituradas. Oréese que está contratado por el Sr. Niembro. Lo celebramos. Agua h i g i é n i c a p a r a t e ü i r el eabeSío y b a r b a , l a müjor, c o m p a e s t a 0 0 a qniu^, ¡¿"i o e r i r a y sor vegeta), ¿nofeíssiya, tóa;i;i'- « a n i t r a t o d e pUts; mU pesetas a l qtts» f^nvcí » lo c o n t r a r i o . E v i t a ¡as enfermadudtíJi d e » p i a l y vigoriza ei c r e o l m i e n t o d e ! p s í o , r.o m a a c h a la piel n i ía r o p a ; c o m o oferv» pnparadop; ú.sa8s con ia m a c o & eíp<:'?;jiV3.. P r e m i a d a en^ las ú l t i m a s ExposicioDtsa <i« P a r í s y E s p a ñ a . F r a s e o , 3,50 péselas. Da v e n t a parfomerfas, P t . r m a y o r e a &«»« á^l a u t o r M. M» ian. C a b a l l e r o d e Qraoío, 30 jr 32, e n t r e s u e l o , Madrid. Exportaeíóiu á p r o vincias. - • • ' • « aiti Espectáculos para mafiana. RE AL.—Función 10 del turno 2."—A las nneve.—La Bohemia. Segunda de abono de tarde.—El Profeta. ESPAÑOL.—A las nueve.—(Función popular á mitad de precios).—El flechazo y Añoranzas. Tarde, á las,"untro y media, las mismas. LARA.—A las ocho y media.-FrancíV.rt.— El rayo v e r d e. - E l niño prodigio. Tarde, á las cuatro y media.—El patio.—Bodas de p^ata. APOLO.—A las ocho y rae<iia.—La mala sombra.—El pollo Tejada.—1.a mala sombra.—IA fragua de Vulcano. Tarde, á las cuatro y media.—Loa sobrinos del capitán Grant. COMEDIA.—A las nueve.—El arreglo de la casa.—Corazonadas.—La pista. Imp. del F o m e n t o Naval, S a n B e m a r d c , ¡ ge 2Z5e :Ba,rceloanLa-- !áíB MATEO ALEMÁN liada buenos. Aconteceráles la que á i a ceui/.a, <jue hüceu d d l a el jabón con que se lim[>iaii •en otra parto las mancha?, y luego ]a echan al Con .-u f ¡emplo cpcarmentaran otros que se .salven, y cilos irán á las carljoneras del iiifií-r. 110. Ya son estas verdades, ya se h a llegado el tiempo para decirlas, y si mentí en m i Juvent u d con la lozanía della, las experiencias me dicen, con la senectud conozco la falta que me hic:-. Y nadie se atreva n i píense que le .sucederá lo que á raí, vi-la larga, y confiados * n ell-is «o descuiden con la enmienda, deján-doio p:u-a después de muy maduros, que v e n a r á u n solano que los lleve verdes. Nunca yo la tuve cierta n i á los más está .seaurft, que somos como las aves del cortijo, lle'ga el ágila y lleva la que le parece, 6 el dueñ o las va entresacando como se le antoja. N i n g u n a tiene hora suya, unas van tras otras; YO también he ido tras de m i i^ensamiento, siu pensar parar en el m u n d o : mas como el fin que llevo es fabricar u n hombre perfecto, siempre que hallo piedras para el edificio, las voy amontonando. Son m i centro aquestas ocasiones, y camino con ellas á él. Quédase íiquí esta carga, que sí alcanzare al tiemiw yo volveré por ella, y no será tarde. Vuelvo pues y digo que todo yo era mentira • soisxo .siempre! Quise ser para con algunos GUZMAN DE A L F A R A O H H 623 632 MATKO ALEMÁN GÜZMAN DE ALFARAOHE 025 mártir, ^ o n otros confesor, que uo todo 80 puedo ni debe comunicar con todos: así nunca tiuise hacer plaza de mis trabajos n i pubiicarios con puntualiikd; á unos decía u n o , y á otros 'otro, y á n i n g u n o sin su comento. Y como al mentiroso le sea tan importante la memoria, hoy lo contaba de una manera y m a ñ a n a de otra diferente, todo trocado de como antes lo había dicho. Di lugar á qu^i conociéndome por mentiroso no nu diesen crédito, dándole á la voz general; porque realmente todos convenían en el hecho, aunque <piiíab:in y ponían como á .cad;x uno .se ie a n tojaba y tú'sueles hacerlo. Ya como novedad, por aquellos día.s uo se trataba otra cosa en toda Roma: mi yerro era fu. cuento, y m i suciedod la salsa de las con versaciones. Ya mi amo lo sabía, mas como prudente sentía y callaba, que no siempre se h a de dar el señor por entendido de todo, que sería ol>lignrse, á ley de bueno, al remedio de todo. Disimulaba, mas no tanto, que por entre algunas entrerisitas y mirar de ojos no .se lo conociese. Araba conmigo que no perdía surco; y como estaba bien á él disimular, tamlúén á mi el negar; callábainos todos, cm^XTO lu) pudo .ser sin que dejase de romper el di:in]o sus zapatos. No faltó u n amigo suyo y [:>or el consiguiente m i enemigo, que cogiéndole á la comida, me subí tras los jxiges hasta la mesa del embajador m i señor. Guando allí me hallé igual á los gentileshombres, con capa y espada, conocí m i necedad, quiselo remediar con salir de la pieza, mas fué tarde, porque ya m i amo en el semblante me había conocido lo que llevaba; preguntómelo, y hallándome sin menudas, que no había trocado, m a l provenido de mentiras, dígele toda la verdad sin pensar n i queraria decir. Y fué la primera que salió sin agua de m i taberna. Mi orno cayó, más los criados no pudiendo sufrir la risa, unos cubrían el rostro coa las medias fuentes, trincheros y salvillas que tenían en las manos, otros que las tenúm vacías cubriéndose la boca con ellas y reventándoles en ei cuerpo, se s;ilioron de la sala; tanto se descompusieron que monsieur se a m o h i n ó , y riñéndoles á todos con palabras nunca del usadas reprendió el atrevimiento en su presencia; quedé tan avergonzado, tan otro yo por entonces, t a n diferente de lo gue antes era cual si supiera de casos de honra ó si tuviera rastro della. ¡O cuántas cosas castiga u n rigor á donde no pudo hablar el amor! ¡Cuánto í m p o r t í m u eha.s veces dar u n a notable caída para mir.-ir otras donde se ponen los pies y como so pasan! Entonces vi m i fealdad, en aquel tí3[íejo me ]jor horas notificación de la sentencia, el riñon, la hijada, la orina; el estómago se d e b i lita, enflaquece la virtud, el calor natural falta, la muela se cae, duelen las encías, que t o do esto es caer terrones y podrirse las mader.-w de los techos; y no puntales que tengan la jwred, que falta toda desde el cimiento y se viene al suelo la casa Atieveos pues á u n mozo, mo ceto, atrevido y descomedido: representadle que uo sabe quién lo quiere mal, que porípie habló, jwrque miró, porque se alabó, p i r q u e ].)or ventura pasó, sino entró á donde no di-bicra, lo coserán á puñaladas, y no tendrá lugar lugar de recebií sacramentos n i de llamar á Dios que le valga; ó que considere que la sangre se corromjx?, los humores a b u n d a n , «pie anda desordenado, come dom,a8iado, hace JXKXJ ejercicio, que le dará u n a apoplegia ó c u a l quiera otra enfermedad que lo acabe, pues «tan presto se va el cordero como el carnero». Qu« no p¡en.«e por verse fuerte de brazos, tieso de pie y pierna, lobusto de cuerpo y sano de cabezfi, que aquello es fijo y tiene cierta la e.^taInlidad. é^ de EüCIEGO CAliflVñ) Antiguas especialidades úioroso: Vres cortados Jerez crista/: Jyíarca Xadíes QhianH blanco español Qognac jerezano g Vermouf/i champagne ^'Sania ^lena** Pídanse sn todos los hoteles y restaurants, DEPÓSITOS EN MADRID: Papelería High Life, Carrera de San Jerónimo, 14. D. J. Fecastaing, calle del Príncipe, 13. D. Adriano Alvarez,'calle del Barquillo, 3 D. Carlos Prast.JArenal, 8, «Las Colonias». D. Jaime RipoU, Puerta del Sol, S, «La MaIlorquin3=> D. Gabriel Levis, Fuencarral, núJXiero 6. D. Antonio Montalbán, Nicolás M." Rivero, nüm, 12 (antes Cedaceros), Bodega Montalbán. GRAN NOVEOAD! P r o d u c t o s p a t e n t a d o s excl&is¡wos|de e s t a c a s a. WHISKY OUIISAOO.-.POIICIÍE a U i ü & D O . - C H M t l P A G I I E jaUlilA J Veiasoo, Atocha, 25, segundo. Oé ©andona, Raimundo r.u io, 2. J^viso muy imporfanie á lo$ consumidores Fíjense m u y especialmente en nuestra MARCA CONCEDIDA ijMíiltííil^í^^ SERVICIOS DE LA COMPAÑÍA TRASATLAfíIC LÍNEA DE CUBA Y MÉJICO.—El día 17 de Diciembre saldrá de Bilbao, el 20 de Santander y el 21 de Coniña: , el vapor «Alfonso XIII», directamente para Habana y Veracruz. Admite pasaje y carga para Costaürine y Pacíflco con trasbordo en Habana al vapor de la línea de Venezuela-Colombia. Combinaciones para el litoral át Cuba é Isla de Santo Domingo, LÍNEA DE NEW-YORK, CUBA Y MÉJICO.—El día 26 d e Diciembre saldrá de Barcelona, el 28 de Málaga y el 3C de Cádiz, el vapor «M. Calvo>, directamente para New-York, Habana y Veracruz. Combinaciones para distintos pantos de los Estados Unidos, litorales de Cuba ó Isla de Santo Domingo. También admite pasaie parí Puerto Plata, con trasbordo en Habana. LÍNEA DE VENEZUELA-COLOMBIA. - E l 11 de Diciembre saldrá de Barcelona, el 13 de Málaga y el 15 de Cádíj!, el vapor «Buenos Aires», directamente para Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santa Cruz de la Palma Puerto Rico, Habana, Puerto Limón, Colón de donde salen los vapores el 12 de cada mes para Sabanilla, Curagao, Puerto Cabello y La Guayra, etc. Se admite pasaje y carga para Veracruz con trasbordo en Habana. Combina p o r el ferrocarril de Panamá con las compañías de navegación del Pacífico, para cuyos puertos admite pasaje y carga con billetes y conocimientos directos. Combinación para el litoral de Cuba y Puerto Rico. Se admits pasaje para Puerto Plata, con tra;;boríio en Puerto Rico, y para Santo Domingo y San Pedro de Macorís, COB trasbordo en Habana. Tambié.u carga p<íra Maracaibo, Carúpano, Coro y Cunamá con trasbordo en Puerto Cabello y para Trinidad con trasbordo en Curasao. LÍNEA DE FHilPINAS—El día 8 de Diciembre saldrá.de B.arceIona, habiendo hecho las escalas intermedias e' vapor «Isla de Luzóu», directamente para Genova, Port-Said, Su3Z, Colombo, Singapore y Manila, sirviendo poí trasbordo los puertos de la Costa Oriental de África, de la India, Java, Sumatra, China, Japón y Australia. LÍNEA DE BUENOS AIRES.—El día 3 de Diciembre «aldrá de Barcelona, el 5 de Málaga y el 7 de Cádiz el vapoj «León XIII», directamente para Santa CITIZ de Tenerife, Montevideo y Buenos Aires. LÍNEA DE CANARIAS.--El dia 17 saldrá de Barcelona, el 18 do Valencia, e! 19 de Alicante y el 22 de Cádi'i. vapor «M. L. Villaverde>, directamente para Tánger, Casablanca, Mazagán, Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife y Santa Cruz de la Palma, con rotorno á Banta Cruz de Tenerife para emprender el viajo de regreso haciendo las escalas de Las Palmas, Cádis!, Alicante. Valencia y Bai'celona LINEA DE FERNANDO FÓO.—El día 25 de Diciembre saldrá de Barcelona y ei 30 de Cádiz, el vapor «Sar. Francisco», para Fernando Póo, con escala en Casablanca, Mazagán j otros puertos de la Costa occidental üe África y Golfo de Guinea, LiNEA DE T A N G E R. - S a l i d a s de Cádiz: Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes. Salidas de Tánger: Martes, Jueves y Sábados, Eato» vapores admiten carge on la» condieioaei más favorable», y pauajeroe, é. quisne* la Compañ!» da alojamiento nicy ct modo y trato eamenido, como ha acreditado en «n dllatade aervieio. Rebaja» á femüias. Precios convoncionale» por carna.'^otea de lujo. Bebajaa por passijea de ida y vnolta. También ^c admito carga y te es.pidcu pesajcB para todns los puertos ás? mundo seividoi por líness rogidaree. La empresa puede aeegurjir las mercancfa.s que se embarquen en eus baques. A T I S 0 8 tVÜPOMTAK'S'Mm: Eae&sJaR e » KOB fteteis á * « x i s o a - í a c i é a. — L a Compaüia hace rebaja» do 80 por !0Í: en los fletes de determinados srtícnioB, con arreg-lo á lo esiableoido en la Real orden del Minie-torio de Agrionltur», Indastrf» y Comercio y Obras Púbiioas de 14 de Abril de 1904,;pnblic»da en la Gaceta del 22 del mismo mes. 8 e r T l « l o s eomesreJsICB.—La sooción quo de e*tof servicios tiene establecida la Compañía »o encarga de tía bajar en Uitnunar los mnoatrarjo» que lo sean entiegado» y do le oulooaojoii de los artíonlos cuya vente, como cnsayo.desea hacer i^.' exportadores E mtm DiploMias de Honor y m e d a l l a s de Oro en todas l a s Exposiciones. flaoíendaa: San Aatoalo, SantA Isabel, San Rafael, San Liols j lia C^neepctónFÁBRICA: I Í A f I / O R B13 I^A ISAB1JI.A P p o p i e t a p i a d « ists ^ a r e & s JVSes C. lotporialai,,,, ,, Asslo*.... SKfM!>cionalo« B<a%»l'A Antonio Lópea. '^ftll-J)lA«.,,. , jB«g«ii« filijfiíui. DHUdoiea imperialos.. ihix»dorea Orientii ( « ,. , ltle7M impeeiníen M«á « regalia,, , 25 25 25 50 5U 50 25 50 50 50 60 ceo 0'55 0-50 O'áO 0'35 0'35 0*40 0'35 Ü'30 O'SO 0'26 1225 ai 17 10 17'óO 14 15 12'50 n Exquisito! Princoeas. Conchas..... .. OlemecteB SogUEdo habano, Tercero habano. Quinto habano., SegTiudü cortado, Toicero cortado.. Soñorita» 6 50 100 100 500 50G 500 .500 500 200 12*50 9'50 20 15 60 60 30 60 50 10 CL'i; MATEO ALEMÁN GUZMAN DE ALFARAOIIE 631 630 MATEO A1.ÍUMÁW ÜÜ2MAX DE ALFARACHB 627 no hay trabajos, no hay oiiferiaedal ni liega la vojez. ¡ Ah, loco, loco! Pues á fé que Sansón, iJavid, Salomón y Lázaro eran mejores, d i s creto-, valientes, galanes y ricos que tú y se murieron, que llegó su día. Y de Adán á ti h a n pasado machos, y ninguno dellos ha qucpado en el siglo vivo. Quien les dijese aquesta verdíid, y «.u(^ si otra cosa pienpa, que ROO tonto.s. sijigaselo \'argrt!^". Atrévase á ello u n desesperado, por menos cjue eso darán queja criminal de vos, n o hay hurlarse con poderosos n i decirle.-^ verdades. No me corre obligación de decirlas donde n o h a n de Ker bien admitidas, y h a de resultarm e notorio daños dellas: baste para m i entend e r , y acá para los de m i tamaño, saber que todo miente, y que todos nos mentimos: m i l veces quisiera decir esto y n o sratar de otra cosa, porque solo entender esta verdad es lo ^ u e nos importa. Que iios prometemos lo que n o tenemos n i podemos cumplir. E l que se tiene jKir más valiente, sano, de humores m á s concentrados y bien mezclados, ese no tiene p u n t o de seguridad, y está m á s presto para oaer. No hay fuerzas t a n robustas que resistan u n soplo de enfermedad, somos unos m o n t o n e s d e jíolvo; JMOO viento basta para dejarnos l l a nos con la tierra. Nadie se adule, n i n g u n o dimiento, que casi me obligaron á hacer u u i chos disparates. Dijo bien el que p r e g u n t á n dole que en cuánto tiempo se podría volver u n cuerdo loco, respondió según le dieren priesa los muchachos. Y aquí me llega el agua sobre la boca, vine anegado y renegado en mis sufrimientos, quisiera tirar piedras, m á s fuéronme á la m a n o , u n mocito de m i talle, traza y edad, bien compuesto, pero m a l sufrido, perqué tomando contra todo el común m i defensa, favorecido de otros dos ó tres amigos que con él venían, resistieron con obras y p-ilabra's ásperas á los que m e perseguían. Y sosegándolos á ellos y reportándome á m í , me llovó solo mano á mano á m i posada, dejándose allí á los compañeros deteniendo á la gente. Lueg® que á mi casa llegamos, lo tiuisiera detener para hacerle algún regalo, empero no lo admitió, Supliqué me digese su posada y nombre, negómelo todo, prometiéndome voÍverme á visitar. Solo me dijo que me tenía particular afición, así por mi persona, como por ser español de su nación, que como tal sentía mis desgracias, y con esto nos despedimos. Yo llegué tan robada de color, tan e n cendidos los ojos, tan alborotado el entendimiento, que sin consideración, viendo servir solas le dijo cuánto importaba para su calidad y crédito despedirme, por la publicidad con que se hablaba d e sus cosas, y que cada cual .sentía dellas como quería. Que los caballeros de su profesión y ollcio debían proceder según lo que representaban; porque de lo contrario resultaría en perjuicio de la reputación do su dueño. Este discurso es mío, que si no pasaron e s tas palabras formales, á lo menos creo serían otras equivalentes á ellas. Mas cualesquiera que fuesen, yo se que ninguna le pudieron decir que n o le fuesen á él mu}' sabidas, y sin duda lo pesaría de que se las dijesen; más p a labras n o m e dijo por entonces n i conmigo hizo demostración alguna que diferenciase más de lo de siempre. Solo que como ya era entrada de cuaresma, tomóla por achaque para recogerse y no tratar de cosas de mujeres. Desta manera corríamos, mas con las demasías do lo que me pasaba por las calles, tomaron e n casa los criados más licencia de la que convenía por chacota y entretenimiento; empero e n t r e burlas y veras me díiban cordelejos, que no aprietan los cordeles en el tormento tanto; de manera que ya no tenía parte segura ni pared á donde a r r i m a r m e , de donde n o saliese u n eco que m e confesase los pecados. U n d í a yendo por u n a calle m e vi t a n apurado de p a ciencia por todas partes, t a n agostado el enten- forme de sí lo que no es ni lo que su sensualidad mentirosa le dice. Diráte lo que á todos. Poderoso eres, haz lo que quisieres. G;'lán eres, pasea y huélgate. Hermoso y rico ere,--, haz d i soluciones. Nobleza tienes, despecia á los otros, y n i n g u n o .se te atreva. Injuriado está-, no se la perdones. Regidor eres, rige tu j^.egocio. pese á quien pesare, y \enga lo que viniere. Juez eres, juzga por tu amigo y tropéllese todo. Favor tienc^, gástalo en t u gusto, d á n dole al pobre h u m o á narices, que no conviene á tu reputación, á tu oficio, á íu dignidad n i á t u honra que^te pide lo que le dehen n i l a capa que le quitaste. Pues á te, .señores m í o s , ya sean quien quisieran ser y piensan <,íue s o n , ^ que no son los que piensan; y el mejor c u a n do m u y bueno es, es u n poco de polvo. E - c o jan de cual polvo quieren ser, si de tierra ó de ceniza, porque no hay otro; y si de tierra traigan á la memoria que cuando su principio fué lodo, porque se amasó con agua, y fué lo m i s .mo que decirles que fertilizasen para el cielo» conociéndose á sí mismos.
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/* * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 DiffPlug * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.diffplug.spotless.changelog; import com.diffplug.common.base.Preconditions; import; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions; import org.junit.Test; import pl.tlinkowski.annotation.basic.NullOr; public class ChangelogTest { @Test public void empty() { Consumer<String> test = str -> { test(str) .errors("{-1=Needs to have '## [Unreleased]'}") .last(null); }; test.accept(""); test.accept("\n"); test.accept("\n\n"); test.accept("\n\n\n"); } @Test public void unreleased() throws IOException { test("## [Unreleased]") .errors("{1=Needs a newline directly before '## [Unreleased]'}") .last(null); test("\n\n ## [Unreleased]") .errors("{3=Needs a newline directly before '## [Unreleased]'}") .last(null); Function<String, ChangelogAssertions> test = str -> test(str).errors("{}").last(null); test.apply("\n## [Unreleased]").unreleasedChanges(""); test.apply("First line\n## [Unreleased]").unreleasedChanges(""); test.apply("First line\n## [Unreleased]\nLast line").unreleasedChanges("\nLast line"); test.apply("First line\n## [Unreleased] with stuff after\nLast line").unreleasedChanges("\nLast line"); test.apply("First line\n## [Unreleased] with stuff after\nLast line\n").unreleasedChanges("\nLast line\n"); } @Test public void releasedOne() throws IOException { test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [").last(null) .errors("{3='] - ' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z").last(null) .errors("{3='] - ' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] -").last(null) .errors("{3='] - ' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - ").last(null) .errors("{3='yyyy-mm-dd' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a23").last(null) .errors("{3='yyyy-mm-dd' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").last("x.y.z") .errors("{}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78a").last(null) .errors("{3=If you want to put stuff after 'yyyy-mm-dd', you need to separate it with a space}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78 moreStuff").last("x.y.z").errors("{}").unreleasedChanges(""); test("\n## [Unreleased]\nOnething\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78 moreStuff").last("x.y.z").errors("{}").unreleasedChanges("\nOnething"); } @Test public void afterRelease() throws IOException { test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased]\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78"); test("\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n-CONTENT\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased]\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78"); test("\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n-CONTENT\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n-CONTENT\n").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased]\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n"); test("\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n-CONTENT\n").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n"); test("\n## [Unreleased]").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased]\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30"); test("\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n-CONTENT\n").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n"); } static class ChangelogAssertions { Changelog unix, win; ChangelogAssertions(String contentUnix) { Preconditions.checkArgument(contentUnix.indexOf("\r\n") == -1); this.unix = new Changelog(contentUnix); Assertions.assertThat(unix.toString()).isEqualTo(contentUnix); String contentWin = contentUnix.replace("\n", "\r\n"); = new Changelog(contentWin); Assertions.assertThat(win.toString()).isEqualTo(contentWin); } ChangelogAssertions errors(String errors) { Assertions.assertThat(unix.errors().toString()).isEqualTo(errors); Assertions.assertThat(win.errors().toString()).isEqualTo(errors); return this; } ChangelogAssertions last(@NullOr String version) { Assertions.assertThat(unix.versionLast()).isEqualTo(version); Assertions.assertThat(win.versionLast()).isEqualTo(version); return this; } ChangelogAssertions unreleasedChanges(String unreleased) { Assertions.assertThat(unix.unreleasedChanges()).isEqualTo(unreleased); Assertions.assertThat(win.unreleasedChanges()).isEqualTo(unreleased); return this; } ChangelogAssertions afterRelease(String afterRelease) { errors("{}"); String VERSION = "1.0.0"; String DATE = "2020-12-30"; String unreleased = unix.releaseUnreleased(VERSION, DATE).toString(); Assertions.assertThat(unreleased).isEqualTo(afterRelease); Assertions.assertThat(win.releaseUnreleased(VERSION, DATE).toString()).isEqualTo(unreleased.replace("\n", "\r\n")); return this; } } private ChangelogAssertions test(String content) { return new ChangelogAssertions(content); } }
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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package org.apache.doris.planner; import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr; import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotId; import org.apache.doris.common.NotImplementedException; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class ProjectPlanner { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(PlanNode.class); private final Analyzer analyzer; public ProjectPlanner(Analyzer analyzer) { this.analyzer = analyzer; } public void projectSingleNodePlan(List<Expr> resultExprs, PlanNode root) { Set<SlotId> resultSlotIds = getSlotIds(resultExprs, root); projectPlanNode(resultSlotIds, root); } public void projectPlanNode(Set<SlotId> outputSlotIds, PlanNode planNode) { try { planNode.initOutputSlotIds(outputSlotIds, analyzer); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { LOG.debug(e); } if (planNode.getChildren().size() == 0) { return; } Set<SlotId> inputSlotIds = null; try { inputSlotIds = planNode.computeInputSlotIds(); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { LOG.debug(e); } for (PlanNode child : planNode.getChildren()) { projectPlanNode(inputSlotIds, child); } } private Set<SlotId> getSlotIds(List<Expr> resultExprs, PlanNode root) { List<Expr> resExprs = Expr.substituteList(resultExprs, root.getOutputSmap(), analyzer, false); Set<SlotId> result = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Expr expr : resExprs) { List<SlotId> slotIdList = Lists.newArrayList(); expr.getIds(null, slotIdList); result.addAll(slotIdList); } return result; } }
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/ 100 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 4000 2,000.00 8,000.00 200 400 400.00 800.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0135 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 135 135 FUROSEMIDUM COMPR. COMPR. / 40 MG Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1200 4800 288.00 1,152.00 60 120 14.40 28.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0136 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 136 136 GABAPENTINUM CAPS/COMPR CAPS/COMPR / 600mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1800 6000 3,312.00 11,040.00 60 300 110.40 552.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0137 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 137 137 GEL ORAL PENTRU MUCOZITA CU PVP, HIDROXIETILCELULOZA SI HIALURONAT DE SODIU PLICURI GEL ORAL / PLICURI * 15 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 2100 4200 16,800.00 33,600.00 210 420 1,680.00 3,360.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0138 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 138 138 GENTAMICINUM F SOL. INJ. / 40 mg/ml x 1 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 4000 8000 2,320.00 4,640.00 100 500 58.00 290.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0139 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 139 139 GLUCOSUM FLACON SAU PUNGA SOL. PERF. / 20 % 500 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 10000 3,810.00 38,100.00 100 300 381.00 1,143.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0140 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 140 140 GLUCOSUM F. SOL. INJ. / 3.3 g/10 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 200 2000 430.00 4,300.00 20 50 43.00 107.50 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0141 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 141 141 HALOPERIDOLUM FL. PIC. ORALE, SOL. / 2mg/ml*10ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 800 546.00 4,368.00 10 30 54.60 163.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0142 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 142 142 HEPARINUM FIOLE SOL. INJ. / 5000 UI / ML * 1 ML Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 500 6000 1,755.00 21,060.00 100 200 351.00 702.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0143 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 143 143 HEPARINUM FL. SOL. INJ. / 5000 UI / ML * 5 ML Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1500 6000 44,970.00 179,880.00 200 500 5,996.00 14,990.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0144 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 144 144 HYDROCORTISONUM FLACON 500 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 500 4000 9,405.00 75,240.00 50 200 940.50 3,762.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0145 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 145 145 IBUPROFENUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 200 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1200 6000 960.00 4,800.00 300 600 240.00 480.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0146 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 146 146 IMIPENEMUM+CILASTATATINUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. PERF. / 500mg/500mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 30000 70000 975,300.00 2,275,700.00 100 2000 3,251.00 65,020.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0147 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 147 147 IMUNOGLOBULINA ANTI - LIMFOCITE (DE IEPURE) FL. CONC. PT. SOL. PERF. / 20 mg/ ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 300 130,697.00 392,091.00 10 30 13,069.70 39,209.10 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0148 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 148 148 IMUNOGLOBULINA ANTI-LIMFOCITE (DE CAL) FIOLE CONC. PT. SOL. PERF. / 50 mg/ ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 15 100 31,513.20 210,088.00 5 10 10,504.40 21,008.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0149 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 149 149 IMUNOGLOBULINA UMANA NORMALA FLACON SOL. INJ./165 mg/ ml x 6 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 500 3,993.50 199,675.00 1 5 399.35 1,996.75 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0150 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 150 150 IMUNOGLOBULINA UMANA NORMALA FLACON SOL. INJ./165 mg/ ml x 12 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 500 7,687.70 384,385.00 1 5 768.77 3,843.85 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0151 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 151 151 IMUNOGLOBULINA UMANA NORMALA FLACON SOL. INJ./165 mg/ ml x 24 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 500 15,075.40 753,770.00 1 5 1,507.54 7,537.70 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0152 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 152 152 IMUNOGLOBULINA UMANA NORMALA FLACON SOL. INJ./165 mg/ ml x 48 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 300 29,850.80 895,524.00 1 5 2,985.08 14,925.40 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0153 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 153 153 INDAPAMIDUM COMPR. COMPR. ELIB. PREL. / 1.5 MG Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 3000 117.00 1,170.00 30 90 11.70 35.10 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0154 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 154 154 INSULINE UMANE ADNR CARTUS SOL. INJ. / 100 ui/ml - 3 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 4000 17,830.00 71,320.00 200 400 3,566.00 7,132.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0155 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 155 155 IPRATROPII BROMIDUM AEROSOL AEROSOL / 20mcg/doza Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 200 103.50 2,070.00 1 5 10.35 51.75 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0156 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 156 156 ITRACONAZOLUM CAPS. CAPS. / 100 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 150 1500 255.00 2,550.00 15 30 25.50 51.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0157 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 157 157 KETOPROFENUM TUB GEL / 25mg/g - 50 g Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 20 300 251.60 3,774.00 5 10 62.90 125.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0158 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 158 158 KETOPROFENUM CAPS/COMPR CAPS./COMPR. / 100 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 6000 20000 1,980.00 6,600.00 60 120 19.80 39.60 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0159 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 159 159 KETOROLACUM TROMETHAMIN F. SOL. INJ. / 30 mg/ ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 8000 15000 16,240.00 30,450.00 1000 3000 2,030.00 6,090.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0160 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 160 160 LEVOFLOXACINUM FL. SOL. PERF. / 5mg/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 4000 44,770.00 179,080.00 50 200 2,238.50 8,954.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0161 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 161 161 LEVOTHYROXINUM COMPR. COMPR. / 25 mcg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 600 18.00 36.00 100 200 6.00 12.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0162 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 162 162 LEVOTHYROXINUM COMPR. COMPR. / 50 mcg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 600 21.00 42.00 100 200 7.00 14.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0163 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 163 163 LEVOTHYROXINUM COMPR. COMPR. / 75 mcg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 600 30.00 60.00 100 200 10.00 20.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0164 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 164 164 LEVOTHYROXINUM COMPR. COMPR. / 100 mcg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 600 27.00 54.00 100 200 9.00 18.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0165 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 165 165 LEVOTHYROXINUM COMPR. COMPR. / 125 mcg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 600 39.00 78.00 100 200 13.00 26.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0166 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 166 166 LEVOTHYROXINUM COMPR. COMPR. / 150 mcg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 600 42.00 84.00 100 200 14.00 28.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0167 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 167 167 LEVOTHYROXINUM FLACON SOL. ORALA / 25 micrograme/ 5 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3 50 88.29 1,471.50 1 2 29.43 58.86 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0168 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 168 168 LEVOTHYROXINUM FLACON SOL. ORALA / 50 micrograme/ 5 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3 50 88.29 1,471.50 1 2 29.43 58.86 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0169 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 169 169 LEVOTHYROXINUM FLACON SOL. ORALA / 100 micrograme/ 5 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3 50 96.33 1,605.50 1 2 32.11 64.22 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0170 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 170 170 LIDOCAINUM PLIC RESIGILANT EMPLASTRU MEDICAMENTOS / 5% (700mg) Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 1000 3,633.00 12,110.00 30 60 363.30 726.60 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0171 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 171 171 LINEZOLIDUM FL. SOL. PERF. / 2mg/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 5000 124,740.00 623,700.00 50 200 6,237.00 24,948.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0172 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 172 172 LOPERAMIDUM FLACON SOLUTIE ORALA / 1mg/5ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 100 150.00 1,500.00 1 5 15.00 75.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0173 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 173 173 LORAZEPAMUM FIOLE SOL. INJ.4 mg/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 6000 60000 25,260.00 252,600.00 500 3000 2,105.00 12,630.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0174 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 174 174 MANNITOLUM FLACON SAU PUNGA SOL. PERF. / 200 g/l * 250 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 5000 40000 32,750.00 262,000.00 100 500 655.00 3,275.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0175 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 175 175 MANNITOLUM FLACON SAU PUNGA SOL. PERF. / 200 g/l * 500 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 5000 20000 46,550.00 186,200.00 50 200 465.50 1,862.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0176 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 176 176 MEROPENEMUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. INJ./PERF. / 500 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 2000 6000 83,940.00 251,820.00 100 500 4,197.00 20,985.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0177 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 177 177 MEROPENEMUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. INJ./PERF. / 1000 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 6000 15000 485,760.00 1,214,400.00 100 1000 8,096.00 80,960.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0178 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 178 178 METHADONUM COMPR. COMPR. / 2.5mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 150 500 60.00 200.00 50 100 20.00 40.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0179 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 179 179 METHADONUM COMPR. COMPR. / 10mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 1000 80.00 800.00 20 40 16.00 32.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0180 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 180 180 METHYLPREDNISOLONUM COMPR. COMPR. / 16 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 150 600 63.00 252.00 50 100 21.00 42.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0181 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 181 181 METHYLPREDNISOLONUM COMPR. COMPR. / 32 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 60 1000 57.60 960.00 20 40 19.20 38.40 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0182 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 182 182 METHYLPREDNISOLONUM FL. PULB. + SOLV. PT. SOL. INJ./ PERF. / 500 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 1000 4,617.00 46,170.00 1 5 46.17 230.85 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0183 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 183 183 METRONIDAZOLUM OVULE OVULE / 500 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 30 300 21.00 210.00 10 20 7.00 14.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0184 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 184 184 METRONIDAZOLUM FL. SOL.PERF. / 5g/l * 200 ml, in CLORURA DE SODIU Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3600 12000 25,956.00 86,520.00 360 720 2,595.60 5,191.20 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0185 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 185 185 METRONIDAZOLUM FL. SOL. PERF. / 5mg/ml x 100 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 30000 60000 123,000.00 246,000.00 500 2000 2,050.00 8,200.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0186 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 186 186 METRONIDAZOLUM COMPR./COMPR. FILM. COMPR./COMPR. FILM. / 250 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 9000 15000 2,610.00 4,350.00 60 120 17.40 34.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0187 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 187 187 MICROCLISME PENTRU ADULTI BUC aprox. 6 g/microclisma Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 3000 1,200.00 12,000.00 30 90 120.00 360.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0188 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 188 188 MICROCLISME PENTRU COPII BUC aprox. 3 g/microclisma Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 90 900 270.00 2,700.00 12 30 36.00 90.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0189 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 189 189 MIDAZOLAMUM FIOLE SOL. INJ. / PERF. 1 mg / ml * 5 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3000 30000 24,900.00 249,000.00 100 500 830.00 4,150.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0190 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 190 190 MIDAZOLAMUM FIOLE SOL. INJ. / 5 mg / ml * 10 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 3000 21,500.00 64,500.00 50 200 1,075.00 4,300.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0191 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 191 191 MORPHYNUM COMPR. FILM. ELIB. PREL. COMPR. FILM. ELIB. PREL. / 30mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 990 165.00 544.50 30 60 16.50 33.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0192 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 192 192 MORPHYNUM COMPR. FILM. ELIB. PREL. COMPR. FILM. ELIB. PREL. / 60mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 120 900 129.60 972.00 30 60 32.40 64.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0193 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 193 193 MORPHYNUM COMPR. FILM. ELIB. PREL. COMPR. FILM. ELIB. PREL. / 100mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 90 450 164.70 823.50 30 60 54.90 109.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0194 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 194 194 MORPHYNUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 10 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 4200 7200 2,982.00 5,112.00 60 360 42.60 255.60 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0195 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 195 195 MORPHYNUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 20 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3000 7200 3,090.00 7,416.00 60 360 61.80 370.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0196 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 196 196 MORPHYNUM F. SOL. INJ. SAU PERF. / 20 mg / ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 6000 15000 8,160.00 20,400.00 200 400 272.00 544.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0197 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 197 197 MOXIFLOXACINUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 400 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 40 500 240.80 3,010.00 5 10 30.10 60.20 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0198 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 198 198 MOXIFLOXACINUM FL. SOL. PERF. / 400mg/250ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 200 1000 12,646.00 63,230.00 10 50 632.30 3,161.50 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0199 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 199 199 NADROPARINUM SERINGA PREUMPLUTA SOL. INJ. / 3800 ui AFXa/0,4 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 30000 85000 217,500.00 616,250.00 1000 2000 7,250.00 14,500.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0200 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 200 200 NADROPARINUM SERINGA PREUMPLUTA SOL. INJ. / 5700 ui AFXa/0.6 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 6000 25000 66,840.00 278,500.00 200 500 2,228.00 5,570.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0201 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 201 201 NADROPARINUM SERINGA PREUMPLUTA SOL. INJ. / 7600 ui AFXa/0,8 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 20000 15,650.00 313,000.00 50 150 782.50 2,347.50 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0202 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 202 202 NADROPARINUM FL. SOL. INJ. / 9500 ui AFXa/1 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 2000 9,520.00 190,400.00 10 20 952.00 1,904.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0203 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 203 203 NALOXONUM F. SOL. INJ. / 0.4 mg/ ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 600 1,333.00 7,998.00 10 20 133.30 266.60 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0204 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 204 204 NAPHAZOLINUM FLACON PICATURI OFTALMICE-SOL. / 0.03% Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 20 300 420.00 6,300.00 1 5 21.00 105.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0205 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 205 205 NATRII CHLORIDUM FLACON SAU PUNGA SOL. PERF. / 1000 ML Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 5000 20000 24,250.00 97,000.00 100 300 485.00 1,455.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0206 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 206 206 NATRII CHLORIDUM FL. CONC. PT. SOL. PERF. 5.85 % (58,5mg/ml) x 20 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 14000 24000 34,720.00 59,520.00 1000 4000 2,480.00 9,920.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0207 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 207 207 NATRII CHLORIDUM PUNGI SOL.PERF. / 0.9% * 2000 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 700 7000 5,810.00 58,100.00 70 210 581.00 1,743.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0208 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 208 208 NATRII HYDROGENI CARBONAS FL. SOL. PERF. / 8.4% * 250 ml 500 15000 3,230.00 96,900.00 100 200 646.00 1,292.00 Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 500 15000 3,230.00 96,900.00 100 200 646.00 1,292.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0209 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 209 209 NICARDIPINUM FIOLE SOL INJ. 10 mg/10 ml 200 2000 7,526.00 75,260.00 10 100 376.30 3,763.00 Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 200 2000 7,526.00 75,260.00 10 100 376.30 3,763.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0210 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 210 210 NITRAZEPAMUM COMPR. COMPR. / 2.5 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1200 6000 60.00 300.00 30 300 1.50 15.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0211 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 211 211 NITROGLYCERINUM PLIC SIST.TERAP.TRANSDERM. / 25mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 400 2000 485.60 2,428.00 20 100 24.28 121.40 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0212 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 212 212 NITROGLYCERINUM FIOLE SOL. PERF. / 1 mg / ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 900 739.00 6,651.00 20 50 147.80 369.50 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0213 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 213 213 NITROGLYCERINUM COMPR.SUBLING COMPR.SUBLING / 0.5mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 400 4000 124.00 1,240.00 20 80 6.20 24.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0214 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 214 214 NORADRENALINUM FIOLE CONC.PT.SOL.PERF. / 16mg/8ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1500 3500 94,695.00 220,955.00 200 400 12,626.00 25,252.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0215 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 215 215 NORADRENALINUM FIOLE CONC.PT.SOL.PERF. / 8mg/4ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 3500 32,970.00 115,395.00 100 400 3,297.00 13,188.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0216 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 216 216 NORADRENALINUM FIOLE CONC.PT.SOL.PERF. / 8mg/8ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1000 3500 62,800.00 219,800.00 100 400 6,280.00 25,120.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0217 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 217 217 NORADRENALINUM FIOLE CONC.PT.SOL.PERF. / 4mg/4ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1500 3000 49,170.00 98,340.00 50 200 1,639.00 6,556.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0218 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 218 218 OFLOXACINUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 200 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 1000 164.00 1,640.00 10 50 16.40 82.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0219 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 219 219 OFLOXACINUM TUB UNG. OFT. / 3 mg/g Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 200 114.70 2,294.00 1 5 11.47 57.35 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0220 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 220 220 OFLOXACINUM FL. PICĂTURI OFT., SOL. / 3 mg/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 200 102.50 2,050.00 1 5 10.25 51.25 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0221 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 221 221 OMEPRAZOLUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. PERF. / 40 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 500 10000 6,670.00 133,400.00 20 50 266.80 667.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0222 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 222 222 OXELADINUM SIROP SIROP / 0,2% Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 100 200.00 2,000.00 1 5 20.00 100.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0223 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 223 223 OXYBUTYNIN COMPR. COMPR. / 5 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 180 240 50.40 67.20 60 120 16.80 33.60 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0224 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 224 224 OXYCODONUM COMPR.ELIB.PREL. COMPR.ELIB.PREL. / 20mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1200 3000 1,212.00 3,030.00 60 120 60.60 121.20 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0225 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 225 225 OXYCODONUM COMPR.ELIB.PREL. COMPR.ELIB.PREL. / 40mg 240 1500 400.80 2,505.00 60 120 100.20 200.40 Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 240 1500 400.80 2,505.00 60 120 100.20 200.40 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0226 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 226 226 OXYCODONUM COMPR.ELIB.PREL. COMPR.ELIB.PREL. / 60mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 60 1000 279.00 4,650.00 20 40 93.00 186.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0227 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 227 227 OXYCODONUM COMPR.ELIB.PREL. COMPR.ELIB.PREL. / 80mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 180 420 531.00 1,239.00 60 120 177.00 354.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0228 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 228 228 PALONOSETRONUM FL. SOL. INJ. / 250 mcg/5ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 20 150 3,723.20 27,924.00 5 10 930.80 1,861.60 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0229 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 229 229 PALONOSETRONUM CAPS. MOI CAPS. MOI / 500 mcg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 20 150 4,986.60 37,399.50 5 10 1,246.65 2,493.30 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0230 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 230 230 PANTOPRAZOLUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. INJ. / 40 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 2000 20000 18,900.00 189,000.00 100 500 945.00 4,725.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0231 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 231 231 PARACETAMOLUM COMPR. COMPR. / 500 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 20000 60000 4,000.00 12,000.00 1000 4000 200.00 800.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0232 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 232 232 PARACETAMOLUM FL. 120 mg / 5ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 50 200 800.00 3,200.00 1 10 16.00 160.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0233 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 233 233 PHENOBARBITALUM COMPR. COMPR. / 100 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 3000 42.00 420.00 25 50 3.50 7.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0234 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 234 234 PIRACETAMUM F. SOL. INJ. / 1 g/5 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 200 2000 294.00 2,940.00 20 50 29.40 73.50 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0235 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 235 235 POSACONAZOLUM COMPR. GASTROREZ. COMPR. GASTROREZ. / 100 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 72 960 9,615.60 128,208.00 24 48 3,205.20 6,410.40 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0236 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 236 236 POSACONAZOLUM FL. SUSP. ORALA / 40 mg/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 100 25,727.90 257,279.00 1 2 2,572.79 5,145.58 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0237 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 237 237 PREPARAT ENTERAL OLIGOPEPTIDIC FLACON 500 ML PREPARAT ENTERAL OLIGOPEPTIDIC / DIETA ENTERALA / OSMOLARITATE 300 - 450 MILIOSMOLI / LITRU Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 30 300 1,200.00 12,000.00 4 20 160.00 800.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0238 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 238 238 PROPAFENONUM FIOLE SOL. INJ. / 70mg/20ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 50 1000 421.50 8,430.00 5 10 42.15 84.30 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0239 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 239 239 PYRIDOXINUM F. SOL. INJ. / 250mg/5ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 20000 80000 51,000.00 204,000.00 1000 3000 2,550.00 7,650.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0240 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 240 240 RANITIDINUM F. SOL. INJ. / 25 mg/ml-2ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 50000 250000 162,500.00 812,500.00 5000 15000 16,250.00 48,750.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0241 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 241 241 REMIFENTANILUM FL. PULB. PT. CONC. PT. SOL. INJ./PERF. / 1 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 600 1,776.00 10,656.00 5 50 88.80 888.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0242 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 242 242 RIFAMPICINUM CAPS. CAPS. / 150 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 30 40 5.40 7.20 10 20 1.80 3.60 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0243 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 243 243 RIFAXIMINUM FL. COMPR. FILM. / 200 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1800 4800 3,690.00 9,840.00 180 360 369.00 738.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0244 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 244 244 ROCURONIUM BROMIDE FL. SOL. INJ. / 100 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 300 1200 4,923.00 19,692.00 50 100 820.50 1,641.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0245 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 245 245 ROPIVACAINUM F. SOL. INJ. / 10 mg/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 1000 1,079.00 10,790.00 5 50 53.95 539.50 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0246 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 246 246 SALBUTAMOLUM FL. SUSP. INHAL. PRESURIZATA / 100 mcg / doza Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 1000 803.00 8,030.00 10 30 80.30 240.90 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0247 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 247 247 SILIBINUM COMPR. 35 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 800 9600 104.00 1,248.00 80 160 10.40 20.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0248 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 248 248 SOLUTIE ENTERALA ORALA FL. SOL. ORALA / 20 grame proteine 120 400 1,800.00 6,000.00 4 40 60.00 600.00 Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 120 400 1,800.00 6,000.00 4 40 60.00 600.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0249 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 249 249 SOLUTIE ENTERALA ORALA PE SONDA FL. SOL. ORALA / aport energetic min 1.5 Kcal/ ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 40 400 1,400.00 14,000.00 4 20 140.00 700.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0250 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 250 250 SPIRONOLACTONUM COMPR. FILM. / CAPS. /COMPR. COMPR. FILM. / CAPS. / COMPR. / 25 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3000 15000 870.00 4,350.00 100 500 29.00 145.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0251 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 251 251 SPIRONOLACTONUM COMPR. FILM. / CAPS. COMPR. FILM. / CAPS. / 50 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3000 12000 1,620.00 6,480.00 100 500 54.00 270.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0252 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 252 252 STREPTOMYCINUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. INJ. / 1g Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 150 300 465.00 930.00 50 100 155.00 310.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0253 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 253 253 SUFENTANILUM CITRATUM FIOLE SOL. INJ. 50 mcg / ml * 5 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 20 300 357.60 5,364.00 5 10 89.40 178.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0254 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 254 254 SUGAMMADEXUM FL. SOL. INJ. / 100 mg/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 30 300 9,963.30 99,633.00 10 20 3,321.10 6,642.20 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0255 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 255 255 SULFAMETHOXAZOLUM + TRIMETHOPRIMUM COMPR. COMPR. / 400 mg / 80 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 2000 10000 620.00 3,100.00 200 400 62.00 124.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0256 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 256 256 SULFATHIAZOLUM KG PULBERE ALBA, CRISTALINA CU EFECT DEZINFECTANT Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 1 5 350.00 1,750.00 0.3 0.5 105.00 175.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0257 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 257 257 SULTAMICILLINUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 375 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 48 900 106.08 1,989.00 12 24 26.52 53.04 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0258 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 258 258 SULTAMICILLINUM FL. PULB. PT. SUSP. ORALA / 250 mg/ 5 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 50 200.70 1,003.50 1 5 20.07 100.35 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0259 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 259 259 TAMSULOSINUM CAPS. / COMPR. CAPS. / COMPR. / 0.4 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 90 300 72.00 240.00 30 60 24.00 48.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0260 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 260 260 TEICOPLANINUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. INJ./PERF. SAU SOL. ORALA / 400 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 500 2000 59,950.00 239,800.00 10 50 1,199.00 5,995.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0261 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 261 261 TETRACYCLINUM TUB UNGUENT / 30 mg/g Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 1000 1,147.00 11,470.00 5 20 57.35 229.40 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0262 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 262 262 TETRYZOLINUM FL PIC. OFTALMICE - SOL. / 0.5mg/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10 100 200.00 2,000.00 1 3 20.00 60.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0263 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 263 263 THIAMINUM F. SOL. INJ. / 100 mg/2ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 20000 80000 34,200.00 136,800.00 1000 3000 1,710.00 5,130.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0264 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 264 264 TIGECYCLINUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. PERF. / 50 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 500 2000 65,970.00 263,880.00 10 50 1,319.40 6,597.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0265 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 265 265 TINZAPARINUM FL. SOL. INJ. IN FLACOANE / 10000UI anti-XA/ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 30 1000 1,424.40 47,480.00 10 20 474.80 949.60 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0266 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 266 266 TIREOTROPINUM ALFA FL PULB. PT. SOL. INJ / 0.9 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 8 30 11,775.04 44,156.40 2 4 2,943.76 5,887.52 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0267 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 267 267 TRAMADOLUM COMPR. ELIB. PREL. COMPR. ELIB. PREL. / 150 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 600 1800 606.00 1,818.00 60 180 60.60 181.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0268 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 268 268 TRAMADOLUM COMPR. ELIB. PREL. COMPR. ELIB. PREL. / 200 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 420 1200 562.80 1,608.00 60 120 80.40 160.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0269 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 269 269 TRAMADOLUM CAPS / COMPR. CAPS/COMPR / 50 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 4000 15000 1,480.00 5,550.00 400 800 148.00 296.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0270 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 270 270 TRIMEBUTINUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR/COMPR. FILM. / 100 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 180 1200 54.00 360.00 30 60 9.00 18.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0271 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 271 271 TRIMEBUTINUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR/COMPR. FILM. / 200 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 180 600 165.60 552.00 30 60 27.60 55.20 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0272 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 272 272 VANCOMYCINUM FL. PULB. PT.SOL. PERF. / 500 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 5000 15000 93,050.00 279,150.00 100 500 1,861.00 9,305.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0273 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 273 273 VANCOMYCINUM FL. PULB. PT.SOL. PERF. / 1000 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 10000 25000 262,000.00 655,000.00 100 1000 2,620.00 26,200.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0274 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 274 274 VORICONAZOLUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 200 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 840 2800 43,394.40 144,648.00 140 280 7,232.40 14,464.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0275 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 275 275 VORICONAZOLUM FL. PULB. PT. SOL. PERF. / 200 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 1000 31,065.00 310,650.00 10 50 3,106.50 15,532.50 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0276 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 276 276 VORICONAZOLUM FL. PULB. PT. SUSP. ORALA / 40 mg/ ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 3 50 4,118.76 68,646.00 1 2 1,372.92 2,745.84 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0277 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 277 277 XILOMETAZOLINA CLORHIDRAT FL. SOL. NAZALA / 1 mg/ml, 10 ml Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 60 300 600.00 3,000.00 1 10 10.00 100.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0278 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 278 278 ZOLPIDEMUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 10 mg Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 100 1200 27.00 324.00 20 40 5.40 10.80 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0279 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 279 279 ACIDUM CLODRONICUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM. / 800 MG Diverse medicamente supplies Cant min acord cadru/Cant max acord cadru/ Val min acord cadru/Val max acord cadru/ Cant min ctr subs/Cant max ctr subs/Val min ctr subs/Val max ctr subs 360 480 4,266.00 5,688.00 60 120 711.00 1,422.00 33690000 Farmacia IOCN RO113 ROU 36 0 LOT-0280 no-eu-funds price Pretul ofertei Pretul cel mai scazut este singurul criteriu ORG-0004 ORG-0002 false false fa-wo-rc none 280 280 ACIDUM IBANDRONICUM COMPR. FILM. COMPR. FILM.
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/************************************************************************ ** This file is part of the network simulator Shawn. ** ** Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by the SwarmNet ( project ** ** Shawn is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** ** under the terms of the BSD License. Refer to the shawn-licence.txt ** ** file in the root of the Shawn source tree for further details. ** ************************************************************************/ #ifndef __SHAWN_APPS_DISTEST_POSTSCRIPT_WRITER_H #define __SHAWN_APPS_DISTEST_POSTSCRIPT_WRITER_H #include "_apps_enable_cmake.h" #ifdef ENABLE_DISTEST #include "sys/simulation/simulation_controller.h" #include "sys/processor.h" #include "sys/node.h" #include "sys/world.h" using namespace shawn; namespace distest { //---------------------------------------------------------------- class DIPostscriptWriter { protected: std::ostream& psfile_; int pageNo_; bool eps_; double x0,x1,y0,y1; Vec* pageSize; //void paint(std::vector<shawn::Node*>& nvec); public: Vec* addvec; double fac; double boundary; Vec offset; Vec border; double scale; enum Color { grey, red, green, blue, yellow, orange, black, pink}; DIPostscriptWriter(std::ostream& psfile, SimulationController& sc ); ~DIPostscriptWriter(void); void calcOffset(const shawn::World&); void setcolor(enum Color color); void setcolor(double r, double g, double b); void line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); void lineto(double x, double y); void stroke(); void circle(double x, double y, double radius, bool filled = false, int start_angle = 0, int end_angle = 360); void cross(double x, double y); void silly_triangle(double x, double y); void moveto(double x, double y); void setlinewidth2(double width = 0.0 ); void showpage(); void setcolor2(double X, double Y, double Z); void line2(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); void proline2(Vec from, Vec to); void mystroke(); void circle3(double x, double y, double radius, bool filled); void procircle3(Vec pos, double radius, bool filled); void text(Vec pos, std::string s); void newpage(); void ps_header(); }; } #endif #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Source $Source: /cvs/shawn/shawn/apps/distest/distest_postscript_writer.h,v $ * Version $Revision: 197 $ * Date $Date: 2008-04-29 17:40:51 +0200 (Tue, 29 Apr 2008) $ *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Log: distest_postscript_writer.h,v $ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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{expect} = require "chai" cf = require("models/widgets/tables/cell_formatters") describe "cell_formatters module", -> describe "DateFormatter", -> describe "getFormat method", -> it "should map ATOM", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "ATOM"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%Y-%m-%d" it "should map W3C", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "W3C"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%Y-%m-%d" it "should map RFC-3339", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "RFC-3339"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%Y-%m-%d" it "should map ISO-8601", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "ISO-8601"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%Y-%m-%d" it "should map COOKIE", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "COOKIE"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%a, %d %b %Y" it "should map RFC-850", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "RFC-850"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%A, %d-%b-%y" it "should map RFC-1123", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "RFC-1123"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%a, %e %b %Y" it "should map RFC-2822", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "RFC-2822"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%a, %e %b %Y" it "should map RSS", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "RSS"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%a, %e %b %y" it "should map RFC-822", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "RFC-822"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%a, %e %b %y" it "should map RFC-1036", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "RFC-1036"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "%a, %e %b %y" it "should map TIMESTAMP", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "TIMESTAMP"}) expect(df.getFormat()) it "should map custom formats to themselves", -> df = new cf.DateFormatter({format: "CUST"}) expect(df.getFormat()) "CUST"
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Jean Pierre Melville, à propos de Bourvil dans "Le cercle rouge" Sport en fête - 05.11.1972 - 04:39 - vidéo Jean Pierre MELVILLE, invité fil rouge de la tranche horaire, évoque le dernier rôle de BOURVIL dans "Le cercle rouge" tourné en 1970 (extrait). Bourvil, André, Cinéma, film
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activités sportives autour d'équipes de foot ; accompagnement scolaire pour les jeunes scolarisés ; une aide aux jeunes en échec scolaire dans leurs démarches pour une insertion dans la vie active (recherche d'emplois, formation, autres...) ; des activités extrascolaires pendant les vacances scolaires ; des projets de bienfaisance.
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مخلفات الزوابع الأخيرةمخلفات الزوابع الأخيرة&action=history
مخلفات الزوابع الأخيرة، هي رواية للاديب جمال ناجي نشرت في العام 1988 من قبل المؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر - بيروت. اعتبر عدد من النقاد أن هذه الرواية هي أفضل ما كتبه جمال ناجي حتى العام 1988، ورؤوا انها رواية المكان بامتياز، حيث أقام الروائي معماره الفني بعد تصفير المكان والزمان، والابتداء بتشييد مدينة جديدة ببيوتها وشوارعها ومحالها التجارية وسكانها وعلاقاتهم الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية والعاطفية، ومما يميز هذه الرواية أنها تتناول جوهر حياة الغجر، بعيدا عن الصورة النمطية التي درجت العادة على التعامل من خلالها مع الغجر، وهي صورة الغجريات الراقصات اللواتي يرفهن عن الآخرين. جمال ناجي في روايته هذه يهمش هذه الصورة النمطية المسطحة ليغوص في ميثولوجيا الغجر ونشأتهم وعاداتهم وتقاليدهم وأسباب تشتتهم منذ ولادة جدهم الأول، مرورا بما يتهمون به من أنهم رفضوا إيواء مريم العذراء في خيمتهم أثناء هربها، وانتهاء بتفرقهم في أنحاء الأرض، يأتي هذا في سياق انثيال الذاكرة الغجرية في الرواية، وهو ما يتم استحضاره خلال فترة انضمامهم إلى مدينة الوادي التي شيدها الروائي، واختلط فيها الغجر والفلاحون والبدو ليشكلوا بمرور الزمن مجتمعا مدينيا قادرا على التعايش رغم اختلاف الثقافات والمرجعيات خصوصا بين الغجر والآخرين. ملخص الرواية تبدأ أحداث الرواية مع غجري اسمه (سبلو) وزوجته (بهاج) وابنته (هجير)، حيث يقرر سبلو الانفصال عن الغجر والعيش في الوادي الذي يسمى فيما بعد (وادي الغجر)، وحيث ان الوادي يكون مقفرا وخاليا من البيوت باستثناء بيت عثمان أبو بركه، فان سبلو وزوجته يجدان صعوبة في العيش فيه، خصوصا بعد أن يتنبها إلى وجود مجموعة من المجرمين يعيشون في كهوف في أعالي الجبال المحيطة بالوادي، وهنا تبدأ هواجس سبلو وتخوفاته من حدوث مكروه له أو لزوجته أو ابنته، وفي إحدى الليالي يعود إلى بيته فيجد زوجته التي أحبها(بهاج) مقتولة بفظاعة، ويصير همه بعدها العثور على قاتلها بعد أن تداهم الشرطة كهوف المجرمين وتشتبك معهم ويفرون من منطقة الوادي. يأتي إلى الوادي سكان جدد يقيمون فيه ويدفعون أثمان الأراضي إلى (عثمان أبو بركه) الذي يدعي ملكيته لكل الوادي، وتأتي جموع الغجر إلى الوادي أيضا بعد أن يشاهدوا بيت سبلو ويتلمسون إمكانية الاستقرار وفضائله، وتتوارد أسر كثيرة إلى المكان وتنشأ علاقات اجتماعية واقتصادية بين السكان بحكم نمو الحياة في الوادي وتطورها الذي يتزامن مع بحث سبلو عن قاتل زوجته وآلامه المقيمة التي لا يستطيع الخلاص منها، وتلعب ابنته (هجير) دورا رئيسيا في استرجاع معنى الحياة في بيته، وتزداد نضارة وتعيش قصة حب مع (جبر) ابن عثمان أبو بركة الأمر الذي يستفز أهله (الفلاحين) الذين يرفضون ارتباط جبر بفتاة غجرية (هجير) لكن جبر يصر على هذه العلاقة مما يثير حفيظة شقيقه (سلمان أبو بركة) الذي يخوض معه صراعا مكشوفا، إلى حد أنه يتحالف مع (نزار أبو خنجر) وهو واحد من المجرمين الذين نجوا من مداهمة الشرطة واختفوا دون أن يعرفهم أحد. لكن يفاجأ سكان الوادي بأن الأرض التي اقاموا بيوتهم ومصالحهم عليها منذ عشرين عاما ليست ملكا لعثمان أبو بركه الذي تسلم منهم المال وسلمهم مقابلها(حجج بيع)، انما هي لشخص آخر (معروف المعروف) الذي يصر على استرداد ارضه أو تقاضي ثمنها من السكان بالأسعار السائدة عند ظهوره، وهنا تنشأ الاصطفافات والانتفاضات في الوادي ضد معروف وما يمثله، ويتماسك السكان في البداية، لكن هذا التماسك يبدأ بالتفتت تحت ضغط الحكم القضائي وتدخل سلمان أبو بركه ونزار أبو خنجر اللذان يعقدان صفقة مع صاحب الأرض مقابل الدور المتخاذل الذي يقومان به لصالحه. في النهاية ورغم شراسة الصراعات في الوادي حول ملكية الأرض، فإن سبلو يشعر بأن لا مكان له في هذا المجتمع الذي أودى بحياة زوجته منذ أعوام طويلة، لكن ابنته هجير تختلف معه بسبب تعايشها منذ طفولتها مع هذا المجتمع وتحولها إلى جزء منه، الأمر الذي يضيف إلى آلام سبلو آلاما وعذابات جديدة. المسلسل التلفزيوني تم تحويل هذه الرواية إلى مسلسل تلفزيوني من إنتاج المركز العربي للإنتاج الفني. مراجع روايات 1982 روايات 1988 روايات أردنية روايات متلفزة
Open Culture
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New England farmer, and horticultural register
Select one tliird, and never over one half dry, for unless you have a bad stove indeed, you can cook equally as well, and be as comfortably warmed, and save one quarter of the expense. Every man that can, should season his wood under cover, as its value is much increased thereby. True economy is the wealth of the nation — and it should be the pride of all our pursuits, the pillar of our domestic happiness — for it makes the most of our own means for supplying our own wants, and for being useful to others. It is truly the poor man's wealth and capital. Yours, &c. S. P. Remarlts. — We are obliged to Mr Perkins for his communication, and hope he will favor us again. His ingenious suggestions may set many to think- ing. A good farmer in Westboro', tells us he intends to make a fair trial of the plan of soiling cows through the summer season ; that is, keeping them in a yard and feeding them with green fodder. For ourself we have never tried this mode of feeding. The Hon. Josiah Quincy has tried it for many years, and he thinks it a good mode where the land is suitable. The English practice soiling extensively. The manure made from a cow so kept, will be worth twice as much as from one kept in the usual way. It seems that Mr Perkins has made 4 cords and that he thinks he can make six with a little exer- tion. This agrees with a statement in our last pa- per that one cow would make manure enough for an acre of tillage land each season. We have often said a middling cow will make twice as much manure as a middling hog. But the great difficulty with most farmers is, that they have lands so rough or bo distant that they cannot be easily njown and the green crops carted to the yard. Another objection is the increased labor of tending the cowa. But our correspondent suggests that a mechanic who keeps but one, may feed her from half an acre of land, or even one fourth of an acre, if it is made rich. Now if half an acre will be sufficient, it will be the cheapest keeping that a mechanic can have ; for the labor of mowing enough for his cow, each day, would be less than the labor of driving 80 rods to a pasture ; and a mechanic whose business is constantly at his own shop, could cut his grass without the least inconvenience. Nay, he might be absent for a day, and more, for his fodder would keep longer than the manna of the men of Israel, and any of his family could deal it out. We should like to see many more trials of this mode of feeding. We are not yet prepared to re- commend it strenuously to our friends, though we think there are many strong arguments in its fa- vor. It is a fact that in hot weather, in fly lime, cows are much more fond of getting into the barn, or under it, than of remaining out; so are horses, though Ihey are not so annoyed with flies. Racks may be so made as to save nearly all th fodder ; and where a man's land lies close to tli barn and can be mown, it may be the most econc mical mode of keeping his cattle. If six, or evr four cords of manure can be made from a cow, will make a tolerable dressing, even for land ; tillage. But grass lands may be kept in good o! der with one fourth part of what is required fe grain or for potatoes. We invite our hlacksmitl and our shoemakers to make a partial trial of th mode of keeping. In regard to the comparative economy of usin dry and green wood, much may be said. It is bi lieved by many that a green stick of hard wood, you can make it burn, will give out more heat tha the same stick when dried, and we are inclined 1 adopt this opinion. One advantage of dry wood i you may keep a fire with it without putting o half a cord at a time. If you have a stove, wil short pipes, not liable to be choked up, you may t well use green wood as dry, after your fire is we kindled. We are pretty confident there is no loi in it; there may be considerable gain, as our co respondent suggests; and his assertion in regai to charred wood, green and dry, is worth attcndini to. The sap of wood is not pure water. The wai nut and the rock maple have sap that is full of st' gar ; and both these kinds of wood are more vali able for fuel when green than when dry. Bol will burn freely enough in any common fire-plac and these are the best kinds of fuel in the countr Next come the yellow locust and the apple tre The sap of these also is quite rich, and both wi burn well in a green state. — Ed. Plowman. VALUE OF THE EXPORTS OF AMERICA! PRODUCE. Summary statement of the value of the Exports, the growth, produce and manufacture of tl United States, during the year commencing t the Ist day of October, 1840, and ending on tl 30th of September, 1841 : The Sea. Fisheries — Diied fish, or cod fisheries, $602,81 Pickled fish, or river fisheries (herring, shad, salmon, mackerel,) 148,9* Whale and other fish oil, l,2OG,0C Whalebone, 34.3,3C The Forest. Skins and furs, Ginseng, Products of wood — Staves, shingles, boards, hewn timber, $2,54!>,812 Other lumber, 200,175 Masts and spars, 58,991 Oak bark and other dye, 153,519 All manufactures of wood, 548,308 Naval stores, tar, pitch, rosin and turpentine, 084,514 Ashes, pot and pearl, 573,026 $2,840,85 993,2f; 437,24 J}griculture. Products of animals — Beef, tallow, hides, horned cattle, 904,918 Butter and cjieesc, 504,815 4,834,341 6,204,85 VOb. Xtl. NO. 94. AND HORTICULTURAL REGISTER. 189 Pork, (pickled.) bacon, lard, live hnrrs, 2,661,547 Horses and mules, 2i>.%143 Sheep, ■•IS.rC? egetable food — Wheat, 829,881 Flour, 7,7.59,646 Indian corn, 312,9.54 Indian meal, 662,457 Rye meal, 138,505 Rye, oats, and other small grain, and pulse, 1.59,893 Bi.scuit, or ship bread, 378,041 Potatoes, ' 64,402 Apples, 48,396 Rice, 2,010,107 4,360,180 Tobacco, Cotton, 11 other agricultural products — Flaxseed, 50,781 Hops, 28,823 Brown sugar, 23,837 12,377,282 16,737,462 12,506,703 54,330,341 Manvfadurts. Soap and tallow candles, 494,577 Leather, boots and shoes, 193,583 Household furniture. 310,105 Coaches and other carriages 60,456 Hats, 100,725 Saddlery, 22,456 Wax, 74,120 Beer, porter and cider. 59,133 Spirits from grain. 97,150 SnufFand tobacco, 873,877 Lead, 96,784 Linseed oil, and spirits of tu rpentine. 52,162 Cordage, 31.582 Iron — pig, and nails. 138,537 Castings, 99,904 All manufactures of. 806,823 Spirits from molasses, 371,294 Sugar, refined, 1,384,974 Chocolate, 2,606 Gunpowder, 146,934 Copper and brass. 72,932 Medicinal drugs, 136,469 5,591,147 itton piece goods — iPrinted and colored, 450,503 ■White, 2,324,839 Twist, yarn, and thread, 43,403 All manufactures of, 303,701 .1.122.546 IX and hemp — Cloth and thread, Bags and all manufactures of, Wearing apparel, Combs and buttons, Brushes, Billiard tables and apparatus. Umbrellas and parasols. Leather and morocco skins not sold pound. Printing presses and type, Fire engines and apparatus. Musical instruments, Books and maps, per 2,764 10,636 77,907 47,548 2,590 906 7,699 38,689 561 22,439 16,119 40,620 Paper and stationery. Paints and varnish, Vinegar, Enrtbcn and stone ware. Manufactures of glass, Tin, Pewter and load, Marhlo and stone, Gold and silver, and gold Gold and silver coin, Artificial flowers and jewelry, Molasses, Trunks, Brick and lime. Domestic salt, Articles not enumerated — Manufactured, Other articles, 6,481,502 626,857 823,566 1,450,423 Total domestic exports, ,$106,382,722. Treasury Department, Register's Office, July 7, 1842. T. L. SMITH, Register. THE GROWING INTEREST IN AGRICUL- TURAL PURSUITS. With our neighbor of the New England Farmer, in his remarks on this important subject, we con- cur in the sentiment expressed, " that it is matter of rejoicing, that much ia yet to be learned — and may the time never come when man shall be com- pelled to till the earth without having it in his power to learn how to do his work better." Should the editorial corps, by the diffusion of practical truths and the lights of science, be the happy instruments of hastening the world towards a state of perfection in the cultivation of the earth, even until it should groan under the burthen of its productions, and man become surfeited with its riches and luxuries, still would we say, in the spi- rit of the age, go ahead. Man's destiny is not li- mited to " Tliis mouldy vesture of decay," that feeds upon material stuff. He was not made for a mere tiller of the soil, to muddle in the dirt. This ball of earth is but a foctfhold, a stopping place, to refresh his mortal self in his career through time, and purposely made for the benefit and use of intellectual beings, and to be governed by moral and intellectual power. The development and ex- pansion of those powers to their utmost limits, is the grand purpose of his compound existence. And scientific agriculture is the field wisely adapted to the exercise and discipline of his physical and in- tellectual energies, and to capacitate him for that more etherial and exalted sphere of action to which he is destined. But the material results of agri- cultural skill afford no sustenance for the intellec. tual man ; that thrives only on the Tree of Knowl- edge ; a perennial plant, which is the food of an- gels— a plant susceptible of everlasting culture. -Conn. Farmer's Gnz. Duelling — Dr. Franklin. — When Franklin was in England, prior to tho American revolution, ho was one night in ono of the coffee-houses in Lon- don, in company with a number of literary and sci- entific gentlemen, who greatly admired his conver- sational powers, both for their force and originality. A stranger, who was afUjcted with a most offen- sive odor, and who seeined pleased with the Doc- tor's conversation, came into the box in which the party was assembled. Franklin proposed that his friends should remove to another box to escape the horrid smell: they did so, but the stranger followed them : again, at Franklin's instance, lliey removed, and again he followed ; when, the Doctor's patience getting exhausted, he said to the stranger that he would be obliged to him not to follow them again, for his scent was so offensive it could not be borne. He of the smell took this as a gross insult, and challenged the Doctor the next morning to a duel. The Doctor replied thus: "If I accept your chal- lenge, and we fight, and you kill me, I shall in a few days smell as bad as you do now : — If I kill you, you will, if possible, smell worse than you do at present: in neither case can I see how Any be- nefit can result to ourselves or others, and there- fore decline the challenge." — Selected. Ingenious Expedient to Evade the Post Office Law. — The Postmaster General has recently writ- ten a letter, stating that the writing of any thing upon the margin of a newspaper, other than the name of the person to whom it is sent, subjects it to letter postage. Also, that any hieroglyphics come under the same head. " The many ingenious devices to evade the pe- nalty of the law," says the Postmaster General, " may be inferred from the facts in a single case which was brought to my notice. A man had been in the habit of writing on the margin of a pa- per to his father, to save letter postage. When ar- rested by the application of the provisions of tho act of 1825, he adopted atspecies of singular hiero- glyphics. His object was to let his father know that his family were well, and would be up in a few days ; so he sent a newspaper with nothing but his name written on it : but he had penciled on the margin a fac simile of a saddler's awl, point- ing towards the representation of a well with a sweep and bucket going up — thus distinctly con- veying the message to his father that 'all his fam- ily were well, and were coining up to see him.' " There is this difference between health and mo- ney : money is the most envied, but the least enjoy- ed ; health is the most enjoyed but the least envied ; and the superiority of the latter is still more obvi- ous when we reflect that the poorest man would not part with health for money, but that the rich- est would gladly part with all his money for health. Worse than the Toothache. — A Dutchman, pro- ceeding to a place from whence he heard cries of distress, discovered one of his countrymen lying under a stone wall which had fallen upon him and fractured his legs. " Veil, den, neighbor Vander- diken, vat ish de matter vid you .'" " Vat de mat- ter I vy do n't you see mine conditions, vid all deesh pig stones upon me, and poth mini^ legs proke off close py mine poddy.'" '' Mine Cot !" said Honie, "ish dat all ? you hollered so like tun- der, I thought you wash got de toothache !" — Se- lected. Be slow to believe you are wiser than all others : it is a fatal but common error. Where one has been saved by a true estimation of another's weak- ness, thousands have been destroyed by a false ap- preciation of their own strength. Napoleon could calculate the former well, but to his miscalculations of the latter, may be ascribed his roin. — Lacon. 190 NEW ENGLAND FARMER, DEC. It.HS'ia. Ann HORTICULTURAL REGISTER. | Boston, Wednesday, Dkcember 14, 1842. LYING ABOUT CROPS AND PROFITS. 1 " Some books arc lies frae end to end, And some great lies were never penn'd ; Ev'n mmisters. they have been kenn'd In holy rapture, A rousing whid,at times to vend, And nail't wi' scripture." Mr Editor — There seems to me a spirit of lying abroad which ought to be rebuked, and I wish you would give your roaders a homily on the subject, " And nail't vvi' scripture." From my recollection of your ef- forts in that way in " old times," I have reason to know that such an exercise would bo as wholesome to some of your correspondents and to many of your readers, as are your excellent hints on the management of the farm. I refer more particularly to the habit of bragging, so mueh indulged in in the papers and public reports. In your paper of the 7th December, there is an article cre- dited ? to the Worcester Spy, and headed " Apples," which is a good specimen of what I refer to. It con- tains as many lies as lin«s. There is no doubt that the person referred to in the article has the thirty acres of apple trees, and just ns little doubt that he has spent fifty years in rearing them, and that they are nearly the whole result of the labor of a life. The fact, however, that the 15U0 trees on tliese 30 acres, now in a " fine healthy slate and full bearing," produce no more than 800 barrels of apples, shows a want of skill in their se- lection or management, which I should think he would be slow to brag of. There was no occasion for "scour- ing" the country for trees to make additions to his orch- ard. Enough might be found within ten miles of Boston and at reasonable prices loo, for his wants, if they were ten times as great as they are. The assertion that he could have three dollars and a Haifa barrel for his 800 barrels of apples, is too gieat a lie to dwell on. Every one ^who has dealt in the arti- cle this year, knows that selected Baldwins can hardly be sold at retail for two dollars, and that the wholesale price has not been, and is not now, above one dollar and a half a barrel. If" the demand for exportation is limited only by the supply," as the article asserts, why do not the dealers now ship off some of the thousands of barrels that are now rotting in our cellars and cannot be sold here.' It is true that one merchant has shipped about 500 barrels of this article annually for a few years past, to Calcutta but wiih various and not uniform success. He ships them <in his cargoes of ice, and could not of course send them in any other way. He bought his supply this year for $1 50 a barrel. This, after rejecting fully one third as unfit for shipping such a distance, makes the cost of what remain $2 25. Only the very fairest are ever shipped to that market. It i» notoriously untrue that shipments to England, the West Indies, S. America, and the Mediterranean give equally good returns. Shipments to nearly all those places have been almost uniformly disastrous. Unless shipped with ice, every body who knows any thing about the matter, knows tiiat they cannot be sent a 00 days voyage with any chance of success. 1 would not be thought, by any thing I have said, to underrate the cultivation of the Apple. It is undoubted- ly one of the best, if not the very best crop that can be raised between the Kennebec and the Hudson, and whin its cultivation is belter understood, the barren looking hills in many pans of that great region will be covered with the trees. Whilst on the subject of bragging, I meant to have said something of some of the slati'inentB made to our late excellent Siale Commissioner, the cessation of whose useful labor.-i, we all regret. But I have only time now I to hint to the assessors of some of the towns in the eastern part of MiddUsex county, that if they will read his Report f.r 1811, (the 4th), ihey will find one " facul- ty," richly developed whicli they probably -never have 1 taxed : and such disclosures of " incomes" as canno f^iil to be of great benefit to them when they next take an account of the " gudes and gear" of the worthy peo" pie in those parts. Yours, very truly, A MIDDLESEX FARMER. inr Lying, is it .' Perhaps it is. Much is published about farming in general, and nbout the productiveness and profits of particular farms, that no farmer can be- lieve. Whether this is the result of downright ii/m^> or the result of ignorance and llioughtlessnes?, it may not be easy to determine. It is unfortunate that so many false and misleading things in relation to farming, should be circulated. They give false and deluding no- tions to the people of all other pursuits — they tend to make the inhabitants of cities and villages look upon faimers as the most unthankful and grumbling set of men upon the face of the earth — they operate also to al- lure many a mechanic and trader from a business by which he can earn a good living, to a farm where he will almost surely run behind hand. In these times of mercantile embarrassments, and of perplexities in trade, hundreds and thousands are asking whether it would not be well for them to leave the thronged city and sef tie down upon a farm. To such we must say emphati- cally, that there is no probability— that there is scarcely a possibility that a man who has spent many of his days in the city, and got city habits and tastes fixed upon himself and his family— there is scarcely a possibility that he can get a bare living from a 5 or 6000 dollar farm. If he can live where he is, he had better stay where he is, unless he has several thousands to spare after the farm is paid for. To those who are practically unacquainted with farming, we must say, do not believe the many statements which represent farming as very ■profitable. Now and then a particular crop niay give its grower a large profit, but this is an exception to the gen- eral rule. We hardly know where the chief fault lies. Papers devoted to ngricultftre are established, and must be fill- ed from week to week or month to month. The farm- ers themselves, they who know all the facts, are reluc- tant to write them out; but an attempt must be made to get them. Let an editor talk awhile with a farmer and he may get at some of the desirable facts as to his pro- cesses and results — but it is generally only a part of them, and that part such as lead to wrong inferences. In some such way as this, many of the objectionable articles are made up, we presume, though we cannot plead guilty to doing much in this way. A plentiful intermixture of lies and exaggerations, and marvels makes a paper the more palatable to too many readers, and perhaps extends the fame and circula- tion of the paper. This may argue a depraved public laaie ;— but the existence of such depravity will mani- fest itself, whether argued into light or not; and there are loo many writers ready to earn a copper by catering to this depravity. The evil alluded to, and pointed out by our corres- ptindent, does prevail most extensively. We see it and feel it every week. We are obliged, much against our will, to give circulation to many things coming through most respectable exchange papers — that we can't make up our minds to believe, and yet, we can't doubt, with out saying to some rsspectable man — " you lie, air." We are not sorry to see the lies of such an article n: that which our correspondent has criticised, thus expos ed — some of them are apparent to every reader ^ho lia sold a barrel of apples. And if it is thought right tlir we should bear a portion of the blame for admitting ili lies to the columns of the Farmer — we must say Jlmcn Self Culture, by William E. Channing, D. D,w:i a Biographical ijketch of the Author. James Munroe & Co., Boston, have just published ai uncommonly neat little vol., comprising a few fact? i Dr. Channing's life, and also an address by this gifle man, on Self Culture, which he delivered in Bostui September, 1838, as introductory to the Franklin Lti tures. The well known views of this gifted man, in regar to the nature, capabilities and destiny of the human sou and in regard to man's duty to himself, are all that nee be remembered, to show that a work from his polishc and soul stirring pen, would be instructive and useful I every reader. We are glad to dee the address in a fori which will make it not unseemly on the centre table i in the parlor. It will make a pretty and useful Chris mas or New Year's present. Distemper among Cattle in Brairtlree. — We last wet mentioned the death of an ox and two cows in Brai; tree — and a report also that nine hogs, that eat of tl meat of the ox had died. This part of the story, that i the death of the Jwgs, is all fabulous. Stores — It is downright madness, isn't it.' to say word against the general use of stoves. They are convenient — they save so much fuel — they keep t, house so warm. All these benefits are claimed ; ai let them be allowed. But even then it is questional whether Ihey are worth having. The confined and u healthy air, and the great heat, though not unpleasii to many people, while breathing and feeling them, j must have, in very many instances, very debilitating fects. Good, pure air is one of the absolute requisites general good health. Stoves generally, and anthrac coal in small or close rooms, both work a portion of t debility and also of the dejection and low spirits whi are common, and are, we think, on the increase. Consumption. — Mr Adams Mott gives the follow! statement in the Maine Farmer: — "A friend of mil who resides in Industry, in this State, told me his w was sick of what the doctors call consumption. S was visited by five physicians, who gave her over. S was very sick — was unable to set up — had a sevi cough — and grew no better, but rather worse. She collected that she had before received benefit from t use of St. Johnswort : her husband procured some it — it was steeped, and she made it her constant drir For four or five days there appeared to be but little al ration; but afier this, she grew belter very fast; a her health was so much improved, that in the coi six or eight weeks she was able to resume ber custon ry occupations." Man is an embodied paradox, a bundle of contrad lions; and as some set-off against the marvellous thin that he has dono, we might fairly adduce the monstro things that he has Wieserf. The more gross the frat the more glibly will it go down, and the more greedi will it be swallowed — since folly will always find fai wherever impostors will find impudence. — Lacon. ^•01.. XXI. NO. 34. AND HORTICULTURAL REGISTER 191 MASS. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. NOTICE. .The Coininitle« on Vegetables, are hereby notified that there will he a meeting ut the Horticultural Rooms, on SATURDAY next, at half-past 10 o'clock. Dec. U SAMUEL POND, Chairman. TllERMOMKTRtCAL Rttptiried forihe New England Farmer.^of the riietmometerat the (lardenof the proprietors if tilt New England Farmer, Llrighton, Mnea. in a shaded lortiierlycuposure, foriheweek ending Dec. 11. Dec. 1842. | 7,A.M. | 12, M. | S.P.ftlTf Wind. Monday, luesdav, •Ve.lnesday, Thursday, 'rilav, Saturday, iund.iy, 5 36 45 6 23 26 7 21 29 8| 26 34 9! 34 27 o| 25 23 1 1 22 32 3J E. N. W. N. N. E. N. N. N. URIUHTON MARKET.— MoKDAT, Dec. 10, 1842. SeponedfortheNew England Farmer. At Market 820 Beef Cattle, 100 Stores, 2800 Sheep od 1550 Swine. Prices. — Beef Cattle. Last week's prices were fully jstained, viz: We quote few extra $4 50. First qual- y, $4 00 a 4 25. Second quality, $3 50 a 3 75. Third aality, $2 75 a 3 25. Barrelling Cattle.— Mess $3 75. No 1, $2 50. Sheep — Lots were sold fromC7c. to $1 75. Wethers om $1 T5 to 2 75. Sicinc. — Sales brisk at low prices. Lots to peddle, 3-8 a 2 1-2 for sows, and 3 3-8 a 3 1-2 for barrow. • retail from 3 to 4 1-9. Sales of fleece to a considerable extent have been m.ide during the week, in some instances at a reduction ironi re- tail prices. Prime or Saxony Fleeces, washed, lb. 37 a 40 c. — Amer- ican full Mood, (111 33 a 35--Do. 3-4 do 32 a 33— Do. l-2do 2i a 30-1-4 and common do 25 a 2'f — Smyrna Sheep, washed, 20 a 25— Do. unwashed, 10 a 13— Bensjasi do 8 a 10— Saxonj, clean, 00— Bueiuis Ayrcs iin|-.i(,l(ecl, 7 a 10— no. do. nickeil, 12 a 16— Superfine Northern pulled lamb 33 a 35— No. 1 do. do. do. 23 a 30— No. 2 do do do 20 a 22— No. 3 do do do — a —. HOPS. Duty 20 percent. Nothing doing that requires notice. About 75 bales came in from the country early in the week. 1st sort Mass. 1842, lb, 9 a 9 12. 2d do. do. do. 7a 7 1-2. HAY, per ton, SlG to 13— Eastern Screwed 812 to 13 CHEESE— Sliijiping and 4 meal, 6 to 8c.— New 9 to 11. EGGS, 18 a 20. POIIDRETTE I POUDRETTE I ! The subscribers keep constantly on hand and for s.ile, Poudrelie in quantities to suit purchasers ; packed in Bar- rels in order lor shipping, or transportation by wagon or Rail Road. The experience of five years ) ast has satisfied many larmers that this manure has the quickest operation upon vegetable mailer, producing greater abundance, and is the cheapest manure they have ever tried. Orderii left at the New England Seed Store, and at the factory in Rrookline, will meet with prompt attention. For salebyJ.BRECK&.CO,61 and 62 North Market St., Boston. Oct. 20. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT, Corrected Kith great care, weekly. iiEEDS. Herds Grass, $2 50 to 3 00 per bushel. Red Top, to 50 cents. Clover— Northern, OU to 12c.— Southern, 0 0 c. Klax Seed, SI 73 per bushel. Lucerne, 30 c.per lb. .nary Seed, S3 50 per bushel. 3RAIN. Duty, Corn, Rye and Beans, free ; Barley 20 r cent, ; Oats 20 per cent. Demand not large, but about equal to the supplies. IIorn-Northem. old, bushel 5S to 60— Southern, round low, old, 57 a 58 — Southern flat yellow, new, 51 a 53— do. while 50 a 51 — do New Orleans, on a 00— Barley a Rye, Northern, 72 a 73 —do. Southern, 62 a 65— ts. Southern, 27 a 23— Northern do. 30 to 32— Beans, per :hel 75 a 1 23.— Shorts, per double bush. — a ■ Bran ?LOUR. The past week has been a very dull one for ur. Baltimore, Howard Street, 4 mos. cr. $4 87 a 0 00 do. arf, so 00 a 0 UO do. free of garlic, S4 75 a 0 00 — Phila- phia do. 4 mos. $4 75 a 0 00 —Fredericksburg, lowl'd 4 J. $4 73 a 0 00 — Alexandria, wharf mountain, —4 75 a -Georgetown, S5 00 a 5 23— Richmond Canal, 84 87 a 0 00 o. City, So 00 a 0 00— Pelersburgh, South side So 00 a 0 00 0. Country S4 73 a 0 00— Genesee, common, cash, S4 84 a ■ do fancy brands S5 12 a 6 25 — Ohio via Canal, I 5 00- do do New Orleans, cash S4 75 a 0 00. Rye' I 0 00— Indiai Meal in bbls. S2 73 a 3 00. ' ROVISIONS. The stock of Beef is comparatively Jl, and some of the largest holders are asking higher es. eef— Mess 4 luo. new hbl. $7 60 a 8 00— Navy — $7 00 a .—No. 1, 5 00 a 6 00— do Prime S3 50 a 4 00— Pork ra clear 4 mo. bbl. 3 11 60 a 00 00— do Clear Si 0 50 a 1 1 00 Mess, 8 00 a 8 50— do Prime S5 00 a 6 00— do Mess 1 other States, — a — — do Prime do do So oo a 0 00 Cargo do. 0 a 0 00 Clear do do SOO 00 a 00 00— ler, shipping, 6 a 8— do store, uninspected, 8 a 10 do y, 12 a 15,— Lard, No. 1, Boston ins. 7 a 7^ — do :hand Western, 6 3-4 a 7 1-2. Hams, Boston, 7 a7 1-2— hern and Western, 6 a 7— Cheese, Ship'g and 4 meal i — do new milk, 7 a 0. ' OOL. Duty. The value whereof at the place of ex- atioB shall not exceed 7 cts. per pound, free. All where- le Talue exceeds 7 cts. per pound, 30 per ct. ad, val. and I per pound. CORN SHELiLERS. A Corn sheller is one of the most convenient and labor saving implements that the practical farmer has in use. Various machines for ibis purpose have been invented. It can be used in all cases for large or small sizt'd ears. It is very simple in its construction, and durable in its operation, and no way liable to get of order ; one man can work it to good advantage, though a man to turn, and a boy to feed il, works it much better than one alone. They are so light and portable, as to be easily removed from place to pla~ce, and one machine will serve for several families or even the in- habitants of a small town. Willis's Impboved Double Operating Corn Shel- ler.— The most perfect and substantial article that has been introduced for the purpose ; this machine can be worked by hand, or any other power, and will shell two ears of corn at the same time; they are highly approved by all that have used them. For sale by J. BRECK & CO., No. 51 and 52 North Mark- et street. JAVA AND MALAY FOWLS FOR SALE. The subscriber has a few pairs of the Java and Malay Chickens to diS)>ose of; they are very fine and of large growth Price S3 per pair. JOHN GILES. Providence, R. I. Nov. 30 3w WILLIS'S LATEST IMPROVED VEGETABLE CUTTER. HOWARD'S IMPROVED EASY DRAUGHT PLOUGH. Great improvemenis have been made the past year in the form and workmanship of these Ploughs; the mould beard has been so formed as to lay the furrow completely oner, turn, ng m every particle of grass or stul^ble, and Leaving the ground in the best possible manner. The length of ihe mould board has hf n very much increased, so that the Plough works with the greatest ease, bolh with respect to the holding and the team. The Committee at the late trial ol Ploughs at Worcester, say, " ^'"'fl'' °"'' "P'"'"" ''<= ^sked as to which of the Ploughs we should prefer for use on a farm, we might perhaps say lo the inquirer, if your land is mostly light and easy to work, try Prouly & Mears, but if your land is heavy, hard orrookv BEGiK WITH Mb. Howard's." At the above me!;tioned trial the Howard Plough did more work, with the same power of team, than any other plough exhibited. No other turned more than twenlysc/eo and one half inches, lo the 112 lbs. draught, while Ihe Howard Plough turned twentynine and one'half inches to the same power of team ! All acknowledge that Howard's Ploughs are much the strongest and most substantially made. ' ■There has been quite an improvement made on the shoe, or land side of this Plough, which can be renewed without liaving to furnish a new landsidei this shoe likewise secures the mould board and landside together, and strengthens the riough very much. The price of the Ploughs is from S6 to S|5. A Hough sufftcienl for lireaking up with four cattle, will cost about »10 fiO, and with cutler Si, with wheel and cutter, 82 60 extra. ' The above Ploughs are for sale, wholesale and retail, at the New England Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store Nos. 51 & 52 North Market Street, by ' JOSKPH BRECK & CO. April 20 GRINDSTONES ON »-RICTION ROLLERS. This machine surpasses all others for the purpose of cut- ting Ruta Baga. Mangel Wurtzel, and other roots. The great objection to other machines, is their cutting the roots into slices, which makes il almost impossible for the cattle lo get hold of them : this machine wilh a little alteration, cuts them into large or small pieces, of such shape as is most convenient for the cattle to eal. It will cut with ease from one to two bushels of roots per minute. For sale by J. BKECK & CO., Nos. 51 anil 52 North Market st. SPLENDID BULBOL'S FLOWER ROOTS. Just received by JOSEPH BRECK & CO., from Hoi- land, a very large and well selected assortment of Dutch Bulbous Roots, among which are ihe following. Hyacinths— OoMh\e while, double rosy, double red, dark blue, light blue, light blue and yellow, single white, white with red and purple eye rosy, pink, light and dark blue, com- prising 150 varieties of choice named sorts. Tu/ips- Fine late named sorts, fine double do., mixed single, mixed double, single and double, Van Throll for forc- ing. Parrots, &c. &c. Crown Imperials, double red and yellow, single red and yellow, &c. &c- &c. Polyanthus Narcissus, Narcissus, Jonquilles, Ranauculus, Anemones, Iris, Crocuses of all colors and varieties, Glad- iolus, Lilies, Paeonies, &c. &c. For sale by JOSEPH BRECK & CO., No 61 and 58 North Market st. Oct. 26 Grindstones of different sizes, hung on friction rollera and moved wilh a foot treader, is lound lo be a great improve- ment on the old mode of hanging grindstones. Stones hung in this manner are becoming daily more in use, and wherever used, give universal satisfaction. The rollers can be attach- ed to stones hung in the common way. For sale by J. BRECK &. Co., No. 61 North Market street. SEED BEANS. The subscribers will pay cash for the following Beans, vix: China Dwarf, Dwarf (Jaseknife, Horticultural, Early Mo- hawk, and Thousand to One. They must be clean and purs J. BRECK & CO. 61 and 62 North Market st. BobIod Oct. 12. 19^ NEW ENGLAND FARMER. DEC. 14, l>-i MISCELLANEOUS TEMPERANCE WATCHWORD. TusEs—BroonjJidd. Bcllville. Bost. Acad. Coll. Hark, now we answer, see we come, We come at froetlom's holy call : We come, we coino, we come, we cume, To do the glorious work of all : And hark ! we raise from sea to sea, The temp'rance watch-word. Liberty. God is our guide, from field and wave. From plough, from anvil and from loom, We come, our countrymen to save. And speak a heartless tyrant's doom ; And hark ! &c. We see the curse invade our land ; We hear the sufferers call for aid ; We come to lend a helping hand. And break the bonds strong drink has made. And hark, &c. We draw not the devouring sword. Nor war's destructive fires we light, By reason and the living word Of God, we put our foes to flight. And hark, &c. We bring rich blessings in our train, And spread them with a liberal hand ; We wipe away the guilty stain Of drunkenness from off our land. And hark, &e. We come the cottage to repair, And give back comforts banish'd long, To spread the board with ample fare, And tune afresh the cheerful song. And hark, &c. We bid the dying drunkard live, To his parched lips the cup we bring, We burst his fetters, and we give .Him rest beside our crystal spring. And hark, &c. We come with tidings from above, Good will and peace to men on earth ; We come to tell a Saviour's love. And fill the soul with heavenly mirth; We raise the watchword liberty, And call on all men to be free. THE MAN WHO WAS ALWAYS TOO LATE. I had an appointment one morning with a Mr Benj. Hind, wlio always signs his letters " B Hind," and certainly a more appropriate signature was nev- er known. I waited from twelve o'clock, the hour mentioned, until near two, before he came, and 1 gently hinted to Mr B Hind, how much he was behind his time. II My dear sir," said he, "you may tliink it strange, but I had the misfortune to be born half an hour too late, and though I 've been in a bustle ever since, I have never, with all my industry, been able to bring up the'loat time." " Indeed ! how so ?" " Why listen, and I'll conviuoe you that in my appointment with you, I have only been keeping up the part allotted me by fate, even before I was born. My grandfather had two daughters who were both married on the same day. He had made his will, and then read it to them. By it, he bequeath- ed the whole of his property, £20,000, to that daughter who was first blessed with a eon. With such a sum in perspective, who would not wish for a child? And my mother no sooner found that such a result was probable, than my delighted fath- er engaged the doctor and nurse, and baby linen was Tmrnediately prepared ; there was, however, one drawback to his joy — my mother'a sister had similar expectations. " The momentous hour at length arrived, 'big with the fate of £30,000. At eight o'clock in the morning I came into 'this breathing world,' but my fortunate rival at half past seven — and thus 1 was too late, because he was before me. " My parents, disappointed in their expectations of wealth, cared' little about me, and I was suffered to run wild till eleven years of age, when they sent me to school. The young urchins laughed to see a great boy, or booby, as they called me, spelling his a b, ab, and so teazed me during the few months I stayed, that a dunce I remained — a sad proof that I had gone to school too late. " At length my father procured me a berth on board an Indiaman. I was rigged out— my stores sent to the vessel— I parted with my parents with- out regret, for they loved me too late— ■passed two days in London— left in the evening— travelled all ni^ht to Portsmouth, and to my consternation found'the ship had sailed the day before— of course, I was loo late. " My father thought then the best plan to settle me would be by matrimony, and I was introduced to a young lady who possessed both beauty and money, but she had another suitor. However, her father and mine agreed upon the wedding day— the ring was bought, and every thing arranged. To keep the matter private, I was to meet her at the church. Unluckily, I overslept myself by the hla\ half hour — I arrived at the church doors just in time to see my intended bride walking out as the wife of my rival ! I was too late, and remain- ed B Hind solus. "In short, I was born too late, educated too late I can't say I was settled too late, because I have never been settled at all — I can 't keep a lodging, for all my landladies say I come home too late — then I am unfit for business, because 1 get up too late if 1 go to the play I 'm too late — whether I have to 'buy or sell, I'm always too late — and I verily believe, that if I were going to be hanged, I should come to the scaffold half an hour too late. I am called the late Mr B Hind, and, true to the cognomen, I am always behind." — JV. Y. JVews. AaRICUl.TCR/l.Ii IMPliBMESTS, &o The Proprietors of the New England Agricultural Wa house and Seed Store No. 51 and 62 Norlh JVlarliel sire would inform their customers and the puhlic ijenerally tt they have on hand Ihe most extensive asBiiitmenl ut Ag cultuial and Horticultural Tools to lie found in the Unii States. Part of which are the folic— ■ 1000 Howard's Patent Cast Iron Ploughs.
Github Open Source
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// this engages a babel macro that does cool emotion stuff (like source maps). See import css from "@emotion/css/macro"; // these two make the css prop work on react elements import { jsx } from "@emotion/core"; /** @jsx jsx */ import React, { useState } from "react"; import { IBasicBookInfo } from "../connection/LibraryQueryHooks"; import { getFeaturesAvailableForOneLanguageOfBook, featureIconHeight, } from "./FeatureHelper"; import { getUniqueLanguages } from "./LanguageLink"; import { useTheme } from "@material-ui/core"; import TruncateMarkup from "react-truncate-markup"; import { getDisplayNamesForLanguage } from "../model/Language"; import { commonUI } from "../theme"; interface IProps { basicBookInfo: IBasicBookInfo; } // Displays a list of the languages of the book. For each language it shows its autonym, // and if that is different from its English name it shows the English name, too. // Then, if any of the language-dependent features occur in the book for that language, it shows // the appropriate icon. // Currently the list is truncated at about two lines high. We may want to make that configurable. // Enhance: consider truncating more cleanly after the last language name that fits, // and showing some indication that there are more (ideally, a count of how many more). export const LanguageFeatureList: React.FunctionComponent<IProps> = (props) => { const theme = useTheme(); // Figure out what to show in the language list area. // It's a mix of simple text nodes and possibly feature icons. const uniqueLanguages = getUniqueLanguages(props.basicBookInfo.languages); function getLanguageElements(showOneNamePerLanguage: boolean) { const languageElements: any[] = []; for (const language of uniqueLanguages) { const languageDisplayNames = getDisplayNamesForLanguage(language); languageElements.push( showOneNamePerLanguage ? languageDisplayNames.primary : languageDisplayNames.combined ); // Looking for features that the book has with this language code attached, // such as talkingBook:en const langFeatures = getFeaturesAvailableForOneLanguageOfBook( props.basicBookInfo.features, language.isoCode ); // Now make the actual icons, one for each langFeature that occurs for // the current language. for (const feature of langFeatures) { languageElements.push( feature.icon({ key: language.isoCode + feature.featureKey, fill: theme.palette.secondary.main, style: { height: featureIconHeight + "px", width: featureIconHeight + "px", marginLeft: "2px", }, }) ); } languageElements.push(", "); } languageElements.pop(); // remove last separator (if any) return languageElements; } const [languageElementsDisplay, setLanguageElementsDisplay] = useState< Array<string | JSX.Element> >(getLanguageElements(false)); return ( <div css={css` color: ${commonUI.colors.minContrastGray}; font-size: 9pt; margin-top: auto; padding: 3px; overflow: hidden; `} > <TruncateMarkup lines={2} // Per the docs: // To prevent infinite loops, onTruncate callback gets called only after the // initial run (on mount), any subsequent props/children updates will trigger a recomputation, // but onTruncate won't get called for these updates. onTruncate={(wasTruncated: boolean) => { if (wasTruncated) { // If the normal list which includes autonyms gets truncated, // replace it with a list which has one name per language. setLanguageElementsDisplay(getLanguageElements(true)); } }} > <span>{languageElementsDisplay}</span> </TruncateMarkup> </div> ); };
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Stack Exchange, jonboy
What steps shoud I include in a health check on an existing Joomla website I am being asked to look after? I am sometimes asked to adopt orphaned Joomla websites when the original service provider is no longer able or available to do so. What steps should I include in a health check before agreeing to take on this responsibility? Have a read of this This is a risk when you don't know how the previous programmer developed the website. First of all check all extensions installed and if they are updated. If not, check if the extension has an available update and it's still supported... alternatively look for a similar extension to switch with. Check also the template version (responsive?) and if it contains lot of overrides... In general you should adopt the website only if the owner understand that the website must be kept updated and it could require spending something on upgrading or buying new extension.
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/** * All functionality below came from here */ /** * toChecksumAddress * * takes hex-encoded string and returns the corresponding address * * @param {string} address * @returns {string} */ export declare const toChecksumAddress: (address: string) => string; /** * toBech32Address * * Encodes a canonical 20-byte Ethereum-style address as a bech32 zilliqa * address. * * The expected format is zil1<address><checksum> where address and checksum * are the result of bech32 encoding a Buffer containing the address bytes. * * @param {string} 20 byte canonical address * @returns {string} 38 char bech32 encoded zilliqa address */ export declare function toBech32Address(address: string, testnet?: boolean): string; /** * fromBech32Address * * @param {string} address - a valid Zilliqa bech32 address * @returns {string} a canonical 20-byte Ethereum-style address */ export declare function fromBech32Address(address: string, testnet?: boolean): string;
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1935 Katanning state by-election
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1935 Katanning state by-election 1935 Katanning state by-election instance of by-election 1935 Katanning state by-election country Australia 1935 Katanning state by-election Freebase ID /m/0sgf_6v 1935 Katanning state by-election point in time 1935
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Public Domain
2. A pressure control apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said magnetic field-applying means is formed by an excitation coil, and said magnetic field-applying means has a predetermined direct current supplied thereto in a state where the pressure detected by said pressure-detecting means is equal to a predetermined value, to thereby apply a predetermined magnetic field, and has an amount of the direct current supplied thereto controlled by said control section, to thereby have a strength of the magnetic field controlled. 3. A pressure control apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said magnetostrictive element section comprises a magnetostrictive element the length of which is adjusted according to the strength of the magnetic field applied by said magnetic field-applying means, and a permanent magnet disposed between at least one of the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod and said magnetostrictive element to apply a bias magnetic field along the direction of the axis to said magnetostrictive element. 4. A rotation drive mechanism comprising a drive source, a rotating rod for transmitting torque from said drive source to a work, and a pressure control apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said rotating rod comprises the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod, and wherein said magnetostrictive element section is disposed between the respective one ends of the first and second rotating rods. 5. A rotation drive mechanism comprising a drive source, a rotating rod for transmitting torque from said drive source to a work, and a pressure control apparatus according to claim 2, wherein said rotating rod comprises the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod, and wherein said magnetostrictive element section is disposed between the respective one ends of the first and second rotating rods. 6. A rotation drive mechanism comprising a drive source, a rotating rod for transmitting torque from said drive source to a work, and a pressure control apparatus according to claim 3, wherein said rotating rod comprises the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod, and wherein said magnetostrictive element section is disposed between the respective one ends of the first and second rotating rods. 7. A pressure control apparatus comprising: a generally columnar magnetostrictor disposed between respective one ends of a first rotating rod and a second rotating rod, wherein the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod are arranged on generally a same axis such that the one ends thereof are generally opposed to each other, the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod connected to each other such that the opposed one ends are generally unrotatable relative to each other but at the same time are movable toward and away from each other along the axis, the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod being rotatable about the axis in unison with each other in a state where the other ends thereof are generally restricted in movement along a direction of the axis; a spring configured to urge the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod to cause them to be closer to each other to bring the respective one ends of the rotating rods into contact with respective ends of said magnetostrictor, respectively; a magnetic field applier configured to generate a magnetic field for use in adjusting a length of said magnetostrictor along the direction of the axis, to apply the magnetic field to said magnetostrictor; a pressure detector configured to detect pressure generated in the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod in the general direction of the axis; and a controller configured to control the pressure detected by said pressure detector such that the pressure is generally constant, by controlling a strength of the magnetic field applied by said magnetic field applier to adjust the length of said magnetostrictor. 8. The pressure control apparatus according to claim 7, wherein said magnetic field applier comprises excitation coil, and said magnetic field applier has a predetermined direct current supplied thereto in a state where the pressure detected by said pressure detector is equal to a predetermined value, to apply a predetermined magnetic field, and has an amount of the direct current supplied thereto controlled by said controller, to control a strength of the magnetic field. 9. The pressure control apparatus according to claim 7, wherein said magnetostrictor comprises: a magnetostrictive section, a length of which is adjustable according to strength of the magnetic field applied by said magnetic field applier; and a permanent magnet disposed between at least one of the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod and said magnetostrictive section to apply a bias magnetic field along the direction of the axis to said magnetostrictive section. 10. A rotation drive mechanism comprising a drive source, a rotating rod for transmitting torque from said drive source to a work, and a pressure control apparatus according to claim 7, wherein: said rotating rod comprises the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod; and said magnetostrictor is disposed between the respective one ends of the first and second rotating rods. 11. A rotation drive mechanism comprising a drive source, a rotating rod for transmitting torque from said drive source to a work, and a pressure control apparatus according to claim 8, wherein: said rotating rod comprises the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod; and said magnetostrictor is disposed between the respective one ends of the first and second rotating rods. 12. A rotation drive mechanism comprising a drive source, a rotating rod for transmitting torque from said drive source to a work, and a pressure control apparatus according to claim 9, wherein: said rotating rod comprises the first rotating rod and the second rotating rod; and said magnetostrictor is disposed between the respective one ends of the first and second rotating rods..
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Common Corpus

Common Corpus is the largest open and permissible licensed text dataset, comprising 2 trillion tokens (1,998,647,168,282 tokens). It is a diverse dataset, consisting of books, newspapers, scientific articles, government and legal documents, code, and more. Common Corpus has been created by Pleias in association with several partners and contributed in-kind to Current AI initiative.

Common Corpus differs from existing open datasets in that it is:

  • Truly Open: contains only data that is either uncopyrighted or permissively licensed
  • Traceable: each individual document is associated with documented contextual information, including licensed use or lack of copyright.
  • Multilingual: mostly representing English and French data, but contains data for 8 languages with more than 10 billion tokens (German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Greek, Latin) and 33 languages with more than 1 billion tokens.
  • Diverse: consisting of scientific articles, government and legal documents, code, and cultural heritage data, including books and newspapers
  • Extensively Curated: spelling and formatting has been corrected from digitized texts, harmful and toxic content has been removed, and content with low educational content has also been removed.

The dataset in its entirety meets the requirements of the Code of Conduct of the AI Act and goes further than the current requirements for data transparency. It aims to set a new standard of openness in AI, showing that detailed provenance at a granular document level is a realistic objective, even at the scale of 2 trillion tokens.

Common Corpus makes it possible to train model compatible with the Open Source Initiative’s definition of open-source AI, which includes openness of use, meaning use is permitted for “any purpose and without having to ask for permission". Based on the available licensing information Common Corpus can be filtered to only include public domain works or a subset of free licenses (like attribution only).

About Common Corpus

Common Corpus is made of six carefully curated collections:

  • OpenCulture: our largest collection at 885,982,490,090 tokens, featuring public domain books, newspapers from cultural heritage repositories and open projets like Wikisource ad Gutenberg. We're developing innovative tools of OCR correction based on Pleias Models to correct historical digitization errors, while implementing advanced toxicity filtering to ensure content meets modern ethical standards.
  • OpenGovernment: 406,581,454,455 tokens of financial and legal documents, including Finance Commons (from sources like SEC and WTO) and Legal Commons (including Europarl and Caselaw Access Project), providing enterprise-grade training data from regulatory bodies and administrative sources.
  • OpenSource: 283,227,402,898 tokens of high-quality code in open source from GitHub, filtered using ArmoRM to ensure only the top 80% of submissions by quality rating are included.
  • OpenScience: 281,193,563,789 tokens of academic content from Open Alex and other open science reposiories, processed using vision-language models to preserve crucial document structure and formatting.
  • OpenWeb: 73,217,485,489 tokens from Wikipedia (official releases from the Wikimedia Foundation on Huggingface), YouTube Commons and Stack-Exchange.
  • Open Semantic: 67,958,671,827 tokens from Wikidata (official releases from the Wikimedia Foundation on Huggingface). The data has been reprocessed thanks to support and help of Wikidata and Wikimedia Germany. It includes the transcriptions of all the semantic triplets into natural language statements in over 300 languages.
Collection Domain Sources
OpenGovernment legal and administrative Finance Commons (e.g. SEC, WTO) and Legal Commons (e.g. Europarl, Caselaw Access Project)
OpenCulture cultural heritage public domain books and newspapers, Wikisource
OpenScience academic OpenAlex, French theses
OpenWeb web text YouTube Commons, Stack Exchange
OpenSource code GitHub
OpenSemantic Semantic data Wikidata

The first version of Common Corpus was released in November of 2024. The second version includes the following features:

  • Additional datasets, including OpenSemantic thanks to a collaboration with Wikidata, extended scraps from Wikisource and the Gutenberg project, as well large open science datasets with permissive licences.
  • Detailed document-level information, including licensing and other core metadata whenever available.
  • Direct link to original publication for a significant share of documents (especially, from Github, Wikipedia, Wikidata…)

The dataset release is accompanied by a comprehensive technical report detailing our methodologies and data sources will accompany the release, ensuring full transparency and reproducibility.

Dataset Structure

Data Fields
  • identifier: unique text identifier. In many cases, this is also the link to the original resources.
  • collection: name of one of the XX sub-collections curated for Common corpus.
  • open type: one of the six leading collection groupings:
  • license: sharing rights for the content either uncopyrighted (public domain, US federal public domain, CC0 on Wikidata) or various free licenses (Creative Commons, MIT, French Licence ouverte, etc.)
  • date: date of creation of the resource where known. Due to the significance of public domain and other cultural heritage content, more than half of Common Corpus predates the 21st century.
  • title: title of the resource when known or alternatively the filename.
  • creator: institution publishing/collecting/curating the resource.
  • language: automatically identified language.
  • word_count: number of space delimited words.
  • token_count: number of tokens as calculated by Pleias official tokenizer.
  • text: full text, without formatting.


The provenance of the datasets that make up Refined Common Corpus is detailed in the technical report [link]. Additionally, the original source URL is available in the metadata for each document for most of the dataset.

How to Use

Considerations for Using the Data

All data in Common Corpus are permissibly licensed and may be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

The dataset is multilingual. The language text is included in the metadata, so data can be filtered by language. Additionally, some of the text data are historical. The year each text is written is included in the metadata, therefore it is possible to construct a dataset with a custom date cutoff if desired.

Discussion of Bias

Some of the dataset sources contain biased and toxic content, such as stereotypes about certain minoritized groups. We have removed texts which had high toxicity scores according to our toxicity classifier, Celadon, or which contain offensive terms and slurs. See our preprint for more details.

Personal and Sensitive Information

We have attempted to remove personally identifiable information (PII). We primarily use Microsoft Presidio, but make additional modifications to account for language- and country-specific considerations, such as European phone number formats.

Some small parts of the French administrative common crawl have been entirely dropped using our unreleased small reasoning model for GDPR-filtering, due to the heightened risk of transmitting identifiable indirect personal information.

Using Common Corpus

from datasets import load_dataset data = load_dataset('PleIAs/common_corpus')


The Corpus is part of the Current AI initiative to accelerate the development of the building blocks of open AI - notably data - that serves and is shaped by the public interest.

It was built up with the support and concerted efforts of the AI Alliance, the French Ministry of Culture and DINUM, as part of the prefiguration of the service offering of the Alliance for Language technologies EDIC (ALT-EDIC).

This dataset was also made in partnership with Wikimedia Enterprise and Wikidata/Wikimedia Germany.

The corpus was stored and processed with the generous support of the AI Alliance, Jean Zay (Eviden, Idris), Tracto AI, Mozilla.

The collection of the corpus has been largely facilitated thanks to the open science LLM community insights, cooperation and support (Eleuther AI, Allen AI, HuggingFace…).

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