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Didn't they lose 6 games in a row? Just because you're close for some of the games doesn't mean that you're not a lot weaker than that team. I love Arkansas razorbacks football. 2 years (i think) we lost to Alabama and LSU by a field goal that we missed from less than 40 yards. This year we lost to Alabam 52-0. Our team isnt' young and we we're ranked 8. Our quarterback did get injured against UL monroe, but that doesn't make up 49 points.
Because spinning axe is a massive damage buff(percent based damage buff that applies his passive dot), even at rank one. Because he can use the spell once and keep the buff for an extended amount of time, and even re-apply. Because asking for a massive damage increase that can't be countered and doesn't expire after a set time is like asking for Corki's rockets to home in on the nearest low heath champion and deal true damage.
I agree, and feel like TRM...may or may not get a lot of unnecessary hate on Reddit a lot of the time (not that everyone doesn't, but still). He wears his emotions on his sleeve like a lot of people do, Oce is a good example, and is another of the players either loved of hated on a every other day basis. Being emotional isn't always a bad thing either, and there are people like that in every part of life. NBA fans either else love or hate Kevin Garnett, a very vocal emotional player who is generally liked by everyone on his team...and not so much by his opponents. But he has won a MVP and lead teams to titles regardless.
I kinda of have issue with putting blame on just one party. Yes, I agree 154.37 (repeating, of course) % that Riot should have had booths (or at least some sort of method blocking the minimap). They offer so many positive benefits that its almost a necessity. Hell, given the chance I'd argue this with Carmac, who is against the idea of booths (just look at any IEM). BUT looking behind you is against the rules that Riot set in place before the tournament began. And rules is rules. You don't see guys running up and down a court in basketball not dribbling the ball because it is easier and faster that way. You don't see American Footballers making horse-collar tackles because its a good place to get a grip - and if they do, they get penalized. For those saying riot is just using frost as a fall guy: Redbeard posted this, and might have been skipped over, in the rulings post: "In hindsight, the potential visibility of minimap screens for players was a mistake. Despite on-site referees, close monitoring of player cams backstage, and stage design that ensured players would have to turn more than 90 degrees to be able to catch a glimpse of the minimaps, even the possibility of unfair play was simply unacceptable. We’re taking steps to ensure the minimap screens are not visible to players."
tbh, I haven't seen one change the guys done that I've liked. While pulsefire might not've been his fault I didn't like it and I was gosh darn lucky to have the rp saved for months waiting for pfe to come out and they had him half price, it was cool when I got it but tbh it's like my other 5 legendaries they're really cool and I don't regret buying them but tbh pfe wasn't worth 3k rp for, 1860 rp is where he should've gone. Kog' Maw's been out for 2 years now same with anivia and corki. Kog'maw should've been 3150 ip alongside corki. Anivia is a high skill champ then put her down to 4800 ip so super newbie's don't just get her and get destroyed. I mean reducing the rp costs by less than a dollar on champions that have been out SINCE BETA! I could see if this was a champ released early this year, but...beta champs? champs we can get the digital pack for 30 bucks as a newbie and get about 45 bucks worth of champs for plus 2 skins? This guy apperently doesn't know his crap if he's experimenting with prices. You go by history, and history has shown that nobody gives a hoodah about the spread of what you get in a champ bundle, kha'zix's bundle is the same price...fine but tbh, that skin is no more different any recent 975 skin, sure it has new models and crap but so does jayce he has 2 models, udyr has 4! their skins are still 975! and people don't generally buy champs with rp unless it's the bundle or if it's on sale...yes preadopters are good they've always sold many a bundle on release I've bought a good many of them, but I don't wanna see the new guys face that gets to play this kha' zix guy on a free week 2 weeks after his bundle is gone and say "wait why does his skin cost more than the one that has the same level of detail on other champions" ppl just won't buy it and you lose people's interest in your product. It's probably why black ops 2's elite is gonna be free, NOBODY CARED TO BUY IT LAST TIME.
A few months ago: "Brand is SO good but his ult is too unreliable! But he would be so broken if his ult prioritized champions!" Still isn't played. Now he needs a MS buff because he has no escapes? Anivia, Galio, Karthus, Ryze, Twisted Fate, and Zyra would like to have a word with you.
i know that feel bro but once in a while u will get such offers and u can actually take it... u just have to make silly-sounding offers to the peoples where they think they will win... I once had a guy that had no clue of the game and flamed me like hell and i told him that he simply doesnt have the mindset nor the skillset to call me a bad player and i simply told him that i could crash him even if i play soraka against any champ he wants. Since i was pretty sure he isnt good enogh to know about counters and stuff. SO he agreed to soraka and picked xin in his 1v1 and i smashed his face to the ground over and over again and at the end of the game he came and said: "Okay, gg, you are a good player and i am just too bad to notice it. exactly what u said earlier on" I was crying to see such awesome behaviour even if the most stupid players would rage and say it was luck.
You sound like you need to read this: "Not fun isn't the same as anti-fun - it's an interesting distinction actually. Think of it in positive, negative and zero terms. Fun is clearly positive. Not fun is Zero. Anti-fun is negative on that scale. Skills that fail the fun vs. anti-fun test is when one player's fun isn't really counterbalanced by the negative on the other player - And the important thing is this isn't zero-sum, suprisingly. The subjectivity of this comes where you set your zero-point for things. However, there are lots of things that simply aren't fun from a player perspective that is negative fun for the opponent - If for example, I made a button that lets you physically beat someone with a chair on the other side of the screen - that's not enjoyable for me - and it's very very negative for you. That's an example of a non zero-sum scenario. As to the concern that 'anti-fun principles are hindering creativity' - well.. I'm not sure about that - you may want to ask yourself whether or not creative uniqueness is a priority for designs or not - Solid gameplay, for example, is a great goal to strive for, even if it's unoriginal. Even though I tinker with crazy stuff all the time, I would always trade something that is solid to play rather than original/unique and mediocre." " Do you not understand that the people doing the stunlocking and bursting are also having fun? That statement kind of leads to the thought that having an infinite combo in a game is good design because it supposedly lets one player have an infinite amount of gratification. Again, the measure is fun vs. anti-fun a lot of the time - Anivia's wall creates many more awesome moments than bad ones for your team - It's about ratios - And like I said before, it's a subjective point on where your zero point is. Anti-fun is typically embodied by lock-down, shut down, or obscure-counter mechanics - They almost universally restrict and control the opponent's range of options - leading to less play overall simply because your opponent reacts less. Yes, while there will always be people who find pleasure in fighting helpless opponents who simply sit there and do nothing at all (see above, for the infinite case), I don't think this is gameplay we should encourage. Chair-Beating You're telling me that you would willingly play a game, where every so often, the opponent gets to beat you senseless with a chair? That's kind of a scary thought."
This all day long, i was on with my brother last night, it was his first PVP game after learning the maps and controls and such like against AI, we told everyone before hand he was new and he went Ashe, i took Pantheon and we said we were going top lane. Soon as we start two other guys went top and we got barrated with things like "little noobs go bottom" "GG guys lost already got a noob", now i'd like to state im level 15 now, and even though these guys claimed to be on Smurf accounts and were going to boss the game, they fed and the lane collapsed and they blamed it on us for being noobs even though our lane stayed strong and i ganked mid a couple of times to help out. is currently one of the best sites to get trusty (is this how you say it ? :> ) information. Don't go to MOBAfire, it is quite unreliable but on Solomid, Guides need to be approved by the Solomid-team + TSM (a pro team) makes guides themselves. I know that when I started playing a year ago and found out the recommended items sucked, I'd pick my champion go to a site and look up my build. You don't need to memorize it, when you need to buy something you "Alt+Tb", pick your browser screen and look what items are viable on your champion. You can follow the standard build if you don't feel confident enough yet or you can pick more Magic resists/armor/damage (depends on if you are losing/winning lane) in the items that are selected as 'good' for your chosen champion. Either way is better than following recommended and if you do just follow the standard builds, don't worry. The longer you play, the more confident you'll get in picking what items are the best in what situation.
Dude i have a smurf as well, and I dislike those lvl 30 being rude and stuff to you real noobs (nothing offending) Theyre like OMG noob stop feeding while the guy's just got 50 games max. Hate that cause you can't learn from that. And actually I found out that most lvl 10-15 players I play with are lvl 30 smurfs, and that shocks me. Ofcourse i'm trollin people at those game, getting strange picks, AP ashe and stuff, and I still carry cause I know the mechanics, but i'm sick of people here to rape noobs, and raging flaming at their teamates.
I just want to say that: I just made a new smurf account so that I could get a new account to try ranked with, without tainting my main. When I chose the initial skill level, I selected the easiest one because I figured that would match me against the most people. What I have found is that 7 out of 10 people in my matches (myself included) are all smurfing. People are building double GP10, warding, using shurelya's, randuins and aegis. I must say that there are a few people that have been absofuckinglutely retarded, but most people that aren't smurfing seem to be picking up the game a lot faster than I did because of people being helpful for honor points. That being said, if you're a new player and your teammate explains last-hitting, build advice, and the point that boots are a must-have item, and you do not listen, you are going to be in for a rough time.
Yeah, but at least they are absolutely terrible. You'll catch up eventually, just ignore them. Real smurfs are only there to play with their friends, and will rarely rage at you because they actually know what they are doing and will not rely on team mates to do the same. They feel bad when they stomp too hard, and will usually apologize or try hard not to rub it in people's faces or go out of their way to steal kills from team mates Bad smurfs will get angry at every mistake you do, use terms like "meta" or "counter jungle" to try to confuse you and to make themselves look cool, and then get angry when you couldn't tryhard as hard as them. They will get angry at team mates saying "gg noob team" at end of the game. They will usually lose because they are unable to adapt to lower level playstyles and will get stomped because they try to conform to "high elo play tactics" while playing againts level 5's.
although i may be a rare case, i do get flamed at quite often for being a smurf on my level 16 account because i rage at people for not doing things that are very simple like freezing the lane and farming, although this is my main account. I do enjoy having smurfs in my team, even if they rage, because at least what they are saying holds value and they are actually helping the team win instead of simply complaining that the jungler or players nearby that doesnt save you and blame your death on them when it is your fault in the first place for running across half the map for that kill
Don't sweat it, man. I'm a fairly decent player and recently made a new account on BR server for ping reasons. You would not believe the amount of flame I get even though I always score positive. Assholes People smurfing believe they're incredibly good even though they probably don't get a good grasp on the game yet. Yes, that includes me and almost every smurf, that's why I never flame and nor should anyone. Try to give constructive advice and just enjoy the game. [
The reason DoTa could easily implement duplicates is because it started from Warcraft and the champs were units in Warcraft which could be duplicated and thus code had to be in place to account for this. Since LoL has had the assumption of unique champs on a team from the beginning the process of allowing multiples would require a code review of essentially the entire game.
I really think people need to calm down calling this change a horrible/stupid mistake on riot's end. I feel this is a change that will work out better in the long run. Honestly, they want to make the game less farm oriented for laners but more about having choices. I wanna see more people roaming and getting kills and taking advantage of that AFK farming Karthus/Anivia/Zyra. I hate seeing pure farm lanes. This will also allow more interaction between the lanes and greater emphasis on dragon control, and with a lot of the new jungler items we could see a lot more crazy things coming out from teams b/c of a change in gold income for laners.
there's no way to verify that somebody creating an account is a minor or not, plain and simple. Despite the fact that I disagree with this policy, it wouldn't be possible to enforce it or check it. I can't remember if a date of birth was asked when creating a LoL account (it's been a long time since I created mine) but even so, whoever's below 18 (assuming that this policy is in place) would just change his year of birth.
I don't really see a problem. It is just a surrender box with colours. All you are doing is jumping on the season 3 patch hate train.
I agree with you in most of what you said. The problem I see is that football players now that they will get "banned" for doing shit and behaving like douches. We dont know if IWDominate knew that he can get banned from professional gaming. He knew that his account may get permabanned but that is his personal problem. Imho its right to ban players from professional games if they act like IWDominate did but you should get a warning like: "Hey IWDominate change your behaviour or we will ban you from the professional scene".
It's definately a good step to "clean up" in high elo territory for once, especially when players get money from Riot to be a professional gamer and represent their game. On the other hand though, the times I've seen IWD on streams he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. There's joking trash talking in almost all games and since the introduction of the Tribunal everybody has grown really thin-skinned. Now I don't say that what he did was right but a year long ban is also a grave punishment for somebody who relies on tournament earnings (aka pro players). Being probably 10 years above the age of the average league player I don't really get upset about flaming (which seems to be what IWD has been banned for); everyone has bad games/days every now and then and of course, you only hear about the bad ones on the Tribunal. On the other hand you have players like Dyrus who troll and feed on purpose (on a stream with 10k viewers no less) or just afk/ragequit games. As a player I'd rather have somebody on my team who's raging at me for making a mistake (nobody rages at somebody for no reason to be honest) than somebody who's actively working for the other team to win. Of course, we won't see any punishment for Dyrus though because Riot loves TSM for some reason (also inb4 fanboy downvotes).
I will start by stating I have been a Riot supporter since day 1, starting with beta and introducing many many people to the game. I truly have believed in what riot's mission has been thus far. However, Riot did destroy his league career. You think LoL will be around as the most competitive game for another 5 years? Think again, this year is the single most important year to date, and will determine whether this is a feasible approach to eSports professional gaming. Of which IWD has put in substantial time and effort in helping develop the pro scene to this point as he has been a part of it for an extensive amount of time. Gaming has, and always will be full of gamers. Since the beginning of gaming, people get hyped/emotional/jabber mouthed/etc. when things do not go as intended. This ranges from a 2 year old to a 50 year old. I have not been punished by the tribunal on any of my accounts, ever. However from the start of tribunal being implemented in the way it is, it started off being a GREAT idea, and quickly was realized that not all god ideas are implemented properly. This was the start, since first time since playing this game over 3 years ago that I have been disappointed with Riot. And this very harsh implementation only leaves me with a taste in my mouth that riot is pushing more towards catering to its masses (not top 20% elo) players, just as WoW did in its beginning after Blackwing lair I believe it was called. They made everything easy mode and more accessible to the casual gamer and continued to do so from what I've been told. I see this game doing the same thing in a different way, punishing players by perma-banning is already excessive considering the amount of time and money put in by the individual. This in itself is trying to change the nature of online gaming, competitive gamers as I stated above have historically had a raging nature. That is why they are playing a PURELY PVP based game. The root disruption of the game in my opinion is not typing ragers, you have plenty of options if your feelings are hurt by keystrokes. The biggest problem is people who do not communicate in team select/afk-ragequitter's. This disrupts the game the most, I have had plenty of ragers in my games and there is a mute button for each player in the game that any moron can figure out. If your feelings are hurt so much in a competitive environment I suggest you stick to candyland because regardless of Riot's stance on this, this behavior towards less skilled players will be in EVERY competitive style game til the end of gaming. The best players, want to win.
When i began maining ADCs i played vayne, because when you've mastered here, shes more rewarding then any ADC. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that Vayne is bad in all-in situtations if she doesnt have ult (Pre 6). You can do amazing plays with her (1 sec invis op in TFs), also she is a "hypercarry" (Means that she will carry way better then most carrys, because of her absurd damage.) Cait however is quite the opposite. She is really good early game because of her long range (650, most ranged ADs have 550) therefor its easy to snowball early on. However i believe she has the lowest damage lategame, someone calculated that.
You see darius heading your way like a bull and is followed (!) by his teammates. He is getting to you on flash + grab range - I flash You see singed running towards you on his ult - I flash before I get flinged You see jax setting up his stun and going into range for his jump (or flash jump) - I flash etc. All these above when you are out of postion and bruiser is followed by teammates. If he isnt followed just crush him, because HE is the one out of position and your teammates are closer. Also dont take this like its the only truth - thats my style, mostly because I main no escape adc like ashe or kog
First of all you should have ran cleanse because they were running some strong cc. You cannot afford to get initiated on by shens taunt and be debuffed by the damage reduction or get stunned by sona or feared by nocturne. Your net , your trap and your range should be enough to keep the divers at bay. In these cases placing a trap infront of you and microing around it makes it even harder for champions like those to go on you because they will get snared ( even if noct ults he gets snared ). Choose your targets wisely at first taking precautions about what cooldowns the enemy team has on their skillset. You knew Nocturne had randuins so you should not even try to get close to him or focusing him because it would lead you to get AS debuffed. Shen on the other hand can be "ignored" after he taunts. You can probably take a couple of hits from him and still be at like 55-65% at the end of a small skirmish. The main problem would be when both of them initiate on you. They become sort of an unkillable duo flying through the air which could take you down with ease. The only way to avoid getting focused is to not grow aggro or have an escape plan. You need to stay far when the teamfights initiate so that you become less prioritized over your teammates. This makes them focus them and not you and gives you free shots at them or maybe the other carries. If they do initiate on you anyways you need to have an escape plan up your sleeve. Net over a wall or flash, go into a bush to loose sight , place some traps etc... Edit:
I main mid but since I am at school, i'll respond to your questions in this thread and I can't go on my client. (IGN: Pho Oh Three) My s2 Elo Range(2.2k-2.8k) played with all kinds of high elo top tier people. My S3 Elo(2k+) Generally in lower tier Elo range, Eve can stomp really well because in lower tier, lanes do not use pink wards to stop Eve ganks and would not have the game knowledge as much as higher elo tier players. In Higher elo, teams will use pink wards to counter your early ganks and post level 6 ganks. And also in higher elo, most banned heroes atm are: Eve, Nunu, LeeSin, Katarina, Twisted Fate, Khaizx, Amumu, Pantheon, Shaco. So as you get higher, you will get less chances to play Eve so start to learn more OP heroes. There are alot of OP heroes and you can't ban them all.
I don't think this is a very good suggestion. Not to sound like I'm one of those "exclusive" assholes per se, but I paid real money for skins that I like and want to show off. -If Lee Sin is free, I want to play him. In champ select everyone and their mother is thinking " oh god its free week lee prepare to kick away from team ". Then loading screen pops up with the Dragon Fist splash art. While it might not mean I'm a pro at the champion I'm playing, for some one to own an expensive champion AND a skin means they are at least a bit seasoned with that champ. -This doesn't always hold true , but skins=skill to SOME EXTENT . I have invested 1820 RP into Brolaf, but only after playing him for an extremely long time. If someone has a skin, then logically they plan on playing that champion for a long time/have already played them. -I know we all know that person who buys a champion and skin with them straight away, or the people who are new to a champ and have a skin that was on sale, but the general majority of people who own skins have an idea of what they're doing with that champion. Making skins free for freeweek champs would cause unnecessary confusion while also decreasing sales. Why should I have to convince a random person that I own Lee Sin and X of his skins just because Lee is free? What if I suck at Galio but I am using Gatekeeper and I miss an ult "GG this freeweek skin but 0 skill" or "this noob says he have galio legen. skin look he missed fkin ult". -One of the reasons I personally believe riot doesn't implement a direct skin viewer tool is because the image the skin splash has as opposed to the in-game model. I would have never bought Muay Thai Lee while knowing what the animations were, but the skin came out, I happen to be a Lee main, and I wanted to own all his skins (plus the splash looks really good).
Hi Leo! My name is also Leo and I'm also from Brazil :O I played a few months from 1-30 and silver in ranked on the NA server and transferred to BR during the second wave of free transfers. Personally, I know the NA server has a lot of trolls and flamers I just feel the BR ones are more passionate. They use VERY colorful language and would actually be pretty witty if they weren't so angry all the time. BRs tend to lose their cool faster and it is really annoying to deal with, but don't think other servers don't have people like this too. Best way to deal with it is play with friends (add Barten01 if you ever wanna play on the BR server) and mute anyone who tries to ruin your game. I am speaking from experience on the NA and BR servers but I'm 100% this applies to EU, Asia, and any other servers out there.
Just looking at it right off the bat (didn't read through it but skimmed through) some format-like changes would make the guide much more appealing and easier to read. In some parts it seems that you've forgotten how to separate long posts into paragraphs. In the areas where it looks like you have paragraphs there is no space between and just makes the guide harder to read. Quite frankly I kinda say "no thanks, not reading that" because it looks like a massive wall of text.
If its boring, don't watch. I actually love watching asian teams, just because how much better they are than the rest, the bar is set higher, so if you want to win the money prize, get better, take the game serious and just practice more. If they can do it, anybody else can. The only thing asians do different is that they take the game serious, because it is how they make a living. The other regions seems to not take it too serious, they can make a living of streaming so they don't put too much effort on actually winning tournaments.
Ok, I haven't seen anybody else do this, but this is my "standard" >combo every single time I use thresh. >Basically it drags enemy towards you, drags them a SECOND time >towards you, AND THEN you dash to be behind them, and you can E >them towards your ADC even more! >You can press your Q and hit someone to drag them, then walk >backwards to drag them again, immediately after that you CAN press Q >after you've dragged them and you can dash on them, it will dash you >to the place were you originally grabbed them from, so you will >actually be behind them, you can then push them forward (because >your infront of them) with your E. >I hope this makes sense, please try it! >
This. I've been doing this since the first day Thresh came out, and it drastically increases the amount of time you have a person under your control. Why not utilise the two pulls of the chain before flying to them, then knock them back with Flay? Ofc, there are times and places where you just wanna fly to them ASAP to save someone or initiate, but it's all up to judgement.
Actually, the buggy thing is that her 3rd Q cast slams the ground instantly, and the animation of Riven doing a front flip comes later, what isn't supposed to happen. And also when you want to do 3rd Q and fast W, it feels delayed as fuck.
If there's players out there good enough to go pro, they'll go pro regardless of gender; just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it never will. From memory, the LoL infographic about players showed that over 90% of LoL players are male , meaning less than 10% are female. That 10% include girls who only play for fun and have no interest in the ranked scene, only play occasionally and what-not. Personally I'd rather not have it rushed just because people think it's unfair that the pro scene is currently fully male. Rushing things could (keyword: could ) result in having someone who isn't as dedicated to playing, lets down their team and/or gets the community into a position of thinking that girls can't play at a pro level.
From what I've been playing with it seems as if the people who you are playing with/against are a prime determining factor in how many points you receive. I am currently a silver 5 but when I play with some gold friends they all complain about getting 10-15 points from a win while I get 20-30 league points. I played with a few bronze friends later and I was the one getting a few points, and then after an afk for a loss, I lost a huge chunk of points. The reason I lost so many points is from losing to people with such a lower hidden matchmaking rating.
Actually I wasn't being condescending to OP, I was mearly stating that he was proud of his achievement and wanted to show it to reddit rather than it being informative like the title would suggest.
Muramana is a great item on Ryze, anyone can tell you. Iceborn gauntlet is not an item I like building early on. Ryze like any other mage will also land auto attacks in teamfights if he isn't pressured so the slow can be useful, but the damage on the iceborn gauntlet proc is barely noticible. The two items (muramana and iceborn gauntlet) don't actually synergize since the iceborn gauntlet adds 1.25x your base ad, so not the bonus ad gained from muramana. Compared to frozen heart it gives slightly more mana and it gives ap in exchange for less armour and no active and less cdr. So it's worth upgrading your glacial shroud to gauntlet up if you're already CDR capped and you don't need the attack speed slow, but I wouldn't get it until you've got all your other items, since it's so damn expensive (it's like a 2k upgrade cost from glacial shroud).
Tried giving a tip once, will probably not attempt again. We're about to win the game, and their 2-13 Heimer started complaining about all the slow my Rumble had. I simply suggested "Heimer, next time if you want try to build for a rylai's, it'll give you some nice slow" His Response: "stfu I know how to play my champ blahblahblahblah" My Retort: "ok"
anyone remeber the thread about clear titles? he could have even just put the
Another thing he said which really made me change my perception on losses: "The season is really long, like it's almost a year. You're in no rush". This has led me to not care all too much about losses, and focus on improving my game in general. I realised that I can't win every single game, it's just not possible. So I focus on the next game and move on. Before anyone perceives this in the wrong way, I still care about winning - I just don't get frustrated if games go badly. This is something everyone should be aware of. Having this mindset will make you pay more attention to improving, since you shift attention from getting frustrated. I.e. Instead of "fuuuuck I died crap crap crap, now i lose LP", it's more like "Hm, well we lost this teamfight, checking their dmg output is this I need to get this item, we should splitpush etc." Instead of having a destructive mindset you have a constructive one.
CLG will go 0-3 and liftlift will be replaced by Choax after the second game, with Hotshotgg moving from Top lane, to Mid lane, to ADC by the third game. Aphromoo will have plenty of presence in the lane by playing Leona in every game and continually feeding the ADC double kills only to have the ADC get blown up by season 3 strats left exposed by archaic season 2 mechanics from CLG. After the game BigFatLP will give an interview in which he officially announces that EG has returned as CLG.EU and the entire TPA lineup will be subbing for CLG.NA in the next week of the NA LCS. Meanwhile CLG's website will go down and come back up as a preview website for "The Next Big Thing in MOBA Gaming, Counter Intuitive Gaming" with a JPG of Xpeke's Kassadin backdooring for the win.
The more games you play then the variability of having bad teammates or even good teammates (luck of the draw) approaches zero and your skill will be the determining factor that shines through. It is the same way with poker and even sports. Would you rather go a game to 21 with a pro basketball player for $100,000 or just 1 point? Obviously the 1 point as anything can happen in one point. So if you play enough games then stuff like this becomes trivial and you will get through bronze because you are a good enough player not because you are getting carried or you can't make it because of silver V trolls.
Yes, there is already a solution for this problem. THE TRIBUNAL. It's very rare that anyone gets banned enough from bad games to make it to the tribunal and even more rare that the tribunal bans them. Keep in mind the people in the tribunal are the bottom like 10% of players so as "everyone" is reporting feeding games it evens out and not many of those feeders make it down there. And to those who do, I've found the tribunal is generally quite fair in their decision making. They aren't going to report someone just because they went negative but rather look at chat and build.
Remember some of my games as xerath. i played him pretty ok for the first 30 matches. ok k/d. regular flash/ignite. nothing special. Then when i got better i decided to switch out ignite cause i usually wasnt in range for it anyways depending on the enemy mid pick. I picked tp - people flamed. I picked cleanse - people flamed. I picked barrier - people told me to use ignite. (in most of the games i were fed btw. or at least won my mid). Then i started using cv. Why not? My biggest problem were that the enemy junglers always ganked me and my map awarness was too bad so i took cause whenever it was up i could help my team with vision or simply know if the enemy jungler is coming to kill me and also i would learn to watch at my minimap more often. Used it 3 times. got 10/3 in like every game. Carried everygame. "Report Xerath for Troll Summoner Spells" at the end of every single game.
I just finished a game with trollpick trynd bot for adc, because he felt like it and "normal is for fun". In which universe fun is feeding the whole game and leaving the lane, so that other adc could get fed? Am i mad? Yea, i am, because i play mostly normals, and i play them seriously - to win and learn the game, not to waste my time, because someone likes to "have fun". Do not play team games if you like that kind of play - go "have fun" in FPS or RTS games, where you can play 1v1, and when you want to lose intentionally, because you "feel" like playing that champ and when there's 99% chance that you will get outpicked, you can lose without annoying others.
I agree that people should be allowed to play what they want, but at least be competent, if you want to dick around with crappy champions, go do customs or bots, in normals you should at least be adequate with the champion you want to play, or else you are just bringing down the experience of the other people on your team. Despite that, sometimes people are just being tools, I was just in a game where I was duoqueueing bot with someone, and some other guys were duoqueueing too, and they wanted to double jungle, wouldn't listen to me when I told them it was a bad idea (three solos, less xp, etc etc). And eventually they only switched when I told them I was staying in a duo (I had already locked in thresh) so unless they wanted to leave top open all game they would switch. Regardless, they blamed me for every little thing, and would not join in teamfights all game. So yeah.
The main reason Amumu (and similar champs) faceroll bronze is that nobody knows how to recognize all but the hardest of initiations. They win because they can actually start fights on out of position targets; for starters, in Bronze at least one person is out of position somewhere on the map at any given time, so you can always get your team fed. As well, few people are dense enough to be eluded by "big mummy ult means I go in" when compared to less obvious spells.
Honestly, there is no such thing as a 'troll-pick'. What many, if not most of the League of Legends community does, is follow the meta; most players play with the set conventional play styles (e.g. 1, 1, 2 lanes, 2v1 lanes). What most people fail to realize is that the meta is not written in stone; there is no set way to play this game. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the meta is only designed to give you the best chance of winning the game. And the meta changes . If people rage/flame at you for picking a bruiser bot-lane, remember that some (I can't remember who) pro players have predicted bruiser bot-lanes in the pre-season of Season 3. The OP is right, LoL is a game (obviously) and it is a sand-box type game, albeit 3 maps and limited options. Sand-box means that everything you do within the game is perfectly fine. However, this is only in the perspective of oneself. This game is a team game, so your game play should try and mesh with others'. But that's my own humble opinion. My opinion is wrong, fuck me right?
Back when Evelyn just got a rework everyone was complaining that she was still terrible. Well, I happened to watch some LoL tournament where a guy (Shooshie? Shushi? Some chubby white european guy with black hair) was claiming that she's an amazing mid. Well, he played Eve, and even though his team lost miserably, he consistently did decent with her despite the rest of his team getting destroyed. So I buy her and try her out. Holy. Shit. She was AMAZING at mid! Literally every game I was stomping. Very easy to play, good farm, great ganks, tiny learning curve. But every time people would throw a shitstorm at me for trying to go Eve mid. I'm a troll, I'm an idiot, I'm going to feed, no you're not allowed to pick her, etc. Every game I had a ridiculously good record. Every mid was won, nearly all games were won because my ganks were so unfair. Yet every time I played with new people they'd give me the same grief. So run whatever the hell you want. 99% of people will assume X champ is good/bad solely on how often they're played in pro tournaments. People don't realize, however, that they're picking based on team comps, counterpicks, the meta, etc, and most of this has little to no value to an average solo q player. And sometimes the pros don't realize something is good! Ezreal was untouched for like a year before "suddenly" he was overpowered and everyone played him.
He didn't just bring it back up after years of promising he would. When he did, he completely wiped out much of the database / forums containing private developer forums for heroes and items. Many of those champions are in League today (like Teemo.) He refused to acknowledge it even after many old DotA developers gave proof and simply said fuck you to the community again. That's why people were pissed at him. He had stolen the ideas of many and even though he used them in his final game, he gave no credit to the people who created those ideas (something IceFrog or any other developer with respect to the community would do.) Basically an example of the outrage from creators I am talking about: infinitevox >Oh thanks, THREE YEARS LATER. Oh well, now I can finally prove that I was the creator of: Teemo & Rammus > >And that your Dev team went through the DotA hero/ability/item suggestions and RAPED it for ideas for your game. Thanks so much for that. A little credit would have been nice, but instead you took the forums down so no one would know what you did, and even if they did know, they'd have no proof. > >Sad thing is, you were always nice to me. We'd play games with DevilsUrethra, ReposoEternal, GranDgrant, and a slew of other fun folks. Then you turned feral on us when you decided to make LoL. > >As petty as it may seem, some of us TDA and DotA1 Beta members know everything you actually did and have a long memory. There are a handful of us that know exactly how hard you really did try and screw Ice, and how hard you screwed us TDA/Beta members over. Now that we finally have access to the archives, we have the proof we need. > >Most people think you're a dick now, just wait till we start plastering the screenshots of the old forums where you plundered and pillaged our ideas and hard work for your game, and gave no credit or love back in return. He took down one of the biggest gaming forums with a HUGE community (maybe more than this subreddit) just so he could have another source of inspiration just by grabbing whatever ideas other people had.
I only take issue in ranked, or if someone picks a champion for a role that doesn't fit. Jax support, Nami top, w/e. Certain champions have exceptionally low win rates, and that's where problems arise. I can't know if someone specializes in a champion, and that brings a risk to me when I'm committing my time and ratings to this game. I don't report if they do well, but I will report if in spite of them failing we win. That said, I do understand many people specialize in certain champions that may be alternative to the current meta (I recently played with a VERY good Shyvana, who had a 22-4 win rate with her), and I respect that, but I have to have some way of knowing that is the case.
that's hilarious bc i just played a game where i didn't ban malphite right bc everybody knows there are much higher priority bans. So this guy flames that i didn't ban malphite, then picks zed instead of an ap champ. then he proceeds to die to malphite and those are malph's only two kills in the whole game. meanwhile i go 8-2 as graves and rape malphite and the rest of his team. at the end of the game zed says he was the best on our team and hopes i learn to ban malphite bc he's so op.
This is a bit of human nature, because humans are narrow-minded. Most people especially on lower ELOs tend to just copy things they saw on stream and have a pretty straight mindset, which tells what is good and what is bad, how you have to play. Those people tend not to accept other oppinions that are out of the general consense. If you take a closer look you will see that in Real Life aswell. Especially regarding LoL in my oppinion there is no such things as Troll-Picks, of course there are things that wont work (e.g. if you try to play Karthus as an AD Carry), but even those very niche things might work if you catch enemies of guard. Most people just cannot accept something odd, that is not proven quite yet, because its just easier to stick to the usual stuff. Also people raging about odd Picks or even Bans (leaving Amumu open for example) will loose a lot more games than if they would just accept that someone wants to play something odd and probably even know what they are doing or just trying something entirely new. Best Example for this to me is Support Elise because hands-down after release of Elise people would have raged if you pick her up as Support and nowadays you see her at a really high niveau.
In normals you can play whatever you want but in ranked you better not be fp'ing that shaco or picking him into their tanky/aoe team. That is tantamount intentional feeding as your pick has made every teamfight a 4v5. Ranked is about winning and if you are not picking the champ that gives you the greatest chance to win you are doing it wrong.
LP gains are based on the MMR (elo) distance to next promotion series. Player 1 @ Silver 1 has 1600 MMR, 70 LP. Player 2 @ Silver 1 has 1500 MMR, 90 LP. Gold 5 is 1550 MMR. Player 1 wins a game and gains 30 LP -> enters series. He already had the MMR needed for promotion series so the system really wants him there. Player 2 wins a game and gains 3 LP, is now at 1515 MMR of the 1550 needed for series. Distance to series 35 MMR, but only 7 LP. Next games will be worth the around the same 3 LP for wins. Losses can be like -15 LP, but it doesn't mean much. The weak LP gains like player 2 has are common in division 1 of any league. That's because the MMR distance between leagues is greater than the distance between divisions within the league. Only at Diamond 1 the LP truly shows the distance to promotion series I think.
Swain enthusiast here, just dropping in to point out that Karthus E does more damage than Swain's ult (even on an optimal number of targets - 3 or less) coupled with the fact that without Karthus's passive Swain can't itemise for heavy AP like Karthus can.
As as an avid thresh player I approve this idea.
wtf are you idiots trashtalking a nice person who tries to help some people that maybe actually want his help and even if theyre on the same level like u suggested they can still learn from each other so stop trashtalking nice guys in the league of legends community
As an avid thresh player I approve this skin.
Guys- Regarding video vs. text: More than likely Travis provided George the questions ahead of time, and let him take his time coming up with detailed answers; a video interview would have been great, but the answers we got would not have been as fully-developed / honest / truthful, and probably based more in emotion than fact. HotShot's desire with this interview was to explain the decision and clear out concerns/questions fans might have. With a video interview, the answers are off-the-cuff / not as well-thought-out, so that might not have been possible. Being able to able to step back and write out his responses let HotShot say what needed to be said in-full / as much as he can on the roster changes.
They're not always trying to abuse the system. They just fall for silly scams. Most people just assume that because someone on their friend-list sent them the link, it must be legit. Even though there have been people getting hacked and saying "i got sent this link from someone on my friend-list". It's literally mainly down to people clicking links without reading them, or after they've opened the link they just glance at it, see it looks vaguely like the official LoL website and wants them to log-in, and then just try to login without even thinking about it. Most people want an authenticator, because then it's there to wipe their ass for them so they don't have to bother thinking or paying attention.
This could be the greatest thing to ever happen to you. You have so much talent when it comes to this game and, if you practice your face off, you could be a potential pro player or at least on a challenger team. However, all of the shit you have stirred up in the community over the past few months with the boosting, the bitching, and the questionable stream content has made a lot of people lose faith in you. Now, and rightly so, you are banned from playing this game on the aforementioned accounts. Use this banning as a way to start fresh. Make a new account, get it to 30, buy some champs, and push diamond/challenger like you've done so many times. None of this is hard for you, and I think if you just started fresh and cleaned your reputation off a little bit on both streams and on forums, you could be a great addition to the community.
A lot of you guys seem to be hating on him for what he's done in the past, the thing is he payed his dues. He was banned, in fact he turned HIMSELF in. The point of being banned is to make "Even" for what you have done. With the "Proof" he has provided he seems to have been banned for no reason or for a reason that doesn't deserve as Perm ban. I get that he has done shit in the past, in fact I used to hate XJ9 (Also, most of the other boosters pissed me off too.) But he's apologized for doing that by turning himself in, took the punishment and moved on. His stream has changed from what I have seen, he seems to be a far less toxic person, isn't that the point of being banned is to make them less toxic. He's not a terrible person and I feel as though this ban was unjust.
Can you say, in an intellectually honest manner, that the only meaningful difference between TSM's wins and losses was their toplane choice? And that the games they lost with Renekton and Yorick were truly the result of those picks and that the wins with Jayce and Shen were truly the result of those picks? I don't know your numbers background, but I hope you have more than Stats 101 under your belt. This is incredibly preposterous to attribute the differences to top lane without analysis of the other lanes.
Hi-Jacking top comment to explain in case some people might not speak English as their first language or just don't get it: The bus represents the game lobby, and the first poster says he's forced to make the decision: "Do I deal with this maniac actually trolling, and have to potentially spend 20 minutes ingame with this troll and lose the LP, or do i just dodge now and settle for -10 and the wait 30 mins for the next queue?". Riotpls fix this by letting people in lobby vote to kick certain people if they behave like this. RiotYmir responds with: Imagine you could vote whenever someone said "Mid or Feed" to kick them from lobby, and re-queue. This would start a cycle of "Nope. Kick him." Imagine going into lobby with a 3 man premade "You're first pick, but my buddy isn't getting ADC teemo? Vote." That's at least 3/4 votes against you already. Sure someone else in the lobby may want to play, but they can't (or won't) speak up, or the vote just jumps to them. No queue will ever go through, realistically there aren't that many sensible people in every game lobby. Most lobbies will just end with kicks, nobody will even get into a game. The chances of everyone getting the role they seek are so low, it's almost bound to never happen. The League will never be the same. Super
I hate to be the guy that has to say it, but I believe that if this was ever implemented it would only ever work in Ranked matches. It would never work in Normals. Blind Pick/Draft, you can have more than two people queueing up together. This makes it so they can troll whoever the fuck they want to troll in whatever way they can. This can already cause problems for solo players because then the teamed up players can just mess with the solo player(s). If this is implemented in a ranked queue, you have a max of two people queueing together. With a max of one duo queue per team. Meaning there are two people that may be playing together, and then three solo players. Two people can't make a vote by themselves. They have to convince at least one other person to go along with them. And as long as somebody isn't being toxic, they have no worries. The other players won't mob mentality that because there's only five of them total. Mob mentality can't apply there. Two people can't really start it happening in such a short amount of time. And if the duo queue partners start being toxic about it, the other three have the power to veto them out of the game. Which is important.
Picture it this way [ NA (3) + EU (3) = 6 ] & [ SEA (2) + China (2) + Korea (2) = 6 ] but then you add a extra team to korea which is why they have 3 now because of all-stars. Hope that makes it have a little bit of sense.
I think they did this because else World's is going to be as predictable as the all-starts. Asian teams are at the moment just 100% better then the NA/EU scene. We have seen it countless time, and if we send equal amount of teams, then NA/EU will NOT have a chance at winning anything close to first place.
Well to play devil's advocate, i will use an analogy with a cake. If i order a cake from bakery one and its perfect everywhere (like the frosting and the cake itself and the decorations are all perfect) then the cake is perfect. If i order a cake from bakery 2 and its terrible (just for the sake of the analogy), but the frosting is mediocre, then the frosting is the best part. Does that mean though, that just because the frosting on cake 2 is better than everything else about the cake that it's as good as cake 1's?
Here's something that took me 1,5 years to learn. Although you meet lots of players in game, you dont have to interact with all of them. You should mainly focus on your own mistakes and improving your play (which includes teamplay ofc). It's a choice to communicate with someone. You dont even have to mute people. You should just realise that you dont have to respond to chat. Especialy pre 30 it's not as important to win. Much rather you want to learn the game. So focus on learning the game, instead of trying to win. Make mistakes, try out stuff, learn from it, get better. This is also the case with games post 30, and ranked games.
While I was going to the post I was watching myself playing tons of teemo games just to get the icon and /flexing it to my friends that literally hates teemo which makes it funnier to play.
he just explained it? I like comedy/action movies, you could like horror, someone else romance, etc. It's about personal preference. What I like is not necessarily something you like. I find PL funny and entertaining, doesn't mean you have to. He's just an entertainer, and you're entitled to not like his form of entertainment, just don't expect others to feel the same way you do (read: if you don't like his stuff, you don't have to bother looking at it).
Welcome to the world of journalism EVERYWHERE. When you "know" more than the average Joe on a subject, you'll always notice this trend from journalists, a mass amount of them don't do enough research into their subject (just look at the media's portrayal of what a "troll" is) and will get a lot of things wrong, but most people just don't know enough themselves to call them out on it. Even the majority of "news" nowadays is scavenged from places like Reddit and so forth.
I first played Malzahar and that was some time after he had been released apparently. I ended up building mejay's soulstealer and I started calling him a pancake man cause you could trap people on top of the void (w). I really liked the champ back then. It was nice to get started with him.
Quick question. That "may be cropped" business with the red border: How "may" is may? Is it always cropped? Usually? Sometimes? I used that Diana/Leona art that IronStylus posted not that long ago and since it's already halved, the edge of the image needed to lined up right with that red border.
So, how do you go about being a support main and enjoy it? I'm by no means a good support, but I'm working on it because I don't wanna be that guy in ranked that "can't support." However, as a dude that likes to play Top and ADC, I'm used to action and big numbers so I find myself getting pretty bored with zoning and warding. Are there any champs you would recommend giving a try to maybe spark some interest in the role? I usually play Leona (5-1 in ranked so far) and do enjoy her all-in playstyle, but lately I've run into some pretty nasty, high damage poke supports that cut me down to half health before I even get a chance to land a zenith blade. I've played a couple fiddle games and liked it, but it feels like you need an ADC (and team) that is capable of taking advantage of your fears and reliably turning them into kills.
One thing I've not seen is the option of Augment Gravity giving 200 mana, 10% CDR, 5 mana/5, and a 30% increase to cast range on Gravity Field. Yes your Death Ray does less damage but having better CDR, better pick potential and quicker spells makes up for it IMO.
Before you judge my comment, Ninfang is a great buddy of mine and I respect everything he does and how he plays Rengar. But this play has nothing special to it. He takes his jungler's red which gives him a crazy advantage (insta level 2, rengars prime cheese moment) and on top of that starts with a red pot. A fiddle running into a brush where Rengar is located isn't going to be pretty business. The fiddle wasn't even ranked in Soloq and the graves was diamond 1 (5 points). After the fiddle feeds him first blood it was going to be an easy clean up on the graves since he had red to chase him out. Once you get that big of an advantage on someone with Rengar there is no hope for you. Pretty much sums this game up as the rest was just fiddle having no clue how to play against rengar and Ninfang just being way better than him.
I believe it's all to do with confidence when they verse the smaller teams they have the mentality that they will crush and win but when they verse other teams they get into the mentality that they will lose and get stomped so they play re actively instead of pro-actively.
Sigh.. not sure why Fizz should be nerfed out of the big 4 assasins. He is the only one that CANNOT farm from ranged. His ranged abilities when used to farm put him into melee range of creeps, so that cannot be used as a counter argument to the fact that fizz cannot farm from ranged. The same thing that happened to Twisted Fate is going to happen to fizz. Like Twisted Fate, there are many counters to Fizz. Ever tried playing against a Malzahar as fizz? RIP. Diana does extremely well against fizz too. The only thing is, rarely are these champions picked against fizz. just like Twisted Fates counters at his time of greatness, no one thought to counter pick TF and then he got nerfed, and to top that off the sudden rise of his 2 worst nightmares, fizz and ahri have completely ruled him out of competitive play.
You just said good and bad players play Champion A. So the second factor is dead even. 1/1. This is a false assumption. You're assuming equal numbers of good and bad players play Champion A, which is not something you can assume, especially given that most of the playerbase is not what you would call "good". Particularly on higher skillfloor champions like Zed. The second problem is that certain champions (like Zed) have higher skillcaps to go with their higher skillfloor (aka learning curve), so really pro players can do amazing things with them. Cool, so far, so good. However, the bad players see the good players doing awesome things and think they can do that as well. Then they lose. So a champion can be really good and still garner lower winrates because said champion is only good in the hands of someone with skill, and there are vastly more people without skill than people with skill. For a clear math example, let's break from reality for a second here and say that I'm Diamond 1 and thus considered a "good" player. For every diamond player there are at least 10 bronze-silver noobs who will play the same champion, particularly if said champion is considered "OP" because their kit is strong. So unless I'm playing the same number of games as 10 bronze/silver noobs (which would probably necessitate playing nearly 10 times the amount of games I would normally), odds are good that the bronze/silver noobs will bring the winrate of that champion down. And that's assuming I win every game, which I most likely won't.
The problem is Chaox mostly has fun at other peoples expense. He's always laughing at someone or ridiculing someone. It makes a lot of us uneasy.
The fight was Nice, but you actually used a way to edit that i've always loved so far (with the bot voice) and Turned it into a god awful clip.
It's not necessary a problem with clamping. An interesting effect of Riot's promo system is if you win a lot starting from a lower division (e.g. from Silver V-III then win all the way to Silver I). Because of the wins, your MMR becomes gold-level. However, because the system won't let you just go to gold, you still have to go through promotions multiple times. This creates a problem if you are in Silver I with Gold III-II MMR. Instead of needing to win 3/5 games vs Silver I MMR teams (which any Gold III-II should be able to do), you need to win 3/5 agsint gold III-II, which is much harder! all while losing LP on losses despite having much higher MMR than their division.
I've gotten to gold 4 with the vast majority of my games being karma either top or mid. You have 3 ults that do 3 different things. If you play like one is the best that should be used all the time and another is the worst and should never be used, you aren't playing her right. Each bonus has it's own ideal situations that it should be used in. When sieging and trying to poke from afar, your mantra'd Q along with a self shield to get yourself into position, and you start widdling down their health bars. Once a fight breaks out, you have your options open to how you want to play out the battle. Mantra Q will give you the best shot at nuking one of their squishies, and the slow can open up opportunities for your teammates to move on them. Mantra W is great for when one enemy is seperated from their team and you want to have a 1v1 duel with them, the damage is not to be underestimated, mantra'd W will always deal more damage than getting just the first proc of mantra Q, only the combined two mantra Q procs will add up to being more damage than a full mantra W. The heal is incredible for baiting, either under turret or engaging on the enemy laner that is trying to finish you but has no more cooldowns or tools to use on you. Mantra E really shines in teamfights, if you wanna to sit back and play the role of crazy fed support, karma does it well - sit right next to your AD carry and keep your shield on them as much as possible. When a tank comes to get at them you can easily peel them off with your slow and your root. With enough CDR and AP they won't be able to get through to the carries you are protecting.
Your LP gains and losses in ranked are determined by your MMR compared to what MMR is expected for someone in your tier/division. EFT = Expected MMR for your tier/division MMR < EFT --> LP gains < LP losses. The system thinks you should be in a lower division/tier. MMR = EFT --> LP gains ~= LP losses. The system thinks you are roughly where you belong. MMR > EFT --> LP gains > LP losses. The system thinks you should be in a higher division/tier. Furthermore, in division 1 of any tier LP gains/losses are also affected by clamping. Clamping stunts your LP gains/losses. Clamping gets more severe the closer you get to your promotion. It is possible to gain +0 LP for a win if you are at ~99 LP and your MMR is insufficient for the next tier. For more information on clamping please read [this]( post. Additionally, your LP gains and losses are also affected by the average MMR of your team compared to the average MMR of the enemy team. For more information about the league system read the [Season 3 FAQ]( For more information about MMR read [this](
In terms of learning ADC on a higher level, I'd say tristana is one of the best champs to do it with. Went from silver 1 to plat 1 pretty much exclusively with her. She trades very well, is very forgiving in terms of being able to get out of sticky situations with her jump and ult, and by playing her, you begin to see the mechanics of what makes an adc. Past lane phase, her damage is pretty much entirely autohits. This lets you practice simply autohitting on a high level, like firing a shot and moving immediately to cancel the rest of the animation, or using the A-move feature to fire quickly on the run without having to worry about actually clicking on the enemy. End of the day, with enough Tristana, you learn what makes an ADC: Positioning and autohitting. The number one reason that Tristana wins games is her ability to do those two things absurdly well late game. Her w lets her jump around to reposition after every kill/assist, her passive range increase keeps her at a safe autohitting distance, and her ult lets her peel for herself, giving her all the tools to autohit and position at will. Not to mention a 90% attack speed steroid to help out those autohits.
Your LP gains and losses in ranked are determined by your MMR compared to what MMR is expected for someone in your tier/division. EFT = Expected MMR for your tier/division MMR < EFT --> LP gains < LP losses. The system thinks you should be in a lower division/tier. MMR = EFT --> LP gains ~= LP losses. The system thinks you are roughly where you belong. MMR > EFT --> LP gains > LP losses. The system thinks you should be in a higher division/tier. Furthermore, in division 1 of any tier LP gains/losses are also affected by clamping. Clamping stunts your LP gains/losses. Clamping gets more severe the closer you get to your promotion. It is possible to gain +0 LP for a win if you are at ~99 LP and your MMR is insufficient for the next tier. For more information on clamping please read [this]( post. Additionally, your LP gains and losses are also affected by the average MMR of your team compared to the average MMR of the enemy team. For more information about the league system read the [Season 3 FAQ]( For more information about MMR read [this](
While watching high-elo streams I saw some awesome things people could do with Riven out of curiosity I wanted to know how they do it, I stumbled over a Video that shows what kind of animation cancelling you can do with her it's far beyond the animation cancelling other champions usually can, so huge congratuliations to everybody who can pull those amazing things of but the problem with it is that her skills can just come out insanely fast and in very quick succession thus dealing lots of damage (some might even want to say: Tons of Damage ) in a very short time this leaves the space for counterplay incredibly small causing threads like this one and being very frustrating to play against a good Riven will also get catched very easily. Riven's kit can if executed properly be very good at dueling enemies and evading enemies, her 3rd Q can jump over walls (which isn't easy to do, at least not for me), she has a shield that is combined with a gap closer an with the right animation cancelling almost instant stun and an Ultimate which executes very well and increases the range of her abilities and auto attacks. The overall counterplay to her kit is very limited as most of her abilities are most instant e.g. her stun you can just E and then W stunning the enemy for 0.75 seconds while shielding which should give you enough protection to reach your 3rd Q stack to knock the enemy up combined with a few auto attacks and maybe a Tiamat or Hydra this should be enough to bring the enemy very low making her Ultimate very dangerous as it is almost impossible to evade it as it moves as fast as the old Zed Shadow (around 2000 Missile Speed) making it incredibly hard to dodge especially for people with slower reactiontime or not so good internet connection. All this make her a frustrating enemy to face, especially if the player behind it is very good with the animation cancelling.
they used to have that as kayles passive, and it made her incredibly broken (was like s1 or something). if they make it like it, it'd be incredibly op like it was on kayle, except people will abuse it on people like jax, who are already incredibly strong atm. or if it was given really low values so it's not over powered, it'd very easily be underpowered and never used.
That's possible. I've been gaming since the mid 90s on PC and since the 80s on consoles. I've also been a heavy PC user for well over 20 years. A few years ago I started to develop a pain in my left wrist area (around the tendons), as well as stiff and sore joints in my hands, especially my index and middle finger. Between long office hours (programmer) and all the extra time gaming, I figured that it was between CTS and the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis which runs in my family. Anyhow, around this time I had just gotten into weight training. I noticed within the first month that my hands didn't ache nearly as much, and that the joint stiffness was almost gone too. I decided to apply the training directly to my hands. I bought my first set of Captains of Crush hand grips (.5) and used them every other day (the knurling is rather rough on the hands at first) but I can close the .5 (120lbs) like nothing else. After using these for a while, the pain is completely gone and my grip strength is far better. I was already deadlifting a lot more than that but it applies differently when you're directly closing just 1 hand on it. I also started using the hand bands they sell and I've been pain and stiffness free for a long time.
Not meaning to be a dick here but this is already Ro8 so... Now on a serious note, I think the best solution would be merge both teams to make a really competitive one and another who could work as a nice sparring while developing new talent. My best guess would be keeping Shy as top lane and Flame to mid (several times has been stated that he wrecks Ambition there) I've been liking Daydream so he should be in jungle. With both Madlife and Space on bot lane. While many show no respect for Space I find him to be the most consistent player on Frost (even more than our beloved GodLife). That team would wreck many teams, the thing is that SKT T1 K and KT Rolster Bullets are way beyond the other teams, the champion of Winter should be the winner of that semi, anything else would be an upset.
Yeah because the reason this kid didnt just make a new acc is because he has skins/champs etc that were bought with RP. You are an idiot if you think that, because its a free game, that riot are not money hungry. Let me ask you this then, If someone is permabanned, why are they not IP banned like EVERY other game on the face of the earth. Why? So you can create a new account, do the same shit, and spend more money.
Laning phase he is very strong, I will agree with you on that with his ability to gank, and his strong poke, but during team fights he can't really do much except poke with his Q. Most likely late game he won't be tanky so he can't initiate as well.
I'll be doing like why team x picks champs a b c e f and team y picks 1 2 3 4 5. then how team x is playing their comp against team y then, team decision making like vision, objective and map pressure, over all somewhat like why team x is doing this against team y and team y should this when team x is doing this.
people are only moaning about the meta because it doesn't match their playstyle and they are reluctant/don't know how to adapt. In actual fact if you look at the game it has never been so balanced before, if they make any major changes to the current meta I can't see it being for the better. Early game is no longer as strong, but if you get really ahead you have to be much better than the other team and actually use your advantage and keep playing well to prevent the other team from coming back, this punishes teams which are lazy and start derping after they get a lead thinking its a win anyway. In the snowball meta you could just get a lead, derp around and still win which is kinda unfair and sometimes luck based. If you look at the champions they are actually really balanced atm aswell, win rates for the best champions are at around 53-54%, which are usually much higher at around the 56-57% mark. This suggests that the game is really balanced and many champions can have a big impact and no one champions just stomps everything, i.e. team composition and skill/teamwork with certain champions is more important to win games. This is even evident with bans as now when I play there are so many good champions to ban that i struggle to decide which one to choose.
Supports need to support with their kits and not with exces gold they get now. They need to be cc/utility bots. They dont need fucking lyandries on zyra (even if no one plays zyra atm). Fiddle was in perfect spot before his fear nerf. That fear was what described his personalty as a champion and as a support. He had that long single target hard cc with decent silence and decent dmg if he gets off nice ulty, there was no need to nerf him so hard since tenacity already had great impact on fear duration (longer cc duration more longer you negate it with tenacity). We now see leona with gold close to junglers even if she is supporting and she turns into fucking super cc tank. That wasnt supposed to happened. If she is supporting she should have decent and maybe below par tankines compared to top laner and jungler. She now just becomes even more tanky then jungler and has far more superior cc. Leona just outshines rest of supports traditional or not traditional. There is ofc thersh that i think is in perfect place when it comes to kit but he too becomes too tanky with excess gold he gets in this preason.
It's alot of older players, and it's actually pretty interesting from a sociatal stand point how all of this went down. Pretty much he started the reignofgaming site, which consisted of a few tier lists. These tier list were the first real guide lines to non pro players on what to play and how strong it was. People acted like these tier lists were the bible and it ended up being a HUGE detriment to the league community. It gave people a reason to be toxic, and because a pro stood behind it there was a huge circlejerk if you picked anything considered low tier, playing then was infuriating. People really disliked him for it and bashed him REALLY hard. Like people have killed themselves over some of the things people were telling him, it got pretty out of hand. So he went on tilt (I'm assuming now) as he is an emotional guy and got kicked from team after team. Now people hate him just to hate him, kinda like teemo, and he rages alot but that has more to do with actual trolls who are actively trying to lose games they're in with him. And that's where we are now.
Is he still considered a professional? I'm genuinely curious about this. He was a professional player at one point in time, but now he isn't good enough to play for a professional team (at least in terms of LCS and such since he isn't on a team anymore), so is he still considered a professional? Or is it more like he WAS a professional LoL player? Are people considered professionals forever if they make it to the "pros" for at least 1 season or something? Or are people only considered pro's as long as they are in the professional leagues? Sorry for somewhat repeating myself, but yea...
You're taking what I said and making it sound black and white. Of course taking some steps to learn builds, meta, and overall flow of the game is needed all of which can be studied through videos and streams. Normal gives you little to go off of. AI teaches you how to play your champ and helps you calculate damage output of whatever you are playing. Although in normals you play against players who may have various play styles I have seen players who mainly play AI get the best of players who have over 1k games in normals. That being said, it might have to do with the fact that some people who play AI just push and exploit the fact that bots can't do certain things to get fed while others spend time practicing mechanics/champions within a stress free environment. If this was me beginning of last year I would tell you bots offer you little, but after playing with many players who play bots I have come to the conclusion they honestly give you a better foundation for new players. You can learn and play the game at your own pace without teammate confrontations. I have been playing since Season 1 and lately I have been playing lots of AI or Ranked. I'm gold on 2 smurfs and was Plat 1 last season.

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