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◄▴◓◠▨ ◨▽◠▦◈◬◓▪▼◬▵ | - Intriguing. |
▽◪◎◗▦◫▦◫ ▫▴▨◓◠◓ ▴▫◎◪▱◫ ◚▴ ◞◧▦◞▾▢▱◨▨ ◒◠◓◠◀▪▦◈◠▦ ◫◉◎▴▱◫▵ | He would need to repeat his vows in the land of the living and drink from the wine of ages. |
◄▴◞◠▸▱◠◓▪◎◠ ◀◫▱◪ ▼◪◚◠▻ ◚▴◓▴◎◪◈◗▦ ◎◫? | You couldn't even answer my texts? |
▯◪ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◞◭◓◠▫ ◳◠▻◬◳◧◓ ◞▴▦◗▦▨◫? | How fast do you go? |
◈◠ ◧▱◠▦ ◀◫◓ ▨◠◉ ◂▱◠▽◈◠▦ ◀◠▷◞◪◈◗◳◧◓■ ◉◧◐▾▦▱◨◐▾ ○▱◎◠▦▱◠◓◈◠▦ ▨◠◉◠▦ ▽◠▷◨◈◫▱▴◓▵ | He's talking about a few right here in Lisbon, mostly Jews who have escaped the Germans, that's all. |
◝▴▦ ◫◒▫◪▦ ▨◠◳▫◠◓◠▼◠▨ ◀◗◓◫ ◈▴◐◫▱◈◗◓▵ | For instance, Ben is not a guy who skips work. |
▭◂◒◉◠ ▨◠▱ ◡◠▨◂◀▵ | Goodbye, Jakob. |
◝◨◓◠◈◠▨◗ ▷◪◓▨◪◞◫ ◳◠▽◠ ◀◬◓◠▨▪◓▵ | Sure beats the foam domes round here. |
◝◪▨▱▴ ◀◗◓ ◞◠▦◗▽▴! | Oh, wait a second! |
◁◠◎◠▦ ◒◗◎◈◫▵ | The time is now. |
◢◓▴◈◗ ◚◪◓▴▦▱◪◓◫◎◫▢ ◀◂◓◉▱◠◓▪◎▪▢◬ ◞◠▫▪▦ ◠▱◠◓◠▨ ▦◂▫ ◈◪◍▫◪◓▱◪◓◫◳▱◪ ◧▽ ◚▴◓◫◳◂◓▱◠◓▵ | Our creditors are voting with their pocketbook by buying up our debt. |
◤▴◓◗▦◫▢■ ▷◪◎▴▦ ◒▾◓◠◞▪▵ | Over there. |
◱▵▵▵◎◧◓ ◉◨▱▱◨▨ ◧▱◨◓◈◨▵ | She-- she's the purple sandpiper. |
◝◫◓ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▪◎▱◠ ◀◨▱◨◒◠▼◠◐▪◎▵ | I'm meeting a friend. |
◊▨◫ ◞◂▽▱◨ ◠◗▱▴ ◠◓◠◞▪▦◈◠▨◗ ◀◠◓◬◒▪ ◞◠◐▱◠◎◠▨▵ | To ensure peace between the two royal households. |
□◠▫◓◂▦◨◎ ◀◠▦◠ ▫▴▨◎▴ ◚◪▽◠ ▫◂▨◠▫ ◠▫◞◠ ◀◗▱◪ ◉◠▱◬◒▫▪◎▵ | I worked even if the boss kicked or slapped me. |
▮▴▦◫ ◀◗▱▴ ◳▴◓◗◎▵ ▮◭▻▴◓ ◄◠◓◗◂▵ | I could eat even you, Super Mario. |
○◎◠ 12 ▨◗◒◗▱▴◓▵ ► ◙▴◓▫ ◪▫◎◪▵ | But there's 12 of them. |
○▱▫◬▦ ◖◪▷◫◓'◗▦ ▨◓◠▱◗◉▴◞◫ | She's the queen of the Golden City |
◝▴▦◗◎ ◫◒▫▴▦ ▨◠◉▫▪◐◬◎▪ ◕◇◓◎◭▽◧◓◞▾▦▵ | You don't see me shirking. |
◝◪▦ ◞◠◈▴▼▴ ◗◳◗ ◀◗◓ ◈◫▢◫ ◉▴▨▫◫◐◗◎◗▢◫ ◞◇◳▱◭▽◧◓▾◎▵ | I'm just saying, like, we're making a good show, but, you know... |
▢◠▫◪▦ ◀▴◈◪▱◫▦◫ ◇◈▩◳◧◓◨◎; ▻▴▨◗ ◧▦◠ ▦◪ ▽◠▻◠▼◠▨◞▪▦? | And now I'm all taking care of, but what are you going to do about him? |
◝▾ ◫◒◫ ◀◫◓ ◒◪▨◫▱◈◪▵▵▵ ► ▭◗◉ ◒◠▦◞◬▦ ◳◧▨▵ | - We gotta work something... |
◝▾ ▫◠▫▫▪◐◬▦ ▴▦ ◫◳◫ ◀◠◓◀◪▨◭ ▶◓◠◚ ◕◠◓◠▦▫◫ ▴◈◪◓◗◎▵ | This is the best barbecue you will ever taste, Trav -- guaranteed. |
◆◠◳▴▫ ◗▽◗ ◕◣◓▩▦▩▽◂◓◞▾▦▵ | You look fine. |
○◳◓▪▼◠ ◕▴▦◉ ◚◪ ◞◠◍ ◗▦◞◠▦▱◠◓◠ ◗◍▫◫◓◠ ▴◈◫▱◎◪◎◪▱◫◈◫◓ ◇▢▴▱▱◗▨▱▴ ◠▦▦▴▱▴◓◫ ◀◠◒◠◓◬▱◬ ▷◨▨◨▨ ◍◗◓◎◠▱◠◓▪▦◈◠ ◉◠▱◬◒◠▦▱◠◓◠▵ | And slanderous accusations shouldn't be made to young, naive people whose mothers are paralegal secretaries in successful law firms. |
▭◂◒▫▾▵ ► ▮◠▽▴▦◈◪ ◈◫▽▴◎◪▽◪▼▴◐◗◎▵ | It went lovely no thanks to you. |
► ◝◗◓ ◠◓◠ ◈◠ ◞▴◚◗◒◎▴▱◗▽◫▢▵ | Oh, we should have sex at some stage. |
◝◠◒▨◠▦'▪▦ ◀▴▦◫ ◫▱▨ ◉◂▼▾▨ ◀◠▨◠▦◬ ◧▱◠◓◠▨ ◞◠◐▱◠◳◠▼◠◐◬◎▵ | I'll make the president name me first minister for children. |
▯▴ ◧▱◈◨◐◨▦◨ ◞◧◓◠◀◫▱◫◓ ◎◗◳◫◎? | Can I ask what's happening? |
◢◠◓◈◪◒◗◎ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◕▴▱ ◚▴ ◧▫◨◓▵ | My brother... |
► ◊◒▴ ▽◠◓◠◳◠▼◠▨■ ▱◂▱◗▻◧▻ ◕◫◀◗▵ | And if you're really good I'll get you a lollipop. |
▤◂◀◂▫ ◀▴◳▦◗▦ ▢◠▫▴▦ ◕◪◎◗▽▴ ◀◠◐▱▪ ◈▴◐◫▱ ◎◫? | Isn't your robot brain connected to the ship? |
◝◨◕◭▦ ◞◪◎◫▦◪◓ ◗◉◫▦ ◞◬▦▪◍▱◠◓▪ ◀◗◓▱◪◒▫◗◓◈◗▨▵ | Um... we've combined a few classes today here for the seminar. |
◝▾ ▦▴▷◓◗ ◳▴▦▴◎◪▢◞◗▦▵ | You don't beat this river. |
◝▴▦■ ◀◨◞▷ ◧▱◈▾ ▨▴◉◗ ◫▱◪ ◑▴ ◠▦◫◈◪▦ | I was in the bush with the goats and suddenly, I heard a bomb blast. |
◆◇▫◭◓◪▼◪◐◫◎■ ◝◪◀◠▼◬◐◬◎▵ | - Of course, Beba. |
◰◐▴◓ ◀▴▦ ◇▱◭◓◞▴◎■ ◞▴▦ ◈◪ ◀◪▦◫◎▱◪ ◕▴▱◫◓◞◫▦ | If I go down, you're going down with me. |
□◠◓▨ ◂▦▾ ◗▢▱◫▽◧◓■ ◈▴◐◫▱ ◎◗? | Detective Park is trailing her, right? |
◱ ◉◫◚◗ ◕◫◀◗ ◞▴◓▫ ◧▱◈▾◐▾▦◨▵ | He's tough as nails. |
▯◪ ◕◪▱◪▼▴◐◫? | What future? |
▮◪◚◕◫▱▴◓▱▴■ □◫◞▱◫▨ ◄◗▨◪ ◚◪ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▱◠◓▪▵" | Love, Dirty Mike and the boys." |
◊▽◗ ◕▴▼◪▱◪◓ ▨◠▻▫◠▦▵ | Good night, Captain. |
► ◝◠▦◠ ◳◠◓◈◬◎ ◪▫◎◪▦◗ ◗◞▫▴◎◫▽◂◓◨◎! | - I don't want you to help me! |
□▴▦◫◞◗ ◓◧◞▫◧ ◕◗◀◗ ◧◓▫◠◈◠▦ ◫▨◫▽◪ ◠◳▪◓◬◳◧◓▱◠◓ ◚▴ ▫◪▨ ▽◠▻▫◬▨▱◠◓▪ ▻◠◓◉◠▱◠◓◬ ◫◉▴◓◗ ◗▫◎▴▨▵ | All they do is slice the penis in half like at a weenie roast and then shove it all inside. |
▶◪◎◫▢ ◠▦▱◠◎◬▦◠ ◕◪▱◗◓▵ | The word means clean. |
○◎◠ ◧▦▱◠◓◈◠▦ ▨◧▦▾◒▫◨◐▾◎▾▢ ◳▴▫▴◓▵ | But enough about them. |
► ◢◇◒◪◳◫ ◈◣▦▩▦▼▴ ◕◠▱◗◀◠▵ | - (Irene moans) - (Johnny) Come on, y'all. |
▶◠▦◓▪'◳◠ ◗▦◠▦◬▻ ◗▦◠▦◎◠◎◠▦ ◕◪◓◪▨▫◗◐◫▦◫ ◞◂◓◎◠▨ ◕◗◀◗ ◀◨▵ | That's like asking if you should believe in God. |
▶▩◎ ◗◒◫ ◈▴◐◗▱ ◠◞▱◬▦◈◠▵ | Not quite all the work. |
◢◧◓▨◨◈◠▦ ▽◫◳▴◎◗▽◧◓◨◎▵ | I can't eat it out of fear. |
▯▴▱▴◓ ◂▱▾◳◧◓ ◧◓◠◈◠■ ◠◈◠◎◬◎? | What the fuck is going on, man? |
▭◠▫▫◠ ◢◂◓▴'◈◪ ▫◠▦◬▦◎◠ ◗◎▨◠▦◬ ◚▴◓◗▱◈◫◐◗ ◀◗▱◪ ◂▱◈◨▵ | I Was Given The Possibility of recognition even in Korea. |
▧◳▱▴ ◎◫ ◳◠▢◎◬◒? | It said that? |
"◝◫▱◎◫▽◂◓◨◎ ◠▷◀◠▻▵ ◟◠◳◬▦▼▪▱◬▨ ◫◒◗▦◪ ◕◫◓◈◗◎▵" | 00 , 00:46:50:13 , "How's the smut business, Jackie?" |
► ◊◳◗ ▽◂▱▼▾▱◨▨▱◠◓▵ | - Have a "bon voyage" |
► ◊◳◗ ▽◂▱▼▾▱◨▨▱◠◓▵ | -Have a great trip. |
▨▴▦◈◫◞◫■ ◠◒◬◓▪ ◕◭◚▴▦◫▱◗◓ ◀◗◓ ▻▴◓◞◂▦◪▱◗◎◗▢▵ | Who we all know is extremely... reliable. |
◀◨ ▨◫◒◫ ◠▨◠◈◪◎◫◞▽◪▦ ▽◠ ◈◠ ◀▴▦▢◪◓◫ ◀◗◓◫ ◍◗▱◠▦ ◈▴◐◗▱▵ | But I'm afraid this person is not a scholar or anything. |
◍▪◓▫▪▦◠◞▪▦▪▦ ◧◓▫◠◞▪▦◈◠◞▪▦◬▢ ◚◪ ▨▾▱◠◐◬▦▪▢◬▦ ◈◗◀◗▦◈▴ ◈◣▦▩▽◂◓▵ | You're in a shit storm, and it's blowing around your ears. |
▶◠◎◠◎■ ◀◪▦ ◈▴ ◦▱◠▦'◬◎ ◚◪ ◞◠◳◕▪ ◫◞▫◗◳◧◓◨◎▵ | Yeah, well, I'm Alan, and I want respect. |
▮◠◚◠◒ ▫◪▷◈◗◈◫▦◫ ◈◪◞▫◪▨▱▴▽▴▦ ◞▪▦◬◍▱◠◓■ ◞▪▦◬◓▱◠◓ ◚◪ ◈◪▦◗▢▱◪◓◈◪▨◫ ◈◪▱◗▱◫▨ ◀◫◓◫▨◗◎◗▦◈▴▦ ◞◧◓▾◎▱▾◈◨◓■ ◭◞▫◪▱◫▨ ◀◠◓▪◒◬ ▨◧◓▾◎◠ ▨◗◞◚◪◞◗ ◠▱▫▪▦◈◠! | The classes which support the threat of war, are reponsible for the buildup of madness on borders and seas, under the guise of peace-keeping! |
▾◎◈▾◐◨▦ ▷▴◓ ◒◪◳◫▦ ◞◠▷◗◀◗ ◂▱◨◓◞▾▦▵ | Hey, I hope you get everything that you're hoping for. |
▮◠▦▪◓◬◎ ▫◪▷▱◗▨◪◈▴◞◗▦◗▢▵ | I think you're in danger. |
◝◫◓ ▽◠◓◬◒◎◠◈◠ ◠◞▱◠ ◀◫◓ ◂▽◨▦ ▨◠▽◀▴▫◎◪◈◫◎▵ | I've never lost a game in the competitions. |
▭▴◓▷◠▱◈◪ ◞◠▫◎◠◈◠▦ ◇▦▼▴ ▻◠▫◓◂▦◨▦◠ ◞◧◓◎◠◞◬ | I think she's supposed to talk to the headmaster... before giving us any. |
◖◨ ▨▾▢▴▦◫▦◗ ◠◓◠▵ ◑◗▫◂'▽◨ ◚◪ ◀◫◓ ◈◫◐◪◓◗▦◫▵ | Call that nephew of yours, Vito, and the other one. |
◖◗◎◈◗■ ◀▾◓◠◈◠ ◀◫◓ ▴▢◫▨ ◚◠◓ ◞◠◐ ▨▾▱◠◐▪▦ ◠◓▨◠◞▪ ◧◳▾▨▵ ◚▴ ◀▾ ◈◭▦◳◠►◈◬◒◬ ◚◠◓▱▪▨ ◀◣▽▱▴ ◇▱◈▩◓◭▱◎▩◒▵ | Now, there is a fracture here, and behind this right ear is caved in, and that's how this ET being was killed. |
▮▾◳▾ ◞◫▢ ◈◭▢▴▦▴ ▨◂◳◎◨◳◧◓ ◎▾◞◨▦◨▢? | Don't you regulate the water? |
◢◠▻◠◐◬▦ ◠◉▪▱◎◠◞▪ ◫▱◕◫▦◗ ◉▴▨◎▴◈◫ ◎◫? | No interest in the hatch blowing. |
▯◪◈▴▦ ▷▴▻ ◝▴▦◫ ◗▢▱◗▽◂◓◞▾▦? | Why do you always follow me? |
◝▾ ◠▦ ◫◉◗▦ ◀◪▦◗ ◀◠◐▪◒▱◠▽◬▦▵ | Will you please excuse me for just a moment? |
◠▦▱◠◈▪◎ ◠◎◠ □▷◫▱◠◈◪▱▻▷◫◠'◈◠ ▷▴▦▩▢ ◀◣▽▱◪ ◀◫◓ ◒▴▽▴ ▷◠▢▪◓ ◈▴◐◗▱◫▢▵ | Yeah, Branch, I understand he's got a name but we're just not ready for that sort of thing here in Philadelphia. |
◢◂▱◠▽◞◠ ◕◫▫ ◈◪ ○ ◞▪▦▪◍▪ ◪▫◗ ◞◠▦◠▵▵▵ ▨◫▱◂◞◨ 40 ◞◪▦▫▫▴▦ ◞◠▫◠▼◠▨ ◀◗◓ ▫▴◞◫◞ ◀◨▱▵ | I'd like to see you go and find a supplier... that'll sell you grade-A chuck at 40 cents a pound. |
◝▾▦◠ 50 ◈◂▱◠◓ ◇◈▴◈◫◎▵ | I paid $50 on credit for it. |
◝▴▨▱◪▽◫▦■ ◕◗▫◎▴◈▴▦ ▱◠◚◠◀◧◳◨ ▨▾▱▱◠▦◠◀◫▱◗◓ ◎◗◳◫▢? | Oh. oh. oh-- just one second... - Can I use your bathroom before we go? |
▯◪ ◂▱◈◨◐◨▦▾ ▷◗◉ ◠▦▱◠◎◠◈▪◎▵ | I never did understand what it was. |
◘◒▽◠▱◠◓▪◎◬ ▫◧▻▱◠◎◠▽◬◎! | I have to pack! |
◤◠ ◈◠ ▨◂▢◎▴▫◫◐◫▵ | Or cosmetology. |
◙◠▷◠ ◎◨▷▫◪◎◪▱ ◒◭▻▷◪▱◫▱▴◓ ◧▱◎◠▱◬▵ | There must be more-likely suspects. |
◦▦▱◠◳◠◀◗▱◪▼▴◐◫◎ ◒◪▨◗▱◈▴ ◀◠◞◗▫ ◂▱◞◨▦▵ | Keep it simple so I understand. |
◢◧▨▾◞◨▦▾ ◠▱◠◀◫▱◫◳◧◓◨◎▵ | I can smell it. |
◟◫▦▴ ◈◪■ ▽▴▦◗ ◀◠◒▱◠▽◠▦ ◀◫◓◫▦◪ ▽◠◓◈◬◎ ◪▫◎▴▨▫◪▦ ▷◂◒◯◠▦▪◓ ◈◫◳▴ ◈◭◒◭▦▩◳◧◓◨◎▵ | Still, I think he would enjoy helping someone who's just starting out. |
◙◗◐▴◓ ▾◳◨◒▫◨◓◨▼▾▱◠◓▱◠ ◀◫◓▱◗▨▫▴▵ | With the rest of the drugs. |
◢◓▴◎◪◓'◫▦ ◕◪▱◈◫◐◫▦◫ ◈◨▽◠◓ ◈▾◳◎◠▢■ ▷▴◎▴▦ ◧▦◠ ◞◠◓▪▱◎◠▨ ◫◞▫▴◈◫◎▵ | Since the very first day, I've just wanted to hug Kremer. |
◅◭▦▨◭ ◪▦ ◗▽◫▱◪◓◈◪▦ ◀◫◓◫◳◫◎▵ | Because I am one of the best. |
◙◠▷◠ ▨◫◀◠◓ ◂▱◠◀◗▱◫◓◈◫▦▵ | You could be a bit nicer. |
◟◠▦◗ ◞◪▦◫▦ ◪▱◗▦◈◪ ▽▴▫▨◗◞◫▦◗ ◠▱◠▼◠▨ ▨◠◈◠◓ | You got enough to shut him down? Yeah, maybe. |
▶◠▷◎◫▦ ▴▫ ▽◠◓▪▦ ▨◫◎ ◠▨◒◠◎ | Guess who wants to have dinner tomorrow night? |
◝▾◓◠◈◠ ▷◪◓ ▢◠◎◠▦ ◞◠▦◠ ◈◠ ◳◪◓ ◂▱◠▼◠▨▵ ◲◒▫◪ ◀◨◓◠◈◠■ ▮◠▱'▪▦ ◄◪◒▷◨◓ □◗▢▢◠▼◬◞▪'▦◈◠▵ ◧◐▱◨◎ ◕◗◀◗◞◗▦■ ▷◪▻ ◇◳▱◪◳◈◫▦▵ | Mookie, I wanna tell you that there's always gonna be a place for you here, right here at Sal's, Sal's Famous Pizzeria, because you've always been like a son to me. |
◑▴ ◢▾◓▫ ◀◬◉◠▨ ◠▫▫▪▵ | And Kurt threw a knife. |
◆▱◠◞◕◂▥ ◢◂◎◠ ▮▨◠▱◠◞◬▦◈◠ 6 ▻◨◠▦ ◠▱◈▪▵ | He's a 6 on the Glasgow coma scale. |
◝◠▢▪▱◠◓▪ ◫◉◫▦▵▵ ◇▱▩◎ ▨◂▱◠▽ ◉◣▢▩◎◈◭◓▵▵ | For some... death seems to be the easiest solution... |
◌◫▽◠▫ ▴▫◫▨◪▫◗▦◗ ◠▱◠◀◗▱◫◓ ◎◫▽◫◎■ ▱▩▫◍▴▦? | Can I get a price check, please? |
◢◠▻◠ ◉◪▦◪▦◫ ◈▴ ◉▪▨◠◓ ▩◞▫◭▦◈▴▨◫▦◗▵ | - Shut up and get outta your gear. - I'm takin' off nothin'. |
◝▾ ▦◪◈◪▦ ◈◠▱◎◠◈◬◐▪◎◬ ◠◉▪▨▱▪▽◂◓ ◞◠▦▪◓▪◎▵ | Maybe that's why I'm floating around. |
◲▦◞◠▦ ◈◭▦◳◠◈◠▨◗ ◪▦ ◕◭◉▱◭ ◠◓◠◉▱◠◓◈◠▦ ◀◫◓◫◈◗◓▵ | The human eye, one of the most powerful instruments on Earth. |
◈▴◓◕◗▽◗ ◞◠▫◠◀◗▱◎▴▨ ◗◉◫▦ ▾▽◈◨◓▾▱◎▾◒ ◀◫◓▴◓ ▽◠▱◠▦▵ | It was all a lie to sell magazines. |
□▴▨◫■ ▨◠◓◠◓◬▦▪▢ ◀▴▦◗ ▷◠▽◠▱ ▨▪◓▪▨▱◬◐◬▦◠ ◨◐◓◠▫▫▪▵▵▵ ◠◎◠ ◀◠◐▱◬▱◬◐▪▦▪▢◬ ▫◠▨◈◗◓ ◪◈◗◳◧◓▾◎▵ | Well, I'm disappointed with your decision, but I appreciate your loyalty. |
◙◪◈◫◐◫◎ ◕◫◀◗■ ◑◫▨▫◧◓▵ | Sorry, Victor. |
Dataset Summary
This dataset was used as homework #3 in the Yandex Machine Learning 2.0 training in November 2024.
This dataset is a simulation of automatically collected internet data for a low-resource language.
In 2084, humanity made first contact with an extraterrestrial civilization living on the planet Zeta in the constellation Andromeda. The aliens, called Zetans, have highly developed technology and are eager to share knowledge with Earthlings. To successfully establish contact and develop mutually beneficial relationships, it is extremely important to establish effective communication.
The Zetans provided humanity with an extensive text library in their language, including both original works and translations of known Earth texts. In turn, they were given access to Earth's libraries. However, machine translation algorithms have not yet coped well with the unusual structure of the Zetan language, which makes the translation inaccurate and incomplete. Need to train a model for translating from Zetan to English.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
The dataset contains two languages, a real one, English, and a fictional one, Zetan.
Dataset Structure
In the original dataset consists of three files in JSON Lines format. Current dataset structure:
train: Dataset({
features: ['src', 'dst'],
num_rows: 300000
validation: Dataset({
features: ['src', 'dst'],
num_rows: 500
test: Dataset({
features: ['src', 'dst'],
num_rows: 1000
Data Splits
There are three splits in the dataset:
- 300,000 translation examples. The data is specially noisy. There are approximately 235,000 qualitative examples.validation
- 500 translation examples, are used to validate the model during the fine-tuning process.test
- 1000 translation examples, used to submit the result to a special testing system - Yandex Contest. There is no translation from Zetan to English in this part of the dataset!
Data Fields
- contains a phrase in the Zetan language.dst
- contains a translation from Zetan to English.
Data Instances:
"src":"◲▦◠▦◬▦■ ◉◗▢◕◗ ◍◗▱◎ ▽◠▽▪▦◠ ◕▴◉◗▦▼▴ ◀◗◓◉◧▨ ◎▴◞◠▸ ◠▱◈▪▨ ◚◪ ◀◨ ◎◪◞◠▸▱◠◓◬▦ ◀◠▢▪▱◠◓▪ ▻◪▨ ◈◂◞▫◉◠ ◈▴◐◫▱◈◗▵",
"dst":"Believe me, we had many messages and some of these messages that they were all over the world."
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