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im starting to feel really pathetic giving the bulk of my enthusiasm these days to the kardashians us weekly and roseanne marathons and completely ignoring this blog
[ 4.64453125, -0.65966796875, -1.1748046875, -1.06640625, -1.1123046875, -1.7734375 ]
i suck up is the boring dull town and the feeling being missed by my family and bf
[ 4.625, -0.853515625, -1.01953125, -1.0546875, -1.0537109375, -1.8125 ]
i love rides but wasnt feeling too hot this day
[ -1.00390625, -0.67529296875, 3.31640625, -0.6025390625, -1.1240234375, -0.609375 ]
i feel like an ugly monster where i cannot show who i really am lest i seem weird or just plainly an outcast
[ 4.62109375, -0.90966796875, -1.248046875, -0.5556640625, -1.267578125, -1.9228515625 ]
i really do feel superior
[ -0.9970703125, 4.765625, -0.427978515625, -1.4208984375, -1.724609375, -0.9931640625 ]
i remember feeling nervous
[ -1.02734375, -1.5869140625, -1.7158203125, -0.29833984375, 4.1171875, -0.1707763671875 ]
i was careful to make sure the characters featured you can feel sympathetic
[ -0.77197265625, -0.1434326171875, 3.693359375, -1.2763671875, -1.2744140625, -1.048828125 ]
im feeling a little dissatisfied
[ -0.468017578125, -1.0732421875, -1.1962890625, 4.33984375, -0.828125, -1.4775390625 ]
i was feeling like i said humour gets me through im one of those people who even if i spoke about my issues no one would be too bothered or would care that thought was in my head and wasnt true that way of being like i dont want to burden you sort of thing
[ 0.009796142578125, -1.0126953125, -1.2431640625, 4.23828125, -1.025390625, -1.6064453125 ]
i mentioned in my last blog that i have started to get the feeling that i have been pressured into studying things i do not like which has also made me into a person i might not fully be
[ -0.419921875, -1.6728515625, -1.6875, 0.0479736328125, 3.8359375, -0.95556640625 ]
i feel defeated but its okay hahaha my mid term holiday was good
[ 4.53125, -0.242919921875, -1.25390625, -0.994140625, -1.193359375, -2.01953125 ]
i like doing reviews and i got this from target a few days ago so i feel its acceptable to review this for all you makeup lovers
[ -0.78271484375, 4.546875, 0.1116943359375, -1.55078125, -1.814453125, -1.3583984375 ]
i hope you like this more honest amp raw blog post amp if you are feeling unhappy i hope this makes you feel less alone
[ 4.68359375, -0.74169921875, -1.3681640625, -0.544921875, -1.212890625, -2.08203125 ]
i sit in the same hostel i did nearly two months ago this time wearing a jacket and feeling as if my toes might be a little numb from the cold
[ 4.55078125, -1.048828125, -1.361328125, -1.197265625, -0.3974609375, -1.6259765625 ]
im in that last bit of sleep before i get up in the morning i feel like that emotional energy just waits for me
[ 4.296875, -1.369140625, -1.2373046875, -0.21044921875, -0.56787109375, -2.158203125 ]
i feel myself about how successful my attempts are im starting to connect with the fact that people want to hear music not perfection whatever that is
[ -0.60302734375, 4.48828125, -0.84033203125, -1.27734375, -1.4228515625, -1.1884765625 ]
i realize how much my little family leans on me and it felt so overwhelming and i feel so inadequate
[ 4.4140625, -1.1240234375, -1.3974609375, -1.4072265625, -0.04718017578125, -1.5087890625 ]
i feel like i should be supporting them somehow but im not sure how
[ -0.70068359375, 3.501953125, 1.6982421875, -1.93359375, -2.01953125, -1.796875 ]
i feel underappreciated and under valued
[ 3.5859375, 0.32666015625, -1.90234375, -0.66259765625, -0.6494140625, -1.9072265625 ]
im definitely not feeling fearful or anything right now
[ -1.0263671875, -1.4677734375, -1.3974609375, -0.77294921875, 4.0390625, -0.09051513671875 ]
i wish i could do that chinese bite on my finger so you feel the pain miles away thing but upon some reflection perhaps that wouldnt be very considerate
[ -1.15625, 3.69140625, 1.3857421875, -1.76171875, -1.888671875, -1.40625 ]
i is desperate for kareena akshay kumar will play a double role in flash forward minissha says i still feel today amisha patel in a glamorous avtaar
[ -0.9228515625, 4.69140625, -0.290771484375, -1.73046875, -1.4326171875, -1.0244140625 ]
i always appreciate them and please feel free to become a follower and come back and visit again soon
[ -0.826171875, 4.69140625, -0.3056640625, -1.4423828125, -1.7158203125, -1.2451171875 ]
i feel bothered by any of these things i open a door
[ -0.9111328125, -1.3505859375, -1.3798828125, 4.26171875, -0.1629638671875, -1.2333984375 ]
i feel like i am in paradise kissing those sweet lips make me feel like i dive into a magical world of love
[ -1.0859375, 1.841796875, 3.166015625, -1.869140625, -1.8564453125, -1.361328125 ]
i have these terrible feelings that i hyped myself up to be more talented than i am
[ -0.80859375, 4.53515625, -0.72412109375, -1.3828125, -1.5732421875, -0.81884765625 ]
i feel depressed again
[ 4.62890625, -0.7724609375, -1.408203125, -0.505859375, -1.220703125, -1.9931640625 ]
i feel like the leadership training was a perfect vision of what god wants missionary work to be now
[ -0.8125, 4.7578125, -0.467041015625, -1.5185546875, -1.6669921875, -1.177734375 ]
i feel most passionate about that arouse my emotions seem to be the things i need to learn something about my emotion tells me there is a need to grow in some direction
[ -1.6064453125, 2.658203125, 2.4296875, -1.5732421875, -1.92578125, -1.15234375 ]
i now im graduating in two days but i feel so sad right now
[ 4.56640625, -0.82666015625, -0.8935546875, -0.9619140625, -1.201171875, -1.8427734375 ]
i did feel rather like a celebrity and widget stood and let herself be admired while she drank orange squash from my cup
[ -1.5185546875, 3.23046875, 1.86328125, -2.01953125, -1.9892578125, -0.6455078125 ]
i was entertaining myself with this memory while at the same time feeling like that guy in that movie dazed and confused who says i just keep on getin older and the girls stay the same age
[ -1.41015625, -0.92724609375, -1.353515625, -1.5, 1.869140625, 2.5390625 ]
i don t follow too many people and i don t have too many followers however i have a feeling that the people that i am talking about may know who they are i m not trying to be rude i m just being real
[ -0.51953125, -1.0146484375, -1.07421875, 4.31640625, -0.85791015625, -1.361328125 ]
i just feel its one of those things you dont talk about too much because then too many people come to know and then the plan doesnt taste as sweet nor does it feel like a plan
[ -1.080078125, 1.9345703125, 3.025390625, -1.7490234375, -1.85546875, -1.408203125 ]
i feel a little stunned but can t imagine what the folks who were working in the studio up until this morning are feeling
[ -1.7392578125, -1.013671875, -1.033203125, -1.1689453125, 1.091796875, 3.06640625 ]
i normally find intimidating but shes crazy about tiny little foreign food places and people like her so i feel less socially intimidated when im with her
[ -1.419921875, -1.6240234375, -1.791015625, 0.303955078125, 3.8203125, -0.02703857421875 ]
i feel sympathetic towards her she was tired and weary and i can see how a split second doubt could make the effortless action of standing still seem like the better option
[ -0.87841796875, -0.283203125, 3.646484375, -1.1630859375, -1.1650390625, -0.8984375 ]
i feel a lot of affection for you that is longing to be conveyed
[ -0.6630859375, -0.26220703125, 3.8359375, -1.310546875, -1.4033203125, -1.14453125 ]
i don t have a schedule or childhood friends and feel a little timid about just getting out there by myself
[ -0.9990234375, -1.7744140625, -1.642578125, 0.44970703125, 3.859375, -0.517578125 ]
i feel rather privileged to have witnessed the great man in action it really was impossible for a novice like me to work out just which one of the four identical looking riders was he
[ -1.126953125, 4.69921875, -0.379638671875, -1.6845703125, -1.7353515625, -0.68798828125 ]
i have better things to do than to feel humiliated
[ 4.65234375, -0.9970703125, -1.3984375, -0.57763671875, -0.849609375, -1.9033203125 ]
im feeling so appreciative of every experience in my life that has brought me to now to today
[ -1.3017578125, 4.65234375, -0.48779296875, -1.6396484375, -1.474609375, -0.58251953125 ]
im feeling generous so there you go with that golden nugget
[ -1.3935546875, 2.76171875, 2.515625, -1.857421875, -1.9716796875, -1.2353515625 ]
i feel as though most people will find it quite pleasant
[ -0.97021484375, 4.87109375, -0.198974609375, -1.6474609375, -1.767578125, -1.001953125 ]
i started questioning god feeling worthless and even jealous of others that come by parenthood so easily
[ 4.4375, -0.767578125, -1.3974609375, 0.11279296875, -1.4853515625, -2.189453125 ]
i never feel depressed because my cancer and i have learnt to live and sleep with each other
[ 4.625, -0.78271484375, -1.27734375, -0.4921875, -1.3095703125, -2.05078125 ]
i feel bad saying this because i should be happy but i dont think this way that im going is for me anymore
[ 3.93359375, 0.4404296875, -0.74609375, -1.2998046875, -1.7275390625, -1.986328125 ]
i feel so much boring with my straight hair for all over years haha
[ 4.2265625, -0.67236328125, -0.91259765625, 0.1904296875, -1.8193359375, -2.173828125 ]
im feeling really out of place and irritated
[ 0.09283447265625, -1.0625, -1.4931640625, 4.25, -0.8017578125, -1.736328125 ]
i feel i can only hope im not alone in these thoughts and im sure to all you fellow exchange students you probably have the same thoughts in mind with at least some of this listed some might say being an exchange student is unlike any other experience
[ 2.171875, 2.4453125, -0.97900390625, -1.5166015625, -1.3447265625, -2.224609375 ]
i managed to re learn feeling insecure again
[ -0.984375, -1.40625, -1.5, -0.57666015625, 4.01953125, -0.397216796875 ]
i didn t feel intimidated or overwhelmed with information though
[ -1.685546875, -1.5810546875, -1.615234375, -0.334228515625, 3.78125, 0.666015625 ]
im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now
[ 4.46484375, -0.426513671875, -1.25390625, -0.4677734375, -1.4912109375, -2.072265625 ]
i feel very honoured to be included in a magzine which prioritises health and clean living so highly im curious do any of you read magazines concerned with health and clean lifestyles such as the green parent
[ -1.5224609375, 4.13671875, -0.30615234375, -1.8271484375, -1.69921875, 0.1591796875 ]
i am so grateful to have been filled up by general conference and to feel the joyful power of the spirit after such a wonderful weekend
[ -0.86572265625, 4.8515625, -0.23486328125, -1.74609375, -1.873046875, -0.92822265625 ]
i was feeling cool that night and she got it right
[ -0.9912109375, 4.87890625, -0.5068359375, -1.462890625, -1.72265625, -0.9091796875 ]
i feel like a may have mislead the very gracious readers of this blog
[ -0.98828125, 4.3203125, 0.9365234375, -1.771484375, -2.076171875, -1.40234375 ]
im feeling envious already
[ -0.42333984375, -1.0517578125, -1.154296875, 4.3125, -0.8603515625, -1.375 ]
i am feeling very touch deprived with all that has been happening
[ 4.57421875, -0.73486328125, -1.5224609375, -0.95458984375, -0.744140625, -1.90234375 ]
i came home waiting for the shower read something which made me upset thats why i feel discontent haha
[ 4.47265625, -0.8056640625, -1.455078125, 0.12451171875, -1.326171875, -2.3203125 ]
i feel inside this life is like a game sometimes then you came around me the walls just dissapeared nothing to surround me keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up youve made me trust coz ive never felt like this before im naked around you does it show
[ 0.31591796875, 0.60693359375, 0.50537109375, -2.236328125, -0.1968994140625, -0.1973876953125 ]
i don t really know the oldest one very well and his mothering mother seems to feel that he is not sweet
[ -0.986328125, 1.130859375, 3.51953125, -1.6953125, -1.6787109375, -1.3701171875 ]
i suspect his reasoning may simply be to lull apple into feeling complacent
[ -1.1259765625, 4.66796875, -0.431884765625, -1.4873046875, -1.484375, -0.91650390625 ]
i didnt want to be spending my days working in a job that i didnt enjoy or to come home feeling stressed and tired and not be able to give my daughter the attention she deserved
[ 2.369140625, -1.1513671875, -1.9638671875, 2.6484375, -0.62255859375, -2.392578125 ]
i feel like my sweet company is finally coming together
[ -0.8994140625, 1.2998046875, 3.44140625, -1.7041015625, -1.734375, -1.45703125 ]
i am feeling much more relaxed
[ -0.81396484375, 4.69140625, -0.59716796875, -1.517578125, -1.5517578125, -0.98583984375 ]
i couldnt feel more blessed at this time
[ -0.64794921875, 2.560546875, 2.32421875, -1.9267578125, -2.005859375, -1.388671875 ]
i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant
[ -0.99853515625, 4.6953125, -0.08770751953125, -1.1064453125, -1.9091796875, -1.18359375 ]
i feel lonely who make me feel special when i feel useless who are always kind and sweet to me
[ 4.54296875, -0.52099609375, -0.86279296875, -0.99560546875, -1.396484375, -2.04296875 ]
i dont have any photos with me because i was too excited and happy about my prejudging which i did great btw at least i feel tt i did since i felt confident and didnt stutter in front the panel of judges we had and dearest bf was around after doors opened for the public
[ -0.8359375, 4.46875, -1.001953125, -1.2802734375, -1.126953125, -0.8828125 ]
i feel numb i dont experience anything because of the numbness and of me just always feels something is going to go wrong
[ 4.68359375, -0.95166015625, -1.341796875, -1.0380859375, -0.82958984375, -1.6728515625 ]
i feel like a naughty school girl because i am falling behind
[ -0.88623046875, -0.485107421875, 3.564453125, -1.1728515625, -1.2421875, -0.80712890625 ]
i get the feeling donald is smart enough to educate himself through his own densely focused meanderings and their inherent shortcomings
[ -0.94677734375, 4.65234375, -0.802734375, -1.2333984375, -1.34765625, -1.04296875 ]
im feeling cooped up and impatient and annoyingly bored
[ -0.2685546875, -1.3173828125, -1.552734375, 3.787109375, 0.4677734375, -1.65234375 ]
im upset with myself because i really feel like i have a blank years from years old
[ 4.58984375, -0.58740234375, -1.5478515625, -0.7802734375, -0.9169921875, -1.8994140625 ]
i see the look of doubt on your face i feel the scorn in your eyes but for anyone skeptical of grits dinner grits please see this as a totally amazing sister to mashed potatoes
[ -1.625, -1.5400390625, -1.7373046875, 0.57421875, 3.390625, 0.1392822265625 ]
i feel stressed but i love the feeling of the calming spirit of my heavenly father and the feeling to keep working
[ 2.037109375, -0.669921875, -1.96875, 2.775390625, -0.87841796875, -2.390625 ]
i was like should i feel sweet or feel offended
[ -1.05859375, 0.213623046875, 3.291015625, -0.412109375, -1.65625, -0.93505859375 ]
i feel that i worry too much and much on petty things like
[ -0.3720703125, -0.9609375, -1.2236328125, 4.2734375, -0.798828125, -1.548828125 ]
i hope you feel incredibly cool now
[ -1.060546875, 4.83984375, -0.5556640625, -1.4853515625, -1.669921875, -0.76318359375 ]
i ever want to feel that vulnerable
[ -0.7861328125, -1.4755859375, -1.390625, -0.6611328125, 4.04296875, -0.44921875 ]
i feel i feel drained i feel as if talking to others will finish all my strength
[ 4.62890625, -0.77734375, -1.4111328125, -0.78076171875, -1.0693359375, -1.9306640625 ]
i feel extremely gloomy and confused
[ 4.6640625, -0.9228515625, -1.3896484375, -0.92138671875, -0.6591796875, -1.9580078125 ]
i lay in bed feeling as though i were awaiting an unwelcome visitor nevertheless i told myself i was strong and thought of good things until i felt better
[ 3.95703125, 0.291259765625, -1.19140625, -1.455078125, -0.82275390625, -2.119140625 ]
im feeling absolutely amazing
[ -1.3095703125, 3.41015625, -0.97802734375, -1.73828125, -1.322265625, 0.91650390625 ]
i personally feel that it is a very creative present and everything packed inside a brown paper bag
[ -1.0302734375, 4.69921875, -0.61279296875, -1.302734375, -1.5810546875, -0.79296875 ]
im not sure if its just me who feels this way or if its everyone but tortured souls dont make for the best boyfriends
[ 0.286865234375, -1.982421875, -1.7822265625, 1.7392578125, 2.419921875, -1.228515625 ]
im now on day two of the plan and im feeling positive
[ -0.86376953125, 4.78515625, -0.67041015625, -1.642578125, -1.611328125, -0.787109375 ]
im feeling reluctant to exit my freshly cleaned apartment which i stayed up cleaning late last night
[ -1.0390625, -1.5703125, -1.4248046875, -0.6328125, 4.0703125, -0.12841796875 ]
i just need to accept to be treated like a princess everyday without feeling dumb about the situation
[ 4.59375, -0.8046875, -1.552734375, -1.0458984375, -0.73681640625, -1.58984375 ]
i feel as though it is worthwhile and career wise
[ -0.89013671875, 4.82421875, -0.2919921875, -1.5712890625, -1.7080078125, -1.2255859375 ]
i decided to lay down in my bed but then i started to feel really violent like i wanted to punch and kick things except i didnt wnat to hurt anything
[ -0.8525390625, -1.173828125, -1.1513671875, 4.26171875, -0.328125, -1.2744140625 ]
i feel that it is extremely dangerous for her to be wandering out to sea
[ -0.2132568359375, -1.2138671875, -1.5888671875, 3.734375, 0.3818359375, -1.810546875 ]
ive been feeling very listless lately
[ 4.53515625, -0.78564453125, -1.6875, -1.009765625, -0.3779296875, -1.8916015625 ]
i will remember to come to you when i feel beaten and depressed because in faith only can we truly be healed
[ 4.6328125, -0.90234375, -1.384765625, -0.80908203125, -0.9658203125, -1.939453125 ]
i spent the last two weeks of school feeling miserable
[ 4.6796875, -0.71044921875, -1.3046875, -0.763671875, -1.216796875, -1.92578125 ]
i was really struggling to run with the discomfort i was feeling but was determined to continue as the crowds on the bridge are massive and i didnt want to be one of the first people they saw walking or stopping
[ -0.81640625, 4.4375, -0.453857421875, -0.9775390625, -1.314453125, -1.490234375 ]
i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened
[ -1.3505859375, 4.3984375, -0.7783203125, -1.576171875, -1.474609375, 0.12548828125 ]
i feel embarrassed for not having lost weight again and im afraid that another week of disappointing news at the scale will cause people to give up on me and stop following the blog
[ 4.546875, -1.138671875, -1.13671875, -1.140625, -0.62158203125, -1.4091796875 ]
i feel perfectly mellow
[ -0.96533203125, 4.87890625, -0.31591796875, -1.6123046875, -1.712890625, -1.025390625 ]

Dataset Card for AutoTrain Evaluator

This repository contains model predictions generated by AutoTrain for the following task and dataset:

  • Task: Multi-class Text Classification
  • Model: autoevaluate/multi-class-classification
  • Dataset: emotion

To run new evaluation jobs, visit Hugging Face's automatic evaluation service.


Thanks to @lewtun for evaluating this model.

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