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<s>[INST] Given following information from jira ticket i.e summary, description.Answer with 'True' if this is a ticket relevant for secops teams. Answer with 'False' if this ticket is not relevant for the secops team. summary: 'Backport ZOOKEEPER-3109 to branch-3.5', description: 'Backporting ZOOKEEPER-3109 to branch-3.5' [/INST] Relevancy for secops team: False </s>
{ "aggregateprogress": { "percent": null, "progress": 0, "total": 0 }, "aggregatetimeestimate": null, "aggregatetimeoriginalestimate": null, "aggregatetimespent": null, "assignee": null, "comments": [ { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Samuel Lim", "key": "JIRAUSER283061", "name": "samuel_lim_swift", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "body": "Hello, would appreciate if we could give this a priority due to log4j 1.x are out of support since August 2015 and there are many security patches has been rolled out since then. Looking forward to hear from the community and contributors. Thanks.", "created": "2022-01-05T06:53:12.923+0000", "id": "17469059", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Samuel Lim", "key": "JIRAUSER283061", "name": "samuel_lim_swift", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "updated": "2022-01-05T06:53:12.923+0000" }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Chris Nauroth", "key": "cnauroth", "name": "cnauroth", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "body": "ZooKeeper is not impacted by the recent Log4J 2 CVEs, because it uses Log4J 1 instead of Log4J 2, so I'm going to close this issue.\r\n\r\nThe community is currently discussing next steps for Zookeeper's logging infrastructure in a few JIRA issues, pull requests and mail threads. I suggest watching those if you'd like to keep informed about progress.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n", "created": "2022-01-08T04:19:27.190+0000", "id": "17470994", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Chris Nauroth", "key": "cnauroth", "name": "cnauroth", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "updated": "2022-01-08T04:19:27.190+0000" }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Bradley Parker", "key": "bradpark", "name": "bradpark", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/Moncton" }, "body": "Hey [~cnauroth], with respect to [CVE-2021-4104|] which does affect 1.x, can you confirm my thoughts on the applicability to Zookeeper? \r\n\r\nI don't think it applies to zookeeper as based on the NIST description it depends on: \r\n # The use of JMSAppender \r\n # the attacker has write access to the Log4j configuration\r\n\r\nBased on the properties file at [] it doesn't look like Zookeper uses the JMSAppender, and I would assume based on the [Zookeeper docs|] that the only people who should be modifying the properties are admins.", "created": "2022-01-17T16:36:15.714+0000", "id": "17477314", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Bradley Parker", "key": "bradpark", "name": "bradpark", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/Moncton" }, "updated": "2022-01-17T16:36:15.714+0000" }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Chris Nauroth", "key": "cnauroth", "name": "cnauroth", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "body": "[~bradpark], yes, that is correct.", "created": "2022-01-18T21:15:44.886+0000", "id": "17478213", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, 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Apache zookeeper uses log4j 1.2.17 and since Log4J 1.X version is an end of life in Aug 2015 which is vulnerable already.\r\n\r\n \r\n|CVE ID|Title|\r\n|CVE-2021-4104 (1.X)|Apache Log4j 1.2 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability|\r\n|CVE-2021-45105 (2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (Log4Shell)|\r\n|CVE-2021-45046 (2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (CVE-2021-45046)|\r\n|CVE-2021-44228(2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (Log4Shell)|", "duedate": null, "environment": "Prod", "fixVersions": [], "issuelinks": [], "issuetype": { "avatarId": 21133, "description": "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "1", "name": "Bug", "self": "", "subtask": false }, "labels": [], "lastViewed": null, "parent": null, "priority": { "iconUrl": "", "id": "2", "name": "Critical", "self": "" }, "progress": { "percent": null, "progress": 0, "total": 0 }, "project": { "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "id": "12310801", "key": "ZOOKEEPER", "name": "ZooKeeper", "projectCategory": { "description": "Apache ZooKeeper related", "id": "10484", "name": "ZooKeeper", "self": "" }, "projectTypeKey": "software", "self": "" }, "reporter": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "lekshmi anandakrishnan", "key": "JIRAUSER282653", "name": "lekshmi", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "resolution": null, "resolutiondate": null, "status": { "description": "The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "1", "name": "Open", "self": "", "statusCategory": { "colorName": "blue-gray", "id": 2, "key": "new", "name": "To Do", "self": "" } }, "subtasks": [], "summary": "Log4j vulnerabilities in Apache zookeeper", "timeestimate": null, "timeoriginalestimate": null, "timespent": null, "updated": "2022-01-05T06:53:12.000+0000", "versions": [ { "archived": false, "description": "", "id": "12347809", "name": "3.6.2", "releaseDate": "2020-09-09", "released": true, "self": "" } ], "votes": { "hasVoted": false, "self": "", "votes": 1 }, "watches": { "isWatching": false, "self": "", "watchCount": 3 }, "workratio": -1 }
{ "histories": [ { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "lekshmi anandakrishnan", "key": "JIRAUSER282653", "name": "lekshmi", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "created": "2021-12-28T06:37:40.069+0000", "id": "20298620", "items": [ { "field": "description", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": "Please confirm whether apache zookeeper 3.6.2 has any impact on the below log4j CVE`s, since Log4J 1.X version is an end of life in Aug 2015 which is vulnerable already.\r\n\r\n \r\n|CVE ID|Title|\r\n|CVE-2021-4104 (1.X)|Apache Log4j 1.2 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability|\r\n|CVE-2021-45105 (2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (Log4Shell)|\r\n|CVE-2021-45046 (2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (CVE-2021-45046)|\r\n|CVE-2021-44228(2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (Log4Shell)|", "to": null, "toString": "Please confirm whether apache zookeeper 3.6.2 has any impact on the below log4j CVE`s. Apache zookeeper uses log4j 1.2.17 and since Log4J 1.X version is an end of life in Aug 2015 which is vulnerable already.\r\n\r\n \r\n|CVE ID|Title|\r\n|CVE-2021-4104 (1.X)|Apache Log4j 1.2 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability|\r\n|CVE-2021-45105 (2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (Log4Shell)|\r\n|CVE-2021-45046 (2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (CVE-2021-45046)|\r\n|CVE-2021-44228(2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (Log4Shell)|" } ] } ], "maxResults": 1, "startAt": 0, "total": 1 }
<s>[INST] Given following information from jira ticket i.e summary, description.Answer with 'True' if this is a ticket relevant for secops teams. Answer with 'False' if this ticket is not relevant for the secops team. summary: 'Log4j vulnerabilities in Apache zookeeper', description: 'Please confirm whether apache zookeeper 3.6.2 has any impact on the below log4j CVE`s. Apache zookeeper uses log4j 1.2.17 and since Log4J 1.X version is an end of life in Aug 2015 which is vulnerable already.   |CVE ID|Title| |CVE-2021-4104 (1.X)|Apache Log4j 1.2 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability| |CVE-2021-45105 (2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (Log4Shell)| |CVE-2021-45046 (2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (CVE-2021-45046)| |CVE-2021-44228(2.X)|Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability (Log4Shell)|' [/INST] Relevancy for secops team: True </s>
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"description": "I found that there is an error code of `error -101` in the transaction log of zookeeper, But I can't find any valid information about this error, so I don't know what this error means and does it have any impact?\r\n{quote}12/21/21 3:27:01 PM CST session 0x0 cxid 0x0 zxid 0xcdd03 deleteContainer '/lock/sso/YN_yinpengcheng\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f09 zxid 0xcdd04 error -101\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f0d zxid 0xcdd05 createContainer '/lock/sso/XNY_lixinpo,,v{s{31,s\r\n\r\n{'world,'anyone}}},3\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f0e zxid 0xcdd06 create '/lock/sso/XNY_lixinpo/_c_01a1ace7-e523-4936-9405-b4a11c64f93c-lock-0000000000,#3137322e31362e302e3837,v\\{s{31,s{'world,'anyone}\r\n\r\n}},T,1\r\n{quote}", "duedate": null, "environment": "* OS : CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)\r\n * zookeeper : 3.5.1\r\n * JAVA: 1.8.0_171-b11", "fixVersions": [], "issuelinks": 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{ "histories": [ { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "GUANGXILAOBIAO", "key": "caelebs", "name": "Caelebs", "self": "", "timeZone": "Asia/Shanghai" }, "created": "2021-12-21T09:59:16.428+0000", "id": "20287100", "items": [ { "field": "description", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": "I found that there is an error code of `error -101` in the transaction log of zookeeper, But I can't find any valid information about this error, so I don't know what this error means and does it have any impact?\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:01 PM CST session 0x0 cxid 0x0 zxid 0xcdd03 deleteContainer '/lock/sso/YN_yinpengcheng\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f09 zxid 0xcdd04 error -101\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f0d zxid 0xcdd05 createContainer '/lock/sso/XNY_lixinpo,,v\\{s{31,s{'world,'anyone}}},3\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f0e zxid 0xcdd06 create '/lock/sso/XNY_lixinpo/_c_01a1ace7-e523-4936-9405-b4a11c64f93c-lock-0000000000,#3137322e31362e302e3837,v\\{s{31,s{'world,'anyone}}},T,1\r\n\r\n```", "to": null, "toString": "I found that there is an error code of `error -101` in the transaction log of zookeeper, But I can't find any valid information about this error, so I don't know what this error means and does it have any impact?\r\n{quote}12/21/21 3:27:01 PM CST session 0x0 cxid 0x0 zxid 0xcdd03 deleteContainer '/lock/sso/YN_yinpengcheng\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f09 zxid 0xcdd04 error -101\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f0d zxid 0xcdd05 createContainer '/lock/sso/XNY_lixinpo,,v{s{31,s\r\n\r\n{'world,'anyone}}},3\r\n\r\n12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f0e zxid 0xcdd06 create '/lock/sso/XNY_lixinpo/_c_01a1ace7-e523-4936-9405-b4a11c64f93c-lock-0000000000,#3137322e31362e302e3837,v\\{s{31,s{'world,'anyone}\r\n\r\n}},T,1\r\n{quote}" } ] }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "GUANGXILAOBIAO", "key": "caelebs", "name": "Caelebs", "self": "", "timeZone": "Asia/Shanghai" }, "created": "2021-12-21T11:19:58.412+0000", "id": "20287276", "items": [ { "field": "environment", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": "OS : CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)\r\n\r\nzookeeper : 3.5.1\r\n\r\nJAVA: 1.8.0_171-b11", "to": null, "toString": "* OS : CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)\r\n * zookeeper : 3.5.1\r\n * JAVA: 1.8.0_171-b11" } ] } ], "maxResults": 2, "startAt": 0, "total": 2 }
<s>[INST] Given following information from jira ticket i.e summary, description.Answer with 'True' if this is a ticket relevant for secops teams. Answer with 'False' if this ticket is not relevant for the secops team. summary: 'Why is there an error code of `error -101` in the transaction log of zookeeper', description: 'I found that there is an error code of `error -101` in the transaction log of zookeeper, But I can't find any valid information about this error, so I don't know what this error means and does it have any impact? {quote}12/21/21 3:27:01 PM CST session 0x0 cxid 0x0 zxid 0xcdd03 deleteContainer '/lock/sso/YN_yinpengcheng 12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f09 zxid 0xcdd04 error -101 12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f0d zxid 0xcdd05 createContainer '/lock/sso/XNY_lixinpo,,v{s{31,s {'world,'anyone}}},3 12/21/21 3:27:55 PM CST session 0x1094b0581cb002e cxid 0x3f0e zxid 0xcdd06 create '/lock/sso/XNY_lixinpo/_c_01a1ace7-e523-4936-9405-b4a11c64f93c-lock-0000000000,#3137322e31362e302e3837,v\{s{31,s{'world,'anyone} }},T,1 {quote}' [/INST] Relevancy for secops team: False </s>
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<s>[INST] Given following information from jira ticket i.e summary, description.Answer with 'True' if this is a ticket relevant for secops teams. Answer with 'False' if this ticket is not relevant for the secops team. summary: 'Update jackson-databind to 2.13.1', description: 'A new vulnerability has been reported on jackson-databind version 2.10.x up to 2.12, according to ' [/INST] Relevancy for secops team: True </s>
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"description": "In a production environment with some connectivity problems it was found the ZooKeeper server was using over 1000 threads with name \"SyncThread\" (that were never being freed).\r\n\r\nLooking through the server logs indicates that these nodes were experiencing connection timeouts to the leader.\r\n\r\nA test environment (described below in the \"environment\" field of this ticket) showed that these connection timeouts are what seem to be leaking these threads.", "duedate": null, "environment": "# On a follower node for an established ZooKeeper ensemble, issue the following command to determine number of SyncThreads:\r\nps -T -p `pidof mdtzookeeper` | grep SyncThread | wc\r\n # Issue the following IP tables command on the leader to drop traffic coming from the follower used in Step 1:\r\niptables -A INPUT -s <Follower IP Address> -j DROP\r\n # Watch the zookeeper logs on the nodes and wait for the connection to drop due to timeout.\r\n # Issue the following IP tables command on the leader to re-enable traffic coming from follower used in Step 1:\r\niptables -D INPUT -s <Follower IP Address> -j DROP\r\n # Watch the zookeeper logs on the nodes and wait for the connection to the leader to reestablish.\r\n # On the follower node (used in Step 1), check the number of SyncThreads.  That value should have increased by one and stay pinned there indefinitely: \r\nps -T -p `pidof mdtzookeeper` | grep SyncThread | wc", "fixVersions": [], "issuelinks": [], "issuetype": { "avatarId": 21133, "description": "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "1", "name": "Bug", "self": "", "subtask": false }, "labels": [], "lastViewed": null, "parent": null, "priority": { "iconUrl": "", "id": "3", "name": "Major", "self": "" }, "progress": { "percent": null, "progress": 0, "total": 0 }, "project": { "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "id": "12310801", "key": "ZOOKEEPER", "name": "ZooKeeper", 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"releaseDate": "2021-04-13", "released": true, "self": "" } ], "votes": { "hasVoted": false, "self": "", "votes": 0 }, "watches": { "isWatching": false, "self": "", "watchCount": 1 }, "workratio": -1 }
{ "histories": [ { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Ryan Ruel", "key": "ryan0751", "name": "Ryan0751", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "created": "2021-12-15T16:22:05.568+0000", "id": "20272373", "items": [ { "field": "description", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": "In a production environment with some connectivity problems it was found the ZooKeeper server was using over 1000 threads with name \"SyncThread\" (that were never being freed).\r\n\r\nLooking through the server logs indicates that these nodes were experiencing connection timeouts to the leader.\r\n\r\nA test environment (described below in the \"environment\" field of this ticket) showed that these connection timeouts are what seems to be leaking these threads.", "to": null, "toString": "In a production environment with some connectivity problems it was found the ZooKeeper server was using over 1000 threads with name \"SyncThread\" (that were never being freed).\r\n\r\nLooking through the server logs indicates that these nodes were experiencing connection timeouts to the leader.\r\n\r\nA test environment (described below in the \"environment\" field of this ticket) showed that these connection timeouts are what seem to be leaking these threads." } ] }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Ryan Ruel", "key": "ryan0751", "name": "Ryan0751", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "created": "2021-12-15T16:22:49.647+0000", "id": "20272374", "items": [ { "field": "environment", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": "# On a follower node for an established ZooKeeper ensemble, issue the following command to determine number of SyncThreads:\r\n\r\nps -T -p `pidof mdtzookeeper` | grep SyncThread | wc\r\n\r\n\r\n # Issue the following IP tables command on the leader to drop traffic coming from the follower used in Step 1:\r\n\r\n iptables -A INPUT -s <Follower IP Address> -j DROP\r\n\r\n\r\n # Watch the zookeeper logs on the nodes and wait for the connection to drop due to timeout.\r\n\r\n\r\n # Issue the following IP tables command on the leader to re-enable traffic coming from follower used in Step 1:\r\n\r\niptables -D INPUT -s <Follower IP Address> -j DROP\r\n\r\n\r\n # Watch the zookeeper logs on the nodes and wait for the connection to the leader to reestablish.\r\n\r\n\r\n # On the follower node (used in Step 1), check the number of SyncThreads.  That value should have increased by one and stay pinned there indefinitely: \r\n\r\nps -T -p `pidof mdtzookeeper` | grep SyncThread | wc", "to": null, "toString": "# On a follower node for an established ZooKeeper ensemble, issue the following command to determine number of SyncThreads:\r\nps -T -p `pidof mdtzookeeper` | grep SyncThread | wc\r\n # Issue the following IP tables command on the leader to drop traffic coming from the follower used in Step 1:\r\niptables -A INPUT -s <Follower IP Address> -j DROP\r\n # Watch the zookeeper logs on the nodes and wait for the connection to drop due to timeout.\r\n # Issue the following IP tables command on the leader to re-enable traffic coming from follower used in Step 1:\r\niptables -D INPUT -s <Follower IP Address> -j DROP\r\n # Watch the zookeeper logs on the nodes and wait for the connection to the leader to reestablish.\r\n # On the follower node (used in Step 1), check the number of SyncThreads.  That value should have increased by one and stay pinned there indefinitely: \r\nps -T -p `pidof mdtzookeeper` | grep SyncThread | wc" } ] }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Ryan Ruel", "key": "ryan0751", "name": "Ryan0751", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "created": "2021-12-15T16:23:15.534+0000", "id": "20272376", "items": [ { "field": "summary", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": "ZooKeeper leaks \"SyncThread\" threads when leadership connection times out and is reestablished ", "to": null, "toString": "ZooKeeper Server leaks \"SyncThread\" threads when leadership connection times out and is reestablished " } ] } ], "maxResults": 3, "startAt": 0, "total": 3 }
<s>[INST] Given following information from jira ticket i.e summary, description.Answer with 'True' if this is a ticket relevant for secops teams. Answer with 'False' if this ticket is not relevant for the secops team. summary: 'ZooKeeper Server leaks "SyncThread" threads when leadership connection times out and is reestablished ', description: 'In a production environment with some connectivity problems it was found the ZooKeeper server was using over 1000 threads with name "SyncThread" (that were never being freed). Looking through the server logs indicates that these nodes were experiencing connection timeouts to the leader. A test environment (described below in the "environment" field of this ticket) showed that these connection timeouts are what seem to be leaking these threads.' [/INST] Relevancy for secops team: False </s>
{ "aggregateprogress": { "percent": 100, "progress": 3600, "total": 3600 }, "aggregatetimeestimate": 0, "aggregatetimeoriginalestimate": null, "aggregatetimespent": 3600, "assignee": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Andor Molnar", "key": "andorm", "name": "andor", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Budapest" }, "comments": [ { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Enrico Olivelli", "key": "eolivelli", "name": "eolivelli", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Rome" }, "body": "I think it is good to use Sl4j and provide the logback implementation.\r\n\r\nThis way users can use whatever framework they want", "created": "2021-12-15T12:22:56.930+0000", "id": "17459897", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Enrico Olivelli", "key": "eolivelli", "name": "eolivelli", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Rome" }, "updated": "2021-12-15T12:22:56.930+0000" }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Christopher Tubbs", "key": "ctubbsii", "name": "ctubbsii", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "body": "I agree. There's no reason to switch to logback. If ZK is using slf4j, then users can use whatever they want. For ZK's own testing, and default runtime, log4j2 is fine. It's newer than logback and incorporates its best features and more. Moving to logback may have been a good idea to replace log4j1.2, but compared to log4j2, it's a step backwards. See ongoing discussion at", "created": "2021-12-15T12:46:34.305+0000", "id": "17459909", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Christopher Tubbs", "key": "ctubbsii", "name": "ctubbsii", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "updated": "2021-12-15T12:46:34.305+0000" }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Andor Molnar", "key": "andorm", "name": "andor", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Budapest" }, "body": "{quote}I think it is good to use Sl4j and provide the logback implementation.\r\n{quote}\r\nThis is the intention of this ticket.\r\n\r\nI prefer logback over log4j2, because of simplicity. I outlined my reasons in the email thread.", "created": "2021-12-16T09:37:05.873+0000", "id": "17460528", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Andor Molnar", "key": "andorm", "name": "andor", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Budapest" }, "updated": "2021-12-16T09:37:05.873+0000" }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Christopher Tubbs", "key": "ctubbsii", "name": "ctubbsii", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "body": "I would prefer slf4j with the latest log4j2, because zk already uses log4j2 and switching is unnecessary work that creates churn for users. Additionally, all the projects I use with zookeeper use log4j2 and I don't want to have to change all my projects pom.xml files to exclude new logback dependencies for dependency convergence. I also prefer log4j2 for the dynamic reconfiguration, colorized logging with jansi and property interpolation, as well as compatibility with my existing log configuration files. Switching may be your preference, but it's not mine, and I don't think personal preference is a compelling reason for a disruptive change. If you want to go with simplicity, the best slf4j runtime binding for that is slf4j-simple. But I think it's fine to leave it as is.", "created": "2021-12-16T12:05:44.113+0000", "id": "17460652", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Christopher Tubbs", "key": "ctubbsii", "name": "ctubbsii", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "updated": "2021-12-16T12:05:44.113+0000" }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Sourabh Sarvotham Parkala", "key": "sourabhsparkala", "name": "sourabhsparkala", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "body": "Hello Team,\r\n\r\nIs there any planned release date for this migration? Or complete removal of log4j 1.x?\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nSourabh", "created": "2022-01-19T11:17:13.487+0000", "id": "17478584", "self": "", "updateAuthor": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Sourabh Sarvotham Parkala", "key": "sourabhsparkala", "name": "sourabhsparkala", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "updated": "2022-01-19T11:17:13.487+0000" } ], "components": [ { "description": null, "id": "12333125", "name": "other", "self": "" } ], "created": "2021-12-15T11:44:12.000+0000", "creator": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Andor Molnar", "key": "andorm", "name": "andor", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Budapest" }, "customfield_10010": null, "customfield_10022": null, "customfield_10023": null, "customfield_10024": null, "customfield_12310191": null, "customfield_12310192": null, "customfield_12310230": null, "customfield_12310250": null, 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"description": "Due to the recent issues with log4j2 the migration for another logging library has come up again. Although log4j1 is not impacted by the vulnerability, the upgrade to log4j2 was abandoned multiple times in ZK history.\r\n\r\nI suggest now to migrate to {{logback}} which is also a well-maintained and mature project as well as it's much easier to migrate from log4j1.", "duedate": null, "environment": null, "fixVersions": [ { "archived": false, "description": "", "id": "12349587", "name": "3.8.0", "releaseDate": null, "released": false, "self": "" } ], "issuelinks": [ { "id": "12628685", "inwardIssue": null, "outwardIssue": { "fields": { "issuetype": { "avatarId": 21133, "description": "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "1", "name": "Bug", "self": "", "subtask": false }, "priority": { "iconUrl": "", "id": "3", "name": "Major", "self": "" }, "status": { "description": "The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "1", "name": "Open", "self": "", "statusCategory": { "colorName": "blue-gray", "id": 2, "key": "new", "name": "To Do", "self": "" } }, "summary": "Migrate to Log4J 2." }, "id": "12920618", "key": "ZOOKEEPER-2342", "self": "" }, "self": "", "type": { "id": "12310051", "inward": "is superceded by", "name": "Supercedes", "outward": "supercedes", "self": "" } } ], "issuetype": { "avatarId": 21140, "description": "An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "4", "name": "Improvement", "self": "", "subtask": false }, "labels": [ "log4j", "logback", "logging", "pull-request-available" ], "lastViewed": null, "parent": null, "priority": { "iconUrl": "", "id": "3", "name": "Major", "self": "" }, "progress": { "percent": 100, "progress": 3600, "total": 3600 }, "project": { "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "id": "12310801", "key": "ZOOKEEPER", "name": "ZooKeeper", "projectCategory": { "description": "Apache ZooKeeper related", "id": "10484", "name": "ZooKeeper", "self": "" }, "projectTypeKey": "software", "self": "" }, "reporter": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Andor Molnar", "key": "andorm", "name": "andor", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Budapest" }, "resolution": null, "resolutiondate": null, "status": { "description": "The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "1", "name": "Open", "self": "", "statusCategory": { "colorName": "blue-gray", "id": 2, "key": "new", "name": "To Do", "self": "" } }, "subtasks": [], "summary": "Migrate to Logback", "timeestimate": 0, "timeoriginalestimate": null, "timespent": 3600, "updated": "2022-01-05T16:53:38.000+0000", "versions": [ { "archived": false, "description": null, "id": "12350280", "name": "3.8", "releaseDate": null, "released": false, "self": "" } ], "votes": { "hasVoted": false, "self": "", "votes": 1 }, "watches": { "isWatching": false, "self": "", "watchCount": 7 }, "workratio": -1 }
{ "histories": [ { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Andor Molnar", "key": "andorm", "name": "andor", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Budapest" }, "created": "2021-12-15T11:44:50.592+0000", "id": "20271442", "items": [ { "field": "labels", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": "", "to": null, "toString": "log4j logback logging" } ] }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Andor Molnar", "key": "andorm", "name": "andor", "self": "", "timeZone": "Europe/Budapest" }, "created": "2021-12-15T11:45:30.251+0000", "id": "20271447", "items": [ { "field": "Link", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": null, "to": "ZOOKEEPER-2342", "toString": "This issue supercedes ZOOKEEPER-2342" } ] }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "ASF GitHub Bot", 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<s>[INST] Given following information from jira ticket i.e summary, description.Answer with 'True' if this is a ticket relevant for secops teams. Answer with 'False' if this ticket is not relevant for the secops team. summary: 'Migrate to Logback', description: 'Due to the recent issues with log4j2 the migration for another logging library has come up again. Although log4j1 is not impacted by the vulnerability, the upgrade to log4j2 was abandoned multiple times in ZK history. I suggest now to migrate to {{logback}} which is also a well-maintained and mature project as well as it's much easier to migrate from log4j1.' [/INST] Relevancy for secops team: True </s>
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"description": "As we are faced with critical [CVE-2021-44228|] (log4shell) these days, we still await security patches to fix log4j vulnerabilities published on December 12th, 2021.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nIn our  case we're running Apache Zookeeper via Docker, where unpatched versions still are available via the official Docker Image Repository. These images are shipped with jog4j and seem to not have recieved the critical security patches yet.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\ne.g. v3.4.13:\r\n\r\n[]\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nWhen will these versions be updated in the Docker Repository to prevent users from being vulnerable with specific Zookeeper installations running?", "duedate": null, "environment": null, "fixVersions": [], "issuelinks": [], "issuetype": { "avatarId": 21148, "description": "A task that needs to be done.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "3", "name": "Task", "self": "", "subtask": false }, "labels": [], "lastViewed": null, "parent": null, "priority": { "iconUrl": "", "id": "2", "name": "Critical", "self": "" }, "progress": { "percent": null, "progress": 0, "total": 0 }, "project": { "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "id": "12310801", "key": "ZOOKEEPER", "name": "ZooKeeper", "projectCategory": { "description": "Apache ZooKeeper related", "id": "10484", "name": "ZooKeeper", "self": "" }, "projectTypeKey": "software", "self": "" }, "reporter": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "IIS", "key": "JIRAUSER281922", "name": "iis-hmm", "self": "", "timeZone": "Etc/UTC" }, "resolution": { "description": "The problem isn't valid and it can't be fixed.", "id": "6", "name": "Invalid", "self": "" }, "resolutiondate": "2021-12-19T05:48:32.000+0000", "status": { "description": "A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.", "iconUrl": "", "id": "5", "name": "Resolved", "self": "", "statusCategory": { "colorName": "green", "id": 3, "key": "done", "name": "Done", "self": "" } }, "subtasks": [], "summary": "Fix Docker Hub Zookeeper-Versions to CVE-2021-44228", "timeestimate": null, "timeoriginalestimate": null, "timespent": null, "updated": "2021-12-19T05:48:53.000+0000", "versions": [ { "archived": false, "description": "Fix release against 3.4 branch", "id": "12342973", "name": "3.4.13", "releaseDate": "2018-07-17", "released": true, "self": "" } ], "votes": { "hasVoted": false, "self": "", "votes": 0 }, "watches": { "isWatching": false, "self": "", "watchCount": 1 }, "workratio": -1 }
{ "histories": [ { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Patrick D. Hunt", "key": "phunt", "name": "phunt", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "created": "2021-12-19T05:48:32.840+0000", "id": "20281794", "items": [ { "field": "resolution", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": null, "to": "6", "toString": "Invalid" }, { "field": "status", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": "1", "fromString": "Open", "to": "5", "toString": "Resolved" } ] }, { "author": { "active": true, "avatarUrls": { "16x16": "", "24x24": "", "32x32": "", "48x48": "" }, "displayName": "Patrick D. Hunt", "key": "phunt", "name": "phunt", "self": "", "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "created": "2021-12-19T05:48:53.367+0000", "id": "20281795", "items": [ { "field": "summary", "fieldtype": "jira", "from": null, "fromString": "Fix Zookeeper-Versions to CVE-2021-44228", "to": null, "toString": "Fix Docker Hub Zookeeper-Versions to CVE-2021-44228" } ] } ], "maxResults": 2, "startAt": 0, "total": 2 }
<s>[INST] Given following information from jira ticket i.e summary, description.Answer with 'True' if this is a ticket relevant for secops teams. Answer with 'False' if this ticket is not relevant for the secops team. summary: 'Fix Docker Hub Zookeeper-Versions to CVE-2021-44228', description: 'As we are faced with critical [CVE-2021-44228|] (log4shell) these days, we still await security patches to fix log4j vulnerabilities published on December 12th, 2021.   In our  case we're running Apache Zookeeper via Docker, where unpatched versions still are available via the official Docker Image Repository. These images are shipped with jog4j and seem to not have recieved the critical security patches yet.   e.g. v3.4.13: []   When will these versions be updated in the Docker Repository to prevent users from being vulnerable with specific Zookeeper installations running?' [/INST] Relevancy for secops team: True </s>
"<s>[INST] Given following information from jira ticket i.e summary, description.Answer with 'True' (...TRUNCATED) exists but content is empty.
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