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Title: Gauge-optimal approximate learning for small data classification problems Abstract: Small data learning problems are characterized by a significant discrepancy between the limited amount of response variable observations and the large feature space dimension. In this setting, the common learning tools struggle to identify the features important for the classification task from those that bear no relevant information, and cannot derive an appropriate learning rule which allows to discriminate between different classes. As a potential solution to this problem, here we exploit the idea of reducing and rotating the feature space in a lower-dimensional gauge and propose the Gauge-Optimal Approximate Learning (GOAL) algorithm, which provides an analytically tractable joint solution to the dimension reduction, feature segmentation and classification problems for small data learning problems. We prove that the optimal solution of the GOAL algorithm consists in piecewise-linear functions in the Euclidean space, and that it can be approximated through a monotonically convergent algorithm which presents -- under the assumption of a discrete segmentation of the feature space -- a closed-form solution for each optimization substep and an overall linear iteration cost scaling. The GOAL algorithm has been compared to other state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) tools on both synthetic data and challenging real-world applications from climate science and bioinformatics (i.e., prediction of the El Nino Southern Oscillation and inference of epigenetically-induced gene-activity networks from limited experimental data). The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the reported best competitors for these problems both in learning performance and computational cost.
Machine Learning
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Title: Provable Representation with Efficient Planning for Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning Abstract: In real-world reinforcement learning problems, the state information is often only partially observable, which breaks the basic assumption in Markov decision processes, and thus, leads to inferior performances. Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes have been introduced to explicitly take the issue into account for learning, exploration, and planning, but presenting significant computational and statistical challenges. To address these difficulties, we exploit the representation view, which leads to a coherent design framework for a practically tractable reinforcement learning algorithm upon partial observations. We provide a theoretical analysis for justifying the statistical efficiency of the proposed algorithm. We also empirically demonstrate the proposed algorithm can surpass state-of-the-art performance with partial observations across various benchmarks, therefore, pushing reliable reinforcement learning towards more practical applications.
Machine Learning
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Title: Quantifying Divergence for Human-AI Collaboration and Cognitive Trust Abstract: Predicting the collaboration likelihood and measuring cognitive trust to AI systems is more important than ever. To do that, previous research mostly focus solely on the model features (e.g., accuracy, confidence) and ignore the human factor. To address that, we propose several decision-making similarity measures based on divergence metrics (e.g., KL, JSD) calculated over the labels acquired from humans and a wide range of models. We conduct a user study on a textual entailment task, where the users are provided with soft labels from various models and asked to pick the closest option to them. The users are then shown the similarities/differences to their most similar model and are surveyed for their likelihood of collaboration and cognitive trust to the selected system. Finally, we qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the relation between the proposed decision-making similarity measures and the survey results. We find that people tend to collaborate with their most similar models -- measured via JSD -- yet this collaboration does not necessarily imply a similar level of cognitive trust. We release all resources related to the user study (e.g., design, outputs), models, and metrics at our repo.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Do personality tests generalize to Large Language Models? Abstract: With large language models (LLMs) appearing to behave increasingly human-like in text-based interactions, it has become popular to attempt to evaluate various properties of these models using tests originally designed for humans. While re-using existing tests is a resource-efficient way to evaluate LLMs, careful adjustments are usually required to ensure that test results are even valid across human sub-populations. Thus, it is not clear to what extent different tests' validity generalizes to LLMs. In this work, we provide evidence that LLMs' responses to personality tests systematically deviate from typical human responses, implying that these results cannot be interpreted in the same way as human test results. Concretely, reverse-coded items (e.g. "I am introverted" vs "I am extraverted") are often both answered affirmatively by LLMs. In addition, variation across different prompts designed to "steer" LLMs to simulate particular personality types does not follow the clear separation into five independent personality factors from human samples. In light of these results, we believe it is important to pay more attention to tests' validity for LLMs before drawing strong conclusions about potentially ill-defined concepts like LLMs' "personality".
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Domain Knowledge Injection in Bayesian Search for New Materials Abstract: In this paper we propose DKIBO, a Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm that accommodates domain knowledge to tune exploration in the search space. Bayesian optimization has recently emerged as a sample-efficient optimizer for many intractable scientific problems. While various existing BO frameworks allow the input of prior beliefs to accelerate the search by narrowing down the space, incorporating such knowledge is not always straightforward and can often introduce bias and lead to poor performance. Here we propose a simple approach to incorporate structural knowledge in the acquisition function by utilizing an additional deterministic surrogate model to enrich the approximation power of the Gaussian process. This is suitably chosen according to structural information of the problem at hand and acts a corrective term towards a better-informed sampling. We empirically demonstrate the practical utility of the proposed method by successfully injecting domain knowledge in a materials design task. We further validate our method's performance on different experimental settings and ablation analyses.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Manifold Preserving Guided Diffusion Abstract: Despite the recent advancements, conditional image generation still faces challenges of cost, generalizability, and the need for task-specific training. In this paper, we propose Manifold Preserving Guided Diffusion (MPGD), a training-free conditional generation framework that leverages pretrained diffusion models and off-the-shelf neural networks with minimal additional inference cost for a broad range of tasks. Specifically, we leverage the manifold hypothesis to refine the guided diffusion steps and introduce a shortcut algorithm in the process. We then propose two methods for on-manifold training-free guidance using pre-trained autoencoders and demonstrate that our shortcut inherently preserves the manifolds when applied to latent diffusion models. Our experiments show that MPGD is efficient and effective for solving a variety of conditional generation applications in low-compute settings, and can consistently offer up to 3.8x speed-ups with the same number of diffusion steps while maintaining high sample quality compared to the baselines.
Machine Learning
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Title: FLIP: Towards Fine-grained Alignment between ID-based Models and Pretrained Language Models for CTR Prediction Abstract: Click-through rate (CTR) prediction plays as a core function module in various personalized online services. The traditional ID-based models for CTR prediction take as inputs the one-hot encoded ID features of tabular modality, which capture the collaborative signals via feature interaction modeling. But the one-hot encoding discards the semantic information conceived in the original feature texts. Recently, the emergence of Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) has given rise to another paradigm, which takes as inputs the sentences of textual modality obtained by hard prompt templates and adopts PLMs to extract the semantic knowledge. However, PLMs generally tokenize the input text data into subword tokens and ignore field-wise collaborative signals. Therefore, these two lines of research focus on different characteristics of the same input data (i.e., textual and tabular modalities), forming a distinct complementary relationship with each other. In this paper, we propose to conduct Fine-grained feature-level ALignment between ID-based Models and Pretrained Language Models (FLIP) for CTR prediction. We design a novel joint reconstruction pretraining task for both masked language and tabular modeling. Specifically, the masked data of one modality (i.e., tokens or features) has to be recovered with the help of the other modality, which establishes the feature-level interaction and alignment via sufficient mutual information extraction between dual modalities. Moreover, we propose to jointly finetune the ID-based model and PLM for downstream CTR prediction tasks, thus achieving superior performance by combining the advantages of both models. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that FLIP outperforms SOTA baselines, and is highly compatible for various ID-based models and PLMs.
Information Retrieval
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Title: Erasing Self-Supervised Learning Backdoor by Cluster Activation Masking Abstract: Researchers have recently found that Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) is vulnerable to backdoor attacks. The attacker can embed hidden SSL backdoors via a few poisoned examples in the training dataset and maliciously manipulate the behavior of downstream models. To defend against SSL backdoor attacks, a feasible route is to detect and remove the poisonous samples in the training set. However, the existing SSL backdoor defense method fails to detect the poisonous samples precisely. In this paper, we propose to erase the SSL backdoor by cluster activation masking and propose a novel PoisonCAM method. After obtaining the threat model trained on the poisoned dataset, our method can precisely detect poisonous samples based on the assumption that masking the backdoor trigger can effectively change the activation of a downstream clustering model. In experiments, our PoisonCAM achieves 96% accuracy for backdoor trigger detection compared to 3% of the state-of-the-art method on poisoned ImageNet-100. Moreover, our proposed PoisonCAM significantly improves the performance of the trained SSL model under backdoor attacks compared to the state-of-the-art method. Our code will be available at
Computer Vision
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Title: Rosetta Stone at the Arabic Reverse Dictionary Shared Task: A Hop From Language Modeling To Word--Definition Alignment Abstract: A Reverse Dictionary is a tool enabling users to discover a word based on its provided definition, meaning, or description. Such a technique proves valuable in various scenarios, aiding language learners who possess a description of a word without its identity, and benefiting writers seeking precise terminology. These scenarios often encapsulate what is referred to as the "Tip-of-the-Tongue" (TOT) phenomena. In this work, we present our winning solution for the Arabic Reverse Dictionary shared task. This task focuses on deriving a vector representation of an Arabic word from its accompanying description. The shared task encompasses two distinct subtasks: the first involves an Arabic definition as input, while the second employs an English definition. For the first subtask, our approach relies on an ensemble of finetuned Arabic BERT-based models, predicting the word embedding for a given definition. The final representation is obtained through averaging the output embeddings from each model within the ensemble. In contrast, the most effective solution for the second subtask involves translating the English test definitions into Arabic and applying them to the finetuned models originally trained for the first subtask. This straightforward method achieves the highest score across both subtasks.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: A Taxonomy of Rater Disagreements: Surveying Challenges & Opportunities from the Perspective of Annotating Online Toxicity Abstract: Toxicity is an increasingly common and severe issue in online spaces. Consequently, a rich line of machine learning research over the past decade has focused on computationally detecting and mitigating online toxicity. These efforts crucially rely on human-annotated datasets that identify toxic content of various kinds in social media texts. However, such annotations historically yield low inter-rater agreement, which was often dealt with by taking the majority vote or other such approaches to arrive at a single ground truth label. Recent research has pointed out the importance of accounting for the subjective nature of this task when building and utilizing these datasets, and this has triggered work on analyzing and better understanding rater disagreements, and how they could be effectively incorporated into the machine learning developmental pipeline. While these efforts are filling an important gap, there is a lack of a broader framework about the root causes of rater disagreement, and therefore, we situate this work within that broader landscape. In this survey paper, we analyze a broad set of literature on the reasons behind rater disagreements focusing on online toxicity, and propose a detailed taxonomy for the same. Further, we summarize and discuss the potential solutions targeting each reason for disagreement. We also discuss several open issues, which could promote the future development of online toxicity research.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: BEDD: The MineRL BASALT Evaluation and Demonstrations Dataset for Training and Benchmarking Agents that Solve Fuzzy Tasks Abstract: The MineRL BASALT competition has served to catalyze advances in learning from human feedback through four hard-to-specify tasks in Minecraft, such as create and photograph a waterfall. Given the completion of two years of BASALT competitions, we offer to the community a formalized benchmark through the BASALT Evaluation and Demonstrations Dataset (BEDD), which serves as a resource for algorithm development and performance assessment. BEDD consists of a collection of 26 million image-action pairs from nearly 14,000 videos of human players completing the BASALT tasks in Minecraft. It also includes over 3,000 dense pairwise human evaluations of human and algorithmic agents. These comparisons serve as a fixed, preliminary leaderboard for evaluating newly-developed algorithms. To enable this comparison, we present a streamlined codebase for benchmarking new algorithms against the leaderboard. In addition to presenting these datasets, we conduct a detailed analysis of the data from both datasets to guide algorithm development and evaluation. The released code and data are available at .
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Investigating Responsible AI for Scientific Research: An Empirical Study Abstract: Scientific research organizations that are developing and deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are at the intersection of technological progress and ethical considerations. The push for Responsible AI (RAI) in such institutions underscores the increasing emphasis on integrating ethical considerations within AI design and development, championing core values like fairness, accountability, and transparency. For scientific research organizations, prioritizing these practices is paramount not just for mitigating biases and ensuring inclusivity, but also for fostering trust in AI systems among both users and broader stakeholders. In this paper, we explore the practices at a research organization concerning RAI practices, aiming to assess the awareness and preparedness regarding the ethical risks inherent in AI design and development. We have adopted a mixed-method research approach, utilising a comprehensive survey combined with follow-up in-depth interviews with selected participants from AI-related projects. Our results have revealed certain knowledge gaps concerning ethical, responsible, and inclusive AI, with limitations in awareness of the available AI ethics frameworks. This revealed an overarching underestimation of the ethical risks that AI technologies can present, especially when implemented without proper guidelines and governance. Our findings reveal the need for a holistic and multi-tiered strategy to uplift capabilities and better support science research teams for responsible, ethical, and inclusive AI development and deployment.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Foundation Models for Weather and Climate Data Understanding: A Comprehensive Survey Abstract: As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to rapidly evolve, the realm of Earth and atmospheric sciences is increasingly adopting data-driven models, powered by progressive developments in deep learning (DL). Specifically, DL techniques are extensively utilized to decode the chaotic and nonlinear aspects of Earth systems, and to address climate challenges via understanding weather and climate data. Cutting-edge performance on specific tasks within narrower spatio-temporal scales has been achieved recently through DL. The rise of large models, specifically large language models (LLMs), has enabled fine-tuning processes that yield remarkable outcomes across various downstream tasks, thereby propelling the advancement of general AI. However, we are still navigating the initial stages of crafting general AI for weather and climate. In this survey, we offer an exhaustive, timely overview of state-of-the-art AI methodologies specifically engineered for weather and climate data, with a special focus on time series and text data. Our primary coverage encompasses four critical aspects: types of weather and climate data, principal model architectures, model scopes and applications, and datasets for weather and climate. Furthermore, in relation to the creation and application of foundation models for weather and climate data understanding, we delve into the field's prevailing challenges, offer crucial insights, and propose detailed avenues for future research. This comprehensive approach equips practitioners with the requisite knowledge to make substantial progress in this domain. Our survey encapsulates the most recent breakthroughs in research on large, data-driven models for weather and climate data understanding, emphasizing robust foundations, current advancements, practical applications, crucial resources, and prospective research opportunities.
Machine Learning
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Title: On the Initialization of Graph Neural Networks Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have displayed considerable promise in graph representation learning across various applications. The core learning process requires the initialization of model weight matrices within each GNN layer, which is typically accomplished via classic initialization methods such as Xavier initialization. However, these methods were originally motivated to stabilize the variance of hidden embeddings and gradients across layers of Feedforward Neural Networks (FNNs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to avoid vanishing gradients and maintain steady information flow. In contrast, within the GNN context classical initializations disregard the impact of the input graph structure and message passing on variance. In this paper, we analyze the variance of forward and backward propagation across GNN layers and show that the variance instability of GNN initializations comes from the combined effect of the activation function, hidden dimension, graph structure and message passing. To better account for these influence factors, we propose a new initialization method for Variance Instability Reduction within GNN Optimization (Virgo), which naturally tends to equate forward and backward variances across successive layers. We conduct comprehensive experiments on 15 datasets to show that Virgo can lead to superior model performance and more stable variance at initialization on node classification, link prediction and graph classification tasks. Codes are in
Machine Learning
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Title: Authoring Worked Examples for Java Programming with Human-AI Collaboration Abstract: Worked examples (solutions to typical programming problems presented as a source code in a certain language and are used to explain the topics from a programming class) are among the most popular types of learning content in programming classes. Most approaches and tools for presenting these examples to students are based on line-by-line explanations of the example code. However, instructors rarely have time to provide line-by-line explanations for a large number of examples typically used in a programming class. In this paper, we explore and assess a human-AI collaboration approach to authoring worked examples for Java programming. We introduce an authoring system for creating Java worked examples that generates a starting version of code explanations and presents it to the instructor to edit if necessary. We also present a study that assesses the quality of explanations created with this approach.
Human-Computer Interaction
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Title: Deep Learning-Empowered Semantic Communication Systems with a Shared Knowledge Base Abstract: Deep learning-empowered semantic communication is regarded as a promising candidate for future 6G networks. Although existing semantic communication systems have achieved superior performance compared to traditional methods, the end-to-end architecture adopted by most semantic communication systems is regarded as a black box, leading to the lack of explainability. To tackle this issue, in this paper, a novel semantic communication system with a shared knowledge base is proposed for text transmissions. Specifically, a textual knowledge base constructed by inherently readable sentences is introduced into our system. With the aid of the shared knowledge base, the proposed system integrates the message and corresponding knowledge from the shared knowledge base to obtain the residual information, which enables the system to transmit fewer symbols without semantic performance degradation. In order to make the proposed system more reliable, the semantic self-information and the source entropy are mathematically defined based on the knowledge base. Furthermore, the knowledge base construction algorithm is developed based on a similarity-comparison method, in which a pre-configured threshold can be leveraged to control the size of the knowledge base. Moreover, the simulation results have demonstrated that the proposed approach outperforms existing baseline methods in terms of transmitted data size and sentence similarity.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Reward Certification for Policy Smoothed Reinforcement Learning Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has achieved remarkable success in safety-critical areas, but it can be weakened by adversarial attacks. Recent studies have introduced "smoothed policies" in order to enhance its robustness. Yet, it is still challenging to establish a provable guarantee to certify the bound of its total reward. Prior methods relied primarily on computing bounds using Lipschitz continuity or calculating the probability of cumulative reward above specific thresholds. However, these techniques are only suited for continuous perturbations on the RL agent's observations and are restricted to perturbations bounded by the $l_2$-norm. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a general black-box certification method capable of directly certifying the cumulative reward of the smoothed policy under various $l_p$-norm bounded perturbations. Furthermore, we extend our methodology to certify perturbations on action spaces. Our approach leverages f-divergence to measure the distinction between the original distribution and the perturbed distribution, subsequently determining the certification bound by solving a convex optimisation problem. We provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis and run sufficient experiments in multiple environments. Our results show that our method not only improves the certified lower bound of mean cumulative reward but also demonstrates better efficiency than state-of-the-art techniques.
Machine Learning
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Title: SCADI: Self-supervised Causal Disentanglement in Latent Variable Models Abstract: Causal disentanglement has great potential for capturing complex situations. However, there is a lack of practical and efficient approaches. It is already known that most unsupervised disentangling methods are unable to produce identifiable results without additional information, often leading to randomly disentangled output. Therefore, most existing models for disentangling are weakly supervised, providing information about intrinsic factors, which incurs excessive costs. Therefore, we propose a novel model, SCADI(SElf-supervised CAusal DIsentanglement), that enables the model to discover semantic factors and learn their causal relationships without any supervision. This model combines a masked structural causal model (SCM) with a pseudo-label generator for causal disentanglement, aiming to provide a new direction for self-supervised causal disentanglement models.
Machine Learning
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Title: The perpetual motion machine of AI-generated data and the distraction of ChatGPT-as-scientist Abstract: Since ChatGPT works so well, are we on the cusp of solving science with AI? Is not AlphaFold2 suggestive that the potential of LLMs in biology and the sciences more broadly is limitless? Can we use AI itself to bridge the lack of data in the sciences in order to then train an AI? Herein we present a discussion of these topics.
Machine Learning
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Title: Explainable artificial intelligence for Healthcare applications using Random Forest Classifier with LIME and SHAP Abstract: With the advances in computationally efficient artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and their numerous applications in our everyday life, there is a pressing need to understand the computational details hidden in black box AI techniques such as most popular machine learning and deep learning techniques; through more detailed explanations. The origin of explainable AI (xAI) is coined from these challenges and recently gained more attention by the researchers by adding explainability comprehensively in traditional AI systems. This leads to develop an appropriate framework for successful applications of xAI in real life scenarios with respect to innovations, risk mitigation, ethical issues and logical values to the users. In this book chapter, an in-depth analysis of several xAI frameworks and methods including LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) and SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) are provided. Random Forest Classifier as black box AI is used on a publicly available Diabetes symptoms dataset with LIME and SHAP for better interpretations. The results obtained are interesting in terms of transparency, valid and trustworthiness in diabetes disease prediction.
Machine Learning
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Title: FRDiff: Feature Reuse for Exquisite Zero-shot Acceleration of Diffusion Models Abstract: The substantial computational costs of diffusion models, particularly due to the repeated denoising steps crucial for high-quality image generation, present a major obstacle to their widespread adoption. While several studies have attempted to address this issue by reducing the number of score function evaluations using advanced ODE solvers without fine-tuning, the decreased number of denoising iterations misses the opportunity to update fine details, resulting in noticeable quality degradation. In our work, we introduce an advanced acceleration technique that leverages the temporal redundancy inherent in diffusion models. Reusing feature maps with high temporal similarity opens up a new opportunity to save computation without sacrificing output quality. To realize the practical benefits of this intuition, we conduct an extensive analysis and propose a novel method, FRDiff. FRDiff is designed to harness the advantages of both reduced NFE and feature reuse, achieving a Pareto frontier that balances fidelity and latency trade-offs in various generative tasks.
Computer Vision
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Title: Evaluating the Utility of Model Explanations for Model Development Abstract: One of the motivations for explainable AI is to allow humans to make better and more informed decisions regarding the use and deployment of AI models. But careful evaluations are needed to assess whether this expectation has been fulfilled. Current evaluations mainly focus on algorithmic properties of explanations, and those that involve human subjects often employ subjective questions to test human's perception of explanation usefulness, without being grounded in objective metrics and measurements. In this work, we evaluate whether explanations can improve human decision-making in practical scenarios of machine learning model development. We conduct a mixed-methods user study involving image data to evaluate saliency maps generated by SmoothGrad, GradCAM, and an oracle explanation on two tasks: model selection and counterfactual simulation. To our surprise, we did not find evidence of significant improvement on these tasks when users were provided with any of the saliency maps, even the synthetic oracle explanation designed to be simple to understand and highly indicative of the answer. Nonetheless, explanations did help users more accurately describe the models. These findings suggest caution regarding the usefulness and potential for misunderstanding in saliency-based explanations.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: ClimateSet: A Large-Scale Climate Model Dataset for Machine Learning Abstract: Climate models have been key for assessing the impact of climate change and simulating future climate scenarios. The machine learning (ML) community has taken an increased interest in supporting climate scientists' efforts on various tasks such as climate model emulation, downscaling, and prediction tasks. Many of those tasks have been addressed on datasets created with single climate models. However, both the climate science and ML communities have suggested that to address those tasks at scale, we need large, consistent, and ML-ready climate model datasets. Here, we introduce ClimateSet, a dataset containing the inputs and outputs of 36 climate models from the Input4MIPs and CMIP6 archives. In addition, we provide a modular dataset pipeline for retrieving and preprocessing additional climate models and scenarios. We showcase the potential of our dataset by using it as a benchmark for ML-based climate model emulation. We gain new insights about the performance and generalization capabilities of the different ML models by analyzing their performance across different climate models. Furthermore, the dataset can be used to train an ML emulator on several climate models instead of just one. Such a "super emulator" can quickly project new climate change scenarios, complementing existing scenarios already provided to policymakers. We believe ClimateSet will create the basis needed for the ML community to tackle climate-related tasks at scale.
Machine Learning
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Title: Learning-based Scheduling for Information Accuracy and Freshness in Wireless Networks Abstract: We consider a system of multiple sources, a single communication channel, and a single monitoring station. Each source measures a time-varying quantity with varying levels of accuracy and one of them sends its update to the monitoring station via the channel. The probability of success of each attempted communication is a function of the source scheduled for transmitting its update. Both the probability of correct measurement and the probability of successful transmission of all the sources are unknown to the scheduler. The metric of interest is the reward received by the system which depends on the accuracy of the last update received by the destination and the Age-of-Information (AoI) of the system. We model our scheduling problem as a variant of the multi-arm bandit problem with sources as different arms. We compare the performance of all $4$ standard bandit policies, namely, ETC, $\epsilon$-greedy, UCB, and TS suitably adjusted to our system model via simulations. In addition, we provide analytical guarantees of $2$ of these policies, ETC, and $\epsilon$-greedy. Finally, we characterize the lower bound on the cumulative regret achievable by any policy.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Ransomware Detection and Classification using Machine Learning Abstract: Vicious assaults, malware, and various ransomware pose a cybersecurity threat, causing considerable damage to computer structures, servers, and mobile and web apps across various industries and businesses. These safety concerns are important and must be addressed immediately. Ransomware detection and classification are critical for guaranteeing rapid reaction and prevention. This study uses the XGBoost classifier and Random Forest (RF) algorithms to detect and classify ransomware attacks. This approach involves analyzing the behaviour of ransomware and extracting relevant features that can help distinguish between different ransomware families. The models are evaluated on a dataset of ransomware attacks and demonstrate their effectiveness in accurately detecting and classifying ransomware. The results show that the XGBoost classifier, Random Forest Classifiers, can effectively detect and classify different ransomware attacks with high accuracy, thereby providing a valuable tool for enhancing cybersecurity.
Cryptography and Security
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Title: STEP CATFormer: Spatial-Temporal Effective Body-Part Cross Attention Transformer for Skeleton-based Action Recognition Abstract: Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have been widely used and achieved remarkable results in skeleton-based action recognition. We think the key to skeleton-based action recognition is a skeleton hanging in frames, so we focus on how the Graph Convolutional Convolution networks learn different topologies and effectively aggregate joint features in the global temporal and local temporal. In this work, we propose three Channel-wise Tolopogy Graph Convolution based on Channel-wise Topology Refinement Graph Convolution (CTR-GCN). Combining CTR-GCN with two joint cross-attention modules can capture the upper-lower body part and hand-foot relationship skeleton features. After that, to capture features of human skeletons changing in frames we design the Temporal Attention Transformers to extract skeletons effectively. The Temporal Attention Transformers can learn the temporal features of human skeleton sequences. Finally, we fuse the temporal features output scale with MLP and classification. We develop a powerful graph convolutional network named Spatial Temporal Effective Body-part Cross Attention Transformer which notably high-performance on the NTU RGB+D, NTU RGB+D 120 datasets. Our code and models are available at
Computer Vision
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Title: On the Effects of Randomness on Stability of Learning with Limited Labelled Data: A Systematic Literature Review Abstract: Learning with limited labelled data, such as few-shot learning, meta-learning or transfer learning, aims to effectively train a model using only small amount of labelled samples. However, these approaches were observed to be excessively sensitive to the effects of uncontrolled randomness caused by non-determinism in the training process. The randomness negatively affects the stability of the models, leading to large variance in results across training runs. When such instability is disregarded, it can unintentionally, but unfortunately also intentionally, create an imaginary perception of research progress. Recently, this area started to attract a research attention and the number of relevant studies is continuously growing. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of 134 papers addressing the effects of randomness on the stability of learning with limited labelled data. We distinguish between four main tasks addressed in the papers (investigate/evaluate; determine; mitigate; benchmark/compare/report randomness effects), providing findings for each one. Furthermore, we identify and discuss seven challenges and open problems together with possible directions to facilitate further research. The ultimate goal of this survey is to emphasise the importance of this growing research area, which so far has not received appropriate level of attention.
Machine Learning
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Title: Stacking the Odds: Transformer-Based Ensemble for AI-Generated Text Detection Abstract: This paper reports our submission under the team name `SynthDetectives' to the ALTA 2023 Shared Task. We use a stacking ensemble of Transformers for the task of AI-generated text detection. Our approach is novel in terms of its choice of models in that we use accessible and lightweight models in the ensemble. We show that ensembling the models results in an improved accuracy in comparison with using them individually. Our approach achieves an accuracy score of 0.9555 on the official test data provided by the shared task organisers.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Is one brick enough to break the wall of spoken dialogue state tracking? Abstract: In Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD) systems, correctly updating the system's understanding of the user's needs (a.k.a dialogue state tracking) is key to a smooth interaction. Traditionally, TOD systems perform this update in three steps: transcription of the user's utterance, semantic extraction of the key concepts, and contextualization with the previously identified concepts. Such cascade approaches suffer from cascading errors and separate optimization. End-to-End approaches have been proved helpful up to the semantic extraction step. This paper goes one step further paving the path towards completely neural spoken dialogue state tracking by comparing three approaches: (1) a state of the art cascade approach, (2) a locally E2E approach with rule-based contextualization and (3) a completely neural approach.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: LDM$^2$: A Large Decision Model Imitating Human Cognition with Dynamic Memory Enhancement Abstract: With the rapid development of large language models (LLMs), it is highly demanded that LLMs can be adopted to make decisions to enable the artificial general intelligence. Most approaches leverage manually crafted examples to prompt the LLMs to imitate the decision process of human. However, designing optimal prompts is difficult and the patterned prompts can hardly be generalized to more complex environments. In this paper, we propose a novel model named Large Decision Model with Memory (LDM$^2$), which leverages a dynamic memory mechanism to construct dynamic prompts, guiding the LLMs in making proper decisions according to the faced state. LDM$^2$ consists of two stages: memory formation and memory refinement. In the former stage, human behaviors are decomposed into state-action tuples utilizing the powerful summarizing ability of LLMs. Then, these tuples are stored in the memory, whose indices are generated by the LLMs, to facilitate the retrieval of the most relevant subset of memorized tuples based on the current state. In the latter stage, our LDM$^2$ employs tree exploration to discover more suitable decision processes and enrich the memory by adding valuable state-action tuples. The dynamic circle of exploration and memory enhancement provides LDM$^2$ a better understanding of the global environment. Extensive experiments conducted in two interactive environments have shown that our LDM$^2$ outperforms the baselines in terms of both score and success rate, which demonstrates its effectiveness.
Machine Learning
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Title: Human Machine Co-Creation. A Complementary Cognitive Approach to Creative Character Design Process Using GANs Abstract: Recent advances in Generative Adversarial Networks GANs applications continue to attract the attention of researchers in different fields. In such a framework, two neural networks compete adversely to generate new visual contents indistinguishable from the original dataset. The objective of this research is to create a complementary codesign process between humans and machines to augment character designers abilities in visualizing and creating new characters for multimedia projects such as games and animation. Driven by design cognitive scaffolding, the proposed approach aims to inform the process of perceiving, knowing, and making. The machine generated concepts are used as a launching platform for character designers to conceptualize new characters. A labelled dataset of 22,000 characters was developed for this work and deployed using different GANs to evaluate the most suited for the context, followed by mixed methods evaluation for the machine output and human derivations. The discussed results substantiate the value of the proposed cocreation framework and elucidate how the generated concepts are used as cognitive substances that interact with designers competencies in a versatile manner to influence the creative processes of conceptualizing novel characters.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: A Large-Scale Car Parts (LSCP) Dataset for Lightweight Fine-Grained Detection Abstract: Automotive related datasets have previously been used for training autonomous driving systems or vehicle classification tasks. However, there is a lack of datasets in the field of automotive AI for car parts detection, and most available datasets are limited in size and scope, struggling to cover diverse scenarios. To address this gap, this paper presents a large-scale and fine-grained automotive dataset consisting of 84,162 images for detecting 12 different types of car parts. This dataset was collected from natural cameras and online websites which covers various car brands, scenarios, and shooting angles. To alleviate the burden of manual annotation, we propose a novel semi-supervised auto-labeling method that leverages state-of-the-art pre-trained detectors. Moreover, we study the limitations of the Grounding DINO approach for zero-shot labeling. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed dataset through fine-grained car parts detection by training several lightweight YOLO-series detectors.
Computer Vision
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Title: Prompt Me Up: Unleashing the Power of Alignments for Multimodal Entity and Relation Extraction Abstract: How can we better extract entities and relations from text? Using multimodal extraction with images and text obtains more signals for entities and relations, and aligns them through graphs or hierarchical fusion, aiding in extraction. Despite attempts at various fusions, previous works have overlooked many unlabeled image-caption pairs, such as NewsCLIPing. This paper proposes innovative pre-training objectives for entity-object and relation-image alignment, extracting objects from images and aligning them with entity and relation prompts for soft pseudo-labels. These labels are used as self-supervised signals for pre-training, enhancing the ability to extract entities and relations. Experiments on three datasets show an average 3.41% F1 improvement over prior SOTA. Additionally, our method is orthogonal to previous multimodal fusions, and using it on prior SOTA fusions further improves 5.47% F1.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Rankitect: Ranking Architecture Search Battling World-class Engineers at Meta Scale Abstract: Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has demonstrated its efficacy in computer vision and potential for ranking systems. However, prior work focused on academic problems, which are evaluated at small scale under well-controlled fixed baselines. In industry system, such as ranking system in Meta, it is unclear whether NAS algorithms from the literature can outperform production baselines because of: (1) scale - Meta ranking systems serve billions of users, (2) strong baselines - the baselines are production models optimized by hundreds to thousands of world-class engineers for years since the rise of deep learning, (3) dynamic baselines - engineers may have established new and stronger baselines during NAS search, and (4) efficiency - the search pipeline must yield results quickly in alignment with the productionization life cycle. In this paper, we present Rankitect, a NAS software framework for ranking systems at Meta. Rankitect seeks to build brand new architectures by composing low level building blocks from scratch. Rankitect implements and improves state-of-the-art (SOTA) NAS methods for comprehensive and fair comparison under the same search space, including sampling-based NAS, one-shot NAS, and Differentiable NAS (DNAS). We evaluate Rankitect by comparing to multiple production ranking models at Meta. We find that Rankitect can discover new models from scratch achieving competitive tradeoff between Normalized Entropy loss and FLOPs. When utilizing search space designed by engineers, Rankitect can generate better models than engineers, achieving positive offline evaluation and online A/B test at Meta scale.
Machine Learning
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Title: Deep Dynamics: Vehicle Dynamics Modeling with a Physics-Informed Neural Network for Autonomous Racing Abstract: Autonomous racing is a critical research area for autonomous driving, presenting significant challenges in vehicle dynamics modeling, such as balancing model precision and computational efficiency at high speeds (>280kmph), where minor errors in modeling have severe consequences. Existing physics-based models for vehicle dynamics require elaborate testing setups and tuning, which are hard to implement, time-intensive, and cost-prohibitive. Conversely, purely data-driven approaches do not generalize well and cannot adequately ensure physical constraints on predictions. This paper introduces Deep Dynamics, a physics-informed neural network (PINN) for vehicle dynamics modeling of an autonomous racecar. It combines physics coefficient estimation and dynamical equations to accurately predict vehicle states at high speeds and includes a unique Physics Guard layer to ensure internal coefficient estimates remain within their nominal physical ranges. Open-loop and closed-loop performance assessments, using a physics-based simulator and full-scale autonomous Indy racecar data, highlight Deep Dynamics as a promising approach for modeling racecar vehicle dynamics.
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Title: Comparative Analysis of Transformers for Modeling Tabular Data: A Casestudy using Industry Scale Dataset Abstract: We perform a comparative analysis of transformer-based models designed for modeling tabular data, specifically on an industry-scale dataset. While earlier studies demonstrated promising outcomes on smaller public or synthetic datasets, the effectiveness did not extend to larger industry-scale datasets. The challenges identified include handling high-dimensional data, the necessity for efficient pre-processing of categorical and numerical features, and addressing substantial computational requirements. To overcome the identified challenges, the study conducts an extensive examination of various transformer-based models using both synthetic datasets and the default prediction Kaggle dataset (2022) from American Express. The paper presents crucial insights into optimal data pre-processing, compares pre-training and direct supervised learning methods, discusses strategies for managing categorical and numerical features, and highlights trade-offs between computational resources and performance. Focusing on temporal financial data modeling, the research aims to facilitate the systematic development and deployment of transformer-based models in real-world scenarios, emphasizing scalability.
Machine Learning
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Title: Digital Life Project: Autonomous 3D Characters with Social Intelligence Abstract: In this work, we present Digital Life Project, a framework utilizing language as the universal medium to build autonomous 3D characters, who are capable of engaging in social interactions and expressing with articulated body motions, thereby simulating life in a digital environment. Our framework comprises two primary components: 1) SocioMind: a meticulously crafted digital brain that models personalities with systematic few-shot exemplars, incorporates a reflection process based on psychology principles, and emulates autonomy by initiating dialogue topics; 2) MoMat-MoGen: a text-driven motion synthesis paradigm for controlling the character's digital body. It integrates motion matching, a proven industry technique to ensure motion quality, with cutting-edge advancements in motion generation for diversity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that each module achieves state-of-the-art performance in its respective domain. Collectively, they enable virtual characters to initiate and sustain dialogues autonomously, while evolving their socio-psychological states. Concurrently, these characters can perform contextually relevant bodily movements. Additionally, a motion captioning module further allows the virtual character to recognize and appropriately respond to human players' actions. Homepage:
Computer Vision
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Title: Towards Garment Sewing Pattern Reconstruction from a Single Image Abstract: Garment sewing pattern represents the intrinsic rest shape of a garment, and is the core for many applications like fashion design, virtual try-on, and digital avatars. In this work, we explore the challenging problem of recovering garment sewing patterns from daily photos for augmenting these applications. To solve the problem, we first synthesize a versatile dataset, named SewFactory, which consists of around 1M images and ground-truth sewing patterns for model training and quantitative evaluation. SewFactory covers a wide range of human poses, body shapes, and sewing patterns, and possesses realistic appearances thanks to the proposed human texture synthesis network. Then, we propose a two-level Transformer network called Sewformer, which significantly improves the sewing pattern prediction performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework is effective in recovering sewing patterns and well generalizes to casually-taken human photos. Code, dataset, and pre-trained models are available at:
Computer Vision
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Title: Identifying Semantic Component for Robust Molecular Property Prediction Abstract: Although graph neural networks have achieved great success in the task of molecular property prediction in recent years, their generalization ability under out-of-distribution (OOD) settings is still under-explored. Different from existing methods that learn discriminative representations for prediction, we propose a generative model with semantic-components identifiability, named SCI. We demonstrate that the latent variables in this generative model can be explicitly identified into semantic-relevant (SR) and semantic-irrelevant (SI) components, which contributes to better OOD generalization by involving minimal change properties of causal mechanisms. Specifically, we first formulate the data generation process from the atom level to the molecular level, where the latent space is split into SI substructures, SR substructures, and SR atom variables. Sequentially, to reduce misidentification, we restrict the minimal changes of the SR atom variables and add a semantic latent substructure regularization to mitigate the variance of the SR substructure under augmented domain changes. Under mild assumptions, we prove the block-wise identifiability of the SR substructure and the comment-wise identifiability of SR atom variables. Experimental studies achieve state-of-the-art performance and show general improvement on 21 datasets in 3 mainstream benchmarks. Moreover, the visualization results of the proposed SCI method provide insightful case studies and explanations for the prediction results. The code is available at:
Machine Learning
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Title: Voice Recognition Robot with Real-Time Surveillance and Automation Abstract: Voice recognition technology enables the execution of real-world operations through a single voice command. This paper introduces a voice recognition system that involves converting input voice signals into corresponding text using an Android application. The text messages are then transmitted through Bluetooth connectivity, serving as a communication platform. Simultaneously, a controller circuit, equipped with a Bluetooth module, receives the text signal and, following a coding mechanism, executes real-world operations. The paper extends the application of voice recognition to real-time surveillance and automation, incorporating obstacle detection and avoidance mechanisms, as well as control over lighting and horn functions through predefined voice commands. The proposed technique not only serves as an assistive tool for individuals with disabilities but also finds utility in industrial automation, enabling robots to perform specific tasks with precision.
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Title: The Power of the Senses: Generalizable Manipulation from Vision and Touch through Masked Multimodal Learning Abstract: Humans rely on the synergy of their senses for most essential tasks. For tasks requiring object manipulation, we seamlessly and effectively exploit the complementarity of our senses of vision and touch. This paper draws inspiration from such capabilities and aims to find a systematic approach to fuse visual and tactile information in a reinforcement learning setting. We propose Masked Multimodal Learning (M3L), which jointly learns a policy and visual-tactile representations based on masked autoencoding. The representations jointly learned from vision and touch improve sample efficiency, and unlock generalization capabilities beyond those achievable through each of the senses separately. Remarkably, representations learned in a multimodal setting also benefit vision-only policies at test time. We evaluate M3L on three simulated environments with both visual and tactile observations: robotic insertion, door opening, and dexterous in-hand manipulation, demonstrating the benefits of learning a multimodal policy. Code and videos of the experiments are available at
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Title: Sparse4D v3: Advancing End-to-End 3D Detection and Tracking Abstract: In autonomous driving perception systems, 3D detection and tracking are the two fundamental tasks. This paper delves deeper into this field, building upon the Sparse4D framework. We introduce two auxiliary training tasks (Temporal Instance Denoising and Quality Estimation) and propose decoupled attention to make structural improvements, leading to significant enhancements in detection performance. Additionally, we extend the detector into a tracker using a straightforward approach that assigns instance ID during inference, further highlighting the advantages of query-based algorithms. Extensive experiments conducted on the nuScenes benchmark validate the effectiveness of the proposed improvements. With ResNet50 as the backbone, we witnessed enhancements of 3.0\%, 2.2\%, and 7.6\% in mAP, NDS, and AMOTA, achieving 46.9\%, 56.1\%, and 49.0\%, respectively. Our best model achieved 71.9\% NDS and 67.7\% AMOTA on the nuScenes test set. Code will be released at \url{}.
Computer Vision
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Title: On the Inadequacy of Similarity-based Privacy Metrics: Reconstruction Attacks against "Truly Anonymous Synthetic Data'' Abstract: Training generative models to produce synthetic data is meant to provide a privacy-friendly approach to data release. However, we get robust guarantees only when models are trained to satisfy Differential Privacy (DP). Alas, this is not the standard in industry as many companies use ad-hoc strategies to empirically evaluate privacy based on the statistical similarity between synthetic and real data. In this paper, we review the privacy metrics offered by leading companies in this space and shed light on a few critical flaws in reasoning about privacy entirely via empirical evaluations. We analyze the undesirable properties of the most popular metrics and filters and demonstrate their unreliability and inconsistency through counter-examples. We then present a reconstruction attack, ReconSyn, which successfully recovers (i.e., leaks all attributes of) at least 78% of the low-density train records (or outliers) with only black-box access to a single fitted generative model and the privacy metrics. Finally, we show that applying DP only to the model or using low-utility generators does not mitigate ReconSyn as the privacy leakage predominantly comes from the metrics. Overall, our work serves as a warning to practitioners not to deviate from established privacy-preserving mechanisms.
Cryptography and Security
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Title: MARRS: Multimodal Reference Resolution System Abstract: Successfully handling context is essential for any dialog understanding task. This context maybe be conversational (relying on previous user queries or system responses), visual (relying on what the user sees, for example, on their screen), or background (based on signals such as a ringing alarm or playing music). In this work, we present an overview of MARRS, or Multimodal Reference Resolution System, an on-device framework within a Natural Language Understanding system, responsible for handling conversational, visual and background context. In particular, we present different machine learning models to enable handing contextual queries; specifically, one to enable reference resolution, and one to handle context via query rewriting. We also describe how these models complement each other to form a unified, coherent, lightweight system that can understand context while preserving user privacy.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Enhancing Sentiment Analysis Results through Outlier Detection Optimization Abstract: When dealing with text data containing subjective labels like speaker emotions, inaccuracies or discrepancies among labelers are not uncommon. Such discrepancies can significantly affect the performance of machine learning algorithms. This study investigates the potential of identifying and addressing outliers in text data with subjective labels, aiming to enhance classification outcomes. We utilized the Deep SVDD algorithm, a one-class classification method, to detect outliers in nine text-based emotion and sentiment analysis datasets. By employing both a small-sized language model (DistilBERT base model with 66 million parameters) and non-deep learning machine learning algorithms (decision tree, KNN, Logistic Regression, and LDA) as the classifier, our findings suggest that the removal of outliers can lead to enhanced results in most cases. Additionally, as outliers in such datasets are not necessarily unlearnable, we experienced utilizing a large language model -- DeBERTa v3 large with 131 million parameters, which can capture very complex patterns in data. We continued to observe performance enhancements across multiple datasets.
Machine Learning
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Title: Ensemble Federated Learning: an approach for collaborative pneumonia diagnosis Abstract: Federated learning is a very convenient approach for scenarios where (i) the exchange of data implies privacy concerns and/or (ii) a quick reaction is needed. In smart healthcare systems, both aspects are usually required. In this paper, we work on the first scenario, where preserving privacy is key and, consequently, building a unique and massive medical image data set by fusing different data sets from different medical institutions or research centers (computation nodes) is not an option. We propose an ensemble federated learning (EFL) approach that is based on the following characteristics: First, each computation node works with a different data set (but of the same type). They work locally and apply an ensemble approach combining eight well-known CNN models (densenet169, mobilenetv2, xception, inceptionv3, vgg16, resnet50, densenet121, and resnet152v2) on Chest X-ray images. Second, the best two local models are used to create a local ensemble model that is shared with a central node. Third, the ensemble models are aggregated to obtain a global model, which is shared with the computation nodes to continue with a new iteration. This procedure continues until there are no changes in the best local models. We have performed different experiments to compare our approach with centralized ones (with or without an ensemble approach)\color{black}. The results conclude that our proposal outperforms these ones in Chest X-ray images (achieving an accuracy of 96.63\%) and offers very competitive results compared to other proposals in the literature.
Computer Vision
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Title: GraphRARE: Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Graph Neural Network with Relative Entropy Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown advantages in graph-based analysis tasks. However, most existing methods have the homogeneity assumption and show poor performance on heterophilic graphs, where the linked nodes have dissimilar features and different class labels, and the semantically related nodes might be multi-hop away. To address this limitation, this paper presents GraphRARE, a general framework built upon node relative entropy and deep reinforcement learning, to strengthen the expressive capability of GNNs. An innovative node relative entropy, which considers node features and structural similarity, is used to measure mutual information between node pairs. In addition, to avoid the sub-optimal solutions caused by mixing useful information and noises of remote nodes, a deep reinforcement learning-based algorithm is developed to optimize the graph topology. This algorithm selects informative nodes and discards noisy nodes based on the defined node relative entropy. Extensive experiments are conducted on seven real-world datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of GraphRARE in node classification and its capability to optimize the original graph topology.
Machine Learning
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Title: Accelerating Reinforcement Learning of Robotic Manipulations via Feedback from Large Language Models Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) plays an important role in the robotic manipulation domain since it allows self-learning from trial-and-error interactions with the environment. Still, sample efficiency and reward specification seriously limit its potential. One possible solution involves learning from expert guidance. However, obtaining a human expert is impractical due to the high cost of supervising an RL agent, and developing an automatic supervisor is a challenging endeavor. Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable abilities to provide human-like feedback on user inputs in natural language. Nevertheless, they are not designed to directly control low-level robotic motions, as their pretraining is based on vast internet data rather than specific robotics data. In this paper, we introduce the Lafite-RL (Language agent feedback interactive Reinforcement Learning) framework, which enables RL agents to learn robotic tasks efficiently by taking advantage of LLMs' timely feedback. Our experiments conducted on RLBench tasks illustrate that, with simple prompt design in natural language, the Lafite-RL agent exhibits improved learning capabilities when guided by an LLM. It outperforms the baseline in terms of both learning efficiency and success rate, underscoring the efficacy of the rewards provided by an LLM.
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Title: The Claire French Dialogue Dataset Abstract: We present the Claire French Dialogue Dataset (CFDD), a resource created by members of LINAGORA Labs in the context of the OpenLLM France initiative. CFDD is a corpus containing roughly 160 million words from transcripts and stage plays in French that we have assembled and publicly released in an effort to further the development of multilingual, open source language models. This paper describes the 24 individual corpora of which CFDD is composed and provides links and citations to their original sources. It also provides our proposed breakdown of the full CFDD dataset into eight categories of subcorpora and describes the process we followed to standardize the format of the final dataset. We conclude with a discussion of similar work and future directions.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Speak Like a Native: Prompting Large Language Models in a Native Style Abstract: Existing work has found that the prompt engineering heavily influences the performance of large language models (LLMs). Chain-of-thought (CoT), as a popular prompt engineering technique, prompted LLMs using in-context examples with reasoning steps. In current studies, the few-shot examples of CoT are generally handcrafted by humans. However, how the text style of in-context examples influence the outputs of LLMs still remains under-explored. This paper presents a novel and effective approach, named \textbf{AlignCoT}, to improve the reasoning capability of LLMs by aligning the in-context examples with the native style of LLMs. ``Native'' refers to the inherent characteristic style of LLMs which can be probed by original zero-shot scenarios. AlignCoT is orthogonal to other prompt engineering methods, making it easy to combine with state-of-the-art techniques to further improve the LLMs' performance. We conduct extensive and comprehensive experiments on several benchmarks. The empirical results demonstrate that our AlignCoTsignificantly improves performance over the carefully handcrafted in-context examples. For instance, with GPT-3.5-turbo, we observed a +2.5\% improvement on GSM8K. Furthermore, our AlignCoT consistently improve the performance when combined with other state-of-the-art prompt engineering methods. The source code and dataset will be available at \href{}{}.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Modified Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and Hyper Parameter Optimization: Case of XGBoost in Spam Prediction Abstract: Recently, spam on online social networks has attracted attention in the research and business world. Twitter has become the preferred medium to spread spam content. Many research efforts attempted to encounter social networks spam. Twitter brought extra challenges represented by the feature space size, and imbalanced data distributions. Usually, the related research works focus on part of these main challenges or produce black-box models. In this paper, we propose a modified genetic algorithm for simultaneous dimensionality reduction and hyper parameter optimization over imbalanced datasets. The algorithm initialized an eXtreme Gradient Boosting classifier and reduced the features space of tweets dataset; to generate a spam prediction model. The model is validated using a 50 times repeated 10-fold stratified cross-validation, and analyzed using nonparametric statistical tests. The resulted prediction model attains on average 82.32\% and 92.67\% in terms of geometric mean and accuracy respectively, utilizing less than 10\% of the total feature space. The empirical results show that the modified genetic algorithm outperforms $Chi^2$ and $PCA$ feature selection methods. In addition, eXtreme Gradient Boosting outperforms many machine learning algorithms, including BERT-based deep learning model, in spam prediction. Furthermore, the proposed approach is applied to SMS spam modeling and compared to related works.
Machine Learning
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Title: Train Once, Get a Family: State-Adaptive Balances for Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning Abstract: Offline-to-online reinforcement learning (RL) is a training paradigm that combines pre-training on a pre-collected dataset with fine-tuning in an online environment. However, the incorporation of online fine-tuning can intensify the well-known distributional shift problem. Existing solutions tackle this problem by imposing a policy constraint on the policy improvement objective in both offline and online learning. They typically advocate a single balance between policy improvement and constraints across diverse data collections. This one-size-fits-all manner may not optimally leverage each collected sample due to the significant variation in data quality across different states. To this end, we introduce Family Offline-to-Online RL (FamO2O), a simple yet effective framework that empowers existing algorithms to determine state-adaptive improvement-constraint balances. FamO2O utilizes a universal model to train a family of policies with different improvement/constraint intensities, and a balance model to select a suitable policy for each state. Theoretically, we prove that state-adaptive balances are necessary for achieving a higher policy performance upper bound. Empirically, extensive experiments show that FamO2O offers a statistically significant improvement over various existing methods, achieving state-of-the-art performance on the D4RL benchmark. Codes are available at
Machine Learning
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Title: Regions are Who Walk Them: a Large Pre-trained Spatiotemporal Model Based on Human Mobility for Ubiquitous Urban Sensing Abstract: User profiling and region analysis are two tasks of significant commercial value. However, in practical applications, modeling different features typically involves four main steps: data preparation, data processing, model establishment, evaluation, and optimization. This process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Repeating this workflow for each feature results in abundant development time for tasks and a reduced overall volume of task development. Indeed, human mobility data contains a wealth of information. Several successful cases suggest that conducting in-depth analysis of population movement data could potentially yield meaningful profiles about users and areas. Nonetheless, most related works have not thoroughly utilized the semantic information within human mobility data and trained on a fixed number of the regions. To tap into the rich information within population movement, based on the perspective that Regions Are Who walk them, we propose a large spatiotemporal model based on trajectories (RAW). It possesses the following characteristics: 1) Tailored for trajectory data, introducing a GPT-like structure with a parameter count of up to 1B; 2) Introducing a spatiotemporal fine-tuning module, interpreting trajectories as collection of users to derive arbitrary region embedding. This framework allows rapid task development based on the large spatiotemporal model. We conducted extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of our proposed large spatiotemporal model. It's evident that our proposed method, relying solely on human mobility data without additional features, exhibits a certain level of relevance in user profiling and region analysis. Moreover, our model showcases promising predictive capabilities in trajectory generation tasks based on the current state, offering the potential for further innovative work utilizing this large spatiotemporal model.
Machine Learning
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Title: APoLLo: Unified Adapter and Prompt Learning for Vision Language Models Abstract: The choice of input text prompt plays a critical role in the performance of Vision-Language Pretrained (VLP) models such as CLIP. We present APoLLo, a unified multi-modal approach that combines Adapter and Prompt learning for Vision-Language models. Our method is designed to substantially improve the generalization capabilities of VLP models when they are fine-tuned in a few-shot setting. We introduce trainable cross-attention-based adapter layers in conjunction with vision and language encoders to strengthen the alignment between the two modalities. We enforce consistency between the respective encoder branches (receiving augmented inputs) to prevent overfitting in downstream tasks. Our method is evaluated on three representative tasks: generalization to novel classes, cross-dataset evaluation, and unseen domain shifts. In practice, APoLLo achieves a relative gain up to 6.03% over MaPLe (SOTA) on novel classes for 10 diverse image recognition datasets.
Machine Learning
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Title: A Review of the Evidence for Existential Risk from AI via Misaligned Power-Seeking Abstract: Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked growing concerns among experts, policymakers, and world leaders regarding the potential for increasingly advanced AI systems to pose existential risks. This paper reviews the evidence for existential risks from AI via misalignment, where AI systems develop goals misaligned with human values, and power-seeking, where misaligned AIs actively seek power. The review examines empirical findings, conceptual arguments and expert opinion relating to specification gaming, goal misgeneralization, and power-seeking. The current state of the evidence is found to be concerning but inconclusive regarding the existence of extreme forms of misaligned power-seeking. Strong empirical evidence of specification gaming combined with strong conceptual evidence for power-seeking make it difficult to dismiss the possibility of existential risk from misaligned power-seeking. On the other hand, to date there are no public empirical examples of misaligned power-seeking in AI systems, and so arguments that future systems will pose an existential risk remain somewhat speculative. Given the current state of the evidence, it is hard to be extremely confident either that misaligned power-seeking poses a large existential risk, or that it poses no existential risk. The fact that we cannot confidently rule out existential risk from AI via misaligned power-seeking is cause for serious concern.
Computers and Society
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Title: Accelerating Exploration with Unlabeled Prior Data Abstract: Learning to solve tasks from a sparse reward signal is a major challenge for standard reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. However, in the real world, agents rarely need to solve sparse reward tasks entirely from scratch. More often, we might possess prior experience to draw on that provides considerable guidance about which actions and outcomes are possible in the world, which we can use to explore more effectively for new tasks. In this work, we study how prior data without reward labels may be used to guide and accelerate exploration for an agent solving a new sparse reward task. We propose a simple approach that learns a reward model from online experience, labels the unlabeled prior data with optimistic rewards, and then uses it concurrently alongside the online data for downstream policy and critic optimization. This general formula leads to rapid exploration in several challenging sparse-reward domains where tabula rasa exploration is insufficient, including the AntMaze domain, Adroit hand manipulation domain, and a visual simulated robotic manipulation domain. Our results highlight the ease of incorporating unlabeled prior data into existing online RL algorithms, and the (perhaps surprising) effectiveness of doing so.
Machine Learning
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Title: Building Trustworthy NeuroSymbolic AI Systems: Consistency, Reliability, Explainability, and Safety Abstract: Explainability and Safety engender Trust. These require a model to exhibit consistency and reliability. To achieve these, it is necessary to use and analyze data and knowledge with statistical and symbolic AI methods relevant to the AI application - neither alone will do. Consequently, we argue and seek to demonstrate that the NeuroSymbolic AI approach is better suited for making AI a trusted AI system. We present the CREST framework that shows how Consistency, Reliability, user-level Explainability, and Safety are built on NeuroSymbolic methods that use data and knowledge to support requirements for critical applications such as health and well-being. This article focuses on Large Language Models (LLMs) as the chosen AI system within the CREST framework. LLMs have garnered substantial attention from researchers due to their versatility in handling a broad array of natural language processing (NLP) scenarios. For example, ChatGPT and Google's MedPaLM have emerged as highly promising platforms for providing information in general and health-related queries, respectively. Nevertheless, these models remain black boxes despite incorporating human feedback and instruction-guided tuning. For instance, ChatGPT can generate unsafe responses despite instituting safety guardrails. CREST presents a plausible approach harnessing procedural and graph-based knowledge within a NeuroSymbolic framework to shed light on the challenges associated with LLMs.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: CAT: A Causally Graph Attention Network for Trimming Heterophilic Graph Abstract: Local Attention-guided Message Passing Mechanism (LAMP) adopted in Graph Attention Networks (GATs) is designed to adaptively learn the importance of neighboring nodes for better local aggregation on the graph, which can bring the representations of similar neighbors closer effectively, thus showing stronger discrimination ability. However, existing GATs suffer from a significant discrimination ability decline in heterophilic graphs because the high proportion of dissimilar neighbors can weaken the self-attention of the central node, jointly resulting in the deviation of the central node from similar nodes in the representation space. This kind of effect generated by neighboring nodes is called the Distraction Effect (DE) in this paper. To estimate and weaken the DE of neighboring nodes, we propose a Causally graph Attention network for Trimming heterophilic graph (CAT). To estimate the DE, since the DE are generated through two paths (grab the attention assigned to neighbors and reduce the self-attention of the central node), we use Total Effect to model DE, which is a kind of causal estimand and can be estimated from intervened data; To weaken the DE, we identify the neighbors with the highest DE (we call them Distraction Neighbors) and remove them. We adopt three representative GATs as the base model within the proposed CAT framework and conduct experiments on seven heterophilic datasets in three different sizes. Comparative experiments show that CAT can improve the node classification accuracy of all base GAT models. Ablation experiments and visualization further validate the enhancement of discrimination ability brought by CAT. The source code is available at
Machine Learning
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Title: Harmonic Mobile Manipulation Abstract: Recent advancements in robotics have enabled robots to navigate complex scenes or manipulate diverse objects independently. However, robots are still impotent in many household tasks requiring coordinated behaviors such as opening doors. The factorization of navigation and manipulation, while effective for some tasks, fails in scenarios requiring coordinated actions. To address this challenge, we introduce, HarmonicMM, an end-to-end learning method that optimizes both navigation and manipulation, showing notable improvement over existing techniques in everyday tasks. This approach is validated in simulated and real-world environments and adapts to novel unseen settings without additional tuning. Our contributions include a new benchmark for mobile manipulation and the successful deployment in a real unseen apartment, demonstrating the potential for practical indoor robot deployment in daily life. More results are on our project site:
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Title: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition via CLIP based Prompt Vision-Language Fusion Abstract: Existing pedestrian attribute recognition (PAR) algorithms adopt pre-trained CNN (e.g., ResNet) as their backbone network for visual feature learning, which might obtain sub-optimal results due to the insufficient employment of the relations between pedestrian images and attribute labels. In this paper, we formulate PAR as a vision-language fusion problem and fully exploit the relations between pedestrian images and attribute labels. Specifically, the attribute phrases are first expanded into sentences, and then the pre-trained vision-language model CLIP is adopted as our backbone for feature embedding of visual images and attribute descriptions. The contrastive learning objective connects the vision and language modalities well in the CLIP-based feature space, and the Transformer layers used in CLIP can capture the long-range relations between pixels. Then, a multi-modal Transformer is adopted to fuse the dual features effectively and feed-forward network is used to predict attributes. To optimize our network efficiently, we propose the region-aware prompt tuning technique to adjust very few parameters (i.e., only the prompt vectors and classification heads) and fix both the pre-trained VL model and multi-modal Transformer. Our proposed PAR algorithm only adjusts 0.75% learnable parameters compared with the fine-tuning strategy. It also achieves new state-of-the-art performance on both standard and zero-shot settings for PAR, including RAPv1, RAPv2, WIDER, PA100K, and PETA-ZS, RAP-ZS datasets. The source code and pre-trained models will be released on
Computer Vision
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Title: Lite-Mind: Towards Efficient and Versatile Brain Representation Network Abstract: Research in decoding visual information from the brain, particularly through the non-invasive fMRI method, is rapidly progressing. The challenge arises from the limited data availability and the low signal-to-noise ratio of fMRI signals, leading to a low-precision task of fMRI-to-image retrieval. State-of-the-art MindEye remarkably improves fMRI-to-image retrieval performance by leveraging a deep MLP with a high parameter count orders of magnitude, i.e., a 996M MLP Backbone per subject, to align fMRI embeddings to the final hidden layer of CLIP's vision transformer. However, significant individual variations exist among subjects, even within identical experimental setups, mandating the training of subject-specific models. The substantial parameters pose significant challenges in deploying fMRI decoding on practical devices, especially with the necessitating of specific models for each subject. To this end, we propose Lite-Mind, a lightweight, efficient, and versatile brain representation network based on discrete Fourier transform, that efficiently aligns fMRI voxels to fine-grained information of CLIP. Our experiments demonstrate that Lite-Mind achieves an impressive 94.3% fMRI-to-image retrieval accuracy on the NSD dataset for Subject 1, with 98.7% fewer parameters than MindEye. Lite-Mind is also proven to be able to be migrated to smaller brain datasets and establishes a new state-of-the-art for zero-shot classification on the GOD dataset. The code is available at
Computer Vision
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Title: Guardians of Trust: Navigating Data Security in AIOps through Vendor Partnerships Abstract: Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) is a rapidly growing field that applies artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate and optimize IT operations. AIOps vendors provide services that ingest end-to-end logs, traces, and metrics to offer a full stack observability of IT systems. However, these data sources may contain sensitive information such as internal IP addresses, hostnames, HTTP headers, SQLs, method/argument return values, URLs, personal identifiable information (PII), or confidential business data. Therefore, data security is a crucial concern when working with AIOps vendors. In this article, we will discuss the security features offered by different vendors and how we can adopt best practices to ensure data protection and privacy.
Cryptography and Security
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Title: Unlearn What You Want to Forget: Efficient Unlearning for LLMs Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant progress from pre-training on and memorizing a wide range of textual data, however, this process might suffer from privacy issues and violations of data protection regulations. As a result, the ability to easily remove data related to individual users from such models while not deteriorating their predictive quality after the removal becomes increasingly important. To address these issues, in this work, we propose an efficient unlearning framework that could efficiently update LLMs without having to retrain the whole model after data removals, by introducing lightweight unlearning layers learned with a selective teacher-student objective into the transformers. In addition, we introduce a fusion mechanism to effectively combine different unlearning layers that learns to forget different sets of data to handle a sequence of forgetting operations. Experiments on classification and generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods compared to the state-of-the-art baselines.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: FedTruth: Byzantine-Robust and Backdoor-Resilient Federated Learning Framework Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborative machine learning model training across multiple parties without sharing raw data. However, FL's distributed nature allows malicious clients to impact model training through Byzantine or backdoor attacks, using erroneous model updates. Existing defenses measure the deviation of each update from a 'ground-truth model update.' They often rely on a benign root dataset on the server or use trimmed mean or median for clipping, both methods having limitations. We introduce FedTruth, a robust defense against model poisoning in FL. FedTruth doesn't assume specific data distributions nor requires a benign root dataset. It estimates a global model update with dynamic aggregation weights, considering contributions from all benign clients. Empirical studies demonstrate FedTruth's efficacy in mitigating the impacts of poisoned updates from both Byzantine and backdoor attacks.
Machine Learning
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Title: LLM A*: Human in the Loop Large Language Models Enabled A* Search for Robotics Abstract: This research focuses on how Large Language Models (LLMs) can help with path planning for mobile embodied agents such as robots, in a human-in-the-loop and interactive manner. A novel framework named LLM A*, aims to leverage the commonsense of LLMs, and the utility-optimal A* is proposed to facilitate few-shot near-optimal path planning. Prompts are used to 1) provide LLMs with essential information like environment, cost, heuristics, etc.; 2) communicate human feedback to LLMs on intermediate planning results. This makes the whole path planning process a `white box' and human feedback guides LLM A* to converge quickly compared to other data-driven methods such as reinforcement learning-based (RL) path planning. In addition, it makes code-free path planning practical, henceforth promoting the inclusiveness of artificial intelligence techniques. Comparative analysis against A* and RL shows that LLM A* is more efficient in terms of search space and achieves an on-a-par path with A* and a better path than RL. The interactive nature of LLM A* also makes it a promising tool for deployment in collaborative human-robot tasks.
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Title: Unsupervised Graph Attention Autoencoder for Attributed Networks using K-means Loss Abstract: Several natural phenomena and complex systems are often represented as networks. Discovering their community structure is a fundamental task for understanding these networks. Many algorithms have been proposed, but recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNN) have emerged as a compelling approach for enhancing this task.In this paper, we introduce a simple, efficient, and clustering-oriented model based on unsupervised \textbf{G}raph Attention \textbf{A}uto\textbf{E}ncoder for community detection in attributed networks (GAECO). The proposed model adeptly learns representations from both the network's topology and attribute information, simultaneously addressing dual objectives: reconstruction and community discovery. It places a particular emphasis on discovering compact communities by robustly minimizing clustering errors. The model employs k-means as an objective function and utilizes a multi-head Graph Attention Auto-Encoder for decoding the representations. Experiments conducted on three datasets of attributed networks show that our method surpasses state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of NMI and ARI. Additionally, our approach scales effectively with the size of the network, making it suitable for large-scale applications. The implications of our findings extend beyond biological network interpretation and social network analysis, where knowledge of the fundamental community structure is essential.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Selectively Sharing Experiences Improves Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Abstract: We present a novel multi-agent RL approach, Selective Multi-Agent Prioritized Experience Relay, in which agents share with other agents a limited number of transitions they observe during training. The intuition behind this is that even a small number of relevant experiences from other agents could help each agent learn. Unlike many other multi-agent RL algorithms, this approach allows for largely decentralized training, requiring only a limited communication channel between agents. We show that our approach outperforms baseline no-sharing decentralized training and state-of-the art multi-agent RL algorithms. Further, sharing only a small number of highly relevant experiences outperforms sharing all experiences between agents, and the performance uplift from selective experience sharing is robust across a range of hyperparameters and DQN variants. A reference implementation of our algorithm is available at
Machine Learning
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Title: Unify Change Point Detection and Segment Classification in a Regression Task for Transportation Mode Identification Abstract: Identifying travelers' transportation modes is important in transportation science and location-based services. It's appealing for researchers to leverage GPS trajectory data to infer transportation modes with the popularity of GPS-enabled devices, e.g., smart phones. Existing studies frame this problem as classification task. The dominant two-stage studies divide the trip into single-one mode segments first and then categorize these segments. The over segmentation strategy and inevitable error propagation bring difficulties to classification stage and make optimizing the whole system hard. The recent one-stage works throw out trajectory segmentation entirely to avoid these by directly conducting point-wise classification for the trip, whereas leaving predictions dis-continuous. To solve above-mentioned problems, inspired by YOLO and SSD in object detection, we propose to reframe change point detection and segment classification as a unified regression task instead of the existing classification task. We directly regress coordinates of change points and classify associated segments. In this way, our method divides the trip into segments under a supervised manner and leverage more contextual information, obtaining predictions with high accuracy and continuity. Two frameworks, TrajYOLO and TrajSSD, are proposed to solve the regression task and various feature extraction backbones are exploited. Exhaustive experiments on GeoLife dataset show that the proposed method has competitive overall identification accuracy of 0.853 when distinguishing five modes: walk, bike, bus, car, train. As for change point detection, our method increases precision at the cost of drop in recall. All codes are available at
Computer Vision
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Title: PotholeGuard: A Pothole Detection Approach by Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Abstract: Pothole detection is crucial for road safety and maintenance, traditionally relying on 2D image segmentation. However, existing 3D Semantic Pothole Segmentation research often overlooks point cloud sparsity, leading to suboptimal local feature capture and segmentation accuracy. Our research presents an innovative point cloud-based pothole segmentation architecture. Our model efficiently identifies hidden features and uses a feedback mechanism to enhance local characteristics, improving feature presentation. We introduce a local relationship learning module to understand local shape relationships, enhancing structural insights. Additionally, we propose a lightweight adaptive structure for refining local point features using the K nearest neighbor algorithm, addressing point cloud density differences and domain selection. Shared MLP Pooling is integrated to learn deep aggregation features, facilitating semantic data exploration and segmentation guidance. Extensive experiments on three public datasets confirm PotholeGuard's superior performance over state-of-the-art methods. Our approach offers a promising solution for robust and accurate 3D pothole segmentation, with applications in road maintenance and safety.
Computer Vision
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Title: Augmentation is AUtO-Net: Augmentation-Driven Contrastive Multiview Learning for Medical Image Segmentation Abstract: The utilisation of deep learning segmentation algorithms that learn complex organs and tissue patterns and extract essential regions of interest from the noisy background to improve the visual ability for medical image diagnosis has achieved impressive results in Medical Image Computing (MIC). This thesis focuses on retinal blood vessel segmentation tasks, providing an extensive literature review of deep learning-based medical image segmentation approaches while comparing the methodologies and empirical performances. The work also examines the limitations of current state-of-the-art methods by pointing out the two significant existing limitations: data size constraints and the dependency on high computational resources. To address such problems, this work proposes a novel efficient, simple multiview learning framework that contrastively learns invariant vessel feature representation by comparing with multiple augmented views by various transformations to overcome data shortage and improve generalisation ability. Moreover, the hybrid network architecture integrates the attention mechanism into a Convolutional Neural Network to further capture complex continuous curvilinear vessel structures. The result demonstrates the proposed method validated on the CHASE-DB1 dataset, attaining the highest F1 score of 83.46% and the highest Intersection over Union (IOU) score of 71.62% with UNet structure, surpassing existing benchmark UNet-based methods by 1.95% and 2.8%, respectively. The combination of the metrics indicates the model detects the vessel object accurately with a highly coincidental location with the ground truth. Moreover, the proposed approach could be trained within 30 minutes by consuming less than 3 GB GPU RAM, and such characteristics support the efficient implementation for real-world applications and deployments.
Computer Vision
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Title: Probabilistic Copyright Protection Can Fail for Text-to-Image Generative Models Abstract: The booming use of text-to-image generative models has raised concerns about their high risk of producing copyright-infringing content. While probabilistic copyright protection methods provide a probabilistic guarantee against such infringement, in this paper, we introduce Virtually Assured Amplification Attack (VA3), a novel online attack framework that exposes the vulnerabilities of these protection mechanisms. The proposed framework significantly amplifies the probability of generating infringing content on the sustained interactions with generative models and a lower-bounded success probability of each engagement. Our theoretical and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and highlight the potential risk of implementing probabilistic copyright protection in practical applications of text-to-image generative models. Code is available at
Cryptography and Security
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Title: Comprehensive Evaluation and Insights into the Use of Deep Neural Networks to Detect and Quantify Lymphoma Lesions in PET/CT Images Abstract: This study performs comprehensive evaluation of four neural network architectures (UNet, SegResNet, DynUNet, and SwinUNETR) for lymphoma lesion segmentation from PET/CT images. These networks were trained, validated, and tested on a diverse, multi-institutional dataset of 611 cases. Internal testing (88 cases; total metabolic tumor volume (TMTV) range [0.52, 2300] ml) showed SegResNet as the top performer with a median Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.76 and median false positive volume (FPV) of 4.55 ml; all networks had a median false negative volume (FNV) of 0 ml. On the unseen external test set (145 cases with TMTV range: [0.10, 2480] ml), SegResNet achieved the best median DSC of 0.68 and FPV of 21.46 ml, while UNet had the best FNV of 0.41 ml. We assessed reproducibility of six lesion measures, calculated their prediction errors, and examined DSC performance in relation to these lesion measures, offering insights into segmentation accuracy and clinical relevance. Additionally, we introduced three lesion detection criteria, addressing the clinical need for identifying lesions, counting them, and segmenting based on metabolic characteristics. We also performed expert intra-observer variability analysis revealing the challenges in segmenting ``easy'' vs. ``hard'' cases, to assist in the development of more resilient segmentation algorithms. Finally, we performed inter-observer agreement assessment underscoring the importance of a standardized ground truth segmentation protocol involving multiple expert annotators. Code is available at:
Computer Vision
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Title: Multiscale Vision Transformer With Deep Clustering-Guided Refinement for Weakly Supervised Object Localization Abstract: This work addresses the task of weakly-supervised object localization. The goal is to learn object localization using only image-level class labels, which are much easier to obtain compared to bounding box annotations. This task is important because it reduces the need for labor-intensive ground-truth annotations. However, methods for object localization trained using weak supervision often suffer from limited accuracy in localization. To address this challenge and enhance localization accuracy, we propose a multiscale object localization transformer (MOLT). It comprises multiple object localization transformers that extract patch embeddings across various scales. Moreover, we introduce a deep clustering-guided refinement method that further enhances localization accuracy by utilizing separately extracted image segments. These segments are obtained by clustering pixels using convolutional neural networks. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method by conducting experiments on the publicly available ILSVRC-2012 dataset.
Computer Vision
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Title: Finetuning an LLM on Contextual Knowledge of Classics for Q&A Abstract: The open-source publishing of large language models (LLMs) has created many possibilities for how anyone who understands language and has access to a computer can interact with significant tools of artificial intelligence, particularly in the context of learning and knowledge dissemination. However, the utility of these models in specialized fields like Classics is still largely unexplored. This project is an attempt to merge the knowledge of Classics with the capabilities of artificial intelligence by finetuning an LLM to cater to the specific needs of learners and professionals. The goal of this project is to develop an LLM that not only reproduces contextual knowledge accurately but also exhibits a consistent "personality" - and, indeed, has consistent propriety - to appeal to a diverse audience who possess differing levels of knowledge. A significant portion of this project was dedicated to refining the dataset, following the principle of "garbage in, garbage out," to ensure the model generates relevant, useful, and creative responses when given a prompt (a statement, question, or single word). After training and evaluation, my model's ability to handle a vast array of different types of inputs and prompting exceeded expectations for a 355M parameter model, though its occasional hallucinations (especially when set with a high temperature), particularly in its assertions about historical events or its own identity, make it seem somewhat capricious and more work in the form of continuous finetuning will be undertaken.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: How Well Do Large Language Models Truly Ground? Abstract: Reliance on the inherent knowledge of Large Language Models (LLMs) can cause issues such as hallucinations, lack of control, and difficulties in integrating variable knowledge. To mitigate this, LLMs can be probed to generate responses by grounding on external context, often given as input (knowledge-augmented models). Yet, previous research is often confined to a narrow view of the term "grounding", often only focusing on whether the response contains the correct answer or not, which does not ensure the reliability of the entire response. To address this limitation, we introduce a strict definition of grounding: a model is considered truly grounded when its responses (1) fully utilize necessary knowledge from the provided context, and (2) don't exceed the knowledge within the contexts. We introduce a new dataset and a grounding metric to assess this new definition and perform experiments across 13 LLMs of different sizes and training methods to provide insights into the factors that influence grounding performance. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of how to improve grounding capabilities and suggest an area of improvement toward more reliable and controllable LLM applications.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Image and Data Mining in Reticular Chemistry Using GPT-4V Abstract: The integration of artificial intelligence into scientific research has reached a new pinnacle with GPT-4V, a large language model featuring enhanced vision capabilities, accessible through ChatGPT or an API. This study demonstrates the remarkable ability of GPT-4V to navigate and obtain complex data for metal-organic frameworks, especially from graphical sources. Our approach involved an automated process of converting 346 scholarly articles into 6240 images, which represents a benchmark dataset in this task, followed by deploying GPT-4V to categorize and analyze these images using natural language prompts. This methodology enabled GPT-4V to accurately identify and interpret key plots integral to MOF characterization, such as nitrogen isotherms, PXRD patterns, and TGA curves, among others, with accuracy and recall above 93%. The model's proficiency in extracting critical information from these plots not only underscores its capability in data mining but also highlights its potential in aiding the creation of comprehensive digital databases for reticular chemistry. In addition, the extracted nitrogen isotherm data from the selected literature allowed for a comparison between theoretical and experimental porosity values for over 200 compounds, highlighting certain discrepancies and underscoring the importance of integrating computational and experimental data. This work highlights the potential of AI in accelerating scientific discovery and innovation, bridging the gap between computational tools and experimental research, and paving the way for more efficient, inclusive, and comprehensive scientific inquiry.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Rethinking Urban Mobility Prediction: A Super-Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Approach Abstract: Long-term urban mobility predictions play a crucial role in the effective management of urban facilities and services. Conventionally, urban mobility data has been structured as spatiotemporal videos, treating longitude and latitude grids as fundamental pixels. Consequently, video prediction methods, relying on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs), have been instrumental in this domain. In our research, we introduce a fresh perspective on urban mobility prediction. Instead of oversimplifying urban mobility data as traditional video data, we regard it as a complex multivariate time series. This perspective involves treating the time-varying values of each grid in each channel as individual time series, necessitating a thorough examination of temporal dynamics, cross-variable correlations, and frequency-domain insights for precise and reliable predictions. To address this challenge, we present the Super-Multivariate Urban Mobility Transformer (SUMformer), which utilizes a specially designed attention mechanism to calculate temporal and cross-variable correlations and reduce computational costs stemming from a large number of time series. SUMformer also employs low-frequency filters to extract essential information for long-term predictions. Furthermore, SUMformer is structured with a temporal patch merge mechanism, forming a hierarchical framework that enables the capture of multi-scale correlations. Consequently, it excels in urban mobility pattern modeling and long-term prediction, outperforming current state-of-the-art methods across three real-world datasets.
Machine Learning
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Title: Never Lost in the Middle: Improving Large Language Models via Attention Strengthening Question Answering Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) are equipped with longer text input capabilities than before, they are struggling to seek correct information in long contexts. The "lost in the middle" problem challenges most LLMs, referring to the dramatic decline in accuracy when correct information is located in the middle. To overcome this crucial issue, this paper proposes to enhance the information searching and reflection ability of LLMs in long contexts via specially designed tasks called Attention Strengthening Multi-doc QA (ASM QA). Following these tasks, our model excels in focusing more precisely on the desired information. Experimental results show substantial improvement in Multi-doc QA and other benchmarks, superior to state-of-the-art models by 13.7% absolute gain in shuffled settings, by 21.5% in passage retrieval task. We release our model, Ziya-Reader to promote related research in the community.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: ViVid-1-to-3: Novel View Synthesis with Video Diffusion Models Abstract: Generating novel views of an object from a single image is a challenging task. It requires an understanding of the underlying 3D structure of the object from an image and rendering high-quality, spatially consistent new views. While recent methods for view synthesis based on diffusion have shown great progress, achieving consistency among various view estimates and at the same time abiding by the desired camera pose remains a critical problem yet to be solved. In this work, we demonstrate a strikingly simple method, where we utilize a pre-trained video diffusion model to solve this problem. Our key idea is that synthesizing a novel view could be reformulated as synthesizing a video of a camera going around the object of interest -- a scanning video -- which then allows us to leverage the powerful priors that a video diffusion model would have learned. Thus, to perform novel-view synthesis, we create a smooth camera trajectory to the target view that we wish to render, and denoise using both a view-conditioned diffusion model and a video diffusion model. By doing so, we obtain a highly consistent novel view synthesis, outperforming the state of the art.
Computer Vision
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Title: A Communication Theory Perspective on Prompting Engineering Methods for Large Language Models Abstract: The springing up of Large Language Models (LLMs) has shifted the community from single-task-orientated natural language processing (NLP) research to a holistic end-to-end multi-task learning paradigm. Along this line of research endeavors in the area, LLM-based prompting methods have attracted much attention, partially due to the technological advantages brought by prompt engineering (PE) as well as the underlying NLP principles disclosed by various prompting methods. Traditional supervised learning usually requires training a model based on labeled data and then making predictions. In contrast, PE methods directly use the powerful capabilities of existing LLMs (i.e., GPT-3 and GPT-4) via composing appropriate prompts, especially under few-shot or zero-shot scenarios. Facing the abundance of studies related to the prompting and the ever-evolving nature of this field, this article aims to (i) illustrate a novel perspective to review existing PE methods, within the well-established communication theory framework; (ii) facilitate a better/deeper understanding of developing trends of existing PE methods used in four typical tasks; (iii) shed light on promising research directions for future PE methods.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: A Comprehensive Literature Review on Sweet Orange Leaf Diseases Abstract: Sweet orange leaf diseases are significant to agricultural productivity. Leaf diseases impact fruit quality in the citrus industry. The apparition of machine learning makes the development of disease finder. Early detection and diagnosis are necessary for leaf management. Sweet orange leaf disease-predicting automated systems have already been developed using different image-processing techniques. This comprehensive literature review is systematically based on leaf disease and machine learning methodologies applied to the detection of damaged leaves via image classification. The benefits and limitations of different machine learning models, including Vision Transformer (ViT), Neural Network (CNN), CNN with SoftMax and RBF SVM, Hybrid CNN-SVM, HLB-ConvMLP, EfficientNet-b0, YOLOv5, YOLOv7, Convolutional, Deep CNN. These machine learning models tested on various datasets and detected the disease. This comprehensive review study related to leaf disease compares the performance of the models; those models' accuracy, precision, recall, etc., were used in the subsisting studies
Computer Vision
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Title: SPHINX: The Joint Mixing of Weights, Tasks, and Visual Embeddings for Multi-modal Large Language Models Abstract: We present SPHINX, a versatile multi-modal large language model (MLLM) with a joint mixing of model weights, tuning tasks, and visual embeddings. First, for stronger vision-language alignment, we unfreeze the large language model (LLM) during pre-training, and introduce a weight mix strategy between LLMs trained by real-world and synthetic data. By directly integrating the weights from two domains, the mixed LLM can efficiently incorporate diverse semantics with favorable robustness. Then, to enable multi-purpose capabilities, we mix a variety of tasks for joint visual instruction tuning, and design task-specific instructions to avoid inter-task conflict. In addition to the basic visual question answering, we include more challenging tasks such as region-level understanding, caption grounding, document layout detection, and human pose estimation, contributing to mutual enhancement over different scenarios. Additionally, we propose to extract comprehensive visual embeddings from various network architectures, pre-training paradigms, and information granularity, providing language models with more robust image representations. Based on our proposed joint mixing, SPHINX exhibits superior multi-modal understanding capabilities on a wide range of applications. On top of this, we further propose an efficient strategy aiming to better capture fine-grained appearances of high-resolution images. With a mixing of different scales and high-resolution sub-images, SPHINX attains exceptional visual parsing and reasoning performance on existing evaluation benchmarks. We hope our work may cast a light on the exploration of joint mixing in future MLLM research. Code is released at
Computer Vision
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Title: Adaptive Uncertainty Estimation via High-Dimensional Testing on Latent Representations Abstract: Uncertainty estimation aims to evaluate the confidence of a trained deep neural network. However, existing uncertainty estimation approaches rely on low-dimensional distributional assumptions and thus suffer from the high dimensionality of latent features. Existing approaches tend to focus on uncertainty on discrete classification probabilities, which leads to poor generalizability to uncertainty estimation for other tasks. Moreover, most of the literature requires seeing the out-of-distribution (OOD) data in the training for better estimation of uncertainty, which limits the uncertainty estimation performance in practice because the OOD data are typically unseen. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new framework using data-adaptive high-dimensional hypothesis testing for uncertainty estimation, which leverages the statistical properties of the feature representations. Our method directly operates on latent representations and thus does not require retraining the feature encoder under a modified objective. The test statistic relaxes the feature distribution assumptions to high dimensionality, and it is more discriminative to uncertainties in the latent representations. We demonstrate that encoding features with Bayesian neural networks can enhance testing performance and lead to more accurate uncertainty estimation. We further introduce a family-wise testing procedure to determine the optimal threshold of OOD detection, which minimizes the false discovery rate (FDR). Extensive experiments validate the satisfactory performance of our framework on uncertainty estimation and task-specific prediction over a variety of competitors. The experiments on the OOD detection task also show satisfactory performance of our method when the OOD data are unseen in the training. Codes are available at
Machine Learning
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Title: CRAB: Assessing the Strength of Causal Relationships Between Real-world Events Abstract: Understanding narratives requires reasoning about the cause-and-effect relationships between events mentioned in the text. While existing foundation models yield impressive results in many NLP tasks requiring reasoning, it is unclear whether they understand the complexity of the underlying network of causal relationships of events in narratives. In this work, we present CRAB, a new Causal Reasoning Assessment Benchmark designed to evaluate causal understanding of events in real-world narratives. CRAB contains fine-grained, contextual causality annotations for ~2.7K pairs of real-world events that describe various newsworthy event timelines (e.g., the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk). Using CRAB, we measure the performance of several large language models, demonstrating that most systems achieve poor performance on the task. Motivated by classical causal principles, we also analyze the causal structures of groups of events in CRAB, and find that models perform worse on causal reasoning when events are derived from complex causal structures compared to simple linear causal chains. We make our dataset and code available to the research community.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Intrinsic Harmonization for Illumination-Aware Compositing Abstract: Despite significant advancements in network-based image harmonization techniques, there still exists a domain disparity between typical training pairs and real-world composites encountered during inference. Most existing methods are trained to reverse global edits made on segmented image regions, which fail to accurately capture the lighting inconsistencies between the foreground and background found in composited images. In this work, we introduce a self-supervised illumination harmonization approach formulated in the intrinsic image domain. First, we estimate a simple global lighting model from mid-level vision representations to generate a rough shading for the foreground region. A network then refines this inferred shading to generate a harmonious re-shading that aligns with the background scene. In order to match the color appearance of the foreground and background, we utilize ideas from prior harmonization approaches to perform parameterized image edits in the albedo domain. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we present results from challenging real-world composites and conduct a user study to objectively measure the enhanced realism achieved compared to state-of-the-art harmonization methods.
Computer Vision
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Title: LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D Abstract: We propose the first Large Reconstruction Model (LRM) that predicts the 3D model of an object from a single input image within just 5 seconds. In contrast to many previous methods that are trained on small-scale datasets such as ShapeNet in a category-specific fashion, LRM adopts a highly scalable transformer-based architecture with 500 million learnable parameters to directly predict a neural radiance field (NeRF) from the input image. We train our model in an end-to-end manner on massive multi-view data containing around 1 million objects, including both synthetic renderings from Objaverse and real captures from MVImgNet. This combination of a high-capacity model and large-scale training data empowers our model to be highly generalizable and produce high-quality 3D reconstructions from various testing inputs including real-world in-the-wild captures and images from generative models. Video demos and interactable 3D meshes can be found on this website:
Computer Vision
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Title: From Images to Connections: Can DQN with GNNs learn the Strategic Game of Hex? Abstract: The gameplay of strategic board games such as chess, Go and Hex is often characterized by combinatorial, relational structures -- capturing distinct interactions and non-local patterns -- and not just images. Nonetheless, most common self-play reinforcement learning (RL) approaches simply approximate policy and value functions using convolutional neural networks (CNN). A key feature of CNNs is their relational inductive bias towards locality and translational invariance. In contrast, graph neural networks (GNN) can encode more complicated and distinct relational structures. Hence, we investigate the crucial question: Can GNNs, with their ability to encode complex connections, replace CNNs in self-play reinforcement learning? To this end, we do a comparison with Hex -- an abstract yet strategically rich board game -- serving as our experimental platform. Our findings reveal that GNNs excel at dealing with long range dependency situations in game states and are less prone to overfitting, but also showing a reduced proficiency in discerning local patterns. This suggests a potential paradigm shift, signaling the use of game-specific structures to reshape self-play reinforcement learning.
Machine Learning
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Title: DALE: Generative Data Augmentation for Low-Resource Legal NLP Abstract: We present DALE, a novel and effective generative Data Augmentation framework for low-resource LEgal NLP. DALE addresses the challenges existing frameworks pose in generating effective data augmentations of legal documents - legal language, with its specialized vocabulary and complex semantics, morphology, and syntax, does not benefit from data augmentations that merely rephrase the source sentence. To address this, DALE, built on an Encoder-Decoder Language Model, is pre-trained on a novel unsupervised text denoising objective based on selective masking - our masking strategy exploits the domain-specific language characteristics of templatized legal documents to mask collocated spans of text. Denoising these spans helps DALE acquire knowledge about legal concepts, principles, and language usage. Consequently, it develops the ability to generate coherent and diverse augmentations with novel contexts. Finally, DALE performs conditional generation to generate synthetic augmentations for low-resource Legal NLP tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DALE on 13 datasets spanning 6 tasks and 4 low-resource settings. DALE outperforms all our baselines, including LLMs, qualitatively and quantitatively, with improvements of 1%-50%.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Latent Space Explorer: Visual Analytics for Multimodal Latent Space Exploration Abstract: Machine learning models built on training data with multiple modalities can reveal new insights that are not accessible through unimodal datasets. For example, cardiac magnetic resonance images (MRIs) and electrocardiograms (ECGs) are both known to capture useful information about subjects' cardiovascular health status. A multimodal machine learning model trained from large datasets can potentially predict the onset of heart-related diseases and provide novel medical insights about the cardiovascular system. Despite the potential benefits, it is difficult for medical experts to explore multimodal representation models without visual aids and to test the predictive performance of the models on various subpopulations. To address the challenges, we developed a visual analytics system called Latent Space Explorer. Latent Space Explorer provides interactive visualizations that enable users to explore the multimodal representation of subjects, define subgroups of interest, interactively decode data with different modalities with the selected subjects, and inspect the accuracy of the embedding in downstream prediction tasks. A user study was conducted with medical experts and their feedback provided useful insights into how Latent Space Explorer can help their analysis and possible new direction for further development in the medical domain.
Machine Learning
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Title: Vision-based Learning for Drones: A Survey Abstract: Drones as advanced cyber-physical systems are undergoing a transformative shift with the advent of vision-based learning, a field that is rapidly gaining prominence due to its profound impact on drone autonomy and functionality. Different from existing task-specific surveys, this review offers a comprehensive overview of vision-based learning in drones, emphasizing its pivotal role in enhancing their operational capabilities. We start by elucidating the fundamental principles of vision-based learning, highlighting how it significantly improves drones' visual perception and decision-making processes. We then categorize vision-based control methods into indirect, semi-direct, and end-to-end approaches from the perception-control perspective. We further explore various applications of vision-based drones with learning capabilities, ranging from single-agent systems to more complex multi-agent and heterogeneous system scenarios, and underscore the challenges and innovations characterizing each area. Finally, we explore open questions and potential solutions, paving the way for ongoing research and development in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field. With growing large language models (LLMs) and embodied intelligence, vision-based learning for drones provides a promising but challenging road towards artificial general intelligence (AGI) in 3D physical world.
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Title: Global $\mathcal{L}^2$ minimization with certainty via geometrically adapted gradient descent in Deep Learning Abstract: We consider the gradient descent flow widely used for the minimization of the $\mathcal{L}^2$ cost function in Deep Learning networks, and introduce two modified versions; one adapted for the overparametrized setting, and the other for the underparametrized setting. Both have a clear and natural invariant geometric meaning, taking into account the pullback vector bundle structure in the overparametrized, and the pushforward vector bundle structure in the underparametrized setting. In the overparametrized case, we prove that, provided that a rank condition holds, all orbits of the modified gradient descent drive the $\mathcal{L}^2$ cost to its global minimum at a uniform exponential convergence rate. We point out relations of the latter to sub-Riemannian geometry.
Machine Learning
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Title: PipeOptim: Ensuring Effective 1F1B Schedule with Optimizer-Dependent Weight Prediction Abstract: Asynchronous pipeline model parallelism with a "1F1B" (one forward, one backward) schedule generates little bubble overhead and always provides quite a high throughput. However, the "1F1B" schedule inevitably leads to weight inconsistency and weight staleness issues due to the cross-training of different mini-batches across GPUs. To simultaneously address these two problems, in this paper, we propose an optimizer-dependent weight prediction strategy (a.k.a PipeOptim) for asynchronous pipeline training. The key insight of our proposal is that we employ a weight prediction strategy in the forward pass to ensure that each mini-batch uses consistent and staleness-free weights to compute the forward pass. To be concrete, we first construct the weight prediction scheme based on the update rule of the used optimizer when training the deep neural network models. Then throughout the "1F1B" pipelined training, each mini-batch is mandated to execute weight prediction ahead of the forward pass, subsequently employing the predicted weights to perform the forward pass. As a result, PipeOptim 1) inherits the advantage of the "1F1B" schedule and generates pretty high throughput, and 2) can ensure effective parameter learning regardless of the type of the used optimizer. To verify the effectiveness of our proposal, we conducted extensive experimental evaluations using eight different deep-learning models spanning three machine-learning tasks including image classification, sentiment analysis, and machine translation. The experiment results demonstrate that PipeOptim outperforms the popular pipelined approaches including GPipe, PipeDream, PipeDream-2BW, and SpecTrain. The code of PipeOptim can be accessible at
Machine Learning
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Title: Unveiling the Power of Audio-Visual Early Fusion Transformers with Dense Interactions through Masked Modeling Abstract: Humans possess a remarkable ability to integrate auditory and visual information, enabling a deeper understanding of the surrounding environment. This early fusion of audio and visual cues, demonstrated through cognitive psychology and neuroscience research, offers promising potential for developing multimodal perception models. However, training early fusion architectures poses significant challenges, as the increased model expressivity requires robust learning frameworks to harness their enhanced capabilities. In this paper, we address this challenge by leveraging the masked reconstruction framework, previously successful in unimodal settings, to train audio-visual encoders with early fusion. Additionally, we propose an attention-based fusion module that captures interactions between local audio and visual representations, enhancing the model's ability to capture fine-grained interactions. While effective, this procedure can become computationally intractable, as the number of local representations increases. Thus, to address the computational complexity, we propose an alternative procedure that factorizes the local representations before representing audio-visual interactions. Extensive evaluations on a variety of datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach in audio-event classification, visual sound localization, sound separation, and audio-visual segmentation. These contributions enable the efficient training of deeply integrated audio-visual models and significantly advance the usefulness of early fusion architectures.
Computer Vision
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Title: Efficient Machine Learning Ensemble Methods for Detecting Gravitational Wave Glitches in LIGO Time Series Abstract: The phenomenon of Gravitational Wave (GW) analysis has grown in popularity as technology has advanced and the process of observing gravitational waves has become more precise. Although the sensitivity and the frequency of observation of GW signals are constantly improving, the possibility of noise in the collected GW data remains. In this paper, we propose two new Machine and Deep learning ensemble approaches (i.e., ShallowWaves and DeepWaves Ensembles) for detecting different types of noise and patterns in datasets from GW observatories. Our research also investigates various Machine and Deep Learning techniques for multi-class classification and provides a comprehensive benchmark, emphasizing the best results in terms of three commonly used performance metrics (i.e., accuracy, precision, and recall). We train and test our models on a dataset consisting of annotated time series from real-world data collected by the Advanced Laser Interferometer GW Observatory (LIGO). We empirically show that the best overall accuracy is obtained by the proposed DeepWaves Ensemble, followed close by the ShallowWaves Ensemble.
Machine Learning
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Title: Tied-Lora: Enhacing parameter efficiency of LoRA with weight tying Abstract: We propose Tied-LoRA, a simple paradigm utilizes weight tying and selective training to further increase parameter efficiency of the Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) method. Our investigations include all feasible combinations parameter training/freezing in conjunction with weight tying to identify the optimal balance between performance and the number of trainable parameters. Through experiments covering a variety of tasks and two base language models, we provide analysis revealing trade-offs between efficiency and performance. Our experiments uncovered a particular Tied-LoRA configuration that stands out by demonstrating comparable performance across several tasks while employing only 13~\% percent of parameters utilized by the standard LoRA method.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Transformer Based Model for Predicting Rapid Impact Compaction Outcomes: A Case Study of Utapao International Airport Abstract: This paper introduces a novel deep learning approach to predict the engineering properties of the ground improved by Rapid Impact Compaction (RIC), which is a ground improvement technique that uses a drop hammer to compact the soil and fill layers. The proposed approach uses transformer-based neural networks to capture the complex nonlinear relationships between the input features, such as the hammer energy, drop height, and number of blows, and the output variables, such as the cone resistance. The approach is applied to a real-world dataset from a trial test section for the new apron construction of the Utapao International Airport in Thailand. The results show that the proposed approach outperforms the existing methods in terms of prediction accuracy and efficiency and provides interpretable attention maps that reveal the importance of different features for RIC prediction. The paper also discusses the limitations and future directions of applying deep learning methods to RIC prediction.
Machine Learning
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Title: Can Foundation Models Watch, Talk and Guide You Step by Step to Make a Cake? Abstract: Despite tremendous advances in AI, it remains a significant challenge to develop interactive task guidance systems that can offer situated, personalized guidance and assist humans in various tasks. These systems need to have a sophisticated understanding of the user as well as the environment, and make timely accurate decisions on when and what to say. To address this issue, we created a new multimodal benchmark dataset, Watch, Talk and Guide (WTaG) based on natural interaction between a human user and a human instructor. We further proposed two tasks: User and Environment Understanding, and Instructor Decision Making. We leveraged several foundation models to study to what extent these models can be quickly adapted to perceptually enabled task guidance. Our quantitative, qualitative, and human evaluation results show that these models can demonstrate fair performances in some cases with no task-specific training, but a fast and reliable adaptation remains a significant challenge. Our benchmark and baselines will provide a stepping stone for future work on situated task guidance.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Multiview Aerial Visual Recognition (MAVREC): Can Multi-view Improve Aerial Visual Perception? Abstract: Despite the commercial abundance of UAVs, aerial data acquisition remains challenging, and the existing Asia and North America-centric open-source UAV datasets are small-scale or low-resolution and lack diversity in scene contextuality. Additionally, the color content of the scenes, solar-zenith angle, and population density of different geographies influence the data diversity. These two factors conjointly render suboptimal aerial-visual perception of the deep neural network (DNN) models trained primarily on the ground-view data, including the open-world foundational models. To pave the way for a transformative era of aerial detection, we present Multiview Aerial Visual RECognition or MAVREC, a video dataset where we record synchronized scenes from different perspectives -- ground camera and drone-mounted camera. MAVREC consists of around 2.5 hours of industry-standard 2.7K resolution video sequences, more than 0.5 million frames, and 1.1 million annotated bounding boxes. This makes MAVREC the largest ground and aerial-view dataset, and the fourth largest among all drone-based datasets across all modalities and tasks. Through our extensive benchmarking on MAVREC, we recognize that augmenting object detectors with ground-view images from the corresponding geographical location is a superior pre-training strategy for aerial detection. Building on this strategy, we benchmark MAVREC with a curriculum-based semi-supervised object detection approach that leverages labeled (ground and aerial) and unlabeled (only aerial) images to enhance the aerial detection. We publicly release the MAVREC dataset:
Computer Vision
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Title: Synthetic Imitation Edit Feedback for Factual Alignment in Clinical Summarization Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) like the GPT and LLaMA families have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in capturing and condensing critical contextual information and achieving state-of-the-art performance in the summarization task. However, community concerns about these models' hallucination issues continue to rise. LLMs sometimes generate factually hallucinated summaries, which can be extremely harmful in the clinical domain NLP tasks (e.g., clinical note summarization), where factually incorrect statements can lead to critically erroneous diagnoses. Fine-tuning LLMs using human feedback has shown the promise of aligning LLMs to be factually consistent during generation, but such training procedure requires high-quality human-annotated data, which can be extremely expensive to get in the clinical domain. In this work, we propose a new pipeline using ChatGPT instead of human experts to generate high-quality feedback data for improving factual consistency in the clinical note summarization task. We focus specifically on edit feedback because recent work discusses the shortcomings of human alignment via preference feedback in complex situations (such as clinical NLP tasks that require extensive expert knowledge), as well as some advantages of collecting edit feedback from domain experts. In addition, although GPT has reached the expert level in many clinical NLP tasks (e.g., USMLE QA), there is not much previous work discussing whether GPT can generate expert-level edit feedback for LMs in the clinical note summarization task. We hope to fill this gap. Finally, our evaluations demonstrate the potential use of GPT edits in human alignment, especially from a factuality perspective.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Chain of Empathy: Enhancing Empathetic Response of Large Language Models Based on Psychotherapy Models Abstract: We present a novel method, the Chain of Empathy (CoE) prompting, that utilizes insights from psychotherapy to induce Large Language Models (LLMs) to reason about human emotional states. This method is inspired by various psychotherapy approaches including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Person Centered Therapy (PCT), and Reality Therapy (RT), each leading to different patterns of interpreting clients' mental states. LLMs without reasoning generated predominantly exploratory responses. However, when LLMs used CoE reasoning, we found a more comprehensive range of empathetic responses aligned with the different reasoning patterns of each psychotherapy model. The CBT based CoE resulted in the most balanced generation of empathetic responses. The findings underscore the importance of understanding the emotional context and how it affects human and AI communication. Our research contributes to understanding how psychotherapeutic models can be incorporated into LLMs, facilitating the development of context-specific, safer, and empathetic AI.
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