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i haven't felt so much pain just by gritting my teeth and sitting through a movie in a long, loooong time. i've seen worse movies - movies that were less inspired and movies that were more wholly inept - but only a handful, if that, were even nearly as painful. i think what really ruined this for me is that it had some vaguely good/okay concepts, but they were so horribly fleshed out that i just kept yelling at my vcr. the dialog was horrible, the acting was pretty damned bad, and the general premise was fairly weak (though if anything else had existed to keep this movie afloat, maybe it would have been salvageable).<br /><br />there's nothing i hate more than when characters in horror movies catch on too quickly, and these people were freaking savants in that regard, especially toward the end. oh, wait, there's one thing i hated more than that - the characters themselves! i've rarely seen a more unlikable bunch. i hated them all. even worse, the only two good actors (well actor and actress) in the film had the two most annoying characters out of all.<br /><br />the dialog hurts, it's so bad and so contrived (did i mention poorly delivered?). the only good points are 1) it ended before 90 minutes were up, and 2) the zombies, which appeared for about ten minutes at the end to play basketball, at least had good makeup. i don't think i can really give unmitigated credit to this movie for anything else.
I saw this movie years ago at a film festival, and ended up looking it up here after it came up in conversation with friends last night, partly to prove to them that I was not making it up, and partly to see for myself if there was actually any record of the film's existence, or if it had sunk into some kind of merciful oblivion after doing the festival circuit.<br /><br />In my festival-going days, I sat through a lot of films that cleared virtually the entire theatre, and usually took a certain pleasure in being one of the last few survivors who made it through to the closing credits. This was the film that caused me to reconsider that practice. Of all the cinematic trainwrecks I've sat through, this was far and away the very worst.<br /><br />I don't even know if I can fully explain why. It's not just that it's essentially two hours of vomiting, disembowelment and cannibalism, interspersed with about the least erotic sex scenes ever committed to film. It's not even just that the above is shot in grainy black and white at torturously slow art-movie pacing (and I couldn't figure out, even at the time, if that made it better or worse). Or the atrociously bad acting. Or the barely existent plot.<br /><br />I think more than anything it's the sheer pointlessness of it all. Given how much time, money and energy it takes to make a feature-length film, you've got to ask: WHY? Why make a film like this? What on earth is the point? And 15 years after seeing it, I still have no answer to that.
...that are actually better in German than in English. If you see it in German you will note the (sometimes subtle, sometimes big) differences in language, the different dialects (US, British, Austrian-English) and it is easier to tune into the setting of post-war Vienna, which has been split into four zones of occupancy. One of the best movies ever
I am not a fan of Ang Lee. I hate crouching tiger and I do not want to talk about hulk. I am a fan of shanghai. The setting appealed to me. There is war, there is electric tram, there is cheongsum, there is nothing more i can ask for. The film is based on a famous novel of Zhang Ai Ling, so not much credit for the plot should go to Lee.<br /><br />It was mature direction which stood out. It never look at my watch a single time while watching it. It shows experience and skill in how the story developed. I cannot think of any irrelevant or redundant scenes. Scenes like Yee Tai Tai meeting Mai Tai Tai and the six of them being executed were things we can picture and were cliché. Lee did away with these scenes.<br /><br />Casting was another strength of Lee. Tang Wei is a like a ghost of the past. She should be living in the forties. She is too natural and no matter in what attire, she is stylish and elegant. I can never forget the look of Tony Leung during the last sex scene. Those sex scenes were battles. It made me pondered who was the prey and who was the predator. In a nutshell, it was good acting.<br /><br />I gave it 8/10. One point missing for the lack of meaningful and powerful dialogues. Some lines could be improved on. The last point for emotions. It did move me a bit, but I thought with such a plot Lee can actually bring tears to my eyes. I believe there should be more character development on Mr Yee. There should be a scene of him interrogating one rebel in the middle of the film, rather than him describing it. After witnessing it, we can relate the manner of the interrogation to the sex scenes, which will make those scenes more powerful.<br /><br />I was surprised by the element of humour which was present in the film. Wrapping this up, it is something you should watch in the theater, not anywhere else.
Luciana (Carla Borelli) is sent to a mental institution so she can be treated by the mysterious Dr. Spector (Charles Kissinger.) Specter is doing more than just run the hospital though: He also likes to sacrifice his subjects to Satan.<br /><br />William ("Grizzly", "The Manitou", "Three on a Meathook") Girdler's debut is something of a chore to sit through. With poor lighting (this is a low budget affair), amazingly overwrought acting, amateurish production values, a plot that's not too original-and that is dated even by the standards of the time, and a hilarious looking Satan in the film's climax (it's actually the Devil Suit from "Rosemary's Baby", only with a tacky mask added to it), there seems to be plenty for fans of camp to enjoy, but in reality it's just a bore.<br /><br />What's really amusing is that this movie was made in 1975. I say this because at this point, movies like this were largely considered old fashioned. Sure, the fact that Satan is involved is obviously due to the influence of "The Exorcist", but the tacky Monster, below sub par production values, and PG rating were old news in the post "Exorcist" and "Texas Chainsaw" world. The whole thing ends up feeling like it belongs more in 1971 then 1975, and I don't mean that in a good way.
A great movie documentary telling of the early days of the Warner Brothers toon studios (think of "Termite Terrace" as you watch), along with nine great toon shorts the family will love for a long time to come.<br /><br />This movie should be watched for on Showtime (or any of its other channels). Too bad it's not on video now--it should be taped!<br /><br />I must agree, it's a family film that indeed shall be grater than any others that will proclaim so in future.<br /><br />So long live BUGS...long live the MERRIE MELODIES...and LONG LIVE THE LOONEY TUNES!!<br /><br />An agreeable 10\10 effort from the United Artists team.
This movie was a great way to get some understanding of someone who seems to have been famous forever. It's fun and keeps moving, but at times it was hard to keep track of the passage of time in the film. It didn't seem clear how much time was passing from scene to scene and, before I knew it, it was 1987.
Being that the only foreign films I usually like star a Japanese person in a rubber suit who crushes little tiny buildings and tanks, I had high hopes for this movie. I thought that this was a movie that wouldn't put me to sleep. WRONG! Starts off with a bang, okay, now she's in training, alright, she's an assassin, I'm still with you, oh, now she's having this moral dilemma and she can't decide if she loves her boyfriend or her controller, zzzzz.... Oh well, back to Gamera!
There really isn't much to say about this "film". It has the odd smile or chuckle moment, but on the whole it's bland, predictable and generally pretty dull.<br /><br />The only reason I gave it three out of ten was for the annoyingly catchy jingle (which I hope I will forget soon....please God!). Otherwise its junk. Or mostly junk, interspersed with adverts for Smirnoff Ice.<br /><br />The lead characters give OK performances, but they really don't have anything much to work with.<br /><br />Best advice: Avoid it like a dentist's appointment. Or better yet, make a dentist's appointment instead of watching it.
Not their greatest film, but better not bad at all. I prefer this one to At the Circus or Room Service. Some would object to the obvious ethnic humour, but in all it's quite silly and mild. Margaret Dumont proves she still has it, Groucho is sharp, Chico's shooting keys and Harpo is, well, Harpo. If you have more than a passing interest in the Marxes, give this one a shot. Best Line: Groucho, "This dress is actually red, but technicolour is sooooo expensive."
On the surface "The Chamber" is about a young lawyer named Adam Hall (Chris O'Donnell) who is trying to save his grandfather (Gene Hackman) from the death penalty. But really the movie is about breaking the cycle of racism, hatred, and bigotry that got his grandfather put on death row to begin with.<br /><br />Although not one of Grisham's best, he still deserves credit for daringly going into a dark and despised part of American history. This movie may have stirred many people the wrong way and touched a nerve with others. I saw an excellent depiction of a torn young man desiring to help his grandfather in spite of his and everyone else's despise of that same man.<br /><br />The movie was compelling. Just one tale about the troubled history of Mississippi. As the character Nora Stark (Lela Rochon) said..."Mississippi has bodies buried everywhere."
This noisy aimless mess was an attempt to cash in on the popularity of Star Wars, released the previous year. Battlestar Galactica was barely able to hang on for one season despite the fertile ground and general acceptance for sci-fi that had been created by the Star Wars hit.<br /><br />This 1978 Galactica, and all the other followup Galactica "movies" and series to come from it in the early 1980's, was poorly written and poorly developed. The final product was so revolting that they even managed to mangle the hackneyed character stereotypes and plot twists that were regularly used to fill out the majority of each week's episode.<br /><br />While fans of the series heap praise on Lorne Greene, John Colicos (and Richard Hatch) for their fine effort, most seem to ignore the fact that these unlucky thespians were working with ridiculous scripts. One shudders to think how much worse the final on screen product would have been if everyone performed as poorly as Dirk Benedict, the intended 'lovable rogue' stereotype who instead came across as the 'obnoxious pain in the a**' stereotype.<br /><br />The final product would have been better suited for Saturday mornings, but the expense of the leading edge special effects (for 1978) forced this to be a prime time offering.<br /><br />Producer Glen Larson has an impressive track record for producing fun, technology-based fare, but Galactica was simply too weak on too many levels. Catch his Buck Rogers, early Knight Rider or Fall Guy for examples of how the genre CAN work without making you wish that the 'bad guys' would win so the series could end.
When people make movies as bad as this, do they attend their premieres? I really wanna know. How do they show their faces? I guess "comedies" like KICKIN' IT OLD SCHOOL must appeal to some kind of illiterate unschooled trailer-trash drool-toothed dipsticks, otherwise somebody fellated some major pole to get this greenlighted.<br /><br />Was it the minimal "draw" of comedians Jamie Kennedy and Bobby Lee (both naturally funny guys, but atrocious in this movie)? Was it the anachronistic break dancing craze, a proved cash cow in the distant past? Was it that comet that passed near Earth and birthed a two-headed calf? <br /><br />The fish-out-of-water premise always has potential: Justin (Alexander Calvert), a hot young breakdancer in the 80s, lands on his head and goes into a coma. He wakes 20 years later (retaining his 14-year-old mentality, which explains why he is now Jamie Kennedy) and reunites his break dancing team from the old days - Miguel A. Núñez Jr., Bobby Lee and Aris Alvarado, losers all, who can't dance any more, let alone act. <br /><br />They enter a dance comp for some inane reason, but Justin's agenda is to show his ex-girl (Maria Menounos) he can still kick it, so she will leave her asshole boyfriend (Michael Rosenbaum) for him. It could have worked, had this movie hired an actual director, actual writers and actual actors.<br /><br />What irks about KICKIN' IT OLD SCHOOL is that, like many movies of its lowbrow ilk, stupidity and non-talent is lauded. It is not a bad thing that Our Heroes "win" the day, but that they win without any effort; they win when others are so clearly superior; they win by being the biggest retards on stage - and that is supposedly how you win. No, kids. It's not. Even this bad movie (and others like it) is not made by people who DON'T know what they're doing. Yet this movie tells us a competition can be won if you don't know what you're doing; it tells us that all those years of practice for the other competitors counts for nothing; it tells us you can be a virtuoso at a craft without going through the rigors of becoming a virtuoso. (Like those bogus exercise-machine ads that claim, "You don't even break a sweat!" Hey, great! No pain AND gain!) And that's entirely unacceptable.<br /><br />The funny thing about this movie (--there's something funny about this movie?) is that Bobby Lee's "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto" bit looks hilarious in the trailers, in the film, like a Chinese burn. So too with the down-wid-it tongue-in-cheek title, all the failed gags, embarrassing plot points and mistimed bits. Nothing works outside of the thirty-second trailer.<br /><br />What almost became an Olympic sport in the 80s has been marginalized in the 2000s, but the people who still do it, do it extremely well. And that's the only redeeming factor in this movie - the dancing. Dated though it is stylistically, we appreciate the astounding expertise of the kids who can still jam, break, lock, snap, crackle and pop it.<br /><br />Unfortunately, expertise is something Jamie Kennedy and his crew of jackasses lack, so we know how it's going to end - yes, he wins the dance comp, gets the girl, and somewhere, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire and Gregory Hines are turning in their graves.<br /><br />--Review by Poffy The Cucumber (for Poffy's Movie Mania).
Watching "The Fox and the Child" was an intoxicating experience. The lush visuals, integrity of point of view, and utter beauty of the setting and characters left me in a swoon of pleasure.<br /><br />The plot is uncomplicated. Deceptively simple. Within the container of that simplicity a world unfolds that draws you in and leaves you breathless.<br /><br />I laughed. I wept. I learned.<br /><br />This is a movie you can trust yourself to -- give yourself over to. Dare I say it is an act of love intended for any innocent heart. It reaches to the heart of the viewer--of any age--and reveals the world through new eyes, as if seen from the heart.<br /><br />Adi Da Samraj once said that true Art draws the viewer beyond point of view into ecstatic participation in Reality. I feel I have been privileged to watch--no, to participate in--this film, a work of true Art.
Spoilers<br /><br />SILENT SCREAM ain't much of a movie. I call it a micro-movie because the cast is populated by a few actors. There's only one setting. It takes place entirely inside a big but cramped house, and a lot of the action during the climax occurs in the attic. And the body count (aside from the killers' deaths) is only 2! Yep, 2. That has got to be the lowest body count for a slasher in horror movie history. To make things even more underwhelming, the murder scenes for those two aren't very good. What's really funny is as low as the body count is, the story boasts not 1, not 2 but 3 psychos/potential killers (the mother, the woman played by Barbara Steele and the "young" nerdy guy). The flashback is confusing and the film starts with, get this, the actual end of the movie, which basically shows us dead people lying on the floor. We don't know who's who on the first viewing but still, what a boring a lazy way to start a horror film. All in all, I have to say that this micro-movie was not worth watching.
I could rave about the fantastic acting and directing. But every scene is like waking up in a real Hades. I mean, these people seem locked into the never-ending strain of having to live with each other, and even worse, with themselves.<br /><br />I disagree with another posted comment which said none of the acting was good except for Joan Crawford. They were all superbly on cue, dynamically intertwined, and their interactions were so genuine I kept thinking I was in the room with these miserable rich people.<br /><br />I kept getting ulcers, and feeling angry, depressed, or panicky with each character interaction. Now and then the sweet-natured visiting cousin, Jenifer, offers a fresh breeze of hope, but wow, how she gets caught up in their poisonous existence. You never know if she is going to save this wretched family, or destroy them; you can't quite figure what she is about.<br /><br />There is plenty of movement, dynamic interplay, psychological warfare and symbolism, and smooth continuity. Every actor surprises you with revelations of their inner selves which they are not afraid to expose, which in every scene stirs up more conflict to work out.<br /><br />I also slightly disagree with the posted comment that the ending was tacked on. In a way it could seem so, but the events leading up to it keep you wondering... was the freshly budding resolution of all their sorrows real? Or just a lot of fake premise that never got to full light? We will never know. But after seeing this otherwise well produced movie,I am determined to live as good a life as I can, if this is what Hell is like! And these poor people are in Hell.
Watching an almost exact replica of a brilliant film executed in less than impressive manner is just frustrating... and an insult to the original.<br /><br />Tortilla soup has the right idea, mainly because it was done once before and more successfully for that matter.<br /><br />I realize it's a remake aimed at a more mainstream audience, but it seems like a bland dish compared to the far more satisfying eat drink man woman.<br /><br />I would recommend the original any day. as for tortilla soup, watch it only if you're curious about the interpretation.<br /><br />If there is one thing Tortilla Soup does well, is that it shows the universal themes of eat, drink, man woman, adapatable to any culture.
Film starts with an intriguing premise: a group of teens is terrorized after a party by a pack of masked Satanic cult members known as the Shadows. Their nerves are frazzled throughout the night as the cult members close in on them.<br /><br />But then morning comes, and what could've been an interesting horror film degenerates into a talky, predictable, seen-it-all-before cliche.<br /><br />*1/2 out of ****
This is possibly one of Charles Bronson's best cinematic performances with the exception of a few of his other films. Albeit the story is a little corny and there seems to be a lot of action going on all the time (which is O.K. with me) this movie really spoke volumes to me. Learning that this film is based on an incident that supposedly happened around 1870, that blew me away alone. A gunslinger, a samurai and a woman who only cares for herself (Ursula Andress) make up for the meat of the cast. A lot of action sequences in this movie and it is a little funny in some spots, Bronson (unusually) provides a lot of the laughs in the film. This movie is incorporating all different types of stuff and it just seems a little to-good-to-be-true type movie, but I really really really liked it! It's not to often that you get to see a gunfighter and a samurai fight on the same side in a "traditional" spaghetti western. Terence Young did a great job on this film. 8 out of 10 stars any day of the week.
'Fearless Freaks' is an excellent documentary that's sure to please longtime fans like myself as well as newer fans, and will probably win them a fair batch of new followers. As 'Watch me Jumpstart' does with Robert Pollard of Guided by Voices, it paints an intimate portrait of head Lip Wayne Coyne as a family man and member of his community. We get plenty of interesting background into Coyne's early family life and nascent artistic aspirations. Interviews with band members, family members, and friends are inter-cut with raw live footage of the group's often very visually fascinating performances. The pace is just right to keep the viewer always entertained and never bored, but not at a breakneck, highly edited MTV-ish pace. My only complaint about the movie is that details on the band's history and specific works by them are rather skimpy. I would have liked to have gotten more details such as Wayne explaining his inspirations for various songs, discussions about their creative process, studio stories, and the like.<br /><br />Drummer Steven Drozd becomes the other major character in this movie when his addiction to heroin is frankly and almost shockingly discussed and portrayed on film. Without giving too much away, this subplot comes to an apparently happy ending, and the movie concludes on a high note, with The Flaming Lips on stage playing before their enthralled fans, on the verge of another artistic triumph. Here's to The Flaming Lips.
This movie gave me some hearty belly laughs when I saw it on cable recently. A must see for all those connoisseurs of cinematic sludge. It has awful dialogue and atrocious acting(that's just for starters.) One of the best "huh?" movies of the eighties.
There is a scene early on in "Jury Duty" when Pauly Shore stands on a bus and imitates a town tour guide. It is obvious that this scene was written to showcase Pauly Shore's comedic talents, however, he makes noises and is loud and generally obnoxious and unfunny. <br /><br />"Jury Duty" is the point where Pauly Shore officially abused his stay in movies. After this movie, he would forever be sanctioned to the lunch table in the corner with the smelly kid, Carrot Top and the Noid from the Dominoes commercials. But not until he showed the world his versatility in Bio-Dome.<br /><br />Jury Duty is bad. Not bad like "In the Army Now," but close. There is little originality to the script, no amusing characters and about four funny lines. I did enjoy the scene where the witnesses from restaurants give testimonies in their respective fast food uniforms. There isn't much else here. It just isn't funny.<br /><br />Shore also lacks the wit his idiotic leading men contemporaries like Adam Sandler and Chris Farley showed in the 90s. These were all, more or less, bad versions of Steve Martin's wonderful "Jerk" character. All Shore shows in this movie is that he has the talent to bug you. <br /><br />Of course, not all the blame can be put on his shoulders. He has no script to work with. Nothing. I don't know why Stanley Tucci thought this movie would be good for him and or how the studio blackmailed him into being in it.<br /><br />I remembered both "Encino Man" and "Son in Law" were kind of funny in a stupid way. "Jury Duty " on the other hand is stupid in a very unfunny way.
SPOILERS AHEAD:<br /><br />There are so many loose ends in this movie. If the Ice Man really did come from a much earlier civilization, what happened to all those buildings in that civilization? Why is that man the only proof of the civilization?<br /><br />And about Andy? At first, Jack is angry about him receiving the experimental treatment. But at the end, he's happy God made him a continuation of a long-forgotten civilization. Jack's not even worried about Andy possibly dying like the Professor did.<br /><br />I thought the scenes with the angry monkey were funny. But on the whole, this movie was very sloppy. Kinda like if Rain Man was a sci-fi B-movie from the '50s, directed by some orangutan.
Really dreadful piece of schlock. I can only imagine that the author of the book it was based on was disappointed (or was handsomely paid) for the rights.<br /><br />I can't complain about the acting, such as it is. It features a good cast but there's not much they can do with what they're given.<br /><br />I have never been impressed with Brian De Palma. I find his work highly overrated and over the top. What he does to poor poor Cassevetes in this is just awful.<br /><br />The worst part is the very end and in a way reveals the De Palma's worst instincts. The Amy Irving character basically makes him explode. This is gory enough. But it gives De Palma an opportunity to show the body exploding (and it being special effects circa 1978 its not anything realistic) from five or six angles. I mean you see the body explode over and over again as if the Amy Irving character used her blue eyed powers to explode and stitch together again and explode the body again and again. Just ridiculous stuff. If Mystery Science Theater was still around and lasted for another 15 years, I have no doubt they would've gotten around to screening "The Fury."<br /><br />A waste of talent all around.
This is truly one of the funniest movies, I've seen. I used to watch it several times a week. I highly recommend this one if you like offbeat comedies. One of the funniest things was something I didn't even notice the first three times I saw it...What you ask? The names of the main characters...Burt and Ernie. That's right folks, the two cops are named after two of your favorite childhood friends. ENJOY!!
If you've seen the classic Roger Corman version starring Vincent Price it's hard to put it out of your head, but you probably should do because this one is totally different. Subtlety has been abandoned in favour of gross-out horror - nudity, gore and all-round unpleasantness. OK it's ridiculous, trashy, sensationalised and historically dubious (did any members of the Inquisition really wear horn-rimmed glasses?), but despite all this it is strangely compelling. I literally couldn't tear myself away from the screen until the end of the movie. If there's a bigger compliment you can pay to a film I don't know what it is.
There are some movies that try so hard to hit a certain target that they miss by a mile. This movie is one of them. It tries so hard to be a martial arts epic that it kills itself in the praxes.<br /><br />The basic plot of the film is that anyone who would marry Princess Ukyo would rule the world. She is already married to Lord Hanzo (ok, so why isn't he ruling the world?) A rival, Lord Danjo, enlists the help of an evil wizard named Kashin to help him win the hand of Ukyo. So Kashin sends his aides to kidnap the Princess' twin sister Kagaribi, whose tears are required to make a "love potion." That really pisses off the fiancée of Kagaribi, Jotaro, who vows bloody revenge. The rest of the story is too hard to explain.<br /><br />A movie needs more than a intricate plot to be an epic. Ninja Wars accomplishes nothing. It is too confusing to entertain, and too schizophrenic to have any meaning to it at all.
There have been many films made dealing with an individual who's outer appearance is completely at odds with their inner character. Some of these films are quite good but this is by far and away the very best. This is probably one of the most perfect films ever made. It succeeds on every level. Visually it transports one into a dark, grey, industrial nightmare of a world. It's within this world that we come to discover true beauty. It lies within one hideously deformed, abused and unfortunate soul who is being kicked around in this hellish existence. The screenplay, acting, direction all come together to create this extraordinary viewing experience. You really feel like you get inside this man and his tortured existence. The ending is one of the most effective and completely engrossing I've ever seen. Rarely does a film find a way to leave us with such a sense of closure and lingering fascination. The thing that really makes this film truly great is it changes the way people see themselves, other people and the world. I can still remember the palpable air of silence and awe over the audience when leaving the theater both times I saw it on the big screen. There's a transforming quality about it. You only need to read the many other user comments to see how people were moved and changed by this film. If you haven't seen it, it's a must!
We took our 6 year old boy to see Dinosaur this weekend, but I think my wife and I were even more amazed than he at the MARVELOUS imagery in the film.<br /><br />I saw every penny of the $200 Million it cost to produce this film ON SCREEN. The sheer beauty of the water glistening off the wet dinosaurs was enough to make us sit up and pay attention.<br /><br />You could see all the hard work the programmers and animators put in this film, and if the breathtaking opening sequence doesn't get you, the "mating dance of the monkeys" surely will.<br /><br />Simply put, this may be the finest work of animation ever.. and I'm a LION KING nut!<br /><br />**** from me!<br /><br />
I must admit, whoever advertised this movie is a genius. I would have NEVER seen this movie if i knew it was about a crocodile. I thought it was going to be a decent movie about a serial killer, who is a person. That would have been interesting. It not only was completely boring, but the plot completely sucked. I was so mad when i realized the killer was not going to be a human, and also that the advertisements fooled my friends and i (probably as planned). The only good part about this movie was the jokes it provided my friends and I. But, i can admit that the fake-me-out Steve Erwin was funny, and so were some other lines in the movie. I cannot believe i waste money on seeing this movie.
I just rented this movie last weekend, and I can't understand why it only was NOMINATED for a Razzie. That's crap. This movie, by far, was one of the funniest movies I've seen, and it was well worth watching. Eugene Levy was great, Samuel L. Jackson was great, even Kathryn Greenwood, from "Whose Line is it Anyway?", played the great flight attendant. This movie is full of hilarious lines, which I'm sure you'll be quoting, and some incredibly funny situations. From slapstick to serious comedy, this movie has it all, all wrapped up into a great story that will keep you rolling and crying. I'm surprised no one has seen or even heard of this movie, but I say it's good. Oh well, just watch it, and you'll agree with me, I guarantee it.
I got this film yesterday and I absolutely loved it. It is very different from the other films and even the book but great animation and music made up for it by far. I especially loved the scenes with Frodo and Sam in orc clothes walking with the other orcs in mordor and also the fantasy dream scene with the smiling orcs coming towards Frodo and Sam showing the middle earth that could have been.<br /><br />Also I loved the main theme song "Frodo of the nine fingers" I just can't get it out of my head.<br /><br />I found the opening quite well done despite the fact that it's not in the book or the other films. The fact that there is a lot of new things in this film is by no means a bad thing if you keep an open mind. So sit back, relax, shut up and enjoy the music!
I remember seeing this film when I was 13 or so. I enjoyed it then, and I still enjoy it today.<br /><br />The plot is simple. WHile doing a hijacking of their own company truck, the truck's driver is murdered. Little do they know that the murdered trucker has a brother who's a Chicago Police officer.<br /><br />The murder only helps to strain the relation of Truman Gates (Swayze) and his brother, Brior (Neeson)and Truman with the rest of the family. Many of whom feel betrayed because Truman left the simple country life for the bright lights of the big city. This is much evident in the scene in which Gates and his wife (greatly played by Helen Hunt in a small role) arrive via a train. When Gates says that his family "ain't too comfortable around strangers" his wife replies "I'm not a stranger, I'm your wife." To which Gates replies "I wasn't talking about you." Despite the over the top premise, then film spends it's opening act to develop the characters, something that in todays special effect overdose, seems to have been greatly lost. The Gates brothers go on the usual hunt to find the killers.<br /><br />There is even some humor involved, as Neeson and Swayze banter well with each other. This is also a early starring role for Ben Stiller, who's gone on to make a string of forgettable formula comedies. The film also features, in minor roles, Bill Paxton as the ill fated Gates brother, Michael J. Pollard, and ANdres Katsulas as the mafia family head.<br /><br />The grand finale that takes place in the grave yard is a little over the top. However, the final resolution between the families shows the vengeance doesn't need to be taken on the innocent bystanders. ANd with the loss of his two brothers, Truman soon finds himself at a cross roads.<br /><br />If you're looking for Lawrence of Arbia, keep looking, because you're not going to find it here. If you are simply looking for a movie that intends to do nothing more then be entertaining for the viewer, this is perfect for you.
This movies was very compelling. It's one that sticks. The screenplay, camera-work & casting are all fantastic. I'm already looking forward to future work of Frank Cappello. This movie is up there with Memento, seriously. <br /><br />Be sure to check out some of the explanations of this movie on IMDb. It has more layers than you would think. Very, very clever movie and not easy to film because it's situated in the realm of psychology. Christian Slater certainly wasn't one of my favorite actors but he's truly brilliant in this one. I wish he was always this picky of his roles or that there were more scenario's like this one.
Lawrence Tibbett's penultimate film. Oscar-nominated star of early talkies and 30s films is almost forgotten now. Good little film with terrific cast. Virginia Bruce, Alice Brady, Cesar Romero, Jane Darwell, Jessie Ralph, George Marion, Luis Alberni, Walter Brennan, Thurston Hall, Etienne Girardot, Mary Gordon are all familiar faces. Tibbett plays struggling singer who breaks free from dominating star, Brady. Several good arias and some nice cinematography. And it's not often you hear anyone referred to as "monkey wrench girl!"
I've grown up wanting to play other people... to slip into their lives and see how they're different-- and similar-- to myself. I didn't actually get involved in pen-and-paper RPG's until I graduated from college, and haven't found many computer or console games that have been of any interest to me...<br /><br />That is, until I played one of the Final Fantasy games. The first game I played was FFVI (which was, what, III in Japan?) and I was hooked. I loved the characters, and I was annoyed when the couples at the end didn't work out the way I wanted them to. ;) But I loved the way everything meshed together, and it wasn't simply a matter of running from point a to point b and beating up anything that got in your way.<br /><br />Then I started playing FF8, and I was completely blown away. Just the opening graphics stunned me, and I hadn't even *started* the game itself yet. I haven't quite finished the game yet (I started over 'cause I got confused over an aspect of the Guardian Forces, so I got to a battle that was impossible for me to win, and I couldn't get away from it.) but I've made it through 3/4 of it, and all I can say is that I've *NEVER* seen a video game that made me cry... but this one accomplished it.<br /><br />I look at the game as an outsider to the industry... I hate the fighting games where you do nothing but face off against an opponent in the ring. I see no point to them. The run-around-with-big-guns-and-blow-things-up games do nothing for me either. I like the games that are more like puzzles and that make you think about what you're doing (like Tetris, Mah Jong, things like that). However, FF8 gets the highest rating I can give a game, because I find it fascinating and beautifully made. Others who have played bazillions of other games find things wrong with FF8 left and right, because it's different from what they're used to... Since I went into it with an open mind of sorts, however, all I can see is the overpowering beauty and emotion of the characters, animation, and design.
Just thought I'd add to some of the comments here, having seen "Erin Merryweather" in New York. This is an amazing film, beautifully paced and really quite spooky. The cast is top-notch (rare for an independent film with no big "stars"), particularly the two leads, Vigdis Anholt (who plays the title role) and David Morwick (Director, Screenwriter and Producer as well as co-star). First of all, "Erin" is lovingly shot, the camera work is fluid and inventive, and much of the story is told through some of the best (and creepiest) fairy-tale artwork I've seen. The original score - at once sad, foreboding and apocalyptic - complements the tone nicely. Can't say enough about this film, but it certainly didn't fit with some of the DV "slasher" stuff I saw at the rest of the festival. If you see this around, check it out.
Right, what to say about the "Drive in Massacre". Well, lets start with bad acting, on which we can go to poor direction and from that we can jump right to terrible soundtrack and we can even lace the whole thing with poorly done script. And that's what I can say about the movie.<br /><br />This is one of those b-films which feel like they don't go anywhere, and this certainly something that is accurate about this one. There's some murders in the drive in, yet nothing is done with them even tough the film supposedly revolves around solving the case, yet it really didn't feel like it. And the film even managed to feel too long.<br /><br />So avoid, if you can. It really wasn't even funny in a purely bad way..
One of the talking heads featured in the film pretty much sum it up when he says: "The film really scared was obvious that the people in the film were not trained actors." Amen to that, brother.<br /><br />I really don't like to rain on other people's parades, and if you enjoyed this movie then Go With God; I am sure that there will films I like that you might find rubbish. However, I truly cannot understand how some can term this film the 'scariest' film that they have ever seen. It's interesting how many reviewers and posters here state that they saw the film at a very young age and it scared the bayjeesus out of them. I remember films I saw at that age that really made an impression; watch them 20 years later and they're pretty poor. I ask anyone who saw the film as a youngster and thinks it's the Citizen Kane of the faux-documentary school, please take another look - I fear you might have an unpleasant surprise.
Sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at some of the dumbest things ever to grace a TV screen. 3 Ninjas: High noon at mega mountain equals that. Horrible acting, paired with unrealistic realism, Lines you'd hear hulk hogan say, and a hot chick who was once married to one of the greatest legends in acting, and you get something that ranks in the IMDb bottom 100.<br /><br />So the 3 ninjas are spending the day at a theme park with their nerdy next door neighbor friend, Amanda. during the day, an escaped criminal who calls herself Medusa invades the park and holds it's visitors hostage. this looks like a job for hulk hogan and 4 kids who are faker than wrestling.<br /><br />it's not action. it's just stupid.<br /><br />1/10
I base this review on the Complete Version. This is the first of the series I've played, except for a minimal portion of the second one. Thus, I cannot compare this to the earlier ones. I can, however, say that this is incredible, and has gotten me to look at the ones that came later in the franchise. It features six campaigns, of slightly varying length, as well as growing difficulty. All of the story is told through them, as well as the well-done(if dated, today) CGI cut-scenes. The plot, which is memorable and takes a few unexpected turns, takes you through an entire war over who rules Erathia. I mean that in the StarCraft type way... you get to fight on both sides, and conquer as well as defend. You get more than two... let's call them species, even though it doesn't apply as well here as in a lot of other titles. In fact, there are eight, and they span from human(with knights, Pikemen and Angels), through Dungeon(with Troglodytes, Minotaurs and Medusas) and to the forces of the dead(with Skeletons, Zombies and Vampires). Heck, this thing is filled to the brim with mythological beings(dragons, elementals, genies, etc.) and abilities(resurrection, flight, striking twice and others). The detail in this is astounding. All of the design work is imaginative and amazing. There is an immense amount of different units, and they are all sufficiently distinguished. This helps making the battles interesting(during them is the only time of this that you can't save your progress). The system for them plays a big part in that, as well. They can be reminiscent of good chess matches... honestly, the whole thing can. This is turn-based strategy and role playing, and it's full of freedom and coincidental occurrences. All the choices you make can prove to be important, as can the chances you take. This randomization means that you can try the same areas of the game multiple times, and it won't be the same. Plus, there are quite a few levels, the size of them being potentially tiny or huge, or anywhere in-between those poles. And if that's not enough, this comes with a Map Editor, easy to use, with an intuitive interface, *and* it can make them compatible with either of the expansion packs. The quality may depend on the one making it, but anyone can use the program. It's not limited, like a Generator, rather, you can customize a lot. Not anywhere near as much as the one that comes with StarCraft, no... on the other hand, this has something that that one doesn't: a "validate" option, that lets you know about any objective shortcomings. The way the mood of this is establishing is excellent. Every little bit of the beautifully done, orchestral score is masterful and a perfect fit. Audio in this is, in general, great. All the effects sound just right. The tone is spot-on. This has nice graphics. They may not hold up today, nevertheless, the movements look natural and the magic looks spectacular. The animation is impeccable. While I am by no means well-versed in the world of RPG, from what I understand of how it is played with cards and dice, the game-play of this does a fine job of putting that on the computer. You move your Heroes around, collecting, engaging in combat and gaining XP for themselves, experience points, to improve their skills, most literally represented in the four main ones, Attack, Defend, Power and Knowledge, the latter 2 translating into how strong the spells(which you of course have to find, learn or trade between them) you cast are, and how many of them you can use before recharging them, respectively. It's all very entertaining, and once you get into it, it can be addictive. Several of the artifacts, I defy anyone not to get a kick out of getting a hold of and using. Want to walk on water? And that's only one example. I'll leave discovering the massive, vast number of things in this... to utilize against your opponents, or vice versa... to each individual person who tries this. That's part of the fun of this. Multi-player is magnificent and doesn't actually necessitate an internet connection or LAN, although it can be done on them, so it's wide open. No, 8 people, the maximum that can play, can sit at one machine and go at it with one another. Like RTS releases... note that this is not one, it is not real time, all actions in this are based on taking turns... this has you constructing buildings, gathering resources, putting together armies, managing it all and taking out your opponents. The AI, marvelous, by the way, smart and adaptive, has about half a dozen settings for how smart they are, and how well-equipped they start out, so absolute new-comers, as well as seasoned veterans can get a challenge that they can beat. You can spend countless hours on this. There are so many things to explore. A bunch of "worlds", with lava, "underground", oceans, you can sail, and find objects out there, as well, such as buoys that'll restore spirit to your men, sirens that you may or may not wish to go near, and whirlpools that transport you back and forth, at the cost of troops going overboard. There are no real shortcomings, if you like this type of thing. If you're unsure about that, try a demo. I have not run into a single bug or glitch, nor any problems with the stability. This is so mild and inoffensive(without sacrificing anything, it genuinely doesn't feel like they had to PG it up), apart from stuff that may upset some religious people, that everyone, any age, can enjoy it. There is no language, violence is bloodless and not disturbing, and sexuality goes no further than a risqué costume here and there. I recommend this to any fan of these kinds of games, those who like medieval times, and anyone into fantasy. 9/10
I just saw this on HBO in the US tonight. this film grabs you and pulls you along. the cinematography is competent and in no way flashy. but you feel like you are there. you can really empathize with the main character Santiago. this film simply rings true in all its aspects. this is one of the best movies I have seen in years. I don't know much about the actor who portrays Santiago (whether is very brilliant or brilliantly typecast) because I have not seen him in anything else. his performance in this movie was just excellent. frankly there were no weak performances from my perspective. Sounds like I really loved this movie doesn't it? I did.<br /><br />PS: this will quickly be dated but if you are hooked up to adelphia/comcast cable in the US they are listing this movie inexplicably/erroneously as "a day without Mexicans"
Alright I heard something was going around claiming to be Cannibal Holocaust 2 and I found what I was looking for. Bruno Mattei known for many exploitation gems of low quality but high entertainment ( at least for this person) unleashes probably as good a cannibal movie you could put out today. Every trick is pulled out from animal torture, rape, victimization, nudity, exploited locals etc.. .It follows the same type of format as the classic Cannibal Holocaust without the visceral feel of the Deodato classic. This appears to be shot on video and everything seems to have that rushed feel to it, but regardless, I have not seen any modern film try to harken back to the cannibal heyday. Say what you will but this is an enjoyable ride just don't expect the same feeling you may have gotten the first time you saw a film like this. If this is your first shot at the genre you will find it much easier to locate Cannibal Ferox, Cannibal Holocaust (with a beautiful new release by grindhouse), or even Jungle Holocaust. They can all be bought at Suncoast and the like. I only found this available as a Japanese import. Enjoy!
The film that we see shows a great deal of disrespect to the real people portrayed, the graphic novel upon which it is apparently based and its authors, to history, and to the audience. The real inspector Abberline was not a drug addict, nor a psychic. Mary Kelly WAS murdered.<br /><br />These were real people to whom terrible things happened. The movie sells these peoples' suffering to us as entertainment, yet does not even show the respect of caring what really happened. I hope the Hughes Brothers et al are haunted by the ghosts of history.<br /><br />As a movie, this film is also a disapointment. Depp cannot do a cockney accent to save his life, the result being distracting. There is a half heartedness to all the performances.<br /><br />Basically this film offended me. If you care about truth, integrity, love and honesty, don't bother with watching this move. Check out the real From Hell - the graphic novel.
This film was not made for Americans, or even with the thought of marketing outside the USA. Just like Hollywood remakes will redo a story for the US, this took a story written for Cairo and transplanted it to Mexico City without a trace of the original setting. It is framed and acted much like a stage play, and the focus is on the people. It's painful to watch at times, because the story grinds your nose against stories of people who are getting through some unpleasant times in some unpleasant ways and the pace does not let you escape - it is clear they want you to endure something of what the characters are going through. The acting is generally good, there are convincing portraits of a half dozen main characters and the supports aren't bad. Yep, the overall ending is predictable, but not unbelievable and a few of the side stories might surprise you along the way.<br /><br />I watched the DVD version. It has no extras or options. You get dialog in Spanish, English subtitles, in 4:3 format - no choices. Sound is stereo, color is ok and picture is competent.
i gained a copy of this months back and have to say that they did something wrong with this film. There is nothing special about it, its seems half ass way of producing it with the effects and location, gives the feeling they had £20 to play with and they seemed to have gained £19.99 back in change.<br /><br />the effects of the head slicing is better and i was surprised it happened, but from that the special effects are half ass , the story line is boring and tiring , there is not one single section of the story or visual that makes you actually want to stay in the cinema to watch the film, it simply gives you the feeling of when you were watching a bad b movie in the 80's where the budget was extremely low and with no talent behind the camera.<br /><br />considering AP took over production near the end f the TV series i was strongly expecting lots more from this.... Has he lost his touch has producing become to much of a stressing situation. Hell the team and even him don't seem to be bothered with doing the production notes and b lo g on their own official site, so from that are we to take it they are re doing the whole thing to actually drill in some intelligent action with a spot of special effects and dash of story line that will blow our socks off, or should we take it that they simply have given up and are now hoping they can get away wit the slow progress of a crappiest produced film of the 21st century and I've now just read that its in fact going straight to sci-fi channel, How pathetic is that Im highly saddened by this because this was going to be the ultimate film for me to watch, I've been a highlander series fan for years and just gained the box set, so to know that they have simply destroyed and made a film worse than end game is soul destroying.
So what? Maybe we should come to the conclusion that he/she who teases evil is destined to be hit by it. But I don't like this film. I didn't like its joking evolution and disapprove the final, never-ending, gore scene where the young hypnotized girl's sufferance, a prologue to everybody else's, is depicted in a hard-hitting monologue. It reminded me of a similar scene seen in the contorted, convolved "Baby of Macon" (the film that signed the end of my love for Greenaway) and I hated it, notwithstanding the evident difference, that being a scene of external violence while this is more a self-inflicted violence scene. The only appreciable side of the film is the grainy black and white used: too few, ain't it? And as far as I found "Breaking the waves" terribly boring either, the score is 2 thumbs-down out of 2 for Von Trier.
About the only enjoyment I got out of the first two-thirds of this movie came from the fact that I was a History Major in College. The scenery was interesting and so was the commentary from the mother to her daughter. But other than that you're just waiting and waiting for something to happen. The only excitement, other than the very very end, is when John Malkovich finally shows up. However, I found his character far too fawning and pathetic. And then the final scene! Okay maybe there is some big point about history and civilization, the daughter goes back for her doll… But does this bit of a twist at the end make up for an hour of bad writing and camera work? Who's giving this film a 10/10? Does it really warrant it? Considering all the great films produced (especailly when compared to some of the stinkers from Hollywood) how can this film get such a high rating from people?
As a fan of baseball and movies this has to be one of my favorites in both categories. Barry Pepper and Thomas Jane do a fantastic job in their roles as Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle. Billy Crystal(not to my surprise)knew exactly what he was doing for the movie and made it to be the best baseball movie I've seen since Field of Dreams(no offense to Rookie of the Year,Little Big League or the first two Major League movies). This movie made me like the Yankees for the first time in my life. Now if only someone could make a movie about the Pirates, aside from the original Angels in the Outfield. I'm sure there are movies, but let's get the biggest Pirates fan in Hollywood and have him make the Roberto Clemente movie...
I saw this movie on cable today because there was nothing else on and actually enjoyed it. The promos did not make the movie seem interesting, nor did the reviews, which is why I was in no rush to see it. I found Hav Plenty to be a very entertaining and charming romantic comedy (I'm not sure if I would feel the same way if I actually drove to the movie theatre and paid $7). All of the characters were likable and Cherot as Lee was endearing. Even Hav, played by Maxwell, who comes off as a superbitch in the beginning of the movie, grows on you. Cherot is a natural actor and has lots of talent. The performances were very down-to-earth with no frills. I hope to see more of Cherot's work.
Excellent costumes, three times over. The story may be weak, but frankly, I didn't care, lush colors and beautiful women in beautiful apparels, - that was more than sufficient for me. Those who enjoyed Greenaway's experiments such as "The Baby of Mâcon" and "Prospero's Books", should enjoy "Tirante El Blanco" as well. 8 out of 10.<br /><br />I'm not sure why other reviewers give so many low marks for the film, but I guess that's typical for productions of one's own country. Like the famous "Goodbye Lenin", where literally everyone but East Germans praised the film, Spanish reviewers here create a picture as if the film doesn't worth a look. I think this is completely unfair, and the film deserves to be known better.
I'm a huge fan of z-grade horror flicks. I can definitely appreciate some pretty low budget trash. Ghost Lake, Aquanoids, Evil Cult, The Day The Darkened Arise--that's some quality bad cinema. Dark Fields falls into the category of sub-bad cinema. This movie is so bad (and in a totally unwatchable way) that I won't let any of my horror trash loving friends borrow it. Terrible story, acting, no memorable lines. Just plain bad. Seems like there wasn't any effort put into any portion of the movie. <br /><br />The concert must be 500 miles away from how dark it gets during their pointless drive. Quite the major trip for them not to have bought tickets in advance or gotten their rides all figured out. Just one small example of the lack of thought put into the movie. It starts bad, and just gets worse from there on out.<br /><br />Don't waste your time on this movie. Don't watch it thinking it could be so bad that it's fun to watch. It isn't. Stay back, back I say.
If you are looking for your typical shoot 'em up war movie then move on to something else.<br /><br />This movie shows what real courage is, and REAL COURAGE isn't always what you think it will be.<br /><br />I thought one of the most poignant statements in the movie is "the ultimate destination of hate is self-hate." Many of the characters go through complete transformations throughout the course of the movie, and we get to witness this firsthand. sometimes we get caught thinking 'why would he do that' when a character commits a particularly selfless act, and I think that is a big part of the writer's intent.<br /><br />There's a lot of historical, literary, and biblical allusions which add to the complexity of the movie, and ultimately I think it adds depth and helps us to understand the transformations of the characters.<br /><br />The movie is all the more amazing when you consider it is based on a true story.<br /><br />I would recommend this movie but beware it isn't a walk in the park to watch.
My friend and i went to see "Angel Eyes" last night, at my insistence - we were the only people in the theater!! The film didn't hold my attention at all but i couldn't stop counting the amount of times the microphones came into shot!!! I cant believe the director let this happen - in nearly every indoor shot a green and red mike popped into scene and on the outdoor ones it was the big fuzzy one!! I have read the other reviews of this movie and can't believe no one else found this unbearably distracting! I wish i had gone to see the other film playing at my cinema and i certainly don't recommend "Angel Eyes". Weak characters, weak story and unsuitable music.
I saw this film with a group of four and, when it ended, we were all amazed with our patience to sit through two hours of directorial aimlessness, character superficiality and degenerating dialogue, giving the director the benefit of our doubts. Lisa Cholodenko should have asked herself one question before ever beginning to write and shoot this film: "What do I want to show here?" I hope she will do this before starting her next project, otherwise her films must be shown with a refund policy.

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