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On the Correlation between Hot Jupiters and Stellar Clustering:
High-eccentricity Migration Induced by Stellar Flybys | A recent observational study suggests that the occurrence of hot Jupiters
(HJs) around solar-type stars is correlated with stellar clustering. We study a
new scenario for HJ formation, called "Flyby Induced High-e Migration", that
may help explain this correlation. In this scenario, stellar flybys excite the
eccentricity and inclination of an outer companion (giant planet, brown dwarf,
or low-mass star) at large distance (10-300 au), which then triggers high-e
migration of an inner cold Jupiter (at a few astronomical units) through the
combined effects of von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai (ZLK) eccentricity oscillation and
tidal dissipation. Using semianalytical calculations of the effective ZLK
inclination window, together with numerical simulations of stellar flybys, we
obtain the analytic estimate for the HJ occurrence rate in this formation
scenario. We find that this "flyby induced high-e migration" could account for
a significant fraction of the observed HJ population, although the result
depends on several uncertain parameters, including the density and lifetime of
birth stellar clusters, and the occurrence rate of the "cold Jupiter + outer
companion" systems.
| astro-ph |
Using ALMA to resolve the nature of the early star-forming large-scale
structure PLCK G073.4-57.5 | Galaxy clusters at high redshift are key targets for understanding matter
assembly in the early Universe, yet they are challenging to locate. A sample of
>2000 high-z candidate structures has been found using Planck's all-sky submm
maps, and a sub-set of 234 have been followed up with Herschel-SPIRE, which
showed that the emission can be attributed to large overdensities of dusty
star-forming galaxies. In order to resolve and characterise the individual
galaxies we targeted the eight brightest SPIRE sources in the centre of the
Planck peak PLCK G073.4-57.5 using ALMA at 1.3 mm, and complemented these
observations with data from IRAC, WIRCam J,K, and SCUBA-2. We detected a total
of 18 millimetre galaxies brighter than 0.3 mJy in 2.4 arcmin^2. The ALMA
source density is 8-30 times higher than average background estimates and
larger than seen in typical 'proto-cluster' fields. We were able to match all
but one of the ALMA sources to a NIR counterpart. The most significant (four)
SCUBA-2 sources are not included in the ALMA pointings, but we find an 8sigma
stacking detection of the ALMA sources in the SCUBA-2 map at 850 um. We derive
photo-z, L_IR, SFR, stellar mass, T_dust, M_dust for all of the ALMA galaxies;
the photo-zs identify two groups each of five sources, at z~1.5 and 2.4. The
two groups show two 'red sequences' (i.e. similar NIR [3.6]-[4.5] colours and
different J-K colours). The majority of the ALMA-detected galaxies are on the
SFR versus stellar mass main sequence, and half of the sample is more massive
than the characteristic stellar mass at the corresponding redshift.
Serendipitous CO line detections in two of the galaxies appear to match their
photometric redshifts at z~1.54. We performed an analysis of star-formation
efficiencies and CO- and mm-continuum-derived gas fractions of our ALMA
sources, combined with a sample of 1<z<3 cluster and proto-cluster members.
| astro-ph |
Model-independent Estimations for the Cosmic Curvature from the Latest
Strong Gravitational Lensing Systems | Model-independent measurements for the cosmic spatial curvature, which is
related to the nature of cosmic space-time geometry, plays an important role in
cosmology. On the basis of the Distance Sum Rule in the
Friedmann-Lema{\^i}tre-Robertson-Walker metric, (distance ratio) measurements
of strong gravitational lensing (SGL) systems together with distances from type
Ia supernovae observations have been proposed to directly estimate the spatial
curvature without any assumptions for the theories of gravity and contents of
the universe. However, previous studies indicated that a spatially closed
universe was strongly preferred. In this paper, we re-estimate the cosmic
curvature with the latest SGL data which includes 163 well-measured systems. In
addition, possible factors, e.g. combination of SGL data from different surveys
and stellar mass of the lens galaxy, which might affect estimations for the
spatial curvature, are considered in our analysis. We find that, except the
case where only SGL systems from the Sloan Lens ACS Survey are considered, a
spatially flat universe is consistently favored at very high confidence level
by the latest observations. It is suggested that the increasing number of
well-measured strong lensing events might significantly reduce the bias of
estimation for the cosmic curvature.
| astro-ph |
Galaxy number counts at second order in perturbation theory: a
leading-order term comparison | The galaxy number density is a key quantity to compare theoretical
predictions to the observational data from current and future Large Scale
Structure surveys. The precision demanded by these Stage IV surveys requires
the use of second order cosmological perturbation theory. Based on the
independent calculation published previously, we present the result of the
comparison with the results of three other groups at leading order. Overall we
find that the differences between the different approaches lie mostly on the
definition of certain quantities, where the ambiguity of signs results in the
addition of extra terms at second order in perturbation theory.
| astro-ph |
Measurement of the high-energy all-flavor neutrino-nucleon cross section
with IceCube | The flux of high-energy neutrinos passing through the Earth is attenuated due
to their interactions with matter. Their transmission probability is modulated
by the neutrino interaction cross section and affects the arrival flux at the
IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a cubic-kilometer neutrino detector embedded in
the South Pole ice sheet. We present a measurement of the neutrino-nucleon
cross section between 60 TeV--10 PeV using the high-energy starting events
(HESE) sample from IceCube with 7.5 years of data.
| astro-ph |
Primordial Weibel instability | We study the onset of vector instabilities in a post-inflationary epoch of
the Universe as a mechanism for primordial magnetic fields amplification
between the end of inflation and the electroweak (EW) transition. We assume the
presence of a charged spectator scalar field arbitrarily coupled to gravity.
This field is in its vacuum state during inflation, but becomes highly excited
after the transition to the radiation dominance due to the gravitational
particle creation. At the beginning of radiation era the ensuing state admits a
hydrodynamic description. In particular since its high temperature, the fluid
may be regarded as a conformal one. The large quantum fluctuations induced
during reheating now become statistical fluctuations whereby an excess charge
and anisotropic pressure will be observed in any finite domain. Under these
conditions a Weibel instability could be triggered thus opposing the dilution
of a primordial magnetic field because of the expansion of the Universe. The
magnitude of the effect is determined by the size of the domain, the coupling
to curvature of the field and the relaxation time of the fluid. We find that
for scales of the order or smaller than the particle horizon at the EW phase
transition, the Weibel instability can overcome the cosmic expansion provided
that the reheating temperature of the Universe and the coupling of the scalar
field to gravity are small enough.
| astro-ph |
Weak signal extraction using matrix decomposition, with application to
ultra high energy neutrino detection | In radio-based physics experiments, sensitive analysis techniques are often
required to extract signals at or below the level of noise. For a recent
experiment at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to test a radar-based
detection scheme for high energy neutrino cascades, such a sensitive analysis
was employed to dig down into a spurious background and extract a putative
signal. In this technique, the backgrounds are decomposed into an orthonormal
basis, into which individual data vectors (signal + background) can be
expanded. This expansion is a filter that can extract signals with amplitudes
$\sim$1 % of the background. This analysis technique is particularly useful for
applications when the exact signal characteristics (spectral content, duration)
are not known. In this proceeding we briefly present the results of this
analysis in the context of test-beam experiment 576 (T576) at SLAC.
| astro-ph |
Linking Compact Dwarf Starburst Galaxies in the RESOLVE Survey to
Downsized Blue Nuggets | We identify and characterize compact dwarf starburst (CDS) galaxies in the
RESOLVE survey, a volume-limited census of galaxies in the local universe, to
probe whether this population contains any residual ``blue nuggets,'' a class
of intensely star-forming compact galaxies first identified at high redshift
$z$. Our 50 low-$z$ CDS galaxies are defined by dwarf masses (stellar mass $M_*
< 10^{9.5}$ M$_{\odot}$), compact bulged-disk or spheroid-dominated
morphologies (using a quantitative criterion, $\mu_\Delta > 8.6$), and specific
star formation rates above the defining threshold for high-$z$ blue nuggets
($\log$ SSFR [Gyr$^{-1}] > -0.5$). Across redshifts, blue nuggets exhibit three
defining properties: compactness relative to contemporaneous galaxies, abundant
cold gas, and formation via compaction in mergers or colliding streams. Those
with halo mass below $M_{\rm halo} \sim 10^{11.5}$ M$_{\odot}$ may in theory
evade permanent quenching and cyclically refuel until the present day. Selected
only for compactness and starburst activity, our CDS galaxies generally have
$M_{\rm halo} \lesssim 10^{11.5}$ M$_{\odot}$ and gas-to-stellar mass ratio
$\gtrsim$1. Moreover, analysis of archival DECaLS photometry and new 3D
spectroscopic observations for CDS galaxies reveals a high rate of photometric
and kinematic disturbances suggestive of dwarf mergers. The SSFRs, surface mass
densities, and number counts of CDS galaxies are compatible with theoretical
and observational expectations for redshift evolution in blue nuggets. We argue
that CDS galaxies represent a maximally-starbursting subset of traditional
compact dwarf classes such as blue compact dwarfs and blue E/S0s. We conclude
that CDS galaxies represent a low-$z$ tail of the blue nugget phenomenon formed
via a moderated compaction channel that leaves open the possibility of disk
regrowth and evolution into normal disk galaxies.
| astro-ph |
Absorption Lines in the 0.91-1.33 $\mu$m Spectra of Red Giants for
Measuring Abundances of Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, and Ni | Red giants show a large number of absorption lines in both optical and
near-infrared wavelengths. Still, the characteristics of the lines in different
wave passbands are not necessarily the same. We searched for lines of Mg I, Si
I, Ca I, Ti I, Cr I, and Ni I in the z', Y, and J bands (0.91-1.33 $\mu$m),
that are useful for precise abundance analyses, from two different compilations
of lines, namely, the third release of Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD3) and
the catalog published by Melendez & Barbuy in 1999 (MB99). We selected
sufficiently strong lines that are not severely blended and ended up with 191
lines (165 and 141 lines from VALD3 and MB99, respectively), in total, for the
six elements. Combining our line lists with high-resolution (R = 28,000) and
high signal-to-noise (higher than 500) spectra taken with the WINERED
spectrograph, we measured the abundances of the six elements in addition to Fe
I of two prototype red giants, i.e., Arcturus and mu Leo. The resultant
abundances show reasonable agreements with literature values within $\sim$0.2
dex, indicating that the available oscillator strengths are acceptable,
although the abundances based on the two line lists show systematic differences
by 0.1-0.2 dex. Furthermore, to improve the precision, solid estimation of the
microturbulence (or the microturbulences if they are different for different
elements) is necessary as far as the classical hydrostatic atmosphere models
are used for the analysis.
| astro-ph |
Cosmic-ray current-driven instabilities -- revisiting environmental
conditions | The growth of magneto-hydrodynamic fluctuations relevant to cosmic ray
confinement in and near their sources, and the effects of local plasma
conditions is revisited. We consider cases where cosmic rays penetrate a medium
which may contain a fraction of neutral particles, and explore the possible
effects of high-order cosmic-ray anisotropies. An algorithm for calculating the
dispersion relation for arbitrary distributions, and anisotropies is presented,
and a general solution for power-law cosmic-ray distributions is provided.
Implications for the resulting instabilities near to strong Galactic cosmic-ray
sources are discussed. We argue that cosmic-ray streaming in weakly ionised
plasmas eliminates the need for the existence of an evanescent band in the
dispersion relation, a conclusion which may be confirmed by gamma-ray
observations. The necessity for additional multi-scale numerical simulations is
highlighted, as understanding the non-linear behaviour is crucial.
| astro-ph |
Sulphur-Bearing and Complex Organic Molecules in an Infrared Cold Core | Since the start of ALMA observatory operation, new and important chemistry of
infrared cold core was revealed. Molecular transitions at millimeter range are
being used to identify and to characterize these sources. We have investigated
the 231 GHz ALMA archive observations of the infrared dark cloud region C9,
focusing on the brighter source that we called as IRDC-C9 Main. We report the
existence of two sub-structures on the continuum map of this source: a compact
bright spot with high chemistry diversity that we labelled as core, and a
weaker and extended one, that we labelled as tail. In the core, we have
identified lines of the molecules OCS(19-18), $^{13}$CS(5-4) and
CH$_{3}$CH$_{2}$CN, several lines of CH$_{3}$CHO and the k-ladder emission of
$^{13}$CH$_{3}$CN.We report two different temperature regions: while the
rotation diagram of CH$_{3}$CHO indicates a temperature of 25 K, the rotation
diagram of $^{13}$CH$_{3}$CN indicates a warmer phase at temperature of
$\sim450$K. In the tail, only the OCS(19-18) and $^{13}$CS(5-4) lines were
detected. We used the $Nautilus$ and the \textsc{Radex} codes to estimate the
column densities and the abundances. The existence of hot gas in the core of
IRDC-C9 Main suggests the presence of a protostar, which is not present in the
| astro-ph |
Ultraviolet-Based Science in the Solar System: Advances and Next Steps | We review the importance of recent UV observations of solar system targets
and discuss the need for further measurements, instrumentation and laboratory
work in the coming decade.
In the past decade, numerous important advances have been made in solar
system science using ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopic techniques. Formerly used
nearly exclusively for studies of giant planet atmospheres, planetary
exospheres and cometary emissions, UV imaging spectroscopy has recently been
more widely applied. The geyser-like plume at Saturn's moon Enceladus was
discovered in part as a result of UV stellar occultation observations, and this
technique was used to characterize the plume and jets during the entire Cassini
mission. Evidence for a similar style of activity has been found at Jupiter's
moon Europa using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) UV emission and absorption
imaging. At other moons and small bodies throughout the solar system, UV
spectroscopy has been utilized to search for activity, probe surface
composition, and delineate space weathering effects; UV photometric studies
have been used to uncover regolith structure. Insights from UV imaging
spectroscopy of solar system surfaces have been gained largely in the last 1-2
decades, including studies of surface composition, space weathering effects
(e.g. radiolytic products) and volatiles on asteroids (e.g.
[2][39][48][76][84]), the Moon (e.g. [30][46][49]), comet nuclei (e.g. [85])
and icy satellites (e.g. [38][41-44][45][47][65]). The UV is sensitive to some
species, minor contaminants and grain sizes often not detected in other
spectral regimes.
In the coming decade, HST observations will likely come to an end. New
infrastructure to bolster future UV studies is critically needed. These needs
include both developmental work to help improve future UV observations and
laboratory work to help interpret spacecraft data. UV instrumentation will be a
critical tool on missions to a variety of targets in the coming decade,
especially for the rapidly expanding application of UV reflectance
investigations of atmosphereless bodies.
| astro-ph |
The Properties of Planetesimal Collisions under Jupiter's Perturbation
and the Application to Chondrule Formation via Impact Jetting | Understanding chondrule formation provides invaluable clues about the origin
of the solar system. Recent studies suggest that planetesimal collisions and
the resulting impact melts are promising for forming chondrules. Given that the
dynamics of planetesimals is a key in impact-based chondrule formation
scenarios, we here perform direct $N$-body simulations to examine how the
presence of Jupiter affects the properties of chondrule-forming collisions. Our
results show that the absence/presence of Jupiter considerably changes the
properties of high velocity collisions whose impact velocities are higher than
2.5 km s$^{-1}$; high velocity collisions occur due to impacts between
protoplanets and planetesimals for the case without Jupiter; for the case with
Jupiter, eccentricities of planetesimals are pumped up by the secular and
resonant perturbations from Jupiter. We also categorize the resulting
planetesimal collisions and find that most of high velocity collisions are
classified as grazing ones for both cases. To examine the effect of Jupiter on
chondrule formation directly, we adopt the impact jetting scenario and compute
the resulting abundance of chondrules. Our results show that for the case
without Jupiter, chondrule formation proceeds in the inside-out manner,
following the growth of protoplanets. If Jupiter is present, the location and
timing of chondrule formation are determined by Jupiter's eccentricity, which
is treated as a free parameter in our simulations. Thus, the existence of
Jupiter is the key parameter for specifying when and where chondrule formation
occurs for impact-based scenarios.
| astro-ph |
A Universal Relation of Dust Obscuration Across Cosmic Time | We investigate dust obscuration as parameterised by the infrared excess
IRX$\equiv$$L_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm UV}$ in relation to global galaxy properties,
using a sample of $\sim$32$\,$000 local star-forming galaxies (SFGs) selected
from SDSS, GALEX and WISE. We show that IRX generally correlates with stellar
mass ($M_\ast$), star formation rate (SFR), gas-phase metallicity ($Z$),
infrared luminosity ($L_{\rm IR}$) and the half-light radius ($R_{\rm e}$). A
weak correlation of IRX with axial ratio (b/a) is driven by the inclination and
thus seen as a projection effect.
By examining the tightness and the scatter of these correlations, we find
that SFGs obey an empirical relation of the form $IRX$=$10^\alpha\,(L_{\rm
IR})^{\beta}\,R_{\rm e}^{-\gamma}\,(b/a)^{-\delta}$ where the power-law indices
all increase with metallicity. The best-fitting relation yields a scatter of
$\sim$0.17$\,$dex and no dependence on stellar mass. Moreover, this empirical
relation also holds for distant SFGs out to $z=3$ in a population-averaged
sense, suggesting it to be universal over cosmic time. Our findings reveal that
IRX approximately increases with $L_{\rm IR}/R_{\rm e}^{[1.3 - 1.5]}$ instead
of $L_{\rm IR}/R_{\rm e}^{2}$ (i.e., surface density). We speculate this may be
due to differences in the spatial extent of stars versus star formation and/or
complex star-dust geometries. We conclude that not stellar mass but IR
luminosity, metallicity and galaxy size are the key parameters jointly
determining dust obscuration in SFGs.
| astro-ph |
The environmental effects of very large bolide impacts on early Mars
explored with a hierarchy of numerical models | We use a hierarchy of numerical models (a 3-D Global Climate Model, a 1-D
radiative-convective model and a 2-D Mantle Dynamics model) to explore the
environmental effects of very large impacts on the atmosphere, surface and
interior of early Mars.
Using a combination of 1-D and 3-D climate simulations, we show that the
environmental effects of the largest impact events recorded on Mars are
characterized by: (i) a short impact-induced warm period; (ii) a low amount of
hydrological cycling of water; (iii) deluge-style precipitation; and (iv)
precipitation patterns that are uncorrelated with the observed regions of
valley networks. We show that the impact-induced stable runaway greenhouse
state predicted by Segura et al. 2012 is physically inconsistent. We confirm
the results of Segura et al. 2008 and Urata & Toon 2013 that water ice clouds
can significantly extend the duration of the post-impact warm period, and even
for cloud coverage lower than predicted in Ramirez & Kasting 2017. However, the
range of cloud microphysical properties for which this scenario works is very
Using 2-D Mantle Dynamics simulations we find that large impacts can raise
the near-surface internal heat flux up to several hundreds of mW/m$^2$ (i.e. up
to $\sim$ 10 times the ambient flux) for several millions years at the edges of
the impact crater. However, such internal heat flux is insufficient to keep the
martian surface above the melting point of water.
Our numerical results support the prediction of Palumbo & Head 2018 that very
large impact-induced rainfall could have caused degradation of craters and
formed smooth plains, potentially erasing much of the previously visible
morphological surface history. Such hot rainfalls may have also led to the
formation of aqueous alteration products on Noachian-aged terrains.
| astro-ph |
Quantifying the impact of variable BLR diffuse continuum contributions
on measured continuum inter-band delays | We investigate the contribution of reprocessed continuum emission (1000A -
10,000A) originating in broad line region (BLR) gas, the diffuse continuum
(DC), to the wavelength-dependent continuum delays measured in AGN disk
reverberation mapping experiments. Assuming a spherical BLR geometry, we adopt
a Local Optimally-emitting Cloud (LOC) model for the BLR that approximately
reproduces the broad emission-line strengths of the strongest UV lines
(Ly-alpha and C IV) in NGC 5548. Within this LOC framework, we explore how
assumptions about the gas hydrogen density and column density distributions
influence flux and delay spectra of the DC. We find that: (i) models which
match well measured emission line luminosities and time delays also produce a
significant DC component, (ii) increased nH and/or NH, particularly at smaller
BLR radii, result in larger DC luminosities and reduced DC delays, (iii) in a
given continuum band the relative importance of the DC component to the
measured inter-band delays is proportional (though not 1:1) to its fractional
contribution to the total light in that band, (iv) the measured DC delays and
DC variability amplitude depends also on the variability amplitude and
characteristic variability timescale of the driving continuum, (v) the DC
radial surface emissivity distributions F(r) approximate power-laws in radius
with indices close to -2 (approximately 1:1 response to variations in the
driving continuum flux), thus their physics is relatively simple and less
sensitive to the unknown geometry and uncertainties in radiative transfer.
Finally, we provide a simple recipe for estimating the DC contribution in disk
reverberation mapping experiments.
| astro-ph |
Star Formation in Nuclear Rings with the TIGRESS Framework | Nuclear rings are sites of intense star formation at the centers of barred
galaxies. To understand what determines the structure and star formation rate
(SFR; $\dot{M}_{\rm SF}$) of nuclear rings, we run semi-global, hydrodynamic
simulations of nuclear rings subject to constant mass inflow rates
$\dot{M}_{\rm in}$. We adopt the TIGRESS framework of Kim \& Ostriker to handle
radiative heating and cooling, star formation, and related supernova (SN)
feedback. We find that the SN feedback is never strong enough to destroy the
ring or quench star formation everywhere in the ring. Under the constant
$\dot{M}_{\rm in}$, the ring star formation is very steady and persistent, with
the SFR exhibiting only mild temporal fluctuations. The ring SFR is tightly
correlated with the inflow rate as $\dot{M}_{\rm SF}\approx 0.8\dot{M}_{\rm
in}$, for a range of $\dot{M}_{\rm in}=0.125-8\,M_\odot\,{\rm yr}^{-1}$. Within
the ring, vertical dynamical equilibrium is maintained, with the midplane
pressure (powered by SN feedback) balancing the weight of the overlying gas.
The SFR surface density is correlated nearly linearly with the midplane
pressure, as predicted by the pressure-regulated, feedback-modulated star
formation theory. Based on our results, we argue that the ring SFR is causally
controlled by $\dot{M}_\text{in}$, while the ring gas mass adapts to the SFR to
maintain the vertical dynamical equilibrium under the gravitational field
arising from both gas and stars.
| astro-ph |
Molecular cloud distances based on the MWISP CO survey and Gaia DR2 | We present a new method of calculating distances of molecular clouds in the
Galactic plane, using CO observations and the Gaia DR2 parallax and G-band
extinction ($A_G$) measurements. Due to the complexity of dust environments in
the Galactic plane, $A_G$ contains irregular variations, which is difficult to
model. To overcome this difficulty, we propose that the $A_G$ of off-cloud
stars (Gaia stars around molecular clouds) can be used as a baseline to
calibrate the $A_G$ of on-cloud stars (Gaia stars toward molecular clouds),
which removes the $A_G$ components that are unrelated to molecular clouds. The
distance is subsequently inferred from the jump point in on-cloud $A_G$ with
Bayesian analysis and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. We applied this
baseline subtraction method to a 100 square degree region (209.75{\deg} $\leq$
l $\leq$ 219.75{\deg} and |b| $\leq$ 5{\deg}) in the third Galactic quadrant,
which was mapped as part of the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting (MWISP)
project, covering three CO isotopologue lines, and derived distances and masses
for 11 molecular clouds, including the Maddalena molecular cloud and Sh 2-287.
The results indicate that the distance of the Perseus Arm in this region is
about 2.4 kpc and molecular clouds are present in the interarm regions.
| astro-ph |
Critical decay index for eruptions of 'short' filaments | Model of a partial current-carrying torus loop anchored to the photosphere is
analyzed. Conditions of the catastrophic loss of equilibrium are considered and
corresponding value of the critical decay index of external magnetic field is
found. Taking into account line-tying conditions leads to non-monotonous
dependence of the critical decay index on the height of the apex and length of
the flux rope (its endpoints separation). For relatively short flux ropes, the
critical decay index is significantly lower than unity, which is in contrast to
widespread models with the typical critical decay index above unity. The steep
decrease of the critical index with height at low heights is due to the sharp
increase of the curvature of the flux-rope axis that transforms from a nearly
straight line to a crescent.
| astro-ph |
Oxygen abundance and the N/C vs N/O relation for AFG supergiants and
bright giants | Non-LTE analysis (LTE is local thermodynamic equilibrium) of the oxygen
abundances for 51 Galactic A-, F- and G-type supergiants and bright giants is
performed. In contrast with carbon and nitrogen, oxygen does not show any
significant systematic anomalies in their abundances log E(O). There is no
marked difference from the initial oxygen abundance within errors of the log
E(O) determination across the Teff interval from 4500 to 8500 K and the log g
interval from 1.2 to 2.9 dex. This result agrees well with theoretical
predictions for stellar models with rotation. With our new data for oxygen and
our earlier non-LTE determinations of the N and C abundances for stars from the
same sample, we constructed the [N/C] vs [N/O] relation for 17 stars. This
relation is known to be a sensitive indicator of stellar evolution. A
pronounced correlation between [N/C] vs [N/O] is found; the observed [N/C]
increase from 0 to 1.6 dex is accompanied by the [N/O] increase from 0 to 0.9
dex. When comparing the observed [N/C] vs [N/O] relation with the theoretical
one, we show that this relation reflects a strong dependence of the
evolutionary changes in CNO abundances on the initial rotation velocities of
stars. Given that the initial rotational velocities of these stars are expected
to satisfy V0<150 km/s, it is found that they are mostly the post first
dredge-up (post-FDU) objects. It is important that just such initial velocities
V0 are typical for about 80% of stars in question (i.e. for stars with masses
4-19 M_sun). A constancy of the total C+N+O abundance during stellar evolution
is confirmed. The mean value log E(C+N+O)=8.97+/-0.08 found for AFG supergiants
and bright giants seems to be very close to the initial value 8.92 (the Sun) or
8.94 (the unevolved B-type MS stars).
| astro-ph |
Are primordial black holes produced by entropy perturbations in single
field inflationary models? | We show that in single field inflationary models the super-horizon evolution
of curvature perturbations on comoving slices $\mathcal{R}$, which can cause
the production of primordial black holes (PBH), is not due to entropy
perturbations, but to the background evolution effect on the conversion between
entropy and curvature perturbations. We derive a general relation between the
time derivative of comoving curvature perturbations and entropy perturbations,
in terms of a conversion factor depending on the background evolution. Contrary
to previous results derived in the uniform density gauge assuming the gradient
term can be neglected on super-horizon scales, the relation is valid on any
scale for any minimally coupled single scalar field model, also on sub-horizon
scales where gradient terms are large.
We apply it to the case of quasi-inflection inflation, showing that while
entropy perturbations are decreasing, $\mathcal{R}$ can grow on super-horizon
scales, due to a large increase of the conversion factor. This happens in the
time interval during which a sufficiently fast decrease of the equation of
state $w$ transforms into a growing mode that in slow-roll models would be a
decaying mode. The same mechanism also explains the super-horizon evolution of
$\mathcal{R}$ in globally adiabatic systems, for which entropy perturbations
vanish on any scale, such as ultra slow-roll inflation and its generalizations.
| astro-ph |
Angular distribution of gamma-ray emission from velocity-dependent dark
matter annihilation in subhalos | We consider the effect of velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation on the
angular distribution of gamma rays produced in dark matter subhalos. We assume
that the dark matter potential is spherically symmetric, characterized by a
scale radius and scale density, and the velocity distribution is isotropic. We
find that the effect of velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation is largely
determined by dimensional analysis; the angular size of gamma-ray emission from
an individual subhalo is rescaled by a factor which depends on the form of the
dark matter distribution, but not on the halo parameters, while the relative
normalization of the gamma-ray flux from different mass subhalos is rescaled by
a factor which depends on the halo parameters, but not on the form of the dark
matter distribution. We apply our results to a Navarro-Frenk-White profile for
the case of an individual subhalo and comment on the application of these
results to a distribution of subhalos.
| astro-ph |
LOFAR imaging of the solar corona during the 2015 March 20 solar eclipse | The solar corona is a highly-structured plasma which can reach temperatures
of more than ~2 MK. At low frequencies (decimetric and metric wavelengths),
scattering and refraction of electromagnetic waves are thought to considerably
increase the imaged radio source sizes (up to a few arcminutes). However,
exactly how source size relates to scattering due to turbulence is still
subject to investigation. The theoretical predictions relating source
broadening to propagation effects have not been fully confirmed by observations
due to the rarity of high spatial resolution observations of the solar corona
at low frequencies. Here, the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) was used to observe
the solar corona at 120-180 MHz using baselines of up to ~3.5 km (corresponding
to a resolution of ~1-2') during the partial solar eclipse of 2015 March 20. A
lunar de-occultation technique was used to achieve higher spatial resolution
(~0.6') than that attainable via standard interferometric imaging (~2.4'). This
provides a means of studying the contribution of scattering to apparent source
size broadening. It was found that the de-occultation technique reveals a more
structured quiet corona that is not resolved from standard imaging, implying
scattering may be overestimated in this region when using standard imaging
techniques. However, an active region source was measured to be ~4' using both
de-occultation and standard imaging. This may be explained by the increased
scattering of radio waves by turbulent density fluctuations in active regions,
which is more severe than in the quiet Sun.
| astro-ph |
Atmospheric Escape and the Evolution of Close-in Exoplanets | Exoplanets with substantial Hydrogen/Helium atmospheres have been discovered
in abundance, many residing extremely close to their parent stars. The extreme
irradiation levels these atmospheres experience causes them to undergo
hydrodynamic atmospheric escape. Ongoing atmospheric escape has been observed
to be occurring in a few nearby exoplanet systems through transit spectroscopy
both for hot Jupiters and lower-mass super-Earths/mini-Neptunes. Detailed
hydrodynamic calculations that incorporate radiative transfer and ionization
chemistry are now common in one-dimensional models, and multi-dimensional
calculations that incorporate magnetic-fields and interactions with the
interstellar environment are cutting edge. However, there remains very limited
comparison between simulations and observations. While hot Jupiters experience
atmospheric escape, the mass-loss rates are not high enough to affect their
evolution. However, for lower mass planets atmospheric escape drives and
controls their evolution, sculpting the exoplanet population we observe today.
| astro-ph |
X-ray constraints on the spectral energy distribution of the $z=5.18$
blazar SDSS J013127.34-032100.1 | We report on X-ray measurements constraining the spectral energy distribution
(SED) of the high-redshift $z=5.18$ blazar SDSS J013127.34$-$032100.1 with new
XMM-Newton and NuSTAR exposures. The blazar's X-ray spectrum is well fit by a
power law with $\Gamma=1.9$ and $N_{\rm H}=1.1\times10^{21}\rm \ cm^{-2}$, or a
broken power law with $\Gamma_l=0.5$, $\Gamma_h=1.8$, and a break energy
$E_b=0.7$ keV for an expected absorbing column density of $N_{\rm H}=3.6\times
10^{20}\rm \ cm^{-2}$, supported by spectral fitting of a nearby bright source.
No additional spectral break is found at higher X-ray energies (1-30 keV). We
supplement the X-ray data with lower-energy radio-to-optical measurements and
Fermi-LAT gamma-ray upper limits, construct broadband SEDs of the source, and
model the SEDs using a synchro-Compton scenario. This modeling constrains the
bulk Doppler factor of the jets to $\ge$7 and $\ge$6 (90%) for the low- and
high-$N_{\rm H}$ SEDs, respectively. The corresponding beaming implies $\ge$130
(low $N_{\rm H}$) or $\ge$100 (high $N_{\rm H}$) high-spin supermassive black
holes similar to J0131 exist at similar redshifts.
| astro-ph |
Initial results from the New Horizons exploration of 2014 MU69, a small
Kuiper Belt Object | The Kuiper Belt is a distant region of the Solar System. On 1 January 2019,
the New Horizons spacecraft flew close to (486958) 2014 MU69, a Cold Classical
Kuiper Belt Object, a class of objects that have never been heated by the Sun
and are therefore well preserved since their formation. Here we describe
initial results from these encounter observations. MU69 is a bi-lobed contact
binary with a flattened shape, discrete geological units, and noticeable albedo
heterogeneity. However, there is little surface color and compositional
heterogeneity. No evidence for satellites, ring or dust structures, gas coma,
or solar wind interactions was detected. By origin MU69 appears consistent with
pebble cloud collapse followed by a low velocity merger of its two lobes.
| astro-ph |
UVIT/ASTROSAT studies of Blue Straggler stars and post-mass transfer
systems in star clusters: Detection of one more blue lurker in M67 | The blue straggler stars (BSSs) are main-sequence (MS) stars, which have
evaded stellar evolution by acquiring mass while on the MS. The detection of
extremely low mass (ELM) white dwarf (WD) companions to two BSSs and one yellow
straggler star (YSS) from our earlier study using UVIT/ASTROSAT, as well as WD
companions to main-sequence stars (known as blue lurkers) suggest a good
fraction of post-mass transfer binaries in M67. Using deeper UVIT observations,
here we report the detection of another blue lurker in M67, with an ELM WD
companion. The post-mass transfer systems with the presence of ELM WDs,
including BSSs, are formed from Case A/B mass transfer and are unlikely to show
any difference in surface abundances. We find a correlation between the
temperature of the WD and the $v\ sin i$ of the BSSs. We also find that the
progenitors of the massive WDs are likely to belong to the hot and luminous
group of BSSs in M67. The only detected BSS+WD system by UVIT in the globular
cluster NGC 5466, has a normal WD and suggests that open cluster like
environment might be present in the outskirts of low density globular clusters.
| astro-ph |
The effective temperature -- radius relationship of M-dwarfs | M-dwarf stars provide very favourable conditions to find habitable worlds
beyond our solar system. The estimation of the fundamental parameters of the
transiting exoplanets rely on the accuracy of the theoretical predictions for
radius and effective temperature of the host M-dwarf, hence the importance of
multiple empirical tests of very low-mass star (VLM) models, the theoretical
counterpart of M-dwarfs. Recent determinations of mass, radius and effective
temperature of a sample of M-dwarfs of known metallicity have disclosed a
supposed discontinuity in the effective temperature-radius diagram
corresponding to a stellar mass of about 0.2Mo, that has been ascribed to the
transition from partially convective to fully convective stars. In this paper
we compare existing VLM models to these observations, and find that theory does
not predict any discontinuity at around 0.2Mo, rather a smooth change of slope
of the effective temperature-radius relationship around this mass value. The
appearance of a discontinuity 5is due to naively fitting the empirical data
with linear segments. Also, its origin is unrelated to the transition to fully
convective structures. We find that this feature is instead an empirical
signature for the transition to a regime where electron degeneracy provides an
important contribution to the stellar EOS, and constitutes an additional test
of the consistency of the theoretical framework for VLM models.
| astro-ph |
High mass but low spin: an exclusion region to rule out hierarchical
black-hole mergers as a mechanism to populate the pair-instability mass gap | The occurrence of pair-instability supernovae is predicted to prevent the
formation of black holes with masses $\gtrsim 50 M_\odot$. Recent
gravitational-wave detections in this mass range require an explanation beyond
that of standard stellar collapse. Current modeling strategies include the
hierarchical assembly of previous generations of black-hole mergers as well as
other mechanisms of astrophysical nature (lowered nuclear-reaction rates,
envelope retention, stellar mergers, accretion, dredge-up episodes). In this
paper, we point out the occurrence of an exclusion region that cannot be easily
populated by hierarchical black-hole mergers. A future gravitational-wave
detection of a black hole with mass $\gtrsim 50M_\odot$ and spin $\lesssim 0.2$
will indicate that the pair-instability mass gap is polluted in some other way.
Such a putative outlier can be explained using hierarchical mergers only with
considerable fine-tuning of both mass ratio and spins of the preceding
black-hole merger --an assumption that can then be cross-checked against the
bulk of the gravitational-wave catalog.
| astro-ph |
Cosmological Evolution of the Formation Rate of Short Gamma-ray Bursts
With and Without Extended Emission | Originating from neutron star-neutron star (NS-NS) or neutron star-black hole
(NS-BH) mergers, short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs) are the first electromagnetic
emitters associated with gravitational waves. This association makes the
determination of SGRB formation rate (FR) a critical issue. We determine the
true SGRB FR and its relation to the cosmic star formation rate (SFR). This can
help in determining the expected Gravitation Wave (GW) rate involving small
mass mergers. We present non-parametric methods for the determination of the
evolutions of the luminosity function (LF) and the FR using SGRBs observed by
{\it Swift}, without any assumptions. These are powerful tools for small
samples, such as our sample of 68 SGRBs. We combine SGRBs with and without
extended emission (SEE), assuming that both descend from the same progenitor.
To overcome the incompleteness introduced by redshift measurements we use the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test to find flux thresholds yielding a sample of
sources with a redshift drawn from the parent sample including all sources.
Using two subsamples of SGRBs with flux limits of $4.57 \times 10^{-7}$ and
$2.15 \times 10^{-7}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ with respective KS {\it p=(1,
0.9)}, we find a 3 $\sigma$ evidence for luminosity evolution (LE), a broken
power-law LF with significant steepening at $L\sim 10^{50}$ erg s$^{-1}$, and a
FR evolution that decreases monotonically with redshift (independent of LE and
the thresholds). Thus, SGRBs may have been more luminous in the past with a FR
delayed relative to the SFR as expected in the merger scenario.
| astro-ph |
Unlocking the Capabilities of Future High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy
Missions Through Laboratory Astrophysics | Thanks to high-resolution and non-dispersive spectrometers onboard future
X-ray missions such as XRISM and Athena, we are finally poised to answer
important questions about the formation and evolution of galaxies and
large-scale structure. However, we currently lack an adequate understanding of
many atomic processes behind the spectral features we will soon observe. Large
error bars on parameters as critical as transition energies and atomic cross
sections can lead to unacceptable uncertainties in the calculations of e.g.,
elemental abundance, velocity, and temperature. Unless we address these issues,
we risk limiting the full scientific potential of these missions. Laboratory
astrophysics, which comprises theoretical and experimental studies of the
underlying physics behind observable astrophysical processes, is therefore
central to the success of these missions.
| astro-ph |
180$^\circ$ Rotations in the Polarization Angle for Blazars | Rotations of the electric vector position angle (EVPA) in blazars are often
close to an integral multiple of 180$^\circ$. There are multiple examples of
this in the literature, and our analysis here, of the optical polarization data
from the RoboPol monitoring program, strengthens the evidence by showing that
$n\pi$ rotations occur more frequently than expected by chance. We explain this
with a model consisting of two polarized emission components: a "jet" that is
constant in time, and a "burst" that is variable. The EVPA of the combination
is $\rm EVPA_{jet}$ at both the beginning and the end of the burst, so the net
rotation across the burst must be $n\pi$. Examples are analyzed on the Stokes
plane, where the winding number for the Stokes vector of the combination gives
the value of $n$. The main conclusion is that the EVPA rotation can be much
larger than the physical rotation of the emission region around the axis of the
jet, but this requires the EVPAs of the jet and the burst to be nearly
orthogonal. A shock-in-jet calculation by Zhang et al. can provide a physical
model for our toy model, and in addition automatically gives the needed
orthogonality. The model is illustrated with data on OJ287 published by
Myserlis et al., and we suggest that the large rapid EVPA rotation seen there
might be a phase effect and not representative of a physical rotation.
| astro-ph |
Receiver control for the Submillimeter Array | Efficient operation of a submillimeter interferometer requires remote
(preferably automated) control of mechanically tuned local oscillators,
phase-lock loops, mixers, optics, calibration vanes and cryostats. The present
control system for these aspects of the Submillimeter Array (SMA) will be
described. Distributed processing forms the underlying architecture and the
software is split between hardware platforms in a leader/follower arrangement.
In each antenna cabin, a serial network of up to ten independent 80C196
microcontroller boards attaches to the real-time PowerPC computer (running
LynxOS). A multi-threaded, gcc-compiled leader program on the PowerPC accepts
top-level requests via remote procedure calls (RPC), subsequently dispatches
tuning commands to the relevant follower microcontrollers, and regularly
reports the system status to optical-fiber-based reflective memory for common
access by the telescope monitor and error reporting system. All serial
communication occurs asynchronously via encoded, variable-length packets. The
microcontrollers respond to the requested commands and queries by accessing
non-volatile, rewriteable lookup-tables (when appropriate) and executing
embedded software that operates additional electronic devices (DACs, ADCs,
etc.). Since various receiver hardware components require linear or rotary
motion, each microcontroller also implements a position servo via a
one-millisecond interrupt service routine which drives a DC-motor/encoder
combination that remains standard across each subsystem.
| astro-ph |
A search for He I airglow emission from the hot Jupiter tau Boo b | The helium absorption line at 10830 {\AA}, originating from the metastable
triplet state 2$^3$S, has been suggested as an excellent probe for the extended
atmospheres of hot Jupiters and their hydrodynamic escape processes, and has
recently been detected in the transmission spectra of a handful of planets. The
isotropic re-emission will lead to helium airglow that may be observable at
other orbital phases. The goal of this paper is to investigate the
detectability of He I emission at 10830 {\AA} in the atmospheres of exoplanets
using high-resolution spectroscopy, providing insights into the properties of
the upper atmospheres of close-in gas giants. We estimated the expected
strength of He I emission in hot Jupiters based on their transmission signal.
We searched for the He I 10830 {\AA} emission feature in tau Boo b in three
nights of high-resolution spectra taken by CARMENES at the 3.5m Calar Alto
telescope. The spectra from each night were corrected for telluric absorption,
sky emission lines, and stellar features, and were shifted to the planetary
rest frame to search for the emission. The He I emission is not detected in tau
Boo b, reaching a 5 sigma contrast limit of 4$\times$10$^{-4}$ for emission
line widths above 20 km/s. This is roughly a factor of 8 above the expected
level of emission (assuming a typical He I transit absorption of 1% for hot
Jupiters). This suggests that targeting the He I emission with well-designed
observations using upcoming instruments such as VLT/CRIRES+ and E-ELT/HIRES is
| astro-ph |
On the relative importance of hadronic emission processes along the jet
axis of Active Galactic Nuclei | With the coincident detection of a gamma-ray flare and a neutrino from the
blazar TXS 0506+056, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) have been put into focus as
possible sources of the diffuse neutrino flux. We present a space and
time-resolved model of the high-energy particle emission of a plasmoid assumed
to travel along the axis of an AGN jet at relativistic speed. This was achieved
by modifying the publicly available CRPropa (version 3.1+) propagation
framework which in our work is capable of being applied to source physics on
sub-kpc scales. The propagation of a population of primary protons is modelled
in a purely turbulent magnetic field and we take into account interactions of
these protons with photons scattered from the accretion disc, synchrotron
radiation emitted by ambient relativistic electrons, as well with themselves
and with other ambient matter. Our model produces a PeV-neutrino flare caused
mainly by photo-hadronic interactions of primaries with the accretion disc
field. Secondary high-energy gamma-rays partly attenuate with the ambient
photon fields whose combined optical depths achieve their minimal opacity for
photons of around 10 TeV. Thus, our model is well capable of producing neutrino
flares with a significantly reduced emission of gamma-rays in jets with a
hadronic jet component which in the future can be fit to specific AGN flare
| astro-ph |
Spikey: Self-Lensing Flares from Eccentric SMBH Binaries | We examine the light curves of two quasars, motivated by recent suggestions
that a supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) can exhibit sharp lensing spikes.
We model the variability of each light curve as due to a combination of two
relativistic effects: the orbital relativistic Doppler boost and gravitational
binary self-lensing. In order to model each system we extend previous Doppler
plus self-lensing models to include eccentricity. The first quasar is
identified in optical data as a binary candidate with a 20-yr period (Ark 120),
and shows a prominent spike. For this source, we rule out the lensing
hypothesis and disfavor the Doppler-boost hypothesis due to discrepancies in
the measured vs. recovered values of the binary mass and optical spectral
slope. The second source, which we nickname Spikey, is the rare case of an
active galactic nucleus (AGN) identified in Kepler's high-quality, high-cadence
photometric data. For this source, we find a model, consisting of a combination
of a Doppler modulation and a narrow symmetric lensing spike, consistent with
an eccentric SMBHB with a total mass of approximately 30 million solar masses,
rest-frame orbital period T=418 days, eccentricity e=0.5, and seen at an
inclination of 8 degrees from edge-on. This interpretation can be tested by
monitoring Spikey for periodic behavior and recurring flares in the next few
years. In preparation for such monitoring we present the first X-ray
observations of this object taken by the Neil Gehrels Swift observatory.
| astro-ph |
X-ray and Optical Monitoring of State Transitions in MAXI J1820+070 | We report results from the X-ray and optical monitoring of the black hole
candidate MAXI J1820+070 (=ASSASN-18ey) over the entire period of its outburst
from March to October 2018.In this outburst, the source exhibited two sets of
`fast rise and slow decay'-type long-term flux variations. We found that the
1--100 keV luminosities at two peaks were almost the same, although a
significant spectral softening was only seen in the second flux rise. This
confirms that the state transition from the low/hard state to the high/soft
state is not determined by the mass accretion rate alone. The X-ray spectrum
was reproduced with the disk blackbody emission and its Comptonization, and the
long-term spectral variations seen in this outburst were consistent with a disk
truncation model. The Comptonization component, with a photon index of 1.5-1.9
and electron temperature of ~>40 keV, was dominant during the low/hard state
periods, and its contribution rapidly decreased (increased) during the spectral
softening (hardening). During the high/soft state period, in which the X-ray
spectrum became dominated by the disk blackbody component, the inner disk
radius was almost constant, suggesting that the standard disk was present down
to the inner most stable circular orbit. The long-term evolution of optical and
X-ray luminosities and their correlation suggest that the jets substantially
contributed to the optical emission in the low/hard state, while they are
quenched and the outer disk emission dominated the optical flux in the
intermediate state and the high/soft state.
| astro-ph |
The spatial distributions of blue main-sequence stars in Magellanic
Cloud star clusters | The color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of young star clusters show that,
particularly at ultraviolet wavelengths, their upper main sequences (MSs)
bifurcate into a sequence comprising the bulk population and a blue periphery.
The spatial distribution of stars is crucial to understand the reasons for
these distinct stellar populations. This study uses high-resolution photometric
data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope to study the spatial
distributions of the stellar populations in seven Magellanic Cloud star
clusters. The cumulative radial number fractions of blue stars within four
clusters are strongly anti-correlated with those of the high-mass-ratio
binaries in the bifurcated region, with negative Pearson coefficients < -0.7.
Those clusters generally are young or in an early dynamical evolutionary stage.
In addition, a supporting N-body simulation suggests the increasing percentage
of blue-MS stars from the cluster centers to their outskirts may be associated
with the dissolution of soft binaries. This study provides a different
perspective to explore the MS bimodalities in young clusters and adds extra
puzzles. A more comprehensive study combined with detailed simulations is
needed in the future.
| astro-ph |
Models of irradiated molecular shocks | Aims. The goal of the paper is to present a detailed study of the propagation
of low velocity (5 to 25 km s-1) stationary molecular shocks in environments
illuminated by an external ultraviolet (UV) radiation field. In particular, we
intend to show how the structure, dynamics, energetics, and chemical properties
of shocks are modified by UV photons and to estimate how efficiently shocks can
produce line emission. Methods. We implemented several key physico-chemical
processes in the Paris-Durham shock code to improve the treatment of the
radiative transfer and its impact on dust and gas particles. We propose a new
integration algorithm to find the steady-state solutions of
magnetohydrodynamics equations in a range of parameters in which the fluid
evolves from a supersonic to a subsonic regime. We explored the resulting code
over a wide range of physical conditions, which encompass diffuse interstellar
clouds and hot and dense photon-dominated regions (PDR). Results. We find that
C-type shock conditions cease to exist as soon as G0 > 0.2 (nH/cm-3)^1/2. Such
conditions trigger the emergence of another category of stationary solutions,
called C*-type and CJ-type shocks, in which the shocked gas is momentarily
subsonic along its trajectory. These solutions are shown to be unique for a
given set of physical conditions and correspond to dissipative structures in
which the gas is heated up to temperatures comprised between those found in
C-type and adiabatic J-type shocks. High temperatures combined with the ambient
UV field favour the production or excitation of a few molecular species to the
detriment of others, hence leading to specific spectroscopic tracers such as
rovibrational lines of H2 and rotational lines of CH+. Unexpectedly, the
rotational lines of CH+ may carry as much as several percent of the shock
kinetic energy.
| astro-ph |
MOS spectroscopy of protocluster candidate galaxies at z=6.5 | The epoch corresponding to a redshift of z $\sim 6.5$ is close to full
re-ionisation of the Universe, and early enough to provide an intriguing
environment to observe the early stage of large-scale structure formation. It
is also en epoch that can be used to verify the abundance of a large population
of low luminosity star-forming galaxies, that are deemed responsible for cosmic
re-ionisation. Here, we present the results of follow-up multi-object
spectroscopy using OSIRIS at Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) of 16 Ly$\alpha$
emitter (LAE) candidates discovered in the Subaru/XMM Newton Deep Survey. We
have securely confirmed 10 LAEs with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio of the
Ly$\alpha$ emission line. The inferred star formation rates of the confirmed
LAEs are on the low side, within the range 0.9-4.7 M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$.
However, they show relatively high Ly$\alpha$ rest frame equivalent widths.
Finally we have shown that the mechanical energy released by the star formation
episodes in these galaxies is enough to create holes in the neutral hydrogen
medium such that Lyman continuum photons can escape to the intergalactic
medium, thus contributing to the re-ionisation of the Universe.
| astro-ph |
Lessons from the first multiply imaged supernova: A revised
Light-Traces-Mass strong lensing model for the galaxy cluster MACS
J1149.5+2223 | Our light-traces-mass (LTM) strong-lensing model for MACS J1149.5+2223 has
played several key roles over the last decade: it aided the identification of
multiple images in this cluster and the study of MACS1149-JD1 at redshift
$z\simeq9$, it was used to estimate the properties of the first multiply imaged
supernova, Refsdal, in its discovery paper, and of the first caustic crossing
event by a cluster, Lensed Star 1. Supernova Refsdal supplied an invaluable
opportunity to conduct a blind test of the ability of common lens-modeling
techniques to accurately describe the properties of SN Refsdal's images and
predict the reappearance of one of its counter images that was due about a year
post-discovery of the original Einstein cross. Thanks to this practice, in
which our submitted model yielded some outlying results, we located a numerical
artifact in the time delay (TD) calculation part of the code, which was now
fixed. This artifact did not influence the reproduction of multiple images
(i.e., the deflection fields -- which are those constrained directly from the
observations) or the derived mass model, and so it remained unnoticed prior to
supernova Refsdal, emphasizing the importance of blind tests in astronomy. Here
we update our model and present revised LTM measurements for Refsdal. These are
important not only for completing the LTM view of the Refsdal event, but also
because they affect the range of values predicted from different lens-modeling
techniques and thus the range of systematic uncertainties for the TD
calculation and the resulting Hubble constant.
| astro-ph |
The Araucaria Project: Deep near-infrared photometric maps of Local and
Sculptor Group galaxies. I. Carina, Fornax, Sculptor | Deep near-infrared $J$- and $K$-band photometry of three Local Group dwarf
spheroidal galaxies: Fornax, Carina, and Sculptor, is made available for the
community. Until now, these data have only been used by the Araucaria Project
to determine distances using the tip of the red giant and RR Lyrae stars. Now,
we present the entire data collection in a form of a database, consisting of
accurate $J$- and $K$-band magnitudes, sky coordinates, ellipticity
measurements, and timestamps of observations, complemented by stars' loci in
their reference images. Depth of our photometry reaches about 22 mag at
5$\sigma$ level, and is comparable to NIR surveys, like the UKIRT Infrared Deep
Sky Survey (UKIDSS) or the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS). Small overlap with
VHS and no overlap with UKIDSS makes our database a unique source of quality
| astro-ph |
High Energy Emission and its Variability in Young Stellar Objects | Young stars show a variety of highly energetic phenomena, from accretion and
outflow processes to hot coronal plasmas confined in their outer atmosphere,
all regulated by the intense stellar magnetic fields. Many aspects on each of
these phenomena are debated, but, most notably, their complex mutual
interaction remains obscure. In this work I report how these phenomena are
simultaneously responsible for the high-energy emission from young stars, with
a special focus on the expected and observed variability in the X-ray band.
Investigating variations in the X-ray emission from young stars allows us to
pose constraints on flare and coronal plasma properties, coronal heating,
accretion stream properties, and accretion geometries. All these results are
important building blocks for constructing a comprehensive picture of the
complex magnetosphere of young stars.
| astro-ph |
The Spin-Barrier Ratio for S and C-Type Main Asteroids Belt | Asteroids of size larger than 0.15 km generally do not have periods P smaller
than about 2.2 hours, a limit known as cohesionless spin-barrier. This barrier
can be explained by means of the cohesionless rubble-pile structure model. In
this paper we will explore the possibility for the observed spin-barrier value
to be different for C and S-type Main Asteroids Belt (MBAs). On the basis of
the actual bulk density values, the expected ratio between the maximum rotation
periods is $P_C/P_S \approx 1.4 \pm 0.3$. Using the data available in the
asteroid LightCurve Data Base (LCDB) we have found that, as regards the mean
spin-barrier values and for asteroids in the 4-20 km range, there is a little
difference between the two asteroids population with a ratio $P_C/P_S \approx
1.20 \pm 0.04$. Uncertainties are still high, mainly because of the small
number of MBAs with known taxonomic class in the considered range. In the 4-10
km range, instead, the ratio between the spin-barriers seems closer to 1
because $P_C/P_S \approx 1.11 \pm 0.05$. This behavior could be a direct
consequence of a different cohesion strength for C and S-type asteroids of
which the ratio can be estimated.
| astro-ph |
RadioLuna: A Penetrometer Deployed Network For Lunar Radio Science Below
2 MHz | The radio environment of the Moon at low frequencies, particularly in lunar
polar regions and the permanently shadowed regions (PSR) found there, is
relatively poorly explored and may contain some novel features. In addition,
these areas of the Moon, shielded from the natural and artificial emissions of
the Earth, and the natural radio emissions of the Sun and the other planets,
are near-ideal locations for radio astronomy observations in the last
unexplored region of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum. We are developing
a low-mass RadioLuna radio science precursor mission to deploy an
interferometric array on the lunar surface using Space Initiatives "Mote"
penetrometers. The current RadioLuna default mission would be an array of 10 -
12 penetrators deployed on the floor of Shackleton crater in the PSR 4 km below
the crater rim, where it would be shielded from all terrestial, solar and
planetary interference. At the present level of understanding of the low
frequency lunar radio environment there will be a tight coupling between
advances in technology and advances in science, and RadioLuna can be expected
to lead to improvements in both lunar radio science and lunar communication
| astro-ph |
Machine learning application to Fermi-LAT data: sharpening all-sky map
and emphasizing variable sources | A novel application of machine-learning (ML) based image processing
algorithms is proposed to analyze an all-sky map (ASM) obtained using the Fermi
Gamma-ray Space Telescope. An attempt was made to simulate a one-year ASM from
a short-exposure ASM generated from one-week observation by applying three ML
based image processing algorithms: dictionary learning, U-net, and Noise2Noise.
Although the inference based on ML is less clear compared to standard
likelihood analysis, the quality of the ASM was generally improved. In
particular, the complicated diffuse emission associated with the galactic plane
was successfully reproduced only from one-week observation data to mimic a
ground truth (GT) generated from a one-year observation. Such ML algorithms can
be implemented relatively easily to provide sharper images without various
assumptions of emission models. In contrast, large deviations between simulated
ML maps and GT map were found, which are attributed to the significant temporal
variability of blazar-type active galactic nuclei (AGNs) over a year. Thus, the
proposed ML methods are viable not only to improve the image quality of an ASM,
but also to detect variable sources, such as AGNs, algorithmically, i.e.,
without human bias. Moreover, we argue that this approach is widely applicable
to ASMs obtained by various other missions; thus, it has the potential to
examine giant structures and transient events, both of which are rarely found
in pointing observations.
| astro-ph |
Developing a self-consistent AGB wind model: II. Non-classical,
non-equilibrium polymer nucleation in a chemical mixture | Unravelling the composition and characteristics of gas and dust lost by
asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars is important as these stars play a vital
role in the chemical life cycle of galaxies. The general hypothesis of their
mass loss mechanism is a combination of stellar pulsations and radiative
pressure on dust grains. However, current models simplify dust formation, which
starts as a microscopic phase transition called nucleation. Various nucleation
theories exist, yet all assume chemical equilibrium, growth restricted by
monomers, and commonly use macroscopic properties for a microscopic process.
Such simplifications for initial dust formation can have large repercussions on
the type, amount, and formation time of dust. By abandoning equilibrium
assumptions, discarding growth restrictions, and using quantum mechanical
properties, we have constructed and investigated an improved nucleation theory
in AGB wind conditions for four dust candidates, TiO$_2$, MgO, SiO and
Al$_2$O$_3$. This paper reports the viability of these candidates as first dust
precursors and reveals implications of simplified nucleation theories. Monomer
restricted growth underpredicts large clusters at low temperatures and
overpredicts formation times. Assuming the candidates are present, Al$_2$O$_3$
is the favoured precursor due to its rapid growth at the highest considered
temperatures. However, when considering an initially atomic chemical mixture,
only TiO$_2$-clusters form. Still, we believe Al$_2$O$_3$ to be the prime
candidate due to substantial physical evidence in presolar grains, observations
of dust around AGB stars at high temperatures, and its ability to form at high
temperatures and expect the missing link to be insufficient quantitative data
of Al-reactions.
| astro-ph |
Unveiling the wave nature of gravitational-waves with simulations | We present the first numerical simulations of gravitational waves (GWs)
passing through a potential well generated by a compact object in 3-D space,
with a realistic source waveform derived from numerical relativity for the
merger of two black holes. Unlike the previous work, our analyses focus on the
time-domain, in which the propagation of GWs is a well-posed "initial-value"
problem for the hyperbolic equations with rigorous rooting in mathematics and
physics. Based on these simulations, we investigate for the first time in
realistic 3-D space how the wave nature of GWs affects the speed and waveform
of GWs in a potential well. We find that GWs travel faster than the prediction
of the Shapiro time-delay in the geometric limit due to the effects of
diffraction and wavefront geometry. As the wave speed of GWs is closely related
to the locality and wavefront geometry of GWs, which are inherently difficult
to be addressed in the frequency-domain, our analyses in the time-domain,
therefore, provide the first robust analyses to date on this issue based on
solid physics. Moreover, we also investigate, for the first time, the
interference between the incident and the scattered waves (the "echoes" of the
incident waves). We find that such interference makes the total lensed
waveforms dramatically different from those of the original incident ones not
only in the amplitude but also in the phase and pattern, especially for signals
near the merger of the two back holes.
| astro-ph |
Surface properties of large TNOs: Expanding the study to longer
wavelengths with the James Webb Space Telescope | The largest trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) represent an extremely diverse
collection of primitive bodies in the outer solar system. The community
typically refers to these objects as dwarf planets, though the IAU acknowledges
only four TNOs officially as such: Pluto, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea. We
present a list of 36 potential candidates for reclassification as dwarf
planets, namely candidate dwarf planets (CDPs), which cover a wide range of
sizes, geometric albedos, surface colors and probably, composition.
Understanding the properties across this population, and how those properties
change with size, will yield useful constraints on the environment in which
these TNOs formed, as well as their dynamical evolution, and bulk interior
composition. TNO surface characteristics are ideal for study with the James
Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which provides imaging and spectroscopic
capabilities from 0.6 to 28 $\mu$m. The four available science instruments,
MIRI, NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec, and their capabilities for the study of
TNOs, are presented. JWST will expand on the wavelength range observable from
the ground in the near-infrared (0.6-5 $\mu$m) for compositional studies and
will open a new window on TNOs in the mid-infrared (5-28 $\mu$m) for thermal
| astro-ph |
Disk-jet coupling changes as a possible indicator for outbursts from GX
339-4 remaining within the X-ray hard state | We present quasi-simultaneous radio, (sub-)millimetre, and X-ray observations
of the Galactic black hole X-ray binary GX 339-4, taken during its 2017--2018
outburst, where the source remained in the hard X-ray spectral state. During
this outburst, GX 339-4 showed no atypical X-ray behaviour that may act as a
indicator for an outburst remaining within the hard state. However,
quasi-simultaneous radio and X-ray observations showed a flatter than expected
coupling between the radio and X-ray luminosities (with a best fit relation of
$L_{\rm radio} \propto L_{\rm X}^{0.39 \pm 0.06}$), when compared to successful
outbursts from this system ($L_{\rm radio} \propto L_{\rm X}^{0.62 \pm 0.02}$).
While our 2017--2018 outburst data only span a limited radio and X-ray
luminosity range ($\sim$1 order of magnitude in both, where more than 2-orders
of magnitude in $L_{\rm X}$ is desired), including data from other hard-only
outbursts from GX 339-4 extends the luminosity range to $\sim$1.2 and $\sim$2.8
orders of magnitude, respectively, and also results in a flatter correlation
(where $L_{\rm radio} \propto L_{\rm X}^{0.46 \pm 0.04}$). This result is
suggestive that for GX 339-4 a flatter radio -- X-ray correlation, implying a
more inefficient coupling between the jet and accretion flow, could act as an
indicator for a hard-only outburst. However, further monitoring of both
successful and hard-only outbursts over larger luminosity ranges with strictly
simultaneous radio and X-ray observations is required from different, single
sources, to explore if this applies generally to the population of black hole
X-ray binaries, or even GX 339-4 at higher hard-state luminosities.
| astro-ph |
CWISEP J193518.59$-$154620.3: An Extremely Cold Brown Dwarf in the Solar
Neighborhood Discovered with CatWISE | We present the discovery of an extremely cold, nearby brown dwarf in the
solar neighborhood, found in the CatWISE catalog (Eisenhardt et al., in prep.).
Photometric follow-up with Spitzer reveals that the object, CWISEP
J193518.59-154620.3, has ch1$-$ch2 = 3.24$\,\pm\,$0.31 mag, making it one of
the reddest brown dwarfs known. Using the Spitzer photometry and the polynomial
relations from Kirkpatrick et al. (2019) we estimate an effective temperature
in the $\sim$270--360 K range, and a distance estimate in the 5.6$-$10.9 pc
range. We combined the WISE, NEOWISE, and Spitzer data to measure a proper
motion of $\mu_\alpha \cos \delta = 337\pm69$ mas yr$^{-1}$, $\mu_\delta =
-50\pm97$ mas yr$^{-1}$, which implies a relatively low tangential velocity in
the range 7$-$22 km s$^{-1}$.
| astro-ph |
The effect of non-linear mutual friction on pulsar glitch sizes and rise
times | Observations of pulsar glitches have the potential to provide constraints on
the dynamics of the high density interior of neutron stars. However, to do so,
realistic glitch models must be constructed and compared to the data. We take a
step towards this goal by testing non-linear models for the mutual friction
force, which is responsible for the exchange of angular momentum between the
neutron superfluid and the observable normal component in a glitch. In
particular, we consider a non-linear dependence of the drag force on the
relative velocity between superfluid vortices and the normal component, in
which the contributions of both kelvon and phonon excitations are included.
This non-linear model produces qualitatively new features, and is able to
reproduce the observed bimodal distribution of glitch sizes in the pulsar
population. The model also suggests that the differences in size distributions
in individual pulsars may be due to the glitches being triggered in regions
with different pinning strengths, as stronger pinning leads to higher vortex
velocities and a qualitatively different mutual friction coupling with respect
to the weak pinning case. Glitches in pulsars that appear to glitch
quasi-periodically with similar sizes may thus be due to the same mechanisms as
smaller events in pulsars that have no preferred glitch size, but simply
originate in stronger pinning regions, possibly in the core of the star.
| astro-ph |
Gravitational-wave constraints on the cosmic opacity at $z\sim 5$:
forecast from space gravitational-wave antenna DECIGO | Since gravitational waves (GWs) propagate freely through a perfect fluid,
coalescing compact binary systems as standard sirens allow to measure the
luminosity distance directly and provide distance measurements unaffected by
the cosmic opacity. DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory
(DECIGO) is a future Japanese space gravitational-wave antenna sensitive to
frequency range between target frequencies of LISA and ground-based detectors.
Combining the predicted future GW observations from DECIGO and three current
popular astrophysical probes (HII regions, SNe Ia Pantheon sample, quasar
sample) in electromagnetic (EM) domains, one would be able to probe the opacity
of the Universe at different redshifts. In this paper, we show that the cosmic
opacity parameter can be constrained to a high precision ($\Delta \epsilon\sim
10^{-2}$) out to high redshifts ($z\sim$5). In order to reconstruct the
evolution of cosmic opacity without assuming any particular functional form of
it, the cosmic opacity tests should be applied to individual redshift bins
independently. Therefore, we also calculate the optical depth at individual
redshifts and averaged $\tau(z)$ within redshift bins. Our findings indicate
that, compared with the results obtained from the HII galaxies and Pantheon SNe
Ia, there is an improvement in precision when the quasar sample is considered.
While non-zero optical depth is statistically significant only for redshift
ranges $0<z<0.5$, $1<z<2$, and $2.5<z<3.5$, such tendency is different from
that obtained in the framework of its parametrized form. Therefore the
importance of cosmic-opacity test without a prescribed phenomenological
function should be emphasized.
| astro-ph |
A Native Hawaiian-led summary of the current impact of constructing the
Thirty Meter Telescope on Maunakea | Maunakea, the proposed site of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), is a
lightning-rod topic for Native Hawaiians, Hawaii residents, and the
international astronomy community. In this paper we, Native Hawaiian natural
scientists and allies, identify historical decisions that impact current
circumstances on Maunakea and provide approaches to acknowledging their
presence. Our aim is to provide an Indigenous viewpoint centered in Native
Hawaiian perspectives on the impacts of the TMT project on the Hawaiian
community. We summarize the current Maunakea context from the perspective of
the authors who are trained in the natural sciences (inclusive of and beyond
astronomy and physics), the majority of whom are Native Hawaiian or Indigenous.
We highlight three major themes in the conflict surrounding TMT: 1) physical
demonstrations and the use of law enforcement against the protectors of
Maunakea; 2) an assessment of the benefit of Maunakea astronomy to Native
Hawaiians; and 3) the disconnect between astronomers and Native Hawaiians. We
close with general short- and long- term recommendations for the astronomy
community, which represent steps that can be taken to re-establish trust and
engage in meaningful reciprocity and collaboration with Native Hawaiians and
other Indigenous communities. Our recommendations are based on established best
principles of free, prior, and informed consent and researcher-community
interactions that extend beyond transactional exchanges. We emphasize that
development of large-scale astronomical instrumentation must be predicated on
consensus from the local Indigenous community about whether development is
allowed on their homelands. Proactive steps must be taken to center Indigenous
voices in the earliest stages of project design.
| astro-ph |
Ultraviolet Mg II emission from fast neutral ejecta around Eta Carinae | We present the first images of the nebula around eta Carinae obtained with
HST/WFC3, including a UV image in the F280N filter that traces MgII emission,
plus contemporaneous imaging in the F336W, F658N, and F126N filters that trace
near-UV continuum, [NII], and [FeII], respectively. The F336W and F658N images
are consistent with previous images in these filters, and F126N shows that for
the most part, [FeII] 12567 traces clumpy shocked gas seen in [NII]. The F280N
image, however, reveals MgII emission from structures that have not been seen
in any previous line or continuum images of eta Carinae. This image shows
diffuse MgII emission immediately outside the bipolar Homunculus nebula in all
directions, but with the strongest emission concentrated over the poles. The
diffuse structure with prominent radial streaks, plus an anticorrelation with
ionized tracers of clumpy shocked gas, leads us to suggest that this is
primarily MgII resonant scattering from unshocked, neutral atomic gas. We
discuss the implied structure and geometry of the MgII emission, and its
relation to the Homunculus lobes and various other complex nebular structures.
An order of magnitude estimate of the neutral gas mass traced by MgII is
0.02Msun, with a corresponding kinetic energy around 1e47erg. This may provide
important constraints on polar mass loss in the early phases of the Great
Eruption. We argue that the MgII line may be an excellent tracer of significant
reservoirs of freely expanding, unshocked, and otherwise invisible neutral
atomic gas in a variety of stellar outflows.
| astro-ph |
CO and HCN isotopologue ratios in the outflows of AGB stars | Isotopologue line intensity ratios of circumstellar molecules have been
widely used to trace the photospheric elemental isotopic ratios of evolved
stars. However, depending on the molecular species and the physical conditions
of the environment, the circumstellar isotopologue ratio may deviate
considerably from the stellar atmospheric value. In this paper, we aim to
examine how the CO and HCN abundance ratios vary radially due to chemical
reactions in the outflows of AGB stars and the effect of excitation and optical
depth on the resulting line intensity ratios. We find that the circumstellar
12CO/13CO can deviate from its atmospheric value by up to 25-94% and 6-60% for
C- and O-type CSEs, respectively. We show that variations of the intensity of
the ISRF and the gas kinetic temperature can significantly influence the CO
isotopologue ratio in the outer CSEs. On the contrary, the H12CN/H13CN ratio is
stable for all tested mass-loss rates. The RT modeling shows that the
integrated line intensity ratio of CO of different rotational transitions
varies significantly for stars with intermediate mass-loss rates due to
combined chemical and excitation effects. In contrast, the excitation
conditions for the both HCN isotopologues are the same. We demonstrate the
importance of using the isotopologue abundance profiles from chemical models as
inputs to RT models in the interpretation of isotopologue observations.
Previous studies of CO isotopologue ratios are based on multi-transition data
for individual sources and it is difficult to estimate the errors in the
reported values due to assumptions that are not entirely correct according to
this study. If anything, previous studies may have overestimated the
circumstellar 12CO/13CO abundance ratio. The use of the HCN as a tracer of C
isotope ratios is affected by fewer complicating problems, provided one
accounts corrections for high optical depths.
| astro-ph |
Probing the absorption of gamma-rays by IR radiation from the dusty
torus in FSRQs with the Cherenkov Telescope Array | Within the classical emission model, where the emission region is placed
within the broad line region (BLR), flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) were
believed not to emit photons with energies above few tens of GeV because of the
absorption with the optical-UV photons from the BLR. However, photons with
observed energies up to about $300 \, \rm GeV$ have been detected for few
FSRQs, whose most iconic example is PKS 1441+25 at redshift $z = 0.94$. The
most conservative explanation for these observations is that the emission
occurs at distances comparable to the size of the dusty torus. In this case,
absorption of high-energy gamma-ray photons for energies above $200-300 \, {\rm
GeV}$ is dominated by the interaction with infrared radiation emitted by the
torus. We investigate if current observational data about FSRQs in flaring
state can give us information about: (i) the importance of the torus absorption
and (ii) the properties of the torus i.e. its temperature and its geometry. We
find that present data do not arrive at energies where the torus influence is
prominent and as a result it is currently hardly possible to infer torus
properties from observations. However, with dedicated simulations, we
demonstrate that observations with the forthcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array
(CTA) will be able to constrain the torus parameters (temperature and
| astro-ph |
Voluminous silica precipitated from martian waters during late-stage
aqueous alteration | Mars' transition from an early "warm and wet" to the "cold and dry"
environment left fingerprints on the geological record of fluvial activity on
Mars. The morphological and mineralogical observations of aqueous activity
provided varying constraints on the condition and duration of liquid water on
martian surface. In this study, we surveyed the mineralogy of martian alluvial
fans and deltas and investigated the hydrated silica-bearing deposits
associated with these landforms. Using CRISM data, we identified 35 locations
across Mars with hydrated silica in proximity to fan/deltas, where the spectral
characteristics are consistent with immature or dehydrated opal-A. In a few
stepped fan/deltas, we find hydrated silica occurs within the bulk fan deposits
and form sedimentary layers correlated with elevation, corroborating the
formation of hydrated silica through precipitation. Meanwhile in the older
fan/deltas silica mostly occur at distal locations and the relation to primary
sedimentary deposits is more complex. We propose that the hydrated
silica-bearing deposits in stepped fan/deltas likely formed authigenically from
martian surface waters, mainly during the Late Hesperian and Early Amazonian
[Hauber et al., 2013]. These silica-bearing deposits could be a tracer for the
temperature of water involved in the formation of these deposits, given more
precise and detailed observations of the sedimentary context, accessory
minerals, the concentration of hydrated silica and sediment-to-water ratio.
Therefore, we consider that silica-bearing deposits should be among the most
critical samples to investigate for future Mars missions, which are accessible
in the landing sites of Mars 2020 and ExoMars missions.
| astro-ph |
Primordial magnetic helicity evolution with a homogeneous magnetic field
from inflation | Motivated by a scenario of magnetogenesis in which a homogeneous magnetic
field is generated during inflation, we study the magnetohydrodynamic evolution
of the primordial plasma motions for two kinds of initial conditions -- (i) a
spatially homogeneous field with an unlimited correlation length, and (ii) a
zero flux scale-invariant statistically homogeneous magnetic field. In both
cases, we apply, for a short initial time interval, monochromatic forcing at a
certain wave number so that the correlation length is finite, but much smaller
than the typical length scale of turbulence. In particular, we investigate the
decay of nonhelical and helical hydromagnetic turbulence. We show that, in the
presence of a homogeneous magnetic field, the decay of helical and nonhelical
small-scale fields can occur rapidly. This is a special property of a system
with a perfectly homogeneous magnetic field, which is sometimes considered as a
local approximation to a slowly varying background field. It can never change
and acts as an imposed magnetic field. This is in a sharp contrast to the case
of a statistically homogeneous magnetic field, where we recover familiar decay
properties: a much slower decay of magnetic energy and a faster growth of the
correlation length, especially in the case with magnetic felicity. The result
suggests that a homogeneous magnetic field, if generated during inflation,
should persist under the influence of small-scale fields and could be the
origin of the large-scale magnetic field in the Universe.
| astro-ph |
HST Imaging of the Ionizing Radiation from a Star-forming Galaxy at z =
3.794 | We report on the HST detection of the Lyman-continuum (LyC) radiation emitted
by a galaxy at redshift z=3.794, dubbed Ion1 (Vanzella et al. 2012). The LyC
from Ion1 is detected at rest-frame wavelength 820$\sim$890 \AA with HST
WFC3/UVIS in the F410M band ($m_{410}=27.60\pm0.36$ magnitude (AB), peak SNR =
4.17 in a circular aperture with radius r = 0.12'') and at 700$\sim$830 \AA
with the VLT/VIMOS in the U-band ($m_U = 27.84\pm0.19$ magnitude (AB), peak SNR
= 6.7 with a r = 0.6'' aperture). A 20-hr VLT/VIMOS spectrum shows low- and
high-ionization interstellar metal absorption lines, the P-Cygni profile of CIV
and Ly$\alpha$ in absorption. The latter spectral feature differs from what
observed in known LyC emitters, which show strong Ly$\alpha$ emission. An HST
far-UV color map reveals that the LyC emission escapes from a region of the
galaxy that is bluer than the rest, presumably because of lower dust
obscuration. The F410M image shows that the centroid of the LyC emission is
offset from the centroid of the non-ionizing UV emission by 0.12''$\pm$0.03'',
corresponding to 0.85$\pm$0.21 kpc (physical), and that its morphology is
likely moderately resolved. These morphological characteristics favor a
scenario where the LyC photons produced by massive stars escape from low HI
column-density "cavities" in the ISM, possibly carved by stellar winds and/or
supernova. We also collect the VIMOS U-band images of a sample of 107
Lyman-break galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts at $3.40<z<3.95$, i.e.
sampling the LyC, and stack them with inverse-variance weights. No LyC emission
is detected in the stacked image, resulting in a 32.5 magnitude (AB) flux limit
(1$\sigma$) and an upper limit of absolute LyC escape fraction $f_{esc}^{abs} <
0.63\%$. LyC emitters like Ion1 are very likely at the bright-end of the LyC
luminosity function.
| astro-ph |
The Twins Embedding of Type Ia Supernovae II: Improving Cosmological
Distance Estimates | We show how spectra of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) at maximum light can be
used to improve cosmological distance estimates. In a companion article, we
used manifold learning to build a three-dimensional parameterization of the
intrinsic diversity of SNe Ia at maximum light that we call the "Twins
Embedding". In this article, we discuss how the Twins Embedding can be used to
improve the standardization of SNe Ia. With a single
spectrophotometrically-calibrated spectrum near maximum light, we can
standardize our sample of SNe Ia with an RMS of $0.101 \pm 0.007$ mag, which
corresponds to $0.084 \pm 0.009$ mag if peculiar velocity contributions are
removed and $0.073 \pm 0.008$ mag if a larger reference sample were obtained.
Our techniques can standardize the full range of SNe Ia, including those
typically labeled as peculiar and often rejected from other analyses. We find
that traditional light curve width + color standardization such as SALT2 is not
sufficient. The Twins Embedding identifies a subset of SNe Ia including but not
limited to 91T-like SNe Ia whose SALT2 distance estimates are biased by $0.229
\pm 0.045$ mag. Standardization using the Twins Embedding also significantly
decreases host-galaxy correlations. We recover a host mass step of $0.040 \pm
0.020$ mag compared to $0.092 \pm 0.024$ mag for SALT2 standardization on the
same sample of SNe Ia. These biases in traditional standardization methods
could significantly impact future cosmology analyses if not properly taken into
| astro-ph |
A search for ultrahigh-energy neutrinos associated with astrophysical
sources using the third flight of ANITA | The ANtarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) long-duration balloon
experiment is sensitive to interactions of ultra high-energy (E > 10^{18} eV)
neutrinos in the Antarctic ice sheet. The third flight of ANITA, lasting 22
days, began in December 2014. We develop a methodology to search for energetic
neutrinos spatially and temporally coincident with potential source classes in
ANITA data. This methodology is applied to several source classes: the TXS
0506+056 blazar and NGC 1068, the first potential TeV neutrino sources
identified by IceCube, flaring high-energy blazars reported by the Fermi
All-Sky Variability Analysis, gamma-ray bursts, and supernovae. Among searches
within the five source classes, one candidate was identified as associated with
SN 2015D, although not at a statistically significant level. We proceed to
place upper limits on the source classes. We further comment on potential
applications of this methodology to more sensitive future instruments.
| astro-ph |
Small-Scale Dynamical Coherence Accompanied with Galaxy Conformity | The discovery of the coherence between galaxy rotation and neighbor motion in
1-Mpc scales has been reported recently. Following up the discovery, we
investigate whether the neighbors in such dynamical coherence also present
galaxy conformity, using the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey
(CALIFA) data and the NASA-Sloan Atlas (NSA) catalog. We measure the
correlation coefficient of g - r colors between the CALIFA galaxies and their
neighbors, as a quantitative indicator of galaxy conformity. The neighbors are
divided into coherently moving and anti-coherently moving ones, the correlation
coefficients from which are compared with each other, in various bins of
relative luminosity and projected distance. In most cases, the CALIFA galaxies
and their neighbors show positive correlation coefficients in g - r color, even
for the anti-coherent neighbors. However, we find statistically significant
(2.6-sigma) difference between coherent and anti-coherent neighbors, when the
neighbor galaxies are bright (Delta Mr <= -1.0) and close (D <= 400 kpc). That
is, when they are bright and close to the CALIFA galaxies, the coherently
moving neighbors show stronger conformity with the CALIFA galaxies than the
anti-coherently moving neighbors. This result supports that the small-scale
dynamical coherence may originate from galaxy interactions as galaxy conformity
is supposed to do, which agrees with the conclusion of the previous study.
| astro-ph |
Fermi LAT detection of the supernova remnant SN 1006 revisited: the
south-west limb | The data from the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray
Space Telescope have recently been updated. We thus re-analyze the LAT data for
the supernova remnant (SNR) SN 1006. Two parts of gamma-ray emission from the
region is clearly resolved, which correspond to the north-east (NE) and
south-west (SW) limbs of the SNR. The former was detected in the previous LAT
data (Xing et al. 2016), but the latter is newly detected in this work. The
detection of the two limbs are at a 4 sigma significance level, and the
spectral results for the NE limb is consistent with those obtained in previous
detection analyses. We construct the broadband spectral energy distribution
(SED) for the SW limb. Different scenarios are considered for the SED in
gamma-ray energies. We conclude very similar to that of the NE limb, the
high-energy and very high-energy emission from the SW limb is likely dominated
by the leptonic process, in which high-energy electrons accelerated from the
shell region of the SNR inverse-Compton scatter background photons to
| astro-ph |
The Breakdown Scale of HI Bias Linearity | The 21 cm intensity mapping experiments promise to obtain the large-scale
distribution of HI gas at the post-reionization epoch. In order to reveal the
underlying matter density fluctuations from the HI mapping, it is important to
understand how HI gas traces the matter density distribution. Both nonlinear
halo clustering and nonlinear effects modulating HI gas in halos may determine
the scale below which the HI bias deviates from linearity. We employ three
approaches to generate the mock HI density from a large-scale N-body simulation
at low redshifts, and demonstrate that the assumption of HI linearity is valid
at the scale corresponding to the first peak of baryon acoustic oscillations,
but breaks down at $k \gtrsim 0.1\,h\, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$. The nonlinear effects
of halo clustering and HI content modulation counteract each other at small
scales, and their competition results in a model-dependent "sweet-spot"
redshift near $z$=1 where the HI bias is scale-independent down to small
scales. We also find that the linear HI bias scales approximately linearly with
redshift for $z\le 3$.
| astro-ph |
A model independent comparison of supernova and strong lensing
cosmography: implications for the Hubble constant tension | We use supernovae measurements, calibrated by the local determination of the
Hubble constant $H_0$ by SH0ES, to interpolate the distance-redshift relation
using Gaussian process regression. We then predict, independent of the
cosmological model, the distances that are measured with strong lensing time
delays. We find excellent agreement between these predictions and the
measurements. The agreement holds when we consider only the redshift dependence
of the distance-redshift relation, independent of the value of $H_0$. Our
results disfavor the possibility that lens mass modeling contributes a 10\%
bias or uncertainty in the strong lensing analysis, as suggested recently in
the literature. In general our analysis strengthens the case that residual
systematic errors in both measurements are below the level of the current
discrepancy with the CMB determination of $H_0$, and supports the possibility
of new physical phenomena on cosmological scales. With additional data our
methodology can provide more stringent tests of unaccounted for systematics in
the determinations of the distance-redshift relation in the late universe.
| astro-ph |
Implications of the lowest frequency detection of the persistent
counterpart of FRB121102 | Context. The repeating FRB121102 is so far the only extra-galactic Fast Radio
Burst found to be associated with a counterpart, a steady radio source with a
nearly flat spectral energy distribution (SED) in centimeter wavelengths.
Aims. Previous observations of the persistent source down to $1.6$~GHz has
shown no sign of a spectral turn-over. Absorption is expected to eventually
cause a turn-over at lower frequencies. Better constraints on the physical
parameters of the emitting medium can be derived by detecting the
self-absorption frequency.
Methods. We used the Giant Metre-Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) during the
period of July to December 2017 to observe the source at low radio frequencies
down to $400$~MHz.
Results. The spectral energy distribution of the source remains optically
thin even at $400$~MHz, with a spectral index of $\nu^{-(0.07 \pm 0.03)}$
similar to what is seen in Galactic plerions. Using a generic synchrotron
radiation model, we obtain constraints on properties of the non-thermal plasma
and the central engine powering it.
Conclusions. We present low-frequency detections of the persistent source
associated with FRB121102. Its characteristic flat SED extends down to
$400$~MHz. Like Galactic plerions, the energy in the persistent source is
carried predominantly by leptons. The emitting plasma has a $B< 0.01$~G, and
its age is $> 524 \left(\frac{B}{0.01 {\rm G}} \right)^{-3/2}$. We show that
the energetics of the persistent source requires an initial spin period shorter
than 36~ms, and the magnetic field of the neutron star must exceed $4.5\times
10^{12}$~G. This implies that the persistent source does not necessarily
require energetic input from a magnetar.
| astro-ph |
Electromagnetic transients and gravitational waves from white dwarf
disruptions by stellar black holes in triple systems | Mergers of binaries comprised of compact objects can give rise to explosive
transient events, heralding the birth of exotic objects which cannot be formed
through single star evolution. Using a large number of direct N-body
simulations, we explore the possibility that a white dwarf (WD) is dynamically
driven to tidal disruption by a stellar-mass black hole (BH) as a consequence
of the joint effects of gravitational wave (GW) emission and Lidov-Kozai
oscillations imposed by the tidal field of a outer tertiary companion orbiting
the inner BH-WD binary. We explore the sensitivity of our results to the
distributions of natal kick velocities imparted to the BH and WD upon
formation, adiabatic mass loss, semi-major axes and eccentricities of the
triples, and stellar mass ratios. We find rates of WD-TDEs in the range
$1.2\times 10^{-3}-1.4$ Gpc$^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$ for $z\leq 0.1$, rarer than
stellar TDEs in triples by a factor of $\sim 3$--$30$. The uncertainty in the
TDE rates may be greatly reduced in the future using gravitational wave (GW)
observations of Galactic binaries and triples with LISA. WD-TDEs may give rise
to high energy X-ray or gamma-ray transients of duration similar to long
gamma-ray bursts but lacking the signatures of a core-collapse supernova, while
being accompanied by a supernova-like optical transient which lasts for only
days. WD--BH and WD--NS binaries will also emit GWs in the LISA band before the
TDE. The discovery and identification of triple-induced WD-TDE events by future
time domain surveys and/or GWs could enable the study of the demographics of
BHs in nearby galaxies.
| astro-ph |
Clouds will likely prevent the detection of water vapor in JWST
transmission spectra of terrestrial exoplanets | We are on the verge of characterizing the atmospheres of terrestrial
exoplanets in the habitable zones of M dwarf stars. Due to their large
planet-to-star radius ratios and higher frequency of transits, terrestrial
exoplanets orbiting M dwarf stars are favorable for transmission spectroscopy.
In this work, we quantify the effect that water clouds have on the amplitude of
water vapor transmission spectral features of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting M
dwarf stars. To do so, we make synthetic transmission spectra from general
circulation model (GCM) experiments of tidally locked planets. We improve upon
previous work by considering how varying a broad range of planetary parameters
affects transmission spectra. We find that clouds lead to a 10-100 times
increase in the number of transits required to detect water features with the
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) with varying rotation period, incident
stellar flux, surface pressure, planetary radius, and surface gravity. We also
find that there is a strong increase in the dayside cloud coverage in our GCM
simulations with rotation periods $\gtrsim 12 \ \mathrm{days}$ for planets with
Earth's radius. This increase in cloud coverage leads to even stronger muting
of spectral features for slowly rotating exoplanets orbiting M dwarf stars. We
predict that it will be extremely challenging to detect water transmission
features in the atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets in the habitable zone of
M dwarf stars with JWST. However, species that are well-mixed above the cloud
deck (e.g., CO$_2$ and CH$_4$) may still be detectable on these planets with
| astro-ph |
High redshift JWST predictions from IllustrisTNG: II. Galaxy line and
continuum spectral indices and dust attenuation curves | We present predictions for high redshift ($z=2-10$) galaxy populations based
on the IllustrisTNG simulation suite and a full Monte Carlo dust radiative
transfer post-processing. Specifically, we discuss the ${\rm H}_{\alpha}$ and
${\rm H}_{\beta}$ + $[\rm O \,III]$ luminosity functions up to $z=8$. The
predicted ${\rm H}_{\beta}$ + $[\rm O \,III]$ luminosity functions are
consistent with present observations at $z\lesssim 3$ with $\lesssim 0.1\,{\rm
dex}$ differences in luminosities. However, the predicted ${\rm H}_{\alpha}$
luminosity function is $\sim 0.3\,{\rm dex}$ dimmer than the observed one at
$z\simeq 2$. Furthermore, we explore continuum spectral indices, the Balmer
break at $4000$\AA (D4000) and the UV continuum slope $\beta$. The median D4000
versus sSFR relation predicted at $z=2$ is in agreement with the local
calibration despite a different distribution pattern of galaxies in this plane.
In addition, we reproduce the observed $A_{\rm UV}$ versus $\beta$ relation and
explore its dependence on galaxy stellar mass, providing an explanation for the
observed complexity of this relation. We also find a deficiency in heavily
attenuated, UV red galaxies in the simulations. Finally, we provide predictions
for the dust attenuation curves of galaxies at $z=2-6$ and investigate their
dependence on galaxy colors and stellar masses. The attenuation curves are
steeper in galaxies at higher redshifts, with bluer colors, or with lower
stellar masses. We attribute these predicted trends to dust geometry. Overall,
our results are consistent with present observations of high redshift galaxies.
Future JWST observations will further test these predictions.
| astro-ph |
Yellow symbiotic star AG Draconis in the scope of the New Online
Database of Symbiotic Variables | Symbiotic stars are strongly interacting binaries, consisting of a white
dwarf and a cool giant, mainly of spectral type M. AG Draconis belongs to a
less numerous group of the yellow symbiotic systems, as the cool component in
this binary is of a spectral type earlier than K4. Recently, after seven years
of quiescence, this symbiotic star exhibited a very unusual active stage with
the four minor outbursts observed. Thanks to the excellent involvement of
amateur astronomers and professional observatories, we can study the activity
of AG Draconis in unprecedented details. In the present work, we discuss the
activity and peculiarities of this interacting system within the entire group
of symbiotic stars whose properties have recently been presented in our New
Online Database of Symbiotic Variables.
| astro-ph |
Magnetic white dwarfs in post-common-envelope binaries | Magnitude-limited samples have shown that 20-25 per cent of cataclysmic
variables contain white dwarfs with magnetic fields of Mega Gauss strength, in
stark contrast to the approximately 5 per cent of single white dwarfs with
similar magnetic field strengths. Moreover, the lack of identifiable progenitor
systems for magnetic cataclysmic variables leads to considerable challenges
when trying to understand how these systems form and evolve. Here we present a
sample of six magnetic white dwarfs in detached binaries with low-mass stellar
companions where we have constrained the stellar and binary parameters
including, for the first time, reliable mass estimates for these magnetic white
dwarfs. We find that they are systematically more massive than non-magnetic
white dwarfs in detached binaries. These magnetic white dwarfs generally have
cooling ages of more than 1 Gyr and reside in systems that are very close to
Roche-lobe filling. Our findings are more consistent with these systems being
temporarily detached cataclysmic variables, rather than pre-cataclysmic
binaries, but we cannot rule out the latter possibility. We find that these
systems can display unusual asymmetric light curves that may offer a way to
identify them in larger numbers in future. Seven new candidate magnetic white
dwarf systems are also presented, three of which have asymmetric light curves.
Finally, we note that several newly identified magnetic systems have archival
spectra where there is no clear evidence of magnetism, meaning that these
binaries have been previously missed. Nevertheless, there remains a clear lack
of younger detached magnetic white dwarf systems.
| astro-ph |
On the role of resonances in polluting white dwarfs by asteroids | Pollution of white dwarf atmospheres may be caused by asteroids that
originate from the locations of secular and mean-motion resonances in planetary
systems. Asteroids in these locations experience increased eccentricity,
leading to tidal disruption by the white dwarf. We examine how the $\nu_6$
secular resonance shifts outwards into a previously stable region of the
asteroid belt, as the star evolves to a white dwarf. Analytic secular models
require a planet to be engulfed in order to shift the resonance. We show with
numerical simulations that as a planet gets engulfed by the evolving star, the
secular resonance shifts and the rate of tidal disruption events increases with
the engulfed planet's mass and its orbital separation. We also investigate the
behaviour of mean-motion resonances. The width of a mean-motion resonance
increases as the star loses mass and becomes a white dwarf. The $\nu_6$ secular
resonance is more efficient at driving tidal disruptions than mean-motion
resonances with Jupiter. By examining 230 observed exoplanetary systems whose
central star will evolve into a white dwarf, we find that along with an Earth
mass planet at $1\,\rm au$, hot Jupiters at a semi--major axis $a\gtrsim
0.05\,\rm au$ and super--Earths of mass $10\,\rm M_\oplus$ at $a\gtrsim
0.3\,\rm au$ represent planet types whose engulfment shifts resonances enough
to cause pollution of the white dwarfs to a degree in agreement with
| astro-ph |
Superstrong photospheric magnetic fields in sunspot penumbrae | Recently, there have been some reports of unusually strong photospheric
magnetic fields (which can reach values of over 7 kG) inferred from Hinode
SOT/SP sunspot observations within penumbral regions. These superstrong
penumbral fields are even larger than the strongest umbral fields on record and
appear to be associated with supersonic downflows. The finding of such fields
has been controversial since they seem to show up only when spatially coupled
inversions are performed. Here, we investigate and discuss the reliability of
those findings by studying in detail observed spectra associated with
particularly strong magnetic fields at the inner edge of the penumbra of active
region 10930. We apply classical diagnostic methods and various inversions with
different model atmospheres to the observed Stokes profiles in two selected
pixels with superstrong magnetic fields, and compare the results with a
magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a sunspot whose penumbra contains localized
regions with strong fields (nearly 5 kG at $\tau=1$) associated with supersonic
| astro-ph |
A significant mutual inclination between the planets within the $\pi$
Mensae system | Measuring the geometry of multi-planet extrasolar systems can provide insight
into their dynamical history and the processes of planetary formation. Such
measurements are challenging for systems detected through indirect techniques
such as radial velocity and transit, having only been measured for a handful of
systems to-date. We aimed to place constraints on the orbital geometry of the
outer planet in the $\pi$ Mensae system, a G0V star at 18.3 pc host to a
wide-orbit super-jovian ($M\sin i = 10.02\pm0.15$ $M_{\rm Jup}$) with a
5.7-year period and an inner transiting super-earth ($M=4.82\pm0.85$
$M_\oplus$) with a 6.3-d period. We combined astrometric measurements from the
Hipparcos and Gaia satellites with a precisely determined spectroscopic orbit
in an attempt to constrain the inclination of the orbital plane of the outer
planet. We measured an inclination of $i_b=49.9_{-4.5}^{+5.3}$ deg for the
orbital plane of $\pi$ Mensae b, leading to a direct measurement of its mass of
$13.01_{-0.95}^{+1.03}$ $M_{\rm Jup}$. We found a significant mutual
inclination between the orbital planes of the two planets; a 95% credible
interval for $i_{\rm mut}$ of between $34.5^\circ$ and $140.6^\circ$ after
accounting for the unknown position angle of the orbit of $\pi$ Mensae c,
strongly excluding a co-planar scenario for the two planets within this system.
All orbits are stable in the present-day configuration, and secular
oscillations of planet c's eccentricity are quenched by general relativistic
precession. Planet c may have undergone high eccentricity tidal migration
triggered by Kozai-Lidov cycles, but dynamical histories involving disk
migration or in situ formation are not ruled out. Nonetheless, this system
provides the first direct evidence that giant planets with large mutual
inclinations have a role to play in the origins and evolution of some
super-Earth systems.
| astro-ph |
A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. II.
Supernova Remnants in the first quadrant of the Milky Way | Context. The properties of the population of Galactic supernova remnants
(SNRs) are essential to our understanding of the dynamics of the interstellar
medium (ISM) in the Milky Way. However, the completeness of the catalog of
Galactic SNRs is expected to be only ${\sim}30\%$, with on order 700 SNRs yet
to be detected. Deep interferometric radio continuum surveys of the Galactic
plane help in rectifying this apparent deficiency by identifying low surface
brightness SNRs and compact SNRs that have not been detected in previous
surveys. However, SNRs are routinely confused with H II regions, which can have
similar radio morphologies. Radio spectral index, polarization, and emission at
mid-infrared (MIR) wavelengths can help distinguish between SNRs and H II
regions. Aims. We aim to identify SNR candidates using continuum images from
the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array GLObal view of the STAR formation in the
Milky Way (GLOSTAR) survey. Methods. GLOSTAR is a C-band (4--8 GHz) radio
wavelength survey of the Galactic plane covering $358^{\circ} \leq l \leq
60^{\circ}, |b| \leq 1^{\circ}$. The continuum images from this survey, which
resulted from observations with the most compact configuration of the array,
have an angular resolution of $18''$. We searched for SNRs in these images to
identify known SNRs, previously identified SNR candidates, and new SNR
candidates. We study these objects in MIR surveys and the GLOSTAR polarization
data to classify their emission as thermal or nonthermal. Results. We identify
157 SNR candidates, of which 80 are new. Polarization measurements provide
evidence of nonthermal emission from 9 of these candidates. We find that two
previously identified candidates are filaments. We also detect emission from 91
of the 94 known SNRs in the survey region. Four of these are reclassified as H
II regions following detection in MIR surveys. (Abridged)
| astro-ph |
The Milky Way Project: Probing Star Formation with First Results on
Yellowballs from DR2 | Yellowballs (YBs) were first discovered during the Milky Way Project
citizen-science initiative (MWP; Simpson et al. 2012). MWP users noticed
compact, yellow regions in Spitzer Space Telescope mid-infrared (MIR) images of
the Milky Way plane and asked professional astronomers to explain these "yellow
balls." Follow-up work by Kerton et al. (2015) determined that YBs likely trace
compact photo-dissociation regions associated with massive and
intermediate-mass star formation. YBs were included as target objects in a
version of the Milky Way Project launched in 2016 (Jayasinghe et al. 2016),
which produced a listing of over 6000 YB locations. We have measured distances,
cross-match associations, physical properties, and MIR colors of ~500 YBs
within a pilot region covering the l= 30 - 40 degrees, b= +/- 1 degree region
of the Galactic plane. We find 20-30% of YBs in our pilot region contain
high-mass star formation capable of becoming expanding H II regions that
produce MIR bubbles. A majority of YBs represent intermediate-mass star-forming
regions whose placement in evolutionary diagrams suggest they are still
actively accreting, and may be precursors to optically-revealed Herbig Ae/Be
nebulae. Many of these intermediate-mass YBs were missed by surveys of massive
star-formation tracers and thus this catalog provides information for many new
sites of star formation. Future work will expand this pilot region analysis to
the entire YB catalog.
| astro-ph |
Can Neutron-Star Mergers Explain the r-process Enrichment in Globular
Clusters? | Star-to-star dispersion of r-process elements has been observed in a
significant number of old, metal-poor globular clusters. We investigate
early-time neutron-star mergers as the mechanism for this enrichment. Through
both numerical modeling and analytical arguments, we show that neutron-star
mergers cannot be induced through dynamical interactions early in the history
of the cluster, even when the most liberal assumptions about neutron-star
segregation are assumed. Therefore, if neutron-star mergers are the primary
mechanism for r-process dispersion in globular clusters, they likely result
from the evolution of isolated, primordial binaries in the clusters. Through
population modeling, we find that moderate fractions of GCs with enrichment are
only possible when a significant number of double neutron-star progenitors
proceed through Case BB mass transfer --- under various assumptions for the
initial properties of globular clusters, a neutron-star merger with the
potential for enrichment will occur in ~15-60% (~30-90%) of globular clusters
if this mass transfer proceeds stably (unstably). The strong anti-correlation
between the pre-supernova orbital separation and post-supernova systemic
velocity due to mass loss in the supernova leads to efficient ejection of most
enrichment candidates from their host clusters. Thus, most enrichment events
occur shortly after the double neutron stars are born. This requires
star-forming gas that can absorb the r-process ejecta to be present in the
globular cluster 30-50 Myr after the initial burst of star formation. If
scenarios for redistributing gas in globular clusters cannot act on these
timescales, the number of neutron-star merger enrichment candidates drops
severely, and it is likely that another mechanism, such as r-process enrichment
from collapsars, is at play.
| astro-ph |
A more probable explanation for a continuum flash in the direction of a
redshift $\approx$ 11 galaxy | Recent work reported the discovery of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) associated with
the galaxy GN-z11 at $z\sim 11$. The extreme improbability of the transient
source being a GRB in the very early Universe requires robust elimination of
all plausible alternative hypotheses. We identify numerous examples of similar
transient signals in separate archival MOSFIRE observations and argue that
Solar system objects -- natural or artificial -- are a far more probable
explanation for these phenomena. An appendix has been added in response to
additional points raised in Jiang et al. (2021), which do not change the
| astro-ph |
The Spatial Power Spectrum and Derived Turbulent Properties of Isolated
Galaxies | The turbulent dynamics of nearby and extragalactic gas structures can be
studied with the column density power spectrum, which is often described by a
broken power-law.In an extragalactic context, the breaks in the power spectra
have been interpreted to constrain the disc scale height, which marks a
transition from 2D disc-like to 3D motion. However, this interpretation has
recently been questioned when accounting for instrumental effects. We use
numerical simulations to study the spatial power spectra of isolated galaxies
and investigate the origins of the break scale. We split the gas into various
phases and analyze the time evolution of the power spectrum characteristics,
such as the slope(s) and the break scale. We find that the break scale is phase
dependent. The physics traced by the break scale also differ: in the warm gas
it marks the transition from 2D (disk-like) to 3D (isotropic) turbulence. In
the cold gas, the break scale traces the typical size of molecular clouds. We
further show that the break scale almost never traces the disc scale height. We
study turbulent properties of the ISM to show that, in the case where the break
scale traces a transition to isotropic turbulence, the fraction of required
accretion energy to sustain turbulent motions in the ISM increases
significantly. Lastly, we demonstrate through simulated observations that it is
crucial to account for observational effects, such as the beam and instrumental
noise, in order to accurately recover the break scale in real observations.
| astro-ph |
The XGIS instrument on-board THESEUS: Monte Carlo simulations for
response, background, and sensitivity | The response of the X and Gamma Imaging Spectrometer (XGIS) instrument
onboard the Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS)
mission, selected by ESA for an assessment phase in the framework of the Cosmic
Vision M5 launch opportunity, has been extensively modeled with a Monte Carlo
Geant-4 based software. In this paper, the expected sources of background in
the Low Earth Orbit foreseen for THESEUS are described (e.g. diffuse photon
backgrounds, cosmic-ray populations, Earth albedo emission) and the simulated
on-board background environment and its effects on the instrumental performance
is shown.
| astro-ph |
Identification of a New Ultraluminous X-ray Source in NGC 1316 | In this study, we report identification of a new ultraluminous X-ray source
(ULX) named as X-7 in NGC 1316, with an unabsorbed luminosity of
2.1$\times$10$^{39}$ erg s$^{-1}$ using the two recent Chandra archival
observations. The X-7 was detected in the Chandra 2001 observation and was
included in the source list of the NGC 1316 as CXOUJ032240.8-371224 with a
luminosity of 5.7$\times$10$^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$. Present luminosity implies a
luminosity increase of a factor of $\sim$ 4. The best fit spectral model
parameters indicate that X-7 has a relatively hot disk and hard spectra. If
explained by a diskblackbody model, the mass of compact object is estimated as
$\sim$ 8 M$\odot$ which is in the range of a stellar-mass black hole. The X-7
shows a relatively long-term count rate variability while no short-term
variability is observed. We also identified a unique optical candidate within
0.22" error circle at 95\% confidence level for X-7 using the archival HST/ACS
and HST/WFC3 data. Absolute magnitude (M$_{V}$) of this candidate is -7.8 mag.
Its spectral energy distribution is adequately fitted a blackbody model with a
temperature of 3100 K indicating an M type supergiant, assuming the donor star
dominates the optical emission. In addition, we identified a transient ULX
candidate (XT-1) located 6" away from X-7 has a (high) luminosity of $\sim$
10$^{39}$ erg s$^{-1}$ with no visible optical candidate.
| astro-ph |
An Open-source Bayesian Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (BART) Code: II.
The {\transit} Radiative-Transfer Module and Retrieval of HAT-P-11b | This and companion papers by Harrington et al. and Blecic et al. present the
Bayesian Atmospheric Radiative Transfer ({\BART}) code, an open-source,
open-development package to characterize extrasolar-planet atmospheres. {\BART}
combines a thermochemical equilibrium abundances ({\TEA}), a radiative-transfer
({\transit}), and a Bayesian statistical (MC3) module to constrain atmospheric
temperatures and molecular abundances for given spectroscopic observations.
Here, we describe the {\transit} radiative-transfer package, an efficient
line-by-line radiative-transfer C code for one-dimensional atmospheres,
developed by P. Rojo and further modified by the UCF exoplanet group. This code
produces transmission and hemisphere-integrated emission spectra. {\transit}
handles line-by-line opacities from HITRAN, Partridge \& Schwenke ({\water}),
Schwenke (TiO), and Plez (VO); and collision-induced absorption from Borysow,
HITRAN, and ExoMol. {\transit} emission-spectra models agree with models from
C. Morley (priv. comm.) within a few percent. We applied {\BART} to the
{\Spitzer} and {\Hubble} transit observations of the Neptune-sized planet
HAT-P-11b. Our results generally agree with those from previous studies,
constraining the {\water} abundance and finding an atmosphere enhanced in heavy
elements. Different conclusions start to emerge when we make different
assumptions from other studies. The {\BART} source code and documentation are
available at https://github.com/exosports/BART.
| astro-ph |
All-sky radiometer for narrowband gravitational waves using folded data | We demonstrate an all-sky search for persistent, narrowband gravitational
waves using mock data. The search employs radiometry to sidereal-folded data in
order to uncover persistent sources of gravitational waves with minimal
assumptions about the signal model. The method complements continuous-wave
searches, which are finely tuned to search for gravitational waves from
rotating neutron stars while providing a means of detecting more exotic sources
that might be missed by dedicated continuous-wave techniques. We apply the
algorithm to simulated Gaussian noise at the level of LIGO design sensitivity.
We project the strain amplitude sensitivity for the algorithm for a LIGO
network in the first observing run to be $h_0 \approx 1.2 \times 10^{-24}$
($1\%$ false alarm probability, $10\%$ false dismissal probability). We include
treatment of instrumental lines and detector artifacts using time-shifted LIGO
data from the first observing run.
| astro-ph |
Accretion of Small Satellites and Gas Inflows in a Disc Galaxy | Galaxy interactions can have an important effect in a galaxy's evolution.
Cosmological models predict a large number of small satellites around galaxies.
It is important to study the effect that these small satellites can have on the
host. The present work explores the effect of small N-body spherical satellites
with total mass ratios in the range approx 1:1000-1:100 in inducing gas flows
to the central regions of a disc galaxy with late-type morphology resembling
the Milky Way. Two model galaxies are considered: barred and non-barred models;
the latter one is motivated in order to isolate and understand better the
effects of the satellite. Several circular and non-circular orbits are
explored, considering both prograde and retrogade orientations. We show that
satellites with such small mass ratios can still produce observable distortions
in the gas and stellar components of the galaxy. In terms of gas flows, the
prograde circular orbits are more favourable for producing gas flows, where in
some cases up to $60% of the gas of the galaxy is driven to the central region.
We find, hence, that small satellites can induce significant gas flows to the
central regions of a disc galaxy, which is relevant in the context of fuelling
active galactic nuclei.
| astro-ph |
Near-infrared observations of active asteroid (3200) Phaethon reveal no
evidence for hydration | Asteroid (3200) Phaethon is an active near-Earth asteroid and the parent body
of the Geminid Meteor Shower. Because of its small perihelion distance,
Phaethon's surface reaches temperatures sufficient to destabilize hydrated
materials. We conducted rotationally resolved spectroscopic observations of
this asteroid, mostly covering the northern hemisphere and the equatorial
region, beyond 2.5-micron to search for evidence of hydration on its surface.
Here we show that the observed part of Phaethon does not exhibit the 3-micron
hydrated mineral absorption (within 2-sigma). These observations suggest that
Phaethon's modern activity is not due to volatile sublimation or
devolatilization of phyllosilicates on its surface. It is possible that the
observed part of Phaethon was originally hydrated and has since lost volatiles
from its surface via dehydration, supporting its connection to the Pallas
family, or it was formed from anhydrous material.
| astro-ph |
Assessing Cosmic Acceleration with the Alcock-Paczynski Effect in the
SDSS-IV Quasar Catalog | The geometry of the Universe may be probed using the Alcock-Paczynski (AP)
effect, in which the observed redshift size of a spherical distribution of
sources relative to its angular size varies according to the assumed
cosmological model. Past applications of this effect have been limited,
however, by a paucity of suitable sources and mitigating astrophysical factors,
such as internal redshift-space distortions and poorly known source evolution.
In this Letter, we introduce a new test based on the AP effect that avoids the
use of spatially bound systems, relying instead on sub-samples of quasars at
redshifts z < 1.5 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV, with a possible extension
to higher redshifts and improved precision when this catalog is expanded by
upcoming surveys. We here use this method to probe the redshift-dependent
expansion rate in three pertinent Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW)
cosmologies: LCDM, which predicts a transition from deceleration to
acceleration at z ~ 0.7; Einstein-de Sitter, in which the Universe is always
decelerating; and the R_h=ct universe, which expands at a constant rate. LCDM
is consistent with these data, but R_h=ct is favoured overall.
| astro-ph |
Quenching and morphological evolution due to circumgalactic gas
expulsion in a simulated galaxy with a controlled assembly history | We examine the influence of dark matter halo assembly on the evolution of a
simulated $\sim L^\star$ galaxy. Starting from a zoom-in simulation of a
star-forming galaxy evolved with the EAGLE galaxy formation model, we use the
genetic modification technique to create a pair of complementary assembly
histories: one in which the halo assembles later than in the unmodified case,
and one in which it assembles earlier. Delayed assembly leads to the galaxy
exhibiting a greater present-day star formation rate than its unmodified
counterpart, whilst in the accelerated case the galaxy quenches at $z\simeq 1$,
and becomes spheroidal. We simulate each assembly history nine times, adopting
different seeds for the random number generator used by EAGLE's stochastic
subgrid implementations of star formation and feedback. The systematic changes
driven by differences in assembly history are significantly stronger than the
random scatter induced by this stochasticity. The sensitivity of $\sim L^\star$
galaxy evolution to dark matter halo assembly follows from the close coupling
of the growth histories of the central black hole (BH) and the halo, such that
earlier assembly fosters the formation of a more massive BH, and more efficient
expulsion of circumgalactic gas. In response to this expulsion, the
circumgalactic medium reconfigures at a lower density, extending its cooling
time and thus inhibiting the replenishment of the interstellar medium. Our
results indicate that halo assembly history significantly influences the
evolution of $\sim L^\star$ central galaxies, and that the expulsion of
circumgalactic gas is a crucial step in quenching them.
| astro-ph |
Gas accretion regulates the scatter of the mass-metallicity relation | In this paper, we take advantage of the GAlaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA)
semi-analytic model to analyse the origin of secondary dependencies in the
local galaxy mass - gas metallicity relation. Our model reproduces quite well
the trends observed in the local Universe as a function of galaxy star
formation rate and different gas-mass phases. We show that the cold gas content
(whose largest fraction is represented by the atomic gas phase) can be
considered as the third parameter governing the scatter of the predicted
mass-metallicity relation, in agreement with the most recent observational
measurements. The trends can be explained with fluctuations of the gas
accretion rates: a decrease of the gas supply leads to an increase of the gas
metallicity due to star formation, while an increase of the available cold gas
leads to a metallicity depletion. We demonstrate that the former process is
responsible for offsets above the mass-metallicity relation, while the latter
is responsible for deviations below the mass-metallicity relation. In low and
intermediate mass galaxies, these negative offsets are primarily determined by
late gas cooling dominated by material that has been previously ejected due to
stellar feedback.
| astro-ph |
A search for radio jets from massive young stellar objects. Association
of radio jets with H2O and CH3OH masers | Recent theoretical and observational studies debate the similarities between
the formation process of high-mass (>8 Msun) and low-mass stars. The formation
of low-mass star formation is directly associated with the presence of disks
and jets. According to this scenario, radio jets are expected to be common in
high-mass star-forming regions. We aim to increase the number of known radio
jets in high-mass star forming regions by searching for radio jet candidates at
radio continuum wavelengths. We have used the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array
(VLA) to observe 18 high-mass star-forming regions in the C band (6 cm, ~1.0
arcsec resolution) and K band (1.3 cm, ~0.3 arcsec resolution). We have
searched for radio jet candidates by studying the association of radio
continuum sources with shock activity signposts. We have identified 7 as the
most probable radio jets. The radio luminosity of the radio jet candidates is
correlated with the bolometric luminosity and the outflow momentum rate. About
7-36% of the radio jet candidates are associated with non-thermal emission. The
radio jet candidates associated with 6.7 GHz CH3OH maser emission are
preferentially thermal winds and jets, while a considerable fraction of radio
jet candidates associated with H2O masers show non-thermal emission, likely due
to strong shocks. Our sample of 18 regions is divided in 8 less evolved,
infrared-dark regions and 10 more evolved, infrared-bright regions. We have
found that ~71% of the identified radio jet candidates are located in the more
evolved regions. Similarly, 25% of the less evolved regions harbor one of the
most probable radio jets, while up to 50% of the more evolved regions contain
one of these radio jet candidates. This suggests that the detection of radio
jets in high-mass star forming regions is larger in slightly more evolved
| astro-ph |
Bridging the Planet Radius Valley: Stellar Clustering as a Key Driver
for Turning Sub-Neptunes into Super-Earths | Extrasolar planets with sizes between that of the Earth and Neptune ($R_{\rm
p}=1{-}4~{\rm R}_\oplus$) have a bimodal radius distribution. This 'planet
radius valley' separates compact, rocky super-Earths ($R_{\rm p}=1.0{-}1.8~{\rm
R}_\oplus$) from larger sub-Neptunes ($R_{\rm p}=1.8{-}3.5~{\rm R}_\oplus$)
hosting a gaseous hydrogen-helium envelope around their rocky core. Various
hypotheses for this radius valley have been put forward, which all rely on
physics internal to the planetary system: photoevaporation by the host star,
long-term mass loss driven by the cooling planetary core, or the transition
between two fundamentally different planet formation modes as gas is lost from
the protoplanetary disc. Here we report the discovery that the planet radius
distribution exhibits a strong dependence on ambient stellar clustering,
characterised by measuring the position-velocity phase space density with
\textit{Gaia}. When dividing the planet sample into 'field' and 'overdensity'
sub-samples, we find that planetary systems in the field exhibit a
statistically significant ($p=5.5\times10^{-3}$) dearth of planets below the
radius valley compared to systems in phase space overdensities. This implies
that the large-scale stellar environment of a planetary system is a key factor
setting the planet radius distribution. We discuss how models for the radius
valley might be revised following our findings and conclude that a multi-scale,
multi-physics scenario is needed, connecting planet formation and evolution,
star and stellar cluster formation, and galaxy evolution.
| astro-ph |
Recent insights on the penumbra formation process | Using high-resolution spectropolarimetric data acquired by \textit{IBIS}, as
well as \textit{SDO}/HMI observations, we studied the penumbra formation in AR
NOAA 11490 and in a sample of twelve ARs appeared on the solar disk on 2011 and
2012, which were characterized by $\beta$-type magnetic field configuration.
The results show that the onset of the classical Evershed flow occurs in a very
short time scale, 1-3 hours. Studying the formation of the first penumbral
sector around the following proto-spot, we found that a stable penumbra forms
in the area facing the opposite polarity, which appears to be co-spatial with
an AFS, i.e. in a flux emergence region, in contrast with the results of
\cite{Schlichenmaier2010} concerning the leading polarity of AR NOAA 11490.
Conversely, analyzing the sample of twelve ARs, we noticed that there is not a
preferred location for the formation of the first penumbral sector. We also
observed before the penumbra formation an inverse Evershed flow, which changes
its sign when the penumbra appears. This confirms the observational evidence
that the appearance of the penumbral filaments is correlated with the
transition from the inverse Evershed to the classical Evershed flow.
Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the time needed to form the penumbra
may be related to the location where the penumbra first appears. New
high-resolution observations, like those that will be provided by the European
Solar Telescope, are expected to increase our understanding of the penumbra
formation process.
| astro-ph |
Origin of the Golden Mass of Galaxies and Black Holes | We address the origin of the golden mass and time for galaxy formation and
the onset of rapid black-hole growth. The preferred dark-halo mass of
~$10^{12}M_\odot$ is translated to a characteristic epoch, z~2, at which the
typical forming halos have a comparable mass. We put together a coherent
picture based on existing and new simple analytic modeling and cosmological
simulations. We describe how the golden mass arises from two physical
mechanisms that suppress gas supply and star formation below and above the
golden mass, supernova feedback and virial shock heating of the circum-galactic
medium (CGM), respectively. Cosmological simulations reveal that these
mechanisms are responsible for a similar favored mass for the dramatic events
of gaseous compaction into compact star-forming "blue nuggets", caused by
mergers, counter-rotating streams or other mechanisms. This triggers inside-out
quenching of star formation, to be maintained by the hot CGM, leading to
today's passive early-type galaxies. The blue-nugget phase is responsible for
transitions in the galaxy structural, kinematic and compositional properties,
e.g., from dark-matter to baryon central dominance and from prolate to oblate
shape. The growth of the central black hole is suppressed by supernova feedback
below the critical mass, and is free to grow once the halo is massive enough to
lock the supernova ejecta by its deep potential well and the hot CGM. A
compaction near the golden mass makes the black hole sink to the galactic
center and triggers a rapid black-hole growth. This ignites feedback by the
Active Galactic Nucleus that helps keeping the CGM hot and maintaining
long-term quenching.
| astro-ph |
Dynamic Processes of the Moreton Wave on 2014 March 29 | On 2014 March 29, an intense solar flare classified as X1.0 occurred in the
active region 12017. Several associated phenomena accompanied this event, among
them a fast-filament eruption, large-scale propagating disturbances in the
corona and the chromosphere including a Moreton wave, and a coronal mass
ejection. This flare was successfully detected in multiwavelength imaging in
H-alpha line by the Flare Monitoring Telescope (FMT) at Ica University, Peru.
We present a detailed study of the Moreton wave associated with the flare in
question. Special attention is paid to the Doppler characteristics inferred
from the FMT wing (H-alpha$\pm0.8$~{\AA}) observations, which are used to
examine the downward/upward motion of the plasma in the chromosphere. Our
findings reveal that the downward motion of the chromospheric material at the
front of the Moreton wave attains a maximum velocity of 4 km/s, whereas the
propagation speed ranges between 640 and 859 km/s. Furthermore, utilizing the
weak shock approximation in conjunction with the velocity amplitude of the
chromospheric motion induced by the Moreton wave, we derive the Mach number of
the incident shock in the corona. We also performed the temperature-emission
measure analysis of the coronal wave based on the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
(AIA) observations, which allowed us to derive the compression ratio, and to
estimate the Alfv\'en and fast-mode Mach numbers of the order of 1.06-1.28 and
1.05-1.27. Considering these results and the MHD linear theory we discuss the
characteristics of the shock front and the interaction with the chromospheric
| astro-ph |
The role of disc torques in forming resonant planetary systems | The most accurate method for modelling planetary migration and hence the
formation of resonant systems is using hydrodynamical simulations. Usually, the
force (torque) acting on a planet is calculated using the forces from the gas
disc and the star, while the gas accelerations are computed using the pressure
gradient, the star, and the planet's gravity, ignoring its own gravity. For the
non-migrating the neglect of the disc gravity results in a consistent torque
calculation while for the migrating case it is inconsistent. We aim to study
how much this inconsistent torque calculation can affect the final
configuration of a two-planet system. Our focus will be on low-mass planets
because most of the multi-planetary systems, discovered by the Kepler survey,
have masses around 10 Earth masses. Performing hydrodynamical simulations of
planet-disc interaction, we measure the torques on non-migrating and migrating
planets for various disc masses as well as density and temperature slopes with
and without considering the disc self-gravity. Using this data, we find a
relation that quantifies the inconsistency, use it in an N-body code, and
perform an extended parameter study modelling the migration of a planetary
system with different planet mass ratios and disc surface densities, in order
to investigate the impact of the torque inconsistency on the architecture of
the planetary system. Not considering disc self-gravity produces an
artificially larger torque on the migrating planet that can result in tighter
planetary systems. The deviation of this torque from the correct value is
larger in discs with steeper surface density profiles. In hydrodynamical
modelling of multi-planetary systems, it is crucial to account for the torque
correction, otherwise the results favour more packed systems.
| astro-ph |
The rocky road to quiescence: compaction and quenching of quasar host
galaxies at z~2 | We resolve the host galaxies of seven gravitationally lensed quasars at
redshift 1.5 to 2.8 using observations with the Atacama Large (sub-)Millimetre
Array. Using a visibility-plane lens modelling technique, we create pixellated
reconstructions of the dust morphology, and CO line morphology and kinematics.
We find that the quasar hosts in our sample can be distinguished into two
types: 1) galaxies characterised by clumpy, extended dust distributions
($R_{\rm eff}\sim2$ kpc) and mean star formation rate surface densities
comparable to sub-mm-selected dusty star-forming galaxies ($\Sigma_{\rm
SFR}\sim3$ M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-2}$); 2) galaxies that have sizes in
dust emission similar to coeval passive galaxies and compact starbursts
($R_{\rm eff}\sim0.5$ kpc), with high mean star formation rate surface
densities ($\Sigma_{\rm SFR}=$ 400$-$4500 M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-2}$)
that may be Eddington-limited or super-Eddington. The small size of some quasar
hosts suggests that we observe them at a stage in their transformation into
compact spheroids, where a high density of dynamically unstable gas leads to
efficient star formation and black hole accretion. For the one system where we
probe the mass of the gas reservoir, we find a gas fraction of just $0.06 \pm
0.04$ and a depletion timescale of $50 \pm 40$ Myr, suggesting it is
transitioning into quiescence. In general, we expect that the extreme level of
star formation in the compact quasar host galaxies will rapidly exhaust their
gas reservoirs and could quench with or without help from active galactic
nuclei feedback.
| astro-ph |
Efficiency of tidal dissipation in slowly rotating fully convective
stars or planets | Turbulent convection is thought to act as an effective viscosity in damping
equilibrium tidal flows, driving spin and orbital evolution in close convective
binary systems. Compared to mixing-length predictions, this viscosity ought to
be reduced when the tidal frequency $|\omega_t|$ exceeds the turnover frequency
$\omega_{c\nu}$ of the dominant convective eddies, but the efficiency of this
reduction has been disputed. We reexamine this long-standing controversy using
direct numerical simulations of an idealized global model. We simulate thermal
convection in a full sphere, and externally forced by the equilibrium tidal
flow, to measure the effective viscosity $\nu_E$ acting on the tidal flow when
$|\omega_t|/\omega_{c\nu} \gtrsim 1$. We demonstrate that the frequency
reduction of $\nu_E$ is correlated with the frequency spectrum of the
(unperturbed) convection. For intermediate frequencies below those in the
turbulent cascade ($|\omega_t|/\omega_{c\nu} \sim 1-5$), the frequency spectrum
displays an anomalous $1/\omega^\alpha$ power law that is responsible for the
frequency-reduction $\nu_E \propto 1/|\omega_t|^{\alpha}$, where $\alpha < 1$
depends on the model parameters. We then get $|\nu_E| \propto
1/|\omega_t|^{\delta}$ with $\delta > 1$ for higher frequencies, and $\delta=2$
is obtained for a Kolmogorov turbulent cascade. A generic $|\nu_E| \propto
1/|\omega_t|^{2}$ suppression is next found for higher frequencies within the
dissipation range of the convection (but with negative values). Our results
indicate that a better knowledge of the frequency spectrum of convection is
necessary to accurately predict the efficiency of tidal dissipation in stars
and planets resulting from this mechanism.
| astro-ph |
BH Mass, Jet and Accretion Disk Connection: An Analysis of Radio-loud
and Radio-quiet Quasars | Surveys have shown radio-loud (RL) quasars constitute $10 \%$-$15 \%$ of the
total quasar population. However, it is unknown if the radio-loud fraction (RL
quasars/Total quasars) remains consistent among different parameter spaces.
This study shows that radio-loud fraction increases for increasing full width
half maximum (FWHM) velocity of the H$\beta$ and MgII broad emission line. Our
data has been obtained from Shen et al. (2011) catalogue. To investigate the
reason, in this preliminary study we analyse various properties like bolometric
luminosity, optical continuum luminosity, black hole (BH) mass and accretion
rate of RL quasars and RQ quasars sample which have FWHM greater than 15000km/s
(High broad line). From the distributions we can conclude for all the
properties in high broad line, RL quasars are having higher values than RQ
quasars. We have predicted RL quasars are intrinsically brighter than RQ
quasars and also predicted BH mass-jet connection and accretion disk-jet
connection from our results but to conclude anything more analysis is needed.
| astro-ph |
A prototype industrial laser system for cold atom inertial sensing in
space | We present the design, realization, characterization and testing of an
industrial prototype of a laser system, which is based on frequency doubling of
telecom lasers and features all key functionalities to drive a cold atom space
gradiometer based on the architecture proposed in [Trimeche et al, 2019].
Testing was performed by implementing the laser system onto a ground based
atomic sensor currently under development. The system reaches a Technology
Readiness Level (TRL) of 4, corresponding to an operational validation in a
controlled environment. The optical architecture of the system can be adapted
to other space mission scenarios.
| astro-ph |
On the alignment of haloes, filaments and magnetic fields in the
simulated cosmic web | The continuous flow of gas and dark matter across scales in the cosmic web
can generate correlated dynamical properties of haloes and filaments (and the
magnetic fields they contain). With this work, we study the halo spin
properties and orientation with respect to filaments, and the morphology of the
magnetic field around these objects, for haloes with masses in the range
1e8-1e14 Msun and filaments up to 8 Mpc long. Furthermore, we study how these
properties vary in presence, or lack thereof, of different (astro)physical
processes and with different magnetic initial conditions. We perform
cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulations with the Eulerian code Enzo and
we develop a simple and robust algorithm to study the filamentary connectivity
of haloes in three dimensions. We investigate the morphological and magnetic
properties and focus on the alignment of the magnetic field along filaments:
our analysis suggests that the degree of this alignment is partially dependent
on the physical processes involved, as well as on magnetic initial conditions.
We discuss the contribution of this effect on a potential attempt to detect the
magnetic field surrounding these objects: we find that it introduces a bias in
the estimation of the magnetic field from Faraday rotation measure techniques.
Specifically, given the strong tendency we find for extragalactic magnetic
fields to align with the filaments axis, the value of the magnetic field can be
underestimated by a factor 3, because this effect contributes to making the
line-of-sight magnetic field (for filaments in the plane of the sky) much
smaller than the total one.
| astro-ph |
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