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He may find himself unexpectedly thrown into new and strange positions ; where , after looking carefully around him , he fears to move , lest by a mistaken step , he should do an injury to the cause , which he has it in his heart to serve . |
First and foremost , he drew forth from a case , in the corner of his lodgings , a brass-buttoned blue coat , of a popular cut , and fell to beating it over the shoulders and down the back with a yard stick , as if he had under his hand the body and person of his direst enemy in the world : then he twisted the right arm up and dashed at the place where the ribs might have been ; then he fell upon the breasts and pumelled them horribly ; and then , casting aside his stick , he fastened fiercely on the collar and gave the whole a mighty shaking , as if he would have the very life out of it . |
; it was in the latter city that his great discovery was first made public ; or , rather , it was there that he was first suspected of having made it . |
The farmer said he would wash himself first , then wait on her immediately ; and presently he entered the sitting-room , rolling down his sleeves . " |
" Distance on level ground , from an elevated point , is always deceiving , " I answered . " |
I profess to be religious , and hope I am , in spite of the malicious slanders of my enemies ; and it is my serious , conscientious belief , that the Great Being who created the world , and governs all nations , frowns upon a people who go to war when such a sanguinary alternative may be avoided with honour . |
Most of the asp * ing men of that part of Alabama fell in with Mr. Lewis opinions ; but Mr. |
Her figure was slight , but her shoulders had acquired a little stoop from bending so constantly over her needle . |
220 Kepler 's Pecuniary Embarrassments -- His Inquiries respecting the Law of Refraction -- His Supplement to Vitellio -- His Researches on Vision -- His Treatise on Dioptrics -- His Commentaries on Mars -- He discovers that the orbit of Mars is an Ellipse , with the Sun in one focus -- And extends this discovery to all the other Planets -- He establishes the two first laws of Physical Astronomy -- His Family Distresses -- Death of his Wife -- He is appointed Professor of Mathematics at Linz -- His Method of Choosing a Second Wife -- Her Character , as given by Himself -- Origin of his Treatise on Gauging -- He goes to Ratisbon to give his Opinion to the Diet on the change of |
It happened , not half an hour after Lucy had received her warning to look for another place , that Charles Lovett , while delivering the bread , said , " Mother has found a capital place for Annet , and she leaves us next week . " |
You act childish -- how do I , that lost father , mother , and every thing else ? |
Master Albert is an honest youth , and a good youth , and a brave follower too , of hawk or hound , Captain Dauntrees . " |
Go , my son : on the rocking wave , and in the silence of the lone deep , your heart will become calm , and peace will return to your soul . |
The faces are umajured , except that the colors are not so bright as at a former period . |
They are as frank , loyal , and straightforward a constituency as any in England . |
thieved with an assiduity and skill which were worthy of a better cause ; and , when not upon any serious enterprise of this kind , employed his time in pulling up corn , scratching up newly-planted flower-seeds , tangling yarn , pulling out knitting-needles , pecking the eyes of sleeping people , scratching and biting children , and any other little miscellaneous mischief which occurred to him . |
Is there any thing so horrible to come ? " |
-- The moon was in its western field , white and clear as silver , with which it tipped the bursting waves . |
These are not the acts of an impostor , nor of men palming an enthusiast , in whom they did not believe , on inferior minds . |
Some consider blue " to be the color of pure water , whether liquid or solid . " |
** * Vide Burgoyne , Wa8kinglon and 1zz8 Generals . |
Harry Cotton Escaped , yes , to witness greater misery . |
The case being open , he happened to approach the candle which he held in his hand too closely |
I hied me to the ocean-side ; Its waves rolled bright and high ; Upon its waters , spreading wide , I gazed with beaming eye . |
Ai * d some of these indifferent or opposing ones , once active friends in the day of many revivals , have , since that time , in these years of worldliness , been guilty of inconsistencies and wrong , and now have not grace enough to make " confession unto salvation . " |
The well known fact that we may have a hundred different varieties of pear upon the same tree , each of which produces its fruit of the proper form , colour , and quality ; and that we may have , at least for a time , several distinct , though nearly related species upon one stock , as the Peach , Apricot , Nectarine , and Plum , prove |
woman called her Malinda , and it troubled the fountain that pride had well nigh stilled . |
He was acknowledged far and wide as the man whom the people trusted , and though he had perseveringly declined all public office , his personal influence and sway were widely felt and exercised . |
, perhaps , these very drawbacks tend to direct attention more completely to the many existing sources of satisfaction , and they certainly are not without a moral benefit . |
, the barren-places of knowledge , will find the very roots of the withered and blasted shrubbery , which like the traveller in Peru , he may have accidentally uptorn in his weary and discouraging ascent , and the very bowels of the earth into which he has torn his way , heavy with a brightness that may be coined , like the soil about the favorite hiding places of the sunnyhaired Apollo . |
There 's no pleasing any of you , do as we may . |
Rising upon the instant in his stirrups , the bold cavalier hurled , with a sure and steady hand , the discharged weapon in the face of his next opponent . |
We are entering upon the second stage of that factious war which is endangering , or which seems to endanger , our existence as a nation . |
Horry sought the officers , and promptly returned to his commander . |
One would imagine that the prophecy might be well applied at the present day ; and that every shower , which has fallen , has brought increased folly and distraction on the heads * f men . |
The whole finish of the work was in the half inch that is gone ; if you attempt to restore that finish , you do it conjecturally ; if |
" It may be , " said the mendicant , meekly , bowing his head . " |
Yes , and the tender melancholy that every one notices , is owing to disappointed affection . " |
misfortune 's blackest gloom The radiance of the opening dawn o'ercast , Nor left one ray of comfort to illume The horrors of the melancholy waste . |
O Captain Erlach , you men often reproach us with our weakness ; it is not weakness , it is flexibility of soul , and it only depends upon you to bend and attach it to the amiable |
-- O , but raise thy hands now , as I do mine -- but lay them upon mine -- and say to me , Loena , I am innocent , of that one offence -- I am innocent -- and I will forgive thee , all others -- all |
In vain would the warning brooklet Have checked her as she fled , -- Like pearly shells through the water Her twinkling feet have sped . |
a few moments we all repaired to the study . |
That it may continue to bless and protect forever the generations who live under it , should be the morning and the evening prayer of every American heart . |
Hops engross considerable attention , and I presume pay well , being demanded by the national addiction to beer drinking . |
Had they been disposed to rebel at my authority , they would not have dared to do so , for Mr. Regulus , jealous for my new dignity , watched over |
The criticisms are doubtless somewhat stern ; and sometimes we think too little allowance is made for peculiar difficulties , and too little encouragement given for attainments actually made . |
the other mind which the mind of the artist has undertaken to repre // sent ? |
A third , " to secure to authors , exclusive rights for a certain time . |
The Gulf of St. Lawrence has done more t ear France and England into greatness , // than all the mines in Mexico and South America ever did for Spain . |
ejaculated Reynolds , as if to himself ; " sanity has done more to betray me than delirium . |
From this time till late to-morrow , it will all be hurly-burly , noise and frolicking . |
In the name of our heavenly Father , George ! |
Her thoughts often reverted fondly to old Virika Gjetter , and the babe for whose sake she had suffered so much ; and her heart yearned for Norway . |
Even the Wilkes fever had abated , upon the removal of its object to the continent . |
cried the girl , extricating herself from his arms , by an elastic spring , before his lips could touch her cheek . " |
My heart 's as big as a meetin ' house and fills my throat so full the valve wo n't work . |
But they , in effect , admit that the domestic production does reduce the price , and they make this admission in one of their leading topics ; for they say that the introduction of imports more jfreely , reduces the price |
Arnold claims that a perfectly democratical government and entire religious freedom are " exclusively Rhode Island doctrines , and to her belongs the credit of them both . " |
Sometimes , while thus at work , he was visited by learned men , who desired to know what literary undertaking Mr. Elliot had in hand . |
Submission to the will of God in hours of trial and discipline , and gratitude for the many blessings with which his life was crowned , were constant states of mind with him . |
gratification of hearing , from the lips of the master , that her son was a ? |
Let it be remembered , as it is undoubtedly the case , that many who offer their children for baptism , are destitute of true religiofi ; in some families this is true of both parents , in others of one of them . |
This officer , as we have before hinted , had been an active participator in the proceedings of the new court of sequestrations at Charleston ; and had rendered himself conspicuous by the fierce and unsparing industry with which he had brought to the judgment of that tribunal , the imputed delinquencies of some of the most opulent and patriotic citizens of the province . |
Corporations continue , however often the persons in them may change . |
Take this note , sir , jump in the gig and drive as fast as possible to the beach below Pine Bluffs . |
Wherefore as any man 's deed past is good as long as himself continueth ; so the act of a public society of men done five hundred years sithence standeth as theirs who presently are of the same societies , because corporations are immortal ; we were then alive in our predecessors , and they in their successors do live still . |
Partly for this reason , and partly because there was no one to write to her , Isabella , nor indeed her father , had heard anything of Lorenzo Bezan since his departure . |
" It is the white forehead of a storm coming over the horizon , " said |
Though her appetite is enormous , she is too idle to eat fast . |
At length Governor Fletcher , hearing of him , visited him , and , for some cause which has not transpired , prevailed upon him to live with him as his private secretary . |
And there shall be explosive material in my message . |
The Orthodox have adopted the doctrine of Free Forgiveness , but have rejected the doctrine of an Exact Retribution rendered to those who are forgiven . |
The rules of art are formed on the various works of those who have studied nature the most successfully ; by this advantage , of observing the various manners in which various minds have contemplated her works , the artist enlarges his own views , and is taught to look for and see what otherwise would have escaped his observation . |
Thus it is with Mexico ; yet my brother sleeps , while I die , saying to his soul , It is all very just , for I sleep and see not . " |
The water , that poured plentifully from his cloak , evinced that he had but just arrived at the inn ; but whatever was his object , he seemed not to have attained it , in meeting with the young men . |
Botch Besides this , sir , they have brought out two immense wagons that carry twenty-four deep -- and they are both hurrying voters up five in a row , breast-wise , like so many fish packed in a firkin for market . |
There , too , was the balcony whence the trumpet had been sounded and the proclamation read to an assembled multitude , whenever a new king of England ascended the throne . " |
with more game than brains , And so we go to dinner . |
Dorval My dear Count , do n't speak of it , I beseech you . |
When this case was formerly argued before the court , as it had been , we are informed that a majority of the judges , who then heard it , were decidedly of opinion , that the act of the legislature of Kentucky , establishing this bank , was unconstitutional and void , as amounting to an authority to emit bills of credit , on behalf of the State , within the prohibition of the constitution of the United States ; and among that majority was Chief Justice Marshall . |
Officer -- The sad rumor is too true ; he is gone ... and no hope of reprieve remains . |
How distinct the line Of the horizon parting heaven and earth |
Adelaide ' T is mysterious , And manifests a heart debas 'd and vile . |
They may say that they know their own interests best ; it may be so ; but men , before now , have mistaken what was good for them , when they thought they saw it clearly . |
And he prayed that the auspicious result might be made to work a lasting rebuke on the heathen malignants , now plotting the overthrow of God 's church and people , and teach their accursed sachem a lesson which should strike terror into his black and guilty heart , and make him to see that the Lord reigneth , and will consume all those who may attempt to conspire against his elect , like stubble in the fire , yea , like chaff in the fiery furnace . |
The Board of Managers of the North American Society for the Encouragement of Imposture , in presenting to you this , their first Annual Report , can not but be devoutly thankful for the degree of success which has attended their labors during the past year . |
* ' We are not able to fix the ratio between the wages of agricultural and manufacturing laborers , but we are not aware that |
If , also , as is the case in California , and to a great extent in Australia , the land in the annferous district has been but imperfectly , or not at all , appropriated either by individuals or the government , - if it is in the main open to all comers , as the Great Bank is to all fishermen , - then , large as the district may be , it will soon be covered with gold-hunters . |
But what other vision , equally radiant and dazzling , is this , which rises suddenly to our view ? |
Sultana I must complete my vow -- half uttered oaths they say are sacrilege . |
I am anxious to establish a good school there . |
" I will assist at the ceremony , Colonel , " said Blount . " |
Thus , for the sake of a new composer , or a new artist , she is always ready to be come less prominent before the public . |
well as a fool , -- I struck spurs into my horse , and went down , with such terrible speed , that I lost my breath -- and should infallibly have been dashed to pieces , had not the snow been soft , as well as deep -- so that , at every plunge , my horse went into it breast high . |
" He approached me , brandishing his arms . " |
In such conversation half an hour was past , when the Minister made his appearance . |
" It is not long ago , " said Dauntrees , " perhaps not above two years , -- when , they say , the old sundried timber of the building turned suddenly black . |
Anas Todkill I begin to find out what a clever fellow I am : Opportunity is every thing . |
The States , as political bodies , ' - said Mr. McDuffle in his well-known pamphlet |
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