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7,184 | qu CASE_o mag CASE_is ignosc CASE_i m CASE_ihi fas quia prompti CASE_us ex h CASE_oc agnosc CASE_i d CASE_atur a sum CASE_mo genitor CASE_e nov CASE_ari qu CASE_od non mor CASE_e me CASE_o ger CASE_itur | Wherefore thou art the more bound to pardon me, because by this the more readily tis permitted thee to recognize that this change is from the most high Father'that tis not in accordance with my nature: | final_alignments\Ausonius_Epistles.json |
12,816 | qu CASE_ae igitur cum discrep CASE_ant minime bon CASE_a s CASE_unt cum ver CASE_o un CASE_um ess CASE_e coep CASE_erint bon CASE_a fi CASE_unt | Now those things which are not good, since they differ, but become good when they begin to be one, | final_alignments\Boethius_Philosophy_Book3.json |
22,599 | qu CASE_i cum statu CASE_isset nisi m CASE_e per v CASE_os recuperav CASE_isset d CASE_em subi CASE_re fortun CASE_am atque i s CASE_ibi domicili CASE_um et vit CASE_ae et mort CASE_is deposc CASE_ere tamen numquam nec magnitudin CASE_em negoti CASE_i nec solitudin CASE_em su CASE_am nec v CASE_im inimic CASE_orum ac tel CASE_a pertimu CASE_it | He had made up his mind that, should he fail, through you, to win me back to himself, he would ask permission to meet the same fate and to share the same dwelling with me in life and in death; and yet, in spite of this, no toil however formidable, no loneliness, no threat nor weapons of foes, could daunt him. | final_alignments\Cicero_Post_Reditum_In_Senatu.json |
52,879 | cerial CASE_is alibi noct CASE_em eg CASE_erat ut pler CASE_i credid CASE_ere ob stupr CASE_um claudi CASE_ae sacrat CASE_ae mulier CASE_is Ubiae | But Cerialis had spent the night elsewhere, as many believe, on account of an intrigue with Claudia Sacrata, a Ubian woman. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Histories_Book5.json |
81,421 | et acced CASE_entes Pharisaei interrog CASE_abant e CASE_um si lic CASE_et vir CASE_o uxor CASE_em dimitt CASE_ere tempt CASE_antes e CASE_um | And the Pharisees coming to him asked him, tempting him: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
70,827 | an nesc CASE_itis quoniam sanct CASE_i de mund CASE_o iudic CASE_abunt et si in v CASE_obis iudic CASE_abitur mund CASE_us indign CASE_i es CASE_tis qu CASE_i de mini CASE_mis iudic CASE_etis | Know you not that the saints shall judge this world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
42,024 | i CASE_am que par CASE_ens lati CASE_us cui CASE_us praenosc CASE_ere ment CASE_em fas m CASE_ihi purpure CASE_os habit CASE_us iuven CASE_i que curul CASE_e indulg CASE_ebit ebur Dacas que et glori CASE_a mai CASE_or exuvi CASE_as laur CASE_os que d CASE_abit celebr CASE_are recent CASE_es | And presently the Latian Father, whose mind I may lawfully know, shall vouchsafe the young man purple robes and curule ivory and grant him to celebrate Dacian spoils and recent laurels'a yet greater glory. | final_alignments\Statius_Silvae_Book1.json |
50,092 | prope ab CASE_est ab infirmitat CASE_e in qu CASE_o sol CASE_a sanitas laud CASE_atur | If soundness is all you can commend in him, he is really next door to an invalid. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Dialogus.json |
78,346 | deus autem non es CASE_t mortu CASE_orum sed viv CASE_orum omn CASE_es enim viv CASE_unt ei | For he is not the God of the dead, but of the living: for all live to him. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
70,634 | veni CASE_t septim CASE_a di CASE_es et egress CASE_i de popul CASE_o ut collig CASE_erent non inven CASE_erunt | And the seventh day came; and some of the people going forth to gather, found none. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
42,531 | sed iur CASE_a tamen genial CASE_ia cord CASE_i et ment CASE_em vinc CASE_ire tor CASE_is ac iung CASE_ere fest CASE_a conubi CASE_a et fid CASE_os domin CASE_o genu CASE_isse client CASE_es | but you favored the claims of wedlock, willing to bind your mind with nuptial ties, make festal marriage, and beget faithful retainers for your lord. | final_alignments\Statius_Silvae_Book3.json |
79,611 | qu CASE_od cum nuntiat CASE_um esset saul CASE_i mis CASE_it ali CASE_os nunti CASE_os prophetav CASE_erunt autem et ill CASE_i et rursum saul mis CASE_it terti CASE_os nunti CASE_os qu CASE_i et ips CASE_i prophetav CASE_erunt | And when this was told Saul, he sent other messengers: but they also prophesied. And again Saul sent messengers the third time: and they prophesied also. And Saul being exceeding angry, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
8,590 | infans lactav CASE_it pubes et virgo adolev CASE_it | While a mere baby she gave suck; while yet a girl she was mature; | final_alignments\Ausonius_Trojan.json |
4,981 | quippe it CASE_a placu CASE_erat in suburban CASE_a vill CASE_a poti CASE_us ut coniung CASE_eremur n CASE_e civ CASE_es denuo ad sportul CASE_as convol CASE_arent cum haud pridem Pudentilla de su CASE_o quinquaginta mili CASE_a numm CASE_um in popul CASE_um expunxisset e CASE_a di CASE_e qu CASE_a pontian CASE_us uxor CASE_em dux CASE_it et h CASE_ic puerul CASE_us tog CASE_a es CASE_t involut CASE_us praeterea ut convivi CASE_is mult CASE_is ac molesti CASE_is supersed CASE_eremus qu CASE_ae ferme ex mor CASE_e nov CASE_is marit CASE_is obe CASE_unda sunt | For we had agreed to prefer a house outside of town for our marriage, so that the citizenry would not flock there again in hope of wedding favors. Not long before, Pudentilla had paid out fifty thousand sesterces of her own money to the people on the day Pontianus married and the boy here assumed the toga. Moreover, we wanted to dispense with the many banquets and nuisances that newlyweds usually have to go through according to custom. | final_alignments\Apuleius_Apologia.json |
41,151 | h CASE_ic d CASE_abit ex s CASE_ese qu CASE_i terti CASE_a bell CASE_a fatig CASE_et et ciner CASE_em liby CASE_ae fer CASE_at in capitoli CASE_a victor | And his sons son shall finish a third war with victory and bring back the ashes of Libya to the Capitol. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book7.json |
39,370 | h CASE_os inter gemit CASE_us obscur CASE_o noct CASE_is opac CASE_ae succed CASE_it castr CASE_is nero qu CASE_ae coniunct CASE_a feroc CASE_i Livius hasdrubal CASE_i vall CASE_o custod CASE_e ten CASE_ebat | While they lamented thus, Nero under cover of night entered the camp occupied by Liviusa and defended by its ramparts against proud Hasdrubal who lay close beside it. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book15.json |
23,737 | nunc ag CASE_e qu CASE_od sup CASE_er es CASE_t cognosc CASE_e et clari CASE_us aud CASE_i | Come now, mark and learn what remains, and hear a clearer strain. | final_alignments\Lucretius_De_Rerum_Natura_Book1.json |
21,583 | numquam mai CASE_or consens CASE_us vester in ull CASE_a caus CASE_a fu CASE_it numquam tam vehementer cum senat CASE_u consociat CASE_i fuistis | You have never been more united in any cause, never so strongly linked with the senate. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_4.json |
64,146 | qu CASE_od t CASE_e per cael CASE_i iucund CASE_um lumen et aur CASE_as per genitor CASE_em or CASE_o per sp CASE_es surg CASE_entis iul CASE_i erip CASE_e m CASE_e h CASE_is invict CASE_e mal CASE_is aut tu m CASE_ihi terr CASE_am inic CASE_e namque pot CASE_es port CASE_us que requir CASE_e velin CASE_os aut tu si qu CASE_a vi CASE_a es CASE_t si qu CASE_am t CASE_ibi div CASE_a creatrix ostend CASE_it neque enim cred CASE_o sin CASE_e numin CASE_e div CASE_um flumin CASE_a tant CASE_a par CASE_as stygi CASE_am que inn CASE_are palud CASE_em d CASE_a dextr CASE_am miser CASE_o et cum t CASE_e m CASE_e toll CASE_e per und CASE_as sed CASE_ibus ut salt CASE_em placid CASE_is in mort CASE_e quiesc CASE_am | Oh, by heavens sweet light and air, I beseech you, by your father, by the rising hope of Iulus, snatch me from these woes, un-conquered one! Either cast earth on me, for that you can, by seeking again the haven of Velia; or if there be a way, if your goddess-mother shows you one'for not without divine favour, I believe, are you trying to sail these great streams and the Stygian mere'give your hand to one so unhappy, and take me with you across the waves, that at least in death I may find a quiet resting place! | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book6.json |
36,159 | sum CASE_ma cens CASE_ura par comit CASE_as et prudent CASE_ia fid CASE_es que miss CASE_o mitt CASE_enti que conveni CASE_ens nihil adfectat CASE_um simulat CASE_um que ponder CASE_i que sermon CASE_um ver CASE_a poti CASE_us severitas qu CASE_am severitat CASE_is imitatio et nec ut pluri CASE_mi qu CASE_i cum credit CASE_a diffidenter alleg CASE_ant vol CASE_unt vid CASE_eri eg CASE_isse s CASE_e cauti CASE_us sed neque ex ill CASE_o ut fer CASE_unt numer CASE_o qu CASE_i secret CASE_a dirig CASE_entium princip CASE_um vendit CASE_antes ambi CASE_unt a barb CASE_aris bene ag CASE_i cum leg CASE_ato poti CASE_us qu CASE_am cum legatio n CASE_e | He is very strict, but no less courteous and wise, and he shows a conscientiousness which befits the emissary as much as the master who sends him. There is no affectation or pretence about him, and his weighty deliverances show genuine rectitude not a mere imitation of it. He is not like most people, who deliver with an air of hesitation the message with which they are charged and expect to be considered to have acted cautiously; still less, I am told, is he of the number of those who traffic in the secrets of the princes who instruct them and who seek to secure from the barbarians favourable treatment for the envoy rather than for his mission. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book3.json |
90,050 | tunc Salomo n CASE_e a CASE_it domin CASE_us pollicit CASE_us est ut habit CASE_aret in caligin CASE_e | Then Solomon said: The Lord promised that he would dwell in a cloud. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
25,420 | iniust CASE_os ips CASE_os mag CASE_is nec labor CASE_o i CASE_am docu CASE_i qu CASE_am etsi iust CASE_os d CASE_arem culp CASE_am tamen vel innocenti CASE_am nov CASE_i fat CASE_o trib CASE_ui sententi CASE_is pluri CASE_morum | That they themselves are evil-doers I need not labour to prove; I have already shown it; though even if I grant their welldoing, guilt or innocence is usually, I know, attributed to destiny. | final_alignments\Minucius_Felix_Octavius.json |
95,829 | h CASE_is enim qu CASE_i faci CASE_ebant opus d CASE_abatur ut instaur CASE_aretur templ CASE_um domin CASE_i | For it was given to them that did the work, that the temple of the Lord might be repaired. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
101,221 | ver CASE_e enim absque mendaci CASE_o sermon CASE_es m CASE_ei et perfect CASE_a sci CASE_entia prob CASE_abitur t CASE_ibi | For indeed my words are without a lie, and perfect knowledge shall be proved to thee. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
55,354 | ac veluti magn CASE_a iuven CASE_um cum dens CASE_a secur CASE_i silv CASE_a lab CASE_at cune CASE_is que gem CASE_it grav CASE_e robur adact CASE_is i CASE_am que abi CASE_es pice CASE_ae que ru CASE_unt sic dur CASE_a sub ict CASE_u oss CASE_a vir CASE_um mal CASE_ae que son CASE_ant spars CASE_us que cerebr CASE_o alb CASE_et ager | And as when some great forest totters beneath the woodmens repeated blows, and the heavy oak groans as the wedges are driven home, and now fir and pine begin to fall, even so beneath the blows sound the hard bones and jaws of warriors, while the ground is white with scattered brains. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book3.json |
76,685 | fili CASE_i Nepthalim Iasihel et Guni et Hieser et Sallem | The sons of Nephthali: Jaziel and Guni, and Jeser and Sallem. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
90,721 | et dormiv CASE_it cum patr CASE_ibus su CASE_is et sepult CASE_us est cum e CASE_is in civitat CASE_e david patr CASE_is su CASE_i regnav CASE_it que Iosaphat fili CASE_us e CASE_ius pro e CASE_o | And he slept with his fathers, and was buried with them in the city of David, his father. And Josaphat, his son, reigned in his place. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
84,649 | fili CASE_i qu CASE_o rub CASE_e n CASE_e primogenit CASE_i israhel ips CASE_e quippe fu CASE_it primogenit CASE_us e CASE_ius sed cum tor CASE_um patr CASE_is su CASE_i dat CASE_a sunt primogenit CASE_a e CASE_ius fili CASE_is Ioseph fili CASE_i israhel et non es CASE_t ill CASE_e reputat CASE_us in primogenit CASE_um | Now the sons of Ruben the firstborn of Israel, (for he was his firstborn: but forasmuch as he defiled his father's bed, his first birthright was given to the sons of Joseph the son of Israel, and he was not accounted for the firstborn. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
29,083 | passio Stephani | The Passion of Stephen | final_alignments\Prudentius_History.json |
32,228 | itaque inter opti CASE_mam conscienti CASE_am et iniquissi CASE_mam fortun CASE_am destitut CASE_us ignor CASE_o quomodo et anim CASE_o me CASE_o et tempori par CASE_eam | Therefore, abandoned between the best of consciences and the most unfavourable of fortunes, I do not know how to suit what I shall say both to my feelings and to the situation. | final_alignments\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book6.json |
100,875 | cumque ann CASE_i circul CASE_us volv CASE_eretur mis CASE_it Nabuchodonosor rex qu CASE_i et addux CASE_erunt e CASE_um in babylon CASE_em asport CASE_atis simul pretiosissi CASE_mis vas CASE_is dom CASE_us domin CASE_i reg CASE_em ver CASE_o constitu CASE_it Sedeciam fratr CASE_em e CASE_ius sup CASE_er iud CASE_am et hierusalem | And at the return of the year, king Nabuchodonosor sent, and brought him to Babylon, carrying away at the same time the most precious vessels of the house of the Lord: and he made Sedecias his uncle king over Juda and Jerusalem. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
40,054 | qu CASE_ae postquam congest CASE_a vid CASE_et feral CASE_is Erinnys lampad CASE_a flammifer CASE_is tinct CASE_am Phlegethontis in und CASE_is quass CASE_at et infern CASE_a super CASE_os caligin CASE_e cond CASE_it | When the fatal Fury saw this pile, she brandished the torch that was dipped in the fiery waves of Phlegethonb; and she hid the gods above with the darkness of Hell. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book2.json |
38,512 | corpor CASE_e sic tot CASE_o ac membr CASE_is rom CASE_a omn CASE_ibus us CASE_a exsangu CASE_es rursus toll CASE_ebat ad aether CASE_a vult CASE_us | Thus a united Rome made use of all her members and once more raised towards heaven her sore-stricken head. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book12.json |
71,489 | domin CASE_us sol CASE_us sustin CASE_entibus s CASE_e in vi CASE_a veritat CASE_is et iustiti CASE_ae | The Lord is only for them that wait upon him in the way of truth and justice. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
75,583 | quia h CASE_aec dic CASE_it domin CASE_us exercit CASE_uum adhuc un CASE_um modic CASE_um es CASE_t et ego commov CASE_ebo cael CASE_um et terr CASE_am et mare et arid CASE_am | For thus saith the Lord of hosts: Yet one little while, and I will move the heaven and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
29,195 | vid CASE_it enim deus ess CASE_e bon CASE_um velut ips CASE_e moyses historic CASE_us mund CASE_i nasc CASE_entis testificat CASE_us vid CASE_it a CASE_it deus ess CASE_e bon CASE_um Two | For God saw that it was good, as Moses, the historian of the worlds birth, bears witness: God, he says, saw that all his creation was good. | final_alignments\Prudentius_Origin_Of_Sin.json |
3,082 | mult CASE_o tamen antequam h CASE_oc conting CASE_eret Symmachus apronian CASE_o success CASE_it inter praecipu CASE_a nomin CASE_andus exempl CASE_a doctrmarum atque modesti CASE_ae | However, long before this happened, Apronianus was succeeded by Symmachus, a man worthy to be classed among the conspicuous examples of learning and moderation, | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book27.json |
53,493 | nemo s CASE_e ab invit CASE_o col CASE_i vol CASE_et n CASE_e homo quidem | No one, not even a man, will wish to receive reluctant worship. | final_alignments\Tertullian_Apology.json |
48,737 | fort CASE_e negotiator CASE_es viv CASE_ente adhuc germanic CASE_o suri CASE_a egress CASE_i laeti CASE_ora de n CASE_e e CASE_ius attul CASE_ere | Accidentally, a party of merchants, who had left Syria while Germanicus was yet alive, brought a more cheerful account of his condition. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Annals_Book2.json |
63,911 | protinus aene CASE_as celer CASE_i cert CASE_are sagitt CASE_a invit CASE_at qu CASE_i fort CASE_e vel CASE_int et praemi CASE_a dic CASE_it ingent CASE_i que man CASE_u mal CASE_um de nav CASE_e Seresti erig CASE_it et volucr CASE_em traiect CASE_o in fun CASE_e columb CASE_am qu CASE_o tend CASE_ant ferr CASE_um mal CASE_o suspend CASE_it ab alt CASE_o | Straightway Aeneas invites all, who may so wish, to contend with swift arrows, and proclaims the prizes. With his mighty hand he raises the mast from Serestus ship, and from the high pole, on a cord passed round her, suspends a fluttering dove as mark for their shafts. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book5.json |
92,490 | ingress CASE_us est Ahoth ad e CASE_um sed CASE_ebat autem in aestiv CASE_o cenacul CASE_o sol CASE_us dix CASE_it que verb CASE_um de CASE_i hab CASE_eo ad t CASE_e qu CASE_i statim surrex CASE_it de thron CASE_o | Aod went in to him: now he was sitting in a summer parlour alone, and he said: I have a word from God to thee. And he forthwith rose up from his throne. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
47,076 | neque recept CASE_i sunt inter re CASE_os carrin CASE_as cel CASE_er senator serv CASE_o accus CASE_ante aut iuli CASE_us dens CASE_us equester cu CASE_i favor in britannic CASE_um crimin CASE_i d CASE_abatur | Nor were prosecutions allowed in the cases of the senator Carrinas Celer, who was accused by a slave, and of Julius Densus of the equestrian order, whose partiality for Britannicus was being turned into a criminal charge. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Annals_Book13.json |
61,956 | feroc CASE_em ill CASE_am tot mili CASE_um iuventut CASE_em paul CASE_o ante servitut CASE_em minat CASE_am itali CASE_ae confer CASE_entem arm CASE_a qu CASE_ibus us CASE_a erat apud flumen nomin CASE_e Bathinum prostern CASE_entem que s CASE_e univers CASE_am gen CASE_ibus imperator CASE_is Batonem que et Pinnetem excelsissi CASE_mos duc CASE_es capt CASE_um alter CASE_um alter CASE_um a s CASE_e dedit CASE_um iust CASE_is volumin CASE_ibus ordin CASE_e narr CASE_abimus ut sper CASE_o | In my complete work I hope to describe in detail how those fierce warriors, many thousand in number, who had but a short time before threatened Italy with slavery, now brought the arms they had used in rebellion and laid them down, at a river called the Bathinus, prostrating themselves one and all before the knees of the commander; and how of their two supreme commanders, Bato and Pinnes, the one was made a prisoner and the other gave himself up. | final_alignments\Velleius_Paterculus_Compendium.json |
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