**N** pairs of friends are standing in two lines of **N** people each, waiting to go through an airport security checkpoint. The _i_th passenger in the first line (counting from the front) belongs to pair **Ai**, while the _i_th passenger in the second line belongs to pair **Bi**. In the 2**N** integers **Ai..N**, and **Bi..N**, each value from 1 and **N** appears exactly twice. A pair of friends might be standing in the same line or in different lines. |
Every minute, the first person in one of the two lines will be admitted |
through security. If one of the lines is already empty, then the person at the |
front of the other line will necessarily be admitted. This process will go on |
for 2**N** minutes, until both lines have been exhausted. Some people are much |
slower than others at the tedious process of removing their shoes and belts, |
placing their laptops in separate bins, and so on. As such, it's unclear which |
line will be chosen to advance in each minute. |
When a passenger passes through security, they will wait just past the |
checkpoint for their friend (the other person in their pair) to also make it |
through. If their friend has already made it through first, then the two of |
them will immediately proceed to their gate. As such, if a pair of friends |
pass through security after **a** and **b** minutes respectively, they will be |
able to head to their gate after max(**a**, **b**) minutes. However, everyone |
hates standing around after security for too long! If anyone is forced to wait |
for their friend for more than 2 minutes (that is, max(**a**, **b**) > |
min(**a**, **b**) + 2), then they'll throw a fit and the entire airport will |
be closed down. |
Assuming that everyone is satisfied and manages to get through security |
without closing down the airport, sorting the pairs of friends by the times at |
which they proceed to their gates yields a permutation of **N** pair numbers. |
How many such pair orders are possible (modulo 1,000,000,007)? |
In order to reduce the size of your input file, you're given **A1**, and |
**A2..N** can be calculated as follows: |
**Ai** = **Ai-1** \+ **DA,i-1** |
In order to compute the sequence **DA,1..(N-1)**, you're given **KA** other |
sequences, the _i_th of which consists of **LA,i** elements **SA,i,1..LA,i**, |
and has an associated repetition number **RA,i**. The sequence **DA,1..(N-1)** |
can then be constructed by concatenating together **KA** sequences, the _i_th |
of which consists of the sequence **SA,i,1..LA,i** repeated **RA,i** times. |
It's guaranteed that the concatenation of these repeated sequences has exactly |
**N** \- 1 elements (in other words, the sum of the products **LA,i** * |
**RA,i** for _i_ = 1..**KA** is equal to **N** \- 1). |
In the same way, you're given **B1**, and **B2..N** can be calculated using |
the sequence **DB,1..(N-1)**, which in turn can be calculated by concatenating |
together **KB** sequences, the _i_th of which consists of **RB,i** copies of |
the sequence **SB,i,1..LB,i**. |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of different airports. For each |
airport, there is first a line containing the integer **N**. |
There is then a line with two space-separated integers **A1** and **KA**. Then |
there are **KA** lines, the _i_th of which contains two space-separated |
integers **RA,i** and **LA,i**, followed by **LA,i** more space-separated |
integers, the _j_th of which is **SA,i,j**. |
Similarly, there is then a line with two space-separated integers **B1** and |
**KB**. Then there are **KB** lines, the _i_th of which contains two space- |
separated integers **RB,i** and **LB,i**, followed by **LB,i** more space- |
separated integers, the _j_th of which is **SB,i,j**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th airport, print a line containing "Case #**i**: " followed by the |
number of possible pair orders, modulo 1,000,000,007. If it's not possible for |
everybody to get through security without somebody throwing a tantrum, output |
0. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 400 |
2 ≤ **N** ≤ 2,000,000 |
1 ≤ **Ai**, **Bi**, **KA**, **KB**, **RA,i**, **RB,i**, **LA,i**, **LB,i** ≤ |
**N** |
-**N** ≤ **DA,i**, **DB,i**, **SA,i,j**, **SB,i,j** ≤ **N** |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, A = [1, 3, 2] and B = [3, 1, 2]. The two possible pair |
orders are [1, 3, 2] and [3, 1, 2]. One way to achieve the former is to admit |
passengers from lines 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, and 2 (who belong to pairs 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, |
and 2). |
In the second case, A = B = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. There is only one possible pair |
order: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. |
In the third case, A = [2, 12, 5, 12, 5, 7, 1, 7, 4, 4, 15, 10, 15, 10, 14] |
and B = [6, 6, 8, 8, 11, 2, 11, 13, 9, 13, 9, 3, 3, 1, 14]. |
In the fourth case, A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and B = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]. There's no |
way for all of these people to get through security without causing a ruckus. |
In the fifth case, A = [1, 1, 2, 2, ..., 4999, 4999, 5000, 5000] and B = |
[5001, 5001, 5002, 5002, ..., 9999, 9999, 10000, 10000]. |