int64 1
| Topic
stringclasses 5
values | Language
stringclasses 5
values | Country
stringclasses 8
values | Statement
stringlengths 45
| Statement - translated
stringlengths 0
| Data Source
stringclasses 71
values | Data Producer Organization
stringclasses 46
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| Consensus Annotation
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| Annotations
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602 | social welfare | German | Germany | Insbesondere der psychischen Gesundheit widmen wir uns intensiv und erarbeiten einen Mobbing-Report. | We pay particular attention to mental health and prepare a bullying report. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"right to health"
] | [
"right to health"
"right to health"
"right to health"
] |
603 | social welfare | German | Germany | Vor allem kleine und mittlere Unternehmen unterstützen wir bei Prävention und Umsetzung des Arbeitsschutzes. | We particularly support small and medium-sized companies in the prevention and implementation of occupational safety. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"labor justice"
] | [
"labor justice"
"labor justice"
"labor justice"
] |
604 | social welfare | German | Germany | Ein Schritt zu mehr Bürgernähe ist die umfassende Digitalisierung von Leistungen. | A step towards greater proximity to citizens is the comprehensive digitalization of services. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
605 | social welfare | German | Germany | Wir werden den Sozialstaat bürgerfreundlicher, transparenter und unbürokratischer machen, und ihn auf die Lebenswirklichkeiten unserer Zeit ausrichten. | We will make the welfare state more citizen-friendly, transparent and unbureaucratic, and align it with the realities of life in our time. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
606 | social welfare | German | Germany | Eine gute und verlässliche Rente nach vielen Jahren Arbeit ist für die Beschäftigten wichtig. | A good and reliable pension after many years of work is important for employees. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
607 | social welfare | German | Germany | Es geht darum, sich mit eigener Arbeit eine gute eigenständige Absicherung im Alter zu schaffen. | It's about creating good, independent security for yourself in old age through your own work. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assisistance"
"labor justice",
"social assisistance"
"labor justice",
"social assisistance"
] |
608 | social welfare | German | Germany | Es wird keine Rentenkürzungen und keine Anhebung des gesetzlichen Renteneintrittsalters geben. | There will be no pension cuts and no increase in the statutory retirement age. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assisistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] |
609 | social welfare | German | Germany | Wir wollen Verbesserungen für Erwerbsminderungsrentnerinnen und -rentner im Bestand umsetzen. | We want to implement improvements for existing disability pensioners. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assisistance"
"labor justice",
"social assisistance"
"labor justice",
"social assisistance"
] |
610 | social welfare | German | Germany | Wir machen längeres, gesünderes Arbeiten zu einem Schwerpunkt unserer Alterssicherungspolitik. | We are making longer, healthier working a focus of our pension policy. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"right to health"
] | [
"right to health"
"right to health"
"right to health"
] |
611 | social welfare | German | Germany | Um frühzeitig einer Erwerbsminderung entgegenzuwirken, wollen wir unter Berücksichtigung der Evaluationsergebnisse den Ü45-Gesundheits-Check gesetzlich verankern und flächendeckend ausrollen. | In order to counteract reduced earning capacity at an early stage, we want to anchor the over-45 health check in law and roll it out across the board, taking into account the evaluation results. | coalition agreement 2021 | Bundesregierung (en: Cabinet of Germany) | government | | [
"right to health"
] | [
"right to health"
"right to health"
"right to health"
] |
612 | social welfare | German | Germany | Die Sozialversicherung ist zentrales Element des Sozialstaats und sichert einen Großteil der Bevölkerung gegen Existenzgefährdungen ab. | Social insurance is a central element of the welfare state and protects a large part of the population against threats to their existence. | ministry of labour and social affairs | Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (en: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) | government | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
613 | social welfare | German | Germany | Die gesetzliche Unfallversicherung hat die Aufgabe, mit allen geeigneten Mitteln Versicherungsfälle (Arbeitsunfälle und Berufskrankheiten) sowie arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren zu verhüten. | Statutory accident insurance has the task of using all appropriate means to prevent insured events (occupational accidents and occupational diseases) as well as work-related health risks. | ministry of labour and social affairs | Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (en: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) | government | | [
"right to health"
] | [
"right to health"
"right to health"
"right to health"
] |
614 | social welfare | German | Germany | Versicherungsfälle (Arbeitsunfälle und Berufskrankheiten) sowie arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren zu verhüten. | To prevent insured events (occupational accidents and occupational diseases) as well as work-related health risks. | ministry of labour and social affairs | Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (en: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) | government | | [
"right to health"
] | [
"right to health"
"right to health"
"right to health"
] |
615 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | La famiglia è l’elemento fondante della società e ciò che rende “una Nazione veramente sovrana e spiritualmente forte” (Giovanni Paolo II). Per questo è necessario affermare nuovamente il ruolo centrale, educativo e sociale che essa continua a ricoprire. | The family is the foundational element of society and what makes "a truly sovereign and spiritually strong nation" (John Paul II). That is why it is necessary to reaffirm the central role educational and social role that it continues to play. | GiadaAnno | Fratelli d'Italia | political party | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
616 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Sostenere la natalità significa dare la possibilità alle giovani coppie di costruire il proprio progetto familiare, significa dare speranza all’Italia investendo sul futuro. | Supporting the birth rate means giving young couples the chance to build their family project; it means giving hope to Italy by investing on the future. | Fratelli d'Italia 2022 political program | Fratelli d'Italia | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
617 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | I dati del 2021, benché in lieve diminuzione, confermano un’alta percentuale di obiettori contro l'aborto (63,4% dei ginecologi, 40,5% degli anestesisti e 32,8% del personale non medico) con ampie variazioni regionali per le tre categorie. | The 2021 data, although slightly decreasing, confirm a high percentage of objectors against abortion (63.4 percent of gynecologists, 40.5 percent of anesthesiologists, and 32.8 percent of nonmedical staff) with wide regional variations for the three categories. | Istituto Superiore di Sanità | Istituto Superiore di Sanità | government | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
618 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Dal 2020 la relazione contenente i dati definitivi fornisce nuovi parametri per approfondire il tema dell’obiezione di coscienza e in particolare l’impatto che l’esercizio del diritto all’obiezione di coscienza da parte del personale sanitario può avere sull’accesso al servizio IVG da parte delle donne e sul carico di lavoro degli operatori sanitari non obiettori. | Since 2020, the report containing the final data provides new parameters to explore the issue of conscientious objection and in particular the impact that the exercise of the right to conscientious objection by health care workers may have on women's access to IVG services and on the workload of nonobjecting health care workers. | Istituto Superiore di Sanità | Istituto Superiore di Sanità | government | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
619 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | La legge prevede che le donne possano liberamente richiedere di interrompere la gravidanza per qualsiasi ragione. Purché questo sia fatto entro i 90 giorni di gestazione. Sussistono però, come si può osservare nella mappa, ostacoli come l’obbligo di fare counseling e di attraversare un periodo di attesa. | The law provides that women can freely request to terminate a pregnancy for any reason. As long as this is done within 90 days of gestation. There are obstacles, however, as can be seen in the map, such as the requirement to have counseling and to go through a waiting period. | Blog post OpenPolis | OpenPolis | news agency | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
620 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Queste pratiche sono comunque considerate lesive, perché ostacolano il diritto decisionale delle donne ad abortire e alle volte rallentano inutilmente le procedure. | However, these practices are considered harmful because they hinder women's decision-making rights to abortion and sometimes unnecessarily slow down procedures. | Blog post OpenPolis | OpenPolis | news agency | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
621 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | A questo si aggiunge poi il fatto che la maggior parte dei ginecologi (64,6%), quasi la metà degli anestesisti (44,6%) e oltre un terzo del personale non medico (36,2%) sono obiettori di coscienza. | Added to this is the fact that most gynecologists (64.6 percent), nearly half of anesthesiologists (44.6 percent) and more than one-third of nonmedical personnel (36.2 percent) are conscientious objectors. | Blog post OpenPolis | OpenPolis | news agency | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
622 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Negli anni le interruzioni di gravidanza sono andate gradualmente calando nel nostro paese. | Over the years, pregnancy terminations have been gradually declining in our country. | Blog post OpenPolis | OpenPolis | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
623 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Il misoprostolo, farmaco anti-ulcera che si trova in farmacia, talvolta viene utilizzato anche per praticare aborti clandestini. | Misoprostol, an anti-ulcer drug found in pharmacies, is also sometimes used to perform clandestine abortions. | Fondazione Umberto Veronesi | Fondazione Umberto Veronesi | civil society group | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
624 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | il decreto Lavoro mette in protezione i nuclei familiari che abbiano al loro interno almeno una persona minorenne, con più di 60 anni, con disabilità o seguita dai servizi socio sanitari perché in condizione di grave svantaggio | the Labor decree puts in protection households that have at least one person in them who is a minor, over 60 years old, with a disability or followed by social and health services because they are severely disadvantaged | ANSA, "Come ottenere l'assegno di inclusione" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
625 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Previsti il rifinanziamento del Sistema sanitario nazionale, interventi per il personale della Croce Rossa ed un incremento delle risorse per i contratti 2022-2024. | Planned refinancing of the National Health System, interventions for Red Cross personnel, and increased resources for 2022-2024 contracts. | ANSA, "Dal cuneo alle pensioni, le novità del 2024" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
626 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Arriva anche un aumento del buono per le rette agli asili nido e per il supporto domiciliare ai bambini fino a 3 anni e affetti da gravi patologie croniche. | Also coming is an increase in the voucher for daycare fees and home support for children up to age 3 and with serious chronic conditions. | ANSA, "Dal cuneo alle pensioni, le novità del 2024" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
627 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Si istituisce il Fondo nazionale di intervento per la lotta alla droga (5 milioni per tre anni) e nasce il Fondo per aiutare gli over 65 con Isee basso a sostenere le spese veterinarie. | The National Drug Intervention Fund is established (5 million for three years) and the Fund to help the over-65s with low Isee to meet veterinary expenses is created. | ANSA, "Dal cuneo alle pensioni, le novità del 2024" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
628 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Per fronteggiare la carenza di personale nella sanità pubblica e ridurre le liste di attesa, si estende fino al 31 dicembre 2026 la facoltà di ricorrere agli incrementi delle tariffe orarie delle prestazioni aggiuntive del personale medico. | To cope with staff shortages in public health and reduce waiting lists, the option to use hourly rate increases for additional services of medical staff is extended until Dec. 31, 2026. | ANSA, "Dal cuneo alle pensioni, le novità del 2024" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
629 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Nel corso dei lavori in Senato arriva anche la parziale retromarcia sul contestato taglio alle pensioni del personale sanitario, degli enti locali, degli uffici giudiziari e dei maestri. | In the course of work in the Senate also comes the partial retreat on the disputed cut in pensions for health care personnel, local government, judicial offices and teachers. | ANSA, "Dal cuneo alle pensioni, le novità del 2024" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
630 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Sale infine dal 5% al 10% l'Iva sui pannolini, così come per il latte in polvere e gli assorbenti femminili. | Finally, the VAT on diapers rises from 5 percent to 10 percent, as well as for powdered milk and feminine pads. | ANSA, "Dal cuneo alle pensioni, le novità del 2024" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
631 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Per agevolare un migliore equilibrio fra vita familiare e lavoro, il congedo di paternità è stato reso obbligatorio anche per i dipendenti pubblici, mentre è stata ampliata la durata e il periodo indennizzabile del congedo parentale. | To facilitate a better work-life balance, paternity leave was also made mandatory for civil servants, while the duration and compensable period of parental leave was expanded. | ANSA, "Inps, nel 2022 congedo di paternità +20%, lontano da media Ue" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
] | [
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
] |
632 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Inps rileva un aumento "delle domande di congedo parentale sia per le mamme sia per i papà", soprattutto "durante i periodi estivi", con l'utilizzo che si concentra "soprattutto nella fascia di età fino a tre anni". | Inps notes an increase in "applications for parental leave for both moms and dads," especially "during summer periods," with use being concentrated "mainly in the age group up to three years." | ANSA, "Inps, nel 2022 congedo di paternità +20%, lontano da media Ue" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"labor justice"
] | [
"labor justice"
"labor justice"
"labor justice"
] |
633 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Le donne restano le utilizzatrici principali del congedo parentale. Quanto al congedo di paternità, "sebbene sia aumentato di quasi venti punti percentuali dal 2018, raggiungendo il 64%, si posiziona su livelli ancora distanti da quelli che caratterizzano gli altri Stati dell'Unione europea". | Women remain the main users of parental leave. As for paternity leave, "although it has increased by almost twenty percentage points since 2018, reaching 64 percent, it is still at levels that are far behind those in other European Union states." | ANSA, "Inps, nel 2022 congedo di paternità +20%, lontano da media Ue" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"labor justice"
] | [
"labor justice"
"labor justice"
"labor justice"
] |
634 | social welfare | Italian | Italy | Inps evidenzia, infine, che il reddito di cittadinanza è stato sostituito con due misure: l'assegno di inclusione, dal primo gennaio 2024, e il supporto per la formazione e il lavoro, in vigore dal primo settembre 2023". | Finally, Inps points out that the citizenship income has been replaced with two measures: the inclusion allowance, effective Jan. 1, 2024, and the training and employment support, effective Sept. 1, 2023." | ANSA, "Inps, nel 2022 congedo di paternità +20%, lontano da media Ue" | Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) | news agency | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
635 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Çalışanlarımızı ve emeklilerimizi enflasyona ezdirmeyecek, önümüzdeki dönemde de asgari ücretin yanı sıra memur ve emekliler için enflasyonun üzerinde artışlarla çalışanlarımızın ve emeklilerimizin refah payı almalarını sağlayacağız. | We will not subject employees and retirees to inflation, and in the coming period, we will ensure that our employees and retirees receive a share of welfare with increases above the inflation rate for civil servants and retirees, as well as the minimum wage. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] |
636 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Pasif işgücü programlarının erişilebilirliğini güçlendirecek, işsizlik sigortası fonundan yararlanma şartlarını kolaylaştıracağız. | We will strengthen the accessibility of passive workforce programs and facilitate the conditions for benefiting from the unemployment insurance fund. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] |
637 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Üniversiteli gençlerimize "Gençlik Kartı" uygulamasını başlatacağız. Bu karta sahip olan gençlerimize tiyatro, sinema gibi kültürel ve sanatsal etkinliklerden ücretsiz veya indirimli yararlanma imkanı getireceğiz. | We will launch the "Youth Card" application for our university students. We will offer our young people who have this card the opportunity to benefit from cultural and artistic events such as theater and cinema, free of charge or at a discount. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] | [
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] |
638 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Yükseköğrenimdeki gençlerimize bir defaya mahsus olmak üzere cep telefonu ve bilgisayar ediniminde vergi muafiyeti sağlayacağız. | We will provide a one-time tax exemption to our young people in higher education for the purchase of mobile phones and computers. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] | [
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] |
639 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Kendi işini kuran genç girişimcilerimize faizsiz kredi desteği sunacağız. | We will offer interest-free loan support to young entrepreneurs who start their own businesses. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
] |
640 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Gençlerimize esnek çalışma koşulları sunacağız. Çalışırken eğitimlerini de devam ettiren gençlerimize yönelik teşvik edici düzenlemeler yapacağız. | We will offer flexible working conditions to our young people. We will make encouraging arrangements for our young people who continue their education while working. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"right to education"
] | [
"labor justice",
"right to education"
"labor justice",
"right to education"
"labor justice",
"right to education"
] |
641 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Tüm okullarımızda etüt imkanlarını yaygınlaştıracak, velilerimizin iş hayatıyla okul programlarını uyumlaştıracağız. | We will expand study opportunities in all our schools and harmonize our parents' business lives with school programs. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"right to education"
] | [
"labor justice",
"right to education"
"labor justice",
"right to education"
"labor justice",
"right to education"
] |
642 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Başta kırsalda olmak üzere birinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerini güçlendirmeyi sürdürecek, aile sağlığı hizmetlerinin daha yaygın, erişilebilir ve nitelikli olmasını sağlayacağız. | We will continue to strengthen primary health care services, especially in rural areas, and ensure that family health services are more widespread, accessible and qualified. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
643 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Mevsimlik tarım işçileri gibi gruplar için özel sosyal sigorta programları oluşturacak, sosyal güvenlik kapsamını en üst düzeye çıkaracağız. | We will create special social insurance programs for groups such as seasonal agricultural workers and maximize social security coverage. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] |
644 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Çiftçilerimize sigorta primlerini hasat zamanıyla uyumlu şekilde altışar aylık dönemler halinde ödeyebilme imkânı sağladık. | We provided our farmers with the opportunity to pay their insurance premiums in six-month periods in line with the harvest time. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] |
645 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Gençlere ve kadınlara ilave destekler vereceğiz. Ayrıca genç ve kadın çiftçilerin sosyal güvenlik primlerine destek olacağız. | We will provide additional support to youth and women. We will also support the social security premiums of young and female farmers. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] |
646 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Yoksullarla beraber yoksulluk riski altında bulunan vatandaşlarımızı da yoksulluğa düşmeden sosyal yardımlar, istihdam bağlantısı ve çeşitli mekanizmalarla destekleyerek sosyal yardımları yeni bir yaklaşımla yeniden tasarlayacağız. | We will redesign social assistance with a new approach by supporting our citizens who are at risk of poverty along with the poor, with social assistance, employment connection and various mechanisms, before they fall into poverty. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity",
"labor justice"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity",
"labor justice"
"social assistance",
"human dignity",
"labor justice"
"social assistance",
"human dignity",
"labor justice"
] |
647 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | İnsanların yoksulluğa düşmelerini engelleyerek sonraki süreçte oluşabilecek yoksullukla mücadele için daha yüksek maliyetlerin oluşmasının önüne geçeceğiz. | By preventing people from falling into poverty, we will prevent higher costs for fighting poverty in the future. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"human dignity",
"social assistance"
] |
648 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Yoksulluğun nesiller arası aktarımını engellemek ve daha müreffeh yarınlara ulaşmak için çocuk yoksulluğunun önlenmesini özellikle önemsiyoruz. | We attach particular importance to preventing child poverty in order to prevent the intergenerational transmission of poverty and achieve a more prosperous future. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"human dignity",
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] | [
"human dignity",
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"human dignity",
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"human dignity",
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] |
649 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Sosyal konut üretimini bilhassa deprem ve afet riski yüksek olan tüm bölgelerimizde yoğunlaştıracağız. | We will intensify social housing production, especially in all regions with high earthquake and disaster risk. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
650 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Şehit yakınları ve gazilerin faizsiz konut kredisi kullanarak almış oldukları konutların tapuya tescilinde harç muafiyeti sağladık | We provided fee exemption for the title deed registration of houses purchased by relatives of martyrs and veterans using interest-free housing loans. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
651 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | İlk defa ev sahibi olmak isteyen vatandaşlarımızın Hazine desteğiyle daha uygun ödeme koşullarıyla ev sahibi olmaları ve konut arzının artırılmasının desteklenmesi için konut finansman programı uygulamaya alınmıştır. | The housing finance program has been implemented to enable our citizens who want to own a house for the first time to own a house with more favorable payment terms with the support of the Treasury and to support the increase in housing supply. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
652 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | İskân Kanunumuz kapsamında kamulaştırmadan etkilenen köylerde; 8 milyar 410 milyon lira yatırımla 11.212 konutu tamamladık. | In villages affected by expropriation within the scope of our Settlement Law; We completed 11,212 houses with an investment of 8 billion 410 million Turkish lira. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
653 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | 2020 yılı sonrasında 55 bin 316’sı konut olmak üzere toplam 59 bin 707 bağımsız bölümün inşaatına başlanmış, bunların 33 bin 759’u hak sahiplerine teslim edilmiş, geri kalanların inşaatları ise devam etmektedir. | After 2020, the construction of a total of 59 thousand 707 independent sections, including 55 thousand 316 residences, started, 33 thousand 759 of them were delivered to the beneficiaries, and the construction of the remaining ones continues. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
654 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Aile hekimi başına düşen nüfusu 5 yılda 2.500’e indirecek, vatandaşlarımıza sunduğumuz birinci basamak sağlık hizmetini çok daha etkili ve kapsamlı hale getireceğiz. | We will reduce the population per family doctor to 2,500 in 5 years and make the primary health care service we offer to our citizens much more effective and comprehensive. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
655 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Türkiye genelindeki hastanelerimizdeki sigara bırakma polikliniklerinin sayısını 2028 yılına kadar 1.033’e çıkaracağız. | We will increase the number of smoking cessation clinics in our hospitals across Turkey to 1,033 by 2028. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
656 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Evde sağlık hizmetine yönelik hizmet aracı kapasitesini artıracak, bu hizmeti alan hastaların aylık ziyaret sıklığını 2028 yılına kadar iki katına çıkaracağız. | We will increase the service vehicle capacity for home health care and double the monthly visit frequency of patients receiving this service by 2028. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
657 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Örgün eğitim kademelerinin tamamında kız çocuklarının net okullaşma oranı ile kadınlarda okuryazarlık oranını yüzde 100 seviyesine ulaştırmayı hedefliyoruz | We aim to reach 100 percent of the net schooling rate of girls and the literacy rate of women at all levels of formal education. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] | [
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] |
658 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Kadınların iş ve aile yaşamının uyumlaştırılmasını destekleyen, işgücüne katılımı artıran ve ulaşılabilir, ekonomik ve kaliteli erken çocuk bakım hizmetlerine erişimini kolaylaştıran teşvik mekanizmalarını güçlendireceğiz. | We will strengthen incentive mechanisms that support women's harmonization of work and family life, increase their participation in the workforce, and facilitate their access to accessible, affordable and quality early child care services. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
] |
659 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Çocuk bakım sorumluluğu nedeniyle işgücü piyasasından uzak kalma riski taşıyan kadınlar ile eğitimli çocuk bakıcılarının kayıtlı istihdamını teşvik ederek çocuk bakım mesleğinin profesyonelleşmesini destekleyeceğiz. | We will support the professionalization of the child care profession by encouraging the registered employment of trained child caregivers and women who are at risk of being excluded from the labor market due to child care responsibilities. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
] |
660 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Kadınların, iş kurma ve geliştirme süreçlerini kolaylaştıracak, e-ticaret platformlarında daha fazla yer almalarını teşvik edecek, hizmet kooperatifleri başta olmak üzere kooperatifler yolu ile güçlendirilmesini sağlayacağız. | We will facilitate women's business establishment and development processes, encourage them to take more part in e-commerce platforms, and ensure their empowerment through cooperatives, especially service cooperatives. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
"labor justice",
"social assistance"
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
] |
661 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Çocuklarımız için sosyal ve ekonomik destek ödemelerini annelere yapıyoruz. Bu kapsamda 2022 yılında 157.248 çocuğumuz için çocuk başına aylık 2 bin 337 TL ödeme yaptık. | We make social and economic support payments to mothers for our children. In this context, we paid 2 thousand 337 TL per month for 157,248 children in 2022. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
662 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Çocuklarımız için ihtisaslaştırılmış rehabilitasyon sistemini yaygınlaştırarak suçun mağduru ya da suça sürüklenen çocukların en hızlı şekilde topluma kazandırılmalarını sağlayacağız. | By expanding the specialized rehabilitation system for our children, we will ensure that children who are victims of crime or pushed into crime are reintegrated into society as quickly as possible. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
663 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Emeklilik döneminde olan yaşlıların fiziksel ve sosyal günlük yaşam aktivitesi alışkanlığı kazanmaları için yerel yönetimlerle iş birliği halinde yaşlı dostu kent mekânları oluşturacağız. Yaşlı nüfusun yoğun olduğu yörelerde gündüz bakım merkezlerinin sayısını artıracak, aktif yaşlanma merkezleri kuracağız. | We will create age-friendly urban spaces in cooperation with local governments so that elderly people in retirement period can gain physical and social daily life activity habits. We will increase the number of day care centers and establish active aging centers in regions where the elderly population is dense. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
664 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Yalnız yaşayan ve herhangi bir bakım desteği alamayan yaşlıların kendi konutlarında bakım ve güvenlik gereksinimlerinin takip edilmesi amacıyla teknolojik ekipmanların ve yazılımların geliştirilmesini sağlayacağız. | We will ensure the development of technological equipment and software to monitor the care and security needs of elderly people who live alone and cannot receive any care support in their own homes. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
665 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Yaşlıların kültürel ve sanatsal faaliyetlere katılımını destekleyici tedbirler alacağız. Kültür ve sanat ortamları tasarlanırken yaşlıların ihtiyaçlarını da dikkate alacağız. | We will take measures to support the participation of elderly people in cultural and artistic activities. We will also take the needs of the elderly into consideration when designing cultural and artistic environments. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] | [
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
"social assistance",
"human dignity"
] |
666 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Gençlerimize esnek çalışma koşulları sunacağız. Özellikle profesyonel iş yaşamlarını sürdürürken eğitimlerini de devam ettiren gençlerimize yönelik gerekli tüm sosyal ve mali hak desteklemelerini yapacak, eğitimlerini de iş yaşamları ile birlikte rahatlıkla sürdürmelerini sağlayacağız. | We will offer flexible working conditions to our young people. We will provide all necessary social and financial rights support, especially for our young people who continue their education while continuing their professional business lives, and we will ensure that they can continue their education comfortably along with their business lives. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] | [
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"social assistance",
"right to education"
"social assistance",
"right to education"
] |
667 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Kurumlar, kuruluşlar, hayırseverler ve STK’ların hepsini bir bütün içerisinde değerlendirerek ülke genelinde sosyal yardımları standardize edeceğiz. Mükerrerlikleri engelleyerek etkinliği artıracağız. | We will standardize social assistance across the country by evaluating institutions, organizations, philanthropists and NGOs as a whole. We will increase efficiency by preventing duplication. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance"
] | [
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
"social assistance"
] |
668 | social welfare | Turkish | Turkey | Yurt dışında yaşayan 7 milyona yakın insanımıza çalışma ve sosyal güvenlik alanında sunduğumuz hizmetleri genişletip yaygınlaştıracağız. | We will expand and expand the services we offer in the field of labor and social security to nearly 7 million people living abroad. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
] | [
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
"social assistance",
"labor justice"
] |
669 | surrogacy | English | Canada | In 1989, the Government of Canada asked the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies to consider the latest medical developments in infertility treatment. Based on the ethical, social and economic issues linked to infertility treatment, policies and safeguards were suggested and developed. | Government of Canada | Health Canada | government | | [
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
670 | surrogacy | English | Canada | the Government worked with health professionals, researchers, ethicists and individuals using or thinking about using assisted human reproduction to build their families to develop its approach to infertility treatment. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
671 | surrogacy | English | Canada | It is a crime to pay (in cash, goods, property or services), offer to pay or advertise to pay a woman to be a surrogate mother. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
672 | surrogacy | English | Canada | The AHR Act does not prohibit surrogacy itself, as long as a surrogate mother makes this decision for altruistic reasons. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
673 | surrogacy | English | Canada | The AHR Act does not criminalize a woman who agrees to be or becomes a surrogate mother. It is paying, offering to pay or advertising that consideration will be paid to a woman for surrogacy that is illegal. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
674 | surrogacy | English | Canada | Although paying a surrogate mother is a crime, a surrogate mother may be repaid for out-of-pocket costs directly related to her pregnancy. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
675 | surrogacy | English | Canada | This means it is illegal under the AHR Act to pay third parties to hire a surrogate mother. Examples of third parties include fertility clinics that match infertile couples with surrogate mothers. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
676 | surrogacy | English | Canada | Under section 6 of the AHR Act, no person shall accept consideration (anything given or promised in exchange for something, not just money) for arranging for the services of a surrogate mother, offer to make such an arrangement for consideration or advertise the arranging of such services | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
677 | surrogacy | English | Canada | Under section 6 of the AHR Act, no person shall advise or persuade a woman to become a surrogate mother, or do any medical procedure to help a woman become a surrogate mother, knowing or having reason to believe that the woman is under 21 years of age. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection",
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection",
"assisted human reproduction"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection",
"assisted human reproduction"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection",
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
678 | surrogacy | English | Canada | In the use of AHR technologies, children's health and well-being must come first. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child welfare"
] | [
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
] |
679 | surrogacy | English | Canada | Using appropriate measures will help protect the health, safety, dignity and rights of people affected by the use of AHR technologies. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child welfare",
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child welfare",
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child welfare",
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child welfare",
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
680 | surrogacy | English | Canada | Because women, not men, are more significantly affected by AHR technologies, their health must be protected. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
681 | surrogacy | English | Canada | Commercial trade and abuse of the reproductive capabilities of children, women and men is, for health and ethical reasons, a crime. | Government of Canada | Government of Canada | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection",
"child welfare"
] | [
"child welfare",
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer protection",
"child welfare"
"child welfare",
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
682 | surrogacy | English | Singapore | Currently, Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) centres in Singapore are not allowed to provide surrogacy treatment. We are still carefully reviewing our position on surrogacy, | Singapore, Ministry of Social and Family Development | Ministry of Social and Family Development, Office of the Director-General of Social Welfare (ODGSW) | government | | [
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
683 | surrogacy | English | Singapore | Surrogacy is a complex issue with several ethical, social, health and legal implications. | Singapore, Ministry of Social and Family Development | Ministry of Social and Family Development, Office of the Director-General of Social Welfare (ODGSW) | government | | [
"child welfare"
] | [
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
] |
684 | surrogacy | English | Singapore | Singapore’s public policy encourages parenthood within marriage. Consistent with this, we will generally not object if married couples with fertility problems apply to the Singapore Court to adopt their children born through surrogacy that is carried out overseas. | Singapore, Ministry of Social and Family Development | Ministry of Social and Family Development, Office of the Director-General of Social Welfare (ODGSW) | government | | [
"child welfare"
] | [
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
] |
685 | surrogacy | English | Singapore | The Government does not encourage planned and deliberate single parenthood as a lifestyle choice. | Singapore, Ministry of Social and Family Development | Ministry of Social and Family Development, Office of the Director-General of Social Welfare (ODGSW) | government | | [
"child welfare"
] | [
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
] |
686 | surrogacy | English | Singapore | As a matter of public policy, we do not support the use of Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) or surrogacy by singles to conceive children and adopt them. | Singapore, Ministry of Social and Family Development | Ministry of Social and Family Development, Office of the Director-General of Social Welfare (ODGSW) | government | | [
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
687 | surrogacy | English | Singapore | We also do not support the formation of same-sex families through adoption. | Singapore, Ministry of Social and Family Development | Ministry of Social and Family Development, Office of the Director-General of Social Welfare (ODGSW) | government | | [
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
688 | surrogacy | English | Singapore | All adoption applications will continue to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Besides factors concerning the child’s well-being, the circumstances surrounding each application must also be taken into account to ensure that the adoption does not go against public policy. | Singapore, Ministry of Social and Family Development | Ministry of Social and Family Development, Office of the Director-General of Social Welfare (ODGSW) | government | | [
"child welfare"
] | [
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
] |
689 | surrogacy | English | UK | The government supports surrogacy as part of the range of assisted conception options. | UK Government - Department of Health & Social Care | Department of Health & Social Care | government | | [
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
690 | surrogacy | English | UK | It is a criminal offence to advertise that you are looking for a surrogate or willing to act as a surrogate. | UK Government - Department of Health & Social Care | Department of Health & Social Care | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
691 | surrogacy | English | UK | It is a criminal offence for third parties (that is, not the surrogate or IP(s)) to advertise that they facilitate surrogacy, although there are some exemptions for not-for-profit organisations. | UK Government - Department of Health & Social Care | Department of Health & Social Care | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
692 | surrogacy | English | UK | It is a criminal offence for third parties to negotiate the terms of a surrogacy agreement for any payment (for example a solicitor cannot represent IP(s) or surrogates in agreeing the terms). | UK Government - Department of Health & Social Care | Department of Health & Social Care | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
693 | surrogacy | English | UK | The surrogate (and, if she is married or in a civil partnership, her consenting spouse or civil partner) will be the legal parent(s) of the child at birth. | UK Government - Department of Health & Social Care | Department of Health & Social Care | government | | [
"child welfare",
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"child welfare",
"assisted human reproduction"
"child welfare",
"assisted human reproduction"
"child welfare",
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
694 | surrogacy | English | UK | It is generally accepted practice for the parties to a surrogacy agreement to estimate their expenses at the start, so that an agreed sum for expenses can be clearly recorded in their agreement and the payments can be spread over the course of the pregnancy if required. | UK Government - Department of Health & Social Care | Department of Health & Social Care | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
"child bearer/surrogacy mother protection"
] |
695 | surrogacy | English | UK | If you use a surrogate, they will be the child’s legal parent at birth. If the surrogate is married or in a civil partnership, their spouse or civil partner will be the child’s second parent at birth, unless they did not give their permission. | UK Government - Department of Health & Social Care | UK Government | government | | [
"child welfare",
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"child welfare",
"assisted human reproduction"
"child welfare",
"assisted human reproduction"
"child welfare",
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
696 | surrogacy | Italian | Italy | Si è quindi ritenuto che per integrare il concetto giuridico di madre non sia sufficiente il mero dato biologico, ma sia necessario non solo considerare lo strettissimo legame che intercorre durante la gravidanza, ma anche che l’apporto biologico sia accompagnato dalla decisione responsabile di giungere alla generazione di una nuova vita. | It was therefore held that in order to integrate the legal concept of mother, it is not sufficient merely to have the biological data, but it is necessary not only to consider the very close connection during pregnancy, but also that the biological contribution be accompanied by the responsible decision to arrive at to the generation of a new life. | House of Deputies, Bill n. 887, February 2023 | Camera dei Deputati (en: Chamber of Deputies) | government | | [
"assisted human reproduction"
] | [
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
"assisted human reproduction"
] |
697 | surrogacy | Italian | Italy | Appare evidente come non sia più possibile lasciare i tribunali soli davanti alle problematiche che sempre più spesso si stanno determinando a causa del ricorso da parte di cittadini italiani a pratiche di surrogazione di maternità effettuate all’estero, e quanto sia opportuno che la normativa nazionale sanzioni simili pratiche, esattamente come sono sanzionate se commesse in Italia, con ciò ribadendo in modo chiaro la nostra contrarietà allo sfruttamento e alla commercializzazione di fatto di donne e di bambini. | It seems clear that it is no longer possible to leave the courts alone in the face of the problems that are increasingly being determined by the use by Italian citizens of surrogacy practices carried out abroad, and how appropriate it is that national nor- mation should sanction such practices, just as they are sanctioned if committed in Italy, thereby clearly reaffirming our opposition to the exploitation and de facto commercialization of women and children. | House of Deputies, Bill n. 887, February 2023 | Camera dei Deputati (en: Chamber of Deputies) | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
"child bearer/mother protection"
"child bearer/mother protection"
] |
698 | surrogacy | Italian | Italy | la pratica della gestazione per altri, quali che siano le modalità della condotta e gli scopi perseguiti, offende in modo intollerabile la dignità della donna emina nel profondo le relazioni umane | The practice of surrogacy, whatever the manner of conduct and the purposes pursued, intolerably offends the dignity of women eminates in the depths of human relations | Ministry of the Interior, Circular No. 3/2023 | Dipartimento per gli AffariInterni e Territoriali | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
"child bearer/mother protection"
"child bearer/mother protection"
] |
699 | surrogacy | Italian | Italy | il bambino nato dal ricorso alla maternità surrogata ha anche il diritto fondamentale al riconoscimento, anche giuridico, del legame sorto in virtù della relazione affettiva instaurata e vissuta con colei che ha condiviso il progetto genitoriale, e che l'ineludibile necessità di assicurargli gli stessi diritti degli altri bambini è garantita dall'adozione in casi particolari | the child born by resorting to surrogacy also has a fundamental right to recognition, including legal recognition, of the bond that has arisen by virtue of the affective relationship established and experienced with the one who shared the parental design, and that the inescapable need to assure him the same rights as other children is guaranteed through adoption in special cases | Ministry of the Interior, Circular No. 3/2023 | Dipartimento per gli AffariInterni e Territoriali | government | | [
"child welfare"
] | [
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
] |
700 | surrogacy | Italian | Italy | Le associazioni LGBTIQ si rifiutano di affrontare il tema della disumanità della pratica dell’utero in affitto, il tema dello sfruttamento della donna che ospita il concepito nel corso della gravidanza, il tema della negazione della sua dignità personale e il tema della sua riduzione a mera “incubatrice di carne”, macchina che deve servire ad un determinato scopo | LGBTIQ associations refuse to address the issue of the inhumanity of the practice of uterus for rent, the issue of the exploitation of the woman who houses the conceived during pregnancy, the issue of the denial of her personal dignity, and the issue of her reduction to a mere "incubator of flesh," a machine that must serve a certain purpose | Senate, EU Policies, February 2023 | Senato della Repubblica (en: Senate of the Republic) | government | | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
] | [
"child bearer/mother protection"
"child bearer/mother protection"
"child bearer/mother protection"
] |
701 | surrogacy | Italian | Italy | Ecco che l’obbligo per lo Stato membro di riconoscere il rapporto di filiazione dichiarato o riconosciuto da altro Stato membro potrebbe costringerlo – come nel caso del ricorso alla pratica dell’utero in affitto – a riconoscere la filiazione derivante da una condotta costituente reato. | Here is that the obligation of the member state to recognize the filiation relationship declared or recognized by another member state could force it-as in the case of the use of the practice of surrogacy-to recognize filiation resulting from conduct constituting a crime. | Senate, EU Policies, February 2023 | Senato della Repubblica (en: Senate of the Republic) | government | | [
"child welfare"
] | [
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
"child welfare"
] |
Subsets and Splits