logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
def load_and_quantize_model( |
model: torch.nn.Module, |
bnb_quantization_config: BnbQuantizationConfig, |
weights_location: Union[str, os.PathLike] = None, |
device_map: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, str, torch.device]]] = None, |
no_split_module_classes: Optional[List[str]] = None, |
max_memory: Optional[Dict[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]]] = None, |
offload_folder: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None, |
offload_state_dict: bool = False, |
): |
""" |
This function will quantize the input model with the associated config passed in `bnb_quantization_config`. If the |
model is in the meta device, we will load and dispatch the weights according to the `device_map` passed. If the |
model is already loaded, we will quantize the model and put the model on the GPU, |
Args: |
model (`torch.nn.Module`): |
Input model. The model can be already loaded or on the meta device |
bnb_quantization_config (`BnbQuantizationConfig`): |
The bitsandbytes quantization parameters |
weights_location (`str` or `os.PathLike`): |
The folder weights_location to load. It can be: |
- a path to a file containing a whole model state dict |
- a path to a `.json` file containing the index to a sharded checkpoint |
- a path to a folder containing a unique `.index.json` file and the shards of a checkpoint. |
- a path to a folder containing a unique pytorch_model.bin file. |
device_map (`Dict[str, Union[int, str, torch.device]]`, *optional*): |
A map that specifies where each submodule should go. It doesn't need to be refined to each parameter/buffer |
name, once a given module name is inside, every submodule of it will be sent to the same device. |
no_split_module_classes (`List[str]`, *optional*): |
A list of layer class names that should never be split across device (for instance any layer that has a |
residual connection). |
max_memory (`Dict`, *optional*): |
A dictionary device identifier to maximum memory. Will default to the maximum memory available if unset. |
offload_folder (`str` or `os.PathLike`, *optional*): |
If the `device_map` contains any value `"disk"`, the folder where we will offload weights. |
offload_state_dict (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
If `True`, will temporarily offload the CPU state dict on the hard drive to avoid getting out of CPU RAM if |
the weight of the CPU state dict + the biggest shard does not fit. |
Returns: |
`torch.nn.Module`: The quantized model |
""" |
load_in_4bit = bnb_quantization_config.load_in_4bit |
load_in_8bit = bnb_quantization_config.load_in_8bit |
if load_in_8bit and not is_8bit_bnb_available(): |
raise ImportError( |
"You have a version of `bitsandbytes` that is not compatible with 8bit quantization," |
" make sure you have the latest version of `bitsandbytes` installed." |
) |
if load_in_4bit and not is_4bit_bnb_available(): |
raise ValueError( |
"You have a version of `bitsandbytes` that is not compatible with 4bit quantization," |
"make sure you have the latest version of `bitsandbytes` installed." |
) |
modules_on_cpu = [] |
if isinstance(device_map, dict) and len(device_map.keys()) > 1: |
modules_on_cpu = [key for key, value in device_map.items() if value in ["disk", "cpu"]] |
if bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules is None: |
bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules = get_keys_to_not_convert(model) |
if load_in_4bit: |
bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules.extend(modules_on_cpu) |
modules_to_not_convert = bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules |
if bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules is None: |
bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules = [] |
keep_in_fp32_modules = bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules |
modules_to_not_convert.extend(keep_in_fp32_modules) |
model.is_loaded_in_4bit = load_in_4bit |
model.is_loaded_in_8bit = load_in_8bit |
model_device = get_parameter_device(model) |
if model_device.type != "meta": |
logger.warning( |
"It is not recommended to quantize a loaded model. " |
"The model should be instantiated under the `init_empty_weights` context manager." |
) |
model = replace_with_bnb_layers(model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert=modules_to_not_convert) |
dtype = bnb_quantization_config.torch_dtype |
for name, param in model.state_dict().items(): |
if any(module_to_keep_in_fp32 in name for module_to_keep_in_fp32 in keep_in_fp32_modules): |
param.to(torch.float32) |
if param.dtype != torch.float32: |
name = name.replace(".weight", "").replace(".bias", "") |
param = getattr(model, name, None) |
if param is not None: |
param.to(torch.float32) |
elif torch.is_floating_point(param): |
param.to(dtype) |
if model_device.type == "cuda": |
model.cuda(torch.cuda.current_device()) |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
elif torch.cuda.is_available(): |
model.to(torch.cuda.current_device()) |
else: |
raise RuntimeError("No GPU found. A GPU is needed for quantization.") |
logger.info( |
f"The model device type is {model_device.type}. However, cuda is needed for quantization." |
"We move the model to cuda." |
) |
return model |
elif weights_location is None: |
raise RuntimeError( |
f"`weights_location` needs to be the folder path containing the weights of the model, but we found {weights_location} " |
) |
else: |
with init_empty_weights(): |
model = replace_with_bnb_layers( |
model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert=modules_to_not_convert |
) |
device_map = get_quantized_model_device_map( |
model, |
bnb_quantization_config, |
device_map, |
max_memory=max_memory, |
no_split_module_classes=no_split_module_classes, |
) |
if offload_state_dict is None and device_map is not None and "disk" in device_map.values(): |
offload_state_dict = True |
offload = any(x in list(device_map.values()) for x in ["cpu", "disk"]) |
load_checkpoint_in_model( |
model, |
weights_location, |
device_map, |
dtype=bnb_quantization_config.torch_dtype, |
offload_folder=offload_folder, |
offload_state_dict=offload_state_dict, |
keep_in_fp32_modules=bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules, |
offload_8bit_bnb=load_in_8bit and offload, |
) |
return dispatch_model(model, device_map=device_map, offload_dir=offload_folder) |
def get_quantized_model_device_map( |
model, bnb_quantization_config, device_map=None, max_memory=None, no_split_module_classes=None |
): |
if device_map is None: |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
device_map = {"": torch.cuda.current_device()} |
else: |
raise RuntimeError("No GPU found. A GPU is needed for quantization.") |
logger.info("The device_map was not initialized." "Setting device_map to `{'':torch.cuda.current_device()}`.") |
if isinstance(device_map, str): |
if device_map not in ["auto", "balanced", "balanced_low_0", "sequential"]: |
raise ValueError( |
"If passing a string for `device_map`, please choose 'auto', 'balanced', 'balanced_low_0' or " |
"'sequential'." |
) |
special_dtypes = {} |
special_dtypes.update( |
{ |
name: bnb_quantization_config.torch_dtype |
for name, _ in model.named_parameters() |
if any(m in name for m in bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules) |
} |
) |
special_dtypes.update( |
{ |
name: torch.float32 |
for name, _ in model.named_parameters() |
if any(m in name for m in bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules) |
} |
) |
kwargs = {} |
kwargs["special_dtypes"] = special_dtypes |
kwargs["no_split_module_classes"] = no_split_module_classes |
kwargs["dtype"] = bnb_quantization_config.target_dtype |
if device_map != "sequential": |
max_memory = get_balanced_memory( |
model, |
low_zero=(device_map == "balanced_low_0"), |
max_memory=max_memory, |
**kwargs, |
) |
kwargs["max_memory"] = max_memory |
device_map = infer_auto_device_map(model, **kwargs) |
if isinstance(device_map, dict): |
modules_not_to_convert = bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules + bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules |
device_map_without_some_modules = { |
key: device_map[key] for key in device_map.keys() if key not in modules_not_to_convert |
} |
for device in ["cpu", "disk"]: |
if device in device_map_without_some_modules.values(): |
if bnb_quantization_config.load_in_4bit: |
raise ValueError( |
""" |
Some modules are dispatched on the CPU or the disk. Make sure you have enough GPU RAM to fit |
the quantized model. If you want to dispatch the model on the CPU or the disk while keeping |
these modules in `torch_dtype`, you need to pass a custom `device_map` to |
`load_and_quantize_model`. Check |
https://huggingface.co/docs/accelerate/main/en/usage_guides/quantization#offload-modules-to-cpu-and-disk |
for more details. |
""" |
) |
else: |
logger.info( |
"Some modules are are offloaded to the CPU or the disk. Note that these modules will be converted to 8-bit" |
) |
del device_map_without_some_modules |
return device_map |
def replace_with_bnb_layers(model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert=None, current_key_name=None): |
""" |
A helper function to replace all `torch.nn.Linear` modules by `bnb.nn.Linear8bit` modules or by `bnb.nn.Linear4bit` |
modules from the `bitsandbytes`library. The function will be run recursively and replace `torch.nn.Linear` modules. |
Parameters: |
model (`torch.nn.Module`): |
Input model or `torch.nn.Module` as the function is run recursively. |
modules_to_not_convert (`List[str]`): |
Names of the modules to not quantize convert. In practice we keep the `lm_head` in full precision for |
numerical stability reasons. |
current_key_name (`List[str]`, *optional*): |
An array to track the current key of the recursion. This is used to check whether the current key (part of |
it) is not in the list of modules to not convert. |
""" |
if modules_to_not_convert is None: |
modules_to_not_convert = [] |
model, has_been_replaced = _replace_with_bnb_layers( |
model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert, current_key_name |
) |
if not has_been_replaced: |
logger.warning( |
"You are loading your model in 8bit or 4bit but no linear modules were found in your model." |
" this can happen for some architectures such as gpt2 that uses Conv1D instead of Linear layers." |
" Please double check your model architecture, or submit an issue on github if you think this is" |
" a bug." |
) |
return model |
def _replace_with_bnb_layers( |
model, |
bnb_quantization_config, |
modules_to_not_convert=None, |
current_key_name=None, |
): |
""" |
Private method that wraps the recursion for module replacement. |
Returns the converted model and a boolean that indicates if the conversion has been successfull or not. |
""" |
import bitsandbytes as bnb |
has_been_replaced = False |
for name, module in model.named_children(): |
if current_key_name is None: |
current_key_name = [] |
current_key_name.append(name) |
if isinstance(module, nn.Linear) and name not in modules_to_not_convert: |
current_key_name_str = ".".join(current_key_name) |
proceed = True |
for key in modules_to_not_convert: |
if ( |
(key in current_key_name_str) and (key + "." in current_key_name_str) |
) or key == current_key_name_str: |
proceed = False |
break |
if proceed: |
if bnb_quantization_config.load_in_8bit: |
bnb_module = bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt( |
module.in_features, |
module.out_features, |
module.bias is not None, |
has_fp16_weights=False, |
threshold=bnb_quantization_config.llm_int8_threshold, |
) |
elif bnb_quantization_config.load_in_4bit: |
bnb_module = bnb.nn.Linear4bit( |
module.in_features, |
module.out_features, |
module.bias is not None, |
bnb_quantization_config.bnb_4bit_compute_dtype, |
compress_statistics=bnb_quantization_config.bnb_4bit_use_double_quant, |
quant_type=bnb_quantization_config.bnb_4bit_quant_type, |
) |
else: |
raise ValueError("load_in_8bit and load_in_4bit can't be both False") |
bnb_module.weight.data = module.weight.data |
if module.bias is not None: |
bnb_module.bias.data = module.bias.data |
bnb_module.requires_grad_(False) |
setattr(model, name, bnb_module) |
has_been_replaced = True |
if len(list(module.children())) > 0: |
_, _has_been_replaced = _replace_with_bnb_layers( |
module, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert, current_key_name |
) |
has_been_replaced = has_been_replaced | _has_been_replaced |
current_key_name.pop(-1) |
return model, has_been_replaced |
def get_keys_to_not_convert(model): |
r""" |
An utility function to get the key of the module to keep in full precision if any For example for CausalLM modules |
we may want to keep the lm_head in full precision for numerical stability reasons. For other architectures, we want |
to keep the tied weights of the model. The function will return a list of the keys of the modules to not convert in |
int8. |
Parameters: |
model (`torch.nn.Module`): |
Input model |
""" |
with init_empty_weights(): |
tied_model = deepcopy(model) |
tied_params = find_tied_parameters(tied_model) |
if isinstance(tied_params, dict): |
tied_keys = sum(list(tied_params.values()), []) + list(tied_params.keys()) |
else: |
tied_keys = sum(tied_params, []) |
has_tied_params = len(tied_keys) > 0 |
is_base_model = False |
if hasattr(model, "base_model_prefix"): |
is_base_model = not hasattr(model, model.base_model_prefix) |
if (not has_tied_params) and is_base_model: |
return [] |
list_modules = list(model.named_children()) |
list_last_module = [list_modules[-1][0]] |
intersection = set(list_last_module) - set(tied_keys) |
list_untouched = list(set(tied_keys)) + list(intersection) |
names_to_remove = [".weight", ".bias"] |
filtered_module_names = [] |
for name in list_untouched: |
for name_to_remove in names_to_remove: |
if name_to_remove in name: |
name = name.replace(name_to_remove, "") |
filtered_module_names.append(name) |
return filtered_module_names |
def has_4bit_bnb_layers(model): |
"""Check if we have `bnb.nn.Linear4bit` or `bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt` layers inside our model""" |
import bitsandbytes as bnb |
for m in model.modules(): |
if isinstance(m, bnb.nn.Linear4bit): |
return True |
return False |
def get_parameter_device(parameter: nn.Module): |
return next(parameter.parameters()).device |
def quantize_and_offload_8bit(model, param, param_name, new_dtype, offload_folder, offload_index, fp16_statistics): |
if fp16_statistics is None: |
set_module_tensor_to_device(model, param_name, 0, dtype=new_dtype, value=param) |
tensor_name = param_name |
module = model |
if "." in tensor_name: |
splits = tensor_name.split(".") |
for split in splits[:-1]: |
new_module = getattr(module, split) |
if new_module is None: |
raise ValueError(f"{module} has no attribute {split}.") |
module = new_module |
tensor_name = splits[-1] |
module._parameters[tensor_name].requires_grad = False |
offload_weight(module._parameters[tensor_name], param_name, offload_folder, index=offload_index) |
if hasattr(module._parameters[tensor_name], "SCB"): |
offload_weight( |
module._parameters[tensor_name].SCB, |
param_name.replace("weight", "SCB"), |
offload_folder, |
index=offload_index, |
) |
else: |
offload_weight(param, param_name, offload_folder, index=offload_index) |
offload_weight(fp16_statistics, param_name.replace("weight", "SCB"), offload_folder, index=offload_index) |
set_module_tensor_to_device(model, param_name, "meta", dtype=new_dtype, value=torch.empty(*param.size())) |