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Bossou, Guinea: a newly observed tool-using behavior. Primates 3:489500 Zamma K Leaf-grooming by a wild chimpanzee in Mahale. Primates 43:8790 Zamma K A chimpanzee trifling with a squirrel: pleasure derived from teasing? Pan Afr News 9:911 Zamma K Rejecting a bit of meat to get more. Pan Afr News 12:810 Zamma K A louse egg on a leaf. Pan Afr News 13:810 Zamma K, Fujita S Genito-genital rubbing among the chimpanzees of Mahale and Bossou. Pan Afr News 11:58 Appendix List of Copyright Owners of Video Clips Behavior abuse abuse carcass adduct penis aggress aggress in sexual frustration aggress, redirected aid in locomotion alliance allow alpha male approach approach and withdraw arise arrive attack attack concertedly avoid avoid fallen log backstroke balance bark bark, infantile beat sole with |
palm beg bend and stretch knee bend branch bend shrub bend shrub in courtship Copyright owner Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma 229 230 bite bite and pull hairs bite self bob bob bipedal bounce foot/feet up and down rhythmically bow brachiate break bone at joint break branch break branch with foot break tree bristle brush away from branch brush away from self brush-tip fishing prob care alloparentally care maternally catch with hand change nipple charge |
chase check penile erection chew circle orthograde circle orthograde off ground circle quadrupedal clack teeth climb climb cliff climb vertical climb vertical, extended elbow cling clip leaf by hand clip leaf by mouth clip leaf for fishing probe close eyes club club ground club other coalition collect dry leaves compress lips Appendix Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Crickette Sanz and David Morgan Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida |
Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Appendix confiscate console contact with nipple copulate copulate dorso-ventral cough cough bark cover nipple cover self creep cross cross arms cross arms on head cross legs crouch crowd crush crutch dangle dart deceive defecate defecate, prone defecate, sitting depart depart together dermatophytosis descend descend by brachiating descend orthograde feet first descend tree trunk feet first descend tree trunk head first detain detour dig for underground storage organ by hand dip ant directly dip fluid dip hand and lick water discard discard fruit skin with mouth display as contest display, charging display, rain 231 Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada |
Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Gaku Ohashi Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka 232 display, streambed display toward distract distress call drag and circle drag branch drag carcass by hand drag dry leaves drag other by hand drag other by mouth drag to kill drape drink drink from hole in tree drink from lake drink from stream drip drop drop branch drop infant drop self drum dunk |
face eat eat algae eat algae eat beetle larva eat blossom eat Camponotus ant eat Crematogaster ant eat Dorylus ant eat egg eat eye mucus eat fruit, inner skin eat fruit, pulp eat gall eat leaf eat meat eat nasal mucus eat Oecophylla ant Appendix Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Agumi Inaba Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma By courtesy of Tetsuya Sakamaki By courtesy of Gaku Ohashi Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Gaku Ohashi Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida |
Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Appendix eat petiole eat pith eat resin eat root eat seed eat semen eat termite eat termite eat termite soil eat with foot eat xylem ejaculate embrace full embrace half enter hole erect penis expel extend extend arm as ladder extend hand extend hand, palm downward extend hand, palm sideways extend hand, palm upward extend hand to beg extend leg extend leg as ladder fall fall over backward fart fend fight fill mouth with food fish fish for carpenter ant fish for termite flail flail arm flail long object flee flee after startle flee from colobus male flip lip flop 233 Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka By courtesy of |
Crickette Sanz and David Morgan Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Michio Nakamura Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Crickette Sanz and David Morgan Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida 234 follow follow in contact follow specific female friendship fumble clitoris fumble nipple fumble penis fumble penis with foot funny face gallop gaze give glance glove go ahead grab grab and shake grapple grasp grasp and heave grasp and push shoulders grasp hand greet |
grin grin-full-closed grin-full-open grin-low-closed grin-low-open groom groom-branch-clasp groom briefly groom by hand groom carcass groom, dyadic groom-hand-clasp groom-hand-clasp unilaterally groom leaf groom mutually groom object or substrate groom, polyadic groom reciprocally groom self groom unilaterally Appendix Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Appendix groom with mouth |
groom wound grope grunt, aha grunt, extended grunt, food hammer nut with stone handicap self hang hang and spin hang and stamp hang in sloth position hang-stand hang tripedal hang upside-down by feet hang upside-down by hands hang with legs pitterpat hang-wrestle harass headstand herd hesitate hiccup hit hit and run hit bush bipedal hit ground with fist hold body part in mouth hold head or face hold object in groin pocket hold object in mouth hold object in neck pocket hold object on head hoo hop bipedal on spot hop quadrupedal on spot hug hunch and sit hunch bipedal hunch over hunch quadrupedal hunt hunt with tool 235 Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Gaku Ohashi Toshisada Nishida |
Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma By courtesy of Michio Nakamura 23 hurl self ignore imitate immigrate incest inspect inspect fruit inspect genitals inspect self inspect wound interfere interfere fishing interfere in copulation interfere play intervene intervene to separate join play keep water in mouth kick kick back kick backward quadrupedal kick bipedal kick buttress kick heel kick other kick up kidnap kill another species kill |
time kiss kiss with open mouth kiss with pout face kiss with tongue knock with both arms knock with one arm lead leaf-midrib spoon leaf-sponge leaf-spoon lean leap between trees leap between trees with object leap bipedal with squared shoulders Appendix Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada |
Nishida Appendix leap down leap on leap quadrupedal leap up leap up in surprise leave leave and climb leave to protest lick lick lips lick rock lick wood lick wound lie lie and hug lie and watch lie lateral lie on other lie prone lie-sit lie supine lie supine and shake arms and legs lie supine with legs apart lie with back to another lie with legs crossed lift lift and drop lift rock limp listen look around look at water look back look between thighs look up lower head lower head and shoulder lower leg lower rump make bed make cushion make day bed make ground bed or cushion 237 Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro |
Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida 238 make night bed make tool massage shoulder misunderstand monitor monitor monkeys monitor mother mop ant mount mount in copulation mount, misdirected mouth mouth for begging move nod and mouth nod to water surface nod to water surface and mouth water nod with body part in mouth nod with object in mouth nod with play face offer |
arm offer back open eyes open thighs pant pant-bark pant-grunt pant-grunt with bent elbow pant-hoot parry pass pass under pass with body contact pat peel with hand peel with teeth peep peer peer together perforate pick nose pick out pulp pick up Appendix Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Crickette Sanz and David |
Morgan Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Appendix pick up and release pick up discarded food pile dry leaves pinch clitoris pirouette play play bite play face play face, full play face, half play in bed play-pant play, parallel play, rough and tumble play socially play socially with object play solo play walk play with object play with sand play with urine play with water poke poke with play face police pound pestle pout presbyopia present with limbs extended present with limbs flexed press down press neck with lower arm press object on press teeth against back probe probe nasal passage probe with finger protect protest protrude tongue pucker cheek 239 Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro |
Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Gaku Ohashi Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka 240 pull pull down pull each other pull head with hands pull leaf-pile pull object from opposing sides pull out pull rock to roll pull through with hand pull through with mouth pull with mouth puncture push push ahead push away push backward push down push finger into mouth push forward push head into ventral push |
leaf-pile push object into push peri-anogenital region with finger push/pull swing push to shoulder put dorsal put dorsal from ventral put face to put heel on back put mouth into water put rump to rump put ventral put ventral from dorsal raise raise and hold leg raise arm bipedal raise arm quickly raise arm slowly raise arm to hold branch raise arm with elbow bent raise leg while lying raise others arm Appendix Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Crickette Sanz and David Morgan Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada |
Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Appendix raise others chin raise others leg rake reach wrist toward reassure rebuff play reconcile regulate direction reingest vomit reject reject infant reject-move reject-sit relaxed face release infant to fall remove remove lice remove objects from water surface remove sand flea rescue respond to baboon respond to dead animal respond to dead chimpanzee respond to leopard respond to neighboring unit group rest restrain retaliate retreat retreat bipedal retrieve infant reverse ride bipedal ride clinging ride dangling ride dangling and touch dry leaves ride dorsal ride jockey ride prone ride quadrupedal ride |
supine ride ventral ride ventral with limb extended 241 Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida 242 rock back and forth rock side to side roll rotate fruit rub dorsum rub dorsum to conspecific rub genitals rub genitals to substrate rub hand or foot rub hand with |
hand rub muzzle rub object to body rummage run run bipedal run quadrupedal scatter dry leaves scoop algae scoop infant scramble for food scrape scratch scratch dry leaves scratch self scratch self signalling scratch socially scratch socially, poke type scratch socially, stroke type scream search for conspecific search for object senescence separate shake arm, abduct shake arm, adduct shake back and forth with four limbs shake branch shake branch up and down with feet shake face side to side shake face with object in mouth shake hand side to side quickly shake head Appendix Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida |
By courtesy of Gaku Ohashi Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Appendix shake long object irregularly shake object up and down shake off shake other shake penis shake rock up and down with feet shake rump share food shrug sickness sit sit and turn back sit behind another sit face to face sit on sit prone sit sideways slap slap buttress or tree trunk slap ground slap in invitation slap other slap self slap-stamp slap wall sleep slide down boulder slide down vertically smack |
lip snatch sneer sneeze sniff sniff finger sniff fruit sniff mouth sniff with tool snub solicit companion solicit copulation solicit grooming solicit grooming turn 243 Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Agumi Inaba Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma 244 solicit play solicit play with object solicit play with object in mouth solicit reassurance |
contact solicit riding solicit support somersault somersault, backward somersault, backward with dry leaves somersault, forward somersault, side spit juice spit seed spit water splash water spring sputter squash leaf squat squeal in copulation squeeze staccato call stamp stamp bipedal stamp in invitation stamp other stamp quadrupedal stamp trot stamp water stand bipedal stand quadrupedal stand quadrupedal heel up stand with head down, bottom up stare fixedly stare fixedly with head down and bottom up step on step over step up on leg stir water store strip leaf stroke stumble Appendix Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma |
Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Appendix subcutaneous tumor suck suck in reassurance suck self suck thumb suck toe suckle supplant support support dominant support older support subordinate suspend suspend and shake up and down swagger bipedal swagger on knuckles swallow leaf sway and move sway woody vegetation swing swing above swing and grasp swing and kick swing forward and upward take take finger in mouth tap heel tear tease threaten throw throw at animate object throw at inanimate object throw branch |
throw dry leaves throw sand throw splash throw stone or rock throw temper tantrum thrust 245 Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka 24 thrust bipedal thrust in vacuum thrust, misdirected tickle tilt head tool set touch touch fruit touch scrotum touch with foot toy |
trample transfer transport transport bipedal transport corpse of infant transport food transport in foot transport in groin pocket transport in hand transport in mouth transport in neck pocket transport on back transport on head or nape transport on shoulder transport two offspring transport with hand support travel travel and play trifle with tumble turn around turn face away turn up lip twist urinate urinate, prone urinate quadrupedal urinate, sitting use tool Appendix Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida By courtesy of Crickette Sanz and David Morgan Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida |
Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma By courtesy of Gaku Ohashi Appendix use tool use tool vacate vomit waa bark wade wadge wadge by adding leaf wadge without adding leaf wait for companion wait turn walk bipedal walk in sloth position walk quadrupedal on backs of hands walk quadrupedal on knuckles walk quadrupedal on palms walk tripedal watch wean wedge whimper whimper-scream whisk fly with arm wipe with detached object wraa wrestle wrestle bipedal wrestle with fingers wriggle yawn 247 By courtesy of Crickette Sanz and David Morgan Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida |
Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma Takahisa Matsusaka Koichiro Zamma Koichiro Zamma Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Takahisa Matsusaka Toshisada Nishida Toshisada Nishida Koichiro Zamma |
Subsets and Splits