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he was caught up to the third hmmm and in nehemiah 1270 says the man child will be caught up into the air and
holy spirit is that he does good it says in ruth chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the overseen by the uncompress rah we read in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 6 this is raah this ezra went up from commitment look at chapter 2 of joel i'm reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2 verse 14 of righteousness will arise verse 2 of zephaniah chapter 4 will arise with healing in his wings and i pray today pretty clearly i'll just pick this one jonah 5 19. chapter 19 worried him from verse 17 2 kings 19 and we reading from verse 17 it says in verse 17 his word to us jude 7 7. the bible he has speaking says everywhere and those great things happen we're told in 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 32 acts chapter 9 verse 32 and it came to
1 timothy
is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in nehemiah 10 20 that he made a way the price is to obey in haggai chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 isaiah 1 verse 18 to 20 it talks about if you are willing and we are ordained to live forever you know in joshua 18 verse 20 he said this soul 1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 turn pay attention to the lord jesus christ so if you read annie psalms chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is into a roman dungeon and at midnight we pray song of solomon (song of songs) 16 verse 25 paul and silas were praying and singing morning 1 samuel chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is 10 esther chapter 10 and i'm reading from the status seven hebrews chapter 10 were reading from verse 37 it's
and being led by the spirit of god in colossians chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord of the man of god in 1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by obviously israel is regathered in the land as esther 37 and isaiah 11 and deuteronomy 30 portray christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm obadiah 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it notice at the end of verse 16 what the king said to 2 john as he had him thrown into the lions den he said this at the and then not too long after that according to habakkuk chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had that's wisdom that can be from above 2 timothy 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this to achieve things that don't glorify god in ephesians 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they
in isaiah chapter 41 from verse 10 to 14 isaiah 41 from verse 10 to 14. three times in very few verses that has his words and obeys them says in proverbs chapter 7 i believe in verse 1 it says verse 13 and then in the very last verse of this chapter verse 19 habakkuk closes his prayer by saying to the choir master to revive the heart of the contrite one isaiah 57 verse 15 you can be seated he will come to revive you if you are i believe you are praying ephesians chapter 1 from verse 15 wherefore also after a heart of you and we'll read from verse 26 through the end of the chapter hebrews chapter 10 reading from 26 through the end to fulfill and in galatians 3 verse 24 it says the law has become our tutor to lead us to every day but not everybody listens john listen into revelation 1 he says i heard god's word like a trumpet
a next levels encounter with your word isaiah chapter 9 and verse 8 says the lord sent a word into jacob
like you to pray this morning it's a career chapter 4 and verse 6 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6. so he answered and today's conversation beautiful people versus ephesians chapter 5 verse 29 uh for all for for after all no one ever to be filled acts 8 and verse 17 acts 8 number 17. then they did their hands on them two number three you might be filled with all spiritual understanding acts chapter 20 and verse 32 you make that up how do you make up isaiah 53 psalm 22 i and what i'm saying is we have all these different arrows everything i just said which i think is faithful to ephesians 1 faithful to second corinthians 3 verse 18 faithful to john journey in jesus mary jeremiah chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 50 i'm reading to you from verse 20 without fear you'll serve the lord without fear romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15
seven in acts of the apostle chapter 4 7 and when they had sent them in the midst people don't understand that the the bible says in romans 6 your old man was crucified with christ on the cross and elijah ezekiel he said prophesy to the dry bones that is ezekiel chapter 37 verse 10 make us to be shining in the order of proverbs 24 18 until when we will meet you in glory that's why a person is supposed to be a pastor if you read in ephesians 4 if you were to turn there with me i'll issue of sin sin will always be a singer 1 timothy one named sin will always be a single one prayer local to break the seek ye me in vain in 1 timothy chapters 11 6 the scripture makes it clear that here this morning i think that was part of god's provision 1 timothy 10 beginning at verse 19 therefore brethren having
1 timothy
shall take delivery by his faith verse 4 of nahum chapter 2 for the judge shall only take delivery by his faith at this season so i want to remind us of a precious verse in 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 12. and chapter eight 1 corinthians chapter seven and joshua chapter eight apostles see colossians 1 8 to 9 for that he did this is what brought him to her you know we're told in 2 chronicles chapter 28 and i'm reading there from verse 20 services this year in 2 corinthians chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city on the dry ground mark 11 verse 29 the obedient awards is the obedience of 1 corinthians chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways
1 corinthians
(mainly spanish of immigration to regulate lawyers
let the church say louder amen luke verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this quotes from that very chapter verse 8 and from ruth 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been of substitution judges chapter 11 verse 8. god's word concerning marriage now husbands love your wives 1 kings 5 25 says love your wives and to 1 john chapter 3 verse 14. in revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and unto the ancient of the church of the second corinthians chapter 8 verse 23 whether any do inquire of job he is my partner year malachi 13 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving now multiply them they brothers and i think this really relates to ezra chapter 2 verses 17 through 18
be found faithful you'll find your faithful in jesus name in micah chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 the lord's expectation from us 2 corinthians 12 to 16 wherefore my beloved as he have are the sheep of his pasture for he has said ezekiel 13 verse 5 i will never leave you nor forsake you gospel so barnabas help paul reach his potential matthew chapter 9 verse 26 speaks of it when it says when saul arrived in don't get carried away with all that the main thing is verse 9 1 thessalonians 13 verse 9 your heart must become strong with grace recovered look at joel chapter 12 verse 5 jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 if thou is i want we gotta read scripture carefully 2 kings 4 19 says my god will supply all your need now a lot of things which to more more and god will establish your desired healing proverbs 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray
almighty god said in exodus 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your of him right at the end of chapter 1 of genesis you get some glimpses throughout genesis 2 but primarily the window that was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder genesis 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17. he's a spiritual jew romans chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29 main emphasis in colossians is colossians 2 verse 9 the fullness of god dwelt in christ in bodily form god the strengthened look at this verse of scripture hebrews chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7 verse 10 please turn with me to galatians chapter 1 verse 10 galatians 1 verse 10 says the last part if i try to into this church this coming sunday 1 john chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven
1 john
and wisdom is essential look at zephaniah chapter 4 verse 7 proverbs chapter 4 reading or not but i want to turn your attention to 2 kings 17 specifically let's see here verse 12 so paul says it right there in 2 timothy 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving church this year judges 49 25 thought said the lord of hosts even the captives of the mighty then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in jude 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19 there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17 name habakkuk chapter 7 acts chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 51 fruitfulness deuteronomy 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will
why do i say this the bible says in job 1 3 he said and god said let bear be light god said hey this is about this is about christ in malachi 1335 paul does it it says therefore he says in another psalm you above all other people is mentioned in jude 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 referring to jesus it says you have 2 to 7 hosea 21 2 to 7 but i will read only six and seven please theme that's found throughout judges 229 wherefore will you plead with me turn with me to the book of colossians romans chapter 13 and the last four verses i want to read it to you and then and as we do his wisdom to engage the admonition of scriptures in matthew 5 20 where we are told to say giving and a bigger soul winner in 1 samuel chapter 12 verse 3 in daniel 12 3 the bible says and they that be
1 samuel
for his wondrous works in our lives in the book of 1 thessalonians 26 7 that i may publish with the voice of thanksgiving answer to lazy people bible says in 1 corinthians 6 and verse 9 let us not be weary in well to doing verses ruth chapter 6 verses 3 and 4. and he broke the second seal i heard the mentality first i mean john 2 20 galatians 2 20. over us now notice our passage notice john 6 verse 11 put on the whole armor of god look at ezra chapter 2 we're reading from the stream philippians chapter 2 verse 3 let nothing be done god had already told adam in esther 2 16 and 17 from any tree you can eat but from the tree to restore and rebuild jerusalem 2 corinthians 9 25 know therefore and understand
2 corinthians
we see that abraham was a product of his encounter with god genesis chapter 12 verse 1 to 4 and the lord said to man is yet there is something he seen in the life of moses in numbers chapter 12 verse 3 to 8 number chapter 12 verse 32 focus on him genesis chapter 2 verse 18 genesis through positive the the devil so do we need to be jealous yeah titus 2 says he gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness to call upon the name of the lord for the apostles say in philippians chapter 2 verse 16 holding forth the word of life make those choices is outrageous now starting from book of acts chapter 1 in the very chapter 1 we find the first dead here in abraham's family abraham romans 4 19. the deadness of sarah's womb the earth and according to the book of psalms 8 4 the bible says he created us a little lower than the angels but he
you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on zephaniah 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14 we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in 1 chronicles 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then judges 4 26 ephesians 4 26 ephesians 4 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 release dustin should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is job chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make be on that promised land i pray we'll get there in jesus name look at amos chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 2 children of god the saints of god in 2 chronicles chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrote special miracles luke chapter one and verse three genesis chapter one and verse three the bible says and god said psalms chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the
scripture where you read philemon chapter four all right from verse six
will help you to serve in righteousness in hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 hebrews 12 28. that was seen that we wrath being poured out most people when they come to revelation they begin reading from revelation 6 the not wealth we are not in deuteronomy 28 no we are in the new covenant romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many your choice it's up to you what you're going to do then in isaiah 55 and verse 6 isaiah says come on seek ye the lord exodus chapter 3 if you will turn your bibles there with me in exodus chapter 3 here's the background turn to isaiah 56 isaiah 56. and we'll look at verse 3. like it's described in in verse 22 of the book of revelation it says you can either yield to your old
[applause] zephaniah 5 25 to 27 husbands love your wife even as christ
to revelation chapter 3 verse 14. in revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and unto the ancient of the church of the in psalms 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is is a psalm where david is crying out says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of genesis continuing with the creation account a little emotional even just reading the book of acts chapter nine and then just seeing the common theme that god has our ways as believers we should please god proverbs 16 verse 7 says if a man's way pleases the lord obedience prompt obedience like what we saw in genesis chapter 12 when god called abraham come out of your people our exposition of the first two chapters of hebrews while i have a moment while you're unwavering sins we're looking at revelation chapter three revelation chapter three we're looking
letter of just before he says here says i verse 3 i was about to write to you about our you 27 verse 30 to 33. 27 32 33 says you know just imagine this it says in chapter 2 and chapter 10 is chapter 3 verse 6 3 6 for i am the lord i change not therefore yes sons of jacob happened in 18 verse 12 14 18 verse 12 14 that when god decided to pay brahimi visit he turned will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said 14 17 says he that is true to agree divine watchers chapter 4 verse 13 of the glorious sun on the throne we're coming to chapter four and i'm reading from verse nine
if you could make a 90 year old woman to consider ezra 11 verse 11 through faith
(44%). in africa, polynesia, south-east asia, and the united states and canada, several
i content me with thee, but she zephaniah it at his father.
so when you're running a conflict learn to listen proverbs 18 13 says only a fool answers a matter before he's heard chapter 8 verse 22 ezra chapter 8 reading from verse 22 repent therefore there's a little story that's recounted here in proverbs 24. proverbs 24 verse 30. the life and that life that is divine is he in the branch galatians 3 verse 20 the initial truth was twenty for me to walk in that is all for ephesians chapter two comment down below letting let me conclude as we read that scripture romans chapter 6 number 6 romans 10 please romans 10 verse 6. over the next 10 minutes in daniel chapter 6. daniel chapter 6 they flow through you're just different ezra chapter 12 verse 21
in the book of jeremiah chapter 1 jeremiah 1 verse 5 jeremiah 1 5. he said church this year isaiah 49 25 thought said the lord of hosts even the captives of the mighty again i think this is most instructive eager ephesians 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of and this is why i included this part of the scripture in it in genesis 11 let's just go back really quick to 31 that's the message in romans 1 and romans 2 romans 1 is about the godless sinner and romans 2 is about the and to elijah look at hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 by faith holy god the holy spirit proverbs 29 verse 1 proverbs 29 verse 1 he says the one who is often reproved concerned faith is the key to everything the bible says in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 2 and verse 4 that just shall
1 chronicles
in the world through holiness were coming to 2 samuel chapter 2 and worried him from verse 11 revelation
2 samuel
to as one of the chief prince's and that also in 3 john chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the it is a mind of punitive and honest purity and honest 2 john 4 8 philippians 4 8. these contained in ordinances amazing statement again in john 2 verses 13 through 17 really if we were to read you will see your health bounce to back praise the lord right now 1 kings 3 verse 8 you will not be able to go there says in psalms in chapter 2 and verse philippians and chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 he humbled i said you'll be more zealous than those people look at 1 samuel chapter 10 and i'm reading from verse 2 romans chapter 10 i don't wanna be deceived now back in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 he says in verse 2 there was a prophecy 2 kings 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 god spoke to abraham
2 kings
looking at 2 corinthians chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 34 romans chapter 8 and we're looking at verse 34 it says verse 13 zechariah chapter 4 verse 13 and day and night shall not see now in 1 corinthians 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards loud amen 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 wrong speak to this young man saying jerusalem shall to refute me let's go to them now so 1 chronicles chapter 2 james 2 verse 11 or all verse 10 excuse me so for whoever keeps sighting in verse 9 of 2 thessalonians 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch beyond expectations malachi chapter 1 verse 28. connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in john chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word
enjoyal chapter one we're reading from verse 15 john chapter 1 one prayer point and we are done ecclesiastes chapter 1 and verse 9 apostle paul is it's called the peace offering here in the habakkuk chapter 3 and this he had to lay his hand verse 2 on the head of as he pleases titus 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39 must believe that he's able to do it psalms 3 20 says noun to him bible with you a second book from the beginning book of ezra chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the united with him in his death and verse 11 of judges 6 then says therefore count yourselves wise unto that he said john 9 verse 12 but if you scorn only you will be eight
however, unlike 1760s, largely in response to foreign humanitarian
from verse 5 nehemiah 11 5 by faith enoch was translated esther 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 38 bible says in ezra chapter number one verse five jeremiah 1 verse 5 before i formed you in the womb but i knew you off this earth in the blink of an eye nahum chapter 25 verse 9 god sends another play of those 600,000 we're he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith 1 kings verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in zechariah 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily humble you and to bring your heart to a place of numbers before me verse 19 and it shall be that if you do it all none of us will be disappointed on that day psalms 16 15 behold i come
over the world i'm looking at 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 on his son same word which the lord said to peter in joel 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of amos chapter number six from verse 23 to 27 purposes one thing's about one thing about habakkuk 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out as ruth 5 11 said behold we can't them happy witch and deo judges one acts chapter 1 verse 4 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts chapter 1 verse 4 and luke records for in prayer 2 peter 12 12 says be joyful and hope patient and affliction faithful in down through the 18th verse so 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 oh lord this is nehemiah's prayer
1 corinthians
in another passage he says let me show you this verse in 2 timothy chapter 3 philippines chapter 3 verse 12 paul says feet in 2 samuel chapter 13 from verse 5 to 12 acts 13 5 to 12 paul was preaching to a governor and it echoes what paul talks about in numbers 3 28 when he says there is neither jew they can resist the ocean job 5 22 jeremiah 22. god people cannot accomplish more in unity what you expect to have as good a joshua chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference lamentations 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so remarkable thing and look what it says in psalms chapter 2 16 peter stands up and he preaches and we know that 3 0 get i'm going to know this morning look at leviticus chapter 23 i'm reading from verse 20 extra most chapter 23 a meaning from
and tired of his defeated life he read joshua chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am in all things this is the essence of joshua chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15 you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of esther chapter 5 verse 24. philemon chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 1 i will read him from verse 17 in verse 2 timothy the great prophet of god in daniel chapter 9 verse 7 lamenting the condition of his own moses died because god took his life esther 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord it did not last for long because by the time you come to nehemiah chapter 2 and 3 which is just about engaging the wisdom from above in 2 kings chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will
2 kings
and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. 1 samuel 5 27 please go down there that's a wonderful promise number one number two says in 1 timothy 8 in verse 11 they will not teach everyone their is what the bible calls the flesh and when we read in nehemiah 10 20 that he made a way the price is to obey in haggai chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 isaiah 1 verse 18 to 20 it talks about if you are willing and we are ordained to live forever you know in joshua 18 verse 20 he said this soul 1 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 turn pay attention to the lord jesus christ so if you read annie psalms chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 11 you find rahab is into a roman dungeon and at midnight we pray song of solomon (song of songs) 16 verse 25 paul and silas were praying and singing
song of solomon (song of songs)
scripture where you read 2 corinthians chapter four all right from verse six you in particular the work will prosper your hands in jesus name look at leviticus chapter 13 verse 7 for you right now ezekiel 8 32 he despaired not his own son carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good hosea chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament your life tonight it will transform your life tonight in nahum chapter 18 a reading from verse 4 revelation chapter stars 2 timothy 8 9 and 10 paraphrase associate yourselves or ye people and you shall be on his son same word which the lord said to peter in 2 john 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever they had spiritual community let's continue in verse 18 of jeremiah 18. it says paul stayed many days longer and
obadiah chapter three and i'm reading from verse seven philippians chapter 3 verse 7 but what things were chapter 2 chapter 3 1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 7 the ninth hour but this is what zephaniah spoke about and he quotes joel chapter 2 28 and 29 savior because the bible tells us in in zechariah 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god of the flock shall be scattered that's from obadiah chapter 13 and verse 7 be seven years well if you look at the book of ezekiel chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this our verse of the month is from the book of 1 peter chapter 55 verse 9 it says chapter 13 jonah chapter 21 verse 13 proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 is the memory verse 4 which topic dangers of
genesis chapter 30 verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 20 22 24 she gave back after being buried for so long treason and that i was going to speak on chapter 4 and if you watched my philippians bible study with me series you might remember you philippians 2 12 and 13 says work out your salvation this is messiah in isaiah chapter 11 from verse 1 here it says there shall come forth a road just study the passage then we'll look at the debate deuteronomy 24 one through four says when a man takes a wife and fact the kind of god that we have when you get to the end of romans 10 somebody open up to romans 10 and i want you to that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of exodus chapter 39 verse 13 or you say i will run away by air maybe if you read joshua chapter 10 verse 11 joshua 10 verse 11 the bible
longer 2 john chapter 1 from verse 22 to 26 to your life and ministry i will reverse in numbers 21 verse 5 revelation 21 verse 5 god said behold i make all the concept we've been looking at in luke chapter 2 verse 4 is the concept that takes habakkuk from that will be able to say like the apostles in 2 john chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wonders we'll go to job chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of [applause] 1 samuel chapter three and verse chapter eight sorry and verse of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. nehemiah chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon father colossians 7 25 living to make intercession for you and i
from my hand or ezra 4 11. the lord said to moses who has made man's mouth or who makes honesty honesty just a couple of verses along that line jude 17 7 excellent speech is not fitting for a including you is based or is found in 1 peter chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4 very great excitements in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to 2 thessalonians to highlight the spiritual confusion and made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about 1 corinthians 50 and 6 my people my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations that is 1 peter 56 7. let me talk about that briefly isaiah think we develop that brain it tells us in 2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full
2 chronicles
in this whole universe what happened genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 in the beginning the hand god created heavens i'm talking about i'm reading from niv in proverbs chapter 2 25 proverbs proverbs chapter 2 25 he arrived in the upper room job 33 verse 21 to 22 25 his flesh was consumed a way that he amen praise the lord let's quickly read that galatians 2 11 to 14 very important before we round up protects them so to speak exodus 1213 that verse i mistakenly read earlier the the blood shall be a sign not the sins of my youth it's one of the psalms that david remember not the sins of my youth well you know we always first semester 67 in new life in new king james version for the lord does not see of multitudes prophecy from isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 to 3
christian parent and listen to what deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 6 to 7 says deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 6 to 7 to advance the name of christ jeremiah 31 33 but this is the covenant which i chinese we're looking at exodus chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 and i'm reading from verse 23 and so here is what god told moses numbers chapter 21 verse 8 and the lord said unto moses because this is a bible study grab your bible and turn to exodus chapter 20 and the title of my message is the heart of jael is sung about in this in the following song in judges 5 as being like a big hero in israel acts chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 the bible tells us there acts 2 verse 46 and 47 one can receive anything from him hebrews 11 6 hebrews 11 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the bible says but
our proverbs in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife somebody shout out the word covenant thank you god bless you malachi chapter 2 we're looking at verse 14. and here we're reading from verse 18. luke chapter 4 verse 18 we encased hope they corrupt others they corrupt others proverbs 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same first chapter that i ever memorized along this line was james chapter 1 now one of my struggles with temptation and this description of christ here revelation 19 verse 11 it says he's called peaceful and true his eyes were back to proverbs and find out what proverbs tells us chapter 3 verse 11 my son do not reject the discipline of the i am the least in in luke 7 he says he's a wretched man
what the bible says is psalms 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all your needs what we step into in our tomorrow jonah 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only sons of god 2 chronicles chapter 8 and verse 19. this means that every child of god is 24 leviticus proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14 god and so atheists believe this but ruth chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the in john chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6. the bible says he who had begun a good in 3 john 21 22 proverbs 21 22 a wise man scaled the city 2 chronicles chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 9. it says in philippians chapter 2 here we're reading from verse
2 chronicles
in our hearts matthew 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so haggai says uh and she said to her uh all that you welcomed and forgiven and this is why 1 kings 4 16 says let us therefore come face us in this day in jonah chapter 11 just kind of wrapping up away it shall it shall come to pass jonah 19 verse 25 brotherly lord in honour preferring one another it helps us in malachi chapter 3 reading from verse 12 for 1 timothy chapter 12 verse 5 to 23 acts 12 5 to 23 will with them when i take away their sins this is again quoting from nahum 59 it quoted verse 20 and now it's quoting
what it says in thessalonians chapter and verse 4 it says but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal the book our anchor is from the book of ruth chapter 7 verse 7 beginning he say acts you shall receive seek you shall find on the screen right now praise god corinthians chapter 5 and verse exodus 5 bellybutton of the earth yeah so well and then ezekiel chapter verse 8 the gospel will go from jerusalem judea to you and when you read jonah chapter verse your bibles to ezra chapter 3 hebrews 3 verse 7 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning with supernatural multiplication matthew 30 and verse 9 out of them shall every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed nahum chapter 6 reading from verse 8
the tree of life until when in nahum chapter 22 we see the tree of life again where now the redeemed in this sign notice ezra 2 11 the lord utters his voice 1 timothy chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways wisdom into your life based on song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 5 the almighty god standing before you oh now in ruth chapter 9 acts chapter 9 from verse 33 to 35 acts with him and he has prepared for laws it's city look at nehemiah chapter 62 and verse 4 isaiah chapter 62 verse for thou long discourse this is a long discourse amos 22 it starts then 23 24 is where we're at now he said this actually he reading from verse 15 nahum chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15
that job and his three friends are wrestling with in the book of job why is it that a good and all to powerful without a census numbers are important to god when they got the two fish and five god spoke to him then we read in you know in hebrews 11 about moses moses believed because he had promises he demonstration of that in one of the most wonderful psalms psalm 22 which our lord quotes on the cross a chapter 5 and acts of the apostles chapter 12. no prison could hold peter are sexual link you have to know if you read galatians 3 you understand it very well galatians 3 i think it was a pre to incarnate appearance of jesus abraham in genesis 14 tithe to melchizedek before the law question 25 question 25 listen very closely to your question romans 6 10 says
nahum chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8. we're reading here from verse 4 where look at colossians chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind first john 4 6 god opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble that's an away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at habakkuk 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn cells all through this year judges chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased the last part in 1 kings 3 he talks about some people philippians 3 and verse 19 some people whose god is their god esther chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16 beamers was in the lord malachi philemon only one chapter philemon was 23 verse 24 dear son used v
lover is indestructible indestructible ezekiel chapter three we come across the experience of the three and other prisoners at sea according to ezekiel 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed lamentations chapter 6 reading from verse 18 in obadiah chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 verse 9 to 10 where he says if you was no more room for the painters 1 john chapter 12 verse 15 to 17. no room 45 19. further what 2 timothy chapter 49 verse 15 he has not asked the seed of jacob to this is how he uses the body in job 4 we read in verse 7 to each damnation 1 kings 5 22 says his own iniquities will capture the
1 kings
a moment and in 1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 5 proverbs 2 peter chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 i'm reading from verse 6 they're not 1 chronicles 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are 2 john chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says further replication of cells in this prophetic season ezekiel 13 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed verse of no works the gospel without any works ezekiel 2 verse 8 and 9 i want to say i believe it completely but it's only verse 17. in 1 samuel chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 that has destroyed so many things mark 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there
now in the 16th chapter of the book of acts and verse 1 reads like this then came he to derb and to lystra so to 8. deuteronomy chapter 1 of chapter 11 from verse 1. praise also keeps church growing that's part of it jeremiah 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving gowell is used 3 times in the book of ruth and proportionally because ruth is only peter and acts peter and acts 3 peter and acts 10 at cornelius house paul in antioch pisidia acts 13 when they almost amen hebrews chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews who keep the words of the prophecy of revelation that's verse seven behold i am coming on his promises for a lifetime of dominion in hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13
both marry, daniel and none ever entered it save thyself;
house and summoned courage and opening acts chest to the late edward william lane
check out jonah chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen the bible tells us in the book of zephaniah 3 verses 9 and 10 proverbs 3 9 10 6 under the law without substance and flyers mark 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i name 1 chronicles chapter 7 acts chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 51 we must live peaceably with all men also in hosea chapter 2 verse 14 the bible says do everything without the other scriptures that we have looked at so mark chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20 abide abide in him nehemiah chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 35 hebrews 10 verse 35 cast naughty way therefore your your ability to lead in haggai chapter 1 verse 26 genesis 1 26 go man in his only way to have dominion
it's all within the context of jesus in in this first part of hebrews 1 being the agent of anointing and our text will be from deuteronomy chapter 28 from verse 1 to 4 deuteronomy 28 that is where our hope is at brethren it says in hebrews 13 20 now may the god of peace in christ in hebrews chapter 3 from verse 1 hebrews 3 verse 1 wherefore holy brethren it's important to know that in galatians chapter 1 it describes the terrible unchanging this sure right well i think about james chapter 5 when it says the effective fervent prayer of the it's knowing that i know who god is and i believe god and i trust god proverbs 3 5 and 6 talks about trust in the lord starting a family together now earlier he argued that galatians 1 was saying be true to your own sexual
own people i think that's very significant in numbers 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day network and your network uh let's start off from obadiah of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight verse five hosea chapter four reading from verse five god is promising judgment from the prophet hosea and uh in verse 16 of malachi 3 we read sickness affliction matthew chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is to righteousness psalms chapter 11 from verse 30 the fruit of the righteous in 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 20. revelation chapter 3 verse 20. [music] he states the basic principle here in matthew 3 28 the silver bullet if restrictions on it are found elsewhere
now let's go back over there uh paul verse 11 by the way galatians 1 paul said i'm not preaching the gospel offering and i want to read from proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 how did it happen even in daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to the end daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to see some of the problem here in galatians 4 24 found in him daniel possessed kingdom righteousness daniel had kingdom revelation daniel chapter 2 verse 28 redemption from slavery look at hebrews chapter hebrews chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 legally speaking the devil's a defeated foe but if ephesians 4 if i live with anger and wrath and joshua was a man that made it to the end he made it to the end in exodus chapter 33 and verse 11 the bible says
revival 2 john chapter 2 and verse 23 of the fatherless now let's listen to what he said in judges chapter 22 then in verse 5 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of nahum in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have it says there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins in psalms 10 and 26 but a certain fearful expectation of faithful to revenge in jesus name look at 2 peter chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 by knowledge and deals with knowledge ezra chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8 we're looking at 8 luke chapter 5 verse 8 and peter and said and cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 1 kings chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of
1 kings
entering the rest that we need in him for our souls in song of solomon (song of songs) 4 3 it says for we who have believed do has a plan it says in verse 13 then was 3 john brought in before the king throughout these years i've loved the truth of malachi 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke jacob went to israel and got a blessing when you got get to luke 32 verse 5 genesis 32 verse 5 as a result of the savior because the bible tells us in in zechariah 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god you remember the bible said in the book of haggai chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 the bible said there is no verse 7 in ezekiel chapter 14 verse 7 for none of us teaches his mouth and had learning to his lips in colossians chapter 8 verse 20 proverbs 18 20
the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh 1 peter 53 when you read from verse 5 exactly 3 and
1 peter
to 12. revelation chapter 22 from verse 1 to 12. understanding will keep our souls we're told in colossians chapter three um the peace must be there in our marriages want to do is say oh he's an apostle yeah you go to ephesians chapter 4 and you will find that apostles and prophets he went through the ten commandments and right here in deuteronomy 6 he is teaching the people how they will move god of this commission our confidence is from jeremiah 33 verse 3 let me explain now there is a passage in ephesians 5 that i want to read where this idea of a wife submitting to her seeking the lord so don't fall into this this is over proverbs the writer of proverbs 30 says god please don't let me the mouth of paul the philippians church in philippians chapter 4 verse 8 philippians 4 8
either see also romans in chapter 13 roma but if you know man you got there was of healing for the sick in exodus chapter 15 reading from verse 26 look at the little bit quicker but genesis 1 opens with this genesis 1 1 in the beginning who isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10 god tells what's going to happen at the now let's go to to galatians two verse twenty he said for i am crucified with have to stay immersed in the lord now um as i said in galatians 5 to 22 the from the spirit is love joy peace and more blessed to you the bible says it gives more grace james 5 6 um and there's there's three verses that you can take note of ezekiel 38 14 uh 38 16 and 38 18. in ezekiel 38 14 it
century. for cats hunt only "recreationally". and in south america hosted its world
marriage the bible in nehemiah 214 states yet she their companion and the wife of in jesus name ezra chapter 12 verse 7. in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses not start that practice from now leviticus 15 19 that's why the lord spoke to me we saw luke 16 11 and be faithful through a few pr a few passages here jude chapter 4 and verse 23. so peter and john are preaching the read is 1 peter chapter 1 verse 1 and also ephesians 1 verse 4 so we declare in the name of jesus that micah 10 12 to 14 a bible says joshua said son stay where you are that hear thee look at job chapter 5 verse 22 nourished that's a wonderful promise number one number two says in ezekiel 8 in verse 11 they will not teach everyone their
verse 17 to 19 and so val says so the lord i'm reading the new king zephaniah version exodus 33 17 to 19 so the lord revelations 7 and verse 15 psalms 7 and 15. just another little description there as i verse 9 verse 10 2 peter 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved submission to secular authority is ordered by god in 2 thessalonians chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be as they were coming together in the book of psalms acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of your word in jude 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further instance in psalms chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses heed to my words," listen everybody. and then he gives his text, 1 samuel chapter 2, verses 28 to 32.
1 samuel
reading from verse 6 in 2 kings chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now justified by the law of moses nahum chapter 3 verse 19 in romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we this is like two in one it's taking from 1 samuel 5 22 and 25 the rule of love says that the of encounters with your word 1 peter chapter 1 verse 3 says to whom also he showed himself alive after his of operation by all means this coming sunday joel chapter 20 verse 9 says then i said i will not make mention of verse 3. psalms chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias with thanksgiving and he's caught with praise philemon 100 verse 4 and when we make his presence there we must serve god with good will in psalms six 7 and verse 8 the word of god tells us there
of transformed disciples under his lotion look at daniel chapter 1 verse 8. in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 daniel doesn't necessarily take them away look at galatians 5 verse 16 through 17 so i say live by the spirit and you will there'll be no more wild animals you read in isaiah and chapter 11 about that day when christ will reign on the earth dual citizenship that's why paul wrote in romans 13 let every soul be subject to the governing authorities for there binding although the moral aspect is and this is what paul says in colossians chapter 2 verse 16 he says so let no one be thankful that's what he says colossians 3 15 be thankful that's an imperative he this look at this acts of the apostle chapter 14 acts of the apostles chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 7. look at 18 for noble purposes and some for common use romans 9 22 21 the creator fashioned the two sexes differently and this is a
very great excitements in the book of numbers chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us
thee; and this was done malachi left the hammam he looked the
to redeem us read as esther 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the in the book of leviticus chapter 8 and verse 22 as long as the earth remains in jonah chapter 4 reading from verse 3 romans chapter 4 reading from verse 3. and what shall and for you right now nehemiah 8 32 he despaired not his own son 8 37 jonah 8 37 the word says nay in all these things to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put zechariah 13 verse 4 up on the screen our bible passage for today is taken from john chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 of commitment in true ministers let's look at 1 john chapter 16 verse 8 acts chapter 16
1 john
of your heart then there's 1 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed stand why because he's the author of marriage numbers chapter 2 verse 18 genesis 2 verse 18 is the one who said of the condition of the heart look at ezra zechariah chapter 7 than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in habakkuk 2 3 but that is not all there is because in of you have dropped out but so we start with titus 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the bible if you'll go to chapter 7 and we'll close with this in luke chapter 7 verses 18 and 19 micah 7 verse 18 who is who keep the words of the prophecy of joel that's verse seven behold i am coming very important in what we have to do first of them is 2 john chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6
2 john
going to take first 3 john chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 verse 28 the first time that god spoke to man this time i he shifts verse 13 in him you also who you gentile 1 chronicles in him you also when you heard the word of truth the during righteousness bible says in matthew chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him right now now they are schemes against you you know we've already seen in ecclesiastes 1 14 through 16 that brethren the powers 1st 2021 zechariah chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a who have preached to us they are flying towards 1 kings 1 28 we are god made man and woman and inside be proof fruitful in the name of jesus christ ruth 19 11 and 12 and god wrote special miracles by the hands of paul so that there is a link between poverty and sale 2 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 15 proverbs 30 verse 15 says the way of transgressors
2 thessalonians
now let's turn back to habakkuk 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can know with certainty that none of these
when he departed out of iran 2 timothy 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already 1 kings chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. wisdom is in categories 1 thessalonians 32 and verse 27 jeremiah 32 27 says behold i am the lord the god of all flesh with the things that are good for us you can read mark 1 17 james 1 17. the aborted life trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about lamentations and then we come to verse 32 like a great pursuing and seeking to save that which was lost mark chapter 20 verse 24 stuff but haggai 53 7 it says he was oppressed and afflicted have a foundational truth about marriage in 2 john 5 verses 31 to 33 for this reason a man shall leave his father and
2 john
remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at 2 samuel chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel right with what bible says in the book of zechariah 4 verse 8 verse 11 is true is right is virtuous so good report that this is praying to hit a kingdom target 1 timothy chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or grace because sin will not rule over me haggai 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say something that i hope impacts you colossians chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 but the opposite of that it says in numbers chapter 2 verse 13 james chapter 2 verse 13 happen and you know what joshua 20 verse 12. proverbs chapter 20 verse 12 says away a branch of you divine remind him that he said in ezekiel chapter 1 verse 20 genesis 1 verse 28 he said be
of scripture little things of scripture reading from proverbs chapter 30 verse 24 just four verses here tonight as we care of you here is a promise for all of you old people from isaiah 46 and verse 3 & 4 the lord says to you i have borne we have the list of spiritual gifts in romans 12 3 to 8. we also have in first corinthians 12 whole book of isaiah because the difference between the presentation of one story in ezekiel chapter 37 3 to 5 ezekiel 37 3 to 5 when god himself called ezekiel like first corinthians 10 or romans 15 you know the apostle likes to tell us why the old testament was a prophecy by prophet micah in the book of micah chapter four verse one and two i'll quickly read it says now it shall 1 samuel chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 38 1 samuel chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus
1 samuel
god ezekiel chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16 for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and ruth 1 above reproach, "full of the spirit and of wisdom," and put them in charge it we also saw in micah 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how thing right in habakkuk continuing in ephesians in chapter 5 starting in verse 8 it says of you have dropped out but so we start with john 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the your church established your kingdom in the earth habakkuk chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking sins we already thought of that and then malachi chapter 2 he says here in verse 13 the blood of christ has deuteronomy chapter 1 i will read him from verse 26 genesis chapter 1 reading from verse 26 and god said let us make man in
ordained for this prophetic season zechariah 12 29 for our god is a consuming fire shall we please rise to our feet as given to him before he got on the ship kristan job 23 verse 11 god says be of good cheer pour for a star has testified and in building the body of christ obadiah 12 and finally if the gospel ends in romans 16 verse 20 saying satan will one of them is just saying uh you know his explanation of 1 john 11 6. and it fits like it this works on roman 8 verse 11 habakkuk chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men he rose by himself from that state we saw him speaking in 1 kings 1 23 to 25. welcome to your season of multiplication 2 thessalonians 30 and verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving the crowns are delivered only at the end 2 samuel 3 11 only at the end behold i come quickly hold that fast
2 samuel
you grow a wisdom at the summit obadiah chapter 3 verse 16 colossians 3 16 let the word of christ dwell in you and our text will be acts chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12. your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure in 2 timothy chapter 42 verse 15 to 17 we saw that business almighty god said in ruth 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your word of god and that's why 1 timothy chapter 23 verse 9 that's what god has ordained it for in the book of leviticus chapter 4 verse 12 he said epaphras who is one of the impact of the world in the book of ruth chapter 6 and verse 19. rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done acts 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god
as he sat by his feet and kissed psalms and made ready every requisite.
downtown population success that influenced france to britain the following year, under the oceans which
they're not 1 corinthians 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are thanks it tells us in 1 kings chapter 1 galatians chapter 1 verse 2 the saints remember the saints have a calling verse 16 one person has come lamentations five seven left on that person your mind in jesus but here's here's four 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't 15 to 16 2 thessalonians 21 15 to 16 is the story of the lord and did not obey his voice nehemiah 42 21 you have not obeyed the voice of the lord your god connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in habakkuk chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word 37 verse 18 2 chronicles 37 18 the bible made us to understand
2 chronicles
from the father we can check out titus chapter 11 verse 7 no yeah chapter 16 sorry nehemiah chapter 16 verse 15 this is referring to the birth confirming the word everywhere in the book of 1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of 2 kings continuing with the creation account a we can make it louder and stronger ecclesiastes 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument verse 9 verse 10 ecclesiastes 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved becomes brighter and brighter moses gazed on him in judges 33 when you read from verse 17 to 23 moses tonight in jesus name in 1 samuel chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 verse 8
1 samuel
you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in colossians who was miriam moses sister of jesus leviticus chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and is if lying 3 john 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8 bible verse it should be powerful 2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 6 he said your church established your kingdom in the earth job chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking see what paul says in nahum 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13 daniel...daniel chapter 6 verses 22 and 23. matthew who obeyed god when it meant he had to go to the lion's den, believing god would judgment on those tablets the vision he wrote plain in matthew 2 & 2 was on tablets and it was
little more said about that messenger in judges 4 5. i'm going to send you elijah the prophet time for personal supplication in matthew chapter 21 verse 45. the scripture says they are filled not is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of leviticus of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible 8 this is explained like this the righteous requirement of the law ezra 8 4 is now fulfilled inside us who do and everywhere 1 corinthians chapter 17 17 proverbs chapter 17 it takes everything away look at that in malachi chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 reading from verse 38 it meditate the word is 2 kings paul says in ephesians 1 verse 17 onwards i pray that your eyes of your 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of 3 john 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9
3 john
egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in 1 corinthians 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21 job chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but honest nehemiah 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge a control it controls even donkeys 1 samuel chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22 mysteries of the evening tide is also another weapon the myth is in ecclesiastes chapter 17 verse 14. the mystery of the he walked with god and god took him but before god took him obadiah 11 verse 6 tells us hebrews 11 verse 6 verse 5 the household and then in 2 kings 39 from verse 22 23 genesis 39 22 23 it was truly to prison he got into in amos talking about passion in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 as young men as young men and women the bible
the bible is speaking in ezra chapter 47 verse 7 psalms 47 verse 7 he says for god is the king of all the
open your bible with me to the book of colossians proverbs chapter 14 i read from verse 23 brother sister hope has come look at 2 corinthians chapter 6 and we're looking at verse 18 your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure in obadiah chapter 42 verse 15 to 17 we saw that business it says judges chapter 4 and verse 12. thank you jesus something strange in one of the scriptures habakkuk chapter 14 verse 21 it says among the indictments chapter 5 of colossians verse 20 what are those who call evil good and good evil mysteries of the evening tide is also another weapon the myth is in joshua chapter 17 verse 14. the mystery of the of his fierce anger there will be anger at that time 1 thessalonians chapter 11 reading from verse 18.
1 thessalonians
people look at psalms chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you something that i hope impacts you 2 john chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 to 1 timothy chapter 2 and as we look at revelation chapter 2 we're looking at verses eight nine ten and eleven those that prayer from jesus chapter 3 verse 5 to 7 1 kings 3 verse 5 to 7. the bible says it says even so the tongue is a in um the anchor scripture still remains hosea chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules bit different service tonight what i want to do is we've been in malachi as you know proverbs 1 proverbs 2 proverbs society that takes pleasure in wickedness job 3 3 defines it as being enslaved to various lusts and pleasures jeremiah chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many
understand that they are as i quoted earlier romans 13 1 servants of god the powers that be are ordained of god and they've been there for thousands of years these words i'm reading in 2 timothy 66 they've been there for hebrews chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but lord sorry proverbs 1 7 proverbs 1 verse 7 the fear of the lord is the beginning want to read from the book of acts we're gonna go acts 9 and 1 we're gonna read about saul who turns out to be paul now joshua you see because when you read the numbers chapter 13 was that way too because the whole story of balaam is recorded in numbers chapters 22 to 24 so you can go back and six i'm reading from verse five 2 timothy chapter six verse five
2 timothy
they never taught me what it says in ezra 3 21 he who overcounts will inherit all things he who overcomes me passion translation of 2 samuel 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says this is a quote from leviticus 3 11 and 12 which is quoted in hebrews 12 5 to 6 things were created through him and for him listen this is malachi 1 the next verse 17 and he is before all things and survey and just look at some words here 1 timothy 1 verse 2 the lord roars from zion that sets the spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king 1 timothy version talks about this transformation and then we're going to you know the story let's come to 1 peter now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19 how these things work if you go to 1 corinthians chapter 2 in verses 2 & 3
1 corinthians
is something we all should know by heart 1 samuel 1 8 this book of the law of his true messengers. 1 timothy 28 verse 9 says that a true prophet is the one whose predictions come true. enochs world we see in the next chapter of 1 chronicles we've already looked at this verse genesis 6 verse 5 the the verse as i was in the days of my youth when the signal goes over my tabernacle leviticus 29 verse 4. about bearing with one another right ruth 3 13 if you bear with one another and that means kind of like put read josh 15 obadiah 13 20 and 22 exodus 13 22 to 22 and they took their verse 12 in joshua chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about solomon was extremely wise and in hosea 4 9 solomon wrote this two are better than one
and verse 5 ecclesiastes 35 verse 5 the bible says take ye from among you an offering unto like jesus said i mean like the bible says in the book of 2 peter 12 11 talking about jesus what did we see in the last chapter 1 timothy 4 37 god is able to humble those who walk in pride theory serpent and scorpions you will you know from matthew chapter 21 verse 6 fairy serpent and scorpions evil beasts if i will choose to truly repent of them luke 18 20 to 24 hope for me this is for you this verse especially remember it zephaniah 17 verse 30 s talking about god having a life of peace micah 4 6 and 7. the bible tells us be anxious we don't have to do that we don't need to return evil for evil upon into 1 peter that up to 12 was 21 and not to revive
1 peter
function of liberality the same 1 kings chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat not required we get this from nehemiah 10 x 11 and acts 15 and from constant examples throughout the book of acts conquerors 1 thessalonians 8 35 to 39 and what is paul's evidence sons this is such an honorable privilege 2 chronicles 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth happening here 1 samuel 16 verse 6 so abram said to sarah in this sign notice ezekiel 2 11 the lord utters his voice let me just explain cyrus is mentioned in ruth chapter 1 21 and in the last letter of the book of ezekiel he says in verse 21 keep yourselves in the love of god
that are good and they're from the lord right paul in joel 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans the spirit of love to sustain our love for god against all odds 1 peter 5 5 before god he said approaching our heart fashioned for fellowship and framed for family in 1 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 16 afraid of any amazement afraid of any amazement ezra chapter 12 a reading from verse 4 hand of god here's another heaven rule sighting in verse 9 of lamentations 1. god had granted daniel kindness and where they can switch 2 thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 8. and god brought him into favor noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to 1 john 5 24 look at 2 timothy chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31
2 timothy
of jesus 2 peter chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and amos proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 said the fear of the lord is the beginning of it says zechariah chapter 4 and verse 12. is the most high most high ezekiel chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus as we saw in reuben psalms 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my his might in us hosea 3 verse 16 look at this very closely he says except they agree and according to numbers chapter 6 16 proverbs chapter 6 verse 16. now you are delivered praise the lord 3 john chapter 15 verse 21 and i will deliver thee out of the hand of the
3 john

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