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"The reason why your wife is faithful And we are unfaithful to our husbands, Is obvious, my dear: There isn’t another young man like you." | "जं तुज्झ सई जाआ असईओ सुहअ जं च अम्हे वि,ता किं फुट्टउ वीअं तुज्झ समाणो जुआ ण त्थि" |
"Even though everything I had went up in flames I am overjoyed, For during the fire It was he who took the bucket of water From my hand into his." | "सव्वस्सम्मि वि डड्ढे तह वि हु हिअअस्स णिव्वुइ च्चेअ,जं तेन गामडाहे हत्थाहत्थिं कुडो गहिओ" |
His unmanly bliss And my unwomanly boldness Are known only to the swollen waters of the Goda And the midnights of the rainy season. | "तस्स अ सोहग्गगुणं अमहिलसरिसं च साहसं मज्झ,जाणइ गोलाऊरो वासारत्तद्धरत्तो अ" |
"The friends of our youth have passed away, Of those bowers nothing remains but stumps, Gone is the vigor of former days, And love has been cut to the roots." | "ते वोलिआ वअस्सा ताण कुडुंगाण खण्णुआ सेसा,अम्हे वि गअवआओ मूलुच्छेअं गअं पेम्मं" |
On whichever part of her body One’s eye falls first There it stays. No one has ever seen the whole of her body. | "जस्स जहिं चिअ पढमं तिस्सा अंगम्मि णिवडिआ दिट्ठी,तस्स तहिं चेअ ठिआ सव्वंगं केण वि ण दिट्ठं" |
"Away from me She is like deadly poison, Together again She is sweeter than nectar. How did the Creator manage To combine these two potions In my darling?" | "विरहे विसं व विसमा अमअमआ होइ संगमे अहिअं,किं विहिणा समअं चिअ दोहिं पि पिआ विणिम्मविआ" |
"Silly boy, However close the ties of affection, If people don’t see one another, Love gradually seeps away Just like water between one’s cupped hands." | "अद्दंसणेण पुत्तअ सुट्ठु वि णेहाणुवंधघडिआइं,हत्थउडपाणिआइ व कालेण गलंति पेम्माइं" |
"Before her husband’s very eyes Her sharp friends pick up the young wife And carry her, arms adangle, To her healer-lover’s house, Saying: “She’s been bitten by a scorpion.”" | "पइपुरओ च्चिअ णिज्जइ विंछुअडट्ठे ऽति जारवेज्जघरं,णिउणसहीकरधरिआ भुअजुअलंदोलिरी वाला" |
"Seeing his wife’s dark breasts Which, but for the absence of smoke, Resemble black heaps of burning chaff, The farmer barters his cloak for a buffalo In the cold month of Magha." | "विक्किणइ माहमासंमि पामरो पारिडिं वइल्लेण,णिद्धूममुम्मुरे सामलीअ थणए णिअच्छंतो" |
"Though I am nearing death, I swear that, even now, My gaze falls, as ever, On the thicket that grows By the banks of the holy Taptê." | "सच्चं भणामि मरणे ठिअ म्हि पुण्णे तडम्मि तावीए,अज्ज वि तत्थ कुडुंगे णिवडइ दिट्ठी तह च्चेअ" |
"Mother, They snatch my husband from me As if he were a dish of plums in a blind man’s hands. At the same time they are jealous of me: A hood is growing out of the snake’s tail!" | "अंधअरवोरपत्थिं व माउआ मह पइं विलुंपंति,ईसाअंति मह च्चिअ छेप्पाहिंतो फणो जाओ" |
"Because my pen keeps slipping In my clammy fingers I can’t even finish the word “Dear.” Friend, tell me, How can I write the rest of my letter?" | "वेविरसिण्णकरंगुलिपरिग्गहक्खलिअलेगणीमग्गे,सोत्थि च्चिअ ण समप्पइ पिअसहि लेहम्मि किं लिहिमो" |
"Mother, That young man Who downriver drank the water That was bitter with my turmeric soap, Has as good as drunk my heart." | "मामि हिअअं व पीअं तेण जुआणेण मज्जमाणाए,ण्हाणहलिद्दाकडुअं अणुसोत्त जलं पिअंतेण" |
"Life is transient, Youth passes never to return, Tomorrow is not the same as today. So why are people so stubborn?" | "जिविअं असासअं चिअ ण णिअत्तइ जोव्वणं अइक्कंतं,दिअहा दिअहेहि समा ण होंति किं णिट्ठुरो लोओ" |
"Because even on this dark night she intends to meet her lover, The girl paces up and down indoors With her eyes tightly shut." | "अज्ज मए गंतव्वं घणंधआरे वि तस्स सुहअस्स,अज्जा णिमीलिअच्छी पअपरिवाडिं घरे कुणइ" |
A gentleman never gets angry. When he gets angry He never has nasty thoughts. When he has nasty thoughts He never expresses them. When he expresses them He is ashamed of himself. | "सुअणो ण कुप्पइ च्चिअ अह कुप्पइ विप्पिअं ण चिंतेइ,अह चिंतेइ ण जंपइ अह जंपइ लज्जिओ होइ" |
"he moon was bright, My moon-faced beauty, And the night was long, My long-eyed girl. The four watches passed. Though, with you away, They seemed to last A hundred" | "चंदमुहि चंदधवला दीहा दीहच्छि तुह विओअम्मि,चउजामा सअजाम व्व जामिणी कह वि वोलीणा" |
"After the flicker of a side glance From the daughter-in-law The traveler, refused entry By the master of the house, Spent the night on the veranda." | "तह सोण्हाइ पुलइओ दरवलिआवंगतारअं पहिओ,जह वारिओ वि घरसामिएण आलिंदए वसिओ" |
"Whom are you looking out for, Standing at the door? Your face above your prominent breasts Looks like a lotus Placed on top of the two water pots Standing ready to welcome a guest" | "कं तुंगथणुक्खित्तेण पुत्ति दारट्ठिआ पलोएसि,उण्णामिअकलसणिवेसिअग्घकमलेण व मुहेण" |
With its leaves pushing through The gaps in the fence The castor oil plant seems to be telling The youths of the village “Here lives a farmer’s wife With breasts this big.” | "वइविवरणिग्गअदलो एरंडो साहइ व्व तरुणाणं,एत्थ घरे हलिअवहू एद्दहमेत्तत्थणी वसइ" |
"With those damned breasts Like the two bumps on a young elephant’s forehead, Firm, full and prominent, pressing against each other, She can hardly breathe Let alone move" | "गअकलहकुंभसंणिहघणपीणणिरंतरेहि तुंगेहिं,गूससिउं पि ण तीरइ किं पुण गंतुं हअथणेहिं" |
"Why do you groan as you carry them —Two heaps piled with your rivals’ jealousy, Two vessels brimful of beauty, Two elephant lobes stuffed with love? In their hearts men by the hundred Are sharing the burden Of your breasts" | "पडिवक्खमण्णुपुंजे लावण्णउडे अणंगगअकुंभे,पुरिससअहिअअधरिए कीस थणंती थणे वहसि" |
The would-be traveler has become so addicted to the pleasant pastime Of fondling his wife’s firm breasts That he welcomes any bad omen —Wishes it were Tuesday or a day of rain | "घरिणीघणथणपेल्लणसुहेल्लिपडिअस्स होंतपहिअस्स,अवसउणंगारअवारविट्ठिदिअहा सुहावेंति" |
"You fool, It is on your account That the poor girl sits patiently Beneath the doorway And, like the garland of welcome Festooning it, wilts every day" | "सा तुज्झ कए वालअ अणिसं घरदारतोरणणिसण्णा,ओसूसइ वंदणमालिअ व्व दिअहं चिअ वराई" |
"Laughing and clapping, The travelers run towards the shady banyan Loaded with juicy fruit When a flock of parrots flies up To reveal a bare, shrivelled tree" | "हसिअं सहत्थतालं सुक्खवडं उवगएहि पहिएहिं,पत्तअफलाण सरिसे उड्डीणे पूसविंदम्मि" |
"How come that her breasts, Once so firm, Now sag like this? On the other hand, Who abides forever in a woman’s heart?" | "कह णाम तीअ तह सो सहावगरुओ वि थणहरो पडिओ,अहवा महिलाण चिरं को वि ण हिअअम्मि संठाइ" |
"Lovely woman, Don’t cover your face with your shawl. Let the sun find out which is more pleasant to touch, Your face Or the lotus." | "सुअनु वअणं छिवंतं सूरं मा साउलीअ वारेहि,एअस्स पंकअस्स अ जाणउ कअरं सुहप्फंसं" |
"Turning her face upwards With his cupped hands, Her husband offers her wine —One mouthful to drink As a medicine For sulkiness." | "माणोसहं व पिज्जइ पिआइ माणंसिणीअ दइअस्स,करसंपुडवलिउद्धाणणाइ मइराइ गंडूसो" |
How can I describe her? Once you see her body You cannot take your eyes off it: They are like a helpless cow Stuck in the mud | "कह सा णिव्वण्णिज्जउ जीअ जहालोइअम्मि अंगम्मि,दिट्ठी दुव्वलगाइ व्व पंकपडिआ ण उत्तरइ" |
Like writing on water Friendship with a bad man Fades as soon as it’s begun. With a good man it is immutable Like an inscription in stone | "कीरंति च्चिअ णासइ उअए रेह व्व खलअणे मेत्ती,सा उण सुअणम्मि कआ अणहा पाहाणरेह व्व" |
"Ah, what a cruel man you are, Thinking of leaving again While the hair of my braid has not yet had time To uncurl." | "अव्वो उक्करआरअ पुणो वि तत्तिं करेसि गमणस्स,अज्ज वि ण होंति सरला वेणीअ तरंगिणो चिहुरा" |
"Making love With great sophistication, For all the pleasure Of constantly renewed passion, Is not as rapturous As making love Wherever and however With true affection." | "ण वि तह छेअरआइ वि हरंति पुणरुत्तराअरसिआइं,जह जत्थ व तत्थ व जह व तह व सब्भावणेहरमिआइं" |
"I have both you And your new love To bear in my heart. How dare you ask, you fool, Why I am wasting away? Even an ox collapses when overloaded." | "उज्झसि पिआइ समअं तह वि हु रे भणसु कीस किसिअ त्ति,उअरिभरेण अआणुअ मुअइ वइल्लो वि अंगाइं" |
With great difficulty He released himself from my arms As if untangling a tight knot And I extracted my breasts Deeply buried in his chest. | "दढमूलवद्धगंठि व्व मोइआ कह वि तेण मे वाहू,अम्हेहि वि तस्स उरे खुत्त व्व समुक्खआ थणआ" |
Only after you had won her round Did she start to make a count of your offenses. When the fingers of both hands proved not enough The poor thing finally burst into tears. | "अणुणअपसाइआए तुज्झ ऽवराहे चिरं गणंतीए,अपहुत्तोहअहत्थंगुरीअ रुण्णं वराईए" |
See how the affronted wife Is washing away the dark patches of the moon Reflected on her cheek With an endless stream of water From the jars of her eyes. | "धुअइ व्व मअकलंकं कवोलपडिअस्स माणिणी उअह,अणवरअवाहजलभरिअणअणकलसेहि चंदस्स" |
Among the other flowers in a garland The scent of the young jasmine will never get lost: There is something unusually powerful About the damned thing | "गंधेण अप्पणो मालिआण णोमालिआ ण फुट्टिहइ,अण्णो को वि हआसाइ मंसलो परिमलुग्गारो" |
The hearts of good men are like the tops of tall trees: When laden with fruit They are bent on sharing And when bare they are uplifted. | "फलसंपत्तीअ समोणआइ तुंगाइ फलविपत्तीए,हिअआइ सुपुरिसाणं महातरूणं व सिहराइं" |
"The sound of her bracelets, As the traveler’s wife turns on her side And weakly moves her hands, Is enough to reassure her friends" | "आसासेइ परिअणं परिवत्तंतीअ पहिअजाआए,णित्थामुव्वत्तणवलिअहत्थमुहलो वलअसद्दो" |
"A man who knows the ultimate truth Is only won over by true goodness, For who can trick an old cat with rice gruel?" | "ण विणा सब्भावेणं घेप्पइ परमत्थजाणुओ लोओ,को जुण्णमंजरं कंजिएण वेआरिउं तरइ" |
"In the jungle grass and water Are everywhere free for the asking, And still the love between a doe and a stag Lasts until death." | "रण्णाउ तणं रण्णाउ पाणिअं सव्वदो सअंगाहं,तह वि मआण मईण अ आमरणंताइ पेम्माइं" |
"Sandal paste does not work as well As the wild delight of a tight embrace, Which, even on the hottest summer day, Succeeds in allaying a couple’s fever." | "तावम् अवणेइ ण तहा चंदणपंको वि कामिमिहुणाणं,जह दूसहे वि गिम्हे अण्णोण्णालिंगणसुहेल्ली" |
"When he asked his young wife Why her face was still smeared with ghee, She looked away in embarrassment But smiled, Her skirt wrapped twice around her thighs." | "तुप्पाणणा किणो अच्छसि त्ति परिपुच्छिआइ वहुआइ,विउणावेढिअजहणत्थलाइ लज्जोणअं हसिअं" |
"Conscious of the family’s situation, The pregnant wife does not mention what she craves for But keeps it to herself, Like an indecent proposal made by one of her husband’s brothers." | "हिअअ च्चेअ विलीणो ण साहिओ जाणिऊण घरसारं,वंधवदुव्वअणं मिव दोहलओ दुग्गअवहूए" |
"With one hand clutching at her skirt, Which is slipping down, And with the other her hair, Which has come loose, The housewife chases after her little son, Who is running away, scared of the barber" | "धावइ विअलिअधम्मिल्लसिचअसंजमणवावडकरग्गा,चंडिलभअविवलाअंतडिंभपरिमग्गिणी घरिणी" |
"The more the wife flaunts her delicious, young body The thinner become her waist, her husband, And her rivals" | "जह जह उव्वहइ वहू णवजोव्वणमणहराइ अंगाइ,तह तह से तणुआअइ मज्झो दइओ अ पडिवक्खो" |
"The poorer, the uglier, the more decrepit Her husband becomes The more a true woman loves him." | "जह जह जरापरिणओ होइ पई दुग्गओ विरूओ वि,कुलवालिआण तह तह अहिअअरं वल्लहो होइ" |
"Aunt! There goes the young man Whom all the hussies in turn Try to grab hold of, Just like the water in the only well in the village On a hot summer’s day" | "एसो मामि जुआणो वारं वारेण जं अडअणाओ,गिम्हे गामेक्कवडोदअं व किच्छेण पावंति" |
"Aunt, A yellow leaf, battered by the wind, Falls from the village banyan And with it the pale faces Of the false women." | "गामवडस्स पिउच्छा आवंडुमुहाण पंडुरच्छाहं,हिअएण समं असईण पडइ वाआहअं पत्तं" |
"She stares into thin air, Heaves long sighs, Smiles vacantly And mutters nonsense: There must be something on her mind." | "पेच्छइ अलद्धलक्खं दीहं णीससइ सुण्णअं हसइ,जह जंपइ अफुडत्थं तह से हिअअट्ठिअं किं पि" |
"“My lord, This man seeks shelter with us. Do look after him.” With these words the wife hastily introduced her lover To her husband Who had returned home unexpectedly" | "गहवइ गओ म्ह सरणं रक्खसु एअं ति अडअणा भणिउं,सहसागअस्स तुरिअं पइणो च्चिअ जारम् अप्पेइ" |
"Aunt, Marry the girl to the person she fancies. Can’t you see she is pining away? “‘Person I fancy’? What do you mean?” So saying the girl fell in a faint." | "हिअएछिअस्स दिज्जउ तणुआअंतिं ण पेच्छह पिउच्छा,हिअएछिओ म्ह कत्तो भणिउं मोहं गआ कुअरी" |
"Wet and fragrant after her bath And with flowers falling from it, She lays her long, thick hair On her exhausted husband’s chest After a summer afternoon Of making love" | "खिण्णस्स उरे पइणो ठवेइ गिम्हावरण्हरमिअस्स,ओल्लं गलंतकुसुमं ण्हाणसुअंधं चिहुरभारं" |
"Reflected in the deer-eyed woman’s cheek Covered with fresh tooth marks, The moon looks like a white conch shell Red on the inside." | "अह सरसदंतमंडलकवोलपडिमागओ मअच्छीए,अंतोसिंदूरिअसंखवत्तकरणिं वहइ चंदो" |
"The lover wipes away the silver moonbeams Blending with the blue gleams of her sapphire earrings From the face of his offended mistress, Mistaking them for tears mixed with eye-black." | "पुसिआ कण्णाहरणेंदणीलकिरणाहआ ससिमऊहा,माणिणिवअणम्मि सकज्जलंसुसंकाइ दइएण" |
In the whole wide world Teeming with thousands of beautiful women The only thing that matches this woman’s right side . . . Is her left side. | "एद्दहमेत्तम्मि जए सुंदरमहिलासहस्सभरिए वि,अणुहरइ णवर तिस्सा वामद्धं दाहिणद्धस्स" |
Since love is fickle I dance to my lover’s tune. A creeper twines itself Around the unbending tree | "जह जह वाएइ पिओ तह तह णच्चामि चंचले पेम्मे,वल्ली वलेइ अंगं सहावथद्धे वि रुक्खम्मि" |
"He can be captured only with the greatest difficulty And once captured he is difficult to keep, And even if captured, He is not captured Unless his heart is captured as well" | "दुक्खेहि लब्भइ पिओ लद्धो दुक्खेहि होइ साहीणो,लद्धो वि अलद्धो च्चिअ जइ जह हिअअं तह ण होइ" |
"How stupid! She was so anxious to taste the pleasure of being groveled to That she made out that he had done something When he hadn’t, And led her innocent lover into devious ways." | "अव्वो अणुणअसुहकंखिरीअ अकअं कअं कुणंतीए,सरलसहावो वि पिओ अविणअमग्गं वला णीओ" |
"Having passed the time By counting the days First on her fingers, then on her toes, The young girl burst into tears, Not knowing what to count with next" | "हत्थेसु अ पाएसु अ अंगुलिगणणाइ अइगआ दिअहा,एण्हिं उण केण गणिज्जउ त्ति भणिउं रुअइ मुद्धा" |
"The flowers of the flame trees, Which resemble parrots’ beaks, Make the ground resplendent, Like a congregation of monks Prostrate in worship at the feet Of the Buddha" | "कीरमुहसच्छहेहिं रेहइ वसुहा पलासकुसुमेहिं,वुद्धस्स चलणवंदणपडिएहि व भिक्खुसंघेहिं" |
"Slender girl, The parts of your body that used to be plump Have become thin, And those that were thin Are now tiny. What is the use of keeping so aloof?" | "जं जं पिहुलं अंगं तं तं जाअं किसोअरि किसं ते,जं तं तणुअं तं तं पि णिट्ठिअं किं थ माणेण" |
People are not captivated by true qualities But by what takes their fancy. The Pulindas brush pearls aside But seize upon the guñja seeds The jeweler uses as weights. | "ण गुणेण हीरइ जणो हीरइ जो जेण भाविओ तेण,मोत्तूण पुलिंदा मोत्तिआइ गुंजाउ गेण्हंति" |
"Trembling and bouncing with excitement, She holds a handful of colored powder To throw at her lover, But it has turned into perfumed water." | "घेत्तूण चुण्णमुट्ठिं हरिसूसुइआइ वेअमाणाए,भिसिणेमि त्ति पिअअमं हत्थे गंधोदअं जाअं" |
"Slender girl, Don’t be so naïve: Brush off your back All trace of the leaves From the aṃkolla in the yard, Otherwise your clever sisters-in-law will start thinking." | "पुट्ठिं पुससु किसोअरि पलोहरंकोल्लपत्तचित्तलिअं,छेआहि दिअरजाआहि उज्जुए मा कलिज्जिहिसि" |
"The moment I see him I will cover my eyes with both hands, But how am I going to hide my body Which is bristling like a spiky kadamba blossom?" | "अच्छीइ ता थइस्सं दोहि वि हत्थेहि तम्मि दिट्ठम्मि,अंगं कलंवकुसुमं व पुलइअं कह णु ढक्किस्सं" |
"The storm snatched the thatch from the roof And the lightning flashed through the rafters As if to show the clouds the helpless wife, Sitting in tears Alone without her husband." | "झंझावाउत्तिणिए घरम्मि रोऊण णीसहणिसण्णं,दावेइ व गअवइअं विज्जुज्जोओ जलहराणं" |
"After she who peeped in to ask how he was Had with her fragrant breath Cooled the bitter medicine, The plowman drained it to the very last drop" | "सुहपुच्छिआइ हलिओ मुहपंकअसुरहिपवणणिव्वविअं,तह पिअइ पअइकडुअं पि ओसहं जह ण णिट्ठाइ" |
"Having missed the assignation In all those reed beds, She looks for you everywhere As though in search of lost treasure" | "अह सा तहिं तहिं व्विअ वाणीरवणम्मि चुवकसंकेआ,तुह दंसणं विमग्गइ पब्भट्टणिहाणठाणं च" |
In spring The clusters of jasmine Bar the gate of the courtyard. Even the comfort of looking down the road Is denied to the grass widows. | "लुम्बीओ अंगणमाहवीण दारग्गलाउ जाआउ,आसासो पंथपलोअणे वि पिट्ठो गअवईणं" |
"If her eyes were not closed In ecstasy At seeing her lover, Who would notice the blue lily Behind her ear?" | "पिअदंसणसुहरसमउलिआइ जइ से ण होंति णअणाइं,ता केण कण्णरइअं लक्खिज्जइ कुवलअं तिस्सा" |
"When he fell asleep, Exhausted after a day of dragging the plow through thick mud, His wife, Angry at missing the pleasures of love, Cursed the rainy season." | "चिक्खिल्लखुत्तहलमुहकड्ढणसिढिले पइम्मि पासुत्ते,अप्पत्तमोहणसुहा घणसमअं पामरी सवइ" |
"They cause grief, Give pleasure, Create a longing And allay it: Praised be the arrows of the God of Love, Kindred of pleasure and pain." | "दुम्मेंति देंति सोक्खं कुणंति अणुराअअं रमावेंति,अरइरइवंधवाणं णमो णमो मअणवाणाणं" |
How very puzzling! Though made of flowers They are extremely sharp. Though they make no contact They are irresistibly powerful. Though they cut through the flesh They cause delight —The arrows of the God of Love | "कुसुममआ वि अइखरा अलद्धफंसा वि दूसहपआवा,भिंदंता वि रइअरा कामस्स सरा वहुविअप्पा" |
"They cause jealousy, Kindle love, Make grief bearable And prevent separation from being fatal: Love’s arrows have so many different effects." | "ईसं जणेंति दावेंति मम्महं विप्पिअं सहावेंति,विरहे ण देंति मरिउं अहो गुणा तस्स वहुमग्गा" |
"Have a care— The poor girl, wearing a freshly dyed dress, Is distributing festival cakes from door to door In the hope of catching a glimpse of you." | "णीआइ अज्ज णिक्किव पिणद्धणवरंगआइ वरईए,घरपरिवाडीअ पहेणआइ तुह दंसणासाए" |
"In winter one can recognize a poor man By his tattered, threadbare clothes Reeking of cow-dung fires and brown with smoke." | "सूइज्जइ हेमंतम्मि दुग्गओ फुंफुआसुअंधेण,धूमकविलेण परिविरलतंतुणा जुण्णपडएण" |
"Bees pursue the mango blossom That the scruffy farmhand has torn off with his nails And placed on his head, Like young men thronging around a woman Taken hostage" | "णक्खुक्खुडिअं सहआरमंजरिं पामरस्स सीसम्मि,वंदिं मिव हीरंतिं भमरजुआणा अणुसरंति" |
"The lamp blown out, Stifled sighs, Fearful whispers, Lips sealed by hundreds of vows: Oh! the joys of stolen love." | "मुहविज्झविअपईवं णिरुद्धसासं ससंकिउल्लावं,सवहसअरक्खिओट्ठं चोरिअरमिअं सुहावेइ" |
"It is pitch-dark outside, My husband left today, And the house is deserted. Please, neighbor, do keep watch: I don’t want to be burgled." | "वहलतमाहअराई अज्ज पउत्थो पई घरं सुण्णं,तह जग्गेसु सअज्जिअ ण जहा अम्हे मुसिज्जामो" |
"Without leaving her bedside for a moment The mother nurses her daughter-in-law Who has almost expired at the sight of the first rain clouds, As if she were a medicine which could restore The life of her son" | "संजीवणोसहं मिव सुअस्स रक्खइ अणण्णवावारा,सासू णवब्भदंसणकंठागअजीविअं सोण्हं" |
You live in my heart With your wife locked in your own For tell me how else could she know exactly what I want? | "णूणं हिअअणिहित्ताइ वससि जाआइ अम्ह हिअअम्मि,अण्णह मणोरहा मे साहसु कह तीअ विण्णाआ" |
When she could no longer follow you With her eyes stretching almost to her ears She poured a libation with rolling tears To the past pleasure of seeing you | "तइ सुहअ अईसंते तिस्सा अच्छीहि कण्णलग्गेहिं,दिण्णं घोलिरवाहेहि पाणिअं दंसणसुहाणं" |
"How much longer can I go on In this misery, My will to live dependent On visualizing your face In my imagination?" | "उप्पेक्खागअ तुह मुहदंसणपडिरुद्धजीविआसाइ,दुहिआइ मए कालो केत्तिअमेत्तो व्व णेअव्वो" |
"Don’t worry, dear girl, When youth and beauty are all but gone You can still cause pain, Like the sight of one’s birthplace From which the familiar faces Have vanished" | "वोलीणालक्खिअरूअजोव्वणा पुत्ति कं ण दूमेसि,दिट्ठा पणट्ठपोराणजणवआ जम्मभूमि व्व" |
"In the midst of the crowd A boy speaks through his eyes Shining with delight, And a girl replies As her limbs break out in a sweat" | "परिओसविअसिएहिं भणिअं अच्छीहि तेण जणमज्झे,पडिवण्णं तीअ वि उव्वमंतसेएहि अंगेहिं" |
"If he is not dear to you How comes it, my friend, That at the mere mention of his name Your face opens like a lotus Touched by the rays of the sun?" | "जइ सो ण वल्लहो च्चिअ गोत्तग्गहणेण तस्स सहि कीस,होइ मुहं ते रविअरफंसविसट्टं व तामरसं" |
"O auntie! Hurrah for the embrace That, like a violent wind, bends the tree of pride, Gives pleasure to the whole body, And is the prologue to the play of love" | "माणदुमपरुसपवणस्स मामि सव्वंगणिव्वुइअरस्स,अवऊहणस्स भद्दं रइणाडअपुव्वरंगस्स" |
"Heart, Please, enough of this! How can you slight us and attach yourself To someone whose real worth is unknown, Judging merely by your own feelings?" | "णिअआणुमाणणीसंक हिअअ दे पसिअ विरम एत्ताहे,अमुणिअपरमत्थजणाणुलग्ग कीस म्ह लहुएसि" |
"When people ask me, In your presence, Why my body grows thinner by the day, I don’t know what to say to whom." | "झिज्जंतेहि अणुदिणं पच्चक्खम्मि वि तुमम्मि अंगेहिं,वालअ पुच्छिज्जंती ण आणिमो कस्स किं भणिमो" |
"First you made her waste away, Then taught her how to weep and wail, Then made her flout all decency. So, please, do not neglect her now" | "अंगाणं तणुआरअ सिक्खावअ दीहरोइअव्वाणं,विणआइक्कमआरअ मा मा णं पम्हसिज्जासु" |
"She knew no way To stop the insistent, ever-increasing Pain of being parted from her lover Except by diverting herself With death" | "अण्णह ण तीरइ च्चिअ परिवड्ढंतगरुअं पिअअमस्स,मरणविणोएण विणा विरमावेउं विरहदुक्खं" |
"My boy, I’ve so often described how nice you are To those sly hussies That it’s my fault you’re now beyond my reach. Whom else can I blame?" | "वण्णंतीहि तुह गुणे वहुसो अम्हेहि छिंछईपुरओ,वालअ सअम् एअ कओ सि दुल्लहो कस्स कुप्पामो" |
He was embarrassed But I laughed and gave him a hug When he groped for the knot Of my skirt and found it Already undone. | "जाओ सो वि विलक्खो मए वि हसिऊण गाढम् उवऊढो,पढमोसरिअस्स णिअंसणस्स गंठिं विमग्गंतो" |
"The poor thing is a decent girl Yet in one day, you sinner, You have taught her to languish, To yawn and to weep." | "कंडुज्जुआ वराई अज्ज तए सा कआवराहेण,अलसाइअरुण्णविअंभिआइ दिअहेण सिक्खविआ" |
"Believe me, my dear, The wrongs you have done me Are nothing like as hurtful As these polite words devoid of true feeling" | "अवराहेहि वि ण तहा पत्तिअ जह मं इमेहि दुम्मेसि,अवहत्थिअसब्भावेहि सुहअ दक्खिण्णभणिएहिं" |
"Proud lady, silently weeping, Do not scold your arms For straying into the empty hollow That was your lover’s embrace." | "मा जूर पिआलिंगणसरहसभमिरीण वाहुलइआणं,तुण्हिक्क परुण्णेनं इमिणा माणंसिणि मुहेणं" |
"My boy, Why go picking flowers? The gods are perfectly happy with offerings of water And the banks of the Godavarê Are the ruin of many a young man." | "मा वच्च पुप्फलाविर देवा उअअंजलीहि तूसंति,गोलाणईअ पुत्तअ सीलुम्मूलाइ कूलाइं" |
"You fool, When I asked what had really happened The girl’s reply brought tears to my eyes: The way she joked and swore That there was nothing to tell" | "सब्भावं पुच्छंती वालअ रोआविआ तुह पिआए,ण त्थि च्चिअ कअसवहं हासुम्मिस्सं भणंतीए" |
"As he sows, The seeds stick to the farmer’s hands Which grow moist When he thinks that soon he might be making love With his girl in this very field." | "एत्थ मए रमिअव्वं तीअ समं चिंतिऊण हिअएण,पामरकरसेउल्ला णिवडइ तुवरी वविज्जंती" |
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