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Titantic Dataset
This is an altered titanic dataset for training purposes.
The Titanic dataset is a well-known and widely used dataset in the field of data science and machine learning. The dataset provides information about the passengers aboard the RMS Titanic, which famously sank on its maiden voyage on April 15, 1912. The dataset contains a combination of demographic and passenger-related information, making it suitable for various analyses and predictions. It has also been utilized to develop machine learning models to predict passenger survival based on different features.
You can find more details about this dataset here
Dataset Features:
PassengerId: A unique identifier for each passenger.
Name: The name of the passenger.
Age: The age of the passenger in years.
Ticket: The ticket number of the passenger.
Fare: The fare paid by the passenger for the ticket.
Cabin: The cabin number of the passenger.
Survived_0: A binary column indicating whether the passenger did not survive
Survived_1: A binary column indicating whether the passenger survived
Pclass_1: A binary column indicating whether the passenger belongs to the 1st class
Pclass_2: A binary column indicating whether the passenger belongs to the 2nd class
Pclass_3: A binary column indicating whether the passenger belongs to the 3rd class
Sex_female: A binary column indicating whether the passenger is female
Sex_male: A binary column indicating whether the passenger is male
SibSp_0: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has no siblings or spouse aboard
SibSp_1: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 1 sibling or spouse aboard
SibSp_2: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 2 siblings or spouse aboard
SibSp_3: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 3 siblings or spouse aboard
SibSp_4: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 4 siblings or spouse aboard
SibSp_5: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 5 siblings or spouse aboard
SibSp_8: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 8 siblings or spouse aboard
Parch_0: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has no parents or children aboard
Parch_1: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 1 parent or child aboard
Parch_2: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 2 parents or children aboard
Parch_3: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 3 parents or children aboard
Parch_4: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 4 parents or children aboard
Parch_5: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 5 parents or children aboard
Parch_6: A binary column indicating whether the passenger has 6 parents or children aboard
Embarked_C: A binary column indicating whether the passenger embarked from Cherbourg
Embarked_Q: A binary column indicating whether the passenger embarked from Queenstown
Embarked_S: A binary column indicating whether the passenger embarked from Southampton