Dataset Viewer

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Processed whole-genome alignment of 100 vertebrate species

For more information check out our paper and repository.

Source data:

Available MSAs:

  • contains human + 89 vertebrates (excluding 10 closest primates)
  • contains human + 99 vertebrates

Example usage:

from import GenomeMSA

genome_msa = GenomeMSA(msa_path)
X = genome_msa.get_msa(chrom, start, end, strand="+", tokenize=False)


  • hg38 assembly
  • chrom should be in ["1", "2", ..., "22", "X", "Y"]

Streaming (playing, few VEP queries)

  • Faster setup (no need to download and unzip)
  • Slower queries (depends on network connection)
  • Multiple dataloader workers don't seem to work
  • More CPU memory required to load: 10.41 GB
  • Recommended if you just want to do a few queries, e.g. VEP for a couple thousand variants
  • msa_path = "zip:///::"

Local download (training, large-scale VEP)

  • Requires downloading (34GB) and unzipping (currently quite slow, will try to improve)
    7z x -o89.zarr  # can still take 5 hours with 32 cores, will try to streamline this in the future
  • Update: faster unzipping here, courtesy of lpigou
  • Much faster to query
  • Can have multiple dataloader workers
  • Virtually no CPU memory required to load
  • Recommended for training or VEP for millions of variants
  • msa_path = "89.zarr"
Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on songlab/multiz100way

Collection including songlab/multiz100way