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Well, people do tend to put it off. Hmm.
Folk utsetter det jo ofte.
Are you still following that faint gray light?
Følger du ennå etter lyset?
Come on in, yeah.
Kom inn.
Oh, yes.
We're in a lot of trouble.
Vi er i trøbbel.
Do you want this title?
Vil du ha tittelen?
What do you want from me? Does this man owe you money?
Skylder han deg penger?
If you can visit me, then surely the king... Your arrest and Queen Margaery's arrest, the king has not taken them well.
Arrestasjonene har gått hardt innpå Kongen.
Thats very interesting.
Didnt your doctor tell you that because of the concussion and the memory loss, that a little bit of paranoia is normal?
Sa ikke legen at du kunne føle litt paranoia?
And, er... if theres anything I can do... let us know.
Si fra hvis jeg kan gjøre noe.
Fat Caz?
Feite Caz?
First of all, can you please calm down?
Kan du roe deg ned?
Vance Ford was lying about this guy. Mm. Today Vance Ford is dead.
I dag er Vance Ford død.
Thank you.
Hey, Dex.
Hei. Hei, Dex.
Youve got to sing it.
Du må synge.
Black fleece.
Svart fleecegenser.
No, no.
Come on, Ev.
Kom an, Ev.
Which of your Lord's powers will you twain you men and jinn then deny?
Hvilke av Herrens velgjerninger vil dere fornekte?
Some honey.
Litt honning.
They found us.
De fant oss.
Thats the name of the song.
Det heter sangen.
It is so decreed.
Det er bestemt.
Here, here, here.
Her, her.
Its a nice boat.
Fin båt.
Do you remember that?
Husker du det?
Im desolate to go. As it is my last night... would you and your charming wife accept to have dinner with me tonight?
0m del er min sisle kveld, vil kan skje du og din kone spise med meg?
You think my life is so funny. Like, Oh, let's make fun of the girl
Tror dere at livet mitt er morsomt?
You know, congratulations to both of you.
Gratulerer, begge to
We have an address.
Vi har en adresse.
Weve got a meeting at Black Rock first thing in the morning.
Vi har et møte på Black Rock i morgen.
Oh, God, you know what? Hes in the kitchen.
Han er på kjøkkenet.
He was you.
Han var deg.
Define happiness.
Definer lykke.
Julius, with all of this, I, uh...
Julius, med alt dette...
Heyheyheyheyhey, cut that out... come on.
Hei! Kutt ut. Kom igjen.
Go ahead and sit down.
Sett deg.
Oh, my God, I'm being so rude.
Så uhøflig av meg.
What are you...
Just going to take a little off around the ears.
Jeg tar bare litt ved ørene.
I'm sure she'll be thrilled.
Hun blir henrykt.
Thirty yards.
Tretti meter.
I don't suppose you've got her player, have you?
Har du med spilleren hennes?
Take them out and have fun.
Ta dem med ut.
Everythings gonna be all right.
Alt ordner seg.
Let's go home.
La oss dra hjem.
Don't be snippy.
Ikke vær furten.
How about you?
Og du?
What the fuck is happening?
Hva skjer?
All right.
I'd be going mental. Are you saying there should be some rules or no rules?
Skal det finnes visse regler eller ingen?
Oh, shit!
Let's hope so.
Får håpe det.
I have to destroy something, someone,
Jeg må ødelegge noe...
Dont they teach you anything at the German Luftwaffe?
Lærer dere intet i Luftwaffe?
Mikey's name is on the list.
Mikey står på lista.
Does it make everything all better?
Gjør det alt bedre?
Theyre still doing it. Its extraordinary.
De gjør det fortsatt.
What do you mean, be a man?
Hey, guys, say hello to June.
Hils på June.
What are you gonna sing for us?
Hva skal du synge?
I should go home, close myself off and work out all the details.
Jeg må gå hjem og jobbe med detaljene.
Sign of trouble? They killed eight of ours.
De drepte åtte av våre.
OK, whats going on?
Hva skjer?
Quite alone.
Helt alene.
Wait, wait, wait!
Right. Did you see anyone when you got out of the elevator?
Så du noen da du kom ut av heisen?
Thank you.
So theres a Rune Fj llgård? Hes on our records.
Så det fins en Rune Fj llgård?
Hey, Zora, did you think Wolfe was gonna kill you? Cause it totally looked like he was gonna kill you!
Zora, trodde du at Wolfe skulle drepe deg?
Youre cheating on her. With a model from Newark? From Newark, New Jersey.
Med en modell fra Newark?
Its been a little hectic down here, right, cuz?
Det har vært hektisk her?
Like I said, you are not getting me out of this cell!
Du får meg ikke ut av cellen!
Thats great, honey.
Så flott.
No. Best thing is not to comment.
Best ikke å si noe.
You were young.
Du var ung.
Ugh. You know, one of those that make you relaxed, confident. Make girls like you, your dad respect you, and all that type of stuff.
En som får jenter til å like en og faren ens til å respektere en.
What you want, homey?
Hva trenger du?
I hate your face.
Jeg hater deg.
So, we'll wait.
Vi venter.
All right.
And the law can ensure that you have the right to vote.
Lovene kan gi dere stemmerett.
Yes... absolutely.
Ja, absolutt.
What if Ruiz makes him, sends you to kill him, you get caught, two birds, one stone? What?
Tenk om Ruiz planla at han skulle dø, og du bli tatt.
I need more time.
Jeg trenger mer tid.
It is so.
Thanks, man.
It's going.
Det går.
Please, Whip, enough. Enough, Whip.
Så er det nok, Whip.
Quite good.
Meget bra.
Do you really believe that?
Tror du det?

Massive EN-NO shorter and similar transfer

A dataset of EN-NO translations comprised of the following sources:

And parsed by:

  • simple preprocessing: stripping/misplaced punctuation
  • computing all similarities with
    • effectively aligning the translations
  • filters out where the length of the target language (norwegian) is less than 70% the length of the source language (english)
    • items with less than 6 words are passed regardless of length constraints

this results in a shorter and similar translation corpus.

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