Hello Computer (Gradio)
Say computer (Gradio)
Say computer (Gradio)
Say computer before asking your question
Simple echo stream - simplest FastRTC demo
Llama 3.2 - SambaNova API (Gradio)
Llama 3.2 - SambaNova API
Talk to OpenAI (Gradio UI)
Talk to OpenAI using their multimodal API
Detect objects in live video streams
Use YOLOv10 to detect objects in real-time
LLM Voice by ElevenLabs (Gradio)
Talk to an LLM with ElevenLabs
Talk to Anthropic's Claude - Gradio UI version
Talk to Anthropic's Claude
Transcribe audio in realtime - Gradio UI version
Transcribe audio in realtime with Whisper
Talk to Gemini (Gradio UI)
Talk to Gemini using Google's multimodal API
Compare Round Trip Times between WebRTC and Websockets