
About Korean Ai hub Dataset

by sangwon1472 - opened

The following is the answer of the person in charge of Korean ai hub, is there any way to use it as an open source?

Response Date 2023-12-11
Author Manager
Contents of the answer
Hello, this is the AI hub.

First of all, I would like to thank you for your interest in the AI hub.

The original data (such as the json, jpg file) of the dataset downloaded from the AI hub cannot be exposed externally (domestic and foreign),
Redistribution after reprocessing into the dataset is not possible due to AI hub data usage policy.
Data from AI Hub cannot be exported abroad and can only be used for Koreans living in Korea who have applied on the AI Hub site.
Also, please understand that there is currently no separate permit procedure for exporting AI data itself abroad.

However, after downloading the "Korean voice" data in Korea, the second work (a model made by training) was made using the data
In this case, open-source projects abroad can be utilized.

Thank you.

  • AI Hub

Hi, I'm not sure what you are asking? @sangwon1472

I have already requested and been denied by the AIHub. They have a strict policy of only granting data to Korean nationals—no foreign export allowed. And AIHub data is human, not synthetic, so even if a Korean somehow handed me such data, I could not train on it.

Unless AIHub changes that policy or grants an exception in my case, I cannot include AIHub data in the Kokoro model series, since I'm an American.

Oh. I see. Thank you for your answer. I understand that well.

sangwon1472 changed discussion status to closed

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