stringclasses 1
value | input
stringlengths 1
| output
stringclasses 2
values |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 漂亮又专一的女人多了去了,怎么,让男的专一很难吗?真就精虫上脑?牲畜吗?没有一点理智和道德吗? | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 福址定義是什麼?健保免費嗎?那一定倒 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你嘴巴不臭,你就装懂麻了一样。装的被其他地方的说你是地沟油,四川人那个不晓得,需要你装科学家来科普。你这样的不但嘴臭,还有毒。没事就喷毒出来闹人。你真能,你就让外地的接受老油撒,不能就各自闷到…莫没得事开个走近科学来搞科普 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你们这些黑粉就是嫉妒,恶不恶心,真的是简直了你们,明星整容怎么了网红整容更厉害你们怎么不说?你们真的是站的说话不腰疼,羡慕就羡慕呗,黑人家干什么,你觉得你很能吗? | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 誰 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 鄭智化也躲在支那放屁喔? | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我這不是來噓了嗎 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 狗報正常發揮 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 起床囉 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 供殺小 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 解 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 虽然我也讨厌黑人,但我承认自己是有种族歧视的。答主一番歪理强行说自己没有歧视[捂脸] | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 剪掉懶叫 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 试试上海药皂噢,之前我舍友也是脚臭到半夜把我熏醒,熏到呼吸困难那种,然后老师给他买了上海药皂,后来好了很多~ | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 補個 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 不知從何噓起看到只會冷處理不回應還以為自己好棒棒在這,邊說嘴就想翻白眼還自以為自己很有風度在那邊祝福人家哦問號問號 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 卡 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 屎報還是下去吃屎吧 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 拿著民主自由當邪惡的遮羞布 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 耳機&護唇膏事件之後又來了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 是老大可以嗎爽嗎,有夠可悲 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你484很急 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 所以只有向球迷道歉,沒有要向當事人道歉? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 她每天晚上都跟男友熱線那個噁心男又來了 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 報告好好寫好嗎 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 腦子壞了,我看長相也差不多 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 是用性和暴力表达黑人所渴望的爱与和平 性和暴力,生殖器和毒品 说实话我觉得哪怕是黑人嘻哈我也有不适,但是远没有总共这些乱七八糟的嘻哈让我感到恶心 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 好矮 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | https// | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 記者我是中立迷! | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你男友是聰明知道說頂新才有好日子過 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 题主中文屌炸天 !既然你来了 就要尝试不同的中国菜啊 不要局限于川菜 你可以试试看新疆菜 东北菜 小吃比如麻辣烫 冒菜 很多很多 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 甲上但給噓欠噓 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我觉得女主是鱼人和人类的孩子啊,人类的基因更多一些,所以外形和人类一样,但是不会讲话,有腮。因为基因相似,所以一开始才会吸引对方然后相爱,黑人大妈说过:她是个孤儿,人们发现她的时候她躺在河里。而且影片有几个镜头是女主看着浴缸里的水,表情很微妙。 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 滾啦泰國人 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 今天自強號上一堆狗魚教徒還洗腦旅客狗魚教徒最好通通心臟病發致死 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 等等又惱羞,檢舉你喔 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 大陸又沒說要跟你戰大陸又沒說要跟你戰大陸果然愛子之心可以蒙蔽雙眼雙耳 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我觉得争取黄命贵是自贬身价。因为我觉得大家要努力发展自己,平视别人,不仰视,不俯视,也让别人能平时我们自己。黑命贵本身就是歧视, | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我這不是來了東摳必噓 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 就算这个女生真的怎么样了,这个男生也是恶毒。 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 噁心巴拉 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 邏輯已死 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 河南人口巨多,好事坏事的报道都很多 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 號稱跨領域大師=甚麼都不會一年千本書累積三千本只看三年,不用期待他回正常文近來隨便嗆就對了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 治安特别好的非洲国家还是有的。有几个非洲黑人国家治安和丹麦荷兰这些国家差不多。 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 沒關係你又不是第一次口誤了草包,政治人物可以常常口誤我也是醉了 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 以前我还会争辩,现在我都学会自黑了,有人敢问我你们河南人是不是都会偷井盖啊,我就神秘兮兮的说,要不今儿晚上带你干票大的? 这还是老乡教给我的哈哈哈 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你在反串? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 加油 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 二馬才AAAAAAAAAAAAAA | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 好啦,妳說沒有就沒有啦XD但妳男友還是覺得妳騙啊,好,笑 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 噓 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 拉拉互相吸引。 弯的互相吸引,确实如此。 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 零分 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 可撥 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 吃飽太閒出來亂嗎 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 噓id | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 其實喜歡你的是D還有幾天門快開了再等等:) | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 廢文 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 感覺像6歲孩子問的問題…,告白確實普遍存在,但告白不是追求異性必要的步驟 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 嗯,没事啊,打一顿就好了呀,家庭暴力又不是只有男人有 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | ! | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 技術不好就要告性侵?這什麼招丟臺灣女人的臉 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 噁心母豬台女 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 她這兩天是不是終於幹掉賴太高興起笑了完全再開啟去年的敗票模式哩~~~ | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 作为四川人感谢你们捐款。本来捐款是个人行为,却被“领导”哪来当成“政治”投机,互相攀比的工具,也真是恶心。其实还有更恶心的,我们班上有汶川和德阳同学,辅导员要求领取地震救灾款的同学必须给他20%,不然就算你家是汶川震中心的都没你的份。 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 谢谢小姐姐的分享 特别棒!然后 红豆酱绿豆酱 是豆沙嘛 手动黑人问号脸 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 純噓翻牆仔ㄎㄎ真可憐 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 好 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 哈哈哈... | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 这男的真她妈恶心,他是不是以为全天下女人面对出轨都会忍气吞声?谁给他的自信?他妈叫?他再叫把他舌头给他拔了,辣鸡玩意 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 笑死 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 樓下想對韓國瑜說什麼 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 女主也不能说婊高智商加有仇必报这种我还是比较欣赏,有些行为我不太理解可能就是所说的反社会人格,女二我是比较爱的~ | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 測試2有沒有壞 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 东北,湖南做鸡的。 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | http// | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你是不是長的很醜?連收入高都沒辦法遮掩的那種......不然為啥落魄到要去聯誼 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 没有倩女幽魂,差评了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 白癡想像能賺錢為什麼要虧著不飛?估計是懂排班的空姐也罷工了沒經驗的排 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 支那加油 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 女孩看见另一个大点的女孩吃屌状冰淇淋皱眉的图片 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 智障 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 不知道是哪些人总喜欢来这套刻版印象,就以为自己了解北京话了,就开始装,听着就恶心,北京的环境变得那么大,语言习惯早就不一样,也早就不能一样了,完全照这里讲的这么说话的,也就电视里头关晓彤那类的玩意。 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 被郭董嗆,然後國台辦只敢罵蔡英文? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我弟弟就在华尔街啊,周围的人嫖娼,飞叶子是正常的。然后他脾气也很坏居然能因为路怒和黑人打架进了局子,还要我舅舅保释出来,现在全家都知道了,哎。工作压力太大了吧。 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 這就是一種循環,不放下情緒討論溝通,拿內文態度去質問,看你們要解決問題還是互相傷害 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 當哥這季評價高的作品真多 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 有人在你龜頭縫塞東西嗎 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 寒假真的很OP | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 真心想看屁眼俠拖垮車輪黨初選非含不投 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 神邏輯 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 原來讀一讀唇語翻一翻就能來帶風向 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 噁心啊你們兩個… | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 比起及人我寧願看李亦伸 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 嘻嘻 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 不是物欲的問題,體貼不一定要用錢來買 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 额,你这个回答就很直男了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你毀了兩個家庭的信任 | safe |
Subsets and Splits