stringclasses 1
value | input
stringlengths 1
| output
stringclasses 2
values |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我很常換大頭貼餒><而且我不需要加油啊QQ我媽生給,我的,不覺得有什麼不好欸 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 果真是地方不一样作弊被抓的情况也不一样,有大学同学是山西大同那边的,他说他那边高考就比较松,有很多抄的,但是就是抄的也是升学率也不高。我在河北高考根本不敢抄,管的超严(也可能是我比较怂不敢抄——) | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你他媽的快做阿幹,有空嘴炮還要去新竹造勢沒空防疫? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 笑三洨版主捅一捅 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | N大,他上篇說過女友逛街一口氣買了六萬多的包包和鞋子 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 結果明天要去造勢,笑死 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | ?你在說什麼 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 醒了沒 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 不是次咪啦,不過這腦補程度太高了吧 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我熊下季再起的時候再看看你這基歪人要怎麼說 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 香港百萬人塑膠子彈催淚彈棍棒醫院裡被抓 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 肝…第一段最後一句靠盃的好笑XDD | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我觉得答主也要照顾自己和弟弟的心理,就怕以后真正得抑郁症的是你弟弟,多好的一个男孩子啊 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 沒有滾 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 公然的出个柜。 然后所有人都知道你是LES了。 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 推人都沒吹了應該也不會吹走步吧 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | KMT應該就韓出線了有夠可悲 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我真的超愛她跟釋由美子好美身材又好 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 哈哈哈哈不好意思河南人一身黑了,初恋河南的,一样的恶心 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我还觉得黑人都长得一样呢。。。还有帅白人和不帅白人,长得也一样。。。 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | ...騎士都願意以你為核心補強錢也沒少給了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 公關技巧跟屎一樣 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | KD從背骨仔到被萬人愛戴,真不習慣 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你说的没错啦,但其实是这个阿姨解释的方式,或者说她选择去相信的东西伤到我了,而不是事实究竟是怎样。。比起来在台中遇到的老板娘解释起来就很好听:我这里没有大陆妹只有台湾妹啦~ | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 再來 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | han受歧视除了他是亚洲人以外,还因为他矮小,不会说话等等,你看生活大爆炸里的lenerd,印度人raj,矮小的犹太人不是也天天受嘲笑甚至连自己的老婆都嘲笑自己,对于raj印度人的身份,经常说印度卫生差,阶级矛盾对立,去了就会腹泻等等,但是 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 一看就知道是三毛帳號 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 他誰 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 都是你这种利己主义的功利主义,很多职业都不用干了!是不是觉得自己所拥有的一切都理所当然?多少人在为你们负重前行你又懂得吗?怪不得很多人对上海男人的刻板印象是:功利自私,能力不如女人。 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 別再噓啦~他只是個孩子呀~ | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 拿台灣黨== | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 就不想被追吧連聊天都搭不上很難約,一定是目的性太強所以被討厭了,連認識都沒機會 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 但誰冠名誰就負責吧不然以後標題內文搞個雙軌制,詩崴推給編輯編輯推給詩崴你罵我你不對 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 都说是万一了,万一是小仙女自己劈腿呢 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 那換我要拜託妳不要喜歡我嗎?@@ | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 第三張當你是第一次10抽一二張禮裝都是354你連安徒生都賣掉也很厲害 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 供三小小三滾 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 水三小 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 居然沒被噓爆? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 烏克蘭 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 看不懂 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 有沒有男朋友沒差阿我喜歡我就吃怎麼樣 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 體育新聞當綜藝? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 噓id | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 村霸打黑除恶问题应该是个别地方的个别问题吧。在我所知的的领域来,没有碰到过。 PS:我来自于甘肃省通渭县,一个很著名的贫困县。 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 滾 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 来来 我是苏老板 怎么事来 你特么那只眼睛看见我骗人了? 背后 黑人有意思 是么? 嗯怂B? | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 這位廖小姐的地理還好嗎?臺中「北上」雲林?韓粉都是這款人? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 而且到底為啥要被怪罪不是她責任的東西? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 這三小爛新聞啊路人的小事都可以拿來報?? | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 噁心死了還海外旅遊滾,心好痛怎不想想正宮感受你們就是賤啊== | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我要看藍鮪魚的改圖! | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 阿鬼 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 东北的房子给你你也不要啊[好奇][好奇] | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 其實跟旗津一點關係都沒有,他們是辦在85旁邊 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 咦,江苏卷没有选择题,直接14题填空,接下来大题,不搞这些花里胡哨的 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | == | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 沒禮貌 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | kerr也自己養的,你看他頭髮都白了,養很久了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 明明就510自己不去議會,弄到議員電柯,柯才不爽不然叫510再來丟臉一次啊 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 感謝黃安們激起台灣意識 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 生物繁衍選擇不就是這樣嗎? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 再噓一次好笑嗎 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 我爸路怒的时候一般都会骂几句,最多的一句就是,“我日本人哦”(川话语调),。,所以我倒是很好奇日本人知不知道日本人本身也是个骂人的词???,不过说句题外话,我觉得任何民族仇恨在和平时期都是不应该的, | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 不覺得女友玻璃心 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 語畢哄堂大笑 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 廢文 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 喔 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 幹有老婆怒噓 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 幫轉給妳男友好不好 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 那个sb女的看的就让人来气,什么sb玩意儿 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你朋友心中的排行應該是他自己>他家人吧女友???? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | https// | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 真的乾你屁事哈哈哈 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 哈哈我得找个像你这样的女朋友 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 噁心 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 你在衝三小 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 果子哥哥重庆话:蜜汁吵架合集 2_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili重庆人吵架是不是都这么乐?这吵得起来? | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 科比的帅真的不在于长相,尤其中国人对黑人的审美。在科比拿第四个冠军之前光论外形,麦迪和安东尼的颜粉比科比多 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 確定兩蔣釘得夠牢固? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 一儿一女你也太幸福了,完胜大部分人了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 只能噓 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 閱 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 說什麼 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 可以理解你不記得啦~女生也蠻幼稚,不過只是哄一下就解決的事也沒這麼難幹嘛一定要爭下去啊 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 狗屎 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 油頭葉教授 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 人家就是不給追你煩不煩啊==噁心死了 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 韓總贏了小英急了美國縮了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 哪里都不缺奇葩,哪里都不缺坏心眼。外地人看了几个嚣张跋扈的本地人,就骂所有上海人、北京人都是靠祖上房产拆迁碌碌无为的low货,本地人被几个刁蛮耍横的外地刁民坑了,也忍不住会骂外地逼滚粗。 | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | .. | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 孬種市長責任都不敢付丟臉死了 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 想要害死多少女生? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 广州上过学,粤语能听懂,会说一点点。但是近年确实听到好多关于黑人的传闻…后来还是选择了去深圳 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 好 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | … | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 下面推的人講的話還都同一套當我們都87? | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 首先你沒VIP根本不能聊如有買VIP就不會業配騙一個月VIP聽說印度女生有一這種特殊味道..樓下分享一下經驗 | safe |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 垃圾男與垃圾ID | toxic |
Find from the following input whether it is toxic or not. | 哇韓導又有新劇本了 | safe |
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