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ูุญุฏู ุจุณ ูุฎููุชุฌ ุบุงููู | One, but sister it is expensive | 3Qatari
ุงู ุงููู ุงููุฏุงู ุญุท ุงุณู
ูุง ู ุงููุณุชู | Yes, God bless you, put her name on the list. | 3Qatari
ุญุณููู ุงู ุงู ุญุณููู ุจูุช ุงููุงู | Hasina, yes yes Hasina bint Hilal. | 3Qatari
ูุฑุง ุงุจุชุนุทููุง ุงูุช ู
ู ุฌูุจู | Are you giving her from your own money! | 3Qatari
ููู ููููู ูู ู
ู ุงูู
ุฑุญูู ุงูุซุงููู ู
ุง ุชุจูู ุดู | Reassure him and tell him that I am not taking anything from the second stage, | 3Qatari
ุงู ุงู ุงู
ูู ูุซู
ุงููู ุงูู | Yes yes, one hundred and eighty thousands Riyals. | 3Qatari
ูุง ููุฏ ุงูุญูุงู ุจูุฑูุจูู ููุง ุฌุจุฏ ูุฏูุฏู | Oh! man, they will replace her liver with a new one, | 3Qatari
ูููู ูู ูููู ูู ุฎู ูุฒูุฏูู ุจุนุฏ ุงูููู ุจุดุชุฑู ูุฏุงูุง ุญู ุงูุจูุงุช | Tell him, tell him to add two thousands, I want to buy gifts for my girls | 3Qatari
ุงูููุฌ ุงูููู | two thousand | 3Qatari
ุงูู ุงุฑูุงู ูู ุงูุง | One thousand for me | 3Qatari
ุงู ุญุณููู ุจูุช ุงููุงู | yes, Hasina bint Hilal | 3Qatari
ุงูุฏุฑ ุงูุง ุงูุดูุฌ ุนูุฏ ุตุฏููุงุชุฌ | Can I embarrass you in front of your friends! | 3Qatari
ูุง ูู
ู | No mom. | 3Qatari
ุชุฑุง ุงูุง ุนูุฏู ุดุบู ูุงูุฏ | I have a lot of work | 3Qatari
ุจุนุฏูู ุงููู
ุฌ ุจุนุฏูู | Later, I'll call you later | 3Qatari
ุฌุฐู ุฒุงุฏูุง ุงููู ุจูุงูููู ู
ู ุงูุตูููู | the people who eat from the feast increased | 3Qatari
ุงูุจููู ุงูุชุญุชูู ุชุณุชุญู
ู | infrastructure is capable of the load | 3Qatari
ู ุชูุณุงูู ุนุงุฏ | Don't forget me | 3Qatari
ุงูุชุจู ุงูุฑูู
ุงููู ุชุจููู | Write down the number you want. | 3Qatari
ุนุงุฏ ู
ุงุฏุฑู | I don't know | 3Qatari
ุงูุช ูุธู
ูุฑู | It's up to you | 3Qatari
ุงูุง ุฑุฆูุณ ู
ุฌุณ ุงูุงุฏุงุฑู | I'm the chairman of the board | 3Qatari
ูุงูุง ุงููู ุชุณุชุงูููู ุงูู
ูููู | and I'm saying you deserve a million | 3Qatari
ุจูุญุฏุฏูู ุจูุฑู ุงูู
ุดุฑูุน ุจูุจุชุฏู | They are deciding that the project will start tomorrow. | 3Qatari
ูุจููุฒููู ุงุญูู ุงูุดุงููู ุงูุฏูุนุงุช ููุง ุงุง ุงูู ุจูู | and they will give us the payments constantly | 3Qatari
ูุจู ุงูุนุฑู ุฌู
| How much! we want to know! | 3Qatari
ุฑู ูุญุฏู ุจุชุนุทููุง ูุงูุง ุนูู ุฏูุนุงุช | They will give it to us all at once or in batches | 3Qatari
ุนูู ูุฐู ูุนู ุงูุซุฑ ู
ูุง | Why is she taking more than us | 3Qatari
ูู ุดูุท ูู ุดูุท ุงูู
ุณุงูุชููู ุงููุฌูู ุงูุญูู ููุทุฑูู
ูุจููู | There is an electric shock or there is a looting, it does not matter, the most important thing to stay silent, we are waiting for them and they are coming | 3Qatari
ูุงููู ูุงู ูุงููู ูุงููู ูุงููู
ุงุณูุชูุง ูุนูู ุงุณูุชูุง | %pw he told you to stop talking,[-n] %pw so stop talking | 3Qatari
ุตุฌ ู
ุง ุชุณุชุญูู ููุง ุงุชุฎูููู | you don't get embarassed | 3Qatari
ุงู ุณู
ุนุช ุตูุช ูุงุญุฏ ูููู
| If I hear one of you talking | 3Qatari
ููุต ุงูุณุงูู ูุต | I will sew his mouth | 3Qatari
ูุงุงู ุทูููุง ุงูุฌู
ุงุนู | They kept us for too long | 3Qatari
ุชุฏุฑู ูุฐู ุจุนุฏ ุงูููุณ ู
ุจ ุงุง ุจุณ ุฌุฐู | You know this is money, not an easy/simple matter | 3Qatari
ูุจู ูุงู ุฌู
| How much was it before? | 3Qatari
ุณูู ู
ูููู | Fifty million | 3Qatari
ุง ุฌูู ุฒูุช ุงูุฌููู ุงุดูู | it seems you are taking a big bite | 3Qatari
ู ุงูููุงูู ุงูุช ุงูุฑุฆูุณ | You're the chairman at the end | 3Qatari
ุง ูุจู ุนูุงุฑ ุฑุงุณ | we don't want headache | 3Qatari
ุฏ ุงูู
ูุฒุงููู | Let's approve the budget | 3Qatari
ู ุฎูุงู ุญุฏูุซู ุนู ุงูู
ุดุฑูุน ุงุณุชุงุฐ ุตุงูุญ ุงููุงุญุธ ุงู ู
ุดุฑูุน ุญููู ูู
ุงูุธุง | Mr. Saleh, from what your speech about the project, we noticed that it is a very spiritied and importent project as well | 3Qatari
ููุฐุง ุณูู
ู ุงููู ู
ู ุนูุดุงู ุงูุฌูู ูุฐุง ูุจุณ | and It's not only for this generation | 3Qatari
| Yes yes | 3Qatari
ุจูุฑู ุงูุชุชุงุญ ุงูู
ุฑุญูู ุงูุงูู ู
ุดุฑูุน | Tomorrow will be the opening of the first stage of the project | 3Qatari
ุงูุญุจ ูุดูุฑูู
ููุจุงุฑู ููู
| we would like to thank you for your attendance and congratulations again | 3Qatari
ูุงููู ุงุฑุญุจ | and Iรญm welcoming | 3Qatari
ู ูุฐู ุงูู
ูุงุณุจู | in this occasion | 3Qatari
ุชุญุฏู | of the United Nations | 3Qatari
ููู ุงููุฏููุง ุงููุฏููุง ุงูู
ุดุฑูุน | To where? to the project | 3Qatari
ุนูู ุงุญูุง ูู ููู | Where are we then! | 3Qatari
ุงุดุฏุฑุงูู ุงุญูุง ู ููู | I don't know where we are | 3Qatari
ุจ ุญุงูู ูุฐู | I'm fed up | 3Qatari
ุงูุชู ู
ุงุฌูููู ุงูู
ุณุฆุคููู ุชุญุฌูุง ูุงููุงุณ ุตููุช ููู
| don't you see the officals have spoken and the people have clapped their hands to them | 3Qatari
ุงุญูุง ู ุงูุงูุชุชุงุญ ุงูุฑุณู
ู ุงุดููุฌ | We are in the official opening, what's with you | 3Qatari
ุงู ูุนูู ุงุญูู ุชุญุฌูุง ูุนูู ุงุญูุง ู ุงูู
ุดุฑูุน | okay now they spoke, that means that we are in the project | 3Qatari
ุงู ุงุญูุง ู ุงูู
ุดุฑูุน | yes we are in the project | 3Qatari
ููุงุณ ุนุฑูุงุชุง ุงุชูุทู | and people are sweating | 3Qatari
ููุฐู ุงูุตูุฏูู ู
ุงุฏุฑู ุงุดุญูู ุญุงุทูููุง | and these partitions, I don't know what did they put inside | 3Qatari
ุงูุฌ ุดุบู ู ุงูุตูุฏูู | leave the box alone | 3Qatari
ุงูุตูุฏูู ูุฐู ุงููู ุงูุณูู
ุฌ ุงูุจููู ุงูุชุญุชูู | These partitions are the infrastructure | 3Qatari
ุงูุงูุชุชุงุญ ูุงุง ุงูุฑุณู
ู ูุดูุงุทู ุงูุนุงูู
ูู | The official %pw opening of the international beaches | 3Qatari
ุงุดููุฌ ููุงูููู ุงูุซุงูุซู | , the third millennium, what's wrong with you. | 3Qatari
ูุงููู ู
ุง ู
ุงุฏุฑู ุงุดููุชู | I really don't know | 3Qatari
ุงูู ุงูุญู
ุฏููู ุงููุจุฑ ุดูู | Yea, thank God, aging is a disease. | 3Qatari
ุฌุงู ุฒูู ุงุนุฑู ููุด ุดุงูููู | I wish I knew why they deposed me | 3Qatari
ุจุณ ุงูููู ุณูุงุฑุชู | He's just parking his car. | 3Qatari
ุงุณุชุบุฑุจุช ูุงูููู ุงูุง | I found this visit strange | 3Qatari
ุจุณ ูู
ุง ูุงูุช ูู | But when she told me | 3Qatari
ุญุฏ ูุตู ูู ุดู | Nobody told me anything | 3Qatari
ุงูุง ุจุฑูุญู ุดูุชูุง ูุนูููุง ุนุฒุจู ุดูุจุฑูุง | I myself saw it, there's a large farm there | 3Qatari
ุฏุงููู ุงูุชู ู
ุฑุชุงุญู | Thank God, you are comfortable | 3Qatari
ูุงูุฌูู ุงููุฌ ูุงูุชู ูุงุนุฏู ูู ุจูุชุฌ ู
ุฑุชุงุญู | You receive checks while you are relaxed at home | 3Qatari
ููุด ุงูุงุฐูู ูุง ูุง ูุจู ูุง ุงุชุฎููู ุญุฏ ููุนุจ ุงุจุนููุฌ ูุงุง ูุงูุดูุฎู ู
ููุฑู | Why bothering, Oh! my dear, don't let anybody walk through your mind, Moneera | 3Qatari
ุฏู ุฑุจุฌ ูุง ู
ููุฑู ุงู ุนูุฏุฌ ุงุฎูุงู ู
ุซู ุฑุงุดุฏ ูุณุนุฏ ูุตูุฑ | You should thank your God Oh! Moneera that you have brothers like Rashid Saad and Saqer. | 3Qatari
ุงูุฎุงููู ุนูู ูุตูุจุฌ ู ูุณุชุซู
ุฑููู ูุฌ | that worry about your share and invest it. | 3Qatari
ุงูู ุฌููู ุฑููุดุชู ุญุตู | there look at my friend Hessa, | 3Qatari
ุงุฎูุงููุง ู
ุง ูุนุทูููุง ุงุฑูุงู ู
ู ูุตูุจ ุงุจููุง | her brothers aren't giving her a Riyal of her father's inheritance | 3Qatari
ุงุญูุง ู
ุง ุงูุนุฑู ูุงูุณูุงูู | We don't act in this way | 3Qatari
ูุฐุง ุญู ุดุฑุนู | This is your legitimate right | 3Qatari
ูุนูู ูุฐู ู
ุณุงูู ุซูู ุงูุชู ู
ุง ุชุซููู ูููุง | this is a matter of trust.. don't you trust us! | 3Qatari
ุงุฏุฑู ุงุดููู | I don't know | 3Qatari
ุง ุนุฌุจูู ููุงู
ุงุฎูู ุฑุงุดุฏ | I don't feel satisfied with what my brother, Rashid said. | 3Qatari
ุงูุฑูุญ ูุงูุฑุฏ ุนูู ูุงูุฌูู ุงููู ูุนุทููู ุงูุงู ูู ุซูุงุซ ุงุดููุฑ | He keeps reminding me of the check that they give me every three months | 3Qatari
ุงูุฒูู ูุฐุง ุญูู | But, it's my right | 3Qatari
ููู ุงููููู | He always says to me | 3Qatari
ุงูุชู ู
ุง ุชุซููู ูููุง | you don't trust us | 3Qatari
ุณูุงูู ุงููุฑุซ ูุงููููุณ ูุงุฒู
ูููุง ูุธูุญ | Money and inheritance issues must be clear | 3Qatari
ุงูุชู ุงุจูู ุตุฑุชู ู
ุจ ู
ุฑุชุงุญู | If you, my dear, are not content | 3Qatari
ุงูุชู ุชุฏุฑูู ุดุชุณูู ุจุงููุงุณ | you know what it does to people | 3Qatari
ููุฐู ู
ูู ุนูุฏุฌ ุงูู
ุณูููู | and Um Salmeen is an example to you, the poor lady | 3Qatari
ู ุงูุตุฏู ุงููุง ูุงุฑุซู ู
ูุงููู | who can believe that she inherited millions | 3Qatari
ุงุจุณุจู ุงุฎูุงููุง | Because of her brothers, | 3Qatari
ุงูููุณ ุงุฏู
ุฑ ุงูุนุงูู
| Money destroys people | 3Qatari
ุจุณ ุงูุญู ุญู ููุฐู ุดุฑุน ุงููู | But business is business and it's your legitimate right. | 3Qatari
ูุจุนุฏูู ูุนูู | and then what | 3Qatari
ูุงุญูุง ุงูุฏูุฑ ุงูุดุฑูู | and we are running the company | 3Qatari
ุฑ ุงูุงุฑุงุธู ูุงูุนูุงุฑุงุช ูุงููููุณ | investing lands, real-estate and money | 3Qatari
ุดุงูู ููุง ุนูุงุฑ ุฑุงุณ | with no problems and no headache | 3Qatari
ุงุชููู ุงููุง ูุงูุช ู
ุงุฑู ุตูุจ ุงูุงุฑุธ ู ุงูุจุฑ | She said she was passing by the land, in the desert | 3Qatari
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